Public Safety Packet 2004 02-26-04 United City of Yorkville
'3,r County Seat of Kendall County
EST. 1836
800 Game Farm Road
V? Yorkville, Illinois 60560
0 Phone.630-553-4350
'A ke �e vim= Fax:630-553-7575
Thursday, February 26, 2004
6:30 PM
City Conference Room
1. Approval/Correction of Minutes: December 17, 2003
2. Update on Parking Concerns
3. Update on Rt. #126 & Rt. #71 Traffic Control Lights
4. Update on DARE
5. Update on Van Emmon St. & Huestis St. Stop Signs
6. Update on Ponds and Pools
7. Revised Sampling Ordinance
8. KenCom Dispatching Services
9. Kendall County Major Crime Task Force
10. Request for Second K-9 for Department
11. Program idea for officers to meet with Business Owners and Citizens
12. Police Reports —January 2004
13. Additional Business
Next Scheduled Meeting Thursday, March 25, 2004 at 6:30p.m.
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7:00 P.M.
Mayor Art Prochaska
Alderman Paul James
Alderman Larry Kot
Alderwoman Rose Spears
Alderwoman Wanda OHare
Police Chief Harold Martin
Kendall General Store owners Mr. and Mrs. Gary Maxwell
Sergeant Ron Diederich
Vat and Vine Owner Mike Kachlic
Officer Rich Hart
Alderman Kot commented that there were more car accidents in November.
Chief Martin commented that the speed trailer has been very handy and informative.
This item will go to COW on December 22, 2003.
Mayor Prochaska stated that the main concern at this time is not the amount of bottles opened up
during wine sampling but how much the person is consuming at an establishment. He said that
the way the ordinance was originally written, it was not set up for addressing a wine tasting event
but rather it involved any packaged dealer can have bottles opened for sampling. The question
then is how to deal with these special kinds of events.
Alderman Kot said that as it stands right now it is a special event that would have to be approved
by the Liquor License Commissioner.
Mayor Prochaska felt there should be certain guidelines for these special events so that it might
cover large events. These events might need security there if there are a lot of people coming to
them. There might also be traffic control issues. He said he would like to see some control over
these types of events and what kind of effect it could have on the community.
Vat and Vine owner Mike Kachlic asked if it would be considered a special event if they had 40
or more bottles of wine opened at one time.
Mayor Prochaska said yes because it is not the same as having someone walking around with a
bottle of wine offering wine samples. There is also advertising and fliers that are often given out
about the event.
Alderwoman Rose Spears thought there should be something added to the ordinance to
specifically address these special events.
Mayor Prochaska felt that a review process should be taken to go over these concerns.
Alderman Paul James commented that having several distributors in for wine testing would likely
deem it as a special event, along with advertising.
Alderman Kot said that they would need to have the attorney get a draft set up to review by the
committee. It would also be a good idea to get input from the business community.
Mayor Prochaska pointed out that it is written in the ordinance that the number of products to be
sampled or tasted in any day shall be limited to 3 or less.
Mr. Kachlic said that he thought the limit of bottles was 25 so it must have somehow got taken
out of the ordinance. He said that he knows that it was solidified at the meeting in May.
Alderwoman Spears stated that her notes from that meeting indicate that they would limit the
number of bottles of beer or wine to be sampled to 25. The taste would be limited to 1 oz. Liquors
and spirits would be limited to 10 bottles opened for sampling and taste to a.25 oz.
Mayor Prochaska said that the ordinance still says 3 or less products. He asked if the committee
felt there should be any type of guidelines set up for these special events, other wise it would be
at the discretion of the Liquor Commissioner.
Alderwoman Wanda OHare thought the committee should consider going by the guidelines that
have already been set in the ordinance. Alderman James agreed.
Alderman Kot asked Mr.Kachlic how often he would like to have these special events. Mr. K said
at best 3 to 4 times a year.
Alderwoman Spears asked what steps are taken before businesses can hold the events. Mayor
Prochaska said that the business owner, in writing,would ask for an application for the event. The
Mayor would also ask the owner what the event would entail and discuss how the event will
Mr.Kachlic said that he would like to see a differentiation in writing between large events from
when there are only 2 vendors opening 10- 15 bottles each.
Alderman Kot said that while that change might make it more convenient for Mr.Kachlic's
business, there is a possibility it could cause problems for other businesses. He did however feel
that they should be two different events.
Mayor Prochaska also felt that there should be a distinction between the two. He thought it would
be a good idea to look into other community ordinances to see what they consider a reasonable
amount of bottles that are opened during wine,beer, and liquor tasting events.
Alderwoman Spears said that she has read Liquor Ordinances from other area towns and none of
them mention a guideline on how many bottles can be opened at one time. She said it would still
be a good idea to check with more communities to see how they are set up.
Mayor Prochaska said that it would also depend on if someone has a full Liquor License. If a
business has a license to sell alcohol, then you can't prevent them from giving someone a free
Chief Martin said that it basically falls back to what ever the committee feels comfortable with
because that is how the other communities deal with it.
The committee agreed to do more research on this item.
This item will come back to the next Public Safety meeting on January 22, 2004.
Chief Martin stated that at the request of Mayor Prochaska, he had Officer Rich Hart take on the
project of Emergency Operation Plan for the City of Yorkville.
Officer Hart said that he started the project by looking at 10 other Police Departments that had an
Emergency Operation Plan set up. He went to several different Fire Departments and schools to
see if they also have disaster plans.He said he looked over many of their policies and put together
a collection of them. He said that since the project is just in its infancy things will constantly
change in the plan. It will also change as the City grows. He said that he tailored the plan to the
City of Yorkville as best as he could. He pointed out that the plan describes the roles of the
Department Heads if a disaster were to take place and what guideline to follow. It specifically
goes over different types of disasters and the specific plan on which to react to them. It not only
goes over natural types of disasters but also chemical, locomotive, civil/criminal,terrorism, riots
and sabotage. The Emergency Operation Plan basically covers anything that would cause major
problems or disruptions with the City Government or Fire/Police Departments. He said that every
incident will dictate its own response. The plan not only gives guidelines but also resources such
as coroner's office and Fire Departments. He said that the Fire Chief has recently given him a list
of things that he would like to see added to the plan.
Officer Hart said there is also the County's Emergency Services Disaster Agency. They work
with communities Dresden Nuclear Fall Out Zone. Yorkville however is not yet affected by it.
He said that it is generated at the southern part of the County and that they do emergency
practices for that every year as well.
Officer Hart said that he has received good responses of the Emergency Operation Plan from the
Finance Department and Building and Zoning on what their jobs would incur if a disaster were to
take place.
Officer Hart told the committee that if in the future they come up with suggestions for plan then
to let him know.
Alderman Kot mentioned that there was nothing mentioned about the chain of command if
somehow the Mayor were to become, for any reason, incapacitated. He strongly felt that there
should be a section for the event of chain of command in case of a disaster.
Alderman James mentioned that all the other Departments have a chain of command; who would
take over if the Department Head weren't here.
Mayor Prochaska said that he would think that the Chief of Police would take command in such a
case until the Council could convene and identify a Mayor Proteome.
Alderman Kot commented that after looking over the document he felt that the City Treasurer's
position should play a bigger role because he is an elected official. This would be in case if a
financial decision would take place.
Mayor Prochaska said that it would also be important that it would specify any financial decisions
would be authorized by the Mayor. If the Mayor weren't there to make that decision then the
Finance Director would be under the Mayor to make that decision. The Mayor also mentioned
that the Chain of Command should be listed in the State Statutes.
Officer Hart pointed out that it is important to make a clear cut chain of command listed in the
plan with the possibility of quick decisions that might be needed at the time of an emergency.
Alderman Kot asked if there was an override to the Cable T.V. system to make people aware in
case of an emergency.
Officer Hart said no,they only have that through the activation as in the weather process,but that
is not local for us.The City would go through KENCOM for that.
Alderman Kot if the Federal Government would get involved if for instance there were an
emergency of that type.
Officer Hart said the answer is both yes and no.They all have their own steps in case of an
emergency. It would all depend how far(County then State), it would have an effect on the
surrounding areas and principalities. They all have their Emergency Operation Centers and so
would the City of Yorkville.
Officer Hart mentioned that they have several emergency locations set up. There are primary,
secondary, and third locations. There are also locations for staging areas for the media away from
the emergency operations. There are locations for staging areas for volunteers. He said that if they
have back-up radio's if they lose cell phone communications.
Alderman James pointed out that the phone numbers to the City Officials should be updated as
some might have changed.
Alderman Kot suggested doing an Exhibit of the City Officials names and numbers that way it
can be taken out for updates every couple of years.
Alderwoman OHare pointed out on page 8 of the document that a correction needed to be made.
Instead of FM, it should say FAA. Officer Hart said he would fix that.
This item will come back to the next Public Safety meeting on January 22,2003.
This item was tabled.
Chief Martin stated that a new law will go into effect on January 1, 2004. The Police Department
will have to record race and other distinctions of people who are stopped. He said that if a person
is stopped the officer will issue a written warning or ticket and then that information is
documented. There will be a process where stickers will be given out for verbal warnings, but
there will be very few of those. This information will all be compiled by the Police Department
and is a Mandate that is not funded. It will be brought up at the next Budget meeting. Chief
Martin said that this will be very labor intensive as it will entail more work for the secretaries to
get all of the information together. Once the information process is done it will be sent to IDOT
who will then compile the information. It will go to the State from there. Some time after we will
here a response from them. The objective of this is to make sure that all agencies in the State of
Illinois are not being biased in their stopping of people. It is basically monitoring these stops.
Chief Martin felt that it will not really work because it is too difficult to tell what the race of a
person who is stopped unless you ask them. Then they would be able to tell you what kind of race
they are.This process will go on through 2006 &2007.At that point they will make their
decision of whether or not this profiling will continue.
This item will go to COW on December 22, 2003.
The committee discussed the problem of traffic back up at Route 71 &Route 126.
Chief Harold Martin asked Sergeant Ron Diederich to get records for traffic tests on Route 71.
Alderman Kot pointed out that because it is a State Intersection, the City of Yorkville does not
have any jurisdiction. Any information that the City comes up with concerning traffic in those
intersections they will need to petition IDOT.
Chief Martin added that they would need to make suggestions to IDOT and that it would be up to
IDOT from there.
Kendall General Store owner Gary Maxwell stated that he had spoken with Tom Weiss about the
situation. Mr.Maxwell feels that their store has lost business because of the traffic being backed
up at the intersections. He said that traffic light wiring was put under the intersections a couple of
years ago. He said that he has called IDOT and asked when they intend to put the traffic lights up.
He said IDOT said that it is in future plans. He said traffic is so great there and that many
motorists go down Wing Road which causes hesitations and slows traffic. He said he would like
to some signage there to prevent that.
Chief Martin said that though Wing Road is considered in Yorkville jurisdiction, because of the
Route 71 &Route 126 being State Highway that goes into a city road they cannot put up any
signs unless the State would approve. He said about the only thing they could do is send a letter to
the State asking them to put a stop and go light there. This would require getting information and
road tests to support the request, it must also pass through the committee for approval.
Mr. Maxwell felt that if the State would put in a light there that it would possibly relieve 50%of
the traffic problem.
Alderman Kot said that he would like to wait until they receive the other road test numbers then
bring it back to the next Public Safety meeting.
Chief Martin said that he will get traffic accident records and other statistics of the intersections
to bring to the next Public Safety Meeting.
This item will go to COW meeting on January 23, 2004.
Alderman Kot voiced his concern about recent accidents at this intersection. He said that
residents that live near the intersection are also concerned. The stop signs located there are as
large as can be put up and yet there are still accidents there.
Chief Martin said that they have had yield signs up, 4-way stops, and now the 2-way on Van
Emmon.He said that it seems to work best with the 2-way.
Mayor Prochaska suggested adding a flashing red light to the stop signs.
Alderman Kot said that he will ask Public Works Director Eric Dhuse to look into seeing what it
would cost and other options.There are solar flashing lights but they can be very expensive.
Another issue is what it would cost to run electricity to that location.
Alderman Kot asked Chief Martin to bring in an accident count report of Van Emmon Street and
Heustis Street to the next meeting.
This item will come back to Public Safety on January 22, 2004.
Bristol Boy Scout Troop 334 Book Gesture
Chief Martin mentioned that Boy Scout Troop 334 from Bristol had presented the Police
Department with devotional books. Each Boy Scout signed the book. The gesture of giving
devotional books was first started in World War I. to Service men.
Over Grown Bushes on Wayne Street
Alderman James mentioned that bushes on Wayne Street have grown over the sidewalk.
Pedestrians have to walk on the grass to go around the bushes.He asked if it is the property
owner's responsibility or the City's to trim the bushes.
Mayor Prochaska said that Public Works does the trimming.
Alderman Kot added that they could notify Mr. Dhuse about the problem and he could ask the
property owners about it.If they wouldn't take care of it then Public Works could do it and then
bill the property owner.
Mayor Prochaska to Meet With Chief Martin on Budget Issues
Mayor Prochaska said that he will be meeting with Chief Martin to discuss items for next year's
budget. This will include adding looking at new officers and staffing.
Binders for Minutes
Alderman Kot asked if the employees could get binders to store minutes. He feels it would help
keep things more organized. Chief Martin said he would take care of that.
Gun Locks
Alderman Kot asked Chief Martin if the Police Department would be giving out gun locks. Chief
Martin said that they have the gun locks and will be doing that in the near future.
Grants for Evidence Vehicle
Chief Martin said that they have had no luck yet with finding grants for the Evidence Vehicle. He
said that he has tried different avenues to find the funding to support it. He said that the grants are
being released to the State now but that they seem to be going to the bigger City's first. There will
be a meeting soon with regards to what the funding will go towards. The funding will likely first
go for specific equipment such as gas masks and other less lethal equipment.
Meeting adjourned: 9:00 PM
Minutes by Theresa Brady
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Daniel J. Kramer
(630)553-9500 KELLY A. KRAMER
DATE: January 29, 2004
TO: Liz
RE: Public Safety Committee
NO: 553.7575
FROM: Kelly A. Kramer
COMMENTS: Liz, Please distribute to all of the Public Safety Committee ` ,10
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01/29/2004 11 : 25 FAX 630 553 5764 DANIEL J. KRAMER 1002/058
i. United City of Yorkville
��'�- County Seal of Kendal!County
EST. h x_1836
_ _ 800 Game Farm Road
�` . U) Yorkville. Illinois 60560
p �� n _` Q Phone:830-553-4350
'9 4F Fax:630-553-7575
..i.71.1.0 V 29, 2004
The Public Safety Committee
The United City of Yorkville
800 Game Farm Road
Yorkville, IL 60560
RE: Parking Ban
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen:
Enclosed please find copies of the Parking Regulations from the City of Naperville, the
City Geneva, and the City of Batavia. Please review the enclosed Parking Regulations
for the next Public Safety Meeting, as I will be seeking your recommendations in order to
draft the new United City of Yorkville Parking Regulations.
Should you have any questions or wish to discuss the matter prior to the next Public
Safety Meeting please feel free to contact me.
Very Truly Yours,
Kelly . Kramer,
Attorney at Law
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It shall be unlawful at any time to permit any vehicle to stand in any of the following places,
except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with the directions of
a policeman or traffic control device:
1. In any intersection.
2. In a crosswalk.
3. Upon any bridge or viaduct, or in any subway or tunnel or the approach thereto.
4. Between a safety zone and the adjacent curb or within thirty feet (30') of a point of the
curb immediately opposite the end of a safety zone.
5. Within thirty feet (30') of a traffic signal, beacon, or sign on the approaching side.
6. Within twenty feet (20') of any intersection or crosswalk.
7, At any place where the standing of a vehicle will reduce the usable width of the roadway
for moving traffic to less than eighteen feet (18').
8. Within fifteen feet (15') of a fire hydrant. (Ord. 75-44, 5-5-1975)
9. At any place where the vehicle would be within ten feet (10') of a driveway or would
block the use of a driveway. (Ord. 00-127, 7-18-2000)
10. Within fifty feet (50') of the nearest rail of a railroad grade crossing.
11. Within twenty feet (20') of the driveway entrance to any fire department station and on
the side of the street opposite the entrance to any such station within seventy five feet (75')
of such entrance when properly signposted.
12. On any sidewalk,
13. At any place where official signs prohibit parking. (Ord. 75-44, 5-5-1975)
When parking signs are erected giving notice or warning thereof, no person shall park a
vehicle on a street, public lot, or portion thereof for a period longer than the period permitted.
Ordinances specifying limited parking areas shall be and remain on file in the office of the city
manager, pursuant to section 11-1-5 of this title. (Ord. 90-26, 2-20-1990)
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The central business district is that area bounded by Eagle Street on the west, Benton Avenue
on the north, Ellsworth Street on the east and Chicago Avenue on the south (east of
Washington Street), and Aurora Avenue on the south (west of Washington Street). (Ord. 92-
210, 11-3-1992)
1. No person shall park a vehicle for more than two (2) hours on any street, parking lot, or
portion thereof in the central business district unless otherwise limited by signs posted.
2. The regulation of this section shall be in full force and effect between the hours of six
o'clock (6:00) A.M. and six o'clock (6:00) P.M., Monday through Saturday, except for the
following holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day,
Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. (Ord. 90-26, 2-20-1990)
3. Ordinances designating certain parking limitations for specific areas of the central
business district shall be and remain on file in the office of the city manager, pursuant to
section 11-1-5_of this title. (1984 Code)
It shall be unlawful to permit any vehicle to stop, stand or park, except in compliance with the
directions of a police officer or traffic control device, at any posted curb line within the parking
lot of any school, hospital, shopping center, or apartment complex which the city shall
designate by ordinance to be regulated by the provisions of this section, (Ord. 76-10, 2-2-
No vehicle shall be parked with the left side of such vehicle next to the curb, except on one-
way streets, there shall be no parking against the direction of traffic on one-way streets, and it
shall be unlawful to stand or park any vehicle in a street other than parallel with the curb and
with the two (2) right wheels of the vehicle within twelve inches (12") of the regularly
established curb line, except that upon those streets that have been marked for angle parking,
vehicles shall be parked at the angle to the curb indicated by such marks and vehicles shall be
parked front end in first at angle parking spaces. (Ord. 90-26, 2-20-1990)
No vehicle shall be parked between the sidewalk and the curb (or the edge of the paved
portion of the street where curbs do not exist) in any residential district, except for a temporary
period in case of an emergency, other than in that part of the public right of way designed or
used for vehicle entrance into a private driveway; and no vehicle shall be parked in such
driveway entrance in such manner that any part of the vehicle, including fenders or bumpers,
extends over the roadway or curb line, or the sidewalk line. (Ord. 75-44, 5-5-1975)
It shall be unlawful for any person to park a vehicle in a private lot or drive in such a manner as
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will prevent other vehicles from moving in or out of said lot, or will reduce the usable width of a
drive or roadway to less than twelve feet (12'). (Ord. 79-13, 2-13-1979; amd. Ord. 89-212, 10-
No person shall park any vehicle on any street or alley between the hours of two o'clock (2:00)
A.M. and five o'clock (5:00) A.M. of any day, except in an emergency. (Ord. 98-148, 10-6-
1. No vehicle shall be parked in any alley in a business, commercial, office or industrial district
except as follows:
1.1. Vehicles designed for the carrying of persons may be parked in an alley adjacent to
property in a residential, business, commercial, office or industrial district for a period not
exceeding twenty (20) minutes in any two (2) hour period of any day; provided, no such
vehicle shall be parked at any place in any such alley if there is not sufficient width
remaining to permit the passage of other vehicles.
1.2. Vehicles designed for the carrying of materials or merchandise may be parked in an
alley adjacent to property in a residential, business, commercial, office or industrial
district for the purpose of loading or unloading materials or merchandise for the period
actually required for such purpose.
2. Any vehicle lawfully parked in an alley shall be parked as near as possible to the lateral line
of the alley to allow the passage of other vehicles. (Ord. 82-20, 2-1-1982)
It shall be unlawful to park any vehicle upon any street for the purpose of displaying it for sale,
or to park any vehicle upon any business street from which vehicle, merchandise is peddled.
(1960 Code, §13.503)
It shall be unlawful for the driver of a vehicle to stand a passenger vehicle for a period of time
longer than is necessary for loading or unloading of passengers, not to exceed three (3)
minutes, and for the driver to stand any commercial freight-carrying vehicles for a period of
time longer than is necessary to load, unload and deliver materials, not to exceed thirty (30)
minutes, in any place designated by the City Council as a loading zone and marked as such,
or in any of the following designated places:
1. At any place not to exceed seventy five feet (75') along the curb before the entrance to any
hospital or hotel at any time.
2. At any place not to exceed seventy five feet (75') along the curb before the entrance to a
public building between eight o'clock (8:00) A.M. and six o'clock (6:00) P,M. except on
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3. Directly in front of the entrance to any theater at any time that the theater is open for
business. (Ord, 93-118, 7-20-1993)
The driver of a commercial vehicle may park to load or unload his vehicle by complying with
the following regulations:
1. If there is no alley giving access to the premises at which delivery or pickup is being made,
and parking space is not available at or within a reasonable distance from such premises,
to double park such vehicle not less than thirty feet (30') from a street intersection, to
unload or load merchandise or materials, for the period actually required for any such
purposes, but in no event exceeding a period of fifteen (15) minutes in any one instance
between the hours of seven o'clock (7:00) A.M. and ten o'clock (10:00) A.M. of the same
day, or ten (10) minutes in any one instance between the hours of ten o'clock (10:00) A.M.
and six o'clock (6:00) P.M., of the same day; in ascertaining what is a reasonable distance
from the place of delivery or pickup, the nature, amount and weight of the materials or
merchandise to be unloaded or loaded shall be given consideration.
2. To park such vehicle between the hours of seven o'clock (7:00) A.M. and eleven o'clock
(11:00) A.M. and between the hours of two o'clock (2:00) P.M. and four o'clock (4:00) P.M.
of any day not less than fifty feet (50')from a street intersection by backing up such vehicle
to the curb with the front end protruding into the street, but not extending beyond the center
line of the street, if the materials or merchandise to be unloaded or loaded are of such
weight that the taking of such position is absolutely necessary, but for a period no longer
than is absolutely necessary for such unloading or loading. (Ord. 93-118, 7-20-1993)
No vehicle other than a licensed taxicab shall be parked in any area designated by ordinance
as a cabstand; and no vehicle other than a bus shall be parked in a place so designated as a
bus loading zone. (1960 Code, §13.509)
1.Designated: The area of the street fronting a driveway, and on a street designated as a
marked parking zone, the area of the street between the marked parking lines fronting a
driveway is a designated tow away zone. A vehicle parked in such a manner as to obstruct
a driveway or as to obstruct a driveway outside of the marked parking lines is in violation of
the parking restrictions for a tow away zone, The chief of police of the city is hereby
authorized to cause a towing service to remove and take possession of any vehicle parked
in any designated tow away zone in violation of the parking restrictions established for said
zone by the provisions of this article or article B of this chapter. In causing the removal of
such vehicles, the chief of police shall follow the procedures established for the removal of
abandoned vehicles by chapter 5, article B of this title. (Ord. 00-127, 7-18-2000)
2.Towing Vehicles Of Chronic Parking Violators:
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2.1. Definition: "Chronic parking violator" is the registered owner of any vehicle which has
been issued ten (10) or more parking tickets in Naperville within a one year period of time.
The registered owner is considered a chronic parking violator regardless of whether the
parking tickets are outstanding, paid or any combination thereof. A registered owner shall
not be considered a chronic parking violator if, after one year following the issuance of the
last parking ticket, all outstanding tickets are paid.
2.2. Authorization To Cause Towing: The chief of police of the city is hereby authorized to
cause a towing service to remove and take possession of any vehicle owned by a "chronic
parking violator", as defined above, which is currently illegally parked.
2.3, Written Notice: Prior to removal of any vehicle pursuant to this section, the city shall
send written notice to each registered owner by U.S, mail notifying him or her that their
vehicle is subject to removal by the police department if such vehicle is cited for a
subsequent parking violation. The notification will be sent at least ten (10) days prior to any
vehicle being towed.
2.4. Release Of Vehicle: Vehicles towed under this section shall not be released until all
unpaid parking tickets are paid,
2.5. Posttow Procedures: Vehicles towed under this section shall be entitled to the posttow
procedures established for immediate tows in section 11-5B-9 of this title. (Ord. 02-178, 8-
11-2A-15: SIGNS:
The chief of police or any other person authorized by the mayor or city council shall cause
signs to be posted in all areas where parking is limited or prohibited, indicating such limitations
or prohibitions. (1960 Code, §13.511)
1.A limited parking permit may be granted to:
1,1. Persons who are ill, physically handicapped or mentally handicapped, their relatives or
persons providing regular healthcare services to such ill or handicapped persons, to allow
parking of motor vehicles by such persons in restricted or limited parking areas;
1.2. Residents where off street parking is temporarily unavailable due to construction; or
1.3. Residents' temporary guests. For the purposes of this subsection, "temporary" shall
mean seven (7) days or less.
2.Application for such limited parking permits shall be made to the chief of police and shall set
forth the following information:
2.1. The name and address of the person applying for the permit;
2.2, The year, make and license number of the motor vehicle which will be parked under
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authority of such permit;
2.3. The limited or restricted parking area where applicant seeks permission to park;
2,4. The illness, physical handicap or mental handicap of the applicant, applicants relative
or applicant's healthcare patient;
2.5. The hardship which the applicant, applicant's relative or healthcare patient will suffer if
a permit is not granted allowing the parking of applicants motor vehicle in the limited or
restricted parking area notwithstanding parking regulations otherwise applicable to such
2.6. Where applicable, a general description of the construction project; and
2.7. The dates and times during which a limited parking permit is requested. (Ord. 98-121,
3.The chief of police, with the advice and consent of the director of the department of public
works, shall grant limited parking permits to qualified applicants, which permits shall specify
the motor vehicle which may be parked pursuant to such permit, the location, dates and
times during which such permit is valid and the duration of such permit. The chief of police
shall not issue a limited parking permit under this section unless he first determines that:
(Ord. 84-71, 5-21-1984; amd. Ord. 92-137, 7-21-1992)
3.1, Parking in a limited or restricted parking area pursuant to a requested limited parking
permit will not be a hazard to other persons lawfully using the public right of way; and
3.2. Strict enforcement of applicable parking regulations would impose exceptional
hardships to persons who are ill, physically handicapped or mentally handicapped or to
such person's relatives or healthcare professionals.
4.A limited parking permit issued under authority of this section may be subject to such
reasonable conditions as to the time, place and duration of parking that will be permitted as
may be reasonably necessary in consideration of traffic conditions, public safety and the
hardship to the applicant.
5.Limited parking permits issued under authority of this section may be valid for any period up
to twenty one (21) days. Such permits may be renewed for additional twenty one (21) day
periods in accordance with the procedures and standards contained herein. (Ord. 84-71, 5-
1.The city engineer shall designate those parking zones or parking spaces upon the public
streets over which the city has jurisdiction which are restricted to compact cars in order to
prevent obstruction of vehicular and pedestrian traffic and to maintain the safe and efficient
flow of vehicular and pedestrian traffic on the city's public streets.
2.The city engineer shall cause to be marked upon the surface of the pavement, by lines,
markings, curbs or other practical manner, the size and limits of any parking spaces
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restricted for compact cars or smaller vehicles. It shall be unlawful to park any vehicles across
any such line or marking or to park any vehicle in such a manner that part of the vehicle
extends over or across such lines or markings designating the limit of the parking space.
(Ord. 85-208, 11-4-1985)
It shall be unlawful to park any vehicle outside the marked lines within a "marked parking
zone", defined as areas of streets over which the city has jurisdiction over the parking of motor
vehicles which are designated in accordance with this article, to which the outside limits of the
permitted parking are marked with lines to designate individual spaces or zones. (Ord. 03-90,
In addition to the other provisions of this article, the following provisions shall apply to the
designated parking facility:
1. It shall be unlawful to park any vehicle, or to permit any vehicle to remain parked in the
city of Naperville central parking facility levels 1 and 2, Paw Paw municipal parking lot,
Jefferson municipal parking lot, Van Buren parking lot I, Riverview parking lot or the
Riverwalk parking lot between the hours of two o'clock (2:00) A.M. and five o'clock (5:00)
A.M. or between the hours of two o'clock (2:00) A.M. and nine o'clock (9:00) A.M. in level 3
of the central parking facility. It shall be unlawful to park any vehicle, or to permit any
vehicle to remain parked in the city of Naperville Van Buren parking facility outside of the
parking regulatory hours established in tables 11-2B-2.and 11=2B=5 of this chapter, as
posted at the Van Buren parking facility. Residents living in the central business district,
who hold a CBD parking permit, may park in the Van Buren parking facility, on levels 3 and
4, the central parking facility, on level 3, Court Place/Concert Lane, and the Paw Paw lot at
any time. This provision shall not apply to vehicles parked in marked "Reserved" spaces in
the city of Naperville central parking facility which display a proper permit authorized by the
city manager. (Ord. 02-24, 2-5-2002)
2. It shall be unlawful to park any vehicle, or to permit any vehicle to remain parked in the
city of Naperville central parking facility in a space or area which is marked as "Reserved"
without a permitwhich is authorized by the city manager. (Ord. 87-174, 11-16-1987; amd.
Ord. 00-127, 7-18-2000)
3. Parking in the city of Naperville central parking facility shall be restricted as follows: first
level, three (3) hour parking only; second (middle) level, three (3) hour and reserved
parking; third level, all day public and reserved parking. The city manager shall cause
proper signs to be installed designating these areas. It shall be unlawful to park any
vehicle, or to permit any vehicle to remain parked contrary to the provisions of this
subsection or the signs installed pursuant thereto. (Ord. 90-105, 5-15-1990; amd. Ord. 97-
95, 7-15-1997; Ord. 00-127, 7-18-2000)
1.For the purposes of this section, "temporary" shall mean a period of time of fourteen (14),.//f,/ 1 11 1 QS ?'id/rinnhar htm 1/29/2004
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days or less.
with the advice and consent of the director of the department 2.Whenever the chief of police, w of t h d
public works, determines that due to a special condition or event that the customary parking
of motor vehicles or the enforcement of existing parking regulations may create a
temporary hazard, he shall authorize the placement of temporary"No Parking" signs or
notice of the suspension of the existing parking regulation(s) shall be posted.
3.It shall be unlawful to park any motor vehicle in violation of a temporary "No Parking" order,
provided a sign is posted; and it shall not be unlawful to park any motor vehicle in violation
of an existing parking regulation which has been temporarily suspended in accordance with
this section. (Ord. 98-87, 6-16-1998; amd. Ord. 00-127, 7-18-2000)
Any person violating any of the provisions of this article shall be subject to the payment of
fines, in accordance with the provisions of section 11-2B41.of this chapter. (Ord, 99-189, 11-
16-1999; amd. Ord. 00-127, 7-18-2000)
1.As authorized by section 6-306.5(f) of the Illinois vehicle code (or any other successor
statute), the chief of police or a duly authorized designee, shall be authorized to submit a
certified report to the secretary of state seeking the suspension of a person's driver's
license if that person has failed to pay in full any fine or penalty imposed by final judgment
of ten (10) or more violations of vehicular standing and parking regulations after exhaustion
of judicial review procedures. At least forty five (45) days prior to sending the certified
report to the secretary of state, a written notice shall be served on or sent to the person
whose driver's license is subject to the request for suspension.
2.The notice shall state that the failure to pay the full amount of fines and penalties within forty
five (45) days of the date printed on the notice will result in the city notifying the secretary of
state that the person's driver's license is eligible for suspension pursuant to this section and
section 6-306.5(f) of the Illinois vehicle code (or any successor statute). The notice of the
impending driver's license suspension shall be sent by first class United States mail,
postage prepaid, to the address of the driver recorded with the secretary of state.
3.A person to whom a notice of an impending driver's license suspension is sent shall be
authorized to challenge the accuracy of the certified report either sent or to be sent to the
secretary of state. The grounds for challenging the accuracy of the certified report shall be
limited to:
3.1. The person was not the owner or lessee of the vehicle or vehicles receiving ten (10) or
more parking violation notices on the date or dates such notices were issued; or
3.2. The person has already paid the fines or penalties for the ten (10) or more violations
indicated on the certified report.
4.A request for a hearing under this subsection shall be sent to or filed with the chief of police.
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A hearing officer appointed by the city manager or a duly authorized designee shall conduct
the hearing, and a decision shall be rendered by the hearing officer based on all evidence
before the hearing officer. The hearing officer's decision shall be final, except for any
appeal procedure authorized by law before the secretary of state. (Ord. 02-178, 8-20-2002)
BICYCLE STORAGE LOCKER: Lockers restricted for the storage of bicycles at the Illinois
Route 59 and 4th and Ellsworth commuter parking lots in accordance with section 11-2B-10 of
this article.
CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT PARKING LOT: A parking lot located within the central
business district as defined by title_6 of this code.
COMMUTER PARKING LOT: A municipal parking lot where twelve (12) hour parking is
permitted in parking spaces allocated to commuter permit parking, daily fee parking or METRA
"space available" parking.
DAILY FEE PARKING ZONE: Areas on streets and other public places over which the city has
jurisdiction for the parking of motor vehicles, which are designated in accordance with this
article, consisting of marked parking spaces with posted parking space numbers, where lawful
parking is restricted only to those vehicles for which a daily fee parking payment has been
ELECTRONIC DAILY FEE PARKING MACHINE: An electronic device located at a public
place under the city's jurisdiction which receives payment for the privilege of temporarily
parking in a specified numbered space for the posted time period.
METRA "SPACE AVAILABLE" PARKING: A commuter permit or daily fee parking space
unoccupied after nine o'clock (9:00) A.M., in the Kroehler or Burlington parking lot where
parking is permitted in accordance with section 11-2B-7 of this article.
MUNICIPAL PARKING LOTS: Parking areas and lots under the jurisdiction of the city of
PARKING HOLIDAYS: Except as otherwise provided, the provisions of this article shall not
apply on the following designated holidays:
New Year's Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
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Thanksgiving Day
Day after Thanksgiving
(commuter lots and Washington Street only)
Christmas Day
PARKING LOT: Both off street, surface parking areas and off street parking in decks, garages,
and other structures which are open to parking of vehicles by the public either with or without
RESTRICTED SIZE PARKING SPACE; Those parking spaces designated by the director of
public works from time to time, on the city streets and within the municipal parking lots, which
are restricted to vehicles no greater than five feet (5') in overall height and eighteen feet (18') in
overall length, including anything attached, connected, or joined thereto.
VISITOR: Any person having business with the city for the length of time such person is
conducting such business, (Ord. 99-189, 11-16-1999; amd. Ord. 02-249, 12-3-2002)
Parking in municipal parking lots shall be permitted only in accordance with table 11-2B-2 of
this section, and the provisions of this article: (Ord. 99-189, 11-16-1999)
Location 2 Hour 3 Hour All Day Handicapped Reserved Temporary Subtotal
Parking Parking Parking1 Parking Parking Commuter By
Permit Location
Court 81 4 85
Central Park 24 2 26
Van Buren lot 106 5 111
Paw Paw 121 8 129
parking lot
Riverview 48 2 50
parking lot
Riverwalk 23 2 25
parking lot
parking facility
Level 1 156 10 166
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Level 2 28 121 2 57 208
Level 32 179 179
Van Buren
parking facility
Outside 50 1 51
Ground level3 56 56
Second level 96 4 100
Third level2 102 4 106
Fourth level 2 100 3 103
Fifth level4 109 109
Roof level4 56 56
Off street total 105 588 598 47 57 165 1,560
1. Parking after 9:00 A.M.
2. Unlimited CBD permit parking.
3. 3 hour parking 5:00 A,M. to 2:00 A.M.
4. Commuter permit parking 24 hours, 7 days. Public parking 6:00 P.M. to 2:00 A.M.
Unlimited parking Saturday and Sunday, 5:00 A.M. to 2:00 A.M.
No parking 2:00 A.M. to 5:00 A.M. in municipal parking lots.
All handicapped stalls have no time restrictions associated with them.
(Ord. 03-59, 2-18-2003)
1.Parking Space Markings:
1.1. Except for parking holidays as designated by this article, vehicles parked in any
municipal parking lot shall be parked completely within the marked parking space lines. No
portion of the vehicle shall extend over the marked lines at any point.
1.2. Except for parking holidays as designated by this article, where there are no marked
parking space lines, vehicles shall be parked in accordance with the directions on lawfully
posted signs.
2_Vehicle Limitations:
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2.1. Except for parking holidays as designated by this article, no motor vehicle in excess of
seven feet (7') in overall width or twenty feet (20') in overall length, including anything
attached, connected, or joined thereto, shall be parked in any parking lot under the city's
jurisdiction. (Ord. 99-189, 11-16-1999)
3.Time Limits; Exceptions: No person shall park a vehicle in a municipal parking lot for a period
of more than three (3) hours, except as specified as follows:
3.1. In the central business district, CBD employee parking permit holders may park in the
following locations:
3.1.1. On levels 3 and 4 of the Van Buren parking facility without time restrictions;
3.1.2. In the Van Buren I parking lot in the six (6) 30-minute limited parking stalls
designated by posted sign;
3.1.3. On level 2 of the central parking facility without time restrictions during the period
of January 1 through April 15, annually; and
3.1.4. On level 3 of the central parking facility without time restrictions. (Ord. 02-24, 2-5-
3.2. In the Nichols Library and Naper Boulevard Library parking lots:
3.2.1. Three (3) hour parking where designated by posted signs;
3.2,2, One hour parking where designated by posted signs;
3.2.3. Parking is prohibited from nine thirty o'clock(9:30) P.M. to six o'clock (6:00)A.M.
from May 1 to September 30 and from eleven o'clock (11:00) P.M. to six o'clock (6:00)
A.M. from October 1 to April 30. Vehicles displaying a parking permit issued by the
Nichols Library or the Naper Boulevard Library are exempt from these restrictions.
4.Naperville Park District Parking Lots: No person shall park a vehicle in a Naperville park
district parking lot, as specified in this subsection, for a period of more than three (3) hours
between six o'clock (6:00) A.M. to six o'clock (6:00) P.M. daily, except as specified below:
4.1. Rubin Community Center Lot:
4.1.1. Four (4) hour parking from six o'clock (6:00)A.M. to six o'clock (6:00) P.M. daily
where designated by sign:
4.1.2. Handicapped accessible spaces where designated by sign;
4.1.3. No parking drop off zone where designated by sign; and
4.1.4. Permit parking between six o'clock (6:00)A.M. to six o'clock (6:00) P.M. daily
where designated by sign.
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4.2. Park District Administration Lot:
4.2,1. Parking in the circle fronting the park district administration building shall be
restricted to fifteen (15) minutes between six o'clock (6:00) A.M, to six o'clock (6:00) P.M.
daily, where designated by sign;
41.2. Handicapped accessible spaces where designated by sign; and
4.2.3. Permit parking between six o'clock (6:00) A.M. to six o'clock (6:00) P.M. daily
where designated by sign.
4.3. Rotary Hill Lot:
4.3.1. Handicapped accessible spaces where designated by sign. (Ord. 99-189, 11-16-
1_ The municipal parking lots as specified in this section, shall be used for parking and storing
city vehicles, for temporary parking by visitors to the municipal center and other city
facilities, and city employee parking in accordance with the rules, regulations, and
designations specified by this title, as amended from time to time:
1.1. 400 South Eagle Street - Municipal Center:
1.1.1. The upper parking area shall be used for parking for visitors, city employees, and
city vehicles as designated by the city manager and as posted from time to time;
1.1.2. The lower parking area shall be used for short term visitor parking, reserved
parking for city vehicles and permit parking for city employees, as designated by the city
manager and as posted from time to time.
1.2. Specified Parking Areas: Except as otherwise posted, the parking areas adjacent to
the following specified city buildings are restricted to parking for city employees and city
1.2.1. 505 East Fifth Avenue; water tower west and the NDPW facility;
1.2.2. 1200 West Ogden Avenue; NDPU-W and the NDPW north operations center;
1.2.3, 1800 South Washington Street, NDPU-W and NDPW south operations center;
1.2.4. 1350 West Aurora Avenue-Naperville police department headquarters;
1.2.5, 1380 West Aurora Avenue-Naperville fire department headquarters;
1.2.6. 1392 West Aurora Avenue, NDPU-E electrical service center;
1.2.7. 3712 South Plainfield/Naperville Road-Springbrook water and wastewater
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treatment facility; and
1.2,8. City fire stations:
#1 964 East Chicago Avenue
#2 601 East Bailey Road
#3 1803 North Washington Street
#4 1971 West Brookdale Road
#5 2191 South Plainfield/Naperville Road
#6 2808 West 103rd Street
#7 1380 West Aurora Avenue
2. It shall be unlawful to park any vehicle in violation of the rules, regulations, and designations
specified by this title, as amended from time to time. (Ord. 99-169, 11-16-1999)
Permits for employee and residential tenant parking within the central business district may be
issued in accordance with this section.
1. Rules And Regulations: The city manager or his or her designee shall promulgate CBD
parking permit rules and regulations to supplement the requirements of this section
concerning the display and use of CBD business employee and residential tenant parking
permits, A copy of such rules and regulations shall be available to permit holders in the
finance department and shall be made available to each permit holder when a renewal
permit is issued if substantive changes are made to the rules and regulations.
2. Availability; Central business district (CBD) employee and residential tenant parking permits
may be issued by the city finance department upon application and payment of all
applicable fees for employee parking for businesses located within the central business
district, and for tenants of residential real property for which alternate parking is not
available within or immediately adjacent to the central business district.
3. Application:
3.1. Application for central business district business employee and residential tenant
parking permits may be made in the city finance department.
3.2. Such application may be made by the owner of any business within the CBD, or by the
owner of any residential rental real property for which alternate parking is not available
immediately within or adjacent to the central business district,
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3.3. Such application shall include:
3.3.1. The name, address, telephone and fax number of the business or rental property
owner or his or her duly authorized agents or managers;
3.3.2. The address of the business or rental property for which application is being made,
if different from the owner's;
3.3.3. The identification numbers of all permits issued pursuant to the application; and
3.3.4. Such other information as the city manager shall reasonably require to implement
this section.
4. Fees:
4.1. The fee for a CBD business employee and residential tenant parking permit shall be
five dollars ($5.00) for each individual permit issued for the calendar year, or any part
thereof during which the permit is issued, and all fees paid pursuant to this section shall be
4.2. CBD business employee and residential tenant parking permits shall be valid from
January 1 through December 31, and shall be uniquely identifiable by a different color for
each calendar year.
5. Display And Use; Such permits shall be valid only if displayed and used in accordance with
this subsection and any duly promulgated regulations.
5.1. CBD business employee and residential tenant parking permits shall be displayed by
hanging over the rear view mirror so that the permit number is clearly visible through the
front windshield from outside the vehicle.
5.2. Except as provided in this subsection, vehicles displaying CBD business employee and
residential tenant parking permits shall not park on any city street or in any municipal
parking lot.
5.3. CBD business employee and residential tenant parking permits shall be
6. Revocation Of CBD Business Employee Parking Permits: Any permit issued pursuant to this
section may be revoked in accordance with the provisions of section 3=2-12 of this code.
(Ord. 99-189, 11-16-1999)
Except as provided in section 11-2B-7 of this article, and "parking holidays", as defined by this
article, parking is prohibited in any "commuter parking lot", as defined by this article, from six
o'clock (6:00) A.M. to six o'clock (6:00) P.M. Monday through Friday without a commuter
parking permit issued and displayed in accordance with this section, and any permit parking
rules and regulations promulgated by the city manager.
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1.Rules And Regulations: The city manager or his or her designee shall promulgate permit
parking rules and regulations to implement the provisions of this section and section 11-26-
10 of this article concerning the issuance, display, and use of commuter parking permits
and bicycle storage locker permits. A copy of such rules and regulations shall be available
to permit holders in the finance department and shall be mailed to each permit holder when
substantive changes are made to the rules and regulations or every three (3) years if no
substantive changes have been made during the preceding three (3) year period.
2.Commuter Permit Parking Spaces: Commuter permit parking spaces shall be designated
from time to time and published in table 11-2B-5 of this section: (Ord. 99-189, 11-16-1999)
Location Permit Handicapped Daily Fee
Parking Parking Parking
Illinois 59 commuter lot 1,168 25 623
Burlington lot 523 16
Kroehler lot 295 30
Parkview lot 135 5
Van Buren parking facilityl 165
4th Avenue (Serpentine) 132
5th Avenue (Center to Wright) 114
6th Avenue (Loomis to Sleight) 10
North Avenue (Washington to Ellsworth) 30
Spring Avenue (Webster to Washington) 35
Center Street (North Avenue to 5th Avenue) 9
Ellsworth Street (BNRR to 5th Avenue) 6
4th Avenue (in front of station) 2 20
Ellsworth Street (North Avenue to 4th 10
Total spaces 2,286 48
1. Van Buren parking facility permit spaces established on a temporary basis.
(Ord. 02-249, 12-3-2002)
3.Towing: All commuter parking lots specified in table 11-2BB5 of this section are hereby
designated as "tow away zones" and shall be appropriately posted as such. Any vehicle
parked in such areas in violation of this section may be towed in accordance with section
11-2A-14 of this chapter.
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4.1. Application for a commuter parking permit may be made in the city finance department
on a form provided.
4.2. Such application may be made by the owner(s) of the vehicle(s) to be parked in the
commuter parking lot.
4.3. Such application shall include:
4.3.1. The name, address, telephone and fax number of the owner(s) of the vehicle(s);
4.3.2, An accurate description of the vehicle(s), including make, model, year, and license
number(s); and
4.3.3. The identification number of commuter parking permit issued for each vehicle.
5,1. Quarterly fees shall be paid in accordance with this subsection before any commuter
parking permit is issued, and all fees paid pursuant to this subsection shall be
Quarterly Permit Fee Commuter Parking Lots Residents Nonresidents
Kroehler lot (northeast corner of 5th Avenue and Loomis Street) $50,00 $55.00
Burlington lot (east of Washington Street and south of North 60.00 n/a
Parkview commuter parking lot (east corner of Washington 60.00 n/a
Street and north of North Avenue)
IL Route 59 commuter parking lot (Fairway Drive south of North 60.00 65.00
Aurora Road)
6.Display And Use: Commuter parking permits shall be valid only if displayed and used in
accordance with this subsection and any duly promulgated regulations.
6.1. Commuter parking permits shall be displayed by hanging over the rearview mirror so
that the permit number is clearly visible through the front windshield from outside the
7.Lost Permits; Lost commuter parking permits may be replaced by the city finance department
upon the payment of a fee equal to one-half (1/2) of the quarterly fee and completion of a
sworn affidavit attesting that the permit is lost.
8.Damaged Permits: Damaged commuter parking permits will be replaced upon surrender of
the damaged permit and the payment of a five dollar ($5.00) fee to the city finance
9.Permits Nontransferable: Commuter parking permits shall be nontransferable. (Ord. 99-189,
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10.Fraudulent Permit: it shall be unlawful to display a city of Naperville issued commuter
permit with altered and/or false information or to display a device not issued by the city
purporting to be an actual city of Naperville commuter permit. The penalty for each such
offense shall be one hundred dollars ($100.00) with no compromise payment. The display
of an altered and/or false commuter permit shall raise a rebuttable presumption that the
registered owner of the vehicle in which it is displayed has altered or fraudulently displayed
the permit.
11.Violation: Any violation of this section shall be subject to compromise payment of parking
violation penalties in accordance with section 11:2B-11 of this article, except where
otherwise provided. (Ord. 02-178, 8-20-2002)
Except as specified in this section, it shall be unlawful to park any vehicle, or to permit any
vehicle to remain parked in a "daily fee parking zone", as defined by this article, as specified in
table 11-2B-5 of this article.
1. Restricted Times; Parking is prohibited in any daily fee parking zone or space from six
o'clock (6:00) A.M. to six o'clock (6;00) P.M. Monday through Friday without the payment of
the prescribed fee.
2. Weekends And Parking Holidays: Public parking is allowed in any daily fee parking zone
or space without payment of a fee on Saturdays, Sundays, and parking holidays, as
designated by this article.
3. Parking Within The Lines: Vehicles parked in any daily fee parking zone shall park within
the marked parking space lines with no portion of the vehicle projecting over the marked
lines, whether the space is parallel or diagonal.
3.1. It shall be unlawful to park any vehicles across or touching any such line or marking.
3.2. Every vehicle shall be properly parked so that it does not interfere with the parking of
a vehicle in the adjacent space or spaces.
4. Amount Of Fee: The fee for parking in any daily fee parking zone or space shall be two
dollars ($2.00), which fee shall be paid, immediately upon parking any vehicle, received,
and recorded by a daily fee parking machine for the twelve (12) hour period, or any portion
thereof, during which the provisions of this section apply.
5. Electronic Daily Fee Parking Machines: Electronic daily fee parking machines are placed
at the platform of the commuter stations for the payment and receipt of fees for parking in
daily fee parking zones or spaces.
5.1. For each numbered space, the electronic daily fee parking machines shall receive
payment by coin, paper currency, or city parking debit card.
5.2, For the specified parking space, such machines shall provide a printed receipt which
indicates the date, the time of the transaction, the space number, and the amount of the
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5.3. Possession of a payment receipt or payment for a daily fee parking space other than
that which is occupied shall not be a defense to a citation for a violation of this section.
6, Violations: Any violation of this section shall be subject to compromise payment of
parking violation penalties in accordance with section 11-213-11 of this article. (Ord. 99-189,
In accordance with the provisions of this section, parking shall be permitted in open commuter
permit parking spaces in the following commuter parking lots after nine o'clock (9;00) A.M.:
Kroehler lot
(northeast corner of 5th Avenue and Loomis Street)
Burlington lot
(east of Washington Street and south of 5th Avenue)
1. Daily Parking Fee Required: "Space available" parking in the above designated lots shall
require the payment of a two dollar ($2.00) daily parking fee, and it shall be unlawful and a
violation of this section for any person to park any vehicle in any open commuter permit
parking space in the above designated lots without the payment of such fee.
2. Payment Of Fee; The daily parking fee for METRA "space available" parking shall be
paid immediately upon parking any vehicle by placing the required two dollar ($2,00) fee in
the METRA "space available" envelope, dispensed inside the commuter station, recording
the vehicle license plate number and date on the METRA "space available" envelope, and
depositing said envelope in the METRA "space available" envelope box inside the
commuter station.
3. Violations: Any violation of this section shall be subject to compromise payment of
parking violation penalties as provided in section 11_26_11 of this article. (Ord. 99-189, 11-
1.It shall be unlawful for any unauthorized person to deface, tamper with, open, wilfully
damage, or impair the usefulness of any city operated electronic daily fee parking machine
or METRA "space available" envelope box.
2.It shall be unlawful to deposit any slug, device, or metallic substitute for a coin, counterfeit
paper currency, counterfeit city issued parking debit card, or any liquid or viscous material
into a city operated daily fee parking machine or METRA"space available" envelope box.
(Ord. 99-189, 11-16-1999)
It shall be unlawful to park any vehicle, which is more than five feet (5') in overall height and
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eighteen feet (18') in overall length, including anything attached, connected, or joined thereto,
in a parking space duly designated as a "Compact Car" parking space. (Ord. 99-189, 11-16-
1.Permit Required: It shall be unlawful for any person to use a "bicycle storage locker", as
defined by this article, without a bicycle storage locker permit issued and displayed in
accordance with this section, and any permit parking rules and regulations promulgated by
the city manager.
2.1. Application for a bicycle storage locker permit may be made in the office of the city
finance department on a form provided.
2.2. Such application may be made by the owner of the bicycle to be stored in the bicycle
storage locker.
2.3. Such application shall include:
2.3.1. The name, address, telephone and fax number (if applicable) of the owner of the
2.3.2. The applicant's signed and witnessed statement that he or she waives any
expectation of privacy in the locker or its contents, and consents to the city's search and
inspection of the locker from time to time, without notice;
2.3,3. The identification numbers of the bicycle storage locker and the keys issued
pursuant to the application; and
2.3.4. Such other information as the city manager shall reasonably require to implement
this section.
3.Fees And Deposit: The annual fee for a bicycle storage locker permit, which shall not be
prorated, shall be twenty four dollars ($24.00), payable in advance.
3.1. A damage deposit in the amount of thirty dollars ($30.00) shall be due at the time of
application for such permit.
3.2. Fees for lost bicycle storage locker keys shall be five dollars ($5.00).
4.Personal Property; Inspection: It shall be unlawful to store any personal property in a bicycle
storage locker, except a "bicycle", as defined in section 11-4-1 of this title, and the city may
inspect and clean any or all bicycle storage lockers from time to time, without notice. (Ord.
99-189, 11-16-1999)
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Except as otherwise provided in this section, any person violating any of the provisions of
article A or B of this chapter shall be subject to the payment of fines, in accordance with the
provisions of this section.
1. Notice Of Violation: Where a police officer, observing a violation of the provisions of
article A or B of this chapter, determines that such violation does not immediately endanger
the public safety, the police officer may issue a "Notice of Ordinance Violation", which
notice shall be printed upon a firm paper ticket specifying the violation committed. The
officer shall immediately attach such ticket to the illegally stopped, standing, or parked
vehicle in a place which will be clearly visible to the driver of the vehicle. The officer may
deliver the ticket directly to the driver if the driver is present.
2. Responsibility For Violations: The person(s) in whose name such vehicle is registered
shall be subject to the penalty for such violation, except where the vehicle is being used
without the consent of an owner,
3. Compromise Payment; No Court Appearance: Except as provided in subsection 11-2B-
11.5 of this section, any person to whom a notice of violation has been issued may
compromise the payment of the minimum penalties specified in this section, without
appearance in court. Such payment shall be delivered to the city office or department
specified by the city manager from time to time.
3.1. For violation of the parking regulations in the central business district, the minimum
fine shall be thirty dollars ($30.00). The fine may be compromised by the payment of
fifteen dollars ($15,00) if paid within fifteen (15) days from the date on which the notice of
violation is issued,
3.2. For violation of the prohibition of parking in fire lanes, the minimum fine shall be fifty
dollars ($50.00). The fine may be compromised by the payment of thirty dollars ($30.00)
if paid within fifteen (15) days from the date on which the notice of violation is issued.
(Ord. 99-189, 11-16-1999)
3.3. For violations of any other provision of either article A or article B of this chapter, the
minimum fine shall be thirty dollars ($30.00). The fine may be compromised by the
payment of fifteen dollars ($15.00) if paid within fifteen (15) days from the date on which
the notice of violation is issued,
3,4. For violations of any parking regulation within the city by chronic violators as defined
in subsection 11-2A-14.2 of this chapter, the applicable fine shall be double the normal
fine. No person shall be eligible for a compromise payment under this provision. This
section shall not apply to vehicles parked in handicapped parking areas. (Ord, 02-17B, 8-
4. Police Department Records: The police department shall maintain a complete and
accurate record of all notices of violations, the dates on which they were issued and any
compromise payments made thereon.
All monies received by the police department hereunder shall be turned over to the finance
director of the city, with a report thereof by the chief of police, at least monthly.
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5. No Compromise Payment; Court Appearance Required: No person shall be eligible to
compromise the payment of a minimum penalty where:
5.1. Three (3) or more paid or outstanding violations of any of the provisions of article A
or B of this chapter have been issued to such person within the twelve (12) preceding
5.2. Such person commits any violation of the prohibition of parking on Washington
Street between Benton Avenue and Jackson Avenue.
6. Formal Complaint: Where no compromise payment is made in accordance with this
section, the officer issuing the notice of violation shall swear out a formal complaint against
the violator for appearance in court to answer the charge of such violation. (Ord. 99-189,
7. Amnesty Program: The city manager is authorized to conduct an amnesty program for
registered owners of any vehicles with outstanding parking tickets. The amnesty program
shall allow such persons to compromise their outstanding tickets at fifty percent (50%) of
the outstanding amount on each ticket. Any such amnesty program shall run for no more
than ninety (90) days and shall not be more frequent than once every ten (10) years without
city council approval. Amnesty programs shall not apply to violations of handicapped
parking laws. (Ord. 02-178, 8-20-2002)
(Rep. by Ord. 02-178, 8-20-2002)
The general purposes of this Article are:
1. To provide for the safe operation of valet parking services where the transfer of motor
vehicles between customers and service takes place on a public street;
2. To prohibit the obstruction of the ordinary flow of traffic and designated "No Parking" zones
in the course of operating a valet parking service;
3. To designate those places throughout the Central Business District where valet parking
services may be legally provided by a business or its duly authorized parking contractor.
(Ord. 98-145, 10-6-1998)
The following definitions shall be applicable as to this Chapter:
BUSINESS: A business located in Naperville which makes valet parking services available to
its customers,
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CUSTOMER: Any person granting temporary custody of a motor vehicle to an operator for the
purpose of valet parking.
LOADING ZONE: Pickup and discharge points for valet parking.
OPERATOR: Any person who employs one or more attendants for the purpose of providing a
valet parking service or who contracts his own services, but not in the capacity of employee, to
any business establishment, for the purpose of providing a valet parking service to such
PERSON: Any individual, partnership, copartnership, firm, company, corporation, association,
joint stock company, trust, estate, political subdivision, or any other legal entity, or its legal
representative, agents or assigns.
VALET PARKING OPERATION: The performance of valet parking services by any business or
VALET PARKING SERVICES: A parking service provided to accommodate patrons of any
business establishment, which service is incidental to the business of the establishment and by
which an attendant on behalf of the establishment takes temporary custody of the patron's
motor vehicle and moves, parks, stores or retrieves the vehicle for the patron's convenience.
(Ord. 98-145, 10-6-1998)
It shall be unlawful for any person to offer or provide valet parking services in the City without a
valid valet parking permit issued in accordance with this Section.
1. An application for a valet parking permit shall be filed with the City Clerk by the business on
a form supplied by the Clerk and shall include:
1.1. The operator's name, address, and telephone and facsimile numbers.
1.2. The business name, address, telephone and facsimile numbers, and the name of the
local manager for the business.
1.3. A general description of the valet parking operation as proposed, including the site or
sites upon which cars will be temporarily stored and the location of all vehicle transfer and
loading zones.
1.4. Copies of any leases or other written agreements pursuant to which a business or
operator is authorized to use real property which it does not own for the temporary storage
of customer's vehicles.
1.5. If a valet parking operation will be performed for the business by a separate operator, a
fully executed contract between the business and the operator.
1.6. Proof of the operator's insurance for protection from claims under the Workers'
Compensation Act and claims for bodily injury including personal injury and death, sickness
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or disease or death of any and all employees or of any person other than such employees,
and from claims or damages because of injury to or destruction of property including loss of
use resulting therefrom which may arise from the valet parking operation in the following
specified amounts:
Type Of Insurance Limits
Workers' compensation Statutory
Comprehensive automobile liability including owned, nonowned and $1,000,000.00
General liability
Bodily injury annual 3,000,000.00
each occurrence 3,000,000.00
Property damage annual 1,000,000.00
each occurrence 1,000,000.00
Umbrella 2,000,000.00
1.6.1, The operator shall name the City as an additional named insured under the
above-said liability and umbrella policies, which policies shall provide that no policy or
any part thereof may be terminated or modified except upon thirty (30) days' prior
written notice to the City.
1,6.2. The operator shall provide the City with a proper insurance certificate showing
the policy limits and coverages afforded the City, and upon request, with certified
copies of the policies.
1.6.3. Every operator shall procure and maintain such insurance coverage, at its sole
expense, at all times during which any valet parking operation is being conducted and
at all times any valet parking permit is in effect,
2. Valet parking permits may only be issued to businesses or operators for valet parking
services located in that part of the Central Business District on the east side of Main Street
south of Chicago Avenue.
3. No valet parking operation permit shall be issued without an indemnification and waiver
agreement signed by the applicant promising to hold harmless and defend the City or any
of its agents, officials, and employees from and against any property damage, personal
injury or death that may result from granting the permit or from the valet parking operation.
4. Upon receipt of a completed application form, payment of all required fees or fines which
may be due pursuant to this Article, review and recommendation by the Transportation
Advisory Board, and compliance with all other applicable requirements of this Chapter,
upon approval by the City Council, the City Clerk shall issue a valet parking permit. Such
permit may contain such conditions and limitations as are necessary to promote safe and
sound passenger loading and unloading, vehicle transfer, and traffic movement, as may be
determined by the City Council.
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5, No valet parking operator license, or renewal thereof, shall be issued to any applicant who
has violated any of the provisions of this Article two (2) or more times within a one hundred
eighty (180) day period prior to the date of the application, or three (3) or more times within
the three hundred sixty five (365) day period prior to the date of the application.
6. Valet parking permits shall be nontransferable. (Ord. 98-145, 10-6-1998)
The fee for a valet parking permit shall be one hundred dollars ($100.00) per year beginning
on the date the permit is issued by the City Clerk. (Ord. 98-145, 10-6-1998)
Within ten (10) days after a change in status of any of the information required by Section 11-
2D-3 of this Article, the business or operator shall file an amended application for valet parking
operation permit in the office of the City Clerk on a form supplied by the Clerk. (Ord, 98-145,
Every business and operator shall, at all times valet parking operations are being conducted,
have on-duty at the site of the valet parking operation, one or more persons authorized to
accept service of notices of ordinance violation on behalf of the business and the operator.
(Ord. 98-145, 10-6-1998)
Any motor vehicle transfer on a public right of way in conjunction with a valet parking operation
within the City shall be approved by the Director of the Public Works Department and shall be
conducted in accordance with the requirements of this Section:
1. All such transfers shall take place:
1.1. In a driveway or parking lot; or
1.2. In the approved "valet parking transfer zone", An approved valet parking transfer zone
shall be the on-street area immediately adjacent to the street curb not more than two (2)
standard parking spaces in length, as designated in an approved valet parking permit. No
valet parking transfer zone shall be effective unless and until the designation is approved
and proper signage has been installed.
2. All vehicles accepted for valet parking shall be immediately removed to the storage area
specified in the valet parking permit.
3. Each valet parking transfer zone shall, during the hours in effect, be designated and posted
as a tow away zone, subject to Section 11-2A-14 of this Chapter.
4. There shall not be more than one valet parking transfer zone on the same side of a City
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block. (Ord. 98-145, 10-6-1998)
1. A business or operator may temporarily store customers' motor vehicles on private
nonresidential property only pursuant to a written lease, deed or agreement.
2. Operators may temporarily store customers' motor vehicles only in the following Municipal
parking lots:
2.1, On the third level of the Central Parking Facility on Chicago Avenue;
2.2. The Paw Paw Parking Lot.
3. Motor vehicles accepted for valet parking shall not be parked on public streets or rights of
way nor in private parking lots which have not been specifically approved for valet parking
operations in the valet parking permit. (Ord. 98-145, 10-6-1998)
1. Every business establishment for which a valet parking license is issued shall, during the
hours of service, display an eighteen inch by twenty four inch (18" x 24") valet parking
license sign issued by the City. The valet parking license sign shall be prominently
displayed in or about the valet parking vehicle transfer area during the hours of operation.
The valet parking license sign shall only be displayed and the transfer zone shall only be in
effect during the hours that valet service is provided. A licensee's improper display of or
failure to display the valet parking license sign, or use of such sign to restrict or exclude
public parking at unauthorized times or locations, shall subject the operator to the penalties
set forth in this Article and other applicable provisions of this Code. Every licensee
providing service must post the name of the operator and rate, if any, onto the valet parking
license sign in four inch (4") dark lettering. The Director of the Department of Public Works
shall inspect such establishment to determine that the name, and rates, if any, are
accurately and properly posted, and shall suspend any valet parking operator's license as
to any business establishment being served for so long as the licensee fails to post its rates
and name as required herein.
2. No valet parking operator shall park or suffer its agents to park patrons' vehicles upon the
streets or public rights of way. The fine for any parking or compliance violations incurred by
a vehicle while in the custody of a valet parking operator shall be the sole responsibility of
the valet parking operator and shall, upon the occurrence of a final determination of liability,
constitute a debt due and owing to the City. The valet parking operators failure to pay any
such fine upon notice by the City shall subject the operator to the penalties set forth in this
Article and other applicable provisions of this Code. The City may seek restitution with
respect to any fine paid by the patron of the valet parking operator.
3. Each attendant of a valet parking operator shall, while on duty, wear conspicuously placed
on his clothing an insignia which identifies the valet parking operator for whom the
attendant is working.
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4. All valet parking attendants must, upon taking custody of a patron's vehicle, issue a
numbered receipt to each customer containing the name, address and telephone number
of the company providing the valet service, a statement that the company has liability
insurance as required by Section 11-20-3 of this Article, the charge for the valet service,
the time and date the valet parking operator took custody of the vehicle, and the license
plate number of the vehicle. When a valet parking attendant returns custody of the vehicle
to the owner, the attendant must enter the time and date the valet parking operator
surrendered custody of the vehicle, and return it to the patron.
5. Every valet parking operator or attendant shall carry on his person a valid current driver's
license at all times while in control of a patron's vehicle. In addition to the penalties
otherwise provided for violation of this Section, any person violating this subsection shall be
subject to a fine of not less than one hundred dollars ($100.00) nor more than five hundred
dollars ($500.00) for each offense. Any penalty for violation of this subsection shall be
assessed against, and shall be the responsibility of, the holder of the valet parking operator
license. (Ord. 98-145, 10-6-1998)
1. No person may park any vehicle in any manner which violates the provisions of this Chapter
or any other duly adopted City parking regulation.
2. In conducting a valet parking operation, no person may obstruct the normal flow of traffic or
block or occupy a "No Parking Zone".
3. Any violation of this Section may be the basis for revocation of a valet parking permit in
accordance with Section 11-2D-12 of this Article. (Ord. 98-145, 10-6-1998)
11-2D-11: PENALTIES:
Except as specified herein, any person violating any provision of this Chapter shall, upon a
finding of guilty, be fined not less than one hundred dollars ($100,00) nor more than five
hundred dollars ($500.00) for each offense. A separate offense shall be deemed committed on
each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues. (Ord. 98-145, 10-6-1998)
Any violation of the provisions of this Chapter, by any person may be cause for the City
Manager, or his or her designee, to revoke a valet parking permit in accordance with the
provisions of Section 3-2_12 of this Code. (Ord. 98-145, 10-6-1998)
The City assumes no liability for any aspect of a valet parking operation or for the failure or
neglect of any person associated with such an operation. (Ord, 98-145, 10-6-1998)
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The provisions of this Article shall not apply to any business establishment that provides patron
parking entirely and solely on its premises for guests or patrons of the business establishment.
However, the provisions of this Article shall apply and a valet parking license shall be required
when the vehicle or the keys to the vehicle are given to a valet parking attendant on any part of
the public way, even if the actual parking of the vehicle is done entirely and solely on the
establishment's premises. (Ord. 98-145, 10-6-1998)
11-2E-1: PURPOSE:
The expansion of the commercial designation in the downtown plan and redevelopment of lots
which were not previously included in special service areas have led to increased requests for
inclusion into established special service areas which provide parking in the downtown area.
The city council has determined that off street parking exemptions and/or reductions may be
necessary to maintain the character and continued viability of continued reinvestment in the
downtown area through redevelopment, and has determined that it is necessary and prudent
to establish a formal reimbursement/payment in lieu of parking policy. (Ord. 02-47, 3-19-2002)
1. In order to qualify for an off street parking exemption, properties must contribute a special
service area (SSA) reimbursement as defined below and participate in any current SSAs
related to general downtown parking and maintenance:
1.1. Inclusion In Current SSAs: If not already included in current SSAs related to general
downtown parking and maintenance, property owners must petition for and be granted
inclusion into applicable SSAs by city council (i.e., currently SSAs 20 and 21).
1.2. SSA Reimbursement For Construction: Property owners must submit payment to cover
the "back taxes" associated with all previous SSAs established for the purposes of
constructing public parking (i.e., SSAs 8 and 21, and any future construction SSA).
1.3. SSA Reimbursement For Maintenance: Property owners must submit payment to
cover the "back taxes" associated with the previous SSA established for the purposes of
downtown maintenance (i.e., SSAs 17 and 20, and any future maintenance SSA).
1.4. Partial Exemptions: For properties on which a full off street parking exemption is not
appropriate, a partial exemption of fifty percent (50%) may be granted for secondary and
transitional properties within the downtown plan. When partial exemptions are granted, the
property owner will only be responsible for fifty percent (50%) of the SSA reimbursement
fees described above. (Ord. 02-47, 3-19-2002)
1. The reimbursement amount due for "back taxes" related to both construction and
maintenance SSAs will be determined based on the actual EAV of the subject property and
the actual tax rate in place during each annual assessment. Fees will not be based on
current assessed valuations (except for current year assessments) nor will historic interest
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charges be assessed.
2. Any payments received by the city through this reimbursement will be applied as follows:
2.1. Reimbursement fees associated with historic parking deck construction SSAs (i.e.,
SSA 8) will be applied toward debt service on the current construction SSA (currently SSA
21) and utilized for abatements to the property owner's share of the SSA obligation.
2.2. Reimbursement fees associated with historic maintenance SSAs (i.e., SSA 17)will be
applied toward expenditures on the current maintenance SSA (currently SSA 20) and
utilized for abatements to the property owner's share of the SSA obligation. (Ord. 02-47, 3-
1. For properties that will be granted the ability to develop with a floor area ratio greater than
that allowed by right through the underlying zoning district, the property will be required to
pay a fee equal to the cost per parking space for each parking space required for the
additional development.
2. The "per parking space fee" will be determined by the actual "per parking space"
construction costs associated with the city's most recent public parking structure. This fee
will be adjusted for inflation to account for the anticipated cost of future development of a
parking space. The adjusted cost will be based on the latest information from the ENR
(engineering news record) to determine the true anticipated cost per parking space. These
fees will be paid to the city of Naperville prior to the issuance of a building permit.
3. Any payments received by the city through this payment in lieu provision will be reserved by
the city in an escrow account (trust and agency fund #618)for future downtown
improvements. (Ord. 02-47, 3-19-2002) 1/29/20(4
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CHAPTER 3 £1/Mu t
A. City Streets And Parking Lots: It shall be unlawful for any person parking vehicles upon any
city street or within any city parking lot to park a vehicle outside or upon the painted
guidelines, located upon the surface of the street and parking lot, as the case may be.
(1975 Code § 23-42)
B. Parking At Curb: No vehicle shall be parked with the left side of such vehicle next to the
curb, except on one-way streets, and it shall be unlawful to stand or park any vehicle in a
street other than parallel with the curb and with the two (2) right wheels of the vehicle within
twelve inches (12") of the regularly established curbline, except that upon those streets that
have been marked for angle parking, vehicles shall be parked at the angle to the curb
indicated by such marks. (1975 Code § 23-50)
C. Parking On Private Property: It shall be unlawful to park any motor vehicle on any private
property without the consent of the owner of the property. (1975 Code § 23-56)
D. Parking In Alleys: No person shall park a vehicle within an alley in such a manner or such
conditions as to leave available less than ten feet (10') of the width of the roadway for the
free movement of vehicular traffic, and no person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle within
an alley in such a position as to block the driveway entrance to any abutting property. (1975
Code § 23-54)
E. Parking At Cab And Bus Stands: No person shall park any vehicle other than a licensed
taxicab in any area designated by ordinance as a cab stand, and no person shall park any
vehicle other than a bus in a place designated by ordinance as a bus loading zone. (1975
Code § 23-55)
F. Parking During Street Cleaning: It shall be unlawful to park any vehicle on any public street
or portion thereof in the city at any time when such street is being cleaned. Signs indicating
that a street or portion thereof is being cleaned shall be posted immediately before the
cleaning of the street, and shall be removed after the cleaning of the street is finished.
(1975 Code § 23-46)
A. Time Limits For Parking In City Lots: It shall be unlawful for operator of any automobile,
truck, bus or other vehicle to park or permit such vehicle to be parked for a period of more
than twenty four (24) consecutive hours, or such other time period limit set forth in this
code, whichever is less, in any municipal (city) parking lot or public street. (Ord. 2002-42, 7-
B. Limited Parking Zones: It shall be unlawful to park in the places listed in schedule VIII,
section 7-4.8 of this title, for longer than the time period indicated. (1975 Code § 23-47)
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It shall be unlawful for the owner, operator or person having custody of or responsibility for any
trailer, motor home, mobile home, boat trailer, bus or truck which has a gross weight in excess
of eight thousand (8,000) pounds to be parked on any street, alley or parkway for a period
greater than two (2) hours, unless such vehicle or trailer is engaged in the actual and
continuous loading or unloading of goods or merchandise for a longer period. For the purpose
of this section, the term "gross weight" shall mean the maximum registered weight as depicted
by the vehicle's or trailer's then current registration issued by the Illinois secretary of state
under 625 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/3-100 et seq. (1975 Code § 23-61)
It shall be unlawful for the driver of a vehicle to stand a passenger vehicle for a period of time
longer than is necessary for the loading or unloading of passengers, not to exceed three (3)
minutes, and for a driver to stand any freight carrying vehicle for a period of time longer than is
necessary to load, unload and deliver materials, not to exceed thirty (30) minutes, in any place
designated by the mayor and city council as a loading zone and marked as such, or in any of
the places designated in schedule XI, section 7-4-9 of this title. (1975 Code § 23-52)
A. Title: This section shall be known and may be cited as the SNOW EMERGENCY
B. Definitions: The following definitions shall apply in the interpretation and enforcement of this
DIRECTOR: The director of public works or, in his absence, his duly designated and acting
ROADWAY: That portion of a street or highway improved, designed or ordinarily used for
vehicular travel, exclusive of the berm or shoulder.
SECONDARY STREETS: Any streets which are not marked snow emergency routes.
SNOW EMERGENCY ROUTES: Those streets marked as such in accordance with the
provision of this section.
STREET OR HIGHWAY: The entire width between the boundary lines of every way publicly
maintained when any part thereof is open to the use of the public for purposes of vehicular
C. Snow Emergency Routes Designated: Those streets or portions of streets within the city
listed in schedule XII, section 77=4-12 of this title, are hereby designated as snow
emergency routes.
D. Parking On Snow Emergency Routes:
1. Whenever the director finds, on the basis of falling snow, sleet or freezing rain, or on the
basis of a forecast by the U.S. Weather Bureau or other weather service of snow, sleet or
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freezing rain, that weather conditions will make it necessary that motor vehicle traffic be
expedited and that parking on city streets be prohibited or restricted for snow plowing and
other purposes, the director shall put into effect a parking prohibition on parts of or all snow
emergency routes as necessary be declaring it in a manner prescribed by this section.
2. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection D1 of this section, a parking prohibition
shall automatically go into effect on any part of any snow emergency route on which there
has been an accumulation of snow and ice of two inches (2") or more.
E. Parking In Secondary Streets: It shall be unlawful to park any vehicle on any secondary
public street in the city at any time within twelve (12) hours after a snowfall of three inches
(3") or more has occurred, except that any street area which has become substantially
clear of snow and ice from curb to curb for the length of the entire block shall be
automatically excluded therefrom, The chief of police or director of public works, either
jointly or severally, is hereby authorized to declare any public street or portion thereof a no
parking zone during such times as snow removal is necessary to promote the public safety
and welfare, and during such periods as such streets are declared no parking zones, it
shall be unlawful for any person to park any vehicle on said street or portion thereof.
F. Stalled Vehicle On Snow Emergency Route: Whenever a vehicle becomes stalled for any
reason, whether or not in violation of this section, on any part of a snow emergency route
on which there is a covering of snow, sleet or ice, or on which there is a parking prohibition
in effect, the person operating such vehicle shall take immediate action to have the vehicle
towed or pushed off the roadway of such snow emergency route, either into the first cross
street which is not a snow emergency route or onto the public space portion of a nearby
driveway. No person shall and it shall be unlawful to abandon or leave his vehicle in the
roadway of a snow emergency route (regardless of whether he indicates, by raising the
hood or otherwise, that the vehicle is stalled), except for the purpose of securing assistance
during the actual time necessary to go to a nearby telephone or to a nearby garage,
gasoline station or other place of assistance and return without delay. Such person shall
also notify the Geneva police department stating his or her name, the place of vehicle
location and the vehicle description and registration license place number, and the
approximate time assistance is expected.
G. Enforcement:
1. Declarations Of Director: The director shall cause such declaration made by him
pursuant to this section to be publicly announced by means of broadcasts or telecasts from
a station with a normal operating range covering the city, and he may cause such
declaration to be further announced in newspapers of general circulation when feasible.
Each announcement shall describe the action taken by the director, including the time it
became or will become effective, and shall specify the streets or areas affected. The
director shall make or cause to be made a record of each time and date when any
declaration is announced to the public in accordance with this section.
2. Termination Of Parking Prohibition: Whenever the director shall find that some or all of
the conditions which gave rise to a parking prohibition in effect pursuant to this section no
longer exist, he may declare the prohibition terminated, in whole or in part, in a manner
prescribed by this section, effective immediately upon announcement,
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3. Provisions Temporarily Effective To Take Precedence: Any provision of this section
which becomes effective by declaration of the director or upon the occurrence of certain
weather conditions shall, while temporarily in effect, take precedence over other conflicting
provisions of law normally in effect, except that it shall not take precedence over provisions
of law relating to traffic accidents, emergency travel of authorized emergency vehicles or
emergency traffic directions by a police officer,
H. Signs Posted: On each street designated by this section as a snow emergency route, the
director shall post special signs with the wording: "Snow Emergency Route. No Parking
After 2-inch Snowfall Or More Until Removal Is Complete. Violators Will Be Towed". These
signs shall be distinctive and uniform in appearance and shall be plainly readable to
persons traveling on the street or highway.
I. Removal, Impounding And Return Of Vehicles:
1. Members of the police department are hereby authorized to remove or have removed a
vehicle from a street to the nearest garage or other place of safety (including another place
on a street), or to a garage designated or maintained by the police department or otherwise
maintained by this city when:
a. The vehicle is parked on a parts of a snow emergency route on which a parking
prohibition is in effect.
b. The vehicle is stalled on a part of a snow emergency route on which there is a
covering of snow, sleet or ice, or on which there is a parking prohibition in effect, and the
person who was operating such vehicle does not appear to be removing it in accordance
with the provisions of this section.
c. The vehicle is parked in violation of any parking ordinance or provision of law and is
interfering or about to interfere with snow removal operations.
2. Whenever an officer removes or has removed a vehicle from a street as authorized in
this section, and the officer knows or is able to ascertain from the registration records in the
vehicle the name and address of the owner thereof, such officer shall attempt to give or
cause to be given notice to such owner of the fact of such removal and the reasons therefor
and of the place to which such vehicle has been removed. In the event any such vehicle is
stored in a public garage, a copy of such notice shall be given to the proprietor of such
3. Whenever an officer removes or has removed a vehicle from a street under this section
and does not know and is not able to ascertain the name of the owners, or for any other
reason is unable to give the notice to the owner as hereinbefore provided, and in the event
the vehicle is not returned to the owner within a period of three (3) days, then and in that
event the officer shall send or cause to be sent a written report of such removal by mail to
the state department whose duty it is to register motor vehicles, and shall file a copy of
such notice with the proprietor of any public garage in which the vehicle may be stored.
Such notice shall include a complete description of the vehicle, the date, time and place
from which removed, the reasons for such removal and the name of the garage or place
where the vehicle is stored. 1/29/2004
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4. No person shall recover any vehicle removed in accordance with this section except as
provided herein. Before the owner or person in charge of such vehicle shall be allowed to
recover it from the place where it has been placed or impounded, he shall present to a
member of the police department evidence of his identity and right to possession of the
vehicle, shall sign a receipt for its return, shall pay the cost of removal and any cost of
storage accrued.
5. It shall be the duty of the police department to keep a record of each vehicle removed in
accordance with this section. The record shall include a description of the vehicle, its
license number, the date and time of its removal, where it was removed from, its location,
the name and address of its owner and last operator, if known, its final disposition and the
parking violation involved.
6. This section shall be supplemental to any other provisions of law granting members of
the police department authority to remove vehicles,
J. Citation On Vehicle Parked Or Left: Whenever any motor vehicle without a driver is found
parked or left in violation of any provision of this section, the officer finding such vehicle
shall take its registration number and any other information displayed on the vehicle which
may identify its user and shall conspicuously affix to such vehicle a traffic citation on a form
provided by the police department of the city for the driver to answer to the charge against
him within five (5) days at the time and place specified in the citation.
K. Evidence With Respect To Illegally Parked Vehicles: In any prosecution with regard to a
vehicle parked or left in a place or in a condition in violation of any provision of this section,
proof that the particular vehicle described in the complaint was parked or left in violation of
a provision of this section, together with proof that the defendant named in the complaint
was at the time the registered owner of such vehicle, shall constitute prima facie evidence
that the defendant was the person who parked or left the vehicle in violation of this section,
L. Penalties: Every person convicted of a violation of any provision of this section shall be
punished by a fine as provided in the general penalty in section 1-3-1 of this code. (1975
Code § 23-45; amd. 2003 Code)
A. Types Of Special Parking Privileges: The parking stalls enumerated in schedule X, section
7-4-10 of this title, shall be reserved for vehicles bearing state of Illinois special registration
plates, decals or devices issued to:
1. Physically handicapped persons, as defined at 625 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/3-616.
2. Persons with disabilities, pursuant to 625 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/11-1301.2. (1975
Code § 23-59; amd. 2003 Code)
B. Regulations Governing Such Vehicles:
1. It shall be unlawful for any person to park vehicles within the stalls listed in schedule X,
section 7-4-10 of this title, whose vehicles do not bear such special registration plates,
special decals or devices as heretofore required.
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2. Further, any motor vehicle bearing the special registration plates, decals or devices
heretofore referred to shall be exempt from any provisions of this title imposing time
limitations on parking, except such exemption shall not pertain to any prohibition of parking
in "no stopping" and "no standing" zones in front of or near fire hydrants, driveways, public
building entrances and exits, bus stops and loading areas, and such vehicles are further
prohibited from parking where the motor vehicle constitutes a traffic hazard as determined
by any duly authorized law enforcement officer. (1975 Code § 23-59; amd. 2003 Code)
A. Any resident whose permanent residence is located within the area described in schedule
XIII, section 7-4-13 of this title, and who meets the requirements set forth in this section, is
authorized to park said vehicle on the street and in the block where the resident lives
without regard to posted maximum parking limits.
B. Such residents shall be issued a special vehicle privilege parking permit upon submission of
an application to the police department upon such forms provided by the police department.
A special vehicle privilege parking tag shall be issued to an eligible resident and must be
displayed upon the rearview mirror within the interior vehicle passenger compartment.
Special vehicle privilege parking on the streets listed in schedule XIII, section 7-4-13 of this
title, shall be valid only from July 1 through June 30 and will be reissued annually.
C. Special vehicle privilege parking tags shall only be issued to residents whose vehicles are
registered to the resident at their city of Geneva residence. Such tags are nontransferable
to any other person or vehicle. Any person who violates the provisions of this section shall
be subject to the revocation of their special vehicle privilege parking permit. Any person
who has their special vehicle privilege parking permit revoked shall not be eligible for the
issuance of any subsequent permit.
D. Permits issued under this section shall not be construed as a guarantee of a parking space
and shall not be transferable, nor shall the immunity granted thereby be applicable to any
other restriction on parking, including, but not limited to, no parking zones, crosswalks and
driveway entrances.
E. No immunity from overtime parking shall be allowed unless a vehicle displays a special
privilege parking permit, (Ord. 2002-63, 10-7-2002)
A. No Parking Places: it shall be unlawful for any person at any time to permit any vehicle to
stand in any of the following places, except when necessary to avoid conflict with other
traffic or in compliance with the directions of a police officer or traffic control device:
1, In any intersection.
2. In a crosswalk.
3. Upon any bridge or viaduct, or in any subway or tunnel or the approach thereto. 1/29/2004
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4. Between a safety zone and the adjacent curb or within thirty feet (30') of a point of the
curb immediately opposite the end of a safety zone.
5. Within thirty feet (30') of a traffic signal, beacon or sign on the approaching side.
6. Within twenty feet (20') of any intersection or crosswalk.
7. At any place where the standing of a vehicle will reduce the usable width of the roadway
for moving traffic to less than eighteen feet (18').
8. Within fifteen feet (15') of a fire hydrant.
9. At any place where the vehicle would block the use of a driveway.
10. Within fifty feet (50') of the nearest rail of a railroad grade crossing.
11. Within twenty feet (20') of the driveway entrance to any fire department station and on
the side of the street opposite the entrance to any such station within seventy five feet (75')
of such entrance when properly sign posted.
12. On any sidewalk_
13. Except for temporary emergencies, no vehicle shall be parked between the sidewalk
and the curb in any zoning district, as such are defined by the zoning ordinance of the city
so , in other than that part of the parkway used for private vehicle entrance onto a zoning
lot; and no vehicle shall be parked in such driveway entrance in such manner that any part
of the vehicle, including fenders or bumpers, extends over the roadway or curbline, or the
sidewalk line.
14. At any place where official signs prohibit parking. (1975 Code § 23-44)
B. Parking Vehicles For Display Or Sale:
1. It shall be unlawful for any person to park any vehicle upon any street for the purpose of
displaying it for sale.
2. It shall be unlawful for any person to park any vehicle upon any business street from
which merchandise is peddled. (1975 Code § 23-51)
C. All Night Parking: No person shall park any vehicle between the hours of two o'clock (2;00)
A.M. and six o'clock (6:00) A.M. of any day, except Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, on
any of the streets listed in schedule IX, section 7-4-9 of this title. (1975 Code § 23-53)
A. Authority: The police department and all members thereof assigned to traffic duty are
hereby authorized to remove and tow away or have removed and towed away by a
commercial towing service, any car or other vehicle parked in violation of this code, or in
the violation of the statutes of the state of Illinois, where such parked vehicle creates or 1/29/2004
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constitutes a traffic hazard, blocks the use of a fire hydrant, or obstructs or may obstruct the
movement of any emergency vehicle; or any vehicle which has been parked in any public
street or other public place for a period in excess of twenty four (24)consecutive hours.
Cars so towed away shall be stored on any city property or in a public garage or parking lot
or at such other police department designated parking facility, and shall be restored to the
owner or operator thereof after payment of the expenses incurred by the city in removing
and storing such vehicle.
B. Temporary Towaway Zones: It shall be unlawful for any person at any time to permit any
vehicle to stand on a public street within fifteen feet (15') of any official sign establishing a
temporary towaway zone,
1. Sworn officers of the police department are hereby authorized, upon direction of the chief
of police, to establish temporary towaway zones along public streets when the presence of
parked vehicles poses a traffic hazard and/or interferes with the public use of said streets
and/or portions thereof.
2. The police department shall use signs to identify said temporary towaway zones, which
shall be distinctive, uniform in appearance and visible to persons parking along public
streets. Such signs shall be posted for minimum of three (3) hours prior to any enforcement
action by such police officers.
C. Removal, Impoundment Procedures:
1. Sworn officers of the police department are hereby authorized to remove or have
removed a vehicle from a street to the nearest public garage or other place of safety
(including another place on a public street), or to a garage designated or maintained by the
police department or the city, when the vehicle is found to be in violation of this code.
2. Whenever a sworn officer removes or has removed a vehicle from a street as authorized
in this code, and the officer knows or is able to ascertain from the registration records in the
vehicle the name and address of the owner thereof, such officer shall attempt to give or
cause to be given notice to such owner of the fact of such removal and the reasons therefor
and of the place to which such vehicle has been removed. In the event any such vehicle is
stored in a public garage, a copy of such notice shall be given to the proprietor of such
3. Whenever an officer removes or has removed a vehicle from a street under this section
and does not know and is not able to ascertain the name of the owner, or for any other
reason is unable to give notice to the owner as hereinabove provided, and in the event the
vehicle is not returned to the owner within a period of three (3) days, then and in that event
the officer shall send or cause to be sent a written report of such removal by mail to the
state department, whose duty it is to register motor vehicles, and shall file a copy of such
notice with the proprietor of any public garage in which the vehicle may be stored. Such
notice shall include a complete description of the vehicle, the date, time and place from
which removed, the reasons for such removal and the name of the garage or place where
the vehicle is stored.
4. No person shall remove any vehicle stored in accordance with this section, except as
provided herein. Before the owner or person in charge of such vehicle shall be allowed to
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recover it from the place where it has been placed or impounded, he shall present to a
member of the police department evidence of his identity and right to possession of the
vehicle, shall sign a receipt for its return, shall pay the cost of the removal and shall pay
any cost of storage accrued.
5. It shall be the duty of the police department to keep a record of each vehicle removed in
accordance with this section. The record shall include a description of the vehicle, its
license number, the date and time of its removal, where it was removed from, its location,
the name and address of its owner and last operator, if known, its final disposition and the
parking violation involved.
6. This section shall be supplemental to any other provisions of law granting members of
the police department authority to remove vehicles.
7. Whenever any motor vehicle without a driver is found parked or left in violation of any
provision of this section, the police officer finding such vehicle shall take its registration
number and any other information displayed on the vehicle which may identify its user and
shall conspicuously affix to such vehicle a traffic citation on a form provided by the police
department of the city for the driver to answer to the charge against him within five (5)days
at the time and place specified in the citation.
8. In any prosecution with regard to a vehicle parked or left in a place or in a condition in
violation of any provision of this code, and specifically this section, proof that the particular
vehicle described in the complaint was parked or left in violation of a provision of this
section, together with proof that the defendant named in the complaint was at the time the
registered owner of such vehicle, shall constitute prima facie evidence that the defendant
was the person who parked or left the vehicle in violation of this section. (1975 Code § 23-
D. Presumption Of Illegally Parked Vehicles: The fact that an automobile which is illegally
parked is registered in the name of a person shall be considered prima facie proof that
such person was in control of the automobile at the time of such parking. (1975 Code § 23-
E. Authority To Post Signs: The chief of police, or any other person authorized by the mayor
and city council, shall cause signs to be posted in all areas where parking is limited or
prohibited, indicating such limitations or prohibitions. (1975 Code § 23-57)
F. Penalties: Every person convicted of a violation of any provision of this code, and
particularly this section, shall be punished by a fine as provided in the general penalty in
section 1-3-1 of this code. (1975 Code § 23-48; amd. 2003 Code)
This section has been affected by a recently passed ordinance, ORDINANCE NO. 2003-61.
Go to new ordinance.
A. Any person accused of a violation of this chapter or of this title which prohibits parking a
vehicle in a designated area or restricting the length of time a vehicle may be parked there
may settle and compromise the claim against such person for such illegal parking by
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paying the city within ten (10) days of the time such alleged offense was committed, the
following sums for the following offenses:
Overtime parking under subsection 7-3-2B of this chapter, for the following number of
offenses charged during a consecutive one hundred eighty (180) day period, shall be the
following fines for each offense:
For 1 through 4 offenses $ 2.00
For 5 through 9 offenses 5.00
For 10 through 15 offenses 15.00
For 15 or more offenses 25.00
Overtime parking in excess of 9 consecutive hours at one location 10.00
Prohibited parking 10.00
Special parking privilege under section 7-3-6 100.00
B. In the event any such claim is not paid within ten (10) days after the issuance of the citation
therefor, an additional ten dollar ($10.00) administrative fee shall be added to each unpaid
claim. If such claims are not paid within thirty (30) days, a warrant (summons) for the arrest
of the offender will be issued without further notice. Payment of claims or fines shall be
made at the police station of the city, or in the fine deposit boxes located upon the streets
of the city, and such funds shall be promptly turned over to the city treasurer to be credited
to the general corporate fund. (1975 Code § 23-58) 1/29/2004
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The provisions of this Title prohibiting the standing or parking of a vehicle shall apply at all
times or at those times herein specified or as indicated on official signs except when it is
necessary to stop a vehicle to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with the
directions of a police officer or official traffic-control device. (1972 Code § 75.100)
The provisions of this Chapter imposing a time limit on parking shall not relieve any person
from the duty to observe other and more restrictive provisions prohibiting or limiting the
stopping, standing or parking of vehicles in specified places or at specified times. (1972 Code
§ 75.105)
A. Except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic, or in compliance with law or the
directions of a police officer or official traffic-control device, no person shall:
1. Stop, stand or park a vehicle:
a. On the roadway side of any vehicle stopped or parked at the edge or curb of a street.
b. On a sidewalk.
c. Within an intersection.
d. On a crosswalk.
e. Between a safety zone and the adjacent curb or within twenty feet (20') of points on
the curb immediately opposite the ends of a safety zone, unless the traffic authority
indicates a different length by signs or markings.
f. Alongside or opposite any street excavation or obstruction when stopping, standing or
parking would obstruct traffic.
g. On any railroad tracks.
h. At any place where signs prohibit stopping, (1972 Code § 75.110)
i. On any City-owned parkway. (Ord. 89-25, 5-15-1989)
2. Stand or park any vehicle, whether occupied or not, except momentarily to pick up or
discharge a passenger or passengers: 1/29/2004
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a. In front of a public or private driveway.
b. Within fifteen feet (15') of a fire hydrant.
c. Within twenty feet (20') of a crosswalk at an intersection.
d. Within thirty feet (30') upon the approach to any flashing signal, stop sign or traffic-
control signal located at the side of a roadway.
e. Within twenty feet (20') of the driveway entrance to any fire station and on side of a
street opposite the entrance to any fire station within seventy five feet (75') of said
1. At any place where official signs prohibit standing.
3. Park a vehicle, whether occupied or not, except temporarily for the purpose of and while
actually engaged in loading or unloading merchandise or passengers:
a. Within fifty feet (50') of the nearest rail of a railroad crossing.
b. At any place where official signs prohibit parking.
B. No person shall move a vehicle not lawfully under his control into any such prohibited area
or away from a curb such a distance as is unlawful.
C. At any time, it shall be unlawful to permit any vehicle to park or stand in any of the following
places except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with the
direction of a policeman or traffic signal:
1, Within any intersection.
2. On any crosswalk.
3, Between a safety zone and the adjacent curb or within twenty feet (20') of a point of the
curb immediately opposite the end of a safety zone.
4. Within twenty feet (20') upon the approach of any crosswalk.
5. At any place where the standing of a vehicle will reduce the usable width of the roadway
for moving traffic to less than eighteen feet (18').
6. At any curb within fifteen feet (15') of a fire hydrant.
7. At any place where the vehicle would block the use of a driveway.
8. Within fifty feet (50') of the nearest rail of a railroad grade crossing. (1972 Code §
9. Within twenty feet (20') of the driveway entrance to any Fire Department station and on 1/29/2004
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the side of the street opposite the entrance to any such station within seventy five feet (75')
of such entrance, or on any posted fire lane. (1972 Code § 75.110; amd. 1986 Code)
10. At any place where official signs prohibit standing or parking. (1972 Code § 75.110)
Except as otherwise provided for in this Title, every vehicle stopped or parked upon a roadway
where there are adjacent curbs shall be so stopped or parked with the right-hand wheels of
such vehicle parallel to and within twelve inches (12") of the right-hand curb; provided
however, that upon one-way streets, every vehicle stopped or parked upon a roadway where
there are adjacent curbs shall be so stopped or parked with the wheels of such vehicle nearest
the curb, no further than twelve inches (12") from such curb. (1972 Code § 75.001)
A. Signs Or Markings Indicating Angle Parking:
1. The Chief of Police shall determine upon what streets angle parking shall be permitted
and shall mark or sign such streets, but such angle parking shall not be indicated upon any
Federal-aid or State highway within this City unless the State Highway Commission has
determined, by resolution or order entered in its minutes, that the roadway is of sufficient
width to permit angle parking without interfering with the free movement of traffic.
2, It shall be unlawful for any person to park any vehicle in any public place except at an
angle designated by parking lines and except in such a manner that no part of said vehicle
shall extend a distance of more than seventeen feet (17') from the curb, measured at right
angles thereto.
3. Angle parking shall not be indicated or permitted at any place where passing traffic
would thereby be caused or required to drive upon the left side of the street. (1972 Code §
75.005; amd, Ord. 84-38, 11-19-1984)
B. Obedience To Angle-Parking Signs Or Markings; On those streets which have been signed
or marked by the Chief of Police for angle parking, no person shall park or stand a vehicle
other than at the angle to the curb or edge of the roadway indicated by such signs or
markings. (1972 Code § 75.010)
C. Permits For Loading Or Unloading At Angle To Curb:
1. The Chief of Police is authorized to issue special permits to permit the backing of a
vehicle to the curb for the purpose of loading or unloading merchandise or materials subject
to the terms and conditions of such permit. Such permits may be issued either to the owner
or lessee of real property or to the owner of the vehicle and shall grant to such person the
privilege as therein stated and authorized herein.
2. It shall be unlawful for any permittee or other person to violate any of the special terms or
conditions of any such permit. (1972 Code § 75.015) 1/29/2004
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A. During the period from sunset to sunrise every motorcycle or motor vehicle which is
standing on any highway shall display a parking light on the front and at the rear of the
same. However, the City may by ordinance, under rules and regulations it may prescribe,
designate any part or parts of any street, or other highway under its jurisdiction, as parking
places in which motorcycles and motor vehicles may be parked without having their lamps
lighted, as otherwise required by this Section.
B. Any lighted driving lamps upon a parked vehicle shall be depressed or dimmed. (1986
When signs are erected giving notice thereof, no person shall park a vehicle at any time upon
any of the streets described in Section 6-10-4 of this Title, (1972 Code § 75.120)
A. When signs are erected in each block giving notice thereof, no person shall park a vehicle
for longer than such signage indicates at any time between the hours of nine o'clock (9:00)
A.M. and six o'clock (6:00) P.M. of any day except Sundays and holidays upon any of
the streets or parts thereof described in Section 6710-33 of this Title and made a part hereof.
Parking time in the area described in Section 666-10-3 of this Title may be extended to not
more than three (3) hours by order of the Chief of Police. (1972 Code § 75.120; amd. Ord.
90-73, 9-17-1990)
B. The provisions of this Section shall not be construed to permit the parking of vehicles in any
place where such parking is prohibited by any other ordinance of the City or any other
section of this Title.
C. The Chief of Police may designate by official signs a space on both sides of the street in
each block in the limited parking districts not to exceed eighteen feet (18') in length wherein
it shall be unlawful for any person to park any vehicle for more than five (5) minutes. Such
five (5) minute parking space shall be so located as to permit the operator of a vehicle to
pull away from the curb without backing across any crosswalk. (1972 Code § 75.120)
D. The Chief of Police may designate a maximum of eight (8) "20 Minute Service Use Only"
parking spaces in the B-2 Central Business District on the following streets where they are
in such District; Wilson Street, River Street, Island Avenue, Water Street, First Street, and
Batavia Avenue. Said spaces shall be marked by signs and are for the use of only those
persons who intend to occupy the said spaces for twenty (20) minutes or less. (Ord. 84-12,
E. The Chief of Police may, by the erection of appropriate signage, regulate the use, through
hours of operation, time limits or any other controls deemed necessary, to regulate parking
and traffic upon City property and/or City owned parking lots. (Ord. 93-60, 10-18-1993) 1/29/2004
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A. It shall be unlawful for any person to park a motor vehicle or, if parked, to allow a motor
vehicle to remain parked or standing in any public street, alley or Municipally-owned or
operated parking lot during or after a snowfall in which there is an accumulation of two
inches (2") of snow or more. This prohibition shall remain until twenty four (24) hours after
the end of the snowfall or until the street, alley or parking lot is plowed or the snow removed
therefrom, whichever occurs first.
B. Any vehicles parked in violation of this Section are hereby declared a nuisance and a
hazard to the public safety, and any police officer of the City is authorized to cause the
removal of such vehicle to a public garage or other place of safety during snow removal
operations of the City on such streets, and expense of such removal and storage in such
public garage shall be paid by the owner or operator of such vehicle, in addition to any
other penalties imposed by this Title. (1972 Code § 75.125)
Whenever by this, or any other ordinance of the City, any parking time limit is imposed or
parking is prohibited on designated streets, City property and/or City owned parking lots, it
shall be the duty of the Chief of Police to erect appropriate signs giving notice thereof and not
such regulation shall be effective unless said signs are erected and in place at the time of any
alleged offense. This requirement shall not be applicable to the provision of Section 6-6-9 of
this Chapter, (Ord. 93-60, 10-18-1993)
No person shall park any vehicle upon a street, other than an alley, in such a manner or under
such conditions as to leave available less than eighteen feet (18') of the width of the roadway
for free movement of vehicular traffic. (1972 Code § 75.135)
No person shall park a vehicle within an alley in such a manner or under such conditions as to
leave available less than ten feet (10') of the width of the roadway for the free movement of
vehicular traffic, and no person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle within an alley in such
position as to block the driveway entrance to any abutting property. (1972 Code g 75.140)
No person shall park a vehicle on any street within the City between the hours of one o'clock
(1:00) A.M, and six o'clock (6:00) A.M. of any day, except that the City Council may grant, by
permit, overnight parking privileges on certain blocks as the need arises. The Chief of Police
shall have the authority to grant emergency exceptions whenever the need arises. (Ord. 83-37,
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No commercial vehicle, trailer or truck tractor exceeding two (2) tons in weight shall be
permitted to be parked on any public street in a residence district for a longer period than two
(2) hours. (1972 Code § 71.150)
No person shall park a vehicle upon any roadway for the principal purpose of:
A. Displaying such vehicle for sale.
B. Washing, greasing or repairing such vehicle except repairs necessitated by emergency,
(1972 Code § 75.155)
A. The term "school zone" shall include sides of that part of the public highway in front of the
principal entrance to any public elementary or high school or parochial school, and
extending not less than three hundred feet (300') in either direction from such school
B. Such area shall be marked as a school zone by official traffic signs.
C. It shall be unlawful for any person to park or permit to be parked any vehicle in a school
zone between the school hours of eight o'clock (8:00) A.M. and four o'clock (4:00) P.M. of
such days school is in regular session; provided, that such restrictions as to parking shall
not be in force on Saturdays, school holidays and during the summer vacation period when
school is not in regular session for all pupils attending such school; or in such places where
other parking regulations are in force and effect under the provisions of this Title.
D. No person operating an overtaking vehicle shall pass an overtaken vehicle in a school zone
unless such overtaken vehicle is stopped. (1972 Code § 75.160)
A. Parking is hereby prohibited on the south side of east-west streets and on the east side of
north-south streets on all streets in the City which are less than twenty four feet (24') in
width. (Ord. 83-38, 6-20-1983)
B. When official signs prohibiting parking are erected upon narrow streets, as authorized
herein, no person shall park a vehicle upon any such street in violation of any such sign.
(1972 Code § 75.165)
A, The Chief of Police is authorized to erect signs upon the left-hand side of any one-way
street to prohibit the standing or parking of vehicles and when such signs are in place, no
person shall stand or park a vehicle upon such left-hand side in violation of any such sign.
(1972 Code § 75.170)
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Page 7 of 10
B. In the event a highway includes two (2) or more separate roadways and traffic is restricted
to one direction upon any such roadway, no person shall stand or park a vehicle upon the
left-hand side of said one-way roadway unless signs are erected to permit such standing or
parking. The Chief of Police is authorized to determine when standing or parking may be
permitted upon the left-hand side of any such one-way roadway and to erect signs giving
notice thereof. (1972 Code § 75.175)
A. The Chief of Police is authorized to determine and designate by proper signs places not
exceeding one hundred feet (100') in which the stopping, standing or parking of vehicles
would create an especially hazardous condition or would cause unusual delay to traffic.
B. When official signs are erected at hazardous or congested places, as authorized herein, no
person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle in any such designated place. (1972 Code §
A. Whenever any police officer finds a vehicle standing, stopped or parked in violation of the
provisions of this Title, such officer is authorized to move the vehicle or to require the driver
or other person in charge to move the same to such a place as will not interfere with the
use of the streets and highways as herein prohibited. (1972 Code § 75.185)
B. Whenever any police officer finds a vehicle unattended in any street or on any private
property under parking contract with the City where such vehicle constitutes an obstruction
to traffic, or the use of streets, driveways, sidewalks, fire lanes, entrances to fire stations,
entrances to City Street Department garages, entrances to Electrical Department doors and
garages, all driveways of electrical utility main and substations, all driveways leading to
equipment or service facilities of the Water, Sewer and Street Departments, or any
hindrance to public safety in the City, or any vehicle remains parked in one location for a
period of forty eight (48) hours or more, such officer is authorized to cause the removal of
such vehicle to a public garage or other place of safety, and the expense of such removal
and storage in such public garage or other place of safety shall be paid by the owner or
operator of said vehicle. (Ord. 83-23, 5-16-1983)
A. Chief Of Police To Designate:
1. Curb Loading Zones: The Chief of Police is authorized to determine the location of curb
loading zones and shall place and maintain appropriate signs, indicating the same and
stating the hours during which the provisions of this Section are applicable. (1972 Code §
2. Public Carrier Stops And Stands: The Chief of Police is authorized and required to
establish bus stops, bus stands, taxicab stands and stands for other passenger common
carrier motor vehicles on such public streets, in such places and in such number as shall 1/29/2004
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determine to be of the greatest benefit and convenience to the public, and every such bus
stop, bus stand, taxicab stand or other stand shall be so designated by appropriate signs.
(1972 Code § 75.220)
B, Permits For Curb Loading Zones: The Chief of Police shall not hereafter designate or post
any curb loading zone upon special request of any person, unless such person makes
application for a permit for such zone and for two (2) signs to indicate the ends of each
such zone. The Chief of Police, upon granting a permit and issuing such signs, shall collect
from the applicant and deposit in the City Treasury a service fee of twenty five dollars
($25.00) per year or fraction thereof, and may, by general regulations, impose conditions
upon the use of such signs and for reimbursement of the City for the value thereof in the
event of their loss or damage and their return, in the event of misuse or upon expiration of
permit. Every such permit shall expire at the end of one year. (1972 Code § 75.205)
C. Standing In Passenger Curb Loading Zone: No person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle for
any purpose or period of time other than for the expeditious loading or unloading of
passengers in any place marked as a curb loading zone during the hours when the
regulations applicable to such curb loading zone are effective, and then only for a period
not to exceed three (3) minutes. (1972 Code § 75.210)
D. Standing In Freight Curb Loading Zone: No person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle for
any purpose or length of time other than for the expeditious unloading and delivery or pick-
up and loading of materials in any place marked as a curb loading zone during hours when
the provisions applicable to such zones are in effect. In no case shall the stop for loading
and unloading of materials exceed thirty (30) minutes. (1972 Code § 75.215)
E. Stopping, Standing And Parking Of Buses And Taxicabs Regulated:
1. The operator of a bus shall not stand or park such vehicle upon any street at any place
other than a bus stand so designated as provided herein.
2. The operator of a bus shall not stop such vehicle upon any street at any place for the
purpose of loading or unloading passengers or their baggage other than at a bus stop, bus
stand or passenger loading zone so designated as provided herein, except in case of
3. The operator of a bus shall enter a bus stop, bus stand or passenger loading zone on a
public street in such a manner that the bus, when stopped to load or unload passengers or
baggage, shall be in a position with the right front wheel of such vehicle not further than
eighteen inches (18") from the curb and the bus approximately parallel to the curb so as not
to unduly impede the movement of other vehicular traffic.
4. The operator of a taxicab shall not stand or park such vehicle upon any street at any
place other than in a taxicab stand so designated as provided herein. This provision shall
not prevent the operator of a taxicab from temporarily stopping in accordance with other
stopping or parking regulations at any place for the purpose of and while actually engaged
in the expeditious loading or unloading of passengers. (1972 Code § 75.225)
F. Restricted Use Of Bus And Taxicab Stands: No person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle
other than a bus in a bus stop or other than a taxicab in a taxicab stand when any such
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Page 9 of 10
stop or stand has been officially designated and appropriately signed, except that the driver of
a passenger vehicle may temporarily stop therein for the purpose of and while actually
engaged in loading or unloading passengers when such stopping does not interfere with
any bus or taxicab waiting to enter or about to enter such zone. (1972 Code § 75.230)
The regulations set forth in this Chapter relating to traffic shall apply to the operator, the person
in charge of, and the owner of a vehicle stopped, standing or parked in violation of the
provisions of this Chapter. (1972 Code § 75.190)
A. A fine of ten dollars ($10,00) is established for the violation of the following sections or
subsections of this Chapter, provided that any such fine is paid within ten (10) days from
the date of violation:
6-6:3A1aStop, stand or park a vehicle on the roadway side of any vehicle stopped or
parked at the edge or curb of a street,
6-6-3A1cStop, stand or park a vehicle within an intersection.
6-6-3C5Parking or standing at any place where the standing of the vehicle will reduce the
usable width of the roadway to less than 18 feet.
6-6-3C6Parking or standing at any curb within 15 feet of a fire hydrant.
6-6-3C7Parking or standing at any place where the vehicle would block the use of a
6-6.3C9Parking or standing within 20 feet of the driveway entrance to any Fire Department
station and on the side of the street opposite such station within 75 feet of such entrance or on
any posted fire lane.
6-6-9Parking or standing prohibited during snow removal operations.
6-6-20BParking or standing in tow-away zone.
B. A fine of five dollars ($5,00) is established for the violation of any other section or
subsection of this Chapter, provided that any such fine is paid within ten (10) days from the
date of violation.
C. If any person charged with a violation of any of the said sections or subsections of this
Chapter, fails to pay the therein indicated fine within ten (10) days of said violation, the
fines shall be as follows:
1. For all sections or subsections proscribing fines of ten dollars ($10.00), the fine shall be
fifteen dollars ($15.00). 1/29/2004
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Page 10 of 10
2. For all sections or subsections proscribing fines of five dollars ($5.00), the fine shall be
ten dollars ($10.00). (Ord. 83-55, 12-5-1983),htrn 1/29/2004
FEB 2 0 2004
�• 10 o Yorkville Police Department Memorandum
$l _f ____. 804 Game Farm Road
Esr. ! 1836 Yorkville, Illinois 60560
---,--- - Telephone: 630-553-4340
P ®, ,1i Countrefd 0 Fax: 630-553-1141
Date: February 18, 2004
To: Chief Harold 0. Martin III
From : S/Sgt. Ron Diederich
Reference: IDOT information
I contacted IDOT and spoke with a Mr. Al Bankson. I asked Al if he would be interested
in the results of a traffic count that was performed on January 21, 2004 by our
department. He said he could update his file with our information and said that if we
need to we can access their web site, WWW.DOT.STATE.IL.US. Al said their web site
has all the traffic counts they have performed in the entire state.
I then spoke with Claita Law from IDOT. I asked her about a time line for the
installation of stop lights at the corner of Rt. 126 and Rt. 71. She said that intersection
is under consideration now. I asked her what type of time line is that and she
explained that there is basically two categories - under consideration and '...not on the
radar screen.' Claita said that if she receives any information on that intersection she
will call us.
4gltlirIlld____ r
S/Sgt. Ron Diederich
i:D C/T`�� United City of Yorkville 0 3 2004
County Seat of Kendall County
EST. 1836
800 Game Farm Road
V) Yorkville. Illinois 60560
\ Q Phone:630-553-4350
4LE \\''
To: Joe Besco, Chairman
From: Eric Disuse, Public Works ?-7.' -
Date: February 3, 2004 /
Re: Stop Signs
Per the committee's request I have obtained quotes for flashing stop signs. I have
attached them for your review. Before we place an order, I have an idea that may
accomplish the same goals as the signs, but at a much lower cost. We could paint stop
bars like you see at a stop light with the word STOP just beneath it. I believe that people
may not even see the stop sign now because it is approximately 15' to the side of them
because of the parking along Van Emmon. If we do what I have identified above, it will
alert them to stop without the use of an expensive sign. I would ask for the committee's
input, and also I am giving to the chief to place on the February public safety agenda.
Jan 23 2004 4: 05PM Cites of Yorkville 630-553-7575 p, 2
Thursday,January 29, 2004 3 05 PM Karl Ptizenma+er a00.472-8969 I P•02
RV% 80r wUio�c� �1''.Y.I
8 Gr . 5311'0
� s'ha'le �+
.,Z-6t •7roo Quote NO- 1296
11E4 Fax 252-6,4.7n,7ixnt►Ir'.b FANKINC CONTRAI.CUMFANY, INC ORPORATEU ' E00-236-(1i 2 Page
Ship To:
all)To: January 29, 200.4
City of Yorkville SAME
Public Works Department •
904 Game Farm Road
Yorkville, Illinois 60560
•Reference-4 Expires: Sista- tennis. • :; . Whse Frei-ht ShIFr.,YiEx
30 Days 040 Net 30 Days Best Way
Quoted By: Karl Quoted o: Matt Sang
Description Cluar fit)y.'' Price•Per:•,> •.•ExianMidi t..
2180-24'V1P 40" BLINICERSTOP Rl-1 STOP Sign with
Diamond Grade Sheeting and 8 '_ O'$
Heavy Duty Battery for 24 hour operation 2 695.00 139.0.00
W4-4P (Federal Number)
R1-11100(ICCT Number) 48"x 18"Warning Sigh
Diamond Grade Sheeting
White with Black border anc text
DOES NOT STOP 2 94.70 189.40
All Blinker Signs Come with a Full One Year Warranty
Allow approximate!y 2 weeks for Delivery
Shipment Witnin -. Merchandise. • ..Misc .Tax Frei? t total.
Acceptance By
JAN 28 2004
United City of Yorkville
1N County Seat of Kendall County
EST. 1836
800 Game Farm Road
��= toYorkville, Illinois 60560
O it !tJi - O Phone:630-553-4350
"P k,��.„:o�M, v�2 Fax:630-553-7575
DATE: January 26, 2004
TO: Harold Martin, Chief of Police
FROM: William A. Dettm Code Official
SUBJECT: Public Safety Committee
Ponds & Pools
In response to your message concerning ponds and pools, we will be putting an article in
the paper this Spring, when people are starting to open their pools and ponds. We will
also be offering an inspection of the electrical equipment at that time to assure they are
safe. It was felt that if we put the information in the paper in the fall, it would be
forgotten by Spring, which is the appropriate time for this type of inspection.
If you have any questions or comments, please direct them to our office. Thank you for
your cooperation.
01/29/2004 11 .32 FAX 630 553 5764 DANIEL J. KRAMER 053/05B
STATE OF ILLINOIS ) January 29, 2004
) ss
WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council of the UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE have
considered modification and amendment to Title 3, Chapter 3, Article 4, Section (B) of the City
Code providing for liquor control within the limits of the UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE; and
WHEREAS, hearings have been held before the City Council and Public Safety
Committee, due consideration given by the City Council sitting as a Committee of the Whole,
and by the City Council and Staff of the City regulating the sale of alcohol within City limits; and
WHEREAS the City has determined it to be in the best interests of the community and its
economy, as well as for the benefit of the current and future license holders and amend the Uses
Permitted provision of the Liquor Ordinance to allow the sampling and/or tasting of beer and wine
by Class B Liquor License Holders; and
WHEREAS, the purpose of restricting the types of activities which may occur on the
premises of a liquor license holder in the City, is to prevent any secondary effect these activities
may have on the community as a whole, including but not limited to, crime, disorderly conduct and
juvenile delinquency; and
01/29/2004 11 :33 FAX 830 553 5784 DANIEL J. KRAMER a 054/058
NOW THEREFORE be it Ordained by the UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE that Title 3,
Chapter 3, Article 4, Section (B) of the City Code is Amended to include the following
1. Section 3-3-4(B) shall be amended to add the following paragraph:
A holder of a class B and BI licenses may furthermore be permitted to allow the
sampling and/or tasting of the products being sold subject to the following
a. The administration of such sampling and/or tasting shall be done under the
supervision of a department manager or facility manager; and the actual serving
shall be done only by a person over the age of 21 years; and
b. The sampling and/or tasting, consumption, or possession of any alcoholic
liquor by any person under the age of 21 years is strictly prohibited, and the server
of such sample and/or taste will bear the responsibility of enforcing such
prohibition; and
c. The sampling and/or tasting may not be offered more than two times a
week and shall not exceed six hours for each day of such sampling and/or tasting;
d. Sampling and/or tasting must occur on the premises if the sale of alcoholic
beverages is the primary function of the licensee or in a single designated location
within the premises if alcoholic beverages are not the primary goods being sold by
the licensee; and
e. The samples and/or tastes shall be limited to beer,wine, and liquors
01/29/2004 11 .33 FAX 630 553 5764 DANIEL J. KRAMER 1j055/056
pursuant to section 1 paragraph (g); and
f, The samples and/or tastes shall be limited to one ounce or less of beer
and/or wine; and the samples and/or tastes shall be limited to one-half to one
ounce or less of liquor; and
g. The number of products to be sampled or tasted on any one day or at any
single event shall not exceed the following:
1. The number of wines that may be sampled or tasted on any one day
or at any single event shall not exceed twenty-five (25); and
2. The number of beers that may be sampled or tasted on any one day
or at any single event shall not exceed twenty-five (25); and
3. The number of liquors that may be sampled or tasted on any one
day or at any single event shall not exceed two product lines; and
h. Upon application and approval by the Liquor Commissioner, a licensee
may seek a temporary variance from the paragraph e and/or g order to conduct a
Special Event.
1. Special Event: An activity conducted to support the licensee's
regular business:
a. For a specific date or dates; and
b. For a specific time period not to exceed six hours per day
and for no more than four days during any one year period;
c. Conducted only on licensee's premises.
2. Variance Application Procedures:
01/29/2004 11 :33 FAX 630 553 5764 DANIEL J. KRAMER Qj056/058
a. Application for permission to conduct a Special Event shall
be written, signed by the licensee, verified under oath, and shall contain the
following information:
1. Name and address of applicant;
2. The person or persons in charge of the event;
3. The place of the proposed event;
4. The date or dates and time of the proposed event;
5. A brief description of the nature of the event.
b. The Liquor Commissioner may call a formal hearing as to
any application upon written notice to the applicant. All interested persons shall
be heard at that time.
c. The decision of the Liquor Commissioner regarding an
application shall be issued in writing and mailed to the applicant within thirty days
after submission of said application and shall list the specific time, place, date and
hours during which said special event is authorized or a declaration that the
special event is not authorized along with a written opinion in support or
explanation of said decision. The Liquor Commissioner may also impose any
other reasonable conditions or restrictions as to the manner in which said special
event is conducted. A copy thereof shall be forwarded to the chief of police.
d. The violation by applicant of any condition or restriction
imposed by the Liquor Commissioner, pursuant to subsection h of this section,
shall be good cause for denying subsequent application.
'01/29/2004 11 33 FAX 630 553 5764 DANIEL J. KRAMER 057/05R
REPEALER: All ordinances or parts of ordinances conflicting with any of the
provisions of this ordinance shall be and the same are hereby repealed.
SEVERABILITY: If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion
of this ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of
competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct, and independent
provision, and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions hereof.
EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be in effect from and after its passage,
approval and publication in pamphlet form as provided by law.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Ordinance has been enacted this day of
, 2004,
APPROVED by me, as Mayor of the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois,
this day of , A.D. 2004.
PASSED by the City Council of the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois
this day of , A.D. 2004.
01/29/2004 1 133 FAX 630 553 5764 DANIEL J. KRAMER Qj059/05B
This Document Prepared by:
Law Offices of Daniel J. Kramer
1107A South Bridge Street
Yorkville, Illinois 60560
FEB 2 0 2004
Andrew C. Jeleniewski
18021 William Street
Lansing IL 60438
Chief H. Martin III
804 Faun Game Raod
Yorkville, IL 60560
Dear Chief Martin,
I, Ofc. Andrew C. Jeleniewski, of the United City of Yorkville Police Department would like to propose an
additional canine unit for the Yorkville Police Department. I have been a canine handler for over two years.
The city of Yorkville would benefit for many reasons. The facts are listed as follows:
• A donated canine fully trained with a proven track record.
• Sammy has been successful in drug detection, handler protection , suspect tracking, friendly tracking, and
crowd control and at no cost to the city.
• Sammy and his handler are state certified and fully trained.
• Sammy arrives with equiptment including bowls, leashes, collars, brushes and training aids free of costs.
• One custom designed canine vechile container designed for any vechile which will be utilized.
Donated by Tim's Auto in South Holland, Il.
An additional Canine Unit would be a great benefit to our city. Working with Ofc. Pleckham and Jumbo I
believe Sammy and myself would compliment an already strong program. An additional canine unit would
provide more involvement in community affairs such as block parties, school demonstrations,
and church demonstrations. As well as additional canine coverage. Sammy and I have had success in many
areas. We have seized over $100, 000. 00 in U.S.C. and several successful narcotics related arests and seizures.
Please feel free to contact me if you have an additional questions or concerns regarding this matter.
Since -ly, �
/ Ilk. Andrew C eleniewski
Yorkville Police Department Manhour Report - January 2004
PATROL JAN 03 FEB 03 MAR 03 APR 03 MAY 03 JUN 03 JUL 03 AUG 03 SEP 03 OCT 03 NOV 03-DEC 03 JAN 04 2004 TOTALS
Accidents 16.00 16.75 21.75 9.75 18.02 21.92 18.52 21.25 20.25 21.78 47.33 31.88 22.17 22.17
Administrative Activity 432.67 316.42 354.65 293.67 271.07 346.08 415.17 330.25 385.27 666.25 574.23 395.53 453.28 453.28
Animal Complaints 2.50 4.75 3.92 2.08 9.83 5.42 9.70 2.75 6.00 3.50 2.67 3.17 3.17 3.17
Arrest Activity 21.82 24.63 26.58 35.33 20.33 37.75 41.75 28.08 19.17 16.38 53.22 31.58 22.58 22.58
Assist Agencies 115.82 125.00 106.42 109.42 132.60 126.06 154.75 170.27 148.88 119.17 158.58 139.93 139.62 139.62
Community Relations 27.50 25.42 37.58 30.87 64.50 46.67 85.92 94.42 61.33 44.75 59.42 32.25 23.42 23.42
Departmental Duties 87.58 97.08 72.08 87.00 77.83 80.73 79.08 92.98 77.22 98.30 107.28 115.58 148.67 148.67
Investigations 116.87 89.42 100.50 45.08 99.25 112.08 89.25 50.42 116.27 94.73 147.17 206.52 133.57 133.57
Ordinance/Traffic Violations 63.10, 86.82 63.33 84.00 69.15 58.22 46.00 64.42 72.88 48.83 145.33 125.18 121.05 121.05
Personnel Activity 466.35 344.30 434.97 516.75 427.25 527.93 614.07 464.57 597.57 677.45 710.43 757.22 593.73 593.73
Preventive Patrol 520.33 558.52 622.80 688.13 718.98 626.83 789.57 952.50 774.12 996.28 733.92 809.53 935.62 935.62
Public Complaints 36.13 40.33 51.95 63.67 64.33 62.77 84.43 99.75 63.98 104.32 123.22 59.15 61.15 61.15
Public Services 35.67 31.33 36.75 28.75 33.08 28.67 38.67 30.75 49.67 64.95 45.83 74.65 47.17 47.17
Report Activity 177.33 114.73 143.75 172.90 119.58 131.50 156.83 189.25 161.82 231.27 371.20 259.33 211.42 211.42
School Activity 230.08 192.83 252.75 166.33 213.00 61.75 4.75 74.83 226.08 358.07 159.75 170.50 189.08 189.08
Traffic Activity 309.17 287.98 257.50 241.33 252.75 212.75 216.30 267.33 250.83 289.75 352.87 530.48 401.55 401.55
Training 127.83 102.33 128.08 290.42 333.08 164.00 241.08 102.67 110.07 354.65 234.42 62.00 176.92 176.92
Chief 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33
CPAT Officer 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33
Crossing Guards(In Days) 38.00 33.50 34.00 32.00 40.50 8.00 0.00 8.00 42.00 43.50 32.00 30.00 37.50 37.50
Lieutenant 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33
Office Supervisor 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33
Records Clerks 278.83 276.08 302.83 297.83 290.58 277.08 177.33 182.33 266.83 298.33 264.08 287.58 281.33 281.33
TOTALS 3796.91 3461.54 3745.51 3888.63 3949.03 3629.53 3956.49 3920.14 '4143.56 5225.58 5016.27 4815.38 4696:32 4696.32
Yorkville Police Department - Overtime Manhour Utilization Report - February 7, 2004
Date Court Training Relief Details Admin Emerg Invest Corn Sery Full Time Part Time
05/17/03 5 9.5 1.5 6 0 0 5.5 9 36.5 102
05/31/03 8 9 6 43.5 1.5 0 25.5 396.5 85.5
06/14/03 6 0 6 11 29 0 14 6
72 64
06/28/03 8.5 0
0.75 0 2 0 12.5 0 23.75 84.5
07/12/03 6 0 0 4 0 0 8.75 0 18.75 177.5
07/26/03 626 6 3.5 4 0 15.5 2 63 162.5
08/09/03 7 2 13 0 3 0 21 0 46 196.75
08/23/03 4.57.5 0 0 11.5 0 14.25 2 39.75 180.75
09/06/03 6 0 7 62.25
2 08.5 6.5 92.25 178.5
09/20/03 3 0 0 6.5 0 0 12.5 6.5 28.5 164.5
10/04/03 620 0 0 0 0 3.25 13 42.25 121
10/18/03 10 12 2513.75 6 0 2.5 5.5 74.75 192.5..
11/01/03 6.5 7 23 . 4 2.25 0 22.5 7 72.25110
11/15/03 8 8 6 0 4 0 19 8 53 .,.. 119.25
11/29/03 11.5 0 8 4 2 0 20.75 0 46.25 46.5
12/13/03 6 0 3 20 0 0 6 5 40 17.25
12/27/03 4 0 4 46 2 0 2 0 58 12
01/10/04 6.5 20 7 7 4 0 1 4 49.5 12
01/24/04 4 16 0 0 26.25 0 29.5 075.75 16
02/07/04 10.5 16 4 7 0 0 9.5 7
54 4.5
02/21/04 0
03/20/04 ; 0
04/03/04 0
04/17/04 0
05/01/04 0
FY03-04 Court Training Relief Details Admin Emerg Invest Corn Sery Full Time Part Time
Totals 133.00 153.00 120.25 238.50 99.50 0.00 254.00 84.50 1082.75 2047.50
Percents 12% 14% 11% 22% 9% 0% 23% 8% 100% N/A
Average 6.65 7.65 6.01 11.93 4.98 0.00 12.70 4.23 41.64 102.38
FY02-03 Court Training Relief Details Admin Emerg Invest Corn Sery Full Time Part Time
Total Hours 100.25 154.75 557.5 232.75 113 16 488.75 130.5 1793.5 1824
Percents 6% 9% 31% 13% 6% 1% 27% 7% 100% N/A
Averages 3.86 5.95 21.44 8.95 4.35 0.62 18.80 5.02 94.25 70.15
Prepared by Molly Batterson 2/9/2004 Page 1
Yorkville Police Department Offense Report - January 2004
Arson 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Assault 0 0 0 2 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0
Battery 8 4 39 7 8 8 6 6 15 2 3.. 4 4
Burglary 7 2 1 4 2 6 14 3
9 3 84.. 7
Cannabis Offenses 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 3 4 2 4.. 2
0 0
Controlled Substance
e Offenses 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 0
Crimes Involving Children 2 7 0 4 1 0 0 4 2 2 5 4 4 4
Criminal Damage 9 3 10 10 15 13 11 ' 11 10 15 13 21 5 5
Deceptive Practices 9 2 7 2 0 2 4 1 7 , 2 4 2
3 3
Drug Paraphernalia Offenses 1 1 1 1 2 0 1 2 3 2 1
2..,. 0 0
Firearms Offenses 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ;-_ 0 0 0 0
x 1 1
Gambling Offenses 0 0 0 0 0 0 ; 0 0 0 i 0 0
Kidnapping 0 0 0 0 2 0 , 0 0 0 0 ; 0 0 1 1
r rr, „ em 9ii
Iln1 W„. .,, tf ,,,,, te�f r� L°C. �l l , t� l _ r € {F ,,,r . ./ 1 s
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Liquor Offenses 0 1 0 1 0 6 3 7 0 2 3 3 1 1
Murder 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1
Robbery 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0__ 0
Sex Offenses 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 . .. _
Theft 6 4 10 4 8 8 7 10 10 15 10 15 8 8
All Other Criminal Offenses 13 18 20 15 21 0 22 13 10 16 16 12 13 13
Driving Under The Influence 8 7 10 4 0 8 0 12 0 0 4 7 1 13
License/Registration Violations 33 41 44 45 44 , 36 27 70 25 19 , 31 62 55 55
Seatbelt Citations 9 18 9 2 19 10 37 36 ' 17 6 36 78 18 18
Seatbelt Warnings 8 8 0 11 15 13 28 14 13 15 6 4 5_._ 5
Speeding Citations 31 39 39 32 25 38 26 20 23 16 31 55 42 42
Speeding Warnings 44 64 45 35 0 0 ' 33 51 33 32 44 89 0... 0
Transportation of Alcohol 0 1 2 0 0 2 ` 0 3 0 0 , 2 1 0 0
Uninsured Motor Vehicle 36 39 32 44 44 34 . 23 33 22 15 27 54 48 48
Total Citations Issued 80 175 164 : 151 171 : 163 129 159 110 77 156 109 187 187
Total Verbal Warnings Issued 35 32 33 34 29 37 « 34 86 38 32 35 53 4 4
Total Written Warnings Issued 297 451 285 282 371 221 228 242 241 230 265 390 343 343
Flit and Run Accident 4 2 3 1 3 0 2 2 3 0 6 2 0 0
Property Damage Accident 17 20 23 14 19 25 21 18 22 , 16 25 37 28 28
Personal Injury Accident 3 1 3 0 2 7 5 7 4 6 4 6 5 5
Total Accidents Taken 24 23 29 15 24 32 28 27 29 22 35 45 33 33
**Unlawful Visitation Interference is reported under the Kidnapping Section of the Illinois Uniformed Crime Reporting system. The
Kidnapping line item includes this offense in its totals.
Yg♦ i
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CHIEF OF POLICE 804 Game Farm Road Phone (630) 553-4340
Harold O.Martin III Yorkville,Illinois 60560 Fax (630) 553-1141
Date: February 12, 2004
To: Chief Harold O. Martin III
From: S/Sergeant Ron Diederich
Reference: Monthly Mileage Report
During the month of January, 2004 the Yorkville Police Department logged a total of 19,984 miles. Individual
miles are:
Monthly Current Reassign /
Squad Vehicle Squad Usage Miles Miles Replace Date
M-1 2001 Ford Crown Victoria Patrol 3,515 70,264 2004/2005
M-2 1996 Chevrolet Caprice Admin. 516 132,026 2004/2005
M-3 1998 Ford Crown Victoria Admin. 203 117,713 2003/2004
M-4 2002 Chevrolet Impala Patrol 1,725 42,856 2005/2006
M-5 1998 Ford Crown Victoria Admin. 1,045 111,165 2003/2004
M-6 2003 Chevrolet Impala Chief 495 11,446 2007/2008
M-7 2001 Ford Crown Victoria D.A.R.E. 0 68,140 2004/2005
M-8 2004 Ford Crown Victoria Patrol 5,416 14,021 2007/2008
M-9 2000 Ford Crown Victoria Lieutenant 700 62,189 2004/2005
M-10 1991 Ford Thunderbird DARE 340 124,015 2004/2005
M-I1 2003 Ford Crown Victoria Patrol Sgt. 1,176 30,573 2005/2006
M-12 1999 Ford Expedition Patrol/Trucks 1,267 46,087 2009/2010
M-13 2001 Ford Crown Victoria K-9 1,533 38,793 2010/2011
M-14 2003 Ford Crown Victoria Patrol 591 41,711 2005/2006
M-15 2004 Ford Crown Victoria Patrol Sgt. 1,462 6,929 2007/2008
<�° 7
� Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary 4,i F I
Ems. 1,--, 1636 January 12, 2004 to February 19, 2004 E L ' !
040054 01-13-04 Cannonball/Norton Lane 040063 01-14-04 Route 47/E.Main Street
Accident In-State Warrant: Subject was pulled over due to
the fact the registration on the vehicle they were
040055 01-13-04 1800 Marketview Drive driving was suspended for non-insurance. Upon
Deceptive Practices: Subject was writing checks running the subject's information, Officers found
for merchandise and then stopping payment on the there was a valid in-state warrant for their arrest.
checks prior to being deposited. Suspect identified Citations issued: Registration Suspended for Non-
and pending investigation. Amount lost - $628.48. Insurance, Mandatory Insurance Violation, and
Muffler Violation.
040056 01-13-04 500 BIk. Heustis Street
Suspicious Circumstances 040064 01-15-04 200 BIk Spruce Court
040057 01-13-04 Yorkville High School
Unlawful Use of Weapon: After receiving 040065 01-15-04 Galena Road/Route 47
information from another student, SRO Helland was Traffic Arrest: Driver found to have a suspended
requested to assist in searching a student for driver's license and was taken into custody for
weapons. SRO Helland located two very large such.
metal rings with spikes on them, commonly used as
weapons. Student was suspended by high school 040066 01-15-04 Rt 47/Colonial Parkway
administration and released into their parent's Traffic Arrest: Police stopped a vehicle on Route
custody. Investigation is pending State's Attorney 47 for a traffic violation and the driver was found to
Office review. have a valid arrest warrant. Police approached the
vehicle and requested identification from the driver.
040058 01-11-04 1600 BIk. N.Bridge Street The driver then sped off southbound on Route 47,
Attempted Burglary: Officers responded to the then southbound on Route 71 at a high rate of
establishment for a call of an attempted burglary. speed. Police terminated the pursuit. The suspect
The reporting Manager stated unknown person(s) and vehicle were later identified in Lake Holiday,
had damaged the keypad to get into the store and Somonauk. Police arrested the subject and held
set off the alarm. him at the Kendall County Jail pending bond.
Charges: Aggravated Fleeing/Eluding Police, In-
040059 01-14-04 Route 34/Cannonball Tr State Warrant, Speeding, Improper Lane Usage,
Traffic Arrest: Subject was found to be driving on a Loud Exhaust, Failure To Signal, Disobeyed No
suspended driver's license and taken into custody Passing Zone.
for such.
040067 01-15-04 Yorkville High School
040060 01-14-04 400 BIk. Heustis Street Theft: A cellular phone and winter coat were taken
Burglary From Motor Vehicle: from a student's locker at the Yorkville High School.
Value of property taken: $230.
040061 01-14-04 2000 Blk. Muirfield Drive
Other Public Complaint 040068 01-15-04 Route 47/Appletree Ct
040062 01-14-04 100 BIk Cannonball Tr
Other Public Complaint 040069 01-15-04 Route 47/Landmark Ave
040070 01-15-04 Route 47/Landmark Ave
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° Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary
January 12, 2004 to February 19, 2004
<CE 1�'
040071 01-15-04 1200 BIk. Willow Way 040085 01-19-04 1400 Blk. N.Bridge Street
Suspicious Circumstances Assist Business Agency
040072 01-15-04 Desk Report 040086 01-19-04 Route 47/Fox Street
Mandatory Supervised Release Notification Accident
040073 01-16-04 300 BIk. Heustis Street 040087 01-19-04
Theft From Motor Vehicle: Officers were called to a Traffic Arrest: Subject was found to be driving on a
residence for a report that person(s) unknown had suspended driver's license and arrested for such.
taken $200 worth of tools from an unlocked pickup
truck parked in the driveway of the residence. 040088 01-19-04 1500 BIk. Stoneridge Ct
040074 01-16-04 2000 BIk. S.Bridge Street
Assist Business Agency 040089 01-19-04 200 BIk. W.Madison St
First Degree Murder: Officers responded to
040075 01-16-04 Route 34/Countryside residence and subdued offender. Victim was
Accident transported to the hospital for their injuries and was
pronounced dead at the hospital. The Kendall
040076 01-16-04 100 BIk. Colonial Pkwy County State's Attorney filed charges against the
Harassment By Telephone offender for First Degree Murder on 01-20-04. For
more information, please contact Chief Martin.
040077 01-16-04 300 Blk. N.Bridge Street
Suspicious Circumstances 040090 01-19-04 200 BIk. Johnson Street
Domestic Battery: Police were called for a report of
040078 01-16-04 1800 Marketview Drive possible child abuse. Subject disciplined their two
Accident children by duct taping their arms and ankles and
placing one strip over their mouths then told they
040079 01-17-04 400 Blk. W.Kendall Drive had to escape from it. Charges pending: Domestic
Burglary From Motor Vehicle: Victim reported that Battery, Unlawful Restraint, Endangering Life or
approximately $3 to $6 in change was taken from Health of Child.
their unlocked motor vehicle which was parked in
the lot of their apartment. 040091 01-20-04 500 BIk. Countryside Ctr.
Retail Theft: $108.50 worth of various alcoholic
040080 01-17-04 Desk Report beverages was reported not paid for (unpaid bar
Voided Report: KenCom Error tab.) Subject returned to pay the tab and was
found to be wanted on a warrant (040101.)
040081 01-18-04 200 BIk. Hillcrest Avenue
Death — Natural Causes 040092 01-20-04 1300 BIk. Evergreen Lane
Probation Violation/Runaway: Juvenile offender
040082 01-18-04 Cannonball/Bristol Ridge was reported as a runaway and found to be with a
Accident subject in violation of their probation agreement.
040083 01-18-04 200 BIk. E.Veterans Pkwy 040093 01-20-04 Desk Report
Accident In-State Warrant: Subject appeared at the Yorkville
Police Department and was taken into custody for a
040084 01-19-04 300 BIk. Olsen Street valid warrant.
Domestic Trouble
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ulu° Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary
ESi. '' ,�6 January 12, 2004 to February 19, 2004
040094 01-21-04 Yorkville High School 040104 01-24-04 100 Blk. Schoolhouse Rd.
In-State Warrant: Juvenile offender was taken into Domestic Battery: Upon arrival, Officers found that
custody for a juvenile warrant out of Kendall both subjects involved were highly intoxicated.
County. Both refused to cooperate with police and no marks
were found on either party. One of the subjects
040095 01-21-04 3 W.Veterans Parkway agreed to spend the night at an area hotel to calm
Accident the situation.
040096 01-21-04 200 Blk. E.Veterans Pkwy 040105 01-25-04 600 BIk. White Oak Way
Accident Other Public Complaint
040097 01-21-04 Route 71/Route 47 040106 01-26-04 100 Blk. Colonial Pkwy
In-State Warrant: Officers stopped the subject for a Motor Vehicle Theft: See Report Number 040120.
muffler violation (written warning issued) and found Pending investigation.
the subject to be wanted on a valid warrant out of
Aurora Police Department. Subject was also 040107 01-26-04 Route 71/Country Hills
issued a warning for failing to obtain an Illinois Accident
driver's license within the allotted time.
040108 01-26-04 1500 BIk. N.Bridge Street
040098 01-21-04 Route 71/Route 126 In-State Warrant: During a registration check,
Traffic Arrest: Subject was found not to have a Officers learned the subject was wanted for a valid
valid driver's license and was taken into custody for warrant and was arrested for such.
040109 01-26-04 Route 71/Route 126
040099 01-23-04 2700 Blk. N.Bridge Street Found Articles
Theft $300 and Under:
040110 01-26-04 Route 47/Park Street
040100 01-23-04 300 BIk. Mulhern Court Accident
Citizen Assist
040111 01-26-04 100 Blk. Colonial Pkwy
040101 01-23-04 500 BIk. Countryside Ctr. Domestic Trouble
In-State Warrant: While speaking with a subject
who was paying a forgotten bar tab (Report 040112 01-27-04 Route 34/Tuma Road
#040091) Officers found they were wanted on a Accident
valid warrant out of Kane County. Subject was
taken into custody for such. 040113 01-27-04 Cottonwood/Stoneridge
Towed Vehicle: Vehicle was towed due to being in
040102 01-23-04 800 Blk. Teri Lane violation of the snow ordinance as well as having
Runaway an expired registration while being parked on the
040103 01-24-04 Rt 34/Bristol Ridge Rd
Towed Vehicle 040114 01-27-04 Chestnut Ln/Chestnut Cr
Towed Vehicle: Vehicle was towed due to being in
violation of the snow ordinance.
040115 01-27-04 300 BIk. Sanders Court
Towed Vehicle: Vehicle was towed due to being in
violation of the snow ordinance.
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° Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary
January 12, 2004 to February 19, 2004
f-1 � o
040116 01-27-04 Route 47/Route 71 040129 01-29-04 1500 BIk. Stoneridge Ct
Traffic Arrest: Subject was found to be driving on a Complaints—Loud Noise
suspended driver's license and arrested for such.
040130 01-30-04 Route 47/Wheaton Ave
040117 01-27-04 Route 71/Route 47 Traffic Arrest: Subject was found to have a
Accident suspended driver's license and was taken into
custody for such.
040118 01-27-04 900 BIk. Mill Street
Assist Schools 040131 01-30-04 Route 47/Route 34
Traffic Arrest: Subject was found to have a
040119 01-28-04 Countryside Pkwy/Rt 47 suspended driver's license and was taken into
Accident custody for such.
040120 01-28-04 N.Aurora (Rt 56/Rt 31) 040132 01-30-04 Yorkville High School
Criminal Trespass to Vehicle: North Aurora Theft $300 and Under: Juvenile suspect was
Officers recovered a vehicle reported to Yorkville as caught trying to steal an electronic scale (balance)
stolen by the victim. Pending investigation. from a science lab and charged with such. 16-
year-old offender was referred to Juvenile
040121 01-28-04 Yorkville High School Probation.
040133 01-30-04 Route 34/Center Pkwy
040122 01-28-04 Cannonball/Route 34 Accident
040134 01-30-04 Yorkville High School
040123 01-29-04 100 BIk. Schoolhouse Rd Assist Schools: A juvenile was located in a
All Other Disorderly Conduct restricted area of the building by a janitor during a
school event occurring in the gymnasium. The
040124 01-29-04 600 BIk. White Oak Way juvenile was escorted to school administration by
Domestic Trouble SRO Helland. The juvenile became argumentative
and after being ejected from the building by
040125 01-29-04 Mill Road/Orchard Road administration, combative. The juvenile received a
Accident three-day suspension for the actions.
040126 01-29-04 Route 34/Center Parkway 040135 01-30-04 100 Blk. S. Bridge Street
Traffic Arrest: Subject was found to have a Battery: A physical altercation occurred between
suspended driver's license and was taken into two subjects arguing over being too loud in a
custody for such. hallway. No charges filed. Investigation closed.
040127 01-29-04 Desk Report 040136 01-31-04 Marketplace/Route 34
Mandatory Supervised Release Notification Traffic Arrest: Subject was found not to have a
valid driver's license and was taken into custody for
040128 01-29-04 1700 Blk. John Street such.
Burglary (Delayed Report): Subject reported that
three days earlier, his wife had noticed an unknown 040137 01-31-04 2200 BIk. Meadowview
red pickup truck pull away from their garage, which Domestic Trouble
had been left open while going to run errands. A
tool box with tools was taken, valued at $140. 040138 01-31-04 Route 47/Hydraulic Ave
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,t,D C/Tr
° Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary
Ems. ,'= '1836 January 12, 2004 to February 19, 2004
040139 01-31-04 1300 BIk. Coralberry Ct 040153 02-02-04 600 W. Veterans Parkway
Domestic Trouble Theft Over $300: Co-owners arguing over
misappropriated funds.
040140 02-01-04 1600 Blk. Walsh Court
Domestic Trouble 040154 02-03-04 Desk Report
Other Public Service
040141 02-01-04 200 BIk. Elizabeth Street
Accident 040155 02-04-04 Desk Report
Found Articles: Found license plate.
040142 02-01-04 Kennedy Road/Route 47
Traffic Arrest: Subject was found not to have a 040156 02-04-04 Cannonball Tr/Faxon Rd
valid driver's license and was taken into custody for Traffic Arrest: Subject was found not to have a
such. valid driver's license and was taken into custody for
040143 02-01-04 500 BIk. W.Kendall Drive
Harassment By Telephone 040157 02-04-04 300 BIk. E.Kendall Drive
Citizen Assist
040144 02-01-04 1400 BIk. N.Bridge Street 040158
040159 02-04-04 500 Blk. W.Kendall Drive
040145 02-01-04 400 BIk. W.Van Emmon Mental Case — Other
Suspicious Circumstances
040160 02-05-04 Desk Report
040146 02-02-04 100 BIk. Route 126 Mandatory Supervised Release Notification
Other Public Complaint
040161 02-05-04 Desk Report
040147 02-02-04 Route 47/Galena Road Mandatory Supervised Release Notification
040162 02-05-04 Route 34/Center Pkwy
040148 02-02-04 Route 47/Galena Road Traffic Arrest: Police ran a registration check on a
Accident vehicle and discovered it was suspended for
emissions violations. Police stopped the vehicle
040149 02-02-04 400 BIk. N. Dover Court and the driver provided a false name. Police later
Domestic Trouble discovered the driver's correct name and found
their driver's license to be suspended. Driver
040150 02-03-04 100 BIk. Schoolhouse Rd stated they provided a false name because they
Criminal Damage to Property: A side view mirror feared there was a valid warrant for their arrest.
was damaged while parked in a parking lot. Subject was also charged with Obstructing Justice,
Damage valued at approximately $150. Operating Motor Vehicle with Suspended
Registration, Operating Uninsured Motor Vehicle
040151 02-03-04 Kennedy Road/Route 47 and No Registration.
Animal — Sick/Injured
040163 02-05-04 500 BIk. Poplar Drive
040152 02-03-04 Cannonball/Route 34 Accident
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(f...607;> Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary
EST __ 1- January 12, 2004 to February 19, 2004
o 1.'I m
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040164 02-05-04 Route 126/Colonial Pkwy 040175 02-07-04 Route 71/Route 47
Traffic Arrest: Subject was found to have a Traffic Arrest: Two off-duty Yorkville Officers
suspended driver's license and was taken into reported a possible drunken driver. An on-duty
custody for such. Also charged with Operating officer found their location and pulled the vehicle
Uninsured Motor Vehicle. over. The driver was found to be intoxicated after
failing field sobriety tests. The driver refused all
040165 02-06-04 Route 34/Sycamore Road other testing. Charges: Driving Under the
Towed Vehicle: Vehicle was left with its hazard Influence of Alcohol, Operating Uninsured Motor
lights flashing, half over the white fog line and was Vehicle, and Speeding.
towed for safety reasons due to the weather and its
position. 040176 02-07-04 200 Blk. Adams Street
Harassment By Telephone
040166 02-06-04 500 Blk. W. Fox Street
Accident 040177 02-07-04 2000 BIk. S.Bridge Street
Retail Theft: One case of beer was reported stolen
040167 02-06-04 Route 34/Cannonball Tr by employees. Officers located the vehicle that the
Traffic Arrest: Subject was found to have a suspects left the business in. Employees were
suspended driver's license and was taken into unable to positively identify the suspects and
custody for such. provide enough proof that the beer was stolen.
Officers took suspect information and let them go
040168 02-06-04 Yorkville Middle School on their way. Value of stolen property - $17.07.
Disorderly Conduct Pending investigation.
040169 02-06-04 Yorkville Middle School 040178 02-07-04 300 BIk. E. Orange Street
Disorderly Conduct Domestic Trouble
040170 02-06-04 Yorkville Middle School 040179 02-07-04 Countryside/Marketview
Disorderly Conduct Accident
040171 02-06-04 Yorkville Middle School 040180 02-07-04 Route 71/Route 126
Disorderly Conduct Traffic Arrest: Subject was found to have a
suspended driver's license and was taken into
040172 02-06-04 Route 47/Route 34 custody for such. Also charged with Muffler
Accident Violations, Unlawful Use of Driver's License and
Operating Motor Vehicle with Suspended
040173 02-06-04 Route 71/Hughes Road Registration.
Traffic Arrest: Officers received a call of a reckless
driver. Officers located vehicle and found the 040181 02-07-04 500 BIk. Cntryside Center
vehicle to be stolen out of Kewanee. The driver of Criminal Damage to Property: Victim came out of
the stolen vehicle had a revoked driver's license an establishment to find their passenger side
and a valid warrant for their arrest. window was smashed out, the offender(s) using a
beer bottle. No suspect information available.
040174 02-06-04 700 BIk. N.Bridge Street Damage valued at $280.
All Other Disorderly Conduct
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`:s0 City
' -1-, ° Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary
Est `, January 12, 2004 to February 19, 2004
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040182 02-07-04 500 Blk. Cntryside Center 040189 02-09-04 1200 Bk. S. Bridge Street
Criminal Damage to Property: Victim came out of Motor Vehicle Theft/Possession of Stolen Property:
an establishment to find their vehicle's antenna had Victim's relative reported a snowmobile as stolen,
been bent and could not be straightened. No which had been chained up in front of a business
suspect information available. Damage valued at for storage. Officers recovered evidence from the
$38.10. scene and then cleared. Victim and relative
tracked snowmobile tracks to an address in
040183 02-08-04 Route 47/Route 71 unincorporated Oswego, where a Kendall County
Traffic Arrest: Officers responded to a call of a Sheriff's Deputy responded. Upon further
vehicle in a ditch. The driver was found to have investigation, Officers learned of several suspects
been drinking and was only 20 years of age. After and obtained an arrest warrant for at least one.
also failing field sobriety tests, the driver was Damage was done to the snowmobile during the
arrested for Driving Under the Influence. After theft, estimated at over $1000. Further
submitting to a breath test, the driver was found to investigation/charges pending.
have a Blood Alcohol Content of .166 percent, and
was also charged with Driving Under the Influence 040190 02-09-04 300 Blk. Walter Street
of Alcohol — BAC of .08 or greater. The driver was Harassment By Telephone
also ticketed for an improper U-turn.
040191 02-09-04 Route 47/Corneils Road
040184 02-08-04 1400 BIk. N.Bridge Street Traffic Arrest: Subject was found not to have a
Found Articles valid driver's license and was taken into custody for
040185 02-08-04 100 Blk. Schoolhouse Rd
Lost Articles: Subject came in to report their 040192 02-09-04 100 Blk. W. Veterans Pky
bracelet was missing from a friend's apartment. Accident
They left the bracelet their on 11-23-2004 and were
reporting it lost now. 040193 02-09-04 300 Blk. W.Ridge Street
Towed Vehicle
040186 02-08-04 2800 N. Bridge Street
Suspicious Circumstances 040194 02-09-04 100 BIk. W.Veterans Pky
Violation of Order of Protection
040187 02-08-04 300 BIk. Olsen Street
Consumption of Alcohol by a Minor: Juvenile 040195 200 BIk. Morgan Street
suspects had been drinking alcoholic beverages Burglary: The victim stated an exterior door had
and became ill. Another juvenile contacted their been kicked in and a safe located at the business
mother, who contacted emergency personnel to had been gone through with nothing missing and
respond to the scene for assistance. Both juveniles then a desk was gone through with $210 cash
were treated at an area hospital for alcohol taken as well as a check written to the business.
040196 02-09-04 Cannonball/Overlook Ct
040188 02-09-04 Route 34/Eldamain Road Accident
Unit 1 was eastbound on Route 34 when he slid
into the eastbound lanes and struck Unit 3 head-on. 040197 02-10-04 2000 BIk. S.Bridge Street
Unit 3 then spun around and struck Unit 2. All Retail Theft: $25.10 worth of gasoline was pumped
three units were towed. Unit 1 and Unit 3's drivers and not purchased.
went to the hospital for injuries. Unit 1 was ticketed
for driving too fast for conditions.
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�2 ° Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary
EST ,a3b January 12, 2004 to February 19, 2004
o I�� ` m
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040198 02-10-04 Yorkville High School 040212 02-12-04 Route 47/Cannonball Tr
Possession of Cannabis/Alcohol: A student was Accident
found with cannabis, alcohol and tobacco in their
possession. 040213 02-12-04 400 Blk. Norway Circle
Domestic Trouble
040199 02-10-04 Fox Street/Heustis Street
Suspicious Person 040214 02-13-04 1500 BIk. Stoneridge CI
Mischievous Conduct— No Dollar Loss
040200 02-10-04 600 Blk. W.Veterans Pky
Other Public Complaint 040215 02-13-04 John St/Cannonball Trail
Traffic Arrest: Subject was found to have a
040201 .....02-10-04 100 Blk. W.Veterans Pky suspended driver's license and was taken into
Violation of Order of Protection custody for such.
040202 02-10-04 Cannonball Tr/Route 34 040216 02-13-04 1800 Blk. Marketview Dr.
Accident Harassment By Telephone
040203 02-11-04 100 BIk. Colonial Pkwy 040217 02-13-04 100 Blk. Blackberry Lane
Disorderly Conduct Suspicious Circumstances
040204 02-11-04 Desk Report 040218 02-13-04 200 Blk. E. Countryside
In-State Warrant: A subject knew they were Suspicious Circumstances
wanted on a valid warrant and turned themselves in
at the Yorkville Police Department. 040219 02-14-04 Route 47/River Street
040205 02-11-04 Route 47/Hydraulic Ave
Accident 040220 02-14-04 1000 Blk. N.Bridge Street
Domestic Trouble
040206 02-11-04 100 Blk. Colonial Pkwy
Neighborhood Trouble 040221 02-15-04 Route 126/Route 71
Traffic Arrest: Subject was found not to have a
040207 02-11-04 Route 34/Marketplace Dr valid driver's license and was taken into custody for
Traffic Arrest: Subject was found to have a such. Subject was also charged with Operating
suspended driver's license and was taken into Motor Vehicle with Suspended Registration and
custody for such. Operating Uninsured Motor Vehicle.
040208 02-11-04 600 BIk. Cntryside Center 040222 02-15-04 1400 BIk. N.Bridge Street
In-State Warrant: A subject was known to be Found Articles
wanted and arrested for such.
040223 02-15-04 Route 71/Route 126
040209 02-12-04 Rt 47/Countryside Pkwy In-Sate Warrant: Officer ran a registration check
Accident and found the registered owner, who was driving,
was wanted on a valid arrest warrant. Subject's
040210 02-12-04 1400 Blk. Chestnut Lane identity was confirmed and arrested on the warrant.
Mischievous Conduct — No Dollar Loss
040224 02-15-04 1300 Blk. N.Bridge Street
040211 02-12-04 Kylyn's Ridge Subdiv. Accident
Assist Business Agency
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Incident Report Summary - 040054 to 040244.doc
.;--- C:6. Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary
EST.ItS x._.1606 January 12, 2004 to February 19, 2004
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040225 02-15-04 300 Blk. E. Orange Street 040235 02-17-04 Rt 34/Countryside Pkwy
Domestic Trouble In-State Warrant: While conducting a traffic stop, a
license check was completed on the driver. There
040226 02-15-04 2000 BIk. S.Bridge Street was a valid warrant for the driver's arrest. The
Assist Business Agency driver was taken into custody for the warrant.
040227 02-16-04 1102 Cornell Lane 040236 02-18-04 Desk Report
Assist Kendall County Sheriff's Office/Breathalyzer Found Articles
040228 02-16-04 Route 71/Highpoint Road 040237 02-19-04 Route 47/Legion Road
Traffic Arrest/In-State Warrant: Vehicle was pulled In-State Warrant: While conducting a traffic stop, a
over for having no registration. Subject driving was license check was completed on the driver. There
found to have a valid warrant and was arrested for was a valid warrant for the driver's arrest. The
such. Subject was also charged with Illegal driver was taken into custody for the warrant.
Transportation of Alcohol.
040238 02-19-04 Candleberry Subdivision
040229 02-16-04 Route 47/Fox Street In-State Warrant: Officers located a subject
Aggravated Battery/Resisting A Peace Officer: working at a house under construction who was
Officer observed a traffic violation. Upon speaking wanted and took them into custody for such.
with the driver, the driver became extremely irate
and belligerent. A passenger in the vehicle also 040239 02-19-04 500 BIk. S.Bridge Street
became belligerent towards the officer. The driver Suspicious Circumstances
then exited their vehicle and became combative
with the officer. Upon arrival of back-up officers, 040240 02-19-04 Yorkville High School
the driver was taken into custody for Aggravated Other Public Complaints
Battery against the officer and Resisting A Peace
Officer. 040241 02-19-04 300 Blk. E.Orange Street
Domestic Trouble
040230 02-16-04 100 BIk. Colonial Pkwy
Domestic Trouble 040242 02-19-04 Route 34/Diehl Farm Rd.
Traffic Arrest: Subject was found to be driving on a
040231 02-16-04 1300 BIk. Willow Way suspended driver's license and was taken into
Domestic Trouble custody for such. Subject was also ticketed for
Operating Uninsured Motor Vehicle.
040232 02-17-04 Route 47/Route 71
Traffic Arrest: Subject was found to be driving on a 040243 02-19-04 500 BIk. W.Kendall Drive
suspended driver's license and was taken into Suspicious Circumstances
custody for such. Subject was also ticketed for
Improper Lighting — One Headlamp and Unlawful 040244 02-19-04 1400 Blk. N.Bridge Street
Use of Driver's License. Mental Case - Other
040233 02-17-04 300 BIk. E.Veterans Pkwy
Deceptive Practices
040234 02-17-04 Desk Report
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