Public Safety Packet 2004 06-24-04 (cc.D
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United City of Yorkville
8 ,�; ,
County Seat of Kendall County
EST.Atli _ 1836
800 Game Farm Road
,L � N Yorkville, Illinois 60560
O JI, GJ O Phone:630-553-4350
,f„ kens�o v:,' Fax:630-553-7575
Thursday, June 24, 2004
6:30 PM
City Conference Room
1. Approval/Correction of Minutes: February 26, 2004 and May 27, 2004
2. Update on Liquor Ordinance
3. Update on Ponds and Pools
4. Update on Emergency Generator
5. Police Reports — May 2004
6. Request Purchase of Budgeted Vehicles
7. Hiring Individual to Replace Officer Patricia Cernekee
8. Appletree Court— Street Light Request
9. Neighborhood Watch
10. Cross Traffic Signs
11. Additional Business
Next Scheduled Meeting Thursday, July 22, 2004 at 6:30p.m.
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6:30 P.M.
In Attendance:
Alderman Larry Kot
Alderwoman Valerie Burd
Alderwoman Wanda Ohare
Alderwoman Rose Spears
Police Chief Harold Martin
Officer Dan Pleckham
Approval Correction of Minutes: December 17,2003
These minutes were approved with corrections.
Update on Parking Concerns
Chief Martin stated that there was a bus parked at Heartland Subdivision was causing some
concern. He said that with the City's current Parking Ordinance,that the bus is parked legally.
There have been a few complaints from residents about the bus. He said that he did receive a
memo from Attorney Kelly Kramer about the situation. They looked over Parking Ordinances
from Batavia, Geneva, and Naperville. In Batavia and Geneva's ordinances they specifically
restrict commercial vehicles. Geneva's ordinance says that any vehicle that exceeds 8,000 lbs. can
only park for a period of only 2 hrs. Batavia prohibits any commercial trucks/vehicles over 4,000
lbs, and they also can park no longer than 2 hrs. They also prohibit the trucks from parking on
narrow streets. That would be any street that is 24 feet and under. He said that if the Public Safety
Committee wants to do something about these types of vehicles that are parking on the City
streets then they will have to make an amendment to the City of Yorkville's current Parking
Ordinance. He suggested that if they do then it should be similar to Geneva or Batavia's. If they
decided to do just that then they would need to first warn residents of the new amendment. It will
cause a burden to some people because they sometimes park it at their home. It might only be for
over night and only 2 nights a week. Then there are some that park there every day such as some
in the Fox Hill subdivision.
Alderman Kot said that since there are different situations then they should consider categorizing
them. This would prevent penalizing anyone that isn't causing a parking problem with their
Chief Martin brought up that the parking situation on Somonauk Street is also bad as some
vehicles are parked on both sides of the street. This problem has been brought up in the past and
they have tried to come up with a solution. But in this case they would need to put out no parking
on one side of the street.
Alderman Kot thought the greater issue with the parking on Somonauk is the problems it causes
around Route 47. He expressed his concern for those who park their cars further down, in that
they should not be penalized for it.
Chief Martin said that they do need to think about what kind of effect that growth will have. He
felt that as the town gets larger there may be more commercial vehicles because for some people
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that is their work vehicle. Though it would be nice to do it for specific areas, it could end up that
there are several areas that would eventually subject to the new policy for parking. He also would
not like to see every one who parks in the streets penalized for this but felt there are no easy
answers here.
Alderman Kot asked if there are other ways to solve this problem. He asked if it causes any
public safety issues or noise issues.
Chief Martin said that there isn't anything in the books about the noise issue. He said that as the
City grows parking will become more of an issue. He said that because of what a hindrance these
commercial vehicles have caused in the passed that he would like to see no parking in the streets
at all. He said that in order to get an ordinance for this they would need to receive complaints
from residents. This would also cause complaints from the vehicle owners. Either way someone is
not going to be happy.
Alderman Kot suggested for the Police Department to put together what they think would solve
this problem base upon the ordinances of other towns. He felt that that would give them a starting
point for discussion at the next Public Safety meeting.
This item will come back to the next Public Safety meeting on March 25, 2004.
Update on Rt. #126 Traffic Control lights
Chief Martin stated that he Sergeant Ron Deidrich about the traffic issues on Route 126. Sgt.
Deidrich said that he spoke with Claita Law from IDOT and she said that the intersection is under
consideration for a stop light now. He said he asked her about what timeline would they be
looking at installing the lights and that she that once she receives word on that intersection she
would get back to him with any information.
Alderman Kot said that if they haven't heard back with in 6 months, then they should consider
doing another traffic count and contact IDOT again on the problem.
No action taken on this item at this time.
Update on DARE
Alderman Kot mentioned that the State is no longer funding the DARE Program and asked Chief
Martin if the Police Department intends to continue the program in Yorkville schools.
Chief Martin said that as of now the Yorkville Police Department does more DARE Programs
than the average police department. They do programs for 3rd, 5th, and 7tn graders. He said that it
is a very positive program and that the interaction with the police department alone is a plus.
Officer Barry Groesch is the demonstrator of most of the DARE classes and has been involved
with it for 12 years. Chief Martin said that they have received only positive responses from the
classes. He said that he would like to keep the program going though it may cost the City more
money down the road to do any more training for future officers. He said that as of now they
would need to go to Indiana for training since the Illinois State Police does not fund it any more.
He said that they have also changed the curriculum in that they have cut back on classes and
focus the training more on what is happening today. The program now has gone from 17 weeks to
10 weeks of training. To do this program now with the funding being cut it will cost the City
around $3,500 a year. Plus with the town growing and more students entering the schools it will
cost more to pay for the extra books and certificates. He would like to see the program continue if
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Alderman Kot asked if the program had been factored into the new budget. Chief Martin said that
they are waiting to here back to see if it could be but he also put a little more money in the budget
to cover the program for this next year but after that they will probably have to have a separate
account for it.
Alderwoman Spears said that she felt it was worth the money if it meant that they would be able
to save at least one kid.
Alderman Kot agreed and suggested that the Police Department should issue a press release
indicating to the public the Police Departments desire to continue with the DARE Program.
Alderwoman Spears asked if there had been a survey done with the kids who had participated
with the program.
Chief Martin said that Sgt. Groesch did do a survey and that he would get that from him.
Alderwoman Spears thought that would also be a good thing to have documented and released to
the public.
Chief Martin will bring an update to the next Public Safety Meeting on March 25, 2004.
Update on Van Emmon St. & Heustis St. Stop Signs
Alderman Kot stated that Public Works Director Eric Dhuse would like to paint a red stop notice
on the road leading up to the stop sign located at Van Emmon St.& Heustis St. He said that
because of the location of the stop sign and the width of the street some people are confused
where to actually stop. Alderman Kot asked Chief Martin if that would help with the problem.
Chief Martin said that it is possible that it would help. He also mentioned that Mr. Dhuse has
painted red lines on the poles and that seems to also help.
Alderman Kot felt that it was worth trying. He said that after a time they see that it isn't very
effective then they could put a light out there.
There will be an update on this item at a later date when the project is completed and observed.
Update on Ponds and Pools
Chief Martin said that the memo regarding this item will be put into the next few newsletters and
they will wait to see what kind of response they receive.
Revised Sampling Ordinance
Alderwoman Ohare felt that the number of days in one year should be specified on page 3 in the
Special Event, section 1;b. She felt that it wasn't descriptive enough.
Chief Martin pointed out that any language that pertains to a special event still has to be approved
by Mayor Prochaska.
Alderman Kot felt that a change needed to be made to Section 3-3-4(B; f). He thought that they
should take out the word ounce and keep only the words one-half ounce or less, as they had
previously agreed upon. The committee agreed. He thought that the Liquor Commissioner should
also review these changes.
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This item will to COW March 16, 2004.
KenCom Dispatching Services
Alderman Kot reported that at the last KenCom executive board meeting that he was approached
by Nancy Martin who was also talked to Mayor Prochaska. They are asking all the communities
that are being serviced by KenCom to consider beginning chipping in on some of the expenses.
He thought that the figure was between $15,000 and$20,000 a year. He told Ms. Martin that he
would bring it before this council. He did have a concern that if it's going to happen that
everyone is going to need to contribute. It can't just be the City of Yorkville contributing. The
representative of Plano went on record and said that they do not have the money to do it.
Alderman Kot felt he couldn't see how to justify asking the taxpayers of Yorkville to pay for
something another town is getting the same service for and not paying for it. He said that they
have a meeting in April and that he would talk to Ms.Martin about his concerns.
Alderwoman Ohare thought that it might be fair to ask for a certain percentage per community as
some are much larger than others. Alderman Kot did not agree and felt that the contributions
should all be equal because every community would have its own dispatcher and it is a great
Chief Martin said that they usually go by the percentage of calls received but as for Yorkville is
concerned KenCom might be looking at a stipend type of payment per year and not based on the
number of calls.
Alderman Kot said that they would need to speak with the County's Operation Budget to get
numbers. After that they can bring the numbers forward. He said he would like to be fair with
everybody. To set up our own dispatcher would cost a whole lot more money.
No action taken on this item at this time.
Kendall County Major Crime Task Force
Chief Martin stated that he and Dwight Baird went to Sheriff Randall and Plano Chief Eaves to
present them with the idea of having a County Crime Task Force. The main premise behind it is
so that when they have a major crime it would be helpful to call in a group of qualified and
certified individuals from different areas of the county to come and assist the Police Departments
with these types of crimes. He said that some of the surrounding towns already have these task
forces. They are used very sparingly but it is helpful when something goes bad like a murder or
bank robbery, where there is not enough man power to deal with the situation. It is especially
crucial to have these types of task forces when time is of the essence to get the crime resolved. It
also makes so the other officers are able to carry on with their day to day jobs with out taking
time and attention away from that. He would like to see the qualified people get certified for these
types of task forces so that they can be properly trained and ready for the situations when they
come up. When these situations would come up then the qualified task members from the
surrounding communities could assist us and there would be an agreement for the service to be
reciprocated when the other communities need assistance from us also. He said that as the town
grows there would be more of a need for these task forces. He said that they are still working out
all of the details but that within a month they should have a working agreement. At that time he
would request that the committee go forth with the plans then take it to the City Council for
This item will come back to the next Public Safety meeting ob March 25, 2004.
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Request for Second K-9 for Department
Chief Marin stated that they officially got the request from Officer Andy Newski for a second K-
9. The dog was given from South Holland but had originally come from the Cook County
Corrections office. He would like to bring the dog to Yorkville. With the new dog would come a
few things of cost. The dog and the handler are not of cost. The dog is almost 6 years old and
good for work any where from 9 to 10 years. After that time the dogs are usually retired. There
would be no charge to change the squad car to fit with the dogs safety harness and cage unit that
must be retro fitted for the dog. Officer Andy and Officer Dan Pleckham are working on a fund
raiser for any donations for the expenses for the dog. They have already worked out some
possible deals with area veterinarians if they get the dog. The officers are also working on some
donations for food for the dogs. He said that they really wouldn't need much in the way of
donations because deals worked out with the veterinarians but there would be some things that
they would charge for. The only other thing would be a stipend that would go to Officer Andy for
taking care of the dog. By case law the City is required to give the officers an hourly or a stipend
to cover the costs of maintaining the dog. Currently Officer Pleckham gets $3,000 a year for
maintaining care for Jumbo. Chief Martin felt it would not only be beneficial to have another dog
in the Police Department but also for the City of Yorkville. Jumbo has been a great dog to have
and is great with kids. Sammy the new dog is of the same type in that respect. He works well with
people and kids. He has participated in a number of block parties and school demonstrations. It is
all round great for the community and police department. The dog would be available on off
shifts with the officers working different shifts. This would be for the cost of a squad car and the
stipend of$3,000 a year. The dog is a great use for Friendly Tracking and his breed is German
The committee gave approval to move ahead with this item.
This item will go to COW on March 2,2004.
Program idea for officers to meet with Business Owners and Citizens
Officer Pleckham of the Yorkville Police Department explained to the committee that this
summer he would like to see some officers meet with the public and business owners so that they
can become more familiarized with the public and vice versa. He said that the department would
choose an officer and advertise in the news paper a profile on the officer/new officer, his
specialties and hobbies and which business the officer would be visiting. This would allow the
public the opportunity to get to meet officers and ask questions and get to know the business
owners as well. He said that he has already spoken with Bill Walsh of Pro Golf in Yorkville and a
Union Band representative and they are enthusiastically willing to have an officer out.
Alderwoman Wanda Ohare asked if the officers are okay with the idea.
Officer Pleckham said that he has already spoken with the other officers and 3 have said they
would be willing to participate. He said that it wouldn't cost any over time because everyone is
working on their regular shift. The meetings at the businesses would only be for 45 minutes as
long as there are enough officers out on the streets.
Alderman Kot had some concerns with emergencies that might come up that could hinder the
officer from showing up at the business.
Officer Pleckham said that he was looking at having the visits on a monthly basis and the visits to
be on a Saturday morning between 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. Times could be alternated if needed
to suit the officers schedules. He said that there is usually not as much traffic or activity going on
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at that time on a Saturday morning. He felt that if the officers did have to leave the meeting in the
case of an emergency people would generally understand_
Alderman Kot suggested for Officer Pleckham to set up a tentative schedule of the visits,themes
and officers and bring back to the Public Safety Committee for review. He felt that they would
need to be careful how they publicize the officers; for instance no personal information should be
given out. He would also like to make sure that the meetings would not interfere with the Mayor's
schedule. He thought it was a good idea and a way for interaction between the public and officers
to meet one another.
Officer Pleckham said he would get the schedule together and bring it back to the next meeting.
This item will come back to the next Public Safety meeting on March 25, 2004.
Police Reports—January 2004
Chief Martin stated that the number of seatbelt citations went up in December because of the new
click-it or ticket program. He said that winter is usually the slowest time of the year for giving out
citations and warnings. He said that the officers are working hard at their job. Officer John
Helland is directing a couple of different programs at the high school dealing with seatbelt issues.
Officer Barry Groesch is also involved with it. There are also officers involved with the car seat
program for installing child restraint seats. They also get these important safety issues out to the
public by means of news letters and neighborhood watch meetings. He said they have worked
with Wal-Mart to help with donations for the child restraint seats. This allows for a new car seat
to be donated to those citizens who cannot afford to purchase one for their child.
This item will go on the Consent Agenda at the next COW on March 2, 2004.
Chief Martin mentioned that Officer Helland will be attending the School Resource Officers
School (SRO)classes in April in Phoenix, Arizona. He said that they do have money already
budgeted for expenses. He said that the school only contributes to registration fees. Chief Martin
will send a memo to committee members when he receives information of the total expenses.
There was no extra additional business.
Meeting adjourned: 8:20
Minutes by Theresa Brady
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Conference Room
May 27, 2004, 6:30pm
In Attendance:
Alderman Larry Kot Police Chief Harold Martin
Alderwoman Rose Spears
Alderwoman Wanda Ohare
Officer Dave Delaney, Yorkville Police Department
The meeting was called to order at 6:36pm by Chairperson Larry Kot.
April 22, 2004 minutes were approved. The committee expressed their approval of the
format and asked that it be forwarded to other minute takers.
Moved ahead to item #3 on agenda.......
Chief Martin noted that Attorney Kelly Kramer had not been able to finish the update yet,
but will present it at the June meeting. Attorney Kramer was going to consult with
Mokena regarding eliminating liquor sales at gas stations. At this point, only package
sales are being discussed, though the Mayor has some concern over a business being
established as a bar or restaurant. This item will be brought back to the June meeting.
Alderman Kot stated that education of citizens regarding safety is of utmost importance.
He received a call from a constituent regarding swimming pool regulations, since pools
can be just as dangerous as ponds. Mr. Kot obtained a copy of the ordinance from Bill
Dettmer and will provide a copy to all committee members. Chief Martin noted that
retention ponds are graded in a graduated fashion for safety,though Alderman Kot noted
that the Fox River presents a greater danger.
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Alderwoman Spears brought up the fact that good parenting plays an important role in the
safety of children around ponds, as well. She posed the question: how many restrictions
can be placed on people? It was noted that a small wading pool could be just as
dangerous as a garden pond.
Information regarding water safety topics will be published in the newsletter and paper.
In addition, Mr. Kot wishes to review the swimming pool ordinance more closely. The
ordinance states that anything over 24"deep is considered a swimming pool. This item
will be brought to the next meeting.
It was determined that the current generator is not powerful enough to maintain the City
Hall lights during an emergency. Chief Martin stated that it would cost approximately
$50,252 to purchase one capable to maintain the power. Since that cost is over $10,000,
bids would have to be taken. He also noted there is a generator at one of the pump
stations which could be used. A cost for setup of this equipment will be obtained.
It was noted that Williams Architects oversaw the design of the building. Alderman Kot
suggested a post-contract review should be done, as not all of the final work has been
completed on City Hall. Mr. Kot suggested that Chief Martin obtain three bids on a new
generator. Alderwoman Spears suggested obtaining a cost of having the generator
installed over a weekend rather than shutting the city offices down during the week.
As a side note to the discussion of the emergency equipment, Alderman Kot noted that
during the recent tornado warning at the time of a city meeting,the police personnel had
to work upstairs making for unsafe conditions. Chief Martin noted that the T-1 line
should be installed next week to alleviate this situation in the future. However,
improved computer system screens are still needed in the basement. Chief Martin noted
that officers also remain on the street during tornado warnings, to monitor the weather.
He is going to purchase a Nextel phone which provides "real-time" weather reports. This
would allow him to provide weather conditions instantly to the Mayor and police officers.
This item will be placed on the agenda for the next meeting.
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This agenda item was delayed until this point in the meeting
Officer Dave Delaney gave a presentation regarding the use of a"total station" by the
Police Department. This total station will be used for crash reconstruction, evidence
technician collection and forensic mapping. The equipment records distances, grades and
elevations by means of a prism and would be used in place of a tape measure. It was also
noted that software must be purchased in conjunction with the total station. The data is
downloaded into the software and then is printed out on AutoCad. Officer Delaney stated
that this equipment would be very helpful in court. The Sokkia model total station was
Officer Delaney has attended classes on the operation of the equipment, is certified in
accident reconstruction and will be taking the State test in the future. During a recent
serious accident investigation, the State Police were called to assist with measurements.
By purchasing a total station package, Yorkville PD would be capable of taking these
electronic measurements. Chief Martin added that two officers who recently completed
E.T. classes at Northwestern could also use this equipment. The technology allows for 2-
D and 3-D and over 100 points can be gathered with the total station as opposed to 40 an
hour with conventional equipment.
Several quotes for the total station were obtained by Officer Delaney. The Sokkia
package also included training by an instructor who has taught at the FBI. Three to four
police personnel would be trained and Officer Delaney would be qualified to assist in
training as well.
Another feature of the total station is the ability to produce an animated crime scene and
a crime scene inside a building could also be re-created. In addition, software for either
map scenes or different types of vehicles would come with the Sokkia package. The total
cost of the Sokkia package is$9,999 including tax.
This equipment could also be used to assist other police departments, which Chief Martin
noted, would be beneficial in keeping skills sharpened. These assists are not charged to
other agencies, however,they are logged for record-keeping purposes.
Chief Martin thanked Alderman Kot for the information about accident reconstruction
classes in Springfield rather than Northwestern, which saved the department $5-6,000.
The Chief stated there is $15-16,000 in carryover from last year to purchase the total
station equipment. Alderman Kot suggested to Chief Martin that the City Attorney
should review the bid process. Officer Delaney will check on the delivery time.
This item will move forward to C.O.W.
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April police reports were discussed. It was noted there were repeat police calls to certain
addresses. Chief Martin noted there were only 23 hours of overtime during each of the
previous two pay periods. He attributed that low number to the 12-hour shifts. There
was a slight increase during the Memorial Day holiday due to extra patrol and seatbelt
This agenda item will move forward to the C.O.W. consent agenda.
Chief Martin stated he would be including on the agenda, letters he receives or sends, for
informational purposes. He also noted a flier which was delivered to Fox Hill residents
regarding dog regulations.
Alderwoman Ohare asked about the status of the cadet program. Officer Jon Helland is
still working on the program and this item will be brought to the June meeting.
The progress of the investigation room was discussed. It should be completed by the end
of June.
Alderman Kot noted that a recently arrested individual was not compliant with the sexual
offender register. Concern was voiced regarding the close proximity of the offender's
home with neighborhood schools.
Abandoned cars were also discussed. Chief Martin stated that Building and Zoning
checks on vehicles on private property, while the Police Department investigates vehicles
parked on streets. Property owners are contacted and asked to legally license vehicles
which are on private property.
There was no further additional business and the meeting was adjourned at 7:45pm.
Minutes respectfully submitted by
Marlys Young, Minute Taker
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SECTION AG101 structed in conformance with ANSI/NSPI-3 as listed in Section
AG101.1 General.The provisions of this appendix shall con- AG104.2 Portable spas and hot tubs.Portable spas and hot
trol the design and construction of swimming pools, spas and tubs shall be designed and constructed in conformance with
hot tubs installed in or on the lot of a one- and two-family ANSUNSPI-6 as listed in Section AG107.
AG102.1 General.For the purposes of these requirements,the AG105.1 Application. The provisions of this chapter shall
terms used shall be defined as follows and as set forth in Chap-
the design of barriers for residential swimming pools,
spas and hot tubs.These design controls are intended to provide
ter 2. protection against potential drownings and near-drownings by
ABOVE-GROUND/ON-GROUND POOL.See"Swimming restricting access to swimming pools, spas and hot tubs.
pool." AG105.2 Outdoor swimming pool. An outdoor swimming
BARRIER. A fence, wall, building wall or combination pool, including an in-ground,aboveground or on-ground pool,
thereof which completely surrounds the swimming pool and hot tub or spa shall be provided with a barrier which shall corn-
obstructs access to the swimming pool. ply with the following:
HOT TUB. See"Swimming pool." 1. The top of the barrier shall be at least 48 inches (1219
IN-GROUND POOL. See"Swimming pool." mm) above grade measured on the side of the barrier
RESIDENTIAL.That which is situated on the premises of a which faces away from the swimming pool.The maxi-
detached one- or two-family dwelling or a one-family town mum vertical clearance between grade and the bottom
house not more than three stories in height. of the barrier shall be 2 inches(51 mm)measured on the
side of the barrier which faces away from the swim-
SPA, NONPORTABLE. See"Swimming pool." ming pool.Where the top of the pool structure is above
SPA, PORTABLE. A nonpermanent structure intended for grade,such as an aboveground pool,the barrier may be
recreational bathing, in which all controls, water-heating and at ground level,such as the pool structure,or mounted
water-circulating equipment are an integral part of the product. on top of the pool structure. Where the barrier is
SWIMMING POOL. Any structure intended for swimming mounted on top of the pool structure, the maximum
or recreational bathing that contains water over 24 inches(610 vertical clearance between the top of the pool structure
mm) deep. This includes in-ground, aboveground and and the bottom of the barrier shall be 4 inches (102
on-ground swimming pools,hot tubs and spas. mm).
SWIMMING POOL,INDOOR.A swimming pool which is 2. Openings in the barrier shall not allow passage of a
totally contained within a structure and surrounded on all four 4-inch-diameter(102 mm) sphere.
sides by walls of said structure. 3. Solid barriers which do not have openings, such as a
SWIMMING POOL, OUTDOOR. Any swimming pool masonry or stone wall,shall not contain indentations or
which is not an indoor pool. protrusions except for normal construction tolerances
and tooled masonry joints.
SECTION AG103 4. Where the barrier is composed of horizontal and verti-
SWIMMING POOLS cal members and the distance between the tops of the
AG103.1 In-ground pools.In-ground pools shall be designed horizontal members is less than 45 inches (1143 mm),
and constructed in conformance with ANSUNSPI-5 as listed in the horizontal members shall be located on the swim
Section AG107. ming pool side of the fence. Spacing between vertical
members shall not exceed 1.75 inches (44 mm) in
AG103.2 Above-ground and on-ground pools.Aboveground width.Where there are decorative cutouts within verti-
and on-ground pools shall be designed and constructed in con- cal members, spacing within the cutouts shall not ex-
formance with ANSIINSPI-4 as listed in Section AG107. ceed 1.75 inches (44 mm)in width.
AG104 5. Where the barrier is composed of horizontal and verti-
SPEAND HOT TUBS cal members and the distance between the tops of the
horizontal members is 45 inches (1143 mm) or more,
AG104.1 Permanently installed spas and hot tubs. Penna.- spacing between vertical members shall not exceed 4
nently installed spas and hot tubs shall be designed and con- inches (102 mm). Where there are decorative cutouts
within vertical members, spacing within the cutouts structure, and the means of access is a ladder or steps,
shall not exceed 1.75 inches (44 mm)in width. then:
6. Maximum mesh size for chain link fences shall be a 10.1. The ladder or steps shall be capable of being
1.25-inch(32 mm)square unless the fence is provided secured,locked or removed to prevent access, —
with slats fastened at the top or the bottom which re- or
duce the openings to not more than 1.75 inches (44
10.2. The ladder or steps shall be surrounded by a
barrier which meets the requirements of Sec-
7. Where the barrier is composed of diagonal members, tion AG105.2, Items 1 through 9. When the
such as a lattice fence, the maximum opening formed ladder or steps are secured, locked or re-
by the diagonal members shall not be more than 1.75 moved, any opening created shall not allow
inches (44 mm). the passage of a 4-inch-diameter (102 mm)
8. Access gates shall comply with the requirements of sphere.
Section AG105.2, Items 1 through 7, and shall be AG105.3 Indoor swimming pool.All walls surrounding an in-
equipped to accommodate a locking device.Pedestrian door swimming pool shall comply with Section AG105.2,Item
access gates shall open outward away from the pool and 9
shall be self-closing and have a self-latching device.
Gates other than pedestrian access gates shall have a AG105.4 Prohibited locations.Barriers shall be located so as
self-latching device. Where the release mechanism of to prohibit peiutanent structures,equipment or similar objects
the self-latching device is located less than 54 inches from being used to climb the barriers.
(1372 mm) from the bottom of the gate, the release
AG105.5 Barrier exceptions. Spas or hot tubs with a safety
mechanism and openings shall comply with the follow
ing: cover which complies with ASTM F 1346,as listed in Section
8.1. The release mechanism shall be located on the AG 107,shall be exempt from the provisions of this appendix.
pool side of the gate at least 3 inches(76 mm)
below the top of the gate, and SECTION AG106
8.2. The gate and barrier shall have no opening ABBREVIATIONS
greater than 0.5 inch (12.7 mm) within 18
inches (457 mm) of the release mechanism. AG106.1 General.
9. Where a wall of a dwelling serves as part of the barrier ANSI—American National Standards Institute
one of the following conditions shall be met: 25 West 43rd Street,New York,NY 10036
9.1. The pool shall be equipped with a powered ASTM—American Society for Testing and Materials
safety cover in compliance with ASTM 1916 Race Street,Philadelphia,PA 19103
F1346; or
9.2. All doors with direct access to the pool NSPI—National Spa and Pool Institute
through that wall shall be equipped with an 2111 Eisenhower Avenue,Alexandria,VA 22314
alarm which produces an audible warning
when the door and its screen, if present, are
opened. The alarm shall sound continuously SECTION AG107
for a minimum of 30 seconds immediately af- STANDARDS
ter the door is opened and be capable of being AG107.1 General.
heard throughout the house during normal
household activities.The alarm shall automat- ANSUNSPI
ically reset under all conditions. The alarm ANSIINSPI-3 Standard for Permanently Installed
system shall be equipped with a manual Residential Spas AG104.1
means,such as touchpad or switch,to tempo-
rarily deactivate the alarm for a single open- ANSIINSPI-4 Standard for Above-ground/On-ground
ing. Such deactivation shall last for not more Residential Swimming Pools AG1032
than 15 seconds. The deactivation switch(es)
shall be located at least 54 inches(1372 mm) ANSI/NSPI-5 Standard for Residential In-ground
above the threshold of the door; or Swimming Pools AG103.1
9.3. Other means of protection, such as self-clos- ANSI/NSPI-6 Standard for Residential
ing doors with self-latching devices, which Portable Spas AG104.2
are approved by the governing body,shall be
acceptable so long as the degree of protection ASTM
afforded is not less than the protection af- ASTM F 1346-91 Standard Performance Specifications
forded by Item 9.1 or 9.2 described above. for Safety Covers and Labeling Requirements for
10. Where an aboveground pool structure is used as a bar- All Covers for Swimming Pools,Spas and
rier or where the barrier is mounted on top of the pool Hot Tubs AG105.2,AG105.5
SWIMMING POOLS E4103.1.2-E4103.5
E4103.1.2 Where required. At least one 125-volt 15- or 3. The distance from the bottom of the fixture or ceil-
20-ampere receptacle supplied by a general-purpose branch ing-suspended (paddle) fan to the maximum water
circuit shall be located a minimum of 10 feet (3048 mm) level is not less than 7 feet, 6 inches (2286 mm).
from and not more than 20 feet(6096 mm)from the inside E4103.4.3 Existing lighting outlets and fixtures.Existing
wall of pools and outdoor spas and hot tubs.This receptacle lighting outlets and fixtures that are located within 5 feet
shall be located not more than 6 feet, 6 inches (1981 mm) (1524 mm) horizontally from the inside walls of pools and
above the floor,platform or grade level serving the pool,spa outdoor spas and hot tubs shall be permitted to be located
or hot tub. not less than 5 feet (1524 mm) vertically above the maxi-
E4103.1.3 GFCI protection. A11 125-volt receptacles lo- mum water level,provided that such fixtures and outlets are
cated within 20 feet(6096 mm)of the inside walls of pools rigidly attached to the existing structure and ground fault
and outdoor spas and hot tubs shall be protected by a circuit-interrupter protection is provided for the branch cir-
ground fault circuit interrupter. cuit that supplies such lighting fixtures and outlets.
E4103.1.4 Indoor locations. Receptacles shall be located
E4103.4.4 Indoor spas and hot tubs.
not less than 5 feet(1524 mm)from the inside walls of in- 1. Lighting fixtures, lighting outlets, and ceiling-sus-
door spas and hot tubs.A minimum of one 125-volt recepta- pended paddle fans located over the spa or hot tub or
cle shall be located between 5 feet (1524 mm) and 10 feet within 5 feet(1524 mm)from the inside walls of the
(3048 mm)from the inside walls of indoor spas or hot tubs. spa or hot tub shall be a minimum of 7 feet, 6 inches
(2286 mm)above the maximum water level and shall
E4103.1.5 Indoor GFCI protection. One hundred be protected by a ground-fault circuit interrupter.
twenty-five-volt receptacles located within 10 feet (3048 Lighting fixtures,lighting outlets,and ceiling-sus-
mm)of the inside walls of spas and hot tubs installed indoors pended paddle fans that are located 12 feet(3658 mm)
shall be protected by ground-fault circuit-interrupters. One or more above the maximum water level shall not re-
hundred twenty-five-volt receptacles located within 5 feet quire ground-fault circuit interrupter protection.
(1524 mm) of the inside walls of hydromassage bathtubs 2. Lighting fixtures protected by a ground fault circuit
shall be protected by a ground-fault circuit-interrupter. interrupter and complying with Item 2.1.or 2.2.shall
E4103.2 Switching devices. Switching devices shall be lo- be permitted to be installed less than 7 feet, 6 inches
cated not less than 5 feet(1524 mm) horizontally from the in- (2286 mm) over a spa or hot tub.
side walls of pools, spas and hot tubs except where separated 2.1. Recessed fixtures shall have a glass or plastic
from the pool,spa or hot tub by a solid fence,wall,or other per- lens and nonmetallic or electrically isolated
manent barrier. Switching devices located in a room or area metal trim, and shall be suitable for use in
containing a hydromassage bathtub shall be located in accor- damp locations.
dance with the general requirements of this code.
2.2. Surface mounted fixtures shall have a glass or
E4103.3 Disconnecting means. An accessible disconnecting plastic globe and a nonmetallic body or a me-
means shall be provided and located within sight from all pools, tallic body isolated from contact. Such fix-
spas,and hot tub equipment,and shall be located not less than 5 tures shall be suitable for use in damp
feet(1524 mm)from the inside walls of the pool,spa or hot tub. locations.
E4103.4 Lighting fixtures and ceiling fans.Lighting outlets, E4103.4.5 GFCI protection. Lighting fixtures and outlets
fixtures, and ceiling-suspended paddle fans shall be installed that are installed in the area extending between 5 feet(1524
and located in accordance with Sections E4103.4.1 through mm) and 10 feet(3048 mm)from the inside walls of pools
E4103.4.5. and outdoor spas and hot tubs shall be protected by
ground-fault circuit-interrupters except where such fixtures
E4103.4.1 Outdoor location.In outdoor pool,outdoor spas and outlets are installed not less than 5 feet (1524 mm)
and outdoor hot tubs areas, lighting fixtures, lighting out- above the maximum water level and are rigidly attached to
lets,and ceiling-suspended paddle fans shall not be installed the structure.
over the pool or over the area extending 5 feet(1524 mm) E4103.5 Overhead conductor clearances. Except where in-
horizontally from the inside walls of a pool except where no stalled with the clearances specified in Table E4103.5,the fol-
part of the lighting fixture or ceiling-suspended paddle fan is lowing parts of pools and outdoor spas and hot tubs shall not be
less than 12 feet (3658 mm) above the maximum water placed under existing service-drop conductors or any other
level. open overhead wiring;nor shall such wiring be installed above
E4103.4.2 Indoor locations.In indoor pool areas,the limi the following:
tations of Section E4103.4.1 shall apply except where the 1. Pools and the areas extending 10 feet (3048 mm) hori-
fixtures, lighting outlets and ceiling-suspended paddle fans zontally from the inside of the walls of the pool;
comply with all of the following conditions: 2. Diving structures; or
1. The fixtures are of a totally enclosed type, and 3. Observation stands, towers, and platforms.
2. A ground-fault circuit interrupter is installed in the Utility-owned, -operated and -maintained communications
branch circuit supplying the fixture(s) or ceiling-sus- conductors,community antenna system coaxial cables and the
pended(paddle) fans, and supporting messengers shall be permitted at a height of not less
TABLE E4103.5
(feet) 0-15 kV Greater than 15 to 50 kV
A. Clearance in any direction to the water level,
edge of water surface,base of diving 22 25 27
platform,or permanently-anchored raft
B. Clearance in any direction to the diving
platform 14 17 18
C. Horizontal limit of clearance measured from This limit shall extend to the outer edge of the structures listed in Rows(A)and(B)
inside wall of the pool above but not less than 10 feet.
For SI: 1 foot=304.8 mm.
than 10 feet (3048 mm) above swimming and wading pools, sulating nonconductive compound,at the time of manu-
diving structures, and observation stands, towers, and plat- facture and installation, it shall not be required to be
forms. bonded.
E4103.6 Underground wiring.Underground wiring shall not 2. All forming shells and mounting brackets of no-niche
be installed under or within the area extending 5 feet,(1524 fixtures except where a listed low-voltage lighting sys-
mm) horizontally from the inside walls of pools and outdoor tern is used that does not require bonding.
hot tubs and spas except where the wiring is installed to supply 3. All metal fittings within or attached to pool,spa and hot
pool,spa or hot tub equipment or where space limitations pre- tub structures. Isolated parts that are not over 4 inches
vent wiring from being routed 5 feet(1524 mm)or more hori- (102 mm)in any dimension and do not penetrate into the
zontally from the inside walls. Where installed within 5 feet pool structure more than 1 inch(25.4 mm) shall not re-
(1524 mm)of the inside walls,the wiring method shall be rigid quire bonding.The metal bands or hoops used to secure
metal conduit, intermediate metal conduit or a nonmetallic wooden staves for a hot tub or spa shall not be required to
raceway system.Metal conduit shall be corrosion resistant and be bonded.
suitable for the location. The minimum raceway burial depth 4. Metal parts of electrical equipment associated with pool,
shall be in accordance with Table E4103.6. spa and hot tub water circulating systems, including
TABLE E4103.6 pump motors and metal parts of equipment associated
MINIMUM BURIAL DEPTHS with pool covers,including electric motors.Metal parts
WIRING METHOD MINIMUM BURIAL DEPTH(inches) of listed equipment incorporating an approved system of
Rigid metal conduit 6 double insulation and providing a means for grounding
internal nonaccessible, noncurrent-carrying metal parts
Intermediate metal conduit 6 shall not be bonded.
Nonmetallic raceways listed for 5. Metal-sheathed cables and raceways, metal piping and
direct burial without concrete 18 all fixed metal parts that are within 5 feet(1524 mm)hor-
encasement izontally of the inside walls of the pool,spa or hot tub and
Other approved raceways' 18 that are within 12 feet(3658 mm) above the maximum
water level of the pool or any observation stands,towers
For SI: 1 inch=25.4 mm.
a.Raceways approved for burial only where concrete-encased shall require a or platforms,or from any diving structures, and that are
concrete envelope not less than 2 inches in thickness. not separated from the pool by a permanent barrier.
For pool water heaters rated at more than 50 amperes and
having specific instructions regarding bonding and grounding,
SECTION E4104 only those parts designated to bonded shall be bonded and only
BONDING those parts designated to be grounded shall be grounded.
E4104.1 Bonded parts.The following parts shall be bonded
together: E4104.2 Parts not required to be bonded.Small conductive
surfaces not likely to become energized, such as towel bars,
1. All metallic parts of pool, spa and hot tub structures,in- mirror frames,and air and water jets and drain fittings that are
eluding the reinforcing metal of pool, spa and hot tub not connected to metallic piping, and similar equipment in-
shells,coping stones,and decks.The usual steel tie wires stalled on or within indoor spas and hot tubs shall not be re-
shall be considered suitable for bonding the reinforcing quired to be bonded.
steel together,and welding or special clamping shall not
be required.Such tie wires shall be made tight.Where re- E4104.3 Methods of bonding.It shall not be the intent to re-
inforcing steel is effectively insulated by a listed encap- quire that the No.8 or larger solid copper bonding conductor be
extended or attached to any remote panelboard,service equip- the panelboard.The equipment grounding terminal shall be di-
ment, or any electrode, but only that it shall be employed to rectly connected to the panelboard enclosure. The equipment
eliminate voltage gradients in the pool area as prescribed. grounding conductor shall be installed without joint or splice.
Bonding shall be accomplished by one or more of the following Exceptions:
1. Where more than one underwater lighting fixture is
1. Common Bonding Grid. The parts specified in Section supplied by the same branch circuit, the equipment
E4104.1 above shall be connected to a common bonding grounding conductor,installed between the junction
grid with a solid copper conductor,insulated,covered,or boxes, transformer enclosures,or other enclosures in
bare, not smaller than No. 8. Connection shall be made the supply circuit to wet-niche fixtures, or between
by exothermic welding or by pressure connectors or the field-wiring compartments of dry-niche fixtures,
clamps that are labeled as being suitable for the purpose shall be permitted to be terminated on grounding ter-
and that are made of stainless steel,brass,copper or cop- mina's.
per alloy.
The common bonding grid shall be permitted to be any 2. Where an underwater lighting fixture is supplied from
of the following; a transformer, ground-fault circuit-interrupter,
clock-operated switch,or a manual snap switch that is
1.1. The structural reinforcing steel of a concrete pool located between the panelboard and a junction box
where the reinforcing rods are bonded together connected to the conduit that extends directly to the
by the usual steel tie wires made up tight or the underwater lighting fixture,the equipment grounding
equivalent; or conductor shall be permitted to terminate on ground-
1.2. The wall of a bolted or welded metal pool; or ing terminals on the transformer, ground-fault cir-
1.3. A solid copper conductor,insulated, covered, or cuit-interrupter, clock-operated switch enclosure, or
bare, not smaller than No. 8. an outlet box used to enclose a snap switch.
2. For hot tubs and spas,metal to metal mounting on a com- E4105.3 Nonmetallic conduit. Where a nonmetallic conduit
mon frame or base is installed between a wet-niche fixture and a junction box,
3. The interconnection of threaded metal piping and tit- transformer enclosure, or other enclosure, a No. 8 insulated
copper conductor shall be installed in this conduit with provi-
tings. sions for terminating in the forming shell, junction box or
transformer enclosure, or ground-fault circuit-interrupter en-
SECTION E4105 closure.The termination of the No. 8 conductor in the forming
GROUNDING shell shall be covered with,or encapsulated in,a listed potting
compound to protect such connection from the possible deteri-
E4105.1 Equipment to be grounded. The following equip- orating effect of pool water.
ment shall be grounded: E4105.4 Flexible cords. Wet-niche or no-niche lighting fix-
1. Wet-niche, dry-niche and no-niche underwater lighting tures that are supplied by a flexible cord or cable shall have all
fixtures other than those low-voltage systems listed for exposed noncurrent-carrying metal parts grounded by an insu-
the application without a grounding conductor. lated copper equipment grounding conductor that is an integral
2. All electrical equipment located within 5 feet(1524 mm) partof the cord or cable. This grounding conductor shall be
of the inside wall of the pool, spa or hut tub. connected to a grounding terminal in the supply junction box,
transformer enclosure,or other enclosure.The grounding con-
3. All electrical equipment associated with the recirculat- ductor shall not be smaller than the supply conductors and not
ing system of the pool, spa or hot tub. smaller than No. 16.
4. Junction boxes. E4105.5 Motors.Pool-associated motors shall be connected to
5. Transformer enclosures. a copper equipment grounding conductor sized in accordance
6. Ground-fault circuit-interrupters. with Table E3808.12, but not smaller than No. 12.
7. Panelboards that are not part of the service equipment E4105.6 Panelboards.A panelboard that is not part of the ser-
and that supply any electrical equipment associated with vice equipment,or source of a separately derived system shall
the pool, spa or hot tub. have an equipment grounding conductor installed between its
grounding terminal and the grounding terminal of the applica-
E4105 2 Light fixtures and related equipment. Wet niche,
dryniche,or no niche lighting fixtures shall be connected to an ble service equipment or source of a separately derived system.
insulated copper equipment grounding conductor sized in ac- This conductor shall be sized in accordance with Table
cordance with Table E3808.12 but not smaller than No. 12.The E3808.12,but not smaller than No. 12.
equipment grounding conductor between the wiring chamber E4105.7 Cord-connected equipment.Where fixed or station-
of the secondary winding of a transformer and a junction box ary equipment is connected with a flexible cord to facilitate re-
shall be sized in accordance with the overcurrent device in such moval or disconnection for maintenance,repair,or storage, as
circuit. The junction box, transformer enclosure, or other en- provided in Section E4102.2, the equipment grounding con-
closure in the supply circuit to a wet-niche or no-niche lighting ductors shall be connected to a fixed metal part of the assembly.
fixture and the field-wiring chamber of a dry-niche lighting fix- The removable part shall be mounted on or bonded to the fixed
ture shall be grounded to the equipment grounding terminal of metal part.
SECTION E4107 the unit or assembly, including pumps, air blowers, heaters,
STORABLE SWIMMING POOLS lights, controls, sanitizer generators and wiring, shall not re-
E4107.1 Pumps. A cord-connected pool filter pump for use quire that the outlet supply be protected by a ground-fault cir-
with storable pools shall incorporate an approved system of cuit interrupter.
double insulation or its equivalent and shall be provided with A combination pooUhot tub or spa assembly commonly
means for grounding only the internal and nonaccessible bonded need not be protected by a ground-fault circuit inter-
noncurrent-carrying metal parts of the appliance. rupter.
The means for grounding shall be an equipment grounding E4108.2 Electric water heaters.Electric spa and hot tub water
conductor run with the power-supply conductors in a flexible heaters shall be listed and shall have the heating elements sub-
cord that is properly terminated in a grounding-type attach- divided into loads not exceeding 48 amperes and protected at
ment plug having a fixed grounding contact. not more than 60 amperes.The ampacity of the branch-circuit
E4107.2 Ground-fault circuit-interrupters required.Elec- conductors, and the rating or setting of overcurrent protective
trical equipment, including power-supply cords, used with devices,shall be not less than 125 percent of the total nameplate f
storable pools shall be protected by ground-fault circuit-inter load rating.
rupters. E4108.3 Underwater audio equipment. Underwater audio
E4107.3 Lighting fixtures. Lighting fixtures for storable equipment used with spas and hot tubs shall comply with the
pools shall not have exposed metal parts and shall be listed for provisions of Section E4106.9.
the purpose as an assembly. In addition, lighting fixtures for
storable pools shall comply with the requirements of Section SECTION E4109
E4107.3.1 or E4107.3.2. HYDROMASSAGE BATHTUBS
E4107.3.1 Fifteen(15)volts or less.A lighting fixture in E4109.1 Ground-fault circuit interrupters. Hydromassage
stalled in or on the wall of a storable pool shall be part of a bathtubs and their associated electrical components shall be
cord-and plug-connected lighting assembly.The assembly protected in accordance with Section E4108.
1. Have a fixture lamp that operates at 15 volts or less; E4109.2 Other electric equipment. Lighting fixtures,
and switches,receptacles,and other electrical equipment located in
the same room, and not directly associated with a
2. Have an impact-resistant polymeric lens, fixture hydromassage bathtub, shall be installed in accordance with
body, and transformer enclosure; and the requirements of this code relative to the installation of elec-
3. Have a transformer meeting the requirements of sec- trical equipment in bathrooms.
tion E4106.1 with a primary rating not over 150 volts. E4109.3 Accessibility. Hydromassage bathtub electrical
E4107.3.2 Not over 150 volts.A lighting assembly without equipment shall be accessible without damaging the building
a transformer,and with the fixture lamp(s) operating at not structure or building finish.
over 150 volts,shall be permitted to be cord-and plug-con- E4109.4 Bonding. All metal piping systems, metal parts of
netted where the assembly complies with all of the follow- electrical equipment, and pump motors associated with the
ing: hydromassage tub shall be bonded together using a copper
1. It has an impact-resistant polymeric lens and fixture bonding jumper, insulated, covered, or bare,not smaller than
body. No. 8 solid.
2. A ground-fault circuit interrupter with open neutral Metal parts of listed equipment incorporating an approved
protection is provided as an integral part of the assem- system of double insulation and providing a means for ground-
bly. ing internal nonaccessible, noncurrent-carrying metal parts
3. The fixture lamp is peunanently connected to the shall not be bonded.
ground-fault circuit interrupter with open-neutral
4. It complies with the requirements of Section E4106.4.
E4108.1 Ground-fault circuit interrupters. The outlet(s)
that supplies a self-contained spa or hot tub,or a packaged spa
or hot tub equipment assembly,or a field-assembled spa or hot
tub with a heater load of 50 amperes or less,shall be protected
by a ground-fault circuit-interrupter.
A listed self-contained unit or listed packaged equipment as-
sembly marked to indicate that integral ground-fault circuit-in-
terrupter protection is provided for all electrical parts within
Chapter 41
SECTION E4101 SPA OR HOT TUB. A hydromassage pool, or tub for recre-
GENERAL ational or therapeutic use, not located in health care facilities,
E4101.1 Scope. The provisions of this chapter shall apply to designed for immersion of users, and usually having a filter,
the construction and installation of electric wiring and equip- heater,and motor-driven blower.They are installed indoors or
ment associated with all swimming pools, wading pools, hot outdoors, on the ground or supporting structure, or in the
ground or supporting structure. Generally, a spa or hot tub is
tubs and spas, and hydromassage bathtubs, whether perma
neatly installed or storable,and shall apply to metallic auxiliary not designed eor
a intended to have its contents drained or dis-
equipment,such as pumps,filters and similar equipment.Sec after each use.
tions E4102 through E4106 provide general rules for perma- STORABLE SWIMMING OR WADING POOL. Those
nent pools,spas and hot tubs. Section E4107 provides specific that are constructed on or above the ground and are capable of
rules for storable pools. Section E4108 provides specific rules holding water with a maximum depth of 42 inches(1067 mm),
for spas and hot tubs.Section E4109 provides specific rules for or a pool with nonmetallic, molded polymeric walls or inflat-
hydromassage bathtubs. able fabric walls regardless of dimension.
E4101.2 Definitions. WET-NICHE LIGHTING FIXTURE.A lighting fixture in-
CORD-AND PLUG-CONNECTED LIGHTING ASSEM- tended for installation in a forming shell mounted in a pool or
BLY. A lighting assembly consisting of a cord and plug-con- fountain structure where the fixture will be completely sur-
nected transformer and a lighting fixture intended for rounded by water.
installation in the wall of a spa,hot tub, or storable pool.
DRY-NICHE LIGHTING FIXTURE. A lighting fixture in-
tended for installation in the wall of a pool or fountain in a niche SECTION E4102
that is sealed against the entry of pool water. WIRING METHODS FOR POOLS, SPAS, HOT TUBS
FORMING SHELL. A structure designed to support a AND HYDROMASSAGE BATHTUBS
wet-niche lighting fixture assembly and intended for mounting
in a pool or fountain structure. E4102.1 General. Wiring methods used in conjunction with
permanently installed swimming pools, spas, hot tubs or
HYDROMASSAGE BATHTUB. A permanently installed hydromassage bathtubs shall be installed in accordance with
bathtub equipped with a recirculating piping system, pump, Table E4102.1 and Chapter 37 except as otherwise stated in this
and associated equipment.It is designed so it can accept,circu- section. Storable swimming pools shall comply with Section
late and discharge water upon each use. E4107.
NO-NICHE LIGHTING FIXTURE. A lighting fixture in E4102.2 Flexible cords. Flexible cords used in conjunction
tended for installation above or below the water without a with a pool, spa, hot tub or hydromassage bathtub shall be in-
niche. stalled in accordance with the following:
BLY.A factory-fabricated unit consisting of water-circulating, 1. For other than underwater lighting fixtures,fixed or sta
heating and control equipment mounted on a common base,in- tionary equipment, rated at 20 amperes or less shall be
tended to operate a spa or hot tub. Equipment may include permitted to be connected with a flexible cord to facili
pumps, air blowers,heaters, lights,controls and sanitizer gen tate the removal or disconnection for maintenance or re-
pair.For other than storable pools,the flexible cord shall
not exceed 3 feet(914 mm)in length. Cords that supply
PERMANENTLY INSTALLED SWIMMING AND swimming pool equipment, shall have a copper equip-
WADING POOLS.Those that are constructed in the ground ment grounding conductor not smaller than No. 12 and
or partially in the ground,and all others capable of holding wa- shall be provided with a grounding-type attachment
ter with a depth greater than 42 inches(1067 mm),and all pools plug.
installed inside of a building, regardless of water depth, 2. Flexible cord that is supplied as part of a listed under-wa-
whether or not served by electrical circuits of any nature. ter swimming pool lighting fixture shall be permitted to
POOLCOVER, ELECTRICALLY OPERATED. Mo- be installed in any of the permitted wiring methods from
tor-driven equipment designed to cover and uncover the water the fixture to a deck box or other enclosure.Splices shall
surface of a pool by means of a flexible sheet or rigid frame. not be made within a raceway.The equipment grounding
SELF-CONTAINED SPA OR HOT TUB. A factory-fabri- conductor shall be an insulated copper conductor that is
cated unit consisting of a spa or hot tub vessel with all wa- not smaller than the supply conductors and not smaller
ter-circulating, heating and control equipment integral to the than No.16 AWG.
unit. Equipment may include pumps, air blowers, heaters, 3. A listed packaged spa or hot tub installed outdoors that is
lights, controls and sanitizer generators. GFCI protected, shall be permitted to be cord and plug
SECTION E4107 the unit or assembly, including pumps, air blowers, heaters,
STORABLE SWIMMING POOLS lights, controls, sanitizer generators and wiring, shall not re-
_.E4107.1 Pumps. A cord-connected pool filter pump for use quire that the outlet supply be protected by a ground-fault cir-
with storable pools shall incorporate an approved system of cult interrupter.
double insulation or its equivalent and shall be provided with A combination pool/hot tub or spa assembly commonly
means for grounding only the internal and nonaccessible bonded need not be protected by a ground-fault circuit inter-
noncurrent-carrying metal parts of the appliance. rupter.
The means for grounding shall be an equipment grounding E4108.2 Electric water heaters.Electric spa and hot tub water
conductor run with the power-supply conductors in a flexible heaters shall be listed and shall have the heating elements sub-
cord that is properly terminated in a grounding-type attach- divided into loads not exceeding 48 amperes and protected at
ment plug having a fixed grounding contact. not more than 60 amperes.The ampacity of the branch-circuit
conductors,and the rating or setting of overcurrent protective
E4107.2 Ground-fault circuit-interrupters required. Elec
devices,shall be not less than 125 percent of the total nameplate
trical equipment, including power supply cords, used with
storable pools shall be protected by ground-fault circuit-inter- load rating.
rupters. E4108.3 Underwater audio equipment. Underwater audio
E4107.3 Lighting fixtures. Lighting fixtures for storable equipment used with spas and hot tubs shall comply with the
pools shall not have exposed metal parts and shall be listed for provisions of Section E4106.9.
the purpose as an assembly. In addition, lighting fixtures for
storable pools shall comply with the requirements of Section SECTION E4109
E4107.3.1 or E4107.3.2.
E4107.3.1 Fifteen (15) volts or less. A lighting fixture in E4109.1 Ground-fault circuit interrupters. Hydromassage
stalled in or on the wall of a storable pool shall be part of a bathtubs and their associated electrical components shall be
cord-and plug-connected lighting assembly.The assembly protected in accordance with Section E4108.
1. Have a fixture lamp that operates at 15 volts or less; E4109.2 Other electric equipment. Lighting fixtures,
and switches,receptacles,and other electrical equipment located in
the same room, and not directly associated with a
2. Have an impact-resistant polymeric tens, fixture hydromassage bathtub, shall be installed in accordance with
body, and transformer enclosure; and the requirements of this code relative to the installation of elec-
3. Have a transformer meeting the requirements of sec- trical equipment in bathrooms.
tion E4106.1 with a primary rating not over 150 volts. E4109.3 Accessibility. Hydromassage bathtub electrical
E4107.3.2 Not over 150 volts.A lighting assembly without equipment shall be accessible without damaging the building
a transformer, and with the fixture lamp(s)operating at not structure or building finish.
over 150 volts,shall be permitted to be cord-and plug-con- E4109.4 Bonding. All metal piping systems, metal parts of
nected where the assembly complies with all of the follow- electrical equipment, and pump motors associated with the
ing: hydromassage tub shall be bonded together using a copper
1. It has an impact-resistant polymeric lens and fixture bonding jumper, insulated, covered, or bare, not smaller than
body. No. 8 solid.
2. A ground-fault circuit interrupter with open neutral Metal parts of listed equipment incorporating an approved
protection is provided as an integral part of the assem- system of double insulation and providing a means for ground-
bly. ing internal nonaccessible, noncurrent-carrying metal parts
3. The fixture lamp is permanently connected to the shall not be bonded.
ground-fault circuit interrupter with open-neutral
4. It complies with the requirements of Section E4106.4.
E4108.1 Ground-fault circuit interrupters. The outlet(s)
that supplies a self-contained spa or hot tub,or a packaged spa
or hot tub equipment assembly,or a field-assembled spa or hot
tub with a heater load of 50 amperes or less, shall be protected
by a ground-fault circuit-interrupter.
A listed self-contained unit or listed packaged equipment as-
sembly marked to indicate that integral ground-fault circuit-in-
terrupter protection is provided for all electrical parts within
SWIMMING POOLS E4106.8.2—E4106.13
or less, a flush deck box shall be permitted provided sion-resistant metal or rigid nonmetallic conduit shall ex-
that an approved potting compound is used to fill the tend from the forming shell to a suitable junction box or
box to prevent the entrance of moisture;and the flush other enclosure as provided in Section E4106.8. Where
deck box is located not less than 4 feet (1219 mm) rigid nonmetallic conduit is used, a No. 8 insulated copper—
from the inside wall of the pool. conductor shall be installed in this conduit with provisions
E4106.8.2 Other enclosures. An enclosure for a trans- for terminating in the forming shell and the junction box.
former, ground-fault circuit-interrupter or a similar device The termination of the No. 8 conductor in the forming shell
connected to a conduit that extends directly to a forming shall be covered with,or encapsulated in,a suitable potting
fixture shall be: compound to protect such connection from the possible de
shell or mounting bracket of a no-niche
teriorating effect of pool water.
1. Listed and labeled for the purpose; and
2. Equipped with threaded entries or hubs or a nonmetal- E4106.9.3 Forming shell and metal screen.The forming
lic hub listed for the purpose; and shell and metal screen shall be of brass or other approved
3. Provided with an approved seal, such as duct seal at corrosion resistant metal.
the conduit connection,that prevents circulation of air E4106.10 Electrically operated pool covers.The electric mo-
between the conduit and the enclosures; and tors,controllers,and wiring for pool covers shall be located not
4. Provided with electrical continuity between every less than 5 feet(1524 mm)from the inside wall of the pool ex-
connected metal conduit and the grounding terminals cept where separated from the pool by a wall, cover, or other
by means of copper, brass or other approved corro- permanent barrier. Electric motors installed below grade level
sion-resistant metal that is integral with the enclo- shall be of the totally enclosed type. The electric motor and
sures; and controller shall be connected to a circuit protected by a
5. Located not less than 4 inches (102 mm), measured ground-fault circuit-interrupter.
from the inside bottom of the enclosure, above the
ground level or pool deck, or not less than 8 inches E4106.11 Electric pool water heaters.All electric pool water
(203 mm) above the maximum pool water level, heaters shall have the heating elements subdivided into loads
whichever provides the greater elevation,and shall be not exceeding 48 amperes and protected at not more than 60
located not less than 4 feet(1219 mm)from the inside amperes. The ampacity of the branch-circuit conductors and
wall of the pool,except where separated from the pool the rating or setting of overcurrent protective devices shall be
by a solid fence,wall or other permanent barrier. not less than 125 percent of the total nameplate load rating.
E4106.8.3 Protection of junction boxes and enclosures. E4106.12 Pool area heating. The provisions of Sections
Junction boxes and enclosures mounted above the grade of E4106.12.1 through E4106.12.3 shall apply to all pool deck ar-
the finished walkway around the pool shall not be located in eas,including a covered pool,where electrically operated corn-
the walkway unless afforded additional protection, such as fort heating units are installed within 20 feet(6096 mm)of the
by location under diving boards or adjacent to fixed strut inside wall of the pool.
E4106.8.4 Grounding terminals. Junction boxes, trans- E4106.12.1 Unit heaters. Unit heaters shall be rigidly
former enclosures, and ground-fault circuit-interrupter en- mounted to the structure and shall be of the totally enclosed
closures connected to a conduit that extends directly to a or guarded types.Unit heaters shall not be mounted over the
forming shell or mounting bracket of a no-niche fixture shall pool or within the area extending 5 feet(1524 mm)horizon-
be provided with grounding terminals in a quantity not less tally from the inside walls of a pool.
than the number of conduit entries plus one.
E4106.8.5 Strain relief.The termination of a flexible cord E4106.12.2 Permanently wired radiant heaters.Electric
of an underwater lighting fixture within a junction box, radiant heaters shall be suitably guarded and securely fas-
transformer enclosure, ground-fault circuit-interrupter, or tened to their mounting devices. Heaters shall not be in
other enclosure shall be provided with a strain relief. stalled over a pool or within the area extending 5 feet(1524
mm)horizontally from the inside walls of the pool and shall
E4106.9 Underwater audio equipment. Underwater audio be mounted not less than 12 feet(3658 mm)vertically above
equipment shall be identified for the purpose. the pool deck.
E4106.9.1 Speakers.Each speaker shall be mounted in an E4106.12.3 Radiant heating cables prohibited. Radiant
approved metal forming shell,the front of which is enclosed heating cables embedded in or below the deck shall be pro
by a captive metal screen, or equivalent, that is bonded to hibited.
and secured to the forming shell by a positive locking device
that ensures a low-resistance contact and requires a tool to E4106.13 Double insulated pool pumps.A permanently in-
open for installation or servicing of the speaker. The form stalled pool shall be permitted to be provided with listed cord-
ing shell shall be installed in a recess in the wall or floor of and plug-connected pool pumps incorporating an approved
the pool. system of double insulation that provides a means for ground-
E4106.9.2 Wiring methods. Rigid metal conduit or inter- ing only the internal and nonaccessible, noncurrent-carrying
mediate metal conduit of brass or other identified corro- metal parts of the pump.
TABLE E4102.1
Panelboard(s)that supply pool
equipment:from service equipment Ae A — A I — A Ae A'
to panelboard
Wet niche and no niche fixtures:from
branch circuit OCPD to deck or — A I A A — A — —
junction box
Wet niche and no niche fixtures:from
deck or junction box to forming — — Ad — A — A
Dry niche: from branch circuit OCPD A A A — A —
to fixture
Pool-associated motors: from branch
circuit OCPD to motor A A A A A A A A A
Packaged or self-contained outdoor
spas and hot tubs with underwater A A A — At — — A
lighting fixture:from branch circuit i
OCPD to spa or hot tub
Packaged or self-contained outdoor
spas and hot tubs without
underwater lighting fixture: from A A A A At At Ab A A
branch circuit OCPD to spa or hot
Indoor spa and hot tubs,
hydromassage bathtubs, and other
pool,spa or hot tub associated A A A A A A A A A
equipment:from branch circuit
OCPD to equipment
For SI: 1 foot=304.8 mm.
a. For all wiring methods,see Section E4105.2 for equipment grounding conductor requirements.
b. Limited to use within buildings.
c. Limited to use on or within buildings.
d. Metal conduit shall be constructed of brass or other approved corrosion resistant metal.
e. Permitted only for existing feeder panelboards where the equipment grounding conductor is insulated or covered.
f. Limited to use in lengths not to exceed 3 feet at pool,spa or hot tub equipment where flexibility is necessary.
g. Flexible cord shall be installed in accordance with Section E4102.2.
connected provided that such cord does not exceed 15 path that an appliance supply cord connected to the receptacle
feet(4572 mm) in length. would follow without penetrating a floor, wall, ceiling, door-
4. A listed packaged spa or hot tub rated at 20 amperes or way with hinged or sliding door,window opening,or other el-
less and installed indoors shall be permitted to be cord fective permanent barrier.
and plug connected to facilitate maintenance and repair.
5. For other than underwater and storable pool lighting fix E4103.1.1 Location. Receptacles that provide power for
trues,the requirements of Item 1 shall apply to any cord water-pump motors or other loads directly related to the cir-
culation and sanitation system shall be permitted to be to
equipped lighting fixture that is located within 16 feet
(4877 mm)radially from any point on the water surface. cared between 5 feet and 10 feet(1524 mm and 3048 mm)
from the inside walls of pools and outdoor spas and hot tubs,
and,where so located,shall be single and of the locking and
SECTION E4103 grounding type and shall be protected by ground-fault cir-
E4103.1 Receptacle outlets. Receptacles outlets shall be in- Other receptacles on the property shall be located not less
stalled and located in accordance with Sections E4103.1.1 than 10 feet(3048 m)from the inside walls of pools and out-
through E4103.1.5.Distances shall be measured as the shortest door spas and hot tubs.
. '3106.3-3109.4.1.4 SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION
more than two-thirds of the distance from the property line to SECTION 3109
the curb line,and shall not exceed 9 feet(2743 mm)where the SWIMMING POOL ENCLOSURES
marquee is less than two-thirds of the distance from the prop- 3109.1 General. Swimming pools shall comply with the re-
erty line to the curb line. quirements of this section and other applicable sections of this
3106.3 Roof construction.Where the roof or any part thereof code.
is a skylight,the skylight shall comply with the requirements of 3109.2 Definition.The following word and term shall,for the
Chapter 24. Every roof and skylight of a marquee shall be purposes of this section and as used elsewhere in this code,have
sloped to down spouts that shall conduct any drainage from the the meaning shown herein.
marquee in such a manner so as not to spill over the sidewalk.
SWIMMING POOLS.Any structure intended for swimming,
3106.4 Location prohibited. Every marquee shall be so lo- recreational bathing or wading that contains water over 24
cated as not to interfere with the operation of any exterior inches (610 mm) deep. This includes in-ground, aboveground
standpipe,and such that the marquee does not obstruct the clear and on-ground pools;hot tubs; spas and fixed-in-place wading
passage of stairways or exit discharge from the building or the pools.
installation or maintenance of street lighting.
3109.3 Public swimming pools.Public swimming pools shall
3106.5 Construction. A marquee shall be supported entirely be completely enclosed by a fence at least 4 feet(1290 mm)in
from the building and constructed of noncombustible materi- height or a screen enclosure. Openings in the fence shall not
als. Marquees shall be designed as required in Chapter 16. permit the passage of a 4-inch(102 mm)diameter sphere.The
Structural members shall be protected to prevent deterioration. fence or screen enclosure shall be equipped with self-closing
and self-latching gates.
SECTION 3107 3109.4 Residential swimming pools. Residential swimming
SIGNS pools shall comply with Sections 3109.4.1 through 3109.4.3.
3107.1 General. Signs shall be designed, constructed and Exception:A swimming pool with a power safety cover or a
maintained in accordance with this code. spa with a safety cover complying with ASTM F 1346 .
3109.4.1 Barrier height and clearances. The top of the
barrier shall be at least 48 inches (1219 mm) above grade
SECTION 3108 measured on the side of the barrier which faces away from the
RADIO AND TELEVISION TOWERS swimming pool. The maximum vertical clearance between
3108.1 General. Subject to the provisions of Chapter 16 and grade and the bottom of the barrier shall be 2 inches(51 mm)
the requirements of Chapter 15 governing the fire-re- measured on the side of the barrier which faces away from the
sistance-ratings of buildings for the support of roof structures, swimming pool.Where the top of the pool structure is above
radio and television towers shall be designed and constructed grade, the barrier is authorized to be at ground level or
as herein provided. mounted on top of the pool structure, the maximum vertical
clearance between the top of the pool structure and the bot-
3108.2 Location and access. Towers shall be located and tom of the barrier shall be 4 inches (102 mm).
equipped with step bolts and ladders so as to provide ready ac-
cess for inspection purposes. Guy wires or other accessories 3109.4.1.1 Openings. Openings in the barrier shall not
shall not cross or encroach upon any street or other public allow passage of a 4-inch 1102 mm) diameter sphere.
space, or over above-ground electric utility lines, or encroach 3109.4.1.2 Solid barrier surfaces.Solid barriers which
upon any privately owned property without written consent of do not have openings shall not contain indentations or
the owner of the encroached-upon property, space or protrusions except for normal construction tolerances
above-ground electric utility lines. and tooled masonry joints.
3108.3 Construction.Towers shall be constructed of approved 3109.4.1.3 Closely spaced horizontal members.
corrosion-resistant noncombustible material. The minimum Where the barrier is composed of horizontal and vertical
type of construction of isolated radio towers not more than 100 members and the distance between the tops of the hori-
feet (30 480 mm) in height shall be Type IIB. zontal members is less than 45 inches (1143 mm), the
3108.4 Loads.Towers shall be designed to resist wind loads in horizontal members shall be located on the swimming
accordance with EIA/TIA 222-E.Consideration shall be given pool side of the fence. Spacing between vertical mem-
to conditions involving wind load on ice-covered sections in lo- bers shall not exceed 1.75 inches (44 mm) in width.
calities subject to sustained freezing temperatures. Where there are decorative cutouts within vertical mem-
3108.4.1 Dead load.Towers shall be designed for the dead bers, spacing within the cutouts shall not exceed 1.75
load plus the ice load in regions where ice formation occurs.
inches (44 mm) in width.
3109.4.1.4 Widely spaced horizontal members.Where
3108.4.2 Wind load.Adequate foundations and anchorage the barrier is composed of horizontal and vertical mem-
shall be provided to resist two times the calculated wind bers and the distance between the tops of the horizontal
load. members is 45 inches (1143 mm) or more, spacing be-
3108.5 Grounding. Towers shall be permanently and effec- tween vertical members shall not exceed 4 inches (102
tively grounded. mm). Where there are decorative cutouts within vertical
point 10 feet(3048 mm)above the walkway roof surface or the 3104.9 Exit access travel.The length of exit access travel shall
connected building roof line, whichever is lower, down to a not exceed 200 feet(60 960 mm).
point 10 feet(3048 mm)below the walkway and horizontally Exceptions:
10 feet(3048 mm)from each side of the pedestrian walkway.
Openings within the 10-foot(3048 mm)horizontal extension of 1. Exit access travel distance on a pedestrian walkway
the protected walls beyond the walkway shall be equipped with equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler sys-
devices providing a3/4-hour fire protection rating in accordance tern in accordance with NFPA 13 shall not exceed 250
with Section 714. feet(76 200 mm).
Exception: The walls separating the pedestrian walkway 2. Exit access travel distance on a pedestrian walkway
from a connected building are not required to have a fire- constructed with both sides at least 50 percent open
resistance rating by this section where any of the following shall not exceed 300 feet(91 440 mm).
conditions exist: 3. Exit access travel distance on a pedestrian walkway
constructed with both sides at least 50 percent open,
1. The distance between the connected buildings is more and equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler
than 10 feet(3048 mm), the pedestrian walkway and system in accordance with NFPA 13,shall not exceed
connected buildings are equipped throughout with an 400 feet(122 m).
automatic sprinkler system in accordance with NFPA
3104.10 Tunneled walkway.Separation between the tunneled
13,and the wall is constructed of a tempered,wired or
laminated glass wall and doors subject to the following: walkway and the building to which it is connected shall not be
less than 2-hour fire-resistant construction and openings
1.1. The glass shall be protected by an automatic therein shall be protected in accordance with Table 714.2.
sprinkler system in accordance with NFPA 13
and the sprinkler system shall completely wet 3104.11 Ventilation. Smoke and heat venting shall be pro-
the entire surface of interior sides of the glass vided for enclosed walkways and tunneled walkways. Such
wall when actuated. venting shall be in accordance with NFPA 204 or other ac-
12. The glass shall be in a gasketed frame and in cepted engineering practice.
stalled in such a manner that the framing sys-
tem will deflect without breaking (loading) SECTION 3105
the glass before the sprinkler operates. AWNINGS AND CANOPIES
1.3. Obstructions shall not be installed between 3105.1 General. Awnings or canopies shall comply with the
the sprinkler heads and the glass.
requirements of this section and other applicable sections of
2. The distance between the connected buildings is more this code.
than 10 feet(3048 mm),and both side walls of the pe-
destrian walkway are at least 50 percent open with the 3105.2 Design and construction.Awnings and canopies shall
be designed and constructed to withstand wind or other lateral
open area uniformly distributed to prevent the accu
mulation of smoke and toxic gases. loads and live loads as required by Chapter 16 with due allow-
ance for shape,open construction and similar features that re-
3. Buildings are on the same lot,in accordance with Sec- lieve the pressures or loads. Structural members shall be
tion 503.1.3. protected to prevent deterioration.Awnings shall have frames
4. Where exterior walls of connected buildings are re- of noncombustible material,fire-retardant-treated wood,wood
quired by Section 704 to have a fire-resistance rating of Type IV sizes, or 1-hour construction with combustible or
greater than 2 hours, the walkway shall be equipped noncombustible covers and shall be either fixed, retractable,
throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in- folding or collapsible.
stalled in accordance with NFPA 13. 3105.3 Canopy materials.Canopies shall be constructed of a
The previous exceptions shall apply to pedestrian walkways rigid framework with an approved covering,that is flame resis-
having a maximum height above grade of three stories or 40 tant in accordance with NFPA 701 or that has a flame spread
feet(12 192 mm),or five stories or 55 feet(16 764 mm)where rating not greater than 25 when tested in accordance with
sprinklered. The minimum height above grade shall be 8 feet ASTM E 84.
(2438 mm).
3104.6 Public way. Pedestrian walkways over a public way SECTION 3106
shall also comply with Chapter 32. MARQUEES
3104.7 Egress.Access shall be provided at all times to a pedes- 3106.1 General.Marquees shall comply with this section and
trian walkway that serves as a required exit. other applicable sections of this code.
3104.8 Width. The unobstructed width of pedestrian walk- 3106.2 Thickness.The maximum height or thickness of a mar-
ways shall not be less than 36 inches(914 mm).The total width quee measured vertically from its lowest to its highest point
shall not exceed 30 feet(9144 mm). shall not exceed 3 feet(914 mm)where the marquee projects
SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION 3109.4.1.5-3109.4.3
members,spacing within the cutouts shall not exceed Sections 3109.4.1.1 through 3109.4.1.8. When the lad-
1.75 inches (4- in width. der or steps are secured,locked,or removed,any opening
3109.4.1.5 Chain link dimensions. Maximum mesh created shall not allow the passage of a 4-inch-diameter
size for chain link fences shall be a 2.25 inch square(57 (102 mm) sphere.
mm square) unless the fence is provided with slats fas- 3109.4.2 Indoor swimming pools. Walls surrounding
tened at the top or the bottom which reduce the openings indoor swimming pools shall not be required to comply
to no more than 1.75 inches (44 mm). with Section 3109.4.1.8.
3109.4.3 Prohibited locations.Barriers shall be located
3109.4.1.6 Diagonal members. Where the barrier is
composed of diagonal members, the maximum opening so as to prohibit permanent structures,equipment or sim
formed by the diagonal members shall be no more than ilar objects from being used to climb the barriers.
1.75 inches (44 mm).
3109.4.1.7 Gates.Access gates shall comply with the re-
quirements of Sections 3109.4.1.1 through 3109.4.1.6
and shall be equipped to accommodate a locking device.
Pedestrian access gates shall open outward away from
the pool and shall be self-closing and have a self-latching
device. Gates other than pedestrian access gates shall
have a self-latching device. Where the release mecha-
nism of the self-latching device is located less than 54
inches (1372 mm) from the bottom of the gate, the re-
lease mechanism shall be located on the pool side of the
gate at least 3 inches (76 mm) below the top of the gate,
and the gate and harrier shall have no opening greater
than 0.5 inch(12.7 mm)within 18 inches(457 mm)of the
release mechanism.
3109.4.1.8 Dwelling unit wall as a barrier. Where a
wall of a dwelling serves as part of the barrier,one of the
following shall apply:
1. Doors with direct access to the pool through that
wall shall be equipped with an alarm which pro-
duces an audible warning when the door and its
screen are opened.The alarm shall sound continu-
ously for a minimum of 30 seconds immediately
after the door is opened and be capable of being
heard throughout the house during normal house-
hold activities.The alarm shall automatically reset
under all conditions. The alarm shall be equipped
with a manual means to temporarily deactivate the
alarm for a single opening.Such deactivation shall
last no more than 15 seconds. The deactivation
switch shall be located at least 54 inches above the
threshold of the door.
2. The pool shall be equipped with a power safety
cover which complies with ASTM F 1346.
3. Other means of protection, such as self-closing
doors with, self-latching devices, which are ap-
proved by the administrative authority shall be ac-
cepted so long as the degree of protection afforded
is not less than the protection afforded by Section
3109.4.1.8, Item 1 or 2.
3109.4.1.9 Pool structure as barrier. Where an above-
ground pool structure is used as a barrier or where the
barrier is mounted on top of the pool structure, and the
means of access is a ladder or steps, then the ladder or
steps either shall be capable of being secured locked or
removed to prevent access,or the ladder or steps shall be
surrounded by a barrier which meets the requirements of
4.6 CITY
� ii o Yorkville Police Department Memorandum
jilitt 804 Game Farm Road
1836 Yorkville, Illinois 60560
-��— Telephone: 630-553-4340
\\ ....
P ®t cl Fax: 630-553-1141
Date: June 22, 2004
To: Administrator Tony Graff
From : S/Sgt. Ron Diederich
Reference: Emergency Generator
I now have three quotes on the emergency generator that is large enough to
handle the entire City Hall/Police Station. The generator is 125 K.W. and would be
wired into a new transfer switch in the lower level.
The quotes are for a 125 K.W. Caterpillar Olympian generator, new transfer
switch, all conduit runs, installation and set up, freight charges, removal of original
generator and original transfer switch. When installation is completed all three vendors
will provide the city with the initial start-up and a tutorial on the proper operation of the
new unit. Not included are the excavation for the conduit run from the generator to the
building, concrete pad, back filling, initial fuel fill on the unit and all permits.
All three vendors state the project will take the building off line for three days but
I feel this can be worked out at a later date.
Patten Power Systems $50,292.40
Great Lakes Equipment Company $50,500.00
Piller Electric, Inc. $50,648.00
`,, D city
J� o Yorkville Police Department Memorandum
%gift 804 Game Farm Road
EST �_ __1836 Yorkville, Illinois 60560
-��=- Telephone: 630-553-4340
0 'I c Fax: 630-553-1141
'4LF \\'°y
I have attached the quotes to this memo. If you have any questions please let me
'-7 �/�
S/Sgt. Ron Diederich
CC: Chief Harold 0. Martin III
Director Eric Dhuse
David Behrens
APR-20-2004 TUE 03:38 PM FAX NO, P, 02
Q `Power
Patten Systems
P OWER SV SI EMS A Division of Patten Industries, Inc.
April 20,2004
Ron Diederich
Senior Sergeant
Yorkville Police Dept
800 Game Farm Rd
Yorkville, Illinois 60560
Dear Ron:
Below is the scope and costs associated with the replacement of the generator located behind
the City of Yorkville Police Station with a 125 K.W. Olympian unit sized to meet the electrical
needs of the complete facility.
During the course of the installation, the City of Yorkville will be responsible for the excavation for
the conduit run from the generator to the building, all concrete work for the generator mounting
pad and all back filling of the conduit run upon completion, the initial fuel fill on the unit by the
vendor of your choice and all required permits and license. The city of Yorkville will have to
determine a suitable time to perform the installation as the complete building will have no power
for the duration of the project, estimated to be three working days.
Patten Power Systems will provide the generator, all electrical and conduit runs, installation and
mounting of the generator including all freight and shipping. Patten Power Systems will remove
the original generator and transfer-switch, load onto a City of Yorkville truck to be relocated at the
storage site determined by the City of Yorkville. In addition Patten Power Systems will provide the
City of Yorkville with the initial start-up, Load Bank and a tutorial on the proper operation of the
new unit.
Please note these prices are for labor during normal business hours of Monday through Friday
between the hours of 7:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. These prices do not include any applicable sales
tax. To schedule this project or if you have any questions regarding this quote, contact me at your
convenience at (815) 228-3935. This quote valid for 90 days from today's date. This unit requires
12 to 14 weeks for shipping from the time a purchase order in given to Patten Power Systems.
Sin ly,
Jim Seibert
Product Support Representative
Patten Power Systems
205 South Route 83 590 Mayer St. 615 West Lake SL 5055 South Main St. 6400 Indianapolis Blvd.
Grayslake. IL 60030 Oglesby, IL 61348 Elmhurst, IL 60125 Rockford, IL 61102 Hammond, IN 46320
847.5a 8.1177 815.883.3336 630.530.2200 815.985.8631 219.932.6600
847 548.1166 tax 815.883.8043 fax 630.530.2218 fax 815.965.1179 fax 773,721.5977
219.932.1121 fax
To:Yorkville Page 1 of 1 2004-06-21 20:40:26(GMT) 18153660761 From: Steve Hoscheid
June 21, 2004
ALL 2'2
Phone: 815.883.3610 592 Mayer St
Fax: 815.883.8082 Oglesby, IL -61348 Estimate
Customer Name Ron Diederich Model:
Address Senior Sergeant Serial Number:
City, State Zip Yorkville Police Dept Engine Model:
Phone 800 Game Farm Rd Engine Spec. Number:
Yorkville, Illinois 60560 Salesman: Steve Hoscheid
Quantity Item Number Description Retail Price Total
1 125 K.W. Olympian Generator $50,500.00 $50,500.00
Includes: generator, all electrical and conduit runs, installation of the generator including all freight charges incurred.
removal of the original generator and transfer-switch loaded onto a carrier for relocation. Also, initial start-up, Load Bank
and a tutorial on the proper operation of the unit.
Does not include excavation for the conduit run from the generator to the building, all concrete work for the generator
mounting pad and all back filling of the conduit run upon completion, the initial fuel fill on the unit by the vendor of your
choice and all required permits and license. The city of Yorkville will have to determine a suitable time to perform the
installation as the complete building will have no power for the duration of the project, estimated to be three working days.
Quote based on all work performed during Great Lakes Equipment normal business hours.
Total Estimate $50,500.00
Power (7Y TEREXIl; parts
Equipment ;Y.,C4.J "C.
Yorkville Gen Set
P1LLt°R ;:'; 'w
Aar IL E�T�It 1. • 1',F0.
409 Plnza Drive .Box 611 t'R '4i'4."'t
•Mendota,Illinois 61342 ;O:f•
axtx1 '
(815)539-9815 FAX(815)539-5273 a t+ ''; ••
gyp_'. 1 fn9. it:
City of Yorkville June 21,2004 l `!a
� ,
'11110'' PHONE 1 ,+...
800 Game Farm Road "' ::..:
Yorkville, Illinois 80560 New Generator `, .. '
l,- - H1rtct 1+`r—`J
I OF 2 ';;:' x
hirrby tubmii apacHlcatlona and aatimaba tor. 3
t Py
We herebypropose to furnish the labor and material to install a Caterpillar 125KW 120/208 Olympian „ �3s=.—; .
proposal Includes the following: Ae d�/ " slK
§ :f, .•.
125KW Olympian generator ';y;•, `•;.44.
::,:' 454
Conduit runs ,>4_. •
Wiring ,; A' �
Unloadingand mountingof thegenerator K, """'K..,
Electrical service modifications '::.rv, ,.4.•.
Automatic transfer switch `, �
Freight . , • 4? ;
Labor :,:frit ...
Startup › 11;4.2Checkout .
Load bank lr. " r
Personnel training ''-'.2 w.
800 amp main breaker ,, z.v
EXclu$ion9; ';; /o 4t1' ••aiq•'•
Sales tax , a ,
Excavation and backfill for conduit—generator to building T`";'
• All concrete work cth.
Replacement of grass and/or shrubs s , F .
1, 'F sF•
Initial filling of fuel tank ; , dr'.*::
Licenses +�til•
Saturday/Sunday labor ,.: r;
Utility Company charges f,
Remote annunciator panel wiring f.,.. :`y•
. 11 •'i'
'• .
411,1?Hi ;
Kiwr7111 W011;,
rPrssr�r k � �' ',..
IEs,FcrRrc =,�,.4 Vis:
/AltF' r,• e�M4
409 Plaza Drive P.O. Box 617 "' y'° afire
Mendota,Illinois 61342
(815)539-981,5 FAX(815)539-5273 , °'`•`
&„ i; -.•• ruBrA rrED To DATt? x'#r
Ci of Yorkville June 21 2004 � � h',
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the lstimate.All agreements contingent upon strikes,accidents or delays beyond our control,Owner to carry fire,tornado and other necessary + §c't4:45",r
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Yorkville Police Department Offense Report - May 2004
Arson 0 1 0 1 0 . 0 0 0 1 0 ` 0 0 0 f 0 i 2. 0..... . ...._ 0 .........
Assault 1 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 1 ; 1 0 1 0 0 0 4 2 0 6
Battery ; 6 6 15
7 1 8 8 . 2 3 4 2 2 ' ... 5 20.. . __
Burglary 2
6 14 13 ' 9 ; 3 ' 8 ` 4 7 1 8 2 ' 5 23
Cannabis Offenses 2 1 2 1 3 4 2 4 1 2 0 ' 1 1 5 1 0 3 9
Controlled Substance Offenses 0 0 0 1 0 2 10 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0
Crimes Involving Children 1 0 . 0 1 4 2 2 1 5 4 4 1 1 6 1 5 17
Criminal Damage 15 13 11 1 11 110 15 1 13 21 5 4 7 1 6 ' 22 44
Deceptive Practices 0 1 2 4 1 1 ' 7 ' 2 4 1 23 1 2 1 0 1 5 1 6 16
Drug Paraphernalia Offenses 2 ' 0 1 1 2 1 3 2 t 1 2 0 0 2 1 0 3 5
Firearms Offenses 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 ; 1 1 1 0 : 0 1 0 t 0 1
Gambling Offenses 0 0 0 1 0 = 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 ; 0 1 0 0
Kidnapping 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 01 0 0 1 2 4
. 0 , , � � -
, a , ,ird '
Liquor Offenses 0 1 6 3 i. 7... 0 2 3 >.. ..3 1 1 2 1 0 1 2 1 6 11
Murder 0 0 0 = 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 ` 0 ; 0 0 ' 0 1
Robbery 0 ' 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 a 0 1 0 0
Sex Offenses 0 ; 0 0 1 1 ; 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 , 0 1
Theft 8
All Other Criminal Offenses 21 0 r 22 13 10 16 1
0 H4 47
8 7 10 10 . 8
3 ; 15 1 15 8 5 I 12�
6 12 13 25 1 10 1 10 1. 15 73
Driving Under The Influence 0 ` 8 ' 0 1 12 = 0 , 0 ' 4 7 1 3 ' 5 1 4 1 2 15
License/Registration Violations 44 36 ' 27 . 70 ' 25 ' 19 ; 31 i 62 55 S 42 1 75 35 i 33 240
Seatbelt Citations 19 10 ' 37 36 1 17 6 1 36 ` 78 18 14 8 ( 3 126 169
. eat Warnings Seatbelt tng 15 ' 13 28 14 13 15 1 6 1 4 5 11 5 18 29 68
S eedin Citations 25 38 26 20 23 16 ; 31 55 42 54 ; 47 34 29 206
Speeding Warnings
arum s 0 0 33 � 51 33 32 44 89 0 � 65 � 96 i 0 1 0 161
Transportation of Alcohol 0 2 0 3 0 1 0 2 1 1 0 2 1 1 1 0 i. 1 4
Uninsured Motor Vehicle 44 E 34 ' 23 1 33 22 , 15 : 27 ' 54 48 ; 43 49 41 1 42 223
Total Citations Issued 171 163 ! 129' 159 110 ' 77 156 109 187 , 177 € 195 160 279 998
Total Verbal Warnings Issued 29 ' 37 34 = 86 38 32 35 53 4 7 4 i 12 1 4 31
Total Written Warnings Issued 371 221 228 242 241 230 , 265 ' 390 343
334 383 304 ' 3571721
Hit and Run Accident 3 0 2 2 ' 3 0 1 6 i 2 0 2 1 7 2 1 12
Property Damage Accident 19 25 . 21 ? 18 22 16 25 1 37 2826 1 27 1, 24 34 139
Personal Injury Accident 2 7 5 i 7 4 6 4 i 6.. 5 5 2 = 2 3.. 1..
Total Accidents Taken 24 ' 32 28 ' 27 29 22 35 45 33 33 , 36 28 1 38 168
**Unlawful Visitation Interference is reported under the Kidnapping Section of the Illinois Uniformed Crime
Reporting system. The Kidnapping line item includes this offense in its totals.
Yorkville Police Department Manhour Report - May 2004
Accidents 18.02 21.92 18.52 21.25 20.25 21.78 47.33 31.88 22.17 21.92 24.67 33.33 24.50 126.59
Administrative Activity 271.07 346.08 415.17 330.25 385.27 666.25 574.23 395.53 453.28 535.47 572.88 382.42 348.27 2,292.32
Animal Complaints 9.83 5.42 9.70 2.75 6.00 3.50 2.67 3.17 3.17 2.58 5.00 8.50 8.00 27.25
Arrest Activity 20.33 37.75 41.75 28.08 19.17 16.38 53.22 31.58 22.58 18.75 36.23 41.88 24.17 143.61
Assist Agencies 132.60 126.06 154.75 170.27 148.88 119.17 158.58 139.93 139.62 176.23 166.05 191.50 131.75 805.15
Community Relations 64.50 46.67 85.92 94.42 61.33 44.75 59.42 32.25 23.42 23.58 59.25 45.33 68.25 219.83
Departmental Duties 77.83 80.73 79.08 92.98 77.22 98.30 107.28 115.58 148.67 132.00 100.33 92.07 104.73 577.80
Investigations 99.25 112.08 89.25 50.42 116.27 94.73 147.17 206.52 133.57 143.67 51.50 28.17 43.38 400.29
Ordinance/Traffic Violations 69.15 58.22 46.00 64.42 72.88 48.83 145.33 125.18 121.05 103.13 134.52 79.43 152.43 590.56
Personnel Activity 427.25 527.93 614.07 464.57 597.57 677.45 710.43 757.22 593.73 535.83 837.30 592.50 549.27 3,108.63
Preventive Patrol 718.98 626.83 789.57 952.50 774.12 996.28 733.92 809.53 935.62 888.82 832.15 922.35 831.75 4,410.69
Public Complaints 64.33 62.77 84.43 99.75 63.98 104.32 123.22 59.15 61.15 74.17 72.60 93.72, 122.50 424.14
Public Services 33.08 28.67 38.67 30.75 49.67 64.95 45.83 74.65 47.17 24.67 50.75 34.83, 38.33 195.75
Report Activity 119.58 131.50 156.83 189.25 161.82 231.27 371.20 259.33 211.42 220.37 224.65 117.0 260.17 1,033.69
School Activity 213.00 61.75 4.75 74.83 226.08 358.07 159.75 170.50 189.08 214.57 295.08 174.08 222.58 1,095.39
Traffic Activity 252.75 212.75 216.30 267.33 250.83 289.75 352.87 530.48 401.55 319.70 421.43 271.18 365.48 1,779.34
Training 333.08 164.00 241.08 102.67 110.07 354.65 234.42 62.00 176.92 407.88 297.58 204.83 274.08 1,361.29
Chief 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 866.65
CPAT Officer 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 866.65
Crossing Guards(In Days) 40.50 8.00 0.00 8.00 42.00 43.50 32.00 30.00 37.50, 36.00 46.00 31.50 39.00 190.00
Lieutenant 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 866.65
Office Supervisor 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33, 173.33 866.65
Records Clerks 290.58 277.08 177.33 182.33 266.83 298.33 264.08 287.58 281.33 281.08 297.33 285.83 291.83 1,437.40
TOTALS 3949.03 3629.53 3956.49 3920.14 4143.56 5225.58 5016.27 481538 469632 4853.74 '5218.62 4323.85 4593.79 2368632
Yorkville Police Department - Overtime Manhour Utilization Report - 06-12-2004
Date Court Training Relief Details Admin Emerg Invest Corn Sery Full Time Part Time
05/15/04 , 6 0 , „ 1.75 12 0 0 L 7.25 0 27 1 22.75
05/29/04 1, 2 0 1.._ 4 16 .0 0 3025 1 _�____. 532.5 , 34
0.6/12/04 : 7.5 0 ` 0 I 28.5 0 ......_.. 0 i 23.75 . .__. 4 63.75 1 2625
_. t. t
i I
FY04-05 Court Training Relief Details Admin Emerg Invest Corn Sery Full Time Part Time
Totals 15.50 0.00 5.75 56.50 0.00 0.00 61.25 5.00 144.00 83.00
Percents 11% 0% 4% 39% 0% 0% 43% 3% 100% N/A
Average 5.17 0.00 1.92 18.83 0.00 0.00 20.42 1.67 48.00 27.67
FY03-04 Court Training Relief Details Admin Emerg Invest Corn Sery Full Time Part Time
Totals 173.5 197 180.25 250 136.5 0 319.25 106.25 1362.75 2164
Percents 13% 14% 13% 18% 10% 0% 23% 8% 100% N/A
Average 6.67 7.58 6.93 9.62 5.25 0.00 12.28 4.09 52.41 83.23
Prepared by Molly Batterson 6/21/2004 Page 1
Yorkville Police Department 2004 Truck Enforcement Summary
Ticket Bond Funds
Date Time Offense Location Disposition
Number Taken Received
01/07/04 7:32 20877 Overweight on Axles Route 34/Marketplace Drive $590 Ex Parte $430.00
02/18/04 9:01 21061 Overweight on Highway Route 47/Route 34 $1,405 Guilty $732.00
21062 Overweight on Registration $2,622 Guilty $760.06
02/19/04 9:07 21010 Route 47/Route 71 $395 Ex Parte $260.00
02/19/04 9:30 21064 Overweight on Gross Route 47/Route 71 $590 Ex Parte $430.00
02/23/04 14:30 21065 Overweight on Axles Route 47/Countryside Parkway $395 Ex Parte $260.00
03/16/04 11:14 21013 Overweight on Gross Route 47/Wheaton Avenue $1,070 Ex Parte $850.00
04/07/04 10:32 21017 Overweight on Registration Route 47/Bonnie Lane $350 ''Ex Parte $135.72
04/14/04 12:27 21018 Overweight on Axles Route 47/Cannonball Trail $245 Pending $0.00
04/15/04 13:36 21019 Overweight on Axles Route 47/Greenbriar Road $245 Pending $0.00
04/28/04 10:04 21020 Overweight on Bridge Route 47/Amurol Drive Promise to Comply Pending $0.00
21023 Overweight on Gross $1,070 Pending $0.00
04/29/04 12:09 Route 47/Route 71
21024 Overweight on Registration $590 Pending $0.00
05/19/04 13:10 21902 Overweight on Axles Route 71/Route 47 $535 Pending $0.00
05/25/04 12:35 21904 Overweight on Axles Route 34/Cannonball Trail $350 Pending $0.00
05/26/04 9:19 21905 Overweight on Axles Walsh Drive/Columbine Court $2,165 Pending $0.00
21906 Overweight on Registration $350 Pending $0.00
21907 Overweight on Gross $1,660 Pending $0.00
05/27/04 9:09 Route 71/Route 126
21908 Overweight on Registration $1,405 Pending $0.00
06/21/04 10:02 22145 Overweight on Axles Route 71/Country Hills Drive $983 Pending $0.00
Totals For Bond Taken and Fines Received After Court Costs- 2004 $17,015 N/A $3,857.78
Totals For Bond Taken and Fines Received After Court Costs-'2003 $15,972 N/A $11,343.01
Totals For Bond Taken and Fines Received After Court Costs - 2002 $42,014 N/A $21,665.12
Totals For Bond Taken and Fines Received After Court Costs - 2001 $56,232 N/A $30,226.86
Totals For Bond Taken and Fines Received After Court Costs -'2000'' $25,815 N/A $13,026.43
Running Total $140,033 N/A $76,261.42
Report Last Updated 6/21/2004 at 2:42 PM Page 1 of 1 Authored by Molly Batterson, Office Supervisor
Yorkville Police Department 2003 Truck Enforcement Summary
Ticket Bond
Date Time Offense Location Disposition Funds Received
Number Taken
02/12/03 10:23 19153 Overweight on Axles Route 47/Beaver Street $535 Guilty $405.00
02/17/03 13:10 19160 Overweight on Axles Route 71/Route 47 $210 Ex Parte $125.00
02/26/03 13:12 19171 Overweight on Gross Route 47/Route 71 $200 Ex Parte $115.00
02/27/03 7:02 19172 Overweight on Gross Route 47/Greenbriar Road $395 Guilty $310.00
03/18/03 9:49 19282 Overweight on Gross Route 47/Greenbriar Road $210 Guilty $145.00
03/31/03 9:32 19293 Overweight on Bridge Route 47/Hydraulic Avenue $350 Ex Parte $245.00
04/28/03 13:12 19487 Overweight on Gross Route 47/Garden Street $210 Guilty $125.00
05/07/03 12:06 19494 Overweight on Bridge Route 71/Route 47 $1,240 Ex Parte $1,025.00
05/08/03 21:35 19224 Overweight on Registration Route 47/Route 126 $260 Ex Parte $100.12
08/13/03 12:30 19675 Overweight on Axles Route 47/Landmark Avenue $395 Ex Parte $285.00
08/18/03 9:00 20151 Overweight on Bridge Route 71/Route 126 $1,070 Stricken $0.00
08/18/03 12:55 20152 Overweight on Axles Route 71/Route 126 $395 Ex Parte $285.00
11/06/03 9:55 20166 Overweight on Registration Countryside Parkway/Route 47 $242 Pending $0.00
18855 Overweight on Gross $535 Guilty $245.00
12/04/03 8:01 Farmstead Drive/Heartland Drive
18856 Overweight on Registration $350 Guilty $97.89
12/04/03 10:31 18857 Overweight on Bridge Route 71/Route 126 $1,325 Ex Parte $1,075.00
12/08/03 9:16 18860 Route 71/Route 47 $535 Ex Parte $385.00
12/08/03 13:06 18861 Overweight on Gross Route 47/Galena Road $985 Ex Parte $775.00
12/16/03 10:33 20632 Overweight on Axles Galena Road/Route 47 $1,155 Guilty $590.00
12/18/03 10:13 20633 Overweight on Bridge Route 47/Greenbriar Road $395 Ex Parte $260.00
12/22/03 9:56 20643 Overweight on Bridge Route 71/Shadow Creek Lane $1,155 Ex Parte $925.00
12/29/03 11:03 20764 Overweight on Bridge Route 47/Cannonball Trail $1,405 Ex Parte $1,405.00
20765 Overweight on Registration Route 47/Cannonball Trail $2,420 Ex Parte $2,420.00
Totals For Bond Taken and Fines Received After Court Costs - 2003 $15,972 N/A $11,343.01
Totals For Bond Taken and Fines Received After Court Costs - 2002 $42,014 N/A $21,665.12
Totals For Bond Taken and Fines Received After Court Costs - 2001 $56,232 N/A $30,226.86
Totals For Bond Taken and Fines Received After Court Costs - 2000 $25,815 N/A $13,026.43
Running Total $140,033 N/A $76,261.42
Report Last Updated 6/21/2004 at 2:42 PM Page 1 of 1 Authored by Molly Batterson, Office Supervisor
- Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary
Es' ``"'�` May 24, 2004 through June 20, 2004
040737 through 040922
<&E Page 1 of 7
040737 05-24-2004 .Arrowhead Drive 040749 .... 05-26-04 800 Blk. Omaha Drive
Battery: A mutual battery occurred between Theft Over $300: Thirteen windows were taken from
construction workers at a job site. No complaints a house under construction valued at$3250.
040750 .... 05-26-04 Desk Report
040738 05-24-2004 .200 Blk. W. Somonauk St. Citizens Assist
Found Articles
040751 .... 05-26-04 600 Blk. Countryside Center
040739 05-24-04 Hydraulic Ave/Bridge St. Fraud: $403 worth of unauthorized withdrawals were
Other Public Service reported at a local bank. Pending investigation.
040740 05-24-04 Somonauk St./Bridge St. 040752 .... 05-26-04 400 Blk. Bridge Street
Accident Traffic Arrest: Subject was driving on a suspended
driver's license and taken into custody for such.
040741 05-24-04 Route 71/Route 47 Officers also learned the subject had a valid warrant
Accident for their arrest as well.
040742 05-24-2004 .1600 Blk. Cypress Lane 040753 .... 05-26-04 400 Blk. Sanders Court
Disorderly Conduct: Juveniles were involved in a Runaway Juvenile
neighborhood dispute with a resident over playing in
other people's yards. 040754.... 05-27-04 Blackberry Ln/Center St.
Injured Animal
040743 05-25-04 Desk Report
Citizen Assist 040755.... 05-27-04 Desk Report
Burning Complaint
040744 05-25-04 400 Blk. Countryside Center
Disorderly Conduct: A customer made threats 040756 .... 05-27-04 Desk Report
towards employees of a business. Pending Suspicious Circumstances
040757 .... 05-27-04 Yorkville Middle School
040745 05-25-04 Route 34/Route 47 Canine Search
040758 .... 05-27-04 North Aurora Police
040746 05-25-04 300 Blk. Illini Drive Canine Demonstration
Theft $300 and Under: Soon to be ex-spouse
reported mail taken from her mail box, allegedly by 040759 .... 05-27-04 2000 Blk. S. Bridge St.
the other spouse. Retail Theft: $17 worth of fuel was pumped and the
offender never paid for the fuel.
040747 05-25-04 400 Blk. Park Street
Criminal Damage: $500 of damage was done to a 040760 .... 05-27-04 Freemont St./Spring St.
vehicle's paint. It appeared unknown offender(s) had Mischievous Conduct— No Dollar Loss
poured some type of substance on the vehicle to
make the paint peel. 040761 .... 05-27-04 300 Blk. Walter Street
Dog Bite
040748 05-26-04 400 Blk. Sanders Court
Runaway Juvenile 040762.... 05-27-04 1400 Blk. N. Bridge Street
Assist Business Agency
_= Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary
ESTi*` _ �' May 24, 2004 through June 20, 2004
At,* -\%0 040737 through 040922
�'<<E Page2of7
040763 05-27-04 Route 47/Wheaton Ave. 040775 .... 05-29-04 Spring St./Omaha Dr.
Accident Criminal Damage: A window to a scraper was broken
out at a construction site. Damage valued at $1000.
040764 05-27-04 1400 Blk. N. Bridge Street
Assist Business Agency 040776.... 05-29-04 Two windows of an excavator
and one window of a loader were broken out at a
040765 05-27-04 1400 Blk. N. Bridge Street construction site. Damage valued at $1200.
Assist Business Agency
040777.... 05-29-04 Route 47/Garden Street
040766 05-28-04 400 Blk. Sanders Court Traffic Arrest: Subject was arrested for driving on a
Runaway Juvenile suspended license.
040767 05-28-04 500 Blk. Countryside Center 040778 .... 05-29-04 Desk Report
Criminal Damage: $250 of damage was done to a Unlawful Visitation Interference
vehicle parked in the lot of the shopping center after a
window was shattered out by unknown person(s). 040779 .... 05-29-04 100 Blk. Route 126
Suicide Attempt
040768 05-28-04 Route 34/Game Farm Road
Accident 040780 .... 05-29-04 1400 Blk. N. Bridge Street
Retail Theft: $28 of fuel was not paid for after being
040769 05-28-04 Route 34/Eldamain Road pumped into a vehicle.
040781 .... 05-29-04 100 Blk. Route 126
040770 05-28-04 Yorkville High School Warrant Arrest: While investigating another case,
Possession of Cannabis & Paraphernalia: A person officers made contact with a subject who was wanted
previously warned not to appear on school premises on a valid warrant for their arrest.
was found driving in the parking lot. SRO Helland
stopped the vehicle and charged the subject with 040782.... 05-29-04 Van Emmon St./City Limits
Criminal Trespass to Property. Upon searching the Accident
vehicle incident to arrest, officers located cannabis
and drug paraphernalia. 040783 .... 05-29-04 400 Blk. Dover Court South
Violation of Order of Protection
040771 05-28-04 Desk Report
Mandated Supervised Release Notification 040784.... 05-29-04 Center St./King St.
Consumption/Possession of Alcohol by Minors: Upon
040772 05-28-04 Desk Report checking a vehicle parked at the JC Pond, officers
Accident located two underage persons consuming alcoholic
040773 05-28-04 100 Blk. Colonial Pkwy.
Motor Vehicle Theft: Two mini-motor bikes (each 040785.... 05-30-04 Desk Report
valued at $650) were taken from the back porch of a Warrant Arrest: A person seeking help in finding a
residence. Victim stated they were not chained up or place to stay for the night was arrested on an in-state
secured in any manner. Pending investigation. warrant after officers conducted a driver's license
040774 05-28-04 Arrowhead Drive
Canine Search
• `,QED C/lP
�? Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary
S 1836 May 24, 2004 through June 20, 2004
\V<--z`�0 040737 through 040922
Page 3 of 7
040786 05-30-04 River Street/Route 47 040796 .... 06-01-04 100 Blk. S. Bridge Street
Consumption of Alcohol by Minor: Officers Warrant Arrest/Burglary: Victim stated $1150 worth
responded to a loud party. Upon arrival of electronic equipment was taken from his
approximately fifty people were located behind the apartment. Upon investigating the suspect, officers
residence. Five individuals were caught consuming learned they were wanted on a valid arrest warrant.
alcoholic beverages while being underage. One Subject was taken into custody for such.
individual who was over twenty-one was charged with
Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor. 040797.... 06-01-04 1400 Blk. N. Bridge Street
Other Public Complaint
040787 05-30-04 400 Blk. E.Kendall Drive
Criminal Damage: A window pane valued at $250 040798 .... 06-02-04 600 Blk. W. Veterans Pkwy.
was broken at a residence. Suspicious Circumstances
040788 05-30-04 1500 Blk. Walsh Drive 040799 .... 06-02-04 700 Blk. John Street
Criminal Damage: The windshield and two windows Accident
were broken out of a vehicle parked in the driveway
of the residence. Damage valued at $500. 040800 .... 06-02-04 1100 Blk. N. Bridge Street
040789 05-30-04 Route 126/Route 71
Traffic Arrest: A subject was found driving without a 040801 .... 06-02-04 1600 Blk. Cypress Lane
license and was taken into custody for such. Criminal Damage: Juvenile offender was located and
charged in damaging a panel of siding on a
040790 05-31-04 1400 Blk. N. Bridge Street residence. Damage estimated at $100.
Other Public Complaints
040802 .... 06-03-04 1200 Blk. S. Bridge Street
040791 05-31-04 Route 47/Hydraulic Ave. Burglary: A business reported a gas-powered
Traffic Arrest: Subject was found to be driving concrete saw, valued at $1500, was stolen from
without a license and was taken into custody for such. inside their locked business. Pending investigation.
040792 06-01-04 Poplar Dr./Tyler Court 040803 .... 06-03-04 200 Blk. E. Veterans Pkwy.
Traffic Arrest: Subject was driving on a suspended Retail Theft: $328 worth of liquor was reported stolen
license and was taken into custody for such. from a business. Pending investigation.
040793 06-01-04 500 Blk. Redhorse Lane 040804 .... 06-03-04 1800 Blk. Marketview Dr.
Traffic Arrest: Subject was driving on a suspended Traffic Arrest: Subject was driving without a license
license and was taken into custody for such. Upon and was taken into custody for such.
searching their person, officers located a pipe used
for smoking cannabis. 040805 .... 06-03-04 200 Blk. Walsh Circle
040794 06-01-04 Route 47/Corneils Road
Accident 040806 .... 06-03-04 Fairhaven Dr./Newbury Ct.
040795 06-01-04 Route 47/Main Street
Accident 040807 .... 06-03-04 Route 34/Eldamain Road
040808 .... 06-04-04 1400 Blk. N. Bridge Street
'2 gyp. Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary
EST kw 1835 May 24, 2004 through June 20, 2004
��<E` ,�0 040737 through 040922
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040809 06-04-04 2000 Blk. S. Bridge Street 040823 .... 06-06-04 500 Blk. Powers Court
Assist Ambulance Traffic Arrest: Upon checking on a vehicle parked in
front of a residence, officers found the driver to be
040810 06-04-04 1400 Blk. N. Bridge Street under the influence of alcohol. Driver refused all
Assist Business Agency testing and was charged with DUI.
040811 06-04-04 2000 Blk. S. Bridge Street 040824 .... 06-07-04 1500 Blk. Cottonwood Trail
Accident Criminal Damage: Egging.
040812 06-04-04 500 BIk. S. Bridge Street 040825 .... 06-07-04 1500 Blk. Cottonwood Trail
Lockout Criminal Damage: Egging.
040813 06-04-04 300 BIk. E. Veterans Pkwy. 040826.... 06-07-04 1500 Blk. Cottonwood Trail
Theft $300 and Under: An employee reported a Criminal Damage: Egging.
persona CD (valued at $15) stolen from a work place.
040827 .... 06-07-04 1500 Blk. Cottonwood Trail
040814 06-05-04 1500 Blk. Cottonwood Trail Criminal Damage: Egging.
Traffic Arrest: After responding to the scene of a one-
car accident, officers found the driver to be under the 040828 .... 06-07-04 1500 BIk. Cottonwood Trail
influence of alcohol. Driver refused all testing and Criminal Damage: Egging.
was charged with DUI.
040829 .... 06-07-04 800 BIk. Western Lane
040815 06-05-04 500 Blk. W. Fox Street Theft Over$300: $1718 worth of aluminum siding
Assist Ambulance materials were taken from a construction site.
040816 06-05-04 Route 34/McHugh Road 040830 .... 06-07-04 300 Blk. Mulhern Court
Accident Mischievous Conduct — No Dollar Loss
040817 06-05-04 2000 Blk. S. Bridge Street 040831 .... 06-07-04 2000 Blk. S. Bridge Street
Assist Business Agency Other Public Complaint
040818 06-05-04 Route 34/Center Parkway 040832.... 06-07-04 2000 Blk. S. Bridge Street
Traffic Arrest: Subject was driving on a suspended Assist Business Agency
license. Later it was upgraded to a felony due to
previous convictions. 040833 .... 06-08-04 9600 Blk. Route 71
040819 06-05-04 2200 Blk. Kennedy Road
Accident 040834 .... 06-08-04 300 Blk. E. Kendall Drive
Assistance Rendered —Civil Category
040820 06-06-04 100 Blk. Blackberry Lane
Domestic Battery 040835 .... 06-08-04 Route 34/Diehl Farm Rd.
Assist Tow Truck
040821 06-06-04 100 Blk. Colonial Parkway
Domestic Trouble 040836 .... 06-09-04 200 Blk. Adams Street
Mischievous Conduct — No Dollar Loss
040822 06-06-04 Hydraulic Ave/Mill Street
Accident 040837.... 06-09-04 600 Blk. Redtail Court
a2 t ` Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary
;, 6 May 24, 2004 through June 20, 2004
IC_« R 040737 through 040922
-,<LEPage 5 of 7
040838 06-09-04 Route 34/Sycamore Road 040853.... 06-11-04 Beecher Center
Traffic Arrest: Subject was driving on a suspended Canine Demonstration (Safety Town)
license and was taken into custody for such.
040854 .... 06-11-04 Fox Street/White Oak Way
040839 06-09-04 1400 Blk. N. Bridge Street Assist Public Works
040855 .... 06-11-04 700 Blk. Game Farm Road
040840 06-09-04 1100 Blk. N. Bridge Street Lockout
040856 .... 06-11-04 300 Blk. Mulhern Court
040841 06-09-04 1400 Blk. N. Bridge Street Domestic Battery
Traffic Arrest: Subject was driving on a suspended
license and was taken into custody for such. 040857.... 06-11-04 100 Blk. S. Bridge Street
Robbery: Victim stated acquaintances of a boyfriend
040842 06-09-04 100 Blk. Colonial Parkway broke into residence demanding money. They left
Criminal Damage: Egging. with multiple electronic items from the residence.
040843 06-09-04 700 Blk. Game Farm Road 040858 .... 06-11-04 500 Blk. S. Bridge Street
Lockout Accident
040844 06-09-04 Cannonball Trail/Route 47 040859 .... 06-11-04 800 Blk. E. Main Street
Accident Lockout
040845 06-09-04 200 Blk. Adams Street 040860 .... 06-12-04 700 Blk. Game Farm Road
Telephone Threat Lockout
040846 06-09-04 300 Blk. W. Fox Street 040861 .... 06-12-04 100 Blk. Colonial Parkway
Telephone Threat Lockout
040847 06-09-04 300 Blk. E. Kendall Drive 040862 .... 06-12-04 800 Blk. N. Bridge Street
Harassment by Telephone Accident
040848 06-09-04 300 Blk. Illini Drive 040863 .... 06-12-04 Van Emmon Street/Rt 47
Theft $300 and Under: Ex-spouse allegedly stole Accident
mail from residence mailbox.
040864 .... 06-12-04 1300 Blk. Game Farm Road
040849 06-10-04 Desk Report Lockout
Lost Articles
040865.... 06-12-04 500 Blk. Countryside Cntr.
040850 06-10-04 1900 Blk. Raintree Road Assist Business Agency
Assist Ambulance
040866 .... 06-12-04 1400 Blk. N. Bridge Street
040851 06-10-04 Desk Report Assist Business Agency
Canine Training
040867 .... 06-12-04 Route 71/Van Emmon St.
040852 06-11-04 100 Blk. W. Fox Street Traffic Arrest: Subject was driving on a suspended
Telephone Threat license and was taken into custody for such.
/�`�,D C/Typ
/� IA-6; Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary
EsT41--- --_-r May 24, 2004 through June 20, 2004
. l�l r
0 040737 through 040922
kkE \ �r
� Page 6 of 7
040868 06-12-04 Sycamore Road/Route 34 040881 .... 06-14-04 1000 Blk. Adrian Street
Traffic Arrest: Subject was driving on a suspended Harassment by Telephone
license and was taken into custody for such.
040882 .... 06-14-04 700 Blk. Game Farm Road
040869 06-13-04 300 Blk. Mulhern Court Criminal Damage: During an accident (040860)
Aggravated Battery: Several subjects inside an school property was damaged.
apartment were intoxicated. An argument began
where the victim was struck in the head with a beer 040883 .... 06-14-04 8700 Blk. Van Emmon Street
bottle by at least one of the other subjects. Arrests Traffic Arrest: Subject was driving on a suspended
were made on offender(s). Pending investigation. license and was taken into custody for such.
040870 06-13-04 700 Blk. Teri Lane 040884 .... 06-14-04 Walsh Dr./Burning Bush Dr.
Accident Criminal Damage: A tree valued at $100 was
damaged at a City park.
040871 06-13-04 Windett Ridge Sales Trailer
Burglary: Unknown subject(s) broke into trailer. 040885 .... 06-15-04 1300 Blk. Coralberry Ct.
Nothing was taken and/or damaged other than the Burglary: $4500 in cash, sealed in an envelope was
window (valued at$100) used to gain entry. taken from inside a vehicle. Pending investigation.
040872 06-13-04 100 Blk. S. Bridge Street 040886 .... 06-15-04 500 Blk. Morgan Street
Criminal Damage: A landlord reported $300 of Criminal Damage: A mailbox (valued at $30) was
damage was reported to a deadbolt and door of an reported as damaged.
040887 .... 06-15-04 500 Blk. S. Bridge Street
040873 06-13-04 Landmark Ave/Marketplace Lockout
040888 .... 06-15-04 Desk Report
040874 06-13-04 200 Blk. E.Veterans Parkway Mandated Supervised Release Notification
040889 .... 06-15-04 Desk Report
040875 06-13-04 Route 34/Tuma Road Mandated Supervised Release Notification
Traffic Arrest: Subject was driving on a suspended
license and was taken into custody for such. 040890 .... 06-15-04 500 Blk. S. Main Street
Found Articles
040876 06-13-04 1400 Blk. N. Bridge Street
Assist Business Agency 040891 .... 06-15-04 1400 Blk. Aspen Lane
Mischievous Conduct— No Dollar Loss
040877 06-13-04 7000 Blk. E. Highpoint Rd.
Assist County Police 040892 .... 06-15-04 100 Blk. E. Stagecoach Tr.
Traffic Arrest: Subject was driving on a suspended
040878 06-14-04 500 Blk. W. Barberry Cr. license and taken into custody for such.
040893 .... 06-15-04 2700 Blk. N. Bridge Street
040879 06-14-04 300 Blk. W. Van Emmon St. Traffic Arrest: Subject was driving on a revoked
Death — Natural Causes license and was taken into custody for such.
040880 06-14-04 1700 Blk. Marketview Drive
Suspicious Circumstances
„<ep clpy
-1- ° Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary
636 May 24, 2004 through June 20, 2004
9�__ 0 040737 through 040922
�NLCE ; `2 Page 7 of 7
040894 06-15-04 1200 BIk. N. Bridge Street 040909 .... 06-18-04 100 Blk. Blackberry Lane
Theft Over$300: Two cellular telephones (valued at Domestic Trouble
$400) were taken by an employee and later returned.
No charges to be filed. 040910 .... 06-18-04 100 Blk. W. Veterans Pkwy.
040895 06-15-04 600 BIk. E. Veterans Pkwy.
Lockout 040911 .... 06-19-04 Route 47/Landmark Ave.
040896 06-15-04 1500 Blk. N. Bridge Street
Lockout 040912 .... 06-19-04 1400 Blk. N. Bridge Street
Retail Theft: $15 worth of gasoline was pumped into
040897 06-15-04 Poplar Drive/Fox Road a vehicle and not paid for.
Traffic Arrest: Subject was driving on a suspended
license and taken into custody for such. 040913 .... 06-19-04 500 Blk. W. Barberry Circle
Lost Articles
040898 06-16-04 1200 Blk. N. Bridge Street
Accident 040914 .... 06-19-04 Route 47/Beaver Street
Warrant Arrest: Subject was known to be wanted on
040899 06-16-04 Route 34/Game Farm Road a warrant was taken into custody for such.
040915.... 06-19-04 100 Blk. Colonial Parkway
040900 06-16-04 Kennedy/Bristol Ridge Road Lockout
040916 .... 06-19-04 1000 Blk. Sunset Avenue
040901 06-16-04 300 Blk. E.Kendall Drive Found Articles
Other Public Complaints
040917 .... 06-20-04 2800 Blk. Route 47
040902 06-17-04 1200 Blk. Walsh Drive Lockout
Domestic Trouble
040918 .... 06-20-04 1400 Blk. N. Bridge Street
040903 06-17-04 7400 Blk. Route 34 Assist Business Agency
040919 .... 06-20-04 100 Blk. Appletree Court
040904 06-17-04 1400 Blk. N. Bridge Street Suspicious Circumstances
Assist Business Agency
040920 .... 06-20-04 Van Emmon Road/City Limits
040905 06-17-04 700 BIk. S.Main Street Traffic Arrest: Subject was driving on an invalid
Lockout license and was taken into custody for such.
040906 06-18-04 2000 BIk. S. Bridge Street 040921 .... 06-20-04 800 Blk. Teri Lane
Traffic Arrest: Subject was driving on a suspended Burglary from Motor Vehicle: $100 worth of electronic
license and taken into custody for such. equipment was taken from inside a vehicle.
040907 06-18-04 200 Blk. E. Veterans Pkwy. 040922 .... 06-20-04 1600 Blk. Cypress Lane
Lockout Suspicious Circumstances
040908 06-18-04 1500 Blk. Stoneridge Court
a a OW/FG
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CHIEF OF POLICE 804 Game Farm Road Phone (630) 553-4340
Harold 0.Martin III Yorkville,Illinois 60560 Fax (630) 553-1141
Date: June 8, 2004, 2004
To: Chief Harold 0. Martin III
From: S/Sergeant Ron Diederich
Reference: Monthly Mileage Report
During April 2004, the Yorkville Police Department logged a total of 19,680 miles. Individual squad miles are:
Monthly Current Reassign /
Squad Vehicle Squad Usage Miles Miles Replace Date
M-1 2001 Ford Crown Victoria Patrol / K-9 2,454 78,257 2006/2007
M-2 1996 Chevrolet Caprice Administration 151 134,357 2005/2006
M-3 1998 Ford Crown Victoria Administration 509 120,628 2003/2004
M-4 2002 Chevrolet Impala Patrol 1,630 51,989 2005/2006
M-5 1998 Ford Crown Victoria Administration 1,153 115,090 2003/2004
M-6 2003 Chevrolet Impala Chief 715 14,616 2007/2008
M-7 2001 Ford Crown Victoria DARE 0 68,140 2009/2010
M-8 2004 Ford Crown Victoria Patrol 1,216 27,512 2007/2008
M-9 2000 Ford Crown Victoria Lieutenant 270 63,878 2008/2009
M-10 1991 Ford Thunderbird DARE 423 125,689 2004/2005
M-11 2003 Ford Crown Victoria Patrol 3,191 38,776 2006/2007
M-12 1999 Ford Expedition Patrol /Trucks 158 49,970 2007/2008
M-13 2001 Ford Crown Victoria Patrol / K-9 319 40,823 2010/2011
M-14 2003 Ford Crown Victoria Patrol 3,051 50,224 2005/2006
M-15 2004 Ford Crown Victoria Patrol Sergeant 2,097 13,674 2007/2008
M-16 2004 Ford Expedition Patrol Sergeant 2,343 4,978 2008/2009
�' �� ,
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S/Sgt. Ronald E. Diederich#203
Yorkville Police Department
S/Sergeant Ronald Diederich
Location : Washington at Adrian St. Site:
M.P.H. : 30 mph Date: 04/28/04
Other Direction: wb
Begin Total 1-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-99 Avg
12:AM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
01:00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
02:00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
03:00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
04:00 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 27
05:00 4 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17
06:00 3 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19
07:00 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17
08:00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
09:00 3 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19
10:00 3 2 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *
11:00 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17
12:PM 1 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22
01:00 3 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16
02:00 5 1 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19
03:00 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17
04:00 6 1 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 24
05:00 7 2 3 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16
06:00 3 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20
07:00 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22
08:00 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22
09:00 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17
10:00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
11:00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Daily 49 9 18 14 6 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 19
Percent 18.4 36.7 28.6 12.2 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
of Total
Percentile Speeds 10% 15% 50% 85% 90%
8.8 13.4 19.4 25.8 28.3
10 MPH Pace Speed: 15-25
Number in pace 32
%in pace 65.3
Speed Exceeded 45 MPH 55 MPH 65 MPH
Percentage 2.0 0.0 0.0
Totals 1 0 0
Data File: $TM$0003 Printed: 4/29/2004 Page: 2
w Yorkville Police Department
S/Sergeant Ronald Diederich
Location : Washington at Adrian St. Site:
M.P.H. : 30 mph Date: 04/28/04
Other : Direction: eb File: Washington Adrian-04-29-04
Begin Total 1-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-99 Avg
12:AM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
01:00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
02:00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
03:00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
04:00 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17
05:00 2 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20
06:00 3 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19
07:00 3 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 24
08:00 2 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22
09:00 2 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20
10:00 4 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18
11:00 4 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20
12:PM 2 0 I 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20
01:00 5 0 1 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25
02:00 8 1 4 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19
03:00 6 1 2 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20
04:00 8 1 4 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19
05:00 8 1 3 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20
06:00 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17
07:00 7 0 1 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23
08:00 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 24
09:00 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22
10:00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
11:00 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17
Daily 70 4 30 19 15 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20
Percent 5.7 42.9 27.1 21.4 2.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
of Total
Percentile Speeds 10% 15% 50% 85% 90%
15.5 16.2 20.3 27.3 28.3
10 MPH Pace Speed: 15-25
Number in pace 49
°/u in pace 70.0
Speed Exceeded 45 MPH 55 MPH 65 MPH
Percentage 0.0 0.0 0.0
Totals0 0 0
Data File: STM$0003 Printed: 4/29/2004 Page: 2
.sr a
x:05 )
F8a ention All
0 License Holders
The Yorkville Police Department
will be offering a course for
Ofc. Barry Groesch will be teaching this course
on Tuesday, June 29, 2004 from 9am until 3pm
at the Yorkville High School
in the Large Instructional Room.
Rosati's will be catering a lasagna lunch
sponsored by the
Yorkville Chamber of Commerce.
Anyone interested in attending
k t.
must RSVP Officer Barry Groesch ,f
at 630-553-4340 by June 22
in order to reserve a spot.
Ii i? m y
0�?UG 26T.lali�
Illinois Liquor Control Commission
Governor Rod R. Blagojevich • Chairman Irving J. Koppel • Executive Director Michael J. Malone
June 1, 2004
Mayor Art Prochaska
City of Yorkville
804 Game Farm Rd
Yorkville, IL 60560
Dear Mayor Prochaska,
The Illinois Liquor Control Commission is pleased to announce that your application for the
FY 2005 Tobacco Enforcement Program is approved and you will receive a grant of$1,210.00.
The Commission believes your participation in this program will positively impact the illegal
sale of tobacco to minors in your community and our state.
Enclosed you will find instructions for processing your grant agreement. If you have any
questions please contact me at(312) 814-6884. We eagerly await working with you during this
comprehensive program to reduce illegal sales of tobacco products to minors.
Jeff Barr
Tobacco Program Manager4116,
Ends: Grant Agreement Checklist
Grant Contract(4 copies) i
Orientation Registration Form T
ILETSB Class Schedule and Roster l l oV\
cc: Ofc. Barry Groesch, Key Contact
Cover Letter Only
(_ .e
Commissioners: Don W.Adams ♦ Leonard L. Branson ♦James M. Hogan♦ Lillibeth Lopez ♦ Stephen B. Schnorf
www.state il.usllcc'_100 West Randolph Street Suite 5300
Email address:Icc Chicago,Illinois 60601
. Tel 1812)814 2206 • Fax 1312)814-2241
c_ _ __ - _ 111 West Fox Street
FEBRUAcui Yorkville, Illinois 60560-1498
(630) 553-4171
FAX (630) 553-4214
June 14, 2004
Mayor Art Prochaska
United City of Yorkville
800 Game Farm Road
Yorkville, IL 60560
Dear Mayor:
On behalf of the Kendall County staff, I would like to express my appreciation to the fine
officers of your Police Department that responded to the County office building on
Friday, June 11. The officers responded promptly, professionally and put ease to a tense
As you know, the Treasurer's office handles the tax billing and collections for all the
taxing bodies within Kendall County. At times the office receives intimidating phone
calls or visits from taxpayers regarding their tax bill.
With the quick response from the department, an officer at the Treasurer's office spoke
with a threatening caller and alleviated a tense situation for the staff.
Please pass our gratitude to the officers,police chief and city administrator for the fine
Very Truly Yours,
Jeff Wilkins
Kendall County Administrator
cc: Tony Graff, Yorkville City Administrator
Harold Martin, Yorkville Police Chief
Kendall County Board
500A Countryside Center Yorkville, IL 60560 Ph. 630/553-9100 Fax: 630/553-0167
June 3, 2004
Chief Harold Martin
Yorkville Police Department
804 Game Farm Road
Yorkville, IL 60560
Dear Harold:
As you know, we will be moving into our new facility at 811 W. John St. on June 18, 2004.
Since we will be on the Kendall County Government Campus, the Sheriff's Department will
provide our security.
I wanted to take this opportunity to sincerely thank you and your officers for the outstanding
service provided to this department for the last seven years. Not only have your officers
responded promptly and professionally, but have acted with compassion regarding our clients.
We have always felt very secure and protected by the Yorkville Police Department.
I know we will continue to work together on community projects, but I wanted to take the time
to say "thanks" for your support.
4,..):4-( -
Cheryl L. Jonson
Executive Director
Public Health Administrator
Kendall County Location Grundy Count} Location
500A Countryside Center Kendall-Grundy Community Action
III Fast Washinton Street
Yorkville,Illinois 60560 Morris,Illinois 60450
815/941-3262 Fax 815/947-2222
J� o Yorkville Police Department Memorandum
0 3 1 . 804 Game Farm Road
(EST. - 1836 Yorkville, Illinois 60560
________j_____ Telephone: 630-553-4340
.1 52 Fax: 630-553-1141
Comps* 0
Date: June 8, 2004
To: Lieutenant Donald P. Schwartzkopf
From: S/Sgt. Ron Diederich
Reference: Cruise Nights, McDonalds
I spoke with Robert Cullins today about the Cruise Nights they are advertising. He
explained that there will be a Cruise Night every second Friday of the month from now
through September. He said that they will be giving out McDonalds prizes and that the
old Safari Market parking lot will be the staging area. There will be a DJ on site for
I left him my business card and said that if we can be of assistance to please call.
I then spoke with Harold Oliver who owns the Countryside Center. He said that he
gave them permission to use the lot. He thanked me for checking in with him.
I then called Quest Techs. Our noise meter arrived there last Thursday for
calibration. I inquired on the status and they assured me we would have it back this
Friday - this Friday is also the first Cruise Night. I don't believe we will get any noise
complaints but if we do we will have the meter back. The hours for the Cruise are
1800-2100hrs. If you have any questions please let me know.
Respectf ,
S/Sgt. Ron Diederich
CC: Chief Harold 0. Martin III
i ®kt,t) CIT y
' o Yorkville Police Department Memorandum
o l 1.; 804 Game Farm Road
EST. ��_ 1836 Yorkville, Illinois 60560
=�I Telephone: 63O-553-4340
P11 IJT O Fax : 630-553-1141
' Kendall COuntY s4. 11.
'<tE rV\I
Date: June 8, 2004
To: Sgt. Sibenaller and Sgt. Klingel
From: S/Sgt. Ron Diederich
Reference: Cruise Nights, McDonalds
McDonalds will be hosting Cruise Nights on the Second Friday of the month
starting June 11, 2004 through September, 2004. They will be utilizing the old Safari
Market parking lot. I have spoken with Harold Oliver and he has given his permission
for them to use it. They will be having a DJ so if we get any complaints the noise
meter will be here. The meter is now being recalibrated and they have assured me it
will be back here no later than this Friday. The hours of the Cruise Nights are 1800-
2100 and the McDonalds manager is Robert Cullins. If you have any questions please
let me know.
/' -----7.- ,
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S/Sgt. Ron Diederich
CC: Chief Harold 0. Martin III
Lieutenant Donald. P. Schwartzkopf
rs*„.0C/%c) Yorkville Police Department Memorandum 804 Game Farm Road
Est. Z , 11 1836 Yorkville, Illinois 60560
k. ---41 ,1
--------:„----- Telephone: 630-553-4340
p 41 ,1
Fax 630-553-1141
Kendall County. �1
/4LE ‘,.>/
Date: June 7, 2004
To: Kate Swithin
From: S/Sgt. Ron Diederich
Reference: Safety Town Schedule
I received your schedule this morning for my officers at the Safety Town on Friday,
June 11, 2004. I have the following people scheduled to attend:
0930 - 1000hrs. (Bicycle) Officer Sarah Cernekee
1000 - 1030hrs. K-9 Officer Andy Jeleniewski
1100 - 1200hrs. DARE Officer Barry Groesch
If I can be of further assistance please let me know. Thank you.
S/Sgt. Ron Diederich
CC: Chief Harold 0. Martin III
Lieutenant Donald P. Schwartzkopf
Officers Groesch, Cernekee and Jeleniewski
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Thank Y0U from'
This month marks the anniversary of your membership with
FIGHT CRIME: INVEST iN KIDS. As a fellow member, I commend
you for your dedication to preventing crime and violence.
Your assistance in this effort has helped ensure a bright future
for our children. We look forward to working with you in the
coming year.
Congratulations on a job well done!
R. Gil Kerlikowske, National Chairman of the Board
Chief of Police, Seattle, Washington
,it. o Yorkville Police Department Memorandum
"Ar3))! 804 Game Farm Road
EST. "P1836 Yorkville, Illinois 60560
-- - Telephone: 630-553-4340
O L, a Fax: 630-553-1141
1 cn— o
Kand 1 Gaudy
<tG ``
Date: June 5th, 2004
To: Chief Harold Martin #201
Lieutenant Don Schwartzkopf #202
From: Officer Tricia Cernekee #224
Ref: Last day of work
As you now know, I have accepted the position of Cadet offered to me by the Illinois
State Police. As I discussed with Lieutenant Schwartzkopf, my last day of work will be
June 16th, 2004, ending at 0600 hours.
It has been a joy and an honor to work with the Yorkville Police Department. I am
grateful for the opportunities offered to me by this department. I feel working here has
improved myself, both as a person and as a police officer. I have enjoyed both my
years here and I will always look fondly on the time spent here. You have offered me
many opportunities to grow, and I hope I have fulfilled and exceeded your expectations
you had of me as a police officer when you first hired me. I will always be grateful of all
that you have done for me. I have seen and completed many things on this job that I
thought I would never have the courage and will to do, but you have made me push
myself to be a better person.
I am saddened by the thought of leaving Yorkville. Everyone on this department has
helped to make me feel like I belong here. I hope, if in the future, I do not feel as
fulfilled as I did working here, I can come back to Yorkville and join this family again.
Thank you for this wonderful opportunity, to be a part of Yorkville Police Department.
Resp7etf.L'- 1 .
off -r ricia -rne ee #2 4
a� ,, o Yorkville Police Department Memorandum
804 Game Farm Road
EST. x`®_1836 Yorkville, Illinois 60560
------s--- ----_ Telephone: 630-553-4340
1-C t a Fax: 630-553-1141
Date: June 17, 2004
To: Chairman Larry Kot '
Public Safety Committee
From: Chief Harold Martin
Reference: Street Light
Larry, Mayor Prochaska requested that I check into whether or not Appletree Court had
a street light on the inner circle. This request came from a concerned Citizen. We
checked the area and determined one was not there and perhaps one should be located
there. I believe it would be a good idea to have one installed for safety. I would also
agree with Mayor Prochaska and make sure we educate those affected by the light and
get their feedback on this proposal. Thank you for your attention to this request.
Cc: Mayor Arthur Prochaska
City Administrator Anton Graff
Public Safety Committee
rev c/ry
2 i oma► Yorkville Police Department Memorandum
1, 804 Game Farm Road
EST µ 1836 Yorkville, Illinois 60560
1 ----2.-----------__---7 Telephone: 630-553-4340
' Fax: 630-553-1141
tons. 0
49Kendanounty 4‘
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Date: 06/21/04
To: Chief Martin
From: Barry Groesch
Reference: Appletree Court Illumination
I spoke with twelve duplex residences and all agreed that a light was needed at the end
of the cul-de-sac. It appeared that this was a hot topic because all but one resident
was already strongly opinionated on the darkness. The one who was slightly concerned
related he was moving but he believed it probably would be a good idea to put a street
light up.
The subject who started the inquiry asked if R/O would thank the Mayor for following
up on his request.
t,0 C/T`
o Yorkville Police Department Memorandum
Alat 804 Game Farm Road
Es.. kn 1836 Yorkville, Illinois 60560
Telephone: 630-553-4340
0 O Fax: 630-553-1141
ofli Kande!'County 1�
Date: May 28, 2004
To: Eric Dhuse ' \\I
Public Works Director
From: Chief Harold Martin
Reference: Cross Traffic Does Not Stop Signs
Eric, I had a request from the Public Safety Committee as to putting in larger "Cross
Traffic Does Not Stop" signs @ the intersection of Countryside Parkway and Center
Parkway. It was also suggested that the signs be added to the north and south sides of
Countryside Parkway, both east and west bound. If you have any questions please feel
free to contact me.
Cc: Mayor Arthur Prochaska
Chairman Larry Kot
Public Safety Committee
United City of Yorkville
County Seat of Kendall County
EST.ei '-- 1836
800 Game Farm Road
Cl) Yorkville, Illinois 60560
Q I. �' \ p Phone:630 553 4350
�,� Ke aan�emr vZ Fax:630-553-7575
To: Harold Martin, Chief
From: Eric Dhuse, Public Works r _
Date: June 16, 2004 (17
� ,
Re: signs
I received your memo regarding the slow/children playing sign for River's Edge
subdivision. As of now, we are looking at placing a sign near the park that is of this
nature. This sign will be the only one in the subdivision since it is on the street that is the
only way in and out.
I also received the memo regarding the public safety committee's recommendation
regarding"cross traffic does not stop" signs. At this time, the current signs meet all
standards according to the MUTCD. The large signs we used on Van Emmon and
Heustis were special signs that were used in a special needs area. Larger signs could
pose a problem for sight lines, especially if we were to place two new signs as well.
If there is a special problem at this intersection, we can re-visit this issue.