Public Works Packet 2004 03-22-04 .„® C,A` .� o United City of Yorkville ga,, County Seat of Kendall County EST.il:ki 1836 800 Game Farm Road ,� Cl) Yorkville, Illinois 60560 O 1111 G1 p Phone:630-553-4350 �o��,tee, �� ae�mco„my .” Fax:630-553-7575 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA Monday, March 22, 2004 7:00 PM City Hall Conference Room Approval/Correction of Minutes: December 22, 2003 Presentations: None New Business: 1. Water Department Report for January 2004 2. Institutional Control Agreement for Fox Industrial Park 3. North Tower Watermain Easement 4. Corneils Road Overlay 5. Request for an Ordinance to Ban Depositing Snow in the Street 6. Truck Purchase for Public Works 7. York Meadows Apartments - Final Acceptance of Public Utilities 8. Intermediate School Water Service 9. 1004 Sunset Avenue - PCC Driveway Repair 10. Consolidation of Utilities Ordinances 11. Grande Reserve Watermain Easement 12. Cannonball Trail Booster Station & South PRV Station—Results of Bid Opening Old Business: 1. Sewer Rate Connection Fee Additional Business: Page I of 6 nr ApT Dr 1-'4111 I UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEETING DECEMBER 22,2203 7:00 P.M. In Attendance: Mayor Art Prochaska Alderman Joe Besco Alderman Larry Kot City Engineer Joe Wywrot Guests: Senior Project Manager John Whitehouse of EEI(until 7:50 p.m.) Senior Transportation Engineer Ron Naler of EEI(until 7:50 p.m.) Project Engineer Jason Bower of EEI(until 7:50 p.m.) Kathy Freed from Sprintcom APPROVAL CORRECTION OF MINUTES: NONE PRESENTATIONS: Grande Reserve Perimeter Roads by E.E.I. John Whitehouse of EEI stated that as part of the Grande Reserve Annexation Agreement there were requirements for road improvements of all the roads that surround Grand Reserve. The main roads include: 1. Kennedy Road from the western end to Galena Road 2. Bristol Ridge Road to Blackberry Creek 3. Mill Road from the corporate limit line over to a realignment intersection with Kennedy Road Mr. Whitehouse said that the total contribution that MPI is making is about 10.5 million dollars. He said that they did their best to keep it as high as possible so that the work would be done and the City wouldn't have to put a dime towards it. He hopes that as they work through this and deal with any soil conditions that might come up, they won't get any costs that are too great. He feels that based on the preliminary estimate for this portion they can get all of it done with in the 10 million dollar contribution from MPI. Mr. Whitehouse stated that the general plan presented now is what the entire project is going to be and specifics on Bristol Ridge Road. He said they would like to go out for bid on March 1, 2004. The project will need to be constructed by the end of September 2004 in order to be in accordance with the annexation agreement. The rest of the project will proceed based upon a certain number of building permits, which will need to start with in a year of the x number of building permits or funds available in the Grande Reserve Perimeter Road Fund. Their initial contribution fund is 2 million dollars. There are 2,600 units all together at$2,000 per unit which comes up to about 5.3 million dollars. MPI is doing improvements through out their report and Galena which doesn't come off the 10.5 million;they will use their own funds. Mr. Whitehouse said that they would like to add some landscape features to the project. There will be landscaped medians. Every where they could with out obstructing a driveway, landscaping will be added. They will refer to the City for the proper vegetative mix of plants, trees and shrubs. The street size minimum will be a reconstruction of a 3-lane width. Page 2 of 6 Mr. Whitehouse discussed proposed sidewalks,bike trails and where they would extend, and also curbs and gutters on the northeast side of Bristol Road. He said the south west side of the road would remain a ditch section. City Engineer Joe Wywrot stated that Police Chief Harold Martin would like to see non-curb and gutters in areas where possible which would allow more room for the officers to pull over. It makes for a safer situation for the officers. Mr.Wywrot said it would be a good idea to go over the layout with Chief Martin. Mr. Whitehouse said that they would like to add some additional width to the roads where the islands are located. There would be a 12 ft. lane with a 4ft. paved shoulder and with curbs and gutters.The road width would be about 17 Y2 ft.Where they do not have the islands and driveways there would be a full 40 ft. edged pavement to where officers could still pull over to the curb.There would be a center lane there which would allow motorists enough room to pass around. Mr. Whitehouse mentioned that there would be a separate right lane turn onto Kennedy Road in which they are providing MPI engineers and surveyors with right away requirements. The north end of the improvement will stop where the repaving was done as part of the bridge reconstruction. He said the Mill Road realignment was planned to provide some distance between the Galena Road and Mill Road intersection. He said that they have received response from the railroad crossing improvements at both Mill Road and Kennedy Road. Alderman Kot asked if the road work on Kennedy Road would affect the current home owner's on the right side of the road. Mr. Whitehouse said that it wouldn't and that no curbs or gutters would be added to the right side. Mayor Prochaska felt that there was question as to how wide the road might need to be once everything is developed in that area. He felt that the layout of curbs and gutters set in conjunction with the islands and trying to keep with country cross road theme might not look as good. In the event that the City might need to become more urbanized and if a 4th lane would need to be added,not having the curbs and gutters there might save the time of taking them out in the future. He felt that it might not be wise to lock in on having curbs and gutters put in. With the possibility of needing to take them out to redesign the road for future development would be an even greater expense. Mr. Wywrot said that it could probably be done on a section of Bristol Ridge Road but would require the sidewalks to be pushed back to the open space. Mr. Whitehouse said that the 2030 traffic projection for Bristol Ridge Road is in the 13,000 range which this road would be able to handle with a 2-lane and 3-lane road.If Bristol Ridge Road was a potential river crossing then they would probably look into a 150 ft.right of way. Mayor Prochaska felt that Bristol Ridge Road seems as though it could have potential to be a heavily traveled road and again expressed his concern with the way the road would look. Alderman Rich Sticka agreed with the Mayor on the look of the road.He felt the road should try and keep with a country look and said he knows the officers really do not want the curbs. Mr. Wywrot pointed out that the landscaping and islands would still need to curbed and gutter Page 3 of Mr.Wywrot pointed out that street lighting should be limited to keep with the look of a rural atmosphere. Mr. Whitehouse said that the City standard is to have street lights every 300 ft.but they could look into possibly putting street lights in every 600 ft. for that area,and strategically put in a few more on the curbs on Kennedy Road. Mr. Wywrot pointed out that another issue with this road is keeping traffic speed down as it is a very straight road. Mr.Whitehouse said that with vertical curbs not much can be done but they hope that with narrowing the road and with trees and the median it could give a closed off look that might keep traffic speed down. Alderman Kot asked if it would cut down on costs by eliminating some curbs. Mr.Whitehouse said the cost difference would not be that much difference. Transportation Engineer Ron Naler of EEI commented that based upon traffic reports they have looked at that these roads should be sufficient for the 2030 year plan. All background growth and northwest traffic has been taken into account. He said that they will take a look into traffic report again along with the curb and gutter concerns. Mr. Whitehouse said that they will get back with the committee on the country cross sections and other questions and concerns. The committee decided that once they hear back from Mr. Whitehouse on the concerns for this project they will send this item onto the Committee of the Whole on January 20, 2004. NEW BUSINESS: Sprintcom Lease Agreement Kathy Freed of Sprint PCS Builders Network stated that back in June of 2203 their engineers discovered a coverage whole near Route 47 near the Fox River Valley area.The water tank on Tower Lane was identified for a possible candidate for installing antennas. She talked to Mr. Graff and Public Works director Eric Dhuse about the lease and installation. She said that they do not have plans to show the committee today, but did pass out to the committee a site exhibit. Sprint is proposing to mount these antennas on top of the water tank. She did speak with Mr. Dhuse about future modifications that will take place on the maintenance tower there. Alderman Sticka pointed out that as of October 2003,Mr. Dhuse had expressed that things concerning this plan had not yet been resolved. He asked Ms.Freed if she had recently spoken to Mr. Dhuse and had his opinion changed. Ms.Freed said that she had spoken with Mr.Dhuse last week on the subject. Alderman Kot pointed out that one concern of Mr. Dhuse's was the 24 hour access and asked Ms. Freed if that issue had been resolved. Ms.Freed said that in the lease they would not be granted 24 hour access that they would need to notify Mr. Dhuse or someone else to gain access to the water tank.If in case of an emergency type of situation they would need to contact the police station or the next available resource. In the lease it does state that they would be able to gain access with in reasonable time. Page 4 of 6 Alderman Stick asked if the City decides to do this when would the project take place. Ms.Freed said that they would like to start construction in the spring and it would take about 45 days. She said they would give a construction schedule to Mr. Dhuse to coordinate with construction that would also be going on at that time. Mr. Dhuse will have the opportunity to discuss this item with committee members at the next COW. This item will go to COW on January 6,2004. North Water Tower Change Order#2 Mr. Wywrot stated that this is an increase of$5535.00.One increase is for the electrical service and is a decrease do to changes made for painting. He pointed out that at the bottom of the memo have made a request to do a Security Assessment Review. Alderman Kot informed that the Security Assessment Reviews are for deciding whether or not these facilities need to be fenced in. Mr. Wywrot pointed out that the change order has nothing to do with that.He felt this is actually safer because the transformer is now up on a pole and would be hard to get to. Alderman Kot felt that it should still be fenced in. Mr. Wywrot said that that is a separate issue from this change order. The work on this order is already done and he recommended that it should be approved. Alderman Sticka said that he would like to see an explanation of how the electrical services were looked over before. Mr. Wywrot said that he would check into it. This item will go to COW on January 6,2004. September and October 2003 Water Reports The committee reviewed and approved these reports. This item will go to COW on January 6,2004. Well#7 Drilling Change Order#2 Mr. Wywrot stated that he did not have a change order and that Layne-Western is only looking for an extension. He recommended approval. This item will go to COW on January 6,2004. OLD BUSINESS: Director of Public Works Salary Survey This item was tabled. Subdivision Ordinance Revisions This item was tabled. Page 5 of 6 City Hall Parking Lot Change Order#2 Mr.Wywrot said this change order is in the amount of an$8,054.22 decrease.He recommended approval for this change order. This item will go to COW on January 6,2004. Update on Fox Hill Units 1,2,3,4,6,&Route 34 Improvements Mr. Wywrot said that they would be notified when the work will begin on the storm sewer on Route 34. The cleaning of the storm sewer will be done. This item will go onto a future COW agenda. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS Coffee with the Mayor Mayor Prochaska stated that Jerry Groner and he had issues with gravel that was laid during the construction of Van Emmon Road and had washed down the street. He said he asked someone if the gravel was going to be swept and they told him it would but it never was.Mayor Prochaska explained to Mr. Groner that they do have some issues with the contractor that they are trying to work through but agreed with Mr.Groner that it was not a reason for the gravel not to have been swept up. The Mayor pointed out that he had also spoken with Mr. Dhuse about the gravel. Mr. Wywrot said that the road had been swept up on an irregular basis during construction but that he would see that it was swept up. Mayor Prochaska said that he had spoken with the owner of Watts Valve and the owner questioned the validity of why the City decided against using the valves he provides. Mr. Wywrot said that the valves that needed replaced were specialty valves and needed to be specially ordered. EEI had recommended staying with the original specifications. Mayor Prochaska suggested sending a letter to the Watts Valve owner with an explanation of why the City used another competitor's product. He felt that in the future they should be careful how they determine the specifics of bidding out for valves, especially when there is a local bidder involved. Stop Sign on Van Emmon Road and Heustis Road Alderman Kot asked if they have spoken with Mr. Dhuse about replacing the stop sign on Van Emmon Road and Heustis Road. Mayor Prochaska said that he spoke with Mr. Dhuse about the sign and said that he was concerned about the cost of the sign which can run up to$750.00. This item will come back to Public Works on January 23, 2004. Alderman Kot mentioned that a gutter has formed near the rail road tracks and State Street and Hydraulic Road that motorists have driven into it. He would like to see some gravel laid at that area. Mr.Wywrot said he would put it on the list. Page 6 of 6 Mayor Prochaska stated that he has had several people ask about the getting in contact with Illinois Rail Net about maintenance care for overgrown grass and weeds near the tracks, particularly near the west of Route 47. Mr. Wywrot said that he would speak to Mr. Dhuse about the problem Mayor Prochaska said he would also like to see regular maintenance in the downtown business area. Easement Items Mr. Wywrot mentioned that he wanted to get the North Tower on the eastside of Rout 47 recorded. It is one easement that they need to get the water main to the North Tower. This item will go to COW on January 6,2004. The other easement mentioned is for Grand Reserve. Mr.Wywrot said it is an easement that is necessary to bring sanitary and electrical lines into Well#8 tower well and the Water Treatment facility. He requested approval for this item. This item will go to COW on January 6,2004. Meeting adjourned: 8:45 p.m. Minutes by Theresa Brady u A_ - _ CITY OF YORKV I LL E • ..I ". to. -'"' `(`1J WATER DEPARTMENT\.--.,i..-_:._A_fii.; REPORT l1MONTH January 04 �- 4n - WELLS . WELL DEPTH PUMP DEPTH WATER ABOVE THIS MONTH'S PUMPAGE NO. (FEET) (FEET) PUMP (FEET) (MILLION GALLONS) 3 1335 403 127 11.522 a 1393 542 162 15.902 TOTAL 26.902 000 CURRENT MONTH'S PUMPAGE IS 47, GALLONS in MORETHAN LAST MONTH ❑ LESS 3,398,000 GALLONS ® MORE THAN THIS MONTH LAST YEAR ❑ LESS DAILY AVERAGE PUMPED: 868,000 GALLONS DAILY MAXIMUM PUMPED: 1,318,000 GALLONS DAILY AVERAGE PER CAPITA USE: 100 GALLONS WATER TREATMENT CHLORINE FED: 320 LBS. CALCULATED CONCENTRATION: 1.4 MG/L FLUORIDE FED: 325 LBS. CALCULATED CONCENTRATION: 0.27 MG/L WATER QUALITY AS DETERMINED FROM SAMPLES ANALYZED BY ILLINOIS ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY BACTERIOLOGICAL: 9 SAMPLES TAKEN 9 SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY (EXPLAIN FLUORIDE : 2 SAMPLE(S) TAKEN CONCENTRATION: 1•02MG/L MAINTENANCE NUMBER OF METERS REPLACED: 13 NUMBER OF LEAKS OR BREAKS REPAIRED : 3 NEW CUSTOMERS ! RESIDENTIAL 111111 22 COMMERCIAL 2 INDUSTRIAL/GOVERNMENTAL COMMENTS Phase 1 Raintree on line . 3 Main breaks- E. Main+ Colton, Sunset ,308 Blackberry Ln. Boil 'Order issued on E. Main Break . 900,000 gallons lost due to breaks METER INSTALLATIONS 2004 JANUARY 2004 33 1) 102124-05 506E W HYDRAULIC -REPLACEMENT 2) 128347 347 GARDEN CIRCLE -NEW 3) 130897 1879 WALSH DRIVE-NEW 4) 144220 1858 COLUMBINE DRIVE -NEW 5) 145482 482 POPLAR DRIVE - NEW 6) 201100 226 S BRIDGE ST-REPLACEMENT 7) 203120 501 HEUSTIS -REPLACEMENT 8) 204240-04 341 E VAN EMMON - REPLACEMENT 9) 210180-02 312 E FOX ST-REPLACEMENT 10)214020 107 E ORANGE ST-REPLACEMENT 11)301060 601 N BRIDGE ST-REPLACEMENT 12)305090 406 CHURCH - REPLACEMENT 13)306130 406 W CENTER-REPLACEMENT 14)311040 1007 SUNSET - REPLACEMENT 15)323636 664 VETERANS PKWY STE A-NEW-COMMERCIAL 16)323637 664 VETERANS PKWY STE B-NEW-COMMERCIAL 17)349355 1355 CHESTNUT LANE-NEW 18)3526050-04 1605 COTTONWOOD TRAIL-REPLACEMENT 19)401284 434-446 LANDMARK AVE -NEW 20)405050 708 BRISTOL AVE-NEW 21)421240 676 HEARTLAND DRIVE -NEW 22)421280 712 HEARTLAND DRIVE-NEW 23)421650 991 HEARTLAND DRIVE -NEW 24)421750 1123 HEARTLAND DRIVE-NEW 25)425230 923 HOMESTEAD DRIVE-NEW 26)425330 973 HEARTLAND DRIVE -NEW 27)427060 1056 STILLWATER COURT-NEW 28)428140 601 ARROWHEAD DRIVE-NEW 29)428160 623 ARROWHEAD DRIVE-NEW 30)510140 312 BLACKBERRY-REPLACEMENT 31)603065 202A COUNTRYSIDE PKWY-REPLACEMENT 32)740873 873 CANYON TRAIL-NEW 33)740921 921 CANYON TRAIL -NEW METER REPAIRS PENDING ACCT# NAME ADDRESS PROBLEM STATUS 306030 NEED RR INSTALLED -CANNOT ALWAYS GET IN - ESTIMATING BILLS 106040-02 NEED RR-CANNOT GET IN NEED RR-HARD TO ACCESS FOR METER 518020;READER METER STUCK AT 195700 LAST SEVERAL I, I 503140 BILLINGS 210170-02 METER NEEDS NEW FACE-WORN OFF 106130 SAME READ 1413 SINCE AUGUST 03 DEVICE ERROR CANNOT READ 311020 METER INACCESSIBLE 201200 SAME READ 1000 4/03 205212 2ND METER SAME RD 10763 SINCE 8/03 111150 METER STUCK AT 74400 MAILED TWO 509030'STUCK METER AT 13700 WEEK NOTICE 511083 STUCK METER AT 57500 METER REPLACED NO METERS APTS 4,5,6,&7 I NEW METERS 120080 SAME READ 51700 SINCE AUGUST 03 NEW METER NEW METER 239040 83500 READ SINCE 12/12/03 INSTALLED NEW METER 312020 METER STUCK AT 74400 INSTALLED DID NOT PICK UP CERTIFIED 1080601 STUCK AT 2938 LETTER DID NOT PICK UP CERTIFIED 108161 STUCK AT 1322 LETTER 03/08/2004 09 44 FAX 830 553 5764 DANIEL J. KRAMER a 001/001 LAW OFFICES OF Daniel J. Kramer 1107A SOUTH BRIDGE STREET DANIEL J. KRAMER YORKVILLE, ILLINOIS 60560 JILL K.KONEN (630)553-9500 KELLY A.KRAMER Fax: (630)553-5764 FAX COVER SHEET DATE: March 8, 2004 TO: Liz RE: Wayne Circuit Building/Fox Industrial Park NO: 553.7575 FROM: Kelly A. Kramer NUMBER OF PAGES (INCLUDING THIS PAGE): 1 COMMENTS: Liz, would you please put Institutional Control Agreement for Fox Industrial Park on the next Public Works Agenda and someone from out office will attend. Thanks, Kelly THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS FACSIMILE MESSAGE IS ATTORNEY PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION INTENDED ONLY FOR THE USE OF THE INDIVIDUAL OR ENTITY NAMED ABOVE. IF THE READER OF THIS MESSAGE IS NOT THE INTENDED RECIPIENT,YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT ANY DISSEMINATION,DISTRIBUTION OR COPYING OF THIS COMMUNICATION IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED THIS COMMUNICATION IN ERROR,PLEASE IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY US BY TELEPHONE AND RETURN THIS ORIGINAL MESSAGE TO US AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS VIA THE UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE. THANK YOU. Nomosons IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL PAGES, PLEASE CALL (630) 553-9500 FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE IN TRANSMITTING TO US, OUR FAX NUMBER IS: (630) 553.5764 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE To: Tony Graff, City Administrator From: Joe Wywrot, City Engineer Subject: North Tower Watermain Eas ent Date: March 8, 2004 Attached find one reduced print of an easement for access to the north water tower. Inland signed this easement in 2002, but it got buried among other documents in my office. Please place this easement on the March 22, 2004 Public Works Committee agenda for review. It should then be forwarded to the Committee of the Whole and City Council for approval, after which it would be signed by the Mayor and City Clerk and recorded. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please see me. Cc: Liz D'Anna, Deputy City Clerk • PARCEL A; GRANT OF EASEMENT HEREBY GRANTED PERMANENT UTILITY EASEMENT TO 111E UNITED CITY OF TO THE YORKVILLE. THAT OFREOFET ,TSFPE3N ° UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE NORTHWRFSO>NQUARTER OF NORTH. 7 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN,OESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING /� \N AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SECPON 4; THENCE NORTH 87 KENDALL COUNTY ILLINOIS DEGREES 58 MINUTES 26 SECONDS EAST(assumed)ALONG THE SOUTH LINE F OF SAID SOUTHWEST ODORTER OF SECTION 4, 828.23 FEET TO THE EAS IERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF ILLINOIS ROUTE 47 FOR THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE BEING A CURVE TO THE LEFT WITH RADIUS OF 1691.42 FEET AND CHORD BEARING NORTH 12 DEGREES 50 MINUTES 21 SECONDS EAST, AN ARCJ;\ DISTANCE OF 766.59 FEET TO A POINT OF TANGENCY; THENCE NORTH 00 DEGREES 08 MINUTES 41 SECONDS WEST,ALONG SAID RIGHT OF WAY LINE, 919.88 FEET i0 THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN BOOK ' 152.PAGE 392; THENCE NORTH 87 DEGREES 54 MINUTES 21 SECONDS EAST, C` • ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY UNE, 387.98 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 01 DEGREE 58 III MINUTES 29 SECONDS EAST, 10.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 87 DEGREES 54 .:r MINUTES 21 SECONDS WEST,PARALLEL TYDA SAID SOUTH LINE, 373.30 FEET TO A LINE 15.00 FEET EASTERLY OF(measured nor mol to)AND PARALLEL Ui MTH SAID EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE; THENCE SOUTH 00 DECREES 08 MINUTES 41 SECONDS EAST, ALONG SAID PARALLEL UNE, 295.20 FEET; _ , THENCE NORTH B7 DEGREES 54 MINUTES 21 SECONDS EAST,PARALLEL W T-11 • SAID SOUTH LINE 382.72 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 01 DEGREE 58 MINUTES 29 0 • SECONDS EAST, 15.00 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 87 DEGREES 54 MINUTES 21 SECONDS NEST,PARALLEL WTFI SAID SOUTH LINE. 383.20 FEET TO A LINE . 15.00 FEET EASTERLY OF(measured normal to)AND PARALLEL WITH SAID FH 0 B ' • • EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY UNE; THENCE SOUTH 00 DEGREES 08 MINUTES 41 cn SECONDS EAST, ALONG SAID PARALLEL LINE, 600-18 FEET TO A POINT OF - P.O.B. LI AkCE L D - CURVATURE; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID PARALLEL LINE.BEING A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HATH RADIOS OF 1706.42 FEET AND CHORD BEARING 0 -----PARCEL 8 SOUTH 17 DEGREES 25 MINUTES 43 SECONDS WEST, AN ARC DISTANCE OF z 1045.76 FEET TO A POINT OF TANGENCY; THENCE SOUTH 35 DEGREES 00 • MINUTES 08 SECONDS WEST. ALONG SAID PARALLEL LINE,6.25 FEET IO THE • -SUU IIIERLY UNE GF P'OPEk1Y DESCH BEO IN BOOK 152, P (E 392- 1 NORTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF GALENA ROM; THENCE NORTH 74 - N8/S4'D CL 6/2.3 ' � I DEGREES 58 MINUTES 01 SECOND WEST ALONG SAID NORM RIGHT 01 WAY -___- LINE, 15.95 FEET TO SAID EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF ILLINOIS ROUTE - v"'IE 387.,11 - --__ _ 47; THENCE NORTH 35 DEGREES 00 MINUTES OB SECONDS EAST. ALONG ,.�T/. /_J'/7/7Y 264.37 SAID RIGHT OF WAY LINE. 11.70 FEET TO A PONT OF CURVATURE; THENCE �I 7 T NH9,, -� 5 I NORTHERLY ALONG SAID RIGHT OF WAY LINE,BEING A CURVE TO THE LEFT SAT'54 21 W 373.30 NB/54'21"E /`'I� 5158'29'L MATH RADIUS OF 1691.42 FEET AND CHORD BEARING NORTH 30 DEGREES 24 J SB/54 21'W s.Dl'- ,d D-oa' MINUTES 46 SECONDS EAST,AN ARC DISTANCE OF 2]0.9]FEET TO THE `0.03 PONT OF BEGINNING-IN BRISTOL TOWNSHIP.KENDALL COUNTY,ILLINOIS. I N00'OB 41 W \,3 PARCEL D I to Dl -�.,y 2.09 Acres TO BE IPARCEL B: , To-TN TT I p,� CON VE YrED BY SII�. HEREBY GRANTED TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTOR EASEMENT - F N, WARRANTY DEED N I� Imo-- • THAT PART OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTOR 4, AND THE frrf/�/jI'"�LI TO THE UNITED I NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 9. TOWNSHIP 37 NORTH.RANGE 7 EAST T I/,"��.\ CITY OF YORKVILLE I OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN,DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 4; THENCE NORTH 87 I ',j 0)T°1 I DEGREES 58 MINUTES 26 SECONDS EAST(assumed)ALONG THE SOUTH LINEP,0_B_ I I OF SAID SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 4, 828.23 FEET TO THE /"'N-\.{ EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF ILUNOS ROUTE 47; THENCE NORTHERLY f SOl S"29"E PARC).) 1. I ALONG SAID EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE BEING A CURVE TO THE LEFT I -15 00' I WTI RADIUS OF 1691.42 FEET AND CHORD BEARING NORTH 12 DEGREES 50 \\ NB/54 21 E / 587 54 2I-W MINUTES 21 SECONDS EAST, AN ARC DISTANCE OF 766.59 FEET TOA POINT /l \ ) 362.72 284,3/ z OF TANGENCY; THENCE NORTH 00 DEGREES OB MINUTES 41 SECONDS WEST, \. r/7/ /J�'7/j T�/.Tj�!T/JT / / UuI • ALONG SAID RIGHT OF WAY UNE,919.88 FEET TO THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF �"+3- � U- � TT,), Qo PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN BOOK 152,PAGE 392; THENCE NORTH 87 DEGREES I r.� ");,-L,0'0+3- X585.20' CU • 54 MINUTES 21 SECONDS EAST,ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY LINE, 15.01 FEET p Y 'S87 4 21 W; i I rn z FOR THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH 00 DEGREES E MINUTES 41 0 0 )�,- f J� L ,N87 Sa 21E - / SECONDS EAST,920.39 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVATURE; THENCE / \% ', --_ SOUTHERLY ALONG A CURVE TO THE RIGHT WITH RADIUS OF 1706-42 FEET r 684.50' 01 AND CHORD BEARING SOUTH 17 DEGREES 25 MINUTES 43 SECONDS WEST, �� AN ARC DISTANCE OF 1046.76 FEET TO A POINT TANGENCY; THENCE SOUTH I /,\\y 35 DEGREES 00 MINUTES 08 SECONDS WEST, 6.25 FEET TO THE NORTHERLY j w\\\� - (\ RIGHT OF WAY UNE OF GALENA ROAD; THENCE SOUTH 74 DEGREES 50 rj v\V a • MINUTES 01 SECOND EAST ALONG SAID NORTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE. 53.16 I Apo\J PARCEL A R n EI C FEET TO A LINE 65 FEET EASTERLY OF (measured nomlal lo)AND • ///La, f R l� L I PARALLEL WADI DIE EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID ILLINOIS ROUTE ;'mE\ o d- 47; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID PARALLEL LINE, BEING A CURVE TO 'TN'\`\y THE LEFT WITH RADIUS OF 1756.42 FEET AND CHORD BEARING NORTH 17 \ V o Z DEGREES 14 MINUTES 05 SECONDS EAST AN ARC DISTANCE OF 1065.53 i O'/,' PARCEL B FEET TO A POINT OF TANGENCY; THENCE NORTH DO DEGREES 08 MINUTES I /1,.N \ U 41 SECONDS WEST,922.10 FEET TO THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID ''..t .•\\ I- PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN BOOK 152.PAGE 392; THENCE SOUTH 67 DEGREES /� '\\ GRANTOR'S PROPERTY 54 MINUTES 21 SECONDS WEST, ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY LINE. 50.03'FEET , /I \ LL TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. IN BRISTOL TOWNSHIP,KENDALL COUNTY, (U\\ ILLINOIS jo PARCEL ONE (I.I-N. 02-04-300-002) /I AT.TQL\ I PARI OF SEC TION 4 TOWNSHIP 37 NORTH RANGE /EASI OF IIIE THIRD PRINCIPAL LY PARCEL C; PARCEL A I / \:'I MERIDIAN,KENDALL COUNTY ILLINOIS.DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS, TO NIT. COM MENCIWG AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE SOUTHWEST UARIER OF SAID SECTION 4. D HEREBY GRANTED PERMANENT ACCESS ANO UTILITY EASEMENT TO ME /I \� THENCE SOUTH 1 DEGREE D5 MINUTES 47 SECONDS WEST ALONG THE EAST LINE OF LL' UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE. P y SAID SOUTF,I.WESI QUARTER, 990-00 FEET(15 CHAINS) TO THE NOR I MEAS TERI.Y \ CORNER OF A PARCEL OF LAND DESCRIBED IN BOOK 153 Al PAGE 473; THENCE Q /'..)1001.\\ CON RNUHNG SOUTH I DEGREE 09 MINUTES 47 SECONDS WEST, ALONG SAID EAST LINE THAT PART OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 4, TOWNSHIP 31 NOR TI,RANGE 7 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN,DESCRIBED AS I \7\I 184 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTH LINE OF A PARCEL OF LAND DESCRIBED IN FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 4; BOOK 1S[Al PACE 391, SAID POINT BEING THE POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE THENCE NORTI 87 DEGREES 58 MINUTES 26 SECONDS EAST(ossumed) )00„. • HEREINAFTER HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED TRACT OF LAND; TTIENG.E NORTH 89 DEGREES 36 MIIHLITES / 7 08 SECONDS WEST ALONG SAID LINE, 1745.17 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 4 DEGREES 41 I- ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SOUTHWEST OF WA QUARTER ILLINOIS SOROUTE 4, I 1\ MINUTES 35 SECONDS WEST, 581-33 FEET 10 THE PONT OF INTERSECTION MTI THE (/1 THENCE FEET TOE THE EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY UNE OF Y ROTA 47; I I\ I WESTERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL OF LAND DESCRIBED IN BOOK 163 Al'PAGE 473; Li THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE BEING A I \I THENCE SOUTH 03 DEGREES 25 MINUTES 41 SECOND`:WEST ALONG SAID WESTERLY CURVE TO 111E LEFT`MRI RADIUS OF 1691.42 FEET AND CHORD BEARING \\ LINE /56.55 FEET THENCE SOU RI 30 DEGREES OB MINUTES 41 SECONDS NEST, S NORTH 12 DEGREES 50 MINUTES 21 SECONDS EAST, AN ARC DISTANCE OF 786.59 FEET TO A POINT OF TANGENCY; THENCE NORTH 00 DEGREES 08 ALONG SAID YSAID SEY LINE, 366.17 FEEL TO THE EG TIT(CNE OF THE SOS TH Mf.ST I- MINUTES 41 SECONDS WEST, ALONG SAID RIGHI OF WAY LINE, 919.88 FEET J\\ \' QUARTER OF SAID SEC LION 1,, THENCE SOUTH 89 DEGREES 34 MINUTES 05 SECONDS 0 TO THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN BOOK 152,PAGE 392; 7( \\�' EAST ALONG SAID SW 1H LING IStl 7.e4 FEET TO THE SOU THE ASI CORNER OF SAID LI THENCE NORTH 87 DEGREES 54 MINUTES 21 SECONDS EAST, ALONG SAID /� \ SOURIWEST WARIER, THENCE NORTH 01 DEGREE 09 NINO ITS 47 SECONDS EAST SOUTHERLY LINE,67235 FEET TO A POINT 94520 FEET WESTERLY OF \ ALONG, TAE EAST LINE Of SAID SOU fh VAST QUARTER,A DISTANCE OF 1655-47 FEET Cn \ \ 10 THE POINT OF BEGINNING,IN THE TOWNSHIP OF BRISTOL,KENDAL,-COON TY, I (measured along said southerly ne)THE EAST UNE OF SAID SOUTHWEST /I A . IILNUI S. QUARTER; THENCE SOUTH 01 DEGREE 58 MINUTES 29 SECONDS EAST, I LEI 32003 FEET FOR THE POINT CF BEGINNING', THENCE SOUTH 87 DEGREES 54 ,/ \��� F MINUTES Al SECONDS WcS T.PARALLEL LINE SAIL SOU IHLRLY UNE,d4T.56 I \�', PARCEL IWO. (I,I.N. 00-0,100-Wo/ FEET TO THE EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE.OF SAID ILLINOIS ROUTE 47; THENCE SOUTH 00 DEGREES OB MINUTES 41 SECONDS EAST, ALONG SAID ' F- I/,,,i,,,,,,\�'3 PARI OF THE NORTHWEST CURRIER OF SECTION 9, TOWNSHIP 37 NORTH RANGE /' Co._ EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE 6003 FEET; THENCE NORTH 87 DEGREES 54 I V / EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MEROIAN,KENDALL COUNTY LINUIJ,uG AH4ED A 0 6/80150 2'1 CC/NNC/C SACS PARALLEL MIL)SAID SOUTHERLY SHE, 684.50 3I 'l FOLLOWS BEGINNING AT DIE NORTHEAST CORNER OF 171E NDHIHH.EST QUARTER OF W FEET; THENCE NORTH 01 DEGREES 58 MINUTES 29 SECONDS WEST. 60.00 I /1\\-‘,,,\ISAID SECTION 9; THENCE SOu1HENTY ALONG THE EAST UNE OF SAID NOR RAWEST FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING,IN BRISTOL TOWNSHIP,KENDALL COUNTY, I \'.\i QUARTER ON A BEARING OF SO11111 UI DEGREE 19 MINUTES 36 SECONDS WEST, A ILLINOIS. DISTANCE OF 472.54 FEE I. !HENCE WESTERLY PERPENDICULAR TO 1HE LAST Z /\ \I DESCRIBED COURSE ON A BEARING OF NORTH BB DEGREES 40 MINUTES 24 SECONDS ill T 0 WEST A DISTANCE OF 330.65 FEEI TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF A PARCEL OF /I\ \\I LAND CONVEYED BY DOCUMENT NUMBER 870363 (HENCE CONTINUING WESTERLY (- PROPERTY DESCRIPTION I CC i,\\\I ALONG THE NOR It UNE OF SAID PARCEL OF LAND ON A BEARING OF NORTH AB PARCEL.p: I (n )\ y DEGREES 40 MINT.,IES 24 SECONDS WEST, A DISTANCE OF 308.08 FEET TO THE < ,-„--- \'‘T. CORNER OF SAID PARCEL- THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG THE WEST LINE OF LEI TO BE.CONVEYED BY WARRANTY DEED 10 THE UNITED CI ID OF YORKVILLE. Q /(\TT 0\' SAID PARCEL ON A BEARING OF SOUTH Dl DEGREE 19 ALSO TES 36 SECONDS WEST, A /)\\ DISTANCE OF 187.01 FEET TO 111E CENTER LINE OF 1FIE CHICAGO-GALENA ROAD; THAT PART OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF BECTON 4, TOWNSHIP 37 I •2 i 1.)\'\`,\\I THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CENTER LINE NORTH 73 DEGREES 52 MINUTES 25NORTH.RANGE 7 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN,DESCRIBED AS J NU S!IWEST5 WEST, ADISTANCE OF 77845FEET, THENCE OTINTING FOLLOWS COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 4; I I = "� � MINUTES 25 SERL NALONG SATO CENTER LIEF OF 00AFET OF NORTH 7I DEGREES OF ,,,,‘,"\\T"0, AIN ARC 25 SECONDS NEST, A DISTANCE 2 TUB Btl FEET , TEE EASTERLY LINE OF THENCE NORTH B]DEGREES SB MINUTES 26 SECONDS EAST(assumed) '''\•)\\TA PARCEL OF LAND DESCRIBED IN BOOK 152 AT PAGE 35 L; THENCE MINTIEST SI ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SOUTHWEST WAR TER OF SECTION 4, '<1.\\\ I� 828.23 FEET TO TIE EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF ILLINOIS ROUTE 47; ALONG SAID EA$TEf2LY USE ON A BEARING OF NORTH 31 DEGREES 38 MINUTES 51 THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID EASTERLY RIGHT OF'WAY LINE BEING A /I �'I SECONDS EAST, A DISI ANCE OF 207.67 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE OF THE NORTHWEST //.\\,::\,,,, QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 9 THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID NORTH LINE ON A CURVE TO THE LEFT HATH RADIUS OF 1691.42 FEET AND ' BEARING I /\� BEARING OF SOUTH 89 DEGREES 34 MINUTES 05 SECONDS EAST A DISTANCE OF NORTH 12 DEGREES 50 MINUTES 21 SECONDS EAST, AN ARC DISTANCE OF I. \`.) 1997.59 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING,IN 111E TOWNSHIP OF BRISTOL, KENDALL, 766.59 FEET TOA POINT OF TANGENCY; THENCE NORTH 00 DEGREES 08 \ y COUNTY ILLINOIS MINUTES 41 SECONDS WEST, ALONG SAID RIGHT OF WAY LINE,919.88 FEET �\ TO THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN BOOK 152,PAGE.392. / /�. \\� THENCE NORTH 87 DEGREES 54 MINUTES 21 SECONDS EAST, ALONG SAID -‘-'-' ///:\\\''i SOUTHERLY LINE 67235 FEET TO A POINT 94520 FEET WESTERLY OF o OOWNER'S CERTIFICATE (measured aloe d 0011011 Ina TIE EAST LINE OF SAID SOUTHWEST _ �1 ,' I URTER9 y ) ^' l� A3 o SLATE OF ILUNTAS) MINUTES FOR THE POINT . BEGINNING,3FEETHENCE SOUTHT 01 DEGREE 56 MINUTES 29 SECONDS EAST 32003 FEEL; THENCE SOUTH 87 DEGREES 54 �I V.,n(/0). )'s MINUTES 21 SECONDS WEST, PARALI EL WITH SAID SOUTHERLY LINE, 284.37 / a?tl 7 cUr,L oZ COUNTY OF DuPAG'E) FEET; THENCE NORTH 01 DECREE 58 MINUTES 29 SECONDS WEST, 320.03 FEET TO SAID SOUTHERLY UNE, THENCE NORTH 87 DEGREES 54 MINUTES 21LI 1 Il °0 MIS IS 10 CER PEE MAT 111E UNDERSIGNED,GALENA YORKVILLE,LLC,IS THE FEE SECONDS EAST, ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY 1-INE 28437 FEET TO THE POINT / T.TIT e,,`:':/,/ •12. SIMPLE OWNER OF IIIE PROPERTY DESCRIBED UNDER GRAN TORS PROPER 1 SHOWN OF BEGINNING, IN BRISTOL TOWNSHIP,KENDALL COUNTY,ILLINOIS. / /7 Lr� HEREON AND I11A I GALENA YORKVILLE_TLC,FOR AND N LOS IDE RA 110N OF SI.UO // U (ONE 0OLLAR)ANU OIHER GOOD AND VAI LIABLE CONSIOE RA 1101. RECEIPT OF MIICII / //. :00)0'.) HEREBY 7 IS HEREBY ACKNOWI EDGED. GRANTS TO THE UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE, /\\,''i ILLINOIS,THEIR RESPECTIVE LICENSEES,SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, JOAN IT AND P.O.B. . ,7 SEvERAILY,THE'NON-EXCLUSIVE'FERMANENI AND TEMPORARY EASEMENIS \ DESCRIBED HEREON, TO CONS ERUCT,OPERATE, MAIN THIN, RENEW,RELOCATE ANU PARCEL A // /I/S\.\\\\�'J REMOVE,FROM TIME TO TIME, WAIERMAIN AND OTHER FACI11IIES USED IN / '\ CONNECIIUN NIIFI SAID WA IERMAIN TOGETHER WITH RIGHT OF ACCESS 10 THE SAME I i/ /\7 ANL) THE SAPLINGS IGHTFROM SLOE TO TIME l0 TRIM OR REMOVE TREES BUSHES AND r �\, 10 CLEAR OBSTRUCTIONS FROM THE SURF ALE AND SUBSURFACE AS PERMANENTRO AT AND UPONN S REQUIRED SURFACE TO THE GRANT HEREIN GIVEN UNDER, MAY SE AEASU1JABL 0 ,/ HE SURFACE OFTHE PROPER] DESCRIBED UNDER -SOU T1 UNE OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER SECTION 4-37-7----------, / \. y / \\\7,' THE IEMPOR hHY CONSIRU CTICXJ EASEMENTS SHALL EXPIRE 01{THE FIRST TO OCCUR OF, '60 DAYS FOLLOWING RECEIPT OF THE.IEPA OPERATING PERMIT FOR THE 4V3-H�q - ----' ASSOCIATED WATER 1.1,N",ON 'NOVEMBER 2005"- 828.23' __ --- P (a c ______ __ ',,.'2'':// ''''',3,::"') f --J J --- NB7'SF3'2fiE / DATED Al OAK BROOK ILLINOIS, THIS/2,A....DAY OF / 2001 y, T�// (N£01005 LARD A4P4L4 A DUa-,f✓,0a 0 L A .r rL Socg Nin964- 8 ;..°''91\ �vv�v/ 04:r.A-wo BFAL Ci rat „vlbf TTR 01K r.KPorwnnN,6waewL-P4040b6- GALENA YORKVILLE,LLC �__ / / U=.� 'o-' � "4(K {LW2(2L YtLFF-RESIDENT 2901 BUTTERFIELD ROAD ti�n�\ -- OAK BROOK. IL 60523 --.-. / Ur Q e ii \\ 0 �� \V SIA.IE OF-IILw[nS_ �SE CREIAkY �� G �� /' \�/3, COUNTY OF OoP AGE) - A�FNA R -�-- �'•\�� S/4'59'01'E I�� !NAA^'_.A NOT ARY PUBLIC,IN FJJU FYI SAID L'UUN1Y AND STATE DAD O'08-E \y 53.16' - N350 0. AFORE n- T'W \ //// / SUBSCRIBED kIBD, DO HEREBY UR TIF Y THAI L0�0 THE FOREGOING INSTkUM �PPEP��BE�FOkE NES _-_- II N71 505 6.25 xLL 00 E TO BE ENT ARED 15.95' 5350008 W OFFICERS OF GALENA YOHKVILLE,LLC AND THE SAME PERSONS HhIOSE NAMES FRE AS SAID UR OW Y FREVI LN`)VOLUNTARY THAI TIHE USES AND PTREES NR THEREINSET DAY IN 7JJ--` FOREGOING I / / j' INSTRUMENT. NOT INDIVIDUALLY,BUI AS OFFICERS OF SAID GALENA YORKVILLE,LLC, / AS THOH OWN FILE AND VOLUNTARY ACT AND ME FREE AND VOLUNI AkY ACI OF /IN SSE TT FORTH / GIVEN UNDER MY IIAND AND NOTARIAL SEAL.THIS(Z,.--DAY OF LarG� 2002 I / b,, / / • M _ LYEMEb7I � OTkrPUBIC / ,CD STATE OF ILLINOIS) .N. COUNTY OF KANE)ss / THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT ENGINEERING ENTERPRISES,ZINC. IIAS STALE 01 IWNOIS ) �v PREPARED THIS GRANT OF EASEMENT AS SHOBY T/1E )) / / ANNE%ED PLAT ANIICH IS A IAUE AND CORRECTWN REPRESENTAITON OF Own TY 01- KENDAL).)y / ALL DISTANCES SHOWN ARE IN FEET AND DECIMALS THEREOF.SAID PROPERTY,FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES DESCRIBED THEREIN. APPNOVEO ANC)ACCEPTED BY 117E UNHVIu LD CI IT of YLXHKt,ILLINOIS, ILIIS / �� GIVEN UNDER NY HAND AND SEAL AT SUGAR GROVE ILLINOIS, THIS DAY CIS ,2002 ..c WHI IF/F011 __..._.___ __ ......_ 10th DAY Of OCTOBER 2002. _O't? 2124 :��4 "l/PROFES5IUNAL',, --- ' HAND :*� 4, Br Gli --_-_ %*'• SURVEYOR . = T __- MAY STATE OF,' _IF 1 i ITEHOUSE.,ILLINOIS PROFESSIONAL LANG SURVEYOR nA /f rIIQI 2�''•......'..\GJ`` No.35-2724(exp. II-30-02) ATTEST: _ ,. ..,.- Engineering 19 E erpd&BBF Inc. III I N _- (J1Y CLERK --_-__-- H H 11 I.r�.���� CIVIL ENGINEERS&LAND SURVEYORS _I 52 Wheeler Road PHOJ. 000106 Sugar Grove, Illinois 60554 DUG. Y0010619 Phone: (630) 466-9350 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE To: Tony Graff, City Administrator From: Joe Wywrot, City Engineer , ry: ,._ Subject: Corneils Road Overlay Date: March 12, 2004 Bristol Township is planning to overlay Corneils Road this year from Bristol towards Route 47. Since the city has annexed the Herrin (Asparagus Crate) property, the township would stop the overlay 1/4 mile east of Route 47. They have offered to extend the project to Route 47 if the city pays for that work. Our estimated cost would be around $15,000. While this project is not currently budgeted for the upcoming fiscal year, this is a great opportunity to get some maintenance work done at a minimal cost. The township is not using MFT funds, therefore we would need to use General Funds to pay our share. Please place this item on the March 22, 2004 Public Works Committee agenda for discussion. 4 w��y'(Jv 4 2 c�rs�_.c j`t Cc: Eric Dhuse, Director of Public Works Traci Pleckham, Director of Finance � T United City of Yorkville County Seat of Kendall County EST. , 7836 800 Game Farm Road ��- Cl) Yorkville, Illinois 60560 Q ��' G � Q Phone:630-553-4350 'A,f„ NedeNtoumy �� Fax:630-553-7575 `ELLE ‘vv To: Joe Besco, Chairman From: Eric Dhuse, Public Works L-- .� Date: March 12, 2004 Re: snow in the street Joe, Although winter is over, I would like the committee to consider an ordinance that would ban depositing snow on the street. As of now, we do not have an ordinance regarding this, and it is becoming a problem. It could be a very simple ordinance stating that it is unlawful to deposit snow from any driveway,parking lot, or sidewalk onto a city street. The fines could range from $25.00 for the first offense, $50.00 for the second, and $100.00 for each subsequent offense. If the committee approves of this concept, I can gather more information and put it in draft ordinance form. I would like to place this on the March 22, 2004 Public Works meeting agenda for discussion. L.-1 r :mom /z / Z/ 1 7 ?a�.rr't- y / lL Cc: Art Prochaska, Mayor ( l Tony Graff, Administrator .n United City of Yorkville 0iiia ii County Seat of Kendall County EST.4 ,1836 800 Game Farm Road CO Yorkville, Illinois 60560 P III 11 0 Phone:630-553-4350 11 L cQ, v�� Fax:630-553-7575 `4L.E \v To: Joe Besco, Chairman ;--::::.--- From: Eric Dhuse, Public Works = _'"----- Date: March 16, 2004 Re: Truck Purchase • Joe, I would like to move forward with the purchase of a 1 ton dump truck. This purchase is part of the MPI fees that have already been paid. We have $38,000 budgeted which we will use to purchase the truck, dump box, snow plow, spreader, light package, tool box and tools to outfit the truck for use in the street department. I would ask that this be placed on the March 22, 2004 public works committee meeting. Cc: Art Prochaska, Mayor Tony Graff, Administrator Traci Pleckham, Finance Director UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE To: Tony Graff, City Administrat\or From: Joe Wywrot, City Engineer Subject: York Meadows Apartments—Final Acceptance Date: March 16, 2004 The punchlist for York Meadows is complete. The plat of easement for onsite public utilities and private drainage facilities was approved and recorded recently. Therefore I recommend that the city accept the public utilities for ownership and maintenance and reduce the letter of credit to 10% for the one-year warranty period. Please place this item on the Public Works Committee agenda of March 22, 2004 for consideration. 6'' . z- � �_L.1_� `tom i i/ // Cc: Dan Kramer, City Attorney Liz D'Anna, Deputy City Clerk UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE To: Tony Graff, City Administrator From: Joe Wywrot, City Engineer Subject: Intermediate School Water Ser�ice Date: March 16, 2004 Per your request I have prepared two preliminary cost estimates for extending a water service from the pressure zone south of Beaver Street to the new Intermediate School on Route 126. Alternate #1 is not shown, but would be the construction of a booster station within the school itself. The School District has estimated this cost to be around $40,000. Alternate#2 is an 8" water service constructed in IDOT right-of-way from the booster station to the school, and is estimated to cost $161,000. Permits would need to be obtained from IDOT and 11-PA. This alternate runs adjacent to the old gas station on Route 126, and could encounter contaminated soils that would increase the cost of construction. Further complicating this alternate is the potential cost of relocation when IDOT widens Route 47. Alternate #3 is an 8" water service constructed from Deer Street to the school, and is estimated to cost $156,000. Permits would also be needed from IDOT and IEPA. If the decision were made to construct a long water service, we would need to determine who is responsible for maintenance. While the city normally maintains the service from the watermain to the B-Box, the special nature of this service warrants further discussion. I also checked our file for correspondence regarding water pressures. I didn't find any, but I remember getting a call from a fire sprinkler contractor who was looking for information about the intermediate school. We didn't have any fire flow information, therefore the contractor said he would conduct his own test. Eric recalls that the test was performed, but we never got a copy of the results. Please place this item on the Public Works Committee agenda of March 22, 2004 for discussion. Cc: Eric Dhuse, Director of Public Works Liz D'Anna, Deputy City Clerk 16-Mar-04 Preliminary Cost Estimate Yorkville Intermediate School - Water Service Alternate#2 Item Quantity Unit Unit Price Cost 1 8" DIP Watermain 1880 LF $50.00 $94,000.00 2 12"x8" pressure tap in vault 1 EA $3,000.00 $3,000.00 3 8" Valve in Box 1 EA $1,200.00 $1,200.00 4 Poly. Encasement 1900 LF $1.00 $1,900.00 5 Fittings 500 LB $2.00 $1,000.00 6 Trench Backfill 200 CY $20.00 $4,000.00 7 Highway Crossing 1 EA $15,000.00 $15,000.00 8 Pavement Restoration 150 SY $40.00 $6,000.00 9 Landscape Restoration 3000 SY $4.00 $12,000.00 10 Traffic Control 1 EA $2,000.00 $2,000.00 Sub-total: $140,100.00 Plus 15% contingency $21,015.00 Total: $161,115.00 This alternate is for construction of an 8"water service from the booster station on Route 47. 16-Mar-04 Preliminary Cost Estimate Yorkville Intermediate School -Water Service Alternate #3 Item Quantity Unit Unit Price Cost 1 8" DIP Watermain 1860 LF $50.00 $93,000.00 2 6" Line Stop 1 EA $2,000.00 $2,000.00 3 8" Valve in Box 2 EA $1,200.00 $2,400.00 4 Poly. Encasement 1900 LF $1.00 $1,900.00 5 Fittings 500 LB $2.00 $1,000.00 6 Trench Backfill 50 CY $20.00 $1,000.00 7 Highway Crossing 1 EA $15,000.00 $15,000.00 8 Pavement Restoration 75 SY $40.00 $3,000.00 9 Landscape Restoration 3500 SY $4.00 $14,000.00 10 Traffic Control 1 EA $2,000.00 $2,000.00 Sub-total: $135,300.00 Plus 15% contingency $20,295.00 Total: $155,595.00 This alternate is for construction of an 8" water service from Deer Street. 1 rag ,tor am Irl I la 41'j SOUTH BRIDGE T. 111 g oII D 03 1-- rt z N D I I 16n4r";14. D <rn H r---u \ \ 7J (f) N -- cz) __, iiiwik c) o� ,moo monnarri ago WALTER ST. 111111111 one 1111I ILLINI DRIVE A t. #3 2- > > 41111 J9 / C) COLO\ IAL D <WY Ei gm Em 0 Illta IIIII BEAVER ST. UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE To: Tony Graff, City Adnunistr or From: Joe Wywrot, City Engineer Subject: 1004 Sunset Avenue - PCC Driveway epair Date: March 16, 2004 Attached find a proposal from Willman& Groesch in the amount of$1725.00 to replace a section of concrete driveway apron at 1004 Sunset Ave. This driveway was damaged over the winter when a city watermain broke. Rather than having the city make the repair, the property owner (Ralph Pfister) has requested that we pay him and he will contract for the work. I have reviewed the estimate and feel that the cost is reasonable. Please place this item on tkre March 22, 2004 Public Works`Committee agenda for consideration. :✓ 1 9 3// Cc: Eric Dhuse, Director of Public Works Liz D'Anna, Deputy City Clerk Ralph Pfister -Mani - N •� - iil; 111 WILLMAN & GROESCH GENERAL CONTRACTORS 28 LAUREL COURT YORKVILLE, ILLINOIS, 60560 630-553-6535 CLIENT: RALPH PFIS 1'ER DATE: 3/10/04 ADDRESS: 1004 SUNSET AVE., YORKVILLE, ILL. PHNOE #: JOB LOCATION: 1004 SUNSET AVE., YORKVILLE, ILL. WE HEREBY PROPOSE TO PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING: MATERIAL &LABOR TO RESTORE CONCRE IE APPROACH, APPROX. 15' X 21' X 6" THICK. TOTAL PRICE: $1725.00 TERMS FOR PAYMENT SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS: UPON COMPLETION. THIS PROPOSAL MAY BE WITHDRAWN BY US IF NOT ACCEPTED WITHIN 30 DAYS. ACCEPTED BY: ?/2d/ 6/C ��Q/� ACCEPTED BY: FRANK R. WILLMAN -PARTNER DAZED: WILLMAN& GROESCH GENERAL CONTRACTORS UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE To: Tony Graff, City Administra or From: Joe Wywrot, City Engineer t ' Subject: Grande Reserve—Raw Watermain E Bement Date: March 18, 2004 Attached find a copy of the proposed raw watermain easement for the Grande Reserve development. This easement is needed to transport water from Well No. 9 to the water treatment facility at the Well No.8 site. EEI has reviewed the easement and recommended approval. Please place this item oil the Public Works Committee agenda of March 22, 2004 for review. Cc: Liz D'Anna, Deputy City Clerk GRANT OF EASEMENT FOR -- WATERMAIN - ,-\'\ TO THE i — E UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE .,6"2-1', .% -�. KENDALL COUNTY, ILLINOIS — — �� /i _ �— �— P I.N.-02-1,-300-007 0, i -- _- �— — PIN..02-14,00-007 uCri;5.towns .r oNT Face0 11 ,OF oL M„1-,,.4 Si 6eRL-. ek.,o o« w.-. �u _,o— - 42— N 02-14-100-002 -r P. — PNo2,,3S2-00, p NER RPA3 O _ �' -- II PIN-02154 -001 �� ice 0� v,� — .I, P N-02-1E-451-001 — i — s lit I �V1°°)1/jam/ �.��, ,sG /; k�0, — 1 / r" ,I1Im F,'-\1:11--., ; s , Iz I- I o)1J0k1H u3 4tl Ls, M,, s as ..L -s Iia I 1i F1'al S"ri 1 HIIN 1, . . SI ut , �,�, .�1L� L L u L._ 9 I�. u. I �„rv._L L .�L I CIII I I'IliiIll \ �' ,L_ ,,,< , , ' oel'01 I \I0 IIa--ff -II^ F I iii: 1 A tII I', iII1ILT 1 I NOTCH LINE AREA OF EASEMENT 142,483 SQ. Fl. ± 1.11CuIo lir _, -1 3.2710 AC. ` IT mes r rINC SHEET 1 OF 2 \ bill nssuMeo,He AF'LI A IL jI FOR a aloes nno*oe=_ r i IN--LI[-iv u i. C2@`d00A"E . 02-14 7 rl':. � VWATERMAI N PINP I N 02 15 477-0' P.I.N..02-15-4 1 0 TO THE UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE MATCH LINE KENDALL COUNTY ILLINOIS �I 1,11 r,„,, 4)1 1 1 I,I'I 1 —'4,', _ �. %. r z ,, H-z.,` aN_e ,.r ' ,��s� , o i �,o�- , 1 11111 1 1- 1 - II ,� tiF 11 e 5 I II ti / I -- --- - A %,, / /i ( �w ! � ,, X11/a � 1/i ,M P ,II F �// Z II / /, 1=ik, / ,' 1 VIII ��2 s /i ��/ I71 O �11 ,8,„;i8/ti 2. I \z5;111,11,,,,,, / s // . H. c z// 6, I I I1. I LiII IpQ. \ 1 �U- j j/ y �12-,-,(,;',.`/. �� 11 �' \, 6 / �;II � �� FOC Q' .�-'- i eta �Ii � F � 5 I , ILII �,, 02 iii = \\;a:',� ail„,(° � 5 p4\. µ - 1 41 I ; // // // / // ” ,`: I. rte, .r, .. � y/F - v ._ // 9 // IIFIT!Srt. F -t_— , rs . ._. 11 C1-1,,7 5 n: 03/18/2004 TIE 11:04 FAX 630 466 9380 EEInc, 001i001 • • 174 - 2. 0e4. ; 52 Wheeler Road • Sugar Grove, IL 605514 :'> TEL: 630 / 466-9360 Fez r FAX: Gab / 466-9380 lErrglraee.rirrg '1 r.rwitarmrpr613aNs, f, www.eeiweb.corn 30 YEARS OF ; EXCELLENCE January 18, 2004 • Mr. Joseph A. Wywrot, P.E. City Engineer United City of Yorkville 800 Game Farm Road Yorkville, IL 60560 Re: Grant of Easement, Raw Water Main from Well#9 to Well House and Treatment Facility, Grande Reserve, Yorkville, IL Dear Mr. VVywrot: We have reviewed the Plat of Easement for the referenced water main prepared by Midwest Technical Consultants, Inc., consisting of 2 sheets, with latest revision date of November (3, 2003, and offer the following comments. 1. All comments from our review letter dated November 3, 2003 have been satisfactorily addressed. 2. Once the developer has all other signatures on the Grant of Easement and delivers it '.0 the City, we recommend that the Mayor and City Clerk execute the City Approval and Acceptance Certificate and record the document. If you have any questions or comments regarding this review, or require any additional information, please contact our office. Sincerely, ...--J NGINEERING ENTERPRISES, INC. vi ( (,,( t /t.C..t Lir:— John T. Whitehouse, RE, P.L.S. (.,Iy Senior Project Manager pc: PGW/JWF, EEI Tim Winter, PDG @ 630-325-.5595 Brian Urban, P-E., CGL © 630-250-9644 Russ Olsen, MTC, Inc. via e-mail G:/PUBLIC\Yorkvill&2002\YUO215 Grande Reserve(MPI)\doc1I•.vywraI20.d,x, MINA ' A. Consulting Engineers Specializing in Civil Engineering and Land Surveying UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE To: Tony Graff, City Administrator , From: Joe Wywrot, City Engineer` l Subject: Results of Bid Opening—Ca onbBooster Station and South PRV Station Date: March 18, 2004 Bids were opened on March 18, 2004 at 11am at City Hall for the referenced projects. The Cannonball Booster/PRV Station is needed to create the north pressure zone that the new water towers at Rt.47/Galena and at Grande Reserve will serve. The South PRV Station will provide a return route for water from the new south zone where Raintree Village is located. These were originally scheduled to be bid as separate projects, but we decided to combine them in the hopes of getting better bids. The following bids were received: L. J. Dodd Construction $511,255.75 174 Harrison Street Oswego, Illinois 60543 Cecchin Plumbing&Heating $548,250.00 4N275 Cavalry Drive Bloomingdale, Illinois 60108 Seagren Construction $626,600.00 749 North State Street Hampshire, Illinois 60140 Engineer's Estimate $690,576.00 Engineering Enterprises will review the bids and make a recommendation by next Monday, March 22' . Please place this item on the Public Works Committee agenda of March 22, 2004 for review. _____._ Cc: Liz D'Anna, Deputy City Clerk