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Ordinance 1954-01 TAX LEVY ORDINANCE .Mereas, the Board of Trustees of the Village of Bristol, Kendall County, Illinois, did heretofore in the first quarter of its fiscal year, pass the annual Appropriation Ordinance for Said Village for the fiscal year beginning May 1, 1954, the amount of which was ascertained to be in the aggregate sum of $3,305.00, and whereas, said Appropxiation Ordinance was duly signed and approved the published as required by law, and, whereas, more than ten days have elapsed since the publication of said Appropria- tion Ordinance and the same is now in full force and effect: NOW THEPXFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES of the Village of Bristol, Kendall. County, Illinois: Section 1. That there by and is hereby levied on all taxable property within the corporate limits of said Village of Bristol, subject to taxation for the year 1954, the total sum of $2,085.00 for the following, specific purposes mentioned in said appropriation ordinance in the respective sums as follows, to-wit:- (The amount hereby levied being the amount appearing in the right hand column following.) Amount approp- riated in Appro- Amount pration Ordinance Levied Far improving streets and alleys 1320.00 400.00 For street lights 625.00 500.00 For maintenance of park 475.00 300.00 For salaries of village officers 420.00 420.00 For Clerk= s expense 50.00 50.00 For legal services 50.00 50.00 For garbage disposal 365.00 365.00 Total $3305.0 2085.00 Section 2. The foregoing item of $ 365.00 levied for garbage disposal is levied in excess of the statutory rate by reason of compliance with the Statute of the State of Illinois relative to an excess tax in relation to gar'kage disposal. Section 3. The County,,Clbrk of Kendall County, Illinois, is directed to extend said taxes as levied and is also directed pursuant to any certificate on file in hes office to extend the sum set forth in said certificate for the present year to pay principal and interests on bonds, all in accordance with such certificate, the same being issued and placed on file in his office under an ordinance authorizing said bonds, which ordingance was duly sub- mitted to a referendum of the voters of said Village. 9-ection 4. The clerk of said Village of Bristol is hereby directed to file with the County Clerk of said County a duly cert- tified copy of this ordinance. Section 5. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval according to law. Signed and approved this 16th day of August, A. D. 1954 PrP sid en Passed this 16th day of August, A.D. 1954 V age Clerk Attest r Village CI e r