Adhoc Technology Packet 2004 07-29-04 `ce.D C/rr
0 United City of Yorkville
County Seat of Kendall County
(EST.ei �1836
800 Game Farm Road
4, N Yorkville, Illinois 60560
O E O Phone:630-553-4350
71_ «« Fax:630-553-7575
Thursday,July 29,2004
6:30 P.M.
City Conference Room
1. Minutes for Approval/Correction: May 5, 2004
2. Update on T-1 Line
3. Update on Current Phone System
4. Additional Business
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6:30 P.M.
City Hall Conference Room
In Attendance:
Alderman Marty Munns- Chairman
Alderman Rich Sticka
Alderwoman Wanda Ohare
Alderman Larry Kot
Molly Batterson, Police Department
Russ Walter, Library Board
The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Marty Munns at 6:33pm.
Minutes of December 17, 2003 were approved as read.
Molly Batterson presented the following update of the T-1 line progress. Due to library
building plans, an alternative path for trenching for the T-1 line was examined. This
alternate plan will cost an extra$6,000. The library is planning on building next year
depending on the outcome of the upcoming referendum, however, the Police Department
does not wish to spend the extra money until the new library is built.
When the library plans became more definite, it was decided the trenching would be done
around the side of the library, rather than the front, so it would not interfere with the
addition. The trenching company is waiting to bore and has already been paid half of the
fee. The issue is: to proceed now or wait until later. The trenching must be done close
to the tree line because of the future widening of Game Farm Road and close enough to
the library to connect with the computer room. Ms. Batterson recommended doing the
digging later since the computer room will need to be moved at a later date.
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Discussion turned again to the trenching work. Traci Pleckham has made a call to the Mr. Walter stated that in the interim, SBC would be willing to offer Internet access. Ms.
trenching company who could be ready to resume digging in about a week. The library Batterson did not feel that would be a viable option considering half of the payment has
will be notified when the work begins and all the hardware should be connected near the been made for the fiber cable. She stated that eventually the Police Department wants to
end of June. Committee members requested an email update in June. offer the Nortel system to the library and Beecher Center as well, and that is the reason
the fiber system was chosen.
The next meeting will be set for sometime in August.
Alderman Munns asked if the City could continue with the present services. Since the
Since there was no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:08pm. City is paying $200 a month for an AOL server, Mr. Walter proposed another option,
"Proxim"which is a wireless bridge. Ms. Batterson stated she did not think it would
work with the Nortel system and that SBC had not offered this possible solution earlier.
Minutes respectfully submitted by, However,the wireless bridge technology was not available when the decision was made
Marlys Young, Minute Taker to install the fiber. Mr. Munns concluded that this issue was a moot point as a contract
for the trenching had been signed already as a result of a bid opening. The newer
technology will be considered as the fiber plans move farther along and the trenching is
completed. Mr. Walter added that the library will eventually have a wireless "hot spot"
which will allow library patrons to go on-line.
At the previous committee meeting, the use of laptop computers was discussed.
Alderman Sticka suggested setting a goal of having laptops in place when the next
council is seated which would be approximately one year. The planning should begin
now by obtaining costs for the laptops, which are estimated to be about $1500 apiece. It
was agreed that bids should be put out by the end of the year.
Ms. Batterson stated that agenda e-packets could be scanned and viewed at home
utilizing the laptops,however, a paper copy would still be available. Alderwoman Ohare
stated that meeting minutes could also be reviewed and changes made by computer. In
addition, copies of developer plans could be accessed from the laptops, as well. In the
future,these plans will be requested in electronic format by the Clerk's office.
Alderman Kot asked when televising Council meetings would begin. Currently, there is
no one trained to do this.
The "New World Technology" was discussed next. It was noted that a grant had been
applied for to purchase this system. Ms. Batterson noted that this system would allow
police, fire and EMS to share information with the hope of eventually sharing
information nationwide.
United City of Yorkville Technology Updates/Issues July 29, 2004
T-1 Update/Internet Connection
• Internet connection installed and working well.
• Our firewall is under Library's firewall (go through 2 firewalls to get to
• Virus software is updating automatically now
• Need to remove one firewall to make certain applications work— ISP
Encryption for background checks and TRAK system (Critical Reach —
Amber Alerts, etc.)
• Need to remove one firewall to enable VPN for Public Works and
Riverfront buildings
• Have meeting set up for Monday, August 2, 2004, at 1pm to finalize
details (Russ Walter and E2 — Scott Eakon)
• Compiling a list of employees/officials to get e-mail.
• Andy from WebLinx will be contacting Molly/Traci to let us know when we
can install a desktop program to add e-mail accounts to
• Andy is waiting for an upgrade to a new web server
• Have call into Waubonsee Community College (Pat Carly) for customized
training sessions at their campus for Outlook program. Also researching
E2's training capabilities.
Dictaphone/Police Department
• Received quote for Dictaphone upgrade
• $45,360
• Current system is from 1996 and has never been upgraded
• Currently, only one officer can dictate at a time and only one
transcriptionist can type at a time.
Phone System
• Traci met with SBC on Wednesday
• Have a list of phone numbers that we currently use and that we can now
cancel due to the T-1 (approximately 30 lines can be cancelled).
• Will get a representative out to evaluate current system so a quote can be
made to expand the system (i.e. find out how many ports we currently
have and what we will need)
• Traci has set-up training sessions for the phone system due to so many
new employees since it was first implemented.
• Contacted Jerry Breitbarth from TKB Associates, Inc.
• Will set-up a demonstration for Ad-Hoc Tech Committee
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Cash Drawers/MSI System
• Have integrated system so there are three cash drawers on MSI now.
• Traci has set-up training for departments for the cash drawers and for
building permits.
• Tuesday, August 3, 2004 — SPS, Inc. will be out to transfer police
department over to City's Microsoft Server.
• Next year we need to upgrade server to new version of operating system.
Police Department Software
• Police Department is still interested in upgrading software to the New
World System.
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