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Resolution 2006-031
fib' 3 Y Resolution for Maintenance of OV) Illinois Department Streets and Highways by Municipality of Transportation Under the Illinois Highway Code BE IT RESOLVED, by the Mayor and City Council of the (Council or President and Board of Trustees) United City of Yorkville Illinois, that there is hereby (City, Town or Village) (Name) appropriated the sum of $88,375.00 of Motor Fuel Tax funds for the purpose of maintaining streets and highways under the applicable provisions of the Illinois Highway Code from May 1, 2006 (Date) to April 30, 2007 (Date) BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that only those streets, highways, and operations as listed and described on the approved Municipal Estimate of Maintenance Costs, including supplemental or revised estimates approved in connection with this resolution, are eligible for maintenance with Motor Fuel Tax funds during the period as specified above. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk shall, as soon a practicable after the close of the period as given above, submit to the Department of Transportation, on forms furnished by said Department, a certified statement showing expenditures from and balances remaining in the account(s) for this period; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk shall immediately transmit two certified copies of this resolution to the district office of the Department of Transportation, at Ottawa Illinois. M� Clerk in and forthe vZez�-C-� " (City, Town or Village) of p k LLB , County of VEla�`i hereby certify the foregoing to be a true, perfect and complete copy of a resolution adopted by the (!Zy ` at a meeting on (Council or President and Board of Trustees) Date IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this o1s day of %C4 . (SEAL) �� Clerk U (City, TowA or Village) Authorized MFT Expenditure `� � / �2- © 6 Date Department of Transportation /1tegional Engineer Page 1 of 1 BLR 14230 (Rev. 9/05) Printed on 3/21/2006 2:35:08 PM Illinois Department Municipal Estimate of of Transportation Maintenance Costs Section Number 06 - 00000 - 00 - GM Period from 05/01/2006 to 04/30/2007 Municipality Yorkville Estimated Cost of Maintenance Operations Maintenance For Group L II, or III (Material. Equipment or Labor) Operation Group Unit Operation (No. — Description) (I,II,I1i,IV) Item Unit Quantity Price Cost Cost Bituminous Patching II Bituminous Cold Patch ton 75 85.00 6375.00 6.375.00 It Class 1 Surface Course ton 100 36.00 3600.00 3,600.00 Signs, Posts & Hardware /I Various Street Signs ea 100 50.00 5000.00 5,000.00 V Sign Posts ea 100 28.00 2800.00 2,800.00 II Brackets and Hardware ea 100 18.00 1800.00 1,800.00 Snow Removal Bulk Rock Salt Ton 1600 43.00 68800.00 68,800.00 I I I Salt bid through Kendall County Highway Dept. Bid will be sent when I t completed I � I I I I I I I I I I I Total Day Labor Costs Total Estimated Maintenance Operation Cost $88,375.00 Preliminary Engineering Engineering Inspection Material Testing Total Estimated Engineering Cost Total Estimated Maintenance Cost 68,375 Do Submitted: A 0014 Approved: 7006 r Date 0 � By: / Director -�,� Municipal Official Title // RZ f nal Engineer Submit Four (4) Copies to Regional Engineer V (� Page 1 of 1 BLR 14231 (Rev. 7/05) Printed on 3/21/2006 2:36:37 PM Illinois Department of Transportation Division of Highways / Region 2 / District 3 700 East Norris Dnve / Ottawa, Illinois / 61350 -0697 Telephone 815/434 -6131 May 4, 2006 Mr. Eric Dhuse Director of Public Works 800 Game Farm Road Yorkville, IL 60560 CITY -MFT Yorkville Section 06- 00000 -00 -GM Dear Mr. Dhuse: The resolution adopted by the City Council of Yorkville on April 25, 2006 appropriating $88,375.00 of Motor Fuel Tax funds for the maintenance of streets and highways in the city from May 1, 2006 to April 30, 2007 was approved today. The municipal estimate of maintenance costs for $88,375.00 was approved today. Authorization to expend $88,375.00 of Motor Fuel Tax funds for this section has been approved and should appear on the city's next Motor Fuel Tax computer printout. Bids are required for purchases of materials if the expenditures exceed $20,000 during any maintenance period either (1) for the same type of materials, or (2) from any one vendor if the purchase includes the placement or incorporation of the material. If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact Mrs. Kelly Vlastnik at 815 - 434 -8575. Sincerely, Gregory L. Mounts, P.E. Deputy Director of Highways Region Two Engineer 4 ,e✓ By: Kenneth R. Lang, P. E. & District Local Roads Streets Engineer cc: Debra Baxter, MFT Auditor KV:jm /Yorkville06- 00000 -00 -GM Illinois Department of Transportation Special Provisions The following Special Provisions supplement the "Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction ", Adopted January 1, 2002 , the latest edition of the "Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways ", and the "Manual of Test Procedures of Materials" in effect on the date of invitation of bids, and the Supplemental Specifications and Recurring Special Provisions indicated on the Check Sheet included here in which apply to and govern the construction of 06- 00000 -00 -GM , and in case parts, of said Specifications, the said Special Provisions shall take precedence and shall governof conflict with any part, or Premix Patching Material (hot mix) The patching material shall comply with the Secifications for Bituminous Class I Plant Mix conforming to Section 406 of the Standard Specifications, or equal, subject to approval of the Engineer. Premix Patching Material (Cold Mix) - Furnish Only Athis item is for furnishing Premix Material (cold mix) for streets F.O.B. City trucks at source. The basis of payment will be the contract unit price per ton for Premix Patching Material (cold mix) which price shall include furnishing, loadin and wei trucks furnished by the City at the plant in quantities required. g ghmg in Page 1 of 1 Printed on 4/27/2006 7:27:37 AM BLR 11310 (Rev. 7/05) CHECK SHEET FOR RECURRING SPECIAL PROVISIONS Adopted March 1, 2005 The following RECURRING SPECIAL PROVISIONS indicated by an "X" are applicable to this contract and are included by reference: CHECK SHEET # RECURRING SPECIAL PROVISIONS 1 ❑ State Required Contract Provision All Federal-aid Construction Contracts (Eff. 2 -1 -69) (Rev. 10- 1- 83) ..... PAGE PAGE NO. 2 ❑ ) ( ) Subletting of Contracts (Federal Aid Contracts) (Eff. 1-1-88) Rev. 5 -1 -93 ••••••••• "......••••.. 80 3 El EEO (Eff. 7- 21 -78) (Rev. 11 -18 -80 ........................ ............................... 82 4 ❑ Specific Equal Employment Opportunity Responsibilities Non Federal -aid Contracts (Eff. 3- 20 -69) (Rev. 1-1 -94) 83 ) (Rev. 4 -1 -93 5 ❑ Required Provisions - State Contracts (Eff. 4 -1 -65 " " " " " "" 94 6 Reserved ) ..................................................................... ............................... 100 ................... ............................... 7 Asphalt Quantities and Cost Reviews (Eff. 7-1-88) "'° ............••• °••• ••••••............• 105 8 El Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit (Eff 7 -1 -94 Rev. 1 -1 -03 " " " "" 106 9 ❑ Haul Road Stream Crossings, Other Temporary Stream Crossings, and In Stream Work Pads (Eff. 1-2-92) (Rev. 1-1-98) 108 10 ❑ Construction Layout Stakes Except for Structure" (Eff. 1-1-99) (Rev.1 -1 -02 11 ❑ Construction Layout Stakes (Eff. 5 -1 -93) (Rev. 1-1-02) ) "' ...................................... 109 12 El Use of Geotextile Fabric for Railroad Crossing (Eff, 1-1-95) (Rev. 1-1-97) " " "" " " " "" .. .........., 112 13 El Asphaltic Emulsion Slurry Seal and Fibrated Asphaltic Emulsion Slurry Seal (Eff. 8 -1 89 Rev. 2 -1 -97 115 14 El ......... Bituminous Surface Treatment Half -Smart (Eff. 7 -1 -93) (Rev. 1-1-97) ) ( ) "" °••• °••••. 117 ................................. ............................... 123 15 0 Quality Control /Quality Assurance of Bituminous Concrete Mixtures (Eff. 1 -1 -00) (Rev. 3 -1 -05) ....................................... 129 16 El Subsealing of Concrete Pavements (Eff. 11 -1 -84) (Rev. 2-1-95) 17 ❑ Bituminous Surface Removal (Cold Milling) (Eff. 11 -1 -87) (Rev)10 -15 - 97 ......• "• "• " " " " " " "" 148 18 El Resurfacing of Milled Surfaces Eff. 10-1 -95 ••• ° ..................••.•••••. 152 19 ❑ PCC Partial Depth Bituminous Patching (Eff)1 -1 -98) ......................................................... ............................... 154 20 El Patching with Bituminous Overlay Removal (Eff. 10 =1 -95) (Rev. 7 -1 -99 155 21 Reserved ) ........................................................... ............................... 157 ................. ............................... 22 Protective Shield System (Eff. 4 1 -95) (Rev. 1-1-03) ............•.• 159 23 El Polymer Concrete (Eff. 8 -1 -95) (Rev. 3 -1 -05) . ......................................................................................... ............................... 160 24 ❑ Controlled Low Strength Material (CLSM) (Eff. 1 -1 -90) (Rev. 3 -1 -05) ............ ............................... 162 25 ❑ Pipe Underdrains (Eff. 9 -9 -87) (Rev. 1 -1 -98) 164 26 ❑ Guardrail and Barrier Wall Delineation (Eff. 12- 15 -93) (Rev. 1-1-97) ° ° 169 27 [1 Bicycle Bicycle Racks (Eff. 4 -1 -94) (Rev. 1 -1 -97 ................................................................. ............................... 170 28 Reserved ........................................................................................................... ............................... 175 29 Reserved ............ ............................... 177 30 178 Reserved ................................................ ............................... 31 ❑ Night Time Inspection of Roadway Lighting (Eff. 5 179 32 Reserved .................................................... ............................... 180 ........................ ............................... 33 El English Substitution of Metric Bolts (Eff. 7 -1 -96 .................................... ............................... 182 ................. ............................... 181 34 El Substitution of Metric Reinforcement Bars (Eff. 4 -1 -96) (Rev. 1-1-03) 35 El Polymer Modified Emulsified Asphalt (Eff. 5- 15 -89) (Rev.1 -1 04 " " " " " ".. 183 36 El Corrosion Inhibitor (Eff. 3 -1 -80) (Rev. 7 -1 -99 ) ...................................... ............................... 185 37 ❑ QC of Concrete Mixtures at the Plant - Single A (Eff. 8 -1 -00) (Rev. 1 -1 -04 ) 187 38 ❑ QC of Concrete Mixtures at the Plant - Double A (Eff. 8 -1 -00) (Rev. 1-1-04) " " " " " "' ........... 188 ........ ............ ............................... 39 El Quality Control/Quality Assurance of Concrete Mixtures (Eff. 4 -1 -92) (Rev. 3 -1 -05) 5) 194 ��••••�•• " " " " " " " "" 40 ❑ Traffic Barrier Terminal Type 1, Special (Eff. 8 -1 -94) (Rev. 1 03 " " "' ..... ............................... 202 41 Reserved ) ................................................................... ............................... 215 ............................................................................. ............................... 42 Segregation Control of Bituminous Concrete (Eff. 7-15-97) 216 43 Reserved ............................................................................... ............................... 217 ............................................................................................................................................. ............................... 220 CHECK SHEET FOR RECURRING LOCAL ROADS AND STREETS SPECIAL PROVISIONS Adopted March 1, 2005 The following RECURRING LOCAL ROADS AND STREETS SPECIAL PROVISIONS indicated by an "X" are applicable to this contract and are included by reference: RECURRING LOCAL ROADS AND STREETS SPECIAL PROVISIONS CHECK SHEET # LRS 1 ❑ Cooperation With Utilities (Eff. 1 -1 -99) (Rev. 1-1-02 PAGE NO. ) LRS 2 ❑ Furnished Excavation (Eff. 1 -1 -99) (Rev. 1 -1 -02 .............................................. ............................... ............ 222 LRS 3 ® Construction Zone Traffic Control (Eff. 1- 1 -99) "' " " " "" .................. ............................... 224 LRS4 ❑ .................................................................................................. . Flaggers in Work Zones (Eff. 1 -1 -99) ....................................................................................... .............................. 225 .......................... ............................... 226 LRS 5 Reserved .............. ............................... LRS6 ❑ ........................................................................................ ... . .. Bidding Requirements and Conditions for Contract Proposals (Eff. 1 -1 -02) .. ...... ............... .......... " " " " " "" 227 LRS 7 X Bidding Requirements and Conditions for Material Proposals (Rev.1 -1 -03 ... ............ LRS 8 El Failure to Complete the Work on Time (Eff. 1-1-99) ) ................... 228 " " " " "" 234 LRS 9 El Bituminous Surface Treatments (Eff. 1 -1 -99 ........................................................................................... ............................... 240 LRS10 9 YP ( ) .................................... ...............:............... Reflective Sheetin T e C Eff. 1 -1 -99) (Rev. 1-1-02) ••• ••• ........................•••• 241 LRS 11 Employment Practices (Eff. 1 -1 -99 ) " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " """ ........... ............................... 242 El )...... .......... 9) ......................................................... ....................:.......... •• Wages of to Employees on Public Works (Eff. 1 -1 -99) •••••••• ............... ••••• 245 243 LRS 12 .................................................... 1..................................... . •••••• ................••••�••••••• .............. LRS 13 Selection of Labor (Eff. 1-1-99) .......................................................................................................................... ............................... 246 CHECK SHEET LRS3 State of Illinois Department of Transportation Bureau of Local Roads and Streets SPECIAL PROVISION FOR CONSTRUCTION ZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL Effective: January 1, 1999 Revise Article 701.04(b)(2) of the Standard Specifications to read: "The Contractor shall conduct inspections of the worksite at � frequency that will allow for the timely replacement of any traffic control device that has become displaced, worn or damaged. A sufficient quantity of replacement devices, based on vulnerability to damage, shall be readily available to meet this requirement." Delete Articles 701.07 (d) and Article 701.08 (e) of the Standard Specifications. 225 CHECK SHEET LRS7 State of Illinois Department of Transportation Bureau of Local Roads and Streets SPECIAL PROVISION FOR BIDDING REQUIREMENTS AND CONDITIONS FOR MATERIAL PROPOSALS Effective: January 1, 2002 Revised: January 1, 2003 Preaualification of Bidders. County or Municipality. When prequalification is required and the awarding authority for contract construction work is the County Board of a County, the Council, the City Council, or the President and Board of Trustees of a city, village, or town, each prospective bidder, in evidence of competence, shall furnish the awarding authority as a prerequisite to the release of proposal forms by the awarding authority, a certified or photostatic copy of a "Certificate of Eligibility" issued by the Department of Transportation, in accordance with the Department's " Prequalifcation Manual ". The two low bidders must file, within 24 hours after the letting, a sworn affidavit in triplicate, showing all uncompleted contracts awarded to them and all low bids pending award for Federal, State, County, Municipal and private work, using the blank form made available for this affidavit. One copy shall be filed with the awarding authority and two copies with the District office. Issuance of Proposal Forms. The Awarding Authority reserves the right to refuse to issue a proposal form for bidding purposes for any of the following reasons: (a) Lack of competency and adequate machinery, plant, and other equipment, as revealed by the financial statement and experience questionnaires required in prequalification procedures. (b) Uncompleted work which, in the judgement of the Awarding Authority, might hinder or prevent the prompt completion of additional work awarded. (c) False information provided on a bidder's "Affidavit of Availability ". (d) Failure to pay, or satisfactorily settle, all bills due for labor and material on former contracts in force at the time of issuance of proposal forms. (e) Failure to comply with any prequalification regulations of the Department. (f) Default under previous contracts. (g) Unsatisfactory performance record as shown by past work for the Awarding Authority, judged from the standpoint of workmanship and progress. 234 CHECK SHEET LRS7 (h) When the Contractor is suspended from eligibility to bid at a public letting where the contract is awarded by, or requires approval of, the Department. (i) When any agent, servant, or employee of the prospective bidder currently serves as a member, employee, or agent of a governmental body that is financially involved in the proposal work. (j) When any agent, servant, or employee of the perspective bidder has participated in the preparation of plans or specifications for the proposed work. Interpretation of Quantities in the Bid Schedule. The quantities appearing in the bid schedule are approximate and are prepared for the comparison of bids. Payment to the Contractor will be made only for the actual quantities of work performed and accepted or materials furnished according to the contract. The scheduled quantities of work to be done and materials to be furnished may be increased, decreased or omitted as hereinafter provided: Examination of Material Proposal, Specifications, Special Provisions, and Site of Work. The bidder shall, before submitting a bid, carefully examine the provisions of the proposal. The bidder shall inspect in detail the site of the proposed work, investigate and become familiar with all the local conditions affecting the work and fully acquaint themselves with the detailed requirements of the work. Submission of a bid shall be a conclusive assurance and warranty the bidder has made these examinations and the bidder understands all requirements for the performance of the work. If his /her bid is accepted, the bidder will be responsible for all errors in the proposal resulting from his /her failure or neglect to comply with these instructions. The Awarding Authority will, in no case, be responsible for any costs, expenses, losses, or change in anticipated profits resulting from such failure or neglect of the bidder to make these examinations. The bidder shall take no advantage of any error or omission in the proposal. Any prospective bidder who desires an explanation or interpretation of the specification, or any of the documents, shall request such in writing from the Awarding Authority, in sufficient time to allow a written reply by the Awarding Authority that can reach all prospective bidders before the submission of their bids. Any reply given a prospective bidder concerning any of the documents and specifications will be furnished to all prospective bidders in the form determined by the Awarding Authority including, but not limited to, an addendum, if the information is deemed by the Awarding Authority to be necessary in submitting bids or if the Awarding Authority concludes the information would aid competition. Oral explanations, interpretations or instructions given before the submission of bids unless at a prebid conference will not be binding on the Awarding Authority. Preparation of the Proposal. Bidders shall submit their proposals on the form furnished by the Awarding Authority. The proposal shall be executed properly, and bids shall be made for all items indicated in the proposal form, except when alternate bids are asked, a bid on more than one alternate for each item is not required, unless 235 i CHECK SHEET LRS7 otherwise provided. The bidder shall indicate in figures, a unit price for each of the separate items called for in the proposal form; the bidder shall show the products of the respective quantities and unit prices in the column provided for that purpose, and the gross sum shown in the place indicated in the proposal form shall be the summation of said products. All writing shall be with ink or typewriter, except the signature of the bidder which shall be written in ink. When prequalification is required, the proposal form shall be submitted by an authorized bidder in the same name and style as shown on the "Contractor's Statement of Experience and Financial Condition" used for prequalification and shall be submitted in like manner. Reiection of Proposals. The Awarding Authority reserves thg right to reject any proposal for any of the conditions in "Issuance of Proposal Forms" or for any of the following reasons: (a) More than one proposal for the same work from an individual, firm, partnership, or corporation under the same name or different names. (b) Evidence of collusion among bidders. (c) Unbalanced proposals in which the bid prices for some items are, in the judgement of the Awarding Authority, out of proportion to the bid prices for other items. (d) If the proposal does not contain a unit price for each pay item listed except in the case of authorized alternate pay items or lump sum pay items. (e) If the proposal form is other than that furnished by the Awarding Authority; or if the form is altered or any part thereof is detached. (f) If there are omissions, erasures, alterations, unauthorized additions, conditional or alternate bids, or irregularities of any kind which may tend to make the proposal incomplete, indefinite or ambiguous as to its meaning. (g) If the bidder adds any provisions reserving the right to accept or reject an award, or to enter into a contract pursuant to an award. (i) If the proposal is not accompanied by the proper proposal guaranty. (i) If the proposal is prepared with other than ink or typewriter, or otherwise fails to meet the requirements of the above "Preparation of Proposal" section. I 236 �I i CHECK SHEET LRS7 Proposal Guarantv. Each proposal shall be accompanied by a bid bond on the Department form contained in the proposal, executed by a corporate surety company satisfactory to the Awarding Authority, by a bank cashier's check or a properly certified check for not less than five percent of the amount bid, or for the amount specified in the following schedule: Amount Bid Proposal Guaranty Up to $5,000 $150 $5,000 $10,000 $300 $10,000 $50,000 $1,000 $50,000 $100,000 $3,000 $100,000 $150,000 $5,000 $150,000 $250,000 $7,500 $250,000 $500,000 $12;500 $500,000 $1,000,000 $25,000 $1,000,000 $1,500,000 $50,000 $1,500,000 $2,000,000 $75,000 $2,000,000 $3,000,000 $100,000 $3,000,000 $5,000,000 $150,000 $5,000,000 $7,500,000 $250,000 $7,500,000 $10,000,000 $400,000 $10,000,000 $15,000,000 $500,000 $15,000,000 $20,000,000 $600,000 $20,000,000 $25,000,000 $700,000 $25,000,000 $30,000,000 $800,000 $30,000,000 $35,000,000 $900,000 Over $35,000,000 $1,000,000 In the event that one proposal guaranty check is intended to cover two or more proposals, the amount must equal to the sum of the proposal guaranties which would be required for each individual proposal. Bank cashier's checks or properly certified checks accompanying proposals shall be made payable to the County Treasurer, when a County is the awarding authority; or the City, Village, or Town Treasurer, when a city, village, or town is the awarding authority. If this proposal contains various groups and the bidder has the option of bidding on one or several groups, the bidder may provide a separate proposal guaranty for each group or combination of groups in lieu of a single proposal guaranty to cover the amount bid for the entire proposal. Each proposal guaranty shall identify the groups covered by the individual proposal guaranty. The required value of the proposal guaranty shall be based on the sum of the total bids for each group covered by the individual proposal guaranty. 237 CHECK SHEET LRS7 The proposal guaranty checks of all except the two lowest responsible will be returned promptly after the proposals have been checked, tabulated, and the relation of the proposals established. Proposal guaranty checks of the two lowest bidders will be returned as soon as the contract and contract bond of the successful bidder have been properly executed and approved. If a contract bond is not required, the proposal guaranty check will be held in lieu thereof. Bid bonds will not be returned. The awarding authority may deny the use of a bid bond as a proposal guaranty but may not further restrict the proposal guaranty. The Notice of Material Letting will state whether a bid bond is allowed. Delivery of Proposals. If a special envelope is supplied by the Awarding Authority, each proposal should be submitted in that envelop? furnished by the Awarding Authority and the blank spaces on the envelope shall be filled in correctly to clearly indicate its contents. When an envelope other than the special one furnished by the Awarding Authority is used, it shall be marked to clearly indicate its contents. When sent by mail, the sealed proposal shall be addressed to the Awarding Authority at the address and in care of the official in whose office the bids are to be received. All proposals shall be filed prior to the time and at the place specified in the Notice to Bidders. Proposals received after the time specified will be returned to the bidder unopened. Withdrawal of Proposals. Permission will be given a bidder to withdraw a proposal if the bidder makes the request in writing or in person before the time for opening proposals. Public Openina of Proposals. Proposals will be opened and read publicly at the time and place specified in the Notice to Bidders. Bidders, their authorized agents and other interested parties are invited to be present. Consideration of Proposals. After the proposals are opened and read, they will be compared on the basis of the summation of the products of the quantities shown in the bid schedule by the unit bid prices. In the event of a discrepancy between unit bid prices and extensions, the unit bid price shall govern. In awarding the supply of materials, the Awarding Authority will, in addition to considering the amounts stated in the proposals, take into consideration the responsibility of the various bidders as determined from a study of the data required under "Prequalification of Bidders ", and from other investigations which it may elect to make. The right is reserved to reject any or all proposals, to waive technicalities or to advertise for new proposals, if in the judgement of the Awarding Authority, the best interests of the Awarding Authority will be promoted thereby. Acceptance of Proposal to Furnish Material. The award will be made within 45 calendar days after the opening of proposals to the lowest responsible and qualified bidder whose proposal complies with all the requirements prescribed. The successful bidder will be notified by letter of intent that his /her bid has been accepted, and subject to the following conditions, the bidder will be the Contractor or Supplier. 238 CHECK SHEET LRS7 An acceptance of proposal to furnish materials executed by the Awarding Authority is required before the Awarding Authority is bound. An award may be cancelled any time by the Awarding Authority prior to execution in order to protect the public interest and integrity of the bidding process or for any other reason if, in the judgement of the Awarding Authority, the best interests of the Awarding Authority will be promoted thereby. If a material proposal is not awarded within 45 days after the opening of proposals, bidders may file a written request with the Awarding Authority for the withdrawal of their bid, and the Awarding Authority will permit such withdrawal. Requirement of Contract Bond. If the Awarding Authority requires a Contract Bond, the Contractor or Supplier shall furnish the Awarding Authority a performance and payment bond with good and sufficient sureties in the full amount of the award as the penal sum. The surety shall be acceptable to the Awarding Authority, shall waive notice of any changes and extensions of time, and shall submit its bond on the form furnished by the Awarding Authority. The contract bond shall be returned within 15 days after the notice of award. Failure of the successful bidder to execute and file acceptable bonds within 15 days after the notice of award has been mailed to the bidder shall be just cause for the cancellation of the award and the forfeiture of the proposal guaranty which shall become the property of the Awarding Authority, not as penalty, but in liquidation of damages sustained. Award may then be made to the next lowest responsible bidder, or the work may be readvertised, or otherwise, as the Awarding Authority may decide. If the bidder to whom the award is made is a corporation organized under the laws of a State other than Illinois, the bidder shall furnish the Awarding Authority a copy of the corporation's Certificate of Authority to do business in the State of Illinois with the return of the contract bond. Failure to furnish such evidence of a Certificate of Authority within the time required will be considered as just cause for the annulment of the award and the forfeiture of the proposal guaranty to the Awarding Authority, not as a penalty, but in payment of liquidated damages sustained as a result of such failure. Failure to Execute the Acceptance of Proposal to Furnish Material. If the acceptance of proposal to furnish material is not executed by the Awarding Authority within 15 days following receipt from the bidder of the properly executed bonds, the bidder shall have the right to withdraw his /her bid without penalty. 239 CHECK SHEET LRS11 State of Illinois Department of Transportation Bureau of Local Roads and Streets SPECIAL PROVISION FOR EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES Effective: January 1, 1999 In addition to all other labor requirements set forth in this proposal and in the Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, adopted by the Department of Transportation, during the performance of this contract, the Contractor for itself, its assignees, and successors in interest (hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor ") agrees as follows: Selection Of Labor. The Contractor shall comply with all Illinois statutes pertaining to the selection of labor. Equal Employment Opportunity. During the performance of this contract, the Contractor agrees as follows: (a)' That it will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, ancest ry , age, marital status, physical or mental handicap or unfavorable discharge from military service, and further that it will examine all job classifications to determine if minority persons or women are underutilized and will take appropriate affirmative action to rectify any such underutilization. (b) That, if it hires additional employees in order to perform this contract or any portion hereof, it will determine the availability of minorities and women in the area(s) from which it may reasonably recruit and it will hire for each job classification for which employees are hired in such a way that minorities and women are not underutilized. (c) That, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by it or on its behalf, it will state that all applicants will be afforded equal opportunity without discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, ancestry, age, martial status, physical or mental handicap or unfavorable discharge from military service. (d) That it will send to each labor organization or representative of workers with which it has or is bound by collective bargaining or other agreement or understanding, a notice advising such labor organization or representative of the Contractor's obligations under the Illinois Human Rights Act and the Department's Rules and Regulations. If any such labor organization or representative fails or refuses to cooperate with the Contractor in its efforts 243 i CHECK SHEET LRS11 I to comply with so such Act and Rules and Regulations, the Contractor will promptly so notify the Illinois Department of Human Rights and the contracting agency and will recruit employees from other sources when necessary to fulfill its obligations thereunder. (e) That it will submit reports as required by the Department of Human Rights Rules and Regulations, furnish all relevant information as may from time to time be requested by the Department or the contracting agency, and in all respects comply with the Illinois Human Rights Act and the Department's Rules and Regulations. (f) That it will permit access to all relevant books, records, accounts and work sites by personnel of the contracting agency Illinois Department of Human Rights for purposes of investigation to ascertain compliance with the Illinois Human Rights Act and the Department's Rules and Regulations. (g) That it will include verbatim or by reference the provisions of this clause in every subcontract so that such provisions will be binding upon every such subcontractor. In the same manner as with other provisions of this contract, the Contractor will be liable for compliance with applicable provisions of this clause by all its subcontractors; and further it will promptly notify the contracting agency and the Illinois Department of Human Rights in the event any subcontractor fails or refuses to comply therewith. In addition, the Contractor will not utilize any subcontractor declared by the subcontracts with the State of Illinois or any of its political subdivisions or municipal corporations. 244 CHECK SHEET LRS13 State of Illinois Department of Transportation Bureau of Local Roads and Streets SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR SELECTION OF LABOR i Effective: January 1, 1999 The Contractor shall comply with all Illinois statutes pertaining to the selection of labor, i EmDiovment of Illinois Workers Durino Periods of Excessive UnemDlovment. Whenever there is a period of excessive unemployment in Illinois, which is defined herein as any month immediately following two consecutive calendar months during which the level of unemployment in the State of Illinois has exceeded five percent as measured by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics in its monthly publication of employment and unemployment figures, the Contractor shall employ only Illinois laborers. "Illinois laborer' means any person who has resided in Illinois for at least 30 days and intends to become or remain an Illinois resident. Other laborers may be used when Illinois laborers as defined herein are not available, or are incapable of performing the particular type of work involved, if so certified by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer. The Contractor may place no more than three of his regularly employed non - resident executive and technical experts, who do not qualify as Illinois laborers, to do work encompassed by this Contract during a period of excessive unemployment. This provision applies to all labor, whether skilled, semi - skilled or unskilled, whether manual or non - manual. 246 BDE SPECIAL PROVISIONS For The April 28, and June 16, 2006 Lettings The following special provisions indicated by an 'Y' are applicable to this contract and will be included by the Project Development and Implementation Section of the BD &E. An * indicates a new or revised special provision for the letting. File Name. # SDecial Provision Title 80099 1 JAuthorlty Accessible Pedestrian Signals (APS) Effective Revised 80156 2 Aggregate Shipping Tickets April 1, 2003 80108 3 Asbestos Bearing Pad Removal Jan. 1, 2006 72541 4 Asbestos Waterproofing Membrane and Asbestos Bituminous Nov. 1, 2003 Concrete Surface Removal June 1, 1989 June 30,1994 80128 5 of Railroad Engineer 80065 6 Bituminous Base Course/VVidening Superpave July 1, 2004 April 1, 2002 Aug. 1, 2005 80050 7 Bituminous Concrete Surface Course 80142 8 Bituminous Equipment, Spreading and Finishing Machine April 1, 2001 April 1, 2003 80066 9 Bridge Deck Construction Jan. 1, 2005 50261 10 Building Removal -Case I (Non - Friable and Friable Asbestos April 1, 2002 April 1, 2004 50481 11 Building Removal -Case II (Non - Friable Asbestos ) Sept. 1, 1990 Aug. 1, 2001 50491 12 Building Removal -Case III (Friable Asbestos ) I Sept. 1, 1990 Aug. 1, 2001 ) 50531 13 Building Removal -Case IV (No Asbestos) Sept. 1, 1990 Aug. 1, 2001 80118 14 Butt Joints Sept. 1, 1990 Aug. 1, 2001 80077 16 Chair Supports 80031 15 Calcium Chloride Accelerator for Portland Cement Concrete Patching Jan. 1, 2001 April 1, 2005 80051 17 Coarse Aggregate for Trench Backfill, Backfill and Bedding ov. 1, 2002 Nov. 2, 2002 80094 18 Concrete Admixtures g April 1, 2001 Nov. 1, 2003 80112 19 Concrete Barrier Jan. 1, 2003 July 1, 2004 80102 20 Corrugated Metal Pipe Culverts Jan. 1, 2004 April 2, 2004 80114 21 Curing and Protection of Concrete Construction Aug. 1, 2003 July 1, 2004 80146 22 Detectable Warnings Jan. 1, 2004 Nov. 1, 2005 Aug. 1, 2005 80029 23 Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Participation Sept. 1, 2000 June 22, 2005 80144 24 Elastomeric Bearings 31578 25 Epoxy Coating on Reinforcement April 1, 2005 80041 26 Epoxy Pavement Marking April 1, 1997 Jan. 1, 2003 80055 27 Erosion and Sediment Control Deficiency Deduction Jan. 1, 2001 Aug. 1, 2003 Aug. 1, 2001 Nov. 1, 2001 80103 28 Expansion Joints 80101 29 - Flagger Vests Aug. 1, 2003 80079 30 Freeze -Thaw Rating April 1, 2003 Jan. 1, 2006 80072 31 Furnished Excavation Nov. 1, 2002 Aug. 1, 2002 Nov, 1, 2004 80054 32 Hand Vibrator 80147 33 Illuminated Sign Nov. 1, 2003 80109 34 Impact Attenuators Aug. 1, 2005 80110 35 Impact Attenuators, Temporary Nov. 1, 2003 80104 36 Inlet Filters Nov. 1, 2003 April 1, 2004 80080 37 Insertion Lining of Pipe Culverts Aug. 1, 2003 * ` 801 '38 Light Emitting Diode (LED) Pedestrian Signal Head, Nov. 1, 2002 Aug. 1, 2003 80067 39 Light Emitting Diode (LED) Signal Head Nov. 1, 2005 April 1, 2006 80081 40 Lime Gradation Requirements April 1, 2002 Nov. 1, 2005 80133 41 Lime Stabilized Soil Mixture Nov. 1, 2002 * 80158 42 Manholes . Nov. 1, 2004 April 1, 2006 80045 43 Material Transfer Device April 1, 2006 80137 44 Minimum Lane Width with Lane Closure June 15, 1999 March 1, 2001 80138 45 Mulching Seeded Areas Jan. 1, 2005 80082 46 Multilane Pavement Patching Jan. 1, 2005 Nov. 1, 2002 i i File e # Nam � Nam 47 Special Provision Title Notched Wedge Longitudinal Joint Effective Revised 80069 48 Organic Zinc -Rich Paint System July 1, 2004 80116 49 Partial Payments Nov. 1, 2001 Aug. 1, 2003 80013 50 Pavement and Shoulder Resurfacing Sept. 1, 2003 53600 51 Pavement Thickness Determination for Payment Feb. 1, 2000 July 1, 2004 80022 52 Payments to Subcontractors -. April 1, 1999 Jan. 1, 2004 80155 53 Payrolls and Payroll Records June 1, 2000 Jan. 1, 2006 80130 54 Personal Protective Equipment Aug-10,2005 80148 55 Planting Woody Plants July 1, 2004 80134 56 Plastic Blockouts for Guardrail Jan. 1, 2006 80073 57 Polymer Modified Emulsified Asphalt Nov. 1, 2004 80119 58 Polyurea Pavement Marking Nov. 1, 2002 80124 59 Portable Changeable Message Signs April 1, 2004 80139 60 Portland Cement Nov. 1, 1993 April 2, 2004 80083 61 Portland Cement Concrete Jan. 1, 2005 Nov. 1, 2005 80036 62 Portland Cement Concrete Patching Nov. 1, 2002 419 63 Precast Concrete Products Jan. 1, 2001 Jan. 1, 2004 80120 64 Precast, Prestressed Concrete Members I July 1, 1999 Nov. 1, 2004 80084 65 Preformed Recycled Rubber Joint Filler April 1, 2004 80015 66 Public Convenience and Safety Nov. 1, 2002 80121 67 PVC Pipeliner Jan. 1, 2000 80159,; 68 April 1, 2004 . ;Railroad Flaggers April 1 2005 80122 69 Railroad, Full- Actuated Controller and Cabinet 'A `ril 1 2006 34261 70 Railroad Protective Liability Insurance April 1, 2004 80157 71 Railroad Protective Liability Insurance (5 and 10) Dec. 1, 1986 Jan. 1, 2006 80105 72 Raised Reflective Pavement Markers (Bridge) Jan. 1, 2006 80011 73 RAP for Use in Bituminous Concrete Mixtures Aug. 1, 2003 : 74 Reflective'Craek Control_Trea #meet;„ ,`;r ' Jan. 1, 2000 April 1, 2002 80151 75 Reinforcement Bars >' ` April 1, 2006k 80032 76< Remove and Re -Erect Steel Plate Beam Guardrail and Traffic Barrier Jan. 1, 2001 Jan. 1, 2005 Terminals 80085 77 Sealing Abandoned Water Wells 80131 78 Seeding and Sodding Nov. 1, 2002 80152 79 Self- Consolidating Concrete for Cast -In -Place Construction July 1, 2004 Aug. 1, 2005 80132 80 Self - Consolidating Concrete for Precast Products Nov. 1, 2005 80096 81 Shoulder Rumble Strips July 1, 2004 Nov. 1, 2005 80140 82 Shoulder Stabilization at Guardrail Jan. 1, 2003 8.0135 83 Soil.Modificafion - Jan. 1, 2005 80070 84 Stabilized Subbase and Bituminous Shoulders Su Owl 2004 Apr[I 1;. perpave 2006, 80127 85 Steel Cost Adjustment April 1, 2002 Aug. 1, 2005 80153 86 Steel Plate Beam Guardrail April 2, 2004 July 1, 2004 80143 87 Subcontractor Mobilization Payments Nov. 1, 2005 80086 88 Subgrade Preparation April 2, 2005 80136 89 Superpave Bituminous Concrete Mixture IL -4.75 Nov. 1, 2002 80010 90 Superpave Bituminous Concrete Mixtures Nov. 1, 2004 80039 91 Superpave Bituminous Concrete Mixtures (Low ESAL Jan. 1, 2000 April 1, 2004 80075 92 Surface Testing of Pavements ) Jan. 1, 2001 April 1, 2004 80145 93 Suspension of Slipformed Parapets April 1, 2002 Nov. 1, 2005 80092 94 Temporary Concrete Barrier June 11, 2004 80087 95 Temporary Erosion Control Oct. 1, 2002 Nov. 1, 2003 80008 96 Temporary Module Glare Screen System Nov. 1, 2002 80106 97 Temporary Portable Bridge Traffic Signals Jan. 1, 2000 80098 98 Traffic Barrier Terminals Aug. 1, 2003 Jan. 1, 2003 I File Name # Special Provision Title ed Effective Revised 57291 99 Traffic Control Deficiency Deduction April Effective 1992 Jan. is d " 8016 1. 100 Traffic Signal Grounding April 1, 2006 20338 101 Training Special Provisions Oct. 15, 1975 80107 102 Transient Voltage Surge Suppression Aug. 1, 2003 80123 103 Truck Bed Release Agent April 1, 2004 80154 104 Turf Reinforcement Mat Nov. 1, 2005 80162 105 Uninterruptable Power Supply (UPS) April.1., 2006 80149 106 Variable Spaced Tining Aug. 1, 2005 80163 107 Water Blaster with Vacuum. Recovery 80048 108 Weight Control Deficiency Deduction April .1, 2006 80090 109 Work Zone Public Information Signs April 1, 2001 Aug. 1, 2002 80125 110 Work Zone Speed Limit Signs Sept. 1, 2002 Jan. 1, 2005 80126 111 Work Zone Traffic Control April 2, 2004 Jan. 1, 2006 80097 112 Work Zone Traffic Control Devices April 2, 2004 Nov. 1, 2005 80071 113 Working Days Jan. 1, 2003 Nov. 1, 2004 Jan. 1, 2002 I The following special provisions have been deleted from use: 80141 Additional Award Criteria, This special provision is no longer required. 80113 Curb Ramps for Sidewalk This special provision has been replaced by the BDE Special Provision, "Detectable Warnings ". The following special provisions require additional information from the designer. The additional information needs to be included in a separate document attached to this check sheet. The Project Development and Implementation section will then include the information in the applicable special provision. The Special Provisions are: • Building Removal -Case 1 • Building Removal -Case IV • Railroad Protective Liability Insurance • Building Removal -Case II • DBE Participation • Training Special Provisions • Building Removal -Case 111 • Material Transfer Device • Working Days i i FLAGGER VESTS (BIDE) Effective: April 1, 2003 Revised: January 1, 2006 Revise the first sentence of Article 701.04(c)(1) of the Standard Specifications to read: The flagger shall be stationed to the satisfaction of the Engineer and be equipped with a fluorescent orange, fluorescent yellow /green or a combination of fluorescent orange and fluorescent yellow /green vest meeting the requirements of the American National Standards Institute specification ANSI /ISEA 107 -2004 for Conspicuity Class 2 garments and approved flagger traffic control signs conforming to Standard 702001 and Article 702.05(e)." I Revise Article 701.04(c)(6) of the Standard Specifications to read: "(6) Nighttime Flagging. Flaggers shall be illuminated by an overhead light source providing a minimum vertical illuminance of 108 lux (10 fc) measured 300 mm (1 ft) out from the flagger's chest. The bottom of any luminaire shall be a minimum of 3 m (10 ft) above the pavement. Luminaire(s) shall be shielded to minimize glare to approaching traffic and trespass light to adjoining properties. The flagger vest shall be a fluorescent orange or fluorescent orange and fluorescent yellow /green vest meeting the requirements of the American National Standards Institute specification ANSI /ISEA 107 -1999 for Conspicuity Class 3 garments." 80101 i i PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (BIDE) Effective: July 1, 2004 All personnel, excluding flaggers, working outside of a vehicle (car or truck) within 7.6 m (25 ft) of pavement open to traffic shall wear a fluorescent orange, fluorescent yellow /green or a combination of fluorescent orange and fluorescent yellow /.green vest meeting the requirements of the American National Standards Institute specification ANSI /ISEA 107 -1999 for Conspicuity Class 2 garments. Other types of garments may be substituted for the vest as long as the garments have manufacturers tags identifying them as meeting the ANSI Class 2 requirement. 80130 I i LR 107 -3 Page 1 of 1 State of Illinois Department of Transportation Bureau of Local Roads and Streets SPECIAL PROVISION FOR WAGES OF EMPLOYEES ON PUBLIC WORKS Effective: August 10, 2005 Revised: April 1, 2006 All wages paid by the Contractor and each subcontractor shall be in compliance with The Prevailing Wage Act (820 ILCS 130), as amended, except where a prevailing wage violates a federal law, order, or ruling, the rate conforming to the federal law, order, or ruling shall govern. The Contractor shall be responsible to notify each subcontractor of the wage rates set forth in this contract and any revisions thereto. If the Department of Labor revises the wage rates, the revised rate as provided by the public body shall apply to this contract and the Contractor will not be allowed additional compensation on account of said revisions. The Contractor and each subcontractor shall make and keep, for a period of not less than 3 years, records of all laborers, mechanics, and other workers employed by them on the project; the records shall include each worker's name, address, telephone number when available, social security number, classification or classifications, the hourly wages paid in each period, the number of hours worked each day, and the starting and ending times of work each day. The Contractor and each subcontractor shall submit monthly, in person, by mail, or electronically a certified payroll to the public body in charge of the project. The certified payroll shall consist of a complete copy of the records. The certified payroll shall be accompanied by a statement signed by the contractor or subcontractor which avers that: (i) such records are true and accurate; (ii) the hourly rate paid to each worker is not less than the general prevailing rate of hourly wages required; and (iii) the contractor or subcontractor is aware that filing a certified payroll that he or she knows to be false is a Class B misdemeanor. Upon 2 business days' notice, the contractor and each subcontractor shall make available for inspection the records to the public body in charge of the project, its officers and agents, and to the Director of Labor and his deputies and agents at all reasonable hours at a location within this State. The Contractor and each subcontractor shall permit his /her employees to be interviewed on the job, during working hours, by compliance investigators of the Department or the Department of Labor." i LR 109 Page 1 of 1 State of Illinois Department of Transportation Bureau of Local Roads and Streets SPECIAL PROVISION FOR CONTRACT CLAIMS Effective: January 1, 2002 Revised: May 1, 2002 All references to Sections or Articles in this specification shall be construed to mean specific Section or Article of the Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, adopted by the Department of Transportation. 109.09 Contract Claims. Revise the second sentence of subparagraph (a) of Article 109.09 to read: "AII claims shall be submitted to the Engineer." Revise subparagraph (e) of this Article to read: "Procedure. All Claims shall be submitted to the Engineer. The Engineer shall consider all information submitted with the claim. Claims not conforming to this Article will be returned without consideration. The Engineer may schedule a claim presentation meeting if in the Engineer's judgement such a meeting would aid in resolution of the claim, otherwise a decision will be based on the claim documentation submitted. A final decision will be rendered within 90 days of receipt of the claim. Full compliance by the Contractor with the provisions specified in this Article is a contractual condition precedent to the Contractor's right to seek relief in the Court of Claims. The Engineer's written decision shall be the final administrative action of the Department. Unless the Contractor files a claim for adjudication by the Court of Claims within 60 days after the date of the written decision, the failure to file shall constitute a release and waiver of the claim." I LR 442 STATE OF ILLINOIS Page 1 of 2 DEPARTEMENT OF TRANSPORTION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS LOCAL ROADS AND STREETS BITUMINOUS PATCHING MIXTURES FOR MAINTENANCE USE Effective: January 1, 2004 This special provision covers course graded and fine graded bituminous mixtures for use in maintaining small areas on flexible and rigid type pavement. i Materials. The materials, control, quality, sampling, testing, inspection and storage of material shall conform to the specific requirements of the Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction adopted by the Department of Transportation. Bituminous Patching Mixtures. The material supplier or contractor may furnish any of the following Bituminous Patching Mixtures listed in the individual Group for which the award was made. Group I — Bituminous Patching Mixtures Serial No. M- 17 -02: Bituminous Mixture for Maintenance Use, Emulsified Asphalt Type Serial No. M- 19 -02: Bituminous Mixture for Maintenance Use, Liquid Asphalt Type Serial No. M -20 -02 Bituminous -Sand Mixture for Maintenance Use Serial No. M- 48 -02: Bituminous Premix for Maintenance Use, Inverted Emulsified Asphalt CBAE -2 Serial No. M- 126 -95: Bituminous Mixes for Maintenance Use, Reinforced Fiber Mixture Bituminous Patching Mixture (Class B): This mixture shall conform to the material requirements of Section 405 of the Standard Specifications. The bituminous material shall be limited to asphalt PG 58 -28 or PG 52 -28. The aggregate should be limited to a CA 16 graduation. Bituminous Patching Mixture ( Superpave): This mixture shall conform to the material requirements of the special provision Superpave Bituminous Concrete Mixture for Bituminous Concrete Surface Course, Superpave, IL 9.5, N50 or Superpave Bituminous Concrete Mixture for Bituminous Concrete Surface Course, Superpave, IL 12.5, N50. Group II — Bituminous Patching Mixture (Proprietary) Serial No. M- 120 -00: Bituminous Premix for Maintenance Use - Optimix, Sylcrete, UPM, QPR -2000, EZ Street - Proprietary Sources Serial No. M- 133 -96: Bituminous Premix for Maintenance Use, Instant Road Repair - Proprietary Serial No. M- 134 -02: Bituminous Premix for Maintenance Use, SMP - Proprietary Placing of Bituminous Patching Mixture. All holes and depressions in the existing surface which exceed %" in depth shall be repaired by removal of all loose and defective material and replaced with the specified Bituminous Patching Mixture. The material shall be compacted to produce a tight surface conforming to the adjacent area. LR 442 Page 2 of 2 Method of Measurement. Bituminous patching mixture will be measured for payment in metric tons (tons). i Basis of Payment. This work will be paid for at the contract unit price per metric ton (ton) for BITUMINOUS PATCHING MIXTURE (GROUP 1); BITUMINOUS PATCHING MIXTURE (GROUP II); When bids are taken F.O.B. trucks at the mixing plant a hauling differential of $0. per ton -mile haul from mixing plant to location designated in the proposal will be used to determine the low bid. Round trip distance shall be used to calculate the hauling differential to be used to compare bids. Bidders are required to fill in the location of the plant from where they propose to supply the patching mixture, on the material proposal form. 1 I I i i LR 1013 Page 1 of 1 � State of Illinois DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Bureau of Local Roads and Streets SPECIAL PROVISION FOR ROCK SALT Effective August 1, 1969 Revised January 1, 2002 All references to Sections or Articles in this specification shall be construed to mean a specific Section or Article of the Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, adopted by the Department of Transportation. Description. This item shall consist of furnishing rock salt (sodium chloride) in bins or stockpiles at location designated in the Proposal. I Materials. Material shall meet the requirements of Article 1013.02 except that the gradation shall be as follows: Passing 12.5 mm (1/2 inch) sieve 100% Passing 9.5 mm (3/8 inch) sieve 95- 100% Passing 4.75 mm (No. 4) sieve 20- 90% Passing 2.36 mm (No. 8) sieve 10- 60% Passing 600 µm (No. 30) sieve 0- 10% The Department reserves the right to reject any shipments of rock salt which are delivered in a frozen or caked condition or which contain free water. The Department reserves the right to accept delivery of Rock Salt which, according to analysis by the Department, has a sodium chloride (NaCI) content of less than 96.0 %, but is not less than 90.0 %. Material with less than 90.0 % sodium chloride will be rejected.' When such exceptions are allowed, payment will be adjusted. Method of Measurement,. Rock salt will be measured by the metric ton (ton). I Basis of Pavment. This work will be paid for at the contract unit price per metric ton (ton) for furnishing and transporting ROCK SALT based on the sodium chloride content. Payment will be in accordance with the following schedule: NaCl Content 96.0% to 100.0% Net Bid price per ton. NaCl Content 95.0% to 95.9% Bid price less $0.50 per metric ton (ton). NaCl Content 94.0% to 94.9% Bid price less $2.00 per metric ton (ton). NaCl Content 90.0% to 93.9% Bid price less $4.00 per metric ton (ton). i State of Illinois I Department of Transportation Division of Highways Springfield SPECIFICATIONS FOR BITUMINOUS PREMIX FOR MAINTENANCE USE OPTIMIX, SYLCRETE, UPM, QPR -2000, EZ STREET - PROPRIETARY Serial Number: M 120 -05 1. DESCRIPTION. The patching material shall be composed of a mineral aggregate, plant -mixed with a liquid asphalt and chemical additives from the suppliers of the proprietary mixtures. The bituminous material shall be capable of coating wet aggregates without stripping, and shall be available in various grades so that one such grade will enable a stockpile to remain pliable and workable at a temperature of -26 °C ( -15 °F). The patching material shall be capable of maintaining adhesive qualities in patched areas which are damp or wet at time of application, and also after remaining in an uncovered stockpile for up to twelve (12) months. 2. MATERIALS. Control of the materials shall be in accordance with the general requirements of Section 106 of the current Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction. A five kilogram (ten - pound) sample of the mineral aggregate and one -liter (one - quart) sample of the liquid asphalt shall be submitted to the Bureau of Materials and Physical Research, 126 East Ash Street, Springfield, Illinois, for performing the tests specified herein. (a) Aggregate All Coarse Aggregate used in the proprietary mixtures shall consist of crushed stone of Class B quality or better as defined in Article 704.01(a) & (b) of the above cited Standard Specifications. (b) Bituminous Materials The bituminous material shall be a formulation of the liquid asphalt blend prepared under the supervision of the proprietary mix supplier. It shall meet the requirements of ASTM D 2026 or ASTM 2027, whichever applies, modified as follows: . / ' Serial Number 130'05 � | � AGTMD82 | Flash point(COC) 94 (200) 94 (200) 94(200) 94(200' / Q4�0O 94(200) U) `c(O+)'minimum *uTMD217O ' � � mnomoUo Viscosity � oo 350-3000 3004000 30O4OOO 3OO4OOO 400-2500 280-400 � -�-`--` (CPS � AGTMDS5Water � Y6'max 0.2 |0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 -- auTMD4O2Distillate | % by Volume of Original Sample TernDerature ' D mz2n'c(4x/ O O U O D�dUo�to20O"C�OO ) 0-5 5 0-5 5 0-5 5 0-5 5 O O Distillate 0o315"C(6OO OF 0-21 0-25 0-25 5 �5 0'25 ( 0-0.5 0-0.5 *m 8-50 Residue from distillation m3OO°C Y6Volume by Difference 70-94 72-85 '- -' 73'95 70'95 Residue Tests: AGTN D2171 Absolute Viscosity OO"C(14UOF) 11.5'44.0 12.5'42.5 12.5425 125425 12542S 12O42 J5 � Pascal Seconds (Poiaao) (115'440) (125-425) (12542 (1 (1 (1 ASTN D5Penetration � 25"C(77OF) -' 200 -' 100 g, §o' minimum -- -- -- . AGTM D5Penetration, � modified with cone, 2§°C(77OF) 200 -` 180 180 180 180 .^"*. am' mm/mum AGTMD113Ducti 21 "C OF) ---. -- -- um'minimum 1O0 100 — 100 � aurMD113Ductility 4"O OF) =mmo. 85 100 -- om - minknum -- 100 iOO aaTMD2O42 Solubility in .~.o.oe. 99.0 38.0 99.0 O9�O 89.0 80.0 (c)Gtr/ooinoTests The combined UPM and liquid asphalt shall also meet the follow stripping tests: (1) Stripping Tests: Dry Aggregate. Two-hundred grams of the air-dried aggregate � passing the 12 .5nnnn/Y2-inoh\ sieve and retained on the 475mrn/No 4) sieve shall be combined with 6.3 percent, by weight, UPyW liquid asph and (No. i n o a a 2 i Serial Number M 120 -05 hemispherical metal dish with a stiff spatula for three to five minutes or until a uniform coating is obtained. Twenty -five grams of this material shall be immediately place in an oven at 60 °C, ± 3 °C (140 °F, ± 5 °F), for eighteen to twenty -four hours, after which it shall be thoroughly mixed and allowed to cool to room temperature. The sample shall then be immersed in water at a temperature of 49 °C, ± 3 °C (120 °F, ± 5 °F), and maintained at this temperature for twenty -four hours. At the end of this period, the area of the aggregate remaining coated shall be determined visually while the sample is still immersed in water. Surface coating of at least 90 percent must be retained on the aggregate. A test similar to the above using MC -250 shall be made for comparison. (2) Stripping Test: Wet Aggregate. Two - hundred grams of the aggregate passing the 12.5 mm (/ -inch) sieve and retained on the 4.75 mm (No. 4) sieve shall be immersed in water for twenty -four hours and the excess water drained off, leaving the aggregate surface wet. This aggregate shall be combined with 6.3 percent, by weight, UPM liquid asphalt and mixed in a hemispherical metal dish with a stiff liquid spatula for three to five minutes or until a uniform coating is obtained. Twenty -five grams of this material shall be immediately place in an oven at 60 °C, ± 3 °C (140 °F, ± 5 °F), for eighteen to twenty -four hours, after which it shall be thoroughly mixed and allowed to cool to room temperature. The sample shall then be immersed in water at a temperature of 49 °C, ± 3 °C (120 °F, ± 5 °F), and maintained at this temperature for twenty -four hours. At the end of this period, the area of the aggregate remaining coated shall be determined visually while the sample is still immersed in water. Surface coating of at least 90 percent must be retained on the aggregate. A test similar to the above using MC -250 shall be made for comparison. In estimating the percentage of area remaining coated, any thin or translucent area shall not be considered as being coated Each.of the following proprietary mixes, Sylcrete EV, Sylcrete VA, Optimix, QPR -2000 and EZ Street shall also meet the following stripping tests. (1) Place 50 grams of cold mix into a beaker containing 400 ml of boiling distilled water. Bring back to boiling and boil for 3 minutes with constant stirring at 1 revolution per second. At the end of 3 minutes, remove the beaker from the heat source and immediately decant the water. Empty the wet mix onto a paper towel and examine. The retained coating shall not be less than 95 percent. (2) AASHTO T 182 Coating and Stripping of Bitumen - Aggregate Mixtures. 3. INSPECTION. The Engineer or his authorized representative shall have access at any time to all parts of the plant in order to verify weights or proportions and quality of materials used in the preparation of the mixture. The manufacturer shall afford such facilities as may be required for making inspection at the plant and for collecting and forwarding samples of the ingredient materials and bituminous mixture to the Department. 4. PLANT AND EQUIPMENT. Storage facilities and all equipment used in the preparation of the mixture shall be approved by the Department. An approved drier shall be available for surface drying the aggregate when needed. The materials for individual batches shall be measured accurately, either by volume or weight, by approved methods and equipment. A batch type mixer of approved design and capacity shall be used in mixing the ingredient materials. However, approval for the use of a continuous mixer will be given if it can be shown that satisfactory results will be obtained. 5. PREPARATION OF MIXTURE. The aggregate and Optimix, or QPR -2000, or Sylcrete, or UPM, or EZ Street liquid asphalt shall be proportioned into the mixer and mixed for at least 30 3 I Serial Number M 120 -05 seconds or until a uniformly coated mixture is obtained. The liquid asphalt shall be heated to a temperature of 93 °C, ± 28 °C (200° F, ± 50° F), at the time of mixing, and in accordance with the instructions of proprietary mix supplier. When necessary to heat the aggregates, the aggregates should not be heated to more than 68 °C (155 °F). 6. COMPOSITION OF MIXTURE. The ingredients shall be combined to produce a mixture 1 meeting the approval of the Department and conforming to the following composition limits, by weight, as determined by tests of the prepared mixture: Gradation of Extracted_ Aggregate (% Passing)" .SIEVE SIZE 5 1+`# ` SYLCRETE E1/ A1VD 1/A, . �� ., 1 OPTIMIX - i f I UPM k I EZ STREET Y [� 1 a M MIX #1 MIX #2 QPR 2000 MIX #1 MIX # I MIX I MIX #2 - 12.5 mm (1/2 ") 1 100 1100 1100 1 1100 1100 9.5 m 1100 1100 1100 I 1 I I I I 1 1 m (3/8 ") j 90 -100 1 100 190 -100 190 -100 190 -100 1100 190 -100 195 -100 1 1 1 1 j 14.75 mm (No. 4) 120-55 185 -100 I I 1 1 I 120 -55 120 -55 1 15 -55 170 -100 120 -55 180 -100 I J 1 1 1 1 I 1 I 2.36 mm (No. 8) 15-30 110-40 1 15 -30 j 5 -30 15 -30 j j 1 i 1 I 1 I l 0 -10 11 1 1.18 mm (No. 16) 10-10 10 -10 1 - 10 10-10 I I I 1 I I I 10 -10 10-10 10 -10 10 -10 J 1 600 um (No. 30) I 10 -7 10 -7 I I 1 1 1 I 10 -10 I I 1 1300 um (No. 50) 10 -5 I 0 -5 10 -5 10 -5 1 1 I 10 -5 10 -10 175 um (No. 200) 10 -2 10 -2.5 10 -2.5 I I 1 1 1 I I 10 -2 10 -4 10 -4 10 -3 11.5-3.5 J I Residual Bitumen " 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 13 -6.5 13 -6.5 13 -6.5 13 -7.0 13.5 -6.5 13.5 -6.5 13 -7 I 3 -7 "Based on percent of total aggregate weight. I 2/ Based on percent of total mixture weight. 7. LEGAL RELATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITY TO PUBLIC. The laws to be observed; permits and licenses; patented devices;. materials, and processes; and responsibility for damage claims, shall be in accordance with the requirements of Section 107 of the above cited Standard Specifications. This specification is effective March 1, 2005, and supersedes Serial Number M 120 -00, effective January 1, 2000. J J I 4 Nenaaii Lounty Frevailing Wage for April 2006 Page 1 of 6 I Kendall County Prevailing Wage for April 2006 Trade Name RG TYP C Base FRMAN *M -F >8 OSA OSH H/W Pensn Vac Trng ASBESTOS ABT -GEN ALL 30.150 30.900 1.5 1.5 2.0 6.860 3.940 0.000 0.170 ASBESTOS ABT -MEC BLD 23.300 24.800 1.5 1.5 2.0 7.860 4.910 0.000 0.000 BOILERMAKER BLD 37.700 41.090 2.0 2.0 2.0 6.720 6.790 0.000 0.210 BRICK MASON BLD 33.250 36.580 1.5 1.5 2.0 6.450 7.020 0.000 0.440 CARPENTER ALL 35.320 37.320 1.5 1:5 2.0 6.760 5.320 0.000 0.490 CEMENT MASON ALL 33.300 36.630 1.5 1.5 2.0 5.900 8.460 0.000 0.050 CERAMIC TILE FNSHER BLD 27.200 0.000 2.0 1.5 2.0 5.400 5.200 0.000 0.100 COMMUNICATION TECH BLD 30.730 32.830 1.5 1.5 2.0 8.230 7.070 0.000 0.610 ELECTRIC PWR EQMT OP ALL 26.940 34.540 1.5 1.5 2.0 3.750 7.440 0.000 0.130 ELECTRIC PWR GRNDMAN ALL 20.970 34.540 1.5 1.5 2.0 3.750 5.760 0.000 0.100 ELECTRIC PWR LINEMAN ALL 31.980 34.540 1.5 1.5 2.0 3.750 8.850 0.000 0.160 ELECTRIC PWR TRK DRV ALL 21.640 34.540 1.5 1.5 2.0 3.750 5.950 0.000 0.110 ELECTRICIAN BLD 37.400 41.140 1.5 1.5 2.0 8.230 8.600 0.000 0.750 ELEVATOR CONSTRUCTOR BLD 40.745 45.840 2.0 2.0 2.0 7.775 5.090 2.445 0.400 FENCE ERECTOR ALL 34.100 35.810 2.0 2.0 2.0 7.690 13.11 0.000 0.230 GLAZIER BLD 31.400 32.400 1.5 2.0 2.0 6.490 9.050 0.000 0.500 HT /FROST INSULATOR BLD 33.300 35.050 1.5 1.5 2.0 7.860 8.610 0.000 0.310 IRON WORKER ALL 34.100 35.810 2.0 2.0 2.0 7.690 13.11 0.000 0.230 LABORER ALL 30.150 30.900 1.5 1.5 2.0 6.600 4.200 0.000 0.170 LATHER BLD 35.320 37.320 1.5 1.5 2.0 6.760 5.320 0.000 0.490 MACHINIST BLD 35.630 37.630 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.880 4.750 2.460 0.000 MARBLE FINISHERS ALL 25.750 0.000 1.5 1.5 2.0 6.070 7.020 0.000 0.580 MARBLE MASON BLD 33.250 36.580 1.5 1.5 2.0 6.450 7.020 0.000 0.580 MILLWRIGHT ALL 35.320 37.320 1.5 1.5 2.0 6.760 5.320 0.000 0.490 OPERATING ENGINEER BLD 1 39.550 43.550 2.0 2.0 2.0 6.450 5.150 1.800 0.650 OPERATING ENGINEER BLD 2 38.250 43.550 2.0 2.0 2.0 6.450 5.150 1.800 0.650 OPERATING ENGINEER BLD 3 35.700 43.550 2.0 2.0 2.0 6.450 5.150 1.800 0.650 OPERATING ENGINEER BLD 4 33.950 43.550 2.0 2.0 2.0 6.450 5.150 1.800 0.650 OPERATING ENGINEER HWY 1 37.750 41.750 1.5 1.5 2.0 6.450 5.150 1.800 0.650 OPERATING ENGINEER HWY 2 37.200 41.750 1.5 1.5 2.0 6.450 5.150 1.800 0.650 OPERATING ENGINEER HWY 3 35.150 41.750 1.5 1.5 2.0 6.450 5.150 1.800 0.650 OPERATING ENGINEER HWY 4 33.750 41.750 1.5 1.5 2.0 6.450 5.150 1.800 0.650 OPERATING ENGINEER HWY 5 32.550 41.750 1.5 1.5 2.0 6.450 5.150 1.800 0.650 ORNAMNTL IRON WORKER ALL 34.100 35.810 2.0 2.0 2.0 7.690 13.11 0.000 0.230 PAINTER ALL 33.330 34.330 1.5 1.5 1.5 5.150 5.000 0.000 0.250 PAINTER SIGNS BLD 25.150 28.240 1.5 1.5 1.5 2.600 2.010 0.000 0.000 PILEDRIVER ALL 35.320 37.320 1.5 1.5 2.0 6.760 5.320 0.000 0.490 PIPEFITTER BLD 35.010 37.010 1.5 1.5 2.0 7.800 7.440 0.000 0.900 PLASTERER BLD 32.100 33.600 1.5 1.5 2.0 6.240 6.600 0.000 0.400 PLUMBER BLD 35.010 37.010 1.5 1.5 2.0 7.800 7.440 0.000 0.900 ROOFER BLD 32.800 34.800 1.5 1.5 2.0 5.930 3.140 0.000 0.330 SHEETMETAL WORKER BLD 35.030 37.030 1.5 1.5 2.0 6.470 7.440 0.000 0.540 SPRINKLER FITTER BLD 36.000 38.000 1.5 1.5 2.0 8.000 5.600 0.000 0.500 STEEL ERECTOR ALL 34.100 35.810 2.0 2.0 2.0 7.690 13.11 0.000 0.230 STONE MASON BLD 33.250 36.580 1.5 1.5 2.0 6.450 7.020 0.000 0.440 TERRAZZO FINISHER BLD 27.950 0.000 1.5 1.5 2.0 6.150 5.560 0.000 0.220 TERRAZZO MASON BLD 32.050 35.050 1.5 1.5 2.0 6.150 7.140 0.000 0.120 TILE MASON BLD 33.000 37.000 2.0 1.5 2.0 5.400 6.400 0.000 0.180 TRUCK DRIVER ALL 1 32.040 32.590 1.5 1.5 2.0 5.830 3.680 0.000 0.000 TRUCK DRIVER ALL 2 32.190 32.590 1.5 1.5 2.0 5.830 3.680 0.000 0.000 TRUCK DRIVER ALL 3 32.390 32.590 1.5 1.5 2.0 5.830 3.680 0.000 0.000 TRUCK DRIVER ALL 4 32.590 32.590 1.5 1.5 2.0 5.830 3.680 0.000 0.000 TUCKPOINTER BLD 34.500 35.500 1.5 1.5 2.0 4.710 6.340 0.000 0.400 http: / /Www.state.il.us/ agency /idol /rates/EVENMO/KENDALL9.httn 3/17/2006 &endall County Prevailing Wage for April 2006 Page 2 of 6 Legend: M -F >8 (Overtime is required for any hour greater than 8 worked each day, Monday through Friday. OSA (Overtime is required for every hour worked on Saturday) OSH (Overtime is required for every hour worked on Sunday and Holidays) H/W (Health 6 Welfare Insurance) Pensn (Pension) Vac (Vacation) Trng (Training) Explanations KENDALL COUNTY The following list is considered as those days for which holiday rates of wages for work performed apply: New Years Day, Memorial /Decoration Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day. Generally, any of these holidays which fall on a Sunday is celebrated on the following Monday. This then makes work performed on that Monday payable at the appropriate overtime rate for holiday pay. Common practice in a given local may alter certain days of celebration such as the day after Thanksgiving for Veterans Day. If in doubt, please check with IDOL. EXPLANATION OF CLASSES ASBESTOS - GENERAL - removal of asbestos material /mold and hazardous materials from any place in a building, including mechanical systems where those mechanical systems are to be removed. This includes the removal of asbestos materials /mold and hazardous materials from ductwork or pipes in a building when the building is to be demolished at the time or at some close future date. ASBESTOS - MECHANICAL - removal of asbestos material from mechanical systems, such as pipes, ducts, and boilers, where the mechanical systems are to remain. CERAMIC TILE FINISHER The grouting, cleaning, and polishing of all classes of tile, whether for interior or exterior purposes, all burned, glazed or unglazed products; all composition materials, granite tiles, warning detectable tiles, cement tiles, epoxy composite materials, pavers, glass, mosaics, fiberglass, and all substitute materials, for tile made in tile -like units; all mixtures in tile like form of cement, metals, and other materials that are for and intended for use as a finished floor surface, stair treads, promenade roofs, walks, walls, ceilings, swimming pools, and all other places where tile is to form a finished interior or exterior. The mixing of all setting mortars including but not limited to thin -set mortars, epoxies, wall mud, and any other sand and cement mixtures or adhesives when used in the preparation, installation, repair, or maintenance of tile and /or similar materials. The handling and unloading of all sand, cement, lime, tile, fixtures, equipment, adhesives, or any other materials to be used in the preparation, installation, repair, or maintenance of tile and /or similar materials. Ceramic Tile Finishers shall fill all joints and voids regardless of method on all tile work, particularly and especially after installation of said tile work. Application of any and all protective coverings to all types of tile installations including, but not be limited to, all soap compounds, paper products, http: / /www.state.il.us/ agency /idol /rates/EV.ENMO/KENDALL9.httn 3/17/2006 isQJ-1U .11 wunLy rrevauing wage for April 2006 Page 3 of 6 tapes, and all polyethylene coverings, plywood, masonite, cardboard, and any new type of products that may be used to protect tile installations, Blastrac equipment, and all floor scarifying equipment used in preparing floors to receive tile. The clean up and removal of all waste and materials. All demolition of existing tile floors and walls to be re- tiled. COMMUNICATIONS TECHNICIAN Construction, installation, maintenance and removal of telecommunication facilities (voice, sound, data and video), telephone, security, and data inside wire, interconnect, terminal equipment, central offices, PABX and equipment, micro waves, V -SAT, bypass, CATV, WAN (wide area network), LAN (local area networks), and ISDN (integrated system digital network), pulling of wire in raceways, but not the installation of raceways. MARBLE FINISHER Loading and unloading trucks, distribution of all materials (all stone, sand, etc.), stocking of floors with material, performing all rigging for heavy work, the handling of all mateiral that may be needed for the installation of such materials, building of scaffolding, polishing if needed, patching, waxing of material if damaged, pointing up, caulking, grouting and cleaning of marble, holding water on diamond or Carborundum blade or saw for setters cutting, use of tub saw or any other saw needed for preparation of material, drilling of holes for wires that anchor material set by setters, mixing up of molding plaster for installation of material, mixing up thin set for the installation of material, mixing up of sand to cement for the installatin of material and such other work as may be required in helping a Marble Setter in the handling of all material in the erection or installation of interior marble, slate, travertine, art marble, serpentine, alberene stone, blue stone, granite and other stones (meaning as to stone any foreign or domestic materials as are specified and used in building interiors and experiors and customarily known as stone in the trade), carrara, sanionyx, vitrolite and similar opaque glass and the laying of all marble tile, terrazzo tile, slate tile and precast tile, steps, risers treads, base, or any other materials that may be used as substitutes for any of the aforementioned materials and which are used on interior and experior which sare installed in a similar manner. TRUCK DRIVER - BUILDING, HEAVY AND HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION Class 1. Two or three Axle Trucks. A -frame Truck when used for transportation purposes; Air Compressors and Welding Machines, including those pulled by cars, pick -up trucks and tractors;' Ambulances Batch Gate Lockers; Batch Hopperman; Car and Truck Washers; Carry -alls; Fork Lifts and Hoisters; Helpers; Mechanics Helpers and Greasers; Oil Distributors 2 -man operation; Pavement Breakers; Pole Trailer, up to 40 feet; Power Mower Tractors; Self - propelled Chip Spreader; Skipman; Slurry Trucks, 2 -man operation; Slurry Truck Conveyor Operation, 2 or 3 man; Teamsters; Unskilled dumpman; and Truck Drivers hauling warning lights, barricades, and portable toilets on the job site. Class 2. Four axle trucks; Dump Crets and Adgetors under 7 yards; Dumpsters, Track Trucks, Euclids, Hug Bottom Dump Turnapulls or Turnatrailers when pulling other than self- loading equipment or similar equipment under 16 cubic yards; Mixer Trucks under 7 yeards; http: / /www.state.il.us/ agency /idol /rates/EVENMO/KENDA-LL9.htm 3/17/2006 . kj"ikL i iQv aimig vv ago iur tipru Luuo Page 4 of 6 Ready -mix Plant Hopper Operator, and Winch Trucks, 2 Axles. Class 3. Five axle trucks; Dump Crets and Adgetors 7 yards and over; Dumpsters, Track Trucks, Euclids, Hug Bottom Dump Turnatrailers or turnapulls when pulling other than self- loading equipment or similar j equipment over 16 cubic yards; Explosives and /or Fission Material Trucks; Mixer Trucks 7 yards or over; Mobile Cranes while in transit; Oil Distributors, 1 -man operation; Pole Trailer, over 40 feet; Pole and Expandable Trailers hauling material over 50 feet long; Slurry trucks, 1 -man operation; Winch trucks, 3 axles or more; Mechanic - -Truck Welder and Truck Painter. Class 4. Six axle trucks; Dual - purpose vehicles, such as mounted crane trucks with hoist and accessories; Foreman; Master Mechanic; Self- loading equipment like P.B. and trucks with scoops on the front. OPERATING ENGINEERS - BUILDING Class 1. Mechanic; Asphalt Plant; Asphalt Spreader; Autograde; Backhoes with Caisson attachment; Batch Plant; Benoto; Boiler and Throttle Valve; Caisson Rigs; Central Redi -Mix Plant; Combination Back Hoe Front End - loader Machine; Compressor and Throttle Valve; Concrete Breaker (Truck Mounted); Concrete Conveyor; Concrete Paver; Concrete Placer; Concrete Placing Boom; Concrete Pump (Truck Mounted); Concrete Tower; Cranes, All; Cranes, Hammerhead; Cranes, (GCI and similar Type); Creter Crane; Crusher, Stone, etc.; Derricks, All; Derricks, Traveling; Formless Curb and Gutter Machine; Grader, Elevating; Grouting Machines; Highlift Shovels or Front Endloader 2 -1/4 yd, and over; Hoists, Elevators, outside type rack and pinion and similar machines; Hoists, one, two and three Drum; Hoists, Two Tugger One Floor; Hydraulic Backhoes; Hydraulic Boom Trucks; Hydro Vac ! (and similar equipment); Locomotives, All; Motor Patrol; Pile Drivers and Skid Rig; Post Hole Digger; Pre - Stress Machine; Pump Cretes Dual Ram; Pump Cretes; Squeeze Cretes -screw Type Pumps; Raised and Blind Hole Drill; Roto Mill Grinder; Scoops - Tractor Drawn; Slip-form Paver; Straddle Buggies; Tournapull; Tractor with Boom and Side Boom; Trenching Machines. Class 2. Bobcat (over 3/4 cu. yd.); Boilers; Brick Forklift; Broom, All Power Propelled; Bulldozers; Concrete Mixer (Two Bag and Over); Conveyor, Portable; Forklift Trucks; Greaser Engineer; Highlift Shovels or Front Endloaders under 2 -1/4 yd.; Hoists, Automatic; Hoists, inside Freight Elevators; Hoists, Sewer Dragging Machine; Hoists, Tugger Single Drum; Laser Screed; Rock Drill (self - propelled); Rock Drill (truck mounted); Rollers, All; Steam Generators; Tractors, All; Tractor Drawn Vibratory Roller; Winch Trucks with " A " Frame. Class 3. Air Compressor; Combination - Small Equipment Operator; Generators; Heaters, Mechanical; Hoists, Inside Elevators - (Rheostat Manual Controlled); Hydraulic Power Units (Pile Driving, Extracting, and Drilling); Pumps, over 3 (1 to 3 not to exceed a total of 300 ft.); Pumps, Well Points; Welding Machines (2 through 5); Winches, 4 small Electric Drill Winches; Bobcat (up to and including 3/4 cu. yd.). Class 4. Bobcats and /or other Skid Steer Loaders; Oilers; and Brick Forklift. OPERATING ENGINEERS - HEAVY AND HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION http: / /www.state.il.us/ agency /idol / rates /EVENMO/KENDALL9.htin 3 /17/2006 uiivan %_uumy rrevaiimg wage for April 2006 Page 5 of 6 I i i Class 1. Craft Foreman; Asphalt Plant; Asphalt Heater and Planer Combination; Asphalt Heater Scarfire; Asphalt Spreader; Autograder /GOMACO or other similar type machines; ABG Paver; Backhoes with Caisson attachment; Ballast Regulator; Belt Loader; Caisson Rigs; Car Dumper; Central Redi -Mix Plant; Combination Backhoe Front Endloader Machine, (1 cu. yd. Backhoe Bucket or over or with attachments); Concrete Breaker (Truck Mounted): Concrete Conveyor; Concrete Paver over 27E cu. ft.; Concrete Placer; Concrete Tube Float; Cranes, all attachments; Cranes, Hammerhead, Linden, Peco & Machines of a like nature; Crete Crane; Crusher, Stone, etc.; Derricks, All; Derrick Boats; Derricks, Traveling; Dowell machine with Air Compressor; Dredges; Field Mechanic - Welder; Formless Curb and Gutter Machine; Gradall and Machines of a like nature; Grader, Elevating; Grader, Motor Grader, Motor Patrol, Auto Patrol, Form Grader, Pull Grader, Subgrader; Guard Rail Post Driver Mounted; Hoists, One, Two and Three Drum; Hydraulic Backhoes; Backhoes with shear attachments; Mucking Machine; Pile Drivers and Skid Rig; Pre - Stress Machine; Pump Cretes Dual Ram; Rock Drill - Crawler or Skid Rig; Rock Drill - Truck Mounted; Roto Mill Grinder; Slip -Form Paver; Soil Test Drill Rig (Truck Mounted); Straddle Buggies; Hydraulic Telescoping Form (Tunnel); Tractor Drawn Belt Loader ( with attached pusher - two engineers); Tractor with Boom; Tractaire with Attachments; Trenching Machine; Truck Mounted Concrete Pump with Boom; Raised or Blind Hole; Drills (Tunnel Shaft); Underground Boring and /or Mining Machines; Wheel Excavator; Widener (APSCO). Class 2. Batch Plant; Bituminous Mixer; Boiler and Throttle Valve; Bulldozers; Car Loader Trailing Conveyors; Combination Backhoe Front Endloader Machine (less than 1 cu. yd. Backhoe Bucket or over or with attachments); Compressor and Throttle Valve; Compressor, Common Receiver (3); Concrete Breaker or Hydro Hammer; Concrete Grinding Machine; Concrete Mixer or Paver 7S Series to and including 27 cu. ft.; Concrete Spreader; Concrete Curing Machine, Burlap Machine, Belting Machine and Sealing Machine; Concrete Wheel Saw; Conveyor Muck Cars (Haglund or Similar Type); Drills, All; Finishing Machine - Concrete; Greaser Engineer; Highlift Shovels or Front Endloader; Hoist - Sewer Dragging Machine; Hydraulic Boom Trucks (All Attachments); Hydro - Blaster; All Locomotives, Dinky; Pump Cretes; Squeeze Cretes -Screw Type Pumps, Gypsum Bulker and Pump; Roller, Asphalt; Rotory Snow Plows; Rototiller, Seaman, etc., self - propelled; Scoops - Tractor Drawn; Self - Propelled Compactor; Spreader - Chip - Stone, etc.; Scraper; Scraper - Prime Mover in Tandem (Regardless of Size); Tank Car Heater; Tractors, Push, Pulling Sheeps Foot, Disc, Compactor, etc.; Tug Boats. Class 3. Boilers; Brooms, All Power Propelled; Cement Supply Tender; Compressor, Common Receiver (2); Concrete Mixer (Two Bag and Over); Conveyor, Portable; Farm -Type Tractors Used for Mowing, Seeding, etc.; Fireman on Boilers; Forklift Trucks; Grouting Machine; Hoists, Automatic; Hoists, All Elevators; Hoists, Tugger Single Drum; Jeep Diggers; Pipe Jacking Machines; Post -Hole Digger; Power Saw, Concrete Power Driven; Pug Mills; Rollers, other than asphalt; Seed and Straw Blower; Steam Generators; Stump Machine; Winch Trucks with "A" Frame; Work Boats; Tamper - Form -Motor Driven. Class 4. Air Compressor; Combination - Small Equipment Operator; Directional Boring Machine; Generators; Heaters, Mechanical; Hydraulic Power Unit (Pile Driving, Extracting, or Drilling); Hydro - Blaster; Light Plants, All (1 through 5); Pumps, over 3 (1 to 3 not to exceed http: / /Www.state.il.us/ agency /idol /rates/EVENMO/KENDALL9.htm 3/17/2006 — ciivaii k-ounry rrevailing Wage for April 2006 Page 6 of 6 a total of 300 ft.); Pumps, Well Points; Tractaire; Welding Machines (2 through 5); Winches, 4 Small Electric Drill Winches. Class 5. Bobcats (all); Brick Forklifts, Oilers. TERRAZZO FINISHER The handling of sand, cement, marble chips, and all other materials that may be used b t Y y he Mosaic Terrazzo Mechanic and the mixing, grinding, grouting, cleaning and sealing of all Marble, Mosaic, and Terrazzo work, floors, base, stairs, and wainscoting by hand or machine, and in addition, assisting and aiding Marble, Masonic, and Terrazzo Mechanics. Other Classifications of Work: For definitions of classifications not otherwise set out, the Department generally has on file such definitions which are available. If a task to be performed is not subject to one of the classifications of pay set out, the Department will upon being contacted state which neighboring county has such a classification and provide such rate, such rate being deemed to exist by reference in this document. If no neighboring county rate applies to the task, the Department shall undertake a special determination, such special determination being then deemed to have existed under this determination. If a project requires these, or any classification not listed, please contact IDOL at 618/993 -7271 for wage rates or clarifications. LANDSCAPING Landscaping work falls under the existing classifications for laborer, operating engineer and truck driver. The work performed by landscape plantsman and landscape laborer is covered by the existing classification of laborer. The work performed by landscape operators (regardless of equipment used or its size) is covered by the classifications of operating engineer. The work performed by landscape truck drivers (regardless of size of truck driven) is covered by the classifications of truck driver. i http: / /Www.state.il.us/ agency /idol /rates/EVENMO/KENDALL9.htin 3/17/2006 200 -300 (6 -12) `- 75 min. (3) / 100 450 min. 7 p a .. (41 08) ° 100 N - m r _ = E v •— • tom I O N N °p M - 100 -150 (4 -6) 1 100-150 f4 -6) Orange Oronge CONE REFLECTORIZED CONE FLEXIBLE DELINEATOR VERTICAL PANEL DRUM POST MOUNTED 300 _ (12) p p o _ p ° / 150 CIE N N m Nlm 150 E ° _ ",�- m I 600 min. _ 600 min. (24) ! _ 1.2 m min. I 600 / TYPE I BARRICADE TYPE II BARRICADE TYPE III BARRICADE y DIRECTION INDICATOR VERTICAL BARRICADE BARRICADE Warning lights (If required) GENERAL NOTES All heights shown sholl be measured above the pavement surface. All dimensions are in millimeters (Inches) unless otherwise shown. DATE REVISIONS ® )RInDI, DODOr{mOn{ O1 T OnPDDr}O{IDn 4 -1 -06 Revised vert. borrlcade. TRAFFIC CONTROL APPROVED � �DD6 I IDOSt mounted signs. and DEVICES I �sl ns on temp. su (Sheet 1 Of 3) .,u NUN u c ENei3O �� R 9 ppor ts. — ROVED .y.I� 4 zoos - 1 -1 -05 (Added note to work Iimi; - NDINEER D o ilex R` ' wDNNE „t Wani ITypeI ba r icade. ded STANDARD 702001 -06 Type A monodirectlonol flashing light 450x450 (18x18) Orange flags 1.8 m - 3.6 m — (6 12'1 ROAD TION END C CONS E L NEXT T X U MILES (CONSTRUCTION 0 Metal or _�• 1 *. 0 wood post 600 -3.0 m G20 -1(0) -6036 G20 -2o(0) -6024 a c 1.5 m (5')min. rural Edge of (24 - 10') 0 1.2 m (4') rural 2.1 m (7')min. urban pavement p SIGN This slgning Is required for all projects face 0 1.8 m 16'1 urban of curb 0 OF SPECIFIED) 3200 m (2 miles) or more In length. -0 1 E ROAD CONSTRUCTION NEXT X MILES sign shall be placed 150 m (5001 In advance of pro- ject limits. II Elevation of edge 9 ( Elevation of edge g END CONSTRUCTION sign shall be erected at II of pavement of pavement the end of the job unless another job Is wlthln 3200 m (2 miles) . 1.5 m (5') min. SIGNS ON TEMPORARY SUPPORTS embedment ^® Dual sign displays shall be utilized on multi- lone highways. POST MOUNTED SIGNS * When work operations exceed four days, this dimension shall HIGH LEVEL WARNING DEVICE WORK LIMIT SIGNING �E When curb or paved shoulder ore present be 1.5 m (5') min. this dimension shall be 600 (24) to the face of curb or 1.8 m (6') to the Outside edge of the paved shoulder. 600 (24) L 125 _ 175 I (5) (7) — ) O ~ /2.11.') Federal series C_ 180 (7'1 Federal Berle\ .. &T,1 WN N'N _L0 O .Q. 400 (zo /z) T \ tt6) b m iD All dimensions are In millimeters (Inches) unless otherwise shown. FRONT SIDE REVERSE SIDE D°°° "m°^' °' ° ^ °P° " °" °^ TRAFFIC CONTROL I• °_�.I 2006 N FLAGGER TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGN DEVICES �� APPROVED N a En °Iloxs (Sheet 2 of 3) IPPPOVED �✓ fODE = STANDARD 702001 -06 ENGINEER OF OESION ENO ENVIN°NNEN! j 600 t i-► A (24) 2.4 m min. - - - - I O - - - - - - - - - - - - = _ 1.5 m min. (8 1 ��/ . 0 0 o c 1.2 m min. (5') -- .i .. _ _ - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - — - - — — - in o 0 E --- ". aa -- - Weep holes @C E o I E g - - - - -- C.) m � 8 m � 8 m I_ �Construetion QS'1 (25') 60m_ 8 6 0mt advance 60mt d d _ L--.� warning signs E ILA \ A (2007 1200') (200') E �° P II I II II� �- WII I�1 E j -_. _ . - E .. - - N PLAN o ti IIIII f e m —� �1 IWI L5 m (25') + 45 ± Face may be (5'I TYPE A TYPE B TYPE C a3,) I stepped or smooth — --I— ROOF ROOF OR TRAILER TRAILER « I I Traffic MOUNTED MOUNTED MOUNTED =1 U R p� ` Epoxy channels ARROW BOARDS eon 1 (3%2) SECTION A -A TYPICAL INSTALLATION TEMPORARY RUMBLE STRIPS JAI--- ._ min. f61 R11- y 15�max. y l IS 0 max. � E E fl2) Type A . I _ II 150 max. flasher p (6> 2 ROAD 2Z E E ��.......\\��.��. CLOSED a r...�. -� / ;, i shoulder 7` -- - Pavement 1 30 112) Type A I ROAD CLOSED TO ALL TRAFFIC flasher RII -4 Reflectorized striping may be omitted goao CLOSED ROAD L - ' - n on the back side of the barricades. To TD If a Type 111 barricade with an attached 7XgU TRAFFIC TXRU TRAFFIC sign panel which meets NCHRP 350 Is not available. the sign may be mounted on an NCHRP 350 temporary sign support directly ' In front of the barricade. ::..•.:.:'..,-.•; ,�= � � � � All dimensions ore In millimeters (inches) Pavement unless otherwise shown. ROAD CLOSED TO THRU TRAFFIC DDD°rf —e .1 7-nDD , tWl DD Reflectorized striping shall appear an TRAFFIC CONTROL TYPICAL APPLICATIONS OF both sides of the barricades. If a APPROVED - I. •Dos Type 111 barricode with on attached DEVICES X62. o TYPE III BARRICADES CLOSING A ROAD sign panel which meets NCHRP 350 Is Ei+GR'FFm 1 ° ''' not available, the signs may be mounted (Sheaf 3 of 3) APPROVED Ae �. zoos - on NCHRP 350 temporary sign supports „DI„E q DE 6(1 A a ° „ME„, directly in front of the barricode. STANDARD 702001 -06 ROAD W21 - 48 WORK ANEAD W20- IIDI -48 Or FLAGGER NE LANE ROAD ROAD ONSTRDCTIO MEAD 4NEA. ® I W20-4(01 -4H W20- 1(01 -48 J 1 30 m min. -------- --- ---- ll -------- _— _— _ —_ —_ — _ ?YPe I_or Type 11 Barricades —One / one lane oPeratlon / + (100_) a �P I I a 00 o ° -- -_ 0 o -- Type I or Type II barr)codes _ �m � I 3O (I M max. <]00') ® ROAD J Type III barricades I CLOSED E o RII -2 ROAD O NE LArvE ROAD ANEAD 20 - 4(01 q °AO t0 `" ELOSE. W21- 4(0) -48 FLAG For AHEAp W AHEAD W20- 3(0) -48 Or maintenance and utility W20- II01 -4B _ Ron. protects ON AKAD O ANEAD W20-I(0) -48 For W20- 1contract - 4(0)-48 construction prote cts SIGN SPACING Posted Speed Sign Spacing SYMBOLS I 55 164 m (500'1 I 50 -45 1 115 m (350') ® Work area m Refer to SIGN SPACING TABLE <45 I 6o m (200') for distances. GENERAL NOTES � Cone, drum or barricade (not drum for moving operations) m For approved slderoad closures. This Standard is used where at any- ® Cones o+ H m (25'1 centers for 75 m time, day or night, any vehicle, equlp- Sign on portable or permanent support (250'1- Additional cones may be placed men(, workers or their r e on the pavemennt t requiring of IS m centers. When drums or the closure of one traffic long In an Type I or r T the cl Type II barri re urban area. Flogger with traffic control sign used. the Interval between een d devices may be doubled. All dimensions are In millime+ers (Inches) Barricade or drum with flashing light unless otherwise shown. ® 1111NOI, De rtm 1 or TrOne°Orr ° +ian Type III barricade with flashing lights I DATE I REVISIONS APPROVED January 1. +005 — 1-1 -05 (Deleted FLAGGER SYMBOL URBAN LANE CLOSURE, ENGINE _° Ifilaggerd repositioned APPROyER 2L 2 YY y UNDIVIDED S Of OPERATIONS January I. 1999 , - I 1 -1 -99 (Rev. burr. or drum w/ L rvm rvEER aF a1GN AN. wvin.NNEx I (flashing light sym, & add STANDARD 701507 -03 (Type III burr. sym. i i f i RECEIVED { M LOCAL ROADS I t F _ 6] E'ti': _)�� c __ -- -- ----- -- —+ I Illinois Department of Transportation TO: Eric Dhuse FROM: K. Vlastnik DATE: May 4, 2006 r RE: Resolution for GM ❑ Take Appropriate Action ❑ Please See /Call Me ❑ For Your Approval ❑ Reply For My/Your Signature ❑ Approved ❑ Per Your Request ❑ Investigate and Report ❑ Return ❑ Please Report on Current Status ❑ File ❑ For Your Comments ❑ See Reverse for ® For Your Information Additional Comments Remarks: )made the following changes to the package: • Added Group II to the Estimated Cost sheets. The bituminous surface course does not have to be superpave since it is less than 400 tons. • Checked and added check sheet LRS 3 and LRS 7. • Added LR 107 -3 and 107 -9. If you have any questions call. keZ1 vCgstvi �l� VlastnikKM @dot.il.gov 815- 434 -8575