Public Safety Packet 2004 08-26-04 • 2�,`s.D C/,.� United City of Yorkville County Seat of Kendall County EST.% 13"1836 800 Game Farm Road .� _ U) Yorkville, Illinois 60550 O I 1 ' O Phone:630-553-4350 9,F KQ�Ma:::, vim= Fax:630-553-7575 `4LE \v PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Thursday, August 26, 2004 6:30 PM City Conference Room AGENDA 1. Approval/Correction of Minutes: July 22, 2004 2. Police Reports — July 2004 3. Fire Works Ordinance 4. DARE 2003/2004 Survey 5. Police Cadet Update 6. Neighborhood Watch Update 7. Business Registration / False Alarm Ordinance 8. K-9 Dog Run 9. FBI Academy Attendance 10. Additional Business Next Scheduled Meeting Thursday, September 23, 2004 at 6:30p.m. Page 1 of 1 Page 1 of 8 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE MEETING Thursday, July 22, 2004 6:30 PM CITY CONFERENCE ROOM In Attendance: Chairman Alderman Kot Alderman James Alderwoman Ohare Alderwoman Spears Mayor Prochaska Police Chief Harold Martin The meeting was brought to order by Alderman Kot at 6:36pm. Approval/Correction of Minutes: 6/24/04, 5/27/04, 2/26/04, and 10/23/03: The committee began by asking if anyone saw any corrections necessary to the minutes in question. Alderwoman Spears entered the meeting at 6:37pm. Alderwoman Spears joined in the conversation and stated that she had found some grammar errors and would give to the minute taker to have corrected at the end of tonight's meeting. No one else had found any corrections necessary to be made. The committee agreed to approve all the minutes on hand with the corrections made that Alderwoman Spears had found. Police Reports — June 2004: Chief Martin began discussion discussing the overtime report. Chief Martin stated that the department is staying at approximately 46-30 hours of overtime for a two week period, which is low comparatively. This is mainly due to the department being run with the officers on 12 hour shifts. Mr. Kot stated that having the low overtime now is good for the budget. By saving now, if needed later there will be extra funds if and when the department is involved in a big investigation and the extra man hours are needed. Mayor Art Prochaska entered the meeting at 6:39p.m. Chief Martin went on to discuss that the City is still running at about 30-35 accidents a month. This is mostly property damage, with a few that are injuries. Mr. Kot questioned if there are any "hot spots"that the committee should be aware of. 1 Page 2 of 8 Chief Martin stated that some areas are: • Downtown • Rt34 & Rt47 • River&Rt 47 • All areas have the same issue with people following too close or just not paying attention to their surroundings. Mayor Prochaska went on to explain that the City did get money for Rt 34 & Rt 47 corrections. It's also been discussed to have developers help out with this intersection as well. He went on to explain that the state is looking to change the configuration at River and Rt 47 so that thru traffic will be in the right lane and the left lane will be a left turn only. The public now is using the right turn only lane as the thru way when a vehicle is waiting to turn left onto River from Rt 47. Mr. Kot stated that he had talked to Eric Dhuse in Public Works about trying to get signs posted at Rt 47 & Wheaton to caution the public that traffic may be stopping quickly there. The committee agreed that was a necessity there. Alderwoman Spears questioned Chief Martin about the fact that on the Department's man-hour report,the personal activity had almost doubled from the previous month. Chief Martin stated that school activities had dropped and part of it was due to school ending and personnel taking vacations. Alderman James stated that M-3 and M-5 were slotted for replacement this year on the Vehicle report. He pointed out the M-2 has the highest mileage on the report and is questioning that the department is aware of this. Chief Martin stated that this decision was made because M-2 has the hook-up for the trailer already and is in great condition and can be held off until the next fiscal year. Alderman James also questioned why the department went to Tinley Park. Chief Martin stated that the department was requested to help in a K-9 search with the DEA and Cook County (as well as other departments). He explained that this is a reciprocal process where neighboring Cities and Counties help each other out constantly. If there is ever any money found with the search, all communities that are involved with the search are rewarded equally to the City. The Committee questioned if the involvement of the K-9 unit should be publicized. They all agreed that all fmdings this way are usually publicized, including the incident in question. The committee agreed to move to COW with consent agenda. 2 Page 3 of 8 Police Cadet Program: Alderman Kot moved the meeting to item#3. Chief Martin went on to explain that Jon L. Helland prepared a summary for the Committee explaining the benefits of hiring a Cadet or two for the department. The memo showed that a Cadet could first save the City approximately $21,236.03 in salary, along with the fact that the other officers could let a Cadet handle the daily activities (example's: burning trash/leaves, direct traffic, motorist assist-lockout, etc.) that take time away from more important issues. A job description will be made when the department gets closer to actually looking to hire a Cadet. Chief Martin also explained that they are working on the idea's of a separate uniform and vehicle that the Cadet would have access to differentiate them from sworn officers. Chief Martin also stated that the Cadet's would not be handling what the CPA is presently handling. A Cadet could also be present during daytime hours unlike the CPA, whom are not usually available. Chief Martin informed the committee that if they were all still consenting to the idea, he will have a job description, policy and more information put together for them. The department is aware that there is not enough money in the budget to go forward this year, but could make it a priority for the next fiscal year. The Committee agreed to go forward as long as the specifics are gone over thoroughly. Chief Martin will get information together for the next Public Safety meeting on August 26, 2004. Business Registration: Chief Martin started discussion stating the idea is to have every business in the City registered with them. This is to get information so that City Hall and the Police Department could now where they are located and what they are doing where. Mayor Prochaska added that this will not be a license,just an FYI for the City. This will also help in tracking down Sales Tax, so that the money may not be passed on to the County by the State. Mr. Kot added that maybe the Committee should take it a step further and ask what kind of safety concerns their business may be presenting to those around them (hazardous waste or chemicals). Chief Martin stated that the department already tracks hazardous businesses through the department now, they are mainly concerned about being advised if the business moves, changes locations or new ownership. 3 Page 4 of 8 Mayor Prochaska also added there is a public safety concern when someone opens a business in their home and traffic build up is acquired around their home. The Committee discussed the issue that maybe not charging would be better so that more people would be prompted to filling out a registration and sending it in. The committee will look into how much the actual tracking cost would be to the City before considering charging a fee. The Committee agreed to get samples from other communities and/or surveys on what they charge and what questions to ask. Maybe even a survey in the paper to see what others think. The Committee consented to check into what is possible to move forward with this topic. Update on Liquor Ordinance: Mr. Kot moved the meeting on to the letter the City received from Kelly a. Kramer, Attorney at Law. In the letter it states that the City is being advised not to follow The Village of Mokena Liquor Control Ordinance as far as not allowing a petroleum station to carry a liquor license. Kelly Kramer stated it would open the City to liability. Alderwoman Ohare stated that she spoke to staff in the department and it was felt that problems at the City's stations were no longer a huge problem area. The department has done a great job in keeping any problems under control. Mayor Prochaska briefly spoke about the free training on liquor sales that the City ran the previous month. He also noted that when he issues new liquor licenses, he strongly urges the business to do training with the employees in depth so that if a problem arises, he can take the training into consideration. The committee discussed the issue of maybe putting a limit on how many facilities can sell packaged liquor in the City. Mayor Prochaska stated that right now there is a limit on how close businesses can be together when both sell liquor when in a shopping center. The City does now also have a limit on how many bars can be in the downtown area. The committee agreed to look at other town rules stating how close together packaged liquor sales businesses can be together. The committee will bring this back to the Public Safety Meeting in the near future. Mayor Prochaska brought up the issue that some businesses are requesting to limit the amount of patronage. As far as the ordinance states now, the City can not allow this limit. Mayor Prochaska stated that he would like a new classification maybe created to allow this for the businesses. 4 Page 5 of 8 The Committee will also bring this back to address if Kelly Kramer can help in creating a new classification of license for Mayor Prochaska. Hiring of Budgeted Employees: Chief Martin started discussing the memo regarding the hiring of a full time Records Clerk. This is in the budget to hire as of August 1, 2004. He stated the hiring will start the salary at the minimum of$26, 910. The Committee brought up the fact that if Chief Martin found someone qualified, will he pay a higher rate. Chief Martin replied stating that they will start the hiring process in house, which they believe they already have someone in consideration that is presently working for the department. The department is looking to actually hire into August a few weeks anyways. The Committee agreed to start by posting the position in house, and then if no one is found they will worry about the salary issue if and when it arises. Chief Martin was instructed to bring this position back to the Committee as an FYI if there is a salary change. Chief Martin discussed with the Committee the approving to hire the two new Police Officers and replacement Officer for the recent Officer who resigned on the dates that follow: • #1 new hire set for August 1,2004- would like hired 2❑d week of August • #2 new hire set for January 1, 2005- would like before January (October school is available) • Replacement Officer would start their income the last week of August The money should be there due to the replacement Officer not being hired yet and the 1 St hire Officer would be coming in later. The committee agreed to have Chief Martin speak with Tracey Pleckham regarding the specific amount of money the Department has access to so that they stay within the budget. The committee briefly discussed where the new hire officers would be attending their schooling before working for the City. • #1 new hire is going to Champaigne/Urbana • #2 new hire is going to C O D • The replacement Officer needed no schooling The Committee moved to take this to COW with the #'s Traci Pleckham will get together for Chief Martin. 5 Page 6 of 8 Additional Business: Chairman — Alderman Kot moved the meeting on to Additional Business. #1- Mr. James started with the Memo from Sgt. L. Hilt #206 regarding a possible cover being placed over the drainpipe in Fox Hill by the baseball field. The Committee agreed this is definitely a safety issue. Eric Dhuse from the Public Works department is aware of the situation and so far has not found a way to cover it immediately. The Committee discussed that a custom fit cage should be welded to the front of the drainpipe with an access panel for cleaning purposes as soon as possible before an animal or person gets hurt or injured in the pipe. The Committee decided that Chief Martin should get with Eric Dhuse the next day to have this either taken care of by either Public Works or another company if not possible for the City's Public Works Department to handle immediately. The Committee will come up with the money out of the budget at a later date. The Committee found no need to bring this back to either Public Works or Public Safety Committee unless Chief Martin found a need to discuss the issue with either committee at a later date. #2- Alderwoman Ohare questioned Chief Martin regarding the Evidence Van was to be discussed at this meeting regarding the funding for it. Chief Martin stated it will be brought up at a later date since the department is holding off on it until more funding is available to offset the cost. #3- Chief Martin started with thanking Alderwoman Spears for looking into the grant of $1900.00 for the sidewalks for Senior Safety. It was very helpful on her part to show initiative. Mayor Prochaska stated that the Committee should continue to look at these types of grants in the future, especially around Rt 47. He added that curve cuts would be extremely helpful for all mothers with strollers and the elderly who use walkers and canes. #4- Chief Martin also stated that National Night out will be August 3, 2004. He encouraged that all members of the Committee attend if possible. #5- Alderwoman Ohare questioned Chief Martin on how the Neighborhood Watch Captain's Meeting went at the Beecher Center. Chief Martin stated that they had 25 people show up for the event. At the meeting the newsletter was discussed regarding making sure the Captains were delivering them. 6 Page 7 of 8 The Committee agreed this needed to be done more thoroughly. #6- Mayor Prochaska stated he had received some information from the Salvation Army regarding informational meetings for seniors about crimes against that age group. Alderwoman Spears and Chief Martin stated that they just ran a meeting approximately two weeks ago about fraud and deception. Another meeting is set up for the next week or two for the same issue. Mayor Prochaska said he would like to see some of these meetings speak regarding Elderly Abuse and Neglect as well. Chief Martin stated that the department has been putting agency phone numbers in their flier that the public can contact if they need help with any fraud or deception issues. #7- Mayor Prochaska stated that he read in the paper that where the Grand Reserve subdivision is being built there were some issues regarding safety and the roads staying clean. He asked the Committee if they were aware of any problems they were aware of because he drives past on a regular basis and thought they were doing a good job of keeping the roadway clean. The Committee all stated that they had a small issue at the beginning of the project, but since they brought it to the construction worker's attention they haven't had any more problems in that area. #8- Alderwoman Spears stated that she thought that the Police Department had jumped right in with working with the senior's programs and the grant for the Senior Sidewalks. She said that it was great the Department worked so quickly and hard for that group. #9- Alderwoman Spears went on with questions on previous notes from meetings in the past. • From February notes she questioned that Officer Groesch was to do a survey on Dare and the Committee was to get a copy to get to the Public that so more could be in support. Chief Martin will look that survey up and get it to the Committee. • She stated that in May the Committee had discussed that the cost of the set-up equipment needed to set up the old generator at the pump station. Chief Martin stated that Eric Hughes with the Public Works said it would be very minimal due to the fact that they will put it at the pump and his men will do the rest of the set-up. She went on to question the cost estimate of having this done a weekend. Chief Martin stated this is still in question and has not come back to him yet. They are trying to do this on a 3 day weekend so that they can do it when less people are on staff. Chief Martin added that it is going to be 14 weeks until the generator is received once ordered anyways. 7 Page 8 of 8 • Alderwoman Spears brought up the issue the Committee discussed last October regarding a woman who was taken to the Hospital and had no money to pay. She said since Health & Human Services said they would not pay; the Committee had discussed setting up a policy to work with agencies to have help for those who can not pay. Chief Martin stated that they already work with some agencies to help, but sometimes the agency does not have money either. The Department will also go to local churches or the officers on the force will pitch in out of there own pockets in special events. Chief Martin added that in his experience, only once could they not find help for someone. Mayor Prochaska stated that maybe they could reach out to the community that maybe the City could look to the Community in setting up a relief fund in special incidents where someone who couldn't pay could use those funds. #10- Mr. Kot asked how the T-1 line set-up is going. Chief Martin stated they are working on finishing up the specifics, but the T-1 is running. Mr. Kot added he would like an update at the next meeting to how close they are having the command post in the basement running in case of bad weather. Mr. Kot also asked how the interview room set-up is going. Chief Martin stated they are still waiting for the supplies to arrive (camera and other equipment). Mr. Kot asked how the Major Crime Task Force is moving along. Chief Martin stated they have the final draft done and will be meeting in August to look over papers and finalized. Chief Martin also stated that the department also has two individuals who are now qualified to be on the team thanks to the City Council and the Mayor. The meeting was adjourned at 8:02 pm. Minutes submitted by Sheila Teausaw 8 Yorkville Police Department 2004 Truck Enforcement Summary Ticket BondFunds Date Time Offense Location Disposition Number Taken Received 01/07/04 7:32 20877 Overweight on Axles Route 34/Marketplace Drive $590 Ex Parte $430.00 21061 Overweight on Highway $1,405 Guilty $732.00 02/18/04 9:01 Route 47/Route 34 21062 Overweight on Registration $2,622 Guilty $760.06 02/19/04 9:07 21010 Route 47/Route 71 $395 Ex Parte $260.00 02/19/04 9:30 21064 Overweight on Gross Route 47/Route 71 $590 Ex Parte $430.00 02/23/04 14:30 21065 Overweight on Axles Route 47/Countryside Parkway $395 Ex Parte $260.00 03/16/04 11 :14 21013 Overweight on Gross Route 47/Wheaton Avenue $1,070 Ex Parte $850.00 04/07/04 10:32 21017 Overweight on Registration Route 47/Bonnie Lane $350 Ex Parte $135.72 04/14/04 12:27 21018 Overweight on Axles Route 47/Cannonball Trail $245 Guilty $160.00 04/15/04 13:36 21019 Overweight on Axles Route 47/Greenbriar Road $245 Supervision $130.00 04/28/04 10:04 21020 Overweight on Bridge Route 47/Amurol Drive Promise to Comply Guilty $1,365.00 21023 Overweight on Gross $1,070 Guilty $850.00 04/29/04 12:09 Route 47/Route 71 21024 Overweight on Registration $590 Stricken $0.00 05/19/04 13:10 21902 Overweight on Axles Route 71/Route 47 $535 Stricken $385.00 05/25/04 12:35 21904 Overweight on Axles Route 34/Cannonball Trail $350 Ex Parte $220.00 21905 Overweight on Axles $2,165 Pending $0.00 05/26/04 9:19 Walsh Drive/Columbine Court 21906 Overweight on Registration $350 Pending $0.00 21907 Overweight on Gross $1,660 Guilty $870.60 05/27/04 9:09 Route 71/Route 126 21908 Overweight on Registration $1,405 Guilty $392.62 06/21/04 10:02 22145 Overweight on Axles Route 71/Country Hills Drive $983 Pending $0.00 06/30/04 9:06 22146 Overweight on Axles Route 71/Route 47 $535 Pending $0.00 Report Last Updated 8/25/2004 at 10:48 AM Page 1 of 2 Authored by Molly Batterson, Office Supervisor Yorkville Police Department 2004 Truck Enforcement Summary Date Time Ticket Offense Location Bond Disposition Funds Number Taken Received 07/23/04 12:59 21709 Overweight on Bridge Route 47/Amurol Drive Incarcerated Pending $0.00 07/26/04 12:27 21712 Overweight on Axles Route 34/Cannonball Trail $210 Pending $0.00 08/05/04 8:02 21717 Overweight on Axles Route 47/Wheaton Avenue $210 Pending $0.00 08/10/04 8:02 21718 Overweight on Axles Route 47/Landmark Avenue $210 Pending $0.00 08/13/04 12:38 21723 Overweight on Axles Royal Oaks Drive/Bristol Ridge Road $210 Pending $0.00 Totals For Bond Taken and Fines Received After Court Costs 2004 $18,390 N/A $8,231.00 Totals For Bond Taken and Fines Received After Court Costs -.2003 $15,972 N/A $11,343.01 Totals For Bond Taken and Fines Received After Court Costs - 2002 $42,014 N/A $21,665.12 Totals For Bond Taken and Fines Received After Court Costs - 2001 $56,232 N/A $30,226.86 Totals For Bond Taken and Fines Received After Court Costs - 2000 $25,815 N/A $13,026.43 Running Total $158,423 N/A $84,492.42 Report Last Updated 8/25/2004 at 10:48 AM Page 2 of 2 Authored by Molly Batterson, Office Supervisor Yorkville Police Department - Overtime Manhour Utilization Report - 08-21-04 Date Court Training Relief Details Admin Emerg Invest Corn Sery Full Time Part Time 05/15/04 ` 6 0 = 1.75 12 0 0 7.25 22.75... 05/29/04 2 0 4 16 _.,. 0 0 0 3 0 �,,,. .. � _...-.._ 53 25 34 06/12/04 ! 7.5 0 0 28.5_.... 0 0 ._ . 23.25 1 75 1 4 .._._,63.75 26.25 06/26/04 € 2 0 21.5._.. 0 0 0 ....-. _.... 23 0 .. ... ;..,. 46.5 4 07/10/04 07/24/04 sf 2 0 6 � 0 E 0 .....�....1 21 �_ 2 ...385 . ... 24.5 0 25 0 30 2 38 08/07/04 2 0 0 .__ 0 0 2 .._ 2 511 33 08/21/04 12 12 27 4 �.. 0 0 2 .. 57 295 . E _ i I t , t i E s y , s ? s FY04-05 Court Training Relief Details Admin Emerg Invest Corn Sery Full Time Part Time Totals 35.50 8.00 38.25 68.50 2.00 14.00 144.50 16.00 326.75 212.00 Percents 11% 2% 12% 21% 1% 4% 44% 5% 100% N/A Average 4.44 1.00 4.78 8.56 0.25 _ 1.75 18.06 2.00 40.84 26.50 LAST YEAR'S STATISTICS FOR MANHOUR UTILIZATION FY03-04 Court Training Relief Details Admin Emerg Invest Corn Sery Full Time Part Time Totals 173.5 197 180.25 250 136.5 0 319.25 106.25 1362.75 2164 Percents 13% 14% 13% 18% 10% 0% 23% 8% 100% N/A Average 6.67 7.58 6.93 9.62 5.25 0.00 12.28 4.09 52.41 83.23 Prepared by Molly Batterson 8/25/2004 Page 1 eos%s OUR fro, fat, gJI1ir Ig V I�}, ,E YORKVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT CHIEFOFPOLICE 804 Game Farm Road Phone (630) 553-4340 Harold O.Martin III Yorkville,Illinois 60560 Fax (630) 553-1141 Date: August 22, 2004 To: Chief Harold O. Martin III From: S/Sergeant Ron Diederich Reference: Monthly Mileage Report During July 2004, the Yorkville Police Department logged a total of 18,738 miles. Individual squad miles are: Monthly Current Reassign / Squad Vehicle Squad Usage Miles Miles Replace Date M-1 2001 Ford Crown Victoria Patrol / K-9 2,150 82,056 2006/2007 M-2 1996 Chevrolet Caprice Administration 520 135,525 2005/2006 M-3 1998 Ford Crown Victoria Administration 667 121,576 2003/2004 M-4 2002 Chevrolet Impala Patrol 1,327 55,430 2005/2006 M-5 1998 Ford Crown Victoria Administration 418 115,876 2003/2004 M-6 2003 Chevrolet Impala Chief 991 16,086 2007/2008 M-7 2001 Ford Crown Victoria DARE 0 68,140 2009/2010 M-8 2004 Ford Crown Victoria Patrol 3,540 33,582 2007/2008 M-9 2000 Ford Crown Victoria Lieutenant 838 65,148 2008/2009 M-10 1991 Ford Thunderbird DARE 97 125,970 2004/2005 M-11 2003 Ford Crown Victoria Patrol 2,091 43,618 2006/2007 M-12 1999 Ford Expedition Patrol /Trucks 853 51,600 2007/2008 M-13 2001 Ford Crown Victoria Patrol / K-9 146 42,024 2010/2011 M-14 2003 Ford Crown Victoria Patrol 1,728 54,364 2005/2006 M-15 2004 Ford Crown Victoria Patrol Sergeant 1,244 16,165 2007/2008 M-16 2004 Ford Expedition Patrol Sergeant 2,128 8,959 2008/2009 Respectfully, S/Sgt. Ronald E. Diederich #203 ///46 Cli.:A' .$ j, o Yorkville Police Department Memorandum p ' , 804 Game Farm Road EST e'm 1836 Yorkville, Illinois 60560 IIMTelephone: 630-553-4340 p9 0� Fax: 630-553-1141 11<CE `V' Date: August 18, 2004 To: Chief Harold Martin #201 From: Lt. Donald Schwartzkopf #202 .\ ) Reference:July 2004 Training Chief: July was a slow month for training. All Officers, both full and part-time, had four (4) hours of training which consisted of two (2) hours of Firearms Training and two (2) hours of Physical Tactics Training. The Firearms Training included less-than-lethal (five rounds per officer), reload drills, stoppage drills, and all weapons were checked for cleanliness and function. The training was furthered by conducting a duty practice shoot, which consisted of fifty (50) rounds of basic pistol presentation along with the shooting of dots, pins and plates. The Physical Tactics Training consisted of two (2) hours of training consisted of basic handcuffing techniques instructed by Officer Sam Stroup. No overtime was accrued for the training, as all training was conducted during regular duty hours. From July 5th through July 9th, Sergeant Rich Hart and Lieutenant Donald Schwartzkopf had a 40-hour Hazardous Materials Operation Training conducted by the National Fire Academy. This was held at the Frankfort Fire Department. The training was paid for by ILEAS (Illinois Law Enforcement Alarm System) and is a mandated course to be a member of the Region 3 ILEAS Containment Team. Sergeant Hart and Lieutenant Schwartzkopf were appointed to the ILEAS Team by Chief Martin in May 2004. Officer Barry Groesch attended the Illinois Dare Officer's Conference held July 12th through July 15th in Collinsville, Illinois. Sergeant Hart and Lieutenant Schwartzkopf attended an 8-Hour Firearms Training on Saturday, July 17th held at the Illinois State Police District #5 Headquarters in Joliet, Illinois. This is another requirement for the ILEAS team, and was also funded through ILEAS. Officer Jon Helland attended the National School Resource Officers Conference held July 24th through July 31st. The conference was held in Phoenix, Arizona. Yorkville Police Department Manhour Report - July 2004 2004 PATROL JUL 03 AUG 03 SEP 03 OCT 03 NOV'03 DEC 03 JAN 04 FEB MAR APR MAY JUN' JUL: :TOTALS' Accidents 18.52 21.25 20.25 21.78 47.33 31.88 22.17 21.92 24.67 33.33 24.50 29.83 32.20 188.62 Administrative Activity 415.17 330.25 385.27 666.25 574.23 395.53 453.28 535.47 572.88 382.42 348.27 374.17 324.92 2,991.41 Animal Complaints 9.70 2.75 6.00 3.50 2.67 3.17 3.17 2.58 5.00 8.50 8.00 6.58 7.92 41.75 Arrest Activity 41.75 28.08 19.17 16.38 53.22 31.58 22.58 18.75 36.23 41.88 24.17 38.42 20.73 202.76 Assist Agencies 154.75 170.27 148.88 119.17 158.58 139.93 139.62 176.23 166.05 191.50 131.75 144.25 179.28 1,128.68 Community Relations 85.92 94.42 61.33 44.75 59.42 32.25 23.42 23.58 59.25 45.33 68.25 99.62 88.33 407.78 Departmental Duties 79.08 92.98 77.22 98.30 107.28 115.58 148.67 132.00 100.33 92.07 104.73 99.97 118.83 796.60 Investigations 89.25 50.42 116.27 94.73 147.17 206.52 133.57 143.67 51.50 28.17 43.38 92.58 81.75 574.62 Ordinance/Traffic Violations 46.00 64.42 72.88 48.83 145.33 125.18 121.05 103.13 134.52 79.43 152.43 86.95 58.45 735.96 Personnel Activity 614.07 464.57 597.57 677.45 710.43 757.22 593.73 535.83 837.30 592.50 549.27 1002.25 640.08 4,750.96 Preventive Patrol 789.57 952.50 774.12 996.28 733.92 809.53 935.62 888.82 832.15 922.35 831.75 879.00 733.35 6,023.04 Public Complaints 84.43 99.75 63.98 104.32 123.22 59.15 61.15 74.17 72.60 93.72 122.50 116.92 147.17 688.23 Public Services 38.67 30.75 49.67 64.95 45.83 74.65 47.17 24.67 50.75 34.83 38.33 35.92 39.33 271.00 Report Activity 156.83 189.25 161.82 231.27 371.20 259.33 211.42 220.37 224.65 117.08 260.17 193.00 167.50 1,394.19 School Activity 4.75 74.83 226.08 358.07 159.75 170.50 189.08 214.57 295.08 174.08 222.58 33.33 3.67 1,132.39 Traffic Activity 216.30 267.33 250.83 289.75 352.87 530.48 401.55 319.70 421.43 271.18 365.48 252.58 205.68 2,237.60 Training 241.08 102.67 110.07 354.65 234.42 62.00 176.92 407.88 297.58 204.83 274.08 18.92 309.17 1,689.38 2004 ADMINISTRATIVE JUL 03 AUG 03 SEP 03 OCT 03 NOV 03 DEC 03 JAN 04 FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL TOTALS Chief 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 1,213.31 CPAT Officer 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 1,213.31 Crossing Guards(In Days) 0.00 8.00 42.00 43.50 32.00 30.00 37.50 36.00 46.00, 31.50 39.00 8.00 0.00 198.00 Lieutenant 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 1,213.31 Office Supervisor 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 1,213.31 Records Clerks 177.33 182.33 266.83 298.33 264.08 287.58 281.33 281.08 297.33 285.83 291.83 291.83 302.08 2,031.31 TOTALS 3956.49 3920.14 4143.56 5225.58 5016.27 4815.38 4696.32 4853.74 5218.62 4323.85 4593.79 4497.44 4153.76 32337.52 Yorkville Police Department Offense Report - July 2004 Offense Categories JULI AUG SEP 1 OCTI NOVI DEC JAN I FEB I MARI APB I MAYI JUN I JUL 04 TOTALS • Arson 0 1 0 1 ...0 0 1 0 . 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 I .0 i.__0._ 0 Assault 0 0 1 1 1 ; 0 1 0 0 ' 0 1 4 2 0 1 0 0 6 Battery 8 6 1 6 15 2 3 4 1 2 1 2 7 I 5 4 , 3 27 Burglary ,14 3 ( „9 3 8 4 7 1 8 2 5 9 12 44 Cannabis Offenses 1 1 3 ` 4 1 2 : 4 2 0 1 5 1 0 1 3 0 1 1 10 Controlled Substance Offenses 0 0 ` 2 0 1 ! 0 0 1 0 1 0 ` 0 1 0 0 L 1 1 Crimes Involvin Children 0 ; 4 2 2 5 4 4 1 ; 6 1 5 1 4 22 g anal Damage 11 Deceptive Practices 4 [ 1 7 ' 2 t 4 �2 3 1 2 1 7 6 � 22 � 16 � 20 80 11 1 10 1 15 1 13 I 21 5 4 0 5 6 1 5 22 Drug Paraphernalia ' ' 2 0 1 3 1 I 3 9 Offenses 1 2 0 0 0 1 0 � � ��- �� 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Gambling g Offenses 0 0 0 0 ; 0 1 0 0 0 0 , 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 Kidnapping 0 0 1 0 ;; 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 2 1 1 1 6 Liquor Offenses 3 1 7 I 0 ,1 2 1 3 3 1 2 0 2 6 ' 0 L 1 12 Murder 0 0 I. 0 0 0 1 0 1 { 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 Mu Robbery 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 01_..0 f 0 � I __.0.._ I 1 , 0 1 Sex Offenses 0 1 1 0 0 0 I �0 1 1 0 `, 0 0 0 ' 0 10 1 Theft 7 ! 10 1 10 I 15 10 1 15 8 5 12 ' 8 14 12 1 10 69 All Other Criminal Offenses 22 ` 13 1 10 1 16 16 1 12 13 i 25 1 10 10 ? 15 , 14 1 18 105 Traffic Incidents JULIAUG.1 SEP 1 OCT(NOVI DEC JANIFEB I MARI APR MAYI JUN JUL 04 TOTALS Driving Under The Influence 0 12 I 0 0 1 4 I 7 1 j 3 I 5 4 1 2 1 2 j 1 18 License/Registration Violations 27 i 70 25 1 19 { 31 1 62 55 E 42 75 35 j 33 p 37 24 301 Seatbelt Citations 37 ` 36 17 6 = 36 1 78 18 1 14 1 8 3 ( 126 64 16 249 Seatbelt Warnings 28 ; 14 1 13 15 1 6 4 5 1 11 5 18 1 29 21 19 108 Speeding Citations 26 20 ' 23 1 16 ; 31 1 55 42 ; 54 1 47 34 29 , 17 12 235 Speeding Warnings 33 : 51 1 33 , 32 `I 44 ! 89 0 65 96 f 0 l 0 1 0 0 161 Transportation of Alcohol 0 € 3 ! 0 0 , 2 1 1 0 2 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 5 d Motor Uninsured Vehicle 23 33 22 15 i 27 I 54 48 43 49 1 41 ? 42 27 � 29 279 Total Citations Issued 129 159 1 110 ? 77 156 109 187 ; 177 ` 195 160 ; 279 186 ; 132 1316 Total Verbal 86 Total WrittenWarnings Warnings Issued 2 8 � 242 ; 38 I 32 1 35 1 53 4 7� 4 � 12 1 4 5 5a, ' 41 d 34 ..... ... _.. . ._. 241 : '230 , 265 390 343 1 334 ; 383 304 1, 357251 264 2236 Accident Reports Taken JULLAUGISEP I OCTI NOVI DEC JAN I FEB�MA1t.1 APR(1VIAYI JUNI JUL 04 TOTALS Damage3 = 0 , 6 ; 2 0 1 2 ' 7 2 1 i 0 I 1 13 Property Accident 21 18 , ._. _._._ . ... ._ Hit and Run Accident 2 2 E 22 1 16 25 1 37 28 . 26 ; 27 24 1 34 30 1- 32 20.1. Personal Injury Accident 5 ` 7 4 6 1 4 [ 6 5 1 5 2 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 8 26 Total Accidents Taken 28 27 1 29 1 22 1 35 ' 45 33 ; 33 E 36 f 28 : 38 ' 31 ! 41 240 **Unlawful Visitation Interference is reported under the Kidnapping Section of the Illinois Uniformed Crime Reporting system. The Kidnapping line item includes this offense in its totals. Yorkville Police Department - Overtime Manhour Utilization Report - 07-24-2004 Date Court Training Relief Details Admin Emerg Invest Com Sery Full Time Part Time 05/15/04 6 0 1.75 12 0 0 7.25 027 1 22.75 { 05/29/04 2 0 4 16 0 0 30.25 ' 1 € 53.25 34 06/12/04 7.5 0 0 # _._..28.5 0 0 23.75 _..,._..___.... 4 63.75 26.25 06/26/04 2 0 21.5 0 0 0 ' 23 i 0 46.5 4 07/10/04 2 0 6 12 0 010.25 0 , 02 _._ 5 24.5 07/24/04 2 8 5 0 0 0 21 2 38 38 i E S E 3 t ( 1 , i FY04-05 Court Training Relief Details Admin Emerg Invest Corn Sery Full Time Part Time Totals 21.50 8.00 38.25 68.50 0.00 0.00 115.50 7.00 258.75 149.50 Percents 8% 3% 15% 26% 0% 0% 45% 3% 100% N/A Average 3.58 1.33 6.38 11.42 0.00 0.00 19.25 1.17 43.13 24.92 LAST YEAR'S STATISTICS FOR MANHOUR UTILIZATION FY03-04 Court Training Relief Details Admin Emerg Invest Corn Sery Full Time Part Time Totals 173.5 197 180.25 250 136.5 0 319.25 106.25 1362.75 2164 Percents 13% 14% 13% 18% 10% 0% 23% 8% 100% N/A Average 6.67 7.58 6.93 9.62 5.25 0.00 12.28 4.09 52.41 83.23 Prepared by Molly Batterson 7/26/2004 Page 1 Yorkville Police Department - Overtime Manhour Utilization Report - 08-07-04 Date Court Training Relief Details Admin Emerg Invest Corn Sery Full Time Part Time 05/15/04 6 0 1.75 12 0 0 7.25 0 27 22.75 05/29/04 2 0 4 16 0 0 30.25 1 53.25 34 06/12/04 7.5 0 0 28.5 0 0 23.75 4 63.7526.25 06/26/04 2 0 21.5 0 0 0 23 0 46.5 4 07/10/04 2 06 12 0 0 10.25 0 30.25 24.5 07/24/04 2 8 5 0 0 0 21 2 38 38 08/07/04 2 0 0 0 0 2 2 5 11 33 FY04-05 Court Training Relief Details Admin Emerg Invest Com Sery Full Time Part Time Totals 23.50 8.00 38.25 68.50 0.00 2.00 117.50 12.00 269.75 182.50 Percents 9% 3% 14% 25% 0% 1% 44% 4% 100% N/A Average 3.36 1.14 5.46 9.79 0.00 0.29 16.79 1.71 38.54 26.07 LAST YEAR'S STATISTICS FOR MANHOUR UTILIZATION FY03-04 Court Training Relief Details Admin Emerg Invest Com Sery Full Time Part Time Totals 173.5 197 180.25 250 136.5 0 319.25 106.25 1362.75 2164 Percents 13% 14% 13% 18% 10% 0% 23% 8% 100% N/A Average 6.67 7.58 6.93 9.62 5.25 0.00 12.28 4.09 52.41 83.23 Prepared by Molly Batterson 8/9/2004 Page 1 Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary EsT.IR1J 1836 July 16, 2004 through August 20, 2004 0 041097 through 041356 '<<E Page of 11 041097 07-16-04 Van Emmon Street/Mill Street 041108 .... 07-18-04 100 Blk. Route 126 Criminal Damage to Property: The rear window of Disorderly Conduct: Offender was found to be out of the victim's vehicle was reported damaged. Damage control, threatening to throw items off of the balcony. valued at $200. 041109 .... 07-18-04 400 Blk. Landmark Avenue 041098 07-17-04 1600 Blk. Cottonwood Trail Lockout Accident 041110 .... 07-19-04 1000 Blk. S. Bridge Street 041099 07-17-04 1800 Blk. Marketview Drive Burglary: Offender(s) gained entry to the building, Fraud: $877.73 worth of merchandise was however, nothing was removed. purchased using a check, which the offender then stopped payment on without returning any of the 041111 .... 07-19-04 1000 Blk. S. Bridge Street merchandise. Burglary: Offender(s) gained entry to the building and removed an unknown amount of baseball cards. 041100 07-17-04 300 Blk. E. Fox Street Value of taken property - $100. Burglary from Motor Vehicle: Victim reported a purse was removed from inside an unlocked vehicle. 041112 .... 07-19-04 100 Blk. Appletree Court Theft of Motor Vehicle Parts/Accessories: A lower 041101 07-17-04 1100 Blk. S. Main Street radiator hose was taken off of a vehicle valued at Lockout $20. Victim suspects an ex-boyfriend. 041102 07-17-04 Route 47/Amurol Drive 041113 .... 07-19-04 200 Blk. Adams Street Flee/Attempt to Elude Police: Harassment by Telephone 041103 07-17-04 400 Blk. W.Washington St 041114 .... 07-19-04 20 Blk. W. Countryside Pkwy Domestic Battery: Two victim/offenders were taken Accident into custody for a mutual battery situation. 041115 .... 07-19-04 Fox Street/S.Main Street 041104 07-18-04 500 Blk. W. Madison Street Traffic Arrest: A traffic stop was conducted and Domestic Trouble subject was arrested on a valid warrant for Burglary. During the investigation, a shotgun was found along 041105 07-18-04 Van Emmon Street/Mill Street with burglary tools. A passenger in the vehicle was Burglary from Motor Vehicle: Several items including arrested for a warrant for Burglary. While searhing a purse and cell phone were taken from inside an this passenger incident to arrest, ectasy was located. unlocked vehicle. Total of stolen merchandise is The other two passengers were also arrested, one for estimated at $295 by victim. obstructing justice and a sixteen year old for possession of drug paraphernalia. 041106 07-18-04 Route 47/River Street Criminal Damage to Property: Victim stated the lug 041116 .... 07-19-04 3 W. Veterans Parkway nuts were loosened on his vehicle either at home or Assist Other Police Department while in Aurora causing a tire to come loose. 041117.... 07-19-04 Route 34/Route 47 041107 07-18-04 Route 47/Fox Street Accident Traffic Arrest: Subject was driving on a suspended license and was taken into custody for such. CO•j, 1. 1 Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary EST 183 July 16, 2004 through August 20, 2004 .6p' : . 0 041097 through 041356 +4,4LE0- Page 2of11 041118 07-19-04 1900 Blk. Raintree Road 041130.... 07-22-04 Cottonwood/Stoneridge Warrant Arrest: While investigating a 911 hang-up Burglary from Motor Vehicle: A CD player was taken call, one of the subjects involved in a domestic from inside an unlocked vehicle. Value of property - situation was found to be wanted on a warrant and $200. was arrested for such. 041131 .... 07-22-04 200 BIk. E. Veterans Parkway 041119 07-20-04 Route 47/Legion Road Lockout Accident 041132 .... 07-22-04 100 BIk. W. Veterans Prkwy 041120 07-20-04 1000 Blk. Sunset Avenue Towed Vehicle Lockout 041133 .... 07-22-04 1700 BIk. John Street 041121 07-20-04 Route 34/Center Parkway Criminal Damage to Property: Eight sapling trees Traffic Arrest: Subject was driving on a suspended and a bird feeder were reported damaged. Damage license and was taken into custody for such. valued at $130. 041122 07-20-04 400 Blk. E. Main Street 041134.... 07-22-04 Route 47/Hydraulic Lockout Motorist Assist 041123 07-21-04 100 Blk. Strawberry Lane 041135.... 07-22-04 300 Blk. Wheaton Avenue Criminal Damage to Property: A window was Lockout shattered by unknown offender(s) throwing a rock at it. Damage valued at $200. 041136 .... 07-22-04 1800 BIk. Marketview Drive Retail Theft: A power drill (valued at $72) was 041124 07-20-04 300 BIk. Poplar Road reported as stolen from inside the store. Offender Lockout walked out of the Garden Center with the item. Pending investigation. 041125 07-21-04 100 BIk. Colonial Parkway Motor Vehicle Theft: Victim(s) reported a child's 041137.... 07-22-04 Tinley Park Police Dept. small motorcycle was left unsecured in front of their Canine Assist residence and was taken at an unknown time during the night. Motorcycle is valued at $500. 041138 .... 07-22-04 2800 N. Bridge Street Accident 041126 07-21-04 300 BIk. Illini Drive Domestic Trouble 041139 .... 07-22-04 200 Blk. E. Veterans Pkwy Lockout 041127 041140 .... 07-22-04 2000 Blk. S. Bridge Street 041128 07-22-04 1300 Blk. Evergreen Lane Lockout Mischievous Conduct— No Dollar Loss 041141 .... 07-23-04 100 BIk. Colonial Parkway 041129 07-22-04 1000 Blk. Auburn Drive Battery: Victim reported drunken offender grabbed Criminal Damage to Property: Drywall and insulation victim's face with their hands. Victim was was damaged after unknown offender(s) entered a uncooperative and showed no visible marks with a home under construction and turned on water valves, witness stating the battery never happened. causing flooding. Damage estimated at $5000. 041142 .... 07-22-04 Wooden Bridge/Route 126 Sick/Injured Animal ..(tp C/t Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary l July 16, 2004 through August 20, 2004 g,�t" 0 041097 through 041356 SLEW'? Page 3of11 041143 07-23-04 7000 Blk. Mill Street 041155 .... 07-26-04 Route 126/Route 71 Theft Over$300: Two electrical water pumps valued Theft Over$300: $13,600 worth of equipment was at $5000 each and weighing about 300 pounds a taken from a construction site. piece were reported stolen from a construction site. 041156 .... 07-26-04 Route 47/Wing Road 041144 07-23-04 Route 47/Galena Road Traffic Arrest: Subject was driving on a suspended Bribery: After stopping offender for an overweight license and was taken into custody for such. violation, officer was offered a $100 bill to "forget" the incident. Offender was given the citation for the 041157.... 07-26-04 Desk Report overweight violation and for unsafe equipment. Deceptive Practices: Delayed report— victim stated Offender was arrested for Bribery. this occurred on 06-14-04 and did not report the $20 bad check until now. 041145 07-24-04 1800 Blk. Country Hills Drive Lockout 041158 .... 07-26-04 Desk Report Deceptive Practices: Delayed report— victim stated 041146 07-24-04 200 Blk. Walnut Street this occurred on 03-16-04 and did not report the two Accident bad checks totaling $60.58 until now. 041147 07-25-04 Yorkville Police Department 041159 .... 07-26-04 Desk Report Canine Training Deceptive Practices: Delayed report —victim stated this occurred on 12-18-03 and did not report the bad 041148 07-25-04 200 Blk. River Street check totaling $20.13 until now. Criminal Damage to Property: The rear window of a vehicle was reported as damaged after victim found it 041160 .... 07-26-04 Cannonball/Independence shattered. Damage estimated at $300. Lockout 041149 07-25-04 1300 Blk. Coralberry Court 041161 .... 07-26-04 700 Blk. E. Spring Street Domestic Trouble/Theft $300 and Under: Victim Harassment by Telephone reported their teenager had several subjects over at the house. Subjects were asked to leave. Victim 041162 .... 07-26-04 Desk Report reported an American flag stolen and several flower Fraud: $319.18 worth of unknown merchandise was pots broken. purchased using the victim's debit card. Victim stated their debit card was noticed missing and when they 041150 07-25-04 1300 Blk. Coralberry Court went to report it to the bank, they were informed of Domestic Trouble the charges. 041151 07-25-04 Desk Report 041163 .... 07-26-04 1200 Blk. N. Bridge Street Citizen Assist Lockout 041152 07-25-04 500 Blk. W. Barberry Circle 041164 .... 07-26-04 300 Blk. Center Parkway Complaints — Mini-Bikes/ATV's Criminal Damage to Property: A window (valued at $200) was reported damaged by victim. Officers 041153 07-25-04 200 Blk. E. Veterans Parkway discovered a rock had been thrown at the window, Lockout causing the damage. 041154 07-25-04 300 Blk. E. Van Emmon St. 041165 .... 07-26-04 Route 47/Countryside Pkwy Domestic Trouble Traffic Arrest: Subject was driving on a suspended license and was taken into custody for such. /2:,,�D crr o /' Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary ESL" 'C July 16, 2004 through August 20, 2004 \� _" gl 041097 through 041356 ''.17, ,. Page 4 of 11 041166 07-22-04 1400 BIk. Chestnut Lane 041177 .... 07-28-04 Route 47Nan Emmon Street Burglary from Motor Vehicle: Victim stated Accident offender(s) had entered his vehicle via a broken window and rummaged through items. Nothing was 041178 .... 07-28-04 Route 34/Cannonball Trail taken. Accident 041167 07-27-04 Riverfront Park 041179 .... 07-28-04 400 BIk. Colton Street Lockout Mischievous Conduct— No Dollar Loss 041168 07-27-04 Route 47/Landmark Avenue 041180 .... 07-28-04 400 BIk. Landmark Avenue Traffic Arrest/Possession of Cannabis & Other Public Complaints Paraphernalia: Officers pulled offender over for driving on a suspended license. Officers located 4.3 041181 .... 07-28-04 900 Blk. Bristol Avenue grams of cannabis and drug paraphernalia in the Other Public Complaints vehicle. Offender was arrested for all three offenses. 041182 .... 07-29-04 200 Blk. E. Veterans Pkwy 041169 07-27-04 3 W. Veterans Parkway Curfew Violation Found Articles 041183 .... 07-29-04 Walnut Street/McHugh Road 041170 07-27-04 2700 BIk. N. Bridge Street Curfew Violation Accident 041184 .... 07-29-04 Route 47/Corneils Road 041171 07-27-04 Cannonball Trail Traffic Arrest: After being pulled over for speeding, In-State Warrant: Subject was known to be wanted subject was found to be driving without a valid driver's on a warrant and taken into custody for such. license and was taken into custody for such. 041172 07-27-04 1300 Blk. Coralberry Court 041185 .... 07-29-04 600 BIk. Center Parkway Domestic Trouble Lockout 041173 07-27-04 800 Blk. Morgan Street 041186 .... 07-29-04 100 BIk. Countryside Center Consumption by Minor: Officers responded to a Disorderly Conduct: Subject got upset at employees second noise complaint at a residence. Caller stated of an employment center. No charges were filed per there were people drinking and one was now in a the business. vehicle parked in the driveway. Officers responded and arrested one subject for underage drinking. 041187.... 07-29-04 1300 BIk. Coralberry Court Runaway 041174 07-28-04 2000 BIk. S. Bridge Street Retail Theft: A 24-can case of beer was reported as 041188 .... 07-29-04 1000 Blk. Stillwater stolen from a business. Employees could give no Domestic Trouble vehicle description, nor any offender information. 041189 .... 07-30-04 500 BIk. W. Hydraulic Avenue 041175 07-28-04 1200 BIk. S. Bridge Street Lockout Burglary: $7234 worth in tools and cash was taken from inside a business after forced entry was made 041190 .... 07-30-04 Faxon Road/Alandale Road into the building. Pending investigation. Traffic Arrest: Subject was found to be driving without a valid license and was taken into custody for 041176 07-28-04 Route 47Nan Emmon Street such. Accident `c.p G/T6 x p 3 Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary July 16, 2004 through August 20, 2004 �c E`���0 041097 through 041356 Page 5 of 11 041191 07-31-04 300 Blk. E. Van Emmon St. 041205 .... 07-31-04 1800 Blk. Marketview Drive Criminal Damage to Property: Victim reported $1300 Criminal Damage to Property: $1000 worth of of damaged to their vehicle. Unknown offender damage was done to the victim's vehicle while at scratched vehicle and smashed a window out. work. No suspects. 041192 07-30-04 1800 Blk. Marketplace Drive 041206 .... 07-31-04 Route 34/Cannonball Trail Lockout Accident 041193 07-30-04 Route 34/Game Farm Road 041207.... 08-01-04 2600 Blk. Overlook Court Accident Domestic Trouble 041194 07-30-04 Route 34/Eldamain Road 041208 .... 08-01-04 1200 Blk. Spring Street Accident Mischievous Conduct — No Dollar Loss 041195 07-30-04 300 Blk. E. Van Emmon St. 041209.... 08-01-04 100 Blk. W. Veterans Pkwy Suspicious Circumstances All Other Disorderly Conduct 041196 07-30-04 1400 Blk. Aspen Lane 041210 .... 08-02-04 700 Blk. Heustis Street Domestic Trouble Domestic Trouble 041197 07-30-04 500 Blk. W. Barberry Circle 041211 .... 08-02-04 Route 34/Center Parkway Lockout Traffic Arrest: Subject was found to be driving without a valid driver's license and was taken into 041198 07-31-04 1400 Blk. N. Bridge Street custody for such. Assist Business Agency 041212 .... 08-02-04 200 Blk. E. Veterans Pkwy 041199 07-31-04 2000 Blk. S. Bridge Street Lockout Assist Business Agency 041213 .... 08-02-04 200 Blk. E. Veterans Pkwy 041200 07-30-04 Route 34/Eldamain Road Lockout Traffic Arrest: Subject was driving on a suspended license and taken into custody for such. 041214 .... 08-02-04 Route 47/Main Street Criminal Damage to Property: $65 of damage was 041201 07-31-04 1600 Blk. N. Bridge Street done to the "Sparkly Star Lights" located at Gazebo Accident Park. No offender information available. 041202 07-31-04 1400 Blk. N. Bridge Street 041215 .... 08-03-04 500 Blk. Redhorse Lane Assist Business Agency Suspicious Circumstances 041203 07-31-04 200 Blk. E. Veterans Pkwy 041216 .... 08-03-04 Hydraulic Avenue/Route 47 Accident Traffic Arrest: Subject was found to be driving without a valid driver's license and was taken into 041204 07-31-04 Route 47/Route 34 custody for such. Accident t, t..1:--)-6-,-,'N\\.,i." Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary Est'%)`: '836 July 16, 2004 through August 20, 2004 \ .,. `,g 041097 through 041356 \I-E Page 6 of 11 041217 08-03-04 1200 Blk. Deer Street 041230.... 08-05-04 500 Blk. Countryside Center Criminal Damage to Property: $1000 of damage was Found Bicycle done to two lawn mowers at a business. Pending investigation. 041231 .... 08-05-04 Tinley Park Police Dept. Canine Assist 041218 08-03-04 Desk Report Lost Articles 041232 .... 08-05-04 600 Blk. Center Parkway Forgery: A $275 check was written without the 041219 08-04-04 Route 47Nan Emmon Street victim's permission. Pending investigation. Accident 041233 .... 08-05-04 1200 Blk. N. Bridge Street 041220 08-04-04 Route 34/McHugh Road Lockout Traffic Arrest: Subject was found to be driving without a valid license and was taken into custody for 041234 .... 08-05-04 200 Blk. W. Somonauk Street such. Found Articles 041221 08-04-04 200 Blk. E. Veterans Parkway 041235 .... 08-05-04 1200 Blk. Willow Way Accident Lockout 041222 08-04-04 600 Blk. Countryside Center 041236 .... 08-05-04 400 BIk. E. Barberry Circle Forgery: A check for the amount of$575 was Domestic Trouble fraudulently signed, according to the victim. 041237 .... 08-05-04 Route 34/Route 47 041223 08-04-04 300 Blk. N. Bridge Street Accident Found Articles 041238 .... 08-06-04 1200 Blk. N. Bridge Street 041224 08-04-04 Route 34/McHugh Road Burglary from Motor Vehicle: A cell phone and Traffic Arrest: Subject was found to be driving charger were removed from an unlocked vehicle. without a valid driver's license and was taken into custody for such. 041239 .... 08-06-04 2000 BIk. S. Bridge Street Accident 041225 08-04-04 3 W. Veterans Parkway Other Public Complaints 041240 .... 08-06-04 200 Blk. Dickson Court Solicitor Complaint 041226 08-04-04 Somonauk Street/Church St Lockout 041241 .... 08-06-04 100 BIk. Veterans Parkway Lockout 041227 08-04-04 Route 34/Countryside Pkwy Traffic Arrest: Officers located subject and pulled 041242.... 08-06-04 Route 47/River Street them over for Improper Lane Usage. Subject was Accident given field sobriety tests, which they failed. Subject was arrested for DUI. 041243 .... 08-06-04 Desk Report Voided Report Number 041228 08-05-04 600 Blk. Tower Lane Harassment by Telephone 041244 .... 08-06-04 1400 Blk. N. Bridge Street Credit Card Fraud: $50 was charged fraudulently on 041229 08-05-04 1600 BIk. N. Bridge Street victim's card. Pending investigation. Accident C/ryo Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary EST ''36; July 16, 2004 through August 20, 2004 p _- 0 041097 through 041356 y'� Page 7 of 11 041245 08-06-04 Sheriff's Office 041254 .... 08-08-04 1500 Stoneridge Court Breathalyzer Duties Aggravated Assault: Officers investigated a call of domestic trouble. Offender admitted slamming doors 041246 08-07-04 200 Blk. Worsley Lane and breaking a glass this time, and admitted to Curfew Violation physically harming victim in the past, however, not tonight and nothing had ever been reported by victim. 041247 08-07-04 500 Blk. Walsh Court Offender agreed to go to the hospital for help. Victim Motor Vehicle Theft: Victim reported their vehicle returned home after offender was gone. Case missing. Victim reported they left the keys in the forwarded to Kendall County State's Attorney's Office. ignition at a friend's house. Victim knew who the subject was who was found in possession of the 041255 .... 08-08-04 2200 Blk. Kennedy Road vehicle. Charges pending. Citizen Assist 041248 08-07-04 Route 47/Route 34 041256 .... 08-08-04 600 Blk. Veterans Parkway Accident Lockout 041249 08-07-04 800 BIk. S. Main Street 041257 .... 08-08-04 Route 34/Bristol Ridge Road Lockout Accident 041250 08-07-04 Route 47/Countryside Prkwy. 041258 .... 08-08-04 1500 BIk. Stoneridge Court Traffic Arrest: Subject was found driving while Domestic Battery suspended and was taken into custody for such. 041259 .... 08-08-04 200 Blk. W. Kendall Drive Criminal Damage to Property: A paintball stained a 041251 08-08-04 500 Blk. W. Washington St. window sill causing approximately $50 damage. Ambulance Assist 041260 .... 08-08-04 500 Blk. Countryside Pkwy. 041252 08-08-04 100 Blk. Strawberry Lane Lockout Criminal Damage to Property: A lantern on a post was reported as damaged. Damage estimated at 041261 .... 08-08-04 Route 34/Center Parkway $35. Traffic Arrest: Subject was driving on a suspended license and taken into custody for such. 041253 08-08-04 500 BIk. Blaine Street Aggravated Assault/Endangering Life or Health of a 041262 .... 08-09-04 Hydraulic Ave./S.Main Street Child: During a domestic argument in front of Assist City Fire Department children, offender threatened victim several times with bodily harm. Due to the severity of the threats, the 041263 .... 08-09-04 1400 Blk. Aspen Lane threats being made with children present, and a past Mischievous Conduct— No Dollar Loss history of violence, officers located offender and arrested offender for said charges. 041264 .... 08-09-04 Stony Creek Ave./Poplar Dr. Traffic Arrest: Subject was driving without a valid license and taken into custody for such. 041265 .... 08-09-04 Route 47/Van Emmon Street Accident `,QED CI) , ° Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary '& July 16, 2004 through August 20, 2004 t' 0 041097 through 041356 ELLE ��` Page 8 of 11 041266 08-09-04 1800 BIk. Marketview Drive 041279 .... 08-11-04 400 Blk. Colton Street In-State Warrant: Officers pulled over a vehicle Barking Dogs driven by a wanted individual. Subject was taken into custody for said warrant. 041280 .... 08-11-04 300 BIk. Essex Court Criminal Damage to Property: $250 of damage was 041267 08-09-04 Route 47/E.Main Street done to an above-ground swimming pool (15' Traffic Arrest: Upon being called in by a citizen, diameter)when an unknown offender poured a gallon officers located a vehicle that had been driving of paint into the water. erratically. Officers pulled over said vehicle for Improper Lane Usage and upon further investigation, 041281 .... 08-11-04 2000 BIk. S. Bridge Street it was learned the driver was driving under the Lockout influence of prescription narcotics. 041282 .... 08-11-04 Route 47/Landmark Avenue 041268 08-09-04 Van Emmon St./Heustis St. Accident Accident 041283 .... 08-11-04 Desk Report 041269 08-09-04 2000 S. Bridge Street Notice of Mandated Release Accident 041284 .... 08-11-04 Desk Report 041270 08-10-04 Countryside Center/Route 47 Notice of Mandated Release Assist Ambulance 041285 .... 08-11-04 200 Blk. Hillcrest Avenue 041271 08-08-04 1800 Marketview Drive Lockout Lockout 041286 .... 08-11-04 100 Blk. W.Kendall Drive 041272 08-10-04 Somonauk St./Tower Lane Mischievous Conduct— No Dollar Loss 041273 08-10-04 Route 47/Kennedy Road 041287 .... 08-11-04 200 Blk. W. Hydraulic Avenue Traffic Arrest: Subject was driving on a suspended Lockout license and was taken into custody for such. 041288 .... 08-11-04 300 Blk. E. Kendall Drive 041274 08-10-04 Route 71/Country Hills Drive Mischievous Conduct— No Dollar Loss Traffic Arrest: Subject was driving without a valid license and was taken into custody for such. 041289 .... 08-11-04 300 Blk. E. Kendall Drive Mischievous Conduct— No Dollar Loss 041275 08-10-04 300 Blk. E. Orange Street Lockout 041290 .... 08-11-04 300 Blk. E. Kendall Drive Mischievous Conduct— No Dollar Loss 041276 08-10-04 2000 BIk. S. Bridge Street Lockout 041291 .... 08-11-04 300 Blk. E. Kendall Drive Mischievous Conduct— No Dollar Loss 041277 08-10-04 100 BIk. Colonial Parkway Juvenile Investigation 041292 .... 08-12-04 4000 Blk. Cannonball Trail Accident 041278 08-10-04 100 Blk. Route 126 Aggravated Criminal Sexual Assault: Suspect in the 041293 .... 08-12-04 1400 Blk. Sequoia Trail case was investigated by police and there were Mischievous Conduct— No Dollar Loss findings of no abuse. Case is pending the receipt of DCFS investigation findings. ,cg0 C)T d .tea Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary esr ` July 16, 2004 through August 20, 2004 % 111,:::61 041097 through 041356 1-,'4-tE0- Page 9of11 041294 08-12-04 1600 Blk. Cypress Lane 041305 .... 08-13-04 1400 Blk. Aspen Lane Theft $300 and Under: Victim reported a bicycle Lockout stolen from their open garage door. 041306 .... 08-14-04 Route 47/Washington Street 041295 08-12-04 Route 34/Cannonball Trail Traffic Arrest: Officer pulled over a subject for Traffic Arrest: Subject was driving on a suspended speeding. Officer smelled a strong odor of an license and taken into custody for such. alcoholic beverage on the offender. After failing field sobriety tests, subject was charged with Unlawful 041296 08-12-04 1400 Blk. N. Bridge Street Consumption by a Minor and DUI. Subject refused to Possession of Paraphernalia: An off-duty officer submit to a breath test. reported seeing the offender smoking from a marijuana pipe while seated in a vehicle parked at a 041307 .... 08-14-04 Route 47/Cannonball Trail local establishment. Officers located offender and Accident placed him under arrest after they admitted to smoking marijuana. Yorkville Officers searched the 041308 .... 08-14-04 West Veterans Parkway offender and located no other contraband. Accident 041297 08-12-04 100 Blk. W. Center Street 041309 .... 08-14-04 100 Blk. E. Countryside Pkwy Citizen Assist Lockout 041298 08-13-04 Route 47/Countryside Pkwy. 041310 .... 08-14-04 Route 126/Deer Street Lockout Traffic Arrest: Subject was found to be driving without a valid license and was taken into custody for 041299 08-13-04 Route 47/Van Emmon Street such. Traffic Arrest: Subject was found to be driving 041311 .... 08-14-04 Hydraulic Avenue/Mill Street without a valid license. Upon officer's request for a Lost Articles name and date of birth, offender gave false information. Offender was also charged with 041312 .... 08-14-04 1000 Blk. S. Main Street Attempted Obstruction of Justice. A passenger was Accident charged with Illegal Transportation of Alcohol. 041313 .... 08-14-04 400 Blk. Landmark Avenue 041300 08-13-04 Royal Oaks/Bristol Ridge Aggravated Battery: Subject struck the victim to the Traffic Arrest: Subject was driving on a suspended point of making the mouth area bleed. Witnesses license and taken into custody for such. stated subject fled to a relative's house. Officers located the offender hiding at the house. Offender 041301 08-13-04 1800 Blk. Columbine Drive was arrested and charged with Aggravated Battery Lost License Plate due to the fact the victim was seven months pregnant. 041302 08-13-04 Van Emmon St./S.Main St. Found Articles 041314 .... 08-14-04 Route 34/Route 47 Traffic Ticket: Officer ran a registration check which 041303 08-13-04 1200 Blk. Evergreen Lane indicated a registered owner was suspended. Officer Solicitor Complaint pulled over vehicle and found the registered owner was not driving. A passenger attempted to conceal 041304 08-13-04 Route 34/Cannonball Trail an open container of alcohol. Passenger was issued Accident a ticket for Illegal Transportation of Alcohol. '� i fl Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary EST.11 July 16, 2004 through August 20, 2004 S =mow O 041097 through 041356 <Lti�'���E Page 10 of 11 041315 08-15-04 2000 Blk. S. Bridge Street 041327.... 08-17-04 Illinois State Police Found Articles Canine Assist 041316 08-15-04 Route 47/Beaver Street 041328 .... 08-17-04 1500 Blk. N. Bridge Street Traffic Arrest: Subject was driving on a suspended Found Articles license and taken into custody for such. 041329 .... 08-17-04 Desk Report 041317 08-15-04 300 BIk. E. Kendall Drive Assist Business Agency Theft $300 and Under: Victim reported four or five yellow/patriotic magnetic "ribbons" stolen. Valued at 041330 .... 08-17-04 1500 Blk. N. Bridge Street approximately $10. Unlawful Sale of Liquor to Minor 041318 08-16-04 Route 34/Countryside Pkwy. 041331 .... 08-17-04 Mill Road/Kennedy Road Accident Accident 041319 08-16-04 Plainfield Police Department 041332.... 08-17-04 300 Blk. N. Bridge Street Canine Assist Unlawful Sale of Liquor to Minor 041320 08-16-04 300 Blk. Heustis Street 041333 .... 08-17-04 200 Blk. Veterans Parkway Credit Card Fraud: Victim stated unknown offender Lockout used a credit card to open an AOL account. $72 in charges were made. 041334 .... 08-17-04 200 Blk. S. Bridge Street Unlawful Sale of Liquor to Minor 041321 08-16-04 500 Blk. Morgan Street Battery: Victim reported a neighbor made 041335 .... 08-17-04 500 Blk. W.Kendall Drive inappropriate advances. Police arrived and talked Neighborhood Trouble with suspect. Victim did not want to pursue charges. 041336 .... 08-18-04 1000 Blk. Homestead Drive 041322 08-16-04 Route 34/Eldamain Road Citizen Assist Accident 041337.... 08-18-04 200 Blk. W. Veterans Pkwy. 041323 08-16-04 200 Blk. W. Veterans Pkwy. Lockout Lockout 041338 .... 08-18-04 500 BIk. Morgan Street 041324 08-16-04 Hydraulic Ave./Mill Street Missing Person—Adult Male: Subject was reported In-State Warrant: While investigating a call of an as missing by family. Subject was located, however, unleashed dog at the Riverfront Park, Officer located did not want his location revealed to family. offender. When offender's driver's license was run, officers learned of a valid arrest warrant and subject 041339 .... 08-18-04 1400 BIk. Sequoia Trail was taken into custody. Mischievous Conduct— No Dollar Loss 041325 08-17-04 1000 BIk. Homestead Drive 041340 .... 08-19-04 1400 Blk. N.Bridge Street Runaway Lockout 041326 08-17-04 Plano Police Department 041341 .... 08-19-04 Route 34/Timber Ridge Road Canine Assist Accident ,cEo car o Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary �i%l 1"s July 16, 2004 through August 20, 2004 041097 through 041356 `<<E ‘`''" Page 11 of 11 041342 08-19-04 400 Bik. Fairhaven Drive Animal Bite 041343 08-19-04 1800 Blk. Marketplace Drive Lockout 041344 08-19-04 Route 47/Somonauk Street Traffic Arrest: Subject was found to be driving on a suspended license and was taken into custody. 041345 08-19-04 600 Blk. Center Parkway Lockout 041346 08-18-04 Route 47/Orange Street Traffic Arrest: Juvenile was found driving an ATV on a street without having a license or a registration on the vehicle. Tickets were issued for said offenses. 041347 08-19-04 Route 47/Fox Street Accident 041348 08-19-04 400 Blk. Route 47 Accident 041349 08-19-04 400 Blk. West Street Mischievous Conduct— No Dollar Loss 041350 08-20-04 300 Blk. E. Van Emmon St. Lockout 041351 08-20-04 Route 71/Route 47 Accident 041352 08-20-04 1400 Blk. N.Bridge Street Domestic Trouble 041353 08-19-04 Tinley Park Police Dept. Canine Assist 041354 08-20-04 1800 Blk. Marketview Drive Accident 041355 08-20-04 300 Blk. E. Kendall Drive Neighborhood Trouble 041356 08-20-04 1300 Blk. Chestnut Circle Animal Complaint STAT AUG 2 0 2004 1,7 �'k.yr 1(ti ILLINOIS STATE POLICE Information e3 Technology Conznzand Rod R. Blagojevich August 17, 2004 Larry G.Trent Governor Director Chief Harold Martin Yorkville Police Department 804 Game Farm Road Yorkville, Illinois 60560 Dear Chief Martin: On July 28, 2004, a LEADS Agency Audit was conducted at your department by Field Specialist Heidi Parent,Illinois State Police,Bureau Field Services. A LEADS audit is inherent with participation in LEADS/NCIC as described in the Rules and Regulations chapter of the LEADS eManual. NCIC mandates that the Control Terminal Agency(Illinois State Police)conduct an audit of each agency every three years, ensuring agencies are compliant with LEADS/NCIC policy and procedures, and to assist agencies in meeting compliance. Through the audit process,the objective is to ensure the quality and accuracy of the records entered into LEADS/NCIC. Moreover, an audit can assist users in complying with the rules and regulations of LEADS/NCIC. Accurate records and compliance with system guidelines reduce potential liability for your department. During the audit,the field specialist assessed 30 specific areas addressed by LEADS and/or NCIC policy, including your LEADS/NCIC computerized hot file records and supporting documentation, security, criminal history record information, LEADS training, hit confirmation, operational and administrative procedures,and LEADS messaging. Enclosed is the analysis of the LEADS Audit Assessment. Of the 30 rules,regulations and procedures rated in the report 16 applied to your department. Your agency was found in compliance with 16 of them and in noncompliance with 0. Congratulations on your agency's full compliance with LEADS/NCIC rules,regulations and policies. Please extend our sincere appreciation to your staff for their cooperative assistance during the audit, as well as sincere congratulations for their outstanding efforts with full compliance in all areas. espectfully, f • Carol A. Gibbs LEADS Administrat t,r 400 Iles Park Place • Suite 302 Enclosure Springfield,Illinois 62703-2978 cc: Sgt. Ronald Diederich (2I 7)558-0102isp www.illinois.gov www. .state.il.us AUG 2 0 2004 LEADS TERMINAL AGENCY AUDIT YORKVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT July 28, 2004 Of the 30 rules,regulations and policies evaluated during the LEADS audit,this department is rated in FULL COMPLIANCE in 16 and NONCOMPLIANCE in 0 categories. Source documents establishing rules,regulations and policies include the LEADS Reference Manual,NCIC Operating Manual,NCIC Code Manual, LEADS "Help" files and the LEADS Daily Briefing. The 30 areas evaluated during the audit are listed below. Since certain regulations may not apply to all user agencies, those applicable to this department are indicated by underlined print. L MANAGEMENT CONTROL 2. LEADS AGREEMENTS 3. DISCIPLINE POLICY 4. LEADS AGENCY COORDINATOR APPOINTMENT 5. LEADS DAILY BRIEFING 6. LEADS REGISTRY MAINTENANCE 7. LEADS DATA DISSEMINATION 8. PERSONNEL BACKGROUND SCREENING 9. TERMINAL SECURITY 10. PASSWORDS 11. NETWORK 12. INTERNET ACCESS 13. LEADS AGENCY COORDINATOR CERTIFICATION 14. LEADS USER CERTIFICATION 15. CERTIFICATION RECORD KEEPING 16. CRIMINAL HISTORY RECORD INFORMATION-DISSEMINATION 17. CRIMINAL HISTORY RECORD INFORMATION- INQUIRIES 18. CRIMINAL HISTORY RECORD INFORMATION-RETENTION AND DISPOSAL 19. HIT CONFIRMATION 20. HIT FILE 21. HIT RETENTION 22. LEADS MESSAGING-BROADCAST VIOLATIONS 23. COMPUTERIZED HOT FILES -COMPLETENESS AND ACCURACY 24. COMPUTERIZED HOT FILES -TIMELY ENTRY 25. COMPUTERIZED HOT FILES -SUPPORTIVE DOCUMENTATION 26. COMPUTERIZED HOT FILES - SECOND PARTY QUALITY CHECKING 27. COMPUTERIZED HOT FILES -ACTIVE RECORDS FILE 28. COMPUTERIZED HOT FILES -RECORD VALIDATION 29. COMPUTERIZED HOT FILES -FILE SPECIFIC QUESTIONS 30. COMPUTERIZED HOT FILES -RECORD REMOVAL Having achieved a rating of FULL COMPLIANCE in all applicable areas,this concludes the audit report for this agency. MT 1 HP.006 AUG 1 9 2004 U.S. Department of Justice As'�a k? a . i* Illam .11 °:, " Federal Bureau of Investigation In Reply,Please Refer to 219 S . Dearborn, Room 905 File No. 245C-CG-118888 Chicago, Illinois 60604 (312) 431-1333 August 13 , 2004 Chief Harold Martin III Yorkville Police Department 804 Game Farm Road Yorkville, Illinois 60560 Dear Chief Martin: I am writing to you to express my gratitude for the invaluable assistance provided by Officer Andrew Jeleniewski , an officer assigned to your Canine Unit, during the execution of four search warrants, four consent searches , and the apprehension of ten members of a significant drug trafficking organization operating in the Chicagoland area . On April 30 , 2004 , Agents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Chicago Divisions obtained arrest and search warrants in the Northern District of Illinois for members of a drug trafficking organization distributing cocaine and heroin in the Chicagoland area . Supervisor Thomas O ' Brien of the Cook County Sheriff ' s Office was contacted to inquire about the availability of Canine Units to assist in the execution of the warrants . Supervisor O ' Brien advised that eight teams of Officers/Dogs could be made available for the operation. On May 3 , 2004 , the Canine Units assisted in the successful execution of four (4) search warrants and four (4) consent searches at various residences and businesses . The Canine Officers ' professionalism while conducting these searches and willingness to support this investigation typify the excellence in law enforcement cooperation. The Officers and Specialists who participated in the execution of these warrants are as follows : OFC . Andrew Jeleniewski/Canine Sammy (Yorkville) SPC . Mike Vallejo/Canine Shorty (Cook County) SPC . Geraldo Medina/Canine Booker (cook County) SPC . Derrick Rhodes/Canine Thunder (Cook County) OFC . Mike Lazowski/Canine Maverick (Lansing) OFC . Cheryl Dohl/Canine Skilos (Lansing) SPC . Pat Moerlien/Canine Max (Cook County) SPC . Ivette Perez/Canine Nikki (Cook County) SPC . Jeff Aleman/Canine Smokey (Cook County) OFC . Bruce Percak/Canine Blues (Lansing) SPC . Joe Broderick/Canine Zack (Cook County) OFC . Jay Klausner/Canine Ronni (Lansing) The assistance of the Canine Units on May 3 , 2004 , ensured a successful operation. On behalf of the Chicago Division, please extend my sincere appreciation to Officer Andrew Jeleniewski for the selfless assistance he provided on May 3 , 2004 . Sincerely, Thomas J. Kneir Special Agent in Charge By: Terrence P. O ' Brien Supervisory Special Agent 2 \T(f41-0°- -- 'D =r-±-- • cL LA 77 Ct c's )c C at,t• y-c9s 4-CktPLClitkr& Q_ c.) urfL6..) ,Ti_ CeiiN C)CLA. - crkk' Ct 'CA:41.0.2 (1026.Y-ki- 1-1 '1A2 ( - LL ThJLOJ 1\-‘ (Titus_ ---iftekl ;Lk-01;r1 t-c -L'T? • ‘,3 hanks so much for your thoughtfulness. „ , pt,-„at,jy,,ruLk cLcz, Lti re,,,T_L 111 .....-- -ir IlliVii\ 1-- Ell.citz.briErzt of _PoricE \ 40 14, . 11111La NIA I 40.. (IA ' :111) --=•_" CITY OF PLANO BIRTHPLACE OF THE HARVESTER 9 EAST NORTH ST. PLANO, ILLINOIS 60545 NON-EMERGENCY PHONE (630) 552-3121 911 EMERGENCY # STEVEN S. EAVES CHIEF OF POLICE OFFICE (630) 552-3122 JUL 2 8 2004 July 14.2004 Chief Harold Martin: Yorkville Police Department 804 Game Farm Rd. Yorkville,I1. 60560 Dear Chief Martin: Thank you for sending representatives and the DARE squad from your department to our Plano Sesquicentennial Parade on Saturday, June 26,2004. We were very honored to have your department participate. Please extend our gratitude to the Citizen's Police who represented your department . Sincerely, A Z 3)41 Steven S. Eaves Chief of Police City of Plano J2 • tJ3 oit Yorkville804Game Farm PoliceRoad Department Memorandum Esr.Aki E 9., 1836 Yorkville, Illinois 60560 ,_� Telephone: 630-553-4340 p n x, Fax: 630-553-1141 *. 4LE 1,\Y Date: August 9, 2004 To: Officer Barry Groesch From: Chief Harold Martin Reference: Educator's Police Academy & Neighborhood Watch Programs Barry, it is with tremendous pride I commend you on the success of the Educator's Police Academy. I want to thank you for putting together a fantastic and interactive program for our educators. I read all the surveys given on each of the classes. I also talked with a number of the participants. It is because of this I wanted to put my feelings and appreciation in writing. I believe with your forethought and enthusiasm we have begun something that will bring our schools even closer to us as partners. I want to thank you personally for all that you have done to make this program so successful. I would also like to thank you and express my support for all you have done in the area of the Neighborhood Watch Program. You have been the catalyst that has not only continued our prior Neighbor Hood Watches but has also begun many others. I am looking forward to your continued success in these endeavors. If I can ever be of any assistance in making these programs even more successful you can count on me for what you may need. Please keep up the excellent work you have been doing. It is comforting to know that I can count on your expertise and knowledge in these areas. Sincerely, jor , , I Off;V,!.j'-.WINSIII 1146...11V. • Harold 'O. Martin III Chief of Police Cc: Lt. Donald Schwartzkopf S/Sgt. Ronald Diederich Public Safety Committee file %mos,' 7 HandsiAna "If there is anything we can do,we The district now has to go through the y f t i + symbols would at least like to move the park clos- zoning process to change it,which could 4 k �x er to the school.If I hadn't done some- take a minimum of six weeks and would f' ; I Colors thing about this on Monday,then there give the public the chance to comment we f , i�� Slogans would have been a park,"she said. 3 7 �* ' p d. throughout the process. ; � ; !=_— �'Initials Miller,a single mother of two children Miller said the park is too close to her ''," ' Numbers who has lived in the neighborhood for 15 home and will attract gang members and u V years,said she is not opposed to the park drug dealers.Residents in this northwest- I" ,♦1 CClothingitself,but she is"against where they are ern Aurora neighborhood banded togeth- { . Hats putting it and the Park District not telling er with police to squash a growing crime • us it was coming." problem a few years ago,and the park is Construction stopped Monday after- seen as a potential magnet for new trou- ' noon when the city of Aurora found the ble. parcel was still zoned residential instead A call to Bill Catching,assistant chief of of for public use,which Vaughan ac- staff to Aurora Mayor David Stover,started knowledged was"a mistake"by the Park District. ❖Turn to TOT,A2 i:: WELCOME HOME DONNELLCOLLINS/STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER Participants at the inaugural Yorkville Educators Police Academy view a display of several differ-' iS ent signs which can indicate gang activity,in- :; (( f ', eluding the apparent tridents formed by Indiana. ►A C K E R- -- Iitln I ` E University's symbol and by the wrinkles in the ,,.,,,,,-s. , t• Z forehead of the Chicago Blackhawks emblem._. Y IHB T� DAY -. �t ki4k R"' in Nr�r Y - � rte �� ,, , Police _. :! /, t r ti is Y4, , E O ..„....:: ., ,. 3 Yorkville . . ,,,.„ , ,.--.. ,..:,,,„„ �~ hold class -, A N% V ,.Li,X1., \''••••-:-,,-,'' $ s 15- � \ , . .,, ,,,,,: �. . ,, for teachers ..„.„,,,,,_.,_ tt n � � ., A ,= • ' ', _ ,•-„,., ■Summer school: First dam �' 1 . `Educators Police Academy''. W Z ; Z;; s� set to hold its graduation a "' � iz a By Dan Wantt }'•, 5Y jp .s �*,' - ; STAFF WRITER K f "�' Ya r-',,,'-,i-,4 kt� " w YORKVII.I.E—Students in summer school Ar r , here are getting lessons in anger management! ; 4P - �-'Y"=� '' / •�°'•�.�"s<-' ��K:.4 dress codes and substance-abuse prevention.- PHOTOS BY JONATHAN HOUSE/STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER No,this is not a detention. rrie Hassenheyer,at a welcome-home gathering at Marcley's Gas Station in Oswego Fri- In a bit of role reversal,the students in the from 17 months in Iraq. class are teachers and support staff from Yorkville and other schools in Kendall County. The director is Yorkville police officer Barry ds greet Oswego soldier Groesch,who,as a Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE)officer,is used to handling classrooms full of energetic learners. t y Asa • The nearly two dozen students in the inaugural Yorkville F:ri. ' y{ —3. , 'r r have been that and more,he said.Policeors Academy r • " `2 _,:r-Zi':,-....1,,,,,:,,,-4,,,',s "This is a really good group,"Groesch said • -,� during a break in a recent class session."What P r -. t., -- ,. i',g+ ,t$,',----;;:,-";,,,-,,,,'"- - you find is there is a lot of interaction among r ,, r the teachers." :"° 1 . ���' 3: ' 4.-. The class,which began meeting twice r .` ' weekly on June 14,willconclude ting twice y —F- with a graduation.The class roster includes t t J�_" �' educators,social workers,counselors and "` secretaries from Yorkville,Plano and Oswego - schools. "" � t ! l' ',' ilo The summer class is a special session of the j o�� city's popular Citizen's Police Academy,which �, in the past few years has offered training to i f: a ' / dozens of city residents. ,� • �• The idea behind the educators academy was �,, ✓ to bring the same kind of expertise and jd a/- information to the teachers and support staff.In c �r l ,e _ addition, teachers can earn continuing education credits for the class. Friends and family cheer as a car bearing Jill Wackerlin pulls into the gas station lot The police department provides each s for her homecoming. participant with a three-ring binder that t _. downtown Oswego, passersby on and that,sometime during the next Turn to CLASS,A2 i Lobby hours:8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday.Closed holidays. sil Prevention illustrates the Newspaper delivery CLASS proactive aims of the program, Joe Weber,circulation manager Groesch said. Customer service From Page Al 'Teachers are at the forefront of (630)844-5800 or(800)244-5844;e- influencing hundreds of young mail customerservice@scn1.com. students bring to class.After seven people,"he said. "The impact that Customer service hours weeks, papers were bulging from they have is tremendous." 5:30 a.m.-6 p.m..weekdays the sides of the notebooks. The Yorkville Citizens Police 7-11 a.m.weekends Students heard talks from Academy Alumni Association from 5:30-10 a.m.holidays Home delivery times experts in fields ranging from child the previous nine classes have 6:30 a.m.weekdays and holidays abuse to bullying to police special- helped the department with traffic 7 a.m.Saturdays.8 a.m.Sundays. response operations.The speakers details,special events, equipment -If you do not receive your paper by and topics included: fund donations and a number of our delivery deadline,please call ■Dr.Alan Rosenberg,emergency other projects. .customer service before 10'a.m. services director for Rush-Copley The educators' group will be :weekdays(or 11 a.m.weekends) Medical Center spoke on the encouraged to take what it has 'noon.ee will deliver your paper by characteristics and and learned back to their schools, Pricing consequences of drug abuse. Groesch said. Home delivery:$3.25 weekly;$2.25 ■ Kendall County First Assistant "For me, it's good to have the Friday-Sunday;$1.50 Sunday(plus in- State's Attorney Eric Weis talked camaraderie of other teachers,"said termittent holiday issues).Mail sub- about the prosecution of juvenile Yorkville Middle School teacher Pat scriptions:$4 weekly.Newsstand prices: crimes. Auberry. "We're all in this together, 50.cents daily,$1.50 Sunday. • Members of the Aurora Police and we have a chance to discuss Advertising Gang Task Force showed signs and these issues openly." Display advertising symbols that could identify street Auberry,who also took an earlier Robert Wall,manager gang activity. Citizens Police Academy course, Call(630)844-5858 from 8 a.m.to 5 Groesch said just because the said gearing the session specifically p.m. weekdays. issues are covered in class does not for educators was particularly Classified advertising: indicate that they are a significant beneficial. Call(630)844-5811 from 8:30 a.m.to problem in area schools. "I think it's also been helpful to 5 p.m.weekdays. But the two-and-a-half hour the presenters," Auberry said. On-line advertising: session the 23 earpolice veteran "There are a lot ofgood questions Brent Albrecht,manager y Call(815)439-4377 from 8:30 a.m.to himself devoted to the topic of from the teachers." 5 p.m.weekdays Obituaries Call(630)844-5837 between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m.weekdays or 4 to 8 p.m. weekends and holidays Ancient brewery found i Peru Newsroom 1 l��/�/1.1 �/ 1 11 11 Peru Jim King,managing editor top city about 8,000 feet above sea Main newsroom number.(630)844- By Don Babwin level that was active from A.D.600 to 5900;Newsroom fax:(630)844-1043 THE ASSOCIATED PRESS 1000 and had a population of about Send e-mail to staff members at: CHICAGO—Here's an archaeo- 1,000 to 2,000. first initial last name @ scn 1.com logical discovery that the average guy The way Williams explains it,schol- _Example:jrussell@scnl.com at the end of the bar can appreciate: ars believe that the elite members of News question or complaint?Call Jim Alf ancient brewery. the Wan Empire who lived in the city ?; King(630)844-5881 A team of scientists from Chicago's hosted large gatherings.They invited To suggest a story or photo for any sec- Field Museum have uncovered in the subordinates from throughout the ' tion:Call City Editor John Russell g (630)844-5902 mountains of southern Peru a brew- empire,which stretched from north- ro submit a press release for any section: ery where more than 1,000 years ago ern Peru to southern Peru,roughly Call Service Editor Bryan Noonan members of the Wari Empire made an the distance from New York to Jack- ". (630)844-5885 or e-mail alcoholic beer-like drink called chicha. sonville,Fla. beaconourtowns@scnl.com And it wasn't just some mom-and- "People were being rewarded for Local news editors:City Editor John pop operation either,but something service to the state,"said Williams,de- EditorRussell(630)844-5902;Enterprise that could deliver the oods when scribingsomethingthat sounds a bit Editor Denise Crosby(630)844-5870; g Service Editor Bryan Noonan(630) dozens,if not hundreds, of Wari de- like a company picnic where the fac- 844-5885 cided it was chicha time. tory workers can drink with their Reporters:Mike Cetera(630)844- 'This was a very large scale of pro- bosses. 5853;Jim Faber(630)844-5889;Ed duction that they are undertaking Williams said these gatherings may Fanselow(630)844-5957;Angela here in order to serve large numbers have been particularly important be- Fornelli(630)844-5955;Matt Hanley (630)801-5414;Steve Lord(630) of people," said Patrick Ryan causetheyservedasameansofincor- 844-5926;Mary Ellen Moore(630) Williams,an assistant curator at the porating diverse groups of people who 844-5882;Dave Parro(630)801- museum. may have spoken different languages 5495;Rowena Vergara(630(844- The brewery may be the oldest into a"single political structure." Justina590Dan Watt(630)4-5891 large-scale of its kind ever The Wari would make chicha Wang(630)844-5891facility by found in the Andes and predates by at burning llama dung and guinea pig Web site least four centuries the Inca Empire, dung in fire pits to boiled water and www.suburbanchicagonews.com he said. other ingredients such as fruits or Scientists have long known the grains.Judging from the large de- Suburban Chicago Wari made chicha,a spicy drink simi- posits of used pepper tree seeds,the --;"i .,2 vii spapers lar to beer,but nothing on the scale of chicha was pretty spicy.The liquid the brewery they just found.Based on was then transferred from the ceram- it ._1/4s.co co''� Yorkville Police Department Memorandum 804 Game Farm Road EST. 1836` Yorkville, Illinois 60560 o� LI o I Telephone: 630-553-4340 � Fax: 630-553-1141 17<LE V1/4'>. Date: August 11, 2004 p� A A To: Department Heads flii.P1 IF From: Harold O. Martin III, Chief of Police Subject: Internal Job Posting Please display the following job posting for the benefit of an urrent full-time and part-time employees: The United City of Yorkville, an equal opportunity employer, is seeking a FULL TIME RECORDS CLERK for the Yorkville Police Department. This position is responsible for a wide variety of secretarial duties and a minimum amount of administrative functions. This position also involves considerable independent judgment in daily work activities. Duties include transcribing from a dictation system, entering data and general typing using a computer, filing paperwork, answering telephones and greeting the public. Candidates must have the ability to handle multiple tasks and maintain good public relations through the telephone and with visitor contact. Minimum requirements include high school degree or equivalent supplemented by at least 60 credit hours of college level courses, experience in computer data entry and word processing, typing ability of 65 wpm, a minimum of 2 years experience in general office duties, job related experience in dealing with the public in person or on the phone and must have successfully completed a background investigation with findings of good character and no felony convictions. Work Hours: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Monday through Friday or as needed. Salary: $26,910 - $35,535 Interested parties should deliver their application/resume to the Yorkville Police Department c/o Molly Batterson, Office Supervisor no later than 5:00 pm on Tuesday, August 17, 2004. H. 3 .. 44, va an At XII IMOD Ilk P 111 , — sT.Lifil ‘:,:f17,—;„//// 3l " 2 Friday, August 20, 2004 Dear Officer Delaney, I wanted to say a special thanks for the time you spent with the kids. They loved it and that was pretty apparent ! Once they started talking I didn't think they were going to let you go. :) I loved the fact that you talked to them about the "bus rules". That was great ! I printed a picture for you to show your little ones what Daddy did for other kids. Thank you again! Sincerely, Rita Feltes Yorkville Police Department Policy & Procedure Cadet Program Index 3.4.1 Police Cadet Arrest Powers 3.4.2 Selection of Police Cadets 3.4.3 Requirements of Police Cadets 3.4.4 Evaluation and Job Performance of Police Cadet Purpose The Cadet program is designed to provide better training opportunities for young persons interested in police work as a career and provide the department with a pool of qualified candidates for the position of sworn Police Officer. The purpose of this order is to identify the organization and administration of the Police Cadet Program. Policy It is the policy of the Yorkville Police Department to provide an environment whereby young persons at least 17 and not yet 20 years of age are selected and used for future positions as Police Officer. The primary emphasis of the program will be to provide training and experiences which will aid the Cadet in determining if he or she is well suited for a possible career in police work. The program will also assist the police department in evaluating the Cadet as a potential Police Officer. Procedure 3.4.1 Police Cadet Arrest Powers Police Cadets and Community Service Officers are not sworn officers and have no power of arrest, other than writing minor ordinance violation tickets. They will not carry any offensive or defensive weapons. 3.4.2 Selection of Police Cadets Selection of Police Cadets shall be in accordance with current City practices. 3.4.3 Requirements of Police Cadets A. Educational Requirements 1. Police Cadets must complete academic requirements as prescribed by the Police Department. 1 2. Cadets will not be allowed to drop or withdrawal from any course unless prior approval is received from the Cadet Supervisor. Such approval shall be given in the rarest of circumstances and then for good reason only. Academic performance will be one of the criteria used for evaluation. 3. Cadets will attend Waubonsee Community College on a full time basis. The Cadet Supervisor will meet with each Cadet at least once each semester to review the Cadet's academic progress and to assure that the Cadet is meeting all the educational requirements of the program. 4. Arrangements are made through the Cadet Supervisor for all cadets to attend college courses. 5. Police Cadets must submit a class schedule to the Cadet Supervisor after they have enrolled each semester and they must submit a copy of their transcript reflecting the courses completed and the grades achieved each semester. B. Employment Requirements 1. All Cadets will work at the Yorkville Police Department part- time (20 hours per week) while attending college full-time. During summer vacations, the Cadets will work full-time (40 hours per week). The Cadet Supervisor will have the responsibility of providing overall supervision of Cadets as well as scheduling their work assignments. 2. During the time Cadets work in the Police Department they will be assigned to different areas of the department for training and performance of duties. The supervisor of each area, or his/her designee, will assure that the Cadet is being exposed to as many training experiences within the section as possible. He or she will be responsible for evaluating the Cadet's performance and providing monthly reports to the Cadet Supervisor on the forms designated and using the criteria established. The evaluation criteria will be fully explained to all Cadets upon initial appointment to the department. All Cadets will receive a copy of the guidelines and criteria used for evaluation. 3. A Cadet liaison will be designated from each section of the department where Cadets normally work. This person will 2 act as the Cadet's training officer and will be responsible for exposing the Cadet to the normal activities of that section. C. Uniforms 1. All police Cadets will be required to wear the regulation Police Cadet uniform as described in the wearing apparel policy ( ). The only exception to this requirement is where the Cadet will be working a special detail and a supervisor has authorized the use of other attire. 2. Uniforms shall be provided five (5) per each Cadet. Cadets will be responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of their uniforms. Uniforms will be worn in the prescribed manner Cadets will not wear any stars, badges, shields or other police insignias. D. Duties of Police Cadets 1. Police Cadets will be assigned to duties and tasks which emphasize their need for training and familiarization with department practices. Cadets will be rotated through the different divisions and sections of the police department on a regular basis, usually monthly, and all Cadets will be expected to work in all areas during their tenure as Police Cadets. Cadets will receive their duty assignments from the Cadet Supervisor. 2. Areas of the police department needing the assistance of Police Cadets will make their desires known to the Cadet Supervisor who will attempt to schedule available Cadets to fill their requests. However, primary emphasis will be given to those areas which will enhance the Cadet's overall training experience. 3. Cadets may be assigned to work in any of the following areas: a. Administrative Division Records Training b. Investigative Division 3 General Assignment Section Evidence/Property Section c. Neighborhood Policing Patrol Division Traffic Division Complaint Desk Community Oriented Policing d. Other areas as may be deemed necessary from time to time. 3.4.4 Evaluation and Job Performance of Police Cadet A. All police Cadets will receive monthly written evaluations from supervisors in each area the Cadet has worked during the past month. These evaluations will be conducted pursuant to criteria established by the Cadet Supervisor. In addition, the Cadet Supervisor will conduct an interview with the Cadet at least every six (6) months for the purpose of evaluating the Cadet's general performance. The Supervisor will discuss the Cadet's scholastic standing, academic performance, and any other pertinent matters with the Cadet. In addition, overall counseling and guidance will be provided for each Cadet on an individual basis. B. A panel from the police department shall convene and review the performance or each Cadet for certification as to their qualifications to remain in the program. C. In order to successfully complete the Cadet Program, each Cadet must meet the requirements established by the Police Department. 4 Neihood ghbor Watch rows g terro be car or truck bombs," Homeland high alert,but would remain at yellow,or • •• Security Secretary Tom Ridge said in a elevated,elsewhere. with 'o ril Y i briefing for journalists. "That would be a The government provided a wealth of primary means of attack." detail that it had obtained in the past 36 The government said the new hours to 72 hours,butaseniorintelligence and the time:` intelligence indicated the meticulous official described it only on condition of planning of al Qaida. Ridge identified anonymity. The official described explosives as the likely mode of attack,as "excruciating detail" and meticulous • 64 captains: Approximately opposed to a chemical or,biological planning"indicative of al-Qaida." attack or a radiological"dirtybomb. The official said the intelligence 19 more blocks in the works. Ridge said the government's threat gathered from several sources indicated level for financial institutions in just the three cities would be raised to orange,or Turn to TERROR,A2 BY Dan Want STAFF WRITER YORKVILLE —Jean McBride says she never saw herself as a subdivision organizer, but she feels she does know a lot about being a good neighbor. That's why the resident of the Fox Hill � subdivision finds her latest project involving } the city's Neighborhood Watch particularly C 44 rewarding. � 'The best part is,.I get to meet a lot of nice people,"McBride said. J r McBride is helping the Yorkville Police Department Inside I 1 j� � identify potential areas for Nei hborhood Watch •Fox Valley `4 g communities blocks in Fox Hill on the Ian actvitie to p i s - = �_ city s west side.Now that the Tuesda for �„_ � ` . . 1 develo ment is nearin y P g National Night ' i completion after about 10 Out. Page A3 years, them city hopes to encourage ore community _ involvement in the program. ,q "We're trying to rejuvenate it a bit,' McBride " said. "After a time, people have moved away, ' ;`� new residents have moved in and phone., numbers have changed." '* 4.... 4 The Neighborhood Watch program ti encourages citizens to keep an eye out for –-4 4, I . suspicious activity and to report it to police.It's t Y also a way for people to get to know their vi/iii 1 neighbors. � So far, 19 potential new Neighborhood ., k Watch areas have been identified in Fox Hill, and McBride has been going door-to-door to let >, people know about the program.The goal is to enlist a block captain for each of the areas, - = which include about a dozen houses. 4-'4 � z "I've had a very good response from people" ` "� 3 she said. "Everybody is pretty interested in --7-7-, �„ getting •the lists updated." ��� ' McBride,who has served as a block captain �'.- �, � �F for her own neighborhood in Fox Hill since r f 45 2001, said her goal on her own block is just to' �" ` r. ss� let people know who lives in the area and to °':'?.4 a46a% 3a a � '.r4 t ��a ti f � `, have numbers to call. ;' h . t a I m more interested in getting a phone tree \ . ' 4' x ` "rr aidM` in place just in case its needed,like if there's a 10 lost child ora scam artistgoingaround the .q� 4 Ht i ^:. 1>E�YIVC.L - t exx ' ,, °,ri''-Yd r w,� � t �f _ neighborhood, she said. v As the city grows, the Yorkville Police `5 �� .�, . Department is looking for more neighborhoods � • ; r, " Turn to WATCH,A2 The Beacon News construction of some ouilaings require aaaitionai security mightprevent them from collapsing. measures, especially because ,74-j; A Hollinger The official said he had not seen thousands of cars and trucks travel 11 International publication such extraordinary detail in his 24 through these cities daily. - years in intelligence work. "Car and truck bombs are one of ' Office A U.S. counterterrorism official the most difficult tasks we have in - 101 S. River St.,Aurora,IL 60506 said the threat information is based the war on terror,"Ridge said. • . Lobby hours:8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. in large part on documentary Local and state officials were Monday Friday.Closed holidays. evidence obtained by CIA in notified earlier in the day and Ridge • " Newspaper delivery successful counterterrorist said new security procedures were Joe Weber,circulation manager operations,working independently already being put into place. ' Customer service - (630)844-5800 or(800)244-5844;e- • mail customerservice@scnl.com. Customer service hours rini 5:30 a.m.-6 p.m..weekdays "What we try to do with the block - - 7-11 a.m.weekends WATCH captains is we try to empower 5:30-10 a.m.holidays them," Groesch said. "They can Home delivery times From Page Al make it as much as they want or as 6:30 a.m.weekdays and holidays little as they want." • 7 a.m.Saturdays.8 a.m.Sundays. If you do not receive your paper by —and people like McBride —to That involvement might range our delivery deadline, please call join the Neighborhood Watch from going door-to-door to hand out customer service before 10 a.m. program. the monthly newsletter to elaborate weekdays (or 11 a.m.weekends) "When I was growing up, my block parties that include a car and we will deliver your paper by show,he said. noon. extended family was the Pricing neighborhood,"police officer Barry "For the block captains, the Home delivery:$3.25 weekly;$2.25 Groesch said. "If I did something basics are just walking the Friday-Sunday;$1.50 Sunday(plus in- wrong, my parents knew about it neighborhood and creating a list of • ' termittent holiday issues).Mail sub- pretty quick.Now,look at where we addresses and phone numbers,"he scripfions:$4 weekly.Newsstand prices: spend most of our free time. It's on said. 50 cents daily,$1.50 Sunday. the deck in the back yard, not on Groesch believes that programs : . Advertising the front porch." like Neighborhood Watch are part Display advertising As the city grows, and its of the reason crime in the city has Robert Wall,manager boundaries expand, Neighborhood dropped."Absolutely,I think it does Call(630)844-5858 from 8 a.m.to 5 Watch is the kind of community- work,"Groesch said. p.m. weekdays. builder that will help the city keep Police depat linent statistics show Classified advertising the small-town feel so many new that burglaries and incidents of Call(630)844-5811 from 8:30 a.m.to 5 p.m.weekdays. residents are seekingwhen they criminal damage to property in On-line advertising move here,Groesch said. Yorkville declined in 2003. Brent Albrecht,manager While the basic focus of the People interested in learning Call(815)439-4377 from 8:30 a.m.to program hasn't changed much over more about Neighborhood Watch 5 p.m.weekdays the past few years,the community or in becoming a block captain may - - Obituaries around it has.There are now some 64 call Groesch at the Yorkville Police _ • Call(630)844-5837 between 8 a.m. volunteer block captains in the city. Department, (630) 553-4340.' and 8 p.m.weekdays or 4 to 8 p.m. • weekends and holidays - Newsroom Jim King,managing editor Durbin said he told Obama. "Take Main newsroom number.(630)844- A my speech." 5900;Newsroom fax:(630)844-1043 j'� Of course Durbin was only Send e-mail to staff members first initial last name @ sail.com From Page Al kidding, but his story hints at the Example:jrussell@scnl.com clamor of politicians and regular -News question or complaint?Call Jim Still without a Republican people who suddenly want to ride King(630)844-5881 opponent, Obama still has the Obama's wave of national publicity. To suggest a story or photo for any sec- luxury of being vague. On Sunday, While there were more than a tion:Call City Editor John Russell he mentioned few specific plans— handful of Democrats in the crowd (630)844-5902 he briefly touched on "investing in (including Birch,who is running for " To submit a press release for any section: colleges"and putting an end date on the Kendall County Board), more • Call Service Editor Bryan Noonan the Iraq occupancy— instead were like DeKalb resident Becky (630)844 5885 or e-mail focusing on his vision and crediting Steczo. - beaconourtowns@scnl.com Local news editors:City Editor John voters for his successful national She claims she's not a partisan - Russell(630)844-5902;Enterprise speech. ' Editor Denise Crosby(630)844-5870; "Of course I was nervous," person, but while watching " Service Editor Bryan Noonan(630) Obama told the crowd, "but I Obama's Boston speech,she felt he ' 844-5885thought if I could match the was speaking her language. So ' -Photos:Donnell Collins(630)844- eloquence of the voters as they Sunday morning she showed up 5917;Steve Rosenberg(630)801- describe their hopes and dreams with her 7-month-old grandson, 5413;Jonathan House(630)844 Alden,who had "Baby for Obama" _ 5803. and lives,I would be OK." written on his forehead. Reporters:Mike Cetera(630)844- Durbin joked that he had run into - 5853;Jim Faber(630)844-5889;Ed Obama shortly before the keynote "I was going to write 'Baby for Fanselow(630)844-5957;Angela address and Obama had expressed Obama for the future,' but we ran Fornelli(630)844-5955;Matt Hanleyconcerns the speech he had out of forehead,"she said. 844-5926;925414;Mary StevenLord(630) reared wasn'tgood enough. But Steczo'spromises bythe Mary Ellen Moore(630) prepared g - ' Aad-FAA9•navo Parrn/Alm AM- "Rarack vmi're my friend and time Obama runs for president. ,c``° corp 0 o-n Yorkville Police Department Memorandum g 804 Game Farm Road EST _1836 Yorkville, Illinois 60560 Telephone: 630-553-4340 P * a 114 O Fax: 630-553-1141 County 4444.1 <CE ‘‘)° Date: August 20, 2004 , To: Chairman Larry Kot I Public Safety Committee , 4 4 a From: Chief Harold Martin / Reference: False Alarms I would like to look at an ordinance to charge those individuals and businesses that have numerous false alarms that we must respond to. We are experiencing an increase in false alarms in both sectors (especially Banks). I would like to look at an ordinance similar to that of Plainfield, or Batavia (see attached). With our growth more and more homes and businesses are putting in alarm systems. It is not unusual to have four or five false alarms at one location during a 30 day period. We respond to all alarms as if they were valid, as you can see this is not only a financial issue (cost of man hours and vehicle) but also safety. We have other issues in relation to waiting for key holders, and with the alarm companies themselves. I believe we should have some regulations in place to control this budding issue. AUG 18 21104 Yorkville Police Department Survey of Business Registration and Response to False Alarms Compiled by M.Batterson 8/19/2004 12:50 PM Location Business False Fire/Burglar Alarm Response Registration Yearly Exists? Fee Exists? 1-3 1-2 3 3-4 4 4-9 4+ 5 5+ 5-10 6+ 11+ 10-19 20+ Exemptions Batavia See Below Listing- Fire and Police Departments are separate. Police No Yes Any False Alarm = $25 Fire Dept. FREE $500 Carol Stream Yes $25 Yes FREE $50 $100 $250 State Licensed Practices/Businesses Elburn No No Lombard No Yes FREE $25 $50 $100 Montgomery No No Morris Yes $25 No Oswego Yes -- -_ -- -- Waiting for response Plainfield Yes $25 Yes FREE $50 $100 $200 7th Offense or more-see ordinance. Plano No No Woodridge See Below Listing- Residential and Business are separate. Residential Yes $10 Yes FREE $10 $10 $15 Business FREE $20 $20 $30 5-2-7-1: FIRE ALARMS: Page 1 of 1 5-2-7-1: FIRE ALARMS: "F:;:cactvra_ A. All users of remotely activating fire and/or sprinkler systems which are connected to a central fire alarm monitoring system in the City shall properly maintain said system and shall cause the said system to be in good repair and working order at all times. Any defects or malfunctions of the system shall be repaired by the user upon discovery of the defects at the user's expense. It shall be the responsibility of the user of said system to notify the Batavia Fire Department or the Tri-Com Communications Center prior to performing any work on the alarm system. It shall further be the responsibility of the user to notify the Batavia Fire Department or the Tri-Com Communications Center when the system becomes operational after the completion of work on the system. B. No person shall intentionally or negligently cause the transmission of a false alarm signal via said systems necessitating the response of the Fire Department. C. Any user who does not properly maintain its alarm system thus causing the Batavia Fire Department to respond to its location more than three (3) times during any calendar year for malfunction of the system or for failure to notify the Batavia Fire Department or the Tri-Com Communications Center of work to be performed or completed shall have its system disconnected from the Tri-Com Communications Center upon a majority vote of the Tri-Com Communications Board of Directors. (Ord. 81-3, 2-2-1981) D. The user of any system which intentionally or negligently causes the Batavia Fire Department to respond to its location more than three (3) times during any calendar year shall be assessed the sum of five hundred dollars ($500.00) per call for each such response in excess of three (3) times during the said calendar year. Said assessment shall be paid to the City. (Ord. 81-3, 2-2-1981; amd. 1986 Code) E. The alarm system of any user who fails to pay any assessment indicated in subsection D shall be disconnected from Tri-Com Communications Center upon recommendation of the City Council. The alarm system of any user who has had its alarm system disconnected for the nonpayment of any assessment shall not be reconnected to the Tri-Com Communications Center until all assessments have been paid and until all malfunctioning equipment has been repaired to the satisfaction of the Batavia Fire Department. (Ord. 81-3, 2-2-1981) 8/19/2004 5-2-7-2: BURGLAR ALARMS: Page 1 of 1 5-2-7-2: BURGLAR ALARMS: A. All persons, firms, partnerships, corporations and other entities, which in the future or currently are connected or otherwise utilizing the remote activating intrusion/holdup alarm equipment in the City Police Department, or are connected to a private alarm service or maintain a local on-the-premises alarm system, are subject to the terms and conditions as set forth in this Section. Failure of said users to abide by the terms and conditions set forth herein shall be grounds for disconnection from the system or refusal of alarm response by the Batavia Police Department, as the City may from time to time determine. B. All users of the system shall maintain their individual equipment in good repair and working order. Any defects shall be repaired by the user upon discovery of the defects. C. No person, firm, partnership, corporation or other entity shall, intentionally or negligently, cause the transmission of a false alarm signal to the City Police Station which is responded by the Batavia Police Department, and if it is determined that the false signal was due to the negligence or intentional misuse by the user, its agents, employers or persons under the supervision and control of the user, or due to the user's failure to properly maintain or repair its equipment, the user shall be assessed the sum of twenty five dollars ($25.00) for each false signal received and responded to by the City. Said assessment shall be paid within forty eight (48) hours to the City Clerk. In the event any user fails or refuses to pay the assessment made hereunder, it shall be grounds for immediate disconnection from the system or refusal of alarm response by the Batavia Police Department. D. Any user who has been disconnected from the system or refused alarm response by the Batavia Police Department shall not be reconnected to the system or furnished alarm response until it has been demonstrated to the Chief of Police that adequate safeguards to preclude future false signals have been taken by the user, plus proof of payment of past due assessments. (Ord. 87-6, 2-2-1987) 8/19/2004 ARTICLE VIII. ALARM SYSTEMS* P ge 1 of 10 c? e ALARM ARTICLE VIII ALARM SYSTEMS* *Editor's note: Ord. No. 1884, adopted Sept. 27, 1999, added a new Art. VI, §§ 4-200--4-216. Inasmuch as there already exists an Art. VI and sections with those numbers, the new provisions have been redesignated as Art. VIII, §§ 4-400-4-416. Sec. 4-400. Purpose. (a) The purpose of this article is to encourage alarm users and alarm companies to properly use and maintain the operational effectiveness and proper utilization of alarm systems and to reduce or eliminate falsealarms which may unduly divert law enforcement from responding to criminal activity. (b) This article governs systems intended to summon law enforcement response, and requires registration, establishes fees, provides for penalties for violations, establishes a system of administration, and sets conditions for suspension or loss of registration. (Ord. No. 1884, 9-27-99) Sec. 4-401. Definitions. In this article: Advisory board means persons designated by a governing authority that should be representative of the community, alarm industry, and law enforcement. The advisory board should review and recommend falsealarm reduction efforts and report to the governing authority (village board). Alarm administrator means a person or persons designated by the governing authority to administer, control and review falsealarm reduction efforts. Alarm company means the business, by an individual, partnership, corporation or other entity of selling, leasing, maintaining, servicing, repairing, altering, replacing, moving, installing or monitoring an alarm system in an alarm site. Alarm dispatch request means a notification to a law enforcement agency that an alarm, either manual or automatic has been activated at a particular alarm site. Alarm registration (or permits) means the notification by an alarm company or an alarm user to the alarm administrator that an alarm system has been installed and is in use. Alarm review board should consist of five (5) members as follows: the alarm administrator, a dispatcher or other person appointed by the law enforcement authority, a local alarm company representative appointed by either NBFAA or a local alarm association and two (2) members of the public at large, appointed by the governing authority to deal with conflicts/disputes that cannot be resolved at a lower level. Alarm site means a single fixed premises or location served by an alarm system or systems. Each tenancy, if served by a separate alarm system in a multi-tenant building or complex shall be considered a separate alarm site. Alarm system means a device or series of devices, including, but not limited to, systems interconnected with a radio frequency method such as cellular or private radio signals, which emit or transmit a remote or local audible, visual or electronic signal indicating an alarm condition and intended to summon law enforcement service of the municipality, including local alarm system. Alarm system does not include an alarm installed on a vehicle or person unless the vehicle or personal alarm is permanently located at a site. http://library7.municode.com/gateway.d11/il/illinois/2136/2171/2179?f=templates$fn=document-frame.ht... 8/19/2004 ARTICLE VIII. ALARM SYSTEMS* Page 2 of 10 Alarm user means any person, firm, partnership, corporation or other entity who (which) uses or is in control of any alarm system at its alarm site. Alarm user awareness class means a class conducted by the municipality or law enforcement agency for the purpose of educating alarm users about the problems created by falsealarms and responsible use and operation of alarm systems. Automatic voice dialer means any electrical, electronic, mechanical or other device capable of being programmed to send a prerecorded voice message, when activated, over a telephone line, radio or other communication system, to a law enforcement agency. Cancellation or responding agency alarm dispatch cancellation is the process by which an alarm company providing monitoring verifies with the alarm user or responsible party that a false dispatch has occurred and that there is not an existing situation at the alarm site requiring law enforcement agency response. Conversion means the transaction or process by which one alarm company begins monitoring of a previously unmonitored alarm system or an alarm system previously monitored by another alarm company. Duress alarm means a silent alarm system signal generated by the manual activation of a device intended to signal a life threatening situation or a crime in progress requiring law enforcement response. Falealarm means an alarm dispatch request to a law enforcement agency, when the responding officer finds no evidence of a criminal offense or attempted criminal offense after having completed a timely investigation of the alarm site. Holdup alarm means a silent alarm signal generated by the manual activation of a device intended to signal a robbery in progress. Keypad means a device that allows control of an alarm system by the manual entering of a coded sequence of numbers or letters. Law enforcement authority means the chief of police or an authorized representative of the Plainfield Police Department. License means a license issued to an alarm company to sell, install, monitor, repair, or replace alarm systems by an authority having jurisdiction. Local alarm system means any alarm system that annunciates an alarm only by an internal or external audio device. Monitoring means the process by which an alarm company receives signals from an alarm system and relays an alarm dispatch request to the municipality for the purpose of summoning law enforcement response to the alarm site. One Plus duress alarm means the manual activation of a silent alarm signal by entering at a keypad a code that adds one to the last digit of the normal arm/disarm code (Normal code = 1234; One Plus duress code = 1235). Panic means an audible alarm system signal generated by the manual activation of a device intended to signal a life threatening or emergency situation requiring law enforcement response. Person means an individual, corporation, partnership, association, organization or similar entity. Takeover means the transaction or process by which an alarm user takes over control of an existing alarm system, which was previously controlled by another alarm user. Verify means an attempt by the alarm company, or its representative, to contact the alarm site by telephonic or other electronic means, whether or not actual contact with a person is made, before requesting law enforcement dispatch, in an attempt to avoid an unnecessary alarm dispatch request. Zones are subdivisions into which an alarm system is divided to indicate the general location from which an alarm system signal is transmitted. (Ord. No. 1884, 9-27-99) http://library7.Inunicode.com/gateway.d11/il/illinois/213 6/2171/2179?f=templates$fn=document-frame.ht... 8/19/2004 ARTICLE VIII. ALARM SYSTEMS* Page 3 of 10 false Sec. 4-402. Registration required; application; fees; transferability; false statements. (a) No alarm user shall operate, or cause to be operated, an alarm system at its alarm site without a valid alarm registration issued by the alarm administrator. A separate registration is required for each alarm site. An additional alarm registration classification shall be required for alarm systems programmed with duress alarm or holdup alarm. (b) The annual fee for a registration or registration renewal for an alarm site should reflect the administration cost. No refund of a registration or registration renewal fee will be made. The initial annual registration fee must be submitted to the alarm administrator within five (5) days after the alarm installation or alarm takeover. An additional fee established by the alarm administrator shall be assessed for an alarm system programmed with duress alarm or holdup alarm. (c) Upon receipt of a completed application form and the alarm registration fee, the alarm administrator shall register the applicant unless the applicant has: (1) Failed to pay a fee assessed under section 4-409; or (2) Had an alarm registration for the alarm site suspended or revoked, and the violation causing the suspension or revocation has not been corrected. (d) Each alarm registration application must include the following information: (1) The name, complete address (including apartment/suite number), and telephone numbers of the person who will be the registration holder and be responsible for the proper maintenance and operation of the alarm system and payment of fees assessed under this article; (2) The classification of the alarm site as either residential (includes condo, townhouse, etc), commercial or apartment; (3) For each alarm system located at the alarm site, the classification of the alarm system, i.e., burglary, holdup, duress, or other, for each purpose whether audible or silent; (4) Mailing address if different from the alarm site; (5) Any dangerous or special conditions present at the alarm site; (6) Name and telephone numbers of at least two (2) individuals who are able and have agreed to receive notification of an alarm activation at any time; respond to the alarm site within thirty (30) minutes; and upon request can grant access to the alarm site and deactivate the alarm system if such becomes necessary; (7) Type of business conducted at the alarm site; (8) Signed certification from the alarm user stating: a. The date of installation, conversion or takeover of the alarm system, whichever is applicable; b. The name, address, and phone number of the alarm company performing the alarm system installation, conversion or alarm system takeover and responsible for providing repair service to the alarm system; c. The phone number of the alarm company monitoring the alarm system if different from the installing alarm company; d. That a set of written operating instructions for the alarm system, including written guidelines on how to avoid falsealarms, have been left with the applicant; and e. That the alarm company has trained the applicant in proper use of the alarm system, including instructions on how to avoid falsealarms. (9) That law enforcement response may be based an factors such as availability of police units, priority of calls, weather conditions, traffic conditions, emergency conditions, staffing levels, etc. http://library7.municode.com/gateway.dll/il/illinois/213 6/2171/2179?f=templates$fn=document-frame.ht... 8/19/2004 ARTICLE VIII. ALARM SYSTEMS* Page 4 of 10 (e) Any false statement of a material fact made by an applicant for the purpose of obtaining an alarm registration shall be sufficient cause for refusal to issue a registration. (f) An alarm registration cannot be transferred to another person or alarm site. An alarm user shall inform the alarm administrator of any change that alters any information listed on the registration application within five (5) business days. (g) All fees owed by an applicant must be paid before a registration may be issued or renewed. (Ord. No. 1884, 9-27-99) Alarm Sec. 4-403. Alarm systems in apartment complexes. (a) A tenant of an apartment with an alarm system shall obtain an alarm registration from the alarm administrator before operating or causing the operation of an alarm system in the tenant's residential unit. The owner or property manager of an apartment complex shall obtain a separate alarm registration for any alarm system operated in offices or common areas of the apartment complex. The annual fee for these registrations or the renewal of these registrations shall be the same as the fee for a residential alarm site. (b) If an alarm system installed by an individual tenant in an apartment complex unit is monitored, the tenant must provide the name of a representative of the apartment owner or property manager who can grant access to the apartment to the alarm company. (c) For purposes of enforcing this article against an individual residential unit, the tenant is responsible for falsealarms emitted from the alarm system in the tenant's residential unit. (d) Each apartment unit shall be considered an alarm site. (Ord. No. 1884, 9-27-99) Sec. 4-404. Registration duration and renewal. A registration shall expire one (1) year from the date of issuance, and must be renewed annually by submitting an updated application and a registration renewal fee to the alarm administrator. The alarm administrator shall notify each alarm user of the need to renew thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of the registration. It is the responsibility of the alarm user to submit an application prior to the registration expiration date. Failure to renew will be classified as use of a nonregistered alarm system and citations and penalties shall be assessed without waiver. A twenty-five dollar ($25.00) late fee can be assessed if the renewal is more than thirty (30) days late. (Ord. No. 1884, 9-27-99) alarm Sec. 4-405. Duties of the alarm user. (a) An alarm user shall: (1) Maintain the premises and the alarm system in a manner that will minimize or eliminate falsealarms; and (2) Make every reasonable effort to respond or cause a representative to respond to the alarm system's location within thirty (30) minutes when notified by the municipality to deactivate a malfunctioning alarm system, to provide access to the premises, or to provide alternative security for the premises; and (3) Not manually activate an alarm for any reason other than an occurrence of an event that the alarm system was intended to report. (b) An alarm user shall adjust the mechanism or cause the mechanism to be adjusted so that an alarm signal audible on the exterior of an alarm site will sound for no longer than ten (10) minutes after http://library7.municode.com/gateway.dll/il/illinois/2136/2171/2179?f=templates$fn=document-frame.ht... 8/19/2004 ARTICLE VIII. ALARM SYSTEMS* Page 5 of 10 being activated (or fifteen (15) minutes for systems operating under Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. standards 365 or 609). (c) An alarm user shall have a properly licensed alarm company inspect the alarm system after two (2) falsealarms in a one (1) year period from the date of registration issuance or renewal. The alarm administrator may waive an inspection requirement if it determines that a falsealarm(s) could not have been related to a defect or malfunction in the alarm system. After four (4) falsealarms within one (1) year period from the date of registration issuance or renewal the alarm user must have a properly licensed alarm company modify the alarm system to be more falsealarm resistant or provide additional user training as appropriate. See Appendix A* for installers falsealarm prevention checklist. *Editor's note: Appendix A is not set out herein but is attached to Ord. No. 1884, on file in the office of the city clerk. (d) An alarm user shall not use automatic voice dialers. (e) An alarm user shall maintain at each alarm site, a set of written operating instructions for each alarm system. (Ord. No. 1884, 9-27-99) alarm Sec. 4-406. Duties of the alarm company. (a) Upon enactment of this article alarm companies shall not program alarm systems so that they are capable of sending One Plus duress alarms. Alarm companies may continue to report One Plus duress alarms received from alarm systems programmed with One Plus duress prior to enactment of this article. However, upon enactment of this article when a takeover or conversion occurs or if an alarm user requests an alarm system inspection or modification pursuant to section 4-405(c) of this article, an alarm company must remove the One Plus duress alarm capability from such alarm system. (b) Upon enactment of this article alarm companies shall not install a device activating a hold-up alarm which is a single action non-recessed button. An alarm company must remove all single action non-recessed buttons when a takeover or conversion occurs. (c) Upon enactment of this article alarm companies shall use control panels tested for conformance to the Security Industry Association (SIA) Control Panel Standard - Features for FalseAlarm Reduction. (d) After completion of the installation an alarm company employee shall review with the alarm user the customer falsealarm prevention checklist (Appendix B*) or an equivalent approved by the alarm administrator. *Editor's note: Appendix B is not set out herein but is attached to Ord. No. 1884, which is on file in the office of the city clerk. (e) An alarm company performing monitoring services shall: (1) Offer a training period in which no request for dispatch by law enforcement will occur during the first seven (7) days after installation of an alarm system, but rather will use that week to train the alarm user on proper use of the alarm system unless circumstances necessitate immediate requests for response as determined by the alarm administrator; (2) Report alarm signals by using telephone numbers designated by the alarm administrator; http://library7.municode.corn/gateway.d1Ui1/illinois/213 6/2171/2179?f=templates$fn=document-frame.ht... 8/19/2004 ARTICLE VIII. ALARM SYSTEMS* Page 6 of 10 (3) Attempt to verify every alarm signal, except a duress and holdup alarm activation, before requesting a law enforcement response to an alarm system signal; (4) Communicate alarm dispatch requests to the municipality in a manner and form determined by the alarm administrator; (5) Communicate cancellations to the municipality in a manner and form determined by the alarm administrator; (6) Ensure that all alarm users of alarm systems equipped with a duress or holdup alarm are given adequate training as to the proper use of the duress or holdup alarm; (7) Communicate any available information (north, south, front, back, floor, etc.) about the location of the alarm; (8) Communicate type of alarm activation (silent or audible, interior or perimeter); (9) Provide alarm user registration number when requesting dispatch; (10) Endeavor to contact the alarm user when an alarm dispatch request is made; and (11) Upon enactment of this article alarm companies that perform monitoring services must maintain, for a period of at least one (1) year, records relating to alarm dispatch request. Records must include the name, address and phone number of the alarm user, the alarm system zone(s) activated, the time of alarm dispatch request and evidence of an attempt to verify. The alarm administrator may request copies of such records for individually named alarm users. (Ord. No. 1884, 9-27-99) Alarm Sec. 4-407. Alarm company license. The alarm administrator can appeal to an appropriate governmental body regulating the alarm company to suspend or revoke the alarm company's license when the alarm company fails to comply with the duties listed in section 4-406. In the event the alarm administrator cannot obtain required information about the alarm company from the governmental body regulating the alarm company, the alarm administrator can require the alarm company to supply the required information in a registration with the alarm administrator. (Ord. No. 1884, 9-27-99) alarm Sec. 4-408. Duties of the alarm administrator. (a) The alarm administrator shall: (1) Designate a manner, form and telephone numbers for the communication of alarm dispatch requests; (2) Establish a procedure to accept cancellation of alarm dispatch requests. (b) The alarm administrator shall establish a procedure to record such information on alarm dispatch requests necessary to permit the alarm administrator to maintain records, including, but not limited to, the following information. This information may be relayed by the responding officer at the time of clearance to law enforcement dispatchers, who will then record said information on the call record. (1) Identification of the registration number for the alarm site; (2) Identification of the alarm site; (3) Date and time alarm dispatch request was received; (4) Date and time of law enforcement officer arrival at the alarm site; (5) Zone if available; http://library7.municode.com/gateway.d11/i 1/illinois/213 6/2171/2179?templates$fn=document-frame.ht... 8/19/2004 ARTICLE VIII. ALARM SYSTEMS* Page 7 of 10 (6) Name of alarm user's representative on premises, if any; (7) Identification of the responsible alarm company; (8) Whether unable to locate the address; and/or (9) Cause of alarm if known. (c) The alarm administrator shall establish a procedure for the notification to the alarm user of a falsealarm. Options include but are not limited to the officer leaving a door hanger or notice at the alarm site. The notice shall include the following information: (1) The date and time of law enforcement response to the falsealarm; (2) The identification number of the responding law enforcement officer; and (3) A statement urging the alarm user to ensure that the alarm system is property operated, inspected, and serviced in order to avoid falsealarms and resulting fines. (d) If there is reason to believe that an alarm system is not being used or maintained in a manner that ensures proper operation and suppresses falsealarms, the alarm administrator may require a conference with an alarm user and the alarm company responsible for the repair of the alarm system to review the circumstances of each falsealarm. (e) The alarm administrator shall oversee the creation and implementation of a alarm user awareness class. The alarm administrator may request the assistance of alarm companies and a law enforcement agency in developing and implementing the class. The class shall inform alarm users of the problems created by falsealarms and teach alarm users how to operate their alarm systems without generating falsealarms. (Ord. No. 1884, 9-27-99) Falsealarm Sec. 4-409. Falsealarm fees. (a) An alarm user shall be subject to fines, warnings and suspension or revocation of registration depending on the number of falsealarms emitted from an alarmsystem within a twelve-month period from the date of registration or renewal based upon the following schedule: TABLE INSET: Number of FalseAlarms Fees 3 $0.00 4 50.00 5 100.00 6 200.00 each (b) In addition, any person, operating a nonregistered alarm system (whether suspended or never acquired) will be subject to a citation and assessment of a two-hundred-dollar fee for each falsealarm, in addition to any other fees. (c) An alarm user shall have the option of attending an alarm user awareness class in lieu of paying one prescribed falsealarm fee. (d) If cancellation occurs prior to law enforcement arriving at the scene, this is not a falsealarm for the purpose of fees and no fees will be assessed. (e) The alarm company shall be issued an administrative citation if the officer responding to the http://library7.muni code.com/gateway.d11/i1/illinois/2136/2171/2179?f=templates$fn=document-frame.ht... 8/19/2004 ARTICLE VIII. ALARM SYSTEMS* Page 8 of 10 falsealarm determines that an on site employee of the alarm company directly caused the falsealarm. In this situation this will not be counted against the alarm user. (f) The alarm company can be issued an administrative citation for failure to verify if the alarm administrator determines the existence of a consistent pattern or written policy against verification. (g) The alarm company can be fined if the alarm administrator determines that an alarm company employee made a false statement concerning the inspection of an alarm site or the performance of an alarm system. (Ord. No. 1884, 9-27-99) alarmresponse Sec. 4-410. Suspension of alarmresponse. (a) The alarm administrator may suspend alarmresponse if it is determined that: (1) The alarm user has six (6) or more falsealarms in one (1) year; or (2) There is a false statement of a material fact in the application for a registration; or (3) The alarm user has failed to make timely payment of a fine assessed under section 4-409 or fee assessed under section 4-402; (4) The alarm user has failed to submit a written certification from an alarm company, that complies with the requirements of this article, stating that the alarm system has been inspected and repaired (if necessary) by the alarm company. (b) A person commits an offense if he/she operates an alarm system during the period in which his alarm registration is suspended and is subject to enforcement and penalties set in section 4-414. An alarm company commits an offense if it continues to request law enforcement dispatch to an alarm site after notification by the alarm administrator that the registration has been suspended or revoked and is subject to enforcement and penalties set in section 4-414. (c) Unless there is separate indication that there is a crime in progress, the law enforcement authority may refuse law enforcement response to an alarm dispatch request at an alarm site for which the alarm registration is suspended (d) If the alarm registration is reinstated pursuant to section 4-412, the alarm administrator may suspend alarmresponse if it is determined that two (2) falsealarms have occurred within sixty (60) days after the reinstatement date. (Ord. No. 1884, 9-27-99) Sec. 4-411. Notification. The alarm administrator shall notify the alarm user in writing after the third, fourth and fifth falsealarms. The notification shall include: the amount of the fine for each falsealarm, notice that the alarm user can attend alarm user awareness class to waive a fine, the fact that response will be suspended after the sixtn falsealarm and a description of the appeals procedure available to the alarm user. The alarm administrator will notify the alarm user and the alarm company in writing after the sixth falsealarm that alarmresponse has been suspended. This notice of suspension will also include the amount of the fine for each falsealarm and a description of the appeals procedure available to the alarm user and the alarm company. (Ord. No. 1884, 9-27-99) Sec. 4-412. Appeals. (a) An alarm user may appeal the assessment of a fine, suspension, or request reinstatement to the alarm administrator. An appeal fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) will accompany the appeal by the http://library7.municode.com/gateway.d11/il/illinois/2136/2171/2179?f=templates$fn=document-frame.ht... 8/19/2004 ARTICLE VIII. ALARM SYSTEMS* Page 9 of 10 alarm user. Appeal fees will be returned to alarm user if the appeal is upheld. The filing of an appeal with the alarm administrator stays the assessment of the fine or suspension until the alarm administrator makes a final decision. The alarm user shall file a written appeal to the alarm administrator by setting forth the reasons for the appeal within ten (10) days after receipt of the fine. (b) If the alarm administrator denies the issuance or renewal of an alarm registration, or suspends response, the alarm administrator shall send written notice of the action and a statement of the right to an appeal to either the applicant or alarm user and the alarm company. (c) A second level of appeal is available to the alarm review board in cases where the alarm user is not satisfied with the decision reached at a lower level. (1) The applicant or alarm user, or the alarm company on behalf of the alarm user, may appeal the decision of the alarm administrator to the alarm review board by filing a written request for a review setting forth the reasons for the appeal within twenty (20) days after receipt of the notice from the alarm administrator. (2) The alarm review board shall conduct a formal hearing and consider the evidence by any interested person(s). The board shall make its decision on the basis of the preponderance of evidence presented at the hearing. The board must render a decision within thirty (30) days after the request for an appeal hearing is filed. The board shall affirm or reverse the assessment of the fine. The decision of the board is final as to administrative remedies of the municipality. (3) Filing of a request for appeal shall stay the action by the alarm administrator suspending a registration or requiring payment of a fine, until the alarm review board has completed the review. If a request for appeal is not made within the twenty-day (20) period, the action of the alarm administrator is final. (Ord. No. 1884, 9-27-99) response Sec. 4-413. Reinstatement of response. A person whose alarmresponse has been suspended may have alarmresponse reinstated by the alarm administrator or the alarm review board if the person has abided by one (1) or more of the following: (a) Submits an updated application and the registration fee; (b) Pays, or otherwise resolves, all citations and fines; (c) Submits a certification from an alarm company, that complies with the requirements of this article, stating that the alarm system has been inspected and repaired (if necessary) by the alarm company; (d) Payment of a municipality inspection and reinstatement fee of fifty dollars ($50..00). And one (1) or more of the following, if applicable: (e) Submits proof that an employee of the alarm company caused the falsealarm; (f) Files with the alarm administrator, a certificate showing that the alarm lispr hac successtully completed the alarm user awareness class as provided under section 4-408(e); (g) Files with the alarm administrator a written statement from a municipality alarm inspector designated by the law enforcement authority that the alarm or alarm system has been inspected and found to be in good working order or repaired so as to be in good working order. (Ord. No. 1884, 9-27-99) Sec. 4-414. Enforcement and penalties. Enforcement of this article may be by administrative action as provided in General Order 55.3 and/or by criminal prosecution, as provided in section 1-5 of the Plainfield Code of Ordinances for offenses under municipal law. http://library7.municode.com/gateway.d11/i1/illinois/213 6/2171/2179?f=templates$fn=document-frame.ht... 8/19/2004 ARTICLE VIII. ALARM SYSTEMS* Page 10 of 10 (Ord. No. 1884, 9-27-99) Sec. 4-415. Confidentiality. Information contained in registration application and applications for appeals shall be held in confidence by all employees or representatives of the municipality and by any third-party administrator or employees of a third-party administrator with access to such information. (Ord. No. 1884, 9-27-99) Sec. 4-416. Government immunity. Registration of an alarm system is not intended to, nor will it, create a contract, duty or obligation, either expressed or implied, of response. Any and all liability and consequential damage resulting from the failure to respond to a notification is hereby disclaimed and governmental immunity as provided bylaw is retained. By registering an alarm system, the alarm user acknowledges that police response may be based on factors such as availability of police units, priority of calls, weather conditions, traffic conditions, emergency conditions staffing levels. (Ord. No. 1884, 9-27-99) Secs. 4-417--4-420. Reserved. http://library7.municode.com/gateway.dll/il/illinois/2136/2171/2179?f=templates$fn=document-frame.ht... 8/19/2004 ARTICLE IX. BUSINESS REGISTRATION Page 1 of 3 BUSINESSREGISTRATION ARTICLE IX. BUSINESSREGISTRATION Business Sec. 4-421. Business subject to license. All persons conducting any type of business within the village shall obtain a permit annually to operate said business. The word "person" as used in this article means any individual person, firm, corporation, partnership or association, which operates or maintains any type of business within the village. (Ord. No. 2083, § II, 1-21-02) Sec. 4-422. Application form. The application forms for said permit shall be obtained from the village and shall be executed in triplicate under oath by said applicant. All information requested on said form shall be filled in by applicant. (Ord. No. 2083, § III, 1-21-02) Sec. 4-423. Investigation of applicant. (a) It shall be the duty of the chief of police to examine or cause to be examined all persons and places of business subject to license for the purpose of ascertaining whether or not such licenses should be issued. (b) The chief of police shall conduct a thorough examination into the background and experience of all persons seeking licenses under the provisions of this chapter. If such examination results in findings of fact which the chief of police believes may disqualify the applicant as a licensee, he shall report his findings to the village president. If the village president shall find that the license applicant should not be issued a license, he shall notify the applicant of this fact. The village president may instruct the village clerk not to issue a license for any of the following reasons: (1) That the applicant lacks good character and reputation in the community, which character and reputation may be determined by previous arrest record, association with persons known to lack good moral character, or exhibits conduct contrary to good morals. (2) That the applicant has outstanding judgments against him or is otherwise determined to be not financially able to carry out the activities for which a license is sought. (3) All licensees under this chapter using scales and devices in their business shall comply with all applicable statutes of the state dealing with weights and measures, and all such devices requiring certification by the state must at all times bear such certification. A violation of this subsection shall be cause for revoking the license of such licensee. (4) All licensees must possess proot of current inspection by the county health department, if applicable. (Ord. No. 2083, § IV, 1-21-02) Sec. 4-424. Fees. (a) The initial registration fee for said permit shall be twenty-five dollars ($25.00), and shall be payable to the village upon the execution of the application form by the applicant. If the applicant also has an alarm system, said payment will also suffice as the alarm registration fee. (b) The annual renewal registration fee shall be twenty-five dollars ($25.00). The registration fee set forth therein is non-refundable and is for one calendar year or any part thereof. The license fee shall http://library7.municode.com/gateway.d11/il/illinois/2136/2171/2180?f=templates$fn=document-frame.ht... 8/19/2004 ARTICLE IX. BUSINESS REGISTRATION Page 2 of 3 be paid to the village within thirty (30) days from January 1 of a calendar year or thirty (30) days from the initial date of said business within the village. (Ord. No. 2083, § V, 1-21-02) Sec. 4-425. Duration of license. The permit shall be issued for a one-year period or any part thereof and permits shall run from January 1 to December 31 for each calendar year. The initial registration fee provided herein shall be assessed on a calendar year basis and on or after July 1, the amount of such fee for the initial registration shall be one-half ( 1/2) the amount stipulated herein for the remainder of the calendar year. (Ord. No. 2083, § VI, 1-21-02) Sec. 4-426. Posting of license. The permits issued under this article shall be posted in a prominent location on the business premises. (Ord. No. 2083, § VII, 1-21-02) Sec. 4-427. Transfer prohibited. No licensee may assign, sell or transfer his license to any other person, firm or corporation, even if such other person, firm or corporation intends to conduct the said business, occupation or activity as the licensee at the location used by the licensee. Such other person, firm or corporation must apply for a new license in accordance with the provisions of this article. (Ord. No. 2083, § VIII, 1-21-02) Sec. 4-428. Penalties. (a) Any person, firm or corporation failing to register or violating any provision of this article will be subject to a citation and assessment of a two-hundred-dollar fee, in addition to the twenty-five dollar businessregistration fee, or any other fees. (b) Enforcement of this article may be by administrative action as provided in the General Order 55.3 and/or by criminal prosecution, as provided in section 1-5 of this Code for offenses under municipal law. (Ord. No. 2083, § IX, 1-21-02) Sec. 4-429. Revocation or suspension. Any license or permit may be suspended or revoked by the village board for any of the following causes: (1) Fraud, misrepresentation or incorrect statement contained in the application or made in carrying on the licensed or permitted activity. (2) Conviction of any crime or misdemeanor. (3) Conducting such activity in such manner as to constitute a breach of the peace, or a menace to the health, safety or welfare of the public or a disturbance of the peace or comfort of residents of the village, upon recommendation of the appropriate village official. (4) Expiration or cancellation of any required bond or insurance. (5) Actions unauthorized or beyond the scope of the license or permit granted. http://library7.municode.com/gateway.d11/i1/illinois/2136/2171/2180?f=templates$fn=document-frame.ht... 8/19/2004 ARTICLE IX. BUSINESS REGISTRATION Page 3 of 3 (6) Violation of regulation or provisions of this Code applicable to the activity for which the license or permit has been granted, or of any state regulation or law. (7) Failure to continuously comply with all conditions required as precedent to the approval of the license of permit. Penalty: Revocation of a license or permit does not prohibit imposition of any penalty for a violation of this Code. (Ord. No. 2083, § X, 1-21-02) Sec. 4-430. Confidentiality. Information contained in businessregistration application and index shall be held in confidence by all employees or representatives of the municipality and by any third-party administrator or employees of a third- party administrator with access to such information. (Ord. No. 2083, § XI, 1-21-02) http://library7.muni code.com/gateway.d11/11/illinois/213 6/2171/2180?f=tempt ates$fn=document-frame.ht... 8/19/2004 2004 To: Chief H. Martin II, Lt. D. Schwartzkopf, Sgt. R. Diederich From: Ofc. A.C. Jeleniewski #223 Subject: Proposal for outside Canine dog run. I respectfully request the construction of an outside dog run for Canines 'Sammy' and 'Jumbo'. Sgt. Diederich and I had discussed a potential location as the portion of grassy parkway immediately to the North of the outside dumpster storage area. I have included a rough sketch of the potential sight. Also, have included some ideas for materials to be used. There is a strong need for an alternative safe place to place our partners in the event we would be out of our vehicles for extended periods of time. I.E. should one of our vehicles break down requiring extended service, a motor vehicle accident, and or one of being injured on duty requiring medical attention, crime scene etc. Your consideration in this matter is greatly appreciated. Respectfully Submitted, c Ofc. A. . Jeleniewski ( O . 1 ' �� 1111 \\ 13 © O 1-,),(A. cod' L) s',c��s Flo: 0,r\ci 0,,e. 6c),2- Q- f3 ���clnc3 A-I- Lep;‘)-���Z c� e }- r ( A t\ -coke p I L� ;CA`s ucAS (.)LPper a*,cI 'Gt 5LT 0 pre. (I) "0“-t2. cam" l.,e.}m. c3c-Ice. Unkrle)l 'SGO >C`) T> "" ~� 1 '1C �cb'^a MCCOY CONSTRUCTION CO. JUN 2 9 2004 106 W. Somonauk St. Yorkville, IL 60560 Jay R. McCoy— (630) 553-9381 PROPOSAL NameYorkville Police Dept. Phone 630 553 4320 Date 15 June 04 Street Job Name 804 Game farm Rd. City Yorkville Street State j City State The undersigned proposes to furnish all materials and perform all labor necessary to complete the following: Excavate,pour, and finish dog run aprox. 12 ft. x 14 ft. Erect a 6 ft. (six) high chain link fence with two runs and two gates Construct a roof over the run to PD's specifications Cost not to exceed $2760.00 (two thousand seven hundred sixty and 00 dollars) All of the above work to be completed in a substantial and workman-like manner for the sum of ( ). Payments to be made each as the work progresses within days after completion. Any alteration or deviation from the above specifications involving extra cost of material or labor will only be executed upon written orders for same, and will become an extra charge over the sum mentioned in this contract. All agreements must be made in writing. Respectfully submitted, r10 ACCEPTANCE You are hereby authorized to furnish all materials and labor required to complete the work mentioned in the above proposal, for which the undersigned agrees to pay the amount mentioned in said proposal, and according to the terms outlined. Date