Ordinance 1913-01 Al2RVRfA r. .vr.. ..
To the President and Village Board of the Village Of
The undersi sued,!,Wostern united G ua.:and Electric
r:.. Ct p , by its 'rem ant � sec x�e' s ,t Wreunto duly
authorized, hereby accepts the ordinance and ,oblgationa,
terms, conditions, rifts and privileges therein granted
and imposed$ which ordinance is an. o rdi nance entitled$
'"An ordinance authoriz in the sale of;gs s for heat,
light s xad power purposes, and -Or such other pur/
pores aa- gas and its by-products are, or 'hereafter
be'used fox', and also authori'zine the laying
may,down o, d, ope.ration of- a. system of gas mains and
service 1) in, along and upon certain streets,
avenues, alleys and` public places in the Village of
Yorkville,, Kendall 'County$ Ill ino'is
and which ordL nannce vas passed by your Honorable Body
on the 10th day of July, A. D. 19139 and duly approved
by the President of said ` Village.
Prepide5 .
Attest= i
State of Illinois, )
w County 'o of Kane )
# �y
J . 0. Copley and 'Fred Bennitt°, ,being first ,duly
sworn on oath, sag, each far h elf:, that. they are respedtive-
ly President: and Secretary of the:Vestern:`Uni:ted 'Gas and
Blectiic CoMpan ; that they were duY authorized. and directed
to Acoept the 'ebove 'mentioned. Oidi nanee and the oblizations, .
aondti'ons, rights aid r gr3v ] g .:ibri , rated aid .imppeed
by the President of ;the Board of rectors of the said Company,
adopted at a special meeting of tie std �oarr'd of erectors
ox� the 10th, day. o f ,July,' A. D. :19145; that in pursuance of such
a�xthoxity sand. d r eti.an .they, nax a sigr d ythe: name ,cif the e'aid,
'�eStG'r 1 Un3te4 .Gas and 7ledtric Co .4and- af!f i' dr the seal
of tYjo said corporation to the fo rego1119 instrument, for. the
uses:oza purposes therein f3et for ,.
:. Stbscribed and .$worn to before me trh a day of Jul i A, A.
191 .
k Pit R 1 a