Public Works Packet 2004 02-23-04 • United City of Yorkville a �a �... County Seat of Kendall County EST.1 "I 1836 800 Game Farm Road CO Yorkville, Illinois 60560 0 (of 0 Phone:630-553-4350 'A,f .:K: v. Fax:630-553-7575 '<LE \\. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA Monday, February 23, 2004 7:00 PM City Hall Conference Room Approval/Correction of Minutes: None Presentations: None New Business: 1. River's Edge Unit 2 - Letter of Credit 2. Fox Hill SSA 3. Waterworks Bid Schedule 4. Water Department Report for December 2003 5. Bruell Street Force main & Gravity Sewer - IDOT Highway Permit 6. USGS Study of Area Groundwater 7. IDNR's Summary Report of Yorkville's Compliance with NFIP a. Floodplain Ordinance b. Sewer Plant 8. MFT Appropriation 9. Engineering F-150 Truck 10. Results of Bid Opening: a. Bruell Street Pump Station b. Bruell Street Forcemain and Sanitary Sewers 11. Windett Ridge - Earthwork Bond Reduction #1 12. Windett Ridge - Public Improvement Bond Reduction#1 Page 2 Public Works Committee February 23, 2004 New Business (con't): 13. Game Farm Road and Somonauk Roadway Improvements 14. Boy Scout Property Old Business: 1. Director of Public Works Salary Survey 2. Proposed Wetlands Ordinance 3. Sewer Rate Study 4. Facilities Expansion 5. City Hall Emergency Generator - Maintenance Contract 6. Well #7 Update Additional Business: UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE To: Tony Graff, City Administrat r From: Joe Wywrot, City Engineer �n Subject: River's Edge Unit 2 —Letter o redi Date: February 2, 2004 Attached find a copy of a letter that we received today by certified mail from West Suburban Bank regarding River's Edge Unit 2. I called the developer and found that they intend to have the letter of credit renewed. In the meantime, however, I recommend that we begin the process of going through the normal committee reviews required to call the letter of credit. If the letter of credit is not renewed or replaced soon, we may need to instruct the bank to transfer the remaining funds to the city. Please place this item on the February 23, 2004 Public Works Committee agenda for discussion. Cc: Dan Kramer, City Attorney Liz D'Anna, Deputy City Clerk WEST SUBURBAN BANK January 30, 2004 City of Yorkville 800 Game Farm Rd. Yorkville IL 60187 Re: Letter of Credit 1441 FR Seven LLC To Whom It May Concern: The above referenced letter of credit is about to expire on May 15,2004. West Suburban Bank has elected not to renew this letter of credit beyond its current expiry date. This letter will service as your notice as required by the original letter of credit. If you have any questions please contact the undersigned at 630-652-2302. Sincerely, Debbie Crowley Vice President Commercial Loan Operations CERTIFIED MAIL 7002 3150 0001 9990 3054 717 S.Westmore-Meyers Rd., Lombard, IL 60148 (630) 652-2000 Fax(630) 629-0279 MEMBER FDIC • WEST'Su BURBANBANK May 15, 2002 Mayor and Aldermen City of Yorkville 800 Game Farm Road Yorkville, IL 60560 Re: Subdivision Name: Fox River Estates Phase I1(Rivers' Edge) Letter of Credit No. 1441 For Account of: FR Seven LLC Amount: $ 992,646.44 Date: May 15, 2002 Gentlemen: The undersigned West Suburban Bank by Timothy P. Dineen, Vice President its' duly authorized agent, hereby establishes and issues this Irrevocable Letter of Credit in favor of the City of Yorkville in the amount of $ 992,646.44, which represents 110% of the cost of the improvements described herein. Such credit is available to be drawn upon by said City upon presentation to this bank of your demand for payment accompanies by a copy of this Letter of Credit. This Letter of Credit is issued for the purpose of securing and paying for the installation of the following public improvements in the aforesaid subdivision: DIVISION "A" - SANITARY SEWERS (engineer's estimate = 247,680.35 DIVISION "B" - WATER MAIN (engineer's estimate = 114,019.85 DIVISION "C" - STORM SEWERS (engineer's estimate = 110,188.25 DIVISION "D" - ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS (engineer's estimate = 212,975.90 DIVISION "E" - MISCELLANEOUS (engineer's estimate = 217,541 .50 711 S Westmore Ave., Lombard, IL 60148 (630) 629-4200 Fax (630) 629-0278 MEMBER FDIC Page Two Total engineer's estimate = 902,405.85 The costs of the foregoing improvements are detailed in the attached Engineer's Cost Estimate. The development is legally described as follows: See Attached Exhibit "A" Said public improvements shall be constructed by FR Seven LLC our customer, in accordance with the plans, specifications, completion schedules and cost estimates prepared by Farnsworth Group. The undersigned agrees that this Irrevocable Letter of Credit shall remain in full force and effect and pertain to any and all amendments or modifications which may be made from time to time to the plans, specifications and cost estimated for said modifications. This Irrevocable Letter of Credit shall expire on May 15, 2003 provided, however, the undersigned shall notify the City Clerk by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, at least ninety (90) days prior to said expiration date, that said Letter of Credit is about to expire. In no event shall this Irrevocable Letter of Credit or the obligations contained herein expire except upon said prior written notice, it being expressly agreed by the undersigned that the above expiration date shall be extended as required to comply with this notice provision. This Irrevocable Letter of Credit shall remain in effect until May 15, 2003 without regard to any default in payment of money owed to the issuer by our customer and without regard to other claims which the Issuer may have against our customer, and in no event shall terminate without notice as specified above. This Letter of Credit may be reviewed by the Issuer or our customer prior to the above expiration date by submitting a new Letter of Credit to the same form and substance as this Letter of Credit to the City Clerk in an amount equal to 110% of the estimated cost to complete and pay for the above described improvements. It is agreed that the following shall be considered a default by our customer and shall entitle the City to make demand on this Letter of Credit. Page Three 1 . that said Letter of Credit will expire within thirty (30) days and has not been renewed; or 2. that the aforesaid improvements have not been completed by the subdivider at least thirty (30) days prior to the aforesaid expiration date; or 3. that the owner and/or subdivider has failed to complete or carry on the work of the installation and construction of the required improvements in accordance with the schedule, or at a faster pace if the installation of the private improvements shall be completed before public improvements to service them are available; or 4. that the City of Yorkville has determined that the owner and/or subdivider has demonstrated that they will be unable to complete the improvement; or 5. that the City of Yorkville has determined that the public improvements or other improvements covered by this commitment have been or are likely to be the subject of liens or other claims by contractors, subcontractors or third parties; or that if more funds are disbursed at this time on order of the owner and/or subdivider insufficient funds will remain irrevocably commited to guarantee the completion of all improvements, and such certification indicates that the owner and/or subdivider has been notified that the municipality finds that a breach of the owner's and/or subdivider's obligationss has occurred and has not been cured within a period of thirty (30) days. The Issuer's obligation to the City is based solely on this Irrevocable Letter of Credit engagement between this financial institution and the City and is not subject to instructions from our customer. It is recognized that the City has directed our customer to proceed with the construction of public improvements upon the guarantee of this irrevocable commitment. It is further acknowledged that the consideration for this irrevocable commitment is provided by agreements between this financial institution and our customer. This Irrevocable Letter of Credit sets forth in full the terms of this undertaking between the Issuer and the City, and such undertaking shall not in any way be modified, amended, amplified, nor shall it be limited by reference to any documents, instrument or agreement referred to herein, and any such reference shall not be deemed to incorporate herein by reference any document, instrument or agreement. Page Four Demands on this Letter of Credit shall be made by presenting the Issuer with a letter from the City Clerk of the City of Yorkville demanding payment accompanied by the certificate of the City Clerk of the City of Yorkville certifying the basis for the default and demand on this Letter of Credit. The undersigned agrees that this Letter of Credit shall not be reduced or discharged except upon receipt of a certificate of the City Clerk of the City of Yorkville certifying that this Letter of Credit may be reduced. The outstanding balance of this Letter of Credit shall be the face amount of this Letter of Credit less any amount which is discharged upon certificate of the City Clerk; Provided however, the outstanding balance of this Letter of Credit shall not be reduced to less than 1 5% of the approved engineer's estimate upon which this Letter of Credit is based until the City Council accepts the aforementioned improvements and certificate of the City Clerk certifying that the Letter of Credit has been released by the City Council of the City. All acts, requirements and other preconditions for the issuance of this Irrevocable Letter of Credit have been completed. The undersigned further agrees and engages that it will be responsible and liable for attorney fees and court costs which may be incurred by the City in enforcing collection of this Letter of Credit in accordance with its' terms. We engage with you that all demands for payment in conformity with the terms of this Irrevocable Letter of Credit will be duly honored on presentation to us prior to expiration of this Letter of Credit. BY: ATTEST: Name: Mu,arm y P. 6,,deexp Name: AJ( S. ,9A_ Title: V I Cr (ane'; tDc f7 Title: 6,ce STATE OF ILLINOIS) ) SS COUNTY OF/ nC/ I, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the County and State aforesaid, do hereby certify thatI,mc 1 -A fule'personaliy know oto me to be the VICeRtsi of of the Lt 3tALLtf k rl ;anid� Z uui`Gd S cv r personallyknown to me to be the V, _zs i`cepr, of said institution, and who are personally known to me to be the same persons whose names are subscribed,to theoregoing Letter of Credit as such VIgis id_I n f- and V, if as rt�1� respectively, and caused the corporate seal of said B - S to be affixed thereto pursuant to authority given by the Board of Directors thereof as their free and voluntary acts and as the free and voluntary act and deed of said institution. Given under my hand and official seal this rVil day of n)CL-c , 2-00-1-:-a 00 a. I , - ‘ q. 0-, Notary Public "OFFICIAL SEAL" .;� PATRICIA J. CHIONE b� Notary Public, State of Illinois ,.+ My Commission Expires 02105/05 River's Edge (Formerly Fox River Estates) Phase 2 & 3 - Yorkville, Illinois 21-Dec-01 Engineers'Opinion of Probable Construction Cost Updated 5-2-02 Prepared For. Prepared By: S&K Development Farnsworth Group 445 Knoll 616 W. Childs Street Wheaton,.11linios 60189 Wheaton, Illinois 60187 (630)462 7907 (630)784 8910 Cost to Item Quantity Unit Unit Price Cost %Complete Complete Roadway Improvements 1 Fine Grading (+/-0.1') 12,646 SY $0.40 $5,058.40 0% $5,058.40 2 Geo-Textile Fabric 12,646 SY $1.00 $12,646.00 0% $12,646.00 3 Aggregate Base Course, 10" 3,013 CY $18.70 $56,343.10 0% $56,343.10 4 Bituminous Material Prime Coat 5,423 GAL $1.35 $7,321.05 0% $7,321.05 5 Bituminous Binder,2.5" 1,525 TON $28.50 $43,462.50 0% $43,462.50 6 Bituminous Surface, 1.5" 915 TON $32.80 $30,012.00 0% $30,012.00 7 Combination Curb and Gutter,M3.12 252 LF $15.05 $3,792.60 0% $3,792.60 8 Combination Curb and Gutter, B6.12 6,258 LF $8.25 $51,628.50 0% $51,628.50 9 Clean and Tack 10,847 SY $0.25 $2,711.75 0% $2,711.75 Roadway Total $212,975.90 $212,975.90 Concrete Sidewalks 31,928 SF $3.00 $95,784.00 0% $95,784.00 SANITARY 1 8"PVC(SDR 26)(0'-12') 1239 LF $16.90 $20,939.10 100% $0.00 2 8"PVC(SDR 26)(12'-20') 1100 LF $17.80 $19,580.00 100% $0.00 3 8"PVC(SDR 21)(12'-20') 0 LF $24.10 $0.00 100% $0.00 4 8"PVC(SDR 18) (12'-20') 0 LF $23.95 $0.00 100% $0.00 5 24"PVC(DR25, C905) 1085 LF $74.95 $81,320.75 100% $0.00 6 Excavate and replace soil 1 LS $10,000.00 $10,000.00 100% $0.00 7 Brush clearing 1 LS $5,000.00 $5,000.00 100% $0.00 8 Trench backfill(interceptor) 0 LF $85.90 $0.00 100% $0.00 9.48"Manhole(0-12') 10 EA $1,485.00 $14,850.00 100% $0.00 10 48*Manhole(12'-20') 2 EA $1,755.00 $3,510.00 100% $0.00 11 48" Manhole(20'+) 3 EA $5,790.00 $17,370.00 100% $0.00 12 60"Drop Manhole(12-20') 0 EA $3,990.00 $0.00 100% $0.00 13 60"Drop Manhole (20'+) 0 EA $3,500.00 $0.00 100% $0.00 14 60"Manhole(20'+) 0 EA $3,500.00 $0.00 100% $0.00 15 6"Service(Short) 24 EA $375.00 $9,000.00 100% $0.00 16 6"Service(Long with TBF) 32 EA $1,185.00 $37,920.00 100% $0.00 17 6"Forcemain (D.I.P.CL52) 0 LF $16.70 $0.00 100% $0.00 18 Cleanout Manhole 0 EA $4,250.00 $0.00 100% $0.00 19 Air Release Valve&Vault 0 EA $4,790.00 $0.00 100% $0.00 20 20"Steel Casing-Jack and Bore 105 LF $185.00 $19,425.00 100% $0.00 21 Connect to Interceptor Manhole 1 EA $2,490.00 $2,490.00 100% $0.00 22 Trench Backfill (0-12') (CA-6) 245 LF $18.90 $4,630.50 100% $0.00 23 Trench Backfill (12'-20') (CA-6) 50 LF $32.90 $1,645.00 100% $0.00 Sanitary Total $247,680.35 $0.00 WATER MAIN 1 6"D.I.W.M. (CL52)with encasement 0 LF $17.90 $0.00 100% $0.00 2 8"D.I.W.M. (CL52)with encasement 3271 LF $18.35 $60,022.85 100% $0.00 3 12'D.I.W.M. (CL52)with encasement 0 LF $30.35 $0.00 100% $0.00 4 Fire Hydrant 9 EA $1,800.00 $16,200.00 100% $0.00 5 8"Valve and Vault 0 EA $1,500.00 $0.00 100% $0.00 6 8'Valve and Box 8 EA $890.00 $7,120.00 100% $0.00 7 12"Valve and Vault 0 EA $2,090.00 $0.00 100% $0.00 8 1'Service(Short) 27 EA $290.00 $7,830.00 100% $0.00 9 1"Service (Long with TBF) 29 EA $685.00 $19,865.00 100% $0.00 11 16"Steel Casing-Jack and Bore 0 LF $185.00 $0.00 100% $0.00 12 Trench Backfill (CA-6) 284 LF $10.50 $2,982.00 100% $0.00 Water Main Total $114,019.85 $0.00 STORM SEWER 1 8"A.D.S. 0 LF $15.00 $0.00 100% $0.00 2 10"A.D.S. 0 LF $18.00 $0.00 100% $0.00 3 10"RCP(CL V) 0 LF $12.00 $0.00 100% $0.00 4 10"PVC (SDR18) 0 LF $18.00 $0.00 100% $0.00 5 12"A.D.S. 225 LF $14.50 $3,262.50 100% $0.00 6 12"RCP(CL V) 1042 LF $16.00 $16,672.00 100% $0.00 7 12"PVC 0 LF $20.00 $0.00 100% $0.00 8 15"A.D.S 385 LF $22.00 $8,470.00 100% $0.00 9 15"RCP(CL IV) 270 LF $17.75 $4,792.50 100% $0.00 10 18"A.D.S0 LF $25.00 $0.00 100% $0.00 11 18"RCP(CL III) 516 LF $20.00 $10,320.00 100% $0.00 12 18"PVC 0 LF $25.00 $0.00 100% $0.00 13 21"A.D.S. 0 LF $27.00 $0.00 100% $0.00 14 21'RCP(CL III) 233 LF $23.00 $5,359.00 100% $0.00 15 24"RCP(CL III) 0 LF $38.00 ' $0.00 100% $0.00 16 27"A.D.S. 0 LF $29.00 $0.00 100% $0.00 17 27" RCP(CL III) 567 LF $32.75 $18,569.25 100% $0.00 18 30"A.D.S. 0 LF $30.70 $0.00 100% $0.00 19 30"RCP(CL III) 0 LF $34.00 $0.00 100% $0.00 20 36"A.D.S. 116 LF $34.50 $4,002.00 100% $0.00 21 36" RCP(CL III) 0 LF $42.00 $0.00 100% $0.00 22 24" Inlet 16 EA $660.00 $10,560.00 100% $0.00 23 36"Manhole 1 EA $720.00 $720.00 100% $0.00 24 36'Catch Basin 12 EA $795.00 $9,540.00 100% $0.00 25 48'Inlet 3 EA $820.00 $2,460.00 100% $0.00 26 48"Catch Basin 0 EA $945.00 $0.00 100% $0.00 27 48'Manhole 0 EA $935.00 $0.00 100% $0.00 28 60"Manhole 10 EA $1,120.00 $11,200.00 100% $0.00 29 72"Manhole 0 EA $2,100.00 $0.00 100% $0.00 30 8"FES A.D.S. 0 EA $120.00 $0.00 100% $0.00 31 10°FES A.D.S. 0 EA $120.00 $0.00 100% $0.00 32 10"FES RCP 0 EA $550.00 $0.00 100% $0.00 33 12" FES A.D.S. 0 EA $130.00 $0.00 100% $0.00 34 12"FES RCP with Riprap 0 EA $550.00 $0.00 100% $0.00 35 15" FES with Grate ADS with Grate and Riprap 0 EA $130.00 $0.00 100% $0.00 36 18" FES with Grate RCP with Grate and Riprap 0 EA $650.00 $0.00 100% $0.00 37 18° FES with Grate ADS with Grate and Riprap 0 EA $150.00 $0.00 100% $0.00 38 21" FES with Grate ADS with Grate and Riprap 0 EA $150.00 $0.00 100% $0.00 39 27"FES with Grate ADS with Grate and Riprap 0 EA $170.00 $0.00 100% $0.00 40 30" FES with Grate ADS with Grate and Riprap 0 EA $170.00 $0.00 100% $0.00 41 36" FES with Grate ADS with Grate and Riprap 1 EA $200.00 $200.00 100% $0.00 42 Trench Backfill (CA-6) 524 LF $7.75 $4,061.00 100% $0.00 43 24'Steel Casing Augered 0 LF $225.00 $0.00 100% $0.00 44 27"Steel Casing Augered 0 LF $265.00 $0.00 100% $0.00 45 30"Steel Casing Augered 0 LF $325.00 $0.00 100% $0.00 Storm Sewer Total $110,188.25 $0.00 STREET TREE &R.O.W.PLANTING SHADE TREES 1 Autumn Blaze Maple. 3"cal. 22 EA $400.00 $8,800.00 0% $8,800.00 2 Common Hackberry,3"cal. 17 EA $400.00 $6,800.00 0% $6,800.00 3 Marshall Ash,3"cal. 8 EA $400.00 $3,200.00 0% $3,200.00 4 Summit Ash, 3:cal. 13 EA $400.00 $5,200.00 0% $5,200.00 5 Skyline Honeylocust,3"cal. 22 EA $400.00 $8,800.00 0% $8,800.00 6 Red Oak,3"cal. 12 EA $450.00 $5,400.00 0% $5,400.00 7 Redmond Linden, 3"cal. 9 EA $400.00 $3,600.00 0% $3,600.00 8 Greenspire Linden,3"cal. 5 EA $400.00 $2,000.00 0% $2,000.00 Street&R.O.W. Total $43,800.00 $43,800.00 Erosion Control Measures 1 Silt Fencing 3410 LF $1.35 $4,603.50 50% $2,301.75 2 Temporary and Permanent Seeding w/fert. 0 AC $3,000.00 $0.00 100% $0.00 3 Outlet Rock Rip Rap(20 SY/Outlet) 20 SY $10.80 $216.00 0% $216.00 4 Straw.Bale Structures 9 EA $100.00 $900.00 0% $900.00 Erosion Control Total $5,719.50 $3,417.75 Miscellaneous 1 Street Lights-Complete Assembly 10 EA $2,385.00 $23,850.00 0% $23,850.00 2 Street and Stop Signs 4 EA $135.00 $540.00 0% $540.00 Miscellaneous Total $24,390.00 $24,390.00 Nuisance Drains 1 6" HD PVC 1827 LF $14.00 $25,578.00 100% $0.00 2 Front Yard Inlet 8 EA $600.00 $4,800.00 100% $0.00 3 Rear Yard Inlet 2 EA $600.00 $1,200.00 100% $0.00 4 2"HD PVC 1627 LF $10.00 $16,270.00 100% $0.00 Nuisance Drains Total $47,848.00 $0.00 Estimated Total Estimated Cost to Complete Work Roadway Total $212,975.90 $212,975.90 Concrete Sidewalks $95,784.00 $95,784.00 Sanitary Total $247,680.35 $0.00 Water Main Total $114,019.85 $0.00 Storm Sewer Total $110,188.25 $0.00 Street&R.O.W.Total $43,800.00 $43,800.00 Erosion Control Total $5,719.50 $3,417.75 Miscellaneous Total $24,390.00 $24,390.00 Nuisance Drains Total $47,848.00 $0.00 Subtotal $902,405.85 $380,367.65 10% Contingency $90,240.59 Original Letter of Credit $992,646.44 Estimated Cost to Complete $380,367.65 10%Contingency $38,036.77 Estimated Cost of Completed Work $522,038.20 Deduct 25% $130,509.55 New Letter of Credit $548,913.97 (� Previous Reduction $0.00 J.rT"y This Reduction in Letter of Credit $443,732.47 , 1 . l,-J ,�I1 m N m N 21-Jul-03 FOX HILL SSA WORKSHEET . m rev.1/8104 a U, Item Unit Quantity Price Cost Mowing AC 5.29 $50.00 $7,406.00 Trimming EA 14 $250.00 $3,500.00 Mulching LS 2 $1,500.00 $3,000.00 w m Weeding EA 4 $250.00 $1,000.00 lll Monument repairs LS 1 $100.00 $100.00 t' 4.. General Maintenance LS 1 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Cal Beautification LS 1 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 Snow Removal LS 1 $500.00 $500.00 based on 28 cuttings per season sub total $18,506.00 Trail Maintenance SF 66424 $3.00 $199,272.00 o sub total $217,778.00 2% Contingency $4,355.56 = 0 Grand Total $22.2,133.56 0 xl N c H Mowing Maintenance Breakdown Trail Maintenance Breakdown Contingency Breakdown r- 5 yr.maintlreplacementlrepair m Total Cost $199,272.00 Yearly Maintenance Cosi $18,506.00 Divided by 5 years $39,854.40 2%Contingency $4,283.56 Divided by 259 Units $71.45 Divided by 259 Units $153.88 Divided by 259 Units $16.54 Total Yearly Cost Per Unit $241.87 -v D 0 Ph CD UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE To: Tony Graff, City Administrator From: Joe Wywrot, City Engineer Subject: Waterworks Bid Schedule Date: February 5, 2004 We have set a bid date of March 18, 2004 for the Cannonball Trail Booster/Pressure Reducing Station and the South Pressure Reducing Valve Station. The bid opening will be held at 11am in the upstairs conference room. The Cannonball Trail booster station was originally combined with the 16" watermain from Wheaton Avenue to the north tower as a single project. We have decided to remove the watermain construction from the project and add the South PRV Station for the following reasons: • The booster station and watermain construction are two significantly different types of work. If bid as one project, the successful bidder would probably construct one item them and sub-contract out the other. In situations like this, the general contractor typically adds a percentage onto the sub-contractors price, resulting in a higher final cost to the city. • The booster station and PRV station take longer to construct than a watermain project. Since we have had difficulties in obtaining the watermain easements, starting the booster station project first may still coincide with the completion of the watermain project. • Both the booster station and PRV station involve specialty valving and controls. Combining these two projects should create an economy of scale that will result in lower bid prices. Please place this item on the Public Works Committee agenda as an information-only item. Cc: Liz D'Anna, Deputy City Clerk �l11_ • CITY OF YORKV I LL E IIsi i'Iii_ WATER R '' J , �; DEPARTMENT REPORT MONTH December WELLS WELL DEPTH PUMP DEPTH WATER ABOVE THIS MONTH'S PUMPAGE NO. (FEET) (FEET) PUMP (FEET) (MILLION GALLONS) 3 1335 403 120 12.240 4 1393 542 162 14.615 TOTAL 26.855 000 045, CURRENT MONTH'S PUMPAGE IS 2, GALLONS MORETHAN LAST MONTH E LESS 3,794,000 GALLONS MORE THAN THIS MONTH LAST YEAR ❑ LESS DAILY AVERAGE PUMPED: 866,000 GALLONS DAILY MAXIMUM PUMPED: 1,156,000 GALLONS DAILY AVERAGE PER CAPITA USE: 96 GALLONS WATER TREATMENT CHLORINE FED: 382 LBS. CALCULATED CONCENTRATION: 1.7 MG/L FLUORIDE FED: 316 LBS. CALCULATED CONCENTRATION: 0.26 MG/L WATER QUALITY AS DETERMINED FROM SAMPLES ANALYZED BY ILLINOIS ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY BACTERIOLOGICAL: 9 SAMPLES TAKEN 9 SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY (EXPLAIN FLUORIDE : 2 SAMPLE(S) TAKEN CONCENTRATION: 0.98 MG/L MAINTENANCE NUMBER OF METERS REPLACED: 9 NUMBER OF LEAKS OR BREAKS REPAIRED : 2 • NEW CUSTOMERS RESIDENTIAL 44 COMMERCIAL 1 INDUSTRIAL/GOVERNMENTAL COMMENTS 536,000 Gallons used during drilling of Well 7. Main breaks at 1215 Willowway and 215 W.Kendall, aprx. 85,000 gallons lost. 82,500 Gallons used for fire at E.Beecher R( DECEMBER 2003 - 25 1) 128365 365 GARDEN CIRCLE -NEW 2) 130564 1564 WALSH DRIVE-NEW 3) 130882 1883 WALSH DRIVE-NEW 4) 140170 1876 ASTER DRIVE -NEW 5) 145598 598 POPLAR DRIVE-NEW 6) 149221 221 WINDHAM CIRCLE-NEW 7) 202040 131 E HYDRAULIC - REPLACEMENT 8) 241249 795 GREENFIELD TURN -NEW 9) 304124 304 W MAIN ST-MXU REPLACED 10)318150 222 LEISURE-REPLACE OS/READER 11)323623 624 W VETERANS PKWY-REPLACEMENT 12)349308 1308 CHESTNUT LANE -NEW 13)349353 1353 CHESTNUT LANE-NEW 14)349361 1361 CHESTNUT LANE- NEW 15)349363 1363 CHESTNUT LANE-NEW 16)349416 1416 CHESTNUT LANE-MXU REPLACEMENT 17)412021 102B PARK ST - REPLACEMENT 18)460190 1204 N BRIDGE ST-NEW- COMMERCIAL 19)460200 208 E VETERANS PKWY-NEW- COMMERCIAL 20)505150 115 E KENDALL DR - REPLACEMENT 21)603060 202 E COUNTRYSIDE PKWY-REPLACEMENT 22)738260 924 WESTERN LANE-NEW 23)740844 844 CANYON TRAIL -NEW 24)740874 874 CANYON TRAIL -NEW 25)740903 903 CANYON TRAIL -NEW METER REPAIRS PENDING NEED RR INSTALLED -CANNOT ALWAYS 8/4/20031 306030 GET IN - ESTIMATING BILLS 204220 NO METER 8/6/2003106040-02 NEED RR-CANNOT GET IN 8/5/2003 202041 NO METER NEED RR-HARD TO ACCESS FOR METER 8/5/2003 t-- READER_f METER STUCK AT 195700 LAST SEVERAL 1/6/2003 503140'BILLINGS 9/ 3/2003210170-02 METER NEEDS NEW FACE-WORN OFF 12/12/20031 106130 SAME READ 1413 SINCE AUGUST 03 12/12/2003 120080 SAME READ 51700 SINCE AUGUST 03 12/12/2003 146509 DEVICE ERROR CANNOT READ 8/5/20031 312020 METER STUCK AT 74400 MAILED NOTICE 2/9/2004, 304124 RR HAS NEVER WORKED 2/9/2004 2/9/2004 344375 RR DOES NOT WORK NO METERS APTS 4,5,6,&7 2/ 9/20041 311020 METER INACCESSIBLE 2/ 9/2004 311040 NEED RR-GATE LOCKED METER REPLACED 12/12/2003 106080 SAME READ 4355 SINCE AUGUST 03 METER REPLACED NC) RESPONSE FROM MXU ON HH AND 2/4/20041 425480 PROGRAMMER MXU REPLACED 1 2/4/2004214130O NEED RR INSTALLED GATE LOCKED METER REPLACED DID NOT PICK UP CERTIFIED 2/12/2002, 108060 STUCK AT 2938 LETTER DID NOT PICK UP CERTIFIED 2/12/2002 108161 STUCK AT 1322 LETTER METER REPAIRS PENDING DID NOT PICK UP CERTIFIED 2/11/2003, 511083 STUCK METER AT 57500 LETTER DID NOT PICK UP CERTIFIED 1/9/20031, 509030 STUCK METER AT 13700 LETTER UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE To: Tony Graff, City Administrator From: Joe Wywrot, City Engineer Subject: Bruell Street Forcemain and ravitaewer—DOT Highway Permit Date: February 9, 2004 We need to obtain a permit from DOT regarding the new gravity sanitary sewer crossing of Route 47 at Main Street. We also need to pass a resolution that requests the highway permit from IDOT, guarantees that the sewer will be constructed per plan, and holds the State harmless from any damages related to the project. Attached find the standard IDOT forms of the required resoluti , ong with a copye proposed highway permit application. Please place this item the Public Works Committee agenda of February 23, 2004 for consideration. 64/4",y(0 ye Cc: Dan Kr er, City Attorney Liz D'Anna, Deputy City Clerk viIllinois Department ofTransportation Division of Highways/District 3 700 East Norris Drive/Ottawa, Illinois/61350-0697 RECEIVE December 9, 2003 United City of Yorkville �1( (; 1 ,� zea C/o Walter E. Deuchler Assc., Inc 230 Woodlawn Ave. WAL ERE £� 3 Aurora, IL 60506 �OCIr �S CL ? lig:� PERMIT APPLICATION . Route: IL 47 County: Kendall Type of Work: Sanitary Sewer Gentlemen: Please execute the attached forms according to the following directions: 1. All signatures must be in ink on all copies. 2. Mailing address to be shown where indicated. 3. Fill in date permit is signed by you in the spaces provided above your signature. 4. Have a disinterested party witness your signature on permit form by signing name in space after printed word "Witness" at the left of form. 5. If Highway Permit Bond forms are included, sign them and have executed by a reputable bonding company. (Personal bond is not acceptable.) Please attach the name and address of the local agency through which you received the permit bond. 6. Return all signed copies to address shown above for approval by the District Engineer. When approved, the completed Permit and Permit Bond will be forwarded to the applicant. 7. The attached application should be returned to this office for approval by Ally 1, 2004. To perform work within highway right-of-way without an approved Permit is in violation of State Law. If you have any questions, please contact Rich Ballerini, Permit Technician, at 815-434-8490. Sincerely, Diane O'Keefe District Engineer 1/14 ,e- ../ / By: Bruce . u District Operations Engineer RB:ma (226F.DOC) RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the City of Yorkville located in the County of Kendall, State of Illinois, wishes to install sanitary sewer, which by law comes under the jurisdiction and control of the Department of Transportation of the State of Illinois, and WHEREAS, a permit from said Department is required before said work can be legally undertaken by said City of Yorkville; now THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City of Yorkville, County of Kendall, State of Illinois. FIRST: That we do hereby request from the Department of Transportation, State of Illinois, a permit authorizing the City of Yorkville to proceed with the work herein described and as shown on enclosed detailed plans. SECOND: Upon completion of the proposed sanitary sewer by the contractor and acceptance by the city, the city guarantees that all work has been performed in accordance with the conditions of the permit to be granted by the Department of Transportation of the State of Illinois. Further, the city will hold the State of Illinois harmless for any damages that may occur to persons or property during such work. The city will require the contractor to obtain a bond and a comprehensive general liability insurance policy in acceptable amounts and will require the developer to add the State of Illinois as an additional insured on both policies. THIRD: That we hereby state that the proposed work is, is not, (delete one) to be performed by the employees of the City of Yorkville. FOURTH: That the proper officers of the City of Yorkville are hereby instructed and authorized to sign said permit in behalf of the City of Yorkville. , hereby certify the above to be a (City or Village Clerk) true copy of the resolution passed by the Yorkville City Council, County of Kendall, State of Illinois. Dated this day of A.D. 20 (Signature) (CORPORATE SEAL) RESOLUTION • Illinois Department lof Transportation Highway Permit District Serial No. PMT179ma/L-9015 United City of Yorkville (We) C/o Walter E. Deuchler Assc., Inc. 230 Woodlawn Ave. (Name of Applicant) (Mailing Address) Aurora IL 60506 Hereinafter termed the Applicant, (City) (State) request permission and authority to do certain work herein described on the right-of-way of the State Highway known as IL Route 47 Section From Station * to Station Kendall County. The work is described in detail on the attached sketch and/or as follows: • Located at Main St. Upon approval this permit authorizes the applicant to locate, construct, operate and maintain at the above mentioned location, a fourteen (14) inch diameter sanitary sewer installed in a thirty-six (36) inch diameter steel casing as shown on the attached plans which become a part hereof. The applicant shall notify Steve Niemann, Field Engineer, Phone: 815-942-0351 or the District Permit Section, Phone: 815-434-8490 twenty-four hours in advance of starting any work covered by this permit. The State right-of-way shall be left in good condition. (No advertising matter shall be placed on the State right- of-way). (SEE THE ATTACHED SPECIAL PROVISIONS) It is understood that the work authorized by this permit shall be completed within 180 days after the date this permit is approved, otherwise the permit becomes null and void. This permit is subject to the conditions and restrictions printed on the reverse side of this sheet. This permit is hereby accepted and its provisions agreed to this Day of , 20 Witness Signed Applicant Mailing Address Mailing Address City State City State SIGN AND RETURN TO: District Engineer 700 East Norris Drive, Ottawa, IL 61350 Approved this day of 20 • Department of Transportation CC:Applicant (2) Field Engineer Final Inspection BY: District Engineer Kendall County Soil & Water Conservation District • 7775A Rt. 47 Yorkville, IL 60560 630-553-5821 ext.3 Our Mission: To promote the conservation and enhancement of soil, water and other natural resources within Kendall County. January 26,2004 Dear Official: The Kendall County Board Members and Municipal Officials within Kendall County, have been working with the USGS through the Kendall County Soil & Water Conservation District on a study of the area groundwater. Phase I of the study was approved in 2003 at a total cost of $86,000, with the USGS funding $50%. The remaining$43,000 is being paid over three years. Phase II and Phase III have not yet been approved for funding, however an opportunity has arisen that will provide data to aid the Phase II and Phase III studies at a fraction of the cost. The USGS is proposing an addition to the Phase I study. The additional work will be a study of the Ironton-Galesville aquifer in March/April 2004 when the City of Yorkville will have two new deep wells open at the same time,just before the City installs well pumps. The study will include: • Geophysically logging for Caliper • Logging for Natural Gamma • Temperature • Normal Resistivity • Fluid Conductivity and Resistivity • Borehole Flow • Spectral Gamma • A Constant-Discharge Aquifer Test • Collection of Two Samples for Oxygen and Hydrogen Isotopic Analysis This additional study, unaffordable under normal circumstances, provides true Kendall County data that will be greatly beneficial when planning future well construction in the Saint Peter and Ironton-Galesville aquifers (depth of aquifer, best depth of well for producing water and avoiding radium). This work will assist experts in understanding how water moves through the aquifer and will aid in accurate modeling. Depending upon the results of some of the tests,the USGS modeling will include hard data on drawdown, ensuring an accurate prediction of drawdown in this aquifer for current and future wells in the county. This addition to the Phase I study will cost $11,000. The USGS has offered to provide $3,000 and needs a commitment from each of the thirteen funding bodies on their contribution by February 27, in order to make the necessary arrangements for testing equipment to be sent from Out-of-State. If the funding costs were divided by the local governments in the same way the rest of the Phase I study was calculated, the projected additional cost will be: Yorkville - $1,860; Kendall County, Oswego, Montgomery, Plano, Plainfield,Joliet and Minooka- $800; Lisbon, Sandwich,Millbrook,Newark and Millington- $108. Thank you for time and consideration of this unique and tremendously beneficial additional study. Marta Keane,Administrative Coordinator Kendall County SWCD Please see the USGS Robert.Kay 1127104 e-mail for a detailed summary of the proposed study. Page 1 of 2 Subj: FW: Kendall County Well Work Date: 2/10/2004 3:02:46 PM Central Standard Time From: Catherine HadleX_ il.usda_gov To: coysecretaryaol.com Sent from the Internet[Details) _ Original Message From: Robert T Kay [mailto:rtkay@usgs.gov] Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 2004 10:17 AM To:jen.wiesbrook; apersons@goplainfield.com; 'Robert R Holmes'; bschiber@smithengineering.com; Catherine.Hadley@il.usda.gov; 'John Church'; jamesgrabowski@minooka.com; Jfreeman@eeiweb.com;jweaver@oswegoil.org; 'Jeff Wilkins'; 'Marta.Keane; pubentz@ci.montgomery.il.us; tgraff@yorkville.il.us Subject: Kendall County Well Work Hello to you all. Per our discussion last week, the following discusses (hopefully in plain English)the activities we were hoping to perform in the new Yorkville wells. I have checked with our logging crew and at this point they are free in late March and early April, but pretty booked after that, so it would be a big help if we could get the funding situation settled in Feb.. We also need a combination of wells with pumps installed and not installed to make this work, so coordination with the city, the drillers, and the engineers will be important to the schedule.These are total costs and do not include the USGS commitment to put$3,000 toward this project. Per our discussion, the total cost is about $11,000 and we would be asking (some of)you for$8,000. We plan to do the following: 1. Geophysically log one or two of the wells prior to installation of the pumps. We anticipate logging for caliper, natural gamma, temperature, normal resistivity, fluid conductivity and resistivity, borehole flow, and spectral gamma. These logs will help further refine the interpretations regarding the precise depth of the geologic units at the wells, should help identify the specific parts of the Ironton-Galesville yielding water to the well and give some general indications of water quality in different parts of the open interval of the well. The spectral gamma MAY be able to identify the deposits with elevated radium in both the open and cased intervals of the well(s). The information gained from this logging will help when planning future well construction in the Saint Peter and Ironton-Galesville aquifers (depth of aquifer, best depth of well for producing water and avoiding radium) in the county as well as assist in understanding how water moves through the aquifer, which will help with accurate modeling. We will need to use our logging equipment from Denver for this job. I received an estimate from Denver of about$3,900 to log one hole and $5,600 to log two holes. I also estimate we will require another $2,000 for assistance to the loggers. 2. Perform a constant-discharge aquifer test in one of the new wells while the other is being pumped for a production test. This test would involve measuring changes in water levels (drawdown) in an unpumped (observation) well while the other is being pumped. Given that these wells are at lease 1 mile away from each other it is uncertain whether or not drawdown will be detected, but I anticipate that we will have enough data for analysis. If Tuesday, February 10, 2004 America Online: COYSECRETARY Page 2 of 2 sufficient drawdown is detected in the observation well,we can calculate the transmissivity, storativity, and hydraulic conductivity of the Ironton-Galesville aquifer in Kendall County, information which is not readily available. Having a good estimate of transmissivity, storativity and hydraulic conductivity will allow the amount of decline in water level (drawdown) in this aquifer to be calculated for any future point in time at any distance from these wells at any given discharge rate. These estimates also will allow accurate prediction of drawdown in this aquifer for current and future wells in the county. These parameters also are necessary for development of a ground-water flow model. I anticipate that equipment and data collection and analysis would cost approximately $2,500. 3. Collect two samples for oxygen and hydrogen isotopic analysis. This data can be compared with other isotopic data from northern Illinois and provide some indication of the age of the water in the aquifer(essentially less than or greater than 10,000 years old). This information might help identify regional flow pathways in the aquifer and give some indication of the potential for overuse of the aquifer. In a general sense, if the water is comparatively young, the aquifer likely moves water more quickly and is somewhat less likely to be overused. If the water is older, slower flow is indicated and the potential for overuse is somewhat higher. This is something of a wish list item, I view it as helpful information, but not essential. I anticipate these analyses would cost about$600. 4. Results and interpretation of this work would be incorporated into USGS databases and presented in our report on the hydrogeology of Kendall County. Database entry and presentation in the report will be funded as part of our current assessment of the water resources of the county and no additional expenditure is anticipated. It is my understanding that(some of)you will be pursuing funding on your end for this effort. If you have any questions or comments, please call me at 815-756-9207. thanks Robert T. Kay Hydrologist U.S. Geological Survey 1420 Sycamore Road DeKalb, Illinois 60115 T•• a ,, �o�..� �, n 'nna America Online: COYSECRETARY 1974 - 2004. 52 Wheeler Road • Sugar Grove, IL 60554 I TEL: 630 / 466-9350 FAX: 630 / 466-9380 arts-eree2r!r-c9 www.eeiweb.com _ ar€terpreses, _ 30 YEARS OF EXCELLENCE February 2, 2004 Mr. Tony Graff City Administrator United City of Yorkville 800 Game Farm Road Yorkville, IL 60560 Re: Shallow Well Siting Analysis United City of Yorkville Dear Tony: Pursuant to your request, we have reviewed the proposal from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) to add additional scope items to Phase I of the Kendall County Groundwater Study. This additional work would include geophysical logging of one or more of the wells that are currently under construction by the City of Yorkville, conducting a constant discharge aquifer test, and isotopic analysis of the groundwater. The results of the work would be incorporated into the current study, and would provide valuable information for the proposed Phase II and Phase III portions of the study. The estimated cost for this work is $11,000. USGS has offered to contribute $3,000 towards the cost. The Kendall County Soil and Water Conservation District, who is overseeing the USGS study, has proposed that the remaining cost be shared between the communities within Kendall County using the same ratio as that used for Phase I. This equates to a cost of $1,860 for the City of Yorkville. This is an excellent opportunity for the City. The additional work will provide valuable information that is particularly meaningful to the City. The work will be performed on Yorkville wells and will help the City to evaluate the long-term productivity of the deep aquifer. This will be important as the City grows and new sources of drinking water are needed. Consulting Engineers Specializing in Civil Engineering and Land Surveying Mr. Tony Graff February 2, 2004 Page 2 Should you have any questions or comments regarding the USGS proposal or its benefits to the City, please do not hesitate to call. Respectfully Submitted, ENGINEERING ENTERPRISES,INC. Jeffrey W. Freeman, P.E. Senior Project Manager JWF/ard pc: Mr. Art Prochaska — Mayor Mr. Joe Besco—Alderman Mr. Joe Wywrot, P.E. — City Engineer Mr. Eric Dhuse — Director of Public Works Ms. Traci Pleckham — Finance Director PGW, TPF, ARD — EEI G:\PUBLIC\Yorkville\2002\Y00224 Shallow Well Siting Analysis\Doc\Icofyo0l.doc Illinois Department of .�a Natural Resources Rod R. Blagojevich, Governor One Natural Resources Way • Springfield, Illinois 62702-1271 Joel Brunsvold, Director http://dnr.state.il.us January 13, 2004 Honorable Arthur Prochaska, Mayor City of Yorkville 800 Game Farm Road Yorkville, Illinois 60560-9999 Dear Mayor Prochaska: On December 22, 2003 I met with Building Official Bill Dettmer and City Engineer Joe Wywrot. The purpose of our meeting was to review the city's administration and enforcement of floodplain regulations as adopted for participation in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). Please review the attached summary report from our meeting. During my inspection and subsequent meeting, a few minor deficiencies were identified. These items will require follow-up action by the City. Once these items are fully - addressed, my report will be updated and forwarded to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The City of Yorkville's good standing in the NFIP will ensure your continued eligibility for flood insurance, disaster assistance, as well as many types of state and federal grants and loans. Conversely, failure to address these items could jeopardize the City's participation in the NFIP. There are currently 16 flood insurance policies in effect in Yorkville for over $2.8 million dollars in coverage. Since 1978, there have been 13 claims for over $210,000 dollars in damages. Again, in order to maintain the city's good standing in the NFIP, please review those items itemized in Section 8 of the attached report and ensure that they are fully addressed within 90 days. Should you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact me at 217/782-4428. Sincer- , jr/C. Paul A. Osman, Manager Local Floodplain Programs PAO:crw Attachment cc Bill Dettmer, City rirltPSon�recycled and recyclable paper Eric Kuklewski, FEMA Region V / YORKVILLE, ILLINOIS Community Assistance Visit Narrative Report December 22, 2003 BACKGROUND - On December 22, 2003 I met with Yorkville Building Official Bill Dettmer and City Engineer Joe Wywrot. NFIP History - Yorkville joined the NFIP in April 1975. The City converted to the regular phase of the program in June 1982. Flood Hazard - The City of Yorkville is subject to flooding from the Fox River and Blackberry Creek. Both streams have detailed mapping. Floodplain areas along the Fox River are very narrow and the potential for serious flood damage is minimal. Blackberry Creek is the city's greatest flood risk. Recent growth and development upstream along Blackberry Creek will create additional flood risks for the city. In addition, western expansion has pushed development into the Rob Roy watershed. Existing Floodplain Development - Yorkville is experiencing significant growth and development as the Chicago metro area expands outward along the Fox Valley. Last year alone, the City issued over 800 building permits. The cities of Yorkville, Oswego, and Plano have annexed to the point that the Cities now all merge together. Dozens of new subdivisions are proposed. Open land is for sale everywhere. Additional development is taking place in both the Rob Roy and Blackberry Creek watersheds. 1. REGULATIONS - The Yorkville floodplain ordinance was last adopted in April 1990. That ordinance was reviewed by TDNR and forwarded on to 1-'BMA in August 1990. The City's ordinance is now outdated and should be updated to reflect new state regulations and administrative changes. I have provided Mr. Dettmer with both a paper and disc copy of the ordinance. He has promised to prepare the ordinance and present it to the City Council. The City would like to incorporate several changes into the new ordinance. These include using the 500-year flood elevation as determined by a 1990 SCS study as the regulatory standard on Blackberry Creek. The City will also adopt its recent flood study on Rob Roy Creek as the regulatory standard (Rob Roy is currently unmapped). 2. ADMINISTRATIVE AND ENFORCEMENT PROCEDURES - Yorkville has an outstanding permitting process which has stood up under unprecedented growth and development. The City has adopted the 2000 I-Codes. Permits are required on all floodplain development activities. The City has even required floodplain permits in unstudied streams such as Rob Roy Creek. Floodplain questions are included in both the zoning checklist and the subdivision checklist. Both checklists are referenced during the review of proposed development activities. 3. MAPS AND FLOOD INSURANCE STUDY - The Yorkville floodplain maps are over 20 years old. Because of this (and rapid growth), Kendall County is the state's #1 priority for new . mapping. Kendall County has been included in the 2004 scope of work. Currently the City is forced to use outdated floodplain maps which include only a small portion of the City's actual jurisdictional limits. There are no roads shown on the surrounding Kendall County maps. Making a floodplain determination in these growth areas is very difficult. The City uses best available information for floodplain management. This includes using a 1990 SCS study on Blackberry Creek. The City itself has funded a large study on Rob Roy Creek from the mouth to the county line. This jurisdictional stream was not even shown on the Kendall County maps! Based on the growth potential for much of northern Kendall County, the state has recommended new studies for all streams with drainage areas greater than one square mile. 4. FLOODPLAIN MiANAGETV NT PROBLEMS - None noted. 5. BIENNIAL REPORT - The most recent biennial report is dated 1995. The city has just recently completed and returned the 2003 biennial report. 6. FLOOD INSURANCE AND REPETITIVE LOSS - There are currently 16 flood insurance policies in effect in Yorkville for $2.8 million in coverage. Since 1978, there have been 13 claims for over $210,000 in damages. Yorkville has no repetitive loss properties. 7. POTENTIAL VIOLATIONS - Several recent floodplain development activities were identified and discussed during our meeting. Most were found to be outside of the floodplain or properly permitted. Only one outstanding issue remains: ACTIVITY RESPONSE NEEDED 1. New buildings at the City Treatment Plant The City will provide copies of the local permit showing that the structures are either floodproofed (watertight) or elevated to the flood protection elevation of 577 feet. 8. FOLLOW UP - The Mayor of Yorkville will be sent a follow up letter. That letter will request the following: 1. Update the floodplain ordinance as noted in Section 1 of this report. 2. Address the floodplain development activities and provide the requested documentation as itemized in Section 8 of this report. Actions: The following actions should be taken to implement this recommendation. Municipalities and Counties: Petition FEMA and IDNR-OWR to update the floodplain maps. Local funds should be budgeted to cost share the mapping effort to move Blackberry Creek higher up on the remapping list. Park Districts and Forest Preserve Districts: No specific action is required. County Stormwater Committees: Petition FEMA and IDNR-OWR to update the floodplain maps. Stormwater committee funds should be budgeted to cost share the mapping effort to move Blackberry Creek higher up on the remapping list. Resource Agencies: FEMA and IDNR-OWR should update the floodplain maps for the Blackberry Creek watershed using the updated hydrologic and hydraulic models. Funding: FEMA and IDNR-OWR generally fund remapping studies. However, there is a significant waiting list. Local funds will improve the likelihood of receiving FEMA or IDNR funds in a timely manner. Priority: TWO. The updated hydrologic and hydraulic models are required to implement this task. 24)As an Interim Measure, Prior to Updating Floodplain Maps, Use the 500-year Floodplain Boundary in the 1989 NRCS Floodplain Study in Kane County and on the FEMA Maps in Kendall County: Because it may be a number of years before the floodplain can be remapped, an interim measure is needed. Actions: The following actions should be taken to implement this recommendation. Municipalities and Counties: Use the 500-year floodplain in the 1989 NRCS study as the regulatory floodplain. Park Districts and Forest Preserve Districts: No specific action is required. County Stormwater Committees: Use the 500-year floodplain in the 1989 NRCS study as the regulatory floodplain. Resource Agencies: No specific action is required. Funding: No external funding should be required to implement this recommendation. Priority: ONE 25) Develop Guidance for identifying Currently Unmapped Floodplains and Depressional Storage Areas: Stream reaches with less than one square mile of drainage area and depressional storage areas are not identified on current regulatory maps. Tools.such as the following may be used to identify these unmapped floodprone areas. • Hydrologic atlases that indicate inundated areas during the flood of record prior to approximately 1965. • Aerial photographs taken shortly after the July 1996 flood by the USDA Faun Services Agency. Blackberry Creek WATERSHED PROTECTION Page 47 Watershed Plan AND ENHANCEMENT 09/04/98 RECOMMENDATIONS UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE To: Tony Graff, City Administrator From: Joe Wywrot, City Engineer Subject: Floodplain Ordinance Date: February 18, 2004 Attached find one copy of the proposed new floodplain ordinance. This document would replace our current ordinance, which was adopted in 1990. The Illinois Department of Natural Resources has recommended that we adopt this new ordinance to reflect new state regulations and administrative changes. In most respects it is very similar to our current ordinance. Changes recommended by IDNR are printed in bold italics. There are two changes that are not part of the standard boilerplate ordinance developed by IDNR. These are in Section 3.a and Section 8.a.i. The first change is to use the 500-year floodplain as determined by the 1989 SCS study as the regulatory floodplain. This change is Recommendation No. 24 of the Blackberry Creek Watershed Committee from their 1998 report (partial copy attached). The second change is to keep a requirement in our current ordinance regarding development in unmapped floodplains. This requirement requires a developer to obtain IDNR approval of their flood study. The new boilerplate ordinance requires the developer to calculate the base flood elevation, but does not require any approval process. By keeping this requirement in the ordinance, we can maintain a higher deb ee of accuracy and thoroughness in site-specific studies. I spoke with Paul Osman of the IDNR, and he agreed with both changes. Please place this item on the February 23, 2004 Public Work Committee agenda for review. Cc: Dan Kramer, City Attorney Bill Dettmer, Code Official Liz D'Anna, Deputy City Clerk ORDINANCE # AN ORDINANCE REGULATING DEVELOPMENT IN FLOODPLAIN AREAS Be it ordained by the United City of Yorkville, Illinois as follows: Section 1 . Purpose. This ordinance is enacted pursuant to the police powers granted to the United City of Yorkville by the Illinois Municipal Code (65 IL. Compiled Statutes 5/1-2-1, 5/11-12-12, 5/11-30-2, 5/11-30-8, and 5/11-31-2) in order to accomplish the following purposes: a. to prevent unwise developments from increasing flood or drainage hazards to others; b. to protect new buildings and major improvements to buildings from flood damage; c. to promote and protect the public health, safety, and general welfare of the citizens from the hazards of flooding; d. to lessen the burden on the taxpayer for flood control, repairs to public facilities and utilities, and flood rescue and relief operations; e. to maintain property values and a stable tax base by minimizing the potential for creating blight areas; and f. to make federally subsidized flood insurance available. g. To preserve the natural characteristics and functions of watercourses and floodplains in order to moderate flood and stormwater impacts, improve water equality, reduce soil erosion, protect aquatic and riparian habitat, provide recreational opportunities, provide aesthetic benefits and enhance community and economic development. Section 2. Definitions. For the purposes of this ordinance, the following definitions are adopted: a. "Base Flood" The flood having a one-percent probability of being equaled or exceeded in any given year. The base flood is also known as the 100-year flood. The base flood elevation at any location is as defined in Section 3 of this ordinance. b. "Base Flood Elevation" (BFE) The elevation in relation to mean sea level of the crest of the base flood. c. "Building" A structure that is principally above ground and is enclosed by walls and a roof including manufactured homes, prefabricated buildings, and gas or liquid storage tanks. The term also includes recreational vehicles and travel trailers installed on a site for more than 180 days per year. d. " Critical Facility" Any public or private facility which, if flooded, would create an added dimension to the disaster or would increase the hazard to life and health. Examples are public buildings, emergency operations and communication centers, health care facilities and nursing homes, schools, and toxic waste treatment, handling or storage facilities. e. "Development" Any man-made change to real estate including, but not necessarily limited to: i. Demolition, construction, reconstruction, repair, placement of a building, or any structural alteration to a building, ii. substantial improvement of an existing building; iii. installation of a manufactured home on a site, preparing a site for a manufactured home, or installing a travel trailer on a site for more than 180 days per year, iv. installation of utilities, construction of roads, bridges, culverts or similar projects; v. construction or erection of levees, dams, walls, or fences; vi. drilling, mining, filling, dredging, grading, excavating, paving, or other alterations of the ground surface; vii. storage of materials including the placement of gas and liquid storage tanks; and viii. channel modifications or any other activity that might change the direction, height, or velocity of flood or surface waters. "Development" does not include routine maintenance of existing buildings and facilities; resurfacing roads; or gardening, plowing, and similar practices that do not involve filling,. grading, or construction of levees. f. "FEMA" Federal Emergency Management Agency. g. "Flood" A general and temporary condition of partial or complete inundation of normally dry land areas from the overflow, the unusual and rapid accumulation, or the runoff of surface waters from any source. h. "Flood Fringe" That portion of the floodplain outside of the regulatory floodway. i. "Flood Insurance Rate Map" A map prepared by the Federal Emergency Management Agency that depicts the floodplain or special flood hazard area (SFHA) within a community. This map includes insurance rate zones and may or may not depict floodways and show base flood elevations. j. "Floodplain" and "Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA)" are synonymous. Those lands within the jurisdiction of the United City of Yorkville that are subject to inundation by the base flood. The floodplains of the Fox River and Blackberry Creek are generally identified as such on the Flood Insurance Rate Map of the United City of Yorkville prepared by the Federal Emergency Management Agency and dated June 1, 1982. The floodplains of those parts of unincorporated that are within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the United City of Yorkville or that may be annexed into the United City of Yorkville are generally identified as such on the Flood Insurance Rate Map prepared for Kendall County by the Federal Emergency Management Agency and dated June 1 , 1982 Floodplain also includes those areas of known flooding as identified by the community. k. "Floodproofing" Any combination of structural or nonstructural additions, changes, or adjustments to structures which reduce or eliminate flood damage to real estate, property and their contents. I. "Floodproofing Certificate" A form published by the Federal Emergency Management Agency that is used to certify that a building has been designed and constructed to be structurally dry floodproofed to the flood protection elevation. m. "Flood Protection Elevation" or "FPE" The elevation of the base flood plus one foot of freeboard at any given location in the floodplain. n. "Floodway" That portion of the floodplain required to store and convey the base flood. The floodway for the floodplains of Fox River and Blackberry Creek shall be as delineated on the Flood Boundary and Floodway Map prepared by FEMA and United City of Yorkville. The floodways for each of the remaining floodplains of the United City of Yorkville shall be according to the best data available from Federal, State, or other sources. o. "IDNRIOWR" Illinois Department of Natural Resources/Office of Water Resources. p. "Manufactured Home" A structure transportable in one or more sections, that is built on a permanent chassis and is designed to be used with or without a permanent foundation when connected to required utilities. q. "NFIP" National Flood Insurance Program. r. "Repetitive Loss" Flood related damages sustained by a structure on two separate occasions during a ten year period for which the cost of repairs at the time of each such flood event on the average equals or exceeds 25% of the market value of the structure before the damage occurred. s. "SFHA" See definition of floodplain. • t. "Substantial Damage"Damage of any origin sustained by a structure whereby the cost of restoring the structure to its before damage condition would equal or exceed 50% of the market value of the structure before the damage occurred regardless of actual repair work performed. Volunteer labor and materials must be included in this determination. u. "Substantial improvement" Any reconstruction, rehabilitation, addition, or improvement of a structure, the cost of which equals or exceeds 50 percent of the market value of the structure before the improvement or repair is started, "Substantial improvement" is considered to occur when the first alteration of any wall, ceiling, floor, or other structural part of the building commences, whether or not that alteration affects the external dimensions of the structure. The term does not, however, include either(1) any project for improvement of a structure to comply with existing state or local health, sanitary, or safety code specifications which are solely necessary to assure safe living conditions or(2) any alteration of a structure listed on the National Register of Historic Places or the Illinois Register of Historic Places. v. "Travel Trailer" (or Recreational Vehicle) A vehicle which is: (i) built on a single chassis; (ii) 400 square feet or less in size; (iii) designed to be self-propelled or permanently towable by a light duty truck; and (iv) designed primarily not for use as a permanent dwelling but as temporary living quarters for recreational, camping, travel, or seasonal use. Section 3. Base Flood Elevation. This ordinance's protection standard is the base flood. The best available base flood data are listed below. Whenever a party disagrees with the best available data, the party shall finance the detailed engineering study needed to replace the existing data with better data and submit it to the FEMA and IDNR/OWR for approval prior any development of the site. a. The base flood elevation for the floodplains of the Fox River shall be as delineated on the 100-year flood profiles in the Flood Insurance Study of the United City of Yorkville prepared by the Federal Emergency Management Agency and dated June 1 , 1982. The floodways and base flood elevation for the floodplains of Blackberry Creek shall be the 500-year flood profiles as delineated in the publication titled " Floodplain Management Study — Blackberry Creek and Tributaries, Kane-Kendall Counties, Illinois" , dated June 1989, by the United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service. b. The base flood elevation for each floodplain delineated as an "AH Zone" or "AO Zone" shall be that elevation (or depth) delineated on the Flood Insurance Rate Map of the United City of Yorkville. c. The base flood elevation for each of the remaining floodplains delineated as an "A Zone" on the Flood Insurance Rate Map of the United City of Yorkville shall be according to the best data available from federal, state or other sources. Should no other data exist, an engineering study must be financed to determine base flood elevations. d. The base flood elevation for the floodplains of those parts of unincorporated Kendall County that are within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the United City of Yorkville, or that may be annexed into the United City of Yorkville, shall be as delineated on the 100-year flood profiles of the Flood Insurance Study of Kendall County prepared by the Federal Emergency Management Agency and dated June 1, 1982. Section 4. Duties of the Code Official: The duty of the Code Official shall be responsible for the general administration of this ordinance and ensure that all development activities within the floodplains under the jurisdiction of the United City of Yorkville meet the requirements of this ordinance. Specifically, the Code Official shall: a. Process development permits in accordance with Section 5; b. Ensure that all development in a floodway (or a floodplain with no delineated floodway) meets the damage prevention requirements of Section 6; c. Ensure that the building protection requirements for all buildings subject to Section 7 are met and maintain a record of the "as-built' elevation of the lowest floor (including basement) or flood proof certificate; d. Assure that all subdivisions and annexations meet the requirements of Section 8; e. Ensure that water supply and waste disposal systems meet the Public Health standards of Section 9; f. If a variance is requested, ensure that the requirements of Section 10 are met and maintain documentation of any variances granted; g. Inspect all development projects and take any and all actions outlined in Section 12 as necessary to ensure compliance with this ordinance; h. Assure that applicants are aware of and obtain any and all other required local, state, and federal permits; i. Notify IDNR/OWR and any neighboring communities prior to any alteration or relocation of a watercourse; j. Provide information and assistance to citizens upon request about permit procedures and floodplain construction techniques; k. Cooperate with state and federal floodplain management agencies to coordinate base flood data and to improve the administration of this ordinance; and I. Maintain for public inspection base flood data, floodplain maps, copies of state and federal permits, and documentation of compliance for development activities subject to this ordinance. m. Perform site inspections and make substantial damage determinations for structures within the floodplain. n. Maintain the accuracy of floodplain maps including notifying IDNR/OWR and/or submitting information to FEMA within 6 months whenever a modification of the floodplain may change the base flood elevation or result in a change to the floodplain map, Section 5. Development Permit. No person, firm, corporation, or governmental body not exempted by law shall commence any development in the floodplain without first obtaining a development permit from the Code Official. The Code Official shall not issue a development permit if the proposed development does not meet the requirements of this ordinance. a. The application for development permit shall be accompanied by: i. drawings of the site, drawn to scale showing property line dimensions; ii. existing grade elevations and all changes in grade resulting from excavation or filling; iii. the location and dimensions of all buildings and additions to buildings; and iv. the elevation of the lowest floor(including basement) of all proposed buildings subject to the requirements of Section 7 of this ordinance. v. cost of project or improvements as estimated by a licensed engineer or architect. A signed estimate by a contractor may also meet this requirement. b. Upon receipt of an application for a development permit, the Code Official shall compare the elevation of the site to the base flood elevation. Any development located on land that can be shown by survey data to be higher than the current base flood elevation and which has not been filled after the date of the site's first Flood Insurance Rate Map is not in the floodplain and therefore not subject to the requirements of this ordinance. Conversely, any development located on land shown to be below the base flood elevation and hydraulically connected, but not shown on the current Flood Insurance Rate Map is subject to the provisions of this ordinance. The Code Official shall maintain documentation of the existing ground elevation at the development site and certification that this ground elevation existed prior to the date of the site's first Flood Insurance Rate Map identification. Section 6. Preventing Increased Flood Heights and Resulting Damages. Within the floodway identified on the Flood Boundary and Floodway Map, and within all other floodplains where a floodway has not been delineated, the following standards shall apply: a. Except as provided in Section 6b, no development shall be allowed which, acting in combination with existing and anticipated development, will cause any increase in flood heights or velocities or threat to public health and safety. The following specific development activities shall be considered as meeting this requirement: i. Barge fleeting facilities meeting the conditions of IDNR/OWR Statewide Permit No. 3; ii. Aerial utility crossings meeting the conditions of IDNR/OWR Statewide Permit No. 4; iii. Minor boat docks meeting the conditions of IDNR/OWR Statewide Permit No. 5; iv. Minor, non-obstructive activities meeting the conditions of IDNR/OWR Statewide Permit No 6; v. Outfall structures and drainage ditch outlets meeting the conditions of IDNR/OWR Statewide Permit. No. 7; vi. Underground pipeline and utility crossings meeting the conditions of IDNR/OWR Statewide Permit No. 8; vii. Bank stabilization projects meeting the conditions of IDNR/OWR Statewide Permit No. 9; viii. Accessory structures and additions to existing residential buildings meeting the conditions of IDNR/OWR Statewide Permit No. 10; ix. Minor maintenance dredging activities meeting the conditions of IDNR/OWR Statewide Permit No. 11 ; and x. Bridge and culvert replacement structures and bridge widening meeting the conditions of IDNR/OWR Statewide Permit No. 12; and xi. Temporary construction activities meeting the conditions of IDNR/OWR Statewide Permit No. 13; and xii. Any development determined by IDNR/OWR to be located entirely within a flood fringe area. b. Other development activities not listed in (a) may be permitted only if: i. a permit has been issued for the work by IDNR/OWR (or written documentation is provided that an IDNR/OWR permit is not required); and ii. sufficient data has been provided to FEMA when necessary, and approval obtained from FEMA for a revision of the regulatory map and base flood elevation. Section 7. Protecting Buildings. a. In addition to the damage prevention requirements of Section 6, all buildings located. in the floodplain shall be protected from flood damage below the flood protection elevation. This building protection requirement applies to the following situations: i. construction or placement of a new building valued at more than $1 ,000 or 70 square feet; ii. substantial improvements made to an existing building. This alteration shall be figured cumulatively beginning with any alteration which has taken place subsequent to the adoptionof this ordinance; iii. repairs made to a substantially damaged building. These repairs shall be figured cumulatively beginning with any repairs which have taken place subsequent to the adoption of this ordinance. iv. structural alterations made to an existing building that increase the floor area by more than 20%; v. installing a manufactured home on a new site or a new manufactured home on an existing site (the building protection requirements do not apply to returning a manufactured home to the same site it lawfully occupied before it was removed to avoid flood damage); and vi. installing a travel trailer or recreational vehicle on a site for more than 180 days per year. vii. repetitive loss to an existing building as defined in Section 2q. b. Residential or non-residential buildings can meet the building protection requirements by one of the following methods: i. The building may be constructed on permanent land fill in accordance with the following: (1) the lowest floor (including basement) shall be at or above the flood protection elevation; (2) the fill shall be placed in layers no greater than six inches before compaction and should extend at least ten feet beyond the foundation before sloping below the flood protection elevation; (3) the fill shall be protected against erosion and scour during flooding by vegetative cover, riprap, or other structural measure; (4) the fill shall be composed of rock or soil and not incorporate debris or refuse materials; and (5) the fill shall not adversely affect the flow of surface drainage from or onto neighboring properties and when necessary, stormwater management techniques such as swales or basins shall be incorporated; or ii. The building may be elevated in accordance with the following: (1) The building or improvements shall be elevated on stilts, piles, walls, or other foundation that is permanently open to flood waters; (2) The lowest floor and all electrical, heating, ventilating, plumbing, and air conditioning equipment and utility meters shall be located at or above the flood protection elevation; (3) If walls are used, all enclosed areas below the flood protection elevation shall address hydrostatic pressures by allowing the automatic entry and exit of flood waters. Designs must either be certified by a registered professional engineer or by having a minimum of one permanent openings on each wall no more than one foot above grade. The openings shall provide a total net area of not less than one square inch for every one square foot of enclosed area subject to flooding below the base flood elevation; (4) the foundation and supporting members shall be anchored, designed, and certified so as to minimize exposure to hydrodynamic forces such as current, waves, ice and floating debris; (5) the finished interior grade shall not be less than the finished exterior grade; (6) all structural components below the flood protection elevation shall be constructed of materials resistant to flood damage; (7) water and sewer pipes, electrical and telephone lines, submersible pumps, and other service facilities may be located below the flood protection elevation provided they are waterproofed; and (8) the area below the flood protection elevation shall be used solely for parking or building access and not later modified or occupied as habitable space. c. Manufactured homes or travel trailers to be permanently installed on site shall be: i. elevated to or above the flood protection elevation; and ii. anchored to resist flotation, collapse, or lateral movement by being tied down in accordance with the Rules and Regulations for the Illinois Mobile Home Tie-Down Act issued pursuant to 77 IL Adm. Code 870. d. Travel trailers and recreational vehicles on site for more than 180 days per year shall meet the elevation requirements of section 7c. unless the following conditions are met: i. the vehicle must be either self-propelled or towable by a light duty truck. The hitch must remain on the vehicle at all times; and ii. the vehicle must not be attached to external structures such as decks and porches; and iii. the vehicle must be designed solely for recreation, camping, travel, or seasonal use rather than as a permanent dwelling; and iv. the vehicles largest horizontal projections must be no larger than 400 square feet; and v. the vehicle's wheels must remain on axles and inflated; and vi. air conditioning units must be attached to the frame so as to be safe for movement out of the floodplain; and vii. Propane tanks, electrical and sewage connections must be quick-disconnect and above the 100-year flood elevation; and viii. The vehicle must be licensed and titled as a recreational vehicle or park model; and iv. The vehicle must be either(a) entirely supported by jacks rather than blocks or (b) have a hitch jack permanently mounted, have the tires touching the ground, and be supported by blocks in a manner that will allow the blocks to be easily removed by use of the hitch jack. e. Non-residential buildings may be structurally dry flood-proofed (in lieu of elevation) provided a registered professional engineer or architect certifies that: i. below the flood protection elevation the structure and attendant utility facilities are watertight and capable of resisting the effects of the base flood; ii. the building design accounts for flood velocities, duration, rate of rise, hydrostatic and hydrodynamic forces, the effects of buoyancy, and the impact from debris and ice; and iii. floodproofing measures will be incorporated into the building design and operable without human intervention and without an outside source of electricity. Levees, berms, floodwalls and similar works are not considered flood-proofing for the purpose of this subsection. f. Garages or sheds constructed ancillary to a residential use may be permitted provided the following conditions are met: i. the garage of shed must be non-habitable; and ii. the garage or shed must be used only for the storage of vehicles and tools and cannot be modified later into another use; and iii. the garage or shed must be located outside of the floodway; and iv. the garage or shed must be on a single family lot and be accessory to an existing principal structure on the same lot; and v. below the base flood elevation, the garage or shed must be built of materials not susceptible to flood damage; and vi. all utilities, plumbing, heating, air conditioning and electrical must be elevated above the flood protection elevation; and vii. the garage or shed must have at least one permanent opening on each wall no more than one foot above grade with one square inch of opening for every square foot of floor area; and viii. the garage or shed must be less than $7,500 in market value or replacement cost whichever is greater or less than 500 square feet; and iv. the structure shall be anchored to resist floatation and overturning; and v. all flammable or toxic materials (gasoline, paint, insecticides, fertilizers, etc.) shall be stored above the flood protection elevation; and vi. the lowest floor elevation should be documented and the owner advised of the flood insurance implications. g. A building may be constructed with a crawlspace located below the flood protection elevation provided that the following conditions are met: i. the building must be designed and adequately anchored to resist flotation, collapse, and lateral movement of the structure resulting from hydrodynamic and hydrostatic loads, including the effects of buoyancy; and ii. any enclosed area below the flood protection elevation shall have openings that equalize hydrostatic pressures by allowing for the automatic entry and exit of floodwaters. A minimum of one opening on each wall having a total net area of not less than one square inch per one square foot of enclosed area. The openings shall be no more than one foot above grade; and iii. the interior grade of the crawlspace below the flood protection elevation must not be more than 2 feet below the lowest adjacent exterior grade; and iv. the interior height of the crawlspace measured from the interior grade of the crawl to the top of the foundation wall must not exceed 4 feet at any point; and v. an adequate drainage system must be installed to remove floodwaters from the interior area of the crawlspace within a reasonable period of time after a flood event; and vi. portions of the building below the flood protection elevation must be constructed with materials resistant to flood damage; and vii. utility systems within the crawlspace must be elevated above the flood protection elevation. Section 8. Subdivision Requirements. The United City of Yorkville shall take into account flood hazards, to the extent that they are known, in all official actions related to land management use and development. a. New subdivisions, manufactured home parks, annexation agreements, planned unit developments, and additions to manufactured home parks and subdivisions shall meet the damage prevention and building protection standards of Sections 6 and 7 of this ordinance. Any proposal for such development shall include the following data: i. the base flood elevation and the boundary of the floodplain (where the base flood elevation is not available from an existing study, the applicant shall be responsible for calculating the base flood elevation and the floodway delineation and submitting it to the Illinois Department of Natural Resources for review and approval as the best available regulatory data); ii. the boundary of the floodway when applicable; and iii. a signed statement by a Registered Professional Engineer that the proposed plat or plan accounts for changes in the drainage of surface waters in accordance with the Plat Act (765 IL Compiled Statutes 205/2). Section 9. Public Health and Other Standards a. Public health standards must be met for all floodplain development. In addition to the requirements of Sections 6 and 7, the following standards apply: i. No development in the floodplain shall include locating or storing chemicals, explosives, buoyant materials, flammable liquids, pollutants, or other hazardous or toxic materials below the flood protection elevation unless such materials are stored in a floodproofed and anchored storage tank and certified by a professional engineer or floodproofed building constructed according to the requirements of Section 7 of this ordinance. ii. Public utilities and facilities such as sewer, gas, and electric shall be located and constructed to minimize or eliminate flood damage; iii. Public sanitary sewer systems and water supply systems shall be located and constructed to minimize or eliminate infiltration of flood waters into the systems and discharges from the systems into flood waters; iv. New and replacement on-site sanitary sewer lines or waste disposal systems shall be located and constructed to avoid impairment to them or contamination from them during flooding. Manholes or other above ground openings located below the flood protection elevation shall be watertight. v. Critical facilities shall be protected to the 500-year flood elevation. In addition, all ingress and egress from any critical facility must be protected to the 500-year flood elevation. b. All other activities defined as development shall be designed so as not to alter flood flows or increase potential flood damages. Section 10. Variances. Whenever the standards of this ordinance place undue hardship on a specific development proposal, the applicant may apply to the City Clerk for a variance. The City Clerk shall review the applicant's request for a variance and shall submit its recommendation to the City Council. The City Council may attach such conditions to granting of a variance as it deems necessary to further the intent of this ordinance. a. No variance shall be granted unless the applicant demonstrates that all of the following conditions are met: i. the development activity cannot be located outside the floodplain; ii. an exceptional hardship would result if the variance were not granted; iii. the relief requested is the minimum necessary; iv. there will be no additional threat to public health or safety, or creation of a nuisance; v. there will be no additional public expense for flood protection, rescue or relief operations, policing, or repairs to roads, utilities, or other public facilities; vi. the applicant's circumstances are unique and do not establish a pattern inconsistent with the intent of the NFIP; and vii. all other required state and federal permits have been obtained. b. The City Council shall notify an applicant in writing that a variance from the requirements of the building protection standards of Section 7 that would lessen the degree of protection to a building will: i. result in increased premium rates for flood insurance up to $25 per$100 of insurance coverage; ii. increase the risks to life and property; and iii. require that the applicant proceed with knowledge of these risks and that the applicant acknowledge in writing the assumption of the risk and liability. c. Variances to the building protection requirements of Section 7 of this ordinance requested in connection with the reconstruction, repair or alteration of a site or building included on the National Register of Historic Places or the Illinois Register of Historic Places may be granted using criteria more permissive than the requirements of Subsection 9 (a)(i-v). Section 11 . Disclaimer of Liability. The degree of protection required by this ordinance is considered reasonable for regulatory purposes and is based on available information derived from engineering and scientific methods of study. Larger floods may occur or flood heights may be increased by man- made or natural causes. This ordinance does not imply that development either inside or outside of the floodplain will be free from flooding or damage. This ordinance does not create liability on the part of the United City of Yorkville or any officer or employee thereof for any flood damage that results from proper reliance on this ordinance or any administrative decision made lawfully thereunder. Section 12. Penalty Failure to obtain a permit for development in the floodplain or failure to comply with the conditions of a permit or a variance shall be deemed to be a violation of this ordinance. Upon due investigation, the City Attorney may determine that a violation of the minimum standards of this ordinance exists. The City Attorney shall notify the owner in writing of such violation. a. If such owner fails after ten days notice to correct the violation: i. The City Attorney shall make application to the circuit court for an injunction requiring conformance with this ordinance or make such other order as the court deems necessary to secure compliance with the ordinance; ii. Any person who violates this ordinance shall upon conviction thereof be fined not less than fifty ($50.00) nor more than five hundred dollars ($500.00) or each offense; and iii. A separate offense.shall be deemed committed upon each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues. iv. The United City of Yorkville shall record a notice of violation on the title to the property. b. The United City of Yorkville shall inform the owner that any such violation is considered a willful act to increase flood damages and therefore may cause coverage by a Standard Flood Insurance Policy to be suspended. c. Nothing herein shall prevent the United City of Yorkville from taking such other lawful action to prevent or remedy any violations. All costs connected therewith shall accrue to the person or persons responsible. Section 13. Abrogation and Greater Restrictions. This ordinance repeals and replaces other ordinances adopted by the United City of Yorkville to fulfill the requirements of the National Flood Insurance Program including: Ordinance 1990-09: An ordinance regulating development in Special Flood Hazard Areas. However, this ordinance does not repeal the original resolution or ordinance adopted to achieve eligibility in the program. Nor does this ordinance repeal, abrogate, or impair any existing easements, covenants, or deed restrictions. Where this ordinance and other ordinance easements, covenants, or deed restrictions conflict or overlap, whichever imposes the more stringent restrictions shall prevail. Section 14. Separability. The provisions and sections of this ordinance shall be deemed separable and the invalidity of any portion of this ordinance shall not affect the validity of the remainder. Section 15. Effective Date. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval and publication, as required by law. Passed by the City Council of the United City of Yorkville, Illinois, this day of 2004. (Clerk) Approved by me this day of , 2004. (Mayor) Attested and filed in my office this day of 2004. (Clerk) • CPU, /✓O. MODEL ORR D-I-N-AN GC 1OR CITIES: 6O:3--d j--- AN ORDINANCE REGULATING DEVELOPMENT IN SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREAS Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Yorkville Illinois, as follows: Section 1 . Purpose. This ordinance is enacted pursuant to the police powers granted to this City by Illinois Revised Statutes, Chapter 24, Sections 1-2-1 , 11-12-12, 11-30-2, 11-30-8, and 11-31-2 in order to accomplish the following purposes: a. to prevent unwise developments from increasing flood or drainage hazards to others; b. to protect new buildings and major improvements to buildings from flood damage; c. to protect human life and health from the hazards of flooding; d. to lessen the burden on the taxpayer for flood control projects, repairs to flood-damaged public facilities and utilities, and flood rescue and relief operations; e. to maintain property values and a stable tax base by minimizing the potential for creating flood blighted areas; and f. to make federally subsidized flood insurance available for property in the City by fulfilling the requirements of the National Flood Insurance Program. Section 2. Definitions. For the purposes of this ordinance, the following definitions are adopted: a. "Flood" means: a general and temporary condition of inundation of normally dry land areas from the overflow, the unusual and rapid accumulation, or the runoff of surface waters from any source. b. "Base Flood" means: the flood having a one-percent probability of being equalled or exceeded in any given year. The base flood is also known as the 100 year flood. The base flood elevation at any location is as defined in Section 4 of this ordinance. • -1- c. "SFHA" or "Special Flood Hazard Area" means: those lands within the jurisdiction of the City that are subject to inundation by the base flood. The SFHAs of the City are generally identified as such on the Flood Insurance Rate Map of the City prepared by the Federal Emergency Management Agency and dated June 1, 1982' The SFHAs of those parts of unincorporated Kendall County that are within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City or that may be annexed into the City are generally identified as such on the Flood Insurance Rate Map prepared for Kendall County by the Federal Emergency Management Agency and dated July 19, 1, 17 d. "Riverine SFHA" means: any SFHA subject to flooding from a river, creek, intermittent stream, ditch, or any other identified channel . This term does not include areas subject to flooding from lakes (except public bodes of water) , ponding areas, areas of sheet flow, or other areas not subject to overbank flooding. e. "Floodway" means: that portion of the SFHA required to store and convey the base flood. The floodway for the SFHAs of Fox River and Blackberry Creek shall be as delineated on the Flood Boundary and Floodway Map prepared by the Federal Emergency Management Agency and dated June 1, 1982 . The floodway for each of the remaining SFHAs of the City shall be according to the best data available to the Illinois State Water Survey Floodplain Information Repository. f. "FPE" or "Flood Protection Elevation" means: the elevation of the base flood plus one foot at any given location in the SFHA. g. "Development" means: any man-made change to real estate, including: ( i) construction, reconstruction, or placement of a building or any addition to a building valued at more than $1 ,000; ( ii) installing a manufactured home on a site, preparing a site for a manufactured home or installing a travel trailer on a site for more than 180 days; (iii) installing utilities, construction of roads, or similar projects; (iv) construction or erection of levees, walls, fences, bridges or culverts; (v) drilling, mining, filling, dredging, grading, excavating, or other nonagricultural alterations of the ground surface; (vi) storage of materials; or (vii) any other activity that might change the direction, height, or velocity of flood or surface waters. "Development" does not include maintenance of existing buildings and facilities such as re-roofing; re-surfacing roads; or gardening, plowing, and similar agricultural practices that do not involve filling, grading, or construction of levees. -2- h. "Building" means: a structure that is principally above ground and is enclosed by walls and a roof. The term includes a gas or liquid storage tank, a manufactured home, or a prefabricated building. The term also includes recreational vehicles and travel trailers to be installed on a site for more than 180 days. Section 3. Duties of the Building Official . The Building Official shall be responsiDle. ror the general administration and enforcement of this ordinance, including but not limited to the following duties: a. Ensure that all development activities within the SFHAs of the jurisdiction of the City meet the requirements of this ordinance. b. Provide information and assistance to citizens upon request about permit procedures and floodplain construction techniques. c. Ensure that construction authorization has been granted by the Illinois Department of Transportation, Division of Water Resources for all development projects subject to Section 6 of this ordinance, and maintain a record of such authorization. d. Maintain a record of the "as built" elevation of the lowest floor (including basement) of all buildings subject to Section 7 of this ordinance; e. Maintain a record of the engineer' s certificate and the "as built" floodproofed elevation of all buildings subject to Section 7.d of this ordinance. f. Inspect all development projects to ensure they comply with the provisions of this ordinance; g. Cooperate with state and federal floodplain management agencies to improve base flood and floodway data and to improve the administration of this ordinance. Submit reports as required for the National Flood Insurance Program. h. Maintain for public inspection and furnish upon request base flood data, SFHA maps, copies of federal or state permit documents and "as built" elevation and floodproofing data for all buildings constructed subject to this ordinance. Section 4. Base Flood Elevation. This ordinance's protection standard is the base flood. The best available base flood data are listed below. Whenever a party disagrees with the best available data, the party may finance the detailed engineering study needed to replace existing data with better data and submit it to the State Water Survey and the Federal Emergency Management Agency. a. The base flood elevation for the SFHAs of Fox River and Blackberr}Creek shall be as delineated on the 100 year flood profiles in the Flood Insurance Study of the City prepared by the Federal Emergency Management Agency and dated June 1, 1982 -3- b. The base flood elevation for each SFHA delineated as an "AH Zone" or "AO Zone" shall be that elevation (or depth) delineated on the Flood Insurance Rate Map of the City. c. The base flood elevation for each of the remaining SFHAs delineated as an "A Zone" on the Flood Insurance Rate Map of the City shall be according to the best data available to the Illinois State Water Survey Floodplain Information Repository. When no base flood elevation exists, the base flood elevation shall be the 100 year flood depth calculated according to the formulas presented in Depth & Frequency of Floods in Illinois published by the U.S. Geological Survey, 1976. d. The base flood elevation for the SFHAs of those parts of unincorporated Kendall County that are within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City or that may be annexed into the City shall be as delineated on the 100 year flood profiles in the Flood Insurance Study of Kendall County prepared by the Federal Emergency Management Agency and dated-7.5.777-5; 1982 - vection 5. Development Permit. No person, firm, corporation, or governmental )0 y no exemp ed by state law shall commence any development in the SFHA without first obtaining a development permit from the Building Official. The building Official shall not issue a development permit if the proposed development does not meet the requirements of this ordinance. a. The application for a development permit shall be accompanied by drawings of the site, drawn to scale showing property line dimensions; existing grade elevations and all changes in grade resulting from excavation or filling; the location and dimensions of all buildings and additions to buildings; and the elevation of the lowest floor (including basement) of all proposed buildings subject to the requirements of Section 7 of this ordinance. b. Upon receipt of an application for a development permit, the Building Official shall compare the elevation of the site to the base flood elevation. Any development located on land that can be shown to have been higher than the base flood elevation as of the date of the site' s first Flood Insurance Rate Map identification is not located in the SFHA and therefore not subject to the requirements of this ordinance. The Building Official shall maintain documentation of the existing ground elevation at the development site and certification that this ground elevation existed prior to the date of the site's first Flood Insurance Rate Map identification. c. The Building Official shall inform the applicant of any and all other local , state, and federal permits that may be required for this type of development activity. The Building Official shall not issue the development permit unless all required federal and state permits have been obtained. -4- Section 6. Preventing Increased Damages. No development in the SFHA shall create a damaging or potentially damaging increase in flood heights or velocity or threat to public health and safety. a. Within the floodway identified on the Flood Boundary Floodway Map, the following standards shall apply: (i) except as provided in Section 6.a.(ii), no development shall be allowed which acting in combination with existing or future similar works, will cause any increase in the base flood elevation. The specific development activities identified in Section 6.b. (ii ) shall be considered as meeting this requirement. (ii) No increase in the base flood elevation may be permitted unless: (a) the total cumulative effect of the proposed development, when combined with all other existing and anticipated development, will not increase the base flood elevation more than 1 .0 foot for the affected hydraulic reach of the stream and will not increase flood damages or potential flood damages; (b) a permit has been issued by the Illinois Department of Transportation, Division of Water Resource as required in Section 14.b. (i ) ; and (c) for all projects involving channel modifications or fill (including levees) , the City shall submit sufficient data to the Federal Emergency Management Agency to revise the regulatory flood data . b. Within all other riverine SFHAs, the following standards shall apply: (i ) In addition to the other requirements of this ordinance, a development permit for a site located in a floodway (or in a riverine SFHA where no floodway has been identified) shall not be issued unless the applicant first obtains a permit or written documentation that a permit is not required from the Illinois Department of Transportation, Division of Water Resources, issued pursuant to Illinois Revised Statutes, Chapter 19, Sections 52 et. seq. ( ii) The following activities may be constructed without the individual permit required in subsection 6.b.(i) in accordance with Statewide Permits issued by the Illinois Department of Transportation, Division of Water Resources provided the activities do not involve placement of fill, change of grade, or construction in the normal channel . Such activities must still meet the other requirements of this ordinance: (a) The construction of wells, septic tanks, and underground utility lines not crossing a lake or stream; (b) The construction of light poles, sign posts and similar structures; -5- (c) The construction of sidewalks, driveways, athletic fields (excluding fences) , patios and similar surfaces which are built at grade; (d) The construction of properly anchored, unwalled, open structures such as playground equipment, pavilions, and carports; (e) . The placement of properly anchored buildings not exceeding seventy (70) square feet in size, nor ten (10) feet in any dimension (e.g. animal shelters and tool sheds) ; and (f) The construction of additions to existing buildings which do not increase the first floor area by more than twenty (20) percent, which are located on the upstream or downstream side of the existing building, and which do not extend beyond the sides of the existing building that are parallel to the flow of flood waters. (iii) The total cumulative effect of the proposed development, when combined with all other existing and anticipated development, will not increase the base flood elevation more than 1 .0 foot for the affected hydraulic reach of the stream and will not increase flood damages or potential flood damages; c. Public health standards in all SFHAs. (i) No development in the SFHA shall include locating or storing chemicals, explosives, bouyant materials, flammable liquids, pollutants, or other hazardous or toxic materials below the FPE unless such materials are stored in a storage tank or floodproofed building constructed according to the requirements of subsection 7.d of this ordinance. (ii) New and replacement sanitary sewer lines and on-site waste disposal systems may be permitted providing all manholes or other above ground openings located below the FPE are watertight. Section 7. Protecting Buildings. In addition to the damage prevention requirements of Section 6, all buildings to be located in the SFHA shall be protected from flood damage below the FPE. This building protection requirement applies to the following situations: (i) construction or placement of a new building valued at more than $1 ,000; (ii) structural alterations made to an existing building that increase the floor area by more than 20%, or the market value of the building by more than 50%; (iii) reconstruction or repairs made to a damaged building that are valued at or more than 50% of the market value of the building before the damage occurred; -6- (iv) installing a manufactured home on a new site or a new manufactured home on an existing site. This ordinance does not apply to returning a manufactured home to the same site it lawfully occupied before it was removed to avoid flood damage; and (v) installing a travel trailer on a site for more than 180 days. This building protection requirement may be met by one of the following methods. The Building Official shall maintain a record of compliance with these building protection standards as required in Section 3 of this ordinance. a. A residential or nonresidential building may be constructed on permanent land fill in accordance with the following: (i) The fill shall be placed in layers no greater than 1 foot deep before compaction. (ii) The lowest floor ( including basement) shall be at or above the FPE. The fill should extend at least ten feet beyond the foundation of the building before sloping below the FPE. (iii) The fill shall be protected against erosion and scour during flooding by vegetative cover, rip rap, or bulkheading. If vegetative cover is used, the slopes shall be no steeper than 3 horizontal to 1 vertical . (iv) The fill shall not adversely affect the flow of surface drainage from or onto neighboring properties. b. A residential or nonresidential building may be elevated in accordance with the following: ( 1) The building or improvements shall be elevated on crawl space, walls, stilts, piles, or other foundation provided: (a) the walls have permanent opeings no more than one foot above grade; and (b) the walls and floor are not subject to damage by hydrostatic pressures associated with the base flood. ( ii) The foundation and supporting members shall be anchored and aligned in relation to flood flows and adjoining structures so as to minimize exposure to known hydrodynamic forces such as current, waves, ice, and floating debris. (iii) All areas below the FPE shall be constructed of materials resistant to flood damage. The lowest floor (including basement) and all electrical , heating, ventilating, plumbing, and air conditioning equipment and utility meters shall be located at or above the FPE. Water and sewer pipes, electrical and telepone lines, submersible pumps, and other waterproofed service facilities may be located below the FPE. -7- c. Manufactured homes and travel trailers to be installed on a site for more than 180 days shall be: (i) elevated at or above the FPE in accordance with Section 7.(a) or (b) and (ii) anchored to resist flotation, collapse, or lateral movement by being tied down in accordance with the Rules and Regulations for the Illinois Mobile Home Tie-Down Act issued pursuant to Illinois.Revised Statutes, Chapter 111 1/2, Sections 4401-4406. d. Only a non-residential building may be floodproofed in accordance with the following: (i) A Registered Professional Engineer shall certify that the building has been designed so that below the FPE, the structure and attendant utility facilities are watertight and capable of resisting the affects of the base flood. The building design shall take into account flood velocities, duration, rate of rise, hydrostatic and hydrodynamic forces, the effects of buoyancy, and impacts from debris or ice. (ii) Floodproofing measures shall be operable without human intervention and without an outside source of electricity. Section 8. Other Development Requirements. The City Council shall take into account flood hazards, to the extent that they are known, in all official actions related to land management, use and development. a. New subdivisions, manufactured home parks, travel trailer parks, annexation agreements, planned unit developments (PUDs) and additions to manufactured home parks and subdivisions shall meet the requirements of Sections 6 and 7 of this ordinance. Plats or plans for new subdivisions, manufactured home parks, and planned unit developments (PUDs) shall include a signed statement by a Registered Professional Engineer that the plat or plan accounts for changes in the drainage of surface waters in accordance with the Plat Act ( Illinois Revised Statutes, Chapter 109, Section 2). b. Proposals for new subdivisions, manufactured home parks, travel trailer parks, planned unit developments (PUDs) and additions to manufactured home parks and subdivisions shall include base flood elevation data and floodway delineations. Where this information is not available from an existing study filed with the Illinois State Water Survey, the applicant shall be responsible for calculating the base flood elevation and the floodway delineation and submitting it to the State Water Survey for review and approval as best available regulatory data. Section 9. Variances. Whenever the standards of this ordinance place undue hardship on a specific development proposal , the applicant may apply to the City Council for a variance. The City Council shall review the applicant' s request for a variance and shall submit its recommendation to the City Council . The City Council may attach such conditions to granting of a variance as it deems necessary to further the intent of this ordinance. • -8- • a. No variance shall be granted unless the applicant demonstrates that: (i) the development activity cannot be located outside the SFHA; (ii) an exceptional hardship would result if the variance were not granted; (iii) the relief requested is the minimum necessary; (iv) there will be no additional threat to public health or safety or creation of a nuisance; (v) there will be no additional public expense for flood protection, rescue or relief operations, policing, or repairs to roads, utilities, or other public facilities; and (vi) the provisions of subsection 5.c of this ordinance are met; and (vii) the provisions of subsection 6.a of this ordinance are met. b. The City Council shall notify an applicant in writing that a variance from the requirements of Section 7 that would lessen the degree of protection to a building will : (i) result in increased premium rates for flood insurance up to amounts that may be as high as $25 for $100 of insurance coverage; (ii) increase the risks to life and property; and (iii) require that the applicant proceed with knowledge of these risks and that the applicant acknowledge in writing the assumption of the risk and liability. c. Variances to the building protection requirements of Section 7 of this ordinance requested in connection with the reconstruction, repair or alteration of a site or building included on the National Register of Historic Places or the Illinois Register of Historic Places may be granted using criteria more permissive than the requirements of Subsection 9.a (i )-(v) . Section 10. Disclaimer of Liability. The degree of flood protection required by this ordinance is considered reasonable for regulatory purposes and is based on available information derived from engineering and scientific methods of study. Larger floods may occur or flood heights may be increased by man-made or natural causes. This ordinance does not imply that development either inside or outside of the SFHA will be free from flooding or damage. This ordinance does not create liability on the part of the City or any officer or employee thereof for any flood damage that results from reliance on this ordinance or any administrative decision made lawfully thereunder. -9- Section 11. Penalty. Failure to obtain a permit for development in the SFHA or railure to comply with the requirements of a permit or conditions of a variance resolution shall be deemed to be a violation of this ordinance. Upon due investigation the City Attorney may determine that a violation of the minimum standards of this ordinance exist. The City Attorney shall notify the owner in writing of such violation. a. If such owner fails after ten days notice to correct the violation (i) The City may make application to the circuit court for an injunction requiring conformance with this ordinance or make such other order as the court deems necessary to secure compliance with the ordinance. (ii) Any person who violates this ordinance shall upon conviction thereof be fined not less than twenty-five dollars ($25.00) nor more than two-hundred dollars ($200.00). (iii) A separate offense shall be deemed committed upon each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues. b. The City Attorney shall inform the owner that any such violation is _ considered a willful act to increase flood damages and therefore may cause coverage by a Standard Flood Insurance Policy to be suspended. c. Nothing herein shall prevent the City from taking such other lawful action to prevent or remedy any violations. All costs connected therewith shall accrue to the person or persons responsible. Section 12. Abrogation and Greater Restrictions. This ordinance repeals and replaces other ordinances adopted by the City Council to fulfill the requirements of the National Flood Insurance Program including: Ordinance 182-10: An ordinance of the United City of the Village of Yorkville Regul'a'ting ' ' ' ' ' ' Development in Special Flood Hazard Areas. However, this Ordinance does not repeal the original resolution or ordinance adopted to achieve eligibility in the Program. Nor does this ordinance repeal , abrogate, or impair any existing easements, covenants, or deed restrictions. Where this Ordinance and other ordinance easements, covenants, or deed restrictions conflict or overlap, whichever imposes the more stringent restrictions shall prevail. Section 13. Separability. The provisions and sections of this ordinance shall be deemed separable and the invalidity of any portion of this ordinance shall not affect the validity of the remainder. -10- Section 14. Effective Date. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from dnd after its passage and approval and publication, as required by law. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Yorkville , Illinois, this , G;C� day of 0,72 J , 13 yo LierK l !� APPROVED by me this p2&IL day of ,�tis , 19 ?O . ayor ATTESTED and FILED in my office this : 21.06. day of ��� � : 19 9U . { .( 1 (i 7l 1L Lie"k 8744f -11- ° car` 0 United City of Yorkville MIMICounty Seat of Kendall County EST. ,Z 1836 800 Game Farm Road Cl) Yorkville, Illinois 60560 p TM Q Phone:630-553-4350 "A KenEegCou �Z Fax:630-553-7575 E \v To: Joe Besco, Chairman From: Eric Dhuse, Public Works Date: February 17, 2004 Re: MFT 04-05 Joe, I have attached the cover sheets for the proposed FY04-05 MFT general maintenance budget. After approval from IDOT, this will be the document that will be attached to a resolution for the council's consideration. I would ask that this be placed on the agenda for the February 23, 2004 public works meeting for discussion. Illinois Department Municipal Estimate of of Transportation Maintenance Costs Section Number - - - Period from 05/01/2004 to 04/30/2005 Municipality United City of Yorkville Estimated Cost of Maintenance Operations Maintenance For Group I. II, or Ill (Material, Equipment or Labor) Operation Group Unit Operation (No.-Description) (I,II,Ill,IV) Item Unit Quantity Price Cost Cost 1. Bit. Patching Bituminous Cold Patch I Ton 90.00 77.00 6,930.00 Class 1 Surface Course Ton 82.00 36.00 2,952.00 $9,882.00 2. Signs & Posts Various Street Signs ea 150.00 50.00 7,500.00 Sign Posts ea 150.00 15.00 2,250.00 $9,750.00 3. Snow Removal Bulk Rock Salt Ton 1,200.00 36.50 43,800.00 $43,800.00 Total Day Labor Costs Total Estimated Maintenance Operation Cost $63,432.00 Preliminary Engineering Engineering Inspection Material Testing Total Estimated Engineering Cost Total Estimated Maintenance Cost $63,432.00 Submitted 03/01/2004 Approved By Director _ Municipal Official Title District Engineer Submit Four (4) Copies to District Engineer BLR 8202(Rev. 04/03) Illinois De artment Resolution for Maintenance of p Streets and Highways by Municipality Of Transportation Under the Illinois Highway Code BE IT RESOLVED, by the Mayor and City Council of the (Council or President and Board of Trustees) United City of Yorkville , Illinois, that there is hereby (City,Town or Village) / (Name) appropriated the sum of - Lc 3)41 3-Z of, of Motor Fuel Tax funds for the purpose of maintaining streets and highways under the applicable provisions of the Illinois Highway Code from 05/01/04 to 04/30/05 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that only those streets, highways, and operations as listed and described on the approved Municipal Estimate of Maintenance Costs, including supplemental or revised estimates approved in connection with this resolution, are eligible for maintenance with Motor Fuel Tax funds during the period as specified above. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk shall, as soon a practicable after the close of the period as given above, submit to the Department of Transportation, on forms furnished by said Department , a certified statement showing expenditures from and balances remaining in the account(s)for this period; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk shall immediately transmit two certified copies of this resolution to the district office of the Department of Transportation, at Ottawa , Illinois. Clerk in and for the (City,Town or Village) of , County of hereby certify the foregoing to be a true, perfect and complete copy of a resolution adopted by the Mayor and City Council at a meeting on (Council or President and Board of Trustees) Date IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this day of (SEAL) Clerk (City, Town or Village) APPROVED Date Department of Transportation District Engineer BLR 4123(Rev.04/03) Memorandum To: Joe Wywrot CC: Eric Dhuse From: Scott Sleezer Date: 2/17/2004 Re: Engineering Truck Joe, I have done some research on the truck your department wants to purchase and here is my recommendation. Landmark Ford in Springfield was awarded the state purchase contract for the F-150 and no other dealer in our area can match his price. I recommend we purchase the 2004 F-150 V-8, 4X4, supercab, automatic for the state purchase price of$18835.57 this includes delivery and title and license. I would also recommend we purchase a cap for the same truck from Monroe Truck Equipment for the cost of$767.00. The total cost for the truck and cap would be $19602.57. 12; Aga UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE To: Tony Graff, City Administra or From: Joe Wywrot, City Engineer Subject: Results of Bid Opening—Brue Strel'ump Station Date: February 18, 2004 Bids were received on February 17, 2004 at 10am for the referenced project, which consists of the construction of a pump station and appurtenances at the NW corner of the Bruell Street/Wooddale Drive intersection. Please refer to the attached letter from Walter E. Deuchler Associates, Inc. The lowest responsive bidder was Seagren Construction, Inc. of Hampshire, Illinois in the amount of$543,400. There were three non-responsive bids, all for amounts over $600,000. The contract documents allowed for several bid alternates based on different manufacturers of certain items, such as pumps, meters, valves, generators, etc. Upon reviewing Seagren's bid, Deuchler has recommended that we choose the alternate for the Viatec chemical storage tank. This tank is used to hold chemicals for odor control. Going with the Viatec alternate will reduce the contract price by $2000. Based on the results of the bids and Deuchler's recommendation, I recommend that the contract be awarded to Seagren Construction, Inc. for the amount of$541,400.00. Since we have not acquired the pump station site and some of the easements required to make the station operational, I recommend that the contract not be awarded by City Council until those acquisitions are finalized. The bid is good for 60 days, therefore we must award the contract on or before the April 13, 2004 City Council meeting. Please place this item on the February 23, 2004 Public Works Committee agenda for review. Cc: Eric Dhuse, Director of Public Works WALTER E. DEUCHLER ASSOCIATES INC. Consulting Engineers 230 WOODLAWN AVENUE • TELEPHONE (630) 897-4651 • FAX (630) 897-5696 AURORA, ILLINOIS 60506 February 18, 2004 Mr. Joseph Wywrot, P.E. United City of Yorkville 800 Game Fausi Road Yorkville, Illinois 60560 RE: Bruell Street Pump Station Project/Bid Evaluation Dear Mr. Wywrot: On February 17, 2004, the bids for the Bruell Street Pump Station Project were opened. Seven general contractors submitted bids. Four bids were accepted. The bids that were rejected as unresponsive did not have bid security in the faun of a bank draft or cashier's check as required in the contract documents. Following is a summary of the responsive bids: 1 1 SEAGREN -_ $5433,400.00 DODD -,-;-$548,000.00.';" ENGINEER EST. $590,000.00. _ I I SHALES/MCNUTT $597;750.00 MANUSOS $599,200.00_ 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O o © o o o o O o O N C') V In CO N. 0 0 O 0 (0 (0 In In (0 «) IC) In (O (0 Efi Efl d3 EA 69 69 b9 b9 69 ff3 (fl Seagren Construction submitted the low responsive bid at $543,400.00. We have evaluated their "A" base bid fouu and suggest to the City the acceptance of a $2,000.00 credit for the "B" listed Viatec chemical storage tank in lieu of the "A" base bid Belding chemical storage tank. • Water Works and Sewerage • Buildings and Structures • Design and Construction • Streets and Street Lighting • Investigations and Reports • Project Financing Below is a summary: TOTAL BASE BID $543,400.00 DEDUCT FOR CHEMICAL -$2,000.00 STORAGE TANK"B" ITEM TOTAL RECOMMENDED AWARD $541,400.00 We recommend that the City Council award the contract to Seagren Construction in the amount of$541,400.00 contingent on the acquisition of the necessary easements. Per the contract documents, the low bidder is required to hold their bid for a maximum period of 60 days. Thank you for the opportunity to be of service. We look forward to the successful completion of the project. Very Truly Yours, Walter E. Deuchler Associates, Inc. AMP 4IM7 = m, P.E. cc. Mr. Eric Dhuse, City of Yorkville Mr. Phil Moreau, WEDA UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE To: Tony Graff, City Administrat r From: Joe Wywrot, City Engineer \ v) Subject: Results of Bid Opening—Brue treet 'orcemain& Gravity Sewers Date: February 18, 2004 Bids were received on February 17, 2004 at 1 lam for the referenced project, which consists of the construction of the forcemain for the Bruell Street Pump Station, as well as upstream and downstream sanitary sewers. Please refer to the attached letter from Walter E. Deuchler Associates; Inc. There were a total of eight bids, ranging from $1,482,025 to $2,076,477. The lowest bidder was Gluth Bros. Construction, Inc. of Woodstock, lllinois in the amount of$1,482,025. The second low bidder, H. Linden & Sons Sewer & Water, of Yorkville, was in the amount of$1,511,895. Gluth did not complete the Certification for Contract or the Affidavit of Experience forms. The bid documents state that failure to complete the required forms may be cause to reject the bid. Deuchler has recommended that our City Attorney review this matter. Is failure to complete the required documents adequate cause to reject their bid, or can we request that they complete these documents after the bid opening has occurred?Linden did complete all of the required forms. Since we have not acquired the pump station site and some of the easements required to make the station operational, I recommend that this contract not be awarded by City Council until those acquisitions are finalized. The bid is good for 60 days, therefore we must award the contract on or before the April 13, 2004 City Council meeting. Please place this item on the February 23, 2004 Public Works Committee agenda for review. Cc: Dan Kramer, City Attorney Eric Dhuse, Director of Public Works WALTER E . DEUCHLER ASSOCIATES INC. Consulting Engineers 230 WOODLAWN AVENUE • TELEPHONE (630) 897-4651 • FAX (630) 897-5696 AURORA, ILLINOIS 60506 February 18, 2004 Mr. Joe Wywrot City Engineer City of Yorkville 800 Game Faitu Road Yorkville, IL 60560 RE: Bruell Street Forcemain & Sanitary Sewers Yorkville, IL W.E.D.A. Job #788-03052-00 Dear Joe: Gluth Bros. Construction,Inc.of Woodstock,Illinois is the low bidder for the above referenced project. The total amount of their bid is $1,482,025.00. The second lowest bidder is H. Linden & Sons Sewer & Water of Yorkville, Illinois in the amount of $1,511,895.00, and the third lowest bidder is Petrovic Construction Co., Inc. of Channahon in the amount of$1,529,737.00. The estimated cost of this project was $1,735,000.00. Please be advised that Gluth did not complete the certifications required in the Contract Documents, such as: - Certification for Contract; and - Affidavit of Experience These certifications (see attached) are required in accordance with Item 3 of the Instructions to Bidders which specifically states the following: All proposals must be submitted upon the blank forms attached herein with all blank spaces filled in and any alterations or erasures explained. Proposals that contain any omissions, erasures, or alterations, or that contain any additions or omissions of items not called for in the Contract or Specifications, or that contain irregularities of any kind, may be rejected as informal. Proposals shall be in strict conformity with the Contract Documents and any applicable addenda. Only proposals which are made out upon the regular proposal form will be considered. Partial or incomplete proposals will not be considered. and Item 13 of the instructions to Bidders which states: Each bidder shall complete the various certifications stated in the "CERTIFICATION FOR CONTRACT" and the "AFFIDAVIT OF EXPERIENCE", attached in the Contract Documents. and Item 17 of Instructions to Bidders which states: Bidders shall be required to complete the Affidavit of Experience and list, with their bid, the name, address and contact person of all subcontractors. • Water Works and Sewerage • Buildings and Structures • Design and Construction • Streets and Street I iehtinp • Investigations and Renorts • Project Financing Mr. Joe Wywrot City of Yorkville February 18, 2004 Page 2 and Item 19 of Instructions to Bidders which states: Although price is a major consideration, product quality, references, service, delivery time and past experience, if applicable, will also be considered. No bid will be considered unless the Bidder shall furnish evidence satisfactory to the Owner that he has the necessary facilities, abilities, experience, equipment, andfinancial andphysical resources available to fulfill the conditions of the Contract and execute the Work should the Contract be awarded to him. Bid documents which are not responsive to the requirements herein may not be considered by the Owner for an award of the Contract. These certifications are also called out for on the first page of the Proposal as follows: In addition to providing Bid prices, this Bidder is providing the following information and documentation with the proposal form: c) A statement of qualifications and affidavit of experience of the Bidder, key project personnel and all subcontractors. It is our opinion that the Bid submitted may be considered as infounal and could be rejected by the City Council. Please have your legal counsel review the above and provide an opinion on this matter. H.Linden & Sons,the second lowest bidder in the amount of$1,511,895.00,has met all of the requirements stated in the contract documents. We have attached for your review a copy of the bid tabulation sheets, Gluth's and H. Linden& Sons' Bid Proposals. Should you have any questions or require additional infoilliation, please contact the undersigned. Very truly yours WALTER E. EUCHLER ASSOCIATES, INC. • Philippe Moreau, P.E. PFM/mr Encl. cc: Atty. Dan Kramer Tony Graff, City Administrator UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE Clerk's Office FROM THE DESK OF LISA PICKERING February 20, 2004 To: Mayor Alderman Besco Alderman Kot Alderman Sticka Alderman Munns Department Heads Re: Additional information for the Public Works packet—February 23, 2004 Attached please find information on the following: New Business#11 —Windett Ridge—Earthwork Bond Reduciton#1 New Business#12 — Windett Ridge—Public Improvement Bond Reduction#1 New Business #13 — Game Farm Road and Somonauk Roadway Improvements Please add this information to your Public Works packet. Sincerely, 1I t UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE To: Tony Graff, City Administrator From: Joe Wywrot, City Engineer Subject: Windett Ridge Unit 1 —Earthwork Bond Reduction #1 Date: February 19, 2004 Attached find a request from Wiseman-Hughes to reduce the earthwork bond for Windett Ridge Unit 1. I have reviewed the request and concur with most of the work performed to date. The developer has stated that all of the detention basins have been seeded, but our field check revealed that little if any of that work has been performed. I also recommend that we reduce the silt fence quantity by 50% to cover future repair work. I recommend that the earthwork bond for Windett Ridge Unit 1 be reduced by the amount of $1,051,797.25. The remaining amount of the bond would be $278,359.05. Please place this item on the Public Works Committee agenda of February 23, 2004 for consideration. Cc: Liz D'Anna, Deputy City Clerk Danielle Digate, Wiseman-Hughes Enterprises, Inc. 19-Feb-04 Letter of Credit/Bond Reduction Subdivision: Windett Ridge (Earthwork) Reduction No. 1 LOC/Bond Approved Original amount Substantially complete LOC/Bond Amount to remain Item Eng. Est. for LOC/Bond prior to Red. No.1 Reduction Amount after Red. No.1 Earthwork $1,086,583.00 $1,195,241.30 $1,059,155.00 $1,006,197.25 $189,044.05 Erosion/Sediment Control $92,650.00 $101,915.00 $18,000.00 $17,100.00 $84,815.00 Miscellaneous* $30,000.00 $33,000.00 $30,000.00 $28,500.00 $4,500.00 Totals $1,209,233.00 $1,330,156.30 $1,107,155.00 $1,051,797.25 $278,359.05 LOC/Bond remaining amount to be 15% of substantially completed items plus 110% of uncompleted items. * Miscellaneous includes tree removal only. WISEMtiIAN — HUGHES February 3, 2004 Mr. Joe Wywrot, City Engineer United City of Yorkville 800 Game Farm Road Yorkville, IL 60560 RE: Windett Ridge Subdivision Bond Reduction Request #1 Bond #B218781171 Dear Joe, I would like to request a reduction of the bond for improvements completed in substantial conformance with the approved engineering plan. A detailed breakdown is attached for your review. Therefore, we are requesting a reduction of the bond to a new amount of $168,251 .30. The amount of the reduced bond is based upon the value of the improvements that remain to be completed to date, plus the original ten percent contingency. Please contact me if you have any questions or comments. Sincerely, Wiseman Hughes Enterprises, Inc. /// N4)7 Danielle M. Digate, E.I.T. Project Engineer File 11 Windett Ridge WiseYnaan-H--ughes Enterprises, Inc. 975 East 22nd Street Wheaton, Illinois 60187 630-653-0500 Fax 630-653-0194 Reduction Request#1 Windett Ridge Subdivision City of Yorkville Date: 2/3/03 Bond#821878117 QUANTITY COMPLETE TOTAL COMPLETE %COMPLETE TOTAL REMAINING CODEJDESCRIPTION QUANTITY r UNIT UNIT PRICE 1 TOTAL 1 Earthwork Earthwork 313,300 CY $2.00 $626,600.00 313,300 $626,600.00 100% $0.00 Topsoil Excavation&Stockpile 212,300 CY $1.85 $392,755.00 212,300 $392,755.00 100% $0.00 Borrow Excavation(On-Site) 15,400 CY $2.00 $30,800.00 15,400 $30,800.00 100% $0.00 CornEd ROW Grading 16,214 SY $2.00 $32,428.00 2,500 $5,000.00 15% $27,428.00 Unsuitable Material to be Removed 1,000 CY $4.00 $4,000.00 1,000 $4,000.00 / 100% $0.00 �/ TOTAL: $1,086,583.00 $1,059,155.00 $27,428.00 2 Soil Erosion&Sedimentation Control Filter Traps on Street&Rear yard inlets 100 EA $30.00 $3,000.00 15 $450.00 — 15% $2,550.00 Silt Fence 13,000 LF $2.70 $35,100.00 67))....}.97/t(J" j,;15„1g0,G..v1r ;.1;) 100% $0.00 Seeding of Detention&Critical Areas 12 AC $3,100.00 $37,200.00 ,.12" p -1C4+414). p 100% $0.00 Straw Bale Sediment Trap 30 EA $125.00 $3,750.00 0 $0.00 0% $3,750.00 Maintenance 1 LS $7,000.00 $7,000.00 0 $0.00 0% $7,000.00 Rip Rap 12 CY $550.00 $6,600.00 0 $0.00��. 0% $6,600.00 TOTAL: $92,650.00 $ tT.UO + $19,900.00 3 Miscellaneous Tree Removal 1 LS $30,000.00 $30,000.00 1 $30,000.00 100% $0.00 TOTAL: $30,000.00 $30,000.00 ✓ $0.00 SUMMARY TOTAL COMPLETE TOTAL REMAINING 1 Earthwork $1,086,583.00 $1,059,155.00 $27,428.00 _ 2 Soil Erosion&Sedimentation Control $92,650.00 $722 750.00 $19 900.00 3 Miscellaneous $30,000.00 $30 000.00 $0.00 TOTAL COST OF IMPROVEMENTS: $1,209,233.00 $1,161,905.00 $47,328.00 PLUS 10%CONTINGENCY: $120,923.30 ORIGINAL BOND AMOUNT: $1,330,156.30 TOTAL REMAINING: $47,328.00 PLUS ORIGINAL 10%CONTINGENCY: $120,923.30 REDUCED BOND AMOUNT: $168,251.30 Page 1 of 1 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE To: Tony Graff, City Administrat r From: Joe Wywrot, City Engineer Subject: Windett Ridge Unit 1 —Public mprovement Bond Reduction #1 Date: February 19, 2004 Attached find a request from Wiseman-Hughes to reduce the public improvement bond for Windett Ridge Unit 1. I have reviewed the request and concur with everything except that about 800 feet of watermain remains to be completed along Route 47. The developer's calculations also did not retain 15% of the items that have been substantially completed, therefore the calculations differ somewhat. There is also a difference between the theoretical reduction amount and the actual amount of the reduction because the amount of improvements listed as covered by the developer bond (printed in bold-type) are about $350,000 more than the amount of that bond. This is OK, because the amount of work covered by the SSA bond is $350,000 less than the amount of the SSA bond. The net effect, however, is that the developer bond cannot be reduced proportionate to the amount of work completed. I recommend that the public improvement bond for Windett Ridge Unit 1 be reduced by the amount of$233,604.22. The remaining amount of the bond would be $925,119.82. Please place this item on the Public Works Committee agenda of February 23, 2004 for consideration. Cc: Liz D'Anna, Deputy City Clerk Danielle Digate, Wiseman-Hughes Enterprises, Inc. 19-Feb-04 Letter of Credit/Bond Reduction Subdivision: Windett Ridge(Public Improvements) Reduction No. 1 LOC/Bond Approved Original amount Substantially complete LOC/Bond Amount to remain Item Eno. Est. for LOC/Bond prior to Red. No.1* Reduction Amount after Red. No.1 Remarks Earthwork** $49,761.00 $54,737.10 $44,586.00 $42,356.70 $12,380.40 Sanitary Sewer(onsite) $886,114.30 $974,725.73 Covered by SSA Sanitary Sewer(Corn Ed) $460,172.80 $506,190.08 $458,441.80 $435,519.71 $70,670.37 Watermain (onsite) $945,728.20 $1,040,301.02 Covered by SSA Watermain (Rt.47) $168,845.30 $185,729.83 $140,738.80 $133,701.86 $52,027.97 Storm Sewer $1,072,647.70 $1,179,912.47 Covered by SSA Roadways $1,037,667.44 $1,141,434.18 Covered by SSA Landscaping $540,440.75 $594,484.83 $0.00 $0.00 $594,484.83 Miscellaneous*** $490,800.00 $539,880.00 Covered by SSA Miscellaneous**** $184,735.00 $203,208.50 $8,055.00 $7,652.25 $195,556.25 Sub-total $5,836,912.49 $6,420,603.74 $651,821.60 $619,230.52 $925,119.82 Amount covered by SSA $4,783,527.00 $5,261,879.70 Amount covered by bond $1,053,385.49 $1,158,724.04 $233,604.22 $925,119.82 LOC/Bond amt. to be 15%of substantially completed items plus 110%of uncompleted items. *Items covered by SSA are not listed to avoid affecting the calculations for this bond reduction. **Earthwork items covered by this bond are not covered by the Windett Ridge"Earthwork"bond. *** Includes public sidewalk. **** Includes bike path, sidewalk, streetlights, street signs, and utility sleeves WISEMAN -• HUGHES February 3, 2004 Mr. Joe Wywrot, City Engineer United City of Yorkville 800 Game Farm Road Yorkville, IL 60560 RE: Windett Ridge Subdivision Bond Reduction Request #1 Bond #1004373;' Dear Joe, I would like to request a reduction of the bond for improvements completed in substantial conformance with the approved engineering plan. A detailed breakdown is attached for your review. Therefore, we are requesting a reduction of the bond to a new amount of $829,365.30. The amount of the reduced bond is based upon the value of the improvements that remain to be completed to date, plus the original ten percent contingency. Please contact me if you have any questions or comments. Sincerely, Wiseman Hughes Enterprises, Inc. Danielle M. Digate, E.I.T. Project Engineer File 11 Windett Ridge YVaernan-Hughes Enterprises, Inc. 975 East tri Street Wheaton, Illinois 60187 630-653-0500 Fax 630-653-0194 Reduction Request 91 Windett Ridge Subdivision City of Yorkville NON SSA IMPROVEMENTS COMPLETED TO DATE Date: 2/3/03 QUANTITY TOTAL _ COMPLETE COMPLETE %COMPLETE TOTAL REMAINING CODE DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNITJUNIT PRICE J TOTAL 1 Earthwork,Tree Removal,Soil Erosion&Sedimentation Control Improvements Posted Bond eB2187H117 dated May 30th,2003 in the amowdof$1,330,156.70 Topsoil Respread-Ponds,Berms&Islands 22,116 CY $2.25 $49,761.00 19,816 $44,586.00 90% $5,175.00 TOTAL: $49,761.00 $44,586.00 $5,175.00 2 Sanitary Sewer: On-Site I 1 - 8"PVC SDR 26-3034 14,511 LF $21.80 $316,339.80 Paid by SSA 8"PVC SDR 21-2241 163 LF $30.70 $5,004.10 Paid by SSA 8"PVC DR 18 1,761 LF $44.20 $77,836.20 Paid by SSA 6"San.Serv.Near 138 EA $370.00 $51,060.00 Paid by SSA 6"San.Serv.Far 142 EA $1,560.00 $221,520.00 Paid by SSA San.Manhole 4'Dia. 76 EA $1,895.00 $144,020.00 Paid by SSA Drop MH 4'Dia. 5 EA $3,769.00 $18,845.00 Paid by SSA TBF Mains CA-7 1,988 CY $25.90 $51,489.20 Paid by SSA TOTAL: $886,114.30 Paid by SSA 3 Sanitary Sewer: ComEd Easement 24"PVC DR 18 2,002 LF $98.70 $197,597.40 2,002 $197,597.40 100% $0.00 30"PVC SDR 26-3034 1,196 LF $77.50 $92,690.00 1,196 $92,690.00 100% $0.00 30"PVC DR 18 900 LF $91.40 $82,260.00 900 $82,260.00 100% $0.00 San.Manhole 5'Dia. 12 EA $3,482.00 $41,784.00 12 $41,784.00 100% $0.00 Drop MH 5'Dia. 3 EA $7,745.00 $23,235.00 3 $23,235.00 100% $0.00 30"Connection to Existing MH 1 EA $1,731.00 $1,731.00 0 $0.00 0% $1,731.00 TBF Mains CA-7 806 CY $25.90 $20,875.40 806 $20,875.40 100% $0.00 TOTAL: $460,172.80 $458,441.80 $1,731.00 4 Waterrnain: On-Site 1 8"DIP Class 52 w/Poly&Fittings 10,705 LF $21.20 $226,946 00 Paid by SSA 12"DIP Class 52 w/Poly&Fittings 3,290 LF $30.10 $99,029.00 Paid by SSA 16"DIP Class 52 w/Poly&Fittings 5,315 LF $37.40 $198,781.00 Paid by SSA 1"Type K Copper Serv.Near 118 EA $401.00 $47,318.00 Paid by SSA 1"Type K Copepr Serv.Far 162 EA $919.00 $148,878.00 Paid by SSA 8"Gate Valve w/Box 33 EA $909.00 $29,997.00 Paid by SSA 12"Butterfly Valve w/60"Vault 7 EA $2,619.00 $18,333.00 Paid by SSA 16"Butterfly Valve w/60"Vault 11 EA $2,988.00 $32,868.00 Paid by SSA Fire Hydrant 60 EA $1,919.00 $115,140.00 • Paid by SSA TBF Mains CA-7 1,098 CY $25.90 $28,438.20 Paid by SSA - _ TOTAL: $945,728.20 Page 1 of 4 CODE DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE TOTAL 5 Waterrnain: Route 47 8"DIP Class 52 w/Poly and Fittings 1,390 LF $21.20 $29,468.00 a,a'is tic.'" $2674@e-et'al XII 0.0% $0.00 12"DIP Class 52 w/Poly and Fittings 2,815 LF $30,10 $84,731.50 .7'846 Z„ .O °�4 7'1.5O IZ l / $0.00 8"Gate Valve w/box 2 EA $909.00 $1,818.00 2 $1,818.00 100% $0.00 12"Gate Valve w/60"Vault 4 EA $2,619.00 $10,476.00 4� ,..,...00 1 g57 100% $0.00 12"Connection to Existing Stub 1 EA $494.00 $494.00 -T 1 3 $494.00 100% $0.00 Auger 24"Casing Under Route 47 1 LS $11,938.00 $11,938.00 1 $11,938.00 C�1Q_Q $0.00 Fire Hydrant 13 EA $1,919.00 $24,947.00 .9€ l‘ $2it a4mw '1,�ya T00% $0.00 TBF Mains CA-7 192 CY $25.90 $4,972.80 192 $4,972.80 100% $0.00 TOTAL: $168,845.30 $0.00 • No -Is6, Bo 6 Storm Sewer: On-Site 4"PVC SDR 26-3034 8,160 LF $13.50 $110,160.00 Paid by SSA 6"PVC SDR 26-3034 5,809 LF $14.70 $85,392.30 Paid by SSA 12"ADS N-12 1,420 LF $18.60 $26,412.00 Paid by SSA 15"ADS N-12 633 LF $19.80 $12,533.40 Paid by SSA 18"ADS N-12 160 LF $24.10 $3,856.00 Paid by SSA 24"ADS N-12 457 LF $30.50 $13,938.50 Paid by SSA 12"RCP Class 4 0-Ring 5,587 LF $17.40 $97,213.80 Paid by SSA 15"RCP Class 4 0-Ring 2,441 LF $18.40 $44,914.40 Paid by SSA 18"RCP Class 4 0-Ring 803 LF $22.40 $17,987.20 Paid by SSA 24"RCP Class 4 0-Ring 1,406 LF $28.50 $40,071.00 Paid by SSA 30"RCP Class 4 0-Ring 2,906 LF $37.70 $109,556.20 Paid by SSA 36"RCP Class 4 0-Ring 802 LF $47.00 $37,694.00 Paid by SSA 42"RCP Class 4 0-Ring 205 LF $65.00 $13,325.00 Paid by SSA 34"X 53"HE-4 MJ 54 LF $85.00 $4,590.00 Paid by SSA 48"RCP Class 4 0-Ring 471 LF $71.50 $33,676.50 Paid by SSA 18"DIP Class 50 238 LF $44.50 $10,591,00 Paid by SSA Sump Inlet/lnlet 24"Dia. 153 EA $609.00 $93,177.00 Paid by SSA Strom MH/Inlet 48"Dia. 26 EA $1,218.00 $31,668.00 Paid by SSA Storm MH/Inlet 60"Dia. 29 EA $1,704.00 $49,416.00 Paid by SSA Storm MH 72"Dia. 15 EA $2,753.00 $41,295.00 Paid by SSA Storm MH 84"Dia. 5 EA $4,549.00 $22,745.00 Paid by SSA CB 24"Dia. 39 EA $730.00 $28,470.00 Paid by SSA CB 48"Dia. 3 EA $1,275.00 $3,825.00 Paid by SSA CB 60"Dia. 3 EA $1,857.00 $5,571.00 Paid by SSA Owlet Control Structure 2 EA $3,838.00 $7,676.00 Paid by SSA 12"FES w/Grate 4 EA $484.00 $1,936.00 Paid by SSA 15"FES w/Grate 10 EA $546.00 $5,460.00 Paid by SSA 24"FES w/Grate 10 _ EA $756.00 $7,560.00 Paid by SSA 30"FES w/Grate 5 EA $996.00 $4,980.00 Paid by SSA 42"FES w/Grate _ 1 EA $1,625.00 $1,625.00 Paid by SSA 34"X 53"FES w/Grate 1 EA $1,871.00 $1,871.00 Paid by SSA 48"FES w/Grate 1 EA $1,781.00 $1,781.00 Paid by SSA Televising 17,583 LF $1.80 $31,649.40 _,___ Paid by SSA Field Tile Connection 4 EA $349.00 $1,396.00 Paid by SSA TI3F Mains CA-7 --- 2,650 CY $25.90 $68,635.00 Paid by SSA TOTAL: $1,072,647.70 Page 2014 CODE DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE TOTAL _ 7 Roadway Construction Fine Grade(subgrade)+/-0.1' 63,650 SY $0.35 $22,277.50 Paid by SSA Geotextile Fabric 63,650 SY $1.00 $63,650.00 Paid by SSA Stone Only Under Curbs 4" 33,870 LF $0.65 $22,015.50 Paid by SSA COMB CC&G B6-12(10"FLAG DEPTH) 35,134 LF $8.10 $284,585.40 Paid by SSA Backfill Curb 35,134 LF $0.56 $19,675.04 Paid by SSA Aggregate Base Course 10" 52,560 SY $5.00 $262,800.00 Paid by SSA Bituminous Material(Prime Coat)MC30 15,768 SY $1.00 $15,768.00 Paid by SSA Bituminous Binder Course 2.5" 52,560 SY $3.75 $197,100.00 Paid by SSA Clean and Tack 52,560 SY $0.20 $10,512.00 Paid by SSA 'Bituminous Surface Course 1.5" 52,560 SY $2.65 $139,284.00 Paid by SSA $1,037,667.44 8 Landscaping -- Parkway Trees 340 EA $350.00 $119,000.00 0 $0.00 0% $119,000.00 )ParkwaySod50,749 SY $2.45 $124,335.05 0 $0.00 0% $124,335.05 Wetland Plantings 1 LS $85,105.70 $85,105.70 0 $0.00 0% $85,105.70 Wetland Management&Monitoring 1 LS $19,700.00 $19,700.00 0 $0.00 0% $19,700.00 Route 47 Entrance Landscaping 1 LS $74,110.00 $74,110.00 0 $0.00 0% $74,110.00 Route 47 Landscape Buffer1 LS $44,270.00 $44,270.00 0 50.00 0% $44,270.00 Cul-de-sac Islands 1 LS $3,400.00 $3,400.00 0 $0.00 0% $3,400.00 Buffer: Lots 94-98 1 LS $13,260.00 $13,260.00 0 $0.00 0% $13,260.00 Lot E Retention Pond 1 LS $17,790.00 $17,700.00 0 $0.00 0% $17,790.00 Lot F Retention Pond 1 LS $17,530.00 $17,530.00 0 $0.00 0% $17,530.00 Park Site 1 LS $21,940.00 $21,940.00 0 $0.00 0% $21,940.00 TOTAL: $540,440.75 $0.00 $540,440.75 9 Misc.Improvements --- Bike Path: Aggregate Base Course 8"8 Bituminous Surface Course 1 LS $27,750.00 $27,750.00 0 $0.00 0% $27,750.00 Bike Path: CREDIT-Village pays for 50% 1 LS -$13,875.00. -$13,875.00 0 $0.00 0% -$13,875.00 Public Walk 32,720 LF $15.00 $490,800 00 Paid by SSA Street Signs1 LS $8,000 00 $8,000.00 0 $0.00 0% $8,000.00 Street Lights 59 EA $2,500.00 $147,500.00 0 $0.00 0% $147,500.00 Utility Sleeves-4"PVC _ 1,024 LF $15.00 $15,360.00 _ 537 $8,055.00 52% $7,305.00 $675,535.00 $8,055.00 $176,680.00 Pave 3of4 I CODE !DESCRIPTION —I QUANTITY J UNIT I UNIT PRICE I TOTAL QUANTITY I TOTAL SUMMARY COMPLETE I COMPLETE %COMPLETE TOTAL REMAINING Earthwork,Tree Removal,Soil Erosion&Sedimentation Control 1 Improvements $49,761.00 $4.4,586.00 $5 175.00 2 Sanitary Sewer: On-Site $886,114.30 Paid by SSA 3 Sanitary Sewer CornEd Easement $460,172.80 $458,441.80 $1,731.00 4 Watermain. On-Site $945,728,20 Paid by SSA 5 Watermain: Route 47 $168 845.30 _ $168,845.30 $0.00 6 Storm Sewer: On-Site _ $1,072,647.70 _ Paid by SSA 7 Roadway Construction $1,037,667.44 Paid by SSA 8 Landscaping $540,440.75 $0.00 $540,440.75 9 Misc.Improvements $675,535.00 $8,055.00 $176,680.00 TOTAL COST OF IMPROVEMENTS: $5,836,912.49 $679,928.10 $724,026.75 MINUS AMOUNT PAID BY SSA PROCEEDS: $4,783,527.00 IMPROVEMENT COST ABOVE SSA: $1,053,385.49 PLUS 10%CONTINGENCY: $105,338.55 ORIGINAL BOND AMOUNT: $1,158,724.04 TOTAL REMAINING: $724,026.75 PLUS ORIGINAL 10%CONTINGENCY: $105338.55 REDUCED BOND AMOUNT: $829,365.30 Page 4014 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE To: Tony Graff, City Administr.tor From: Joe Wywrot, City Engineer Subject: Game Farm Road/Somonauk treet— 'hase 1 Engineering Date: February 19, 2004 Attached find a proposal from Smith Engineering Consultants to perform Phase 1 Engineering Services for the proposed Game Farm Road/Somonauk Street project. The proposal is for the amount of$199,365.00. This project has been approved for funding through the Kane County Council of Mayors. Phase 2 Engineering is funded 50% through the KCCM, and Construction and Phase 3 Engineering, would be funded at the 75% level through the KCCM. The municipality is required to fund 100% of the Phase 1 Engineering. Since this project must comply with MOT guidelines, I recommend that we use Motor Fuel Tax funds for our share of the engineering and construction costs. Please place this item on the Public Works Committee agenda of February 23, 2004 for review. Cc: Traci Pleckham, Director of Finance Liz D'Anna, Deputy City Clerk CSmivil/th Engineering ConsutiSurveyorsltants, Inc. iStructural Engineers an February 17, 2004 Mr. Joseph Wywrot City Engineer City of Yorkville 800 Game Farm Road Yorkville, Illinois 60560 RE: Game Farm Road and Somonauk Street Improvements Job No. YORK-040098-02, 04 Dear Mr. Wywrot: • We have received your request to prepare a proposal for the Game Farm Road/Somonauk Street Roadway Improvement Project. Enclosed please find our scope of services for this project. We are able to schedule these services to you immediately upon receipt of a Notice to Proceed. We appreciate this opportunity to submit our scope of services and look forward to working with you in the future. Should you have any questions or need further clarification, please feel free to contact me at(630) 553-7560. Sincerely, SMITH ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. • Camie R. Ferrier, P.E. Project Manager CRF/jmk Attachment Y:\Jobs\Smith\2004\040098 Game Farm Phase 1\correspondence\040098-02-contract submittal-wywrot-crf-021704.doc 759John Street,Yorkville,II,60560 www.smithengineering.com Telephone 630.553.7560 Fax 630.553.7646 ,. CSmith Engineering Consultants, Inc. ivil/Structural Engineers and Surveyors PROPOSAL/AGREEMENT PHASE I STUDY AND DESIGN REPORT Mr. Joseph Wywrot City Engineer United City of Yorkville 800 Game Farm Road Yorkville, Illinois 60560 Phone: (630) 553-8545 Fax: (630) 553-7575 GAME FARM ROAD/SOMONAUK STREET RECONSTRUCTION FROM U.S. ROUTE 34 TO ILLINOIS ROUTE 47 Job No. YORK-040098-02, 04 February 17, 2004 Prepared by: Camie R. Ferrier, P.E. . Project Manager Reviewed by: James F. Hoving, P.E. Vice President 759 John Street,Yorkville,IL 60560 www smithengineering.com Telephone 630.553.7560 Fax 630.553.7646 Mr. Joseph Wywrot United City of Yorkville Game Farm/Somonauk Phase I STP YORK-040098-02, 04 February 17,2004 Page 2 Project Understanding The United City of Yorkville intends to improve Game Farm Road/Somonauk Street from U.S. Route 34 to Illinois Route 47. It is anticipated that Game Farm Road/Somonauk Street will be designated as a Federal Aid Urban Route. The proposed improvement generally consists of the reconstruction and addition of a median/two-way left turn lane from U.S. Route 34 to Illinois Route 47. Other improvements include the addition of curb and gutter, storm sewer, sidewalks, lighting and traffic signal modernization. The United City of Yorkville intends to utilize Surface Transportation Program (STP) funds for the construction of the proposed improvements. The estimated construction cost is $1,760,000 (2003 dollars). In order to be eligible for STP funding, a Phase I Engineering study needs to be prepared to federal standards (Federal-Aid Urban Guidelines). The study must be approved by MOT (District#3) and the FHWA prior to commencing the design phase (or beginning R.O.W. acquisition). Scope of Work Smith Engineering Consultants, Inc. (SEC)will prepare a Phase I study and design report for the proposed improvement of Game Farm Road/Somonauk Street. The logical termini for this study and report are U.S. Route 34 to Illinois Route 47. The Phase I study and report are to be prepared to Federal Standards for a"reconstruction"project. It is assumed that limited R.O.W. acquisition (one (1) parcel identified in the STP application)will be necessary. Given the limited R.O.W. required and the nature of this improvement, it is assumed that the project will proceed as a Categorical Exclusion Group 2 project. SEC will perform the following tasks as part of this contract: I. DATA COLLECTION A. Complete a topographic survey including cross-sections from U.S. Route 34 to Illinois Route 47. The survey will encompass the existing R.O.W and 50' beyond the R.O.W. lines. At the intersection of Game Farm Road and U.S. Route 34, the survey will include only minor pick-up of the new traffic signals. It is assumed that a recent survey at this intersection performed for the City of Yorkville by SEC will be utilized. At the intersection of Somonauk Street and Illinois Route 47, the survey will include 1000' feet north and south of the intersection and 1000' east of the intersection. At the other • Mr. Joseph Wywrot x t;. United City of Yorkville Game Farm/Somonauk Phase I STP YORK-040098-02, 04 February 17, 2004 Page 3 intersections between U.S. Route 34 and Illinois Route 47, the survey will include 500' on the minor legs of the intersection. The top of foundations of houses within 50' of the existing R.O.W. will also be surveyed. Finally, the nearest edge of parking lots will also be surveyed. See attached exhibit depicting the survey limits. B. Prepare aerial mosaics. Adjacent land uses, property owners, parcel numbers and general information will be super-imposed on the aerial photography at 1" = 50' scale. It is assumed that the City of Yorkville will provide the aerial at 1" = 50' resolution (preferred). C. Obtain existing traffic counts at the following intersections: - U.S. Route 34 and Game Farm Road - Illinois Route 47 and Somonauk Street - Somonauk Street and West Street - Somonauk Street and King Street - Somonauk Street and Church Street It is assumed that the City will supply School and City Hall traffic counts and turning movements. D. Obtain accident data for the project limits. City to supply accident reports from Police Department. SEC to obtain accident data from DOT for the intersections of U.S. Route 34 at Game Farm Road and Illinois Route 47 at Somonauk Street. E. Obtain soil borings, an analysis of soil conditions, and a detailed soil report for the improvement. The soils report will be prepared in accordance with IDOT standards for soil boring placement, analysis, and report format. F. Call JULIE to obtain a list of utilities within the project limits. Coordinate with utility companies to obtain maps of utilities within the project limits. Place this information on the CADD base map. G. Obtain floodplain and drainage area information for use in the Location Drainage Study. H. Inventory speed limit signs to determine posted/design speed along Game Farm Road/Somonauk Street, Illinois Route 47 and U.S. Route 34. II. ENVIRONMENTAL COORDINATION A. Prepare and submit an Environmental Survey Request Form to IDOT. This submittal will be for biological, cultural, historical preservation and hazardous waste screening. It is assumed that the limits of the ESRF will be 30' outside of the existing R.O.W. for potential R.O.W. and/or Construction Easements. B. Coordinate mitigation with affected environmental agencies (IDNR, IHPA, Illinois State Fire Marshall) and obtain appropriate sign-off s /clearances. If Special Waste sites are found to be in the study area, a more detailed study may be required which should be performed by a qualified special waste consulting firm. - Mr. Joseph Wywrot United City of Yorkville Game Farm/Somonauk Phase I STP YORK-040098-02,04 February 17, 2004 Page 4 C. Given the type of improvement and after a cursory review of the project area, it is anticipated that a wetland delineation, noise analysis, air quality analysis, 4(f) coordination, or a tree survey will not be required. III. PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING A. Analyze accidents for the past three years along project length. Accident diagrams and a summary will be provided. B. Prepare an intersection design study for the following intersections showing proposed geometries, traffic signal timing 1 sequence, and capacity analysis results using standard IDOT format. SEC will coordinate scope of improvements and desired level of service with the DOT. - U.S. Route 34 and Game Farm Road - Illinois Route 47 and Somonauk Street - It is assumed that there will be no improvements to U.S. Route 34. It is assumed that there are no other intersections that will require an intersection design study. Pending results of coordination between the City of Yorkville and IDOT, the IDS at Illinois Route 47 and Somonauk Street may be eliminated from this contract. C. Prepare the roadway geometry for the realignment of the Game Farm Road and Somonauk Street intersection (west end of Somonauk Street). It is assumed that an Intersection Design Study will not be required for this intersection. D. Complete an analysis of the existing pavement conditions and a pavement design for the proposed roadway. E. Prepare typical sections. It is assumed that 17 typical sections will be prepared (7 existing and 10 proposed). F. Develop horizontal geometry and vertical profile for the remainder of Game Farm RoadlSomonauk Street. Prepare plan and profile sheets for proposed improvements. It is assumed that the drawing scale will be 1" = 50', resulting in 10 sheets. G. Incorporate sanitary sewer and water main improvements designed by others into the plans as necessary. This item does not include the design of sanitary sewer and water main by SEC. H. Prepare templated cross-sections depicting proposed typical sections along with parkway details such as sidewalk, small drainage swales or drainage items. The templated cross-sections will be utilized to determine the limits of construction and if any construction easements or additional R.O.W. are needed. Parcel plats and construction easements are not included in this proposal. If needed, parcel plats and easements will be completed under a separate contract. I. Complete a Location Drainage Study(LDS) in accordance with requirements outlined in the 1998 IDOT/CECI Drainage Seminar Manual. An existing drainage plan will be completed, a proposed drainage plan will be completed, storm sewer will be designed Mr. Joseph Wywrot United City of Yorkville Game Farm/Somonauk Phase I STP YORK-040098-02, 04 February 17, 2004 Page 5 and stormwater detention determined. The drainage area to the storm sewer system will be delineated and discharges calculated. The storm sewer sizing will be completed in accordance with Yorkville's and IDOT's requirements. A LDS will be the deliverable for this portion of the project. Although the Blackberry Creek floodplain on U.S. Route 34 is approximately 400' west of the intersection with Game Farm Road,no encroachment/impact is expected as a result of this project. Any additional work as a result of floodplain impacts will be completed under separate contract. No culvert analyses are expected as part of this project. The National Wetlands Inventory(NWI) mapping for the area indicates there are no wetlands present within the project limits. J. Prepare a construction staging plan for the proposed improvements. This task does not include design of temporary traffic signals. K. Prepare an Engineer's Opinion of Probable Cost. L. Time is allotted for Quality Assurance/Quality Control as part of the proposal. IV. PROJECT REPORT A. Prepare a project report using DOT Form BLR-5250 as an outline for the report format. It is assumed that a preliminary and a final report will be submitted. B. Time is allotted for QA/QC as part of this proposal. V. MEETINGS/COORDINATION A. Coordinate proposed improvements with the City of Yorkville at Bi-Monthly Coordination Meetings with City Staff This will provide a regular update of the project status and allow us to obtain information and/or decisions on the project in a timely manner. B. Attend two (2) Bi-Monthly DOT#3/FHWA Coordination meetings at IDOT District 3. C. Attend and prepare exhibits for a Public Informational Meeting. The City will arrange a location and provide any necessary public notices. It is assumed that a formal public hearing will not be needed. D. Other public involvement activities will include the following: - Notification to State/Local Clearinghouses - Notification to Area Legislators - Two (2) formal presentations to the City. - Certified letters to affected property owners. (It is assumed that only one parcel is being affected as only one (1) parcel was identified in the STP application). - Coordination with the School District and the Library District. - Attend one (1) meeting with the Kane County Council of Mayors. E. Administration—This includes monthly status reports, monthly billing reports and general project administration. Mr.Joseph Wywrot United City of Yorkville Game Farzn/Somonauk Phase I STP YORK-040098-02,04 February 17, 2004 Page 6 VI. ANTICIPATED PROJECT SCHEDULE It is anticipated that the Phase I Engineering Study will take approximately 18 to 24 months to complete from Notice to Proceed. VII. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CLIENT A. The scope of services is based on the understanding that the City will provide the following: 1. A key contact individual who is familiar with the project and who will work with SEC as needed during this project; 2. Provide current aerial photography.(1" = 50' resolution is preferred) • 3. Review and approval of a preliminary draft report; 4. Attendance and participation at meetings as required; 5. Necessary resolutions for funding applications for financial assistance; and 6. A meeting room for the public information meeting. VIII. EXCLUSIONS A. The following items are not included in this contract. Several of these items can be completed under a separate contract at an additional cost: 1. Street Light Design 2. Landscape Design 3. 4(f) Involvement 4. Box Culvert or Structural Design 5. Noise Analysis 6. Air Quality Analysis 7. Tree Survey 8. Wetland Delineation 9. Parcel Plats for R.O.W. or Construction Easements 10. Environmental Class of Action Determination Documentation Mr.Joseph Wywrot United City of Yorkville Game Farm/Somonauk Phase I STP YORK-040098-02, 04 February 17, 2004 Page 7 Man-hour and Fee Summary Based upon our understanding of the project, we believe a maximum of 2,100 hours will be required to complete the project. Following is a summary of the man-hour estimate and costs associated with this project to be administered on a time and material basis not to exceed $199,365.00 ITEM MAN-HOURS. ' .LABOR COST. DIRECT COST Survey(-04) 290 $ 21,910.00 Traffic (-2) 30 $ 2,930.00 $ 8,000.00 Accident Analysis (-2) 44 $ 3,460.00 Environmental Coordination(-2) 34 $ 2,830.00 Intersection Design Study 102 $ 8,730.00 $ 125.00 US Route 34 (-2) Intersection Design Study 110 $ 9,650.00 $ 150.00 IL Route 47 (-2) Preliminary Roadway Design (-2) 636 $ 50,220.00 $ 11,360.00 Drainage Study(-2) 384 $ 34,780.00 Design Report (-2) 172 $ 14,580.00 $ 500.00 Meetings/Coordination (-2) 258 $ 24,240.00 $ 500.00 QA/QC (-2) 40 $ 5,400.00 Sub-Total 2,100 $178,730.00 $ 20,635.00 TOTAL $199,365.00 Mr. Joseph Wywrot United City of Yorkville Game Farm/Somonauk Phase I STP YORK-040098-02, 04 February 17,2004 Page 8 Extra Work Any work required but not included as part of this contract shall be considered extra work. Extra work will be billed on a Time and Material basis with prior approval of the CLIENT. Outside Consultants SMITH ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS,INC.(SEC)is not responsible for accuracy of any plans,surveys or information of any type including electronic media prepared by any other consultants,etc.provided to SEC for use in preparation of plans. SEC is not responsible for accuracy of topographic surveys provided by others. A field check of a topographic survey provided by others will not be done under this contract unless indicated in the Scope of Work. Design Without Construction Review • It is agreed that the professional services of SEC do not extend to or include the review or site observation of the contractor's work or performance. It is further agreed that the CLIENT will defend,indemnify and hold harmless SEC from any claim or suit whatsoever,including but not limited to all payments,expenses or costs involved,arising from the contractor's performance or the failure of the contractor's work to conform to the design intent and the contract documents. SEC agrees to be responsible for its employees negligent acts,errors or omissions. If the CLIENT desires more extensive project observation or full-time project representation,the CLIENT shall request such services be provided by SEC as Additional Services in accordance with the terms of the Agreement. Attorneys'Fees In the event of any litigationarising from or related to the services provided under this AGREEMENT,the prevailing party will be entitled to recovery of all reasonable costs incurred,including staff time,court costs,attorneys'fees and other related expenses. Certificate of Merit The CLIENT shall make no claim for professional negligence,either directly or in a third party claim,against SEC unless the CLIENT has first provided SEC with a written certification executed by an independent design professional currently practicing in the same discipline as SEC and licensed in the State of Illinois. This certification shall: a)contain the name and license number of the certifier;b)specify each and every act or omission that the certifier contends is a violation of the standard of care expected of a Design Professional performing professional services under similar circumstances;and c)state in complete detail the basis for the certifier's opinion that each such act or omission constitutes such a violation. This certificate shall be provided to SEC not less than thirty(30)calendar days prior to the presentation of any claim or the institution of any arbitration or judicial proceeding. Standard of Care Services provided by SEC under this AGREEMENT will be performed in a manner consistent with that degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of the same profession currently practicing under similar circumstances. Job Site Safety Neither the professional activities of SEC,nor the presence of SEC'S employees and subconsultants at a construction site,shall relieve the General Contractor and any other entity of their obligations,duties and responsibilities including,but not limited to, construction means,methods,sequence,techniques or procedures necessary for performing,superintending or coordinating all portions of the work of construction in accordance with the contract documents and any health or safety precautions required by any regulatory agencies. SEC and its personnel have no authority to exercise any control over any construction contractor or • A Mr.Joseph Wywrot United City of Yorkville Game Farm/Somonauk Phase I STP YORK-040098-02, 04 February 17,2004 Page 9 other entity or their employees in connection with their work or any health or safety precautions. The CLIENT agrees that the General Contractor is solely responsible for job site safety,and warrants that this intent shall be made evident in the CLIENTS AGREEMENT with the General Contractor. The CLIENT also agrees that the CLIENT, SEC and SEC'S consultants shall be indemnified and shall be made additional insureds under the General Contractor's general liability insurance policy. Reuse of Documents All project documents including,but not limited to,plans and specifications furnished by SEC under this project are intended for use on this project only. Any reuse,without specific written verification or adoption by SEC,shall be at the CLIENTS sole risk, and CLIENT shall indemnify and hold harmless SEC from all claims,damages and expenses including attorney's fees arising out of or resulting therefrom. Ownership of Instruments of Service All reports,plans,specifications,field data,field notes,laboratory test data,calculations,estimates and other documents including all documents on electronic media prepared by SEC as instruments of service shall remain the property of SEC. SEC shall retain these records for a period of five(5)years following completion/submission of the records,during which period they will be made available to the CLIENT at all reasonable times. Drywells,Underdrains and Other Infiltration Devices Services provided by SEC under this AGREEMENT do NOT include the geotechnical design of drywells,underdrains,injection wells or any other item that may be devised for the purpose of removing water from the CLIENT'S property by infiltration into the ground. Due to the high variability of soil types and conditions such devices will not be reliable in all cases. While for this reason SEC does not recommend the use of these devices,in some cases their use may be necessary to obtain an adequate amount of area for development on the CLIENT'S property. Since the use of these devices is intended to enhance the value of the CLIENT'S property and,in some cases,allow development that would otherwise not be possible,the CLIENT will assume all risks inherent in the design and construction of these devices,unless the contractor or a Geotechnical Engineer assumes these risks. Typical risks include but are not limited to: 1. Failure to obtain the required release rate; 2. Variability of the soils encountered during construction from those encountered in soil borings;(Soils can vary widely over a small change in location,horizontal or vertical,particularly with regards to permeability.) 3. Failure of the device due to siltation,poor construction or changes in the water table; 4. Need to obtain additional soils information(i.e.borings etc.)to evaluate the function of installed devices; 5. Reconstruction of failed or inadequate devices; 6. Enlargement of detention/retention facilities to make up for release rates that are lower than those used in the stormwater design,including engineering design and additional land required for such enlargement;and 7. Regular maintenance to remove accumulated silt over the device's life span. If the use of these devices is required SEC will advise the CLIENT that a Geotechnical Engineer must be retained to consult on the project. The CLIENT must enter into a separate agreement directly with this consultant. They will not be sub-contracted through SEC nor are their fees included as part of this AGREEMENT. SEC will work together with this consultant to obtain a final design. Our collaboration may include the use of a common standard detail or the creation of a new standard detail. SEC may make suggestions to the Geotechnical Engineer on ways to tailor these devices to meet the needs of the overall site design. The Geotechnical Engineer will evaluate these suggested details and modifications based on his experience and measured soils information to estimate the release rate for each detail considered.SEC may use a release rate of these devices as provided by the x { %= = Mr. Joseph Wywrot United City of Yorkville Game Farm/Somonauk Phase I STP YORK-040098-02, 04 February 17, 2004 Page 10 Geotechnical Engineer for the design of the stormwater system. This rate may be faxed to us,as a draft copy of the Geotechnical Engineers report or as a final copy of that report. In no case will SEC accept responsibility for the determination of the expected release rate of these devices. If certification of the contractor's construction of these devices is required by the municipality or desired by the CLIENT a Geotechnical Engineer must also be obtained for these services. This is highly recommended in order to observe the actual soils where the devices are being constructed and to verify that the construction methods used do not violate any assumptions made by the Geotechnical Engineer during the design and evaluation of the standard detail. If a Geotechnical Engineer is not retained by the CLIENT to provide construction review,the CLIENT shall assume all risks that the devices may fail requiring additional geotechnical investigation or reconstruction. Any construction inspection services provided by SEC shall not include inspection of these devices. Failure to Abide by Design Documents or to Obtain Guidance The CLIENT agrees that it would be unfair to hold SEC liable for problems that might occur should SEC'S plans,specifications or design intents not be followed,or for problems resulting from others'failure to obtain and/or follow SEC'S guidance with respect to any errors,omissions,inconsistencies,ambiguities or conflicts which are detected or alleged to exist in or as a consequence of implementing SEC'S plans,specifications or other instruments of service. Accordingly,the CLIENT waives any claim against SEC,and agrees to defend,indemnify and hold SEC harmless from any claim for injury or losses that results from failure to follow SEC'S plans,specifications or design intent,or for failure to obtain and/or follow SEC'S guidance with respect to any alleged errors,omissions,inconsistencies,ambiguities or conflicts contained within or arising as a result of implementing SEC'S plans,specifications or other instruments of services. The CLIENT also agrees to compensate SEC for any time spent and expenses incurred by SEC'S prevailing fee schedule and expense reimbursement policy. Opinion of Probable Construction Cost SEC shall submit to the CLIENT an opinion of probable-cost required to construct work recommended,designed,or specified by - SEC. SEC is not a construction cost estimator or construction contractor,nor should SEC'S rendering an opinion of probable construction costs be considered equivalent to the nature and extent of service a construction cost estimator or construction contractor would provide. SEC'S opinion will be based solely upon his or her own experience with construction. This requires SEC to make a number of assumptions as to actual conditions that will be encountered on site;the specific decisions of other design professionals engaged;the means and methods of construction the contractor will employ;the cost and extent of labor, equipment and materials the contractor will employ;contractor's techniques in determining prices and market conditions at the time,and other factors over which SEC has no control. Given the assumptions which must be made,SEC cannot guarantee the accuracy of his or her opinions of cost,and in recognition of that fact,the CLIENT waives any claim against SEC relative to the accuracy of SEC'S opinion of probable construction cost. Design Information in Electronic Form Because CADD information stored in electronic form can be modified by other parties,intentionally or otherwise,without notice or indication of said modifications,SEC reserves the right to remove all indicia of its ownership and/or involvement in the material from each electronic medium not held in its possession. The CLIENT shall retain copies of the work performed by SEC in CADD form only for information and use by the CLIENT for the specific purpose for which SEC was engaged. Said materials shall not be used by the CLIENT,or transferred to any other party,for use in other projects,additions to the current project,or any other purpose for which the material was not strictly intended by SEC without SEC'S express written permission. Any use or reuse of original or altered CADD design materials by the CLIENT,agents of the CLIENT,or other parties without the review and written approval of SEC shall be at the sole risk of the CLIENT. Furthermore,the CLIENT agrees to defend, indemnify,and hold SEC harmless from all claims,injuries,damages,losses,expenses,and attorney's fees arising out of the modification or reuse of these materials. The CLIENT recognizes that designs,plans,and data stored on electronic media including,but not limited to computer disk and magnetic tape,may be subject to undetectable alteration and/or uncontrollable deterioration. The CLIENT,therefore,agrees that SEC shall not be liable for the completeness or accuracy of any materials provided on electronic media after a 30 day inspection Mr. Joseph Wywrot United City of Yorkville Game Farm/Somonauk Phase I STP YORK-040098-02, 04 February 17, 2004 Page 11 period,during which time SEC shall correct any errors detected by the CLIENT to complete the design in accordance with the intent of the contract and specifications. After 40 days,at the request of the CLIENT,SEC shall submit a final set of sealed drawings, and any additional services to be performed by SEC relative to the submitted electronic materials shall be subject to separate AGREEMENT. Dispute Resolution In an effort to resolve any conflicts that arise during the design or construction of the project or following the completion of the project,the Consultant and CLIENT agree that all disputes between them arising out of or relating to this AGREEMENT shall be submitted to nonbinding mediation unless the parties mutually agree otherwise. If the dispute cannot be settled amicably,it shall then be settled by arbitration in the State of Illinois in accordance with the American Arbitration Associates. The Award of the arbitrator shall be conclusive and binding upon the parties. The CLIENT agrees,to the fullest extent permitted by law,to limit the liability of SEC and its subconsultants to the CLIENT for any and all claims,losses,costs,damages of any nature whatsoever or claims expenses from any cause or causes,including attorneys'fees and costs and expert witness fees and costs,so that the total aggregate liability of SEC and its subconsultants to all those named shall not exceed SEC'S total fee for services rendered on this project,whichever is greater. It is intended that this limitation apply to any and all liability or cause of action however alleged or arising,unless otherwise prohibited by law. Hazardous Materials It is acknowledged by both parties that SEC'S scope of services does not include any services related to asbestos or hazardous or toxic materials. In the event SEC or any other party encounters asbestos or hazardous or toxic materials at the job site,or should it become known in any way that such materials may be present at the job site or any adjacent areas that may affect the performance of SEC'S services,SEC may,at its option and without liability for consequential or any other damages,suspend performance of services on the project until the CLIENT retains appropriate specialist consultant(s)or contractor(s)to identify, abate and/or remove the asbestos or hazardous or toxic materials,and warrant that the job site is in full compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Exclusion This fee does not include attendance at any meetings or public hearings other than those specifically listed in the Scope of Services. These work items are considered extra and are billed separately on an hourly basis. • Payment 1. All work will be invoiced on a monthly basis. All invoices shall be paid within 45 days of the invoice date Should the CLIENT fail to pay for professional services hereunder,as billed within 45 days of such billing,SEC shall be excused from rendering any further services under this project. No work shall be signed or sealed until payment in full is received. 2. This AGREEMENT shall not be enforceable by either party until each has in its possession a copy of this AGREEMENT signed by the other. Time Limit This AGREEMENT must be executed within thirty(30)days of the composition date to be accepted under the terms set forth herein. Work cannot begin until we have your signed AGREEMENT. If this AGREEMENT merits your approval and acceptance, please sign both copies,retain one copy for your files and return one to our office. s `:i .- Mr. Joseph Wywrot United City of Yorkville Game Farm/Somonauk Phase I STP YORK-040098-02,04 February 17,2004 Page 12 If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact our office. We sincerely appreciate this opportunity to offer our services. Sincerely, SMITH ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. Camie R. Ferrier, P.E. Project Manager CRF/jmk Approved by: _.�`1► Title: Vice President Date: Z//7/077 Accepted by: Title: Date: Client: Y:Uobs\Smith\2004\040098 Game Farm Phase i\administration\contract\040098-Proposal-Game Farm Phase I-crf-021704.doc JOB ,JO2\`-. - o'C-o ?- C.7.-:::. !, SMITH ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. Civil and Structural Engineers SHEET NO. OF 759 John Street CALCULATED BY DATE YORKVILLE, ILLINOIS 60560 (630) 553-7560 CHECKED BY DATE SCALE .. 54.1 g...4 E" L i,-*.1 Cr...j ._ • ... ... ._. . . .. . .. .. . • • .r— _ . ., —• . I • !, opD 006' US 3q- .. I — — — .J I o� ‘`) .•‘ ,� S LA c V.°. _... . C.-0 rl P?,12 '" 8 0`f 5cC,,- 2<x)i .. Ti ..fi ! 5 C'4-w-k`-R c P-_c .Z ... ..- ! I r— J ,o Ciax:]olVef...L.n..............i4 700 tr,............ I I X ,„X 0x.\... c od I a _ — _ _ __1 ! 1 — cOD !�\ — L.-__.�.........................._._-..... ......_...........-...._ _..Q o in ; IL............ a............... 1 ti_ is Ni 1 . / rJ 02/16/2004 09:37 7084488724 TRAFFIC SURVEY INC PAGE 01 TRAFFIC SURVEYS, INC. 9110 West Hilicrect Lane . Palos Park,IL 60464 . (708)448-5306 . FAX (708) 448-8724 February 13, 2004 Ms_Camie Ferrier Smith Engineering Consultants, Inc. 759 John Street Yorkville, IL 60560 RE: Manual Traffic Counts Game Farm Road/Somonauk St. Yorkville. Illinois Dear Ms. Ferrier. As a follow up to your fax regarding five manual traffic counts at the locations listed below in Yorkville, Illinois I offer the following proposal: Game Farm Road and U.S. 34 Somonauk St. and IL 47 Somonauk St. and West St. Somonauk St. and King St. Somonauk St. and/Church St. • Five—12 hour manual traffic counts at the above locations $8,000.00 from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. recorded in hourly increments with peak hours recorded in 15 minute increments _.. from 6:30 to 8:30 and 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. Total $8,000.00 Manual traffic counts include all turning movements and classification of autos, single unit trucks and multi-unit vehicles. Counts will be conducted from noon Monday through noon Friday, but not necessarily performed simultaneously. All travel, mileage and computer expenses are included in this cost. Count summaries will ; rovided in Traffic Surveys' format and in the State format reflecting seasonal adjustment. Should you have an•,questions, please feel free to contact me. Cordially, NAL40/, Viid,4,b1/"(Z41/4' Carol S. Vandervelde, President Feb-17-04 09 : 19A SHA McHENRY 18153858456 P.O2 SCHLEEDE HAMPTON ASSOC1AIES � — ar. CONSULTING IN(.; EN( ;1NLIRS February 17, 2004 Ms. Camie Ferrier Smith Engineering Consultants, Inc. 202 South Bridge Street Yorkville, Illinois 60560 Re: Proposal for Roadway Soil Survey _ Game Farm Road/Somonauk Street Improvements US Route 34 to Illinois Route 47 Yorkville, Illinois Dear Ms. Ferrier: We are pleased to have the opportunity to submit the following proposal for the performance of a soil exploration on the referenced project. Project Description aril Scope of Work The roadway improvements proposed reconstruction of Game Farm Road/Somonauk Street from US Route 34 to Illinois Route 47, an approximate Iength of 5000 feet, Improvements include resurfacing on two legs of US Route 34 and on three legs of Illinois Route 47 and Somonauk east of 47. About 500 lineal feet of Somonauk Street, which takes traffic to the southwest from • • the intersection of Game Farm and Somonauk is scheduled to be realigned. For these improvements we anticipate twenty (20) soil borings for roadway subgrade conditions. Te roadway subgrade borings will he made to a depth of six (6) feet below the surface. To determine the existing pavement section on (.lame Farm Road, Somonauk Street, US Route 34 and II. Route 47 a total of ten ( 10) pavement cores are planned. Method of Performance - Field Work The soil exploration will be accomplished by performing soil profile borings for the roadway improvements. a) The soil survey borings will be extended to a minimum depth of six (6) feet and will incorporate standard penetration tests and split-spoon sampling at with sampling at one to three feet and from four to six feet below the surface. • (11::,(d.! \11 1 ; !l l 1 A1;o1?1r0R1 I \R()RA)(iIt1 r°i'". •'!:i i 1 +I, (I1• !I I•.!' I.\'.I)\1I II I•: 1111\II. I `.1I , 4`11;i/ 11.i•i I+'0 111Ntiilf1l 1.',I !., • •:. t;! ':'i I! ' MrI;',!,ti,1•'/" 1.1 F. iiI(c;\I 1 II I I,,,1 'I I I`.I II�'•I l(i,I. �.: 1 �L•III ,f<l,i(,I I�')I>,IA;Ih1i1 'I• IU'•'i 1S5.:i i, ••.iq, Vii• t},'.X;-.1 • Feb-17-04 09 :20A SHA McHENRY 18153858456 P . 03 SCHLEEDE 1 TAMPION ASs 7('IATES. t CONS T. LI'I N(. N}r rr.S h) Laboratory testing will include moisture content determinations, consistency (penetrometer value) determination on cohesive soil samples. Soil classification testing and one IHR test will he • • performed on major subgrade soil types. c) The pavement cores will be made with a 4-inch diameter core barrel and hand augering equipment extended to sample all '•, pavement components and into the underlying subgrade soil. The pavement section information at the core location will be presented on a data sheet in tabular form. In our proposal, we have included provisions for rough layout of the borings and have assumed that the final locations and elevations will be determined by Smith Engineering Consultants or will be referenced to centerline stationing provided by the Engineer. Method_of Performance -_Analysis and Report The boring information including the soil types and test data will be presented on plan and profile drawings, if required. The base reproducible plan and profile drawing would he provided by the design engineer. The results of this field exploration and laboratory testing would be used in an analysis and formulation of our recommendations. Major subject areas for our analysis, recommendations and report would consist of stating the existing subsurface soil and ground water conditions, the existing pavement section components, and subgrade soil conditions. • • A Registered Professional Engineer will prepare a written report summarizing • and presenting the data and recommendations. The roadway soil exploration • • will be performed in compliance with the current Illinois Department of • Transportation Geotechnical Manual. • . • • Timing and Fees We will begin on work after notice to proceed. We plan on mobilizing and doing all the borings concurrently. The final report will be coordinated with the DSE as their design is completed. • • • We propose to provide this work al the unit rates quoted on the attached Schedule of Services and Fees, Attachments 1.1 through 1.2. These estimated quantities and unit rates are based on information as outlined in this proposal and experience on past projects. On the basis of the above information, we estimate that these services can he provided for a fee of $ 10,510,00. • • • Feb- 17-04 09 : 20A SHA McHENRY 18153858456 P_ 04 Sc:HLEEt7t: If . MT'1ON ASSOCIATES. INC.. C,(.)N5L•'TTTNc.; _.__......_—. ..— ----•----�.� 1 General i • • i for this project, we will assign Mr. Stephen C. Schleede, P.E. as Principal in Charge and Mr. William J. Wyzgala, P.E. as Project Engineer. They and our staff are acquainted with the local subsurface conditions and have participated in the planning, development and execution of numerous highway soil explorations in this area. We are looking forward to working with you on this project. Respectfully submitted, SC:HLEEDE-TTAMPTON SSOCIATES, INC. William J. Wyzgala, Y.E. Project Engineer • WJW/r)h Enclosure: Attachments 1.1, 1.2, and General Conditions • A(.:(:EYFEL 'PHIS,. DAY OF , 20• BY: - i 11111: FIRM: -- -• - - • • • • • I i Feb-17-04 09: 20A SHA McHENRY 18153858456 P. 05 ATTACHMENT 1.1 SCHEDULE OF SERVICES AND FEES PHASE 1 (STP) REPORT - GANE FARM ROAD/SOMONAUK STREET US ROUTE 34 TO ILLINOIS ROUTE 47 - YORKVILLE, ILLINOIS em Estimated 0uantity Unit Cost Extention Field Services Mobilization of Truck Drilling Rig, and personnel, lump sum 1 $250.00 $250.00 Six Foot Deep Soil borings for Roadway Subgrade with split spoon sampling,/I.f. 1 20 $20.00 $2,400.00 Structure Borings for Traffic Signal Foundation Through earth and other materials except rock, encountered below ground surface, split spoon sampling at thirty (30) inch intervals, penetration record Unconfined compression tests (in cohesive soils) on samples retained, per lineal foot $1 5.00 Pavement Core, each 8 $85-00 $680.00 Traffic Control, signs, barricades, etc./day 1 .5 $660.00 $990.00 Field Services Total; $4,320.00 Laboratory Services Moisture Content Determinations, ea 70 $4.00 $280.00 Atterberg Limit Determinations, ea. 4 $60.00 $240.00 Grain Size Analysis, including hydrometer, ea. 4 $80.00 $320.00 Organic Content test, ea. 1 $55.00 $55.00 Illinois Bearing Ration Test, Including 1 $250.00 $250.00 Standard Proctor, Ea. Laboratory Services Total: $1,145.00 Engineering Services for Soil.Suryey Including; Layout Coordination & Utility Clearance and Permits Engineering Supervision of Soil Profile Borings Preparation of Soil Boring Profile Drawings, Analysis and Recommendations for Earthwork, Report Preparation, Consultation Estimated Cost (@ Unit Rates Listed on Attachment 1.2) $5,045.00 TOTAL: $10,510.00 Feb-17-04 09: 20A SHA McHENRY 18153858456 P .06 ATTACHMENT 1.2 ENGINEERING SERVICES Our fees for Engineering Services will be based on the actual number of hours required to complete the work, and will be determined on a Unit Rate Basis at these rates for each classification of personnel; Estimated Quantity Rate/Hour Extentjon Principal Engineer, per hr. 0.5 $130.00 $65.00 Project Engineer, per hr. 8 $110.00 $880.00 Staff Engineer, per hr. 16 $85.00 $1,360.00 Field Engineer, per hr. 26 $75.00 $1 ,950.00 Draftsman/Tech., per hr. 14 $45.00 $630.00 Word Processing, per hr. 4 $40.00 $160.00 $5,045.00 • Feb-17-04 09 : 21A SHA McHENRY 1815'3858456 P. 07 EFFECTivn JANUARY 1, 2004 SCHLEEDE-HAMPTON ASSOCIATES, INC. CIVIL - GEOTECHNICAL - CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS FEE AND RATE SCHEDULE GENERAI,CONDITIONS ENGINEERING R1NC AND ASSOCIATED til?l(V1("f;S WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO SUSPEND OR TERMINATE. WORK Fees for our services will be based upon the time worked on UNDERou:ORAL AGREEMENT UPON FA11.t11(I?UP TIIE CL1EN'I"I'U the. project at the following rates: IAY INVUi(arti AS DUE. Rate Per (tour Project Engineer Project Mgr./Sr, Engineer, P.E. 1NtiIJRAN(.aj Project Engineer, P.E. We maintain Workman's Compensation Insurance and Sr. Staff/Field Engineer Employer's Liability Insurance•in conformance with slate Field Engineer Sea attached law. In addition. we maintain Comprehensive General Env_ Technician proposal Liability Insurance and Automobile Liability Insurance with Sr. Technician for rates bodily injury (limit $1,(/)0,000 each occurrence, $1,000„000 Technicianaggregate) and property damage (limit $1,000,000 each CAL) Draftsmanoccurrence, 51,000,001)aggregate). t)r:aflsman Word Processing Within the limits of said insurance, we agree to hold the client harmless from and against loss, damage, injury or (.)VERTIME RATES: Applicable to all classifications below liability arising directly from the negligent acts or omissions Staff Eng.- 0.T.Rates are 1.40 t.ime.s straight lime of ourselves, our employees, agents, subcontractors and their employees and agents. If the client placed greater responsibilities upon us or requires further insurance REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES coverage, we if specifically so directed will take out The following items are reimbursable to the extent of actual additional insurance (if procurable) lu protect us, at. rhe. expenses: clients' expense. But we shall not he responsible for 1- Transportation, lodging and subsistence for out of town property damage from any cause, including fire and travel explosion, beyond the amounts and coverage of our 2. Long distance telephone, telegraph and cable charges. insurance. 3. Special mailings and shipping charges, 4. Special materials and equipment unique to the project. 5. Automobile travel on projects. LIMITATION OF PROFESSIONAL LIABILI"1'Y 6. Computer charges, The Client recognizes the inherent risks connected with construction. In performing our professional services, we will use that degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised, TEST BORINGS AND FiELD INVESTIGATIONS under similar circumstances, by reputable rttetnbers of our On projects requiring test borings, test pits, or other profession practicing itt the same or similar locality. No explorations, we may obtain the services of reputable other warranty, express or implied, is made or intended by subcontractors Lo perform such work. the proposal for consulting service or by furnishing oral or written reports of the findings made. it is agreed that the Client will limit any and all liability, claim for damages, cost SPECIAL RA'I'IS of defense or expenses to be levied against us on account of Per Diem or other special rates can be established for any design defect, error, omission, or professional specific projects when conditions indicate the desirability nt negligence to a sum not to exceed $50,000, or the amount of such rates. our fees, which ever is greater. • INCREASES INVOICES Fee schedule increases made by our firm on an over-all Progress invoices will be submitted to the client monthly client basis will he applied to work on all projects as they and a final bill will he suhrniued upon completion of lhel become effective. At least. 30 days advance notice of such services. invoices will show charges fur different personnel increases will be given. and expense classifications, A inure detailed separation of charges and data will he provided at clients request, but — each invoice is due on presentation and is past due thirty ACCESS TO SiTES (30) days from invoice data. Client agrees to pay a finance finless otherwise agreed, the Client will furnish us with charge. of 1 1/2% per month, or the maximum rate allowed right-of-access to the site in order to conduct the planned by law on past due accounts. exploration. We will take responsible precautions to minimize damage to thq site due to our operations, but The clients obligation to pay for the work contracted is in have not included in the fee the cost uC restoration of any no way depcndeni upon the clients ability to obtain damage resulting from the operations. If the Client desires, financing, zoning, approval of governmental or regulatory we will restore any damage to the site and add the cost of agents, or upon the client's successful completion of the restoration to the fee, ppr•njc'ct, Sclwppe Des gn Associates Landscape Architecture and Land Planning 430 W. Downer Place Ph. (630) 896-2501 Aurora, IL 60506 Fax (630) 896-3228 February 2, 2004 Ms. Laura Brown Director of Parks and Recreation City of Yorkville 301 Hydraulic St. Yorkville, IL 60560 Re: Boy Scout Property Dear Laura, To date we have completed the site analysis work on the Boy Scout Property. We have also prepared two alternative designs for the property and reviewed them with you and the Forest Preserve District staff. We understand that you will be having additional meetings with the Forest Preserve to solidify development objectives that both the City and the Forest Preserve District have for the property. From this the overall master plan can be designed that accomplishes the development objectives. Our role will be to attend meetings with you to help review and solidify the development objectives. We will also prepare the revised master plan and review our plans with you and the Forest Preserve District. We would anticipate attending four additional meetings and prepare two additional drafts before completing the master plan phase of the project. We would expect our fees for this scope of work to be in the range of$8,000 to $10,000. We anticipate completing this work over the next 2 - 3 months. If you have any questions regarding this information, please call. We look forward to continuing our work with you on this exciting project. Sincerely, Schoppe Design Associates Mike Schoppe President MS/pj zo United City of Yorkville Memorandum J 4 t. 800 Game Farm Road EST. _ x_:1836 Yorkville, Illinois, 60560 -� Telephone: 630-553-4350 off ` ;- o Fax: 630-553-7575 oma' '9<LE ��� Date: February 18, 2004 it,----- To: Joe Wywrot - City Engineer jFrom: Traci Pleckham - Finance Directo CC: Tony Graff - City Administrator Subject: Sewer Rate - Senior citizen information The following is information to help in addressing the question "Should the sewer rate remain frozen at current levels for senior citizens, with the revenue reduction to be subsidized from the General Fund?"asked at the last Public Works Committee Meeting. The City currently has 280 accounts that are eligible for the senior citizen refuse discount. Using this information and maintaining their rate at $18.00/billing cycle, subsidized revenue would be as follows: $18.00 - $22.25 = ($4.25) 280 homes * $4.25 = $1,190/billing cycle $1,190 * 6 billing cycles = $7,140/year If I can provide further information, please let me know. FEB.13.2004 12: 10PM WALTER DEUCHLER INC NO.215 P.2/4 February 13,2004 Mr. Joseph Wywrot • City Engineer City of Yorkville 800 Game Farm Road Yorkville,IL 60560 RE: Sanitary Sewer Rate Study WEDA # 788-03045-00 Dear Mr. Wywrot: We appreciate having had the opportunity to present information relative to the Sanitary Sewer Rate Study at the January Public Works Committee meeting. We have reviewed the issues raised at the meeting as summarized in your January 27, 2004 memo to Tony Graff, and offer the following information. 1. Why is it necessary to raise the sewer user fees? The system appears to be self supporting based on the 2002-2003 Sewer Maintenance Budget. However the 20022003 Budget does not consider proposed Capital Improvements Projects, remaining Sewer Rehabilitation Proj acts and the full existing debt service load associated with the sanitary sewer system. The proposed sewer use rate system considers the expenses associated with these needs,in addition to anticipated operational cost increases associated with inflation,in projecting the necessary revenue to maintain a financially self supporting system over the next 5 years. Significant capital improvements are required to maintain continuous service to existing areas. These funds are necessary for existing sewer pipe and lift station replacement and periodic evaluation of the existing system. A total of$7.5 million of capital improvements needs have been identified over the next 5 year period. Just under$1.5 million of these improvements are associated with perpetuating the existing system and are proposed to be funded by user fees, Funding these improvements is projected to require approximately$157,000 per year which is not included within the current budget. The proposed rate structure includes funding approximately 25%of the$3.3 million of sewer system rehabilitation work which remains to be completed. This rehabilitation is necessary to FEB.13.2004 12:10PM WALTER DEUCHLER INC NO.215 P.3/4 maintain existing pipes and eliminate leaks in the system. Spreading this funding over a 10 year period will require approximately$102,000 per year,which is not included in the current budget. The current budget includes a line item in the amount of$38,97$for the debt service on an existing loan from the IEPA. The City has a second outstanding loan from the IEPA which requires an additional$107,051 per year for debt service. This second loan is not reflected in the current budget, but has been included in the proposed user fee structure, The proposed increase in the user fee structure will be necessary to accomodate the additional $366,051 in annual expenditures plus the anticipated increases due to inflation over the next five years. 2. What are the user fees and connection fees for neighboring towns? A summary of these fees for several communities in the area is included on the attached table. 3. What are the pros and cons of offering a second meter for usage which does not use the sewer system (lawn watering, car washing, etc.)? Offering a second meter for flow which does not directly enter the sewer system could provide a definitive method of accounting for this flow. The benefits are as follows: Lower user fees for those with a second meter(lawn sprinkling, car washing,filling swimming pools, etc,) More accurate measure of the flow actually returned to the sanitary sewer system(may be useful for future planning by the City) The complications associated with the second meter include: Additional expense of installation,maintenance and replacement of 2T'd meters, - Increased effort required to read additional meters. Increased effort to perform billing. Potential for errors in calculating billable flow. Potential for illicit connections downstream of the 2nd meter(water then returned to the sanitary sewer, but not paid for by the user). Increased effort required for compliance inspection and enforcement. — Potential negative public perception by those who do not install a 2"d meter. Fox Metro currently offers a one time reduction at the end of the summer based on the reading from a second meter, They also offer a one time "sod watering"reduction for new homes. Some other FEB.13.2004 12: 11PM WALTER DEUCHLER INC NO.215 P.4-4 communities (Plano, Salt Creek Sanitary District)offer a once a year credit for filling swimming pool 4. What would the revised rate be if a fixed flat rate structure is continued? The revised fixed rate would be the sum ofthe variable portion and fixed portion o f the user fee for a typical user. Based on the recommended funding structure and connection fee,this would result in a flat fee of$22.25 per 2 month billing cycle. This represents an increase of$4.25 from the current flat rate of$18 per 2 month billing cycle. 5. Do current annexation agreements lock in connection fees for certain lengths of time? It is our understanding that the City Staff is addressing this issue. 6, Should the sewer rate remain frozen at current levels for senior citizens,with the revenue reduction to be subsidized from the General Fund? It is our understanding that the City Staff is addressing this issue. We trust you will find this information beneficial in evaluating the merits of a revised user fee system. Please do not hesitate to contact me, should you have any questions or require additional information. Very truly yours, WALTER E. DEUCHLER ASSOCIATES, INC, William G. Nelson, P,E. WGN CITY OF YORKVILLE SANITARYT SEWER SYSTEMrn USER RATE I CONNECTION FEES N MONTGOMERY OSWEGO SUGAR GROVE PLANO BILLING CYCLE None Bi-Monthly Monthly Bi-Monthly BASE FEE None None $7.07 20 D r INCLUDED IN BASE N/A N/A 0 Gallons 4,000 Gallons 73 FEE USER FEE None $1-28 t 100 Gu.ft. $2.41 1 1000 gal. din-Village) $3.4011000 gal. $3.13 / 1000 gal. (out-of-Village) xi CREDIT FOR 2ND NO NO NO NO METER SEWER MAINTENANCE 100% NO NO NO SUBSIDIZED BY ENERAL FUND? ONNECTION FEE None $3000 (water) $1,500 $3,000 z 0 N CO r`3 N G;\788103045-001Jan041RafeComps.wb3 021/7/04