Name of Committee: <.v(Q
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Date of Meeting: ,
Location of Meeting:
Publicly Announced? JO YES(Date) �V- fd)
Time Convened:_�i�cl I r i� ,�� ldl
Time Adjourned: ItI57,Ao7.2 P OTHER PARTICIPANTS
Ken Corbin addressed the committee for several reasons regarding
the Kendall County Complex site south of Route 34. The County
may put a dog pound/kennel on the site. Current O (Office)
zoning would not permit construction of the kennel , which
requires B-3 zoning . Committee recommended that rezoning should
be addressed to accomodate all future construction on the site.
The normal rezoning procedures will have to be followed.
Committee agreed to waive building permit fees for the County
Jail . Inspections, on the other hand, will be charged at the
normal rate of $20.00 each. It is unknown how many inspections
will be required. Construction Managers will also be on site to
insure that construction is carried out in accordance with plans
and specifications.
Mr. Corbin requested financial assistance for the proposed
installation of traffic signals at the Rte. 34 - Cannonball Trail
intersection . It was the committee' s opinion that the developers
should be responsible for installation costs of the signals.
Only after completion will the City take over maintenance and
electrical costs. Committee suggested that since John Conover
will be benefiting substantially from the improvements, he should
be approached to see if he will contribute to construction costs.
USEPA is now discussing the possibility of going to a 20 pCi/L
standard for radium. It is unclear whether this would be a
combined standard or separate standard for each contaminant. At
this point, no one really knows what they are going to do.
Public Works Department requested purchasing a 3" trash pump at a
cost not to exceed $1100.00. Money was budgeted for this item in
this year' s budget since the old pump has been in use for nearly
18 years. Committee recommended purchasing the pump for the
stated price.
Reviewed a preliminary draft of the revised Sewer Use Ordinance.
This ordinance is required as part of the revolving loan
application with the IEPA. Mayor Davidson recommended that we
include in the ordinance, a requirement for individuals or
developers to hook up to city sewer if they are within 250 feet
for each lot that is proposed, i .e. , a 10 lot subdivision would
have to hook up to city sewer if they are within 2500 feet of
existing facilities. This proposal was acceptable to the
Committee and will appear on the final draft of the ordinance.
The ordinance will be reviewed by Attorney Kramer before formal
action is taken.
Extra costs for Badger Street improvements totaled nearly
$4000.00. The extra work was necessary to stabilize a very poor
sub-base below the existing street.
Committee recommended going to bid on a new salt and aggregate
storage facility behind the existing salt shed at the water
tower. Cost estimate for the construction is about $27,000.00.
The current salt shed could then be used as a very necessary
equipment storage building .
The State Fire Marshall is taking over the investigation of the
recent fire at Ali ' s restaurant.
City sticker citations are going out beginning September 21 ,
1990. Chief Diederich indicated a modified enforcement program
is being implemented this year.
The question of security at St. Pat' s Parish Hall has still not
been resolved . The ordinance states that a uniformed police
officer must be present for groups over 250. St. Pat' s recently
approached the council requesting the requirement be waived in
lieu of their good track record. Committee suggested the
requirement could be waived for a 30-day trial period and then
evaluated after that.