Public Works Packet 2004 06-28-04 0 United City of Yorkville County Seat of Kendall County EST 1 1836 800 Game Farm Road CO Yorkville, Illinois 60560 Q 10)"n Q Phone:630-553-4350 ",� x. �� Fax:630-553-7575 `4LE ‘v PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA Monday, June 28, 2004 7:00 PM City Hall Conference Room Revised: June 25, 2004 Approval/Correction of Minutes: January 26, 2004 and May 24, 2004 Presentations: None New Business: 1. Faxon Road Extension— Whispering Meadows to Rt. 47 2. Johnson Street Watermain— Landscape Repair 3. Drainage Issue - NE Corner Van Emmon& Main 4. WaterCad ClientCare Subscription 5. In-Town Road Program— Additional Services 6. Kylyn's Ridge Unit 1 — LOC Reduction #2 7. Kylyn's Ridge Unit 2 — LOC Reduction #1 8. Heartland Circle — LOC Reduction#1 9. Cannonball Trail Roadway Improvements — Results of Bid Opening 10. 2004 Joint & Crack Filling—Results of Bid Opening 11. River's Edge — South Pond Issues 12. Senior Drivers Safety Initiative Grant 13. Agreement with YBSD for Rob Roy Creek Interceptor 14. Parkway Trees New Business (con't): 15. Blackberry Creek USGS 16. Raymond Storm Sewer Outfall — EEI Engineering Agreement 17. Kennedy Road Reconstruction— Theidel Property—EEI Engineering Agreement Old Business: Additional Business: elDa -;@111M,171 , T United City of Yorkville esr.% —` 1836 County Seat of Kendall County 800 Game Farm Road �~= U) Yorkville, Illinois 60560 Q ��n \ Q Phone:630-553-4350 "n�.R�"" %.> Fax:6306-3505-35 553 7575 LE ‘‘' PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA Monday, June 28, 2004 7:00 PM City Hall Conference Room Approval/Correction of Minutes: January 26, 2004 Presentations: None New Business: 1. Faxon Road Extension— Whispering Meadows to Rt. 47 2. Johnson Street Watermain—Landscape Repair 3. Drainage Issue - NE Corner Van Emmon & Main 4. WaterCad ClientCare Subscription 5. In-Town Road Program — Additional Services 6. Kylyn's Ridge Unit 1 — LOC Reduction #2 7. Kylyn's Ridge Unit 2 — LOC Reduction#1 8. Heartland Circle — LOC Reduction #1 9. Cannonball Trail Roadway Improvements — Results of Bid Opening 10. 2004 Joint & Crack Filling— Results of Bid Opening 11. River's Edge — South Pond Issues 12. Senior Drivers Safety Initiative Grant 13. Agreement with YBSD for Rob Roy Creek Interceptor 14. Parkway Trees New Business (con't): 15. Blackberry Creek USGS 16. Raymond Storm Sewer Outfall — EEI Engineering Agreement 17. Kennedy Road Reconstruction— Theidel Property —EEI Engineering Agreement Old Business: Additional Business: UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEETING MONDAY,JANUARY 26, 2004 7:00 P.M. In Attendance: Mayor Art Prochaska Alderman Larry Kot Alderman Rich Sticka Alderman Marty Munns City Engineer Joe Wywrot Guests: Bill Nelson of Deuchler Approval/Corrections of Minutes: October 27,2003 and November 24,2004 These minutes were approved with corrections made. Presentations: Sewer Rate Study by Bill Nelson of Deuchler Bill Nelson explained to the committee that sewer rates are based on a flat fee of$18 per user, regardless of the amount of use. Deuchler took a look at expenses vs. the revenue and determined that they were not collecting enough to cover the expenses. They were also asked to look at connection fee for when a new building or home is constructed,which is the one time fee for tying into the system. This fee is to cover the cost associated with for providing that service. Mr.Nelson presented a system table of the 3 areas that they looked at. He said that they broke it down to a fee system in terms of a based fee plus a variable use fee. Anything above a certain threshold of usage,the user will pay additional fees for that additional use. That more equitable covers the cost and enables the City to distribute a greater share of that cost with those people who utilize more of the system. The billing is based on the water usage. There are some fixed costs and some variable costs associated with the system. A base fee is set up to cover the fixed costs. A small portion of that variable cost is with the base fee being$18 per 2 month billing period. The base fee basically reflects what people are used to seeing for a bill right now. The variable fee the amount charged over and above the threshold limit. Mr.Nelson said that they have 3 alternatives which all have a base fee of$18 but they vary that threshold limit as to how much usage is included with in that base fee before they start paying an additional fee. As they vary that threshold then it also varies the amount of users pay per 100 cubic feet beyond the threshold limit. Mr.Nelson pointed out that in the comments column of the packet they are also varying how much of the capital improvements are being funded by the user fees as opposed to the connection fee. It begins to balance it self out as the increase of the user fee goes up there is less that needs to be funded by the connection fee. As typical total fee goes up, through alternative B and C then the connection fee is going down. Fees are made up by fixed fee portions of expenses and variable expenses. Fixed fees include debt service on the existing low interest loans from the State of Illinois. They also show a column for rehab which is programmed rehabilitation of the existing system. There is a total cost of $247,000 per year.These costs are projected out over the next 5 years and then averaged for the years 2004 tO 2008. The number of users is also projected out with a growth rate of 500 new users per year over the 5 year period. This establishes the average number of users to 4,870.Dividing the total costs by the total number of users,they came up with a fixed expense of about $52.92 per year per user. When divided out into the 6th billing cycle it comes out to$8.49 per billing cycle in fixed expenses alone. The variable fee portion the billable use projected out an average of over the 5 year period is 53 million cubic feet per year. 0 and M expenses in last year's budget then projected forward and assuming a 4% inflation rate is projected to be about$245,000 per year. The Capital Improvements portions are those that need to be funded by the user fees. In this case the costs will come up to$156,000 per year.That includes things like the SSES Study, other Capital Projects and miscellaneous improvements. The projects totaled up to $156,000. That gives the total of the variable portion assuming the billable usage of 53 million cubic feet. That gives a total of$402,000 per year. Dividing that total by the billable use it comes out to$.07 per cubic feet of usage. Projecting that out to 100 cubic feet comes out $.76 per 100 cubic feet The base usage allowance would 1,254 cubic feet if they were including a base fee$18. Over and above that they would charge for it. If the typical average user uses 1,815 cubic feet, they would be billed for 561 cubic feet during that 2 month billing cycle. At the rate of$.76 per hundred cubic feet that comes to $4.26 additional charge over and above the base fee of$18 which gives the typical users fee of$22.25. Mr. Nelson said that by using that formula that is how they were able to arrive at that fee and also with the amount of$26.10 for alternative B and then $28.24 for alternative C. Alderman Kot asked how long has it been since the money they have been collecting not been covering the expenses of usage. City Engineer Joe Wywrot answered that in the last user study done in 1997 that they discovered they were behind when user fees were$12 per 2 month billing period. The General Fund was subsidizing the costs of maintaining the sewer system. He said that the increase amount they had come up to at that time was in the low 20's but felt it would be such a large increase that there was no way politically that they could raise the fee. Instead they opted for a 50% increase of$6, and that is where they got the fee of$18 that they are paying today. Public Works Director Eric Dhuse pointed out that they also have to include projects that were factored in such as the Bruell Street project and the SSES. Alderman Kot asked how the new connection fee compares to what other communities are paying for their fees. Mr.Wywrot said that each towns system is unique unto itself. It is either very old or very new. The cost to maintain the systems varies. Our costs are based on what our system is and what shape it is in. Alderman Kot pointed out that although that might be the case that developers do look at these fees and that could determine where they might want to go. He thought that they might have to take a look at what other towns are doing in order to stay competitive. Alderman Richard Sticka stated that he had a problem with the variable rate. He said thought that most of the increase and usage happens during the summer months when people water their lawns and not one drop of that water goes into the sewers. He mentioned that he has a sprinkler system and it will irritate him to watch his sewer rate go up when he is water his lawn. He is not the only person that has a sprinkler system and feels others might be irritated by it as well. He feels if the sewer use is going to be based on how much water people are using, there will many that will complain about it. He said that he would be one of them. He thought this could be done by using 2 meters then make a calculation. The water that goes through the sprinkler system does not go through the sewer system. He pointed out that there are communities that do that. This way costs could be balanced out so that people aren't being unfairly billed for paying for a sewer service that they aren't even getting. Mr. Nelson mentioned that some communities provide an allowance of so much that is based on an estimate that the user is using. Mostly they see that for people who have swimming pools. Alderman Sticka also pointed out that new development is paying for the upgrade and maintenance of the old part of Yorkville and isn't likely that the new sewer systems that are being put in the new developments will need a lot of maintenance for the next 20 or 30 years. Mr. Wywrot pointed out that the connection fee would need to be based on future growth and not the current new development that is going on now since they are already locked in on the current connection fee. Mayor Prochaska said that they would need to speak with Attorney Dan Kramer about that to get accurate information. He thinks that the connection fees are an exception in this case. Alderman Kot asked Mr.Nelson to find out how much of the General Fund was being used to cover these costs. He asked to also find out what other communities are charging for connection fees. Mr. Nelson suggested finding what their usage rates are also. This item will come back to the next Public Works meeting on February 23, 2004. NEW BUSINESS: Sign at Van Emmon& Heustis Alderman Kot reported that at the Public Safety Committee has been concerned about the number of accidents at the intersection on Van Emmon Street and Heustis Street. There are very large stop signs on Van Emmon and Heustis has the right of way yet there are still accidents there. He mentioned a roll over accident that happened there 6 weeks ago. The neighbors in that area are concerned also. Public Safety is looking at into a couple of alternatives to improve the awareness of the signs. Public Works Director Eric Dhuse recommended that they should try solar lights on the signs as opposed to electric because it would be less expensive. The electric ones would need more maintenance. Right now the signs are 48 inches. If they were to go with the solar flashing signs it would go down to 38 inches. Alderman Kot recommended that if they can get the signs in the budget then they would like to put them up. Mr. Dhuse said that he would get back to Alderman Kot as soon as he gets information. No action needed on this item. Engineering Department—Additional Personnel Mr. Wywrot stated that as part of the Grand Reserve Annexation Agreement there is funding budgeted for an addition engineering technician. With all of the new development coming in a need for the additional engineering technician is there. Mr. Wywrot recommends posting the position in house first, and if no one expresses an interest then they will advertise in the local papers. This item will go to COW on February 3,2004. Water Report for November 2003 Mr. Dhuse recommended approval for this report. This item will go to COW on February 3, 2004. Route 34 and Game Farm Road Traffic Signal—Change Order#4 Mr. Wywrot reported that the signal has been operating for a year. He said that this was the final balancing change order. It is an NFT project with IDOT. It is a decrease of$3,200. He recommended approval. This item will go to COW on February 3, 2004. Meter Repairs Report Mr. Dhuse stated that everything is going well with the repairs and no longer needed to be on the agenda. The committee agreed. This item will be removed from the agenda. York Meadows—Plat of Easement Mr. Dhuse recommended approval for this easement. This item will go to COW on February 3, 2004. 101 E. Somonauk—Sidewalk Agreement Mr. Dhuse stated that this was for a home that was rezoned last year to business use and a realtor is moving into it. They will be adding a parking lot and there was an issue of a sidewalk along Route 47. It would be useless for them to put in a sidewalk because of IDOT's future road projects. They have signed an agreement with IDOT. It will be a recorded document when the City Council approves it. He recommends approval. This item will go to COW on February 3, 2004. Menard's Commercial Commons—Final Acceptance Mr. Wywrot said that the only items remaining on the punch list are landscape related. Menard's has acknowledged this. There are some items that still need to be resolved. There is a destroyed street light pole that they need to reimburse the City for and the record drawings need to be straightened out. He recommends this item going to COW following the completion of the last 2 items. This item will be on a future COW. Pubic Works—Additional Personnel Mr. Dhuse stated that this item is to let all the Department Heads know of tentative hiring schedules and positions they would like to hire. This all depends on what is in the budget. Alderman Marty Munns asked what levels were a Plant Operator and Maintenance Worker. Mr. Dhuse said that Maintenance Worker 1 is at the bottom, next would be Maintenance Worker 2, then Operator, and then Foreman. A superintendent would do mostly technical work which includes book and field work. Alderman Kot asked if the Building Maintenance worker would be for all City buildings. Mr. Dhuse said yes. Mr. Dhuse felt that a cleaning crew should also be under the building maintenance and Public Works. These are things they are looking at for the 04—05 Fiscal Year. No action is needed for this item. Facilities Expansion Mr. Dhuse stated that they would like to add a 20 x 54 extension on the north end of the Public Works facility. This will help tie them over until they can finish the facilities master plan. Alderman Kot asked if the facility would still be in use after they get the new Public Works facility. Mr. Dhuse said it would be of use because of the Water Treatment Plant. This will allow more room for storing equipment that isn't used every day. He said that he will get total figures on how much the extension would cost and also the layout print done by EEI. Mr. Dhuse's second request was for the committee to consider purchasing land for Public Works. He said that they need to think about it in an expedient manner. He said they are looking for an industrial zone site,with possibly 12 acres. Alderman Sticka asked what all would be on the site. Mr. Dhuse said that there will be a Public Works garage, all the material storage, salt storage, office space and water billing. He said that both Parks and Public Works want to keep close so that they can share equipment so that nothing would need to be duplicated. The committee voiced concerns about not only how much space Public Works might need but also the other departments. Mr. Dhuse said that he could make of sketch of the amount of space he thinks Public Works might need and bring it back to the next Public Works meeting. This item will come back to the next Public Works meeting on February 23, 2004. Wearing Apparel—Public Works/Engineering Mr. Dhuse explained that the 11 sets of pants and sweatshirts they are looking to rent would be used in rotation. They would use 5 one week and then 5 the next,then one for spare. Alderman Kot asked Mr. Dhuse if he was satisfied with the amount. Mr. Dhuse said yes, and that he wants to have the employees wearing clothing that have the City of Yorkville on them. Alderman Munns thought that it would be good to have all the same type of clothing. Mr. Dhuse said that they will be the same in type and in color. Mr. Wywrot said that their situation would be the same. No action needed on this item. City Hall Emergency Generator—Maintenance Contract Mr. Wywrot stated that this contract is with the same company they've used since the building has been occupied. The current maintenance contract is expired and needs to be renewed. He said that it is a 2 year contract with a total cost over the 2 year period of$2,814.24. The contract does describe what the service provides. The company is based out of Schererville, Indiana. He said that he could try to get other proposals as the committee felt that the company's fee was expensive. Alderman Kot asked if the building maintenance man could do the maintenance on the generator. Mr. Dhuse said that he would ask, but with the contract comes the emergency support if they should need it which also gives a peace of mind. The building maintenance guy could probably change the oil and do the cleaning of the generator but might not know the circuitry of it. He said that he could look into seeing if there is a company that is located closer that might be able to provide the service. This item will come back to the next Public Works meeting on February 23, 2004. Rob Roy Creek Flood Study—Supplemental Agreement Mr. Wywrot stated that both he and Attorney Dan Kramer are recommending this supplemental study. The original scope of work did not identify this branch of Rob Roy Creek. It basically follows the path of 2 existing field tiles. He said that the area does still carry quite a bit of water during heavy rain. He mentioned that it was about$38,000 to study this and the City Council did approve of it but said they were not going to spend any money out of pocket, and that the developers would have to pay the bill. Since that time City Administrator Tony Graff has been trying to get these developers to pay for it. He has received some developers like Inland who said that they would pay for their share, but do not want to pay for more than their share. No one else has come forward. The result to that is that the entire study is at a halt. He said that they needed to get going on the study. Alderman Kot asked how much money was committed to it. Mr. Wywrot said that Mr. Graff thought it would be about$10,000.The rest will be a long term process. Mr. Wywrot recommends letting EEI proceed with the study work. He said that they did indicate that they could hold off on billing until after May 1, 2004 if it would help. He would get a confirmation on that before it went off to COW. Alderman Sticka asked if Mr. Wywrot thought that they could recapture all of the costs. Mr. Wywrot said that he thought that they could. He said the way to do it is to set the recapture rate higher so that the money is received at a reasonable period of time. Alderman Kot asked if the$38,000 has been included in the budget to cover costs. Mr. Wywrot said that they would have to budget for it, but thinks that Mr. Graff might have put it in the mid year budget of proposed revisions or in the new budget starting May 1, 2004. Mr. Wywrot recommended sending this item to COW. This item will go to COW on February 3,2004. NEW BUSINESS: Vacating Ashe Road No action needed for this item. Mill and Van Emmon Water Main Improvements Mr. Wywrot stated that this item regards the south watermain project that took place this last summer that took longer than everyone had hoped. Mayor Prochaska wanted a report from EEI describing what went wrong to cause such a delay with the completion of the project and what can be done to keep it from happening again. EEI came up with a very thorough day to day report of what happened and what took place. A conclusion was reached that there were several delays that were beyond the contractors control for instance the River Front Festival,there were some miss marked gas mains, surprise findings on Van Emmon. There were some delays caused by the contractors that included not enough work force and equipment that needed to be used for other various reasons. EEI did come up with some recommendations but Mr. Wywrot felt that they might not want to institute any of them. He thought they could come up with a penalty bonus clause in the contract that would penalize them for completing projects late. It might also require giving them a bonus if the project is completed on time. They could also split the project up and bid it out as two separate projects. Alderman Kot asked if whether or not this type of situation of delayed projects would weigh in on future bids. Mr.Wyrot said that they would need to ask Attorney Kramer about that. Alderman Sticka thought that they should have the right to refuse a bid based upon passed experience with that company. This item will go to COW on February 3, 2004. OLD BUSINESS: Director of Public Works Salary Survey Mr. Dhuse said that the study on this survey would be up in March. Alderman Kot felt that they should move ahead with this and go out and do some local surveys. He said that if March approaches and they have municipal information then great, if not then they have something they can use to base their decision on. Alderman Munns agreed. Mr. Dhuse said that he would check into the other communities and surveys. This item will come back to the next Public Works meeting on February 23, 2004. Subdivision Ordinance Revisions Mr. Wywrot stated that one issue they would like to look at is dark sky lighting. His concern is that with new development and the glowing of the lights like at Menard's, that eventually we will not be able to see the stars at night. He asked the committee if they would like to do something with dark sky lighting. He passed out a memo and explained that if the committee wanted to consider an ordinance for dark sky lighting then they have some language that they could consider using for it. The committee agreed to consider passing a single ordinance. Mayor Prochaska felt that they would need more information on how to write up the ordinance. Mr. Wywrot recommended sending this item to COW on February 17, 2004. Proposed Wetlands Ordinance This item was tabled. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: Security at the North Water Tower Alderman Kot asked about the status of the security at the North Water Tower. Mr. Dhuse stated that there is a fence that is planned in the contract for spring. It will eventually have an alarm installed by Wire Wizard. Easements for the Watermains Mayor Prochaska asked about the status of the watermains. Mr. Wywrot said that the key easements have been recorded. He said that the direction to direct the truck officer was signed with the Hughes easement. Beyond that he is not aware of any further progress. He said they had received some response from EEI but have not heard back from Inland. Mayor Prochaska expressed concern about rerouting the watermain line around Undesser in the right of way. He said that if the City needs to do that they will do it regardless of the disagreements between Undesser and Ocean Pacific. He strongly felt that they would not allow a developer to hold up the watermain project. He asked Mr. Wywrot to find out what it will take to get the easement from IDOT.Mayor Prochaska pointed out that they have an agreement with Undesser stating that if the City needs an easement from them they are suppose to give it to the City. The only other option is to go to the courts and make them comply. He said that Attorney Kramer did tell him that there might be a problem with that because they have a contract with the developer. If it comes time when they want to come and develop then the City will tell them that they need to move the water line. Mr. Wywrot said he would speak to Mr. Graff about the Mayor's concerns in the morning. Game Farm Road Alderman Munns asked the committee who owns responsibility for Gamer Farm Road. Mayor Prochaska said that it is a combination of the City and the Township. Mr. Dhuse said that the Public Works maintains the road. There was a judicial transfer in the 80's from Township to the City. Alderman Munns voiced concerns about the road and how difficult it is to get in and out of the school parking lots. Mayor Prochaska said that the City is trying to get grant money to help pay for improvements to the road since it will be very expensive to do it. He said that Mr. Wywrot found a grant by going through the City Council of Mayors. It would cover 75%of the costs. The plan is to make it a 3 lane road. They are also looking at getting some addition help with funding because it is so expensive. Meeting adjourned: 9:10 p.m. Minutes by Theresa Brady Page 1 of 6 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEETING CITY HALL CONFERENCE ROOM May 24, 2004 7:00 P.M. ELECTED OFFICIALS PRESENT: CITY STAFF PRESENT: Alderman Marty Munns City Engineer Joe Wywrot Alderman Rich Sticka Public Works Director Eric Dhuse Mayor Art Prochaska(arrived 8:03) GUESTS: See attached. MINUTES City Engineer Joe Wywrot noted an error on the February 23, 2004 minutes, page 4, the last paragraph. The corrected acronym should read NPDES. Mr. Wywrot also noted a correction on page 7, first paragraph under Additional Business. GIS stands for Graphic Information System. The minutes were approved with corrections. The minutes from the March 22, 2004 meeting were also approved. PRESENTATIONS Fox Lawn Flooding Residents from Fox Lawn were in attendance to discuss flooding to their area on May 13 and 14, 2004. Mr. Wywrot explained that he went out to the site to investigate what may have caused the flooding. He stated that after his physical examination, he went back to the USGS maps to determine tributary areas. He indicated that there are two streams that drain the area which are on either side of the Fox Lawn subdivision. He stated that his investigation indicated that a massive amount of water entered the one creek from the southwest, at the end of Poplar Drive. Mr. Wywrot also investigated the detention area of Sunflower Estates and Greenbriar Subdivision. He explained where the overflow from their detention areas goes and neither should have affected Fox Lawn. He did indicate that there was debris blocking an area of one of the creeks which may have caused water to build up in a"saddle" of low area and this possibly could have spilled over to Fox Lawn. Mr. Wywrot explained that the surrounding 1100 acres of land is unincorporated and undeveloped. Because of this, there is no opportunity to address storm water management. If and when the property develops, the City or County's storm water ordinances will apply and limit the amount of discharge. To alleviate this happening in the future, he suggested either taking the drainage away or redirecting it but this needs to be investigated further. Page 2 of 6 There was discussion with the residents present regarding the extent of the flooding, storm water management, the affect of storm water from neighboring subdivisions, flooding of Fox Road, storm intensity, River's Edge subdivision accepting storm water runoff from Fox Lawn. After much discussion, it was suggested to change the closed lid to an open lid on the sewer in Fox Lawn that connects to River's Edge's drainage and block the drain pipe that runs west. Hopefully this will divert the runoff to the stream that runs west of River's Edge to the Fox River. Alderman Munns asked Mr. Wywrot to develop a list of possible solutions to the problem and bring it back to the June 28, 2004 Public Works Committee meeting. NEW BUSINESS Liberty Street Watermain—Change Order No. 1 Mr. Wywrot stated that the change order for$43,110.30 is the first and final change order for this project. There were 35 adjustments to line items in the original contract due to a variety of reasons. There were 16 adjustments for extra work items for things that needed to be performed that were not originally anticipated. Mr. Wywrot recommended the change order be approved and the Committee agreed. This item will be placed on the June 1, 2004 COW meeting consent agenda. Water Department reports for March 2004 & April 2004 The Committee reviewed the Water Reports. There were no concerns or questions. This item will be placed on the June 1, 2004 COW meeting consent agenda Savitski Property—Letter of Credit Mr. Wywrot explained that the Letter of Credit(LOC) for this property has been extended twice before and is currently due to expire on June 30, 2004. He stated some work has been done on the property (on Route 34 and Eldamain Road) however it has not been finished. Mr. Wywrot contacted Mrs. Savitski on May 12, 2004 and asked that she extend the LOC and she stated she would do this. As of today, the City has not received it so Mr. Wywrot suggested beginning the process of calling the LOC in case it is not extended. There was some discussion on how to get the Savitski's to finish the work. This item will be placed on the June 1, 2004 COW meeting consent agenda Well#7 Well House & Treatment Facility Mr. Wywrot reported that the change order was for both increases and decreases for items such as installing two chart recorders, changing the location of an electrical cabinet and increasing the size of the water service. The net increase is $5,202.93. There were no comments or questions from the Committee. This item will be placed on the June 1, 2004 COW meeting consent agenda. Page 3 of 6 Grande Reserve—ComEd Easements Mr. Wywrot reported that there are two proposed easements across the ComEd right-of- way needed for watermains. The developer is paying all the fees and have done all the foot work. There were no comments or questions from the Committee. This item will be placed on the June 1, 2004 COW meeting consent agenda. Foxfield Unit 2—Final Acceptance Mr. Wywrot stated that this development is located at the north end of Teri Lane. The punchlist work is complete and he recommended that the City accept the public improvements and that the LOC be reduced to $3,046.62. There were no comments or questions from the Committee. This item will be placed on the June 1, 2004 COW meeting consent agenda. In-Town Road Program—Policy Decisions Mr. Wywrot reported that the City has received the preliminary plans from Smith Engineering for the In-Town Road Program and some issues have been identified that require direction from the Council. The Committee discussed the issues: o Aggregate Shoulder Width —There are many locations where the street shoulder width is wider than standard. The proposed plan calls for a 2' standard shoulder width. It has been questioned if the existing width should be maintained or the standard used. Mr. Wywrot recommended that the standard be used because of the lower cost, appearance and parkway culverts. The Committee discussed different options to address this with residents. After some discussion, the Committee agreed that a standard shoulder should be used however they were concerned about how residents might like this. It was decided to discuss this further with the full Council at the next COW meeting. o Street Width—Currently, Center Street in front of Parkview School has curbing along the aggregate shoulder. The plan calls for a drop off zone on the north side of the street and nothing on the south side. Mr. Wywrot recommended keeping the lane on the north side and eliminating it on south. Director of Public Works Eric Dhuse commented that he would maintain the shoulder for parking because of events held in Town Square Park. Parking in the area was discussed. After some discussion, the Committee agreed to maintain the standard of a 2'shoulder on the south side of the street. o Driveway Aprons—This is a two-stage project, driveways will be disturbed in the fall for storm sewers and again in the spring when the roads are done. Mr. Wywrot recommended, in an effort to minimize cost,that the disturbed driveways be left as aggregate over the winter and replaced in the spring. The Committee discussed communicating this with the affected residents. After some discussion, the Committee agreed to Mr. Wywrot's recommendation. o Parkway Culverts—The project includes parkway grading to create roadside swales and driveway culverts. Mr. Wywrot stated that this is not a policy question but rather an"FYI" to the Council. The Committee discussed the need for the swales and culverts for stormwater management. Page 4 of 6 This item will be placed on the June 1, 2004 COW meeting regular agenda. Request from Wiseman-Hughes— Sanitary Sewer Connection Fee—Credit Toward Oversizing Hydraulic Interceptor—Windett Ridge Project Mr. Wywrot reported that Administrator Graff has placed this item on the agenda and he was not that familiar with it. According to a letter sent to Mr. Graff dated May 14, 2004, Wiseman-Hughes prepaid $1,800.00/lot for the sewer connection fee at the time of final platting. The total fee is $2,000.00/lot. They also paid an additional $170,000.00 to the City which is to be repaid back to them within ten years. They are now requesting that rather that pay the remaining $200.00/lot at permitting, they reduce the $170,000.00 recapture by $200/lot or to $114,600.00. The committee questioned how the development agreement with Wiseman-Hughes addressed this. Mr. Dhuse suggested moving this item on to the COW meeting with further explanation from Mr. Graff. The Committee agreed. This item will be placed on the June 1, 2004 COW meeting regular agenda. Joint Purchase with Parks Department of Toro 400-D Lawnmower Mr. Dhuse reported that the Public Works Department and the Parks&Recreation Department are combining resources to purchase a new lawnmower. This is a budgeted line item. The cost of the mower is $40,857.27 and the cost will be distributed as such; $15,000.00 from Park& Recreation Capital (line item mower), $21,000.00 from Public Works Capital (line item mower) and $4,857.27 from Public Works Capital (line item reserve). The mower will be purchased through a federal government purchasing program called GSA. The old mower will be used at the Hoover facility. There were no comments or questions from the Committee. This item will be placed on the June 1, 2004 COW meeting regular agenda. 2004 Public Sidewalk Repairs—Bid Results Mr. Wywrot reported that there hasn't been much public response this year. He noted that the program will cover the replacement of the diagonal sidewalk in Town Square Park, construction of a new sidewalk on the north side of Fox Road from State Street to Morgan Street and five residents' sidewalks. The low bidder was R.A.Ubert Construction at $30,860.00. He recommended that they be awarded the contract for the project. The Committee agreed. This item will be placed on the June 1, 2004 COW meeting consent agenda. 2004 Asphalt Surface Treatment—Bid Results Mr. Wywrot reported that the program will treat streets in Fox Hill and the Yorkville Business Center. The low bidder was CAM, LLC at $32,762.66 and he recommended that they be awarded the bid. The Committee agreed. This item will be placed on the June 1, 2004 COW meeting consent agenda. Page 5 of 6 Cannonball Trail Project—Update Mr. Wywrot reported that $100,000.00 was budgeted however the cost estimate is $171,000.00. He explained that the cost has increased because the pavement has deteriorated significantly so it is recommended to heat-scarify the existing pavement, there are two culverts and guardrail that need to be replaced and one field tile that needs to be abandoned. There is currently $150,000.00 budgeted in the general fund for this project and the asphalt treatment project. The asphalt treatment bid was $37,000.00 and the City agreed to participate with Bristol Township in the Corneils Road project at a cost of$11,000.00. This leaves a balance of$102,000.00 for the Cannonball Trail Project. The scope of the project could be reduced by eliminating the culvert and guardrail replacement and the tile abandonment. This still leaves the project short $41,000.00. Mr. Wywrot recommended that the project be bid out to determine the funds needed for the project. Mr. Wywrot also reported that an easement is needed from the Gilbert's in order to do the culvert replacement. Mr. Wywrot spoke with Mr. Gilbert regarding this and he wants to see the work done. He asked for two things in exchange for the easement; that the landscaping around the booster station south of his property be placed on the outside of the fence and that an 8' plastic tile be extended to the soggy spot on his property so it will drain better. Mr. Wywrot stated that ten years ago when the water and sewer was put in, an old tile may have been broken that caused the soggy area. Mr. Gilbert has not asked for any other consideration for the easement. The Committee agreed that there is no action to be taken until after bids are received for the project. Heartland Circle/Bruell Lift Station— Sanitary Sewer Alternative Plan Mr. Wywrot stated that since the City has not been able to reach an agreement with Dale Woodworth regarding a site and easements for the lift station, the City needs to look for an alternative plan. The development agreement with Richard Marker allows him to construct a pump station on his site. The lift stations at Woodworth and Gawne will also need to be upgraded. Mayor Prochaska noted that the two stations can be rebuilt for less than what Mr. Woodworth is asking for the property for the Bruell Station site. The committee discussed the possible costs involved with rebuilding the existing lift stations. This item will be placed on the June 1, 2004 COW meeting regular agenda for further discussion. OLD BUSINESS None. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS Auger System Mr. Dhuse reported that the Public Works Department was looking into purchasing an auger system for maintaining road shoulder gravel and budgeted it as a specific line item in the Capital Fund. After further research, it was determined that they could do without Page 6 of 6 the auger system but could use an attachment for the skidsteer which spreads gravel uniformly. The attachment cost is$6,250.00 instead of$9,000.00 for the auger system. He asked for permission to change the line item to use toward the grader attachment. The Committee agreed. This item will be placed on the June 1, 2004 COW meeting regular agenda for further discussion. Disposal of Property Mr. Dhuse stated that when the new jetter/vacuum truck was purchased, the bid included an allowance for the current jetter for$4,000.00. He stated that to complete the transaction he needs formal approval to dispose of the property. While this is being addressed, he asked that the disposal of other items such as specific vehicles and equipment also be addressed. The committee agreed. This item will be placed on the June 1, 2004 COW meeting regular agenda for further discussion. River's Edge Street Lights Mayor Prochaska reported that the street light at Stony Creek and Windham Circle has never been on. Mr. Dhuse stated that there has been a problem in the subdivision with ComEd not running power to the box. He stated he would check into this. Raintree Village Temporary ComEd Easement Mr. Wywrot reported that a temporary easement is needed to get power to Units 2 and 3 of the subdivision. He stated that he will be drafting a memo and diagram for the Council and asked that this be discussed at the next COW meeting. This item will be placed on the June 1, 2004 COW meeting consent agenda. Fox Hill SSA Alderman Munns stated that he has had two calls regarding the Special Service Area (SSA). He explained to the residents that either an SSA or Homeowner's Association (HOA) was needed to maintain the open space. He stated that residents still don't understand the reasoning behind the SSA. Berenyi Excavating Alderman Sticka asked why there was excavating being done at the Berenyi Auto Sales location on Route 47. Mr. Dhuse and Mr. Wywrot explained that the old gas tanks were being excavated. There was no other additional business. The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 P.M. Minutes submitted by Jackie Milschewski, City Clerk 52 Wheeler Road • Sugar Grove, IL 60554 TEL: 630 / 466-9350 FAX: 630 / 466-9380 www.eeiweb.com May 10, 2004 Mr. Tony Graff City Administrator United City of Yorkville 800 Game Farm Road Yorkville, IL 60560 Re: Faxon Road Extension, Whispering Meadows to Illinois Route 47 Engineering Services Proposal United City of Yorkville Kendall County, IL Dear Mr. Graff: Thank you for the opportunity to submit the attached Engineering Proposal for professional engineering services for the above referenced project. The first 3 pages of a standard IDOT Agreement for Preliminary/Construction Engineering Services (BLR 4303) as modified and as noted, are attached for defining the scope of services and the associated engineering design costs. Included in the cost and as a part of the design, is the preparation of an Intersection Design Study (IDS) which will be required by the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) for the intersection of Faxon Road with Illinois Route 47. Further, since the majority of the topographic survey was completed under a previous and separate service agreement, consideration was provided in the proposed design fee for that segment of the engineering work. Soil borings will be provided by a subconsultant and that cost (estimated to be $3000.00) will be in addition to the quoted lump sum design fee. Upon review and approval of the scope of work and fee, a complete agreement using the full standard IDOT Agreement (BLR 4303) will be prepared and submitted for the City's approval and signature. G:\Public\Yorkville\2003\Y00327 Faxon Road Plats of Dedication\docs\Igraff02.doc Consulting Engineers Specializing in Civil Engineering and Land Surveying We look forward to working with your office, the City Council and City Staff on this most exciting and necessary project. Should you have any questions, please give call me at your convenience, 630/466-9350. Respectfully submitted, ENGINEERING ENTERPRISES, INC. 44 ( ' , (&01---- ____, John T. Whitehouse, P.E., P.L.S. Senior Project Manager w/enclosure cc: Joe Wywrot, P.E. City Engineer JWF/RGN, EEI G:\Public\Yorkville\2003\Y00327 Faxon Road Plats of Dedication\docs\Igraff02.doc Municipality L Name Illinois Department United City of Yorkville C of Transportation O Engineering Enterprises, Inc. • Township A N Address Bristol S 52 Wheeler Road Preliminary/Construction U County A Engineering Services L City Kendall E Agreement T Sugar Grove N For A Section C Motor Fuel Tax Funds T State Faxon Road Extension y IL THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this day of May , 2004 between the above Local Agency(LA)and Consultant (ENGINEER)and covers certain professional engineering services in connection with the improvement of the above SECTION. Motor Fuel Tax Funds, allotted to the LA by the State of Illinois under the general supervision of the State Department of Transportation, hereinafter called the "DEPARTMENT", will be used entirely or in part to finance ENGINEERING services as described under AGREEMENT PROVISIONS. Section Description Name Faxon Road Route N/A Length 1,400 LF .26 Miles)(Structure No. Termini Faxon Road from a point 1,400 feet west of IL Route 47 to IL Route 47. Description Construct 1,400 If of 39' B.to B., full depth superpave bituminous concrete urban pavement section with B-6.12 C & G; 12" and 18" RCP storm sewer; 2,800 If 5" P.C.C. sidewalk (5'); earth excavation, street lighting, striping, miscellaneous appurtenances, landscaping, erosion control, topsoil, seed and mulch. Agreement Provisions The Engineer Agrees, 1. To perform or be responsible for the performance of the following engineering services for the LA in connection with the proposed improvement herein before described, and checked below: a. ® Make such detailed surveys as are necessary for the preparation of detailed roadway plans. b. ❑ Make stream and flood plain hydraulic surveys and gather high water data and flood histories for the preparation of detailed bridge plans. c. ❑ Make or cause to be made such soil surveys or subsurface investigations including borings and soil profiles and analyses thereof as may be required to furnish sufficient data for the design of the proposed improvement. Such investigations are to be made in accordance with the current requirements of the DEPARTMENT. d. ❑ Make or cause to be made such traffic studies and counts and special intersection studies as may be required to furnish sufficient data for the design of the proposed improvement. * e. ® Prepare Army Corps of Engineers Permit, Division of Water Resources Permit, Bridge waterway sketch and/or Channel Change sketch, Utility plan and locations and Railroad Crossing work agreements. f. ❑ Prepare Preliminary Bridge Design and Hydraulic Report, (including economic analysis of bridge or culvert types) and high water effects on roadway overflows and bridge approaches. * Only applicable if more than an IDS is required. BLR 4303(Rev. 9/97) Page 1 of 5 g. ® Make complete general and detailed plans, special provisions, proposals and estimates of cost and furnish the LA with five (5)copies of the plans, special provisions, proposals and estimates. Additional copies of any or all documents, if required shall be furnished to the LA by the ENGINEER at his actual cost for reproduction. h. ® Furnish the LA with survey and drafts in quadruplicate of all necessary right-of-way dedications, construction easements and borrow pit and channel change agreements including prints of the corresponding plats and staking as required. i. ® Assist the LA in the receipt and evaluation of proposals and the awarding of the construction contract. j. ® Furnish or cause to be furnished: (1) Proportioning and testing of concrete mixtures in accordance with the "Manual of Instructions for Concrete Proportioning and Testing" issued by the Bureau of Materials and Physical Research, of the DEPARTMENT and promptly submit reports on forms prepared by said Bureau. (2) Proportioning and testing of bituminous mixtures (including extracting test) in accordance with the "Manual of Instructions for Bituminous Proportioning and Testing" issued by the Bureau of Materials and Physical Research, of the DEPARTMENT, and promptly submit reports on forms prepared by said Bureau. (3) All compaction tests as required by the specifications and report promptly the same on forms prepared by the Bureau of Materials and Physical Research. (4) Quality and sieve analyses on local aggregates to see that they comply with the specifications contained in the contract. (5) Inspection of all materials when inspection is not provided at the sources by the Bureau of Materials and Physical Research, of the DEPARTMENT and submit inspection reports to the LA and the DEPARTMENT in accordance with the policies of the said DEPARTMENT. k. ® Furnish or cause to be furnished (1) A resident engineer, inspectors and other technical personnel to perform the following work: (The number of such inspectors and other technical personnel required shall be subject to the approval of the LA.) a. Continuous observation of the work and the contractor's operations for compliance with the plans and specifications as construction proceeds, but the ENGINEER does not guarantee the performance of the contract by the contractor. b. Establishment and setting of lines and grades. c. Maintain a daily record of the contractor's activities throughout construction including sufficient information to permit verification of the nature and cost of changes in plans and authorized extra work. d. Supervision of inspectors, proportioning engineers and other technical personnel and the taking and submitting of material samples. e. Revision of contract drawings to reflect as built conditions. f. Preparation and submission to the LA in the required form and number of copies, all partial and final payment estimates, change orders, records and reports required by the LA and the DEPARTMENT. 2. That all reports, plans, plats and special provisions to be furnished by the ENGINEER pursuant to this agreement will be in accordance with the current standard specifications and policies of the DEPARTMENT, it being understood that all such reports, plats, plans and drafts shall before being finally accepted, be subject to approval by the LA and the said DEPARTMENT. 3. To attend conferences at any reasonable time when requested to do so by the LA or representatives of the DEPARTMENT. 4. In the event plans, surveys or construction staking are found to be in error during the construction of the SECTION and revisions of the plans or survey or construction staking corrections are necessary, the ENGINEER agrees that he will perform such work without expense to the LA, even though final payment has been received by him. He shall give immediate attention to these changes so there will be a minimum delay to the contractor. 5. The basic survey notes and sketches, charts, computations and other data prepared or obtained by the ENGINEER pursuant to this agreement will be made available upon request to the LA or the DEPARTMENT without cost and without restriction or limitations as to their use. 6. To make such changes in working plans, including all necessary preliminary surveys and investigations, as may be required after the award of the construction contract and during the construction of the improvement. BLR 4303(Rev.9/97) Pace 2 of 5 7. That all plans and other documents furnished by the ENGINEER pursuant to the AGREEMENT will be endorsed by him and will show his professional seal where such is required by law. 8. To submit, upon request by the LA or the DEPARTMENT a list of the personnel and the equipment he/she proposes to use in fulfilling the requirements of this AGREEMENT. The LA Agrees, 1. To pay the Engineer as compensation for all services performed as stipulated in paragraphs la, 1g, 1i, 2, 3, 5 and 6 in accordance with one of the following methods indicated by a check mark: a ❑ A sum of money equal to percent of the awarded contract cost of the proposed improvement as approved by the DEPARTMENT. b. ❑ A sum of money equal to the percentage of the awarded contract cost for the proposed improvement as approved by the DEPARTMENT based on the following schedule: Schedule for Percentages Based on Awarded Contract Cost Awarded Cost Percentage Fees Under $50,000 (see note) 0/0 Note: Not necessarily a percentage. Could use per diem, cost-plus or lump sum. c. ❑ A sum of money in the amount of: $45,500 2. To pay for services stipulated in paragraphs 1 b, 1 c, 1 d, 1 e, 1f, 1 h, 1j and 1k of THE ENGINEER AGREES at the hourly rates stipulated below for personnel assigned to this SECTION as payment in full to the ENGINEER for the actual time spent in providing these services the hourly rates to include profit, overhead, readiness to serve, insurance, social security and retirement deductions. Traveling and other out-of-pocket expenses will be reimbursed to the ENGINEER at his actual cost. Subject to the approval of the LA, the ENGINEER may sublet all or part of the services provided under paragraphs 1 b, 1 c, 1 d, 1 e, 1f, 1j and 1k of THE ENGINEER AGREES. If the ENGINEER sublets all or a part of this work, the LA will pay the cost to the ENGINEER plus a five (5) percent service charge. "Cost to ENGINEER" to be verified by furnishing the LA and the DEPARTMENT copies of invoices from the party doing the work. The classifications of the employees used in the work should be consistent with the employee classifications for the services performed. If the personnel of the firm including the Principal Engineer perform routine services that should normally be performed by lesser-salaried personnel, the wage rate billed for such services shall be commensurate with the work performed. Grade Classification of Employee Hourly Rate Principal Engineer $123.00 Sr. Project Manager 114.00 Project Manager 105.00 Sr. Project Manager/Surveyor 96.00 Project Engineer/Surveyor 87.00 Senior Engineer/Surveyor 78.00 Engineer/Surveyor 69.00 Assoc. Engineer/Surveyor 60.00 Sr. Project Technician 87.00 Project Technician 78.00 Senior Technician 69.00 Technician 60.00 Associate Technician 51.00 Secretary 60.00 The hourly rates itemized above shall be effective the date the parties, hereunto entering this AGREEMENT, have affixed hands and seals and shall remain in effect until 12/31/05 . In event the services of the ENGINEER extend beyond 12/31/05 . the hourly rates will be adiusted yearly by addendum to this AGREEMENT to compensate for increases or decreases in the salary structure of the ENGINEER that are in effect at that time. BLR 4303(Rev.9/97) UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE To: Tony Graff, City Administrator From: Joe Wywrot, City Engineer �`,� `� : Subject: Johnson Street Watermain—I, dschpe Repair Date: June 15, 2004 The Heartland Circle Development includes the construction of a watermain to Johnson Street. This watermain was not required as part of the development, but was constructed at the request of the city to eliminate a dead-end condition for the residents on Johnson Street, Oakwood Street, Behrens Street, and a portion of East Main Street. About 40 homeowners will benefit from the construction of this watermain. The watermain has been installed and the developer will patch the roadway and replace the sidewalk as necessary. The development agreement called for the city to take care of the landscape restoration. Attached are three quotes, which are summarized below: Name Preparation& Sod Watering Aztech Landscaping &Brick $1284.50 $180.00 for 3 waterings Paving Montgomery Landscaping $1620.00 $125.00 per watering Yorkville Hill Landscaping $1168.00 $75.00 per watering The quote from Yorkville Hill Landscaping states that a 30% down payment is required. I called them on that, and they said they would waive that requirement. We need to determine if we want to have some or all of this wor, e • . e• out or performed in-house. Please place this item on the P • '- orks Committee agenda of June 28, 2004 for consideration. 0/4/6/dY Cc: Traci Pleckham, Director of Finance Scott Sleezer, Superintendent of Parks , JAN-3—1998 10:52P FROM:AZTECH LANDSCAPING — 915-786—G25A — — —— — — — T0:G30553343G P: 1/1 , Pw0OUCT 5568 0 ,•-• Fold,It(,)to tit 771 DU-0411E*F.Iveiope _ .. ..._ _ AZTECH LANDSCAPING 0 St BRICK PAVING -....' P.O. Box 65 Sandwich, IL 60548 ' (815) 786-7647 LANDSCAPING PROPOSAL www,aztachtand.coni (-CON MACTOR Lil.: N.F..F No. .400 PHONE Nti -Jr:/e%NAME INC TO: 4c" LoCATION ...--- 26.0 . ic7.422e,....• -7`12.(ai -al- -.... •-• y. l „ ax] 1 (JAPE AH11TECT DA i 6 Or a ANA PHONF, DATE Arr9oxi MA7E.ST.A.s4 11NG DATF APPROXIMATE CriMPLEf Ici4 OAT,- 1 622-----:,5-S 3 '‘?<7.6"-O I - it q- 41/ \.. . — •—) - > 6,/A30- 77.47 /C17C7/ ....mmillINNIMNFAAMANA!AINNIMAIIMANN WA hereby!:..tibMit sped'iwtinns and ef3airolaE for Omit:Awing L -7.;77...7 ..%zi - ..._... ......... ........ . —FT— 6 J .4 36_7 c/A .0r7.. 7..0 37 .....,. ......_.. ....._ ...... __ ....... .___ • _16. 4.ok<e../ 'r,At_ei. ..A.P.O•z'7.. --7'-i?...-_.......wcz .)4:, .. 4,5...._ ."--- ------ "------ • • . • . •..- •- . .. ---- .....- . .. ---- ---- .----- ..._ . .._. ......... ..._. ........ .. ----- .-- ---- ........... .... __. ... . .__... . .. . ,).)c......(). ....4.1 5 — -1114\ ---- ----- .. All material iv guaranteed to be al somorred. MI work te be coin- We Propose hereby to furnish material and labor-coMplete In accordance With pitted kr D workmanlike manner according to standard prectimes. above,speclficatioils,fel'the SUM 01: Asp alteration or deviation from t$ above specifications involving extra ash will be dal.only iMett a etirttell citanP eel".The Clade la biome an extra charge owor and above dm satins**. illt,--itz-ss_4.64-1/ 741.12: 44.1c11 / e,frk414_14- J, -iii--' 7„,r;aci . Ail elements of this agrearnent an contingent epos chriuts,actifleabt or delays ter*our control,The estimate does not indude inateviai . pica liserea,sos, or additional labor arid materials which say be dollar*(S L71: fl. required should'Mermen maims arise after the wan Meb abort. Payrneffi br be rrtaCe as folicwn You, the buyer, may cancel this transaction ZP-- -. Id (E. ___Li,PILki ect,o7r0/e.,41 at any time prior to midnight of the third ci.,,s?Le,-,./ 14 Irct c27 .-ati business day atter the date of this trans- action. Cancellation must be done in writing. , ZA0---t-. 4=6 -, Nati,This propoeal may be wilTararer by,e.if tx.44 actapted wit.,_ ruy: A.,,nottoxi ISIgrsAura ----....—_ Acceptance of Proposal: Illfra above prices,specifications and conditionare satisfactory and are harRny accepted. You are authorized to do the work as Gpcelfled.Payment will be Made as outlined above. fi,gnas....i. Uat3_ .___ Siipatuili - mom 'Inimpniminft MONTGOMERY A, LANDSCAPING PROPOSAL/CONTRACT 21 Basswood Court Bristol, Illinois 60512 630-851-5426 630-554-2722 630-554-0272 Fax City Of Yorkville 774-1041 5/31/04 Attn: Mike Robinson Job Location: 800 Game Faun Rd Yorkville, IL 60560 Johnson St, Yorkville We hereby submit specifications and estimates for: Repair area in between houses due to new water main. Prep (remove spoils), fine grade (add topsoil) and install sod. $1620.00 Option: Water sod after installed - $125.00 per watering as needed. We Propose hereby to furnish material and labor—complete in accordance with the above specifications, for the sum of: $1620.00 Payment to be made as follows: Net in full within 30 days from date of the invoice. All material is guaranteed to be as specified. All work to be completed in a professional Authorized Signature manner according to standard practices. Any alteration or deviation from above specifications involving extra costs will be executed only upon written orders, and will become an extra charge over and above the estimate. All agreements contingent upon strikes,accidents or delays beyond our control. Owner to carry fire,tornado and other necessary insurance. Our workers are fully covered by Workers Compensation Insurance. Cj CAA. Note: This proposal may be withdrawn by us if not accepted within 30 days. Acceptance of Proposal In acceptance of this proposal,please sign and return the yellow copy. The above prices,specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You are authorized to do the work as specified. Payment will be made as outlined above. Date of Acceptance: Signature: %Vill �e, e Creative Brick Paver Solutions For Your Home 8591 State Route 126 • Yorkville , IL 60560 ,t , / (630) 553 - 0922 • Fax ( 630) 553 - 9984 www . yorkhilllandscape . com zoo.„(°gi:°_...,,, , , Landscaping Inc. ; Bill To: Date: Sales/Ref No. :i4i1nnd .:+. City Cif Yorkville Terms Gqnle Fara Road Yor-iri*ille, IL.6056030%o down/Schedule i i ' 'H'tJ3fit it" 1 Item Unit France TnUI _ ! 1 l ! 1 1 l 1 l l I I 1 f i �1� o i �6056Q a%- .•653-99 ;' e_c'! ,may-s �.� 1. r .. ,` -r t i LandscaPing,In ,,, � t s 1, ! ti¢§ 4*, n '# 1Z fan anon .� ,. I MINIUM Coe9eaet o a e 630281 09 5„ .•�.fi•r'' : 1 www = o-rk ant.d qa , o as , I 1 'Job Loczuon :40) Johnson St 1 The above prices and specifications are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. If any changes from above work involving Fin costs will become an e$tra char"e over smd above this estimate. You are mIthori ed to do the work as specified. I(WO hereby cknowie ge oft e Duarantee, Terms da Col_+1lnoios on reverse Side. Date Sip at1.iro avilleAte Creative Brick Paver Solutions For Your Home , 8591 State Route 126 • Yorkville , IL 60560 �� (630) 553 - 0922 • Fax ( 630) 553 - 9984 www . yorkhilllandscape . com t1v1 =s3 Landscaping Inc. Bill To: Date Sales/Ref No. .6r1412nn4 3'74 City Or Yorkville plan?Farm RoadTerms ''or ctiaie, IL tW51 0 t 30%.�iU w��:��I3?dui? i ! usntrty li !tern j De_�oriptian ( Unit Price I Total LI j i 2 10-Niis_elimeous 1.7.Tatei nT, sod per day for"2 weeks 75.00 I a00 t� Jtl 1 1 ` I 1 I I 1 I i I I I 1 i I 1 I I ' I I I, 1 I I I 1 e i I 1 I I 1 I { I ' I � I i i 1 I I i 1 I I I 1 r I I I L I 'Job Logon:402 Johnson St I i i ota I "..9 i,i n U 0l —.._..„__4,___.____ ..__..._._____._____.________� The above t5ncess aid spe;_incations 3-ie satstacto j and are hereby accepted. You are authorized to do the work as specified. I !Wel,hereby aknowledee of the Guarantee. Ten cv Conditions on reverse side Date Signature UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE To: Tony Graff, City Administrator, - UraFrom: Joe Wywrot, City Engineer ,�, Subject: Drainage Issue—NE Corner Vtf Emrifon&Main Date: June 14, 2004 During the storm late last week,,water flowing north on S. Main Street crossed the property owned by Jerry Groner at the NE corner of Van Emmon/Main Street. Mr. Groner placed sandbags at the edge of the walk to keep the water off the sidewalk, but this also limits pedestrian use of the sidewalk. I met with Mr. Groner today and checked the grades to see if anything could be done to improve the situation. Currently the curb stops short of the sidewalk. While there has been construction work performed on Van Emmon many times over the past several years, it doesn't appear that any of that work either improved or worsened the drainage situation. There are some things that we could do to improve the drainage situation. If we extended the curb to a point beyond the walk it would help to divert the water further north on Main Street. We may also be able to pitch the first section of walk towards the west, which would also help keep the water in the street. This would require additional sidewalk to be replaced to bring the sidewalk elevation back to existing at a moderate slope. This construction would help improve the drainage at this corner, but would not completely solve it. Main Street is so steep in this area that some stormwater would still spill over the curb and onto Mr. Groner's property. Our annual sidewalk replacement project includes work items for curb and sidewalk replacement. The cost of this work would be around $1000. Mr. Groner said that he had some other public sidewalk on Van Emmon replaced a few years ago, and he wasn't inclined to help pay for the work rove-the-drainage. Please place this item n the Public Works Committee agenda of June 28, 2004 for discussion. �j �� or " " i / ��S/ C Possiole curo sioewalk const . i Vcv\ r � o ,� UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE To: Tony Graff, City Administrator From: Joe Wywrot, City Engineer - Subject: WaterCAD ClientCare Subscription v Date: June 14, 2004 Attached find correspondence from Haestad Methods regarding renewal of the ClientCare subscription for our WaterCAD software. We have had WaterCAD for 3 years, and while it is used infrequently, it has proven very useful in analyzing watermain sizing for new developments. EEI has also used it to help determine some parameters of our citywide waterworks improvements. It is expensive, however, and construction of an accurate, working model of the water system can be difficult at times. For these reasons, Haestad Methods created the ClientCare Program. We are currently a ClientCare member, which gives us access to software upgrades and technical support at no additional cost. Our current subscription expires at the end of June 2004. I spoke with Haestad Methods, and they can offer us a 2-year renewal and allow us to pay it over 2 years. We would pay $1199 this year and $1199 next year. This item would be paid from the Engineering Department's Computer Maintenance account. Please place this item on the Public Works Committee agenda of June 28, 2004 for consideration. Cc: Traci Pleckham, Director of Finance • Page 1of1 \J Subj: Haestad Methods ClientCare Renewal Quote #2 ;A) Date: 6/10/2004 3:31:49 PM Central Standard Time From: cewi@haestad.com (mo , �� ''3 To: yorkvillengr@aol.com kC) Mr. Joe Wywrot � City Engineer �` %9 United City of Yorkville \\J 800 Game Farm Road , L-� Yorkville, IL 60560 USA Hello Joe, I reviewed your account and discovered that your office received an introductory rate for ClientCare in 2001. At that time, Haestad Methods had just released the ClientCare program. And as a result, there was a campaign to get our clients signed on with a great deal for three years. Currently, we offer a one or two year option for ClientCare. The quote I sent you was for one year of ClientCare at$1449 which is 29% of WaterCAD's list price. What I can do is give you two years of ClientCare for $2398 which is a savings of 6500 and allow your office to pay it over two years. I will need a written promise from you stating that you will pay the second installment next year. So, the first payment will be for $1,199 which is 24% of WaterCAD's list price and the second will be the same amount but due next year. I hope this helps. If you have any questions regarding the offer, please let me know. Best regards, Chintana Chintana V. Ewing Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA Phone: +1-203-755-1666 Fax: +1-203-597-1488 Email: cewi@haestad.com Web: file:///C:/Documents%°20and%20Settings/cewihm/Local%20Settings/Temporary%20Internet% 20Files/Application%20Data/Microsoft/Signatures/www.haestad.com CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT: This e-mail message, including any attachments, is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and/or privileged information. Any unauthorized review, disclosure, distribution, or other use of this information by anyone other than the intended recipient is prohibited by law. If you are not the intended recipient or received this message in error, please contact the sender and delete this message and all copies from all computers. Friday, June 11, 2004 America Online: Yorkvillen - f UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE To: Tony Graff, City Administrator From: Joe Wywrot, City Engineer Q,"�, Subject: In-Town Road Program—Ad itional Services Date: June 9, 2004 Attached find one copy of a request from Smith Engineering Consultants, Inc. regarding the scope of services for the In-Town Road Program. The request is for additional services related to surveying and easements, for a total amount of$4030. Please place this item on the Public Works Committee agenda of June 28, 2004 for consideration. I have asked that arepresentative from SEC be present at themeetingto explain the request. � � ry C Smith Engineering Consultants, Inc. Civil/Structural Engineers and Surveyors June 7, 2004 Mr. Joe Wywrot City Engineer United City of Yorkville 800 Game Fatru Road Yorkville,Illinois 60560 RE: Yorkville In-Town Road Improvement Program SEC Job No. YORK-030781-4 Supplement Dear Mr. Wywirot: Based on our discussion on May 17, 2004, we have clarified our scope of services and respectfully request a supplement to the original contract in the amount of$4,030.00. A breakdown of extra services is listed below: • Survey of addresses located along on the streets included in the 2005 In-Town Road Improvement Program (approximately 1.5 miles) and drafting to include addresses on drainage plans and roadway plans in the amount of$2,070.00. • Easement agreement for drainage to Blackberry Creek$980.00. • Easement agreement for drainage to Fox River$980.00. With these additional services, the total contract amount is increased to $91,900.00. Should you concur with the above contract supplement, please sign this acceptance letter and return to our office. Should you have any questions or need further clarifications, please feel free to contact me at (630) 553-7560. Sincerely, SMITH ENGE 1EERING CONSULTANTS, INC. Camie Ferrier,P.E. Project Manager CRF/jmk Accepted By: Date: Title: Y:AJobs\Smith\2003\030781 Yorkville Road Program\administration\supplements\030781-4-supplement-addresses-060704- crf.doc 759 John Street,Yorkville,IL 60560 www.smithengineering.com Telephone 630.553.7 560 Fax 630.553.7646 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE To: Tony Graff, City Administrator, From: Joe Wywrot, City Engineerti �- Subject: Kylyn's Ridge Unit 1 —Letter ofCredit Reduction#2 Old Second Bank LOC #15367 Date: June 8, 2004 Attached find a letter of credit reduction request for Kylyn's Ridge Unit 1. I have reviewed the request and concur with the estimates as presented. I recommend that the Old Second Bank letter of credit No. 15367 be reduced by the amount of$87,263.44. The amount remaining in the letter of credit would be $619 - . Please place this item on t1.-1411671c-7—Works Works Committee agenda of June 28, 2004 for consideration. 6/(9/9 9 Y Cc: Chad Gunderson, AMG Homes, Inc. J. $DADA ASSOCIATES PRO,tECT DEVELOPMENT AND MANAGEMENT PH: 639-692 6747 1262'BIRCHDALE LN. AURORA, ILLINOIS 60504 FAX: 630-692 6748 May 19, 2004 • Mr. Joseph Wywrot City Engineer United City of Yorkville 800 Game Farm Rd. Yorkville, II 60560 RE: Kylyn's Ridge Unit 1-Utilities Second Reduction of Letter of Credit No. 15367 Dear Joe: In view of the additional completion of improvements in the subject project, we are requesting the approval for a second reduction of the letter of credit No. 15367 covering the Underground Utilities, Paving, Sidewalks, Overflow Concrete Pads, Street Lights, and Street Trees for the subjetc project. The reduced amount, based on completed sidewalks and street lights should be $ 619,277.22. (See attached charts). Very truly yours, Jorge H. Boada cc/Mr. Chad Gunderson , KYLYN'S RIDGE UNIT 1 LETTER OF CREDIT SECOND REDUCTION ON-SITE WORK AMOUNT OF ** APROVED THEORETICAL COMPLETED PRIOR LOC SECOND REMAINING ITEM ESTIMATE L OF C AMOUNT TO REDUCTION #2 REDUCTION L.C. AMOUNT WATER MAINS $ 210,867.00 $ 231,953.70 $ 166,308.00 $ - $ 73,961.10 SANITARY SEWER $ 120,571.75 $ 132,628.93 $ 120,571.75 $ - $ 18,085.76 STORM SEWER $ 384,241.00 $ 422,665.10 $ 349,395.00 $ - $ 90,739.85 PAVING $ 509,295.60 $ 560,225.16 $ 242,530.20 $ - $ 329,821.47 SIDEWALK& OVERFLOW $ 105,302.25 $ 115,832.48 $ 46,856.00 $ 44,513.44 $ 71,319.04 STREET LIGHTS $ 45,000.00 $ 49,500.00 $ 45,000.00 $ 42,750.00 $ 6,750.00 PARKWAY TREES $ 26,000.00 $ 28,600.00 $ - $ 0.00 $ 28,600.00 $ 1,401,277.60 $ 1,541,405.36 $ 970,660.95 $ 87,263.44 $ 619,277.22 ** LOC AMOUNT CORRESPONDS TO 15% OF SUBSTANTIALLY COMPLETED ITEMS PLUS 110% OF UNCOMPLETED ITEMS I If o KYLYN`S RIDGE UNIT I REQUEST FOR L OF C No. 15367 SECOND REDUCTION BASED ON COMPLETED IMPROVEMENTS % L.C. REDUCED ORIGINAL COST COMP. AMOUNT WATER MAIN FAXON RD. $ 44,559.00 0 $ 49,014.90 WATER MAIN ON-SITE $ 166,308.00 100 $ 24,946.20 WATER MAINS $ 210,867.00 $ 73,961.10 SANITARY SEWER $ 120,571.75 100 $ 18,085.76 STORM SEWER FAXON RD. $ 34,846.00 0 $ 38,330.60 STORM SEWER ON-SITE $ 349,395.00 100 $ 52,409.25 $ 384,241.00 $ 90,739.85 PAVING FAXON RD. $ 223,961.70 0 $ 246,357.87 PAVING ON-SITE: TO BINDER COURSE $ 242,530.20 100 $ 36,379.53 TACK COAT&SURFACE COURSE $ 42,803.70 0 $ 47,084.07 $ 509,295.60 $ 329,821.47 SIDEWALK-20,825 SF COMPLETED $ 46,856.25 100 $ 7,028.44 SIDEWALK,OVERFLOW PAD(25,976 SF INCOMPLETE) $ 58,446.00 0 $ 64,290.60 $ 105,302.25 $ 71,319.04 STREET LIGHTS $ 45,000.00 100 $ 6,750.00 STREET TREES $ 26,000.00 0 $ 28,600.00 TOTAL $ 1,401,277.60 $ 619,277.22 AMOUNT OF ORIGINAL LETTER OF CREDIT $ 1,541,405.36 $ 619,277.22 AMOUNT OF FIRST REDUCED LETTER OF CREDIT $ 706,540.66 AMOUNT OF SECOND REDUCED LETTER OF CREDIT $ 619,277.22 AMOUNT OF SECOND REDUCTION $ 87,263.44 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE To: Tony Graff, City Administrat r From: Joe Wywrot, City Engineer , Subject: Kylyn's Ridge Unit 2—Letter f Cre it Reduction No. 1 Date: June 8, 2004 Attached find a request from the developer's consultant to reduce the two letters of credit for the Kylyn's Ridge Unit 2. I have reviewed the request and concur with the estimates as presented. Ordinance allows reductions down to 15% of the engineer's estimate of cost of substantially completed improvements prior to final acceptance. A summary of the letters of credit for Kylyn's Ridge Unit 2 is as follows: Earthwork (Old Second Bank LOC #15470) Onsite Work(Old Second Bank LOC #15540) Original Letter of Credit: $ 100,836.12 Original Letter of Credit: $1,181,957.10 Previous Reductions $ 0.00 Previous Reductions $ 0.00 This Reduction: $ 80,065.24 This Reduction: $ 715,061.20 Remaining Amount: $ 20,770.88 Remaining Amount: $ 466,895.90 Please place this item on the Public Works Committee agenda of June 28, 2004 for consideration. Cc: Chad Gunderson, AMG Homes, Inc. J. BOADA ASSOCIATES PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND MANAGEMENT PH: 639-692 6747 1262 BIRCHDALE LN. AURORA, ILLINOIS 60504 FAX: 630-692 6748 May 20, 2004 Mr. Joseph Wywrot City Engineer United City of Yorkville 800 Game Faun Rd. Yorkville, I160560 RE: Kylyn's Ridge Unit 2-Mass Grading Reduction of Letter of Credit No. 15470 Dear Joe: In view of the partial completion of improvements in the subject project, we are requesting the approval for the reduction of the letter of credit No. 15470 for $ 100,836.12, covering the Mass Grading and Erosion Control for Public Roads and Storm Water Management Facilities. The reduction should be based on the following: Original estimated cost for mass grading: $ 91,669.20 Less cost of completed work 84,279.20 Cost of remaining improvements 7,390.00 Amount of reduced letter of credit= (7,390x1.10 + 84,279.20x0.15)= $ 20,770.88 Letter of Credit reduction amount requested: 100,836.12-20,770.88 = $ 80,065.24. Very ta . , ours i' / Jorg--' . cc ' . .• underson KYLYN'S RIDGE UNIT 2 LETTER OF CREDIT REDUCTION ON-SITE WORK ** APROVED THEORETICAL COMPLETED PRIOR AMOUNT OF REMAINING ITEM ESTIMATE L OF C AMOUNT TO REDUCTION #1 L.C. REDUCTION L.C. AMOUNT EROSION CONTROL $ 14,780.00 $ 16,258.00 $ 7,390.00 $ 7,020.50 $ 9,237.50 ON-SITE WORK $ 76,889.20 $ 84,578.12 $ 76,889.20 $ 73,044.74 $ 11,533.38 $ 91,669.20 $ 100,836.12 $ 84,279.20 $ 80,065.24 $ 20,770.88 ** LOC AMOUNT CORRESPONDS TO 15% OF SUBSTANTIALLY COMPLETED ITEMS PLUS 110% OF UNCOMPLETED IMPROVEMENTS J. BOADA ASSOCIATES PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND MANAGEMENT PH: 639-692 6747 1262 BIRCHDALE LN. AURORA, ILLINOIS 60504 FAX: 630-692 6748 May 19, 2004 Mr. Joseph Wywrot City Engineer United City of Yorkville 800 Game Farm Rd. Yorkville, I160560 RE: Kylyn's Ridge Unit 2-Utilities Reduction of Letter of Credit No. 15540 Dear Joe: In view of the partial completion of improvements in the subject project, we are requesting the approval for the reduction of the letter of credit No. 15540 covering the Underground Utilities, Paving, Sidewalks, Overflow Concrete Pads, Street Lights, and Street Trees for the subject project. The reduced amount, based on completed improvements, should be $466,895.90. (See attached chart). Very truly yours, Jorge H. Boada cc/Mr. Chad Gunderson KYLYN'S RIDGE UNIT 2 LETTER OF CREDIT REDUCTION ON-SITE WORK .* APROVED THEORETICAL COMPLETED PRIOR AMOUNT OF REMAINING ITEM ESTIMATE L OF C AMOUNT TO REDUCTION #1 L.C. REDUCTION L.C. AMOUNT WATER MAINS $ 177,948.00 $ 195,742.80 $ 142,648.00 $ 135,515.60 $ 60,227.20 SANITARY SEWER $ 160,987.25 $ 177,085.98 $ 160,987.25 $ 152,937.89 $ 24,148.09 PUMP STATION $ 70,000.00 $ 77,000.00 $ - $ - $ 77,000.00 STORM SEWER $ 237,146.00 $ 260,860.60 $ 237,146.00 $ 225,288.70 $ 35,571.90 PAVING $ 248,648.95 $ 273,513.85 $ 211,914.75 $ 201,319.02 $ 72,194.83 SIDEWALK& OVERFLOW $ 96,086.25 $ 105,694.88 $ - $ - $ 105,694.88 STREET LIGHTS $ 39,000.00 $ 42,900.00 $ - $ - $ 42,900.00 PARKWAY TREES $ 20,500.00 $ 22,550.00 $ - $ - $ 22,550.00 EASEMENT LANDSCAPE $ 24,190.00 $ 26,609.00 $ - $ - $ 26,609.00 $ 1,074,506.45 $ 1,181,957.10 $ 752,696.00 $ 715,061.20 $ 466,895.90 ** LOC AMOUNT CORRESPONDS TO 15% OF SUBSTANTIALLY COMPLETED ITEMS PLUS 110% OF UNCOMPLETED IMPROVEMENTS KYLYTPS RIDGE UNIT 2 REQUEST FOR LETTER OF CREDIT No. 15540 REDUCTION BASED ON COMPLETED IMPROVEMENTS % L.C.REDUCED ORIGINAL COST COMP. AMOUNT WATER MAIN FAXON RD. $ 35,300.00 0 $ 38,830.00 WATER MAIN ON-SITE $ 142,648.00 100 $ 21,397.20 WATER MAINS $ 177,948.00 $ 60,227.20 SANITARY SEWER 5 160,987.25 100 $ 24,148.09 SAN. PUMP STATION&EMERGENCY GENERATOR $ 70,000.00 0 $ 77,000.00 STORM SEWER ON-SITE $ 237,146.00 100 $ 35,571.90 $ 237,146.00 $ 35,571.90 TO BINDER COURSE $ 211$14.75 100 $ 31,787.21 TACK COAT&SURFACE COURSE $ 36,734.20 0 $ 40,407.62 $ 248,648.95 $ 72,194.83 SIDEWALK,OVERFLOW PADS $ 96,086.25 0 $ 105,694.88 $ 96,086.25 $ 105,694.88 STREET LIGHTS $ 39,000.00 0 $ 42,900.00 STREET TREES $ 20,500.00 0 $ 22,550.00 EASEMENT LANDSCAPING $ 24,190.00 0 $ 26,609.00 TOTAL $ 1,074,506.45 $ 466,895.90 AMOUNT OF ORIGINAL LETTER OF CREDIT $ 1,181,957.10 AMOUNT OF FIRST REDUCED LETTER OF CREDIT $ 466,895.90 AMOUNT OF FIRST REDUCTION $ 715,061.20 CHECK: COMPL.CTED: $ 752,696.00 X 0.15 $ 112,904.40 UNCOMPLETED $ 321,810.45 X 1.1 $ 353,991.50 $ 466,895.90 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE To: Tony Graff, City Administrator From: Joe Wywrot, City Engineer Subject: Heartland Circle—Letter of C edit eduction#1 Date: June 22, 2004 Attached find a request for a reduction in the letter of credit for Heartland Circle. I concur with the amount of work completed to date, but there are a few relatively minor ways in how the calculations were performed that result in a reduction amount different from that requested by the developer. First, the developer's calculations retain 15% of the letter of credit amount for completed work, while the 15% should actually be applied to the engineer's estimate. Second, the actual letter of credit was based on an engineer's estimate that was later revised and approved. The developer's calculations attempt to address this difference by keeping the amount for"Miscellaneous" work unchanged, even though some work was performed. The attached calculations bring the letter of credit back in line with the approved estimate. I recommend that the Heartland Circle letter of credit be reduced by the amount of $3,323,491.63. The remaining amount in the letter of credit would be $2,474,170.17. Please place this item on the Public Works Committee agenda of June 28, 2004 for consideration. Cc: Liz D'Anna, Deputy City Clerk 22-Jun-04 Letter of Credit/Bond Reduction Subdivision: Heartland Circle - Units 1, 2, & 3 Theoretical Actual Approved Letter of Credit Letter of Credit Substantially complete Amount of Remaining Item Eng. Est. Amount Amount prior to Red. #1 Reduction Amount Sanitary Sewer- Trunk Line $319,037.90 $350,941.69 $350,941.69 $309,813.00 $294,322.35 $56,619.34 Sanitary Sewer $604,375.80 $664,813.38 $664,813.38 $586,119.75 $556,813.76 $107,999.62 Watermains $704,952.50 $775,447.75 $775,447.75 $665,652.50 $632,369.88 $143,077.88 Storm Sewer $945,510.60 $1,040,061.66 $1,040,061.66 $876,027.25 $832,225.89 $207,835.77 Earthwork $925,479.56 $1,018,027.52 $1,018,027.52 $739,767.87 $702,779.48 $315,248.04 Pavement $1,004,609.75 $1,105,070.73 $1,105,070.73 $313,256.61 $297,593.78 $807,476.95 Miscellaneous $772,935.53 $850,229.08 $843,299.08 $15,070.00 $7,386.50 $835,912.58 Totals $5,276,901.64 $5,804,591.80 $5,797,661.80 $3,505,706.98 $3,323,491.63 $2,474,170.17 Notes: 1) LOC/Bond amt. to be 15% of subsantially completed items plus 110% of uncompleted items. ROAKE ANO ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS • LAND SURVEYORS • PLANNERS Writers Direct Number: (630) 355-4490 EXT. 202 Writers Fax: (630) 355-3267 Writers E-MAIL: SROAKE@ROAKE.COM 15 June 2004 City of Yorkville 800 Game Farm Rd. Yorkville, IL. 60560 Attn: Joe Wywrot, City Engineer \L: Leper of Credit Reduction educl;oNe-J. A Heartland Circle 317.026 Dear Mr. Wywrot: On behalf of our client, Richard Marker Associates, Inc., we hereby request that Letter of Credit No. 4851, established by Oak Brook Bank on July 29, 2003 be reduced from its current amount of $5,797,661.80 as follows: Item Original ILOC New ILOC Amount Amount Div. "A" — Sanitary Sewers $1,015,755.06 $ 182,592.30 Div. "B" — Watermain $ 775,447.75 $ 159,547.16 Div. "C" — Storm Sewers $1 ,040,061.66 $ 232,440.93 Div. "D" — Earthwork $1 ,018,027.52 $ 356,986.99 Div. "E" — Pavement $1 ,105,070.73 $ 926,249.07 Div. "F" — Miscellaneous $ 843,299.08 $ 843,299.08 TOTAL $5,797,661.80 $2,701,115.53 We have arrived at the new ILOC amount by taking 15% of the original ILOC amount and adding back 110% of the estimated cost to complete (see enclosed estimate) for each of the line items. If you concur with the above computation, a new letter of credit in the amount of $2,701 ,115.53 will be provided to replace the current letter of credit, which expires on July 29, 2004. Very Try D ASSO IA o. . Stephe • . Roake, P.E., P.L.S. enc cc: Ric .rd Marker Assoc. / Gary Neyer w/enc 1887 HIGH GROVE LANE • NAPERVILLE, ILLINOIS 80540 • [630) 355-3232 0,,�a &11--;/01 Heartland Circle Roake and Associates, Inc. Units 1, 2 3 (262 lots) 317.026 Yorkville, Illinois 07/28/03 Plan Dated: 07/25/03 Engineer's Opinion of Probable Cost to Complete No. Item Unit Quantity Unit Price Amount Sanitary Sewer - Trunk Line 17. Television Inspection and Report LF 6,362 $1.45 $9,224.90 Sub-Total Sanitary Sewer -Trunk Line $9,224.90 br Sanitary Sewer 11. Television Inspection and Report _ LF 13,523 $1.35 $18,256.05 Sub-Total Sanitary Sewer $18,256.05 a' Watermain 6. 1" Type "K" Copper Water Service Connection with B-Box - Short EA _ 62 $250.00 $15,500.00 7. 1" Type "K" Copper Water Service Connection with B-Box - Long LF 23 $750.00 $17,250.00 11. Trench Backfill - Services (CA-7) CY 366 _ $15.00 $5,490.00 13. Curb and Gutter Removal and Replacement LF 20 $15.00 $300.00 14. PCC Sidewalk Removal and Replacement SF 40 $8.00 $320.00 15. Pavement Patch SY 20 $22.00 $440.00 Sub-Total Watermain $39,300.00 a' Storm Sewer 2. 12" RCP Storm Sewer LF 612 $15.00 $9,180.00 3. 12" RCP Storm Sewer with C361 Gasket LF 100 $16.00 $1,600.00 4. 15" RCP Storm Sewer LF 67 $16.50 $1,105.50 7. 18" RCP Storm Sewer with C361 Gasket LF 62 $19.25 $1,193.50 8. 21" RCP Storm Sewer LF 115 $21.75 $2,501.25 9. 24" RCP Storm Sewer LF 247 $24.75 $6,113.25 25. Inlet, Type "A" -2' Diameter with R3015 Fr. & Gr. EA 4 $625.00 $2,500.00 27. Inlet, Type"A" -2' Diameter with R4340-B Grate EA 4 $490.00 $1,960.00 28. Catch Basin, Type "C" -2' Diameter With R1530 Fr. & Lid EA 1 $550.00 $550.00 32. Catch Basin, Type "A" - 4' Diameter With R1530 Fr. & O.L. EA 1 $1,150.00 $1,150.00 35. Manhole, Type "A" -4' Diameter with R1530 Fr. & Lid EA 2 $1,100.00 $2,200.00 39. Manhole, Type "A" - 5' Diameter with R1530 Lid EA 1 $1,750.00 $1,750.00 40. Manhole, Type "A" - 5' Diameter with R4340-B Grate EA 1 $1,575.00 $1,575.00 49. Concrete "Cut-Off Wall" at Overflow EA 1 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 50. Trench Backfill (CA-7) CY 100 $15.00 $1,500.00 51. Television Inspection and Report LF 23,411 $1.35 $31,604.85 Sub-Total Storm Sewer $69,483.35 nl Earthwork/ Erosion Control 16. Fine Grade Rear Lot Lines After Storm Sewer LS 0.65 $11,250.00 $7,312.50 17. Topsoil Placement-6" Center Island SY 27,353 $0.33 $9,026.49 18. Topsoil Placement-6" Pond & Bike Paths SY 103,850 $0.50 $51,925.00 19. Temporary Seeding AC 5.707 $3,500.00 $19,974.50 20. Hydroseeding AC 15.811 $4,200.00 $66,406.20 21. Hydroseeding W/Airtrol Plaster AC 5.590 $4,600.00 $25,714.00 22. Ditch Checks EA 7 $50.00 $350.00 23. 6" Rip Rap RR-4 - with Geotextile Fabric SY _ 56 $25.00 $1,400.00 24. 6" Rip Rap RR-3 - with Geotextile Fabric SY 161 _ $15.00 $2,415.00 25. Straw Bales (Erosion Control) EA 132 $9.00 $1,188.00 Sub-Total Erosion Control $185,711.69 ` Heartland Circle Roake and Associates, Inc. • Units 1, 2 3 (262 lots) 317.026 Yorkville, Illinois 07/28/03 Plan Dated: 07/25/03 Engineer's Opinion of Probable Cost to Complete No. Rem Unit Quantity Unit Price Amount Pavement 1. Fine Grading SY 23,000 $0.75 $17,250.00 2. Geotextile Fabric ( Amoco 4551 or Equal) _ SY 55,806 $0.90 $50,225.40 3. Aggregate Base Course, Type "B" - 10" SY 30,055 $5.30 $159,291.50 5. B-6.12 Curb & Gutter w/Aggregate Base LF 19,670 $8.45 $166,211.50 6. Bituminous Materials (Prime Coat) GAL 14,300 $0.75 $10,725.00 7. Aggregate (Prime Coat) TON 103 $1.00 $103.00 8. Bituminous Concrete Binder Course - Class I TON 4,616 $28.85 $133,171.60 9. Bituminous Concrete Surface Course - Class I TON 4,397 $32.70 $143,781.90 10. Backfill Curb LF 19,540 $0.40 $7,816.00 11. Access Drive -2" Bituminous, Agg 8" CA-6 SY 345 $8.05 $2,777.25 Sub-Total Pavement $691,353.15 v Miscellaneous 1. PCC Sidewalks with Stone Bedding - Common Areas SF 7,120 $3.00 $21,360.00 2. PCC Sidewalks with Stone Bedding - Lots SF 139,760 $3.00 $419,280.00 3. Asphalt Sidewalks with Stone Bedding - Common Areas SY 7,110 $8.75 $62,211.53 4. Street Lights -Yorkville Standard EA 54 $1,420.00 $76,680.00 5. Streetlight Cable in Trench LF 9,430 $3.80 $35,834.00 7. Street Trees EA 564 $175.00 $98,700.00 8. Common Area Trees EA 220 $175.00 $38,500.00 9. Emergency Access Gate EA 1 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 10. Crosswalk Pavement Markings EA 22 $150.00 $3,300.00 Sub-Total $757,865.53 b Project Total $1,771,194.67 • r t UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE To: Tony Graff, City Administrator From: Joe Wywrot, City Engineer l `; - ( ) Subject: Cannonball Trail Roadway Im rovements—Results of Bid Opening Date: June 21, 2004 Bids were received on June 21, 2004 for the Cannonball Trail Roadway Improvement project. This project consists primarily of installation of storm sewer replacement, heat- scarification treatment, a 3.5" bituminous overlay, and re-striping. The project also includes guardrail and driveway removal and replacement, and landscape restoration. The following bid was received: Aurora Blacktop, Inc. $164,846.39 1065 Sard Ave. Montgomery, IL 60538 Engineer's Estimate $171,416.20 We currently have $150,000 budgeted this year for general fund roadway projects. The asphalt surface treatment project has been awarded, and will cost about $37,000. We have also paid for our share of the Corneils Road overlay project (constructed by Bristol Township) at a cost of$11,000. This leaves a$102,000 balance for Cannonball Trail. If we reduced the scope of the project by deleting the 48" culvert replacement and the guardrail replacement, we would reduce the project cost by about $31,000. This would still leaves us around $32,000 short of the amount needed. Based on the bid results, I recommend that we award the contract for this project to Aurora Blacktop, Inc. for the bid amount of$164,846.39. Please place this item on thPublic Works Committee Agenda of June 28 2004 r review. .Z / ` � ,,te�rr _� ./7,Y�s�/` z r� may' � _�.�,,� _�n�r+�e..C,.:.:p s-y-- '-„� Cc: Traci Pleckham, Director of Finance • • t CANNONBALL TRAIL ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS BID TABULATION DATE: MONDAY, JUNE 21, 2004 TIME: 11:00 a.m. WITNESSES: JOE WYWROT, JEN WOODRICK AURORA BLACKTOP 1065 SARD AVE. ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE MONTGOMERY, IL 60538 I ITEM OTY. I U/M UNIT PRICE; COST UNIT PRICE COST 1 Storm Sewers Ty 2, RCP, CL 3, 18" 45 FT $40.00 $1,800.00 $43.80 $1,971.00 2 Storm Sewers Ty 2, RCP, CL 3,48" 45 FT $90.00 $4,050.00 $88.40 $3,978.00 3 Manhole Ty A, 6'Dia,T1FCL 1 EA $3,500.00 $3,500.00 $1,650.00 $1,650.00 4 Manhole Ty A,4' Dia,T1FCL 1 EA $2,500.00 $2,500.00 $1,650.00 $1,650.00 5 Manhole Ty A,4' Dia,T8G 1 EA $2,500.00 $2,500.00 $2,750.00 $2,750.00 . 6 Precast Reinforced Concrete Flared End Section, 18" 1 EA $800.00 $800.00 $1,075.00 $1,075.00 7 Precast Reinforced Concrete Flared End Section, 48" 2 EA $1,500.00 $3,000.00 $2,310.00 $4,620.00 8 Pipe Culverts, Ty 1, PVC, 8" 75 FT $30.00 $2,250.00 $16.75 $1,256.25 9 Pipe Culverts,Ty 1, PVC, 10" 10 FT $30.00 $300.00 $28.35 $283.50 10 Pipe Culverts, Ty 1, Corrugated Steel, 12" 10 FT $30.00 $300.00 $29.40 $294.00 , 11 Stone Riprap, CL A2 35 TON $70.00 $2,450.00 $26.25 $918.75 12 Trench Backfill 150 CU YD $28.00 $4,200.00 - $19.65 $2,947.50 13 Bit. Pavement Patching, 4" 400 SQ YD $40.00 $16,000.00 $27.00 $10,800.00 14 Aggregate Base Repair 180 TON $25.00 $4,500.00 $25.00 $4,500.00 15 Bituminous Surface Removal-Butt Joint 207 SQ YD $10.00 $2,070.00 $10.00 $2,070.00 16 Aggregate Shoulder Repair 200 TON $25.00 $5,000.00 $25.00 $5,000.00 17 Heat-Scarifying 6630 SQ YD $2.55 $16,906.50 $2.50 $16,575.00 18 Asphalt Modifier 663 GAL $2.00 $1,326.00 $3.40 $2,254.20 19 Bituminous Concrete Binder Course, Class I, Mix B,Ty 2 847 TON $35.00 $29,645.00 $31.65 $26,807.55 20 Bituminous Concrete Surface Course, Class I, Mix C,Ty 2 635 TON $38.00 $24,130.00 $36.60 $23,241.00 21 Bit. Driveway Pvmt, 3" 149 SQ YD $20.00 $2,980.00 $31.00 $4,619.00 22 PCC Driveway Pvmt,6" 96 SQ YD $50.00 $4,800.00 $46.95 $4,507.20 23 Agg. Driveway Repair 33 TON $25.00 $825.00 $20.00 $660.00 24 Relocate Mailbox 4 EA $125.00 $500.00 $200.00 $800.00 25 Guardrail Removal 200 FT $8.00 $1,600.00 $7.50 $1,500.00 26 Steel Plate Beam Guardrail,Type A 112.5 FT $14.00 $1,575.00 $19.25 $2,165.63 27 Traffic Barrier Terminal,Type 1, Special(Tangent) 4 EA $1,800.00 $7,200.00 $2,595.00 $10,380.00 28 _Temporary Pavement Marking-Line 4" 250 FT $0.50 $125.00 $1.00 $250.00 29 Pavement Marking Removal 258 SQ FT $2.00 $516.00 _ $1.65 $425.70 30 Thermoplastic Pavement Marking-Line 4" 5044 FT $0.50 $2,522.00 $0.41 $2,068.04 31 Thermoplastic Pavement Marking-Line 6" 5945 FT $0.70 $4,161.50 $0.63 $3,745.35 32 Thermoplastic Pavement Marking-Line 8" 188 FT $1.00 $188.00 $0.84 $157.92 33 Thermoplastic Pavement Marking-Line 12" 170 FT $1.40 $238.00 $1.25 $212.50 34 Thermoplastic Pavement Marking-Line 24" 37 FT $3.00 $111.00 $2.50 $92.50 35 Thermoplastic Pavement Marking-Letters & Symbols 31.2 SQ FT $6.00 $187.20 $2.75 $85.80 36 Tree Removal(6-15 in dia) 28 IN DIA $25.00 $700.00 $90.00 $2,520.00 37 Traffic Control and Protection 1 LS $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 38 Landscape Restoration 2740 SQ YD $4.00 $10,960.00 $4.75 $13,015.00 i TOTAL BID AS READ: ,$171,416.20 I I $164,846.38 I TOTAL BID AS CORRECTED: ,$171,416.20 ! I j $164,846.39 Page 1 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE To: Tony Graff, City Administrator From: Joe Wywrot, City Engineer f V! Subject: 2004 Joint & Crack Filling—Results • Bid Opening Date: June 22, 2004June 22, 2004 Bids were received on June 22, 2004 for the referenced project. This project consists of routing and filling construction joints and random cracks in the Fox Hill and Yorkville Business Center subdivisions, and along the curb on Kennedy Road just east of Route 47. The following bids were received: SKC Construction, Inc. $23,082.67 P.O. Box 503 West Dundee, Illinois 60118 Aurora Blacktop, Inc. $23,301.12 1065 Sard Ave. Montgomery, Illinois 60538 Behm Pavement Maintenance, Inc. $24,708.90 3010 Route 176 Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014 Fahrner Asphalt Sealers, Inc. $26,699.20 2800 Mecca Drive Plover, Wisconsin 54467 Engineer's Estimate $25,485.60 The low bidder, SKC Construction, Inc. has a valid IDOT certificate of eligibility. Based on the results of the bids, I recommend that we award the contract to SKC Construction, Inc. for the bid amount of$23,082.67. We have appropriated about $2400 more MFT funds than the bid amount. If we find that we are substantially below plan quantity as we progress with the work, I would like to add either Sunflower Estates or Cannonball Estates to the project. We will evaluate costs once Fox Hill and Yorkville Business Center are completed to see if this is possible. Please place this item on the Public Work Committee agenda of the June 28, 2004 for consideration. Cc: Traci Pleckham, Director of Finance • 2004 JOINT AND CRACK FILLING BID TABULATION SHEET Project.: 2004 Join( & Crack Filling Dale; June 22, 2004 _C[ao: 11:00 a.m. Wdnes_5es: Joe Wywrol, Jen Woodrick Fahrner Asphalt Co. SKC Construction Aurora Blacktop Behm Pavement Maint. PO Box 95 PO Box 503 1065 Sard Ave. 3010 Rte. 176 Engirtee_r's_Estimate Plover, WI 54467 West Dundee, IL 60118 Montgomery, IL 60538 Crystal Lake, IL 60014 Item Quantity Unit Unit Price cyst Unit_PrLcc c9tit UnitPsice G m2 UniLPrice cyst Unit Price cost Crack Filling 24,272 LB $1.05 $25,485.60 L $1.10 $26,699.20 1 $0.95 $23,002.67 $0.96 $23,301.12 $1.018 $24,708.90] Total: $25,485.60 Total Bid as read: $2$,429,24 $23,462,6Z $ 3,341.12_ $24,7QE3,24 Total Bid as corrected: $2M92,20 $23,482.61 S23,101.12 $24.7_()890 Page 1 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE To: Tony Graff, City Administrat From: Joe Wywrot, City Engineer Subject: River's Edge— South Pond Iss s Date: June 15, 2004 We have received several complaints regarding the south pond in the River's Edge subdivision. This is a wet pond that has had problems with algae growth the past two years. The developer has treated the pond with chemicals, but the effect was negligible due to the wet spring we have had. The developer has promised to resume application of the chemical beginning tomorrow. We have also had a problem at the far western tip of the pond where a stagnant condition has developed. A flared-end-section is nearby, but is not located in such a way that it would clear out the stagnant water during a storm. I have met with the nearest homeowner and the developer about this, and they have agreed to fill in this area to an elevation about 18" above the normal water line, then place black dirt and grass seed. This will eliminate the stagnant condition and effectively create a larger back yard for the homeowner. The loss of storage volume in the pond will be negligible. The homes along the south side of the pond have very steep rear yards. The grading of these lots was designed for look-out or walk-out homes, but none were built that way. The rearyard grades appear to exceed our 3H: 1V standard. I have sent a memo to Dan Kramer asking for his opinion on how to deal with this issue. The approved landscape plan for this pond calls for wetland plantings along the entire perimeter. Currently the edge is planted with turf grass. Several homeowners have expressed concerns about having the wetland plants along their rear property lines. The developer may request a revision to the landscape plan where wetland plantings would only be located along the north and east sides of the pond, where no homes abut the pond. Please place this item on the Public Works Committee agenda of June 28, 2004 for discussion. UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE To: Tony Chaff, City Administrator From: Joe Wywrot, City Engineer Subject: Senior Drivers SafetyInitiativeeGran Date: June 22, 2004 Attached find an application we have prepared for the Senior Drivers Safety Initiative Grant. This is a non-matching grant available through the NE Illinois Area Agency on Aging. I got a call from Eric Weakly of NEIAAA last week regarding this grant. Eric's phone number is(630) 293-5990. He explained that he was looking for candidate projects, and had heard that Yorkville might be a good area to consider. He had discussed the grant with the Police Department and Public Works Department, who referred him to Engineering to prepare the cost estimates and exhibits. Please place this item on the Public Works Committee agenda of June 28, 2004 for information only. Cc: Harold Martin, Chief of Police Traci Pleckharn, Director of Finance Liz D'Anna, Deputy City Clerk �`,cE13 Co.). u ° United City of Yorkville 4EN County Seat of Kendall County ESL 1Z 1836 800 Game Farm Road 4 6 4Yorkville,Illinois 60560 O I' 0 0 Phone:630-553-4350 1. vim= Fax:630-553-7575 L/4`E w June 22, 2004 Mr. Eric Weakly Northeast Illinois Area Agency on Aging 245 W. Roosevelt Road, Bldg. 6, Suite 41 West Chicago, Illinois 60185 Re: Senior Drivers Safety Initiative Grant Dear Eric: The United City of Yorkville is interested in pursuing grants in relation to sidewalk construction in two areas of town. These are described below: Route 47/Route 34 Area This is a very busy intersection that has seen quite a lot of commercial growth recently. A Walgreens Drug Store is on the southwest corner, and a Jewel/Osco is on the southeast corner. In addition, there are several banks and smaller commercial developments in the area. There are two senior housing developments to the west, and we would like to construct sidewalk to accommodate pedestrian access to the commercial area. Please refer to Exhibit 1. The total length of sidewalk is estimated to be 1800 feet. This project has an estimated cost of$63,000. Route 47/Garden Street Area The Prairie Garden subdivision has a senior housing component. While not far from town, it is isolated with respect to pedestrian access. We would like to construct sidewalk along Route 47 to allow the residents to walk into town. We would also like to construct sidewalk to an adjacent residential subdivision to allow access to a public park. Please refer to Exhibit 2. The total length of sidewalk is estimated to be 1200 feet. This project has an estimated cost of$42,000. Thank you for considering these projects. If you need additional information, please call me at 553-4350. Very truly yours, Anton Graff City Administrator Cc: Arthur F. Prochaska, Jr., Mayor Seniors Sidewalk project — -xhipit 1 11111111111111 f w • W . HiILC ESTERAN 'S PKea. WY Proposed Sidewalk 1111111111 LAW ILLI].nm•mw (I) WM EE 41-111111Wm EMI-r„, 111111 ' "is. lEin - , June18, 2004 Scale: 1 "=200' . *Seniors Sicewalk Project — Exhi Dit 2 I VI....lir: 2-01:1:716- hil Loonown, s • 3i ._t41■ ■ ECH sain1"I I hlit /I Sltit ti? 4*, IIHSTII_6 Widlill ll ® ® ® C 1.-„,.., -0 limpagrwaripmaimi ikt, cloppleursi COLS E(333 C WIF Wa 3' �w• IaMIN ac-• •0PARK cITY• li � 1R�\ 11.1 \c'\-\ ' p5 Proposed Sidewalk . all 11 k*G ' 4W-fI -- BIM M ODA Propose dSidewalk110 A0*** & w I iiMi 1111111111 kifle:.., ' 11111b c� mow o GARDEN STREETI `` 1 , (-)L, :411[2 #01°7)3.01 FAA I _ t_____D rc?>. I ll I I I di 00 Okm I el air 01-33 met "It, IIII fASI ` 18, 2004 �■ i June �_ Scale: 1 "=400' WALSH CT. , AGREEMENT BETWEEN YORKVILLE-BRISTOL SANITARY DISTRICT AND UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE ROB ROY CREEK INTERCEPTOR THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this 1%' day of J U Alt , 2004, by and between the YORKVILLE-BRISTOL SANITARY DISTRICT, a municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as "DISTRICT"), of the County of Kendall, State of Illinois, and THE UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE, municipal corporation, (hereinafter referred to as "CITY"), WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, each party to this agreement is a Governmental Entity authorized by State Statute under Illinois complied Statutes to enter into agreements for delivery of Governmental Services to its citizens; and WHEREAS, the Yorkville-Bristol Sanitary District provides sanitary sewer treatment for sewage effluent produced and transported within the DISTRICT boundaries, and WHEREAS, the Yorkville-Bristol Sanitary District assumes responsibility for construction and maintenance of all interceptors with said system eighteen (18") inches in size or larger, and WHEREAS,the current development of the United City of Yorkville requires the installation of a sanitary sewer interceptor named the Rob Roy Creek Interceptor, as delineated on the attached Exhibit 1, to serve undeveloped lands with and outside the District's Facility Planning Areas; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY AGREED by the parties as follows: 1. That the DISTRICT's ENGINEER will contract with the City to design and construct the Rob Roy Creek Interceptor, in accordance with the District's sanitary sewer standards. 2. That the CITY will upfront the funds to the DISTRICT for the design and construction of said Rob Roy Creek Interceptor until such time the DISTRICT collects sufficient Infrastructure Participation Fees from developers tributary to said interceptor in accordance with Section 1,Paragraph Five of the DISTRICT's Sewer Use Ordinance and reimburse the CITY within 90 days of receipt of the fees. Page 1 of 2 3. That the DISTRICT will own and maintain Rob Roy Creek Interceptor. 4. Each party to this Agreement understands and acknowledges that since the United City of Yorkville is advancing the cost of said improvements, that no other municipality shall be allowed to connect to said improvements without the written consent of each party to the Agreement. NOTICES OR DEMANDS Any notice or demand hereunder from either party to another party hereto, shall be in writing and shall be deemed served if mailed by prepaid certified mail addressed as follows: Mayor and Aldermen President and Board of Trustees United City of Yorkville Yorkville-Bristol Sanitary District 800 Game Farm Road P.O. Box 27 Yorkville, IL 60560 Yorkville, IL 60560 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE YORKVILLE-BRISTOL SANITARY DISTRICT , ,/ By: : dam/ / , ,,ii//�l ", Mayor •�- iden i� Attest Attest. �„J City Clerk Clerk Date: Date: (p, ld\a4 Page 2 of 2 .• P:ED I 1 1 r ! __ i i _ , ---- -7 "Ionior r.—;--- NORTH,BRANCH ROB RO . LI _ ----.--- _., . . CREEK I INTERCEPTOR . . . . 11 EAST BR• CH ROB ROY ; , 1 _ CREEK IN ERCEPTOR _—___ re .; t t • ci -------7-------; ; ce i -'1 J, :co...__________ ,.. Z 7" 1 1+J c i .... ,.---s,..1/0 I , ED , / .., ,,..„...„....,...". ........r.s... i e i • 1- ' 1 .1 1 1 '4-i, • 1 LI '". ( f . 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DEUCHLER ASSOCIATES, INC. 1 , A 2• . 1.. .. ,....„ 0 - O , • , ,,,, ,„,/,„,, ..--,7,„„ . F REVISIONS F:\YR\0402 I-DO\RRC-INTER YORKVILLE—BRISTOL SANITARY DISTRICT 1,BooK xxx DESIGNED PFM APPROVED PFM 1JOB NUMBER DRAWN J ES DATE 6/9/04 I SCALE 1"=3000' 777/04021-00 ROB ROY CREEK INTERCEPTOR _ E 0 United City of Yorkville I it , County Seat of Kendall County EST. `x`1E36 BOO Game farm Road ,4 t,,- 77--::------7 U) Yorkville,Illinois 60560 O ',• ,12'''"L':. 0 Phone:630-553-4350 1;4.... 2 '' :.e' Fax:630-553-7575 `it 1.E ‘‘' • 11FaX -. E li Date: ,- Pages: E (Including cover sheet) To: : Fax#: E Company Mame: • From: Re:� f I . `1' CC: ❑ Urgent 0 For Review 0 Please Comment 0 Please Reply • Comments - � � �a-1. l 'k l 7 \- '`--�-.. � ( (- � ( �- t 1 Lt c' ( - I � 1- t If you do not receive this transmission in its entirety, or have any problems with the receipt of this transmission, contact the sender immediately. If you have received this facsimile in error, please notify us by telephone immediately. The contents•of this facsimile transmission are confidential and are not intended for distribution or publication without the sender's prior written consent - stli C/ J j° 0 United City of Yorkville EST AN -:f 183fi County Seat of Kendall County erV800 Game Farm Road �� Cl) Yorkville, Illinois 60560 Q �. G1 \ Q Phone:630-553-4350 'AL K.ndlc—m, �= Fax:630-553-7575 k LE"i� v To: Tony Graff, Administrator From: Eric Dhuse, Public Works ,-- Date: Date: June 23, 2004 Re: Parkway trees Tony, After the storms this last month, Scott Sleezer and myself performed a tree survey for damage on our parkway trees. The amount of dead or dying trees is staggering. I believe that this is due to a number of factors including old age, storm damage disease/insects, and the fact that in the past, any species of tree was acceptable as a parkway tree. I have attached a list of trees that need to be removed as soon as possible. we are now in the process of creating a second list of trees that we feel will not be a problem at this time. I am in the process of contacting tree removal services for quotes, but a feel that the bids will be higher than our budgeted amount. I would like to move forward with this project to prevent any damage to homes or power lines. I would ask that this be placed on the Public Works agenda for the June 28, 2004 meeting for discussion. Please let me know what direction you would like me to take to try and find additional funds if they are needed. Cc: Art Prochaska, Mayor Traci Pleckham, Finance Director Location of Tree Risk Level Type of Tree Notes 702 Bristol 1 Maple 401 W. Center 1 Maple 306 Colton 1 Maple 402 Colton on Center St. 1 Maple 112 E. Fox 1 Maple 209 E Fox 1 Maple 507 Heustis 1 Maple 507 Heustis 1 Maple 601 Heustis (south tree) 1 Maple 602 Heustis 1 Maple 606 Heustis 1 Ash 705 Heustis 1 Chinese Elm Trim 404 Jefferson 304 Liberty 1 Maple 304 Liberty 1 Maple 411 Madison 1 Maple 513 W. Madison 1 Oak Madison & State (NE corner) 1 Maple 202 E. Main 1 Maple 210 E. Main 1 Maple 308 E. Main 1 Maple 308 E. Main 1 Maple 308 E. Main 1 Maple 407 S. Main 1 Maple Oakwood Ct 1 Oak 319 E. Orange 1 Elm Identify as Elm Peterson's 1 Ash 208 W. Ridge (on State) 1 Elm 301 W. Ridge (on State) 1 Ash 201 River 1 Maple 201 River 1 Maple 708 State 1 Maple 101 W Spring (corner of 47) 1 Maple 106 W. Washington 1 Maple E. Washington (Heustis 1 Maple 600 Block corner 611 White Oak Way 1 Ash 615 White Oak Way 1 Dead 617 White Oak Way 1 Dead 301 W. Center(NW corner) 2 Maple 106 E. Main 2 Maple 209 E. Main 2 Maple 305 E. Main 2 Maple 403 E. Main 2 Maple 208 E. Center 3 Maple 407 W. Center 3 Maple 210 Johnson 3 Maple 212 E. Main (on Liberty) 5 Pine E. Ridge (cul-de-sac) 5 404 Sanders Ct 5 Cottonwood 104 Center Parkway 1 Ash In House Removal 212 W. Kendall 1 Pear In House Removal 115 E. Kendall 1 Maple In House Removal 99 E. Kendall 1 Maple In House Removal 103 Strawberry 1 Maple In House Removal 122 Strawberry 1 Maple In House Removal UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE Memo To: Public Works Committee From: Tony Graff,Qi<Administrafor Date: 6/24/04 Re: Request to Amend the Joint Funding Agreement for the USGS to conduct a floodplain study for the Blackberry Creek Watershed The joint funding agreement was approved by the City Council on May 11, 2004 for the USGS to conduct a floodplain study for the Blackberry Creek Watershed throughout Kane and Kendall County. The USGS agency is requesting to amend the original budget because Kendall County only approved$20,000 to fund the project instead of$28,114 requested. The revised budget being proposed increases Yorkville's funding to $59,530 from$54,064,which is an increase of$5,466. Montgomery's increase was$2,648. I am recommending that we move forward with the revised budget because Kendall County Forest Preserve District has indicated they will discuss an intergovernmental agreement to manage and/or take ownership of any open space(passive)along the Blackberry Creek Corridor area which they currently manage one parcel for us in Cannonball Estates. The increase funding would affect FY05/06 ($532)&FY06/07 ($4,933) (see attached budgets). Furthermore,USGS stated they will make every attempt to find additional funding in the future years to cover this increase but there are no guarantees. Any further questions regarding this memo call me at 630-553-8529. 1 ORIGINAL BUDGET (infederalfsca(years; AGENCY FY04 FY05 FY06 TOTAL PERCENT USGS (COOP) 41 ,000 45,000 10,550 96,550 48% USGS (SIR) 10,000 10,000 5% Yorkville 24,490 23,958 5,617 54,064 27% Kendall 10,000 14,674 3,440 28,114 14% Montgomery 6,510 6,368 1 ,493 14,372 7% TOTAL 92,000 90,000 21 ,100 203,100 REVISED BUDGET AGENCY FY04 FY05 FY06 TOTAL PERCENT USGS (COOP) 38,000 39,000 19,550 96,550 48% USGS (SIR) 10,000 10,000 5% Yorkville 24,490 24,490 10,550 59,530 29% Kendall 7,000 8,000 5,000 20,000 10% Montgomery 6,510 6,510 4,000 17,020 8% TOTAL 86,000 78,000 39,100 203,100 Page 1 of 1 Form 9-1366 U.S. Department of the Interior Customer#: (Nov. 1998) U.S.Geological Survey Agreement#: Joint Funding Agreement Project#: TIN#: Fixed Cost Agreement Yes FOR Water Resources Discipline THIS AGREEMENT is entered into as of the 29th day of April,2004,by the U.S.GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, party of the first part, and the City of Yorkille,party of the second part. 1. The parties hereto agree that subject to availability of appropriations and in accordance with their respective authorities there shall be maintained in cooperation to survey channel cross sections from Blackberry Creek for purposes of later efforts to conduct a floodplain study project herein called the program. 2. The following amounts shall be contributed to cover all of the cost of the necessary field and analytical work directly related to this program (a) $24,490 by the party of the first part during the period April 29,2004 to September 30,2004 (b) $24,490 by the party of the second part during the period April 29,2004 to September 30,2004 (c) Additional or reduced amounts by each party during the above period or succeeding periods as may be determined by mutual agreement and set forth in an exchange of letters between the parties. 3. The costs of this program may be paid by either party in conformity with the laws and regulations respectively governing each party. 4. The field and analytical work pertaining to this program shall be under the direction of or subject to periodic review by an authorized representative of the party of the first part. 5. The areas to be included in the program shall be determined by mutual agreement between the parties hereto or their authorized representatives. The methods employed in the field and office shall be those adopted by the party of the first part to insure the required standards of accuracy subject to modification by mutual agreement. 6. During the course of this program,all field and analytical work of either party pertaining to this program shall be open to the inspection of the other party, and if the work is not being carried on in a mutually satisfactory manner,either party may terminate this agreement upon 60 days written notice to the other party. 7. The original records resulting from this program will be deposited in the office of origin of those records. Upon request, copies of the original records will be provided to the office of the other party. 8. The maps, records,or reports resulting from this program shall be made available to the public as promptly as possible.The maps, records,or reports normally will be published by the party of the first part. However,the party of the second part reserves the right to publish the results of this program and, if already published by the party of the first part shall, upon request,be furnished by the party of the first part, at costs, impressions suitable for purposes of reproduction similar to that for which the original copy was prepared.The maps, records, or reports published by either party shall contain a statement of the cooperative relations between the parties. 9. Billing for this agreement will be rendered annually. Payments of bills are due within 60 days after the billing date. If not paid by the due date, interest will be charged at the current Treasury rate for each 30 day period,or portion thereof,that the payment is delayed beyond the due date. (31 USC 3717;Comptroller General File B-212222,August 23, 1983). U.S.GEOLOGICAL SURVEY City of Yorkville UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIORIP �' 0 ( By: I Date 6 B ,it ,� \ ! 1 Date / c, ,.. �_._ .h . .! g I Il By: _ (c_ i Title •obert R. Holmes,Jr., Distr ct Chief By: Date (USE REVERSE SIDE IF ADDITIONAL SIGNATURES ARE REQUIRED) https://gsvaresa01.er.usgs.gov/WebForms/9-1366.nsf/a6b604c68916253085256d83006e 1 a60?Ope... 4/29/2004 PROJECT PROPOSAL Floodplain and Floodway Mapping for Blackberry Creek in Kendall County, Illinois Prepared for Kendall County, City of Yorkville, and Village of Montgomery U.S. Geological Survey, WRD 221 North Broadway Urbana, Illinois 61801 (217) 344-0037 Ext. 3055 (David Soong) (217) 344-0037 Ext. 3024 (Tim Straub) Floodplain and Floodway Analysis and Mapping for Blackberry Creek in Kendall County Objectives: 1) Formulate an updated, versatile, and accurate computer model for Blackberry Creek in Kendall County 2) Produce FEMA approved flood-insurance rate maps 3) Develop an interactive Web site for displaying results Benefits: • FEMA approved flood-insurance rate maps can be used to minimize loss of life and property from flooding. • Results and maps can be accessed easily through the Internet • Tool for educating the public on complex issues • User-friendly Windows based software for modeling and analyzing results (training of staff included) Budget (Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) is from October 1 — September 30): • FFY 2004 = $92,000 • FFY 2005 = $90,000 • FFY 2006 = $21,000 Future Benefits: • Model effects of future land use scenarios to make informed decisions about development • Model and resolve/avoid potential conflicts among landowners. • Analysis of hydraulic properties needed for installing stream restoration practices • Model water quality simulate the movement of pollutants through a watershed Model Details Hydrology Model The development and application of mathematical models to simulate the movement of pollutants through a watershed and thus to anticipate environmental problems has been the subject of intensive EPA research for a number of years. An important tool in this modeling approach is the Hydrological Simulation Program - FORTRAN (HSPF) (Bicknell and others, 2000), which uses computers to simulate hydrology and water quality in natural and man-made water systems. HSPF is designed for application to most watersheds using existing meteorologic and hydrologic data. Although data requirements are extensive, HSPF is thought to be the most accurate and appropriate management tool presently available for the continuous simulation of hydrology and water quality in watersheds. Rosemarie C. Russo, Ph.D., USEPA HSPF is used to simulate water quantity and quality for numerous scenarios involving changes in land use, land-use management practices, and water-management operations. To assist with that process, an interactive computer program, GENeration and analysis of model simulation SCeNarios (GenScn), was developed to create simulation scenarios, analyze results of the scenarios, and compare scenarios. Hydraulic Model The HEC-RAS (Hydrological Engineering Center - River Analysis System) hydraulic model (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 2001) is intended for calculating water surface profiles for steady gradually varied flow in natural or man-made channels. Effects of various obstructions such as bridges, culverts, weirs, and structures in the floodplain may be simulated in the computation. The HEC-RAS has enhanced the enhanced graphical user interface (GUI) for data and result organization; has the capacity of computing with a mixed flow regime (sub-, super-critical and mixed flows). Floodplain delineation and floodway determination can be done with HEC-RAS and the HEC-RAS also is an accepted computer model by FEMA for NFIP usage. References Bicknell, B.R., Imhoff, J.C., Kittle, J.L., Jr., Jobes, T.H., and Donigian, A.S., Jr., 2000, Hydrological simulation program — FORTRAN (HSPF): User's manual for release 12: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Research Laboratory, Athens, Ga. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 2001 , HEC-RAS River Analysis System, Hydraulic Reference Manual — Version 3.0.1.: Hydrologic Engineering Center, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Davis, Calif., various chapters plus appendices. 1974 - 2004 do- 52 Wheeler Road • Sugar Grove, IL 60554 TEL: 630 / 466-9350 FAX: 630 / 466-9380 Frac=in arEms arprisas„ www.eeiweb.com 30 YEARS OF EXCELLENCE June 17, 2004 Mr. Joseph A. Wywrot, P.E. City Engineer United City of Yorkville 800 Game Farm Road Yorkville, IL 60560 Re: Design and Construction Engineering Services for the Raymond Storm Sewer Outfall, United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois Dear Mr. Wywrot: Thank you for the opportunity to submit this proposal for professional services, consisting of civil engineering and land surveying services, for the above referenced project. Our proposal presents in more detail below the following items: Project Description, Scope of Services, Fees and Conditions, Qualifications and Acceptance. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The United City of Yorkville, hereinafter called Client, has requested a proposal from our firm to provide professional services for a drainage improvement project within the Raymond Drainage Area in Bristol Township, Kendall County, Illinois. SCOPE OF SERVICES Our firm proposes to furnish the necessary personnel, materials, equipment and transportation to make necessary investigations (exclusive of subsurface soil sampling and testing, drain tile investigations, wetland delineations or investigations, archaeological studies, endangered species studies and NPDES permitting), analyses and designs to perform field and office professional services for the above referenced project, in accordance with the detailed scope of services listed below and accepted civil engineering and land surveying practices. E�rii Ot ' Ol04 > t `F- , 4r�5:. ,i G:1Pti.��.,.�'o�kv;��A2�J4`, v 1� .uy�;�o.�d �r�n wee.,vr ;i,tC,Cs�;>pOiJi.tl;;c Consulting Engineers Specializing in Civil Engineering and Land Surveying Mr. Joseph A. Wywrot, P.E. June 14, 2004 Page 2 Preliminary Design Services To help ensure quality in the improvement plans, our Project Manager will coordinate the activities of our design team and the desires of the Client. Major individual work items are described in more detail as follows: Preliminary Routing and Sizing Plan A preliminary routing plan together with a detailed analyses of outfall sizing alternatives and their respective impacts on local drainage patterns will be prepared and presented to the Client for approval prior to proceeding to Final Design. The estimated length of the project is 10,500 feet, consisting of 9,500 feet of storm sewer with appurtenant structures and 1,000 feet of outfall bio-swale for cleansing and energy dissipation. The preliminary work we have completed to date for concept presentations to the City is included in this item and will be credited towards the first invoice. Final Design Services To help ensure quality in the improvement plans, our Project Manager will coordinate the activities of our design team and the desires of the Client. Major individual work items are described in more detail as follows: Easement Documents Easement documents covering the route of the proposed storm sewer, including both permanent and temporary construction easements, will be prepared for execution by the affected property owners and the Client. Improvement Plans A complete set of improvement plans will be provided detailing the design of the drainage system. Special Provisions and Contract Proposal A complete set of detailed special provisions will be prepared to govern the construction of the proposed improvements. The contract proposal will be utilized in securing bids from contractors for construction of the project. Cost Estimate An engineer's opinion of probable construction cost will be prepared, based on the summary of quantities prepared as part of the improvement plans. G:yPublicAYcrkvi€e`2004%YOO413 Raymond Storm ewer altfailydocs;ppv4O1.don Mr. Joseph A. Wywrot, P.E. June 14, 2004 Page 3 Contract Award We will assist the Client in the receipt and evaluation of proposals and the awarding of the construction contract. Construction Services To help ensure quality in the constructed project, our Project Manager will continue his involvement in the project for the various activities during construction. Major individual work items are described in more detail below as follows: Construction Administration To ensure that the contractor will meet the requirements of the contract proposal, our firm will administer the execution of the contract documents, conduct a pre-construction conference and certify payouts when requested by the contractor. Construction Staking Engineering Enterprises, Inc. will provide line and grade construction staking to enable the contractor to proceed with his work through a field interpretation of the improvement plans. One staking will be provided at critical locations for the proposed improvements. Record Drawings Upon completion of all construction activities for this project, the original drawings will be modified to reflect record information to be provided by the contractors. One (1) set of reproducible sepia mylar drawings, two (2) sets of blueline prints of the record drawings and one (1) electronic file in an acceptable format will be furnished to the Client. Construction Observation To determine the general conformance with the improvement plans and contract proposal, Engineering Enterprises, Inc. will provide periodic observation of the work performed by contractors and will report our findings to the Client. FEES AND CONDITIONS The proposed methods of payment for the required professional engineering and land surveying services are at Lump Sum (LS), Hourly (HR), and/or Actual Cost (AC) fees for the various classifications of employees who will perform the work as listed on the attached Standard Schedule of Charges dated January 1, 2004. G:\P b c\:Yorkvl ie`2004`;YCOL13 Raymond Storm Sewer Out`a `',docs`,ppo;01.doc Mr. Joseph A. Wywrot, P.E. June 14, 2004 Page 4 A brief explanation of the reasons for the various proposed Lump Sum and Hourly and/or Actual Cost fees is in order and is as follows: 1. The proposed Lump Sum fee is for work that is clearly defined and is under our control; 2. The proposed Hourly fee is for work that is subject to unknown conditions, experience of the contractors, and other conditions that are not under our control; and 3. The proposed Actual Cost fee is for work and/or expenses the exact cost of which cannot be determined in advance. The proposed methods and amounts of payment for Preliminary Design Services is as follows: $14,490 Lump Sum. The proposed methods and amounts of payment for Final Design Services is as follows: $43,470 Lump Sum. The proposed methods and amounts of payment for Construction Engineering Services are as follows: Construction Administration - $7,000 Lump Sum; Construction Staking - $7,500 Lump Sum; Record Drawings - $2,225 Lump Sum and Construction Observation - $34,000 (estimated) Hourly. Therefore, the total estimated Lump Sum and Hourly fees for Final Design and Construction Services is $108,685. The proposed method of payment for reproduction services for plans and/or plats is at the rate of $.30 per square foot for blueline prints and $1.75 per square foot for mylar sheets reproduced by our firm or at the actual cost of reproduction services provided by our vendors. In the alternative, the Client may borrow the original drawings, make the necessary reproductions and return the original drawings to our firm. Payment for all work will be based on invoices submitted periodically by our firm, but not more frequently than monthly as the work progresses. Invoices will be payable by the Client within 30 days of the date of the invoice. Additional assignments not described above will be performed at an hourly rate for the various classifications of employees who will perform the work as listed on the attached Standard Schedule of Charges dated January 1, 2004, or in accordance with a separate proposal. QUALIFICATIONS Engineering Enterprises, Inc. is actively engaged in the planning, design and construction of both public and private improvement projects requiring professional engineering and land surveying services in Northern Illinois. We have invested in the most current technological equipment to provide quality field investigations and accurate drawings with rapid and cost effective survey, design and construction document production and revision capabilities. Our staff has the experience, enthusiasm and commitment to provide the required services in a reliable, timely and cost effective manner. G:`~PubicAYorkvi Iey2004'vYOO413 Raymond Storm Sewer OutSdddocslppo101.doc Mr. Joseph A. Wywrot, P.E. June 14, 2004 Page 5 While various members of our firm will perform the work on this project, the principal contact person with our firm will be John T. Whitehouse, P.E., P.L.S. Senior Project Manager. Jeffrey W. Freeman, P.E., Senior Project Manager will also be available as necessary to ensure the satisfactory completion of the project. ACCEPTANCE If selected, we will give our full attention to the project so that it may be constructed as soon as practicable, consistent with performance of our services, and other considerations. If the Project Description, Scope of Services, and Fees and Conditions, as cited above are satisfactory, please indicate your acceptance by signing both of the enclosed proposals and returning one of them to us for our records. We welcome the opportunity to submit this proposal for professional services to you for your consideration. We look forward to working with and for you on this exciting project. Respectfully submitted, ENGINEERING ENTERPRISES, INC. 9;07)w_ Jeffrey W. Freeman, P.E. Senior Project Manager Enclosures G:1Public\Yorkviile'\2004\Y 00413 Raymond Storm Sever O t a ildocs`,ppo101.doc Mr. Joseph A. Wywrot, P.E. June 14, 2004 Page 6 AGREEMENT All terms and conditions to this Agreement for Professional Services Accepted this day of , 2004. By By UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE Organization 800 Game Farm Road Address Yorkville IL 60560 City State Zip Accepted this day of , 2004. ENGINEERING ENTERPRISES, INC. Organization 52 Wheeler Road Address Sugar Grove IL 60554 City State Zip By Ptij • j •r Project Manager (A By 'Y\ \'`�\. U� C Secretary G:\Public\Yorkville\2004\Y00413 Raymond Storm Sewer Outfall\docs\ppol0l.doc Personnel, Positions & Classifications James K.Michels,P.E. E-3 Jason M.Bauer,E.I. P-4 President Project Engineer Peter G.Wailers,P.E. E-3 Timothy V.Weidner,E.I. P-4 Senior Vice President Project Engineer David R.Burroughs,P.E. E-3 Michele L.Daly,E.I. P-4 Vice President Project Engineer Ronald G.Naylor,P.E. E-2 Terry M.Heitkamp,E.I. P-4 Senior Project Manager Project Engineer John T.Whitehouse,P.E.,P.L.S. E-2 Nathaniel J.Koehneke,E.I. P-4 Senior Project Manager Senior Engineer Bradley P.Sanderson,P.E. E-2 Gregory A.Chambers T-5 Senior Project Manager Senior Project Technician(Field) Jeffrey W.Freeman,P.E. E-2 Steven Gozner,Ill T-5 Senior Project Manager Senior Project Technician(CAD) William E.Dunn,P.E. E-2 David S.Stewart T-5 Senior Project Manager Senior Project Technician(Field) Timothy P.Farrell,P.E. E-1 William C.Pierson T-4 Project Manager Project Technician(CAD) Timothy N.Paulson,P.E. E-1 C.Larry Nolan T-4 Project Manager Project Technician(CAD) Kevin S.Bomstad,P.E. E-1 Kristopher K.Pung T-4 Project Manager Project Technician(CAD) David E.Schumacher E-1 Thomas A.Ness T-4 Project Manager Project Technician(Field) Scott A.Swanson E-1 Lenard E.Lynn T-4 Computer Aided Drafting& Project Technician(Field) Information Systems Manager Ryan M.Christoffel T-3 George R.Burgess,P.L.S. P-5 Senior Technician(Field) Senior Project Surveyor Joshua M.Boatman T-3 Mark G.Scheller,P.L.S. P-5 Senior Technician(Field) Senior Project Surveyor Matthew R.Blackburn T-3 Andrew R.Deitchman,P.E. P-5 Senior Technician(Field) Senior Project Engineer/Environmental Denise M.Migliorini A-3 Jason P. "Jay"Nemeth,P.E. P-5 Administrative Assistant Senior Project Engineer Denise M.Thelander A-3 Yifang Lu,P.E. P-5 Accounting Assistant Senior Project Engineer Angela R.Ford A-3 Stephan W.Grabowski P-5 Secretary Senior Transportation Planner Dawn M.Goodbred A-3 Christopher E.Peterson,S.I. P-4 Secretary Project Surveyor Nicole M.Morris A-3 Julie A.Morrison,E.I. P-4 Accounting Assistant Project Engineer Bobbi M.Erdmann A-3 Darrin P.Schertz P-4 Marketing Director Project Engineer Angela D.McCoy A-3 David A.Kamano,E.I. P-4 Accounting Assistant Project Engineer East Dundee,Illinois Brian R.Valleskey P-4 GIS Specialist Mark C.Weber,P.L.S. P-5 Senior Project Surveyor Robert C.Watts T-5 Senior Project Technician(Field) LEGEND: Travis A.Carroll T-3 P.E.=Professional Engineer Senior Technician(Field) P.L.S.=Professional Land Surveyor E.I.=Engineer Intern Stacy L.Nilsen A-3 S.I.=Surveyor Intern Office Manager E=Executive P=Professional T=Technical A=Administrative 6/16/04 06/17/2004 THU 16:40 FAX 630 466 9380 EEInc, 2001/001 32 Wheeler goad • Sugar Grove, IL 60554 ( .4' i44* TEL: 630 / 466-9350 FAXt 630 / 466-9380 ;rte,- .9c o STANDARD SCHEDULE OF CHARGES c=,s�:-.•ta:-s.... ... �. www.eeiweb-corn January 1, 2004 • EMPLOYEE DESIGNATION CLASSIFICATION HOURLY RATE Principal Engineer E-3 $123.00 Senior Project Manager E-2 $114.00 • • Project Manager E-1 $105.00 Senior Project Engineer/Surveyor P-5 $ 96.00 • Project Engineer/Surveyor P-4 $ 87.00 Senior Engineer/Surveyor P-3 $ 78.00 Engineer/Surveyor P-2 $ 69.00 Associate Engineer/Surveyor P-1 $ 60.00 Senior Project Technician T-5 $ 87.00 Project Technician T-4 $ 78.00 Senior Technician T-3 $ 69.00 Technician T-2 $ 60.00 Associate Technician T-1 $ 51.00 Secretary A-3 $ 60.00 VEHICLES, EQUIPMENT AND REPROGRAPHICS Vehicle for Construction Observation VEH $ 10.00 Global Positioning System Equipment GPS $25.00 Scanning ($1.50 per Sheet) SCA N/A Reproduction ($1.50 per Sheet) REP N/A • G:\EEt\DOCS\FORMS\GENE RAL\STADS0104.DOC Consulting Engineers Specializing in Civil Engineering and Land Surveying 1974 - 2004 = 52 Wheeler Road • Sugar Grove, IL 60554 0-le TEL: 630 / 466-9350 FAX: 630 / 466-9380 Ertscleogrirts EntE-e-pr€rrs, www.eeiweb.com :c€c. 30 YEARS OF EXCELLENCE June 17, 2004 Mr. Tony Graff City Administrator United City of Yorkville 800 Game Farm Road Yorkville, IL 60560 Re: Kennedy Road Reconstruction-Theidel Engineering Agreement United City of Yorkville Kendall County, IL Dear Mr. Graff: Thank you for the opportunity to submit the attached Engineering Agreement for professional engineering services for the above referenced. A standard IDOT Agreement for Preliminary Engineering and Construction Guidance (BLR 4303) as modified and as noted, is the recommended format for this agreement. As we have discussed, this proposed agreement covers that part of Kennedy Road to be reconstructed in conjunction with development of the Theidel property. Further, we mutually agree that this reconstruction work would be best planned, designed and accomplished in conjunction with the design and reconstruction of that portion of Kennedy Road adjacent to the Grande Reserve development for which we are currently under contract. Additionally, there may be some right of way acquisition issues best handled by the City along those portions of Kennedy Road not included within the Theidel property. We further believe that these adjoining road construction projects should be constructed at the same time to secure the best possible bids and to result in a seamless construction and paving project during the 2005 construction season. Upon approval of the contract and direction by the City, we will proceed with the design of this project simultaneously with the Grande Reserve portion of Kennedy Road so they may both be bid early this winter. Upon review and approval of this agreement, please indicate City acceptance by signing both of the enclosed agreements and by returning one copy to our office for our file which will serve as our agreement for Professional Engineering Services. G:\Public\Yorkville\2004\Y00414 Kennedy Road Reconstruction(Theidel-Pulte)\docs\IgraffOl.doc Consulting Engineers Specializing in Civil Engineering and Land Surveying We look forward to working with your office, the City Council and City Staff on this most exciting and necessary project. Should you have any questions, please give me a call at 630/466-9350. Respectfully submitted, ENGINEERING ENTERPRISES, INC. 1 . John T. Whitehouse, P.E., P.L.S. Senior Project Manager cc: JWF/JKM EEI G:\Public\Yorkville\2004\Y00414 Kennedy Road Reconstruction(Theidel-Pulte)\docs\Igraff01.doc MunicipalityName 16 co Illinois Department United City of Yorkville o of Transportation C Engineering Enterprises, Inc. Township A N Address Bristol L Preliminary and Final U 52 Wheeler Road A Design/Construction County G Engineering Services T City Kendall E Agreement A Sugar Grove Section C T State Kennedy Road Y IL THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this day of , 2004 between the above Local Agency (LA)and Consultant(ENGINEER) and covers certain professional engineering services in connection with the improvement of the above SECTION. Local funds under the general supervision of the Local Agency, hereinafter called the "DEPARTMENT", may be used entirely or in part to finance ENGINEERING services as described under AGREEMENT PROVISIONS. Section Description Name Kennedy Road Route - Length 3,350 L.F.( 0.64 Miles)(Structure No. Termini Commencing at a point 2,090 feet west of Bristol Ridge Road (Grande Reserve's western property line) 3,350' southwest to the Theidel property western property line. Description — Reconstruct 3,350 If of 40' B.B. full depth superpave bituminous concrete urban pavement section with B-6.18 C & G; 12"and 18" RCP storm sewer; 5" P.C.C. sidewalk (5'); earth excavation, street lighting, pavement markings, miscellaneous appurtenances, landscaping, topsoil, seed and mulch. Agreement Provisions The Engineer Agrees, 1. To perform or be responsible for the performance of the following engineering services for the LA in connection with the proposed improvement herein before described, and checked below: a. ® Make such detailed surveys as are necessary for the preparation of detailed roadway plans. b. ❑ Make stream and flood plain hydraulic surveys and gather high water data and flood histories for the preparation of detailed bridge plans. c. ® Make or cause to be made such soil surveys or subsurface investigations including borings and soil profiles and analyses thereof as may be required to furnish sufficient data for the design of the proposed improvement. Such investigations are to be made in accordance with the current requirements of the DEPARTMENT. d. ® Make or cause to be made such traffic studies and counts and special intersection studies as may be required to furnish sufficient data for the design of the proposed improvement. e. ® Prepare Army Corps of Engineers Permit, Division of Water Resources Permit, Bridge waterway sketch and/or Channel Change sketch, Utility plan and locations and Railroad Crossing work agreements. f. ❑ Prepare Preliminary Bridge Design and Hydraulic Report, (including economic analysis of bridge or culvert types) and high water effects on roadway overflows and bridge approaches. Note Four copies to be submitted to the District Engineer BLR 4303(Rev.9/97) Page 1 of 5 g. ® Make complete general and detailed plans, special provisions, proposals and estimates of cost and furnish the LA with five(5)copies of the plans, special provisions, proposals and estimates. Additional copies of any or all documents, if required shall be furnished to the LA by the ENGINEER at his actual cost for reproduction. *** h. ® Furnish the LA with survey and drafts in quadruplicate of all necessary right-of-way dedications, construction easements and borrow pit and channel change agreements including prints of the corresponding plats and staking as required. i. ® Assist the LA in the receipt and evaluation of proposals and the awarding of the construction contract. j. ® Furnish or cause to be furnished: (1) Proportioning and testing of concrete mixtures in accordance with the"Manual of Instructions for Concrete Proportioning and Testing" issued by the Bureau of Materials and Physical Research, of the DEPARTMENT and promptly submit reports on forms prepared by said Bureau. (2) Proportioning and testing of bituminous mixtures (including extracting test) in accordance with the "Manual of Instructions for Bituminous Proportioning and Testing" issued by the Bureau of Materials and Physical Research, of the DEPARTMENT, and promptly submit reports on forms prepared by said Bureau. (3) All compaction tests as required by the specifications and report promptly the same on forms prepared by the Bureau of Materials and Physical Research. (4) Quality and sieve analyses on local aggregates to see that they comply with the specifications contained in the contract. (5) Inspection of all materials when inspection is not provided at the sources by the Bureau of Materials and Physical Research, of the DEPARTMENT and submit inspection reports to the LA and the DEPARTMENT in accordance with the policies of the said DEPARTMENT. k. ® Furnish or cause to be furnished (1) A resident engineer, inspectors and other technical personnel to perform the following work: (The number of such inspectors and other technical personnel required shall be subject to the approval of the LA.) a. Continuous observation of the work and the contractor's operations for compliance with the plans and specifications as construction proceeds, but the ENGINEER does not guarantee the performance of the contract by the contractor. b. Establishment and setting of lines and grades. c. Maintain a daily record of the contractor's activities throughout construction including sufficient information to permit verification of the nature and cost of changes in plans and authorized extra work. d. Supervision of inspectors, proportioning engineers and other technical personnel and the taking and submitting of material samples. e. Revision of contract drawings to reflect as built conditions. f. Preparation and submission to the LA in the required form and number of copies, all partial and final payment estimates, change orders, records and reports required by the LA and the DEPARTMENT. 2. That all reports, plans, plats and special provisions to be furnished by the ENGINEER pursuant to this agreement will be in accordance with the current standard specifications and policies of the DEPARTMENT, it being understood that all such reports, plats, plans and drafts shall before being finally accepted, be subject to approval by the LA and the said DEPARTMENT. 3. To attend conferences at any reasonable time when requested to do so by the LA or representatives of the DEPARTMENT. 4. In the event plans, surveys or construction staking are found to be in error during the construction of the SECTION and revisions of the plans or survey or construction staking corrections are necessary, the ENGINEER agrees that he will perform such work without expense to the LA, even though final payment has been received by him. He shall give immediate attention to these changes so there will be a minimum delay to the contractor. 5. The basic survey notes and sketches, charts, computations and other data prepared or obtained by the ENGINEER pursuant to this agreement will be made available upon request to the LA or the DEPARTMENT without cost and without restriction or limitations as to their use. 6. To make such changes in working plans, including all necessary preliminary surveys and investigations, as may be required after the award of the construction contract and during the construction of the improvement. BLR 4303(Rev. 9/97 Page 2 of 5 7. That all plans and other documents furnished by the ENGINEER pursuant to the AGREEMENT will be endorsed by him and will show his professional seal where such is required by law. 8. To submit, upon request by the LA or the DEPARTMENT a list of the personnel and the equipment he/she proposes to use in fulfilling the requirements of this AGREEMENT. The LA Agrees, 1. To pay the Engineer as compensation for all services performed as stipulated in paragraphs 1 a, 1 g, 1i, 2, 3, 5 and 6 in accordance with one of the following methods indicated by a check mark: a ❑ A sum of money equal to percent of the awarded contract cost of the proposed improvement as approved by the DEPARTMENT. b. ❑ A sum of money equal to the percentage of the awarded contract cost for the proposed improvement as approved by the DEPARTMENT based on the following schedule: Schedule for Percentages Based on Awarded Contract Cost Awarded Cost Percentage Fees Under $50,000 N/A (see note) Note: Not necessarily a percentage. Could use per diem, cost-plus or lump sum. c. ® A sum of money in the amount$ 87,098 . 2. To pay for services stipulated in paragraphs 1 b, 1 c, 1 d, 1 e, 1f, 1 h, 1j and 1k of THE ENGINEER AGREES at the hourly rates stipulated below for personnel assigned to this SECTION as payment in full to the ENGINEER for the actual time spent in providing these services the hourly rates to include profit, overhead, readiness to serve, insurance, social security and retirement deductions. Traveling and other out-of-pocket expenses will be reimbursed to the ENGINEER at his actual cost. Subject to the approval of the LA, the ENGINEER may sublet all or part of the services provided under paragraphs 1b, 1c, 1d, 1e, 1f, 1j and 1k of THE ENGINEER AGREES. If the ENGINEER sublets all or a part of this work, the LA will pay the cost to the ENGINEER plus a five (5) percent service charge. "Cost to ENGINEER" to be verified by furnishing the LA and the DEPARTMENT copies of invoices from the party doing the work. The classifications of the employees used in the work should be consistent with the employee classifications for the services performed. If the personnel of the firm including the Principal Engineer perform routine services that should normally be performed by lesser-salaried personnel, the wage rate billed for such services shall be commensurate with the work performed. Grade Classification of Employee Hourly Rate Principal Engineer $123.00 Sr. Project Manager 114.00 Project Manager 105.00 Sr. Project Manager/Surveyor 96.00 Project Engineer/Surveyor 87.00 Senior Engineer/Surveyor 78.00 Engineer/Surveyor 69.00 Assoc. Engineer/Surveyor 60.00 Sr. Project Technician 87.00 Project Technician 78.00 Senior Technician 69.00 Technician 60.00 Associate Technician 51.00 Secretary 60.00 The hourly rates itemized above shall be effective the date the parties, hereunto entering this AGREEMENT, have affixed hands and seals and shall remain in effect until 12/31/05 . In event the services of the ENGINEER extend beyond 12/31/05 . the hourly rates will be adiusted yearly by addendum to this AGREEMENT to compensate for increases or decreases in the salary structure of the ENGINEER that are in effect at that time. BLR 4303(Rev.9/97) Page 3 of 5 3. That payments due the ENGINEER for services rendered pursuant to this AGREEMENT will be made as soon as practicable after the services have been performed, in accordance with the following schedule: a. Upon completion of detailed plans, special provisions, proposals and estimate of cost- being the work required by paragraphs 1 a through 1 g under THE ENGINEER AGREES-to the satisfaction of the LA and their approval by the DEPARTMENT, 90 percent of the total fee based on the above fee schedule and the approved estimate of cost. b. Upon award of the contract for the improvement by the LA and its approval by the DEPARTMENT, 100 percent of the total fee(excluding any fees paragraphs 1j and 1k of the ENGINEER AGREES), based on the above fee schedule and the awarded contract cost, less any previous payment. c. Upon completion of the construction of the improvement, 90 percent of the fee due for services stipulated in paragraphs 1j and 1k. d. Upon completion of all final reports required by the LA and the DEPARTMENT and acceptance of the improvement by the DEPARTMENT, 100 percent of the total fees due under this AGREEMENT, less any amounts previously paid. By mutual agreement, partial payments, not to exceed 90 percent of the amount earned, may be made from time to time as the work progresses. 4. That should the improvements be abandoned at any time after the ENGINEER has performed any part of the services provided for in paragraphs 1 a and 1 g, and prior to the completion of such services the LA shall reimburse the ENGINEER for his actual costs plus 126.30 percent incurred up to the time he is notified in writing of such abandonment "actual cost" being defined as material costs plus actual payrolls, insurance, social security and retirement deductions. Traveling and other out-of-pocket expenses will be reimbursed to the ENGINEER at his actual cost. 5. That should the LA require changes in any of the detailed plans, specifications or estimates (except for those required pursuant to paragraph 4 of THE ENGINEER AGREES)after they have been approved by the DEPARTMENT, the LA will pay the ENGINEER for such changes on the basis of actual cost plus 126.30 percent to cover profit, overhead and readiness to serve-"actual cost" being defined as in paragraph 4 above. It is understood that"changes" as used in • this paragraph shall in no way relieve the ENGINEER of his responsibility to prepare a complete and adequate set of plans. 6. That should the LA extend completion of the improvement beyond the time limit given in the contract, the LA will pay the ENGINEER, in addition to the fees provided herein, his actual cost incurred beyond such time limit-"actual cost" being defined as in paragraph 4 above. It is Mutually Agreed, 1. That any difference between the ENGINEER and the LA concerning the interpretation of the provisions of this AGREEMENT shall be referred to a committee of disinterested parties consisting of one member appointed by the ENGINEER one member appointed by the LA and a third member appointed by the two other members for disposition and that the committee's decision shall be final. 2. This AGREEMENT may be terminated by the LA upon giving notice in writing to the ENGINEER at his last known post office address. Upon such termination, the ENGINEER shall cause to be delivered to the LA all drawings, specifications, partial and completed estimates and data if any from traffic studies and soil survey and subsurface investigations with the understanding that all such material becomes the property of the LA. The ENGINEER shall be paid for any services completed and any services partially completed in accordance with Section 4 of THE LA AGREES. 3. That if the contract for construction has not been awarded one year after the acceptance of the plans by the LA and their approval by the DEPARTMENT, the LA will pay the ENGINEER the balance of the engineering fee due to make 100 percent of the total fees due under the AGREEMENT, based on the estimate of cost as prepared by the ENGINEER and approved by the LA and the DEPARTMENT. BLR 4303(Rev.9/97) Page 4 of 5 4. That the ENGINEER warrants that he/she has not employed or retained any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for the ENGINEER, to solicit or secure this contract and that he/she has not paid or agreed to pay any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for the ENGINEER, any fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gifts or any other consideration contingent upon or resulting from the award or making of this contract. For breach or violation of this warranty the LA shall have the right to annul this contract without liability. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this AGREEMENT to be executed in quadruplicate counterparts, each of which shall be considered as an original by their duly authorized offices. Executed by the LA: The United City of Yorkville of the (Municipality/ ewnsf auaty) ATTEST: State of Illinois, acting by and through its By Mayor and Council City Clerk By (Seal) Title: Mayor Executed by the ENGINEER: Engineering Enterprises, Inc. 52 Wheeler Road ATTEST: Sugar Grove, IL 60554 By 67, 92-6- c( f Title: Secretary n :: Senior Project Manager BLR 4303(Rev 9/97 Page 5 of 5 2000' 0' 2000' OMNI II SCALE FEET a•. GORP.MOS ■■�rrr —— 0 p1(\p.<,.17\N. . . n, , ? evi,' i: C4 �si� 1pry�� ��' '�A in 0.4 40 All LCNA AO I o jp# :.M■A■ pr S j MMONU■ 11 !ii 45iii jjL.ROo a f zo "// o -.- -..._I I r ,. Eby ritora.gpa... , iliiiit . _. _. .__.. ..,------- Iss 01 Ill%rA--•; ! ,,- -->..P:2 11141/ I ilir IMO MI i M 44111111111111111" I, te," k , ,'j ?A,s, .• it =.—in t�j� 0400 o �' •ar ed illi ■o�' :� .k � ♦ � 09 4%Q1j1111 _s o ■■.mnur i\ � �� .,PeN3.350 LF b 0111111 mks'Ma 4411* our [111 1� . 401116441 � 110)‘. `■ W1TH a EL � �� �� P- *PERTY 01/ 4/ --....___....._ ilf • P v. 14 411 , 4 1471 -• . ©2003 ENGINE "NG ENTERPRISES, INC. / ,, SDSKPRDrATE 00300\DWG\700414\ Engineering Enterprises, Inc. KENNEDY ROAD IMPROVEMENTS JUNE 2004 ;:•_; ROJ. N0. 700414 ■�■� Consulting Engineers THEIDEL PROPERTYililli 52 Wheeler RoadUNITED CITY OF YORKVILLELE NO. 70030034 Sugar Grove, Illinois 60554 630/466-9350 KENDALL COUNTY, IWNOIS HEET 1 of 1 41 Personnel, Positions & Classifications James K.Michels,P.E. E-3 Jason M.Bauer,E.I. P-4 President Project Engineer Peter G.Wailers,P.E. E-3 Timothy V.Weidner,E.I. P-4 Senior Vice President Project Engineer David R.Burroughs,P.E. E-3 Michele L.Daly,E.I. P-4 Vice President Project Engineer Ronald G.Naylor,P.E. E-2 Terry M.Heitkamp,E.I. P-4 Senior Project Manager Project Engineer John T.Whitehouse,P.E.,P.L.S. E-2 Nathaniel J.Koehneke,E.I. P-4 Senior Project Manager Senior Engineer Bradley P.Sanderson,P.E. E-2 Gregory A.Chambers T-5 Senior Project Manager Senior Project Technician(Field) Jeffrey W.Freeman,P.E. E-2 Steven Gozner,Ill T-5 Senior Project Manager Senior Project Technician(CAD) William E.Dunn,P.E. E-2 David S.Stewart T-5 Senior Project Manager Senior Project Technician(Field) Timothy P.Farrell,P.E. E-1 William C.Pierson T-4 Project Manager Project Technician(CAD) Timothy N.Paulson,P.E. E-1 C.Larry Nolan T-4 Project Manager Project Technician(CAD) Kevin S.Bomstad,P.E. E-1 Kristopher K.Pung T-4 Project Manager Project Technician(CAD) David E.Schumacher E-1 Thomas A.Ness T-4 Project Manager Project Technician(Field) Scott A.Swanson E-1 Lenard E.Lynn T-4 Computer Aided Drafting& Project Technician(Field) Information Systems Manager Ryan M.Christoffel T-3 George R.Burgess,P.L.S. P-5 Senior Technician(Field) Senior Project Surveyor Joshua M.Boatman 1-3 Mark G.Scheller,P.L.S. P-5 Senior Technician(Field) Senior Project Surveyor Matthew R.Blackburn T-3 Andrew R.Deitchman,P.E. P-5 Senior Technician(Field) Senior Project Engineer/Environmental Denise M.Migliorini A-3 Jason P. "Jay"Nemeth,P.E. P-5 Administrative Assistant Senior Project Engineer Denise M.Thelander A-3 Yifang Lu,P.E. P-5 Accounting Assistant Senior Project Engineer Angela R.Ford A-3 Stephan W.Grabowski P-5 Secretary Senior Transportation Planner Dawn M.Goodbred A-3 Christopher E.Peterson,S.I. P-4 Secretary Project Surveyor Nicole M.Morris A-3 Julie A.Morrison,E.I. P-4 Accounting Assistant Project Engineer Bobbi M.Erdmann A-3 Darrin P.Schertz P-4 Marketing Director Project Engineer Angela D.McCoy A-3 David A.Kamano,E.I. P-4 Accounting Assistant Project Engineer East Dundee,Illinois Brian R.Valleskey P-4 GIS Specialist Mark C.Weber,P.L.S. P-5 Senior Project Surveyor Robert C.Watts T-5 Senior Project Technician(Field) LEGEND: Travis A.Carroll T-3 P.E.=Professional Engineer Senior Technician(Field) P.L.S.=Professional Land Surveyor E.I.=Engineer Intern Stacy L.Nilsen A-3 S.I.=Surveyor Intern Office Manager E=Executive P=Professional T=Technical A=Administrative a x .z 6116/04 52 Wheeler Road • Sugar Grove, IL 60554 TEL: 630 / 466-9350 STANDARD SCHEDULE OF CHARGES FAX: 630 / 466-9380 www.eeiweb.com January 1, 2004 EMPLOYEE DESIGNATION CLASSIFICATION HOURLY RATE Principal Engineer E-3 $123.00 Senior Project Manager E-2 $114.00 Project Manager E-1 $105.00 Senior Project Engineer/Surveyor P-5 $ 96.00 Project Engineer/Surveyor P-4 $ 87.00 Senior Engineer/Surveyor P-3 $ 78.00 Engineer/Surveyor P-2 $ 69.00 Associate Engineer/Surveyor P-1 $ 60.00 Senior Project Technician T-5 $ 87.00 Project Technician T-4 $ 78.00 Senior Technician T-3 $ 69.00 Technician T-2 $ 60.00 Associate Technician T-1 $ 51.00 Secretary A-3 $ 60.00 VEHICLES, EQUIPMENT AND REPROGRAPHICS Vehicle for Construction Observation VEH $ 10.00 Global Positioning System Equipment GPS $ 25.00 Scanning ($1.50 per Sheet) SCA N/A Reproduction ($1.50 per Sheet) REP N/A G:\EEI\DOCS\FORMS\GENERAL\STADS0104.DOC Consulting Engineers Specializing in Civil Engineering and Land Surveying - JUN. 22. 2004 1 :42PM TERRACON N0, 439 P. 2/6 June 22, 2004 . ilerracon Consulting Engineers&Scientists 135 Ambassador Drive Naperville,Illinois 60540 Phone 630.717.4263 • Engineering Enterprises, Inc. Fax 630.357.9489 52 Wheeler Road www-carracon.com Sugar Grove, Illinois 60554 Attention: Mr. Ron Naylor, P.E. Re: Proposal for Geotechnical Services Proposed Kennedy Road Improvements Yorkville, Illinois Terracon Proposal No. P040597 Dear-Mr. Naylor: Terracon, Inc. appreciates the opportunity to submit this proposal to perform a geotechnical exploration for the above referenced project. This proposal outlines our understanding of the scope of services to be performed by Terracon for this project and provides an estimate of the fee for our services. We understand the project will consist of the reconstruction of Kennedy Road. Borings will be performed,at approximately a 300 foot spacing. We understand that Engineering Enterprises will be performing the pavement design. A. SCOPE OF SERVICES The Services to be provided by Terracon are stated in the following paragraphs. Field Program —As indicated on the plan provided with the RFP, we propose to perform seven (7) borings for this project to depths of ten (10) feet each on a 300-foot spacing. Sampling will be in accordance with our standard' procedures wherein shelby tube samples (ASTM D-1587) or split-barrel samples (ASTM D-1586) are obtained. Four samples will be obtained in the upper ten feet of each boring. Once the samples have been collected and classified in the field, they will be placed in appropriate sample • containers for transport to our laboratory. Our fee is based on the site being accessible to our two-wheel drive truck-mounted drilling rig and EEI providing layout and elevations of the borings; additional costs may result if this is not the case. Should all-terrain drilling equipment be required to access the site an additional $400.00 will be charged. It does not include services Delivering Success for Clients and Employees Since 1965 More Than 60 Offices Nationwide - JUN. 22. 2004 1 :43PM TERRACON NO. 439 P. 3/6 Terracon Proposed Kennedy Road Improvements Yorkville, Illinois Terracon Proposal No.P040597 June 22,2004 associated with site clearing, wet ground conditions, or location of underground utilities beyond contacting a "one-call" locate service. If such conditions are known to exist on the site,Terra Group should be notified so that we may adjust our scope of services and fee, if necessary_ For safety purposes, all borings would be backfilled immediately after their completion. Excess auger cuttings would be disposed of on the site. Boreholes in existing pavement areas would be surface patched. Because backfill material often settles below the surface after a period of time, we recommend the boreholes be checked periodically and backfilled if necessary. We could provide this service at your request or grout the holes but this would involve additional cost. Laboratory Testing —The samples will be tested in our laboratory to determine physical engineering characteristics. Testing will be performed under the direction of a geotechnical engineer. For this project and the anticipated subsurface conditions, the -following testing program is proposed: SHELBY TUBE SAMPLES SPLIT-BARREL SAMPLES Visual Classification Visual Classification Moisture Content Moisture Content Dry Unit Weight(Density) Unconfined Compressive Strength (Qp)-If Unconfined Compressive Strength/ Cohesive (Qu or Qp) Additionally, Atterberg limit tests and Hydrometers will be performed on selected samples to more accurately determine soil classification. Engineering Report— The results of our field and laboratory programs will be evaluated by a professional geotechnical engineer licensed in the State of Illinois. Based on the results of our evaluation, a summary report will be prepared that details the results of the testing performed, provides logs of the borings, and a diagram of the site/boring layout. The report will provide recommendations that address the following: • Computer generated boring logs with soil stratification based on visual soil classification. • Summarized laboratory data. • Site water levels observed during and after drilling. • Boring location plan. • General project description. • Subsurface-exploration procedures. 2 . JUN. 22. 2004 1 :43PM TERRACON NO. 439 P. 4/6 Ten-acon Proposed Kennedy Road Improvements Yorkville,Illinois Terracon Proposal No.P040597 June 22,2004 • • Site conditions (existing)_ • Soil conditions(existing). • Recommended subgrade parameters for use in pavement design • • Site (subgrade)preparation/earthwork recommendations. • Construction considerations. • Schedule- We can generally begin the field exploration program within about one week after receipt of authorization to proceed if site and weather conditions permit. We estimate the final geotechnical report can be completed within about two weeks after the soil borings are completed. In situations where information is needed prior to submittal of our report, we can provide verbal information.or recommendations for specific project requirements after we have completed our field and laboratory programs. B. COMPENSATION For the scope of geotechnical services outlined- in this proposal that includes drilling, laboratory testing, and an engineering report, the lump sum fee would be $ 3,100,00. Additional drilling footage will be billed at a rate of$25.00/foot. Should it be necessary to expand our services beyond those outlined in this proposal,we will notify you, then send a supplemental proposal stating the additional services and fee. We will not proceed without your authorization,as evidenced by your signature on the Supplement Agreement form_ C. CLOSURE This proposal may be accepted by executing the attached Agreement for Services and returning one copy along with this proposal to Terracon. This proposal is valid only if authorized within sixty days from the listed proposal date. We appreciate the opportunity to provide this proposal and look forward to the opportunity of working with you. Sincerely, Terracon, Inc. Matthew E. Ribordy, P.E. Department Manager Attachments: Agreement for Services • 3 . JUN. 22. 2004. 1 :43FM TERRACON NO. 439 P. 5/6 • lrerr con -r AGREEMENT FOR SERVICES This AGREEMENT Is between Engineering Enterprises,Inc ('Client")and Terracon Consultants,Inc. ("Consultant')for Services to be provided by Consultant for Client on the Proposed Kennedy Road Improvements,Yorkville,IL project ("Project"),as described in the Project information section of Consultant's Proposal dated June 22,2004 ('Proposal')unless the Project is otherwise described in Exhibit A to this Agreement(which section or Exhibit are incorporated into this Agreement). 1. Scope of Services.The scope of Consultant's services is described in the Scope of Services section of the Proposal ("Services"), unless Services are otherwise described In Exhibit B to this Agreement (which section or exhibit is incorporated into this Agreement). Portions of the Services may be•subcontracted. Consultant's Services do not include the Investigation or detection of, nor do recommendations In Consultant's reports address the presence or prevention of biological pollutants(e.g.,mold,fungi.bacteria,viruses,or their byproducts)or ooxipant safety issues, such as vulnerability to natural disasters,terrorism,or violence. if Services include purchase of software, Client will execute a separate software license agreement.Consultant's findings,opinions,and recommendations are based solely upon data and information obtained by and , furnished to Consultant at the time of the Services. 2. Acceptance. Client agrees that execution of this Agreement is a material element of the consideration Consultant requires to execute the Services,and if Services are initiated by Consultant prior to execution of this Agreement as en accommodation for Client at Client's request, both parties shall consider that commencement of Services constitutes formal acceptance of all terms and conditions of this Agreement.Additional terms and conditions may be added or changed only by written amendment to this Agreement signed by both parties-In the event Client uses a purchase order or other form to administer this Agreement, the use of such form shall be for convenience purposes only and any additional or conflicting terms it contains are stricken.This Agreement shall not be assigned by either party without prior written consent of the other party, • 3. Change Orders. Client may request changes to the scope of Services by altering or adding to the Services to be performed. If Client so requests, Consultant will return to Client a statement(or supplemental proposal)of the Change setting forth an adjustment to the Services and fees for the requested changes.Following Client's review.Client shall provide written acceptance.If Client does not follow these procedures,but instead directs, authorizes, or permits Consultant to perform changed or additional work, the Services are changed accordingly and Consultant will be paid for this work according to the fees stated or its current fee schedule. If preject conditions change materially from those observed at the site or described to Consultant at the time of proposal,Consultant is entitled to a change order equitably adjusting its Services and fee. 4. Compensation and.Terms of Payment.Client shall pay compensation for the Services performed at the fees stated in the Compensation section of the Proposal unless fees are ods®,wise stated in Exhibit C to this Agreement(which section or Exhibit is incorporated into this Agreement)-If not stated in either,fees will be according to Consultant's current fee Schedule_Fee schedules are valid for the calendar year in . which they are issued.Consultant may invoice Client at least monthly and payment is due upon receipt of invoice.Client shall notify Consultant in writing,at the address below,within 15 days of the date of the invoice if Client objects to any portion of the charges on the invoice,and shall promptly pay the undisputed portion.Client shall pay a finance fee of 1.5%per month,but not exceeding the maximum rate allowed by law.for all unpaid amounts 30 days or older.Client agrees to pay all collection-related costs that Consultant incurs,including attorney fees,Consultant may suspend Services for lack of timely payment if it is later determined that Illinois prevailing wage applies,then Client agrees to pay charges reflecting prevailing wages from that point forward,as well as a retroactive adjustment to bring amounts previously paid in line with prevailing wage. 5, Third Party Reliance,This Agreement and the Services provided are for Consultant and Clients sole benefit and exclusive use with no third party beneficiaries intended. Reliance upon the Services and any work product is limited to Client,and is not intended for third parties. For a limited time period not to exceed three months from the date of the report Consultant will issue additional reports to others agreed upon with Client,however Client understands that such reliance will not be granted until those parties sign and return Consultant's reliance agreement and Consultant receives the agreed-upon reliance fee. 6. LIMITATION OF LIABILITYy,CLIENT AND CONSULTANT HAVE EVALUATED THE RISKS AND REWARDS ASSOCIATED WiTH THIS PROJECT, INCLUDING CONSULTANTS FEE RELATIVE TO THE RISKS ASSUMED, AND AGREE TO ALLOCATE CERTAIN OF THE RISKS SO, TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED EY LAW, THE TOTAL AGGREGATE LIABILITY OF CONSULTANT (AND ITS RELATED CORPORATIONS AND EMPLOYEES)TO CLIENT AND THIRD PARTIES GRANTED RELIANCE IS LIMITED TO ITS FEE, FOR ANY AND ALL INJURIES, DAMAGES, CLAIMS, LOSSES, OR EXPENSES (INCLUDING ATTORNEY AND EXPERT FEES)ARISING OUT OF CONSULTANT'S SERVICES OR THIS AGREEMENT REGARDLESS OF CAUSE(S) OR THE THEORY OF LIABILITY, INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE, INDEMNITY, OR OTHER RECOVERY. THIS LIMITATION SHALL NOT APPLY TO THE EXTENT THE DAMAGE IS PAID UNDER CONSULTANTS COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY POLICY. 7. Indemnity.Consultant and Client shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the other, their agents, and employees, from and against legal. liability for all claims,losses,damages,and expenses to the extent such claims, losses, damages,or expenses are caused by their negligent acts,errors,or omissions.In the event such claims,losses,damages,or expenses are caused by the joint or concurrent negligence of Consultant and Client,they shall be borne by each party in proportion to Its own negligence under comparative fault principles. a. Warranty, Consultant will perform the Services in a manner consistent with that level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of the profession currently practicing under similer conditions in the same locale, CONSULTANT MAKES NO WARRANTIES OR GUARANTEES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, RELATING TO CONSULTANTS SERVICES AND CONSULTANT DISCLAIMS ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR WARRANTIES IMPOSED EY LAW, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FiTNESS FORA PARTICULAR PURPOSE, S. Insurance, Consultant represents that it now carries, and will continue to carry; (i)workers' compensation insurance in accordance with the laws of the states having jurisdiction over Consultant's employees who are engaged in the Services, and employer's liability insurance; (ii) Commercial general liability insurance;(iii)automobile liability insurance policies;and(iv)professional liability insurance.Certificates of insurance will be provided upon request.Client and Consultant shall waive subrogation against the other party on all general liability and property coverage. Agreement Reference Number(Terracon Proposal or Project Number):P040597' Pao 1 of 7 Rev,3-04 • JUN. 22. 2004 1 :43PM TERRACON NO. 439 P. 6/6 . ' lierr con 10, CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. NEITHER PARTY SHALL BE LiABLE TO THE OTHER FOR LOSS OF PROFITS OR REVENUE; LOSS OF USE OR OPPORTUNITY;LOSS OF GOOD WILL; COST OF SUBSTITUTE FACILITIES, GOODS, OR SERVICES; COST OF CAPITAL; OR FOR ANY SPECIAL,CONSEQUENTIAL,INDIRECT,PUNITIVE,OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES. 11. Dispute Resolution, Client shall not be entitled to assert a Claim against Consultant based on any theory of professional negligence unless . and until Client has obtained the written opinion from a registered, independent, and reputable engineer,architect, or geologist that Consultant has violated the standard of care applicable to Consultant's performance of the Services.Client shall provide this opinion to Consultant and the patties shall endeavor to resolve the dispute within 30 days,after whieh Client may pursue its remedies at law.This Agreement shall be governed by and construed according to Kansas law. • 12, Subsurface Explorations.Subsurface conditions throughout the site May vary from those depicted on logs of discrete borings,test pits, or other exploratory services,Client understands Consultant's layout of boring and test locations is approximate and that Consultant may deviate a reasonable distance from those locations.Consultant will take reasonable precautions to reduce damage to the site when performing Services; however,Client accepts that invasive services such as drilling or sampling may damage or alter the site. Site restoration is not provided unless specifically included in the Services. 13. Testing and Observations. Client understands that testing and observation are discrete sampling procedures, and that such procedures indicate conditions only at the depths, locations, and times the procedures were performed. Consultant will provide test results and opinions based on tests and field observations only for the work tested.Client understands that testing and observation are not continuous or exhaustive. and are conducted to reduce-not eliminate-project risk.Client agrees to the level or amount of testing performed and the associated risk.Client is responsible(even if delegated to contractor) for notifying and scheduling Consultant so Consultant can perform these Services, Consultant shall not be responsible for the quality and completeness of Contractor's work or their adherence to the project documents, and Consultant's performance of testing anti observation services shall not relieve contractor in any way front its responsibility for defects discovered in its work,or create a warranty or guarantee. Consultant will not supervise or direct the work performed by contractor or its subcontractors and is not responsible for their means and methods, • • 14. Sample Disposition, Affected Materials, and'indemnity.Samples are consumed in testing or disposed of upon completion of tests (unless stated otherwise in the Services). Client shall furnish or cause to be furnished to Consultant all documents and Information known or available to Client that relate to the identity, location, quantity, nature, or characteristic of any hazardous waste, toxic, radioactive, or contaminated materials (Affected Materials') at or near the site, and shall immediately transmit new, updated, or revised information as it becomes available. Client agrees that Consultant is not responsible for the disposition of Affected Material unless specifically provided in the Services.and that Client is responsible for directing such disposition.In the event that test samples obtained during the performance of Services (i) contain substances hazardous to health. safety. or the environment, or (ii) equipment used during the Services cannot reasonably be decontaminated,Client Shall sign documentation(if necessary)required to ensure the equipment and/or samples are transported and disposed of properly, and agrees to pay Consultant the fair market value of this equipment and reasonable disposal costs. In no event shall Consultant be required to sign a hazardous waste manifest or take title to any Affected Materials-Client shall have the obligation to make ail spill or release notifications to appropriate governmental agencies.The Client agrees that Consultant neither created nor contributed to the creation or existence of any Affected Materials conditions at the site.Accordingly.Client waives any claim against Consultant and agrees to Indemnify and save Consultant,its agents, employees, and related companies harmless front any claim, liability or defense cost including attorney and expert fees, for injury or loss sustained by any party from such exposures allegedly arising out of Consultant's non-negligent performance of services hereunder,or for any claims against Consultant as a generator,disposer,or arranger of Affected Materials under federal,state,or local law or ordinance. 15. Ownership of Documents. Work product, such as reports, logs, data, notes, or calculations, prepared by Consultant shall remain Consultant's property.Proprietary concepts,systems,and ideas developed during performance of the Services shall remain the sole property of Consultant Flies shall be maintained in general accordance with Consultant's document retention policies and practices, 16. Utilities_Client shall provide the location and/or arrange for the marking of private utilities and subterranean structures, Consultant shall take- • reasonable precautions to avoid damage or injury to subterranean structures or utilities. Consultant shall not be responsible for damage to subterranean structures or utilities that are not called to Consultant's attention, are not correctly marked. including by a utility locate service, or are incorrectly shown on the plans,furnished to Consultant 17. Site Access and Safety. Client shell secure all necessary she related approvals, permits, licenses, and consents necessary to commence and complete the Services and will execute any necessary site access agreement_ Consultant will be responsible for supervision and site safety measures for its own employees,but shall not be responsible for the supervision or health and safety precautions for any other parties,Including Client Client's contractors,subcontractors,or other parties present at the site. 18. Termination.Either party may terminate this Agreement or the Services upon written notice to the other.In such case, Consultant shall be paid costs incurred and fees earned to the date of termination plus reasonable costs of closing the project. Consultant:Tg .on Cons ai s,Inc, _ Client Engineering Enterprises,Inc B _ tY I -�(`1� Date: 6-22.04. By: Date; Name/Title: Matthew E.Ribordy,P-E. Name/title: Mr. Ronaid Naylor, P.E. • Address: 135 Ambassador Drive Address: 52 Wheeler Road Naperville, Illinois 60540 Sugar Grover Illinois 60554 Phone: 630.717.4263 Fax: 630.357.9489 Phone; 630466-9350 Fax: 630-466-9380 Agreement Reference Number(Terracon Proposal or Project Number):P040597 • Pane 7 nf? Rev.3-04