Resolution 2015-03 aol5-o3
���Ino1S fYle1'1t Resolution for Maintenance of
Streets and Highways by Municipality
of Transportation Under the Illinois Highway Code
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the
(Council or President and Board of Trustees)
United City of Yorkville , Illinois,that there is hereby
(City,Town or Village) (Name)
appropriated the sum of $300,000.00 of Motor Fuel Tax funds for the purpose of maintaining
streets and highways under the applicable provisions of the Illinois Highway Code from May 1, 2015
to April 30, 2016
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,that only those streets, highways, and operations as listed and described on the
approved Municipal Estimate of Maintenance Costs, including supplemental or revised estimates approved in connection
with this resolution, are eligible for maintenance with Motor Fuel Tax funds during the period as specified above.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk shall, as soon a practicable after the close of the period as given above,
submit to the Department of Transportation, on forms furnished by said Department , a certified statement showing
expenditures from and balances remaining in the account(s)for this period; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,that the Clerk shall immediately transmit two certified copies of this
resolution to the district office of the Department of Transportation, at Ottawa , Illinois.
I, Beth Warren Clerk in and for the United City
(City,Town or Village)
of Yorkville , County of Kendall
hereby certify the foregoing to be a true, perfect and complete copy of a resolution adopted by
the Council at a meeting on February 24, 2015
(Council or President and Board of Trustees) Date
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 24th day of February, 2015
(SEAL) City Clerk
(City,Town or Village)
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R gional Engineeer
Department of Transportation
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Printed 3/27/2015 BLR 14230(Rev.07/15/13)
Illinois Department Municipal Estimate of
Ot Transportation Maintenance Costs
Local Public Agency: United City of Yorkville
_ - County: Kendall
Maintenance Period 5/1/2015 to 4/30/2016 Section Number: 15-00000-00-GM
Estimated Cost of Maintenance Operations
Maintenance For Group I,IIA,IIB,or III Est Total
Operation Maint. Insp. Unit Item Operation
No.Description) Group Re q- Item Unit Quantity Price Cost Cost
Total Estimated Maintenance Operation Costj 697,380.50
Estimated Cost MFT Portion Other Funds Preliminary Engineering
Maintenancel 697,380.50 1 300,000.00 1 397,380.50 Engineering Inspection
Maint Eng - Material Testing
Totals: 697,380.50 300,000.00 397,380.50 Advertising
Bridge Inspections
Total Estimated Maintenance En ineerin Cost I -
Total Estimated Maintenance Costj 697,380.50
Submitted: Approved: " / j
-./�dA/J,1111 Mayor
nicipal&icial / Title Re ional Engineer
Date Date
BLR 14231(Rev 02/18/1
inted on 2/18/2015 9:28 AM
Route Various Local Roads
Illinois Department County Kendall
of Transportation Local Agency City of Yorkville
Section 15-00000-00-GM
(Construction) Estimate of Cost
Location and brief description (Sta.and land description of beginning;Sta.only for end for county and road districts;street limits for municipality.)
Various local roads to undergo pavement patching, milling, resurfacing, curb and gutter removal and replacement
sidewalk removal and replacement structure adjustments, restoration, crack sealing, crack filling, pavement
striping and all other work necessary to complete the project.
Total Project Length 9,365'
Net Length 9,365'
Surface Type HMA Shoulder Type Varies Length
Width 20-30' Width Varies Width
Item Items Unit Quantity Unit Price Total Cost
1. BITUMINOUS MATERIALS (PRIME COAT) POUND 17,390.00 0.50 $8.695.00
2. HMA SURFACE REMOVAL- BUTT JOINT SO YD 600.00 10.00 $6,000.00
3. LEVELING BINDER (HAND METHOD), N50 TON 70.00 100.00 $7.000.00
4. LEVELING BINDER (MM), N50 TON 930.00 75.00 $69,750.00
5. HMA SURFACE COURSE, MIX "D", N50 TON 2,830.00 75.00 $212,250.00
6. INCIDENTAL HMA SURFACING TON 290.00 100.00 $29.000.00
7. PCC SIDEWALK REM. & REPL. SO FT 1,328.00 10.00 $13,280.00
8. DETECTABLE WARNINGS SO FT 256.00 25.00 $6.400.00
9. HMA SURFACE REMOVAL- 1 INCH SO YD 2,280.00 3.00 $6,840.00
10. HMA SURFACE REMOVAL- 1.5 INCH SO YD 16,380.00 3.50 $57.330.00
11. HMA SURFACE REMOVAL-2.5 INCH SO YD 13,600.00 4.00 $54.400.00
12. CLASS D PATCHES, 4 INCH SO YD 1,860.00 40.00 $74,400.00
13. COMB. CONC. C&G REM. & REPL. FOOT 590.00 40.00 $23,606.00
14. MANHOLES TO BE ADJ. W/NEW F&L- TYPE 1 EACH 26.00 800.00 $20.800.00
15. INLETS TO BE ADJUSTED EACH 21.00 490.00 $10,290.00
16. VALVE BOXES TO BE ADJUSTED EACH 5.00 509.00 $2.545.00
17. RESTORATION SO YD 1,030.00 10.00 $10,300.00
18. AGGREGATE WEDGE SHOULDERS,TYPE B TON 90.00 40.00 $3,600.00
19. CRACK ROUTING FOOT 84,000.00 0.02 $1,680.00
20. CRACK FILLING POUND 1 28,000.00 1.70 $47,600.00
21. CRACK SEALING FOOT 590.00 1.00 $590.00
22. PAVEMENT PATCHING, SPECIAL SO YD 175.00 40.00 $7,000.00
23. DRIVEWAY PATCHING, SPECIAL SO YD 65.00 45.00 $2,925.00
24. PREPARATION OF BASE SO YD 165.00 6.70 $1,105.50
25. THERM. PAVT. MARKINGS, LTRS &SYM. SO FT 800.00 5.00 $4,0 00.00
26. THERM. PAVT. MARKINGS, 4" FOOT 12,875.00 1.00 $12,875.00
27. THERM. PAVT. MARKINGS, 6" FOOT 1,000.00 1.50 $1,500.00
28. THERM. PAVT. MARKINGS, 24" FOOT 325.00 5.00 $1,625.00
❑ Page Total �2 $697,380.50
® Total Estimated Cost ���� �����
Made by Christopher J. Ott Date 03/19/2015
Checked by Timothy V.Weidner Date 03/19/2015
Page 1 of 1 BLR 11510(Rev.7/05)
Printed on 3/19/2015 1:50 PM
Illinois Department of Transportation
Division of Highways/Region 2/District 3
700 East Norris Drive/Ottawa, Illinois!61350-0697
Telephone 815/434-6131
March 24, 2015
Ms. Beth Warren
Yorkville City Clerk
800 Game Farm Road
Yorkville, IL 60560
City - MFT
City Of Yorkville
Section No. 15-00000-00-GM
Dear Ms. Warren:
The resolution adopted by the Council of Yorkville on February 24, 2015
appropriating $300,000.00 of Motor Fuel Tax funds for the maintenance of
streets and highways in the city from May 1, 2015 to April 30, 2016 was
approved on March 24, 2015.
The Municipal Estimate of Maintenance Costs for$697,380.50, the
Maintenance Engineering statement, and the Contract Proposal were
approved on March 24, 2015. This maintenance program is approved with the
understanding that any claims for labor and equipment for day labor and
routine maintenance will be on file and available for compliance review by
Local Roads and Streets and for audit by the Office of Quality and Compliance
Authorization to expend Motor Fuel Tax funds will be given upon approval of a
contract and/or Acceptance of Proposal to Furnish Materials and Approval of
Award (BLR 12330) for this section.
Bids are required for purchases of materials if the expenditures exceed
$20,000 during any maintenance period either (1) for the same type of
materials, or (2) from any one vendor if the purchase includes the placement
or incorporation of the material.
Please be advised that ALL projects involving pavement alterations and/or
replacement/repair of sidewalks shall have curb ramps that comply with the
current Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Guidelines.
Ms. Beth Warren
Page Two
March 24, 2015
For Group IV items, the Contractor's Certificate of Eligibility must be submitted
with the fully executed contract when prequalification was a bidding
One copy of the approved maintenance papers has been forwarded to
Engineering Enterprises, Inc.
If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact
Dan Meagher at (815) 433-7088.
Paul A. Loete, P.E.
Deputy Director of Highways,
Region Two Engineer
By: Donald R. Ernat, P.E.
cc: Engineering Enterprises, Inc. (Sugar Grove) Attn: Tim V. Weidner
Compliance Review
DM:bz/G MApproval_Yorkvil le_15-00000-00-G M