Public Works Packet 2004 01-26-04 4 United City of Yorkville EST.% �am 1836 County Seat of Kendall County �— 800 Game Farm Road —�= CO Yorkville, Illinois 60560 Q �1�G1���� o Phone:630-553-4350 'A,4. L2 . Fax:630-553-7575 ` Ne ELLE %\' PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA Monday, January 26, 2004 7:00 PM City Hall Conference Room Approval/Correction of Minutes: October 27, 2003 and November 24, 2003 Presentations: 1. Sewer Rate Study by Bill Nelson of Deuchler New Business: 1. Sign at Van Emmon & Heustis 2. Engineering Department - Additional Personnel 3. Water Report for November 2003 4. Route 34 and Game Farm Road Traffic Signal - Change Order#4 5. Meter Repairs Report 6. York Meadows - Plat of Easement 7. 101 E. Somonauk - Sidewalk Agreement 8. Menard's Commercial Commons - Final Acceptance 9. Public Works - Additional Personnel 10. Facilities Expansion 11. Wearing Apparel a. Public Works b. Engineering 12. City Hall Emergency Generator - Maintenance Contract 13. Rob Roy Creek Flood Study - Supplemental Agreement Page 2 Public Works Committee Agenda January 26, 2004 New Business: cont. 14. Vacating Ashe Road 15. Mill and Van Emmon Water Main Improvements Old Business: 1. Director of Public Works Salary Survey 2. Subdivision Ordinance Revisions 3. Proposed Wetlands Ordinance Additional Business: Page 1 of 4 UNITED CITY OF YORKVII,LE DRAFT PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEETING CITY HALL CONFERENCE ROOM MONDAY,OCTOBER 27,2003 7:00 P.M. In Attendance: Alderman Joe Besco Alderman Richard Sticka Alderman Larry Kot Public Works Director Eric Dhuse City Engineer Joe Wywrot APPROVAL/CORRECTIONS OF RAIN TREE CHANGE ORDER City Engineer Joe Wywrot recommended a change order for Rain Tree. The committee agreed to the change order. This item will go to COW on November 4, 2003. APPLE TREE COURT CHANGE ORDER City Engineer Joe Wywrot stated that this item was the final balancing change order for Apple Tree Court.It is a decrease of$4,400.He said that they agreed with the contractor on the final quantities. He said approving this change order will allow making the final pay out. The committee agreed to the change order. This item will go to COW on November 4, 2003. COUNTY COUNCIL OF MAYORS Mr. Wywrot said that he attended the last meeting of the County Council of Mayors.He mentioned that a couple items discussed involved the City of Yorkville.He said that they did move the Game Farm Road/Somonauk Road project out of the Multi-Year Program. Also they are on track for the Capital Improvement Program that would fund engineering at the beginning of next year. He said that it is important that they not delay that because it is a very slow and tedious process going through the funding process with the Federal Highway Administration. Alderman Richard Sticka asked how much money the project would cost. Mr. Wywrot said that it was just fewer than 1.5 million dollars. This item was for information only.No action taken. EMERGENCY PREUMPTION PROJECT Mr. Wywrot stated that City Administrator Tony Graff had initiated with the Kane County Council when he was Chief of Police, about a project to retrofit audio electronics and frequency- systems into traffic lights and emergency vehicles. This would allow emergency vehicles to change the traffic lights by using the frequency device. Alderman Kot thought that it would be an item worth looking into again. Page 2 of 4 Mr. Wywrot said that he would call Mike Hintzman at the BKFD and ask if they are interested in this project. He said that if they are interested in this that it would cost money to do the project. The proper equipment would need to be installed in all the traffic lights in order for it to work. This item will come back to the next Public Works meeting on November 24, 2003. WELLS 8&9 TREATMENT FACILITY Mr. Wywrot stated that in order for the exterior of the building to meet the city standards,there would be additional costs$4,900. The committee agreed to the change order of$4,900. This item will go to COW on November 4, 2003. WATER REPORT FOR AUGUST 2003 Public Works Director Eric Dhuse said that there was almost 35 million gallons of water pumped this month.He stated that it was 3 million more than they pumped last year at this time. The reason for it is all the new subdivision water systems that have been put in. This item will go to COW on November 4, 2003. KANE COUNTY GIS DATA Mr. Wywrot informed the committee that he has signed off on this project at the suggestion of Mr. Graff. This involves using based mapping data from Kendall County. No action on this item. GENO PARKING LOT CHANGE ORDER Mr. Wywrot said that this is for adding a line item. They added a parking lot light that was damaged during a wind storm in July.He said that the light has been put up already and that he is pleased with it. The committee agreed to the change order. This item will go to COW on November 4, 2003. GRAND RESERVE PLAT OF EASEMENT Mr. Wywrot stated that this was for a sanitary sewer/public utility easement. It will go from the Well 8 site from Mill Road. The committee gave approval for the easement. This item will go to COW on November 4,2003. SEWER REPAIR Mr. Dhuse said that this if for work that they need to perform out at Countryside and Blackberry Lane. He said that he has received 3 different bids. He said that one in particular was from Performance Pipeline from Ottawa that would actually come in a line the service. He said that they came in much cheaper than the other 2 bidders. He said that the other 2 bids also did not include a few crucial services. Page 3 of 4 Mr. Dhuse suggested going with Performance Pipeline out of Ottawa. He said that since the item is under$5,000 the Mayor could sign off on the project. No further action is needed on this item. LEAF VACUUM Mr. Dhuse said that this item includes the purchase of a new leaf vacuum. He said that they have it in the budget of this year. He said that they checked their RFP's and there was just one bidder. The bidder is Standard Equipment out of Chicago. He said that he went to St. Charles to look at the unit and that it does a great job. He said that it would also suck up storm sewer catch basin bottoms. The committee agreed to the purchase of the leaf vacuum. This item will go to COW on November 4, 2003. HAMMONDS STORM WATER MANAGEMENT Mr. Wywrot stated that Mr. Graff had requested for Smith Engineering to put together a proposal to re-look at Hammond Lake. He said that they need to get an outfall for the pond. He said it would be better to know what is required rather than having the engineering company figure out what steps to take.He said the problem with the Smith Engineering proposal is that it does not deal with the environmental issues that need to dealt with down at the Fox River. He said that the proposal needs to be revised before it goes on to the Committee of the Whole. This would include expanding the scope of work so that it would include dealing with the environmental issues. This item will come back to the next Public Works meeting on November 24, 2003. IN TOWN PROGRAM ENGINEERING UPDATE Mr. Wywrot stated that this item will be on the City Council Agenda tomorrow October 28, 2003 for approval of the contract. This item will be removed off the agenda upon the approval of the contract by the City Council. STOP SIGNS AT THE CORNERS of GREENBRIER and WALSH Mr. Wywrot reported that upon Attorney Kramer's review he found no justification for the stop signs at Greenbrier and Walsh. Attorney Kramer suggested taking out the signs.Yield signs will be put up at the corners instead. This item will go to COW on November 24, 2003. DIRECTOR of PUBLIC WORKS SALARY SURVEY Alderman Besco asked if the survey included any recent reviews. Mr. Dhuse said yes, the information is located at the bottom of the salary survey. In his first year the Director of Public Works salary was$61,000. This year it came in at$66,900. Compared to last year he received a 2%raise. It was difficult to compare with other towns because there was nothing to compare it to. Alderman Kot felt it was important to take a look into this so that they keep the salary competitive. He said it is important to look at salary ranges time to time. Alderman Sticka suggested getting more salary range information to give them a broader look at Public Work Director Salaries. Page 4 of 4 Alderman Kot said they would also need to take a look into the budget and whether or not they have made a salary adjustment during the middle of the budget year. He felt it was important to take a look at all Department Head salaries. Alderman Besco said that he would get the salary range and bring an update next month. This item will come back to the next Public Works meeting in November 24, 2003. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: Mr.Dhuse stated that he met with Dennis Dwyer, about schedules of completion the Liberty Street Project and Mill&Van Emmon. Mr. Dwyer said that it should be 20 working days for completion. This is barring any bad weather. That should put the completion about the middle of November. Mr. Dhuse also mentioned that they had had two more watermain breaks. One was off East Ridge on Mill Street. The other watermain break was at Hydraulic and Heustis. Alderman Richard Sticka informed the committee that there are weeds that need to be cut down near the south end of the bridge. He said there are also weeds along the sidewalk near the old Court House that need tending to.Mr.Dhuse said he would check into it. Meeting adjourned at: 8:20 p.m. Minutes by: Theresa Brady UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEETING DRAFT MONDAY,NOVEMBER 24,2003 7:00 p.m. In Attendance: Mayor Art Prochaska Alderman Joe Besco Alderman Rich Sticka City Engineer Joe Wywrot Public Works Director Eric Dhuse APPROVAL CORRECTION OF MINUTES: SEPTEMBER 22,2003 These minutes were approved with a few corrections made. NEW BUSINESS: Fox Mill Landing Utility Easements and Final Acceptance City Engineer Joe Wywrot recommended that the committee approve this easement then go on to COW for approval of the utility easement. This item will go to COW on December 2, 2003. Dickson Court Roadway Improvements Change Order Mr. Wywrot stated that this was a final balancing change order. It would be a$1,800 decrease. He recommended that this change order be approved. This item will go to COW on December 2, 2003. Raintree Village Unit 1 Bond Reduction Mr. Wywrot said that this reduction is for dirt work only, in Unit 1. He said he concurred with the amount of work completed but had to do correction to the amount of the reduction. Mr. Wywrot said that the reduction that he is recommending is not quite as much as Concord Homes had requested. Mr. Wywrot recommended the reduction to be approved in the amount of$689,483.17. This item will go to COW on December 2, 2003. Savitski Property Letter of Credit Mr. Wywrot stated that this particular letter of credit would be for earthwork and landscaping. He is recommending an extension of 6 months. He said that Mark Savitski, the owner of the property, has agreed to the extension. This item will go on to COW on December 2, 2003. Storm Sewer Repair Public Works Director Eric Dhuse reported that Public Works encountered an old storm sewer in the down town area between the two bank parking lots on Van Emmon Street. He said that they found that the sewer is a 3 sided structure with no bottom. He said that Public Works would like to go in and add some new pipe to the top and connect it with a field joint to the elliptical pipe. He said that he would like to recommend hiring a company that would provide an excavator, operator and laborer to assist the Public Works in this replacement. He stated that because this is not an emergency situation,that he would like to do this repair in the early spring. He said that this project must be done before the fmal repairs are made on Van Emmon Street. Mr.Dhuse has plans to get together cost estimates for the Finance Director. He said the cost will go under Storm Sewer Repair. There will be not action taken on this until early spring. City Hall Parking Lot Change Order#2 This item was tabled. Transportation Study Mr. Wywrot reported that City Administrator Tony Graff met with Smith Engineering at the end of October to clarify the scope of services for this study. Mr. Wywrot said that after looking over the study with other staff; they thought there needed to be changes made to the study. Mr. Graff spoke with Smith Engineering about the changes, and Smith gave an estimate of what it would cost to make the changes. He said that they could look at it from two prospectives. They could have the work done, with an accurate more up to date report in fmal form, or they could just use the report with knowing it has some things are inaccurate. However Smith Engineering has already made the changes because of a time constraint to get it in by the December 2, 2004 COW. The work has already been done. Mr. Wywrot said that Smith was not directed by the City to do the work. Smith thought that they had the authority to proceed with the work, so they did the work. The cost for the service is in the amount of$4,960.00. Alderman Sticka asked if the changes were made as the City would have wanted them. Mr.Wywrot said yes, but the proper procedure would have been for Smith to present a cost first and then wait for the City's approval. The committee decided this issue needed further discussion. This item will come back to the next Public Works meeting on December 22,2004. OLD BUSINESS: Director of Public Works Salary Survey This item was tabled. Subdivision Ordinance Revisions Mr. Wywrot stated that some of these revisions are already in progress and that the Subdivision Ordinance Revisions need only to be formalized. Alderman Sticka pointed out that under Tree Removal it should be reworded so that property owners would understand that if Public Works wants trees removed, the trees will be removed. The committee agreed to reword that part of the ordinance. It will be added that the Public Works will require that any existing trees deemed by the Public Works Depaitment to be dead, dying, or undesirable species, shall be removed. Mr.Wywrot thought the second requirement under the General section should be taken out. He said that he would first check with the Building Code before acting on that. Alderman Besco felt there should be words added with regards to the Lighting section of the Ordinance. Mr. Wywrot suggested adding a Street Light Deposit Repair in the amount of$5,000. This would insure costs for replacing or fixing lighting equipment that is often destroyed by the builders in the process of building on the properties. Mr. Wywrot mentioned that under the Wet Pond Bounce that he would put in a 2 ft. bounce for a 10 year storm, with the possibility of changing the numbers if necessary. Mr. Wywrot pointed out that under Storm Sewers/Detention the last section regarding compensatory storage should have been put into the Compensatory Storage Ordinance. Under the Watermain section, Mr. Wywrot pointed out the minimum pipe size for required fire flow were not mentioned. He said to get proper water flow for fire fighting the pipe size would need to be 10 inches. This detail would need to be added to this section. Mr. Dhuse said that the last item in the Watermain section they would like to see the developers compensate the City for water usage and bacteria sample testing done by the Public Works Department. Since it is the City that applies for the EPA permit,the City also accepts it and is responsible for it. If the developers want to do a supplemental test they can but it is the City that will do the initial testing and the developers should pay for it. This item will come back to Public Works on December 22, 2003. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: Update on Mill Street Road Work Mr. Dhuse stated that work was presuming on Mill Street. Mr. Wywrot said that since the roads are closed only for today and tomorrow, that the workers will continue late tonight if necessary in order to complete the work on schedule. Mr. Wywrot said that Aurora Blacktop paved and put binder down on Mill Street. Mayor Prochaska said that he would like to see a report from EEl on the lack of progress on this project as they are 2 months past due on the project. He said he has received complaints from residents asking why the work wasn't being done or completed. Mayor Prochaska voiced his displeasure with the delay of completion of the road work. He said he would consider his dissatisfaction when EEI goes to bid on another job in the City. He said he would also like for the Council to also consider the idea of putting together a program for rewards for being done ahead of time and/or penalties for jobs done late. He felt something has to be put together to help alleviate this problem. Mr. Wywrot said that he did speak with them and the subject expressing that they needed to get on the job. He also asked them for a report. Alderman Besco agreed that there should be some sort of policy for responsible bidders. Stop Signs at Heustis and Van Emmon Streets Alderman Kot mentioned that there was a roll over car accident at Heustis and Van Emmon Streets. He is concerned that more should be done to help people be aware of the stop signs there. There are concerns from people about the safety of that intersection. He felt the problem should go to the Public Safety Committee for examination. Mayor Prochaska said the problem is that there is the main street stopping for the side street. It is an unnatural way to stop. He felt that with the traffic patters going up to Circle Center that it is time to take another look at it and maybe find a new solution. The committee agreed to send this item over to the Public Safety Committee. Burned Out Street Lights Mayor Prochaska pointed out that there were still some burned out street lights that needed new bulbs, specifically on Center Parkway in front of the new bank. Mr. Dhuse said that he did speak with the contractor and told him the bulb should be replaced. Proposed Breaker for Public Works Skid Steer Mr. Dhuse stated that the breaker they priced for their skid steer does not work well on their machine. The breaker made for the Bobcat is more expensive,but they do have the money in their budget.He said that is a permanent purchase and not a replacement.He said that the cost is $8,500. Alderman Sticka suggested for Mr. Dhuse to get some bids and bring to the Committee of the Whole. Mr. Dhuse said that there would be cheaper bids than Bobcat, but the one designed for their machine would work best. Once Mr. Dhuse receives the bid information he will send this item on to COW. There is no more additional business. Meeting adjourned: 8:20 Minutes by Theresa Brady D CITY OF YORKVILLE N N m SEWER RATE STUDY N N SUMMARY OF ALTERNATIVES 3 E TYPICAL BASE USEAGE RATE FOR USE D CONNECTION _ TOTALFINCLUDED IN ABOVE BASE COMMENTS IALT. FEE FEE BASE FEE AMOUNT FEE $/2 $/2 cu_ft /2 $/cu.ft. $/connection z months months months r A $22.25 $18.00 1254 $0.76 $2,826.27 SSES Funded 30%by User Fee-70%by Connection Fee )k. _ 1 - -- - — _ 1 � - B $26.10 $18.00 980 $0.97 $2,601.27 SSES Funded 75%by User Fee-25%by Connection Fee it C I $28.24 $18.00 874 $t09 $2,476.27 SSES Funded 100%by User Fee-0%by Connection Fee NOTES: 1) SSES estimated total cost of$1,250,000 spread over 5 years. 2) Bruell Street Sewer is assumed to be funded over 20 years in all alternatives. 3) Bruell Street Sewer is assumed to be funded 100% by User Fees for all alternatives. o w N G:\788103045-001Jan041Sum7aAlts.wb3 01/22/04 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE To: Tony Graff, City Administr or . From: Joe Wywrot, City Engineer U. Subject: Engineering Department—Addition ersonnel Date: January 5, 2004 We are current budget calls for adding one full-time engineering technician this coming Spring. I would like authorization to advertise for this position internally for one week. If no applications are received, I would like to advertise in the local papers immediately, with the intent of having the position filled by the end of March 2004. We should also start thinking about the next step beyond this one additional position. We should consider hiring a civil engineer to help with some of the in-house plan reviews, letter of credit reviews, punchlists, coordination tasks, city-funded capital projects, etc. This person should have a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering and an Engineer-in- Training certificate, but otherwise have limited experience. We would need to prepare a new job description(Civil Engineer 1)for thismposition. Please place this item on th anuary 26, 2004 Public Works Committee agenda: ,4 rk- , r u CITY OF YORKVILLE �r _ I m� WATER DEPARTMENT REPORT f� •., MONTH November • 03 20 -- WELLS WELL DEPTH PUMP DEPTH WATER ABOVE THIS MONTH'S PUMPAGE NO. (FEET) (FEET) PUMP (FEET) (MILLION GALLONS) 3 1335 a03 184 11.268 4 1393 453 162 13.542 TOTAL 24.810 CURRENT MONTH'S PUMPAGE IS 6,062,000 GALLONS E MORE THAN LAST MONTH LESS 110,000 GALLONS MORE THAN THIS MONTH LAST YEAR LESS DAILY AVERAGE PUMPED: 827,000 GALLONS DAILY MAXIMUM PUMPED: 986,000 GALLONS DAILY AVERAGE PER CAPITA USE: 104 GALLONS WATER TREATMENT CHLORINE FED: 321 LBS. CALCULATED CONCENTRATION: 1.5 MG/L FLUORIDE FED: 287 LBS. CALCULATED CONCENTRATION: 0.95 MG/L WATER QUALITY AS DETERMINED FROM SAMPLES ANALYZED BY ILLINOIS ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY BACTERIOLOGICAL: 9 SAMPLES TAKEN 9 SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY (EXPLAIN FLUORIDE : 2 SAMPLE(S) TAKEN CONCENTRATION : 1.05 MG/L MAINTENANCE NUMBER OF METERS REPLACED: 2 NUMBER OF LEAKS OR BREAKS REPAIRED : 3 NEW CUSTOMERS RESIDENTIAL 37 COMMERCIAL 2 INDUSTRIAL/GOVERNMENTAL COMMENTS 3 Watermain Breaks ,Aprox. 167,000 gallons lost. Construction on Well 7 start( N. Side and S, Sime water main improvement on line UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE To: Tony Graff, City Administra or From: Joe Wywrot, City Engineer t Subject: Route 34/Game Farm Traffic inal-Change Order No. 4 Date: January 13, 2004 Attached find one copy of proposed Change Order No. 4 for the referenced project. This change order, in the amount of a $3,248.53 decrease, is the final balancing change order. There were no major increases or decreases in work items for this project. Please place this item on the January 26, 2004 Public Works Committee agenda for consideration. Cc: Liz D'Anna, Deputy City Clerk Illinois Department Request for Approval of Transportation of Change in Plans Date January 9, 2004 County Kendall Contractor Van Mack Electric Road District or Municipality Yorkville Address 2433 Reeves Road Section 02-00028-00-TL Joliet, IL 60436 Request No. 4 - Balancing ❑ addition I recommend that an ❑ extension be made ❑ to the above contract. ❑ deduction ❑ from Between Station and Station a net length of (Do not fill in unless a change in length is involved) The estimated quantities are shown below and the contractor agrees to furnish the materials and do the work at the unit prices. Show station location for major items. Items Description and Unit Quantity ' Unit Price Additions Deductions 1. SEEDING, CLASS 2A 0.07 85,134.50 % 8359.41 2. NITROGEN FERTILIZER NUTRIENT j 6.90 818.90 $130.41 3. PHOSPHORUS FERTILIZER NUTRIENT 6.90 818.90 $130.41 4. POTASSIUM FERTILIZER NUTRIENT 6.90 $18.90 i $130.41 5. EROSION CONTROL BLANKET 321.40 j 81.25 $401.75 9. THERM PAVT MARKING - LINE 8" 11 $14.45 $158.95 10. THERM PAVT MARKING - LINE 24" 3 S43.36 $130.08 13. CONDUIT IN TRENCH, 2" DIA., PVC 317.20 $6.00 $1,903.20 14. CONDUIT IN TRENCH, 2 1/2" DIA., PVC 90 88.25 S742.50 15. CONDUIT IN TRENCH, 4" DIA., PVC I 15.50 S12.00 S186.00 16. CONDUIT PUSHED, 2" DIA., PVC 46.50 $8.50 j S395.25 17. CONDUIT PUSHED, 4" DIA., PVC 65 816.00 $1,040.00 18. COND ATT I TO STR, 2" DIA., GALV STEEL 6 812.30 I S73.80 19. J BOX, SS, ATT TO STR, 6" x 6"x 4" j 2 S213.00 $426.00 20. CONCRETE HANDHOLE 2 $950.00 51,900.00 22. TRENCH AND BF FOR ELECTRICAL WORK I 543.7 $3.00 S1,631.10 23. ELECT CABLE IN CONDUIT, 600V (XLP - 729 I S0.70 • S510.30 30.FIB OPT CBL IN CON, NO. 62.5/125, 24F 47 $3.25 $152.75 31. EL CBL IN CON, SIGNAL NO. 14 1C 47 S0.55 I j S25.85 32. EL CBL IN CON, SIGNAL NO. 14 5C 21.5 S0.90 S19.35 33. EL CBL IN CON, SIGNAL NO. 14 7C 13 S1.00 $13.00 34. EL CBL IN CON, LEAD-IN NO. 14 1 PAIR j 180.6 $0.85 8153.51 35. EL CBL IN CONDUIT, SERVICE, NO. 6, 2C 166 S1.90 5315.40 42. CONC FOUND, TYPE E, 30-INCH DIAMETER 3 ! 8120.00 j S360.00 45. INDUCTIVE LOOP DETECTOR j 7 8165.00 81,155.00 46. DETECTOR LOOP, TYPE I 46.40 S10.50 $487.20 I Totals $4,841.55 $8,090.08 Net Chance ! $3,248.53 I Amount of original contract S S142,510.32 ❑ addition Total net ❑ deduction to date S 1,160.04 which is 0.81 % of Contract Price BLR 6301 (Rev. 2/01) J State fully the nature and reason for the change Balancing change order. When the net increase or decrease in the cost of the contract is $10,000 or more or the time of completion is increased or decreased by 30 days or more, one of the following statements shall be checked. ❑ The undersigned has determined that the circumstances which necessitate this change were not reasonably foreseeable at the time the contract was signed. ❑ The undersigned has determined that the change is germane to the original contract as signed. ❑ The undersigned has determined that this change is in the best interest of the local agency and is authorized by law. Signed Signed Highway Commissioner Municipal Officer Title of Municipal Officer Date Date Approved Recommended Approved County Engineer District Engineer Date Date Note Make out separate form for change in length quantities. Give net quantities only. Submit 3 copies of this form to District Engineer(4 copies for road district). If plans are required attach 3 sets. BAR 6301 (Rev.2/01) Page 2 of 2 METER REPAIRS PENDING DATE ACCT# NAME ADDRESS PROBLEM STATUS NEED RR INSTALLED -CANNOT ALWAYS 8/4/2003! 306030!GET IN - ESTIMATING BILLS 1 204220 NO METER 8/6/20031106040-02 NEED RR-CANNOT GET IN 8/5/2003 202041 NO METER NEED RR-HARD TO ACCESS FOR METER 1 8/5/2.003 READER METER STUCK AT 195700 LAST SEVERAL 1/6/2003 503140 BILLINGS 9/3/20031210170-02 METER NEEDSS NEW FACE-WORN OFF 12/12/2003.. 106130 SAME READ 1413 SINCE AUGUST 03 12/12/2003 106080 1SAME READ 4355 SINCE AUGUST 03 12/12/20031 1200801 SAME READ 51700 SINCE AUGUST 03 r 12/12/2003 146509 1DEVICE ERROR CANNOT READ 8/5/20031 312020 METER STUCK AT 74400 LEFT NOTICE 8/4/2003 2141301 NEED RR INSTALLED GATE LOCKED LEFT NOTICE 10/9/2003 352605-04 STUCK AT 1268 SINCE 7/17/03 LEFT NOTICE METER BEHIND LOCKED FENCE NEED RR' 10/10/2003 311020 INSTALLED I LEFT NOTICE NO RESPONSE FROM MXU ON HH AND 10/10/2003! 425480 PROGRAMMER LEFT NOTICE 8/4/2003 305090 METER STUCK- IS OCCUPIED METER REPLACED 8/ 5/2003 3110401 METER STUCK AT 59900 METER REPLACED 9/3/2003 210180-021 GATE LOCKED NEED RR INSTALLED 1METER REPLACED METER STUCK AT 70854 SINCE 2/03 8/4/2003 303040 BILLING METER REPLACED NEED RR INSTALLED BUSINESS NOT ALWAYS OPEN FOR METER READER TO 10/6/2003 603064 ACCESS METER 1RR INSTALLED METER REPAIRS PENDING 10/6/2003' 603060 (METER STUCK LAST 2 READS METER REPLACED 10/6/20031 2140201 NEED RR INSTALLED GATE LOCKED RR INSTALLED 9/9/2003 731128 IRR NOT WORKING REPAIRED 9/9/20031 733657,RR NOT WORKING REPAIRED 9/ 9/2003, 102124-05 STUCK AT 1679 LAST SEVERAL BILLS [METER REPLACED 9/9/2003 142630 STUCK AT 6600 LAST 2 READS VACANT 10//10 2003'' 418200!NO RESPONSE FROM MXU REPAIRED NO RESPONSE FROM MXU RR HAS 10/10/20031 30412402,NEVER WORKED METER REPLACED METER NEEDS TO BE REATTACHED TO 10/10/2003 40429102 THE WALL IDONE ERROR READING DEVICE HH & 10/10/20031 349416 PROGRAMER REPAIRED ERROR READING DEVICE-HH & 10/10/2003 344351 PROGRAMER-RR HAS NEVER WORKED REPAIRED 10/10/20031 355090 DEVICE ERROR ON TOUCH GUN REPAIRED 10/ 10/20031'318150 DIAL NUMBERS FADED HARD TO READ REPAIRED 10/10/2003 35206104 ERROR READING DEVICE REPAIRED 325406 NO RESPONSE FROM MXU WITH HH AND 10/10/2003 PROGRAMER REPAIRED METER COVER FADED HARD TO READ 10/10/2003 633060 DIAL NEEDS COVER REPLACED REPAIRED HOUSE RESIDED-METER HANGING BY 10/10/2003', 505090 THE LEAD IN WIRE REPAIRED DIGITS FADED- HARD TO READ NEEDS 10/1.0/2003 510140 1 REPLACING REPLACED METER METER COVER FADED HARD TO READ T 10/10/2003 509020 DIAL NEEDS COVER REPLACED 1IREPAIRED 12/12/2003, 410100 (METER LAYING ON GROUND I REPAIRED 12/12/2003 412021 TOUCH READ RETURNS"DEVICE ERROR" (REPAIRED 12/12/2003 421800 NO RESPONSE MXU HH & PROGRAMER 'REPAIRED METER REPAIRS PENDING 12/12/2003' 425460 NO RESPONSE MXU HH & PROGRAMER I REPAIRED 12/12/2003 425310 NO RESPONSE MXU HH & PROGRAMER 'REPAIRED 12/12/2003, 427040 NO RESPONSE MXU HH & PROGRAMER IREPAIRED NO RESPONSE FROM MXU RR HAS 12/ 12/20031 304124,NEVER WORKED REPLACED METER DEVICE ERROR WITH HH AND 12/12/2003 349416 PROGRAMER REPAIRED DEVICE ERROR WITH HH AND 12/12/20031 344351 PROGRAMER - RR HAS NEVER WORKED I REPAIRED 12/ 12/2003 139020 SAME READ 2 BILLING CYCLES REPAIRED 12/12/2003 318150 METER DIALS FADED HARD TO READ 'REPAIRED TP READS DEVICE ERROR CANNOT GET 12/12/2003 355090 READS REPAIRED 2/28/2002 349307-01 METER STUCK AT 3000 METER REPLACED 8/6/2003 138140 NEED RR-METER UNDER DECK IMXU INSTALLED METER STUCK AT 591 LAST 2 BILLING 9/3/2003240190-01 CYCLES METER REPLACED 10/ 3/20031 413050 UCK METER METER REPLACED 12/12/2002 201100 1STUCK METER AT68900 METER REPLACED DID NOT PICK UP CERTIFIED 2/12/2002 108060 STUCK AT 2938 LETTER DID NOT PICK UP CERTIFIED 2/12/2002; 108161 STUCK AT 1322 LETTER DID NOT PICK UP CERTIFIED 2/11/2003 511083 STUCK METER AT 57500 jLETTER DID NOT PICK UP CERTIFIED 1/9/2003 509030 STUCK METER AT 13700 LETTER OCTOBER 2003 - 32 1) 102070 208 W HYDRAULIC - REPLACEMENT 2) 128328 328 GARDEN CIRCLE -NEW 3) 128334 334 GARDEN CIRCLE-NEW 4) 128367 367 GARDEN CIRCLE-NEW 5) 128367 367 GARDEN CIRCLE - REPLACEMENT 6) 1300503 503 GREENBRIAR DRIVE - NEW 7) 130692 1692 WALSH DRIVE-NEW 8) 130881 1881 WALSH DRIVE-NEW 9) 138060 1372 CORALBERRY COURT -NEW 10) 142140 344 WALSH CIRCLE - NEW 11) 145566 556 POPLAR DRIVE-NEW 12) 146457 457 KELLY AVE -NEW 13) 146493 493 KELLY AVE-NEW 14) 146503 503 KELLY AVE-NEW 15) 148510 510 REDHORSE LANE - NEW 16) 148568 568 REDHORSE LANE -NEW 17) 149225 225 WINDHAM CIRCLE-NEW 18)236200 1806 CANDLEBERRY LANE -NEW 19)24018001 1818A COUNTRY HILLS DR-REPLACEMENT 20)241225 721 GREENFIELD TURN- NEW 21)241228 732 GREENFIELD TURN-NEW 22)344371 1371 CHESTNUT CIRCLE - NEW 23)349348 1348 CHESTNUT LANE-NEW 24)356304 1304 EVERGREEN LANE -NEW 25)413050 305 SANDERS -REPLACEMENT 26)421630 989 HEARTLAND DRIVE-NEW 27)421780 1136 HEARTLAND DRIVE -NEW 28)425250 935 HOMESTEAD - REPLACEMENT 29)425270 947 HOMESTEAD-NEW 30)427040 1034 STILLWATER COURT-NEW 31)428240 733 ARROWHEAD DRIVE -NEW 32)428330 798 ARROWHEAD DRIVE -NEW NOVEMBER 2003 - 38 1) 107155 707 STATE ST -NEW 2) 128301 301 GARDEN CIRCLE-NEW 3) 128332 332 GARDEN CIRCLE-NEW 4) 146563 563 KELLY AVE -NEW 5) 147897 897 FLINT CREEK LANE-NEW 6) 148522 522 REDHORSE - NEW 7) 201300 1256 S BRIDGE ST-NEW -COMMERCIAL 8) 205110-01 309 MILL ST-REPLACEMENT 9) 260069 2069 VILLAGE VIEW-NEW 10)260075 2075 VILLAGE VIEW-NEW 11)260104 2104 VILLAGE VIEW -NEW 12)304307001 1307 CHESTNUT LANE-REPLACEMENT 13)344338 1338 CHESTNUT CIRCLE-NEW 14)344375 375 CHESTNUT CIRCLE -NEW 15)349344 1344 CHESTNUT LANE -NEW 16)349357 1357 CHESTNUT LANE-REPLACEMENT 17)349359 1359 CHESTNUT LANE -NEW 18)356310 1310 EVERGREEEN LANE-NEW 19)421160 598 HEARTLAND DRIVE -NEW 20)421720 1106 HEARTLAND DRIVE-NEW 21)421800 1142 HEARTLAND DRIVE -NEW 22)425340 988 HOMESTEAD DRIVE-NEW 23)425460 1052 HOMESTEAD DRIVE -NEW 24)425490 1069 HOMESTEAD DRIVE -NEW 25)428130 602 ARROWHEAD DRIVE-NEW 26)441300 810 TERI LANE-NEW 27)460500 608 E VETERANS PKWY-NEW-COMMERCIAL 28)460501 608 E VETERANS PKWY-NEW-COMMERCIAL 29)504200 408 E COUNTRYSIDE PKWY-REPLACEMENT 30)738180 1004 WESTERN LANE -NEW 31)738320 864 WESTERN LANE - NEW 32)738963 963 WESTERN LANE -NEW 33)740803 803 CANYON TRAIL - NEW 34)740823 823 CANYON TRAIL-NEW 35)740834 834 CANYON TRAIL - NEW 36)740891 891 CANYON TRAIL - NEW 37)740895 895 CANYON TRAIL-NEW 38)740889 889 CANYON TRAIL - NEW UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE To: Tony Graff, City Administr for From: Joe Wywrot, City Engineer K �\ ' Subject: York Meadows—Plat of Eas ent Date: January 16, 2004 Attached find a copy of the proposed plat of easement for the referenced project. I have reviewed the plat and recommend that it be approved and recorded. Please place this item on the January 26, 2004 Public Works Committee agenda for consideration. If you need additional information,please see me. Cc: Dan Kramer, City Attorney A N 62'45'00'w p = 19'2915- U 32.59' _ )03.00 p - 06'15'25- i= '120.72 N 62'4500 W R = 1554.6} 6 = 2}9.,1 DR,VE }G.09' 10302 15' PUBLIC UTILITY 0 KENDALL L- 205 84' o°,e os'w = 36 CHORD EASEMENT (TYP.) zn ss s \ © 40.155 0"e 6 03'34'13'4 205.2 a' _ _ _---�— --=, ,�3i C S 401.`,00 E 50" ------ � -0466'14--,,. ,N=43 , ry` 1 -- -,� 19 96 R =�ea563 \\I 6-057 ,a\ c -,1 ff /// h E- 62 40 1 I. - V- 'J i �N 05 3 20 i/'//// 27 sz-�3r .� f ' /// V �i e BO �^ \/ //// \ ' i 40' 2m' � // J,P 'RR �E 4µ'E, ��� -/� / i III // // 2 '//j i // \ \ \ � \ \\ / /I I i 1/2 ?\\ \ 1 / 6�� 5F2/j 1, fr N 181823'55]"W i m 5�1 / \ / // -„-05',5c23 05 E // /V % 255 % 9 so' /i // ,G.� i/ 5. o I �` iY', ` / \ to e 6.19 k _Fc ,� / > /• •-g65 owls=-� /j _- a.6,�"�s -ems c /i/ )/?/// 4, `.1 / ./ M .25%96 �ao���= v S / a a� //// � ��� ''5' 49 as ao`w -'.--'-V92°'" 2 i �� 4 25 26' ��. 'z;• \-- ''''''' (---2/2 2 ---'___\ ,, 0 ow5. bj S,s MANAGEMENT 7.5. <- "•,.',0„,'''' i°" - / iv EASEMENT � '� �" \ ��sV ''6.-9.,,,9 z ��ll '/ \ 15' PUBLIC UTILITY_/---„ ,. j / EASEMENT (TYP.) f -\\\ >r,,- --4-5-'-' ✓ - (- -SGS 5' PUBLIC UTILITY w 5}3 29'3, EASEMENT (TYP.) vt / / - s 6,,'4s'oo'--------- ---_'.� r \ /,, „— , I _ / /// / "I/ I �I „ j '� �I , G I N ENS �I o „ ,,,,:,,2,,.„....0%,..z,...-' .o/_ SPG /'- /2 /' �' - ER 0��.�, I ' '1 ; �/ �,, ,NPS S�� /,j/ii,/ii%i%/ii/i/,�/ S�Og� 0, Li. /ii///iii///�///ilii// 1. 2 I f `n �I I � i-/iii/ _ --T�z w S W /� ,00.52' ;' \ r_4_____ o� N 5s,s'o0•:'37------------ ---"=-'------- - 153 04 42.00' `� ”---�z-- ...�_,' ^.-- j.','' f t_-- ------ 3C.00 I� 5:.09' _� 5 04-45`oc-w - - - IL. — 560 35 UCAS RTE. 47----- - 6000=E2 DRAWN 9Y: GAR/LAG CAD/DWG EASE REVISIONS PERU MORRIS YORK IV4/1�/01 SAO CHAMLIN ` ILLINOIS CHECKED BY.MR DATE' 3/01 /13/04I 3.M_T. A S S O C I A T ES YO RKVILL, - LEGAL DESCRIPTION EASEMENT PROVISION Lot 2, Block 9 in Countryside Center Unit No.4, being a subdivision of A NON—EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT IS HEREBY RESERVED FOR AND GRANTED TO Sections 20, 21, 28, and 29, Township 37 North, Range 7 Eost of ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY, NORTHERN ILLINOIS GAS COMPANY, the Third Princlpol Merldion, Kendoll County, Illinois COMMONWEALTH EDISON COMPANY, JONES INTERCABLE, OTHER PUBLIC UTILITIES, AND HOLDERS OF EXISTING FRANCHISES GRANTED BY THE CITY OF YORKVILLE, ILLINOIS, AND THEIR RESPECTIVE SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS WITH THE AREAS SHOWN ON THE PLAT AS "DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT" TO CONSTRUCT, INSTALL, RECONSTRUCT, REPAIR, REMOVE, REPLACE, INSPECT, MAINTAIN AND OPERATE UNDERGROUND TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS AND LINES UNDER THE SURFACE OF THE "DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT", INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION TO TELEPHONE CABLES, GAS MAINS, ELECTRIC LINES, CABLE TELEVISION LINES, AND ALL NECESSARY FACILITIES APPURTENANT THERETO, TOGETHER WITH THE RIGHT OF ACCESS THERETO FOR THE PERSONNEL AND EQUIPMENT NECESSARY AND REQUIRED FOR SUCH USES AND / _____,____H, r-- THE AND TOGETHER WITH THE RIGHT TO INSTALL REQUIRED SERVICE CONNECTIONS UNDER THE SURFACE OF EACH LOT TO SERVE IMPROVEMENTS 15' THEREON. A NON—EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT IS ALSO HEREBY RESERVED FOR AND GRANTED TO +ORTN 5' 5 THE CITY OF YORKVILLE , ILLINOIS TO CONSTRUCT, INSTALL,.RECONSTRUCT, REPAIR, REMOVE, REPLACE AND INSPECT FACILITIES FOR THE TRANSMISSION AND 40' 80' DISTRIBUTION OF WATER, STORM SEWERS, AND SANITARY SEWERS, WITHIN THE AREAS SHOWN ON THE PLAT AS "DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT", TOGETHER WITH A RIGHT OF ACCESS THERETO FOR THE PERSONNEL AND EQUIPMENT j%///-//////////j 1 NECESSARY AND REQUIRED FOR SUCH USES AND PURPOSES. ////// % • THE ABOVE NAMED ENTITIES ARE HEREBY GRANTED THE RIGHT TO ENTER UPON EASEMENTS HEREIN DESCRIBED FOR THE USES HEREIN SET FORTH AND THE RIGHT TO CUT, TRIM, OR REMOVE ANY TREES, SHRUBS OR OTHER PLANTS WITHIN THE �___1____J AREAS DESIGNATED AS "DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT" WHICH INTERFERE / WITH THE CONSTRUCTION, INSTALLATION, RECONSTRUCTION, REPAIR, REMOVAL, / REPLACEMENT, MAINTENANCE, AND OPERATION OF THEIR UNDERGROUND % TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS AND FACILITIES APPURTENANT THERETO. NO PERMANENT BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES, OR OBSTRUCTIONS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED IN. UPON, OR OVER ANY AREAS DESIGNATED AS "DRAINAGE AND /;, UTILITY EASEMENT", BUT SUCH AREAS MAY BE USED FOR GARDENS, SHRUBS, TREES, LANDSCAPING, DRIVEWAYS, AND OTHER RELATED PURPOSES THAT DO NOT © TYPICAL EASEMENT BUILDING CORNER UNREASONABLY INTERFERE WITH THE USES HEREIN DESCRIBED. THE OCCUPATION AND USE OF THE NON—EXCLUSIVE EASEMENTS HEREIN GRANTED AND RESERVED FOR THE ABOVE NAMED ENTITIES BY EACH OF SUCH ENTITIES SHALL BE DONE IN SUCH A MANNER SO AS NOT TO INTERFERE WITH OR PRECLUDE THE OCCUPATION AND USE THEREOF BY OTHER ENTITIES FOR WHICH SUCH l---15 PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENTS ARE GRANTED AND RESERVED. THE CROSSING AND RECROSSING OF EASEMENT (TYP.) SAID EASEMENTS BY THE ABOVE NAMED ENTITIES SHALL BE DONE IN SUCH A MANNER SO AS NOT TO INTERFERE WITH, DAMAGE, OR DISTURB ANY N?J TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS AND FACILITIES APPURTENANT ,...,°s 0o• THERETO EXISTING WITHIN THE EASEMENTS BEING CROSSED OR RECROSSED. NO a'� ,4e,,, USE OR OCCUPATION OF SAID EASEMENTS BY THE ABOVE NAMED ENTITIES SHALL 'etc' CAUSE ANY CHANGE IN GRADE OR IMPAIR OR CHANGE THE SURFACE DRAINAGE PATTERNS. /i/ FOLLOWING ANY WORK TO BE PERFORMED BY THE CITY OF YORKVILLE IN THE EXERCISE OF ITS EASEMENT RIGHTS HEREIN GRANTED, SAID CITY SHALL HAVE NO . OBLIGATION WITH RESPECT TO SURFACE RESTORATION, INCLUDING BUT NOT / So °8,iL \ LIMITED TO, THE RESTORATION. REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT OF PAVEMENT, CURB, // / GUTTERS, TREES, LAWN OR SHRUBBERY, PROVIDED, HOWEVER, THAT SAID CITY SHALL BE OBLIGATED FOLLOWING SUCH MAINTENANCE WORK TO BACKFILL AND i \ MOUND ALL TRENCH CREATED SO AS TO RETAIN SUITABLE DRAINAGE, TO COLD PATCH ANY ASPHALT OR CONCRETE SURFACE, TO REMOVE ANY EXCESS DEBRIS AND SPOIL, AND TO LEAVE THE MAINTENANCE AREA IN A GENERALLY CLEAN AND vI WORKMANLIKE CONDITION. 5 I, / STORMWATER MANAGEMENT EASEMENT PROVISIONS �J�� \��/�'7 / AN VILLEEASEMENT IS TSBY RESERVEDCEORAND GRANTEDSSIGTO THE UNITED CITY OF RKVILLE AND TO ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS OVER ALL OF THE AREAS MARKED "STORMWATER MANAGEMENT EASEMENT" ON THE PLAT, FOR THE PERPETUAL RIGHT, PRIVILEGE AND AUTHORITY TO SURVEY, CONSTRUCT, RE— CONSTRUCT, REPAIR, INSPECT, MAINTAIN AND OPERATE STORM SEWERS AND THE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT AREA, TOGETHER WITH ANY AND ALL NECESSARY •\ // / / MANHOLES, CATCH BASINS, SANITARY SEWERS, WATERMAINS, ELECTRIC AND COMMUNICATION CABLES, CONNECTIONS, DITCHES, SWALES, AND OTHER STRUCTURES AND APPURTENANCES AS MAY BE DEEMED NECESSARY BY SAID CITY, OVER. UPON, ALONG, UNDER AND THROUGH SAID INDICATED EASEMENT, // - TOGETHER WITH THE RIGHT OF ACCESS ACROSS THE PROPERTY FOR NECESSARY is,\ MEN AND EQUIPMENT TO DO ANY OF THE ABOVE WORK. THE RIGHT IS ALSO / / ss\ GRANTED TO CUT DOWN, TRIM OR REMOVE ANY TREES, SHRUBS, OR OTHER ,, PLANTS ON THE EASEMENT THAT INTERFERE WITH THE OPERATION OF THE / *-?\.',,,,,,:' SEWERS OR OTHER UTILITIES. NO PERMANENT BUILDINGS SHALL BE PLACED ON °, .,`?.§..54, SAID EASEMENT, NO CHANGE TO THE TOPOGRAPHY OR STORMWATER / .� ,f ry MANAGEMENT STRUCTURES WITHIN THE EASEMENT AREA SHALL BE MADE . WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE CITY ENGINEER, BUT SAME MAY BE USED FOR PURPOSES THAT DO NOT THEN OR LATER INTERFERE WITH THE x AFORESAID USES OR RIGHTS. THE OWNER OF THE PROPERTY SHALL REMAIN RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTENANCE // OF THE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT AREA AND APPURTENANCES. THE CITY OF YORKVILLE WILL PERFORM ONLY EMERGENCY PROCEDURES AS DEEMED q; a,r NECESSARY BY THE CITY ENGINEER OF THE UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE. o C '''-�'og.` THE EASEMENTS ARE HEREBY DEDICATED BY YORK MEADOW, L.L.C. 5\S i THOMAS RAGAUSKIS DATE ----- __ _I / THE EASEMENTS ARE HEREBY ACCEPTED BY THE UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE. _ 1 1 3.42' MAYOR CITY CLERK DATE ENDOWS SCALE: AS NOTED SHEET 1 ILLINOIS PLAT OF EASEMENTS FILE NO.: 3206.02Y-2 OF 1 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE To: Tony Graff, City Administrator ,, From: Joe Wywrot, City Engineer Y Subject: 101 E. Somonauk— Sidewalk- greeiient Date: January 16, 2004 Attached find a Sidewalk Installation Agreement for the property at 101 E. Somonauk. This property was recently re-zoned, and is proposed for re-development as a realtor's office. Site improvements include a new parking lot, storm sewers, and landscaping. Ordinance also requires construction of public sidewalk along public streets. The property currently has sidewalk along Somonauk, but not along Route 47. Since any sidewalk that might be installed along Route 47 would be removed when IDOT does there roadway reconstruction in a few years, we tentatively agreement with the owner to delay the sidewalk construction until after IDOT finishes the Route 47 project. The agreement is very similar to an agreement recently reached with the property owner at Route 34 and Eldamain Road. The sidewalk is required to be installed if any of the following three events occur: • When sidewalk is constructed along the Route 47 frontage of the property to the north. • Within 6 months of a request by the city to construct the walk. • Prior to the sale of the property to another party. Please place this item on the January 26, 2004 Public Works Committee agenda for consideration. STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF KENDALL ) SIDEWALK INSTALLATION COVENANT WHEREAS, the undersigned, BRUCE STEINKE (hereinafter referred to as "Owner/Developer"), is the owner of the real property upon which is now situated an improved structure (hereinafter referred to as "Property") described in the Exhibit "A", attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference; and WHEREAS, said Property, located at 101 E. Somonauk Street, in the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois, has been previously rezoned from R-1 Single Family Residential to B-1 Limited Business District ; and WHEREAS, the United City of Yorkville has heretofore issued a building permit for the construction of the driveway on said Property and, incidental thereto, requiring the installation of sidewalks along the western frontage of the Property adjacent to U.S. Route 47; and WHEREAS, at the present time, plans for the reconstruction of U.S. Route 47 by the Illinois Department of Transportation may affect the western frontage of the Property adjacent to U.S. Route 47, and the undersigned, as the owner, have requested of the United City of Yorkville that he be peimitted to delay or defer the installation of the sidewalks; and WHEREAS, the United City of Yorkville has agreed to allow Owner/Developer to delay and defer the installation of the sidewalk on the Property in further accordance with the provisions of this Covenant. NOW, THEREFORE, the undersigned BRUCE STEINKE, do herewith covenant - and agree with the United City of Yorkville that, in consideration of the City issuing the Building Permit for the commercial building located on the real property described in Exhibit "A", that the undersigned, or their heirs, successors or assigns, shall cause sidewalks to be installed along the western frontage of the property, in accordance with the Ordinances and guidelines of the United City of Yorkville, then in effect, regulating the installation of sidewalks, upon the happening of the first of the following events: (a) at such times as sidewalks are installed up to his property line on the adjacent property to the North, or(b)prior to the closing of the sale of the real estate by BRUCE STEINKE to • any third party, or (c) within six (6) months of written request by the United City of Yorkville for the installation of sidewalks. This Covenant shall run with the land and shall be binding upon and shall be obligatory upon the undersigned Owners, and their heirs, successors and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have executed this Covenant this day of , 2004 OWNER/DEVELOPER: ce teinke APPROVED and ACCEPTED: UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE By: Anton Graff, City Administrator LEGAL, DESCRIPTION WLY100 Lts 3 & 4 Davidson's Subdivision (Exc. Row Taking 94-7377), City of Yorkville. UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE To: Tony Graff, City Administrat r From: Joe Wywrot, City Engineer Subject: Menards Commercial Commons — nal Acceptance Date: January 16, 2004 Attached find a letter from Menards requesting final acceptance of the roadway and utility improvements for the Menards Commercial Commons development. They are not requesting acceptance of landscape improvements at this time. Also attached is the current punchlist for Menards. The only non-landscape items are submittal of satisfactory record drawings and reimbursement for a destroyed streetlight. We also became aware just this week of problems with a streetlight controller at the Route 47/Countryside intersection. The controller will probably have to be replaced, but that work could be covered as a warranty item. I recommend that the non-landscape public improvements for Menards Commercial Commons be accepted for ownership and maintenance by the City Council once satisfactory record drawings and payment for the destroyed streetlight are received. A one-year warranty period would begin on the date of acceptance. Please place this item on the January 26, 2004 Public Works Committee agenda for consideration. Cc: Eric Dhuse, Director of Public Works .474"777747 MENA „lye f . January 13, 2004 • Mr. Joseph Wywrot United City of Yorkville 800 Game Farm Road Yorkville, IL 60560 RE: Final Acceptance of the On-Site Roadways & Off-Site Roadways Dear Joseph: Menard, Inc. is requesting final acceptance of the on-site roadways and off-site roadways in Yorkville, Illinois. Acceptance of the Commercial Commons landscape improvements will be requested once completed, per plans and specifications. Menard, Inc. will address the cover problem with the 12"watermain on Kennedy near East Lexington and is also committed to grading and seeding the Parkway in front of Club 47 on Countryside Parkway. If you have any questions,please call me at (715) 876-2041. Sincerely, Roger Arens Project Manager Lumberyard Division Menard, Inc. RA/sh cc: Scott Collette Jim Carlson er�N A Res <\1960 I 43`d3 2003 D - Anniversary 4 lift O Ge'Id Ante" 4777 MENARD DRIVE EAU CLAIRE,WI 54703-9625 TELEPHONE (715) 876-5911 FAX:715-876-5901 0 United City of Yor<ville ssT.it0 A County Sear of Kendall County i _ 1836 800 Game Farm Road- _< r -- CI) Yorxviile. Illinois 60560 O i1, ' i Phone:630-553-4350 p �a.°� gym, Fax.630-553-7575 January 6, 2004 Ms. Roger Arens Menard, Inc. 4777 Menard Drive Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54703 Re: Menard's Commercial Commons —Punchlist Dear Roger: Below find the updated punchlist for the Menards commercial development in Yorkville. The items listed under landscaping will be performed by your landscaping contractor. General • Need record drawings for onsite and offsite roadway plans. These have been submitted, but need revisions. Smith Engineering has been notified of required revisions. • Reimburse city for destroyed streetlight pole on Countryside Parkway at the Club 47 entrance. The material cost of this pole is $1650. Water • Address the cover problem with 12" watermain on Kennedy near E. Lexington. This problem may be eliminated with the construction of Menard's Prairie Meadows subdivision, but we at least need a design and a commitment from Menards for solving this problem should that subdivision not be built. Landscaping • Complete landscaping according to approved landscape plan. • Need riprap at the following flared end structures: Nos. 244, 238, 301, 504, 830. • SW Pond: o Re-grade and landscape top of beim along west side of pond. • Central Pond: o Repair erosion around FES and place riprap. • Kennedy Pond: o Re-grade and landscape pond bottom per revised plan prepared by Smith Engineering and Mike Schoppe. o Re-landscape SW corner of pond embankment. • The berm along the north side of the pond has created a very steep drop-off along Kennedy Road. Call to discuss the best way to resolve this problem. • Establish healthy stand of grass along Lexington Circle where stoini sewer was installed. • Vegetate swale to Blackberry Creek downstream of FES 800 per plan. • Parkway in from of Club 47 on Countryside Parkway needs re-grading and seeding. The parkway should slope from the south sidewalk on Countryside Parkway to the Club 47 parking lot. • Complete the landscaping of traffic-signal areas, including disturbed areas on the opposite sides of the street from the Menards development. Please address these items at your earliest convenience. If you have any questions, please call me at (630) 553-8545. Very truly yours, Joseph Wywrot City Engineer cc: Tony Graff, City Administrator Bob Olsen, G. A. Johnson & Son, Inc. Public Works Hiring Schedule May 1, 2004 Increase Public Works secretary/receptionist to full time status Hire a full time Building Maintenance person Hire an Operators position through the Sewer Department. Use this person as a floating employee to assist any department with projects and routine maintenance. Timing sensitive new positions Water Plant Operator this position will need to be filled when our new water treatment plants are ready to come on line. This should be in June or July for the first one, then September for the next. Water Department MW II hire concurrently with the treatment plant operator. This person would be an addition to our water department to assist in all aspects of department functions. Water Department Superintendent—possible spring hire which would put it in the 04-05 budget, or a May 1, 2005 hire. With the expansion of our water system, this person will be needed to assist in the day to day running of all aspects of our water department. PUBLIC WORKS FLOW CHART Director of Public Works Eric Dhuse Assistant Director ,till 05-06 Water Sewer Streets Bldg. Maint. Support Superintendent Superintendent Superintendent Superintendent Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant Fill 04-05 Secretary Leann Kanan Foreman Foreman Foreman Foreman Full Time 04-05 Brian Sorensen Dave Behrens John Sleezer Operator Operator Operator Operator Joe Moore Fill 04-05 Fill 05-06 Plant Operator 04-05 MW II MW II MW II MW II Vacant John Enlow Matt Seng Full Time 04-05 Fill 04-05 MWI MWI MWI MWI Kevin Lawrentz Fill 05-06 Junior Collins Jamie Jackson Part Time Part Time Part Time ** Hire from sewer department,would be used in all departments as a floating employee. QUnited City of Yorkville County Seat of Kendall County EST.% 1836 800 Game Farm Road lA Yorkville. Illinois 60560 9la Glo��e� Q Phone:630-553-4350 A,„ NenanuCouMy �� Fax:630-553-7575 `4LE \v To: Joe Besco, Chairman l� , From: Eric Dhuse, Public Works Date: January 20, 2004 Re: PW Addition Joe, At this time, Public Works is operating out of a shop that is rapidly becoming too small. With the growth of the city and the expansion of the water works system, we will be out of space in the very near future. I know that the city is currently working on a facility master plan, but our needs will become critical before that study is even completed. My request is twofold, first I would like to put a 20'x54' addition on the north side of the shop to accommodate our employees a break room and a locker room. This would allow us to free up space in the current office to create room for work stations for the employees. Right now, we have 2,3,and up to 4 people sharing the same work space. This leads to confusion and in some cases, lost documents. The second request is for the city to purchase land for Public Works to erect a salt dome. The city is becoming large enough that we can no longer store enough salt to even account for two consecutive snowfall events. We are relying on the delivery company to deliver salt within one day to have enough on hand. I would like to get the committee's input and ideas on how we can best serve the needs at hand. If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know. I would like to place this on the agenda for the January 26, 2004 public works meeting for discussion. Cc: Art Prochaska, Mayor Tony Graff, Administrator Public Works Wearing Apparel The Public Works department supplies the following apparel to its employees to outfit them for any type of working conditions. Apparel is replaced on an "as needed" basis. Most of the gear lasts between 2-5 years with the exception of uniforms, t-shirts, and boots. Insulated Bib style coveralls 1 Insulated heavy winter coat 1 Hooded jacket 1 Winter hat 1 Gloves (lightweight, heavyweight, and rubber coated) varies Steel Toe boots 1 2 buckle and 5 buckle rubber boots 1 ea Steel Toe hip boots 1 Full set of rain gear 1 Face mask 1 Hard Hat 1 T-Shirts 5 Sweatshirts 2 Pants and Shirts 11 sets UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE To: Tony Graff, City Administrat r ` From: Joe Wywrot, City Engineer �-J 11 - Subject: Engineering Department —We,ri'ng Apparel Date: January 21, 2004 Below find the wearing apparel supplies to Engineering Department employees. Apparel can last several years, and is replaced as needed. Position Apparel City Engineer One heavy winter jacket, one spring weight jacket, one pair insulated bib overalls, one pair 5-buckle boots, one pair 2-buckle boots, one pair work boots/shoes, lightweight gloves as needed, one knit cap, one rain suit, two pair shirts w/city logo, two pair sweatshirts or lightweight jackets w/city logo Engineering One heavy winter jacket, one spring weight jacket, one pair insulated bib Technician coveralls, one pair insulated overalls, one pair 5-buckle boots, one pair 2- buckle boots, one pair leather work boots, one pair heavy gloves, lightweight gloves as needed, one pair work gloves, one knit cap, one rain suit, two pair shirts w/city logo, two pair sweatshirts or lightweight jackets w/city logo Engineering Two pair shirts w/city logo, two pair sweatshirts or lightweight jackets Assistant w/city logo UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE To: Tony Graff, City Administrat r From: Joe Wywrot, City Engineer Subject: City Hall Emergency Generato Main nance Contract Date: January 20, 2004 Attached find a proposed 2-year maintenance contract from Alternative Energy Solutions for the City Hall emergency generator. The contract is for the amount of$2,814.24 for the 2-year period. Alternative Energy Solutions has been performing the maintenance on this generator since it was installed. The current contract has expired and they are proposing to renew it. The dollar amount is comparable to what we have paid in the past. Please place this item on the Public Works Committee agenda of January 26, 2004 for discussion. 01/16/04 FRI 09:42 FAX 2198650700 ALTERANATIVE ENERGY lit1002 A trERNA r^; r7ycop 4,„ 7. EzL dyusW trijp -If i K7- . cj2 0 tad LTD. , ATTN: Valued Customer This is a courtesy letter to remind you that your generator contract has expired. If you have any questions regarding the renewal of your contract, please feel free to give me a call. Thank you for choosing our company to maintain your generator needs! Cordially, Ari(2/ ty - Bobby Higgins Service Coordinator ext.16 Please note: Our mailing address has changed to- P.O.Box 129 Schererville, IN. 46375 Alternative Energy Solutions,Ltd. 1215 Birch Drive•Scho:er/Mc,IN 4675 Mailing Address: P.D.Box 129•Scherervalle,IN 4637S 800-800-0822 •219-865-2700•219-865-0700(fax) 01/16/04 FRI 09:42 FAX 2198650700 ALTERANATIVE ENERGY Z003 ALJEAAiitIgNATIVE 7ENERG SOTIONS:fi. STAND-BY POWER SYSTEM CUSTOMER MAINTENANCE INSPECTION AGREEMENT GENERATOR AND AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCH Alternative Energy Solutions, Ltd. enters into this inspection agreement. (AES) of Portage, Indiana and the Engine/Generator owner(s) for the purpose of setting forth the terms and conditions governing (AES) agreement to inspect OWNER'S Engine/Generator(s) and associated equipment as set forth on the Preventative Maintenance checklist (attached) for a period of two years from the date of acceptance by OWNER(s). Upon acceptance of this agreement, and in consideration of the payment by OWNER(s) of annual fees as herein specified, (AES) will render the services listed on the Preventative Maintenance checklist. The Engine Oil, Oil Filter(s), Coolant Filter(s) and Fuel Filter(s) (if applicable) are included in the quoted price. Air filter(s) not included will be replaced as needed. Any additional labor or parts required to correct deficiencies which are not a part of the normal inspection will be invoiced with the then prevailing charges and policies of(AES). it is understood that by this agreement (AES) is not obligated to supply parts, labor or travel expenses to repair damage caused by the abuse, negligence, accident, theft, acts of third party, forces of nature, or modifications of the equipment. (AES) shall not be responsible for failure to render any services for causes beyond its control, including strikes, labor disputes or acts of God. Manufacturer 2 visits per year Amount per Visit Generac Oil change/Inspection $381.56 35KW Inspection $322.00 Serial#99A04448-S CUSTOMER ACCEPTANCE: Alternative Energy Solutions,Ltd. 1215 Birch Drive Schererville, Indiana 46375 Please circle: 1 visit per year or 2 visits (219) 865-2700 telephone (219) 865-0700 fax Owner: City of Yorkville Address: 800 Game Farm Road Yorkville,IL. 60560 Telephone: BY: Bobby Higgins Effective Agreement Date: DATE: 1/16/04 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE To: Tony Graff, City Administrator From: Joe Wywrot, City Engineer Subject: Rob Roy Creek Flood Study—Supplemental Agreement Date: January 20, 2004 Attached find a copy of the supplemental agreement for the Rob Roy Creek Flood Study. This agreement, in the amount of$37,925.00, is for studying an intermittent branch of the creek that was not identified when the original scope of work was approved. This supplemental agreement was approved by City Council at the meeting on October 14, 2003 with the condition that the work would be funded entirely by developers. We have had some developers indicate a willingness to contribute their fair share, but we have not been able to accumulate the full amount. Consequently, the entire project is on hold. It is important that this work proceed. We need to have one comprehensive study rather than a compilation of different studies by several developers that probably wouldn't agree with each other and may not accurately locate the floodplain. Therefore, I suggest that this issue be sent back to City Council with a recommendation that the city front the funds necessary to complete the project. We would recapture the costs as different properties develop. Please place this item on the January 26, 2004 Public Works Committee agenda for consideration. Cc: Liz D'Anna, Deputy City Clerk ///, *40, 52 Wheeler Road • Sugar Grove, IL 60554 TEL: 630/466-9350 FAX: 630/466-9380 www.eeiweb.com Englnssring Entsrprisss. Inc. September 3, 2003 Mr. Joseph A. Wywrot, P.E. City Engineer City of Yorkville 800 Game Farm Road Yorkville, IL 60560 Re: Consulting Engineering Services—Amended Contract Rob Roy Creek Hydrologic and Hydraulic Study City of Yorkville, Kendall Co., IL Dear Mr. Wywrot: As you may recall, our original proposal and then the subsequent contract for professional engineering services for the Rob Roy Creek Hydrologic and Hydraulic Study assumed a watershed study area of 12.3 mi2. In addition, our proposal/contract also assumed the length of channelized conveyance that would be modeled, and then the base flood elevations for the channel would be provided for an approximately 6.8 mi length of stream. Our original contract, which was executed by the City on February 12, 2002, defined a fixed fee cost of $94,949 for the hydrologic and hydraulic study of the assumed watershed. After reviewing the best available information at the time, and then after proceeding with a complete hydrologic and hydraulic modeling effort of the assumed Rob Roy Creek watershed, it was found that more detailed information identified additional areas that should be included within the Rob Roy Creek watershed. As you may recall, this was initially brought to the forefront through the City's review of the proposed Bristol Club Subdivision. The net result of the additional area along the northeast portion of the watershed adds approximately 2.2 mi2 to our original watershed estimate. In addition, approximately 3.0 mi of additional stormwater routing will need to be surveyed, modeled, base flood elevations will need to be determined, and a floodplain and floodway will need to be defined along the route. As discussed, we believe the additional study area that has been defined and the corresponding level of effort required to provide the detail necessary to obtain the most appropriate end-result was not included as part of our original contract. Therefore, the main purpose of this correspondence is to propose an amendment to our original contract to include the additional study area. Consulting Engineers Specializing in Civil Engineering and Land Surveying Mr. Joe Wywrot September 3, 2003 Page 2 Based on a review of the original proposal and our actual costs that we have incurred to date, we have developed costs for the additional surveying, and hydrologic and hydraulic modeling that will be required to meet the overall study objectives for the amended area. A brief summary of our fees for each category is as follows: Surveying — Minimum 52 new sections (Approx. 87 original): $14,750 Hydrologic Modeling — 2.2 mi2 new area (Approx. 12.3 mi2 original): $7,575 .> Hydraulic Modeling — 3.0 mi new length (Approx. 6.8 mi original): $15,600 Total: $37,925 Therefore, we are proposing to increase our fixed fee contract amount by $37,925. Please note we have developed these costs based on the fee schedule that was provided in our original contract. While that fee schedule was effective January 1, 2001, and we have had a change in our hourly rates as recent as January 1, 2003 to account for additional wages, benefits, overhead, etc., we did not go through the exercise of adjusting the proposed fees based on our current fee schedule. We presume the City can see how they will benefit by our computation method. We assume the above discussion provides sufficient detail to describe our proposed amendment. If you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to call. Respectfully submitted, ENGINEERING ENTERPRISES, INC. Jeffrey W. Freeman, P.E. Project Manager JWF/me pc: Mayor Art Prochaska Mr. Tony Graff, City Administrator Atty. Dan Kramer, City Attorney \\SNAP1\DOCS\PUBLIC\Yorkville\2001\YO0112 Rob Roy Creek H& H Study\Doc\Iwywrot02.doc 01/21/2004 11 :58 FAX 830 553 5764 DANIEL J. KRAMER Ej 002/004 Ma' United City of Yorkville County Seal of Kendall County EST X1836 BOO Game Farm Road ;ypYorkville.Illinois 6056a �p�' � fil O Phone:63o553-4350 9 .1"?'" .+ Fax:630-553-7575 January 21, 2004 Joe Wywrot, City Engineer Anton Graff, City Administrator 800 Game Farm Road Yorkville, IL 60560 RE: Raymond Drainage District Study Area Potential Fee Distribution Dear Gentleman: Please be advised that after review at length of the Hydraulic Study for Rob Roy Creek and the Raymond Drainage Area as prepared by Engineering Enterprises Inc., and the responses you have had from various land owners as well as the City's view of the project in looking at the Study undertaken by Engineering Enterprises Inc., it is clear to me that it is an investment for both the current and future development of the United City of Yorkville. Because of the omission on FEMA Maps of detailed studies in this area it benefits both the City,Property Owners, and our future citizens and development in the area to have as accurate as possible hydraulic studies for the area. The degree of accuracy contained in the Engineering Enterprises Inc. Study would never be obtained by FEMA, since they take a much more generalized approach. Based on that information and knowledge it is my clear opinion that the City should authorize the expenditure of one hundred percent of the funds for the study on a front end basis, and pass an Ordinance creating a benefited area much lice a Recapture Ordinance for third parties, and collect from property owners or developers as each subject or affected parcel comes into the United Cit of Yorkville for development. It will do no good to do a Piecemeal Study as each property comes in because there is a symbiotic relationship not only among the properties in the benefited areas in which we are studying for future annexations, but also tributary areas in Kane County that likewise affect the study results. Engineering Enterprises is in a unique position to offer these services because they have studied much of the upland area in Kane County and can use that knowledge in conjunction with the study in our benefited area to properly do the overall study. My bottom line recommendation is I feel it is good investment to the City and mandatory in terms of good engineering practice to evaluate future annexation and development 01/21/2004 11 :57 FAX 630 553 5764 DANIEL J. KRAMER !J003/004 proposals. If authorized by City Council we can prepare the Ordinance and the benefited area of formula is much like a Recapture Ordinance for immediate passage. Very ly Yo Daniel J. Kra• er, Attorney at Law DJK/cth Enclosure Z004/004 01/21/2004 11.57 FAX 630 553 5764 DANIEL J. KRAMER /ABLE NO. 1: RAYMOND DRAINAGE DISTRICT STUDY AREA POTENTIAL FEE DISTRIBUTION Rob Roy Creek Hydrologic and Hydraulic Study United City of Yorkville,Kendall Co., IL -/ ...r Property Flow Path Potential Identification Length Prorate No. Pro rt y CWrierlrrust , 00 Share / 204400001 EMR Trust No.100(Rosenwinkel?) 100 $211 / 209200006 EMR Trust No, 100(Rosenwinkel?) 1.700 $3,592 209200005 Ella May Rosenwinkei - 1,150 52.430 209400001 America Nat.Bk.Trust No. 102-1014(Laycom•Bristol Club) 2,500 $5282 210300001 AmrrJcj Utd.Bk.Trust No.102-1418 (Laycam-Bristol Club) 1,000 $2,113 209100008 Merchants Nat.Bk.Trust No, 2830 2,700 55,705 209300001 Gene and Carolyn Herren 1,600 $3,381 208400001 Richard&Henrietta Undesser(Ocean Atlantic-Westbury Village) .. 900 $1,902 2172.26010 Clleing$- ei Suen Livin MTreat1,400 52.958 _ 217201007 CNC(Inland-Caledonia) _ 600 $1,268 217201008 CNC(Inland-Caledonia) 1,000 52,113 217100009 CNC(inland-Caledonia) 100 $211 217201014 CNC(Inland-Caledonia/Yorkville Business Park) 2 300 - $4,859 217300004 CamEd _ 200 5423_ 217300001 Robert and Althea Johnston 700 51,479 Total 17,950 7,925 G. Ymt, QnD1170D112 R.'"'10. 4.1.fier H Sir Epp Emend coos:k penesla n Noes The flow path length is measured generally at the center of the anticipated floodplain boundary. ENGINEERING ENTERPRISES,INC. SUGAR GROW.II. flame3 Jc/ejnz Phone 630-553-0101 Highway Commissioner Bristol Township Fax 630-553-0118 9075 Corneils and West Street P.O. Box 165 Bristol, IL 60512-0165 December 9, 2003 Mayor of Yorkville Honorable Art Prohaska 800 Game Farm Road Yorkville, IL. 60560 Re: Vacating part of Ashe Road Attention Honorable Art Prohaska: Bristol Township Highway Commissioner Jim Heinz has filed a petition to vacate part of Ashe Road. I am sending you a copy of the Petition, together with a Notice of the hearing which we have now scheduled for January 2, 2004 at 10 A.M. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact the undersigned. Sincerely, r. Heinz, Highway C ' m. NOTICE OF HEARING Jim Heinz, Bristol Township Highway Commissioner, hereby gives notice that he will commence proceedings to vacate that part of Ashe Road described to wit: That part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 6, Township 37 North, Range 7 East of the Third Principal Meridian in Bristol Township, Kendall County, Illinois, described as follows: Commencing at the northwest corner of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 6; thence North 88 degrees 54 minutes 41 seconds East, 1,287.53 feet (bearings assumed for descriptive purposes) on the north line of said Northwest Quarter to the east line of land described in deed recorded as Document Number 871076; thence South 11 degrees 34 minutes 41 seconds West, 1,495.23 feet on said east line of Document Number 871076 and the east line of land described in deed recorded as Document Number 9406973 to the south line of said Document Number 9406973 for the Point of Beginning; thence North 88 degrees 19 minutes 41 seconds East, 26.29 feet on the easterly extension of the south line of said Document Number 9406973 to the original east right-of-way line of Ashe Road; thence South 13 degrees 03 minutes 31 seconds West, 1,573.34 feet on said east right-of-way line to the north right-of-way line of Galena Road (County Highway 9)per Document No. 200224565; thence westerly 40.04 feet on said north right- of-way line on a curve to the right having a radius of 14,265.00 feet, the chord of said curve bears North 79 degrees 39 minutes 25 seconds West, 40.04 feet to the original west right-of-way line of Ashe Road; thence North 13 degrees 03 minutes 31 seconds East, 1,564.72 feet on said west right-of-way line to the aforesaid south line of Document Number 9406973; thence North 88 degrees 19 minutes 41 seconds East, 15.07 feet on said south line to the Point of Beginning. Said parcel contains 1.441 acres, more or less. Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held at 10:00 A.M. on January 2, 2004 at the Bristol Road District Office, 9075 Cornelis Road, Bristol, Illinois. All interested parties may appear at this hearing and give testimony in favor or against vacating the above-described road. By order of Jim Heinz Bristol Township Highway Commissioner MEMO 1974 - 2004 To: Joe Wywrot, P.E. City Engineer *1101r From: Bradley P. Sanderson Engineering Enterprises. Senior Project Manager enc_ 30 YEARS OF Date: January 16, 2004 EXCELLENCE Re: Contract B.5 Mill and Van Emmon Water Main Improvements EEI Job #: YO0110/A As you are fully aware, the above referenced project was not completed within the established contractual completion date which was October 30, 2003 and will not be completed until spring 2004. We have, as requested, summarized the actions of the contractor and also offer possible suggestions for future similar projects. Our comments are as follows: o Generally, the timeliness of the main watermain installation along Mill Street was acceptable. As you recall, this portion of the project was performed first. Approximately 2,700 feet of 16" watermain was installed from August 13 to September 4. o The Van Emmon section of the project took much longer than expected. Approximately 1,400 feet of 12" watermain was installed from September 9 to October 29. This portion of the project was more difficult in nature than the Mill portion, but still seemed to take an inordinate amount of time. o As with any construction project in a developed area, there were some delays due to various unknown underground conditions. None of the delays would be considered major to warrant an extension to the contract. A listing of the delays is attached in the monthly construction summary. o The contractor's workforce clearly lessened in mid-September. This perhaps may have been one contributing factor to the contract not being completed on time. o The City and EEI were present on the construction site daily and on numerous occasions expressed concern to the contractor about completing the project by the completion date. Formal meetings were held on a frequent basis starting in mid-October. o The Contract contains a clause (Liquidated Damages) for not completing the work within the specified completion date. The amount that was indicated in the contract was $725 for each consecutive calendar day thereafter the specified completion date. The City at its discretion may elect to pursue this with the contractor. Generally, we recommend that if contracts are not completed within specified completion dates, that the municipalities invoke the clause only if additional costs or hardships are incurred. (continued) 52 Wheeler Road, Sugar Grove, IL 60554 Tel: 630/466-9350 Fax: 630/466-9380 www.eeiweb.com Joe Wywrot, P.E. Page 2 o As far as suggestions to lessen the possibilities of this occurrence happening again, there are possibly a few that we may want to consider. There are many factors that go into what is considered a successful construction project of this nature, mainly completing the project on time and within budget all the while minimizing the disturbance to the public. This to a great extent depends on who is performing the work. One option for future contracts would be to increase the penalty and/or offer incentives for completing the project ahead of schedule. There are some possible negatives associated with this as well, such as a possibility of receiving higher bid prices, increased potential for poor construction quality and additional conflicts with contractors. There is also the option of phasing the project. For example, we could have required the contractor to complete all of work on Mill, including all connections, abandonment's and restoration before proceeding with any work along Van Emmon. Some of the possible problems with doing this are that the City may experience higher bid prices due to additional mobilization charges and coordination and also may lengthen the project timeline. Not all projects can be constructed in this manner. Two additional considerations include requiring the submittal of a bi-weekly schedule from the contractor and requiring contractor's disclosure of projects that they have under contract, similar to IDOT's Affidavit of Availability. I am available to discuss this project or future projects in further detail if required. pc: JWF, JAM, EEI G:\PUBLIC\Yorkville\2001\YO0110-A Contract C.2-Mill and Van Emmon Street Finished WM\Doc\mwywrot0l.doc 52 Wheeler Road, Sugar Grove, IL 60554 Tel: 630/466-9350 Fax: 630/466-9380 July Summary Mill / Van Emmon Water Main YO0110/A Construction Progress Mobilized Construction Equipment Dug pit for bore &jack under the railroad tracks at Hydraulic Three pressure taps (at VV's 1, 2, & 3)complete Mill St. partially milled in roadway in preparation of water main installation Summary of Key Dates DATE EVENT 27-Jun Contract Award 27-Jun Notice To Proceed 10-Jul Preconstruction Conference 18-Jul Dwyer Mobilized 22-Jul Broke Ground Encountered Delays DELAY TIME DELAYED Bedrock depth at railroad boring pit varied from soil boring 2-4 hours Bedrock depth concerns at receiving pit(exploratory digging) 1 day Average Dwyer Workforce (not including sub-contractors) per available workdays: "available workday"considered all workdays(Monday-Friday)in a month,minus holidays 1.57 On-site meetings Public Meeting, July 16, at Beecher Community Center On site meeting, July 23, to discuss water main and storm sewer conflict at Hydraulic receiving pit Daily observation by EEI &City General Notes Dwyer did not break ground until 16 working days after notice to proceed was issued (8 working days after precon) August Summary tormacTE ice 21 �� /��/ ?//%/ %j/�/� , //", �% / �%/�/,' / '��///,/fe'./ /� n: %.y6,/ /y�i<��'4///�N//%G"/.vG////////d„/fi'.�'�6.lG��%���i�/%/// ����i.%/H6/��%'!/��.1�/��''i',na%//,GY// /d�/��j����//ek'//r�"ii%//r�i�/���� //����� /��/o/��%�/'��G/�/G.� Mill / Van Emmon Water Main YO0110/A Construction Progress All pressure taps for side street tie-ins completed along Mill St. Bore &Jack under railroad tracks at Hydraulic completed —85% of all water main along Mill St complete Summary of Key Dates DATE EVENT 1-Aug 16"Pipe Delivery 13-Aug Begin WM Install on Mill St. Encountered Delays DELAY TIME DELAYED Location of WM on E. Ridge St(differed from plan location), 8/5/03 2-4 hrs Moving service in the way of VV# 15, 8/7/03 2-4 hrs Exploratory digging at Hydraulic receiving pit 1 day Unlocated gas main Van Emmon - Nicor determined dead, 8/11 2 hrs Gas &WM service hit near 702 Mill, both unmarked, 8/19/03 1 day Water service location exploration 4-6 hrs Moving of material to make way for Labor Day festival 6-8 hrs Hit unmarked service at E. Ridge St., 8/22/03 4-6 hrs Average Dwyer Workforce (not including sub-contractors) per available workdays: '"available workday"considered all workdays(Monday-Friday)in a month,minus holidays 5.52 On-site meetings On site meeting 8/13/03 to discuss connection at Hydraulic On site meeting 8/28/03 to discuss connection at Hydraulic Daily observation by EEI &City General Notes Dwyer went from 1 to 2 crews around Aug. 11th September Summary Mill / Van Emmon Water Main YO0110/A Construction Progress Mill St 100% complete with side street tie-ins and 16"WM Bore &jack of casing pipe under Route 47 completed 12"WM installed on Van Emmon from Mill to Route 47 Summary of Key Dates DATE EVENT 9-Sep Begin WM install on Van Emmon 18-Sep Mill WM substantially complete 19-Sep Pressure test# 1 (-100'WM, Mill) Encountered Delays DELAY TIME DELAYED Unmarked gas service hit to building NE corner Mill/VE, 9/5/03 4 hrs Nicor on site to evaluate unmarked gas main, 9/10/03 2-4 hrs COY on site to evaluate 48" 3-sided stm swr at sta 6+25, 9/26 2-4 hrs Abandoned WM services to bank discovered, 9/30/03 2-4 hrs Average Dwyer Workforce (not including sub-contractors) per available workdays: "available workday"considered all workdays(Monday-Friday)in a month,minus holidays 3/6 On-site meetings Daily observation by EEI &City General Notes Dwyer did not work on 9/15/03, despite good weather(65, sunny) Dwyer workforce averaged -5.5 people from 9/1 - 9/12 Dwyer workforce averaged -2.5 people from 9/15 - 9/30 October Summary /! ,/, i TSii /,:'.7 Mill / Van Emmon Water Main YO0110/A Construction Progress Bore &jack under S. Main St. 12"WM on Van Emmon complete Summary of Key Dates DATE EVENT 27-Oct Pressure Test#2 (-3,000'WM Mill,Van Emmon Mill to Heustis) 29-Oct Finish 12"WM on Van Emmon Encountered Delays DELAY TIME DELAYED Encountered gas service at FH#9, determined to be dead 2 hrs Unmarked service hit at Van Emmon/ Main 4 hrs Connection to 12"WM in alley covered in concrete 1 day Average Dwyer Workforce (not including sub-contractors) per available workdays: '"available workday"considered all workdays(Monday-Friday)in a month, minus holidays 3.35 On-site meetings Meeting 10/10/03 to discuss line stop at alley near Wernsman Builders Meeting 10/14/03 to discuss crossing of S. Main St. (bore &jack) Meeting 10/17/03 to discuss schedule for completion of project Daily observation by EEI &City General Notes Dwyer did not work 10/15/03, despite good weather(60, sunny) November Summary Mill / Van Emmon Water Main YO0110/A Construction Progress Mill abandonment complete, minus E. Ridge St. —70%WM services off of Mill St. complete —60% of pavement replacement complete Summary of Key Dates DATE EVENT 12-Nov Begin abandonment 13-Nov Begin service installation 20-Nov Pressure Test#3 (-1,200 WM remainder Van Emmon) 24-Nov Paving begin Encountered Delays DELAY TIME DELAYED Unmarked VCP encountered in front of bank, abandoned 2 hrs Hit unmarked water service at Mill/ Fox 2 hrs Average Dwyer Workforce (not including sub-contractors) per available workdays: '"available workday"considered all workdays(Monday-Friday)in a month, minus holidays 4.89 On-site meetings Dwyer was asked to provide an updated written schedule for completion, 11/6/03 On-site meeting to re-emphasize importance of completion as expeditiously as possible, 11/ 18/03 On-site meeting to discuss pavement replacement work with ABT, 11/24/03 Daily observation by EEI &City General Notes * Dwyer had difficulty pumping up the last 1,200' of WM to pressure test. A leak detection company came out to determine leak location. Took roughly 3 days worth of work to get the test to pass. *City performed excavation at Circle Center School on 11/20/03 to help expedite Dwyer's installation of new service to school on 11/21/03 December Summary Mill / Van Emmon Water Main YO0110/A Construction Progress Pavement replacement complete Mill completely abandoned Mill services complete Dwyer removed all spoils and extra WM material from site Summary of Key Dates DATE (EVENT 3-Dec Dwyer finish utility work for year 9-Dec Paving complete for year Encountered Delays DELAY TIME DELAYED Average Dwyer Workforce (not including sub-contractors) per available workdays: *"available workday"considered all workdays(Monday-Friday)in a month,minus holidays 3.17 On-site meetings Daily observation by EEI &City General Notes Work remaining to be done: *Services along Van Emmon west of Heustis *Two connections in front of bank(to bank and alley) * Removal of fire hydrants, valve boxes *Van Emmon abandonment * Storm sewer install * Landscaping restoration (to be done over winter per subcontractor) Mill / Van Emmon Water Main - Timeline (Daily Breakdown) YO0110/A note: "Dwyer Workforce" does not include subcontractors DWYER DWYER DAY DATE EVENT WORKFORCE DAY DATE EVENT WORKFORCE Friday 30-May-03 Bid Opening - I Friday 1-Aug-03 16" Pipe Delivery, bore prep. 4 F, Saturday 2-Aug-03 no work E Friday 27-Jun-03 Contract Award Sunday 3-Aug-03 no work Monday 4-Aug-03 Bore &Jack Hydraulic, Mill work 4 1, Thursday 10-Jul-03 Preconstruction Conference Tuesday 5-Aug-03 Bore cont., VV#12 install 3 Friday 11-Jul-03 no work Wednesday 6-Aug-03 Bore cont., VV#15 4 Saturday 12-Jul-03 no work 1 Thursday 7-Aug-03 Bore complete, VV#15 cont. 4 Sunday 13-Jul-03 no work ' Friday 8-Aug-03 8"WM at VV#15 3 Monday 14-Jul-03 Control Staking- EEI 0 Saturday 9-Aug-03 no work Tuesday 15-Jul-03 no work 0 Sunday 10-Aug-03 no work Wednesday 16-Jul-03 Subcontractor milling Mill St. 2 ' Monday 11-Aug-03 VV#13, water service hit 5 Thursday 17-Jul-03 no work 0 Tuesday 12-Aug-03 Excavate at Mill /Walter 3 Friday 18-Jul-03 Dwyer Mobilized 0 Wednesday 13-Aug-03 Begin Mill 16"WM Install 7 Saturday 19-Jul-03 no work ' Thursday 14-Aug-03 WM install, FH # 1 install 5 Sunday 20-Jul-03 no work <4 Friday 15-Aug-03 WM install through Orange 6 Monday 21-Jul-03 no work 0 Saturday 16-Aug-03 no work Tuesday 22-Jul-03 Boring Pit @ Hydraulic 2 Sunday 17-Aug-03 no work Wednesday 23-Jul-03 Boring pit continued 3 1 Monday 18-Aug-03 Cont. Mill install and side streets 7 Thursday 24-Jul-03 Dwyer milling Mill St. 2 a. Tuesday 19-Aug-03 WM cont., gas &wm service hit 7 Friday 25-Jul-03 Exploratory digging at Hydraulic 2 ' Wednesday 20-Aug-03 WM cont., san service repair 8 Saturday 26-Jul-03 no work Thursday 21-Aug-03 16" N of Fox, FH 3,4,5 VV6&11 8 Sunday 27-Jul-03 no workFriday 22-Aug-03 WM cont., VV6 cont., service hit 7 Monday 28-Jul-03 VV delivery, Milling Mill St. 2 k Saturday 23-Aug-03 no work Tuesday 29-Jul-03 VV# 1 Install 3 Sunday 24-Aug-03 no work Wednesday 30-Jul-03 VV#2 Install 3 Monday 25-Aug-03 16"WM cont. 6 Thursday 31-Jul-03 VV#3, exploratory dig at Hyd. 3 Tuesday 26-Aug-03 16" Cross at Mill/Van Emmon 7 G:\Public\Yorkville\2001\YO0110-A\Eng\Dwyer Timeline.xls DWYER DWYER DAY DATE EVENT WORKFORCE DAY DATE EVENT ;WORKFORCE Wednesday 27-Aug-03 Mill WM north of Van Emmon 7 Sunday 28-Sep-03 no work Thursday 28-Aug-03 FH #6 &7, Stuffed Mill Casing 6 i+, Monday 29-Sep-03 WM install in front of bank cont. 4 Friday 29-Aug-03 Clean for Labor Day, stm swr 5 Tuesday 30-Sep-03 WM install to Route 47 4 Saturday 30-Aug-03 no work i Wednesday 1-Oct-03 WM pushed through 47 casing 3 Sunday 31-Aug-03 no work I Thursday 2-Oct-03 Installing WM west of 47 3 Monday 1-Sep-03 LABOR DAY 0 Friday 3-Oct-03 Backfill Van Em. Bore pit 4 Tuesday 2-Sep-03 Fox interconnection 5 Saturday 4-Oct-03 FH #9 install 2 Wednesday 3-Sep-03 Fox int. cont., Milling of Van Em. 6 1 Sunday 5-Oct-03 no work Thursday 4-Sep-03 E. Ridge interconnection 5 % Monday 6-Oct-03 12"WM west of Route 47 4 Friday 5-Sep-03 Van Em. Inter., gas main hit 6 f Tuesday 7-Oct-03 12"WM cont., san service hit 4 Saturday 6-Sep-03 no work Wednesday 8-Oct-03 Excavation at 2+30 alley 4 Sunday 7-Sep-03 no work t Thursday 9-Oct-03 Pressure taps @ Heustis 4 Monday 8-Sep-03 Van Em. Interconnection cont. 5 Friday 10-Oct-03 Pressure tap @ S. Main St. 4 Tuesday 9-Sep-03 Begin Van Emmon WM install 5 Saturday 11-Oct-03 no work Wednesday 10-Sep-03 Van Emmon WM cont. 5 i Sunday 12-Oct-03 no work Thursday 11-Sep-03 Cross Van Emmon/Heustis 6 t Monday 13-Oct-03 Excavate for FH#10 2 Friday 12-Sep-03 Van Emmon WM cont. 6 I Tuesday 14-Oct-03 FH #10 install, V.E. bore mtg 2 Saturday 13-Sep-03 no work Wednesday 15-Oct-03 Not working on job, weather fine 0 Sunday 14-Sep-03 no work ''=Thursday 16-Oct-03 Cont. WM install west of 47 3 Monday 15-Sep-03 Not working on job, weather fine 0 ', Friday 17-Oct-03 Schdle mtg, prep bore pit- Main 3 Tuesday 16-Sep-03 Excavating at Hydraulic 1 Saturday 18-Oct-03 Dug Bore pit at S. Main St./V.E. 2 Wednesday 17-Sep-03 16"tie-in at Hydraulic 3 Sunday 19-Oct-03 no work Thursday 18-Sep-03 Hydraulic stm swr, thrust block 2 t Monday 20-Oct-03 Bore &Jack S. Main St. 3 Friday 19-Sep-03 PRESSURE TEST# 1 2 i Tuesday 21-Oct-03 Connection 2+30 Alley begin 3 Saturday 20-Sep-03 no work i, Wednesday 22-Oct-03 2+30 Alley Connection made 3 Sunday 21-Sep-03 no work ' Thursday 23-Oct-03 Backfill Alley area 3 Monday 22-Sep-03 VV#16, backfill Hyd. bore pit 3 Friday 24-Oct-03 Prelim pressure test, clean site 3 Tuesday 23-Sep-03 Van Emmon bore pit at 47 3 ; Saturday 25-Oct-03 no work Wednesday 24-Sep-03 Bore &Jack Route 47 1 Sunday 26-Oct-03 no work Thursday 25-Sep-03 Van Emmon WM near bank 2 Monday 27-Oct-03 PRESSURE TEST#2 4 Friday 26-Sep-03 48" stm swr discovered, no WM 3 , Tuesday 28-Oct-03 Stuff S. Main St. casing 4 Saturday 27-Sep-03 Van Em. WM near bank 2 Wednesday 29-Oct-03 Finish 12"WM install Vn Emn 3 G:\Public\Yorkville\2001\YO0110-A\Eng\Dwyer Timeline.xls DWYER DWYER DAY DATE EVENT WORKFORCE DAY DATE EVENT WORKFORCE Thursday 30-Oct-03 FH #8 install 4 I Monday 1-Dec-03 Mill Services 4 Friday 31-Oct-03 Van Emn clean up 3 4 Tuesday 2-Dec-03 Final Mill Abandonment 4 Saturday 1-Nov-03 no work Wednesday 3-Dec-03 Mill Service, Site Cleanup 4 Sunday 2-Nov-03 no work Y',Thursday 4-Dec-03 ABT paving 2 Monday 3-Nov-03 Site clean up 2 Friday 5-Dec-03 Dwyer performing site cleanup 3 Tuesday 4-Nov-03 Begin Heustis Tie-ins 2 'il Saturday 6-Dec-03 no work Wednesday 5-Nov-03 Heustis tie-ins continued 3 f' Sunday 7-Dec-03 no work Thursday 6-Nov-03 Heustis tie-ins continued 3 i Monday 8-Dec-03 Dwyer cleanup, restoration begin 2 Friday 7-Nov-03 Heustis tie-ins continued 3 t Tuesday 9-Dec-03 ABT to finish paving Saturday 8-Nov-03 Finish Heustis Tie-ins 4 '_ Wednesday 10-Dec-03 no work Sunday 9-Nov-03 no work Thursday 11-Dec-03 no work Monday 10-Nov-03 Valve install in front of bank 3 Friday 12-Dec-03 Dwyer cold patch sidewalks 2 Tuesday 11-Nov-03 Valve install in front of bank 3 Saturday 13-Dec-03 Wednesday 12-Nov-03 Begin Abandonment (@ vv# 13) 5 Sunday 14-Dec-03 Thursday 13-Nov-03 Begin Service installations 6 t Monday 15-Dec-03 Friday 14-Nov-03 Services, Abandonment 6 Tuesday 16-Dec-03 Saturday 15-Nov-03 no work 1 Wednesday 17-Dec-03 Sunday 16-Nov-03 no work I Thursday 18-Dec-03 Monday 17-Nov-03 Prelim pressure test 5 T Friday 19-Dec-03 Tuesday 18-Nov-03 Hydraulic Abandonment, srvces 8 "t` Saturday 20-Dec-03 Wednesday 19-Nov-03 Leak Detector on-site, services 6 Sunday 21-Dec-03 Thursday 20-Nov-03 PRESSURE TEST# 3 (FINAL) 6 Monday 22-Dec-03 EEI perform punchwalk Friday 21-Nov-03 Mill services 6 t Tuesday 23-Dec-03 Saturday 22-Nov-03 Dwyer prep for Mill abandonment Wednesday 24-Dec-03 i Sunday 23-Nov-03 no work ' Thursday 25-Dec-03 Monday 24-Nov-03 PAVING BEGIN, abandonment... 6 Friday 26-Dec-03 Tuesday 25-Nov-03 Mill Abandonment S of Fox 6 z' Saturday 27-Dec-03 Wednesday 26-Nov-03 Mill services, paving cont. 6 ' Sunday 28-Dec-03 Thursday 27-Nov-03 THANKSGIVING i Monday 29-Dec-03 Friday 28-Nov-03 Dwyer compacting, cleanup 2 i Tuesday 30-Dec-03 Saturday 29-Nov-03 Dwyer compacting, cleanup 2 t Wednesday 31-Dec-03 Sunday 30-Nov-03 no work Thursday 1-Jan-04 G:\Publifforkville\2001W00110-A\Eng\Dwyer Timeline.xls Liberty Street Water Main - Timeline (Daily Breakdown) Y00110 note: "Vian Workforce"does not include subcontractors VIAN VIAN DAY DATE EVENT WORKFORCE DAY DATE EVENT WORKFORCE Thursday 26-Jun-03 Bid Opening - Tuesday 26-Aug-03 16"WM at&S of Somonauk 5 Wednesday 27-Aug-03 WM cont., utility co.'s contacted 5 Tuesday 22-Jul-03 Contract Award Thursday 28-Aug-03 Vian moved to Main/Liberty 6 Friday 29-Aug-03 Vian install cold patch 6 Monday 4-Aug-03 Preconstruction Conference Saturday 30-Aug-03 no work Tuesday 5-Aug-03 no work Sunday 31-Aug-03 no work Wednesday 6-Aug-03 no work Monday 1-Sep-03 LABOR DAY Thursday 7-Aug-03 Material delivery, prep for job 5 Tuesday 2-Sep-03 no work, utility co.'s contacted 0 Friday 8-Aug-03 Material delivery, prep for job 5 Wednesday 3-Sep-03 Installing 16"towards Center St. 6 Saturday 9-Aug-03 no work Thursday 4-Sep-03 no work, ComEd working 0 Sunday 10-Aug-03 no work Friday 5-Sep-03 no work, ComEd complete 0 Monday 11-Aug-03 Connection at Walnut 7 Saturday 6-Sep-03 no work Tuesday 12-Aug-03 16"WM across Freemont 7 Sunday 7-Sep-03 no work Wednesday 13-Aug-03 16"WM to Freemont/Jackson 6 ' Monday 8-Sep-03 no work, SBC doing work 0 Thursday 14-Aug-03 16"WM south of Jackson 6 `;Tuesday 9-Sep-03 no work, Comcast doing work 0 Friday 15-Aug-03 WM &VV install at Frmnt/ Elm 7 Wednesday 10-Sep-03 stm swr park, utility poles gone 4 Saturday 16-Aug-03 no work Thursday 11-Sep-03 WM install at and S. of Spring 6 Sunday 17-Aug-03 no work Friday 12-Sep-03 WM cont., unmarked service hit 6 Monday 18-Aug-03 Remove & Replace VV13 (leak) 7 Saturday 13-Sep-03 no work Tuesday 19-Aug-03 VV's at Freemont/Jackson 6 Sunday 14-Sep-03 no work Wednesday 20-Aug-03 16"WM through park 6 '`8 Monday 15-Sep-03 no work, rain over weekend 0 Thursday 21-Aug-03 PRESSURE TEST#1 7 Tuesday 16-Sep-03 16" DONE, PRESSURE TEST 2 6 Friday 22-Aug-03 16"WM at Park St., gas hit 6 -' Wednesday 17-Sep-03 PRESSURE TEST#3 (1) 1 Saturday 23-Aug-03 no work Thursday 18-Sep-03 PRESSURE TEST#3 (2) 1 Sunday 24-Aug-03 no work - v' Friday 19-Sep-03 Leak detector on site 2 Monday 25-Aug-03 16"WM in Liberty S to Smnauk 6 Saturday 20-Sep-03 no work G:\Public\Yorkville\2001\YO0110 Contract C.3 - Liberty Street Finished WM\Eng\Vian Timeline.xls VIAN VIAN DAY DATE EVENT WORKFORCE DAY DATE EVENT WORKFORCE Sunday 21-Sep-03 no work Thursday 23-Oct-03 Jackson Interconnections 5 Monday 22-Sep-03 PRESSURE TEST#3 (3) 3 Friday 24-Oct-03 Elm Interconnections 5 Tuesday 23-Sep-03 RE-TEST#3, PASSED 2 Saturday 25-Oct-03 Center Interconnection 5 Wednesday 24-Sep-03 VV#2 &#3 Install 5 Sunday 26-Oct-03 no work Thursday 25-Sep-03 VV#4 &# 7 Install 5 Monday 27-Oct-03 Spring Interconnection (west) 6 Friday 26-Sep-03 VV#6 Install 5 Tuesday 28-Oct-03 Spring Interconnection (east) 5 Saturday 27-Sep-03 no work Wednesday 29-Oct-03 Somonauk Interconnections 5 Sunday 28-Sep-03 no work Thursday 30-Oct-03 Park Interconnection 5 Monday 29-Sep-03 Chlorination by Midwest 0 Friday 31-Oct-03 Finish Abandonment, clean site 5 Tuesday 30-Sep-03 Chlorine disinfecting pipe 0 Saturday 1-Nov-03 Vian jetting TBF & Cleaning site 5 Wednesday 1-Oct-03 1st day sampling 0 i Sunday 2-Nov-03 Vian jetting TBF & Cleaning site 5 Thursday 2-Oct-03 2nd day sampling (1st day fail) 0 i Monday 3-Nov-03 Rain over weekend and in A.M. 0 Friday 3-Oct-03 Additional sample (2nd day fail) 0 1 Tuesday 4-Nov-03 Rees Concrete on site 0 Saturday 4-Oct-03 no work Wednesday 5-Nov-03 no work 0 Sunday 5-Oct-03 no work Thursday 6-Nov-03 no work, Rees will not do work 0 Monday 6-Oct-03 Additional sample fail 0 Friday 7-Nov-03 Mtg to discuss concrete w/ Cruz 1 Tuesday 7-Oct-03 Midwest rechlorinate 0 Saturday 8-Nov-03 Cruz Const. Concrete work 0 Wednesday 8-Oct-03 Chlorine disinfecting pipe 0 " Sunday 9-Nov-03 no work Thursday 9-Oct-03 1st day sampling 0 Monday 10-Nov-03 Cruz Const. Concrete work 1 Friday 10-Oct-03 2nd day sampling 0 Tuesday 11-Nov-03 Cruz Const. Concrete work 0 Saturday 11-Oct-03 no work Wednesday 12-Nov-03 Cruz clean site, remove forms 0 Sunday 12-Oct-03 no work 1 Thursday 13-Nov-03 BV Sntgo Paving, Kline restoring 0 Monday 13-Oct-03 Chlorination complete 0 ; Friday 14-Nov-03 BV Sntgo Paving, Kline restoring 0 Tuesday 14-Oct-03 Vian observed service marks 2 i Saturday 15-Nov-03 no work Wednesday 15-Oct-03 Liberty Services 5 ? Sunday 16-Nov-03 no work Thursday 16-Oct-03 Liberty Services 5 Monday 17-Nov-03 BV Santiago Paving 0 Friday 17-Oct-03 Liberty Services 5 ; Tuesday 18-Nov-03 rail all day, no work 0 Saturday 18-Oct-03 no work Wednesday 19-Nov-03 BV Santiago Paving 0 Sunday 19-Oct-03 no work Thursday 20-Nov-03 BV Santiago Paving 0 Monday 20-Oct-03 no work,foreman & laborers sick 0 Friday 21-Nov-03 Kline Landscaping restoring 0 Tuesday 21-Oct-03 no work,foreman & laborers sick 0 Saturday 22-Nov-03 no work Wednesday 22-Oct-03 Freemont Services 5 ° Sunday 23-Nov-03 no work G:\Public\Yorkville\2001\YO0110 Contract C.3 - Liberty Street Finished WM\Eng\Vian Timeline.xls VIAN VIAN WORKFORCE SUMMARY, per available working days (weekends DAY DATE EVENT WORKFORCE not included) Monday 24-Nov-03 no work 0 Tuesday 25-Nov-03 Kline Landscaping restoring 0 '' August 5.42 Wednesday 26-Nov-03 Kline Landscaping restoring 1 September 2.48 Thursday 27-Nov-03 THANKSGIVING 0 October 2.74 Friday 28-Nov-03 Kline Landscaping restoring 0 '' November 0.72 Saturday 29-Nov-03 Kline Landscaping complete Sunday 30-Nov-03 no work Monday 1-Dec-03 no work Tuesday 2-Dec-03 no work Wednesday 3-Dec-03 EEI on site for punchwalk Thursday 4-Dec-03 Friday 5-Dec-03 Saturday 6-Dec-03 Sunday 7-Dec-03 Monday 8-Dec-03 Tuesday 9-Dec-03 1 Wednesday 10-Dec-03 Thursday 11-Dec-03 4:. Friday 12-Dec-03 Saturday 13-Dec-03 Sunday 14-Dec-03 Monday 15-Dec-03 Tuesday 16-Dec-03 Wednesday 17-Dec-03 Thursday 18-Dec-03 Friday 19-Dec-03 Saturday 20-Dec-03 Sunday 21-Dec-03 Monday 22-Dec-03 Tuesday 23-Dec-03 Wednesday 24-Dec-03 Thursday 25-Dec-03 G:\Public\Yorkville\2001\YO0110 Contract C.3 - Liberty Street Finished WM\Eng\Vian Timeline.xls UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE To: Tony Graff, City Administrator From: Joe Wywrot, City Engineer Subject: Revised Subdivision Control rdin: ce Date: January 20, 2004 Attached find a mark-up copy of the proposed new Subdivision Control Ordinance and the Standard Specifications for Improvements. Many changes have been proposed since the current ordinance was adopted in March of 2000. Almost all of the changes have already been sent through the Public Works Committee at least once. Proposed new language is printed in red ink. Existing language proposed for deletion is struck out with a black line. This item is on the January 26, 2004 Public Works Committee agenda for final review. If approved, a public hearing would need to be held prior to adoption. Cc: Dan Kramer, City Attorney Liz D'Anna, Deputy City Clerk 1 /14.4 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE SUBDIVISION CONTROL ORDINANCE (with strikeouts) THE UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE Ordinance No. Date Adopted Yorkville Subdivision Control Ordinance YORKVILLE SUBDIVISION CONTROL ORDINANCE SECTION 1.00 TITLE 2.00 INTENT &PURPOSE 3.00 GENERAL PROVISIONS 3.01 Jurisdiction 3.02 Interpretation 3.03 Separability 3.04 Rules 4.00 DEFINITIONS 5.00 PROCEDURE FOR SUBMISSION OF SUBDIVISION PLAT 5.01 Pre-Application Conference 5.02 Concept Plan 5.03 Preliminary Plan 5.04 Final Plan 6.00 REQUIRED INFORMATION TO BE SHOWN ON SUBDIVISION PLANS & PLATS 6.01 Pre-Application Conference Plan 6.02 Preliminary Plan 6.03 Final Plan 7.00 DESIGN STANDARDS 7.01 General 7.02 Public Sites and Open Spaces 7.03 Streets Standards 7.04 Half-Streets 7.05 Alleys 7.06 Street Jogs 7.07 Street Intersections 7.08 Blocks 7.09 Lots 7.10 Easements 2 Yorkville Subdivision Control Ordinance YORKVILLE SUBDIVISION CONTROL ORDINANCE, CONTINUED SECTION, CONTINUED 8.00 REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS 8.01 Improvement Requirements Prior to Filing Final Plat 8.02 Subdivision Securities 8.03 Construction Warranty 8.04 Procedure 8.05 Streets 8.06 Sidewalks 8.07 Street Lighting 8.08 Signage, Guard Rails, & Landscaping 8.09 Storm Water Drainage 8.10 Sanitary Sewer System 8.11 Water System 8.12 Over-sizing of Utilities 9.00 ADMINISTRATION 9.01 Building Permit 9.02 Certificate of Occupancy 9.03 Variations 10.00 AMENDMENTS 10.01 Initiation of Amendment 10.02 Processing Application for Amendment 10.03 Decisions 11.00 FEE SCHEDULE 11.01 n^ l-P Land-C ash ( imuibtihon, 11.02 Fees 12.00 VIOLATIONS, PENALTY, &ENFORCEMENT 13.00 EFFECTIVE DATE Exhibit I Standard Specifications for Improvements Exhibit 2 Park Development Standards X it %)iir Wowneitopitei pial ;J4 >fr� Ga f i e Me W W ,;lop 9,ti o/W 6/ , euvs te/stfly/ a/me/tided, 3 Yorkville Subdivision Control Ordinance SECTION 1.00-TITLE This Ordinance shall hereafter be know, cited, and referred to as the Yorkville Subdivision Control Ordinance. SECTION 2.00—INTENT& PURPOSE The regulations of this ordinance are adopted: To protect the interests of the land owner, the investor in land, the homeowner, and the municipal unit; To conserve,protect, and enhance property and property values;to secure the most efficient use of land; and to facilitate the provisions of public improvements; To provide for orderly growth and development; to afford adequate facilities for the safe and efficient means for traffic circulation of the public; and to safeguard the public against flood damage; To prescribe reasonable rules and regulations governing the subdivision and platting of land;the preparation of plats;the location, width, and course of streets and highways;the installation of utilities, street pavements, and other essential improvements; and the provision of necessary public grounds for schools, parks,playgrounds, and other public open space; and To establish procedures for the submission, approval, and recording of plats;to provide the means for enforcement of the ordinance, and to provide penalties for violations. SECTION 3.00—GENERAL PROVISIONS 3.01 JURISDICTION This Ordinance shall apply to all subdivision of land within the incorporated limits of the United City of Yorkville, and within its contiguous territory, but not more than one and one-half miles beyond the incorporated limits of the United City of Yorkville. 3.02 INTERPRETATION 3.02.01 Minimum Requirements. The provisions of this Ordinance shall be held to be the minimum requirements for the promotion of public health, safety, and welfare. 3.02.02 Relationship with Other Laws. Where the conditions imposed by any provision of the Ordinance are either more restrictive or less restrictive than comparable conditions imposed by any other ordinance, law, resolution,rule, or regulation of any kind,the regulations that are more restrictive(or which impose higher standards or requirements)shall govern. 3.02.03 Effect On Existing Agreement. This Ordinance is not intended to abrogate any easement, covenant, or any other private agreement,provided that where the regulations of this Ordinance are more restrictive(or impose higher stands or requirements)than such easements,covenants, or other private agreements, the requirements of this Ordinance shall govern. 4 Yorkville Subdivision Control Ordinance 3.02.04 The Standard Specifications for Improvements shall be hereby included and made a part of this Subdivision Control Ordinance in its entirety. 3.02.05 Thc: Park De tandards shall be hereby included and made a part of this Subdin inion (ontroi Ordinance in its entirety 3.03 SEPARABILITY Should any section, subsection, clause, or provision of this Ordinance be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of the Ordinance as a whole, or any part thereof, other than the part so declared to be invalid. 3.04 RULES In the construction of this Ordinance, the rules contained herein shall be observed and applied, except when the context clearly indicates otherwise: 1. Words used in the present tense shall include the future, and words used in the singular number shall include the plural number, and the plural shall include the singular. 2. The word"shall" is mandatory, and not discretionary. 3. The word"may" is permissive. 4. The masculine gender includes the feminine and neuter. SECTION 4.00—DEFINITIONS The following words and terms, wherever they occur in this Ordinance, shall be interpreted as herein defined: Alley: A public right-of-way, primarily designed to serve as secondary access to the side or rear of properties whose principal frontage is on some other street. Block: A tract of land bounded by streets, or by a combination of streets, railway right-of-ways, or waterways. Building Setback Line: A line across a lot or parcel of land, establishing the minimum open space to be provided between the line of a building or structure, and the lot line of the lot or parcel. City: The Mayor and City Council of the United City of Yorkville, Illinois. Crosswalk: Crosswalk shall mea A strip of land 10' or more in width, dedicated to public use, which is reserved across a block to provide pedestrian access to adjacent areas, and may include utilities, where necessary. Cul-de-Sac: Cul-de shall mean A street having only one outlet, and an appropriate terminal for the reversal of traffic movement, without the need to back up. Dead-end Street: A street having only one outlet. Density, Gross: A numerical value obtained by dividing the total dwelling units in a development by the gross area of the tract of land upon which the dwelling units are located. 5 Yorkville Subdivision Control Ordinance Density,Net: A numerical value obtained by dividing the total dwelling units in a development by the total area of the development, less rights-of-way, parks, storm water management areas, and all other non-residential uses. Development: Any man-made change to real estate, including: a) Preparation of a plat of subdivision; b) Construction, reconstruction, or placement of a building or any addition to a building; c) Installation of a manufactured home on a site, preparing a site for a manufactured home, or installing a travel trailer on a site for more than 180 days; d) Construction of roads, bridges, or similar projects; e) Redevelopment of a site; f) Filling, dredging, grading,clearing, excavating, paving, or other non- agricultural alterations of the ground surface; g) Storage of materials, or deposit of solid or liquid waste; h) Any other activity that might alter the magnitude, frequency, deviation, direction, or velocity of storm water flows, from a property. Easement: A grant by a property owner for the use of a parcel of land by the general public, a corporation, or a certain person or persons for a specific purpose or purposes. Eyebrow Cul-de-Sac: A cul-de-sac whose center radius point is less than 80 feet from the centerline of the intersecting cross street. Floodplain: That land adjacent to a body of water with ground surface elevations at or below the base flood or the 100-year frequency flood elevation. The floodplain is also known and the Special Flood Hazard Area(SFHA). Frontage: The property on one side of a street,between two intersecting streets(crossing or terminating),measured along the line of the street; Or,with a dead-end street, all property abutting one side of such street, measured from the nearest intersecting street and the end of the dead-end street. Frontage Road: A public or private marginal access roadway, generally paralleling and contiguous to a street or highway, and designed to promote safety by eliminating unlimited ingress and egress to such street or highway by providing points of ingress and egress at mer-e-Or4ess relatively- uniformly spaced intervals. Half-Street: A street bordering on or more property lines of a subdivision tract,to which the subdivider has allocated only a portion of the ultimate and intended street width. IDOT: Illinois Department of Transportation. Improvement Plans: The drawing of all required land improvements, prepared by an Illinois Registered Professional Engineer, and all accompanying information as required by the Ordinance. Improvements: All facilities constructed or erected by a subdivider within a subdivision,to permit and facilitate the use of lots or blocks for a principal residential, business, or manufacturing purpose. 6 Yorkville Subdivision Control Ordinance Land Improvement: All required onsite and offsite subdivision improvements, including but not limited to, any sanitary sewage system, water distribution system, storm drainage systems, public utility systems, sidewalk systems, public or private streets, street lighting, street signs, grading and drainage way facilities, pedestrian ways, and retention and detention basins. Lot: A portion of a subdivision or other parcel of land, intended for transfer of ownership, or for building developments. Lot Depth: The distance between the midpoint of the front lot line and the midpoint of the rear lot line. Lot, Double Frontage: A lot, two opposite lot lines of which abut upon streets which are more or less parallel. Lot Line: A boundary line of a lot. Lot Width: The distance on a horizontal plane between the side lot lines of a lot, measured at right angles to the line, establishing the lot depth at the established building setback line. Parcel: The word parcel shall refer broadly to a lot, tract, or any other piece of land. Parkway: A strip of land situated within the dedicated street right-of-wa}. and(1)either located between the roadway and right-of-way line or(2)a median located between the roadways. Parking Lot: An area permanently reserved and/or used for the temporary storage of motor vehicles. Plan, Concept: A tentative map or drawing which indicates the subdivider's proposed layout of a subdivision, including a site plan indicating existing offsite roadway connections. Plan, Final: The final plat, plus all accompanying information required by this Ordinance. Plan, Preliminary: The preliminary plat, plus all accompanying information required by this Ordinance. Planned Unit Development: Parcel of land or contiguous parcels of land in single ownership or unified control, to be developed as a single entity, the character of which is compatible with adjacent parcels, and the intent of the zoning district in which it is located;the developer may be granted relief from specific land use regulations and design standards in return for assurances of an overall quality of development, including any specific features which will be of benefit to the City as a whole, and would not otherwise be required by the City Ordinances. Plat: A subdivision as it is represented as a formal document by drawing and writing. Plat,Final: The final map drawing or chart, on which the subdivider's layout of a subdivision is presented to the City Council for approval, and which, if approved, will be submitted to the County Recorder for recording. Plat, Preliminary: A tentative map or drawing, which indicates the subdivider's proposed layout of a subdivision, including all proposed improvements. 7 • Yorkville Subdivision Control Ordinance Re-subdivision: The subdivision of a tract of land that has previously been lawfully subdivided, and a plat of such prior subdivision duly recorded. Right-of-Way: A strip of land occupied or intended to be occupied by a road, crosswalk, railroad, electric transmission line, oil or gas pipeline, water main, sanitary or storm sewer main, or for another special use. The usage of the term"right-of-way" for land platting purposes in the United City of Yorkville shall mean that every right-of-way hereafter established and shown on a final recorded plat is to be separate and distinct from the lots or parcels adjoining such right-of-way, and not included within the dimensions or areas of such lots or parcels. Rights-of-way intended for roads, crosswalks, water mains, sanitary sewers, the maker of the plat on which such right-of-way is established shall dedicate storm drains, or any other use involving maintenance by a public agency to public use. Roadway: The paved portion of the street available for vehicular traffic. Service Drive: A public street, generally paralleling and contiguous to a main traveled way, primarily designed to promote safety by eliminating promiscuous ingress and egress to the right-of- way, and providing safe and orderly points of access at fairly uniformly-spaced intervals. Sewage Disposal System, Individual: A sewage disposal system, or any other sewage treatment device approved by the Kendall County Department of Public Health, and servicing only one lot. Sewage Disposal System, Central: A system of sanitary sewers, serving ten or more lots that discharge either into an interceptor sewer or an approved sewage treatment plant. Sidewalk: That portion of street or crosswalk way, paved or otherwise surfaced, intended for pedestrian use only. Street: A public or private right-of-way which affords a primary means of access to abutting properties, whether designated as a street, avenue, highway, road,boulevard, lane,throughway, or however otherwise designated, but excepting driveways to buildings. Street, Half: A street bordering one or more property lines of a tract of land in which the subdivider has allocated but part of the ultimate right-of-way width. Street, Marginal Access: A minor street which is parallel to and adjacent to a thoroughfare, and which provides access to abutting properties and protection from through traffic. Street, Estate Residential: A street of limited continuity, used for access to abutting rural residential properties and local needs of a neighborhood. This street carries less than 1000ADT. Street, Local Residential: A street of limited continuity, used primarily for access to abutting rural residential properties and local needs of a neighborhood. This street carries less than 1000 ADT. Street, Major Collector: A street that serves as a main traffic thoroughfare, both within and outside of the City, carrying heavy volumes of traffic. This street carries more than 2500 12.000 ADT. Street, Collector: A street that collects and distributes traffic.primarily within residential areas. This street carries between 2500 and 12,000 ADT. 8 Yorkville Subdivision Control Ordinance Street, Minor Collector: A street that collects and distributes traffic within intensively developed areas,and is used primarily for internal trips within the planning area. This street carries between 1000 and 2500 ADT. Street Width: The shortest distance between the backs of the curb or edge of pavement of a roadway. Subdivider: Any person or corporation or duly authorized agent who undertakes the subdivision or development of land as defined herein. Also referred to as Developer. Subdivision: A described tract of land which is to be, or has been, divided into two or more lots or parcels. The term subdivision includes re-subdivision and, where it is appropriate to the context, relates to the process of subdividing or to the land subdivided. For the purpose of this manual; however,the requirements contained herein shall not apply, and no plat is required, in any of the following instances: 1. The division or subdivision of land into parcels or tracts of five acres or more in size, which does not involve any new streets or easements of access; 2. The division of lots or blocks of less than one acre, in any recorded subdivision, which does not involve any new streets or easements of access; 3. The sale or exchange of parcels of land between owners of adjoining and contiguous land; 4. The conveyance of parcels of land or interests therein for use as right-of-way for railroads or other public utility facilities which does not involved any new streets or easements of access; 5. The conveyance of land owned by a railroad or other public utility which does not involve any new streets or easements of access; 6. The conveyance of land for highway or other public purposes or grants or conveyances relating to the dedication of land for public use or instruments relating to the vacation of land impressed with a public use; 7. Conveyances made to correct descriptions in prior conveyances; 8. The sale or exchange of parcels or tracts of land existing on the date of adoption of this Resolution into no more than two parts, and not involving any new streets or easement of access. Turn-Around: An area at the closed end of a street or parking lot, within which vehicles may reverse their direction. Wetlands: As defined by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources. 9 Yorkville Subdivision Control Ordinance SECTION 5.00—PROCEDURE FOR SUBMISSION OF SUBDIVISION PLAT Instructions for subdivision plat processes leading to approval and plat recording: 5.01 CONCEPT PLAN 5.01.01 Application: Petitioners who wish to start the process with a concept plan should at this time submit his application(the original and 35 copies),along with 35 folded copies of his concept plan, a minimum of 15 days prior to the targeted Plan Commission meeting. As part of the application, the petitioner shall also provide the names and addresses of all land owners within 500 feet of the application property to the City's Deputy Clerk, for the purpose of sending certified notices of the required public hearing(s). 5.01.02 Review: Petitioner needs to schedule a meeting with the City Administrator, City Engineer, and Director of Public Works, to review access, availability of water, sewer, storm water, and other related technical issues, at least two weeks prior to the targeted Plan Commission. 5.01.03 Plan Commission: Petitioner must attend the scheduled Plan Commission meeting,which will involve an informal public comment session after the petitioner(or his duly authorized representative)presents his Concept Plan. 5.02 PRELIMINARY PLAN 5.02.01 The preliminary plan is a drawing complying with all provisions of this Ordinance, and when considered necessary by the Plan Commission or the Plan Council, should be accompanied by other engineering drawings concerning required improvements on which final review for adherence to design standards and improvement proposals is based, and from which detailed engineering drawings can proceed. When the petitioner does not wish to present a Concept Plan,he will start with his Preliminary Plan, and at this time submit his application. Petitioner will be invoiced for the required annexation,re-zoning, engineering, and other applicable fees,which must be paid in full prior to being placed on the Plan Commission Agenda. A deposit for legal and planning services will also be invoiced, and is due at this time. Payment should be made to the Deputy Clerk, and the United City of Yorkville Administrative Offices. As part of the application,the petitioner shall also provide the names and addresses of all land owners within 500 feet of the application property to the City's Deputy Clerk, for the purpose of sending certified notices of the required public hearing(s). 5.02.02 After a written report from the Plan Council, and after review of the Preliminary Plan and discussion with the subdivider on changes and additions that may be required for the plan, the Plan Commission shall make a recommendation in writing to the City Council. 5.02.03 After review of the Preliminary Plan and the recommendation of the Plan Commission,the City Council shall discuss with the subdivider the proposed Plan, and shall, within 45 days, act on the Preliminary Plan. The subdivider shall be notified in writing of any conditions of approval or reasons for disapproval. 10 Yorkville Subdivision Control Ordinance 5.02.04 Approval of the Preliminary Plan is tentative only, and shall be effective for a period of twelve months. If the final plat has not been recorded within this time limit, the Preliminary Plan must again be submitted for approval, unless upon application by the subdivider, the City Council grants an extension. An extension period shall not exceed two (2) 12-month periods. 5.02.05 Ordinances in effect on the date of Preliminary Plan approval shall govern the preparation of the Final Plan. Ordinances in effect on the date(s)of Final Plat approval(s)shall govern any fees paid or contributions made by the developer. 5.02.06 Fees for legal and planning services will be billed based on per-hour range of work being performed. These amounts are deducted from the deposit amount we invoiced earlier, and a statement of account(reflecting the current credit balance) is sent to the petitioner with the consulting bills enclosed. All fees must be current before proceeding to the next stage of the approval process. 5.03 FINAL PLAN 5.03.01 Approval of the Preliminary Plan all entitle the subdivider to approval of the Final Plan, provided that the Final Plan: 1. Conforms substantially to the approved Preliminary Plan; 2. Meets all conditions of said approval; and 3. Complies with all applicable, current ordinances. Disapproval of the Final Plan is warranted if: 1. There are more than minor deviations from the approved Preliminary Plan; ,111,1 c.• 2. A new highway, pipeline, or other major improvement shall directly affect the proposed development site. 5.03.02 The proposed Final Plat must be accompanied by 12 sets of the proposed improvement plans for review by the plan Council. 5.03.03 After reviewing the final plat and applicable minutes from the Plan Council and any discussions on changes and additions that may be required, the Plan Commission shall recommend in writing to the City Council, within 45 days from receipt of the Plan Council minutes, wither approval or disapproval of the Final Plat and its reasons for such recommendation. The final plat then proceeds to The Economic Development Committee which consisting of four(4)City Council members for its further review and recommendation. Project then moves to the Committee of the Whole and then the City Council meeting for approval or disapproval. 11 Yorkville Subdivision Control Ordinance 5.03.04 The proposed Improvement Plans shall be prepared by a Registered Professional Engineer of Illinois, who shall be responsible for the design of all public and land improvements required by this subdivision Ordinance, as provided in the Illinois Professional Engineering Act. The submitted plans shall be sealed by said Professional Engineer,and shall be in conformance with the City's Standard Specifications for Improvements, and these City Specifications shall be the only specifications for the improvements. The Final Plat cannot be submitted to the plan Commission until the Improvement plans are approved and signed by the City Engineer and the City Administrator,and all fees are paid, and all required securities are filed. 5.03.05 The Final Plat shall be recorded with the County Recorder of Deeds, within thirty(30)days from the date of final approval, or final approval shall be considered null and void. This requirement shall not apply when delay in recording a plat is due to circumstances beyond the control of the City or developer. 5.03.06 Final Engineering Plan: Submit 3 sets of the Final Engineering Plans to the Deputy Clerk at the City Administrative Offices for review and recommendation by the City Engineer. SECTION 6.00—REQUIRED INFORMATION TO BE SHOWN ON SUBDIVISION PLANS AND PLATS The following requirements are held to be the minimum amount of information necessary to convey to the representatives of United City of Yorkville a complete and accurate description of the kind and quality of subdivision proposed. Additional information may be submitted if it will further clarify the proposed subdivision. 6.01 PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE PLAN 6.01.01 Concept Plan: The Concept Plan may be done free-hand, but shall be done with reasonable accuracy and clarity. The scale of the drawing should be 1"= 100', unless clarity or size of drawing dictates otherwise. The following information shall be shown: 1. Name and address of the owner or subdivider; 2. North arrow and scale; 3. Approximate dimensions and area of parcel; 4. Topography—not greater than 10' contour intervals such as can be obtained from USGS maps; 5. Proposed layout of streets, lots, parks,and non-residential areas, including storm water control; 6. Number of dwelling units, gross and net density; 7. Minimum and average lot sizes; 8. Gross and net area; 9. For multiple-family, commercial and industrial areas: a. Location of buildings; b. Approximate dimensions and area of site; c. Off-street parking, delivery, and pick-up areas; d. Buffer zones. 12 Yorkville Subdivision Control Ordinance 6.01.02 Existing Conditions: Presence of any of the following shall be shown on the Sketch Plan or an additional sheet: 1. Streams, marshes, bodies of water, wooded areas, wetland, and other significant natural features; 2. Location and direction of all water courses, drainage ways,and areas subject to flooding; 3. Location of storm drains, inlets, and outfalls; 4. Existing buildings; 5. Existing utilities, and utilities proposed for extension; 6. Existing streets and streets proposed. 6.01.03 Location Map: A small-scale map or sketch of the general area, showing the relationship between the proposed subdivision and existing community facilities and rights-of-way, with the proposed subdivision indicated thereon. 6.02 PRELIMINARY PLAN The Preliminary Plan shall be drawn at a scale of 1"= 100', unless another scale is approved or required by the Plan Commission or the plan Council at the pre-application conference. 6.02.01 The following information shall be shown on all Preliminary Plans: 1. Notation stating"Preliminary Plan"; 2. The name and address of the owner,the subdivider, and the engineer, surveyor,and planner preparing the plan; 3. Date, scale, and north arrow; 4. Topography—not greater than 2' contour intervals. 5. The proposed subdivision name, which shall not duplicate the name of any plat previously recorded in Kendall County; 6. Location of the subdivision on a small-scale drawing of the general area in which the subdivision lies, with the location of the subdivision indicated thereon, including high- water elevations, if known; 7. The recorded length and bearing of the exterior boundaries of the subdivision; 8. Location and names of adjacent subdivisions and the owners of parcels of un- subdivided land within 200' of property; 9. Zoning on and contiguous to the subdivision; 10. Location, widths, and names of all existing and platted streets, alleys, or other known public ways and easements, railroad and utility rights-of-way, parks cemeteries, watercourses,permanent buildings, bridges, and other pertinent data,as determined by the Plan Commission on the lands proposed to be subdivided, and within one hundred, fifty(150)feet of the proposed subdivision; 11. The approximate areas of all parcels of land intended to be dedicate for reserved for public use, or to be reserved in the deeds for the common use of property owners in the subdivision; 12. If the subdivision borders a lake or stream,the distances and bearings of a meander-line established not less than twenty(20)feet back from the average high water mark of the lake or stream, as determined from flood hazard maps or other data, with said distance and source of data noted; 13 Yorkville Subdivision Control Ordinance 13. Approximate storm water runoff and detention/retention calculations shall be in accordance with the Standard Specifications for Improvements. Offsite tributary drainage areas and discharging routing shall be defined with supporting data as necessary for evaluation; 14. Layout and width of all new streets and rights-of-way, such as highways, easements for sewers and water mains, sidewalks, trees, drainage ways, and other public utilities; 15. Existing trees greater than 6" caliper; 16. Proposed plantings; 17. Legal Description; 18. Site date(See Figure No. 5 in Standard Specifications); 19. Routing to any proposed extensions of existing water and sewer mains, including all pipe sizes, pertinent elevations, and proposed elevations; 20. Internal utility layout, demonstrating sanitary sewer depths, water main looping, storm water routing to and from detention/retention, and locations of existing field tiles; 21. A written statement from the Kendall County Soil Conservation Service(USDA), expressing its opinion of the suitability of the land for the type of land use proposed; 22. A field tile survey, showing locations where exploration trenches were dug, and what was found. 6.02.02 The following information shall be shown for all single-family and two-family areas: 1. Approximate dimensions and minimum lot areas, in square feet; 2. Proposed building set-back lines; 3. Area of property proposed to be dedicated for public use, or to be reserved by deed covenant for use of all property owners in the subdivision with the conditions of such dedication or reservation. 6.02.03 The following information shall be shown for all multiple-family, commercial, industrial, and other non-residential area: 1. Number of units, gross and net densities; 2. Open spaces; 3. Proposed layout of structures; 4. Layout and quantities of all off-street parking and loading areas; 5. Proposed building set-back lines; 6. Area of property proposed to be dedicated for public use, or to be reserved by deed covenant for use of all property owners in the subdivision, with the conditions of such dedication or reservation; 7. Buffer areas; 8. Square feet of buildings for commercial and industrial projects. 14 Yorkville Subdivision Control Ordinance 6.03 FINAL PLAN The Final Plan shall be drawn in ink, at a scale of 1"= 100', or larger, on a non-fading, stable, Mylar material. The sheet size for plats or plans shall be not less than 18"x 24", nor larger than 24"x 36". When more than one sheet is used for any document, each sheet shall be numbered consecutively and shall contain a notation giving the total number of sheets in the document, and shall show the relation of that sheet to the other sheets. Final plans shall include all required engineering and landscaping improvements. See Figure No. 6 in Standard Specifications. 6.03.01 The following information shall be shown on all Final Plats: 1. Legal Description. Legal descriptions shall commence at the intersections of Section lines and/or Quarter Section lines when reasonably practical to do so. 2. All monuments erected, corners, and other points established in the field in their proper places. The material of which monuments, corners, or other points are made shall be noted as the representation thereof, or by legend, except lot corners need not be shown. 3. The exact length and bearing of all exterior boundary lines, public grounds, meander- lines, and easements, unless they parallel a noted boundary. 4. The exact width of all easements, streets, and alleys. 5. The dimensions of all lot lines, to the nearest on hundredth(1/100)of a foot. 6. Building set-back lines on all lots. 7. All lots consecutively numbered within consecutively lettered blocks. 8. The number of degrees, minutes, and seconds of all lot angles or bearings of same, other than 90*, except that when the line in any tier of lots is parallel, it shall be sufficient to mark only the outer lots. When any angle is between a curve and its tangent,the angle shown shall be that between the tangent and the main chord of the curve. When between curves of different radii, the angle between the main chords shall be shown. 9. When a street is on a circular curve, the main chord of the center line shall be drawn as a dotted line in its proper place; and, either on it,or preferably in adjoining table, shall be noted its bearing and length,the radius of the circle of which the curve is a part,and the central angle extended. The lot lines on the street sides may be shown in the same manner, or by bearings and distances. When a circular curve of thirty (30)foot radius or less is used to round off the intersection between two (2)straight lines, it shall be tangent to both straight lines; it shall be sufficient to show on the plat the radius of the curve and the tangent distances from the points of curvature to a point of intersection of the straight lines. 10. The name of each road or street in the plat shall be printed thereon, which name shall not duplicate the name of any other street, unless it is an extension thereof. 15 Yorkville Subdivision Control Ordinance 11. Abutting state highway lines and streets of adjoining plats shown in their proper location by dotted lines. The width and names of these streets and highways and plats shall also be given. 12. All lands dedicated to public use, including roads, and streets shall be clearly marked. 13. All water-courses, drainage ditches, and other existing features pertinent to the subdivision. 14. Where provisions are made for access from any subdivision to any lake or stream,the plat shall show the area over which the access is provided to the lake or stream, together with a small scale drawing, clearly indicating the location of the subdivision in relation to the lake or stream, and the location of the area over which access is provided. 15. Monuments.The description and location of all survey monuments placed in the subdivision shall be shown upon Final Plat. Permanent monuments shall be of concrete, reinforced with one(1)number four(4)vertical rod, and not less than four(4)inches square on top, tapered to six(6)inches square at the bottom, and thirty-six(36)inches long, set flush with the adjacent ground. Each permanent monument shall have a suitable mark in the center of the top. Permanent monuments shall be erected at ail corners or changes in bearing of the exterior boundary. Metal monuments not less than Y2 inch in diameter, and 24 inches in length shall be placed in the ground at all lot corners, intersections of streets, intersections of streets and alleys with plat boundary lines, and at all points on street, alley, and boundary lines where there is a change in direction or curvature. All monuments and stakes shall be set in the ground before the streets and alleys are accepted for public maintenance. 16. A Surveyor holding a current, valid registration in Illinois shall perform the survey, and if the error in the latitude and departure closure of the survey is greater than the ratio of one in five thousand(1/5000), the plat may be rejected. 17. Certificated of Approval to e shown on Final Plat as applicable: 1. Surveyor 2. Owner 3. Notary 4. City Administrator 5. Township Highway Commissioner, if applicable 6. County Supervisor of Highways, if applicable 7. Illinois Department of Transportation, if applicable 8. City Clerk 9. City Plan Commission, Chairman 10. Mayor 11. County Clerk 12. County Recorder 13. City Engineer 14. School District Certificate 15. Drainage Overlay Certificate 16 Yorkville Subdivision Control Ordinance SECTION 7.00—DESIGN STANDARDS 7.01 GENERAL In laying out a subdivision, the developer shall: 1. Take into account, and comply with, officially adopted plans; 2. Conform to existing street patterns where such streets are contiguous to the proposed subdivision or may reasonably be projected through the subdivision; 3. Design the arrangement of uses in relation to topography and drainage conditions; 4. Consider all natural features, such as streams, lakes, ponds, tree cover, etc., and incorporate these features into the development; 5. Consider street names. Streets that are extensions of, or obviously in alignment with, existing streets shall bear the name of the existing streets; however, no other streets shall bear names which duplicate or nearly duplicate so as to be confused with the names of existing streets; 6. Take into account future development, including street and utility extensions; 7. Consider the implementation of traffic calming measures, which the City may require on a case by case basis. 7.02 PUBLIC SITES AND OPEN SPACES Where a proposed park, playground, school, or other public use shown on any official adopted City, Township, County, or State plan or map is located in whole or in part in a subdivision, appropriate public agencies and governing bodies shall be given an opportunity to begin, within one year from the date of recording of the Final Plat, procedures to acquire said acreage. 7.03 STANDARDS The United City of Yorkville Standard Specifications for Improvements . and th_L 01Lv lI C Pari. Board Part, I)ev elopment Standards shall be incorporated herein, and shall apply to any and all development, not only subdivisions. 7.04 HALF-STREETS Half-streets shall be prohibited, except where essential to the reasonable development of the subdivision, and in conformity with the other requirements of these regulations, and where the Plan Commission finds it will be practicable to require the dedication of the other half when the adjoining property is subdivided. A right-of-way width of not less than forty (40)feet, and a pavement width of not less than twenty-two and one-half(22 ''/2)feet, shall be required for the half-street. Where a half-street is adjacent to a tract to be subdivided, the other half of the street shall be platted and constructed within such tract. In cases where half-streets are accepted, the owner and subdivider shall be required to grade and improve the half-street, the same ad all other subdivision streets. 17 Yorkville Subdivision Control Ordinance 7.05 ALLEYS 7.05.01 Alleys shall be provided in all commercial and industrial districts, except that the City may waive this requirement where another definite and assured provision is made for service access, such as off-street loading and parking consistent with, and adequate for,the uses proposed. 7.05.02 Alleys shall not be approved in residential areas,unless necessary because of topography or other exceptional circumstances. 7.05.03 The width of alleys shall be not less than twenty-four(24)feet. 7.05.04 Dead-end alleys shall be prohibited. 7.06 STREET JOGS Street intersection jogs with center line offsets of less than one hundred, fifty(150) feet shall be prohibited. 7.07 STREET INTERSECTIONS Streets shall be laid out so as to intersect as nearly as possible at right angles. A proposed intersection at an angle of less than eighty(80)degrees shall not be acceptable. 7.08 BLOCKS 7.08.01 The length, width, and shapes of blocks shall be such as are appropriate for the locality and the type of development contemplated, but block length in residential areas shall not exceed on thousand,three hundred, and twenty (1320)feet,nor have less than sufficient width to provide two tiers of lots of appropriate depth between street lines, except that one tier of lots may back onto a limited access highway, railroad right-of-way, or major street, provided suitable screen-planting contained in a no-access reservation strip along the rear property line is provided. 7.08.02 Paved an fenced pedestrian crosswalks,not less than ten(10)feet wide, may be required by the Plan Commission through the center of blocks more than nine hundred(900)feet long, where deemed essential to provide circulation or access to schools, playgrounds, shopping centers,transportation, and other community facilities. Paving shall be three(3)inches of bituminous concrete surface course on ten(10)inches of compacted CA-6 base. Fencing shall be four(4)feet high, continuous chain-link fence on both sides of the walkway on an easement. 7.09 LOTS 7.09.01 All lots shall meet the minimum depth, width, and area requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. 7.09.02 The size, shape, and orientation of lots shall be appropriate for the location of the subdivision, and for the type of development and use contemplated. 18 Yorkville Subdivision Control Ordinance 7.09.03 Depth and width of properties reserved or laid out for commercial and industrial purposes shall be adequate to provide for off-street service and parking facilities. 7.09.04 The fronting of residential lots onto State and County highways is prohibited. Also prohibited is the fronting of residential lots onto any proposed major thoroughfare or major collectors, as designated by the Comprehensive Plan. Subdivision entrances for residential uses, and/or major entrances for commercial, industrial, and institutional uses shall be located not less than thirteen hundred(1300)feet apart, center-line to center-line, unless topography or existing street locations dictate otherwise. 7.09.05 Excessive depth in relation to width shall be avoided. 7.09.06 Every lot shall front or abut on a public street. 7.09.07 Side lot lines shall be substantially at right angles or radial to street lines. 7.09.08 Double frontage and reversed frontage lots shall be avoided, except where necessary to overcome specific disadvantages of topography and orientation, and where a limited access highway, railroad right-of-way, major street, or similar situation exists; in which case, double-frontage lots shall be provided with suitable screen-planting contained in a no- access reservation strip along the rear property line and the right-of-way. When deemed necessary by the Plan Commission, double-frontage lots shall have additional depth to further protect the proposed use from rear lot line traffic. 7.09.09 Subdivisions must include all of the parcel being divided, and may have no exceptions or exclusions; and shall not contain"leftover"pieces, corner, or remnants of land. 7.09.10 Lot widths shall be measured at the building setback line, and may be reduced ten(10) percent at the end of a cul-de-sac, providing the lot area meets the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. 7.09.11 Corner lots shall have a buildable area equal to or greater than the smallest interior lot on the same block. 7.10 EASEMENTS 7.10.01 Easements shall be provided at the rear of all lots. Such utility easement shall be at least ten(10)feet wide on each lot, and normally centered upon the rear or side lot lines. Easements will be required for all storm water control facilities and for overflow routes. The City may require wider easements and easements at other locations to accommodate proposed utilities and to provide space for future utilities. Easements shall be provided at the side of all lots, and shall be at least five(5) feet wide on each lot, immediately adjacent to the property line. Easements shall be provided along both sides of all right-of-ways, immediately adjacent and parallel to, said right-of-way. This easement shall be for utilities. Evidence shall be furnished to the Plan Commission that easements, and any easement provisions to be incorporated on the plat or in the deeds, have been reviewed by the individual utility companies, or the organization responsible for furnishing the service involved. 19 Yorkville Subdivision Control Ordinance 7.10.02 Where a watercourse, drainage channel, or-stream, or other body of water traverses a subdivision, appropriate dedications or easement provisions, with adequate width or construction to accommodate observed, computed, or anticipated storm water drainage through and from the subdivision, shall be made. The width of the easement shall be dependent on the area of land drained by the water-course, and wide enough to allow access for construction and maintenance equipment. 7.10.03 A screen-planting easement may be required in accordance with the Landscape Ordinance. If such easement is to also be used for public utilities, only such plant materials that have an ultimate growth not exceeding fifteen(15')feet shall be used. SECTION 8.00—REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS 8.01 IMPROVEMENTS REQUIREMENTS PRIOR TO FILING FINAL PLAT Upon approval of both the Final Plan and the plans and specifications for the required subdivision improvements by the Plan Commission, Director of Public Works, and the City Engineer, and upon approval of the appropriate agencies as evidenced by State and County permits, where required, the subdivider shall construct and install the required subdivision improvements prior to filing the Final Plat with the Plan Commission for final approval. If construction does not begin within four(4)years of Final Plan approval, the subdivider may be required to revise the plan to comply with new City requirements. 8.02 SUBDIVISION SECURITIES In lieu of construction on 8.01 above, the subdivider shall post with the City of Yorkville, a construction guarantee in the form of an Irrevocable Letter of Credit or irrevocable bond, payable to the United City of Yorkville, sufficient to cover the full cost, plus ten(10) percent, of the required improvements, as estimated by the engineer employed by the subdivider and approved by the City Engineer,to assure the satisfactory installation of required improvements as outlined in this Section, and contained in the approved plans and specifications. The Bond or Letter of Credit posted shall be issued by a Surety or Bank recognized by the State of Illinois, and approved by the City Attorney, and shall carry a rating sufficient to cover the cost of construction. The subdivider shall us e the standard Bond Form or Letter of Credit Form used by the City of Yorkville. Construction guarantee shall not be reduced to below twenty five(25)fifteen(15%)percent of the approved engineer's estimate prior to acceptance of the public improvements by the City. The construction guarantee shall not expire for at least one year. Subsequent renewals of the construction guarantee shall also be for a period of at least one year. 8.03 CONSTRUCTION WARRANTY The subdivision irrevocable bond or Letter of Credit shall be released after an appropriate City Council Resolution accepting the improvements for public ownership. This subdivision Letter of Credit will not be released until a one-year Maintenance Bond or Letter of Credit is posted with the City Clerk for ten(10)percent of the Land Improvement cost, to insufe ensure that any and all improvements will properly function as designed, with no defects after the City Council formal acceptance. 20 Yorkville Subdivision Control Ordinance 8.04 PROCEDURE 8.04.01 Not more than ten(10) months after Preliminary Plan approval, four(4)copies of the proposed final plans and specifications, engineer's estimates prepared and sealed by a professional engineer currently registered with the State of Illinois, and Subdivision Bond or Letter of Credit, shall be filed with the City Engineer, and shall provide all necessary information for the following, as applicable: 1. Streets; 2. Curbs and gutter; 3. Storm drainage, including storm sewers and storm water detention, building storm drains(footings, roof, etc); 4. Comprehensive drainage plan, including grades of surface drainage ways; 5. Sanitary sewerage system; 6. Water supply and distribution; 7. Public utility locations; 8. Street lights; 9. Sidewalks 10. Street signs, guard rails, and other special requirements; 11. Parkway trees; and 12. Payment in full of all City fees. 8.04.02 CONSTRUCTION AND INSPECTION 1. Prior to starting any work covered by the approved plans and specifications for the above improvements, written authority to start the work shall be obtained from the Director of Public Works. Authorization to begin work will be given upon receipt of all necessary permits, including all culvert permits required when proposed new or changed subdivision roads intersect any presently-existing road, and work must proceed in accordance with construction methods of Section 8.05 through Section 8.11, and the City's Standard Specifications for Improvements. 2. Construction of all improvements required by this Ordinance must be completed within two years from the date of approval of the Final Plat, unless good cause can be shown for granting an extension of time. 3. The subdivider shall pay all expenses incurred by the City of YorLv ilk to provide field inspections and testing of all construction work and materials before, during, and after construction. 4 On-suret parking dui in build-out of the del elopuient shall belimited to one side of all streets In Leneral. parking will not be allotsed on the side of the street wheie fire by drants are located The del eloper shall post sunta�Le, as required by the Vorkv ilk Police Department 21 Yorkville Subdivision Control Ordinance 8.04.03 AS-BUILT PLANS After completion of all public improvements, and prior to final acceptance of said improvements,the subdivider shall make, or cause to be made, a map showing the actual location of all valves, manholes, stubs, sewer and water mains, and such other facilities as the Director of Public Works shall require. This map shall bear the signature and seal of an Illinois Registered Professional Engineer. The presentation of this map shall be a condition of final acceptance of the improvements, and release of the subdivision Bond or Letter or Credit, assuring their completion. The"as-built"plans shall be submitted on reproducible Mylar, and also on computer diskette in a format acceptable to the City. 8.04.04 SURVEY MONUMENTS All permanent and other monuments required in this Ordinance shall be placed prior to the approval of the Final Plat. 8.04.05 ACCEPTANCE OF DEDICATION, IMPROVEMENTS 1. Final acceptance of the dedication of open space or other public areas shall mean the responsibility for the maintenance of the same. Approval of the Final Plat does not constitute final acceptance. 2. Approval of the Final Plat shall be dependent of presentation of proof of responsibility for the maintenance of all community improvements. 3. All public improvements shall be accepted only by Resolution of the City Council, after a formal Petition for approval has been submitted by the subdivider to the City Clerk. Such Petition shall be filed after completion of the public improvements. The City Engineer and the Director of Public Works shall, within thirty(30)days from receipt of such Petition,make recommendations is report form to the City Council. All Petitions shall be acted upon by the City Council within thirty (30)days from receipt of such recommendations of the City Engineer and Director of Public Works. A Maintenance bond will then be required in the amount of ten(10)percent of the cost of the Land Improvements, as specified in this Ordinance, after City Council acceptance. 8.05 STREETS Street improvements shall be installed by the developer.and shall be in accordance with the table of minimum standards herein. and in accordance with the City's Standard Specifications for Improvements. Right-of-ways at intersections shall have a twenty-five (25)foot radius or chord where right-of-way lines intersect. 8.06 SIDEWALKS Concrete sidewalks shall be installed by the developer within all subdivisions, on both sides of the street or roadway,to a minimum width of five(5)feet, as specified in the City's Standard Specifications for Improvements. 22 Yorkville Subdivision Control Ordinance 8.07 STREET LIGHTING A complete, functioning street light system shall be installed by the developer, at his expense, in all subdivisions as specified in the City's Standard Specifications for Improvements. 8.08 SIGNAGE, GUARD RIALS, AND LANDSCAPING 8.08.01 Street signs of the quantity and type approved by the Director of Public Works shall be installed at each intersection, and shall indicate the street names as shown on the Final Plat. The City shall order and install the street name signs. The subdivider shall reimburse the City for said cost. The subdivider shall also supply and install regulatory and warning signs, as directed by the Yorkville Police Department. 8.08.02 Steel plate beam guard rails shall be placed along the shoulder of any street, where street construction has resulted in an embankment greater than six (6) feet in height. 8.08.03 All areas of street right-of-way that are not paved, shall be seeded or sodded. Provisions shall be made to assure the growth of all landscaping. 8.08.04 All improvements herein shall be as specified in the City's Standard Specifications for Improvements. 80) I ORM\\ ATER DR_AIN s:�l 8.09.01 Surface water drainage improvements consisting of storm sewers and/or open channels. inlets. catch basins, and manholesand/or detention facilities. shall be designed and constructed to adequately drain the area being developed, and also all of such other areas that naturally drain through the area being developed. 8.09.02 If the surface water drainage will be changed by the construction of the subdivision, adequate provision shall be made for collection and diversion of such surface waters into public areas, or drains which the subdivider has a right to use, and such surface waters shall not be deposited on the property of adjoining land owners, in such a manner as to cause erosion or other damage. 8.09.03 Designed planning of surface water drainage facilities shall be performed by, or under the supervision of, a Professional Engineer, registered in the State of Illinois. The storm water drainage system shall be as specified in the City's Standard Specifications for Improvements. 8.09.04 It will be the homeowner's responsibility to maintain any drainage course across his property, and to keep it free from features that restrict natural drainage. 23 Yorkville Subdivision Control Ordinance 8.10 SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM All subdivisions and units therein shall be required to provide connection to the sanitary sewer system, including required sewer extensions off-site, to the sizes and depths as required by the City. The sanitary sewers shall be extended to the far boundaries of the development, as directed by the City. All costs of these improvements will be borne by the developer. The sanitary sewer system shall be as specified in the City's Standard Specifications for Improvements. 8.11 WATER SYSTEM All subdivisions and units therein shall be required to provide connection to the United City of Yorkville's public water supply system, including required water main extensions off- site, to the sizes required by the City, and all costs shall be borne by the developer. All developments must provide a looped, double-fed water system, and extensions to the boundaries of the development, as directed by the City, shall also be included in the water system, to be funded by the developer. The water system shall be as specified in the City's Standard Specifications for Improvements. 8.12 OVERSIZING OF UTILITIES When, in any subdivision, now within the City, or within one and one-half(1 1/2)miles of the City limits, which normally would require a certain size water main, sanitary sewer, and/or storm sewer, but which for the purpose of complying with the plan of development of the City's Comprehensive Plan, to provide adequate utilities,not only to the particular subdivision, but also to subdivisions which in the future may become a part of the City, and where the City Engineer and the Director of Public Works have determined that water and/or sewer mains of a larger diameter are required, then the City Engineer or the Director of Public Works shall inform the subdivider, builders, and developers of the subdivision by a written notice of that fact, and require them to install such oversized utilities and at the same time, in said notice, inform them of the size(s)to be installed. Watermain shall be considered oversized if it is larger than the size needed to supply the required fire flows of the development,not the minimum pipe size allowed by ordinance. The required fire flow rate for all residential areas shall be 1500 gpm. The required fire flow rate for commercial and industrial areas shall be 3250 gpm. The required fire flow rate within five hundred feet of a school site shall be 3375 gpm. Upon being so notified as provided for in this section, no subdivider, builder, or developer shall install any utility in such subdivision of any size other than that specified to him by the aforesaid notice. 24 Yorkville Subdivision Control Ordinance At such time as the installation of said oversized utilities shall have been completed in accordance with the plans and specifications submitted to the City of such installation, and also in accordance with the notice specified in this Section, and all such installations shall have been inspected and approved by the City as provided for by the Ordinances of the City of Yorkville,then the City may enter into an agreement to allow the developer to recover the difference of the cost at current prices. as of the time of said installation. between the development's required utilities which was yr ere originally planned to be used, and the cost of the oversized utilities which the City directed to be used. Said agreement may be in the form of a recapture agreement,cash payment(s),rebates of fees to the developer, or some other consideration as may be approved by the City Council. SECTION 9.00—ADMINISTRATION 9.01 BUILDING PERMIT No building permit shall be issued for the construction of any building, structure, or improvement to the land, or any lot within a subdivision as defined herein, which has been approved for platting or re-platting, until all requirements of this Ordinance have been fully complied with. In no case will a building permit be issued until all fees have been paid, a grading plan approved, an"all-weather" road in place to serve this property, along with functioning drainage facilities, water system, and sanitary sewer system. Exceptions may be made for model home units. 9.02 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Ne A certificate of occupancy shall nlav be issued for the use of any structure within a subdivision approved for platting or re-platting until provided that all required utilities have been installed and are capable of servicing the subdivision, and all roadways that-pr-ovide . . ... . have at least the bituminous binder laid. and mutual aLtrcentcnt hem een the Citv En;iineci and the Building ( ode Official has transpired. A • • . . - . •- . .. . . . , . The final grading plan must be submitted and approved prior to a Certificate of Occupancy. 9.03 VARIATIONS Where the Planning Commission finds that extraordinary hardships or particular difficulties may result from the strict compliance with the Ordinance, the Zoning Board of Appeals is hereby empowered to consider such matters after receiving written application from the subdivider. If applicable, the Zoning Board of Appeals may recommend, in writing, to the City Council, variations or exceptions to the regulations, subject to specified conditions, so that substantial justice may be done and the public interest secured, provided that such variations or exceptions shall not have the effect of nullifying the intent and purpose of this Ordinance or the Comprehensive Plan. 25 Yorkville Subdivision Control Ordinance The standards and requirements of the Ordinance may be modified in the case of large- scale developments when the Plan Commission finds that a plan and program for a new village, complete community, shopping center, industrial park, or neighborhood unit provides adequate public open spaces and improvements for circulation, recreation, and service needs of the tract when fully developed, and which also provides such covenants or other legal provisions to assure conformity and achievement of the plan. The Zoning Board of Appeals shall not recommend variations or exceptions to the regulations of this Ordinance unless it shall make findings based upon the evidence presented in each specific case, that: 1. Because of the particular physical surroundings, shape, or topography conditions of the specific property involved, a particular hardship to the owner would result, as distinguished from a mere inconvenience, if the strict letter of the regulations was carried out; 2. The conditions upon which the request for a variation is based are unique to the property for which the variation is sought and are not applicable, generally to other property, and have not been created by any person having an interest in the property; 3. The purpose of the variation is not based primarily upon a desire to make more money out of the property; and 4. The granting of the variation will not be detrimental to the public safety, health, welfare, or injurious to other property or improvements in the neighborhood in which the property is located. SECTION 10.00—AMENDMENT 10.01 INITIATION OF AMENDMENT Amendments may be proposed by the Mayor and City Council, the Plan Commission, the Zoning Board of Appeals, or any resident of the City of Yorkville, or any person residing within 11/2 miles of the corporate limits of the City. 10.02 PROCESSING APPLICATION FOR AMENDMENT 10.02.01 An application for an amendment shall be filed with the City Clerk. The application shall be accompanied by such plans or data, and such other information, as specified by the Plan Commission, and shall include a statement, in writing, by the applicant and adequate evidence showing that the proposed amendments will conform to the standards set forth herein. Copies of such application shall be forwarded by the City Council to the Plan Commission with the request to hold a public hearing. 10.02.02 Publication: The City Clerk shall cause a notice of time,place, and purpose of such hearing to be published in a newspaper published within the City of Yorkville, not more than thirty(30)days nor less than fifteen(15)days in advance of such hearing. 10.02.03 Hearing on Application: Upon receipt in proper form of the application and statement referred to above, the Plan Commission shall hold at least one public hearing on the proposed amendment. However,the Plan Commission may continue from time to time the hearing without further notice being published. 26 Yorkville Subdivision Control Ordinance 10.02.04 Findings of Fact and Recommendation of the Plan Commission: Within forty-five(45) days after the close of the hearing on a proposed amendment, the Plan Commission shall make written findings of fact, and shall submit same, together with its recommendations to the Mayor and City Council. 10.03 DECISIONS 10.03.01 The Mayor and City Council, upon receiving the recommendation of the Plan Commission, may grant or deny any proposed amendment in accordance with applicable Illinois Statutes, or may refer to the Plan Commission for further consideration. 10.03.02 If a recommendation submitted by the plan Commission to the City Council for a proposed amendment is not acted upon by the City Council within forty-five(45)days of the date upon which such application is received by the Mayor and City Council, it shall be deemed to have been approved. SECTION 11.00—FEE SCHEDULE 11.01 FPNAL PLAT - . .. . minimum fee shall be ten dollars($10.00)per plat. 11.02 AMENDMENT . e .. • . 11.01 L ' U ( :-ASH (O N I ILA TIONS The subdivider shall comply with any School and/or Park Land-Cash Ordinance in effect at the time of Final Plat approval. 11.02 FEES Before the Plan ( apprrn es the Final Platthe subda\ider shall payto the t ilted (it\ of Yolky illeall fc s. reimbtu'senients. and or deposits clue at that tient;for ani of tit_ Subdly iders' dev elopn'f nts in the city SECTION 12.00—VIOLATION,PENALTY,ENFORCEMENT Any person, firm, or corporation who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects, refuses to comply with, or who resists enforcement of any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be fined not less than fifty dollars($50.00), nor more than two hundred dollars ($200.00)for each offense. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. The City Engineer is hereby designated and authorized to enforce this Ordinance. However, it shall also be the duty of all officers, citizens, and employees of the City, particularly of all members of the Engineering, Police, and Public Works Departments, to assist the City Engineer in reporting to him any new construction, reconstruction, improved land uses, or upon any apparent violation. 27 Yorkville Subdivision Control Ordinance SECTION 13.00—WHEN-EFFECTIVE—EFFECTIVE DATE This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect form and after its due passage, approval, and publication, as provided by law. Passed and approved by the City Council this day of , 20-_ Mayor SEAL ATTEST: City Clerk RICHARD STICKA WANDA OHARE VALERIE BURR LARRY KOT MARTY MUNNS PAUL JAMES JOE BESCO ROSE SPEARS 28 s RESOLUTION FOR THE UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR IMPROVEMENTS (With Strike-outs) Resolution No. These Standards apply to all infrastructure improvements,and may be modified as needed upon the advice of the City Engineer for special identified situations or conditions. All contractors shall give the City Engineer's office a minimum 48-hour notice of all work and of all required approvals. Failure to obtain these required approvals will require extensive testing,removal and replacement,and a ban for a minimum of one year,from working on the City's right-of-way. Subdividers that have been unfaithful in previous City agreements or developments,or who owe the City payments,will not be allowed to have work performed for them within the public right-of-way. Resident engineering inspection shall be provided through the City Engineer's office,and all such costs shall be charged to the developer by the United City of Yorkville. Required written approvals will not be given until outstanding bills are paid in full. The developer's improvement Letter of Credit or other subdivision securities will also be liable for all such costs. The developer shall be responsible for layout and staking engineering,as well as for record drawings by a registered Professional Engineer. These Specifications for Improvements shall become a part of each and every project approved by the United City of Yorkville,and no other specifications will take precedence. All improvements included in the United City of Yorkville's Standard Specifications for Improvements, unless noted herein,shall conform to the latest editions of the State of Illinois"Standard Specifications for Road and bridge Construction",the"Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices", and all amendments thereto. These documents shall be considered as included within the City of Yorkville Standard Specifications for Improvements,and in the case of a conflict of requirements,the most stringent shall apply. Prior to starting construction of any project,the developer shall attend a pre-construction meeting and bring a representative from each contractor,a list of all contact persons that can be reached at any time,and a complete schedule of all work to be performed. No work is to start until the engineering plans have been approved by the City Engineer and the City Administrator,and the pre-construction meeting has been held. Any changes to the approved plans must be approved in writing by the City Engineer. The City Engineer or a representative will,upon discovery of improper material or installation practices,issue a written document to the contractor, stating that failure to stop and correct such deficiencies will result in the City's refusal to accept such improvements or to issue any further building permits,or to perform required inspections. The subdivider shall obtain and keep in force insurance coverage for Worker's Compensation,and Employer's Liability, Commercial General Liability,Commercial Automobile Liability, and Umbrella Liability, as described in IDOT's"Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction". The United City of Yorkville shall be named as an additional insured. The insurance coverage shall remain in effect until the entire development is accepted by the City. The CO ww ill not consider acceptance of the public introv etnents in a dev elopineni until it is at least lilt' (501 percent built out. or three years after the roach av binder course is payed. vyhiciteyer is sooner Blasting will not be allowed. Standard Specifications for Improvements ROADS All roadways shall conform to the Illinois Department of Transportation(hereinafter termed IDOT)"Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction", unless modified herein. Horizontal and vertical geometric for right-of-ways and roadways shall conform to the City Standards, listed in Figure 2. Surface course must not be placed until at least seventy (70)percent of the adjacent, private improvements are in place. However, in no case shall the surface course be placed until the binder course has been in place for at least one full winter season. In no case shall the surface course be delayed more than three(3)years after the binder course has been installed. The subgrade shall be graded and compacted to a hard, uniform surface, matching the slopes of the surface course. It shall have no rutting and shall completely drain to the outer edges. It shall be proof rolled by the contractor with a fully loaded(gravel) 10-cubic yard dump truck and witnessed by and approved in writing by the City Engineer's representative(hereafter termed City Engineer)before proceeding to build the roadway. All unsuitable subgrade shall be removed and replaced with compacted, stable clay material or shall be replaced with compacted CA6 limestone on an approved, non-woven roadway fabric(6.5 oz. minimum). Other geo-grids may be required for certain conditions. All bituminous mixtures shall be delivered and handled so that the bituminous mixture immediately behind the paver screen is at or above 270 degrees F. All asphalt delivered to the project shall be covered when the temperature is at or below 70 degrees F. All subgrades, other than approved granular subgrades, shall be completely covered with a subgrade fabric(Amoco 4551 or approved equal), with a full 18 inches of overlap. Subgrade Fabric shall also be used on lime-stabilized sub grades. It shall be placed neat and tight. without wrinkles.tears,or defects. Construction equipment shall not be allowed to drive on the fabric until it has a minimum of four inches cover of granular base material. The City Engineer shall approve in writing the subgrade fabric installation prior to placing base material. The subgrade fabric shall extend a minimum of twelve inches beyond the back of each curb. In areas where undercutting of the subgrade is required, the bottom of the excavation shall be lined with a woven geotextile(Amoco 2002 or approved equal), and backfilled with CA-3 aggregate. The aggregate base course shall be compacted to a minimum of 95%Modified Proctor and shall be free of all dirt and debris. The course shall be proof rolled, as described above, and witnessed by and approved in writing by the City Engineer before proceeding to build the roadway. A bituminous prime coat shall be applied to the aggregate base course prior to paving. The bituminous concrete binder course shall be placed only upon the written approval of the City Engineer. All asphalt must be laid utilizing a good-quality, properly-functioning,tracked or wheeled asphalt laying machine, utilizing fully-automatic, electronic sensing control from a stringline for the initial course, and from a minimum fifteen(15)food ski for all other lifts. The bituminous binder course shall be proof rolled as described above, and witnessed by, and approved in writing, by the City Engineer before proceeding with the surface course. All repairs must be made as directed by the City Engineer. All bituminous pavement patches shall be at least fifty(50)percent thicker than the pavement being patched. 2 Standard Specifications for Improvements Also, the binder course shall be bump tested by the contractor, and witnessed by the City Engineer, and all areas exceeding one-half inch(1/2")bumps, including header joints and any patch joints, shall receive a leveling course prior to surfacing. Areas of excessive patching will automatically receive a level course prior to surfacing. Prior to any leveling course or surface course,the streets shall be flushed clean and free of all dirt and debris. A prime hmuninous tack coat will be required. Minimum temperature requirements for laying asphalt will be 5 degrees F higher than that allowed by IDOT specifications. The bituminous concrete surface course Class I shall be placed only upon the written approval of the City Engineer. All asphalt must be laid utilizing good-quality, properly functioning, tracked or wheeled asphalt laying machine, utilizing fully automatic, electronic sensing control from a minimum 15-foot ski. The surface course shall be bump tested by the contractor, and witnessed by the City Engineer. All bump test penalties specified by IDOT specifications shall be quadrupled, and areas that have an excessive amount of one-half inch(1/2")bumps shall be completely removed and replaced, not just the bump itself. Minimum temperature requirements for laying bituminous surface course will be five(5)degrees F higher than that allowed by IDOT specifications. The surface elevation of the asphalt at the concrete gutter shall be 1/4 inch higher than that of the adjacent concrete. All streets shall have a cross slope of 2%from the centerline to the concrete curb. al ca` of 'rc.uated hindei course and ui sLnta,e cows:: shall bz Krinu\'cd and leplaccd ai the dir;-ctiun of the ( II'' En_-in ei Scg i ,atail asphalt is the 111.1:n cal CIL:4111)11(1011 Of cuursC and tin,, tuatcrials in t11c asphalt. characterized h 1J i`.en1e11t tevtul dtft:rcnt frunl the surround ins material_ zinc! can usually be scan b.. th; nak;d et - Pyr,e111er11s constructed from Portland Cement ( c ncrete shall be dcsicncd in eon-1u]mane ith • merican (onciet Pa' emeut Assoeiatio11 Publications IS and IS 116IP as amended Combination concrete curb and gutter will be required on all roadways. All curb and gutter shall be placed on a base of CA 7 an aggregate base v<all to a minimum thickness of four inches. but in no case shall the curb and gutter subgrade be higher than one inch below the adjacent roadway subgrade. The height of the gutter flag shall be ten(10) inches, unless directed otherwise by the City Engineer. As noted previously, the roadway subgrade fabric will extend over the curb and gutter subgrade, and beyond by a minimum of twelve(12) inches. The concrete curb and gutter shall be reinforced with two#4 deformed bars, placed three(3) inches from the bottom, spaced twelve(12) inches apart, centered on the total width of the curb and gutter. Machine-placed concrete curb and gutter is to be utilized wherever practical, utilizing a minimum Class X concrete, and a five(5)percent minimum air-entrainment. Plastizers will be allowed, but chlorides will not. An approved spray-on curing compound with red fugitive coloring shall be applied immediately after finishing, and a sealer, WR Meadows TIAC, or approved equal, shall be applied after seven days. The resident engineer shall be notified of these applications, and proof of purchase, with material specifications, will be required. The concrete curb and gutter shall have the required slip bar expansion joints, and 3/4 inch deep sawed contraction joints will be required every 15-20 feet, within 24 hours after each pour. Minor honeycombing on the two outer, vertical surfaces will be allowed, but they must be patched in an approved manner, and witnessed by the City Engineer, prior to backfilling. The clay backfill behind the curb shall be placed and compacted prior to placing aggregate base course. 3 Standard Specifications for Improvements Roadway extensions and stubs will be required as part of the development, with full improvements where needed, for future growth. Additional lanes,access improvements,traffic signalization, etc., may be required, at the developer's expense. The developer shall reimburse the City for two of each street name and regulatory signs and posts required, and the City will install same. All signs shall be high-intensity, as approved by the Director of Public Works. All pavement markings shall be thermoplastic. The developer shall reimburse the City for the cost of replacing any signs that are missing, stolen, or damaged prior to final acceptance. Existing roadways running through, or adjacent to, the development, shall be improved by the developer to comply with these Standard Specifications for Improvements. Half-streets are discouraged, but where they are necessary,on advice of the City Engineer,the minimum width street will be twenty-four(24)feet from the edge of pavement to the back of curb, on the development side of the roadway. Street lighting, sidewalk, and landscaping on the development side will be required. Temporary tee turn-arounds will be required on all streets stubbed for future roadway extension, as recommended by the City Engineer, and shown on the Final Plat. Paving for the tee will extend from right-of-way line to right-of-way line, to a length of fifteen(15)feel,and two radii of fifteen(15)feet. The pavement beyond the road edge shall be three(3)inches of bituminous concrete surface course, on a ten(10)inch CA6 aggregate- compacted base, with pavement fabric. Concrete curb and gutter will not be required around the tee, and sidewalk will not required through the tee. The developer extending the street in the future shall remove the excess paving and base, place topsoil, and seed the area disturbed, construct the additional curbing so that the curb and gutter is continuous and uninterrupted from one development to another, and resurface for a distance of thirty(30) feet, including header joints, as approved by the City Engineer. When a development includes construction along State and County highways, or other heavily traveled road.the developer shall post advance-warning signs. The developer shall consult with the Yorkville Police Department concerning the types and locations of signs. and shall obtain a permit from the appropriate jurisdictional agency prior to erecting the signage. If a development includes the construction or modifications of traffic signals, the new signals shall be designed to have light-emitting diode(LED) lights. The traffic signal shall also have a battery backup device. All new roadways shall be designed in accordance with IDOT Circular 95-11, or the most recently adopted IDOT standard for the design of flexible and full-depth bituminous pavements. The following minimum design criteria shall be used when applying the design method: Design period=20 years Class H Roadway Traffic Factor Equations for 80.000 lb. Vehicles 2.0%traffic growth rate AC viscosity of AC-20 Subgrade Support Rating of Fair 4 Standard Specifications for Improvements Local Residential Road\\a\ Local.Residential Roadwa\s ane intended to carrry an a era`ee dail\ traffic i AU7) \olumc of less than I The right-of-\\a\ \\idth shall be 66 feet The bituminous concrete surface course shall be a minimum of 1 5 inches in thickness of Class ''1' Superpa\,c mixture. The bituminous concrete binder course shall be a minimum of 2 :5 inches In thickness The a,ereeate stone bas,.. shall b 10 inches in thickness of clean crushed C -6 �zradation ra,el or limestone. The load\\as s shall be bound vpith B-4., 12 combination conci"etc curb and cutter tri a Astdth of than Leel from back Of curb to NaCl: of curb (B-Bi The street lath l iht all 1nterseCtiii . Street., shall I;ic ! in innaiitni Of dull feet to the hack of curb The eck2e of pa\."einem ,hall he clean•d and scaled \\rill rubberized aThalt cement hot-pa r,:d it lilt stat r Estate Residential Road\\ass Estate Re:>idential Roadaass are intended to earr• an ay e- ane dad' remit, t AD 1 i\i?ilt)ilc 01. than Ihe tiL'ht-of ,.1a\ tdtii ,ia,lll b7,i red Ilk bturm n, ii 'e l net surface Loin sc i7v minimum of I melee in thuu lies:: oll(" ]a7;j -1 `+tlpeipay iormitti Th:: hila;la�ni.0 C( itetet�� oindu course shall be a minimum ot 2 . inches in t171tt.li,:5 The a4'gie at: shall he ten inches in thickness of cl :ani. crushed C _A-0 eradail n gi or ]irnestoi_l Th (Lid�.,i�. .UI tai iiatl !�� _ (ee.'l A",Ice , 1til t\V "-10o1 t\Id 0110111A1-110,::5 1 tic lath C)e shall he stlipi'ci till t fOul-tn:h thLfM(.1) a_`,tic pav'enlent ianarkin:1 The roadn',a'. up 10 and Itil'h.ldine the: tam 'i.';gate Stone Ncne t;hall In .. ft.'c't \tris{c to pi 0-.;Ric :12-toot shoulder +nimunal thickness of at least 12 niches!. and also t,i fittuie tdenim turnouts. '.;nil i.,c pa\ed usiu�_� dl iv evvav speeuiueation: to detei ohne tbicl.ness litlt?1 C 011eei:A Roads,.iA_S 111nC:'r C ollect:A Rtiadv,'a -S. are intended to can-, Int(}(i-25+1(1 ADT Th r eh( +if vy1a sn(dtii :hal; he ?i l feet The bituminous concrete surface course shall he a minimum Of i ` Riche nl ihi-hne • C lass • 1- Sulyerpav c imytute The bituminous concrete bnidei coin se shall be a minimum ref 4 5 inches in thiel.nes.s The ata e'zate stone base shall be 12 ince s iii thickness of clean. eruhr_d C.\-6 gradation 4.zras el or limestone Tin roadways shall be bound v,.ith B-n 12 combination concrete curb ani +!-Utter to a Vvidth of 4 feet B-B The street radius for all inteiSeCtln ' 4tre...el shall be a nnuainuun of thirttt Beet to the hack of cacti Mi nk i ,,!lector loadvyass tnav ducct access to adjacent prisat, lot!: The edge of pa ement shall be cleaned and sealed r.itli Iuhberized asphalt cement hot-poured taunt sealer ( ollector Roadyy ars and Commercial Irndustrial Roadby as s Collector Roadvvays are intended to can:: ;inti_f2.1)101 ADT Tl1 ruehi-of-seas s:v idth shall ht feet. These design standards shall also apps to all roadsv s direct' ser;nip commercial industrial zoned areas The bituminous concrete surface course shall be a minimum of l inches in thickness of('lass 'I„ Superpav e mixture The bituminous concrete hinder course shall he a minimum of 4 c, inches in thickness The aegietlate stone base shall be 12 inches in thickness nt clean_ crushed CA-6 t-iradation oTrav el or limestone The roadway s shall be bound vyith B-6 12 combination concrete curb and Cutter to a width of 39 feet B-B The street radius for all intersecting streets shall be a minimum of 41) feet to the back of curb. Collector roadvzass shall not pros ide direct access to adjacent lots in residential-zoned areas The edge of pas einem shall be cleaned and sealed with rubberized asphalt cement hot-poured j01111 sealer 5 Standard Specifications for Improvements Major Collector Roadways Major Collector Roadways are intended to carry more than 12.000 ADT. The right-of-way width shall be 100 feet. The bituminous concrete surface course shall be a minimum of 1.5 inches in thickness of Class "f Superpave mixture. The bituminous concrete binder course shall be a minimum of six inches in thickness(2 lifts required). The aggregate stone base shall be 16 inches in thickness of clean. crushed CA-6 gradation gravel or limestone. The roadways shall be bound with B-7.18 combination concrete curb and gutter to a width of 51 feet(four 12-foot lanes)B-B. The City Engineer may require an additional 12-foot center turn lane- as deemed appropriate. The street radius for all intersecting streets shall be a minimum of 50 feet to the back of curb. The edge of pavement shall be cleaned and sealed wit rubberized asphalt cement hot-poured joint sealer. An alternative bituminous base course may be approved by the City Engineer. and B6-18 or B6- 24 combination concrete curb and gutter may be required. based upon specific site drainage needs. Boulevards Boulevard-style roadways shall have a minimum width of 28 feet B-B for approaches to intersections. The minimum pavement width in other areas shall be 20 feet B-B. • . \ • • I a • n. - . u . ! .. . . - • 1 . • • . . . , • • . .. .. : • . 6 Standard Specifications for Improvements . . a a i • . , The bituminous concrete surface course shall be a minimum of 1.5 inches in thickness, of Class I . • ... - - . . . - . • feet, from back of curb to back of curb. The street radius for all intersecting streets shall be a minimum of 40 feet to the back of curb. - It 1 ... . _. . -- - - _• _. D ! .. . .. _. . . .. •. design parameters shall be used: Design period—20 years Class II Road Traffic Factor Equations for 80,000,1 vehicles 2.0%traffic growth rate Asphalt Cement viscosity of AC 20 Subgrade Support Rating of Fair . ..•. . » !„ .„ . . .. - . . . • - SIDEWALK Non-reinforce, concrete sidewalks will be required on both sides of all roadways. They shall be a minimum of four(4)feet wide where four(4)feet wide walks now exist, and five(5)feet wide in all other locations. All sidewalks shall be five(5)inches in thickness. They will be a minimum of six(6)inches in thickness across driveway approaches. All sidewalks shall have an aggregate base of CA 7, with a minimum thickness of two inches (five inches across driveway approaches). All concrete shall be Class X,with a minimum of five(5)percent air-entrainments. Sidewalks shall slope two(2)percent towards the street. Approved curing and sealing compounds are required, as specified previously for concrete curb and gutter. The back of the sidewalk shall be placed twelve(12)inches from the right-of-way line, unless directed otherwise. The sidewalk shall have a light broom finish. Formed contraction joints are required, at a spacing of five(5) feet. Expansion joint material, one-half inch in thickness, and full-depth, shall be placed every 100 feet. The subgrade for the sidewalk shall be uniform, neat, and compacted to a minimum 90%modified proctor. 7 Standard Specifications for Improvements Spalling or chips will not be allowed to be patched. All such areas will be removed from contraction joint to contraction joint,and replaced. All sidewalks will be in place prior to acceptance of the public improvements by the City, which includes in front of vacant lots. These areas must be protected during future construction. No sidewalks are required in Estate-residential subdivisions. However, in the event sidewalks are not provided, a paved trail that abuts every lot must be provided,that meets the City's standards, specifically a ten(10)foot width, with an exit and entrance identification,consisting of two(2) inches of asphalt on eight(8) inches of CA6 aggregate. Dedicated easements at least fifteen(15) feet wide must be provided for the trail. DRIVE APPROACHES Drive approaches must be constructed to one of the following: 1. Six inches, minimum of Class X concrete, with a minimum of five(5)percent air- entrainment, over six inches minimum CA6 aggregate base over a 90%modified proctor compacted subgrade, with curing and sealing treatments,as specified above, under concrete curb and gutter. Expansion joint material, one-half(1/2)thick and full-depth, shall be installed at the curb and at the sidewalk. 2. Two inches, minimum of Class I bituminous concrete surface course, over a minimum base of eight(8)inches of CA6 aggregate over a 90%modified proctor compacted subgrade. The concrete sidewalk will be constructed through the drive approach, and any construction damage to the concrete sidewalk or curb will cause removal and replacement of those improvements. Drive approaches will not be constructed steeper than eight(8) percent. 3. In Estate-residential subdivisions, all driveways must be paved with brick, asphalt, or concrete, and must have a concrete culvert with flared end sections. Culvert diameter shall be twelve(12)inches or greater, as required by the City. PARKWAYS AND PARK SITES All parkways. and park sites, and other open spaces shall be landscaped and designed in accordance with the City of Yorkville's Landscape Ordinance and the Park Development Standards,as amended from time to time. Any existing trees within a development deemed by the Public Works Department to be dead. dying. or of an undesirable species shall be removed by the developer. The developer shall not remove or cut down any trees without the prior consent of the Public Works Department.or as indicated in the approved landscape plan. 8 Standard Specifications for Improvements STREET LIGHTING SYSTEM All streets shall have a complete street lighting system designed by a professional engineer. A street light will be required at all intersections, all curves, at all ends of cul-de-sacs, and at a maximum spacing of 300 feet. In Estate-residential subdivisions, street lights shall be required at intersections, and at a maximum spacing of 500 feet, with lights also placed at curves and a he end of dead-end streets. The poles shall be concrete with butt-type foundations. The Cit Engineer may require a streetlight to be placed at other points, as may be necessary in the public interest in unusual or special conditions. They shall be located at side lot lines, and on the opposite side of the street from the water main, wherever possible, and shall be set two feet from back of curb to face of pole. Occupancy permits cannot be issued until all streetlights in that phase of the development are installed, complete, and operational. Light Distribution: Luminaries of the Type II distribution as approved by the Illuminating Engineering Society(herein termed IES)shall be used, except at intersections where Type II or Type IV IES distribution shall be used. The City Engineer may designate the IES Type V distribution luminaries be used in the public interest under unusual or special conditions. Individual Control: On individual control of lights, the photoelectric control shall be mounted on top of the luminare. Line Drop: Voltage drop shall be no greater than three (3)percent from power supply to th. last unit pale with no wire size smaller than No. Ten St (10) (6) Type RHH or RHW Underground Service Cable(USC). All streetlights shall operate at 120 volts, except for those on major streets. Power Supply Location: Connection to the power supply shall be made to comply with Commonwealth Edison Company rules and regulations, as amended fro time to time. Conduit: All driveways, street, and sidewalk crossovers shall have two(2) inches of HD PVC conduit, used as raceways for underground cable. Underground Cable: All underground cable shall be placed in a 1 ''/z" unit duct, and buried at duet-huried cable. placed at a depth at least thirty(30) inches below the normal finished grade. Three cables (Black. White. Green) shall be [Oil tiom the pole to the poyver supply -finv underground cable broken mole than once pi v,) to Final At:Cc:111311(X shall be replaced from the potv er source to the pole or front pole to pole. Splices: All cable on the underground cable section shall be continuous, and no splicing shall be made underground. All necessary splices shall be made above ground level. Underground Cable Location: Underground cable shall be installed in a trench not less than two feet from the back of the curb, except that in no case shall the underground cable be installed under the sidewalk. Grounding: •- _ .. . . _ . . . .. • •••. • .. . A copper-clad ground rod shall be placed at each pole The rod shall be minimum 5;,8-inch diameter. and ten (10) feet lona Fusing: All underground feeders shall be fused at or below their rated capacity. Each standard shall contain in-line fuse holders, with proper fusing in series with each underground conductor to protect the luminare located on that pole. 9 Standard Specifications for Improvements Maintenance Prior to Acceptance: Once streetlights are operational, the Yorkville Public Works Department shall perform normal maintenance, even though the Yorkville City Council has not accepted the streetlight system. Normal maintenance consists of investigating the cause of an outage. and repairing it if the cause is a burned out lamp. fuse.or photocell. All other repairs shall be referred to the developer. The cost of performing normal maintenance prior to acceptance by the Yorkville City Council shall be paid from a "Streetlight Normal Maintenance- deposit established by the developer prior to recording the Final Plat. The deposit shall be $300.00 per pole. or other such amount,as may be determined by the Yorkville City Council, from time to time. If the deposit proves insufficient,the developer shall replenish the deposit within thirty(30)days of written request by the City Engineer, Any unused funds shall be returned to the developer upon acceptance of the streetlight system by the Yorkville City Council. Streetlight Standard and Bracket: Local arid-sellector streets shall use 906 B19-AD4, American Concrete Company pole and bracket, or approved equal. Luminare shall be mounted 19'9"above the street, shall have a four(4)foot arm.-and—The pole shall be buried a minimum of five(5) feet below grade and backfilled with crushed CA6 limestone, watered, and compacted around the butt of the pole. The bracket is to be furnished with the pole. The luminare shall be a General Electric Company No. C 728 N 609,or approved equal with the 1-1/4"side mount built-in ballast. The luminaries shall be fitted with General Electric Company "Lucalox"high-pressure sodium lamps LU 150/55/D, or approved equal, with GE Company ANSI specification"S55"high-pressure sodium ballasts, or approved equal, or American Electric 13-56262-6/113-55962-6. Major Collector Streets: _ _ .. - . - . . • . _ -- , - : - -• -- • ••- . . - • • •- I . • . • ., .. _ _ •- . , _ _ _-. , . _ , . . - - . . „ .- - ..- . - - • ,, • .. .. • 10 Standard Specifications for Improvements : •:: : - • • : • •• • • '' ' 5, 3,95 5.5 , ,51 " •Z • , i; •• • •, Z : -;.: ' ; ;^ . S , t: •- ••: " 'it' ;"; • •t ; •- ; : the#449ize7aod-shal ;- - • •- ••- : Z • ;• '• Z • :" Z : ••' • ••• " ••••• ;• •: •• •:;.• "Z ; •• ;4 ;" : ;•• Z; i• Z• •:: ;.• ; • 4:• ":: ;" 5 • 5 : ;• :-; • " ; ft.;;•• •'• ••;•r• ; to; : •: ;• • •: •, •• " •• ;Z• :CZ; ; ; , • - : -::• : • . • ::•• •• : ! •:.: . • : •-:. • ; :• . • ;• : - . ; • - : • . •-: : .-, . . •: : • • :•• - • 2: • • -: • ", • 1 fft•-•" .. ", :• • :• : - • : • • - • " : : - •"; " ;1: • ; •• : '; ": #12 Type RIM. pole shall be Sue- E.;.40-111)0-6 ith St' L l loe, rise tapered aluminuni da-, it. oi apprco ed equals flie dait outi each Lou shall be eliAt feet The lumina;c shall lk mounted thirt\ t::;(t) feet aivr,c the stied Tlu pie shall ha, e an embeiinkin depth of fr, feel and be backfilled \Nab ( A 6 limestone The lumina;e shall he Hadco \\ HI'S o appic ed equal \ith aT\N. Ill chstnbution Jh, colt', of the hinunaic housinizi Shall h bionzc The streetliLdit s stem shal he operated throtuA coolnil er Isi gound-wount,:d cabinets I lk and luminare shall operate at 4i volts The cannel el shallh0 housed in a pad- mounted T\pc \E\IA R enclosure The e\tenoi oldie cabinet shall ha\e a bronze tone po.\\&A-coat finish The approximate diniensiens of the cabinet shall be 42-14 \ I D A (ow Ed meter socket shall he Filo\ided on the ntC1101" of t1L0 cabinet The manufacturer ot distributor shall Imaiantee streethuht standards. luminaries, ballast. lamps and cables tot their proper use, for one from the date of acceptance Testing: The subdivider shall manually trigger the photocell in order to have each street light burn continuously for at least 48 hours. During this burn test, amperage readings shall be taken, and must be within ten(10)percent of the connected load, based on equipment ratings. Parking Lot Lighting: Parking lots in areas zoned Business, Residential, or Office-Research, shall be provided with lighting necessary to achieve a minimum average of 2.0 foot-candles, as measured across the entire parking lot, and a maximum of 1.0 foot-candles, as measured at the adjoining property lines. Parking lots in areas zoned Manufacturing shall have a minimum average lighting intensity of 1.0 foot-candles, per square foot. Lighting shall be designed to avoid casting direct light or glare onto adjacent residential property. 11 Standard Specifications for Improvements STORM SEWER SYSTEM A complete storm sewer system shall be required, consisting of closed conduits to an approved storm water storage system. All storm sewers within the public right-of-way and easements parallel to and adjacent to public right-of-way shall be reinforced concrete pipe(RCP),with a twelve(12)inch minimum diameter. Storm sewers in rear yards and side yards may be high- density polyethylene(H.D.P.E.)of a manufacturer and design, to be approved by the City of Yorkville. All roadways will have a system of inlets/catch basins,tied directly to the storm sewer. These storm water collection locations will be on both sides of the street, with a maximum longitudinal flow interval of 300 feet. All such collection points will be an inlet except the last structure before entering a storm sewer main shall be a catch basin with a two-foot sump. Catch basins or open-lid structures shall not be located over the sewer main. mss-and-eateh covering. All backfill is to be a CA7 aggregate. All storm sewer roadway crossings from structure to structure must be backfilled with CA7 aggregate and completely encapsulated in an approved drainage fabric. In this manner,the curb subgrade,the storm crossings, and the inlets and catch basins create a roadway underdrain system for longer roadway life. The City may require that storm sewers be constructed along the centerline of individual roadways at certain locations. Those locations shall normally be limited to within 100 feet of the lowest sag vertical curve of a roadway. Where these locations occur within a horizontal curve of the roadway, storm manholes shall be placed at the centerline of individual roadways. If subgrade conditions are excessively sensitive to moisture or other special conditions, a capped, perforated, plastic underdrain may be required under the curb and gutter. All storm water conduits 12"diameter and larger shall be internally televised in color,just prior to City acceptance. and shall be free of defects, sags. dirt.and debris. All non-RCP storm sewers shall also be mandrel tested(similar to sanitary sewer testing)just prior to City acceptance. All parking lots shall be drained internally, and directed by pipe to the storm sewer. Storm sewers shall extend to the limits of the development with proper sizing, as approved by the City Engineer, based upon current and future runoff conditions,to pick up and safely carry through the development any and all upstream bypass flows. All new homes with basements or crawl spaces shall have a direct, underground conduit to the storm sewer system. Fill-in lots in areas with no storm sewer within 500 feet shall not be required to have this direct connection. Minimum depth of cover for these lines shall be 30 inches. All discharges shall have an approved automatic diverter calve immediately outside the house and a check valve inside the house. Multiple collection lines of four inch and six inch HD PVC will be allowed by an approved design. Terminal and junction points shall be at two-foot diameter precast concrete inlets with open-lid castings. The pipe from the house shall be a 2" minimum HD PVC with cemented joints. The connection to the storm sewer shall be through a neat, tight fitting,bored hole into the concrete pipe. After insertion of the sump pump discharge pipe into the concrete storm sewer pipe, the joint shall be sealed with hydraulic cement. In no case shall the sump pump discharge pipe extend beyond the inner surface of the concrete storm sewer pipe. Connections, however, shall be into a structure wherever practical. 12 Standard Specifications for Improvements Individual storm sewer services shall not be required in areas of the development where soil and ground water conditions indicate that sump pumps would run very infrequently. If the developer does not wish to install storm sewer services, he shall perform soil borings at regular intervals (300' to 400' grid typical)during the Final Plan preparation stage,to determine soil types and ground water elevations. Boring locations are subject to approval by the City. Each boring shall extend at least 20 feet below existing ground elevations and be referenced to the development benchmarks. If the boring logs show granular soil and also show ground water elevations at least five(5)feel below planned basement floor elevations, then individual storm sewer services shall not be required in that area of the development. During excavation of every basement in that area,the developer shall verify (with City representative present)that the granular soil and deep ground water conditions exist. If either condition is found not to exist at a building location, the developer shall construct a storm sewer service to that building, in conformance with these Standard Specifications. The design of the storm water collection system shall be for a ten(10)year storm, running just full. The only exception to this is where the receiving storm water system has less capacity and here the new system of conduits shall be designed for a five(5)year event, running just full. The minimum velocity shall be 2.5 fps and the maximum shall be 8 fps. The storm sewer pipe shall have a minimum cover of three (3)feet. Storm sewer manholes shall be five(5)feet internal diameter. constructed of reinforced concrete. and shall be placed at a maximum spacing of 500 feet. Storm sev.vei manholes rnavv i c. tour (4) fedi internal diameter \\hen the largest seder entering lean me the manhole is I diallicter and the orientation of se\\ers eonnectinL! to tits. manhole is such that there is at lei)st 12 ofpiecast spall bete,ecu tut: openings pros ided for sev,eii, The use of adjusting rings is limited in height to eight(8)inches. Inlet and/or catch basin frames and grates shall be Neenah No. 3015, East Jordan No. 7010, or approved equal. Where a continuous grade is carried across an inlet or catch basin casting, the open-vaned cover shall be used,Neenah No. R-32868V, East Jordan No. EV-7520, or approved equal. All manhole castings shall be Neenah No. R-1030, East Jordan No. 105123, and Type B cover, or approved equal. All type B covers shall have"City of Yorkville" and"Storm" cast into the top, and shall be concealed pickhole type. All sections of the manholes shall be completely sealed and butyl rope, including the casting. Manholes shall no be allowed in the pavement, curb, gutter, or sidewalk. All flared end sections 15"or larger shall have grates. In Estate residential developments, a ditch shall be required on both sides of the street, and shall have a minimum profile slope of one(1)percent(side slope 4:1 on the street side, and 3:1 on the lot side). For developments ten acres in size: car lar<mer. the developer may use computer-based methods to determine stormwater storage v plumes The specific method and parameters used in employ in i the method shall be subject to the approv al of the Citv En�zineer The For developments less than ten acres in size. the storm water storage system shall be designed utilizing a Modified Rational Method. as follows: described belon 1. Q=(Cm) iA, where a run-off co-efficient or Ca is calculated for the site based upon actual proposed surface coverage. Cm then equals 1.25 times Ca. 13 Standard Specifications for Improvements 2. The following run-off co-efficient shall be utilized as minimums: Surface C Grass .50 Asphalt/Concrete .98 Roof 1.00 Detention 1.00 3. The maximum release at the designated 100-year level is 0.15 cfs/acre. The City Engineer shall reduce this allowable release rate where the downstream accepting system is experiencing drainage problems such as the Elizabeth Street swale where all receiving discharges are limited to 0.10 cfs/acre. The outlet structure design shall address the two-year(0.04 cfs/acre)and the 25-year(0.08 cfs/acre)storm control, in addition to the 100-year event. 4. When depressional compensator) storage is provided by increasing the volume of a stormwater detention basun.the maximum allowable release rates of the basin shall be reduced. as directed by the City of Yorkville to approximate the pre-development release of the depressional area. and realize the full storage potential of the enlarged basin. 5. The minimum size restrictor shall be a four-inch by twelve-inch long HD PVC pipe. The design must be designed for easy maintenance and cleaning during a storm event. The discharge shall be directly to a downstream storm sewer if one is available within a reasonable distance. If not,the discharge will be to the surface, with approved energy dissipation and downstream erosion protection. 6. The rainfall intensities to be utilized are those established by the Illinois State Water Survey's Bulletin#70,as amended for the specific City of Yorkville area. In designating the required storm water storage volumes,the maximum value calculated using the various events should be utilized. See Figure 3 for a sample calculation. 7. The storm water storage areas must have containment for twelve inches of additional storm water storage, with an approved calculated overflow area at six inches above calculated 100-year elevation. This overflow shall have an erosion concrete curtain wall, with a minimum thickness of 8 inches, a minimum depth of three feet below grade, and a length to extend a minimum of four feet beyond the limits of the overflow on either end. This wall is not to be formed, but is to be trenched or excavated into natural soil, or into the compacted fill, and is to be finished flush to the ground. 8. The Storm water storage areas • •- • •- .. . will need to shall be covered by an easement.including access thereto. such that should the primate ownership not maintain said area as necessary.the City can cause such corrections and bill the owner, including any and all administrative costs. 14 Standard Specifications for Improvements 9. The engineering plans shall have a full sheet dedicated to the soil erosion and sedimentation control requirements for the development, including silt fencing, straw bales, drainage fabric, etc. Failure to properly maintain this system may result in major storm sewer cleaning within the site and in the offset storm system. The City reserves the right to place a hold on all building permits and inspections if the soil erosion and sedimentation control plan is not properh maintained Keeping the streets clean is part of this plan. and failure to do so will result in these actions. hlh +l ;ctopei shall establish a Street ('leanings deposit \\ith tiro ( it of Yorlo ilk. in tl, amount of.c,cttl('if {'(i If the streets are.not ithin -1S hours of a 'written n r��titest bA ill:- Diteetoi of Public Works_tli ('its shall ha\c the stic,.t: cleanedand ubuact that cast horn the deposit l) del dOpL.1 Shall replenish the deposit to tli full "moon; ;t it falls to res than I i _ ,} The York, ilio ( (`mind shall JLItaiii unused non i an of the deposit to the de\elop,ei Upon a:ceptaacc of the stied 10. The engineering plans shall have one or more full sheets dedicated to the Final Grading of the entire site. The minimum grade for all grass areas shall be two(2) percent, except that swale areas may be at one(1)percent if it is over an approved, piped underdrain. Slopes shall be shown with arrows at all locations from all break points. A grading plan on an 8-1/2"x 11" paper for the actual building must be submitted for each building permit submitted, and will become a part of the building permit. All top of foundation elevations will be a minimum of two(2)feet, and a maximum of three(3) feet above the street centerline elevation, measured at the center of the lot in question, unless the City Engineer directs otherwise, based on site- specific conditions. Drives must be at a minimum slope of two(2)percent, and maximum slope of eight(8)percent towards the curb flow line from the garage. When the forms for the foundation are ready to pour,a top of foundation elevation and location certification of a registered surveyor or engineer, as approved by the building inspector, is required prior to pouring the concrete into the forms. The tolerance here is 0.15 feet lower and 0.5 feet higher, and behind all applicable setback and easement lines. 11. Requests for an occupancy permit must include an as-built grading plan, signed and sealed by a registered land surveyor, showing the original, approved grades and slopes, along with the actual grades,just prior to the occupancy permit request. The actual grades must fall within a tolerance of 0.15 feet in order to receive an occupancy permit. Top soiling and seeding or sodding, if applicable, must be in place prior to the final grading plan. All City-incurred costs of reviewing these grading plans shall be the responsibility of the developer. Note that specific building codes, ordinances, and permitting procedures, which may be established by the United City of Yorkville, shall supersede these requirements. 12. The General 1_4radinLI and landscaping of the storm water areas shall be designated according to the guidelines-below Park Development Standards. Landscape Ordinance. and these Standard Specifications. . ... . • . •.. : .7 h, City may require that storm water detention and retention facilities. as «ell as ��radine. latidscapiner. and storinvv ater collection sterns. incorporate currently_ acknowledged Best Management Practices to improve storm water quality. 15 Standard Specifications for Improvements - ► • - • o .. Wet ponds shall have a maximum allowable depth of two feet between the normal water level and the high water level corresponding to the Ten-Year Frequency Storm. The City may require wetland-type plantings and appropriate grading around the perimeter of wet ponds. The developer shall provide a soil report, prepared by a licensed professional engineer, to determine whether or not lake lining will be required. Vertical or nearly vertical edge treatment will require an approved method, allowing a child to easily climb out of the water. Storm sewers discharging to a stormwater basin shall be designed such that the sewer invert at the discharge point is no lower than 6"below the normal water level of the basin. and the top of sewer is no lower than the ten-year high water level of the basin. 13. The Storm water storage basins shall .- ' . . . -- . . - - , • . . - .- ' • . . . .. - operate independently of any watercourse or water body receiving the discharge from the basins. Bypass flows from upstream areas should bypass the storm water storage facility,where practical. The entire development shall be examined under the premise that all storm sewers are blocked and full when a 100-year event occurs, and the development can pass these flows without flooding homes. All overflows are to be contained within the right-of- way, or where absolutely necessary, through special drainage easements. All buildings shall have the lowest water entry a minimum of 18 inches above the elevations determined for this bypass situation. 16 Standard Specifications for Improvements 14. Storm water detention shall not be required under the conditions listed below. The City reserves the right to require detention on any parcel of land if special circumstances exist, and to require that sewer be constructed as necessary, to carry away the storm water. a) Proposed development or re-development of the existing lots zoned single-family detached, or duplex residential, less than 2.5 acres in gross area. b) Proposed development or re-development of existing lots zoned other than single-family detached or duplex residential, that are less than 1.25 acres in gross area. WATER SYSTEM 1. All water mains shall be Class 52 ductile iron pipe, conforming to the latest specification requirements of ANSI A21.5.1. Mains shall be cement lined, in accordance with ANSI A21.4. Fittings shall conform to ANSI 21.10. Gate valves shall be resilient wedge type, conforming to the latest revised requirements of AWWA specification C509. All water mains are to be polyethylene wrapped. Main line valves 10"diameter and larger are to be installed in a vault. Smaller main-line valves shall either be installed in a vault, or have a Trench Adapter valve box, similar to those used at fire hydrants. No vaults or valve boxes shall be in the pavement or sidewalk. 2. Water services up to 3"diameter shall be type"K"copper, conforming to the latest revised specification requirement of ASTM B88. Minimum size for residential units shall be one inch in diameter. Corporation stops shall be McDonald No. 4701, Mueller H-15000, or Ford F-600. Curb stops shall be McDonald No. 6104, Mueller H-15154, or Ford B22-333m, with Minneapolis patter B-boxes, similar to McDonald N.5614 or Mueller H-10300. 3. Minneapolis type B-boxes shall be installed in the right-of-way, but not in the sidewalk or driveway. 4. Fire hydrants shall be one of the following: 1. Clow F-2545 (Medallion) 3. East Jordan 5-BR 4. Waterous WB-67-250 Hydrants shall have a 5-1/4"main valve assembly, one 4-1/2"pumper nozzle, and two 2-1/2"hose nozzles, with national standard threads,a national standard operating nut, and above ground break flange. The installation of the hydrant shall conform to AWWA 600 standards. Auxiliary valve boxes shall either be Trench Adapter Model Six by American Flow Control, Clow F-2546 with F-2493 cover, or approved equal. For valve boxes other than those by American Flow Control, the box shall be attached to the hydrant barrel with grip arms, as manufactured by BLR Enterprises, or approved equal. 17 Standard Specifications for Improvements 5. Inspections and Installation:All water mains shall be designed and installed in accordance with the Standard Specifications for Water Mains in Illinois. Upon completion, water mains shall be subjected to hydrostatic pressure test of 150-psi average for up to 4 hours. Allowable recovery shall conform to the Standard Specifications for Water&Sewer Main Construction in Illinois. The water operator in charge or person authorized by the water operator in charge shall be present during all testing. The developer shall use the pressure gauge supplied by the City for the test. 6. New water main shall be disinfected in accordance with AWWA standard C601. Water will be tested to assure that 50 mg/1 of CL2 is in disinfected water. Sampling shall be taken by water operator in charge or persons authorized by the water in charge. Water must pass two consecutive days of sampling tests by a state approved lab. 7. Water mains shall be minimum eight inches internal diameter, with a cover of five feet, six inches below finished grade. Watermain stubs to hydrants shall be at least six inches internal diameter. City water mains and hydrants shall be placed of the North and West sides of the streets, unless approved otherwise the City Engineer. Valves shall be installed each second consecutive hydrant, at intersecting lines, and other locations as required, such that a minimum number of services will be affected during a main isolation. Fire hydrants shall be installed throughout the subdivision at each intersection and at intervals not exceeding the requirements of two fire hydrants serving any point of any building, or 300 feet along the roadway, whichever is more stringent. Special conditions may dictate a closer spacing, as approved. Fire hydrants shall be located on the property line, except at corners, and shall be set two feet minimum and three feet maximum from the curb back to the face of the pumper nozzle. Where there is no curb and gutter,the face of the pumper nozzle shall be between 18 inches to 20 inches above finished grade line(sidewalk to curb). Base elbow of hydrant shall be properly thrust blocked, and shall be provided with clean, washed CA7 aggregate and polyethylene covering. All hydrants and any adjustment fittings shall receive one field coat of red paint, as recommended by the manufacturer,prior to final acceptance. 8. All tees, bends,fire hydrants, and valves shall be adequately blocked with pre-cast blocks and poured in place thrust blocking against undisturbed earth. 9. Services shall be equipped with corporation stop, curb stop, and buffalo box. The buffalo box shall be set in the parkway, on the centerline of the property, approximately centered between the back of sidewalk and the adjacent right-of-way line. Service trenches beneath or within two feet of proposed driveways, sidewalks, or other pavements shall be backfilled full-depth with aggregate. Except as permitted below, the underground water service pipe and the building drain, or building sewer, shall be not less than ten feet apart horizontally, and shall be separated by undisturbed or compacted earth. The water service pipe may be placed in the same trench with the building drain and building sewer if the conditions listed below are met: 18 Standard Specifications for Improvements A. Local conditions prevent a lateral separation of ten feet; B. The bottom of the water service pipe at all points shall be at least 18 inches above the top of the sewer line at its highest point. All water and sewer services must be inspected an approved by the building inspector prior to backfilling. C. The water service pipe shall be placed on a solid shelf, excavated at one side of the common trench, and shall have no joints from the buffalo box to the water meter inside the house; and D. The material and joints of sewer and water service pipe shall be installed in such a manner, and shall posses the necessary strength and durability to prevent the escape of solids, liquids, and gasses there from under all known adverse conditions, such as corrosion, strains due to temperature changes, settlement, vibrations, and superimposed loads. 10. Depth of bury shall be 5'6"below finish grade. No joints will be allowed between the corporation stop and the curb stop. 11. All watermain shall be looped and double fed, and shall be extended to the far limits of the development, and in size appropriate for future development, as directed by the City Engineer. Recapture and over-sizing may be applicable. Ta:, of l oil.v ilk Ito tllc cost of vvatci It, fill asld test new l'i;tterin�nll _ and for the Cot of lahiotltoi, tuts atter chlorination Th. -yv Lost shall be at the hulk rate charged bt the Civ, of orI iik at that tin Til,- Annie of vyatei shall be calculated as the v olume c,f itioo and one-half times the lengths and diameters of new nat<rmaiIis \Valteimain inoposed to cross cite sweets shall be constructed h' due.Atonal boring Open-cut construction shill not be allowed without the concurrence ,.iftlik Diieetor of Public Works 14 (. onneci1011 toe istine WW arerinams shall employ line stop to minimize the disruption of s..-T\ice to e\istuie residents SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM A complete sanitary sewer system is required for all new development. The minimum internal size of sanitary sewer main shall be eight inches in diameter. The top of the sewer main shall be a minimum of three feet lower than the lowest floor elevation at all service connection locations, but not less than eight feet below finished grade, wherever possible. Should the sewers serving a particular development not be deep enough to serve the basement, as noted above, then overhead plumbing will be required. However, all levels of the building must be served by gravity, with only the below-grade levels being served by a pump unit. The City Engineer may require that certain buildings not have subgrade levels due to special situations. 19 Standard Specifications for Improvements The sanitary sewer shall be extended to the development's far extremes, as directed by the City Engineer, for proper and orderly growth. The city Engineer will also direct the sizing and grades for the sewer, so as to fit the overall plan for the City. The City strongly discourages the use of lift stations,but if the City Engineer approves the use of a public lift station,the following shall be required as a minimum: A. The pumps shall be submersible, with a back up pump and well-designed wet well. B. The station building shall be a brick structure with conventional-pitched roofing and paved access. The building shall comply with all BOCA regulations, and shall be heated and ventilated. The subdivider shall follow normal building permit procedures, and pay the normal fees for construction of the lift station building C. The unit will be equipped with a back-up power source, utilizing natural gas as a fuel, and can operate on manual or fully automatic mode, complete with a variable exercise mode. D. The motor control center shall have a solid-state duplex logic. Sewage level in the wet well shall be measured with a pressure transducer. A dial-out alarm system matching that currently in use in the City shall be provided. E. The City Engineer must approve any and all lift stations,and may require other improvements. F. There shall be good-quality noise control,and all electronic components shall be explosion-proof. G. Force mains shall be sized to carry the initial, intermediate, and ultimate flow rates from the tributary area, at a velocity of between 3.0 and 6.0 feet per second. Material shall be watermain quality Ductile Iron with polyethylene encasement. Gate valves in vaults shall be constructed in the force main at intervals not exceeding 600 feet, to allow quick isolation in the event of a leak. Blow-off valves in vaults shall be constructed at high points in the force main, and shall discharge to sanitary sewers, where possible. Force mains shall be tested at 150-psi for two hours, similar to watermain testing. H. The subdivider shall maintain an inventory of each size and type fuse,relay, and other plug-in type devices used in the lift station motor control center, as recommended by the manufacturer. These items shall be housed in a wall mounted metal cabinet. The subdivider shall also supply a heavy-duty free standing metal shelf with not less than square feet of shelf space, and one(1)fire extinguisher rated for Type A, B,and C fires. I. The subdivider shall provide start-up training to the Public Works Department personnel, and shall provide three sets of Operations and Maintenance Manuals for all equipment at the lift station. J. Underground conduit shall be hews y-wall PVC. K. The exterior of the wet well shall be waterproofed. The City may require the wet well to have a minimum internal diameter of up to eight feet. Sewer construction cannot start until the City Engineer has been notified by the Illinois Environmental Pollution Agency(IEPA)that approvals have been secured. Sanitary sewer pipe shall be PVC plastic pipe, with a minimum SDR 26. All pipe and fittings shall be pressure rated in accordance with ASTM D-2241 and ASTM D-3139(per AW WA C-900)for sizes 6-15 inches. Solvent joints are not permitted. Sewer-s-may-be 20 Standard Specifications for Improvements All public sanitary sewers will be air and mandrel tested(7-point minimum) by the developer, at his expense, under the supervision of the City Engineer. One copy of the report shall be forwarded to the Yorkville-Bristol Sanitary District, and one report shall be forwarded to the City Engineer. All testing will be done in conformance with the"Standard Specifications For Water and Sewer Main Construction in Illinois", current edition. All public sanitary sewers shall be internally televised in color and recorded on videotape and written log by the developer, at his expense, under the supervision of the City Engineer, to ensure that the sewers are straight, unbroken,tight, and flawless. There must be good-quality lighting for a sharp and clear image of all sewer segments. Poor quality images will result in re-televising the system, at the developer's expense. The videotape must clearly mark the segment being televised through manhole numbering, and the image must clearly identify the footage as it progresses through the pipe. One copy of the complete videotapes and written log shall be forwarded to the Yorkville- Bristol Sanitary District, and one complete set shall be forwarded to the City Engineer. All manholes will be required to be internally vacuum tested by the developer, at his expense, under the supervision of the Engineer. This test will check the integrity of the complete structure, from the invert to the casting, including all adjusting rings. One copy of the test results shall be forwarded to the Yorkville-Bristol Sanitary District, and one copy shall be forwarded to the City Engineer. Vacuum testing of each manhole shall be carried out immediately after assembly backfilling, and rough grading, and shall be witnessed and approved by the City Engineer. All lift holes shall be plugged with an approved non-shrinking grout. No grout will be placed in the horizontal joints before testing. All pipes entering the manhole shall be plugged,taking care to securely brace the plugs from being drawn into the manhole. The test head shall be placed at the inside of the top of the casting and the seal inflated in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. A vacuum of ten inches of mercury shall be drawn and the vacuum pump shut off. With the valve closed,the time shall be measured for the vacuum to drop to nine inches. The manhole shall pass if the time is greater than 60 seconds for a 48- inch diameter manhole, 75 seconds for a 60-inch manhole, and 90 seconds for a 72-inch manhole. All manhole castings shall be Neenah No. R-1030 frame, East Jordan No. 105123, and Type B cover, or approved equal. If the manhole fails the initial test, necessary repairs shall be made with a non-shrink grout, while the vacuum is still being drawn. Retesting shall proceed until a satisfactory test result is obtained. If the rim of a sanitary manhole needs to be reset or adjusted after successful vacuum testing, but before the expiration oft eh one-year warranty period, it shall be sealed and adjusted properly in the presence of the City Engineer. Failure to do so will require the manhole to be vacuum tested again. All manhole frames shall be Neenah No. R-1030, East Jordan No., 105123, or approved equal, with Type B covers. All Type B covers shall have"City of Yorkville" and "Sanitary" cast into the lid, and shall have concealed pick holes with a machined surface and watertight rubber gasket seals. All manhole segments, including the frame and adjusting rings, shall be set with butyl rope joint sealant. Manholes shall be minimum four-foot diameter, and shall not be located in pavement, curb, gutter, or sidewalk. 21 Standard Specifications for Improvements All sanitary sewer manholes shall be provided with approved cast in place rubber boots (flexible manhole sleeve), having a nominal wall thickness of 3/16" with a ribbed concrete configuration and with stainless steel binding straps, properly sized and installed for all conduits. All manholes shall be reinforced precast concrete, and shall be located at intersections and spaced at a maximum interval of 300 feet, except that a closer spacing may be required for special conditions. The maximum allowable amount of adjusting rings shall be eight inches in height using as few rings as possible. All manholes shall be marked at the time of construction with a four-inch by four-inch hardwood post neatly installed vertically and with a minimum three-feet bury and a minimum four-foot exposed. The top one-foot of the post shall be neatly painted white. Wells and septic systems are allowed in Estate-residential developments that are not within 250 feet of water and/or sewer service. When each lot is within 250 feet of water and/or service, that lot may maintain their septic and/or well only until failure of the septic or well. At that time the lot must, if within 250 feet of the sewer and/or water line hook-up to the sewer and/or water,as the case may be, connect to the City utilities at the lot owner's sole expense. After connection to the City Sanitary Sewer System, individual septic fields shall be abandoned by pumping out the tank, knocking in the cover, and filling with dirt or stone in accordance with Health Department regulations. TRAFFIC STUDY A traffic study may be required,and shall include: 1. Levels of service for existing conditions; 2. Levels of service for post-construction conditions; 3. All calculations shall be conducted according to the"Highway Capacity Manual"; 4. Recommendations as to additional/limited access, additional lanes, signalization, etc. If the City of Yorkville requires a traffic study for a development.that study Nvill be contracted for by the City. and paid for by the developer. The developer shall establish a Traffic Study deposit with the City of-Yorkville, in an amount to be determined by the City Engineer. Any unused portion of the deposit shall be returned to the developer upon approval of a Final Plat or Site Plan by the City. If the land use plan of the development changes during the approval process.the developer may be required to make additional deposits to fund re-analysis and revisions to the Traffic Study. The need or requirement for a traffic impact study shall be determined during the concept or preliminary planning stage of the proposed development. The developer/subdivider shall meet with City of Yorkville officials during one of these stages for the purpose of determining the traffic study requirements. When the City of Yorkville requires that a traffic study be prepared based upon the above, the study shall include, but not be limited to, addressing the following issues: INTRODUCTION: A general description of the proposed development, including it's size, location,the political jurisdiction in which the site is located,the boundary limits of the study area,and any other information needed to aide in the review of the development's traffic impacts. 22 Standard Specifications for Improvements PROJECT DESCRIPTION: A description of the existing and proposed land uses of the development. If alternative land uses are being proposed,the highest trip generation uses shall be assigned for each land use. SITE ACCESSIBILITY: A clear and concise description of the proposed ingress/egress points to the proposed development, including a sight distance analysis. EXISTING EXTERNAL ROADWAY NETWORK: A description of the existing external roadway networking the vicinity of the proposed development, to include functional classification, primary traffic control devices, signalized intersections, roadway configurations, geometric features (curves and grades), lane usage, parking regulations, street lighting, driveways servicing sites across from or adjacent to the site, and right-of-way data. The area of influence shall be determined by the traffic generated from the site,the trip distribution of traffic, and the trip assignment of the traffic generated by the development over the surrounding area road network. EXISTING AM, PM,& TOTAL DAILY TRAFFIC VOLUMES: Existing AM, PM, and total daily traffic volumes for access driveways(if existing), intersections, and the roadway network in the site vicinity shall be determined and displayed on a graphic(s)in the final report. To determine AM and PM existing traffic volumes, machine counts and/or manual counts shall be conducted during a three-hour period of the morning, between approximately 6:00 PM AN'to 9:00 PM AM of an average or typical weekday. and also between approximately 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM, on an average or typical weekday. Peak hour counts may be required on Saturday and/or Sunday, depending on the proposed land use. All AM and PM peak hour counts shall be recorded and summarized in fifteen-minute increments, and be included in the Appendix of the final report. Manual counts shall include vehicle classifications, i.e. passenger cars, single-unit, multi-unit trucks and buses. Traffic counts shall show both entering and exiting traffic at the proposed access points (if existing), in addition to turning and through traffic movements at critical intersections. TRIP GENERATION RATES AND VOLUMES: Trip generation rates and volumes for each type of proposed land use shall be determined for the AM and PM peak hours, and total daily volumes may be required on Saturday and/or Sunday, depending on the proposed land use. The trip generation rates shall be calculated from the latest data available contained in the Institute of Transportation Engineer's "Trip Generation Manual". If trip generation rates for a specific land use are not available from the"Trip Generation Manual",the United City of Yorkville shall approve the substitute rates. SITE-GENERATED TRIP DISTRIBUTION & ASSIGNMENT: The most logically traveled routes in the vicinity of the development shall be used for trip distribution and assignment purposes. The directional distribution of site-generated traffic approaching and departing the development should be shown in both graphic and tabular form. All assumptions used in the determination of distribution and assignment shall be clearly stated. 23 Standard Specifications for Improvements EXISTING,PLUS SITE-GENERATED TRAFFIC VOLUMES: Existing,plus site- generated traffic volumes for the AM and PM peak hours,and total daily traffic for access drives, intersections, and the roadway network in the site vicinity shall be determined and displayed on a graphic(s)in the final report. Traffic volumes shall show both entering and exiting traffic at the proposed access points, in addition to turning and through traffic movements at critical intersections. FUTURE TRAFFIC (EXISTING,PLUS SITE-GENERATED)VOLUMES: Future traffic(existing, plus site-generated traffic volumes)for the AM and PM peak hours, and the total daily traffic for access drives, intersections, and roadway network in the site vicinity shall be determined and displayed on a graphic(s)in the final report. Projected increases in the external(non site-related)roadway traffic must also be determined. The selection of a horizon year for which traffic operation conditions are to be characterized may be considered as the date full build-out and occupancy is achieved. If the project is a large multi-phased development in which several stages of development activity are planned, a number of horizon years may be required, that correspond to the bringing on line of major development phases. Horizon dates should be times to coincide with major stages of the overall project, or to coincide with increments of area transportation system improvements. INTERSECTION CAPACITY ANALYSIS: Proposed access driveways and influenced intersections shall be subject to an existing, plus projected, capacity analysis. Projected traffic conditions shall include the effects of any committed developments within the influenced area. The existing and projected levels of service derived from the analysis shall be used to aid in the evaluation of design and operation alternatives of the access driveways and influenced intersections. The capacity analysis shall be in accordance with the techniques described in the most recent edition of the Transportation Research Board's "Highway Capacity Manual", Special Report 209. SPECIALIZATION SIGNALIZATION WARRANTS: If it is anticipated that the development's driveway(s)or existing external non-signalized intersections will satisfy signalization warrants,a warrant analysis shall be conducted, using the projected volumes determined from the trip generation. The results of such an analysis shall be tabulated in the traffic impact study. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Clear and concise descriptions of the findings shall be presented in the final report. These findings shall include all recommended improvements for access facilities, internal roadways and intersections, and external roadway and intersection improvements. 24 Standard Specifications for Improvements DRIVEWAY AND PARKING LOT PAVING ALL DRIVEWAYS AND PARKING LOTS SHALL BE PAVED AS PER THE FOLLOWING SPECIFICATIONS: 1. ASPHALT: A. RESIDENTIAL Two-inch I-I 1 bituminous concrete surface, over eight-inches (minimum)of compacted CA6 limestone or crushed gravel. B. COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL Three-inch I-11 bituminous concrete surface, over ten-inches (minimum)of compacted CA6 limestone or crushed gravel. 2. CONCRETE: A. RESIDENTIAL Six-inch Class X, over six-inches (minimum) of compacted CA6 limestone or crushed gravel. B. COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL Eight-inch Class X, over eight-inches of compacted CA6 limestone or crushed gravel. 3. PAVING BRICK: A. RESIDENTIAL Paving brick over one inch of sand and eight inches of compacted CA6 limestone or crushed gravel. 4. SEALCOAT: A. COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL An A3 seal coat, as defined by the IDOT's Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, may be allowed on areas behind the building,when used as a temporary surface, not to exceed three years, after which it must be paved to the above specifications. The same base should be ten inches (minimum)of compacted CA6 limestone or crushed gravel. 25