Resolution 2005-24 STATE OF ILLINOIS )
Engineering Enterprises, Inc.
Professional Engineering Services for a Feasibility Study of a
Western Roadway Corridor Between U.S. Route 34 and Base Line Road
United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois
WHEREAS, the City Council of the United City of Yorkville has considered
approval of an agreement with Engineering Enterprises, Inc. for Professional Engineering
Services for a Feasibility Study of a Western Roadway Corridor Between U.S. Route 34
and Base Line Road, United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois; and
WHEREAS, a copy of said agreement is attached hereto and incorporated herein as
Exhibit "A "; and
NOW THEREFORE, upon Motion duly made, seconded and approved by the
majority of those members of the City Council voting, the Agreement in the form set
forth in Exhibit "A" is hereby approved, subject to identification and securing of
sufficient funding, and the Mayor and City Clerk are authorized to execute said
Agreement on behalf of the United City of Yorkville.
Approved by me, as Mayor of the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County,
Illinois, this Zlk, Day of A.D. 2005.
Passed by the City Council of the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County,
Illinois this A�,_ day of Q. T-i� , A.D. 2005.
Prepared by:
John Justin Wyeth
City Attorney
United City of Yorkville
800 Game Farm Road
Yorkville, IL 60560
52 Wheeler Road • Sugar Grove, IL 60554
TEL: 630/466 -9350
FAX: 630/466 -9380
April 15, 2005
Mayor Arthur F. Prochaska, Jr.
United City of Yorkville
800 Game Farm Road
Yorkville, IL 60560
Re: Professional Engineering Services Proposal for
Feasibility Study of a Western Roadway Corridor
Between U.S. Route 34 and Base Line Road
United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois
Dear Mayor Prochaska:
Thank you for the opportunity to submit this proposal for professional services, consisting of
professional civil engineering services, for the referenced project.
The roadway corridor that has been identified for this study is that 4.2 mile corridor between U.S.
Route 34 and Base Line Road which lies approximately one mile west of Illinois Route 47, also
being about midway between Route 47 and Eldamain Road. Beecher Road, which occupies a 2.5
mile segment between Faxon Road and Galena Road, is the only existing road within this corridor.
Considering the existing traffic on Route 47 and the extreme development interest on the north
side of the City, the need for an additional major collector to move traffic in this area of the City is
unquestionable. Obviously, funding for construction of a roadway within this corridor is a major
concern, but the first step in analyzing funding options for this or any other roadway project is a
feasibility study which identifies potential costs and alternatives.
Our proposal presents in more detail below the following items: Project Description, Scope of
Services, Fees and Conditions, Qualifications and Acceptance. As always, we appreciate your
consideration of this proposal and look forward to working with you and the United City of Yorkville
in studying the all too important project.
Consulting Engineers Specializing in Civil Engineering and Land Surveying
Mayor Arthur F. Prochaska, Jr.
United City of Yorkville
April 15, 2005
Page 2 of 9
The United - City of Yorkville, (City), hereinafter called Client, has developed a 2030 Transportation
Plan, in which is proposed a western roadway corridor, from Base Line Road, following the general
alignment of Beecher Road, with a southerly extension across the Fox River and with a potential
connection to Greenbriar Road. In the pursuit of assistance to the City and to expeditiously
respond to the need to alleviate traffic congestion within the Illinois Route 47 corridor as
development activities continue, Engineering Enterprises, Inc. respectfully submits this proposal.
Engineering Enterprises, Inc. proposes to provide professional engineering services for a Western
Roadway Corridor Feasibility Study from U.S. Route 34 northerly, crossing Rob Roy Creek, Faxon
Road, the BNSF Railroad, Corneils Road and Galena Road, to Base Line Road, a distance of
approximately 4.2 miles, as shown on the attached Exhibit A. Both an above grade and a below
grade structure for the crossing of the BNSF Railroad will be studied.
Our firm proposes to furnish the necessary personnel, materials, equipment and transportation to
make necessary investigations, measurements, computations and analyses to perform
professional engineering services for the above referenced project with the understanding that
local or private financing will be utilized to fund the project. Funding assistance from the Illinois
Department of Transportation and Illinois Commerce Commission Grade Crossing Protection Fund
will be explored and solicited. The Feasibility Study will be prepared in accordance with the detailed
scope of services listed below. Major work items are described in more detail as follows:
Task 1 — Area Transportation Overview /Background
The United City of Yorkville and surrounding communities are experiencing rapid
development and the associated increases in traffic volumes. The main impediment to
moving north -south traffic is obviously the capacity of Illinois Route 47. There are a number
of studies that have been prepared that included crossings of the Fox River such as the
Prairie Parkway Study, the Eldamain Road Study and the east side river crossing study.
The timing, feasibility and implementation of these projects will be reviewed as they relate to
this study.
Task 2 — Data Collection
An inventory of the existing and proposed roadways (inclusive of all known proposed
subdivisions) in the study area will be conducted to determine the existing and proposed
roadway cross sections, intersection geometrics, profiles and speed limits.
Mechanical traffic counts will be conducted to determine hourly volumes throughout the day
and will also classify vehicles by type. These counts, at a minimum, will be conducted on
U.S. Route 34, Faxon Road, Corneils Road, Galena Road and Base Line Road.
Mayor Arthur F. Prochaska, Jr.
United City of Yorkville
April 15, 2005
Page 3 of 9
Traffic data collection will include but will not be limited to: the United City of Yorkville
Transportation and Land Use Plans and traffic accident data; Kendall County Highway
Department right -of -way, roadway improvements, traffic volume, and land use planning
data; Illinois Department of Transportation right -of -way, traffic volume, roadway
improvements data, railroad data and the Chicago Area Transportation Study traffic volume
Research and identification of any programmed City, County or State transportation
improvements in /or adjacent to the study area will be researched and provided. Major
planned improvements in adjacent municipalities will also be evaluated for their potential
impact in handling increased traffic volumes.
Task 3 — Traffic Proiections /Assianments
The basic project scope is to determine the feasibility of developing an alternative local
north /south transportation connection between U.S. Route 34 and Base Line Road, located
approximately midway between Illinois Route 47 and Eldamain Road.
The new road connections and extensions will alter existing travel patterns in the area. To
determine the impact these traffic alterations will have on area roadways and intersections,
projections for 20 year volumes will be prepared. The available existing traffic data and
collected traffic data will be used as a base for the projections. The projections will be
prepared for average daily traffic and the AM and PM peak hours at the following
intersections with the proposed roadway corridor:
• U.S. Route 34
• Faxon Road
• Corneils Road
• Galena Road
• Base Line Road
These projections will be forwarded to the Chicago Area Transportation Study for their
Task 4 — Intersection Analvses
The projected peak hour traffic volumes will be used to determine the preliminary capacity
and geometric needs of the proposed roadway and of the intersection connections as noted
Task 5 — Environmental Inventory
An environmental reconnaissance and review of the existing and potential issues,
conditions and resources will be conducted to inventory, identify and screen those concerns
within the study area that will need to be further addressed in a subsequent Phase I study.
As a minimum, the land use issues, the sensitive areas of parks and other recreational
Mayor Arthur F. Prochaska, Jr.
United City of Yorkville
April 15, 2005
Page 4 of 9
areas, floodplains, waterways, wetlands, historical sites, special waste areas, endangered
species and natural areas will be assessed and reported on.
We will make an initial submittal to the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency to determine if
any additional investigation is required. If it is determined that a Phase I archeological study
is required, a separate proposal will be furnished to address this requirement.
We will make initial submittals to the Illinois Department of Natural Resources and the US
Fish and Wildlife Service for determination of the impact relative to the Endangered and
Threatened Species Act. If it is determined that further study is required, a separate
proposal will be furnished to address this requirement.
We will review the National Wetland Inventory maps and make a field reconnaissance to
determine the need for further investigation. If a wetland determination and delineation is
required, a separate proposal will be furnished to address this requirement.
We will review the regulatory floodplain and floodway maps prepared by Federal
Emergency Management Administration and utilizing the data we have compiled during the
Rob Roy Creek Study to determine the potential hydraulic impact of the project. The scope
of analysis required for the various permits required will be evaluated.
We will review the applicable regulations and permitting issues and requirements of the US
Army Corps of Engineers to determine what impacts may be anticipated.
We will conduct a preliminary records search to determine the potential for special waste
sites in the vicinity of the project. Field visits to confirm sites will be conducted, as needed.
Task 6 — Railroad Crossina Alternatives and Preliminary Evaluation,
We will identify and evaluate a minimum of two railroad crossing alternatives for crossing of
the BNSF Railroad. Both a below grade and an above grade structure for the crossing of
the BNSF Railroad will be preliminarily reviewed. EEI will contact the BNSF Railroad and
the Illinois Commerce Commission to determine the feasibility and funding availability for
each of the crossing alternatives.
Task 7 — Rob Rov Creek Crossina Structure
We will identify, develop and evaluate a minimum of two structure alternatives and contact
the Illinois Department of Natural Resources and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to
determine the feasibility for crossing Rob Roy Creek at the proposed location. A preliminary
report for the preferred proposed structure will be provided.
Task 8 — Geotechnical Inventory and Survev
An inventory and review of existing soils data, existing boring logs and mapping of the soils
and conditions will be provided. Natural Resource Conservation Service Maps, National
Wetland Inventory Maps, U.S.G.S. Maps and other sources of information that are identified
Mayor Arthur F. Prochaska, Jr.
United City of Yorkville
April 15, 2005
Page 5 of 9
will be utilized. Soil borings will not be provided as a part of this study at this time unless
otherwise directed and authorized by a separate agreement.
Task 9 — Preliminary Stormwater Analvsis
We will identify the limits of the affected drainage basins and will determine the. stormwater
requirements for the new impervious area based on a 0.15 cfs /acre release rate and other
applicable parameters to be compliant with the City and County Stormwater Requirements.
A preliminary hydrologic analysis will be performed to determine locations and preliminary
design requirements for cross culverts. Alternative locations for required detention will be
evaluated and recommendations will be provided. Appropriate storm sewer and
conveyance channel locations will be identified along the proposed route to ensure
adequate right of way is obtained to provide drainage appropriate for the project.
Stormwater preliminary design will be for the 100 -year critical duration event unless
otherwise directed.
Task 10 — Geometric Alignment Analvsis
A general corridor has been identified for the proposed roadway as shown in Exhibit A. The
preferred roadway alignment will generally be within the identified corridor and the alignment
will be fine tuned based on the creek crossing, railroad crossing, environmental,
geotechnical and stormwater evaluations. Alternate alignments on specific sections of the
corridor may also be developed and evaluated.
A preliminary plan and profile will be developed for the alignment and any alternates using a
design speed as determined during this study. Typical pavement cross sections will be
developed for each segment along the corridor.
Existing available County contour maps will be used for development of the vertical and
horizontal alignment. No field survey or topographic work will be performed at this time.
Task 11 — Utility Identification and Inventory
We will research, identify and inventory the various existing and proposed utilities that may
affect the roadway project.
Task 12 — Riaht- of -Wav Determination
We will identify the appropriate right -of -way requirements and list the parcels that would be
affected. This will include the current Parcel Identification Number (PIN) and the apparent
property owner. The amount of right -of -way required will be based on the requirements
resulting from this study.
Mayor Arthur F. Prochaska, Jr.
United City of Yorkville
April 15, 2005
Page 6 of 9
Task 13 — Permits
EEI will research, identify and summarize the various permits that may be required from the
identified applicable agencies. However no permits will be applied for nor obtained as a
part of this scope of work.
Task 14 — Preliminary Cost Estimates
We will provide an opinion of the probable construction costs based on the preliminary
design as determined for an urban or rural pavement cross section as directed by the City
inclusive of drainage, structures, lighting, intersection and connecting street improvements.
Task 15 — Project Meetinqs
It is anticipated that there will be a number of project meetings to discuss the expectations
and findings of the study. Four project meetings with City Staff are included in the scope of
Task 16 — Documentation Rer)ortinq and Executive Summary
A report will be provided summarizing the findings of the feasibility study with appropriate
data, opinion of probable construction cost and graphics documenting the findings. The
report format will be appropriate for submission to the Illinois Department of Transportation
and other agencies as necessary. A total of 30 copies of the report will be provided.
Task 17 — Exhibits
In order to convey the scope of the proposed project, we will prepare exhibits that will
identify typical cross sections, a proposed plan and profile, structure schematics,
intersection improvements, right -of -way requirements and identified existing wetlands and
floodplains. Existing aerial photos and two- foot - contour maps as are available will be used
to develop the exhibits.
Task 18 — Schedule
The Feasibility Study will be completed within 120 days from the date of authorization to
proceed, subject to any review time required of other agencies, beyond our control.
The proposed method and amount of payment for Professional Engineering Services for the
Feasibility Study is Lump Sum $99,939.00.
Mayor Arthur F. Prochaska, Jr.
United City of Yorkville
April 15, 2005
Page 7 of 9
Payment for all work will be based on invoices submitted periodically by our firm, but not more
frequently than monthly as the work progresses. Invoices will be payable by the Client within 30
days of the date of the invoice.
The following tasks are excluded from the Scope of Services to be provided by our firm: Structural
Engineering; Environmental Engineering; Field Tile Investigation; Soil Borings; and Land Surveying
Services. Additional assignments or tasks not described above will be performed as directed, at an
hourly rate for the various classifications of employees who will perform the work as listed on the
attached Standard Schedule of Charges dated January 1, 2005, or in accordance with a separate
This proposal shall be in effect for a period of 45 days from the date of this proposal. If this
proposal is not accepted within that period of time, our firm reserves the right to withdraw or revise
this proposal.
The City shall provide full cooperation and information as to the requirements of the project and
assist the Engineer by placing at his disposal all available information pertinent to the Project,
including maps, topographical data, previous reports and other data relative to this study.
This Agreement may be terminated upon fourteen - (14) days written notice of either party. In the
event of termination, the Engineer shall prepare a final invoice and be due compensation for all
costs incurred through the date of termination.
All related writings, notes, documents, information, files, etc., created, compiled, prepared and /or
obtained by the Engineer on behalf of the City for the Services provided herein shall be used solely
for the intended project.
The failure of either party hereto, at any time, to insist upon performance or observation of any
term, covenant, agreement or condition contained herein shall not in any manner be constructed
as a waiver of any right to enforce any term, covenant, agreement or condition hereto contained.
No purported oral amendment, change or alteration hereto shall be allowed. Any amendment
hereto shall be in writing by the governing body of the City and signed by the Engineer.
This Agreement shall ensure to the benefit of the parties hereto, their heirs, successors and
Engineering Enterprises, Inc. is actively engaged in the planning, design and construction of both
public and private transportation improvement projects requiring professional engineering and land
surveying services throughout northern Illinois. Our staff has the experience, enthusiasm and
commitment to provide the required services in a reliable, timely and cost effective manner.
While various members of our firm will perform the work on this project, the principal contacts with
our firm will be Mr. John T. Whitehouse, P.E., P.L.S., Senior Project Manager and Mr. Ronald G.
Mayor Arthur F. Prochaska, Jr.
United City of Yorkville
April 15, 2005
Page 8 of 9
Naylor, P.E., Senior Project Manager. The project team will additionally be comprised of, but not
limited to, Mr. Jeffrey W. Freeman, P.E., Senior Project Manager, Mr. Stephan W. Grabowski,
Senior Transportation Planner and Mr. Jason M. Bauer, E.I., Project Engineer. Mr. James K.
Michels, P.E., President, will be available as required.
Upon acceptance, we will give our full attention to the project so that the study may be performed
as soon as practicable, consistent with performance of our services, and other considerations.
If the Project Description, Scope of Services, Fees and Conditions, as cited above are satisfactory,
please indicate your acceptance by signing both of the enclosed proposals and returning one of
them to us for our records.
We welcome the opportunity to submit this proposal for professional services to you for your
consideration. We look forward to working with and for you on this exciting project.
Respectfully submitted,
Jeffrey W. Freeman, P.E.
Senior Project Manager
e a I •
John T. Whitehouse, P.E., P.L.S.
Senior Project Manager
JTW /jtw
PC: Mr. Tony Graff, City Administrator
Mr. Joe Wywrot, P.E., City Engineer
Mr. Eric Dhuse, Director of Public Works
Ms. Traci Pleckham, Finance Director
Mr. John Wyeth, City Attorney
Ms. Liz D'Anna, Deputy Clerk
Mayor Arthur F. Prochaska, Jr.
United City of Yorkville
April 15, 2005
Page 9 of 9
All terms and conditions to this Agreement for Professional Services
accepted this day of C 2005.
800 Game Farm Road
Yorkville IL 60560
City State Zip
Accepted this '•J day of 4 j , 2005.
52 Wheeler Road (corporate seal)
Suaar Grove IL 60554 r ENTf'' "It
State Zip 2003��0�','
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52 Wheeler Road • Sugar Grove, IL 60554
TEL: 630/466.9350
FAX: 630/466 -9360
January 1, 2005
Principal Engineer E -3 $138.00
Senior Project Manager E -2 $126.00
Project Manager E -1 $114.00
Senior Project Engineer /Surveyor P -5 $102.00
Project Engineer /Surveyor P -4 $ 93.00
Senior Engineer /Surveyor P -3 $ 84.00
Engineer /Surveyor P -2 $ 75.00
Associate Engineer /Surveyor P -1 $ 66.00
Senior Project Technician T -5 $ 93.00
Project Technician T -4 $ 84.00
Senior Technician T -3 $ 75.00
Technician T -2 $ 66.00
Associate Technician T -1 $ 57.00
Secretary A -3 $ 66.00
Vehicle for Construction Observation VEH $ 10.00
Global Positioning System Equipment GPS $ 25.00
Scanning ($1.50 per Sheet) SCA N/A
Reproduction ($1.50 per Sheet) REP N/A
G: \EEI \Docs \Forms \General \STADS0105.DOC
Consulting Engineers Specializing in Civil Engineering and Land Surveying
Personnel, Positions & Classifications
James K. Michels, P.E. E -3 Michele L. Piotrowski, E.I. P -4
President Project Engineer
Peter G. Walters, P.E. E -3 Terry M. Heitkamp, E.I. P -4
Senior Vice President Project Engineer
David R. Burroughs, P.E. E -3 Nathaniel J. Koehneke, E.I. P -4
Vice President Project Engineer
Ronald G. Naylor, P.E. E -2 Stephen T. Dennison, E.I. P -4
Senior Project Manager Project Engineer
John T. Whitehouse, P.E., P.L.S. E -2 Amy L. Sellner, E.I. P -4
Senior Project Manager Project Engineer
Bradley P. Sanderson, P.E. E -2 Walter D. Chornomez, E.I. P-4
Senior Project Manager Project Engineer
Jeffrey W. Freeman, P.E. E -2 Steven J. Vassos, E.I. P -4
Senior Project Manager Project Engineer
William E. Dunn, P.E. E -2 Gregory A. Chambers T -5
Senior Project Manager Senior Project Technician (Field)
Timothy P. Farrell, P.E. E -1 Steven Gozner, III T -5
Project Manager Senior Project Technician (CAD)
Timothy N. Paulson, P.E. E -1 David S. Stewart T -5
Project Manager Senior Project Technician (Field)
Kevin S. Bomstad, P.E. E -1 William C. Pierson T4
Project Manager Project Technician (CAD)
David E. Schumacher E -1 C. Larry Nolan T -4
Project Manager Project Technician (CAD)
Scott A. Swanson E -1 Kristopher K. Pung T -4
Computer Aided Drafting 8 Project Technician (CAD)
Information Systems Manager
Lenard E. Lynn T -4
Robert G. Walker, P.E. E -1 Project Technician (Field)
Project Manager
Courtney N. Windel T4
George R. Burgess, P.L.S. P -5 Project Technician (CAD)
Senior Project Surveyor
Ryan M. Christoffel T -3
Mark G. Schaller, P.L.S. P -5 Senior Technician (Field)
Senior Project Surveyor
Joshua M. Boatman T -3
Andrew R. Deltchman, P.E. P -5 Senior Technician (Field)
Senior Project EngineerlEnvironmental
Matthew R. Blackburn T -3
Jason P. "Jay" Nemeth, P.E. P -5 Senior Technician (Field)
Senior Project Engineer
Denise M. Migllorini A -3
Yifang Lu, P.E. P -5 Administrative Assistant
Senior Project Engineer
Denise M. Thelander A -3
Stephan W. Grabowski P -5 Accounting Assistant
Senior Transportation Planner
• Angela R. Ford A -3
David A. Kamano, P.E. P -5 Secretary
Senior Project Engineer
Dawn M. Goodbred A -3
Scot H. Prindiville, P.E. P -5 Secretary
Senior Project Engineer
Nicole M. Morris A -3
Christopher E. Peterson, S.I. P -4 Accounting Assistant
Project Surveyor
' Bobbf M. Erdmann A -3
Julie A. Morrison, E.I. P-4 Marketing Director
Project Engineer
Angela D. McCoy A -3
Jason M. Bauer, E.I. P-4 Accounting Assistant
Project Engineer
Rebecca A. Kidd A -3
Timothy V. Weidner, E.I. P -4 Administrative Assistant
Project Engineer
East Dundee. Illinois
LEGEND: Mark C. Weber, P.L.S. P -5
P.E. = Professional Engineer Senior Project Surveyor
P.L.S. = Professional Land Surveyor
E.I. = Engineer Intern Robert C. Watts T -5
S.I. = Surveyor Intern Senior Project Technician (Field)
E = Executive
P = Professional Stacy L. Nilsen A -3
T = Technical Office Manager
A = Administrative