Economic Development Packet 2004 09-20-04 ‘--- ail`�DC/TOUnited City of Yorkville County Seat of Kendall County EST. 1836800 Game Farm Road V) Yorkville, Illinois 60560 p to 1 Q Phone:630-553-4350 1- .7,17 v>2 Fax.630-553-7575 LitLE \v AGENDA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMIT'I'BE MEETING Monday, September 20, 2004 7:00 p.m. City Hall Conference Room Revised 9/16/04 Presentation: None 1. ApprovaUCorrection of Minutes: July 21, 2004 2. Building Permit Report for August 2004 3. Revised PUD Ordinance 4. Amendment to Building & Zoning Code Addressing Maximum Height and Building Materials 5. Fox and Kendall Township Land Resource Management Plan Update - Schedule and Request for Funding Assistance 6. Concord Homes - Modified Home Layout - Proposed PUD Amendment 7. PC 2004-16 Saravanos Property - Annexation and Zoning 8. PC 2004-06 Centex Homes (Bristol Bay) Annexation and Zoning 9. PC 2004-13 Raintree Village Units 4, 5, & 6 - Final Plats 10. F.E. Wheaton Economic Initiative Agreement 11. Policy for Public Facility Land Donation 12. Joint Workshop: South Land Use Plan Update 13. Additional Business =`QED cir o , United City of Yorkville County Seat of Kendall County EST. 1, 1836 800 Game Farm Road �= CO Yorkville, Illinois 60560 p 1.1� 0 Phone:630-553-4350 4 �.a v�Z Fax:630-553-7575 `ELLE N‘' AGENDA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMIT lEE MEETING Monday, September 20, 2004 7:00 p.m. City Hall Conference Room Presentation: None 1. Approval/Correction of Minutes: None 2. Building Permit Report for August 2004 3. Revised PUD Ordinance 4. Amendment to Building & Zoning Code Addressing Maximum Height and Building Materials 5. Fox and Kendall Township Land Resource Management Plan Update - Schedule and Request for Funding Assistance 6. Concord Homes - Modified Home Layout - Proposed PUD Amendment 7. PC 2004-16 Saravanos Property - Annexation and Zoning 8. PC 2004-06 Centex Homes (Bristol Bay) Annexation and Zoning 9. PC 2004-13 Raintree Village Units 4, 5, & 6 - Final Plats 10. F.E. Wheaton Economic Initiative Agreement 11. Policy for Public Facility Land Donation 12. Joint Workshop: South Land Use Plan Update 13. Additional Business Page l of 5 D A F I UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE YORKVILLE CITY HALL CONFERENCE ROOM WEDNESDAY,JULY 21,2004 The meeting was called to order at 7 p.m. ATTENDANCE COMMITTEE MEMBERS AND CITY STAFF:Alderman Richard Sticka and Alderwoman Rose Spears;Mayor Art Prochaska; City Administrator Tony Graff. OTHERS: Lynn Dubajic, Yorkville EDC;Michael Hitzemann, Bristol Kendall Fire Department chief; Gary Taylor; Jeff Hyman; and Lynn Whitman. 1.Minutes Minutes from the April 19, 2004 meeting were approved. 2.Building Reports Building permit reports from May and June 2004 were viewed and forwarded to the next Committee of the Whole meeting. 3. Fire Department Request for Development Fee for Facility Planning Study Chief Michael Hitzemann said the Bristol Kendall Fire Department hired the McGrath Consulting Group to conduct a"Future Fire/EMS Facility Needs Report."As part of that report, Tim McGrath, was asked to look at possible sights for a fire department and to look at the impact fee structure. Of the 11 communities McGrath surveyed that were similar in size to Yorkville,the average residential impact fee assessed was about$500,Hitzemann said. Based on that survey, McGrath recommended the Bristol Kendall Fire District residential impact fees be raised from$300 to $500 and the commercial impact fees be increased from 3.5 cents to 16 cents per square foot. As an informational item, Hitzemann said the fire district recently agreed to put a property tax increase on the ballot. The referendum asks for 31 cents. Bob Fisher, with the fire district, said the primary reason for the referendum is to fund a second ambulance and build a second station. Fisher also said since increasing development in the community is putting more demand on the district,the developers should help pay for those additional needs through impact fees. He said the district is seeking the city's help to raise those fees. Revenue from the increase fees will go toward purchasing property and building facilities, Fisher said. According to the McGrath survey, the fire district will need four stations in the future. Fisher said the district has a loan to start construction on a second station. If the referendum passes,construction could begin in the spring. If the referendum doesn't pass, they won't be able to build. Page 2 of 5 The City of Montgomery, which is in part of the fire protection district,has already agreed to pass an increase in the impact fees. Committee Chairman Richard Sticka said if neighboring communities are charging identical or similar fees, it would be easier for Yorkville to collect those fees. However, he said city Code Official Bill Dettmer commented that it is unfair to compare Lake County with Kendall County. Apparently, the McGrath study included figures from communities in Lake County. Hitzemann said the Lake County figures were thrown out of the survey. Alderwoman Rose Spears said the study doesn't show which communities were surveyed. She said it would be helpful if the surveyed communities were listed. Mayor Art Prochaska added that Dettmer's notes said the survey also didn't justify an increase in the commercial rate to 16 cents.Nearly everywhere else, the rate is 13 cents, he said. Because commercial development is so important in the community, Sticka said he doesn't want to raise the impact fees unreasonably high. If Yorkville was at an average level in the area, he said that would be okay. He said the rate certainly needs to be raised, just not too high. He also said he doesn't have a problem with raising the residential rate. Hitzemann said he would call McGrath to try to get a synopsis of the study, which would outline which communities were studies and what the rates in those communities are. Mayor Prochaska the city needs to be careful comparing Montgomery and Oswego commercial figures with Yorkville's figures because those communities use demographics from Aurora when drawing commercial businesses. Sticka said he would like to see a list of the 11 communities in the survey. Meanwhile, he said the committee's recommendation will be to increase the impact fees,but the amount of the increase should be up to the City Council. He suggested the matter go to the Aug. 17 Committee of the Whole meeting. He also asked that more information about the study and rates in other communities be available at that time. He said he doesn't want commercial rates in Yorkville to be too high to attract commercial businesses. 4. PC 2004-04 Villas at the Preserves—annexation,zoning and preliminary plan Jeff Hyman said the Villas at the Preserves project sits on 23.95 acres and is located on the south side of Route 71 about 'A mile east of Route 47. Lynn Whitman, engineer on the project, said there are some wetlands on the property and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is taking jurisdiction of some of them. She added there will be wetlands around the entrance. She said the site it challenging and very interesting. There are a lot of natural characteristics and it is surrounded by a forest preserve. Page 3 of 5 The 84 duplex units in the project will be marketed toward empty nesters. They can choose between a ranch unit and a two-story unit. Architectural renderings were shown in the corner of the plan. The ranch units will be 1-Y2 stories with a high roofline. The homes will be 1,600 and 1,800 square feet. There will be units with two bedrooms and other units that also will have a den. All of the units will have main floor master bedrooms. The nature of the floor plan will attract the empty nesters, she said. Also,the developers intend to target their marketing in media and brokerage, Whitman added. Whitman said the key is the garage placements. One style will have front-loaded garages and the other style will have side-loaded garages. Also, a homeowner's association will be developed and roads throughout the community will be privately maintained. There also will be a 20-foot wide emergency access installed. Mayor Prochaska said that the lots are smaller than what the city normally allows. However, he said as long as it's all maintenance free,he doesn't have a problem with the smaller lots. Sticka said he likes the fact that the homes don't even look like duplexes, according to the models shown. Hyman said that the developers would control the architecture,which means the renderings shown are similar to what will be built. Sticka asked what the Plan Commission's concerns were. Hyman said the Plan Commissioners were concerned about the request for reduced setbacks. The developers are doing so to avoid an inordinately long drive on the second driveways, he said. The Plan Commission also asked that the developers keep existing tree lines. Hyman said that every tree they can save, they will. He said they couldn't buy a tree that has the value of an existing tree. Also,he said the market they hope to attract will be people who already have mature trees in their current neighborhoods. Hyman also said that the developers will place restrictions on what homeowners can do to their property, such as no structures and no fences. Mayor Prochaska said the only other comment from the Plan Commission regarded materials used on the homes. The Plan Commission wants to see a certain amount of masonry on the homes. Hyman said there are four earth tone color tones for homeowners to choose from. The homes also will feature brickwork, stone caps and cedar. Rather than be forced to meet a certain percentage of masonry, Hyman said he would like the opportunity to present to the city some different elevations. Page 4 of 5 Sticka said masonry creates a different value to a whole subdivision. He said he would like see some sort of percentage of masonry be put into the PUD. Hyman said that the developers recently agreed to put masonry on 40 percent of the front of homes on a project in Elgin. Sticka said 40 percent may be the magic number. As for setbacks, Sticka said he can see both sides of the issue. City Administrator Tony Graff said the Lannert Group put together an exhibit showing how the homes would be set up. One of the goals of the Plan Commission was that two cars could be in a driveway without hitting the sidewalk. The Lannert Group indicated that even with reduced setbacks,that could be accomplished through an eyebrow. Regarding trails, Hyman said he'd rather not have any trails behind the homes. But,he said he would put in one along Route 71 heading toward the forest preserve. Mayor Prochaska said it would be up to the forest preserve to take it from there. Gary Taylor, attorney for the petitioners, said he would talk to City Attorney Dan Kramer and submit a proposed annexation and PUD agreement by the end of the following week. Sticka said the setback and percent of masonry issues were still unresolved. As for the masonry issue, Hyman said he would like to bring in a detailed display of elevations to give to the city. He added that the developers want the project to look good. Mayor Prochaska suggested the annexation and PUD agreement go to the Aug. 17 C.O.W. meeting. He added that no comments were made from the public at the public hearing held at the Plan Commission. 5. Revised PUD ordinance Sticka said the revised ordinance needs so many changes;he wasn't sure where to begin. He said the ordinance sounds to him like a"How to get a PUD." Mayor Prochaska said the current development plan ordinance has a lot of ambiguity in it, which is why the revised PUD ordinance was written as it was. Going through the revised ordinance, Sticka pointed out several sections that had unclear meanings. Once such section stated, "Size of Planned Unit Developments shall be of sufficient size to accommodate self-contained developments and to create their own check with the cityattorney on the meaningand to see if character." Graff said he would tt Y it could be written clearer. Regarding the section on architectural drawings, Sticka questioned how the city can ask for architectural drawings, when technically, at the PUD stage,the developers wouldn't be at that point yet. Mayor Prochaska said maybe the section could be left in, but with a qualifier that says when applicable. Graff said the section was included because the city wants to set some architectural standards for these new subdivisions. Page 5 of 5 Stick said that while it seems as if the revised ordinance tries to address some issues, there are plenty of other issues not included. Spears also pointed out a number of typographical and clerical errors. Graff said the ordinance would be cleaned up. 6. Landscape Ordinance The matter was tabled until the next meeting because it was just mailed out and committee members didn't get an opportunity to fully review the ordinance. 7. Additional Business Sticka reported that the appearance code may be ready by the next meeting. The meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m. Minutes respectfully submitted by Dina Gipe BUILDING PERMIT REPORT United City of Yorkville August 2004 TypesfP Permits o a is Numberer of Permits Issued SFD 2-Family Multiple-Family Industrial strial MiscellaneousTotal Construction Cost August 2004 122 54 0 0 4 1 63 $13,703,364.00 Calendar Year 2004 t 738 341 3 0 11 1 381 $71,842,722.00 Fiscal Year 2004 466 209 0 0 8 1 248 $46,817,127.00 August 2003 98 46 1 0 4 0 47 $13,235,310.00 Calendar Year 2003 2 617 243 12 0 23 1 338 $63,323,435.00 Fiscal Year 2003 402 147 9 0 15 0 231 $39,545,034.00 August 2002 93 31 0 2 3 0 57 $8,697,796.00 Calendar Year 2002' 583 188 3 4 31 0 357 $44,991,917.00 Fiscal Year 2002 342 93 1 2 15 0 231 $23,203,688.00 August 2001 54 24 0 0 7 1 22 $8,164,832.00 Calendar Year 2001 4 335 123 5 4 12 2 189 $33,278,564.00 Fiscal Year 2001 222 79 4 3 9 2 125 $23,481,144.00 August 2000 28 15 0 0 0 0 13 $2,238,850.00 Calendar Year 2000 5 233 85 1 0 4 0 147 $12,928,488.50 Fiscal Year 2000 141 55 1 0 3 0 87 $8,291,410.00 I Permit Number Y-04-097 and Y-04-098 were issued for each side of a duplex,only 1 structure was built. 2 Permit Number Y-2003-324 was voided,thus only 617 of 618 assigned permit numbers were actually issued. 3 Permit Number 1-2002-034 was voided,thus only 583 of 584 assigned permit numbers were actually issued. Permit number Y-01-259 was for 4 Multiple SFDs and was reissued as Y-01-259A,B,C,and D. 5 Permit Number Y-00-189 was for 6 Attached SFDs and Y-00-122 was for 6 Attached SFDs;also permit number 1-00-101 was voided,thus only 233 of 234 assigned permit numbers were actually issued. Revised 3/22/04 Revised 6/17/04 Revised 7/14/04 Revised 9-14-04 PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT =-0 SECTION: 10-13-I: Purpose 10-1 3-2: Delineation on Zoning Map 10-I3-3: Procedures 10-1 3-4: Pre-Application Conference 10-I 3-5: Concept Plan 10-13-6: Preliminary P.U.D. Plan 10-13-7: Development Standards 10-13-8: Fees 10-I 3-9: Separability 10-13-1 0: Repeal of Conflicting Ordinances 10-13-11: When Effective 10-13-1: PURPOSE: Planned Unit Developments are intended to encourage the most imaginative and best possible design of building forms and site planning for tracts of land where unitary plans would best adapt to topographic and other natural features of such sites. Under this procedure, well planned residential, industrial, commercial and other types of land use, individually or in combination, may be developed with design flexibility. Planned developments must be environmentally compatible. They should have a more beneficial effect upon the health, safety and general welfare of the people of the City and particularly, in the immediate surroundings, than developments built in conformity with standard district regulations. Planned Unit Developments are of such substantially different character from other special uses that the following additional standards are established to guard against their use solely as a means of intensifying the use of land. City of Yorkville 1 10-13-2: DELINEATION ON ZONING MAP: Approved Planned Unit Developments shall be delineated and designated by number on the Zoning District Map. A file, available for inspection by the public, shall be maintained by the Zoning Officer for each planned development so designated. The file shall contain a record of the approved development plan and all exceptions authorized therein. 10-13-3: PROCEDURES: The Planned Unit Development approval process includes the following stages: A. A Pre-application B. Concept Plan C. Preliminary P.U.D. Plan 10-13-4: PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE: Purpose: The purpose of the pre-application conference is to provide advice and assistance to the applicant before preparation of the Concept Plan or Preliminary P.U.D. Plan, so that the applicant may receive input on: A. Whether the proposed Planned Unit Development will be in conformity with the Comprehensive Plan and the goals and the policies of the City of Yorkville. B. Whether the zoning classification of Planned Unit Development is appropriate for the development. Procedure: Prior to filing an application for approval of a Planned Unit Development, the Petitioner shall be required to contact the City Administrator or his designee to arrange an informal pre-application meeting with City staff and its consultants. The pre-application conference shall be held with Staff. At such conference the applicant shall provide information as to the location of the proposed Planned Unit Developments, the land use types and approximate area of proposed land uses, a list of any and all exceptions to the Zoning Ordinance and subdivision regulations; and other information necessary to clearly explain the Planned Unit Development. Staff shall review and provide input on the proposal's compatibility with the Comprehensive Plan and the goals and policies for planning of the City and advise the applicant on the information, documents, exhibits, drawings on the proposal that should be included in the application to the City for a Planned Unit Development. City of Yorkville 2 10-13-5: CONCEPT PLAN Purpose: The Concept Plan is the first step in the Planned Unit Development process. The purpose of the Concept plan is to enable the applicant to obtain the opinions and recommendations of the Park Board (residential developments only), Plan Commission and City Council prior to spending considerable time and expense in the preparation of detailed preliminary P.U.D. plans. Procedure: Thirty (30) days before the next available Park Board Planning meeting or Plan Commission meeting, the applicant shall file an application with the Clerk's office for review of Conceptual Planned Unit Development Plan. The application shall consist of the following documentation: A. A completed application form. B. An Aerial Photograph exhibit of the property taken within the last 2 years. The Aerial Photograph exhibit shall not be less than 1" = 400 scale and shall include the following: 1. Name of proposed development 2. Outline of property boundaries 3. Adjacent area within one quarter mile of property C. A Conceptual Planned Unit Development Plan. The plan shall include the following: I. North arrow, scale and date of preparation. 2. Name and address of the site planner, engineer or surveyor who prepared the plan. 3. Name of property owner. 4. Name of petitioner/developer. 5. Proposed name of the planned unit development. 6. Proposed land uses. 7. Total acreage, and percent of the site devoted to each land use. 8. Location of proposed streets and lots. 9. Proposed dedication of land for school and park sites, if applicable. 10. Land area to be used for open space such as stormwater basins, buffers, parks and trail corridors. I I. Proposed approximate building footprints and estimated floor area for all nonresidential structures, if any. 12. Approximate number of residential units. 13. Approximate gross and net densities. 14. Wetlands, floodplain and floodways obtained from published data. 15. Location of lakes, ponds, streams and drainage swales. 16. Existing vegetation including description of predominant vegetation types and sizes. 17. Existing contour lines with a minimum of five foot intervals obtained from published data. 18. Location of existing and/or proposed water, sanitary and storm sewer systems intended to serve the development. City of Yorkville 3 19. Proximity to existing and proposed transportation corridors and a written statement with regard to transportation impacts due to this P.U.D. 20. Written description of how the existing utilities are planned to be extended to serve the development. 21. Any other data reasonably necessary to provide an accurate overview of the proposed development. 22. Written explanation outlining why the property should be developed as a planned unit development. 23. A preliminary list of requested exceptions to applicable City ordinances and codes. D. Other documents may be requested by the City if it is determined necessary to clearly describe the Planned Unit Development. E. The Clerk's office shall have the application reviewed for completeness. If the application is not complete, the applicant will be notified by the Clerk's office as to the deficiencies. The application will not be forwarded on for review until the application is complete. Park Board Review (if applicable): The Park Board shall conduct an informal review of the Conceptual Planned Unit Development Plan and supporting documentation and provide the applicant with general input on the following: A. Compatibility of the proposal with the Recreation Master Plan and Park Development Standards. B. Layout and organization of the open space system. C. Compliance with the City's Land-Cash Ordinance for parks. D. Other documentation that the Park Board would recommend be prepared during the Preliminary Planned Unit Development Plan phase. E. A formal recommendation by vote is not given for a Conceptual Planned Unit Development Plan. Plan Commission Review: The Plan Commission shall conduct an informal review of the Conceptual Planned Unit Development Plan and supporting documentation and provide the applicant with general comments on the following: A. Compatibility of the proposal with the Comprehensive Plan, Transportation Plan, Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance. B. Appropriateness of the proposed land uses. C. General layout of open space, streets, parking areas, lots and buildings. D. Other documents the Plan Commission would recommend be prepared for the Preliminary Planned Unit Development Plan phase. E. A formal recommendation by vote is not given for a Conceptual Planned Unit Development Plan. City of Yorkville 4 • City Council Review: The Committee of the Whole shall conduct an informal review of the Conceptual Planned Unit Development Plan and supporting documentation and provide the applicant with general comments on the following: A. Compatibility of the proposal with the Comprehensive Plan, Transportation Plan, Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance and goals and objectives of the City. B. Appropriateness of the proposed land uses. C. General layout of open space, streets, parking areas, lots and buildings. D. Other documents the Plan Commission would recommend be prepared for the Preliminary Planned Unit Development Plan phase. E. A formal approval by vote is not given for a Conceptual P.U.D. Plan. Staff Review: The Clerk's office shall distribute copies of application and supporting documents to members of the Plan Council. The Plan Council shall conduct a Plan Council meeting and shall review the Conceptual Planned Unit Development Plan and supporting documents and shall advise the applicant as to the proposals compatibility with the City's Comprehensive Plan, Transportation Plan, Recreation Master Plan, Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Control Ordinance, previously approved agreement or plans, and other goals and policies for the planning of the City. Copies of the minutes from the Plan Council meeting shall be forwarded by the Clerk's office to the Park Board (in the case of residential development), Plan Commission and City Council. 10-13-6: PRELIMINARY P.U.D. PLAN Purpose: The purpose of the Preliminary P.U.D. Plan submission is to obtain approval from the City that the plans the applicant intends to prepare and follow are acceptable as a Preliminary P.U.D. Plan, and that any final plans will be approved provided they substantially conform to the Preliminary Planned Unit Development Plan. Approval of the Preliminary Planned Unit Development shall not constitute authority to proceed with construction of any improvements but rather an approval of the general features of the plans as a basis for preparing the Final Planned Unit Development Plans. Procedure: Forty-five (45) days before the Plan Commission meeting, the applicant shall file an application with the Clerk's office for Preliminary Planned Unit Development approval. The application shall consist of the following documentation: A. One copy of the completed Preliminary Planned Unit Development form. B. Disclosure of Beneficiaries form. C. Preliminary Planned Unit Development Plan. The plan shall include at a minimum the following information: I. North arrow, scale (not less than I" = 200') and date of preparation. 2. Name and address of the site planner, engineer or surveyor who prepared the plan. 3. Name of property owner. 4. Name of developer. City of Yorkville 5 5. Proposed name of development. 6. Location map. 7. Legal description. 8. Site data, including as applicable: a. Total acreage, and acreage and percentage of each proposed land use. b. Percent of land devoted to streets and public rights of way. c. Number of residential lots. d. Floor area (non-residential). e. Gross and net residential density. f. Minimum, maximum and average lot sizes. g. Percent of lot coverage for all uses except detached single- family and duplex. 9. Aerial photograph illustrating the subject property and adjacent property within one quarter (1/4) mile of the site. 10. Existing and proposed zoning. I 1. Existing zoning and owners of adjacent property. 12. Municipal limits. 13. School District boundaries. 14. Property lines and dimensions. 15. Residential lots with approximate dimensions. 16. Location of multi-family and single family attached buildings. 17. Footprints of non-residential buildings. 18. Front, rear, side yard and corner side yard setbacks. 19. Off-street parking and loading areas, including number and dimensions of parking spaces, drive aisles and loading zones. 20. Configuration and acreage of all land proposed as open space including stormwater management areas, parks, buffers, and trail corridors. 21. All sites to be conveyed, dedicated, or reserved for parks, school sites, public buildings, and similar public and quasi-public uses. 22. Pedestrian and/or bicycle circulation systems. 23. Existing vegetation. 24. Limits of jurisdictional and non-jurisdictional wetlands. 25. Limits of 100 year floodplain. 26. Surface water including lakes, ponds, streams and drainage swales. 27. Existing contour lines with a minimum one foot interval. 28. Any other data reasonable necessary to provide an accurate overview of the proposed development. 29. Draft agreement of P.U.D. agreement. D. Preliminary Landscape Plan indicating the name, variety, size, location and quantities of plant material for all common and dedicated areas including parkways, buffer areas, stormwater basins, wetlands, entry areas, medians, and parking lot islands. E. Preliminary Engineering Plan which shall be drawn on a print of the proposed Land Use Plan. The proposed Plan shall show an appropriate City of Yorkville 6 location and dimensions of all sanitary sewers, storm sewers, and water lines for all proposed land uses, drainage ditches, culverts and stormwater retention/detention areas, as well as all utility easements. The Plan shall be accompanied by a statement from the Sanitary District attesting to the capability of the existing sewer system and wastewater treatment facility to service the proposed development. F. Photometric Plan (for non-residential developments only): The Photometric Plan shall be superimposed on the site plan, and shall: I. Identify the location and heights of all light standards. 2. Identify foot-candle intensities on the site of the Planned Unit Development, and ten feet beyond proposed property lines. 3. Include specifications for proposed lighting, including wattage, method of illumination, and color of light standards and luminaires. G. Architectural Drawings: When requested by Plan Commission or City Council, preliminary architectural drawings for all primary buildings and accessory buildings shall be submitted which include: I. Typical elevations (front, rear and side) for proposed residential and non-residential buildings, which identify materials and color styling proposed for all elements of the building. 2. Proposed building heights. 3. Roof plan for all non-residential structures, which shows the proposed location of all roof-mounted mechanical equipment. H. Zoning Plat I. Other: The Plan Commission or City Council may require preparation and submittal of the following for review and evaluation: I. Fiscal impact study, detailing the estimated cost which the Planned Unit Development will have on all taxing bodies, and anticipated revenues which will be realized from each phase of development. 2. Proposed covenants, conditions and restrictions and/or homeowner association by-laws. 3. Other information that may be required by the Plan Commission or City Council. Plan Council Review: Upon receipt of all the required submittals, the Clerk's office shall distribute copies of the application and supporting documentation to members of the Plan Council. The Plan Council shall review the Preliminary Planned Unit Development and supporting documentation and make a recommendation to the Plan Commission as to the proposal's compatibility with the City's Comprehensive Plan, Transportation Plan, Recreation Master Plan, Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Control Ordinance, Annexation Agreement, and other goals and policies for planning the City. A Traffic Impact Study will be prepared by the City as part of the Plan Council's review. Park Board Review (when applicable): The Park Board shall conduct a formal review of the Preliminary Planned Unit Development Plan and supporting documentation. The Park Board shall forward its recommendation to the City Council. The City of Yorkville 7 recommendation may include conditions of approval intended to be incorporated into final plans and supporting documentation. Plan Commission Review: The Plan Commission shall conduct a public hearing in accordance with Illinois Compiled Statues. After the close of the public hearing, the Plan Commission shall recommend to the City Council approval or denial of the Planned Unit Development. The recommendation may include conditions of approval intended to be incorporated into final plans and supporting documentation. City Council Review: Subsequent to receiving the Plan Commission and Park Board recommendations, the City Council shall conduct a public hearing and shall approve or deny the application for the Planned Unit Development. Modifications to the Planned Unit Development: After the approval of the Planned Unit Development, the use of land, construction, modification or alteration of any buildings or structures within the Planned Unit Development will be governed by the approved Planned Unit Development, rather than by any other provisions of the Zoning Ordinance of the City. No changes may be made to the approved Planned Unit Development unless approved by the City. Changes to the Planned Unit Development will be considered to be either a major change or a minor change. Minor changes are modifications that do not alter the concept or intent of a Planned Unit Development. Minor changes which meet the criteria set forth in this subsection may be approved by the City Administrator or his designee, if the proposed minor change does not result in the following: I. Any increase in density. 2. Any change in circulation patterns or access. 3. Any change in mixture of dwelling unit types. 4. Any change in grading or utility provisions. 5. Any change in the mixture of land uses. 6. Any reduction of an amount of common open space, landscaping or buffering. 7. Any change to exterior elevations of buildings which alter rooflines, building materials, approved color schemes or a result in a change in architectural style. 8. Other changes of similar scale, proportion or use. Minor changes not approved by the City Administrator may be approved by the City Council without review and recommendation by the Plan Commission, unless the City Council refers a request for a minor change to the Plan Commission for review and recommendation. City of Yorkville 8 Major changes are modifications which alter the concept or intent of the Planned Unit Development. Factors which shall be considered in determining whether a proposed change constitutes a major change include: A. Nonresidential Components of a Planned Unit Development (This section is pending legal review): I. The proposed change to the following components which constitute a greater than ten percent (I 0%) cumulative increase or decrease from that shown on the approved Planned Unit Development Plan: a. Gross floor area of a nonresidential building. b. Acres of area used for nonresidential purposes. c. Total gross floor area of all of the nonresidential buildings in the project. d. Total number of parking spaces for the project. 2. Change in location type or land use. 3. Change in type, number or location of a building. 4. Greater than a ten percent (10%) increase in the height of a building. 5. Change in the functional classification of a roadway. 6. Reduction in the acreage of open space or common open space. B. Residential Components of a Planned Unit Development (This section is pending legal review): 1. The proposed change constitutes a greater than ten percent (10%) cumulative change in the number of dwelling units in the Planned Unit Development, based on the approved Preliminary Planned Unit Development Plan; or 2. The proposed change constitutes a greater than ten percent (I 0%) cumulative change in the height of any building or structure in the Planned Unit Development other than single-family detached dwelling units, based on the approved Preliminary Planned Unit Development; or 3. Change in the location, size or types of dwelling units or land uses; or 4. Change in the functional classification of a roadway; or 5. Reduction in the acreage of open space. If a major change is requested, the applicant shall submit a revised Preliminary P.U.D. Plan and supporting data with an application for a major change to the Clerk's office, not less than 45 days before the Plan Commission meeting. The Plan Commission shall recommend to the City Council approval or denial of the application for a major change. Subsequent to receiving the Plan Commission and Park Board (when applicable) recommendations, the City Council shall approve or deny the application for the major change. City of Yorkville 9 10-13-7: DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: Plan Commission shall make findings and recommendations to CityCouncil for approval g of the Planned Unit Development, based upon the following standards. A. General I. The uses permitted by such exceptions as may be requested or recommended are necessary or desirable and appropriate to the purpose of the development. 2. The uses permitted in such development are not of such nature or so located as to exercise an undue detrimental influence or effect upon the surrounding neighborhood. 3. That all minimum requirements pertaining to commercial, residential, institutional or other uses established in the planned development shall be subject to the requirements for each individual classification as established elsewhere in this Title, except as may be specifically varied herein granting and establishing a planned development use. 4. Minimum size of property shall be I0 acres. 5. Wherever the applicant proposes to provide and set out, by platting, deed, dedication, restriction or covenant, any land or space separate from single-family or multi-family residential districts to be used for parks, playgrounds, commons, greenways or open areas, the Plan Commission may consider and recommend to the City Council and the City Council may vary the applicable minimum requirements of the comprehensive plan, subdivision regulations and the zoning ordinance which may include but not necessarily be limited to the following: a. Rear yard b. Side yard c. Lot area d. Bulk e. Intensity of use f. Street width g. Sidewalks h. Public utilities i. Off-street parking B. Residential I. Minimum size of any Planned Unit Development property shall be 10 acres. 2. Business uses may be included as part of a planned residential development when applicable. 3. Use regulations: City of Yorkville 10 a.Uses proposed are consistent with those listed as allowable uses in the respective zoning districts. 4. Uses listed as special uses in the zoning district in which the development is located may be allowed. 5. Signs: In accordance with the regulations set forth in Chapter 12 of this Title. 6. The Plan Commission may recommend and the City Council may approve access to a dwelling by a driveway or pedestrian walk easement. Off street parking facilities for such dwellings shall be located not more than two hundred (200) feet from the dwelling served. The Plan Commission also may recommend and the City Council may approve yards of lesser widths or depths than required for permitted uses in the district in which the planned development is located, provided: a. Those protective covenants are recorded with perpetual access easements and off-street parking spaces for use by the residents of the dwellings served (this section is pending legal review). b. That spacing between buildings shall be consistent with the application of recognized site planning principles for securing a unified development and that due consideration is given to the openness normally afforded by intervening streets and alleys. c. The yards for principal buildings along the periphery of the development shall be not less in width or depth than required for permitted uses in the district in which the planned development is located and the plan is developed to afford adequate protection to neighboring properties as recommended by the Plan Commission and approved by the City Council. C. Non-Residential: In a planned business development, the following additional requirements are hereby specified: 1. Residential use may be included as part of a non-residential Planned Unit Development. 2. All walks within the planned development shall be paved with a hard surfaced material meeting the specifications of the City Engineer. 3. Any part of the planned development not used for buildings, loading and access ways and walkways shall be landscaped with grass, trees, shrubs and other plant material according to the Landscape Plan, as recommended by the Plan Commission and approved by the City Council. 4. Permitted business uses shall be prescribed in the ordinance granting the planned development. 5. The buildings in the planned development shall be planned and designed as a unified and single project. City of Yorkville 11 6. Business developments shall be adequately screened by fencing or landscaping or both along the boundaries of adjacent residential, public open space schools, churches or other similar uses. D. Conditions and Guarantees: Prior to granting any special uses, the Plan Commission may recommend and the City Council shall stipulate such conditions and restrictions upon the establishment, location, construction, maintenance and operation of the property governed by the special use. E. Effect of denial of a Special Use: After a public hearing, no application for a special use which has been denied wholly or in part by the City Council shall be resubmitted for a period of one (I) year from the date of said order of denial, except on the grounds of substantial new evidence or proof of changed conditions found to be valid by the Plan Commission and the City Council. F. Termination of Special Use Permit: If work on the proposed development has not begun within twenty-four (24) months from the date of the authorization order of the City Council, the authorization shall become null and void and all rights hereunder shall lapse. 10-13-8: FEES: The City Council shall establish a schedule of fees, charges and expenses for occupancy permits, appeals, applications and amendments for special use, and other matters pertaining to this ordinance. The schedule of fees shall be posted in the Clerks office and may be altered or amended only by the City Council. Until all applicable fees, charges and expenses have been paid in full, no action shall be taken on any application or appeal. 10-13-9: SEPARABILITY: Each section, clause and provision of this ordinance shall be considered as separable, and the invalidity of one or more shall not have any effect upon the validity of other sections, clauses or provisions of this ordinance. 10-13-10: REPEAL OF CONFLICTING ORDINANCES: Any and all other ordinances or parts of ordinances, in conflict herewith are repealed. 10-13-I 1 : WHEN EFFECTIVE: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately after passage, approval and publication in book form according to law. Adopted by the City Council of the United City of Yorkville, on the day of ,2004. City of Yorkville 12 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE Clerk's Office FROM THE DESK OF LIZ D'ANNA September 17, 2004 TO: Economic Development Committee Please add the enclosed "tracked changes"version of the Revised PUD Ordinance to your packet for the September 20th meeting. Thank you, t , Liz D'Anna Deputy Clerk Seo . 11 . 2004 3 : 21PM No : 6126 P . 2/14 mevised 3/22/04 Revised 6/17/04 Revised 7/14/04 Revised 9-14-04 PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT SECTION: 10-13-I: Purpose 10-13-2: Delineation on Zoning Map 10-13-3: Procedures 10-13-4: Pre-Application Conference 10-13-5: Concept Plan 10-13-6: Preliminary P.U.D. Plan 10-13-7: Development Standards 10-13-8: Fees I 0-13-9: Separability 10 13 10: Violation, Penalty, Enforcement 10-13-10: Repeal of Conflicting Ordinances 0-13-11: When Effective • 10-13-I: PURPOSE: Planned Unit Developments are intended to encourage the most imaginative and best possible design of building forms and site planning for tracts of land where unitary plans would best adapt to topographic and other natural features of such sites. Under this procedure, well planned residential, industrial, commercial and other types of land use, individually or in combination, may be developed with design flexibility. Planned developments must be environmentally compatible. They should have a more beneficial effect upon the health, safety and general welfare of the people of the City and particularly, in the immediate surroundings,than weald developments built in conformity with standard district regulations. - - ' • •- - - !` - - • • • ownc'�orac-t-es-Planned Unit Developments are of such substantially different character from other special uses that the following additional standards are established to guard against their use solely as a means of intensifying the use of land. City of Yorkville Sep . 11 . 2004 3: 22PM No . 6128 P. 3/14 I 0-1 3-2:DELINEATION ON ZONING MAP: Approved Planned Unit Developments shall be delineated and designated by number on the Zoning District Map. A file, available for inspection by the public, shall be maintained by the Zoning Officer for each planned development so designated. The file shall contain a record of the approved development plan and all exceptions authorized therein. 10-13-3: PROCEDURES: The Planned Unit Development approval process includes the following stages: A. A Pre-application B. Concept Plan C. Preliminary P.U.D. Plan 10-1 3-4: PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE: Purpose: The purpose of the pre-application conference is to provide advice and assistance to the applicant before preparation of the Concept Plan or Preliminary P.U.D. Plan, so that the applicant may receive input on: A. Whether the proposed Planned Unit Development will be in conformity with the Comprehensive Plan and the goals and the policies of the City of Yorkville. B. Whether the zoning classification of Planned Unit Development is appropriate for the development. Procedure: Prior to-the-fitting-4-04e filing an application for approval of a Planned Unit Development, the Petitioner shall be required to contact the City Administrator or his designee to arrange an informal pre-application meeting with City staff and its consultants. The pre-application conference shall be held with Staff. At such conference the applicant shall provide information as to the location of the proposed Planned Unit Developments, the land use types and approximate area of proposed land uses, a list of any and all exceptions to this the Zoning Ordinance and subdivision regulations; and other information necessary to clearly explain the Planned Unit Developments. Staff shall review and provide input on the proposal's compatibility with the Comprehensive Plan and the goals and policies for planning of the City and advise the applicant on the information, documents, exhibits, drawings on the proposal that should be included in the application to the City for a Planned Unit Developments. City of Yorkville 2 Sep . 17 . 2004 3 : 22PM No .6128 P . 4/14 I0-13-5:'CONCEPT PLAN Purpose: The Concept Plan is the first step in the Planned Unit Development process. The purpose of the Concept plan is to enable the applicant to obtain the opinions and recommendations of the Park Board (residential developments only), Plan Commission and City Council prior to spending considerable time and expense in the preparation of detailed preliminary P.U.D. plans. ProcedjJrg: Thirty (30) days before the next available Park Board Planning meeting or Plan Commission meeting, the applicant shall file an application with the Deputy Clerk's office for review of Conceptual Planned Unit Development Plan. The application shall consist of the following documentation: A. A completed application form. B. An Aerial Photograph exhibit of the property taken within the last 2 years. The Aerial Photograph exhibit at shall not be less than I" = 400 scale and shall include the following: I. Name of proposed development 2. Outline of property boundaries 3. Adjacent area within one quarter mile of property C. A Conceptual Planned Unit Development Plan. The plan shall include the following: I. North arrow, scale and date of preparation. 2. Name and address of the site planner, engineer or surveyor who prepared the plan. 3. Name of property owner. 4. Name of petitioner/developer. 5. Proposed name of the planned unit development. 6. Proposed land uses. 7. Total acreage, and percent of the site devoted to each land use. 8. Location of proposed streets and lots, 9. Proposed dedication of land for school and park sites, if applicable. 10. Land area to be used for open space such as stormwater basins, buffers, parks and trail corridors. I I. Proposed approximate building footprints and estimated floor area for all nonresidential structures, if any, 12. Approximate number of residential units. 13. Approximate gross and net densities. 14. Wetlands, floodplain and floodways obtained from published data. 15. Location of lakes, ponds, streams and drainage swales. 16. Existing vegetation including description of predominant vegetation types and sizes. 17. Existing contour lines with a minimum of five foot intervals obtained from published data. 18. Location of existing and/or proposed water, sanitary and storm sewer systems intended to serve the development. City of Yorkville 3 Sep • 17 . 2004 3 : 22PM No . 612B P . 5/14 19. Proximity to existing and proposed transportation corridors and a written statement with regard to general transportation impacts due to this P.U.D. 20. Written description of how the existing utilities are planned to be extended to serve the development. 21. Any other data reasonably necessary to provide an accurate overview of the proposed development. 22. Written explanation outlining why the property should be developed as a planned unit development. 23. A preliminary list of requested exceptions to applicable City ordinances and codes. D. Other documents may be requested by the City if it is determined necessary to clearly describe the Planned Unit Development. E. The Clerk's office shall have the application reviewed for completeness. If the application is not complete, the applicant will be notified by the Clerk's office as to the deficiencies. The application will not be forwarded on for review until the application is complete. Park Board Review (if applicable): The Park Board shall conduct an informal review of the Conceptual Planned Unit Development Plan and supporting documentation and provide the applicant with general input on the following: A. Compatibility of the proposal with the Recreation Master Plan and Park Development Standards. B. Layout and organization of the open space system. C. Compliance with the City's Land-Cash Ordinance for parks. D. Other documentation that the Park Board would recommend be prepared during the Preliminary Planned Unit Development Plan phase. E. A formal recommendation by vote is not given for a Conceptual Planned Unit Development Plan. Plan Commission Review: The Plan Commission shall conduct an informal review of the Conceptual Planned Unit Development Plan and supporting documentation and provide the applicant with general comments on the following: A. Compatibility of the proposal with the Comprehensive Plan, Transportation Plan, Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance. B. Appropriateness of the proposed land uses, C. General layout of open space, streets, parking areas, lots and buildings. D. Other documents the Plan Commission would recommend be prepared for the Preliminary Planned Unit Development Plan phase. E, A formal recommendation by vote is not given for a Conceptual P.U.D. Plan. City Council Review: The Committee of the Whole shall conduct an informal review of the Conceptual Planned Unit Development Plan and supporting documentation and provide the applicant with general comments on the following: City of Yorkville 4 Sep . 17 . 2004 3 : 22PM No . 6128 P . 6/14 A. Compatibility of the proposal with the Comprehensive Plan, Transportation Plan, Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance and goals and objectives of the City. B. Appropriateness of the proposed land uses. C. General layout of open space, streets, parking areas, lots and buildings. D. Other documents the Plan Commission would recommend be prepared for the Preliminary Planned Unit Development Plan phase. E. A formal approval by vote is not given for a Conceptual Planned Unit Development Plan. Staff Review: The Clerk's office shall distribute copies of application and supporting documents to members of the Plan Council. The Plan Council shall conduct a Plan Council meeting and shall review the Conceptual Planned Unit Development Plan and supporting documents and shall advise the applicant as to the proposals compatibility with the City's Comprehensive Plan, Transportation Plan, Recreation Master Plan, Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Control Ordinance, previously approved agreement or plans, and other goals and policies for the planning of the City. Copies of the minutes from the Plan Council meeting shall be forwarded by the Deputy Clerk's office to the Park Board (in the case of residential development), Plan Commission and City Council. 10-13-6: PRELIMINARY P.U.D. PLAN Purpose: The purpose of the Preliminary P.U.D. Plan submission is to obtain approval from the City that the plans the applicant intends to prepare and follow are acceptable as a Preliminary P.U.D. Plan, and that any final plans will be approved provided they substantially conform to the Preliminary Planned Unit Development Plan. Approval of the Preliminary Planned Unit Development shall not constitute authority to proceed with construction of any improvements but rather an approval of the general features of the plans as a basis for preparing the Final Planned Unit Development Plans. Procedure: Not les n Forty-five (45) days before the Plan Commission meeting, the applicant shall file an application with the Deputy Clerk's office for Preliminary Planned Unit Development approval. The application shall consist of the following documentation: A. One copy of the completed Preliminary Planned Unit Development form. B. Disclosure of Beneficiaries form. C. Preliminary Planned Unit Development Plan. The plan shall include at a minimum the following information: I. North arrow, scale (not less than I" = 200') and date of preparation. 2. Name and address of the site planner, engineer or surveyor who prepared the plan, 3. Name of property owner. 4. Name of developer. 5. Proposed name of development. City of Yorkville 5 Sep . 17 . 2004 3 : 22PM No. 6l2B P. 7/14 , 6. Location map. 7. Legal description. 8. Site data, including as applicable: a. Total acreage, and acreage and percentage of each proposed land use. b. Percent of land devoted to streets and public rights of way. c. Number of residential lots. d. Floor area (non-residential). e. Gross and net residential density. 1. Minimum, maximum and average lot sizes. g. Percent of lot coverage for all uses except detached single- family and duplex. 9. Aerial photograph illustrating the subject property and adjacent property within 380'—one quarter(%) mile of the site. 10. Existing and proposed zoning. I I. Existing zoning and owners of adjacent property. 12. Municipal limits. 13. School District boundaries. 14. Property lines and dimensions. 15. Residential lots with approximate dimensions. 16. Location of multi-family and single family attached buildings. 17. Footprints of non-residential buildings. 18. Front, rear, side yard and corner side yard setbacks. 19. Off-street parking and loading areas, including number and dimensions of parking spaces, drive aisles and loading zones. 20. Configuration and acreage of all land proposed as open space including stormwater management areas, parks, buffers, and trail corridors. 21. All sites to be conveyed, dedicated, or reserved for parks, school sites, public buildings, and similar public and quasi-public uses, 22. Pedestrian and/or bicycle circulation systems. 23. Existing vegetation. 24. Limits of jurisdictional and non-jurisdictional wetlands. 25. Limits of 100 year floodplain. 26. Surface water including lakes, ponds, streams and drainage swales. 27. Existing contour lines with a minimum one foot interval. 28. Any other data reasonable necessary to provide an accurate overview of the proposed development. 29. Draft agreement of P.U.D. agreement. D. Preliminary Landscape Plan indicating the name, variety, size, location and quantities of plant material for all common and dedicated areas including parkways, buffer areas, stormwater basins, wetlands, entry areas, medians, and parking lot islands. E. Preliminary Engineering Plan which shall be drawn on a print of the proposed Land Use Plan. The proposed Plan shall show an appropriate location and dimensions of all sanitary sewers, storm sewers, and water lines City of Yorkville 6 Sep . 17 . 2004 3 : 22PM No . 6128 P . 8/14 ,for all proposed land uses, drainage ditches, culverts and stormwater retention/detention areas, as well as all utility easements. The Plan shall be accompanied by a statement from the Sanitary District attesting to the capability of the existing sewer system and wastewater treatment facility to service the proposed development. F. Photometric Plan (for non-residential developments only): The Photometric Plan shall be superimposed on the site plan, and shall: I. Identify the location and heights of all light standards. 2. Identify foot-candle intensities on the site of the Planned Unit Development, and ten feet beyond proposed property lines. 3. Include specifications for proposed lighting, including wattage, method of illumination, and color of light standards and luminaires. G. Architectural Drawings: When requested by Plan Commission orCity Council, preliminary architectural drawings for all primary buildings and accessory buildings shall be submitted which include: I. Typical elevations (front, rear and side) for proposed residential and non-residential buildings, which identify materials and color styling proposed for all elements of the building. 2. Proposed building heights. 3. Roof plan for all non-residential structures, which shows the proposed location of all roof-mounted mechanical equipment. H. Zoning Plat I. Other: The Plan Commission or City Council may require preparation and submittal of the following for review and evaluation: I. Fiscal impact study, detailing the estimated cost which the Planned Unit Development will have on all taxing bodies, and anticipated revenues which will be realized from each phase of development. 2. Proposed covenants, conditions and restrictions and/or homeowner association by-laws. 3. Other information that may be required by the Plan Commission or City Council. Plan Council Review: Upon receipt of all the required submittals, the Clerk's office shall distribute copies of the application and supporting documentation to members of the Plan Council. The Plan Council shall review the Preliminary Planned Unit Development and supporting documentation and make a recommendation to the Plan Commission as to the proposal's compatibility with the City's Comprehensive Plan, Transportation Plan, Recreation Master Plan, Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Control Ordinance, Annexation Agreement, and other goals and policies for planning the City. A Traffic Impact Study will be prepared by the City as part of the Plan Council's review. Park Board Review (if when applicable): The Park Board shall conduct a formal review of the Preliminary Planned Unit Development Plan and supporting documentation. The Park Board shall forward its recommendation to the City Council. The recommendation may include conditions of approval intended to be incorporated into final plans and supporting documentation. City of Yorkville 7 Sep . 11 . 2004 3: 22PM No . 6128 P. 9/14 Plan Commission Revigw: The Plan Commission shall conduct a public hearing in accordance with Illinois Compiled Statues. After the close of the public hearing, the Plan Commission shall recommend to the City Council approval or denial of the Planned Unit Development. The recommendation may include conditions of approval intended to be incorporated into final plans and supporting documentation. City Council Review: Subsequent to receiving the Plan Commission and Park Board recommendations, the City Council shall conduct a public hearing and shall approve or deny the application for the Planned Unit Development. Modifications to the Planned Unit Development: After the approval of the Planned Unit Development, the use of land, construction, modification or alteration of any buildings or structures within the Planned Unit Development will be governed by the approved Planned Unit Development, rather than by any other provisions of the Zoning Ordinance by of the City. No changes may be made to the approved Planned Unit Development unless approved by the City. Changes to the Planned Unit Development will be considered to be either a major change or a minor change. Minor changes are modifications that do not alter the concept or intent of a Planned Unit Development. Minor changes which meet the criteria set forth in this subsection may be approved by the City Administrator or his designee, if the proposed minor change does not result in the following: 1. Any increase in density. 2. Any change in circulation patterns or access. 3. Any change in mixture of dwelling unit types. 4. Any change in grading or utility provisions. 5. Any change in the mixture of land uses. 6. Any reduction of an amount of common open space, landscaping or buffering. 7. Any change to exterior elevations of buildings which alter rooflines, building materials, approved color schemes or a result in a change in architectural style. 8. Other changes of similar scale, proportion or use. Minor changes not approved by the City Administrator may be approved by the City Council without review and recommendation by the Plan Commission, unless the City Council refers a request for a minor change to the Plan Commission for review and recommendation. Major changes are modifications which alter the concept or intent of the Planned Unit Development. Factors which shall be considered in determining whether a proposed change constitutes a major change include: City of Yorkville 8 SeP . 17 . 2004 3 : 23PM No . 6128 P . 10/14 A. Nonresidential Components of a Planned Unit Development (This section is pending legal review): I. The proposed change to the following components which constitute a greater than ten percent(10%) cumulative increase or decrease from that shown on the approved Planned Unit Development Plan: a. Gross floor area of a nonresidential building. b. Acres of area used for nonresidential purposes. c. Total gross floor area of all of the nonresidential buildings in the project. d. Total number of parking spaces for the project. 2. Change in location type or land use. 3. Change in type, number or location of a building. 4. Greater than a ten percent (10%) increase in the height of a building. 5. Change in the functional classification of a roadway. 6. Reduction in the acreage of open space or common open space. B. Residential Components of a Planned Unit Development(This section is pending legal review): I. The proposed change constitutes a greater than ten percent (10%) cumulative change in the number of dwelling units in the Planned Unit Development, based on the approved Preliminary Planned Unit Development Plan; or 2. The proposed change constitutes a greater than ten percent (10%) cumulative change in the height of any building or structure in the Planned Unit Development other than single-family detached dwelling units, based on the approved Preliminary Planned Unit Development; or 3. Change in the location, size or types of dwelling units or land uses; or 4. Change in the functional classification of a roadway; or 5. Reduction in the acreage of open space. If a major change is requested, the applicant shall submit a revised Preliminary P.U.D. Plan and supporting data with an application for a major change to the Clerk's office, not • less than 45 days before the Plan Commission meeting. The Plan Commission shall recommend to the City Council approval or denial of the application for a major • change. Subsequent to receiving the Plan Commission and Park Board (if when applicable) recommendations, the City Council shall approve or deny the application for the major change. 10—I 3-7: DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: Plan Commission shall make findings and recommendations to City Council for approval of the Planned Unit Development, based upon the following standards. City of Yorkville 9 S0 . 17 . 2004 3 : 23PM No .6128 P . 11/14 A. General I. The uses permitted by such exceptions as may be requested or recommended are necessary or desirable and appropriate to the purpose of the development, 2. The uses permitted in such development are not of such nature or so located as to exercise an undue detrimental influence or effect upon the surrounding neighborhood. 3. That all minimum requirements pertaining to commercial, residential, institutional or other uses established in the planned development shall be subject to the requirements for each individual classification as established elsewhere in this Title, except as may be specifically varied herein granting and establishing a planned development use. 4. Minimum size of property shall be 10 acres. 5. Wherever the applicant proposes to provide and set out, by platting, deed, dedication, restriction or covenant, any land or space separate from single-family or multi-family residential districts to be used for parks, playgrounds, commons, greenways or open areas, the Plan Commission may consider and recommend to the City Council and the City Council may vary the applicable minimum requirements of the comprehensive plan, subdivision regulations and the zoning ordinance which may include but not necessarily be limited to the following: a. Rear yard b. Side yard c. Lot area d. Bulk e. Intensity of use f. Street width g. Sidewalks h. Public utilities i. Off-street parking B. Residential I. Minimum size of any Planned Unit Development property shall be I 0 acres. 2. Business uses may be included as part of a planned residential development when applicable. 3. Use regulations: a.Uses proposed are consistent with those listed as allowable uses in the respective zoning districts. City of Yorkville 10 Sep . 17 . 2004 3 : 23PM No . 6126 P. 12/14 . 4. Uses listed as special uses in the zoning district in which the development is located may be allowed. 5. Signs: In accordance with the regulations set forth in Chapter 12 of this Title. 7. The Plan Commission may recommend and the City Council may approve access to a dwelling by a driveway or pedestrian walk easement. Off street parking facilities for such dwellings shall be located not more than two hundred (200) feet from the dwelling served. The Plan Commission also may recommend and the City Council may approve yards of lesser widths or depths than required for permitted uses in the district in which the planned development is located, provided: a. Those protective covenants are recorded with perpetual access easements and off-street parking spaces for use by the residents of the dwellings served (this section is pending legal review). b. That spacing between buildings shall be consistent with the application of recognized site planning principles for securing a unified development and that due consideration is given to the openness normally afforded by intervening streets and alleys. c. The yards for principal buildings along the periphery of the development shall be not less in width or depth than required for permitted uses in the district disc- in which the planned development is located and the plan is developed to afford adequate protection to neighbor-heed neighboring properties as recommended by the Plan Commission and approved by the City Council. C. Non-Residential: In a planned business development, the following additional requirements are hereby specified: 2. Residential use may be included as part of a non-residential Planned • Unit Development. 3. All walks within the planned development shall be paved with a hard surfaced material meeting the specifications of the City Engineer. 4. Any part of the planned development not used for buildings, loading and access ways and walkways shall be landscaped with grass, trees, shrubs and other plant material according to the Landscape Plan, as recommended by the Plan Commission and approved by the City Engineer . 5. Permitted business uses shall be prescribed in the ordinance granting the planned development. City of Yorkville 11 Sep . 17 . 2004 3: 23PM No . 6128 P . 13/14 6. The buildings in the planned development shall be planned and designed as a unified and single project, 7. Business developments shall be adequately screened by fencing or landscaping or both along the boundaries of adjacent residential, public open space schools, churches or other similar uses. Codc. D. Conditions and Guarantees: Prior to granting any special uses, the Plan Commission may recommend and the City Council shall stipulate such conditions and restrictions upon the establishment, location, construction, maintenance and operation of the - - - • - - - - - - . - -- With= Property governed by the special use. E. Effect of denial of a Special Use: After a public hearing, no application for a special use which has been denied wholly or in part by the City Council shall be resubmitted for a period of one (I) year from the date of said order of denial, except on the grounds of substantial new evidence or proof of changed conditions found to be valid by the Plan Commission and the City Council. F. Termination of Special Use Permit: If work on the proposed development has not begun within twenty-four (24) months from the date of the authorization order of the City Council, the authorization shall become null and void and all rights hereunder shall lapse. 10-13-8: FEES: The City Council shall establish a schedule of fees, charges and expenses for occupancy permits, appeals, applications and amendments for special use, and other matters City of Yorkville 12 Sep . 17 . 2004 3 : 23PM No . 6128 P . 14/14 pertaining to this ordinance, The schedule of fees shall be posted in the Clerks office and may be altered or amended only by the City Council. Until all applicable fees, charges and expenses have been paid in full, no action shall be taken on any application or appeal. 10—1 3-9: SEPARABILITY: Each section, clause and provision of this ordinance shall be considered as separable, and the invalidity of one or more shall not have any effect upon the validity of other sections, clauses or provisions of this ordinance. I0-13-10: REPEAL OF CONFLICTING ORDINANCES: Any and all other ordinances or parts of ordinances, in conflict herewith are repealed. 10-13-1 I : WHEN EFFECTIVE: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately after passage, approval and publication in book form according to law. Adopted by the City Council of the United City of Yorkville, on the day of 2004, City of Yorkville 13 09/15/2004 11 51 FAX 630 553 5764 DANIEL J. KRAMER 0002/005 . Ebe. /1 ,„„ .,,, i_. . United City of Yorkville -�EsT.% County Sear 0Kendall County E3T. 19 BOO Game Farm Road • vff��� tom/ Yorkville,Illinois 60560 ..0 :"! 0 Phone:630-553-4350 '9 `":' ? Fax:630.553.7575 (LE tuber 15, 2004 Arthur F. Prochaska,Mayor Tony Graff, City Administrator Economic Development Committee United City of Yorkville 800 Game Farm Road Yorkville,IL 60560 • RE: Building Height Increase Dear Ladies &Gentlemen: Please be advised that the United City of Yorkville Building and Zoning Department along with our office has been requested to investigate the possibility of increasing the allowable building height in the office and commercial zoning classifications The United City of Yorkville Building and Zoning Department has discussed the matter with the Bristol Kendall Fire Department and received comments from the same. The Fire Department and the City Staff concluded that public safety would not be compromised if the allowable maximum building height in the before mentioned zoning classifications was increased to 75 feet. Please be advised that the staff is seeking Council input and direction on the issue and will be prepared to answer any questions and discuss the matter at the September 20, 2004 Economic Development Committee Meeting. If you have any questions in the meantime please feel free to contact me. Very truly yours, Kel A. Kramer Attorney at Law . • KAK/pdc Encl. cc: Liz ♦,�Eo car o United City of Yorkville g� �t1r County Seat of Kendall County ES11114 800 Game Farm Road fn Yorkville, Illinois 60560 Q I1' l \ 0 Phone:630-553-4350 2 Fax:630-553-7575 k E September 10, 2004 TO: Tony Graff FROM: Anna B. Kurtzmann SUBJECT: Requested Changes to Municipal Code As requested, staff has investigated making modifications to the municipal code to accommodate 6-story buildings. Based upon our research, staff has the following comments: 1. The Zoning Code has two general areas which address height restrictions — in the business districts and in the residential districts. Based upon our understanding of the discussion at the EDC meeting, we have requested that the legal staff prepare a draft ordinance for the Council's consideration. This ordinance would allow buildings within the business districts (Office, B-1, B-2, B-3 and B-4) to be up to 6 stories tall with a maximum height of 75 feet. 2. Staff was unclear regarding the Council's desires regarding the height in residential districts. Does the Council want to consider increasing the height in the R-4 (General Residence District)? If yes, does the Council want to allow an increase of height (from the present maximum height of 35 feet in the R-4 district) only in conjunction with a special use request or allow an increased height as a right? 3. Staff understands that some Council members might be uncomfortable allowing an increase in height of any building. This discomfort stems from a safety concern— can the fire district provide adequate protect to buildings over 35 feet tall? The Fire District has indicated that with some modifications to the building and fire safety codes, they can support taller buildings. Towards that end, legal staff has been instructed to make the appropriate modifications to the building code and to the fire safety code. If you have any questions regarding the above, please feel free to call me at either 553-8556 or 630-816-5420. /abk filename: C:ADocuments and Settings\OwnerVDesktop\YorkvilleA6-storyNtemo9-10-04.doc `,tEO C/p, � United City of Yorkville ESTk 1836 County Seat of Kendall County _ -- 800 Game Farm Road ® Jj, Yorkville, Illinois, 60560 9 " `' 0 Teleph 4 E `v.v Fax: 630-553one: 7575 630-553-4350 Website: www.yorkville.il.us DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING SAFETY MEMORANDUM DATE: September 14, 2004 TO: William A. Dettmer, Code Official FROM: Kurt Van Dahm, Commercial & Fire Systems Plans Examiner SUBJECT: Code Changes for 4, 5 & 6 Story Buildings Per your directive to make the necessary changes to the Building and Fire Codes to require all 4, 5 and 6 story buildings in Yorkville to be built of non-combustible construction and to be fully protected by full sprinkler systems, my suggestions are detailed below. BUILDING CODE Add the following new sections: 503.1.5 Four, Five and Six Story Buildings. Regardless of use, all buildings of four (4), five (5) or six (6) stories shall be of noncombustible construction only (Type I and Type II only). No increase in allowable height beyond six (6) stories is to be allowed regardless of any other provisions of this code. 503.1.6 Building Height Limit No building shall be constructed of more than six (6) stories regardless of construction type or of any other provisions of this code. 903.2.16 All Buildings of Four, Five or Six Stories. An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout all buildings, regardless of use, of four (4) five (5) or six (6) stories. A residential sprinkler system installed in accordance with Section 903.3.1.2 shall not be allowed in buildings, or portions thereof, of Groups R-1, R-2, R-3 or R-4 exceeding three (3) stories. Memo to William A. Dettmer Re: Code Changes for 4, 5, 6 Story Buildings Page 2 907.20 All Buildings of Four, Five or Six Stories. An approved manual, automatic, or manual and automatic fire alarm system shall be provided in all buildings of four, five or six stories. An approved automatic fire detection system shall be installed in accordance with the provisions of this code and NFPA 72. Devices, combinations of devices, appliances and equipment shall comply with Section 907.12. The automatic fire detectors shall be smoke detectors, except that an approved alternate type of detector shall be installed in spaces such as boiler rooms where, during normal operation, products of combustion are present in sufficient quantity to actuate a smoke detector. Also Recommend: In Section 905 — All buildings over three (3) stories shall be equipped with Class I Standpipes in each stairway. FIRE CODE 903.2.16 All Buildings of Four, Five or Six Stories. An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout all buildings, regardless of use, of four (4), five (5) or six (6) stories. A residential sprinkler system installed in accordance with Section 903.3.1.2 shall not be allowed in buildings, or portions thereof, of Groups R-1, R-2, R-3 or R-4. 907.2.24 All Buildings of Four, Five or Six Stories. An approved manual, automatic, or manual and automatic fire alarm system shall be provided in all buildings and four, five or six stories. An approved automatic fire detection system shall be installed in accordance with the provisions of this code and NFPA 72. Devises, combinations of devices, appliances and equipment shall comply with Section 907.1.2. The automatic fire detectors shall be smoke detectors, except that an approved alternative type of detector shall be installed in spaces such as boiler rooms where, during normal operation, products of combustion are present in sufficient quantity to actuate a smoke detector. Also Recommend: In Section 905 — All buildings over three (3) stories shall be equipped with Class I Standpipes in each stairway. - - zY of aNDALL) PLANNING, BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT :t. 111 WEST FOX STREET-ROOM 316 YORKVILLE, ILLINOIS 60560-1498 Y 19,1841 % 630/553-4141 • FAX 630/553-4179 Mr. Art Prochaska, Mayor August 23, 2004 United City of Yorkville 800 Game Farm Rd Yorkville, IL 60560 RE: Fox& Kendall Township Land Resource Management Plan Update- Schedule and Request for Funding Assistance Dear Art: We are pleased to announce that the Planning,Building and Zoning Sub-Committee of the Kendall County Board has directed its staff to commence work on updating the Fox and Kendall Township portions of the Kendall County Land Resource Management Plan(LRMP). Enclosed you will find the proposed project time-line highlighting the various steps of the update process. As you will note, we are currently in the process of having our consultants at Teska&Associates collect background data and information for formulation of a draft plan. As indicated in the proposed time-line we will be conducting a workshop meeting in each of the affected townships during the month of September. The County's Ad-Hoc Zoning Committee has recommended that we target first workshop on the evening of September 23,2004 in Fox Township with the second workshop to take place on October 7, 2004 in Kendall Township. During these meetings the background analysis will be reviewed, along with preliminary land use concepts and alternatives. The purpose of these meetings is to solicit input from the affected townships,municipalities and their respective residents. Based on community input,the plan will be revised and supporting text and tables developed. The refined version of the draft plan will then be reviewed and further refined following a series of additional meetings prior to scheduling a formal public hearing on a final version of the draft plan. To assist us in funding the update,the County is asking each participating Township and Municipality to contribute$2,000 dollars toward the projected $25,800 cost of completing the update. Contributions should be submitted to the Department of Planning, Building and Zoning. Checks should be made payable to the Kendall County Treasurer. We will be contacting you in the coming weeks to invite you to participate and attend the township meetings and provide input into the process. In the interim, should you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact me at(630)553-4138. Sincerely, erry F. Dudgeon,A P Director CC: John Church,Kendall County Board Chair Anne Vickery,Planning,Building and Zoning Committee Chair Jeff Wilkins, County Administrator Mike Hoffman,TAI _.....7._ TE' SK.A Community Planning + Site Design + Development Economics + Landscape Architecture MEMORANDUM TO: Jerry Dudgeon FROM: Mike Hoffman DATE: May 27, 2004 SUBJECT: Revised Scope/Timeline/Budget for LRMP Update for Kendall and Fox Townships Here's an outline of approach, timeline, and budget to update the LRMP for Kendall and Fox Townships. Approach We anticipate an approach similar to that used on the recently completed LRMP update for Na-Au-Say Township. The process will include the following steps: 1. Background analysis - interviews with key stakeholders, trends analysis including traffic and population, mapping of existing municipal plans and key environmental features, and preliminary land use concepts 2. Meeting - Preliminary review with Adhoc Committee 3. Township Workshops-Two workshops, one in Kendall Township and one in Fox Township where background analysis will be reviewed, along with preliminary land use concepts and alternatives 4. Revisions and Document Preparation- Based on community input, the plan will be revised and supporting text and tables developed. 5. Meeting -The draft document will be reviewed with the AdHoc Committee. The draft should also be reviewed with RPC and the PBZ Committee of the County Board. For budgeting purposes, it is assumed that County staff will handle the presentation to the latter two groups. 6. Revisions-The plan will be revised based County input. 7. Meeting -The revised plan will be reviewed with the Adhoc Committee prior to the Public Hearing. 8. Public Hearing - A public hearing will be conducted by the RPC at the County's annual planning workshop. 9. PBZ Committee Meeting - The plan recommended by the RPC will be reviewed with the PBZ Committee by County staff. 10. County Board Approval-The plan will be reviewed and adopted with our without revisions by the full County Board. Teska Associates; Inc. 627 Grove Street Evanston, Illinois 60201-4474 fax 847.869.2059 voice 847.869.2015 11. Integration into overall LRMP - Revisions based on the detailed plans for Kendall and Fox Townships will be integrated into the overall County LRMP. Study Area This LRMP Update will address all of Kendall and Fox Townships in Kendall County. Stakeholders The following stakeholders will be invited to participate in planning meetings throughout development of the plan. In addition, many of these organizations will be interviewed during the background analysis phase of this project. County Departments Townships • Nanning, Building and Zoning • Fox • Forest Preserve • Kendall • Highway • Health (for septic issues) Other Governmental Units • Bristol Sanitary District Municipalities • Soil and Water Conservation • Millington District • Newark • School Districts • Millbrook • Fire Protection Districts • Yorkville Timeline and Budget Task Completion Date Budget Background Analysis July 28th, 2004 $6,770 Ad Hoc Meeting August 4, 2004 $560 Township Workshops September 24th, 2004 $2,060 Drafting of initial plan October 27th, 2004 $7,330 Ad Hoc Meeting Nov. 3rd, 2004 $560 Nov. RPC Dec. 6th, PBZ Committee Revisions Dec. 22nd, 2004 $1,410 Ad Hoc Meeting Jan. 5th, 2005 $560 Public Hearing Feb. 19th, 2005 $2,060 PBZ Committee Mr. 7th, 2005 0 County Board Approval Mr. 16th, 2005 0 Integration into overall Ap. 15th, 2005 $2,300 LRMP Ex.enses $1,890 Teska Associates;Inc. 627 Grove Street Evanson, Illinois 60201-4474 fax 847.869.2059 voice 847.869.2015 I $25,800I Let me know if you have any questions or would like to make any changes. Teska Associates, Inc. 627 Grove Street Evanston, Illinois 60201-4474 fax 847.869.2059 voice 847.869.2015 Sent By: CONCORD LAND ACQUISITION; 8477760392; Sep-14-04 8:45AM; Page 2/3 1 • i CONCORDHOMESINC. • • • September 14,2001 Via Federal Express Priority Mail Mr. Anton Graff City Administrator Unite City of Yorkville 800 Game farm Road • • Yorkville, Illinois 60560 Re:Rain tree Village • • Dear Mr.Graff: • As you are aware, Concord Homes and Lenna.r are jointly involved in building the Raintree neighborhood southeast of the intersection of Illinois Route 71 and Route 126. The neighborhood consists of 376 single-family homes and 148 duplex homts. Lennar is proposing to amend the PUD to allow the inclusion of a toWhhome neighborhood in place of approximately one-half of the duplex homes. The existing plan includes 148 duplex homes and no additional park space. The proposed plan includes 38 duplex homes, 128 townhomes, and an additional 2.14`acre park. Overall, the increase in home count will he an additional 18 homes, • The proposed townhomes range in size form 1,350 to 1,650 square feet aid include 2 car garages as a standard inclusion. I,ennar anticipates an average sales price of$X 80,000 for the 2 and 3 bedroom homes. • The proposed additional park space is centrally located within the parcel and is designed for passive recreation. Walking paths, landscaping and gazebo will allow for quiet walks and gathering spaces. Within the duplex homesites, 6 of the homesites arc designed with loop out basements and 15 homesites will have walk out basements. The duplex homes include a master down/two story and ranch style homes. They also have 2 car garages as a standard inclusion and will average $193,000. The duplex homes range in size from 1,548 to 1,966 sgtparc feet and include 3 bedrooms. We feel that the PUD amendment will add greater value to the Raintreej community through the additional of variety in home offerings. We also believe that the prupo 4.1 townhomes will lessen the impact on local schools in the area, while adding open space for theresidents. •15411 I^;a.st f)t.inilcc Road •Suite 350■ t'alatind, IT,(;(1074•(847)776-0350 tax(M17)776-0371 www:CnncnrdHomcs,cunt Sent By: CONCORD LAND ACQUISITION; 8477760392; Sep-14-04 8:46AM; Page 3/3 We look forward to presenting our proposal to the City of Yorkvilllei Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at any time. Sincerely, Concord Homes;Inc. WI French Director of Land Acquisition BE/ea Enclosures cc: John Wozniak 'tom Koenig it ri''' R8M +irl,afi ! I malty. Value. Integrity. RAINTREE VI LAGE I - I: iiii S. `\ tw^.' 1,,...• w*...�6.a_. '1ilt�,.. P r-.y�rr nuc � �. A c ti � r P _ I 3 1 le. r �• r Y+ z•JJII e.. a. \-,:....._,' 4~.v- �..� '� -. "_ _ ice' � .., ...r..... .---- _ 7i 7 .Si-: l _ G 1 r �. :�. C � '_` { _ - // .+� s yr r . z� p � L - . - _ - �. ate. • _ �. 9 r • a sr -� A ;,,, -r fir_ - - * il ,• O�; %. �fir i _ .� ' .. - - �. t !.ts SIDE ELEVATION 4 WIT CCNTROL SIDE ELEVATION 4 IrUT CONTROL SCALE:VB'.M10• SCALE:VS..1'4M 0 ,¢ * P • _ .l �•I.If', I .yt I. i.. m F yc dr.. Ve r•t Ir `e--.-o{r'• ,.i. ` ''_..~.,.r_ t„ ••Y, ,,a. s ��+t. a ala L.y`.�n�'lun.1 i1=-a:': zl c-+141 l.."al MI Ill 3 `:Y 1�I.nev101.�-t..., It mala-ius - _I+ '7-'- : ""in'' r..;"r:e."� w---__ Z.-1AI'3-lati*"3'.: .®�tllP g:tlmrfi 1_II :t -.c'■ -^ - ,-- . 'i 131iq1^ayC ` a111 1. c.. �.rs -, i —,I.-, Li tiiiEUl i9111S'3(7111 1 1t ].1_ry f' 3^' .,h l ■.: t a=�11 i �� uemm' _ " A spm 'w c r l I �.. - _ �2.� `�ti v+_f. _^i.rr._S11'W'1 II�'M1L•' r'. ' miii :�. C I • - _ - --_ __ ■ �""i REAR ELEVATION 4 WIT CONTROL sraiE,ue..r-a _ • ti i 1 N NA R Balsamo, Olson St Lewis, Ltd. kohltdan One South 376 Summit Avenue o-ia.w ` ( , Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois 60181 .� Quality.Value.Integrity. 630.629.9800 ,,,,.°1 N., t. Copyright, 2004 Balsams, Olson & Lewis, Ltd. o-1. 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Existing Conditions OENLANDDESIGN, ING �'_..J r.r...1,„. Hoffman Estates Illinois 60195 Raintree Village — Univ Four PLANNING • LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE L 1 °ot' -Z�� (630) 339-4800 Yorkville, I111Iia13 5517 N. CumbeAand, Suite 906*Chicago, IL 60656 Pit 773.7613320 Fax 771763.3325 Nal jeYandtkimentaduiet Site Data Duplex Units = 38(19 Lots) (23%) Townhomes = 128 (77%) Total = 166 (100%) .N. +2.14 Ac.Park Site 'Ns Ns Townhome Design Standards: Nt5',4 Miinimum Distance,Building Front to R.O.W= 30 Ft. sN Minimum Distance,Building Rear to ROW. = 35 Ft +Ol,, ` Minimum Distance; —1'4. Building to Building: N +, Side to Side =25 Ft `\ O Side to Rear =35 Ft RETENTION N. 46, Rear to Rear =75 Ft _ N / 1 223 / \\ \ `N\ / \ 224 222\ /\, 1 /\ 225 ' _'� \\\T 221 `� \ /\ j/// ' \ �! \ //� /'' \ 227 \/2 ' /- \ \ \\ 220N,� \ / / \ / \/ ''</ , \ / / / /\ 228/ / / / / / \j. \ 219\ �•\ % ' /` 229 %// V ' '' /' \ 280 /\ \ \`‹\ ,,,, / l /'216\/ / / S / /\ 230 \` �,�����' \ 259 \ ! 249 \ \\ // `' /\ 231 \/ /' / �/ \ 258 \ � /\ \ /)N. � ," \ �/ , / / �./ /�\ 257 \ \ 250 ' \,/ /. / `•�\� /2',% /,, c-,..„,..---\ \ 256 UNIT. REE //' ,/"/ //x .,y/ , ; N•l . \ \ / \ 251 / ,N/248>/i. / /'' ^` •*, 138 \ .--'" "< 233 \ \ \ 255 \ `\ 252 \./ / /247//Y� / , ��♦/"' ,�� ` \y • // 139 �" \ / \ / 246//' /' �•`. ' ,,*), 1/•�S , AN 234 / \ / / /.♦ 4itir i'�j 155\\\ \ \ 140 235 \q\_\C� \\�/��'� j,/ 24> /s/>\,/ / '\, / :(o f'/5 y. 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O O a•, 630.62°.9600 I Copyright, 2004&Immo, Olson & Lewis, lid.mw 'F p I I * + �. -1 , r ?",..4. SI It 4 • iii IC. I /� '.1;:,. , W.I.C. I `• . 1`." p 4'X IT-0 OPEN'TO LIVING•ROD'BELO1 t +o.1 t M.!BEDROOM J !BEDROOM r ' ' M.SEDROOM I(c'-4'X 14'-B' 13'-5'X Il'-1' '. � I6'-4'X W'-8' 1_riA1• 1'11111■■■1• t = I pi, .; lilt■f10'-4' lillar Ai.III A I�� �� . �� .1111116 , � , M.SATN ® 1� ■■■■� 1. " _ ,fi' -_ W.I . 1iE'! !!j!!IBM 1 _____t, 1 1 , ; / IMIMMOUNIII. EMIT El wor t ' -- -- .��\. 1. E - OPEN TC LIVING ROOM BELOW , I111/ �� �I -- - ----. -- - --.1 I r OMEN jl ® , I� MMillifili ■� ■I OPEN TO LIVING-ROOMBelow ® N��� 1_ lid■mF—IIPAMEI 7■■ �� - •inn■;' ,~ , 11 I����I �� mom �� M.BATH qpi II III 1 , �� 1 - - - _ 1■n■ !� < ii.n■ (MIMI .9 iripm D., �■► I L , 'BEDROOM_\_./(....7\] 3 V --- E ,��1 V BEDROOM 3 B'-10'X II'-4' c , 4:I: 1 Ammlmt 8'-10'X II'-4' I 1 i r �s®RooM/, ' .. W.i.c. I :.s BARO 2 _ i !BEDROOM 2 .n � 1. L L± J JL J5aoSeadrIck Fair ”elyts 1 _______ Ki„,,,...0. A', I P f F L E N NA R Balsamo, Olson & Lewis, Ltd. e OD One South 376 Summit Avenue �. Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois 60181 630.629.9800 Qunliq,Value Integrity. O O Copyright, 2004 Balsamo, Olson o Lewis, Ltd. 'z«° . I I I I I r n. " G s `f a �♦ —r----try . r & .F.._ S r }SSG _ S,. .C' -' _ Y��.•:" — .eu't� a®1s�� ks.....L.—.-i�m.._-�_-. �+IfiG a i Imo. r �� WI .—a -I®ellmllm 1 istrmnsiiti xniEEliii�sn _.711 f____...Ea ... ... 1�. : _ �.e�ll�l�llmer ,�nemlmaerleemu �;���7r �:OUR •mt►l �� lie1 � 'pt.�:q 1�1 e_..,,,,,../.. e� :I ,_��I® ce ?I lensliem I u fastllmtassicr --,., mlmiil�i® -aa, it '-. s®�� �� s 1 I®1 I - 4,,iolott marc r >-milt ...74.1-.,,T,..:,k- `'�+ j - - '_ qty IAC X111 - o ®—e�eea_ i�L milli _ F in; /� ) t_ • • ` .I G G ..1-1.J' t®1 niall1111.:, ,i I_IP'- ��L_. - - ��IT. Iill 'I `;n �_ I I ,11.1_ _G Mti- _ testi >Il i - , ilial ►1� li I.F I .., ; I_taI_ 1� h I � 4.IitMmu1 - elY� �� I, I TIMI wiz f VK LLL 'J ���_ dr ?Iselin i �. �. - r ,�.. 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O O 630.629.9800 „'„„_nw.-� I Copyright, 2004 Balsamo, Olson & Lewis, Ltd.,""... °.,1°".'"'-"°"�'' I I f r ., . „,,...:::, i f } ;y::_ 1V.NIOE 1' rte" :.4d:s _ , AK 1111FiNP%_ ,,,,,!=ruivrat Alt , , • •k 1111 ir WIC. /40 CK) 1 V v--:. 4P'—\ /111 ' (2'. 4iiiii*. 4.' '''', .4,It , . ‘° ., (AI, _ 1 )_IvRYs�IN{FfCs `' / PRKFST./._, a -g k �.5�♦i�����A♦♦♦ j I6'-b'x 15'-2' _ , — ' BEDROOM ►♦♦ 411 , i• � KRCFN ♦ �m.� F ■ / `°P0♦• ,2-3x1,-0 �♦♦♦��7,4414.441. 1 00 0 +�`�.�i I „,„ lc-- .--,-,1, L ►I I & .. iv 3 �♦� ► : ♦.`• 'iia .., .... ., ■ ~= .,. 1�♦♦♦♦iiim,A. r�i♦♦0i♦�'i♦i♦� „.„.. ♦ KIM-EN' 'w� .V�'7-7 ,� ♦ ♦1-1 DRY. ,I► -q.: �• � 1 l'-e'x10'-0'•dao ♦♦♦♦� i�.•4 OMNI IMMIII - A. ♦ ♦i �I 1.=.. tIO IC 7' l JI0_I x 8-3 01.1 ♦♦�,�(�♦.--♦_.♦♦ I t ♦� 40_ �0, �♦%.11 ♦. *fir♦�' ,�r 1 ■' F 2-CAR CSAR 2-CAR GARAC ; f r 011*ifr • a •or Sork // "= r-o„ Is i. MASTER DOWN DUPLEX e TWO STORY DUPLEX I%6 SQ I .FT. 1811 SQ.FT. g L E N NA R 3-BEDROOM 3-BEDROOM 2-BATH I- POWDER ROOM 2-BATH I- POWDER ROOM \\ Balsamo, Olson & Lewis, Ltd. "''” 2-CAR GARAGE(DOUBLE BAY) 2-CAR GARAGE (SINGLE BAY) One South 376 Summit Avenue \i ) Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois 60161 .x... LOFT BREAKFAST BAT SEPERATE DINING ROOM 630.629.9800 ,�,,.rii.M Qualin'.1'alue.lnregn�. Copyright, 2004 Balsamo, Olson & Lexi, Ltd. t,” I I 1 r 1111M IIIM, Filigi I m 6r TA : i.l �" r4 /ile-4'X13-e OPEN TO Q BATH 2'JBELOW aNEDROOM 2 ' �! �� 14'-5 x 10'43' 104J''1'3 3 � ��_ I le'-8'x 11'-3' / lkiraf i — I^♦�����rw�w��� LOW L 1 LINEN __ Ali .�, r� —I o rc I a T111� `� ._ 1 i BELOW II I_oFT _ (L = a1 �Jv� �I M BEDROOM �® �-I�� Il'-e'x12'47 Lam. / 4 ffir Itt BEDROOM 3 -1 ‘S /� /'� 11.-V x12-6' LI AOPEN ® )�i1r l .' l :ter�1 — 1 . 'i i a , ,1 LI _ ,1 , , . ,, I 1 ,, II, L _L_ 1 1 4 eG on( 7200r Pkat t. Ie k' MASTER DOUJN DUPLEX TWO STORY DUPLEX 1966 SQ.FT. 1SI1 SQ.FT. I L E N NA R 3-BEDROOM 3-BEDROOM 2-BATH I- POWDER ROOM 2-3ATH I- POWDER ROOM Balsam°, Olson & Lewis, Ltd. 2-GAR GARAGE(DOUBLE SAY) 2-GAR GARAGE(SINGLE BAY) OO One South 376 Summit Avenue »-M LOFT 4 BREAKFAST BAY SEPERATE DINING ROOM Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois 60181 Qualm'I .Value.Integrip'. _ O O 630.629.9800 °""`;a�� Copyright,2004 Balsam, Olson & Lewis, I.td.L .,a"' I I I k. 111 ... ., Iv - . ..... .., .i. ., : .k ", -4-A, --.. ' .... 111 s .:‘,..: , . ,7...., "Ifric. 1,.- , 06-; .... • __ _ _ . ,- - „--0,-.... 1 tik. .. • V _ - ..e.i.":,. , ..i.•.s7,_*.., b. • .11' --' 111. . ..'4.• Ai•.- .41k. *- : ,.......". . -••• .,..! . NI. •• ...I it j,.. . -. . ,, • - . ... N• ,.. ° ',-f'r rfr.,„;....__.•. AIRIN.Is. , A. .._ ....,;,... :-... -•,,,,.,16 U t•I It---ie I At I .. 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CO .....,0\•Il QS 630.629.9800 0 Copyright, 2004 Balsamo, Olson& Lewis, Ltd. I I r .4 3. ����1,111111111.111111111Mai i\\■■f es■■�!I $ {-iiimuniniont IC�■M:1■■/! ,i gar l t - g i■.C1‘45111111.1111� 1■1•/, `I 4. R , ' -1i. ---_(_ _��___._.,II■■`al�ar...a✓.J■ -- i �t�r �t)■Ili mg_._....=.....,,,„.., ,Ia' t- piNtia jI■■■■��■■■ �. .� .IIIMIIIIIIII. TOOJ 1—■.�■■■ w-ma> .. , . 111111111111111111111111111 �j F I .- w 7 x 3'4' isimis Emu a si T H...■■i.N L. A.■■!� t EU U.U ., F ',.'i, EIKIIT"Ill T ■■■■t a•( ',s. fii GEIEN F. f , t KITCHEN `� • I Li 9'-I'x I@'-3' -- �a. i 3.-I.x 1,-3. 1111 . - __i■■■ ; �.- . ■■■ ■I: ' - i 4., ,f ,�s�r Q'-@ x IB-I' - MEN i YOL GIG Q`-@'x 8'-I' VOL C.I.G. 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RANCI-1 DUPLEX ; 1548 Sa FT- 1 N NA R 2 B3ATN M G Balsamo, Olson & Lewis, Ltd. 2-CAR GARAGE(SINGLE OR DOUBLE BA T) r One South 376 Summit Avenue r•-* CREAT ROOM d BREAKFAST BATOakbrook Terrace, Illinois 60181 Quality.Value.Integrity. I I 11 630.629.9800Copyright, 2004 Balsams, Olson& Lewis, Ltd. I I I I I --, ...-I. rw t -;2' q •,01-.4,... I,,, t9,QIPi .. a - 1® r •9:G mewsi :CEz"71mI1rI�rYli' o."..." • t'S. r • '- f7.-t z ��_, 1" zi5 CLINI 1c1ii110i1 �Iwrirliii6■mom y16 a +:' 4 • ! __ .dl�i2 —>I',r7,,'?..".!--77 Etk■/11 ■R�IIL. Ir"`�L■6Mil 7..„..4.:1111,31.1,..6::: . li, ."}u-"'Y' , ! w.. .. H;56 ` i 1 InZ a t I��amilmf'�*!� ii13111�1`II'.. L.p ,R!. F wr r- r,. 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'Oval; onlIS,* Alb 0,,;, \N".• I ,---- 401A11-ti;NW)ig 111W.ft.,,, ,111111'Wik N ((S*,- :et -"IMO"v; ‘i;:%&-:: e ev e ir..46,, iriv N,• 0 09, 8' PAVER WALK • 1 r ASPHALT PATI 8' BENCH • v r ri • SHADE TREE 4 I • 0/IP LANDSCAPE BERM OPEN PLAY VERGREEN TREE I le, ti vitt 1101‘1 ORNAMENTAL TREE I . it, 0 10 Joh . 1 40 Iv i IS 4,744P / ab tIP \- 03 a. ..„, vipv *Ile to!ii .. 40,5!-Iert Vile $74 • _.-c.....7 e ....,4„ 11 • PARK DETAIL SCALE 1":--50' . * . CC ,...... , ... ,Fm ....--._ . -. I - . . , I—=-1. All • 1 . A komoder • '-'411111111011-11 Wil —= MI = '"4111111111111 , I fin 1 2 WU • NIIII 11--I , PEI .— MN -NMal F.!le —....I gi ins 1— .... W 1., a MI= IMMI/MMOINI1 Si woo ••••• 0 imm• . d •4.;! momoomoonn I OA I, _ . I . - -1 . 0 ENC'_ 10 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE Memo To: Alderman Rich Sticka& EDC Committee 74 From: Tony Graff,,City ministrator CC: Mayor Prochaska& Atty. D. Kramer Date: 9/16/04 Re: Request for Review of Economic Initiative with FE Wheaton's Expansion Facility This is a request from the owners of FE Wheaton to assist with improvements on their site for a future expansion of 106,000 square feet facility which will generate additional sales tax revenue for the City. The proposal is to use the additional new increment of sales tax generated from the expansion business to finance improvements which FE Wheaton will perform as front funding the project for Route 47&Wheaton Drive Intersection Design for traffic signalization,also other road improvements on the site to accommodate the expansion. The agreement can be prepared by Attorney Daniel Kramer to be discussed further at the next COW meeting if the committee so desires to move forward with this proposal. This would be a short term agreement and the projected additional sales tax revenue will range between$150,000-$250,000 annually. The estimated costs for the improvements ($400,000 for the intersection alone) will be provided by the engineers within the next 7-10 days. 1 E AJC i/ UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE Memo To: Alderman Rich Sticka& EDC Committee From: Tony Graff, City irustrator (```'fir CC: Mayor Prochaska& Atty. D. Kramer Date: 9/16/04 Re: Request for Public Facility Development Fee This is a proposal to explore the opportunity for a new policy in relationship to requesting funds and/or land from developers through the annexation process of 1% of the total land development in acreage. The example would be a development of 200 acres would be required to donate 2 acres of land for a site or 2 acres of land cash funds to be used for other site locations for purchase or recovery dollars to be paid to other developers as agreed upon within their development site plan for a larger site. The reason for the request is to assist receiving public or quasi-public land for other governmental bodies,such as:Fire District Facilities,University/College sites,Health Services, ... Any further questions regarding this proposal please contact Mayor Prochaska or myself. 1