Plan Commission Minutes 2014 11-12-14Page 1 of 2
APPROVED 1/14/15
City Council Chambers
Wednesday, November 12, 2014 7:00pm
Commission Members in Attendance
Chairman Tom Lindblom Jack Jones
Jeff Baker Art Prochaska
James Weaver Michael Crouch
Deborah Horaz
Absent: Jane Winninger, Charles Kraupner
Other City Staff
Krysti Barksdale-Noble, Community Development Director
Chris Heinen, City Planner
Other Guests None
Meeting Called to Order
Chairman Tom Lindblom called the meeting to order at 7:00pm.
Roll Call
Roll call was taken and a quorum was established.
Minutes September 10, 2014
The minutes were approved as presented on a motion by Prochaska and second by Jones.
Unanimous voice vote approval.
Citizen’s Comments None
Public Hearings None
Old Business None
New Business
1. PC 2014-19 Bryan and Lindsey Harl, petitioners, have filed an application
with Kendall County seeking a variance to construct an accessory
structure that will be located within the 150' setback to the centerline of
the roadway. The property is located at 3416 Route 47.
Mr. Heinen said this item was received on September 26th with the County requesting
feedback. This was not received in time for the October meeting and was approved
unanimously by the County ZBA on October 27th. This is for information and is a 1.5
mile review.
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Action Item
1-1/2 Mile Review (Variance)
A motion was made by Mr. Crouch to send the review back to the County with no
comment. The motion was seconded by Mr. Baker.
Roll call vote: Baker-yes, Prochaska-yes, Weaver-yes, Crouch-yes, Horaz-yes, Jones-
yes, Lindblom-yes. Passed 7-0.
2. PC 2014-20 Bridget Carlsen, petitioner, has filed an application with
Kendall County seeking a variance to construct an accessory structure that
will be located within the 150' setback to the centerline of the roadway. The
property is located at 9950 Lisbon Road.
This item was received from the County with some concern for the west property line.
Mr. Crouch pointed out that the house is also within the 150 feet setback to the centerline
of a roadway. It is a legal non-conforming structure.
Action Item
1-1/2 Mile Review (Variance)
Mr. Weaver moved and Mr. Crouch seconded a motion to send this to the County with no
Roll call: Prochaska-yes, Weaver-yes, Crouch-yes, Horaz-yes, Jones-yes, Baker-yes,
Lindblom-yes. Passed 7-0
Additional Business
1. City Council Action Updates
Ms. Barksdale-Noble said a recommendation not to approve the final plat for Heartland
Subdivision was presented at the September 23rd Council meeting. However, the plat
was approved as presented with an 8-0 Council vote. It is still under engineering review.
2. 2015 Plan Commission Meeting Schedule
Mr. Heinen noted one conflict on Veteran's Day which was moved to a later date. The
schedule was approved as presented.
The Comp Plan update has begun and Mr. Heinen said the consultant wishes to form a
steering committee to review plan drafts. One member of the Plan Commission was
recommended for this committee. The consultant will meet with the Plan Commission at
a later date, however, Commissioners thought an earlier meeting would be more
beneficial for the process. Commissioner Weaver volunteered to be on the steering
The zoning ordinance Public Hearing is scheduled for November 17 and at City Council
on November 25th for consideration or a vote. A draft is on the website.
There was no further business and the meeting was adjourned at 7:13pm on a motion by
Jones and second by Prochaska.
Respectfully transcribed by
Marlys Young, Minute Taker