Administration Packet 2004 12-01-04 �,.,,o caro United City of Yorkville J .n County Seat of Kendall County 1,42E1-,, fall EST.% 1838 800 Game Farm Road Yorkville, Illinois, 60560 .< ��` Telephone: 630-553-4350 0 �1 Fax: 630-553-7575 4... .......y �v. Website: www.yorkville.il.us <CE xti>' AGENDA ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING WEDNESDAY, December 1, 2004 6:30 P.M. CITY CONFERENCE ROOM Presentation: None Old Business: 1. Minutes for Approval/Correction: December 11, 2003 2. Monthly Updates: a. Planning Coordinator's Fees Spreadsheets for November 2004 b. Website Status c. Revised Project Financial Tracking Worksheet 3. Monthly Budget Report for September 2004 4. Draft Tuition Reimbursement Policy 5. Draft Donation/ Sponsorship Policy 6. Draft Wearing Apparel Policy 7. Sick Time/Vacation Time—Employee Pool Policy 8. Corporate Counsel Job Description 9. Mayor Pro-Tem Policy 10. RFQ Policy 11. Videotaping Public Meetings 12. Park Planner Page 2 Administration Committee December 1, 2004 New Business: 1. Park Maintenance Positions 2. National League of Cities Membership 3. Fox Hill Tax Levy 4. Utility Locator Position 5. Special Census 6. Risk Management Coordinator Additional Business: Page 1 of 7 ORAFT1 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE ADMINISTRATION COMMITtEE MEETING THURSDAY,DECEMBER 11,2003 6:30 PM City Hall Conference Room PRESENT: Mayor Art Prochaska(arrived 6:53pm) Police Chief Harold Martin Alderman Paul James Finance Director Traci Pleckham Alderman Marty Munns City Treasurer Bill Powell Alderwoman Rose Spears Administrator Tony Graff(arrived 7:13pm) Alderwoman Valerie Burd The meeting was called to order at 6:35pm by Chairwoman Rose Spears. Presentations There were none. Old Business: 1. Minutes for Approval/Correction: September 11,2003 It was noted that the minutes should reflect"police pension dollars"not "police retention dollars". The minutes were then approved as corrected. 2. Monthly Updates: a. Planning Coordinator's Fees Spreadsheet It was noted that Anna Kurtzman is both a planning and a development coordinator. b. Past Due Invoices Worksheet Alderwoman Spears asked if money had been received from Grande Reserve. Ms. Pleckham stated that the City had submitted their distribution list and the City is waiting for the check. The City will also receive, in writing,the amount of money requested and that the money should be sent close to January 14. As a result of these funds, a police officer has been hired and a new vehicle (Expedition) will purchased in the future. An administrative assistant for Parks and Recreation has not yet been hired. Page 2 of 7 c. Water Billing Accounts Due Report It was noted by Ms. Spears that the report showed Public Works had a stuck meter and the Parks Dept. building indicated no meter. Ms.Pleckham mentioned that other problems were most likely addressed first since the City would not bill themselves for these items. Ms. Spears also noted that some readings indicated that the buildings were not always open for meter readings. Ms. Pleckham will research these items. d. Billing Software Ms. Pleckham reported the Version 3.0 was updated since the last Administration meeting. She attended the User's Meeting today and the Version 4.0 was explained. She noted the processing is going well for the City. If the City wishes to upgrade to version 4.0,there would be a charge. Human Resources information would be available on the newer system. She noted City employee Kim King will be attending training next week for year-end processing for W-2's. Alderman James asked what checks and balances are in place for the new billing system to assure that all bills are being generated. According to Ms.Pleckham there are reports that can be printed out through Utility Billing that can show all accounts on each status code(active/inactive). In addition,when a new account is added,another report can be generated showing this information. e. Accounting Software This was upgraded as well. Ms. Pleckham reported the new Human Resource module was extremely helpful since it records pay rate changes, tracks performance reviews and can show salary increases across a specific department(which can be used a budgeting tool). The updated version would also track building permits and associated fees by subdivision. Treasurer Powell added that anticipated revenue information would be helpful as well. Weekly internal meetings are being held to discuss any issues/questions. Treasurer Powell said he would like to attend one of those meetings. £ Website Status/Training Treasurer Powell asked if the Webmaster could provide his information in an Excel spreadsheet. g. Revised Project Financial Tracking Worksheet It was noted that Grande Reserve had submitted the request to disburse the check. 3. Handicapped Access to Public Buildings A memo from Bill Dettmer was included in the agenda packet. Alderwoman Spears asked if anything would be done with the doors next to the elevator. Mr.Diederich is to speak with Jay McCoy about possibly removing those doors and possibly part of that wall for improved lighting. Mayor Prochaska stated he spoke with Ron Diederich today and credits are now being received for work that did not need to be done. Page 3 of 7 Ms. Spears also asked if anything could be done to make the front doors easier to open. An automatic door opener could possibly be installed and Mayor Prochaska recommended putting this in the budget next year. He further stated that strong westerly winds could affect the opening of the doors, but the doors can be adjusted for these circumstances. Ms.Pleckham will research the costs. 4. Update on City Staff Work Session The Mayor reported that Administrator Graff had held staff meetings regarding communication issues and job requirements/assignments. A follow-up meeting will be held in two weeks. This committee had previously recommended Ms. Spears be present at those meetings which addressed some employee concerns. A letter had been presented to the Administrator expressing concerns and recommendations for solutions. Alderwoman Burd suggested that the City Council should not be involved in these types of situations and that employees should follow the proper channels. The Mayor said the fmal step is a hearing before the City Council. S. Investment Policy Draft Treasurer Powell presented a draft of an Investment Policy. He also reported he had set some goals for himself for the remainder of the fiscal year. Chairwoman Spears said she would include the"Goal"discussion as part of Additional Business. Mr. Powell said he wanted to meet with Dan or Kelly Kramer to finalize details of the policy and specifically the Collateralization portion. He said the funds are fully collateralized Also,as part of Additional Business, it was suggested by Mr. Powell that an Illinois Fund representative should be invited to the City to discuss setting up accounts with Illinois Municipal Funds. He would like to have them here by March l and he would like this implemented before tax revenues begin coming in. He further explained that Illinois Municipal Funds has both short and long-term accounts. Mr. Powell will set up a presentation for a future C.O.W. meeting. The discussion returned to the scheduled agenda item—Investment Policy Draft. Mr. Powell reported he had changed some wording in the document, included statute references and restructured the draft after attending a conference regarding investment policies. He added"Local Considerations"which recognizes the need to keep money within the community. Treasurer Powell plans on meeting with a local bank to ask their opinion on this document. There was much discussion regarding the wording and understanding of the document. This item will be brought back to Administration with a revised draft. Page 4 of 7 New Business: 1. RFQ For Facility Master Plan Administrator Graff reports this item has been under consideration since April of last year,but currently no funds are in the budget. Several firms who do this type of work, have been spoken with and some have submitted proposals. He said an inventory of current City buildings is needed first. Public input for proposed new structures is also recommended. Alderwoman Spears suggested that any presentations be given at the February 17th C.O.W. so that presentations would not need to be given twice. Some changes were made to the document"Request for Qualifications,Municipal Facilities Master Plan": 1. Under "Documentation", only six bound and one unbound original will be required rather than 25 bound. 2. Page 3, 3rd paragraph—there was discussion of the sentence beginning"In conducting discussion....". Committee members decided to delete this sentence. Also, last sentence..."Selection shall be made by"Administration" rather than "selection" committee. Language will also be included which states,"a selection committee will select up to 5 finalists..." Finalists will then make presentations to the City Council for selection of the consultant team. 3. Under"Evaluation Criteria"...sentence 6 shall be changed to"Capabilities" rather than"Capacity". Also, under sentence 8...sentence shall read"Provide" rather than"Demonstrate" Alderman James asked how much this project would cost. Administrator Graff answered that it ranged from$60/70,000 to $90,000. Mr. James said he felt it was premature to have a master plan, however,the Mayor pointed out a need for a new Public Works and Parks building and a possible location for them. Mr. James felt the committee should ask for input from the department heads and use the saved funds for land purchase. Other aldermen/women pointed out,however,that an overall plan is needed. Mayor Prochaska said the downtown had specifically been denied grant money because no plan was in place. A plan also allows for prior identification of monetary resources. Mother important point was made by Ms. Pleckham a plan helps to identify municipal building fees. Developers fees may be used for this Master Facility Plan when there is a written contract,per Attorney Dan Kramer. Mayor Prochaska pointed out that technically, he would not have a vote in the selection process, however,the committee decided he should have a vote. The item will be continued to C.O.W. Page 5 of 7 2. Nextel Phone Assignments Alderwoman Spears said she observed that two City employees, Kim King and Judy Dyon, must share a Nextel phone because both of these individuals constantly need to be in touch with employees in the field. Ms. Spears wondered if a"floater"phone could be borrowed from the Parks and Rec Department. She is also exploring the possibility of purchasing another phone for the office. Mayor Prochaska offered that perhaps some of the parks phones might be used more seasonally, however,parks personnel do work all weekend. Ms. Spears also asked if Ms. Pleckham had monitored calls to assess the need. While she had not been able to do that, Mr. Graff noted that the Police Department and Public Works do check their phone usage as some calls are reimbursable. Walkie talkie phones are expected to be available by Christmas. The cost of the current phone plan is$67-$69 per month-per phone for the Parks Department and Public Works. The cost for the Police Department is$50 per phone with 300 minutes. Mayor Prochaska suggested that another company be surveyed for prices and that employees need to be efficient in their phone usage. 3. Office Supplies Procedure Ms. Spears stated that another Alderman brought to her attention, several office supply charges on the bill list. Chief Martin explained that the Police Department buys in bulk on a quarterly basis to obtain the best price,thus the high amount on some bills. Chief Martin added that Ms. Batterson constantly checks for the best prices on office supplies. 4. Expenses to Date: Walmart Beakdown Also questioned, were the Walmart expenses on the November 6th bill list. It was requested to have an itemized cost breakdown on the items purchased. Then after discussion, it was decided that the breakdown of the Walmart charges could be viewed at City Hall As a side note,the City would prefer to purchase supplies locally in Yorkville. Additional Business Alderwoman Burd noted that the bid had been withdrawn, for the proposed old jail renovations and wondered what options were available. Mr. Graff said that he had spoken with the architect who withdrew the bid and he offered to talk with the City regarding the renovations. There will be a meeting with the Mayor and the County regarding this building. No further action was taken. Discussion turned to the City car used by Joe Wywrot. Mayor Prochaska noted that the car was offered to him as part of the terms and conditions of employment and is an implied contract. He noted that a vehicle policy must be passed before any action is taken. Administrator Graff noted that Mr. Wywrot is fully aware of these vehicle Page 6 of 7 discussions and possible impending policy. Mr. Wywrot asked for a 30-day notice when a policy becomes effective. At this time, the City also pays for the gas for this vehicle and it was noted that use of this vehicle constitutes income for him. Ms. Spears recommended that if the City Attorneys make any recommendations regarding this vehicle,that they be put in writing for the benefit of the Council. Mayor Prochaska would ask the Council for permission to negotiate a settlement with the City Engineer when a policy is approved. (In relationship to this discussion,Alderwoman Burd asked about written job descriptions for the City Administrator and Finance Director.) Alderman James suggested that during any negotiations, the vehicle should be offered to Mr. Wywrot for$1.00. The City Attorney will be contacted regarding the legality of such a sale. Mayor Prochaska said he did not wish to further discuss any possible negotiations in a public meeting. Treasurer Powell asked about the preferred length of time for a presentation by the Illinois Fund representative discussed earlier in the meeting. Mayor Prochaska said 15- 20 minutes would be appropriate. This matter will be taken directly to C.O.W. after a policy is drafted, since discussions were held in this meeting. Committee members all agreed to this action. Mayor Prochaska asked for direction from the committee regarding videotaping of public meetings. He explained that Waubonsee Community College has a camera available for taping,but someone must be trained to use it. It is desired to have three people trained at a minimal cost of$100 per person. The City must decide if the person trained for the videotaping would be paid, do an internship or be given a stipend. WCC will be contacted for possible interested students. The Mayor announced receipt of a letter from Yorkville Economic Development that our invoice is due for our annualPaY ment. This will be included on a future bill list. The City contributes the most,but also benefits the most when new business comes to town. The amount is$45,000. Alderwoman Burd noted that Sugar Grove and Montgomery are also doing something similor and patterned themselves after Yorkville. The Salvation Army Agreement had been received according to the Mayor. Ms. Spears offered to meet with them. Ms. Spears asked Administrator Graff if he had contacted the Parr Group. He stated he had looked at the website, but had no prices as of yet. She asked if the information could just be downloaded from the website or obtained from other sources, in order to avoid Page 7 of 7 consultants fees. Mayor Prochaska said a facilitator is needed and secondly,they are needed to set goals, first for the Council and then the staff. It was noted that the City also had the option to "join"the website and the City could set the goals themselves. No further action was taken at this time. There was no additional business and the meeting was adjourned at 9:12pm. Minutes recorded and written by Gail Denton on December 11, 2003 Minutes transcribed and respectfully submitted by Marlys Young, November 15, 2004 Usage Statistics for yorkville.il.us -Last 12 Months Page 1 of 1 Usage Statistics for yorkville.il.us Summary Period: Last 12 Months Generated 29-Nov-2004 11:59 CST Usage sunnary for york+rille..il.us €r_if '11,,,,,,,,, or,-.` a a co m cr F rohA $..u. Dec Jan Feb Mar Atr. Ma Jun Jul Au- Se+ Oct Nov + ,t M Summary by Month Daily Avg Monthly Totals Month - - Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes Visits Pages Files Hits Nov 2004 6733 4944 331 117, 1989 1247072 3415 9604 143396 195263 Oct2004 7331 _ 5552 364 135 2437 1467006 4194 11287 172140 227277 Sep 2004 7293 5384 361 129 2385 1428010 3884 10837 161533 218816 Aug 2004 7638 5870 378 138 2513 1598617 4307 11736 181978 236800 Jul2004 3355 2191 152 46 89 19982 46 152 2191 3355 Totals 5760687 15846 43616 661238 881511 Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01 http://www.yorkville.il / orkv3/webalizer/index.html y p y 11/29/2004 , PROJECT FINANCIAL TRACKING WORKSHEET PROJECT&DEVELOPER LOCATION PROJECT SIZE ACRES FILE FEES ADMIN FEE FINAL ENG. ENG.SVCS LEGAL/PLANNER MISCELLANEOUS FEES TOTAL RCVD COMMENTS/STATUS PLAT REVIEW FEE DEPOSIT SVC DEPOSIT TO DATE 1 Anderson Farm:Kimball Homes N&S of 71,W of Highpoint A-1 to R-2 236 $500.00 $500.00 Concept Plan;12-7-04 COW 1 "Glee-lc: s-., .. .. ,,.: :. ': ., Pre#�aPlan:72-7�34:C0'�V ... .2_` ., ,; ,-- ' 29 060:00. ..: Annex,2 Autumn TttetdeliPulte Homes fJ&S:atKe['fra@dy,�of 34 ,;. ..:321 sfd,2fa3.d . . . ,286,,:: $4;0.60.04 ,..; $5�00.::. $19,54(3:00 $S,OOtI 0. � • ... , I _. 3 Bailey Meadows:IRED/Mid America SW corner 47&Baseline 189 sfd, 153 t.h.,25.8A Comm. 150 $2,200.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $9500 Flood Study Fees Due(In Agmt) $22,200.00 Annex,Zone,Prelim.Plan Approved 7/13 City Council 3 ,„ , <. ..._. .,, . .,.:. '.•, °Artriex Zoning;Future Pian Commission 4;Blackberry flaks Taff Gtiurse, ,, ,,"" � .. 5 Blackberry Woods:Blackberry Woods LLC 10701 River Rd(PNA Camp) Ag-Res PUD 60 $500.00 $500.00 Concept Plan Phase;10-13-04 Plan Commission 5 0 1�i.Corn- in.'!"_ .;,...2.) =. .. ... - 2180.04 Anneii•Zenin PUL3, 1 is 325 5 . . ,: . 20 Ofl0.00 5 Ofl(3:00. ..,,. � ,. „_.. $3 , 9, �9 Bristol Bay.Certtex:Homes s, N&S of Galena Rd,E of 477 � ,66fi:condos,$74 1.11: 597.3 x ,. $?;'1'80.00, :.;. $ $ . 7 Bristol Club:Lay-Com Galena&Cannonball 31 sfd $1,946.50 $9,482.50 $5,000.00 $10,000.00 $250:1.5mi review fee pd $26,679.00 WITHDRAWN 2/11/04 7 ,: ,. .. l"::"":"'",,, � $16,500.00 '.•:; :Final�'{at..,92=;9 Plan Council'•'''':,:-. g ;,, .. ,.. 10 004.{30 5 504.110 ,..� $22 7t10 Flood Stud Fees-Due . "„"8;Caledonia:Inland:: , NiW.ofl'iBC ., .f. ;2[l8 sfd :85.28.., $54f3.0(l . $500.00 ,, � $ y 9 Cannonball Run Plaza:Jim Ratos S/E side 34&CannonBall 8 commercial lots $0.00 9 ;113"Chatty Farm:Wyndham Drpt Ate 71&Pavrllton ...120'sfd 96.2 I.$514.00 _- ,":. $500.00 Concept Plan Phase;12-7`04 COW 10 ° . ep 11 Cimarron Ridge:Conover Bldrs. S of 34,E of Cannonball 29 sfd,46 dup.,9.9 A comm. 40.82 $0.00 87%built out 11 l .J, , n .. ,. . , r ;, ,, ,,.. $500.00 Conce t'Plam, 12-8-04 Plan Commission. 12 112 Cornelis Crosstng:.;lrrn Mertard E of Rte 47,E�f Cornelis." 15.354 $500.04 p . 13 Corner Stone:Triangle Investments NNV comer 47&Greenbriar 41sfd,17.9 A Commercial 36.85 $2,010.00 $27,130.27 $500.00 $19,378.76 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 4,198 h2o/San Reca;$5596.50 River Xing $36,500 G'Briar Rd Reca $12,510.00 Final Plat Approved 7/27/04 City Council 13 14 Country Hills:Dennis Dwyer; .S/W corner 71&126 ;." 138 sfd,34 duplex units ,'' 65:6 : $27,687.52 Ph2$500.00 - $28,187.52 51%built out 14 15 Countryside Center:Tri-Land Properties Countryside commercial re-development $15,000.00 Tif Study deposit pd June 2003 $15,000.00 15 ' -- 15500,00 Concept Plan Phase 16 6 ot�crse Prtrp.:•Wiseman Humes South:Windett Ridge Il ;, 141„-sfd -l'...,0 ,. $SDO.f3(3 •.- .... $15,000.00 -:: .. ; ,,. .- u. $ P ' " 17 Evergreen Farm:Tanglewood Dev.(Theis) S/E,N/E corners Fox&Pavillion 106 sfd 49 $500.00 $500.00 Concept Plan Phase,9/8/04 Plan Commission 17 ,; ;.: ..: ,; ;, Development 18 Fifth Third Bank=fucker 34.8 marketplace 1 Rte 34-&marketplace -; ;:,,•; , ,: $0 flQ D velopmen Agreement stage xs 19 Foxfield's 2nd Add.:Barry Niles Teri Ln.Cul de Sac R-2 Zoned 3.44 $0.00 19 20 Fox:Highlands:Frontier Land Grp, 'S of?1,E of 47 � 33 sfd,84 town. 6.duplexes ' 34:71.:-...;,, $3;954,00 "; 0,025.42 $500,40 $11,Q�$11,050.00 $S;fl$5;000,00 $60,525,02 93%built out 20 21 Fox Hill:Dresden S of 34,E of Eldemain 228 sfd,144 town.,32 duplexes 287 `billed hourly* U4,U6$500 Ea $1,000.00 Re-design Concept Review, Final Plat 21 " . . r * - „ - $12,130.00 Prelimina ,Final Plat Approved 10-12-04 City Council . 22 22 Fox Hill:DCI,t3nlf;7 $1,130.00 *billed hourly $1.,000,40. $5,040.40 $5,000.00 I rY 23 Fox Hill:Primus,Unit 5 " " `billed hourly* $500.00 $2,390.00 $2,890.00 86% built out 23 24 FoxMt11 Landing:JCPC Corp. Hydraulic&Mill �Oresadentral;untts $1,074.25 $1,000.00 $1866,64Inspeciion Fee paid 1.7125/02 $3,760.89 'Complete . 24 25 Fox River Bluffs:Inland N/E comer Fox&Highpoint COUNTY-141 sfd 302.6 $250.00 $250.00 Concept Plan Phase; 12-8 Plan Commission 25 26 Gospel Assembly:Church. Adjacent#0 8250 Rte 71 6 Acres Developed for-Church 26.8 $250;40 $250.00 1.5 ml review;12-8-04 Plan Commission 26 27 Go-Tane Service Station E of 47,S of 34 commercial development 2.14 $500.00 $2,500.00 $3,000.00 Annexation, Rezoning Approved 27 • v 7 738:91 BRR de sit' 28 28--Grande Reserve:MP! M�i#.34,.5 of Kennedy: 1324 sfd,394 dup.,fi32.Lh.;300 apts ::_• 1127,.3+ $'19;973. 4 $25flk dep.Due $30,004:40 $$220,,500000..0000.,' 20.000: $36k Water tmprl .$2,c6 24.fik Traffic SLI$258k BKFD Pd Plats"1]1-8 Appro ed,$SD po 29 Grande Reserve,Line 2 $19.2k Fiscal Impact/$100k H2O Tank/$456,900 Capital Fees $705,673.00 Ph 9 Fnl Plat 12-7 COW;Ph 10 Fnl Plat 12-9 Plan Council 29 30 Greenbriar.Ron Wehrli Develop. W of:Rte47,N of G'BriarRd 166 sfd,34 duple units 166 Ph 4$471.36 $500.00 Ph 4$336.68 $1,308:04 89%built out 30 31 Heartland Circle S of Heartland Sub 250 sfd 129.6 $1,780.00 $92,345.77 $500 Res/Comm $8,200.00 $5,000.00 $1100 Soil Pmt,Deposit;$270 Traffic Study $109,195.77 Final Plat Apprroved; 14%built out 31 $14,208.39Resub.Final Plat',12-8-04 Plan Commission 32 '32 Heartland Center'. SIE Rte 34&McHugh ,` Commercial Development 8:4 $805.00 $1,781.07:_ $50().40 $1,122.32 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 - 33 Heartland Subdivision S of 34,E of McHugh 186 sfd 133.6 $1,250.00 $34k u1;$23k U2,3 Ph1,2,3$500ea $4590 Unit1 $64,340.00 87%built out 33 -34 Carolyn Herren Property- N/E Rte 47&Comms Rezone 24.25A°of R-2 to B-3 '38.75 $295.00, $2,500.00 $2,795.00 Rezone;12-7-04 COW 34 35 Hopkin's Corner(Morrissey) N/W corner 47&Greenbr Rd 87 townhomes 37.4 $1,570.00 $2,000.00 $5,000.00 $8,570.00 Now Cornerstone Development 35 36 Inland Office Building:Inland 34&Marketplace ' $500,00 • $400.00 '$900,00 36 37 Kylyn's Crossing(Cannonball Hill) E of 47,S of C'Ball Trail $860.00 $500.00 $1,360.00 Complete , 37 38 Kylyn's Crossing West:(CanEst)AMG '. SNd comer Faxon,W C'Ball Trt 111 sfd 56,6 $15,253.45' $540.00 ;'; $5,000.00 $20,753.45 ' 92%built out ' 38 39 Kylyn's Ridge:AMG Homes W of Kylyn's Cr.West 134 sfd 69.83 $1,963.13 $26,731.97 U1 $500 ea U1,U2 $19,094 Unit 1 $5,000.00 $8834 Flood Study Fees Pd/$42,735:U1 W/S Recapture 39 40 'Kylyn's Ridge,Line 2 $20,568.49 : $14,389.40 $62,627;25 Unit 2 W/S Recapture $203,144.24 77%Built Out ' 40 41 Lee Farm:Montalbano Homes SIE corner Ament&Penman A-1 to R-2 155.8 $500.00 $500.00 Concept Plan Stage; 10-13-04 Plan Commission 41 11"`--s 62 i:h." 13.6 1£1897.42 $500.00 , $2,432.50 $5,000:00 S9300 Dev.Fee Paid:62 x$150 each, $28,129.92 d 42 42 Longford Lakes:sfNontalbano, war artdmaiic;:s of McHugh bldg , $ ' 43 Menards:Menard,Inc. E of 47,N of Countryside commercial development $151,912.60 waived $5,000.00 $156,912.60 Complete 43 44 Northgate:inland = 86 acres WE corner 47&Galena 58 sfd;'114 t.h. " 86 $1,560.00 $4,450.00 $5,000.00 $11,010.00 . 44 45 Prairie Gardens:Windham Homes W of 47,E of G'Briar Sub. 56 sfd,6 Commercial 24.2 $1,633.80 $23,618.08 $500.00 $2,919.00 $5,000.00 $33,670.88 75%built out 45 - ..:,' 20 000.00 $5,000.00 $5137.50 WeatherSiren,-$728,202.00 Sch Land Cash Pd $762,111.50 •': Final Plat Approved 46 46 Prairie Meadows,Menard inc. E of 47,S of C'side Pkwy 174 aid,268 mfd 142:2 . $3,772.00. $ 47 Raintree Village:Wyndham Drpt,Creek,Conco S/W&S.E of Country Hills 404 sfd,238 duplexes 320 $2,500.00 $79,191.36 $500 ea U1-3 $11,050.00 $10,000.00 $24k water system/$96k Hyd.Interceptor Fnl Plats U1-3 approved 47 48 Raintree=Village Line 2 Clubhouse: $3568.91 Due $500 U4,5,6 $1571.71 Due (Clubhouse) $100 soil,Sed Pmt,$13c Soil,Sed.Deposit Units 1,2,3 ea ' 20%.built out 48 49 Raintree Village,Line 3 $2,651,016.77:front-funded fees,see Admin.Acct $2,879,058.13 Fnl Plat U4,5, 6-Approved 9-28-04 City Council 49 50 Reserve at Fox River Apts:PRS Constr. 14 of MktPlac/NicHugh Inter. 132 apts 9.5 - $21,615.99 $15,119.75 $5k Sanitary=Flow;Meters Deposit $41,735.74 Under Construction 50 51 River's Edge:S&K Development N of Fox,N&S of R.R. 166 sfd 96.9 $2,364.00 $73,031.14 Ph.2$500.00 $4,731.91 $5,000.00 $85,627.05 69%built out 51 i 120 sfd,174 condo' 204 Lh. 270.6 500.00 • $500.00 Concept Plan Stage 52 :,,,52",Rob Roy-Falls:Sexton Developm't fV of Fox.}iill,E of Eldarna n . s, $ 53 Saravanos Properties,LLC Route 71&47 A-1 to B-3 2 $250.00 $2,500.00 $2,750.00 Annexation&Zoning approved at 11-9-04 CC 53 Jennifer Fischer November 30, 2004 PROJECT FINANCIAL TRACKING WORKSHEET PROJECT&DEVELOPER LOCATION PROJECT SIZE ACRES FILE FEES ADMIN FEE FINAL ENG. ENG.SVCS LEGAL/PLANNER MISCELLANEOUS FEES TOTAL RCVD COMMENTS/STATUS PLAT REVIEW FEE DEPOSIT SVC DEPOSIT TO DATE : . , : :<.., Ma: . ._ , . • 3.� .. .:; . . .... ,,,... �, - 'Concept:P1an 53- 53, fiver Fcrrr.Midwest Llet+el... ,, ., �.s Fox0d,E nt Pav7llrorl..-. K,.. 18Tst .""".� �2 ,.. $ � „. .,,. �,.. r, •, • .> • '� .. 54 Sunflower Estates Unit 1:Inland N/W corner 47&71 117 sfd total 65.19 $10,758.25 $35,826.21:Ph.1,2 VJ/S Recapture $46,584.46 Project totals 81.5%built out 54 r :,,: _, r.. ,,,. . to ,.. X18 841.68... 500. 0 • :- __ 133 '1..58 . .: Sunflower Lstales Unit 2:9nla+ict . > 117 sft3�� 1" . $. , , $ 0 , 56 Sunflower Estates Unit 3:Inland " 117 sfd total $9,903.43 $500.00 $2,664.50 River Xing:$10237.50;W/S Reca:$17839.22 $41,144.65 " 56 ~l =9' la Council 7' - ,, .". - �„ '`� . ~:. ="; Annexation,Zoning,PFJB 2 F' n_ 5 57 Swa n- tes:�srrdon Marcia _. Scorner Ln west�geek 5 std _ e ; '13.4. ., rrsonl. Esta , ... 9, 58 Tanglewood Trails,Tanglewood Dev.Corp E side Highpt.Rd,S of Legion 67 $250.00 $250.00 Annex Agmt Approved;Concept Plan Stage 58 _: ... 9 r 1 200: .," County;F2eca: 2173: Can.,Tri.Re :, 19.41':` 9 984. 9 59` '149 .4 0 �... ca _ 3 �,,, �9 Town:C sr .Reba ah Errt. :„ SI1N.comer 34&C13a11 Tri: ;:,�x , • 3._. $2,500.00 $ $26 $ �:".:.. 60 Travel Svc of Yorkville:Cara Behrens 801 N.Bridge Street R-2 to B-2 $200.00 $1,000.00 $1,200.00 Rezoning Approved 8-24-04 City Council 60 Tlthe Preserue:Bumst d e -. 'sof ate Valsh 3r. ; 84 duduplex units:" 23.95 < • � '. Anne Anne PUD,Prelim.Plan:AArd 10-26 City Council 61 62 Westbury Village:Ocean Atlantic SAN corner 47&Galena 293 sfd,605 mfd;22.7A Comm. 300.66 $5,430.00 $10,000.00 $5,000.00 $25,000 Flood Study Fees Paid 62 3 Wes i 'Line >" , :,% '. Paid-Rob RoyCreek infe tor.l3esi n 39a 4311 00 Annex,PUD Preliminary'Plan 6 tbury U ila�e. 2 ' ,,:._ r-. I $350,000..00 9 64 Whispering Meadows,Fisher Property 4/W corner Faxon&C'Ball,S of R COUNTY-450 sfd 297.63 $5,450.00 $500.00 $20,000.00 $15,000.00 5K flow meter,$1100 Soil,Sed.Fees,$10.5k Flood Study $52,050.00 Final Plat Units 1,2 Appr'd;Annex Agmt Appr'd 64 a 99" builtout ' '; 5' _ ,. ,.. • = ;; • 10 I:i 65 White Oaks.Crestview Builders �t of Fox.E of FF�uer'S Edge .. .. 94 sfd �13.77 Ph4$7413.49,. '=: ',$7,413.49 66 Wildwood:Fox Valley Farms Partn. N of 71,E of 47 271 sfd, 160 mfd 187.77 $0.00 PH 1,2 98%built out; balance tbd 66 277 sfd tS3 $1p�{ fl4 t $1233U755 $5Q0OD $20 000 D4 $5 DOO.OD $42k:HYd Ave.Interceptor,School&San.Pmt fees Final Plat Approved;2,5k Built lt Out67 WindettRidge-YUtsenan Hughes . - 47&Legion , . . 68 Windett Ridge-Line 2 $41,550 Mun.bldg fee,$33,932.50 River Crossing $1,023,680.50 68 69'Woodworth Estates:'male Woodworth Wooddale"Dnve 16 ski =. Preliminary Plan;12-7-04 COW 69 70 Wynstone Townhomes,Wynd.Drpt. Routes 47&71 9.64 $500.00 $2,000.00 $2,500.00 $5,000.00 Preliminary Plan; 1-12-05 Plan Commission 70 i Final l Plat - 71 Xpac • NW corner Rte47,'C13all j, commercial development :3.31 $500.00 $5i30.DQ $2,500.00 $2,500.00 $6,000.00 ""•Pre1 rrtrnaryl Fina 12 9-04 Plan Council 71. 72 YBC Unit 1:Inland W of 47,N of R.R. $2,385.00 $500.00 $2,109.00 $2,500.00 $7,494.00 Complete 72 a 7.,40 10 built out 73 73 YBCtlrait2:lnland .. •. $2,$06.5Tt `' $500:00 '� ,�2,D4D_5Q , . �:. ', . :`$5,34 7ais 74 YBC Unit 3:Inland $500.00 $3,042.50 $3,542.50 10%built out 74 75 YMP/Jewel:Tucker Development S off"34,W of Marketplace "" commercial development $500.00 $34,836.26 $800.00 " $5,000.00 " $41,13626 Phase I Complete 75 76 Yorkville Ace Hardware Rte 34,E of Rte 47 Annex,Zoning; Future Plan Commission 76 77 . waived aa: = $0.00 :" Annexation,Zoning:6-22 Ci ' Council 77,York.39ir[3.�ndseapmg:t3rtega,9aralas 8591 Route^^126 . 5.07 acres ."" Annex.Fee" waived � ' ",., • '' . • z., 78 Yorkville Supportive Living:Horve&Dinges W of 47,S of G'Briar Rd. R-4,65yrs+housing 3.48 $500.00 $500.00 PUD Agreement Approved 78 'Reserve at the Fox River Apts will not be charged a final plat fee,as this is not a subdivision.There are plat of easements only for this development. TOTAL "In lieu of an upfront Administration Fee,Fox Hill opted to pay hourly for Engineering Services. $5,418,376.14 Page One $1,666,598.83 Page Two $7,084,974.97 Combined Total Jennifer Fischer November 30, 2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE BUDGET 2004-2005 GENERAL FUND SUMMARY PERIOD ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 41.7% OF FISCAL YEAR THRU REVENUE/EXPENSE SEPTEMBER 2004-2005 PERCENT VS. 30, 2004 BUDGET BUDGET AMOUNT TOTAL GENERAL FUND REVENUE 4,467,981 10,788,259 41.42% GENERAL FUND EXPENSES FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION 1,302,185 3,967,465 32.82% ENGINEERING 157,276 385,870 40.76% POLICE 773,462 1,881,291 41.11% BUILDING & ZONING 56,065 137,400 40.80% STREETS 942,282 3,923,110 24.02% HEALTH & SANITATION 160,178 493,123 32.48% TOTAL GENERAL FUND EXPENSES 3,391,448 10,788,259 31.44% 11/29/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 General Fund Revenue 1 Sanitary Sewer Improvement&Expansion 23 3 Water Improvement&Expansion 25 Finance 6 Debt Service Fund 28 Engineering Police 7 Water Operations 30 Building and Zoning 9 Sewer Maintenance 34 Streets and Alleys 10 Land Cash 37 Health and Sanitation 12 Land Acquisition 41 Motor Fuel Tax Fund 13 Parks &Recreation 42 Municipal Building 15 Library 47 Police Equipment Capital 17 Fox Industrial 51 Public Works Equipment Capital 19 Parks &Recreation Equipment Capital 21 DATE: 11/29/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 1 TIME: 15:41:17 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 05 ID: GL470002.WOW FUND: GENERAL FUND 41.7% OF FISCAL YEAR FOR 5 PERIODS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 FISCAL FISCAL % ACCOUNT SEPTEMBER YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED GENERAL REVENUES TAXES 01-000-40-00-3997 IN TOWN ROAD PROGRAM FUNDING 632, 635.58 632, 635.58 620,000.00 102.0 01-000-40-00-3998 MPI BRISTOL RIDGE RD FUNDING 233,009.01 1,255,172.36 2, 690,000.00 46.6 01-000-40-00-3999 CARRY OVER BALANCE 0.00 0.00 104,000.00 0.0 01-000-40-00-4000 REAL ESTATE TAXES (18,325.85) 660, 540.77 1,289,736.00 51.2 01-000-40-00-4001 TOWN ROAD/BRIDGE TAX 0.00 50, 901.71 95,000.00 53.5 01-000-40-00-4010 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX 0.00 2,043.19 10,000.00 20.4 01-000-40-00-4020 STATE INCOME TAX 0.00 87,395.84 566,891.00 15.4 01-000-40-00-4030 MUNICIPAL SALES TAX 196, 929.76 548, 420.74 1, 953,000.00 28.0 01-000-40-00-4032 STATE USE TAX 8, 412.64 22, 314 .33 79, 101.00 28.2 01-000-40-00-4040 MUNICIPAL UTILITY TAX 33, 950.81 189,550.34 560,000.00 33.8 01-000-40-00-4041 UTILITY TAX - NICOR 0.00 0.00 26,000.00 0.0 01-000-40-00-4042 UTILITY TAX - CABLE TV 0.00 19,360.40 48,000.00 40.3 01-000-40-00-4043 UTILITY TAX - TELEPHONE 31,791.66 89,294 .41 220,000.00 40.5 01-000-40-00-4050 HOTEL TAX 1,713.46 8,265. 63 19,000.00 43.5 TOTAL TAXES 1, 120,117.07 3,565,895.30 8,280,728.00 43.0 LICENSES & PERMITS 01-000-41-00-4100 LIQUOR LICENSE 0.00 2, 147.62 22,500.00 9.5 01-000-41-00-4101 OTHER LICENSES 0.00 3,718.26 3, 500.00 106.2 01-000-41-00-4110 BUILDING PERMITS 67,128 .80 413,244 .80 870,000.00 47.4 TOTAL LICENSES & PERMITS 67,128 .80 419,110.68 896,000.00 46.7 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 01-000-42-00-4205 FILING FEES 228.00 13,771.00 20,000.00 68.8 01-000-42-00-4206 GARBAGE SURCHARGE 122.29 57, 545.72 171,590.00 33.5 01-000-42-00-4207 REFUSE STICKERS (53.00) 0.00 0.00 0.0 01-000-42-00-4208 COLLECTION FEE - YBSD 0.00 0.00 44, 441.00 0.0 01-000-42-00-4210 DEVELOPMENT FEES 3, 615.00 172, 169.39 520,000.00 33.1 01-000-42-00-4211 ENGINEERING CAPITAL FEE 0.00 200.00 20,000.00 1.0 TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES 3, 912.29 243, 686.11 776,031.00 31.4 FINES & FORFEITS P1 DATE: 11/29/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 2 TIME: 15:41:17 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 05 ID: GL470002.WOW FUND: GENERAL FUND FOR 5 PERIODS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 FISCAL ISCAL ACCOUNT SEPTEMBER YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED GENERAL REVENUES FINES & FORFEITS 01-000-43-00-4310 TRAFFIC FINES 5, 532.16 31,266.59 70,000.00 44 .6 01-000-43-00-4315 REIMBURSE POLICE TRAINING 0.00 0.00 3,500.00 0.0 01-000-43-00-4320 ORDINANCE FEES 785.00 1, 345.00 2,500.00 53.8 TOTAL FINES & FORFEITS 6,317.16 32, 611.59 76,000.00 42.9 MISCELLANEOUS 0.00 1,000.00 0.0 01-000-44-00-4401 DARE DONATIONS 0.00 0.00 20,000.00 0.0 01-000-44-00-4402 ROB ROY CREEK HYDRAULIC STUDY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 01-000-44-00-4410 REIMBURSEMENTS - OTHER GOVTS 0.00 1, 410.00 2,500.00 56.4 01-000-44-00-4411 REIMBURSEMENTS-POLICE PROTECTN 170.00596.48 5,000.00 11.9 01-000-44-00-4420 SIDWALK CONSTRUCTION 0.00 01-000-44-00-4490 MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 594 .90 5,161.42 10,000.00 51.6 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 764.90 7, 167.90 38,500.00 18.6 INTERGOVERNMENTAL 0.00 2,000.00 0.0 01-000-45-00-4505 COPS GRANT - VESTS 0.00 01-000-45-00-4510 COPS GRANT 14,048.21 26,277.13 41,000.00 64.0 1,210.00 0.00 100.0 01-000-45-00-4511 POLICE-STATE TOBACCO GRANT 1,210.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 01-000-45-00-4521 ICJIA BLOCK GRANT TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL 15,258.21 27, 487.13 43,000.00 63.9 INTEREST 4,522.47 8,000.00 56.5 01-000-46-00-4600 INVESTMENT INCOME 3,151.68 TOTAL INTEREST 3,151.68 4, 522.47 8,000.00 56.5 TRANSFERS 01-000-49-00-4915 TRANSFER FROM WATER OPERATIONS 0.00 50,000.00 200,000.00 25.0 01-000-49-00-4920 TRANSFER FROM SEWER MAINT. 0.00 17,500.00 70,000.00 25.0 01-000-49-00-4925 TRANSFER FROM SAN. SEWER 0.00 50,000.00 200,000.00 25.0 01-000-49-00-4930 TRANSFER FROM WATER IMPROVE. 0.00 50,000.00 200,000.00 25.0 0.00 167,500.00 670,000.00 25.0 TOTAL TRANSFERS P2 DATE: 11/29/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 3 PINE: 15:41:17 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 05 ID: GL470002.W0W FUND: GENERAL FUND FOR 5 PERIODS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 FISCAL FISCAL o ACCOUNT SEPTEMBER YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED TOTAL REVENUES: GENERAL 1,216, 650.11 4,467, 981.18 10,788,259.00 41.4 FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION EXPENSES PERSONNEL SERVICES 01-110-50-00-5100 SALARIES - MAYOR 0.00 0.00 7,500.00 0.0 01-110-50-00-5101 SALARIES - CITY CLERK 0.00 0.00 3, 600.00 0.0 01-110-50-00-5102 SALARIES - CITY TREASURER 0.00 0.00 3, 600.00 0.0 01-110-50-00-5103 SALARIES - ALDERMAN 0.00 0.00 28,800.00 0.0 01-110-50-00-5104 SALARIES - LIQUOR COMMISSIONER 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 0.0 01-110-50-00-5105 SALARIES - CITY ATTORNEY 884 .80 4,866.40 13,500.00 36.0 01-110-50-00-5106 SALARIES - ADMINISTRATIVE 29,036.62 155, 595.33 459,223.00 33.8 01-110-50-00-5136 SALARIES - PART TIME 2,283.76 16,616.21 13,500.00 123.0 01-110-50-00-5137 SALARIES - OVERTIME 0.00 23.25 1,500.00 1.5 01-110-50-00-5199 MSI PAYROLL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 01-110-50-00-5202 BENEFITS-UNEMPLOY. COMP. TAX 0.00 2,210.25 9,000.00 24.5 01-110-50-00-5203 BENEFITS - HEALTH INSURANCE 99, 497.64 216,753.61 621,000.00 34 .9 01-110-50-00-5204 BENEFITS - GROUP LIFE INSURANC 1, 634 .04 5, 981.52 18,000.00 33.2 01-110-50-00-5205 BENEFITS - DENTAL/VISION ASST 3, 602.24 16,291.74 50,000.00 32.5 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 136, 939.10 418,338.31 1,230,223.00 34 .0 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 01-110-61-00-5300 LEGAL SERVICES 0.00 4,340.73 30,000.00 14.4 01-110-61-00-5304 AUDIT FEES & EXPENSES 0.00 12, 515.70 14, 660.00 85.3 01-110-61-00-5305 ACCOUNTING ASSISTANCE 0.00 3,860.00 5,000.00 77.2 01-110-61-00-5307 ACCOUNTING SYSTEM REVIEW 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 01-110-61-00-5308 GASB 34 0.00 0.00 15,000.00 0.0 01-110-61-00-5310 EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE 0.00 850.00 4,500.00 18.8 01-110-61-00-5311 CODIFICATION 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 0.0 01-110-61-00-5314 BUILDING INSPECTIONS 79,052.60 286,506.20 607,500.00 47.1 01-110-61-00-5322 BONDING 0.00 757.00 2,000.00 37.8 TOTAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 79,052.60 308,829. 63 683, 660.00 45.1 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES P3 DATE: 11/29/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 4 DIME: 15:41:17 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 05 ID: GL470002.WOW FUND: GENERAL FUND FOR 5 PERIODS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 FISCAL FISCAL % ACCOUNT SEPTEMBER YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION EXPENSES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 01-110-62-00-5400 INSURANCE-LIABILITY & PROPERTY 0.00 0.00 125,000.00 0.0 01-110-62-00-5401 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 883.75 8, 491.88 37, 300.00 22.7 01-110-62-00-5403 SPECIAL CENSUS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 01-110-62-00-5404 CABLE CONSORTIUM FEE 7,744 .16 7,744 .16 30,000.00 25.8 01-110-62-00-5406 OFFICE CLEANING 3, 175.20 14,278.07 25,000.00 57.1 01-110-62-00-5410 MAINTENANCE - OFFICE EQUIPMENT 0.00 126.90 500.00 25.3 01-110-62-00-5411 MAINTENANCE - COMPUTERS 237.50 7,743.07 6,000.00 129.0 01-110-62-00-5412 MAINTENANCE - PHOTOCOPIERS 1, 616.00 6, 464.00 19,392.00 33.3 01-110-62-00-5421 WEARING APPAREL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 01-110-62-00-5427 FACADE PROGRAM 0.00 2,000.00 20,000.00 10.0 01-110-62-00-5436 TELEPHONE 1,827.88 7,214 .22 20,000.00 36.0 01-110-62-00-5437 ACCTG SYSTEM SERVICE FEE 0.00 0.00 7,385.00 0.0 01-110-62-00-5438 CELLULAR TELEPHONE 113.34 669.36 2,300.00 29.1 01-110-62-00-5439 TELEPHONE SYSTEMS MAINTENANCE 0.00 1,237.20 5,000.00 24.7 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 15, 597.83 55, 968.86 297,877.00 18.7 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 01-110-64-00-5600 DUES 72.00 441.75 4,000.00 11.0 01-110-64-00-5601 ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL LEAGUE DUES 0.00 0.00 551.00 0.0 01-110-64-00-5603 SUBSCRIPTIONS 0.00 195.00 400.00 48.7 01-110-64-00-5604 TRAINING & CONFERENCES 1,299.00 2, 869.00 6,000.00 47.8 01-110-64-00-5605 TRAVEL/MEALS/LODGING 476.84 1,221.89 19,000.00 6.4 01-110-64-00-5607 PUBLIC RELATIONS 0.00 2,492.73 11,000.00 22.6 TOTAL PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 1,847.84 7,220.37 40, 951.00 17.6 OPERATIONS 01-110-65-00-5800 CONTINGENCIES 0.00 11, 330.50 122, 523.00 9.2 01-110-65-00-5802 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,357.30 3, 640.36 12,000.00 30.3 01-110-65-00-5804 OPERATING SUPPLIES 86.70 2,206.00 8,000.00 27.5 01-110-65-00-5808 POSTAGE & SHIPPING (32.87) 4,577.41 8,000.00 57.2 01-110-65-00-5809 PRINTING & COPYING 79.00 2, 564.05 7,000.00 36.6 01-110-65-00-5810 PUBLISHING & ADVERTISING 29.90 1, 185.20 2,000.00 59.2 01-110-65-00-5844 MARKETING - HOTEL TAX 0.00 4, 649.18 19,000.00 24.4 P4 DATE: 11/29/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 5 TIME: 15:41:18 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 05 ID: GL470002.WOW FUND: GENERAL FUND FOR 5 PERIODS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 FISCAL FISCAL % ACCOUNT SEPTEMBER YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED TOTAL OPERATIONS 1,520.03 30, 152.70 178, 523.00 16.8 RETIREMENT 01-110-72-00-6500 IMRF PARTICIPANTS 3,222.08 17,305.53 47,754.00 36.2 01-110-72-00-6501 SOCIAL SECURITY & MEDICARE 2, 622.44 14, 417.78 37,770.00 38.1 TOTAL RETIREMENT 5,844.52 31,723.31 85,524.00 37.0 CAPITAL OUTLAY 01-110-75-00-7002 COMPUTER EQUIP & SOFTWARE 97.90 461.89 8,000.00 5.7 01-110-75-00-7003 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 1, 485.00 1,574 .99 4,000.00 39.3 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,582.90 2,036.88 12,000.00 16.9 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES 01-110-78-00-9001 CITY TAX REBATE 0.00 83.94 1,200.00 6.9 01-110-78-00-9002 NICOR GAS 1, 196.62 3,205.63 20,000.00 16.0 01-110-78-00-9003 SALES TAX REBATE 2, 544.39 68, 612.41 333, 500.00 20.5 01-110-78-00-9004 MISCELLANEOUS 36.00 56.00 100.00 56.0 01-110-78-00-9005 MERIT/PAY EQUITY 0.00 0.00 89,000.00 0.0 TOTAL OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES 3,777.01 71, 957.98 443,800.00 16.2 TRANSFERS 01-110-99-00-9923 TRANSFER TO LIBRARY 0.00 0.00 19,811.00 0.0 01-110-99-00-9925 TRANSFER TO SAN SEWER 0.00 37,500.00 150,000.00 25.0 01-110-99-00-9940 TRANSFER TO PARK & RECREATION 126,082.67 315,206.67 756,496.00 41 .6 01-110-99-00-9941 TRANSFER TO PARK/REC CAPITAL 6, 100.00 15,250.00 36, 600.00 41.6 01-110-99-00-9945 TRANSFER TO MUNICIPAL BLDG 0.00 8,000.00 32,000.00 25.0 01-110-99-00-9965 TRANSFER TO DEBT SERVICE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 TOTAL TRANSFERS 132,182.67 375,956.67 994, 907.00 37.7 TOTAL EXPENSES: FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION 378,344.50 1, 302, 184.71 3, 967,465.00 32.8 ENGINEERING EXPENSES P5 I DATE: 11/29/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 6 TIME: 15:41:18 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 05 ID: GL470002.WOW FUND: GENERAL FUND FOR 5 PERIODS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 FISCAL FISCAL % SEPTEMBER YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ ACCOUNTACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED NUMBERRDESCRIPTION ENGINEERING PERSONNEL SERVICES 01-150-50-00-5107 SALARIES-EMPLOYEES 18, 423.59 100, 131.61 235,883.00 42.4 01-150-50-00-5137 SALARIES-OVERTIME 0.00 205.60 500.00 41.1 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 18,423.59 100, 337.21 236,383.00 42.4 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 01-150-62-00-5401 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 7 861.20 11,091.91 40,000.00 27.7 45.59 791.03 0,000.00 2 . 5 01-150-62-00-5409 MAINTENANCE-VEHICLES 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 7 .5 01-150-62-00-5410 MAINTENANCE-OFFICE EQUIP 3,500.00 70.0 01-150-62-00-5411 MAINTENANCE-COMPUTERS 0.00 2, 640.400.00 186.00 1, 100.00 16.94 01-150-62-00-5421 WEARING APPAREL 170.00 710.76 2,800.00 25.3 01-150-62-00-5438 CELLULAR TELEPHONE TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,076.79 15,420.10 53,900.00 28.6 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 0.00 0.00 300.00 0.0 01-150-64-00-5600 DUES 0.00 210.00 2,300.00 0.0 01-150-64-00-5604 TRAINING & CONFERENCES 0.00 0.00 2,500.00 8.5 01-150-64-00-5605 TRAVEL EXPENSE 0.00 0.00 000.00 0.0 01-150-64-00-5616 BOOKS & PUBLICATIONS TOTAL PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 0.00 213.00 4,000.00 5.3 OPERATIONS 4.6 01-150-65-00-5801 ENGINEERING SUPPLIES 4 0.00 1,492.97 2,000.00 99 878.51 1, 500.00 7 74.6 01-150-65-00-5802 OFFICE SUPPLIES 551.65 1,500.00 45.9 01-150-65-00-5809 PRINTING & COPYING 63.453. 5 1,000.00 1,200.00 45.9 01-150-65-00-5814 STORM WATER SOFTWARE/TRAINING 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 01-150-65-00-5815 ROB ROY CREEK HYDRAULIC STUDY 0.00 19, 602.57 40,000.00 40.0 01-150-65-00-5820 PICK UP TRUCK 68.44 23,525.70 49,700.00 47.3 TOTAL OPERATIONS RETIREMENT 23,804 .00 42.4 01-150-72-00-6500 IMRF PARTICIPANTS 1, 409.39 0,103.9 1,855.26 10,103.94 18,083.00 42.4 01-150-72-00-6501 SOCIAL SECURITY & MEDICARE P6 DATE: 11/29/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 7 TIME: 15:41:18 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 05 ID: GL470002.WOW FUND: GENERAL FUND FOR 5 PERIODS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 FISCAL FISCAL % ACCOUNT SEPTEMBER YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED TOTAL RETIREMENT 3,264.65 17,779.73 41,887.00 42.4 TOTAL EXPENSES: ENGINEERING 22,833.47 157,275.74 385,870.00 40.7 PUBLIC SAFETY/POLICE DEPT. EXPENSES PERSONNEL SERVICES 01-210-50-00-5107 SALARIES - EMPLOYEES 42, 957.42 213,523.56 531, 563.00 40.1 01-210-50-00-5131 SALARIES - LIEUTENANT/SERGEANT 35, 618.30 199, 830.11 446, 104.00 44 .7 01-210-50-00-5133 SALARIES - COPS 11,392 .11 62,744 .91 148,496.00 42 .2 01-210-50-00-5134 SALARIES - CROSSING GUARD 1,360.00 3,085.57 10,000.00 30.8 01-210-50-00-5135 SALARIES - POLICE CLERKS 7, 675.95 39,059.87 100, 307.00 38.9 01-210-50-00-5136 SALARIES - PART TIME 1, 992.53 5, 620.13 20,000.00 28.1 01-210-50-00-5137 SALARIES - OVERTIME 5, 635.76 16,393.30 50,000.00 32.7 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 106, 632.07 540,257.45 1,306,470.00 41.3 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 01-210-61-00-5300 LEGAL SERVICES 1, 569.65 1,749. 65 6,300.00 27.7 TOTAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 1,569.65 1,749.65 6,300.00 27.7 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 01-210-62-00-5408 MAINTENANCE - EQUIPMENT 85.00 2,717.76 8,000.00 33.9 01-210-62-00-5409 MAINTENANCE - VEHICLES 2,705.74 7,030.46 21,000.00 33.4 01-210-62-00-5410 MAINT-OFFICE EQUIPMENT 0.00 1,031.54 2,500.00 41.2 01-210-62-00-5411 MAINTENANCE - COMPUTERS 0.00 397.59 2,000.00 19.8 01-210-62-00-5414 WEATHER WARNING SIREN MAINT 0.00 1,820.00 8,000.00 22.7 01-210-62-00-5421 WEARING APPAREL 1,210.65 3, 981.31 20,000.00 19.9 01-210-62-00-5422 COPS GRANT IV - VESTS 0.00 1, 117.28 2,500.00 44 .6 01-210-62-00-5423 CLASY GRANT 0.00 0.00 4,000.00 0.0 01-210-62-00-5424 ICJIA-JUVENILE 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 0.0 01-210-62-00-5427 ICJIA BLOCK GRANT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 01-210-62-00-5429 PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTING 0.00 375.00 1,000.00 37.5 01-210-62-00-5430 HEALTH SERVICES 949.47 2,352.39 3,000.00 78.4 P7 DATE: 11/29/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 8 DIME: 15:41:18 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 05 ID: GL470002.WOW FUND: GENERAL FUND FOR 5 PERIODS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 FISCAL FISCAL o ACCOUNT SEPTEMBER YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED PUBLIC SAFETY/POLICE DEPT. EXPENSES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 01-210-62-00-5431 LABORATORY FEES 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 0.0 01-210-62-00-5436 TELEPHONE 1,788.29 7,227.20 20,000.00 36.1 01-210-62-00-5438 CELLULAR TELEPHONE 827.02 4,311.62 13,000.00 33.1 01-210-62-00-5440 PAGERS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 01-210-62-00-5441 MTD-ALERTS FEE 0.00 1,056.00 2,300.00 45.9 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 7,566.17 33,418.15 113,300.00 29.4 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 01-210-64-00-5600 DUES 0.00 1, 905.00 2,250.00 84.6 01-210-64-00-5603 SUBSCRIPTIONS 0.00 59.95 300.00 19.9 01-210-64-00-5604 TRAINING & CONFERENCE 675.00 12, 119.02 16,000.00 75.7 01-210-64-00-5605 TRAVEL EXPENSES 131.43 5,123.93 7,000.00 73.1 01-210-64-00-5606 COMMUNITY RELATIONS 1,233.00 2, 619.68 5,250.00 49.8 01-210-64-00-5607 POLICE COMMISSION 0.00 2, 140.78 11,000.00 19.4 01-210-64-00-5608 TUITION REIMBURSEMENT 835.22 1, 394.22 14,000.00 9.9 01-210-64-00-5609 POLICE RECRUIT ACADEMY 0.00 0.00 3,500.00 0.0 01-210-64-00-5610 GUN RANGE FEES 0.00 56.64 625.00 9.0 01-210-64-00-5611 SRT FEE 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 0.0 TOTAL PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 2,874.65 25, 419.22 61, 925.00 41.0 OPERATIONS 01-210-65-00-5800 CONTINGENCIES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 01-210-65-00-5802 OFFICE SUPPLIES 735.03 2,561.59 6,500.00 39.4 01-210-65-00-5804 OPERATING SUPPLIES 841.33 4, 921.87 15,750.00 31.2 01-210-65-00-5808 POSTAGE & SHIPPING 0.00 154 .51 3,000.00 5.1 01-210-65-00-5809 PRINTING & COPYING 425.00 707.93 4, 500.00 15.7 01-210-65-00-5810 PUBLISHING & ADVERTISING 0.00 268.00 1,000.00 26.8 01-210-65-00-5812 GASOLINE 2, 912.95 7, 911.81 30,000.00 26.3 01-210-65-00-5813 AMMUNITION 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 0.0 TOTAL OPERATIONS 4, 914.31 16,525.71 65,750.00 25.1 RETIREMENT P8 DATE: 11/29/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 9 LIME: 15:41:18 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 05 ED: GL470002.WOW FUND: GENERAL FUND FOR 5 PERIODS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 FISCAL FISCAL % ACCOUNT SEPTEMBER YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED PUBLIC SAFETY/POLICE DEPT. EXPENSES RETIREMENT 01-210-72-00-6500 IMRF PARTICIPANTS 772.96 3,371.43 10, 101.00 33.3 01-210-72-00-6501 SOCIAL SECURITY & MEDICARE 8, 157.33 41, 422.40 99, 945.00 41.4 01-210-72-00-6502 POLICE PENSION 12,561.35 106,182.32 207,000.00 51.2 TOTAL RETIREMENT 21,491 .64 150,976.15 317,046.00 47.6 CAPITAL OUTLAY 01-210-75-00-7002 COMPUTER EQUIP & SOFTWARE 2, 127.00 4,724 .99 8,500.00 55.5 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 2,127 .00 4,724 .99 8,500.00 55.5 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES 01-210-78-00-9004 BIKE PATROL 0.00 390.85 2,000.00 19.5 TOTAL OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES 0.00 390.85 2,000.00 19.5 TRANSFERS 01-210-99-00-9910 TRANSFER TO PD CAPITAL FUND 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 TOTAL TRANSFERS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 TOTAL EXPENSES: PUBLIC SAFETY/POLICE DEPT. 147, 175.49 773,462.17 1, 881,291.00 41.1 BUILDING & ZONING EXPENSES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 01-220-61-00-5300 LEGAL SERVICES 300.00 5, 684 .00 12,000.00 47.3 TOTAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 300.00 5, 684.00 12,000.00 47.3 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 01-220-62-00-5401 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3, 941.48 46,891.70 50,000.00 93.7 01-220-62-00-5430 PLANNING CONSULTANT 0.00 1,840.00 20,000.00 9.2 P9 DATE: 11/29/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 10 TIME: 15:41:18 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 05 ID: GL470002.WOW FUND: GENERAL FUND FOR 5 PERIODS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 FISCAL FISCAL % ACCOUNT SEPTEMBER YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED BUILDING & ZONING EXPENSES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 01-220-62-00-5432 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 0.00 0.00 45,000.00 0.0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3, 941.48 48,731.70 115,000.00 42.3 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 01-220-64-00-5600 DUES 0.00 0.00 200.00 0.0 TOTAL PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 0.00 0.00 200.00 0.0 OPERATIONS 01-220-65-00-5804 OPERATING SUPPLIES 120.75 288.71 1,000.00 28.8 01-220-65-00-5809 PRINTING & COPYING 0.00 244.56 700.00 34.9 01-220-65-00-5810 PUBLISHING & ADVERTISING 69.60 838.26 8,000.00 10.4 01-220-65-00-5814 BOOKS & MAPS 0.00 277.50 500.00 55.5 TOTAL OPERATIONS 190.35 1, 649.03 10,200.00 16.1 TOTAL EXPENSES: BUILDING & ZONING 4,431.83 56,064.73 137, 400.00 40.8 STREETS EXPENSES PERSONNEL SERVICES 01-410-50-00-5107 SALARIES - EMPLOYEE 12,182.57 64,755.29 156, 643.00 41.3 01-410-50-00-5136 SALARIES - PART TIME 0.00 2,338.50 5, 500.00 42.5 01-410-50-00-5137 SALARIES - OVERTIME 488 .75 3, 646.93 18,000.00 20.2 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 12, 671.32 70,740.72 180, 143.00 39.2 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 01-410-61-00-5313 ENGINEERING 0.00 4,269.00 120,000.00 3.5 01-410-61-00-5314 INSPECTIONS & LICENSES 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.0 TOTAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0.00 4,269.00 120, 100.00 3.5 P10 DATE: 11/29/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 11 ['IME: 15:41:18 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 05 CD: GL470002.WOW FUND: GENERAL FUND FOR 5 PERIODS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 FISCAL FISCAL % ACCOUNT SEPTEMBER YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED STREETS CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 01-410-62-00-5401 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 100.00 400.00 2,000.00 20.0 01-410-62-00-5408 MAINTENANCE-EQUIPMENT 145.90 2,212.35 10,000.00 22.1 01-410-62-00-5409 MAINTENANCE-VEHICLES 1,067.30 1, 686.80 11,000.00 15.3 01-410-62-00-5414 MAINTENANCE-TRAFFIC SIGNALS 2,105.83 8,149.95 12,500.00 65.1 01-410-62-00-5415 MAINTENANCE-STREET LIGHTS 2,051.32 6,412.14 20,500.00 31.2 01-410-62-00-5420 MAINTENANCE-STORM SEWER 24 .00 2,341 .18 5,000.00 46.8 01-410-62-00-5421 WEARING APPAREL 140.00 541.67 5,800.00 9.3 01-410-62-00-5434 RENTAL-EQUIPMENT 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 0.0 01-410-62-00-5435 ELECTRICITY 4,725.30 16,850.85 47,000.00 35.8 01-410-62-00-5438 CELLULAR TELEPHONE 170.00 576.67 2, 600.00 22.1 01-410-62-00-5440 STREET LIGHTING 0.00 0.00 4,500.00 0.0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 10,529.65 39,171.61 121,900.00 32 .1 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 01-410-64-00-5604 TRAINING & CONFERENCES 0.00 247.45 5, 600.00 4.4 TOTAL PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 0.00 247.45 5, 600.00 4.4 OPERATIONS 01-410-65-00-5421 GIS SYSTEM 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 01-410-65-00-5800 CONTINGENCIES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 01-410-65-00-5804 OPERATING SUPPLIES 223.61 1,455.82 9,500.00 15.3 01-410-65-00-5812 GASOLINE 0.00 3,243.58 16,000.00 20.2 01-410-65-00-5815 HAND TOOLS 0.00 260.16 1,500.00 17.3 01-410-65-00-5817 GRAVEL 195.48 863.53 4,000.00 21.5 TOTAL OPERATIONS 419.09 5,823.09 31,000.00 18.7 RETIREMENT 01-410-72-00-6500 IMRF PARTICIPANTS 1,276.00 6,888.06 17, 587.00 39.1 01-410-72-00-6501 SOCIAL SECURITY & MEDICARE 969.38 5,411.73 13,780.00 39.2 TOTAL RETIREMENT 2,245.38 12,299.79 31,367.00 39.2 CAPITAL OUTLAY P11 DATE: 11/29/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 12 TIME: 15:41:18 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 05 ID: GL470002.WOW FUND: GENERAL FUND FOR 5 PERIODS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 FISCAL ZSCAL ACCOUNT SEPTEMBER YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED STREETS EXPENSES CAPITAL OUTLAY22,000.00 125.3 01-410-75-00-5418 MOSQUITO CONTROL 200.00 27, 571.95 0.00 15,000.00 4.7 01-410-75-00-5419 MAINT SUPPLIES - STREET 0.00 716.2116.22 1,000.00 14.3 01-410-75-00-7004 SAFETY EQUIPMENT 01-410-75-00-7099 BRISTOL RIDGE ROAD 86, 913.62 669, 641.17 2, 690,000.00 24.8 01-410-75-00-7100 STREET REHAB PROJECTS 33, 185.66 43,754.96 150,000.00 29.1 01-410-75-00-7101 IN TOWN ROAD PROGRAM 15, 184.35 45,280.80 500,000.00 9.0 01-410-75-00-7102 TREE & STUMP REMOVAL 912.50 2,707.50 20,000.00 13.5 01-410-75-00-7103 SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION 0.00 19,914.01 35,000.00 56.8 01-410-75-00-7104 FOX HILL SSA EXPENSES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 136,396.13 809,730.52 3,433,000.00 23.5 TOTAL EXPENSES: STREETS 162,261.57 942,282.18 3, 923,110.00 24.0 HEALTH & SANITATION EXPENSES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 01-540-62-00-5442 GARBAGE SERVICES 40,843.78 159,578.39 489,123.00 32.6 01-540-62-00-5443 LEAF PICKUP 0.00 600.00 4,000.00 15.0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 40,843.78 160, 178.39 493, 123.00 32.4 TOTAL EXPENSES: HEALTH & SANITATION 40,843.78 160, 178.39 493, 123.00 32.4 TOTAL FUND REVENUES 1,216, 650.11 4,467, 981.18 10,788,259.00 41.4 TOTAL FUND EXPENSES 755,890.64 3,391,447.92 10,788,259.00 31.4 FUND SURPLUS (DEFICIT) 460,759.47 1,076, 533.26 0.00 100.0 P12 DATE: 11/29/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 13 DIME: 15:41:18 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 05 ID: GL470002.WOW FUND: MOTOR FUEL TAX FOR 5 PERIODS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 FISCAL FISCAL o ACCOUNT SEPTEMBER YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED REVENUES TAXES 15-000-40-00-3999 CARRY OVER BALANCE 0.00 0.00 340,000.00 0.0 15-000-40-00-4060 MOTOR FUEL TAX ALLOTMENTS 21, 938.55 106,209.78 256, 199.00 41.4 15-000-40-00-4065 IDOT TRUCK ACCESS GRANT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 TOTAL TAXES 21, 938.55 106,209.78 596,199.00 17.8 INTEREST 15-000-46-00-4600 INVESTMENT INCOME 0.00 991.47 3,000.00 33.0 TOTAL INTEREST 0.00 991.47 3,000.00 33.0 TOTAL REVENUES: 21, 938.55 107,201.25 599, 199.00 17.8 EXPENSES OPERATIONS 15-000-65-00-5800 CONTINGENCY 0.00 0.00 211,499.00 0.0 15-000-65-00-5818 SALT 0.00 0.00 37,000.00 0.0 TOTAL OPERATIONS 0.00 0.00 248,499.00 0.0 CAPITAL OUTLAY 15-000-75-00-7007 SIGNS 2,131.77 4,145.63 9,700.00 42.7 15-000-75-00-7008 CRACK FILLING 24,122 .58 24,122.58 30,000.00 80.4 15-000-75-00-7107 CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING 212,544.50 212,544.50 200,000.00 106.2 15-000-75-00-7108 VAN EMMON STREET 0.00 0.00 100,000.00 0.0 15-000-75-00-7110 COLD PATCH 592.11 592.11 4,000.00 14 .8 15-000-75-00-7111 HOT PATCH 777.87 2, 655.45 7,000.00 37.9 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 240,168 .83 244,060.27 350,700.00 69.5 TRANSFERS 15-000-99-00-9960 TRANSFER TO FOX IND FUND 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 TOTAL TRANSFERS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 P13 DATE: 11/29/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 14 DIME: 15:41:18 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 05 ID: GL470002.WOW FUND: MOTOR FUEL TAX FOR 5 PERIODS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 FISCAL FISCAL % SEPTEMBER YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACCOUNTACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED TOTAL EXPENSES: 240,168.83 244,060.27 599, 199.00 40.7 TOTAL FUND REVENUES 21, 938.55 107,201.25 599,199.00 17.8 TOTAL FUND EXPENSES 240, 168.83 244,060.27 599,199.00 40.7 FUND SURPLUS (DEFICIT) (218,230.28) (136,859.02) 0.00 100.0 • P14 DATE: 11/29/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 15 TIME: 15:41:18 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 05 ID: GL470002.WOW FUND: MUNICIPAL BUILDLING FOR 5 PERIODS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 FISCAL FISCAL % ACCOUNT SEPTEMBER YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED REVENUES CARRY OVER 16-000-40-00-3999 CARRY OVER BALANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 TOTAL CARRY OVER 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 16-000-42-00-4211 DEVELOPMENT FEES-BUILDING 3,750.00 24, 400.00 57, 600.00 42.3 TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES 3,750.00 24, 400.00 57, 600.00 42.3 TRANSFERS 16-000-49-00-4901 TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND 0.00 8,000.00 32,000.00 25.0 TOTAL TRANSFERS 0.00 8,000.00 32,000.00 25.0 TOTAL REVENUES: 3,750.00 32,400.00 89, 600.00 36.1 EXPENSES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 16-000-62-00-5416 MAINT-GENERAL BLDG & GROUNDS 0.00 390.00 5,000.00 7.8 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 0.00 390.00 5,000.00 7.8 CAPITAL OUTLAY 16-000-75-00-7008 ENTRY WAY SIGNS 0.00 0.00 3, 600.00 0.0 16-000-75-00-7200 BLDG IMPROV- BEEHCER/RIVFRNT 0.00 662.41 13,000.00 5.0 16-000-75-00-7202 BLDG IMPROVEMENTS-CITY HALL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 16-000-75-00-7203 BLDG IMPROVEMENTS-PUBLIC WORKS 0.00 577.66 9,000.00 6.4 16-000-75-00-7204 BLDG MAINT - CITY HALL 796.80 6,893.97 5,000.00 137.8 16-000-75-00-7205 BLDG IMPROVEMENTS-LIBRARY 426.32 1,363.45 4,000.00 34 .0 16-000-75-00-7206 LANDSCAPING-PUBLIC BUILDINGS 98.19 98.19 5,000.00 1.9 16-000-75-00-7209 BEECHER PARKING LOT 1, 977.12 1, 977.12 45,000.00 4.3 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 3,298.43 11,572.80 84, 600.00 13.6 P15 )ATE: 11/29/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 16 LIME: 15:41:18 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 05 ED: GL470002.WOW FUND: MUNICIPAL BUILDLING FOR 5 PERIODS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 FISCAL FISCAL % ACCOUNT SEPTEMBER YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED OTHER0.00 0.0 16-000-78-00-9009 RESERVE 0.00 0.00 TOTAL OTHER 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 TOTAL EXPENSES: 3,298.43 11, 962.80 89, 600.00 13.3 TOTAL FUND REVENUES 3,750.00 32,400.00 89, 600.00 36.1 TOTAL FUND EXPENSES 3,298.43 11,962.80 89, 600.00 13.3 FUND SURPLUS (DEFICIT) 451.57 20, 437.20 0.00 100.0 P16 DATE: 11/29/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 17 TIME: 15:41:18 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 05 ID: GL470002.W0W FUND: POLICE EQUIPMENT CAPITAL FOR 5 PERIODS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 FISCAL FISCAL % ACCOUNT SEPTEMBER YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED REVENUES CARRY OVER 20-000-40-00-3999 CARRY OVER BALANCE 0.00 0.00 40,000.00 0.0 TOTAL CARRY OVER 0.00 0.00 40,000.00 0.0 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 20-000-42-00-4212 DEV FEES - POLICE 5,550.00 36,000.00 99, 900.00 36.0 TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES 5,550.00 36,000.00 99, 900.00 36.0 MISCELLANEOUS 20-000-44-00-4402 K-9 DONATIONS 0.00 0.00 500.00 0.0 20-000-44-00-4403 IN CAR VIDEO DONATIONS 100.00 1,400.00 2,000.00 70.0 20-000-44-00-4404 DONATIONS 387.00 387.00 0.00 100.0 20-000-44-00-4405 WEATHER WARNING SIREN 5, 137.50 5, 137.50 40,000.00 12.8 20-000-44-00-4431 SALE OF POLICE SQUADS 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 0.0 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 5,624 .50 6,924 .50 43,500.00 15.9 OTHER OPERATING RECEIPTS 20-000-48-00-4800 LOAN PROCEEDS 0.00 0.00 62,500.00 0.0 TOTAL OTHER OPERATING RECEIPTS 0.00 0.00 62, 500.00 0.0 TRANSFERS 20-000-49-00-4901 TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 TOTAL TRANSFERS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 TOTAL REVENUES: 11, 174 .50 42, 924.50 245, 900.00 17.4 EXPENSES WEAPONS 20-000-65-00-5811 LETHAL/NON-LETHAL WEAPONS 0.00 0.00 6,500.00 0.0 TOTAL WEAPONS 0.00 0.00 6,500.00 0.0 P17 SATE: 11/29/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 18 DIME: 15:41:18 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 05 ID: GL470002.WOW FUND: POLICE EQUIPMENT CAPITAL FOR 5 PERIODS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 FISCAL FISCAL % SEPTEMBER YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED NUMBER DESCRIPTION CAPITALOUTLAY, 20-000-75-00-7001 EQUIPMENT 7,072.93 8,052.78 7,350.00 109.5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 20-000-75-00-7002 K-9 EQUIPMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 20-000-75-00-7003 EXPEDITION AND ACCESSORIES 0.00 16,22 0.00 40.00 62,500.00 20.0 20-000-75-00-7005 VEHICLES 0.00 23,360.000 0.0 20-000-75-00-7006 CAR BUILD OUT 0.00 0.00 70,000.00 0.0 20-000-75-00-7008 NEW WEATHER WARNING SIRENS TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 7,072.93 26,276.78 163,210.00 16.0 OTHER 20-000-78-00-9009 RESERVE 0.00 9, 999.00 3,038.00 329.1 0.00 9, 999.00 3,038.00 329.1 TOTAL OTHER TRANSFERS 20-000-99-00-9965 TRANSFER TO DEBT SERV FUND 0.00 18,288.00 73, 152.00 25.0 0.00 18,288.00 73,152.00 25.0 TOTAL TRANSFERS TOTAL EXPENSES: 7,072.93 54,563.78 245, 900.00 22.1 TOTAL FUND REVENUES 11, 174 .50 42,924.50 245, 900.00 17.4 TOTAL FUND EXPENSES 7,072.93 54,563.78 245, 900.00 22.1 FUND SURPLUS (DEFICIT) 4, 101.57 (11, 639.28) 0.00 100.0 P18 DATE: 11/29/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 19 TIME: 15:41:18 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 05 ID: GL470002.WOW FUND: PUBLIC WORKS EQUIP CAPITAL FOR 5 PERIODS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 FISCAL FISCAL % ACCOUNT SEPTEMBER YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED REVENUES CARRY OVER 21-000-40-00-3999 CARRY OVER BALANCE 0.00 0.00 140, 000.00 0.0 TOTAL CARRY OVER 0.00 0.00 140, 000.00 0.0 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 21-000-42-00-4213 DEVELOPMENT FEES-PUBLIC WORKS 16, 650.00 108,000.00 279,700.00 36.6 TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES 16, 650.00 108,000.00 279,700.00 38.6 MISCELLANEOUS 21-000-44-00-4430 SALE OF EQUIPMENT 0.00 4,510.11 0.00 100.0 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 0.00 4,510.11 0.00 100.0 TRANSFERS 21-000-49-00-4915 TRANSFER FROM WATER FUND 0.00 12,500.00 50,000.00 25.0 21-000-49-00-4920 TRANSFER FROM SEWER FUND 0.00 7,500.00 30,000.00 25.0 TOTAL TRANSFERS 0.00 20,000.00 80,000.00 25.0 TOTAL REVENUES: 16, 650.00 132,510.11 499,700.00 26.5 EXPENSES CAPITAL OUTLAY 21-000-75-00-7005 VEHICLES 0.00 42, 130.00 100,000.00 42.1 21-000-75-00-7006 F150 PICK UPS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 21-000-75-00-7007 5 YARD DUMP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 21-000-75-00-7008 WATER DEPT PICK UP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 21-000-75-00-7009 1 TON DUMP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 21-000-75-00-7010 POWER BREAKER 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 21-000-75-00-7015 SKIDSTEER UPGRAGE 0.00 9,500.00 4,500.00 211.1 21-000-75-00-7100 BOB CAT EXCHANGE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 21-000-75-00-7107 TRUCK ACCESSORIES 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 0.0 21-000-75-00-7108 AUGER SYSTEM 0.00 0.00 9,000.00 0.0 P19 DATE: 11/29/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 20 TIME: 15:41:18 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 05 ID: GL470002.WOW FUND: PUBLIC WORKS EQUIP CAPITAL FOR 5 PERIODS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 FISCAL ISCAL SEPTEMBER YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMM ACCOUNTACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED BERRDESCRIPTION EXPENSES CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 21,000.00 0.0 21-000-75-00-7109 MOWER 0.00 21-000-75-00-7120 STREET SWEEPER 0.00 0.00 140,000.00 0.0 21-000-75-00-7130 PUBLIC WORKS BLDG ADDITION 0.00 0.00 90,000.00 0.0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 51, 630.00 369, 500.00 13.9 OTHER130,200.00 27.3 21-000-78-00-9009 RESERVE 0.00 35, 557.00 0.00 35, 557.00 130,200.00 27.3 TOTAL OTHER 0.00 87, 187.00 499,700.00 17.4 TOTAL EXPENSES: TOTAL FUND REVENUES 16, 650.00 132, 510.11 499,700.00 26.5 TOTAL FUND EXPENSES 0.00 87,187.00 499,700.00 17.4 FUND SURPLUS (DEFICIT) 16, 650.00 45,323.11 0.00 100.0 P20 DATE: 11/29/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 21 DIME: 15:41:18 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 05 ID: GL470002.WOW FUND: PARKS & REC EQUIP CAPITAL FOR 5 PERIODS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 FISCAL FISCAL % ACCOUNT SEPTEMBER YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED REVENUES CARRY OVER 22-000-40-00-3999 CARRY OVER BALANCE 0.00 24, 624 .00 10,000.00 246.2 TOTAL CARRY OVER 0.00 24, 624.00 10,000.00 246.2 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 22-000-42-00-4216 PARKS CAPITAL FEE 0.00 100.00 5,000.00 2.0 22-000-42-00-4218 IL CLEAN ENERGY GRANT 0.00 4, 149.00 0.00 100.0 TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES 0.00 4,249.00 5,000.00 84.9 TRANSFERS 22-000-49-00-4930 TRANSFER FRM GENERAL FUND 0.00 9, 150.00 36, 600.00 25.0 22-000-49-00-4935 TRANSFER FROM LAND CASH 6, 100.00 6, 100.00 22,000.00 27.7 TOTAL TRANSFERS 6,100.00 15, 250.00 58, 600.00 26.0 TOTAL REVENUES: 6,100.00 44,123.00 73,600.00 59.9 EXPENSES OTHER 22-000-65-00-5800 CONTINGENCY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 22-000-65-00-5805 BEECHER LIGHTING 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 TOTAL OTHER 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 PARKS EXPENSES CAPITAL OUTLAY 22-610-75-00-7005 VEHICLES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 22-610-75-00-7006 PICK UP TRUCK 14,199.00 26,861.00 28,000.00 95.9 22-610-75-00-7007 SOCCER GOALS 12' REPLACEMENT 0.00 3,022.21 2,000.00 151.1 22-610-75-00-7008 SOCCER GOALS 9' 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 0.0 22-610-75-00-7009 COMPUTER WORKSTATIONS 219.99 1, 635.74 7,000.00 23.3 P21 DATE: 11/29/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 22 TIME: 15:41:18 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 05 ID: GL470002.WOW FUND: PARKS & REC EQUIP CAPITAL FOR 5 PERIODS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 FISCAL FISCAL % SEPTEMBER YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ ACCOUNTACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED NUMBERRDESCRIPTION PARKS EXPENSES CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 22-610-75-00-7010 TOWN SQUARE FOUNTAIN 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 0.0 22-610-75-00-7011 PLAYER BENCHES 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 0.0 22-610-75-00-7012 RIVERFRONT PLAYGROUND 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 0.0 22-610-75-00-7013 PLAYGROUND REPAIRS 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 0.0 22-610-75-00-7014 SIGN REPLACEMENTS 0.00 0.00 15,000.00 0.0 22-610-75-00-7015 MOWER 0.00 (100.0) 22-610-75-00-7016 BEECHER PATHWAY 0.00 9, 480.00 22-610-75-00-7017 RECREATION EQUIPMENT 923.88 923.88 2, 600.00 35.5 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 15,342.87 41, 922.83 73, 600.00 56.9 TOTAL EXPENSES: PARKS 15,342.87 41, 922.83 73, 600.00 56.9 TOTAL FUND REVENUES 6,100.00 44, 123.00 73, 600.00 59.9 15,342.87 41, 922.83 73, 600.00 56.9 TFUNDD SURPPLL US (DEDEFFICIT)UNURSX (9,242 87) 2,200.17 0.00 100.0 F ( P22 DATE: 11/29/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 23 PIME: 15:41:18 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 05 ID: GL470002.WOW FUND: SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT FOR 5 PERIODS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 FISCAL FISCAL % ACCOUNT SEPTEMBER YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED REVENUES CARRY OVER 37-000-40-00-3999 CARRY OVER 0.00 0.00 12, 692,117.00 0.0 TOTAL CARRY OVER 0.00 0.00 12,692,117 .00 0.0 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 37-000-42-00-4220 CONNECTION FEES 69,000.00 313,000.00 1,071,200.00 . 29.2 37-000-42-00-4221 RIVER CROSSING FEES 1,560.00 10,021.00 12,506.00 80.1 TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES 70,560.00 323,021 .00 1,083,706.00 29.8 INTEREST 37-000-46-00-4600 INVESTMENT INCOME 0.00 0.00 15,000.00 0.0 TOTAL INTEREST 0.00 0.00 15,000.00 0.0 OTHER OPERATING RECEIPTS 37-000-48-00-4800 COMED/HYDRAULIC DEBT CERT. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 37-000-48-00-4801 BRUELL ST. DEBT CERT. PROCEEDS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 37-000-48-00-4802 COUNTRYSIDE INTERCEPT. ALT REV 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 37-000-48-00-4803 ROB ROY CREEK REVENUE 350,000.00 350,000.00 0.00 100.0 TOTAL OTHER OPERATING RECEIPTS 350,000.00 350,000.00 0.00 100.0 TRANSFERS 37-000-49-00-4901 TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND 0.00 37,500.00 150,000.00 25.0 TOTAL TRANSFERS 0.00 37,500.00 150,000.00 25.0 TOTAL REVENUES: 420, 560.00 710,521.00 13, 940,823.00 5.0 EXPENSES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 37-000-62-00-5401 CONTRACTURAL/PROFESSIONAL SERV 1,346.75 2,026.75 40,000.00 5.0 37-000-62-00-5402 ENG/LGL/CONTINGNCY-COUNTRYSIDE 3, 656.07 10, 936.50 515,759.00 2.1 P23 DATE: 11/29/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 24 DIME: 15:41:18 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 05 ID: GL470002.WOW FUND: SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT FOR 5 PERIODS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 % FISCAL FISCAL SEPTEMBER YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ ACCOUNT NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED EXPENSES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 37-000-62-00-5405 ENG/LGL/CONTINGENCY-BRUELL ST. 2,867.61 29, 564.16 315,000.00 9.3 37-000-62-00-5406 ENG/LGL/CONTINGENCY-HYDRAULIC 9,049.42 32,259.30 666, 625.00 4 .8 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 16, 919.85 74,786.71 1,537,384.00 4.8 OTHER 0.00 20,000.00 0.0 37-000-65-00-5421 GIS SYSTEM 0.00 37-000-65-00-5800 CONTINGENCY 0.00 0.00 2,576, 138.00 0.0 0.00 0.00 2,596, 138.00 0.0 TOTAL OTHER CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.4 37-000-75-00-7502 HYDRAULIC INTERCEPTOR 0.00 18, 603.73 4, 335,000.00 37-000-75-00-7503 COUNTRYSIDE INTERCEPTOR 0.00 15,462.25 2,933,735.00 0.5 37-000-75-00-7504 BRUELL STREET LIFT STATION 8, 552.00 343,098.10 1,475,000.00 23.2 37-000-75-00-7505 ROB ROY CREEK SANITARY 90,000.00 202, 500.00 0.00 (100.0) 37-000-75-00-7507 SANITARY JETTER TRUCK 0.00 224, 928.00 225,000.00 99.9 37-000-75-00-7515 HEARTLAND ONSITE INTERCEPTOR 0.00 0.00 200,000.00 0.0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 98, 552.00 804, 592.08 9, 168,735.00 8.7 TRANSFERS 37-000-99-00-9901 TRANSFER TO GENERAL FUND 0.00 50,000.00 200,000.00 25.0 37-000-99-00-9965 TRANSFER TO DEBT SERVICE 0.00 109, 641.50 438,566.00 25.0 TOTAL TRANSFERS 0.00 159, 641.50 638,566.00 25.0 TOTAL EXPENSES: 115,471.85 1,039,020.29 13,940,823.00 7.4 TOTAL FUND REVENUES 420,560.00 710,521.00 13, 940,823.00 5.0 TOTAL FUND EXPENSES 115,471.85 1,039,020.29 13, 940,823.00 7.4 FUND SURPLUS (DEFICIT) 305,088.15 (328, 499.29) 0.00 100.0 P24 DATE: 11/29/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 25 DIME: 15:41:18 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 05 ID: GL470002.WOW FUND: WATER IMPROV. EXPANSION FOR 5 PERIODS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 FISCAL FISCAL ACCOUNT SEPTEMBER YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED REVENUES CARRY OVER 41-000-40-00-3999 CARRY OVER 0.00 0.00 4, 581,458.00 0.0 TOTAL CARRY OVER 0.00 0.00 4, 581, 458.00 0.0 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 41-000-42-00-4220 CONNECTION FEES 62,960.00 190,790.00 1, 460, 800.00 13.0 TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES 62, 960.00 190,790.00 1, 460,800.00 13.0 INTERGOVERNMENTAL 41-000-45-00-4530 RADIUM GRANT 0.00 873, 440.16 0.00 100.0 TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL 0.00 873,440.16 0.00 100.0 INTEREST 41-000-46-00-4600 INVESTMENT INCOME 0.00 0.00 15,000.00 0.0 TOTAL INTEREST 0.00 0.00 15,000.00 0.0 OTHER OPERATING RECEIPTS 41-000-48-00-4800 LOAN PROCEEDS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 41-000-48-00-4801 IEPA LOAN/CONTRACT B PROCEEDS 0.00 0.00 4,400,000.00 0.0 41-000-48-00-4802 PROCEEDS ON SALE OF ASSETS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 41-000-48-00-4803 LOAN PROCEEDS-CENTRAL ZONE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 TOTAL OTHER OPERATING RECEIPTS 0.00 0.00 4, 400,000.00 0.0 TRANSFERS 41-000-49-00-4915 TRANSFER FROM WATER FUND 0.00 17,500.00 70,000.00 25.0 TOTAL TRANSFERS 0.00 17,500.00 70,000.00 25.0 TOTAL REVENUES: 62, 960.00 1,081,730.16 10, 527,258.00 10.2 EXPENSES P25 DATE: 11/29/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 26 TIME: 15:41:18 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 05 ID: GL470002.WOW FUND: WATER IMPROV. EXPANSION FOR 5 PERIODS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 . FISCAL FISCAL % ACCOUNT SEPTEMBER YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 41-000-61-00-5300 LEGAL SERVICES 0.00 75.00 10,000.00 0.7 41-000-61-00-5301 ENGINEERING - GENERAL SERVICES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 41-000-61-00-5400 RADIUM COMPLIANCE -CONTRACT B 0.00 0.00 3, 662,730.00 0.0 41-000-61-00-5401 ENGINEERING-RADIUM CONTRACT B 2,302.50 11, 118.07 476,155.00 2.3 41-000-61-00-5405 PROF. SVCS- RADIUM CONTRACT B 0.00 0.00 261, 115.00 0.0 41-000-61-00-5408 CENTRAL ZONE - CONTRACT C 83,228.39 961,741.11 3, 404,855.00 28.2 41-000-61-00-5410 ENGINEERING-CENTRAL ZONE 17,506.68 90,388.02 91,360.00 98.9 41-000-61-00-5413 PROFESSIONAL SERV-CENTRALZONE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 41-000-61-00-5414 CONTRACT D SCADA SYSTEM 1,052.12 2,104.24 0.00 (100.0) 41-000-61-00-5415 USGS GROUNDWATER STUDY 0.00 1,719.00 0.00 (100.0) TOTAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 104,089.69 1,067,145.44 7, 906,215.00 13.4 OTHER 0.00 30,000.00 0.0 41-000-65-00-5421 GIS SYSTEM 0.00 41-000-65-00-5800 CONTINGENCY 0.00 93,184 .75 901, 437.00 10.3 TOTAL OTHER 0.00 93, 184.75 931, 437.00 10.0 DEBT SERVICE 0.00 0.00 0.0 41-000-66-00-6012 DEBT CERTIFICATE EXPENSES 0.00 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 0.0 41-000-75-00-7503 SOUTHWEST WATER MAIN PROJECT 0.00 41-000-75-00-7504 NORTH WATER TOWER-CONTRACT A 0.00 5, 141.46 1,085,243.00 0.4 41-000-75-00-7506 APPLETREE COURT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 41-000-75-00-7515 JOHNSON STREET WATER MAIN 0.00 0.00 40,000.00 0.0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 5, 141.46 1,125,243.00 0.4 TRANSFERS 41-000-99-00-9901 TRANSFER TO GENERAL FUND 0.00 50,000.00 200,000.00 25.0 41-000-99-00-9965 TRANSFER TO DEBT FUND 0.00 91,090.75 364,363.00 25.0 TOTAL TRANSFERS 0.00 141,090.75 564, 363.00 25.0 P26 DATE: 11/29/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 27 DIME: 15:41: 18 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 05 ID: GL470002.WOW FUND: WATER IMPROV. EXPANSION FOR 5 PERIODS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 FISCAL FISCAL % ACCOUNT SEPTEMBER YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED TOTAL EXPENSES: 104, 089.69 1, 306, 562.40 10,527,258.00 12.4 TOTAL FUND REVENUES 62, 960.00 1, 081,730.16 10,527,258.00 10.2 TOTAL FUND EXPENSES 104,089.69 1,306,562.40 10, 527,258.00 12.4 FUND SURPLUS (DEFICIT) (41,129.69) (224,832.24) 0.00 100.0 P27 DATE: 11/29/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 28 TIME: 15:41:18 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 05 ID: GL470002.WOW FUND: DEBT SERVICE FOR 5 PERIODS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 FISCAL FISCAL % ACCOUNT SEPTEMBER YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED REVENUES CARRY OVER 42-000-40-00-3999 CARRY OVER 0.00 0.00 50,000.00 0.0 TOTAL CARRY OVER 0.00 0.00 50,000.00 0.0 MISCELLANEOUS 42-000-44-00-4440 RECAPTURE-WATER/SEWER 975.00 11,211.00 75,000.00 14.9 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 975.00 11, 211.00 75,000.00 14 .9 TRANSFERS 0.00 0.00 0.0 42-000-49-00-4901 TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND 0.00 42-000-49-00-4910 TRANSFER FROM POLICE EQUIP CAP 0.00 18,288.00 73, 152.00 25.0 42-000-49-00-4920 TRANSFER FROM SEWER FUND 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 42-000-49-00-4925 TRANSFER FROM SANITARY SEWER 0.00 109, 641.50 438, 566.00 25.0 42-000-49-00-4930 TRANSFER FROM WATER IMPRV FUND 0.00 91,090.75 364, 363.00 25.0 TOTAL TRANSFERS 0.00 219,020.25 876,081.00 25.0 TOTAL REVENUES: 975.00 230,231.25 1,001,081.00 22.9 EXPENSES DEBT SERVICE 42-000-66-00-6001 CITY HALL BONDS-PRINCIPAL PMT 0.00 0.00 50,000.00 0.0 42-000-66-00-6002 CITY HALL BONDS - INTEREST PMT 0.00 27, 498.75 54, 998.00 49.9 42-000-66-00-6003 IRBB-BRUELL ST. INTEREST PMTS 0.00 43,357.50 86,715.00 50.0 42-000-66-00-6004 IRBB-BRUELL ST. PRINCIPAL PYMT 0.00 0.00 80,000.00 0.0 42-000-66-00-6005 NORTH H2O TOWER INTEREST PYMT 0.00 1,017.00 1,017.00 100.0 42-000-66-00-6006 NORTH H2O TOWER PRINCIPAL PYMT 0.00 23, 983.00 23, 983.00 100.0 42-000-66-00-6007 4.8 MILLION DEBT CERT INT PYMT 0.00 222,787.82 339,363.00 65.6 42-000-66-00-6009 COUNTRYSIDE ALT REV INT PYMT 0.00 39,877.48 100,196.00 39.7 42-000-66-00-6010 COMED/HYDRAULIC INTEREST PYMT 0.00 0.00 35,895.00 0.0 42-000-66-00-6050 LOAN PAYMENT-SANITARY SIPHON 0.00 19,489.99 38, 989.00 49.9 42-000-66-00-6051 LOAN PAYMENT-NORTH WTR/SWR-EDC 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 42-000-66-00-6052 LOAN PAYMENT-NORTH WTR/SWR-YNB 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 P28 DATE: 11/29/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 29 TIME: 15:41:18 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 05 ID: GL470002.WOW FUND: DEBT SERVICE FOR 5 PERIODS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 FISCAL FISCAL % ACCOUNT SEPTEMBER YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED EXPENSES DEBT SERVICE 42-000-66-00-6053 LOAN PAYMENT-RIVER CROSSING 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 42-000-66-00-6054 LOAN PAYMENT-POLICE SQUAD CAR 0.00 24, 109. 66 24, 110.00 99.9 42-000-66-00-6055 LOAN PAYMENT-SSES IEPA L171153 0.00 53, 525.35 107,051.00 49.9 42-000-66-00-6056 YNB-POLICE/ADMIN CARS 0.00 58,781 .10 58,764 .00 100.0 42-000-66-00-6057 IRBB-BRUELL ST. INTEREST PMT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 0.00 514,427.65 1,001,081.00 51 .3 TOTAL FUND REVENUES 975.00 230,231.25 1,001,081.00 22 .9 TOTAL FUND EXPENSES 0.00 514, 427.65 1,001,081.00 51.3 FUND SURPLUS (DEFICIT) 975.00 (284, 196.40) 0.00 100.0 P29 30 DATE: 11/29/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE:PGE: 05 TIME: 15:41:18 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT ID: GL470002.WOW FUND: WATER OPERATIONS FOR 5 PERIODS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 FISCAL ISCAL SEPTEMBER YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ ACCOUNTACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED NUMBERRDESCRIPTION REVENUES CARRY OVER 0.00 0.00 1,500,000.00 0.0 51-000-40-00-3999 CARRY OVER BALANCE 0.00 0.00 1, 500,000.00 0.0 TOTAL CARRY OVER CHARGES FOR SERVICES 232 95 4, 176.64 5,000.00 83.5 51-000-42-00-4240 BULK WATER SALES 51-000-42-00-4241 WATER SALES 3,118.93 341,277.21 950,000.00 35.9 51-000-42-00-4242 WATER METER SALES 12,224.20 74,074 .20 130,000.00 56.9 51-000-42-00-4243 LEASE REVENUE - H2O TOWER 1,800.00 9,000.00 0.00 100.0 TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES 17,375.58 428, 528.05 1,085,000.00 39.4 MISCELLANEOUS 202.00 202.00 500.00 40.4 51-000-44-00-4490 MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 202.00 202.00 500.00 40.4 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS INTEREST 1,102.44 2, 458.21 6,000.00 40.9 51-000-46-00-4600 INVESTMENT INCOME TOTAL INTEREST 1,102.44 2, 458.21 6,000.00 40.9 TOTAL REVENUES: 18, 680.02 431, 188.26 2,591,500.00 16.6 EXPENSES PERSONNEL 537.27 77, 697.48 217, 348.00 35.7 51-000-50-00-5107 SALARIES - EMPLOYEE 14, 0.00 4, 968.40 7,348.00 124.2 51-000-50-00-5136 SALARIES-PART TIME 2,043.21 12, 108.18 24,000.00 44.8 51-000-50-00-5137 SALARIES - OVERTIME 16,580.48 94,774.06 248, 348.00 38.1 TOTAL PERSONNEL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 0.0 51-000-61-00-5300 LEGAL SERVICES P30 DATE: 11/29/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 31 PIME: 15:41:18 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 05 ID: GL470002.WOW FUND: WATER OPERATIONS FOR 5 PERIODS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 FISCAL FISCAL % ACCOUNT SEPTEMBER YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED EXPENSES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 51-000-61-00-5303 JULIE SERVICE 0.00 2,099.60 5,000.00 41.9 TOTAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0.00 2,099.60 7,000.00 29.9 CONTRACTURAL SERVICES 51-000-62-00-5401 CONTRACUAL SERVICES 749.40 2,338.84 4,000.00 58.4 51-000-62-00-5407 TREATMENT FACILITIES O&M 0.00 0.00 44,000.00 0.0 51-000-62-00-5408 MAINTENANCE-EQUIPMENT 255.78 2,369.19 10,000.00 23.6 51-000-62-00-5409 MAINTENANCE - VEHICLES 0.00 262.03 10,000.00 2.6 51-000-62-00-5411 MAINTENANCE-COMPUTERS 0.00 218.83 4,000.00 5.4 51-000-62-00-5413 MAINTENANCE-CONTROL SYSTEM 0.00 2, 386.93 4,000.00 59.6 51-000-62-00-5414 TRUCK LETTERING 0.00 464.00 1,000.00 46.4 51-000-62-00-5421 WEARING APPAREL 0.00 545.35 5,500.00 9.9 51-000-62-00-5434 RENTAL - EQUIPMENT 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 0.0 51-000-62-00-5435 ELECTRICITY 8,201.70 32,719.12 170,000.00 19.2 51-000-62-00-5436 TELEPHONE 1, 938.06 7,855.45 20,000.00 39.2 51-000-62-00-5438 CELLULAR TELEPHONE 215.34 1,243.53 5,500.00 22.6 TOTAL CONTRACTURAL SERVICES 11, 360.28 50, 403.27 279,000.00 18.0 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 51-000-64-00-5600 DUES 0.00 649.00 750.00 86.5 51-000-64-00-5603 SUBSCRIPTIONS 0.00 0.00 250.00 0.0 51-000-64-00-5604 TRAINING & CONFERENCES 0.00 105.00 6, 900.00 1.5 51-000-64-00-5605 TRAVEL EXPENSES 913.73 964.98 2,000.00 48.2 TOTAL PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 913.73 1,718.98 9, 900.00 17.3 OPERATIONS 51-000-65-00-5800 CONTINGENCIES 0.00 57.63 29,276.00 0.1 51-000-65-00-5804 OPERATING SUPPLIES 8,772.41 14, 539.20 44,000.00 33.0 51-000-65-00-5808 POSTAGE & SHIPPING 271.29 3,593.29 11,700.00 30.7 51-000-65-00-5809 PRINTING & COPYING 663.00 1,083.00 5,000.00 21.6 51-000-65-00-5810 PUBLISHING & ADVERTISING 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 0.0 51-000-65-00-5812 GASOLINE 0.00 4,481.68 7,200.00 62.2 P31 32 DATE: 11/29/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE:PGE: 05 TIME: 15:41:18 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT ID: GL470002.WOW FUND: WATER OPERATIONS FOR 5 PERIODS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 FISCAL ISCAL SEPTEMBER YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ ACCOUNTACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED NUMBERRDESCRIPTION EXPENSES OPERATIONS 6.00 1,000.00 8.6 51-000-65-00-5815 HAND TOOLS 86 86.00 91 4 886.00 5,000.00 9.2 51-000-65-00-5817 GRAVEL0.00 0.0 51-000-65-00-5819 CHLORINE 0.00 0.000.00 1,037.76 27,232.00 3.8 51-000-65-00-5820 CHEMICALS 0 00 0.00 2, 500.00 0.0 51-000-65-00-5821 CATHODIC PROTECTION 310.00 2,773.00 12,000.00 23.1 51-000-65-00-5822 WATER SAMPLES TOTAL OPERATIONS 10, 175.61 28,113.68 145, 908.00 19.2 RETIREMENT 9 29, 606.00 37.6 51-000-72-00-6500 IMRF PARTICIPANTS 1, 669.66 9,257.1,669.66 9,253.229 24,606.00 38.1 51-000-72-00-6501 SOCIAL SECURITY & MEDICARE 2,938.12 16,800.98 44,394.00 37.8 TOTAL RETIREMENT CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,092.50 1,092.50 4,000.00 27.3 51-000-75-00-7002 COMPUTER EQUIP & SOFTWARE .56 228.41 2,000.00 11.4 51-000-75-00-7004 SAFETY EQUIPMENT 092 7 .16 1,711.50 10, 320.00 16.5 51-000-75-00-7506 METER READERS 01,350.00 2,854.00 4,000.00 71.3 51-000-75-00-7507 HYDRANT REPLACEMENT • 51-000-75-00-7508 METERS & PARTS 9,886.64 58,550.14 130,000.00 45• 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 12,486.30 64,436.55 150,320.00 42.8 OTHER 154 .8 .00 500.00 51-000-78-00-9005 REFUND 0.00 0.00 774 4 .00 1,386,130.00 .0 51-000-78-00-9009 RESERVE 0.00 774.00 1,386, 630.00 0.0 TOTAL OTHER TRANSFERS 0.00 50,000.00 200,000.00 25.0 51-000-99-00-9901 TRANSFER TO GENERAL FUND 0,000.00 25.0 51-000-99-00-9930 TRANSFER TO WATER IMPRV FUND 0.00 17,500.00 0.00 12,500.00 0 70,000.00 25.0 51-000-99-00-9950 TRANSFER TO PW EQUIP CAPITAL 0.00 80,000.00 320,000.00 25.0 TOTAL TRANSFERS P32 DATE: 11/29/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 33 TIME: 15:41:18 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 05 ID: GL470002.WOW FUND: WATER OPERATIONS FOR 5 PERIODS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 FISCAL FISCAL % ACCOUNT SEPTEMBER YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED TOTAL EXPENSES: 54, 454.52 339, 121.12 2,591,500.00 13.0 TOTAL FUND REVENUES 18,680.02 431,188.26 2,591,500.00 16.6 TOTAL FUND EXPENSES 54, 454.52 339, 121.12 2,591,500.00 13.0 FUND SURPLUS (DEFICIT) (35,774 .50) 92,067.14 0.00 100.0 P33 34 DATE: 11/29/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE:PGE: 05 TIME: 15:41:18 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT ID: GL470002.WOW FUND: SEWER MAINTENANCE FOR 5 PERIODS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 FISCAL ISCAL SEPTEMBER YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ ACCOUNTACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED NUMBERRDESCRIPTION REVENUES CHARGES FOR SERVICES 52-000-42-00-4250 SEWER MAINTENANCE FEES 101.37 132,231.77 350,000.00 37.7 52-000-42-00-4251 SEWER CONNNECTION FEES 9,400.00 48,050.00 96,800.00 49.6 TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES 9,501.37 180,281.77 446,800.00 40.3 INTEREST 1, 127.45 2, 498.23 10,000.00 24.9 52-000-46-00-4600 INVESTMENT INCOME 1, 127.45 2,498.23 10,000.00 24 .9 TOTAL INTEREST 10, 628.82 182,780.00 456,800.00 40.0 TOTAL REVENUES: EXPENSES PERSONNEL SERVICES 32. 38,728.96 119,25 534 94 , .40 52-000-50-00-5108 SALARIES-REGULAR 7,534.40 00 0.00 5,000.004 .00 2.40 52-000-50-00-5136 PART TIME 611.870 2, 920. 12,000.00 24.3 52-000-50-00-5137 SALARIES-OVERTIME TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 8,146.27 41, 651.62 136,254 .00 30.5 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 0.00 50.00 2,000.00 2.5 52-000-62-00-5401 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 0.00 260.62 2,000.00 2.5 52-000-62-00-5408 MAINTENANCE-EQUIPMENT .00 0.00 8,500.00 3.0 52-000-62-00-5409 MAINTENANCE-VEHICLES 15 00.00 5,750.39 13,000.00 44.2 52-000-62-00-5419 MAINTENANCE-SANITARY SEWER 0.00 98.66 4,500.00 4.2 52-000-62-00-5421 WEARING APPAREL 52-000-62-00-5422 LIFT STATION MAINTENANCE 1,032.24 6,222.69 15,000.00 4 1.4 52-000-62-00-5434 RENTAL - EQUIPMENT 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 0.0 0.00 0.00 8,900.00 0.0 52-000-62-00-5435 ELECTRICITY 79 00 320.27 8,900.00 10.0 52-000-62-00-5438 CELLULAR TELEPHONE TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,267.90 12,702.63 60,400.00 21.0 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT P34 DATE: 11/29/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 35 DIME: 15:41:18 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 05 ID: GL470002.WOW FUND: SEWER MAINTENANCE FOR 5 PERIODS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 FISCAL FISCAL % ACCOUNT SEPTEMBER YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED EXPENSES PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 52-000-64-00-5604 TRAINING & CONFERENCES 0.00 0.00 1,900.00 0.0 TOTAL PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 0.00 0.00 1,900.00 0.0 OPERATIONS 52-000-65-00-5800 CONTINGENCIES 0.00 0.00 10,000.00 0.0 52-000-65-00-5802 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0.00 336.12 2,000.00 16.8 52-000-65-00-5804 OPERATING SUPPLIES 120.03 551.21 8,000.00 6.8 52-000-65-00-5805 SHOP SUPPLIES 14.70 452.34 2,500.00 18.0 52-000-65-00-5812 GASOLINE 1, 988.98 6,554.05 5, 900.00 111.0 52-000-65-00-5815 HAND TOOLS 0.00 59.74 1,000.00 5.9 52-000-65-00-5817 GRAVEL 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 0.0 52-000-65-00-5823 SEWER CHEMICALS 0.00 0.00 15,000.00 0.0 TOTAL OPERATIONS 2,123.71 7, 953.46 46, 400.00 17.1 RETIREMENT 52-000-72-00-6500 IMRF PARTICIPANTS 820.34 3, 980.48 13,217.00 30.1 52-000-72-00-6501 SOCIAL SECURITY & MEDICARE 623.21 3,023.95 10,423.00 29.0 TOTAL RETIREMENT 1,443.55 7,004.43 23, 640.00 29.6 CAPITAL OUTLAY 52-000-75-00-7002 COMPUTER EQUIP & SOFTWARE 329.90 329.90 2,000.00 16.4 52-000-75-00-7003 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 2,125.75 2, 971.38 3,000.00 99.0 52-000-75-00-7004 SAFETY EQUIPMENT 0.00 23.16 2,000.00 1.1 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 2,455.65 3,324 .44 7,000.00 47.4 OTHER 52-000-78-00-9009 RESERVE 0.00 0.00 81,206.00 0.0 TOTAL OTHER 0.00 0.00 81,206.00 0.0 TRANSFERS • P35 DATE: 11/29/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 36 TIME: 15:41:18 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 05 ID: GL470002.WOW FUND: SEWER MAINTENANCE FOR 5 PERIODS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 FISCAL ISCAL SEPTEMBER YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ ACCOUNTACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED NUMBERRDESCRIPTION EXPENSES TRANSFERS 0.00 17, 500.00 70,000.00 25.0 52-000-99-00-9901 TRANSFER TO GENERAL FUND 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 52-000-99-00-9925 TRANSFER TO SAN SEWER IMPROV. 0.00 7, 500.00 30,000.00 20.0 52-000-99-00-9950 TRANSFER TO PW EQUIP CAPITAL 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.0 52-000-99-00-9965 TRANSFER TO DEBT SERVICE FUND 0.00 25,000.00 100,000.00 25.0 TOTAL TRANSFERS TOTAL EXPENSES: 15,437.08 97, 636.58 456,800.00 21.3 TOTAL FUND REVENUES 10, 628.82 182,780.00 456,800.00 40.0 15, 437.08 97, 636.58 456,800.00 21.3 T FUND FUND EXPENSES (4,808.26) 85,143.42 0.00 100.0 FUND SURPLUS (DEFICIT) P36 DATE: 11/29/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 37 TIME: 15:41:18 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 05 ID: GL470002.WOW FUND: LAND CASH FOR 5 PERIODS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 FISCAL FISCAL % ACCOUNT SEPTEMBER YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED REVENUES CARRY OVER 72-000-40-00-3999 CARRY OVER/STARTING BALANCE 0.00 693, 912.00 626, 812.00 110.7 72-000-40-00-4700 LAND CASH - OTHER 4,248.00 6, 103.60 0.00 100.0 TOTAL CARRY OVER 4,248.00 700,015.60 626,812.00 111.6 CONTRIBUTIONS 72-000-47-00-4700 OSLAD GRANT 0.00 0.00 74,000.00 0.0 72-000-47-00-4701 GREENBRIAR-LAND CASH 0.00 1,071.00 5,355.00 20.0 72-000-47-00-4702 GREENBRIAR(DUPLEX) -LAND CASH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 72-000-47-00-4703 PRAIRIE GARDEN-LAND CASH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 72-000-47-00-4704 FOX HILL-LAND CASH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 72-000-47-00-4705 COUNTRY HILLS-LAND CASH 0.00 6,152.00 15,380.00 40.0 72-000-47-00-4706 COUNTRY HILLS DUPLEX-LAND CASH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 72-000-47-00-4707 FOX HIGHLANDS-LAND CASH 3,540.00 6,352.00 0.00 100.0 72-000-47-00-4708 FOX HIGHLANDS DUPLEX-LAND CASH 0.00 14,160.00 0.00 100.0 72-000-47-00-4709 SUNFLOWER-LAND CASH 2, 166.00 11, 987.00 7,220.00 166.0 72-000-47-00-4710 CIMMERON RIDGE-LAND CASH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 72-000-47-00-4711 BLACKBERRY CREEK-LAND CASH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 72-000-47-00-4712 RIVER'S EDGE-LAND CASH 1,342.00 12,078.00 20, 130.00 60.0 72-000-47-00-4713 CANNONBALL HILLS-LAND CASH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 72-000-47-00-4714 WOODWORTH-LAND CASH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 72-000-47-00-4715 WHITE OAK UNIT 1&2-LAND CASH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 72-000-47-00-4716 WHITE OAK UNIT 3&4-LAND CASH 0.00 0.00 7,030.00 0.0 72-000-47-00-4717 KYLN'S CROSSING-LAND CASH 0.00 2,493.00 0.00 100.0 72-000-47-00-4718 FOXFIELD(2ND EDITION) -LAND CAS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 72-000-47-00-4719 WILDWOOD-LAND CASH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 72-000-47-00-4720 HEARTLAND-LAND CASH 0.00 15,000.00 0.00 100.0 72-000-47-00-4721 COUNTRYSIDE CNTR#9-LAND CASH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 72-000-47-00-4722 KYLN'S RIDGE-LAND CASH 6, 648.00 34, 902.00 66, 480.00 52.5 72-000-47-00-4723 HEARTLAND CIRCLE-LAND CASH 6,000.00 6,000.00 60,000.00 10.0 72-000-47-00-4724 RAINTREE VILLAGE-LAND CASH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 72-000-47-00-4725 WINDETTE RIDGE-LAND CASH 0.00 0.00 100,000.00 0.0 72-000-47-00-4726 RESERVE @ THE FOX LAND CASH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 72-000-47-00-4727 GRAND RESERVE-LAND CASH 0.00 12, 197.50 220,500.00 5.5 72-000-47-00-4728 BRISBEN RESERVE-LAND CASH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 P37 38 DATE: 11/29/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE:FG : 05 TIME: 15:41:18 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT ID: GL470002.WOW FUND: LAND CASH FOR 5 PERIODS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 FISCAL FISCAL g SEPTEMBER YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ ACCOUNTACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED NUMBERRDESCRIPTION REVENUES CON.TRIBUTIONS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 72-000-47-00-4729 SCHOOLS-LAND CASH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 72-000-47-00-4730 CANNONBALL EST/KYLYNS CROSSING 0.00 10, 620.00 0.00 100.0 72-000-47-00-4731 MONTALBANO HOMES LAND CASH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 72-000-47-00-4732 RAINTREE VILLAGE LAND CASH 0.00 0.00 56, 160.00 0.0 72-000-47-00-4734 WHISPERING MEADOWS (K. HILL) 0.00 0.00 286,230.00 0.0 72-000-47-00-4735 PRAIRIE MEADOWS (MENARD RES) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 72-000-47-00-4736 CORNERSTONE TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS 19, 696.00 133,012.50 918,485.00 14.4 23,944.00 833,028.10 1,545,297.00 53.9 TOTAL REVENUES: EXPENSES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 72-000-62-00-5408 MAINTENANCE-EQUIPMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.0 72-000-75-00-7007 SIGNS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 72-000-75-00-7008 MISC. BALLFIELD EQUIP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 72-000-75-00-7200 BLDG IMPROVE - BEECHER 0.00 3, 550.00 40,000.00 8.8 72-000-75-00-7201 RIVERFGRONT EQUIP IMPROVEMENT 0.00 0.00 6,000.00 0.0 72-000-75-00-7300 GREENBRIAR 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 72-000-75-00-7301 FOX HILL 57,109.20 93,468.41130,000.00 71.8 72-000-75-00-7302 COUNTRYHILLS0.00 8.00 0.00 0.0 72-000-75-00-7303 FOX HIGHLANDS 0.00 0.00 90,000.00 0.0 72-000-75-00-7304 SUNFLOWER 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 72-000-75-00-7305 CIMMERON RIDGE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 72-000-75-00-7306 BLACKBERRY CREEK 1,796.758, 150.00 160,000.00 5.0 72-000-75-00-7307 RIVERS EDGE6.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 72-000-75-00-7308 WOODWORTH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 72-000-75-00-7309 WHITE OAK 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 72-000-75-00-7310 WILDWOOD P38 DATE: 11/29/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 39 TIME: 15:41:18 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 05 ID: GL470002.WOW FUND: LAND CASH FOR 5 PERIODS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 FISCAL FISCAL % ACCOUNT SEPTEMBER YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED EXPENSES CAPITAL OUTLAY 72-000-75-00-7311 CANNONBALL ESTATES/KYLIN 993.75 10,700.79 97,000.00 11.0 72-000-75-00-7312 FOXFIELD 2ND EDITION 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 72-000-75-00-7313 HEARTLAND 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 72-000-75-00-7314 PRAIRIE GARDENS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 72-000-75-00-7315 BRISBEN 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 72-000-75-00-7316 KYLN'S RIDGE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 72-000-75-00-7317 HEARTLAND CIRCLE 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 0.0 72-000-75-00-7318 THE RESERVE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 72-000-75-00-7319 THE HIGHLANDS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 72-000-75-00-7320 BLACKHAWK 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 72-000-75-00-7321 CANNBALL HILL/KYLYN'S 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 72-000-75-00-7322 BEECHER 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 72-000-75-00-7323 BLACKHAWK 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 72-000-75-00-7324 TOWN SQUARE 0.00 0.00 10,000.00 0.0 72-000-75-00-7325 VAN EMMON 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 72-000-75-00-7326 CORLANDS 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 0.0 72-000-75-00-7327 GRANDE RESERVE PARK DEV. 0.00 31, 476.38 220,500.00 14.2 72-000-75-00-7328 PRAIRIE MEADOWS (MENARDS RES) 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 0.0 72-000-75-00-7329 ELSIE LOUISE GILBERT PARK 993.75 993.75 55,000.00 1.8 72-000-75-00-7330 WHISPERING MEADOWS (K. HILL) 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 0.0 72-000-75-00-7331 WINDETT RIDGE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 72-000-75-00-7700 PARK BUILDING 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 60,893.45 148,340.52 828,500.00 17 .9 OTHER 72-000-78-00-9009 RESERVE 0.00 4,799.17 594,797.00 0.8 72-000-78-00-9010 BEECHER CONCESSION STAND 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 TOTAL OTHER 0.00 4,799.17 594,797.00 0.8 TRANSFERS 72-000-99-00-9955 TRANSFER TO PARKS/REC CAP FUND 0.00 0.00 22,000.00 0.0 72-000-99-00-9970 TRANSFER TO LAND ACQUISITION 0.00 25,000.00 100,000.00 25.0 TOTAL TRANSFERS 0.00 25,000.00 122,000.00 20.4 P39 DATE: 11/29/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 40 TIME: 15:41:18 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F—YR: 05 ID: GL470002.WOW FUND: LAND CASH FOR 5 PERIODS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 FISCAL FISCAL o ACCOUNT SEPTEMBER YEAR—TO—DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED TOTAL EXPENSES: 60,893.45 178, 139.69 1,545,297.00 11.5 TOTAL FUND REVENUES 23, 944.00 833,028.10 1,545,297.00 53.9 TOTAL FUND EXPENSES 60,893.45 178, 139.69 1,545,297.00 11.5 FUND SURPLUS (DEFICIT) (36, 949.45) 654,888.41 0.00 100.0 P40 DATE: 11/29/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 41 TIME: 15:41:18 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 05 ID: GL470002.WOW FUND: LAND ACQUISITION FOR 5 PERIODS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 FISCAL FISCAL a ACCOUNT SEPTEMBER YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED REVENUES CARRY OVER 73-000-40-00-3999 CARRY OVER BALANCE 0.00 0.00 85,982.00 0.0 73-000-40-00-4930 COLT FUNDING 0.00 0.00 100,000.00 0.0 TOTAL CARRY OVER 0.00 0.00 185, 982.00 0.0 TRANSFERS 73-000-49-00-4935 TRANSFER FROM LAND CASH 0.00 25,000.00 100,000.00 25.0 73-000-49-00-4937 TRANSFER FROM PARKS & REC 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 TOTAL TRANSFERS 0.00 25,000.00 100,000.00 25.0 TOTAL REVENUES: 0.00 25,000.00 285, 982.00 8.7 EXPENSES OTHER 73-000-65-00-5800 CONTINGENCY 0.00 0.00 285, 982.00 0.0 73-000-65-00-5805 WEST HYDRAULIC ACQUISITION 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 73-000-65-00-5808 GILBERT PARK ACQUISITION 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 TOTAL OTHER 0.00 0.00 285, 982.00 0.0 TOTAL FUND REVENUES 0.00 25,000.00 285, 982.00 8.7 TOTAL FUND EXPENSES 0.00 0.00 285, 982.00 0.0 FUND SURPLUS (DEFICIT) 0.00 25,000.00 0.00 100.0 P41 DATE: 11/29/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 42 TIME: 15:41:18 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 05 ID: GL470002.WOW FUND: PARKS & RECREATION FOR 5 PERIODS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 FISCAL FISCAL % ACCOUNT SEPTEMBER YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED REVENUES CARRY OVER 79-000-40-00-3999 CARRY OVER BALANCE 0.00 0.00 15,000.00 0.0 TOTAL CARRY OVER 0.00 0.00 15,000.00 0.0 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 79-000-42-00-4270 FEES FOR PROGRAMS 9,856.09 60,221.41 93,000.00 64 .7 79-000-42-00-4280 CONCESSIONS 875.25 8,713.25 35,000.00 24.8 79-000-42-00-4281 BEECHER BLDG DEPOSITS 1,060.00 2,095.00 5,000.00 41.9 79-000-42-00-4282 FARMERS MARKET 50.00 920.00 500.00 184 .0 79-000-42-00-4285 VENDING MACHINE INCOME 27.56 367.15 450.00 81.5 79-000-42-00-4286 RENTAL INCOME 225.00 1, 605.00 2,000.00 80.2 79-000-42-00-4287 RENTAL INCOME - SHELTERS 0.00 545.00 300.00 181.6 79-000-42-00-4288 GOLF OUTING REVENUE 0.00 36,251.00 25,000.00 145.0 79-000-42-00-4289 DAY TRIPS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 79-000-42-00-4290 YOUTH/SPECIAL EVENTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES 12,093.90 110,717.81 161,250.00 68.6 MISCELLANEOUS 79-000-44-00-4400 DONATIONS 630.00 7,020.00 12,000.00 58.5 79-000-44-00-4404 TREE DONATIONS 0.00 300.00 1,200.00 25.0 79-000-44-00-4490 MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 630.00 7,320.00 13,200.00 55.4 INTERGOVERNMENTAL 79-000-45-00-4540 ILLINOIS FIRST GRANT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 79-000-45-00-4545 IDNR GRANT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 79-000-45-00-4550 YOUTH SERVICES GRANT 0.00 0.00 3,500.00 0.0 TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL 0.00 0.00 _ 3, 500.00 0.0 INTEREST 79-000-46-00-4600 INVESTMENT INCOME 0.00 0.00 1,500.00 0.0 TOTAL INTEREST 0.00 0.00 1, 500.00 0.0 P42 DATE: 11/29/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 43 DIME: 15:41:18 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 05 ID: GL470002.WOW FUND: PARKS & RECREATION FOR 5 PERIODS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 FISCAL FISCAL o ACCOUNT SEPTEMBER YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED TRANSFERS 79-000-49-00-4901 TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND 126,082. 67 315,206. 67 756, 496.00 41.6 TOTAL TRANSFERS 126,082.67 315,206. 67 756, 496.00 41.6 TOTAL REVENUES: 138,806.57 433,244.48 950, 946.00 45.5 PARKS EXPENSES PERSONNAL SERVICES 79-610-50-00-5107 SALARIES-EMPLOYEES 18,766.17 100,708. 66 256, 926.00 39.1 79-610-50-00-5136 SALARIES - PART-TIME 4, 401.75 35, 175.13 45,000.00 78.1 79-610-50-00-5137 SALARIES - OVERTIME 750.30 2,890.21 8,000.00 36.1 TOTAL PERSONNAL SERVICES 23, 918.22 138,774.00 309, 926.00 44 .7 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 79-610-61-00-5320 MASTER PLAN 0.00 0.00 10,000.00 0.0 TOTAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0.00 0.00 10,000.00 0.0 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 79-610-62-00-5405 PARK CONTRACTUAL 929.93 3,535.93 10,000.00 35.3 79-610-62-00-5408 MAINTENANCE-EQUIPMENT 769.24 3,381.98 5,000.00 67.6 79-610-62-00-5417 MAINTENANCE-PARKS 7, 682.73 17, 142.16 30,000.00 57.1 79-610-62-00-5421 WEARING APPAREL 0.00 689.76 5, 500.00 12.5 79-610-62-00-5425 ILLINOIS FIRST GRANT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 79-610-62-00-5434 RENTAL-EQUIPMENT 0.00 258.73 1,500.00 17.2 79-610-62-00-5438 CELLULAR TELEPHONE 170.00 408.63 5,000.00 8.1 79-610-62-00-5440 LAND DEVELOPER 0.00 7,057.97 35,000.00 20.1 79-610-62-00-5445 LEGAL EXPENSES 1,097.50 1,097.50 5,000.00 21.9 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 10, 649.40 33,572.66 97,000.00 34 .6 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT P43 DATE: 11/29/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 44 TIME: 15:41:18 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 05 ID: GL470002.WOW FUND: PARKS & RECREATION FOR 5 PERIODS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 FISCAL FISCAL % ACCOUNT SEPTEMBER YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED PARKS EXPENSES PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 79-610-64-00-5602 PROFESSIONAL GROWTH/SUBSCRPT 115.00 115.00 2,500.00 4 .6 79-610-64-00-5605 TRAVEL EXPENSE 446.75 805.96 2,000.00 40.2 79-610-64-00-5612 CONTINUING EDUCATION 538.60 958.60 3,000.00 31.9 TOTAL PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 1, 100.35 1,879.56 7,500.00 25.0 OPERATIONS 79-610-65-00-5800 CONTINGENCIES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 79-610-65-00-5802 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 0.0 79-610-65-00-5804 OPERATING SUPPLIES 1,310.49 4,262.09 20,000.00 21.3 79-610-65-00-5812 GASOLINE 0.00 0.00 3,000.00 0.0 79-610-65-00-5815 HAND TOOLS 99.00 417.58 2,000.00 20.8 79-610-65-00-5824 CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 0.0 79-610-65-00-5825 PUBLIC DECORATION 0.00 75.47 2,000.00 3.7 TOTAL OPERATIONS 1, 409.49 4,755.14 33,000.00 14.4 RETIREMENT 79-610-72-00-6500 IMRF PARTICIPANTS 1, 961.69 10, 355.01 26, 678.00 38.8 79-610-72-00-6501 SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE 1, 829.66 10, 624.12 23,709.00 44.8 TOTAL RETIREMENT 3,791.35 20, 979.13 50,387.00 41.6 CAPITAL OUTLAY 79-610-75-00-7003 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 0.0 79-610-75-00-7701 FLOWERS/TREES . 483.12 3,380.66 5,500.00 61.4 79-610-75-00-7705 TRANSFER TO LAND ACQUISITION 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 483.12 3,380.66 7,500.00 45.0 TOTAL EXPENSES: PARKS 41,351.93 203,341.15 515,313.00 39.4 RECREATION EXPENSES P44 DATE: 11/29/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 45 TIME: 15:41:18 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 05 ID: GL470002.WOW FUND: PARKS & RECREATION FOR 5 PERIODS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 FISCAL FISCAL % ACCOUNT SEPTEMBER YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED RECREATION PERSONNEL SERVICES 79-650-50-00-5107 EMPLOYEE SALARIES 14, 922. 69 84,760.17 195,471.00 43.3 79-650-50-00-5108 CONCESSION STAFF 822.51 4, 119.28 16, 500.00 24.9 79-650-50-00-5150 SALARIES-INSTRUCTOR CONTRACTUA 6, 942.13 29,857.23 35,000.00 85.3 79-650-50-00-5155 SALARIES-RECORDING SECRETARY 398 .75 865.00 3,000.00 28 .8 79-650-50-00-5156 SALARIES-CUSTODIAL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 23,086.08 119, 601.68 249, 971.00 47.8 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 79-650-61-00-5321 RECREATION RESEARCH 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 0.0 TOTAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 0.0 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 79-650-62-00-5408 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 590.27 1, 972.76 6,500.00 30.3 79-650-62-00-5409 MAINTENANCE-VEHICLES 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 0.0 79-650-62-00-5410 MAINTENANCE-OFFICE EQUIPMENT 0.00 1,883.38 2, 500.00 75.3 79-650-62-00-5426 YOUTH SERVICES GRANT EXPENSES 0.00 0.00 3,000.00 0.0 79-650-62-00-5437 TELEPHONE/INTERNET 106.35 460.05 1,500.00 30.6 79-650-62-00-5438 CELLULAR TELEPHONE 202.02 425.28 3,500.00 12 .1 79-650-62-00-5445 PORTABLE TOILETS 607.43 2, 182.85 5,000.00 43.6 79-650-62-00-5603 PUBLISHING/ADVERTISING 295.87 12, 975.27 24,000.00 54 .0 79-650-62-00-5605 BOOKS/PUBLICATIONS 0.00 84.50 750.00 11.2 79-650-62-00-5606 BEECHER DEPOSIT REFUND 500.00 2,894.00 5,000.00 57.8 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2, 301.94 22,878.09 52,750.00 43.3 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 79-650-64-00-5600 DUES 42.50 112.50 2,500.00 4 .5 79-650-64-00-5602 PROFESSIONAL GROWTH/SUBSCRIPT 170.00 260.00 7,300.00 3.5 79-650-64-00-5605 TRAVEL EXPENSE 525.93 525.93 2,000.00 26.2 79-650-64-00-5614 TOURNAMENT FEES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 TOTAL PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 738.43 898.43 11,800.00 7.6 OPERATIONS P45 DATE: 11/29/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 46 TIME: 15:41:18 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 05 ID: GL470002.WOW FUND: PARKS & RECREATION FOR 5 PERIODS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 FISCAL FISCAL SEPTEMBER YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ ACCOUNT ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL RECREATION EXPENSES OPERATIONS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 79-650-65-00-5800 CONTINGENCIES 79-650-65-00-5802 OFFICE SUPPLIES 701.84 2,048.02 6,000.00 39• 1 79-650-65-00-5803 PROGRAM EXPENSES 8, 549.55 18, 474.82 29,300.00 63.0 79-650-65-00-5804 OPERATING SUPPLIES 0.00 76.00 4,000.00 1.9 79-650-65-00-5805 RECREATION EQUIPMENT 275.42 1,083.57 2, 500.00 43.3 79-650-65-00-5808 POSTAGE & SHIPPING 0.00 1, 964.84 5,000.00 39.2 79-650-65-00-5812 GASOLINE 99.51 489.60 800.00 61.2 79-650-65-00-5826 MILEAGE 0.00 109.43 750.00 14.5 79-650-65-00-5827 GOLF OUTING EXPENSES 0.00 19, 166.05 15,000.00 127.7 79-650-65-00-5828 CONCESSIONS 1,526.45 8,810.42 9,800.00 89.9 79-650-65-00-5830 YOUTH/SPECIAL EVENTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 79-650-65-00-5831 DAY TRIP EXPENSES 1,500.00 10.0 79-650-65-00-5840 SCHOLARSHIPS 0.00 170.001,250.00 2, 686.53 4, 500.00 59.7 79-650-65-00-5841 PROGRAM REFUND TOTAL OPERATIONS 12, 403.77 55,079.28 79, 150.00 69.5 RETIREMENT 7,761.16 18,101.00 42.8 79-650-72-00-6500 IMRF PARTICIPANTS 1,320.08 79-650-72-00-6501 SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE 1, 667.99 8,078.83 17,861.00 45.2 TOTAL RETIREMENT 2, 988.07 15,839.99 35,962.00 44.0 CAPITAL OUTLAY 2,167.80 5,000.00 43.3 79-650-75-00-7002 COMPUTER EQUIP & SOFTWARE 868.95 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 868.95 2,167.80 5,000.00 43.3 TOTAL EXPENSES: RECREATION 42,387.24 216,465.27 435, 633.00 49.6 TOTAL FUND REVENUES 138,806.57 433,244.48 950, 946.00 45.5 TOTAL FUND EXPENSES 83,739.17 419,806.42 950,946.00 44.1 FUND SURPLUS (DEFICIT) 55,067.40 13, 438.06 0.00 100.0 P46 DATE: 11/29/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 47 TIME: 15:41:18 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 05 ID: GL470002.WOW FUND: LIBRARY FOR 5 PERIODS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 FISCAL FISCAL % ACCOUNT SEPTEMBER YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED REVENUES TAXES 82-000-40-00-3997 CARRY OVER DEVELOPMENT FEES 0.00 0.00 100,000.00 0.0 82-000-40-00-3998 CARRY OVER-MEMORIALS 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 0.0 82-000-40-00-3999 CARRY OVER BALANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 82-000-40-00-4000 REAL ESTATE TAXES 18,325.85 154,862.98 308,353.00 50.2 82-000-40-00-4010 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX 0.00 1, 324.94 2,500.00 52.9 82-000-40-00-4015 TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND 0.00 0.00 19,811.00 0.0 TOTAL TAXES 18,325.85 156, 187.92 435, 664 .00 35.8 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 82-000-42-00-4211 DEVELOPMENT FEES - BUILDING 3, 450.00 18,225.00 20,000.00 91.1 82-000-42-00-4215 DEVELOPMENT FEES-BOOKS 3,450.00 18,225.00 20,000.00 91.1 82-000-42-00-4260 COPY FEES 105.50 469.35 900.00 52.1 82-000-42-00-4261 LIBRARY SUBSCRIPTION CARDS 700.00 5,000.00 8,000.00 62.5 82-000-42-00-4286 RENTAL INCOME 40.00 379.00 1,000.00 37.9 TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES 7,745.50 42,298.35 49,900.00 84.7 FINES 82-000-43-00-4330 LIBRARY FINES 271.10 1, 197.95 3,000.00 39.9 TOTAL FINES 271.10 1, 197.95 3,000.00 39.9 MISCELLANEOUS 82-000-44-00-4432 SALE OF BOOKS 132.89 488.93 500.00 97.7 82-000-44-00-4450 MEMORIALS 615.00 1, 318.60 1,500.00 87.9 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 747.89 1,807.53 2,000.00 90.3 INTERGOVERNMENTAL 82-000-45-00-4560 LIBRARY PER CAPITA GRANT 0.00 0.00 7,700.00 0.0 TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL 0.00 0.00 7,700.00 0.0 INTEREST P47 DATE: 11/29/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 48 TIME: 15:41:18 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 05 ID: GL470002.WOW FUND: LIBRARY FOR 5 PERIODS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 FISCAL FISCAL % ACCOUNT SEPTEMBER YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED REVENUES INTEREST 82-000-46-00-4600 INVESTMENT INCOME 0.00 741.92 1,500.00 49.4 82-000-46-00-4601 INVESTMENT INCOME-BLDG 0.00 0.00 1,250.00 0.0 TOTAL INTEREST 0.00 741.92 2,750.00 26.9 TOTAL REVENUES: 27,090.34 202,233.67 501,014.00 40.3 EXPENSES PERSONNEL SERVICES 82-000-50-00-5107 SALARIES-EMPLOYEES 10,313.38 58,055.52 180,000.00 32.2 82-000-50-00-5203 GROUP HEALTH INSURANCE 0.00 4,566.16 30,000.00 15.2 82-000-50-00-5204 GROUP LIFE INSURANCE 0.00 163.26 1, 500.00 10.8 82-000-50-00-5205 DENTAL & VISION ASSISTANCE 504.42 1,554.42 3,500.00 44.4 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 10,817.80 64,339.36 215,000.00 29.9 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 82-000-61-00-5300 LEGAL SERVICES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 82-000-61-00-5322 BONDING 0.00 633.00 1,400.00 45.2 82-000-61-00-5323 ATTORNEY 0.00 0.00 3,000.00 0.0 TOTAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0.00 633.00 4, 400.00 14.3 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 82-000-62-00-5401 CONTRACT SERVICES 50.00 50.00 0.00 (100.0) 82-000-62-00-5407 MAINTENANCE-BLDG/JANITORIAL 450.00 1, 380.00 5,000.00 27.6 82-000-62-00-5410 MAINTENANCE-OFFICE EQUIPMENT 893.67 893.67 3,000.00 29.7 82-000-62-00-5412 MAINTENANCE-PHOTOCOPIER 59.05 59.05 1,000.00 5.9 82-000-62-00-5435 ELECTRICITY 0.00 105.94 2,500.00 4.2 82-000-62-00-5436 TELEPHONE 100.85 443.74 1,700.00 26.1 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,553.57 2, 932.40 13,200.00 22.2 • PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT P48 )ATE: 11/29/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 49 PIME: 15:41:18 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 05 ED: GL470002.WOW FUND: LIBRARY FOR 5 PERIODS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 FISCAL FISCAL % ACCOUNT SEPTEMBER YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED 3XPENSES PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 82-000-64-00-5603 SUBSCRIPTIONS 0.00 110.10 2,500.00 4.4 82-000-64-00-5604 TRAINING & CONFERENCES 0.00 70.00 1,000.00 7.0 82-000-64-00-5607 PUBLIC RELATIONS 261.30 261.30 650.00 40.2 82-000-64-00-5616 EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION 0.00 83.99 2,000.00 4 .1 TOTAL PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 261.30 525.39 6,150.00 8.5 OPERATIONS 82-000-65-00-5800 CONTINGENCIES 0.00 102.25 4,314 .00 2.3 82-000-65-00-5806 LIBRARY SUPPLIES 674.09 2,727.37 7,000.00 38.9 82-000-65-00-5807 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES 129.96 665.67 4,000.00 16.6 82-000-65-00-5808 POSTAGE & SHIPPING 111.00 111.00 900.00 12.3 82-000-65-00-5810 PUBLISHING & ADVERTISING 14 .50 38.10 300.00 12.7 82-000-65-00-5826 MILEAGE 56.25 131.25 600.00 21.8 82-000-65-00-5832 VIDEOS 91.23 91.23 5,500.00 1.6 82-000-65-00-5833 ALARM MONITORING 0.00 509.79 900.00 56.6 82-000-65-00-5834 LIBRARY PROGRAMMING 1,761.45 2,561.79 9,000.00 28.4 82-000-65-00-5835 LIBRARY BOARD EXPENSES 0.00 0.00 500.00 0.0 82-000-65-00-5836 BOOKS-ADULT 0.00 1,272.10 10,000.00 12.7 82-000-65-00-5837 BOOKS-JUVENILE 0.00 4,273.33 10,000.00 42.7 82-000-65-00-5838 BOOKS-AUDIO 1, 135.49 1, 414 .07 6,000.00 23.5 82-000-65-00-5839 BOOKS-REFERENCE 0.00 2,110.46 12,000.00 17 .5 82-000-65-00-5840 BOOKS-DEVELOPMENT FEE 9, 383.59 17, 939.88 70,000.00 25.6 82-000-65-00-5841 MEMORIALS/GIFTS 386.39 698.32 6,500.00 10.7 82-000-65-00-5842 BLDG-DEVELOPMENT FEES 0.00 4,250.00 71,250.00 5.9 TOTAL OPERATIONS 13,743.95 38,896.61 218,764.00 17.7 RETIREMENT 82-000-72-00-6500 IMRF PARTICPANTS 661.24 3, 618.61 8,000.00 45.2 82-000-72-00-6501 SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE 788.95 4, 441.14 13,500.00 32.8 TOTAL RETIREMENT 1,450.19 8,059.75 21,500.00 37.4 CAPITAL OUTLAY P49 DATE: 11/29/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 50 TIME: 15:41:18 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 05 ID: GL470002.WOW FUND: LIBRARY FOR 5 PERIODS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 FISCAL FISCAL % ACCOUNT SEPTEMBER YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED EXPENSES CAPITAL OUTLAY 82-000-75-00-7002 COMPUTER EQUIP & SOFTWARE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 82-000-75-00-7003 AUTOMATION 2,396.60 3, 672.69 22,000.00 16.6 82-000-75-00-7703 BUILDING EXPANSION 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 2,396.60 3, 672.69 22,000.00 16.6 TOTAL EXPENSES: 30,223.41 119,059.20 501,014 .00 23.7 TOTAL FUND REVENUES 27,090.34 202,233.67 501,014 .00 40.3 TOTAL FUND EXPENSES 30, 223.41 119,059.20 501,014 .00 23.7 FUND SURPLUS (DEFICIT) (3, 133.07) 83,174 .47 0.00 100.0 P50 DATE: 11/29/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 51 LIME: 15:41:18 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 05 ID: GL470002.WOW FUND: FOX INDUSTRIAL FOR 5 PERIODS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 FISCAL FISCAL o ACCOUNT SEPTEMBER YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED REVENUES TAXES 85-000-40-00-3999 CARRY OVER BALANCE 0.00 0.00 46,000.00 0.0 85-000-40-00-4090 TIF REVENUES 0.00 21,796.67 35,000.00 62.2 TOTAL TAXES 0.00 21,796.67 81,000.00 26.9 INTEREST 85-000-46-00-4600 INVESTMENT INCOME 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 0.0 TOTAL INTEREST 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 0.0 TRANSFERS 85-000-49-00-4905 TRANSFER FROM MFT FUND 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 TOTAL TRANSFERS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 TOTAL REVENUES: 0.00 21,796. 67 82,000.00 26.5 EXPENSES DEBT SERVICES 85-000-66-00-6021 FOX IND BOND-PRINCIPAL PMT 0.00 0.00 55,000.00 0.0 85-000-66-00-6022 FOX IND BOND-INT PAYMENT 0.00 12,146.25 24,293.00 49.9 TOTAL DEBT SERVICES 0.00 12, 146.25 79,293.00 15.3 CAPITAL OUTLAY 85-000-75-00-7901 FOX INDUSTRIAL - NON MFT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 85-000-75-00-7902 FOX INDUSTRIAL EXPENSES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 OTHER 85-000-78-00-9007 ADMINSITRATION FEES 0.00 214.00 214.00 100.0 85-000-78-00-9010 RESERVE-FUTURE BOND PYMTS 0.00 488.25 2,493.00 19.5 TOTAL OTHER 0.00 702.25 2,707 .00 25.9 P51 DATE: 11/29/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 52 DIME: 15:41:18 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 05 LD: GL470002.WOW FUND: FOX INDUSTRIAL FOR 5 PERIODS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 FISCAL FISCAL % ACCOUNT SEPTEMBER YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED TOTAL EXPENSES: 0.00 12,848.50 82,000.00 15.6 DOTAL FUND REVENUES 0.00 21,796.67 82,000.00 26.5 DOTAL FUND EXPENSES 0.00 12,848.50 82,000.00 15.6 FUND SURPLUS (DEFICIT) 0.00 8, 948.17 0.00 100.0 P52 c .,D CO j,Y J= $ Q United City of Yorkville Am B,: '� Tuition Reimbursement Policy — DRAFT 11/29/04 S1 EST.������cccccc *`° t836� t IN ----- 52 - moo' <L E X'>' Additions to Existing Employee Manual Section 8.6b— Full-time employees wishing to advance their educational qualifications may be reimbursed the cost of tuition for successful completion of college level courses which are relative to their work assignments and/or career development. Employees are entitled to reimbursement for college degree or certificate after one year of service. All requests by an employee for the enrollment to a college degree or certificate program must be submitted by the Department Head to the Mayor and City Council for approval to the Department Head two months before budget approval (Feb. 1st. Then all courses related to the program shall be eligible for payment subject to budget approval and available funds. Furthermore, the employee shall provide a grade or transcript to the Department Head upon the completion of each course. Any revisions or change requested by the employee to the approved program must be submitted to the Department Head for approval prior to the revision or change. Section 8.6d— The tuition and fees only (no books or materials) of an elective or required course will be paid through direct billing from the appropriate school, pending the completion of a consent form for repayment. The employee will sign the payroll deduction form prior to the enrollment of the course stipulating to the following provisions will apply: if a grade of a C-average or better is attained upon the completion of the course the class will be considered complete and paid for by the City. If less than a C-average is attained, the employee will be required to pay back 100% of the tuition and fees to the City through a payroll deduction as stipulated within the payroll deduction sign off form or direct repayment to the City. New Section (8.6i)— If an employee voluntarily leaves the City within two years of completing a course reimbursed under this policy, a percentage amount of reimbursed expenses must be repaid to the City according to the following schedule: a) 0-6 months of completion of course— 100% b) 7-12 months of completion of course— 75% c) 13-18 months of completion of course—50% d) 19-24 months of completion of course—25% `'`.0 Ger` United City of Yorkville .f' Sponsorship Policy — DRAFT 11/29/04 EST.14 `�-�.,,.`.s' 1836 RCE `w What is Sponsorship? Sponsorship is an effective marketing and communication tool used by many businesses, organizations and government agencies, regardless of their size. Sponsorships are not donations, the sponsor expects their sponsorship will provide a measurable financial return or benefit. The general aim of sponsorship is to raise the profile of the sponsoring organization, to sell products or services and to reach particular target audiences. Sponsorship also promotes a positive awareness of the organization with residents, customers, potential customers and the community. Sponsorships are structured in the form of direct financial assistance, or "in kind" sponsorship, which involves the sponsor providing equipment or resources. Sponsorship Guidelines The United City of Yorkville receives a number of sponsorship requests, which unfortunately makes it difficult for us to accept or sponsor every event. We have outlined a series of guidelines to help with the selection of sponsorship events. Guidelines are updated annually and may change from year to year based on the mission and goals of the City Council. Sponsorship amounts are awarded on a first come, first served basis, based on available funds within the fiscal year budget. Amounts will not be more than $250.00 for any single event. This policy does not apply to events in which the City is a joint partner, such as the 4th of July or Riverfront Festival. Sponsorship Categories If you would like the United City of Yorkville to consider support for your charity, arts, community, social or health, education or sporting activities you will need to submit a proposal. Our main criteria is for the direct benefit for the residents or businesses of Yorkville. What we will not sponsor Political or campaign sponsorships Individuals or private events benefiting one individual Events that contravenes gaming rules or regulations Events or Organizations that do not fulfill the City's missions or goals Events or Organizations that do not serve or benefit Yorkville residents or businesses 1 What the United City of Yorkville should know about you Please include the following information with your written proposal: • History of project /event • Event detail (Date, time, place) • Budget (including the major source of funding) • Specific sponsorship request • Specific sponsor benefits • Marketing / promotional opportunities & venues • Not-for-profit status, if applicable • Publicity samples from previous year Please submit proposals for event sponsorship to: United City of Yorkville C/o Sponsorship Request 800 Game Farm Road Yorkville, IL 60560 2 cjra United City of Yorkville ES 1636 Sponsorship Policy - DRAFT 11/0229/04 . '---._ . .'4ce ‘ti`? What is Sponsorship? Sponsorship is an effective marketing and communication tool used by many businesses, organizations and government agencies, regardless of their size. Sponsorships are not donations, the sponsor expects their sponsorship will provide a measurable financial return or benefit. The general aim of sponsorship is to raise the profile of the sponsoring organization, to sell products or services and to reach particular target audiences. Sponsorship also promotes a positive awareness of the organization with residents, customers, potential customers and the community. Sponsorships are structured in the form of direct financial assistance, or "in kind" sponsorship, which involves the sponsor providing equipment or resources. Sponsorship Guidelines The United City of Yorkville receives a number of sponsorship requests, which unfortunately makes it difficult for us to accept or sponsor every event. We have outlined a series of guidelines to help with the selection of sponsorship events. Guidelines are updated annually and may change from year to year based on the mission and goals of the City Council. Sponsorship amounts are awarded quarterly on a first come, first served basis, based on available funds within the Fiscal Budget,-. and-Amounts will not be more than $250.00 for any single event. This policy does not apply to events in which the City is a joint partner, such as the 4th of July or Riverfront Festival. Sponsorship Categories If you would like the United City of Yorkville to consider support for your charity, arts, community, social or health, education or sporting activities you will need to submit a proposal. Our main criteria is for the direct benefit for the residents or businesses of Yorkville. What we will not sponsor Political or campaign sponsorships Individuals or private events benefiting one individual I Events that contravenes the gaming rules or regulations Events or Organizations that do not fulfill the City's missions or goals 1 Events or Organizations that do not serve or benefit Yorkville residents or businesses What the United City of Yorkville should know about you Please include the following information with your written proposal: • History of project/event • Event detail (Date, time, place) • Budget(including the major source of funding) • Specific sponsorship request • Specific sponsor benefits • Marketing/promotional opportunities&venues • Not-for-profit status, if applicable • Publicity samples from previous year Please submit proposals for event sponsorship to: United City of Yorkville C/o Sponsorship Request 800 Game Farm Road Yorkville, IL 60560 2 tea` o United City of Yorkville EST 4 =18 36 Wearing Apparel Policy — DRAFT 11/09/04 ktE 1) It is the desire of the United City of Yorkville that staff and elected officials show pride in the City through wearing apparel with the United City of Yorkville logo prominently displayed. 2) Each year the United City of Yorkville will authorize the payment of one(1) shirt per permanent employee or elected official, as determined by the Department Head or Elected Official based on the budget process. 3) A United City of Yorkville logo and/or name must be prominently displayed on wearing apparel purchased through the United City of Yorkville. 4) This policy corresponds to non-uniform personnel and elected officials. r 4S.0 ClTY � P a United City of Yorkville J ',P, , 'n E r ,836 Volunteer Sick Leave Donation Policy !(�� DRAFT 11/09/04 O In recognition of the financial hardshipthat an extended, catastrophic illness can cause g p employees, the City is willing to facilitate the voluntary donation of sick leave among employees. If an employee voluntarily requests that the City transfer a portion of that employee's accrued sick time to an employee with a catastrophic illness, the City will facilitate that transfer. Such a request may be submitted in writing to their Department Head, which in turn forwards the request to the Payroll/Benefit Specialist for processing. The name of the donor will be kept anonymous. An employee seeking to donate sick leave will be required to retain 30 days of sick leave time, but is not otherwise limited in the amount of sick leave time the employee can donate. An employee who receives donations of sick time from other employees will only be allowed to use that sick time when the employee has otherwise exhausted all accrued time off. Prior to approving the use of donated sick time and consistent with the City's sick leave policy, the City may require that the employee who receives donated sick time submit medical documentation supporting the continued use of sick time. `4.0 Clpy J= eN % ES � -1836 .� a UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE R. E "">2 CORPORATION COUNSEL —JOB DESCRIPTION Department: Administration Reports to: Mayor Status: Exempt Position Description Overview Under administrative directions of the Mayor, serves as legal counsel for the United City of Yorkville; advises and represents the City in legal actions; researches legal questions and drafts ordinances, resolutions, and legal opinions; supervises Assistant City Attorneys and clerical staff. Essential Job Functions 1. Advise City Council, boards and commissions, department heads, and other City staff members on legal procedures and the legal ramifications of management decisions. 2. Draft ordinances, resolutions, and legal opinions upon the request of the Mayor, members of the City Council, or department heads. 3. Prepare written legal opinions based upon questions submitted to the City Administrator for legal evaluation. 4. Instruct City staff members on legal procedures. 5. Monitor case law and legislative developments to assess impact on City. 6. Represent the City in litigation to which it is a party, including injunction proceedings, challenges to City ordinances, City code violations and other civil actions. 7. Prepares complaints or statements of charges against employees which the City wishes to discipline. 8. Meets with citizens concerning legal problems in which city is involved. 9. Reviews and drafts all legal agreements with governmental agencies, consultants, service providers. Also drafts contracts for purchase or sale of property, etc. 10. Acts as office administrator and assigns work of assistant counsel. 11. Complies with all personnel safety rules and regulations, both written and verbal. 12. Performs other related duties as directed. Requirements 1. Thorough knowledge of local ordinances, State laws, and established precedents. 2. Thorough knowledge of court procedures and rules of evidence. 3. Ability to research questions regarding points of law and to draft appropriate responses. 4. Ability to draft ordinances,resolutions, and other legal documents. 5. Ability and skill in preparing and trying cases. 6. Ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing. 7. Requires the skills in the use of standard office machinery, personal computers, 10-key calculators, and familiarity with spread sheet (Excel) and word processing (Word) software. 8. Ability to establish and maintain satisfactory working relationships with City officials, attorneys, and other professionals, law enforcement officials, and the general public. 9. Ability to maintain confidentiality of information. Experience and Education 1. License to practice law in the State of Illinois 2. Five years experience as a licensed attorney,preferably in municipal law and litigation. 3. Valid Driver's License. The duties listed above are intended only as illustrations of the various types of work that may be performed. The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the position if the work is similar,related or a logical assignment to the position. The job description does not constitute an employment agreement between the employer and requirements of the job change. Original Message From: Michael Marzal [mailto:mmarzal@tinleypark.org] Sent: Friday, November 05, 2004 1:00 PM To: bolson@yorkville.il.us Subject: RE: Mayor Pro Tern Policy Bart, Here is what we use. § 31.010 MAYOR PRO TEM. (A) There is created the office of Mayor Pro Tern for the village. (B) In the event of a temporary absence, or a disability causing the President of the village to be incapacitated from the performance of his duties, but which by law does not create a vacancy in the office of President, the Board of Trustees shall elect one of its members to act as Mayor Pro Tem. The Mayor Pro Tern, during the absence or disability of the President, shall perform the duties and possess all the rights and powers of the President. (C) The selection of a Mayor Pro Tern shall be made on an annual basis. However, the Mayor Pro Tern shall not act as Mayor Pro Tern unless and until the President is temporarily absent or is disabled to an extent so as to incapacitate him from the performance of his duties. (D) In the event the President fails to attend a meeting of the Village Board, the Mayor Pro Tem shall act as a temporary chairman for the meeting of the Village Board, and while so serving as temporary chairman, shall have only the power of a presiding officer and a right to vote in his capacity as trustee on any ordinance, resolution, or motion. ('77 Code, § 31.006) (Ord. 77-0-003, passed 1-12-77) Statutory reference: Mayor pro tern, see ILCS Ch. 65, Act 5 § 3.1-35-35 Michael V. Marzal Administrative Intern Village of Tinley Park 16250 South Oak Park Avenue Tinley Park IL, 60477 708 444 5000 708 444 5099 (fax) mmarzal(a�tinleypark.orq A 2`��0 Cir o United City of Yorkville Memo J `` '" 800 Game Farm Road EST. !_'- e 1836 Yorkville, Illinois 60560 ,� ` Telephone: 630-553-4350 o Fax 0 Fax: 630-553-7575 NKen� ,, `2 LE %vs. Date: November 30, 2004 To: Administration Committee From: Bart Olson CC: Subject: Videotaping Public Meetings A (1)credit hour course at Waubonsee Community College is offered that will teach an individual how to videotape a public meeting. Private citizens or staff may go through this class for $67, or$57 if the individual has ever been a student at Waubonsee. At the completion of the class, equipment may be "rented"from Waubonsee on a library-card-like basis. Meetings also have the opportunity to be broadcast on Waubonsee's television, which would include a regular slot for airtime during our public meetings as well as advertising of meeting dates and times. Waubonsee does not air any other community's public meetings. Currently,there are no other communities that have coordinated involvement of citizens with Waubonsee, thus they do not have any information as far as pay is concerned. The coordinator of the class, Mike Rennels, has speculated that most meetings are being taped on a volunteer basis. I have contacted some of the teachers at YHS to see if they would be interested in coordinating some students to volunteer for this project. I have yet to receive a response. TILT PARKS&RECREATION Yorkville Parks&Recreation Department 908 Game Farm Rd. Yorkville, IL 60560 630.553.4357 630.553.4360 fax e-mail:yorkrecdepaol corn Administrative Office 301 E Hydraulic Street Yorkville, IL 60560 630.553.4341 630.553.4347 Memo To: Art Prochaska, Mayor City Council From: Laura J. Brown, Executive Director Date: November 9, 2004 Cc: Tony Graff, City Administrator Re: Parks positions The Following Park Board item was discussed at the November 8, 2004 meeting with positive recommendation to proceed to City Council for approval. Suggested Action: To accept the Park Board recommendation to approve the hiring of three Parks Maintenance Worker I positions as presented in place of the rehire of the Operator, and the new hirer of the MWII positions as budgeted in the Park's salary line item and to authorize staff to present to City Council for approval the Park Board's recommendation. INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: LAURA BROWN FROM: SCOTT SLEEZER SUBJECT: NEW HIRES DATE: 10/7/2004 CC: Laura, I have reviewed the current budget and park department organizational structure and would like to make a recommendation. This comes after one of our employees took a job with the water department. The position vacated was operator, this person worked in the turf division of parks. I feel that this position does not need to be replaced with a like position. Instead we should replace this position with two MWI level positions. This year's budget is allowing us to hire two full time staff for the parks department. One on May 1, 2004 which we did and the other November 1,2004.With the changes in hiring two MWI in place of the operator we would be hiring a total of three full time positions in November. In addition we have a small surplus from hiring a MWI in May instead of a MWII. Salaries cost including three additional MWI to start November 1 and the six month benefit package for one MWI. $264,744.51 What the budget line item in parks salaries should be. $264,725.37 I would like to hire the additional maintenance worker during this calendar year so we can have time to train them. Giving this person time to acclimate to a new job with new duties and equipment before we start our busiest time of year will help us avoid potential problems. Learning park operations and procedures as well as locations in an off peak time for parks will allow our current staff to take more time training them.We would also be able to expedite snow removal from building walks and city streets and assist other departments in emergency situations. 'VtC s� c� sZC� Yorkville Land Maintenance Three Year Projection 2004-05 To 2007-08 Current Acreage Park Site Useable Acres Green Way Acres Beecher Ball Fields 22.6 Beecher-Building 1.66 Country Hill- Playground 2.2 Hiding Spot-Playground .25 1.35 Library 2 City Hall 2 Fox Hill-Playground 4 Fox Hill Ball Field 6 13.35 Rivers Edge Rice Park-Playground 1 Rivers Edge Reserve .5 Rivers Edge River Side 6 Town Square 2.9 Jaycee Pond 6.2 Gilbert .25 Sleezer-Playground .25 Cobb .25 Riverfront-Playground 4.85 Riverfront West .5 1.25 Price-Playground .72 3 +2acre pond Van Emmon Ball Field 2 Water& Sewer Areas 1.5 Boulevards Countryside W 1.75 Lions Pool 3 Total Acres 91.33 91.33 Divided by 11 acres= 8.30 persons 50%=4.15 full time employees Development for FY 2005-06 Park Site Useable Acres Green Way Acres Cannonball Ridge 3.4 Countryside East Boulevards 1 Sunflower Estates 2 Prairie Meadows 7 MPI E 11 MPI D 9 Windett Ridge 7.4+ 3 miles of trails Water& Sewer areas 8 Sub Total 48.8 Total Acres 137.13 48.8 Divided by 11 acres=4.44 persons 50%=2.22 full time employees Development for FY 2006-07 Park Site Useable Acres Green Way Acres Heartland Circle 5 MPI Regional 56 MPI Boulevards 1 Kimball Hill 12.56 Rain tree Village 15.98 Sub Total 73.56 Total Acres 211.69 73.56 Divided by 11 acres=6.69 persons 50%= 3.35 full time employees Development for 2007-08 Park Site Useable Acres Green Way Acres Hoover Outdoor Center 80 MPI- C,B,H,I,F,G 92 Sub Total 172 Total Acres 383.96 172 Divided by 11 acres= 15.64 persons 50%=7.82 employees Total needed full time employees as of 2007-0817.54 Future Park Development Villas at the Preserve Rider Property Westbury Runge Caledonia Thiedal Silver Glen Corner Stone Rob Roy Falls Summary In order to maintain the current level of parks,open areas, and overall maintenance, we need to define the expenses associated with maintaining per acre of property. The following is based on the 2004-05 FY budget for Parks. Removed 100%of the foreman's salary this position has more administrative responsibilities&50%of Executive Directors salary. Salaries Total Acreages 91.33 =$2,412.95 per acre General equipment, Infra-structure& Operations$1,582.97 per acre Capital Expense(Repair&Replace) $803.49 per acre Total Cost per acre$4,799.41 Using the break downs above,a conclusion could be drawn for every 11 acres of new park development would require a new full time staff and an additional $ 16,367.12 in general equipment, infra-structure, and operational$8,838.39 in Capital Equipment, and $ 26,542.45 in employee salaries. The variable for this summary will be the impact of specialty equipment and replacement of equipment and the utilization of seasonal staff. To plan for a three year 2007-08 projection and budgeting purposes, a 50%full time and 50% seasonal and part time staff projections of need is used. Based on the projected land development and acquisition. Three-Five Year Projection Chain of Command Exsecutive Director Superitendant Park Designer Adminastrative Asstant Project Manager Seasonal Worker Foreman of Aquatics, Beautification, &Playgrounds Foreman of Athletic Fields&Turf Building Maintenance Foreman Operator of Aquatics Operator of Beautification Operator of Playgrounds Operator of Athletic Fields Operator of Turf Part Time Janitor Seasonal Worker MWII of Beautification MWII of Playgrounds MWII of Athletic Fields MWII of Turf Part Timr Janitor MWl of Beautification MWI of Playgrounds MWI of Athletic Fields MWII of Turf Part Time Janitor MWI of Beautification MWI of playgrounds Seasonal Worker MWI of Turf Part Time Janitor Seasonal Worker Seasonal Worker Seasonal Worker MWI of Turf Seasonal Worker Seasonal Worker Seasonal Worker Seasonal Worker Seasonal Worker Seasonal Worker Seasonal Worker Seasonal Worker Seasonal Worker Seasonal Worker Seasonal Worker Seasonal Worker Seasonal Worker Seasonal Worker Illinois Municipal League Conference Attendees Take Advantage of this Special NLC Membership Offer! Aaruual Leagae of t'�u A One Year 25% Discount - OR — A Two-Year 35%Discount. You Choose) Membership in the Membership inclucles: National league of Cities offers.. ✓ Rerinced registration fees for the annual Congress ✓ Access to innovative solutions,products, and of Cities and the Congressional City Conference in proms me already at work and proven in the field in Washington,D.C., and seminars; other mtintripalities across the country ✓ Inquiry services from NLC's Municipal Reference ✓ Opportunities to help set, articulate, and advocate Service and use of NLC's Examples of Programs the national agenda for the nation's cities and for Cities database; mom. ✓ Copies of Nation's(-';ries Weekly and reduced rates ✓ Timely news each week on how national on other NLC publications; access to NLC developments might affect cities and towns. Pghihits, and workshops; ✓ Opportunities to develop your leadership abilities. ✓ Opportunities to participate in NLC membership ✓ A chance to join a powerful network of cities of all and constituency groups,full voting rights, SJ7ec. opportunities for participation and leadership in issue-oriented standing committees,task forces, and steering committees. Yep We want to become members of the National Lea,sue of Cities A munidpality must be a nn.mba•of its ArLC-affiliired ctate mrnidpal league to become a member ofM..C,and nat have been a NLC member in the last two year Name of Municipality: United City of Yorkville Chief Elected Official's Name/Title: Arthur Prochaska. Wiaynr Municipal Office Address: 800 ame Farm Road, Yorkville State: Illinois Zip: 60560 Chief Elected Term Expiration Date: 4/30/07 Telephone Number: (630) 551—A150 Fax Number: (630) 553-7575 Manager's Name: Antnn Graff, City Manager (Use mere of city clerk in non-manager city-Identify by Title) Names of Council/Governing Body Members and Term Expiration Dates: Joe Besco, Alderman - 04/30/05 Richard Sticka, Alderman 04/30/05 Name Tide Term exn. Name Tide Term exp. • •`'Rose Spears, Alderwoman 04/30/07 . Paul James, Alderman 04/30/07 Name Title Term exp.. Name Title Term exp. Marty Munns, Alderman 04/30/05 Wanda Ohare, Alderwoman 04/30/07 Name Title Term exp. Name Title Term exp. Valerie Burd, Alderwoman 04/30/07 Larry Kot, Alderman 04/30/05 Name Tide Term exp. Name Title Term exp. 8,479 yorkville.il.us Population of Municipality_ web address:http:www. First Year Dues Amount. $1,193 (2 yrs) ever to chart other side)frl Payment Enclosed 0 P.O.# Signed: Title: • Date: this form to: �ii,jO iai7tDl)4- Wit ' ' ' =z t-�, aW211D a�- ,ten♦ -A rel yo ',....... .z .i = �D�` 111:4%-±,7: i .' ft p'` ..7 -�@' .gh% ,,.. 1',F 4tB~ Under 1,000 216 $162 `_ Under 1,000 $132 $281 1,000-2,500 440 $330 = 1,000-2,500 $880 $572 2,501-5,000 664 $498 2,501-5,000 $1,328 $863 5,001-10,000 948 $689 5,001-10,000 $1,835 $1,193 10,001-20,000 1,221 $918 =-- 10,001-20,000 $2,148 $1,591 20,001-30,000 1,529 $1,147 ==_ 20,001-30,000 $3,058 $1,988 30,00140,000 2,678 $2,009 = 30,00140,000 $5,356 $3,481 40,001-50,000 3,131 $2,351 40,001-50,000 $5,268 $4,074 50,001-60,000 3,671 $2,753 50,001-60,000 $7,342 $4,772 60,001-70,000 4,438 $3,328 60,001-70,000 $8,875 $5,769 70,001-80,000 4,'01 $3,668 - 70,001-80,000 $9,782 $6,358 80,001-90,000 5,504 $4,128 - 80,001-90,000 $11,008 $7,155 90,001-100,000 6,424 $4,818 90,001-100,000 $12,818 $8,351 100,001-125,000 7,187 $5,390 100,001-125,000 $11,374 $9,343 125,001-150,000 7,951 $5,963 -- 125,001-150,000 $15,°02 $10,336 150,001-175,000 8,721 $6,541 150,001-175,000 $17,112 $11,337 175,001-200,000 9,481 $7,111 = 175,001-200,000 $18,962 $12,325 200,001-225,000 10,218 $7,686 200,001-225,000 $20,496 $13,322 225,001-250,000 11,013 $8,260 - 225,001-250,000 $22,026 $14,317 250,001-275,000 11,776 $8,832 - 250,001-275,000 $23,552 $15,309 275,001-300,000 12,511 $9,406 275,001-300,000 $25,082 $16,303 300,001-325,000 13,308 $9,981 ` = 300,001-325,000 $26,615 $17,300 325,001-350,000 11,070 $10,553 325,001-350,000 $28,110 $18,291 350,001-375,000 11,836 $11,127 350,001-375,000 $29,672 $19,287 375,001400,000 15,599 $11,699 - - 375,001-400,000 $31,198 $20,279 400,001425,000 16,361 $12,273 ----.:1`__ 400,001-425,000 $32,728 $21,273 425,001-450,000 17,130 $12,848 - 425,001-450,000 $34,260 $22,269 450,001-475,000 17,891 $13,418 ==-:- 450,001-475,000 $35,782 $23,258 475,001-500,000 18,657 $13,993 - 475,001-500,000 $37,311 $24,254 500,001-600,000 19,123 $14,567 ,,„•-_:-_ 500,001-600,000 $38,846 $25,250 600,001-700,000 20,182 $15,137 =_ 600,001-700,000 $10,361 $26,237 700,001-800,000 20,951 $15,713 700,001-800,000 $11,902 $27,236 800,001-900,000 21,716 $16,287 =- 800,001-900,000 $13,132 $28,231 900,001-1,000,000 22,481 $16,861 5,-_----- 900,001-1,000,000 $11,962 $29,225 1,000,001-1,333,333 28,111 $21,333 71:: 1,000,001-1,333,333 $56,888 $36,977 1,333,3341,666,666 32,115 $24,086 ' ' 1,333,3344,666,666 $51,230 $41,750 1,666,667-2,000,000 34,211 $25,808 -• = 1,666,667-2,000,000 $68,822 $44,734 2,000,001-3,000,000 56,582 $42,437 ;•:=-_ 2,000,001-3,000,000 $113,164 $73,557 3,000,001-4,000,000 61,168 $45,876 a 3,000,001-4,000,000 $122,336 $79,518 over 4,000,0001 76,162 $57,347 _ over 4,000,0001 $152,921 $99,401 *A nn.;,1 file ADA;49Crr,.TC.147?.(MK UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE "JULIE" LOCATOR JOB DESCRIPTION Department: Public Works Report to: Department Head Status: Full-time Positions Description overview: This individual will be responsible for locating all City utilities in the field as requested by the Joint Utility Locating Information for Excavators (JULIE, Inc.). This individual will mark these utilities in a timely and accurate manner. Candidates should have the ability to handle multiple tasks and interact with both citizens and developers. In addition, this individual will stay informed and current of all JULIE requirements as it applies to municipal utilities. Other duties may be required as prescribed by the Department Head. Basic Requirements—Knowledge, Skills and Abilities 1. The ability to prioritize utility locates and tasks 2. The ability to read and interpret City utility locations as shown on maps and Engineering plans 3. Capable of using AutoCad/GIS software to determine utility locations 4. Possess good communication skills 5. The ability to perform physical labor 6. Capable of working outdoors during all types of weather conditions 7. Must possess a valid driver's license • Minimum and Preferred Experience and Education 1. Minimum of High School Diploma 2. Must successfully complete a background investigation with findings of good character and no felony convictions (c**I'D cer® United City of Yorkville Memo s g`� 800 Game Farm Road EST.11‘1 ' ® 1836 Yorkville, Illinois 60560 �� Telephone: 630-553-4350 o,� L� Salt p Fax: 630-553-7575 4tE 0/ Date: November 19, 2004 To: Administration Committee , q`,, From: Traci Pleckham—Finance Directorc,l CC: Tony Graff—City Administrator Subject: Risk Management Coordinator At the 11/24/04 City Council Meeting, direction was given to investigate the option of a Risk Management Coordinator for the City. I have spoken to Joe Roberts at Caywood&Associates about this option. After he reviewed this function, he stated that there may be liability questions that could arise for his firm, should a claim through IMLRMA become an issue. He did state that if the City still wishes to pursue this option,he could research further and come up with an acceptable arrangement to address the possible liability issues. Since the City will have a full-time Payroll/Benefits Specialist next month, my recommendation would be to keep the Risk Management process in-house, document the IMLRMA service issues (if any) for the next six months, and report back to the Administration Committee.