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Public Safety Packet 2004 05-27-04
4. ,`0D Co. p United City of Yorkville 5�I County Seat of Kendall County EST. 1836 800 Game Farm Road ,� V) Yorkville, Illinois 60560 o II L72.::, :i 14 Q Phone:630-553-4350 *,_ xe7�A.o vim= Fax:630-553-7575 `��LE �� PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Thursday, May 27, 2004 6:30 PM City Conference Room AGENDA 1. Approval/Correction of Minutes: April 22, 2004 2. Presentation by Officer Dave Delaney on Total Station 3. Update on Liquor Ordinance 4. Update on Ponds and Pools 5. Emergency Generator Quote 6. Police Reports —April 2004 7. Additional Business Next Scheduled Meeting Thursday, June 24, 2004 at 6:30p.m. Page 1 of 1 Page 1 of 8 1DRAFT1 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PUBLIC SAFETY MEETING Conference Room April 22, 2004, 6:30pm In Attendance: Alderman Larry Kot Mayor Art Prochaska(joined meeting at 7pm) Alderman Rose Spears Police Chief Harold Martin Alderwoman Wanda Ohare Attorney Kelly Kramer Alderman Paul James Guests: Officer Jon Helland, Yorkville Police Department The meeting was called to order at 6:40pm by Alderman Kot. 1. APPROVAL/CORRECTION OF MINUTES: REVISED JANUARY 22, 2004,AND MARCH 25, 2004 January 22, 2004 Minutes— • Add Chief Harold Martin and Sgt. Ron Diederich to those in attendance • Page 2, 8th paragraph should read"Alderwoman Ohare felt that there should only be a limit on the liquor licenses for gas stations." • Page 1, 1s1 paragraph, should read: "...that they only allow 3-5 bottles of wine at a wine tasting". Minutes accepted with above 3 changes , March 25, 2004 Minutes- Approved as read 2. UPDATE ON NEW WORLD SOFTWARE Chief Martin stated there might be a solution for the cost of the software and the city would be able to save $130,000. Currently, there is a federal grant available for $3 million. Two problems would be solved: 1. Radio communications would be on same line—would be able to transmit to banks, high school etc. 2. In-car video cameras would allow an image from a squad car to be transmitted to other locations, (similar to Oswego). Page 2 of 8 Yorkville may be able to use Kendall County software or Oswego software just by association, however, copyrights would need to be reviewed as well. Kendall County is being used as a test case for this system, which the Department of the Defense is working on. As many as five software users at a time may use the system by just purchasing two software packages. As the number of users increases, more licenses would need to be purchased. Chief Martin feels there is a good chance of obtaining this system, with assistance from the Mayor and County Board Chairman. It could be operational within a year. Alderwoman Ohare asked if this software would be available for the squad cars. Chief Martin reported there would be a minor cost for Yorkville. If Yorkville used the integrated system, there would be an additional cost of$2000-$3000. A reduction of current equipment in the squad cars would also be a beneficial possibility. Ms. Ohare asked if the cost of the software could be shared with Oswego. The Chief reported that would be a distinct possibility Alderman James asked if an inter-governmental agreement is needed. Chief Martin replied there is such an agreement in place at this time, however, a separate one for just the software might be necessary. The Chief noted that Dennis [Hastert] recommended this for Kendall County and it is funded by Homeland Security money. The federal grant should be in place within the next week. Mr. James suggested that the intergovernmental agreement could be mentioned in conjunction with the federal grant. Kendall County is already applying for the grant. Chief Martin suggested that this package be placed on the April 27th C.O.W. agenda for approval and support of the grant. He further noted that no other City funds would be expended at this time. He will have additional information soon. Alderman James reiterated the fact that having an approved inter-governmental agreement in place at the time of the grant application would be a plus to secure the grant. Attorney Kramer suggested obtaining a letter from Dwight Baird stating that negotiations are in process pending the outcome of the grant. 3. UPDATE ON SENIOR DRIVERS SAFETY INITIATIVE INFORMATION Chief Martin reported he is still waiting to hear from the Department of Aging. This item will be placed on the agenda for next month. Page 3 of 8 4. UPDATE ON DIGITAL RECORDING OF INTERVIEW ROOM Chief Martin stated that the digital recording equipment should be installed as soon as possible. Until that time, Oswego's facilities could be used in the event of a major felony. It is hoped thatYorkville's interview room can be completed by the end of May when the new budget is approved. He will meet with Mayor Prochaska to ascertain if the $2400 necessary is available in the contingency fund. This item will be moved forward to C.O.W. on May 4t. S. UPDATE ONLIOUOR ORDINANCE Attorney Kramer noted that a breakdown of the liquor licenses was asked for at the previous meeting. She provided a handout showing who holds the current licenses and asked how the committee would like the reclassifications done. There was brief discussion about the winery/brewery slated for Dr. Koch's farm and it was also noted that Aldi's had applied for a license. Ms. Kramer had reviewed the licenses currently held by gas station operators and her recommendation was a 5-year sunset clause for these operators so those licenses could eventually be phased out. She further stated that the reclassifications should include one for package liquors for gas stations. The general consensus of the group was to limit how many license are issued. Alderwoman Ohare stated that she does not favor liquor sales at gas stations because liquor and gas/driving is not a safe combination. How those should be limited was then addressed. Attorney Kramer recommended a separate class for gas stations and asked for a policy decision from Council. A sunset clause provision would be needed and then it would be specifically written in the ordinance that the license would expire in 5 years. The liquor licenses would then be limited after the 5-year period—by elimination of eligibility. In addition, licenses cannot be limited or disqualified due to the location of the business. Ms. Kramer suggested tabling this issue so she could confer with Mokena about their current efforts to eliminate sales at gas stations. She will ask their city attorneys about any ramifications they have experienced. Mayor Prochaska asked Ms. Kramer to review the ordinance which pertains to shopping centers and revise the ordinance to limit package liquor sales. Alderman Kot supported limitations on the number of liquor licenses and further suggested a possible zoning restriction. The sampling ordinance will moved forward to C.O.W. on May 4h . New classifications are still being worked on. Page 4 of 8 In conjunction with the classification review, Mayor Prochaska related an issue with property at Rt. 34 and Cannonball. The property owner first requested a restaurant license, then changed to a tavern license. The owner stated he wants a license that does not allow anyone under 21 in the establishment after 10pm. The Mayor told him something written would be forthcoming. Geneva's ordinance addresses this issue, so Ms. Kramer will write a sample ordinance from this example. 8. POLICE CADET PROGRAM PRESENTATION Note: The committee moved forward to this item on the agenda so Officer Jon Helland could give his presentation. Yorkville Police Officer Jon Helland presented information he gathered about Aurora's police cadet program. The following points were made: • Cadets perform menial tasks providing them training and public relations work • Program grooms cadets in preparation for being an officer, at less cost • Average pay is $7.80 per hour plus paid tuition for a 2-year program at Waubonsee Community College (WCC) • If cadets test for APD, cadets are elevated towards top of eligibility list • Cadets gain knowledge of streets • Nearly retired squad cars are used by cadets • WCC classwork is monitored and must maintain certain GPA • Cadets wear distinctive uniforms from officers • Average work time per week is 20 hours during school time • 40 hours a week are worked in the summer when not in school • APD very happy with program, 70-75% of cadets become officers • Main focus is adequate training for future officers • Starting age is at least 17 and not over 21 • Cadets are recruited through school resource officer In further discussion, Officer Helland stated that the cadets are hired by the City rather than through the Police Commission. If a cadet changes his/her mind about being a police officer, the costs of college courses are not recouped. The cost of the courses comes from Aurora's general budget. He noted that Joliet pays for four years of college. Some of the duties of the cadets are: private property accident reports, criminal damage to property reports, mail runs and taking cars for service. They do not handle emergencies or crimes against people. Officer Helland will begin the funding Page 5 of 8 process for such a program. Mayor Prochaska favored this program as the community grows and new officers will be hired each year. Officer Helland further stated that Joliet cadets must test for the police department, but it is not mandatory to accept the position. In Yorkville, cadets would not be placed at the top of the eligibility list because of the Board of Fire and Police. No points are given because Yorkville is governed by this board. The cadets also accompany trained officers to the shooting range. Chief Martin would like to see a written policy while the Mayor asked for a breakdown of costs for budgeting purposes. Alderman Kot suggested bringing this back to the committee after costs and other information are gathered and this item could possibly be a mid-year budget program. Attorney Kramer left the meeting at 7:45pm 6. 2003 ANNUAL REPORT Chief Martin asked the committee to review and after approval, move this item to the second City Council meeting. It was decided to move this to C.O.W. on May 18th for any questions and then move forward to the City Council meeting on May 25th for the actual presentation of the report. 7. POLICE REPORTS-MARCH 2004 Chief Martin noted that 500 tickets were not issued as stated on the report. There were actually 195 tickets, 4 verbal warnings and 383 written warnings. The report will be revised and moved forward to the consent agenda of the C.O.W. on May 4th Other points noted on the police reports were: personnel activity costs were higher at a cost of$837 and increased runaway reports(working with Aunt Martha's on this problem). This item(with corrections) will be moved to the C.O.W. consent agenda on May 4th. 9.CLEAR SYSTEM The Clear System will be dependent on receiving grant money. A LEADS terminal or restricted terminal may not be necessary to gain access to the Chicago system, however, if hard copies of paperwork are needed, the terminal would be needed. Page 6 of 8 Alderman Kot stated that the procurement of the LEADS terminal should be put on hold dependent on the grant outcome. Chief Martin expects to receive further information in the coming days. The Clear system, actually named I-Clear, is Chicago's intelligence database, which is being made available to other agencies. The State Police are merging intelligence information with the Chicago Police Department. It was noted that the Clear system access will be free. This item will be brought back to the committee. 10. AXLE PROBLEM WITH 2003 CROWN VICTORIAS A nationwide alert had been received regarding a possible axle problem with these vehicles. Both Police Department squads were checked and one was fixed under warranty, while the other squad was sound 11. TOOTSIE ROLL CANDY DONATION A donation of tootsie roll candy was received for distribution at 4th of July, Boy Scout tours, for the front lobby of the Police Department, in squad cars, on bike patrol and other uses. This donation was received as a result of a letter being composed by Police Department office personnel. Chief Martin asked that the City send a letter of acknowledgment and thanks to the candy company. 12. THANK YOU LETTER FROM THE YMCA Chief Martin presented a letter he received from the YMCA thanking the Police Department for their donation of $4,000 for the purchase of vans. This donation was made, due to grant reductions to the YMCA. 13.OFFICER BARRY GROESCH— VOLUNTEER SERVICE AWARD Officer Barry Groesch was selected as the Kendall County Youth Service Board's annual Volunteer Service Award. This selection was made as a result of a nomination by Alderwoman Rose Spears. He was nominated for his volunteerism with Kendall County youths and honored at a ceremony in April. Alderman Larry Kot suggested that Officer Groesch should be recognized at a City Council meeting. Chief Martin will coordinate that recognition. 4 d Page 7 of 8 14. THANK YOU FROM THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Chief Martin presented a letter he received from the U.S. Department of Justice in recognition of a drug threat survey in which the Police Department participated. The survey concerned current emerging drug trafficking threats. 15. SILVER SPRINGS 60 2004 BIKE RIDE SUNDAY,APRIL 25 The Police Department was notified that the Fox Valley Bicycle & Ski Club would be having a bike ride on April 25. The start and finish will be at Beecher Center and will include about 600 riders. Chief Martin stated that the Sheriff had been notified as well. 16. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS Chief Martin asked Mayor Prochaska to speak about the RICP meeting which was held. Mayor Prochaska stated that Yorkville had been selected to be part of a pilot program and grant. Five meetings would be conducted and the current disaster plan would be reviewed. All organizations concerned with disaster assistance, such as the Fire and Police Departments, would be involved in the meetings. A$10,000 federal grant (through Homeland Security)would be given to revise the City's plan to resemble the State plan. The Mayor and Chief will be asked to speak at the Illinois Municipal League and share their experiences of this process, which would be used as a model program. Presently, only 3 towns in Illinois will be taking part in this program. This item will be brought forth to City Council on April 27th before the Mayor signs this agreement. An update on dog problems was given. Chief Martin reported continued dialog with KenCom and also noted that 2 dog snares had been received. The use of the stun gun is not feasible because the weight of the dog must be obtained, therefore, making this an unsatisfactory solution. Alderman Ohare asked if anything could be done on a 24 hour basis to apprehend loose dogs. Fliers have not been circulated yet regarding the problem dog discussed at the prior meeting. He will discuss this option. The problem dog has been sighted by the river, though no recent complaints have been received. Chief Martin has asked KenCom to dispatch officers to a complaining person's home if the dog is sighted. Page 8 of 8 Alderman James inquired if there was a cat ordinance. It was noted that cats are to be kept on their own property. He asked if there should be an ordinance concerning the number of cats allowed per household. The committee felt that would be a zoning issue. It was suggested that the animal ordinance be published, however, the board decided to review the ordinance prior to that. It will be placed on the next agenda. Mayor Prochaska commended the Police personnel for their actions on the night of the recent tornado and thanked Chief Martin for going to Utica to assist in their tornado cleanup. The Mayor also shared the thanks he received from Utica. Alderman Kot felt there was some confusion about the all-clear siren. Mayor Prochaska stated there is actually no"all clear" and suggested the April newsletter should annually contain information regarding tornadoes. In addition, it was suggested that siren information be posted near receptionists in all public buildings defining what the sirens mean so that it can be explained to the public when they call. There was also discussion regarding proper signage within the city hall and the fact that the door to the basement stairs is normally locked. Alderwoman Ohare said the weather siren is not audible on Bruell Street at the present time. A siren will be placed on the new left station near that area. This installation should be made a priority as a result of the recent bad weather. She also mentioned a recent concern brought to her attention from a citizen. The citizen's 3 year old granddaughter wears hearing aids and there was concern about the decibel level for the young child. Information regarding the number of decibels emitted by the siren, was provided to the citizen In a recent newsletter Bill Dettmer wrote an article regarding safety issues for ponds as part of home landscaping. Currently there is no ordinance covering ponds. A citizen suggested limitations on the square footage. Depth is also a factor. This item will be brought back to the committee. Alderman Kot said a press release had been written by Chief Martin regarding the enforcement of the dam area. Officers will be checking fishing licenses and other issues with the park. Patrol of the area will also be increased. Mayor Prochaska reported concern for the safety at the bridge where rebar has been cut. Warning signs were requested from DOT for the bridge area, but the signs have not been received as of yet. It was noted the IDOT is responsible for the bridge and down to the water while IDNR is responsible for the water. As there was no further additional business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:40pm. Minutes respectfully submitted by, Marlys Young, Minute Taker ♦„CEO Co. �� o Yorkville Police Department Memorandum ri i 1 , 804 Game Farm Road EST> ' s 1836 Yorkville, Illinois 60560 Telephone: 630-553-4340 p� L - ® Fax: 630-553-1141 onse- ii".-‘1 Date: May 26th, 2004 To: Chief Martin From: Officer Delaney Ref: Total Station Proposal Sir: I have attached all the information I have obtained in regards to the purchase of a total station. In addition, I have attached various estimates for software to coordinate with the various total stations and estimates for training. After reviewing all this information, I feel the SOKKIA 4130R3 Total Station package is the best package to fit our needs. The quoted cost for this package is $9,999.00. This quote was received by Surveyors Instrument Service Co. of Phoenix, Arizona. This unit would assist us not only in traffic reconstruction, but also in crime scene investigations. If you have any additional questions, please contact me. Respectf Ily ubmitted, ,. --c-e-. CL6,,,,itt2/7 Officer Dave Delaney #217 TOTAL STATION In the demanding world of crash reconstruction and crime scene processing, we are always looking for ways to make our job easier, manage our time better, and improve our efficiency and accuracy. Crash reconstruction/crime scene sketching is one of the most important tasks in processing a scene but is usually rushed through and given little time. The crash/crime scene sketch is vital to every scene because it is the permanent visual record of the evidence and conditions of the scene. It is imperative that accurate measurements are taken so that a computer diagram may be completed. The process of measuring a scene with a total station is known as Forensic Mapping. The total station is the most efficient and accurate way to measure a traffic crash or crime scene. The total station is an electronic device that measures distances and angles from the instrument to points being mapped. The measurements are recorded and stored in the instrument (theodolite) or data recorder. After the scene has been mapped, the measurements are downloaded into a computer with mapping software. The case file then can be produced in 2D or 3D animations, depending on software capabilities. Previous to departments utilizing total stations, scenes were measured using tape measures, measuring wheels or whatever means could be used. On large or complex scenes, this means that the investigator could spend hours measuring the scene, which may affect the accuracy and quality of the measurements. When measuring with a tape measure, it is very difficult to measure any changes in elevations or heights. A highly trained investigator is able to measure about 40 points an hour with a tape measure. Using a total station, that number increases to more than 100 points per hour and the data that is collected contains elevation. Although the total station is ideal for outdoor scenes, it can also be used indoors. The total station is not limited to traffic crash scenes or death investigations. It can be used on any scene where the investigator feels that a diagram or animation will be beneficial to the case. The total station consists of four primary parts: theodolite, tripod, prism and prism pole. Theodolite—is an optical instrument that measures horizontal and vertical angles. The theodolite is able to move in the horizontal and vertical planes. The theodolite contains bubble levels and leveling knobs to level the instrument. Tripod —is an adjustable three-legged stand that the theodolite is mounted on. Prism —is a device that focuses the infrared beam to a single point and reflects it back to the prism. Prism Pole—is a telescoping graduated pole that the prism is attached to. M Simplified Explanation of the Operation of the Total Station Excerpted from the How Do It Know? A Simplified Explanation of GPS and Total Stations For Sketching or Diagramming Scenes First the math: from a known point (position with coordinates) going a given distance and direction, only one known point can be calculated. Using a reference point and a starting direction, in our case North, we can diagram an area using distances and directions of every other position we wish to represent on paper. A total station is just a fancy term for a tool that measures both angles and distances in one device. The total station requires two inputs before it can start mapping using coordinates. The total station needs to be set over a point which will become the origin, typically an arbitrary point however a `known' point may be used. The total station needs to be pointing in a known direction, typically north. Once these two parameters have been met, the total station can calculate a coordinate for every point recorded or `shot.' The total station uses infrared laser light to measure the distance to an object. Since the light travels at a known speed, the only value a total station needs to have is the time it took the light to reach the object. When a operator points the total station at an object or at a prism directly over an object, the device takes multiple readings in a very short period of time; calculating and checking the time it took to reflect off the object. The total station then displays and records this as a distance. The angle or direction to the object is measured relative to the starting distance. If we used north as our starting direction, every object to be mapped will have an angle associated with it. The total station uses a type of electronic circle, which it uses to measure angles in increments of 1/1,296,000 or one second of arc. When the operator points and shoots an object, the total station records the distance and the angle to create a coordinate for mapping. The best way to look at what a total station is doing is to think of trying to guide someone to a point. If a person is standing on a point and facing north, we can guide them to another point by telling them how far and in what direction to go. This is basically what the total station is doing. It is creating information so from any point calculated, you can find another point. The total station is creating a diagram by recording the coordinate of every point measured. tw0lor LUUL II screen; crap, IUWSiure Snci CSL reslslaIIT—iViib- -1 -2SIV; ` Windows CE-3.0;battery life up to 24 hours; time to first fyx 45 Sec. Mapping Applications, Homeland Security, Land Mgmt., Construction, Forestry(Fire),Agriculture, Environmental(Disease) SOKKIA SYS'T`EMS — VULCAN SYSTEMS NIKON SYSTEMS_ TOPCON SYSTEMS FIELD SUPPLIES ACCESSORIES 3 k g x` - tpC i' x Enforcement jaw Y _r < s5��.p awe .� a 4 4. -f c yc ��' i �*" q„Y �'l r'`� �.�"�� � ;� � '-;*-:::4,- �``��'yid �' 't "' ,3 L d, '$ 74 yf 'y3" t �,,y h; ..aw .,:a-sxa M..> s� „biz_,ard 8 , .,ku-.,e:'02,,,1.--,„�.,?z , . ...,�1��;a Different agencies Different missions Different platforms t Different environments Accident and Crime Investigation Forensic Reconstruction Homeland Security E-:"" i{ t.n3 x N "_.F , Z v ! i : s;X --,7,,‘,,7;i-',.;.;‘,(--'-'-- i'.'-''-',-.,4,,,,-1-7,,, ,ii- -'-.-,!,>.:-:;,-,`1, AR- ,, --_ ' .1 ,- , -f°f r 't f t I xT r V 44A'i7A2,. fi 14 : , 3 - � _ s'- Y�'�c a s: .�.. ` surveyors Instrument Service Co. 2800 N.16th Street Phoenix,Ai. 85006-1205 (602)266 -5777 or(800)817-5777 Fax(602)230-8575 email: John(a�su veyinstruments.com 36 sears Z'd SLSB OEZ [Z�9J uosa2.lag uyof" dSS Z0 b0 SZ eW Surveyors Instrument Service Co. 2800 N. 16th Street Phoenix,AZ 85006 17878 Via Casitas Chino Hills,CA 91709 (800)817-5777 or(602)266-5777 Fax(602)230-8575 (800) 560-4789 Fax(909)393-7090 email: john@surveyinstruments.com Duke Dutch Serving the U.S-34 years Cr* SOKKIA L. E.A. Crime/Accident/Reconstruction/Forensic Systems, Homeland Security 's Law Enforcement Applications Sales, Training & Support _'8 .. Bundle Pricin: ti LEA 4130R3 System*5 Sec. ReflectorIess Total Station *M $ 9,999.00 - . • , e • - - * --. • • ° : -• Total-station' t i ,t d,scu.,�i..�6 e—C1 . :,'i i.11 E-Z Station S-21 Prismless/short range EDM 600', visible laser—no data collection $ 3,500.00 Set 4130R3 .,1 Evidence Recorder with MapScenes—add$2,995.00 Reflectorless *Sokkia Systems come with Carlson XML Mapping Software or MapScenes 1,140 Ft. Substitute CrimeZone 3-D Software—deduct $595.00 GSR2650 LB"One-Man"GPS—3"to 5" $ 13,495.00 (OmniStar High Accuracy—$2,500/year) ^ml, Sokkia Custom GPS/LEA Rapid response, RTK, one-man,centimeter accuracy $29,900.00 11 Vulcan Arcsecond 3D Measurement System-one-man diagramming/mapping $24,999.00 with Interior and Exterior poles $29,999.00 G-2 Data Collection Software $ 1,295.00 111 Panasonic Data Logger with software(Toughbook)- Digital evidence logging $ 2,995.00 �i Available with GPS-9' to 11' Accuracy $ 3,990.00 :._ Exclusive GSA/Sokkia ***PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE*** Set 4110R Reflectorless Surveyors Instrument Service Company,a leader in field instrumentation and G.P.S., provides training and support with all of the systems we sell. Initial training on instrument and software included in package pricing. Our systems are designed to give you the fastest and most accurate tool to meet your investigative needs. t Panasonic Vulcan 3D iToughbook Measurement -- 1100 , Data Logger System , , ( 6 , _ .r, •�� n(:, .u:•_.. �, C -1t.( 1 t - i : at _,... Alli EZS-21 r °� .� j E-Z Stationakk `• i ,,•��� t. • 1\l sr tld A single tool fora ,r.. • . _-1ii€ .....;: r variety of ®,�•.*.S t� _. ...._�.._.__ Measurement tasks! Sokkia Custom GPS/LEA fr ' d SLS8-OE2 (2091 uosa2Jag uyor d.,i :EO b0 S2 ReW Crime Arai dept,-Rc-ems-tom ' ! a- I - ' S stems 4)46- 71 ,4c.-of enc/ S All systems include the following items: Instrument with on-board data collection - Tripod - Strobe Prism - Prism Pole - Bipod- Cables -MapScenes or CAD Zone software - 3days training ¢ - p.4/\ ** Training outside of Arizona (3 days) will be subject to additional charges for travel, lodging and meals. ACCESSORIES *Extra Battery—$395.00 *Extra Charger—$295.00 *Vehicle Inverter(for charger&other equipment)-$49.95 'Padded Backpack for systems—$295.00 *HP Desk Plotter—$1,999.00 *Complete field supplies *Hand-held G.P.S.with WAAS(9 to 11 ft)—$299.00 *Motorola Hand-Held radios(I to 4 miles)-2 radios—$450.00 *Desktop computer—Pentium IV, 1.8GHz,256mb SDRAM, 64mb video, 100G hard drive,Microsoft Windows XP, keyboard,mouse, DVD/CD,3 1/2"floppy drive, sound card,speakers, 17"monitor,Anti-virus program,MFC(printer, scanner,copier,fax), 1 year warranty—$2,495.00 *Laser/Jet Printer—$699.00 *Additional training—$600/day for instrument and software *LEA certificated(pass/fail)2-day mapping classes (minimum 10/maximum 40 per class)-$400.00/person OPTIONS MapScenes Pro Crash&Crime Software $ 1,395.00 Additional Seats(2 included) $ 1,095.00 MapScenes"Lite Solution"-Hand enter for IPAC collector—$595.00 w!computer software $ 995.00 Evidence Recorder Pro for Data Collectors $ 995.00 CrashZone/CrimeZone Software-2 dimensional $ 399.00 —3 dimensional $ 699.00 FireZone Software(Fire Depts)-2 dimensional $ 699.00 First Look PRO—First response software $ 399.00 Visual Statement Software-Professional Reconstruction Edition $ 1,495.00 Visual Statement Software—Law Enforcement Edition $ 995.00 G-2 Data Collection Software $ 1,295.00 Data Collector Platforms for field with MapScenes evidence recorder software imbedded: Panasonic Toughbook Data Logger with software—Digital evidence logging $ 2,995.00 TDS Recon Data Collector(without software)64mb, Windows CE $ 1,799.00 Thales/Ashtech Z-Extreme GPS—Rapid response, RTK, one-man,centimeter $34,500.00 ***ALL PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE*** Defense Logistics Agency—NAICS@Census.Gov CCR(888)227-2423 John Bergeson/Surveyors Instrument Service Co. Duns#148820954 FEDERAL FIREARMS LICENSE We have a F.F.L. available for agency or officer purchases Surveyors Instrument Service Co. 2800 N. 16th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85006-1205 (800) 817-5777 or (602) 266-5777 Fax (602) 230-8575 Email: john@surveyinstruments.com bi 'd SLSB–DEZ (209) uosa2Jag uyor d02 :60 170 sa Rew Surveyors Instrument Service Co. 2800 N. 16th Street Phoenix, AZ 85006-1205 (800) 817-5777 or (602) 266-5777 Fax: (602) 230-8575 email: john@surveyinstruments.com HOMELAND SECURITY Legislative Compliance Electric, Gas, Water, Power Plants, Disease, Disaster Emergency Management, Urban Response, Unpredictable Events, F.E.M.A., Signage, HAZUS, Security Analysis, Terrorist Events, Weather Tracking, U.S. Border Patrol, Emergency Response, Asset Mgmt., Risk Management & Liability Cities, Towns, Counties Public Works, School Districts, Fire, Arson, Military, D.O.D., Police, Sheriff, D.P.S., Highway Safety, F.B.I., A.T.F., N.T.S.B., Railroads. Forensic Mapping Systems Accident Reconstruction, Fatal Response, Crime Reconstruction. SOKKIA / PANASONIC Toughbook, hand held Data Logger with G.P.S. G.I.S. Mapping Applications 1 to 3 meters, Real Time WAAS Corrected, 12 Channels; dual multi-path mitigation; 1.4 lbs. for ease in mobility; Color touch screen; drop, moisture and dust resistant - MIL-STD-810; Windows CE-3.0; battery life up to 24 hours; time to first fix 45 Sec. Mapping Applications, Homeland Security, Land Mgmt., Construction, Forestry (Fire), Agriculture, Environmental (Disease) SOKKIA SYSTEMS - VULCAN SYSTEMS NIKON SYSTEMS - TOPCON SYSTEMS FIELD SUPPLIES & ACCESSORIES E 'd SLS8-062 (209) uosa2uag uyor d .T =EO b0 S2 ReW S w Order/Information Request Name Phone Fax Agency Division Address City,State& Zip ' Order Paid check credit card exp I� \ .s. . A i+� •tw< y _ ..1/4„1444 r1y , e\ .4' • �.. t Eat Ji;.�u '^i CO[a•T .atn'sK F+eb A`. y ?_ 4< _ d 1 1 e; F r . ii L�}f x ft f. J —/.. _` ,,l!k":,:;.4. .' ci Surveyors Instrument Service Co. 2800 N. 16th Street Phoenix, AZ 85006-1205 (602) 266-5777 or(800) 817-5777 Fax(602) 230-8575 email: john@surveyinstruments.com 9i 'd SLSB-0E2 (209) uose2Jag ugor di2 =E0 .170 SZ ReW •. , SOKKIA Series I 3OR Reflectorless Total Stations . .._ ,,. . .,...,..: , .,, . '-'r...;: r...r• ' .1it i', , - . .1.. jfi f , ....., _ . _ .4.,.,:. . . . ......_ ..'- AK . • . -- -,._ -.. ', ‘..,A.,"-i.,,;:i.-:,:,....--,,,,,-4.,„. , .,. , -'' ',., Spee an 1,; , 4pw, ti i A...,.. ti.- - - Y, — , -- Am WIAN .4 .4. ' ...,_. EX r 1 44.: i ' ; ' ' 111 I I .'•4'•I . 4,. , ' ,4 " '• ‘,4 14"?;4' P ' ' 1 1 '''' 1 .,- !-,-:',..,.,,F' HI r, - ., gib , _ r••e, ,. , • 1 , , ' : .I- ' i f . 1 ( '''' U FT .44410 t' '4..,•' 1 -, --, • e %. ..-,A - Ilk H'4;19i- 111 'I I . ' 1 • +.-.. ;.-• RAN G E , . q -..- .,., 'i •-• ' low rig '-- -13.4,;t':4°-•'-; ..., -'-':- ..._ .. - . . - ---'7' •.'''V"," 1-7:::-' " - , - ''-''IN':.1- 1* . . ','• r..r".1'.._ Miffi_rg-t_DEai, i _1, •.• OPthatTaiyara LICEI31-1220,11:CV ..‘.... -..........,, .,,,...otti: ... ....•Ills l'",130k, -,•.. ".."` , • '.. •V•fr I.% ---r ..;-?..,42., -0 "'''-'•7-',lift gni( ' - .!--`;---..,' 7* • 'f1;-' : ". - * "' ...„, ,_ _ „,. • 4IEL gib...7, 2( , pi _ ...,, . . •..; . ..„..r., ..• ... or_.„.....,•.„. .. .......__ ' — • 0111111111S .,... ISI \e' . 1111,.... -;.: , . -?.'....s.- ,,•;,. , 444% )10,-.t.cit.„:-',. • , '..- ( agA4.1.7_ r5A 74 , • :r ..... ..,........ , ....i. Laser 6eam image is sirriuletz''. a • -., y _ Guide Light Unit is a factory option. l• ,.4 '.-".' .011.1411Nr....", V- C f \ - '' :h Innovative Technology Ma 1 '� .„ .rs..2 y 5-'.. fi I New advances with RED-tech EDM Sokkia's revolutionary digital signal processing technology,RED-tech,relies on a unique procedure for measurement beam analysis.Using an A/D converter,it simultaneously samples measuring signals in three different frequencies.Furthermore,RED-tech uses advanced software to calculate distances.As a result,RED-tech ensures that the calculation method most suited to the condition of the measuring beam is selected.It also is able to deliver greater accuracy,speed,and range. • And now,RED-tech has been further • enhanced through the inclusion of improved optical and electronic components.Its new • • light emitting and receiving optics provide the ` ideal light path for capturing light with r" minimal loss.And its new highly tunable optical filter,which captures multiple samples ., of beams carrying the correct measurement 4 information,gives you greater precision with 1 , K difficult-to-measure objects.Thanks to these ; new components and its advanced T technology,RED-tech EDM paves the way to 1,•-•,-,_ r , + unprecedented distance measurement %., possibilities. es �a � -ezw / \ \ EY eche T O cerise gQrOr�`s,cv., Cr techn'rlogI'114, Ultra-wide reflectorless measurement range From extra-long distances to remarkably short ones,the Series130R offers accurate reflectorless measurement over a tremendous range of distances.The Series13OR total stations feature an IEC/FDA Class 3R laser,and cover a range from 0.3m to 350m(1ft.to 1,140ft.).Models equipped with an IEC/FDA Class 2/II lasers are also available as a factory option.These have a reach of up to 150m(490ft.). Distances based on use of the white side of a KODAK Gray Card. Reflectorless measurement i Sokkia's traditional optics range and accuracy with a Kodak Gray Card Sokkia's traditional optics have never been more refined.Light is projected from the middle of an SET1130R3•SET2130R3•SET3130R3•SET4130R3(standard models) objective lens and received along its periphery. IEC/FDA Class 3R laser products When combined with a narrow measuring beam,this design enables pinpoint measurement and is highly Whiteside 90%reflective ±(3+2ppm a D)mm ±15+lOppmaD)mm effective even with narrow objects.Furthermore,the new telescope provides an extremely bright and ,. -: 200m(65011) 3som(1,1ao8.) sharp sight. f 1$93reff 6-vir ±(5+ 10ppm x D)mm 1 0.3m(18.) 100m(320ft.) 170m 155010 SET1130R•SET2130R•SET3130R•SET4130R(factory options) IEC/FDA Class 2/Il laser products ?t ±(5+t Oppm x D)mm j White side ±(3+2ppm x D)mm 90%reflective Receiver 100m(3208.) 150m(4900.) •t;raytsida A. `.1nreflective ±(5+5ppm x D)mm 0.3m(111.) 45m(14011.)80m 1260f1.) Transmitteral ±(3+2ppm x D)mm Optics diagram I kes Reflectorless EDM More Powerful Than Ever Ultra-narrow visible laser for pinpoint accuracy - A II Series130R:The ultra-narrow laser beam enables accurate measurements through obstacles such as chain-link fences,tree branches,etc. x Broader beam models:Both the fence and wall get measured.which `r /�, leads to erroneous measurement. B P , / C 11011 : Measurements at small incident 411114 _ angles,such as with manholes on the ,,� -� �+ road surface,are �, handled with high gprecision by the Series130R: i, ultra-narrow laser The measuring beam is i measuring beam. extremely narrow,soBroader beam models: distances to walls and `;� Wider measuring beams end corners can be measured 44 up covering a larger area with pinpoint accuracy. ' expected at small Broader beam models:A wide incident angles,resulting in measuring beam hits points near 6,'.\ measurements that are too and tar at the same lime,resulting C long or short. in inaccurate measurement_ The Series13OR employs an ultra small-diameter visible laser to obtain measurements with pinpoint accuracy.Fine objects,as well as the corners of walls and other structures,can be measured precisely. You can also make accurate measurements through obstacles such as chain-link fences and tree ';`a branches. 1 Laser-pointer function . -- ' The visible laser beam can be used as a convenient laser pointer for interior leveling work,vertical alignment,setting out,and other tasks. Long-distance measurement with reflectors Measure long distances by directing the laser beam at a reflector.When using a single AP prism,you can measure as far as 5,000m(16,000ft.)'at once,with an accuracy of±(2+2ppm x D)mm.In addition,reflective sheet targets may be used to get measurements of up to 500m(1,600ft.)"with±(3+2ppm x D)mm precision. 3 Choose from Sokkia's wide selection of sheet targets to suit your needs.Rotating pin-pole targets,two-point target for measuring hidden points,and many other innovative reflective targets are available. • •In good weather conditions. 'When using RS90N-K. `�.- -t In the reflective sheet or prism modes,maximum laser output is automatically reduced to 1`` ln 0.22mW.This is equivalent to the level of an IEC/FDA Class 1/1 laser.The Series130R also E'�- - includes a safety filter in the telescope,which protects your eye from the laser beam if you happen to sight a reflective prism or sheet target while in reflectorless mode. `` a a-., .i - i _ -77.,.-. 1-' I A4 fi $ Enhanced Hardware Relia - 1 - - . I Sokkia's original absolute encoders II Data and status checks at a glance Each Series13OR total station has a built-in control panel on both sides of its body.These control panels have a clearly visible LCD - =. screen that lets you quickly check EDM mode(reflectorless,prism, ' wilior reflective sheet target),laser beam mode,guide light function,and LED r more. -_- rz{�*+ CCD ' cd"9' gas Absolute encoder disk IP' ,F, ! * 4• ; ! ! es 'R -3 ,ge sty ,; �i fix;lu ® z „+R g i,, * j{ ',dtt�'';.,ST 'r¢ a1s7�.a;Fi.. ' ,.7A t al* .f fit - if Encoder diagram ''` d Ft f-2 I'9 r: ,.-.-y. t1'.. tea. The Series13OR total stations are equipped with Sokkia-developed absolute encoders.These encoders feature the RAB(RAndom Bi- -: , r � directional)code technology first used in the SDL30 digital level, _ ,,,o ,; which provides high stability and reliability.You do not need to reset for 0 indexing at the start of a job,so surveying can begin from the moment you turn on the power.Work efficiency is also boosted by the immediate display of azimuth whenever you restart the total station. Reflectorless r Triple-axis compensation for high Reflective sheet target Q......_--0 Prism reliability Vertical and horizontal angles are compensated for by a dual-axis compensator that detects the tilt of the total station in two directions. In addition,a collimation function corrects the deviation of the telescope's mechanical axis.Working together,these features offer maximum reliability with angle measurements. ; Easy target selection Selecting a target is amazingly simple.You can switch between reflectorless,prism,and reflective sheet target modes just by Password function for security pressing the SFT key in sequence,and the icon of selected target is The Series13OR provides a password-protection function for security displayed on the LCD screen for easy confirmation. purposes.You can assign your own password to the instrument to prevent unauthorized use. Large internal memory r Easy operation with alphanumeric keys, softkeys, and new direct keys The large internal memory can store approx.10,000 data points.Its multiple job file structure allows you to have 10 job files. Alphanumeric keys(10 keys)are laid out for easy entry of point names,coordinate values,and other information.Softkey functions are freely assigned by users for their convenience.New direct keys allow on-the-fly access to"configuration","electronic level"and CompactFlash card unit (factory option) "EDM returned signal check"screens. A card drive for commercially available CF memory cards(Type I)can be added Aas an optional feature.With this card drive,your memory capacity becomes aSuperior environmental protection virtually unlimited.Approx.72,000 data points can be stored on an 8MB card. Featuring advanced protection against dust and water the Cards up to 128MB are supported. Series13OR total stations are able to withstand harsh environmental conditions(IP64 compliant). bilityand Increased Productivity �, S E, f -.-- .4-4.a +Z.' ` IT . SF14 wireless keyboard (option) Guide Light Unit GDL2 (factory option) The SF14 wireless keyboard has a total of 37 keys(including W alphanumeric keys,softkeys,andf' 14111,111 _ measurement controls),to enable **-:',---'7'.-14 _. Y - quick and easy data entry of point + "t names and coordinate values. to Because all key I - operations can be performed with this rib u>'++4.4 `sr 1 �,�,� The Guide Light Unit GDL2 boosts efficiency with setting-out jobs.Its wireless keyboard, --.4?' guide light is composed of two lights of different colors that are pz -u s you won't need to _a v emitted from one aperture.From the left side,you see only a green IP touch the total station after it's been , u u light;from the right,only a red light.And when you see green and 44 aimed at the target.Protection against ..r,, 4 red flashing back and forth simultaneously,that means you are on dust and water is another advantage,as . M the telescope sighting direction.The GDL2 has a range of up to you can use the keyboard without worry in the 150m(490ft.).A special flashing pattern is also included to assist rain or at a dusty construction site(IP44 "' " d a„;,,,F users with color weakness. compliant).The SF14 wireless keyboard can also be used with Series030R,Series30R,and ` 4 Seriesl0 total stations. , :r r r IP II I FOF sensors L Sokkia's original and extremely compact FOF - The light may be used up to a range of A special flashing pattern is also included 150m(49011.). to assist users with color weakness_ (Fiber made of Optical Filter material)sensors are mounted on two sides of Series130R total !Guide Light Unit GDL2 I Green LED(524nm)and Red LED(630nm)(IEC Class 1 LED) stations for communication with the optional I Visible range 11.3m to 150m(4 3ft to 490ft.) SF14 wireless keyboard.These sensors are - Visible width Horizontal&vertical:more than t4`;approx.7m at 100m(23ft.at 320ft.) extreme) resistant to li ht interference,and a Center resolution Within 4',approx.12cm at 100m(4.7in,at 3201t.) y g ..Ftl.., Ire Guide 00.1 Ur Torr.be bred snWtareoosly h Fe laser poin'e,urc:on have a wide signal reception range to allow -- " - c,- comfortable use of the keyboard. men iiiiw'1 E FOF sensor (7 1 41111 Two battery types: Ni-MH and Ni-Cd The BDC35A Ni-MH battery*gives you 6.5 hours of continuous angle and distance measurement.The optional Ni-Cd battery(BDC40A) offers longer operation in low temperatures. F': 'Standard equipment. ,mss- _--'A e i w1 (n` 1:1 11121 NM ' 3R 2/11 A f v 1 Reflcctodess Laser Painter Sheet Target Prism 1 IEC/FDA IEC/FDA Absolute Compensator Repetition % LCD Level .-_- . +1 •2 *1 r2 ;ODZ ff7 Ug BM g 'Batter)) BaTMe0 a GuideLight Ex-Keyboard! (Q000pointsl IIMemoryCardi j RS-2320 i ;Printer-0utt Ni-MH I Ni-Cd I 64 i } •'Factory option "Option , AI •. yx ; 1 *mak, �' 4 -�- : . L . - _. Versatile Functions for Hig . r Missing Line Measurement(MLM) 31 Offset/Distance At the touch of a key,the Series130R measures horizontalv The Series130R distance,slope distance,height difference and percentage of calculates the angles and slope between two points. distance,or the M°as1 coordinates of the P"' measuring point by inputting the distance and I Remote Elevation Measurement(REM) direction between the The Series130R easily determines the height of a point ` measuring point and the where distance cannot be measured directly.Sight a point offset point. either directly above or directly below the target point,and then sight the target point. I Offset/Angle The Series130R automatically calculates the position of measuring points. First, i 3-D Coordinate Measurement M•.` measure a point on either The Series130R side of the measuring calculates 3-D coordinate _ _ point at the same /' values of measuring o„s P distance from the / `� points and displays them i Series130R instrument. either as N, E,Z or E,N, e Then sight the measuring "�Z Ii point. E 1 Two-Distance Offset With the use of a 2RT500-K 2-point target,the Series130R Automatic Azimuth Angle Setting can measure hidden points easily and efficiently.Set the v .,, I The Series130R can two-point target on the measuring point(the target does not 1 automatically set the have to be perpendicular),measure targets A and B,and horizontal angle to the `wie��� input the length between azimuth of a back sight by " 1"I/� target B and the ” Z using the coordinates of "'=m\Immw� measuring point.The ��`` Series130R calculates E the instrument station and A N\,e'N40 O. the back sight point. `,%��/ the position of the B \N/�// measuring point in angles 1 ; and distance,or in :4,,•m coordinate values. Resection Setting Out The Series130R can determine the azimuth and coordinates The Series130R performs of an unknown instrument station with 2 to 10 known points. three-dimensional setting When using two points,measure both angles and distances. A out with N, E and Z or E, When using three or more points,the distance is not required. N and Z coordinates. Station elevation from known reference points(up to 10 =-._ Directions and distances points)can also be z 1 -s-- u•- calculated and each "� / to the setting out position , Alideviation of multiple E are indicated on the reference points is screen. Z displayed.If a bad point is N. 1 selected it can be V E recalculated,re-observed or replaced with a new point. 4111. k h Work Efficiency at Diverse Sites t aor. . '-'aV4f ';`TC y -,,,..'----?-;41,,0:_;1.:4,.-. 3 Set-out Line .. The Set-out line program is used for setting out and checking alignment of curb lines,construction boards and grades of pipes.A baseline or an offset from baseline can be defined. When calculating the measuring point, it's possible to calculate and use the scaled down coefficient of the distance and surveyed value that was calculated using the known i coordinate values of 2 points. A I Point Projection '.',. This program projects a point onto a line. It calculates the - distance and offset of the point relative to the specified • baseline,and it computes the coordinates of the intersection r point,which can then be directly set out. Elevations are i interpolated where possible. When calculating the measuring point, it's possible to calculate and use the scaled down coefficient of the distance and surveyed value that was calculated using the known coordinate values of 2 points. 3. eye, x, Me«eeee ee e. � - ... IeeMee'e. 11 i Ideal partner for data collectors lo� e The Series13OR's two-way communication capability brings out the full functionality of external data collectors. Set-out Line and Po r Projection All operations,except for sighting,can be performed with a data collector,so there is no need to touch the instrument itself. 1 Area Calculation The Series13OR can use Standard accessories ' measured points or 1 stored data to calculate BDC35A rechargeable Ni-MH batteries(2 pcs.)• t , A, ' an area. CDC39/40/48 quick charger•CP7 tubular compass• ,,i / t Lens hood•Lens cap•Plumb bob•Tool kit•Wiping e cloth•Vinyl cover•Operator's manual•Carrying case 1 �]�! •Shoulder strap•Laser caution sign(for Class 3R models only) Optional accessories SF14 wireless keyboard•Guide Light Unit GDL2 .a "7 sem- (factory option)•SCRC3 CF card unit(factory option)• t fa CDC41 car cigar sockets charger•BDC40A Ni-Cd Missing Use REM Coordinate Aute Aiitruth Resection Offset Offset battery•BDC12 Ni-Cd large external battery•EDC2A 7r ) if— AC adaptor(100 to 240V)•OF3A solar filter•DE25 _.,..z9 1 ._.._..a diagonal eyepiece•DOC46 printer cable•DOC25(25 Offset Set Out Set Out Line Poi!Rs,euton Area pins,male),DOC26(25 pins,female), DOC27(9 pins, female),DOC1 (w/o connector)interface cables Series 'I 30R Reflectorless Total Stations SPECIFICATIONS SET1130R3•SET2130R3•SET3130R3•SET4130R3•SET113OR•SET213OR•SET3130R•SET4130R Model SET1taoR3 i SET213oR3 I SET313oR3 I SET413oP3 SET113oR I SET213oR I SET313oR I SET413oR I Availability Standard models Factory options Laser class IEC/FDA Class 3R Laser Product IEC/FDA Class 2/II Laser Product Telescope ,Fully transiting,coaxial sighting and distance measuring optics Length:t71mm(6.7in.),Objective aperture:45mm(1.8in.)(EDM 48mm(1.9in.)),Magnification:30x,Resolving power:2.5',Image:Erect,Field of vievr 110'(26m/1,000m), Minimum focus:1.3m(4.35.),Reticle glass:oo mark printed,Reticle illumination:5 brightness levels Angle measurement Photoelectrical absolute encoder scanning.Both circles adopt diametrical detection. Unit Degree/Gon/Mil,selectable Display resolutions(selectable) 0.5'/1',0.1/0.2mg,0.002/0.005mil 1'/5',0.2/1mg,0.005/0.02mil 0.5'/1',0.1i0.2mg,0.002/0.005mi1 1'/5',0.2/1mg,0.005/0.02mil Accuracy)150/DIN12857-2:1997) _1'/0.3mg/0.005mi1'2'/0.6mg/0.01mil 3'/1mg/0.015mil 15'l 1.5mg/0.025mi1 1'/0.3mg/0.006mill 2'/0.6mg/0.01mil 3'/1mg/0.015mil '5'/1.5mg/0.025mi1 Measuring time '0.5s or less,continuous Measurement mode H Clockwise/Counterclockwise,selectable.0 set,Hold,Angle input,repetition,available. V Zenith 0/Horizontal 0/Horizontal 0±/Slope in%,selectable Automatic dual-axis compensator Dual-axis liquid tilt sensor,Working range:±3'(±55mg) Collimation compensation On/Off,selectable Fine motion screws Fine/Coarse 2-speed motion Distance measurement Modulated laser,phase comparison method with red laser diode,coaxial optics Laser output Reflectorless mode:Class 38 equivalent(max.5mW) I Reflectorless(node:Class 2/11 equivalent(max.0.99mW) Prism/Sheet mode:Class 1/I equivalent(max.0.22mW) I Prism/Sheet mode:Class 1/1 equivalent(max.0.22mW) Unit Meters/feet/inches,selectable Measuring range Reflectorless'' 10.3 to 350m(1 to 1,140ft.)(White side,90%reflective) 0.3 to 150m(1 to 490ft)(White side,90%reflective) (slope distance) (using Kodak Gray Card) 10.3 to 170m(1 to 550ft.)(Gray side,18%reflective) 0.3 to Som(1 to 2600.)(Gray side,18%reflective) With reflective sheet target I RS90N-K:1.3 to 500m(1,640ft.),RS50N-K:1.3 to 300m(980ft.),RS10N-K:1.3 to 100m(320ft.) With mini prisms I CP01:1.3 to 800m(2,6208.),OR1PA:1.3 to 500m(1,64011.) With 1 AP prism Under average conditions'3:1.3 to 4,000m(13,120ft.),Under good conditions'4:1.3 to 5,000m(16,400±.) With 3 AP prisms I Under average conditions'3:to 5,000m(16,400ft.),Under good conditions'♦:to 6,000m(19,680ft.) Display resolutions Fine mode 10.0001/0.001m,0,001/0.01ft., 0.001m,0.01ft..1/Bid 0.0001/0.001m,0.001/0.01h., 0.001m,0.018.,1/8in. 11/16 or 1/8in. 1/16 or 1/8in. Rapid single/Tracking 1 Rapid single:0.001m,0.0111.,1/8in./Tracking:0.01m,0,1ft.,1/2in. Accuracy Reflectorless' ° 10.3 to 200m(1 to 650ft.):±(3+2ppm x D)mm 0.3to100m(1to320ft.):±(3+2ppm eD)mm (D=measuring (Fine mode) I Over 200 to 350m(over 650 to 1,140ft.):±(5 a loppm a 0)mm Over 100 to 150m(over 320 to 490ft.):±(5 a tOppm x 0)mm distance,unit mm) Rellectorless'''z 10.3 to 200m(1 to 65181.):±(6+2ppm x Djmm 0.3 to 100m(1 to 320ft.):±(6 2ppm x D)mm (Rapid single mode) 'Over 200 to 350m(over 650 to 1,1400.):±(8+loppm x D)mm Over 100 to 150m(over 320 to 4908.):±(8+lOppm x D)mm With reflective sheet target i Fine:±(3+2ppm x 0)mm,Rapid single:±(6+2ppm x D)mm With AP prism 1 Fine:±(2+2ppm x D)mm,Rapid single:±(5+2ppm x 0)mm Measuring time Fine mode j Repeat:every 1.3s(initial 2.6s),Single:2.6s Rapid single/Tracking J Rapid single:1.8s/Tracking:Every 0.3s(initial 1.6s) Measuring mode(selectable) !Fine(single/repeat/average),Rapid(single),Tracking Atmospheric correction/Prism constant correction;Temperature/Pressure/ppm input,available./-99 to+99mm(1mm steps).0 fixed in reflectorless mode. Refraction 8 earth-curvature correction ION(K=0.142/0.20)/OFF,selectable Data storage and transfer 1 Data storage Internal memory 'Approx.10,000 pouts with max.10 job files Memory card unit j SCRC3 CF card unit is available as a factory option. Scale tactor setting 10.5 to 2.0 Interlace ;Asynchronous serial RS-232C compatible,Baud rate:1,200 to 38,400bps Printer output 'Centronics compatible(with optional DOC46 printer cable) General Display (Alphanumeric/graphic dot matrix LCD,192 x 80 dots,with backlight,with contrast adjustment,on both faces Keyboard j 4 softkeys,3 direct keys,alphanumeric keys,total 31 keys on both faces SF14 wireless keyboard (Optional Laser-pointer'unction 'ON(auto off in 5 minutes)/OFF,selectable.(Does not work simultaneously with the Guide Light) Laser radiation indicator Yes None Guide Light Unit GDL2 Factory option Sensitivity of levels Plate level 20'/2mm I30°/2mm 120'/2mm 130'i 2mm Circular/Graphic 1 Circular level:10'/2mm /Graphic LCD level:3'/outer circle Optical plummet Magnification 15.5x 13x 15.5x J 3x Trihrach 'Detachable Dust and water protection/Operating temperature ;Conforms to IP64(IEC 60529:1989)/-20 to+50`C(-4 to+122'F) Instrument height/Sire with handle and battery 1236mm(9.3in.)from tribrach bottom/W 175 x D 171 x H 345 mm(W 6.9 x D 6.7 x H 13.6 in.) Weight with handle and battery 'Approx.5.8kg(12.71b.) Power supply '6V DC BDC35A detachable battery Ni-MH rechargeable battery,2 BDC35A are included as standard accessories. Continuous use per battery About 6.5 hours(about 600 points)(single measurement every 30 seconds) at 25'C(77°F) About 9 hours(angle measurement only) Recharging time About 70 minutes per battery BDC12 external Ni-Cd battery(optional) Continuous use at 25°C(TTF):About 25 hours(single measurement every 30 seconds),about 35 hours(angle measurement only) Automatic power cut-oft Auto-off time is selectable from 30,15,10,5 minutes or none. Resume function Yes Reflectorless range/accuracy may be varied according to measuring objects.observation situations and environmental conditions. '2 With Kodak Gray Card White Side(90%reflective) '3 Average conditions:Slight haze,visibility about 20km(12 miles).sunny periods.weak scintillation. '4 Good conditions:No haze,visibility about 40km(25 miles),overcast.no scintillation. LASER RADIATION LASER RADIATION AVOID DIRECT EYE EXPOSURE W.on STM WOMAN BO 0001.0 11049044 1114039011.1)63549am QA55111ASLPRIOUCT aASS21ASERPAaa1CT 000OAz/n228B ItC4016414422101 Sokkia is a sponsor of the DD.Kiaaregiterdu I �ademarxuttb,eaal or 00000 Company International Federation trade„ar.m sekua co..Lid Product names mentioned In Ibis worbure are,rad.ennarks o„ne,r respective owners. of Surve ors Designs and specdications are subject to change without notice Y SOKKIA CO.,LTD. IS09001 Certified CIA-0557) http://www.sokkia.co.jp/english/ INTERNATIONAL SALES DEPARTMENT 260-63 HASE,ATSUGI,KANAGAWA,243-0036 JAPAN PHONE+81-46-248-7984 FAX+81-46-247-1731 A-211-E-1-0312-CH-AB Printed in Japan on 100%recycled paper with ecologically sale soy ink. ©2003 SOKKIA CO.,LTD. Traffic Services - Traffic Crash Reconstruction Technology Page 1 of 3 "'�`� t7 �" •. '.'"^t 1'r s ,� n ^°"3".r rsxv ^^=f"5t. ,r i s 'd *I �"i „' 'r^ + , — ww e °� -y A; cry ".;...r-,,,f` '��'� s s u" �f n 3� �,,w f c�.✓ y ur "y.a .r* p�Aiii d ri r° ` �, ! ✓o- trite a rAIRMZIli f .k d x v � 4 1 %tet. yi, j%, k ....sc�' ; iW h T fie: 'aa1 ty {°` .£. $ a... 'l"+.... �:d3''�i�t.4t,-t,'4 Y"':?a:A4V-L.ii; ,Y..z f..+a: a'�.��x sfit'.,*,*s, "Kt'.<;";? aO''" '*OVI:V,..'1 -on.K ,• '.x .. .a' t;Ai'ev+.l «�,ak , Michigan.gov Home MSP Home I MSP Site Map I Contact MSP Search � -grA — Relatc z� 71! PFe IVTER t F � iri ndIy >Unif >Crime Prevention I enc State Police e Cita Agency: >Micl Rape Drug —P 'Awareness Traffic Services - Traffic Crash Reconstruction Technology Me. •>Safety Tas Police Services for The reconstruction program has pursued new technology aggressively over Rep the past seven years. New technology has become available to make the Cerl •>Citizens g reconstruction specialist's job easier, faster, more accurate, and safer. New >Micl >Services in Support technologies implemented include the use of the Total Station as part of a Spe of Law Enforcement Forensic Mapping System for the recording of evidence, the use of _ Mea Chaplains computers for analysis, and the use of 3-dimensional animation for court Tas presentation. Fee Emergency Total Station Forr Telephone Service Unif 1 „The total station is a combination of an Committee ilk, '' Electronic Distance Measuring Instrument _>Unif �,4?-, .i .. Cod Forensic Artists k, (EDMI) and a theodolite. The total station can [,',.i.:.:.:.-.- E E .:`:7,7'1';',: ,t n be set up off the roadway. Evidence is located >Crin MSP Grants °.,,,- r''_''', mss. by an investigator holding a pole with a prism Just Investigative '"'; _ over a location of evidence. The instrument is Infos Assistance focused on the prism and the operator takes a € Cen Law Enforcement ., k ' „ _'shot' by pressing a button on the data collector. >For( An infrared beam is emitted at the prism and is reflected back to the - SciE Resources instrument. The operator then enters a code for the specific'shot' and the o Divi: specialized Teams investigator with the pole moves to another evidence location, and the ,>The -- - -- - process continues. The data collector records the distance, angle and Just MSP News&Events elevation for each 'shot'. MSP has purchased the Sokkia Set 5E total ,, - fi ' _ .� `1LZ Infer stations with the Sokkia SDR-33 data collector xt ,„ ',;i 4- 't ; V' Cen MSP Districts&Posts This model of total station is accurate to 1/8 inch *,,ikx T,,,, s ¢ € Site over aquarter mile for distance measurements. 1 .° s WISP Organization �, ;`: �� >Traf This is more accurate than using a tape and 1!, ' UD- St Bristosyeliminates the possibility of transposing - Fre( numbers while recording measurements. - Ask, Licensing&Permits ,,, N�` r QUE Reconstruction specialists are using ��� .1a, Microsurvey's Mapscenes as their drawing >Traf Specialized Divisions software. Crash and crime scenes are measured using the total station and, - App Education,Training when completed, the data is downloaded to the laptop computer and the Law Careers ->software. This allows the reconstruction specialist to review the data ->LEA collected, ensuring that all necessary data is collected and documented , Publications,Forms Forms before leaving the scene. Once back at the office, the drawing is downloaded >Traf &Statistics into the CAD software for completion. Sen Studies conducted by the states of Washington and Kentucky determined Traf that use of the total station for measuring crash scenes allowed the officers Rec to record one-third more data points in about half the time it took to measure >Traf by hand. Typically, using the total station saves between 1 and 2 hours of Sen measuring time per accident. In addition to the time-savings in measurement, Traf the crash scene is safer for the officer and has less traffic congestion and Ord, fewer road closures. Also, considerable time is saved in completion of the ` scale diagram as compared to drawing it by hand. The final result is a reconstruction that is based on more accurate measurements and scale http://www.michigan.gov/msp/0,1607,7-123-1589_3493_8224-16187--,00.html 5/20/2004 Traffic Services - Traffic Crash Reconstruction Technology Page 2 of 3 diagram and which takes less time to complete. Forensic Mapping System Once the reconstructionist has completed the investigation, testimony in court is the next step. Reconstruction cases can be difficult to describe to a jury and, depending on the individual case, can be highly technical in nature. The reconstructionist must explain the situation observed at the scene, how and when the data was collected, as well as the methodology used to draw conclusions and opinions about the crash. During court testimony, a scale diagram of the scene is used to assist the jury in understanding the events that occurred. New computer technology has allowed the reconstructionist to take court testimony one step further with the ability to create a 3-dimensional animation of the crash sequence. 3-D animation is nothing more than taking the completed reconstruction and transforming it into a moving picture. Animations have been used for several years by private firms; however, the cost of creating animations is extremely expensive. The Michigan Department of State Police recognized a need for computer animation to assist our department with criminal investigations and to also assist other departments in their investigations at no charge. Having this technology available to all departments throughout the state gives smaller departments that could not possibly afford the software and training access to state-of-the- art technology. The Michigan Department of State Police has been using 3-D animation in their investigations since 1995. Since MSP was the first law enforcement agency in Michigan to use computer animation in traffic crashes, certain precedents had to be established. The number one precedent was to get the animation itself admitted into court as evidence. To get admitted, the reconstructionist not only has to be accepted as an expert in accident reconstruction, but also as an expert in computer animation. Once accepted as an expert witness, the reconstructionist has to explain the way in which the animation was created and how the scene evidence was incorporated into the animation. Everything seen in the animation has been calculated and documented by the reconstruction itself, then put into motion and placed onto a video tape for viewing. Various camera positions can be chosen to give a complete look at the dynamics of the crash. MSP received their first conviction using computer animation in July 1995 and several more convictions have followed. The animation is the concluding piece, one that ties all the evidence, photographs, diagrams, opinions, and conclusions together into one motion picture of how the crash occurred. 3-Dimensional Animation • r .. b PRECISION MIDWEST DAVE WILL 3 South 140 Barkley Avenue Midwest Construction Warrenville, IL 60555 Instrument Sales Toll Free 800.469.5669 • Phone 630.836.1000 ;'Trimble- Fax 630.836.8850 Cell 630.742.6358 AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTOR www.precisionmidwest.com SURVEYING INSTRUMENTS,LASERS,SALES,SERVICE,SUPPLIES,RENTALS .t,. prog mw.-P„4,--- PRECISION MIDWEST A IKON-TRI B CO.,LTD. Nikon May 18, 2004 Yorkville Police Department Officer Dave Delany Dear Dave: Thank you for your interest in working with our company. As stated over the phone, we have a variety of options that I can put together to satisfy your needs. The first option and one that I would most recommend for your budget is the Nikon DTM 332 combined with the Trimble LM80. This instrument package is the most user friendly and is economically balanced as well to best fit your budget. The second option is the Trimble 5600 series total station. This option comes equipped with Direct Reflex (which has the ability to shoot a surface without a reflector) and robotic mode which gives you the option to run the instrument with a one-man operation. This instrument is not as cost efficient in the beginning, but will pay for itself within a short period of time. Thank you again for your time and efforts, Sincerely, Dave Will Midwest Construction Sales Associate MAY 18 2004 12: 49PM HP LASERJET 3200 P• 2 3 5 140 Barkley Ave • Warrenville,11 60555 ! r a:.ai c sltl lli d� °.Iliil If+ "'. w ;vpn '4i ..1.,,, 4' Y 1.44 i, I` .+.i � !I ;;.�eF hi±�llll' i :. t: M -,t � ..: 1 ��� i ��tYlrti I .,t w �,' n.. .:r�iXl �k:'�@}, X11 i�6n;,1.F. 6 P°"��•�•�I�iQi}�liln}II...I� y, nit , .. I ,' ,,g r,, 4 Ftp tl g 1 r ! a ql. .if1j1p l 1j1,° I 'c..r,idi 11W1..-41 Rllu1 d. '"} I ,1:� .I .,,, ' �.� BIW E4M'f,: •i p1,i,II UL�! ,p'�y�illliVo l I I1 r Ildi' ilii 111101113I.I I(1%. �1� 9 ki.•� !1! #r �11121N1 . Iiu:� , .� R iil.:', 1 1,11pi, IR !l! ll ! IL _ lir, n• I aalauiv !.!,4al!li„' 060%11 ll „r "11Loiail��, it May 18,2004 ATTN:Officer David Delany Dear Dave: Thank you for your time this morning.I checked on the warranty information on the Trimble LM80 and the NIKON DTM332.Both have a one year warranty for parts and labor.The instrument I showed you today was the DTM 332,which is the low end instrument for NIKON.I'm sorry that I miss informed on that part.I checked out some other brands such as LEICA and 9 OKKIA which were around the same price range. The LEICA has one advantage ,pli. t, 6�Il1v I.;rithe NIKON which is the ability to take reflectorless shots and its price range is I<q' ' Ii 11 414 t th same as ours. The SOKKIA is a cheaper unit, and we can order one for F t, f f r ,,till , I�1U I e quality is not there.Also neither one is pre-programmed into the LM80, lr,?bt1111, �I ; ti taia Il.,,1 ,,..', ii, 11til itime and money is involved in using a different instrument other than the ii' n 1 .��jinlill ,� - iyH,;m 11 1 "���a !! ill"�,, ��" , tsv ,,G; M 332. e are the only dealer K ithin close proximity to your office as ;,;' , ,_ ',',7,.!i,',21,;['fonl ,company who has roamingsales staff. Ifyou have anyother 0,P. iw, ,11,,E,” Ii-1'1,:',:., �IR: n ��r 5 p Y 01 . l , i�0,, .4',..:,,l:4i-'u ons or concerns please feel free to call. You can reach me any time on my cell , i -11.@I yup or call our office(both numbers listed below)Monday through Friday 6:30 Illll�,, 1' I i OP . IV X11 ''0 m. 4110u@�ii 4-P" Cell: (630)742-6358 Office:(630)836-1000 • Again,many thanks for your time and efforts! Sincerely, 4(-/12L 1:•-, ...1:., David G.Will 1 1101(1'1011'1 ' �d� ,'1''11 I i 1 rilii,411 1i• ill iN,i�llIli ll i i.itjil�l� ll1f1P l ll00 lM ,c 1 I .,II i i 1".41� I�,,�j�� t I�� I i I° tilffl�(�114 cl'ihili .g �' '4...,-,,,,. ,r .p i if ° ,En+- 4 �,II '4 4'1401 !!ii il1411iilli? Mall,. ;+i 111;1 "II ���( l p 'qi ill}',�i �I�}e ryi�Illh .... �� ill.� i.:,a li•� al�3I�L ,_ G I MAY 28 2004 8: 58AM HP LASERJET 3200 p. 2 PRECISION MIDWEST SALES• SERVICE•800.469.5669 • SUPPLIES• RENTALS 3 South 140 Barkley Avenue,Warrenville, IL 60555 P.O,# www.precisionmidwest.corn Phone: 630.836.1000 • Fax: 630.836.8850 Job# Sold To: ❑ SALES ORDER Ship To: %QUOTATION Name Yne icy 1 LU 6p • Name Address 301.4- Cr A& Y24'k R � Address City County State Zip Code ` "[o► al t l.4._.E l L CoQ 5 tater c, c.P,t1. Di € ^, 6 City County Slate Zip Code / �j"_ �yC�onttacctt Date; s7 60/o0 --t 'S ✓ r[,�"C u Phone QTY Part Number Description S/N Unit Price Amount Cj 00 'skciiNO u e'ir-lie-64 747WL-.cSl1tr/A!J 14 7 47(1 -c- - / t E G- SG NI 1•:(14-a S ,tori 40o f t'`l/rzie Mg IArti. 1 8z.9 f.% t #AA? 4r.CIJ p((.., btz o e &dPTt)/(Pt. V39 6:'-'— i -'--t F.witLal pF p pg ..t N 5, s /A1g ct;r�iurr�t- z , is-coca ['oi 68.`= { in-Sr (s1-2a1 o M U rvWt2,S'__Al_ 17 2-t: rI.." I SS., `p; t C.Cr -r--a !a"1-412 C aAfRna.I P lE€/tr iZ ttZOO Terms of Sale(Describe) .-/l.- I r run,.ti,$ do-r -1143 soit._te--/it, ► S _ Subtotal 11Z8 Ac:-n..) -14 (M 4)v-47, ( PE:u s i ti _ State& Local Tax Shipping &Handling Additional Comments Total Triter Tern A 1.- u cr Oil rrtE. f.J t(c-o1 Piclzts wi sc c-r kA<A C$ I g• It /11"85-. Balance Due dfi. ,'.• .id Sale=,'epresentative Signature 2 Department# Salesman# Customer Signature t, MAY, 26 2004 8: 58AM HP LASERJET 3200 p. 3 ti Series tel4S) i Stations t 'i' SET3i 'SET a•SET6io � Ile Series 10 Total Stations,SET31o,SET5to and SET6,o,come with 1s "°1_1 s; a couple of new features in addition to all the strength that their `ls1.lil 1 ` t )edecessors SET3oa/5oc/6Do offered.The Series 10 models incorporate CIOt` 1,, absolute encoders to streamline your operation by eliminating the .&-,,1114'.;-• i„,..._---•• 1. •iced of zero indexing.To further enhance the ease of use,an infrared " ` i ' wireless keyboard is available as an option for SE 1310/510.The c, ry;' '' ceyboard's full alphanumeric keys facilitate quick operation of Dnboard software. 1,u aeries 10's versatile software enhances work efficiency in the field. 1 ' t allows you to perform a wide variety of survey work with ease. (.r, t'cu can spend less time learning to operate the software and more :ime concentrating on your project. . With IP66 protection there is no need to worry about sudden MOT 012112111 1Ab.I'.. G, s, Ra 4mn _ x L5DLeM =MI t® showers or drizzling rain,or high humidity or dust in construction c ? 1 o -1V. environments. M.""!�.•I t ,'Srl WEN u �� REM _ md„,� t r The 10,000-point internal memory facilitates smooth operation ±• y when used with superior on-site calculation programs as well as R«.c-na, Drill p Off. IM IS.tanLi* Ps dM data collection at large sites. ,OpYonel brsET71/5,o Powerful options increase efficiency e SF14 Wireless Keyboard (Optional) • Memory Card Unit (Optional) The ergonomically designed infrared y , rx The memory capacity of the > f wireless keyboard provides powerful SET310 and SET510 becomes operation in the palm of your hand. t a'.a, n virtually infinite with the use of I;includes all the 37 keys as found i y ;�'• commercially available compact . r' 1 on the Series 220 total stations, 2 -I' i flash memory cards(up to !: \ Input of JOB names,point numbers, ' - 1 64M8 that are compatible with d s notes,codes and coordinates are '24r' i , PCMCIA Type 2 hardware.An ,, t . _'1, I carried out quickly,increasing data p gl 8MB card stores about 72,000 --11',i',..• ' ` q Y 1-,1:1'1:1:::. r r N collection and setting-out work hr .40,1;44,4,0....-,,r Y . points.The memory card unit is '-',.- xr f, , efficiency.The SF14 is designed for designed for use with the ;it A a t d:` use with the SET3io and SET51o. p SET310 and SET5Io, ''t""� �,I -.4.;'....1:.- t ??, Lcacy� . ,AAA/A03 44': terles10 Specifications SETatc ISET5io SEDSto Telescope Magnification 30x 26x Angie.Mdasurembrit Display Resolution(Selectable) H a V 1"/5',0.2mgonilmgon,0.005m11/0.02mi1 Accuracy(ISO 12857-21997) H B V 3'(imgon) I 5'(1.5mgon) I 6"(1.9mgon) Compensator Automatic duel-axis ccmpeneator with working range f3'(t55mgonl Distance Measurement Measuring Range' Reflective Sheet RS90N-K 70m(230tt.) 60m(200(5.1 One-Ap01 Prism 2,200m(7,2201t.) 1,800m(5;g10itJ Accuracy Giese Prism ±(3+2ppm x D1mm Reflaetiye Sheet ±(4+3ppni x D)mm General Keyboard 4 soft keys and 11 keys on both faces 4 soft keys and 11 keys on single face Data Storage Internal Memory About 10,000 points Compact Flash Memory Card By adding optiorrai memory card unit — Water and Dust Protection !Pee 6EC60529I Weight wlhandle and 3 battery 5.2kg(11.5 Ib,) 5.1 kg(11.3 lb,) ' SF14 Wlroless Keyboard(optionet Infrared,37 keys,Full alphanumeric,162 x 63 x 19mm 16.4 x 2.5 x 0.71m.), 1209(4.2 oz.),Powered by two AAA 010 batteries *In good conditions:no haze,visibility about 40km(25milas),overcast,no scirrillation. 5 PRECISIO\ \ikX MIDWEST SALES • SERVICE • 800.469.5669 • SUPPLIES • RENTALS 3 South 140 Barkley Avenue, Warrenville, IL 60555 www.precisionmidwest.com P.O.# Phone: 630.836.1000 • Fax: 630.836.8850 Job# Sold To: ❑ SALES ORDER Ship To: *QUOTATION Name t� 7 G 2�c,V t t.t c �oc c e v E, --ry itr• - Name Address 804- &,n te_. P.Ar ,�. Address City County State Zip Code CII tiE=i O RICA/1 t 67056,0 ��rr�r DAJu City County State Zip Code Contact 5/1 5/c 4- G s -� -a Date: Phone QTY Part Number Description S/N Unit Price Amount Ca 1-1 /‘ M 114-6 iJ -rr�7--n.�� ��l�rl o� •--I�� S;�d -711 51 .cam ( r—N-n a 0 229 5- 2 2`i 5: c Sr coo - Woc n tRe,i7..-cs-4AsS 117-1 )88. l88.l Cs-r- - o i•-n U IJ I v r:ru a� �'I�t S M i�3. `= 18=3• i e:#1-4-5 Z CA.L43:7F-I F3 r 2 P.c.�p 8 7- . = �,x CI DISC . ("Doc) . erms of Sale (Describe) Subtotal 9;c.v t.. "� State &Local Tax Shipping & Handling Additional Comments Total Balance Due �4,d /(,(/� S epresentative Signature '7 Department# Salesman# Customer Signature ., ..,,, s} ,z.� P , 7... cri asr ..s . . It �' £ 4-�.:. �1 Y mak s,. __ ,_ , , _ . _ ,,__, , _ . . _ , .. _ . _,......., Ix- rr^ , } _ .s,- '; �;,..,„i'.', fi -tom. r, '1,-„_0',-----< � [.:L:.--T'- k' �, t... t `� _ '� g `. - "ss' < - r �x 3''• -z«<#yzs *+ H _,,,t'�. ='.fix �S\ h .a _ark. +:V- i t _-:t. 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'"`^v" � �� 4.. err aBx �vY"" -',.,% t: • 1. ! ars' ----',7A., i.. .� '')W le a � �` f A Y 3{- i �„s`.t yr. i .L .s°Y Y f. mss _ -3 -- �•,_ t.n ... , . "b 1 v ,T F4 "4� 'f i+3' ,3r1 .. . .x .+.. "t. ..,>4"; r.-,.: x . _ .. �'' b msµ` A LAYOUT SOLUTION FOR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS R VDUCERSATIL ACURATEABLE E N1ko p .,.; EcisE PERFORMANCE IN ANY NVIRONMENT . . .„ ,. . . .. . . , . .. ... ....,,,,, ....„.,-,,_,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,„„:r.,. ,.,,,..,,,, ,,.,„.,..,.., ,..„,,, . . r r . . .,_. ...,,,,...,.., A COMBINED FORCE�1,DESIGNED FOR YOUR JOBSITE CHALLENGES k > � �, ,ems+ 3 ;dro...-..y} '• eN+ �' 4:3 .k'u s:fly' tvi'i'�^'•. rte.: - .�'�` i �'a G � cn#s,x5e§ it ,,. -'�.n �The Nikon 302 ser .4:.14-11:o''' tafs_,attpnsnciud'es four models, resu)ting in a wide,choice,of layout tools_for contractors..~The,DTM;332 T =:.. _�. • r'`k'$'3 9th ; .rxr r*» :!iR tax Y..^' R r y *' 7';-'4'''''''''''';''''.4—r-"-'..° and,DIM 352-r a ure_%er '-TY .nce eas armg ;apabiiitlp`s 4k{w�hile the ,PL332 and NPL-352 provide the;capabi�t2 to measure directly§ ar i z; . t a y" 5 a z % a�.5* .. '4'r,,.t ri 4.. ,.",,, ' .., a, to objects, allowing for one-person positioning of concrete forms and quick as built checks a._.n x. . apt r4. .""k3 ^e &.. ♦4 yyw�,�pp°H u4�Y V, ;�f � • y,� �e..w ,. sk ,. : 3 L4 tea'`` _ <44: c - rM C" '•A`..IY1Y tt m� f" � HIGHLY ACCURATE � � t k � Line-of-sight compensation ensures level accuracy over .. , i l entire jobsite. Dual axis compensation ensures accuracy ,. in highltiitapplications(DIM-352 and NPL 352 only). . 4" 1Mgli . a a. tm skt { ' FAST EDM � 'W ' Highly accurate for measuring to prisms or reflective foil. y I ID LONG BATTERY LIFE ' " K.,-11*- '4.i,--..,.- '-'1'ia:,..:-:::,'-i-.- ..1 0 -1.-,.,-',..'ci.p.,-,..:41-,*:,:zz.,, Best in class 27 hour battery life,combined with very • • 3 " fast charging time,virtually eliminates downtime due 7 to power loss. -"-�,�, � � ;� � CLEAR AND EASY ge� u� s yC;-'. Large, bright,display is easy-to-read even in low Light. ° � ` _ x Cid r 1� .a t� Nty ,,-�' x S The DTM 352 and NPL 352 feature a display either side 4-.'":;; �: v 4it "....e.-.110:-7:0.'1'7,cl'. of the instrument for measuring in two faces. } � �, ` ` , WORK ON MULTIPLE JOBSITES �. ixa �S 1 .��� ��jt � .Stores up to 32 jobs with up to 10 OOOaayout points; � ' � , W&; , access i•nformation•formultiple sites or multiple a �, � . ' ,:� -s ``k7.1"94'.."--1."`4.'-',..".".,f="--r ,-.' cam,, v c �" •,construction levels. - � n- -a iz -_ � y z� 7 fth -..r'""w b.�`1»m ry�ry I S ',Y,�Y,v?'S e .r..v: ,y,:., DTM-332 and DTM-352 • rs I I. I 'r' ^`'�! aw .':""f`-...:.-'..,'T', T�'S'�7• '_'`~ E ,Y , �,_ "r TaT 7¢. 4TS 1.TZ,a s s to - 4,�w - . � � ��:.� � � �tt ,e+a 1 47i : W ;Jti ';� .-.. k it _.rte_ '' 4-K. t..) -"'' ' } - • �� ,r. -1'..,- .".,4.,-,;:71O1.',1--,x x ,,yy� : 1,4y qt- Yi: E2 I ,. lU 4t; - I,.''','.., ` r f.,:ti, } $ i�(kyk M it i h, :•:.•,,-•,,,,..,:, � r : : 3 -"L. aF „. Y 3 4 _ — _ ; '<.'--41.44-,' 4-a ? ai`:f -iA '. tt� 4 rv-- :.,-;"1,,,,..'''.,,4"' 4 s o.r ►» -F t t '. . . , #' t "7'a4 °w<tar Ar."'F . � r . ,.s„� , S 147', .''.,:,,,7"-,::.:: gyp up�+' 1� v• 'W�Y ,: � Yy ---`,-LT- '-'---'-','." ,..„,„..,. .1.,,... _,,_..._„.,„:, ... i.. .,,4,,, ,[ ''"' ,„.....,„ "�+,r- i tom. �z i .+x' '� x_,{ .�,�►„,,,,, .+ yy %. ms. ! 51.,:‘717'";:::' ,..c ,i�,� � :+ -t1/63F �,"�4 _ a „r = 't-,.', -,.‘2'.. -, --;',"1,V...-44-at.-"ez",''.‘”" -,1--'"-'- '''''''; -..-----,• '--- '‘r-'44 ,_ - j r �., ': s 4a ` -'4 . ..sem' 4 • .4 .:a :..,-`sps .. . A.'1'÷ w_.y,.a.nc:a �,.� r 'i:-.,','.......„.,..,,,,,,,,,,;,,,,:r44,:;,-.-'',k , I ,R` r =e `' %:...> -i.-,--,.-----: -` t .. S�c-? l .r !kk_, "5 (... t'�'^ .> ' . .[ ;' _, S 4`5"t r--"--'---- 14,.., , e...s v 2N 3F_ 3:,k: NIKON 302 SERIES TOTAL STATIONS EASY TO USE DURABLE VERSATILE The Nikon 302 Series Total Stations have With IPX6 waterproofing and sturdy design Capable of handling a wide range of an exceptionally easy-to-use interface for features, the Nikon 302 Series Total jobsite layout and alignment applications, entering and reading information. The Stations provide consistently excellent per from basic to advanced, the Nikon 302 large, bright graphical interface and full formance in any type of weather or jobsite Series Total Stations are extremely versa alphanumeric keypad are easy to see, conditions. Through dust, rain, snow and tile. They feature a variety of application even in low-light conditions. These total wind, these total stations are built to work software from basic down and out layout stations are also so easy to learn and use as hard as you do. to more complicated tasks. Nor matter that the average learning curve for new what type of job you are performing, products is dramatically reduced. Simple you can always determine positions on-screen graphical displays guide the from the main construction lines defined user through a workflow. on •the blueprint. v ' ' Com u Wrth LM80 LAYOUT MANAGER ; + ;_ To work with blueprint data,the Nikon 302 Serres Total Stations connect easily to the Trimble® LM80 i. r s i Layout Manager. This allows users to work directly with a blueprint plan in the LM80, which t` ..j , i:•-•••1 graphically guides the use of the total stationit. 4 ; Providing convenience and power in an Innovative package, the LM80 is the revolutionary F r construction product that allows you to ca°rry manage, work with and layout your jobsite blueprint, m r 4 _,; r < t independent of the.method"and Instrumentation used This convenience—and the power of'a 'e . = `: ,- �, Trimble.,. £,. common user interface, specialized software, and built-in Construction Master®Pro Calculator from ,}- Calculated Industries, Inc-makes the LM8,0 a one-ofa-kind tool that will change the way you work. esu ® { .J alt When attached to a Nikon-302 Series Total.Station,-the LM80 provides significant gains in , .x a , `. _ productivity, accuracy and reliability`And thanks;to its comm on Microsoft®Windows®based user - interface and ease of use,the LM80 makes a total station as easy'to use as transit and tape! E SEE a DIM a 332 , _.. DTM 352 . NPL 3.32 "�NP'L,352 4a tSPECIFICATIONS ,, { p,,,fk� i�ao„ ,s n! ; ,.t.' -$., .A -- = R -s ELEC.QP ''frw' ' f' a Magnification 33 x 26 x Aperture 45 mm(EDM:50 mm) 40 mm(EDM:50 mm) Shortest focusing distance 1.3 m(4.3 ft) 1.6 m(5.3 ft) D 7ANCE EASU EME ., € ' ,. -oom. - ,. rt.,l R _ NE,,Rxi.Gaurormai co0ditions6� , -: ::: '. ® � A' ° .: Reflectorless mode — 1.6 to 200 m(5.3 ft to 560 ft) With reflector sheet(5 x 5cm) 5m to 100 m(16.4 ft to 328 ft) 1.6 to 300 m(5.3 ft to 560 ft) With mini prism 1000 m(3280 ft) 3000 m(9840 ft) With single prism 2000 m(6560 ft) 5000 m(16400 ft) With triple prism 2600 M(8530 ft) — ACf1,RACE�statlar_d evCaiartin2sdQufJler_`�n,le,Ye,(rg ; . :: ,. ,g � 1ry. =ial ' ::` ; � 3 Precise mode(prism) 1 +3 mm+2 ppm(3 ppm under 10°C or over 40 C) Reflectorless mode I ±5 mm+2 ppm(3 ppm under-10°C or over 40°C) °M A UREME TT �� � P P «�z E am u.,i v r-;--172M>;L --7;:1-1ES7," gib'.` E_s. to MEQ` 7,7--e E 7_., .1 s,��.k „ Normal mode 1.0 sec(initial 1.4 sec) 0.5 sec(initial 2.2 sec) Precise mode 1.6 sec(initial 1.6 sec) 1.6 sec(initial 2.6 sec) Reflectorless mode(normal) — 0.8 sec(initial 3.2 sec) Reflectorless mode(precise) — 1.6 sec(initial 3.5 sec) Pr1E sr C�UL�T v y ti �X€rC! a „. k s, S 7 P 4,... rwmg .m a ,-�^mn t'%` e r,„fit ,Em-,7,,,,,,,,,..-41,-,a,„-, 3'" ,wk.xE. rs, a,s._nwrvs.�,i-:a_ eus..,,�.,..��_ Normal mode 10 mm(0.02 ft) Precise mode 1 mm(0.002 ft) , ,..r^ hr ss"'xn v i m„ ur -„�er*r__ 1 " ,.F ”" 1112.7 c a � fie+'rot Pd,~M1.1FF'�` ,yrs 7 .. i` Fx i-p t.n 's,:,,. CQMPE-8A-E0-gi ffiaiMc_.,�, , c. t-4,.„,K,�,,.,..1.,xans,.4,.s a,��.,,— u w, m a .� s .T.. , c .. z,., Type single axis dual axis single axis dual axis Method liquid-electric detection liquid electric detection Working range ±3'(warning if out of range) 1"accuracy 'v> 1, P '7 L�2 �:go `r -rtw y }Cr i IS'! s; F L t . 1mn(selectable)ANGLE MEASl1REvENT1 a 115/10., /5/10 a0 2/ / Minimum increment Accuracy(DIN 18723) 5 1.5 mgon(horizontal and vertical) 1 t F , r^•p{ - ^x' -- n. 'sF-J to.Itr y.. s s �s , .KE BOARD AN DISPLAY»-"t .bsiLax ,, IA:ti-��- ° h,A_.,.r bz,�, o,a.,r: , .r ;4 b.- u �,�. . t „ Display type Graphic LCD(128 x 64 dot) Display illumination backlight is-- Keyboard single side I both sides 1 single side i both sides POINT MEMORY 1-T -. 1 r v. i - a r 1 t z �. t# a I10 000 records Ea .:.-,.,,,,,',.._,,,,..i., ,.,.. u . ,.. s, n v,...,..v,.,��...' _ . r .,.. .- � u_.:.-.`. , _OPTICAL'PLUMMET�. .._` _. �,.... !,, L_.i., ,.,,.. ,r, .,. X.t..Magnification 0.5m to.,Focus range �lbL ,5, �. _POWR ,+ .,'� . . l _, W .r�.inom_ . ..,. t ., .Yxi. r tsOn board Ni-MH battery(7.2V DC)Type 16 hours(continuous) 7 hours(continuous) I Operating time 27 hours(distance/angle every 30 secs) 27 hours(distance/angle every 30 secs) Recharge time 2 hours OPERATING TEMPERATURE RANG-„ _ .l,_,.t ,u.i.,. r ,,..x �u ,is r 3 .. -20°C to+50°C(-4°F to 122°F) .I The construction industry demands high productivity, precision and reliability in a tough NORTH AMERICA Trimble Engineering and environment. Nikon is a brand known for delivering superior optical quality, accuracy Construction Division and reliability, backed by a global service and support network. 5475 Keuger Road, Dayton, Ohhioio 4 455424, U.S.A. 800-538-7800 (Toll Free) +1-937-245-5154 Phone The Nikon portfolio of construction auto-levels, theodolites and total stations for +1-937-233-9004 Fax www.trimble.com positioning, leveling and aligning deliver high value, high accuracy and a high degree of reliability to meet the daily challenges of the construction industry—allowing you EUROPE Trimble GmbH to get on with the job. Am Prime Parc 11, 65479 Raunheim, GERMANY +49-6142-21000 Phone +49-6142-2100-550 Fax LATIN AMERICA Trimble Navigation Limited 6505 Blue Lagoon Drive, Suite 120, Miami, FL 33126, U.S.A. +1-305-263-9033 Phone +1-305-263-8975 Fax AFRICA 8, MIDDLE EAST Trimble Navigation Limited P.O. Box 17760, Jebel Ali Free Zone, Dubai, U.A.E. +971-4-881-3005 Phone +971-4-881-3007 Fax ASIA-PACIFIC Trimble Navigation Australia Pty Limited Level 1/123 Gotha Street, PRECI9ON MDWEST LTD. FortitudeValley, QLDD4400006, 3 5':,UTH 1'O BARK.EY AVE. Australia WA':REf�VCL'E, IL 60555 61-7-3216-0044 Phone +61-7-3216-0088 Fax PH: 630-?36-10'0 FAX: 630-836-8850 CHINA TOLL FREE: 800-469-5669 Trimble Export Limited Representative Office Suite 16D, Building 2 Epoch Center, 4 Beiwa Road, Haidian District, Beijing, 100089, YOUR LOCAL NIKON OFFICE OR REPRESENTATIVE P.R. CHINA +86-10-6847-7756 Phone +86-10-6847-7786 Fax TRIMBLE IS DISTRIBUTING NIKON AUTO-LEVELS, THEODOLITES AND TOTAL STATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION APPLICATIONS AS PART OF A JOINT VENTURE AGREEMENT WITH NIKON CORPORATION. • ©2004 Trimble Navigation Limited-All rights reserved.Trimble is a trademark of Trimble Navigation Limited registered in the United States Patent and Trademark NI 0 n Office and other countries.Construction Master is a trademark of Calculated Industries,Inc.Nikon is a trademark of Nikon Corporation.Microsoft and Windows are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.Ad other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Reorder PN 022485220(02/04) 1� �1 MHY 21, 2004 TEL NO: 708-482-7171 H5217 PAGE: 3/2 , FAX To: DAVE DELANEY Company : YORKVILLEPD Fax Number : 1(630)5532061 Phone Number : Time Sent : Friday, May 21, 2004 01:30PM Pages : 2 Description.: DAVE THIS IS FOR THE LECIA SYSTEM From : Jeff Dillon Fax Number : 708-482-7171 Phone Number (708) 482-8888 13 31 MAY 21, 2004 TEL No: 789-482-7171 #15217 PAGE: 2/2 FORENSIC INSTRUMENT QUOTATION Pho 630-553-4340 Fax 630-553-1141/2061 % TO: YORKVILLE PD ( I ATTN:DAVE DELANEY \ °� TM G'`0 P,,,ak N Y I N C. FROM: JEFF DILLON MIKE CAPMAN 5255 Dansher Road FORENSIC SALES FORENSIC SALES Countryside Illinois 60525 Email :JDILLON@karaco.com In Illinois (708)482-8888 Nationwide 1(800) 369-KARA Fax (708)482-7171 WWW.KARACO.COM WWW.FORENSICMAPPING.COM QUAN. PRICE EXTENDED FMS 407power LEICA TOTAL STATION 31-3239-7 1 $ 7,495.00 $ 7,495.00 BATTERIES 31-6115 2 MINI PRISM WITH MINI STAFF 35-1162 1 $ 149.00 $ 149.00 NON-CONTACT 170 METER LASER 1 110 VOLT/CAR CHARGER 31-6208 1 EVIDENCE RECORDER TOUGHBOOK 32-8007 1 $ 2,595.00 $ 2,595.00 MAPSCENES EVIDENCE RECORDER PRO SOFTWARE 1 SOFTWARE INSTALLED/CONFIGURED 1 BATTERY PACK f/TOUGHBOOK 1 CHARGER/AC ADAPTER 1 CABLE STABILIZER CLAMP 1 CHARGING CRADLE TOUGHBOOK 1 EVIDENCE RECORDER MANUAL 1 731359 USB SYNC CABLE 1 CRADLE ASSEMBLY 33-8028 1 $ 59.50 $ 59.50 TRIPOD LEG BRACKET 33-8030 1 $ 59.50 $ 59.50 CABLE LEICA to TOUGHBOOK 33-8023 1 $ 99.00 $ 99.00 DATA COLLECTOR TURNTABLE 32-1860 1 $ 250.00 $ 250.00 MAPSCENES PRO FORENSIC SOFTWARE 32-2100 1 $ 1,395.00 $ 1,395.00 Cad Software Symbol Library Contouring Profiling FMS Calculations 40 Hour CERTIFICATION CLASS Training 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 24 Hr. PHONE SUPPORT INCLUDES TRAVEL 6 STUDENTS PER CLASS FIBERGLASS QUICK CLAMP TRIPOD 39-1101 1 $ 149.00 $ 149.00 SINGLE PRISM WITH TARGET 35-3002 1 $ 135.00 $ 135.00 STROBE PRISM 35-3050 1 $ 347.04 $ 347.04 PRISM POLE12 FOOT 35-7212DM 1 $ 155.96 $ 155.96 BIPOD FOR PRISM POLE 35-7827 1 $ 126.00 $ 126.00 t s SUB TOTAL $ 17,515.00 .� x ;„.'T i<>. .._. xxxxx.x.. ... TAX �,1 TOTAL $ 17,515.00 h T I i .'....,7,-..... .. ' s. f P 4 13 39 MAY 21, 2004 TEL No: 708-482-7171 *15219 PAGE: 1!2 F A)( To: DAVE DELANEY Company : YORKVILLE PD Fax Number : 1(630) 5532061 Phone Number : Time Sent : Friday, May 21, 2004 01:38PM Pages : 2 Description : From : Jeff Dillon Fax Number : 708-482-7171 Phone Number (708) 482-8888 13 39 MAY 21, 2004 TEL No: 708-482-7171 115219 PAGE 2/2 FORENSIC INSTRUMENT QUOTATION Pho 630-553-4340 Fax 630-553-1141/2061 7 TO: YORKVILLE PD I ATTN:DAVE DELANEY / TM &-.00 P,& N Y I N C. FROM: JEFF DILLON MIKE CAPMAN 5255 Dans her Road FORENSIC SALES FORENSIC SALES Countryside Illinois 60525 Email :JDILLON@karaco.com In Illinois (708)482-8888 Nationwide 1(800) 369-KARA Fax (708)482-7171 WWW.KARACO.COM WWW.FORENSICMAPPING.COM QUAN. PRICE EXTENDED SET63OR SOKKIA<6">TOTAL STATION 32-1516 1 $ 6,795.00 $ 6,795.00 BDC46 BATTERY SOKKIA f/SET500/ i32-2607 2 $ 150.00 $ 300.00 CDC62 CHARGER SOKKIA 120V A/C32-2650 1 $ 225.00 $ 225.00 $ - EVIDENCE RECORDER TOUGHBOOK 32-8007 1 $ 2,595.00 $ 2,595.00 MAPSCENES EVIDENCE RECORDER PRO SOFTWARE 1 $ - SOFTWARE INSTALLED/CONFIGURED 1 $ BATTERY PACK f/TOUGHBOOK 1 $ - CHARGER/AC ADAPTER 1 $ - CABLE STABILIZER CLAMP 1 $ - CHARGING CRADLE TOUGHBOOK 1 $ - EVIDENCE RECORDER MANUAL 1 $ - 731359 USB SYNC CABLE 1 $ - CRADLE ASSEMBLY 33-8028 1 $ 59.50 $ 59.50 TRIPOD LEG BRACKET 33-8030 1 $ 59.50 $ 59.50 CABLE LEICA to TOUGHBOOK 33-8023 1 $ 99.00 $ 99.00 DATA COLLECTOR TURNTABLE 32-1860 1 $ 250.00 $ 250.00 $ MAPSCENES PRO FORENSIC SOFTWARE 32-2100 1 $ 1,395.00 $ 1,395.00 Cad Software $ - Symbol Library $ - Contouring $ - Profiling $ - FMS Calculations $ - 40 Hour CERTIFICATION CLASS Training 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 24 Hr. PHONE SUPPORT $ - INCLUDES TRAVEL $ - 6 STUDENTS PER CLASS $ - FIBERGLASS QUICK CLAMP TRIPOD 39-1101 1 $ 149.00 $ 149.00 SINGLE PRISM WITH TARGET 35-3002 1 $ 135.00 $ 135.00 STROBE PRISM 35-3050 1 $ 347.04 $ 347.04 PRISM POLE12 FOOT 35-7212DM 1 $ 155.96 $ 155.96 BIPOD FOR PRISM POLE 35-7827 1 $ 126.00 $ 126.00 .,. 4 SUBTOTAL $ 17,191.00 < H n TAX i . . ,° TOTAL $ 17,191.00 �r �e to ;‘:';!::::i:' 4 f 4 'lr iil.1..:.A 4:; 4 4 q. .... std%:;Z.::;.::-.? L -.i:•:1,..:!....=:: .i. f., . r • 1 THE MAF'SCENEs SYSTEM , . ,.i r. :-. .j, ,,:,,,,,,,,, 1,,,,,Ae, , kil t44,'-'' ,:iTf's5: Ti . ♦ ,.,._...._.>. �8»� .�. .*�, r = ° # rE"ra Integrit , •Y: ^Aye',,; ri ,,,,A=;. CO • ED . ............: s...i ?1 • <.n. ' ,.,,.. i1Igrated•. `' 4'' werf'u/ bil ..a . • • .„'-::,<:.. •.,„:„. •.•,,,,,,,,,..,,,,,...„,-.,... .z„.„..„....,.....,•.... , E''' sta y„ . iv„'i”' .skt: -•' ..a:'�' ,,�h1r�. , L. �w`$a�''4;> iy("��`" '' �' ' `N S.'• .'.%:,'..- ` & '< ';,-20',.. •!:,.4 :,',.4 .• Y ` s' �N • !"F;>♦f.,."-'T, �g� Nom,•.H. •' orf"'' . • '2s ,. .4 - _ ..: Lacs it y+ 3: ;,.,�'c. ^::,',: ,.. . .. , ,...r.,,:„,.i4 .. . . itv. ,.. 2of, -,1'.7=:-:L",ir: . , 'S* 4'1,1( 4 - • .. • • , . , \t‘ '£ri,,:2,-hF" ' ,' <�y,; , ✓'.v y;N^ Y= � %x av,;,' , -!',F,, ;� � V is.r;. 3.2* ��4> .., ! ' to ae xah a. zt Y,2 " ` ••,-..• It Y,.L�':'./,'''✓ - .�, r�,{,�, 3 ''g ".. sig , , '"� ,:1,:v...;•,,,,, : y y..; ,,„ ,::t mx`'"-s ,:44 '. ' ' :5'.* -"-,,,,,a''., ., ... r. . ,... „..,.....z.,„, ,:.: ,. , . , ,. ;4' ir eligiper *Iie,',,,IA*** ''''''.4 . 724,.. v n�� RYr,.f�.`YY::','"'4,--,,141.4 S.Kf r < "fY k,! a: , } :e ' t�» w x ; 7N"r`Y r.��"i" R-i , �:. rf�, a'*" . ;:-.4,..?, � k" +T ' y1prKx.. %,,-,5,,,,,,,,,,,,, X, `�L �. � w WW . MAPS E '�+1ES �. CO - I. MAPSCENES SYSTEMS I MAPSCENES PRO SOLUTION "V � + a 1ridgy •t rYrc I,) t a rs ✓.+ ! fu • 1. 41117''# `; 1 _ 1,- E `"'+'to�i'a1? V� , c a5'4 4, a' ulmotom ode [a d t :;A t+ 3 k-'� L * t 013 +'ew. Ic4I.0T Tt.*„ y ,�ydsr �. $3 ,..L ,)...�.. .:F�., 4 3. ice .,. Scene DiagramRoortDiagram - Evidence Log Evidence Recorder PRO operates on a wide range of CE hardware devices and is completely compatible with popular Total Stations -visit our web site for details. #` .• The Panasonic Toughbook01 (color):A rugged,mid-priced device. Drop tested to feet,.rain-proof,.--and able to work in temperatures as low as-4F(-20C) • Compaq Pocket PG's(color br monochrome) This entry-level model is suitable for dry,mild climates, although an environmental case is available`to protect the unit from light rain and dust.Benefits include compact size and relatively;low " ` cost. a ' ' Husky FeX2I (color or monochrome)_Suitable for wet,mild climates,although the ffiOnochrorila version t6ri.handle 22F t I OC) It has a.140x240,pixel displaygitigielme -(twice the size of the Pocket PC)and a full QWERTY keyboard ii% r g tam k 4.12 ,,, l$ �a S �x i r M 41 'f �.. s tee y y a' d. g n % f rE ,r i .por'�4, ar't a y 5 �' ' �' ` r �' 'tea ;.' a zy £o r dl��l �� Wti �, i '�F 3s X •:::� �k �€+ _3 iA3 ,"� , +:, t4__. F 'Pc — # °. ,. .. . MAPSCENES SYSTEMS I MAPSCENES PRO SOLUTION Ma * Scenes PRO Solution Our PRO system consists of two software components: the Evidence Recorder PRO which connects to a total station or an electronic measuring device, and the MapScenes PRO desktop diagramming software. With the Evidence Recorder PRO all of your measurements are collected to build an instant diagram at the scene. As you create this diagram, you have visual confirmation that the evidence has been collected and correctly recorded. .� Each measurement is recorded, both as a simple XYZ . _"z,MapScenes Pro '�: 1:00 P -E,idence Paint point, and as the original angles and distances that were A Pnts 4.t r'` © Line> M Lri: ,,,4, measured by the instrument. All measurements are ,, permanently recorded and protected. dC) i. r Simple, yet revolutionary methods allow you to build a gra accurate diagrams with immediate connectivity between evidence points. These diagrams transfer automatically into J. IDs.; f '` the desktop software with data integrity and verification. De,. I2 Once the evidence points are downloaded into our desktop .tN. �' software, state of the art diagramming and analytical tools i assist you in completing the diagram. MapScenes PRO :roi MOD;STREET , has the most powerful forensic diagramming functionality Scene Reference Measure Verifyi „ available in the market. . 30 Image of Vchicla . .,; , /0-Vearoir i 1 When your professional reputation i : --,4 . and integrity-are on the line,you need 8 w� .• Y the best system backing you up The MapScenes System 1 `, has'you►=covered. 4 ,. "h . si � - Stf' gt 41 8 *.4.-..##...40. o� s p,mrkv- saiCce r .. ,..._ ax lT 1 d ` /{ fy o iti 0� r yy �y xVie✓� :r." , , - t.• r �".r, ,xj ' ` r.,..... 1 r�� tN� 4 : . 1* �n k# � Afi�� 4t � : ,!' * °9' � Y ` ; � � : 3� 4 , * �� � s / 9 + 3 4,-,M4-'-',''),V' ' � "v� 3 4s F,.ifk, `, i _{ t"`: ��ffi� s -A ;��0°*a- ''�` rr �l A4 �^ 1" ' 3r ;�¢ ss a ' P5j + �� *i�- , r js§4 r n s 1 L of va .. i Mai)Scenes PRO 0 The presence of detailed and factual diagrams in court will more than likely persuade the defense to plead their case, saving an agency time and money. This is where the power of our desktop product, MapScenes al PRO delivers. With an evidence point history file and accurate diagrams, investigators can testify on specific "conditions and effects" of an incident with confidence. '.' 0 Easier to use and more versatile than ever before; operates in Basic or Advanced user mode 0 Complete 3D scene diagramming tool O Animated viewing - view your scene from any perspective in 2D or 3D O Over 7000 industry specific symbols with seamless "symbol select and placement" support from the ANA automated Symbol Librarian 0 Complete with standard diagramming features for all levels of users; 2D and 3D polylines, raster imaging, layering, snaps, ortho control, aspect ratios, perspective views and more -superior to any competitive product! O Full color pallete for professional diagramming appearance O Integrated vehicle specifications database O Determine"Line of Sight for persons involved in an incident. Create contours, profiles and 3D models of the crash or crime scene O Digital camera links for photographic evidence © Imports Evidence Recorder PRO and Evidence Recorder LITE scene diagrams in seconds • 0 Road Intersection Wizard Sketching functions for minor incidents • 0 File compatibility with all popular drawing formats 0 Tool tips, training movies, built-in help and :more... '.Cc • 3- a G bn ofd i d 9 = h^^ 3 �e{. LI#'O'�/.i s#g�,� W" u � r' ,..1 3 nese S Y S T E M S s- 3 —7 I 0 I I. 1 I 'Tota,S`tstion/Electronic ' (Traditional Evidence Evidence Collection Collection EvidenceReafrdev IlapSeenes . Evidence Recorder MapScenes PRO PRO LITE LITE 1 1 N. Easy to use, and specifically designed for Law Enforcement Professionals/Accident Reconstruction #' Specialists, the MapScenes System PRO solution gives new meaning to "data integrity" and "versatility". amu" Whether the scene is a fatal or non-fatal crime or multi-vehicle crash, the PRO evidence recording and diagramming system is designed to quickly and accurately map the scene. 14V ` 3 .. . ,I.,-----,.- I, «:... i ....,....,. y ,y : I I a H . , - 'Y• —,..—:--...---4, i x i A �t.«.... .... z � •1.., :. f S- *.L5.d L' 3.S 2.t .. -* **C4+•• - 'n.r- Our system includes both evidence collection software, and desktop computer mapping software. We have two levels of systems that are easily distinguished by the method used to collect physical evidence. If you are using an electronic total station to gather your data, or a LTI laser range finder with the MapStar Angle Encoder,then you need our MapScenes PRO System. If you are collecting evidence with a'tape measure or simple electronic distance meter,then the MapScenes LITE System is all you need to produce high quality diagrams suitable for courtroom presentation. Both systems have plenty"of power,and are easy to use Evidence Recorder PRO With Evidence Recorder PRO at the scene, evidence points and the lines defining the street, intersection, or room, are drawn in "real time" on the screen. This permits the investigator to verify the quality of the evidence collected at the scene. Designed and built for Windows CE devices such as the Panasonic Toughbook01 or 131 Compaq iPAQ, Evidence Recorder PRO seamlessly synchronizes with the MapScenes desktop solution. wEvidence Recorder PRO and your Total Station or electronic measuring device are the perfect solution for W. collecting physical evidence at a crash or crime scene bal o Provides direct control of your Total Station or electronic measuring device " o View your scene diagram as you measure it at the scene O Draws lines and points quickly and easily G Records evidence points and maps the scene using your measurements Confirm and verify measurements at the scene o Record and play back audio notes associated with evidence points in your diagram, at the scene or in the office L Complete Description/Feature code drop list for easy selection o Eliminates the need to type each description independently O Easy to customize O Easy to add your own descriptions o Supports other industry description lists when imported through MapScenes desktop software 0 User friendly tools: O Room diagramming O Baseline/Offset measurement tool c Reference Point data display ri o Instant verification of all measurements 0 Includes an evidence logging tool for tracking custody of evidence • Customizable tool for logging evidence numbers, photo ID's, XY locations, and more O Easily exportable to spreadsheet format O Locations are plotted allowing verification of input, o Simple and easy to use tool bars and drop down menus O Tool tips 0 Detailed help menus o Fully and seamlessly integrated with our desktop solution, Evidence Recorder PRO downloads in seconds to your laptop or PC x2 s •- ,_ y . y .➢ s ::, c4. �,"+ Compare at a glance... Feature CADZONE MapScenes MapScenes Visual Statement PRO ': .:LITE Accident Reconstruction Forensic mapping program V ✓ V V Complete integrated system with electronic evidence collection&desktop scene mapping program ,44 ✓ X X Advanced forensic speed,momentum,kinetics formulas N7 V X V Vehicle specifications database V ,/ X V 3D viewing&rendering I V V X Symbols induded with the program 7000+ 7000+ 1449 357 Imports DWG up to AutoCAD 2002 V ✓ V X Saves DWG files V V V X . Multi-level undo command V V V X Grid display,automatic snaps V V V X Unlimited zooming for high accuracy drawing& V ✓ V X placement Open multiple drawings with cut&paste betweenJ, ✓ ✓ X • drawings Automatic diagram export to dipboard-paste V V X X sketches into Word Custom user levels&protected user data V V X X: Customizable menus,desktop layout,toolbars,& V V X X smart menus Dynamic pan&zoom V V X X Paragraph text with word wrap,italic,bold,fonts,etc. V V X X Over 60 action&sound training movies 60+ 25+ V X Powerful symbol librarian-user can add custom ✓ V X X symbols automatically Full evidence point history of every measured point-no V V X X evidence can be modified without a record Dynamic snaps with tool tips(end,midpoint center, insertion point,point etc.) ✓ V X X Reads&processes measurement data from Fuaorr�tira®y EvidenceRecorder,Leica,Topcon,Geodimeter,Sokkia, ✓ processes data X X Nikon,Pentax&Trimble total stations plus Laser from Evidence Technology,SDR33,TDS,&SMI Data Collectors Recorder Spreadsheet edit&printing of measured points,with ✓ ✓ X X Voice Note playback Spreadsheet review,analyze&print instrument ✓ X X X measurement data Reprocess Electronic Measurements of angles& V X X X distances to prove results Full 3D time&speed based animation with automatic key frames&tweening ✓ X X X Full 3D surface modeling V X >< X Easy contouring&slope analysis V X X X Cross sections for line of sight analysis&bullet trajectory testing V X X X Exports advanced models for further processing or animation ✓ X X X PRICE(IVSD) :$1,395 $595 . .' .$599 $795 ;. -' Ms .,- E m t,l '1/IicroSurve 8 1' S T E M 3 M� y -71 z -Copytight 2. 2 VlrcroSurve Software inc 9Ulidt'b''Surveyar d AllapSeenes t videhCe Recerderaretrademarksoaf MicroaunteySoftware lnc All other braid rte ` y *4; r a names productnamesertrademarksarepropertyoftheirrespectiveowners 5'r3 MapScenes Pricing Page 1 of 2 '' vt., k `a wyn m HOME I� 4515 - DUCTS SUPPORT TFI, 114G EVENTS « P JR Purchase MMSRP PRICE LIST PRO Solution MapScenes PRO Upgrade from MapScenes to MapScenes PRO Evidence Recorder PRO LITE Solution MapScenes LITE Evidence Recorder LITE MicroSurvey Data Exchange* MS Data Exchange *MS Data Exchange is required for Evidence Recorder PRO and LITE purchases if the user does not own a MapScenes Desktop product. Panasonic Toughbook Package Evidence Recorder software Panasonic Toughbook 01 Compact Flash storage card AC charger, desktop cradle and PC cable Brackets and total station cable sold separately Evidence Recorder PRO Package Evidence Recorder LITE Package Allegro CE Package Evidence Recorder software Allegro CE AC charger, PC cable Brackets and total station cable sold separately Evidence Recorder PRO Package Evidence Recorder LITE Package Evidence Recorder ValuePack Software and Accessories Package* Evidence Recorder PRO software Ruggedized PDA protector (lifetime guarantee) Compact Flash storage card DP9 cable connector http://www.mapscenes.com/purchase/pricelist.htm 5/20/2004 MapScenes Pricing Page 2 of 2 Brackets and total station cable sold separately Evidence Recorder PRO Package *iPAQ device available separately at local electronic stores. "From crash to crime, the MapScenes System has you covered." © 2004 MicroSurvey Software Inc. MapScenes® is Registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office by MicroSurvey Software, Inc. http://www.mapscenes.com/purchase/pricelist.htm 5/20/2004 I MapScenes Pricing Page 1 of 2 Scene 1 S,. ..V a r � a 1 1, r{t/Al 4 - e sri"fie elf HOME' [ PRODUC S ` -SUPPORT I TRAINING - EVENTS PURCHASE COMPANY I Purchase MSRP PRICE LEST MSRP US Dollar PRO Solution MapScenes PRO $1,395.00 Upgrade from MapScenes to MapScenes PRO $299.00 Evidence Recorder PRO $995.00 LITE Solution MapScenes LITE $595.00 Evidence Recorder LITE $595.00 MicroSurvey Data Exchange* MS Data Exchange $395.00 *MS Data Exchange is required for Evidence Recorder PRO and LITE purchases if the user does not own a MapScenes Desktop product. Panasonic Toughbook Package Evidence Recorder software Panasonic Toughbook 01 = Compact Flash storage card . AC charger, desktop cradle and PC cable =eY,'..... Brackets and total station cable sold separately Evidence Recorder PRO Package $2,595.00 Evidence Recorder LITE Package $1,995.00 Allegro CE Package Evidence Recorder software Allegro CE AC charger, PC cable 1..4L_.��-----"--- ------------- ----- f_ 1 / • 1• , - MapScenes Pricing Page 2 of 2 Brackets and total station cable sold separately sat? Evidence Recorder PRO Package $3,870.00 Evidence Recorder LITE Package $3,470.00 Evidence Recorder ValuePack Software and Accessories Package* Evidence Recorder PRO software Ruggedized PDA protector (lifetime guarantee) Compact Flash storage card ' ,.. DP9 cable connector (� Brackets and total station cable sold separately —✓ Evidence Recorder PRO Package $1,095.00 *iPAQ device available separately at local electronic stores. "From crash to crime, the MapScenes System has you covered." © 2004 MicroSurvey Software Inc. MapScenes® is Registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office by MicroSurvey Software, Inc. http://www.mapscenes.com/purchase/pricelist.htm 5/25/2004 • Q yr Forensic Diagramming and Animation tri ti=201 E. Adams St., Ste. 100 « ngfield, IL 62701-1122 • Supv. Brian Miller: (217)557-5346 "dark 5he6.tick: (217)558-6968 `1 _ "Tara Wai'ters�. (217)557-5347 ,,FAX: (217)524-3411 t Ill�nols'State Poljce 41",z � Division of_Forenskc= Services u� 7 Crime scene `5ervices Command /lid h� 12°-57 � s old lir . C/ s r / C_.-X (-7 /Li, / Coy?',-7/ac"'I US Northwestern University Center for Public Safety - course - Total Station and Data Collec... Page 1 if 27, , NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY Site ap (ENTER FOR PUBLIC SAFETy Newslett Sea rch HOE PRODUCTS COURSES ALUMNI DIVISIONS LINKS is Total Station and Data Collectors -Featuring the.NEW Evidence Recorder(EvR) by MicroSurvey COURSE FEE: $ TBD ) I C(``c) 5 S 06 COURSE LENGTH: 5.0 days 6 s 00- COURSE SCHEDULE : I ! COURSE DESCRIPTION This course may be available on a contract basis or may be scheduled as needed. For more information contact us at 847-491-7241 C I am interested in hosting this course on a contract basis. C Please notify me when the following course becomes available. (please select one) Name: Email Address:{ Phone Number:I Submit This course covers the skills necessary for integrating electronic total station technology into the toolbox of the investigator. Hands-on techniques will be offered using Leica, Sokkia, Topcon and Nikon "construction grade" instruments. This course will teach the student basic and advanced skills using ANY total station and data record devices. The course will introduce and teach the skills to use the latest in data recorders, the EvR by Micro Survey. The course includes several field projects utilizing the total station, data recorder and evidence recorder. Students are encouraged to bring their own laptop computers and total station equipment. WHO SHOULD ATTEND This course is designed for any Accident Reconstructionist or Crime Scene Investigator who uses a total station. COURSE CONTENT • Features of the Instrument • Set Up and Take Down • Data Recorder Features • Introduction of the EvR by Micro Survey • Use of Total Station • Changing Reference Points • Measuring Collision Scenes • Measuring Vehicles • Measuring Crime Scenes • Interfacing with CAD software, Map Scenes Pro and Lite •Vertical Scene Mapping http://server.traffic.northwestern.edu/course/course more.asp?id=413 5/25/2004 Northwestern University Center for Public Safety - course - CAD with Map Scenes - Feat... Page 1 of 2 NORTHWESTERN HWESTERN UNIVERSITY Sitennap ENTER FOR PUBLICSAFETY Newsiett Search HOME PRODUCTS COURSES " ALUMNI IXIASIONS LINKS CAD with Map Scenes - Featuring the NEW Map Scene Pro and Lite Software by MicroSurvey COURSE FEE: $ TBD COURSE LENGTH: 5.0 days COURSE SCHEDULE : COURSE DESCRIPTION This course may be available on a contract basis or may be scheduled as needed. For more information contact us at 847-491-7241 • I am interested in hosting this course on a contract basis. • Please notify me when the following course becomes available. (please select one) Name: Email Address: Phone Number:1 Submit This course covers the use of sophisticated software for creating a scale diagram. This software is frequently used in conjunction with "total station" technology for documenting scenes and physical evidence. Requiring prior basic computer skills, students learn all the basic facets of the MapScenes Pro and Lite software, by MicroSurvey. "Scene Modeling" and methods to enhance scene reconstruction are included. Several field projects prepare students for use of the MapScenes software. Upon completion of this one week training course, the participant will receive a $350.00 manufacturer rebate upon the purchase of Map Scene Pro from an authorized dealer. WHO SHOULD ATTEND This course is designed for any Accident Reconstructionist or Crime Scene Investigator who uses computer aided drawing to produce diagrams. COURSE CONTENT • Getting Started • Map Scenes Assistant • CAD Concepts • File Menu • Edit Menu • Draw Menu • Modify Menu • Text Menu • Dim Menu • Symbols Menu • Setting Menu • MapScenes Menu http://server.traffic.northwestern.edu/course/course more.asp?id=415 5/25/2004 ,s,0 C/7.), , A o Yorkville Police Department Memorandum A.,....1 - 804 Game Farm Road EST. �� 1836 Yorkville, Illinois 60560 --- -- Telephone: 630-553-4340 P I i Fax: 630-553-1141 \\..... bilt-‘-trid: , 41.60 /-"-- er...5":„.el-s- (I) / f't-- Date: Aril 21, 2004 � A..2. , To: Administrator Tony Graff (A'/4ce,tp: From: S/Sgt. Ron Diederich ,-/. Reference: Emergency Generator Aaoc� Aril/ - )g' TonyPAIA' ( // Al As you know we have learned that our existing emergency generator has had problems. We have looked to Dave Behrens from Public Works to assume the maintenance on the unit and we have learned from Patten Power Systems that the generator is not large enough to supply enough power to operate the building safely. I asked Jim Seibert from Patten to quote us a price on a generator that would be large enough to handle this building. I have attached a copy of his quote to this memo. If you have any questions please let me know. Respectfully, S/Sgt. Ron Diederich CC: Chief Harold 0. Martin III • Dave Behrens . 40...,_; ,- 7:::,*.-12-/#14"717-j-'/. Fvti ---,$ -}L"' fle-Cd l'r--'" APR-20-2004 TUE 03:38 PM FAX NO, P. 01 Patten cit Pa Construction Products 590 Mayer St. Oglesby, It.61348 815.883.3336 tel 815.883.8043 fax Date: /7/41d' y To: a p► R-Hpc:. a1c Fax Number: 0. 0 5 - From: 1 v.v\ Number of pages (including cover): Message: 6.< l-/eR E 15 q)(fot frg `oi f 4' f)//9r- rn-moi . E/t/S 733 . .1, C ,� L cro l( 417- 7 s/y . c(4?-/( r-/- QcfS%iot . — , 4/k 7 (-/ APR-20-2004 TUE 03: 38 P14 FAX NO. P. 02 p AT Power Paueu . . Systems P OWER S`(SI' .N\S A Division of Patten Industries, Inc. April 20,2004 • Ron Diederich Senior Sergeant Yorkville Police Dept 800 Game Farm Rd Yorkville, Illinois 60560 Dear Ron: Below is the scope and costs associated with the replacement of the generator located behind the City of Yorkville Police Station with a 125 KW. Olympian unit sized to meet the electrical needs of the complete facility. During the course of the installation, the City of Yorkville will be responsible for the excavation for the conduit run from the generator to the building, all concrete work for the generator mounting pad and all back filling of the conduit run upon completion, the initial fuel fill on the unit by the vendor of your choice and all required permits and license. The city of Yorkville will have to determine a suitable time to perform the installation as the complete building will have no power for the duration of the project, estimated to be three working days. Patten Power Systems will provide the generator, all electrical and conduit runs, installation and mounting of the generator including all freight and shipping. Patten Power Systems will remove the original generator and transfer-switch, load onto a City of Yorkville truck to be relocated at the storage site determined by the City of Yorkville. In addition Patten Power Systems will provide the City of Yorkville with the initial start-up, Load Bank and a tutorial on the proper operation of the new unit. $50,292.40 Please note these prices are for labor during normal business hours of Monday through Friday between the hours of 7:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. These prices do not include any applicable sales tax. To schedule this project or if you have any questions regarding this quote,contact me at your convenience at (815) 228-3935.This quote valid for 90 days from today's date. This unit requires 12 to 14 weeks for shipping from the time a purchase order in given to Patten Power Systems. Sin ly, Jim Seibert Product Support Representative Patten Power Systems GRAYSLAKE OGLESBY ELMHURST ROCKFORD HAMMOND,IN 205 South Route 83 590 Mayer St 615 West Lake St. 5055 South Main SI 6400 Indianapolis Blvd. Grayslake, IL 60030 Oglesby, IL 61348 Elmhurst, IL 60128 Rockford. IL 61102 Hammond, IN 46320 647.548.1177 815.883,9338 630.530.2200 815.965.8631 219.932.6600 647,548.1166 tax 815.883.8043 fax 630.530.2218 fax 815.965.1179 fax 773,721.6977 219.932.1121 fax o .rzol,t$Dour'RL'L w ar t•� R KV I E DED IN YORKVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT CHIEF OF POLICE 804 Game Farm Road Phone (630) 553-4340 Harold O.Martin III Yorkville,Illinois 60560 Fax (630) 553-1141 Date: May 18, 2004 To: Chief Harold 0. Martin III From: S/Sergeant Ron Diederich Reference: Monthly Mileage Report During the month of April,2004 the Yorkville Police Department logged a total of 21,179 miles. Individual miles are: MonthlyCurrent Reassign/ Squad Vehicle Squad Usage Miles Miles Replace Date M-1 2001 Ford Crown Victoria Patrol 77675,803 2006/2007 M-2 1996 Chevrolet Caprice Admin. 733 134,206 < 2005/2006 M-3 1998 Ford Crown Victoria Admin. 183 12(3;319 2003/2004 a M-4 2002 Chevrolet Impala Patrol 2,817 50,359 2005/2006 M-5 1998 Ford Crown Victoria Admin. 960113,1937 2003/2004 M-6 2003 Chevrolet Impala Chief 1,202 .3,901 2007/2008 M-7 2001 Ford Crown Victoria D.A.R.E. 068,14:::2',0 :,::::;12009/2010 M-8 2004 Ford Crown Victoria Patrol 3,123 y 26,296 2007/2008 M-9 2000 Ford Crown Victoria Lieutenant 780 �` 63' 08 ' 2008/2009 M-10 1991 Ford Thunderbird DARE365 125,266 2004/2005 M-11 2003 Ford Crown Victoria Patrol Sgt. 2,67435,585 2006/2007 M-12 1999 Ford Expedition Patrol/Trucks 1,965 49,812 2007/2008 M-13 2001 Ford Crown Victoria K-9 163 40,50 ::;,: 2010/2011 M-14 2003 Ford Crown Victoria Patrol 1,585 47, 73 2;,,,,,, 005/2006 M-15 2004 Ford Crown Victoria Patrol Sgt. 1,218 : 11,577 2007/2008 M-16, the 2004 Ford Expedition was placed in service at the end of last month. It currently has 2,635 miles and is assigned to Patrol/Sergeant. Respectfully, S/Sgt. Ron Diederich 1 ti Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary 7836 April 19, 2004 through May 23, 2004 040529 through 040736 747E ;‘>> Page 1 of 9 040529 04-19-04 1200 BIk. Deer Street 040542 .... 04-20-04 1200 Blk. N.Bridge Street Theft: 35 Wooden Pallets were taken from a Accident business. Value of pallets was reported at $1575. 040543.... 04-20-04 Route 34/Countryside Pkwy 040530 04-19-04 Route47/Route 34 Illegal Parking/Towed Abandoned Vehicle Traffic Arrest: Subject was arrested for driving on a suspended license. 040544.... 04-20-04 200 BIk. Wheaton Avenue Citizen Assist 040531 04-19-04 Carpenter/Marketview Accident 040545.... 04-20-04 Route 47/Galena Road Accident 040532 04-19-04 200 BIk. Route 34 Accident 040546.... 04-20-04 S.MainNan Emmon Accident 040533 04-19-04 Desk Report Suspicious Circumstances 040547.... 04-20-04 Spring/McHugh Accident: Delayed Report— Occurred on 04-16-04) 040534 04-19-04 Route 126/Route 47 Accident 040548.... 04-20-04 Yorkville Middle School Juvenile Battery: Delayed Report- occurred on 03- 040535 04-19-04 900 Blk. S. Main Street 26-04. Victim's parent filed report stating suspect Domestic Trouble punched victim in the mouth after victim was teasing suspect about a photograph from a previous school's 040536 04-19-04 200 BIk. Hillcrest Avenue ID card. Suspect apologized and case was referred Mental Case— Other to Juvenile Probation. 040537 04-19-04 2000 BIk. S. Bridge Street 040549 .... 04-21-04 100 BIk. Blackberry Lane Assist Business Agency Theft: Victim reported that at an unknown time, suspect removed several checks from their residence 040538 04-19-04 Route 47/E.Main Street and them forged the victim's name in order to cash Traffic Arrest: Subject was arrested for driving on a the checks. Total amount of loss - $1000. suspended license. 040550.... 04-21-04 Desk Report 040539 04-20-04 Kennedy/Bristol Ridge Lost Articles: Victim reported their wallet, its Traffic Arrest: Officer followed vehicle which was contents, including their driver's license, as lost. weaving within its own lane. After field sobriety tests were failed, driver was taken into custody for DUI. 040551 .... 04-21-04 Route 47/Fox Street After the driver agreed to submit a breath test, driver Traffic Arrest: Subject was arrested for driving on a was charged with DUI — BAC Over 0.08 (actually a suspended license. .166). 040552 .... 04-21-04 Fox Street/Morgan Street 040540 04-20-04 200 Blk. E. Veterans Pkway Other Public Complaints Assist Business Agency 040553.... 04-21-04 1400 BIk. Chestnut Lane 040541 04-20-04 Route 47/Main Street Domestic Trouble Other Public Complaints/Towed Abandoned Vehicle ,��D C/l` J=am ` j ., r Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary �` laii April 19, 2004 through May 23, 2004 1 _ --0 040529 through 040736 '�1'�ce _, Page 2 of 9 040554 04-22-04 100 BIk. Blackberry Lane 040561 .... 04-24-04 1500 BIk. N.Bridge Street Domestic Battery: Victim went to police department Assist Business Agency to report that suspect had struck victim in the face with mail and had also threatened to kill both the 040562.... 04-24-04 1300 BIk. N.Bridge Street victim and their self. No injuries were observed and Accident victim was referred to the SA's Office. 040563.... 04-24-04 100 BIk. Blackberry Lane 040555 04-22-04 200 BIk. E. Veterans Pkwy Burglary from Motor Vehicle: Delayed report— Deceptive Practices: Business reported that suspect occurred on 04-19-04. Victim reports that two plastic had cashed three checks with non-sufficient funds. grocery bags filled with twelve year's worth of old Total of loss - $163. bank statements and a copy of his eleven-year-old's diary (located inside a cooler)were taken from inside 040556 04-22-04 Van Emmon/Mill Street his work vehicle. Victim states their spouse is Traffic Arrest: Subject was arrested for driving on a suspected due to the fact they keep the vehicle suspended license. locked at all times and it was parked in their driveway. 040557 04-22-04 200 BIk. W. Veterans Pkwy 040564.... 04-25-04 Route 34/Center Parkway Battery: Victim went through drive-thru at a local fast Accident food restaurant where suspect works. Both victim and suspect are currently dating each other's ex- 040565 .... 04-25-04 1400 Blk. Chestnut Lane boyfriends. A small verbal argument occurred and Domestic Trouble suspect reached into victim's vehicle and poured a soft drink on the victim and the interior of the victim's 040566.... 04-25-04 Route 47/Fox Street vehicle. Traffic Arrest: Subject was arrested for driving on a suspended license. 040558 04-22-04 Route 47/Garden Street Traffic Arrest: Driver was found illegally parked and 040567.... 04-25-04 1400 Bik. N. Bridge Street urinating on the side of the highway. Driver agreed to Found Articles: A license plate was located in the car perform field sobriety tests and failed. Driver was wash. Owner was notified. arrested for DUI and agreed to submit to a breath test. Driver refused. 040568 .... 04-26-04 Route 34/Rickard Drive Accident 040559 04-23-04 Route 34/Countryside Assist County Police/Road Spike Use: Sergeant 040569 .... 04-26-04 1200 BIk. N.Bridge Street Klingel was asked to assist Kendall County Sheriff's Deceptive Practices: Suspect issued seven non- Deputies with a pursuit. YPD's road spikes were sufficient fund checks, each for the amount of$150, successfully deployed by Sergeant Klingel. It is to the business. Total loss - $1050. unknown if the vehicle was stopped due to the road spikes, as the pursuit continued, however, all of the 040570 .... 04-26-04 1400 BIk. Chestnut Lane spikes were removed where the suspect's car . Theft: Victim reported they suspected their spouse traveled over the strips. (no longer living at the residence) took $350 worth of prescription medications from inside the residence. 040560 04-23-04 400 Blk. W.Jefferson Street In-State Warrant: Subject was taken into custody for a valid warrant issued in Kendall County by Sheriff's Office for the Yorkville Police. KV) c/rr Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary `1836 April 19, 2004 through May 23, 2004 S0 040529 through 040736 tLE Page3of9 040571 04-26-04 100 BIk. W. Somonauk St 040579.... 04-28-04 100 BIk. Appletree Court Criminal Trespass to Residence: Offender pushed Criminal Damage to Property/In-State Warrant: their way into the victim's residence, and pushed and Victim reported six tires on their vehicles were hit the victim. Victim was transported to hospital for slashed and key scratches were made on the hood treatment. Offender was arrested and charged with and side of one car. Upon questioning another Criminal Trespass to Residence (Class 4 Felony) and individual involved, it was learned their was a valid Battery (Class A Misdemeanor). warrant for their arrest and was taken into custody for such. Pending investigation on the damage. Total 040572 04-27-04 300 BIk. W.Ridge Street damage valued at$1000. Burglary from Motor Vehicle: Victim stated several items of stereo equipment were taken from their 040580 .... 04-28-04 400 BIk. Jefferson Street vehicle some time between 04-26 and 04-27. On 05- Citizen Assist 02-04, citizen came in to report that they had found some stereo equipment on Pavillion Road while 040581 .... 04-28-04 100 BIk. W.Veterans Pkwy mushroom hunting. All items were identified by Other Public Complaint owner and returned. 040582 .... 04-28-04 600 BIk. W.Veterans Pkwy 040573 04-27-04 Omaha Drive (Lot) Suspicious Circumstances Theft: $1000 worth of construction concrete forms were taken from a house under construction. 040583.... 04-28-04 600 Bik. W.Veterans Pkwy Suspicious Circumstances 040574 04-27-04 Route 47/Cannonball Accident 040584.... 04-28-04 100 BIk. Appletree Court Aggravated Assault: Victim reported subject had a 040575 04-27-04 1300 BIk. Coralberry Court gun and pointed it at their head. Upon searching all Fraud: Victim discovered $1208.80 was charged on subject's on arrival, no weapons were found. an unauthorized cellular telephone account. Pending Suspect stated after a verbal altercation with victim, investigation. they pointed a toy gun at victim. After speaking with victim, victim was also making threats towards the 040576 04-27-04 1400 BIk. Chestnut Lane suspect. No charges were filed...unfounded incident. Missing Person —Juvenile Female: Mother of victim reported her daughter was missing. Mother was 040585.... 04-28-04 3 W.Veterans Parkway extremely hysterical and uncooperative, blaming Found Articles police for the missing juvenile. Mother realized that she had left the juvenile at an area park. 040586.... 04-28-04 702 S.Main Street Disorderly Conduct: Juveniles let bicycles go into the 040577 04-27-04 Galena Road/Route 47 street which hit the reporting person's vehicle. There Assault: An incident of road rage. Victim states was no intent to purposely hit the vehicle. Reporting driver of another vehicle was driving out of control person did not want to press charges. and at a stop light, got out of their vehicle and began pounding on victim's car. Victim wanted incident 040587.... 04-29-04 Cottonwood/John documented. Dog Bite— Public: Victim reported a dog bite. Owner was cited for loose dog. 040578 04-27-04 McHugh Road/Marketplace Accident 040588.... 04-29-04 Landmark/Marketplace Suspicious Circumstances o Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary 6S1 April 19, 2004 through May 23, 2004 9 _ 0 040529 through 040736 4cE ‘�'. Page4of9 040589 04-30-04 Route 47/Route 34 040601 .... 05-01-04 Route 34/Route 47 Accident Accident/Traffic Arrest: Both drivers involved in the accident were arrested for driving on a suspended 040590 04-30-04 Route 34/Game Farm Road license. Accident 040602 .... 05-01-04 700 Blk. Clover Court 040591 04-30-04 Route 47/Route 34 Criminal Damage to Property: Insulation as taken Accident from a house under construction - $50 value. 040592 04-30-04 Yorkville Middle School 040603 .... 05-02-04 400 Blk. W.Ridge Street Disorderly Conduct: Juvenile was swearing at Domestic Trouble teachers. Juvenile's parent was contacted and picked up from school. 040604.... 05-02-04 100 BIk. Colonial Parkway Criminal Damage to Property: A vehicle's tire had 040593 04-30-04 300 BIk. Olsen Street been damaged, including a canister and bracket Citizen Assist because the air had been let out. A neighbor is suspected. Damage valued at $525. Pending 040594 04-30-04 Route 47/Hydraulic Avenue investigation. Accident/Traffic Arrest: While investigating an accident, it was found a subject was driving on a 040605 .... 05-02-04 1800 Blk. Marketview suspended license and was arrested for such. Theft 040595 04-30-04 1800 BIk. Marketview Dr 040606.... 05-02-04 1300 BIk. Coralberry Court Citizen Assist Criminal Damage to Vehicle: Damage was done to a vehicle after unknown offender(s) spread an unknown substance . Valued at $1000. 040596 05-01-04 JC Pond Suspicious Auto/Curfew Violation: Officers located a 040607 .... 05-02-04 2600 BIk. Bristol Ridge Rd suspicious vehicle and located a juvenile out.past Criminal Damage to Property: Victim reported sugar curfew. Juvenile was turned over to their parent. was placed in their gas tank causing $2500 in damages. 040597 05-01-04 3 W. Veterans Parkway Accident 040608 .... 05-02-04 Route 47/Somonauk Street Juvenile Investigation 040598 05-01-04 Route 34/Game Farm Road Accident 040609 .... 05-03-04 Route 47/Route 34 Traffic Arrest: Subject was arrested for driving 040599 05-01-04 Route 34/Route 47 without a license. Accident/In-State Warrant: While investigating an accident, a subject was arrested on a valid in-state 040610 .... 05-03-04 Yorkville High School warrant. Missing Persons—Juvenile Female: Juvenile is dropped off at school and leaves the grounds, not 040600 05-01-04 Route 47/Route 71 returning home until approximately 1500 hours. Accident 040611 .... 05-03-04 200 BIk. E.Veterans Pkwy Lost Articles ,QED CITE Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary j_1'36 April 19, 2004 through May 23, 2004 `yo 040529 through 040736 Page 5 of 9 040612 05-03-04 300 BIk. E.Van Emmon St 040625 .... 05-05-04 Yorkville High School Juvenile Investigation Juvenile Battery: Two juveniles offenders were involved in a fight where the victim sustained multiple 040613 05-04-04 1200 BIk. S.Bridge Street injuries. They were referred to Probation for criminal Burglary: Unknown suspect(s) forced entry into a charges. business and a fire safe containing (valued at $100) an unknown amount of currency was taken from 040626.... 05-05-04 1800 BIk. Marketview Drive inside the business. Other Public Complaints 040614 05-04-04 2000 Blk. S.Bridge Street 040627 .... 05-05-04 Yorkville High School Lot Assist Business Agency Accident 040615 05-04-04 300 Blk. E.Kendall Drive 040628 .... 05-05-04 200 BIk. E.Veterans Pkwy Unlawful Visitation Interference Accident 040616 05-04-04 1200 BIk. E. Badger Street 040629.... 05-05-04 2000 Blk. S.Bridge Street Burglary from Motor Vehicle: A vehicle parked at the Assist Business Agency business has a window broken out and a stereo valued at $150 removed from inside. 040630 .... 05-05-04 100 BIk. E.Fox Street Neighborhood Trouble 040617 05-04-04 900 BIk. Game Farm Road Accident 040631 .... 05-05-04 200 BIk. W.Kendall Drive Domestic Trouble 040618 05-04-04 1300 BIk. Chestnut Circle Animal —Other Complaints 040632 .... 05-06-04 Route 47/Cannonball Trail Sick/Injured Animal 040619 05-04-04 1200 BIk. Deer Street Accident 040633.... 05-06-04 Internal Report Canine Search —Assist Chicago FBI/DEA 040620 05-04-04 700 Blk. E.Spring Street Assist Ambulance 040634.... 05-06-04 Internal Report Canine Search —Assist Chicago FBI/DEA 040621 05-05-04 500 BIk. Game Farm Road Other Public Complaint 040635 .... 05-06-04 Internal Report Canine Training 040622 05-05-04 300 Blk. Mulhern Court Criminal Damage to Property: Scratches were made 040636.... 05=06-04 1400 BIk. N.Bridge Street on a vehicle and three of its tires were slashed. Assist Business Agency Damage valued at $1375. 040637.... 05-06-04 200 BIk. E.Veterans Pkwy 040623 05-05-04 200 Blk. W.Kendall Drive Accident Domestic Trouble 040638 .... 05-06-04 2000 Blk. S.Bridge Street 040624 05-05-04 Desk Report Retail Theft Domestic Trouble 040639.... 05-06-04 1700 Blk. Cottonwood Ct Other Public Complaint 'I At Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary `� 1836 Aprilthrough 19, 2004 May2004 � 23, \114. 61 040529 through 040736 <<E' 2' Page 6 of 9 040640 05-07-04 100 BIk. S. Bridge Street 040654.... 05-10-04 100 BIk. Park Street Harassment by Telephone Suspicious Circumstances 040641 05-07-04 300 Blk. W.Ridge Street 040655.... 05-10-04 Yorkville High School Harassment by Telephone Missing Person—Juvenile Female: A juvenile female reported missing to the Kendall County Sheriffs 040642 05-07-04 Route 47/Cannonball Office was located at high school and taken into Traffic Arrest: Subject was arrested for driving custody. without a valid license. 040656.... 05-10-04 Route 34/Tuma Road 040643 05-08-04 Kendall County Corrections Accident Assist County Police 040657 .... 05-10-04 1200 BIk. Deer Street 040644 05-08-04 400 Blk. Park Street Deceptive Practices: A check worth $1251.18 was Burglary from Motor Vehicle: A radar detector was written to a business. The check had non-sufficient taken after forced entry was made on a vehicle. funds. Value of property - $60. Value of damage - $250. 040658.... 05-10-04 Bristol Grade School 040645 05-08-04 500 Blk. Countryside Cntr Canine Demonstration Assist Ambulance 040659 .... 05-11-04 600 Blk. W.Veterans Pkwy 040646 05-08-04 Route 47/Colonial Parkway Deceptive Practices: A check for the amount of Traffic Arrest: Subject arrested for driving on a $219.67 was written to a business and came back on suspended license. a closed account 040647 05-08-04 200 Blk. W.Veterans Pkwy 040660 .... 05-11-04 300 Blk. E.Kendall Drive Accident Assistance Rendered — Civil Category 040648 05-09-04 300 Blk. Mulhern Court 040661 .... 05-11-04 9000 Blk. E.Van Emmon St Consumption by Minors: Two underage drinkers Missing Persons—Adult Male: Wife reported were taken into custody for Consumption. husband as missing, however, husband called into work stating he was having personal problems. 040649 05-09-04 Route 47/Route 34 Unfounded. Accident 040662 .... 05-11-04 300 Blk. Mulhern Court 040650 05-09-04 1100 Blk. N.Bridge Street Criminal Damage to Property: Victim reported Fraud: Business received a counterfeit $20 bill. scratches to the passenger side of their vehicle. Damage valued at $500. 040651 05-09-04 Route 47/Galena Road Traffic Arrest: Subject was arrested after found 040663 .... 05-11-04 600 Blk. W.Veterans Pkwy driving on a suspended license and cited for having Aggravated Battery: The offender was driving open alcohol in the vehicle. extremely fast, passing vehicles and cutting them off. The victim followed the offender into a parking lot and 040652 05-10-04 2800 Blk. N.Bridge Street got into a verbal altercation with the offender. The Other Public Complaint offender struck the victim three times in the head and face. The identity of the offender was made with help 040653 05-10-04 500 Blk. Buckthorne of the business, as they were a patron of the Credit Card Fraud business. Pending investigation. ° ; ` Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary April 19, 2004 through May 23, 2004 j-1 040529 through 040736 4-LE Page 7 of 9 040664 05-11-04 1300 BIk. Willow Way 040676.... 05-13-04 River Road/Route 47 Accident Accident/Traffic Arrest: Subject involved in accident 040665 05-11-04 1400 Blk. N.Bridge Street was arrested for driving on a suspended license. Retail Theft: $38 worth of gasoline was pumped and not paid for. No offender information was given, no 040677.... 05-14-04 600 BIk. Center Parkway information was found on the surveillance tapes. Accident 040666 05-12-04 1400 BIk. N.Bridge Street 040678.... 05-14-04 1200 Blk. N.Bridge Street Retail Theft: Two packs of cigarettes ($7) and a Retail Theft: A customer scammed a cashier out of bottle of grapefruit juice ($1) were taken and not paid $149.62. Police were notified and the matter is for at the business. Unknown suspect information. pending investigation. 040667 05-12-04 100 BIk. E. Van Emmon St 040679.... 05-15-04 100 BIk. Countryside Forgery: Three checks totaling $240 were cashed Possession/Consumption of Alcohol by Minor: After a after being stolen in Somonauk Police Department's call of a suspicious auto, officers arrived and took one jurisdiction. underage subject in custody for possession and consumption of alcohol. 040668 04-28-04 200 BIk. Leisure Loose Dog: On 04-28-04, Kendall County Sheriffs 040680.... 05-15-04 500 BIk. Heartland Police responded to a call of a loose dog for YPD due Theft: Victim reported a cellular telephone loaned to to another serious call being handled by Yorkville their son was taken at an unknown time at an Police. Their report was forwarded to our office for unknown location in Yorkville and charges were records. incurred on the bill. 040669 05-12-04 Yorkville High School Lot 040681 .... 05-16-04 400 BIk. Colton Street Accident Barking Dog Complaint: Ordinance citation issued. 040670 05-12-04 Route 34/Sycamore 040682 .... 05-16-04 Kennedy Road Accident Burglary from Motor Vehicle: Victim reported that while at a party, someone removed their purse from 040671 05-12-04 Route 47Nan Emmon St their unlocked vehicle. A jogger located some items Accident out of her purse. 040672 05-12-04 Route 47/Landmark Ave 040683 .... 05-16-04 300 BIk. Mulhern Court Accident Mischievous Conduct — No Dollar Loss 040673 05-12-04 2100 BIk. Northland 040684.... 05-16-04 Desk Report Suspicious Circumstances Found Bicycle 040674 05-12-04 100 BIk. E.Fox Street 040685 .... 05-16-04 300 BIk. Mulhern Court Assistance Rendered Civil Category Mischievous Conduct— No Dollar Loss 040675 05-13-04 200 BIk. E.Veterans Pkwy 040686.... 05-16-04 300 BIk. E. Fox Street Deceptive Practices: Checks totaling $100.77 were Criminal Damage to Property: Vicitm stated an ice written to a business on a closed account. cream man had pulled over onto a grassed easement to sell ice cream to children. Damage to area estimated at $100 by victim. � 1c'� Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary ESZitit.i- '876 April 19, 2004 through May 23, 2004 kfro 040529 through 040736 `4E ',`>" Page8of9 040687 05-16-04 200 Blk. S. Bridge Street 040701 .... 05-18-04 Route 47/River Street Burglar Alarm Accident 040688 05-17-04 Desk Report 040702 .... -05-19-04 ....1800 BIk. Marketview Drive Mandatory Release Notification Criminal Damage to Property: Victim reported there were scratches to their vehicle. Damage valued at 040689 05-17-04 Midway Airport $500. Citizen Assist 040703 .... 05-19-04 Route 47/Landmark Avenue 040690 05-17-04 300 BIk. Walter Street In-State Warrant/Obstructing Justice: Two subjects Accident were arrested for having valid warrants and one charged with obstructing justice for giving a false 040691 05-17-04 200 BIk. Adams Street name. Criminal Damage to Property: A telephone line was reported as damaged by the victim —valued at $100. 040704.... 05-19-04 Game Farm Road/Route 34 Traffic Arrest: Subject arrested for driving on a 040692 05-17-04 1800 BIk. Marketview suspended license. Lost Articles 040705.... 05-19-04 300 BIk. Mulhern Court 040693 05-17-04 500 BIk. Powers Court Harassment by Telephone Domestic Trouble 040706 .... 05-19-04 200 BIk. River Street 040694 05-17-04 2000 Blk. S. Bridge Street Other Public Complaint Retail Theft: $33 worth of gasoline was pumped and not paid for. 040707 .... 05-19-04 Route 47/Greenbriar Road Traffic Arrest: Subject arrested for driving on a 040695 05-17-04 300 Blk. Walter Street suspended license. Suicide Attempt 040708 .... 05-19-04 200 BIk. River Street 040696 05-18-04 Galena/Route 47 Other Public Complaint Abandoned Vehicle 040709.... 05-19-04 2000 BIk. S.Bridge Street 040697 05-18-04 Route 47/Fox Street Assist Business Agency Accident 040710 .... 05-19-04 200 BIk. E.Washington St 040698 05-18-04 700 BIk. Game Farm Road Harassment by Telephone Traffic Arrest: Subject was arrested after found driving on a suspended license. 040711 .... 05-19-04 900 Blk. E. Spring Street Domestic Trouble 040699 05-18-04 200 BIk. S.Bridge Street Accident 040712 .... 05-20-04 Route 47/Somonauk Street Accident 040700 05-18-04 200 BIk. W.Veterans Pkwy Criminal Damage to Property: A tent and various 040713 .... 05-19-04 100 BIk. Countryside Cntr plants and cinder blocks were damaged at a Suspicious Circumstances business. Damage valued at$310. `��o ciry _ Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary April 19, 2004 through May 23, 2004 °9, ' 43. 040529 040529 through 040736 `74.7E1-%> Page 9 of 9 040714 05-20-04 200 BIk. W.Kendall Drive 040723 .... 05-21-04 300 Blk. E.Orange Street Domestic Battery: A verbal altercation between a Domestic Trouble parent and child escalated into a physical altercation, the offender being taken into custody. 040724.... 05-21-04 100 BIk. Route 126 Juvenile Battery: Victim was kicked in the groin area 040715 05-20-04 Yorkville High School by the suspect. Suspect referred to Juvenile Possession of Cannabis/Drug Equipment: After Probation for charges. being caught sneaking back into school, two juveniles were found trying to hide bags from SRO Helland. 040725 ....05-21-04 500 Blk. Buckthorn Court Upon smelling burnt cannabis, he searched the bags Disorderly Conduct and located cannabis and a pipe on one of the offenders. Offender was referred for criminal charges 040726.... 05-22-04 1800 BIk. Marketview for possession of cannabis/drug equipment and the Accident other cited for possessing tobacco products. 040727 .... 05-22-04 1000 BIk. S.Main Street 040716 05-20-04 Route 47/Van Emmon St Criminal Trespass to Vehicle Accident 040728.... 05-22-04 Route 34/Countryside 040717 05-20-04 John Street/Willow Way Traffic Arrest: Subject arrested for driving on a Traffic Arrest/Possession of Cannabis & Drug suspended license. Equipment: Subject was reported to police as a suspicious auto and possibly hitting an object while 040729.... 05-22-04 100 Blk. W.Main Street driving in circles in the subdivision. Officers found Citizens Assist said vehicle and subject was allegedly intoxicated. Paint transfer was located on a vehicle in the 040730 .... 05-22-04 200 BIk. Countryside Pkwy subdivision. Subject agreed to field sobriety testing Burglary from Motor Vehicle and failed. Subject was arrested for DUI. Upon searching the subject after arrest, officers located 040731 .... 05-23-04 Route 47/Galena Road cannabis and drug paraphernalia. Subject agreed to Traffic Arrest: Subject arrested for driving on a submit a breath test which resulted in a .171 BAC and suspended license. an additional DUI ticket for being over .08 BAC. 040732 .... 05-23-04 10500 Route 71 040718 05-20-04 Willow Way Accident Accident (See above incident.) 040733 .... 05-23-04 100 BIk. E.Main Street 040719 05-21-04 1100 Blk. Dalton In-State Warrant Criminal Damage to Property: Glass of a French door at a sales office was damaged valued at $150. 040734.... 05-23-04 Desk Report Suspicious Circumstances 040720 05-21-04 300 Blk. E.Veterans Pkwy Accident 040735.... 05-23-04 100 BIk. Blackberry Lane Domestic Trouble/Suicide Attempt 040721 05-21-04 2000 Blk. S. Bridge Street Retail Theft: $7 worth of fuel was pumped and not 040736.... 05-23-04 9000 Blk. Route 126 paid for. Noise Ordinance Violation: Ordinance ticket issued. 040722 05-21-04 100 BIk. Countryside Pkwy. Assist Ambulance Yorkville Police Department Manhour Report - April 2004 PATROLAPR 03 MAY JUN 03 JUL 03 AUG 03 1tF 03 OCT'03''NOY;PA7 DEC 0a JAN 04 EJB MAR APR 2004 TOTALS Accidents 9.75 18.02. 21.92. 18.52 21.25 20.25 21.78 47.33 31.88 22.17 21.92 24.67 33.33 102.09 Administrative Activity 293.67 271.07 346.08 415.17 330.25 385.27 666.25 574.23 395.53 453.28 535.47 572.88 382.42 1,944.05 Animal Complaints 2.08 9.83 5.42 9.70 2.75 6.00 3.50 2.67 3.17 3.17 2.58 5.00 8.50 19.25 Arrest Activity 35.33 20.33 37.75 41.75 28.08 19.17 16.38 53.22 31.58 22.58 18.75 36.23 41.88 119.44 Assist Agencies 109.42 132.60 126.06 154.75 170.27 148.88 119.17 158.58 139.93 139.62 176.23 166.05 191.50 673.40 Community Relations 30.87 64.50 46.67 85.92 94.42 61.33 44.75 59.42 32.25 23.42 23.58 59.25 45.33 151.58 Departmental Duties 87.00 77.83 80.73 79.08 92.98 77.22 98.30 107.28 115.58 148.67 132.00 100.33 92.07 473.07 Investigations 45.08 99.25 112.08 89.25 50.42 116.27 94.73 147.17 206.52 133.57 143.67 51.50 28.17 356.91 Ordinance/Traffic Violations 84.00 69.15 58.22 46.00 64.42 72.88 48.83 145.33 125.18 121.05 103.13 134.52 79.43 438.13 Personnel Activity 516.75 427.25 527.93 614.07 464.57 597.57 677.45 710.43 757.22 593.73 535.83 837.30 592.50 2,559.36 Preventive Patrol 688.13 718.98 626.83 789.57 952.50 774.12 996.28 733.92 809.53 935.62 888.82 832.15 922.35 3,578.94 Public Complaints 63.67 64.33 62.77 84.43 99.75 63.98 104.32 123.22 59.15 61.15 74.17 72.60 93.72 301.64 Public Services 28.75 33.08 28.67 38.67 30.75 49.67 64.95 45.83 74.65 47.17 24.67 50.75 34.83 157.42 Report Activity 172,90 119.58 131.50 156.83 189.25 .161.82 231.27 371.20 259.33 211.42 220.37 224.65 117.08 773.52 School Activity 166.33 213.00 61.75 4.75 74.83 226.08 358.07 159.75 170.50 189.08 214.57 295.08 174.08 872.81 Traffic Activity 241.33 252.75 212.75 216.30 267.33 250.83 289.75 352.87 530.48 401.55 319.70 421.43 271.18 1,413.86 Training 290.42 333.08 164.00 241.08 102.67 110.07 354.65 234.42 62.00 176.92 407.88 297.58 204.83 1,087.21 ADMINISTRATIVE APR 03 MAY.03 JUN 03 'AUG:03 SEP 03 OCT 03 NOV 03 DEC va,4ANig 2004 TOTALS Chief 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 693.32 CPAT Officer 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 693.32 Crossing Guards(In Days) 32.00 40.50 8.00 0.00 8.00 42.00 43.50 32.00 30.00 37.50 36.00 46.00 31.50 151.00 Lieutenant 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 693.32 Office Supervisor 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 693.32 Records Clerks 297.83 290.58 277.08 177.33 182.33 266.83 298.33 264.08 287.58 281.33 281.08 297.33 285.83 1,145.57 TOTALS '388.8'463 '394.9'*03 ;3629:5323,950.49 '4192014 '41.4346 41525.45 '''S0-1.6:27 4815 38::469.6;32)485174 5218 62 4323 85t909L53 Yorkville Police Department Offense Report - April 2004 } . ., zn+ a u.ti .�.r.Rr„ sm r F'�`. 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Arson _ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0_ _ Assault _ 2 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 4 2 6 _ Battery __ _ _ 9 __ 7 _ 8 _8 6 !6 15 2 3 4 2 2 7 15 Burglary ___ 4 2 6 14 3 9 3 8 4 7 1 8 2 18 Cannabis Offenses__ 2 2__2__ 1 _3_ 4 2 4 2,_ 0_ �1__ 5_ 0 _6 Controlled Substance_Offenses _ 0� 0 _0 _0 0 2 0_ 1 0 0 0 0 0 _ _ 0 Crimes Involving Children 4 10 _ 0 _ 4 _ 2 2 5 4 4 _ 1 6 _ 1 12 Criminal Damage 10 15 13 11 11 10 15 13 21 5 4 7 6 22 Deceptive Practices __� 2 0 2 4 �1 7 2��4 _2� __ 3 2 0 5 10__ Drug Paraphernalia Offenses �_ 1_ 2 0 1 2 3 2 _ 1 _2 0 0 2 0 2 Firearms Offenses 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 Gambling Offenses _ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0v 0 0_ 0 0 0 0 0 Kidnapping 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 2 �y .'�.� .4 tt-:a i ppf`9S`%r,,e � :,re.!�,r�g y¢�3 �” r �-�,,.ppM !',� �t ��®®�.,; y �r��y�xjlaff�.:� �,°l�`0�� .� �Jo �,y�e,.{j�y r7 !` �.I ..fit���7,'� t� �/�'. �f; , �{" 'a 3'•': hU.o-/,41:+ <r :f'sr @ 'fit � 0 ,,T Lt d.,+ p 4 q y ,� `', � A 1. $"sib�k 011,/r�/�./'jbil J/✓.f d iJ i y:, Liquor Offenses _ �_ 1 0 6 3 7 0 2 3 3_ 1 2 0 2 5 ^_ Murder 0 0 0 0 0— 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 * 1 Robbery 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sex Offenses 0 0 0 0 1_ 0 0 0 _ 0 1 0 0 0 1 Theft _ 4 8 8 7 10 10 15 10 15 8 5 12 8 33 All Other Criminal Offenses 15 21 0 22 13 10 16 16 12 13 25 10 10 58 a„i, c„eri.$ � �,� "�a lig A ,$ 2, A ,, ,j .,, P, box � �1'i_ .A.„ f t 1944,5_8_,__,_A]t� Driving Under The Influence 4 0 8 0 12 0 0 4 7 1 3 5 4 13 License/Registration Violations 45 44 36 27 70 25 19 31 62 55 42 75 35_ 207 Seatbelt Citations_ _ __ _ 2 19 10 37 _36 _17 _ 6 36 ___78 _18_ X14 _ 8___3_ _______2_43Seatbelt arnngs Wi __K 11 15 13 28 14 13 15 6 4 5 11 5 18 39 Speeding Citations 32 25 38 26 20 23 16 31 55 42 54 47 34 177 Speeding Warnings ____ 35 0 0 33 51 33 32 44 89 0 65 96 0 161 Transportation of Alcohol — 0 0 - 2 0 3 0 0 2_ 1 0 2 1 0 3 ____ Uninsured Motor Vehicle 44 44 34 23 33 I 22 I 15 27 54 48 43 _ 49 41 181 t 0 §= 707 ` 195 l 60, f,"., , A9., _ . 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Yorkville Police Department - Overtime Manhour Utilization Report - 05-15-2004 Date :Court Training Relief :Details" ': Admin ... Emerg =Invest ComSery .Full Time ;.Part;Time _05/15,(04 _ 6 ___ 0 ___ 1.75 _ 12 0 0 7.25 0 0 22.75 - FY04-05 Court Training • . Relief '"'Details' `Admin Emerg.:: Invest Com"Sery (Full Time ' Part:Time- Totals 6.00 0.00 1.75 ' :12.00 0.00 0:00 725 . 0.00 27:00 : ,22.75 Percents 22% 0% . 6% 44% 0%-:..::. ...'.:::-::0%:.1,''' 27% 0% :..100% N/A Average'' 6.00 0.00 1.75 12.00': 0.00 0.00 7:25 0.00 : 0:00 2275 LAST YEAR'S STATISTICS FOR MANHOUR UTILIZATION FY03-04 Court Training . Relief 'Details '. Admin .Emerg Invest Com'Sery ;Full :Time Part•.,Time Totals ; 173.5 :197 180.25 ;:250 136.5 0 319.25 106:25 1362.75 ...2164 Percents 13% 14% 13% 18% ::.•-..10%,. 0% :...H.23%.:: ::. . 8% , 100% `N/A Average .6.67 .... 7.58 6.93 9.62 " 5.25 0.00 12.28 ' ::4.09 ..52:41 ' ,'83:23, Prepared by Molly Batterson 5/24/2004 Page 1 Yorkville Police Department - Overtime Manhour Utilization Report - 05-01-2004 :: ...... . .. . .. . . •:".. .- • • .. ,-., ,:-.•-•-•--. •-••: . - - -..-. „,• "• ••,.: .... "-.. ..,•-•- ".- .• . : .:. . . •:••• , ..: Date•::'!'.;•:. =:,.!1!',;', ,Cotii-t: ':',;•'::: il-Taiiiiitig.. Relief Details 1:q!i!Ailniiniii!!! M'Ernergli!! !!liInVeStg:! COrn,Setv:".:::'Full!TiftIe:;:6 'i:Patt Time;: 05/17/03 5 9.5 1.5 6 • . 0 0 5.5 9 . 36.5 102 05/31/03 8 9 6 43.5 1.5 0 25.5 3 96.5 85.5 764/14L03- 6 0 6 11 29 0 14 6 72 64 106/28/03 8.5 0 0.75 0 2 0 12.5 0 23.75 84.5 07/12/03 ' 6 0 0 4 0 0 8.75 0 18.75 177.5 -_. 07/26/03_ 6 _ 26 * 6 3.5 4 0 15.5 2 63 162.5 08/09/04 7 2 13 0 3 0 21 0 I 46 _196.75 08/23/03 4.5 7.5 0 0 11.5 0 14.25 2 39.75 180.75 701_06,0 3-- 6 0 7 62.25 2 0 8.5 6.5 92.25 178.5 14/20/03 3 0 0 . 6.5 0 0 12.5 6.5 28.5 164.5 , 1-0/04/03 6 20 0 0 0 0 3.25 13 42.25 121 10/18/03 10 12 25 13.75 6 0 2.5 5.5 74.75 14-2.5 11/_0_1/03 6.5 7 23 4 2.25 0 22.5 7 72.25 110 11/15/03 1 ---- 8 8 6 0 4 0 19 8 53 119.25 .... ___ _1_1/29/03 11.5 0 8 4 2 0 20.75 0 46.25 46.5 120.3/03 6 0 3 20 0 0 6 5 40 17.25 12/27/03 4 0 4 46 2 0 2 0 58 12 01/10/04 6.5 20 7 7 4 0 1 4 49.5 12 701/24/04 4 -16 0 0 26.25 0 29.5 0 75.75 16 02/07/04 10.5 16 4 7 0 09.5 7 54 4.5 _ 4/21/04 7 19.5 0 7.5 0 0 20 3 57 1 8- ' 0?/06/04 6.5 13 30.5 4 24.5 0 8.75 10.25 97.5 1.9 - 03/20/04 8 7 19 0 0.5 0 6.5 2 43 14 04/0„3104 11 0 . 0 0 8 0 11 6.5 36.5 22 04/17/04 6 4.5 0.5 0 2 0 10 0 23 17 -65/01/04 ' 2 0 10 0 2 0 9 0 23 26.5 ,.'FY03.-04:•:::. -:!' :' COLirt: ;::,.. :Training", ::,:,Rellef=i1:- : -Details i' f.',:].Admin.':'..'.: -.Ernerg.: : :;:.:.Invest.: Corn COM Sery Full Time ':Part.Time' Totals :.:71;::%:i1.73.50',:•;,:J: .:!'•197,'.00:':!,: :18025 :.*'!:!:251:L00:, 136 50 ,.51',!!!0i,:000;f:$i!!. ii::•)!•319•:125 ::::',;E.10625.,:: ;: ,:1362';75:: 2164 00 •":1Percents:.:: ::':,:'.:.'13!:%-,:'i':' .-,;, •.:i;;I;;:!,i::14!)/(i..]!.:Eil. 1-''!;,1;,:130A).!Eik'7%1'!i!.:180./ii:.:.;I:i::,.:!':':;'!!ii:10P/&'ir!!':T.',14:::ii::00/tili!!i!'lii!::'':' !;1230/64N:, ',E!iii!!:::!.80/(:i;C:!:.'!:'!;',!'!E1000/6-.!!!-.Tiq!ii::iiE:;NtA.';'!!,i ':,, Average .,,': :::,:';:,::-667:''" V7.58 iE !, ,,!'!,,; :'l.6.:',93:.: '111!,:!4:962 : ]! :','.V5-.25:7''''!,!ii!! L00. !,':! :I228r•!:'::.':,: :-'4A:19h:c.::i4;;52:411'..'?': .'. Y:'.83.23-::::::. LAST YEAR'S STATISTICS FOR MANHOUR UTILIZATION . FY02-03:,.-,, :: .?: Court.,]i-.:.Training. .: Relief ,'.;:,',..Details. . ''i!::'.'•Admin.:; Etnergii"' .:4!:=.ItiVest:; CorniSerV-' Full Timer:. .i,RattTime Total Hours :.4i,::..100.25:. .1: •,:::154.75',!: :!!a:557:5;*:::, ::.,•232:75:E' 113 16 !,:11-'488.75 130 -i),;11.793:54(!.: 1,:',•.,!=!:i:I8211.:.!.,,F,1:..:: .,.::.Percents ii,:„ ii:.::;!t:';!:::!6%=':Ai ';':!,::1:1:.,,;:! :9°&'!,,:;!::;;,:.::::.-:' ,310/0,, : !:pil,130/or,"'!i::,,:. : :!',!,:::60/6:iillii,li!i'"! ,,!;!i;ii.6.1W:0':':' •!ii;ii:::i!E:270/cilr;',Ii', :':!:,:1:::!;70/c,c:,f,:!::;";! ;V: 4000/0:::!,'::': .:;:',i,:..:.". .N/A Averages .'i!:-,':!!!'.:3:86.1•:'..;:. .:.:595 .:... :: 21.44: ••: i',,"''''!8.95:!i;,,!.,•-,'; '4;35: g•:!!•'.i :146.Z::;iil.-. !": i,1:fL80 ..-t:•.:5.02 :.:'1," .:'..,r- 94,25,;.:!, ':1' i:10..•15::f",L::. • Prepared by Molly Batterson 5/24/2004 Page 1 et), c/Ty. '` - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE k o AND ��1; ,sac YORKVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT k\ -._ � r COMMUNITY NOTICE �, � .LE,_, ,0 ' May 7, 2004 The United City of Yorkville and the Yorkville Police Department have received numerous complaints from homeowner's about dogs running loose and waste matter not being picked up from lawns and city parks. This is a reminder that dogs must be restrained/confined at all times. This means dogs must be: ■ confined by a fence of sufficient height and r security (which may be an electronic invisible r- -A.,:,-. - fence system) to prevent the animal from -' r:, leaving the area so encompassed; • on a leash under the control of a responsible person; ■ on a leash securely fastened to an inanimate object and of a length which prevents it from -- leaving the property of its owner or keeper. Any dog found upon a public street, sidewalk, alley, or any unenclosed place, shall be deemed running at large unless the dog is firmly held on a leash or is in an enclosed vehicle. Dog owners need to remember to clean up after their animal(s) and not allow them to go to the bathroom where they shouldn't be going: It is unlawful (and discourteous) for dog owners to allow a dog to defecate on private property, without permission of the property owner, or on any public street, sidewalk or in a City park without properly disposing waste in a trash receptacle. Please feel free to call the Yorkville Police at 553-4340 and we will be happy to help address any questions or concerns you may have. This ordinance is in place to help keep both people — and animals safe, our City clean and neighbors happy. We appreciate your cooperation in advance. All City Ordinances, including the dog ordinance, can be viewed at the United City of Yorkville's Website — http://www.yorkville.il.us/ tisT :; 'i' ° ILLINOIS .o�, :, �14' CRIMINAL JUSTICE ,F INFORMATION AUTHORITY I.'9GC.2,1!6_ 120 South Riverside Plaza • Suite 1016 • Chicago,Illinois 60606 • (312) 793-8550 April 23, 2004 Chief Harold Martin III Yorkville Police Department 804 Game Farm Road Yorkville, IL 60560 Dear Chief Martin III, Proposals submitted in response to the Request for Proposals(RFP) for federal fiscal year 2003 Local Law Enforcement Block Grants(LLEBG) program funds have been reviewed and scored using the criteria outlined in the RFP. The Authority received 488 proposals requesting approximately 7.7 million dollars, well exceeding the $979,081 in available funds. Unfortunately, only about 12% of the proposals could be funded and your proposal is one of the 88%percent that could not be funded. Since the proposals were so numerous and most demonstrated a serious need for assistance, the decision- making process was extremely difficult. If you have questions, please use email (jdavis(c icjia.state.il.us) or call me at 312/793-8550. Sincerely, rs-"Ak}' Jill Davis Criminal Justice Specialist Fax: (312) 793-8422 •TDD: (312) 793-4170 • http://wwwicjia.state.il.us t'N( 0 7 2034 sem•-,. - .. Ken7-t'''' A T�f ®y �.,ssCU• Pi O •o KENOSLL COUNTY Kendall County Coroner - ILLINOIS ^- Jim Detzler Chief Deputy Coroner Marcy Thompson Admin./Deputy Dear Chief Martin, Our family would like to tell you how much we appreciate your assignment of a traffic control officer to the funeral procession for Jane Toftoy through Yorkville. In respecting Jane's wishes, we didn't have a long procession, but just getting through Yorkville these days can be a chore. Your thoughtfulness made it a little easier. Sincerely yours, 6 Ken T ftoy And family 804 John Street, Yorkville, IL 60560 • Office 630-553-4200 • Fax 630-553-4116 CLICK You Drink&Drive. rr TICKET National Mobilization National Crackdown May 24-June 6,2004 August 27-September 12,2004 May 10, 2004 Dear Principal Bogner: Of all the risks students encounter everyday, one of the greatest dangers they face is being killed or severely injured in a motor vehicle crash. In fact, nearly ten 15-to-18 year olds were killed in motor vehicle crashes every day in 2002—about a third of a typical high school class, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. And almost 60 percent of those teens were not wearing a safety belt. Fortunately, there is something very simple that we can do to stop this unnecessary loss of life, and it won't cost a thing. We can remind our young people to wear safety belts every trip, every time. From May 24—June 6, 2004 law enforcement officers across the country will once again be enforcing safety belt laws by conducting safety belt checkpoints and zero-tolerance safety belt enforcement as part of the Click It or Ticket/Operation ABC(America Buckles Up Children)Mobilization. Our goal is not to write tickets, but to get everyone buckled up, especially teen drivers and their passengers. We are asking that you also support this effort by simply telling students about the Click It or Ticket heightened enforcement campaign, and by encouraging them to buckle up on every trip. This small step could save a life. If you choose you can start by using this brief statement in your public address(PA) announcements to students: I would like to remind everyone about the importance of wearing a safety belt every time you drive or ride in a car. It will save you the cost of a ticket,and it could save your life. As a teenager,you are more likely to die, or become disabled or disfigured in a car crash than at any other time in your life. You also need to know that law enforcement officers will be conducting safety belt checkpoints and zero-tolerance safety belt enforcement statewide from May 24—June 6, 2004. You can get a ticket if you don't buckle up, so save money and your life. Buckle up every trip,every time! Also enclosed are Buckle Up America morning announcements that you, your students, school resource officers, or other school staff can read. These should be read before the May Mobilization to reinforce the safety campaign. For more information and resource materials (including FREE posters!)visit: www.buckleupamerica.org/partnership/planner guides.php You also might consider letting parents know about your support of the Click It or Ticket Mobilization. They will certainly appreciate your efforts to keep their children safe. Motor vehicle crashes are the No. 1 killer or our young people, but with your help, we can stop this killer in its tracks. Your cooperation is invaluable and greatly appreciated. Sincerely, AIMPAPV1Harolf/lr. Martin III Chief.f Police United City of Yorkville T N,S AM sua -0 -- tnr4 Tor 11 �••r� People °""9 People H!trnentoi .^ ,°•,^f. Transportation ? Air Bag & Seat Belt Safety Campaign • do 1010 Wisconsin Avenue • Suite 800 •Washington, D.C. 20007 F4 CLICK IT OR TICKET/OPERATION ABC(America Buckles Up Children) -`_ e�May 2004 Mobilization n Morning Announcements (to be read by student, principal, school resource officer or other school staff) MORNING ANNOUNCEMENT#1 belts is deadly. Remember, law enforcement Today's tip from Buckle Up America:Never officers will be conducting safety belt mind the fashion police...:You can take checkpoints and zero-tolerance safety belt fashion risks anytime you want, but when it enforcement Statewide from May 24th-June comes to driving,you've got to buckle up! Police 6th. officers around the country are conducting a safety belt mobilization from May 24 to June 6, MORNING ANNOUNCEMENT#4 which means that they're on the lookout for Today's tip from Buckle Up America:How to people who aren't wearing safety belts and are get an extreme makeover—for free!Don't writing more tickets than usual. Compared with wear your safety belt and you're a lot more likely older drivers, teenagers as a group are more to be thrown from the car.You'll get to have a willing to take risks and less likely to use safety facial with the world's most powerful scrub: belts. On top of that, motor vehicle crashes are pavement. Or for a little more extensive the leading cause of death for people age 15-34 reconstructive work, try being thrown into a wall in the United States. Protect yourself and buckle or oncoming traffic. Safety belts can secure you up. Remember, police and highway patrol will and keep you safe. Not wearing safety belts can be conducting safety belt checkpoints and give you a whole new look. Remember, police zero-tolerance safety belt enforcement from and highway patrol will be conducting safety May 24 to June 6. belt checkpoints and zero-tolerance safety belt enforcement Statewide from May 24 to MORNING ANNOUNCEMENT#2 June 6. Today's tip from Buckle Up America:How to get to the hospital really fast. Don't wear your MORNING ANNOUNCEMENT#5 safety belt, get in a crash and take the Today's tip from Buckle Up America:Buckle ambulance. Maybe you'll even get to skip all the up or pay up. Some people have nothing better red lights on the way to the hospital-or the to do with their extra cash than pay unnecessary morgue. It's simple-if you don't wear a safety traffic tickets. But if you're not one of them, you belt, you double your chances of getting seriously should know that from May 24 to June 6, police injured— maybe even permanently disabled or departments all over the country have this safety disfigured. Safety belts can secure you and keep belt mobilization just to catch people who don't you safe. Not wearing safety belts can secure buckle up so they can give them a ticket. Safety you a bowl of hospital Jell-O. Remember, police belts can secure you and keep you safe. Not and highway patrol will be conducting safety wearing safety belts can secure you a ticket. belt checkpoints and zero-tolerance safety Remember, police and highway patrol will be belt enforcement Statewide from May 24 to conducting safety belt checkpoints and zero June 6. tolerance safety belt enforcement statewide from May 24 to June 6. MORNING ANNOUNCEMENT#3 Today's tip from Buckle Up America: Saved MORNING ANNOUNCEMENT# 6 by the belt. If you're not wearing your safety Today's tip from Buckle Up America: Your belt,you'll be far more likely to die or become car, your rules. As the driver, you're in charge permanently disabled in a crash. On the other when driving with friends around town–you pick hand, safety belts can secure you and your the music,who sits in back and what fast-food friends in a crash. Bottom line-not wearing safety drive-through to hit. It also means you can–and www.buckleupamerica.org '11"" should–make sure all passengers, including you, are buckled up before going anywhere. Picture this: the car in front of you stops suddenly. You have no time to apply the brakes! Your friend, who is unbuckled, is thrown into the back of your head at 30 mph. Your injuries prevent you from graduating on time. Not a pretty picture. Need more incentive? Remember that from May 24t'-June 6th, police departments all over the country are conducting a safety belt mobilization just to catch people who don't buckle up so they can give them a ticket. MORNING ANNOUNCEMENT#7 Today's tip from Buckle Up America:How to get a new set of wheels. Not everyone dies in a serious car crash—some become permanently disabled. Safety belts can secure you and keep you safe. Not wearing safety belts can secure you a wheelchair. Remember, police and highway patrol will be conducting safety belt checkpoints and zero-tolerance safety belt enforcement Statewide from May 24 to June 6. MORNING ANNOUNCEMENT#8 Today's tip from Buckle Up America: Take a gamble and lose a month's allowance. Take a chance and don't buckle up and it'll be just like you rolled double ones. You'll get a ticket for not wearing a safety belt and it will cost you. The police are having a safety belt mobilization from May 24 to June 6,which means that they're specifically looking for people who aren't wearing safety belts and writing more tickets than usual. Safety belts can secure you and keep you safe. Not wearing safety belts can secure you a hefty fine. Remember, police and highway patrol will be conducting safety belt checkpoints and zero-tolerance safety belt enforcement Statewide from May 24 to June 6. www.buckleupamerica.org