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Resolution 2016-09
Resolution for Maintenance of ffff XAS Depatm Streets and Highways by Municipality at T Under the Illinois Highway Code 01016-09 BE-IT RESOLVED, by the Mayor and City Council of the (Council or President and Board of Trustees) United City of Yorkville , Illinois,that there is hereby (City,Town or Village) (Name) appropriated the sum of $257,650.00 of Motor Fuel Tax funds for the purpose of maintaining streets and highways under the applicable provisions of the Illinois Highway Code from May 1, 2016 (Date) to April 30, 2017 (Date) BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that only those streets, highways, and operations as listed and described on the approved Municipal Estimate of Maintenance Costs, including supplemental or revised estimates approved in connection with this resolution, are eligible for maintenance with Motor Fuel Tax funds during the period as specified above. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk shall, as soon a practicable after the close of the period as given above, submit to the Department of Transportation, on forms furnished by said Department, a certified statement showing expenditures from and balances remaining in the account(s)for this period; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk shall immediately transmit two certified copies of this resolution to the district office of the Department of Transportation, at Ottawa , Illinois. I, ),15A {�IGk6Q t,.rlC� -De P Tl( Clerk in and for the United City (City,Town or Village) of Yorkville , County of Kendall hereby certify the foregoing to be a true, perfect and complete copy of a resolution adopted by the Mayor and City Council at a meeting on March 22, 2016 (Council or President and Board of Trustees) Date IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 0jq'6 day of MARCl{r c2O(G . (SEAL) Clerk (City,Town or Village) Approved Regional gineer Department of Transportation Date Printed 3114/2016 BLR 14230(Rev.07/15/13) �tpjg pent Municipal Estimate of of Trair>sport Maintenance Costs Local Public Agency: United City of Yorkville County: Kendall Maintenante Period 5/1/2016 to 4/30/2017 Section Number: 16-00000-00-GM Estimated Cost of Maintenance O erations Maintenance For Group I,IIA,116,or III Est Total Operation Maint. Insp. Unit Item Operation No.Description) Group Req. Item Unit Quan' Price Cost Cost Bituminous Premix for temporary othole IIA Bituminous Premix TON 150.00 115.00 17,250.00 17,250.00 filling Cold Patch - Signs,Posts,and Hardware IIA Various Signs EA 150.00 50.00 7,500.00 7,500.00 Sign Posts and Anchors EA 1 100.00 40.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 Brackets and Hardware EA 75.00 50.00 3,750.00 3,750.00 Snow Removal I Bulk Rock Salt TON 1200.00 75.00 90,000.00 90,000.00 Salt Storage Rental I I IBuilding Space Rental LS 1.00 1 7,750.00 7,750.00 7,750.00 Ifor Bulk Rock Salt - Maintenance and operation of an existing street light system I Electricity - 109,000.00 Maintenance such as bulbs 10,000.00 ballasts,photocells,lenses, - arms poles,wire,tape - cou lers,housing,frames - Misc. Permanent Street Patching IIA Surface Hot Mix Ton 200.00 42.00 8,400.00 8,400.00 bulk rock salt bid through CMS Total Estimated Maintenance Operation Costj 257 650.00 Estimated Cost MFT Portion Other Funds preliminary Engineering Maintenance 257,650.00 1 Engineering Inspection Maint Engi I - Material Testing Totals:l 257,650.00 1 Advertising Bridge Inspections Total Estimated Maintenance Engineering Cost Total Estimated Maintenance Costj 257,650.00 Submitted: Approved: P.,o./ ;' Municipal Official Title Reg' I Engineer ik-- -- Date Dale' BLR 14231(Rev 02/18/14) Printed on 3/31/2016 SIM AM RECEI VED APR 04 aoi� D3 © LOCAL ROADS R I&KAS D�artment of TranwLm talion Special Provisions The following Special Provisions supplement the"Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction", Adopted January 1, 2016 , the latest edition of the"Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways", and the "Manual of Test Procedures of Materials" in effect on the date of invitation of bids, and the Supplemental Specifications and Recurring Special Provisions indicated on the Check Sheet included here in which apply to and govern the construction of 16-00000-00-GM , and in case of conflict with any part, or parts, of said Specifications, the said Special Provisions shall take precedence and shall govern. Bituminous Patching -The United City of Yorkville will use an N-30 or N-50 surface course mix on all patches throughout the city. All patches will be performed in accordance with Section 442 of the Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction adopted January 1, 2016. Sealed bids were received for the HMA and Cold mix. RFP and bid results are enclosed. Page 1 of 1 BLR 11310(Rev.7/05) Printed on 3/1/2016 10:09:21 AM _ c LR 1013 Page 1 of 1. State of Illinois DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Bureau of LocalRoads and Streets SPECIAL PROVISION FOR ROCK SALT Effective August 1, 1969 Revised January 1, 2002 All references to Sections or Articles in this-specification shall be construed to mean a specific Section or Article of the Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, adopted by the Department of Transportation. Description: This item shall consist of furnishing rock salt(sodium chloride)in bins or stockpiles at location designated in the Proposal. Materials. Material shall_ meet the requirements of Article 1013.02 except that the gradation shall be as follows: Passing.12.5 mm(1/2 inch)sieve . 100% Passing 9.5 mm(3/8 inch)sieve' 95- 100 % Passing 4.75 mm(No.4)sieve 20- 90% Passing 2.36 mrn(No.8)sieve 10- 60%. Passing 600-gm(No. 30)sieve . 0.- 10% The-Department reserves the right to reject any shipments of rock salt which are delivered in a frozen'or caked condition or which contain free water. The Department reserves the right to accept delivery of Rock Salt which, according to analysis by the Department, has a sodium chloride (NaCi) content ofJess.than 96.0 %, but Is riot less than .90.0 %. Material wfth, less'than 90.0 % sodium chloride will be .rejected. When such exceptions are allowed, payment Will-Pe adjusted. Method-of Measurement Rock salt will be measured by the metric ton (ton).. Basis of Pavment. This work will be paid for at the contract unit price per metric ton (ton)-for fumishhg and transporting ROCK SALT based on the sodium chloride content.-Payment will be in'accordance with the following schedule: NaCl Content 96.b%to 100.0% Net Bid price per ton. NaCI Content 95.0%to 95.9%Bid price less $0.50 per metric.ton (ton). NaCl Content 94.0%'to 94.9%'•Bid price less $2.00 per metric ton(ton). NaCl Content 90.0%to 99.9%Bid.price less $4.00 per metric-ton (ton). r r LR 442 Page 1 of-2 STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTEMENT OF TRANSPORTION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS LOCAL ROADS AND STREETS BITUMINOUS PATCHING MIXTURES FOR MAINTENANCE USE Effective: January 1, 2004 Revised: June 1, 2007 This special provision covers course graded and fine graded bituminous mixtures for use in maintaining small areas on flexible and rigid type pavement. Materials.The materials, control, quality, sampling, testing, inspection and storage of material shall conform to the specific requirements of the Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction adopted by the Department of Transportation. Bituminous Patching Mixtures.The material supplier or contractor may furnish any of the following Bituminous Patching Mixtures listed in the individual Group for which the award was made. Group I—Bituminous Patching Mixtures Serial No. M-17-07: Bituminous Mixture for Maintenance Use, Emulsified Asphalt Type Serial No. M-19-07: Bituminous Mixture for Maintenance Use, Liquid Asphalt Type Serial No. M-20-07: Bituminous-Sand Mixture for Maintenance Use Serial No. M-48-02: Bituminous Premix for Maintenance Use, Inverted Emulsified Asphalt CBAE-2 Serial No. M-126-07: Bituminous Mixes for Maintenance Use, Reinforced Fiber Mixture Bituminous Patching Mixture (HMA): This mixture shall conform to the material requirements of Section 1030. The mixture shall be a High ESAL IL-12.5 N50, High ESAL IL-9.5 N50, or Low ESAL IL-9.5 N30 mix. The bituminous material shall be limited to asphalt PG 58-28 or PG 52-28. Group II—Bituminous Patching Mixture (Proprietary) Serial No. M-120-07: Bituminous Premix for Maintenance Use- Optimix, Sylcrete, UPM, QPR-2000, EZ Street, SMP-Proprietary Sources Serial No. M-133-96: Bituminous Premix for Maintenance Use, Instant Road Repair- Proprietary Placing of Bituminous Patching Mixture.All holes and depressions in the existing surface which exceed%' in depth shall be repaired by removal of all loose and defective material and replaced with the specified Bituminous Patching Mixture. The material shall be compacted to produce a tight surface conforming to the adjacent area. Method of Measurement. Bituminous patching mixture will be measured for payment in metric tons(tons). LR 442 Page'2 of 2 Basis of Payment. This work will be paid for at the contract unit price per metric ton (ton)for BITUMINOUS PATCHING MIXTURE (GROUP 1); BITUMINOUS PATCHING MIXTURE (GROUP 11); When bids are taken F.O.B.trucks at the mixing plant a hauling differential of$ per ton- mile haul from mixing plant to location designated in the proposal will be used to determine the low bid. Round trip distance shall be used to calculate the hauling differential to be used to compare bids. Bidders are required to fill in the location of the plant from where they propose to supply the patching mixture, on the material proposal form. i Ic State of Illinois Department of Transportation Division of Highways Springfield SPECIFICATIONS FOR BITUMINOUS PREMIX FOR MAINTENANCE USE PROPRIETARY MIXES Serial Number: M 120-10 1. DESCRIPTION. The patching material shall be composed of a mineral aggregate, plant-mixed with a liquid asphalt and chemical additives from the suppliers of the proprietary mixtures. The bituminous material shall be capable of coating wet aggregates without stripping, and shall be available in various grades so that one such grade will enable a stockpile to remain pliable and workable at a temperature of-26 °C(-15 °F). The patching material shall be capable of maintaining adhesive qualifies in patched areas which are damp or wet at time of application, and also after remaining in an uncovered stockpile for up to twelve(12) months. 2. MATERIALS. Control of the materials shall be in accordance with the general requirements of Section 106 of the current Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction. If required, a five kilogram (ten-pound) sample of the mineral aggregate and one4iter(one-quart) sample of the liquid asphalt shall be submitted to the Bureau of Materials and Physical Research, 126 East Ash Street, Springfield, Illinois, for performing the tests specified herein. (a) Aggregate All Coarse Aggregate used in the proprietary mixtures shall consist of crushed stone of Class B quality or better as defined in Article 1004.01(a) & (b) of the above cited Standard Specifications. (b) Bituminous Materials The bituminous material shall be a formulation of the liquid asphalt blend prepared under the supervision of the proprietary mix supplier. It shall meet the requirements of ASTM D 2026 or ASTM 2027,whichever applies, modified as follows: 1 h 1101'A ASTM D 92 Flash point(COC) 94(200) 94(200) 94(200) 94(200) 94(200) 94(200) 94(200) 94(200) 121 (250) °C(°F)-minimum ASTM D 2170 Kinematic Viscosity 400-600 60°C(140°F)mm2/s(cSQ 350-3000 300-4000 300-4000 300-4000 400-2500 280-400 300-4000 300-4000 CPS ASTM D 95 Water 0.1 I %-maximum 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 --- 0.2 0.2 ASTM D 402 Distillate %by Volume of Original Sample Temperature Distillate to 225°C(437°F) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Distillate to 260°C(500°F) 0-5 0-5 0-5 0-5 0-5 0-5 0-5 0-5 0-0 Distillate to 315.°C(600°F) 0-21 0-25 0-25' 0-25 0-18 8-50 0-25 0-25 0-55 Residue from distillation to 360°C(680°F) 70-94 72-95 — -- 73-95 70-95 72-95 72-95 80-90 %Volume by Difference Residue Tests: ASTM D 2171 Absolute 11.5-44.0 12.5-42.5 12.5-42.5 12.5-42.5 12.542.5 12.0-42.5 12.5-42.5 12.5-42.5 12.5-42.5 Viscosity so Seconds(o ise 115-440 125-425 125.425 12 Pascal Seconds(Poises) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( 5-425) (125 425) (120-425) (125-425) (125-425) (125 425) ASTM D 5 Penetration 25°C(77°F) -- 200 — — — --- 200 200 300 100 g,5s—minimum ASTM D 5 Penetration, modified with cone,25°C(77°F) 200 180 180 180 180 --- - --- 150 g,5s—minimum ASTM D 113 Ductility 21°C(70 OF) 1cm/min. -- — 100 100 -- 100 -- --- — cm—minimum ASTM D 113 Ductility 4°C(39°F) 1cm/min, 85 100 — — 100 100 100 100 100 cm—minimum { ASTM D 2042 Solubility In Trichloroethylene 99.0 99.0 99.0 99.0 99.0 99.0 99.0 99.0 99.9 %-minimum _ 2 I (c) Stripping Tests The combined UPM and liquid asphalt shall meet the following stripping tests: (1) Stripping Tests: Dry Aggregate. Two-hundred grams of the air-dried aggregate passing the 12.5 mm ('/z-inch) sieve and retained on the 4.75 mm (No.4) sieve shall be combined with 6.3 percent, by weight, UPM liquid asphalt and mixed in a hemispherical metal dish with a stiff spatula for three to five minutes or until a uniform coating is obtained. Twenty-five grams of this material shall be immediately place in an oven at 60°C± 3 °C (140 OF±5°F), for eighteen to twenty-four hours, after which it shall be thoroughly mixed and allowed to cool to room temperature. The sample shall then be immersed in water at a temperature of 49 °C± 3°C (120 OF±5°F), and maintained at this temperature for twenty-four hours. At the end of this period, the area of the aggregate remaining coated shall be determined visually while the sample is still immersed in water. Surface coating of at least 90 percent must be retained on the aggregate. A test similar to the above using MC-250 shall be made for comparison. (2) Stripping Test: Wet Aggregate. Two-hundred grams of the aggregate passing the 12.5 mm ('/2-inch) sieve and retained on the 4.75 mm (No. 4)sieve shall be immersed in water for twenty-four hours and the excess water drained off, leaving the aggregate surface wet. This aggregate shall be combined with 6.3 percent, by weight, UPM liquid asphalt and mixed in a hemispherical metal dish with a stiff liquid spatula for three to five minutes or until a uniform coating is obtained. Twenty-five grams of this material shall be immediately place in an oven at 60 °C± 3°C (140 OF t 5°F), for eighteen to twenty-four hours, after which it shall be thoroughly mixed and allowed to cool to room temperature. The sample shall then be immersed in water at a temperature of 49 °C±3°C (120 OF± 5°F), and maintained at this temperature for twenty-four hours. At the end of this period,the area of the aggregate remaining coated shall be determined visually while the sample is still immersed in water. Surface coating of at least 90 percent must be retained on the aggregate. A test similar to the above using MC-250 shall be made for comparison. In estimating the percentage of area remaining coated, any thin or translucent area shall not be considered as being coated Proprietary mixes, Sylcrete EV, Sylcrete VA, Optimix, QPR-2000, EZ Street, SMP, Sakrete All I Weather, and Proline shall meet the following stripping tests. (1) Place 50 grams of cold mix into a beaker containing 400 ml of boiling distilled water. Bring back to boiling and boil for 3 minutes with constant stirring at 1 revolution per second. At the end of 3 minutes, remove the beaker from the heat source and immediately decant the water. Empty the wet mix onto a paper towel and examine. The retained coating shall not be less than 95 percent. (2) AASHTO T 182-06 Coating and Stripping of Bitumen-Aggregate Mixtures. 3. INSPECTION. The Engineer or his authorized representative shall have access at any time to all parts of the plant in order to verify weights or proportions and quality of materials used in the preparation of the mixture. The manufacturer shall afford such facilities as may be required for making inspection at the plant and for collecting and forwarding samples of the ingredient.materials and bituminous mixture to the Department. 3 4. PLANT AND EQUIPMENT. Storage facilities and all equipment used in the preparation of the mixture shall be approved by the Department. An approved drier shall be available for surface drying the aggregate when needed. The materials for individual batches shall be measured accurately, either by volume or weight, by approved methods and equipment. A batch type mixer of approved design and capacity shall be used,in mixing the ingredient materials. However, approval for the use of a continuous mixer will be given if it can be shown that satisfactory results will be obtained. 5. PREPARATION OF MIXTURE. The aggregate and Optimix, or QPR-2000, or Sylcrete, or UPM, or EZ Street, or SMP liquid asphalt shall be proportioned into the mixer and mixed for at least 30 seconds or until a uniformly coated mixture is obtained. The liquid asphalt shall be heated to a temperature of 93°C ± 28 °C(200° F± 50° F), at the time of mixing, and in accordance with the instructions of proprietary mix supplier. When necessary to heat the aggregates, the aggregates should not be heated to more than 6.8 °C(155 °F). 6. COMPOSITION OF MIXTURE. The ingredients shall be combined to produce a mixture meeting the approval of the Department and conforming to the following composition limits, by weight, as determined by tests of the prepared mixture: 4 Gradation of Extracted Aggr, ate % Passin 'I ARM 12.5 mm 112" 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 9.5 mm 3/8" 90-100 100 90-100 90-100 90-100 100 90 7100 95-100 100 90-100 90-100 100 4.75 mm No.4 20-55 85-100 20-55 20-55 15-55 70-100 20-55 80-100 85-100 20-55 20-55 70-100 2.36 mm No.8 5-30 10-40 5-30 5-30 5-30 0-10 10-40 5-30 5-30 20-40 1.18 mm No. 16 0-10 0-10 0-10 0-10 0-10 0-10 0-10 0-10 0-10 0-10 0-10 10-30 600 pm(No.30) 0-7 0-7 0-10 0-25 300 pm(No. 50) 0-5 0-5 0-5 0-5 0-5 0-10 0-5 0-5 0-5 0-20 ' 75 pm No.200 0-2 0-2.5 0-2.5 0-2 0-4 0-4 0-3 1.5-3.5 04 0-4 0-2 0-5 Residual Bitumen 3-6.5 3-6.5 3-6.5 3-7.0 3.5-6.5 3.5-6.5 3-7 3-7 3.5-7.0 3.5-7.0 3-7.0 4.0-6.0 'Based on percent of total aggregate weight. 2JBased on percent of total mixture weight. 5 7. LEGAL RELATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITY TO PUBLIC. The laws to be observed; permits and licenses; patented devices; materials, and processes; and responsibility for damage claims, shall be in accordance with the requirements of Section 107 of the above cited Standard Specifications. Effective June 1, 2010 This specification supersedes Serial Number M 120-07, effective February 1, 2007. JDP/M120-10 6 C 1�jiR�(1 i a-a3 AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN KENDALL COUNTY AND CITY OF YORKVILLE CONCERNING THE STORAGE OF BULK ROCK SALT This Agreement is made and entered into this a day of i 1 K L a 1 ,201a_, by and between THE COUNTY OF KENDALL,and CITY OF YORKVILLE, a municipal corporation. WHEREAS,THE COUNTY OF KENDALL and CITY OF YORKVILLE are public agencies as contemplated by the Intergovernmental Cooperation Act(5 ILCS 220/1 et seq.);and WHEREAS,THE COUNTY OF KENDALL has constricted a salt storage facility located at 6780 Route 47,Yorkville,IL(hereinafter"the Facility")designed to accommodate the storage of bulk rock salt for highway application; and WHEREAS,CITY OF YORKVILLE is desirous of utilizing the Facility for the purposes of storing rock salt;and WHEREAS,THE COUNTY OF KENDALL and CITY OF YORKVILLE are authorized to enter into this Agreement by Article VII,Section 10 of the Constitution of the State of Illinois and the Intergovernmental Cooperation Act(5 ILCS 220/1 et seq.). NOW,THEREFORE,in consideration of the mutual promises,terms and conditions set forth herein and in the spirit of intergovernmental cooperation,the parties agree as follows: 1. The above recitals are incorporated herein by reference and fully made a part of this Agreement. 2. CITY OF YORKVILLE shall be allowed to store up to 1000 tons of bulk rock salt at the Facility beginning April 1,2012 and thereafter. 3. CITY OF YORKVILLE shall pay to KENDALL COUNTY a non-refundable fee of $45,000 for the purpose of storing 1,000 tons of bulk rock salt;payable in 6 equal installments,with the first$7,500 due on or before October 31,2012 and the remaining(5)$7,500 installments due in successive years on or before October 31�`of each year. - r 4. Nothing shall prevent the CITY OF YORKVILLE and KENDALL COUNTY from entering into future agreements to increase the tonnage of bulk rock salt stored at the Facility by CITY OF YORKVILLE. KENDALL COUNTY agrees that the price for future storage will remain at$45/ton for the life of this Agreement. 5. , CITY OF YORKVILLE shall additionally pay an annual maintenance fee of$250 to THE COUNTY OF KENDALL,payable on or before January I'of each.and every year this Agreement is in full force and effect 6. CITY OF YORKVILLE shall retain ownership of all bulk rock salt that they store at the Facility as long as this Agreement is in full force and effect. 7. THE COUNTY OF KENDALL shall provide an accurate accounting of all bulk rock salt stored at the Facility and shall provide each agency storing salt with an annual report detailing all deliveries and pickups made by each agency during each calendar year. Said repot shall be delivered to CITY OF YORKVILLE within 30 days after the end of each calendar year. 8. Only untreated bulk rock salt shall be stored at the Facility. The Kendall County Engineer shall determine the definition of"untreated"and reserves the right to refuse storage at the Facility of any rock salt deemed to be not fit or suitable for storage in the Facility at the sole discretion of the Kendall County Engineer. 9. Bulk rock salt may be picked up or delivered during regular business hours from 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM or at any other time approved by the Kendall County Highway Department. 10. This Agreement may be terminated at any time by mutual agreement of both parties. All fees paid by CITY OF YORKVILLE to THE COUNTY OF KENDALL under the terms of this Agreement shall be non-refundable. 11. Bulk rock salt that is owned and stored by CITY OF YORKVILLE at this facility shall be removed within 30 business days after termination of this Agreement. Salt that remains after this 30 day period shall be deemed abandoned and shall become the property of THE COUNTY OF KENDALL. 12. The party signing this Agreement on behalf of CITY OF YORKVILLE represents and warrants to THE COUNTY OF KENDALL that they have the authority to enter into and execute this agreement by and on behalf of CITY OF YORKVILLE. 13. CITY OF YORKVILLE agrees it will defend,indemnify and hold harmless THE COUNTY OF KENDALL,it's Departments,officers and employees against any and all liability, loss,costs,damages and expenses(including attorney's fees)which the COUNTY OF KENDALL, it's Departments,officers.or employees may hereafter sustain,incur,or be required to pay arising out of CITY OF YORKVILLE,its employees or agents actions arising under this Agreement. 14. This Agreement may not be assigned or transferred to any other party without the express written consent of THE COUNTY OF KENDALL. 15. This Agreement represents the entire agreement between the parties and there are no other promises or conditions in any other agreement whether oral or written. This Agreement supersedes any prior written or oral agreements between the parties and may not be amended or modified except with the written consent of both parties. 16. Pursuant to 55 ILCS 5/5-1049.2 this Agreement shall run for a period of 99 years from the date of last signature below. Al,I J 3S .Go ' id D e or of Yorkville 3 aolIQ John P.Purce Date Kendall County Board Chair I,Debbie Gillette,County Clerk in and for Kendall County,in the State of Illinois,and keeper of the records and files thereof as provided by statute,do hereby certify the foregoing to be a true, perfect and complete copy of an Intergovernmental Agreement approved b the Kendall County B at it regularly scheduled meeting in Yorkville,Illinois,on the day of A.D.2012. Debbie Gillette—County Clerk (Seal) 24 (600) t r A - - - - - - - - - - - - - - o min. _ 5' (1.5 m) +i _ _ - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ O O 00 C 4' (1.2 m) min. a - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 00 >1 I IV O 0 O ,°n c , Weep holes 0 c E — — — — — No c o Q �- - - - - - - - 25• 25 25' t0 E 0 (8 m) (8 ml (B ml I Construction 200 200 200 I advance (60 m) ± (60 m) ± (60 m) ± FFL warning signs E E m C C C 4 A 4- E N E N E 4- �D t 0 PLAN 25' 5• (B m) 13/4 (45) ± (1.5 m) Face pemay be _ 0 TYPE A TYPE B TYPE C stepd or smooth ROOF ROOF OR TRAILER TRAILER �+ I I Traffic U MOUNTED MOUNTED MOUNTED - 1F \ I I Q Epoxy channels II 3l/2 (90) ± II ARROW BOARDS ' SECTION A A TYPICAL INSTALLATION TEMPORARY RUMBLE STRIPS I 0 12 (300) 6 (1501 6 (150) 6 (150) E E min. Type A �{ flasher Max. Max. R11-2 I max. E o an M ROAD o CLOSED Edge of shoulder 12 (300) Pavement min. ROAD CLOSED TO ALL TRAFFIC Type A R11-4 flasher Reflectorized striping may be omitted ROAD CLOSED ROAD CLOSED on the back side of the barricades. TO TO If a Type III barricade with an attached THRU TRAFFIC THRU TRAFFIC sign panel which meets NCHRP 350 is not available, the sign may be mounted on an _ NCHRP 350 temporary sign support directly ��- (n front of the barricade. IN Pavement ROAD CLOSED TO THRU TRAFFIC Reflectorized striping shall appear on TRAFFIC CONTROL ® Illinois Department of Transportation TYPICAL APPLICATIONS OF both sides Of the barricades. If a TYPE III BARRICADES CLOSING A ROAD Type III barricade with an attached DEVICES APPROVED January I. 2ols N sign panel which meets NCHRP 350 is f//lil��n o not available, the signs may be mounted 3 of 3) ENGINE OF OPERATIONS on NCHRP 350 temporary sign supports (Sheet APPROVED Jamary 1 2015 directly in front of the barricade. ENGINEER OF DESIGN AND ENVIRONMENT � STANDARD 701901-04 Type B monodirectional flashing light 18x18 (450x450) ROAD Orange flags CONSTRUCTION END (1.8 m 3.6 m) I 6' - 12' •• I— — — NEXT X MILES CONSTRUCTION - I I I C I G20-I104(0)-6036 G20-I105(0)-6024 o I I > I— — — This signing is required for all projects Q Metal or I 2 miles (3200 m) or more in length. o wood post .24 - 10' (600 - 3 m) o ROAD CONSTRUCTION NEXT X MILES sign shall 5' (1.5 m) min. rural Edge of o • 7' (2.1 m) min. urban pavement �' SIGN be placed 500' (150 m) in advance of pro- 'a 4' (1.2 m) rural ect limits. UJ 6' (1.8 m) urban or face a (IF SPECIFIED) of curb E END CONSTRUCTION sign shall be erected at v the end of the job unless another job is v E within 2 miles (3200 m). co Dual sign� Elevne high ayslays shall be utilized on multi- ation of edge Elevation of edge lane LI of pavement of pavement 5' (1.5 m) min. WORK LIMIT SIGNING embedment SIGNS ON TEMPORARY SUPPORTS When work operations exceed POST MOUNTED SIGNS four days, this dimension shall HIGH LEVEL WARNING DEVICE be 5' (1.5 m) min. If located When curb or paved shoulder ore present behind other devices. the height WORK •• this dimension shall be 24 (600) to the shall be sufficient to be seen ZONE W21-III5(0)-3618 face of curb or 6' (1.8 m) to the outside completely above the devices. edge of the paved shoulder. SPEED 24 LIMIT R2-1-3548 (600) 5 7 XX (125) 1 (175) PHOTO o ENFORCED Rio-I108p-3618 .•.. P Lff rti $XXX FINE 8 (200) Federal series C .,�� MINIMUM R2-I106p-3618 7 (180) Federal series B LO "' Sign assembly as shown on Standards Q°0 or as allowed by District Operations. p N 0 Ln I 20'/ — - END (513) ri 6 1 WORK ZONE G20-1103(01-6036 (4 SPEED LIMIT This sign shall be used when the above sign assembly Is used. (15) E HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION I�N Li SPEED ZONE SIGNS .... R10-I108p shall only be used along roadways t° E under the juristiction of the State. FRONT SIDE REVERSE SIDE TRAFFIC CONTROL ® Illinois Deportment of Transportation APPROVED January 1. 2015 DEVICES '' a FLAGGER TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGN ENGINEEIT OPERATIONS (sheet 2 of 3) O APPROVED January 1 2015 ENGINEER STANDARD 701901-04 OF DE GN AND ENVIRONMENT 8-12 (200-300) 3 (75) Fx,> 4 18 (450) 4 (100) min. o 000) 0 4 4 0 (100) o ti (100) Ln �^- 4 _ v E l0= N o (100) E N p coo O 4 N [ M rnm N� (100) E Cr m o Q o 4-6 (100-150) C6 0 Q N 4-6 (100-150) O Orange V Orange CONE REFLECTORIZED CONE FLEXIBLE DELINEATOR VERTICAL PANEL DRUM POST MOUNTED 12 (3001 F� Z>0 0 0 r0 O 6 M 0 ,yF o '� (150) mO �N aoN 6 (150) r E �0 0 O -1 O t7 C N 1 O' Om 24 (600) I C" c = E IT E min. m E M ®_L r-f rn 24 (600) N I 4' (1.2 m) I 24 min. min. (6� 00) TYPE I BARRICADE TYPE II BARRICADE TYPE III BARRICADE DIRECTION INDICATOR VERTICAL BARRICADE BARRICADE s 0 Cg N a0... Warning lights (if required) o°_c 4' (1.2 m) —� GENERAL NOTES E min. o z All heights shown shall be measured above the o pavement surface. N E All dimensions are in inches (millimeters) unless otherwise shown. Illinois DATE REVISIONS TRAFFIC CONTROL ® linois Department of Transportation 1-1-15 Revised two sign numbers on APPROVED January 1. 2015 DETECTABLE PEDESTRIAN sheet 2. Added note reg. DEVICES m CHANNELIZING BARRICADE PHOTO ENFORCED plaque. ENGINEER OF O ERATIONS 1-1-14 Modified flogger sign height. (Sheet 1 of 3) APPROVED January 1 2015 Added highway construction STANDARD 70190144 ENGINEER OF DESIGN AND ENVIRONMENT speed zone signs. ROAD W20-1(0)-48 WORK AHEAD • Or ONE LAN ROAD ROAD ONSTRUCTI W20-7(0)-48 AHEAD AHEAD O W20-4(0)-48 O O 220-I103(0)-48 100' (30 m) Type I or Type II Barricades One way / one lane operation min. 0 0 00 0 0 o Type I or Type II barricades:::;q 0 1 100' (30 m) J Max. , C OSED Type III barricades 2Q o � 0 ONE LANE N R11-2 CLOSED ;Or W20-1(0)-48 ROAD • AHEAD AHEAD For W20-3(0)-48 maintenance W20-4(01-48 and utility projects W20-7(0)-48 ROAD ROAD ONSTRUCTIO W20-I103(0)-48 ONSTRUCTI AHEAD contract W20-1103(0)-48 AHEAD' Or For WORK W20-1(0)-48 ROAD construction projects AHEAD SIGN SPACING SYMBOLS Posted Speed Sign Spacing 55 500' (150 m) 50-45 350' (100 m) ® Work area O Refer to SIGN SPACING TABLE <45 200' (60 m) for distances. O Cone, drum or barricade (not required for moving operations) Q For approved sideroad closures. Sign on portable or permanent support Cones at 25' (8 m) centers for 250' GENERAL NOTES (75 m). Additional cones may be placed This Standard is used where at any time, day or at 50' (15 m) centers. When drums or night, any vehicle, equipment, workers or their Flogger with traffic control sign Type I or Type II barricades are activities used. the interval between devices encroach on the pavement requiring the closure Barricade or drum with flashing light may be doubled, of one traffic lane in an urban area. ¢ Q Cones, drums or barricades at All dimensions are in inches (millimeters) C- Type III barricade with flashing lights 20' (6 m) centers. unless otherwise shown, DATE REVISIONS ® Illinois Department of Transportation 1-1-11 Revised flogger sign. URBAN LANE CLOSURE, APPROVED January 1 2011 N �f 0 ENGINEER OF SAFETY ENGINEERING 2L, 2W, UNDIVIDED APPROVED Jan ary 1, 2011 1-1-09 Switched units to English (metric). STANDARD 70150146 ENGINEER OF DESIGN AND D ENVIRONMENT Corrected sign No.'s. United City of Yorkville, Illinois Request for Proposal Hot Mix Asphalt and Bituminous Premix for Maintenance Use February 2016 Request for Proposals The United City of Yorkville, Illinois (the "City") is issuing this Request for Proposal ("RFP") for the purpose of soliciting vendor proposals for Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) and Bituminous premix for maintenance use proprietary mixes (Cold Patch) The City intends to seek the most cost-effective solution, based on the Criteria contained in this RFP, for its needs. One original and one copy of the proposal will be accepted until Friday March 4, 2016. Proposals submitted must be binding for not less than ninety (90) days after the date received. The City will select the proposal, or combination of proposals, that, in its opinion, is in the best interest of the City. The City reserves the right to reject any and all proposals or portions of a proposal. The City also reserves the right to waive minor technicalities in the proposal. The City not only reserves the right at the sole discretion of the City to reject any and all proposals and to waive technicalities,but also reserves the right of evaluation and the right to determine the methodology for evaluation of the proposals to determine which is the best proposal and to accept the proposal (or proposals) deemed to be in the best interest of the City, i.e., the most qualified proposal will not necessarily be the proposal with the lowest cost. Further, the City reserves the right to accept a proposal(or proposals) for any or all items separately or together. Proposals may also be hand-delivered to the following address by the date and time specified. It is the responsibility of the bidder to deliver the proposal in accordance with these instructions contained above and/or elsewhere in the RFP. Proposals dispatched, but not received by the City by proposal closing time, will be returned, after receipt, unopened to the bidder. All proposals should be addressed to: United City of Yorkville Re: (vendor name) Proposal for HMA and Cold Patch Attention: Eric Dhuse 800 Game Farm Rd. Yorkville, Illinois 60560 Proposal packets are available online at www.yorkville.il.us or at the United City of Yorkville city hall which is located at 800 Game Farm Rd., Yorkville, Illinois. 5. Award of Contract. The United City of Yorkville City Council will make the final award of the proposal or contract. 6. Contract. In addition to the completed proposal, a resulting contract shall be required by the City, and may require product literature. All agreements between the United City of Yorkville and the vendor will be handled through our legal counsel. In addition, any legal restrictions or provisions, enforced by the vendor or its parent company, which are not in line with the industry's standard, should be pointed out. 7. Confidentiality of Documents. Proposals shall be unopened so as to avoid disclosure of contents to competing bidders and kept secret during the process of negotiation. However, all proposals that have been submitted shall be open for public inspection after contract award. Trade secrets and confidential information, as specified by the vendor, contained in the proposals shall not be open for public inspection. 8. Contact with City Employees. In order to ensure fair and objective evaluation, all questions related to this RFP should be addressed only to Eric Muse, Director of Public works. His contact information is as follows: Email—edhuse(a),yorkville.il.us Cell— 1-630-878-7102 Conditions 1. All cold patch shall be made available at all times throughout the year. In off season times, the city will call first to set up a time to pick up material. 2. There will be no charge to the City for dumping used clean asphalt at winning vendor's site. The vendor will have the right to reject the load if there is too much foreign matter or debris mixed in with the asphalt. Criteria 1. All mixes shall be IDOT approved and verification must be provided by the winner bidder. 2. Please see attached sheets for basic IDOT mix designs and criteria. BID SHEET Price per ton for Hot Mix Asphalt(Surface Mix) as described herein. Yorkville will pick up said asphalt at winning vendor's place of distribution during normal working hours. The City estimates that they will purchase approximately 200 tons of this mix. There is NO guarantee of this quantity, it is strictly an estimate garnered from past usage. HOT MIX ASPHALT$ /TON Price per ton for Bituminous Premix for Maintenance Use (cold patch) as described herein. Yorkville will pick up said cold patch at winning vendor's place of distribution during normal working hours. The City estimates they will purchase approximately 150 tons of this mix. There is NO guarantee of the quantity,it is strictly an estimate garnered from past usage. BITUMINOUS PREMIX FOR MAINTENANCE USE(COLD PATCH) $ /TON Signature of Authorized Agent Date of Tfa Special Provisions The following Special Provisions supplement the"Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction", Adopted January 1, 2012 , the latest edition of the"Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways", and the "Manual of Test Procedures of Materials" in effect on the date of invitation of bids, and the Supplemental Specifications and Recurring Special Provisions indicated on the Check Sheet included here in which apply to and govern the construction of Bit. Premix for Maintenance Use , and in case of conflict with any part, or parts, of said Specifications, the said Special Provisions shall take precedence and shall govern. Page 1 of 1 BLR 11310(Rev.7/05) Printed on 2/11/2016 8:39:13 AM State of Illinois Department of Transportation Division of Highways Springfield SPECIFICATIONS FOR BITUMINOUS PREMIX FOR MAINTENANCE USE PROPRIETARY MIXES Serial Number: M 120-10 1. DESCRIPTION. The patching material shall be composed of a mineral aggregate, plant-mixed with a liquid asphalt and chemical additives from the suppliers of the proprietary mixtures. The bituminous material shall be capable of coating wet aggregates without stripping, and shall be available in various grades so that one such grade will enable a stockpile to remain pliable and workable at a temperature of-26 °C(-15 °F). The patching material shall be capable of maintaining adhesive qualities in patched areas which are damp or wet at time of application, and also after remaining in an uncovered stockpile for up to twelve(12) months. 2. MATERIALS. Control of the materials shall be in accordance with the general requirements of Section 106 of the current Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction. If required, a five kilogram (ten-pound) sample of the mineral aggregate and one-liter(one-quart)sample of the liquid asphalt shall be submitted to the Bureau of Materials and Physical Research, 126 East Ash Street, Springfield, Illinois, for performing the tests specified herein. (a) Aggregate All Coarse Aggregate used in the proprietary mixtures shall consist of crushed stone of Class B quality or better as defined in Article 1004.01(a) & (b) of the above cited Standard Specifications. i (b) Bituminous Materials The bituminous material shall be a formulation of the liquid asphalt blend prepared under the supervision of the proprietary mix supplier. It shall meet the requirements of ASTM D 2026 or ASTM 2027,whichever applies, modified as follows: 1 r ASTM Flash poo innt t(CDC) 94 94(200) 94(200) 94(200) 94(200) 94(200) 94(200) 94(200) 121 (250) (200) °C(°F)-minimum ASTM D 2170 Kinematic Viscosity 400-600 60°C(140°F)mm?/s(cSQ 350-3000 300-4000 300-4000 300-4000 400-2600 280-400 3004000 3004000 CPS ASTM D 95 Water %-maximum 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 -- 0.2 0.2 0.1 ASTM D 402 Distillate %by Volume of Original Sample Temneralure Distillate to 225°C(437°F) 0 0 0 0 0 0 '0 0 0 Distillate to 260°C(500°F) 0-5 0-5 0-5 0-5 0-5 0-5 0-5 0-5 0-0 Distillate to 315°C(600°F) 0-21 0-25 0-25 0-25 0-18 8-50 0-25 0-25 0-55 Residue from distillation to 360°C(680°F) 70-94 72-95 — --- 73-95 70-95 72-95 72-95 80-90 %Volume by Difference Residue Tests: ASTM D 2171 Absolute 11.5-44.0 12.642.5 12.5-42.5 12.5-42.5 12.542.5 12.042.5 12.5-42.5 12.5-42.5 12.5-42.5 ' Viscosity o o P ascal Se conds(Poises) (115440) (125-426) (1251425) (125425) (125425) (120-425) (125425) (125-425) (125125) ASTM D 5 Penetration 25°C(77°F) — 200 — — — -- 200 200 300 100 g,5s-minimum ASTM D 5 Penetration, modified with cone,25°C(77°F) 200 180 180 180 180 -- -- -- 150 g,59-minimum ASTM D 113 Ductility 21°C(70°F 1cm/min. — — 100 100 — 100 — --- -- cm-minimum ASTM D 113 Ductility . 4°C(39°F 1cm/min, 85 100 — — 100 100 100 100 100 cm-minimum ASTM D 2042 Solubility In gg 0 99.0 99.0 99.0 99.0 99.0 99.0 99.0 99.9 Trichloroet hylene minimum _ 2 i (c)Stripping Tests The combined UPM and liquid asphalt shall meet the following stripping tests: (1) Stripping Tests: Dry Aggregate. Two-hundred grams of the air-dried aggregate passing the 12.5 mm (Y--inch)sieve and retained on the 4.75 mm(No.4)sieve shall be combined with 6.3 percent, by weight, UPM liquid asphalt and mixed in a hemispherical metal dish with a stiff spatula for three to five minutes or until a uniform coating is obtained. Twenty-five grams of this material shall be immediately place in an oven at 60°C± 3°C (140 OF± 5°F),for eighteen to twenty-four hours, after which it shall be thoroughly mixed and allowed to cool to room temperature. The sample shall then be immersed in water at a temperature of 49 °C± 3°C (120 OF±5°F), and maintained at this temperature for twenty-four hours. At the end of this period,the area of the aggregate remaining coated shall be determined visually while the sample is still immersed in water. Surface coating of at least 90 percent must be retained on the aggregate. A test similar to the above using MC-250 shall be made for comparison: (2) Stripping Test: Wet Aggregate. Two-hundred grams of the aggregate passing the 12.5 mm(%-inch) sieve and retained on the 4.75 mm (No.4)sieve shall be immersed in water for twenty-four hours and the excess water drained off, leaving the aggregate surface wet. This aggregate shall be combined with 6.3 percent, by weight, UPM liquid asphalt and mixed in a hemispherical metal dish with a stiff liquid spatula for three to five minutes or until a uniform coating is obtained. Twenty-five grams of this material shall be immediately place in an oven at 60"C t 3°C (140 OF t 5°F),for eighteen to twenty-four hours, after which it shall be thoroughly mixed and allowed to cool to room temperature. The sample shall then be immersed in water at a temperature of 49 °C±3°C (120 OF t 5°F), and maintained at this temperature for twenty-four hours. At the end of this period,the area of the aggregate remaining coated shall be determined visually while the sample is still immersed in water. Surface coating of at least 90 percent must be retained on the aggregate. A test similar to the above using MC-250 shall be made for comparison. In estimating the percentage of area remaining coated, any thin or translucent area shall not be considered as being coated Proprietary mixes, Sylcrete EV, Sylcrete VA, Optimix, QPR-2000, EZ Street, SMP, Sakrete All I Weather, and Proline shall meet the following stripping tests. (1) Place 50 grams of cold mix into a beaker containing 400 ml of boiling distilled water. Bring back to boiling and boil for 3 minutes with constant stirring at 1 revolution per second. At the end of 3 minutes, remove the beaker from the heat source and immediately decant the water. Empty the wet mix onto a paper towel and examine. The retained coating shall not be less than 95 percent. (2) AASHTO T 182-06 Coating and Stripping of Bitumen-Aggregate Mixtures. 3. INSPECTION. The Engineer or his authorized representative shall have access at any time to all parts of the plant in order to verify weights or proportions and quality of materials used in the preparation of the mixture. The manufacturer shall afford such facilities as may be required for making inspection at the plant and for collecting and forwarding samples of the ingredient.materials and bituminous mixture to the Department. 3 _ 4. PLANT AND EQUIPMENT. Storage facilities and all equipment used in the preparation of the mixture shall be approved by the Department. An approved drier shall be available for surface drying the aggregate when needed. The materials for individual batches shall be measured accurately, either by volume or weight, by approved methods and equipment. A batch type mixer of approved design and capacity shall be used in mixing the ingredient materials. However, approval for the use of a continuous mixer will be given if it can be shown that satisfactory results will be obtained. 5. PREPARATION OF MIXTURE. The aggregate and Optimix, or QPR-2000,or Sylcrete, or UPM, or EZ Street, or SMP liquid asphalt shall be proportioned into the mixer and mixed for at least 30 seconds or until a uniformly coated mixture is obtained. The liquid asphalt shall be heated to a temperature of 93°C t 28°C(200° F± 50° F), at the time of mixing, and in accordance with the instructions of proprietary mix supplier. When necessary to heat the aggregates,the aggregates should not be heated to~more than 6.8°C(155 °F). 6. COMPOSITION OF MIXTURE. The ingredients shall be combined to produce a mixture meeting the approval of the Department and conforming to the following composition limits, by weight, as determined by tests of the prepared mixture: 4 Gradation of Extracted Angregate % Passin '1 IM { 12.5 mm(1/2") 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 9.5 mm 3/8" 90-100 100 90-100 90-100 90-100 100 90 7-100 95-100 100 90-100 90-100 100 4.75 mm No.4 20-55 85-100 20-55 20-55 15-55 70-100 20-55 80-100 85-100 20-55 20-55 70-100 2.36 mm No. 8 5-30 10-40 5-30 5-30 5-30 0-10 10-40 5-30 5-30 20-40 1.18 mm No. 16 0-10 0-10 0-10 0-10 0-10 0-10 0-10 0-10 0-10 0-10 0-10 10-30 600 prn(No.30) 0-7 0-7 0-10 0-25 300 Vm(No. 50) 0-5 0-5 0-5 0-5 0-5 0-10 0-5 0-5 0-5 0-20 75 pm No.200 0-2 0-2.5' 0-2.5 0-2 0-4 0-4 0-3 1.5-3.5 0-4 0-4 0-2 0-5 Residual vBitumen 3-6.5 3-6.5 3-6.5 3-7.0 3.5-6.5 3.5-6.5 3-7 3-7 3.5-7.0 3.5-7.0 3-7.0 4.0-6.0 "Based on percent of total aggregate weight. 2/Based on percent of total mixture weight. 5 t 7. LEGAL RELATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITY TO PUBLIC. The laws to be observed; permits and licenses; patented devices; materials, and processes; and responsibility for damage claims, shall be in accordance with the requirements of Section 107 of the above cited Standard Specifications. Effective June 1, 2010 This specification supersedes Serial Number M 120-07, effective February 1, 2007. I JDPIM120-10 I 6 FRICTION AGGREGATE (BDE) Effective: January 1, 2011 Revised: November 1, 2014 Revise Article 1004.01(a)(4)of the Standard Specifications to read: "(4) Crushed Stone. Crushed stone shall be the angular fragments resulting from crushing undisturbed, consolidated deposits of rock by mechanical means. Crushed stone shall be divided into the following, when specified. a. Carbonate Crushed Stone. Carbonate crushed stone shall be either dolomite or limestone. Dolomite shall contain 11.0 percent or more magnesium oxide(MgO). Limestone shall contain less than 11.0 percent magnesium oxide(MgO). b. Crystalline Crushed Stone. Crystalline crushed stone shall be either metamorphic or igneous stone, including but is not limited to, quartzite, granite, rhyolite and diabase." Revise Article 1004.03(a)of the Standard Specifications to read: "1004.03 Coarse Aggregate for Hot-Mix Asphalt (HMA). The aggregate shall be according to Article 1004.01 and the following. (a) Description. The coarse aggregate for HMA shall be according to the following table. Use Mixture Aggregates Allowed Class A Seal or Cover Allowed Alone or in Combination 51: Gravel Crushed Gravel Carbonate Crushed Stone Crystalline Crushed Stone Crushed Sandstone Crushed Slag (ACBF) Crushed Steel Slag Crushed Concrete Use Mixture Aggregates Allowed HMA Stabilized Allowed Alone or in Combination 51: Low ESAL Subbase or Gravel Shoulders Crushed Gravel Carbonate Crushed Stone Crystalline Crushed Stone Crushed Sandstone Crushed Slag (ACBF) Crushed Steel Slag's Crushed Concrete HMA Binder Allowed Alone or in Combination 51: High ESAL IL-19.0 Crushed Gravel Low ESAL or IL-19.01- Carbonate Crushed Stone 21 SMA Binder Crystalline Crushed Stone Crushed Sandstone Crushed Slag (ACBF) Crushed Concrete3l HMA C Surface and Allowed Alone or in Combination 51: High ESAL Leveling Binder Crushed Gravel Low ESAL IL-9.5 or IL-9.51- Carbonate Crushed Stone 21 SMA Crystalline Crushed Stone Ndesign 50 Crushed Sandstone Crushed Slag (ACBF) Surface Crushed Steel Slag4l Crushed Concrete3l HMA D Surface and Allowed Alone or in Combination 51: High ESAL Leveling Binder Crushed Gravel IL-9.5 Carbonate Crushed Stone (other than SMA Limestone)21 Ndesign 50 Crystalline Crushed Stone Surface Crushed Sandstone I Crushed Slag (ACBF) Crushed Steel Slag4l Crushed Concrete3l Other Combinations Allowed: up to... With... 25% Limestone Dolomite Use Mixture Aggregates Allowed 50% Limestone Any Mixture D aggregate other than Dolomite 75% Limestone Crushed Slag (ACBF)or Crushed Sandstone HMA E Surface Allowed Alone or in Combination 51: High ESAL IL-9.5 Crushed Gravel SMA Crystalline Crushed Stone Ndesign 80 Crushed Sandstone I Surface Crushed Slag (ACBF) Crushed Steel Slaq Crushed Concrete No Limestone. Other Combinations Allowed: up to... With... 50% Dolomite 21 Any Mixture E aggregate 75% Dolomite 21 Crushed Sandstone, Crushed Slag I (ACBF), Crushed Steel Slag, or Crystalline Crushed Stone 75% Crushed Crushed Sandstone, Gravel or Crushed Crystalline Crushed concrete" Stone, Crushed Slag (ACBF), or Crushed Steel Slag HMA F Surface Allowed Alone or in Combination 51: High ESAL IL-9.5 Crystalline Crushed Stone SMA Crushed Sandstone Ndesign 80 Crushed Slag (ACBF) Surface Crushed Steel Slag No Limestone. Other Combinations Allowed: Use Mixture Aggregates Allowed up to... With... 50% Crushed Crushed Sandstone, Gravel, Crushed Crushed Slag I Concrete31, or (ACBF), Crushed Dolomiteti Steel Slag, or Crystalline Crushed Stone 1/ Crushed steel slag allowed in shoulder surface only. 2/ Carbonate crushed stone shall not be used in SMA Ndesign 80. In SMA Ndesign 50, carbonate crushed stone shall not be blended with any of the other aggregates allowed alone in Ndesign 50 SMA binder or Ndesign 50 SMA surface. 3/ Crushed concrete will not be permitted in SMA mixes. 4/ Crushed steel slag shall not be used as leveling binder. 5/ When combinations of aggregates are used, the blend percent measurements shall be by volume." 80265 RECLAIMED ASPHALT PAVEMENT AND RECLAIMED ASPHALT SHINGLES (BDE) Effective: November 1, 2012 Revise: April 1, 2014 Revise Section 1031 of the Standard Specifications to read: "SECTION 1031. RECLAIMED ASPHALT PAVEMENT AND RECLAIMED ASPHALT SHINGLES 1031.01 Description. Reclaimed asphalt pavement and reclaimed asphalt shingles shall be according to the following. (a) Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP). RAP is the material produced by cold milling or crushing an existing hot-mix asphalt (HMA) pavement. The Contractor shall supply written documentation that the RAP originated from routes or airfields under federal, state, or local agency jurisdiction. (b) Reclaimed Asphalt Shingles (RAS). Reclaimed asphalt shingles (RAS). RAS is from the processing and grinding of preconsumer or post-consumer shingles. RAS shall be a clean and uniform material with a maximum of 0.5 percent unacceptable material, as defined in Bureau of Materials and Physical Research Policy Memorandum "Reclaimed Asphalt Shingle (RAS) Sources", by weight of RAS. All RAS used shall come from a Bureau of Materials and Physical Research approved processing facility where it shall be ground and processed to 100 percent passing the 3/8 in. (9.5 mm) sieve and 93 percent passing the #4 (4.75 mm) sieve based on a dry shake gradation. RAS shall be uniform in gradation and asphalt binder content and shall meet the testing requirements specified herein. In addition, RAS shall meet the following Type 1 or Type 2 requirements. (1) Type 1. Type 1 RAS shall be processed, preconsumer asphalt shingles salvaged from the manufacture of residential asphalt roofing shingles. (2) Type 2. Type 2 RAS shall be processed post-consumer shingles only, salvaged from residential, or four unit or less dwellings not subject to the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP). 1031.02 Stockpiles. RAP and RAS stockpiles shall be according to the following. (a) RAP Stockpiles. The Contractor shall construct individual, sealed RAP stockpiles meeting one of the following definitions. No additional RAP shall be added to the pile after the pile has been sealed. Stockpiles shall be sufficiently separated to prevent intermingling at the base. Stockpiles shall be identified by signs indicating the type as listed below(i.e. "Homogeneous Surface"). Prior to milling, the Contractor shall request the District provide documentation on the quality of the RAP to clarify the appropriate stockpile. (1) Fractionated RAP (FRAP). FRAP shall consist of RAP from Class 1, HMA (High and Low ESAL) mixtures. The coarse aggregate in FRAP shall be crushed aggregate and may represent more than one aggregate type and/or quality but shall be at least C quality. All FRAP shall be fractionated prior to testing by screening into a minimum of two size fractions with the separation occurring on or between the #4 (4.75 mm) and 1/2 in. (12.5 mm) sieves. Agglomerations shall be minimized such that 100 percent of the RAP shall pass the sieve size specified below for the mix into which the FRAP will be incorporated. Mixture FRAP will be used in: Sieve Size that 100% of FRAP Shall Pass IL-25.0 2 in. 50 mm IL-19.0 1 1/2 in. 40 mm IL-12.5 1 in. 25 mm IL-9.5 3/4 in. 20 mm IL-4.75 1/2 in. 13 mm (2) Homogeneous. Homogeneous RAP stockpiles shall consist of RAP from Class I, HMA (High and Low ESAL) mixtures and represent: 1) the same aggregate quality, but shall be at least C quality; 2)the same type of crushed aggregate (either crushed natural aggregate, ACBF slag, or steel slag); 3) similar gradation; and 4) similar asphalt binder content. If approved by the Engineer, combined single pass surfacelbinder millings may be considered "homogenous" with a quality rating dictated by the lowest coarse aggregate quality present in the mixture. (3) Conglomerate. Conglomerate RAP stockpiles shall consist of RAP from Class I, HMA (High and Low ESAL) mixtures. The coarse aggregate in this RAP shall be crushed aggregate and may represent more than one aggregate type and/or quality but shall be at least C quality. This RAP may have an inconsistent gradation and/or asphalt binder content prior to processing. All conglomerate RAP shall be processed prior to testing by crushing to where all RAP shall pass the 5/8 in. (16 mm) or smaller screen. Conglomerate RAP stockpiles shall not contain steel slag. (4) Conglomerate "D" Quality (DQ). Conglomerate DQ RAP stockpiles shall consist of RAP from Class I, HMA (High or Low ESAL), or "All Other" (as defined by Article 1030.04(a)(3)) mixtures. The coarse aggregate in this RAP may be crushed or round but shall be at least D quality. This RAP may have an inconsistent gradation and/or asphalt binder content. Conglomerate DQ RAP stockpiles shall not contain steel slag. (5) Non-Quality. RAP stockpiles that do not meet the requirements of the stockpile categories listed above shall be classified as"Non-Quality". RAP/FRAP containing contaminants, such as earth, brick, sand, concrete, sheet asphalt, bituminous surface treatment(i.e. chip seal), pavement fabric,joint sealants, etc., will be unacceptable unless the contaminants are removed to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Sheet asphalt shall be stockpiled separately. (b) RAS Stockpiles. Type 1 and Type 2 RAS shall be stockpiled separately and shall not be intermingled. Each stockpile shall be signed indicating what type of RAS is present. Unless otherwise specified by the Engineer, mechanically blending manufactured sand (FM 20 or FM 22) up to an equal weight of RAS with the processed RAS will be permitted to improve workability. The sand shall be "B Quality" or better from an approved Aggregate Gradation Control System source. The sand shall be accounted for in the mix design and during HMA production. Records identifying the shingle processing facility supplying the RAS, RAS type and lot number shall be maintained by project contract number and kept for a minimum of three years. 1031.03 Testing. RAP/FRAP and RAS testing shall be according to the following. (a) RAP/FRAP Testing. When used in HMA, the RAP/FRAP shall be sampled and tested either during or after stockpiling. (1) During Stockpiling. For testing during stockpiling, washed extraction samples shall be run at the minimum frequency of one sample per 500 tons (450 metric tons) for the first 2000 tons (1800 metric tons) and one sample per 2000 tons (1800 metric tons)thereafter. A minimum of five tests shall be required for stockpiles less than 4000 tons (3600 metric tons). (2) After Stockpiling. For testing after stockpiling, the Contractor shall submit a plan for approval to the District proposing a satisfactory method of sampling and testing the RAP/FRAP pile either in-situ or by restockpiling. The sampling plan shall meet the minimum frequency required above and detail the procedure used to obtain representative samples throughout the pile for testing. Each sample shall be split to obtain two equal samples of test sample size. One of the two test samples from the final split shall be labeled and stored for Department use. The Contractor shall extract the other test sample according to Department procedure. The Engineer reserves the right to test any sample (split or Department-taken) to verify Contractor test results. (b) RAS Testing. RAS or RAS blended with manufactured sand shall be sampled and tested during stockpiling according to Illinois Department of Transportation Policy Memorandum, "Reclaimed Asphalt Shingle (RAS) Source". Samples shall be collected during stockpiling at the minimum frequency of one sample per 200 tons'(180 metric tons) for the first 1000 tons (900 metric tons) and one sample per 250 tons (225 metric tons) thereafter. A minimum of five samples are required for stockpiles less than 1000 tons (900 metric tons). Once a s 1000 ton (900 metric ton), five-sample/test stockpile has been established it shall be sealed. Additional incoming RAS or RAS blended with manufactured sand shall be stockpiled in a separate working pile as designated in the Quality Control plan and only added to the sealed stockpile when the test results of the working pile are complete and are found to meet the tolerances specified herein for the original sealed RAS stockpile. Before testing, each sample shall be split to obtain two test samples. One of the two test samples from the final split shall be labeled and stored for Department use. The Contractor shall perform a washed extraction and test for unacceptable materials on the other test sample according to Department procedures. The Engineer reserves the right to test any sample(split or Department-taken)to verify Contractor test results. If the sampling and testing was performed at the shingle processing facility in accordance with the QC Plan, the Contractor shall obtain and make available all of the test results from start of the initial stockpile. 1031.04 Evaluation of Tests. Evaluation of tests results shall be according to the following. (a) Evaluation of RAP/FRAP Test Results. All of the extraction results shall be compiled and averaged for asphalt binder content and gradation and, when applicable GR,,. Individual extraction test results, when compared to the averages, will be accepted if within the tolerances listed below. Parameter FRAP/Homogeneous Conglomerate"D" /Conglomerate Quality 1 in. (25 mm) ±5 1/2 in. (12.5 mm) ±8 % t15 % No. 4(4.75mm) ± 6 % ± 13 % No. 8(2.36 mm) ± 5 No. 16(1.18 mm) ± 15% No. 30(600 pm) ± 5 No. 200(75 pm) ±2.0 % ±4.0 % Asphalt Binder ±0.4 % ±0.5 % Gmm ±0.03 1/ The tolerance for FRAP shall be±0.3%. If more than 20 percent of the individual sieves and/or asphalt binder content tests are out of the above tolerances, the RAP/FRAP shall not be used in HMA unless the 4 RAP/FRAP representing the failing tests is removed from the stockpile. All test data and acceptance ranges shall be sent to the District for evaluation. With the approval of the Engineer, the ignition oven may be substituted for extractions according to the Illinois Test Procedure, "Calibration of the Ignition Oven for the Purpose of Characterizing Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement(RAP)". (b) Evaluation of RAS and RAS Blended with Manufactured Sand Test Results. All of the test results, with the exception of percent unacceptable materials, shall be compiled and averaged for asphalt binder content and gradation. Individual test results, when compared to the averages, will be accepted if within the tolerances listed below. Parameter RAS No. 8 2.36 mm ± 5% No. 16 1.18 mm ± 5 % No. 30 600 m ±4 % No. 200 75 m ± 2.0 % Asphalt Binder Content ± 1.5 % If more than 20 percent of the individual sieves and/or asphalt binder content tests are out of the above tolerances, or if the percent unacceptable material exceeds 0.5 percent by weight of material retained on the # 4 (4.75 mm) sieve, the RAS or RAS blend shall not be used in Department projects. All test data and acceptance ranges shall be sent to the District for evaluation. 1031.05 Quality Designation of Aggregate in RAP/FRAP. (a) RAP. The aggregate quality of the RAP for homogenous, conglomerate, and conglomerate "D"quality stockpiles shall be set by the lowest quality of coarse aggregate in the RAP stockpile and are designated as follows. (1) RAP from Class I, Superpave/HMA (High ESAL), or (Low ESAL) IL-9.51- surface mixtures are designated as containing Class B quality coarse aggregate. (2) RAP from Superpave/HMA (Low ESAL) IL-19.01- binder mixture is designated as Class D quality coarse aggregate. (3) RAP from Class I, Superpave/HMA (High ESAL) binder mixtures, bituminous base course mixtures, and bituminous base course widening mixtures are designated as containing Class C quality coarse aggregate. (4) RAP from bituminous stabilized subbase and BAM shoulders are designated as containing Class D quality coarse aggregate. (b) FRAP. If the Engineer has documentation of the quality of the FRAP aggregate, the Contractor shall use the assigned quality provided by the Engineer. • r + If the quality is not known, the quality shall be determined as follows. Coarse and fine FRAP stockpiles containing plus #4 (4.75 mm) sieve coarse aggregate shall have a maximum tonnage of 5,000 tons (4,500 metric tons). The Contractor shalt obtain a representative sample witnessed by the Engineer. The sample shall be a minimum of 50 lb (25 kg). The sample shall be extracted according to Illinois Modified AASHTO T 164 by a consultant prequalified by the Department for the specified testing. The consultant shall submit the test results along with the recovered aggregate to the District Office. The cost for this testing shall be paid by the Contractor. The District will forward the sample to the BMPR Aggregate Lab for MicroDeval Testing, according to Illinois Modified AASHTO T 327. A maximum loss of 15.0 percent will be applied for all HMA applications. 1031.06 Use of RAP/FRAP and/or RAS in HMA. The use of RAP/FRAP and/or RAS shall be a Contractor's option when constructing HMA in all contracts. (a) RAP/FRAP. The use of RAP/FRAP in HMA shall be as follows. (1) Coarse Aggregate Size. The coarse aggregate in all RAP shall be equal to or less than the nominal maximum size requirement for the HMA mixture to be produced. (2) Steel Slag Stockpiles. Homogeneous RAP stockpiles containing steel slag will be approved for use in all HMA (High ESAL and Low ESAL) Surface and Binder Mixture applications. (3) Use in HMA Surface Mixtures (High and Low ESAL). RAP/FRAP stockpiles for use in HMA surface mixtures (High and Low ESAL) shall be FRAP or homogeneous in which the coarse aggregate is Class B quality or better. RAP/FRAP from Conglomerate stockpiles shall be considered equivalent to limestone for frictional considerations. Known frictional contributions from plus#4 (4.75 mm) homogeneous RAP and FRAP stockpiles will be accounted for in meeting frictional requirements in the specified mixture. (4) Use in HMA Binder Mixtures (High and Low ESAL), HMA Base Course, and HMA Base Course Widening. RAP/FRAP stockpiles for use in HMA binder mixtures (High and Low ESAL), HMA base course, and HMA base course widening shall be FRAP, homogeneous, or conglomerate, in which the coarse aggregate is Class C quality or better. (5) Use in Shoulders and Subbase. RAP/FRAP stockpiles for use in HMA shoulders and stabilized subbase (HMA) shall be FRAP, homogeneous, conglomerate, or conglomerate DQ. (6) When the Contractor chooses the RAP option, the percentage of RAP shall not exceed the amounts indicated in Article 1031.06(c)(1) below for a given N Design. I i (b) RAS. RAS meeting Type 1 or Type 2 requirements will be permitted in all HMA applications as specified herein. (c) RAP/FRAP and/or RAS Usage Limits. Type 1 or Type 2 RAS may be used alone or in conjunction with RAP or FRAP in HMA mixtures up to a maximum of 5.0% by weight of the total mix. (1) RAP/RAS. When RAP is used alone or RAP is used in conjunction with RAS, the percentage of virgin asphalt binder replacement shall not exceed the amounts listed in the Max RAP/RAS ABR table listed below for the given Ndesign. RAP/RAS Maximum Asphalt Binder Replacement(ABR) Percentage HMA Mixtures '/-" RAP/RAS Maximum ABR % Ndesign Binder/Leveling Surface Polymer Modified Binder 30 30 30 10 50 25 15 10 70 15 10 10 90 10 10 10 105 10 10 10 1/ For HMA "All Other' (shoulder and stabilized subbase) N-30, the RAP/RAS ABR shall not exceed 50 percent of the mixture. 2/ When RAP/RAS ABR exceeds 20 percent, the high and low virgin asphalt binder grades shall each be reduced by one grade (i.e. 25 percent ABR would require a virgin asphalt binder grade of PG64-22 to be reduced to a PG58-28). If warm mix asphalt (WMA) technology is utilized, and production temperatures do not exceed 275 OF (135 °C) the high and low virgin asphalt binder grades shall each be reduced by one grade when RAP/RAS ABR exceeds 25 percent (i.e. 26 percent RAP/RAS ABR would require a virgin asphalt binder grade of PG64- 22 to be reduced to a PG58-28). (2) FRAP/RAS. When FRAP is used alone or FRAP is used in conjunction with RAS, the percentage of virgin asphalt binder replacement shall not exceed the amounts listed in the FRAP/RAS table listed below for the given N design. FRAP/RAS Maximum Asphalt Binder Replacement(ABR) Percentage HMA Mixtures FRAP/RAS Maximum ABR % 1/,2/ Ndesign Binder/Leveling Surface Polymer Modified Binder 30 50 40 10 ' f ' .s 50 40 35 10 70 40 30 10 90 40 30 10 105 40 30 10 1/ For HMA "All Other" (shoulder and stabilized subbase) N30, the FRAP/RAS ABR shall not exceed 50 percent of the mixture. 2/ When FRAP/RAS ABR exceeds 20 percent for all mixes the high and low virgin asphalt binder grades shall each be reduced by one grade (i.e. 25 percent ABR would require a virgin asphalt binder grade of PG64-22 to be reduced to a PG58-28). If warm mix asphalt (WMA) technology is utilized, and production temperatures do not exceed 275 OF (135 °C) the high and low virgin asphalt binder grades shall each be reduced by one grade when FRAP/RAS ABR exceeds 25 percent (i.e. 26 percent ABR would require a virgin asphalt binder grade of PG64-22 to be reduced to a PG58-28). 3/ For SMA the FRAP/RAS ABR shall not exceed 20 percent. 4/ For IL-4.75 mix the FRAP/RAS ABR shall not exceed 30 percent. 1031.07 HMA Mix Designs. At the Contractor's option, HMA mixtures may be constructed utilizing RAP/FRAP and/or RAS material meeting the detailed requirements specified herein. (a) RAP/FRAP and/or RAS. RAP/FRAP and/or RAS mix designs shall be submitted for verification. If additional RAP/FRAP stockpiles are tested and found that no more than 20 percent of the results, as defined under "Testing" herein, are outside of the control tolerances set for the original RAP/FRAP stockpile and HMA mix design, and meets all of the requirements herein, the additional RAP/FRAP stockpiles may be used in the original mix design at the percent previously verified. (b) RAS. Type 1 and Type 2 RAS are not interchangeable in a mix design. A RAS stone bulk specific gravity(Gsb) of 2.500 shall be used for mix design purposes. 1031.08 HMA Production. HMA production utilizing RAP/FRAP and/or RAS shall be as follows. (a) RAP/FRAP. The coarse aggregate in all RAP/FRAP used shall be equal to or less than the nominal maximum size requirement for the HMA mixture being produced. To remove or reduce agglomerated material, a scalping screen, gator, crushing unit, or comparable sizing device approved by the Engineer shall be used in the RAP feed system to remove or reduce oversized material. If material passing the sizing device adversely affects the mix production or quality of the mix, the sizing device shall be set at a size specified by the Engineer. � f If the RAP/FRAP control tolerances or QC/QA test results require corrective action, the Contractor shall cease production of the mixture containing RAP/FRAP and either switch to the virgin aggregate design or submit a new RAP/FRAP design. (b) RAS. RAS shall be incorporated into the HMA mixture either by a separate weight depletion system or by using the RAP weigh belt. Either feed system shall be interlocked with the aggregate feed or weigh system to maintain correct proportions for all rates of production and batch sizes. The portion of RAS shall be controlled accurately to within ±0.5 percent of the amount of RAS utilized. When using the weight depletion system, flow indicators or sensing devices shall be provided and interlocked with the plant controls such that the mixture production is halted when RAS flow is interrupted. (c) RAP/FRAP and/or RAS. HMA plants utilizing RAP/FRAP and/or RAS shall be capable of automatically recording and printing the following information. (1) Dryer Drum Plants. a. Date, month, year, and time to the nearest minute for each print. b. HMA mix number assigned by the Department. c. Accumulated weight of dry aggregate (combined or individual) in tons (metric tons)to the nearest 0.1 ton (0.1 metric ton). d. Accumulated dry weight of RAP/FRAP/RAS in tons (metric tons) to the nearest 0.1 ton (0.1 metric ton). e. Accumulated mineral filler in revolutions, tons (metric tons), etc. to the nearest 0.1 unit. f. Accumulated asphalt binder in gallons (liters), tons (metric tons), etc. to the nearest 0.1 unit. g. Residual asphalt binder in the RAP/FRAP material as a percent of the total mix to the nearest 0.1 percent. h. Aggregate and RAP/FRAP moisture compensators in percent as set on the control panel. (Required when accumulated or individual aggregate and RAP/FRAP are printed in wet condition.) (2) Batch Plants. a. Date, month, year, and time to the nearest minute for each print. b. HMA mix number assigned by the Department. -a c. Individual virgin aggregate hot bin batch weights to the nearest pound (kilogram). d. Mineral filler weight to the nearest pound (kilogram). e. RAP/FRAP/RAS weight to the nearest pound (kilogram). f. Virgin asphalt binder weight to the nearest pound (kilogram). g. Residual asphalt binder in the RAP/FRAP/RAS material as a percent of the total mix to the nearest 0.1 percent. The printouts shall be maintained in a file at the plant for a minimum of one year or as directed by the Engineer and shall be made available upon request. The printing system will be inspected by the Engineer prior to production and verified at the beginning of each construction season thereafter. 1031.09 RAP in Aggregate Surface Course and Aggregate Shoulders. The use of RAP in aggregate surface course (temporary access entrances only) and aggregate wedge shoulders Type B shall be as follows. (a) Stockpiles and Testing. RAP stockpiles may be any of those listed in Article 1031.02, except "Non-Quality" and "FRAP". The testing requirements of Article 1031.03 shall not apply. RAP used to construct aggregate surface course and aggregate shoulders shall be according to the current Bureau of Materials and Physical Research's Policy Memorandum, "Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement(RAP)for Aggregate Applications". (b) Gradation. One hundred percent of the RAP material shall pass the 1 1/2 in. (37.5 mm) sieve. The RAP material shall be reasonably well graded from coarse to fine. RAP material that is gap-graded or single sized will not be accepted." 80306 s Y BDE SPECIAL PROVISIONS For the January 15 and March 4, 2016 Lettings The following special provisions indicated by an Y are applicable to this contract and will be included by the Project Development and Implementation Section of the BD&E. An*indicates a new or revised special provision for the letting. File Name # Special Provision Title Effective Revised 80240 1 Above Grade Inlet Protection July 1, 2009 Jan. 1,2012 80099 2 Accessible Pedestrian Signals(APS) Aril 1,2003 Jan. 1,2014 80192 4 Automated Flagger Assistance Device Jan. 1, 2008 80173 5 Bituminous Materials Cost Adjustments Nov. 2, 2006 July 1,2015 80241 6 Bridge Demolition Debris July 1, 2009 50261 7 Building Removal-Case I(Non-Friable and Friable Asbestos) Sept. 1, 1990 April 1, 2010 50481 8 Building Removal-Case II (Non-Friable Asbestos) Sept. 1, 1990 April 1,2010 50491 9 Building Removal-Case III (Friable Asbestos) Sept. 1, 1990 April 1,2010 50531 10 Building Removal-Case IV(No Asbestos) Sept. 1, 1990 April 1,2010 80360 11 Coarse Aggregate Quality July 1, 2015 80310 12 Coated Galvanized Steel Conduit Jan. 1, 2013 Jan. 1,2015 80341 13 Coilable Nonmetallic Conduit Aug. 1, 2014 Jan. 1,2015 80198 14 Completion Date(via calendar days) April 1,2008 80199 15 Completion Date(via calendar days)Plus Working Days April 1, 2008 80293 16 Concrete Box Culverts with Skews> 30 Degrees and Design Fills:5 5 April 1, 2012 April 1, 2015 Feet 80294 17 Concrete Box Culverts with Skews:5 30 Degrees Regardless of April 1,2012 April 1, 2014 Design Fill and Skews>30 Degrees with Design Fills>5 Feet 80311 18 Concrete End Sections for Pipe Culverts Jan. 1, 2013 80334 19 Concrete Gutter, Curb, Median, and Paved Ditch April 1, 2014 Aug. 1,2014 80277 20 Concrete Mix Design-Department Provided Jan. 1, 2012 Jan. 1, 2014 80261 21 Construction Air Quality-Diesel Retrofit June 1, 2010 Nov. 1, 2014 80335 22 Contract Claims April 1, 2014 80029 23 Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Participation Sept. 1, 2000 Jan. 2, 2015 80358 24 Equal Employment Opportunity April 1, 2015 80265 25 Friction Aggregate Jan. 1, 2011 Nov. 1, 2014 80229 26 Fuel Cost Adjustment April 1, 2009 July 1, 2015 80329 27 Glare Screen Jan. 1, 2014 80304 28 Grooving for Recessed Pavement Markings Nov. 1, 2012 Aug. 1, 2014 80246 29 Hot-Mix Asphalt-Density Testing of Longitudinal Joints Jan. 1, 2010 April 1, 2012 80322 30 Hot-Mix Asphalt-Mixture Design Composition and Volumetric Nov. 1, 2013 Nov. 1, 2014 Requirements 80323 31 Hot-Mix Asphalt-Mixture Design Verification and Production Nov. 1, 2013 Nov. 1, 2014 80347 32 Hot-Mix Asphalt-Pay for Performance Using Percent Within Limits- Nov. 1,2014 July 1,2015 Jobsite Sampling 80348 33 Hot-Mix Asphalt-Prime Coat Nov. 1, 2014 80315 34 Insertion Lining of Culverts Jan. 1, 2013 Nov. 1,2013 80351 35 Light Tower Jan. 1, 2015 80336 36 Longitudinal Joint and Crack Patching April 1, 2014 80324 37 LRFD Pipe Culvert Burial Tables Nov. 1, 2013 April 1, 2015 80325 38 LRFD Storm Sewer Burial Tables Nov. 1, 2013 April 1,2015 80045 39 Material Transfer Device June 15, 1999 Aug. 1, 2014 80342 40 Mechanical Side Tie Bar Inserter Aug. 1, 2014 Jan. 1, 2015 80165 41 Moisture Cured Urethane Paint System Nov. 1, 2006 Jan. 1, 2010 80361 42 Overhead Sign Structures Certification of Metal Fabricator Nov. 1, 2015 80337 43 Paved Shoulder Removal April 1, 2014 BID TABULATION RESULT Hot mix asphalt and Bituminous premix for maintenance use _ 3/11/2016 11:00 AM ED D Construction 1488 S. Broadway Coal City, IL 60416 Approx Item Quantity Unit Price Approximate Cost Hot Mix Asphalt 200 TON $42.00 $8,400.00 Bit. Premix(cold Patch) 150 TON $115.00 $17,250.00 VENDOR TOTAL $25,650.00 Geneva Const. P.O. Box 998 Aurora, IL 60507 Approx Item Quantity Unit Price Approximate Cost Hot Mix Asphalt 200 TON $52.00 $10,400.00 Bit. Premix(cold Patch) 150 TON $103.00 $15,450.00 VENDOR TOTAL $25,850.00 Builders Asphalt 4413 Roosevelt Rd.Suite 108 Hillside, IL 60162 Approx Item Quantity Unit Price Approximate Cost Hot Mix Asphalt 200 TON $48.00 $9,600.00 Bit. Premix(cold Patch) 150 TON $120.00 $18,000.00 VENDOR TOTAL $27,600.00 1E C E I V E MAR 28 Fxdi(,o C3 - !OvaP11. Qr : Illinois Department of Transportation Office of Highways Project Implementation ! Region 2/District 3 700 East Norris Drive/Ottawa, Illinois 61350-1628 April 6, 2016 Ms. Beth Warren, City Clerk City of Yorkville 800 Game Farm Rd. Yorkville, IL 60560 Municipal - MFT City of Yorkville Section No. 16-00000-00-GM Dear Ms. Warren: The supplemental resolution adopted by the Mayor and City Council of Yorkville on March 24, 2016 appropriating $257,650.00 of Motor Fuel Tax funds for the maintenance of streets and highways in the city from May 1, 2016 to April 30, 2017 was approved on April 6, 2016. With the additional funds appropriated above, a total of$557,650.00 of Motor Fuel Tax funds has been appropriated for this improvement. The supplemental Municipal Estimate of Maintenance Costs for$257,650.00 and the Maintenance Engineering statement were approved on April 6, 2016. This maintenance program is approved with the understanding that any claims for labor and equipment for day labor and routine maintenance will be on file and available for compliance review by Local Roads and Streets and for audit by the Bureau of Investigations and Compliance. Authorization to expend an additional $257,650.00 of Motor Fuel Tax funds for maintenance for this section has been approved and should appear on the city's next Motor Fuel Tax transaction detail. Authorization to expend additional Motor Fuel Tax funds will be given upon approval of a contract and/or an Acceptance of Proposal to Furnish Materials and Approval of Award (BLR 12330)for this section. Bids are required for purchases of materials if the expenditures exceed $20,000 during any maintenance period either(1)for the same type of materials, or(2) from any one vendor if the purchase includes the placement or incorporation of the materials. Ms. Beth Warren Page Two April 6, 2016 Please be advised that ALL projects involving pavement alterations and/or replacement/repair of sidewalks shall have curb ramps that comply with the current Americans with Disabilities Act(ADA) Guidelines. For Group IV items, the Contractor's Certificate of Eligibility must be submitted with the fully executed contract when prequalification was a bidding requirement. If you have any questions, please contact Dan Meagher at (815)433-7088. Sincerely, Paul A. Loete, P.E. Region Two Engineer ,1�,J A Q0 By: Donald R. Ernat, P.E. Local Roads and Streets Engineer cc: Compliance Review