Economic Development Packet 2004 02-19-04 �`cs.D C/T`
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United City of Yorkville
County Seat of Kendall County
esr.� lifi!iv�83s 800 Game Farm Road
CCl) Yorkville,Illinois 60560
o It,�.�!m�. O Phone:630-553-4350
"A,� K„:.„�,�,„y v�c Fax:630-553-7575
Thursday, February 19, 2004
7:00 p.m.
City Hall Conference Room
Presentation: None
1. Approval/Correction of Minutes: January 15, 2004
2. PC 2003-28 Tanglewood Trails - 1 %2 Mile Review
3. PC 2003-29 Whispering Meadow Units 1 and 2 - Final Plat
4. Building Permit Reports for December 2003 (Revised) and January 2004
5. Bank Moratorium
6. Additional Business
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Committee members: Aldermen Richard Sticka, and Alderwoman Wanda Ohare; Mayor
Art Prochaska; City Administrator Tony Graff; Kelly Kramer, representing the City
Attorney's office; Wade Joyner; and Lynn Dubajic, Yorkville EDC.
1. Minutes
Minutes from the December 15, 2003 meeting were approved.
2. Progress Holdings PUD agreement regarding setback issues
Wade Joyner said Progress Holdings bought the Mobil Station at the corner of Routes 34
and 47, tore it down, and intends to make three lots out of the property. The three lots
will consist of a bank, gas station and convenience store, and a commercial building.
Joyner said the developers plan to landscape 15 feet from the roadway into the property.
The landscaping also will act as a buffer if the Illinois Department of Transportation
takes more footage along Routes 34 and 47.
Joyner said the developers will comply with the agreements reached between the city and
the property's former owner. He said there are some questions about signage and what
the city will allow.
Also he said Mayor Art Prochaska suggested the bank install a drive-thru in the back
instead of the front for aesthetic purposes. Joyner added he thinks the bank owners will
be amenable.
Alderwoman Wanda Ohare asked if IDOT approved an additional right-in an right-out on
the roadways for the development and Joyner said yes.
Committee Chairman Richard Sticka said in looking at the plans, he doesn't see any
problems. However, he said he had a question about the setback. He said city ordinances
call for a 20-foot setback. He said the aldermen and city staff worked hard to establish
what the setbacks should be.
Because of the setbacks, Sticka said he inclination was to say no to the development
request. However, because the setback at the adjacent bank is 15 feet, he said the
development should be allowed. He then added he would prefer the setbacks to be 15 feet
on Route 34 and 20 feet on Route 47.
Ohare agreed saying that the corner is better off being more open.
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Joyner clarified that the setbacks as proposed are actually more than 20 feet and would
actually be reduced to the 15 feet only if IDOT eventually widens the roadway.
With that said, the committee members felt more comfortable with the setback issue.
Sticka said he appreciates the developers giving the plan such thought. Joyner said credit
should go to the city's staff as well.
Ohare then asked what type of commercial business would go on the third lot. Joyner said
they're not sure yet. The lot is about 8,000 square feet. He added the developers will have
to see what types of businesses would be interested in the area.
Kelly Kramer, representing the city attorney's office, asked if the committee felt
comfortable with her office drafting a special use permit for the gas station. The
committee said yes.
3. Proposal concerning flag lots
Sticka said the Bill Dettmer, the city's zoning code official, asked that the matter be
tabled so he could continue research on the matter.
Mayor Prochaska said the city is looking at creating an ordinance placing regulations on
irregularly sized lots.
4. Additional business
Mayor Prochaska asked what progress has been made on the architectural overlay
ordinance and the appearance code. He said he'd like to try to get them on the agenda
next month.
The meeting ended at 7:30 p.m.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Dina Gipe
United City of Yorkville
December 2003 (Corrected)
Types of er mits
iNumber of Permits Issued SFU 2-Family Multiple-Family Commercial Industrial ' Ilfiseellaneous I Total Construction Cost
December 2003 57 27 1 1 5 0 23 311,320,792.00
Calendar Year 2003 ' 894 360 15 7 34 1 477 $97,484,728.00
Fiscal Year 2003 r 679 264 12 7 26 0 370 373,706,327.00
December 2002 I 51 23 0 0 4 0 24 35,126,236.00
Calendar Year 2002 23 806 284 6 4 45 1 466 366,613,318.00
Fiscal Year 2002 2J 565 189 4 2 29 1 340 339,735,089.00
December 2001 31 I 27 2 0 1 1 8 34,304,497.00
Calendar Year 2001 ash 431 177 8 4 20 2 259 $52,878,339.00
Fiscal Year 2001 4 5 6 359 I 133 7 3 17 2 195 343,080,919.00
December 2000 10 12 0 0 0 0 5 31,537,580.00
Calendar Year 2000 ' 318 130 2 0 6 0 194 322,766,589.50
Fiscal Year 2000 78 226 100 2 0 5 0 134 320,368,361.50
December 1999 9 18 8 0 0 0 0 10 31,599,914.00
Calendar Year 1999 9 260 84 5 1 9 0 164 319,365,192.00
Fiscal Year 1999 9 162 59 4 1 8 0 114 $15,182,711.00
r Permit Number 1'-2003-324 was voided,thus only 894 or 895 assigned permit numbers were actually issued.
r The.SED permit issued in August as 1'-2002-579 was voider/and reissued as Y-1001-691 in October. To maintain a correct count,it shall remain on the Angus(2001 court.
Permit Numbers 1'-2002-579, P-1001-034,purl 1'-2002-467 were voirlerl,((iris only 751 of 755 assigned permit numbers were actually issuer/.
°Permit Number 01490 was voided,thus only 583 of 585 assigned permit numbers were actually used. Also,Permit Number 01478 was for 4 Attached SFDs(Townhouses);reissued as
Permits 01478,4,B,C,and D. Also,Permit Number 01480 was for 6 Attached SFDs;reissued as Permits 01480A,13,C,D,F,and F.
J Permit Number 01385 was for 6 Attached SFDs;reissued as Permits 01385,4,B,C,D,F,and F.
6 Permit Number 01259 was for 4 Attached SFD.c;reissued as Permits 01259,4,B,C,and D.
Permits Number 00122,00189 and 00262 were each for 6Attached SFDs.
n Permit Nrnrrber 00101 was voider/,thus only 233 of 234 assigner/permit numbers were adrrally issued.
Permit Number 99080 was for 5 Attached SFDs.
United City of Yorkville
January 2004
Typesof Permits
P 't
Number of Permits Issued SFD 2-Family Multiple-Family Commercial Industrial Miscellaneous Total Construction Cost
January 2004 50 27 0 0 2 0 21 $5,730,481.00
Calendar Year 2004 50 27 0 0 2 0 21 $5,730,481.00
Fiscal Year 2003 1 i 729 291 12 7 28 0 391 $74,279,808.00
January 2003 36 24 0 0 1 0 11 $6,505,969.00
Calendar Year 2003 36 24 0 0 1 0 11 $6,505,969.00
Fiscal Year 2002 23 601 213 4 2 30 1 351 $46,241,058.00
January 2002 34 15 2 0 5 0 12 $3,843,700.00
Calendar Year 2002 3 34 15 2 0 5 0 12 $3,843,700.00
Fiscal Year 2001 4 5 6 393 148 9 3 22 2 207 $46,924,619.00
January 2001 16 8 0 1 0 0 7 $1,343,700
Calendar Year 2001 16 8 0 1 0 0 7 i $1,343,700
Fiscal Year 2000 78 242 108 2 1 5 0 141 $21,712,062
January 2000 9 2 0 0 0 0 7 $271,200
Calendar Year 2000 9 2 0 0 0 0 7 $271,200
Fiscal Year 1999 v 172 61 4 1 8 0 121 $15,453,911
I Permit Number Y-2003-324 was voided,thus only 894 01895 assigned permit numbers were actually issued.
2 The SFD permit issued in August as Y-2002-579 was voided and reissued as Y-2002-691 in October. To maintain a correct count,it shall remain on the August 2002 count
'Permit Numbers Y-2002-034,Y-2002-467,and Y-2002-579 were voided,thus only 806 of 809 assigned permit numbers were actually issued.
Permit Number 01490 was voided,thus only 583 of 585 assigned permit numbers were actually used. Also,Permit Number 01478 was for 4 Attached SFDs(Townhomes);reissued as
Permits 01478,4,B,C,and D. Also,Permit Number 01480 was for 6 Attached SFDs;reissued as Permits 01480A,B,C,D,E,and F.
5 Permit Number 01385 was for 6 Attached SFDs;reissued as Permits 01385A,B,C,D,E,and F.
6 Permit Number 01259 was for 4 Attached SFDs;reissued as Permits 01259,4,B,C,and D.
Permits Number 00122,00189 and 00262 were each for 6 Attached SFDs.
8 Permit Number 00101 was voided,thus only 233 of 234 assigned permit numbers were actually issued.
9 Permit Number 99080 was for 5 Attached SFDs.