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Planning and Zoning Commission Packet 2017 07-12-17 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION AGENDA Wednesday, July 12, 2017 7:00 PM Yorkville City Hall Council Chambers 800 Game Farm Road Meeting Called to Order: 7:00 p.m. Roll Call: Previous meeting minutes: June 14, 2017 Citizen’s Comments -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Hearings 1. PZC 2017-07 Casey’s Retail Company, petitioner, has filed applications with the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois, requesting rezoning classification, special use authorization, and a variance to sign regulations. The real property is located south of U.S. Route 34, west of McHugh Road. The petitioner is requesting rezoning approval from R-1 Suburban Residential District to B-3 General Business District (contingent on approved of an annexation agreement by the City Council); special use permit approval for a gasoline service station with accessory convenience store; and a sign variance for a permanent freestanding business signs to be larger than a maximum of 32 square feet. 2. PZC 2017-08 Dale Larson, petitioner, has filed an application with the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois, requesting a rear yard setback variance for 1995 Meadowlark Court in the Country Hills Subdivision of Yorkville to reduce the rear yard setback from 40 feet to 30 feet. The purpose for this request is to allow a single family home to be built on this lot within the Country Hills Subdivision which will be consistent with surrounding homes. Old Business New Business 1. PZC 2017-07 Casey’s Retail Company, petitioner, has filed applications with the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois, requesting rezoning classification, special use authorization, and a variance to sign regulations. The real property is located south of U.S. Route 34, west of McHugh Road. The petitioner is requesting rezoning approval from R-1 Suburban Residential District to B-3 General Business District (contingent on approved of an annexation agreement by the City Council); special use permit approval for a gasoline service station with accessory United City of Yorkville 800 Game Farm Road Yorkville, Illinois 60560 Telephone: 630-553-4350 convenience store; and a sign variance for a permanent freestanding business signs to be larger than a maximum of 32 square feet. The Petitioner is also seeking Final Plat approval. Action Item Rezoning, Special Use, Variance and Final Plat 2. PZC 2017-08 Dale Larson, petitioner, has filed an application with the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois, requesting a rear yard setback variance for 1995 Meadowlark Court in the Country Hills Subdivision of Yorkville to reduce the rear yard setback from 40 feet to 30 feet. The purpose for this request is to allow a single family home to be built on this lot within the Country Hills Subdivision which will be consistent with surrounding homes. Action Item Variance 3. PZC 2017-09 Anthony Place Yorkville, LP, petitioner, has filed an application with the United City of Yorkville requesting Final Plat approval for the Anthony Place senior independent living facility. The request will consolidate two (2) currently adjacent parcels and dedicate right-of- way, access and public utility and drainage easements needed for the development of the approximately 3.175-acre property to be located at the northeast corner of Freemont and Walnut Streets, in Yorkville, Illinois. Action Item Final Plat Additional Business 1. City Council Action Updates The following items were presented to the City Council on June 27, 2017. a. PZC 2017-07 United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois, petitioner, is proposing a text amendment for consideration of updates to “Chapter 18: Telecommunication Tower and Antenna Regulations” of the United City of Yorkville Zoning Ordinance regarding small cell antennas. Action – Motion approved by City Council b. PZC 2017-08 Semper Fi Land, Inc., petitioner, has filed an application with Kendall County requesting Special Use authorization to operate a waste composting facility. The property is located at 1996 Cannonball Trail in Bristol Township approximately 0.5 miles south of Galena Road. Action – No Action Taken. Application was withdrawn by Petitioner. Adjournment Page 1 of 4 DRAFT PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION City Council Chambers 800 Game Farm Road, Yorkville, Il Wednesday, June 14, 2017 7:00pm Meeting Called to Order Planning and Zoning Commission Chairman Randy Harker called the meeting to order at 7:00pm and a quorum was established. Roll Call: Jeff Olson-yes, Reagan Goins-yes, Deborah Horaz-yes, Don Marcum-yes, Randy Harker- yes. Absent: Richard Vinyard, Bill Gockman City Staff Krysti Barksdale-Noble, Community Development Director Other Guests Matt Asselmeier, Senior Planner, Kendall County Planning, Building, Zoning Christine Vitosh, Vitosh Court Reporting Janet Kenyon, Woods of Blackberry Oaks Previous Meeting Minutes May 10, 2017 The minutes of the previous meeting were approved on a motion and second by Commissioners Marcum and Goins, respectively. Roll call: Goins-yes, Horaz-present, Marcum-yes, Olson-yes, Harker-yes. Passed: 4 yes and one present. Citizen’s Comments Ms. Janet Kenyon, Bristol resident of Woods of Blackberry Oaks, spoke against the proposed composting facility petition on the agenda tonight. While not a Yorkville resident, she resides in Bristol in close proximity to the city limits and proposed compost facility. Due to past family medical issues, she has used Semper Fi's lawn service with no issues. In regards to the proposed facility, she is concerned about the environment and air and water pollution since she has a well and septic. She desires to keep the neighborhood clean and maintain property values and said there is no Mayor and Council to whom area residents can voice complaints. Other concerns include increased traffic/road use and odor. Residents of her subdivision pay high taxes and the property values have decreased. She shared her concerns at the County meeting earlier in the week. She asked the Commission to consider these factors when making their recommendation. Page 2 of 4 Public Hearings 1. PZC 2017-06 United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois, petitioner, is proposing a text amendment for consideration of updates to “Chapter 18”: Telecommunication Tower and Antenna Regulations” of the United City of Yorkville Zoning Ordinance regarding small cell antennas. Chairman Harker explained the process for the Public Hearings. The Public Hearing was opened at approximately 7:08pm on a motion by Ms. Horaz and second by Mr. Olson. Roll call: Goins-yes, Horaz-yes, Marcum-yes, Olson-yes, Harker-yes. Passed 5-0. (See Court Reporter's Transcript) The Hearing closed at approximately 7:17pm on a motion by Ms. Goins and second by Ms. Horaz. Roll call: Horaz-yes, Marcum-yes, Olson-yes, Goins-yes, Harker-yes. Passed 5-0 Old Business None New Business 1. PZC 2017-06 Text Amendment (Same as above) There was no further discussion and the Commissioners were in favor of the amendment. Action Item Text Amendment Mr. Olson made a motion as follows: In consideration of testimony presented during a Public Hearing on June 14, 2017, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommends approval to the City Council of a request to amend Chapter 18 Telecommunication and Antenna Regulations of the United City of Yorkville Zoning Ordinance as it relates to Small Cell Antennas presented by staff in a memorandum dated April 26, 2017. Ms. Horaz seconded the motion. Roll call: Marcum-yes, Olson-yes, Goins-yes, Horaz-yes, Harker-yes. Passed 5-0. 2. PZC 2017-05 Semper Fi Land, Inc., petitioner, has filed an application with Kendall County requesting Special Use authorization to operate a waste composting facility. The property is located at 1996 Cannonball Trail in Bristol Township approximately 0.5 miles south of Galena Road. Ms. Noble presented the background for this petition. This is for 1.5 mile review and recommendations. The property is comprised of 5.5 acres of land entirely surrounded by Yorkville with residential zoning for future development. The owner wishes to establish a landscaping and yard waste operation for mulch and compost. She noted a similar use is in operation on the northwest side of the City. A stipulation on this property stated that if development occurred and there were complaints, the owner would be required to close their operation in three years. A meeting was held with the petitioner last year. Just this year, staff met with the landowner of the property surrounding the 5.5 acre-site and said he wished to restart the residential project. This landowner was concerned about the petition as well. Page 3 of 4 Many concerns were discussed including: noise decibels, height of landscaping piles, size of grinding machine and if more than one would be allowed, construction materials to be allowed in grinder, truck traffic of at least 20 semis per days and effect on the roads, need for paving of the entrance road to eliminate dust, proximity of Bristol Elementary School and noise level for school, effect on bar/restaurant in Bristol from odor, possible flies, will storm basin catch all potential contaminants. It was noted that this use does not comply with the Comprehensive Plan and changes the character of the north side of Bristol. Mr. Asselmeier discussed possible odors emanating from the site and he said the Regional PZC had concerns about that as well. The County PZC also said it was not an appropriate use for this location and recommended not to advance petition to the County Board. He said the proposal is in limbo at the County level at this time. Ms. Noble asked Commission members to forward any other concerns to her. She said the Commission could approve, formally oppose or make recommendations, but the City Council has the final vote with approval or formal objection. If a formal objection is made, the County must have a super majority to approve the petition. The next County PZC meeting is July 10th. A motion was made by Mr. Marcum as follows: In consideration of the fact that the staff has made certain recommendations to pass, a motion is made to have a vote to approve or deny their recommendations. Second by Mr. Horaz. Roll call to approve: Olson-no, Goins-no, Horaz-no, Marcum-no, Harker-no. Motion failed. Ms. Goins made another motion relating to the petition: In consideration of the discussion between the members of the Planning and Zoning Commission, we record our strong opposition to the proposal in its current form. Mr. Marcum seconded. Roll call: Goins-yes, Horaz-yes, Marcum-yes, Olson-yes, Harker-yes. Passed 5-0. Additional Business 1. City Council Action Updates PZC 2017-04 Text Amendment (Definition for Health & Fitness clubs) was approved by City Council 2. Kendall County Action Update on 1.5 Mile Review PZC 2016-02 Jet's Towing, County approved change from A-1 to M-1 in spite of formal objection from City. 3. Yorkville/Kendall County Future Land Use Plan Differences Ms. Noble attended an annual planning meeting with other municipalities and the County. She said there was concern from the County about differences between the City and County on their respective Comprehensive Plans. The County requested a formal memo about the differences. The City stated their plan is more up to date with current information. She asked if the Commissioners felt the City should change the Plan to comply with the County. All Commissioners indicated “no”. Page 4 of 4 Adjournment There was no further business and the meeting was adjourned at 8:04pm on a motion and second by Ms. Horaz and Ms. Goins, respectively. Respectfully submitted by Marlys Young, Minute Taker 1 1 2 3 4 5 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE 6 YORKVILLE, ILLINOIS 7 8 9 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING 10 PUBLIC HEARING 11 12 13 14 15 800 Game Farm Road 16 Yorkville, Illinois 17 18 19 Wednesday, June 14 , 2017 20 7 : 00 p .m. 21 22 23 24 Vitosh Deporting Service 815. 993 . 2832 cros .vitosh@gmail .com 2 1 PRESENT : 2 Mr . Randy Harker, Chairman, 3 Ms . Deborah Horaz, 4 Ms . Reagan Flavin Goins, 5 Mr . Don Marcum, 6 Mr . Jeff Olson . 7 8 9 ALSO PRESENT : 10 Ms . Krysti Barksdale-Noble, Community 11 Development Director, 12 Ms . Marlys Young, Minute Taker . 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 gitosh Deporting Service 815. 993 .2832 cros .vitosh@gmail .com 3 1 The following 21 proceedings were had in 3 public hearing : ) 4 CHAIRMAN HARKER : We ' re going to move on 5 to the public hearing . There is one public 6 hearing scheduled for tonight ' s Planning and 7 Zoning Commission meeting . 8 The purpose of this hearing is to 9 invite members , invite testimony, from members of 10 the public regarding the proposed request that is 11 being considered before the Board tonight . 12 Public testimony from persons 13 present wishing to speak may be in favor of or 14 against the request, or ask questions of the 15 petitioner regarding the request being heard . 16 Those persons wishing to testify are 17 asked to speak clearly, one at a time, and state 18 your name and who you represent, if anyone . You 19 are also asked to sign in at the podium if you 20 haven ' t already done so . 21 If you plan to speak at tonight ' s 22 hearing as a petitioner or member of the public, 23 please stand, raise your right hand, and repeat 24 after me . Vitosh Reporting Service 815. 993 .2832 cros.vitosh@gmail .com 4 1 No response . ) 2 CHAIRMAN HARKER: Awesome . Seeing there 3 is none, we will move on . So I don ' t need to 4 worry about that, I just open it, right? 5 May I have a motion to open the 6 public hearing on petition number PZC 2017-06? 7 MS . HORAZ : Motion . 8 MR. OLSON : Second . 9 CHAIRMAN HARKER: Roll call vote on the 10 motion, please . 11 MS . YOUNG: Goins . 12 MS . GOINS : Yes . 13 MS . YOUNG: Horaz . 14 MS . HORAZ : Yes . 15 MS . YOUNG: Marcum. 16 MR. MARCUM: Yes . 17 MS . YOUNG: Olson. 18 MR. OLSON : Yes . 19 MS . YOUNG: Harker . 20 CHAIRMAN HARKER: Yes . 21 Okay. PZC 2017-06, the United City 22 of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois, 23 petitioner, is proposing a text amendment for 24 consideration of updates to Chapter 18 : Vitosh Deporting Service 815. 993 . 2832 cros .vitosh@gmail .com 5 1 Telecommunication Tower and Antenna Regulations 2 of the United City of Yorkville Zoning Ordinance 3 regarding small cell antennas . 4 MS . NOBLE : Okay. General request, 5 there is not a lot in Chapter 18 that needs to be 6 amended, which is the area of the code that the 7 Planning and Zoning Commission would review. 8 In essence, we are allowing small 9 cell towers to be located within the 10 right-of-way. Typically the right-of-way is 11 regulated for those types of essential utilities, 12 water, sewer, your dry utilities like electric 13 and gas, but as technology has advanced, there is 14 a movement to start seeing cell tower access as 15 one of the essential utilities, so cell towers 16 began to petition to the state to ask for access 17 within that right-of-way, and as part of that, 18we ' ve gotten a few permits in to the city 19 requesting a co-location of cell tower -- cell 20 antennas on top of our existing utility poles . 21 We did not have any regulations that 22 allowed it and we didn ' t have any regulations 23 that didn ' t allow it, so we found ourselves in a 24 position where we had to deny permits based off Vitosh W§porting Service 815. 993 . 2832 cros .vitosh@gmail .com 6 1 of criteria that is really established for small 2 cell antennas in the private side of the road, 3 which is where you would see people putting cell 4 towers and antennas on the private side . 5 So this ordinance is an opportunity 6 to clear that up, to provide specificity on what 7 it is that we are going to require of 8 telecommunication antennas within our 9 right-of-way, but a lot of that is going to be 10 addressed within Chapter 8 , which is the public 11 right-of-way, which is more the Public Works 12 section, but we had to address it in Chapter 18 , 13 which is in zoning, to say refer to Chapter 8 if 14 you ' re going to locate in the right-of-way. 15 So that ' s all you' re amending; you 16 are amending the opportunity to include language 17 if someone were to come in and look in that 18 section, because we have a section called 19 telecommunications towers and antennas, to then 20 refer them to Chapter 8, which will give them 21 more information for locating within the 22 right-of-way . 23 We did kind of clean up some of the 24 definitions so that they are more consistent; we Vitosh Deporting Service 815. 993 .2832 cros .vitosh@gmail . com 7 1 used a template from the Illinois Municipal 2 League on how to create criterias for this, so if 3 you look, Staff prepared as an attachment to 4 Chapter 8 , which is not under your purview, of 5 where the changes will occur, as well as 6 Chapter 18, which is under your purview and 7 which you are reviewing tonight, just to show 8 where we are including that caveat to refer to 9 Chapter 8 and changing some definitions . 10 So if you have any questions for me, 11 I ' ll be happy to answer them, but this has 12 already gone to Public Works, they' ve recommended 13 it for approval . Once we have our opportunity 14 for recommendation, it will go to City Council 15 for final consideration . 16 MR. OLSON: So the one you approved is 17 the one to just put an antenna on top of an 18 existing utility pole? . 19 MS . NOBLE : Correct . And we -- 20 MR. OLSON: Does it have fins on it 21 or -- 22 MS . NOBLE : No, it ' s -- Actually it 23 looks like a cap . You wouldn ' t be able to tell 24 the difference . It looks like a square cap. Vitosh Deporting Service 815. 993 . 2832 cros.vitosh@gmail. com 8 1 It ' s very innocuous, you wouldn ' t notice it ' s 2 there, especially seeing that the height is above 3 eye level . You ' d have to really look up . 4 We did have a structural engineer 5 verify because they had to provide us plans 6 stamped by a structural engineer and we had an 7 outside structural engineer review to make sure 8 that it would be stable, that it wouldn ' t cause 9 or -- you know, a breakage or anything of that 10 nature . 11 MR. OLSON : Is it a stand-alone tower, 12 is it a monopole one? Those can get up to 75 13 foot; is . that correct? 14 MS . NOBLE : Those can get tall . These 15 are more for the ones that are located on the 16 existing poles, but those can -- We did have an 17 application come in for a stand-alone one right 18 in front of City Hall that we ended up rejecting, 19 and then they came back and they found a way to 20 locate on an existing pole . 21 MR. OLSON : And I want to say you have 22 language in here that basically says that the 23 City reserves the right regardless of what people 24 send you to thumbs up or thumbs down based upon Vitosh Reporting Service 815. 993 .2832 cros .vitosh@gmail . com 9 1 your review, right? 2 MS . NOBLE : We do . We do have that 3 right, but it has to be based off the criteria, 4 so the criteria is established in Chapter 8, 5 which is not under our purview. The only thing 6 under our purview tonight is Chapter 18 , which 7 says refer to Chapter 8 . 8 MR. OLSON : This is business, but what ' s 9 the permit fee for them to come in and put that? 10 MS . NOBLE : There is a standard permit 11 fee, I want to say it ' s a hundred dollars, but 12 then there is also engineering review. Those are 13 deposits -- 14 MR. OLSON : They pay them, too, right? 15 MS . NOBLE : Yes . They are separate . 16 But just for our building permit purposes, it ' s a 17 standard fee of $100 . 18 MS . GOINS : Also not necessarily within 19 our purview, but is there a cap on the number 20 that can be placed upon the pole? 21 MR. OLSON : Good question . 22 MS . NOBLE : Not in the ordinance, but 23 it ' s dependent on engineering, structural 24 engineering, review. I,itosh Reporting Service 815. 993 .2832 cros.vitosh@gmail .com 10 1 There is opportunities for 2 co-location, but as technology advances , I don ' t 3 think it ' s going to be an issue where they ' re 4 going to be stacking more and more . 5 If you see like on our water tower, 6 we have the antennas . These are just the 7 antennas . You can have up to like four carriers 8 with an antenna that ' s shaped like a triangle, 9 and it ' s like 12 little small antennas, so that 10 will be under review by engineering as well . 11 MR. OLSON : They don ' t get charged 12 rent because it ' s in the right-of-way, correct, 13 it ' s not on City property? 14 MS . NOBLE : Correct . Correct . Only 15 when it ' s located on top of our structures, or 16 not on private property, will they be charged . 17 MS . HORAZ : Do they go to ComEd or 18 whoever owns the pole? 19 MS . NOBLE : Yes, they have to get 20 approval . 21 MS . HORAZ : And they go through them? 22 MS . NOBLE : Correct . Or AT&T, whoever 23 owns the pole . I think this one was an AT&T 24 pole . Vitosh Deporting Service 815. 993 .2832 cros.vitosh@gmail . com I1 1 MS . HORAZ : I have a question . I know 2 I ' ve seen the technology is changing so much, but 3 from what they want to kind of do is the same 4 kind of things on top of light poles, like the 5 light that you have by your house, like little 6 repeaters? 7 MS . NOBLE : This is the same . 8 MS . HORAZ : So that would address -- 9 MS . NOBLE : This would address that, 10 any poles or anything structural in our 11 right-of-way. 12 MS . HORAZ : Okay . So is this a City 13 pole, or are those ComEd poles? 14 MS . NOBLE : Those would be -- the City 15 is responsible to maintain, but if it ' s within 16 like 47, that would be the state ' s . 17 MS . HORAZ : But like within 18subdivisions . 19 MS . NOBLE : The subdivisions, then that 20 would be the City ' s because it would be within 21 the right-of-way. 22 MS . HORAZ : And then would you rent 23 that? i 24 MS . NOBLE : No, because it ' s in the Vitosh Deporting Service 815. 993 . 2832 cros.vitosh@gmail .com 12 1 right-of-way . We typically wouldn ' t 2 enter into a lease agreement, only a lease 3 agreement that ' s on our water tower or within our 4private property, like the one that we have in 5 the Woods Park . 6 MS . HORAZ : So would they pretty much go 7 through the whole town and put these things up? 8 MS . NOBLE : Because they are now 9 beginning to be considered essential utilities . 10 Just like we don ' t charge ComEd to run service 11 within our right-of-way. 12 MS . HORAZ : Okay. Thank you . 13 CHAIRMAN HARKER: Any other questions? 14 No response . ) 15 CHAIRMAN HARKER: Since all of the 16 public testimony has been taken, may I have a 17 motion to close out the taking of this public 18 hearing? 19 MS . GOINS : So moved. 20 MS . HORAZ : Second . 21 CHAIRMAN HARKER: Roll call vote on the 22 motion, please? 23 MS . YOUNG: Horaz . 24 MS . HORAZ : Yes . Vitosh Deporting Service 815. 993 . 2832 cros .vitosh@gmail .com 13 1 MS . YOUNG : Marcum. 2 MR. MARCUM: Yes . 3 MS . YOUNG: Olson. 4 MR. OLSON : Yes . 5 MS . YOUNG: Goins . 6 MS . GOINS : Yes . 7 MS . YOUNG : Harker . 8 CHAIRMAN HARKER: Yes . 9 All right . 10 Which were all the 11 proceedings had in the 12 public hearing portion 13 of the meeting . ) 14 000--- 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Vitosh Deporting Service 815. 993 .2832 cros.vitosh@gmail .com 14 1 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) SS . 2 COUNTY OF LASALLE ) 3 I, Christine M. Vitosh, a Certified Shorthand 4 Reporter, do hereby certify that I transcribed 5 the proceedings had at the pubic hearing and that 6 the foregoing, Pages 1 through 14 , inclusive, is 7 a true, correct and complete computer-generated 8 transcript of the proceedings had at the time and 9 place aforesaid. 10 I further certify that my certificate annexed 11 hereto applies to the original transcript and 12 copies thereof, signed and certified under my 13 hand only. I assume no responsibility for the 14 accuracy of any reproduced copies not made under 15 my control or direction . 16 As certification thereof, I have hereunto set 17 my hand this 29th day of June, A. D. , 2017 . 18 19 20 Christine M. Vitosh, CSR Illinois CSR No . 084-002883 21 22 23 24 Vitosh1 eporting Service 815. 993 . 2832 cros .vitosh@gmail. com 15 alone[2]-8:11,8:17 CHAIRMAN[e]-3:4, CSR[2]-14:20,14:20 G ALSO[i]-2:9 4:2,4:9,4:20,12:13, amended[1]-5:6 12:15, 12:21,13:8 p 100[i]-9:17 amending[2]-6:15, changes[11-7:5 Game[1]-1:15 6:16 changing[21-7:9, Deborah[i]-2:3 gas[1]-5:13 0 amendment[1]-4:23 11:2 general[1]-5:4 AND[1]-1:9 Chapter[121-4:24, definitions[2]-6:24, generated[1]-14:7 annexed[1]-14:10 5:5,6:10,6:12,6:13, 7:9 GOINS[4]-4:12,084-002883[1]-14:20 deny[1]-5:24 9:18,12:19,13:6answer[i]-7:11 6:20,7:4,7:6,7:9, IAntenna[t1-5:1 9:4,9:6,9:7 dependent[q-9:23 Goins[3]-2:4,4:11, antenna[2]-7:17,charge[11-12:10 deposits[1]-9:13 13:5 10:8 charged[2]-10:11, Development[1]- 1[1]-14:6 antennas[9]-5:3, 10:16 2:11 H 12[1]-10:9 5:20,6:2,6:4,6:8, Christine[2]-14:3, difference[1]-7:24 14[2]-1:19, 14:6 6:19,10:6, 10:7, 14:20 direction[il-14:15 18[5]-4:24,5:5,6:12, 10:9 city[q-5:18 Director[1]-2:11 Hall 11]-8:18 7:6,9:6 application[1]-8:17 City[8]-4:21,5:2,dollars[1]-9:11 hand[3]-3:23,14:13, applies[1]-14:11 7:14,8:18,8:23,don[1]-2:5 14:17 2 approval[2]-7:13, 10:13,11:12,11:14 done[1]-3:20 happy[i1-7:11 10:20 CITY[i]-1:5 down[11-8:24 Harker[31-2:2,4:19, approved[1]-7:16 City's[i]-11:20 dry[1]-5:12 13:7 2017[2]-1:19, 14:17 area[q-5:6 clean[1]-6:23 HARKER[8]-3:4,4:2, 2017-06[2]-4:6,4:214:9,4:20,12:13, assume[i]-14:13 clear[1]-6:6 E 12:15,12:21, 13:829th[1]-14:17 AT&T[21-10:22, clearly[i]-3:17 heard[1]-3:15 4 10:23 close[1]-12:17 electric[1]-5:12 HEARING[i]-1:10 attachment[1]-7:3 co[21-5:19,10:2 ended[i]-8:18 hearing[9]-3:3,3:5,Awesome[1]-4:2 co4ocation[2]-5:19, engineer[3]-8:4,8:6, 3:6,3:8,3:22,4:6, 47[1]-11:16 10:2 8:7 12:18, 13:12, 14:5 Code[q-5:6 engineering[a]-9:12, height[i]-8:2 7 ComEd[31-10:17, 9:23,9:24,10:10 hereby[1]-14:411:13, 12:10 enter[i]-12:2 hereto[i1-14:11Barksdale[1]-2:10 COMMISSION[i]- Barksdale-Noble[]- especially[1]-8:2 hereunto[1]-14:1675pi-8:12 1:9 essence[i]-5:8 Horaz 13]-2:3,4:13,7:00[1)-1:20 2:10 Commission[2]-3:7, based[31-5:24,8:24, essential[3]-5:11,12:23 5:7 59:3 Community[i]-2:10 5:15,12:9 HORAZ p3]-4:7, began[1]-5:16established[2]-6:1, 4:14,10:17,10:21, complete[1]-14:7 9:4 11:1,11:8, 11:12,beginning[1]-12:9 computer[ii-14:78M-6:10,6:13,6:20, Board p]-3:11 existing[4]-5:20, 11:17,11:22, 12:6, 7:4,7:9,9:4,9:7 breakage[i]-8:9 1]-14:7 computer-generated 7:18,8:16,8:20 12:12,12:20, 12:24 800[1]-1:15 building[1]-9:16 consideration[2]- eye[1]-8:3 house[q-11:5 A business[il-9:8 4:24,7:15 F hundred[1]-9:11 considered[z]-3:11, C 12:9 A.D[i]-14:17 consistent[i]-6:24 Farm[11-1:15 able[1]-7:23 cap[3]-7:23,7:24, control[1]-14:15 favorp]-3:13 ILLINOIS[2]-1:6, access[2]-5:14,5:16 9:19 copies[2]-14:12,fee[3]-9:9,9:11,9:17 14:1 accuracy[1]-14:14 carriers[il-10:7 14:14 few[1l-5:18 Illinois[4]-1:16,4:22, address[3]-6:12,caveat[1]-7:8 Correct[21-10:14, final p]-7:15 7:1, 14:20 11:8,11:9 cell[s]-5:3,5:9,5:14, 10:22 fins[1]-7:20 include[1]-6:16 addressed[1]-6:10 5:15,5:19,6:2,6:3 correct[5]-7:19, Flavin[i]-2:4 including[1]-7:8 advanced 11]-5:13 certificate[1]-14:10 8:13,10:12, 10:14, following[1]-3:1 inclusive[i]-14:6 advances[i]-10:2 certification[1]- 14:7 foot[1]-8:13 information[il-6:21 aforesaid p]-14:9 14:16 Council[1]-7:14 foregoing[i]-14:6 innocuous[1]-8:1 agreement[2]-12:2, Certified[1]-14:3 COUNTY[1]-14:2 four[1]-10:7 invite[2]-3:9 12:3 certified[1]-14:12 County[1]-4:22 front[1]-8:18 issue[1]-10:3 allow[1]-5:23create[il-7:2certify[z]-14:4, allowed[i]-5:22 14:10 criteria[3]-6:1,9:3, allowing[1]-5:8 Chairman[1]-2:2 9:4 criterias[q-7:2 Vitosh Deporting Service 815. 993 . 2832 cros .vitosh@gmail. com 16 J 4:15,4:17,4:19,5:4, outside[1]-8:7 9:5,9:6,9:19 Road[1]-1:15 7:19,7:22,8:14,9:2, owns[2]-10:18, put[3]-7:17,9:9, road[1]-6:2 9:10,9:15,9:18, 10:23 12:7 roll[z]-4:9,12:21 Jeff[1]-2:6 9:22,10:14,10:17,putting[1]-6:3 run[1]-12:10 June[2]-1:19,14:17 10:19, 10:21, 10:22, P PZC[2]-4:6,4:21 11:1,11:7,11:8, S K 11:9,11:12,11:14, Q 11:17, 11:19, 11:22, p.m[1]-1:20 6:23,, 11 11:24, 12:6,12:8, Pages[1]-14:6 scheduled[1]-3:6 Kendall - 11 12:12, 12:19, 12:20, Park[11-12:5 questions[3]-3:14, second[2]-4:8, kind[3]-6 :3,12:23, 12:24, 13:1, part[1]-5:17 7:10,12:13 12:20 11:4 13:3,13:5,13:6,pay[1]-9:14 section[3]-6:12, Krysti[1]-2:10 13:7 people[z]-6:3,8:23 R s:18 Municipal[1]-7:1 permit[3]-9:9,9:10, see[2]-6:3, 10:5 L 9:16 raise[1 3:23 seeing[3]-4:2,5:14, N permits[2]-5:18, 8:2 Reagan[1]-2:4 Randy[1]-2:2 language[2]-6:16, 5:24 send[1]-8:24 8:22 persons[2]-3:12, separate[1]-9:15 name[1]-3:18 really[z]-6:1,8:3 LASALLE[1]-14:2 3:16 1]-12:10 nature[1]-8:10 recommendation[]- service League[1]-7:2 petition[2]-4:6,5:16 set[]-14:16 necessarily[1]-9:18 petitioner[3]-3:15,7'14 sewer[1]-5:12lease[z]-12:2 need(1]-4:3 recommended[1]- level[]-8:3 3:22,4:23 shaped[1]-10:8 needs[1]-5:57:12 ht[z]-11:4, 11:5 place[1]-14:9 Shorthand[11-14:3lightNoble[1]-2:10refer[4]-6:13,6:20, locate[z]-6:14,8:20 placed[1]-9:20 show[11-7:7 NOBLE[17]-5:4, 7:8,9:7 located[3]-5:9,8:15, plan[1]-3:21 side[2]-6:2,6:4 7:19,7:22,8:14,9:2, PLANNING[1]-1:9 regarding pi-3:10, sign[1]-3:1910:15 9:10,9:15,9:22,Planning[2]-3:6,5:7 3:15,5:3 signed[1]-14:12locating[1]-6:21 10:14, 10:19, 10:22, regardless 111-8:23 location[2]-5:19, 11:7,11:9,11:14, plans[1]-8:5 regulated[1]-5:11 small[4]-5:3,5:8, 10:2 11:19, 11:24,:14, podium[1]-3:19 Regulations[1]-5:1 6:1, 10:9 look 131-6:17,7:3,8:3 pole[71-7:18,8:20,someone[1]-6:17 none[1]-4:3 regulations[21-5:21, looks[2]-7:23,7:24 9:20,10:18,10:23, specificity[11-6:6notice[1]-8:1 10:24,11:13 5:22 square[1]-7:24 number[2]-4:6,9:19 poles[5]-5:20,8:16, rejecting[1]-8:18 SS[11-14:1Mrent[2]-10:12,11:2211:4,11:10, 11:13 stable[1]-8:8 0 portion[11-13:12 repeat[1]-3:23 maintain[1]-11:15 repeaters[1]-11:6 stacking -10:4 position[1]-5:24 Staff[1]-7::3 Marcum[2]-2:5,4:15 occur[1]-7:5 prepared[1]-7:3 Reporter[1]-14:4represent[1]-3:18 stamped[1]-8:6 MARCUM[21-4:16,PRESENT[2]-2:1, stand[3]-3:23,8:11,OF[31-1:5,14:1, 14:2 1reproduced[]13:2 OLSON[11]-4:8, 2:9 rep8:17 marcum[1]-13:1resent[1]-3:13 14:14 4:18,7:16,7:20,p stand-alone[z]-8:11, Marlys[1]-2:12 8:11,8:21,9:8,9:14, pretty[1]-12:6 request[4]-3:10, 8:17 MEETING[1]-1:9rivate[4]-6:2,6:4, 3:14,3:15,5:4 standard[2]-9:10,9:21,10:11,13:4 private meeting[2]-3:7, Olson[3]-2:6,4:17, 10:16, 12:4 requesting[1]-5:19 9:17 13:13 13:3 proceedings[41-3:2, require[1]-6:7 start[11-5:14 member[11-3:22 13:11,14:5,14:8 reserves[1]-8'23 state[2]-3:17,5:16once(1]-7:13 members[2]-3:9 one[9]-3:5,3:17,property pi-10:13, response[z]-4:1, STATE[11-14:1 Minute[1]-2:12 5:15,7:16,7:17, 10:16,12:4 12:14 state's[1]-11:16 monopole[1]-8:12 8:12,8:17,10:23, proposed[1]-3:10 responsibility(1]- 14:13 structural[5]-8:4, motion[5]-4:5,4:7,12:4 proposing[1]-4:23 responsible[1]- 8:6,8:7,9:23,11:10 4:10,12:17, 12:22 ones[1]-8:15 provide[2]-6:6,8:5 11: oo structures[1]-10:15 move[z]-3:4,4:3 open[2]-4:4,4:5 pubic[1]-14:5 subdivisions[z]- moved[1]-12:19 opportunities[1]-Public[2]-6:11,7:12 review[6]-5:7,8:7,: 12,9:24,9 11:18, 11:19 movement[1]-5:14 10:1 PUBLIC[1]-1:10 9:9:11,9 MR[13]-4:8,4:16,opportunity[3]-6:5, public[11]-3:3,3:5, reviewing[1]-7:7 T 4:18,7:16,7:20, 6:16,7:13 3:10,3:12,3:22,4:6, right-of-way-71-8:11,8:21,9:8,9:14, Ordinance[i]-5:2 6:10,12:16, 12:17, 5:10,5:17, [ 121 6:11,9:21,10:11,13:2, 13:12 Taker[1]-2:12 ordinance[2]-6:5, 6:22,10:12,13:4 9:22 purpose[1]-3:8 6:14, tall[1]-8:14 MS[44]-4:7,4:11,original[1]-14:11 purposes[11-9:16 11:11,11:21, 12:1, technology[3]-5:13, 4:12,4:13,4:14,ourselves[11-5:23 purview(5]-7:4,7:6, 12:11 10:2,11:2 Vitosh Reporting Service 815. 993 . 2832 cros .vitosh@gmail .com 17 telecommunication W 21-5:1,6:8 telecommunications 1]-6:19 water[3]-5:12, 10:5, template[1]-7:1 12:3 testify[1]-3:16 Wednesday[1]-1:19 testimony[31-3:9, whole[i]-12:7 3:12,12:16 wishing[2]-3:13, text[1]-4:23 3:16 thereof[2]-14:12,Woods[1]-12:5 14:16 Works[2]-6:11,7:12 they've[1]-7:12 worry[1]-4:4 thumbs[2]-8:24 tonight[3]-3:11,7:7, Y 9:6 tonight's[2]-3:6,YORKVILLE[2]-1:5, 3:21 1:6 top[4]-5:20,7:17, Yorkville[3]-1:16, 10:15,11:4 4:22,5:2 Tower[11-5:1 YOUNG[1o]-4:11, tower[5]-5:14,5:19, 4:13,4:15,4:17, 8:11,10:5,12:3 4:19,12:23,13:1, towers[4]-5:9,5:15, 13:3,13:5,13:7 6:4,6:19 Young[1]-2:12 town[1]-12:7 transcribed[1]-14:4 Z transcript[2]-14:8, 14:11 triangle[1]-10:8 zoning[1]-6:13 true[1l-14:7 ZONING[1]-1:9 types[1]-5:11 Zoning[3]-3:7,5:2, typically[21-5:10, 5:7 12:1 V underp]-7:4,7:6, 9:5,9:6,10:10, 14:12,14:14 United[2]-4:21,5:2 UNITED[tl-1:5 up[8]-6:6,6:23,8:3, 8:12,8:18,8:24, 10:7,12:7 updates[i]-4:24 utilities[4]-5:11, 5:12,5:15,12:9 utility[2]-5:20,7:18 V verify[1]-8:5 Vitosh[2]-14:3, 14:20 vote[2]-4:9,12:21 Vitosh Repotting Service 815. 993 .2832 cros.vitosh@gmail. com SUMMARY: The petitioner, Casey’s Retail Company, has filed applications with the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois, requesting to annex land located at the southwest corner of Route 34 and McHugh Road to construct a gas station with accessory convenience store. This proposed project will also require a rezoning request, special use authorization, sign variance authorization, and final plat approval. This memorandum summarizes all of the submitted materials. PROPERTY BACKGROUND: The two parcels which the petitioner is seeking to annex and build the Casey’s General Store are currently located in unincorporated Kendall County. The northern parcel currently has a single-story apartment complex and the southern parcel has a single-family home. While each property contains a residential use, both parcels are currently zoned B-3 Highway Business District in Kendall County. The property to the west, Coffman Carpets, is also zoned B-3 Highway Business District in unincorporated Kendall County. While not a part of this initial submittal, Casey’s is conducting negotiations with the Coffman Carpet property owners to possibly annex them into the City as well. For utility and underground improvements for the gas station, Casey’s may need Coffman’s to annex into the City to get rid of their existing septic system and connect to the City’s sanitary sewer system. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: As proposed, the petitioner is seeking to annex the two parcels at the southwest corner of Route 34 and McHugh Road. Upon annexation, the property will automatically be zoned into the most restrictive zoning district, R-1 Suburban Residence District. Therefore, to accommodate the intended commercial use, the petitioner has requested to rezone the properties to the B-3 General Business District and request a special use authorization for a gas station within the zoning district. Memorandum To: Planning and Zoning Commission From: Jason Engberg, Senior Planner CC: Bart Olson, City Administrator Krysti Barksdale-Noble, Community Development Director Date: July 6, 2017 Subject: PZC 2017-07 Casey’s General Store – Gas Station and Convenience Store Proposed Annexation, Rezone, Special Use Authorization, Sign Variance, and Final Plat Additionally, the petitioner has requested a sign variance for their monument sign and has submitted their final plat. EXISTING ZONING: The existing zoning and land use for properties surrounding the subject property are as indicated below: Zoning Land Use North Commercial Planned Unit Development Farm land East B-3 General Business District Heartland Business Center South B-3 Highway Business District (Kendall County) Residential Housing West B-3 Highway Business District (Kendall County) Coffman Carpets SITE PLAN: The proposed 1.35 acre site plan was reviewed by various City departments and outside agencies to ensure compliance with applicable ordinances, regulations and standards with regard to building setbacks, parking/parking setbacks, circulation/access roads, stormwater management/utilities, landscaping and signage. Below are the summaries of those reviews. Building Setbacks The petitioner has depicted the following property’s building setback locations: Building Setback Required Minimum Proposed Setback Front Yard 50’ 50’ Side/Corner Yard 20’/30’ 20’ Rear Yard/Transitional Yard 20’/30’ 30’ The maximum building height for the B-3 General Business District is 80 feet. The height of the building is not listed on the submitted plans but staff has been informed the proposed structures will be below 80 feet and will be documented on future plans. The maximum lot coverage for the B-3 General Business District including all impervious surfaces is 80%. The proposed lot coverage is close to the 80% and the petitioner will document the overall coverage in future plans. Parking/Parking Lot Setbacks The submitted plans show a total of 21 parking spaces including 1 handicapped accessible space. The total minimum required parking spaces needed per the Yorkville Zoning Ordinance is 14 spaces. Therefore the proposed 21 spaces exceed the required minimum. The petitioner appears to have met the required minimum parking lot setback of 20 feet from arterial roadways (US 34) and 10 feet from non-arterial roadways (McHugh Road) for the proposed development as follows: PARKING LOT SETBACK REQUIRED MINIMUM PROPOSED PARKING LOT SETBACK US Route 34 – North (Arterial) 20’ 20’-6” McHugh Road – South East (Non-Arterial) 10’ 10’-4” Loading/Circulation The gas station is not required to utilize a loading dock due to its size and general use. Although, there will be deliveries to restock the convenience store. The petitioner has submitted truck traffic and circulation plans which show where the loading area on site is located as well as traffic circulation routes to ensure there are no problems with loading in relation to on site circulation. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: Aesthetics/Building Construction Although not required as part of the Special Use process, the petitioner has provided color elevations for the proposed Casey’s General Store to staff as an informational item. These elevations will be available at all public hearings and meetings. As proposed the primary building will be brick almost completely brick on the front and two sides. Additionally, natural tan stone will be used as trim at the corners of the building. The proposed canopy for the fuel pumps will have brick pillars with a standard red façade along the top of the canopy. The proposed building materials are consistent with Section 8-15-5: Criteria for Appearance of the City Code, which requires that new non-residential structures have at least fifty percent (50%) of the total building constructed of masonry products or precast concrete incorporated on the front façade and all other facades that abuts a street. Signage The petitioner is proposing 3 building mounted signs as well as one monument sign. The 3 building mounted signs will be located on the front of the store which faces Route 34. The proposed building mounted signs currently meet the City’s standards which per Section 10-20-9-A-2 of the Yorkville Zoning Ordinance states the maximum sign area for building mounted signs shall not exceed 2 square feet for each linear foot for each exterior wall of that part of the building in which the sign is located. Additionally, no wall sign shall extend more than 75% of the width of the building façade to which it is attached. Additionally, the petitioner is proposing on monument sign at the northeast corner of the property. Per the City’s Zoning Ordinance Section 10-20-9-A-1: Freestanding Business Signs: On lots less than three (3) acres with one street frontage, one freestanding business sign thirty two (32) square feet or less feet in area and twelve feet (12') or less in height shall be allowed. The proposed monument sign will be less than 12 feet in height but the actual signage will be about 47 square feet. Therefore, the petitioner is requesting relief from the Zoning Ordinance to allow a larger sign on the property. The reasoning behind their request is that this will allow only a single sign on the premises since the sign will serve as both a nameplate and provide the gas prices via an LED changeable copy sign. Additionally, the petitioner was not able to secure the corner parcel directly adjacent to the Route 34 and McHugh Road intersection. This interferes with the sightlines to the sign, and therefore is requesting to be larger to help offset this hardship. Lighting The photometric plan submitted by the petitioner illustrates the intensity of the light generated when the gas station will be operational. The submitted plan is not acceptable as it has light overflowing the property lines to the east and west over the maximum of 0.1 foot candles. The petitioner is currently working on a new photometric plan to conform to the City’s standards and will be submitted as soon as possible. THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The 2016 Comprehensive Plan designates this for mid-density residential uses. While this is not the proposed use or zone, adjacent properties are designated for neighborhood retail and destination commercial which is consistent with what Casey’s is requesting. The type of use and zone are meets the intent of the Comprehensive Plan since commercial development along Route 34 is of high priority and the nearby commercial uses are consistent with existing and future land uses. STANDARDS FOR GRANTING A SPECIAL USE: Section 10-4-9-F of the City’s Zoning Ordinance establishes standards for special use requests. These standards shall apply to both the request for Special Use authorization of a fuel/gasoline service station and Planned Unit Development (PUD) modification. No special use shall be recommended by the Plan Commission unless said commission shall find that: 1. The establishment, maintenance or operation of the special use will not be unreasonably detrimental to or endanger the public health, safety, morals, comfort or general welfare. 2. The special use will not be injurious to the use and enjoyment of other property in the immediate vicinity for the purpose already permitted, nor substantially diminish and impair property values within the neighborhood. 3. The establishment of the special use will not impede the normal and orderly development and improvement of surrounding property for uses permitted in the district. 4. Adequate utilities, access roads, drainage or other necessary facilities have been or are being provided. 5. Adequate measures have been or will be taken to provide ingress or egress so designed as to minimize traffic congestion in the public streets. 6. The special use shall in all other respects conform to the applicable regulations of the district in which it is located, except as such regulations may in each instance be modified by the City Council pursuant to the recommendations of the Plan Commission. The petitioner has provided written responses to these standards as part of their application (see attached) and requests inclusion of those responses into the public record at the July 12, 2017 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. STANDARDS FOR GRANTING A VARIANCE: The Planning and Zoning Commission must base its decision to vary, or recommend varying, the Petitioner’s request for relief of the Zoning Ordinance regulation upon the following standards (Section 10-4-7-C): 1. Because of the particular physical surroundings, shape or topographical conditions of the specific property involved, a particular hardship to the owner would result, as distinguished from a mere inconvenience, if the strict letter of the regulations was carried out. 2. The conditions upon which the petition for a variation is based are unique to the property for which the variation is sought and are not applicable, generally, to other property within the same zoning classification. 3. The alleged difficulty or hardship is caused by this title and has not been created by any person presently having an interest in the property. 4. The granting of the variation will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other property or improvements in the neighborhood in which the property is located. 5. The proposed variation will not impair an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property, or substantially increase the congestion in the public streets, or increase the danger to the public safety, or substantially diminish or impair property values within the neighborhood. 6. The proposed variation is consistent with the official comprehensive plan and other development standards and policies of the city. In addition to the procedures and standards listed above regarding variations from the requirements, the planning and zoning commission shall also consider the following factors in hearing testimony and making decisions regarding sign variance requests: 1. If the sign was erected legally with a sign permit. 2. If there are any unique physical characteristics of the property. 3. If there are limited available locations for signage on the property. 4. The cost to the applicant of complying with the requirements of this chapter. 5. If the sign is on or faces a street with a forty (40) mile per hour or higher speed limit. 6. If the sign is on a street with twenty thousand (20,000) or higher vehicle trips per day. 7. If the sign would be blocked by existing or required landscaping. 8. If it is a wall sign facing a public right of way without a public entrance. The petitioner has provided written responses to these standards as part of their application (see attached) and requests inclusion of those responses into the public record at the July 12, 2017 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. STANDARDS FOR GRANTING A ZONING AMMENMENT: Where the purpose and effect of the proposed amendment are to change the zoning classification of a particular property, the planning and zoning commission shall make findings based upon the evidence presented to it in each specific case with respect to the following matters: 1. The existing uses and zoning of nearby property. 2. The extent to which the property values are diminished by the particular zoning restrictions. 3. The extent to which the destruction of property values of plaintiff promotes the health, safety, morals or general welfare of the public. 4. The relative gain to the public as compared to the hardship imposed upon the individual property owner. 5. The suitability of the subject property for the zoned purposes. 6. The length of time the property has been vacant as zoned considered in the context of land development in the area in the vicinity of the subject property. 7. The community need for the proposed use. 8. The care to which the community has undertaken to plan its land use development. The petitioner has provided written responses to these standards as part of their application (see attached) and requests inclusion of those responses into the public record at the July 12, 2017 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. STAFF COMMENTS: Staff is recommending approval of each requested action from Casey’s General Store including the rezoning request (upon annexation), special use authorization, sign variance, and final plat approval. Casey’s has provided staff with all the required documents and have met almost all of the City’s standards for a development of this nature. Staff recommends that the following conditions be put on each request: • Special Use Authorization o Approved once a new photometric plan is submitted which illustrates the City’s current standard that there is no overflow of light at any property line over 0.1 foot- candle. o Approved once all engineering comments from EEI (letter dated June 19, 2017) have been resolved. o Approved upon annexation into the City of Yorkville • Rezoning Request o Approved upon annexation into the City of Yorkville • Sign Variance o Approved upon annexation into the City of Yorkville • Final Plat o Approved upon annexation into the City of Yorkville The public hearing for annexation will be held at the City Council meeting on July 25, 2017. All submissions provided by Casey’s have been attached to this memo for your review. PROPOSED MOTIONS: 1. Map Amendment - Rezoning from R-1 Suburban Residential District to B-3 General Business District In consideration of testimony presented during a Public Hearing on July 12, 2017 and approval of the findings of fact, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommends approval to the City Council of a request for a map amendment to rezone the properties stated in the staff memorandum dated July 6, 2017 from R-1 Suburban Residential District to B-3 General Business District subject to the conditions enumerated in that same memorandum and further subject to {insert any additional conditions of the Planning and Zoning Commission}… 2. Special Use for Fuel/Gasoline Service Station In consideration of testimony presented during a Public Hearing on July 12, 2017 and approval of the findings of fact, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommends approval to the City Council of a request for Special Use authorization for a fuel/gasoline service station to be located at the southwest corner of U.S. Route 34 and McHugh Road subject to the conditions enumerated in a staff memorandum dated July 6, 2017 and further subject to {insert any additional conditions of the Plan Commission}… 3. Sign Variance In consideration of testimony presented during a Public Hearing on July 12, 2017 and approval of the findings of fact, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommends approval of a request to vary the sign regulations contained in Section 10-20-6-A of the United City of Yorkville Zoning Ordinance to permit a free standing monument sign in a business district to be larger than 32 square feet in sign area subject to the conditions enumerated in a staff memorandum dated July 6, 2017 and further subject to {insert any additional conditions of the Zoning Board of Appeals}… 4. Final Plat The Planning and Zoning Commission recommends approval to the City Council of a request for Final Plat of Subdivision of the Casey’s General Store in Yorkville subject to final engineering approval as enumerated in a letter from Engineering Enterprise Incorporated dated June 19, 2017 and illustrated in a plan prepared by Arc Design Resources subject to the conditions enumerated in a staff memorandum dated July 6, 2017 and further subject to {insert any additional conditions of the Plan Commission}… ATTACHMENTS: 1. Petitioner Applications 2. Petitioner Site Plan 3. Final Plat 4. Sign Package 5. Engineering Comments 6. Public Notices 7. Certified Letter Receipts Application For Re-Zoning 6 Name of Applicant(s) Business Address City State ZIP Business Phone Business Fax Business Cell Business E-mail Applicant Information Name of Holder of Legal Title If Legal Title is held by a Land Trust, list the names of all holders of any beneficial interest therein: Property Street Address Description of Property’s Physical Location Zoning and Land Use of Surrounding Parcels Current Zoning Classification Requested Zoning Classificaion Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Designation Total Acreage Kendall County Parcel Number(s) Within Proposed PUD Property Information North East South West STAFF USE ONLY Date of Submission PC# Development Name 02-28-252-026 Application For Rezoning 7 Agreement Property Information List all governmental entities or agencies required to receive notice under Illinois law: Is the property within City limits? Yes No Does a floodplain exist on the property? Yes No Attorney Name Address City State ZIP Phone Fax E-mail Engineer Name Address City State ZIP Phone Fax E-mail Planner Name Address City State ZIP Phone Fax E-mail Additional Contact Information Application For Rezoning Rezoning Standards Please state the existing zoning classification(s) and uses of the property within the general area of the proposed rezoned property: Please state the trend of development, if any, in the general area of the property in question, including changes, if any, which have taken place since the day the property in question was placed in its present zoning classification: Please state the extent to which property values are diminished by the particular zoning restrictions: Please state the extent to which the destruction of property values of plaintiff promotes the health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the public: 8 Please state the relative gain to the public as compared to the hardship imposed upon the individual property owner: Please state the suitability of the subject property for the zoned purposes: Please state the length of time the property has been vacant as zoned considered in the context of land development in the area in the vicinity of the subject property: Please state the community need for the proposed land use: Application For Rezoning Rezoning Standards 9 With respect to the subject property, please state the care with which the community has undertaken to plan its land use development: Please state the impact that such reclassification will have upon traffic and traffic conditions on said routes; the effect, if any, such reclassification and/or annexation would have upon existing accesses to said routes; and the impact of additional accesses as requested by the petitioner upon traffic and traffic conditions and flow on said routes (Ord. 1976-43, 11-4-1976): Application For Rezoning Rezoning Standards 10 AgreementAttachments Applicant must attach a legal description of the property to this application and title it as “Exhibit A”. Applicant must list the names and addresses of any adjoining or contiguous landowners within 500 feet of the property that are entitled notice of application under any applicable City Ordinance or State Statute. Attach a separate list to this application and title it as “Exhibit B”. CERTIFIED MAILING AFFIDAVIT STATE OF ILLINOIS ) ) SS COUNTY OF KENDALL ) I/We, ________________________, petitioner, being first duly sworn, do hereby state under oath that to the best of my knowledge the attached list is a true, correct and complete list of all permanent parcel numbers, and names and addresses of owners, of all lots and parts of lots located within 500 feet (exclusively of any public streets and alleys) of the property legally described on the attached application for annexation, rezoning, spe- cial use permit, planned unit development, variation, or other zoning amendment. I further state that said list was obtained from the current tax rolls of the Kendall County Treasurer’s Office. I further state that I mailed by U.S. Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested, a copy of the Public Notice of Public Hearing before the United City of Yorkville Plan Commission for the Public Hearing held on Wednesday, _________________________, at the United City of City Council Chambers, Yorkville, Illinois. The notice was mailed to the attached list of all of the permanent parcel numbers and names and addresses of owners at the U.S. Post office on _______________________, 20_____. ________________________________ Signature of Petitioner(s) Subscribed and sworn to before me this ________ day of _______________, 20______ ______________________________________ Notary Public EXHIBIT A-LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS 1107 McHugh Road Anthony J. Pignatiello and Khristina M. Pignatiello THAT PART OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 28, TOWNSHIP 37 NORTH, RANGE 7, EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT A POINT IN THE SOUTH LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SAID SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 28, 40 LINKS EAST OF THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER; THENCE NORTH 11 1/2 DEGREES EAST 34.82 CHAINS TO AN ANGLE IN THE CENTER LINE OF THE OSWEGO ROAD; THENCE NORTH 53 DEGREES 35 MINUTES EAST ALONG THE CENTER LINE OF SAID OSWEGO ROAD 912.64 FEET FOR A POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 53 DEGREES 35 MINUTES EAST ALONG THE CENTER LINE OF SAID ROAD 75 FEET; THENCE NORTH 35 DEGREES 33 MINUTES WEST 200 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 53 DEGREES 33 MINUTES EAST 200 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, IN THE TOWNSHIP OF BRISTOL, KENDALL COUNTY, ILLINOIS. 9230 Route 34 Robert P. Pilmer and Donald J. Pilmer, Co-Trustees of the Marvin F. Pilmer Trust Agreement THAT PART OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 28, TOWNSHIP 37 NORTH, RANGE 7 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN IN ILLINOIS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT A POINT ON THE SOUTH LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION, 40 LINKS (26.40 FEET) EAST OF THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER; THENCE NORTH 11 DEGREES 30 MINUTES 00 SECONDS EAST 34.82 CHAINS (2298.12 FEET) TO AN ANGLE IN THE CENTER LINE OF OSWEGO ROAD (PRESENTLY KNOWN AS MCHUGH ROAD); THENCE NORTH 53 DEGREES 35 MINUTES 00 SECONDS EAST ALONG THE CENTER LINE OF OSWEGO ROAD 111.54 FEET TO A POINT HEREINAFTER REFERRED TO AS POINT "A"; THENCE NORTH 07 DEGREES 30 MINUTES 00 SECONDS EAST 608.90 FEET TO A POINT WHICH IS 340.00 FEET SOUTHERLY OF (AS MEASURED ALONG THE LAST DESCRIBED LINE EXTENDED) THE CENTER LINE OF U.S. ROUTE 34 (S.B.I. ROUTE NO. 18); THENCE EASTERLY PARALLEL WITH THE CENTER LINE OF U.S. ROUTE 34 A DISTANCE OF 334.00 FEET FOR THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 07 DEGREES 30 MINUTES 00 SECONDS EAST 310.00 FEET TO THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID U.S. ROUTE 34; THENCE SOUTH 83 DEGREES 27 MINUTES 03 SECONDS EAST 179.50 FEET ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY LINE TO A POINT OF CURVATURE; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY LINE WHICH CURVES TO THE LEFT, HAVING A RADIUS OF 1462.39 FEET FOR AN ARC DISTANCE OF 121.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 07 DEGREES 00 MINUTES 00 SECONDS 316.09 FEET TO THE CENTER LINE OF OSWEGO ROAD; THENCE SOUTH 53 DEGREES 35 MINUTES 00 SECONDS WEST ALONG SAID CENTER LINE 12.52 FEET TO A POINT THAT IS 876.10 FEET NORTHEASTERLY OF POINT "A" AFORESAID; THENCE NORTH 35 DEGREES 33 MINUTES 00 SECONDS WEST 200.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 53 DEGREES 35 MINUTES 00 SECONDS WEST PARALLEL WITH THE CENTER LINE OF SAID OSWEGO ROAD 203.15 FEET TO A LINE DRAWN EASTERLY, PARALLEL WITH THE CENTER LINE OF SAID U.S. ROUTE 34 FROM THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG SAID PARALLEL LINE 11.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. EXCEPT THE WESTERLY 104.98 FEET AS MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES TO THE WEST LINE THEREOF, IN THE TOWNSHIP OF BRISTOL, KENDALL COUNTY, ILLINOIS. ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PART OF THE LAND CONVEYED BY TRUSTEE'S DEED TO THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RECORDED DECEMBER 23, 2014 AS DOCUMENT NO. 201400018028. EXHIBIT B‐LAND OWNERS WITHIN 500 FEETOwner Name Owner Address Site Address Parcel PinPignatiello, Anthony J &Khristina M 1107 Mchugh Rd. Yorkville, IL 60560 1107 Mchugh Rd. Yorkville, IL 60560 02_28_252_008Marker, Pamela S 1626 Mistwood Dr. Naperville IL 60540 N/A 02_28_252_013Pilmer, Marvin F Trust  1002 Prairie St. Aurora, IL 60506 9230 Route 34. Yorville, IL 60560 02_28_252_026Coffman, David E & Debbie M 7315 W Hillside Cyrstal Lake, IL 60012 9290 Route 34. Yorkville, IL 60012 02_28_252_009Yorkville Crossings LLC 13351 B Faxon Rd. Plano, IL 60545 N/A 02_28_227_002Mystek, Edward J 1101 Mchugh Rd. Yorkville, IL 60560 1101 Mchugh Rd. Yorkville, IL 60560 02_28_252_006Yorkville Crossings LLC 13351 B Faxon Rd. Plano, IL 60545 N/A 02_28_201_004Shocker Land Company LLC 477 E Barberry CIR. Yorkville, IL 605609316 Route 34. Yorkville, IL 60560 02_28_252_027Illinois Department of Transportation 700 E Norris Dr. Ottawa, IL 61350 N/A 02_28_226_003Toschak, Andrew A &  David J & Sharon M 659 W Ridge Ct. Aurora, IL 60504 1025 Mchugh Rd. Yorkville, IL 60560 02_28_252_005Toschak, Andrew A &  David J & Sharon M 659 W Ridge Ct. Aurora, IL 60504 N/A 02_28_252_011Lindley, Dustin T 1105 Mchugh Rd. Yorkville, IL 60560 1105 Mchugh Rd. Yorkville, IL 60560 02_28_252_007Carnithan, Bryan D & Jori A 661 Heartland Dr. Yorkville, IL 60560 661 Heartland Dr. Yorkville, IL 60560 02_28_402_014West Suburban Bank Land Trust 711 S Westmore Ave. Lombard, IL 60148 1100 McHugh Rd. Yorkville, IL 60560 02_28_253_002Swanson, Nicholas A 1060 Mchugh Rd. Yorkville, IL 60560 1060 Mchugh Rd. Yorkville, IL 60560 02_28_402_003Schroeder, Richard K & Maria H 683 Heartland Dr. Yorkville, IL 60560 683 Heartland Dr. Yorkville, IL 60560 02_28_402_015Castle Bank NA 1626 Mistwood Dr. Naperville IL 60540 708 E Veterans Pkwy. Yorkville, IL 60560 02_28_436_001Castle Bank NA, % James Ratos 207 W Kendall Dr. Yorkville, IL 60560 728 #103 E Veterans Pkwy. Yorkville, IL 60560 02_28_253_011Lilla, Thomas 649 Heartland Dr. Yorkville, IL 60560 649 Heartland Dr. Yorkville, IL 60560 02_28_402_013Toschak, Barbara E 2551 Adamsway Dr. Aurora, IL 60504‐9077 1015 Mchugh Rd. Yorkville, IL 60560 02_28_252_015Goldsboro, Jeremy & Amy 627 Heartland Dr. Yorkville, IL 60560 627 Heartland Dr. Yorkville, IL 60560 02_28_402_012Toschak, Andrew A Etal 659 W Ridge Ct. Aurora, IL 60504 N/A 02_28_252_016Hobson Hollow Inc, % Richard Marker 1626 Mistwood Dr. Naperville IL 60540 N/A 02_28_253_012Castle Bank, % Richard Marker 1626 Mistwood Dr. Naperville IL 60540 608 E Veterans Pkwy. Yorkville, IL 60540 02_28_253_006600 East LLC 600 East Veterans Pkwy. Yorkville, IL 60560 600 East Veterans Pkwy. Yorkville, IL 60560 02_28_253_007ANIRI LLC 504 Greenview Ct. Oswego, IL 60543 704 E Veternans Pkwy. Yorkville, IL 60560  02_28_253_009 EXHIBIT B-LAND OWNERS WITHIN 500 FEET 6 Name of Holder of Legal Title If Legal Title is held by a Land Trust, list the names of all holders of any beneficial interest therein: Property Street Address Description of Property’s Physical Location Zoning and Land Use of Surrounding Parcels Current Zoning Classification Kendall County Parcel Number(s) of Property North East South West Application For Special Use Name of Applicant(s) Business Address City State ZIP Business Phone Business Fax Business Cell Business E-mail Applicant Information STAFF USE ONLY Date of Submission PC# Development Name Property Information Application For Special Use 7 Agreement Attorney Name Address City State ZIP Phone Fax E-mail Engineer Name Address City State ZIP Phone Fax E-mail Land Planner/Surveyor Name Address City State ZIP Phone Fax E-mail Additional Contact Information Attachments Applicant must attach a legal description of the property to this application and title it as “Exhibit A”. Applicant must list the names and addresses of any adjoining or contiguous landowners within 500 feet of the property that are entitled notice of application under any applicable City Ordinance or State Statute. Attach a separate list to this application and title it as “Exhibit B”. Application For Special Use Please state how the establishment, maintenance or operation of the special use will not be unreasonably detrimental to or endanger the public health, safety, morals, comfort or general welfare: Please state how the special use will not be injurious to the use and enjoyment of other property in the immediate vicinity for the purpose already permitted, nor substantially diminish and impair property values within the neighborhood: Please state how the establishment of the special use will not impede the normal and orderly development and improvement of surrounding property for uses permitted in the district: Please state how adequate utilities, access roads, drainage or other necessary facilities have been or are being provided: 8 Special Use Standards 7 Name of Holder of Legal Title If Legal Title is held by a Land Trust, list the names of all holders of any beneficial interest therein: Property Street Address Description of Property’s Physical Location Zoning and land Use of Surrounding parcels Current Zoning Classification Kendall County parcel number(s) of property North East South West Application For Sign Variance Request Name of Applicant(s) Business Address City State ZIP Business Phone Business Fax Business Cell Business E-mail Applicant Information StAff USe onlY Date of Submission PC# Development Name Property Information Application For Sign Variance Request 8 Agreement Attorney Name Address City State ZIP Phone Fax E-mail engineer Name Address City State ZIP Phone Fax E-mail land planner/Surveyor Name Address City State ZIP Phone Fax E-mail Additional Contact Information Attachments Applicant must attach a legal description of the property to this application and title it as “Exhibit A”. Applicant must list the names and addresses of any adjoining or contiguous landowners within 500 feet of the property that are entitled notice of application under any applicable City Ordinance or State Statute. Attach a separate list to this application and title it as “Exhibit B”. Application For Sign Variance Request Sign Standards Please describe the cost to the applicant of complying with the sign ordinance requirements: If there are any unique physical characteristics of the property, please describe them below: Was the sign erected legally with a sign permit? Are there limited available locations for signage on the property? Does the sign face a street with a forty (40) mile per hour or higher speed limit? Is the sign on a street with twenty thousand (20,000) or higher vehicle trips per day? Does the sign face a public right-of-way without a public entrance? Would the sign be blocked by existing or required landscaping? Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No 9 Application For Sign Variance Request Please state the variance requested and the City Ordinance including the section numbers to be varied: Please state how the particular surroundings, shape or topographical conditions of the specific property involved, a particular hardship to the owner would result, as distinguished from a mere inconvenience, if the strict letter of regulations was carried out: Please state how the conditions upon which the application for a variation is based are unique to the property for which the variation is sought and are not applicable, generally, to other property within the same zoning classification: Please state how the alleged difficulty or hardship is caused by this Title and has not been created by any person presently having an interest in the property: 10 Variance Standards Property Street Address Property Existing Zoning Property Total Acreage Type of Request: Preliminary Plan Final Plat Amended Preliminary Plan Amended Final Plat Application For Preliminary Plan & Final Plat 6 Property Information Name of Applicant(s) Business Address City State ZIP Business Phone Business Fax Business Cell Business E-mail Applicant Information STAFF USE ONLY Date of Submission PC# Development Name Attachments Applicant must attach a legal description of the property to this application and title it as “Exhibit A”. Attorney Name Address City State ZIP Phone Fax E-mail Additional Contact Information GGPROPOSED66'x114'CANOPYPROPOSED42'-6" x 110'-3"CASEY'S BUILDING (N 35°33'00" W) (200.00')N 37°05'36" W 200.01' S 5°24'29" W 7.65' (S 0°33'12" E) (7.77')R=1477.39' L=154.67'S 87°50'07" E 154.59'S 84°50'10" E 41.06' (N 89°12'38" E) (S 0°33'12" W )S 5°24'29" W 2 9 6 . 9 3 N 5°53'54" E 206.29' (N 7°30'00" E)N 52°17'30" E 1.90'(S 53°35'00" E)S 5 2 ° 1 7 ' 3 0 " W 8 6 . 8 9 'ITEMDATEDATEPROJECT NAMEOWNER'S NAMECONSULTANTSISSUED FORCHECKEDDRAWNREVISIONSPMPROJECT NUMBERSHEET NUMBERSHEET TITLE05-26-2017AGENCY REVIEW------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------C0516110OSDRCSRGS1. www.arcdesign.comDesign Firm License No. 184-0013345291 ZENITH PARKWAYLOVES PARK, IL 61111VOICE: (815) 484-4300FAX: (815) 484-4303-------------------------------- PLAN020'30'40'HTRONUS ROUTE 34 (E VETERANS PARKWAY)McHUGH ROADCASEY'S 3-PRODUCTPYLON SIGNBOLLARD @ 8' SPACING.SEE CASEY'S PLAN,SHEET S-501 DETAIL 4 -FOOTING AT SIDEWALK& BOLLARD DETAILSEE DETAILS FOR ADA SIGNAND PARKING STRIPINGSINGLE YELLOWSOLID LINE/ 4" (TYP)STANDARD DUTYCONCRETE PAVEMENT4" SOLID YELLOW LINES 2'C-C @ 45 DEGREES (TYP)6" CONCRETECURB (TYP)AIR COMPRESSOR(RE: ARCH)MATCH EXISTING PAVEMENT LIKE AND KIND, ELEVATION AND ALIGNMENT,PAVEMENT REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT SHALL BE MINIMUM WIDTH OF 2'. HMAREPLACEMENT SHALL MATCH EXISTING PAVEMENT THICKNESS.7" HEAVY DUTY CONCRETEPAVEMENT OVER UNDERGROUNDSTORAGE TANKSANY DISTURBED AREAWITHIN THE RIGHT OF WAYSHALL BE RESTORED WITH6" TOPSOIL, CLASS 2ASEEDING AND EROSIONCONTROL BLANKET.BENCHMARK 2Top Bury Bolt on a fire hydrantlocated along the East right of wayMcHugh Road being approximately246' south of the intersection of USRoute 34 and McHugh Road645.22643.52ELEVATION (USGS)DESCRIPTIONBENCHMARK 1Top Bury Bolt on a fire hydrant locatedSouthwest of the intersection of USRoute 34 and McHugh RoadBENCHMARKSBENCHMARK 3Top Southwest Bolt on a fire hydrantlocated South of the intersection ofFarmstead Drive and McHugh RoadCASEY'SYORKVILLE, IL645.22LEGENDPROPOSED CONCRETE CURBPROPERTY LINEPROPOSED SETBACK LINEEXISTING CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTEREXISTING RIGHT-OF-WAYEXISTING FENCEPROPOSED EASEMENTSIDEWALK PAVEMENTCONCRETE PAVEMENT WITHINTEGRAL CURB7" HEAVY DUTY CONCRETE/DRIVEWAYS (UGST)TURF/LANDSCAPED AREABENCHMARKPROPOSED SITE LIGHT POLELAYOUT NOTES1.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY THE ELEVATIONS OF THE BENCHMARKS PRIOR TO COMMENCINGWORK. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ALSO FIELD VERIFY LOCATION AND ELEVATION OF EXISTING PIPE INVERTS,FLOOR ELEVATIONS, CURB OR PAVEMENT WHERE MATCHING INTO EXISTING WORK. THE CONTRACTOR SHALLFIELD VERIFY HORIZONTAL CONTROL BY REFERENCING SHOWN COORDINATES TO KNOWN PROPERTY LINES.NOTIFY ENGINEER OF DISCREPANCIES IN EITHER VERTICAL OR HORIZONTAL CONTROL PRIOR TO PROCEEDINGWITH WORK.2.REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR EXACT BUILDING DIMENSIONS.3.DIMENSIONS THAT LOCATE THE BUILDING ARE MEASURED TO THE OUTSIDE FACE OF THE BUILDING.4.SIGN CONSTRUCTION AND PAVEMENT MARKINGS SHALL CONFORM TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE MANUALON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES, CURRENT EDITION.5.COORDINATE ANY WORK WITHIN McHUGH ROAD WITH THE CITY OF YORKVILLE. TRAFFIC CONTROL SHALLCONFORM TO IDOT STANDARDS FOR WORK WITHIN THE R.O.W.6.COORDINATE WORK WITHIN U.S. HIGHWAY 34 WITH THE CITY OF YORKVILLE. TRAFFIC CONTROL SHALLCONFORM TO IDOT STANDARDS OF WORK WITHIN THE R.O.W.7.ALL RADII AND DIMENSIONS ARE TO THE BACK OF CURB UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.8.ALL CURB AND GUTTER IS INTEGRAL TO PAVEMENT UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. REFER TO THE DETAILSHEETS FOR CURB DETAILS.9.SOME FIELD ADJUSTMENTS MAY BE NECESSARY AT POINTS WHERE PROPOSED PAVEMENT, CURB ANDSIDEWALKS MEET EXISTING PAVEMENT, CURB AND SIDEWALKS. REVIEW ANY REQUIRED CHANGES WITHENGINEER PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION OF WORK.10.ELECTRICAL CIRCUITRY TO SITE LIGHTING AND PYLON SIGN SHOWN ON ARCHITECTURAL PLANS.11.FOR REQUIRED PAVEMENT REMOVAL ADJACENT TO THE CURB AND GUTTER REMOVAL WITHIN RIGHT OF WAY,A FULL DEPTH SAWCUT SHALL BE UTILIZED AND SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN 2' IN WIDTH.12.FOR ALL PAVEMENT PATCHING WITHIN THE RIGHT OF WAY THE BACKFILL MATERIAL USED SHALL BECONTROLLED LOW STRENGTH MATERIAL UP TO THE BOTTOM OF THE PAVEMENT. THE THICKNESS OF THE HMAPAVEMENT REPLACEMENT SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF THE SAME THICKNESS AS THE EXISTING PAVEMENTSTRUCTURE. THE MIXES USED SHALL BE HMA BINDER COURSE, IL 19.0 N50, AND HMA SURFACE COURSE, MIXD N50.13.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PREPARATION, COORDINATION AND OBTAINING APPROVAL OFA TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT PLAN IF CLOSURES OF LANES EXCEED THE THE CRITERIA ESTABLISHED IN THE BDEMANUAL.CASEY'S RETAIL COMPANYONE CONVENIENCE BLVDANKENY, IA 50021RYAN STEVENS(515) 446-670942.5' 42' 12'22.5'12456.5'66'6" CONCRETECURB (TYP)MATCH EXISTING PAVEMENT ELEVATIONAND ALIGNMENT. HMA REPLACEMENTSHALL HAVE A THICKNESS THAT ISTWICE THE EXISTING PAVEMENTTHICKNESS.ANY DISTURBED AREA WITHIN THERIGHT OF WAY SHALL BE RESTOREDWITH 6" TOPSOIL, CLASS 2A SEEDINGAND EROSION CONTROL BLANKET.SINGLE YELLOWSOLID LINE/ 4" (TYP)12'6'21.1'BENCHMARK 1BENCHMARK 262.9'35' F-FR20'114'30'R20'30.5'7.9'20' (TYP) 27' 12'9' (TYP)8'8'9' (TYP)6'6'35.5'5'110.4'6'14.5'6' 20' (TYP) 26.5'28.6'18'8.8'35' F - F R10'R10'R50'R3'5R20'R3'9' (TYP)6'9' (TYP)20' (TYP)6'5.5'R10'R10'COMBINATION CONCRETECURB AND GUTTER, TYPEB6.12 (TYP)26' 20.6'30'30'30'12'12'5'5'11.5'6" CONCRETECURB (TYP)THICKENED EDGECONCRETESIDEWALK (TYP)BRICK TRASHENCLOSURE (RE: ARCH)12.7'34'19.6'40'COMBINATION CONCRETECURB AND GUTTER, TYPEB6.12 (TYP)5'COMBINATION CONCRETECURB AND GUTTER, TYPEB6.18 (TYP)R10'2'R3'R3'TRANSFORMER PAD1105 & 1107 McHughRoad and 9290 &9230 Route 34Yorkville, IL 6056010.7'R15'3'20'1'R15'R150'65.7'24'45'R10'R10'COMBINATIONCONCRETE CURBAND GUTTER,TYPE B6.12MATCH EXISTING PAVEMENT LIKEAND KIND, ELEVATION ANDALIGNMENT. HMA REPLACEMENTSHALL MATCH EXISTINGPAVEMENT THICKNESS.3 9 . 7 '29.4 '81'2'1 0 . 5 '6' PRIVACY FENCE1'14' x 56'LOADING AREAPARKING TABLENUMBER OF PARKING STALLS REQUIRED14 (1 - A.D.A.)NUMBER OF PARKING STALLS PROPOSED21 (1 - A.D.A.)10.4'SITE AREA TABLEIMPERVIOUS AREA41840 SF (0.96 AC)TOTAL SITE AREA56211 SF (1.29 AC)% IMPERVIOUS AREA74.4% GGPROPOSED66'x114'CANOPYPROPOSED42'-6" x 110'-3"CASEY'S BUILDING (N 35°33'00" W) (200.00')N 37°05'36" W 200.01' S 5°24'29" W 7.65' (S 0°33'12" E) (7.77')R=1477.39' L=154.67'S 87°50'07" E 154.59'S 84°50'10" E 41.06' (N 89°12'38" E) (S 0°33'12" W )S 5°24'29" W 2 9 6 . 9 3 N 5°53'54" E 206.29' (N 7°30'00" E)N 52°17'30" E 1.90'S 52°17'30" W 86.89'GGPROPOSED66'x114'CANOPYPROPOSED42'-6" x 110'-3"CASEY'S BUILDING (N 35°33'00" W) (200.00')N 37°05'36" W 200.01' S 5°24'29" W 7.65' (S 0°33'12" E) (7.77')R=1477.39' L=154.67'S 87°50'07" E 154.59'S 84°50'10" E 41.06' (N 89°12'38" E) (S 0°33'12" W )S 5°24'29" W 2 9 6 . 9 3 N 5°53'54" E 2 0 6 . 2 9 ' (N 7°30'00" E)N 52°17'30" E 1.90'S 5 2 ° 1 7 ' 3 0 " W 8 6 . 8 9 'ITEMDATEDATEPROJECT NAMEOWNER'S NAMECONSULTANTSISSUED FORCHECKEDDRAWNREVISIONSPMPROJECT NUMBERSHEET NUMBERSHEET TITLE05-26-2017AGENCY REVIEW------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TR 116110OSDRCSRGS1. www.arcdesign.comDesign Firm License No. 184-0013345291 ZENITH PARKWAYLOVES PARK, IL 61111VOICE: (815) 484-4300FAX: (815) 484-4303-------------------------------- TURNINGEXHIBIT020'30'40'HTRONUS ROUTE 34 (E VETERANS PARKWAY)M c H U G H R O A D CASEY'SYORKVILLE, ILCASEY'S RETAIL COMPANYONE CONVENIENCE BLVDANKENY, IA 50021RYAN STEVENS(515) 446-67091105 & 1107 McHughRoad and 9290 &9230 Route 34Yorkville, IL 60560 O4 Flat Roof - 5' "CASEY'S" Channels - 5' House Logo -4 Product Special Monument CASEY’S GENERAL STORE SIGN PACKET Yorkville, IL Bu il d ing & W all Signs {02 Flat Roof ) D ime nsions Si gn# Si gn Type Location Illumination Bottom Top Width He ight Are a Ft' 1 11 CASEY1S11 Surface Bu ild i ng Fr ont In t ernal 121 811 1 7' 8 11 21' 3-15/16" 5 1 011 44.15 2 House Logo Surface Canopy Si d e In t ernal 121 811 1 7' 8 11 7' 2-1/8" 5 1 011 17.485 3 Snap Frame Advertising Building Front N/A 3'4" 6'8-1/2" 8' 0 11 3' 0 11 24 4 Snap Frame Advertising Building Front N/A 2' 1011 6' 10-1/2" 2'4" 31 811 8.56 5 House Logo Su r face Canop y Sid e In t erna l 1 7' 3-1/2" 21' 3-1/2" 5 '8-7/8" 4 '0" 17.485 5 House Logo Su r face Canop y Sid e In t erna l 1 7' 3-1/2" 21' 3-1/2" 5 '8-7/8" 4 '0" 17.485 5 House Logo Su r face Canop y Fr ont In t erna l 1 7' 3-1/2" 21' 3-1/2" 5 '8-7/8" 4 '0" 17.485 4 Snap Frame Advertising Canopy Column N/A 3' O" 7' 0-1/2" 2'4" 31 811 8.56 4 Snap Frame Advertising Canopy Column N/A 3' O" 7' 0-1/2" 2'4" 31 811 8.56 4 Snap Frame Advertising Canopy Column N/A 3' 0 11 7' 0-1/2" 2'4" 31 811 8.56 4 Snap Frame Advertising Canopy Column N/A 3' 0 11 7' 0-1/2" 2'4" 31 811 8.56 Total 180.89 Pyl on Sign {3 Pro duct ) D ime nsions Sign# Sign Type Location Illumination Bottom Top Width He ight Are a Ft' 6 House Logo Fr eest an d ing St r eet In t erna l 1r 3" 24'8" 11'4 -1/8" 7' 6-3/8" 59.87 7 Pr ice Sign Fr eest an d ing St r eet In t erna l 1 3' 7 11 1 6 ' 7 11 10' 7-1/2" 3' O" 31.86 8 Wea t h ervan e Fr eest an d ing St r eet N/A 24 '8" 26'8" 1'5 " 21 O" 1.5 Total 93.23 SIGNS 1, 2, 3, 4 SIGN 1 File Name: Prepared By:Date: Eng: Customer: Location: CASEY’S 152451 - 36’’ AND 60’’ LOGO C-PRINTS - Note: Color output may not be exact when viewing or printing this drawing. All colors used are PMS or the closest CMYK equivalent. If these colors are incorrect, please provide the correct PMS match and a revision to this drawing will be made.700 21st Street Southwest PO Box 210 Watertown, SD 57201-0210 1 .800.843.9888 • DISTRIBUTED BY SIGN UP COMPANY ANKENY, IA 1/4/17 CM GRAPHIC DETAIL SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" 7'-2 1/8"5'-0"9 10 113 1213 LOGO PROFILE SCALE: 3/4" = 1'-0" 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 8 131011129 8" NO.PART/DESCRIPTION 1 .040" x 8" PREFINISHED BRONZE ALUMINUM RETURNS 2 .063" ALUMINUM BACK 3 3/4” ROUTED RETAINER; FACE PAINTED BLACK, RETURN PAINTED BRONZE 4 LED POWER SUPPLIES AS REQUIRED 5 WHITE LED'S AS REQUIRED (LUMEN OUTPUT = 335 NITS) 6 ELECTRICAL OUT PROVISION: THRU BACK, CENTER 7 DRAIN HOLES AS REQUIRED 8 MOUNTING HARDWARE AS DETERMINED BY SITE CONDITIONS 9 1/8" 7328 WHITE ACRYLIC FACE 10 3M 3630-59 BROWN TRANSLUCENT FILM (1ST SURFACE) 11 3M 3630-22 BLACK TRANSLUCENT FILM (1ST SURFACE) 12 3M 3630-33 RED TRANSLUCENT FILM (1ST SURFACE) 13 3M 3630-015 YELLOW TRANSLUCENT FILM (1ST SURFACE) NOTES: -EXTERIOR FINISH: PAINTED TO MATCH PMS 313 BRONZE -INTERIOR FINISH: PAINTED REFLECTIVE WHITE -FACE REMOVABLE FOR SERVICE ACCESS -U.L. LISTED -ELECTRICAL: 120 VOLTS / AMPS TBD -SQUARE FOOTAGE: BOXED = 35.89 ACTUAL = 27.32 CASEY'S 5 X 7 CHANNEL LETTER LOGO SPECIFICATIONSSIGN 2 38.25”36”98.25” 96” inside dimensions = (96”x36”) outside dimensions = (98.25”x38.25”) SIGN 3 30.25” 28” 44”46.25” inside dimensions = (28”x44”) outside dimensions = (30.25”x46.25”) SIGNS 4 16'-6"18"COLUMN, TYP.TOP OF FOOTINGTOP OF GRADESIGN NO. 83'-9"STREET SIDECOLUMN, TYP.CASEY'S FASCIA, TANFACIA BRACES @ 6'-0" CTR'S.FACIA BRACES @ 6'-0" CTR'S.CASEY'S FASCIA, TANSTORE SIDE16'-6"18"TOP OF GRADE3'-9"TOP OF FOOTINGCOLUMN, TYP.TOP OF FOOTINGTOP OF GRADE3'-9"16'-6"18"STORE SIDECOLUMN, TYP.FACIA BRACES @ 6'-0" CTR'S.CASEY'S FASCIA, TANSTREET SIDE16'-6"TOP OF GRADE3'-9"TOP OF FOOTINGCASEY'S FASCIA, TANFACIA BRACES @ 6'-0" CTR'S.SIGN NO. 8SIGN NO. 8SIGN NO. 8SIGN NO. 8SIGN NO. 8SIGN NO. 8SIGN NO. 8SIGN NO. 6c or 7cSIGN NO. 6b or 7bSIGN NO. 6a or 7a18"2 Pump Island Canopy - (Store Side)1/8" = 1'-0"1Pump Island Canopy - Left Side Elevation1/8" = 1'-0"4Pump Island Canopy - (Street Side)1/8" = 1'-0"3Pump Island Canopy - Right Side Elevation1/8" = 1'-0"**VERIFY ALL SIGNAGE WITH SIGN PERMITS**SIGNS 4, 55554444 SIGN 5 11'-0"10'-0"4'-4"4'-4"4'-7"1'-1"10'-2"DIESELSUPER UNLPREMIUMUNL E-15®10"2'-0"11'-0 " 10'-0"®DRAWN BY:J. CLARKYORKVILLE, ILVETERANS PKWY / MCHUCH RDDATE:05-23-17PRICER NOTES:·10" RED & GREEN LED·STATIC LABELS: UNL E-15, SUPER UNL,PREM UNL, DIESEL·DIESEL ON THE RIGHT, BOTH SIDESOTHER NOTES·CABINET IS BLACK IN COLOR·300' WIRELESS KEYPAD RANGEPRICE SIGNSURFACESIGNTYPE4'-7"HEIGHT10'-2"WIDTHTOP BOTTOM8'-11" 4'-4"%2;)7ð46.6 FT²758()7ð46.6 FT²)7ðTOTAL AREASIGN 6 MTO/UO/UO/UO/UO/UO/UO/UO/UO/UO/UO/UGYLO/UXXGAS GAS GASXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXTGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASUGTUGTUGTUGTUGTUGTUGTUGTUGTUGTUGTUGTO/UO/UO/UO/UO/UO/UO/UO/UO/UGASGASGASGASGASGASGASO/ U O/ U O/ U O/ U O/ U O/ U O/U O/U O/U O/U O/U O/U O/U O/U O/U O/U O/UO/UO/UO/UO/UO/UO/UACEGXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXO/UO/UO/UO/UO/UO/UO/UO/UO/UO/UO/USTYLX X X X X X X X X 518519509512507511505504515516510513514503501WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWDDDSSSSEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE E E E E EEEEEEEEW W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W WWWWWWWWS 52°17'30" W 86.89'P GASP GASP GASP GASP GASP GASP GASP GASP GASP GASP GASP GASP GASP GASP GASP GASP GASP GASP GASP GAS(S 0°33'12" W)S 5°24'29" W296.93 (N 35°33'00" W) (200.00')N 37°05'36" W 200.01'R=1477.39' L=154.67'S 87°50'07" E 154.59'S 84°50'10" E 41.06' (N 89°12'38" E)N 5°53'54" E 206.29' (N 7°30'00" E)VETERANS PARKWAY (US ROUTE 34)Mc H U G H R O A DPROPOSED42'-6" x 110'-3"CASEY'S BUILDINGP SSP SS14' x 56' LOADING AREASIDEWALK NOTE #26SIDEWALKSIDEWALKNO PARKINGH.C. PARKINGBOLLARD(TYP.)H.C.SIGNNOTE #2471110965432SIDEWALKP WP WP WP WP WP WP WP WP WP WP WP WP SSP SSP SSP SSP SSP SSP SS18P SSP SSP SSP SSP SSP SSP SSP SSP SSP SSP SSP SSP SSP SSPROPOSED66'x114'CANOPY12780.25'1800.00'SIDEWALK 131415161718192021One Convenience Blvd., P.O. Box 3001, Ankeny, Ia. 50021 515-965-6100CASEY'S CONSTRUCTION DIVISIONPROJECT:DRAWING INFORMATION:PUBLISHED:REVISED ON:DRAWING INFORMATION:CONSTRUCTION DIVISIONDRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:R.STEVENS10/13/16Yorkville, IL.O4 StoreVETERANS PARKWAY & McHUGH ROADGeneral Construction NotesKeyed Construction NotesU.G.S.T. NotesFFILL CATCH BASIN W/ OVERSPILL PROTECTION (TYP.)TURBINE ENCLOSURE TYP. CONTAINS; SUB-PUMB W/LINEDETECTION, TANK PROBE FOR FUEL MONITORING, INCLUDINGTHE INTERSTITIAL SENSOR AND TANK SUMP SENSORVENT EXTRACTOR W/BALL FLOAT FOR OVERFILL PROTECTIONSUMP SENSOR @ EACH DISPENSER.1V23VICINITY MAPN.T.S.PROPOSED 10' RADIUS.PROPOSED 15' RADIUS.2% CROSS-SLOPE IN SIDEWALK AREA.REMOVE EXISTING APPROACH.2' TAPER STUB TO CURB.ABCNOTICE: ALL WORK IN/ON THE R.O.W. AREA IS SUBJECT TO THE CITY OFYORKVILLE & STATE OF ILLINOIS D.O.T. APPROVAL AND SPECIFICATIONS.Referenced SheetsCIVIL PLANS BY ARC DESIGN* to be createdLIGHTING PLANS BY RED LEONARD ASSOCIATES.* RL-4501-S1Utility NotesMiscellaneous Notes#1 DUMPSTER 28'-0" (AL-401)- CHAIN LINK WITH VINYL SLATES.- (4) 6' GATES WITH 3' SERVICE GATE.CASEY'S GENERAL STOREDAL-101SITE PLANContact InformationCity Hall of Yorkville, IL630-553-4350Nicor Gas888-642-6748Yorkville-Bristol Sanitary District630-553-7567ComEd (Electric)800-426-6331AT&T800-660-3000J.U.L.I.E.800-892-0123E4SCALE: 1" = 20'030'20'SWPPP NotesNOTICE: EROSION CONTROL MEASURESSUCH AS SILT FENCE, HAY BAILS, ETC., SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED INSTALLED PRIOR TO OR IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING THE REMOVALOF VEGETATION ON SITE. EROSION CONTROL AS SHOWN, SUBJECTTO CHANGE. BUT SHALL BE DOCUMENTED ON PLAN THAT MUST BEON SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROJECT UNTIL PROJECTIS COMPLETED. ILLINOIS STATE OPERATING GENERAL PERMITNUMBER xxxxxxxxx.CONCRETE PAVINGSOR SIDEWALKS“64)7AREA LIGHTS (5) REFER TOLIGHTING PLAN RL-4501-S1DONE BY RED LEONARD.AREA TO BE SODGASOLINE PUMP PARKINGSPACES (DO NOT PAINTLINES OR OTHERWISE MARK)MARKED PARKING SPACES(PAINT LINES AS INDICATED)5LegendCO2 TANKSATELLITE DISHEXISTING SANITARY SEWERGASGASGASOHEOHEUGTUGTUNDERGROUND ELECTRICPROPERTY LINECENTER LINECATCH BASINLIGHT POLEGAS LINEOVERHEAD ELECTRICSTORM SEWER & MANHOLEWWWATER MAIN & SIZEFIRE HYDRANTUTILITY POLEGATE VALVESANITARY SEWER MANHOLESurveyor's Legend:SIGNLEGAL DESCRIPTION:PART OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 28,TOWNSHIP 37 NORTH, RANGE 7 EAST OF THE THIRDPRINCIPAL MERIDIAN. KENDALL COUNTY, ILLINOIS.#1 PROPOSED 1.5" WATER CONNECTION- INTO EXISTING WATER MAIN.- 1.5" CTS, SDR 9, PE9(5,)<(;,67,1*:$7(50$,1•#2 PROPOSED 1.5" NATURAL GAS CONNECTION- VERIFY EXISTING NATURAL GAS MAIN- 1.5" SCH. 40 BLACK IRON PIPE- 680 MBH, 7" W.C. HOUSE PRESSURE#3 PROPOSED 6" SANITARY SEWER CONNECTION- INTO EXISTING SANITARY SEWER MAIN.- 6" SCH 40 PVC#4 PROPOSED SERVICE ENTRANCE- ELECTRICAL 3 PHASE, 800 AMP- 120/208 VOLTS - 4 WIRE- TELEPHONE: 8 PAIR - 4 LINES#5 PROPOSED 1,000-GAL. GREASE INTERCEPTOR.- 2 MANHOLES.- BELOW GRADESPROPOSED GAS LINEP GASP GASP WP WPROPOSED WATER LINEPROPOSED SANITARY SEWER LINEP SSP SSBBBBCDDDEE10/14/1610/24/16EXISTING WATER WELL SETBACK12/09/161.) 2 - 30,000 GALLON DOUBLE WALL FIBERGLASS CONTAINMENT SOLUTION TANKS.TANK 1-22,000 GALLON (87E) 10'-6"x40'-2.5" (SPLIT 22,000 / 8,000)TANK 2-14,000 GALLON (DIESEL) 10'-6"x23'-6" (SPLIT 14,000 / 8,000 / 8,000) TANK 3-8,000 GALLON (91E) 10'-6"x18'-8.75"TANK 4-8,000 GALLON (91C) 10'-6"x18'-8.75"TANK 5-8,000 GALLON (E85) 10'-6"x18'-8.75"PREMIUM;SUPER UNLEADED GASOLINE PRODUCTS2.) TANK SETTING DETAILS PAGE QF-3013.) FILL PIPE AND MANHOLE DETAIL PAGE QF-3014.) CIRCUIT BREAKER PANEL PAGE E-5015.) REFRIGERATION WIRING PAGE QR-601, QR-602, QR-6036.) GILBARCO WIRING PAGE QF-6017.) ISLAND SIZE - 3'x5' W/DUAL GUARD PIPE8.) 8 - GILBARCO 700 S DISPENSERS (BLENDED)4 - NG1, 4 NOZZLES & 8 METERS EACH4 - NJ4, 4 NOZZLES & 6 METERS EACH9.) ISLAND DETAILS PAGE AL-50110.) ISLAND CONDUIT DETAIL PAGE E-60211.) DO NOT PLACE PRODUCT PIPING UNDER ISLAND12.) 18" MIN. FROM TANK PIPING TO FINISH SURFACE13.) SIGN BASE DETAILS PAGE AL-60114.) SIGN DETAILS PAGE AL-60115.) DRIVEWAY JOINTS TO BE PACKED & CAULKED16.) CONCRETE DRIVE TROWELED WITH LIGHT BROOM FINISH17.) CONTROL JOINTS - MIN. 100 sq.ft. - MAX. 125 sq.ft. - 25% DEEP18.) CONSTRUCTION JOINTS - PINNED 4' O.C. 12" EACH WAY WITH 1/2" REBAR #419.) APPROACHES TO BE 7" NON-REINFORCED OR AS PER STATE/CITY SPEC.20.) BUILDING SIDEWALK 1:20 H.C PARKING 1:50 ALL DIRECTIONSALL ACCESS ISLE STRIPING AT 45 DEGREE ANGLE BEING MAX. 4' SEPARATION21.) RUN VENT LINES UP SEPARATE CANOPY COLUMN, VERIFY22.) VERIFY ALL UTILITY LOCATIONS AND DIMENSIONS.23.) CANOPY FOOTING: SIZE 6'-3" LENGTH X 6'-3" WIDTH X 3'-0" DEPTH.CONCRETE: MINIMUM COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF F'C-3000 p.s.i.CONCRETE REINFORCING: ASTM A-615 GRADE 60.REBAR CAGE: (8) #6 HORIZONTAL TIES LENGTH WISE TOP AND BOTTOM12" MAXIMUM SPACING.24.) ALL FUEL DISPENSERS FALL WITHIN A 100 FOOT RADIUS OF THE EMERGENCYSHUT-OFF SWITCH LOCATED ON A POST AT THE CURB; A SECONDARY SHUTOFFLOCATED INSIDE AT THE SALES COUNTER FOR THE CONVENIENCE OF STAFF.25.) IRRIGATION SYSTEM INSTALLATION IS REQUIRED FOR ALL SOD/SEED WITHINPROPERTY, AND TO BE INSTALLED WITH RAIN SENSOR MOUNTED ON RAILING ONTHE BACK OF THE BUILDING.26.) AIR COMPRESSOR BOX, MOUNTED TO POLE, INSTALLED ON 3'x3' CONCRETE PAD,30" FROM FRONT OF CURB. 110 VOLT-60HZ-5.5 AMP. 8 GAUGE MINIMUMRECOMMENDED.03/23/175BAEEBBCBBB03/30/17A03/31/17A PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PZC 2017-07 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Casey’s Retail Company, petitioner, has filed applications with the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois, requesting rezoning classification, special use authorization, and a variance to sign regulations. The real property is located south of U.S. Route 34, west of McHugh Road. The petitioner is requesting rezoning approval from R-1 Suburban Residential District to B-3 General Business District (contingent on approved of an annexation agreement by the City Council). The petitioner is requesting special use permit approval pursuant to Section 10-6-0 of the Yorkville City Code for a gasoline service station with accessory convenience store. The petitioner is requesting to vary the requirement of City Code Section 10-20-9-A regarding permanent freestanding business signs to allow a new sign to be larger than a maximum of 32 square feet. The proposed monument sign would be a total of 47 square feet. The legal description is as follows: 1107 McHugh Road | PIN# 02-28-252-008 THAT PART OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 28, TOWNSHIP 37 NORTH, RANGE 7, EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT A POINT IN THE SOUTH LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SAID SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 28, 40 LINKS EAST OF THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER; THENCE NORTH 11 1/2 DEGREES EAST 34.82 CHAINS TO AN ANGLE IN THE CENTER LINE OF THE OSWEGO ROAD; THENCE NORTH 53 DEGREES 35 MINUTES EAST ALONG THE CENTER LINE OF SAID OSWEGO ROAD 912.64 FEET FOR A POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 53 DEGREES 35 MINUTES EAST ALONG THE CENTER LINE OF SAID ROAD 75 FEET; THENCE NORTH 35 DEGREES 33 MINUTES WEST 200 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 53 DEGREES 33 MINUTES EAST 200 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, IN THE TOWNSHIP OF BRISTOL, KENDALL COUNTY, ILLINOIS. 9230 Route 34 | PIN# 02-28-252-026 THAT PART OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 28, TOWNSHIP 37 NORTH, RANGE 7 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN IN ILLINOIS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT A POINT ON THE SOUTH LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION, 40 LINKS (26.40 FEET) EAST OF THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER; THENCE NORTH 11 DEGREES 30 MINUTES 00 SECONDS EAST 34.82 CHAINS (2298.12 FEET) TO AN ANGLE IN THE CENTER LINE OF OSWEGO ROAD (PRESENTLY KNOWN AS MCHUGH ROAD); THENCE NORTH 53 DEGREES 35 MINUTES 00 SECONDS EAST ALONG THE CENTER LINE OF OSWEGO ROAD 111.54 FEET TO A POINT HEREINAFTER REFERRED TO AS POINT "A"; THENCE NORTH 07 DEGREES 30 MINUTES 00 SECONDS EAST 608.90 FEET TO A POINT WHICH IS 340.00 FEET SOUTHERLY OF (AS MEASURED ALONG THE LAST DESCRIBED LINE EXTENDED) THE CENTER LINE OF U.S. ROUTE 34 (S.B.I. ROUTE NO. 18); THENCE EASTERLY PARALLEL WITH THE CENTER LINE OF U.S. ROUTE 34 A DISTANCE OF 334.00 FEET FOR THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 07 DEGREES 30 MINUTES 00 SECONDS EAST 310.00 FEET TO THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID U.S. ROUTE 34; THENCE SOUTH 83 DEGREES 27 MINUTES 03 SECONDS EAST 179.50 FEET ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY LINE TO A POINT OF CURVATURE; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY LINE WHICH CURVES TO THE LEFT, HAVING A RADIUS OF 1462.39 FEET FOR AN ARC DISTANCE OF 121.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 07 DEGREES 00 MINUTES 00 SECONDS 316.09 FEET TO THE CENTER LINE OF OSWEGO ROAD; THENCE SOUTH 53 DEGREES 35 MINUTES 00 SECONDS WEST ALONG SAID CENTER LINE 12.52 FEET TO A POINT THAT IS 876.10 FEET NORTHEASTERLY OF POINT "A" AFORESAID; THENCE NORTH 35 DEGREES 33 MINUTES 00 SECONDS WEST 200.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 53 DEGREES 35 MINUTES 00 SECONDS WEST PARALLEL WITH THE CENTER LINE OF SAID OSWEGO ROAD 203.15 FEET TO A LINE DRAWN EASTERLY, PARALLEL WITH THE CENTER LINE OF SAID U.S. ROUTE 34 FROM THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG SAID PARALLEL LINE 11.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. EXCEPT THE WESTERLY 104.98 FEET AS MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES TO THE WEST LINE THEREOF, IN THE TOWNSHIP OF BRISTOL, KENDALL COUNTY, ILLINOIS. ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PART OF THE LAND CONVEYED BY TRUSTEE'S DEED TO THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RECORDED DECEMBER 23, 2014 AS DOCUMENT NO. 201400018028. A copy of the application is available for review during normal City business hours at the office of the Community Development Director. NOTICE IS HEREWITH GIVEN THAT the Planning and Zoning Commission for the United City of Yorkville will conduct a Public Hearing on said applications on Wednesday, July 12, 2017 at 7 p.m. at the United City of Yorkville, City Hall, located at 800 Game Farm Road, Yorkville, Illinois 60560. The public hearing may be continued from time to time to dates certain without further notice being published. All interested parties are invited to attend the public hearing and will be given an opportunity to be heard. Any written comments should be addressed to the United City of Yorkville Community Development Department, City Hall, 800 Game Farm Road, Yorkville, Illinois, and will be accepted up to the date of the public hearing. By order of the Corporate Authorities of the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois. BETH WARREN City Clerk BY: Lisa Pickering Deputy Clerk SUMMARY: The petitioner, Dale Larson, has filed an application with the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois, requesting a rear yard setback variance for 1995 Meadowlark Court in the Country Hills Subdivision of Yorkville to reduce the rear yard setback from 40 feet to 30 feet. The purpose for this request is to allow a single family home to be built on this lot within the Country Hills Subdivision which will be consistent with surrounding homes. PROPERTY BACKGROUND: The property is located within the Country Hills Subdivision in Yorkville off of Route 126. The property is surrounded on all sides of single family homes which are zoned R-2 Traditional Residence District. The parcel is an undeveloped lot within the subdivision with existing homes adjacent to the rear yard (west) and side yard (south). PROJECT DESCRIPTION: As proposed, the petitioner is seeking to construct a ranch style single family home on the site. The dimensions of the lot and required setbacks create a small and thin building envelope for development. Therefore, the petitioner is requesting relief from the R-2 Traditional Residence District requirement of a minimum of forty foot (40’) rear yard setback. The petitioner is requesting a 30 foot rear yard setback for this property. With a 30 foot setback, the petitioner may construct the planned ranch style single family home on the property. The unusual shape is not the only hardship on this parcel. The unusual topography and grading adds an additional issue when placing a house on the property. This parcel has a significantly higher elevation in the front yard adjacent to the street than the rear yard. While the building envelope may be able to fit a two story home, the height of a house that size would make it inconsistent with neighboring properties in the rear yard. This essentially makes the first floor of this proposed house at the same elevation as the second stories to the houses behind it. A two story building would stand out and not keep the neighborhood’s cohesive style. Memorandum To: Planning and Zoning Commission From: Jason Engberg, Senior Planner CC: Bart Olson, City Administrator Krysti Barksdale-Noble, Community Development Director Date: June 26, 2017 Subject: PZC 2017-08 - 1995 Meadowlark Court – Rear Yard Setback Variance Since the petitioner is planning to reduce the minimum requirement from forty feet (40’) to thirty feet (30’), it will only be reviewed and approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Section 4-7- D of the Yorkville Zoning Ordinance states variations from the regulations of the Zoning Ordinance may be granted by the Zoning Board of Appeals (now Planning and Zoning Commission) if it follows certain instances. Section 4-7-D-1-e states an authorized variation includes “To permit any yard or setback less than the yard or setback required by the applicable regulations, but by no more than twenty five percent (25%).” Therefore, this variance will be reviewed and action will be taken by only the Planning and Zoning Commission. STANDARDS FOR GRANTING A VARIANCE: The Planning and Zoning Commission must base its decision to vary, or recommend varying, the Petitioner’s request for relief of the Zoning Ordinance regulation upon the following standards (Section 10-4-7-C): 1. Because of the particular physical surroundings, shape or topographical conditions of the specific property involved, a particular hardship to the owner would result, as distinguished from a mere inconvenience, if the strict letter of the regulations was carried out. 2. The conditions upon which the petition for a variation is based are unique to the property for which the variation is sought and are not applicable, generally, to other property within the same zoning classification. 3. The alleged difficulty or hardship is caused by this title and has not been created by any person presently having an interest in the property. 4. The granting of the variation will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other property or improvements in the neighborhood in which the property is located. 5. The proposed variation will not impair an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property, or substantially increase the congestion in the public streets, or increase the danger to the public safety, or substantially diminish or impair property values within the neighborhood. 6. The proposed variation is consistent with the official comprehensive plan and other development standards and policies of the city. The petitioner has provided written responses to these standards as part of their application (see attached) and requests inclusion of those responses into the public record at the July 12, 2017 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. STAFF COMMENTS: Staff is supporting the request for a rear yard setback variance at 1995 Meadowlark Court due to the natural hardship of the lot size and shape. Staff believes the petitioner has proven that it is best for the character of the community to build a single story ranch home on the property as to not interfere with surrounding properties. PROPOSED MOTIONS: In consideration of testimony presented during a Public Hearing on July 12, 2017 and approval of the findings of fact, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommends approval of a request to vary the setback regulations contained in Section 10-7-1 of the United City of Yorkville Zoning Ordinance to permit a minimum rear yard setback of 30 feet in the R-2 Traditional Residential District and further subject to {insert any additional conditions of the Planning and Zoning Commission}… ATTACHMENTS: 1. Petitioner Application 2. Public Notice 3. Certified Mailing Receipts PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PZC 2017-08 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Dale Larson, petitioner, has filed an application with the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois, requesting a rear yard setback variance for 1995 Meadowlark Court in the Country Hills Subdivision of Yorkville to reduce the rear yard setback from 40 feet to 30 feet. The purpose for this request is to allow a single family home to be built on this lot within the Country Hills Subdivision which will be consistent with surrounding homes. The legal description is as follows: LOT 111 OF PLAT OF COUNTRY HILLS SUBDIVISION – PHASE II, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED DECEMBER 11, 2002 AS DOCUMENT 200200031248, IN THE UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE, IN KENDALL TOWNSHIP, IN KENDALL COUNTY, ILLINOIS. NOTICE IS HEREWITH GIVEN THAT the Planning and Zoning Commission for the United City of Yorkville will conduct a public hearing on said application on Wednesday, July 12, 2017 at 7 p.m. at the United City of Yorkville, City Hall, located at 800 Game Farm Road, Yorkville, Illinois 60560. The public hearing may be continued from time to time to dates certain without further notice being published. All interested parties are invited to attend the public hearing and will be given an opportunity to be heard. Any written comments should be addressed to the United City of Yorkville Community Development Department, City Hall, 800 Game Farm Road, Yorkville, Illinois, and will be accepted up to the date of the public hearing. By order of the Corporate Authorities of the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois. BETH WARREN City Clerk BY: Lisa Pickering Deputy Clerk Project Background/Request: As the Planning and Zoning Commission will recall, the rezoning, variance and development agreement for the Anthony Place (formerly referred to as GC Housing) senior independent living facility was approved by the City Council in February 2016. The approximately 3.175-acre parcel, located at the northeast corner of Freemont and Walnut Streets, consists of 51 apartment units and is zoned R-4 General Multi-Family Residence. The developer/petitioner is requesting final plat of subdivision approval for the site in preparation of construction. Proposed Final Plat: As part of the site development process, the developer/petitioner, Anthony Place Yorkville, LP, purchased two (2) adjacent parcels and is now seeking to consolidate those lots as part of the final plat of subdivision. The developer/petitioner is also dedicating approximately 0.25 acres of right-of-way (33’ wide) along the frontage of the property on Walnut Street as well as granting a 60’ wide access easement to Freemont Street, and public utilities and drainage easements around the perimeter of the site. The proposed Final Plat of Subdivision has been reviewed by the City’s engineering consultant for compliance with the Subdivision Control Ordinance’s Standards for Specification. Comments dated February 21, 2017 were provided to the developer/petitioner related to the proposed Final Plat (see attached). The engineering review has found the submitted plans in general conformance with the City’s requirements and standard engineering practices. Staff Comments/Recommendation: Based upon the review of the proposed Final Plat of Subdivision of Anthony Place development, staff believes the submitted plans are consistent with the approved development site plan and the current subdivision control regulations. Therefore, we recommend approval of the Final Plat of Subdivision as currently presented. Proposed Motion: In consideration of the proposed Final Plat of Subdivision of Anthony Place, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommends approval of the plat to the City Council as presented by the Petitioner in a plan prepared by Manhard Consulting, Ltd., dated last revised June 26, 2017, and further subject to {insert any additional conditions of the Planning and Zoning Commission}… Attachments: 1. Copy of Petitioner’s Application 2. Final Plat of Subdivision of Anthony Place prepared by Manhard Consulting date last revised 06-26-17. 3. EEI Letter to the City dated February 21, 2017 re: GC Housing Development – Engineering Plan Review – 3rd Submittal. Memorandum To: Planning and Zoning Commission From: Krysti J. Barksdale-Noble, Community Development Director CC: Bart Olson, City Administrator Date: June 27, 2017 Subject: PZC 2017-09 Anthony Place (GC Housing) – NEC Walnut & Freemont Final Plat Approval ANTHONY PLACE LEGAL DESCRIPTION THAT PART OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 28, TOWNSHIP 37 NORTH, RANGE 7 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF GUTHRIE SUBDIVISION; THENCE NORTH 83 DEGREES 38 MINUTES 03 SECONDS WEST ALONG THE CENTERLINE OF WALNUT STREET, A DISTANCE OF 330.00 FEET TO THE SOUTHERLY EXTENSION OF THE WEST LINE OF LOT 1 IN THE WALNUT STREET ADDITION SUBDIVISION RECORDED AS DOCUMENT 884010 AND THE POINT OF BEGINNING: THENCE NORTH 06 DEGREES 21 MINUTES 12 SECONDS EAST ALONG SAID WEST LINE, A DISTANCE OF 468.05 FEET TO THE NORTHERLY MOST SOUTHERLY LOT LINE OF LOT 11 IN LONGFORD LAKES SUBDIVISION RECORDED AS DOCUMENT 200300012398; THENCE ALONG THE NORTHERLY MOST SOUTHERLY LOT LINE AND THE WESTERLY MOST EASTERLY LOT LINE OF SAID LOT 11 FOR THE FOLLOWING 3 COURSES: 1) THENCE NORTH 83 DEGREES 40 MINUTES 53 SECONDS WEST, A DISTANCE OF 77.05 FEET; 2) THENCE WESTERLY ALONG A CURVE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTHEAST HAVING A RADIUS OF 533.31 FEET, SUBTENDING A CHORD BEARING SOUTH 82 DEGREES 12 MINUTES 58 SECONDS WEST, AN ARC DISTANCE OF 263.51 FEET; 3) THENCE SOUTH 06 DEGREES 22 MINUTES 15 SECONDS WEST, A DISTANCE OF 404.22 FEET TO SAID CENTERLINE; THENCE SOUTH 83 DEGREES 38 MINUTES 03 SECONDS EAST, A DISTANCE OF 330.11 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, IN THE UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE, KENDALL COUNTY, ILLINOIS. WALNUT STREET DEDICATION LEGAL DESCRIPTION THE SOUTH 33.00 FEET OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: THAT PART OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 28, TOWNSHIP 37 NORTH, RANGE 7 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF GUTHRIE SUBDIVISION; THENCE NORTH 83 DEGREES 38 MINUTES 03 SECONDS WEST ALONG THE CENTERLINE OF WALNUT STREET, A DISTANCE OF 330.00 FEET TO THE SOUTHERLY EXTENSION OF THE WEST LINE OF LOT 1 IN THE WALNUT STREET ADDITION SUBDIVISION RECORDED AS DOCUMENT 884010 AND THE POINT OF BEGINNING: THENCE NORTH 06 DEGREES 21 MINUTES 12 SECONDS EAST ALONG SAID WEST LINE, A DISTANCE OF 468.05 FEET TO THE NORTHERLY MOST SOUTHERLY LOT LINE OF LOT 11 IN LONGFORD LAKES SUBDIVISION RECORDED AS DOCUMENT 200300012398; THENCE ALONG THE NORTHERLY MOST SOUTHERLY LOT LINE AND THE WESTERLY MOST EASTERLY LOT LINE OF SAID LOT 11 FOR THE FOLLOWING 3 COURSES: 1) THENCE NORTH 83 DEGREES 40 MINUTES 53 SECONDS WEST, A DISTANCE OF 77.05 FEET; 2) THENCE WESTERLY ALONG A CURVE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTHEAST HAVING A RADIUS OF 533.31 FEET, SUBTENDING A CHORD BEARING SOUTH 82 DEGREES 12 MINUTES 58 SECONDS WEST, AN ARC DISTANCE OF 263.51 FEET; 3) THENCE SOUTH 06 DEGREES 22 MINUTES 15 SECONDS WEST, A DISTANCE OF 404.22 FEET TO SAID CENTERLINE; THENCE SOUTH 83 DEGREES 38 MINUTES 03 SECONDS EAST, A DISTANCE OF 330.11 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, IN THE UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE, KENDALL COUNTY, ILLINOIS. ANTHONY PLACE LEGAL DESCRIPTION (EXCLUDING RIGHT-OF-WAY): THAT PART OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 28, TOWNSHIP 37 NORTH, RANGE 7 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF GUTHRIE SUBDIVISION; THENCE NORTH 83 DEGREES 38 MINUTES 03 SECONDS WEST ALONG THE CENTERLINE OF WALNUT STREET, A DISTANCE OF 330.00 FEET TO THE SOUTHERLY EXTENSION OF THE WEST LINE OF LOT 1 IN THE WALNUT STREET ADDITION SUBDIVISION RECORDED AS DOCUMENT 884010 AND THE POINT OF BEGINNING: THENCE NORTH 06 DEGREES 21 MINUTES 12 SECONDS EAST ALONG SAID WEST LINE, A DISTANCE OF 468.05 FEET TO THE NORTHERLY MOST SOUTHERLY LOT LINE OF LOT 11 IN LONGFORD LAKES SUBDIVISION RECORDED AS DOCUMENT 200300012398; THENCE ALONG THE NORTHERLY MOST SOUTHERLY LOT LINE AND THE WESTERLY MOST EASTERLY LOT LINE OF SAID LOT 11 FOR THE FOLLOWING 3 COURSES: 1) THENCE NORTH 83 DEGREES 40 MINUTES 53 SECONDS WEST, A DISTANCE OF 77.05 FEET; 2) THENCE WESTERLY ALONG A CURVE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTHEAST HAVING A RADIUS OF 533.31 FEET, SUBTENDING A CHORD BEARING SOUTH 82 DEGREES 12 MINUTES 58 SECONDS WEST, AN ARC DISTANCE OF 263.51 FEET; 3) THENCE SOUTH 06 DEGREES 22 MINUTES 15 SECONDS WEST, A DISTANCE OF 404.22 FEET TO SAID CENTERLINE; THENCE SOUTH 83 DEGREES 38 MINUTES 03 SECONDS EAST, A DISTANCE OF 330.11 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, IN THE UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE, KENDALL COUNTY, ILLINOIS. EXCLUDING THE SOUTH 33.00 FEET THEREOF. PROJ. MGR.:DRAWN BY:DATE:SCALE:OFSHEETPROJ. ASSOC.:DATE REVISIONS DRAWN BY TM ANTHONY PLACE YORKVILLE, ILLINOIS FINAL PLAT OF SUBDIVISION1 2 PROJ. MGR.:DRAWN BY:DATE:SCALE:OFSHEETPROJ. ASSOC.:DATE REVISIONS DRAWN BY TM ANTHONY PLACE YORKVILLE, ILLINOIS FINAL PLAT OF SUBDIVISION2 236993699062-068509