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Library Board Packet 2004 05-10-04
Agenda Yorkville Public Library Board of Trustee My 10, 2004 7:30 P.M. 1. Roll Call 2. Recognition of Visitors 3. Amendments to the Agenda 4. Minutes 5. Correspondence 6. Public Comment 7. Report of the Treasurer Financial Statement Payment of Bills 8. Report of the Librarian Statistics 9. City Council Liaison /Human Resource 10. Standing Committees Policy Personnel Community Relations Finance Automation 11. Unfinished Business Library Addition 12. New Business Non-Resident Reciprocal Borrowing Program Wireless Internet Access "View Only" Access to Our Bank Accounts 13. Adjournment Yorkville Public Library Board of Trustees April 12, 2004 7:30 pm Roll Call: Members present: Jo Ann Gryder, Marianne Wilkinson, Russ Walter, Kelly Murray, Gail Gaebler, Joseph Gruber, Carol LaChance, Sandy Lindblom, and Marilyn Vorderer Members not present: none Director Michelle Pfister was also in attendance. Recognition of Visitors: none Amendments to the Agenda: none Minutes: Russ Walter moved to approve the minutes as corrected. Jo Ann Gryder seconded the motion. The motion carried. Correspondence: On Saturday May 1, 2004, from 10:00-1:00 pm, the Robert W. Rowe Public Library will celebrate its 10th anniversary. Michelle Pfister received an invitation to the open house. Public Comment: none Report of Treasurer: Russ Walter moved to approve the bill list, including payroll, for the amount of$23,051.20. Carol LaChance seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken. The motion carried unanimously. Report of Librarian: Total circulation was up 962 at 5513. 66 new cards were issued. 283 new items were added to the collection. Dixie Debord attended a music catalogue workshop in Chicago. Dr. Seuss-A-Thon day was held at the library this month. The library received a"We the People" grant consisting of 15 classic titles. City Council Liaison/Human Resource: none Standing Committees: none Unfinished Business: Rick McCarthy met with several board members about the referendum process and presented a template and timetable that will help board members with preparation. Joseph Gruber moved to approach the City, stating that unless alternate money is available, the Board would like to ask for the City's approval to go to referendum in November of 2004. Russ Walter seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken. The motion carried unanimously. Board members plan to attend the Committee of the Whole meeting on April 20, 2004 at 7:00 pm. New Business: Marianne Wilkinson moved to approve the schedule of dates for the Yorkville Public Library Board meetings for the fiscal year of 2004/2005, as well as the schedule of holidays for the library for the same fiscal year. Joseph Gruber seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. The decision about whether or not to remain open during the Riverfront Festival was tabled until next month. Adjournment: At 8:54 pm Marilyn Vorderer moved to adjourn the meeting in order to go to executive session for the purpose of evaluating an employee. Sandy Lindblom seconded the motion. The motion carried. The Board reconvened after the executive session at 9:04 pm. Roll call was taken; all members were present. Marianne Vorderer moved to give Michelle Pfister approximately a 10% salary increase from $38,230 to $42,100 per year beginning May 1, 2004, and approve the Library Director Performance Appraisal put together by the Personnel Committee. All voted yes. The motion carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 9:07 pm. Minutes submitted by Kelly Murray, secretary DATE: 05/06/04 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 1 TIME: 14:45:34 DETAIL BOARD REPORT ID: AP441000.WOW INVOICES DUE ON/BEFORE 05/10/2004 INVOICE # INVOICE ITEM VENDOR # DATE # DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT # P.O. # DUE DATE ITEM AMT AAREN AAREN PEST CONTROL 50171 04/21/04 01 BUILDING-PEST CONTROL 8200062005407 05/10/04 40.00 INVOICE TOTAL: 40.00 VENDOR TOTAL: 40.00 ALEXLUMB ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. ORDER 18744 04/10/04 01 76 LF CLEAR OAK 8200062005407 05/10/04 331.76 INVOICE TOTAL: 331.76 VENDOR TOTAL: 331.76 ATSFP AURORA TRI STATE 018930 04/07/04 01 ALARM MONITORING 8200065005833 05/10/04 138.75 INVOICE TOTAL: 138.75 VENDOR TOTAL: 138.75 ATT AT&T 03/31/04 03/31/04 01 TELEPHONE 8200062005436 05/10/04 23.57 INVOICE TOTAL: 23.57 04/15/04 04/15/04 01 TELEPHONE 8200062005436 05/10/04 71.81 INVOICE TOTAL: 71.81 VENDOR TOTAL: 95.38 BAKTAY BAKER & TAYLOR 20112482481 04/12/04 01 BOOKS-REFERENCE 8200065005839 05/10/04 307.20 INVOICE TOTAL: 307.20 2012452413 04/03/04 01 BOOKS-REFERENCE 8200065005839 05/10/04 865.29 INVOICE TOTAL: 865.29 2012457067 04/06/04 01 BOOKS-REFERENCE 8200065005839 05/10/04 198.69 INVOICE TOTAL: 198.69 )ATE: 05/06/04 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 2 LIME: 14:45:34 DETAIL BOARD REPORT CD: AP441000.WOW INVOICES DUE ON/BEFORE 05/10/2004 INVOICE # INVOICE ITEM VENDOR # DATE # DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT # P.O. # DUE DATE ITEM AMT BAKTAY BAKER & TAYLOR 2012458428 04/05/04 01 MEMORIAL / GIFTS 8200065005841 05/10/04 34.51 INVOICE TOTAL: 34.51 2012468273 04/08/04 01 BOOKS-REFERENCE 8200065005839 05/10/04 243.03 INVOICE TOTAL: 243.03 2012477844 04/06/04 01 MEMORIAL / GIFTS 8200065005841 05/10/04 63.57 INVOICE TOTAL: 63.57 2012500684 04/15/04 01 BOOKS-REFERENCE 8200065005839 05/10/04 75.39 INVOICE TOTAL: 75.39 2012502762 04/16/04 01 BOOKS-REFERENCE 8200065005839 05/10/04 149.47 INVOICE TOTAL: 149.47 2012503316 04/15/04 01 BOOKS-REFERENCE 8200065005839 05/10/04 79.40 INVOICE TOTAL: 79.40 2012507770 04/13/04 01 BOOKS-REFERENCE 8200065005839 05/10/04 74.59 INVOICE TOTAL: 74.59 2012510038 04/13/04 01 BOOKS-REFERENCE 8200065005839 05/10/04 75.89 INVOICE TOTAL: 75.89 2012510950 04/16/04 01 MEMORIAL / GIFTS 8200065005841 05/10/04 57.53 INVOICE TOTAL: 57.53 2012516017 04/17/04 01 BOOKS-REFERENCE 8200065005839 05/10/04 140.89 INVOICE TOTAL: 140.89 2012531980 04/22/04 01 BOOKS-REFERENCE 8200065005839 05/10/04 161.50 INVOICE TOTAL: 161.50 2012532134 04/22/04 01 BOOKS-REFERENCE 8200065005839 05/10/04 56.55 INVOICE TOTAL: 56.55 'ATE: 05/06/04 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 3 IME: 14:45:35 DETAIL BOARD REPORT D: AP441000.WOW INVOICES DUE ON/BEFORE 05/10/2004 INVOICE # INVOICE ITEM 'ENDOR # DATE # DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT # P.O. # DUE DATE ITEM AMT SAKTAY BAKER & TAYLOR 2012534924 04/20/04 01 BOOKS-REFERENCE 8200065005839 05/10/04 65.61 INVOICE TOTAL: 65.61 2012539464 04/22/04 01 BOOKS-REFERENCE 8200065005839 05/10/04 64.31 INVOICE TOTAL: 64.31 2012550688 04/27/04 01 BOOKS-AUDIO 8200065005838 05/10/04 303.97 INVOICE TOTAL: 303.97 2012551932 04/23/04 01 BOOKS-REFERENCE 8200065005839 05/10/04 90.87 INVOICE TOTAL: 90.87 2012554205 04/28/04 01 BOOKS-AUDIO 8200065005838 05/10/04 166.09 INVOICE TOTAL: 166.09 2012565831 04/27/04 01 BOOKS-REFERENCE 8200065005839 05/10/04 26.03 INVOICE TOTAL: 26.03 VENDOR TOTAL: 3,300.38 • BURNIDGE BURNIDGE CASSELL 20040311 03/31/04 01 BUILDING DEVELOPMENT FEES 8200065005842 05/10/04 735.67 INVOICE TOTAL: 735.67 VENDOR TOTAL: 735.67 CCSTEAM C&C STEAM CARPET CLEANING 09509 04/28/04 01 MAINTENANCE-BUILDING 8200062005407 05/10/04 445.00 INVOICE TOTAL: 445.00 VENDOR TOTAL: 445.00 CRIMSON CRIMSON MULTIMEDIA DIST. INC. ORDER 4090A 04/13/04 01 AUDIO BOOKS 8200065005838 05/10/04 115.77 INVOICE TOTAL: 115.77 VENDOR TOTAL: 115.77 ATE: 05/06/04 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 4 IME: 14:45:35 DETAIL BOARD REPORT D: AP441000.WOW INVOICES DUE ON/BEFORE 05/10/2004 INVOICE # INVOICE ITEM ENDOR # DATE # DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT # P.O. # DUE DATE ITEM AMT 'ELTSR FELTES, RITA 04/12/04 04/12/04 01 DENTAL ASSISTANCE 8200050005205 05/10/04 549.50 INVOICE TOTAL: 549.50 VENDOR TOTAL: 549.50 IERITAGE HERITAGE TRAIL LIBRARY SYSTEM 1234-001 04/15/04 01 AUTOMATION 8200075007003 05/10/04 536.67 INVOICE TOTAL: 536.67 VENDOR TOTAL: 536.67 CLCENTRY ILLINOIS CENTURY NETWORK 0006316-IN 04/15/04 01 AUTOMATION 8200075007003 05/10/04 4.05 INVOICE TOTAL: 4.05 VENDOR TOTAL: 4.05 CLSTHIST ILL. STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY 05/06/04 05/06/04 01 SUBSCRIPTIONS 8200064005603 05/10/04 30.00 INVOICE TOTAL: 30.00 VENDOR TOTAL: 30.00 INNOVA INNOVA MGMEDIA SYSTEMS YPL030504A/B 04/21/04 01 BOOKS / TECH DEVELOPMENT FEE 8200065005840 05/10/04 3,147.90 INVOICE TOTAL: 3,147.90 VENDOR TOTAL: 3,147.90 JEWEL JEWEL-OSCO 04/14/04 04/14/04 01 PROGRAMMING 8200065005834 05/10/04 26.99 INVOICE TOTAL: 26.99 VENDOR TOTAL: 26.99 KOPY KOPY KAT COPIER 'ATE: 05/06/04 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 5 'IME: 14:45:35 DETAIL BOARD REPORT D: AP441000.WOW INVOICES DUE ON/BEFORE 05/10/2004 INVOICE # INVOICE ITEM VENDOR # DATE # DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT # P.O. # DUE DATE ITEM AMT ZOPY KOPY KAT COPIER 57586 05/03/04 01 MAINTENANCE-PHOTOCOPIER 8200062005412 05/10/04 60.20 INVOICE TOTAL: 60.20 VENDOR TOTAL: 60.20 )FFWORK OFFICE WORKS 52215 04/13/04 01 LIBRARY SUPPLIES 8200065005806 05/10/04 70.35 INVOICE TOTAL: 70.35 52759 04/26/04 01 LIBRARY SUPPLIES 8200065005834 05/10/04 103.71 INVOICE TOTAL: 103.71 52944 04/29/04 01 LIBRARY SUPPLIES 8200065005806 05/10/04 37.94 INVOICE TOTAL: 37.94 52945 04/29/04 01 LIBRARY SUPPLIES 8200065005806 05/10/04 152.62 INVOICE TOTAL: 152.62 53053 05/01/04 01 LIBRARY SUPPLIES 8200065005806 05/10/04 210.99 INVOICE TOTAL: 210.99 53112 05/04/04 01 LIBRARY SUPPLIES 8200065005806 05/10/04 103.71 INVOICE TOTAL: 103.71 VENDOR TOTAL: 679.32 DRIENTAL ORIENTAL TRADING CO INC 577514722-01 04/28/04 01 PROGRAMMING 8200065005834 05/10/04 24.80 INVOICE TOTAL: 24.80 VENDOR TOTAL: 24.80 SBC SBC 312Z89584104 04/16/04 01 AUTOMATION 8200075007003 05/10/04 125.30 INVOICE TOTAL: 125.30 VENDOR TOTAL: 125.30 TATE: 05/06/04 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 6 'IME: 14:45:35 DETAIL BOARD REPORT D: AP441000.WOW INVOICES DUE ON/BEFORE 05/10/2004 INVOICE # INVOICE ITEM 'ENDOR # DATE # DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT # P.O. # DUE DATE ITEM AMT IERVMASC SERVICEMASTER COMMERCIAL 122828 04/01/04 01 MAINTENANCE / BUILDING 8200062005407 05/10/04 250.00 INVOICE TOTAL: 250.00 122950 04/15/04 01 MAINTENANCE -BUILDING 8200062005407 05/10/04 225.00 INVOICE TOTAL: 225.00 VENDOR TOTAL: 475.00 JPSTART UPSTART 8269211-001 04/12/04 01 PROGRAMMING 8200065005834 05/10/04 39.66 INVOICE TOTAL: 39.66 VENDOR TOTAL: 39.66 IALDEN WALDEN'S/ROGER LOCK SERVICE 4993 04/28/04 01 MAINTENANCE-BUILDING 8200062005407 05/10/04 59.00 INVOICE TOTAL: 59.00 VENDOR TOTAL: 59.00 1ALMART WALMART COMMUNITY 05/11/04 04/16/04 01 BIN SETS, RUNNER, PLACEMATS 8200065005834 05/10/04 47.51 02 TOYS, SNACKS, FLORAL GARLANDS 8200065005834 155.33 03 SWIFFERS, BATTERIES, CD R/W'S 8200065005807 97.96 04 DVD'S 8200065005832 85.00 05 DVD'S 8200065005800 62.22 06 SUMMER READING CLUB PROGRAM 8200065005834 533.09 INVOICE TOTAL: 981.11 VENDOR TOTAL: 981.11 COPOST YORKVILLE POSTMASTER 05/06/04 05/06/04 01 POSTAGE & SHIPPING 8200065005808 05/10/04 296.00 INVOICE TOTAL: 296.00 VENDOR TOTAL: 296.00 DATE: 05/06/04 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 7 TIME: 14:45:35 DETAIL BOARD REPORT ID: AP441000.WOW INVOICES DUE ON/BEFORE 05/10/2004 INVOICE # INVOICE ITEM VENDOR # DATE # DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT # P.O. # DUE DATE ITEM AMT ZEITER ZEITER-DICKSON INSURANCE 12002 04/09/04 01 BONDING 8200061005322 05/10/04 381.00 INVOICE TOTAL: 381.00 VENDOR TOTAL: 381.00 SUB_TOTAL ALL INVOICES: 12,619.21 CITY OF YORKVILLE APRIL 2004 PAYROLL 12,110. 18 TOTAL ALL INVOICES $24,729.39 )ATE: 05/06/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 1 [IME: 15:03:42 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 04 [D: GL470002.WOW FUND: LIBRARY FOR 12 PERIODS ENDING APRIL 30, 2004 FISCAL FISCAL % ACCOUNT APRIL YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED 2E VENUES TAXES 82-000-40-00-3999 CARRY OVER BALANCE 0.00 44,138.00 44, 138.00 100.0 82-000-40-00-4000 REAL ESTATE TAXES 0.00 234,086.61 234, 944.00 99.6 82-000-40-00-4010 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX 0.00 3, 127.68 3,000.00 104 .2 82-000-40-00-4015 TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND 0.00 14, 425.00 14,425.00 100.0 TOTAL TAXES 0.00 295,777.29 296,507.00 99.7 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 82-000-42-00-4211 DEVELOPMENT FEES - BUILDING 0.00 25, 625.00 67,000.00 38.2 82-000-42-00-4215 DEVELOPMENT FEES-BOOKS 0.00 25, 625.00 67,000.00 38.2 82-000-42-00-4260 COPY FEES 0.00 1, 187.22 900.00 131.9 82-000-42-00-4261 LIBRARY SUBSCRIPTION CARDS 0.00 12,390.76 6,000.00 206.5 82-000-42-00-4286 RENTAL INCOME 0.00 930.50 1,000.00 93.0 TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES 0.00 65,758.48 141, 900.00 46.3 FINES 82-000-43-00-4330 LIBRARY FINES 0.00 2,970.52 2,000.00 148.5 TOTAL FINES 0.00 2, 970.52 2,000.00 148.5 MISCELLANEOUS 82-000-44-00-4432 SALE OF BOOKS 0.00 854.19 500.00 170.8 82-000-44-00-4450 MEMORIALS 0.00 7,726.86 1,000.00 772.6 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 0.00 8,581.05 1, 500.00 572.0 INTERGOVERNMENTAL 82-000-45-00-4560 LIBRARY PER CAPITA GRANT 0.00 7,736.25 7,700.00 100.4 TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL 0.00 7,736.25 7,700.00 100.4 INTEREST 82-000-46-00-4600 INVESTMENT INCOME 0.00 1, 135.71 1,500.00 75.7 82-000-46-00-4601 INVESTMENT INCOME-BLDG 0.00 172.24 1,250.00 13.7 )ATE: 05/06/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 2 . DIME: 15:03:42 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 04 CD: GL470002.WOW FUND: LIBRARY FOR 12 PERIODS ENDING APRIL 30, 2004 FISCAL FISCAL % ACCOUNT APRIL YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED TOTAL INTEREST 0.00 1,307.95 2,750.00 47.5 TOTAL REVENUES: 0.00 382, 131.54 452, 357.00 84 .4 iXPENSES PERSONNEL SERVICES 82-000-50-00-5107 SALARIES-EMPLOYEES 10, 669.14 128, 645.36 168,000.00 76.5 82-000-50-00-5203 GROUP HEALTH INSURANCE 2,084.31 28, 917.51 35,000.00 82.6 82-000-50-00-5204 GROUP LIFE INSURANCE 81.63 1,025.19 1,500.00 68.3 82-000-50-00-5205 DENTAL & VISION ASSISTANCE 549.50 2,865.85 3,800.00 75.4 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 13,384.58 161,453.91 208,300.00 77.5 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 82-000-61-00-5300 LEGAL SERVICES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 82-000-61-00-5322 BONDING 381.00 762.00 1,300.00 58.6 82-000-61-00-5323 ATTORNEY 195.00 195.00 1,500.00 13.0 TOTAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 576.00 957.00 2,800.00 34.1 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 82-000-62-00-5407 MAINTENANCE-BLDG/JANITORIAL 1, 633.90 3,426.99 4,000.00 85.6 82-000-62-00-5410 MAINTENANCE-OFFICE EQUIPMENT 0.00 2,487.66 3,000.00 82.9 82-000-62-00-5412 MAINTENANCE-PHOTOCOPIER 60.20 128.67 1, 500.00 8.5 82-000-62-00-5435 ELECTRICITY 315.00 1,238.28 2, 500.00 49.5 82-000-62-00-5436 TELEPHONE 242.07 1, 171.65 1,700.00 68.9 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2,251.17 8,453.25 12,700.00 66.5 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 82-000-64-00-5603 SUBSCRIPTIONS 30.00 1, 921.85 2, 300.00 83.5 82-000-64-00-5604 TRAINING & CONFERENCES 25.00 405.00 500.00 81.0 82-000-64-00-5607 PUBLIC RELATIONS 0.00 433.90 600.00 72.3 82-000-64-00-5616 EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION 231.12 845.34 1,000.00 84 .5 TOTAL PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 286.12 3, 606.09 4, 400.00 81.9 DATE: 05/06/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 3 CIME: 15:03:42 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 04 CD: GL470002.WOW FUND: LIBRARY FOR 12 PERIODS ENDING APRIL 30, 2004 FISCAL FISCAL % ACCOUNT APRIL YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED OPERATIONS 82-000-65-00-5800 CONTINGENCIES 62.22 314.01 1,357.00 23.1 82-000-65-00-5806 LIBRARY SUPPLIES 1,313.13 5,233.96 5,500.00 95.1 82-000-65-00-5807 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES 715.90 2, 470.92 3,000.00 82.3 82-000-65-00-5808 POSTAGE & SHIPPING 296.00 703.00 900.00 78.1 82-000-65-00-5810 PUBLISHING & ADVERTISING 16.00 37.00 300.00 12.3 82-000-65-00-5826 MILEAGE 213.75 504.00 500.00 100.8 82-000-65-00-5832 VIDEOS 85.00 800.72 800.00 100.0 82-000-65-00-5833 ALARM MONITORING 138.75 449.30 900.00 49.9 82-000-65-00-5834 LIBRARY PROGRAMMING 1, 596.70 5,545.09 6, 500.00 85.3 82-000-65-00-5835 LIBRARY BOARD EXPENSES 0.00 0.00 250.00 0.0 82-000-65-00-5836 BOOKS-ADULT 1,422.23 8,064 .06 8,700.00 92.6 82-000-65-00-5837 BOOKS-JUVENILE 1, 925.37 9,029.23 8,700.00 103.7 82-000-65-00-5838 BOOKS-AUDIO 903.30 1, 601.28 3,700.00 43.2 82-000-65-00-5839 BOOKS-REFERENCE 4, 114.36 8,297.00 8,700.00 95.3 82-000-65-00-5840 BOOKS-DEVELOPMENT FEE 3, 147.90 18,233.31 67,000.00 27.2 82-000-65-00-5841 MEMORIALS/GIFTS 155.61 2, 614.80 1,000.00 261.4 82-000-65-00-5842 BLDG-DEVELOPMENT FEES 735.67 48,705.15 68,250.00 71.3 TOTAL OPERATIONS 16,841.89 112, 602.83 186,057.00 60.5 RETIREMENT 82-000-72-00-6500 IMRF PARTICPANTS 624 .82 8,047.72 7, 500.00 107.3 82-000-72-00-6501 SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE 816.22 10, 152.87 12, 600.00 80.5 TOTAL RETIREMENT 1,441.04 18,200.59 20, 100.00 90.5 CAPITAL OUTLAY 82-000-75-00-7002 COMPUTER EQUIP & SOFTWARE 0.00 0.00 . 0.00 0.0 82-000-75-00-7003 AUTOMATION 1,352.04 10, 160.53 18,000.00 56.4 82-000-75-00-7703 BUILDING EXPANSION 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,352.04 10, 160.53 18,000.00 56.4 TOTAL EXPENSES: 36,132.84 315,434.20 452,357.00 69.7 COTAL FUND REVENUES 0.00 382, 131.54 452,357.00 84.4 COTAL FUND EXPENSES 36, 132.84 315, 434.20 452,357.00 69.7 'UND SURPLUS (DEFICIT) (36, 132.84) 66, 697.34 0.00 100.0 DATE: 05/06/04 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 1 TIME: 13:48:40 EMPLOYEE YTD HOURS REPORT ID: PR480000.WOW ORDERED BY EMPLOYEE NUMBER DEPARTMENT: LIBRARY DEPARTMENT CURRENT CALENDAR HOURS WORKED FROM 04/01/2004 TO 04/30/2004 ---YEAR TO DATE--- HOURS AMOUNT HOURS AMOUNT EMPL. # NAME CODE & DESCRIPTION WORKED PAID WORKED PAID AMENTB AMENT, BEVERLY REG REGULAR HOURS 57.500 485.30 214.000 1,806.16 TOTAL: 57.500 485.30 214.000 1,806.16 BRADSTRP BRADSTREET, PATRICIA REG REGULAR HOURS 53.000 647.66 232.500 2,841.15 TOTAL: 53.000 647.66 232.500 2,841.15 DEBORDD DEBORD, DIXIE REG REGULAR HOURS 126.000 1,260.00 614.000 6,140.00 SCK SICK-TIME 2.000 20.00 2.000 20.00 VAC VACATION 32.000 320.00 72.000 720.00 TOTAL: 160.000 1, 600.00 688.000 6,880.00 ESSEXJ ESSEX, JANET REG REGULAR HOURS 51.500 386.25 110.000 825.00 TOTAL: 51.500 386.25 110.000 825.00 FELTESR FELTES, RITA REG REGULAR HOURS 160.000 1, 664.00 680.000 6,944.00 TOTAL: 160.000 1, 664.00 680.000 6, 944.00 GARDNERM GARDNER, MARY JO REG REGULAR HOURS 30.000 253.20 131.000 1, 105.64 TOTAL: 30.000 253.20 131.000 1,105.64 GOSSV GOSS, VIRGINIA REG REGULAR HOURS 35.000 281.75 243.000 1, 913.53 TOTAL: 35.000 281.75 243.000 1, 913.53 IWANSS IWANSKI, SHARYL REG REGULAR HOURS 28.500 228.00 118.000 871.18 TOTAL: 28.500 228.00 118.000 871.18 JAHPM JAHP, MARGARET REG REGULAR HOURS 51.500 413.55 210.500 1, 690.33 TOTAL: 51.500 413.55 210.500 1, 690.33 MANNB MANNING, BARBARA REG REGULAR HOURS 85.500 684.00 269.500 2,130.62 TOTAL: 85.500 684.00 269.500 2,130.62 MATLJ MATLOCK, JOANNE REG REGULAR HOURS 28.500 228.00 124 .000 925.66 TOTAL: 28.500 228.00 124 .000 925.66 MINORA MINOR, ALLAN REG REGULAR HOURS 60.500 680.63 265.000 2, 981.27 TOTAL: 60.500 680.63 265.000 2, 981.27 PFISTERM PFISTER, MICHAELEEN REG REGULAR HOURS 160.000 2, 940.80 688.000 12, 645.44 TOTAL: 160.000 2, 940.80 688.000 12, 645.44 SPRAINS SPRAIN, BARBARA REG REGULAR HOURS 22.000 176.00 131.500 1,017.20 TOTAL: 22.000 176.00 131.500 1,017.20 DATE: 05/06/04 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 2 TIME: 13:48:41 EMPLOYEE YTD HOURS REPORT ID: PR480000.WOW ORDERED BY EMPLOYEE NUMBER DEPARTMENT: LIBRARY DEPARTMENT CURRENT CALENDAR HOURS WORKED FROM 04/01/2004 TO 04/30/2004 ---YEAR TO DATE--- HOURS AMOUNT HOURS AMOUNT EMPL. # NAME CODE & DESCRIPTION WORKED PAID WORKED PAID CURRENT CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE REPORT TOTALS: CODE & DESCRIPTION HOURS WORKED AMOUNT PAID HOURS WORKED AMOUNT PAID CMP COMP-TIME 4.000 73.52 HOL HOLIDAY 96.000 1,228.16 REG REGULAR HOURS 949.500 10,329.14 4,031.000 43,837.18 SCK SICK-TIME 2.000 20.00 10.000 100.00 VAC VACATION 32.000 320.00 72.000 720.00 TOTALS: 983.500 10, 669.14 4,213.000 45, 958.86 DATE: 04/06/0 UNITED CITY OF YORKV 7, PAGE: 2 TIME: 14:24:1: POST PAYROLL TO GENERAL ,DGER F-YR: 04 ID: PR180000.WOW ENTRY DATE: 04/06/04 JOURNAL #: PR-040604 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 12 ITEM ACCOUNT # ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION TRANSACTION DESCRIPTION DEBIT AMT CREDIT AMT PARKS & RECREATION 37 79-610-50-00-5107 SALARIES-EMPLOYEES 04/03/04 PAYROLL SUMMARY TOTAL 38 79-610-50-00-5137 SALARIES - OVERTIME 04/03/04 PAYROLL SUMMARY TOTAL 39 79-610-72-00-6500 IMRF PARTICIPANTS 04/03/04 PAYROLL SUMMARY TOTAL 40 79-610-72-00-6501 SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE 04/03/04 PAYROLL SUMMARY TOTAL 41 79-650-50-00-5107 EMPLOYEE SALARIES 04/03/04 PAYROLL SUMMARY TOTAL 42 79-650-50-00-5150 SALARIES-INSTRUCTOR CONTRACTUA 04/03/04 PAYROLL SUMMARY TOTAL 43 79-650-72-00-6500 IMRF PARTICIPANTS 04/03/04 PAYROLL SUMMARY TOTAL 44 79-650-72-00-6501 SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE 04/03/04 PAYROLL SUMMARY TOTAL 45 79-000-10-00-1000 CASH IN BANK-CONSOLIDATED ACCT PAYROLL OFFSET TOTAL: PARKS & RECREATION -1111111 AVERS LIBRARY 46 82-000-50-00-5107 SALARIES-EMPLOYEES 04/03/04 PAYROLL SUMMARY TOTAL 5,088.57 47 82-000-72-00-6500 IMRF PARTICPANTS 04/03/04 PAYROLL SUMMARY TOTAL 312.41 48 82-000-72-00-6501 SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE 04/03/04 PAYROLL SUMMARY TOTAL 389.28 49 82-000-10-00-1050 CASH IN BANK - MMA PAYROLL OFFSET 5,790.26 TOTAL: LIBRARY 5,790.26 5,790.26 LIABILITY DISTRIBUTION GENERAL FUND 50 01-000-22-00-2200 FEDERAL INCOME TAX PAYABLE 04/03/04 PAYROLL LIABILITIES 51 01-000-22-00-2220 SOC. SECURITY/MEDICARE PAYABLE 04/03/04 PAYROLL LIABILITIES 52 01-110-50-00-5198 MSI-EMPLOYEE P/R WITHHOLDINGS 04/03/04 PAYROLL LIABILITIES 53 01-000-10-00-1000 CASH IN BANK-CONSOLIDATED ACCT PAYROLL LIABILITY OFFSET UMW TOTAL: GENERAL FUND JOURNAL TOTALS: )ATE: 04/20/0 UNITED CITY OF YORK1 E PAGE: 2 'IME: 10:23:4_ POST PAYROLL TO GENERAL _..DGER F-YR: 04 :D: PR180000.WOW ENTRY DATE: 04/20/04 JOURNAL #: PR-042004 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 12 :TEM ACCOUNT # ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION TRANSACTION DESCRIPTION DEBIT AMT CREDIT AMT >ARKS & RECREATION 39 79-610-50-00-5107 SALARIES-EMPLOYEES 04/17/04 PAYROLL SUMMARY TOTAL 40 79-610-50-00-5136 SALARIES - PART-TIME 04/17/04 PAYROLL SUMMARY TOTAL 41 79-610-50-00-5137 SALARIES - OVERTIME 04/17/04 PAYROLL SUMMARY TOTAL 42 79-610-72-00-6500 IMRF PARTICIPANTS 04/17/04 PAYROLL SUMMARY TOTAL 43 79-610-72-00-6501 SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE 04/17/04 PAYROLL SUMMARY TOTAL 44 79-650-50-00-5107 EMPLOYEE SALARIES 04/17/04 PAYROLL SUMMARY TOTAL 45 79-650-50-00-5150 SALARIES-INSTRUCTOR CONTRACTUA 04/17/04 PAYROLL SUMMARY TOTAL 46 79-650-62-00-5426 YOUTH SERVICES GRANT EXPENSES 04/17/04 PAYROLL SUMMARY TOTAL 47 79-650-72-00-6500 IMRF PARTICIPANTS 04/17/04 PAYROLL SUMMARY TOTAL 111 an 48 79-650-72-00-6501 SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE 04/17/04 PAYROLL SUMMARY TOTAL 49 79-000-10-00-1000 CASH IN BANK-CONSOLIDATED ACCT PAYROLL OFFSET TOTAL: PARKS & RECREATION --- Irliiiilt LIBRARY 50 82-000-50-00-5107 SALARIES-EMPLOYEES 04/17/04 PAYROLL SUMMARY TOTAL 5,580.57 51 82-000-72-00-6500 IMRF PARTICPANTS 04/17/04 PAYROLL SUMMARY TOTAL 312.41 52 82-000-72-00-6501 SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE 04/17/04 PAYROLL SUMMARY TOTAL 426.94 53 82-000-10-00-1050 CASH IN BANK - MMA PAYROLL OFFSET 6,319.92 TOTAL: LIBRARY 6,319.92 6,319.92 LIABILITY DISTRIBUTION GENERAL FUND 54 01-000-22-00-2200 FEDERAL INCOME TAX PAYABLE 04/17/04 PAYROLL LIABILITIES 4111 55 01-000-22-00-2220 SOC. SECURITY/MEDICARE PAYABLE 04/17/04 PAYROLL LIABILITIES 56 01-110-50-00-5198 MSI-EMPLOYEE P/R WITHHOLDINGS 04/17/04 PAYROLL LIABILITIES - 111111. 57 01-000-10-00-1000 CASH IN BANK-CONSOLIDATED ACCT PAYROLL LIABILITY OFFSET TOTAL: GENERAL FUND -01141111 JOURNAL TOTALS: Sheet1 Librarian's Report April Circulation Adult Juvenile Total Fiction 852 1530 2382 Non-Fiction 765 503 1268 Audio Books 291 70 361 Video Cassettes 17 73 90 DVD 40 40 Kits Magazines 118 11 129 Sheet Music Reference Book HTLS - Books sent to other libraries 245 245 HTLS - Books sent to our library 340 340 Dial-A-Story 239 239 Total Circulation 2628 2466 5094 Gain Over Previous Year 569 Loss Over Previous Year Registration Current Month Adult 27 Juvenile 4 Non-Resident Taxpayer Non -Resident Subscription 12 Senior Citizen Summer Card Reciprocal 3 TOTAL 46 Resources Added Adult Juvenile Easy Books Fiction 41 47 29 Books Non-Fiction 82 11 Audio Books 8 1 DVD's 6 Compact Disc Videos Reference 7 Kits Sheet Music 19 TOTAL 251 Page 1 April Public Relations Articles - Kendall Country Record Photos - Kendall Country Record Meetings, Conferences Music Cataloging Workshop # 3 /Debord/Normal Il Workshops Feltes/HTLS / Conference/ Children Services Programs, Activities Number Attending Adult Book Discussion 8 High School Book Club 4 Jr. Book Club 9 Open Story Time 12 Open Craft Day 9 Toddler Time 5 National Library Week Middles School Visits Justine Jahp 23 Classes / 670 Students Handouts for National Library Week Volunteers Gifts and Memorial $250.00 Gift from the Yorkville Lions Club May 1, 2004 Messrs: United City of Yorkville Library Board From William Powell Treasurer Subject: Internet Access to Library Bank Account I am unable to attend the Monday night library Board meetings since I am working at this time. However, I wish to explain why I have requested to be included on the bank signature cards for Parks and Recreation. Since becoming Treasurer I have been working with the banks to establish VIEW ONLY Internet access to all City accounts. I have completed this with all accounts except for Library accounts. I have also established a monthly collateralization report, which the banks send to me. Once I can view the monthly balance of all accounts I will be able to tell if City funds are properly collateralized. While both Traci Pleckham and I have access to the monthly statements on paper it would be much simpler to obtain the information on the Internet. Also Internet statements are viewable before the monthly statements are mailed to the City. Respectfully, William Powell I IFIKV ® A Division of Cisco Systems,Inc. 802.11 compliant,and a"good neighbor'to other wireless devices and technologies, using a single 2.4GHz channel as specified by the official wireless standard. 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WRT54GS-DS-40225NC-BW Model No. WRT54GS Page 1 of 2 Michelle Pfister From: "Martin, Bonnie S" <Bonnie.Martin©il.proquest.corn> To: <mpfister©htls.lib.il.us> Cc: "Daniels, Sharon" <Sharon.Daniels©il.proquest.com> Sent: Thursday, May 06, 2004 8:21 AM Subject: ProQuest Account Activation Notification - Heritage Quest Dear Michelle Pfister: Welcome to HeritageQuest Online TM -your library's resource for census data, family records, and local histories. This collection assembles every extant U.S. federal census, family genealogies, local histories, tax lists, city directories, land and probate records, birth, marriage and death records, genealogical and local history serials, and more. An ongoing project(new content is added regularly), HeritageQuest Online will grow to encompass the Periodical Source Index (PERS!), Freedman's Bank Records, Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty Land Warrant Index, and additional materials. Through this site, you can: 1. Access remotely via referring URL 2. Search the entire database of census records by single or multiple elements 3. Search the bibliographic citations and full text of all monographs and serials 4. Browse online the digital image of every page 5. Jump directly to your keyword hit in a book or article 6. Download the digital images in PDF and TIFF formats for more extensive viewing and printing 7. Take notes and save them in a notebook, where you can email, print or download citations and notes at the end of your session Your site is now active and will use IP authentication to authorize access at your institution. Please use the following URL to access HeritageQuest Online: http://www.heritagequestonline.com If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about HeritageQuest Online, please call ProQuest Information and Learning at the following numbers: Electronic Technical Support & Search Assistance: 800-889-3358 Customer Service: 800-521-0600, ext. 2971 For inquiries outside the United States and Canada, please call: +1-734-761-4700 ext. 2513 -Technical Support ext. 2971 - Customer Service IMPORTANT NOTES New content is being added to HeritageQuest Online regularly. Check"What's New" on the site to get the most current information. You can also receive periodic updates via email. Learn about new content and support materials as they become available by joining our electronic mailing list. To sign up online, simply fill out the form at http://il.prgquest.com/proouest/mailinglist/, checking the box for HeritageQuest Online under the "ProQuest Product Bulletins" heading. We respect your privacy; your email address and other information will be kept confidential and used only for the specified purpose. We hope you enjoy HeritageQuest Online! -matin, Regards, (, Online Customer Service 5/6/2004