Adhoc City/School Packet 2004 02-05-04r
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United City of Yorkville
ei County Seat of Kendall County
EST. `_1IIMM 1836
800 Game Farm Road
��� N Yorkville, Illinois 60560
Q it Gl \ O Phone:630 553 4350
�L Zr vim= Fax:630-553-7575
1`/4LE Nv
Thursday, February 5, 2004
5:30 p.m.
City Conference Room
Committee Members: Dave Dockstader, John Evans, Bob Pilmer, Van Truman,
Heather Fiala, Wanda Ohare, Paul James, Mayor Prochaska, Tony Graff, Laura
1. Minutes for Approval/Correction: 11/13/03, 12/04/03 and 1/7/04
2. Review Draft of Proposed Amendment to Intergovernmental Agreement
3. Additional Business
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5:30 P.M.
In Attendance:
City Parks
Art Prochaska—Mayor Van Truman—Park Board
Wanda Ohare —Alderwoman Heather Fiala—Park Board
Tony Graff - City Administrator
Laura Brown—Executive Director of Parks & Recreation
Dave Dockstader— School Board
Bob Pilmer— School Board
Robert Brenart— School Board
Tony Scott-Kendall County Record Newspaper
Ms. Brown distributed some inter-governmental agreements on which Van Truman had
done some research. Alderwoman Ohare inquired as to how a city of Yorkville's size fit
in to such an agreement with our city and school size. Ms. Brown stated that the main
focus is to maximize resources to avoid duplication between the school and city. Ms.
Ohare asked how the city could use the school facilities when they are in use almost
continuously?There was much discussion on being able to use both services 24 hours a
day/7 days a week. Mr. Dockstader stated that the high school is used 24/7, but the
middle school may be available. It was noted by Ms. Brown that in the fall, the park
district used school facilities 260 hours and the projected winter use is about 530 hours.
Winter is the peak time of use due to basketball games. Gym classes are on the park
district's grounds on a daily basis. The exchange of services also occurs with the Police
Department. Two full time officers are at the school with a proposed 3`d officer at the
middle school. They also appear at school-sponsored activities.
It was also noted that the Beecher Center has its own agreement. The State deeded the
Beecher property to the City at a cost of $1 for 100 years. Technically from the 20 yard
line on the football field, is city property and the parking is shared.
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Alderwoman Ohare asked if the purpose of this group was to make better use of facilities.
Ms. Brown replied that the focus of this group was to prepare an inter-government
agreement and set forward new directions on how best to work together. Five new parks
are on the development schedule which will also serve the schools. The 2 bodies need to
share the costs since they are both funded by taxpayer money.
At 5:40 Mayor Prochaska joined the meeting. Ms. Brown summarized the previous
discussions for him.
Mr. Dockstader felt that the agreement should be for 2-3 years, not just 1 year, and then
reviewed after 2 years as people and facilities change. By doing so, the whole process
does not have to be redone each year. Then more long-term planning can be done on
programs such as basketball etc.
The Mayor will ask Chief Martin to provide police department costs within the school
from August 26th through December 31, 2003. Mr. Dockstader noted there is a cost of
$25/hour for electricity for the gym. This cost was provided by the architects and is
based on the cost per square foot and then averaged. It does not include janitorial
service. Ms. Brown noted that for the same time period, the park district used 270 hours
of service at a cost of about $7600.
Mayor Prochaska asked about the current agreement in relation to the multi-year
agreement-- where are some of the flaws or possible future issues. Ms. Brown stated
that in the near future, the Park District will be entering into a 3 year agreement with
Concord Homes and the park/school site will be ready for park development. There will
be a combined acreage site— 7.4 acres for parks and 15 for schools (of which 12 are for
the school). Ms.Brown stated there should be a dialogue at that time to avoid duplication
of amenities and to strategically place the parks. Mr. Brenart also stated that these
amenities should also be age appropriate. Mayor Prochaska added that care must be
taken to accommodate both the school and park.
In the past, parks were built last, but due to a change in the funding, the money is
obtained up-front. Ms. Brown cited the example of Concord Homes, where the money
has already been collected.
Mayor Prochaska stated that most park facilities have the ability to accommodate several
age ranges. The issue of schools changing grade levels was discussed. That issue may
be answered in strategic facility planning which Mike Schoppe is working on with Dr.
Engler. The Mayor noted that the continued cost of that study is $17,000. Dr. Engler
will provide $4,800 and expects $12-13,000 from the City. The Mayor hopes to have a
strategic plan to determine the locations of future schools at the end of that study.
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Ms. Brown felt parking lots should be located between a proposed school and park, both
should use the same landscaping and playground equipment should be placed in the
middle of the properties so that both can use the equipment. She inquired as to schools
and parks even sharing buildings, gyms, etc. Mr. Dockstader noted that due to the
favorable bid climate in building the new school, they were able to extend the gym and
acquire bleachers which is unusual for that grade level. Looking into the future, he noted
that in the next 2 years, state funding will be some of the lowest ever. There is even a
possibility of having to suspend some school programs. Ms. Brown stated that was a
good reason to share 1) land use, 2) building use and 3)joint amenities such as
maintenance/landscaping etc. Mr. Brenart stated he feels that the main thing is to cover
costs and that there must be an agreement that all are comfortable with.
The Mayor noted that most parks do not have large parking lots to which Ms. Brown
replied that parking lots are only built for parks over 5 acres. Mr. Dockstader expressed
a desire to see more green area. He also noted that a soccer field was a possibility for a
future high school. He also reminded us that since schools are closed in the summer, they
are not available for activities. Ms. Brown stated that other facilities such as private
schools, churches and vacant buildings in Countryside Shopping Center have been used
for some park activities.
Mr. Brenart asked if there is a formula for figuring costs so that costs can be fair.
According to Mr. Dockstader, the costs are not that different. He felt that a 3 year
agreement should be written incorporating more guidelines for the school/park
partnership. The agreement can be reviewed after 2 years. The current agreement
expires in July.
Dockstader also noted that a fieldhouse for the community could be a possibility. Ms.
Fiala said that a study 2 years ago didn't show community interest at that time. Mayor
Prochaska pointed out that we need to lay groundwork now for such facilities. According
to Ms. Brown, the question of having a pool came up last year and that the Hoover site
was considered. Mr. Dockstader then pointed out that we are short a gym right now as
kids are practicing early in the morning. New people moving in have expressed an
interest in soccer and swim teams according to Ms. Fiala. The Mayor stated that the
City and schools will need to have dialogue about any future pool plans and again stated
the strategic planning should help out with this question. Mr. Brenart explained that when
the school reaches a certain student body size, the conference requires certain activities
such as soccer, for example. Yorkville is currently the smallest school in the conference,
but the school desired to stay in this conference to cut down travel expenses etc.
Alderwoman Ohare stated that the City is looking at the long-term and the schools are
looking short term due to funding. The Park Board is currently planning for major
complexes such as a rec center, sports complex or fieldhouse.
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Ms. Brown said that the park board took an aggressive stand with regionalizing fully
accessible playgrounds for wheelchairs. Concrete pathways accessible for wheelchairs
are being planned rather than transfer platforms for wheelchairs. In the long run this will
save the school money as well.
Ms. Ohare asked about land cash deals and the fact that a park could be built before a
school. The Mayor stated that any park developed by the City can operate without a
school, but there must be discussion between the city and schools to determine age-
appropriate plans with proposed schools.
The park district has been aggressive in plotting a bike path, according to Ms. Brown.
They will work with schools and developers and make adjustments in the planning
Mayor Prochaska asked Ms. Brown to draft an agreement before the next meeting and
send it to the board members to review prior to that meeting. He also requested that she
include copies of other agreements for discussion.
The next meeting will be Thursday, February 5 at 5:30pm.
Ms. Ohare left the meeting at 630 to attend another meeting.
Mr. Truman asked if the formulas could be obtained as well.
There was no additional business.
The meeting adjourned at 6:36 pm.
Minutes respectfully submitted by:
Marlys Young, Minute Taker
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5:30 P.M.
The meeting was cancelled due to a lack of a quorum. At 5:50, it was decided to
reschedule the meeting to Wednesday, January 7, 2004 at 5:30pm.
Respectfully submitted by Marlys Young
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5:30 P.M.
In Attendance:
City Parks
Art Prochaska—Mayor Van Truman—Park Board
Wanda Ohare—Alderwoman Ward III Heather Fiala—Park Board
Tony Graff— City Administrator
Laura Brown- Executive Director of Parks & Recreation
Dave Dockstader— School Board
Bob Pilmer— School Board
John Evans—Athletic Director
Tony Scott—Kendall County Record Newspaper
The members introduced themselves and stated what organization they represented.
Mayor Prochaska asked the committee what they felt they would like to accomplish.
Mr. Dockstader stated that he would like to see the city and schools have a fresh start and
put the problems of the last six months behind everyone. He stated that he would like to
see city/school facilities used 24 hours/day and payment for facility use to be equitable.
Mayor Prochaska agreed that services and facilities should be used in the best way to
benefit both the city and schools. Mayor Prochaska felt that today's needs should be
reviewed as well as future needs for both schools and parks and that facilities could be
built with the maximum use for everyone in mind. Mr. Dockstader noted that the gym at
the new school on Route 126 was designed to have outside access without going into the
school so that it can be used by outside sources. Alderwoman Ohare asked if there were
any plans for a second gym at the high school and Mr. Dockstader stated that there is a
School Board Ad Hoc looking into this and the next addition could be a field house.
Ms. Brown stated that she hoped the committee could work on how to deal with current
amenities as well as future ones, land use, building use and the joint trade of services
such as landscaping, upkeep, etc. She hoped these things could be dealt with smoothly.
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She also stated that the Park Master Plan for new parks and trails could be tied into new
school locations.
The Committee discussed the agreement between the School District and the City. Mr.
Dockstader stated that he had questions about the agreement and would like to see a plan
created for after the term of the agreement. Mayor Prochaska state that by using the Park
Master Plan along with School District input, a draft of a better agreement for facilities
and services might be reached. It would also be good to develop a plan while funds are
available from developers. Mr. Graff stated that developer fees could be used to cost
share between the two groups. This would help to keep taxes down.
Ms. Brown distributed a handout listing proposed developments that will have
SchooUPark sites. They are:
• Fisher Property—Kimball Hill Homes—park site 12.56 acres— school site 15
• Raintree Village—Concord Hones—park site 15.044 acres—school site
15.044 acres
• Windett Ridge/Dhuse—Wiseman Hughes—park site 5.29 acres—school site
10 acres—with an additional 7 acres Windett Ridge Park and a trail system
• Westbury Village—Ocean Atlantic—park site 5 acres—school site 15 acres
• Grande Reserve—MPI —park site 12 acres and school site 12 acres
Mayor Prochaska suggested taking a look at the School District's needs to determine
what type of facilities can be worked on jointly. Mr. Dockstader stated that the exact
future needs of the district have not been determined yet however there is a School
Growth Ad Hoc Committee working on this. He stated he would get more information
and bring it to the next meeting. He also stated that it might be beneficial to present the
City's future needs to the Growth Ad Hoc Committee so this information can be used in
their planning. Mr. Graff agreed that the City needs recommendations from the School
District as to what facilities should be built near school sites. He noted that City Planner
Mike Schoppe is working with School Superintended Dr. Engler on facility sites.
Ms. Brown gave an example on how the city and schools can work together at these sites.
She suggested that when the parks are developed before the schools, the school property
be graded for athletic use until a school is built. There was discussion on who would
maintain the property until the building is built and at whose cost. Mr. Dockstader
suggested that there are different methods of compensation for these services such as an
exchange of services between the two parties. Mayor Prochaska noted that he has
complaints from citizens regarding payment between the city and the district because
resident's tax dollars pay both groups. The committee discussed the cost of services and
budgets. Mayor Prochaska suggested that each group present costs for specific uses such
as rooms, computers, police officers,janitors, etc. and bring this information to the next
meeting for discussion.
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The committee discussed the Hoover Boy Scout Camp and the possibility of using it for
educational purposes as well as recreational. Ms. Brown noted that there is a swimming
pool on the property which could possibly be used for school purposes.
The committee discussed recreational trends. Mr. Evans noted that schools now offer
athletic activities such as weight training and aerobics. Changing trends may create a
need for a pool and a swim team in the future. He also noted that field botany classes are
becoming popular so a facility such as Hoover can be used for academic studies.
Mayor Prochaska asked for suggestions for discussion at the next meeting.
Mr. Truman asked for information regarding school standards for athletic facilities such
as what facilities are typical to elementary or high schools. He also asked for input on
pool facilities so this could be used as a reference tool. He noted that other suburbs have
agreements between the city and school with regards to facility use, shared capital for
maintenance and equipment for facilities. He stated he would bring examples to the next
Ms. Brown stated she would like to discuss immediate needs such as a swimming pool.
These needs could be identified so both groups could work together for future goals.
Mayor Prochaska suggested reviewing the current agreement between the City and
School District so that they could begin planning for a future agreement. Ms. Brown
distributed copies of the current agreement. Mr. Graff suggested discussing the schools
expectations from the agreement because he felt they may be different that the City's.
Ms. Brown noted that a new agreement for the use of sports field is needed. She received
a letter from Dr. Engler stating that the district doesn't want to use city fields.
It was decided to discuss the current agreement and immediate needs at the next meeting
which was tentatively scheduled for December 4, 2003 at 5:30 P.M.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:30 P.M.
Minutes respectfully submitted by:
Jackie Milschewski, City Clerk
Note: Tape malfunctioned
DRAFT—Ad Hoc Committee Use only 2/2004 Revision 6/03
This agreement is made and entered into this day of 2003, by and
between THE UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE an Illinois municipal corporation (the"CITY"),
WHEREAS, the parties hereto are interested in establishing an Intergovernmental
Agreement for the sharing of current"CITY" and"SCHOOL DISTRICT" facilities and services;
WHEREAS, said Agreement has been created, and has been adopted by the City Council of
United City of Yorkville; and
WHEREAS, said Agreement has been created, and has been adopted by the School Board
of the Yorkville Community Unit SCHOOL DISTRICT #115; and
WHEREAS, Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement is authorized by the Illinois
Constitution of 1970 and The Intergovernmental Cooperation Act of the State of Illinois, providing
for the execution of agreements and implementation of cooperative ventures between public
agencies of the State of Illinois (5 ILCS 220/1-220/7 et. seq,).
The SCHOOL DISTRICT and the CITY recognize and understand that this unique
Agreement providing the optimum use by two public organizations of the physical facilities and
services being provided for the taxpayers of both agencies. It is, therefore recognized by both the
SCHOOL DISTRICT and the CITY that there will be a need from time to time, for periodic review
and modification of the schedule set forth after formal adoption and execution of this Agreement.
Such reviews shall take place as needed, at the request of either the SCHOOL DISTRICT or the
CITY. from the date indicated at the signing of this
agreement, both parties will evaluate this agreement in its entirety for philosophical, and overall
benefits for both parties.
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants and agreements hereinafter
contained, it is mutually agreed by and between the parties hereto as follows:
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WHEREAS,the parties have waived the exchange of dollars for compensation of said
arrangement for use of one Police Officer.
permit the CITY to utilize designated school owned facilities for City sponsored activities during
non-school hours when the facilities are not required for educational purposes by the SCHOOL
DISTRICT at no cost. The CITY will have the first right of use by the arrangements of this
agreement. The CITY shall be entitled to reasonable modes of ingress and egress to and from the
facilities, and use of the SCHOOL DISTRICT's parking facilities during those times when it uses
the facilities.
For purposes of this Agreement, "non-school hours" shall be defined as follows:
A. Weekdays—Monday through Friday, 4:00pm— 10:00 pm throughout the school term.
B. Weekends— Saturdays and Sundays, 6:00 am—9:00 pm throughout the school term.
C. At other times, such as summer recess, school holidays, other times as requested, these are
subject to availability and approval by the SCHOOL DISTRICT Superintendent and/or
designated staff.
In entering into this Intergovernmental Cooperative Agreement, the CITY agrees that all students
of the SCHOOL DISTRICT shall be considered residents of the CITY when registering for CITY
programs Conducted solely or primarily at the facilities owned by the SCHOOL DISTRICT's.
To Facilitate the scheduling of the School and CITY usage of designated Facilities, and Grounds,
the SCHOOL DISTRICT and CITY will meet annually to develop a master scheduling
calendar for the upcoming school year. This yearly scheduling shall be completed no later than
July 15, and shall be incorporated into the SCHOOL DISTRICT's and CITY Park and Recreation
Department's Master Calendars for the upcoming fiscal/school year. Once the master schedule
has been developed, it shall be the responsibility of each party to schedule their respective activities
and events within the agreed upon timeframes.
It is understood and agreed upon by the SCHOOL DISTRICT and CITY that there may be an
occasion when either party may need to utilize the facilities in order to accommodate special use, as
the need arises.
Therefore, upon a minimum of fourteen (14) days written notification by School Superintendent and
/or City Administrator, or Executive Director of Park and Recreation, either party may request a
modification of the usage schedule set forth. By mutual consent of the parties, the schedule set
forth may be modified. If special circumstances make it impossible for either the SCHOOL
DISTRICT or CITY to cancel or change the scheduled use, each party will provide best effort to
find an alternative date. Under these circumstances, both parties hereto, agree that the scheduled
event shall take priority over any attempted change. Additionally, at those time when either the
SCHOOL DISTRICT or the CITY has the facilities for a particular activity but elects not to use the
Facilities for that activity, this Agreement shall not preclude the other party's use of the Facilities
for a function appropriate to its governmental purpose, upon written request to the other party for
such use and receipt of written clearance for such use from the other.
The Governing Bodies of each public entity, "CITY" (Mayor and City Council), and "School
District", (School Board) reserve the right to act as the final authority in determining the use of
their respected facilities and services where controversial issues are involved when it deems the
action to be in the best interest of the each public entity(CITY and/or SCHOOL DISTRICT).
Fees for Use
The SCHOOL DISTRICT and CITY agree neither party will exchange dollars or compensation for
use of the facilities, grounds or Police Officer Services. It will be the responsibility of each party
utilizing the others property and facilities to return the condition of the facility or property to the
same state.
The SCHOOL DISTRICT and CITY will provide respected staff with a key to the designated
facility, building or area to allow access without the need of having additional personnel present.
Each party hereto, will be responsible for securing the facility, building or area upon leaving.
Integration of all terms into Agreement. This Agreement contains all of the terms, conditions
and agreements between the parties hereto and no amendments, additions or changes hereto shall be
valid unless attached hereto in writing and signed by the CITY and the SCHOOL DISTRICT.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have, the day and year first above written,
signed and executed this Agreement by virtue of authority given and granted by the respective
corporate authorities of the parties hereto.
Mayor, United CITY of Yorkville
United CITY of Yorkville, City Clerk