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Administration Packet 2004 08-12-04
1-0 United City of Yorkville mi County Seat of Kendall County EST. , 1836 800 Game Farm Road N Yorkville, Illinois 60560 o U r 0 Phone:630-553-4350 ")),� im= Fax:630-553-7575 `�� E "\' AGENDA ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING THURSDAY, August 12,2004 6:30 P.M. Revised: 8/12/04 CITY CONFERENCE ROOM Presentation: 1. None Old Business: 1. Minutes for Approval/Correction: July 8, 2004 and November 13, 2003 2. Monthly Updates: a. Planning Coordinator's Fees Spreadsheet b. Past Due Invoices Worksheet c. Billing/ Accounting Software d. Website Status e. Revised Project Financial Tracking Worksheet 3. Nextel Phone Service Billing Update 4. Payroll/Benefits Specialist Job Description New Business: 1. Full-time Office Assistant Job Description 2. Full-time Janitor Job Description 3. Part-time Accounting Clerk I Job Description 4. NIU MPA Internship Program 5. New Personnel FY 04/05 --Cost Analysis 6. First-time Homebuyer Down Payment Assistance Program— Summary for 6/1/03 - 5/31/04 7. Drug Testing Procedure 8. Monthly Budget Report for June 2004 Page 2 Administration Committee August 12, 2004 9. IMRF Employer Contribution Rate 10. Policy Regarding Disposal of City Property 11. Carpeting Quotes 12. Resolution for Feasibility Study for Countryside Center TIF 13. City Attorney Job Description - Discussion Additional Business: t.o Co. United City of Yorkville EST. 1836 County Seat of Kendall County 4i1800 Game Farm Road { f- Yorkville, Illinois 60560 O O Phone:630-553-4350 ,f �2 Fax:630-553-7575 7, /4 L E ‘‘' AGENDA ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING THURSDAY,August 12,2004 6:30 P.M. Revised: 8/10/04 CITY CONFERENCE ROOM Presentation: 1. None Old Business: 1. Minutes for Approval/Correction: July 8, 2004 and November 13, 2003 2. Monthly Updates: a. Planning Coordinator's Fees Spreadsheet b. Past Due Invoices Worksheet c. Billing/ Accounting Software d. Website Status e. Revised Project Financial Tracking Worksheet 3. Nextel Phone Service Billing Update 4. Payroll/Benefits Specialist Job Description New Business: 1. Full-time Office Assistant Job Description 2. Full-time Janitor Job Description 3. Part-time Accounting Clerk I Job Description 4. MU MPA Internship Program 5. New Personnel FY 04/05 — Cost Analysis 6. First-time Homebuyer Down Payment Assistance Program— Summary for 6/1/03 - 5/31/04 7. Drug Testing Procedure 8. Monthly Budget Report for June 2004 Page 2 Administration Committee August 12, 2004 9. IMRF Employer Contribution Rate 10. Policy Regarding Disposal of City Property 11. Carpeting Quotes 12. Resolution for Feasibility Study for Countryside Center TIF Additional Business: ,`s.D C/i.p 1 T United City of Yorkville nor EST. 1836 ® County Seat of Kendall County 800 Game Farm Road � - N Yorkville, Illinois 60560 o i��n p Phone:630-553-4350 e.. K v. Fax 630-553-7575 AGENDA to L E ‘‘' ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING THURSDAY, August 12,2004 6:30 P.M. CITY CONFERENCE ROOM Presentation: 1. None Old Business: 1. Minutes for Approval/Correction: July 8, 2004 and November 13, 2003 2. Monthly Updates: a. Planning Coordinator's Fees Spreadsheet b. Past Due Invoices Worksheet e. Billing/ Accounting Software d. Website Status e. Revised Project Financial Tracking Worksheet 3. Nextel Phone Service Billing Update 4. Human Resource Coordinator Job Description New Business: 1. Full-time Office Assistant Job Description 2. Full-time Janitor Job Description 3. Part-time Accounting Clerk I Job Description 4. MU MPA Internship Program 5. New Personnel FY 04/05 —Cost Analysis 6. First-time Homebuyer Down Payment Assistance Program— Summary for 6/1/03 - 5/31/04 7. Drug Testing Procedure 8. Monthly Budget Report for June 2004 Page 2 Administration Committee August 12, 2004 9. IMIRF Employer Contribution Rate 10. Policy Regarding Disposal of City Property 11. Carpeting Quotes Additional Business: Page 1 of 5 DRAFT UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING THURSDAY,JULY 8,2004 6:30 PM City Hall Conference Room PRESENT: Alderman Paul James Treasurer Bill Powell Alderman Larry Kot Chief Harold Martin Alderman Joe Besco Finance Director Traci Pleckham City Administrator Tony Graff GUESTS: None The meeting was called to order at 6:30pm by Chairman Paul James. OLD BUSINESS 1. Minutes for Approval/Correction:June 10,2004 Alderman Kot commented that he liked the format of the notes. Alderman Powell asked for a change on page 3, 1St full paragraph, 2nd sentence should read"Mr. Powell noted that the worksheets should help show...". Also, same paragraph, 3rd sentence should read "...and the worksheets should be used for projecting. (The actual changes needed are those shown in bold.). The minutes were approved with these changes. 2.Monthly Updates It was noted that the website format had changed slightly and that the hits went up over 100,000. The new water bill format was reviewed and it was suggested the bill should say on the top: "combined billing". It was also suggested that"Yorkville" should be underneath Yorkville Bristol Sanitary District. Ms. Pleckham stated that the most important change was the segregation of charges in the middle of the bill. The cost of this billing will be shared with the sanitary district. This item will move forward to the next C.O.W. as an update. Page 2 of 5 3. Gift/Grant Policy No draft has yet been completed by the attorneys. Ms. Pleckham reported that the attorneys have had conversations with the labor attorneys. Administration will bring this back to review next month. 4. Tuition Reimbursement Policy Alderman James gave an overview of Jennifer Woodrick's reimbursement request. A copy of the Training Reimbursement Agreement used by the police was included in the packets for review in relation to this request. Mr. James felt this agreement could be adapted for general city use and a possible title could be "Training/Tuition Reimbursement Policy". Chief Martin stated that in the Police Department, anyone hired with an Associates degree is eligible to complete work for their Bachelor's degree. However, to progress further, the specific department position must require a higher degree. He further stated that a limited amount of money was budgeted for classes for this year, (approximately $475 per class). Alderman Kot added that the classes should be tied to the employee's current position. The committee felt that Ms. Woodrick should be given information on the committee's stance in this issue even though no firm policy has been drafted. It was noted that she has already begun classes and would pay for them herself regardless of the committee's decision. Mr. Besco stated he would like to see a draft of the policy before a final decision is made on reimbursement for her. The City Administrator asked if the committee would agree to retroactive reimbursement when the policy is set [if the policy allows]. The committee agreed with this point and Alderman Kot asked that this preliminary decision specifically be put in the minutes to serve as a reminder in future meetings. Joe Besco asked if there is a limited dollar amount for possible reimbursement. Mr. Kot stressed that consistency is the key issue, keeping things equal for the police as well as other city employees where reimbursement is concerned. The current police policy will be used as a starting point for the general policy. It was noted that an engineering employee has also requested to attend classes, but his degree preference is outside his job description. However, his supervisor is mentoring him to become an engineering assistant and looking at technical schools to coincide with his current position. Alderman James suggested that the yearly employee review would be an appropriate time to identify education needs. Page 3 of 5 Administrator Graff also said that Waubonsee has offered to conduct classes at the city offices for topics such as stress management, time management, employee problems etc. In addition, a class will be taught regarding foreman/supervisor training with the possibility of developing a certificate for some non-credit classes. If a structured program were to be set up, credits could conceivably be earned. Partnering with other nearby towns to conduct classes was also discussed and Mr. Graff stated he had spoken with the Plano Mayor about this joint venture. In conclusion, it was decided that if Ms. Woodrick's classes are paid for on a retroactive basis, any other such requests must be for classes taken within this fiscal year. Ms. Pleckham asked if the degree being pursued needs to be specified. The committee decided that if classes/programs were changed after approval is given, the board would reserve the right to refuse reimbursement. NEW BUSINESS 1. Fund Balance & Contingency Fund Policy Treasurer Powell presented an overview of the two funds: a. fund balance–similar to a longer term investment or 401K b. contingency fund—similar to a personal checkbook and set aside for unexpected expenditures He further explained that the contingency fund would be used in the case of loss of or decreasing revenues. It is recommended to maintain a 3 month balance or 25%. Mr. Powell stated that more discussion is needed on what the 25%, is a percentage of. It was noted that any expenditure over $5,000 from the contingency fund, requires Council approval. In further discussion, it was asked if the City's bond rating would be hurt if a certain level was not maintained in the contingency fund. Ms. Pleckham replied that the City would not be affected because the bond companies are aware that the City is aggressively working on fund policies. Alderman Kot asked if money could continue to be set aside at the current rate. Administrator Graff believes the City can, since this is a good time to increase these balances with the current growth rate. Ms. Pleckham and Mr. Powell wish to bring the budget reports to this committee monthly to keep up-to-date on these funds. There was discussion about the need to set up two separate accounts for these two funds and at this time, Ms. Pleckham believes it is not necessary. It was decided that the funds would be shown as separate line items instead. Page 4 of 5 December 1, 2004 was chosen as the implementation date of the policy after the audit is completed in November. After the policy is adopted, the City Council will be asked for permission to spend money from the fund balance for various projects. When that occurs, caution must be exercised in the terminology used to identify the two funds. Alderman Kot suggested the use of[fund balance] "reserve" as a means of identification. This item moves to the next C.O.W. as an item for discussion so Mayor Prochaska could identify it as a new policy and also for the benefit of the press. 2. Human Resource Coordinator Job Description Administrator Graff stated that the Mayor had asked that this process quickly move forward. The goal is to hire a human resource coordinator and it is hoped that would be in October or earlier. Ms. Pleckham presented a draft of a job description for review. The position would be full time exempt and report to the City Administrator. This position would not have any subordinates,though it could become a supervisory position in 2-3 years. Administrator Graff would like to see this position be included as part of the Finance Department at this time. A private office space would also be needed due to confidentiality issues. One possible plan is an office near the Accounting Clerk. It was decided to review the description, then forward any comments/changes so the description could be revised and reviewed by the labor attorneys. Then it will be forwarded to C.O.W. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS Alderman Joe Besco presented a handout from Data Financial Business Services. This business provides an imaging system that scans checks and then deposits the funds directly into an account. This process requires that the funds actually be in the account at the time the check is written. Ms. Pleckham and Mr. Graff will review this idea and ask for presentations from other companies if available and if they feel it is a workable idea. Mr. Graff reported that the City also wishes to implement direct deposit for payroll. As part of the committee's plan to review two policies/items each month, Alderman James suggested that next month the employee evaluations format be discussed. Page 5 of 5 Also up for additional discussion next month will be: 1. The Gift and Grant Policy 2. Human Resource Coordinator Job Description 3 Document Imaging Since there was no additional business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:45pm Respectfully submitted by Marlys Young, Minute Taker Page 1 of 9 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE DRAFT ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING THURSDAY,NOVEMBER 13,2003 6:30 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Art Prochaska(arrived at 7:04 p.m.) Alderwoman and Chairperson Rose Spears Alderwoman Valerie Burd Alderman Paul James (arrived at 6:55 p.m.) Alderwoman Wanda Ohare (arrived at 6:55 p.m.) CITY MEMBERS PRESENT: City Administrator Tony Graff(arrived at 7:00 p.m.) Parks & Recreation Director, Laura Brown (left at 8:25 p.m.) Finance Director Traci Pleckham City Treasurer Bill Powell Police Chief Harold Martin This meeting was called to order at 6:50 p.m. OLD BUSINESS Minutes for Approval/Correction: There were none available at the time of this meeting. Monthly Updates: a. Water Billing Accounts Due Report Alderwoman Spears expressed a concern with the number of accounts that have doubled, with 36 now on the list, and the previous month with only 16 accounts. Ms. Pleckham's response was that the person whose job it was to read meters was called away to do a project for Public Work's,thus unable to tend to this. She foresees him focusing his attention strictly on the reading of meters, thus it was decided to place this on the following month's agenda for review again. b. Billing Software- Verbal Update Ms. Pleckham updated the committee with information that the utility billing has been updated to the 3.0 version, as most of the other modules have the 3.0 version. At the time of this meeting, Ms. Pleckham was awaiting a confirmation from MSI with respect to the completion of this most recent update. As per Alderwoman Spears' inquiry, each time an initial install of an update is done, Ms. Pleckham signs off on it, and a test run is done to ensure that it is running properly. Ms. Pleckham stated that there is one more visit remaining for training hours from the initial contracted amount. Further, she stated, MSI did give additional hours of training at no charge. As per the recent bill received by Ms. Pleckham, a discount was also given for a portion of the conversion and project management. Any additional hours of training after this last day of training is used up, Page 2 of 9 will be billed at $105.00 per hour. Troubleshooting continues to be free when the 800 number is utilized. Their response time is 2 hours after receiving the call. c. Accounting Software -Verbal Update As per Ms. Spears' inquiry of the Accounting Software, Ms. Pleckham states that the only glitches that remain are minor ones that were found in the utility billing. This involves minor manipulations with respect to coding, but, as Ms. Pleckham stated, it is not holding up the billing and does not in any way affect calculations of the bills. d. Website Status/Training-Verbal Update Ms. Pleckham reported that she receives a monthly performance report which indicates the number of times the website has been viewed. Andy Clements is accessible for addressing any problems that arise and makes a site visit once a month. e. Revised Project Financial Tracking Worksheet Mr. Powell indicated that this Worksheet, as previously requested, does not identify the number of lots available within each new subdivision. He stated that by having this information, it will allow him to calculate the fees required on a per lot basis. This will also allow him to determine the number of permits per year to be able to project revenues for the following year, and, if there is any money left over, he can also project future years' revenues from each subdivision. Ms. Pleckham stated that recently, both she and Ms. Laura Brown attended a session that covered building permit software applications, which classifies codes for each fee. This tracks the fees for each new subdivision which, she believes, which will contain the information Mr. Powell needs. It was agreed to put this on the following month's agenda for another review. Review Revised City Vehicle Policy Alderwoman Spears acknowledged that the changes discussed at a previous Administration meeting were incorporated into this new draft. Further changes with respect to wording were discussed at this meeting. Administrator Graff agreed to review that portion of the policy that covers employee's driving violations that have occurred outside work hours which conflicts with that part of the policy that states that employees are required to have a good driving record. He will need to have City attorney Dan Kramer, the labor attorney and the risk management team review this. The Committee agreed to have this issue returned for review after input from department heads, the aforementioned attorneys and risk management. Mr. Graff is forecasting a January 2004 Administration meeting when this will be ready to present to the Committee again. Status of Interviewing/Hiring Part-time Receptionist Mr. Graff reported that three out of four candidates passed the typing test, and interviews were to take place the following week. There are two part time positions currently needing to be filled for this one position, as was decided in a previous Administration meeting. It was decided to split this position into two part time positions to reduce the cost of having to pay benefits to one full time person. Alderwoman Spears recommended Mary Mizera for this position on a full-time basis. She is working currently in that position, but was hired on a temporary,part-time basis. Alderwoman Spears stated that Mary Mizera has excellent people skills, and feels she is an asset to the City. She further stated that she is always willing to assist departments with clerical work and has received Page 8 of 9 $12,000 to the State for unemployment insurance. This company projects unemployment costs and has the ability to rollover any unused unemployment dollars to the following year, which the State does not do. The enrollment fee for this program, she stated, is $1,125, with a 2004 Annual Payment of$8,841 needed. A huge perk to this program is the legal defense they provide. The Annual payment of$8,841 is required, which will not affect the City's budget, since money is already budgeted for unemployment insurance. Ms. Pleckham stated that they offer a stop loss insurance plan which covers unemployment claims that exceed the maximum coverage amount of$82,094. Ms. Pleckham's research found that this company was rated "A" in the insurance industry, with many non-for-profit members and municipalities participating. Ms. Pleckham is requesting that this be placed on the agenda for C.O.W. of November 18, 2003, for approval by the Committee. This was agreed by the Committee to proceed as Ms. Pleckham recommends. $3.5 Million Countryside Interceptor Alternate Revenue Bond Timetable After speaking to the City Engineer and Deuchler, Ms. Pleckham is recommending a timetable for the Countryside Inceptor Project. With March 2004 being the target date for the start of construction, the following was recommended: a. Authorizing Ordinance According to Ms. Pleckham,this ordinance does not require revenue bonds to be issued; only a notice of intention is needed. She is recommending that this notice get approved by the Administration Committee this meeting, in order to have this placed on the C.O.W. agenda for November 18, 2003. This then can be placed on City Council's agenda for November 25, 2003. It is of note that after passage,the City is required to publish the Authorizing Ordinance and Notice of Intent. Ms. Pleckham recommends the publication date of December 4, 2003. There is a 30-day waiting period before the Bond Ordinance is passed, thus the waiting period would end on January 5, 2004. b. BINA Hearing Since public hearing is required in accordance with the Bond Issue Notification Act, she recommended that the Administration Committee recommend this for placement on C.O.W.'s agenda for November 18, 2003. The Mayor will need to authorize the execution of this order calling for the public hearing. Ms. Pleckham recommended that the publication date be November 26, 2003, with the public hearing to take place at the City Council meeting of December 23, 2003. The Bond Ordinance will be reviewed by the Administration Committee on January 8, 2004, with recommendation to go to C.O.W. on January 20, 2004, and then on to City Council scheduled for January 27, 2004. The preceding time schedule as recommended by Ms. Pleckham, will allow closing of the alternate revenue bond by the second week of February, 2004. Page 9 of 9 The Committee unanimously agreed to allow the adherence to this schedule as presented by Ms. Pleckham, and approved the placing of this item on C.O.W.'s agenda of November 18, 2003. Chamber of Commerce -New Membership Ms. Spears stated that the Chamber of Commerce is asking if Council members would be interested in joining at a premier level of membership. The cost would be $2500. The benefits offered for this premier membership was shown in Ms. Spears'handout. It is the Mayor's recommendation to consider joining the Chamber of Commerce because it helps to promote businesses within the City. It was agreed to place this on an upcoming C.O.W. agenda for the Mayor's Report. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS Ms. Burd recommended bringing up at the next Administration meeting the following issues: • How the Goal Setting Session will proceed. • On the website, it is shown under Administrator Graff s job description that he reports to the City Council and the Mayor. She would like clarification from City Attorney Kelly Kramer if this does in fact go against the state's statute. She would like someone to review the website, because, she believes, that if this is the case, everyone's job description needs revision. Alderman Paul James stated that the website does not contain his photo. The Mayor advised that Jackie Milschewski, the City Clerk and City collector, requested and was granted a leave of absence in order to get the minutes caught up. Her job function as collector will be performed by Annette Williams, who already serves as her backup. The Mayor also brought up the fact that since salary schedules are in need of review, he asked Administrator Graff to ask staff members to research the costs for hiring professional firms. Alderwoman Spears inquired as to who is paying for the new permit clerk recently hired. Administrator Graff stated that this will be run as a pilot program for ninety days to assess how much time is spent doing this. This then will be re-negotiated in a contract once it is determined the number of hours this person is actually needed. This meeting adjourned at 9:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Gail-Marie Denton Zoning Coordinator Monthly Report United City of Yorkville July 2004 Summary Page Baily Admin. Meadows Caledonia Cornerstone Fox Hill Grande Villas at the (Runge) Reserve Swanson Total Preserve Correspondence 0.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 Reviews/Research 0.00 0.50 0.25 0.00 0.75 3.50 1.00 50.00 6.00 Reports 4.25 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.50 Meetings 1.50 0.75 0.50 0.00 1.25 0.00 0.00 1.75 5.75 Total 5.75 3.25 0.75 0.50 2.75 3.50 1.00 1.75 19.25 Page 1 of 1 Printed: 8/3/2004 Zoning Coordinator Monthly Report United City of Yorkville July 2004 Daily Timesheet Day of Baily Villas at Date Admin. Meadows Caledonia Cornerstone Fox Hill Grande Swanson the Total Week Reserve (Runge) Preserve Thursday y 04 _ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00� 0.00 Friday - --_ 0 00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Saturday 0.00 --- - --- /2004 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sunday 7/4/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 000 0.00 0.00 --- - _ ---- . . 0.00 Monday7/5/2004 0.00 0.000 00 0 00 0.00 0 00 000 0.00 _.. . --- - 0.00 Tuesday y 7/6/2004 2.50 0.00 0.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.75 Wednesday y 0 75 0 75 0.50 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.50 Thursday 7/8/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.75 1.75 Friday 7/9/2004 0.00 1.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.50 Saturday 7/10/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sunday 0.00 0 00 0 00 0.00 --- -- _..- 7 11/2004 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 . 000 - - --- ---- -- 0.00 Monday 7/12/2004 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 000 ---- - 0.00 . 0.0.0 Tuesday 7/13/2004 0.00 0.00 0. 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00 0.00 --- 00--- 0.00 Wednesday 7/14/2004 1.25 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00 -- --- 2.25 Thursday 7/15/2004 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Friday 0.50 0.00 7/16/2004 0 00 0 00 0.00 1.50 3.25 0.00 0.00 __-- 4.75 Saturday 7/17/2004 0.00 0.00 . 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sunday 7/18/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 Monday 7/19/2004 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.00 0.00 0.25 Tuesday 7/20/2004 0.00 0.00 . 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0 00 000 0.00 Wednesday 7/21/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Thursday y 2'/2004 0 75 0 00 0.00 0 00 1.25 0.00 0 00 0.00 200 Friday 7/23/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 00 0.00 1.00 Saturday a 7/24/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 U 00 0.00 0 00 0 00 0.00 -- -- ---- --- _-- - - 0.00 Sunday 5 2004 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------ ----- Tuesday ay 7/26/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 00 0.00 -- - --- -_- 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 _ --- _- -- Wednesday7/28/2004 - -- _. -- 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 U 00 000 0.00 0.00 Thursday7/29/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 Friday 7/30/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 -_ - 0.00 Saturday 7/31/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Page 1 of 1 Printed: 8/3/2004 Zoning Coordinator Monthly Report United City of Yorkville July 2004 Admin Day of Week Date Correspondence Reviews/ Daily written/oral Research Reports Meetings Notes/Comments Totals Thursday 7/1/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Friday 7/2/2004 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Saturday 7/3/2004 ''r' 0.00 .0.00 0.00 , "='0,00 : 0.00 Sunday ;- 7/4/2004 ' 0 00 0,00 0.00 0,00 Q.00 Monday 7/5/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Tuesday 7/6/2004 0.00 0.00 2.50 0.00 2 50 Prepare Monthly report Prepare Monthly report Wednesday7/7/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.75 0.75 Discuss misc projects w/Tony Thursday 7/8/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Friday 7/9/2004 ,0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000.00 Saturday,` 7/10/2004 '''.,.,,,'',: ',--:,,i':,,0.00,,.,,:: 0,00 0.00" 0 00 Q,00 Sunday. 7/11/2004 0,00 , 0;00 0.00 0 00 0,00, Monday 7/12/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 , I-uesda 7/13/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -- ------ Wednesday 4 2004 i'.00 0.00 1.25 0.00 1.25 Timesheet maintenance Timesheet maintenance Thursday 7/15/2004 0 00 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.50 Timesheet maintenance Timesheet maintenance Friday 7/16/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Saturday 7/17/2004 0 00 0.00 0.00 0;00 0;00 Sunday... 7/18/20Q4 ; 000 0,00 .: 0.69,,,- 0<+00 0.00 Monday 7/19/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Tuesday 7/20/20040 00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - Wednesday 7/21/2004 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 Thursday 7/22/2004 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.75 0.75 Pre-Plan Council Friday 7/23/2004 0.001 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Saturday,- '7/24/2004 0.00. ' 0,00 ';0.00 0.00 0.00. . Sunday7/2i2004 0.00 _., 0.b0 -o.06 .1 _."0.00 0.00 Monday 0 00 0.00 0 00 I 7/26/2004 0.00 0.00 Tuesda 0 0 y -_---2004 _--_-- 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 __ --- --_ - - ----- ----- ---- Wednesday /28/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ---- ---- Thursday 7/29/2004 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 Friday 7/30/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Saturday: ';'7/31/20Q4--,,,' -0.0Q 0.00 0.00 0.00 " 0.00 Printed 8/3/2004 Zoning Coordinator Monthly Report United City of Yorkville July 2004 Bailey Meadows (Runge) Day of Week Date Correspondence Reviews! Daily written/oral Research Reports Meetings Notes/Comments Totals Thursday 7/1/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Friday 7/2/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Saturday:. 7/3/2004 0.00 :` . 0,00 0.00 0,00 ,, ._ F 0,00 Sunday . ...: . 7/4/2004 0.00 0,00 0 00 0.00 0;00 Monday7/5/2004 -__ -- ----- --- ___ _- ----- --- 0.001, 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Tuesday 7/6/2004 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Wednesday --- - 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.75 0.75 Discuss agreement w/Tony &Kelly - Thursday 7/8/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 Research land/cash requirementsDraft lir/copy/fax Dr. Engler - school Friday 7/9/2004 1 50 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.50 donationDraft memo to Kelly regardirig school & park donations Saturday 7/10/2004 0.00. 0,00 . 0,00 0,00 0,00 Sunday " 7(11/2004 0.00 .0,00 0.00 0;00 0.00 o 0.00 - Monday 7/12/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Tuesday ---_. --- -- --_ 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Review park section of agreement based upon L. Brown request Wednesday 7/14/2004 0.50 0.50 0.00 0.00 1.00 Discuss w/Kelly, Draft merno re: Park Donation Thursday 7/15/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 Friday 7/16/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Saturdy' 7/17/2004 0;00 0,00 '.. 0 00., 0.00 0.00' Sunday. 7/18/20Q4 ,0;00., 0,00 000 0,0 0, _ 0:00 Monday w - . 7/19!2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Tuesday 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00Wenesda 7/21/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Thursday 7/22/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Friday 7/23/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Saturday • ,`7/24/2004 - 0.00 0:00 ., '000 :; 0.00 . ` 0,00 Sunday . :7/25/2004 0.00 0.00 ° 0.00' .0,00 0.00; Monday .7/26/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 Tuesday --- 00 0.00 _-- ___-- 4 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 Wednesday 7/28/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - - --- - Thursday 7/29/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Friday 7/30/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Saturday 7/ 31/2004 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00` Printed: 8/3/2004 Zoning Coordinator Monthly Report United City of Yorkville July 2004 Caledonia Day of Week Date Correspondence Reviews/ Daily written/oral Research Reports Meetings Notes/Comments a Totals Thursday 7/1/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Friday 7/2/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Saturday 7/3 /2004 ' 0.00 ." ' 0.00 0.00 0.00 "0,00 Sunday ..T 7/4/2004 ` 0.00..' . 0.00 0.00: 0.00 0.00 Monday 7/5/2004 0.00 0.00 0 00� 0 00 0.00 Tuesday 7/6/2004 0 00 0.25 0.00 0 00 0.25 Review file in prep for mtg Wednesday 7/7/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 50 0.50 Discuss agreement w/Tony & Kelly Thursday 7/8/2004 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Friday 7/9/2004 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Saturday 7/10/2004 000 0,00 0,00 : 0',00 0..00 ; Sunday 7/11/2004 =0.00, - 0.00 0.00. -` 0.00 0.00 " Monday 7/12/2004 0.00 0.00 0'.00 0.00 0.00 Tuesday -- --- --_ 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 -- Wednesday 7/14/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 -tatiursc aY7/15/2004 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 Friday 7/16/2004 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 Saturday,:; 7/17/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0;00 0,00 Sunda ` 7/19/2004 07/18/ 004 . . 200_ ' 0.00 '000 : : 0:00 : Monday00 0.00 0.00 0.00 . i. 000 ,0.00 , Tuesday __-2004 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00Wednesday 7/21/2004 7/21/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 iursday 7/22/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Friday 7/23/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Saturday.; <7/24/2004 ..0,00 - 0,00 0,00. .: 0,00 0.00, Sunday'. 7/25/2004 .,. 0.00 0.00 '0.00,, ; ' 0.00 .0,00` Monday 7/26/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 Tuesday7/27/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Wednesday 7/28/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 Thursday 7/29/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Friday 7/30/2004 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Saturdays ,..:,7/31/2004 0.00 .-0.00 ';0.00 0.00 0.00` Printed 8/3/2004 Zoning Coordinator Monthly Report United City of Yorkville July 2004 Cornerstone Correspondence Reviews/ Daily Notes/Comments Day of Week Date written/oral Research Reports Meetings Totals Thursday 7/1/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Friday 7/2/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Saturday; 7/3/2004 ' 0 00 '0,00 0 00 '-0.00 0.00 Sunday 7/4/2004 0,00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 , Monday 7/5/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Tuesday 7/6/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 Wednesday 7/7/2004 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.50 Review/draft memo Thursday 7/8/2004 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0-00 friday 7/9/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 Saturday; 7/10/2004 '` 0 00 ,' 0.00 0 00 . 0.00 : 0.00, Sunday ?', -'''''''''7/'1'1%200:4';',,' 0.00 0.00 , 0.00; 0.00 ' 0.00 Monday 7/12/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 Tuesday 7/13/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Wednesday 7/14/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 Thursday 7/15/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 t riday 7/16/2004 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0.00 Saturday, • 7/1.7/2004 - 0.00 .: '; 0.00 0,00 , 0.00 : " -0,00 - Sunda 7/18/2004„":!, , 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - ' O.dO"; - --_ .- y_ Monday 7/19/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Tuesday 7/20/2004 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Wednesday 7/21/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Thursday 7/22/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.0,0 AP Friday 7/23/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 Saturday ;: 7/24/2004'"; 0.00 0.00 0,00- - `0 00 `0.00 Sunday. "`; 7/25/2004 ,,''',.'-'1.. 0,00 ., 0.00 ' 0.00 0,00 0.00, - Monday 7/26/2004 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Tuesday 7/27/2004 0 00 0.00 0 00 0 00 0.00 Wednesday 7/28/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Thursday 7/29/2004 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00 0.00 Friday 7/30/2004 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00 Saturday, ' ".7/01/2004 .'' -. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00- ' 0,00 Printed 0/3/2004 Zoning Coordinator Monthly Report United City of Yorkville July 2004 Grande Reserve Day of Week Date Correspondence Reviews/ Reports Meetings Daily Notes/Comments written/oral Research Totals Thursday 7/1/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ,0.00 Friday 7/2/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Saturday:, ' `- 7/3/2004 , °`. . 0,00 0.00 0,00.-s. .0.00. ' ` 0.00 Sunday - 7/4/2004 - 0.00 - .,0.00 0.00.- 0.00 0.00 Monday 7/5/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1-uesday 7/6/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Wednesday 7/7/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Thursday 7/8/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Friday 7/9/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Saturday. 7/10/2004 ..:. 0,00.. 0.00 . 0;0Q :, 0'00 0.00 Sunday .' 7/11/2004 0:00 " - 0.00 0.00 0.00, 0.00 Monday 7/12/2004 0.001 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Tuesday 7/13/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 Wednesday 7/14/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Thursday 7/15/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Friday 7/16/2004 0.00 3.25 0.00 0.00 3.25 Review Grande Reserve Unit 9 plat/planDraft report Saturday; = 7/17/2004,. . 0.00 0,00 0.00 0 00 0.00 Sunda 7/18/2004 , . ._ `. .0 00 ' ..0,00 0.00 ‘.'0.'„00 0,00 Monday 7/19/2004 0.00 0.25 0 00 0.00 0.25 Review Eng Plan - Unit 9 Tuesday 7/20/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Wednesday 7/21/2004 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 Thursday 7/22/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 Friday 7/23/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Saturday'' A 7/24/2001 .-. 0.00 0.00 0 00 ° , 0.00 0.00 Sunday 7/25/2004 0.00 ;0,00 0.00 -0.00. 0.00 Monday 7/26/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.60 0.00 Tuesday 7/27/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Wednesday 7/28/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 Thursday 7/29/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 Friday 7/30/2004 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Saturday, 7/31/2004 =- .. 0.00 0,00 0.Q0 0.00 : 0.00 Printed: 8/3/2004 Zoning Coordinator Monthly Report United City of Yorkville July 2004 Swanson Day of Week Date Correspondence Reviews/ Reports Meetings Daily Notes/Comments written/oral Research Totals Thursday 7/1/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Friday 7/2/2004 0.00 0.001 0.00 0.00 0.00 Saturday -.. " . :7/3/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 ... 0;00 0,00 Sunday7/4/2004 .- 0 0.00 ; .00 ''0,00 0.00 0.00. Monday 7/5/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0-00 0.00 Tuesday 7/6/2004 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 Wednesday 7/7/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Thursday 7/8/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Friday 7/9/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Saturday _ 7/10/,2,004 0.00 0 00 0.00 ti 0.00 0 00 Sunday 7/11/2004; ; . ; . 0,00 0.00 000'" 0;.00 - . -0,00 Monday 7/12/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Tuesday 7/13/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Wednesday 7/14/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Thursday 7/15/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Friday 7/16/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Saturday'; ' 7/17/2004 0,00 . 0,00 0.00, , 0.00_ ,0.00 Sunday.. 7/18/2004; 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0,00 . Monday 7/19/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 Tuesday 7/20/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Wednesday 7/21/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Thursday 7/22/2004 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Friday 7/23/2004 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 ., 1.00 Review plans Saturday; " - 7/24/2004. 0.00 0.00 0,00 . ,0`.00-- `: 0.00 Sunday7/25/2004 0.00 0.00 0,00 '0,00 . 0.00 _ Monday 7/26/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Tuesday 7/27/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Wednesday 7/28/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Thursday 7/29/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 Friday 7/30/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000.00 Saturday; 7/31/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 : 0,00 Printed. 8/3/2004 Zoning Coordinator Monthly Report United City of Yorkville July 2004 Villas at the Preserve Day of Week Date Correspondence Reviews/ Reports Meetings Daily Notes/Comments written/oral Research Totals Thursday 7/1/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Friday 7/2/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Saturday:'' 7/3/2004 Q.00 0.00 0.00- '.-0,00 0.00 Sunday' 7/4/2004 0,00 , ,,, . 0.00 0,00'- ,0.00 0.0Q ., Monday 7/5/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Tuesday 7/6/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Wednesday 7/7/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Thursday 7/8/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.75 1.75 Pre-Plan Council MtgPlan Council Mtg Friday 7/9/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Saturday' 7/10/2004 , 0.00 0.00 -',,0,00;,,-.._. 000 0.00 Sunday.: 7/11/2004 Monday 7/12/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Tuesday 7/13/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Wednesday 7/14/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Thursday 7/15/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Friday 7/16/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Saturday 7/17/2004 ; .0.00 ' 0.00, .. . 0.00:- .. 000 0.00 Sunday 7/18/2004 ` 0.00 0.00 0 00�' 0 00 , 0.00 Monday 7/19/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Tuesday 7/20/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Wednesday 7/21/2004 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 Thursday 7/22/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 Friday 7/23/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Saturday: 7/24/2004 ' 0.00 - 0.00 , 0.00 : :' 0.00 :_ 0,00', Sunda 7/25/ y 2D . - . � " ; _0.00 �� '� 0.00 0 OQ. ._ �' Q � Monday ' 7/26/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Tuesday 7/27/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Wednesday 7/28/2004 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 Thursday 7/29/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Friday 7/30/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 . Saturday 7/31/2004' .. '0,00 0.00,-. 0,00 , 0;00 0.00 Printed: 8/3/2004 PAST DUE INVOICES WORKSHEET, JULY 2004 Updated August 4, 2004 From the desk of Jennifer Woodrick INVOICE INVOICE PAYMENT DATE BOOK LINE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AMOUNT COMMENTS 1 2/10/2004 P 16 Progress Holdings, Go Tane: DCRS, Recording Fees $343.10 $0.00 Interest statement No. 5 charged 8-4-04. 2 2/13/2004 Q 1 Atty. Frank Giampoli,YBC Lot 19:Schoppe Invoice $460.00 $0.00 Interest statement No. 2 charged 8-4-04. 3 6/2/2004 2004-02, 2 Inland, Caledonia:3 EEI Invoices $6,293.25 $0.00 Interest statement No. 1 charged 8-4-04. 4 6/3/2004 2004-02, 16 Ocean Atlantic,Westbury Village:3-EEI Invoices $5,081.00 $0.00 Interest statement No. 1 charged 8-4-04. 5 6/3/2004 2004-02, 17 Ocean Atlantic,Westbury Village:2-ICCI's, 1-CDF $1,202.50 $0.00 Interest statement No. 1 charged 8-4-04. 6 6/21/2004 2004-02, 20 Shannon Riley:force mow $90.00 $0.00 Late notice sent 8-4-04. TQTAL $13,469.85 $0.00 Payments not received 30 days after billing will be re-invoiced. Payments 60 days in arrears will be re-invoiced with interest penalty added to outstanding balance. 1 CREDITED PAYMENTS WORKSHEET: JULY, 2004 From the desk of Jennifer Woodrick INVOICED FROM CREDIT BALANCE INVOICE INVOICE REMAIN. DATE BOOK DESCRIPTION AMOUNT BALANCE COMMENTS 1 7/23/2004 2004-02, 29 Mid America, Bailey Mdws: Kramer Invoice $190.00 $4,810.00 None. 2 7/23/2004 2004-02, 30 Alan Norton, Can Est.: Kramer Invoice $180.00 $2,185.98 None. 3 7/23/2004 2004-02, 32 Tri-Land, Countryside: Orr TIF Invoice $31.00 $14,891.50 None. _ 4 7/23/2004 2004-02, 34 Progress Holdings, Go Tane: Kramer Invoice $910.00 $0.00 $795.00 now due. 5 7/23/2004 2004-02, 36 Menard, Prairie Mdws: ICCI 4/04, 5/06 $525.00 $19,475.00 None. 6 _ 7 8 9 . $1,836.00 INVOICED AND PAYMENT RECEIVED INVOICE INVOICE PAYMENT ACCOUNT DATE BOOK DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AMOUNT PYMT CODED COMMENTS 1 6/2/2004 2004-02, 03 Triangle Investments,DCRS 10854 $263.90 $263.90 ARO ck 7019,dated 7/1/01,rcvd 7/9/04 2 6/22/2004 2004-02, 21 MPI,Grande Reserve: Bristol Ridge Rd.July Deposit $507,738.11 $507,738.11 MPI cks 1909-1929,dated 7/20/01,rcvd 7/20/04 3 6/3/2004 2004-02, 14 Concord Homes, Raintree Vllg: Recording Fees $83.00 $83.00 to Clerk's Cking ck 00121449,dated 7/2/04,rcvd 7/19/04 4 3/8/2004 Q-15 Concord Homes, Raintree Vllg: Kramer, Schoppe Inv. $3,760.00 $3,760.00 ARO ck 00121450,dated 7/2/04, rcvd 7/19/04 5 3/22/2004 2004-01, 23 Concord Homes, Raintree Vllg:Schoppe Invoice $630.00 $630.00 ARO ck 00121450,dated 7/2/04, rcvd 7/19/04 6 6/3/2004 2004-02, 15 Concord Homes,Raintree Vllg:Schoppe Invoice $115.00 $115.00 ARO ck 00121450,dated 7/2/04,rcvd 7/19/04 7 3/17/2004 2004-01, 08 Kimball Homes,Whisper Mdws:CDF Invoice $731.25 $731.25 ARO ck 0255602, dated 6/24/04, rcvd 7/21/04 8 3/17/2004 2004-01, 17 Kimball Homes,Whisper Mdws: ICCI Invoice $56.25 $56.25 ARO ck 0255602,dated 6/24/04,rcvd 7/21/04 9 6/3/2004 2004-02, 19 Kimball Homes,Whisper Mdws: 3 EEI's $5,700.75 $5,700.75 ARO ck 0255602,dated 6/24/04,rcvd 7/21/04 10 6/2/2004 2004-02, 06 MPI, Grande Reserve: Eng Acct: EEI, CDF, ICCI Inv. $2,042.50 $2,042.50 ARO ck 1906, dated 7/15/04, rcvd 7/21/04 11 6/2/2004 2004-02, 07 MPI,Grande Reserve: Eng Acct:2 EEI's, 1 ICCI Inv. $8,046.00 $8,046.00 ARO ck 1906,dated 7/15/04,rcvd 7/21/04 12 6/2/2004 2004-02, 05 MPI,Grande Reserve: Land Planner:3 Schoppe's $3,068.10 $3,068.60 ARO ck 1906,dated 7/15/04,rcvd 7/21/04 13 6/2/2004 2004-02, 10 MPI, Grande Reserve: Per. Roads:2 EEI's $9,021.70 $9,021.70 ARO ck 1906, dated 7/15/04, rcvd 7/21/04 14 6/3/2004 2004-02, 11 MPI, Grande Reserve:Wells 8&9:3 EEI's $6,476.50 $6,476.50 ARO ck 1907,dated 7/15/04,rcvd 7/21/04 15 6/3/2004 2004-02, 12 MPI, Grande Reserve:Wells 8&9:3 EEI's $15,726.87 $15,726.87 ARO ck 1907,dated 7/15/04,rcvd 7/21/04 $563,459.93 $563,460.43 AC144(A:VL O&2d `t,o `rUnited City of Yorkville Memorandum � �i 800 Game Farm Road IST `� °.,ems Yorkville, Illinois, 60560 IS Lk Telephone: 630-553-4350 -1K:� ®2° Fax: 630-553-7575 <CExv‘" Date: August 10, 2004 To: Administration Committee From: Traci Pleckham - Finance Director 4 Subject: Web Site Update Attached please find the Usage statistics for the City's web site. Weblinx converted servers at the end of July, so the information presented in July only represents one week. The information for August is through August 9th. Please note that the website is currently averaging 106 visits per day. Usage Statistics for yorkville.il.us - Last 12 Months Page 1 of 1 Usage Statistics for yorkville.il.us Summary Period: Last 12 Months Generated 10-Aug-2004 05:06 EDT Usage sunnary far Yorkville.il.us 2'1-1' ' ! 1:'5 . in m w EE1 ODCrt tet Se. Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar •r� Ma Jun Jul Au , Summary by Month Daily Avg Monthly Totals Month Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes Visits Pages Files Hits Aug 2004 6355 4755 312 106 939 368948 1061 3120 47550 63552 Jul2004 3355 2191 152 46 89 19982 46 152 2191 3355 Totals 388930 1107 3272 49741 66907 Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01 http://www.yorkville.il.us:2082/tmp/yorkv3/webalizer/index.html 8/10/2004 City Of Yorkville Nextel Bill Break Up August 10, 2004 Payment Phone Charge Per # of Phones Per split,equip & Phone i Department Addt'l Charges TOTAL Administrationi + $124.90 $ 240.93 ' 38.681 .0 Engineering $ 38.68 5 193.38 + $ 193.38 Streets 1 $ 38.68 4 $ 154.70 $ 154.70 Water $ 38.68 I *i 6 $ 232.05 + $12.89 $ 244.94 -- - - Police Dept $ 38.68 * 22 $ 850.86 + $47.99 $ 898.85 Parks $ 38.68 * 5 $ 193.38 1 + 1 $ 193.38 Rec $ 38.68 * 5 $ 193.38 + $ 193.38 Sewer $ 38.68 * 2 $ 77.35 + $12.89 $ 90.24 52 1 ;Total Bill $ 2,209.79 Eric's Phone Split 1 1 t Admin $ 12.89 Water $ 12.89 Sewer $ 12.89 $ 38.68 Equip - Admin $ 112.01 Addt'I monthly BlackBerry Charge $ 47.99 1 r. O Adint04/Of 0 bq {E ly ESL% .IBM a 1M ' y UNTIED CITY OF YORKVILLE h<<E PAYROLLBENEFITS SPECIALIST—JOB DESCRIPTAFT Department: Administration Reports to: Finance Director Status: Full Time, Non-exempt Position Description Overview This position is responsible for coordinating the payroll activities, employee benefits, new employee orientation, insurance claim coordination and the proper maintenance of the City personnel files. Work is performed with minimal supervision by the Finance Director and the City Administrator and requires the ability to handle a large volume of confidential information. Payroll and Benefit Specialist Job Functions 1. Coordinates and is responsible for the entire payroll process. Duties include review of departmental payroll information, data entry, and check processing and distribution. 2. Responsible for accurate recording and computer interface of all payroll related accounting postings. 3. Responsible for the accurate,timely completion, and filing of all government required deposits and reporting(i.e. 941s, W-2s, unemployment, Workman's Comp, OSHA, FMLA, etc.) 4. Coordinates processes, and maintains files for general City liability claims. 5. Responsible for tracking employee contribution amounts for City pension funds and monthly remittance processing and filing for all pension and deferred compensation plans. Coordinates benefit administration and submits required documents for all employee benefit plans. 6. Conducts new employee orientation regarding payroll, benefits, deferred compensation, pension, etc., and files necessary paperwork. 7. Coordinates COBRA and Retiree health insurance programs by providing benefit information to employees prior to termination or retirement. 8. Maintains working relationship with all benefit providers and process all employee and City insurance requests as needed. 9. Compiles and completes personnel surveys and other data requests. 10. Processes and reviews for accuracy all salary and position change of status forms for employees. 11. Maintains the official City personnel and physical files for employees. 12. Keep records of various types of City and employee insurance policies and coverage. 13. Work with insurance vendors seeking the best plan(s) for the City. 14. Retains, maintains, and processes confidential personnel and labor related documents concerning claims, grievances, complaints, ongoing disciplinary investigations, collective bargaining matters and impasse contingency planning. 15. Create and maintain the Human Resource Procedure Manual. 16. Complies with all personnel safety rules and regulations, both written and verbal. 17. Performs other related duties as directed. Requirements 1. Considerable knowledge of payroll, human resources, and employee benefit practices and procedures. 2. Knowledge of general accounting principles, state and federal payroll tax and benefit regulations, and the ability to apply the personnel rules and regulations of the City code. 3. Ability to handle confidential information with tact and diplomacy. 4. Requires excellent organizational skills, the ability to handle multiple projects and priorities, and the ability to exercise sound judgment. 5. Requires the skills in the use of standard office machinery, personal computers, 10-key calculators, and familiarity with spread sheet (Excel) and word processing (Word) software. 6. Ability to organize and maintain personnel and related file systems. 7. Ability to work with others and to interface with other departments. Experience and Education 1. High School Degree supplemented by courses in accounting, and business subjects, two years (60 hours) of college level courses in accounting, personnel, public administration, and/or related subjects preferred. 2. Minimum 2 years of human resource/payroll experience. 3. Any equivalent combination of experience and education that provides the required knowledge, skills, and abilities. 4. Must have successfully completed a background investigation with findings of good character and no felony convictions. The duties listed above are intended only as illustrations of the various types of work that may be performed. The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the position if the work is similar, related or a logical assignment to the position. The job description does not constitute an employment agreement between the employer and requirements of the job change. Zoning Coordinator Monthly Report United City of Yorkville July 2004 Fox Hill Day of Week Date Correspondence Reviews/ Reports Meetings Daily Notes/Comments written/oral Research Totals Thursday 7/1/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Friday 7/2/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Saturday 7/3/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 ' 0,00 0,00, Sunday 7/4/2004. ._`; 0.00 0.00 .; 0 '0;00 0 00 Monday 7/5/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Tuesday 7/6/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Wednesday 7/7/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Thursday 7/8/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Friday 7/9/2004 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Saturday - 7/10/2004 Sunday ',7/11/2004.. 0'00 x. 0,00 0 00 '. 0;00 0,00... Monday 7/12/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Tuesday 7/13/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Wednesday 7/14/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Thursday 7/15/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Friday 7/16/2004 0 00 0.75 0.75 0.00 1.50 Review plansType report Saturday 7/17%20040',00, 7/18/2004 00 00 0,00 0 00 , 0,00 0.00 Monday 7/19/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 , Tuesday 7/20/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Wednesday 7/21/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Thursday 7/22/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.25 1.25 Pre-Plan CouncilPlan Council Friday 7/23/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Saturday7/ 4/2004 0;-00 ' 0.00 0.00 0.00, " 0.00 Sunday,:` ;', 7/25/2004 0 QO . 0,00 0.00 , ,.000 .. 0.00 Monday 7/26/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Tuesday 7/27/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Wednesday 7/28/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Thursday 7/29/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Friday 7/30/2004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Saturday" .":,7/31/2004 ".I 0.00 0.00 -0,'00 '1; .0.00 0.00 Printed: 8/3/2004 PROJECT FINANCIAL TRACKING WORKSHEET PROJECT&DEVELOPER LOCATION PROJECT SIZE ACRES FILE FEES ADMIN FEE FINAL ENG. ENG. SVCS LEGAL/PLANNER MISCELLANEOUS FEES TOTAL RCVD COMMENTS/STATUS PLAT REVIEW FEE DEPOSIT SVC DEPOSIT TO DATE 1 Bailey Meadows IRED/Mid America SW corner 47&Baseline 189 sfd, 153 t.h.,25.8A Comm. 150 $2,200.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $9500 Flood Study Fees Due(In Agmt) $22,200.00 Annex,Zone.Prelim.Plan Approved 7/13 City Council 1 2 Bristol Bay:Centex Homes NAS of Galena Rd,E of 47_ 500 sfd,656 condos,874 t.h. 597.3' $500.00 $500_00 Concept Plan Stage 2 3 Bristol Club:Lay-Corn Galena&Cannonball 31 sfd $1,946.50 $9,482.50 $5,000.00 $10,000.00 $250:1.5mi review fee pd $26,679.00 WITHDRAWN 2/11/04 3 4 Caledonia:Inland N/W of YBC 206 sfd 85.29 $500.00 $10,000.00 $5,000.00 $22.700,Flood Study Fees Due $15,500.00 Amend Annex,PUD Agmts Approved 4 + 5 Cannonball Run Plaza.Jim Ratos S/E side 34&CannonBall 8 commercial lots $0.00 5 6 Chatty Prop:Wyndham Drpt NAN corner 71&Pavillion 120 sfd 80.12 ., : _., ' -,_ , Concept Plan Phase 6 7 Cimarron Ridge:Conover Blars. S of 34,E of Cannonball 29 sfd,46 dup., 9.9 A comm. 40.82 _ $0.00 87% built out 7 8 Corner Stone:Triangle investments tVNJ comer 47'&Greenbriar 41sfd,17.9 A Commercial 36.85` $2,010.00 $500.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $12,510.00 Final Plat Approved 7/27 City Council 8 9 Country Hills:Dennis Dwyer S/W corner 71 & 126 138 sfd, 34 duplex units 65.6 _ $27,687.52 Ph2$500.00 $28,187.52 51% built out 9 10 Countryside Center Tri-Land Properties Countryside commercial re-development $15,000.00 Tif Study deposit pd June 2003 $15,000.00 10 11 Dhuse Prop:Wiseman Hughes South:Windett Ridge II 141 sfd _ $500.00 $15,000.00 _ $15,500.00 Concept Plan Phase 11 12 Evergreen Farm:Tanglewood Dev.(Theis) S/E.N/E corners Fox&Pavillion 106 sfd 49 $500.00 $500.00 Concept Plan Phase,9/8 Plan Commission 12 13 Fifth Third Bank-Tucker 34&Marketplace Rte 34& Marketplace _ _ $0.00 Development Agreement stage 13 14 Foxfield's 2nd Add.:Barry Niles Ten Ln Cul de Sac R-2 Zoned 3.44 $0.00 14 15 Fox Highlands:Frontier Land Grp. S of 71,E of 47 33 sfd, 84 town., 6 duplexes 34.71 _ $3,950.00 $40,025.02 $500.00 $11,050.00 $5,000.00 $60,525.02 90%built out 15 16 Fox Hill:Dresden S of 34,E of Eldemain" 228 sfd,144 town..32 duplexes 287 'billed hourly' U4,U6$500 Ea _ $1,000.00 Re-design Concept Review,Final Plat 16' 17 Fox Hill:DCI,Unit 7 " $1,130.00 'billed hourly' $500.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 _ $11.630.00 Prelim,Final Plat 8/11 Plan Comm.,PUD Amend Approved 17 18 Fox Hill:Primus,`Unit 5 'billed hourly* $500.00 $2,390.00 $2,890.00 86%built out 18 19 Fox Mill Landing JCPC Corp. Hydraulic&Mill 20 residential units $1,074.25 $1,000.00 51686.64 Inspection Fee paid 11/25/02 $3,760.89 19 20 Fox River Bluffs:Inland N/E comer Fox&ldighpoint COUNTY-141 sfd 302.6 $250.00 $250.00 Concept, 1.5 ml review approved;Annex&Rezone 20 21 Go-lane Service Station E of 47,5 of 34 commercial development 2.14 $500.00 $2,500.00 $3,000.00 Annexation, Rezoning Approved 21 127 1 7 $20,000.00k,W ter l r 4 Traffic /5258k F Plats1 22 Grande-Resen+e..MPI N of 34,S:of Kennedy` 1324 sfd,394 dup.,632 t.h.;-300:apts 1 .3 $ 9,9 3.00° $250k dep.,Due $30,000.00 $35 a mol$2 6k St. BKFDPd nl U1-B Approved;U9 Fn Plat 826 Pt;Council 22 23 Grande Reserve,Line 2 $19 2k Fiscal Impact/5100k H2O Tank/$456,900 Capital Fees $705,673.00 5507.738.11 BRR deposit;U9 Fnl Plat 10/13 Plan Comm 23 24 Greenbrier-,Ron Wehrii Develop. W of Rte 47,N of G'Briar Rd 166 sfd,34 duplex units 166 Ph 4$471.36 $500.00 Ph 4$336.68 $1,308.04 89%built out 24 25 Heartland Circle S of Heartland Sub 250 sfd 129.6 $1,780.00 $92,345.77 $500 Res/Comm $8,200.00 $5,000.00 S1100 Soil Pmt,Deposit;$270 Traffic Study $109,195.77 Final Plat Apprroved;4% built out 25 .26 Heartland Center Farmstead&Rt 34 commercial development _ $305.00 $1,781.07 $1,122.32 $2,500.00 $5,708.39 Special Use Permit Approved 7/27 City Council 26 27 Heartland Subdivision S of 34,E of McHugh 186 sfd 133.6 $1,250.00 534k U1,523k U2,3 Ph1,2,3 S500ea $4590 Unit1 $64,340.00 85%built out 27 28 Hopkin's Corner{Morrissey)` Ntw corner 47&Greenbr Rd 87 townhomes 37.4`' $1,570.00 $2,000.00 $5,000.00 $8,570.00 28 29 Inland Office Building:Inland 34&Marketplace $500.00 $400.00 $900.00 29 30 Kylyn's Crossing(Cannonball Hill) E of 47,S of C'Ball Trail $860.00 $500.00 $1,360.00 30 31 Kylyn's Crossing West (CanEst)AMG S/W corner Faxon,W C•Ball Tri 11 1 sfd 56.6 _ $15,253.45 $500.00 $5,000.00 $20,753.45 92%built out 31 32 ! i 134Unit4 P : Ky yn s-Ridge AMG Homes ,W of Kylyn's Cr West sfd 69.83 $1,963.13> $26,731.97 t/1 $500 ea t/1,U2 $19,094 1 $5,000.00 $883 Flood Study Fees d/$42,735_U1 WfS Recapture 32 i 33 Kylyn's Ridge,Line 2 $20,568.49 $14,389.40 $62,627.25 Unit 2 W/S Recapture $203,144.24 39% Built Out 33 34 Longford`Lakes.Montalbano- W of landmark;S o,McHugh 11 bidgs,62 t_h.. 13.6 $10,897.42`' $500_00 $2;432.50 $5,000.00i $9300 Dev.Fee Paid:62-Units x$150 each $28,129.92 78%_buttt out 34 _ I 35 Menards:Menard,Inc. E of 47,N of Countryside commercial development _ $151,912.60 waived $5,000.00 $156,912.60 _ Complete 35 36 Northgate:Inland 86 acres N/E comer 47'&Galena 58 sfd, 114 t_h. 86 $1,560.00 $4,450.00 _ $5,000.00 $11,010.00 36'' I 37 Prairie Gardens:Windham Homes W of 47,E of G'Briar Sub. 56 sfd, 6 Commercial 24.2 J $1,633.80 $23,618.08 $500.00 $2,919.00 $5,000.00 $33,670.88 75% built out 37 38 Prairie Meadows,Menard Inc. E of 47,S of C'side Pkwy 174 sfd.268 mfd 142.2 $3,772.00 $20,000.00 $5,000.00 $28,772,00 Final Plat;6-9 Plan Commission 38 39 Rainvee village:Wyndham Orpt,Creek,Conco S/W&S.E of Country Hills 404 sfd, 238 duplexes 320 $2,000.00 $79,191.36 $500 ea U1-3 $11,050.00 $5,000.00 _ $24k water system/$96k Hyd.Interceptor Fnl Plats U1-3 approved 39 40 Raintree Village Line 2 Clubhouse: $3568-91 Due $500 U4,5,6 $1571.71 Due {Clubhouse) $106 Soil,Sed Pmt,51k Soil,Sed.Deposit Units 1,2,3 ea 4%built out 40 41 Raintree Village,Line 3 _ $2,651,016.77:front-funded fees,see Admin.Acct $2,873,558.13 Fnl Plat U4,5,6 8/26 PI. Council, 9/8 Pl. Comm. 41 42 Reserve at Fox River Apts PRS Constr. ' N of MktPlac/McHugh Inter. 132 apts 9.5 $21,615.99 $15,119.75 55k Sanitary Flow Meters Deposit $41,735.74 Under Construction 42 43 River's Edge:S&K Development N of Fox,N&S of R.R. 166 sfd 96.9 $2,364.00 $73,031.14 Ph.2$500.00 $4,731.91 $5,000.00 $85,627.05 58%built out 43 44 Rob Roy Falls:Sexton Developm't N of Fox Hill,E at Eldamain 120 sfd,174 condo's,204 t.h. 270.6 5500.00 $500.00 Concept Plan:4-14-04 Plan Commission 44 45 Silver Fox.Midwest Devel. S.side Fox Rd,E of Pavillion 187 sfd 102.7 $500.00 $500.00 Concept Plan 45 46 Sunflower Estates Unit 1:Inland WW corner 47&71 117 sfd total 65.19 10 5 .2 35 82 .21 Ph.1,2 W/ Recapture 46 4.4 Project e ` totals $ ,7 8 5 $ 6S ptu $ ,58 6 roiect 54 L°built out 46 47 Sunflower Estates Unit 2:Inland 117 sfd total $18,841.58 $500.00 $19,341.58 47 48 Sunflower Estates Unit 3:Inland 117 sfd total $9,903.43 ,' $500.00 $2,664.50 River Xing:$10237.50;W/S Reca:$17839.22 $41,144.65 48> 49 Swanson Ln.Estates.Gordon,Marcia Boomer Ln,west to creek 6 sfd 13.4 Annexation, Zoning 49 50 iTanglewood Trails,Tanglewood Dev.Corp E side Highpt Rd;S of Legion 67 $250.00 $250.00 Annex Agmt Approved 6/8;Concept Plan Stage 50 51 Theidel Property Pulte Homes N&S of Kennedy,Not 34 _ 321 sfd, 263 t.h. 286 $500.00 $500.00 Concept Plan:6-9 Plan Commission 51 52'Town Crossing:Rehannah Ent. S/W corner 34&C'Baii Tri $1,491.43 $1,200.00 $2,500.00 County Reca:$2173.55;Can.Tri Reca:$2619.41 $9,984.39 5Z.' 53 Villas @ the Preserve:Burnside S of Rte 71 @ Walsh Dr. 84 duplex units 23.95 I Annex,Zone, PUD,Prelim. Plan:8/24 City Council 53 Jennifer Woodrick August 10, 2004 PROJECT FINANCIAL TRACKING WORKSHEET PROJECT& DEVELOPER LOCATION PROJECT SIZE ACRES FILE FEES ADMIN FEE FINAL ENG. ENG. SVCS LEGAL/PLANNER MISCELLANEOUS FEES TOTAL RCVD COMMENTS/STATUS PLAT REVIEW FEE DEPOSIT SVC DEPOSIT TO DATE 54 Westbury Village:Ocean Atlantic S/W corner 47&Galena 293 sfd,605 mfd;22.7A Comm. 300.66 $5,430.00 $10,000.00 $5,000.00 925,000 Flood Study Fees Paid Annex,PUO,Prelim.Plan:6-8 City Council 54 55 Westbury Village Line 2 _ _ $45,430:00 55' 56 Whispering Meadows,Fisher Property 4/W comer Faxon&C'Ball,S of R COUNTY-450 sfd 297.63 $5,450.00 $500.00 $20,000.00 $15,000.00 5K flow meter,$1100 Soil,Sed.Fees,$10.5k Flood Study $52,050.00 Final Plat Units 1,2 Appr'd;Annex Agmt Appr'd 56 57 White Oaks:Crestview Builders N of Fox,E of River's Edge 94 sfd 113.77 Ph4$7413:49 $7,413.49 99%built out 57 58 Wildwood:Fox Valley Farms Partn. N of 71, E of 47 271 sfd, 160 mfd 187.77 _ $0.00 PH 1,2 98% built out; balance tbd 58 59 Windett Ridge-Wiseman Hughes 47&Legion 277 sfd 163 $1,000.00 _ $123,307:55 $500.00 1 $20,000.00 $5;000.00 5421c Hyd Ave.interceptor,School&San.Pmt fees Final Plat U1 Approved 59 60 Winded Ridoe-Line 2 $41,550 Mun.bldg fee.$33,932.50 River Crossing $1,023,680.50 Weather Siren: $12,264.15 Paid 60 I 61 YBC Unit 1:Inland W of 47,N of RR. $2,385.00 $500.00 $2,109.00, _ $2,500.00 $7;494.00 Complete 61 62 YBC Unit 2:inland " $2,806.50 $500.00 $2,040.50 $5,347.00 10%built out 62 63 YBC Unit 3:Inland $500.00 $3,042.50 $3,542:50 _ 10%built out 63 64 YMP'Jewel:Tucker Development S of 34,W of Marketplace commercial development $500.00 $34,836.26 _ $800.00 $5,000.00 $41,136.26 Phase I Complete 64 65 York.Hill Landscaping:Ortega.Berates _ 8591 Route 126 5:07 acres Annex Fee waived _ $0.00` Annexation,Zoning: 6-22 City Council 65. 66 Yorkville Snr.Apts,New Directions SAN corner 47,Greenbriar 50 apts 3.48 $250.00 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 $5,250.00 PUD Agreement Approved 66 'Reserve at the Fox River Acts will not be charged a final plat fee,as this is not a subdivision.There are plat of easements only for this development. TOTAL In lieu of an upfront Administration Fee,Fox Hill opted to pay hourly for Engineering Services. $4,718,806.72 Page One $1,191,343.75 Page Two $5,910,150.47 Combined Total Jennifer Woodrick August 10, 2004 Revised 8/10/04 United City of Yorkville OFFICE ASSISTANT—JOB DESCRIPTION Department: Administration Reports to: Deputy Clerk Status: Full-Time Position Description Overview This individual assists the administration departments in a variety of general office tasks including, but not limited to,typing, project tracking, and filing. This position requires an individual who has the ability to organize and prioritize multiple tasks. Essential Job Functions 1. Provide assistance to the Deputy Clerk with day-to-day operations such as mailings, preparing and distributing meeting packets, and organizing and maintaining City records. 2. Assist with the compiling, distribution and mailing of the City newsletter. 3. Assist with posting website information. 4. Type correspondence, faxing and copying as requested. 5. Act as backup relief to answer phones and provide customer service at the front counter. 6. Assist in other areas as requested. 7. Participate in cross training with other job functions within the department. 8. Develop a thorough knowledge of the Windows Programs including office software. 9. Other duties as directed by the supervisor or City Administrator. Requirements-Knowledge,Skills and Abilities 1. Ability to type a minimum of fifty(50) words per minute. 2. Ability to organize,prioritize and handle multiple tasks. 3. Ability to maintain strict confidentiality. Page 1 of 2 Full-time Office Assistant Job Description (can't) Minimum and Preferred Experience and Education 1. Previous experience in an office setting. 2. Previous computer experience in a Window setting. 3. Must be willing to attend training classes to increase knowledge of job related duties. 4. Must successfully complete a background investigation with findings of good character and no felony convictions. Page 2 of 2 a2 ACINtla N �c fGpy ESL pk 1836 9 �� o UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE �h<<E ,�.>= DRAFT JANITOR—JOB DESCRIPTION Department: Administration Reports to: City Administrator Status: Full-Time, Non-Exempt Position Description Overview This is a full-time position assigned to the City Administration and Police Department facility to provide a safe,healthy public office facility for the employees, city officials, and visitors through daily care by addressing health and sanitation needs as directed. This position reports to both the police department and administration supervisors for essential functions as required for their daily operational needs. A specification guideline will be approved by both department heads as a tool for the supervisors to direct work and provide the necessary supplies and equipment to perform the required duties. Essential Job Functions 1. To clean and maintain all floors. 2. To clean all office areas, hallways, carpeted areas, conference rooms, and City Council Chambers. 3. To maintain inventory of equipment and supplies necessary for proper cleaning and maintenance of the facility. 4. To properly maintain cleaning equipment. 5. To properly maintain and organize the janitorial closet area. 6. To serve as backup for bathroom cleaning to the City's external cleaning service provider. 7. To prepare purchase orders to request for purchase the necessary supplies and equipment for proper cleaning of the facility to be presented to the administrative assistant for approval. 8. To recommend and advise supervisors any potential safety problem or security concerns. 9. To advise immediate supervisor of any potential safety or hazardous condition. 10. Any other related cleaning or maintenance functions as directed by the supervisor. Requirements 1. Knowledge with operating procedures for cleaning and maintaining a public office facility. Revised 08-04-04 BAO 2. Knowledge of the use of proper cleaning supplies to maintain a healthy anc i facility. �( r j 3. Ability and skill to operate floor cleaning machines. 4. Ability and skill to operate small engine machines, such as: commercial vacuum cleaners. 5. Ability to lift and move light-weight office furniture. 6. Ability to use a step ladder. 7. Ability to work independently through minimum supervision. 8. Ability to maintain strict confidentiality. 9. Ability to work flexible hours when directed. Experience and Education 1. High School Diploma or General Equivalency Diploma. 2. At least one (1) year janitorial experience or equivalent type of experience. 3. Any equivalent combination of experience and education that provides the required knowledge, skills, and abilities. 4. Must successfully complete a background investigation with findings of good character and no felony convictions. Working Conditions 1. Work is performed in a dual environment consisting of a normal office environment and a secure law enforcement office environment,while performing essential job functions. 2. Occasional exposure to chemical substances contained within cleaning supplies with the use of proper protective safety equipment and procedures to protect the employee and its surroundings. 3. Working time may require irregular hours to minimize interruption within the facility to maintain a quality work environment and special events or meetings. Revised 08-04-04 BAO otoc,„ Es 1036 DRAFT \a� UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE '<`EE"y� ACCOUNTING CLERK I—JOB DESCRIPTION Department: Administration Reports To: Finance Director Status: Part-time 20 hours per week not to exceed 1000 hours annually Position Description Overview: Person is responsible for assisting the Finance Department with various accounting functions, inquiry, and maintenance of A/P records. Assist with all routine functions relating to Accounts Payable, General Accounting, and other duties assigned by the Finance Department. Essential Job Functions: 1. Assist with preparation of the 5 monthly bill lists for the City. Duties include sorting and distribution of invoices to appropriate department heads, data entry, vendor setup, inquiry, invoice filing, and mailing of payments. 2. Cancel/void checks. Prepares replacement checks as required. 3. Research credit or outstanding invoices and respond to vendor inquiries. 4. Maintain vendor files. 5. Assist with capital asset inventory tracking relating to GASB 34 reporting and budgeting purposes. 6. Assist with the bank account reconciliation process. 7. Maintain accounting records for Motor Fuel Tax. 8. Reviews payment requests and secures all backup documentation. 9. Assist in gathering annual audit report information. 10. Assist with the development of the Accounting Procedure Manual and ongoing reviews and updates as directed. 11. Perform other duties/projects as assigned. Position Requirements—Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities: DRAFT 1. Knowledge of accounting practices, procedures, and office terminology 2. Strong analytical skills 3. Strong communication skills 4. Ability to work under pressure and/or frequent interruptions 5. Ability to operate in a multi-task environment 6. Ability to understand department priorities and adjust work activities to meet them. 7. Ability to perform report preparation and periodic duties in a timely fashion and on schedule. 8. Ability to operate a variety of office equipment including a typewriter, copy machine, FAX machine, telephone, and calculator. 9. Must be computer literate and have knowledge of Microsoft Excel and Word. Minimum and Preferred Experience and Education: 1. High School diploma or G.E.D. 2. Minimum of 12 credit hours in college level accounting or finance courses. 3. Previous experience in an office and Windows-based computer environment. 4. Any equivalent combination of experience and education that provides the required knowledge, skills, and abilities. 5. Must successfully complete a background investigation with findings of good character, and having no felony convictions. The duties listed above are intended only as an illustration of the various types of tasks that may be required. The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the position if the work is similar, related, or a logical assignment to the position. This job description does not constitute an employment agreement between the employer and employee, and is subject to modification by the employer as the needs of the employer and/or agency change, or requirements of the position change. Achitcyt* koci . _ July 14, 2004 NORTHERN Tracy Pleckham ILLINOIS United City of Yorkville UNIVERSITY 800 Game Farm Road Yorkville, IL 60560 Dear Tracy, DIVISION OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION I am glad to hear of your interest in hiring an intern from Northern Illinois University's MPA Program and hope I can help you find the right candidate for your organization. DEKALB, ILLINOIS The essential purpose of the internship program is to offer public administration students, 60115-2854 who lack previous public service employment, an opportunity to gain experience in public management. Beyond providing professional development for interns, participating agencies (815) 753-0183 also benefit from the program by being able to tap into the resources of talented, motivated graduate students to help meet their organization's needs. 1) Interns are placed in organizations for a period of two years. Each intern must be enrolled in classes while working at his/her internship site. 2) Interns are allowed to work approximately 20-24 hours a week during the school year. During the summer, interns may work more than 24 hours a week. Please keep in mind that flexibility is needed in scheduling so that interns may attend classes in the late afternoons and evenings. 3) As you will see from the attached salary survey, intern salaries range from $10.00 to $16.76 an hour; the average salary is $12.10 per hour. 4) Interns are to be treated as regular employees and given meaningful and challenging tasks and projects that complement what is learned in the classroom. The intern is there to apply what he or she has learned in the classroom so assigned tasks should give the student an overall view of the organization. While some internships are more specialized(e.g., economic development, grant writing and fundraising), interns should still have interaction with the entire organization. 5) Besides classes and the internship itself, interns are expected to complete a series of professional development activities in the summer, fall, and spring semesters. These activities include student orientation, graduate workshops and colloquia, and professional association meetings or conferences. 6) Once you notify me that your agency seeks to hire an intern through our program, and you have provided a written job description for our files, you will receive student resumes from our office. New internship sites must go through an on-site review process. Northern Illinois I lniversity is an Eaual Onnortunity/Affirmative Action Institution. 7) Once hired, your intern needs a written job description and an offer letter from the employer. The job description should include the requirements of the position and some expected functions the intern will be performing. The offer letter should include the intern's rate of pay, start date, term of service, and contact information of the intern supervisor. A copy of both the job description and the offer letter should be mailed to the MPA office. 8) At the end of each semester, interns and supervisors are asked to complete evaluation reports. Samples are enclosed with this letter. Please contact me at (815) 753-6149 or by e-mail at vclarke@niu.edu if you have any questions. I look forward to working with you. Sincerely, vistek‘ceactx Vicki C. Clarke MPA Coordinator GUIDELINES FOR PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION INTERNSHIPS Division of Public Administration Northern Illinois University The Division of Public Administration feels the following seven components help to facilitate the best internship programs in our partner agencies and municipalities. It is important when developing an internship that these components are incorporated. These guidelines were developed as a result of extensive student, supervisor, alumni and faculty feedback. 1. Breadth of Experience Over time, a planned system involving work with different departments or sub-units. This could involve rotation between departments or assignment to projects requiring interaction with different sub-units or task functions. It is especially important that students get exposure to projects that challenge them and enhance their classroom learning- including citizen surveys, budget research, participation in department head meetings and board meetings, grant proposals,union contract negotiations, and purchasing. 2. Intensity of Experience Over time,the student should be assigned a major administrative responsibility which takes a substantial amount of time to complete(development stage to implementation stage to evaluation stage)to understand the project cycle in the organization. 3. Opportunities for Developing Interpersonal Skills The intern should get assignments to develop interpersonal and leadership skills. These skills will become essential as the intern moves on into a professional career. Every opportunity for development here is helpful. Examples: staff work on committees(especially those committees with citizens or board members), preparing and presenting reports to boards and committees, or handling citizen/client complaints. 4. Supervisor and Mentor Relationships Students need to be assigned both a supervisor to oversee projects and a professional mentor. The mentor should take an interest in the student and give professional advice, encourage professional development, and be available for informal conversations about what's going on in the work environment. The supervisor and mentor roles may be performed by the same person. However, in situations where the supervisor is either too busy or may be uncomfortable with a mentoring role, another person within the organization should be assigned as the mentor. 5. Opportunities for Professional Development The MPA program is committed to developing professional administrators for the public sector. Thus, it is important that our students value and be given professional growth opportunities. Internships should provide the students the chance to attend professional meetings and, if possible, should cover the cost of the student's membership in a professional association and attendance at a professional conference. The Division gives priority to internships which provide these opportunities for students. 6. Evaluation and Feedback Feedback is expected at scheduled intervals for each intern. The Division will provide an evaluation plan,which will be completed each semester. The evaluation is designed to facilitate feedback on a regular basis. In addition, supervisors should give on-going feedback on a scheduled basis once a month and regular interaction on a weekly basis. The students need the direction, especially at the beginning of the internship, and the best internship programs provide it frequently. 7. Sensitivity to the Intern's Academic Program All interns from the MPA program are pursuing rigorous academic study. During regular fall and spring semesters, intern work hours should be kept at 20-24 hours per week. In some cases, second year students may be able to schedule their time to work more hours, and that is acceptable as long as it is not jeopardizing academic performance. Interns may work full-time during summer or any breaks. In addition, interns are required to attend four professional development meetings on campus aarh SP,llester. and may need release time from the internship for these meetings. Fall 2003 Internship Salary Survey Intern Location $Per Member Hours Per Weekly Student Hour Dues* Week Salary Status** Village of Morton Grove 10.00 Y 24 240.00 1 Illinois Employment&Training Center 10.00 N 21 210.00 1 Village of Roselle 11.79 Y 25 294.75 1 City of Evanston 10.00 N 25 250.00 1 City of DeKalb 11.50 N 23 264.50 1 City of Highland Park 16.76 Y 26 435.76 1 Village of Streamwood 12.00 N 20 240.00 1 City of Beloit 12.50 N 20 252.00 1 _ City of Naperville 12.00 N 20 240.00 1 Village of River Forest 11.90 Y 24 285.60 1 Chicago Department on Aging 10.50 N 20 210.00 1 City of Geneva 12.00 Y 24 288.00 1 City of Bensenville 12.00 N 20 240.00 1 City of St. Charles 13.00 N 26 338.00 1 Village of Shorewood 12.00 N 20 240.00 1 Village of Winfield 12.00 Y 20 240.00 1 Village of Northfield 12.00 Y 24 288.00 2 Village of Deerfield 14.69 Y 25 367.25 2 City of St. Charles 14.00 N 24 336.00 _ 2 Village of Vernon Hills 11.84 Y 20 236.80 2 Hesed House/PADS 12.00 N 25 300.00 2 NIU-Cooperative Education 10.00 N 20 200.00 2 Village of Glen Ellyn 12.50 Y 20 250.00 2 Village of Skokie 14.24 Y 25 356.00 2 Village of Riverside 14.00 Y 25 350.00 2 Village of Winfield 12.50 Y 24 300.00 2 Humanitarian Service Project 10.00 N 24 240.00 2 Village of Hoffman Estates 11.75 Y 30 352.50 2 Village of Willowbrook 11.50 Y 25 287.50 2 Village of Clarendon Hills 12.00 Y 24 288.00 2 City of Naperville 12.00 N 25 300.00 2 AVERAGES $12.10 23.2 $281.31 First year students $11.87 22.4 $266.79 Second year students $12.33 24.0 $296.80 *Internship Site pays for ILCMA/IAMMA or other professional membership dues ** 1 =first year student 2 =second year student FALL 2004 SCHEDULE 1) Comprehensive Exam Review Session with Professor Jerry Gabris and Vicki Clarke Saturday, September 7, 2004, 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.,IASBO Building. Please call Ellen (815.753.6149) if you plan to attend. 2) Capstone Paper& IRB Session with faculty Saturday, September 7, 2004, 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 Noon,IASBO Building. This is a meeting for those of you who are ready to work on your capstone paper and those who plan to submit IRB (human subjects)paperwork this year. It is not mandatory, but it is helpful. Please RSVP to Ellen (815.753.6149). 3) Comprehensive Exams Saturday, October 9, 2004, 8:30—3:30 p.m. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES Please mark your calendars now and plan to attend these workshops! off 1) New Student Orientation (MANDATORY for first-year students) Wednesday, August 18, 2003, 8:30-4:30 p.m., IASBO Building Professional Expectations of Public Administrators for first-year students 2:30 -4:30 p.m., Center for Black Studies, Conference Room Interview Skills Workshop for second-year students 2:30-4:30 p.m.,IASBO Building Ron Short,Director of Career Planning&Placement Center Dawn Sheffner-Jones, Career Planning&Placement Center 2) Labor Relations in Public Administration: Getting to Yes Fall Colloquium(MANDATORY) Friday, Sept. 24, 1:30 -3:30 p.m. Labor, management, legal counsel, and mediation representatives will explain their relative perspectives and interests in labor relations, with a focus on labor contract negotiations in the public sector. Students are also invited to join the faculty and members of the panel at a"dutch treat" lunch before the colloquium at the Holmes Student Center Pheasant Room. 3) Downtown Development and Redevelopment in Illinois Workshop Directors of Economic Development, Investment Consultants, Development Planners,and Nonprofit Investors will come together to discuss downtown development and redevelopment in urban and rural Illinois communities. Through their experience in planning, negotiating, and investing in downtowns,these practitioners will tell us how they achieved success, the dangers to beware, and the challenges they face every day. Don't miss this one! 4) Public Management Ethics and the Gift Ban Law Workshop Remember,you may attend one (1)professional meeting(such as ILCMA, IAMMA, or GFOA)to meet the four professional development activity per semester requirement. If you are in doubt as to whether a meeting qualifies as a professional development activity,please call in advance to verify. Please turn in your activity form within 72 hours of the event-that means it must be postmarked within 72 hours of the activity date if you mail it(faxes will not be accepted under any circumstances). DIVISION OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Northern Illinois University DeKalb,IL 60115 Telephone: (815)753-6149 Fax: (815)753-2539 EMPLOYER'S EVALUATION REPORT To The Employer: Please have this student's immediate supervisor rate the student based on the following standards. Your judgements and comments will be used by the M.P.A.coordinator to advise and evaluate the student,so feel free to include as many comments as needed to accurately and completely appraise this person's performance(use the back of the form and/or attach additional sheets,if necessary). The supervisor should review this evaluation with the student. Please return the completed form to the above address. Thank you for your cooperation. Date: Student's Name: Semester: Last First Middle Employing Organization: Salary: Department: Job Title: Supervisor's Name: Title: RATING To be completed by work supervisor RELATIONS WITH OTHERS ATTITUDE--APPLICATION TO WORK ❑Exceptionally well accepted ❑Outstanding in enthusiasm ❑Works well with others 0 Very interested and industrious ❑Gets along satisfactorily 0 Average in diligence and interest ❑Has some difficulty working with others 0 Somewhat indifferent ❑Works very poorly with others ❑Definitely not interested JUDGMENT DEPENDABILITY ❑Exceptionally mature ❑Completely dependable ❑Above average in making decisions ❑Above average in dependability ❑Usually makes the right decision ❑Usually dependable ❑Often uses poor judgment ❑Sometimes neglectful or careless ❑Consistently uses bad judgment ❑Unreliable ABILITY TO LEARN QUALITY OF WORK ❑Learns very quickly ❑Excellent ❑Learns readily ❑Very good D Average in learning ❑Average ❑Rather slow to learn ❑Below average ❑Very slow to learn 0 Very poor ATTENDANCE: ❑Regular ❑Irregular PUNCTUALITY: ❑Regular ❑Irregular Over-all Performance: POOR FAIR GOOD VERY GOOD OUTSTANDING Compared to: Other Interns or Below Marginally Meets Above Well Above Regular Employees Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard What present traits may help or hinder the student's advancement? Comments on performance: Specific incidents to illustrate above appraisal: Signature of Work Supervisor: Date: The information in this report has been shared with me: MPA Student Signature INTERN'S EVALUATION OF INTERNSHIP Intern Name Semester Agency Supervisor Mentor Current Intern Salary $ per Hours per week(average) Internship Benefits: Vacation days Sick leave IAMMA/ILCMA Membership Please list your main job responsibilities: Please list the projects you have been assigned this semester and the department for which you are doing them, including ongoing tasks: Please use this scale in choosing your answers to the following statements: 1-Strongly Agree 2-Agree 3-Disagree 4-Strongly Disagree Circle your choice 1 2 3 4 The projects I am given are meaningful. 1 2 3 4 I receive timely and helpful feedback on my projects. 1 2 3 4 My supervisor is readily accessible for consultation on projects. 1 2 3 4 I am given the opportunity for professional development activities. 1 2 3 4 I am given the opportunity to participate in staff meetings. 1 2 3 4 My supervisor/mentor takes an active role in my internship and is available for consultation on professional development. 1 2 3 4 I feel I am respected as a professional at my internship site. 1 2 3 4 I receive helpful feedback from my intern evaluations. How meaningful is your interaction with your supervisor? What opportunities for professional development did you have this semester? Things I like about my internship: Things I find disappointing about my internship or unfilled expectations this semester: Intern's Signature Date Intern's Work E-mail Address SternBrothers&Co. Investment Banking Since 1917 220 West Huron Street Suite 500 East Chicago, Illinois 60610 Tel:312.664.5656 Fax:312.664.5650 July 12, 2004 Mr. Tony Graff City Manager City of Yorkville 800 Game Farm Road Yorkville, Illinois 60560 Re: Assist First-Time Homebuyer Down Payment Assistance Program Dear Tony: Enclosed is a summary of lending activity for the City's Assist homebuyer program for the period June 1, 2003 through May 31, 2004. During that period of time a total of 14 home loans totaling more than $1.8 million were made to first-time homebuyers in throughout the City. The average loan size was more than $131,000.00. Also enclosed is a program outline for the current Assist program. Thank you for your support of Assist over the past year, Tony, and I look forward to continuing the program in the coming year. Best Regards, David Rasch Managing Director enclosures Chicago •St. Louis •Kansas City •St. Petersburg • Tampa Assist Originations in Yorkville, Illinois 4, Veterans Pkv /r- 34 etki... ...CO' 7 . John St John St - m Po: eft Leisure St a m Pleasure Dr r _' Conover Ln fi NP FIL Z Walnut st Jackson st i , 3 E Eim st Schaefer RdW Somonauk St , 06 oYorkvilie --/ w a g 0 E SPring St �.. 05 6 Riper Rd § E Main St 47 i W Hydraulic Aye e Van Em 65 mon St 24 co c i.75 .q E Fox St 'co , 1 a 1 i • d 126 Fd�� Beaver St �N� C -p v 0 mi 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 Copyright 01988-2003 Microsoft Corp.and/or its suppliers.All rights reserved. http://www.microsoft.com/streets C Copyright 2002 by Geographic Data Technology,Inc.All rights reserved.C 2002 Navigation Technologies.All rights reserved.This data includes information taken with permission from Canadian authorities®1991-2002 Government of Canada (Statistics Canada and/or Geomatics Canada),all rights reserved. , CITY OF YORKVILLE, KENDALL COUNTY, ILLINOIS Collateralized Single Family Mortgage Revenue Bonds Assist First-Time Home Buyer Down Payment Assistance Program Loan Origination ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP LOAN AMOUNT 1 . 1321 CHESTNUT LANE YORKVILLE IL 60560 $130,884.00 2 . 1325 CHESTNUT LANE YORKVILLE IL 60560 $116,217.00 3 . 1506 COTTONWOOD TRAIL YORKVILLE IL 60560 $117,435.00 4 . 1311 CHESTNUT LANE YORKVILLE IL 60560 $129,463.00 5 . 1517 STONERIDGE COURT YORKVILLE IL 60560 $115,456.00 6 . 1323 CHESTNUT LANE YORKVILLE IL 60560 $124,895.00 7 . 1307 CHESTNUT LANE YORKVILLE IL 60560 $142,658.00 8 . 1225 WILLOW WAY YORKVILLE IL 60560 $164,277.00 9 . 106 W MAIN STREET YORKVILLE IL 60560 $123,880.00 10 . 1217 WILLOW WAY YORKVILLE IL 60560 $176,407.00 11 . 209 E SOMONAUK STREET YORKVILLE IL 60560 $133,117.00 12 . 1371 CHESTNUT LANE YORKVILLE IL 60560 $140,374.00 13 . 105 COLONIAL PARKWAY UNIT C YORKVILLE IL 60560 $116,623.00 14 . 104 W MAIN STREET YORKVILLE IL 60560 $102,362.00 TOTAL: $1,834,048.00 AVERAGE: $131,003.43 Assist 2004 Home Buyer Assistance Affordable home ownership for families Program Outline An innovative program sponsored by cities throughout the state that offers families the opportunity to buy their own home. The home buyer assistance feature of the Assist program provides families with funds to pay all or most of their closing costs and 113 down payment, enabling families with good credit but little extra --- capital to buy their first home. Overview • Cities join together and issue tax-exempt single family bonds • Each home rule city contributes its private activity bond volume cap • Non-home rule apply for volume cap from the State • No financial contribution or commitment required from any city • Any Illinois city can participate Description of Bond Issue • Tax-exempt bonds are issued using the combined volume cap of the cities • The bonds are sold at a premium, a price greater than their face amount • Proceeds of the bonds are used to make the home loans and the assistance • The bond premium supplies the extra funds to provide home buyer assistance • The bonds are not a debt of the cities or paid from any city funds • The City of Aurora acts as issuer on behalf of all the cities • The bonds are secured by loans on homes purchased with Assist Loan Description • 30 year fixed rate loans • FHA, VA and conventional loans available • Assist pays 4.25% cash assistance to qualifying home buyers • 1.00% to lender as origination fee • 0.25% to lender as discount fee • 3.00% net to home buyer for closing • Loans are funded with proceeds of the bonds • Loan interest rate determined at bond closing • Loan interest rate below conventional loan rates as of bond closing Stern Brothers & Co. Assist 2004— Home Buyer Assistance Affordable home ownership for families Page 2 Qualifying Homebuyers • First time home buyers (not owned residence in three years) • Will occupy the home as their residence • Meet income guidelines • Meet purchase price guidelines Advantages • Provides additional home ownership opportunities in each City • Home ownership provides added stability in a community • Serves the 40% of potential home buyers who qualify for loans but lack funds • Strategic alliance with lenders in the state • Customized marketing in each city • No out-of-pocket expense to any city to participate Families Qualifying for Loans Have Down No Down Payment Payment Y, k Program Details Total Home Buyer Assistance: 4.25% Closing Costs and Down Payment: 3.00% Origination Fee: 1.25% Anticipated Mortgage Rate: 6.45% FHA/VA& conventional Lending Period: January 1, 2004 through December 31, 2006 Master Servicer: National City Mortgage Service Co. Bond Counsel: Chapman & Cutler Stern Brothers & Co. STATE OF ILLINOIS PURCHASE PRICE AND INCOME LIMITS Single Family Programs COUNTY NAME INCOME LIMITS PURCHASE PRICE LIMITS NON-TARGETED AREAS 1 or 2 People 3 or More People 1 New Homes Existing Homes BOONE 562.900 572.335 5189.680 S189.680 BUREAU $62,900 $72,335 $189,680 $189,680 • CHAMPAIGN $62,900 $72,335 $189,680 $189,680 COLES $62,900 $72,335 $189,680 $189,680 COOK $69,600 $80,040 $281,250 $281,250 DEKALB $64,200 $73,830 $281,250 $281,250 DUPAGE $69,600 $80,040 $281,250 $281,250 GRUNDY $67,900 $78,085 $281,250 $281,250 JACKSON $62,900 $72,335 $189,680 $189,680 KANE $69,600 $80,040 $281,250 $281,250 KANKAKEE $62,900 I $72,335 $189,680 $189,680 KENDALL $75,400 $86,710 $281,250 $281,250 LAKE $69,600 $80,040 $281,250 $281,250 LASALLE $62,900 $72,335 $189,680 $189,680 MACON $62,900 $72,335 $189,680 $189,680 MADISON $65,900 $75,785 $219,570 $219,570 McLEAN $68,900 $79,235 $189,680 $189,680 OGLE $62,900 $72,335 $189,680 1 $189,680 PEORIA $62,900 $72,335 $189,680 $189,680 ROCK ISLAND $62,900 $72,335 $189,680 $189,680 SANGAMON $62,900 I $72,335 $189,680 $189,680 • St. CLAIR $65,900 $75,785 $219,570 $219,570 STEPHENSON $62,900 $72,335 $189,680 $189,680 TAZEWELL $62,900 1 $72,335 $189,680 $189,680 VERMILION $62,900 $72,335 $189,680 $189,680 WILL $69,600 $80,040 $281,250 $281,250 WINNEBAGO $62,900 $72,335 $189,680 $189,680 TARGETED AREAS 1 or 2 People 3 or More People New Homes Existing Homes BOONE NA NA NA NA BUREAU NA NA NA NA CHAMPAIGN $75,480 $88,060 $231,830 $231,830 COLES NA NA NA NA COOK $83,520 $97,440 $343,750 $343,750 DEKALB NA NA NA NA DUPAGE NA NA NA 1 NA GRUNDY NA NA NA NA JACKSON $75,480 $88,060 $231,830 $231,830 KANE $83,520 $97,440 $343,750 $343,750 KANKAKEE $75,480 $88,060 $231,830 $231,830 KENDALL NA NA NA NA LAKE $83,520 $97,440 $343,750 $343,750 LASALLE $75,480 $88,060 $231,830 $231,830 MACON $75,480 $88,060 $231,830 $231,830 MADISON $79,080 $92,260 $268,370 $268,370 McLEAN $82,680 $96,460 $231,830 $231,830 OGLE NA NA NA NA PEORIA $75,480 $88,060 $231,830 $231,830 ROCK ISLAND $75,480 $88,060 $231,830 $231,830 SANGAMON $75,480 $88,060 $231,830 $231,830 St. CLAIR $79,080 $92,260 $268,370 $268,370 STEPHENSON $75,480 $88,060 $231,830 $231,830 TAZEWELL $75,480 $88,060 $231,830 $231,830 VERMILION $75,480 $88,060 $231,830 $231,830 WILL $83,520 $97,440 $343,750 $343,750 WINNEBAGO $75,480 $88,060 $231,830 $231,830 Message rage 1 of 1 4tJf7 Subj: RE: attachment for drug testing Date: 6/25/2004 3:11:04 PM Central Daylight Time From: ARogers aaseyfarth.corn To: LBNSP@aol.com File: DOTtesting.doc (229888 bytes) DL Time (53333 bps): < 1 minute Sent from the Internet(Details) Laura- At long last,I have incorporated my suggested additions into the Drug Testing Implementation Memo. Please let me know if you have any questions. -Abby Rogers Seyfarth Shaw LLP (312)269-8978 Original Message From: LBNSP@aol.com [mailto:LBNSP@aol.com] Sent:Tuesday, June 08, 2004 4:02 PM To: Rogers, Abigail Subject: attachment for drug testing Laura J Brown Executive Director Park and Recreation United City of Yorkville 301 E. Hydraulic Yorkville, IL 60560 630 553-4341 Ibnsp@aol.com The information contained in this transmission is attorney privileged and/or confidential information intended for the use of the individual or entity named above. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient,you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. \i\ —9** Monday, June 28, 2004 America Online: LBNSP YORKVILLEE 111 A PARKS G RECREATION Yorkville Parks&Recreation Department 908 Game Farm Rd. Yorkville, IL 60560 630.553.4357 630.553.4360 fax e-mail: yorkrecdep©aol.com Administrative Office 301 E Hydraulic Street Yorkville, IL 60560 630.553.4341 630.553.4347 Memo sr IC)b-�.A . To: Tony Graff, City Administrator Traci Pleckham, Finance Director Eric D'huse From: Laura Brown Date: June 1, 2004 Re: Drug Testing In accordance with the employee manual of 2/10/04 section 3.3 through 3.4 the United City of Yorkville has adopted a drug-free workplace drug testing policy. The City's policies provide that employees who are subject to the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) drug testing regulations will be tested in accordance with those regulations. Employees who are required to have a CDL(i.e. public works, parks, etc.) are subject to the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations which includes random testing. In order to comply with City policy and the DOT regulations, the following is a suggested procedure and increment for drug and alcohol testing as outlined by DOT. Categories of Required Testing: Pre-employment: Pre-employment testing is only performed for controlled substances, not alcohol, but every driver must have a negative drug test result before performing "safety sensitive functions". [Note that special rules apply to new employees who have left prior employment that was covered by the DOT rules; see 49 C.F.R. § 382.301.] Random: Performance of random selection and testing in the course of any year equal to 50% of the covered employees for controlled substances and 10% for alcohol. (These rates are subject to change based on trends in test results. Current random testing rates are listed at www.dot.gov/ost/dapc/main/testrate.htm.) The selection of employees must be performed in a scientifically valid method, such as random number table or by computer-based random number generator that is matched with drivers' social security numbers or payroll i.d.s. Once informed of the need to test for controlled substances, the employee must go to the testing site immediately, or if performing a "safety sensitive function", as soon as possible. Alcohol testing can be performed randomly 2 hours before, during, or 2 hours after performing "safety sensitive"functions (such as driving). NOTE: A Medical Review Officer must verify positive, adulterated, substituted, or invalid tests before the test results can be released to an employer. An employee who violates the DOT drug testing rules under any test (the employee tests positive, refuses to submit to testing, or submits an adulterated or substituted specimen) cannot be returned to safety- sensitive duties until the employee has completed an evaluation by a Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) and has completed any education and treatment recommended by the SAP. 1 Reasonable Suspicion Testing: Reasonable suspicion testing can only be required on the The Provena EAP provider also has a program for administering the DOT testing. [Note that testing basis of observed behavior. The observations must be made by supervisors or company may only be done by a U.S. HHS-certified laboratory.] The cost and random testing procedures are officials specifically trained for this function. (The required course for supervisors is 2 hours. outline in the Provena information attached. 1 hour in controlled substances, 1 hour in alcohol). Return to Duty: Any driver who has tested positive for controlled substances or alcohol, must If the Public Works and Parks employees were pooled for the drug and alcohol the following is an be retested and be negative, before returning to work. Return to duty testing cannot occur estimate annual cost per employee. until a Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) has determined that the employee has Preplacement physical and drug testing $95 complied with the education or treatment prescribed by the SAP. 2 random drug testing in one year $110 Follow-up: Any covered employee who has tested positive is subject to follow-up testing Urine dip $ 3 Ra after being returned to duty. The frequency of testing will be determined by the Substance Random Pool Management Fee $15 Abuse Professional (SAP) who evaluated the employee, but must include a minimum of 6 1 Reasonable suspicion or accident $55 unannounced tests during the year following a positive test result. While the SAP will Per employee minimum annual cost $278 determine the number of required tests, the employer will select the actual dates for the tests. The employee is still subject to random testing while undergoing follow-up testing. All supervisors of covered drivers should be sent for DOT supervisor training, which consists of at Follow-up testing may be required for up to 50 months but may terminate any time after 6 least 60 minutes of training on alcohol misuse and at least 60 minutes of training on controlled negative tests. substances use. Post-Accident: Testing for controlled substances and alcohol is required after an accident if Recommendation: To review this program at Department Head Meeting and with favorable support the driver was performing asafety-sensitive function and there was a fatality, if the driver was cited for a moving violation, if either vehicle required towing from the scene, if any recommend to Administration Committee for approval. person required immediate medical attention away from the scene of the accident. City policy may require testing under other circumstances. All post-accident testing should take place within 2 hours of the accident. If that is not possible, there must be documentation detailing why testing was delayed. If testing is delayed, controlled substance testing is to be done within 32 hours of the accident, and alcohol testing is to be done within eight hours after the accident. Table for Post-Accident testing as set forth in 49 C.F.R. § 382.303: Type of accident involved Citation issued to the CMV Test must be performed by driver employer i. Human fatality YES YES NO YES ii. Bodily injury with immediate YES YES medical treatment away from NO NO the scene iii. Disabling damage to any YES YES motor vehicle requiring tow NO NO away •Page 2 •Page 3 Message Page 1 of 1 Subj: RE: attachment for drug testing Date: 6/25/2004 3:11:04 PM Central Daylight Time From: ARogers@seyfarth.com To: LBNSP@aol.com File: DOTtesting.doc (229888 bytes) DL Time (53333 bps): < 1 minute Sent from the Internet(Details) Laura- At long last,I have incorporated my suggested additions into the Drug Testing Implementation Memo. Please let me know if you have any questions. -Abby Rogers Seyfarth Shaw LLP (312)269-8978 Original Message From: LBNSP@aol.com [mailto:LBNSP@aol.com] Sent:Tuesday, June 08, 2004 4:02 PM To: Rogers, Abigail Subject: attachment for drug testing Laura J Brown Executive Director Park and Recreation United City of Yorkville 301 E. Hydraulic Yorkville, IL 60560 630 553-4341 Ibnsp@aol.com The information contained in this transmission is attorney privileged and/or confidential information intended for the use of the individual or entity named above. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient,you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. Monday, June 28, 2004 America Online: LBNSP 1325 North Highland Avenue Aurora,IL 60506 N PROVENA \lctcv (:enter February 23, 2004 Scott Sleezer Parks Foreman City of Yorkville 800 Game farm Road Yorkville, IL 60560 Dear Scott, Thank you for taking the time to come out to our clinic last week. Again, I apologize for not being here, however, I am sure Terri Johnson was able to respond to your questions and concerns. Per our conversation this morning, I have enclosed information about Provena Mercy Center's Occupational Health Services, a sample DOT drug testing policy and DOT resource information. I may be reached at (630) 859-8347 if you have any immediate questions about the enclosed information. Dr. Woodward or I will be contacting you to schedule a meeting in Yorkville, to further discuss your work health and wellness needs. We look forward to partnering with the City of Yorkville to provide services for your DOT regulated employees. Healthy Regards, Terri Dressel Account Executive Occupational Health Services Enc. Provena Mercy Center Occupational Health Quote for City of Yorkville Attention: Scott Sleezer, Parks Foreman 3/11/04 DOT (for CDL holders) Preplacement Physical $40 History and Physical including vision test, assessing range of motion and spine check UA dip (urine dip) 3 Preplacement Drug Test 55 Recertification Physical (usually every 2 years) 40 Recertification UA 3 Post Accident Drug Test with MRO 55 Random Drug Test with MRO 55 Random Pool Management Fee 15 per yr. per participant Breath Alcohol Test 34 Reasonable Suspicion Drug Test with MRO 55 Non DOT Preplacement Physical $40 History and physical including vision test, Assessing range of motion and spine check Preplacement Drug Test (5 panel) with MRO 40 Breath Alcohol Test 34 Random Pool Management Fee 15 per yr. per participant Random Drug Test (5 panel) with MRO 40 Reasonable Suspicion Drug Test (5-panel) with MRO 40 Provena Mercy Center can also provide additional services such as lifting test, audiogram, executive physicals, etc. at competitive rates. Submitted By, Terri Dressel Account Executive AIM PROV IF;NA MFR CY C ENFER OCCUPA' :_ 'TONAL HEAL I 11--I SERVICE S We've thought of everything. ;Li • Pre placement physicals • DOT pre placement physicals • DOT re-certification physicals • Executive physicals • Annual physicals • Fitness for duty examinations • Independent medical examinations Random drug screening program management DOT consortium Non-DOT consortium • Drug testing '""1 • Medical Review Officer • Breath alcohol testing • Pulmonary function tests • TB tests • Flu shots • Hepatitis B titer • Hepatitis B vaccine • Health risk assessment booklets Como) • CPR,first aid,AED classes (ftri) • Laboratory tests as requested Call 630-859-8347 for more information. PROVENA Mercy Center i 06/30/2003 10:38 FAX 5152337494 FEDERAL MOTOR a002 1 SAMPLE POLICY FOR CARRIERS CONCERNING THE MISUSE OF ALCOHOL AND USE OF CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES All drivers, training personnel and all company employees subject to 49 CFR, Part 382 "Alcohol and Controlled Substances Testing"employed or leased to (COMPANY'S NAME )and operating Commercial Motor Vehicles shall submit to all alcohol and controlled substances tests administered in accordance with Part 382 and Part 40. Drivers are required to be in compliance during all periods of all working days. Questions concerning Federal testing regulations, policies, procedures, educational materials and company policy(s) should be directed to(Name of Company's Designated Employer Representative). SAFETY-SENSITIVE FUNCTIONS Means all the time from the time a driver begins to work or is required to be in readiness to work until he/she is relieved from work and all responsibilities for performing work for the employer. PROHIBITED DRIVER CONDUCT (Subpart B) 1. No driver shall report for duty or remain on duty while: (a) Having an alcohol concentration of 0.04 or greater. (b) Possessing alcohol (unless it is manifested and transported as part of a shipment). (c) Using alcohol in any form(Alcohol is defined as "any beverage,mixture, or preparation, including any medication containing alcohol)." (d) Using alcohol within 4 hours of reporting for duty. (e) Use of alcohol for 8 hours following an accident, or until undergoes a Post-Accident test, whichever occurs first. (f) Refuse to submit to any required alcohol or controlled substances testing. (g) Using any controlled substances. (h) After testing Positive for controlled substances. (Employer must inform employees of their Policy on driver conduct and state so in their Policy: such as "Company Policy is to terminate all drivers engaging in any of the above Prohibited Conduct"). TESTING PROCEDURES UNDER GUIDELINES OF PART 40 Controlled substances testing will be performed using urine specimen with split specimen collection conducted. Alcohol screen testing may be conducted using salvia swabs or breath for detection of alcohol. All confirmation alcohol testing shall involve the collection of breath and testing by an evidential breath testing device(EBT). The EBT will provide immediate results with the driver and the employer receiving a copy of the breath test results. Analysis of urine specimens is conducted in accordance with Part 40 standards to ensure validity, accuracy and confidentially for the driver. Only Department of Ilealth and Human Services(DHHS) approve laboratories shall be used to test the urine specimen. All collections of urine specimen and breath samples are conducted by individuals trained according to DOT rules in 49 CFR, Part 40 regulations. 06/30/2003 10:38 FAX 5152337494 FEDERAL MOTOR al 003 2 CIRCUMSTANCES UNDER WHICH A DRIVER WILL BE TESTED FOR ALCOHOL AND OR CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES 1. PRE-EMPLOYMENT TESTING.Prior to performing safety-sensitive functions an applicant/driver shall undergo a prc-employment controlled substances test and a negative results shall be received by the employer before the driver performs any safety-sensitive functions. 2. POST-ACCIDENT TESTING. Any driver involved in an accident in which there is a fatality shall submit to alcohol and controlled substances testing. Any driver who receives a citation for a moving traffic violation arising from an accident and with eithcr event of(1)the accident resulted in bodily injury requiring immediate medical treatment away from the accident and/or(2) one or more vehicles received disabling damages in the accident requiring vehicle(s)to be transported or towed from the scene shall cause the driver to be tested for alcohol and controlled substances. 3. RANDOM TESTING. Every driver shall submit to random alcohol and controlled substances testing when selected.A sufficient number of drivers shall be randomly selected by a scientifically valid method during a calendar year for alcohol and controlled substances testing to meet the minimum Federal requirements for testing. Each time the selection process is conducted each driver shall have an equal chance of being selected for testing. Upon notification of being selected for testing the selected individual shall proceed immediately to a collection site. Alcohol random tests will only be conducted while the driver is on duty,just before going on duty or just after having been on duty. 4. REASONABLE SUSPICION TESTING. A driver shall submit to alcohol and controlled substances testing when an employer has reasonable suspicion to believe that a driver has violated the prohibitions of Subpart B_ The employer's determination for reasonable suspicion testing must be based on specific observations concerning the appearance,behavior, speech or body odors of the driver. 5. RETURN TO DUTY AND FOLLOW-UP TESTING. An employer who has a non-retention policy, shall advise the driver of resources available for evaluation and treatment. If the employer retains positive tested driver(s)the employer and the driver shall be required to follow the prescribed procedures of CFR Part 40, Subpart 0 for referral, evaluation and treatment for rehabilitation. The employer shall refer the driver to a Substance Abuse Professional (SAP)for evaluation, who will prescribe treatment with the employer determining when the driver shall undergo a return-to-duty testing with negative test results received prior to performing safety sensitive functions and the required minimum six (6)follow-up tests spread over the next twelve (12)months. There may be additional testing required for the driver if the SAP determines a need. ; (If the employer has a non-retention policy for positive tested drivers they must state so in-their Policy and treat all drivers the same.) 06/30/2003 10:39 FAX 5152337494 FEDERAL MOTOR g004 3 ALCOHOL TESTING • INITIAL SCREENING TEST. Method used to detect the presence of alcohol. If the result is less than 0.02 no further testing is required and the test will be considered a negative test. • CONFIRMATION TEST. When a screen test detects the presence of alcohol between 0.02 and 0.399 a confirmation test is required.If the confirmation test confirms alcohol concentration for alcohol between 0.02 and 0.399 a driver cannot drive a Commercial Motor Vehicle for 24 hours per Federal regulations. A confirmed alcohol concentration test results of 0.04 or greater is a positive test and the driver shall be removed from safety-sensitive functions. (What transpires next depends on employer's policy--either termination or rehabilitation following criteria of CFR Part 40 Subpart O—sent to a substance abuse professional for evaluation and treatment with return to duty test and follow-up testing for driver). CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES TESTING 1. At least 45 ml. Of urine specimen is collected from the driver. The urine specimen is split into two containers (Specimen A, Specimen B)which are individually sealed in the presence of the driver. The urine specimen shall only be tested for marijuana, cocaine, opiates, amphetamines and phencyclidine per Part 40 guidelines. 2. The urine specimens (both containers) are sent to a Department of Health and Human Services certified laboratory where Specimen A is tested for the presence of controlled substances. If the presence of a controlled substances is detected a confirmation test is conducted to confirm the detected controlled substances and its quantitative level(s).If the amount of confirmed controlled substances is at the quantitative cutoff levels the specimen is deemed a positive test.A Medical Review Officer(MRO)will discuss your positive test results with you. Failure on your part to discuss your test results with a MRO will lead to the MRO declaring your test a confirmed positive test result. You have the right to challenge the positive test results of your Specimen A. However, only Specimen 13 will be tested and will only be tested for the presence of the controlled substances confirmed positive in Specimen A.. (What transpires next depends on employer's policy -- either termination-'9r rehabilitation following criteria of CFR Part 40 Subpart 0 — sent to a substance abuse professional for evaluation and treatment with return to duty test and follow-up testing for driver). 06/30/2003 10:39 FAX 5152337494 FEDERAL MOTOR 0 005 4 REFUSAL TO SUBMIT TO TESTING No driver shall refuse to submit to a required alcohol or controlled substances test administered in accordance with Part 382 and Part 40. A refusal on a driver's part to submit to testing shall be treated as a positive test and result in the driver being removed from safety-sensitive functions by the employer. "Refusal to Submit"means a driver did one of the following: 1. Fail to appear for any test. 2_ Fail to remain at testing site until the testing process is complete. 3. Fail to provide a urine specimen, saliva or adequate breath for any drug test required by DOT agency regulations. 4. Fail to permit a direct or monitored collection observation of specimen provision when directed to do so. 5_ Fail to provide a sufficient amount of urine or adequate breath when directed and it has been determined, through a required medical evaluation; there is no adequate medical explanation for your failure. 6. Fail or decline to take a second test the employer or collector has directed you to take. 7. Fail to undergo a medical examination or evaluation when directed to do so by a Medical Review Officer as part of the verification process or as directed by the employer's Designated Employer Representative(DER) as part of the"Shy Bladder"procedures. 8. Fail to cooperate with any part of the testing process. (a.)Refuse to empty pockets when directed (b.)Behave in a manner which disrupts collection process. (c.)Medical Review Officer(MRO)reports your test as a verified adulterated or substituted test results,you have refused to take a drug test As an employee,if you refuse to take a drug or alcohol test,you incur the consequences specified under DOT agency regulations for a violation of those DOT agency regulations.You are subject to the requirements of CFR Part 40, Subpart 0,which requires a Substance Abuse Professional(SAP) evaluation and treatment.You cannot perform safety sensitive functions (operate a commercial motor vehicle) until the SAP process is complied with on your part, REFERRAL, EVALUATION AND TREATMENT Each driver who has engaged in conduct prohibited by Subpart B of Part 382 and in violation Part 40 shall be advised of the resources available in evaluating and resolving problems associated with,the Misuse of alcohol and the use of controlled substances,including names,addresses and telephone numbers of substance abuse professionals(SAP), counseling services and treatment programs. This list may be provided by the employer, through a C/TPA (consortium/third party administrator), or other service agent. (If the company has a retention policy for drivers who test positive, the policy should state who is responsible for paying for evaluation,treatment and required testing). THE EFFECTS OF ALCOHOL AND DRUGS See Attached Educational Materials on Effects of Alcohol Abuse and Controlled Substances Use. . 06/30/2003 10:39 FAX 5152337494 FEDERAL MOTOR lJ006 • 5 THE EFFECTS OF ALCOHOL & DRUGS The intent of this section is to inform you on the effects of alcohol and controlled substances use on your health,work and personal life. We will give you information on the signs and symptoms of alcohol and/or controlled substances problems. This will help you recognize problems with not only your co-workers and friends, but also will help you examine your own behaviors. EFFECTS OF ALCOHOL Alcohol is a socially acceptable drug that has been consumed throughout the world for centuries. It is considered a recreational beverage when consumed in moderation for enjoyment and relaxation during social gatherings. However, when consumed primarily for its physical and mood-altering effects,it is a substance of abuse. As a depressant,it slows down physical responses and progressively impairs mental functions. SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF USE- • Dulled mental processes • Lack of coordination • Odor of alcohol on breath • Possible constricted pupils • Sleepy or stuporous condition • Slowed reaction rate • Slurred speech • (NOTE: Except for the odor,these are general signs and symptoms of any depressant substance.) HEALTH EFFECTS- The chronic consumption of alcohol(average of three servings per day of beer [12 ounces],whiskey [1 ounce], or wine [6 ounces glass]) over time may result in the following health hazards; 1. Decreased sexual functioning 2. Dependency(up to 10 percent of all people who drink alcohol become physically • 3. and be mentally dependent on alcohol and can be termed `alcoholic') 4. Fatal liver diseases 5. Increased cancers of the mouth,tongue,pharynx, esophagus,rectum,breast, and malignant 6. melanoma 7. Kidney disease 8. Pancreatitis 9. Spontaneous abortion and neonatal mortality 10. Ulcers 11. Birth defects (up to 54 percent of all birth defects are alcohol related). 06/30/2003 10:39 FAX 5152337494 FEDERAL MOTOR fin007 6 PUBLIC HEALTH RECOMMENDATIONS -ALCOHOL The best advice for pregnant women is to abstain form alcohol consumption during pregnancy_ There is no evidence to establish and alcohol consumption level free of risks to the fetus. Women who breast-feed should continue to abstain from drinking alcohol until their babies are weaned_ Alcohol readily enters breast milk and heavy alcohol consumption has been shown to reduce lactation. Nine stales and 18 cities/counties require that signs warning of the dangers of drinking during pregnancy be posted wherever alcoholic beverages are served or sold. THE 9 SIGNS OF ALCOHOLISM: 1. Increase in alcohol tolerance. T can drink them under the table." 2. Occasional or partial memory lapses. "Did I really do that last night?" 3. Drinking beyond one's intentions. "Boy did I get smashed! I should have eaten something." 4. Increased dependence on alcohol_ "I can't wait...got to have a quickie." 5. Sneaking drinks. "I needed that extra one...who's to know?" 6. Preoccupation with alcohol. "Election day tomorrow...better pick up a bottle.' 7. Resentful whenever one's drinking is discussed. "It's none of their business.. _I can handle it." 8. Futile, frustrating water-wagon attempts. "This time I've just got to do it..Just got to!" 9. Rationalizing loss of control_ "if they had my problems, they'd drink too!" SOCIAL ISSUES- ALCOHOL • Two-thirds of all homicides are committcd by people who drink prior to the crime • Two to three percent of the driving population is legally drunk at any one time. • Two-thirds of all Americans will be involved in an alcohol-related vehicle accident during their lifetimes. • The rate of separation and divorce in families with alcohol dependency problems is 7 times the average. • Forty percent of family court cases are alcohol problem related. • Alcoholics are 15 times more likely to commit suicide than are other segments of the population. 06/30/2003 10:40 FAX 5152337494 FEDERAL MOTOR [?1008 7 • More then 60 percent of bums, 40 percent of falls,69 percent of boating accidents, and • 76 percent of private aircraft accidents are alcohol related. THE ANNUAL TOLL- • 24,000 people will die on the highway due to the legally impaired driver. 12,000 more will die on the highway due to the alcohol-affected driver. • 15,800 will die in non-highway accidents. • 30,000 will die due to alcohol-caused liver disease. 10,000 will die due to alcohol-induced brain disease or suicide_ • Up to another 125,000 will die due to alcohol-related conditions or accidents. WORKPLACE ISSUES- • It takes one hour for the average person (150 pounds)to process one serving of an alcoholic beverage from the body. • Impairment in coordination and judgement can be objectively measured with as little as two drinks in the body. • A person who is legally intoxicated is 6 times more likely to have an accident than a sober person. ALCOHOL-RELATED BIRTH DEFECTS Definitions Fetal Alcohol Syndrome(FAST is one or the top three known causes of birth defects with accompanying mental retardation-and the only preventable cause among those three. FAS can be prevented by abstaining form alcohol consumption during pregnancy.FAS is characterized by a cluster of congenital birth defect that develop in infants of some women who drink heavily during pregnancy_ These defects include prenatal and postnatal growth deficiency; facial malformations such as a small head circumference, flattened mid-face, sunken nasal bridge and flattened and elongated philtrum; central nervous system dysfunction; and varying degrees of major organ system malformations. Fetal Alcohol Effects (FAL), a less severe version of FAS,is characterized by milder or less frequent FAS signs.Low birth weight, subtle behavioral problems or a partial display of physical malformations, for example, maybe seen in the newborns of women who consurncd less alcohol during pregnancy then women with FAS newborns. INCIDENCE AND RISK FACTORS- Nearly 5,000 babies-one in every 750-are born with FAS every year. (FAS prevalence rates range form one in 1,000 to one in 200.) Comparatively,FAE may affect 36,000 newborns each year. One in six women in the peak childbearing years of 18-34 may drink enough, either chronically or episodically, to present a hazard to an unborn infant. Alcoholic women are at highest risk of bearing children with FAS_Alcoholism is a primary, chronic disease often progressive and fatal.It is characterized by impaired control over drinking,preoccupation with alcohol, use of alcohol despite adverse consequences and distorted thinking (most notably denial). 06/30/2003 10:40 FAX 5152337494 FEDERAL MOTOR 0 009 8 FAS is prevalent in 9.8 of every 1,000 American Indians form a particular high-risk culture. Other American Indian populations have rates ranging from 1.3 to 103 for every 1,000. A daily average of one to two reported drinks is linked to decreased birth weight, growth abnormalities and behavioral problem in the newborn and infant. Increased risk of spontaneous abortion has been found at an even lower dose,of one to two drinks weekly. The probability of having a child with FAS or FAE increases with the amount and frequency of alcohol consumed.Whenever a pregnant woman stops drinking, she reduces the risks of FAE and the consequences of alcohol exposure. There is no known safe dose of alcohol during pregnancy,nor does there appear to be safe item to drink during pregnancy.Although 90 percent of the public is aware that drinking during pregnancy may damage the fetus,one study showed that one-third of women interviewed believed that drinking more than three drinks a day during pregnancy was safe. ECONOMIC FACTORS- Assuming a conservative estimate of one FAS newborn for every 1,000 live births in 1980,it cost approximately$14.$million to treat them; $670 million to treat the 68,000 FAS children under 18; and$760 million to treat 160,000 FAS adults.Plus, indirect productivity losses were $510.5 million_ Women are now heavily targeted for marketing alcoholic beverages. (Women will spend$30 billion on alcoholic beverages in 1994, up from$20 billion in 1984.) ALCOHOL'S TRIP THROUGH THE BODY Mouth and E sonhagus: Alcohol is an irritant to the delicate linings of the throat and food pipe. It bums as it goes down. Stomach and Intestines: Alcohol has an irritating effect on the stomach's protective lining, resulting in gastric or duodenal ulcers.This condition,if it becomes acute, can cause peritonities,or perforation of the stomach wall. In the small intestine,alcohol blocks absorption of such substances as thiamine, folic acid, fat, vitamin B, , vitamin B—, and amino acids. Bloodstream: 95% of the alcohol taken into the body is absorbed into the bloodstream through the lining of the stomach and duodenum. once in the bloodstream, alcohol quickly goes every cell and tissue in the body. Alcohol causes red blood cells to clump together in sticky wads, slowing circulation and depriving tissues to oxygen. It also causes anemia by reduction of red blood cell production. Alcohol slows tht ability of white cells to engulf and destroy bacteria and degenerates the clotting ability of blood platelets. Pancreas: Alcohol irritates the cells of the pancreas, causing them to swell,thus blocking the flow of digestive enzymes.The chemicals,unable to enter the small intestine,begin to digest the pancreas, leading to acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis.One out of five patients who develop this disease dies during the first attack_Pancreatitis can destroy the pancreas and cause a lack of insulin thus resulting in diabetes. Liver: Alcohol inflames the cells of the liver, causing them to swell and block the tiny canal to the small intestines_ This prevents bile from being filtered properly through the liver. Jaundice develops,turning the whites of the eyes and skirt yellow.Each drink of alcohol increases the number of live cells destroyed, eventually causing cirrhosis of the liver.This disease is eight times more frequent among alcoholics than among non-alcoholics. 06/30/2003 10:40 FAX 5152337494 FEDERAL MOTOR Z010 9 Heart: Alcohol causes inflammation of the heart muscle. It has a toxic effect on the heart and causes increased amounts of fat to collect, thus disrupting its normal metabolism. Urinary Bladder and Kidneys: Alcohol inflates the lining of the urinary bladder making it unable to stretch properly. In the kidneys, alcohol causes increased loss of fluids through its irritating effect. Sex Glands: Swelling of the prostate gland caused by alcohol interferes with the ability of the male to perform sexually.It also interferes with he ability to climax during intercourse. Brain: The most dramatic and noticed effect of alcohol is on the brain.It depresses brain centers,producing progressive un-coordination: confusion, disorientation, stupor, anesthesia, coma, death. Alcohol kills brain cells and brain damage is permanent.Drinking over a period of time causcs loss of memory,judgement and learning ability. EFFECTS OF DRUGS: MARIJUANA Marijuana is one of the most misunderstood and underestimated drugs of abuse.People use marijuana for the mildly tranquilizing and mood and perception altering effects it produces. Marijuana does not depress central nervous system altering the proper interpretation of incoming messages. DESCRIPTION- Usually sold in plastic sandwich bags,leaf marijuana will range in color from green to light tan. The leaves are usually dry and broken into small pieces... The seeds are oval with one slightly pointed end. Less prevalent,hashish is a compressed, sometimes tar-like substance ranging in color from pale yellow to black. It is usually sold in small chunks wrapped in aluminum foil. Marijuana has a distinctly pungent aroma resembling a combination of sweet alfalfa and incense. Cigarette papers,roach clip holders and small pipes made of bone,brass or glass are commonly found. Smoking"bongs"(large bore pipes for inhaling large volumes of smoke) can easily be made from soft drink cans and toilet paper rolls. SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF USE- • Reddened eyes(often masked by eye drops) • Slowed speech • Distinctive odor on clothing • Lackadaisical, "I don't care"attitude • Chronic fatigue and lack of motivation • Irritating cough,chronic sore throat HEALTH EFFECTS-MARIJUANA When marijuana is smoked, it is irritating to the lungs.Chronic smoking causes emphysema-like conditions. One cigarette (joint) of marijuana contains cancer causing substances equivalent to one-half pack of cigarettes. One joint causes the heart to race and be overworked. People with undiagnosed heart conditions are at risk. 06/30/2003 10:41 FAX 5152337494 FEDERAL MOTOR 0 011 10 Marijuana is commonly contaminated with the fungus Aspergillus, which can cause serious respiratory tract and sinus infections. Marijuana smoking lowers the body's immune system response, making user more susceptible to infection. The U.S. government is actively researching a possible connection between marijuana smoking and the activation of AIDS in positive human immunodeficiency virus(HIV) carriers. Chronic smoking causes changes in brain cells and brain waves. In essence,the brain is less healthy and does not work as efficiently or effectively. Does long term brain damage occur?More research is required, but the probable answer is yes. PREGNANCY PROBLEMS AND BIRTH DEFECTS- The active chemical, tetrahydrocannabinol(THC), and 60 other related chemicals in marijuana concentrate in the ovaries and testes, decrease in the sex hormone, testosterone, and an increase in estrogen,the female sex hormone. The result can lead to temporary sterility. Pregnant women who are chronic marijuana smokers have a higher than normal incidence of stillborn births, early termination of pregnancy, and higher infant mortality rate during the first few days of life. In test animals, THC causes birth defects, including malformations of the brain, spinal cord, forelimb and liver, and water on the brain or spine. Offspring of test animals who were exposed to marijuana have fewer chromosomes than normal, causing gross birth defects or death of the fetus. Pediatricians and surgeons are concluding that the use of marijuana by either or both parents, especially during pregnancy,leads to specific birth defects of the infant's feet and hands. One of the most common effects of prenatal cannabinoid exposure is underweight newborn babies. Fetal exposure may decrease visual functioning and causes other ophthalmic problems. MENTAL FUNCTION-Regular use can cause the following effects: • Delayed decision making • Diminished concentration • Impaired short-term memory,interfering with learning • Impaired signal detection(ability to detect a brief flash of light),-a,_nisk:for users who are • operating machinery • Impaired tracking(the ability to follow moving objects with the eyes) and visual distance • measurements • Erratic cognitive function • Distortions in time estimation • long term negative effects on mental function known as "acute brain syndrome: which is • characterized by disorders in memory, cognitive function, sleep patterns and physical condition. 06/30/2003 10:41 FAX 5152337494 FEDERAL MOTOR el 012 11 ACUTEIOVERDOSE EFFECTS-MARIJUANA • Aggressive urges • Anxiety • Confusion • Fearfulness • Hallucinations • Heavy sedation • Immobility • Mental dependency • Panic • Paranoid reaction • Unpleasant distortion in body image WORKPLACE ISSUES - The active chemical, THC, is stored in body fat and slowly releases over time.Marijuana smoking has a long-term effect on performance. A 500 to 800 percent increase in THC potency in the past several years makes smoking three to five joints a week today, equivalent to 15 to 40 joints a week in 1978. Combining alcohol or other depressant drugs and marijuana can produce a multiplied effect,increasing the impairing effects of both the depressant and marijuana. EFFECTS OF DRUGS: COCAINE Cocaine is used medically as a local anesthetic.It is abused as a powerful physical and mental stimulant. The entire central nervous system is energized. Muscles are more tense, the heart beats faster and stronger, and the body burns more energy_ The bran experiences an exhilaration caused by a large release of eurohon-nones associated with mood elevation. DESCRIPTION- . • The source of cocaine is the coca bus,grown almost exclusively in the mountainous regions ofnorthern South America. Cocaine Hydrochloride-"snorting coke"is a white to creamy granular or lumpy powder that is chopped into a fine powder before use. ft is snorted into the nose,rubbed on the gums or injected in veins. The effect is felt within minutes and lasts 40 to 50 minutes per"line"(about 60 to 90 milligrams). Common paraphernalia includes a single-edge razor blade and a small mirror or piece of smooth metal, a half straw or metal tube, and a small screw-cap vial or folded paper packet containing the cocaine. DESCRIPTION - COCAINE Cocaine Base-"rock, crack or free base"is a small crystalline rock about the size of a small pebble. It boils at a low temperature, is not soluble in water, and is up to 90 percent pure. ft is heated in a glass pipe and the vapor is inhaled. The effect is felt within seven seconds. Common paraphernalia includes a within seven seconds.Common paraphernalia includes a"crack pipe" (a small glass smoking device for vaporizing the crack crystal) and a lighter, alcohol lamps or small butane torch for heating. 06/30/2003 10:41 FAX 5152337494 FEDERAL MOTOR x]013 12 SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF USE- • Financial problems • Frequent and extended absences from meetings or work assignments • Increased physical activity and fatigue • Isolation and withdrawal from friends and normal activities • Secretive behaviors, frequent non business visitors, delivered packages,phone call • Unusual defensiveness, anxiety, agitation • Wide mood swings • Runny or irritated nose • Difficulty in concentration • Dilated pupils and visual impairment • Restlessness • Formication(sensations of bugs crawling on skin) • High blood pressure,heart palpitations and irregular rhythm • Hallucinations • Hyper excitability and overreaction to stimulus • Insomnia • Paranoia and hallucinations • Profuse sweating and dry mouth • Talkativeness HEALTH EFFECTS- Research suggest that regular cocaine use may upset the chemical balance of the brain. As a result, it may speed up the aging process by causing irreparable damage to critical nerve cells. The onset of nervous system illnesses such as Parkinson's disease could also occur. Cocaine use causes the heart to beat faster and harder and rapidly increases blood pressure. In addition, cocaine causes spasms of blood vessels in the brain and heart. Both effects lead to ruptured vessels causing strokes and heart attacks. Strong psychological dependency can occur with one"hit" of crack. Usually,mental dependency occurs within days(crack)or within several months(snorting coke). Cocaine causes the strongestmental dependency of any know drug. HEALTH EFFECTS- COCAINE Treatment success rates arc lower than for other chemical dependencies. Cocaine is extremely dangerous when taken with depressant drugs.Death due to overdose is rapid.The fatal effects of an overdose are usually not reversible by medical intervention. The number of cocaine overdose deaths has tripled in the last four years. Cocaine overdose was the second most common drug emergency in 1986, up from 11`h place in 1980. 06/30/2003 10:42 FAX 5152337494 FEDERAL MOTOR 0 014 • 13 WORKPLACE ISSUES- Extreme mood and energy swings create instability. Sudden noises can cause a violent reaction. Lapses in attention and ignoring warning signals greatly increase the potential for accidents. The high cost of cocaine frequently leads to workplace theft and or dealing. A developing paranoia and withdrawal create unpredictable and sometimes violent behavior. Work performance is characterized by forgetfulness, absenteeism, tardiness and missed assignments. EFFECTS OF DRUGS: OPIATES Opiates are narcotic drug that alleviate pain, depress body functions and reactions and, when taken in large doses, cause a strong euphoric feeling. DESCRIPTION- Natural and natural derivatives-opium, morphine, codeine and heroin Synthetics -meperidine (Demerol),oxymorphone (Numorphan) and oxycodone(Percodan) May be taken in pill form, smoked or injected depending upon the type of narcotic used. SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF USE - • Mood changes • Impaired mental functioning and alertness • Constricted pupils • Depression and apathy SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF USE- OPIATES • Impaired coordination • Physical fatigue and drowsiness • Nausea, vomiting and constipation HEALTH EFFECTS- IV needle users have a high risk for contracting hepatitis and AIDS due to the sharing of needles. Narcotics increase pain tolerance. As a result,people could more severely injure themselves or fail to seek medical attention after an accident due to the lack of pain sensitivity. Narcotics' effects are multiplied with use in combination with other depressant drugs and alcohol, causing increased risk for an overdose. WORKPLACE ISSUES- Unwanted side effects such as nausea, vomiting,dizziness, mental clouding and drowsiness place the legitimate user and abuser at higher risk for an accident. Narcotics have legitimate medical use in alleviating pain.Workplace use may cause impairment of physical and mental function. 06/30/2003 10: 42 FAX 5152337494 FEDERAL MOTOR 0 015 14 EFFECTS OF DRUGS: AMPHETAMINES Amphetamines are central nervous system stimulants that speed up the mind and body.The physical sense of energy at lower doses and the mental exhilaration of higher doses are the reasons for their abuse. Although widely prescribed at one time for weight reduction and mood elevation, the legal use of the amphetamines is now limited to a very narrow range of medical conditions.Most amphetamines that are abused are illegally manufactured in foreign countries and smuggled into the U.S. or clandestinely manufactured in crude laboratories. DESCRIPTION- Amphetamine ("speed")is sold in counterfeit capsules or as white, flat, double scored"mini bennies". It is usually taken by mouth. Methamphetarnine ("meth," "crank," or"crystal")is nearly identical in actin to axnphctamine. It is often sold as a creamy, white and granular powder or in lumps and is packaged in aluminum foil wraps or sealable plastic bags.Methamphetamine may be taken orally, injected or snorted into the nose. SIGNS AND) SYMPTOMS OF USE-AMPHETAMINES • Hyper excitability,restlessness • Dilated pupils • Increased heart rate and blood pressure • Heart palpitations and irregular beats • Profuse sweating • Rapid respiration • Confusion • Panic • Talkativeness • Inability to concentrate HEALTH EFFECTS- Regular use produces strong psychological dependence and increasing tolerance to drug. High doses may cause toxic psychosis resembling schizophrenia. Intoxication may induce a heart attack or stroke due to spiking of blood pressure. Chronic use may cause heart and brain damage due to severe constriction of capillary bli od vessels. The euphoric stimulation increases impulsive and risk taking behavior, including bizarre and violent acts. Withdrawal from the drug may result in severe physical and mental depression. WORKPLACE ISSUES- Since amphetamines alleviate the sensation of fatigue, they may be abused to increase alertness because of unusual overtime demands or failure to get rest. Low dose amphetamine use will cause a short term improvement in metal and physical functioning. With greater use or increasing fatigue the effect reverses and has an impairing e(feet.Hangover effect is characterized by physical fatigue and depression,which make operation of equipment or vehicles dangerous. 06/30/2003 10:42 FAX 5152337494 FEDERAL MOTOR ei 016 15 EFr'L.CTS OF DRUGS; PHENCYCLIDINE(PCP) Phencyclidine (PCP)was originally developed as an anesthetic,but the adverse side effects prevented its use except as a large animal tranquilizer.Phencyclidine acts as both a depressant and a. hallucinogen, and sometimes as a stimulant.It is abused primarily for its variety of mood altering effects. A low dose produces sedation and euphoric mood changes_ The mood can change rapidly from sedation to excitation and agitation.Larger doses may produce a coma-like condition with muscle rigidity and a blank stare, with the eyelids half closed. Sudden noises or physical shocks may cause a"freak out"in which the person has abnormal strength, extremely violent behavior, and an inability to speak or comprehend communication DESCRIPTION- PCP is sold as a creamy, granular powder and often packaged in one inch square aluminum foil or folded paper`packets." Tt may be mixed with marijuana or tobacco and smoked.It is sometimes combined with procaine, a local anesthetic, and sold as imitation cocaine. SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF USE - • Impaired coordination • Severe confusion and agitation • Extreme mood shift • Muscle rigidity • Nystagmus(jerky eye movements) • Dilated pupils • Profuse sweating • Rapid heartbeat • Dizziness HEALTH EFFECTS - The potential for accidents and overdoes emergencies is high due to the extreme mental effects combined with the anesthetic effect on the body. The potential for accidents and overdose emergencies is high due to the extreme mental effects combined with the anesthetic effect on the body. PCP is potentiated by other depressant drugs,including alcohol, increasing the likelihood of an.overdose reaction. Mis-diagnosing the hallucinations as LSD induced, and then treating with Thorazine, can cause a fatal reaction. Use can cause irreversible memory loss,personality changes, and thought disorders. WORKPLACE ISSUES—PHENCYCLIDINE(PCP) PCP abuse is less common today then in recent years.It is also not generally used in a workplace setting because of the several disorientation that occurs. There are four phases to PCP abuse. The first phase is acute toxicity. It can last up to three days and can include combativeness,catatonia, convulsions and coma. Distortions of size, shape and distance perception are common. The second phase, which does not always follow the first, is a toxic psychosis. Users may experience visual and auditory delusions,paranoia and 08/30/2003 10:43 FAX 5152337494 FEDERAL MOTOR 017 16 agitation. The third phase is a drug induced schizophrenia that may last a month or longer.The fourth phase is PCP induced depression. Suicidal tendencies and mental dysfunction can last for months. ALCOHOL AND DRUGS: METHODS OF INTERVENTION Whenever you are put into a position where you come in contact with someone who you believe is under the influence of drugs or alcohol,you must make a choice.The choice is whether you do nothing and hope for the best, or do something about the situation.You must realize that if a person is under the influence and you choose to do nothing,you also could become responsible for the acts of the person under the influence. It's kind of like being an accessory to a crime.Maybe all you did was driver the car,you didn't actually rob the bank,but you would still be held accountable for having knowledge of the violation. Therefore if you are put into a situation where you believe someone is under the influence, you must act. There are few options on what you must do.First of all,never let the person perform any work related duties.You must confront the person. Anything they do could effect you. Get them to give you the keys and get them away from any functions.Next,you must contact your employer and report what you have witnessed to a supervisor. The employer's management will take necessary actions to ensure that the person is not risking injury to themselves or to the public. If, at some point, you become concerned that you are using or abusing alcohol or drugs and would like to get help and counseling, you will be referred to those agencies who can assist you with your problem. You must come for-ward to your employer with your problem before you are found to have a positive alcohol or controlled substances test. At that time you would have to complete a rehabilitation program and agree to submit to future unannounced alcohol or controlled substances tests to assure the company that you have successfully controlled your problem. The most important thing to remember when it comes to intervention,whether it's your coworker or yourself,is that these measures were put into place to ensure safety in your work environment for all employees and the public. IN SEARCH OF EXCELLENCE Provena Mercy Center Occupational Health Services delivers exceptional quality by balancing the needs of the employer and the employee. We believe that the best medicine for maintaining a healthy workforce and a strong bottom line is an OHS partnership, which provides cost effective medical care with the highest quality of patient care. We offer your company: EXPERT MEDICAL CARE: • Medical staff experienced in all facets of occupational health and dedicated to providing the best possible medical care for your employees. • Our staff specializes in the practice of occupational medicine. COST SAVINGS: • A return-to-work philosophy that enables employers to reduce lost time and minimize total worker's compensation cost. • Timely, prompt service in the clinic with after hours service available in the Emergency Department. • Competitive, market driven pricing that focuses on the employer's bottom line. • Billing customized to specifications, minimizing paperwork and simplifying reimbursement. • Injury assessment and treatment by qualified clinicians in patient friendly environments 24 hours a day, seven days a week. RETURN TO WORK: • Prompt, expert injury treatment and rehabilitation services with an aggressive return-to-work philosophy. • All referrals for injuries and illnesses requiring a specialist for evaluation and/or treatment are handled within the Occupational Health clinic. These appointments are "fast tracked"so that a definitive diagnosis and treatment plan can be quickly established. • Our specialists understand your needs, and they assist us in determining causality while keeping surgery to a minimum and therapy to only the number of visits needed. OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH SERVICES Injury Care and Follow-Up Treatment • Initial injury care and diagnosis • Injury follow-up and updated status report • Rehabilitation services for worker's compensation injuries • Referral to specialty physicians and services • Same day physician reports • On-site physician consultation regarding causality Physical Examinations • Pre-placement • Department of Transportation (D.O.T.) • Return to work • Executive • Annual and periodic evaluations • Fitness for duty • Independent Medical Exams (IME) Tests & Screenings • Drug and hair screening, which includes screening for adulterants • Blood and breath alcohol performed by certified technicians • Full radiology& laboratory testing • Spirometry and audiology services performed by certified technicians DRUG TESTING SERVICES • 5,6,8,and 10 panel non-DOT urine screens • Nida 5 panel urine drug screen (DOT) • Specimen collection services • Express screens TESTS INCLUDE: • GCMS confirmation on all positive results • Chain of custody collection procedures • 24 hour results • MRO services • Federally approved testing laboratory All employees are required to have a photo I.D. at the time of the test. HEALTH MANAGEMENT & WELLNESS In partnership with our client companies, Provena Mercy Center Occupational Health Services lays the foundation for a healthier, more productive and retainable workforce. Our health management and wellness services cater to employees of all ages and support healthy lifestyles. Programs are customized to meet client needs. Specialized offerings include: • ADA compliant job descriptions • Back school • CPR training • Diabetes screenings • Smoking cessation • Blood pressure screenings • Flu vaccine & Hepatitis B series • Blood-borne pathogen training • First aid training • Worksite evaluation • Spirometry baseline screens • Corporate health fairs • Supervisor training for drug and alcohol abuse • Employee Assistance Programs • Physical exams • Workplace ergonomic evaluations • Executive health and wellness initiatives • Stress management • Recognition and prevention of violence in the workplace • On-site physician I + I , J�`� I c/Ty� United City of Yorkville Memorandum 800 Game Farm Road EST. ^N. ° -� 1836 Yorkville, Illinois, 60560 o Is T -'- $2 Telephone: 630-553-4350 �� I Fax: 630-553-7575 Date: August 10, 2004 I To: Mayor and City Council From: Traci Pleckham - Finance Director , t CC: Treasurer Powell, Department He.':s Subject: June 2004 Budget Report Attached please find the June 2004 Detailed Revenue and Expense Report. In an effort to save paper, I have double-sided the report. Also in an effort to save paper, two binders located under your mailboxes include the May 2004 report. (The month of May had very little activity.) Please contact me should you have any questions. DATE: 08/10/2004 : 1 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE F-YR: 05 14:05:03PAGE TIME:EDETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT ID: GL470002.WOW FUND: GENERAL FUND 2004 FOR 2 PERIODS ENDING JUNE 30, FISCAL FISCAL % JUNE YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMBETUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED NUMBERRT DESCRIPTION AC GENERAL REVENUES TAXES0.00 620,000.00 0.0 O1-000-40-00-3997 IN TOWN ROAD PROGRAM FUNDING 0.00 0.00 0.00 2, 690,000.00 0.0 01-000-40-00-3998 MPI BRISTOL RIDGE RD FUNDING 0.00 104,000.00 0.0 0.00 01-000-40-00-3999 CARRY OVER BALANCE 0.000.00 1,10 ,000.00 0.0 01-000-40-00-4000 REAL ESTATE TAXES 0.00 0.00 95,000.00 0.0 01-000-40-00-4001 TOWN ROAD/BRIDGE TAX10,000.00 0.0 O1-000-90-00-9010 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 51 , 000.00 0.0 01-000-40-00-4020 STATE INCOME TAX 0.00 1, 953,000.00 0.0 O1-000-90-00-4030 MUNICIPAL SALES TAX 0.00 0.00 0.00 79,101.00 0.0 79, 473.79 01-000-40-00-4032 STATE USE TAX 79,473.79 560,000.00 10 .0 O1-000-90-00-9040 MUNICIPAL UTILITY TAX 0 0.00.00 0.00 26,000.000.0 4 01-000-40-00-4041 UTILITY TAX - NICOR 0.00 6,000.00 0.0 , . O1-000-40-00-9042 UTILITY TAX - CABLE TV 170886 3, 401 .76 220,000.00 1.5 01-000-40-00-4043 UTILITY TAX - TELEPHONE 3,233.77 19,000.00 17 .0 01-000-40-00-4050 HOTEL TAX 1, 601.03 82,783. 68 86, 109.32 8,280,728.00 1.0 TOTAL TAXES LICENSES & PERMITS1,213.98 22,500.00 5.3 348.98 15.3 O1-000-41-00-9100 LIQUOR LICENSE 440.00 640.00 3,500.00 01-000-41-00-4101 OTHER LICENSES 93, 421.00 197, 360.00 870, 000.00 22.62 01-000-41-00-4110 BUILDING PERMITS 94,209.98 199,213.98 896, 000.00 22.2 TOTAL LICENSES & PERMITS CHARGES FOR SERVICES3, 220.0020,000.00 16.1 1, 675.00 120, 090.00 16.5 01-000-42-00-4206 FILING FEES 28, 376.55 28, 409.74 O1-000-42-00-4206 GARBAGE SURCHARGE 43.00 53.00 0.00 100.0 01-000-42-00-4207 REFUSE STICKERS 0.00 44, 441.00 0.0 9 O1-000-42-00-4208 COLLECTION FEE - YBSD , 0.00 303.39 18,023.39 520,000.00 0.0 01-000-42-00-4210 DEVELOPMENT FEES 200.00 20, 000.00 1.04 O1-000-42-00-4211 ENGINEERING CAPITAL FEE 0.00 39,397 .94 49, 906.13 776,031.00 6.4 TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES FINES & FORFEITS DATE: 08/10/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 2 TIME: 14 :05:03 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 05 ID: GL470002.WOW FUND: GENERAL FUND FOR 2 PERIODS ENDING JUNE 30, 2004 FISCAL FISCAL % ACCOUNT JUNE YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED GENERAL REVENUES FINES & FORFEITS 01-000-43-00-4310 TRAFFIC FINES 3,448. 68 11, 991.83 70,000.00 17.1 01-000-43-00-4315 REIMBURSE POLICE TRAINING 0.00 0.00 3,500.00 0.0 01-000-43-00-4320 ORDINANCE FEES 160.00 330.00 2, 500.00 13.2 TOTAL FINES & FORFEITS 3, 608. 68 12,321.83 76,000.00 16.2 MISCELLANEOUS 01-000-44-00-4401 DARE DONATIONS 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 0.0 01-000-44-00-4402 ROB ROY CREEK HYDRAULIC STUDY 0.00 0.00 20,000.00 0.0 01-000-44-00-4410 REIMBURSEMENTS - OTHER GOVTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 01-000-44-00-4411 REIMBURSEMENTS-POLICE PROTECTN 610.00 780.00 2,500.00 31 .2 01-000-44-00-4420 SIDWALK CONSTRUCTION 0.00 0.00 5, 000.00 0.0 01-000-44-00-4490 MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 589.70 4,090.56 10,000.00 40.9 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 1,199.70 4,870.56 38,500.00 12.6 INTERGOVERNMENTAL 01-000-45-00-4505 COPS GRANT - VESTS 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 0.0 01-000-45-00-4510 COPS GRANT 0.00 12,228 .92 41,000.00 29.8 01-000-45-00-4521 ICJIA BLOCK GRANT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL 0.00 12,228. 92 43,000.00 28.4 INTEREST 01-000-46-00-4600 INVESTMENT INCOME 0.00 360.40 8,000.00 4 .5 TOTAL INTEREST 0.00 360.40 8,000.00 4 .5 TRANSFERS 01-000-49-00-4915 TRANSFER FROM WATER OPERATIONS 0.00 0.00 200, 000.00 0.0 01-000-49-00-4920 TRANSFER FROM SEWER MAINT. 0.00 0.00 70,000.00 0.0 01-000-49-00-4925 TRANSFER FROM SAN. SEWER 0.00 0.00 200, 000.00 0.0 01-000-49-00-4930 TRANSFER FROM WATER IMPROVE. 0.00 0.00 200,000.00 0.0 TOTAL TRANSFERS 0.00 0.00 670,000.00 0.0 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE F-YR: 05 TATE: 08/10/2004 : 3 TIME: 14:05:03DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT PAGE: ID: GL470002.WOW FUND: GENERAL FUND 2004 FOR 2 PERIODS ENDING JUNE 30, FISCAL FISCAL JUNE YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMBER DE ACCOUNT ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED SCRIPTION ACTUAL 221, 199.98 365,011.14 10,788, 259.00 3.3 TOTAL REVENUES: GENERAL FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION EXPENSES 0.0 PERSONNEL SERVICES 0.00 0.00 7, 500.00 0.00 3, 600.00 0.0 01-110-50-00-5100 SALARIES - MAYOR 0.00 0.0 01-110-50-00-5101 SALARIES - CITY CLERK 0.00 0.00 3, 600.00 0.00 28,800.00 0.0 O1-110-50-00-5102 SALARIES - CITY TREASURER 0.000.0 01-110-50-00-5103 SALARIES - ALDERMAN 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 01-110-50-00-5104 SALARIES - LIQUOR COMMISSIONER 2,212.00 13, 500.00 16.3 884 .80459,223.00 14 .9 O1-110-50-00-5106 SALARIES - ADMINISTRATIVECITY ATTORNEY 26,837 .99 68,739.6638.7 O1-110-50-00-5106 SALARIES - 3, 104 .25 5,225.25 13, 500.00 01-110-50-00-5136 SALARIES - PART TIME 23.25 1, 500.00 1.5 0.000.00 0.0 O1-110-50-00-5137 SALARIES - OVERTIME 0.00 0.00 0.0 01-110-50-00-5199 MSI PAYROLL 0.00 0.00 9,000.00 33, 987.72 621,000.00 5.4 O1-110-50-00-5202 BENEFITS-UNEMPLOY. COMP. TAX 36, 157 .927 .7 01-110-50-00-5203 BENEFITS - HEALTH INSURANCE 1, 400.137 1, 400.13 18,000.00 01-110-50-00-5204 BENEFITS - GROUP LIFE INSURANC1,404 13 50, 000.00 79.7 2, 507 .42 5 O1-110-50-00-5205 BENEFITS - DENTAL/VISION ASST 9 1 70,892.51 116, 362.79 1,230,223.00 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 132.50 30,000.00 0.4 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 132.50 14, 660.00 0.0 01-110-61-00-5300 LEGAL SERVICES 0.00 0.00 01-110-61-00-5304 AUDIT FEES & EXPENSES 854 .00 854 .00 5,000.0066 0.00 0.00 17 .0.0 O1-110-61-00-5305 ACCOUNTING ASSISTANCE 0.00 0.0 01-110-61-00-5307 ACCOUNTING SYSTEM REVIEW 0.00 0.00 15,000.00 0.00 4, 500.00 0.0 01-110-61-00-5310 GASB 34 0.00 5,000.00 0.0 O1-110-61-00-5310 EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE 0.00 0.0013.6 01-110-61-00-5311 CODIFICATION 83, 003.25 83,003.25 607, 500.00 01-110-61-00-5322 BOIDIING INSPECTIONS757 .00 757 .00 2,000.00 13 .6 O1-110-61-00-5322 BONDING 12 .3 TOTAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 84,746.75 84,746.75 683, 660.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES DATE: 08/10/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 4 TIME: 14 :05:03 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 05 ID: GL470002.WOW FUND: GENERAL FUND FOR 2 PERIODS ENDING JUNE 30, 2004 FISCAL FISCAL % ACCOUNT JUNE YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION EXPENSES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 01-110-62-00-5400 INSURANCE-LIABILITY & PROPERTY 0.00 0.00 125,000.00 0.0 01-110-62-00-5401 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,032 .00 1,132 .00 37,300.00 3.0 01-110-62-00-5403 SPECIAL CENSUS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 01-110-62-00-5404 CABLE CONSORTIUM FEE 0.00 0.00 30,000.00 0.0 01-110-62-00-5406 OFFICE CLEANING 2, 688.43 5, 654 .83 25,000.00 22 .6 01-110-62-00-5410 MAINTENANCE - OFFICE EQUIPMENT 0.00 0.00 500.00 0.0 01-110-62-00-5411 MAINTENANCE - COMPUTERS 0.00 0.00 6,000.00 0.0 01-110-62-00-5412 MAINTENANCE - PHOTOCOPIERS 1, 616.00 1, 616.00 19, 392.00 8.3 01-110-62-00-5421 WEARING APPAREL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 01-110-62-00-5427 FACADE PROGRAM 0.00 0.00 20,000.00 0.0 01-110-62-00-5436 TELEPHONE 1,826.79 1,826.79 20,000.00 9.1 01-110-62-00-5437 ACCTG SYSTEM SERVICE FEE 0.00 0.00 7,385.00 0.0 01-110-62-00-5438 CELLULAR TELEPHONE 124.91 124 .91 2,300.00 5.4 01-110-62-00-5439 TELEPHONE SYSTEMS MAINTENANCE 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 0.0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 7,288.13 10, 354 .53 297, 877.00 3.4 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 01-110-64-00-5600 DUES 0.00 0.00 4,000.00 0.0 01-110-64-00-5601 ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL LEAGUE DUES 0.00 0.00 551.00 0.0 01-110-64-00-5603 SUBSCRIPTIONS 0.00 0.00 400.00 0.0 01-110-64-00-5604 TRAINING & CONFERENCES 0.00 0.00 6,000.00 0.0 01-110-64-00-5605 TRAVEL/MEALS/LODGING 54.00 54 .00 19,000.00 0.2 01-110-64-00-5607 PUBLIC RELATIONS 734 . 98 743.52 11, 000.00 6.7 TOTAL PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 788.98 797.52 40, 951.00 1.9 OPERATIONS 01-110-65-00-5800 CONTINGENCIES 9, 130.50 9, 130.50 122, 523.00 7.4 01-110-65-00-5802 OFFICE SUPPLIES 981 .74 981 .74 12, 000.00 8.1 01-110-65-00-5804 OPERATING SUPPLIES 26.52 75.70 8,000.00 0.9 01-110-65-00-5808 POSTAGE & SHIPPING 1,031 .18 1,016.44 8,000.00 12.7 01-110-65-00-5809 PRINTING & COPYING 164 .41 164.41 7,000.00 2.3 01-110-65-00-5810 PUBLISHING & ADVERTISING 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 0.0 01-110-65-00-5844 MARKETING - HOTEL TAX 0.00 0.00 19,000.00 0.0 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 05 DATE: 08/10/2004 14:05:03 : 5 TIME: DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT PAGE: ID: GL470002.WOW FUND: GENERAL FUND FOR 2 PERIODS ENDING JUNE 30, 2009FISCAL FISCAL JUNE YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMBEACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED NUMBERRT DESCRIPTION 11,334 .35 11, 368.79 178, 523.00 6.3 TOTAL OPERATIONS RETIREMENT7, 645.0147,754 .00 16.0 2, 990.82 37,75 .00 16.4 01-110-72-00 6500 IMRF PARTICIPANTS 2, 509.54 6,207 .51 01-110-72-00-6501 SOCIAL SECURITY & MEDICARE 5, 500.36 13,852.52 85, 524 .00 16.1 TOTAL RETIREMENT CAPITAL OUTLAY76•gg 8,000.00 0 9 O1-110-75-00-7002 COMPUTER EQUIP & SOFTWARE 76.49 0.00 0.00 4,000.00 0.0 01-110-75-00-7003 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 76.49 76.49 12,000.00 0.6 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES 0.00 1, 200.00 0.0 01-110-78-00-9002 CITY TAX REBATE 460 0.00 77 1,017.79 20,000.00 5.0 O1-110-78-00-9002 NICOR GAS 1,763.61 333, 500.00 0.5 1,763. 61 100.00 0.0 O1-110-78-00-9003 SALES TAX REBATE 0.00 0.00 01-110-78-00-9004 MISCELLANEOUS 0.00 89,000.00 0.0 O1-110-78-00-9005 MERIT/PAY EQUITY 0.00 2,224 .38 2,781.40 443, 800.00 0.6 TOTAL OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES TRANSFERS0.00 0.00 0.00 19,811.00 0.0 01-110-99-00-9925 TRANSFER TO SAN SEWER 0.00 15 150,000.00, 00 .00 0.0 0.00 0.0 O1-110-99-00-9923 TRANSFER TO LIBRARY 0.00 O1-110-99-00-9940 TRANSFER TO PARK & RECREATION 0.00 0.00 36, 600.004 0.0 01-110-99-00-9941 TRANSFER TO PARK/REC CAPITAL 0.00 32,000.00 0.0 O1-110-99-00-9945 TRANSFER TO MUNICIPAL BLDG 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 01-110-99-00-9965 TRANSFER TO DEBT SERVICE 0.00 0.00 994, 907.00 0.0 TOTAL TRANSFERS 240, 340.79 3, 967, 465.00 6.0 TOTAL EXPENSES: FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION 182, 851.95 ENGINEERING EXPENSES DATE: 08/10/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 6 TIME: 14 :05:03 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 05 ID: GL470002.WOW FUND: GENERAL FUND FOR 2 PERIODS ENDING JUNE 30, 2004 FISCAL FISCAL o ACCOUNT JUNE YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED ENGINEERING PERSONNEL SERVICES 01-150-50-00-5107 SALARIES-EMPLOYEES 18, 092.31 44, 330. 69 235,883.00 18.7 01-150-50-00-5137 SALARIES-OVERTIME 78.15 78.15 500.00 15. 6 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 18,170.46 44, 408.84 236,383.00 18.7 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 01-150-62-00-5401 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 6,752.26 6,752.26 40,000.00 16.8 01-150-62-00-5409 MAINTENANCE-VEHICLES 39.99 59.99 4, 500.00 1.3 01-150-62-00-5410 MAINTENANCE-OFFICE EQUIP 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 0.0 01-150-62-00-5411 MAINTENANCE-COMPUTERS 0.00 999.00 3, 500.00 28.5 01-150-62-00-5421 WEARING APPAREL 186.00 186.00 1, 100.00 16.9 01-150-62-00-5438 CELLULAR TELEPHONE 208.05 208.05 2, 800.00 7.4 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 7,186.30 8,205.30 53, 900.00 15.2 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 01-150-64-00-5600 DUES 0.00 0.00 300.00 0.0 01-150-64-00-5604 TRAINING & CONFERENCES 0.00 25.00 2,500.00 1 .0 01-150-64-00-5605 TRAVEL EXPENSE 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 0.0 01-150-64-00-5616 BOOKS & PUBLICATIONS 0.00 0.00 200.00 0.0 TOTAL PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 0.00 25.00 4,000.00 0.6 OPERATIONS 01-150-65-00-5801 ENGINEERING SUPPLIES 837.13 863.13 2,000.00 43.1 01-150-65-00-5802 OFFICE SUPPLIES 138.18 138.18 1,500.00 9.2 01-150-65-00-5809 PRINTING & COPYING 0.00 156.77 1,200.00 13.0 01-150-65-00-5814 STORM WATER SOFTWARE/TRAINING 1,000.00 1,000.00 5, 000.00 20.0 01-150-65-00-5815 ROB ROY CREEK HYDRAULIC STUDY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 01-150-65-00-5820 PICK UP TRUCK 18,835.57 18, 835.57 40, 000.00 47.0 TOTAL OPERATIONS 20, 810.88 20, 993.65 49,700.00 42.2 RETIREMENT 01-150-72-00-6500 IMRF PARTICIPANTS 1,829.75 4, 471. 95 23, 804 .00 18.7 01-150-72-00-6501 SOCIAL SECURITY & MEDICARE 1, 390.05 3,397.31 18,083.00 18.7 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 057 DATE:TIME: 14 :08/10/2004:05::003 7 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT PAGE: ID: GL470002.WOW FUND: GENERAL FUND 2004 FOR 2 PERIODS ENDING JUNE 30, FISCAL FISCAL JUNE YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMBETUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED NUMBERRT DESCRIPTION AC 3,219.80 7, 869.26 41,887 .00 18.7 TOTAL RETIREMENT 49, 387 .44 81, 502.05 385, 870.00 21.1 TOTAL EXPENSES: ENGINEERING PUBLIC SAFETY/POLICE DEPT. EXPENSES PERSONNEL SERVICES97,357.321, 563.00 18.3 L 41,008.76 53 446, 104 .001 18.3 01-210-50-00-5131 SALARIES - EMPLOYEES 35,850.89 90,201.61 O1-210-50-00-5131 SALARIES - LIEUTENAANT/SERGEANT 8, 92 1 26 28, 99496.00 19.4 7 11,392.10 48,496.00 17 .2 O1-210-50-00-5133 SALARIES - COPS 207 .56 1, 25.57 01-210-50-00-5134 SALARIES - CROSSING GUARD 11,725 .57 100, 307 .00.00 17 .1 460.107 3 10 6,812.19 00, 30 8. 6 O1-210-50-00-5135 SALARIES - POLICE CLERKS 1, 26. 9 01-210-50-00-5136 SALARIES - PART TIME 3, 607 .47 6, 935.6473 50,000.00 13.8 01-210-50-00-5137 SALARIES - OVERTIME 99, 339.07 244, 047.43 1,306, 470.00 18 .6 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES0.00 6, 300.00 0.0 O1-210-61-00-5300 LEGAL SERVICES 0.00 0.00 6, 300.00 0.0 TOTAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES0.00 8,000.00 0.0 O1-210-62-00-5908 MAINTENANCE - EQUIPMENT 128 0.00. 66 472. 69 21,000.00 2.2 01-210-62-00-5409 MAINTENANCE - VEHICLES 372. 62 2, 500.00 14.9 O1-210-62-00-5410 MAINT-OFFICE EQUIPMENT 0.00 250.00 250.00 2,000.00 12.5 01-210-62-00-5411 MAINTENANCE - COMPUTERS1,820.00 8,000.00 22.7 01-210-62-00-5414 WEATHER WARNING SIREN MAINT 0.00 729.99 742 99 20,000.00 2.7 0.00 01-210-62-00-5421 WEARING APPAREL 0.00 2, 500.00 0.07 O1-210-62-00-5422 COPS GRANT IV - VESTS 0.00 0.00 4, 000.00 0.0 01-210-62-00-5423 CLASY GRANT 0.00 5,000.00 0.0 O1-210-62-00-5929 ICJIA-JUVENILE 0.0.00 00 0.00 0.00 0.0 01-210-62-00-5426 ICJIA BLOCK GRANT 0.00 0.00 0.0 O1-210-62-00-5427 ICJIA BLOCK GRANT 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 0.0 01-210-62-00-5429 PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTING DATE: 08/10/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 8 TIME: 14 :05:03 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 05 ID: GL470002 .WOW FUND: GENERAL FUND FOR 2 PERIODS ENDING JUNE 30, 2004 FISCAL FISCAL % ACCOUNT JUNE YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED PUBLIC SAFETY/POLICE DEPT. EXPENSES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 01-210-62-00-5430 HEALTH SERVICES 230.57 230.57 3,000.00 7. 6 01-210-62-00-5431 LABORATORY FEES 0.00 0.00 1, 000.00 0.0 01-210-62-00-5436 TELEPHONE 1, 823.05 1, 823.05 20,000.00 9.1 01-210-62-00-5438 CELLULAR TELEPHONE 588.11 588.11 13,000.00 4.5 01-210-62-00-5440 PAGERS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 01-210-62-00-5441 MTD-ALERTS FEE 0.00 1,056.00 2,300.00 45.9 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3,750.38 7,355.98 113,300.00 6.4 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 01-210-64-00-5600 DUES 0.00 1,785.00 2,250.00 79.3 01-210-64-00-5603 SUBSCRIPTIONS 59.95 59.95 300.00 19.9 01-210-64-00-5604 TRAINING & CONFERENCE 5,212.50 4, 672 .50 16,000.00 29.2 01-210-64-00-5605 TRAVEL EXPENSES 2, 440.82 2, 110.76 7,000.00 30.1 01-210-64-00-5606 COMMUNITY RELATIONS 0.00 0.00 5,250.00 0.0 01-210-64-00-5607 POLICE COMMISSION 1,527.97 1,527.97 11,000.00 13.8 01-210-64-00-5608 TUITION REIMBURSEMENT 450.00 490.00 14,000.00 3.5 01-210-64-00-5609 POLICE RECRUIT ACADEMY 0.00 0.00 3,500.00 0.0 01-210-64-00-5610 GUN RANGE FEES 0.00 0.00 625.00 0.0 01-210-64-00-5611 SRT FEE 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 0.0 TOTAL PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 9, 691.24 10, 646.18 61, 925.00 17.1 OPERATIONS 01-210-65-00-5800 CONTINGENCIES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 01-210-65-00-5802 OFFICE SUPPLIES 146.75 599.38 6, 500.00 9.2 01-210-65-00-5804 OPERATING SUPPLIES 255.40 299.75 15,750.00 1.9 01-210-65-00-5808 POSTAGE & SHIPPING 9.99 9.99 3,000.00 0.3 01-210-65-00-5809 PRINTING & COPYING 244 .05 244 .05 4, 500.00 5.4 01-210-65-00-5810 PUBLISHING & ADVERTISING 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 0.0 01-210-65-00-5812 GASOLINE (24 .49) (41.27) 30,000.00 (0.1) 01-210-65-00-5813 AMMUNITION 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 0.0 TOTAL OPERATIONS 631 .70 1,111 .90 65,750.00 1 .6 GE: 9 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 05 DTIATEME: 08/10/2004140503 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT : ID: GL470002.WOW FUND: GENERAL FUND 2004 FOR 2 PERIODS ENDING JUNE 30, FISCAL FISCAL JUNE YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ ACCOUNTACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED NUMBER DESCRIPTION PUBLIC SAFETY/POLICE DEPT. 10, 101.00 14 .3 RETIREMENT 595.58 1, 448.59 18. 6 01-210-72-00-6500 IMRF PARTICIPANTS 7 599 48 11,448.59 10,101.00 01-210-72-00-6501 SOCIAL SECURITY & MEDICARE 0.00 0.00 207,000.004 0.0 01-210-72-00-6502 POLICE PENSION 6.3 8, 195.00 20, 131.55 317,046.00 TOTAL RETIREMENT CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 8, 500.00 0.0 01-210-75-00-7002 COMPUTER EQUIP & SOFTWARE 0.0 0.00 0.00 8, 500.00 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES127 .05 2,000.00 6.3 01-210-78-00-9004 BIKE PATROL 0.00 6.3 TOTAL OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES 0.00 127.05 2,000.00 TRANSFERS0.00 0.00 0.0 01-210-99-00-9910 TRANSFER TO PD CAPITAL FUND 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.00 TOTAL TRANSFERS 15.0 TOTAL EXPENSES: PUBLIC SAFETY/POLICE DEPT. 121, 607.39 283, 420.09 1,881, 291.00 BUILDING & ZONING EXPENSES0.0 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0.00 0.00 12,000.00 01-220-61-00-5300 LEGAL SERVICES 12, 000.00 0.0 0.00 0.00 TOTAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 0.00 50,000.00 0.0 0.00 20,000.00 0.8 01-220-62-00-5401 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 172.50 172.50 0.0 01-220-62-00-5430 PLANNING CONSULTANT 0.00 0.00 45,000.00 01-220-62-00-5432 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DATE: 08/10/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 10 TIME: 14 :05:03 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 05 ID: GL470002 .WOW FUND: GENERAL FUND FOR 2 PERIODS ENDING JUNE 30, 2004 FISCAL FISCAL % ACCOUNT JUNE YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 172.50 172.50 115,000.00 0.1 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 01-220-64-00-5600 DUES 0.00 0.00 200.00 0.0 TOTAL PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 0.00 0.00 200.00 0.0 OPERATIONS 01-220-65-00-5804 OPERATING SUPPLIES 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 0.0 01-220-65-00-5809 PRINTING & COPYING 0.00 0.00 700.00 0.0 01-220-65-00-5810 PUBLISHING & ADVERTISING 0.00 0.00 8,000.00 0.0 01-220-65-00-5814 BOOKS & MAPS 20.00 20.00 500.00 4 .0 TOTAL OPERATIONS 20.00 20.00 10,200.00 0.1 TOTAL EXPENSES: BUILDING & ZONING 192.50 192.50 137,400.00 0.1 STREETS EXPENSES PERSONNEL SERVICES 01-410-50-00-5107 SALARIES - EMPLOYEE 10,537.29 28, 628.49 156, 643.00 18.2 01-410-50-00-5136 SALARIES - PART TIME 816.00 816.00 5,500.00 14 .8 01-410-50-00-5137 SALARIES - OVERTIME 341.00 2,233.55 18,000.00 12.4 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 11, 694 .29 31, 678.04 180, 143.00 17.5 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 01-410-61-00-5313 ENGINEERING 0.00 0.00 120,000.00 0.0 01-410-61-00-5314 INSPECTIONS & LICENSES 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.0 TOTAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0.00 0.00 120,100.00 0.0 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 01-410-62-00-5401 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 0.0 01-410-62-00-5408 MAINTENANCE-EQUIPMENT 967.94 967.94 10, 000.00 9.6 : 11 GE UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PFAAGS: 05 DTIMEATE: 08/10/2004190503 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT : ID: GL470002.WOW FUND: GENERAL FUND 2024 FOR 2 PERIODS ENDING JUNE 30, FISCAL FISCAL % YEAR COLLECTED/ JUNE YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET EXPENDED ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL NUMBERRDESCRIPTION STREETS EXPENSES11,000.00 (1.5) CONTRACTUAL SERVICES (170.44) (170.44) 5.7 714 .70 12, 500.00 01-410-62-00-5414 MAINTENANCE-VEHICLES 714.7020, 500.00 3.6 01-410-62-00-5914 MAINTENANCE-TRAFFIC SIGNALS 751.75 751.7519.9 997 .18 5,000.00 01-410-62-00-5415 MAINTENANCE-STREET LIGHTS 997 185,800.00 4 .3 01-410-62-00-5420 MAINTENANCE-STORM SEWER 250.677 250.67 9 .9 0.00 1,000.00 01-410-62-00-5434 RENTAL-EQUIPMENT APPAREL 0.0047,000.00 7 .90 01-410-62-00-5434 EETRICTIPMENT 3,729.94 3,729.946.9 179.70 2, 600.00 01-410-62-00-5438 ELECTRICITYLR179.70 4,500.00 0.0 01-410-62-00-5438 CELLULAR TELEPHONE 0.00 0.00 01-410-62-00-5440 STREET LIGHTING , 121, 900.00 6.0 7,421.44 7,421.44 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 247 45 247 .45 5, 600.00 4 .4 01-410-64-00-5604 TRAINING & CONFERENCES 5, 600.00 4 .4 247 .45 247.45 TOTAL PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 0.00 0.0 OPERATIONS 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.00 01-410-65-00-5421 GISN SYSTEMG0.00 9, 500.00 0.90 01-410-65-00-5800 CONTINGENCIES 89.77 89.77 9.1 1, 458.55 16,000.00 01-410-65-00-5812 OPERATINGSUPPLIES 1, 458.55 1, 500.000 17.3 01-410-65-00-5815 GASOLINETOOLS 308.16 260.16 .3 01-410-65-00-5817 HANDRAL0.00 0.00 4,000.00 01-410-65-00-5817 GRAVEL 31,000.00 5.8 TOTAL OPERATIONS 1,856.48 1,808.48 17, 587 .00 17 .6 RETIREMENT 1,095.43 3, 107 .78 17.5 01-410-72-00-6501 IOCF LASTIUIIAYTS 894 .61 2, 107 .78 17,587 .00 01-410-72-00-6501 SOCIAL SECURITY & MEDICARE 31, 367 .00 17.6 1, 990.04 5, 531.16 TOTAL RETIREMENT CAPITAL OUTLAY 16, 505.19 16, 505.19 22,000.00 75.0 01-410-75-00-5418 MOSQUITO CONTROL DATE: 08/10/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 12 TIME: 14 :05:03 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 05 ID: GL470002.WOW FUND: GENERAL FUND FOR 2 PERIODS ENDING JUNE 30, 2004 FISCAL FISCAL % ACCOUNT JUNE YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED STREETS EXPENSES CAPITAL OUTLAY 01-410-75-00-5419 MAINT SUPPLIES - STREET 470.57 376.45 15,000.00 2 .5 01-410-75-00-7004 SAFETY EQUIPMENT 99.00 99.00 1,000.00 9.9 01-410-75-00-7099 BRISTOL RIDGE ROAD 0.00 0.00 2, 690,000.00 0.0 01-410-75-00-7100 STREET REHAB PROJECTS 10, 569.30 10,569.30 150, 000.00 7.0 01-410-75-00-7101 IN TOWN ROAD PROGRAM 3,557.50 30,096.45 500,000.00 6.0 01-410-75-00-7102 TREE & STUMP REMOVAL 0.00 0.00 20,000.00 0.0 01-410-75-00-7103 SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION 0.00 0.00 35,000.00 0.0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 31,201.56 57, 646.39 3, 433,000.00 1.6 TOTAL EXPENSES: STREETS 54, 411.26 104,332.96 3, 923, 110.00 2. 6 HEALTH & SANITATION EXPENSES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 01-540-62-00-5442 GARBAGE SERVICES 38,796.71 38,796.71 489,123.00 7.9 01-540-62-00-5443 LEAF PICKUP 0.00 0.00 4,000.00 0.0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 38,796.71 38,796.71 493, 123.00 7.8 TOTAL EXPENSES: HEALTH & SANITATION 38,796.71 38,796.71 493, 123.00 7.8 TOTAL FUND REVENUES 221, 199.98 365,011.14 10,788,259.00 3.3 TOTAL FUND EXPENSES 447,247.25 748,585.10 10,788,259.00 6. 9 FUND SURPLUS (DEFICIT) (226, 047.27) (383,573.96) 0.00 100.0 : 13 GE UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAPAGE: 13 DTIATE ME: 08/10/2004140503 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT : ID: GL470002.WOW FUND: MOTOR FUEL TAX 2004 FOR 2 PERIODS ENDING JUNE 30, FISCAL FISCAL °s YEAR COLLECTED/ EXPENDED ACCOUNTMJUNE YEAR-TO-DATE L NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVENUES 340,000.00 0.0 TAXES 0.00 0.00 15-000-40-00-3999 CARRY OVER BALANCE 43,803.710 256, 199.00000 24, 964 .173.00 0.00 17 .0.0 15-000-90-00-4060 MOTOR FUEL TAX ALLOTMENTS 0.00 15-000-40-00-4065 IDOT TRUCK ACCESS GRANT 596, 199.00 7 .30 24, 964 .17 43,803.71 TOTAL TAXES INTEREST 0.00 0.00 3,000.00 0.0 15-000-46-00-4600 INVESTMENT INCOME 3,000.00 0.0 0.00 0.00 TOTAL INTEREST 599,199.00 7 .3 TOTAL REVENUES: 24, 964 .17 43,803.71 EXPENSES 211, 499.00 0.0 0.00 OPERATIONS 0.00 0.00 0.0 15-000-65-00-5800 CONTINGENCY 0.00 37,000.004 15-000-65-00-5818 SALT 248, 499 00 0.0 0.00 0.00 TOTAL OPERATIONS 9,700.00 10.9 CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,061.85 1,061.85 0.0 0.00 30, 000.007 15-000-75-00-7008 CRACKSIS 0.00200,000.00 0.0 15-000-75-00-7007 ST FILLING 0.00 0.000.0 15-000-75-00-7107 CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING 0.00 0.00 100,000.00 0.00 4,000.00 0.0 15-000-75-00-7110 COLDL EMMONASTREET 0.00 7,000.00 0.0 15-000-75-00-7111 ATCHH 464 .13 464 .13 6 15-000-75-00-7111 HOT PATCH 350,700.00 0.4 1, 525.98 1, 525.98 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TRANSFERS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 15-000-99-00-9960 TRANSFER TO FOX IND FUND 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.00 TOTAL TRANSFERS DATE: 08/10/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 14 TIME: 14 :05:03 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 05 ID: GL470002.WOW FUND: MOTOR FUEL TAX FOR 2 PERIODS ENDING JUNE 30, 2004 FISCAL FISCAL % ACCOUNT JUNE YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED TOTAL EXPENSES: 1, 525. 98 1,525.98 599, 199.00 0.2 TOTAL FUND REVENUES 24, 964 .17 43,803.71 599,199.00 7.3 TOTAL FUND EXPENSES 1,525. 98 1, 525.98 599, 199.00 0.2 FUND SURPLUS (DEFICIT) 23,438.19 42,277 .73 0.00 100.0 15 DATE: 08/10/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE:P-G : 05 TIME: 14 :05:03 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT ID: GL470002.WOW FUND: MUNICIPAL BUILDLING FOR 2 PERIODS ENDING JUNE 30, 2004 FISCAL FISCAL $ JUNE YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ ACCOUNTACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED NUMBERRDESCRIPTION REVENUES CARRY OVER 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 16-000-40-00-3999 CARRY OVER BALANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 TOTAL CARRY OVER CHARGES FOR SERVICES 6, 100.00 12, 550.00 57, 600.00 21.7 16-000-42-00-4211 DEVELOPMENT FEES-BUILDING TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES 6,100.00 12, 550.00 57, 600.00 21.7 TRANSFERS 0.00 0.00 32,000.00 0.0 16-000-49-00-4901 TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND 0.00 0.00 32,000.00 0.0 TOTAL TRANSFERS 6, 100.00 12, 550.00 89, 600.00 14.0 TOTAL REVENUES: EXPENSES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 0.0 16-000-62-00-5416 MAINT-GENERAL BLDG & GROUNDS TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 0.0 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 3, 600.00 0.0 16-000-75-00-7008 ENTRY WAY SIGNS 0 360. 0 0.0 0 13,600.00 0.0 16-000-75-00-7200 BLDG IMPROV- BEEHCER/RIVFRNT 362.41 00 2.4001 0.00 0.0 16-000-75-00-7202 BLDG IMPROVEMENTS-CITY HALL 427 .66 9,000.00 367 .66 4 .7 3, 428.00 3,42 16-000-75-00-7203 BLDG IMPROVEMENTS-PUBLIC WORKS .66 5,000.00 76.1 0.00 4 16-000-75-00-7204 BLDG MAINT - CITY HALL0.00 4,000.00,000.00 0.0 16-000-75-00-7205 BLDG IMPROVEMENTS-LIBRARY 0.00 0.00 0.0 16-000-75-00-7206 LANDSCAPING-PUBLIC BUILDINGS 0 00 0.00 45,000.00 0.0 16-000-75-00-7209 BEECHER PARKING LOT TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 4, 158.07 4, 599.47 84, 600.00 5.4 DATE: 08/10/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 16 TIME: 14 :05:03 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 05 ID: GL470002.WOW FUND: MUNICIPAL BUILDLING FOR 2 PERIODS ENDING JUNE 30, 2004 FISCAL FISCAL % ACCOUNT JUNE YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED OTHER 16-000-78-00-9009 RESERVE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 TOTAL OTHER 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 TOTAL EXPENSES: 4, 158.07 4, 599.47 89, 600.00 5.1 TOTAL FUND REVENUES 6,100.00 12,550.00 89, 600.00 14 .0 TOTAL FUND EXPENSES 4, 158 .07 4,599.47 89, 600.00 5.1 FUND SURPLUS (DEFICIT) 1, 941. 93 7, 950.53 0.00 100.0 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 057 DATE: 08/10/2004 14:05:03 7 TIME: DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT PAGE: 1 ID: GL470002.W0W FUND: POLICE EQUIPMENT CAPITAL 2009 FOR 2 PERIODS ENDING JUNE 30, FISCAL FISCAL % JUNE YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED NUMMBEBERRT DESCRIPTION REVENUES 0.0 CARRY OVER 0.00 0.00 40,000.00 20-000-40-00-3999 CARRY OVER BALANCE 0.0 0.00 0.00 40,000.00 TOTAL CARRY OVER CHARGES FOR SERVICES17, 850.00 99, 900.00 17 .8 20-000-92-00-4212 DEV FEES - POLICE 8, 400.00 8, 400.00 17,850.00 99, 900.00 17.8 TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES MISCELLANEOUS0.00 500.00 0.0 2,000.00 30.0 20-000-44-00-4402 K-9 DONATIONS 0.00 200.00 600.00 20-000-94-00-4403 IN CAR VIDEO DONATIONS 20-000-44-00-4404 DONATIONS 0.0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 00 0.00 40,000.00 0.0 20-000-44-00-4405 WEATHER WARNING SIREN 0.00 1,000.00 0.0 20-000-49-00-4431 SALE OF POLICE SQUADS 0.001.3 200.00 600.00 43, 500.00 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS OTHER OPERATING RECEIPTS 0.00 62, 500.00 0.0 20-000-98-00-9800 LOAN PROCEEDS 0.00 0.00 62, 500.00 0.0 TOTAL OTHER OPERATING RECEIPTS 0.00 TRANSFERS0.00 0.00 0.0 20-000-49-00-9901 TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL TRANSFERS 7 .5 8, 600.00 18, 450.00 245, 900.00 TOTAL REVENUES: EXPENSES 0.0 WEAPONS 0.00 0.00 6, 500.00 20-000-65-00-5811 LETHAL/NON-LETHAL WEAPONS 0.0 0.00 0.00 6, 500.00 TOTAL WEAPONS DATE: 08/10/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 18 TIME: 14 :05:03 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 05 ID: GL470002.WOW FUND: POLICE EQUIPMENT CAPITAL FOR 2 PERIODS ENDING JUNE 30, 2004 FISCAL FISCAL % ACCOUNT JUNE YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED CAPITAL OUTLAY 20-000-75-00-7001 EQUIPMENT 529.95 529.95 7, 350.00 7.2 20-000-75-00-7003 EXPEDITION AND ACCESSORIES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 20-000-75-00-7005 VEHICLES 0.00 0.00 62,500.00 0.0 20-000-75-00-7006 CAR BUILD OUT 0.00 0.00 23, 360.00 0.0 20-000-75-00-7008 NEW WEATHER WARNING SIRENS 0.00 0.00 70,000.00 0.0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 529.95 529.95 163,210.00 0.3 OTHER 20-000-78-00-9009 RESERVE 0.00 0.00 3,038.00 0.0 TOTAL OTHER 0.00 0.00 3,038.00 0.0 TRANSFERS 20-000-99-00-9965 TRANSFER TO DEBT SERV FUND 0.00 0.00 73, 152.00 0.0 TOTAL TRANSFERS 0.00 0.00 73, 152.00 0.0 TOTAL EXPENSES: 529.95 529.95 245, 900.00 0.2 TOTAL FUND REVENUES 8, 600.00 18,450.00 245, 900.00 7.5 TOTAL FUND EXPENSES 529.95 529.95 245, 900.00 0.2 FUND SURPLUS (DEFICIT) 8,070.05 17,920.05 0.00 100.0 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 05 TAE: 08/10/2004 14:05:03 : 19 TIME: DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT PAGE: ID: GL470002.WOW FUND: PUBLIC WORKS EQUIP CAPITAL 2004 FOR 2 PERIODS ENDING JUNE 30, FISCAL FISCAL $ JUNE YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ ACCOUNT ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL REVENUES 140,000.00 0.0 CARRY OVER 0.00 0.00 21-000-40-00-3999 CARRY OVER BALANCE 140,000.00 0.0 0.00 0.00 TOTAL CARRY OVER CHARGES FOR SERVICES 25,200.00 53, 550.00 279,700.00 19.1 21-000-42-00-4213 DEVELOPMENT FEES-PUBLIC WORKS 279,700.00 19.1 25,200.00 53, 550.00 TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES MISCELLANEOUS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 21-000-44-00-4430 SALE OF EQUIPMENT 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.00 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 0.00 50,000.00 0.0 TRANSFERS 0.00 30,000.00 0.0 21-000-49-00-4915 TRANSFER FROM WATER FUND 0.00 0.00 21-000-49-00-4920 TRANSFER FROM SEWER FUND 80,000.00 0.0 0.00 0.00 TOTAL TRANSFERS 499,700.00 10.7 TOTAL REVENUES: 25,200.00 53, 550.00 EXPENSES 100,000.00 0.0 0.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 21-000-75-00-7005 VEHICLES 0.00 0.00 21-000-75-00-7006 F150 PICK UPS 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.0 21-000-75-00-7007 5 YARD DUMP 0.00 0.00 21-000-75-00-7008 WATER DEPT PICK UP 0.00 0.00 0.0 21-000-75-00-7009 1 TON DUMP 0.00 0.00 21-000-75-00-701POWER BREAKER 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 5,000.00 0.0 21-000-75-00-70155 4, 500.00 0.0 0.00 SKIDSTEER UPGRAGE 0.00 0.00 21-000-75-00-7100 BOB CAT EXCHANGE 0.00 0.00 0.0 21-000-75-00-7107 TRUCK ACCESSORIES 0.00 0.00 9,000.00 21-000-75-00-7108 AUGER SYSTEM DATE: 08/10/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 20 TIME: 14 :05:03 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 05 ID: GL470002.WOW FUND: PUBLIC WORKS EQUIP CAPITAL FOR 2 PERIODS ENDING JUNE 30, 2004 FISCAL FISCAL % ACCOUNT JUNE YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED EXPENSES CAPITAL OUTLAY 21-000-75-00-7109 MOWER 0.00 0.00 21,000.00 0.0 21-000-75-00-7120 STREET SWEEPER 0.00 0.00 140,000.00 0.0 21-000-75-00-7130 PUBLIC WORKS BLDG ADDITION 0.00 0.00 90,000.00 0.0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 369,500.00 0.0 OTHER 21-000-78-00-9009 RESERVE 0.00 0.00 130,200.00 0.0 TOTAL OTHER 0.00 0.00 130,200.00 0.0 TOTAL EXPENSES: 0.00 0.00 499,700.00 0.0 TOTAL FUND REVENUES 25,200.00 53,550.00 499,700.00 10.7 TOTAL FUND EXPENSES 0.00 0.00 499,700.00 0.0 FUND SURPLUS (DEFICIT) 25,200.00 53, 550.00 0.00 100.0 1 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE:F-YR: 2 21 DATE: 08/10/2004140503 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT TIME: ID: GL470002.WOW FUND: PARKS & REC EQUIP CAPITAL FOR 2 PERIODS ENDING JUNE 30, 2004FISCAL FISCAL % JUNE YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMBEACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED NUMBERRT DESCRIPTION REVENUES100.0 CARRY OVER 0.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 22-000-40-00-3999 CARRY OVER BALANCE 0.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 100.0 TOTAL CARRY OVER CHARGES FOR SERVICES0.00 5,000.00 0.0 22-000-92-00-4216 PARKS CAPITAL FEE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 22-000-42-00-4218 IL CLEAN ENERGY GRANT0.0 TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 TRANSFERS0.00 36, 600.00 0.0 22-000-49-00-4930 TRANSFER FRM GENERAL FUND 0.00 0.00 0.00 22,000.00 0.0 22-000-49-00-4935 TRANSFER FROM LAND CASH0.0 0.00 0.00 58, 600.00 TOTAL TRANSFERS 0.00 10,000.00 73, 600.00 13.5 TOTAL REVENUES: EXPENSES0.0 OTHER 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 22-000-65-00-5800 CONTINGENCY 0.00 0.00 0.00 22-000-65-00-5805 BEECHER LIGHTING 0.0 TOTAL OTHER 0.00 0.00 0.00 PARKS EXPENSES0.0 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 0.00 28 000.00 0.0 22-610-75-00-7006 VEHICLES 0.00 0.00 0.0 22-610-75-00-7006 PICK UP TRUCK 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 22-610-75-00-7007 SOCCER GOALS 12' REPLACEMENT 0.00 2,000.00 0.0 22-610-75-00-7008 SOCCER GOALS 9' 0.00 0.00 0.00 7,000.00 0.0 22-610-75-00-7009 COMPUTER WORKSTATIONS DATE: 08/10/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 22 TIME: 14 :05:03 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 05 ID: GL470002 .WOW FUND: PARKS & REC EQUIP CAPITAL FOR 2 PERIODS ENDING JUNE 30, 2004 FISCAL FISCAL % ACCOUNT JUNE YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED PARKS EXPENSES CAPITAL OUTLAY 22-610-75-00-7010 TOWN SQUARE FOUNTAIN 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 22-610-75-00-7011 PLAYER BENCHES 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 0.0 22-610-75-00-7012 RIVERFRONT PLAYGROUND 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 0.0 22-610-75-00-7013 PLAYGROUND REPAIRS 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 0.0 22-610-75-00-7014 SIGN REPLACEMENTS 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 0.0 22-610-75-00-7015 MOWER 0.00 0.00 15, 000.00 0.0 22-610-75-00-7016 BEECHER PATHWAY 9, 480.00 9,480.00 0.00 (100.0) 22-610-75-00-7017 RECREATION EQUIPMENT 0.00 0.00 2, 600.00 0.0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 9, 480.00 9,480.00 73, 600.00 12.8 TOTAL EXPENSES: PARKS 9,480.00 9,480.00 73, 600.00 12.8 TOTAL FUND REVENUES 0.00 10,000.00 73, 600.00 13.5 TOTAL FUND EXPENSES 9,480.00 9,480.00 73, 600.00 12 .8 FUND SURPLUS (DEFICIT) (9, 480.00) 520.00 0.00 100.0 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE G : 05 TAE: 08/10/2004 14:05:03 PAGE: 23 TIME: DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT ID: GL470002.WOW FUND: SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT 2004 FOR 2 PERIODS ENDING JUNE 30, FISCAL FISCAL JUNE YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED NUMBER DESCRIPTION REVENUES0.0 CARRY OVER 0.00 0.00 12, 692, 117.00 37-000-40-00-3999 CARRY OVER 0.0 0.00 0.00 12, 692,117 .00 TOTAL CARRY OVER CHARGES FOR SERVICES 127,700.00 1,071,200.00 11.9 76, 400.00 12, 506.000 42.5 37-000-42-00-4221 CONNECTIONRFEES 2, 250.50 5, 321.50 37-000-42-00-9221 RIVER CROSSING FEES 12 2 78, 650.50 133, 021.50 1,083,706.00 TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES INTEREST0.00 15,000.00 0.0 37-000-46-00-4600 INVESTMENT INCOME 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.00 15,000.00 TOTAL INTEREST OTHER OPERATING RECEIPTS0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.0 37-000-48-00-9800 COMED/HYDRAULIC DEBT CERT. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 37-000-48-00-4801 BRUELL ST. DEBT CERT. PROCEEDS 0.00 0.00 0.00 37-000-48-00-4802 COUNTRYSIDE INTERCEPT. ALT REV 0.00 0.00 0.0 37-000-48-00-4803 ROB ROY CREEK REVENUE 0.000.0 TOTAL OTHER OPERATING RECEIPTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 TRANSFERS0.00 150,000.00 0.0 37-000-49-00-4901 TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.00 150,000.00 TOTAL TRANSFERS 78, 650.50 133,021.50 13, 940,823.00 0.9 TOTAL REVENUES: EXPENSES0.9 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 390.00 390.00 90,000.00 37-000-62-00-5401 CONTRACTURAL/PROFESSIONAL SERV 7,390 00 540,000.00 1.4 37-000-62-00-5402 ENG/LGL/CONTINGNCY-COUNTRYSIDE 7,280.43 DATE: 08/10/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 24 TIME: 14 :05:03 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 05 ID: GL470002 .WOW FUND: SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT FOR 2 PERIODS ENDING JUNE 30, 2004 FISCAL FISCAL % ACCOUNT JUNE YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED EXPENSES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 37-000-62-00-5405 ENG/LGL/CONTINGENCY-BRUELL ST. 26, 696.55 26, 696.55 315,000.00 8.4 37-000-62-00-5406 ENG/LGL/CONTINGENCY-HYDRAULIC 1,559.88 1, 559.88 666, 625.00 0.2 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 35, 926.86 35, 926.86 1,537, 384 .00 2.3 OTHER 37-000-65-00-5421 GIS SYSTEM 0.00 0.00 20,000.00 0.0 37-000-65-00-5800 CONTINGENCY 0.00 0.00 2,576, 138.00 0.0 TOTAL OTHER 0.00 0.00 2,596,138 .00 0.0 CAPITAL OUTLAY 37-000-75-00-7502 HYDRAULIC INTERCEPTOR 360.00 360.00 4, 335, 000.00 0.0 37-000-75-00-7503 COUNTRYSIDE INTERCEPTOR 130.00 130.00 2, 933,735.00 0.0 37-000-75-00-7504 BRUELL STREET LIFT STATION 316,105.70 316,105.70 1,475,000.00 21 .4 37-000-75-00-7505 ROB ROY CREEK SANITARY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 37-000-75-00-7507 SANITARY JETTER TRUCK 0.00 0.00 225,000.00 0.0 37-000-75-00-7515 HEARTLAND ONSITE INTERCEPTOR 0.00 0.00 200,000.00 0.0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 316,595.70 316,595.70 9,168,735.00 3.4 TRANSFERS 37-000-99-00-9901 TRANSFER TO GENERAL FUND 0.00 0.00 200,000.00 0.0 37-000-99-00-9965 TRANSFER TO DEBT SERVICE 0.00 0.00 438,566.00 0.0 TOTAL TRANSFERS 0.00 0.00 638,566.00 0.0 TOTAL EXPENSES: 352,522.56 352, 522.56 13, 940, 823.00 2.5 TOTAL FUND REVENUES 78,650.50 133,021 .50 13,940,823.00 0.9 TOTAL FUND EXPENSES 352, 522.56 352, 522.56 13, 940,823.00 2.5 FUND SURPLUS (DEFICIT) (273, 872.06) (219,501.06) 0.00 100.0 25 DATE: 08/10/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE:PGE: 05 TIME: 14:05:03 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT ID: GL470002.W0W FUND: WATER IMPROV. EXPANSION FOR 2 PERIODS ENDING JUNE 30, 2009FISCAL FISCAL JUNE YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED NUMBER DESCRIPTION REVENUES CARRY OVER 0.00 0.00 4, 581, 458 .00 0.0 41-000-40-00-3999 CARRY OVER 0.00 0.00 4, 581,458 .00 0.0 TOTAL CARRY OVER CHARGES FOR SERVICES71,760.00 1, 460,800.00 4 .9 41-000-42-00-4220 CONNECTION FEES 35,000.00 35,000.00 71,760.00 1,460,800.00 9 .9 TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES INTERGOVERNMENTAL0.00 0.00 0.0 41-000-45-00-4530 RADIUM GRANT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL INTEREST0.00 15,000.00 0.0 41-000-46-00-4600 INVESTMENT INCOME 0.00 0.00 0.00 15,000.00 0.0 TOTAL INTEREST OTHER OPERATING RECEIPTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 41-000-48-00-4800 LOAN PROCEEDS 0.00 9,400,000.00 0.0 . 41-000-48-00-4801 IEPA LOAN/CONTRACT B PROCEEDS 0 0.00 00 0.00 0.00 0.0 41-000-48-00-4802 PROCEEDS ON SALE OF ASSETS 0.00 0.00 0.0 41-000-48-00-4803 LOAN PROCEEDS-CENTRAL ZONE 0.00 0.00 4, 400,000.00 0.0 TOTAL OTHER OPERATING RECEIPTS 0.00 TRANSFERS0.00 70,000.00 0.0 41-000-49-00-4915 TRANSFER FROM WATER FUND 0.00 0.00 0.00 70, 000.00 0.0 TOTAL TRANSFERS 35,000.00 71,760.00 10, 527,258 .00 0. 6 TOTAL REVENUES: EXPENSES DATE: 08/10/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 26 TIME: 14 :05:03 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 05 ID: GL470002 .WOW FUND: WATER IMPROV. EXPANSION FOR 2 PERIODS ENDING JUNE 30, 2004 FISCAL FISCAL $ ACCOUNT JUNE YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 41-000-61-00-5300 LEGAL SERVICES 0.00 0.00 10,000.00 0.0 41-000-61-00-5400 RADIUM COMPLIANCE -CONTRACT B 0.00 0.00 3, 662,730.00 0.0 41-000-61-00-5401 ENGINEERING-RADIUM CONTRACT B 502.50 502.50 476, 155.00 0.1 41-000-61-00-5405 PROF. SVCS- RADIUM CONTRACT B 0.00 0.00 261, 115.00 0.0 41-000-61-00-5408 CENTRAL ZONE - CONTRACT C 145, 608.00 145, 608.00 3, 404, 855.00 4 .2 41-000-61-00-5410 ENGINEERING-CENTRAL ZONE 357, 495.87 357, 495.87 91, 360.00 391.3 41-000-61-00-5413 PROFESSIONAL SERV-CENTRALZONE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 41-000-61-00-5414 CONTRACT D SCADA SYSTEM 1,052.12 1, 052.12 0.00 (100.0) 41-000-61-00-5415 USGS GROUNDWATER STUDY 1,719.00 1,719.00 0.00 (100.0) TOTAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 506,377.49 506, 377.49 7, 906,215.00 6.4 OTHER 41-000-65-00-5421 GIS SYSTEM 0.00 0.00 30,000.00 0.0 41-000-65-00-5800 CONTINGENCY 3, 951.00 3, 951.00 901, 437.00 0.4 TOTAL OTHER 3, 951.00 3, 951.00 931, 437.00 0.4 DEBT SERVICE 41-000-66-00-6012 DEBT CERTIFICATE EXPENSES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 CAPITAL OUTLAY 41-000-75-00-7504 NORTH WATER TOWER-CONTRACT A 4,193.76 4,193.76 1,085,243.00 0.3 41-000-75-00-7506 APPLETREE COURT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 41-000-75-00-7515 JOHNSON STREET WATER MAIN 0.00 0.00 40,000.00 0.0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 4, 193.76 4,193.76 1, 125,243.00 0.3 TRANSFERS 41-000-99-00-9901 TRANSFER TO GENERAL FUND 0.00 0.00 200,000.00 0.0 41-000-99-00-9965 TRANSFER TO DEBT FUND 0.00 0.00 364,363.00 0.0 TOTAL TRANSFERS 0.00 0.00 564,363.00 0.0 DATE: 08/10/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 27 TIME: 14 :05:03 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 05 I ID: GL470002.WOW FUND: WATER IMPROV. EXPANSION FOR 2 PERIODS ENDING JUNE 30, 2004 FISCAL FISCAL % ACCOUNT JUNE YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED TOTAL EXPENSES: 514, 522.25 514, 522.25 10, 527, 258.00 4.8 TOTAL FUND REVENUES 35,000.00 71,760.00 10, 527, 258.00 0. 6 TOTAL FUND EXPENSES 514, 522.25 514, 522.25 10, 527,258.00 4.8 FUND SURPLUS (DEFICIT) (479, 522.25) (442,762.25) 0.00 100.0 DATE: 08/10/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 28 TIME: 14 :05:03 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 05 ID: GL470002.WOW FUND: DEBT SERVICE FOR 2 PERIODS ENDING JUNE 30, 2004 FISCAL FISCAL % ACCOUNT JUNE YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED REVENUES CARRY OVER 42-000-40-00-3999 CARRY OVER 0.00 0.00 50, 000.00 0.0 TOTAL CARRY OVER 0.00 0.00 50,000.00 0.0 MISCELLANEOUS 42-000-44-00-4440 RECAPTURE-WATER/SEWER 5,264 .00 5,264 .00 75,000.00 7.0 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 5,264 .00 5,264 .00 75,000.00 7.0 TRANSFERS 42-000-49-00-4901 TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 42-000-49-00-4910 TRANSFER FROM POLICE EQUIP CAP 0.00 0.00 73, 152.00 0.0 42-000-49-00-4920 TRANSFER FROM SEWER FUND 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 42-000-49-00-4925 TRANSFER FROM SANITARY SEWER 0.00 0.00 438,566.00 0.0 42-000-49-00-4930 TRANSFER FROM WATER IMPRV FUND 0.00 0.00 364,363.00 0.0 TOTAL TRANSFERS 0.00 0.00 876, 081.00 0.0 TOTAL REVENUES: 5,264.00 5,264 .00 1,001,081.00 0.5 EXPENSES DEBT SERVICE 42-000-66-00-6001 CITY HALL BONDS-PRINCIPAL PMT 0.00 0.00 50,000.00 0.0 42-000-66-00-6002 CITY HALL BONDS - INTEREST PMT 27, 498.75 27, 498.75 54, 998.00 49.9 42-000-66-00-6003 IRBB-BRUELL ST. INTEREST PMTS 0.00 0.00 86,715.00 0.0 42-000-66-00-6004 IRBB-BRUELL ST. PRINCIPAL PYMT 0.00 0.00 80,000.00 0.0 42-000-66-00-6005 NORTH H2O TOWER INTEREST PYMT 0.00 0.00 1,017.00 0.0 42-000-66-00-6006 NORTH H2O TOWER PRINCIPAL PYMT 0.00 0.00 23, 983.00 0.0 42-000-66-00-6007 4 .8 MILLION DEBT CERT INT PYMT 222,787.82 222,787.82 339, 363.00 65.6 42-000-66-00-6009 COUNTRYSIDE ALT REV INT PYMT 39,877.48 39,877.48 100, 196.00 39.7 42-000-66-00-6010 COMED/HYDRAULIC INTEREST PYMT 0.00 0.00 35,895.00 0.0 42-000-66-00-6050 LOAN PAYMENT-SANITARY SIPHON 0.00 0.00 38, 989.00 0.0 42-000-66-00-6051 LOAN PAYMENT-NORTH WTR/SWR-EDC 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 42-000-66-00-6052 LOAN PAYMENT-NORTH WTR/SWR-YNB 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 DATE: 08/10/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 29 TIME: 14:05:03 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 05 ID: GL470002.WOW FUND: DEBT SERVICE FOR 2 PERIODS ENDING JUNE 30, 2004 FISCAL FISCAL % ACCOUNT JUNE YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED EXPENSES DEBT SERVICE 42-000-66-00-6053 LOAN PAYMENT-RIVER CROSSING 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 42-000-66-00-6054 LOAN PAYMENT-POLICE SQUAD CAR 0.00 0.00 24, 110.00 0.0 42-000-66-00-6055 LOAN PAYMENT-SSES IEPA L171153 0.00 0.00 107, 051.00 0.0 42-000-66-00-6056 YNB-POLICE/ADMIN CARS 0.00 0.00 58,764 .00 0.0 42-000-66-00-6057 IRBB-BRUELL ST. INTEREST PMT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 290, 164 .05 290, 164 .05 1,001,081.00 28.9 TOTAL FUND REVENUES 5,264.00 5,264 .00 1, 001,081.00 0.5 TOTAL FUND EXPENSES 290, 164 .05 290, 164.05 1,001,081.00 28.9 FUND SURPLUS (DEFICIT) (284, 900.05) (284, 900.05) 0.00 100.0 DATE: 08/10/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 30 TIME: 14:05:03 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 05 ID: GL470002.WOW I FUND: WATER OPERATIONS FOR 2 PERIODS ENDING JUNE 30, 2004 FISCAL FISCAL % ACCOUNT JUNE YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED REVENUES CARRY OVER 51-000-40-00-3999 CARRY OVER BALANCE 0.00 0.00 1,500,000.00 0.0 TOTAL CARRY OVER 0.00 0.00 1,500,000.00 0.0 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 51-000-42-00-4240 BULK WATER SALES 172.21 2, 996.13 5,000.00 59.9 51-000-42-00-4241 WATER SALES 141, 479.74 142,403.14 950,000.00 14 .9 51-000-42-00-4242 WATER METER SALES 16, 000.00 37, 525.00 130,000.00 28.8 51-000-42-00-4243 LEASE REVENUE - H2O TOWER 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES 157, 651.95 182, 924.27 1,085,000.00 16.8 MISCELLANEOUS 51-000-44-00-4490 MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 0.00 0.00 500.00 0.0 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 0.00 0.00 500.00 0.0 INTEREST 51-000-46-00-4600 INVESTMENT INCOME 0.00 360. 39 6,000.00 6.0 TOTAL INTEREST 0.00 360.39 6,000.00 6.0 TOTAL REVENUES: 157, 651.95 183,284.66 2, 591,500.00 7.0 EXPENSES PERSONNEL 51-000-50-00-5107 SALARIES - EMPLOYEE 14, 947.71 35,089.63 217, 348.00 16.1 51-000-50-00-5136 SALARIES-PART TIME 952.00 2, 526.40 4,000.00 63.1 51-000-50-00-5137 SALARIES - OVERTIME 2, 901.35 6,283.07 27,000.00 23.2 TOTAL PERSONNEL 18,801.06 43,899.10 248,348.00 17.6 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 1 51-000-61-00-5300 LEGAL SERVICES 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 0.0 31 DATE: 08/10/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE:PGE: 05 TIME: 14 :05:04 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT ID: GL470002.WOW FUND: WATER OPERATIONS FOR 2 PERIODS ENDING JUNE 30, 2004 FISCAL ISCAL JUNE YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED NUMMBEBERRT DESCRIPTION AC EXPENSES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 0.0 51-000-61-00-5303 JULIE SERVICE TOTAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0.00 0.00 7, 000.00 0.0 CONTRACTURAL SERVICES 1,461.13 1, 461.13 4,000.00 36.5 51-000-62-00-5401 CONTRACUAL SERVICES4,000.00 0.0 51-000-62-00-5407 TREATMENT FACILITIES O&M 1, 0.00 0.00 290.00 1,295.91 9 44,000.00 12.9 51-000-62-00-5408 MAINTENANCE-EQUIPMENT 0.00 0.00 10,000.00 0.0 51-000-62-00-5409 MAINTENANCE - VEHICLES 0.00 0.00 4, 000.00 0.0 51-000-62-00-5411 MAINTENANCE-COMPUTERS 0.00 0.00 4,000.00 0.0 51-000-62-00-5413 MAINTENANCE-CONTROL SYSTEM 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 0.0 51-000-62-00-5414 TRUCK LETTERING .00 540.00 5, 500.00 9.9 51-000-62-00-5421 WEARING APPAREL 310 75.35 1,000.00 0.0 7, 596.49 7, 596.490 51-000-62-00-5434 RENTAL - EQUIPMENT 0.00 170,000.00 0 .0 51-000-62-00-5435 ELECTRICITY 1 596 49 1, 996.49 20,000.00 4 .4 51-000-62-00-5436 TELEPHONE 993 99 49 373.79 5, 500.00 6.7 51-000-62-00-5438 CELLULAR TELEPHONE 13,041.32 13,269.16 279,000.00 4.7 TOTAL CONTRACTURAL SERVICES PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 51-000-64-00-5600 DUES 10.00 257.00 750.00 3 0.00 0.00 250.00 44 .2 0.0 51-000-64-00-5603 SUBSCRIPTINS 105.00 105.00 6, 900.00 1.5 51-000-64-00-5604 TRAINING & CONFERENCES 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 0.0 51-000-64-00-5605 TRAVEL EXPENSES TOTAL PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 115.00 362.00 9, 900.00 3. 6 OPERATIONS 57 .63 29, 276.00 0.1 51-000-65-00-5800 CONTINGENCIES 57 . 633,057 .63 29,276.00 6.9 51-000-65-00-5804 OPERATING SUPPLIES 3,033.98 g 9 51-000-65-00-5808 POSTAGE & SHIPPING 968.89 1,038.83 11,700.00 140.00 140.00 5,000.00 2.8 51-000-65-00-5809 PRINTING & COPYING 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 0.0 51-000-65-00-5810 PUBLISHING & ADVERTISING 630 .00 634 .99 7, 200.00 8.8 51-000-65-00-5812 GASOLINE DATE: 08/10/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 32 TIME: 14 :05:04 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 05 ID: GL470002.WOW FUND: WATER OPERATIONS FOR 2 PERIODS ENDING JUNE 30, 2004 FISCAL FISCAL % ACCOUNT JUNE YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED EXPENSES OPERATIONS 51-000-65-00-5815 HAND TOOLS 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 0.0 51-000-65-00-5817 GRAVEL 0.00 0.00 5, 000.00 0.0 51-000-65-00-5819 CHLORINE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 51-000-65-00-5820 CHEMICALS 1,099.28 1,099.28 27,232.00 4 .0 51-000-65-00-5821 CATHODIC PROTECTION 0.00 0.00 2,500.00 0.0 51-000-65-00-5822 WATER SAMPLES 1, 980.00 1, 980.00 12,000.00 16.5 TOTAL OPERATIONS 7,914 .77 8,029.77 145, 908 .00 5.5 RETIREMENT 51-000-72-00-6500 IMRF PARTICIPANTS 1,797.41 4, 166.25 24, 606.00 16.9 51-000-72-00-6501 SOCIAL SECURITY & MEDICARE 1, 514 .59 3, 434. 63 19,788.00 17.3 TOTAL RETIREMENT 3,312.00 7, 600.88 44, 394 .00 17.1 CAPITAL OUTLAY 51-000-75-00-7002 COMPUTER EQUIP & SOFTWARE 0.00 0.00 4,000.00 0.0 51-000-75-00-7004 SAFETY EQUIPMENT 71.25 71.25 2,000.00 3.5 51-000-75-00-7506 METER READERS 997.50 997.50 10, 320.00 9.6 51-000-75-00-7507 HYDRANT REPLACEMENT 0.00 0.00 4,000.00 0.0 51-000-75-00-7508 METERS & PARTS 12, 556.49 12,556.49 130,000.00 9.6 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 13, 625.24 13, 625.24 150,320.00 9.0 OTHER 51-000-78-00-9005 REFUND 0.00 774 .00 500.00 154 .8 51-000-78-00-9009 RESERVE 0.00 0.00 1,386,130.00 0.0 TOTAL OTHER 0.00 774.00 1, 386, 630.00 0.0 TRANSFERS 51-000-99-00-9901 TRANSFER TO GENERAL FUND 0.00 0.00 200, 000.00 0.0 51-000-99-00-9930 TRANSFER TO WATER IMPRV FUND 0.00 0.00 70,000.00 0.0 51-000-99-00-9950 TRANSFER TO PW EQUIP CAPITAL 0.00 0.00 50,000.00 0.0 TOTAL TRANSFERS 0.00 0.00 320,000.00 0.0 DATE: 08/10/2004 TIME: 14:05:09 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE ID: GL970002.W0W DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT PAGE: 33 F-YR: 05 FUND: WATER OPERATIONS FOR 2 PERIODS ENDING JUNE 30, 2004 ACCOUNT FISCAL FISCAL % NUMBER DESCRIPTION JUNE YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET TOTAL EXPENSES: EXPENDED 56,809.39 87, 560.15 2, 591, 500.00 TOTAL FUND REVENUES 3.3 TOTAL FUND EXPENSES 157, 651.95 183,284.66 2, 591, 500.00 FUND SURPLUS 56,809.39 87, 560.15 7.0 (DEFICIT) 100,842.562, 591,500.00 3.3 95,724 .51 0.00 100.0 DATE: 08/10/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 34 TIME: 14:05:04 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 05 ID: GL470002.WOW FUND: SEWER MAINTENANCE FOR 2 PERIODS ENDING JUNE 30, 2004 FISCAL FISCAL ACCOUNT JUNE YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED REVENUES CHARGES FOR SERVICES 52-000-42-00-4250 SEWER MAINTENACE FEES 65, 501.40 65,586.49 350,000.00 18.7 52-000-42-00-4251 SEWER CONNNECTION FEES 10, 800.00 23,300.00 96,800.00 24.0 TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES 76, 301.40 88,886.49 446, 800.00 19.8 INTEREST 52-000-46-00-4600 INVESTMENT INCOME 0.00 360.39 10,000.00 3.6 TOTAL INTEREST 0.00 360.39 10,000.00 3. 6 TOTAL REVENUES: 76,301. 40 89,246.88 456,800.00 19.5 EXPENSES PERSONNEL SERVICES 52-000-50-00-5108 SALARIES-REGULAR 6, 371.20 15,788.80 119,254 .00 13.2 52-000-50-00-5136 PART TIME 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 0.0 52-000-50-00-5137 SALARIES-OVERTIME 554.20 1, 614.18 12,000.00 13.4 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 6, 925.40 17, 402.98 136,254.00 12.7 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 52-000-62-00-5401 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 50.00 50.00 2,000.00 2.5 52-000-62-00-5408 MAINTENANCE-EQUIPMENT 82.56 82.56 8,500.00 0.9 52-000-62-00-5409 MAINTENANCE-VEHICLES 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 0.0 52-000-62-00-5419 MAINTENANCE-SANITARY SEWER 3, 407.07 3, 407.07 13,000.00 26.2 52-000-62-00-5421 WEARING APPAREL 89. 67 89.67 4,500.00 1.9 52-000-62-00-5422 LIFT STATION MAINTENANCE 321.81 421.81 15,000.00 2.8 52-000-62-00-5434 RENTAL - EQUIPMENT 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 0.0 52-000-62-00-5435 ELECTRICITY 0.00 0.00 8, 900.00 0.0 52-000-62-00-5438 CELLULAR TELEPHONE 96.77 96.77 2, 500.00 3.8 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 4,047.88 4, 147.88 60,400.00 6.8 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT DATE: 08/10/2004 TIME: 14 :05:04 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE ID: GL470002.WOW DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT PAGE: 35 F-YR: 05 FUND: SEWER MAINTENANCE FOR 2 PERIODS ENDING JUNE 30, 2004 ACCOUNT FISCAL FISCAL % JUNE YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR ACTUAL ACTUAL COLLECTED/ NUMBER DESCRIPTION BUDGET EXPENDED EXPENSES PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 52-000-64-00-5604 TRAINING & CONFERENCES 0.00 0.00 1, 900.00 TOTAL PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 0.0 0.00 0.00 1, 900.00 OPERATIONS 0.0 52-000-65-00-5800 CONTINGENCIES 52-000-65-00-5802 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0.00 0.00 10, 000.00 52-000-65-00-5804 OPERATING SUPPLIES 130.09 130.09 0.0 52-000-65-00-5805 SHOP SUPPLIES 289.76 2,000.00 6.5 289.76 8,000.00 3. 6 52-000-65-00-5812 GASOLINE 61.25 61.25 2, 500.00 52-000-65-00-5815 HAND TOOLS 0.00 0.00 2.4 52-000-65-00-5817 GRAVEL 0.00 5, 900.00 0.0 0.00 1,000.00 0.0 52-000-65-00-5823 SEWER CHEMICALS 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 TOTAL OPERATIONS 15,000.00 0.0 481.10 481.10 46,400.00 RETIREMENT 1.0 52-000-72-00-6500 IMRF PARTICIPANTS 52-000-72-00-6501 SOCIAL SECURITY & MEDICARE 697.39 1,752.45 13,217.00 529.81 1,331.3313.2 TOTAL RETIREMENT 10, 423.00 12.7 1,227.20 3,083.78 23, 640.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY13.0 52-000-75-00-7002 COMPUTER EQUIP & SOFTWARE 52-000-75-00-7003 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 52-000-75-00-7004 SAFETY EQUIPMENT 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 3,000.00 0.0 0.00 2, 000.00 0.0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 7,000.00 OTHER 0.0 52-000-78-00-9009 RESERVE 0.00 0.00 81,206.00 TOTAL OTHER 0.0 0.00 0.00 81,206.00 TRANSFERS 0.0 DATE: 08/10/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 36 TIME: 14:05:04 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 05 ID: GL470002.WOW FUND: SEWER MAINTENANCE FOR 2 PERIODS ENDING JUNE 30, 2004 FISCAL FISCAL % ACCOUNT JUNE YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED EXPENSES TRANSFERS 52-000-99-00-9901 TRANSFER TO GENERAL FUND 0.00 0.00 70,000.00 0.0 52-000-99-00-9925 TRANSFER TO SAN SEWER IMPROV. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 52-000-99-00-9950 TRANSFER TO PW EQUIP CAPITAL 0.00 0.00 30,000.00 0.0 52-000-99-00-9965 TRANSFER TO DEBT SERVICE FUND 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 TOTAL TRANSFERS 0.00 0.00 100,000.00 0.0 TOTAL EXPENSES: 12, 681.58 25, 115.74 456,800.00 5.4 TOTAL FUND REVENUES 76, 301.40 89,246.88 456, 800.00 19.5 TOTAL FUND EXPENSES 12, 681.58 25, 115.74 456,800.00 5.4 FUND SURPLUS (DEFICIT) 63, 619.82 64, 131.14 0.00 100.0 DATE: 08/10/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 37 TIME: 14 :05:04 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 05 ID: GL470002.WOW FUND: LAND CASH FOR 2 PERIODS ENDING JUNE 30, 2004 FISCAL FISCAL % ACCOUNT JUNE YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED REVENUES CARRY OVER 72-000-40-00-3999 CARRY OVER/STARTING BALANCE 0.00 0.00 626,812.00 0.0 72-000-40-00-4700 LAND CASH - OTHER 353.60 353.60 0.00 100.0 TOTAL CARRY OVER 353.60 353.60 626,812.00 0.0 CONTRIBUTIONS 72-000-47-00-4700 OSLAD GRANT 0.00 0.00 74,000.00 0.0 72-000-47-00-4701 GREENBRIAR-LAND CASH 1,071 .00 1, 071.00 5,355.00 20.0 72-000-47-00-4702 GREENBRIAR(DUPLEX)-LAND CASH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 72-000-47-00-4703 PRAIRIE GARDEN-LAND CASH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 72-000-47-00-4704 FOX HILL-LAND CASH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 72-000-47-00-4705 COUNTRY HILLS-LAND CASH 3,076.00 3,076.00 15,380.00 20.0 72-000-47-00-4706 COUNTRY HILLS DUPLEX-LAND CASH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 72-000-47-00-4707 FOX HIGHLANDS-LAND CASH 1, 406.00 1, 406.00 0.00 100.0 72-000-47-00-4708 FOX HIGHLANDS DUPLEX-LAND CASH 0.00 14, 160.00 0.00 100.0 72-000-47-00-4709 SUNFLOWER-LAND CASH 2,888.00 7, 294 .00 7,220.00 101.0 72-000-47-00-4710 CIMMERON RIDGE-LAND CASH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 72-000-47-00-4711 BLACKBERRY CREEK-LAND CASH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 72-000-47-00-4712 RIVER'S EDGE-LAND CASH 2,013.00 4, 697.00 20, 130.00 23.3 72-000-47-00-4713 CANNONBALL HILLS-LAND CASH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 72-000-47-00-4714 WOODWORTH-LAND CASH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 72-000-47-00-4715 WHITE OAK UNIT 1&2-LAND CASH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 72-000-47-00-4716 WHITE OAK UNIT 3&4-LAND CASH 0.00 0.00 7, 030.00 0.0 72-000-47-00-4717 KYLN'S CROSSING-LAND CASH 0.00 1, 662.00 0.00 100.0 72-000-47-00-4718 FOXFIELD(2ND EDITION) -LAND CAS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 72-000-47-00-4719 WILDWOOD-LAND CASH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 72-000-47-00-4720 HEARTLAND-LAND CASH 10,000.00 11, 000.00 0.00 100.0 72-000-47-00-4721 COUNTRYSIDE CNTR#9-LAND CASH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 72-000-47-00-4722 KYLN'S RIDGE-LAND CASH 8,310.00 16, 620.00 66, 480.00 25.0 72-000-47-00-4723 HEARTLAND CIRCLE-LAND CASH 0.00 0.00 60,000.00 0.0 72-000-47-00-4724 RAINTREE VILLAGE-LAND CASH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 72-000-47-00-4725 WINDETTE RIDGE-LAND CASH 0.00 0.00 100,000.00 0.0 72-000-47-00-4726 RESERVE @ THE FOX LAND CASH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 72-000-47-00-4727 GRAND RESERVE-LAND CASH 0.00 0.00 220, 500.00 0.0 72-000-47-00-4728 BRISBEN RESERVE-LAND CASH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 DATE: 08/10/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 38 TIME: 14:05:04 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 05 ID: GL470002.WOW FUND: LAND CASH FOR 2 PERIODS ENDING JUNE 30, 2004 FISCAL FISCAL % ACCOUNT JUNE YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED REVENUES CONTRIBUTIONS 72-000-47-00-4729 SCHOOLS-LAND CASH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 72-000-47-00-4730 CANNONBALL EST/KYLYNS CROSSING 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 72-000-47-00-4731 MONTALBANO HOMES LAND CASH 4,248.00 4,248.00 0.00 100.0 72-000-47-00-4732 RAINTREE VILLAGE LAND CASH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 72-000-47-00-4734 WHISPERING MEADOWS (K. HILL) 0.00 0.00 56, 160.00 0.0 72-000-47-00-4735 PRAIRIE MEADOWS (MENARD RES) 0.00 0.00 286,230.00 0.0 TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS 33,012.00 65,234 .00 918,485.00 7.1 TOTAL REVENUES: 33,365.60 65, 587.60 1, 545,297 .00 4 .2 EXPENSES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 72-000-62-00-5408 MAINTENANCE-EQUIPMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 CAPITAL OUTLAY 72-000-75-00-7007 SIGNS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 72-000-75-00-7008 MISC. BALLFIELD EQUIP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 72-000-75-00-7200 BLDG IMPROVE - BEECHER 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 72-000-75-00-7201 RIVERFGRONT EQUIP IMPROVEMENT 0.00 0.00 40,000.00 0.0 72-000-75-00-7300 GREENBRIAR 0.00 0.00 6, 000.00 0.0 72-000-75-00-7301 FOX HILL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 72-000-75-00-7302 COUNTRYHILLS 3,299.15 3,299.15 130,000.00 2.5 72-000-75-00-7303 FOX HIGHLANDS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 72-000-75-00-7304 SUNFLOWER 0.00 0.00 90,000.00 0.0 72-000-75-00-7305 CIMMERON RIDGE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 72-000-75-00-7306 BLACKBERRY CREEK 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 72-000-75-00-7307 RIVERS EDGE 6,354 .44 6, 354 .44 160,000.00 3.9 72-000-75-00-7308 WOODWORTH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 72-000-75-00-7309 WHITE OAK 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 72-000-75-00-7310 WILDWOOD 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 72-000-75-00-7311 CANNONBALL ESTATES/KYLIN 0.00 0.00 97,000.00 0.0 DATE: 08/10/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 39 TIME: 14 :05:04 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 05 ID: GL470002.W0W FUND: LAND CASH FOR 2 PERIODS ENDING JUNE 30, 2004 FISCAL FISCAL % ACCOUNT JUNE YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED EXPENSES CAPITAL OUTLAY 72-000-75-00-7312 FOXFIELD 2ND EDITION 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 72-000-75-00-7313 HEARTLAND 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 72-000-75-00-7314 PRAIRIE GARDENS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 72-000-75-00-7315 BRISBEN 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 72-000-75-00-7316 KYLN'S RIDGE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 72-000-75-00-7317 HEARTLAND CIRCLE 0.00 0.00 5, 000.00 0.0 72-000-75-00-7318 THE RESERVE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 72-000-75-00-7319 THE HIGHLANDS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 72-000-75-00-7320 BLACKHAWK 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 72-000-75-00-7321 CANNBALL HILL/KYLYN'S 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 72-000-75-00-7322 BEECHER 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 72-000-75-00-7323 BLACKHAWK 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 72-000-75-00-7324 TOWN SQUARE 0.00 0.00 10,000.00 0.0 72-000-75-00-7325 VAN EMMON 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 72-000-75-00-7326 CORLANDS 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 0.0 72-000-75-00-7327 GRANDE RESERVE PARK DEV. 0.00 0.00 220, 500.00 0.0 72-000-75-00-7328 PRAIRIE MEADOWS (MENARDS RES) 0.00 0.00 5, 000.00 0.0 72-000-75-00-7329 ELSIE LOUISE GILBERT PARK 0.00 0.00 55,000.00 0.0 72-000-75-00-7330 WHISPERING MEADOWS (K. HILL) 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 0.0 72-000-75-00-7700 PARK BUILDING 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 9, 653.59 9, 653.59 828, 500.00 1.1 OTHER 72-000-78-00-9009 RESERVE 3,039.17 3,039.17 594,797.00 0.5 72-000-78-00-9010 BEECHER CONCESSION STAND 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 TOTAL OTHER 3, 039.17 3,039.17 594,797.00 0.5 TRANSFERS 72-000-99-00-9955 TRANSFER TO PARKS/REC CAP FUND 0.00 0.00 22,000.00 0.0 72-000-99-00-9970 TRANSFER TO LAND ACQUISITION 0.00 0.00 100,000.00 0.0 TOTAL TRANSFERS 0.00 0.00 122,000.00 0.0 DATE: 08/10/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 40 TIME: 14:05:04 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 05 ID: GL470002.WOW FUND: LAND CASH FOR 2 PERIODS ENDING JUNE 30, 2004 FISCAL FISCAL % ACCOUNT JUNE YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED TOTAL EXPENSES: 12, 692.76 12, 692.76 1, 545, 297.00 0.8 TOTAL FUND REVENUES 33, 365. 60 65,587.60 1, 545,297 .00 4 .2 TOTAL FUND EXPENSES 12, 692.76 12, 692.76 1,545,297.00 0.B FUND SURPLUS (DEFICIT) 20, 672.84 52,894 .84 0.00 100.0 DATE: 08/10/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE TIME: 14 :05:04 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 41 ID: GL470002.WOW F YR: 05 FUND: LAND ACQUISITION FOR 2 PERIODS ENDING JUNE 30, 2004 ACCOUNT FISCAL FISCAL $ NUMBER JUNE YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED REVENUES CARRY OVER 73-000-40-00-3999 CARRY OVER BALANCE 0.00 73-000-40-00-4930 COLT FUNDING 0.00 85, 982.00 0.0 0.00 0.00 100, 000.00 0.0 TOTAL CARRY OVER 0.00 0.00 185, 982.00 0.0 TRANSFERS 73-000-49-00-4935 TRANSFER FROM LAND CASH 0.00 0.00 73-000-49-00-4937 TRANSFER FROM PARKS & REC 100, 000.00 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 TOTAL TRANSFERS 0.00 0.00 100,000.00 0.0 TOTAL REVENUES: 0.00 0.00 285, 982.00 0.0 EXPENSES OTHER 73-000-65-00-5800 CONTINGENCY 0.00 73-000-65-00-5805 WEST HYDRAULIC ACQUISITION 0.00 285, 982.00 0.0 73-000-65-00-5808 GILBERT PARK ACQUISITION 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 TOTAL OTHER 0.00 0.00 285, 982.00 0.0 TOTAL FUND REVENUES 0.00 0.00 285, 982.00 0.0 TOTAL FUND EXPENSES 0.00 0.00 FUND SURPLUS (DEFICIT) 285, 982.00 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 DATE: 08/10/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 42 TIME: 14 :05:04 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 05 ID: GL470002.WOW FUND: PARKS & RECREATION FOR 2 PERIODS ENDING JUNE 30, 2004 FISCAL FISCAL % ACCOUNT JUNE YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED REVENUES CARRY OVER 79-000-40-00-3999 CARRY OVER BALANCE 0.00 0.00 15, 000.00 0.0 TOTAL CARRY OVER 0.00 0.00 15, 000.00 0.0 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 79-000-42-00-4270 FEES FOR PROGRAMS 10,041. 60 15, 933.60 93,000.00 17.1 79-000-42-00-4280 CONCESSIONS 2, 940.00 5,206.50 35,000.00 14 .8 79-000-42-00-4281 BEECHER BLDG DEPOSITS 275.00 910.00 5,000.00 18.2 79-000-42-00-4282 FARMERS MARKET 100.00 700.00 500.00 140.0 79-000-42-00-4285 VENDING MACHINE INCOME 0.00 34.03 450.00 7.5 79-000-42-00-4286 RENTAL INCOME (5.00) 165.00 2, 000.00 8.2 79-000-42-00-4287 RENTAL INCOME - SHELTERS 380.00 415.00 300.00 138.3 79-000-42-00-4288 GOLF OUTING REVENUE 5, 300.00 36,251.00 25,000.00 145.0 79-000-42-00-4289 DAY TRIPS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 79-000-42-00-4290 YOUTH/SPECIAL EVENTS (450.00) 0.00 0.00 0.0 TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES 18,581. 60 59, 615.13 161,250.00 36.9 MISCELLANEOUS 79-000-44-00-4400 DONATIONS 750.00 900.00 12, 000.00 7.5 79-000-44-00-4404 TREE DONATIONS 0.00 300.00 1, 200.00 25.0 79-000-44-00-4490 MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 750.00 1,200.00 13,200.00 9.0 INTERGOVERNMENTAL 79-000-45-00-4540 ILLINOIS FIRST GRANT 4, 149.00 4, 149.00 0.00 100.0 79-000-45-00-4545 IDNR GRANT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 79-000-45-00-4550 YOUTH SERVICES GRANT 0.00 0.00 3, 500.00 0.0 TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL 4, 149.00 4, 149.00 3, 500.00 118.5 INTEREST 79-000-46-00-4600 INVESTMENT INCOME 0.00 0.00 1, 500.00 0.0 TOTAL INTEREST 0.00 0.00 1, 500.00 0.0 DATE: 08/10/2004 TIME: 14:05:04 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT PAGE: 43 ID: GL470002.WOW F-YR: 05 FUND: PARKS & RECREATION FOR 2 PERIODS ENDING JUNE 30, 2004 ACCOUNT FISCAL FISCAL NUMBER DESCRIPTION JUNE YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED TRANSFERS 79-000-49-00-4901 TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND 0.00 0.00 756, 496.00 0.0 TOTAL TRANSFERS 0.00 0.00 756, 496.00 0.0 TOTAL REVENUES: 23, 480. 60 64, 964 .13 950, 946.00 6.8 PARKS EXPENSES PERSONNAL SERVICES 79-610-50-00-5107 SALARIES-EMPLOYEES 79-610-50-00-5136 SALARIES PART-TIME 18, 766.18 43,029.05 256, 926.00 7, 415.88 16.7 .4 79-610-50-00-5137 SALARIES - OVERTIME 17, 306.38 45,000.00 8 . 866.51 1, 671. 62 8, 000.00 20.8 0 20.8 TOTAL PERSONNAL SERVICES 27,048.57 62, 007.05 309, 926.00 20.0 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 79-610-61-00-5320 MASTER PLAN 0.00 0.00 10,000.00 0.0 TOTAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0.00 0.00 10,000.00 0.0 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 79-610-62-00-5405 PARK CONTRACTUAL 79-610-62-00-5408 MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT 0.00 2, 606.00 10, 000.00 26.0 8 79-610-62-00-5417 MAINTENANCE-PARKS 481.31 1, 440.27 5,000.00 27.2 79-610-62-00-5421 WEARING APPAREL 5, 166.31 5, 166.31 30, 000.00 1976 7.2 79-610-62-00-5425 ILLINOIS FIRST GRANT 880.00 689.76 5, 500.00 12.5 79-610-62-00-5434 RENTAL-EQUIPMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 79-610-62-00-5438 CELLULAR TELEPHONE 0.00 110.00 1, 500.00 7.3 79-610-62-00-5440 LAND DEVELOPER 238. 63 238. 63 5,000.00 4,273.01 q 7 79-610-62-00-5445 LEGAL EXPENSES9,273.01 35,000.00 12.2 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 0.0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 10, 649.02 14,523.98 97, 000.00 14 . 9 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT DATE: 08/10/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 44 TIME: 14:05:04 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 05 ID: GL470002.WOW FUND: PARKS & RECREATION FOR 2 PERIODS ENDING JUNE 30, 2004 FISCAL FISCAL % ACCOUNT JUNE YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED PARKS EXPENSES PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 79-610-64-00-5602 PROFESSIONAL GROWTH/SUBSCRPT 0.00 0.00 2,500.00 0.0 79-610-64-00-5605 TRAVEL EXPENSE 0.00 0.00 2, 000.00 0.0 79-610-64-00-5612 CONTINUING EDUCATION 0.00 0.00 3, 000.00 0.0 TOTAL PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 0.00 0.00 7, 500.00 0.0 OPERATIONS 79-610-65-00-5800 CONTINGENCIES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 79-610-65-00-5802 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 0.0 79-610-65-00-5804 OPERATING SUPPLIES 799. 42 877.37 20,000.00 4.3 79-610-65-00-5812 GASOLINE 0.00 0.00 3, 000.00 0.0 79-610-65-00-5815 HAND TOOLS 198.49 198. 49 2, 000.00 9. 9 79-610-65-00-5824 CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS 0.00 0.00 5, 000.00 0.0 79-610-65-00-5825 PUBLIC DECORATION 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 0.0 TOTAL OPERATIONS 997 .91 1,075.86 33,000.00 3.2 RETIREMENT 79-610-72-00-6500 IMRF PARTICIPANTS 1, 943.09 4, 438.00 26, 678.00 16. 6 79-610-72-00-6501 SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE 2, 069.20 4,743.50 23,709.00 20.0 TOTAL RETIREMENT 4,012.29 9, 181.50 50,387.00 18 .2 CAPITAL OUTLAY 79-610-75-00-7003 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 0.0 79-610-75-00-7701 FLOWERS/TREES 1, 084.53 1, 204. 53 5, 500.00 21.9 79-610-75-00-7705 TRANSFER TO LAND ACQUISITION 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 1, 084 .53 1, 204.53 7, 500.00 16.0 TOTAL EXPENSES: PARKS 43,792.32 87, 992.92 515,313.00 17 .0 RECREATION EXPENSES DATE: 08/10/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE TIME: 14:05:04 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT PAGE: 45 ID: GL970002.WOW F-YR: 05 FUND: PARKS & RECREATION FOR 2 PERIODS ENDING JUNE 30, 2004 ACCOUNT FISCAL FISCAL % NUMBER DESCRIPTION JUNE YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED RECREATION PERSONNEL SERVICES 79-650-50-00-5107 EMPLOYEE SALARIES 15, 133.18 38,333.18 195, 471.00 19.6 79-650-50-00-5108 CONCESSION STAFF 79-650-50-00-5150 SALARIES INSTRUCTOR CONTRACTUA 1, 560. 95 3,054 .90 16, 500.00 18.5 79-650-50-00-5155 SALARIES-RECORDING SECRETARY 5, 375.00 8, 329.21 35, 000.00 23.7 79-650-50-00-5156 SALARIES-CUSTODIAL 375.00 466.25 3, 000.00 15.5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 22, 510.84 50, 183.54 249, 971.00 20.0 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 79-650-61-00-5321 RECREATION RESEARCH 0.00 0.00 1, 000.00 0.0 TOTAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 0.0 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 79-650-62-00-5408 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 79-650-62-00-5409 MAINTENANCE-VEHICLES 234 97 479.17 6, 500.00 7.3 79-650-62-00-5410 MAINTENANCE-OFFICE EQUIPMENT 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 0.0 79-650-62-00-5426 YOUTH SERVICES GRANT EXPENSES 1,32 .00 1, 326.00 2, 500.00 53.0 0.00 3, 000.00 0.0 79-650-62-00-5437 TELEPHONE/INTERNET9.4 0.00 79-650-62-00-5438 CELLULAR TELEPHONE 82.45 141.00 1,500.00 6.3 79-650-62-00-5445 PORTABLE TOILETS 213. 66 223.26 3, 500.00 6.3 79-650-62-00-5603 PUBLISHING/ADVERTISING 720.41 720.41 5,000.00 14.9 190.00 6, 393.00 24,000.00 26.6 79-650-62-00-5605 BOOKS/PUBLICATIONS 79-650-62-00-5606 BEECHER DEPOSIT REFUND 84 .50 84.50 750.00 11.2 525.00 575.00 5,000.00 11.5 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3,376.49 9, 942.34 52, 750.00 18.8 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 79-650-64-00-5600 DUES 79-650-64-00-5602 PROFESSIONAL GROWTH/SUBSCRIPT 0.00 0.00 2, 500.00 0.0 79-650-64-00-5605 TRAVEL EXPENSE 90.00 90.00 7, 300.00 1.2 79-650-64-00-5614 TOURNAMENT FEES 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 TOTAL PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 90.00 90.00 11,800.00 0.7 OPERATIONS DATE: 08/10/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 46 TIME: 14 :05:04 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 05 ID: GL470002.WOW FUND: PARKS & RECREATION FOR 2 PERIODS ENDING JUNE 30, 2004 FISCAL FISCAL % ACCOUNT JUNE YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED RECREATION EXPENSES OPERATIONS 79-650-65-00-5800 CONTINGENCIES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 79-650-65-00-5802 OFFICE SUPPLIES 866.85 866.85 6,000.00 14.4 79-650-65-00-5803 PROGRAM EXPENSES 1, 522.18 1, 537.35 29, 300.00 5.2 79-650-65-00-5804 OPERATING SUPPLIES 76.00 76.00 4,000.00 1.9 79-650-65-00-5805 RECREATION EQUIPMENT 808.15 808.15 2, 500.00 32.3 79-650-65-00-5808 POSTAGE & SHIPPING 19.58 1,126. 64 5,000.00 22.5 79-650-65-00-5812 GASOLINE 236.50 361.27 800.00 45.1 79-650-65-00-5826 MILEAGE 0.00 0.00 750.00 0.0 79-650-65-00-5827 GOLF OUTING EXPENSES 317.93 19, 166.05 15,000.00 127.7 79-650-65-00-5828 CONCESSIONS 4, 418.80 5, 688. 68 9,800.00 58.0 79-650-65-00-5830 YOUTH/SPECIAL EVENTS 2, 140.68 2, 990.68 0.00 (100.0) 79-650-65-00-5831 DAY TRIP EXPENSES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 79-650-65-00-5840 SCHOLARSHIPS 112.00 170.00 1,500.00 11.3 79-650-65-00-5841 PROGRAM REFUND 563.00 563.00 4, 500.00 12.5 TOTAL OPERATIONS 11, 081.67 33,354 .67 79, 150.00 42.1 RETIREMENT 79-650-72-00-6500 IMRF PARTICIPANTS 1, 415.26 3,751.53 18,101.00 20.7 79-650-72-00-6501 SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE 1,522.32 3,493.52 17,861.00 19.5 TOTAL RETIREMENT 2, 937.58 7,245.05 35, 962.00 20.1 CAPITAL OUTLAY 79-650-75-00-7002 COMPUTER EQUIP & SOFTWARE 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 0.0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 0.0 TOTAL EXPENSES: RECREATION 39, 996.58 100,815. 60 435, 633.00 23.1 TOTAL FUND REVENUES 23,480.60 64, 964 .13 950, 946.00 6.8 TOTAL FUND EXPENSES 83,788.90 188,808.52 950, 946.00 19.8 FUND SURPLUS (DEFICIT) (60,308.30) (123,844.39) 0.00 100.0 DATE: 08/10/2004 TIME: 14:05:04 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE ID: GL970002.WOW DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT PAGE: 47 F-YR: 05 FUND: LIBRARY FOR 2 PERIODS ENDING JUNE 30, 2004 ACCOUNT FISCAL FISCAL $ NUMBER DESCRIPTION JUNE YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED REVENUES TAXES 82-000-40-00-3997 CARRY OVER DEVELOPMENT FEES 82-000-40-00-3998 CARRY OVER-MEMORIALS 0 0.00 0.00 100,000.00 82-000-40-00-3999 CARRY OVER BALANCE 0.00 0.0 .00 5,000.00 0.0 82-000-40-00-4000 REAL ESTATE TAXES 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 82-000-40-00-4010 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX 0.00 0.0 .00 308,353.00 0.0 82-000-40-00-4015 TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND 0.00 174 .79 2, 500.00 6. 9 0.00 0.0019, 811.00 0.0 0.0 TOTAL TAXES 0.00 174 .79 435, 664 .00 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 0.0 82-000-42-00-4211 DEVELOPMENT FEES - BUILDING 82-000-42-00-4215 DEVELOPMENT FEES-BOOKS 0.00 6,750.00 20,000.00 82-000-42-00-4260 COPY FEES 0.00 6, 750.00 33.7 139.35 20, 000.00 33.7 82-000-42-00-4261 LIBRARY SUBSCRIPTION CARDS 217.70 900.00 24 .1 82-000-42-00-4286 RENTAL INCOME 1, 500.00 2,850.00 8, 000.00 44 .00 115.00 35.6 1,000.00 11.5 TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES 1, 683.35 16, 682.70 49, 900.00 FINES 33.4 82-000-43-00-4330 LIBRARY FINES 222.52 486.27 3,000.00 TOTAL FINES 16.2 222.52 486.27 3,000.00 MISCELLANEOUS 16.2 82-000-44-00-4432 SALE OF BOOKS 82-000-44-00-4450 MEMORIALS 76.19 232.06 500.00 303.60 653. 60 46.4 1,500.00 43.5 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 379.79 885. 66 2, 000.00 INTERGOVERNMENTAL 99 2 82-000-45-00-4560 LIBRARY PER CAPITA GRANT 0.00 0.00 7, 700.00 TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL 0.0 0.00 0.00 7,700.00 INTEREST 0.0 DATE: 08/10/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 48 TIME: 14:05:04 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 05 ID: GL470002.WOW FUND: LIBRARY FOR 2 PERIODS ENDING JUNE 30, 2004 FISCAL FISCAL % ACCOUNT JUNE YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED REVENUES INTEREST 82-000-46-00-4600 INVESTMENT INCOME 0.00 157.00 1, 500.00 10.4 82-000-46-00-4601 INVESTMENT INCOME-BLDG 0.00 0.00 1,250.00 0.0 TOTAL INTEREST 0.00 157.00 2,750.00 5.7 TOTAL REVENUES: 2,285.66 18, 386.42 501,014.00 3.6 EXPENSES PERSONNEL SERVICES 82-000-50-00-5107 SALARIES-EMPLOYEES 10, 581.71 27, 125.26 180,000.00 15.0 82-000-50-00-5203 GROUP HEALTH INSURANCE 4, 566.16 4,566.16 30,000.00 15.2 82-000-50-00-5204 GROUP LIFE INSURANCE 163.26 163.26 1, 500.00 10.8 82-000-50-00-5205 DENTAL & VISION ASSISTANCE 0.00 0.00 3, 500.00 0.0 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 15, 311.13 31,854 .68 215,000.00 14 .8 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 82-000-61-00-5300 LEGAL SERVICES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 82-000-61-00-5322 BONDING 381.00 381.00 1, 400.00 27.2 82-000-61-00-5323 ATTORNEY 0.00 0.00 3,000.00 0.0 TOTAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 381.00 381.00 4, 400.00 8.6 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 82-000-62-00-5407 MAINTENANCE-BLDG/JANITORIAL 290.00 290.00 5,000.00 5.8 82-000-62-00-5410 MAINTENANCE-OFFICE EQUIPMENT 0.00 0.00 3,000.00 0.0 82-000-62-00-5412 MAINTENANCE-PHOTOCOPIER 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 0.0 82-000-62-00-5435 ELECTRICITY 0.00 0.00 2, 500.00 0.0 82-000-62-00-5436 TELEPHONE 118.20 118.20 1,700.00 6.9 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 408.20 408.20 13,200.00 3.0 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 82-000-64-00-5603 SUBSCRIPTIONS 77.10 77.10 2, 500.00 3.0 DATE: 08/10/2004 TIME: 14 :05:04 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE ID: GL470002.WOW DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT PAGE: 49 F-YR: 05 FUND: LIBRARY FOR 2 PERIODS ENDING JUNE 30, 2004 ACCOUNT FISCAL FISCAL % NUMBER DESCRIPTION JUNE YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR ACTUAL ACTUAL COLLECTED/ BUDGET EXPENDED EXPENSES PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 82-000-64-00-5604 TRAINING & CONFERENCES 82-000-64-00-5607 PUBLIC RELATIONS 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 82-000-64-00-5616 EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION 0.00 0.00 0.0 39. 99 650.00 0.0 39.99 2,000.00 1. 9 TOTAL PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 117.09 117.09 6, 150.00 OPERATIONS 1.9 82-000-65-00-5800 CONTINGENCIES 82-000-65-00-5806 LIBRARY SUPPLIES 0.00 0.00 4,314 .00 7,000.00 g 82-000-65-00-5807 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES 590.18 590.18 0.0 82-000-65-00-5808 POSTAGE & SHIPPING 130.66 q 130. 66 4, 000.00 3.2 82-000-65-00-5810 PUBLISHING & ADVERTISING 0.00 0.00 900.00 82-000-65-00-5826 MILEAGE 23. 60 23.60 0.0 82-000-65-00-5832 VIDEOS 0.00 300.00 7.8 0.00 600.00 0.0 82-000-65-00-5833 ALARM MONITORING 0.00 0.00 5, 500.00 82-000-65-00-5834 LIBRARY PROGRAMMING 0.00 0.00 398.01 9,000.00 q 0.0 82-000-65-00-5835 LIBRARY BOARD EXPENSES 398.01 900.00 0.0 q 82-000-65-00-5836 BOOKS-ADULT 0.00 0.00 500.00 82-000-65-00-5837 BOOKS-JUVENILE 0.00 0.00 0.0 82-000-65-00-5838 BOOKS-AUDIO 0.00 10,000.00 0.0 0.00 10, 000.00 0.0 82-000-65-00-5839 BOOKS-REFERENCE 0.00 0.00 6, 000.00 82-000-65-00-5840 BOOKS-DEVELOPMENT FEE 0.00 0.00 0.0 82-000-65-00-5841 MEMORIALS/GIFTS 6,516.29 12,000.00 0.0 6, 516.29 70,000.00 82-000-65-00-5842 BLDG-DEVELOPMENT FEES 0.00 0.00 9.3 0.00 6,500.00 0.0 0.00 71,250.00 0.0 TOTAL OPERATIONS 7, 658.74 7, 658.74 218,764 .00 RETIREMENT 3.5 82-000-72-00-6500 IMRF PARTICPANTS 82-000-72-00-6501 SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE 661.24 1, 634 .89 8, 000.00 809.51 2,075.06 20.4 TOTAL RETIREMENT 13, 500.00 15.3 1, 470.75 3,709.95 21,500.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 17.2 82-000-75-00-7002 COMPUTER EQUIP & SOFTWARE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 DATE: 08/10/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 50 TIME: 14 :05:04 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 05 ID: GL470002.WOW FUND: LIBRARY FOR 2 PERIODS ENDING JUNE 30, 2004 FISCAL FISCAL % ACCOUNT JUNE YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED EXPENSES CAPITAL OUTLAY 82-000-75-00-7003 AUTOMATION 666.02 666.02 22,000.00 3.0 82-000-75-00-7703 BUILDING EXPANSION 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 666.02 666.02 22,000.00 3.0 TOTAL EXPENSES: 26,012.93 44,795.68 501,014 .00 8. 9 TOTAL FUND REVENUES 2,285.66 18, 386.42 501,014 .00 3.6 TOTAL FUND EXPENSES 26,012.93 44,795.68 501,014 .00 8.9 FUND SURPLUS (DEFICIT) (23,727.27) (26, 409.26) 0.00 100.0 DATE: 08/10/2004 TIME: 14:05:04 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE ID: GL470002.WOW DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT PAGE: 51 F-YR: 05 FUND: FOX INDUSTRIAL FOR 2 PERIODS ENDING JUNE 30, 2004 ACCOUNT FISCAL FISCAL NUMBER DESCRIPTION JUNE YEAR-TO-DATE ACTUAL YEAR COLLECTED/ ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED REVENUES TAXES 85-000-40-00-3999 CARRY OVER BALANCE 85-000-40-00-4090 TIF REVENUES 0.00 0.00 46,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 TOTAL TAXES 35,000.00 0.0 0.00 0.00 81, 000.00 INTEREST 0.0 85-000-46-00-4600 INVESTMENT INCOME 0.00 0.00 1, 000.00 TOTAL INTEREST 0.0 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 TRANSFERS 0.0 85-000-49-00-4905 TRANSFER FROM MFT FUND 0.00 0.00 TOTAL TRANSFERS 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.00 TOTAL REVENUES: 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.00 82,000.00 0.0 EXPENSES DEBT SERVICES 85-000-66-00-6021 FOX IND BOND-PRINCIPAL PMT 85-000-66-00-6022 FOX IND BOND-INT PAYMENT 0.00 0.00 55, 000.00 12, 146.25 12, 146.250.0 TOTAL DEBT SERVICES 24,293.00 49. 9 12, 146.25 12, 146.25 79,293.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 15.3 85-000-75-00-7901 FOX INDUSTRIAL - NON MFT 85-000-75-00-7902 FOX INDUSTRIAL EXPENSES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 OTHER 0.00 0.0 85-000-78-00-9007 ADMINSITRATION FEES 85-000-78-00-9010 RESERVE-FUTURE BOND PYMTS 0.00 0.00 214 .00 0.00 0.000.0 TOTAL OTHER 2,493.00 0.0 0.00 0.00 2, 707.00 0.0 DATE: 08/10/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 52 TIME: 14:05:04 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 05 ID: GL470002.WOW FUND: FOX INDUSTRIAL FOR 2 PERIODS ENDING JUNE 30, 2004 FISCAL FISCAL % ACCOUNT JUNE YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED TOTAL EXPENSES: 12, 146.25 12, 146.25 82,000.00 14.8 TOTAL FUND REVENUES 0.00 0.00 82,000.00 0.0 TOTAL FUND EXPENSES 12, 146.25 12,146.25 82,000.00 14 .8 FUND SURPLUS (DEFICIT) (12, 146.25) (12, 146.25) 0.00 100.0 DATE: 08/10/2004 TIME: 08/10 UNITED CITY ID: GL90509 :02.WpW DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSEOF RLE EPORTPAGE: 53 F-YR: 05 FUND: TRUST & AGENCY FOR 2 PERIODS ENDING ACCOUNT JUNE 30, 2004 NUMBER DESCRIPTION FISCAL _ JUNE FISCAL YEAR-TO-DATE % ___ _ ACTUAL - _ YEAR REVENUES - ____ ACTUAL COLLECTED/ _ BUDGET -2222-- _ EXPENDED CHARGES FOR SERVICES _____ 2���-- ----------------- 95-000-42-00_4214 DEV FEE - LIBRARY 95-000-42-00-4215 SANITARY FEES COLLECTED 95 000-42-00-4216 DEV FEE 8, 400.00 17,850.00 95-000-42-00_4217 PARK & RECBCAPITAL FEE'S 285,331.09 286,065.16 0.00 15, 550.00 100.0 32, 500.00 0'00 100.0 TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES 0.00 100.00 0.00 100.0 -------------------- 0.00 100.0 CONTRIBUTIONS 309,281.04 ___ 95-000-47-00-4729 LAND CASH 336, 515.16 -22222222---___ SCHOOL 0.00 100.0 TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS 61, 559.02 129, 913.10 --------------------- ______-29- ----- 0.00 100.0 TOTAL REVENUES: 61, 559.02 - - - 129, 413. 10 - --- 0.00 100.0 370, 840.06 465, 928.26 EXPENSES OTHER 0.00 100.0 95-000-78-00-9008 YBSD PAYMENTS 95-000-78-00_9009 LIBRARY DEV FEE PAYMENTS 95-000-78-00-9010 BKFD DEV FEE PAYMENTS 0.00 95-000-78-00-9011 SCHOOL LAND 0.00 P 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 95-000-78-00_9012 PARKS/REC CAPITALPAYMENTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 TOTAL OTHER 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 0.0 ---- --------- 0.00 0.0 -------- 0.00 TOTAL FUND REVENUES 0.00 ---__ 0.00 0.0 TOTAL FUND EXPENSES FUND SURPLUS 370,840.06 465, 928.26 (DEFICIT) 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.0 370, 840.06 0.00 465, 928.26 0.0 0.00 100.0 MJs 0 United City of Yorkville Memorandum 1836 800 Game Farm Road Yorkville, Illinois, 60560 " , �� Telephone: 630-553-4350 09 �I Fax: 630-553-7575 LE Date: August 10, 2004 To: Administration Committee From: Traci Pleckham - Finance Director CC: Administrator Graff, Treasurer Powell Subject: 2005 IMRF Contribution Rate Attached please find notification from IMRF which states that the City is currently over-funded in the Employer Regular Reserve Account and offers 4 Options to the City. Upon review, I am recommending to select Option 2 which is the following: • By using the over-funded amount in the Regular Reserve, pay off the Early Retirement Incentive Reserve account liability of $489,014. • Amortize over-funded amounts over 27 years. (Any shorter amortization schedule could result in a sharp rate adjustment in the following years.) • The 2005 employer contribution rate would be 8.14% (currently 10.02%). Notification to IMRF via letter is required by August 31, 2004. A City Council vote is not necessary for IMRF. Upon consensus from Administration Committee, as Authorized Agent I could notify IMRF of the recommended Option. Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund Drake Oak Brook Plaza Suite 500 2211 York Road Oak Brook IL 60523-2337 RService Representatives 1-800-ASK-IMRF(1-800-275-4673) Fwww.imrf.org May 20,2004 CITY OF YORKVILLE Employer#0165R KIMBERLY A.KING,DEPUTY TREASURER 800 GAME FARM ROAD YORKVILLE IL 60560 Dear Authorized Agent: The previously mailed 2005 Advance Rate Notice reflects IMRF's standard rate-making policy for overfunded employers. We are offering you the option to use your overfunded amount in your retirement reserve to pay off the ERI liability for your employer and/or reduce your retirement rate to a minimum rate that will maintain 100 percent funding. Balance as of December 31,2003 Overfunded Amount $709,894 ERI Liability $489,014 Overfunded Amount Shown on GASB Statement 27 $220,880 The ERI liability shown above is the liability as of December 31, 2003 and does not reflect any subsequent adjustments or payments. You have a choice You may select a rate based on either of the following calculations: 1. Overfunded amounts amortized over 27 years and continue with established amortization of ERI liability, or 2. Overfunded amounts amortized over 27 years and payoff of ERI liability,or 3. Overfunded amounts amortized over 5 years and payoff of ERI liability 4. Overfunded amounts amortized over 5 years and not payoff the ERI liability. The retirement rate is re-calculated based on the reduction of regular assets used to payoff the ERI balance. Options three and four will produce more volatile rates in general because increases in your pension liabilities will flow through to your rate sooner. You will also be using up the overfunded amount sooner and your potential investment earnings on those amounts will be reduced. The impact of these alternatives on your IMRF employer contribution rate is shown in the table below. Rate Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 I Option 4 • 27-year 27-year 5-year amortization, 5-year amortization amortization amortization, payoff of ERI liability without payoff of ERI payoff ERI liability liability Normal Cost 7..61% 7.61% 7.61% 7,61% Funding Adjustment <2.25%> <0.44%> <1.71%> <7.61%> Net Retirement 5.36% 7.17% 5.90% 0.00% Disability 0.21% 0.21% 0.21% 0.21% Death benefits 0.14% 0.14% 0.14% 0.14% Supplemental Retirement 0.62% 0.62% 0.62% 0.62% ERI 6.41% 0.00% 0.00% 6.41% Total 12.74% 8.14% 6.87% 7.38% Note: All options apply to calendar year 2005 employer rates. Please note that once the overfunded amounts are used up, your rate will return to the normal cost rate plus amortization of any unfunded amounts. The estimated overfunding could increase/decrease more rapidly if the following factors change: IMRF's current investment assumption vary significantly, benefit improvements, your member demographic data vary significantly,or the current actuarial assumptions change. Implementation of the Option: You must send us written notification of your decision by August 31, 2004. Upon receiving this notification,we will adjust your 2005 rate accordingly and send you a verification of your choice. You will receive formal notification of that rate in November 2004. Your 2004 rate is not impacted by this choice. If you choose to pay off your ERI liability, we will transfer sufficient assets from your retirement reserve account to pay off the EM liability as of December 31s`after we post your December 2004 payroll report. Upon completion of the transfer(approximately February/March 1st) you will receive a confirmation of the transfer and may be eligible to offer another EM program. If you do not have a SLEP or ECO plan with an ERI liability,you will have the ability to offer another EM program. If we do not hear from you, you will keep the rate shown as option 1 and continue to pay an EM rate for 2005 and subsequent years until the ERI liability is paid off. You may not offer another EM program until the current liability and any other plan EM liability is paid. If you have any questions regarding these options or if you do not receive a confirmation of your decision by September 30, 2004, please contact me at (630) 706-4246. Our fax line is (630) 368- 5398. Sincerely, 4 � M Audrey Brown Employer/Member Relations Unit Supervisor ‹c°3 cil - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE MEMO a. . ° 800 Game Farm Road TEST 1836 Yorkville, Illinois 60560 �� Telephone: 630-553-4350 \\,....�rl�45 �0` Fax: 630-553-7575 '14LCE ‘��' Subject: Draft Guidelines for Disposal of Municipal Property Ordinance 1) Whenever the City owns any personal property which is determined by a Department Head to be no longer necessary or useful to, or for the best interest of the City and having an original value of less than $500, the Department Head, by their approval, may authorize the disposal of said property. 2) Whenever the City owns any personal property which is determined by a Department Head, in accordance with this section, to be no longer necessary or useful to, or for the best interest of the City, and said property originally having a value of$500 or more, the Department Head shall be authorized to dispose, convey, or sell such personal property in accordance with the following conditions and procedures: 2A) The Department Head or their designee shall make a written determination that the property is no longer needed by the City and shall set forth reasons therefore. 2B) The previously mentioned written determination will be presented in front of the Administration Committee, and upon approval, the City shall solicit proposals for the purchase of such property, sell it at public auction, scrap the property, or authorize a trade of it for the purchase of other property, whichever, in Committee judgment, such activity will generate a greater return to the City. If the Administration Committee chooses to solicit proposals, they may do so by such means as they deem suited to generate the best response. 2C) In the event that the property is offered up for public auction, or put up for sale through formal bids, and is not sold,the City Administrator or designee, with Mayor's approval, shall: 2C1) dispose of such property for salvage value or conversion value, or upon failure to receive adequate salvage value, may dispose of in the manner most convenient, expedient, and in the best interest of the City, or 2C2)may convey such property to a charitable organization or other not- for-profit organizations that have received a tax exemption from the United States. 3) Disposal or sale of the property hereunder shall not be made to an officer or employee of the City or to a person related by blood or marriage to an officer or employee of the City, except items sold at public auction or sealed bids. _____ 0 jg e0D � ., ° United City of Yorkville Memorandum EST.% F°.';1836 800 Game Farm Road -� - Yorkville, Illinois, 60560 p �� 69 Telephone: 630-553-4350 :72: 4 Fax: 630-553-7575 Date: August 9, 2004 TO: Administration Committee From: Annette williatns RE: New carpet pricing Please see information regarding the three quotes Ron Diedrich and I have received. All companies quoted 28 oz. - no zipper - nylon carpet. A no zipper carpet, if snagged, can be trimmed at the snag, and will not pull out entire rows. All three companies are available to work on weekends at no additional charge. So, if we chose to re-carpet all of the City administrative offices on one weekend, they would not have overtime charges on Sunday. The order to completion time frame would be 4-8 weeks. afw Carpet Installation Options Police/Administrative Offices Option #1 — Underlayment and direct glue installation Pros— 1) Solid base 2) Direct glue installation will not wrinkle Cons— 1) Costly 2) Coved base will most likely need to be replace at additional cost 3) Slightly dusty from sawing 4) Longer installation time Option #2—Felt Pad and stretch-in installation Pros - 1) Cost is reduced 2) No need to address sub-floor issues 3) Chance of needing to replace coved base is slim 4) Aids in reduction of sound/noise 5) Felt pad will not breakdown over time 6) Faster installation 7) Ability to re-stretch carpet if wrinkles occur at a minimal cost Cons -1) Over the years carpet may relax and need re-stretching in areas 2) Chair pads will need to be used under roller chairs Option #3—Install new carpet over existing sub floor (not recommended) Pro— 1) Material cost is reduced Con— 1) Could experience same problem with wrinkles again Option#1: Tear out carpet,put in dumpster. install 3/8"under/avment p1ywood.instlled w screws and off-set existing subfloor Rogers Flooring Police Department City Offices No Bid No Bid Fox Flooring No Bid No Bid Floor Coverings International 356 yds @16.50+labor=$15,692 355 yds@16.50+labor=$16,004 Total cost=$15,692 Total cost=$16,004 Option#2:Supply 32oz.Felt pad w 28 oz.no zipper carpet,stretch in installation, tacking strips around perimenter Rogers Flooring No bid Fox Flooring No bid Floor Coverings International 356 yds @$16.50+1abor=$9562 356 yds@16.50+1abor=$9538 (Coved base replace is extra charge) Total cost$9562 Total cost$9538 Option#3:Tear up old carpeting,put in dumpsters,patch with epoxy adhesive,and glue down new carpet Rogers Flooring Police Station City Offices 270 yards @$17.73=$4787.10 329 yards @$17.763=$5833.17 Apprx.Cost to take up carpeting, repairing seam=24 hrs x$55/hr Total cost=$5447.10 Total cost=$6493.17 Fox Flooring 296 yards @$16.72=$4949.12 358 yards @$16.72=$5985.76 Cost to take up carpeting and repair seams at$20/hr(plus materials) Minimum chg.=$400/each side and Maximum chg. =$900 each side Total cost=$6438.98 Total cost=$5727.76 Floor Coverings International No bid United City of Yorkville Corporation Counsel Job Description Definition Under administrative directions of the Mayor, serves as legal counsel for the United City of Yorkville; advises and represents the City in legal actions: researches legal questions and drafts ordinances, resolutions, and legal opinions; supervises Assistant City Attorneys and clerical staff. Equipment/Job Location While performing the duties of this job, the employee is occasionally exposed to outside weather conditions. The noise level in the work environment is usually moderate. The position requires the use of various office equipment including a computer, telephone, copy machine and fax machine. Essential Functions of the Job 1. Represent the City in complex litigation to which it is a party, including injunction proceedings, challenges to City ordinances, City code violations and other civil actions. 2. Draft ordinances, resolutions, and legal opinions upon the request of the Mayor, members of the City Council, or department heads. 3. Ensures the City is represented before the Yorkville Civil Service Commissison; prepares complaints or statements of charges against employees which the City wishes to discipline. 4. Acts as office administrator and assigns work of assistant attorneys. 5. Performs other duties as required or assigned. Required Knowledge and Abilities Requires thorough knowledge of local ordinances, State laws and established precedents. Requires thorough knowledge of court procedures and rules of evidence. Requires ability to research questions regarding points of law and to draft appropriate responses. Requires ability to draft ordinances, resolutions, and other legal documents. Requires skill in preparing and trying cases. Requires ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing. exec.dir.w draft 2 12-22-00 Requires ability to establish and maintain satisfactory working relationships with City officials, attorneys and other professionals, law enforcement officials, and the general public. Qualifications for Hire Requires a license to practice law in the State of Illinois. Requires five years experience as a licensed attorney, preferably in municipal law and litigation. Requires a valid driver's license. 2 United City of Yorkville Assistant Corporation Counsel I Job Description Definition Under administrative direction of the City Attorney and Assistant City Attorneys, advises and represents the City in legal actions; researches legal questions and drafts ordinances, resolutions and legal opinions Equipment/Job Location While performing the duties of this job, the employee is occasionally exposed to outside weather conditions. The noise level in the work environment is usually moderate. The position requires the use of various office equipment including a computer, telephone, copy machine and fax machine. Essential Functions of the Job 1. Researches questions regarding points of law to include the interpretation of State laws and City ordinances, the legality of proposed ordinances; prepares and/or reviews contracts. 2. Draft ordinances, resolutions, and legal opinions upon the request of the Mayor, members of the City Council, or department heads through the City Attorney and Assistant City Attorneys. 3. Prepares complaints or statements of charges against employees, which the City wishes to discipline. 4. Represents the City in routine and relatively simple court proceedings. 5. Performs other duties as required or assigned. Required Knowledge and Abilities Requires working knowledge of local ordinances, State laws and established precedents. Requires elementary knowledge of court procedures and rules of evidence. Requires ability to research questions regarding points of law and to draft appropriate responses. Requires basic skills in preparing cases. Requires ability to establish and maintain satisfactory working relationships with City officials, attorneys and other professionals, law enforcement officials and the general public. Qualifications for Hire Requires knowledge, skill and mental development equivalent to the completion of a law degree, preferably with coursework in municipal law. Requires a license to practice law in the State of Illinois. Requires a valid driver's license. 2 Aug 11 2004 1 : 05PM TARP 312-382-2124 p. 2 LAW OFFICES KATHLEEN FIELD ORE & ASSOCIATES SVITE 1990 ONE SOUTH WACKER DRIVE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 6060B (.312)3192-21i3 KATHLEEN FIELD ORR FAX(312)382-2124 P.JOSEPH MONTANA MEMORANDUM To: Mayor and City Council of the United City of Yorkville From: Kathleen Field On,Special Counsel for Tax Increment Financing("TIF") Date: August 11,2004 Subject: Redevelopment of Countryside Center In order to permit the commencement of the renovation of the Countryside Center prior to the finalization of the designation of the Center as a"Redevelopment Project Area"under the TIF Act,the City Council should consider a Resolution which would commit the City to the following: (a) authorize the employment of TIF Services URS/TPAP to draft an Eligibility Report and Redevelopment Plan and Project as required by the TIF Act; (b) authorize the mailing of the notices to each taxing district of the proposed commercial TIF district; (c) authorize the publication of a notice to all interested persons that they may register with the City Clerk to obtain any reports pertaining to the establishment of the proposed TIF; and (d) agree that the Developer may commence renovation of the Center with the understanding that the City may reimburse the Developer for all expenses permitted under the TIF Act from the date of such Resolution to the extent negotiated and approved as a part of a Redevelopment Agreement. I shall await your direction on this matter before preparing the Resolution. Rug 11 2004 1 : 05PM TPRP 312-392-2124 p. 1 KATHLEEN FIELD ORR & ASSOCIATES ATTORNEYS AT LAW One South Wacker Drive, Suite 1990 Chicago, Illinois 60606 312.382.2113 312.382.2124 fax FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL SHEET PLEASE DELIVER THE FOLLOWING PAGE(S) TO: NAME: L1 D '1ArJr\J1 TELECOPIER NUMBER: 0 s5-; -�� -7SC� 3 . FROM: Kathi Orr DATE: Q j TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES INCLUDING THIS COVER SHEET: Please contact Kelly at 312.382.2113 if you do not receive all pages or if you need any further assistance. MESSAGE: NOTE:THIS MESSAGE SENT BY ELECTRONIC FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION('ills MESSAGE')IS INTENDED AND RESTRICTED FOR THE USE OP ADDRESSEE ONLY. THE MESSAGE MAY CONTAIN CONFIDENTIAL AND PRIVILEGED INFORMATION,EXEMPT PROM DISCLOSURE UNDER FEDERAL AND/OR STATE LAW. 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