Resolution 2005-30 0 Resolution for Maintenance of Minos Department Streets and Highways by Municipality of Transportation Under the Illinois .. *j %,.J ,-� COPY BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the (Council or President and Board of Trustees) City of Yorkville , Illinois, that there is hereby (City, Town or Village) (Name) appropriated the sum of $31,000.00 of Motor Fuel Tax funds for the purpose of maintaining streets and highways under the applicable provisions of the Illinois Highway Code from 05/01/05 to 04/30/06 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that only those streets, highways, and operations as listed and described on the approved Municipal Estimate of Maintenance Costs, including supplemental or revised estimates approved in connection with this resolution, are eligible for maintenance with Motor Fuel Tax funds during the period as specified above. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk shall, as soon a practicable after the close of the period as given above, submit to the Department of Transportation, on forms furnished by said Department, a certified statement showing expenditures from and balances remaining in the account(s) for this period; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk shall immediately transmit two certified copies of this resolution to the district office of the Department of Transportation, at Ottawa , Illinois. I, Jacquelyn Milschewski Clerk in and for the City t (City, Town or Village) of Yorkville , County of Kendall hereby certify the foregoing to be a true, perfect and complete copy of a resolution adopted by the City Council at a meeting on (Council or President and Board of Trustees) Date IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this day of N C (SEAL) � � £, , C -4 Clerk (City, Town or Village) APPROVED Date Department of Transportation District Engineer BLR 4123 (Rev. 04103) RETURN WITH BID PROPOSAL SUBMITTED BY Contractor's Name Street P.O. Box City State Zip Code STATE OF ILLINOIS W COUNTY OF Kendall O 0- F- City of Yorkville O L � LQ (Insert name of City, Village, Town or Road District) LU L N 121� - 0 ESTIMATE OF COST, SPECIFICATIONS, PLANS, - 0 MATERIAL PROPOSAL, CONTRACT PROPOSAL, Z CO CONTRACT AND CONTRACT BOND. LU O LU (Strike out that which is not applicable) = U �O Z Z FOR H -r— THE IMPROVEMENT OF W `'- fl� O LO STREET NAME OR ROUTE NO. 2005 JOINT & CRACK FILLING F-- O O SECTION NO. 05- 00000 -01 -GM z U TYPE OF FUNDS MFT W Z - a) TO BE CONSTRUCTED UNDER ry z THE PROVISIONS OF o THE ILLINOIS HIGHWAY CODE m Submitted � Approved /Passed d t� APPROVED Arthur F Prochaska, Jr., Mayor DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Highway Commissioner /Mayor /President of Board of Trustees For County and Road District Projects Only Date Submitted /Approved District Engineer County Engineer /Superintendent of Highways IL 494 -0328 BLR 5701 (Rev. 10/01) Illinois Department of Transportation Notice to Bidders Route 2005 Joint & Crack Filling RETURN WITH BID County Kendall Local Agency City of Yorkville Section 05- 00000 -01 -GM Time and Place of Opening of Bids Sealed proposals for the improvement described below will be received at the office of the City Engineer City of Yorkville, 800 Game Farm Road, Yorkville, Illinois 60560 , Illinois (address) until 11:00 o'clock A M., June 24, 2005 Proposals will be opened and read publicly (date) at 11:00 o'clock A M., June 24, 2005 at the office of the City Engineer (date) City of Yorkville, 800 Game Farm Road, Yorkville, Illinois 60560 (address) Description of Work Name 2005 Joint & Crack Filling Length N/A feet ( N/A miles) Location Various street locations as identified on Location Map Proposed Improvement Consists of routing, cleaning, and sealing of joints and cracks in the pavement with Rubberized asphalt cement and traffic control in order to safely perform the project. �._ Bidders Instructions 1. Plans and proposal forms will be available in the office of the City Engineer - I City of Yorkville, 800 Game Farm Road, Yorkville, Illinois 60560 2. If prequalification is required , the 2 low bidders must file within 24 hours after the letting an "Affidavit of Availability" (Form BC 57), in triplicate, showing all uncompleted contracts awarded to them and all low bids pending award for Federal, State, County, Municipal and private work. One copy shall be filed with the Awarding Authority and 2 copies with the IDOT District Office 3. All proposals must be accompanied by a proposal guaranty as provided in BLRS Special Provision for Bidding Requirements and Conditions for Contract Proposals contained in the "Supplemental Specifications and Recurring Special Provisions ". 4. The Awarding Authority reserves the right to waive technicalities and to reject any or all proposals as provided in BLRS Special Provision for Bidding Requirements and Conditions for Contract Proposals contained in the "Supplemental Specifications and Recurring Special Provisions ". 5. Bidders need not return the entire contract proposal when bids are submitted unless otherwise required. Portions of the proposal that must be returned include the following: a. BLR 5701 - Contract Cover d. BLR 5706 - Contract Schedule of Prices (if needed) b. BLR 5704 - Notice to Bidders e. BLR 5707 - Contract Schedule of Prices and Signatures c. BLR 5705 - Contract Proposal f . BLR 5708 - Proposal Bid Bond (if required) 6. The quantities appearing in the bid schedule are approximate and are prepared for the comparison of bids. Payment to the Contractor will be made only for the actual quantities of work performed and accepted or materials furnished according to the contract. The scheduled quantities of work to be done and materials to be furnished may be increased, decreased or omitted as hereinafter provided. BLR 5704 (Rev. 10/01) Page 1 of 2 I 7. Submission of a bid shall be conclusive assurance and warranty the bidder has examined the plans and understands all requirements for the performance of work. The bidder will be responsible for all errors in the proposal resulting from failure or neglect to conduct an in depth examination. The Awarding Authority will, in no case be responsible for any costs, expenses, losses or changes in anticipated profits resulting from such failure or neglect of the bidder. 8. The bidder shall take no advantage of any error or omission in the proposal and advertised contract. 9. If a special envelope is supplied by the Awarding Authority, each proposal should be submitted in that envelope furnished by the Awarding Agency and the blank spaces on the envelope shall be filled in correctly to clearly indicate its contents. When an envelope other than the special one furnished by the Awarding Authority is used, it shall be marked to clearly indicate its contents. When sent by m ' e sealed proposal shall be addressed to the Awarding Authority at the address and in care of the official in w ce the bids are to be received. All proposals shall be filed prior to the time and at the place specified in th o Bidders. Proposals received after the time specified will be returned to the bidder unopened. 10. Permission will be given to a bidder to withdr osal if the bidder makes the request in writing or in person before the time for opening proposals. By Order of City of Yorkville Jackie Milschewsk' (Awarding Authority) County Engineer /County ndenl o H�hwmy un icipal Clerk Note: All proposal documents, including Proposal Guaranty Checks or Proposal Bid Bonds, should be stapled together to prevent loss when bids are processed. BLR 5704 (Rev. 10/01) Page 2 of 2 Illinois Department of Transportation Special Provisions The following Special Provisions supplement the "Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction ", Adopted January 1, 2002 , the latest edition of the "Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways ", and the "Manual of Test Procedures of Materials" in effect on the date of invitation of bids, and the Supplemental Specifications" and Recurring Special Provisions indicated on the Check Sheet included here in which apply to . and govern the construction of Various Streets, 2005 Joint & Crack Filling , and in case of conflict with any part, or parts, of said Specifications, the said Special Provisions shall take precedence and shall govern. DESCRIPTION OF WORK: This project consists of routing, cleaning, and sealing joints and cracks in flexible pavement with Rubberized asphalt cement on various city streets. Refer to the attached location map. BID SECURITY: - Bid security shall be in the form of a bid bond, bank draft, certified or cashier's check in the amount of five (5 %) percent of the bid proposal. PREQUALIFICATIONS OF BIDDERS: Prequalifications of bidders in accordance with Section 102.01(b) of the Standard Specifications will be required of all bidders on this project. MATERIAL CERTIFICATION: The Contractor shall furnish certifications to the Engineer from all suppliers for all materials except those to be inspected by the Engineer. The statements shall certify that the materials comply with the requirements of the Standard Specifications and these special provisions. No payment will be made for any items or materials until proper certification is submitted to the Engineer. MATERIAL TICKETS: The Contractor shall furnish the Engineer with material delivery tickets for all materials furnished in conjunction with the construction of the project including, but not limited to, aggregate and bituminous materials. The delivery tickets shall be given to the Engineer each day at the end of the working day. WORK SCHEDULE - The Contractor shall complete all work on or before August 31, 2005. The allowed hours of work are between 7:00 AM and 4:00 PM. Equipment shall not be started onsite before 6:45 AM. BASELINES: All work shall be constructed on the streets shown on the drawings or as directed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall have the responsibility for determining cracks to be routed and filled, subject to concurrence of the Engineer. The Contractor's work shall be subject to check and review of the Engineer. CRACK FILLING: In addition to Section 451 of the Standard Specifications, this item shall also be used at curbiine joints. All cracks and curbline joints will be routed. Crack Routing shall not be paid for separately, but shall be included in the cost of Crack Filling. TRAFFIC CONTROL AND PROTECTION: The Contractor will handle traffic control as necessary for ease of application and public safety. The Contractor's representative and the Engineer will coordinate traffic control and the application schedule. The city shall distribute letters to the area residents advising them to not park on the street and not wash cars or water lawns on the day the work is performed. This work shall not be paid for separately, but shall be incidental to the contract. -1- BLR 5709 (Rev. 4/02) STREET SWEEPING: The City of Yorkville will be responsible for street sweeping after crack cleaning /routing and crack filling operations are complete. It is the responsibility of the contractor to make sure that the streets are in acceptable condition before beginning work. The city will arrange for street sweeping prior to the Contractor beginning work if needed. I i i -2- BLR 5709 (Rev. 4/02) b Illl � �7 1" =2000' 1 34 Li 2 tl ' f� u =1 �10DOD s 126 71 2005 CRACK FILLING PROGRAM LOCATION MAP LEGEND O AREA # IDENTIFIER r STREET LOCATION Crackfilling Calculation Spreadsheet 2005 Program Area ID 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 Area /Subdivision: Cannonball Estates /Kylyn's_ Unit 1 Faxon Rd Landmark River's Edae 2 Colonial Pkwv Sunflower Units 1&2 Country Hills 1 Total Total Pavement Area (SY): 24900 4200 8580 13260 4867 11730 11126 78663 Total Centerline Distance of Streets (FT): 8300 1050 2340 4420 1460 3910 3500 24980 Average crackfill weight per SY of pvmt (LB): 0.25 0 0.1 0 0.3 0.2 0 Average length of crack per pound of crackfill (FT): 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 Total length crack routing (FT): 33408 2100 6997 8840 6862 14154 7000 79361 Crackfill quantity - random cracks (LBS): 6225 0 858 0 1460 2346 0 10889 Crackfill a yantity - FnP sealina (LBS)- 6148 ZM 1733 3274 1081 2896 2593 18504 Total crackfill quantity (LBS): 12373 778 2591 3274 2542 5242 2593 29393 Illinois Department of Transportation Municipal Maintenance Operations Location Surface Maintenance Operation Existing Street From To Type Length Width No. Description Quantity Favnn Rnarl r.nnnnnhall Trail /Alan nni= 1 n RIT 1nnn .19 1 r:R4r -K F11 1 11\1(; 77R Alan Dale Lane Faxon Road Red Tail Ln BIT 970 27 1 CRACK FILLING 1496 Red Tail Ct Terminus Alan Dale Ln BIT 190 27 1 CRACK FILLING 283 Red Tail Ln Alan Dale Ln Meadowview Ln BIT 390 27 1 CRACK FILLING 582 Denise Ct Terminus Alan Dale Ln BIT 260 27 1 CRACK FILLING 388 Meadowview Ln Red Tail Ln Yellowstone Ln BIT 910 27 1 CRACK FILLING 1356 Norton Lane Cannonball Trail Meadowview Ln BIT 260 27 1 CRACK FILLING 388 Yellowstone Ln Meadowview Ln Northland Lh, BIT 1280 27 1 CRACK FILLING 1908 Northland Ln Yellowstone Ln Terminus BIT 1400 27 1 CRACK FILLING 2087 Western Ln Northland Ln High Ridge Ln BIT 1260 27 1 CRACK FILLING 1878 Canyon Trail Western Ln High Ridge Ln BIT 1380 27 1 CRACK FILLING 2057 Landmark Dr IL Route 47 Marketplace Dr BIT 1550 33 1 CRACK FILLING 1716 Marketplace Dr Landmark Dr US Route 34, BIT 790 Varies 1 CRACK FILLING 875 Poplar Dr Fox Rd RR crossinq BIT 1320 27 1 CRACK FILLING 978 Kelly Ave Poplar Dr Terminus BIT 1880 27 1 CRACK FILLING 1392 Redhorse Ln Kelly Ave Terminus BIT 880 27 1 CRACK FILLING 652 Flint Creek Ln Redhorse Ln Poplar Dr BIT 340 27 1 CRACK FILLING 252 Colonial Pkwy IL Route 47 IL Route 126 BIT 1460 30 1 CRACK FILLING 2542 Walsh Dr Columbine Dr . IL Route 71 BIT 1320 Varies 1 CRACK FILLING 1769 Walsh Circle Walsh Dr Unit 1 Boundary (N) BIT 790 27 1 .CRACK FILLING 1059 Walsh Circle Walsh Dr Unit 3 Boundary (S) BIT 370 27 1 CRACK FILLING 496 Columbine Dr Walsh Dr Walsh Circle BIT 890 27 1 CRACK FILLING 1193 Columbine Ct Terminus Walsh Circle BIT 330 27 1 CRACK FILLING 443 Aster Dr Walsh Circle Unit 3 Boundary BIT 210 27 1 CRACK FILLING 282 Submit Four (4) copies to District Engineer BLR 8203 (Rev. 8/96) Illinois Department _ of Transportation Municipal Maintenance Operations Location Surface Maintenance Operation Existing Street From I To Type Length Width No. I Description Quantity rni intro NiiiQ nr II Rni ito 71 PmAin Ririno rt PIT 1 Rnn 3A 1 f'RD(K FII I IKIr, 1111 Clover Ct Terminus Country Hills Dr BIT 540 23 1 CRACK FILLLING 400 Greenfield Turn Countrys Hills'Dr Unit 1 Boundary BIT 730 23 1 CRACK FILLING 541 Harvest Trail Terminus Country Hills Dr BIT 330 31 1 CRACK FILLING 244 Fawn Ridqe Ct Terminus Country Hills Dr BIT 400 28 1 CRACK FILLING 297 TOTAL 29,393 Submit Four (4) copies to District Engineer BLR 8203 (Rev. 8/96) I INDEX FOR SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS AND RECURRING SPECIAL PROVISIONS Adopted March 1, 2005 This index contains a listing of SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS, frequently used RECURRING SPECIAL PROVISIONS and LOCAL ROADS AND STREETS RECURRING SPECIAL PROVISIONS. ERRATA Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction (Adopted 1 -1 -02) (Revised 3 -1 -05) i SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS Std. Spec. Sec. Page No. 101 Definition of Terms .................................................... ............................... 1 105 Control of Work ......................................................... ............................... 2 205 Embankment ............................................................ ............................... 3 251 Mulch ....................................................................... ................. ............... 4 281 Riprap ....................................................................... ............................... 5 282 Filter Fabric for Use With Riprap ............................... ............................... 8 285 Concrete Revetment Mats ........................................ ............................... 10 311 Granular Subbase ....................................................... ............................... 14 351 Aggregate Base Course ............................................ ............................... 15 440 Removal of Existing Pavement and Appurtenances . ............................... 16 442 Pavement Patching .................................................. ............................... 17 449 Removal and Replacement of Preformed Elastomeric Compression JointSeal ............................................................. ............................... 18 481 Aggregate Shoulders ............................................... ............................... 19 501 Removal of Existing Structures ................................. ............................... 20 503 Concrete Structures ............................... :................................................ 21 505 Steel Structures .....::....:............................................ ............................... 22 506 Cleaning and Painting Metal Structures ................... ............................... 25 508 Reinforcement Bars ................................................. ............................... 26 512 Piling ........................................................................ ............................... 27 540 Box Culverts ........... .......:....:....................................... ............................... 28 589 Elastic Joint Sealer ........................................... ....:.... ............................... 30 602 Catch Basin, Manhole, Inlet, Drainage Structures and Valve Vault Construction, Adjustment and Reconstruction ...... ............................... 31 603 Adjusting Frames and Grates of Drainage and Utility Structures ............ 32 610 Shoulder Inlets with Curb ......................................... ............................... 33 665 Woven Wire Fence ................................................... ............................... 34 669 Removal and Disposal of Regulated Substances .... ............................... 35 671 Mobilization .............................................................. ............................... 36 702 Work Zone Traffic Control Devices .......................... ............................... 37 1003 Fine Aggregates ....................................................... ............................... 38 1004 Coarse Aggregate .................................................... ............................... 39 1005 Stone, Concrete Blocks and Broken Concrete for Erosion Protection, Sediment Control and Rockfill .............................. ............................... 42 1006 Metals ...................................................................... ............................... 46 ii 1007 Timber and Preservative Treatment ......................... ............................... 49 1012 Hydrated Lime 50 1020 Portland Cement Concrete ....................................... ............................... 51 1021 Concrete Admixtures ................................................. ............................... 58 1022 Concrete Curing Materials ....................................... ............................... 59 1024 Nonshrink Grout ....................................................... ............................... 61 1041 Brick ......................................................................... ............................... 63 1043 Precast Reinforced Concrete Manhole Sections and Adjusting Rings ..... 64 1056 Preformed Flexible Gaskets and Mastic Joint Sealer for Sewer and Culvert Pipe 1059 Elastic Joint Sealers ................................................. ............................... 67 1060 Waterproofing Materials ........................................... ............................... 68 1069 Pole and Tower ......................................................... ............................... 69 1070 Foundation and Breakaway Devices ........................ ............................... 70 1077 Post and Foundation ................................................ ............................... 72 1080 Fabric Materials ......................................................... ............................... 73 1081 Materials For Planting .............................................. ............................... 76 1083 Elastomeric Bearings ............................................... ............................... 77 1094 Overhead Sign Structures ........................................ ............................... 78 1103 Portland Cement Concrete Equipment ..................... ............................... 79 I I I i iii CHECK SHEET FOR RECURRING SPECIAL PROVISIONS Adopted March 1, 2005 The following RECURRING SPECIAL PROVISIONS indicated by an "X" are applicable to this contract and are included by reference: RECURRING SPECIAL PROVISIONS CHECK SHEET # PAGE NO. 1 ❑ State Required Contract Provision All Federal -aid Construction Contracts (Eff. 2 -1 -69) (Rev. 10 -1 -83) ........... ............................... 80 2 ❑ Subletting of Contracts (Federal Aid Contracts) (Eff. 1 -1 -88) (Rev. 5- 1- 93) ....................................................... ............................... 82 3 ❑ EEO (Eff . 7- 21 -78) (Rev. 11- 18- 80) .................................................................................................................... ............................... 83 4 ❑ Specific Equal Employment Opportunity Responsibilities Non Federal -aid Contracts (Eff. 3- 20 -69) (Rev. 1- 1- 94) .......................... 94 5 ❑ Required Provisions - State Contracts (Eff. 4 -1 -65) (Rev. 4 -1 -93) .................................................................... ............................... 100 6 Reserved ........................................................................................................................................................... ............................... 105 7 ❑ Asphalt Quantities and Cast Reviews (Eff. 7 -1 -88) ............................................................................................ ............................... 106 8 ❑ National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit (Eff 7 -1 -94) (Rev. 1- 1- 03) .......................................... ............................... 107 9 ❑ Haul Road Stream Crossings, Other Temporary Stream Crossings, and In- Stream Work Pads (Eff. 1 -2 -92) (Rev. 1 -1 -98) ........... 108 10 ❑ Construction Layout Stakes Except for Structure" (Eff. 1 -1 -99) (Rev. 1 -1 -02) ................................................... ............................... 109 11 ❑ Construction Layout Stakes (Eff. 5 -1 -93) (Rev. 1- 1- 02) ...... ............................................................................... ...........I................... 112 12 ❑ Use of Geotextile Fabric for Railroad Crossing (Eff. 1 -1 -95) (Rev. 1- 1- 97) ........................................................ ............................... 115 13 ❑ Asphaltic Emulsion Slurry Seal and Fibrated Asphaltic Emulsion Slurry Seal (Eff. 8 -1 -89) (Rev. 2- 1- 97) ................... ................... : 117 14 ❑ Bituminous Surface Treatment Half -Smart (Eff. 7 -1 -93) (Rev. 1 -1 -97) .............................................................. ............................... 123 15 ❑ Quality Control /Quality Assurance of Bituminous Concrete Mixtures (Eff. 1 -1 -00) (Rev. 3 -1 -05) ...................... ............................... 129 16 ❑ Subsealing of Concrete Pavements (Eff. 11 -1 -84) (Rev. 2- 1- 95) ....................................................................... ............................... 148 17 ❑ Bituminous Surface Removal (Cold Milling) (Eff. 11 -1 -87) (Rev. 10- 15- 97) ....................................................... ............................... 152 18 ❑ Resurfacing of Milled Surfaces (Eff. 10- 1- 95) ..................................................................................................... ............................... 154 19 ❑ PCC Partial Depth Bituminous Patching (Eff . 1 -1 -98) ........................................................................................ ............................... 155 20 ❑ Patching with Bituminous Overlay Removal (Eff . 10 -1 -95) (Rev. 7- 1- 99) ........................................................... ............................... 157 21 Reserved ........................................................................................................................................................... ............................... 159 22 ❑ Protective Shield System (Eff. 4 -1 -95) (Rev. 1 -1 -03) ......................................................................................... ............................... 160 23 ❑ Polymer Concrete (Eff. 8 -1 -95) (Rev. 3 -1 -05) .................................................................................................... ............................... 162 24 ❑ Controlled Low Strength Material (CLSM) (Eff. 1 -1 -90) (Rev, 3 -1 -05) ............................................................... ............................... 164 25 ❑ Pipe Underdrains (Eff. 9 -9 -87) (Rev. 1 -1 -98) ..................................................................................................... ............................... 169 26 ❑ Guardrail and Barrier Wall Delineation (Eff. 12- 15 -93) (Rev. 1- 1- 97) ................................................................. ...........................:... 170 27 ❑ Bicycle Racks (Eff . 4 -1 -94) (Rev. 1- 1- 97) ........................................................................................................... ............................... 175 28 Reserved ........................................................................................................................................................... ............................... 177 29 Reserved ........................................................................................................................................................... ............................... 178 30 'Reserved ........................................................................................................................................................... ............................... 179 31 ❑ Night Time Inspection of Roadway Lighting (Eff. 5- 1- 96) .................................................................................. ............................... 180 32 Reserved ........................................................................................................................................................... ............................... 181 33 ❑ English Substitution of Metric Bolts (Eff. 7 -1 -96) ................................................................................................ ............................... 182 34 ❑ English Substitution of Metric Reinforcement Bars (Eff. 4 -1 -96) (Rev. 1- 1-03) ................................................... ...........................:... 183 35 ❑ Polymer Modified Emulsified Asphalt (Eff. 5- 15 -89) (Rev. 1- 1- 04) ..................................................................... ............................... 185 36 ❑ Corrosion Inhibitor (Eff. 3 -1 -80) (Rev. 7- 1- 99) .................................................................................................... ............................... 187 37 ❑ QC of Concrete Mixtures at the Plant - Single A (Eff. 8 -1 -00) (Rev. 1- 1- 04) ...................................................... ............................... 188 38 ❑ QC of Concrete Mixtures at the Plant - Double A (Eff. 8 -1 -00) (Rev.1 -1 -04) .................................................... ............................... 194 39 ❑ Quality Control /Quality Assurance of Concrete Mixtures (Eff. 4 -1 -92) ( Rev. 3- 1- 05) ....................................... ............................... 202 40 ❑ Traffic Barrier Terminal Type 1, Special (Eff. 8 -1 -94) (Rev. 1- 1- 03) ................................................................... ............................... 215 41 Reserved ........................................................................................................................................................... ............................... 216 42 ❑ Segregation Control of Bituminous Concrete (Eff. 7- 15- 97) ............................................................................... ............................... 217 43 Reserved ........................................................................................................................................................... ............................... 220 CHECK SHEET FOR RECURRING LOCAL ROADS AND STREETS SPECIAL PROVISIONS Adopted March 1, 2005 The following RECURRING LOCAL ROADS AND STREETS SPECIAL PROVISIONS indicated by an "X" are applicable to this contract and are included by reference: RECURRING LOCAL ROADS AND STREETS SPECIAL PROVISIONS CHECK SHEET # PAGE NO. LRS 1 ❑ Cooperation With Utilities (Eff . 1 -1 -99) (Rev. 1- 1- 02) ......................................................................................... ............................... 222 LRS 2 ❑ Furnished Excavation (Eff. 1 -1 -99) (Rev. 1- 1- 02) ............................................................................................... ............................... 224 LRS 3 Construction Zone Traffic Control (Eff . 1 -1 -99) .................................................................................................. ............................... 225 LRS 4 ❑ Flaggers in Work Zones (Eff. 1 -1 -99) ................................................................................................................. ............................... 226 LRS5 Reserved ........................................................................................................................................................... ............................... 227 LRS 6 X Bidding Requirements and Conditions for Contract Proposals (Eff. 1 -1 -02) ...................................................... ............................... 228 LRS 7 ❑ Bidding Requirements and Conditions for Material Proposals (Rev. 1 -1 -03) ..................................................... ............................... 234 LRS 8 X Failure to Complete the Work on Time (Eff. 1- 1- 99) ........................................................................................... ............................... 240 LRS 9 ❑ Bituminous Surface Treatments (Eff. 1- 1- 99) ..................................................................................................... ............................... 241 LRS 10 ❑ Reflective Sheeting Type C (Eff. 1.1 -99) (Rev. 1- 1- 02) ...................................................................................... ............................... 242 LRS 11 Employment Practices (Eff. 1- 1- 99) .................................................................................................................... ............................... 243 LRS 12 ® Wages of Employees on Public Works (Eff. 1 -1 -99) .......................................................................................... ............................... 245 LRS 13 Selection of Labor (Eff. 1 -1 -99) .......................................................................................................................... ............................... 246 State of Illinois Department of Transportation ERRATA STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROAD AND BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION Adopted: January 1, 2002 Revised: March 1, 2005 Page vi Change "SECTION 501. BITUMINOUS TREATED EARTH SURFACE..." to "SECTION 501. REMOVAL OF EXISTING STRUCTURES... ". Page x Change the heading "WIRE AND CABLE" to "LIGHTING, WIRE AND CABLE ". Page x Change the heading "CONTROLLER" to "LIGHTING CONTROLLER ". Page A Change the heading "POLE AND TOWER" to "LIGHTING POLE AND TOWER ". Page A Change "SECTION 830. METAL POLES..." to "SECTION 830. LIGHT POLES... ". Page A Change the heading "FOUNDATION AND BREAKAWAY -DEVICES" to "LIGHTING FOUNDATION AND BREAKAWAY DEVICES ". Page A Change the heading "SIGNAL MAINTENANCE" to "TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE ". Page A Change the heading "CONTROLLERS" to "TRAFFIC SIGNAL CONTROLLERS ". Page xii Change the heading "CONTROL EQUIPMENT" to "TRAFFIC SIGNAL CONTROL EQUIPMENT ". Page xii Change the - heading "WIREWAY AND CONDUIT SYSTEM" to "TRAFFIC SIGNAL WIREWAY AND CONDUIT SYSTEM ". Page xii Change the heading "WIRE AND CABLE" to "TRAFFIC SIGNAL WIRE AND CABLE ". Page xii Change the . heading "POST AND FOUNDATION" to "TRAFFIC SIGNAL POST AND FOUNDATION ". Page xii Change the heading "SIGNAL HEAD" to "TRAFFIC SIGNAL HEAD Page xii Change the heading "DETECTION" to "TRAFFIC SIGNAL DETECTION ". vii Page xii Change the heading "MISCELLANEOUS" to "TRAFFIC SIGNAL MISCELLANEOUS ". Page xiii Change the heading "REMOVAL AND RELOCATION" to "TRAFFIC SIGNAL REMOVAL AND RELOCATION ". Page 1 Article 101.01. In the list after the first paragraph, change "AREA American Railway Engineering Association" to "AREMA American Railway Engineering and Maintenance of Way Association ". Page 12 Article 104.07(d). In the third line of the sixth paragraph change "(13- AC)" to "(B- A -C) ". Page 13 Article 104.07(d). In the third line of the ninth paragraph change "(B- - AC)" to "(B- A -C) ". Page 30 Article 107.16. In the second sentence of the first paragraph delete "Legal Regulations and Responsibility to Public ". Page 34 Article 107.22(b). In the fifth line of the first paragraph change "Illinois Department of Conservation" to "Illinois Department of Natural Resources ". Page 35 Article 107.22(c). 'in the seventh line of the first paragraph change "Illinois Department of Conservation" to "Illinois Department of Natural Resources ". Page 35 Article 107.22(c)(2). In the first line of the second paragraph change "Department.of Conservation" to "Department of Natural Resources ". Page 40 Article 107.30. In the third line of the third paragraph change "tp" to "to ". Page 46 Article 108.04.. In the fourth line of the first paragraph change "40 days" to "ten days ". - . Page 71 Article 202.03. In the fourth line of the fifth paragraph change "sight" to "site ". Page 81 Article 205.04(a). , In the first line of the second paragraph change "0.5 sq m "- to . "0.2 sq m ". I Page 81 Article 205.04(a). In the last line of the fourth paragraph change "205.06" to- "205.05 ". Page 81 Article 205.04(b). In the last line of the first paragraph change "205.06" to "205.05 ". Page, 98 Article 250.07: Change the last CLASS - TYPE listing in the first column from "4 Native Grass 4, 6/" to "4 Native Grass 6/, 8/ ". Page 106 Article 251,03(c). In the fourth line of the first paragraph change "2.25 metric tons" to "905 kg ". viii Page 110 Article 252.12. In the first line of the fourth paragraph change "250.08" to "250.09 ". Page 110 Article 252.12. In the second line of the fifth paragraph change "250.08" to "250.09 ". Page 110 Article 252.13. In the second line of the third paragraph change "250.09" to "250.10 ". Page 126 Article 280.07(e). In the third line of the first paragraph change "SEEDINGS" to "SEEDING ". Page 130 Article 282.03. Delete the first three sentences of the first paragraph. Page 140 Article 301.05. In the second line of the first paragraph change "Type 8" to "Type B ". Page 142 Article 301.11. In the third line of the first paragraph, delete "to ". Page 144 Article 302.08. In the first sentence of the second, paragraph change "not than" to "not less than ". Page 164 Article 312.21(c). Change "1012" to "1012.01". Page 171 Article 312.31. In the seventh line of the second paragraph change "relative durability" to "minimum relative dynamic modulus of elasticity ". Page 183 Article 352- 1.8(a).- Revise the first paragraph to read, "Per square meter (square yard) for PROCESSING SOIL - CEMENT BASE_ COURSE, of the thickness specified." Page 185 Article 353.07. Change "420.10(g)" to "420.10(f) ". Page 185 Article 353.11. In the third line of the second paragraph change "(160 ft)" to "(16 ft) ". Page 194 Article ..355.11. In the fourth line of the first paragraph change "penalties ". to "requirements ". Page 231 Article 406.10(a)(1). In the third line of the second paragraph change "in" to "in (2). ". Page 246 Article 406.23. In the fifth and sixteenth lines of the fifth paragraph change "1102.01(a)(13)" to "1102.01(a)(9) ". Page 257 Article 420.02(d). Change "1050" to "1050.01, 1050.02 ". Page 257 Article 420.02. Delete "(g) Preformed Elastomeric Compression Joint Seals for Concrete...... 1053.01". ix Page 301 Article 442.10. In the first line of the second paragraph change "extend" to "extent ". Page 302 Article 442.10. In the first sentence of the last paragraph change "Class A, Class B, or Class B (Hinge Jointed)" to "Class A or Class B ". Page 321 Article 450.02(b). Add Article 1051.09 for Preformed Expansion Joint Filler. Page 338 Article 501.05. Revise the fifth paragraph to read "Removal of existing pipe culverts will be paid for at the contract unit price per meter (foot) for PIPE CULVERT REMOVAL, which price shall include any headwalls or aprons attached to the culvert." Page 338 Article 501.05. Revise the sixth paragraph to read "Removal of existing slope wall will be paid for at the contract unit price per square meter (square yard) for SLOPE WALL REMOVAL." Page 355 Article 503.10(d). In the sixteenth line of the fifth paragraph change "block" to "black ". Page 363 Article 503.17(e)(1). Delete the last sentence of the first paragraph. Page 370 Article 504.04(a). In the fourth line of the first paragraph change "594" and "841" to "600" and "900" respectively. Page 380 Article 504.06(c)(6). In the second and sixth lines of the fifth paragraph* change "4 °C (40 °F)" to. "22 °C (40 °F) ". i Page 395 Article 505.04.(f)(2). Delete the last sentence of the ninth, paragraph. Page 395 Article 505.04(f)(2). Add the following paragraph after the ninth paragraph, "The fastening systems shall meet the following requirements: ". Page 404 Article 505.04(1)(5). In the fourth line of the first paragraph, change "(32 in.)" to "(1/32 in.) ". Page 406 Article 505.04(q)(1):. ; Change subparagraph "(a)" and "(b)" to "a." and "b." respectively. . Page 407 Article 505.04(q)(2). In the fourth line of the third paragraph change "ant" to "and ". Page 409 Article 505.04(q)(5). In the fourth line of the sixth paragraph change " +20 mm" to " ±20 mm ". Page 416. Article 505.08(f). In the second line of the fifth paragraph change "if' to "of'. Page 417 Article 505.08(h). In the eighth line of the third paragraph change "mm" to "1 mm ". x Page 425 Article 506.04(d). In the first line of the first paragraph change "wither" to "either ". Page 426 Article 506.04(k). In the first, fourth and sixth lines of the first paragraph change "must" to "shall ". Page 436 Article 508.05. In the eighth line of the eighth paragraph change 160 sq mm (1/4 sq in.)" to "40 sq mm (1/16 sq in.) ". Page 455 Article 512.14. In the definitions at the top of the page revise the symbol "P" to "p ". Page 459 Article 512.18(1). In the second line of the first paragraph change "TEST PILES" to "TEST PILE ". Page 465 Article 540.08. In the fifth. line of the fourth paragraph change "elects use" to "elects to use ". . Page 484 Article 542.02(aa). Change "Bank" to "Band ". Page 485 Article 542.03. In the material list for Class D pipes, change the reference for Corrugated Polyethylene (PE) Pipe with a Smooth Interior from "Article 1040.23" to "Article 1040.22 ". Page 486 Article 542.03. In the first line of the seventh paragraph, change "Drain, and" to "Drain and ". Page 486 Article 542.03. In the second line of the eighth paragraph, change "11A" to "I IA". Page 490 Article 542.03, Table IB (English). In the fifth column change the eight occurrences of "0.07" to "0.079 ", the seven occurrences of "0.10" to "0.109" and the four occurrences of "0.13" to "0.138 ". Page 492 Article 542.03, Table IC (English). In the third column change the seven occurrences of "0.10" to "0.105 ", the two occurrences of "0.13" to "0.135" and the two occurrences of "0.16" to "0.164 ". xi _ w cn co co D 0 co .A N PIPE CULVERTS (ENGLISH) - TABLE,^ IIIB: PLASTIC PIPE PERMITTED FOR THE RESPECTIVE DIAMETERS OF PIPE:: w AND FILL'HEIGHTS OVER. THE TOP'&F THE PIPE Nominal I Type 3 Fill .Height Greater andn 10 ft and, hot ,Exceeding .15 ft Type 4. Fill Height. Greater than 15 ft not Exceeding 20 ft Diameter Co PVC'. CPVG. PVCPW PVCPW_ PE .. PEPW PVC CPVC PVCPW . PVCPW (in.) _ 7794 -304 -794 7304. m 10-11 X:. AIA, :. NA :. X , .. NA. X' .. NA PIA cn 12' X X "X : . X Y. NA. X iX X_ X cn 15 ; X :.: X X •': X NA':. NA X X :.X.. X 18 : 5{ X X' X X X ': X X X.:. X 21 X X X 'X. NA X' X X X Y 70 24 X,..: X X .X X X X X < 30 X. X X. X X„ X X . X X 36 X ..: X X: X X X X X ,: X X m m zr w 0 m w a cI v a (0 CD cn 0 0 dd PIPE CULVERTS (ENGLISH) D TAEI`E III PLASTIC PIPE'PEkMITTED FOR THE RESPECTIVE DIAMETERS OF PIPE AND FILL. OVER THE TOP OF THE PIPE ,. :. Type 5 fill Height; Greater Than. 20 ft Type 6 Fill Height., Greater than 25.ft, Type, ? Fill, Height::Greater than, 30 ft : CID Nominal Nat Exceeding;25 ft Not Exce6ding 30 ft Not Exceeding 35 ft Cn Dlarrtieter, PVC CPVC PVCPW PVCPW N in• PVC CPVC PVCPW PVCPW PVC o : (. 784 304' -794: -304 w 10. X NA NA ;: X .' NA' NA.: X ; :. � 1Z X X X X °X X ` X X• 0 15. X X.:: X X X, X m 18 X X X X .. X x X 24 .' X X X X X. X.? 30,... X.:',. X 36: X X X — cn' co co CID v m 0 x Page 505 Article 542.04(h).. Add the following paragraphs after the first paragraph: For PVC and PE pipe culverts with diameters 600 mm (24 in.) or smaller, a mandrel drag shall be used for deflection testing. For PVC and PE pipe culverts with diameters over 600 mm (24 in.), deflection measurements other than by a mandrel shall be used. Where the mandrel is used, the mandrel shall be furnished by the Contractor and pulled by hand though the pipeline with a suitable rope or cable connected to each end. Winching or other means of forcing the defection gauge through the pipeline will not be allowed. The mandrel shall be of a shape similar to that of a true circle enabling the gauge to pass through a satisfactory pipeline with little or no - resistance. The mandrel shall be of a design to prevent it from tipping from side to side and to prevent debris build -up form occurring between the channels of the adjacent fins or legs during operation. Each end of the core of the mandrel shall have fasteners to which the pulling cables can be attached. The mandrel shall have nine various sized fins or legs of appropriate dimension for various diameter of pipes. Each fin or leg shall have a permanent marking that states its designated pipe size and percent of deflection allowable. The outside diameter of the mandrel shall be 95 percent of the base inside diameter, where the base inside diameter is: (1) For all PVC pipe and Profile Wall PE pipe: as defined using ASTM D 3034 methodology. (2) For all other PE pipe: the average inside diameter based on the minimum and maximum tolerances specified in the corresponding ASTM or AASHTO material specifications. If the pipe is found to have a deflection greater than that specified, that pipe section shall be removed, replaced and retested." Page 508 Article 542.04(h). Delete the first four paragraphs appearing on the page. Page 559 Article 601.02(s). Change "1040.1 T' to "1040.19 ". Page 567 Article 602.04. Delete the second sentence of the third paragraph. Page 579 Article 606.14. In the third line of the second paragraph change "mm (4 in.)" to "MM (4 INCH) ". Page 582 Article 609.07. In the third line of the first paragraph change "TYPE C or D INLET BOX STANDARD 609006" to "TYPE B, C or D INLET BOX STANDARD 609006 ". Page 599 Articles 638.02(a) and 638.02(d). Change 1086" to "1085 ". AV Page 602 Article 640.02. Revise the second sentence of the fifth paragraph to read, "The zinc coating shall be according to ASTM A 653M coating designation 2275 (A 653 coating designation G90)." Page 635 Article 701.03. . Revise the first paragraph to read: "Equipment. Equipment shall be according to the following Articles of Section 1100 — Equipment: ". Page 650 Article 701.06(g). Delete the second paragraph. - Page 652 Article 701.08(a). In the third line of the first paragraph change "TARAFFIC" to "TRAFFIC ". Page 652 Article 701.08(a). In the seventh line of the first paragraph change "401411 " to 701411 ". Page 652 Article 701.08(a). In the ninth line of the first paragraph change "AT THE LOCATION SPECIFIED" to ", at the location specified ". Page 655 Article 702.03(b). Delete the last sentence of the second paragraph. Page 661 Article 703.04. In the eighth line of the first paragraph change "four degree" to " 45 degree ". Page 693 Article 780.10. Revise the second sentence of the ninth paragraph to read "The bond shall be executed prior to acceptance and final payment of the non - pavement marking items and shall be in full force and effect until final performance inspection and performance acceptance of the epoxy, thermoplastic, preformed thermoplastic, and preformed plastic pavement markings." Page 693 Article 780.10. In the twelfth line of the ninth paragraph change "thermoplastic" to "pavement marking ". Page 696 Article 781.03(a). In the last sentence of the second paragraph change "ASTM C 881, Type IV, Grade 2 or 3" to "AASHTO M 237 ". Page 701 Article 801.03. In -the second listing of Article 801.03, revise "801.03" to "801.05 ". Page 715 Article 806.03. In the last sentence of the first paragraph change "the top of the grounding electrode" to 100 mm (4 in.) below the exothermic connection ". Page 728 Change the heading "WIRE AND CABLE" to "LIGHTING, WIRE AND CABLE ". Page 728 Article 816.03(a). Revise the first sentence of the first paragraph to - read, "The unit duct shall be installed according to the NEC, directly from the reels on which the unit duct was shipped, in continuous spans from terminal to terminal without splicing the duct or cables." xv Page 730 Article 817.03. Revise the third sentence of the sixth paragraph to read, "The cable shall be installed in continuous spans between terminal points and splicing will only be permitted in pole handholes or junction boxes on bridge structures above grade." Page 734 Article 821.07. Revise the third paragraph to read, "The mounting shall provide the correct position of the luminaire as recommended by the manufacturer and shall be able to withstand assigned loading according to AASHTO. The sign lighting installation shall include all aluminum conduit, fittings, attachment hardware, cable and a disconnect switch with a lockable exterior handle mounted within reach from the walkway ". Page 735 Change the heading "CONTROLLER" to "LIGHTING CONTROLLER ". Page 735 Article 825.01. Revise the first sentence of the first paragraph to read "This work shall consist of furnishing and installing an electrical control cabinet with control device(s), distribution equipment, foundation, grounding and wiring for control of roadway lighting." Page 738 Change the heading "POLE AND TOWER" to "LIGHTING POLE AND TOWER ". Page 738 Change "SECTION 830.' METAL POLES" to " SECTION 830. LIGHT POLES ". Page 741 Change the heading "FOUNDATION AND BREAKAWAY DEVICES" to "LIGHTING FOUNDATION AND BREAKAWAY DEVICES ". Page 745 Article 837.03(b). In the fourth line of the first paragraph change "503.07(a)" to "503.07 Page 754 Change the heading "SIGNAL MAINTENANCE" to "TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTANANCE". Page 756 Change the heading "CONTROLLERS" to "TRAFFIC SIGNAL CONTROLLERS ". Page 758 Change the heading. "CONTROL EQUIPMENT" to "TRAFFIC SIGNAL CONTROL EQUIPMENT ". Page 761 Change the heading "WIREWAY AND CONDUIT SYSTEM" to "TRAFFIC SIGNAL WIREWAY AND CONDUIT SYSTEM ". Page 762 Change the heading "WIRE AND CABLE" to "TRAFFIC SIGNAL WIRE AND CABLE ". Page 770 Change the heading "POST AND FOUNDATION" to "TRAFFIC SIGNAL POST AND FOUNDATION ". Page 772 Article 878.02(a). Change "1087.01(b)" to "1087.02 ". xvi Page 773 Change the heading "SIGNAL HEAD" to "TRAFFIC SIGNAL HEAD ". Page 774 Article 880.03. In the fourth - line of the second paragraph change "optic all" to "optically ". _ Page 776 Change the heading "DETECTION" to "TRAFFIC SIGNAL DETECTION ". Page 786 Article 1001.06. Delete the second paragraph. Page 798 Article 1004.01(c). In the fifth line of the second table, Coarse Aggregate Gradations (English), delete "8 ±4 ", the percent of CA 1 passing of the No. 200 sieve. Page 798 Article 1004.01(c). In the sixth line of the second table,- Coarse Aggregate Gradations (English), add "8 ±4" for the percent of CA 2 passing the No. 200 sieve. Page 799 Article 1004.01(c). In notes 4/, 5/; and 6/, replace the four occurrences of "0" with Page 814 Article 1006.04(b). In the third line of the first paragraph change "A 769M" to "A 709M" and "A 769" to "A 709 ". Page 814 Article 1006.04(b). - 'In the sixth line of the first paragraph change "ASTM A 570M" to "ASTM A 1011 M" and "ASTM A 570" to "ASTM A 1011 ". Page 815 Article 1006.09. Delete the paragraph after the table. Page 820 Article 1006.25. In . the - fourth line of the second paragraph change "toinstallation" to "to installation ". Page 822 Article 1006.27(b). - In the first line of the second paragraph change, "ASTM F 669" to "ASTM F 1043 ". Page 822 Article 1006.27(b). In the second line of the second paragraph, change "ASTM F 1234, Table 2" to "ASTM F 1043, Table 3 ". Page 822 Article 1006.27(b). In the fourth line of the second paragraph, change "ASTM F 1234, Type X.to "ASTM F 1043, Type A ". Page 822 Article 1006.28(a). In the fifth line of the first paragraph, change "ASTM A 584, Design Number 939 -6 -11" to "ASTM A 116, Design Number 939- 6 -11 ". Page 826 Article 1006.29(c)(3). In the third line of the fifth paragraph, change "ASTM G 23, Type EH" to "ASTM G 23 -96, Type EH ". Page 843 Article 1008.240). In the seventh line of the first paragraph, change "ASTM G 53" to "ASTM G 154 ". xvi i Page 845 Article 1008.25(e)(1). In the third line of the first paragraph, change "(75 °C + 5 °CF)" to "(75 OF ± 5 °F)" - Page 845 Article 1008.25(e)(4). In the third line of the first paragraph, change . "ASTM G 53" to "ASTM G 154 ". Page 845 Article 1008.25(e)(4). In the sixth line of the first paragraph, change "ASTM G 23, Type D" to "ASTM G 23 -96, Type D ". a Page 847 Article 1009.05. Delete the last sentence of the first paragraph. j Page 847 Article 1009.05(a). In the second line of the first paragraph, change "M P 1 " to "M 320 ". Page 847 - Article 1009.05(b). In the second line of the first paragraph, change I "M P 1 " to "M 320 ". Page 854 Article 1009.08. Add the following after the table: "The different grades are, in general, used for the following: RC -70 — For prime coats. RC -250 — For road mix surfaces, open - graded aggregate type. RC -800 — For machine mix and traveling plant mix surfaces open - graded aggregate type, for surface treatment and seal . coat. RC- 3000 — For machine mix surfaces open graded aggregate type, for surface treatment and seal coat." Page 872 Article 1020.06. Revise the second paragraph to read, "When fly ash, ground granulated blast furnace slag, high- reactivity metakaolin, or microsilica are used as part of the cement in a concrete mix; the water /cement ratio will be based on the total cementitious material contained in the mixture." Page 876 Article 1020.11(c). Revise the last sentence of the seventh paragraph to read "The testing shall be conducted according to the Bureau of Materials and' Physical Research's Policy Memorandum, "Field Test Procedures for Mixer Performance and Concrete Uniformity Tests "." Page 877 Article 1020.11(6): Revise the second sentence of the ninth paragraph to read "The Contractor shall furnish the labor, equipment and material required to perform the testing according to the Bureau of Materials and Physical Research's Policy Memorandum, "Field Test Procedures for Mixer Performance and Concrete Uniformity Tests ", with the cost being included in the unit bid prices for the various items of Portland Cement Concrete involved. ".. Page 888 Article 1020.13(e)(1). In the fourth line of the first paragraph, change "ASTMC" to "ASTM C ". Page 905 Article 1044.07. Revise the first paragraph to read, "All anchor bolts, screws and nuts shall meet the requirements of ASTM A 307, and be of xviii f ample section to safely withstand the forces created by the operation shown on the manufacturer's gate schedule. The anchor bolts, screws and nuts shall be galvanized according to ASTM B 633." Page 905 Article 1050.02. In the second line of the first paragraph change "ASTM D 3405" to "ASTM D 6690, Type II ". Page 907 Article 1051.08(a). In the table for Physical Properties and Test Methods, change the density test method from "ASTM D 1564" to "ASTM D 3574 ". Page 910 Article 1052.02(b). In the third line- of the first paragraph, change "ASTM A 570M (A 570), Grade D" to "ASTM A 1011 M (A 1011), Grade 36 Page 915 Article 1058.03. In the third line of the first paragraph, change "ASTM D 1191" to ASTM D 5329 ". Page 921 Delete Article 1061.03(d)(4). Page 924 Article 1063.01. In the tenth line of the third paragraph, change the thermal stability test method from "ASTM D 3407" to "ASTM D 5329 ". Page 929 Article 1066.05. In 'the first sentence of the first paragraph change "ASTM D1682, and ASTM D2103" to "ASTM D 5034, ASTM D 5035 and ASTM D 2103 ". Page 932 Article 1067.01(x)(1). Revise the first paragraph to read, "The lamp socket shall be mogul -type, glazed porcelain, one piece rolled threads with stationary socket- lead connectors that will not move during lamp insertion and removal. It shall be provided with a grip or suitable device to hold the lamp against vibration. The rating of the socket shall exceed the lamp starting - voltage, or starting pulse voltage rating." Page 933 Article 1067.01(a)(5)a. Delete the last two sentences of the sixth paragraph. Page 934 Article 1067.01(a)(5)b. Revise the fifth sentence of the third paragraph to read, "Proper ignition shall be provided over a range of -15 percent to +5 percent of rated voltage." Page 938 Article 1067.01(c)(1)a. In the first line of the second paragraph change "60 to 75 mm (2 3/8 to 3 in.)" to "50 to 60 mm (2 to 2 3/8 in.) ". Page 945 Article 1067.01(f)(2)e. At the end of the first sentence of the first paragraph change "maximum voltage of 3,300 volts." to "rated voltage of 600 W'. Page 954 Article 1068.01(e)(2)h. In the third line of the first paragraph change "350" to "377 ", "520" to "560" in the fourth line and "illmination" to "illumination" in the fifth line. xix Page 960 Article 1069.01(b)(2)d. In the eleventh line of the first paragraph change "anit - sieze" to "anti- seize ". Page 964 Article 1069.01(c)(1). In the fourth line of the second paragraph change "10" to "11 ". Page 967 Article 1069.01(c)(2)c.2. Revise the first sentence of the second paragraph to read "The davit arm shall have a 90 mm (3 1/2 in.) minimum inside diameter at the slip joint." Page 967 Article 1069.01(c)(2)c.2. In the fourth line of the second paragraph change "50 mm (2 in.)" to "60 mm (2 3/8 in.) ". Page 969 Article 1069.01(c)(3)b.2. In the second line of the second paragraph revise "50 mm (2 in.)" to "60 mm (2 3/8 in.) ". Page 972 Article 1069.01(e)(4). Revise the second sentence of the first paragraph to read, "Poles s.hall.have a single piece shaft with a 250 mm (10 in.) minimum outside bottom diameter at ground line, tapering to a 130 mm (5 in.) minimum outside top diameter." Page 977 Article 1069.04(b). In the sixth line of the second paragraph, change "ASTM 607, Grade 50" to "ASTM A 1011 M, Grade 345 (A 1011, Grade 50)" Page 977 Article 1069.04(b). In the seventh line of the second paragraph, delete "ASTM A 715, Grade 50; ". Page 977 Article 1069.04(b): ,.: In the third line of the third paragraph, change "ASTM 607" to "ASTM A 1011 M (A 1011) ". Page 978 Article 1069.04(b). In the first line of the eighth paragraph change "door" to "pocket door ". Page 981 Article 1069.04(d)(1). In the fourth line of the second paragraph change " Feferal" to "Federal ". Page 981 Article 1069.04(d)(3).. In the first line of the first paragraph change "Towrs" to "Towers ". ,- Page 1020 Article 1079.02. Change second subparagraph "(b)" to "(c) ". Page 1040 Article 1083.03. .In the second line of the first paragraph, change "ASTM D 1457" to D 4894 and ASTM D 4895 ". Page 1041 Article 1083.05(b). In the third line of the first paragraph, change "ASTM A 366M (A 366)" to "ASTM A 1008M (A 1008) ". Page 1041 Article 1083.05(b). In the third line of the first paragraph, change "A 569" to "ASTM A 1011 M (A 1011) ". xx Page 1048 Article 1086.01(a)(7). Add the following to the end of the first paragraph, "Where installed in a heavy salt spray environment, the enclosure shall be stainless steel." Page 1055 Article 1088.09. In the third line of the first paragraph, change "ASTM A526" to "ASTM A 653M (A 653) ". Page 1058 Article 1090.03. In the first sentence of the sixth paragraph, change "ASTM 276" to "ASTM A 276 ". Page 1061 Article 1091.02(a). In the eleventh line of the thirteenth paragraph, change "ASTM G53" to "ASTM G 154 ". Page 1070 Article 1093.01(a)(3). In the third line of the first paragraph, change "ASTM A 366" to "ASTM A 1008M (A 1008) ". Page 1072 Article 1094.05. Revise the first sentence of the second paragraph to read "All bolts, nuts and flat washers shall be coated in conformance with AASHTO M 232, Class D." Page 1091 Article 1095.04(h). In the fifth line of the second paragraph, delete the first occurrence of "by means of an epoxy ". Page 1091 Article 1095.04(i). In the first line of the first paragraph change "(1)" to Page 1092 Article 1095.040). Revise the first sentence of the first paragraph to read "The abrasion resistance shall be evaluated, according to ASTM D 4060, on a Taber Abrader with a 1.000 gram load and CS 17 wheels." Page_ 1092 Article 1095.04(1). In* the first line of the first paragraph change "ASTM 695" to "ASTM D 695'. Page 1092 Article 1095.04(n). In the sixth line of the first paragraph change "ASTM G53" to "ASTM G 154 ". Page 1092 Article 1095.04(n). Add the following sentence after the first sentence - of the second paragraph: "UVB 313 bulbs shall be used." Page 1094 Article 1095.05(4, : Delete the second sentence of the fifth paragraph. I i Page 1095 Article 1095.06. In the fourth line of the third paragraph change "Rl" to "R L"- L• Page Change " DETECOR LOOP" to "DETECTOR LOOP ". Page 1153 In the Index of Pay Items, change the following referenced page number: Field Tile Junction Vaults from "568" to "586 ". Page 1160 In the Index of' Pay Items, change the following referenced page number: Sand Backfill from "533" to "553 ". xxi Page 1162 In the Index of Pay Items, change the following referenced page 1 number: Thermoplastic Pavement Marking from "639" to "693 ". Page 1162 In the Index of Pay Items, change the pay item "TREE TRUCK PROTECTION" to "TREE TRUNK PROTECTION ". Page 1162 In the Index of Pay Items, change the pay item "TEST PILES" to "TEST PILE ". Page 1165 In the subject Index change the following referenced page numbers: 9 J 9 9 P 9 Aboriginal Records and Antiquities from 26 to "33". Backfill, for pipe drains from "657" to "561 ". Backfill, for pipe underdrains from "658" to "561 ". Backfill, for sight screens from "600, 604" to "601, 605 ". Backfill, for underground storage tanks from "616" to "626 ". Page 1166 In the subject Index change the following referenced page numbers: Bolts, anchor from "368" to "356 ". Bolts, high strength steel from "422" to "393 ". Bolts, turned and ribbed from "421" to "393 ". Cable, road guard from 712" to "595 ". Chemical Adhesive from "1053" to "899 ". Concrete, collars from "595" to "512 ". Concrete, Materials, haul time from "874" to "880 ". Controller, master from "996" to 757 ". Curb, bituminous shoulder from 727" to "606 ". Curb, concrete shoulder from 729" to "607 ". Page 1167 In the subject Index.change the following referenced page numbers: Ditch, paved, removal from "303" to "283 ". Elastic Joint Sealer from "651" to "555 ". Fence, chain link from "610" to "608 ". Fiber Optic Cable from "1187" to "764 ". Fiberglass Fabric Repair System from "335" to "308 ". Fire Hydrant, moving from "632" to "538 ". Flaggers from 776" to "638 ". Foundations, concrete, for sign structures from "818" to "682 ". Gates, sluice from "688" to "580 ". Grout, epoxy, materials from "897" to "898 ". Guardrail, temporary from "801" to "665 ". Page 1168 In the subject Index change the following referenced page number: Mulch from "96" to "104 ". Page 1169 In the subject Index change the following referenced page numbers: Patching, class A, B, C & D from "228" to "288 ". Pavement Marking from "823" to "687 ". Pole, metal light from "971" to 738 ". Page 1170 In the subject Index change the following referenced page numbers: Reinforcement Bars from "482" to "434 ". Rumble Strips, temporary from "791" to "653 ". xxii Screen, chain link fence sight from "722" to "602 ". Screen, glare from '718" to "599 ". Page 1171 In the subject Index change the following referenced page numbers: Signs, construction from "1221" to "1042 ". Signs, maintenance of from "1225" to "1045 ". Slope Wall from "494" to 442 ". Sodium Chloride, Material from "1012" to "860 ". Terminals, traffic barrier from "702" to "589 ". Page 1172 In the subject Index change the following referenced page numbers: Trench, for electrical work from "860" to "726 ". Vaults, valve from "665" to "566 ". Waiver of Legal Rights from "343" to "43 ". Waterproofing, railway structures from "634" to "539 ". I I xxiii LR 109 - Page 1 of 1 State of Illinois Department of Transportation Bureau of Local Roads and Streets SPECIAL PROVISION FOR CONTRACT CLAIMS Effective: January 1, 2002 Revised: May 1, 2002 All references to Sections or Articles in this specification shall be construed to mean specific Section or Article of the Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, adopted by the Department of Transportation. 109.09 Contract Claims. Revise the second sentence of subparagraph (a) of Article 109.09 to read: "All claims shall be submitted to the Engineer." Revise subparagraph (e) of this Article to read: "Procedure. All Claims shall be submitted to the Engineer. The Engineer shall consider all information submitted with the claim. Claims not conforming to this Article will be returned without consideration. The Engineer may schedule a claim presentation meeting if in the Engineer's judgement such a meeting would aid in resolution of the claim, otherwise a decision will be based on the claim documentation submitted. A final decision will be rendered within 90 days of receipt of the claim. Full compliance by the Contractor with the provisions specified in this Article is a contractual condition precedent to the Contractor's right to seek relief in the Court of Claims. The Engineer's written decision shall be the final administrative action of the Department. Unless the Contractor files a claim for adjudication by the Court of Claims within 60 days after the date of the written decision, the failure to file shall constitute a release and waiver of the claim." I BDE SPECIAL PROVISIONS For The April 29, 2005 Letting The following special provisions indicated by an "x' are applicable to this contract and will be included by the Project Development and Implementation Section of the BD &E. An * indicates a new or revised special provision for the letting. File Name # Special Provision Title Effective Revised 80099 1 Accessible Pedestrian Signals (APS) April 1, 2003 80141 2 Additional Award Criteria June 1, 2004 80108 3 _ Asbestos Bearing Pad Removal Nov. 1, 2003 7254[ 4 Asbestos Waterproofing Membrane and Asbestos Bituminous June 1, 1989 June 30,1994 Concrete Surface Removal 80128 5 _ Authority of Railroad Engineer July 1, 2004 80065 6 _ Bituminous Base Course/Widening Superpave April 1, 2002 April 1, 2004 80050 7 Bituminous Concrete Surface Course April 1, 2001 April 1, 2003 80142 8 Bituminous Equipment, Spreading and Finishing Machine Jan. 1, 2005 80066 9 Bridge Deck Construction April 1, 2002 April 1, 2004 50261 10 Building Removal -Case I (Non - Friable and Friable Asbestos) Sept. 1, 1990 Aug. 1, 2001 50481 11 Building Removal -Case 11 (Non - Friable Asbestos) Sept. 1, 1990 Aug. 1, 2001 50491 12 Building Removal -Case III (Friable Asbestos) Sept. 1, 1990 Aug. 1, 2001 50531 13 Building Removal-Case IV (No Asbestos) Sept. 1, 1990 Aug. 1, 2001 ' 80118 14 Butt Joints:. `. ril° 1 200 / 80031 15 _ Calcium Chloride Accelerator for Portland Cement Concrete Patching Jan. 1, 2001 80077 16 Chair Supports Nov. 1, 2002 Nov. 2, 2002 80051 17 _ Coarse Aggregate for Trench Backfill, Backfill and Bedding April 1, 2001 Nov. 1, 2003 80094 18 Concrete Admixtures Jan. 1, 2003 July 1, 2004 80112 19 Concrete Barrier Jan. 1, 2004. April 2, 2004 80102 20 Corrugated Metal Pipe Culverts Aug. 1, 2003 July 1, 2004 80113 21 Curb Ramps for Sidewalk Jan. 1, 2004 80114 22 Curing and Protection of Concrete Construction Jan. 1, 2004 80029 23 Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Participation Sept. 1, 2000 June 1,_2004 - ril 1., 2005 °' - Y•?r.! ' 80144 24 _ Elastameric :Bearings�_f _ �°+p 31578 25 Epoxy Coating on Reinforcement April 1, 1997 Jan. 1, 2003 80041 26 Epoxy Pavement Marking Jan. 1, 2001 Aug. 1, 2003 80055 27 _ Erosion and Sediment Control Deficiency Deduction Aug. 1, 2001 Nov. 1, 2001 80103 28 Expansion Joints Aug. 1, 2003 * 80101 29Flagger,.Vests.y :? _;:. _ ..... �� .. : _ . Aprit, f .2003Aiil;:20Q5. 80079 30 _ Freeze -Thaw Rating Nov. 1, 2002 80072 31 Furnished Excavation Aug. 1 2002 Nov. 1, 2004 80054 32 Hand Vibrator Nov. 1, 2003 80109 33 Impact Attenuators Nov. 1, 2003 80110 34 Impact Attenuators, Temporary Nov. 1, 2003 April 1, 2004 80104 35 Inlet Filters Aug.-1,2003 80080 36 Insertion Lining of Pipe Culverts Nov. 1, 2002 Aug. 1, 2003 80067 37 _ Light Emitting Diode (LED) Signal Head April 1, 2002 Aug. 1, 2003 80081 38 Lime Gradation Requirements Nov. 1, 2002 te r•; : M- .9..p.�_...._. 80133' 39 _Lime Stabilized;Soif Mfzture =_ F , _ <'; `°'� Nov�i2 ta;;20 _ s 80045 40 _ Material Transfer Device June 15, 1999 March 1, 2001 80137 41 _ Minimum Lane Width with Lane Closure Jan. 1,.2005 80138 - 42 _ Mulching Seeded Areas . Jan. 1, 2005 80082 43 _ Multilane Pavement Patching Nov. 1, 2002 80129 44 _ Notched Wedge Longitudinal Joint July 1, 2004 80069 45' _ Organic Zinc -Rich Paint System' Nov. 1, 2001. Aug. 1, 2003 80116 46 Partial Payments Sept. 1, 2003 File Name # Special Provision Title Effective Revised 80013 47 ^ Pavement and Shoulder Resurfacing Feb. 1, 2000 July 1, 2004 53600 48 Pavement Thickness Determination for Payment April 1, 1999 Jan. 1, 2004 80022 49 Payment to Subcontractors June 1, 2000 Sept. 1, 2003 80130 50 Personal Protective Equipment July 1, 2004 80134 51 _ Plastic Blockouts for Guardrail Nov. 1, 2004 80073 52 Polymer Modified Emulsified Asphalt Nov. 1, 2002 80119 53 Polyurea Pavement Marking April 1, 2004 80124 54 _ Portable Changeable Message Signs Nov. 1, 1993 April 2, 2004 80139 55 _ Portland Cement Jan. 1, 2005 80083 56 _ Portland Cement Concrete Nov: 1, 2002 80036 57 _ Portland Cement Concrete Patching Jan. 1, 2001 Jan. 1, 2004 419 58 _ Precast Concrete Products July 1, 1999 Nov. 1, 2004 80120 59 Precast, Prestressed Concrete Members April 1, 2004 80084 60 Pi afornned Recycled Rubber Joint Filler Nov. 1, 2002 . 80015 61 Public Convenience and Safety Jan. 1, 2000 * 80121- 62 _ PVC Pipelines April 1, 2004��4pilh 80122 63 _ Railroad, Full- Actuated Controller April 1, 2004 34261 64 Railroad Protective Liability Insurance Dec. 1, 1986 May 1, 1988 80105 65 Raised Reflective Pavement Markers (Bridge) Aug. 1, 2003 80011 66 _ RAP for Use in Bituminous Concrete Mixtures Jan. 1, 2000 April 1, 2002 80032 67 Remove and Re -Erect Steel Plate Beam Guardrail and Traffic Barrier Jan. 1, 2001 Jan. 1, 2005 _ Terminals 80085 68 _ Sealing Abandoned Water Wells Nov. 1, 2002 80131 69 _ Seeding and Sodding July 1, 2004 Nov. 1, 2004 80132 70 _ Self- Consolidating Concrete for Precast Products July 1, 2004 80096 71 _ Shoulder Rumble Strips Jan. 1, 2003 80140 72 _ Shoulder Stabilization at Guardrail Jan..1, 2005 p ft4 2005 ' 80135 •73 _Soil Modification :.;..a_ ; ; ;. ,., A,: Novs:1,.2004 80.070 74 _ Stabilized Subbase and Bituminous Shoulders Superpave April 1, 2002 July 1, 2004 80127 75 Steel Cost Adjustment April 2, 2004 July 1, 2004 80086 76 _ Subgrade Preparation Nov. 1, 2002 80136 77 Superpave Bituminous Concrete Mixture IL -4.75 Nov. 1, 2004 80010 78 _ Superpave Bituminous Concrete Mixtures Jan. 1, 2000 April 1, 2004 80039 79 _ Superpave Bituminous Concrete Mixtures (Low ESAL) Jan. 1, 2001 April 1, 2004 80075 80 _ Surface Testing of Pavements April 1, 2002 July 1, 2004 * 80145:: 81 _ Suspension of SlipformedParapets;; _ :r'; , _.: z s, _= :Junetil; 80092 82 _ Temporary Concrete Barrier Oct. 1., 2002 Nov. 1, 2003 80087 83 _ Temporary Erosion Control Nov. 1, 2002 80008 84 _ Temporary Module Glare Screen System Jan. 1, 2000 80106 85 _ Temporary Portable Bridge Traffic Signals Aug. 1, 2003 80098 86 _ Traffic Barrier Terminals Jan. 1, 2003 57291 87 _ Traffic Control Deficiency Deduction April 1, 1992 Jan. 1, 2005 20338 88 _ Training Special Provisions Oct. 15, 1975 80107 89 _ Transient Voltage Surge Suppression Aug. 1, 2003 80123 90 _ Truck Bed Release Agent April 1, 2004 80048 91 _ Weight Control Deficiency Deduction April 1, 2001 Aug. 1 2002 80090 92 _ Work Zone Public Information Signs Sept. 1, 2002 Jan. 1, 2005 80125 93 Work Zone Speed Limit Signs April 'April , �rVl l� -' Vi .rt^ 5 _ _ p T - ; '} .CJ��2 "6 .Lor�r,_Tl Glll�r {�,on N Offim . x:. ° c i•c si. • :' ='1.. _:__'t° ^ `:Apn.`._ »,. - - ..-.�. 80097 95 >!g Work Zone Traffic Control Devices Jan. 1, 2003 Nov. 1, 2004 80071 96 Working Days Jan. 1, 2002 FLAGGER VESTS (BDE) Effective: April 1, 2003 Revised: August 1, 2005 Revise the first sentence of Article 701.04(c)(1) of the Standard Specifications to read: "The flagger shall be stationed to the satisfaction of the Engineer and be equipped with a fluorescent orange, fluorescent yellow /green or a combination of fluorescent orange and fluorescent yellow /green vest meeting the requirements of the American National Standards Institute specification ANSI/ISEA 107 -1999 for Conspicuity Class 2 garments and approved flagger traffic control signs conforming to Standard 702001 and Article 702.05(e)." Revise Article 701.04(c)(6) of the Standard Specifications to read: "(6) Nighttime Flagging. Flaggers shall be illuminated by an overhead light source providing a minimum vertical illuminance of 108 lux (10 fc) measured 300 mm (1 ft) out from the flagger's chest. The bottom of any luminaire shall be a minimum of 3 m (10 ft) above the pavement. Luminaires) shall be shielded to minimize glare to approaching traffic and trespass light to adjoining properties. The flagger vest shall be a fluorescent orange or fluorescent orange and fluorescent yellow /green vest meeting the requirements of the American National Standards Institute specification ANSI/ISEA 107 -1999 for Conspicuity Class 3 garments." 80101 1 WORK ZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (BDE) Effective: January 1, 2003 Revised: November 1, 2004 Add the following to Article 702.01 of the Standard Specifications: "All devices and combinations of devices shall meet the requirements of the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Report 350 for their respective categories. The categories are as follows: Category 1 includes small, lightweight, channelizing and delineating devices that have been in common use for many years and are known to be crashworthy by crash testing of similar devices or years of demonstrable safe performance. These include cones, tubular markers, flexible delineators and plastic drums with no attachments. Category 1 devices shall be crash tested and accepted or may be self - certified by the manufacturer. Category 2 includes devices that are not expected to produce significant vehicular velocity change but may otherwise be hazardous. These include drums and vertical panels with lights, barricades and portable sign supports. Category 2 devices shall be crash tested and accepted for Test Level 3. - I Category 3 includes devices that are expected to cause significant velocity changes or other potentially harmful reactions. to impacting vehicles. These include crash cushions, truck mounted attenuators and other devices not meeting the definitions of Category 1 or 2. Category 3 devices shall be crash tested and accepted for either Test Level 3 or the test level specified. Category 4 includes portable or trailer- mounted devices such as arrow boards, changeable message signs, temporary traffic signals and area lighting supports. Currently, there is no implementation date set for this category and it is exempt from the NCHRP 350 compliance requirement. The Contractor shall provide a manufacturer's self - certification letter for each Category 1 device and an FHWA acceptance letter for each Category 2 and Category 3 device used on the contract. The letters shall:,;state the device meets the NCHRP 350 requirements for its respective category and test level, and shall include a detail drawing of the device." Delete the third, fourth and fifth paragraphs of Article 702.03(b) of the Standard Specifications. Delete the third sentence of the first paragraph of Article 702.03(c) of the Standard Specifications. Revise the first sentence of the first paragraph of Article 702.03(e) of the Standard Specifications to read: i "Drums shall be nonmetallic and have alternating reflectorized Type AA or Type AP fluorescent orange and reflectorized white horizontal, circumferential stripes." Add the following to Article 702.03 of the Standard Specifications: "(h) Vertical Barricades. Vertical barricades may be used in lieu of cones, drums or Type II barricades to channelize traffic." Delete the fourth paragraph of Article 702.05(a) of the Standard Specifications. Revise the sixth paragraph of Article 702.05(a) of the Standard Specifications to read: "When the work operations exceed four days, all signs shall be post mounted unless the signs are located on the pavement or define a moving or intermittent operation. When approved by the Engineer, a temporary. sign stand may be used to support a sign at 1.2 m (5 ft) minimum where posts are impractical. Longitudinal dimensions shown on the plans for the placement of signs may be increased up to 30 m (100 ft) to avoid obstacles, hazards or to improve sight distance, when approved by the Engineer. "ROAD CONSTRUCTION AHEAD" signs will also be required on side roads located within the limits of the mainline "ROAD CONSTRUCTION AHEAD" signs." Delete all references to "Type 1A barricades" and "wing barricades" throughout Section 702 of the Standard Specifications. 80097 - I I Kendall County Prevailing Wage for May 2005 Page 1 of 6 Kendall County Prevailing Wage for May 2005 Trade Name RG TYP C Base FRMAN *M -F >8 OSA OSH H/W Pensn Vac Trng ASBESTOS ABT -GEN ALL 29.000 29.750 1.5 1.5 2.0 5.850 3.900 0.000 0.170 ASBESTOS ABT -MEC BLD 23.300 24.800 1.5 1.5 2.0 3.640 5.520 0.000 0.000 BOILERMAKER BLD 36.820 40.140 2.0 2.0 2.0 6.920 6.260 0.000 0.210 BRICK MASON BLD 32.050 35.260 1.5 1.5 2.0 5.650 6.340 0.000 0.440 CARPENTER ALL 34.320 35.820 1.5 1.5 2.0 5.560 4.870 0:000 0.490 CEMENT MASON ALL 32.000 35.200 2.0 1.5 2.0 5.200 8.060 0.000 0.050 CERAMIC TILE FNSHER BLD 25.450 0.000 2.0 1.5 2.0 5.000 4.350 0.000 0.100 COMMUNICATION TECH BLD 29.680 31.480 1.5 1.5 2.0 5.390 6.830 0.000 0.590 ELECTRIC PWR EQMT OP ALL 26.940 34.540 1.5 1.5 2.0 3.750 7.440 0.000 0.130 ELECTRIC PWR GRNDMAN ALL 20.970 34.540 1.5 1.5 2.0 3.750 5.760 0.000 0.100 ELECTRIC PWR LINEMAN ALL 31.980 34.540 1.5 1.5 2.0 3.750 8.850 0.000 0.160 ELECTRIC PWR TRK DRV ALL 21.640 34.540 1.5 1.5 2.0 3.750 5.950 0.000 0.110 ELECTRICIAN BLD 36.770 40.450 1.5 1.5 2.0 6.620 8.450.0.000 0.74.0 ELEVATOR CONSTRUCTOR BLD 38.995 43.870 2.0 2.0 2.0 7.275 3.420 2.340 0.370 FENCE ERECTOR - ALL 32.990 34.630 2.0 2.0 2.0 6.440 12.82 0.000 0.230 GLAZIER BLD 30.000 31.000 1.5 2.0 2.0 6.090 8.450"0.000 0.500 HT /FROST INSULATOR BLD 31..650 33.400 1.5 1.5 2.0 7.260 - 8.360 0.000 0.230 IRON WORKER ALL 32.990 34.630 2.0 2.0 2.0 6.440 12.82 0.000 0.230 LABORER ALL 29.000 29.750 1.5 1.5 2.0 5.850 3.900 0.000 0.170 LATHER BLD 34.320 35.820 1.5 1.5 2.0 5.560 4.870 0.000 0.490 MACHINIST BLD 34.540 36.290 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.200 4.100 2.380 0.000 MARBLE FINISHERS ALL 25.050 0.000 1.5 1.5 2.0 5.220 6.340 0.000 0.570 MARBLE MASON BLD 32.050 35.260 1.5 1.5 2.0 5.650 6.340 0.000 0.570 MILLWRIGHT ALL 34.320 35.820 1.5 1.5 2.0 5.560 4.870 0.000 0.490 OPERATING ENGINEER BLD 1 37.600 41.600 2.0 2.0 2.0 6.050 4.850 1.800 0.600 OPERATING ENGINEER BLD 2 36.300 41.600 2.0 2.0 2.0 6.050 4.850 1.800 0.600 OPERATING ENGINEER BLD 3 33.750 41.600 2.0 2.0 2.0 6.050 4.850 1.800 0.600 OPERATING ENGINEER BLD 4 32.000 41.600 2.0 2.0 2.0 6.050 4.850 1.800 0.600 OPERATING ENGINEER HWY 1 35.800 39.800 1.5 1.5 2.0 6.050 4.850 1.800 0.600 OPERATING ENGINEER HWY 2 35.250 39.800 1.5 1.5 2.0 6.050 4.850 1.800 0.600 OPERATING ENGINEER HWY 3 33.200 39.800 1.5 1.5 2.0 6.050 4.850 1.800 0.600 OPERATING ENGINEER HWY 4 31.800 39.800 1.5 1.5 2.0 6.050 4.850 1.800 0.600 OPERATING ENGINEER HWY 5 30'.600 39.800 1.5 1.5 2.0 6.050 4.850 1.800 0.600 ORNAMNTL_IRON.WORKER ALL 32.990 34.630 2 -.0 2.0 2.06.440 12.82 0.000 0.230 PAINTER ALL 32.230 33.230 1.5 1.5 1.5 4.850 4.200 0.000 0.250 PAINTER SIGNS BLD 25.150 28.240 1.5 1.5 1.5 2.600 2.010 0.000 0.000 PILEDRIVER ALL 34.320 35.820 1.5 1.5 2.0 5.560 4.870 0.000 0.490 PIPEFITTER BLD 34.010 36.010 1.5 1.5 2.0 6.800 6.690 0.000 0.850 PLASTERER BLD 31.000 32.500 1.5 1.5 2.0 5.240 6.100 0.000 0.400 PLUMBER BLD 34.010 36.010 1.5 1.5 2.0 6.800 6.690 0.000 0.850 ROOFER BLD 31.950 33.950 1.5 1.5 2.0 5.470 2.950 0.000 0.330 SHEETMETAL WORKER BLD 33.680 35.680 1.5 1.5 2.0 5.950 6.840 0.000 0.540 SPRINKLER FITTER BLD 34.500 36.500 1.5 1.5 2•.0 7.000 5.550 0.000 0.500 STEEL ERECTOR ALL 32.990 34.630 2.0 2.0 2.0 6.440 12.82 STONE MASON BLD 32.050 35.260 1.5 1.5 2.0 5.650 6.340 0.000 0.440 TERRAZZO FINISHER BLD 26.200 0.000 1.5 1.5 2.0 5.750 4.750 0.000 0.220 TERRAZZO MASON BLD 30.050 32.550 1.5 1.5 2.0 5.750 6.150 0.000 0.120 TILE MASON BLD 31.000 34.000 2.0 1.5 2.0 5.000 5.350 0.000 0.180 TRUCK DRIVER ALL 1 30.540 31.090 1.5 1.5 2.0 5.330 3.480 0.000 0..000 TRUCK DRIVER ALL 2 30.690 31.090 1.5 1.5 2.0 5.330 3.480 0.000 0.000 TRUCK DRIVER ALL 3 30.890 31.090 1.5 .1.5 2.0 5.330 3.480 0.000 0.000 TRUCK DRIVER ALL 4 31.090 31.090 1.5 1.5 2.0 5.330 3.480 0.000 0.000 TUCKPOINTER BLD 33.500 34.500 1.5 1.5 2.0 4.210 5.840 0.000 0.400 httn: / /www. state. il. us /aaenev /idol/rates /ODDMO/KENDALL9.htm 4/29/2005 30 m min, 1100') C For any operation that encroaches In the area between • ° o " the centerline and a line 600 (24) outside the edge of the 30 m min. ' pavement for a period of less than l5 minutes. (100 Vehicle with dual flashers or flashing amber dome light operating. — _— _ —_ —_ —_ _—_—_—_—___ --------------- _ ---------------------------------------------------- . For any operation that Is more than 600 (24) outside the edge of the pavement for a period of less than 60 minutes. �j/ /�j L Vehicle with dual flashers or flashing amber dome light operating. ONE L41E ' FEAGCEq NUM ,xE.o For any operation that encroaches In the ores between ,30 m min. OI W20- 1101(0) -48 O W20`4(0) -48 the cent arllne and a line 600 (24) outside the edge of the (100'1 P a fora period In excess of IS minutes but less \ \ than 60 minutes. X 9 1 \ 99 ' r LK\ o v 30 m min.l SIGN SPACING 1100'1 I Posted Speed Sign Spaclny 55 164 m (500') I qsM FUBBER I 50 -45 115 m (3501 I (45 60 m (2001 I W20-4(0) -48 W20- 1101(0) -48 Oj Refer to SIGN SPACING table for distances. All dimensions are In millimeters (Inches) unless otherwise shown. TYPICAL APPLICATIONS SYMBOLS Marking patches ® DATE REVISIONS ® nnnoi• os•orfm•ro oe tran•oort•uon Field survey Work area I -I -OS Deleted FLAGCER SYMBOL LANE CLOSURE 2L, ZW, "rrgov[O Janu•ry 1. Zoos - String line p Sign on portable or permanent support sign. SHORT TIME OPERATIONS -�`� � Utility operations T xE clx�€N ov n•F�NS Cleaning up debris on pavement • Flogger with traffic control sign 1 -1 -00 Deleted "150 m" sign .rmov[o zoos [NL�NFEN a .n�o FO,wFx, SIGN Spac SPACING dime ntable. Added STANDARD 701301 -02 no WORK Q CONST 'D 4> WCT[ON W21 -4(0)-48 AxEAD W20 E <*> goAo 00 W20-1101(0)-48 W20 W20-1(0) m Min. 3rloble 150 m ISO m(500') min. (100') (5001 300 QOOO')Mox. ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- I=> C=> 150 m (5001 min. 150 m Variable T 30 m min. m11000" x' (500 (100 E Fo r contrac N CONSIPOCiN ROAD W20 W20-4(0)-48 W,20-1101(0)-48 For maintenance and Utility noAO projects W20-1(0) GENERAL NOTES W21 This Standard Is used where at any time, any vehicle, equipment, workers or their actl vI ties require on Intermittent or continous moving operation on the pove- ment where the average speed of move- ment Is greater than 2 km/h (1 mph) and less than 6 km/h (4 mph). TYPICAL APPLICATIONS D Minimum distance Is 60 m (200'). Maximum When the operation does not exceed 60 Bituminous resurfacing distance to be dete�mlned by the Engineer minutes, traffic control may be according Milling operations but should not exceed 1 /2 the length to Standard 701301. Utility operations required for one normal working day's Shoulder operations a eratto . or 3200 m (2 miles), which ever SYMBOLS Is less. All dimensions are In millimeters (inches) unless otherwise shown. Work area DATE REVISIONS LANE CLOSURE, 2L, 2W, SLOW sign on portable or permanent support 1-1-05 Deleted FLAGGER SYMBOL ­M. V; sign and revised sign MOVING OPERATIONS DAY ONLY, 9 Flogger with traffic control sign spacing. FOR SPEEDS > 45 MPH I Renum. Standard 2306 Deleted oron flags _ge STANDARD 701306 -01 ­ft(l( of Dfi. and FRESH OIL sign. 200 -300 T� 5 min. (3) 100 450 min. o (4) (I6I o o ? 6 _ 100 oIP — L o (9) m n . . �4 OO N E °m = 150 4 -6 m n N -- . J o 100 () �m o N – M 100 -150 (4 -61 OF Orange Orange CONE REFLECTORIZED CONE FLEXIBLE DELINEATOR VERTICAL PANEL DRUM POST MOUNTED 300 ' 1121 � •—` ti r�•1 (4) • N m ° o m -- - o m 100 E I_ 600 min. E w ° o � (24) n o7W 600 min. _I 600 (24) .I l2 min. TYPE I BARRICADE TYPE II BARRICADE TYPE III BARRICADE DIRECTION INDICATOR VERTICAL BARRICADE BARRICADE Warning lights (if required) GENERAL NOTES All heights shown shall be measured above the pavement surface. All dimensions are In millimeters (Inches) unless otherwise shown. DATE REVISIONS 0.- 1..x.1 .r T ---P t ,I- 1 -1 -05 Added note to work limit TRAFFIC CONTROL opRo o j-..- t. Ms - signing and re -added DEVICES ��or IONS 4 -1 -04 Removled b arrica de. (Sheet I of 3) I xaas J barricade and constr. STANDARD 702001 -05 �n,r,,,n nii —ate speed limit sign. Type A monodlrectlonol flashing light 4 50x 4 50 (18x18) Orange flags ROAD CONSTRUCTION I END C NEXT % MILES CONSTRUCTION E -- 100x100 (4x41 —1. J q nom. wood post , 600 - 7.0 m G20-I101 -6076 C20-20(0) -6029 (24 l0 c , 1.5 ml5')min. rural Edge of EN SIGN o l.2 m 14') rural 2.1 m (7'1 min, urban pavement or f T o - This signing Is required for all protects 1.8 m (8'1 urban I of curb ^ (IF SPECIFIED) 3200 m (2 miles) or more In length. E m ROAD CONSTRUCTION NEXT % MILES sign sholl _ be placed 150 m (500') In advance of pro- ject limits. Elevotlon of ed 9 e 1 „ Elevotlon of edge ENO CONSTRUCTION sign shall be erected of of pavement Of pavement the end of the Job unless another Job Is - within 3200 m (2 miles) . embedmen In. SIGNS ON TEMPORARY SUPPORTS Dual sign displays shall be utilized on multl- lone highways. POST MOUNTED SIGNS HIGH LEVEL WARNING DEVICE WORK LIMIT SIGNING 4E >N When curb or paved shoulder are present this dimension shall be 600 (24) to the face of curb or 1.9 m 16'1 to the outside edge of the paved shoulder. 600 (24) _ 125. _ 175 _ (5) (7) \ \ EE 7 \ 200 fB'1 Federal series C l \BO ( Federal series —..-- — — i — — — NN - -- 10 W ao %2) I - - - - - -7 - - -- 400 f �} \ (16) t b I 15 1 E_ m is C - All dimensions are In millimeters (inches) unless otherwise shown. FRONT SIDE REVERSE SIDE ® nnnoi. o.pprem.ro pe Erpn.Partei�an TRAFFIC CONTROL 1PPHOVEO ` � . 2pps FLAGGER TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGN DEVICES Er+i:RFir'ar ar .Ilo (Sheet 2 of 3) .v...VE0 2OO5 _ STANDARD 702007 -05 Exc,nE€N' of pEZ,px .xp ENJippxNENI 600 t r-► A (241 ` _----- ____ J I ________________- 2.4 m min. O o O C1 1.5 mmin. - ------- -- -- ------ ---- --- 0 1.2 mmin. I (5'1 I *'\ ------------------ ------- ---------- 0 d Weep holes E o E 5 @c n ---------------'-- ------ ------'-'-- R m B m 8 m p (25'1 f25') (2, I Odvonce �— .. 60m: 60mt 6 1 + 0 warning signs (2001 (2001 (2001 a FIL 4 E = E C ' - ` I N^ IIII' �IIII A PLAN L e m 45 k TYPE A TYPE B TYPE C I (IY4) j Face may be f5 ) steDPed or smooth ROOF ROOF OR TRAILER TRAILER "k Traffic MOUNTED MOUNTED. MOUNTED = `\ Epoxy channel o 0 o u u u ARROW BOARDS' • ! 90 m (3 SECTION A -A TYPICAL INSTALLATION TEMPORARY RUMBLE STRIPS I U_ I. ' U I7 � U fl c • 50 max. I 150 max. 150 max. E E 112) Type A ^ flasher, (61 �� 161 RII -2 (6) n, o_ ROAD E E CLOSED �.• Edge of - IC U Lf shoulder III ' ...•..•: f•rIP$� <{�• ,.r. -s•t� �:ir.:ic•:; .. 1 3 i OO min. Pavement I I 1121 Type A I Fill ROAD CLOSED TO ALL TRAFFIC [- flasher Reflectorized striping may be omitted j�' ROAD cLosep �..A ftosfo on the bock side of the borrlcodes. To If O Type ]ll sign pones which meets NCHRP 350 Is not barricade With an attached THRU TRAFFIC I1:+- ce- mtd�l� available, the sign may be mounted on an .. -- - NCHRP 350 temporary sign support directly ' °•- "• All dimensions are In millimeters (Inches) In front of the barricade. '` \-Pavement unless otherwise shown. ROAD CLOSED TO THRU TRAFFIC Reflectorized striping shall appear on TRAFFIC CONTROL ® Ilnnel. o,oer +..n+ e+ rron,00�+o +Ion both sides of the barricades. If a TYPICAL APPLICATIONS OF Type III bar - ads with on attached DEVICES snnovfo y�y sign panel which meets NCHRP 350 Is �� TYPE III BARRICADES CLOSING A ROAD not avolloble, the si ma be mounted (Sheet 3 of 3) ��F €��or A ox EPIPONfD on NCHRP 350 temporary sign supports ' directly In front of the barricade. STANDARD 702001 -05 fNGINEEIi Yf � IGN XOGH4ENI Illinois Department of Transportation Proposal Route 2005 Joint & Crack Fillinq County Kendall RETURN WITH BID Local Agency Citv of Yorkville Section 05- 00000 -01 -GM 1. Proposal of for the improvement of the above section by the construction of the routing, cleaning, and sealing of joints and cracks in the pavement with hot poured rubberized sealer including traffic control for project safety. a total distance of N/A feet, of which a distance of N/A feet,( N/A miles) are to be improved. 2. The plans for the proposed work are those prepared by City of Yorkville and approved by the Department of Transportation on 3. The specifications referred to herein are those prepared by the Department of Transportation and designated as "Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction" and the "Supplemental Specifications and Recurring Special Provisions" thereto, adopted and in effect on the date of invitation for bids. 4. The undersigned agrees to accept, as part of the contract, the applicable Special Provisions indicated on the "Check Sheet for Recurring Special Provisions" contained in this proposal. I 5. The undersigned agrees to complete the work within working days or by 08/31/2005 unless additional time is granted in accordance with the specifications. 6. A proposal guaranty in the proper amount, as specified in BLRS Special Provision for Bidding Requirements and Conditions for contract Proposals, will be required. Bid Bonds ® will ❑ will not be allowed as proposal guaranties. Accompanying this proposal is either a bid bond if allowed, on Department form BLR 5708 or a proposal guaranty check, complying with the specifications, made payable to: City Treasurer of City of Yorkville the amount of the check is ( ) 7. In the event that one proposal guaranty check is intended to cover two or more proposals, the amount must be equal to the sum of the proposal guaranties, which would be required for each individual proposal. If the proposal guaranty check is placed in another proposal, it will be found in the proposal for: Section Number 8. If this proposal is accepted and the undersigned fails to execute a contract and contract bond. as required, it is hereby agreed that the Bid Bond or check shall be forfeited to the Awarding Authority. 9. Each pay item should have a unit price and a total price. If no total price is shown or if there is a discrepancy between the product of the unit price multiplied by the quantity, the unit price shall govern. If a unit price is omitted, the total price will be divided by the quantity in order to establish a unit price. 10. A bid will be declared unacceptable if neither a unit price nor a total price is shown. 11. The undersigned firm certifies that it has not been convicted of bribery or attempting to bribe an officer or employee of the State of Illinois, nor has the firm made an admission of guilt of such conduct which is a matter of record, nor has an official, agent, or employee of the firm committed bribery or attempted bribery on behalf of the firm and pursuant to the direction or authorization of a responsible official of the firm. The undersigned firm further certifies that it is not barred from contracting with any unit of State or local government as a result of a violation of State laws prohibiting bid - rigging or bid - rotating. 12. The undersigned submits herewith the schedule of prices on BLR 570 covering the work to be performed under this contract. BLR 5705 (10/01) Illinois Department of Transportation Schedule of Prices Route 2005 Joint & Crack Filling County Kendall Local Agency Yorkville Section 05- 00000 -01 -GM RETURN WITH BID (For complete information covering these items, see plans and specifications) Item No. Items I Unit Quantity I Unit Total Price 1 Crack Filling LB 29393 � I � I j I j I j I I I, j I I � j I I Carried forward from Page Page Total (To be carried forward to Page 1 BLR 5706 (Rev. 3/02) Page 1 of 2 Illinois Department of -Transportation Schedule of Prices, Agency City of Yorkville RETURN WITH BID Section No. 05- 00000 -01 -GM I (For complete information covering these items, see plans and specifications) Item. Unit No. I Items I Unit Qu antity Price Total I � I I � I I Bidder's Proposal for making Entire Improvements. 14. The undersigned further agrees that if awarded the contract for the sections contained in the following combinations, he will perform the work in accordance with the requirements of each individual proposal for the multiple bid specified in the schedule below. Schedule of Multiple Bids Combina- tion Letter Sections Included in Combination I Total N/A Page 1 of 2 BLR 5707 (Rev. 7/01) (If an individual) Signature of Bidder Business Address (If a partnership) Firm Name Signed By Business Address I Insert Names and Addresses of All Partners If a corporation) Corporate Name Signed By President - I Business Address President Insert Names of Secretary Officers Treasurer Attest: Secretary Page 2 of 2 BLR 5707 (Rev. 7/01)