Library Board Packet 2004 10-11-04 Agenda Yorkville Public Library Board of Trustee October 11, 2004 7:30 P.M. 1. Roll Call 2. Recognition of Visitors 3. Amendments to the Agenda 4. Minutes 5. Correspondence 6. Public Comment 7. Report of the Treasurer Financial Statement Payment of Bills 8. Report of the Librarian Statistics 9. City Council Liaison /Human Resource 10. Standing Committees Policy Personnel Community Relations Finance Automation 11. Unfinished Business Library Addition 12. New Business Policy Revised 13. Adjournment Page 1 of 4 Yorkville Public Library Board of Trustees September 13, 2004 7:30 P.M. The meeting was called to order at 7:30pm by Vice President Marianne Wilkinson. Roll Call Members present: Carol LaChance, Sandy Lindblom, Marilyn Voderer, Marianne Wilkinson, and Dr. Joseph Gruber Members not present: Joanne Gryder, Kelly Murray, Russ Walter, and Gail Gaebler Director Michelle Pfister and City Council Liaison Richard Sticka were also present. Recognition of Visitors None Amendments to the Agenda Dr. Joseph Gruber asked to add 2 items to the Agenda. The first is regarding speaking to the Mayor on the Board's behalf and the second is regarding a list of patrons of the YPL. Minutes Marianne Wilkinson asked for everyone to look over the minutes from the August 9, 2004 meeting. Dr. Joseph Gruber found one correction to be added. Marianne Wilkinson asked for a motion to approve the minutes as corrected. Sandy Lindblom made the motion and was seconded by Dr. Joseph Gruber, all were in favor and the motion passed. Correspondence None Public Comment None Report of the Treasurer Marianne Wilkinson asked if the Board would like to look over the report or if they should wait until the Treasurer was present at the next meeting. The Board agreed they should look over what the Treasurer had provided and approve the bill list so that they may be paid. Sandy Lindblom pointed out that the report showed that a lot of books had been purchased. Michelle Pfister confirmed that the Library had done some purchasing of new items. 1 Page 2 of 4 Dr. Joseph Gruber questioned the Board if any one new what the line item that stated `Final Billing—Account closed' (Telephone) was about. No one present new what that item was regarding. Michelle Pfister stated she will look into that item for the Board. Marianne Wilkinson questioned if the Bar Codes purchased were for books or the patron's library cards. Michelle Pfister stated it was for both and also that this purchase did not have to be made very often. Marianne Wilkinson also questioned if the Pentium workstation was for Employees or Patron use. Michelle Pfister stated it was for the Patron's use in the Library. Michelle Pfister also pointed out that she spent $1,188.07 on Library cards and there was only $1,000.00 budgeted. She let the Board know that she already spoke to Russ Walter regarding the cost and he said the purchase was fine as far as the budget. Michelle Pfister added that the last time these had to be purchased the cost was under $1,000.00, but that was a couple of years ago. Marilyn Voderer asked if the Library did charge a fee for replacement cards Patrons may need. Michelle Pfister stated they do charge $1.00 for every replacement card given out which helps set off the cost of new cards. Marianne Wilkinson asked to entertain the motion to approve the bills to be paid, including payroll in the amount of$30, 219.32. Marilyn Voderer made the motion to approve with Carol LaChance seconding the motion. All present moved to pass with a roll call vote. The motion was passed. Report of the Librarian Michelle Pfister started by stating that the check out for the month of August was a total of 6,268 for all items, which was a gain of 1,131 items above August of 2003. The Library also added 144 patrons to the Library with 97 being Adult patrons. There were 335 items added to the Library's inventory including books, DVD's, videos, reference material, and 63 items of sheet music which is a collection that has been started. Michelle Pfister went on to state that there is one more computer for card catalog in the Library for the Patron's to use. She stated that it is not visible from the front desk due to the limit of space in the Library. There is also 4 new flat screen monitors on the computers for use, 3 for Patron use. They also added a corner display shelf in the children's section as well as two wood panel ends on the shelves for displaying of books and freeing up room on the shelves for magazines. The Library sent a letter out at the beginning of the school year letting the teachers know there will be available a Library card for the Teachers to use with their classes as well as letting them know the Library would be more than happy to help gather books and other info for special areas the Teachers are working on. This is something the Library has been doing in past years as well. Michelle Pfister stated that the programs went well thru the month of August. The Adult Reading Club was up to 13 in August and 15 at last Thursday's meeting which is getting 2 Page 3 of 4 big for the Library to handle. Once in a while the Library does get complaints regarding the noise level when the group is trying to meet due to the fact there is no where private or separate for the Reading Club to meet. If and when the referendum passes the Library would like to put together a link on the YPL website for the Reading Club to check on what books are coming up and some extra information as well. Michelle Pfister went on to state that the Library had 33 Adults complete the summer reading program and 362 children complete their program. There is a paper caterpillar on the upper walls of the Library that lists all the books that were read by the children in the program. Lastly it was reported that there was a $30.00 memorial donation made on behalf of Cynthia Kay Becker from Bob & Sue Brettelle and Steve & Sandy Woodin. Michelle Pfister stated that there were 2 pages provided for Board Members. One contained information on the Board Members and the other was a list of Library employees, both updated. City Council Liaison/Human Resource None Standing Committees: • Policy- Sandy Lindblom stated there may be new information for next meeting. • Personnel- None • Community Relations-None • Finance- None • Automation-None Unfinished Business 1. Dr. Joseph Gruber stated that the Mayor and City Council have been very supportive in the Library's attempt to continue growth. Dr. Gruber stated that he would like the Mayor and City Council to pass a resolution stating 'The Mayor& City Council commends the staff and the Board of Trustees of the Yorkville Public Library for the work they have done in the last 3 years and will set up a 20 year plan for the Library with the Growth of the Community to come in the near future'. Dr. Joseph Gruber also stated that the Mayor has done a great job on working with the Board Members as far as how to handle discussions on the referendum. Dr. Gruber is looking to speak with the Mayor as soon as possible regarding the resolution he is requesting. Richard Sticka stated that this item may need to be put on the agenda for the City Council Meeting to discuss,but he will look into this matter and have something written up for the City Council to vote on. Dr. Joseph Gruber also stated that the community needs to be made more aware of the huge need there is for the Library to have growth along with the Community. The community needs to know as well how little the tax increase will be for them if the referendum does pass. 3 Page 4 of 4 2. Dr. Joseph Gruber also questioned the law regarding if the Library's patron list is public record. He had spoken to the City attorney, Kramer regarding the issue, and they agreed that it is public record. The Board questioned Michelle Pfister as to what the Library's policy had been regarding the issue. Michelle Pfister stated that it was not the policy of the Yorkville Public Library to hand out patron information to the public. Dr. Gruber asked for a Board vote for the information to be given to the CYPL. The City Liaison stated that all that was needed is a `Freedom of Information' form to be filled out to receive this information. The motion to give this list died due to lack of a second. Michelle Pfister stated that PALS only gives the Library a computer print out of the list of patrons due to no CD of the inforniation being available. The Board decided that if the F.O.I. is filled out, the list will be made available to whoever requests it. The library will keep track of who has requested the information for the Library record. Mr. Sticka also pointed out that it is permitted to charge for this information by law. New Business None Marianne Wilkinson entertained the motion to adjourn the meeting. Carol LaChance made the motion with Marilyn Voderer seconding. With all in favor, the meeting was adjourned at 8:17p.m. Minutes by: Sheila Teausaw 4 Teen Read V�lee c 7oin us for a fun Teen Read WeeK which is October filth -2-3. During this weeK we will have giveaways l\ND a sleep over in the library Friday the 2-2-nd! To join us at the sleep over, you must first read and write a report for 2- booKs of your choice. Once you've turned the reports in to the library you will be given a parental permission slip. Comet it signed by your parent(s) turn it in to Miss Rita @ the YorKville Library. Then briny your sleeping bay and -pillow forapizza party, an interactive mystery game, a movie, music and breaKfast in the a.rn. We will meet at the library on Friday, October 2.2.nd at (o:30 p.m. You will need to have a ride in the morning at 1:0o a.m. This is a lock in. No one will be allowed in or out once vie are all here. If you have any questions please contact Miss gib at the YorKville Library. (030 - 553 - 4354. meq" { r , "f,M a . November 2004 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 Hamster Races 3 4 5 6 Election Day 6:30 p.m. Open Storytime Don't forget to vote! Register your hamster&get the 10:00-10:30 information sheet about the ti -'::'" - • . —{ ;*T '"NigIs at the Races! ! No registration w Y v'4 V Prizes will be awarded 7 8 9 10 11 Let's Go!Storytime 12 13 Ages 4-8 r+st t Pati s Kids Book Club Closed for ' • r� ,i Must be a good listener. ,. ,..' 111 rz.t j I 2nd-5th Grades Veterans Day. ,.l ii -,fie 4:00-5:00 p.m.. 7 Join us as we travel around ,'/.tom- the world! N�,� Registration Required ! 14 National Children's 15 16 17 18 19 .... 4 20 Book Week Middle School Book Club '110 school Book Club 2:30-3:30 Rick Kelley will be here (15-21) 3:00-4:00 tonight at 7:00 to wow us with reat Handouts all week& Registration papers at the his wonderful singing and a very special guest on front desk. music.Make sure to join us!! ...ikk,\ Wednesday night!! 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Closing at 5:00 p.m. Toddler Time "` Closed for Thanksgiving x_t..--.41(;","--:-,4, for Thanksgiving 10:30-10:50 "`-. 30.x. ages 2 or 3 with a parent. 'i ce Registration is required! .ig 28 29 30 f ...y. , '\ '• . 4';;*-'t, ' ' 4.::•‘, likatk'N V't aar_.,.. - #1. *SI', • .' ll • 4Pir "A P., .,,,E,', ., ' , •‹..,,,,r .. ir• .... . .r- ‘ .16 )6. \.--, , L __.• f_ BOOK. FOR NOVEMBER IN SICKNESS AND HEALTH: "MEMOIR OF A MA AKR' EII BY BECKY RUMNEY . . 0..„.,•. 0uuou DARE f ,, CIDERi % CIDER ? ' TO DSS up9??? . ) ,__,_, _, _ ... . ..„ si Sheet1 Librarian's Report September Circulation Adult Juvenile Total Fiction 984 1674 2658 Non-Fiction 669 514 1183 Audio Books 343 60 403 Video Cassettes 11 44 55 DVD 36 36 Kits 12 12 Magazines 150 16 166 Sheet Music Reference Book HTLS - Books sent to other libraries 253 102 355 HTLS - Books sent to our library 353 131 484 Dial-A-Story 285 Total Circulation 2763 2874 5637 Gain Over Previous Year 368 Loss Over Previous Year Registration Current Month Adult 61 Juvenile 23 Non-Resident Taxpayer Non -Resident Subscription 6 Senior Citizen Courtesy Card Summer Card Reciprocal 2 TOTAL 92 Items Added Adult Juvenile Easy Books Fiction 18 43 54 Books Non-Fiction 73 49 Audio Books 22 DVD's 4 Compact Disc Videos 1 Reference 78 41 Kits Sheet Music 17 Magazine 51 4 TOTAL 455 Page 1 September Public Relations Articles - Kendall Country Record Photos - Kendall Country Record Meetings, Conferences Feltes/PALS Sassy Meeting/Youth Service Workshops DeBord/ Catalog Programs, Activities Number Attending Adult Book Discussion 15 High School Book Club 5 Middle School Book Club 7 Home School book Club 7 2°d Grade Cross Lutheran 35 Toddler Time 16 High School Special Class Visit 20 Let's Go! Program 8 Volunteers Gifts and Memorial $500.00 In Memory of Jack Murphy $35.00 in Memory of Bud Stewart from Janice Mahr and Carolyn Vaughan $30.00 in Memory of Ron Robb from Dale and La Donna Tweedy and Randy and Janet Stevenson DATE: 10/06/04 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 1 TIME: 10:11:33 EMPLOYEE YTD HOURS REPORT ID: PR480000.W0W ORDERED BY EMPLOYEE NAME DEPARTMENT: LIBRARY DEPARTMENT CURRENT CALENDAR HOURS WORKED FROM 09/01/2004 TO 09/30/2004 ---YEAR TO DATE--- HOURS AMOUNT HOURS AMOUNT EMPL. # NAME CODE & DESCRIPTION WORKED PAID WORKED PAID AMENTB AMENT, BEVERLY REG REGULAR HOURS 33.000 297.00 449.500 3,850.62 TOTAL: 33.000 297.00 449.500 3,850.62 BRADSTRP BRADSTREET, PATRICIA REG REGULAR HOURS 61.000 775.31 531.000 6, 635.10 TOTAL: 61.000 775.31 531.000 6, 635.10 CLARKC CLARK, CHRISTINE REG REGULAR HOURS 21.000 157.50 60.500 453.75 TOTAL: 21.000 157.50 60.500 453.75 DEBORDD DEBORD, DIXIE REG REGULAR HOURS 152.000 1,580.80 1,438.000 14,709.60 HOL HOLIDAY 8.000 83.20 56.000 569. 60 TOTAL: 160.000 1, 664.00 1,494.000 15,279.20 ESSEXJ ESSEX, JANET REG REGULAR HOURS 57.500 452.50 392.000 2, 967.00 TOTAL: 57.500 452.50 392.000 2, 967.00 FELTESR FELTES, RITA REG REGULAR HOURS 152.000 1,580.80 1,513.000 15, 607.20 HOL HOLIDAY 8.000 83.20 48.000 486.40 TOTAL: 160.000 1, 664.00 1,561.000 16,093.60 GARDNERM GARDNER, MARY JO REG REGULAR HOURS 36.000 324.00 266.500 2,284.54 TOTAL: 36.000 324.00 266.500 2,284.54 GOSSV GOSS, VIRGINIA REG REGULAR HOURS 45.500 391.76 487.500 3, 949.55 TOTAL: 45.500 391.76 487.500 3, 949.55 IWANSS IWANSKI, SHARYL REG REGULAR HOURS 16.000 128.00 272.000 2,103.18 TOTAL: 16.000 128.00 272.000 2, 103.18 JAHPM JAHP, MARGARET REG REGULAR HOURS 7.000 59.50 366.000 2, 952.87 TOTAL: 7.000 59.50 366.000 2,952.87 MANNB MANNING, BARBARA REG REGULAR HOURS 48.500 388.00 587.000 4, 670.62 TOTAL: 48.500 388.00 587.000 4, 670.62 MATLJ MATLOCK, JOANNE REG REGULAR HOURS 29.000 241.00 275.500 2,154.41 TOTAL: 29.000 241.00 275.500 2,154.41 MINORA MINOR, ALLAN REG REGULAR HOURS 45.500 532.35 563.000 6,467.87 TOTAL: 45.500 532.35 563.000 6,467.87 PFISTERM PFISTER, MICHAELEEN REG REGULAR HOURS 152.000 3,076.54 1, 448.000 28,028.15 DATE: 10/06/04 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 2 TIME: 10:11:33 EMPLOYEE YTD HOURS REPORT ID: PR480000.WOW ORDERED BY EMPLOYEE NAME DEPARTMENT: LIBRARY DEPARTMENT CURRENT CALENDAR HOURS WORKED FROM 09/01/2004 TO 09/30/2004 ---YEAR TO DATE--- HOURS AMOUNT HOURS AMOUNT EMPL. # NAME CODE & DESCRIPTION WORKED PAID WORKED PAID PFISTERM PFISTER, MICHAELEEN HOL HOLIDAY 8.000 161.92 56.000 1,073.92 TOTAL: 160.000 3,238.46 1,504 .000 29, 102.07 CURRENT CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE REPORT TOTALS: CODE & DESCRIPTION HOURS WORKED AMOUNT PAID HOURS WORKED AMOUNT PAID CMP COMP-TIME 4.000 73.52 FH FLOATING-HOLIDAYS 16.000 166.40 HOL HOLIDAY 24.000 328.32 160.000 2, 129.92 REG REGULAR HOURS 856.000 9, 985.06 8, 649.500 96,834.46 SCK SICK-TIME 42.000 511.52 VAC VACATION 183.000 2,740.36 TOTALS: 880.000 10,313.38 9,054.500 102,456.18 DATE: 09/21/04 UNITED CITY OF YORKVI PAGE: 2 TIME: 08:53:33 POST PAYROLL TO GENERAL .GER F-YR: 05 ID: PR180000.WOW ENTRY DATE: 09/21/04 JOURNAL #: PR-091804 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 05 ITEM ACCOUNT # ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION TRANSACTION DESCRIPTION DEBIT AMT CREDIT AMT LIBRARY 48 82-000-50-00-5107 SALARIES-EMPLOYEES 09/18/04 PAYROLL SUMMARY TOTAL 5,195.20 49 82-000-72-00-6500 IMRF PARTICPANTS 09/18/04 PAYROLL SUMMARY TOTAL 330.62 50 82-000-72-00-6501 SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE 09/18/04 PAYROLL SUMMARY TOTAL 397.42 51 82-000-10-00-1050 CASH IN BANK - MMA PAYROLL OFFSET 5,923.24 TOTAL: LIBRARY 5,923.24 5,923.24 DATE: 09/21, `4 UNITED CITY OF '.KVILLE PAGE 17 TIME: 08:46: DISTRIBUTION JRNAL F-YR 2005 ID: PR170000.WOW � - 0 9 - / -0 / ITEM ACCOUNT # ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EMPL. # EMPL. NAME / TRANS. DESCRIPTION DEBIT AMT CREDIT AMT LIBRARY 48 82-000-50-00-5107 SALARIES-EMPLOYEES PFISTERM PFISTER, MICHAELEEN 1, 619.23 TOTALS: 5, 195.20 49 82-000-72-00-6500 IMRF PARTICPANTS DEBORDD DEBORD, DIXIE 83.78 FELTESR FELTES, RITA 83.78 PFISTERM PFISTER, MICHAELEEN 163.06 TOTALS: 330.62 50 82-000-72-00-6501 SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE AMENTB AMENT, BEVERLY 7.58 BRADSTRP BRADSTREET, PATRICIA 27.22 CLARKC CLARK, CHRISTINE 5.74 DEBORDD DEBORD, DIXIE 63.64 ESSEXJ ESSEX, JANET 21.11 FELTESR FELTES, RITA 63.64 GARDNERM GARDNER, MARY JO 12.39 GOSSV GOSS, VIRGINIA 15.48 IWANSS IWANSKI, SHARYL 3.06 JAHPM JAHP, MARGARET 2.27 MANNB MANNING, BARBARA 12.86 MATLJ MATLOCK, JOANNE 11.71 MINORA MINOR, ALLAN 26.85 PFISTERM PFISTER, MICHAELEEN 123.87 TOTALS: 397.42 51 82-000-10-00-1050 CASH IN BANK - MMA PAYROLL OFFSET 5,923.24 TOTALS: 5,923.24 DATE: 09/21, '4 UNITED CITY OF '.KVILLE PAGE 16 TIME: 08:46: . DISTRIBUTION JRNAL F-YR. 2005 ID: PR170000.WOW KJ L ITEM ACCOUNT # ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EMPL. # EMPL. NAME / TRANS. DESCRIPTION DEBIT AMT CREDIT AMT ROWN `JSH, LIBRARY 48 82-000-50-00-5107 SALARIES-EMPLOYEES AMENTB AMENT, BEVERLY 99.00 BRADSTRP BRADSTREET, PATRICIA 355.88 CLARKC CLARK, CHRISTINE 75.00 DEBORDD DEBORD, DIXIE 832.00 ESSEXJ ESSEX, JANET 276.00 FELTESR FELTES, RITA 832.00 GARDNERM GARDNER, MARY JO 162.00 GOSSV GOSS, VIRGINIA 202.34 IWANSS IWANSKI, SHARYL 40.00 JAHPM JAHP, MARGARET 29.75 MANNB MANNING, BARBARA 168.00 MATLJ MATLOCK, JOANNE 153.00 MINORA MINOR, ALLAN 351.00 • ,G: 09/07/0 UNITED CITY OF YORKVJ PAGE: 2 LIME: 15:00:3, POST PAYROLL TO GENERAL JGER F-YR: OS ID: PR180000.WOW ENTRY DATE: 09/07/04 JOURNAL #: PR-090404 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 05 ITEM ACCOUNT # ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION TRANSACTION DESCRIPTION DEBIT AMT CREDIT AMT LIBRARY 47 82-000-50-00-5107 SALARIES-EMPLOYEES 09/04/04 PAYROLL SUMMARY TOTAL 5,118.18 48 82-000-72-00-6500 IMRF PARTICPANTS 09/04/04 PAYROLL SUMMARY TOTAL 330.62 49 82-000-72-00-6501 SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE 09/04/04 PAYROLL SUMMARY TOTAL 391.53 50 82-000-10-00-1050 CASH IN BANK - MMA PAYROLL OFFSET 5,840.33 TOTAL: LIBRARY 5,840.33 5,840.33 DATE: 09/07/2' UNITED CITY OF YORKV 7, PAGE: 16 TIME: 12:24:0, DISTRIBUTION JOURN, F-YR: 2005 ID: PR170000.WOW • p ' JC1 ,-01-/-U t-f ITEM ACCOUNT # ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION EMPL. # Z EMPL. NAME / TRANS. DESCRIPTION DEBIT AMT CREDIT AMT LIBRARY 47 82-000-50-00-5107 SALARIES-EMPLOYEES AMENTB AMENT, BEVERLY 198.00 BRADSTRP BRADSTREET, PATRICIA 419.43 CLARKC CLARK, CHRISTINE 82.50 DEBORDD DEBORD, DIXIE 832.00 ESSEXJ ESSEX, JANET 176.50 FELTESR FELTES, RITA 832.00 GARDNERM GARDNER, MARY JO 162.00 GOSSV GOSS, VIRGINIA 189.42 IWANSS IWANSKI, SHARYL 88.00 JAHPM JAHP, MARGARET 29.75 MANNB MANNING, BARBARA 220.00 MATLJ MATLOCK, JOANNE 88.00 MINORA MINOR, ALLAN 181.35 PFISTERM PFISTER, MICHAELEEN 1,619.23 TOTALS: 5,118.18 48 82-000-72-00-6500 IMRF PARTICPANTS DEBORDD DEBORD, DIXIE 83.78 FELTESR FELTES, RITA 83.78 PFISTERM PFISTER, MICHAELEEN 163.06 TOTALS: 330.62 49 82-000-72-00-6501 SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE AMENTB AMENT, BEVERLY 15.15 BRADSTRP BRADSTREET, PATRICIA 32.08 CLARKC CLARK, CHRISTINE 6.32 DEBORDD DEBORD, DIXIE 63.64 ESSEXJ ESSEX, JANET 13.50 FELTESR FELTES, RITA 63.64 GARDNERM GARDNER, MARY JO 12.39 GOSSV GOSS, VIRGINIA 14.49 IWANSS IWANSKI, SHARYL 6.74 JAHPM JAHP, MARGARET 2.27 MANNB MANNING, BARBARA 16.83 MATLJ MATLOCK, JOANNE_ 6.74 MINORA MINOR, ALLAN 13.87 PFISTERM PFISTER, MICHAELEEN 123.87 TOTALS: 391.53 50 82-000-10-00-1050 CASH IN BANK - MMA PAYROLL OFFSET 5,840.33 TOTALS: 5,840.33 DATE: 10/06/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 1 TIME: 11:33:38 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 05 ID: GL470002.WOW FUND: LIBRARY IF FOR 6 PERIODS ENDING OCTOBER ), 2004 OCTOBER )‹ FISCAL FISCAL % ACCOUNT OCTOBER YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED REVENUES TAXES 82-000-40-00-3997 CARRY OVER DEVELOPMENT FEES 0.00 0.00 100,000.00 0.0 82-000-40-00-3998 CARRY OVER-MEMORIALS 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 0.0 82-000-40-00-3999 CARRY OVER BALANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 82-000-40-00-4000 REAL ESTATE TAXES 0.00 154,862.98 308,353.00 50.2 82-000-40-00-4010 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX 0.00 1,324.94 2,500.00 52.9 82-000-40-00-4015 TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND 0.00 0.00 19, 811.00 0.0 TOTAL TAXES 0.00 156,187.92 435, 664.00 35.8 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 82-000-42-00-4211 DEVELOPMENT FEES - BUILDING 0.00 18,225.00 20,000.00 91.1 82-000-42-00-4215 DEVELOPMENT FEES-BOOKS 0.00 18,225.00 20,000.00 91.1 82-000-42-00-4260 COPY FEES 0.00 469.35 900.00 52.1 82-000-42-00-4261 LIBRARY SUBSCRIPTION CARDS 0.00 5,000.00 8,000.00 62.5 82-000-42-00-4286 RENTAL INCOME 0.00 379.00 1,000.00 37.9 TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES 0.00 42,298.35 49,900.00 84.7 FINES 82-000-43-00-4330 LIBRARY FINES 0.00 1,197.95 3,000.00 39.9 TOTAL FINES 0.00 1,197.95 3,000.00 39.9 MISCELLANEOUS 82-000-44-00-4432 SALE OF BOOKS 0.00 488.93 500.00 97.7 82-000-44-00-4450 MEMORIALS 0.00 1,318.60 1, 500.00 87.9 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 0.00 1,807.53 2,000.00 90.3 INTERGOVERNMENTAL 82-000-45-00-4560 LIBRARY PER CAPITA GRANT 0.00 0.00 7,700.00 0.0 TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL 0.00 0.00 7,700.00 0.0 INTEREST DATE: 10/06/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 2 TIME: 11:33:38 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 05 ID: GL470002.WOW FUND: LIBRARY FOR 6 PERIODS ENDING OCTOBER 31, 2004 FISCAL FISCAL % ACCOUNT OCTOBER YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED REVENUES INTEREST 82-000-46-00-4600 INVESTMENT INCOME 0.00 741.92 1, 500.00 49.4 82-000-46-00-4601 INVESTMENT INCOME-BLDG 0.00 0.00 1,250.00 0.0 TOTAL INTEREST 0.00 741.92 2,750.00 26.9 TOTAL REVENUES: 0.00 202,233.67 501,014.00 40.3 EXPENSES PERSONNEL SERVICES 82-000-50-00-5107 SALARIES-EMPLOYEES 5,438.81 63,494.33 180,000.00 35.2 82-000-50-00-5203 GROUP HEALTH INSURANCE 0.00 4, 566.16 30,000.00 15.2 82-000-50-00-5204 GROUP LIFE INSURANCE 0.00 163.26 1,500.00 10.8 82-000-50-00-5205 DENTAL & VISION ASSISTANCE 218.00 1,772.42 3, 500.00 50.6 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 5, 656.81 69,996.17 215,000.00 32.5 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 82-000-61-00-5300 LEGAL SERVICES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 82-000-61-00-5322 BONDING 0.00 633.00 1,400.00 45.2 82-000-61-00-5323 ATTORNEY 0.00 0.00 3,000.00 0.0 TOTAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0.00 633 .00 4,400.00 14.3 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 82-000-62-00-5401 CONTRACT SERVICES 50.00 100.00 0.00 (100.0) 82-000-62-00-5407 MAINTENANCE-BLDG/JANITORIAL 290.00 1, 670.00 5,000.00 33 .4 82-000-62-00-5410 MAINTENANCE-OFFICE EQUIPMENT 251.46 1, 145.13 3,000.00 38.1 82-000-62-00-5412 MAINTENANCE-PHOTOCOPIER 0.00 59.05 1,000.00 5.9 82-000-62-00-5435 ELECTRICITY 0.00 105.94 2, 500.00 4.2 82-000-62-00-5436 TELEPHONE 44.18 487.92 1,700.00 28.7 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 635.64 3, 568.04 13,200.00 27.0 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT V . DATE: 10/06/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 3 TIME: 11:33 :38 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 05 ID: GL470002 .WOW FUND: LIBRARY FOR 6 PERIODS ENDING OCTOBER 31, 2004 FISCAL FISCAL % ACCOUNT OCTOBER YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED EXPENSES PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 82-000-64-00-5603 SUBSCRIPTIONS 133.94 244.04 2, 500.00 9.7 82-000-64-00-5604 TRAINING & CONFERENCES 0.00 70.00 1,000.00 7.0 82-000-64-00-5607 PUBLIC RELATIONS 0.00 261.30 650.00 40.2 82-000-64-00-5616 EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION 0.00 83.99 2,000.00 4.1 'DOTAL PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 133.94 659.33 6,150.00 10.7 OPERATIONS 82-000-65-00-5800 CONTINGENCIES 0.00 102.25 4,314.00 2.3 82-000-65-00-5806 LIBRARY SUPPLIES 292.59 3,019.96 7,000.00 43.1 82-000-65-00-5807 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES 268.11 933.78 4,000.00 23.3 82-000-65-00-5808 POSTAGE & SHIPPING 0.00 111.00 900.00 12.3 82-000-65-00-5810 PUBLISHING & ADVERTISING 0.00 38.10 300.00 12.7 82-000-65-00-5826 MILEAGE 75.00 206.25 600.00 34.3 82-000-65-00-5832 VIDEOS 22.30 113 .53 5,500.00 2.0 82-000-65-00-5833 ALARM MONITORING 0.00 509.79 900.00 56.6 82-000-65-00-5834 LIBRARY PROGRAMMING 489.11 3,050.90 9,000.00 33.8 82-000-65-00-5835 LIBRARY BOARD EXPENSES 0.00 0.00 500.00 0.0 82-000-65-00-5836 BOOKS-ADULT 0.00 1,272.10 10,000.00 12.7 82-000-65-00-5837 BOOKS-JUVENILE 1,011.53 5,284.86 10,000.00 52.8 82-000-65-00-5838 BOOKS-AUDIO 0.00 1,414.07 6,000.00 23.5 82-000-65-00-5839 BOOKS-REFERENCE 0.00 2, 110.46 12,000.00 17.5 82-000-65-00-5840 BOOKS-DEVELOPMENT FEE 1,738.90 19, 678.78 70,000.00 28.1 82-000-65-00-5841 MEMORIALS/GIFTS 553.90 1,252.22 6,500.00 19.2 82-000-65-00-5842 BLDG-DEVELOPMENT FEES 0.00 4,250.00 71,250.00 5.9 TOTAL OPERATIONS 4,451.44 43,348.05 218,764.00 19.8 RETIREMENT 82-000-72-00-6500 IMRF PARTICPANTS 330.62 3,949.23 8,000.00 49.3 82-000-72-00-6501 SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE 416.03 4, 857.17 13,500.00 35.9 TOTAL RETIREMENT 746.65 8,806.40 21, 500.00 40.9 CAPITAL OUTLAY DATE: 10/06/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 4 TIME: 11:33:38 DETAILED REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT F-YR: 05 ID: GL470002 .WOW FUND: LIBRARY FOR 6 PERIODS ENDING OCTOBER 31, 2004 FISCAL FISCAL % ACCOUNT OCTOBER YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR COLLECTED/ NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENDED EXPENSES CAPITAL OUTLAY 82-000-75-00-7002 COMPUTER EQUIP & SOFTWARE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 82-000-75-00-7003 AUTOMATION 133.90 3,806.59 22,000.00 17.3 82-000-75-00-7703 BUILDING EXPANSION 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 133 .90 3,806.59 22,000.00 17.3 TOTAL EXPENSES: 11,758.38 130, 817.58 501,014.00 26.1 TOTAL FUND REVENUES 0.00 202,233.67 501,014.00 40.3 TOTAL FUND EXPENSES 11,758.38 130, 817.58 501,014.00 26.1 FUND SURPLUS (DEFICIT) (11,758.38) 71,416.09 0.00 100.0 DATE: 10/06/04 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 1 TIME: 09: 45: 15 DETAIL BOARD REPORT ID: AP441000.WOW INVOICES DUE ON/BEFORE 10/11/2004 INVOICE # INVOICE ITEM VENDOR # DATE # DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT # P.O. # DUE DATE ITEM AMT AAREN AAREN PEST CONTROL 47627 09/20/04 01 PEST TREATMENT 82-000-62-00-5407 10/11/04 40.00 MAINTENANCE-BLDG/JANITORIA INVOICE TOTAL: 40.00 VENDOR TOTAL: 40.00 ATT AT&T 091504-LIB 09/15/04 01 MONTHLY TELEPHONE CHARGES 82-000-62-00-5436 10/11/04 24 . 99 TELEPHONE INVOICE TOTAL: 24. 99 VENDOR TOTAL: 24 . 99 BAKTAY BAKER & TAYLOR 2013178931 08/31/04 01 JUVENILE BOOKS 82-000-65-00-5837 10/11/04 448 .19 BOOKS-JUVENILE INVOICE TOTAL: 448 . 19 2013200514 09/02/04 01 JUVENILE BOOKS 82-000-65-00-5837 10/11/04 191. 67 BOOKS-JUVENILE INVOICE TOTAL: 191. 67 2013212600 08/31/04 01 JUVENILE BOOKS 82-000-65-00-5837 10/11/04 31.11 BOOKS-JUVENILE INVOICE TOTAL: 31.11 2013215167 09/01/04 01 BOOKS JUVENILE 82-000-65-00-5837 10/11/04 48.81 BOOKS-JUVENILE INVOICE TOTAL: 48. 81 2013229510 08/31/04 01 JUVENILE BOOKS 82-000-65-00-5837 10/11/04 141. 90 BOOKS-JUVENILE INVOICE TOTAL: 141. 90 2013240267 09/10/04 01 BOOKS DEVELOPMENT FEE 82-000-65-00-5840 10/11/04 114 .50 BOOKS-DEVELOPMENT FEE INVOICE TOTAL: 114 .50 DATE: 10/06/04 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 2 TIME: 09:36:24 DETAIL BOARD REPORT ID: AP441000.WOW INVOICES DUE ON/BEFORE 10/11/2004 INVOICE # INVOICE ITEM VENDOR # DATE # DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT # P.O. # DUE DATE ITEM AMT BAKTAY BAKER & TAYLOR 2013250509 09/07/04 01 JUVENILE BOOKS 82-000-65-00-5837 10/11/04 113 .57 BOOKS-JUVENILE INVOICE TOTAL: 113 .57 2013258588 09/13/04 01 BOOKS DEVELOPMENT FEE 82-000-65-00-5840 10/11/04 320.97 BOOKS-DEVELOPMENT FEE INVOICE TOTAL: 320.97 2013260153 09/13/04 01 BOOKS DEVELOPMENT FEE 82-000-65-00-5840 10/11/04 35.08 BOOKS-DEVELOPMENT FEE INVOICE TOTAL: 35.08 2013272149 09/08/04 01 JUVENILE BOOKS 82-000-65-00-5837 10/11/04 36.28 BOOKS-JUVENILE INVOICE TOTAL: 36.28 2013278479 09/14/04 01 BOOKS DEVELOPMENT FEE 82-000-65-00-5840 10/11/04 240.71 BOOKS-DEVELOPMENT FEE INVOICE TOTAL: 240.71 2013286638 09/10/04 01 BOOKS DEVELOPMENT FEE 82-000-65-00-5840 10/11/04 70.21 BOOKS-DEVELOPMENT FEE INVOICE TOTAL: 70.21 2013288121 09/10/04 01 BOOKS-DEVELOPMENT FEE 82-000-65-00-5840 10/11/04 46.41 BOOKS-DEVELOPMENT FEE INVOICE TOTAL: 46.41 2013304299 09/17/04 01 BOOKS DEVELOPMENT FEE 82-000-65-00-5840 10/11/04 101.16 BOOKS-DEVELOPMENT FEE INVOICE TOTAL: 101.16 2013306032 09/14/04 01 BOOKS DEVELOPMENT FEE 82-000-65-00-5840 10/11/04 79.52 BOOKS-DEVELOPMENT FEE INVOICE TOTAL: 79.52 DATE: 10/06/04 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 3 TIME: 09:36:24 DETAIL BOARD REPORT ID: AP441000.WOW INVOICES DUE ON/BEFORE 10/11/2004 INVOICE # INVOICE ITEM VENDOR # DATE # DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT # P.O. # DUE DATE ITEM AMT BAKTAY BAKER & TAYLOR 2013318378 09/20/04 01 BOOKS DEVELOPMENT FEE 82-000-65-00-5840 10/11/04 117.80 BOOKS-DEVELOPMENT FEE INVOICE TOTAL: 117.80 2013330328 09/20/04 01 MEMORIAL BOOKS 82-000-65-00-5841 10/11/04 553.90 MEMORIALS/GIFTS INVOICE TOTAL: 553.90 2013338884 09/22/04 01 BOOKS DEVELOPMENT FEE 82-000-65-00-5840 10/11/04 150.12 BOOKS-DEVELOPMENT FEE INVOICE TOTAL: 150.12 2013339682 09/22/04 01 BOOKS DEVELOPMENT FEE 82-000-65-00-5840 10/11/04 39.95 BOOKS-DEVELOPMENT FEE INVOICE TOTAL: 39.95 2013341098 09/22/04 01 BOOKS DEVELOPMENT FEE 82-000-65-00-5840 10/11/04 135.00 BOOKS-DEVELOPMENT FEE INVOICE TOTAL: 135.00 2013348713 09/23/04 01 BOOKS DEVELOPMENT FEE 82-000-65-00-5840 10/11/04 130.35 BOOKS-DEVELOPMENT FEE INVOICE TOTAL: 130.35 2013348947 09/18/04 01 BOOKS DEVELOPMENT FEE 82-000-65-00-5840 10/11/04 119.18 BOOKS-DEVELOPMENT FEE INVOICE TOTAL: 119.18 2013382517 09/23/04 01 BOOKS DEVELOPMENT FEE 82-000-65-00-5840 10/11/04 37.94 BOOKS-DEVELOPMENT FEE INVOICE TOTAL: 37.94 J15714570 09/23/04 01 VIDEOS 82-000-65-00-5832 10/11/04 22.30 VIDEOS INVOICE TOTAL: 22.30 VENDOR TOTAL: 3,326.63 DATE: 10/06/04 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 4 TIME: 09:36:24 DETAIL BOARD REPORT ID: AP441000.WOW INVOICES DUE ON/BEFORE 10/11/2004 INVOICE # INVOICE ITEM VENDOR # DATE # DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT # P.O. # DUE DATE ITEM AMT CAMBRIA CAMBRIA SALES COMPANY INC. 19766 09/21/04 01 PAPER TOWELS, COPY PAPER 82-000-65-00-5807 10/11/04 138.73 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES 02 GLASS CLEANER, LINER ** COMMENT ** INVOICE TOTAL: 138.73 VENDOR TOTAL: 138.73 CHITRIB CHICAGO TRIBUNE 10394737-AUGFEB 09/17/04 01 CHICAGO TRIBUNE SUBSCRIPTION 82-000-64-00-5603 10/11/04 113.94 SUBSCRIPTIONS INVOICE TOTAL: 113.94 VENDOR TOTAL: 113.94 CRIMSON CRIMSON MULTIMEDIA DIST. INC. 5355A 09/16/04 01 AUDIO BOOKS 82-000-65-00-5834 10/11/04 117.52 LIBRARY PROGRAMMING INVOICE TOTAL: 117.52 VENDOR TOTAL: 117.52 DEBORD DEBORD, DIXIE PALS-MILEAGE 10/04/04 01 PALS MILEAGE 82-000-65-00-5826 10/11/04 56.25 MILEAGE INVOICE TOTAL: 56.25 VENDOR TOTAL: 56.25 FELTSR FELTES, RITA PALS-MILEAGE 09/10/04 01 PALS MILEAGE 82-000-65-00-5826 10/11/04 18.75 MILEAGE INVOICE TOTAL: 18.75 VENDOR TOTAL: 18.75 GAYLORD GAYLORD BROTHERS • DATE: 10/06/04 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 5 TIME: 09:36:24 DETAIL BOARD REPORT ID: AP441000.WOW INVOICES DUE ON/BEFORE 10/11/2004 INVOICE # INVOICE ITEM VENDOR # DATE # DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT # P.O. # DUE DATE ITEM AMT GAYLORD GAYLORD BROTHERS 649199 09/14/04 02 BOOK ORDER CARDS 82-000-65-00-5806 10/11/04 75.80 LIBRARY SUPPLIES INVOICE TOTAL: 75.80 653010 09/22/04 01 2 OAK YOUTH ROCKER SEATS 82-000-62-00-5410 10/11/04 251.46 MAINTENANCE-OFFICE EQUIPME INVOICE TOTAL: 251.46 VENDOR TOTAL: 327.26 ILCENTRY ILLINOIS CENTURY NETWORK 0008345-IN 09/15/04 01 FILTERING SERVICE 82-000-75-00-7003 10/11/04 4.05 AUTOMATION INVOICE TOTAL: 4.05 VENDOR TOTAL: 4.05 JEWEL JEWEL-OSCO 3102040036101 09/28/04 01 MISC PROGRAMMING SUPPLIES 82-000-65-00-5834 10/11/04 6.98 LIBRARY PROGRAMMING INVOICE TOTAL: 6.98 3102060173122 09/20/04 01 MISC PROGRAMMING SUPPLIES 82-000-65-00-5834 10/11/04 16.56 LIBRARY PROGRAMMING INVOICE TOTAL: 16.56 VENDOR TOTAL: 23.54 KELLYENT RICK KELLY 92104AGGREEMENT 09/21/04 01 NOVEMBER 17TH PERFORMANCE 82-000-65-00-5834 10/11/04 200.00 LIBRARY PROGRAMMING INVOICE TOTAL: 200.00 VENDOR TOTAL: 200.00 OFFWORK OFFICE WORKS DATE: 10/06/04 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 6 TIME: 09:36:24 DETAIL BOARD REPORT ID: AP441000.WOW INVOICES DUE ON/BEFORE 10/11/2004 INVOICE # INVOICE ITEM VENDOR # DATE # DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT # P.O. # DUE DATE ITEM AMT OFFWORK OFFICE WORKS 059476 09/03/04 01 10 PACKAGES OF CARDS 82-000-65-00-5806 10/11/04 140.70 LIBRARY SUPPLIES INVOICE TOTAL: 140.70 059835 09/13/04 01 5 PACKAGES OF WHITE LABELS 82-000-65-00-5806 10/11/04 49.95 LIBRARY SUPPLIES INVOICE TOTAL: 49.95 VENDOR TOTAL: 190.65 PFISTM PFISTER, MICHAELEEN DENTAL PAYMENT 09/21/04 01 DENTAL REIMBURSMENT 82-000-50-00-5205 10/11/04 218.00 DENTAL & VISION ASSISTANCE INVOICE TOTAL: 218.00 VENDOR TOTAL: 218.00 SBC SBC 321Z89584109 09/16/04 01 MONTHLY PHONE BILL 82-000-75-00-7003 10/11/04 62.65 AUTOMATION INVOICE TOTAL: 62.65 482-016124 09/08/04 01 SMARTNET 82-000-75-00-7003 10/11/04 67.20 AUTOMATION INVOICE TOTAL: 67.20 630553920508 08/25/04 01 MONTHLY TELEPHONE BILL 82-000-62-00-5436 10/11/04 19.19 TELEPHONE INVOICE TOTAL: 19.19 VENDOR TOTAL: 149 .04 SERVMASC SERVICEMASTER COMMERCIAL 124109A 09/15/04 01 LIBRARY JANITORIAL SERVICES 82-000-62-00-5407 10/11/04 250.00 MAINTENANCE-BLDG/JANITORIA INVOICE TOTAL: 250.00 VENDOR TOTAL: 250.00 DATE: 10/06/04 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 7 TIME: 09:36:24 DETAIL BOARD REPORT ID: AP441000.WOW INVOICES DUE ON/BEFORE 10/11/2004 INVOICE # INVOICE ITEM VENDOR # DATE # DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT # P.O. # DUE DATE ITEM AMT TEAUSAWS SHEILA TEAUSAW 080904-LIB 08/11/04 01 LIBRARY- BOARD OF TRUSTEE 82-000-62-00-5401 10/11/04 50.00 CONTRACT SERVICES 02 MEETING 08/09/04 ** COMMENT ** INVOICE TOTAL: 50.00 VENDOR TOTAL: 50.00 UPSTART UPSTART 8478490-001 09/10/04 01 BOOKS 82-000-65-00-5834 10/11/04 65.53 LIBRARY PROGRAMMING INVOICE TOTAL: 65.53 VENDOR TOTAL: 65.53 WALMART WALMART COMMUNITY 006164 09/23/04 01 PAINT & ROLLERS 82-000-65-00-5806 10/11/04 26.14 LIBRARY SUPPLIES INVOICE TOTAL: 26.14 006620 09/24/04 01 MISC SUPPLIES 82-000-65-00-5834 10/11/04 84.64 LIBRARY PROGRAMMING INVOICE TOTAL: 84.64 007247 09/24/04 01 RETURN OF INV# 003596 82-000-65-00-5834 10/11/04 -24.30 LIBRARY PROGRAMMING INVOICE TOTAL: -24.30 007248 09/24/04 01 BUY BACK W/OUT TAX INV#003596 82-000-65-00-5834 10/11/04 22.18 LIBRARY PROGRAMMING INVOICE TOTAL: 22.18 VENDOR TOTAL: 108.66 WESTSUB WEST SUBURBAN LIVING SUBSCRIPTION 10/04/04 01 MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTION 82-000-64-00-5603 10/11/04 20.00 SUBSCRIPTIONS INVOICE TOTAL: 20.00 VENDOR TOTAL: 20.00 • DATE: 10/06/04 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE: 8 TIME: 09:36:24 DETAIL BOARD REPORT ID: AP441000.WOW INVOICES DUE ON/BEFORE 10/11/2004 INVOICE # INVOICE ITEM VENDOR # DATE # DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT # P.O. # DUE DATE ITEM AMT YORKACE YORKVILLE ACE & RADIO SHACK 079681 09/18/04 01 GARMENT HOOKS 82-000-65-00-5807 10/11/04 17.56 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES INVOICE TOTAL: 17.56 079862 09/23/04 01 SOAP, FLOOR & COUNTER CLEANER 82-000-65-00-5807 10/11/04 111.82 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES 02 BULB ** COMMENT ** INVOICE TOTAL: 111.82 VENDOR TOTAL: 129.38 SUB-TOTAL ALL INVOICES: 5, 572.92 SEPTEMBER PAYROLL TO CITY OF YORKVILLE 11 ,763.57 TOTAL INVOICES : 17,336;0