Police Pension Packet 2004 10-04-04 Yorkville Police Pension Fund Board 804 Game Farm Road Yorkville, II 60560 (630)553-4340 Oct. 4, 2004 Meeting Minutes Meeting Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 3:30 PM Roll Call: Present: Harold Martin, Dan Pleckham, Larry Debord, Todd Overmyer, William Powell Attorney Cary Collins Guest: Brad Kitchener (Merrill Lynch) Previous Meeting Minutes Corrections/Approval: A motion was made by Harold Martin (2nd Dan Pleckham)to approve April 5, 2004 minutes. (Ayes —4, Nays— 0) A motion was made by Todd Overmyer(2nd Harold Martin) to approve July 6, 2004 minutes. (Ayes—4, Nays—0) Communications: Brad Kitchener presented the status of the Merrill Lynch investment portfolio. Actuarial Study: A tax levy study submitted by Tim Sharp was discussed. A bill has not yet been submitted for this service and is estimated at $1500. Treasurer's Report: Bill Powell submitted the Treasurer's Report as of 9/30/2004 (copy attached). Handed out revised budget for fiscal 2004-05 reflecting a payment of$103.87 for IDOI. Bills for Payment: Accounting Fees for preparation of officer contribution letters, minute preparation, and IDOI filing work.: William Powell $680.00 Total Bills for Payment $680.00 Unfinished Business: IDOI Internet Filing for Fiscal 2003 is still being worked on. Assistance was requested from the PTW auditors to complete the IDOI filing. It was estimated that a charge of$500 would be incurred. New Business: A motion was made by Harold Martin (2nd Larry Debord)to approve receipt of officer's application for admission to the pension fund. (Ayes—4, Nays — 0) Meeting schedule for fiscal 2005: Jan 04, April 04, July 05, and Oct 03 Investment Action: Two CD's are maturing: East West Bank $75,000 due on 11/19/04 Home Federal Savings $75000 due on 11/15/04 A motion was made by Harold Martin (2nd Dan Pleckham)to approve the following investments. $9,000. in Davis New York Venture Fund $9,000. in Oppenheimer Capital Appreciation CL A Fund These investments will represent less than 10 % of total funds. $25,000 each in Treasury notes maturing on 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2009 for a total of$100,000 Upon maturity of the 2 above CD's the following additional investments were authorized: $50,000 each in Treasury notes maturing on 2007, 2008, 2009 for a total of$150,000. This will leave approximately $50,000 in cash plus additional officer contributions. (Ayes—4, Nays— 0) Additional Business: None Adjournment: A motion to adjourn at 4:42 PM was made by Todd Overmyer(2nd Harold Martin) Ayes-4, Nays-0 Next meeting: Jan 4, 2005 at 3:30 PM file:Minutes Oct 4,2004(WEP) Yorkville Police Pension Fund Board 804 Game Farm Road Yorkville, Il 60560 (630)553-4340 3:30PM on Monday Oct 4, 2004 Police Department Conference Room Meeting Call to Order: 3:30 p.m. Roll Call: �, � �,� r o ///if Previous Meeting Minutes: Corrections/Approval April 5, 2004 # 1A149 4 ig July 6,2004 43• Communications: Treasurer's Report: �4 P rLAw#1,i.Ps d am'e b csJ 7- .4A-4-"A-r 4" Bills for Payment: L / 1� • Unfinished Business: Actuarial Study: Tim Sharp / %� DOI Annual Filing — 5-77,, New Business: //y (/// o/3 sv vc7 r ter:± Additional Business: Adjournment: Next meeting: `/ Y f,) /4 M /6 0-7 f — 241c' c(4 0 ,7 — zit/ S O 6 45-E c 41 /4 2S 2 5- ( ° 7 1 it) 2j ° ti / /0 07-637 VO('' a Z U 6 Yorkville Police Pension Fund Board 804 Game Farm Road Yorkville, Il 60560 (630)553-4340 3:30PM on Monday Oct 4, 2004 Police Department Conference Room Meeting Call to Order: 3:30 p.m. E Roll Call: A 1 '44 6,-4' , zra 44- .rr�.�� 1_ 2-• _ -F, Previous Meeting Minutes: Corrections/Approval 0(1G e `4 flrl - 7 V April 5, 2004&�� : d S. S July 6,2004 - 2,:,a �E> Communication Si _Nsc, 2sAL, s Treasurer's Report: / (fie<? Fat E r' "1V�',at fis,�7S ��w� l� 1 Q°/e iZE v �a .,SCE, _t 2 -1 .441Q� . 7 iSi (3�. 1 Bills for Payment: y�, cc 3111 . T, ev-N i:D ZArlin<(0'3. 1 Unfinished ` QY °C1 Actuarial Study: Tim Sharp F1 "�� o'`i '� ;ry r� / fiA IDOI Annual Filing 0 ;41�� �t�^ "' ,4N1 _ New Business: • °--' s e 6-1 ( fal��at. �e,4- iZ:J1'l;i; . ate( titf- - ;?S $ SG e l vEI 11/16 1 f�l• 2 ( �J / a.c -i-e c', Additional Business: Zt�o� Adjournment: Next meeting: ,,1 a') a/a .tMoi TA' . RA !4_17___ • Yorkville Police Pension Fund Board 804 Game Farm Road Yorkville, I160560 (630)553-4340 3:30PM on Monday Oct 4, 2004 Police Department Conference Room Meeting Call to Order: 3:30 p.m. Roll Call: Previous Meeting Minutes: Corrections/Approval April 5, 2004 July 6,2004 Communications: Treasurer's Report: Bills for Payment: Unfinished Business: Actuarial Study: Tim Sharp IDOI Annual Filing New Business: Additional Business: Adjournment: Next meeting: From:Tim Sharpe To:Harold Martin Date:09/30/04 Time: 12:10:56 PM Page 2 of 4 �r-a.lt f Pr--1 cr CITY OF YORKVILLE POLICE PENSION FUND STATEMENTS NO. 25 &27 DISCLOSURE INFORMATION The Governmental Accounting Standards Board(GASB) issued Statements No. 25 &27 that established generally accepted accounting principles for the annual financial statements for defined benefit pension plans. The required information is as follows: Membership in the plan consisted of the following as of: April 30, 2003 Retirees and beneficiaries 0 receiving benefits Terminated plan members entitled 0 to but not yet receiving benefits Active vested plan members 10 Active nonvested plan members 7 Total 17 Number of participating employers 1 SCHEDULE OF FUNDING PROGRESS UAAL as a Actuarial Actuarial Accrued Unfunded Percentage Actuarial Value of Liability(AAL) AAL Funded Covered of Covered Valuation Assets -Entry Age (UAAL) Ratio Payroll Payroll Date (a) (b) (b-a) (a/b) (c) ((b-a)/c) 04/30/01 NA NA NA NA NA NA 04/30/02 NA NA NA NA NA NA 04/30/03 517,894 3,418,034 2,900,140 15.2% 789,173 367.5% • From:Tim Sharpe To:Harold Martin Date:09/30/04 Time: 12:10:56 PM Page 3 of 4 CITY OF YORKVILLE POLICE PENSION FUND GASB STATEMENTS NO. 25 &27 DISCLOSURE INFORMATION (Continued) ANNUAL PENSION COST AND NET PENSION OBLIGATION April 30, 2003 Annual required contribution 117,713 Interest on net pension obligation 0 Adjustment to annual required contribution 0 Annual pension cost 117,713 Contributions made 117,713 Increase(decrease) in net pension obligation 0 Net pension obligation beginning of year 0 Net pension obligation end of year 0 THREE-YEAR TREND INFORMATION Fiscal Annual Percentage Net Year Pension of APC Pension Ending Cost(APC) Contributed Obligation 04/30/01 NA NA NA 04/30/02 NA NA NA 04/30/03 117,713 100.0% 0 • From:Tim Sharpe To:Harold Martin Date:09/30/04 Time:12:10:56 PM Page 4 of 4 c , CITY OF YORKVILLE POLICE PENSION FUND GASB STATEMENTS NO. 25 &27 DISCLOSURE INFORMATION (Continued) FUNDING POLICY AND ANNUAL PENSION COST Contribution rates: City 14.92% Plan members 9.91% Annual pension cost 117,713 Contributions made 117,713 Actuarial valuation date 04/30/03 04/30/02 Actuarial cost method Entry age Same Amortization period Level percentage of pay, closed Same Remaining amortization period 30 years 31 years Asset valuation method Market Same Actuarial assumptions: Investment rate of return* 7.50% Same Projected salary increases* 5.50% Same *Includes inflation at 3.00% Same Cost-of-living adjustments 3.00%per year Same May 11, 2004 (revised 9/3/2004) To: Police Pension Board City Council United City of Yorkville Subject: Annual Police Pension Fund activity for fiscal year May 1, 2003 to April 30, 2004 (As required by Illinois State Statue 40 ILCS 5/3 — 141) Beginning Balance as of May 1, 2003: 517,894.18 As of April 30, 2004: Contributions: Employees: 92,801.83 Tax Levy: 183,410.85 Old Second Bank: 9,052.51 Merrill Lynch: Cash 12,711 CD's 298,242 Gov & Agency 397,328 Mutual Funds 72,645 Estimated Accrued Interest 6,364 Total 787,291.21 Total before expenses: 796,343.72 Expenses: Investment Fees: 150.00 Legal Fees: 2,000.00 Accounting Services: 950.00 Total 3,100.00 Account Value as of April 30, 2004 793,243.72 Submitted by: aLaLowL /0Cild, William Powell Treasurer: United City of Yorkville ,oto ci,./, United City of Yorkville EST.k ,on 1836 County Seat of Kendall County William Powell "" 800 Game Farm Road Treasurer p Li it 2.--' V Yorkville,IL 60560 9 1 Phone: 630-553-4350,ext.6008 i144.E ‘‘,‘' Fax: 630-553-7575 Treasurer's Report (As of Sept 30. 2004) Merrill Lynch: Merrill Lynch Amount Percent Cash $ 168,212 18 Fixed CD's $ 298,469 32 Fixed Govmt's $ 399,220 43 Mutual Funds $ 72,985 8 Accured Interest $ 6,636 Total (difference due to rounding) $945,523.44 Old Second Checking $ 8,338.24 Total Balance $953,861.68 Annual Treasurer's Report (revised 9/3/2004) Maturing CD's: East West Bank $75,000 due on 11/19/04 Home Federal Savings $ 75,000 due on 11/15/04 ZdA-CN---,.. Zt...)..ge William Powell Treasurer United City of Yorkville File:T Report 009300,.doc