Adhoc Technology Packet 2004 05-05-04 .0 ® co..,
United City of Yorkville
County Seat of Kendall County
estI% Mill.1e38 800 Game Farm Road
..< W Yorkville, Illinois 60560
O I .., O Phone:630-553-4350
'Q Fax:630-553-7575 v>
Wednesday,May 5, 2004
6:30 P.M.
City Conference Room
1. Minutes for Approval/Correction: December 17, 2003
2. Review Connection of T-1 Line
3. Discuss Additional Technology Needs
4. Additional Business
5:30 P.M.
(Held at City Hall)
In Attendance:
Alderman Marty Munns- Chairman Finance Director Traci Pleckham
Alderman Rich Sticka
Alderwoman Wanda Ohare
Alderman Lary Kot
Initially,the minutes from the October 22 meeting were approved. Alderman Kot later
asked to have the location of that meeting added to the notes. The location was the Park
Building (Riverfront Building) due to construction.
Review of RFP Proposals:
Traci Pleckham reported that SBC and IIS were the only 2 proposals received (out of a
possible 4 or 5) for technology connections. SBC did not meet the scope of the proposal
and did not feel they had enough time to respond. The quote which IIS submitted had a
calculation error and did not include a$5800 boring fee,therefore it was not a complete
quote to be able to move forward. IIS offered to re-do their quote including the boring
fee, however, Ms. Pleckham recommended a re-bid. Alderman Sticka asked if SBC
could provide another quote so the committee would have 2 quotes to consider. Traci
Pleckham believes that lack of time was an issue for most to provide a quote. Alderman
Sticka also felt it should be re-bid. Alderman Kot asked if a re-bid would be legal. Ms.
Pleckham said that due to the incomplete bid from IIS, it would be legal. She also
reiterated that IIS offered to provide an addendum to the RFP, but she doesn't feel that is
the proper way to proceed at this time.
Chairperson Munns summarized that the cost would be approximately $20-25,000 plus
$187 a month for T-1 monthly fees. This gives a starting point for the budget for next
Alderman Sticka asked if there were specific persons Ms. Pleckham dealt with as he felt
one consistent person at SBC should serve as a contact. At this time, that contact is in
Chicago. Chairperson Munns stated there should be a local contact—one that was easy
to reach. Traci Pleckham pointed out that IIS has a local office in Yorkville (main office
in McHenry) and that they have been very responsive.
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Ad Hoc Technology
December 17, 2003
Ms. Pleckham also pointed out the RFP states that the City reserves the right to reject
quotes. She will ask Attorney Kramer to review the procedure again. The previous time
frame for quotes was 2-3 weeks. It was suggested that the committee would meet again
February 2, 2004 and would give prospective bidders until just before that time to submit
bids. Finance Director Pleckham will publish the bid process after the holidays and will
request that the bids be turned in by the last week of January (the 27`h or 28th).
Alderman Munns noted that Alderman Kots asked about maintenance on the T-1 and
whether or not it was in the proposal. Traci Pleckham stated that it was in the RFP,but
pointed out that it doesn't fall in the scope of the proposal. Alderman Kot asked who
would maintain the lines for the entire system. He felt the vendor should take care of the
T-1 line because it may be beyond the expertise of an in-house employee. Alderman
Sticka inquired as to who the vendor for the T-1 is. Ms. Pleckham said that Illinois
Century is the who the library uses and she will check with the library before January 28
to see if the library has an agreement with Illinois Century or who they call for
The discussion turned to laptops. Chairperson Munns asked for thoughts on the
feasibility of laptops. Alderman Sticka thought it was a good idea and stated that
Sandwich has gone all wireless at city hall. He did,however, pose the question of any
security worries with all wireless. The committee agreed that would not be an issue.
Alderman Kot asked that the minutes be amended to include the location of the last
meeting being at the Park Building (The Riverfront Building).
The next meeting date will be firmed up after Ms. Pleckham sets a date for the return of
the RFP's, most likely the first week of February.
There was no further business.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:50pm.
Minutes respectfully submitted by,
Marlys Young