Resolution 2005-20 I STATE OF ILLINOIS ) )ss COUNTY OF KENDALL ) RESOLUTION NO. 2005 - Q:::)_ RESOLUTION APPROVING AGREEMENT WITH Engineering Enterprises, Inc FOR Raymond Regional Stormwater Management Facility WHEREAS, the City Council of the United City of Yorkville has considered approval of an agreement with Engineering Enterprises Inc. ( "EEI ") for Design and Construction Engineering Services for the Raymond Regional Stormwater Management Facility; and WHEREAS, a copy of said agreement dated is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A "; and NOW THEREFORE, upon Motion duly made, seconded and approved by the majority of those members of the City Council voting, the Agreement in the form set forth in Exhibit "A" is hereby approved subject to receipt of funding, and the Mayor and City Clerk are authorized to execute said Agreement on behalf of the United City of Yorkville. WANDA OHARE JOSEPH BESCO VALERIE BURD PAUL JAMES LARRY KOT MARTY MUNNS ROSE SPEARS RICHARD STICKA c. Approved by me, as Mayor of the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois, this \a Day of 04 , A.D. 2005. MAYO Passed by the City Council of the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois this xa day of , A.D. 2005. ATTEST: v CITY CLERK Prepared by: John Justin Wyeth City Attorney United City of Yorkville 800 Game Farm Road Yorkville, IL 60560 52 Wheeler Road • Sugar Grove, IL 60554 TEL: 630/466 -9350 FAX: 630/466 -9380 www.eelwob.com Englnssring Ent4bvpvle4be. Inc. March 30, 2005 Mr. Joseph A. Wywrot, P.E. City Engineer United City of Yorkville 800 Game Farm Road Yorkville, IL 60560 Re: Design and Construction Engineering Services for the Raymond Regional Stormwater Management Facility, United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois Dear Mr. Wywrot: Thank you for the opportunity to submit this proposal for professional services, consisting of civil engineering and land surveying services, for the above referenced project. Our proposal presents in more detail below the following items: Project Description, Scope of Services, Fees and Conditions, Qualifications and Acceptance. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The United City of Yorkville, hereinafter called Client, has requested a proposal from our firm to provide professional services for a Regional Stormwater Management Facility within the Raymond Drainage Area in Bristol Township, Kendall County, Illinois. SCOPE OF SERVICES Our firm proposes to furnish the necessary personnel, materials, equipment and transportation to make necessary investigations (exclusive of subsurface soil sampling and testing, drain tile investigations, wetland delineations or investigations, archaeological studies, endangered species studies and NPDES permitting), analyses and designs to perform field and office professional services for the above referenced project, in accordance with the detailed scope of services listed below and accepted civil engineering and land surveying practices. Consulting Engineers Specialising In Civil Engineering and Land Surveying Mr. Joseph A. Wywrot, P.E. March 30, 2005 Page 2 Preliminary Desiqn Services The preliminary design services for this project which were required for timely decisions during review of area developments have been performed during the development review process for Bristol Bay, in which this facility will be primarily located. Our preliminary findings, calculations and design have led us to conclude that this project is indeed feasible. Billing for the work we have performed to date will be covered by the Lump Sum Final Design Services in this proposal. Final Desiqn Services To help ensure quality in the improvement plans, our Project Manager will coordinate the activities of our design team and the desires of the Client. Major individual work items are described in more detail as follows: Easement Documents Easement documents may be required on adjoining property which currently lies within the existing depressional storage area in order to properly design the basin without having to construct berms along the southerly, easterly and westerly property lines of the proposed basin parcel. In this regard, we will research the County Recorder's office to recover any public documentation that is available which discloses the creation, rights, responsibilities and jurisdiction of the Raymond Drainage District. If the Drainage District is inactive and no Directors survive, this documentation will allow the City to better negotiate with affected property owners where easements may be required. If the District is still active we will assist the City in presenting this project to the District for their required approvals, if any. Improvement Plans A complete set of improvement plans will be provided detailing the design of the regional stormwater management facility. We will utilize computer modeling to evaluate the entire tributary area in both the existing and proposed conditions. All tributary areas which are providing on -site stormwater management facilities, such as those in neighboring municipalities, will be modeled in their proposed conditions as well. We will work closely with the City Parks Department and the City's Planning Consultants to take in to consideration the proposed park and open space facilities which will be constructed adjacent to the stormwater management area. We will also coordinate the final design with considerations for any portions of this facility which may be used for wetland mitigation purposes. Special Provisions and Contract Proposal A complete set of detailed special provisions will be prepared to govern the construction of the proposed improvements. The contract proposal will be utilized in securing bids from contractors for construction of the project. G :\Public \Yorkville\2004 \Y00407 Raymond Drainage District Regional Detention Analysis \Doc\ppl01 Final.doc I Mr. Joseph A. Wywrot, P.E. March 30, 2005 Page 3 Cost Estimate An engineer's opinion of probable construction cost will be prepared, based on the summary of quantities prepared as part of the improvement plans. Since the proposed improvement is of regional benefit, we will prepare exhibits detailing the benefited properties and propose alternate methods of distributing project costs to those properties. Other properties, not tributary to the regional basin, but which will greatly benefit from its construction will be included in the cost sharing analysis. Contract Award We will assist the Client in the receipt and evaluation of proposals and the awarding of the construction contract. Construction Services To help ensure quality in the constructed project, our Project Manager will continue his involvement in the project for the various activities during construction. Major individual work items are described in more detail below as follows: Construction Administration To ensure that the contractor will meet the requirements of the contract proposal, our firm will administer the execution of the contract documents, conduct a pre- construction conference and certify payouts when requested by the contractor. Construction Stakinq Engineering Enterprises, Inc. will provide line and grade construction staking to enable the contractor to roceed with his work through a field interpretation of the improvement plans. One p 9 p p p staking will be provided at critical locations for the proposed improvements. If the selected contractor has reliable electronic capability to assist In the performance of the earthwork portion of the contract, a computer file of the existing and proposed topography for the project will be made available, thus potentially reducing the construction staking estimate portion of this proposal. Record Drawings Upon completion of all construction activities for this project, the original drawings will be modified to reflect record information to be provided by the contractors. One (1) set of reproducible sepia mylar drawings, two (2) sets of blueline prints of the record drawings and one (1) electronic file in an acceptable format will be furnished to the Client. Construction Observation To determine the general conformance with the improvement plans and contract proposal, Engineering Enterprises, Inc. will provide periodic observation of the work performed by 1, contractors and will report our findings to the Client. G: \Public \Yorkville\2-004\Y00407 Raymond Drainage District Regional Detention Analysis \Doc\pp101 Final.doc Mr. Joseph A. Wywrot, P.E. March 30, 2005 Page 4 FEES AND CONDITIONS The proposed methods of payment for the required professional engineering and land surveying services are at Lump Sum (LS), Hourly (HR), and /or Actual Cost (AC) fees for the various classifications of employees who will perform the work as listed on the attached Standard Schedule of Charges dated January 1, 2005. A brief explanation of the reasons for the various proposed Lump Sum and Hourly and /or Actual Cost fees is in order and is as follows: 1. The proposed Lump Sum fee is for work that is clearly defined and is under our control; 2. The proposed Hourly fee is for work that is subject to unknown conditions, experience of the contractors, and other conditions that are not under our control; and 3. The proposed Actual Cost fee is for work and /or expenses the exact cost of which cannot be determined in advance. The proposed methods and amounts of payment for Final Design Services is as follows: $69,500 Lump Sum. The proposed methods and amounts of payment for Construction Engineering Services are as follows: Construction Administration - $ 9,000 Lump Sum; Construction Staking - $ 32,500 (estimated) Hourly; - Record Drawings - $ 4,800 Lump Sum; and Construction Observation - $24,000 (estimated) Hourly. Therefore, the total estimated Lump Sum and Hourly fees for Final Design and Construction Services is $139,800. The proposed method of payment for reproduction services for plans and /or plats is at the rate of $1.50 per sheet for blueline prints and $3.00 per sheet for mylar sheets reproduced by our firm or at the actual cost of reproduction services provided by our vendors. In the alternative, the Client may borrow the original drawings, make the necessary reproductions and return the original drawings to our firm. Payment for all work will be based on invoices submitted periodically by our firm, but not more frequently than monthly as the work progresses. Invoices will be payable by the Client within 30 days of the date of the invoice. Additional assignments not described above will be performed at an hourly rate for the various classifications of employees who will perform the work as listed on the attached Standard Schedule of Charges dated January 1, 2005, or in accordance with a separate proposal. GAPublic \Yorkville\2004 \Y00407 Raymond Drainage District Regional Detention Analysis \Doc\ppl01 Final.doc Mr. Joseph A. Wywrot, P.E. March 30, 2005 Page 5 QUALIFICATIONS Engineering Enterprises, Inc. is actively engaged in the planning, design and construction of both public and private improvement projects requiring professional engineering and land surveying services in Northern Illinois. We have invested in the most current technological equipment to provide quality field investigations and accurate drawings with rapid and cost effective survey, design and construction document production and revision capabilities. Our Hydrology and Hydraulics staff has the experience, enthusiasm and commitment to provide the required design services in a reliable, timely and cost effective manner for this most challenging and exciting regional stormwater management project. While various members of our firm will perform the work on this project, the principal contact person with our firm will be John T. Whitehouse, P.E., P.L.S., Senior Project Manager. Jeffrey W. Freeman, P.E., Senior Project Manager will also be available as necessary to ensure the satisfactory completion of the project. ACCEPTANCE If selected, we will give our full attention to the project so that it may be constructed as soon as practicable, consistent with performance of our services, and other considerations. If the Project Description, Scope of Services, and Fees and Conditions, as cited above are satisfactory, please indicate your acceptance by signing both of the enclosed proposals and returning one of them to us for our records. We welcome the opportunity to submit this proposal for professional services to you for your consideration. We look forward to working with and for you on this exciting project. Respectfully submitted, ENGINEERING ENTERPRISES, INC. John T. Whitehouse, P.E., P.L.S. Senior Project Manager Enclosures GAPublic\Yorkville\2004 \Y00407 Raymond Drainage District Regional Detention Analysis\Do6pp101Finai.doc Mr. Joseph A. Wywrot, P.E. March 30, 2005 Page 6 AGREEMENT All terms and conditions to this Agreement for Professional Services Accepted this \a day of Qom; 0 , 2005. B y v J U� UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE Organization 800 Game Farm Road Address Yorkville IL 60560 City State Zip Accepted this day of YX , 2005. ENGINEERING ENTERPRISES, INC. Organization 52 Wheeler Road Address �����aa�ntunrrr EN TE Suaar Grove IL 60554 = \4,�G -...... City State Zip ��!: • 184 -2003 (62- 28667) L N �' S1 PROFESSIONAL )� DESIGN "Z - B � FIRM Senior Project Manager %;�' ` OF By Caia^ - Secretary G: \Public\Yorkville\2004 \Y00407 Raymond Drainage District Regional Detention Analysis \Doc \pp101 Final.doc 52 Wheeler Road • Sugar Grove, IL 60554 TEL: 630/466 -9350 FAX: 630/466 -9380 lit STANDARD SCHEDULE OF CHARGES www.eeiweb.com January 1, 2005 Englnssring Enterprises. Inc. EMPLOYEE DESIGNATION CLASSIFICATION HOURLY RATE Principal Engineer E -3 $138.00 Senior Project Manager E -2 $126.00 Project Manager E -1 $114.00 Senior Project Engineer /Surveyor P -5 $102.00 Project Engineer /Surveyor P -4 $ 93.00 Senior Engineer /Surveyor P -3 $ 84.00 Engineer /Surveyor P -2 $ 75.00 Associate Engineer /Surveyor P -1 $ 66.00 Senior' Project Technician T -5 $ 93.00 Project Technician T -4 $ 84.00 Senior Technician T -3 $ 75.00 Technician T -2 Technl $ 66.00 Associate Technician T -1 $ 57.00 Secretary A -3 $ 66.00 VEHICLES, EQUIPMENT AND REPROGRAPHICS Vehicle for Construction Observation VEH $ 10.00 Global Positioning System Equipment GPS $ 25.00 Scanning ($1.50 per Sheet) SCA N/A Reproduction ($1.50 per Sheet) REP N/A G: \EEI\DOCS \FORMS \GENERAL \STADS0105.DOC Consulting Engineers Specialising in Civil Engineering and Land Surveying