Adhoc City/School Packet 2004 07-21-04 United City of Yorkville
County Seat of Kendall County
EST. 1836
800 Game Farm Road
.4 to Yorkville, Illinois 60560
O 1 �� O Phone:630-553-4350
Wednesday, July 21, 2004
5:30 p.m.
City Conference Room
Committee Members: Dave Dockstader, Dr. Robert Brenart, Bob Pilmer, Van
Truman, Heather Fiala, Wanda Ohare, Paul James, Mayor Prochaska, Tony Graff,
Laura Brown
This meeting has been cancelled.
��D Cir`
�� United City of Yorkville
County Seat of Kendall County
Iesr.i411836800 Game Farm Road
r- Cl) Yorkville,Illinois 60560
O (-4 O Phone:630-553-4350
1 ,„ f Fax:630-553-7575
114!E k'
Wednesday, July 21, 2004
5:30 p.m.
City Conference Room
Committee Members: Dave Dockstader, Dr. Robert Brenart, Bob Pilmer, Van
Truman, Heather Fiala, Wanda Ohare, Paul James, Mayor Prochaska, Tony Graff,
Laura Brown
1. Minutes for Approval/Correction: June 2, 2004
2. Intergovernmental Agreement Amendment
3. Additional Business
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5:30 P.M.
In Attendance:
Art Prochaska, Mayor
Laura Brown—Executive Director of Parks& Recreation
Wanda Ohare—Alderwoman
Paul James - Alderman
Van Truman, Parks
Heather Fiala, Parks
Bob Pilmer— School Board
The meeting was called to order at 5:40pm.
1. MINUTES FOR APPROVAL: 11/3/03, 12/04/03, 1/7/04 AND 2/5/04
Previous minutes were discussed at the end of the meeting. All sets were approved.
A draft of the inter-governmental agreement was handed out. Discussion of the
agreement followed.
Point 2b of the agreement was reviewed for clarification. It currently states that police
services beyond the normal school year and hours are not covered by this agreement.
Ms. Brown asked if the school district would pay for police officers on duty at the
schools after school hours. Mr. Pilmer stated he was unsure if officers who are present at
athletic events were assigned to be there or if they just made an appearance. This was
discussed again later in the meeting.
Ms. Ohare asked about the inability to use school facilities during the summer months
(point 4a of the agreement). Mr. Pilmer replied that school staff was getting gym floors
and rooms ready for the next school year during those months. However, Mayor
Prochaska stated these are "big use" months when school is not in session. It was also
pointed out that sports camps, "kiddie"camps and day camps are operational during June
at the middle school and Yorkville Grade School.
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Item#5a(develop a master calendar schedule)was discussed next. Ms. Brown felt the
language needed to include the fact that the schools should also provide a master
schedule calendar. She wished to also see a schedule of activities that would occur on the
ball fields or other grounds. This request was due to an incident where the Parks
employees were grooming baseball fields when school physical education classes came
on to the fields to use them. Mr. Truman asked for the schedule to also reflect when the
gyms would be unavailable, for example, due to resurfacing. It was noted that point 5c
does allow for changes to the master schedule.
Ms. Brown suggested renewing the contract at the end of each year so that a perpetual
agreement would be in place since it is a 3-year agreement.
Ms. Brown will speak with Chief Martin about point 2 so that the City does not incur all
the expense of police services not covered under the agreement. Mayor Prochaska noted
that many times officers are present at functions and are actually on overtime. It was
noted by Mr. Pilmer that when the school is hosting an activity, school officials are
present for security and an officer could be called if needed. He said that CPAT has been
present at activities as well. Ms. Brown and Ms. Fiala added that citizen groups worked
at the Riverfront Festival last year.
Mayor Prochaska stated that grant money now partially pays for the D.A.R.E officer at
the middle school. He stressed the fact that the whole issue is to not exchange money or
set a dollar amount for services. He went on to say the current school district agreement
suggests that officers would not be needed at functions outside of normal school hours.
The Mayor said that officers would be instructed to not be present at any other school
functions with the current wording of the agreement. Mr. Pilmer will ask for
clarification on this issue.
Mr. Pilmer will revise this agreement before June 7th, however, he made note of two
other concerns the school attorney had:
1. Each group (the City and the School) would be responsible for janitorial and
maintenance, but what happens in the event of vandalism or unusual wear&
2. He also suggested that in the event of an injury, an indemnification clause is
needed for both agreements.
After much discussion, Mayor Prochaska stated he will ask Attorneys Dan& Kelly
Kramer to review the agreement on behalf of the city and the school district should ask
their attorney to review as well.
Copies of revised overtime sheets from Chief Martin were handed out. These costs were
from August 26, 2003 to December 31, 2003 and were for high school events
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The Mayor suggested that the Council review this agreement and it will be moved
forward to the C.O.W on June 15`h. The City School Ad Hoc committee will meet again
June 23 at 5:30 to fmalize the agreement after which it will be moved to the first City
Council meeting in July.
As there was no additional business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:20pm
Minutes respectfully submitted by,
Marlys Young, Minute Taker
This agreement is made and entered into this day of 2004, by and
between THE UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE an Illinois municipal corporation(the"City"), and
"School District").
WHEREAS,the parties hereto are interested in establishing an Intergovernmental
Agreement for the sharing of current and future City and School District facilities and services; and
WHEREAS,the purpose of this joint use Agreement is to allow and encourage the Parks
and Recreation Department of the City and School District to work together in planning and
developing future public buildings and amenities, and the use of existing and future public buildings
and amenities; and
WHEREAS, said Agreement has been created, and has been adopted by the City Council of
United City of Yorkville; and
WHEREAS, said Agreement has been created, and has been adopted by the Board of
Education of the Yorkville Community Unit School District#115; and
WHEREAS, Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement is authorized by the Illinois
Constitution of 1970 and The Intergovernmental Cooperation Act of the State of Illinois, providing
for the execution of agreements and implementation of cooperative ventures between public
agencies of the State of Illinois (5 ILCS 220/1-220/7 et. seq,).
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants and agreements hereinafter
contained, it is mutually agreed by and between the parties hereto as follows:
a. As established by this agreement the Parks&Rec. Dept. of the City and the School
District will share when possible, the concept design for the planning of combined
School/Parks locations which will include: locations, designs, types of facilities and
athletic fields, schedules and frequency of use and time frames for development.
b. The Parks&Rec. Department of the City and the School District will work
cooperatively to provide the optimum use and fiscal resources for the development
of new facilities and parks, which will benefit the residents of the United City of
Yorkville and residents of Yorkville Community Unit School District No. 115.
c. The Parks&Rec. Dept. of the City and the School District will encourage
cooperative efforts in the designing and land use planning of the combined
school/park locations. Each Party shall offer the other the opportunity to review and
c. The City agrees that all students of the School District shall be considered residents
of the City when registering for Parks&Rec. Dept. programs conducted solely or
primarily at the facilities owned by the School District.
a. To facilitate the scheduling of the School and Parks&Rec. Dept. use of designated
facilities and grounds by both parties representatives or staff of the School District
and the Parks&Rec. Dept. will meet annually, or more frequently as may be needed,
to develop a master scheduling calendar for the upcoming school year. This yearly
scheduling shall be completed no later than July 15, for Parks&Rec. Dept. and
School District programs and activities occurring during the first semester of the
school year, and no later than November 1 for Parks&Rec. Dept. and School
District programs and activities occurring during the second semester of the school
year and through the end of June, and shall be incorporated into the School District's
and Parks&Rec. Dept. Master Calendars for the upcoming fiscal/school year. Once
the master schedule has been developed, it shall be the responsibility of each party to
schedule their respective activities and events within the agreed upon timeframes.
b. It is understood and agreed upon by the School District and City that there may be an
occasion when either party may need to utilize the facilities in order to accommodate
special use, as the need arises. However, the parties understand and agree that
neither shall offer a program or activity which is not previously scheduled, without
first obtaining the approval of the other.
c. Therefore, upon a minimum of fourteen (14) days written notification by School
Superintendent or Executive Director of Park and Recreation, either party may
request a modification of the usage schedule set forth. By mutual agreement of the
parties, the schedule set forth may be modified. If special circumstances make it
impossible for either the School District or City to cancel or change the scheduled
use, each party will provide best effort to find an alternative date. Under these
circumstances, both parties hereto, agree that the scheduled event shall take priority
over any attempted change. However, the parties understand and agree that neither
shall offer any program or activity which is not previously scheduled, without first
obtaining the approval of the other. Additionally, at those times when either the
School District the Parks and Rec. Dept. has the scheduled use of the facilities for a
particular activity but elects not to use the facilities for that activity, nothing herein
shall preclude the other party's use of the facilities for a particular activity but elects
not to use the facilities for that activity, nothing herein shall preclude the other
party's use of he facilities upon written request to the other party for such use and
receipt of written clearance for such use form the other party.
d. The Governing Bodies of each public entity, namely the City Council for the United
City of Yorkville, and the Board of Education of the Yorkville Community Unit
School District No. 115 reserve the right to act as the final authority in determining
the sue of the their respected facilities and services when either body deems the
action to be in the best interest of the respective public entity.
a. The School District and City agree neither party will exchange dollars or
compensation for use of the facilities, grounds or Police Officer Services, as
described herein. It will be the responsibility of each party utilizing the other's
property and facilities to return the condition of the facility or property to the same
state it was found.
b. The School District and the Parks and Rec. Dept. will provide respected staff with a
key to the designated facility, building or area to allow access without the need of
having additional personnel present. Each party hereto, will be responsible for
securing the facility, building or area upon leaving.
a. The School District and the City recognize and understand that this Agreement
provides for the optimum use of the physical facilities being provided by the
taxpayers of each entity. It is therefore recognized by both the School District
and the City that there will be a need from time to time, for periodic review and
modification of the schedule set forth after formal adoption and execution of this
Agreement. Such reviews shall take place as needed, at the request of either the
School District or the City.
b. The parties agree that this Agreement shall be in full force and effect for a period
of three(3)years. This Agreement maybe reviewed by the parties annually at
which time any Agreement shall be extended for an additional three(3)year
period. Notwithstanding the foregoing provision, six (6) months prior to the
anniversary date of this agreement, the City and School District ad hoc
committee will meet to evaluate operational expenses incurred by each body and
to evaluate the shared martin. The goal established by this agreement is that
neither party incur a financial burden, and have an expense gap not to exceed
20% either way.
c. At the conclusion of a period of three (3)years from the date indicated at the
signing of this agreement, both parties will evaluate this agreement in its entirety
for philosophical, and overall benefits for both parties. If the agreement is not
renewed at the conclusion of the three year period,the use period will expire at
the end of the active program season.
The City shall indemnify and hold the School District harmless and the School District
shall indemnify hold the City harmless for any and all claims and causes of action that
arise during the course of facility sharing and joint planning and joint development of
future public buildings and amenities.
all of the terms, conditions and agreements between the parties hereto and no
amendments, additions or changes hereto shall be valid unless attached hereto in writing
and signed by the City and the School District.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties hereto have, the day and year first above written,
signed and executed this Agreement by virtue of authority given and granted by the respective
corporate authorities of the parties hereto.
Mayor, United CITY of Yorkville
United CITY of Yorkville, City Clerk