Public Safety Packet 2004 03-25-04 CST` 4 , 0 United City of Yorkville � n County Seat of Kendall County EST. ; 1836 800 Game Farm Road C6 Yorkville, Illinois 60560 Q 1.n 0 Phone:630-553-4350 -}14, K« v�� Fax:630-553-7575 LL.E ‘‘' PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Thursday, March 25, 2004 6:30 PM City Conference Room AGENDA 1. Approval/Correction of Minutes: January 22, 2004 2. Liquor Ordinance Update 3. Senior Drivers Safety Initiative Information 4. Update on Weather Warning Siren Areas 5. Update on Dog Ordinance 6. Bids for the Digital Recording of the Interview Room 7. Police Reports — February 2004 8. Additional Business Next Scheduled Meeting Thursday, April 22, 2004 at 6:30p.m. Page 1 of 1 APPROVED Page 1 04-22-04 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PUBLIC SAFETY MEETING Conference Room March 25, 2004, 6:30pm In Attendance: Alderman Larry Kot Alderman Rose Spears Alderman Paul James Lt. Don Schwartzkopf(for Police Chief Martin) Guests: Attorney Kelly Kramer David Moyer Nathalee Moyer The meeting was called to order at 6:30pm by Alderman Kot. APPROVAL/CORRECTION OF MINUTES: JANUARY 22, 2004 The minutes were reviewed and Lt. Schwartzkopf identified numerous changes/corrections to the minutes. Alderwoman Spears also noted a number of corrections. These changes were given to the minute taker for revision prior to the next meeting. The minutes were tabled until the revised minutes are completed. LIQUOR ORDINANCE UPDATE Attorney Kramer said she had met with Chief Martin regarding the sampling ordinance. On page 3 of the ordinance, the number of wines which may be tasted at any one event, was increased to 25, beers increased to 25, or 2 liquors may be tasted. The Mayor had expressed concern about the wording of the original ordinance where it stated beers" and" wines. Section 3-3-4(B), "g", points 1, 2 and 3 were changed to read "or" rather than "and". Vat and Vine, who originally brought this to the City's attention, stated they would be limiting their sampling to one-half of one ounce of hard liquor or liqueur. The Mayor questioned how a very large event would be handled, if, for example, a business wished to have 50 wines for sampling. Attorney Kramer stated that the event coordinators would have to petition the Mayor for approval. Alderman Kot asked for clarification of which class of license this applied to. Ms. Kramer said it applied to Class B and further stated that there is a separate ordinance for Class A. Page 2 Alderman Kot asked which stores were affected by the sampling ordinance. Some of those businesses are Jewel, Vat and Vine and Corner Liquors and Ms. Kramer believes Speedway is also included in the Class B licenses. The discussion turned to possible revisions of classifications of liquor licenses. She also noted that Alderwoman Ohare wished to revamp the classes of liquor license. Ms. Ohare had found an article from Mokena which outlawed liquor sales at gas stations. Attorney Kramer stated there would need to be a 5 year "sunset" clause since such a ban would take away a right which the gas stations already possess. Attorney Kramer also noted that she had obtained copies of documents from Geneva and Batavia which detailed liquor license classifications. She included those in each agenda packet for the committee to review before the next Public Safety meeting. A list of liquor licenses was requested by Alderman James. This list and the current ordinance will be obtained for each committee member prior to the next meeting. It was noted that the Mayor had some concerns about restaurants and bars which have no physical separation of facilities where liquor is served. Alderman Kot then suggested that the item be placed on the next C.O.W. agenda on April 6th. At 6:45 Mayor Prochaska joined the meeting for a few minutes and was apprised of this discussion. UPDATE ON DOG ORDINANCE The committee moved ahead to this agenda item as David and Nathalee Moyer, Yorkville citizens,joined the meeting at this point. Alderman Kot stated that Alderwoman Burd had informed the committee of a continual problem with a dog in the Moyer's neighborhood. Alderman Kot's concern is the role of the various government bodies in this type of situation. He asked Lt. Schwartzkopf to summarize what occurs when an animal call is received by the Police Department. The Lieutenant stated the following guidelines: 1. If an animal is contained, Animal Control will respond 2. If the Police Department catches the animal, they turn it over to Animal Control 3. Animal Control will respond to calls 24 hours a day, 7 days a week if an animal is confined Mr. And Mrs. Moyer summarized the events leading up to their dog complaint. He reported a stray dog was in some bushes near his home, growling at his 12 year old daughter after she got off the school bus. The same dog has been in their neighborhood prior to this occasion. Mr. Moyer followed the dog in an attempt to find the owner without success and then called the police. The police would not come to the location of Mr. Moyer who was following the dog, since the dog was not confined. An officer did later meet Mr. Moyer in his driveway. He feels there is no recourse other than to "take PPage 3 Page 4 care of the dog himself'which is against the law or he takes the chance of his daughter In another attempt to identify the dog's owner, Alderwoman Spears suggested fliers be being harmed. He feels he has exhausted the available options. distributed in the area of this dog problem. Mr. Moyer asked for a phone call from the Lt. Schwartzkopf reported he had spoken with the Director of KenCom and asked why an Police Department if and when the problem is rectified. Mr. And Mrs. Moyer and officer had not been dispatched. The Lieutenant felt he had not been given a conclusive Attorney Kramer left the meeting at 7:10pm. answer. The Police Department is aware of the dog in question and many officers have pursued the animal in an attempt to catch it. The owner is unknown. The dog ordinance will be placed on the agenda for next month. Mr. Moyer further stated the dog is very aggressive and he has not been able to get close SENIOR DRIVERS SAFETY INITIATIVE INFORMATION enough to check for tags, but he said the dog appears to be well cared for. After further discussion, Alderman Kot asked if a formal letter to KenCom would be appropriate to Lt. Schwartzkopf reported that Chief Martin is working with the Illinois Department of clarify or review the policy of sending an officer on a call such as this one. Mr. Moyer Aging and IDOT to make the signage on Rtes. 34 and 47 more "senior friendly". asked why there is not a person trained to handle such a situation. This possibility will be Currently the signs are very small and there is an effort to make the street and investigated. Dog collars mounted on a pole are another consideration. Alderman Kot informational signs larger and the lighting better. The funds will come from IDOT and suggested possibly finding out who owns dogs within a certain radius of the location. the Department of Aging but, IDOT is the organization which can change the signs. Attorney Kramer stated that records at Animal Control should be checked to include dogs Alderwoman Spears added that only three communities in Illinois were selected for such that may have had chips implanted. The Citizens Policy Academy patrol was mentioned funding. This funding idea originated from the Senior Services provider meetings which by Alderwoman Spears as another means of monitoring this situation. she attends. She quickly forwarded the information to Chief Martin. Mr. Moyer reiterated that he would like to see one person on each shift be trained to Sidewalks are also being studied for safety in conjunction with the senior housing and handle such a situation or subdue the animal. He does not want to see the animal shot in accessibility to growing commercial areas. Alderman Kot has spoken with Chief Martin the presence of his children. However, that option is not out of the question if a person is regarding the sidewalks in the high traffic areas on such as Rte. 34. He felt money should being attacked. Lt. Schwartzkopf said the police have also tried the less lethal method of be put aside for such uses as well. There was some discussion about a footbridge over "beanbagging" the dog with no success and that the PD has had 8 or 9 calls on this dog. busy Rte. 47 but, the extreme cost was prohibitive. The possibility of a tranquilizer gun was raised by Alderman James. It is unknown if Animal Control has this available and further, the issue of monitoring the drug to use in This agenda item will be brought back to the committee next month for an update. these guns was brought up since it is a controlled substance. At this time Alderman Kot summarized the situation as follows: UPDATE ON WEATHER WARNING SIREN AREAS 1. The animal in question needs to be identified, possible owner etc. Alderman Kot noted that the siren was removed from the old fire barn on Fox St. The 2. Citizens Academy can assist idea was to relocate it somewhere near the riverfront by the park. Fulton Contracting, 3. Continued discussion with KenCom regarding their policy, i.e. have officer meet who oversees the contract maintenance, proposed that the siren be placed near the with complainant if not jeopardizing officer's safety to meet the citizen Heartland subdivision which is near the pool. The status of relocating it was unknown. 4. Look at City of Yorkville's response, i.e. hire canine officer, collars on poles, Alderman Kot stressed the need to have the siren installed since tornado season is training certain officers, tranquilizer guns, etc. approaching. He believes money is available to have this done, though it cannot come from developers' fees since it is an existing siren and area. Alderman James felt that It was questioned whether or not the police had dog collars on poles. Lt. Schwartzkopf placing a siren on the river would carry the sound up and down the river. The contract, stated that at one time, the squad cars did carry them, but it is not known what has which was in the agenda packets, will be moved forward to C.O.W. after the funding is happened to the collars. Mr. Moyer was instructed to call 911 anytime he sees the dog and ascertained. KenCom will be further informed of this potential danger. The Police Department has spoken with KenCom and Lt. Schwartzkopf has spoken with the Director of KenCom and the Undersheriff. Alderman Kot noted that he is on the executive committee which oversees KenCom and he will also bring it to the attention of the Director. Page 5 BIDS FOR THE DIGITAL RECORDING OF THE INTERVIEW ROOM Alderman Kot provided an overview of this agenda item. The State has mandated any homicide or serious felony investigation must be videotaped. Oswego Police Department was used for the most recent homicide investigation in Yorkville. The Sheriff's Department has received funding to build an interview room and each Police Department will be required to have an interview room as well. Two bids were received for the necessary videotape equipment. The bids were from Communications Direct and Thomas Alarm and both were very similar in cost. Alderman James asked if it could be determined if the PD must have a special room or just have one available and what would happen if there were 2 homicides. Lt. Schwartzkopf was asked for his recommendation on the two bids received. He noted that the Panasonic recording equipment by Thomas Alarm was preferred by S/Sgt. Ron Diederich in a memo to Chief Martin. Alderwoman Spears asked about a possible deadline for having this equipment in place. It was decided the following questions needed to be answered: 1. How soon does the equipment need to be installed? 2. Is the equipment absolutely required or can the County's be used? 3. What funds can be used? Ticket money? Alderwoman Spears expressed concern about transporting suspects to other locations and specifically, Yorkville's most recent homicide suspect. It was also mentioned that a suspect might start talking during this transportation time and then change his mind in that time span. There was discussion on how this recorder is set up and used. Lt. Schwartzkopf said the equipment must be set up in an unimposing manner in an undecorated, non-threatening environment and the suspect is aware of the videotaping process. This item will be brought back for discussion next month. POLICE REPORTS—FEBRUARY 2004 Lt. Schwartzkopf reported on the amount of money actually received by the Police Department for the following tickets: for a$105 ticket - police receive $28.92 and for a $75 ticket - police receive $20.03. There was also discussion about an increase in overtime. Part of this was due to the recent homicide investigation and also due to court time for fatal investigations having occurred a few months ago. Page 6 Alderman Kot asked about the status of the new police vehicle. It was reported that the Expedition was in full service. Lt. Schwartzkopf said that a statewide notice had been received regarding the 2003 Crown Victorias. The drive train has premature axle bearing wear and the back wheels could potentially fall off. The cars will be checked by RiverView Ford and parts will be replaced at a charge of$950 per vehicle. These parts are not under warranty, but receipts will be kept in the event that reimbursement is possible later. It was noted that previously there had been a gas tank problem with these cars as well. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS Larry Kot reported that Chicago Police Department is now allowing local police agencies access to some records through their LEADS terminal. Presently, all LEADS information comes from KenCom since Yorkville PD currently has no terminal. Information such as the following is received through LEADS: Secretary of State information, outstanding warrants, missing persons etc. It is linked with police departments nationwide. In order to stay current with technology, he would like to see Yorkville have direct LEADS accessibility. The other option is the Police Department having access from a direct line from the County. He brought this information to the committee to see if the system could be procured at a reasonable cost. He will work with the Chief and Lieutenant. Lt. Schwartzkopf also reported it would be helpful to have a"Soundex". The Soundex allows the Police Department to obtain information on a particular individual. He cited an example when District 5 State Police needed to be used for obtaining confidential information in the internal investigation of a former Kendall County deputy. He also stated that Soundex is on a secure line. Mobile data terminals are also used by the City officers, however, printed copies of information must be obtained through the County Sheriff By having a local LEADS terminal, the police department can receive the information directly. Another computerized system for the City at a cost of$120,000 was discussed. Chief Martin will be consulted about the status. This will be discussed next month. As there was no additional business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:42pm. Minutes respectfully submitted by: Marlys Young, Minute Taker UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE DRAFT PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE MEETING JANUARY 22,2004 6:30 P.M. In Attendance: Alderman Larry Kot Alderman Paul James Alderwoman Rose Spears Alderwoman Wanda Ohare Guests: Attorney Kelly Kramer APPROVAL CORRECTIONS OF MINUTES:NONE UPDATE ON ALCOHOL ORDINANCE Attorney Kelly Kramer said that some of the towns they looked into for alcohol ordinances were very strict in that they only allow 3-5 bottles a wine at a wine tasting. Other towns had no restrictions on the amounts of bottles. It seems to be what the community would fmd acceptable or if the sampling is abused. Alderman Paul James pointed out that the persons who are having the wine tasting is responsible for the event and that if it is abused then they could lose their liquor license. Alderman Kot asked what would be considered abuse of sampling. It would either be in quantity or if people walk away from the event intoxicated. Alderman Kot pointed out that when it comes to special events then the store owners must go to Mayor Prochaska for approval. Alderwoman Rose Spears informed that regarding the limit of bottles served that Vat and Vine owner Mike Kachlic requested that the number of bottles be limited to 25 bottles at the tasting and limit the amount served to 1 ounce.He said that with 1 ounce people can really tell what they are tasting. With liquor and spirits he would like to have it limited to 10 bottles and the taste of those to a .25 of an ounce. He also mentioned that if a person sampled all 10 bottles that it would come up to a total of 2 1/z ounces of liquor. Attorney Kramer said that our ordinance states that with beer and wine sampling is limited to 2 ounces, and 1 or 2 ounces or less of liquor. There was nothing passed on the number of bottles. Alderwoman Spears mentioned that Mr. Kachlic request is fine since it follows under the ordinance. Alderman James asked what then defines an event. What separates tasting or sampling from an event. Attorney Kramer said that she would check into that. She recalled that at one single event of tasting that they were not exceed 25 bottles of wine. The number of bottles of beers shouldn't exceed 10. With liquors it wasn't to exceed 1 product line. Alderwoman Spear pointed out that Mr. Kachlic requested 25 bottles for beer. He wanted to clarify the size of the event and amount of bottles opened. She said that Mayor Prochaska asked Mr.Kachlic to serve food at these events if people were going do the sampling. She said that she was not comfortable with telling people that they must serve food along with it. Attorney Kramer pointed out that it was based more on a liquor license distinction. It is not in any of our ordinances, but some communities do. Alderman Kot felt that he wasn't worried about the Vat and Vine abusing the sampling.He suggested raising the number of bottles of beer to be sampled from 10 to 25 as Mr.Kachlic had requested.Also raising the number of product line from 1 to 2.Anything over 2 product lines then would need approval from the Mayor. The committee agreed. They also agreed to limit the number of sampling of beer and wine to 1 ounce. The number of spirits would be limited to half and ounce. These changes will be made and this item will be brought back to the next Public Safety meeting on February 26,2004. Alderman Kot brought up that Speedway Gas Station asked for a liquor license from Mayor Prochaska and he granted it. He said that he wasn't comfortable with the idea of too many having the ability to sell liquor. He asked the committee if the committee would entertain setting a limit on the number of liquor license that could be issued. Alderwoman Ohare felt that there should only be a limit on gas stations or may be the number limited on packaged products. Alderman James asked if they would be limiting someone who wants to start a business here if they couldn't get a liquor license.He felt it would be an unfair advantage. Alderman Kot pointed out that the license that the issued to Speedway is different than one that they would issue to a restaurant. He didn't want to set a limit of licenses on restaurants. He thought that the attention might need to go towards the number of packaged goods. Alderwoman Ohare agreed. Alderman Kot said that this would not refer to the businesses that already have their liquor licenses,but future businesses. Attorney Kramer said that she would look into these questions and concerns. This item will come back to the next Public Safety meeting on February 26, 2004. LOCKOUT LIABILITY FORM Chief Harold Martin stated that the Lockout Liability Form is something new.He said that it was observed by Attorney Kelly Kramer and she approved of it. It is a request for vehicle assistance form and car owner affirmation for those citizens who ask for assistance. It also discharges the United City of Yorkville and Police Department for any responsibility of damages that could occur during assistance. Chief Martin said that vehicle assistance has been very helpful to those who've needed it. Chief Martin also mentioned that they do not jump start vehicles.It was also mentioned that if there is an emergency situation such as a child locked in the car then they would do what is necessary to help the situation regardless of the form. This form was approved by the committee. PARKING OF COMMERCIAL TRUCKS ON RESIDENTIAL STREETS Chief Martin said that this item was brought about as a result of a complaint letter that was received about a semi-truck that is parked in a subdivision. The semi is parked in front of the owner's home. It had initially been parked too close to the corner where motorists couldn't see past it to get out. The owner moved it back but it still obstructs the view of the road. Chief Martin thought the committee should consider prohibiting commercial vehicles on the street. This would include vehicles that are over 2- axle types. Weight of the vehicle might also be considered. He pointed out that these types of vehicles are already prohibited from being parked in property owner's driveways which is under the Building and Zoning Rules. Chief Martin said that he would like to run this item by Attorney Kramer first. Alderwoman Wanda Ohare felt that the semi or moving trucks should be allowed to be parked over one night but then the owner must moved it after that. Alderman Kot said that it should be directed more towards people who habitually park their semis in residential areas. He asked Chief Martin how many people he thought might be affected by it. Chief Martin said that there were 4 people he could think of. Chief Martin also brought up that Mr.Dhuse said that they were still having problems with vehicles that are parked in the streets during snow plowing. Chief Martin said that they will begin to ticket these vehicles for parking violations. He said that they have tried to work with citizens trying to reach the car owner's to have the cars moved or they have given out warnings. Alderman Kot suggested getting some sample ordinances from cities around the area and see what they do. Attorney Kelly Kramer said that they would look into it and bring an update at the next Public Safety meeting on February 26, 2004. TRAFFIC STOP STATISTICAL STUDY(BIASED BASED POLICING POLICY) This item has already gone to City Council.No action taken. UPDATE ON HIRING OF OFFICER Chief Martin stated that they currently have an officer they will soon be hiring. He will be going to the Fire and Police Commissioner's meeting on Monday January 26, 2004. If they give the okay then he will be hired and sworn in on February 10, 2004. The new officer will go directly into the 10 week program and then after that will go on the field.He will be introduced to the council at that time. He said that he is still seeking part time help at this time as well. He said that it is difficult to find good qualified people for part time. Alderwoman Ohare suggested posting it on the City's website. Chief Martin said that it is something they are looking into. He said they have just recently sent out fliers also. Alderwoman Ohare also mentioned advertising in the Illinois Municipal League. No action will be taken on this item. UPDATE ON TRAFFIC SURVEY Rt#71 &Rt.# 126 Sergeant Ron Diederich of the Yorkville Police Department reported that Gary Maxwell owner of Kendall General Store on Route 71 was concerned that the traffic count did not include the motorists that are using Wing Road as a cut through. Sergeant Deiderich said that Mr. Maxwell was correct in that observation because the first traffic count was done west of Wing Road and the second traffic count was done east if Wing Road. When doing a traffic count the traffic is counted for a 24 hour period, on a Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.Traffic counts can not be taken on holidays. The traffic count sheet presented was taken partially from Tuesday and Thursday.Based on the traffic count data it would appear that motorists are using Wing Road as a cut off On Wednesday the traffic count totaled to 8, 352 cars in a 24 hour period. Based on the traffic survey there were about 325 cars that used Wing Road as a cut off, Refer to the Traffic Count Survey of Route 71 East and West of Wing Road. Alderman Paul James asked what the limit of stops at the stops signs would be in order to consider putting in traffic lights. He suggested getting that information so they could have a better idea on how to deal with the traffic at that intersection. He pointed out that the chart shows that the traffic count isn't as high at the rest of the day as when traffic is at its peak. He said that Mr. Maxwell felt that if there were traffic lights put in at the intersection then that would alleviate a lot of the traffic. Alderman Kot mentioned that this intersection is the State's so that any information that they collect they would need to send to them to deal with. He suggested also sending the information over to DOT and let them know of the complaints they have received.Let it also be noted that Mr. Maxwell had said that traffic there has been backed up as far as Van Emmon Street and that during the Kendal County Fair traffic was backed up to Orchard Road.Alderman Kot said that he had received complaints from people that live on Wing Road about motorists using it as a cut off. Chief Martin also felt that a traffic light would alleviate the problem of people using Wing Road as a cut off Sergeant Deiderich said that he would call IDOT and speak with them about the problem. This item will be brought back to the next Public Safety meeting on February 26, 2004. POLICE DEPARTMENT ORGANIZATIONAL CHART Alderman Kot asked Chief Martin where the new officer will be positioned. Chief Martin said the new officer would go to Squad A. He said that with the prospect of hiring 2 new officers they would like to have 4 officers per shift. That would mean that they would be sure to have at least 3 officers per shift. That would put one officer south of town, one north of town and one in the middle.He said that when the new middle school is opened then he would like to have an officer there also. He mentioned that the TEO is attached to squad C and D because they are the day officers. This item will go to a future Administration Committee meeting. FISCAL 2004—2005 OPERATIONAL AND CAPITAL BUDGET Chief Martin stated that due to the conditions of the Fiscal Budget 2 officers were projected to be hired with one hiring on May 1, 2004 then the other in September after the property tax money comes in. After that they will wait until the next fiscal year to see if they will be able to hire another officer. Due to budget reasons the hiring of the new secretary has been pushed back to July. Alderman Kot asked how many officers they intended to send to Northwestern for supervisor training. Chief Martin said that this would also be projected over time but they would like to send one officer per year or half year depending on what the budget will allow. He said that it is imperative that they send these officers to this class because it is 10 weeks of intensive training for supervising. The officers that he has in charge of the squads will be the ones to go first. Alderman Kot said that he supports the officers in this training and hopes that they can eventually send all of them. Chief Martin said that eventually they will, it all depends on what they budget will allow.He said that he would also like to send an officer for reconstruction training. Right now he has 2 officers in the Northwestern School of Evanstech for certification.It is an intense training of 3 classes for 3 weeks.He would eventually like to have a combined crime task force with Kendall County.He feels there is a need for one in the community. These training courses will allow for enough man power and trained certified people to deal with these certain crime issues. Alderman Kot said that he is for the crime task forces.He would like to see the committee support it because he feels it could be necessary for future crime incidences. He said that it is important to keep officers interested in their work and this type of training allows for the officers to really get involved. He said that both Kendall County and Dekalb County have a number of officers that are committed to this. Chief Martin said that at the ADHOC/Kendall County Chief of Police meeting on January 26, 2004,this subject was discussed and has been talked over at the meetings for the past 3 months. He said that most of committee is on board to support it and now they are just waiting to get all the information and details in place. He said that right now he has 4 officers that he has designated as detectives,but they are working on the streets. The reason for that is because the City does not have enough crime to warrant having 4 full time detectives. The detectives have proven to be beneficial in solving recent crimes. They are quick to get the job done. He feels that they have been able to maintain their officers by keeping the officers busy and interested in these areas. Alderwoman Spears expressed support in the idea and thought that they should search deep into the budget to send these officers to the training. Chief Martin added that it would cost$12,000 to send the 4 officers to the training. Alderman Kot suggested going halfway in the budget year and try to come up with$6,000 to send 2 of the officers this fiscal year and then 2 the next year. Chief Martin agreed. Alderwoman Ohare asked how they determine which officer has first priority with the training since they all seem important. Chief Martin said that he has tried to stagger the list so that the officers would be able to go to some of the classes. He feels the most important training courses are the Northwestern University training,Evidence Technician, and the Staff in Command school. He will be sending squad leaders A and C then later when there is money to support it then squad leader D will go. Alderwoman Ohare said that if would be good to know how much money is needed to fit the schedule. Chief Martin said that he would go through and figure out the scheduling and what amount of money they need. Alderwoman Spears said that they would look at taking money out of the over-all budget so as not to use up all of the Police Department funds. She feels the Police Department and the training should be a priority. Sergeant Ron Deiderich reported that the average speeds taken from the Speed Trailer Study were not bad. Alderman Kot asked about the used canine equipment. Chief Martin said that the new officer is a canine officer. His canine will go back to Kane County and if the Yorkville Police Department is interested in it, then they could see about obtaining the dog. If that is the case then they would need equipment to put in the squad car for transporting the dog. Chief Marin explained that it is much easier to have transport equipment in each canine squad than to have to switch from one canine squad car to the next. He said the new dog is 2 years old. The dogs are trained to search for drugs and in some cases people. Alderwoman Ohare felt that it would be a good idea to have a second canine with the expanding town. Chief Martin said that the canine units would be on different shifts and that they would also be on call. He mentioned that Officer Pleckham is seeking donations to help support it also. Chief Martin said that funding has dropped down on the D.A.R.E. program.He feels that the program has worked well in Yorkville in the past. He said that they do l', 3'd, 5th, and 7th grade classes. He commented that Officer Groesch has done a tremendous job with the demonstrations. Alderwoman Ohare commented that it is worth it if they reach even one kid.Chief Martin agreed. No action was taken on the item. NEW WORLD SOFTWARE COSTS Chief Martin stated that the cost of the New World Software came up to $129,000.He said that Oswego will be set up and running with it in January.He said that the County has put$400 toward the hardware and for it, and that they also have their software for the program up and running. Chief Martin said that they are looking at a system similar to Oswego's but not the mobile reporting system right now because it costs$16, 000. The mobile reporting system has the capability to tap in on the school's cameras to see what is going on there. It can also do the same for businesses if they are hooked up for it. It would be something to look at getting in the future. In this phase the mobile reporting system is not included. This phase is a basic program. He commented that the current PIP program they have is not reliable or sufficient. The County currently has the New World program and eventually the City of Yorkville will need to have it also. This will enable us to integrate with Oswego's system and eventually Plano. It is important to use the same equipment as the other towns to integrate with them. Alderman James thought that they should have a contract for interacting with the schools and their cameras. Chief Martin said that they would and that the software to integrate with the schools system is another$15,000. Alderman Kot asked if there are plans to budget this in the same budget. Chief Martin said that he explained to Mayor Prochaska of the program and the costs. Mayor Prochaska said that they would have to see how the budget goes this year. Chief Martin said that it is likely that it would be pushed into next year's budget. He said that he would check in to see how long it would take to get the program up and running.He said that he would like to observe how Oswego's system is running for a few month's to know how the system is working. That way they can be aware of what could come up as far as how much things actually cost and how sufficiently it works. He said that he could check into bringing over one of Oswego's squad cars to check the system out. Alderwoman Ohare commented that with the new banks that are now in town that having the new system might help them out. She suggested asking the banks if they would be willing to donate some of the costs. Chief Martin thought it was a good idea. Alderman Kot suggested moving this program along pending a decision on fmancing.He also would like to see this go over to the Technology Committee review and recommendation. Alderman James asked what would happen if they didn't approve of the program and the impact of that. Chief Martin said that the current PIP system is very outdated that would mean more man hours to for data entry. The data entry they could do with the New World Software saves time by allowing you to store all the information on disc,rather than sending all of the data to the secretaries and then having them transcribe it. Alderman Kot stated that it will only become more critical for the need of the system as City continues to grow. Chief Martin will get all of the information needed on this program and bring it to a future Public Safety meeting. BROCHURE FOR POLICE DEPARMENT PROJECTS Chief Martin stated that they were given this brochure from the Lake in The Hills Police Department. It is a brochure that shows all of the programs that their police department has. Chief Martin said that the Yorkville Police Department has just as many programs if not more than they do.He said that he would like to reach out to a few organizations to see if they would be willing to donate funds to help with costs of the brochures for the Yorkville Police Department. If they do get the funds then the brochures would be printed out once a year. Alderman Kot felt it would be a good thing to have especially for new people that move into Yorkville. Alderwoman Ohare added that it would be great for the visitor's information center. The committee agreed to move this item forward. POLICE REPORTS—DECEMBER 2003 The committee agreed to send this to the next COW on February 3, 2004. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: Evidence Van Update Alderwoman Ohare asked about the progress of purchasing the evidence van.Chief Martin said that it was on hold for now but he did put it on this budget year.Alderman Kot thought they should try and push for grant money for this van. Chief Martin said that he is now Secretary 3 for Homeland Security and hopes by being involved he will be able to find funds to support the purchase of the evidence van but the State's budget is tight right now. Binders and Notebooks Alderwoman Ohare made a request for extra binders and notebooks. Chief Martin said that he would be sure to get those out to committee members who need them. Recreational Ponds Alderman Kot asked if Bill Dettmer had written an article about educating people on recreational ponds. He said that Mr. Dettmer spoke of doing so at one of the meetings. Chief Martin said that he would ask Mr.Dettmer if he has and get back to him on that. Meeting adjourned: 8:48 Minutes by Theresa Brady MAR 0 5 2004 ULTON CONTRACTING CO. 160 NORTH GARDEN AVENUE ROSELLE, IL 60172 March 3, 2004 (630) 893-1395. Chief Martin Yorkville Police Department 804 Game Farm Rd. Yorkville, IL 60560 RE: Annual Maintenance Contract Dear Chief Martin: This is a contract proposal to perform maintenance for the Yorkville Police Department Civil Defense and Disaster Warning System. This includes the following on an annual basis for the fiscal year of May 1, 2004 through April 30, 2005: 1. Disassembly of the siren's protective shroud, checking motor contacts and amperage; 2. Check oil level of rotational gear reducer and change, if needed; 3. Check drive chain and lubricating drive chain; 4. Clean and check collector ring contacts; 5. Clean and check contactors in control cabinets; 6. Verify no moisture problems; 7. Check and verify encode and decode signals on radio system; 8. Test each signal for proper function; 9. Check for any apparent breakage, wear and tear or vandalism and report same to owner; 10. Check and test batteries and replace if necessary; 11. Check and test battery charging system and all controls. This contract includes all labor, equipment and material for general maintenance. Defective parts and/or components found will be repaired or replaced at a charge to the owner of at cost plus 10% along with an additional labor charge. This is in addition to the basic contract amount approved. AMOUNT ANNUALLY: $1,442.00 One Thousand & Four Hundred & Forty-Two Dollars &No Cents PAYMENT(S): After each service period— PLEASE DO NOT PREPAY Five (5) T-128's Sincerely, ACCEPTED: FULTON CONTRACTING CO. (sign) Frank J.Kehoe (print name) Vice President (title) FJK/ljb Dated: � ; Street Atlas USA®2003 Plus 1471 • • Y K05 ;� ;sllsto1 • cif — 3* -.:YK0 �-__r ;YK04 ."- r fl. K3 Proposed i r / Y KO2 1 YK01 N-,.. ICI r t �--y' Fox i?I T _ 11] a ,', 'l -7-1- i ^a ... '-./ . : . '\ , • - . • P avllllon 1f 02002 DeLorme.Street Atlas USA®2003 Plus. re Scale 1 :43,750 www.delorme.com 0 V. v, e i m. MN(1.9'W) n i v, 1"=3650 ft ' ( Street Atlas USA®2003 Plus 4 �--7,-,4--!-_,....,.)-.. It - - j j YKO3 _ �4-• ', V. JOHN ST r . L.r'$v v t... .. Gg O djTl •>� / _T.,.!,,,.,0 «_ .•1 7 ., _ , C_• -_._.__ 5.ir % tinct CCNOVER LN a N: K3 \z • (I '(J \Y ..,- VI • • Proposed . h at. 1 r ..221 FR CT ;. ., � !6EEr HER, .rV ti . '' YKO2 it t:r'L i •la I \ ,tom • NN,:. Frit n. J! y.iyl:K!3 S.l x1261 ©2002 DeLorme.Street Atlas USA®2003 Plus. m Scale 1 :24,000 Y 0 600 1200 www.delorme.com �1�IIcr ,e99 7aoa 31200 MN(1.9°W) --._.. _— ®D ,000 m 0 200 a40 690 1"-2000 ft Street Atlas USA®2003 Plus • 071 YKO5 -Bri.Acl 33i • YK03 YK04 K3 YKO2 _ I_I Y KO 1 1-F1 L- Fov 1171 f7 I Pavi[fien - ©2002 DeLorme.Street Atlas USA®2003 Plus. TN Scale 1 :43,750 www.delorrne.com }` MN(1.9'Y. 1"=3650ft `.c ,0 C/11 J� , 0 Yorkville Police Department Memorandum jiff t 804 Game Farm Road EST 4 , 1836 Yorkville, Illinois 60560 �� Telephone: 630-553-4340 0 -I T Fax: 630-553-1141 �1 c-orm 0 /4CE ‘V>' Date: March 5, 2004 To: Chief Harold 0. Martin III From: S/Sgt. Ron Diederich Reference: Taping of interview room Chief I have obtained two bids on the digital recording of the interview room that we discussed. The first bid is from Communications Direct and the second from Thomas Alarm. Both Bids are of equal hardware and close in price. Communications Direct is $2,129.00 with a 14" color monitor. Thomas Alarm is $2,200.00 with a 21" color monitor. The recorders will handle up to eight (8) hours of recording which should handle anything we could come up with. Thomas Alarm's recorder is Panasonic DVD and Communications Direct quoted a Philips DVD recorder. I personally prefer the Panasonic which is supplied by Thomas Alarm. If you have any questions please let me know. These quotes include installation and they have supplied spec sheets on the equipment. Respectfully, S/Sgt. Ron Diederich 2/02/2004 RPT322A PAGE 1 PAYEE-NO PAYEE-NAME CHECK-DATE CHECK# ACCT005240 1096 VILLAGE OF MINOOKA 2/02/2004 26939 VILLAGE TREASURER MINOOKA IL 60447-0000 DOCKET-NO PAYOR-NAME RECEIPT# ACCTNO PAYMENT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION TRANSACTION DESCRIPTION 2003 TR 013729 CHLEBEK TIMOTHY R 7980737 5240 100.00 FINE/AGEN 0101010704 13984 2003 TR 015160 DUFFY ZACHARY G 7980799 5240 28.92 FINE/AGEN 0101010704 14759 2004 TR 000238 DUNHAM ANGIE L 7984895 5240 28.92 FINE/AGEN 0101010704 13784 2003 TR 014747 GAJEWSKI MELISSA A 7976995 5240 20.03 FINE/AGEN 0101010704 13727 2004 TR 000468 TOSTADO CORAL 7980836 5240 28.92 FINE/AGEN 0101010704 13735 2004 TR 000141 TREDENNICK MICHAEL J 7981535 5240 48.95 FINE/AGEN 0101010704 14768 CASES 6 CHECK NUMBER 26939 CHECK-TOTAL 255.74 BALANCE DISTRIBUTED TO 10% BOND 0101010702 5210 60.00 STATES ATTORNEY 5213 20.00 CAF 44010107 5230 25.00 CT SECURITY 04010101 5231 80.00 DOC STORAGE 41010120 5236 25.00 CTY TR % 0101010702 5246 98.87 TR STATE PERCENT 5247 40.39 SUMMARY TOTAL /BALANCE OF FEES TOTAL 349.26 BAjt, 0 C'-lA j\j.lt 7 S e d t.7.1' LLe../4A.-1 r Ok 'tit:4J' W/- 4 --,i y TR 2. r ct G gip . ` uv �,� °'`1 ' 5 .00 Dc�c ��c ‘ c) _00 Yorkville Police Department - Overtime Manhour Utilization Report - March 20, 2004 Date Court Training Relief Details Admin Emerg Invest Corn Sery Full Time Part Time 05/17/03 € 5 9.5 I 1.5 6 0 j 0 . 5 5 9 36.5 102 05/31/03 8 9 9 6 43.5 1.5 1 0�... 25.5 3 96.5 85.5 06/14/03 6 �.d 0 6 11 f__._ 29 0 14 6 i 72 64 06/28/03 1 8.5 0 I 0.75 0 € 2 . 0 12.5 0 23.75 84.5 l 07/12/03 € 6 i 0 0 4 0 0 I 8.75 0 18.75 177.5 07/26/03 i 6 26 6 3.5 4 0 I 15.5 € 2 63 162.5 08/09/03 B7 2 13 0 E 3 0 21 0 46 196.75 ..... ,...._. 7 5.__,....I ..__.._ 0 0 11 5 ! 0 14 25 2 i 39 75 18075 08/23/03 1 4 5 � 09/06/03 I 6 0 7 62.25 2 I.. _0 ( 8.5 6 5 92 25 178.5 09/20/03 I 3 0 i 0 q.r. .._6 5._ _.N 0 0 12.5 6 5 28 5 164.5 10/04/03 1 6 20 f____ 0 ...__._. 0 t ,..0 .... ... ......0 _.. ._._ 3.25 _..__13 42 25 121 10/18/03 10 12 25 13.75 i 6 0 2.5 i 5 5 i 74.75 192.5 11/01/03 i._. _ 6 5 ..__.723 4 2.25 I 0 22 5 7 72.25 110 11/15/03 8 a 8 1 6 0 1 4 1 0 19 8 !. 53 119.25 11/29/03 1 .__ 11 5 0... 8 . 4 2 __... ....! 0 20.75 0 46 25 i 46 5 3 0 13 12 /03 6 . 20 0 0 6. /..... .. _..._ _ ._..__.., 5_._..._ _ 4 0 ��___ 17...2 5 12/27/03 ,.. 4 0_.___ , ...__._..4 .__. 46 .._ 2 _,. 0 __.. 2.,_. ....�_ ,_.0 __. ._ 5$ _._ 1 01/ 0 2625 0 I 29.5 10/04 € 6 5 20 0 7 7 � 4 1 4 49.5 49.512 01 24/04 I 4 ; 16 0 . 0 . 7575 16 02/07/04 1 10.5 I 16 4 7 ' 0 0 95 4 7 54 � 5 1 02/21/04 i. 7 19.5 Ie_._ . 0 ....__ . _ 7.5 0 0 1 20 L 3e_ I 57 18 03/06/04 € 6.5 13 30.5 � 4 24.5 0 � 8.75 10 25 � . 97 5 19 .03/20/04 I8 ,_. 7 1_.... .....19 0 0.5 __. 0 652 43 14 04/03/04 . .._.. ._..... ,_. 1 .... .. __...,__ 0 04/17/04 ...._. _ U.._._ 05/01/04 .._.__ �.. _._._.- I -( 0 .__ FY03-04 Court Training Relief Details Admin Emerg Invest Corn Sery Full Time Part Time Totals 154.50 192.50 169.75 250.00 124.50 0.00 289.25 99.75 1280.25 2098.50 Percents 12% 15% 13% 20% 10% 0% 23% 8% 100% N/A Average 6.72 8.37 7.38 10.87 5.41 0.00 12.58 4.34 49.24 91.24 LAST YEAR'S STATISTICS FOR MANHOUR UTILIZATION FY02-03 Court Training Relief Details Admin Emerg Invest Corn Sery Full Time Part Time Total Hours 100.25 154.75 557.5 232.75 113 16 488.75 130.5 1793.5 1824 Percents 6% 9% 31% 13% 6% 1% 27% 7% 100% N/A Averages 3.86 5.95 21.44 8.95 4.35 0.62 18.80 5.02 94.25 70.15 Prepared by Molly Batterson 3/22/2004 Page 1 Yorkville Police Department Offense Report - February 2004 Offense Categories FEB I MAR I APR J MAY I JUN I JUL I AUG I SEPI OCT I NOV I DEC JAN I FEB 04 TOTALS Arson 0 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Assault 0 0 2 1 = 0 0 ; 0 ' : 1 ! 1 0 0 0 0 0 Battery 4 3 9 7 ' 8 8 6 ' 615 2 3 4 2 6 Burglary 2 1 4 2 6 14 3 9 3 8 4 7 1 8 Cannabis Offenses 1 2 2 2 2 1 ' 3 4 = 2 4 2 0 1 1 Controlled Substance Offenses 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ' 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 Crimes Involving Children 7 0 4 1 0 ` 0 4 2 2 5 4 4 1 5 Criminal Damage 3 q 10 10 15 13 ' 11 11 10 15 ' 13 , 21 5 4 9 Deceptive Practices 2 7 2 0 2 4 1 7 2 4 i 2 3 2 5 Drug Paraphernalia Offenses 1 1 1 ' 2 0 1 2 3 2 1 2 0 0 0 Firearms Offenses 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 Gambling Offenses 0 0 0 0 + 0 , 0 0 , 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Kidnapping 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 , 0 ' 0 0 0 1 0 1 �-_ :.�: ,,�.�..� � � � ter= - E �r -,�. .�. �..�Yc { pp ¢ j�fS µ Azz .,ti ..v �'�`' r t`�i E.. / ,,,;s,. "�'�°..,i��,;�.� �s��.;,,. ..,�9 ,v'��^;� r�r'�r! ��;!(fir t-�: 714%;4:44 . A'.I VYll4�:_ 1 lt6trVt]N „t :LW`G Y t ,j 5.: '>&F ff T> 'e ,. y' i fA�.; Y.,>L. JJ�.�".{9.,Ffi r "en "./'/ :. . . /i . .,... ._..<,._: 1 :..,.�lrl�� x n.s� t3 ,:�.o%' ..,kas,?;a/� ,J>- ,!� �!t�i..�rF)� '"�s� .'�' ,;,y�"� ,exls'o e�'�,��`� drE V''��iY�1� �rZr 4��� �1 ... .7,; .. ., �h„ N:. ,,, �`� �� ��,�.. �v?r�r�s��;,,�.s..�,airy,,s*�rT s,.��N�� i/ Liquor Offenses 1 01 0 6 3 7 0 2 3 3 1 2 3 Murder 0 0 0 f_ 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 , 0 1 _ , 0 1 Robbery 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ' 0 0 0 0 Sex Offenses 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 1 0 0 : 0 [ 0 1 0 1 Theft 4 10 4 8 8 = 7 10 10 . 15 1 10 ! 15 8 5 13 All Other Criminal Offenses 18 20 15 21 0 22 13 10 16 16 ` 12 13 25 38 Traffic Incidents FEB I MAR( APR IMAY JUN I JUL I AUG I SEPI OCT I NOV I DEC JAN I FEB 04 TOTALS Driving Under The Influence 7 10 4 0 8 0 12 0 0 4 ` 7 1 ;� 3 16 License/Registration Violations 41 44 45 44 36 27 70 25 ' 19 ' 31 62 55 42 97 Seatbelt Citations 18 9 2 19 = 10 37 ' 36 17 6 36 i 78 18 14 32 Seatbelt Warnings 8 0 11 15 13 28 14 13 : 15 ' 6 4 5 11 16 Speeding Citations 39 39 32 25 38 26 20 23 16 31 55 42 P g54 96 Speeding Warnings 64 45 35 0 0 33 51 33 ; 32 44 89 0 65 65 P g g� Transportation of Alcohol 1 2 0 0 2 0 3 0 0 2 1 0 2 2 Uninsured Motor Vehicle 39 32 44 44 34 ; 23 33 22 15 27 54 48 43 91 Total Citations Issued 175 164 151 171 163 129 159 110 77 156 109 187 177 364 Total Verbal Warnings Issued 32 33 34 29 37 34 86 38 32 35 53 4 7 11 Total Written Warnings Issued 451 285 282 371 221 228 242 241 230 265 390 343 334 677 Accident Reports Taken FEB MAR I APR I MAY I JUN I JUL I AUG I,SEPI OCT I NOV I DEC JAN FEB 04 TOTALS Hit and Run Accident 2 3 1 3 0 2 2 ` 3 0 6 = 2 0 2 2 Accident 20 23 14 19 25 21 18 ' 22 ' 16 5 ' Property Damage P Y g 25 37 28 26 54 Personal Injury Accident I 3 0 2 7 5 7 4 6 ` 4 ' 6 5 5 10 Total Accidents Taken 23 29 15 24 32 28 27 29 22 35 ' 45 33 33 66 **Unlawful Visitation Interference is reported under the Kidnapping Section of the Illinois Uniformed Crime Reporting system. The Kidnapping line item includes this offense in its totals. Yorkville Police Department Manhour Report - February 2004 PATROL JAN 03 FEB 03 MAR 03 APR 03 MAY 03 JUN 03 JUL 03 AUG 03 SEP 03 OCT 03 NOV 03 'DEC 03 JAN 04 FEB 05 2004 TOTALS Accidents 16.00 16.75 21.75 9.75 18.02 21.92 18.52 21.25 20.25 21.78 47.33 31.88 22.17 21.92 44.09 Administrative Activity 432.67 316.42 354.65 293.67 271.07 346.08 415.17 330.25 385.27 666.25 574.23 395.53 453.28 535.47 988.75 Animal Complaints 2.50 4.75 3.92 2.08 9.83 5.42 9.70 2.75 6.00 3.50 2.67 3.17 3.17 2.58 5.75 Arrest Activity 21.82 24.63 26.58 35.33 20.33 37.75 41.75 28.08 19.17 16.38 53.22 31.58 22.58 18.75 41.33 Assist Agencies 115.82 125.00 106.42 109.42 132.60 126.06 154.75 170.27 148.88 119.17 158.58 139.93 139.62 176.23 315.85 Community Relations 27.50 25.42 37.58 30.87 64.50 46.67 85.92 94.42 61.33 44.75 59.42 32.25 23.42 23.58 47.00 Departmental Duties 87.58 97.08 72.08 87.00 77.83 80.73 79.08 92.98 77.22 98.30 107.28 115.58 148.67 132.00 280.67 Investigations 116.87 89.42 100.50 45.08 99.25 112.08 89.25 50.42 116.27 94.73 147.17 206.52 133.57 143.67 277.24 Ordinance/Traffic Violations 63.10 86.82 63.33 84.00 69.15 58.22 46.00 64.42 72.88 48.83 145.33 125.18 121.05 103.13 224.18 Personnel Activity 466.35 344.30 434.97 516.75 427.25 527.93 614.07 464.57 597.57 677.45 710.43 757.22 593.73 535.83 1,129.56 Preventive Patrol 520.33 558.52 622.80 688.13 718.98 626.83 789.57 952.50 774.12 996.28 733.92 809.53 935.62 888.82 1,824.44 Public Complaints 36.13 40.33 51.95 63.67 64.33 62.77 84.43 99.75 63.98 104.32 123.22 59.15 61.15 74.17 135.32 Public Services 35.67 31.33 36.75 28.75 33.08 28.67 38.67 30.75 49.67 64.95 45.83 74.65 47.17 24.67 71.84 Report Activity 177.33 114.73 143.75 172.90 119.58 131.50 156.83 189.25 161.82 231.27 371.20 259.33 211.42 220.37 431.79 School Activity 230.08 192.83 252.75 166.33 213.00 61.75 4.75 74.83 226.08 358.07 159.75 170.50 189.08 214.57 403.65 Traffic Activity 309.17 287.98 257.50 241.33 252.75 212.75 216.30 267.33 250.83 289.75 352.87 530.48 401.55 319.70 721.25 Training 127.83 102.33 128.08 290.42 333.08 164.00 241.08 102.67 110.07 354.65 234.42 62.00 176.92 407.88 584.80 ADMINISTRATIVE JAN 03 FEB 03 MAR 03 APR 03 MAY 03 JUN 03- JUL 03 AUG 03 SEP 03 OCT 03 NOV 03 DEC 03 %JAN ' FEB 05 2004 TOTALS Chief 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 346.66 CPAT Officer_ 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33, 346.66 Crossing Guards(In Days) 38.00 33.50 34.00 32.00 40.50 8.00 0.00 8.00 42.00 43.50 32.00 30.00 37.50 36.00 73.50 Lieutenant 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 346.66 Office Supervisor 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 346.66 Records Clerks 278.83 276.08 302.83 297.83 290.58 277.08 177.33 182.33 266.83 298.33 264.08 287.58 281.33 281.08 562.41 TOTALS 3796.91 3461.54 3745.51 3888.63 3949.03 3629.53 3956.49 ;;3920.14 4143.56 5225.58 5016.27 4815.38 4696.32 4853.74 9550.06 OP.S'1.OUA RG) �� :IQR r ..Ii g v OED 10 ‘,4. YORKVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT CHIEF OF POLICE 804 Game Farm Road Phone (630) 553-4340 Harold O.Martin III Yorkville,Illinois 60560 Fax (630) 553-1141 Date: March 9, 2004 To: Chief Harold O. Martin III From: S/Sergeant Ron Diederich Reference: Monthly Mileage Report During the month of February, 2004 the Yorkville Police Department logged a total of 20,188 miles. Individual miles are: Monthly Current Reassign / Squad Vehicle Squad Usage Miles Miles Replace Date M-1 2001 Ford Crown Victoria Patrol 2,639 72,903 2004/2005 M-2 1996 Chevrolet Caprice Admin. 844 132,870 2004/2005 M-3 1998 Ford Crown Victoria Admin. 1,158 118,871 2003/2004 M-4 2002 Chevrolet Impala Patrol 1,573 44,429 2005/2006 M-5 1998 Ford Crown Victoria Admin. 823 111,988 2003/2004 M-6 2003 Chevrolet Impala Chief 549 11,995 2007/2008 M-7 2001 Ford Crown Victoria D.A.R.E. 0 68,140 2004/2005 M-8 2004 Ford Crown Victoria Patrol 5,080 19,101 2007/2008 M-9 2000 Ford Crown Victoria Lieutenant 267 62,456 2004/2005 M-10 1991 Ford Thunderbird DARE 477 124,492 2004/2005 M-11 2003 Ford Crown Victoria Patrol Sgt. 1,238 31,811 2005/2006 M-12 1999 Ford Expedition Patrol/Trucks 1,417 47,504 2009/2010 M-13 2001 Ford Crown Victoria K-9 1,169 39,962 2010/2011 M-14 2003 Ford Crown Victoria Patrol 1,459 43,170 2005/2006 M-15 2004 Ford Crown Victoria Patrol Sgt. 1,495 8,424 2007/2008 �Eo Girr 4s. Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary P P En � _'� February 20, 2004 through March 20, 2004 9 040245 through 040383 <&E l�y�� Page 1 of 7 040245 02-20-04 1400 BIk. N.Bridge Street 040260 .... 02-23-04 100 Blk. Colonial Parkway Found Articles Citizen Assist 040246 02-20-04 Route 47/Cannonball Trail 040261 .... 02-24-04 20 BIk. Bonnie Lane Accident Assist County Police 040247 02-20-04 600 Blk. Center Parkway 040262.... 02-24-04 Eldamain Road/Route 34 Domestic Trouble Accident 040248 02-20-04 Route 71/Walsh Drive 040263.... 02-24-04 900 BIk. Fawn Ridge Court Accident Animal Complaint: Stray Dog 040249 02-21-04 3000 BIk. Cannonball Trail 040264.... 02-24-04 100 BIk. Garden Street Accident Disorderly Conduct 040250 02-21-04 700 BIk. Heustis Street 040265.... 02-25-04 2700 BIk. N.Bridge Street Criminal Trespass to Land: Juveniles were Assist Business Agency trespassing on private property. 040266.... 02-25-04 Route 47/Kennedy Road 040251 02-21-04 200 BIk. Adams Street Accident Involving Injury: Unit 1 did not realize traffic Harassment by Telephone was stopped. Unit 1 rear-ended Unit 2 while Unit 2 was stopped at a red light. Unit 2's driver and 040252 02-21-04 200 BIk. W.Veterans Pkwy passenger complained of back and neck pain. Found Articles 040267 .... 02-25-04 Center Parkway/Route 34 040253 02-22-04 100 Blk. E.Stagecoach Trail Accident Involving Injury: Unit 1 turned left in front of Accident Unit 2 at an intersection. 040254 02-22-04 1400 BIk. Chestnut Lane 040268.... 02-25-04 Route 47/Route 34 Domestic Trouble Accident 040255 02-22-04 300 Blk. Fairhaven Drive 040269.... 02-25-04 300 Blk. E.Orange Street Other Public Complaints Suspicious Circumstances 040256 02-23-04 1800 BIk. Marketview Drive 040270 .... 02-26-04 Rt. 47/Countryside Parkway Deceptive Practices: Delayed report - occurred in Traffic Arrest: Subject was found to be driving on a January 2004. A check for $778.43 was written on a suspended driver's license and was arrested for such. closed checking account. Pending investigation. 040271 .... 02-26-04 Route 47/Cannonball Trail 040257 02-23-04 2700 Blk. N.Bridge Street Suspicious Circumstances Accident 040272 .... 02-26-04 200 BIk. E.Veterans Pkwy. 040258 02-23-04 Route 47/Route 71 Assist Business Agency Accident 040273.... 02-27-04 Route 47/Hydraulic Avenue 040259 02-23-04 1300 Blk. Walsh Drive Accident Domestic Trouble Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary '836 February 20, 2004 through March 20, 2004 ° 040245 through 040383 Page 2 of 7 040274 02-27-04 Cannonball Trail/Route 47 040285.... 02-29-04 1300 BIk. Coralberry Court Accident Domestic Trouble: Verbal altercation between step- father and step-son. 040275 02-27-04 Rt. 34/Game Farm Road Traffic Arrest: Subject was found to be driving on a 040286.... 02-29-04 1500 BIk. N. Bridge Street suspended driver's license and was arrested for such. Accident Also ticketed for Operating Uninsured Motor Vehicle. 040287.... 02-29-04 1400 Blk. Chestnut Lane 040276 02-27-04 100 BIk. W.Veterans Pkwy Runaway Harassment By Telephone 040288 .... 03-01-04 Route 47/Corneils Lane 040277 02-27-04 Center Parkway/Route 34 Traffic Arrest: Subject was found to be driving on an Traffic Arrest: Subject was found to be driving on a invalid license. Subject was taken into custody for suspended driver's license and was arrested for such. such. Also ticketed for: Speeding (citation) and Also ticketed for Improper Display of Plates, Seatbelt Improper Display of Plates (written warning). Violation, Unlawful Use of Driver's License and issued a written warning for Speeding. 040289.... 03-02-04 Route 47/Cannonball Trail Citizen Assist 040278 02-27-04 400 BIk. Jackson Street Lost Articles 040290 .... 03-02-04 Desk Report Juvenile Investigation 040279 02-27-04 Route 47/Corneils Road Traffic Arrest: Subject was found to be driving on a 040291 .... 03-03-04 300 BIk.Windham Circle suspended driver's license and was arrested for such. Burglary: Multiple tools were taken from a Also ticketed for Operating Uninsured Motor Vehicle, construction trailer parked at a house under Unlawful Use of Foreign Driver's License and issued construction. Value of property taken: $11,269. a written warning for Muffler Violations. 040292.... 03-03-04 600 BIk. W.Veterans Pkwy 040280 02-27-04 Route 34/Sycamore Road Attempted Burglary: Business owner noticed pry Accident marks on the rear door when opening for the morning. No entry was gained into the building. 040281 02-28-04 Route 47/Garden Street Traffic Arrest: Subject was pulled over for speeding. 040293.... 03-04-04 2000 Blk. S. Bridge Street Officer found out subject was driving on an invalid Retail Theft: $49.95 of diesel fuel was pumped and license. Subject was taken into custody for such. not paid for. 040282 02-28-04 200 BIk. S.Bridge Street 040294.... 03-04-04 Yorkville High School Other Public Complaints Bomb Threat: Juvenile offender called in a false bomb threat for the high school building on a stolen 040283 02-28-04 1200 Blk. N.Bridge Street cellular telephone. Officers recognized the voice of Mischievous Conduct— No Dollar Loss: A vehicle the offender and upon interviewing, received a had been "paintballed". confession from the juvenile offender and charged them with Bomb Threat and Possession of Stolen 040284 02-28-04 1200 BIk. N.Bridge Street Property. Another juvenile offender was charged with Domestic Battery: A father and son were involved in a Theft (for the cell phone), Possession of Cannabis mutual fight. Both parties would not sign complaints and Paraphernalia and Possession of Stolen against the other and officers could not determine the Property. originating offender. Alcohol was involved. Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary E� ISM February 20, 2004 through March 20, 2004 =0 040245 through 040383 'ft" Page3of7 040295 03-05-04 Kennedy Rd/Christy Lane 040303.... 03-06-04 Route 71/Route 126 Accident Traffic Arrest: Subject was found driving on a suspended license and was taken into custody for 040296 03-05-04 Route 34/Countryside Pkwy such. A written warning was issued for Improper Traffic Arrest: Subject was found to be driving on a Display of License Plates. suspended license and taken into custody for such. Other tickets issued for Operating Motor Vehicle while 040304.... 03-06-04 1400 BIk. Cottonwood Trail Registration Suspended and Improper Display of Criminal Trespass to Residence: An ex-spouse Plates. entered a residence after being told that they were not welcome there. Subject stayed in residence for 040297 03-05-04 Desk Report approximately five minutes until another adult told the Assist Other Government Agency: Officers received subject to leave. Complaints were signed. notification of a scheduled mandatory release from the Illinois Department of Corrections. 040305.... 03-07-04 200 BIk. Leisure Lane Runaway 040298 03-05-04 Route 34/Cannonball Trail 040306.... 03-07-04 400 Blk. S.Dover Court Traffic Arrest: Subject was found to be driving on a Domestic Trouble suspended license and taken into custody for such. Other tickets issued for Operating Uninsured Motor 040307.... 03-07-04 1800 BIk. Marketview Drive Vehicle and a warning for No Brake Lights. Other Public Complaint 040299 03-05-04 Route 71/Route 126 040308.... 03-07-04 Route 47/Landmark Avenue Traffic Arrest: Subject was found to be driving on a Traffic Arrest: Subject was found to be driving on a suspended license and taken into custody for such. suspended license and was taken into custody for Other tickets issued for Illegal Transportation of such. Alcohol, Operating Uninsured Motor Vehicle, Unlawful Use of Driver's License, and a warning for Failure to 040309 .... 03-08-04 1400 Blk. N.Bridge Street Notify Secretary of State of Change of Address. Suspicious Person 040300 03-06-04 Country Hills Subdivision 040310 .... 03-08-04 2700 Blk. N.Bridge Street Suspicious Circumstances: Officer located subject Accident recovering material from construction dumpsters. 040311 .... 03-08-04 1200 Blk. Marketplace Drive 040301 03-06-04 700 BIk. Greenfield Turn Theft Over$300/Criminal Damage: A bundle of Assist Business Agency: Subject was located after a doors blocking a doorway into a house under complaint was made that they were taking scrap construction was pushed over to gain entry into the material from a construction site. construction site. Once inside, multiple windows were taken. $357 worth of damage was done to the 040302 03-06-04 Van Emmon St/Mill Street doors and $3013.78 worth of property was taken. Warrant Arrest: Upon running a registration check for a vehicle that was being pulled over for speeding, 040312 .... 03-08-04 Route 47/Cannonball Trail Officers learned the registered owner had a valid Other Public Complaints warrant for their arrest. Officers verified that it was indeed the owner driving and arrested the subject for 040313 .... 03-08-04 Oswego Jurisdiction the warrant. Assist Oswego Police Department j Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary February 20, 2004 through March 20, 2004 \% - s 040245 through 040383 <ce `y4�a Page4of7 040314 03-08-04 Desk Report 040323.... 03-09-04 100 Blk. Naden Court Assist Other Government Agency: Officers received Stolen License Plates: Victim reported that some notification of a scheduled mandatory release from time overnight, unknown person(s) took the front and the Illinois Department of Corrections. rear license plates off of their vehicle. 040315 03-08-04 400 Blk. E.Main Street 040324.... 03-08-04 600 BIk. Route 34 Possession of Cannabis/Drug Equipment: Officers Accident responded to a call of an Oswego Police Officer who had just witnessed a passenger in a traveling vehicle 040325.... 03-09-04 100 Blk. Colonial Parkway smoking from what looked to be a cannabis pipe. Domestic Trouble Upon Yorkville Officer's arrival, the passenger admitted to smoking cannabis. The driver stated they 040326.... 03-09-04 1300 Blk. Chestnut Lane were not smoking the substance. The driver showed Other Public Complaint no signs of impairment. The juvenile passenger was taken into custody for the offenses. 040327.... 03-10-04 300 BIk. McHugh Road Death — Natural Causes: Subject was found 040316 03-08-04 2700 Blk. N. Bridge Street deceased by a relative. Subject died some time over Assist Business Agency the night. The investigation was taken over by the Kendall County Coroner's Office. 040317 03-09-04 Route 47/Cannonball Trail Traffic Arrest: Subject was found to be driving on a 040328.... 03-10-04 400 BIk. Dover Court South suspended license and was taken into custody for Domestic Trouble/Warrant: Police were called to the such. residence for a verbal domestic between brother and sister. One of the subject's was found to be wanted 040318 03-09-04 2000 BIk. S.Bridge Street on a valid warrant and was taken into custody for Retail Theft: $11.00 worth of gasoline was pumped such. and not paid for. 040329.... 03-10-04 Route 34/Route 47 040319 03-09-04 Route 47/Wheaton Avenue Possession of Cannabis: While conducting stationary Traffic Arrest: Vehicle was pulled over for not radar, Officer witnessed a passenger in a vehicle signaling a turn and for having a loud exhaust lighting what looked to be a pipe used to smoke system. Driver did not have a valid license and was cannabis. While following the vehicle, it failed to use taken into custody for such. Driver was also issued a a turn signal and a traffic stop was conducted. Upon citation for not wearing their seatbelt and given a speaking with both subjects, Officer searched the written warning for the muffler violation and failing to passenger compartment area and located cannabis signal their turn. and a smoking pipe. The juvenile passenger was taken into custody for the narcotics and 040320 03-09-04 1300 BIk. Game Farm Road paraphernalia. The driver was released on the Accident scene. 040321 03-09-04 200 BIk. S.Bridge Street 040330 .... 03-10-04 200 Blk. W.Veterans Pkwy Criminal Damage: A business' picture window had Accident been broken sometime during closed hours. Damage valued at $1500 to replace the entire window. 040331 .... 03-10-04 Route 34/Center Parkway Traffic Arrest: Subject was found to be driving on a 040322 03-09-04 Route 47/River Street suspended license and was taken into custody for Accident such. Also ticketed for No Taillights and No Commercial Driver's License. `QED C/Ti Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary EST '� February 20, 2004 through March 20, 2004 -6-4,1q,- 9 040245 through 040383 LE Page 5 of 7 040332 03-10-04 1400 BIk. Cottonwood Trail 040343.... 03-12-04 Route 47/Galena Road Other Public Complaints Traffic Arrest: Subject was pulled over for Violating Minimum Speed and Loud Exhaust. Subject was 040333 03-11-04 Route 47/Cannonball Trail found to have an invalid and was taken into custody Traffic Arrest: Subject was found to be driving on a for such. Also ticketed for Operating Uninsured Motor suspended license and was taken into custody for Vehicle, and Unlawful Use of Driver's License. such. Also ticketed for Operating Motor Vehicle with Suspended Registration. 040344.... 03-12-04 Route 47/Orange Street Accident 040334 03-11-04 Yorkville High School Accident 040345.... 03-12-04 1200 BIk. Sunset Street Disorderly Conduct: Fictitious pizzas ordered and 040335 03-11-04 100 Blk. Appletree Court sent to a home for harassment purposes. Assault: Delayed report— actually occurred on 03- 10-04. An individual threatened the victim after 040346.... 03-13-04 200 BIk. E. Center Street dropping a child off after visitation rights. Pending Assault: Altercation between two individuals investigation. stemming from a situation occurring at a bar located out of town. Threats were made. No complaints 040336 03-11-04 700 BIk. Heustis Street signed. Suspicious Auto 040347 .... 03-13-04 300 Blk. Mulhern Court 040337 03-11-04 Hydraulic Avenue/Route 47 Assist Ambulance Accident 040348.... 03-14-04 200 BIk. S.Bridge Street 040338 03-11-04 700 Blk. E.Spring Street Accident Suicide Attempt 040349.... 03-14-04 Hydraulic Ave/State Street 040339 03-12-04 300 BIk. E.Orange Street Towed Vehicle: Vehicle caught on railroad tracks Mischievous Conduct— No Dollar Loss: Residence with no one present. Officers towed vehicle for safety was toilet papered, had undergarments placed in the reasons. trees and writing on the house and driveway in an unknown substance. Everything was able to be 040350.... 03-14-04 Route 47/Wheaton Avenue washed off and no damage occurred. Warrant Arrest: Subject was pulled over for speeding. Upon running subject's name, it was found 040340 03-12-04 Desk Report there was a valid warrant for their arrest. Subject was Lost Articles taken into custody for the warrant. 040341 03-12-04 2700 Blk. N.Bridge Street 040351 .... 03-14-04 Route 47/Hydraulic Avenue Accident Accident 040342 03-12-04 Landmark Ave/Marketplace 040352 .... 03-15-04 1500 Blk. N.Bridge Street Other Public Complaint Suspicious Person 040353.... 03-15-04 Van Emmon Street/Mill St. Traffic Arrest: Subject was pulled over for a speeding violation. Subject was found to have a suspended driver's license and was taken into custody. i r `� T. Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary %Ere February 20, 2004 through March 20, 2004 i' _�- 0 040245 through 040383 44E �`. Page 6 of 7 040354 03-15-04 800 BIk. Canyon Trail 040365.... 03-17-04 9000 BIk. Kennedy Road Suicide Attempt Accident 040355 03-15-04 1200 Blk. Evergreen Lane 040366.... 03-17-04 Route 34/Cannonball Trail Suspicious Circumstances: A complaint of annoying Accident telephone calls. 040367.... 03-17-04 Yorkville Middle School 040356 03-15-04 Route 47/Somonauk Street Accident Traffic Arrest: Subject was found to be driving on an invalid license and was taken into custody for such. 040368.... 03-17-04 100 BIk. Appletree Court Also ticketed for Operating Uninsured Motor Vehicle. Warrant Arrest: Subject was wanted by Naperville Police Department and was taken into custody for 040357 03-15-04 2200 BIk. Meadowview Ln. such. Domestic Trouble 040369.... 03-17-04 600 Blk. Tower Lane 040358 03-16-04 1400 Blk. Cannonball Trail Runaway Burglary: Entry was gained into a business and property valued at$210 was removed from inside. 040370 .... 03-18-04 Yorkville Middle School Pending investigation. Harassment by Telephone 040359 03-16-04 300 BIk. Poplar Drive 040371 .... 03-18-04 Route 47/Route 34 Burglary: Person(s) unknown entered a house under Traffic Arrest: Subject was found to be driving on a construction and took $2160 worth of tools located suspended license and was taken into custody for inside. Pending investigation. such. Also ticketed for Operating Uninsured Motor Vehicle and Muffler Violations. 040360 03-16-04 Van Emmon St./Mill Street Traffic Arrest: Subject was stopped for speeding. 040372 .... 03-18-04 Route 126/Route 71 Subject was found to have an invalid license and was Found Articles: License plates were located in the taken into custody for such. Also ticketed for roadway and turned into police. Operating Uninsured Motor Vehicle. 040373 .... 03-18-04 1800 Blk.Walsh Drive 040361 03-16-04 Route 34/Route 47 Harassment by Telephone Traffic Arrest/Possession of Cannabis: Subject was found to be driving on a suspended driver's license 040374.... 03-19-04 Route 71/Route 47 and without a vehicle registration. The subject was Accident arrested/ticketed for such. Upon searching the vehicle incident to arrest, searching officer located 040375....03-19-04 Desk Report cannabis. Assist Other Government Agency: Officers received notification of a scheduled mandatory release from 040362....03-16-04 Route 47/Route 34 the Illinois Department of Corrections. Accident 040376.... 03-19-04 Route 34/Center Parkway 040363 03-16-04 Desk Report Traffic Arrest: Subject was found to be driving on a Suspicious Circumstances suspended license and was taken into custody for such. 040364 03-17-04 200 BIk. Adams Street Harassment by Telephone 040377.... 03-19-04 300 Blk. W. Main Street Accident Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary P P 1s36 February 20, 2004 through March 20, 2004 o ICI r 040245 through 040383 <LE ‘vPage 7 of 7 040378 03-19-04 200 Blk. E.Veterans Prkway Station Information 040379 03-19-04 2000 BIk. S. Bridge Street Assist Business Agency 040380 03-20-04 Fox Street/Route 47 Traffic Arrest: Subject was found to be weaving out of its lane of traffic. Subject was pulled over and given field sobriety tests. Subject was arrested for Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol. Subject refused the breath test. Also ticketed for Improper Display of Plates and Improper Lane Usage. 040381 03-20-04 2800 BIk. Route 47 Traffic Arrest: Subject was pulled over for failing to signal a turn and not having proper taillights. Subject was found to be driving on an invalid license and was taken into custody for such. Also ticketed for Unlawful Use of Driver's License, Operating Uninsured Motor Vehicle, 040382 03-20-04 Yorkville High School Assist Principal 040383 03-20-04 10200 BIk. Galena Road Traffic Arrest: Subject was found to be driving on a suspended license and was taken into custody for such. Also ticketed for Operating Uninsured Motor Vehicle, Operating Vehicle while Registration Suspended, and Unlawful Use of Driver's License.