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Adhoc Technology Packet 2004 10-18-04
`,` c, Cl7).. ._ United City of Yorkville $fig, , EST. '�_; ,1s3s County Seat of Kendall County ---:-<-1,----z—_ 800 Game Farm Road Yorkville, Illinois, 60560 4 Telephone: 630-553-4350 KS.8 Cowry 2 ' ,<<E tv`� Fax: 630-553-7575 Website: www.yorkville.il.us AGENDA AD-HOC TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE Monday, October 18, 2004 7:00 P.M. City Conference Room 1. Minutes for Approval/Correction: July 29, 2004 2. Technology Updates 3. Videotaping Public Meetings —Update 4. Four Year Technology Plan 5. Goody Square /Dictaphone Proposals 6. Laserfiche /Electrofiche—Update 7. E-Pay Program 8. Part-time IT Tech Job Description 9. Additional Business Traci Pleckham Adhoc Technology UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE Packet AGENDA AD-HOC TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE October 18, 2004 7:00 p.m. City Conference Room STATUS: ar,"‘'-2-., 1. Minutes for Approval/Correction: July 29, 2004 2. Technology Updates dates 3. Videotaping Public Meetings—Update 611 4. Four Year Technology Plan 5. Goody Square/Dictaphone Proposals 6. Laserfiche/Electrofiche—Update ( J 7. E-Pay Program (c9 Coc—r1\ 8. Part-time IT Tech Job Description 9, Additional Business y , Page 1 of 6 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE AD-HOC TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE MEETING Thursday, July 29, 2004 6:30 P.M. City Conference Room In Attendance: Alderman Munns Alderwoman Ohare Alderman Sticka Guests: Mayor Prochaska(arrived 6:41pm) City Administrator Graff(arrived 7:02pm) Director of Finance-Traci Pleckham Police Department Office Supervisor-Molly Batterson The meeting was brought to order at 6:34pm by Chairman Alderman Munns. Minutes for ApprovailCorrection: May 5,2004: The committee agreed to approve the minutes for May 5, 2004. Update on T-1 Line: Traci Pleckham started the discussion by stating that she and Molly Batterson had a lot of updates to discuss. Molly Batterson handed out a two page list of updates/issues that they had to discuss with the Committee. Traci Pleckham informed the Committee that the T-1 line was installed and working well. They are still working on removing the Library's Firewall to have fewer problems with programs not being able to go thru two firewalls to get to Internet. Molly Batterson went on to explain that the firewall that was purchased with the upgrade at City Hall is going to be big enough to handle both City Hall's and the Library's needs without losing any security. They are working out how to switch over to the one. Alderwoman Ohare added that the one firewall being removed will help with having the VPN connection with Public Works and Riverfront buildings. Traci Pleckham stated that they are meeting with Russ Walter and E2— Scott Eakon on Monday, August 2, 2004 at 1 pm to finalize. At that meeting they will confirm with Russ Walter that there is no work to be done on the library's side or need to go to their Committee Meeting before they can go ahead and remove the one firewall. Traci Pleckham moved the meeting on to discussing the list of employees/officials to get e-mail now that the T-1 line is working. They are finishing up the list now. Weblinx will be the host for the e-mail connection. WebLinx is currently updating there server, so they will let Yorkville know when they are ready to go. At that point they will be able to 1 Page 2 of 6 add as many e-mail addresses as Yorkville needs. With the e-mail accounts updated Traci Pleckham is looking into Waubonsee Community College for customized training sessions for the Outlook program that all city employees have access to now, but few have little knowledge about. The program will give the city employees instant e-mail, response back, meeting scheduling and so on. Everyone ne will receive the training as a general overview of the program. Chairman Alderman Munns questioned when Andy will have the new server running at Weblinx. Molly stated that she has been in constant contact with him and they are working out some bugs. She will be calling him the following Monday to speak with him and hopes he will be ready to just e-mail the new program so she can start to set up the e- mail accounts. At that point everyone will just have to forward their e-mails from AOL and the AOL account can be closed. The only ones not to close out of AOL will be the employees at Public Works and Riverfront. Tracy Pleckham stated that"Laura" is looking into Comcast since the City already has access to one DSL line. She stated that they spoke to an SBC representative and they give it to Municipalities. Alderman Sticka added that the City has given a list to SBC regarding all their buildings that are supposed to have an internet connection. Tracy will keep in contact with Alderman Sticka regarding how SBC moves along with getting these connections done with. Update on Current Phone System: Traci Pleckham went on to state that she met with a new representative from SBC the day before. This representative deals solely with municipalities and public entities. The representative gave Traci a list of numbers the City has now and approximately 30 lines can be cancelled due to the T-1 line being installed. This will be a tremendous savings for the City. The representative will also be getting back with Traci regarding moving the long distance to SBC, which will be saving anywhere from$200-$300 a month. The rate per minute will go from 12-15 cents per minute down with AT&T now,to 3 cents per minute. The representative will give the City a written quote. The Committee agreed this will be a great savings and hopes it all works out how the representative says. Alderwoman Ohare questioned what the representative will be evaluating about the phone system on the list of Updates/Issues. Traci Pleckham stated this will be an evaluation and expansion of the voicemail system. The voicemail system now only has so many ports which only allow so many people on the system at a time. This is making it hard for people to leave a voicemail or for the employees to check their own messages. Traci Pleckham will be setting up training sessions for employees on the phone system since there are so many new employees since it was first implemented. The training for the employees is part of the last agreement from when the system expanded to the downstairs. The training will be in August. Additional Business: 2 Page 3 of 6 1: Molly Batterson stated that the Department bought Dictaphone in 1996 when they first started using voicemail and dictation system. Since then the system has never been upgraded. The Department is running off of a 486 PC for Dictaphone, which allows only one Officer at a time dictate and one transcriptionist at a time. The Department is looking to have two transcriptionists working, which the current system does not allow. Ms. Batterson called Dictaphone to get a quote for a new system. The quote was $45,360.00 for a new system. Ms. Batterson has not checked to see if there are any other options. The Department will look into other options as well. This will be worked into their budget for the future. Currently the Department is transcribing approximately 6-8 hours per day. The Committee suggested looking into see if there was a way to phase the necessities in. Ms. Batterson stated it is all or nothing due to the fact that you need their server, software and etc. Alderwoman Ohare stated with being 8 years since the last purchase, it is legitimate for not being upgradeable with technology changing so rapidly. Molly Batterson stated she will do some more research before Chief Martin needs numbers for the new budget. 2: Ms. Batterson went into discussing how LaserFische has been brought up at this Committee's meetings before. She stated that they were working on getting an actual LaserFische Representative to come out and speak to the Committee in the near future. They will be showing what they do as a company and get a couple of proposals from them. Mayor Prochaska questioned exactly what this company provided for services. Ms. Batterson stated that old documents can be taken and put on Laserfische as well as new. She explained that you can also download electronic documents to put onto Laserfische to save with making hard copies as well. The Laserfische will be very economical with how much paper the City goes thru now. Ms. Batterson explained that they have spoken with other communities regarding using the Laserfische system. The other communities have stated it has worked well for storing all documents on the system instead of having to file away all hard copies. A scanner will be necessary to go along with it to keep the process flowing well. Ms. Batterson stated the City is making approximately 40,000 copies a month. Tracy Pleckham will bring the Committee other Community examples. She also stated that they are looking at getting a 5 year technology plan together with everything changing so rapidly. 3. Tracy Pleckham discussed with the Committee about how they are getting more cash drawers in-line downstairs for the MSI system. This will allow the City to handle building permits downstairs at a faster pace. She went into further explanation stating that the City purchased a building permit tracking module for MSI about a month ago. This allows the City employees to put all the building permit fee sheets on line for each 3 Page 4 of 6 subdivision to remove the old paper format. This allows the employees easy access for tracking fees by registering a new permit request by name and address. The system will track fees and allow the applicant to schedule their inspections right then if requested. The system also is connected to the Cash Drawers which makes it easier for the City to charge the correct amount. The system also tracks land cash, school land cash, and any of the capitol fees that the city is taking in by subdivision, which is great for the budget so they now how much is flowing in the build out stage. Tracy Pleckham also stated that the Police Department will have their own Cash drawer for taking in fees to enter directly into their system. The Recs department can link up with the MSI system. Tracy is going to call and have them do the connection, which will allow them to upload all their programs into the City's system to stop the manual entering of deposits and fees for that department. The Committee agreed this will eliminate any incorrect entering and will save on the employees time spent in entering. Tracy Pleckham stated this should all be completed within the next two months. 4. Tracy Pleckham stated that the Police Department will be moving over to the City's Server so all will be on one by next week. It will be on the Microsoft Server, due to the fact that the Novell Server the Department is currently running on is not going to be supported by the company. This will consolidate the Server and will save the City money by running on one. Molly Batterson stated that the City will have to look at budgeting an upgrade on the Server for the following year. This version upgrade is for security issues and it has not been upgraded for approximately two years. This process is not tremendously expensive and is a constant need with changes in technology. Tracy Pleckham stated it should be around $1,000 to $2,000 at the most. They are holding off for this year in case there is a bigger issue they may need that money for. Alderman Munns questioned if they were going to have the Technology line item in the budget for the next year. Mayor Prochaska stated if the Committee could complete the 5- year plan for what is necessary; it could be put in the budget. This will keep the process moving correctly. The Mayor would like the City to be able to get away from upgrading when it is crucial and have a plan for what should be taken care of when. Molly Batterson agreed that this was necessary and the plan is almost complete, it just needs to be finalized and put in writing. This will include finding out what the Committee member's and staffs goals. The Committee agreed that since this Committee was started a lot of progress has been made for the City as far as organizing the City's Technological needs. 5. Molly Batterson stated that the Police Department is still interested in upgrading their software to the New World System. The money is still part of this year's budget, being that it is around $50,000 they are waiting to here back regarding a grant from Kendall 4 Page 5 of 6 County. In the next couple months they should here back about the grant, either way this will be budgeted for next year. The Department has not upgraded for almost 10 years. Alderman Munns suggested that the Department maybe putting together a list of needs and cost. Molly stated right now the Departments only main needs were updating both the computer and dictation systems with an estimate cost at$100,000. Alderwoman Ohare questioned the Committee about past talk of hiring an in-house Tech to handle all the City's Computer needs. Alderman Munns stated when the City starts doing the E-packets and more steady work load that will help. Mayor Prochaska stated that may be a lot sooner than they think with the City's growth. This person will need to have the time and ability to make sure what the City has is still working properly. Alderwoman Ohare questioned Tracy Pleckham and Molly Batterson on what they will be bringing back to the next meeting. Tracy Pleckham stated she would like to focus on the LaserFische idea with what other communities are doing. Mayor Prochaska added that he would like to see a rough sketch of the 5-year Plan to go over with the Committee. The plan will help with preparation for the next year's budget. Alderwoman Ohare asked if the T-1 line is working out as beneficial. Molly Batterson stated that her office has pretty much doubled productivity since it has been in place due to not having to wait on the computer to get things done. The firewall from the City being removed is all that's left to be finished with that project. Public Works and the Rec department will be connected at that point as well with no more cost. 6. Alderman Munns brought up the business of the Televised Meetings which had been previously discussed with the Committee. There is a class at Waubonsie Community College that can be taken, which will then allow that person to take out the equipment to record the meetings for the City. Mayor Prochaska stated that if a current employee were to take on the task,they would then have to be paid for time recording. So this time would have to be a scheduled event or they will get paid overtime for a City employee. If the City finds someone not employed by the City presently to take the position, then it could be a flat fee. He suggested to first putting a memo out to current employees to see if it will work in-house first. If no one is interested, then look into the local community for help like the City does with the minute-taking. Mayor Prochaska stressed that this will be beneficial to the community to be able to watch the meetings from there home and now what current events are in the City. The Committee stressed to possibly find a part-time employee to fill this position so the City does not have to pay out more money for overtime pay. 7. Alderman Munns asked about the laptop discussion the Committee had at the previous meeting. He was wondering if this would be looked into having put on next year's budget. 5 Page 6 of 6 Mayor Prochaska stated it would not be a problem if the Committee knew it would work in the 5-year plan as far as being ready and set-up for E-packages. If the City is not set up for the E-packages,there is no need for having laptop computers available. City Administrator Tony Graff joined the conversation stating that he had spoken with the Administrator from Channahon regarding getting their packages together. The administrator is planning on sending Mr. Graff some pamphlets with ideas and prices for the City of Yorkville to look at to help with our own planning. Mr. Graff stated that most of the information that goes into the E-packages is being scanned in to their computers. Mr. Graff discussed the many options that come along with working with the E-packages. Mayor Prochaska discussed that this will save time with the minute reading time taken at the different meetings. If the Committee members are able to look at papers ahead of time on-line, corrections can be made then and time at the meeting will be spent on more important issues. Mr. Graff agreed that this would allow the public more necessary time as well. Mr. Graff also stated that they have their internship program being reviewed by NIU for the graduate program. They are looking to implement the government e-packets system where the intern would do all the leg work for the City. Molly Batterson stated that why they were looking at Laserfische was because you can do a lot more than just scan a document with it. She stated it scans every word on the document so that anyone can do a search for anything. 8. Mayor Prochaska stated that something that needed to be done right away, either with an intern or current employee, is the job of keeping up the web site. He has be told and noticed that only a partial of the information is making it there. Mr. Graff added that this has been a problem lately due to the server being under construction so much. The Committee agreed that someone needs to be put in charge of this issue. The Mayor stated that maybe the Coordinator position that has been discussed in the Mayor's office should be pushed along faster. Some of the duties of this position have been identified as taking care of the City Web site and to oversee the Video Recording of the Meetings. The Committee agreed this would relieve others of the other tasks that are taking up so much time by so many other people. Alderman Munns asked if there was any additional business to discuss. With nothing else to be discussed the meeting was adjourned at 7:24pm. The next meeting for this Committee will be held on August 31, 2004 at 6:30pm. Meeting adjourned at 7:30 P.M. Minutes by: Sheila Teausaw 6 / t United City of Yorkville Technology Updates/Issues October 18, 2004 T-1 Update/Internet Connection • Internet connection installed and working well. • We are currently running off of one firewall and everything is working as it should. • Web-based applications now work. This includes our name check program for background checks. E-Mail • E-Mail addresses have been assigned to all employees needing it. • Communication flow has increased dramatically. Dictaphone/Police Department • Received an additional quote for Dictaphone upgrade for a smaller system. • $22,740 • Current system is from 1996 and has never been upgraded • Currently, only one officer can dictate at a time and only one transcriptionist can type at a time. • Also received information on several other companies offering dictation equipment. Although much less expensive, no training is offered with the equipment and there are limited warranties are offered on their equipment. Phone System • Approximately 30 single phone lines have been disconnected which were not being used. • Training will occur some time in November 2004 for all City Hall employees. LaserFische • Received information on another company offering document imaging. • Will set-up a demonstration to compare the two technologies. Cash Drawers/MSI System • Training for departments for the cash drawers and for building permits is complete and is running smoothly. • Looking at adding a program to enable credit card charges for Utility Billing. • Still interested in adding the Purchase Order Module which will lessen the burden on the Finance Department, making it easier to track City purchases. Server • The Police Department and City Offices are now running off of one server now. The Police Department's old server is now available to be upgraded into something for future use (either an e-mail server, etc.) • Now one backup is done for all computers on the network. 1 of 2 United City of Yorkville Technology Updates/Issues October 18, 2004 Police Department Software ■ Police Department is still interested in upgrading software to the New World System. • Still no response available on the county-wide grant for technology. Video-Taping Public Meetings • Memo distributed requesting letters of interest from any employee wishing to act as a "videographer" for public meetings. 2 of 2 ` oCIry Jzk Yorkville Police Department Memorandum Ail 804 Game Farm Road EST ' 1836 Yorkville, Illinois 60560 li --=�- Telephone: 630-553-4340 p9 VI 0 Fax: 630-553-1141 Kendall County Date: October 12, 2004 )\\fr, To: All City Employees From: Molly Batterson, Office Supervisor Reference:Videotaping City Council Meetings The Ad-Hoc Technology Committee is currently seeking letters of interest from any employee interested in video taping City Council meetings to be broadcast on Public Television. For more information regarding this task, please contact Molly Batterson at 553-8502. UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE SUMMARIZED TECHNOLOGY PLAN DRAFT VERSION (10-15-2004) FY2004-2005 VPN Connections/Remote Connections (Riverfront/Public Works) Recreation Program Integration Hire Part-Time IT (20 Hrs/Week) FY2005-2006 Centralize City Computer/Software Purchasing LaserFische Laptops Wireless Network in Council Chambers Video Taping Meetings Upgrade Server Operating System from Windows 2000 Server Phone System Additions/Upgrades Virus Software Upgrade (Additional Licensing) MSI Purchase Order Module FY2006-2007 New World Software Purchase (Police) Dictaphone Replacement Dedicated T-1 Line E-Mail Server FY2007-2008 Hire Full-Time IT Workstation Purchase/Upgrades for Entire City Application Server (Addition) Network Server Hardware Upgrade/Replacement Back-Up Media Replacement • • hone Dictaphone Corporation 3191 Broadbridge Avenue Stratford,CT 06614-2559 888-483-6266 www:dictaphone.com Proposal Customer Information / Dictaphone Contact Information \ Name: Yorkville Police Dept. Date 08/09/04 Address: 804 Game Farm Rd. Contact Joe Castro City: Yorkville State: IL Zip: 60560 Telephone 888-471-3463 x4702 Attn: Molly Batterson Fax 203.683.2145 Phone: (630)553-8502 Fax: Email: ypdcopjaol cam Enterprise Express Solutions Qty i Model I Description 2 1177557-X Foot Control 2 142900-X Chin Band Headset 6 I ODP5210 Walkabout 5210 Dictation Kit,Includes: WA5210 Portable Unit,WA Transfer Software,4MB MultiMediaCard,USB Cable,Soft Carry Case,Batteries 1 EST07-234 Straight Talk NE with 4 Ports. Includes Small Server and Keyboard/Mouse(Monitor sold separately) 1 139030 !Standard 17"Monitor " lent Optiom ,"44.1 -714Tr '60t th le ut rade payment 1 pernth includes Full Maintenance Co age f©rfull 80 m thN [. reflects#1 1! X/SflI ICta itnno � �e -ate `_. Hardware/Software Less Contract/Promotion Installation/Training Project Information \ Hardware&Software Total Name: Full 5 Years 8 x 5 Onsite Maintenance Total w/Maintenance Ref No.: 286445 45 Days ARO Project Management Consulting Services Grand Total including Prof.Services Pricing valid for 30 Days and is subject to corporate approval 33% Deposit due on orders >$50,000.00 139543 Combining Voice&Data to Serve You Page lof1 Subj: Dictaphone Straight Talk System Gate: 8/10/2004 10:52:45 AM Central Standard Time From: Joseph.Castro@Dictaphone.com To: vpdcop@aol.com Molly- I believe you received the information and quote on our Enterprise Express System. I also wanted to offer you another option of our Straight Talk Digital System. The Straight Talk offers many of the same options as the Enterprise Express, but on a slightly smaller scale. You would still be able to use the same input devices we discussed (digital portable, PowerMicrophone, and phone-in access). Please find attached an overview of the system and a budgetary quote for your review. After reviewing, please contact me with any questions or issues you may have. Thank You - Joe Castro Integrated Voice Systems Dictaphone Phone#888.471.3463 ext.4702 Fax#203.683.2145 (See attached file: YorkvillePD-STNE Overview.doc)(See attached file: YorkvillePD-Prop2.xls) **************************************************************************** This message, together with any attachments, is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed. It may contain information that is confidential and prohibited from disclosure. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination or copying of this message or any attachment is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please notify the original sender immediately by telephone or by return e-mail and delete this message along with any attachments, from your computer. Thank you. **************************************************************************** Tuesday, August 10, 2004 America Online: YPDCOP Dictapheiw Dictaphone Corporation 3561 Buckboard Dr. Algonquin,IL 60102 Telephone: 888.471.3463 x 4702 Fax:203.683.2145 Email:joseph.castro@dictaphone.com August 10, 2004 Ms. Molly Batterson Yorkville Police Dept. 804 Game Farm Rd. Yorkville, IL 60560 Dear Molly: I know we discussed the features of our Enterprise Express System, however, I wanted to offer you another digital system option from Dictaphone. Our Straight Talk NE digital dictation/transcription provides several similar features of our Enterprise Express System, however, on a slightly smaller scale. The tremendous acceptance of this product by business people, such as you, has demonstrated its unique ability to make life easier and more convenient in or out of the office. Some of the benefits of digital dictation/transcription include: • Telephone Dictation, from any touchtone phone, even a cell phone. (if selected) • Forward dictation & instructions electronically, directly to the transcriptionist. • The transcriptionist hears "letter-perfect" dictation because the author can electronically insert or cut & delete dictation prior to sending. • No more cassette handling and the possibility of lost information. • Instant and random access to voice files. • No more "winding & finding" to process priority dictation. • Crystal-clear sound quality at all times without any distortion. Enclosed you will find a description of the solution and its various components, along with purchasing and leasing terms. The unparalleled flexibility and efficiency of this solution make it a "must" for people who need extra time. I will be calling you shortly to discuss. In the meantime, if you have any questions, or would like to place your order, please contact me. Sincerely, Joe Castro Regional Sales Manager Phone: 888-471-3463 x 4702 Fax: 203.683.2145 Email: joseph.castro@dictaphone.com Dictaphone Corporation Contact: Joe Castro,Regional Sales Manager 888-471-3463 x 4702 or joseph.castro@dictaphone.com Page 1 of 6 Dictaphone Dictaphone Voice Toots Straight to kNE Next,3eneratfort C.gitat Dictation Sotution for Your Wprka The Next-Generation Digital Dictation Solution for Your Work Group 16* " m8ct Straight Talk NE delivers all the benefits of digital dictation systems many times its size, in a solution specially developed for the smaller office or department. This next-generation solution offers flexible dictation input via telephone or portable device, PC-based central digital recording and voice file management, as well as easy transcription access for more efficient document production. Centralized Digital Voice Processing At the heart of Dictaphone's Straight Talk NE system is an "ultra-slim" PC-based desktop processor (75% smaller than a traditional PC) combined with Dictaphone 's leading dictation/transcription software Straight Talk Is Perfect if you... • Want to take the next step into a Digital Dictation System. • Are using an earlier digital dictation system, and are looking for the latest next-generation features. • Work in a small office or workgroup environment. • Want the ease and flexibility of Phone-In Dictation. • Are on the go...and need an integrated mobile dictation solution. • Want to improve transcription productivity through flexible digital voice access and management. Dictaphone Corporation Contact:Joe Castro,Regional Sales Manager 888-471-3463 x 4702 or joseph.castro@dictaphone.com Page 2 of 6 Dictaphone. • Offers flexible portable input, as well as telephone dictation/transcription from in or out of the office. • Dictated digital voice files are safely recorded within the Straight Talk NE system, eliminating the possibility of lost dictation or misplaced cassettes. • Voice files can be easily identified and directly accessed for transcription--no more "winding and finding"to locate individual dictation and priorities. • Multiple dictators and transcriptionists can-share the system, supporting up to ten users who can access the system simultaneously. • Straight Talk NE offers all necessary hardware and software as part of a complete "turnkey"dictation management solution. • Straight Talk NE can be deployed as a"free-standing"digital dictation system, or offer enhanced access as a networked solution—utilizing your existing Local Area Network (LAN). straight Tatk NE Input u Maximizes s pro ucti thigh'flexible input The Straight Talk'12 NE system maximizes productivity by offering flexible input, including: Walkabout®5215 digital portable - You'll want to take the Dictaphone Walkabout 5215 digital portable with you everywhere you go. An easy-to-use slide switch and menu driven soft keys make recording and managing dictation simple. The Walkabout 5215 automatically identifies each voice file, adding your Author ID and other information for easy tracking and organization. The Dictaphone Walkabout 5215 uses an internal 32MB memory buffer with an option for additional memory cards (MultiMediaCard-MMC). Combined with DSS (Digital Speech Standard) high-compression recording technology, the Dictaphone Walkabout 5215 delivers large recording capacity to meet any application. Dictaphone Corporation Contact: Joe Castro,Regional Sales Manager 888-471-3463 x 4702 or joseph.castro@dictaphone.com Page 3 of 6 ilictaphone . WalkAbout 5215 Digital Portable • Multifunction slide switch and toggle control • Multi-function LCD screen indicates Free Memory, Dictation a Name, Current Position, Length of Each Dictation, and Total Elapsed Time used. • Menu options with soft-key activation. • Digital Insert mode for seamless error-free dictation editing. • Voice Activated Recording, Fast Playback, Dictate/Conference Mode, PC Microphone Mode. Connexions Telephone Dictate Station -provides control of record, rewind, play and fast- forward from the telephone handset, as well as a variety of other features. Boomerang® PC Dictate - hand microphone and dictation software lets you dictate directly from network-connected PCs. The Boomerang hand-mic includes a slide switch for record, rewind and playback, as well as soft-keys for Priority, Fast Forward, End dictation, Insert, or Delete. LCD display offers visual feedback, including indication of current position within dictation--in minutes and seconds. Standard Telephone -dictate to the Straight Talk NE system from any touch-tone phone, even a cell phone. Use the telephone keypad to control start/stop, rewind and other dictation controls. Dictaphone Corporation Contact: Joe Castro,Regional Sales Manager 888-471-3463 x 4702 or joseph.castro@dictaphone.com Page 4 of 6 Dictphone1�, Voice imrc.d.tely avaitabie or dir t PC acres Straight Talk NE eliminates many of the "house keeping" chores associated with cassette systems, including no longer needing to deliver cassettes to a secretary for transcription. Once voice files are downloaded to the system, they are immediately available for direct PC transcription access and play back. Straight Talk Job Lister iii Ext.,Lurid[Site:-:nefmlok's(1)J s � !. I xt ' `.. -1'1.,1. x File *Bee-It new NO/ I1 .IN($I 1►+11 __ lob#:' stags 1 5662 L.:.. 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Sarver:572000_1,U14e dm11;1t+atar __lig_ ' 0(16) *Start],:A i J E%Y Lurid{Site:e.'Dtfa.« 33h Fbppy(A:) ... �( } �C -1-J4-4,\3'-':� 2:40 PM Dictaphone Corporation Contact: Joe Castro,Regional Sales Manager 888-471-3463 x 4702 or joseph.castro@dictaphone.com Page 5 of 6 Dictaphone The Straight Talk system can be configured in three primary ways: Local Access - in this simplest configuration, dictation is downloaded to the system from each author's mobile digital portable recorder. Transcriptionists access voice files directly from the system—a system-connected headset and foot pedal provides local playback listening control. Telephone Access - in addition to "Local Access", optional Telephone Access offers dictators the convenience of phone-in dictation from any telephone, as well as remote transcription access using Dictaphone's Connexions® Station, which includes headset and foot pedal control and program keys for frequently used functions. For dictators, Connexions offers convenient handset control of all dictation functions The system can be accessed simultaneously by up to four telephone users, for dictation/transcription. Network Access - Straight Talk NE can also offer increased access as a "client" on your Local Area Network(LAN). In this configuration,multiple transcriptionists can log-on to the system from remote office locations, while dictators can upload dictated voice files from their Dictaphone mobile portable recorders at their PC workstations. Dictaphone Corporation Contact: Joe Castro,Regional Sales Manager 888-471-3463 x 4702 or joseph.castro@dictaphone.com Page 6 of 6 • Dict-aphone Dictaphone Corporation 3191 Broadbridge Avenue Stratford,CT 06614-2559 888-483-6266 www:dictaphone.com Proposal Customer Information I Dictaphone Contact information Name: Yorkville Police Dept. Date 07/26/04 Address: 804 Game Farm Rd. Contact Joe Castro City: Yorkville State: IL Zip: 60560 Telephone 888-471-3463 x4702 Attn: Molly Batterson Fax 203.683.2145 Phone: 630.553.8502 Fax: Email: ypdcop@aol.com 1 Enterprise Express Solutions Qty Model Description 2 177557-X Foot Control 2 142900-X Chin Band Headset 6 0DP5210 Walkabout 5210 Dictation Kit,Includes: WA5210 Portable Unit,WA Transfer Software,4MB MultiMediaCard,USB Cable,Soft Carry Case,Batteries 1 EX050T-032 Enterprise 50 Software and Hardware w/2 ports Includes 1 -Basic Voice Processing Software,1-Job Lister, 1 - 1 139258 Personal Job Lister License,EXV050 1 139271-201 EX050 Enhanced Exporting&Importing License,IVS 5-Year Payment Plan: 60 Month Lease Trade Up(Including FULL Maintenance Coverage) 5 5 " Pricing includes trade-in allowance of about$2000 for existing Dictaphone system " Project Information Name: Ref No.: 889003 45 Days ARO Prmct,n T01 t, '?J.S and is subject to corporate approval osit due on orders >$5U, 139543 Combining Voice&Data to Serve You Enterprise Express Overview for Yorkville Police Department 7/26/2004 Current Situation: The Yorkville Police Department currently utilizes a Dictaphone Digital Express DX4000 Voice System. The DX4000 system is housed at police headquarters in Yorkville, IL. Maintenance contracts are no longer available on the DX4000 due to the age of the equipment and operating system. There are approximately 20 police officers who phone-in dictation. The dictating officer must wait to get to a land-line telephone before dictating. Currently, the only means of creating dictation is by use of a telephone. There is currently 1 in-house transcriptionist. The transcriptionist must leave her desk and approach the DX4000 console in order to manipulate individual voice files in order to run reports. Advanced reporting is not available. Voice archiving is not available. Goals: The goal of the Yorkville Police Department is to update the Dictation/Transcription System and take advantage of existing technology to improve workflow and efficiency. By implementing a new Enterprise Express Voice System the department will be able to offer multiple input devices to officers including digital portal recorders, telephone, and PC connected microphones. Officers would also be able to dictate on a digital portable at anytime and upload their dictation to a laptop computer in their car or at a district office where a PC is available. Transcriptionists will be able to transcribe voice files directly from their PC workstations with headset and footpedal plugged into their PCs. They will be able to manage their work on their desktop with a click of the mouse. Administrators will have full control over all of the work in the system from their PC workstations as well. VOICE SERVER: Dictaphone will supply the following configuration of the Enterprise Express TM to replace the existing legacy equipment . It is a turnkey solution including all necessary software and hardware. All dictated jobs reside on a single centralized server, and pool scripts are utilized to route work to secretaries based on demographics (author, work type, age of job, length of job, etc.) EXVO 1 S -MFG Enterprise ExpressTM Hardware and Software Package 1 - Voice Processing Software 1 —Job Lister For the quick lookup of job information on the system. Once a listing is completed and with appropriate access,jobs may be manipulated and updated,rerouted,sent to a certain transcriptionists,marked as typed or untyped etc. 1 —Explorer The Explorer Module is the primary administrative user interface to the Enterprise ExpressTo VoiceSystem. It allows for the setup of system parameters,including: • creation and modification of user groups and profiles • customization of individual profiles • creation of job transfer scripts • setup of pools 1 —Prompt Generator Voice Prompt Generation software allows you to create custom Prompt Libraries,Voice Forms, Standardized Reports,as well as Spoken Name Prompts, ID Field Response Prompts and Personal Profile Prompts 1 —Reports Module Included are 18 pre-formatted reports,in four categories: • Dictation—check amount of work dictated by author,work type and department. • Transcription — determine amount of work transcribed by individual transcriptionists or collectively. The transcription may be grouped as a whole, or subtotaled by department, work type or day. • Performance—analyze performance against transcription turn around goals. • Miscellaneous—includes backlog. 1 —Client Viewer 1 —Dashboard 1 —Voice Archiving Import/Export Software 1 —"SOS" Box and Software SQL Server Software—5 Licenses EX50R-037 Enterprise 50 Combined Voice/Data Compaq Server (5)TransNetTM Client Access Licenses These licenses reside on the Enterprise Express server, and allow 5 transcriptionists to access the server simultaneously. SPECS: 50 User Profiles Telephone Ports: 2 Call-In Ports(expandable to 60 ports) DICTATION: Each dictator needs a user ID and password to access the Enterprise Express. Any touch-tone phone can be used for input, and the keypad can be mapped to match an existing voice mail system if desired. For officers who record citizen interactions in the field, we offer a digital portable model that integrates to the Enterprise Express. Recording time capacity is approximately 300 minutes and can be expanded to 600 minutes with an optional memory chip. The client software package includes a piece of software to send to the Enterprise Express Voice without using E-mail messaging. Model # Description 5215 Walkabout 5215 Portable and �'', USB Cable& Software. 6 Includes Portable Unit r 32MB Internal Memory Batteries& Soft Case if USB Cable Enterprise Express Voice Agent Software (To upload to server) TRANSCRIPTION: Transcription is accomplished by plugging a foot control and headset to a sound-enabled PC. No other hardware is necessary. The requirements for each transcriptionist's PC must meet the attached specifications. Please contact me for alternate pricing with a soundcard included. 1451 Boomerang for Enterprise Express with TransNetTM includes: Boomerang 2.0 Transcribe Software Foot Pedal with adapter(all one piece if you choose soundcard option) Stereo Headset Minimum PC Requirements for Boomerang TM Enterprise Edition Version 2.0 Hardware • Multimedia computer with Pentium II processor running at 266MHz with 256KB L2 cache or higher • 128 MB of RAM or higher for best performance,depending on other applications running • 180 MB available hard disk space for application only • CD-ROM drive • VGA monitor adapter or higher • RS-232 COM PORT(optional, required only for Model 1450) • Microsoft mouse or compatible pointing device • Network Adapter card • Creative LabsTM SoundBlaster®or 100%compatible, or Mwave Sound card with Mic,Line In, Line Out and Speaker jacks properly INSTALLED and CONFIGURED • Game/Joystick port(normally found on the sound card)required for Boomerang Transcription Software • Microsoft Windows 95®or Windows 98®or Windows NT 4.0 Workstation®(Recommended operating systems) • Enterprise Express Build 4, SP 15 or higher. TRAINING: You have two choices for training: Internet based or classroom based. In typical installations, administrators("Super users") attend the Melbourne "Designing and Managing Your Enterprise Express System" course, and supplement with Dictaphone iLearn Solutions training. However, if cost- containment is a concern, the Internet option can be used for less-complex applications. CLASSROOM-BASED TRAINING OPTION ! All administrative training for EXVoice systems will be conducted at the Dictaphone Technical Education Center(DTEC)facility in Melbourne,Florida. Customers will attend a"Designing and Managing Your Enterprise Express System" training class that will teach them the basic operations of their system. These classes are conducted in a formal classroom setting with customers from several facilities in attendance. Please see below for class descriptions. During the classes in Melbourne, the customer will learn basic operations of the Enterprise Express system in a controlled learning environment, free from the distractions of their daily responsibilities. Under the expert guidance of the Melbourne instructor,the customer will be responsible for creating the configuration/design specification for their system. DESCRIPTION OF CLASSES The Designing and Managing Your Enterprise Express Voice System class is intended for anyone who is responsible for the day-to-day management of the system. This four-day Melbourne class teaches the Operations Manager how to design, manage, and maintain the EXVoice system. They will learn how to add, modify, and delete users, and how to design and manage the distribution of the dictated jobs to the transcriptionists. One full day will be focused, on a Train-the-Trainer session for author and transcription instruction. The price of this class includes hotel accommodations for four nights at the Melbourne Beach Hilton, four class days, all class materials (including manuals, CDs, quick reference materials), snacks and drinks during class, breakfast, and lunch. This also includes transportation to and from the airport, hotel, and DTEC. At the completion of the Melbourne course, an ATS will be assigned to remotely configure the system based upon the specification designed by the customer. The customer will populate the system with user information. The ATS will then travel to the customer's facility to provide one day of"go-live" support. INTERNET-BASED TRAINING CLASSES When Dictaphone iLearn Solutions sessions are selected, the customer operations manager would attend 6 hours of Internet based instructor-led training covering the basics of system management. One package does not contain any on-site ATS hours. All configuration and go-live support is conducted remotely. An alternative is to follow training with 1 day of onsite go live support. The course descriptions are as follows: Managing Telephone Dictate Users Job Lister— Getting Started (Monitoring Dictation Access) Using Pools and Pool Scripts to Distribute your Dictated Jobs Establishing Productive Transcription Management Job Lister—Create and Manage Reports INSTALLATION: Installation is included for all server-based parts according to standard installation policies. If you have any unique requirements, please discuss these with me in advance. PRICING: Please see attached quote. Page l of 1 < Y 4 Subj: Dictaphone Proposal Date: 7/26/2004 6:59:44 PM Central Standard Time From: Joseph.Castro@Dictaphone.com To: ypdcop@aol.com_ Molly - Per our conversation, please find attached the budgetary quote you requested along with an overview of the Enterprise Express system we discussed. The proposal configuration includes the full system as described, 6 digital portable dictation devices, 5 transcription software licenses and FULL Maintenance Coverage for all 5 years. Please keep in mind that the proposal is a budgetary quote and will most likely need additional conversations to get an exact configuration. After reviewing, please contact me to discuss any questions you may have. Thank you once again for the opportunity to address your Voice/Data needs. I look forward to speaking with you soon. Sincerely - Joe Castro Integrated Voice Systems Dictaphone Phone# 888.471.3463 ext.4702 Fax#203.683.2145 (See attached file: YorkvillePD-Overview.doc)(See attached file: YorkvillePD-Propl.xls) This message, together with any attachments, is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed. It may contain information that is confidential and prohibited from disclosure. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination or copying of this message or any attachment is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please notify the original sender immediately by telephone or by return e-mail and delete this message along with any attachments, from your computer. Thank you. **************************************************************************** Tuesday, July 27, 2004 America Online: YPDCOP unique Law Enforcement Tool Pricelist ($/unit) All Accessories Included Products 1—5 units 6-15 units 16—25 units 904S (4hr) 69 65 59 9095 (9hr) 89 85 79 918S (lshr) 95 89 87 918SU (18hr USB) 119 115 109 1418SU (lshr USB+time stamp) 139 135 129 1318MP (lshr USB+MP3 Player) 159 155 149 Foot Pedal Package 219 199 189 F ?c>,t Qecla1 'Package for Transcribing Sound Files Optional Product m ;` record notes onto download recordings digital voice recorder c onto computer fr4 Foot Pedal Package email Easy Installation: recordings Feet reeal to I. connect foot pedal to computer seeti... transcribers 2. install licensed software '"'a for foot pedal or. 3. connect earphone if iikk IR surrounding is noisy 4. open voice file with software tiw '4' 5. control sound file with foot pedal PLAY, REW, FF, PAUSE IV GoodySquare.com 6000 S. Eastern Ave. #68, Las Vegas, NV 89119 Website: www.GoodySquare.com Email: info@goodysquare.com Tel: (702) 896 5207 Fax: (702) 896 9047 Digital tal Voice Recorder ittat 1/ 1 ( ,airy/ aele . 8 O tilt 4. orf° wak y.y' ; 909S k 9185U /081 !1//1/1/ \-1- a, /ha ` (ke t9ea raiK s= ✓ Corporate Et Premium Gift .7 Tapeless recording ✓Law Enforcement Tool ✓Records up to 18 hours 1418SU V Private Investigation Gadget ✓Records phone conversation V Research Gathering Tool ✓Recordable to computers ✓Call-Center Equipment ✓Time-stamp (1418SU) s ✓Dictation Et Memo Device ✓MP3 / WMA player (MP models) . ✓ Traveler's Gizmo ✓All accessories included GOODYSQUARE.COM 1318MP li ito �� a.,ti 4256MP F 110, Batteries Cable Connection Voice Manage- Earphone Microphone Phone Phone USB Cable ment Adapter Cable Comparison Chart Feature 904S/9095 918SU 1418SU 13.18MF Recording time (LP mode) 4/9 hours 18 hours 18 hours 18 hours Recording time (SP mode) 2/4.5 hours 9 hours 9 hours 9 hours Number of files/messages 396 files 396 files 594 files 396 files Number of folders 4 folders 4 folders 6 folders 4 folders Records phone conversation Yes Yes Yes Yes Recordable to/from audio equipment Yes Yes Yes Yes Records to computer Yes Yes Yes Yes computer interface Microphone USB USB USB how long to download 1 hour 10 seconds 10 seconds 10 seconds 1 hour of recording? how large is a 1 hour recording 30 MB 4 MB 4 MB 4 MB when saved onto the computer? file format saved in computer .wav .vwd .wav .vwd .wav .vwd .wav MP3 Player? No No No Yes Time-stamp? No No Yes Yes Keylock/Hold Function No No Yes Yes VOX/VOR Yes Yes Yes Yes Dimension 4.3' x0.7x1" 4.3"x0.7x1" 4.6" x0.7" x1" 4.3 x 0.5 x 1.5 Weight (without battery) 1.16 oz. 1.16 oz. 1.16 oz. 1.16 oz. All accessories included Yes Yes Yes Yes Hand Strap Yes Yes Yes Yes Shirt Clip Yes Yes Yes Yes GOODYSQLIARE . COM t Tel: (702) 896 5207 • (Mil Fax: (702) 896 9047 Email: info@GoodySquare.com Website: www.GoodySquare.com igita , ' ecor ® er sow► EchoVue 405 (4 Channel) / 805 (8 Channel) 80 GB Hard Drive ss$ Product Features • Multiplexer Built-in • 80GB Hard Drive for Video Storage • Embedded Linux Operating System • Recording Speed of up to 60 fps • 1 Channel Audio Recording • Multiplex / Switching Display for Live Viewing While Recording • Continuous, Alarm, and Scheduled Recording Modes • Motion Detection Built-in • Easy Playback and Forward/Reverse Search with Jog / Shuttle Operation • Playback by Date, Time, Camera or Alarm Events • SCSI / USB 2.0 Port for External Back-up Devices • P/T/Z Camera Control • Remote Monitoring System Built-in • Network Connection (RJ-45 Ethernet) and Remote Client Software • On-Screen Menu Programming • Alarm Inputs (4 or 8) & 1 Output • Compatible with Most Analog Monitors • Remote Controller www.sorainc.com E c®us SORA T: (702) 896 3589 F: (702) 896 9047 E: info@sorainc.com .1191111, 41.11 ' ""' ‘.4 * Video Input 4(NTSC,PAL) 8(NTSC,PAL) Video Output 1 Monitor, 1 S-Video 1 Monitor, 1 S-Video Loop Out 4 None Live& Playback Display 1,4,PIP 1,4,6, 7,8,9,PIP Compression WAVELET WAVELET Live Display Resolution NTSC 720x480,PAL 720x576 NTSC 720x480,PAL 720x576 Record&Playback Resolution NTSC 720x243, PAL 720x288 NTSC 720x243,PAL 720x288 Alarm In/Out 4/1 8/1 Operating System EMBEDDED LINUX EMBEDDED LINUX System Control Key buttons&jog/Shuttle,IR Remote,Remote Client Live Display Speed NTSC 120 fps,PAL 100 fps NTSC 240 fps, PAL 200 fps Maximum Recording Speed 60 fps 60 fps Recording speed per Channel 15 fps 7.5 fps Audio Record 1 channel(1 channel Line In/Out,MIC Input) Display Brightness,Contrast,Color Adjustments Per Channel Recording Mode Manual,Schedule,Alarm,Motion Recording Method 8 Levels of Compression Record Frame Rate Adjustment Recording Adjustments Pre-Alarm: 140 frames Post-Alarm:20 sec.--240 sec. Motion Detection Per Channel 9 Selectable Grids/15 Sensitivity Levels Search Mode Date&Time,Camera,Alarm/Motion Playback Modes Forward& Reverse,Pause,Frame by Frame, Normal Speed,2X,4X,6X,8X Multi-tasking/Full Triplex Simultaneous Live Display Record, Playback, Remote Transmission Watchdog Auto Reboot w/Maintaining Previous Settings System Utility Password/Auto Lock/Disk Format/Disk Check Back Up Ethernet,Remote PC,External Recording Devices,VCR External Recording Devices HDD, DAT,CD-RW Interface SCSI, RS-232,Ethernet USB2.0,RS-232,Ethernet HDD 80G Default(up to 2 internal HDDs) Network LAN,WAN,Internet,PSTN Line Remote Client Software Plug-In For Internet Explorer 6.0 IR Remote Yes Dimension 14.2"(W)x 13.4"(D)x 4.3"(H) Weight 13 lb T: (702) 896 3589 • F: (702) 896 9047 • E: info@sorainc.com SORA www.sorainc.com �¢£STATE 0 JUDY BAAR TOPINKA TREASURER OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS June 2004 TREASURER'S OPERATIONS Attention: Payments/Collections processing department(s) Dear Public Official: Accounting Fax (217)524-2295 Adding new service to our citizens often times means increased spending. During tight financial times, this can be almost impossible to do. Not so when you enroll in the state's Illinois Funds E-Pay program. E-Pay allows you to offer convenient payment services to your constituents via an Internet and Telephone IVR credit card and/or e-check Banking/Clearing Fax payment option—both at no cost to your office in addition to over-the-counter service with (217)782-7448 some of the lowest fees you will find. I have enclosed program information, comments from your colleagues and E-Pay fee schedules for your review. Pursuant to the Local Government Acceptance of Credit Banking/Investments Fax Cards Act (50 ILCS 345/1) our state contract is available to you so that you don't have to (217)782-3563 reinvent the wheel, or spend large sums of money to get started. In addition, if you currently offer credit card acceptance over the counter via card Banking/Time Deposit Fax swipe terminals, we would be glad to perform a cost comparison analysis, free of charge, so that you can be certain your program offers the most competitive fees available. (217)522-1217 Most importantly, the E-Pay program upholds the public integrity and accountability inherent in your public duties. You can rest assured that the state's Illinois Financial Education Fax Funds E-Pay program helps you maintain compliance with: (217)557-5726 • Statutory requirements governing electronic payment services • Credit Card Association Regulations to avoid fines and penalties • NACHA Regulations governing debit/e-check transactions Fiscal Operations Fax (217)524-3822 Once you have reviewed the enclosed material, logon to illinoisepay.com and surf the E-Pay website, email us at epay@treasurer.state.il.us or call us at 217-524-1324 to learn more about how E-Pay can work for you and the people you serve. Human Resources Fax Sincerely, (217)785-85544 poi/7 r-440.,44. The Illinois Funds Fax (217)524-1269 Judy Baar Topinka Illinois State Treasurer 300 West Jefferson St., Springfield, IL 62702 • Phone: (217)782-6540 • Website: www.state.il.us/treas E-Pay Quick Facts E-Pay is an Electronic Payments Process designed to offer Illinois Funds (state, local and/or Public) participants additional methods of accepting payment. Three payment methods available for your constituents (Choose one or all three) • Internet (no cost to you) • Telephone (IVR)-NEW Interactive Voice Response (no cost to you) • Over-the-counter card swipe (low cost fees apply-see below) We give you peace of mind. The Illinois Funds E-Pay program complies with the Local Government Acceptance of Credit Cards Act (ILCS 345/) and prevailing credit card rules and regulations Internet and IVR services available at no cost to you • State-of-the-Art, 24/7/365, self service Electronic Payments Program accepting credit card, bankcard and/or electronic check payments • No minimum volume requirement, no transaction fees, or monthly fees • Custom web pages and phone script (Internet payment service may be linked from your existing website) • Internet "shopping cart" functionality available for multiple payables • Low convenience fee passed to the user/cardholder for Internet and IVR payment methods; the fee is not collected by your office but by the payment processor • Internet e-check option • Web Enabled reporting providing "live" transaction information and reconciliation • Monthly Illinois Funds E-Pay account statements for easy reconciliation • Multiple Illinois Funds E-Pay accounts available for disbursement of funds • Complete training and participant support Over-the-counter card swipe services • Low cost card terminals/printers • Low cost transaction fees and monthly fees • Online or hard copy fax reporting daily, customized to fit your needs • We can perform a Free Cost Analysis of your existing over-the-counter program • Complete training and support 24/7/365 provided at no cost Advanced Services • Direct Billing software to authorize single or recurring payments from constituent/residents checking, savings, or credit card account • Check Imaging hardware and software • Auto-posting to your accounting software (low cost programming fees may apply) For information or demonstration, call the Illinois Funds E-Pay program: 217-524-1324 THE ILLINOIS FUND. r ,E- - Dedicated To Success and Helping You Serve Your Constituents! PAY ' What your local officials have stated about the E-Pay program! imiliimiimi Eincu,,,ok PaY,nini Servs<c;,I'r�,'r. The Illinois Funds programs have collaborated many of the steps involved in receiving and investing State funds. Through the Illinois Funds programs,I have been able to bring direct deposit,competitive interest rates,online banking,easy transfer capabilities and credit card options to my office.These programs have brought efficiency and success to the financial operations in my office. Rebecca McNeil,McLean County Treasurer The Bond County Circuit Clerk's Office began participating in the Illinois Funds E-Pay program I year ago. There were no costs to Bond County for set up of a Discover Exclusive Credit Card Terminal and the Internet Payment program. This included all of the required equipment. The program has allowed many traffic violators who transverse our County to pay on line when they arrive home. It provides a convenient way for the violator to pay their traffic fines and allows Bond County to collect their money much quicker than waiting onthe mail service to deliver a money order or check. Overall,the E-Pay Program has been a great addition to the Circuit Clerk's Office. We have found the E-Pay staff to be excellent to work with whenever a technical problem has been identified. The problem has been immediately addressed,the violator had been contacted directly when necessary and the resolution has always been a positive experience for all concerned. Our experience has been that the longer we have the service,the more that it is used and the People of Bond County are the winners. I would recommend the Illinois Funds E-Pay Program to all of the Circuit Clerks of Illinois. John K.King,Bond County Circuit Clerk The Oswego School District has been using E-pay for the past few years and we really like it. The parents like the ability to pay for fees on-line using their credit cards and we like not having to be involved in the actual credit verification process. It is very user friendly.Parents don't seem to mind paying the small fee either. Now that the shopping cart has been implemented it makes it even easier for a parent to pay for multiple fees at one time. The email confirmation received after the payment is made makes it easy to keep track of the students'fee payments. We would recommend it to all school districts. Debbie Smith,Bookkeeper Oswego School District#308 We currently use the internet portion of E-Pay. It is linked with our website...I have had hundreds of residents use it. It has been very helpful,especially when a resident is out of town...We currently use it for water bill payments,parking ticket payments and commuter parking lot perrnits...It has really enhanced our collection activities. Sherry L.Craig,Hanover Park Village Clerk The Illinois E-Pay program just keeps getting bigger and better. The first year we took 42 credit card payments. Last year the number almost doubled to 82 payments. With the State Treasurer adding more features,we expect the number to continue to climb. I would recommend this program for all Illinois counties. Danny Ragan,Saline County Treasurer I cannot say enough good things about the E-Pay program and all it's benefits. Even though I was very skeptical of the use of the program by my taxpayers,I decided to try it out for last year's tax collection. I was amazed at the number of taxpayers who utilized E-Pay and were grateful for the convenience it offered. The Illinois State Treasurer's Office was so efficient in setting up the program and they have such qualified and helpful personnel who make it all happen. It has definitely been a huge success in my county. Linda Lane,Edgar County Treasurer E-Pay options with real estate tax bills allows the taxpayer a 24/7 opportunity to pay their bills without increases in expenses to my office. This service is easy to access for both the taxpayer and the tax collector. The support to my office from the people at E-Pay is outstanding. Having been involved with this program from the beginning I see no substitute in the market that is as efficient,convenient,nor more economical than what the State Treasurer has provided. Kirby L.Ballard, Greene County Treasurer The new system is tremendous. It's quicker,less reconciliation effort,and the reporting has greatly improved&the staff spends less time this year.The new systems offer an easier process for the public with less chance of error. Great job&keep up the excellent advancement&service. Robert Skidmore,Lake County Treasurer E-Pay has helped our department meet an important goal-expanding utility payment options to our constituents.E-Pay has proven to be easy for our citizens to use,reports for internal use are simple to configure,and the E-pay staff is great to work with.Thanks E-Pay! Scott E.Borror,Staff Accountant City of Highland For more information regarding the Illinois Funds E-Pay program, call 217-524-1324. THE ILLINOIS FUNDS PAYS" Illinois Funds E-PAY PROGRAM UPDATE Electronic Payment Services Program Overview Illinois State Treasurer Judy Baar Topinka is proud to sponsor Illinois Funds E-PAY, a state-of- the-art, 24/7/365, self-service, Electronic Payments Program allowing your constituents to pay bills on their own timetable without leaving their home. E-Pay is designed for local governments and state agencies to offer users of its services easier, faster payment choices. E-Pay participants can now accept credit card, bankcard and/or electronic check payments over the Internet, in the office at the point-of-service, and via our exciting, NEW Speech Recognition IVR (Interactive Voice Response) system. This human dialogue, plain language system is accessible from any telephone — cell, wired, or wireless — anywhere in the world and becomes your self- service payment window 24 hours every day. If that's not enough, E-Pay now offers electronic funds transfer (checking) on two services: Internet and NEW IVR!! This human dialogue, Over the Counter (OTC). For added security, the OTC plain language system is accessible system images the check and stores that image for from any telephone—touchtone, seven years. What's more, E-Pay now offers check rotary, cell, wired, or wireless— truncation that converts paper checks to an anywhere in the world and electronic equivalent for lightning fast execution becomes your self-service payment through the Federal Reserve. The OTC system window 24 hours every day! processes single or recurring transactions charging your receivables to your user bankcards, checking or savings accounts. Here's a novel service—ask about Direct Recovery of bounced checks—it's a zero-cost add-on that you will love. Each of these 21st century services deposits your revenue directly to your Illinois Funds Money Market Fund account. The Illinois Funds E-Pay Program has been quoted as "Cutting Edge Technology for local government,"therefore we are pleased to market these services and are now accepting applications. Surf our website @ www.illinoisepay.com Your constituents will find the E-Pay Internet payment system fast and convenient to use. The Illinois Funds E-PAY Internet website now accepts credit cards and/or Internet Checks for multiple payment types. Customers can drill-down and find your office using a simple search box. They can find your customized web page including links to your website, important due dates and text, a logo and an official's photograph. We build web pages specific to your payment types and collection requirements. It is easy to guide your customers through the payment process. Right up front we notify your Customers that a convenience fee will be charged allowing them to opt out if they don't want to pay our payments processing vendor fee. Payment amount and type, along with pertinent account information is collected and verified. Within seconds, customers are notified of the total payment amount including the applicable convenience fee. (E-Pay Participants are never responsible for the collection and disbursement of convenience fees on our Internet service.) Upon completion, the customer is given a detailed receipt and confirmation number to print for his/her records. If they entered a valid email address, the Internet system sends them a confirmation email. It can also send duplicate confirmations to your office for every payment. Payments are made in real-time and posted to your Illinois Funds account. In addition E-Pay allows your office to view Web-Enabled reporting for up to the minute transaction reports that are available 24/7/365 online. The best thing about our Web acceptance is that it is absolutely FREE! There is no charge to your office for this service and you'll need no special equipment or software. Revised 10/2003 The Illinois Funds E-Pay Program Page 1 of 2 THE ILLINOIS FUNDS E=PAY' The Illinois Funds E-PAY PROGRAM UPDATE Electronic Payment Service Program E-Pay Accepted to VISA Property Tax Collection Pilot Program VISA regulations do not allow the acceptance of VISA cards on a sliding scale, such as the one used in our pilot program. VISA card regulations stipulate the only option available to offer VISA with a convenience fee is if the fee charged is a flat dollar amount. The sole exception to this VISA regulation is for the collection of Property Taxes. VISA has been conducting a pilot program that is intended to last through the end of 2004. E-Pay is proud to announce that VISA accepted us as a member of its pilot program. Therefore, for County Treasurers using E-PAY on the Internet, VISA will be an additional card brand accepted for property tax payments only. But now, our pilot participants will be happy to know that our current sliding convenience fee schedule has been reduced across the board from 10% at small payment amounts up to 41% on larger tickets. That means significantly reduced fees to Property Tax Payers! Therefore, VISA, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, and electronic Internet checks are now acceptable payment options for E-Pay Property Tax payments using - our new sliding convenience fee scale. _r�! NEW — Over the Counter Payment Services — NEW The services we offer through E-Pay were competitively bid. The result is that E-Pay now offers some of the lowest prices in the electronic payments industry. Services at the counter may require the purchase of equipment and/or software. These payments will incur varying processing fees depending on payment type. Surcharge fees can be collected at the counter for the exclusive acceptance of Discover Card Brands to help offset the costs of these services (if you choose the Discover option). All new equipment will be installed and programmed for you, and some existing equipment can simply be reprogrammed. For those who want to upgrade to our Internet software option, an Check Imager& equipment buy-back may be available (The buy-back price will depend on the age Card Reader and brand of your equipment). NEW — REDUCED! Convenience Fee Schedule and Flat Fees The Illinois Funds E-Pay program through our new vendor contract has negotiated reduced convenience fees that are passed to your constituents. Our new fee schedule reduced our existing fee structure up to 40%within certain payment ranges. Look for our REDUCED Convenience Fees on our website. That's not all, E-Pay can now offer flat fee structures to accommodate all credit card, bank card types based on the average transaction volume. Contact our office to learn more about our Flat Fee scale. E-PAY Developments Coming Soon - Sign Up Today You have asked and we have Responded!! Some of our existing participants have asked that E-Pay query their database to create a live interface for payable information, we listened and are furthering development to expand this functionality by January 2004. The Illinois State Treasurer's office is embracing e-commerce by offering constituents the ability to pay their bills using their computer or their telephone. The benefits are endless. The rewards are substantial. Everyone wins. You can sign up for any (or all) of the services listed above. If your office has received calls asking you if your office accepts credit cards, "you can now answer YES!" In addition your office will receive training for all personnel involved with payments collection and processing. We are now rapidly advancing its deployment across the State. We look forward to having you join us! Watch for continued updates about more new services. For more information, please contact The Illinois Funds toll free at 800-346-7414. Ask for an E-Pay demonstration! Revised 10/2003 The Illinois Funds E-Pay Program Page 2 of 2 THE ILLINOIS FUNDS .a <: -PAY • InternetllVR Convenience Fee Schedule .,t .:�� � *Visa, MasterCard, Discover, Amex, & iChecks Electronic Payment Services Program Schedule 1: From To Fee 'Visa:Real Estate Taxes Only $0.01 $25.00 $1.00 $25.01 $50.00 $1.25 $50.01 $75.00 $1.88 $75.01 $100.00 $2.50 $100.01 $150.00 $3.75 $150.01 $200.00 $5.00 $200.01 $250.00 $6.25 $250.01 $300.00 $7.50 $350.01 $400.00 $10.00 $450.01 $500.00 $11.25 $550.01 $600.00 $12.00 ;r,. `,,/ ;,., $650.01 $700.00 $14.00 $750.01 $800.00 $16.00 y: $850.01 $900.00 $18.00 $950.01 $1,000.00 $20.00 $1,000.01 $1,100.00 $19.25 $1,100.01 $1,200.00 $21.00 • $1,200.01 $1,300.00 $22.75 $1,300.01 $1,400.00 $24.50 $1,400.01 $1,500.00 $26.25 $1,900.01 $2,000.00 $35.00 $2,400.01 $2,500.00 $43.75 $2,900.01 $3,000.00 $52.50 p7,.. $3,400.01 $3,500.00 $61.25 -.;-. ii $3,900.01 $4,000.00 $70.00 $4,400.01 $4,500.00 $78.75 $4,900.01 $5,000.00 $87.50 ., ,i - $5,900.01 $6,000.00 $105.00 dillillihai $7,400.01 $7,500.00 $131.25 $9,900.01 $10,000.00 $175.00 $10,400.01 $10,500.00 $183.75 $10,500.01 $13,000.00 $227.50 $13,000.01 S17,400.00 $304.50 $17,400.01 $21,000.00 $367.50 $150,000.01 $175,000.00 $3,062.50 $175,000.01 $200,000.00 $3,500.00 THE ILLINOIS FUNDS EInternet/IVR Convenience Fee Schedule PAr - *Visa, MasterCard, Discover, Amex, & iChecks Elc..Ironic Paymvnt Service.Program Schedule 2: Payment Specific Flat Fees to include all payment options. (This schedule is to be used as an alternate to Schedule 1.) Payment Type Flat Fee* Avg Tkt 'Per item fee-shopping cart method not applicable • Parking Tickets $1.75 $0.01-$25.00 • County Clerks $1.75 $0.01-$25.00 • County Recorders $1.75 $0.01-$25.00 • Traffic Tickets $2.75 $0.01-$250.00 • Sewer/Water Bill $3.50 ' $0.01-$400.00 Schedule 3: E-checks as only payment option. *Flat Fee $1.40 (*This fee only applies to e-check transactions where the Merchant has chosen to accept only E-Checks through E-Pay) / Call The Illinois Funds at (800) 3464414 If you need a custom Flat Fee Schedule. Rates for Absorbing the Internet/IVR Credit Card/E-Check Processing Fees Direct Interchange Fees from Visa/Mastercard ranging from 1.43% to 2.65% Credit Card Processor Per Item Fee $0.15 Member Bank Mark Up .06% Monthly Statement Fee (optional) $5.00 Monthly Web Reporting (optional) $15.00 E-Check Processing Per Item Fee $0.13 Amex/Discover Per Item Fee $0.10 Discover Discount Rate 1.80% American Express Discount Rate 2.15% IVR Per Completed Call $1.00 Additional Charge per Hang up $0.20 Face fo Face Credit Card Processing Fees Using a state of the art terminal which will accept all credit/debit cards at the point of sale. Thermal printer is connected to offer an all in one solution. Direct Interchange Fees from Visa/Mastercard Credit Card Process Per Item Fee- Card Present $0.07 Credit Card Process Per Item Fee- Card not Present $0.15 Member Bank Mark Up .06% Monthly Statement Fee (optional) $5.00 Monthly Web Reporting $15.00 Debit Card Processing Per Item Fee $0.51 Amex/Discover Per Item Fee $0.10 Discover Discount Rate 1.60% American Express Rate 2.15% Chargeback Fee per occurrence $20.00 Voice Authorization $0.95 *place cost of the Omni under the picture as $495 and pinpad $160 *place cost of the magtek under the picture $450 and $359 for the software Il Funds Direct Billing Solution This option includes the DB3 software, the magteck reader, a flat panel and other hardware components for a flat monthly fee of$24.95. Each additional work station is $14.95 a month. The Direct Billing software will accept credit cards and will process checks electronically. The above listed credit card processing fees would apply. In addition, face-to-face check imaging and processing would be available at $0.13 per item. *this process does not verify funds or the checking account/routing and transit code ATM Verify Per Item Fee $0.30 *this process does verify the checking account number and the routing and transit Verification of funds will be coming soon. Direct Recovery-Free Option to collect NSF checks Exclusive Discover Card Acceptance Only Discover will install for free a terminal and a printer for Discover card acceptance at the point of sale. They will also allow a convenience fee to be passed along to the consumer. See the schedule below for more details. ** Participants would only be allowed to accept Discover cards.** The payment amount will be deposited into your Il Funds account within two business days. The convenience fee will be kept by Discover. Entities with an average transaction amount less than $200 $0.00 -$100.00 $3.00 $100.01 -$200.00 $4.00 $200.01 -$500.00 $6.00 $500.01 -$1000.00 $12.00 $1000.01 -and up $25.00 Entities with an average transaction amount of$200 or greater $0.00 -$500.00 $6.00 $500.01 -$1000.00 $12.00 $1000.01 -$2000.00 $22.00 $2000.01 -$3000.00 $29.00 $3000.01 -and up $38.00 Discount Fees and Statements You have been provided with the current discount rates and the Discover surcharge fee schedule. Visa and Mastercard will change their rates every April. Your monthly merchant statement will reflect these changes as they go into effect. If you choose to accept all of the card types, you will see a separate debit to your Illinois Funds checking account for each of those card type processing fees. These fees will be debited from your Illinois Funds E-Pay clearing account automatically on or around the 3rd business day of the following month. You have the ability to go online to look at your merchant account or you can receive a monthly merchant statement through the mail. The merchant statement will highlight all discount and statement fees accrued during that processing month. 0 ILCS 345/ Local Governmental Acceptance of Credit Cards Act. Page 1 of Home Legislation&Laws Senate House My Legislation Site Map • Bills&Resolutions Illinois Compiled Statutes Compiled Statutes Back to Act Listing public Acts Search Guide Disclaimer Printer-Friendly Version Public Acts Legislative Reports LOCAL GOVERNMENT (50 ILCS 345/) Local Governmental Acceptance of Credit Cards Act. IL Constitution Legislative Guide (50 ILCS 345/1) Sec. 1. Short: title. This Act may be cited as the Local Legislative Glossary Governmental Acceptance of Credit Cards Act. (Source: P.A. 90-518, eff. 8-22-97.) Search By Number (example: HB0001) (50 ILCS 345/10) Sec. 10. Definitions. "Authorized obligation" means, in connection with a county, city, Search I Help + town, or other similar form of local municipal government, any fine, fee, charge, tax, or cost imposed by, owing to, or collected by or on Search By Keyword behalf of a unit of local government. In connection with a community college district,- "authorized obligation" means tuition costs, books, charges for meals, and other education or college-related fines, Search I Help fees, charges, or costs imposed upon or incurred by students or pupils. "Credit card" means an instrument or device, whether known as a credit card, bank card, charge card, debit card, automated teller machine card, secured credit card, smart card, electronic purse, prepaid card, affinity card, or by any other name, issued with or without fee by an issuer for the use ofthe holder to obtain credit, money, goods, services, or anything else of value. (Source: P.A. 90-518, eff. 8-22-97.) (50 ILCS 345/15) Sec. 15. Local government credit card acceptance program. (a) Any unit of local government and any community college district that has the authority to accept the payment of funds for any purpose is authorized, but not required, to accept payment by credit card. (b) This Act shall be broadly construed to authorize, but not require, acceptance of credit card payments by all units of local government and community college districts. (c) This Act authorizes the acceptance of credit card payments for all types of authorized obligations. (d) This Act does not limit the authority of clerks of court to accept payment by credit card pursuant to the Clerks of Court Act or the Unified Code of Corrections. (e) A local governmental entity may not receive and retain, directly or indirectly, any convenience fee, surcharge, or other fee in excess of the amount paid in connection with the credit card transaction. In addition, a financial institution or service provider may not pay, refund, rebate, or return, directly or indirectly, to a local governmental entity for final retention any portion of a surcharge, convenience fee, or other fee paid in connection with a credit card transaction. (Source: P.A. 90-518, eff. 8-22-97.) (50 ILCS 345/20) Sec. 20. Election by local governmental entities to accept credit cards. (a) The decision whether to accept credit card payments for any particular type of obligation shall be made by the governing body of the local governmental entity that has general discretionary n . , +.,.,�.l,.�rl��z acn9ArtTf=711&ChaDAct=50 ILCS 345/&ChapterID=11... 1/20/200 _ utrG UL l..lCU1L k..aras Act. Page 2 of authority over the manner of acceptance of payments. The governing body may adopt reasonable rules governing the manner of acceptance of payments by credit card. No decision to accept credit card payments under this Act shall be made until the governing body has determined, following a public hearing held not sooner than 10 nor later than 30 days following public notice of the hearing, that the acceptance of credit card payments for the types of authorized obligations specified in the public notice is in the best interests of the citizens and governmental administration of the local governmental entity or community college and of the students and taxpayers thereof. (b) The governing body 'of the entity accepting payment by credit card may enter into agreements with one or more financial institutions or other service providers to facilitate the acceptance and processing of credit card payments. Such agreements shall identify the specific services to be provided, an itemized list of the fees charged, and the means by which each such fee shall be paid. Such agreements may include a discount fee to cover the costs of interchange, assessments and authorizations, a per item processing fee for the service provider, and any other fee, including a payment of a surcharge or convenience fee, that may be applicable to specific circumstances. Any agreement for acceptance of payments by credit cards may be canceled by the governmental entity upon giving reasonable notice of intent to cancel. (c) An entity accepting payments by credit card may pay amounts due a financial institution or other service provider by (i) paying the financial institution or other service provider upon presentation of an invoice or (ii) allowing the financial institution or other service provider to withhold the amount of the fees from the credit card payment. A discount or processing fee may be authorized whenever the governing body of the entity determines that any reduction of revenue resulting from the discount or processing fee will be in the best interest of the entity. Items that may be considered in making a determination to authorize the payment of fees or the acceptance of a discount include, but are not limited to, improved governmental cash flows, reduction of governmental overhead, improved governmental financial security, a combination of these items, and the benefit of increased public convenience. No payment to or withheld by a financial institution or other service provider may exceed the amounts authorized under subsection (b) of Section 25. (d) Unless specifically prohibited by an ordinance or rule adopted by the governing body of the local governmental entity, a person may pay multiple tax bills in a single transaction. (Source: P.A. 90-518, eff. 8-22-97.) (50 ILCS 345/25) Sec. 25. Payment of fees by cardholders. (a) The governing body of a local governmental entity authorizing acceptance of payment by credit card may, but is not required to, impose a convenience fee or surcharge upon a cardholder making payment by credit card in an amount to wholly or partially offset, but in no event exceed, the amount of any discount or processing fee incurred by the local governmental .entity. This convenience fee or surcharge may be applied only when allowed under the operating rules and regulations of the credit card involved. When a cardholder elects to make a payment by credit card to a local governmental entity and a convenience fee or surcharge is imposed, the payment of the convenience fee or surcharge shall be deemed voluntary by the person and shall not be refundable. (b) No fee, or accumulation of fees, that exceeds the lesser of $20 or 5% of the principal amount charged may be imposed in connection with the issuance of any license, sticker, or permit, or with respect to any other similar transaction. No fee, or accumulation of fees, that exceeds the lesser of $5 or 5% of the transaction involved may be imposed in connection with the payment of • any fine. No fee, or accumulation of fees, in excess of the lesser of $40 or 3% of the principal amount charged may be imposed in connection with the payment of any real estate or other tax. (c) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (b) , a minimum fee of $1 may be imposed with respect to any transaction. ://www.legis.state.il.us/legislation/ilcs/ilcs3.asp?ActID=711&ChapAct=50 ILCS 345/&ChapterlD=11... 1/20/2004 E-PAY Participant Reference Sheet Revised 03104 County: Office: Contact Person: Title: Phone: IVR Internet POS Adams Adams County Clerk Georgia Volrn Adams County Clerk 217-277-2166 X Adams Adams County Treasurer Jean Reddinglon Adams County Treasurer 217-277-2245 X X Adams City of Quincy Peggy R.Crim City Treasuer 217-228-4575 X X Adams Quincy Public Library Ethan Beckler Manager 217-223-1309 ext.203 X Bond Bond County Circuit Clerk John K.King Circuit Clerk 618-664-3208 X - Bureau Bureau County Circuit Cleric Michael Miroux Circuit Clerk 815-872-2001 X X Carroll Carroll County Circuit Clerk Sherri Miller Circuit Clerk 815-244-0230 hold X X Cass Cass County Treasurer Micki Wilson County Treasurer 217-452-2277 X X Cass Cass County Clerk Michael Kirchner County Cleric 217-452-2277 hold X Champaign Champaign County Cleric Mark Shelden County Clerk 217-384-3720 hold X • Champaign Champaign County Treasurer Dan Welch County Treasurer 217-384-3747 X X j Champaign Urbana and Champaign Sanitary Dist Kim Lytle Dir.Of Admin Services 217-367-3409 X Champaign Champaign Public Library Marsha Grove Library Director 217-403-2050 X Christian Christian County Treasurer Colleen Hadley County Treasurer 217-824-4889 X X Christian City of Taylorville Terri France City Treasurer 217-824-2919 X Clay City of Flora Tonya Anderson City Treasurer 618-662-8313 X Clinton Clinton County Treasurer Ferd Mueller Treasurer 618-594-2464 ext.127 X X Coles City of Charleston Patsy Loew City Clerk/Treasurer 217-345-8425 X X Coles Coles County Treasurer Carolyn Kollinq Collector 217-348-0511 X X Cook Clerk of the Circuit Court John Morales Chief Financial Officer 312-603-5035 hold X Cook City of Palos Hills Anna Slubowski Admin 011ice Manager 708-598-3400 x104 hold X Cook City of Rolling Meadows Mark Nanini Finance Director 847-394-8500 X Cook Kimberly Heights Sanitary District Roy W.Mortensen President 708-532-4487 hold X Cook Lyons Elementary School Dist 8 103 James Rick Assistant Superintendent 708-783-4106 X Cook Thomcreek Sanitary District Trudy Krygsheld Finance Director 708-754-0525 ext.26 X X Cook Village of Brookfield Roger Geske Finance Director 708-485-7344 hold X Cook Village of Glencoe David Clark Finance Department 847-835-4113 X Cook Village of Midlothian Denise Borne Village Treasurer 708-389-0200 X Cook Village of Northbrook Betsy Garibaldi Asst.Finance Director 847-272-5050 X X Cook Village of Riverdale Joyce Forbes Village Clerk 708-841-?200 X X X Cook Village of Skokie Robert Nowak Director of Finance 847-933-8247 X Cook Village of Worth Pat Miller Village Clerk 708-448-1181 hold X X Cook West Suburban Special Rec.Assoc. Bob Foster Superintendent 847-455-2100 X Cook/DuPage Village of Hanover Park Sherry Craig Village Clerk 630-372-4200 hold X Cumberland Cumberland County Clerk Patty Mock County Clerk/Recorder 217-849-2631 X DoKalb DoKalb County Treasurer Christine Johnson County Treasurer 815-895-7112 X DeKalb DeKalb County Health Department Karen Hills Director of 011ice Support 815.758-6673 hold X DeKalb Northern Illinois University Kinga Mauger Bursar 815-753-6400 hold X DuPage Village of Addison Lorenz Hartwig Mayor 630-543-4100 exl.7561 hold X DuPage City of West Chicago Warren C.Warren Finance Director 630-293-2200 hold X DuPage Elmhurst Park District Rita A.Trainor Director of Finance 630-993-8932 X DuPage Village of Glendale Heights . Bill Berger Finance Director 630-260-6000 X DuPage Salt Creek Sanitary District Fay Zaroogian Business Administrator 630-832-3637 hold X DuPage Wheaton Sanitary District Robert Clavel Engineer Manager 630-668-1515 hold X DuPage Village of Itasca Carole Schreiber Village President 630-773-0835 hold X X DuPage Development 8 Environmental Concerns Dept. Anthony Charlton Director 630-682-7424 X DuPage Addison Township Foundation Marianne Laskay • Treasurer 630-530-8161 X Edgar Edgar County Treasurer Linda Lane Treasurer 217-466-7446 X X Ford Ford County Treasurer Nancy L.Krumwiede Collector 217-379-2532 X X Fulton Fulton County Treasurer Victoria Harper Treasurer309-547-3041 ext.55 X X Greene Greene County Treasurer Kirby Ballard Treasurer 217-942-5124 X X Grundy Grundy County Circuit Clerk Karen E.Slattery Circuit Clerk 815-941-3258 X Grundy Village of Channahon Robert Guess Finance Director 815-467-6644 X Hancock Hancock County Treasurer Kristine M.Pilkinrlon Treasurer 217-357-3986 X X Henry City of Genesee Cindy Gonzalez City Clerk 309-944-6419 X X Henry Henry County Treasurer Richard VorHoecke County Treasurer 300-037-3422 X X Iroquois Iroquois County Treasurer David L Perzee County Treasurer 815-432-6085 X X Jackson Jackson County Circuit Clerk Cindy R.Svanda Circuit Clerk 618-687-7300 X Jackson Jackson County Clerk Larry Reinhardt CountyClerk/Recorder 618-687-7360 X Jackson SIU-School of Medocino David Oohmko Assistant Treasurer 618-536-3330 X Jefferson Jellerson County Treasurer Brenda Pickett County Treasurer 618-244-8010 X X Jefferson City of Mt.VernonMark Terry Mayor 618-242-6827 X JoDaviess JoDaviess County Circuit Clerk Sharon Wandr Circuit Clerk 815-777-0037 hold X Kankakee Kankakee County Treasurer Mark Frechette Treasurer 815-937-2960 X • X Kankakee Village of Hopkins Park Rosalind Sallee City Treasurer 815-044-5043 X Kankakee Kankakee Public Library Cynthia Fuerst Director 815-930.4564 hold X Kendall Kendall County Treasurer Jill Ferko County Treasurer 630-553-4124 X X Kendall Oswego School District#308 Joel Murphy Treasurer 630-554-3447 _. _ X Kane 'Village of East Dundee Nikki Giles Finance Supervisor 847-426-2822 X Knox Knox County Circuit Clerk • Kelly Cheesman Circuit Clerk 309-345-3859 hold X Knox Knox County Clerk Marc C.Wong County Clerk 309-345-3796 hold X Knox Knox County Treasurer Robin Davis Knox County Treasurer 309-345-3859 X X Lake Lake County Treasurer Bob Skidmore Treasurer 847-377-2008 X X Lake Village of Gumee Patricia Wesolowskl Finance Director 847-623-7650 hold X • Lake Village of Hainesville Kelly Hensley Treasurer 847-223-2032 X • Lake Village of Lindenhurst Cindy L.Garcia Deputy Clerk 847-356-8252 hold X Lake North Shore Sanitary District Sharon A.McCoy Deputy Treasurer 847-623-6060 hold X Lake Village of Round Lake Beach Joan Laine Accounting Manager 847-546-2351 hold X Lake City of Waukegan Cindy Tekampe Deputy Treasurer 847-599-2569 hold X Lake Village of Wheeling Bob Fialkowski Finance Director 847-459-2604 hold X Lake Wildwood Park District Office JoAnne Ellison Director 847-223-2819 X X Lawrence Lawrence County Treasurer Mark Carrithors Treasurer 618.943.2016 X X Lee Lee County Circuit Clerk Denise McCaffrey Circuit Clerk 815-284-5234 X Logan Logan County Treasurer Mary Bruns Treasurer 217-732-3761 X X LaSalle LaSalle County Treasurer Donald J.Lamps Treasurer 815-434-8219 X X Macon Macon County Circuit Clerk Kallry A.Holl .. Circuit Clerk - 217-424-1434 X Macon Macon County Treasurer Ronald Williams : Treasurer 217-424.1420 X X • . Macon Village of M1.Zion Julie Miller Village Treasurer 217-864-5424 hold X Macoupin Otter Lake Water Comission Dennis Ross General Manager 217-965-1566 X Madison City of Alton Daniel Beiser City Treasurer 618-463-3540 hold X X Madison Granite City Treasurer Gail Valle Treasurer 618-452-6207 X X Madison Lewis&Clark Comm Col Dist#536 Sandra Breden Chief Financial Officer 618-468-2215 hold X X Madison City of Highland Scott Borror Staff Accountant 618-654-9891 hold X Marion Marion County Treasurer Patti Hahn Treasurer 618-548-3858 X X Marshall Marshall County Clerk County Clerk 309-246-6325 X - Marshall Marshall Couunty Circuit Clerk Gina Noe Circuit Clerk 309-246-6435 hold X Marshall Marshall County Treasurer Nedra Junker Treasurer 309-246-6085 X X McDonough Western Illinois University Ron Ward Dir.of Bus.Services 309-298-1811 X X McHenry City of Crystal Lake Dominique Winnecke Project Accountant 815-459-2020 X McHenry McHenry County Circuit Clerk Kalhy Keefe Chief Deputy Circuit Clerk 815.3344193 X McLean City of Bloomington Brian Barnes Finance Director 309-434-2330 X X X McLean Illinois State University Gregory T.Lyle Comptroller/Student Accts 309-438-5164 X McLean Town of Normal Mike Steele Accountant 309454-9511 X Menard Menard County Treasurer Jacqueline S Horn Treasurer 217-632-2333 X X Mercer Mercer County Treasurer Michael Bertelsen Treasurer 309-582.2524 X X Mercer Mercer County Circuit Clerk Jeff Benson Circuit Clerk 309-582.7121 X Montgomery Montgomery County Treasurer Ron Jenkins County Treasurer 217-532-0520 X Moultrie City of Sullivan B.Sue Buttry City Treasurer 217-728-4383 X Ogle Ogle County Circuit Clerk Martin Typer Circuit Clerk 815-732-1130 • hold X Peoria Peoria County Circuit Clerk Robert Spears Circuit Clerk 309-495-5137 X Peroia City of Washington Joan Baxter Office Staff 309-444-1124 X Perry Perry County Treasurer Bill Taylor Treasurer 618-357-5002 X X Rock Island Rock Island County Circuit Clerk Lisa Bierman Circuit Clerk 309-558-3313 X Randolph City of Chester Nancy Eggemeyer City Clerk 618-826-2326 hold X Saline Saline County Treasurer Danny Ragan County Treasurer 618-252-6915 X X Sangamon Illinois Stale Police Dave Robinson Crash Reports 217-785-0614 X Sangamon Regional Offices of Education Candy Taylor Technology Consulatant 217-782-4213 X Sangamon Village of Chatham Sherry Dierking Treasurer/CFO 217483.2452 X Sangamon City of Springfield Brad Loscher Investment Manager 217-789-2224 X Sangamon Illinois Association of Museums Mary Turner Exec.Director 217-524-7080 X Sangamon Sangamon County Treasurer Torn Cavanagh Treasurer 217-753-6800 X X Sangamon Springfield Park District Mike While Business Manager 217-544-1751 X St.Clair City of O'Fallon Dean Rich Finance Director 618-624-4500 hold X St.Clair El-State Development Agency Mark Carroll Chief Financial Officer 314-982-1501 X Stephenson Stephenson County Treasurer Andrew Smith County Treasurer 815-235-8264 X X Stephenson Stephenson County Clerk Vivi Otte County Clerk 815-235-8289 hold X Stephenson Stephenson County Circuit Clerk Bonnie Curran Circuit Clerk 815.235-8266 hold X Tazewell Tazewell County Clerk Christie Webb County Clerk 309-477-2264 X Tazewell Tazewell County Circuit Clerk Cyndi Bundy Assistant 309-477-2751 hold X aT zel Village of Mackinaw Lisa Craig Village Clerk 309-359-5821 hold X Vermillion Danville Sanitary District Shelly Cumbow Asst.Dir,of Admin.Svcs. 217-442-3193 hold X Vermillion Vermillion County Treasurer Sue Stine County Treasurer 217-431-2631 X X Vermilion Vermilion Co.Regional Supt.of Schools Janice Hawkins Bookkeeper 217-431-2668 X Wabash Wabash County Treasurer Larry L Briggs County Treasurer 618-262-5262 X X Warren Warren County Clerk Tina M Conard County Clerk/Recorder 309-734-8592 X Wayne Wayne County Treasurer Donna Vaughan County Treasurer 618-842-5087 X X Whiteside City of Rock Falls Bob O'Donnell Electrical Director 815-622-1145 X X Will Village of Mokena Barb Damron Finance Director 708479-3900 X Will Village of New Lenox Kim Auchstetter Finance Director 815485-5452 hold X Will Will County Circuit Clerk Pamela J.McGuire Circuit Clerk 815-740-8017 X ' Will City of Wilmington . Donna Jusell Finance 815-476-2175 hold X Williamson Williamson County Treasurer Bruce Troutman County Treasurer 618-997-1301 X X Winnebago North Park Public Water District Kathleen Murphy Business Manager 815-633-5461 hold X Winnebago Rock River Water Reclamation Dist Jeff Wagner Financial Services Coord 815-387-7482 X • Woodford Woodford County Clerk Pegy Rapp County Clerk 309-467-2822 X Woodford Woodford County Circuit Clerk Carol Newlson Cirucit Clerk 309-467-3312 X Woodford Woodford County Treasurer Shirley Miller Treasurer 309-467-4621 X X Woodford Cily of Eureka Lynn Hinnen City Treasurer 309-467-2113 hold X Total Participants-14.8 45 139 17 - 43 on-hold - Villages-23 County Treasurers-23 Addison,Village of Water/Sewer Bills Champaign Co.Treasurer Real Estate Taxes Parking Tickets Christian Co.Treasurer Real Estate Taxes Village Violations Clinton Co.Treasurer Property Taxes Brookfield,Village of Parking Tickets Coles Co.Treasurer Real Estate Taxes Special Assessments Edgar County Treasurer Real Estate Taxes Violation Notices Ford Co.Treasurer Real Estate Taxes Water/Sewer Bills Fulton Co.Treasurer Real Estate Taxes Channahon,Village of Administrative Compliance Tickets Greene Co.Treasurer Property Taxes Miscellaneous Hancock Co Treasurer Property Taxes Utility Bill . Henry Co.Treasurer, Property Taxes Kendall Co.Treasurer Property Taxes Chatham,Village of Utility Bill Knox Co.Treasurer Property Taxes East Dundee,Village of Utility Bill Lake Co.Treasurer Real Estate Taxes Glendale Heights,Village of Water/Sewer Bills LaSalle Co.Treasurer Real Estate Taxes Glencoe,Village of Parking Tickets/Permits Logan Co.Treasurer Property Taxes Utility Bills Macon Co.Treasurer Real Estate Taxes Special Rubish/Detail Bills Marion Co.Treasurer Real Estate Taxes Menard Co.Treasurer Property Taxes Gumee,Village of Water/Sewer Bills Mercer Co.Treasurer Property Taxes Parking Tickets Perry Co.Treasurer Real Estate Taxes Hainesville,Village of Utility Bill Saline Co.Treasurer Real Estate Taxes Hanover Park,Village of Parking Tickets Sangamon Co.Treasurer Real Estate Taxes Water/Sewer Bills Vermilion Co.Treasurer Real Estate Taxes Commuter Parking Permit Wabash Co.Treasurer Real Estate Taxes Hopkins Park,Village of Utility Bills Williamson Co.Treasurer Real Estate Taxes Lindenhurst,Village of Utility Bill Mackinaw,Village of Water/Sewer Bills Cities-20 Midlothian,Village of Water/Sewer Bills Alton,City of Sewer Bills Mokena,Village of Water/Sewer/Refuse Bill Bloomington,City of Parking Tickets Mt.Zion,Village of Water/Sewer Bills Water Bills New Lenox,Village of Water/Sewer/Recycling Bill Charleston,City of Water Bills Northbrook,Village of Parking Tickets Chester, City of Fire Call Water Bills Utility Bill Riverdale,Village of Municipal Ordinance Fine Crystal Lake,City of Water and Sewer Service Bill Parking Fines Eureka,City of Utility Bills Water Bills Flora,City of Utility Bill Round Lake Beach,Village of Water/Sewer Bills Geneseo,City of Utility Bills Skokie,Village of Water Bills Granite City,City of City Ordinance Violations Wheeling,Village of Water/Sewer Bills Sewer Bills Worth,Village of Parking Tickets Highland,City of Utility Bill Violation Notices Mt.Vernon,City of Water Bill Water/Sewer Bills O'Fallon,City of Water/Sewer Bills Palos Hills, City of Water/Sewer Bills Circuit Clerks-15 Quincy,City of Water Bills Bond Co.Circuit Clerk Traffic Tickets-No Appearance Parking Tickets Bureau Co.Circuit Clerk Traffic Tickets City Invoices Cook Co.Circuit Clerk Traffic Tickets-Court Diversion Rock Falls,City of Utility Bill Carroll Co.Circuit Clerk Traffic Tickets-No Appearance Rolling Meadows,City of Utility Bill • Fines/Costs Sullivan,City of Utility Bill Child Support Taylorville,City of Utility Bill Research Fees Waukegan,City of Water Bills Grundy Co.Circuit Clerk Traffic Tickets Parking Tickets Jackson Co.Circuit Clerk Traffic Tickets-No Appearance Seizure&Animal Recovery Fee Knox Co.Circuit Clerk Court Payable Matters Animal Violation Citation Traffic Tickets-No Appearance Live Trap Fees Lee Co.Circuit Clerk Traffic Tickets-No Appearance Monthly Parking Permit Court Payable Matters Police&Accident Reports McHenry Co.Circuit Clerk Court Payable Matters West Chicago,City of City Fines Traffic Tickets-No Appearance Licenses Macon Co.Circuit Clerk Traffic Tickets-No Appearance Permits Mercer Co.Circuit Clerk Traffic Tickets-No Appearance Water/Sewer Bills Ogle Co.Circuit Clerk Traffic Tickets-No Appearance Peoria Co.Circuit Clerk Traffic Tickets-No Appearance County Health Department-1 ant-lc Island Co.Circuit Clerk Traffic Tickets-No Appearance DeKalb County Health Department Birth Certificates Death Certificates Will Co.Circuit Court Clerk Court Payable Matters Traffic Ticket-No Appearance County Clerk-5 Adams County Clerk Marriage Certificates Participant Breakdown: Entity Type Breakdown: Birth Certificates #of Internet Users: 109 43-Cities/Villages Death Certificates #of Entity Types: 11 25-County Treasurers Champaign County Clerk Marriage Certificates 16-Circuit Clerks Birth Certificates 7-Sanitary Districts Death Certificates 6-Schools/Universities Knox County Clerk Marriage Certificates 5-County Clerks Birth Certificates 3-Libraries Death Certificates 2-Transportation 'Tazewell County Clerk Marriage Certificates 2-Water Reclamation Districts Birth Certificates 1 -Associations Death Certificates 1 -Health Departments Warren County Clerk Marriage Certificates Birth Certificates Death Certificates Sanitary District-7 Danville Sanitary Dist. Sewer Bills Kimberly Heights Sanitary Dist. Sewer User Fees forth Shore Sanitary Dist. Wastewater Treatment Invoices Salt Creek Sanitary District Wastewater Treatment Invoices "hom Creek Basin Sanitary Dist. Sewer Bills Jrbana-Champaign Sanitary Dist. Sewer Bills Vheaton Sanitary District Sewage Treatment Special Assessments schools -6 linois State University Federal Perkins Loan Student Accounts ' ewis&Clark Comm.College Tuition and Fees yons Elem.School Dist. 103 Tuition and Fees orthem Illinois University Student Accounts swego School Dist.#308 Registration fees-12 schools Oswego Education Foundation Oswego H.S.Activity Tickets Oswego H.S.Course Fees Oswego H.S.Yearbook Fees estern Illinois University Federal Perkins Loan Student Accounts iblic Library-2 • campaign Public Library Fee Payments Gifts to Foundation • nkakee Public Library Fee Payments Lost Items incy Public Library Fines, Fees,&lost materials Non-resident renewals Donations ter Reclamation/Dist.-2 .th Park Public Water District Water Bill. :k River Water Reclam.Dist. Wastewater Treatment Invoice iociations-1 pis Assoc.of Museums IAM Endowment Fund IAM Scholarship Fund Membership Fees asportation-2 tate Development Agency Bus Passes Rail Passes is State Police Crash Reports iC) ILCS 345/ Local Governmental Acceptance of Credit Cards Act. Page 3 of 3 Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (b) , a fee in excess of the limits in subsection (b) may be imposed by a local governmental entity on a transaction if (i) the fee imposed by the local governmental entity is no greater than a fee charged by the financial institution or service provider accepting and processing credit card payments on behalf of the local governmental entity; (ii) the financial institution or service provider accepting and processing the credit card payments was selected by competitive bid and, when applicable, in accordance with the provisions of the Illinois Procurement Code; and (iii) the local governmental entity fully discloses the amount of the fee to the cardholder. (Source: P.A. 92-114, eff. 1-1-02.) (50 ILCS 345/30) Sec. 30. Relief from underlying obligation. A person who makes a payment by credit card to a local governmental entity shall not be relieved from liability for the underlying obligation except to the extent that the local governmental entity realizes final payment of the underlying obligation in cash or the equivalent. If final payment is not made by the credit card issuer or other guarantor of payment in the credit card transaction, then the underlying obligation shall survive and the local governmental entity shall retain all remedies for enforcement that would have applied if the credit card transaction had not occurred. A person making payment by credit card is not liable for any discount or fee paid to a credit card issuer or other party by a local governmental entity. (Source: P.A. 90-518, eff. 8-22-97.) (50 ILCS 345/35) Sec. 35. Liability of local governmental employees. A local governmental employee who accepts payment by credit card in accordance with this Act and any applicable rules shall not incur personal liability for the final collection of the payment. (Source: P.A. 90-518, eff. 8-22-97.) (50 ILCS 345/95) Sec. 95. (Amendatory provisions; text omitted) . (Source: P.A. 90-518, eff. 8-22-97; text omitted.) (50 ILCS 345/99) Sec. 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon becoming law. (Source: P.A. 90-518, eff. 8-22-97.) Top Home I Legislation & Laws I House I Senate I My Legislation I Disclaimers I Email This site is maintained for the Illinois General Assembly by the Legislative Information System,705 Stratton Building,Springfield,Illinois 62706 `aggislativc 217-782-3944 217-524-6059(Fax) 217-782-2050(TDD) Information Systcm ,ttn://www.leeis.state.il.us/legislation/ilcs/ilcs3.asp?ActID=711&ChapAct=50 ILCS 345/&ChapterID=11... 1/20/2004 ILLINOIS FUNDS ELECTRONIC PAYMENT CLEARING ACCOUNT APPLICATION T x E ILLINOIS FUNDS FAX to: STATE TREASURER JUDY BAAR TOPINKA Mall to: STATE TREASURER JUDY BAAR TOPINKA THE ILLINOIS FUNDS THE ILLINOIS FUNDS (217)524-1269 300 WEST JEFFERSON STREET -PAYS' SPRINGFIELD,ILLINOIS 62702 Date Application to participate in The Illinois Funds Electronic Payment Program Electronic Payment Services Program ❑ New Account Application ❑ Change of Information The Government described herein seeks to participate in the Electronic Payment Services Program within The Illinois Funds Money Market Fund, pursuant to Section 17 of the State Treasurer Act(15 ILCS 505/17)which authorizes the State Treasurer to establish a Public Treasurers'Investment Pool. (Formerly known as IPTIP and now The Illinois Funds.) For Office Use Only: Account# Type Code: Describe your public agency: (Name of Agency) (FEIN Number/TIN Number) E-Pay Clearing- (Subtitle of Account) (Contact Person and Title) (Street Address) (City) (County) (Zip Code) (Telephone Number) (FAX Number) (Contact Email Address) (Web Address) Type of service requested: 0 Credit Cards/Sliding Scale 0 Flat Fee 0 E-checks/Sliding Scale 0 Flat$1.40 0 Debit Cards ❑ IVR-Speech Recognition ❑ Internet ❑ In Office For Office Use Only: ❑Global ❑ACH Direct El Discover Card Only ❑E-Checks What is your gross revenue on an annual basis? Average Ticket$ Check here for fax notification of ACH deposits to your Illinois Funds account. Withdrawal Options: By Check By Wire Transfer By ACH Transfer (standard business checks) Transfer Instructions:(If more than one transfer path is needed,please submit a separate instruction sheet.) (Bank Name) (Further Credit to Your Account#) (ABA/Route#) (Contact Name/Phone at Receiving Bank) (Name on Account if Different Than Above) Authorizations to sign checks or execute Transfers: (If more than four,submit a separate sheet.) Printed Name(s) Authorized Signature(s) Sign Checks Execute Transfers Interest income will be posted to your account(s)on the last business day of the month. Participant accepts the terms and conditions of the administration of The Illinois Funds as outlined by the State Treasurer with the understanding that there will be no changes to this agreement and the information contained herein without prior written notice. The undersigned hereby certifies that he/she is authorized to open an account(s)in The Illinois Funds E-Pay Program and further certifies that said authority is statutory,or approved by the governing body of the above described Government. Signature: Position/Title: CHE ILLINOIS FUNDS E -PAY ` Participant Agreement lectronic Payment Services Program WHEREAS,the Office of the Illinois State Treasurer("Treasurer"),Global Payments Direct,Inc.("Global"),and the Member bank ("Member")have entered into a Merchant Service Agreement,including Terms and Conditions; WHEREAS,Treasurer completed a Merchant Application in connection with the Merchant Service Agreement,which Merchant Application included pricing terms; WHEREAS, ("Participant")desires to participate in the Treasurer's Electronic Payment Services Program and utilize Global's services as stated in the Terms and Conditions; NOW THEREFORE,in consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions hereinafter set forth,the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Participant represents and warrants that it has received and read the Terms and Conditions contained in the Illinois Funds E-Pay Participation Terms of Compliance booklet and Pricing Schedule. Participant agrees that it is a"Merchant"as described and used in the Terms and Conditions and agrees to be bound by the Terms and Conditions in the booklet,the Pricing Schedule,and any other terms,policies or procedures Participant may receive from the Treasurer in the future. Said documents are hereby incorporated into this Agreement by reference. 2. Participant represents and warrants that the undersigned is authorized to enter into this Agreement on its behalf and that all legal prerequisites to entering into this Agreement have been satisfied. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Participant,Global,Member,and Treasurer have each caused this Participant Agreement to be executed,sealed and delivered this the day of ,2004. Global Payments Direct,Inc. ("Participant") By: By: Name: Name: Suellyn P Tornay Title: Title: Corporate Secretary Date: Date: HSBC Bank USA Office of the Illinois State Treasurer ("Member") By: By: Name: Suellyn P Tornay Name: Josh Budd Title: Corporate Secretary for Global Payments Direct,Inc. Title: E-Pay Program Manager Date: Date: a Illinois Funds E-Pay:City of O'Fallon-Microsoft Internet Explorer , _' • ',-,i + ( # , "si � �' : � � :' .�_ ";x �^ � �"?' ."^"r .4-'" yF s"r v v S,sP F _ x . -� � ...t � rer k Fv �, - File,1 Edt .xView Favorites aaTools .a"Hel"i t , r .� _ ,»f t", 1-,r4-4,10M ,,, Edi ',, , �.] t. ,, I (; r i .I�Address,1 ']http://www illinoisepay comlepaylGetSite?cmd=get&siteld=l • ;i� .(t-,,,Go!p Brought to you by lllittols State Treasurer Jird Baer To iuka and... ' t :R4 !' ill Too tttlNOIlt reN11* PAY l' I ' it`, 1 't �4 ar l .a 1 fdb c ; :;:r �iilli g t i1 S �0� 1 `'"" � Ihi . 11:;:pb,[a' ' �� Ya Rall n•�111.1..1 11111111111 It.:,,i 6))_9 4:6 2'S.10 i,.. I t S , ,a 0 I 1 . Welcome from Mayor Gary Graham I If Welcome to the City of O'Fallon payment website.In an effort to offer residents and businesses innovative services,water and sewer bills can I,,. now be paid on-line. We hope that you will find the service convenient and easy to use. If you have questions regarding your bill,please contact the City of , ; O'Fallon Water Department at:(618)624-4500. , td ,, i-''. i...,..„..„'::-: : Thank you for your payment! ra • There is a convenience fee charged for using this system. " " The fee is not charged or collected by the City of O'Fallon. ,k ' ' iz_i f'2 is ":"::-.1.,":,,, L i$ • Please allow 2-3 business days for your payment to be posted to your account. i. ;- "..,'„,..*''',.'"$4,,, Visit us at our website: ` http://www.ofallon.org Payment can be made by: Mayor Graham MasterCard,American Express,or Discover You may make the following payments via E-PAY to City of O'Fallon: Water/Sewer Bill '.r, iI For assistance,please contact us at: a-' City of O'Fallon ', 255 South Lincoln '',- O'Fallon,IL 62269 ` (618) 624-4500 lcole@a,ofallon.org If, Illinois E-PAY version 2.6.21JCopyright 2000-2003,Illinois State Treasurer MDoneI J .._ -.m. .�.�_� � ..._._- . . ._.__..� ., >�... �_�.�_ . ...��� __.�,_... . ..N__...:. �.. .. ...,:.,,.,-T.„..'„',.-....`2..._......::...� ,._��. -....,',...1.,-,',_;.-...,,-.:,-",._,�. -. _ .. -:....L.”2„2,..3:....-_..�,_ _�.._i.. I....._s.___,le Internet �.. ..._--.._ Illinois Funds E-Pay:City or OrationMirrtisottYltern:c'-;e".t'Estpinrc:a ,°.:'' `��} t!°;aa. 4¢ xs >.;:?,sSa ; �$1 ��A3:i ;-... �fie, e'atK 0- �itisy wI< ;19 x i . bt x, x m e a 'lYG0 :' 'v.Mx�r&... t...+4, e.c.( ..- :.:'v f-', "l 3:i.Va e/'�.-r :r. :..� T..S S xdc... �� � ,,.:,�,„,�s - ��k� , .., �� ,".�,< ..ra „�� .r_ , �".j`� �+ , � .��.y.: �',"� E[. � � ��(�_'� M � Adtlress;�https.//www 1 p Yf;�� ,�r~,.�:r.. ��'wll {ll Y181 haVorlkes `�1 bole Delp ;ElYr� ' tiiM � �s ui ., z_. Y Ik ."- .�d "-,. ��'� ..�.. .ter. ,r�� �a_`�n sY`mr%:ire .e,,.i +n.., Brought to you byrlll trois State Treesurer Jud Feer To inks and,— ES �'rt tt Ti4e tt.t,Isorl?FtH4t1! i -PAY x1�� '�: Y'� �� �h� RJ � `a� � yrs � 5 & t o s i i + l ' ir Palr 1 sly �,'7 0sr4r - � ri € t Water I Sewer Bill Payment Information Account Number 1123456 - rrr Payment Amount 24.93 There will be a convenience fee added to your payment amount. For more information, please click Schedule. ? fffti � i�lexty fai Illinois Funds E-Pay:City of D'Fallon-Microsoft.Intemet; l - _ Illinois E-PAY version 2.6.2 Account Number �,x Your account number is to c ate d in the upper left hand corner of your water and 1 i 1 sewer service bill,as seen in the highlighted example below: i, e; .' ; il (4),, �FAILpM >ty, WATER OEPARTMEHT 1 5"a,LIIrC1 AVE., OFFICE HOURS. O'FALLCIN,It ono 8 A Ad 10 S P M �� 6V 1 ( 4 e M n r t PHONE:4414-4500 CLOSE°WEE)4E'.KDS Axc1-011 Nunu+•r Sarvaca.011 -1. 7 /4trVt `'.... . '.----) 't St2, RETURN CEi+`luC} AfO`__ PLEASE pt Tuetlt TOS STUB WITH PA i Ounent Fus,1 Conwrnpoon Amount Due Coca Atcgaill.1 CuComiw o' At ii Dior Oslo AA, i 1 1 4.1ippri. ,211.,„,,,..1:„„;,_:::,:,,,,.,:,,,,ej:, i z � s w ,31 Illinois Funds E-Pay:City of O'Fallon-Microsoft Internet Explorer � �� 1E1 Fde��Ed'ik ,Vkew ,Favorites ,Tools, ,Helps '` � ,? `�` . ',ttd1���,���c �.. • ,a�r"�'°a� :fit �i';�.J ,�.� ��Address��haps:(jwww,ilrnoisepay.com(epaY�� Brought to yoi by llhirnois State Treasurer Jiro! Saar To inka and... ��� Tn ttutvnta ri',"4t)% 1 S•tip 41�p�e t 111 �r� �1 �a „ ,px + q'�s -PAY 311} (ai rxpp Payment$24.93 Fee$1.00 Total Payment$25.93 Personal Information Name (John Doe (es!t appears on the Water/SewserBil9 Address 1123 Main St City/State/Zip (Anytown IIL 162702 Phone 1(217)555-1212 E-Mail Ijohndoetest2003@yahoo.00rn t.? Pay via 'MasterCard : <<Previous ( Next>> I Illinois E-PAY version 2.6.2 Copyright 2000-2003,11Iinois State Treasurer 4.1 Done' ,.,, fl _ �I z _, ._.... .. .., I ;E;. .i�t� Internet aw+�rrt.ilfinoiseay.comjepaYl, , �� •.; �. + ..- .fr-: 1�¢,:`rl'1e� `�.4 � -�...,;�>+ �Y�':,. M Sex �*€..�i y �,.®r;- :.�� .;� �;r� �:-.�"� ,. FN.IIX CS] r p 1 �c1itViel� ap�avnelEesTo�r {� tl� s ,. ,» Brourtht toy ou l)y Illinois State Treasurer Jud Bear To lake and... _ •Pial ilLI?)lr Yl+�qr PAY �t �RTa1 Payment$2493 Fee$1.00 Total Payment$25.93 Credit Card information Name 1John Doe (as It appears on the account) Visa Account 14190459245873991 Number Expiration Date I11 1/105 Illinois E-PAY version 2.6.2 Copyright 2000-2003,Illinois State Treasurer lilt ,. .,, _ . . .. . �. Invalid Card Number entered 'Illinois Funds E-Pay:City of O'Fallon-Microsoft Internett Explorer ` . w�. �a r J,Fie Eat 'new4,Farte5rToots A ' ;r tj�r 4IAddre55i haps://wwwSnasepayrnm/epay��V1Gn, . , Erotxiht to you by Illinois State Treasurer m d Saar To inka and... 4-r Ain d TH ti.uSors ir i: PAY , Payment$24.93 Fee$100 Total Payment$2593 Please correct the errors below and resubmit the form. Credit Card Information Name(John Doe (as it appears on the account) Visa Account 4190459245873991 Number Incorrect card number. Expiration Dale 11 !/12003 j «Previous °; Next I I Illinois E-PAY version 2.6.2 Copyright 2000-2003,Illinois State Treasurer Tari 11 is —..., F—i.r,18 it-Internet.....W r .d . e. "la Illinois Funds E-Pay:City of O'Failon-Microsoft Internet Fttplorer ` `. _ s:%d, .illinoise a .Come a sir JG0 +'.4�.: - + r ;a t^�- .. a� ,��.. a,"., r'�r i 'Y�x ," °k�• r `� ] ��»�Yf°�`�' I} e55 r,� Il EtWVl4V 7 p yl...,,� �:`! ��z� -.� Brought to you by Illinois State Treasurer Jud Bear To Ultra and... T, la ik�ax+its nisi»PAY ,Ll IC a � i�.7�i,.�3at• Alf���1. ` ' ����i�( s�� � �� ��. ^ Payment$24.93 Fee$1.00 Total Payment$25.93 Personal Information Name John Doe i (as 1t appears oh the t9'ater/Sever BiI>) Address 1123 Main St I City/State/Zip IAnytown 111- 1£2702 Phone 1(217)555-1212 i I E-Mail ljohndoetest2003@yahoo.com Pay via 1EYCheck t4;;ta Illinois E-PAY version 2.6.2 Copyright 2000-2003,Illinois State Treasurer „' tS< . 18 . ._ � ,.P�_. �:;� i it) Intermit '_�� ., 1 Illinois Funds E-Pay:City of O'Fallon-Microsoft Internet Explorer s �, ��, �4; d ,..,_ ::� t� I?t s y.„ ow�t-*•: ,14¢"4+€ ^" .;i. �;'"„; ".+ z `��E s. %i rr,,. - av- .1°i' s f.*1f 4,. ' '..'.i � Fde���Ed`ika ,View F�vo�lke� ,F,Tools;..:Het �a� , �,; � �}a�w� � � ��`. '°�.�i�� +�:" ,t, �{dress�; hkt ,iIG a com e a �' Go:�w a"1. • p �� �� . www vols a �; J � , ,, . �.4„fig.. .s> _ �, .., : . +k� . I� -, �, ps:/f P Y• P Y� Erorxtht to you by Illinois State Treasurer.h,d friar To intra and... �, 1 Tnn 1t,iiruu1%rosi.)% !' y' , i '' ,,fir .+s....°.,,v r .v .F , ':,•,,.,‘„,:,,,,,.!,,,......,,,,,..,„,:, fli.l6�� �,� - : . , PAS Payment 524.93 Fee$1.00 Total Payment$25,93 E-Check Information ;j ss 'Pay'TM °'` ,Cr `� tom' wa' y ',Fsc x, ,.pd{fit # ".„4.t.A.-1,-,4 g y¢ c, j1 `� 7■ -i t._ 1 f Rt r'. M*. c Vit,.....;L:'i'4110'-'-, M • ' fi . John Do* ANICVhtel/5l7M-elle'C/C9$ s? / :� ► 1� LMr_ !1! 1itl ' *3/4: ',,as £ § , 1 Bank Rauf eq ti,ecwnq j Account� -,,,,,,v ".t. t , .Y �z`i„,Jy' a,�5u�*,;�M. y v.,+;�ns�ut `�,zr,° F .,n " "�”-tri„ Accomi If-; __ i Name ' , ..at k111\1 tU t IUI.3 - bt r Routing Account ; Number Number Illinois E-PAY version 2.6.2 Copyright 2000-2003,111inois State Treasurer ;% uTreasurer . 1 if'. 44,, Done ,:. . .,... . , , .. .... : .. .. , . .4. ..., Int rnet_._ a Illinois Funds E-Pay:Confirm Your Payment-Microsoft Internet Explorer , i • °fi y�s v'F'.Aa fat R°r-S�T.",`.�Yi> r 1, v ' _, :i t$� ," }—: iX ..1 e., a+:, ' ,1F'kw i '»„ 'kk; y "a�&`,y,a;„,. ,.: t i tit:,t•. 5' ki. y (�G.�° K i] h1ps•7+ •� '7 a fA Pkr. .r. (:,,' 2-i �e5 f,.::s i';k.„ t . . .�`4.T .N F t + gEs�i dit r,:0 t�� 6 - 113111 .{:i a?,, i.l addreSS t wiw ep Y air,.- �� akFavork.3. i k,,4v PI� � = � 1 Broughto ori f� lttrnofs State Treasurer Jud Saar To irrka and...ou .,, Ti14 144tx.,lx rem), ,}.. i aP - -g, a . a ,„, ,,, , r 2 ` S '� r . . .,. ,, -,,.,,„_ ,,,,,-,,..„.,..„,„„.„,4,,,,,_,_,.....,,„,,,,,,-VA-44.,iPrt 44.1-....,*-;-,44.,,,,, ;.;;,, •, . t Confirm Water 1 Sewer Bill Payment $24.93 i' Amount $24.93 Convenience Fee* *'Your convenience fee will show as a separate entry on your credit card statement if one was assessed.If you entered a valid email address,you will receive a confirmation a-mall for your total payment amount. Total Amount $25.93 Account Number 123466 i Name John Doe t Address 123 Main St City/State/Zip Anytown, IL 62702 I Phone 217-556-1212 i E-Mail johndoetest2003a@yah0o.com `I I ChangePaymenf'Iriform'aton I i, , Cancel'Payme,nt ' I Submit PaymentEt7rF'rocessmg ' I 1 Processing the payment may take a couple of minutes.After clicking submit, please wait for the process to complete. Please. I do not re-click submit. After our a ment has been )rocessed, lease allow 23 da for it to be osted. `i Illinois E-PAY version 2.6.2 Copyright 2000-2003,Illinois State Treasurer I i;:''''''''' , I I i `i, i t ,�� Eta Internet ' � __ . �a ,..,. x ._'.,.. .. .w'_: ,._,W , ;2:2„,.,,..i . ._.,... . ._...... .*,''';',,,`,::°:,',.. .. ...... r _',,. ,1",-,' .„,_ ,. ..•. ,. .u, ... ., ,. . .,,. _ .., _.. .. .„ � ._i �._ . u_.. �- Ittinois Funds E-Payr.Confirm Your Payment-Microsoft InterneE Explorer `�. �:'� �� ;�:� -; n: � � �';����=t��� fir 4O :i; , tx I .,,,� �' YIE11lz m5Falfur esx TOOLS, �"I-felp ".;0;,.. .*'''', ►' ?,u r y{ -awl ' ;x t t 1i Address) flit WNW/. a v� Go 11].. ;�r rv, .�: � 'fi`a. s.. :�3 �k.•.�� .,'�" Brought to you by Illinois State Treasurer Jttd Baar To unka and... Tiff! it Pt+Ntf, • i t v ; a 1 S rrtrzr "a Your payment is being processetl...please wait... 1 Processing the payment may take a couple of minutes. i 1 1 1 �44 1 1 { < i N r`. Confirmation Screen - Unsuccessful payment attempt .3 City of l Fallon Water/Sewer Bill Payment FAILED Microsoft Internet Explorer . r. J#: Etiiti vi "Favaribes; 'Tools,",`Help Iit` : 7,,,!+: N > I ` r"r Qr• _ _ Address I ))https:Jjwww.ltnoisepay.comlepayli` Brought to you by Illinois State Treasurer Jud r Baer To inka and... Tut Iti :11111110 tw.rlc r 3 ���' �" "sir ( �s�z ,,1r';[E 61 iF4 vi,tif , 4 .'#'� A* 7Ar� , k t � r 1{ • I I I THE ILLINOIS FUNDS �M —PAY, \R i Elcctrnnic I'uymeot Scrvicc:t Program , An error has been encountered while attempting to process your payment on Account Number:123456 r I for 24.93. Illinois State Treasurer I The error received from the payment processor is Judy Boar Topinka below. I 1:Authorization failed, card is expired. 1, I Click here to return... I Illinois E.PAY version 2.6.2 1I Copyright 2000.2003,Illinois State Treasurer I i I 1 {{ CIE 18 �Internet s 16-11).°1_1.e .�..d ' aw..�..w...._w. u.,..�,_:�.�... 1......:..n...w�..W�A.,�.,......:.--... ..,...,...--%.........a.,-....- .�.. ....�. , Illinois Funds E-Pay:Payment Confirmation-Microsoft Internet Explorer ; pp. " . : 's�',,� ,', , ? .1r. . ! c.''1'&1'X �� Fll& Edit i; �:Vlew 7Fevorltes<= Tools Hel 7 ' ;`. r , °:i+� .1. .,: mc-j,. . Y:,. , .a a ,.. .. ��� P ��� � �,..�':..'��'+fr7�>� ����`` .� - ,�,ti .�r� .� �t.� '��l�ddress,� hkkps;/1www�Illlnolsepay,comjePaYf.,,� �r(!'�,Go.�� i c (,t .'''''"7', - I r ��`�1 TIlE ILLINOIS FUNDS :'�. „. 4 fir, .° 't . ''''''' -PAY , , „'„,P ,. . ,,.... ,.„,,, ,,,,...,, ..,.... , 1 `� ft ,, Electronic Payment Services Program a,, I, Mayor Graham i, li , .Jr I .; Thank you for using Illinois E-PAY,Your$24.93 [ payment on Account Number: 123456 has been processed successfully.Your payment details are Illtnafs State Treasurer ' sted below. Please allow 2-3 days for your Judy Boar Topinka payment to be posted. i Confirmation Number 000169 Ie Amount $24.93 i;,: Convenience Fee' $1,00 ii' 'Your convenience fee will show as a separate entry on your credit card statement if one was assessed. Total Amount Charged to Your Card $25.93 ;;I . Water / Sewer Bill Personal Information Account number 123456 Ham on Water / Sewer John Doe Bill: i Address 123 Main St City/State/Zip Anytown, IL 62702 I I: 9 I u E-PAY payment FAILED-Message a; e5W0 x ode ,tdx;Yiw irlsei ,F9rmat'_Iods:Cam,„pose tkb a k : ' i v w vwq ill tyakFlyI,OReply6/4 1 4llfortlardl'al`; I'ti ® 1`'f (=(8 X,It a w+ 10-1 ,1, Message l ,0 1w .�. < � - •1 From epeyt�LYnoPepaytom � Sent Mat 11117/2003 9 17 AM � Customer s Failed E Mal To: a epay....!repays.. nobodyBmnfw tom w y s t� Subject�E-PAY Payer FAILED '' '').":-':',-','3,:,:":;1,1',',- notice ri „, Thank you for making your payment via the Illinois State Treasurer's E-PAY system. 4 i Your transaction FAILED due to the lolloving reason: j Payment: Authorization tailed, card is expired. 'i; iii Fee: it DMS H .17 Now 2403 09:16:44.00C Payment Amount: 24.93 s Front eveyprfeu'ae ay.oa"t I Add to A4Idr4di Satoh Fee Amount: 1.00 Total Payment: 25.93 �, Ta: }onwoostssti003Dpobaa.oe+n 3uttject: E.PAY psy.ssot FAILED Authorization Code: 1L` Authorization tailed, card is expired. 1 • t:: Thank you for making your payment via 't the Illinois State Treasurer's E-PAY system. Water l Sewer BillII Your transaction FAILED due to the following reason'. Account Number 123456 'I' Payment: Authorization tailed, card is expired. Personal Information !G Fee: Name on Water 1 Sewer Bill: John Doe (t. Address 123 Main St Payment Amount: $24.93 CitylStatelZip Anytown,IL 62702 j4 Fee Amount: $1.00 Phone Number 217-555-1212 h $25.93 !r Total Payment: Email Address johndoetest2003 aC'N. ahoo.com Credit Card Information 1' Authorization Code: Name on Card John Doe ! Authorization tailed, card is expired, Credit Card 1 l'' --- Card Number: ”****tt'** 3991 II Expiration Date 1112002t Hidden InformationJ= Water!Sewer Bill Account Number 123456 Alt Personal information Name on Water/Sewer BM: John Doe Address 123 Main stParticipant' s Failed E-Mail City�l5tat81Zip Anytown,L 62702 Phone Number 211-555-1212 notice Email Address oelest2003reh0o.com. Credit Card Information Name on Card John Doe Credit Card 1 Card Number: u►gLAIA U,.t3991 Expiration Date 11/2002 • . 4 �L`5 24.93 payment for Account Number;123456 Message " ` s ' G ',' 34111f3 r I i 21 [`J'File'Edit Yiew"Insert- Format":Tools Conose.,H, ., „. -' a rr,t � , ,,( • IIIINI�enlY 1. 4)ReplYtoAll k+PFarebrd,I a� -� IS I 'C ('Q X I'+ ',�'. (II61Q,Ia`4 Message , ()peons 1 "' Customer' s E-Mail 1 3 Fran. . epay@�lu�o}sepay.com � � `-�- �Sent Mon 11117120039 17 AM I To: epay@Tnotsepay.corn nobody@insfw:can , s y Cc Subject;"24.93 payment for Account Number:123456 -'Confirmation IE At Thank you for making your payment via tt t ; the Illinois State Treasurer's E—PAY system. i' ,'Your transaction was successul. ii 1.' li This message is not nagged.[ hIQ5sAt1E-h9flrk Std Unread] `j Payment Amount: 24.93 }t. Data, H .17 Maw 200]09 17:2,2-0600 li Fee Amount: 1.00 � 1 Total Payment: 25.93 '' From, swyP; mseoleay.esen I Add to Addams tloci 11 To, Jo o*Geeust2a67pyenee.00+n i' Authorization Code: 000169 I� Subjects E•PAY Wymeetcoof unite■ S6 1 I' i III Thank you for making your payment via i; t the Illinois State Treasurer's E—PAY system. . Water/Sewer Bill Your transaction was successful. Account Number 123456 EU K Personal Information Payment Amount: $24.93 Name on Water I Sewer Bill: John Doe i;. 7.. Amount: $1.00 I, it Address: 123 Main St Totatl Payment: $25-93 t City!State!Zip Anytown,IL 62702 Authorization Code: 000169 ii i, Phone Number 217-555-1212 is Email Address johndoetest2003(ci�,,rahoo.com 13 I' Credit Card Information t 11 Name on Card John Doe I it ii Credit Card 1 li l_ Card Number: 399111 Water/Sew, I Account Number 123456 ;' Expiration Date 11/2005 Hidden Information Personal Infos �;' Name on Water!Sewer Bill: John Doe Address 123 Maki St CityJStateflil) Anytown,L 62702 Phone Number 217-555-1212 Email Address jahrxc+etest20090Y8hoa cnm 1114 CretrrtCard Information Participant's E-Mail Name on Card John Doe Credit Card 1 Card Number. "1"u-1'1-'1.13991 Confirmation Expiration Date 11f2005 j . UNITED CI J Y OF YORKVIIILE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ASSISTANT—JOB DESCRIPTION Department: Administration Reports to: City Administrator Status: Part-Time, 20 hours per week not to exceed 1000 hours annually Position Description Overview This position assists the administration departments in a variety of computer, network, and internet related tasks. These include, but are not limited to internet design and coordination, computer support and setup, and network maintenance and troubleshooting. This position requires an individual who has the ability to organize and prioritize multiple tasks, many of which will involve direct usage of computers and networks. Essential Job Functions 1. Responsible for continual updates to the City website, E-Mail, and user accounts, which includes the development, concept, focus, schedule, feature set, coordination, documentation, maintenance, and quality of such. IT Assistant is NOT involved in the physical aspects of creating the website, but rather the producing of it (i.e. coordinating with City departments to help maintain department webpages). 2. Handles routine hardware and software support to City end-users. 3. Troubleshoot, diagnose, and resolve errors on City hardware and software systems, personal computer hardware, software, and printer systems, and local and remote communication connections. 4. Assist in maintaining database of equipment inventory. 5. Assist in coordinating all computer related purchases. 6. Troubleshoot City data and telephone systems. 7. Perform regular network backups. 8. Conduct and coordinate small group and one-on-one training as necessary to provide users with the ability to utilize certain applications effectively. 9. Conduct research for, and update, the City long term Tech Plan. 10. Adhere to all departmental and City safety policies. Requirements • I, 1. Thorough knowledge of the principles of computer systems,procedures, analysis, design and simple programming. 2. Thorough knowledge of installation, functions, and use of common packaged software including spreadsheets, word processing, database, and desktop publishing, and others. 3. Thorough knowledge of installation and maintenance of PCs,printers, adapter cards, modems, and other PC related equipment. 4. Effective written and oral communication skills, including the ability to read, interpret, and explain complex concepts and requirements clearly and concisely. 5. Strong interpersonal communication skills for interaction with elected and appointed officials, coworkers, agencies and other governmental units, and the public. 6. Ability to maintain strict confidentiality. 7. Ability to perform physical requirements of the job including moderate lifting and carrying up to 55 lbs., climbing, crawling, stooping, etc. 8. Ability to adapt to changing priorities and to work under pressure when circumstances dictate. 9. Ability to learn and stay current with new IT technologies. 10. Possession of a valid driver's license. Experience and Education 1. Minimum five (5)years IS experience in end-user support with an emphasis in microcomputer and network systems. 2. Current working knowledge of the operating system MSCE 2000, with certification in such preferred. 3. Graduation from an accredited college or university with a BS or program of study in Computer Science or closely related field. 4. Any equivalent combination of experience and education that provides the required knowledge, skills, and abilities. The duties listed above are intended only as illustrations of the various types of work that may be performed. The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the position if the work is similar, related or a logical assignment to the position. The job description does not constitute an employment agreement between the employer and requirements of the job change.