Police Pension Packet 2004 04-05-04 Yorkville Police Pension Fund Board 804 Game Farm Road Yorkville, Il 60560 (630)553-4340 April 5, 2004 Meeting Minutes Meeting Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:30 AM Roll Call: Present: Harold Martin, Larry Deborg, Dan Pleckham, William Powell Attorney Cary Collins Absent: Todd Overmyer Previous Meeting Minutes Corrections/Approval: Communications: None to report. Treasurer's Report: Bill Powell submitted the Fiscal year 2004 revised budget (copy attached). Merrill Lynch and Old Second Bank balances were reported. Officer contribution letters were submitted. Bills for Payment: Legal Fees: (Payable 5/1) Cary Colllins $500.00 Accounting Fees: William Powell $ 90.00 Total Bills for Payment $590.00 Unfinished Business: Actuarial Study: Tim Sharp will be contacted to prepare an actuarial study for the police pension. New Business: Quarterly Portfolio Review: Brian Speers was on conference call to discuss the fund's portfolio. Quarterly Investment of Cash Balance: A motion was passed to invest $13,000.00 in each of Davis NY Venture FDA and Oppenheimer Capital Appreciation CL A funds. Also, $100,000 in a maturity of 2006. Approval of Revised Board Rules: A motion was passed to approve the revised Board Rules. Election of Officers: A ballet will be posted in the police department for the election of new Board officers. Appointment of Officers: Todd Overmyer's appointment expires in 2004. A new appointment or reappointment must be considered. Additional Business: The approved Board Rules and Investment Policy will be submitted to IDOI. UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE Clerk's Office FROM THE DESK OF LIZ D'ANNA May 3, 2004 TO: Bill Powell, City Treasurer RE: Meeting Dates for the Police Pension Board for last fiscal year As per your request, listed below are the meeting dates from May 1, 2003 through April 30, 2004: May 5, 2003 June 2, 2003 July 7, 2003 August 11, 2003 September 24, 2003 October 6, 2003 (cancelled) November 3, 2003 December 2, 2003 January 5, 2004 April 5, 2004 If you have any questions, please contact me. Thank you, j:_f; Liz D'Anna Deputy Clerk Adjournment: A motion to adjourn was passed Next meeting: May 11, 2004 @ 3:30 PM file:Minutes April 5 2004(WEP) Treasurer's Report (As of June 30. 2004) Merrill Lynch: Merrill Lynch Amount Percent Cash $ 35,257 4 Fixed CD's $297,242 37 Fixed Govmt's $394,345 49 Mutual Funds $ 74,862 9 Total (difference due to rounding) $805,481.07 Old Second Checking $ 8,952.63 Total Balance $814,433.70 Investment transactions from last meeting (April 5, 2004) Davis NY Venture Fund: $13,000.00 Oppenheimer Capital Fund: $13,000.00 Federal Home Ln Mtg Corp: $101,378.00 Total: $127,378.00 Tax Levy for Fiscal 2004-2005: $207,000.00 Annual Treasurer's Report Investment Policy and Board Rules to IDOI (sent 4/5/04) Update Fiscal 2004—2005 Budget reflecting year-end actuals Start of IDOI Internet Filing for Fiscal 2003 "Ca/4P William Powell Treasurer United City of Yorkville File:T Report 063004.doc May 11, 2004 To: Police Pension Board SG City Council 3 United City of Yorkville Subject: Annual Police Pension Fund activity for fiscal year May 1, 2003 to April 30, 2004 (As required by Illinois State Statue 40 ILCS 5/3 — 141) Beginning Balance as of May 1, 2003: 517,894.18 As of April 30, 2004: Contributions: Employees: 1837440:45 2/6C1. . e 3 Tax Levy: 176;033:08 3)‘11c- 5. Old Second Bank: 9,0501T i o 5 2..5 Merrill Lynch: Cash 12,711 CD's 298,242 Gov&Agency 397,328 -- vIutual Funds 72,645 Total 787,291.21 I'✓ Total before expenses: 796,341 "1 96 3'15 7.1-- • ens Expes• Investment Fees: 150.00 Legal Fees: 2,000.00 Accounting Services: 950.00 Total 3,100.00 Account Value as of April 30, 2004 793,24E42 --N3 Submitted by: William Powell Treasurer: United City of Yorkville Annual pension statement.doc United City of Yorkville Police Pension Fund Budget: Fiscal Year 2004 (revised 5/6/04) Fiscal 02-03 Fiscal 03-04 Fiscal 03-04 Fiscal 04-05 Budget Item (as of 04/30/04) Revenue Actual Budget Actual Percent Budget Beginning Balance 275365.60 517894.18 517894.18 793241.42 Tax Levy 176033.00 184453 183410.85 99.4 207000.00 Member Contributions 81660.85 90000.00 92801.83 103000.00 Old Second Bank Interest 32.01 32.00 21.92 68.5 24.00 M/L Money Market Div's 2558.18 4000.00 1491.93 37.3 1000.00 M/L CD's& Gov's 0.00 7100.00 7160.88 100.9 15000.00 M/L Market Fluctuation Adjmt -6440.17 Total Revenue 260284.04 285585.00 278447.24 97.5 326024.00 Expenditures Supplies 179.98 100.00 0.00 0.0 100.00 Attorney Fees 500.00 2000.00 2000.00 100.0 2000.00 Accounting Fees 760.00 950.00 125.0 800.00 Audit Fees 0.00 0.00 0.00 Actuarial Fees 1500.00 0.00 0.0 1500.00 Investment Fees 150.00 150.00 100.0 150.00 Pension Seminars 500.00 0.00 0.0 500.00 Participant Refunds 17075.48 0.00 0.00 0.00 Retirement Benefits 0.00 0.00 0.00 Disability Benefits 0.00 0.00 0.00 Spousal Benefits 0.00 0.00 0.00 Dependant Benefits 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Expenditures 17755.46 5010.00 3100.00 61.9 5050.00 D-4ProP mos,..,-aHc4 103.57 Ending Balance 517894.18 798469.18 793241.42 99.3 1114215.42 Approved: 01/05/04 Revision Approved: 04/05/04 police/pension budget.xls WEP: 12/02/03