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Ordinance 2017-19
UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE KENDALL COUNTY, ILLINOIS ORDINANCE NO. 2017-19 AN ORDINANCE OF THE UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE,KENDALL COUNTY, ILLINOIS,APPROVING A REVISED STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM PLAN Passed by the City Council of the United City of Yorkville,Kendall County,Illinois This 256'day of April,2017 Published in pamphlet form by the authority of the Mayor and City Council of the United City of Yorkville,Kendall County,Illinois on July 17,2017. Ordinance No.2017- AN ORDINANCE OF THE UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE, ]KENDALL COUNTY, ILLINOIS,APPROVING A REVISED STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM PLAN WHEREAS, the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois (the "City") is a duly organized and validly existing non home-rule municipality created in accordance with the Constitution of the State of Illinois of 1970 and the laws of the State; and, WHEREAS, by Ordinance No. 2010-13 adopted on March 9, 2010, the Mayor and City Council of the City approved the United City of Yorkville Stormwater Management Program Plan(the "Stormwater Management Plan"); and, WHEREAS, in February of 2016, the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (the "IEPA") issued a revised National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System ("NPDES") Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems ("MS4") permit that requires changes to the City's Stormwater Management Plan; and, WHEREAS, the City believes it to be in the best interests of its citizens to revise its Stormwater Management Plan to meet the requirements of the IEPA. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and City Council of the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois, as follows: Section 1. Ordinance No. 2010-13 adopted on March 9, 2010 is hereby repealed. Section 2. That the United City of Yorkville Stormwater Management Program Plan Dated March 9, 2010 Revised April 25, 2017, attached hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby approved. Section 3. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage, approval, and publication as provided by law. Passed by the Cit Council of the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois this day of , 2017. CI LERK CARLO COLOSIMO KEN KOCH JACKIE MILSCHEWSKI ARDEN JOE PLOCHER CHRIS FUNKHOUSER JOEL FRIEDERS �- SEAVER TARULIS DIANE TEELING Ordinance No.2017- Page 2 Approved by me, as Mayor of the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois, this a?V day of APRIL 12017. MAY R` Attest: — 36Z[A' � City Clerk Ordinance No.2017- Page 3 United City of Yorkville Stormwater Management Program Plan Kendall County, Illinois March 9, 2010 Revised April 25, 2017 Table of Contents 1 Overview of the Stormwater Management Program Plan 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 State&Federal Regulations 1 1.3 Organization of SMPP 2 1.4 Watersheds and Receiving Waters 2 2 Program Management 2.1 Implementation of the SMPP 5 2.2 Departmental Responsibilities 5 2.3 Coordination with the IEPA 6 3 The Program 3.1 Public Education and Outreach 7 3.1 A Measurable Goals 7 3.2 Public Participation and Involvement 7 3.2A Measurable Goals 7 3.3 Construction Site Run-off Control 8 3.3A Complaints 8 3.3B Violation Notification Procedures 9 3.3C Measurable Goals 11 3.4 Post Construction Runoff Control 11 3.4A Long Term Operation and Maintenance 12 3.4B Site Inspection 12 3.4C Measurable Goals 13 3.5 Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination 13 3.5A Regulatory Authority, 14 3.5B Illicit Discharge/Illegal Dumping Notification 14 3.5C Understanding Outfalls and Illicit Discharges 14 3.5D Indirect Connections 16 3.5E Direct Connections 16 3.5F Access to Private Property17 3.5G Confined Space Entry 17 3.5H Office Closeout 18 3.5I Source Identification 18 3.5J Removal of Illicit Discharges 19 3.5K Program Evaluation 20 3.51, Measurable Goals 20 3.6 Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping 20 3.6A Measurable Goals 25 i 4 Program and Performance Monitoring,Evaluation, &Reporting 4.1 Performance Milestones 26 4.2 Program Monitoring and Research 27 4.3 Program Evaluation 27 S Appendix 5.1 Ord. 2003-19 Soil Erosion& Sediment Control Ordinance 5.2 Res. 2004-39 Standard Specifications for Improvements 5.3 Ord. 2008-01 Wetland Protection Regulations for Water Quality and Stormwater Management 5.4 Ord. 2009-78 Post-Construction Stormwater Best Management Practices 5.5 Ord. 2010-05 Regulation of Illicit Discharges and Connections to the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System 5.6 Ord. 94-4 Prohibiting Connection of Sanitary Sewage and Industrial Wastewater into Storm Sewers and Other Highway Drainage Systems 5.7 Ord. 2006-123 Water Conservation Regulations (Permanent Irrigation Systems) 5.8 Ord. 2004-20 Water Conservation Regulations (Lawn Watering) 5.10 General Permit ILR40 5.11 NPDES/Erosion Control Inspection Report 5.12 Sample Notice of Violation Letter 5.13 Stormwater Basin Maintenance Plan(existing) 5.14 Stormwater Basin Maintenance Plan(new) 5.15 Stormwater Basin Annual Inspection Report 5.16 Illicit Discharge Tracking Form 5.17 Illicit Discharge Summary Form 5.18 Stormwater Outfall Inspection Form 5.19 Outfall Inspection Summary Form 5.20 Spill Response Notice ii 1 Overview of the Stormwater Management Program Plan 1.1 Introduction This Stormwater Management Program Plan (SMPP) was developed by the United City of Yorkville based off a SMPP template created by the Lake County Stormwater Management Commission. The purpose of the SMPP is to meet the minimum standards required by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Phase II program. Federal regulations through the USEPA require that all Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems(MS4s),partially or fully in urbanized areas based on the 2000 census, obtain stormwater permits for their discharges into receiving waters. The SMPP describes the procedures and practices that can be implemented by the City toward the goal of reducing the discharge of pollutants within stormwater runoff in order to comply with Federal standards. The SMPP is applicable to all properties within city limits. Compliance with the plan is intended to protect water quality and contribute to the following amenities: • cleaner lakes and streams, • improved recreational opportunities and tourism, • flood damage reduction, • better aesthetics and wildlife habitat, and • a safer and healthier environment for the citizens. 1.2 State & Federal Regulations Federal environmental regulations based on the 1972 Clean Water Act (CWA) require that MS4s, construction sites and industrial activities control polluted stormwater runoff from entering receiving bodies of water (including navigable streams and lakes). The NPDES permit process regulates the discharge from these sources based on amendments to CWA in 1987 and the subsequent 1990 and 1999 regulations by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). In Illinois, the USEPA has delegated administration of the Federal NDPES program to the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA). On December 20, 1999 the IEPA issued a general NPDES Phase II permit for all MS4s. Under the General ILR 40 Permit each MS4 was required to submit a Notice of Intent (NOI) declaring compliance with the conditions of the permit by March 10, 2003. The original NOI describes the proposed activities and best management practices that occurred over the original 5-year period toward the ultimate goal of developing a compliant SMPP. At the end of the 5d' year (March 1, 2008) the components of the SMPP were required to be implemented; per the ILR40 permit. The IEPA reissued the ILR 40 permit on April 1, 2009. The reissued permit is included in Appendix 5.10. Additionally,under the General ILR10 permit also administered IEPA, all construction projects that disturb greater than 1 acre of total land area are required to obtain an NPDES permit from IEPA prior to the start of construction. Municipalities covered by the General ILR40 permit are automatically covered under ILR10 30 days after the IEPA receives the NOI from the municipality. 1 On February 10, 2016 the IEPA released a new General NPDES Permit for Discharges from Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems effective March 10, 2016 thru February 28, 2021. Changes to the permit requirements with the newly issued permit prompted the 2017 revision to the United City of Yorkville Stormwater Management Plan. In addition, this revision captures changes that were implemented through the City's 2013 Annual Report. 1.3 Organization of SMPP The SMPP identifies best management practices to be implemented in six different categories. These categories are: • Public Education and Outreach • Public Participation/Involvement • Construction Site Runoff Control • Post-Construction Runoff Control • Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination • Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping Chapter 1: Overview of the Stormwater Management Program Plan - discusses the format of the SMPP document and the regulations associated with NPDES II through state and federal agencies. Chapter 2: Program Management - discusses the logistics of the plan. This includes the organization, implementation and responsible parties necessary to achieve overall compliance with the SMPP and NPDES Permit. It also identifies how the United City of Yorkville coordinates with other governmental agencies and discusses the legal authority that the MS4s have to implement the plan components. Chapter 3: The Program - addresses stormwater pollutant control measures implemented by the United City of Yorkville per the six minimum control categories established by the USEPA. Chapter 4: Monitoring, Program Evaluation and Reporting - describes the monitoring, evaluation and reporting procedures associated with the program. The SMPP is a guide created to protect United City of Yorkville receiving waters from pollution and resultant degradation. This chapter assists in identifying best management practices and processes that may require modifications in the future to help the document become an effective tool. Chapter 5: Appendices—including forms,references, and exhibits. 1.4 Watersheds and Receiving Waters The United City of Yorkville is primarily located within the Fox River watershed, with southern areas tributary to the Illinois River. There are several receiving waters tributary to the Fox and Illinois Rivers which are located within the Village. These streams include Blackberry Creek, Rob 2 Roy Creek, and Aux Sable Creek. Ponds, intermittent streams, and other on-stream bodies of water are also considered part of the receiving water system. Watershed: The land area that contributes stormwater to one of the two major rivers draining Kendall County. Sub-Watershed: The land area that contributes stormwater to one of the receiving waters tributary to a major river. Receiving Water: A natural or man-made system into which stormwater or treated wastewater is discharged, including the Fox River, Illinois River, and their tributaries. The major Watersheds and receiving waters are presented on Figure 1 Map of Major Sub-watershed and Receiving Waters. Fox River Watershed The Fox River originates about 15 miles northwest of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The river enters the northeast corner of Kendall County at Montgomery. About 165 square miles of Kendall County drain to the Fox River. Major tributaries to the Fox River in Kendall County include Blackberry Creek, Rob Roy Creek, Big Rock Creek, Little Rock Creek, Morgan Creek, Hollenback Creek, and Roods Creek. Only Blackberry Creek, Rob Roy Creek, and Hollenback Creek are located within the current city limits. The watersheds of the creeks within the city are primarily agricultural, although significant development activity has occurred in the Blackberry Creek and Rob Roy Creek watersheds since 2000. The Fox River watershed includes all or portions of the communities of Aurora, Millbrook, Millington,Montgomery,Newark, Oswego,Plano, Sandwich, and Yorkville. Illinois River Watershed The Illinois River originates at the confluence of the Des Plaines and Kankakee Rivers in Grundy County, about 10 miles southwest of Joliet, Illinois. About 155 square miles of Kendall County drain to the Illinois River. The Illinois River does not run directly through Kendall County, but reaches into the county via Aux Sable Creek and Valley Run Creek. Only the Middle Branch of the Aux Sable Creek is located within the current city limits. The Middle Branch Aux Sable Creek is primarily agricultural, although some development activity has occurred since 2000. The Illinois River watershed includes all or portions of the communities of Joliet, Lisbon, Minooka Plattville, Plainfield, and Yorkville. 3 Faa _ t--- 30 —- Creak -- Blackt� 34 I -c S� 34 c k w el GrteM 71 Grteab . 7 fr: dic 4a6 �., f ftp mIL iff r � J° / r'.% "'r !'.`} � l,�.7p{�/ f T`''1rJr'! ,•'i'f,r r' xAr / ✓ Y f f ff '. f �I ,? *�Y'i'' f{" f' t' ,`r Jf /'•f �:� ' r`:��'�� �:• f,f '� {'.�'�l ,�f,! f� f'r ':'�`` .,�'�'`.� f�'�a Kendall Countv 0 ' 25 2.5 5 Watersheds Miles uaaw uy a m► t ms Figure 1. Map of Major Sub-Watersheds and Receiving Waters 4 2 Program Management This Chapter describes the organizational structures of the United City of Yorkville and the Illinois EPA. It further discusses the roles and responsibilities of the involved parties. 2.1 Implementation of this SMPP The SMPP includes tasks that are required to meet the permit conditions under the NPDES II program and how to perform these tasks. These forms should be printed annually and the progress of all tasks tracked. At the end of the yearly reporting period (March 1 — February 28/29) the forms should be filed in a binder to document SMPP related activities to IEPA in the case of an audit. It is anticipated that implementation of this SMPP constitutes compliance with the program. The SMPP will be posted on the United City of Yorkville's website. The measurable goals will be evaluated and modified to maintain compliance with General Permit each year during the preparation of the Annual Report to IEPA due on June 1St of each year. 2.2 Departmental Responsibilities The City Council is the policy and budget setting authority for United City of Yorkville. The Engineering, Community Development, and Public Works Departments work together to implement this SMPP. The City Engineer has primary responsibility for managing the overall program. The city will also work with Kendall County and adjacent municipalities regarding stormwater issues. The Community Development Department is designated as the primary entity responsible for performing the duties related to Public Education and Outreach and Public Participation and Involvement. Much of this work will be achieved through coordination with the Green Committee. The Engineering Department is designated as the primary entity responsible for performing the duties related to Construction Site Runoff Control, Post-Construction Runoff Control, and Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination activities. The Building Department will assist as necessary by performing certain duties during the construction of private developments. The Public Works Department is designated as the primary entity responsible for performing the duties related to Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping. Measurable goals are established to document the efforts performed by the various city departments and ultimately the effectiveness of the SMPP. Those departments responsible for implementation of the SMPP shall perform, record, and forward monthly report memos to the City Engineer regarding their individual areas of responsibility. The report memos shall be prepared and forwarded during the first week of the following month. The City Engineer shall use these reports in preparing the annual report to the Illinois EPA. 5 2.3 Coordination with the IEPA The United City of Yorkville is required to complete annual reports which describe the status of compliance with the ILR40 permit. The annual report will be posted on the City's website and submitted to the IEPA by the first day of June each year. Annual reporting to IEPA should include information regarding SMPP goals that are in compliance as well as those goals that need further work or modification. Records regarding the completion and progress of the SMPP commitments will be documented on task sheets and updated throughout the year. The completed task sheets should be located in a binder with necessary supporting documentation. The binder will be available for inspection by both IEPA and the general public. 6 3 The Program This Stormwater Management Program Plan includes six components, each of which is necessary to reduce/eliminate stormwater pollution in receiving water bodies. These are: • Public Education and Outreach • Public Participation and Involvement • Construction Site Runoff Control • Post-Construction Runoff Control • Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination • Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping 3.1 Public Education and Outreach City staff at the United City of Yorkville is responsible for providing research and advice as well as making recommendations to the City Council on environmental issues facing the community. City staff should also promulgate information related to recycling, conservation design, soil conservation, rain gardens, open space/watershed protection, water conservation, landscape maintenance, etc. through environmental fairs, pamphlet distribution, and the city website. The annual NPDES permit report shall be placed on a City Council agenda once each year for discussion. 3.1A Measurable Goals • Place Stormwater Management Program Plan on the city's website. • Maintain an information center at City Hall, which will include informational items regarding stormwater-related issues. Review and update materials as necessary to maintain compliance with Permit requirements. 3.2 Public Participation and Involvement City staff should encourage citizen participation and involvement for stormwater-related issues on both individual and community levels. Citizen calls related to the Stormwater Management Program Plan shall be documented and directed to the appropriate department for follow-up. 3.2A Measurable Goals • Document the number and type of calls received from the public regarding potential illicit discharges. 7 • Sponsor an annual environmental fair, and document the number and type of exhibitors and public attendance. • Hold one public meeting per year to allow public input on the City's Stormwater Management Program • Identify if there are areas meeting the Environmental Justice Area criteria within the City 3.3 Construction Site Runoff Control The City adopted Ordinance No.2003-19 (Appendix 5.1) to regulate soil erosion and sediment control practices for construction activities that disturb more than 10,000 SF of soil. This ordinance requires the following: • Requires the developer/contractor to follow Illinois EPA requirements regarding NPDES permitting for construction activities. • Issuance of a Site Development Permit regulating earthwork and erosion/sediment control. • Contractor requirements for periodic inspections during construction. • Surety bonding to ensure that stabilization work is completed according to plan. The City passed Resolution No. 2004-39 (Appendix 5.2) to establish the Standard Specifications for Improvements. This resolution creates standards regarding the various aspects of construction for public and quasi-public infrastructure, including responsible construction activities. Regarding stormwater management,this resolution requires: • Sizing requirements for stormwater collection and detention facilities. • A soil erosion and sediment control plan. • The ability to require stormwater best management practices in the design of the stormwater collection and storage systems. The City passed Ordinance No. 2008-01 (Appendix 5.3) to provide Wetland Protection Regulations for Water Quality and Stornwater Management Benefits. This ordinance creates requirements for the evaluation and protection of non jurisdictional wetlands within city limits that may be affected by new development. 3.3A Complaints Site design comments are handled on a case by case basis.Any complaints received during the review, construction, or build-out of a private development shall be directed to the City Engineer and documented. Construction and build-out related calls are typically addressed by performing a site inspection. 8 3.3B Violation Notification Procedures Investigation of complaints should be performed within one business day of receipt of the complaint. In general, the compliance due date should be within 5-working days. However, if the city determines that the violation is or will result in significant environmental, health or safety hazards a 24-hour compliance requirement should be set. For such time-critical violations, the developer should also be advised to complete a Notice of Incidence report with the IEPA for all sites that were required to submit a Notice of Intent to the IEPA. Step 1 can be initiated by observation of a violation during a routine inspection, or in response to a complaint. Step 1: Violation Is Observed • The inspector completes the NPDESIErosion Control Inspection Report (Appendix 5.11). • Photographs of the violation(s) should be taken and saved. • The development project manager/property owner (a.k.a. construction site contact) shall be informed of the violation. • A copy of the NPDESIErosion Control Inspection Report is provided to the contractor and the developer. The NPDESIErosion Control Inspection Report indicates the deficiencies and a maximum time frame for action. • At the end of the indicated time frame the City shall perform a follow-up site inspection. Step 2: 1"Follow-Up Site Inspection The construction site contact shall be notified of the anticipated inspection time. The site shall be inspected including all items previously documented on the previous NPDESIErosion Control Inspection Report. The inspector will determine if the remedial measures have all been satisfactorily addressed, substantially completed, or if significant non-compliance remains. • If the remedial measures have been satisfactorily addressed, then the NPDESIErosion Control Inspection Report is filled out indicating compliance and provided to the contractor and developer. • If the inspector determines that the remedial measures have been substantially completed,but not entirely resolved,the inspector shall follow Step 1 above. • If the inspector determines that the remedial measures have not been substantially completed, the inspector shall follow Step 3 discussed below. Photographs of the violations should be taken and saved. 9 Sten 3: 1"Notice of Violation A formal Notice of Violation (Appendix 5.12) letter will be sent to the contractor and developer. A copy of the Notice of Violation shall also be provided to the Yorkville Building Department. The letter will include the following information: • Description of the violations(including ordinance provisions) • Maximum time frame for resolution(typically 5 working days), Sten 4: 2"Follow-Up Site Inspection The inspector will determine if the remedial measures have all been satisfactorily addressed, substantially completed, or if significant non-compliance remains. • If the remedial measures have been satisfactorily addressed, then the NPDES/Erosion Control Inspection Report shall be filled out indicating compliance and provided to the contractor and developer. • If the inspector determines that the remedial measures have been substantially completed,but not entirely resolved,the inspector shall follow Step 1 above. • If the inspector determines that the remedial measures have not been substantially completed, the inspector shall follow Step 5 discussed below. Photographs of the violations should be taken. Step 5: 2°d Notice of Violation • Depending on the severity of the outstanding violations the inspector may arrange for the Building Department to issue a Red Tag and a Conditional Stop Work Order upon completion of the inspection. The Stop Work Order allows for the resolution of the violation but no other on-site improvements. Building and/or Occupancy Permits will not be issued and surety/letter of credit reductions will not be considered until the violation is resolved. A formal Notice of Violation letter will be sent, via certified mail, to the contractor and developer. A copy of the Notice of Violation shall also be provided to the Yorkville Building Department. Step 6:3'Follow-Up Site Inspection The inspector will determine if the remedial measures have all been satisfactorily addressed, substantially completed, or if significant non-compliance remains. • If the remedial measures have been satisfactorily addressed, then the NPDESIErosion Control Inspection Report is filled out indicating compliance and provided to the contractor and developer. • If the inspector determines that the remedial measures have been substantially completed,but not entirely resolved,the inspector shall follow Step 1 above. • If the inspector determines that the remedial measures have not been substantially completed, the inspector shall follow Step 7 discussed below. Photographs of the violations should be taken and saved. 10 Step 7:311 Notice of Violation The inspector issues a Red Tag and a Conditional Stop Work Order upon completion of the inspection, if one has not already been issued. The Stop Work Order allows for the resolution of the violation but no other on-site improvements. Building and/or Occupancy Permits will not be issued and surety/letter of credit reductions will not be considered or processed until the violation is resolved. Representatives from the Building and Engineering Departments shall meet to discuss the violation and subsequent actions. These actions may include: issuing fines for each day of violation since the 1St notice of violation; draw from surety to enable the City to have the remedial measures corrected; seeking United City of Yorkville legal counsel and pursuing injunctive or other legal relief. A formal Notice of Violation letter will be sent, via certified mail, to the contractor and developer. A copy of the Notice of Violation shall also be provided to the Building Department and City Administrator. The letter will also include additional penalties or measures that will be imposed if the violation(s)persist. Steps 6 and 7 will be repeated until resolution of the violation. 3.3C Measurable Goals • Track the number of site development permits issued. • Document any citizen complaints regarding construction site runoff and follow-up activities. • Inspect construction sites for erosion/sediment control measures and record inspection on NPDES/Erosion Control Inspection Report forms. 3.4 Post Construction Runoff Control The City adopted Ordinance No. 2009-78 (Appendix 5.4) to establish standards for design, construction, and maintenance of stonnwater best management practices. This ordinance requires the following: • All development/redevelopment projects shall incorporate stormwater Best Management Practices(BMP's) into their site designs. • Agreements providing for the adequate maintenance of the stormwater BMP's by the developer/property owner. • Periodic inspections and meetings with property owners by the city to ensure proper functioning of the stormwater Bumps. The City will inspect stormwater outfalls, on existing properties with stormwater management facilities, on a priority and as needed basis. The inspections schedule should allow for inspection of priority outfalls on a regular basis. Detention basins will be inspected on an as requested basis. 11 3.4A Long Term Operation and Maintenance The SMPP includes two long term maintenance agreements. • The first agreement (Appendix 5.13) is the recommended plan for existing detention and stormwater management facilities, whether publicly or privately maintained. The intent of this sample plan is to provide guidance for the maintenance of facilities that do not have an approved plan. If an existing facility already has an adequate plan, this document would supersede the sample plan. • The second agreement (Appendix 5.14) is provided to applicants during the permit review period for new detention and stormwater management facilities. This agreement should be reviewed and enhanced to reflect the specific design of the new development. Receipt of the signed and recorded maintenance agreement is required. Receipt of the signed and recorded maintenance agreement is required prior to recording of a plat of subdivision, site development permit, or building permit for the property, whichever occurs first. 3.413 Site Inspections This section focuses on post-construction inspections of previously developed sites, streambanks, shorelines, streambeds, and detention/retention ponds. Previously Developed Sites The United City of Yorkville will inspect outfalls for existing properties with stormwater management facilities on an as needed and priority basis. Previously developed properties that are still to be inspected should be inspected with respect to the approved development plan. A letter indicating the maintenance activity highlights, deficiencies, or modifications to the plan should be provided to the responsible party. The responsible party is encouraged to implement an annual maintenance program. Shorelines The City will inspect detention basin shorelines on an as needed and priority basis. They should, however, inspect all reported detention basins by using the Stormwater Basin Annual Inspection Report (Appendix 5.15). Observed erosion, seeding/re-seeding or slope stabilization needs should be documented. Documented deficiencies should be reported to the City Engineer who evaluates and determines appropriate remedial activities. Remedial actions might include notifying the property owner or including maintenance activities in the city's work program for city-maintained basins. Streambanks and Stream Bed Sediment Accumulation The City will inspect receiving water streambanks for erosion and flowlines for sediment plumes/deposits on an as needed and priority basis. Inspections should be performed in the spring or fall depending upon weather conditions. Stream locations are depicted on Figure 1. Document observed erosion and/or sediment accumulation. Documented 12 deficiencies should be reported to City Engineer who evaluates and determines appropriate remedial activities. Remedial actions would typically consist of notifying the property owner. Detention/Retention Pond Sediment Accumulation Ensure that new detention/retention pond is constructed per the approved development plan. The developer is responsible for ensuring that the design grade is established prior to the city's approval of the pond. Pond information, including the design permanent pool depth, is added to the Stormwater Basin Annual Inspection Report upon final approval of the pond. The City will inspect detention basins to determine the normal pool depth on an as needed and priority basis. However, when detention basins are reported to the City or an inspection is requested, the City will perform an inspection, and the normal pool depth of the basin should be determined during the inspection. Observed depths should be recorded onto the Stormwater Basin Annual Inspection Report. If the inspected pond depth is found to be more than 2 feet shallower than the design normal pool depth, this information should be reported to City Engineer who evaluates and determines appropriate remediation activities. 3.4C Measurable Goals • Inspect stormwater basins and outfalls reported as being deficient and document on Stormwater Basin Annual Inspection Report forms. Inspect other stormwater basins and outfalls on a priority and as needed basis. • Develop a plan and process to assess climate change impacts on BMPs • Develop a plan and process to assess flood control projects for water quality and climate change impacts. • Provide assistance for citizens and homeowner associations (HOA's) on an as requested basis. The request and follow up action taken should be documented. • Require new developments to enter into maintenance agreements for their stormwater management facilities, and maintain a record of those agreements. 3.5 Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Illicit discharges contribute considerable pollutant loads to receiving waters. There are two primary situations that constitute illicit discharges; these include non-stormwater runoff from contaminated sites and the deliberate discharge or dumping of non- stormwater into the stormwater system. Illicit discharges can enter the storm sewer system as either an indirect or direct connection. 3.5A Regulatory Authority Effective implementation of an Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE) program requires adequate legal authority to remove illicit discharges and prohibit future 13 illicit discharges. This regulatory authority is achieved through adoption of United City of Yorkville Ordinance No. 2010-05 (Appendix 5.5). Additionally, IEPA has regulatory authority to control pollutant discharges and can take the necessary steps to correct or remove an inappropriate discharge over and above MS4 jurisdiction. 3.511 Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination The United City of Yorkville maintains, operates, and publicizes a call-in phone number (630-553-4350) where parties can contact the city with environmental concerns. Primary advertisement venues include the website and all related municipal publications. Telephone calls received from residents, other internal Departments or other agencies are logged on the Illicit Discharge Tracking Form (Appendix 5.16). The City Engineer, or his designee, should transfer information from the tracking form to the Illicit Discharge Summary Form (Appendix 5.17) monthly. The summary form should be reviewed annually to determine if trends can be seen and if any additional outreach efforts are warranted. Subdivision and Public Utility Ordinance The United City of Yorkville created and adopted Ordinance No. 94-4 (Appendix 5.6) to prohibit the discharge of any toilet, sink,basement, septic tank, cesspool, industrial waste or other polluting substances to any open ditch, drain, or drainage structure. This ordinance can be used to further support the activities required by the city's Stormwater Management Program Plan. 3.5C Understanding Outfalls and Illicit Discharges Understanding the potential locations and the nature of illicit discharges in urban watersheds is essential to find, fix and prevent them. Identifying Outfalls and Receiving Waters An Outfall is a point source where a municipal separate storm sewer discharges into Waters of the United States "receiving water". Open conveyances connecting two municipal storm sewers, or pipes, tunnels or other conveyances which connect segments of the same stream or other Waters of the United States are not considered outfalls. For the purposes of this program the following definitions shall be used: Outfall: A storm sewer outlet, or other open conveyance point discharge location, that discharges into a Waters of the U.S,receiving water or another MS4. Regulated systems include the conveyance or system of conveyances including roads with drainage systems,municipal streets, catch basins, gutters, ditches, swales, man made channels or storm sewers. The outfall inventory was prepared by the United City of Yorkville. The outfall locations have been numbered to facilitate detection and tracking of identified illicit discharges. 14 This information can be obtained from the city's Geographic Information System (GIS), which is maintained by the Community Development Department. The outfall map should be revised annually to incorporate permitted outfalls associated with new developments. An outfall inventory should be performed every 5 years; the focus of this effort is to search for new outfalls (i.e. those not already included in the existing GIS). The search for new outfalls should be combined with the pre-screening efforts. USEPA Exclusions It is noted that not all dry-weather flows are considered inappropriate discharges. Under certain conditions,the following discharges are allowed: • Water line flushing • Landscaping irrigation • Diverted stream flows • Rising groundwater • Uncontaminated groundwater infiltration • Uncontaminated pumped groundwater • Discharges from potable water sources • Flows from foundation drains • Air conditioning condensation • Irrigation water • Springs • Water from crawl spaces • Lawn watering • Individual car washing • Flows from riparian habitats and wetlands • Dechlorinated swimming pool water • Street wash water Pollutant Indicators Outfalls should be inspected for evidence of the following pollutant indicators: • Odor • Color of discharge water or staining of outfall pipe • Turbidity(clarity)of discharge water • Floatables in or residue from discharge water, such as scum, foam, suds, oil sheen, etc. • Excessive plant growth or lack of plant growth at outfall • Sediment plume. 15 3.51) Indirect Connections Indirect connections are typically the result of events such as dumping or spillage of materials into storm sewer drains. Intentional dumping is a common type of illicit discharge. Generally, indirect modes of entry produce random, infrequent discharges, with the exception of groundwater seepage. There are five main modes of indirect entry for discharges. These are groundwater seepage, unintentional spills, intentional dumping, outdoor washing, and over-irrigation of landscaping. Seepage discharges can be either continuous or intermittent, depending on the depth of the water table and the season. Groundwater seepage usually consists of relatively clean water that is not an illicit discharge by itself, but can carry other illicit discharges. If storm drains are located close to sanitary sewers, groundwater seepage may intermingle with sewage. Seepage will be addressed by taking samples to check for contamination from nearby sanitary sewers or septic systems. Mitigation measures would consist of repairs to sewers or notification to the Kendall County Health Department as appropriate. See Chapter 3.6 for the Spill Response Plan for unintentional spills. Intentional dumping is minimized through public education. The city also maintains an Illegal Dumping Hotline which is described in Chapter 3.5B. The procedure for handling a dumping incident is described in Chapter 3.6. Outdoor washing and over-irrigation are minimized through public education. 3.5E Direct Connections Direct connections enter through direct piping connections to the storm sewer system, and are most easily detected during dry-weather periods. Inspection of stormwater outfalls during dry-weather conditions reveals whether non-stormwater flows exist. If non-stormwater flows are observed,they can be screened and tested to determine whether pollutants are present. If the presence of pollutants is indicated, the detective work of identifying the source of the discharge can begin and be corrected. The process to eliminate direct connection illicit discharges consists of the following components: 1. Program Planning consists of the organizational efforts required to perform outfall screening and follow-up investigative activities of the program. Program planning identifies the regulatory authority to remove directly connected illicit discharges, identification of the outfalls and receiving waters, and providing personnel and equipment to perform the outfall screening and follow-up work. 2. Outfall Screening consists of pre-screening to determine whether dry-weather flows are present and outfall inspection which includes field visits to determine whether an illicit discharge exists. 16 3. Follow-Up Investigation and Program Evaluation are necessary to determine the source of any identified pollutant flows and eliminate them. The major follow-up investigation evaluation components include: • reviewing and assessing outfall inspection results • internal coordination • tracing upstream to identify the source of the illicit discharge • exercising the appropriate legal means to eliminate the illicit discharge and schedule follow-up inspections as necessary 3.5F Access to Private Property In some cases, it may be necessary for City personnel to enter or cross private property to investigate probable illicit discharges. A form letter should be prepared that includes a short description of the project, the purpose of the access to the property, and the name of a project contact person with a telephone number. If the owner is not present, a letter should be left at the premises to facilitate return inspection. If permission to access property is denied, a public official should then contact the owner at a later date. 3.5G Confined Space Entry Confined space entry for this program would include climbing into or inserting one's head into a pipe, manhole, or catch basin. In general, do not cross the vertical plane defining an outfall pipe or the horizontal plane defining a manhole unless properly prepared for confined space entry. Confined space entry shall be conducted only by trained personnel with appropriate rescue and monitoring equipment. Outfall Inspection The City is unable to perform inspections on all stormwater outfalls but will take action to correct problems with storm water outfalls as they are reported. The request and follow up action taken should be recorded. Those outfalls which are reported and are followed up with an inspection should be assessed to determine which one of the three following conditions applies: (1) The outfall is dry or damp with no observed flow (2) Flowing discharges are observed from the outfall (3) The outfall is partially or completely submerged with no observed flow or is inaccessible Scenario 1: No Observed Flow. The field crew should photograph the outfall and complete applicable sections of the Stormwater Outfall Inspection Form (Appendix 5.18). 17 Scenario 2: Observed Flow. The field crew photographs the outfall and complete applicable sections of the Stormwater Outfall Inspection Form. The intent is to gather additional information to determine if an illicit discharge is present. Scenario 3: Submerged or Inaccessible Outfall. If standing water is present in an outfall or if it is inaccessible, then complete available information from Sections 1, 2, 3 and 7 of the Stormwater Outfall Inspection Form, with appropriate comments being written in the"Remarks" section of the data form. Determine the upstream sampling location using the city's storm sewer atlas. Manholes, catch basins, or culvert crossings can be used for upstream sampling locations. Make reasonable efforts to locate upstream sampling points that are accessible and exhibit flow. If inaccessible,resolve the problem in the office with appropriate supervisory personnel. Outfall Assessment&Documentation Complete the Stormwater Outfall Inspection Form for all outfall inspections. A separate data form must be completed for each outfall. In addition to standard information, the data form is used to record other information that is noted at the time the outfall inspection is conducted (e.g. dead or dying plants, fish kills, excessive algae growth, construction activities, etc. that might provide information regarding the potential for illicit discharges). 3.511 Office Closeout Update the outfall screening scheduling and completion form and plan the next screening day's activities. Discuss any problems locating outfalls with appropriate supervisory personnel so that alternate sampling locations can be identified. Once a month, compile data from the Stormwater Outfall Inspection Form onto the Outfall Inspection Summary Form (Appendix 5.19). 3.5I Source Identification Follow-up investigation is required for all outfalls with positive indicators for illicit discharges. The procedure for detailed investigation and source identification has three major components: 1) mapping and evaluation, 2) storm sewer investigation, and 3) tracing. Mavvine Evaluation For each outfall to be investigated, a large-scale working map should be created to show the entire upstream storm sewer network,outfall locations, and parcel boundaries. Storm Sewer Investization After conducting the mapping evaluation, a manhole-by-manhole inspection is conducted to pinpoint the location of the illicit discharge. All flows are tracked upstream until the dry-weather discharge is no longer detected. The field crew should also determine whether there has been a significant change in the flow rate between manholes. 18 Tracing Once the manhole inspection has identified the reach area, testing may be necessary. If there is only one possible source to this section of the storm sewer system in the area, source identification and follow-up for corrective action is straightforward. Multiple sources, or non-definitive sources, may require testing in order to identify the contributing source. The method of testing must be approved by the Public Works Director prior to testing. Potential testing methods include dye testing, smoke testing, and/or remote video inspections. 3.5J Removal of Illicit Discharges Removal of illicit discharge connections is required at all confirmed contributing sources. Nine steps are taken to positively identify and remove an illicit discharge to the storm sewer system. These steps are as follows: Step 1. Have an outside laboratory service take a grab sample and test for the illicit discharge at the manhole located immediately downstream of the suspected discharge connection. Step 2: Conduct an internal meeting with appropriate personnel to include Public Works personnel, Building Code Official, and the City Engineer to discuss inspection and testing results and remedial procedures. Step 3: The City Engineer shall send a notification letter to the owner/operator of the property/site suspected of discharging a pollutant. The letter should state the apparent violation, and request that the owner/operator describe the activities on the site and the possible sources of non-stormwater discharges including information regarding the use and storage of hazardous substances, chemical storage practices, materials handling and disposal practices, storage tanks, types of permits, and pollution prevention plans. Step 4: Arrange a meeting for an inspection of the property with the Building Code Official and the owner/operator of the property. After inspection, notify the site owner/operator of the findings and instruct them verbally and in writing to take any necessary corrective measures. Step 5: Conduct additional tests as necessary if the initial site inspection is not successful in identifying the source of the problem. The Public Works Director is responsible for determining the appropriate testing measure to pinpoint the source. Step 6: If the owner/operator does not voluntarily initiate corrective action, the Building Code Official shall issue a Notification of Noncompliance. The notification shall include a description of the required action(s) and a time 19 frame in which to take corrective action. Upon notification of noncompliance, the owner can be subject to penalties as stipulated by Municipal Code. Step 7: Conduct follow-up inspections to determine whether corrective actions have been implemented to: 1) remove the illicit connection or 2) establish a proper disposal practice. Step 8: If corrective actions have been completed (i.e. the illicit discharge has been eliminated) the City Engineer shall send a notification of compliance letter to the owner/operator of the property/site where the illicit discharge occurred. Step 9: If corrective actions have not been completed additional internal meetings shall be held to determine appropriate steps to obtain compliance. Appropriate actions may include monetary or other penalties. 3.5K Program Evaluation The results of the screening program shall be reviewed periodically to determine if any trends can be identified that relate the incidence of dry-weather flow observations to the age of developed properties or land uses. These determinations may guide future outfall screening activities. Although the outfall screening program will be successful in identifying and eliminating most pollutants in dry-weather discharges, the continued existence of dry-weather flows and associated pollutants will require an ongoing commitment to continue the outfall screening program. The annual inspection screening will determine the effectiveness of the program. 3.5L Measurable Goals • Track the number and type of potential illicit discharge on the Illicit Discharge Tracking Forms and Illicit Discharge Summary Forms • Inspect reported and priority storm water outfalls and record those inspections on the Stormwater Outfall Inspection Forms and Outfall Inspection Summary Forms. 3.6 Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping The United City of Yorkville is responsible for the care and upkeep of public facilities, municipal roads, associated maintenance yards, and city parks. Many maintenance activities are most regularly performed directly by staff; however, from time to time contractors are employed to perform specific activities. This chapter describes how the compliance with permit requirements is achieved by incorporating pollution prevention and good housekeeping stormwater quality management into day-to-day operations. On- going education and training shall be provided to ensure that the appropriate employees 20 have the knowledge and skills necessary to perform their functions effectively and efficiently. The following lists describe activities performed by the Public Works Department and Parks Department. Street Sweeping All streets are swept are least 3 times per year or more often on an as-needed basis. Fall Leaf Pick-up The city provides free leaf pick-up service to residents every fall. Shredded and compacted leaves are removed and land-applied as fertilizer by a local farmer. Catch Basin Cleaning The city owns and operates a vacuum sewer cleaner truck. Catch basin cleaning is performed on an as-needed basis. Locations of cleaned catch basins are tracked. Ice Removal The city uses Geo-Melt (beet juice) additive with salt-spreading operations to reduce the amount of salt used in the winter,resulting in an average annual reduction in salt usage of about 500 tons. Snow Removal The city does not plow or salt roadways in new developments unless occupied homes exist along those roadways. Salt Storage The city has a salt storage building on Tower lane to provide protection for stockpiled salt from rain. After the winter season remaining salt is trucked to the Kendall County storage facility for storage until the following winter. Spill Prevention The city keeps Material Safety Data Sheets for all chemical agents used by the Public Works Department. Weed Control The city uses herbicide when needed to control the growth of vegetation in roadside ditches. Ditches are mowed where possible to avoid the application of herbicide. The Public Works Department has several employees that are certified herbicide applicators. Illicit Connections Public Works and Engineering Department personnel are instructed to watch for unusual discharges from storm sewers or unusual events at stormwater basins. Landscape Maintenance The Public Works Department and Parks Department are responsible for litter and debris control, as well as pickup and proper disposal of roadkill. The city shall endeavor to provide trash/recycling bins in more highly used parks. 21 Vehicle Maintenance Vehicle maintenance procedures and practices are designed to minimize or eliminate the discharge of petroleum based pollutants to the stormwater system. Used motor oil and antifreeze are collected and stored indoors. Waste fluids are removed on a regular basis by vendors for recycling. Used batteries are stored in an enclosed covered container at the Tower Lane maintenance yard. The batteries are collected on a regular basis by a local vendor. Tires are replaced at local commercial vendor sites. Used tires are disposed of by those vendors. Waste Management Waste Management consists of procedural and structural practices for handling, storing and disposing of wastes generated by a maintenance activity. This helps prevent the release of waste materials into the stormwater system. Waste management practices include removal of materials such as asphalt and concrete, excess earth excavation, contaminated soil, hazardous wastes, and sanitary waste. A spoil stock pile is located at the Tower Lane maintenance yard. Asphalt, concrete, and excess earth excavation materials are temporarily stored in the stock pile. Attempts are made to recycle asphalt and concrete products prior to storage in the spoil stock pile. Clean spoil is re-used around town where needed to backfill excavations and re-grade properties. If contaminated spoil is encountered, it is collected for treatment or disposal. Attempts are made to avoid stockpiling of contaminated spoil. If temporary stock piling is necessary,the stockpile shall be placed on an impermeable liner. Additional protective measures shall be used to protect the downslope of the stockpiled area for erosion downstream. Access to a contaminated stockpile shall be located on the upstream side of the stock pile. Hazardous wastes shall be stored in labeled, sealed containers constructed of appropriate material. The containers are located in non-flammable storage cabinets or on shelving. These items include paint, aerosol cans, gasoline, solvents and other hazardous wastes. Paint brushes and equipment used for water and oil-based paints are cleaned within a designated cleaning area. Sanitary wastewater shall be discharged into a sanitary sewer when possible. Portable toilets shall be maintained at high-usage parks. Water Conservation Water conservation practices minimize water use and help to avoid erosion and/or the transport of pollutants into the stormwater system. Ordinance No. 2006-123 (Appendix 5.7) limits the use of permanent landscape irrigation systems for certain properties as follows: • For non-residential properties with one building, permanent irrigation systems using city water are prohibited where the total landscaped area exceeds one acre. • For non-residential properties with more than one building, permanent irrigation systems using city water are prohibited where the total landscaped area exceeds three acres. 22 • For common open space properties of a primarily residential development, permanent irrigation systems using city water are prohibited. The city has adopted Ordinance 2004-20 (Appendix 5.8) that establishes odd-even watering schedules throughout the city based on mailing addresses. This ordinance also requires a property owner to obtain a watering permit to use city water to establish new lawns. From July 1St to August 31St, watering permits are not issued and city water may not be used to water newly sodded or seeded lawns. From May 1St to June 30th, and September 1St to September 30th, watering permits are issued. Watering on the 1St day a lawn is sodded or seeded is limited to no more than eight hours. Watering on the 2nd through 10'days is limited to no more than seven hours, those hours being 5am-9am and 9pm to midnight. After Day 10, a lawn is considered established and a permit is no longer required, however, the property owner must still follow the odd-even and seven-hour restrictions. Suill Resuonse Plan Spill prevention and control procedures are implemented wherever hazardous or non- hazardous chemicals substances are stored or used. The following general guidelines are implemented when cleanup activities and safety are not compromised, regardless of the type or location of the spill: • Cover and protect spills from stormwater run-on and rainfall, until they are removed • Dry cleanup methods are used when ever possible • Properly dispose of used cleanup materials, contaminated materials and recovered spill material • Contaminated water used for cleaning and decontamination shall not be allowed to enter the stormwater system • Keep waste storage areas clean, well organized and equipped with appropriate cleanup supplies • Maintain perimeter controls, containment structures, covers and liners to ensure proper function Non-Hazardous Spills/Dumgine Non-hazardous spills typically consist of an illicit discharge of household materials into the street or stormwater system. Upon notification or observance of a non-hazardous spill, Public Works personnel implement the following procedure: • Sandbag the receiving inlet to prevent additional discharge into the storm sewer system. It may be necessary to sand bag the next downstream inlet. • Check structures in the immediate and downstream area. If possible, pollutant materials are vacuumed out. The structures are then jetted to dilute and flush the remaining unrecoverable material. 23 • Clean up may consist of applying "Oil Dry" or sand and then sweeping up the remnant material. • After containment and cleanup activities have been performed, the Public Works Director shall fill out the Spill Response Notice(Appendix 5.20) door hanger and distribute it to adjoining residences/businesses. In residential areas, the hanger should be provided to residences on both sides of the spill and on both sides of the street. • Public Works personnel document the location, type of spill and action taken on the Illicit Discharge Tracking Form and submit the tracking form to their supervisor. The supervisor or his designee takes the information from the form and transfers it to the Illicit Discharge Summary Form. • If a person is observed causing an illicit discharge, the Building Code Official shall be notified and appropriate citations issued. Hazardous Spills Upon notification or observance of a hazardous illicit discharge, the Public Works Department shall implement the following procedure: • Call 911 and explain the incident. The Fire Protection District responds. • The Public Works and/or Police Departments provide emergency traffic control. • The Fire Protection District evaluates the situation and applies "No Flash" or"Oil Dry"as necessary. • The Fire Protection District's existing emergency response procedure, for hazardous spill containment clean-up activities,is followed. • Public Works personnel document the location, type of spill and action taken on the Illicit Discharge Tracking Form and submit the tracking form to their supervisor. The supervisor or his designee takes the information from the form and transfers it to the Illicit Discharge Summary Form. Employee Training The United City of Yorkville's practice is to provide education and training to those employees of its Public Works and Engineering Departments that have stormwater- related responsibilities to ensure that they have the knowledge and skills necessary to perform their functions effectively and efficiently. Employees are encouraged to attend training sessions on topics related to the goals/objectives of the SMPP. Additionally, the Public Works Director will develop an employee training programs with curricula and materials tailored to specific employees. The materials will focus on stormwater pollution prevention measures and practices relating to the maintenance of facilities, infrastructure and properties. The initial training program will be offered within one year of the acceptance of the SMPP. Copies of training materials will be kept and shared with appropriate new employees as part of their job introduction. The Public Works Director will monitor the 24 potential need for overall refresher material distributions and offer additional training as necessary. 3.6A Measurable Goals • Maintain records for number curb miles swept each year. • Maintain records on amount of leaves collected each fall. • Maintain records on amount of road salt used each winter. • Maintain records for number of catch basins cleaned. • Maintain records for amount of herbicides and pesticides used each year. • Maintain records on type and number of training sessions and employees in attendance. • Monitor BMPs by Evaluating BMP effectiveness based on published research by keeping an inventory of BMPs implemented in the community and document the estimated pollution reduction provided by the BMP. • Participate in watershed groups organized to implement control measures for chloride water quality standards for deicing operations. 25 4 Program and Performance Monitoring, Evaluation, & Reporting The SMPP represents an organized approach to achieving compliance with the expectations of the NPDES Phase II program for both private and public activities within the United City of Yorkville. Land development and city projects and activities are to comply with the SMPP. Additionally, the city has numerous written and unwritten procedures for various tasks. This SMPP documents and organizes previously existing procedures to create one cohesive program addressing pre-development, construction, and post-development activities, as well as municipal operations. This chapter describes how the United City of Yorkville will monitor and evaluate the SMPP. As part of the stormwater management program,the city will: • review its activities • inspect its facilities • oversee, guide, and train its personnel • evaluate the allocation of resources available to implement stormwater quality efforts This chapter describes how program monitoring, evaluation and reporting will be accomplished. 4.1 Performance Milestones Previously established ordinances and programs implement many of the anticipated tasks. The following schedule describes general performance expectations. • Within one year following the acceptance of the SMPP, appropriate employees will receive training regarding the implementation of the SMPP. • Within one year following the acceptance of the SMPP, items within Chapter 3 will be implemented with the exception of the IDDE program milestones discussed below. Refer to Chapter 2.1 for a description of tasks associated with the implementation of the SMPP. • Within three years following the acceptance of the SMPP, the Outfall Inspection Procedure will be completed for all pipes identified, during the pre-screening efforts, as having dry weather flow. • Within five years following the acceptance of the SMPP, tracing and removal procedures will be completed for all sewers identified during the Outfall Inspection Procedure as having illicit discharges. 26 4.2 Program Monitoring and Research Currently water quality sampling/monitoring is not required under the NPDES Phase II program. Therefore, monitoring efforts focus on qualitative, not quantitative, examination of stormwater practices. It is anticipated that the USEPA and IEPA programs will evolve to require water quality monitoring and sampling. Future efforts may involve collecting information regarding discharges from outfalls, identifying other sources of pollutants, characterizing the receiving waters, sampling construction site discharges, and identifying the performance of stormwater pollution control measures. The United City of Yorkville will comply with future federal and state mandates regarding stormwater issues. The United City of Yorkville will consider research conducted by others regarding the effectiveness of various alternative stormwater practices, procedures and technologies. The city will continue to seek innovative stormwater practices and technologies. 4.3 Program Evaluation The primary mechanism for evaluating the SMPP and ensuring that the field staff has adequate knowledge is supervision by responsible managers. Management personnel include the directors and supervisors of the Public Works and Engineering Departments. Management support tasks include observing and evaluating design, construction, and field personnel as they implement the requirements of the SMPP on both municipal and private projects, and maintenance personnel as they conduct their assigned activities. The following types of questions/answers are discussed annually between management and field staff. • Are proper stormwater management practices used in planning, designing and constructing both city and private projects? • Are efforts to incorporate stormwater practices into maintenance activities effective and efficient? • Is the training program sufficient? • Is the SMPP sufficient? • Are the procedures for implementing the SMPP adequate? 27 5 Appendices 28 APPENDIX A WETLAND PERMIT APPLICATION AND PERMIT SUBMITTAL•FLOWCHART UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE WETLAND PERMIT APPLICATION cel aly um ow) Dole Appkollbn Received: , W irucliarn:Appiconl shah submfl completed appicolion permli uunbuki checim.psarrrit subrrnitial itovr arl.rraNpoliors plan checldsl and of other appkable submllioi ilems as required wUMn the Welland Ordinance to the Admirktro lor.The wellond pemit wrlew process shat begin once o complele submlliol hos been provided Nome&Address of Applicant: Noma&Address of OwnegsI: Nome&Address of Developer. Telephone No.during business hours: Telephone No during business hours: f ! fax ( i fox Describe The general Inlenl of the proposed activity.Its purpose and the proposed Colegory(I-VQ of Impact. Names.addresses and lelephone numbers of all ad(oWng properly owners within 250 feel of the developrnenl slle. Location of activity: Legal Oescripilarr Steel,rood or other fM►e location 1/4 Sec Twp Renee Tax Assessor's Description til known}: city county Stale Tip Coda Nome o f wotemody wtltin of a li to sqe P;;;EMW Map No.Surbdv No Lot No Is any portion of activity for which a weltartd permit Is soul now-complete? 0 _Yes,If yes expfein: I hereby certify that all Information prowled in this oppilcotion is hue and oCcurote to The best of my knowledge_ I have rood,ond understand The United City of Yorkvlle Wetland Protection Ordinance,and lully intend to comply with its provisions Stgnahxe:ol Developer Dole Stpimsiu►e of owner Dole Welland Permit Application EEI t UNITED CITY OFYORKVILLETYPICAL WETLAND PERMIT SUBMITTAL FLOWCHART The following Ilowcharl Ideniffies the typical submillal Items Ihol ase required for a permit opplicalion based on ltte type or proposed Impact liighlighl the appropriate polh and circle the required submilial llems. Type of Development Pr*cl: Project Site Acreage: Proposed Welland impact Acreage: (Resktenflol Commercial PUD.sic) If Are wetlands or Waters or the Subrsdl Welland U.S present on or within 100 feel Determination teller of of proposed development lite? NO IRelet to Secllon3.32 Will proposed development Submil Welland Pem><1 hoocl bakded Walesa of Yorkville Welland Permit 5ubmitlal he tion and a Waters of the U S RItems d Checkisl, NO an the: slablish required bullets. clteckRsl.and (Reler to Secifons 3 23-32 S) WIN proposed development hnpact Submit Welland PerHI Application Waters of the U S R and Welland Pemdl Submittal Yes checklr:l.t omple ft nems 13 an the chockbi (Refer to SeeOors 3 2 3-3 2 51 z Wit proposed development impact Wealer than or equal to 0 2S acre of is the Isololed Wolets,til ., isolated Wafers of YorkvilleR Yorkv)k a Kgh Gua?ly NO AquoIIC ResourceR What Calow"of Impocl sAadl Ili be 10 sec Allendn Pndatory IReter to 5e5fiat 8.2,#) Calegory V Pre•SbbrtYlld tAegSng wfih Adminisliator I Category I Colegoly l and 11 Submll Welland Petmtl Application. Wil wetland i6 Welland PBlmll Submittal Checklist. be used for compfafrrp Nems 1-4 and nem 6 on the slormwobt checA#sf and Welland MiligoltonPlon monogemenl ChecWt IRefer to Sections 3 2 3-3 2 S. Category 11 loco" Does weltond Arnela 4.aid oR other appkabie Articles magi crileria ol the Ordinance) to be used for sfamwaler t"th A monogemenl see Ioeioly4 Sheol a path t Sae SMpI 2 SHEET t YORMLLE WEILAND P6tMii SUMITAL FloweHARi path d hom sham l N Calegory i and it that meet certain criteria l elland PosmN AppEcafion and Welland Permfl Submilid compkikng Ilenq 1-4 on time check11 and comply with 13 PORI A ham Shoal Submit Welland Permit Appliicallon and narolive of Col a III measures token to mmmftigale for Calegory IU _ water quality kN=I Tns.(Rotor to Sectiorms 3.23-32 5) Cole Ory N Cale IV Submit Welland Permit Application g Welland Permit SubmIllal Checkksl compbAnpp lleru 1-4 and Nam on Ow cine 1 and naroilve of activity Iml demruekoles a net gain of awotic resource 41.(Refer to Secions Calegory V Allend mondatory 3 23-3 2 S and 4 2) PreSubmitoi MeelikV with Adffftircla Category V SL Ml Welland Paxil Apoftion Wetland Permit Submlllal CheckW. eompleft Nene 1-4 and flan 6 on the chwAlsl.and Welland Miigollan Plan Cho kill (Refer to Sections 3 2 3-3 2 5 Allele 4.and of other applicable Articles of the Ordinance) YViti formed YER rChockhj- oRon and Welland Permit Submulal wetland d used .1 on tiro checklist and comply withCalegory A los siormwolem management focinyl =0* Submit Weiland Fermi!Application Weiland Permit Submillal CheclAt.compleirp flaws STOP 1-4 and item 6 on the checklist.and Wetland Miioollon Mon Checklist (Rotor to Sections 3 2.3-3 2 5,Arikle 4.and of airer applicable Articles of the Ordinance) SHEET 2 YORKVLLE WEAANa PERMIT SUWMAL FLOWCHART C I APPENDIX B WETLAND PERMIT SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST United City of Yorkville WETLAND PERMIT SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST REQUIREMENT ITEM ITEM IF NOT PROVIDED. REQUIRED PROVIDED EXPLANATION M 1. Welland Delineation Report that provides all informolion as required in Secibn 3.2.5 of the Ordinance. 2 Norralfve Report and Site Plan[hot demonstrates compliance of: a Section 3 1.1 Buffer Requiremenis.Including plonlbp plan for buffer area(s). b Seclfon 31 2 Weffond Hydrology Protection c Section 3 13 5lommular Manogemenl wf#*i Isolated Wotan of YorlMtle flncruK&g buffer and 3-yearnwriogemenl and morstioring pion) d Section 314 Mcfwrge to Isolated Water of Yodcvlle or Waters of the U.S. e. Section 3.1.5 Prolection of Isolated Wolersof Yorkvik DuAng Development 3 Narrative that specifies prescribed management activities and tong- term management provisions Iorall buffers.perserved wellands. and Welland miligaf"lon of applicable).and includes the following: p Maintenance oclMlies and Ientallve schedule b Malyderoome aclMNes and tentagveAdmdub subsequent to required montloring period C. Description of lundng source d. Deslgnollon of the resporuble party folowing Article 5. 4 USACE statement of jurisdiictfonol delerminatlon for all wetlands an development site. 5. For proposed Impacts to Wafers of the U.S.the following shall be provided: a CampteladUnited Cly ofYorkville Welland PerntiiAppicoNon b Provide USACE permit submlilol for the proposed development ora letter from the USACE that slates the proposed development does not require USACE oulhorboNon c Provide copies of all USACE.TEPA.and IDNR 01111ee of Water Resources cWhorizollore to the Admbdsholor d Statement that all wetlands vnlhhn the Cilys furhdicllon%vW be rn111goted for wrlhin the some primary wolenhed as the Impoci fs)at the mNlgolio n ratio spee3tied by the USACE e Safi Fronton and Sedmenl Contra!Plan that demonstrates compliance with the CNysSoll Erosion ondSWMe t Control Ordinance. 6. For proposed Impacts to Isolated Waters of VorlarlRe the following shag be provided: a. Complelad Untied CUy of Yorkville Welland Permit Application b Statement or Perwal Category(Cotegory I-VQ to be used for development Impocl(s) c Docurnenlolion(or compliance with IKnois Deportment at Natural Resources Endangered Species CornutioHon Pr Vom and the Ilinob Natural Areas Preservation ACL Welkmd Peml Submilllar i WETLAND PERMIT SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST REQUIRSAENf Imm ITEM IF NOT PROVIDED, REQUIRED PROVIDED EXPLANA1ION (4) (J} 6. d. Documeniallon for compliance with us Fah and y"It Service's Endangered Species Act e 11 Slalemenl on the occurrence d ti gh Quoily Aqua1lic Resources cn or vathtn IW feel of the development site 21 Applicant has cornpleled a Pw$ubrrllllol meeting with the Adn**Valor I so give dale of meeting f Mttigotion Wan(Of appicoble)refer b Appendix C for Wilgolion Pion ctmckisl g For Category R of Calepory V knpoels provide the following: 11 Narrative,of macmes Oaken In sequence,to ovoid and mWffdw wellond Impacts before mitigation k considered. 21 Deia>fed ckcLmlon olaMwmlive onolysls to ovoid n *ntre and mlklole for wetiond impacts h For Category 01 hnpwk provide the following: 11 Narative of measures taken to mlilgote for water quaily functions IFor Cetegmy IV impacts provide the following: 1) NarratWe of proposed pion that demonstrates net goins In aquatic resource tunclans I For CalegmyVI Impach provide the following: 1) Nmoilve of mltigoion meolnsres that demomlmlos on environnenlol bonefil e.9 knprovecl habilol.water quality eta WeNond Pe ill SubrWilci 2 II APPENDIX C WETLAND MITIGATION PLAN CHECKLIST United City of Yorkville WETLAND MITIGATION PLAN CHECKLIST REQUIREMENT ITEM ITEMIF NOT PROVIDED, REQUIRED PROVI)EI) EXPLANATION M (d) 1. Narrative description of wetland impocis and proposed mitigation. Provide a summary table with acreage for each existing wellond, proposed impact,and proposed mlligoion. 2_ Norrotive of proposed mlilgoilon plan that includes a description of the following parameters: a_ HyQWkWc CoEdIW-Identify sourcets)of water, both on-site and off-site surface and groundwater. Describe and provide model results of the expected hydroperiod fal a minimum,2-yr,10-yr,and 100-yr,24-hr storm events)that include frequency. durallon,and elevation of Inundation or saturation. b, 1)Planfina Plon-Describe each proposed plant community and approximate size. Provide a list of plant species for each community,including proposed cover crop, NOTE~All seed and plant material shall originate within 2D0 miles of silo. 21 Planting norrolive that describes the planting methods and planting schedule. c. 3d ChgW0eristics-Provide a sail profile of the proposed conditions, identify soil conditions that will be present from 12-24 Inches below the surface d.Tonnmabhv Submit existing and proposed grades with 1-foot contour lines and reference elevations. 3. Specifications For wetiond mitigation eorthwodc including final grading,allowable compaction limits, treatment of compacted soh,and topsoil placement: water control structures,if applicable:BMP design and Implementatlon If proposed within wetland buffer area:plant and seed procurement,installation methods and schedule;and all other appropriate specifications for the wettand miligalion activities. 4. Proposed implementation schedule that includes: a. Site preparation. b. Installation of soil erosion and sediment control measures. c. Planting schedule. wellwW WOW Mw � I t WETLAND MITIGATION PLAN CHECKLIST REQUIREMENT BEIM ITEM IF NOT PROVIDED, REQUIRED PROVIDED EXPLANATION 4. d. Post-planting maintenance and monitoring. S. Maintenance and Monitoring Plan chat Includes; a Proposed monitoring protocol that follows Section 4 4 of the Ordinance- b. Specified performance standards that follows Section 4.5. c. Proposed annual maintenance activities to be performed during the 5-year monitoring period. Activities should include,bul not be 11mited to control of undesirable plonl species,herbivore control,bum management,enhancement planting. 6 Provide o WeNWW 9111gaftman Graphic contains the following information. a. A summary table wilh acreage for each existing wetland,proposed impact acreage,and proposed mitigation acreage. b. Clearly identify proposed wetland impacts,wetland mitigation area(s)denoting creation vs. enhancemenl wetlands,and i rnits of required buffer areas. c. Planting Plan that includes a complete list of plants by common and scientific name for each community type;quantities per species of seed, plugs,rootstock,transplants,or propagulest and specific planting zones d. Existing and proposed grades with i-fool contour Tines and reference elevations to bench marks. e. Protection measures for all preserved Isolated Waters of Yorkville and Waters of the U S. f. Location of water level control structures,BMPs,etc. 7. If off-site mhlgat'lon is proposed,the following mops shalt be provided with the location of the mitigation site clearly marked a. USGS topographic map. b.County soil survey c. NWi mop. d. NRCS swampbusier map(if applicable) e. Hydrologic Alias. 1. Aerial photogroph(s). Welland Wligailon Plan 2 WETLAND MITIGATION PLAN CHECKLIST REQUIREMENT ITEM ITEM IF NOT PROVIDED, REQUIRED PROVIDED EXPLANATION (4) 04) 7. g Site photographs & Performance Security following the provisions of Article 10. 9. It owner of the property is different then the opplicant,provide writlen assurance From the owner that the applicant has permission to use the site for mitigation. WeNond Algakn Plan 3 Ordinance No.2009- —1% AN ORDINANCE OF THE UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE, KENDALL COUNTY, ILLINOIS,PROVIDING FOR THE REGULATION OF POST-CONSTRUCTION IMPLEMENTATION OF STORMWATER BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES WHEREAS, the United City of Yorkville (the "City") is a duly organized and validly existing non-home-rule municipality created in accordance with Article VII, Section 7 of the Constitution of the State of Illinois of 1970;and, WHEREAS, pursuant to 35 Ill. Administrative Code, Subtitle C, Chapter 1, the United City of Yorkville storm sewer system has been identified by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (TEPA) as a Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4); and, WHEREAS, the IEPA has issued a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Storm Water Permit for the United City of Yorkville's Small MS4; and, WHEREAS, said NPDES permit requires the United City of Yorkville to adopt an ordinance or other regulatory mechanism related to post-construction runoff minimum control measures; and, WHEREAS, proper implementation of stormwater Best Management Practices are essential to minimizing the pollutant content of storm water discharges to receiving streams, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and City Council of the United City of Yorkville,Kendall County, Illinois, as follows: Section 1. That the United City of Yorkville Standards for Regulating Post- Construction Maintenance of Stormwater Best Management Practices, dated October 12, 2009,a copy of which is attached as Exhibit"A", is hereby approved and adopted. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed by the City Council of the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois, this Day of , A.D. 2009. ATTEST- MI LER 1 ROBYN SUTCLIFF DIANE TEELING GARY GOLINSKI ARDEN JOSEPH PLOCHER 6 WALTER WERDERICH MARTY MUNNS -- ROSE ANN SPEARS GEORGE GILSON,JR. Approved by me, as Mayor of the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, D Illinois, this q Day of J AMUA)ey A.D. 209. IJUUP, MAYOR 2 Exhibit"A" UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE STANDARDS FOR REGULATING POST-CONSTRUCTION IMPLEMENTATION OF STORMWATER BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICE(S) This document establishes stormwater Best Management Practice(s) which shall be used to meet the requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System and the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4's). Section 1. Definitions For the purposes of these standards,the following definitions are adopted: I. Best Management Practice(BMP) -Any technique,process, activity, structure,prohibition of practices, general good housekeeping practices, pollution prevention and educational practices,maintenance procedures,and other management practices to prevent or reduce the discharge of pollutants directly or indirectly to stormwater,receiving waters, or stormwater conveyance systems. Best Management Practice(s)also include treatment practices, operating procedures, and practices to control site runoff,spillage or leaks,sludge or water disposal,or drainage of raw materials storage. 2. City—The United City of Yorkville,Kendall County, Illinois. 3. Development-Any man-made change to real estate including,but not limited to: a. More than fifty percent(50%) increase in impervious area of an existing building and/or the affected parcel. b. Installation of utilities, construction of roads, bridges, culverts or similar projects. c. Construction or erection of levees, dams,walls or fences. d. Drilling, mining,filling, dredging, grading, excavating,paving, or other alterations of the ground surface. e. Storage of materials including the placement of gas and liquid storage tanks, and channel modifications or any other activity that might change the direction,height, or velocity of flood or surface waters. 3 f. Development does not include routine maintenance or existing buildings and facilities, resurfacing roads, or gardening, plowing, and similar practices that do not involve filling,grading,or construction of levees. 4. Maintenance Agreement—An agreement between the City and the Responsible Party,recorded against the real estate to which it pertains, that acts as a property deed restriction and which provides for long-term operation and maintenance of stormwater Best Management Practice(s). 5. Responsible Party--The developer, organization,property owner or entity owning the property upon which the stormwater Best Management Practice(s) is required to be performed. 6. Violation-The failure of a developer, organization,property owner,or other entity to be fully compliant with the City's Post-Construction Stormwater Best Management Practice ordinance. Section 2. Best Management Practices Examples of structural stormwater Best Management Practice(s) include but are not limited to: Aonlication Benefit Buffer Strips Provides additional distance between homes and natural areas; attenuates runoff rates and promotes infiltration. Created Wetlands Can move existing wetlands and re-create at a new location. Infiltration Trenches Attenuates runoff rates and promotes infiltration. Naturalized Basins Attenuates runoff rates and promotes infiltration. Sand Filters Allows additional water infiltration. Stream Bank Reinforcement Reduces long-term erosion of stream banks. Turf Reinforcement Mat Prevents rainfall from washing away plant seeds. Vegetated Filter Strips Attenuates runoff rates and promotes infiltration. Examples of non-structural stormwater Best Management Practice(s)include but are not limited to: Method Education and enforcement campaigns Educational and participation programs Pollution prevention practices and procedures (street sweeping, fertilizer control,etc.) Regulatory controls Stormwater drain stenciling Strategic planning Town planning controls Training programs 4 Sections 3, Implementation All redevelopment of previously developed properties and all development of previously undeveloped properties shall incorporate stormwater Best Management Practice(s) into the design, construction, operation, and maintenance requirements of those properties. The final design of stormwater Best Management Practice(s)is subject to approval as provided in Section 7 of these Standards. Said Best Management Practice(s) shall vary based on specific characteristics of the property, and may include but are not limited to grassy swales,disconnected impervious areas,minimization of impervious areas,green roofs, naturalized stormwater basins, etc. All stormwater Best Management Practice(s) shall be operated, maintained, or performed by the Responsible Party as necessary to ensure that the intended function and/or benefit of the stormwater Best Management Practice(s) is realized. Proposed developments/re-developments shall submit a plan detailing specific stormwater Best Management Practice(s), and shall include: • A written or graphic inventory of the natural resources at the site and surrounding area as it exists prior to commencement of the project and a description of the watershed and its relation to the project site. This description shall include a discussion of soil conditions,forest cover, topography, wetlands, and other native or man-made vegetative areas on the site. Particular attention should be paid to environmentally sensitive features that provide particular opportunities or constraints for development. • A specific analysis to show that the proposed stormwater Best Management Practice(s) are capable of improving or maintaining the quality or stonmwater runoff from the site. • A written description of the required operation and maintenance requirements for compliance with proposed Best Management Practice(s). Section 4, Inspections 1. All Responsible Parties shall adequately construct, operate,maintain and/or perform the stormwater Best Management Practice(s) that have been incorporated into the design of their property. Said stormwater Best Management Practice(s) shall be subject to inspection by the City at least once a year. Responsible Parties shall keep records of all maintenance and repairs, and shall retain the records for a minimum of 5 years. These records shall be made available to the City during inspection of the stormwater Best Management Practice(s) and at other times upon request. 5 Section 5. Maintenance Agreements 1. All stormwater Best Management Practice(s) shall be subject to an enforceable Maintenance Agreement to ensure that the system functions as designed. This agreement will include any and all maintenance easements required to access and inspect the stormwater Best Management Practice(s), and to perform routine maintenance as necessary to ensure proper functioning of the stormwater Best Management Practice(s). In addition, a legally binding covenant specifying the parties responsible for the proper operation and maintenance of all Best Management Practice(s) shall be secured prior to issuance of any building permits or recording of plats of subdivision for the property in question. Section 6. Previously Developed Properties 1. Most stormwater facilities inherently result in some improvement to stormwater quality and meet the requirements of stormwater Best Management Practice(s). Such facilities shall be operated and maintained by the Responsible Party as approved in their original design. No changes shall be made to tributary conveyances,basins, or outfalls without specific approval from the City. Section 7. Administration 1. The City Administrator or his/her designee shall be responsible for the general administration of these standards and ensure that all development and/or maintenance activities within the United City of Yorkville meet the requirements of these standards. Specifically,the City Administrator or his/her designee shall: a. Perform periodic site inspections of all properties that have stormwater facilities to ensure compliance with this ordinance. b. Meet with the Responsible Parties regarding construction, operation, maintenance and/or performance of stormwater Best Management Practice(s) as necessary to ensure that they understand their responsibilities regarding stormwater Best Management Practice(s). c. At his/her discretion,issue a stop-work order requiring the suspension of the subject development or activity if there is a violation of these standards. The stop-work order shall be in writing,indicate the reason for the issuance, and shall order the action, if necessary,to resolve the circumstances requiring the stop-work order. d. Arrange for city personnel or contractors to mitigate/repair any damage to stormwater Best Management Practice(s) if the Responsible Party does not perform the work within 60 days(or other timeframe specified by the City) of written direction from the City to do so. The cost of mitigation/repair and any related administrative or legal activities shall be borne by the Responsible Party. 6 e. If the Responsible Party does not perform the work or reimburse the City within the specified timeframe,the City Administrator or his/her designee shall prosecute the Responsible Party through the administrative adjudication process or other available means. Section 8. Variances 1. If a Responsible Party feels that these standards place undue hardship on a specific development proposal or property,the Responsible Party may apply to the City Administrator for a variance. The City Administrator or his/her designee shall review the applicant's request for a variance and shall submit his/her recommendation to the City Council. The City Council may attach such conditions to granting of a variance as it deems necessary to further the intent of these standards. 2. No variance shall be granted unless the applicant demonstrates that all of the following conditions are met. a. An exceptional hardship would result if the variance were not granted. Economic hardship is not a valid reason to grant a variance. b. The relief requested is the minimum necessary. c. The applicant's circumstances are unique and do not establish a pattern inconsistent with the intent of the city's NPDES General Storm Water Permit. Section 9. Best Management Practice(s) Lien Claim 1. Lien Claim: All costs for work performed under Section 7.l.d of these Standards are the responsibility of the Responsible Party. Whenever a bill for such costs remains unpaid for thirty(30)days after it has been rendered,the clerk may file with the recorder of deeds of Kendall County a lien claim.This lien claim shall contain the legal description of the property, the costs incurred and the date(s)when the work was performed. 2. Notice Of Lien Claim:Notice of such lien claim shall be mailed to the responsible party at the last known address of such Responsible Party;provided, however,that failure of the clerk to record such lien claim or to mail such notice, or the failure of the Responsible Party to receive such notice, shall not affect the rights of the city to collect for such charges as provided in this section. 7 Section 10. Backup Special Service Areas I. For properties that have back-up special service areas established or allowed by agreement to fund maintenance of common areas, the city may activate said SSA to collect un-reimbursed costs or to fund ongoing or future costs related to operation, maintenance, or performance of stormwater Best Management Practices). Prior to the activation of a back up special service area, notice shall be published in a newspaper with circulation in the effected area. Section 11. Conflicts 1. These standards do not repeal,abrogate,or impair any existing easements, covenants, or deed restrictions. Where this ordinance and other easements, covenants or deed restrictions conflict or overlap,whichever imposes the more stringent restrictions shall prevail. Section 12. Separability 1. The provisions and sections of these standards shall be deemed separable and the invalidity of any portion of these standards shall not affect the validity of the remainder. 8 } Ordinance No. 2010--05— ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE,KENDALL COUNTY,ILLINOIS TO PROVIDE FOR THE REGULATION OF ILLICIT DISCHARGES AND CONNECTIONS TO THE MUNICIPAL SEPARATE STORM SEWER SYSTEM BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and City Council of the United City of Yorkville,Kendall County,Illinois,that the City Code be and is hereby amended to add the following new Chapter 17 to Title 8: CHAPTER 17 PROVISIONS REGULATING NON-STORM WATER DISCHARGES AND CONNECTIONS TO THE MUNICIPAL SEPARATE STORM SEWER SYSTEM 8-17-1: Purpose. The objections of this chapter are to provide for the health,safety, and general welfare of the citizens of the United City of Yorkville through the regulation of non-storm water discharges to the municipal separate storm sewer system to the maximum extent practicable as required by federal and state law. This chapter establishes methods for controlling the introduction of pollutants into the municipal separate storm sewer system in order to comply with requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)permit process by: (1) Regulating the contribution of pollutants to the municipal separate storm sewer system by stormwater discharges by any user, (2) Prohibiting illicit connections and discharges, as hereinafter defined, to the municipal separate storm sewer system;and, (3) Establishing legal authority to carry out all inspection, surveillance and monitoring procedures necessary to ensure compliance with this chapter. 8-17-2: Definitions. For the purposes of this chapter,the following shall mean: AMtiaorized Enf eaE-Aggna. Employees or designees of the Mayor of the United City of Yorkville designated to enforce the provisions of this chapter. nagent.Prcxs: Schedules of activities,prohibitions of practices,general good house keeping practices,pollution prevention and educational practices,maintenance procedures,and other management practices to prevent or reduce the discharge of pollutants directly or indirectly to stormwater,receiving waters,or stormwater conveyance systems. Best Management Practices also include treatment practices, operating procedures, and practices to control site runoff; spillage or leaks,sludge or water disposal,or drainage from raw materials storage. SMPP 5.5 Cly Water Act:The federal Water Pollution Control Act(33 U.S.C. § 1251 et seq.), as amended from time to time. Construction Activity:Activities subject to NPDES construction permits.These include construction projects resulting in land disturbance of 10,000 square feet or more.Such activities include but are not limited to clearing and grubbing,grading,excavating,and demolition. Hazardous Materials Any material,including any substance,waste,or combination thereof,which because ofits quantity,concentration,or physical,chemical,or infectious characteristics may cause, or significantly contribute to,a potential substantial hazard to human health,safety,property,or the environment when improperly treated,stored,transported,disposed of,or otherwise managed. 11JMW Discharge:Any direct or indirect non-storm water discharge to the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System,as hereinafter defined,except as exempted in Section 8-17-5 of this chapter. Illicit Coxinection: Any drain or conveyance,whether on the surface or subsurface,which allows an illegal discharge to enter the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System including but not limited to any conveyances which allow any non-storm water discharge including sewage,process wastewater, and wash water to enter the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System and any connection to the storm drain system from indoor drains and sinks,regardless of whether said drain or connection had been previously allowed,permitted,or approved by an Authorized Enforcement Agency or,any drain or conveyance connected from a commercial or industrial land use to the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System which has not been documented in plans,maps,or equivalent records and approved by an Authorized Enforcement Agency. lndustrial Activity Activities subject to NPDES Industrial Permits as defined in 40 CFR,Section 122.26 (b) (14). Municipal SWOrate.-91M_ o=e,Ay Publicly-owned facilities by which storm water is collected and/or conveyed,including but not limited to any roads with drainage systems,municipal streets,gutters,curbs,inlets,piped storm drains,pumping facilities,retention and detention basins, natural and human-made or altered drainage channels,reservoirs, and other drainage structures. NationalP S" t Permit issued by EPA (or by a State under authority delegated pursuant to 33 USC § 1342(b)) that authorizes the discharge of pollutants to waters of the United States,whetherthe permit is applicable. on an individual,group,or general area wide basis. Now-Storm Water`Dschar¢e Any discharge to the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System that is not composed entirely of storm water. Person: Any individual,association,organization,partnership,firm,corporation or other entity recognized by law and acting as either the owner or as the owner's agent. Pollutant: Anything which causes or contributes to pollution. Pollutants may include,but are not limited to:paints,varnishes,and solvents;oil and other automotive fluids;non-hazardous liquid and solid wastes and yard wastes; refuse, rubbish, garbage, litter, or other discarded or abandoned objects,ordinances,and accumulations,so that some may cause or contribute to pollution;floatables; pesticides,herbicides,and fertilizers;hazardous substances and wastes;sewage,fecal coliform and pathogens; dissolved and particulate metals; animal wastes;wastes and residues that result from constructing a building or structure;and noxious or offensive matter of any kind. Premises.Any building,lot,parcel of land,or portion of land whether improved or unimproved including adjacent sidewalks and parking strips. Storm Water. Any surface flow,runoff,and drainage consisting entirely of water from any form of natural precipitation,and resulting from such precipitation. Stormwater b)ut(on Prevention Plan: A document which describes the Best Management Practices and activities to be implemented by a person or business to identify sources of pollution or contamination at a site and the actions to eliminate or reduce pollutant discharges to a Storm Drainage System,to the maximum extent practicable. Wastewater: Any water or other liquid,other than uncontaminated storm water,discharged from a facility. 8-17-3: Applicability: This Chapter shall apply to all water entering the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System generated on any developed and undeveloped lands unless explicitly exempted by an authorized enforcement agency. r 8-17-4: Responsibilityfor Administration: The City shall administer,implement,and enforce the provisions of the Chapter. 8-17-5: Discharge Prohibitions.- A. rohibitions.A. No person shall discharge or cause to be discharged into the municipal storm drain system or watercourses any materials,including but not limited to pollutants or waters containing any pollutants that cause or contribute to a violation of applicable water quality standards,other than storm water,except for the following: (i) Water line flushing or other potable water sources, landscape irrigation or lawn watering, diverted stream flows,rising ground water, ground water infiltration to storm drains, uncontaminated pumped ground water, foundation or footing drains (not including active groundwater dewatering systems), crawl space pumps, air conditioning condensation, springs, non-commercial washing of vehicles, natural riparian habitat or wet-land flows,swimming pools(if dechlorinated-typically less than one particle per million chlorine),fire fighting activities,and any other water source not containing Pollutants. I I (ii) Discharges specified in writing by the City Engineer as being necessary to protect public health and safety. (iii) Dye testing if a verbal notification to the City Engineer is given prior to the time of the test. (iv) Any non-storm wager discharge permitted under an NPDES permit,waiver,orwaste discharge order issued to the discharger and administered under the authority of the Federal Environmental Protection Agency, provided that the discharger is in full compliance with all requirements of the permit,waiver,or order and other applicable laws and regulations, and provided that written approval has been granted for any discharge to the storm drain system. 8-17-6: Prohibited Illicit Connections: The construction,use,maintenance or continued existence of Illicit Connections to the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System is prohibited, including, without limitation,illicit connections made in the past,regardless of whether the connection was permissible under law or practices applicable or prevailing at the time of connection. 817-7: Suspension of Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Access: A. The City may, without prior notice, suspend access to the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System when such suspension is necessary to stop an actual or threatened discharge which presents or may present imminent and substantial danger to the envirownent,or to the health or welfare of persons,or to the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System or waters of the United States. 7 the violator fails to comply with a suspension order issued in an emergency,the Authorized Enforcement Agency may take such steps as deemed necessary to prevent or minimize damage to the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System or waters of the United States,or to minimize danger to persons. B. Any person discharging to the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System in violation of this chapter may have access terminated if such termination would abate or reduce an illegal discharge.The City Engineer shall notify a violator ofthe proposed termination of its Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System access. Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System access to premises terminated pursuant to this Section shall not be reinstated without the prior approval of the City Engineer. 8-17-8. Industrial or Construction Activity Discharges: Any person subject to an industrial or construction activity NPDES storm water discharge permit shall comply with all provisions of such permit. Proof of compliance with said permit may be required in a form acceptable to the City Engineer prior to the allowing of discharges to the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System. a Section 8-17-9: Monitoring of Discharges: (a) The City Engineer shall be permitted to enter and inspect facilities subject to regulation under this chapter as often as maybe necessary to determine compliance. if a discharger has security measures in force which require proper identification and clearance before entry into its premises,the discharger shall make the necessary arrangements to allow access to representatives of the City. (b) Facility operators shall allow the City Engineer ready access to all parts of the premises for the purposes of inspection,sampling,examination and copying of records that must be kept under the conditions of an NPDES permit to discharge storm water, and the performance of any additional duties as defined by state and federal law. (c) The City Engineer shall have the right to set up on any permitted facility such devices as are necessary in the opinion of the Authorized Enforcement Agency to conduct monitoring and/or sampling ofthe facility's storm water discharge. (d) The City Engineer has the right to require the discharger to install monitoring equipment as necessary.The facility's sampling and monitoring equipment shall be maintained at all times in a safe and proper operating condition by the discharger at its own expense.All devices used to measure stormwater flow and quality shall be calibrated to ensure their accuracy. (e) Any temporary or permanent obstruction to safe and easy access to the facility to be inspected and/or sampled shall be promptly removed by the operator at the written or oral request of the City Engineer and shall not be replaced. The costs of clearing such access shall be borne by the operator. (f) Unreasonable delays in allowing the City Engineer access to a permitted facility is a violation of a storm water dischargepermit and of this chapter.A person who is the operator of a facility with a NPDES permit to discharge storm water associated with industrial activity commits an offense if the person denies the City Engineer reasonable access to the permittee)facility for the purpose of conducting any activity authorized or required by this chapter. (g) If the City Engineer has been refused access to any part of the premises from which stormwater is discharged, and he/she is able to demonstrate probable cause to believe that there may be a violation, or that there is a need to inspect and/or sample as part of a routine inspection and sampling program designed to verify compliance with this chapter or any order issued hereunder, or to protect the overall public health, safety, and welfare of the community, then the City Engineer may seek issuance of a search warrant from any court of competent jurisdiction. i Section 8-17-1 p: Requirement to Prevent, Control and Reduce Storm Water Pollutants by the Use of Best Management Practices: The City has adopted requirements identifying Best Management Practices for any activity, operation, or facility which may cause or contribute to pollution or i I I contamination of storm water,the storm drain system,or waters of the United States. The owner or operator of a commercial or industrial establishment shall provide,at their own expense,reasonable protection from accidental discharge of prohibited materials or other wastes into the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System or watercourses through the use of these structural and non-structural facilities meeting Best Management Practices requirements. Any person responsible for a property or premise,which is,or may be,the source of an illegal discharge,maybe required to implernent,at said person's expense, additional structural and non-structural facilities to prevent the further discharge of pollutants to the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System.Compliance with all terms and conditions of a valid NPDES permit authorizing the discharge of storm water associated with industrial activity,to the extent practicable,shall be deemed compliance with the provisions of this section. 8-17-I1: Watercourse Protection: Every person owning property through which a watercourse passes, or such person's lessee, shall keep and maintain that part of the watercourse within the property free of trash, debris, excessive vegetation, and other obstacles that would pollute, contaminate,or significantly retard the flow ofwater through the watercourse.In addition,the owner or lessee shall maintain existing privately owned structures within or adjacent to a watercourse,so that such structures will not become a hazard to the use, function, or physical integrity of the watercourse. Section 8-17-12: Notification of Spills: Any person responsible for a facility or operation, or responsible for emergency response for a facility or operation has information of any known or suspected release of materials which are resulting or may result in Illegal Discharges or pollutants discharging into storm water, the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System,or water of the United States said person shall take all necessary steps to ensure the discovery,containment,and cleanup of such release and immediately notify emergency response agencies of the occurrence via emergency dispatch services.In the event of a release of non-hazardous materials,said person shall notify the City in person orby phone or facsimile no later than the next business day.Notifications in person or by phone shall be confirmed by written notice addressed and mailed to the Citywithin three business days of the phone notice. If the discharge of prohibited materials emanates from a commercial or industrial establishment, the owner or operator of such establishment shall also retain an on-site written record of the discharge and the actions taken to prevent its recurrence.Such records shall be retained for at least three years. Section 8-17-13: Ultimate Responsibility. The standards set forth herein and promulgated pursuant to this Chapter are minimum standards; therefore this Chapter does not intend not imply that compliance by any person will ensure that there will be no contamination, pollution, nor unauthorized discharge of pollutants. Section 8-17-14: Egforcement: Whenever the City Engineer finds that a person has violated a prohibition or failed to meet a requirement of this chapter,the authorized enforcement agency may order compliance by written notice of violation to the responsible person in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 14,Title I of this City Code. The provisions of this ordinance are hereby declared to be severable.If any provision,clause, sentence, or paragraph of this Ordinance or the application thereof to any person,establishment, or circumstances shall be held invalid,such invalidity shall not affect the other provisions or application of this Ordinance. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval as provided by law. Passed by the City Council of the United City of Yorkville,Kendall County,Illinois,this Day ofd A.D.2010. ATTEST: A 01 ROBYN SUTCLIFF Q3DIANE TFELIl+I'G GARY GOLINSKI ARDEN JOSEPH PLOCHER . WAITER WERDE1tICH � MARTY MUNNS ROSE ANN SPEARS � GEORGE GHSON,JR. Approved by me,as Mayor of the United City of Yorkville,Kendall County,Illinois,this —Day of '3AMtA Agy A.D.2010. 4zv, ,A,YOR 2348d AN ORDINANCE q q— T N PROHIBITING THE CONNECTION OF SANITARY SEWAGE AND INDUSTRIAL WASTE WATER INTO STORM SEWERS AND OTHER HIGHWAY DRAINAGE SYSTEMS BE IT ORDAINED, by the city of Yorkville, Kenda•11 County, Illinois: Section 1 . It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, or institution, public or private, to connect or cause to be connected, any drain carrying, or to carry, any toilet, sink, basement, septic tank, cesspool , industrial waste or any fixture or device discharging polluting substances, to any open ditch, drain, or drainage structure installed solely for street or highway drainage purposes in the city of Yorkville. Section 2. This ordinance is intended to and shall be in addition to all other ordinances, State statutes, rules and regulations concerning pollution and shall not be construed as repealing or rescinding any other ordinance or part of any ordinance unless in direct conflict herewith. SpStion 3. Any person, firm, p ation violating thisordinance shal l be�n t ess than ' - Dollars ($ % D� ), nor more thati'i Dollars D > for each offense, and a separate offense s "11 be deemed committed for each and every day during which a violation continues or exists. N. APPROVED: g " STATE OF ILLINOIS ) CITY OF YORKVILLE > COUNTY OF KENDALL } PASSED: ' I�~ I, �,_ fACChj)P1 ( fie March re City Clerk in and for the city of SIGNED: ^' r 9Yorkville hereby certify the foregoing to be a true, perfect, and complete copy of an Ordinance adopted by the Yorkvi 11 , City ,Councilt is meeting on a' 1994. Mcl rcfa fir. (SEAL) City Clerk SMPP 5.6 8 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) ) ss COUNTY OF KENDALL ) ORDINANCE No.2006- \a3 ORDINANCE AMENDING CITY CODE TITLE 7—PUBLIC WAYS AND PROPERTIES, CHAPTER 5—WATER USE AND SERVICE, SECTION 15—WATER CONSERVATION REGULATIONS Whereas the United City of Yorkville has taken up, discussed and considered amending the City Code(Title and Chapter as referenced above)regarding dissemination of information,and Whereas the Mayor and Ci tyCouncil have discussed that it may be prudent to amend Title 7—Public Ways and Properties,Chapter 5—Water Use and Service, Section 15—Water Conservation Regulations,by amending Item J as depicted on the attached Exhibit"A". NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE,upon Motion duly made, seconded and approved by a majority of those so voting,that Title 7—Public Ways and Properties, Chapter 5—Water Use and Service,Section 15—Water Conservation Regulations,by amending Item J as depicted on the attached Exhibit"A". SMPP 5.7 This Ordinance shall be effective upon its passage. JAMES BOCK � JOSEPH BESCO VALERIE BURD k3PAUL JAMES DEAN WOLFER MARTY MUNNS O ROSE SPEARS � JASON LESLIE Approved by me, as Mayor of the United City of Yorkville,Kendall County, Illinois,this ol--k day o ,A.D.2006. r MAYOR(/ Passed by the City Council of the United City of Yorkville,Kendall County, Illinois this day 01:) ,,,r ,A.D. 2006. ATTEST. . CITY CLERK Prepared by: John Justin Wyeth City Attorney United City of Yorkville 800 Game Farm Road Yorkville, IL 60560 EXHIBIT A TITLE 7—PUBLIC WAYS AND PROPERTY Chapter 5—Water Use and Service i Section 15—Water Conservation Regulations J. Restriction On Permanent Landscape Watering Systems Of Nonresidential Properties: 1.This subsection J shall apply only to nonresidential properties,and common and/or open space areas of residential developments. 2.For this subsection J,a"permanent landscape watering system"shall be defined as any system of pipes,sprinkler heads or similar devices installed underground to be used to provide landscape watering. 3.Landscape watering upon nonresidential properties shall be limited as follows: a.For properties with one building,a total area within the property not to exceed one(1)acre may be watered by a permanent landscape watering system using the City's potable waxer. This area shall be measured by the amount of non-impervious surface on the property including all landscaped areas, lawn areas and greenspace regardless of the size of the area initially planned to be Irrigated. b.For properties with more than one building,a total area within the property not to exceed three(3)acres may be watered by a permanent landscape watering system using the City's potable water. This area shall be measured by the amount of non-impervious surface on the property including all landscaped areas,lawn areas and greenspace regardless of the size of the area initially planned to be irrigated. c.For the common space and/or open space of a primarily residential development, no permanent landscape watering system shall be allowed using the City's potable water. d.All permanent landscape watering systems permitted to use the City's potable water shall be metered the same as domestic water service. No special meters will be permitted. 4.The total area to be watered shall be measured as the area within reach of any permanent device used to water landscape including,but not limited to, sprinkler heads,hoses,trenches or similar devices to water landscape. (Ord.200547,5-24- 2005) r h . 1 States of Illinois } )ss County of Kendall ) aoo�l- ORDINANCE No. C (� ORDINANCE AMENDING UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE WATER CONSERVATION REGULATIONS ORDINANCE NO.2004-17 WHEREAS,THE UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE,after careful consideration by the Mayor and City Council,has determined it necessary to amend the Water Conservation Regulations;and WHEREAS, THE UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE, after carefiil consideration by the Mayor and City Council has determined that it is in the best interests of the community to amend the Section 7-5-15(I)Penalty in order to ensure the orderly and efficient enforcement of the Water Conservation Regulations. ' NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE; that Section 7-5-15(I)Penalty is hereby revoked;and a new Section 7-5-15(l)is created to read as follows: 1. Any United City of Yorkville inspector,employee,officer or citizen observing a violation of Title 7 may file a complaint for violation of Title 7 by notifying the United City of Yorkville Police Department. 2, Any person who or which violates, disobeys,neglects,fails to comply with or resists enforcement ofthe provisions of this Article other than Section(3)(A)(3) or Section(3)(F)above, shall be subject to penalties as provided in section 1-4-1 of this code in conjunction with the following provisions: a. $50.00 for a first offense; b. $125.00 for a second offense;and c. $500.00 for each subsequent offense. 3. Within ten(10)days of receiving notice of such violation any person may pay at the Office of the United City of Yorkville Water Department the fine. 1 4. The amount of any fine due pursuant to Title 7,for a violation of the provisions of Title 7 occurring at a property in the City,if not paid as provided therein,a notice to appear shall issue and upon adjudication of the matter and assessment of a fine, the fine amount owed to the City shall be added to the bill for water consumption for the property at which the offense occurred. SMPP 5.8 1 Any Ordinance or parts thereof in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. The various parts,sections,and clauses of this Ordinance are hereby declared to be severable. If any part, sentence,paragraph,section of clause is adjudged unconstitutional or invalid by d Court of competent jurisdiction,the remainder of the Ordinance shall not be affected thereby. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,this Ordinance has been enacted this 27th day of M,,2004. PAUL JAMES L!�:r MARTY M[UNNS RICHARD STICKA u�5- WANDA OHARE VALERIE BURR ROSE SPEARS LARRY KOTJOS t� EPH BESCO APPROVED by me,as Mayor of the United City of Yorkville,Kend County, Illinois, this 216 day of X004. Z .�- . .. Z Mayor PASSED by the City Council of the United City of Yorkville,Kendall County,Illinois this 2.16 day of3y'2004. Clcrk - This Document Prepared by: Law Offices of Daniel J.Kramer 1107A South Bridge Street Yorkville,IL 60560 630-553-9500 2 United City of Yorkville Ordinance No. c1 014-A0 Ordinance Amending Water Conservation Regulations Ordinance No.2004-17 Teat TITLE 7 PUBLIC WAYS CHAPTER 5 WATER CONSERVATION REGULATIONS SECTION 7-5-15 7-5-15.Definitions. The following words and phrases when used in this Article shall,for the purpose of this Article,have the following meanings: Drip-Irrigation System: A soaking hose that when in use does not result in an actual dissipation of Wates. Drip-Line: Pertaining to a tree or shrub,the ground area immediately beneath the branches of the tree or shrub. Landscape/Landscaping: Sod and seeded turf lawns,gardens,trees, shrubs, and other living plants. Permitted Hours of Water Use: A time period between 5:00am.and 9:00a.m.,and between 9:00p.m. and 12:00 midnight, each day. Person: Any individual, firm,partnership,association,corporation,company, organization,or entity of any kind. City: The United City of Yorkville. Water: The water provided by and obtained by a person from the City water supply and distribution system. A. Application 1. The provisions of this Article shall apply to all Persons using Water, and to all properties within the City or unincorporated areas which are connected to the City's Water supply and distribution system,regardless of whether any Person using the Water has a contract for service with the City. 3 2. The provisions of this Article shall apply annually from May 1 through September 30, subject to any modifications thereof,including application of these or other regulations during this or any other time,by an Emergency Proclamation issued pursuant to Section(1)below. B. Restricted Hours and Days for Specified Uses: 1. Water may be used for landscape watering or the filling of swimming pools only as follows: a. All properties with even-number street numbers(i.e.numbers ending in 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8)may use Water for landscape watering or for pool filling,only on even-number calendar dates during Permitted Hours of Water Use. b. All properties with odd-numbered street numbers(i.e.number ending in 1,3, 5,7, and 9)may use Water for landscape watering or for pool filling only on odd-numbered calendar dates during Permitted Hours of Water Use. e. There shall be no restrictions as to hours or days when Water may be used for any of the following: a) Landscape watering or sprinkling where such watering or sprinkling is done by a Person using a hand-held watering device; b) Filling swimming pools with a volume of fifty(50)gallons or less; e) The automatic watering of trees and shrubs by means of automatic root-feed or Drip-Irrigation Systems within the drip line of the tree or shrub;or d) Vehicle and equipment washing; or e) Any other lawful use of Water such as bathing,clothes washing, and other normal household uses not otherwise specifically restricted by the provisions of this Article. C. Restrictions for Sod Laying and Lawn Seeding for New Lawns. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 8-3-3 above,the following special regulations shall apply: 1. Sod laying, lawn seeding,and the planting of other landscaping for the establishment of a new lawn or new landscaping is prohibited from July I' through August 31p each year unless the source of watering for said sod, lawn seeding and/or planting of landscaping is derived from a private well, imported water source or means other than any municipal water source. 4 2. From May 1"through June 300'and from September Iu through September 30s',Water may be used on new lawn(sod or seed),only as follows: Prior to sod laying or lawn seeding, a Sod Watering Permit(Exhibit A)must be obtained from the United City of Yorkville. a. On the day new sod or seed has been placed on a property,a Person may use an automatic sprinkling device to apply Water to the sod or seed for a total period of time not to exceed eight(8)hours. b. For the next nine(9)days thereafter,a Person may apply water to said sod or seed each day during ormitted Hours of Water Use. C. Following the first ten(10)days after the sod or seed is placed,the provisions of Section 8-3-3 above shall apply. 3. Prior to the execution of any real estate contract for the sale of newly constructed property,the builder or owner of such new construction shall: A. Inform prospective purchasers of the restrictions upon the installation of new lawns set forth in this Article; B. Attach a Copy of these regulations to the contract; and C. Obtain the signature of the purchaser(s)on a statement that be,she or they has(have)been informed of the new lawn installation restrictions set forth in this Article. 4. The applicant for a certificate of occupancy for any newly constructed property shall submit as a part of his application, and as a condition of issuance of such certificate,a copy of said signed statement. When an application for certificate of occupancy is submitted prior to sale of the property,and the future occupant is unknown,the applicant shall submit his signed statement that he shall comply with the requirements of this Section at the time the real estate contract is executed. D. Waste of Water Prohibited. No Person shall allow a continuous stream of Water to run off into any gutter,ditch,drain,or street inlet while using Water for restricted purposes during the Permitted Hours of Water Use. E. Exceptions. The provisions of the article shall not apply any commercial or industrial entity for which use of Water is necessary to continue normal business operations,or to maintain stock or inventory. Provided, however,this exception shall not apply to any and all uses of Water not essential to normal business operations or maintenance of inventory or stock,and specifically shall not apply to landscape watering or pool filling. F. Bulk Water Rates. Bulk Water rates shall be increased to three (3)times the non-resident Water rate during the time described in Section 8-3-2(B)above. 5 G. Hydrant Use Prohibited. Hydrants connected to the City water supply and distribution system for the purpose of providing Water for fire fighting purposes shall not be opened by any Person,other than authorized City or Fire District personnel, except for the purpose of fighting a fire. H. Emergency proclamation. 1. Whenever the Water supply of the City is diminished from any cause,including but not limited to prolonged dry period,increased Water demand,equipment failure, or Water quality concerns,to an amount which in the opinion of the City Engineer or Director of Public Works is or is likely to become dangerous to the health and safety of the public,the City Mayor is hereby authorized and empowered to issue an Emergency Proclamation specifying different or additional regulations on the use of water. 2. Such regulations may provide for limitations on the usage of Water, limitations on days and hours of use of Water for some or all purposes,and the prohibition of specified uses of Water. 3. Upon issuing such Proclamation,the City Mayor sWI make the contents thereof known to the public by posting a copy at the City Hall,and by new release to local newspapers and radio media, and may also endeavor to notify the City residents and other Persons in any other practical manner that he or she shall devise. Further,the City Mayor shall immediately deliver notice of such Proclamation, and the regulations that have been imposed by such Proclamation, to all members of the City Council. 4. The Emergency Proclamation of the City Mayor, and the regulations imposed thereby,shall remain in full force and effect until any one of the following shall first occur: a. The City Mayor determines that the emergency no longer exists and that the Emergency Proclamation,and the regulations imposed thereby,shall no longer continue in effect. b. The City Council modifies or repeals the Emergency Proclamation, and the regulations imposed thereby,by means of an ordinance enacted at any regular or special meeting of the City Council C. The first regular meeting of the City Council occurring more than 30 days after the date of the Emergency Proclamation of the City Mayor. 5. Any City employee or officer may, at the direction of the City Mayor,notify and warn any Person of the effect of said Emergency Proclamation and direct said Person to comply with said watering or sprinkling restrictions. If any said Person, after having first been warned about said restrictions of the Emergency Proclamation,they shall be deemed to be in violation of this Article. 6 I.Penalty. 1. Any United City of Yorkville inspector,employee,officer or citizen observing a violation of Title 7 may file a complaint for violation of Title 7 by notifying the United City of Yorkville Police Department. 2. Any person who or which violates,disobeys,neglects,fails to comply with or resists enforcement of the provisions of this Article other than Section(3)(A)(3) or Section(3)(F) above,shall be subject to penalties as provided in section 1-4-1 of this code in conjunction with the following provisions; a. $50.00 for a first offense; b. $125.00 for a second offense;and C. $500.00 for each subsequent offense. 3. Within ten(10)days of receiving notice of such violation any person may pay at the Office of the United City of Yorkville Water Department the fine. 4. The amount of any fine due pursuant to Title 7,for a violation of the provisions of Title 7 occurring at a property in the City,if not paid as provided therein,a notice to appear shall issue and upon adjudication of the matter and assessment of a fine, the fine amount owed to the city shall be added to the bill for water consumption for the property at which the offense occurred. 7 Exhibit A UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE 800 Game Farm Road Yorkville, IL 60560 Phone: 630-553-4350 Fax: 630-553-7575 Sod Watering Permit Name: Date: Address: Start Date: Ending Date: Official Sod Watering Rules: 1. Sod laying, lawn seeding, and the planting of other landscaping for the establishment of a new lawn or new landscaping is prohibited from July I' through August 31s` of each year unless the source of watering for said sod, lawn seeding and/or planting of landscaping is derived from a private well, imported water source or means other than any municipal water source. 2. From May I" through June 30`s and September I" through the end of the season, water may be used on new lawns (sod or seed) only as follows: a. On the day new sod or seed has been placed on a property, a person may use an automatic sprinkling device to apply water to the sod or seed for a total period of time not to exceed eight(8)hours. b. For the next nine (9) days thereafter, a person may apply water to said sod or seed each day during permitted hours of water use. c. Following the first ten(10) days after the sod or seed is placed, the provi- sions of the Water Conservation Regulations Ordinance No. 2004-17 (copy attached) shall apply. Signature of Responsible Parry: 8 i i General NPDES Permit No.ILR4O I mole E�nwIgVaM0W Pratecticm Aaencv Division of Water Pollution Control 1021 North Grand East P.O.Box 19276 I Springfield,Illinois 62794-9276 I NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM General NPDES Permit For Discharges from Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems Expiration Date: February 28,2021 Issue irate: February 10,2015 Effective Date: March 1,2018 In compliance with the provisions of the Illinois Emmental Protection Act,the Illinois Pollution Control Board Rules and Regulations(35 IN.Adm.Code,Subtitle C,Chapter 1)and the Clean Water Act,the following discharges may be authorized by this permit in accordance with the conditions herein, Discharges of only storm water from small municipal separate storm sewer systems(MS49),as defined and limited herein. Storm water means storm water runoff,snow melt runoff,and surface runoff and drainage. Receiving waters: Discharges may be authorized to any surfeoe water of the State. To receive authorization to discharge under tltis genu pemt,a facd oparaor nraisi submd 8 Nota of Intent(NQI)as described Part If of tl>is permit to the Illinois Environments i Prolec Agenrwy(Illipo�EPA). Authorization,if f 1,will be bylette►and inckde copy ref, Ihle penMt. Alan Keller,P.E. Manager,Permit Section NPDESMutiontsbm waterlMS4ANSFlnal2-9.16.daa Division of Water Pollution ConW i Page 2 General NPDES Permit No. ILR4O 29MNTS oK GENF.RAL_PEs±AW ILR40 PART 1. COVERAGE UNDER GENERAL PERMIT ILR40..........................................................................................Page 2 PART 11. NOTICE OF INTENT(NOI)REQUIREMENTS..............................................................................................Page 3 PARTill. SPECIAL CONDITIONS.................................................................................................................................Page 4 PART IV. STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAMS................................................ ............................................Rage 6 PART V. MONITORING,RECOROKEEPING,AND REPORTING...............................................................................Page 12 PART VI. DEFINITIONS AND ACRONYMS..................................................................................................................Page 14 ATTACHMENT H. STANDARD CONDITIONS...............................................................................................................Page 16 PART 1. E UNDER A. Permit Area This permit covers all areas of the State of 1111nois. B. Eligibility 1. This permit authorizes discharges of storm water from MS4s as defined in 40 CFR 122.26(b)(16)as designated for permit authorizations pursuant to 40 CFR 122.32. 2. This permit authorizes the following non-storm water discharges provided they have been determined not to be substantial contributors of poo4tants to a partiadar small MS 4:applying for coverage under this permit: • Water line and Ore hydrant flushing, • Landscape irrigation water, • Rising ground waters, • Ground water infiltration, • Pumped ground water, • Discharges from potable water sources.(excluding wastewater discharges from water supply treatment plants) • Foundation drains, • Air conditioning condensate, • Irrigation water,(except for wastewater irrigation), • Springs, • Water from crawl space pumps, • Footing drains, • Storm sewer cleaning water, • Water from individual residential car washing, • Routine external building washdown which does not use detergents, • Flows from riparian habitats and wetlands, • Dechlorinated pH neutral swimming pool discharges, • Residual street wash water, • Discharges or flows from fire fighting activities • Dechlorinated water reservoir discharges,and • Pavement washwaters where spills or teaks of toxic or hazardous materials have not occurred(unless all spilled material has been removed). 3. Any mwV61pelilty covered by this general permit Is also granted automatic coverage under Permit No-ILR10 for the discharge Of storm WAW associated with cortstructlon sit adivities for municipal oonsirtx lion Projects disturbing orleacre or mare,The pemnitfee is granted automatic coverage 3fl days after I►gency receipt.of a iVolice of Inteni to Discharge f3torm Water from Gortshuotian Sife Activities from the permittee. The A�eritl provide public notlficatiort of the constrttcuctn sitettttlhrity and asst a unique permit nurr�r for eadt projact dura th�aperiotl. The per,nmee shaO con>pIY with ell the retirements of Permit iLR14 for alf suds con�huctlon projects.. Page 3 General NPDES Permit No.ILR40 E C. Limitations on Coverage The following discharges are not authorized by this permit: 1. Storm water discharges that are mixed with non-storm water or storm water associated with industrial activity unless such discharges are: a. In compliance with a separate NPDES permit;or b. Identified by and in compliance with Part I.B.2 of this permit. 2. Storm water discharges that the Agency determines are not riately covered by this general permit. This determination may include discharges identified in Part t.B.2 or that Introduce new or increased pollutant loading that may be a significant contributor of pollutants to the receiving waters. 3. Storm water discharges to any receiving water specified under 35 IN.Adm.Code 302.105(d)(6). 4. The Wowing non-storm water discharges are prohibited by this permit: concrete and wastewater from washout of concrete (unless managed by on appropriate:controt),elrywall compound,wastewater from washout and cleanout of stucco.tett.ionn release oils,curing compounds and other construction materials,filets, or otherpolutants used in vehicle and equipment operation and maintenance,soaps,solvents,or detergents,toxic or hazardous substances from a spill or other release,Arany other pollutant that could cause or lend to cause water pollution. 5. Discharges from dewatering activities(including discharges from dewatering of trenches and excavations)are allowable if managed by appropriate controls as specified in a projact's storm water pollution prev"on plan,erosion and sediment control ,plan,or storm water;management plan. D. Obtaining Authorization In order for storm water discharges from small MS4s to be authorized to discharge under this general permit,a discharger must: 1. Submit a Notice of Intent(NOI)in accordance with the requirements of Part II using an NOI form provided by the Agency(or a photocopy thereof). 2. Submit a new NOI in accordance with Part 11 within 30 days of a change in the operator or the addition of a new operator. 3. Unless notified by the Agency to the contrary,an MS4 owner ting a complIO NC I In aocardainc a whey the re gukenyerNs of this permit will be authorized to discharge storm water WM their smaIIM84s under the term and conditions of this permit 30 days after lite date that the NOI is received.Authorization VA tie by letter and inrsludb4 ca py of Uy(s permit. The Agency may deny coverage under Oris permit and require submittal of an appNoation for an ardit►rcfuaf NP'VES-permit based an a mW6w'of' the NOI or otherinforrmtalion. PART N NO?It3E tl1<r 11�'rt ± maulMr iiROff A. Deadlines for Notification 1. If an MS4 was automatically designated UM', 40,' 1122.32(aXi)to obtain permit coverage,then you were required to submit an NOI or apply for sh individual permit by Marcy 1G,4003. 2. It an 144 has coverage under;the previous general permit for norm water discharges from small MS4s,you must reneW your;. pefrnk'coversgeunder tldspalm. tlnleti8 previously submitted fol':Iltls.0neral permit,you must a4bMill a new NOI wifirin 90 days, of the etferr4i4daze of this reissued general pemt9 fa storm water,discharges f rom smallMl3+1s fo renew your NPDES permit: coverage. The rtyittee shall comply with any new p�of this geneW pemyit within 180 days of the effects elate dthle permit and incltale modifications pursuant to ft NPOES'permil in its Annual,Papoet, 3. If an MS4 is designated in writing by Illinois EPA under 40 CFR 122.32(x)(2)during the term of this general permit,than you are required to submit an NOI within 180 days of such notice. 4. MS4s are mai prohibited from suibmilting an NOI after established deacWnes for"submittals. If a late NOI is submitted.your authorizatiurr is only for discharges that occur alter permit coverpgo;is granted Illinois EPA reserves the right to take appropriate enforcement actions against MS4s that have not submitted a tknally NOL B. Contents of Notice of Intent Dischargers seeking coverage under this permit shall submit the Illinois MS4 NOI fort. The NOI shall be signed In accordance with Standard Condition 11 of thfa,lpermit and shall Include all of the following information; 1. The street address,county,and the latitude and longitude of the municipal office for which the notification is submitted; i Page 4 General NPDES Permit No. ILR40 2. The name,address, and telephone number of the operolor(s)filing the NOI for permit coverage and the name,address, telephone number,and email address of time Person(s)responsible for implementation and corrilpfianoe with the Wj'4 and Permit; 3. The name and segment Identification of thereceiving watswo),whetheer any segments(s)is or are tasted as]rnpeff on the most recently approved list pursuant to Section 303(d)of the Glean Walsr Act or any currently applicable Tow Maxon Daly Load(TMDL)or aitemate water quality study,and the pollutants for which the segment(s)is or are unpaired.The<mast recent 303(d)fiat may be found at hllu:kmm%eoa.stateA Lmtwater/wster auatit Ando htmI Information regarding TMDLs may be found at f><ia:liwww.eoe:state.il. ata moil/. 4. The following shall be provided as an attachment to the NOI: a. A description of the best management practices(BMPs)to be implemented and the measurable goals for each of the storm waterntlnkTwrn control measures in paragraph IV.B.of this permit designed to reduce the discharge of pollutants to the maximum extant practicable, b. The month and year in which you implemented any BMPs of the six minimum control measures,and the month and year in which you will start and fully Implement any new mintrtwm control measures or Indicate the frequency of the action; C. For existing permittees,provide adequate information or)ustificatlon on any BMPs from previous NOis that could not be implemented;and d. Identification of a local qualifying program,or any partners of the program if any. S. For existing permittees,certification that slates the permittee has Implemented necessary BMPs of the six minimum control measures. C. Ad required information for the NOI shall be submitted electronically and in writing to the following addresses: Illinois Environmental Protection Agency Division of Water Pollution Control Permit Section Post Office Box 19276 Springfield,Illinois 62794-9276 erse: 4noioermlt�ilir .aov D. Shared Responsibilities Permittees may partner with other MS4sto develop And Implement their stormwater msutiagement pr+ogratn.Each MS4 must fill out the NOI form. M843 may atso jointly submit their.individtall NOI incoordination with one or mof'9 M�4s, The description of their stomi water management program mtMrst clearly describe Which P911111fleftift responsible1or rrmntkng`aach of the ucrltMi measures. Each permittoo is tatma�nsible for mentation of bast management praaWes for Ow Storm Water Management Program within its)uxfsdicllon. PART 111. SPEC M QoNpM,ONS A. The Permittee's discharges,alone or in combination with other sources,shall not cause or contribute to a violation of any applicable water quality standard outlined in 35 III,Adm.Code 302. 8. If there is evidence indicating that the storm water discharges authorized by tits permit cause,or have the reasonable potential to cause or contribute to a violation of water quality standards,you may be required to obtah an 1 ual permit er an alternative general permit or the permit may be modified to include different firrtitations"or requi1M9=1g. C. If a TMDL allocation or watershed management plan is approved for. , Myour cdru 'eI storm water management program to determine whether the TMDL OF watershed nhWAgerent plan Includes requirements for control of storm water disoarges. Ifyou are toot ..tie TMDf�$locations,you must modify your storm waIer managertrent program to)"Iernent the TMDL or watershed management plait within eighteen months of notification by the Agency of the TMDL or watershed managestre+nt pian approval. Wherea TMDL or wasrshed ma ages plan is approved,the permfttse must: 1. Determine whether the approved TMDL is for a pollutant likely to be found in storm water discharges from your MS4, 2. Determine whether the TMDL includes a pollutant waste load allocation (WLA) or other performance requirements specifically for storm water discharge from your MS4. 3. Determine whether the TMDL addresses a flow regime likely to occur during periods of storm water discharge. 4. After the determinations above have beer!made and if it Is found that your M84 must implement specific Wt.A provisklns of the TMDL,assess whether the WLAs are being;mel through implementation of existing storm water control measures or if additional control measures aro necessary. Page IS General NPDES Permit No.ILR40 5. Document all control measures currently being implemented or planned io be implemented to comply with TMDL waste load allocation(s). Also include a schedule of implementation for all planned controls. Document the calculations or other evidence that shows that the WLA will be met. a 8. Describe and implement a monitoring program to determine whether the storm water controls are adequate to meet the W LA. 7. It the evaluation shows that additional or modified controls are necessary,describe the type and schedule for the control additionsfrevisions. 8. Continue requirements 4 through 7 above until monitoring from two continuous NPDES permit cycles demonstrate that the W LAs or water quality standards are being met. 9. If an addifional. viduai permit or alternative general permit Includes implementation of work pursuant town approved TMDL or aitemarle water quality management plan,the provisions of the individual or alternative general permit shell supersede the concitionrs of Part NI.C. TMp DL information may be found at httn://www.eua state. .ustwaterJtmdll D. lithe permittee performs any deicing activities that can cause or contributem a violation of an applicable State chloride water,quality standard,the permittee must participate M any watershed group(s)organized to irnpiexrment control measures which will redueethe chloride concentration in any receiving stream it the watershed. E. Authorization. Owners or operators must submit either an fV01 m aocordance wlth the requirements of this permit or an application tot an fncavidual fVPOES Permit to be authorix ed to discharge.under this General Permit. Authorization.N granted will be by tetter and include a:+cpy at chis Permit: Upon review of an NOI,the Illinois EPA may deny coverage under this permit and require submigal of an application for an individ<ral NPDES permit... I• -wig Co tll.l MOon of ExoIred C prat Pwmk: Except as provided in III.E.2 below,when this General Permit expires the conditions of this permit shallbe administratively corifimed unill the earliest of the following: a. 150 days after the new General Permit is reissued; b. The Permittee submits a Notice of Termination(NOT)and that notice is approved by Illinois EPA; c. The Permittee is authorized for coverage under an individual permit or the renewed or reissued General Permit; d. The Permiltee's application for an Individual permit for a discharge or NOI for coverage under the renewed or reissued General Permit is denied by the Illinois EPA;or e. Illinois EPA issues a formal permit decision not to renew or reissue this General Permit. This General Permit shall be automatically administratively continued atter such formal permit decision. 2. Duty Io RgMML4, a. If the ,,a 10se wlshes to continuo-An activity reguialed by this General Permit, the permigee must apply for permit coverage before'iheexpiration of:the aokrministraliveiy continued period specified it It1.E.1,above: b. It,the permittee reapplies in accordance with limprovislons of III.E.2.a atm,the conditions of the General Permit shall corlWtus in full force and affect under Hite provisions of 5 ILCS 100/10-65 ur,"the Il inoisEPq makes-a tins)datermina*` on the application or NOI. c. Standard Condition 2 of Attachment H is not applicable to this General Permit. F. The Agency may require any person authorized to discharge►by th6 permit to apply forand obtain elther an individual NPDES POW or an 4 t+emaNve NPDES general permit. Any Interested permw may petition the Agancy to take acom under Yds parawaph, Time Agency may require any owner or operator authorized to discharge antler N*,pamnft to apply furan trtdiu ual o►adlernativa gsineail NPDES permit only if the owner or operator has been notified in writing theta f iemnil appficall is t of, ' ' This no Noe shell include: a brief statement of the reasons for thus decision,an application form,;a$taiernlatt ssttg a deadline for;tlts orror operator to file the application,and a stalemeM that bri,the effective date-of the Individual NP09S permit or the allemaillw9oneral pelt asrmft applies to the individual permiKes coverage under this general permit shall otrfiuriaticapy terminate: The` my may giant tim additional Nine-to st�rni#the sW- 1cati0ti upset request of the appli�it. N an owner orvperatorfa�lls to submit in a= Mannee , Individual or alternative general NPDES permit application required bythe Agd*under this.paragraph,then the applicabitN of this permit to the individual or alternative general NPDES perm itee is autornmlticai(y terminated by the date specified for submittal. appNcatiktrt G. Any owner or operator authorized by this permit may request to be excluded from the coverage of"pperm#by appfor an individual permit. The owner or operator shall submit an individual application with reasons supporling time request,in accordance With the requirements o[40 CFR 122.28,to the Agency. The request will be granted by issuing an individual permit or an'alternative, general permit if the reasons cited by the owner are adequate to support the request. I I i Pages General NPDES Permit No. ILR40 H. When an individual NPDES permit is issued to an owner or operator otherwise subject to this permit.or the`owner or operator is approved for coverage under an alternative NPOIES general POMIil,the Is automatically terminated on the issue date of the Individual emth or the date of this oval f to the rage�uai NP he permittee Live d p approval far coverage under the alternative generatperntit,whichever the case may be. E EMN,ly. S=N WAM MANAGEMENT jJA E i A. Requirements The permittee must develop,implement,and enforce a storm water management program designed to reduce the discharge of pollutants from their MSO to the matdrmurr extent practicable.to protect water quafily,and to satisfy the appropriatle water quality requirements of the Illinois Pollution Control Board Rules and Regulatlons(35 in.Adm,Code,Subtitle C,Chaplet 1)and the'�Clean Water Act.The perrrtiltea's storm water management program must inctudeilhe minimum rwntrol measures described in section'B of this Part. For new permittees,the permittee must develop and implement specific program requirements by the date specified in die Agency's coverage letter.The U.S.Environmental Protection Agency's National Ment of Storm Water Best Management Practices (hlto.,Mnub.anSinW/nodesl'st mwOer/n*nuaf xnprlindax,kn);and the most recent version of the Illinois Urban Manual should be consulted regarding the Wootton of appropriate BMPs. B. Minimum Control Measures The 6 minimum control measures to be included in the permittee's storm water management program are: 1. Public Education and Outreach on Storm Water Impacts New pormittees shall develop and implement elenients.of their storm water management program addressing the provisions fisted below. Existing 10e011110e6 renewing coverage under this pem*shall mairttaln their current programa addressing this Minimum Control Measure;updating and enhancing fir storm water management programs as necessary to section. with tine leans of this a. attribute educational materials to tite.cgmmunily or conduct equivalent outreach activ it about the impacts of storm discharges on water bodies arW the steps that the public can'take;t©reduce pollutairfts ih storm water rurroif.Tire sducelional niO10116%0 include Information on the potential impacts and effects on storm water discharge due to climate change. Information on climate change can be found at The permittee shall incorporate the following into its education materials,at a minimum; 1. Information on effective pollution prevention measures to minimize the discharge of pollutants [ram private properly and activities into the storm sewer system,on the following topics; A. Storage and disposal of fuels,oils and similar materials used in the operation of or leaking from,vehicles and other equipment; B. Use of soaps,solvents or detergents used In the outdoor washing of vehicles,furniture and other property, C. Paint and related decor; D. Lawn and garden care;and E. Winter de-icing material storage and use. Information about,oro—1 iftirastructuria strategies such as.green roofs, rain gardens, rain barrels, biesweles permeable piping,dry wells,and pantile ISIS that mimic natural p and direct storm water to $teas vuhete ie can be lnffrated,evaporated or reed. IN. Information on the benefits and costs of such strategies and provide guidance to the public an how to implement them, b. Define appropriate BMPs for this minimum control measure and measurable goals for each BMP. These measurable goals must ensure the reduction of all of the pollutants of concern in the permitttes's storm water discharges to the maximum extent practicable;and c. Provide an annual evaluation of public education and outreach BMPs and measurable goals. Report on this evaluation in the Annual Report pursuant to Part V.C.1. 2. Public Involvement/Participation New permittees shall develop and implement elements of thelrAform water management program addressing the provisions fisted below.,Existing permittees renewing coverage under this permit shall maintain thhieir current programs addressing this Minimum Control Measure,updating and enhancing their storrrr matter management programs as necessary to comply with the terms of this section, a. At a minimum, comply with State and local public notice requirements when implementing a public involvement/ panic pabon program; b. Define appropriate BMPs for this minimum control measure and measurable goals for each BMP,which must ensure the redaction of all of the pollutants of concern in the permitlee's storm water discharges to the maximum extent practicable; Page 7 General NPDES Permit No.ILR40 c. Provide a minimum of one public meeting annually for the public to provide input.as to the Adequacy of the permiltee's MS4 program.This requirement may be met In conjunction with or as part of'®ular council or board meeting, d. The permittee shall Identity environmental justice areas within its jurisdiction and inciude appropriate public involvementlparticipatlon. Information on environmo ntai justice concerns may be found at htto://www.eoa.goy/aiWronmentaiigslice/*This requirement may be met in conjunction with or as part of a regular council or board meeting;and e. Provide an annual evaluation of public involvement/participation SMPs and measurable goals. Report on this evaluation in the Annual Report pursuant to Part V.C.1. 3. Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination New permittees shalt develop and implement elements of their storm water management program addressing the provisions listed below.Existing permittees renewing coverage tinder this permit shell maintain their currentprograms section. addressing this Minimum Control Measure,updating and enhancing'their storm water management programs as necessary ra comply with the femme of No a. Develop,implement,and enforce a program to detect and eliminate illicit connections or discharges into the permillee's small MS4; b. Develop,if not already completed,a storm sewer system map,showing the location of elf outfags and the narn and kation of all waters that receive discharges from those outfags.Ming permltteas rermwingooverage under this permit shelf update their storm sewer system map to include any modifications to the sewer systemic C, To the extent allowable under state or local law,prohft,through Qrdinance,or other regulatory rnedmartism mon-storm water dischalw into the permittee's storm sewer system and fmptement appropriate enforcement procedures and actions, including enforceable requirements for the prompt reporting to the MS4 of all releaaes, spin and oMieir unpermitted discharges to the separate storm sewer system, and a program to respond to such reports in a timely manner, d. Develop and implement a plan to detect end address non-storm water discharges,including Illegal dumping, to the system; e. Inform public employees,Businesses,and the 9enere1 pultils of haards associated with illegal discharges and improper dwposal of waste and the requirements and macha3cniems for reporting such discharges; L Address the categories of non-storm water discharges listed in Section L8.2 only if you identify them as sic�licam conlnbutor of potluMnts to your enroll MS4( .,. oF; +s'f tun Are#Ighting.activities are eaduded from the effective pWhbitiwm egalnst non-storm water and need only be addressed ri where they are identified as significant sources of �ollutaunts to waters of the United Ststeg); g. reline appropriate BMPs for this minimum control measure and measurable goals for each BMP. These measurable goals must ensure the reduction of all of the pollutants of concern in your storm water discharges to the maximum extent practicable; h. Conduct periodic inspections of the storm sewer outfalls in dry weather conditions for detection of non-storm water 01150 arges"and dumping.The Permittee may estaf dish a pfigr{tiz plaitm for Spedion of o , u prioj�y on outfalls with time greatest potential for non-storm wailer des. Majorthigh prriodty outfalls shall to i�od-at least annually,and I. Provide an annual evaluation of Illicit discharge detection and elimination BMPs and measurable goals.Report on this evaluation in the Annual Report pursuant to Part V.C.1. 4. Construction Site Storm Water Runoff Control New: shall develop and;impletnant elements of their storm water management program,a ing,the provislons listed below, !�"ng parmiltees renewing rxmverageunder this(ertmt shaIl rmaintahtheir Ct r ^ nshis Minimum Controlrypyterms of this section a. Develop,implement,and enforce a program to reduce pollutants in any storm water runoff to the perm.I ee's smog MS4 from construction activities that result in a land disturbance aof greater than or equal to oft acre.Conifol`oi storm water discharges from construction activity disturbing less than one acre must be included in your program if that construction activity is part of a larger common plan of development or salla that would disturb one acre or more or has been designated by the permitting authority. At a minimum,the permittee must develop and Implement the following: I Page a General NPOES Permit No.ILR40 I. An ordinance or other regulatory mechanism to require erosion and sediment controls,as well as sanctions to ensure compliance,to the extent allowable under state or local law; i Ii. Erosion and Sediment Controls- The permittee shall ensure that construction activities regulated by the storm water program require the construction site owner/operator to design,install,and maintain effective erosion controls and sediment controls to minimize the discharge of pollutants. At a minimum,such controls must be designed,installed, and maintained to: A. Control storm water volume and velocity within the site to minimize soil erosion; B. Control storm water discharges,including both peak Now rates and total storm water volume,to minimize erosion at outlets and to minimize downstream channel and stream bank erosion; C. Minimize the amount of soil exposed during construction activity; D. Minimize the disturbance of steep slopes; E. Minimize sediment discharges from the site. The design,installation and maintenance of erosion and sediment controls must address factors such as the amount,frequency.intensity and duration of precipitation,the nature of resulting storm water runoff,and sal characteristics,including the range of soil particle sizes expected to be present on the site; F. Provide and maintain natural buffers around surface waters,direct storm water to vegetated areas to increase sediment removal,and maximize storm water infiltration,unless infeasible;and G. Minimize soil compaction and preserve topsoil,unless infeasible. iii. Requirements for construction site operators to control or prohibit non-storm water discharges that would include concrete and wastewater from washout of concrete(unless managed by an appropriate control),drywall compound, wastewater from washout and deanout of stucco,paint,form release oils,curing compounds and other oonstnction materials,fuels,oils,or other pollutants used in vehicle and equipment operation and maintenance,soaps,solvents, or detergents,toxic or hazardous substances from a spill or other release,or any other pollutant that could cause or tend to cause water pollution; iv. Require all regulated construction sites to have a storm water pollution prevention plan that meets the requirements of Part IV of NPDES permit No.ILR10,including management practices.controls,and other provisions at least as protective as the reqtkements contained In the Illinois Urban Manual, 2014, or as amended including green Infrastructure techniques where appropriate and practicable; v. Procedures for site plan reviews which incorporate consideration of potential water quality impacts and site plan review of individual pre-construction site plans:by the permilles to ensure consistency with local sediment and erosion control requirements; vi. Procedures for receipt and consideration of information submitted by the public;and vii. Site inspections and enforcement of ordinance provisions. b. Define appropriate BMPs for this minimum control measure and measurable goals for each BMP. These measurable goals must ensure the reduction of all of the pollutants of concern in your storm water discharges to the maximum extent predicable. c. Provide an annual evaluation of construction site storm water control BMP9 and measureable goals In the Annual Report pursuant to Part V.C.1. S. Post-Construction Storni Water Management in New Development and Redevelopment New permittees shall develop and implement elements of their storm water management program addressing the provisions listed below. Existing permittees renewing coverage under this permit shall maintain their current programs addressing this Minimum Control Measure,updating and enhancing their storm water management programs,as necessary,to comply with the terns of this section. Paye s General NPDES Permit No.ILR40 a. Develop,implement,and enforces program to address and minimize the volume and pollutant bad of storm water runoff from projects for new development an redevelopment that disturb greater than or equal to one acre,projects fess than one scare that aro part of a(auger common plan of development or 4,010,or that have been designated to p rotecl water quality,that discharge into the.pem>ittee`s small MS4 within the a tWs*rrisdiCdonhl control.The permigm's program must ensure that appropriate controls are in prase mat would protect water quality and rusduae the discharge of pollutants to the maximum extent practicable. In auction,each permittee shall adopt strategies that Incorporate the mf Walton;reuse,and evapotranspiration of storm water Into the project to the maximum extent practic".The permitteeshel also develop and Implement procedures for receipt and consideration of information submitted by the public. b. Develop and implement strategies which include a combineopp of structural ,w non-structural BWs appropriate for all projects within the perm ttee'ssj ",wurisdiction for all new development and development that disturb greater than or equal 101 acre(at a minimum) that will reduce the discharge of pollutants and the vole'umand velocity of storm water lbw to the maximum extent practicable.These strategies shall Include effective water quality and watemhod protection elements and shell be amenable to modification dote to climate change, Information on climate change can be found at htJR:ltwww.ena, limatecha m//. When selecting BMPs to comply with requirements contained in this Pail,the permNtes shall adopt one or more dt the following general strategies,listed M order of preference below.The proposal of a strategy shell include a rationale for not;selecting an approach from among those with a higher preference. I. Preservation of the natural features of development silos,including natural storage and infiltration characteristics; Ii. Preservation of existing natural streams,channels,and drainage ways; Ill. fAnimizalton of new impervious surfaces; iv. Conveyance of storm water in open vegetated channels; v. Construction of structures that provide both quantity and quality control,with structures serving multiple sites being preferable to those serving individual sow;and vi. Construction of structures that provide only quantity control,with structures serving multiple sites being preferable ho those serving Individual sites. c. It 0.permittee requires rte>,w or additional approval of any devNopmerM, redevelopment,"wear ment or repair on exirsting lave pro ject construction, shall Ira the loped sites,or other land disturbing activity covered under tftis Part,the'pemtittee reWr parson responsible for dhait to develop a long terra operation and maintenenice plan Moludtng the adoption of orae or mote of the strategies' ed int►Pari IV.B.S.b.of thi's permit. d. Develop and irny lerraent::,"program to mining"the volume Of eform wafer r oll and po from punblia highways slneetsR roads,pa titng lots, dskiewalle(pubNo.aurfaceus).throu the use of BMPs that aforue or in combination,result in al,chemical;or biological polh,t�it focal reduction,used M�ration.=enrapatrarlspiratbn ark i 01, storm water.The program shall include,but not be limited to the following elamants: i. ,Amual Traittirg for all MS4 enIoyees who Man*Or are directly irvolti+aecl in(or who retain others who maned or are directly Involved in),the rdrutinar mainlatrtance, -repair, .or repiacelrient of public- udaces In current .green JAhO struduce c fore Impact design technhlues apt caible to r projects;aur f If. Annual Trolning for all contractors retained to manage or ce"out muthku maintenance,ria ,or " public surfaces in cumene gram infrastructure or low i Contractors they provide training to their emplo mpact to such,proem design techinkg es. fees for projects whidt friclude green'infrastu�ucture or bw irrlptrot e. Develop and implement a program to minimize the volume of storm water runoff and pollutants from existing privately owned developed property that contributes storm water to the MS4 within the MS4 iuriidictional control. Such program must be documented and may contain the following elements: 1. Source Identification—Establish an inventory of storm water and pollutants discharged to the MS4; ii. Implementation of appropriate BMPs to accomplish the following: A. Education on green infrastructure BMPs; B. Evaluation of existing flood control techniques to determine the feasibility of pollution control retrofits; C. Evaluation of existing flood control techniques to determine potential impacts and effects due to climate change; D. Implementation of additional controls for special events expected to generate significant pollution(fairs, parades.performances); E. Implementallon til appropriate maintenance programs,(including maintenance agreements,for structural pollution control devices or systems); F. Management of pesticides and fertilizers;and G. Street cleaning In targeted areas. t Page 10 General NPDES Permit No. ILR40 I. infiltration practices should not be implemented in any of the following circumstances: i. Areas/skes where vehicle fueling and/or maintenance occur; ii. Areas/ekes with shallow bedrock which allow movement of pollutants into the groundwater, iii. AreaWsites near Karst features; Iv. Areas/sites where contaminants in soil or groundwater could be mobilized by infiltration of storm water; v. AreaWbItes within a delineated source Water protectionarea for a public drinking watersuppiy where the potential for an introduction of pollutants into the groundwater exists. information on groundwater protection maybe found at: htto://www eoa state it us/wa r n him/ vi. Areaslsites within 400 feet of a community water supply well it there is not a wellhead protection delineation area or within 200 feet of a private water supply well;Information on wellhead protection may be found at htto:!/www.eoa.state.il.us/waher/aroundwatl&d x himi g. Develop and Implement an ordinance or other regulatory mechanism to address post-crortsttuction runoff from new development and redevelopmeM projects,public surfaces,and existing developed property as set forth above to the extent allowable ureter state or local law. h. Require all mgulated construction sites to have post-construction managem+esntptans that meet or exceed the requirements of Part 11►O.2:h of NPOES permit No.110110•fnciuding management practices,controls,and Other provisions at least as Protective as the requirements contained In the most recent version of the Illinois Urban Manure-,2014. i. Ensure adequate long-term operation and maintenance of BMPs. j. Wine appropriate 6MPes ler this minimum control measure and measurable goals for each BMP. These measurable goal �Ieenssuure the reduction of all of the pollutants of concern in your storm water discharges to the maximtrn extent k. Within 3 years of the effective date of the permit,the pwmfto must develop and Implement a pmoess to assess the water 4ity impacts m cite design of new ami existing hood managetrtent ptojeecte that are associated with the permittee all that ttisctrarpe to the IIA34, f?as process mustatdude sonskieralkNt of ottrots Shat can be used to minimize the imps,at8lo alto waken tauatky and hY Y wig stiff meeting the pro ectobjsolivea. funis will also�Cluds asMament of any polemtial lmpeacis aruf et#facts on hood rnanagernent praJects rma to dsimato change. I. Provide an annual evaluation of post-construction storm water management BMPs and measureable goats in the Annual Report pursuant to Part V.C.I . 6. Pollution PreventiontGood Housekeeping for Municipal Operations New pernhtees shad develop and itnplomealt elements of their storm Wafer managernertt program addressing theprovisions listed below. Exists pees r enew�. 1p under this piermit shallitirttain theiir current programs addressing this Minimum Control lutea tatting and enhancing vnelt sOsm water management programs as necessary to comply with the terms of this section. a. Develop and implement an operation and maintenance program that includes anannuattrairting component for municipal staff and contractors and Is designed to prevent and reduce► the discharge of pollutattts to the maximum extent practicable. b. Pollution Prevention-1 he permittee shall design,install,irfOemenl,XW maintain effective pollution prevention measures to minimize the discharge of pollutants from municipal properties.Infrastructure,and operations. At a minimum,such measures must be designed,installed,implemented and maintained to: L Minimize the discharge of pollutants from equipment and vehicle washing,wheel wash water,and other wash waters. Wash waters must be treated in a sediment basin or alternative control that provides equivalent or better treatment prior to discharge; ii. Minintiize the exposure of bulking materials,buscnng products,construction wastes,trash,iandscspe material, fertilizers, pet tlddea,herbicides,chemical storage tan/*, dfeloing material storage facilities temporary, stockpiles, detergents,sanitary waste,and other materials,present ern 11he 61110 to,precipitation and to slam' water; iii. Minimize the discharge of pollutants from spills and leaks and implement chemical spill and leak prevention and response procedures;and i Page 11 General NPDES Permit No.ILR40 iv, Provide regular InsPection of municipal storm water management BAPS. Based on inspeotion findings,the pmmittee shall determine If rapair.'replacement;or maintenance measures are necessary in order to enure the structure!integrity.proper function,and treatment effectiveness of structural storm water amps, Necessary maintenance shall be completed as soon as conditions allow to prevent or reduce the dtschwp of pollutants to storm water, C. Deicing material must be stored In a permanent ortemporary storage structure orseasonal tarping must be utilized. N no permanent structures are owned or operaled by,the',Pirmittee.newpatmanent deicing material storage structures shall be constructed within two years of the effective date of this permit.Storage stnxtures or stockpiles snap be'located and managed to minimize storm water pollutant runoff,from the stockpiles or loadk4unloading areas of the stockpiles. Stockpiles and bading/unloading area should be.located as far as practicable from any area storm sewer drains. Fertilizer,pesticides,or other chemicals shall be stored indoors,to prevent any discharge of such chemicals within the storm water runoff. d. Using training materials that are available from USEPA.the State of fillnois.or other organizations,the permittee"s program must include annual employee training topreventand reduee.storm water pollution from activities such as park and open space maintenance, fleet and twild og maintenance,operation of storage yards, snow disposal,deicing materiel storage handling and use on roadways,new construction and land disturbances, and storm water system maintenance;procedures for proper disposal of street Cleaning debris and catch begin material. In addition,training should include how flood management projects impact water quality, non-point source PONution control, green Infrastructure controls,and aquatic habitat. e. Define appropriate BMPs for this minimum control measure and measurable goals for each BMP. These measurable goals must ensure the reduction of all of the pollutants of concern in your storm water discharges to the maximum extent practicable. f. Provide an annual evaluation of pollution prevention/good housekeeping for municipal operations and measureable goals In the Annual Report pursuant to Part V.C.1. C. Qualifying State.County,or Local Program If an existing qualifying local program requires a permittee to implement one or more of the minimum control measures of Part IV.B. above, the permittee may follow'that quaNfying rather prograrn s° eiluiremeft :than the qualifying 10ca1 program is A ,d0u*.or state municipal al storm water ream that rMs of Par!Iti.a. above. e relevant reguiremer►ts oF'Paut IV.B. prolix that Inuposea,`al a minimum.the Any intaiifying local pvrograme tate!permittees intend m folkrer shall be sPeciped to their storm Water management program. D. Sharing Responsibility 1. Implementation of one or more of the minimum control measures may be shared with another entity,or the entity may fully take over the control measure. A permittee may rely on another entity only if: a. The other entity implements the control measure; b. The particular control measure,or component of that measure is at least as stringent as the corresponding permit requirement; c. Tine senldy agrees to knplement any uznlrnkrKurn corttroi measure on the pem*ee's behalf. A written agreement of this obgaiian recommended This oftigatl0n nutans!be uuttjrNaated as`part of the testtiorn of the penrsttee's Storm Water Management Pur grant, tf tfe otlter entity agrees to on the minimum control.measure,the permittee muse! s� y alae dher entity with aloe reporting reguireunents ooMdiuted in`f'art V.0 of this permit. If the other entity 19116 to implement the minimum c0ntrcut measure on the.permitlee's t>etnedl, the pem+ittee remains liable for any'dischames due t@ that failure to implemer►l`the nUrthrnum control measure. E. Reviewing and Updating Storm Water Management Programs 1. Sturm`Water Mit Program t;ieuievw.The pemsttea ullust pWform on annu,alreview of s Storm Water Management Program In coauctn with preparation ofdre annual reportTlepemattee must Inciude in Its-annual report a plan for complying wil► any changes or new provisions in alis perms,0r In,any ate or federal permittee must also include in its annual report a Bun for ' fed p ill .complying with aq applicable,7MDL R+aporl(s) or watershed management plarr(s).information on TMOL11 may be found at htWV_Vfww etre state it tts/water/tn j 2. Storm Water Management Program Updsle-The permittee may modify its Storm Water Management Program during the lite of the permit in accordance with the following procedures: a. Modifications adding (but not subtracting or replacing),cornWools, controls, or requirements to the Storm Water Management Program may be made'at any time Upon written;nodfication to the Agency; Page 12 General NPDES Permit No.ILR40 b. Mod fications replacing an ineffective or iMeasible BMP specifically identified in the Storm Water Management with an allemate,6MP may be requested at any time. Unless denieid'by the Agency,-mods illations proporo accordance with the criteria below shall be deemed approved and may cemented W days Imm—submittal of the request. II the request is denied,the Agency will send the permome a written response giving a reason for the decision. The permittee's modification requests must include the following: i. An analysis of why the BMP is ineffective or infeasible(including cost prohibitive); I ii. Expectations on the effectiveness of the replacement BMP;and ill. An analysis of why the replacement BMP is expected to achieve the goals of the BMP to be replaced. C. Modification of any ordinances relative to the storm water management program,provided the updated ordinance is at least as stringent as the provisions stiputated in this permit;wW d. Modification requests or notifications must be made in writing and signed in accordance with Standard Condilion iI of Attachment H. 3. Storm Water Management Program Updates Required by the Agency.Modifications requested by the Agency must be made in wntlog.set forth the time schedule for permittees to develOp the modifications,and offer permittees the opportunity to propose alternative program modifications to most the objective of the requested . Ali modifications required by the Permitting Authority will be made In accordance with 40 CFR 124.5.40 CFR 122,62,or as appropriate 40 CFR 122A& The Agency+may require modifications to the Storm Water Management Program as needed to: a. Address impacts on receiving water quality caused,or contributed to,by discharges from the MS4; b. Include more stringent requirements necessary to comply with new federal or State statutory or regulatory requirements; or c. Include such other conditions deemed necessary by the Agency to comply with the goals and requirements of the Clean Water Act. PARTY.hNgi�i'ORItjQ,I1ECO DKEEPIH%AND#tEPPO Q A. Monitoring The perrmttee must develop and implement a monitoring and assessmentprogram to eveltnttPpe eff, nese ofd$MPs being frnplit merited to reduce pouutant loadings and water quality Impacts vatlhisr loot of the effecthna date of this perrmt, prltgrarth should be tatrired 10 the size and characi of Rhe MS4 and ft watershed. The permittee shall provide a jttlfication ot'its monitoring and assessment program In the Annual Report. By rept later then i80 days after the effective dale of tins permit;the permittee shag inliiate an evaluation of Its storm.water-progran The pian for rraorstoring tioui of if be described In the Annual RopoA. Evaluation and/or monitoring MMM shat be pnAdsd in.theAnnual Report.The monitoring and assessment program may include evaluation of BMPs and/or direct water quality monitoring as monitoring 1. An.evaluation of I3MPs based on estimated effectiveness from puttlshed research accompanied by an inventory of the number and location of 8Ws implemented as part of the perr i e's program and an estimate of pollutant reduction reeuainq from lite amps;or 2. Monitoring the effectiveness ol storm water control measures and progress towards the MS4's goals using one or more of the following: a. MS4 permittees serving a population of less than 25,000 may conduct visual observations of the storm water discharge documenting color,odor,clarity,floating solids,settled solids,suspended solids,foam,oil sheen,or other obvious indicators of storm water pollution;or IJ. MS4 permittees may evaluate storm water quality and impacts using one or more of the following methods; I. Instream monitoring In the highest level hydrological unit code segomt Ut ttfe MS4 area: Moniloring shall include, at a minimum, quarterly monitb* of reoeiVkg waters upstream and downstream of the MS4 discharges in the designated stream(s). ii. Measuring pollutant concentrations over time. iii. Sediment monitoring. iv. Short-term extensive network monitoring.Short-term sampling at the outlets of numerous drainage areas to identify water quality °Issues and potentlat storm water impacts, and mayhelp in ratdcir►g areas for Implementation priority.Data collected simultaneously acrossthe MS4 to help characterize the geogreptucal distribution of pollutant sources: Page 13 General NPDES Permit No.ILR40 v. Site-specific monitoring. High-value resources such as swimming beaches,shellfish beds, or high-priority habitats could warrant specific monitoring to assess Ute status of use support. Similarly,known high-prlorky pollutant sources or impaired water bodies with contaminated aquatic sediments,an eroding stream channel threatening property,or a stream reach with a degraded fish population could be Mored to assess impacts of storm water discharges andlor to identify Improvements that result from the implementation of BMPs. vi. Assessing physical/habitat characteristics such as stream bank erosion caused by storm water discharges. vii. Outfall/Discharge monitoring. vili. Sewershed-focused monitoring. Monitor for pollutants in storm water produced in different areas of the MS4. For example,identity which pollutants are present in storm water from industrial areas,commercial areas,and residential areas. ix. BMP performance monitoring.Monitoring of individual BMP performance to provide a direct measure of the pollutant reduction efficiency of these key components of a MS4 program. x. Collaborative watershed-scale monitoring. The pem+itttee may choose to work collaboratively with other pem>ittees arxuar a watershed group to design and implement a watershed or sub•walershe W.Ae monitoring program that assesses the water quality of the water bodies and the sources of pollutants Suchprograms mus Include elements which assess the impacts of the penmhtee's storm water discharges and/or fitly effectiveness of the BMPs being Implemented. C. if ambient water quality monitoring under 2b above Is performed,the monitoring of storm water discharges and ambient monitoring intended to gauge storm,water impacts sball be performed within 48 hours of a precipitation event greater than or equal to one quarter inch in a 24-hour period. At a minimum,.analysis of storm waiter discharges or ambient water quality shall Include grelor lowing parameters:total suspended Souls,total Mtitrpgen, total phosphorous,fecal conform,chlorides,-and b 1 and grease,In addition.monitoring shall beperformed forany other pollutants associated with storm water rtuWrilorwhich the receiving'water Is considered impaired pursuant to the most recently approved list under Section 303(d),of the Clean Waley Act B. Recordkeeping The pemrittee must keep records required by this permit f ort,Years OW e expiration of this permit.Records to be kept under'ft Part include the permillee s NOI.,storm water management p4m.:ennuW reports,and monitoring duffs. All records shall be kept onsite or locally available and shall be made accessible to the Agency for review at the time of an onrske inspection. Except'as otherwise provided In t#6 perntit pO"O""muet submit rao"'lo the Agency only when specifically requested to do so. poawuon must post their W.storm water,malrlagement proaratn plan,arta annual reports on Use porMiltee's webefte. The permittee must make its records available to the,p6blic at reasonable limas during regular business hours. Ttte pr rmittee may regquirer.nit member of the public to provide advance notice. in accordance wkh,the applicable Freedom of information Act requirements. Storm sewer maps may be withheld for security reasons, C. Reporting The permittee must submit AnrtueN Reports to the Agency by the irk day al Jame i h.year thoi lhfs permit is fn a If the permittee maintains a w site .a ct ijr of the Annual fieW shah bre postad of thew by the l�_t,Ic f of June of each year. Each Report shall cover the period from March flto prevfous.yea�r thum�ugh Mauch of the;current year-Annual Reporle shay be malntatnad on"the pemmigees'website for a period.of t3 years.The Report mustinclude. t. An assesstnant of the appr�pfa�ion ttrttl effeativenes8 r4�perrnk�a's iderrti l OMPs and progress towards achkaving the statutory goal of redcueirng time tlischp'a o1 Mutants to Utia maximum extent practicable(MEP),and the parmilloo's identified measurable goals for each of the MNdmum control measures; 2. The status olcompliance with permit conditions,including a.descoption of 4ach incidence of h6n�complianee with the permit, and the peer liiis plan for achieving co once w a timeline of actions taken or to be taken; 3. Results of information collected and analyzed,including monitoring data,it any,during the reporting period; 4. A summary of the storm water activities the permittee plans to undertake during lho next reporting cycle, including an implementation schedule,• 5. A change in any identified BMPs or measurable goals that apply to the program elements; 6. Notice that the pemtklee is relying on another government entity to satisfy some of the permit obligations(if applicable); 7. Provide an updated summary of any BMP or adaptive management strategy constructed or Implemented pursuant to any approvod TMDL or alternate water quality management study.Use the results of your m your Mf3drikoing programto assess whether the WLA orother performance requirements for storm water discharges from 4 are being met;and Page 14 General NPDES Permit No. ILR40 8. 9 a qualifying local program or programs wdh shared responsibilities is itnrlementing all minimum control measures on behalf of one or rreoreentities,than the local quati(ying program or programs with shared responsibilities may submit a report on behalf of itself;and any entities for which it is Implementing all of the minimum control measures, The Annual Reports shall be submitted to the following office and email addresses: Illinois Environmental Protection Agency Division of Water Pollution Control Compliance Assurance Section Municipal Annual Inspection Report 1021 North Grand Avenue East P.O.Box 19276 Springfield,Illinois 62794.9276 IN,mas4annu4linsnQj Nrwis.aov PART Vt. DEFINITIONS AND&00yMS All definitions contained in Section 502 of the Clean Water Ad,40 CFR 122,and 35 Ill.Adm.Code 309 shall apply to this permit and are ind orporated hereat by reference.For convenience,simplified explanations of some regulatory/statutory dslkti Wm hays beep provided.In the event of a confifck the definition found in the statute or regulation takes precedence. Best Management Practices(BMPs) means structural or nonstructural Controls, schedules of activities, prohibitions_of practices, maintenance procedures,and other management practices to prevent or reduce the pollution of waters of the state. Bites also treatment requirements,operating procedures,and practices to control runoff, ills or leaks,sludge or waste disposal,or drain from raw material storage. BMP is an acronym for"Best Management Practices." CFR is an acronym for"Code of Federal Regulations." Control Measure as usedinIthispsnmit refers to Arty Best Management Practice or other method used to prevent or reduce storm water runoff or the discharge of pollutants to waters of`the State. CWA or The Act means the Clean Water Act(formerly referrtd,to as the Federal Water Pollution Control Act or Federal Water Pollution is Control Act Amertdmo of 1972)Pub.L.92-300,as amended Pub.L 93.217,Pub.L.95576,Pub.L.96-483 aced Pub.L 91-11.7,33 U.S.C. 1251 ET.seq. Discharge when used without a qualifier,refers to discharge of a pollutant as defined at 40 CFR 122.2. Environmental Justice(EJ)means the fair treatdnerd sod,mearilnghd involvement,of all people regardless of race,colo,stational origin,or income with respect to the ant,Implementation,and enforcement of environmental laws,regulations,and policies Envinonmental Justice Areameans a Community with a low4hoome andlorminoi lypopulation greater tl"tWke tae r average. In auddkloat,a C��mtruatgy be t3onsisleied a potential EJ cornntunity 1the ktw htcoms and/or minority Population is tllm twice the s te"wtde average but g:+ ter than the ! leA+►erage it lies es an'F..l community.d the ktrr-income riutrd�cir minority population percentage is equal to or teas than lne etatethide average,then should ftlbs cotakloed a p*wtiat,l:J community. Flood management project means anyproject which Is intended to control,reduce or minimize high stream flows and associated damage. This may also irtdude projects designed to mimic o improve maw conditions in the waterway. Green Infrastructure means wet wsathermanagament approaches and techPiologles that utflfze,enhance orimlimlo the nature hydrologic Cycle processes;of htf4tratiortieyaf>'+trastspiration and rouse. C3reerM Insttuature apttr CMS currently in use fr de grean :tri and tree bGnne8,rain gardens,vas fated awakes.pocket Wetlands, raiion.pfarttera.porous and pemneable pavemellbs,porous rripirtg rysteme,dry wells,vegetated median strips,refoestalton/revegetatton;raln,banre�,dstersts,and protectibrt and etthattcemn9rntf rirU1A buffers and t 000owns Illicit Connection means any man-made conveyance connecting an illicit discharge directly to a municipal separate storm sewer. Illicit Discharge is defined at 40 CRR 122 26(b)(2)and refers to any dis chto a Municipal separate atom sewer that Is not composed entirely of storm walerrexcept discharges iuth6irtked under an NPDES permit(other than the NPDES peri fordisd arges from ft MS4) and discharges resultin9jrom fire lighting activities. MEP is an acronym for"Maximum Extent Practicable,"the 100hodlogyr-based discharge standard for Municipal Separate Storm Sewer syrstems to reduce pollulants in storm water dlscha rges,thatwas established by CWAS;dlon 402(p). A discussion of MEP as it appiiesto small MS4s is found at 40 CFR 122.34. MS4 is an acronym for"Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System"and Is used to refer to a targe.Medium,or Small Munidpal'Separate Storm Sewer System(e.g."the Dallas MS4"). The term is used to refer to either the system operated by a 1V' a entity or a group of systems within an area that are operated by multiple entities(e.g.,the Houston MS4 includes W49 operated by the city of Houston,the Texas Department of Transportation,the Harris County Flood Control District,Harris County;and others). 1 Page 15 General NPDES Permit No. ILR40 Municipal Separate.Storm$older is defined at 40 CFR 122.26(b)(8)and means a conveyance or system of conveyances(vncluding roads with drainage systems.murhicipat streets,catch basins,curbs,guUers,ditches,man-made tdneetneis,or dorm drains):(n 0wrwdIor operated by a State,city,town,borough,county,parish,district,association, or Other public body(created by or pursuant to State law)having jurisdiction over disposal of sewage,industrial wastes,storm water,or other wastes,including special ttfstricts under State law such as a sewer district,ilood control district or drainage district,or similar entity.or an Indian tribe or an authorized Indian tribal organization,or a designated and approved management agency under Section 208 of Nle CWA that discharges to waters of the United States;(i$Designed or used for collecting or conveying atone water, (ill)Which Is not a combined sewers and(iv)Which is not part of a Publicly Owned Treatment Works(POTW)as defined at 40 CFR 122,2. NOi is an acronym for"Notice of intent"to be covered by this permit and is the mechanism used to"register"for coverage under a general permit. NPDES is an acronym for"National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System." Outfall Is defined at 40 CFR 122.26(b)(9)and means a point source as defined by 40 CFR 122,2 at the point where a municipal separate storm sewer discharges to waters of the United States and does not include open conveyances connecting two municipal storm sewers,or pipes,tunnels or other conveyances which connect segments of the some stream or other waters of the United States and are used to convey wafers of the United States. Owner or Operator is defined at 40 CFR 122.2 and means the owner or operator of any"facility or activfly"subject to regulation under the NPDES program. Permitting Authority means the Illinois EPA. Point Source is defirmd at 40 CFR 1222 and means any discernable,confined and discrete conveyance,induc #wl eat limbed to,any pipe,ditch,channel,tunnel,co ndufl,well,discrete fissure,containall,rol tg stock.concentrated anneal feeding opem-t,6 mndfill leachate collection system,vessel or other floating craft from which pollutants are or may bo discharged. This term does not includs return flows from krigated'agriculture or agricultural storm water runoff. Pollutants of Concern,means pollutants idenlified in a TMDL:waste load allocation(Wt.A)or on the Section 303(d)list for the receiving water,and airy oi the pollutants for which water monitoring is required in Part V.A.of this permit. Qualifyirng L tical Program 0 defined at 40 CFR 122 34(c)and means a local,sista,or Tribal municipal storm water management program that imposes}at a raMrrturn,the ietavant requirarrrants ofparagraptt,(b)of Section 122.34. Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System is defined at 40 CFR 122.26(b)(16)and refers to all separate storm sewers that are owned oropensted by the United.States,a State{sicj,`holy,town,borough,county,parish,district,association,or comrpubNc body{dxe$led by m.pursusnt to Stateaicj law)having junstNntion oxer cposai of sewage.industrial wastes;skarn water,or dttt wastes,inducing speclaf districts under State taw such as a sewer Wit,Iw- d control district or drainage distriot,or similar entity,or an fndlan:tefbe or an autlwri�d Irmdian tr�a!orgartiz�lon,or a slernignated:and management agency under Setttfort 208 of Mie CYvA tlrat,liischarto' waters of Nre United States,but�noit defined as"ktrge"or "municlpai separate storm sewer syerem.lhis krrm inlcfud+es.systerrhs solar to separate storm sehvmr�systems fn sudi as s at bases, system nary far�a hospital or prison dmonlplexes,.and. tghways and oMter ttweaughlares:The teem dbes not encode sepat4torm semraers in very discrete areas,sudmh as individual b . Storm Water is defined at 40 CFR 122.26(b)(13)and means storm water runoff,snowmell runoff,and surface runoff and drainage. Storm Water Nlanagement`Progrant(SWMP)refers to a comprehensive program to manage the quality of storm water discharged from the municipal separate storm s~'-' system. SWMP is an acronym for"Storm Water Management Program." TMDL Is an acronym for'Total Maximum Daily Load." Waters(also referred to as wanks of Nie•state or rtaoehr ngwater)is defined at Section 301.440 of Tide 35;Sublitle C;Gtr ter f of this Illinois Pollution Control Board Regulations and means all accumurlation$of wafer,surface and underground,natufel,and aet�al,putNic, and private,or parts thereof,which are wholly or parMiaNy withi n,1116w dtrargtt,or bonder upon the State of IlNrrofs,etxeist ttt+td sewers and Ueatrnent works are stat included:hsaampl as specially mentioned; thatnW tg hsrohoonlaineid shall authoe=the use of natured or otherwise protected waters as sewers or'tiraatrttent worts amept that in-stream aeration under Agency permit is allowable. "You"and"Your"as used in this permit is intended to refer to the permftt wN the operator,or the discharger as the context indicates and that party's raspdnsibilitles(e.g.,the city,the cotuitry,the flood control district,the U.S.Air Force,etc.). I j Page 16 I84four Composite Sample means a combination of at least 3 f Attachment H sample aliquots of at least 100 milliliters, collected at periodic intervals during the operating hours of a facility over an 8-hour period. Standard Conditions Flow Proportional Composite Sample means a combination of Definitions sample alliquois of at least too rjIIkers oON9d ed'at periodic tnteNats such that eithir the time interval between each aliquot or the volume Act means the Illinois Environmental Protection Act,415 ILCS 5 as of each aliquot is proportional to either the stream flow at the time of Amended. sampling or the total stream flow since the collection of the previous aliquot. Agency means the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency. (1) Duty to comply. The pemmlNee Host comply With ail Board means the Illinois Pollution Control Board. conditions of this permit. Any pemmet noncompliance constitutes a violation of the Act and is grounds for enforcement action, Clean Water Act(formerly referred to as the Federal Water Pollution 1380111it termination.revocation and n issuance,modification,or Control Act)means Pub. L 92-500,as amended. 33 U.S.C. 1251 at for denial of a permit renewal application. The pemmlitee shall seq. comply with effluent standards or prohibitions established under Section 307(a)of the Clean Water Act for toxic poliWargs within NPDES(National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System)means the the time provided in the regulations that establish these national program for issuing, modifying, revoking and reissuing, standards or prohibitions,even 9 the,permit has not yet been terminating, monitoring and enforcing pemnits, and imposing and modified to Incorporate the requirements. enforcing pretreatment requirements,under Sections 307,402,318 (2) Duty to reapply. II the permittee wishes to continue an and 405 of the Clean Water Act. activity regulated by INS permit after the expiration date of this permit.the permittee must apply for and obtain a new permit. it ecm USEPA means the United States Environmental Protection Agency. the pWee submits a prof Non as required by the Agency no later than 180 days prior to to expiration date.this Daily Discharge means the discharge of a portant messunedduring permit shall continue in full force and effect until the final Agency a calendar day or any 24-hour period that reasonably represents the 'din the 400116 itiotr has been made. calendar day for purposes of sampling, For portents witim lirtititations (3) Need to halt or reduce activity not a defense. It shall not expressed units of mass,the"lady d�charge"Is c ulmattsd as the be a defense for a permiriee in an enfonc'ement action that it total masa of the p AlUtW t hanged over the day, For poiwtants� would have been nercea�ry to halt or reduce the permitted with limitations exprossedinolher units of majisuraments,the"daily. activity in order to maintain compliance with the conditions of this discharge` cafcm iiat$q!as itis average measurement of tfmaepopoletit Permit. over the day, (4) Duty to mitigate. The permittee shall take all masonable steps to minimize or prevent any.disctmaxge in violation orf this panni Mamdmum gaily Discharge Umitation(daily maximum)means the which has a reasona *Whood of adversely affecting`human highest adaily discharge. . health'or the ervironnmernt (5) Proper operation and maintenance. Ttma pemnillee std at Average Monthly Diechargq llmitation(30dayaysra4wmems the all times property operate and maintain all l40ittiiies and systems tdghest allowabli average of deify dlsclh&rpea over a cafendarmomtgm; of treatment and control(and related appurtenances)which are Calculated as the start of all�dady drscharges measturerf:m tag a: inststlled or used by mho permittee to scMeve gerrq>�rmce with calendar month divided by the nurrmber of daily dfedma"s measured condi""of this permhti. Proper operation and`maintenance. during that month. irx3luudes effective.pertorrnancer, adequatefwn-idirg. edequ operatestaving and training. and adequate laboratory,and Average w..wy Dtsednarge Umitstion{7 day average)means the lmro�e m;onttai , ir>cfugkng' appropriate quality assurance fmi9hest elf v average of daily.di3chariles oti a caifendary lc, Pmts• This provision irgts c�peratigrt of back-up,or AWN-M, facilkfes. or similar systerrmam curly when calculated as the m3mun of ap dal fat ttrecttiargefs measured cfurinQ a ,. nlY to calliondw,week divided ding that week by the number of+daily�measured {8� acitisve compmtce with the coracgtiomts of the pemtrnti. Permit actions. Timis permit may be mmodtifietl.revoked and .reissued,or lermnindted for cause by OW Agency pursuant to 40 Best Management Practices(BMPs)means schedules of activities. CPA 12g 82 auk CFFt 122.83. The Bing of a request by the prohibitions of practices, maintenance procedures, and other permiNee for a perm€l moddicatlon,revocation and m&xuanoe.or nmatusgeunsrtl practices to prevent or,t0duce the pollution W watefs of termination,or a not tion of planned charges or anticipated the State. $MPs atso Include treatment requirpmrenfs, operating noncompliance does-noi sfay arty permit oO niWort. procedures.;and puss to txrrmlrot pianf mute rmrnoti; (7) ProPe+tY rights. Tttis pemdt dques,not Wil+'prm'ly sludMa or waste gfisposat.ori fireman ratty marteriN si rights of any sort,or any exclusive privilege. (8) Duty to pnsmride Informatiom the psrmlitee stalk fumiah to Aliquot means a sample of specilied volume used to make up a total the Agency Within a reasonable time.any Information Which the composite sample. Agency may request to determine whaoier cause ells for modifying.revaklimg and relssuft orbmiinstirgthispemmiiii,orto Grab Sample means an individual sample of at least 100 milliliters clelerrmnine compliance with the pemtM. The p.m shag also collected at a randomly-selected time over a period not exceeding 15 furnish to the Agency upon request,copies of r�,regn�red to minutes. be kept;by this par". 24-Hour Composite Sample means a combination of at least 8 (9) Inspection and entry. The permittee shall allow an sample aliquots of at least 100 milliliters, collected at periodic authorized representative of the Agency or USEPA(including an Intervals during the operating hours of a facility over a 24-hour period. aufhodzad contractor acting as a representative of the Agency or USEPA), upon the presentation of credentials and other documents as may be required bylaw,to: (a) Enter upon the permfttee's premises where a regulated Page 17 facility or activity is located or conducted,or where records (2) The authorization specilies either an individual or a must be kept under the conditions of this permit; position responsible Ion the overall operation of the (b) Have access to and copy,at reasonable times,any facility.from which the discharge originates;such as a records that must be kept under the conditions of this plant manager,superintendent or person of equivalent permit; responsibility;and (c) Inspect at reasonable times any"ties,equipment '(3) The written authorization is submitted to the Agency. (including monitoring and control equipment),practices,or (c)Changes of Authortzaation. It an authorization under(b)is operations regulated or required under this permit;and no longer accurate because a different individual or (d) Sample or monitor at reasonable times,for the purpose of position has responsibility for the overall operation of the assuring permit compliance,oras otherwise authorized by facility,a new authorization satisfying the requirements of the Act,any substances or parameters at any location. (b)must be submitted to the Agency prior to or together with any repoft Information,orapplications to be signed by an authorized {10) Monitoring and records, representative. 9n (a) Samples and measurements taken for the purpose of (d)Certification. Any person signing a document under monitoring shall be representative of the monitored activity. paragraph(a)or(b)of this section shall make the following (b) The pemhlttee shall retain records of all monitoring certNication: Information, including all calibration and maintenance records,and all original strip chart recordings for continuous I certify under penalty of law that this document and all monitoring instrumehiation.copies of all reports required by attachments were prepared under my direction or this permit and records of all date used to complete the supervision In accordance with a system designed to application for this permit, fora period of at beast 3 years assure that quatiffed personnel property gather and from the date of this permit, measurement, report or evaktate fhe khfornnation submitted. Based on my inquiryof application. Records related to the per ifts% sewage the person or persons who manage the system,or those sludge use and disposal activities shall be retained for A pis direcltyi 11*for gathering the information, period of at least five years(or longer so required bY40 CFR the Information subinflted`is,to the best of my knowledge Part 503). This Period may be extended by request of the and betel,true,accurate,and complete. I am aware that Agency or USEPA at any time. there are 8 nt penalties for submitting false (c) Records of monitoring Information shall include: information, including the possibility of fine and (1) The date, exact place, and time of sampling or measurements; Imprisonment for knowing vlofalions. (2) The individuals) who performed the sampling or (12) Reporting requirements. measurements; (a) Planned (3j The date(s)analyses were performed; nned changes. The permittee shall give notice to the oon (4) The individuals)who performed the analyses; Agency as r add`io of eugt planned physical (5) The aNeratiorhs ar additions to the pe"raw aCIZ analytical techniques or methods used;and Notice Is(6) The results of such analyses. {1) The required or addition to apatln d (d) MonitorkJAcililtymay ng must be.contkrcfetf acCarding to test procedures meet one lar det�rrnimrh a approved under 40 CFR Part 136, unless other test g facility is a new source pursuant to 40 CI*R 122.29(b). procedures have been specified in this permit. Where no or test procedure under 40 CFR Part 136 has been approved, (2) The.altehation oradditl on coutdidssntly change the permittee must submit to the Agency a test method for the nature or Increase lira quantity of pollutants approval. The pemhlttee shall calibrate and perform "Whargedw This notlttcation applies to pollutants maintenance procedures on all monitoring arld analytical which are stplect nelthsr to eMUsnn tlmitatimts in the instrumentation at intervals to ensure. .a0oUracy of permit,nor to notification requirements pursuant to 40 measurements. CFR 122.42(a)(1). q (11} Signatory requlrernent. All applications, reports or (3) The<=�on or atleNiion results in a sigr llicant inkWriadon submitted to the Agency shall be signed and mange in permiltee.s skxfge use or mat certified, practices,Wauchaltoralkkrn,additknkorcharngemay jtaanty rte application of permit conditions that we (a)Application. All permit applications shalt be signed as ffererd Earl brabsent In the existing per IL iricluding oidi (1) For a corporation:by a principal executive officer of at notification f adtkntI I use or 09PMi sites not least the lever of vice president ora person or position reported.during Jhe,tilt applicatkm processor not having,overall responsittilityfor envitonrnenlal`rr reported pursuant to an approved land application for the corporation: plan. (2) For a partnership ar sore prop"'etorship:by a general (b)i nWPeted nonoomplisnce. The permittee shed give adv partner or#*,proprietor,respectively;or advance �to the r y.of anY changes in (3) For a municipality,State, Federal,or other public the permitted facility which may result in or miry agency: by either a principal executive officer or nice with.perrnit r"Wrerrien ranking elected official. (c) Transfers: This permit Is not transferable to any person (b)Reports. All reports required by permits, or other except atter notice to tie Agency. Information requested by the Agency shall be signed by a (d) Compganl:e schedules. Reports =ot dor fano$ or noncompliance with,or any progress reports on, interim person described I paragraph(a)or by a dttiy authorized and final requirements. re In, o compliance representative of that person. A person�s a duly authorized schedule of this Permit shall be submltted no later than 14 representative only if: da follow' each schedule date. (1) The euin paragraph ;is made in writing by a person (e) Monitoring reports. Mornitori res�e shall ilia described in paragraph(a);and the intervals s � reported ai padded elsewhere in this permit. (1) Monitoring results must be reportedo n a Discharge Monitoring Repod,(DMR)., tl Page 16 (2) If the permittee monitors any pollutant more paragraph(12)(t)(24-hour notice). frequently than required by the permit, using lest (d) Prohibition of bypass. procedures approved under 40 CFR 136 or as (1) Bypass is prohibited, and the Agency may take sp ified in the permit, the results of this monitoring enforcement action against a permittee for bypass, shall be inchidedin the calculation and reporting of the unless: data submitted In the DMR. (1)' Bypass was unavoidable to prevent loss (3) Calculations for all limitations which require of lite, personal Injury, or severe property averaging of measurements shall utilize an arithmetic damage; mean unless otherwise specified by the Agency in the (ii) There were no feasible alternatives to the permit. bypass,such as the use of auxiliary treatment (1) Twenty tour hour repotting.Thapermittse shall report any facilities, retention of untreated wastes, or noncompliance which may endanger health or the maintenance during normal periods of environment. Any information shall be provided orally equipment downtime. This condition is not within 24-hers from the time the permittee becomes aware satisfied if adequate back-up equipment should of the circumstances. A written submission shall also be have been installed in the exercise of reasonable provided within 5 days of the time the per iltee becomes engineering judgment to prevent a bypass which aware of the circumstances. The written submission shall occurred during i normal perlods of equipment contain a description of the noncompliance and its cause; downtime or preventive maintenance;and the period of noncompliance, including exact dates and (iii) The permittee submitted notices as time;and it the noncompliance has not been corrected,the requlred under paragraph(13){c). anticipated time itis a 0 continue;and steps taken (2) The Agency may approve an anticipated bypass,. or planned to reduce,eflrninate,mrd prevent reoccurrence after considering it adverse effects,If the A of the wcompNance. The following shell be included as determines that it will meet the three cont information which must be reported within 24-hours: listed above in paragraph(13)(d)(1). (1) Any unanticipatted bypass which exceeds any (14) Upset. effluent limitation in the permit, (a)Definition. Upset means an exceptional Incident in which (2) Any upset which exceeds any effluent limitation in there is unintentional and temporary noncompliance with the permit, technology based permit effluent limitations because of (3) Violation of a maximum daily discharge limitation factors beyond the reasonable control of the penrlflfes. An for any of the pollutants Iisted by the Agency in the upset does not include noncompliance to the extentcamsed per i oraany pollutant which may ii or health or by opom$oml error, improperly designed treabrwrd the environMont. fatilli*11inidl4quolist i oMmentfacilities,lack of preventive The Agency may waive the written report on a.case- maintenance,or careless or. lrriproper oporation. by-case basis if the oral report has been receilvad (b)>;ffed of an upsell. An upset institutes an affirmativewithin 24-hours. defense to an action brrought for noncom with such (g) Other rimcomp.._ The permittee shall report all based permit effluent Nrrtitailons if the instances.ofnoncompliance rot reporledunderparatgraphe requirements of paragraph (14)(c) are met. No (12) (d), (e), or (fj, at uta lime momioring reports are determination made during administrative review of claims submitted. The reports shall contain the irdirmekn listed that noncompliance Was caused by upset,anti before an in paragraph(12)(f). action for noncompliance, is final administrative action (h) Other information. Where the permittee becomes aware subject to judicial review. that it failed to submit any relevant fads in a permit (c)Conditions necessary for a demonstration of upset. A application,or submitted incorrect information in a permit permittee who wfahes to establish the affirmative defense application,or In any report to the Agency,it shall promptly of West shall demWlalroW through property signed, submit such facts or inforatalion. cordemporaraous operates logs, or other; relevant (13) Bypass. evidence that., (ajp Definitions. (1) An upset occurred and.that the porMM a can Iden tfy theca isim of the up 40 (1) Bypass means the intentional diversion of waste (2) ThapsmWedfad#tywassi,tofimebeNpropedy streams from anyportion,of a treatment fatty. operated;and (2) Severe property damage means substantial (3) The permittee submitted notice of the upset as physical damage to property, damage to the required in paragraph(12)(f){2)(24-heron notice). treatment facilities which causes them to become (4) The pmmittee complied with any remedial Inoperable, or substantial and permanent loss of measures required under paragraph(4). natural resources which can reasonably be expected (d) Burden of proof. In any erfttl/coment proceeding to e,cutin#te aEaence a bypass. Severe property the pertriltles"eking to establish the occurrence of an damage does riot mean economic loss caused by upset has the burden of proof. delays in pmtduction (15) Transfer of pa",Mls. Permits may be transferred by (b) Bypass not exceeding limitations. The permittee modification or,aut�atic transfers described below, may allow any bypass to occur which does not cause (a) Transfers by modification. Except as provided in effluentflmitations to be exceeded,but only#it also is paragraph(b),a pomat maybe lraneferrsdby the panNttee for essential maintenance to assure efficient operation. a raw owner or operator only'q the permit has been These bypasses are not sulaect to ilea provisions of modfiefed or revoked and,reissued pursuant to.40 CFR paragraphs(13)(c)and(13)(d). 122.62(b)(2),or a minorm#ndifir add made Pur6usfit to4t1 (c) Notice. CFR 122.63 (d), to idem the now f Anticipated b �y permittee and ( ) ip bypass. if the permittee knows in incorporate such other requirements as may be necessary advance of the need for a bypass,it shall submit under the Clean Water Act. prior notice,if possible at least ten days before the (b) Automatic transfers. As an alternative to transfers date of the bypass. under paragraph (a), any NPDES permit may be (2) Unanticipated bypass. The permittee shall submit automatically transferred to a new permittee if: notice of an unanticipated bypass as required in C Page 19 (1) The current permittee notil#es ft Agency at least (19) it an 30 days in advance d the applicable standard or limitation GS promulgated wider Y proposed transfer data; Sektion 301(b)(2)(C)and(D) 304(b)(2),or 307(aX2)and that (2) The notice includes a written agreement between eftiirent standard or"talion is more stringent than anyefquerd the existing and new permittees containing a specified Amnallon in the permit,or controls a pollutant not limited in the date for transfer+ perrirtlt responsftufllity,coverage and permit,the permit shall be promptly rnodified or revoked,and liability between th6existing and new penMttees;and reissued to corlomn to that effluent standard or#imitation. (3) The Agency does not rwtily the existing pemtlttee (20) Any authorization to construct issued to the permittee and the proposed new permittee of its intent to modify pursuant to 3810./cart Code 3091641 s hereby incorporated by or revoke and rekssuie the permit. If this notice is not reference as a condition of this permit. received,the transfer is effective on the date specified (21) The permittee shall not make any false statement, in the agreement• representation or certification in any appkeficri,record.report, 0 6) AN manufacturing, commercial, mining, and siivicultural plan or other document submitted to then Agancyor ire USEPA, dischargers must notify the Agency as soon as they know or or required to be maintained under tits parmit have reason to bellm: (22) The Clean Water Act provides that any person who violates (a)That any activity has occurred or will occur which would a permit condition implementing Sections 301,302,306,307, result in the discharge of any toxic pollutant Identified under 308, 318,or 405 of the Clean Water Act is subject to,a civil Section 307 of the Clean Water Act which Is not limited in penalty not to exceed$25,000 per day of such violation. Any the permit,if that discharge will exceed the highest of the person who willfully or negligently viotalss permit conditions following notification levels: implementing;$scions 301,309,306,307,308#318 or 405 of (1) One hundred micrograms per liter(100 ugA). the Clean Water Act is subject to a fins of not less than$2,500 (2) Two hundred micrograms per titer(200 ugA) for nor more than$25,000 per day of violation,or by imprisonment aprolein and acrylortitrAs;five hundred micrograms per for not more than oneyear,or tooth. liter(500 ugA)for 2.4-dinitrophenol and for 2-mothyl. Additional penalties forvkx"these Sections of the Clean 4,6 dinitrophenol;and one rneltigram per IOer(1 mgm Water Act are ideniifled#n 40 CFR 122.41(a)(2)and(3). for antimony. (23) The Clean Water ACt_provides that any parson who falsifies, (3) Five (5) times the maximum concentration value tampers with,or knowingly renders inaccurate'any monitoring reported for that pollutant in the NPDES permit device or"method required to be maintained under this permit application;or shelf.upon conviction,be f (4) The level established by the Agency In this permit. $10,000,or by Imprisonment nishedmore Ow-2nd more than (b)That they have begun or expect to years,a both. begin to use or If a conviction of a perdu Is for,&violation"comrriltted after a manufacture as an intermediate or final product or first conviction of sudh person under this pe graxph,punishment byproduct any toxio pollutantwhkxh was not reported;in the Is a fine of not more than$20,000 per day of violation,or by iVPOES permit Mipti-milon. imprisons of not-more thele4 years or both. (17) All PubliclyOwnedTreat ntWorksfPOM)mustprovide (24) The Clean Water Act adequate notice to the Aoo*of=the fo P►c" that erre parson who lanowirtgly makes any tib statement, representation. or (a) Any new Introduetio0 of pArtarass into*W POTW from an eetlific atktrt in any record or other document submitted or indirect discharge which would be subject to Sections 301 required to be maintained under this permit, including or 306 of the Clean Water Act if it were directly discharging monitoring reports or reports of compliance or non illance those pollutarVA.mW ahaN,upon oorwiction,be punished by a 00 of not more than (b) Any substantial change in the volume or character of $10.040 per violation,or by imprisonment for not more than 6 pWtrtw is being introduced into that POTW by a source months per vioatkxn,or by tNttt. Introducing polkata rds Into the POTW at the time of (25) Cotiected soremdng,alurries sludges,and.other scads sheN Issuance of the permit. be disposed of in such a manner as to of time (0) For pines of this para�aph, adequate-notice shall wastes(or n if from the wester)knlo r#the date. The include infomnallon on(i)Mus quality axrd q�uanUlyot stt(uant proper aulUtorizatiort fu :strCh, ghaMfoe obtained from tits irdroduced Into,the POTW,and(0)any 8rr8it patetl impact and ks atsd ori paint hereof by retererice. of the Ch on the quetfihr nor cpraity of effluent to be (26) In cage of conflictbsiwesrt standard coadfli s and-aft 4schw9W VOW o tk0s)lttcluded161this' l,I*othercondfo n(g) (18) It the,permit#s issued to a publicly owned or publicly regulated shall govern. treatniart works,the permittee chap require any industrial user (27) The pemniliee shall comply with, in addition to the of such treatment*orbs to comply with federal requirements requirements of the perm#1,ell apPl'cable provlsiciv of 36 IN. conawrting: Adm.Code,Subtitled, tie fa,.SubtiUe E;and allappiicabl e (a)User charges pursuant to Section 204 (b) of the Clean orders of the Board or-any cowl'with.jurisdlotionf Water Ad,and applicable regulalionsappearing in 40 CFA (28) The provisions oh title POM* are severoble, and 8 any; + prc+vigion cxf this Permit,ortlre bion of anyprovi�n of tBoc (b)Toxic pollutant effluent standards and pretreatment pemlit is held Invalid,thwie -"-tlrtg provisions of dt 'permit standards pursuant to Section 307 of the Clean Water Act; shall contihUe1n fullforceand affect, and (c)Inspection,monitoring and entry pursuant to Section 308 of the Clean Water Act. (Rev.7-9-2010 bah) col United City of Yorkville ,Z► p� County Seat of Kendall County 800 Game Farm Road EIM Yorkville, Illinois 60560 r. Telephone: 630-553-8545 d! Fax: 630-553-3436 9' _�' C Website: www.yorkville.il.us LE NPDES / EROSION CONTROL INSPECTION REPORT Date of Inspection: Project: Name of Inspector: Type of Inspection: Weekly >0.5"Precip. Contractor: Subs: 1. Are all of the temporary and permanent controls contained in the pollution prevention(erosion control)plan or as directed by the engineer in place? _YES _NO If not,why not? 2. Are the temporary and permanent erosion and sediment controls that have been installed operating correctly? —YES _NO If not,what additional controls or adjustments is the contractor hereby directed to install or perform? 3. Are the erosion and sediment controls being properly maintained? _YES _NO If not,what maintenance is the contractor hereby directed to perform? 4. Is there tracking of sediment from locations where vehicles enter and leave the project? YES _NO If yes,describe the location(s)and the actions the contractor is hereby directed to perform. 5. Have the additional controls,adjustments,or maintenance directed as a result of the last inspection been implemented within seven(7)calendar days?_YES _NO If not,the contractor is hereby notified that no further work activity will be permitted to take place until the necessary corrective measures have been taken. Other comments: Inspector Signature SMTP 5.11 NPDES Erosion Control Inspection Report United City of Yorkville County Seat of Kendall County 800 Game Farm Road .: o Yorkville, Illinois, 60560 LE Telephone: 630-553-4350 Fax: 630-553-7575 Website: www.yorkville.il.us Date: 1sT NOTICE OF VIOLATION Applicant Name Company Address City State Zip Subject: Project Name Site Development Permit No. 1"Notice of Violation Gentlemen: You are hereby notified of the following violation(s)to your Site Development Permit: ❑ Failure to notify the city prior to construction. ❑ Failure to install/maintain a non-erosive outlet from the structure to the watercourse Location(s) ❑ Failure to install/maintain soil erosion and sediment control features prior to commencing earthwork. Location(s) ❑ Failure to install/maintain temporary or permanent seeding. Location(s) ❑ Failure to install/maintain sod. Location(s) ❑ Failure to install/maintain erosion control blanket. Location(s) ❑ Failure to properly install/maintain silt fence. Location(s) ❑ Failure to install/maintain sediment traps. Location(s) ❑ Failure to install/maintain storm inlet protection. Location(s) ❑ Failure to route dewatering services through an effective sediment control measure. Location(s) ❑ Failure to install/maintain stabilized construction entrance. Failure to clean right of way/pavement. Location(s) ❑ Failure to install/maintain runoff diversion controls. Location(s) ❑ Failure to prevent erosion from stockpile,or the placement of stockpile in a flood-prone or buffer area. Location(s) ❑ Failure to maintain dust control. Location(s) ❑ Failure to follow permitted construction sequencing. Location(s) You must take immediate action and cure all deficiencies identified above within five(5)working days,or the city may issue a Stop Work Order or invoke penalties and legal actions that provides for fines for each offense each day the violation continues. Once all deficiencies have been cured, please call our office to schedule a re- inspection.If you have any questions please contact the City Engineer at(630)553-8545. Sincerely, NX Code Official cc: STORMWATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ANNUAL MAINTENANCE PLAN FOR EXISTING FACILITIES Purpose and Objective: Detention and water quality treatment facilities,storm sewers,swales and native vegetation/buffer areas define a development's stormwater management system. When land is altered to build homes and other developments,the natural system of trees and plants is replaced with impervious surfaces like sidewalks, streets,decks,roofs,driveways,or lawns over highly compacted soils. As a result more rain water/storm water flows off the land at a faster rate and less rain water is absorbed into the soil. This can lead to streambank erosion,downstream flooding and increased concentrations of pollutants. The existing storm water management system was designed to help slow the rate of runoff from the development and maintain the quality of the storm water leaving the site. Inspection Frequency Inspection experience will determine the required cleaning frequencies for the components of the stormwater management system. At a minimum,the attached checklist items should be inspected annually. Detention ponds(including the outlet control structure and restrictors)should be inspected on a monthly basis during wet weather conditions from March to November. Maintenance Considerations: Whenever possible,maintenance activities should be performed during the inspection. These activities should be supplemented by repair/replacement as required. A Registered Professional Engineer(PE)shall be hired for design resolution of specific items as indicated on the checklist below. Cost Considerations: Frequent maintenance program work execution will lead to less frequent and less costly long- term maintenance and repair. The attached checklist items may need to be amended based on inspection experience. Record Keeping Separate and distinct records should be maintained by the responsible party for all tasks performed associated with this plan. The records shall include the dates of maintenance visits,who performed the inspection,and a description of the work performed. 5.13 Maintenance Plan Template for Existing Facilities 1 Post-Construction Stormwater Management System Inspection Checklist The following checklist describes the suggested routine inspection items and recommended measures to be taken to ensure that the Stormwater Management System functions as designed. When hiring a PE is the recommended measure,the PE shall inspect,evaluate and recommend corrective actions. The General section outlines items that should be taken into consideration during inspection and maintenance activities. While performing an overall inspection of your system,please check for the following items. General- • Litter and debris shall be controlled. • Accumulated sediment shall be disposed of properly, along with any wastes generated during maintenance operations. • Riprap areas shall be repaired with the addition of new riprap, as necessary, of adequate size and shape. • Roads and parking lots shall be swept or vacuumed on a periodic basis. • Access path to storm water management facilities should be free from obstructions (woodpiles, sheds,vegetation). • Fences,gates and posts shall be maintained. • Signs shall be maintained. Storage Facilities(Detention,Retention and Water Quality Treatment Facilities) Dams and berms Settlement. If settlement observed,hire a PE. Breaks or failures. If failure observed,notify the Village immediately and hire a PE. Erosion. Repair as needed. Signs of leakage, seepage or wet spots. If observed,hire a PE. Unwanted growth or vegetation. Remove as needed. Shorelines Erosion or rip-rap failures. Repair as needed Undermining. Stabilize and repair as needed. Outlet and inlet structure Obstructions blocking outlet pipe,restrictor,channel or spillway. Remove obstructions immediately. Separation of joints. Repair as needed. Cracks,breaks,or deterioration of concrete. Repair as needed Scour and erosion at outlet. If observed,repair(consider additional or alternative stabilization methods). Condition of trash racks. Remove any collected debris. 5.13 Maintenance Plan Template for Existing Facilities 2 Outlet channel conditions downstream. Stabilize soil or remove obstructions as needed. Storage Volume Facilities shall be inspected to ensure that the constructed volume for detention is maintained. No sediment,topsoil,or other dumping into the facility shall be allowed. If a detention facility includes specific locations designed to accumulate sediment these locations should be dredged every 5-yrs or when 50%of the volume has been lost. Wet ponds lose 0.5 - 1.0%of their volume annually. Dredging is required when accumulated volume loss reaches 15%,or approximately every 15-20 years. Storm Sewers System is free draining into collection channels or catch basins. If concerned,clean or repair. Catch basins. Remove sediment when more than 50%of basin sump is filled. Siltation in Culvert. Culverts shall be checked for siltation deposit, clean out as necessary. Bridges Any scouring around wing walls. Stabilize and repair as needed. If concerned,hire a PE. Any undermining of footings. Stabilize and repair as needed. If concerned,hire a PE. Swales— All ditches or pipes connecting ponds in series should be checked for debris that may block flow. Repair and replace permanent check-dams as necessary. Verify systems (both drainage ditches and sideyard swales) are maintaining originally constructed design slope and cross-sectional area. If fill or sediment contributes to elevation changes in swale, re-grading and re-shaping shall be performed. Licensed surveyors shall be hired to lay-out and check grades. No landscaping, earthen fill, gardens, or other obstructions(including sheds and other structures) shall be allowed in the swales that would impede design drainage flow patterns. Vegetated Areas— Need for planting,reseeding or sodding of native areas. Supplement alternative native vegetation if a significant portion has not established(50%of the surface area). Reseed with alternative grass species if original grass cover has not successfully established. Need for planting,reseeding or sodding of turf areas. Supplement alternative native vegetation if a significant portion has not established(75%of the surface area). 5.13 Maintenance Plan Template for Existing Facilities 3 Reseed with alternative grass species if original grass cover has not successfully established. Invasive vegetation(refer to the Native Plant Guide for Streams and Stormwater Facilities in Northeastern Illinois,or hire an environmental or landscape specialist, or hire an environmental or landscape specialist). Remove as necessary. Wetland Buffers— Inspect for evidence of erosion or concentrated flows through or around the buffer. All eroded areas should be repaired, seeded and mulched. A shallow stone trench should be installed as a level spreader to distribute flows evenly in any area showing concentrated flows. All existing undergrowth, forest floor duff layer,and leaf litter must remain undisturbed except in designated paths or permitted encroachment areas. No tree cutting is allowed except for normal maintenance of dead,diseased and damaged trees or;the culling of invasive,noxious or non-native species that are to be replaced by more desirable and native vegetation. A buffer must maintain a dense,complete and vigorous cover of"non-lawn" vegetation which should not be mowed no more than once a year. Vegetation may include grass and other herbaceous species as well as shrubs and trees. Use or maintenance activities within the buffer shall be conducted so as to prevent damage to vegetation and exposure of soil. 5.13 Maintenance Plan Template for Existing Facilities 4 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM MAINTENANCE PLAN FOR NEW FACILITIES Subject: SUCH PROPERTY BEING THE REAL PROPERTY NOW DULY PLATTED AS ,AS SUCH PLAT IS NOW RECORDED AS DOCUMENT NO. IN THE OFFICE OF THE RECORDER OF DEEDS OF THE COUNTY OF KENDALL,STATE OF ILLINOIS,HEREBY MAKES THE FOLLOWING DECLARATIONS OF MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITIES. Responsibilities Adequate provisions for maintenance of the stormwater system are an essential aspect of long-term drainage performance. Responsibility for the overall maintenance shall rest with the Purpose and Ob'ec� five: Detention and water quality treatment facilities, storm sewers,swales and native vegetation/buffer areas define a development's stormwater management system. When land is altered to build homes and other developments,the natural system of trees and plants is replaced with impervious surfaces like sidewalks,streets,decks,roofs,driveways,or lawns over highly compacted soils. As a result more rain water/storm water flows off the land at a faster rate and less rain water is absorbed into the soil. This can lead to streambank erosion,downstream flooding and increased concentrations of pollutants. The storm water management system was designed to help slow the rate of runoff from the development and improve the quality of the stone water leaving the site. Interpretation as to Requirements Under This Maintenance Plan: The requirement for this Maintenance Plan is generated by the City of Yorkville Ordinance 2009-78. The interpretation of the maintenance requirements set forth in this Maintenance Plan shall be interpreted on the basis of the intent and requirements of said Ordinance. Inspection Frequency Inspection experience will determine the required cleaning frequencies for the components of the stormwater management system. At a minimum,the attached checklist items should be inspected annually. Detention ponds(including the outlet control structure and restrictors)should be inspected on a monthly basis during wet weather conditions from March to November. 5.14 Maintenance Plan Template for New Facilities 1 Maintenance Considerations: Whenever possible,maintenance activities should be performed during the inspection. These activities should be supplemented by repair/replacement as required. A Registered Professional Engineer(PE)shall be hired for design resolution of specific items as indicated on the checklist below. Cost Considerations: Frequent maintenance program work execution will lead to less frequent and less costly long- term maintenance and repair. The attached checklist items may need to be amended based on experience recorded over the initial period of occupancy of the development. Record Keeping_ Separate and distinct records shall be maintained by the responsible party for all tasks performed associated with this plan. The records shall include the dates of maintenance visits,who performed the inspection,and a description of the work performed. ,the owner's agent,has caused these presents to be signed and acknowledged, this day of 12 By: 5.14 Maintenance Plan Template for New Facilities 2 Post-Construction Stormwater Management System Inspection Checklist The following checklist describes the suggested routine inspection items and recommended measures to be taken to ensure that the Stormwater Management System functions as designed. When hiring a PE is the recommended measure,the PE shall inspect,evaluate and recommend corrective actions. The General section outlines items that should be taken into consideration during inspection and maintenance activities. While performing an overall inspection of your system,please check for the following items. General- • Litter and debris shall be controlled. • Accumulated sediment shall be disposed of properly, along with any wastes generated during maintenance operations. • Riprap areas shall be repaired with the addition of new riprap, as necessary, of adequate size and shape. • Roads and parking lots shall be swept or vacuumed on a periodic basis. • Access path to storm water management facilities should be free from obstructions (woodpiles, sheds,vegetation). • Fences,gates and posts shall be maintained. • Signs shall be maintained. Dams and berms Settlement. If settlement observed,hire a PE. Breaks or failures. If failure observed,notify the Village immediately and hire a PE. Erosion. Repair as needed. Signs of leakage,seepage or wet spots. If observed,hire a PE. Unwanted growth or vegetation. Remove as needed. Shorelines Erosion or rip-rap failures. Repair as needed Undermining. Stabilize and repair as needed. Outlet and inlet structure Obstructions blocking outlet pipe,restrictor,channel or spillway. Remove obstructions immediately. Separation of joints. Repair as needed. Cracks,breaks,or deterioration of concrete. Repair as needed Scour and erosion at outlet. If observed,repair(consider additional or alternative stabilization methods). Condition of trash racks. Remove any collected debris. Outlet channel conditions downstream. Stabilize soil or remove obstructions as needed. 5.14 Maintenance Plan Template for New Facilities 3 Storage Volume Facilities shall be inspected to ensure that the constructed volume for detention is maintained. No sediment,topsoil,or other dumping into the facility shall be allowed. If a detention facility includes specific locations designed to accumulate sediment these locations should be dredged every 5-yrs or when 50%of the volume has been lost. Wet ponds lose 0.5 - 1.0%of their volume annually. Dredging is required when accumulated volume loss reaches 15%,or approximately every 15-20 years. Storm Sewers System is free draining into collection channels or catch basins. Clean and/or repair as necessary. Catch basins. Remove sediment when more than 50%of basin sump is filled. Siltation in Culvert. Culverts shall be checked for siltation deposit, clean out as necessary. Bridges Any scouring around wing walls. Stabilize and repair as needed. If concerned,hire a PE. Any undermining of footings. Stabilize and repair as needed. If concerned,hire a PE. Swales— All ditches or pipes connecting ponds in series should be checked for debris that may block flow. Repair and replace permanent check-dams as necessary. Verify systems (both drainage ditches and sideyard swales) are maintaining originally constructed design slope and cross-sectional area. If fill or sediment contributes to elevation changes in swale, re-grading and re-shaping shall be performed. Licensed surveyors shall be hired to lay-out and check grades. No landscaping, earthen fill, gardens, or other obstructions (including sheds and other structures) shall be allowed in the swales that would impede design drainage flow patterns. Vegetated Areas— Need for planting,reseeding or sodding of native areas. Supplement alternative native vegetation if a significant portion has not established(50%of the surface area). Reseed with alternative grass species if original grass cover has not successfully established. Need for planting,reseeding or sodding of turf areas. Supplement alternative native vegetation if a significant portion has not established(75%of the surface area). Reseed with alternative grass species if original grass cover has not successfully established. 5.14 Maintenance Plan Template for New Facilities 4 Invasive vegetation(refer to the Native Plant Guide for Streams and Stormwater Facilities in Northeastern Illinois,or hire an environmental or landscape specialist). Remove as necessary. Wetland Buffers— Inspect for evidence of erosion or concentrated flows through or around the buffer. All eroded areas should be repaired, seeded and mulched. A shallow stone trench should be installed as a level spreader to distribute flows evenly in any area showing concentrated flows. All existing undergrowth,forest floor duff layer, and leaf litter must remain undisturbed except in designated paths or permitted encroachment areas. No tree cutting is allowed except for normal maintenance of dead,diseased and damaged trees or;the culling of invasive,noxious or non-native species that are to be replaced by more desirable and native vegetation. A buffer must maintain a dense,complete and vigorous cover of"non-lawn" vegetation which should not be mowed more than once a year. Vegetation may include grass and other herbaceous species as well as shrubs and trees. Use or maintenance activities within the buffer shall be conducted so as to prevent damage to vegetation and exposure of soil. 5.14 Maintenance Plan Template for New Facilities 5 circ, Jt� o� United City of Yorkville County Seat of Kendall County WE „y„,.tie 800 Game Farm Road Yorkville,Illinois 60560 Telephone:630-553-8545 Fax:630-553-3436 LE ` Website:www.yorkville.il.us STORM WATER BASIN ANNUAL INSPECTION REPORT Basin Address and/or Location: Basin Type(circle): Dry Detention Wet Detention Naturalized Owner Name: Owner Contact Number: Owner Address: Owner Email: Maintainer Name: Maintainer Contact Number: Maintainer Address: Maintainer Email: Inspection Date: Submittal Date: Complete ONLY the"Annual Inspection Items”and sign below for all years between 51 Year Inspections. The 51 Year Inspection to be completed entirely by a professional engineer,licensed in the State of Illinois. See Page 2 for more information regarding 51 Year Inspection requirements. ANNUAL INSPECTION ITEMS CIRCLE`YES'OR`NO'FOR ALL ITEMS BELOW A. Has debris or trash accumulated?.................................................... YES NO B. Has sediment accumulated?.......................................................... YES NO C. Are noxious weeds present that prevent the desired vegetation from growing properly? YES NO D. Is there exposed soil not covered with vegetation,mulch,or other non-erodable material? YES NO E. Is soil erosion present along standing or moving surface water? YES NO F. Is soil erosion present at basin sides,inlet,or outlet? YES NO G. Are holes present from animals,or is there undesirable soil loss? YES NO H. Is algae or stagnant moisture present? YES NO I. Are unpleasant odors emerging? YES NO J. Are wet or soggy areas present that prevent desired vegetation from growing? YES NO K. Is runoff entering or leaving the basin in a manner which prevents proper function of its inflow or outflow systems? YES NO L. Does flow out of basin occur in a manner that creates erosion or damage to adjacent property? YES NO M. Are the basin functions impaired? YES NO N. Other items and comments: O. Corrective measures for all`YES'answers above: ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES IF NECESSARY,TO PROPERLY DOCUMENT INSPECTION. THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IS AN ACCURATE AND CURRENT DESCRIPTION OF THE BASIN AT THIS LOCATION: SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME DATE: SMPP 5.15 Stormwater Basin Inspection Report PAGE 1 of 2 The 5'Year Inspection must be completed entirely by a professional engineer,licensed in the State of Illinois. The 51 Year Inspection shall include at a minimum,the annual inspection items shown on Page 1 and the 5'Year Inspection items shown below: 51H YEAR INSPECTION ITEMS A. ASSESSMENT OF ANY PIPE,RIPRAP,AND STRUCTURES PRESENT: (i.e.Is there a need for replacement or maintenance of basin components?) ................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................. B. GENERAL ASSESSMENT OF THE BASIN: (i.e.Does the basin appear to function properly?Modifications recommended for improved function) ................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................. C. ASSESSEMENT OF BASIN ELEVATIONS: (i.e.Are major storm overflow paths and elevations unchanged from the as-built plans?) (NOTE:the elevation reasonableness check is intended to be a visual check for large settlement,channel erosion, or basin modifications,and not a requirement for a survey.) ................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................. D. ASSESSMENT OF BASIN VOLUMES: (i.e.Is there evidence of basin changes affecting the storage volume from that shown on the as-built plans?) (NOTE:The volume reasonableness check is intended to be a visual check for large accumulations of sediment or basin modifications,and not a requirement for a survey.) ................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................. E. OTHER ITEMS AND COMMENTS: (i.e.Safety,shelf,etc.) ................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................. F. CORRECTIVE MEASURES NEEDED: ................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................. ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES IF NECESSARY,TO PROPERLY DOCUMENT INSPECTION. THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IS AN ACCURATE AND CURRENT DESCRIPTION OF THE BASIN AT THIS LOCATION: SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME DATE: ENGINEER'S SEAL FOR 51H YEAR INSPECTION PAGE 2 of 2 SMPP 5.15 Stormwater Basin Inspection Report I r -Mims1 - MIN Lill Incident 11D: Responder Information Call taken by: Call date: Call time: Precipitation(inches)in past 2448 hrs: Reporter Information Incident time: Incident date: Caller contact information(optionab: Incident Location (complete one or more belox9 Latitude and longitude: Stream address or outfall M Closest street address: Nearby landmark: Primary Location Description Secondary Location Description: El Stream corridor ❑Outfall Itt or n teem to#nWnt ❑In-stream flowTO Along banks ❑Upland area ❑Near storm drain Near other water source(storm water pond,wetland,etc.): (Land not o' ¢ to stream) Narrative description of location: Upland Problem Indicator Description Dumping ❑Oil/solvents/chemicals ❑Sewage ❑Wash water,suds,etc. ❑Other: Stream Corridor Problem Indicator Description ❑ Odor None ❑Sewage E]Rancid/Sour E]Petroleum(gas) _ LJ Sulfide(rotten eggs); natural: as ❑Other:Describe in"Narrative"section ❑ Appearance "Normal" ❑Oil sbeen ❑Cloudy ❑Suds ❑Other:Describe in"Narrative"section Floatables ❑None: ElSewage(toilet paper,etc) ❑Algae ❑Dead fish ❑Other:Describe in"Narrative"section Narrative description of problem indicators: Suspected Violator(name,personal or vehicle description,license plate tt etc.): 5.16 illicit Discharge Tracking Form Investigation Notes Initial investigation date: Investigators: No investigation made Reason: Referred to different departmentlagency: Department/Agency: Investigated:No action necessary Lj Investigated:Requires action Description of actions: Hours between call and investigation: Hours to close incidents Date case closed: Notes: 5.16 Illicit Discharge Tracking Form City of Yorkville Illicit Discharge Summary Form Incident Date Flow Color 'Turbidity Odor? Oil Vegetation Remarks ID No. Observed? Sheen? 5.17 Illicit Discharge Summary Form Stormwater Outfall Inspection Form Section 1:Iia' round Data Subwatershed: Outfall ID: Date: Time(Military): Temperature: Inspector(s): Previous 48 Hours Preci itation: Photo's Taken(Y/N) If yes,Photo Numbers: Land Use in Drainage Area(Check all that apply). ❑Open Space ❑Industrial ❑Institutional ❑Residential Other: ❑Commercial Known Industries: Section 2:Outfall Description LOCATION MATERIAL SHAPE DIMEN SIONS SUBMERGED ❑RCP [I CMP ❑Circular ❑Single In Water: ❑PVC ❑HDPE Diameter/Dimensi ❑No Storm Sewer ❑Elliptical ❑Double one (�Partially ❑Steel ❑Fully (Closed Pipe) ❑Box ❑Triple With Sediment: ❑Clay/draintile ❑No ❑Other: ❑Other:. Partially ❑Other: ❑Fully ❑Concrete ❑Trapezoid Depth: Open drainage ❑Earthen (swale/ditch) rip-rap ❑Parabolic Top Width: ❑ ❑Other: Bottom Width: ❑Other: Section 3:,Pi sical Indicators INDICATOR CHECK If DESCRIPTION COMMENTS Prasent E3 ❑Spalling,Cracking or Chipping ❑ Peeling Paint Outfall Damage ❑Corrosion Deposits/Stains 0• ❑Oily []Flow Line ❑Paint ❑Other: Abnormal Vegetation ❑ ❑Excessive ❑Inhibited Poor pool quality ❑ Odors Colors Flostables Oil Sheen Suds -.Excessive At Other. Pipe algae/growth ❑ ❑Brown ❑Orange ❑Green ❑Other: Do physical indictors suggest an illicit discharge is present(Y/N): Flow Present? 0 Yes ❑No If No,Ship to Section 7 and Close Illicit Discharge Inveft Hon Flow Description ❑Trickle ❑Moderate ❑Substantial 5.18 Storm Water Outfall Inspection Form Section 4:Ph' Ical indicators FIvMng Outfalls INDICATOR CHECK if DESCRIPTION RELATIVE SEVERITY INDEX(1-3) Present ❑Sewage ❑Rancid/sour ❑2—Easily 3—Noticeable ❑ Odor ❑ ❑Sulfide Petroleum/gas ❑ I—Faint detected from a ❑Laundry Other: distance ❑Clear ❑Brown Color ❑Gray ❑Yellow ❑ 1—Faint colors El2—Clearly El3—Clearly (color chart) ❑Green ❑Orange/Red in sample visible in sample visible in Multi-Color ❑Other: bottle bottle outfall flow Turbidity ❑ See severity blightcloudinesscloudiness [12—Cloudy ❑3—Opaque Floatables ❑Sewage ❑Suds and Foam ❑❑ Few 2—Some; -Does Not 11 ❑Petroleum(oil sheen) 1 /slight; indications ❑3-Some; Include Trash!! ❑Grease ❑Other: originn not obvious of origin origin clear Do physical indictors(flowing)suggest an illicit discharge is present(Y/N): Section 5:On-Site Sam lin /Testi Flow Outfalls Onl PARAMETER RESULT ACCEPTABLE RANGE ��1N EQUIPMENT Temperature NA NA Thermometer pH 6-9 5-in-1 Test Strip <3 mg/L April—Oct Ammonia <8 m Nov-March Test Strip Free Chlorine NA NA 5-in-I Test Strip Total Chlorine <0.05 mg/L 5-in-I Test Strip Phenols - <0„lm Test Kit >0,25 mg/L residential Detergents as Surfactants >5 m non-residential Test Kit Cop-per <0 025 m Test Strip Alkalinity NA NA 5-in-I Test Strip Hardness NA NA 5-in-1 Test Strip Sample Location (Note NA values used for future tracing. um�s}` Section 6:Data Collection for Labsee flow ctr l..Sample for the lab? Yes No 2.If collected from: 0 Flow [j,Pool PARAMETER RESULT(from lab) ACCEPTABLE WITHIN RANGE RANGE(Y/N) Fecal Coliform 400 per 100 mL Flouride Oa6 m Ammonium/Potas Potassium slum ratio or >20m I *note label sample with outfall number Section 7:Any Non-Illicit Discharge Concerns(e.g.,trash or needed infrastructure repairs)? 5.18 Storm Water Outfall Inspection Form 2 Outfall Inspection Procedure Flow Chart All Outfalls Do Physical Indicators NO is Flow Present? NO (Complete Sections 1,2&3 (Section 3)Suggest an Illicit of Inspection Data Form) Discharge? YES YES Is Flow Present? NO Schmule rollow-t.Fp inspection with-in 3 days Do Section 4 S Illicit Discham found. Complete Section 4 indicators suggest an Follow tracing pnxedurr � illicit discharge? NO Do Section 5 YES C t sC targe t1tt1l1�... Complete Section 5 indicators suggest an p gb Folk%~ tracing procedure l illicit discharge? NO Do Section 6 �� Complete Section 6 indicators suggest anComplete Section 7 illicit discharge`? YES Illicit Discharge found. Close out Illicit Discharge Follow tracing pros-edure Investigation E Instructions for completing the Stormwater Outfall Inspection Form Strike out incorrect entries with a single line; correct values or descriptions are written above or near the struck-out entries. Do not use a new data entry form to correct an incorrect entry. At the completion of each outfall inspection,the field crews are responsible for ensuring that a Stormwater Outfall Inspection Form has been completely and correctly filled out and that all data and remarks are legible. Section l: Background Data Sub-watershed: The receiving water from the stormwater outfall inventory to be entered here. Outfall ID: Enter the outfall identification number from the stormwater outfall inventory. Date: To avoid confusion,dates are be written in the following manner: DAY MONTH YEAR. For example, 10 MARCH 2007. Time: Military time(24-hour clock)to be used(for example, 8:30 a.m.would be written as 0830; likewise, 1:30 p.m.would be written as 1330). Temperature: A concise description of the weather conditions at the time of the screening is to be recorded(for example, Clear, 75o F). ec,�: The name(s)of the field personnel. Previous U Hours Precipitation,: The total amount of precipitation during the 48 hours preceding the inspection is to be noted(for example,none-72 Hours or 0"=4 days). If the total precipitation is not known, it is appropriate to enter a qualitative assessment if the precipitation was minor. For example,Drizzle-36 Hours if appropriate. If the precipitation amount was significant,actual precipitation totals is obtained from a local rain gage, if available. Photo's taken ff j�jft,): Photographs are to be taken with a camera that superimposes a date and time on the film. The date and time should correspond to the date and time recorded on the data form. P i o Numbers: If photographs are taken,the number(s) is recorded. L;an Use: Check all that apply,noting which land use is predominate. If the industrial box is checked,any known industries are listed to facilitate potential tracing efforts. 5.18 Storm Water Outfall Inspection Form Instructions i Section 2: Outfall Description Type of Outfall: Storm Sewer(Closed Pipe)or Open Drainage(Swale/Ditch)• First check if the outfall is either from a Closed Pipe or Open Drainage. Then complete the following row to describe outfall characteristics. Section 3: Physical Indicators Indicators: Complete rows describing outfall characteristics(Outfall Damage, Deposits/Stains,Abnormal Vegetation, Poor pool quality,Pipe algae/growth). This section is filled out regardless of current flow conditions. No flow during the time of the inspection,does not rule out the potential of illicit discharges. Corroding or stained pipes,dead or absence of vegetation,are potential indicators of illicit discharges from direct or indirect(i.e. dumping)sources. Likelihood: After inspecting the physical conditions of the outfall,the likelihood of an illicit discharge is assessed. Flow Present{Yds/hlok A Yes or No is entered here to indicate the presence or absence of dry-weather flow. If the outfall is submerged or inaccessible,"See Notes" is entered and an explanation provided in the"Notes" section. Flow Description: A description of the quantity of the dry-weather flow is provided. Refer to Figure 6 of the SMPP. Flow Chart Procedure: •If No is entered in the"Flow Present"block and no non-flowing physical indicators appear present the inspection can be closed,skip to Section 7 of the form. •If No is entered in the"Flow Present"block but indicators appear present,place the outfall on the follow-up inspection log,then the current inspection can be closed,skip to Section 7 of the form. •If Yes is entered in the"Flow Present"block(regardless of the presence of non- flowing physical indicators),complete remainder of Section and proceed to Section 4. Section 4: Physical Indicators(Flowing Outfalls Only) Complete rows describing outfall characteristics(Odor,Color,Turbidity,and Floatables). This section is filled out for flowing outfalls only. Odor: The presence of an odor is to be assessed by fanning the hand toward the nose over a wide-mouth container of the sample,keeping the sample about 6 to 8 inches from the face. Be careful not to be distracted by odors in the air. Provide a description of the odor, if present. 5.18 Storm Water Outfall Inspection Form Instructions Color: The presence of color in the discharge is to be assessed by filling a clean glass sample container with a portion of the grab sample and comparing the sample with a color chart, if color is present. If a color chart is used,the number corresponding to the color matching the sample is to be entered in this blank. Color is not assessed by looking into the discharge. Refer to Table 3 of the SMPP. Yurbidit "clarity": Turbidity is a measure of the clarity of water. Turbidity may be caused by many factors, including suspended matter such as clay, silt,or finely divided organic and inorganic matter. Turbidity is a measure of the optical properties that cause light to be scattered and not transmitted through a sample. The presence of turbidity is to be assessed by comparing the sample to clean glass sample container with colorless distilled water. Flo les: The presence of floating scum,foam,oil sheen,or other materials on the surface of the discharge are to be noted. Describe of any floatables present that are attributable to discharges from the outfall. Do not include trash originating from areas adjacent to the outfall in this observation. Likelihood: After inspecting the physical conditions of the outfall discharge,the likelihood of an illicit discharge is assessed. If flowing physical indicators are present the tracing procedure are immediately implemented by one of the field crew. The second member of the field crew continues with the inspection by performing the on-site testing in Section 5. Flow Chart Procedure: •If flowing physical indicators are present the tracing procedure is immediately implemented by one of the field crew. The second member of the field crew continues with the inspection by performing the on-site testing in Section 5. •If flowing physical indicators do not suggest an illicit discharge continue with the inspection by performing the on-site testing in Section 5. Section 5: On-Site Sampling/Testing(Flowing Outfalls Only) Parameters: Test strip or kit chemical analyses are conducted for the following parameters: • pH,test strip, • Color,color chart, • Chlorine,test strip, • Copper,test strip, o Ammonia,test strip, • Phenols,test kit,and • Detergents,test kit. 5.18 Storm Water Outfall Inspection Form Instructions i G Testing is done by either a test strip or test kit as applicable(refer to the equipment column). The results are compared with the"acceptable range"and the "within range" column is filled out with a Yes or No. Note that the Temperature,Alkalinity and Hardness are determined although these results do not need to be compared with an "acceptable range". These values are used to assist in determining the source of the illicit discharge during the tracing procedure. Sam ling Location: A description of the actual sampling location is to be recorded(for example,at end of outfall pipe). If the outfal I is submerged or is inaccessible for sampling,an upstream sampling location may be required. A description of any upstream sampling locations is recorded here. Grab samples are collected from the middle, both vertically and horizontally,of the dry-weather flow discharge in a critically cleaned glass container. Samples can be collected by manually dipping a sample container into the flow. Sampling Procedures: Use the following procedures for all test kit analyses: 1. Take a grab sample and swirl to ensure that the sample is well mixed. 2. Rinse the sample cup(25ml)twice with distilled water. Next,rinse the sample cup twice with water from the grab sample. 3. Fill the sample cup to the 25 ml mark,or as required by the instructions for the test kits. Hold the sample cup at eye level to ensure that measurements are accurate. 4. Conduct the test kit analyses following the manufacturer's instructions. 5. Dispose of the sample as follows: •If no chemical or reagents have been added to the sample,the water can be poured on the ground. •If aM chemical or reagent is added to the sample,pour the water into a container marked"Liquid Waste"for proper disposal to a sanitary sewer system at the end of the day. 6. Rinse the sample cup three times with tap water and dry with a paper towel. Flow Chart Procedure: •If any parameter is outside of the"acceptable range"then an illicit discharge has likely been found. The tracing procedure is immediately implemented by one of the field crew. Testing can be stopped,and the second member of the field crew continues with the inspection by completing Section 7. •If none of the parameters are outside of the acceptable range,proceed to Section 6. 5.18 Storm Water Outfall Inspection Form Instructions i i i Section 6: Data Collection for Lab Testing Determine if the Yorkville-Bristol Sanitary District has adequate staff capacity to analyze the samples. •If YBSD has adequate staff capacity,collect grab samples and provide them to YBSD. Note the location of the sample. Label the sample with the outfall ID number. Proceed to Section 7 while in the field and complete the remainder of Section 6 after the lab results are available. •If YBSD does not currently have adequate capacity,determine if Sections 3 or 4 of the inspection form suggest an illicit discharge. o If Sections 3 or 4 suggest an illicit discharge contact and outside lab to perform the testing. Proceed to Section 7 while in the field and complete the remainder of Section 6 after the lab results are available. o If Sections 3 or 4 do not suggest an illicit discharge, note the outfall ID number. Place the outfall on the follow-up inspection log and proceed to Section 7 of the form. Re-inspect and sample the discharge when YBSD has adequate capacity. S&Mle Location: The location of the sample is noted. Additionally,the sample is labeled with the outfall ID number. Use the city's sampling procedures. The following additional items are noted. 1. When you collect any samples you must fill out an Outfall Sampling Report. The report must document time you arrive on location,take the sample and get to the plant to drop off the sample. 2. A 500-m1 glass bottle sample is used to collect the sample. If you are collecting a sample that has grease 2-250ml samples taken with a glass container are required. 3. If you use the sampling container that is on a rope, it must be washed with soap and water after every use. Parameters: Grab samples and lab testing is performed. After lab results are available enter the results here. •If any parameter is outside of the"acceptable range"then an illicit discharge has likely been found. The tracing procedure should be immediately implemented. •If none of the parameters are outside of the acceptable then the investigation can be closed. Section 7: Any Non-Illicit Discharge Concerns Any problems or unusual features are to be entered here. If the outfall appears to be potentially impacted by inappropriate discharges,this can be recorded here. This section is to be completed even if no flow is observed. 5.18 Storm Water Outfall Inspection Form Instructions City of Yorkville Outfall Inspection Summary Form Outtall Inspection Flow Color Turbidity Odor? Oil Scum? Floatables? Vegetation Remarks ID No. Date Observed? Sheen? 5.19 Outfall Inspection Summary Form i I f i I Stormwater Pollution Found in Your Area! This is not a citation. This is to inform you that our staff found the following pollutants In the storm sewer system in your area.This storm sewer system leads directly to 0 Motor oil 0 Oil filters 0 An tlfreeze/ transmission fluid Q Paint E3 Solvent/degreaser 0 Cooking grease 0 Detergent 0 Home improvement waste (concrete, mortar) *Pet waste *Yard waste (leaves, grass,mulch) 0 Excessive dirt and gravel 0 Trash ❑Construction debris Q Pesticides and fertilizers 0 Other For more iaforotatton or to report an Inegal discharge of pollutants.please call: United City of Yorkville 630-553-4350 ' coEPA ,,, �e ,T DRAINS EnnviUnitirronm�enntal Protection EPA 833-F-03-002 Agency April 2003 Stormwater runoff is precipitation from rain or snowmelt that flows over the ground. As it flows, it can pick up debris,chemic als,dirt,and other pollutants and deposit them into a storm sewer system or waterbody. Anything that enters a storm sewer system is discharged untreated into the waterbodies we use for swimming,fishing,and providing drinking water. Remember: Only Rain Down the Drain To keep the stormwater leaving your home or workplace clean,follow these simple guidelines; ♦ Use pesticides and fertilizers sparingly. 6 Repair auto leaks. ♦ Dispose of ` household hazardous waste,used auto fluids (antifreeze,oil,etc.),and batteries at designated collection or recycling locations. • Clean up after your pet. ♦ Use a commercial car wash or wash your car on a lawn or other unpaved surface. ♦ Sweep up yard debris rather than hosing down areas.Compost or recycle yard waste when possible. ♦ Clean paint brushes in a sink,not outdoors. Properly dispose of excess paints through a household hazardous waste collection program. • Sweep up and property .b dispose of construction debris like concrete and mortar.