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Public Works Packet 2004 07-26-04
7,<*i:D Cf Tb United City of Yorkville County Seat of Kendall County "IVEST. 1836 800 Game Farm Road 4, CO Yorkville, Illinois 60560 o ''', 0 Phone:630-553-4350 1.,F k.n�u� �= Fax:630-553-7575 liv/ 4`E \ PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA Monday, July 26, 2004 7:00 PM City Hall Conference Room Approval/Correction of Minutes: June 28, 2004 Presentations: 1. Fox Lawn Drainage - Engineering Review New Business: 1. Appletree Court - Street Light Request (Public Safety 6/24/04) 2. Parking on John Street at Park (Public Safety 6/24/04) 3. Water Department Reports for May and June 2004 4. Grande Reserve - Earthwork Letter of Credit 5. Well #7 Wellhouse & Treatment Facility - Change Order #2 6. East Van Emmon Street Project - Results of Bid Opening 7. New Infrastructure Locator 8. Professional Engineering Services for Feasibility Study of Beecher Road Extension 9. Request to Hire a Maintenance Worker II 10. Grande Reserve Well #9 - Change Order #1 11. Grande Reserve Well #8 & #9 Treatment Facility - Change Order #1 Old Business: 1. Director of Public Works - Salary Survey Additional Business: Dr, k FT UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEETING MONDAY, JUNE 28, 2004 7:00P.M. In Attendance: Alderman Joe Besco, Chairman Alderman Rich Sticka Public Works Director Eric Dhuse City Engineer Joe Wywrot Guests: Jeff Freeman of Engineering Enterprises Inc The meeting was brought to order at 7:05p.m. ApprovaUCorrection of Minutes: January 26, 2004 and May 24, 2004 The committee approved the minutes for both January 26, 2004 and May 24, 2004. New Business: Mr. Jeff Freeman discussed#1, #16 & #17 on the agenda with the committee. Faxon Road Extension—Whispering Meadows to Rt. 47 Mr. Freeman described the extension using the map/models he provided. He provided this model to give Committee a general idea of where Engineering Enterprises is at with the project. Route 47 will have an outlet north of Cannonball Trail and South of the Burlington North Tracks. Mr. Freeman went into the specifics of right a ways around certain properties that will meet with the proposed extension. At route 47 they are proposing to align with the Amurol entrance. As part of their intersection design study they will check to see if stop lights are warranted at this time. The need for stop lights will be reported if needed or not when the study is complete. The curvature towards Route 47 is to get around the Xpac parking lot so that they have good access to get to their loading docks located at the north side of their building. The extension is 1400 linear feet with 39 feet back to back and an 80 foot right away. It is calling for b-6 curve and gutter with storm sewer and sidewalk which is standard urban sectioning. The estimated cost of construction at this time is $600,000.00. There are some environment issues that are going to be looked into. If anything remains a concerned it will be brought up to the City of Yorkville at a later time. 1 Engineering Enterprises' current foot proposal is 45,000 for the design engineering, construction as part of the contract. The committee discussed in detail where the sewer ran along the new extension proposed. Mr. Freeman stated the design is at 7&1/2% overall consistent with the contract. The committee asked what the overall cost is estimated at and what kind of IDOT approval would be needed. Mr. Wywrot stated that an IDOT permit would be needed for the proposed intersection at Route 47. Mr. Sticka asked the question of how the City would pay for this. Mr. Wywrot stated that this is a big necessity for the City to control the traffic that is going to be flowing in this area that is being built up. The committee agreed that this should be done for the growth in the area and decided to send on to COW on July 6th for discussion. Mr. Freeman stated the top of the rough estimate for cost will be just under $700,000.00 at total cost. Raymond Storm Sewer Outfall—EEI Engineering Agreement Mr. Freeman discussed the drainage area which is east of Rt 47 and then flows down towards Rob Roy Creek. He continued to describe the depression areas and how to handle the water to keep it flowing towards the creek with the growth to come. The combination of a larger detention and a storm outlet could significantly reduce the flows from the rain and drainage areas. It will give the City an outfall that's constructed now instead of the drain tiles that were constructed 30-40 years ago which the condition of is not known. Mr. Freeman discussed the specific trail of the proposed drainage in question and the reasoning of the route. It will go around Commercial areas and residential areas in the works to be built already. The drainage will stop short of the creek approximately 1,000 feet short due to wanting to do bile swales and some energy dissipation so not to make turbulent flow coming out of drainage. The total will be approximately 10,500 linear feet, with 9,500ft of storm sewer and 1,000ft of bile swale. The suggestion engineering set-up would be preliminary routing and sizing plan and use a good portion of the plan presented at this meeting. Final designs and construction specifics would also be included at end estimate. 2 Mr. Freeman discussed the benefits of a City run project like this would be the following: • Be able to control the size, capacity and functionality of the outfall of the region. • Control the timing of the outfall that might need it for city projects or other developments to come. Mr. Wywrot brought up the fact that Westbury has already shown a need for this outfall to be in place. Mr. Sticka stated that this could save Commercial developers later on from having to have there own detention ponds as well. Mr. Freeman went over the size needed and the issues of who owns the land around, which will be specified later on. The estimate for this project is approximately $700,000 for the large diameter storm sewer and proposed to be made by all concrete. Mr. Dhuse and Mr. Wywrot discussed where easements are already obtained and where they are still needed around this sewer. The committee decided to send this project to COW for discussion of funding issues. Mr. Besco questioned the fact that if Syntex came into this project, would that make other properties recapturable. Mr. Wywrot stated that there would have to be agreements made as to who is responsible and what's the fare share for everyone. Kennedy Road Reconstruction—Theidel Property—EEI Engineering Agreement Mr. Freeman started discussion explaining they are currently working on design and the construction along Bristol Ridge for the Grand Reserve perimeter roads. They would like to get the Kennedy Road Reconstruction approval complete to be able to take on permanent traffic as well as construction traffic. The area in question is 3,350feet, which will be done 40ft back to back urban pavement. Mr. Wywrot and Mr. Sticka discussed the issues of having curbs due to police concern when pulling citizens over and being a traffic hazard. The committee discussed the options the roadway could go and differences in designs. Mr. Wywrot brought up the point that curbed roadways at curves are much safer and for that reason they want to go with curb and gutter thru Prairie Meadows. Mr. Freeman stated the ease to construct in a confining space when going with curbs instead of rural construction. He also went over a few specific areas where private land is owned up close to proposed site and that there are numerous mature trees to work around as well. 3 Mr. Sticka requested that the proper justification is given as to why the Committee has put it where it is put. Mr. Wywrot brought up the fact of how this will be paid for. Mr. Freeman said the current proposal is likely that the developer should put $2,000 per unit towards the road improvement. The Committee agreed this should be how it is funded. Mr. Freeman brought up the benefits of doing this as one big project. The question is could this be done in one construction season. If not able to be funded all at once for construction, the design as one big project would be complete and final to be used at a later time. Mr. Freeman stated that the current estimated construction cost would be $1.25 million for this piece. The design engineering is at 7%, which is less then what was proposed for the Grande Reserve perimeter roads contracts. The committee agreed one long project is much better than doing small section by section. The committee decided to send to COW on July 6th for discussion on firming up the funding issues. Then they can make a decision as to proceeding right away or at a later time with this project. Mr. Freeman left meeting at 7:40pm. Johnson street Water main—Landscape Repair Joe Wywrot started conversation discussing how this project had been completed the weekend before. He stated that Eric and Scott had worked on the project that Saturday, which beet the deadline the Committee had previously set for the project. Eric Dhuse stated that there was a meter put on the home at 402 Johnson Street where the water was being taken from to water the new sod so that the City would not bill them for taking care of the City's project. The committee decided to remove from the agenda with no action necessary. Drainage Issue—NE Corner Van Emmon & Main Joe Wywrot started the discussion explaining that Jerry Groner lives at the NE corner of Van Emmon & Main and has placed sandbags at the edge of the walk to keep the water from coming on his lawn. 4 Mr. Wywrot stated that there are some possibilities to solving this problem. He went over two of the possibilities with sketches that were attached to the memo passed around at the meeting. • The first solution would be to extend the curb to a point beyond the walk to divert the water further north on Main Street. • The second solution would be to pitch the first section of walk towards the west, which would also help keep the water in the street. This would require additional sidewalk to be replaced to bring the sidewalk elevation back to existing at a moderate slope. Mr. Wywrot stated that it would be an approximate cost of$1000.00 to do either of the projects. The money is in the annual sidewalk project budget if the committee would like to proceed with it. Mr. Rich Sticka brought up the points that if the City fixes this drainage problem, are they always going to be responsible for drainage issues? Mr. Wywrot stated this drainage issue has been a problem for a long time. Mr. Rich Sticka discussed that he would like to make it clear to Mr. Groner that the city is going to do what it could for this problem, but with storms it would not totally solve the problem of water ever flowing into his property. The committee agreed to do the project and will have a change order done to the contract when it is pulled. The Committee agreed to not bother COW with this issue. WaterCad ClientCare Subscription Mr. Wywrot discussed renewal of the ClientCare subscription for their WaterCad software. The software has so far been used infrequently, but has proven to be very useful in analyzing water main sizing for new developments. He added that EEI has also used it to help determine some parameters of their citywide waterworks improvements. It is an expensive program, but the City will have access to software upgrades and technical support at no additional cost by being a ClientCare member. Mr. Wywrot stated it would be $1199 this year and $1199 next year which would be paid out of the Engineering Department's computer Maintenance account. Mr. Sticka stated that if the City is spending $20 million on the water system, $2400.00 is nothing to have a computer program that has a model of the complete water system especially while the city is growing still. The committee decided to go ahead with this year's payment without going on to COW since the money is already in the budget. 5 In-Town Road Program—Additional Services Mr. Wywrot started discussion stating that the City had asked Smith Engineering Consultants, Inc. to do one thing and there are actually two things that have to be done. Easements will be needed, as well as storm sewer drainage along the in-town roads and more. Mr. Wywrot went on to state that the amount that is being requested is in line with previous billings and is recommending paying the increase for the easement agreements that were not included in original estimate. As far as the survey of addresses located along on the streets, he explained how this came about, and felt that this was not a reasonable cost to pay to find out who lives where. The committee decided to have someone from the City get the survey of addresses done on their own. As far as the easement agreements, the Committee decided to revise the scope of services to $1,960.00 only and send onto consent of agenda with COW on 7/6/04. Kylyn's Ridge Unit 1 —LOC Reduction#2 Mr. Wywrot started discussion going over the LOC. The LOC includes all work except utilities and dirt removal. Mr. Wywrot recommended letting the LOC be reduced by the proposed $87,263.44. The committee agreed to send this on to consent agenda to COW on 7/6/04. Kylyn's Ridge Unit 2—LOC Reduction #1 Mr. Wywrot went over the LOC presented. He stated that he does concur with the dollar amounts on there. He also stated one reduction would be about $80,000 and the other would be about $715,000. The committee moved to send to consent agenda to COW on 7/6/04. Heartland Circle—LOC Reduction#1 Mr. Wywrot started discussion stating that though he did concur with the dollar amount for work done to date, he did not agree with the calculations made. He found that the LOC should have been more than what stated. The total reduction would be approximately $3.3 million reduction. The committee agreed to send to consent agenda to COW on 7/6/04. Cannonball Trail Roadway Improvements—Results of Bid Opening Mr. Wywrot started stating that the City had only received one bid so far. That bid was right in line with the engineers estimate (a little less even). The committee read over the memo stating that there is not enough money to go ahead with the improvements, even with not doing the 48" culvert replacement which would save $31,000. The budget is short by approximately $32,000.00 still to do the project. 6 Mr. Sticka asked how they were to award Aurora Blacktop the contract without having all the funds. Mr. Wywrot explained that Traci Pleckham had been asked to look into the funding issue and that the City could not get funding from MFT. Mr. Besco stated that the Committee should move this on to COW pending funding. Mr. Sticka added that maybe another golf outing could be put together to raise the money as well. He stated that previously there had been $27,000 raised before. The Committee agreed this needed to be done for public safety, especially the 48" culvert that needs to be replaced. Mr. Besco moved to send to COW with the recommendation to receive the funding soon. This project should be a priority. The Committee agreed to send to COW on 7/6/04 with recommendation to fund the entire project or a reduced scope version without the 48" culvert. 2004 Joint & Crack Filling—Results of Bid Opening Mr. Wywrot discussed how SKC Construction had beat out Aurora Blacktop by $20.00 difference. This is MFT project and depending how the City goes thru the construction process, he would like to evaluate to see how the quantity is to continue on to do Sunflower and perhaps Cannonball Estates to get those done this year as well. The committee agreed to move this to consent agenda with COW on 7/6/04 with the recommendation of SKC to be awarded the project. River's Edge—South Pond Issues Mr. Wywrot stated this is just an FYI issue. There is a problem pond in River's Edge which is just south of the railroad tracks with algae growing at the far western tip. The concerned citizen has already called to thank the City for getting the algae taken care of The developer had some fill brought in and added some algae chemicals to keep it under control as well. Mr. Besco suggested that maybe fountains be brought in to keep the waters moving so as to not create such stag net areas. The committee discussed this idea and agreed this should be discussed on a one by one issue when it comes to the detention areas. This issue will not go to COW. 7 Senior Drivers Safety Initiative Grant Mr. Wywrot stated that the City had applied for two grants to get public sidewalks in. One is up by Walgreen's and the other would be down by Prairie Garden. These are non- matching grants which is 100% funding thru NEIAAA. Mr. Wywrot stated that the Committee will be informed of the final decision from the agency. The committee agreed not to send this on to COW. Agreement with YBSD for Rob Roy Creek Interceptor The Committee discussed that this agreement has to do with funding for the Rob Roy Interceptor and has already been signed by YBSD. The Committee discussed if the City Attorney should be looking this over as well. The Committee agreed to send to COW on 7/6/04 with comments from Staff and Legal recommendations attached as to their thoughts. Parkway Trees Mr. Eric Dhuse started discussion explaining that Scott Sleezer and he did a count of the trees that need to be taken down in the parkway areas of town. He went over the list that was presented to the Committee. Most of these that were found have just lived there 100 year or so life and are ready to come down before any citizen is injured. The committee discussed if this is the City's responsibility. Mr. Dhuse stated that these trees in the parkway are the City's responsibility to be taken care of. Mr. Dhuse went on to discuss that there is only $20,000.00 in the budget for taking care of tree removal which will not come close to covering the removal of all the trees on the list. Mr. Dhuse also stated since there is not enough in the budget to take care of all, they are planning on using what money they have to take care of the trees in the worst state and top priority. The committee agreed that it is unfortunate that there is not more money because the City would save a lot of money if the have them all done at once. Mr. Besco stated that the Committee should discuss this issue with Traci Pleckham to see if there is a possibility to get funding for this. The Committee agreed to have Eric Dhuse meet with Traci Pleckham and send onto a future COW meeting. If there is no more money to do a bid for all, Eric Dhuse will bid out for what is in the budget. The Committee also agreed that a public notice will be sent out to let the citizens know why these trees are going down. 8 Blackberry Creek USGS Mr. Wywrot started discussion explaining that USGS is proposing to conduct a floodplain study for the Black berry Creek Watershed area. The USGS will be funding 50% of the project, but the original split decided between Kendall County, Yorkville and Montgomery as far as who would cover paying the rest. That original split has been changed by the Kendall County board. They changed their portion from $28,114 to $20,000, which is leaving the rest of there portion to be paid by Yorkville and Montgomery. Yorkville's portion is now at $59,530 from the original $54,064. The funding would affect the FY 05/06 ($532) and FY 06/07 ($4,933). Mr. Besco moved to send to COW with this discussion, not consent agenda. The Committee agreed. Old Business: No old business to be discussed. Additional Business: Mr. Eric Dhuse shared with the Committee that he received in the mail earlier today the bill for the work done on the#3 well. The cost is $89,233.75 which is under budget. The meeting was adjourned at 8:23p.m. Minutes were done by Sheila Teausaw. 9 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE To: Tony Graff, City Administrator From: Joe Wywrot, City Engineer Up", Subject: Fox Lawn Drainage Date: June 30, 2004 We have conducted a review of the drainage patterns surrounding the Fox Lawn Subdivision following the storm of May 13-14, 2004. During that storm there was flooding on Poplar Drive just south of Fox Road. Please refer to the attached pictures. There was also flooding of yard areas at the far south end of Poplar. The stoith of May 13-14, 2004 was a very intense, localized event that centered over upper reaches of the Fox Lawn tributary area. Rainfall was measured by volunteers for the University of Illinois Cooperative Extension Service, with the heaviest total of 2.5". Various people I spoke with stated that the bulk of the rain fell over a 3-4 hour time period, giving this storm a frequency of between 2 and 5 years. There were several smaller storms during the two weeks prior to May 13, which resulted in saturated ground that was not able to absorb much of the rainfall. The intensity and short duration of the rainfall also allowed little time for the runoff to infiltrate into the ground. Crops had been planted only a few weeks before, therefore taller crops were not present to help slow down any of the runoff. There are 2 separate drainage ways that travel through or nearby Fox Lawn. The western system has a tributary area of 620 acres at the southern end of Poplar Drive and increases to 798 acres at Fox Road. This area is predominantly farmland and forest preserve, with some estate residential. About half of the area currently developed as Sunflower Estates subdivision used to flow to the western system,but due now flows to the eastern system. I walked the west creek soon after the May 13th event. The farm fields to south and west had large gullies eroded through them. The fields to the southeast also had gullies, but not as large. The banks of the creek on both sides is somewhat higher than the fields, which resulted in runoff flowing parallel to the creek before it found a low spot where it joined the main creek. On the east side, this occurred about 500 feet south of the dead-end of Poplar Drive. The north Sunflower pond did overflow to this area, but did not appear to contribute a significant portion of the total flow. On the west side, the field runoff merged with the creek right at the end of Poplar Drive. The flooding that occurred on May 13th along this creek was caused by the severity of the storm and the existing ground conditions, which are all beyond our control. The eastern system has a tributary area of about 294 acres at Fox Road. This area is a mix of farmland and residential development. Greenbriar, Prairie Garden, and Sunflower Estates subdivisions are included in this area. This system drains to a 54" culvert under Fox Road just west of the White Oak Subdivision. This system appears to have functioned well during the May 13th event. There is a 24" culvert about 500 feet further west, however, that drains about 80 acres and was not able to carry all of its runoff. As a result, water flowed over Fox Road at that point. Our Public Works Department estimated the depth of flow over the road to be 18 inches. We also looked at the field to the south of Fox Road and noticed a low point in the drainage divide along the western edge of the 80-acre tributary area. I also saw that water was having difficulty entering the drainage ditch that leads to the culvert. Based on these observations, I thought there was potential for runoff to back up from the culvert and ditch and flow through this "saddle". If it did flow through the saddle it would drain to Fox Lawn and add to the flooding problems on Poplar Drive, so we checked some elevations. The Fox Road pavement at the 24" culvert has an elevation of 644.5 feet. The south end of the ditch has an elevation of 654.5. The low point in the saddle has an elevation of 662.0. This means that water out in the field would have to pond to a depth of 7.5 feet before it would begin to flow through the saddle. My conclusion is that the flow over Fox Road at the 24" culvert had nothing to do with the flooding in Fox Lawn on May 13t. The flooding at the low point on Poplar just south of Fox Road was a result of stormwater flowing from its 29-acre tributary area, which includes farm fields to the east and the Fox Lawn subdivision itself. Please place this item on the Public Works Committee agenda of July 26, 2004 for discussion. Cc: Eric Dhuse, Director of Public Works Fran Klaas, Kendall County Highway Engineer i - :::0,,,- --....,., .4 1 .' , 10 4 IP N / Ar k' , xk` K • ya, It+ ka 1 • :,.-4:•.*-•.,,• ,, :1 ' ''',..'.'''''''' • :', • 'f4:-:•' :.,,,':,'''''':'''':::: 4..., "4'4'.... •'•`. ‘• 1::'''',....li l'tit' ry + \h :!>,• •yr+ �` °' v l � l. 1 p1 .,:',4„,:::,,i.',.;:,.;..rh,M � r Y,, • ' ,',"?1,1•'..'•:—. 44 r H 4 , r Yy }uuu111} 11 i `xts t` '....'4i'',' C . i Xh S,,ii 1 ,., ,;,i;.,:.,';,,,,,,,.:.,,..iii:.,...:,',.:,,,t,..11.,,,,'„.,1„,".,:"1. ,,,.:•,'„,..."'„',,,.;::l'Ai•;,1' 14 ', ''1:Arl,..111, ' \ t t*;'f 1 d,} ` • t 4,m • W + ;':'.. J ' T • .. i•-kv.:LP,'''''''': . ' 'A'4.44';' '':•'..[,,•!-'''"'''''"'•-' 44. lk.-4,,,,t,;"g'4#••'• 4, Okii- ''''' ' ;•': '''''4''''.".*.'"'•••' ' - ' ' -,. ' 40'''''' ''''''' 41 4.. '-'' .• 1 4"•' -...e....-,::;', •'. ,,,,,,, .:••.. ;',., • ,•..,A;,,,,titFt.,:.. ,-. . ,A.,./'",'4 .1; 51 , . , . , , t..., 1,401.4 .4/0%• •' .. , . 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IMIAL \ " ' ii, 1i cV\'--- \--1. o • \. , co II , 1. -).- '•'41k• In' \:--- -1‘ - , l' Q ,- 1 - •a • _ii L.0 _ ' � i lam - J.., - • '-` : d '------"-- ti• • \ -• ....„ ..., _ . - 41 • •j`-' 4101 ,,, ;-,A 1 \ :Alf.:/ 7\ 2S9 „...,. il‘i , ,.,,,,,,,,,.,p.,1: „_„:;..,..,,,,:.„ ,. ,, . . \, ‘‘ os,9 , ., .v,..7.,___1,,,„.,..,i,„,.t.., , alw, .,k,,.44 , ..A.,,,,,.,2,Nfr 40,0- , \ „. , 1 k .,,ItirovAR,FA.: ,,,e, , \ RTVIW3,,• A,T4-7.„ rt.7,•n-r-P4A-blieKtgl \ . CMa rAIO� - , ;ga y�.,nls ft1 =t� ��'�{��� �}}s 333 :�' � ,x '�3Di�Li.....„... Il Wq .lspe,t a�Ti/ ,I{� er xs '�sy i $ ' 1 , 1\`_ 1 04 j i, 0l \,.._ :S ..:...'t 4 :P_-,'i-Ee-A"{ c '+ yyy •8tY9..n5" AL _ ?v�l ^Y is- ,co) ciry A o Yorkville Police Department Memorandum aiiii 804 Game Farm Road EST. , _ 1836 Yorkville, Illinois 60560 ----z,----z-----_-----_- Telephone: 630-553-4340 Pop I LIFax: 630-553-1141 <LE xv Date: June 17, 2004 To: Chairman Larry Kot t. \ Public Safety Committee From: Chief Harold Martin \ Reference: Street Light Larry, Mayor Prochaska requested that I check into whether or not Appletree Court had a street light on the inner circle. This request came from a concerned Citizen. We checked the area and determined one was not there and perhaps one should be located there. I believe it would be a good idea to have one installed for safety. I would also agree with Mayor Prochaska and make sure we educate those affected by the light and get their feedback on this proposal. Thank you for your attention to this request. Cc: Mayor Arthur Prochaska City Administrator Anton Graff Public Safety Committee `fep CJ) J? it ,,o Yorkville Police Department Memorandum 804 Game Farm Road EST. % : . 1836 Yorkville, Illinois 60560 -----.--'-c---___—_ Telephone: 630-553-4340 0 i x Fax: 630-553-1141 14) ,end ?. &74LEN ' Date: 06/21/04 To: Chief Martin From: Barry Groesch Reference: Appletree Court Illumination I spoke with twelve duplex residences and all agreed that a light was needed at the end of the cul-de-sac. It appeared that this was a hot topic because all but one resident was already strongly opinionated on the darkness. The one who was slightly concerned related he was moving but he believed it probably would be a good idea to put a street light up. The subject who started the inquiry asked if R/O would thank the Mayor for following up on his request. o Yorkville Police Department Memorandum 804 Game Farm Road EST. 1• 1836 Yorkville, Illinois 60560 -�� Telephone: 630-553-4340 11 rt 1 0 Fax: 630-553-1141 Kenden Canty `mss LLE ‘‘-‘1 Date: July 20, 2004 4 To: Chairman Joe Besco Public Works Committee From: Chief Harold Martin Reference: Parking Complaint @ John St. & Fox Hill Park West Joe, at Public Safety we were requested to make a recommendation as to the parking on the street in front of Fox Hill Park West. The Public Safety Committee recommended that we have parking the same as the other parks located in town. Most parks have parking on only one side of the street (Opposite the Fire Hydrant). It was recommended to move this issue to your committee so that the signs may be posted, and the park location included in our Parking Ordinance. Thank you and your Committee for your assistance in this matter. A h. CITY OF YORKVILLE 1fly WATER DEPARTMENT PAR NT REPORT n iii ! .. MONTH MAY ' 2004 WELLS . WELL DEPTH PUMP DEPTH WATER ABOVE THIS MONTH'S PUMPAGE NO. (FEET) (FEET) PUMP (FEET) (MILLION GALLONS) • 3 1335 405 150' 17,999 4 1393 ' 449 160' 20,951 TOTAL 38,950 iR MORE CURRENT MONTH'S PUMPAGE IS 4,212,000 GALLONS LESS THAN LAST MONTH 12,204,000 GALLONS MORE THAN THIS MONTH LAST YEAR ❑ LESS DAILY AVERAGE PUMPED: 1,256,000 GALLONS DAILY MAXIMUM PUMPED: 1,567,000 GALLONS DAILY AVERAGE PER CAPITA USE: 141 GALLONS WATER TREATMENT J CHLORINE FED: 542.5 LBS. CALCULATED CONCENTRATION: 1.7 MG/L FLUORIDE FED: 553.5 LBS. CALCULATED CONCENTRATION: 0.31 MG/L WATER QUALITY AS DETERMINED FROM SAMPLES ANALYZED BY ILLINOIS ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY BACTERIOLOGICAL: 9 SAMPLES TAKEN 9 SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY (EXPLAIN FLUORIDE : 2 SAMPLE(S) TAKEN CONCENTRATION: 1.0 MG/L MAINTENANCE NUMBER OF METERS REPLACED: 18 NUMBER OF LEAKS OR BREAKS REPAIRED : 2 NEW CUSTOMERS RESIDENTIAL 38 COMMERCIAL 4 INDUSTRIAL/GOVERNMENTAL COMMENTS 1 WATER MAIN BREAK - KING & MAIN STREETS 6" WATERMAIN. LOST 250,000 GALLONS OF WATER. CITY OF YORKVILLE /AI 1111.. l'Il '' WATER DEPARTMENT REPORT MONTH JUNE' 2004 WELLS WELL DEPTH PUMP DEPTH WATER ABOVE THIS MONTH'S PUMPAGE NO. (FEET) (FEET) PUMP (FEET) (MILLION GALLONS) 3 1335 465 210 21,050 4 1393 449 161 15,316 TOTAL 36,366 CURRENT MONTH'S PUMPAGE IS 2,584,000 GALLONS ❑ MORE THAN LAST MONTH ❑ LESS 6,974,000 GALLONS ❑ MORE THAN THIS MONTH LAST YEAR ❑ LESS DAILY AVERAGE PUMPED: 1,212,000 GALLONS DAILY MAXIMUM PUMPED: 1,822,000 GALLONS DAILY AVERAGE PER CAPITA USE: 136 GALLONS WATER TREATMENT CHLORINE FED: 433'5 LBS. CALCULATED CONCENTRATION: 1.4 MG/L FLUORIDE FED: 445 LBS. CALCULATED CONCENTRATION: 0.27 MG/L WATER QUALITY AS DETERMINED FROM SAMPLES ANALYZED BY ILLINOIS ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY BACTERIOLOGICAL: 9 SAMPLES TAKEN 9 SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY (EXPLAIN FLUORIDE : 2 SAMPLE(S) TAKEN CONCENTRATION: .98 MG/L MAINTENANCE NUMBER OF METERS REPLACED: 12 NUMBER OF LEAKS. OR BREAKS REPAIRED: 2 NEW CUSTOMERS RESIDENTIAL 27 COMMERCIAL 1 INDUSTRIAL/GOVERNMENTAL 1 COMMENTS 1st MAIN BREAK HIT & REPAIRED BY CONTRACTOR - FOX HIGHLANDS 20,000 GALLONS WATER LOST. 2nd BREAK HIT BY COMED FIXED BY CONTRACTOR - WTNDFTT RTTVIF 'n,nnn c:ATTnNS wATFR LOST. WELL #3 OUT SERVICES FOR 7 DAYS. NEW MOTOR BOWLS. BALED SAND OUT OF WELL, LOWERED UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE To: Tony Graff City Administrator From: Joe Wywrot, City Engineer Subject: Grande Reserve—Earthwork Letter of Credit Date: July 6, 2004 Attached find a notice from LaSalle Bank regarding expiration of their Letter of Credit No. S559532 on October 10, 2004. This letter of credit, in the amount of$3,049,410.93, is for grading and erosion/sediment control for Neighborhoods 6 through 16 in the Grande Reserve development. I have called Tim Winter from Pasquinelli Development Group and requested that he renew the letter of credit, and perhaps have him request a reduction in the dollar amount before renewal. In the meantime, in order to protect the city's interest, we should to begin the process of calling the letter of credit should-that become necessary. Please place this item on the-Public Works Committee agenda of July 26, 2004 for consideration. Cc: Dan Kramer, City Attorney Liz D'A DDeput—y Z y£-ler-kms MEMBER OF THE PEN AMRO GROUP MEMBER CF THE PEN AMRO GROUP MEMBER OF THE ABN AMRO GROUP MEMBER OF THE ABN AMRO GROUP MEMBER OF THE ABN AMRO GROUP MEMBER OF THE ABN AMRO GROUP MEMBER OF T a > O C¢ W C W C O m 7 o ¢ ¢ O a O � ¢ O C V _ 0 1 � C ... ¢ O O i00 9 z � _ m a z i a n _ z C O ¢ ¢ O F x C m O C C B z ¢ a ¢ O C c C 0 To s m ¢ o a n O � Op'O C7 O a > 9 � C7 a Z a > W Z z_do H�ew?w dnoBo oewv Nev dH_�o HEew3w dnoHo oawv Nev;Hl do H�ew3w anoHo oBwv Nev dH�do e3sw3w dnoeo oewv Nev 3H1 do H3aw3w enoeo odwv uev EHE�o dEew=_w dncdo oewv Ns�,.H��o�=ew;w UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE To: Tony Graff, City Administrator From: Joe Wywrot, City Engineer Subject: Well#7 Wellhouse and Treatm4nt Fac�y—Change Order#2 Date: July 9, 2004 Attached find one copy of proposed Change Order#2 for the referenced project. This change order would result in an $18,009.30 increase and addition of 17 calendar days to the contract. Also attached find a letter from EEI explaining the reasons for the s.tacur with EEI, and recommend that this change order be placed on the my 2b, 2004 Public Works Committee agenda for consideration. ,- - a2- i- /�r Cc: Liz D'Anna, Deputy City Clerk t. 1974 - 2004 F= .; 52 Wheeler Road • Sugar Grove, IL 60554 [' En TEL: 630 / 466-9350 G3 FAX: 630 / 466-9380 Encginc:ering Enterprises, www.eeiweb.com inc. 30 YEARS OF s EXCELLENCE July 7, 2004 Mr. Joe Wywrot, P.E. City Engineer United City of Yorkville 800 Game Farm Road Yorkville, IL 60560 Re: Contract C.7 -Water Well No. 7 Well House and Treatment Facility United City of Yorkville Kendall County, Illinois Dear Mr. Wywrot: Please find enclosed three copies of Change Order No. 2 for the above referenced project. As discussed, the Change Order includes provision for the contractor to furnish and install a sump pump, PVC pipe and fittings in the dry well of the surge tank to remove water from process operations or humidity that may potentially accumulate in the dry well. Also, please recall our letter dated February 24, 2004 which identified that the specific capacity of the well (2.92 gpm/ft) is lower than that anticipated during the design (5.80 gpm/ft) of the pump and motor. Therefore, to maintain the 1,000gpm capacity, the pump and motor must be lowered to 1,125 feet, an additional 180 feet from design, and an additional stage must be added to the pump to increase the discharge head of the pump. Finally, to account for the adverse weather conditions in the month of May, it is recommended to increase the contract completion date by 17 calendar days to October 31, 2004. Upon review and City action of the Change Order, please have the appropriate City official sign the Change Order in the location identified and return two sets to my attention. If you have any questions or comments with regard to this matter, please do not hesitate to call me at 630/466-9350. Respectfully submitted, ENGINEERING ENTERPRISES, INC. Timothy P. Farrell, P.E. Project Manager TPF/me Enclosures pc: JWF — EEI G:\Public\Yorkville\2003\Y00311 Contract C.7 Wet No. 7 Well House &Treatment Facility\Construction\Doc\Icofyo04.doc Consulting Engineers Specializing in Civil Engineering and Land Surveying • CHANGE ORDER Order No.: 2 Date: June 28, 2004 Agreement Date: December 26, 2003 NAME OF PROJECT: Well No. 7 Well House and Treatment Facility OWNER: United City of Yorkville CONTRACTOR: Poulos Construction Company The following changes are hereby made to the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: > Furnish and install sump pump, pipe and fittings in the dry well of the surge tank (Add $1,066.35). > Furnish and install a Byron Jackson pump for Well No. 7 to implement the design changes including a lower depth of setting and higher Total Dynamic Head of the pump (Add $16,942.95). > Increase Contract Completion Date by an additional 17 calendar days to October 31, 2004. Justification: • The sump pump is required to remove potential water from process operations or humidity that accumulates in the dry well. > Due to the fact that the specific capacity of Well No. 7 is less than was expected, the pump and motor must be lowered an additional 180 feet from design conditions and an additional stage must be added to increase the discharge head of the pump. > The increase in the Contract Completion Date is to allow for adverse weather conditions in the month of May. Change of CONTRACT PRICE: Original CONTRACT PRICE: $ 1,655,000.00 Current CONTRACT PRICE adjusted by previous CHANGE ORDER(S) $ 1,660,202.93 The CONTRACT PRICE due to this CHANGE ORDER will be (increased) (decreased) by: $ 18,009.30 The new CONTRACT PRICE including this CHANGE ORDER will be $ 1,678,212.23 C0-01 CHANGE ORDER Page 2 Change to CONTRACT TIME: The CONTRACT TIME will be (increased) (decreasod) by 17 calendar days. The date for completion of all work will be October 31, 2004. Approvals Required: To be effective this order must be approved by the agency if it changes the scope or objective of the PROJECT, or as may otherwise be required by the SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL CONDITIONS. Requested by: — ..—o4./ Poulos Construction Company Recommended by: j Engineering Enterprises, Inc. Accepted by: United City of Yorkville CO-02 POULOS INC CONSTRUCTION COMPANY CHANGE ORDER REQUEST Project: Well No. 7 Well House and Treatment Facility COR#: 6-Revised 2 To: Engineering Enterprises, Inc. Date: 05/18/04 Attn: Timothy Farrell, P.E. Poulos Inc. Construction Company is directed to proceed with the following work which represents a change or changes in the work as described by the contract documents: DESCRIPTION: Provide sump pump as per EEI modified drawings received 3/17/04 in response to RFI #9. The performance of the work described requires a cost adjustment to the contract as follows: Subcontractor Cost OH & P Total Cost William A. Pope Co. $ 1,066.35 15.00% $ 1,226.30 The time estimated to be required for the work to be accomplished upon acceptance: NOTE: Field work will be affected. Yes No Time extension is required to perform work. Yes No These revisions affect certain long lead items. Yes No Project schedule critical path delay [days]: FOR POULOS INC. CONSTRUCTION CO. BY: Poulos Inc Construction Company is hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the work as described above at the cost indicated. cjf erPr The time required for performance of the contract for construction will be extended by days ACCEPTED BY: DATE: Project Architect ACCEPTED BY: DATE: Owner Representative POULOS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 735 South Laramie Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60644-5224 Phone: (773) 626-8600 Fax: (773) 626-8646 E-mail:admin@poulosconstruction.com Web:www.poulosconstruction.com POULOS INC CONSTRUCTION COMPANY CHANGE ORDER REQUEST Project: Well No. 7 Well House and Treatment Facility CORN: 7-Revised To: Engineering Enterprises, Inc. Date: 06/23/04 Attn: Timothy Farrell, P.E. Poulos Inc. Construction Company is directed to proceed with the following work which represents a change or changes in the work as described by the contract documents: DESCRIPTION: Provide well pump design changes as per the attached. The performance of the work described requires a cost adjustment to the contract as follows: Subcontractor Cost OH & P Total Cost Layne Western $ 14,733.00 15.00% $ 16,942.95 The time estimated to be required for the work to be accomplished upon acceptance: 42 (Forty two) days NOTE: Field work will be affected. Yes No Time extension is required to perform work. Yes No These revisions affect certain long lead items. Yes No Project schedule critical path delay [days]: 21 (Twenty one) FOR POULOS INC. CONSTRUCTION CO. BY: Poulos Inc Construction Company is hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the work as described above at the cost indicated. 0 'IPf The time required for performance of the contract for construction will be extended by ?/days ACCEPTED BY: DATE: Project Architect ACCEPTED BY: DATE: Owner Representative POULOS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 735 South Laramie Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60644-5224 Phone: (773) 626-8600 Fax: (773) 626-8646 E-mail:admin@poulosconstruction.com Web:www.poulosconstruction.com 06/22/2004 16:42 FAX 16308976976 LAYNE WESTERN 002 Layne-Western a division of Layne Christensen Company 721 West Illinois Avenue •Aurora,Illinois 60506-2892 • Phone:(630)897-6941 -Fax:(630)897-6976 June 22, 2004 Mr. Tim Curtin, Project Manager Poulos Construction Company 735 South Laramie.Avenue Chicago, IL 60644-5224 RE: City of Yorkville Well No. 7 Well House and Treatment Facility Dear Tim: Per our conversations with Andrew Deitchman from EEI, we submit this letter which includes revisions in pricing from our May 24, 2004 letter and June 14, 2004 fax. We have also modified the quantity of 8 round pipe slightly and made other adjustments per our conversations. This should be the final Change Order proposal. In early May, we received word from Engineering Enterprises, Inc. that the Well No. 7 pump design should be based on the specified 1000gpm at 1150' of head. EEI had previously noted in their March 9, 2004 transmittal to your firm that the setting should be lowered to 1125'. With the revised pump design, we are resubmitting ten (10) sets of the Well Equipment Drawings for review. The revised pump design will require an additional bowl stage, in addition to the additional 10" column pipe and cable. The lower pump setting will also require a modification in the pipe threads of the top 285' (±) of 10" column pipe. For the 10" threaded and coupled linepipe with the 5000V power cable, the maximum safe setting is approximately 840' utilizing the standard, 3/4", 8V taper pipe threads. With the additional setting specified now, we would need to furnish the pitless adapter nipple along with approximately 285' of the pipe at the top with the higher strength, 8 round oil field threading and couplings. Approximately 285' of our pipe for this job will require the removal of the standard 3/4" taper, 8V threads on both ends with each end rethread to the 8 round oil field specification in addition to approximately 15 of the couplings being replaced with the higher strength 8 round couplings. The standard 3/4 taper 8V couplings will be restocked and credited to you/the City. Since the 840' "safe setting" is less than the originally specified 945' setting, the extra setting cost to the City would be the difference of the 945' original setting vs. EEI's final design setting of 1125', or 180 Ft. The increase in the cost of the Well No. 7 pump, due to the design changes, are detailed as follows: 1. Pipe threading modifications, including the addition of the 8 round couplings and credit for the standard couplings $3,128.00 Lyne ; 062204 06/2.2/2004 16:42 FAX 16308976976 LAYNE WESTERN 0 003 Mr. Tim Curtin, Project Manager Poulos Construction Company RE: City of Yorkville Well No. 7 Well House and Treatment Facility June 22, 2004 Page Two 2. One (1) additional 13MQ Byron Jackson stage, complete with wear ring, bronze impeller, etc. $1,885.00 3. Additional No. 2, 5KV power cable, approx. 180' at $15.60/ft. $2,808.00 4. Additional 10" TBC Schedule 40 linepipe, approx. 180' at $38.40/ft $6,912.00 For your information, the Baker pitless adapter has arrived. Thus, it would be available for installation, when so desired by your firm. Please call if you have any questions. Yours Very Truly, Layne-Western a division of Layne Christensen Company /r'i Thomas P. Healy, P.E. Assistant District Manager TPH/kar 062204 POULOS INC CONSTRUCTION COMPANY CHANGE ORDER REQUEST Project: Well No. 7 Well House and Treatment Facility COR#: 9 To: Engineering Enterprises, Inc. Date: 06/16/04 Attn: Timothy Farrell, P.E. Poulos Inc. Construction Company is directed to proceed with the following work which • • represents a change or changes in the work as described by the contract documents: DESCRIPTION: • Extend the time for completion an additional 17 days to allow for adverse weather conditions beyond the expected norm for period 05/01/04-06/15/04. There is no cost impact for this change. The performance of the work described requires a cost adjustment to the contract as follows: Subcontractor Cost OH & P Total Cost Poulos Inc. $ - 0.00% $ - The time estimated to be required for the work to be accomplished upon acceptance: NOTE: Field work will be affected. Yes No Time extension is required to perform work. Yes No These revisions affect certain long lead items. Yes No Project schedule critical path delay [days]: FOR POULOS INC. CONSTRUCTION CO. BY: Poulos Inc Construction Company is hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the work as described above at the cost indicated. The time required for performance of the contract for construction will be extended by 17 days ACCEPTED BY: DATE: Project Architect ACCEPTED BY: DATE: Owner Representative POULOS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 735 South Laramie Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60644-5224 Phone: (773) 626-8600 Fax: (773) 626-8646 E-mail:admin@poulosconstruction.com Web:www.poulosconstruction.com UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE To: Tony Graff, City Administrator ` f From: Joe Wywrot, City Engineer Subject: East Van Emmon Street Project-Results of Bid Opening Date: July 9, 2004 Attached find the bid results for the East Van Emmon Street project. The only bidder was Aurora Blacktop for an amount of$254,107.25. Our share of the cost is $60,309.25. We have appropriated $75,000 for this work. Since Kendall County will likely want to begin work very soon for this project, I recommend that we bypass the Public-Wks-CoTmittee and place this item on the Committee of the Whole-46-16of July 20, 2004.We should also check with Dan Kramer to see what action, —_- -= ' '• nci needs to take before a contract is awarded. 71/ Cc: Eric Dhuse, Director of Public Works Traci Pleckham, Director of Finance. Liz D'Anna, Deputy City Clerk Project: E. Van Emmon Street Date: July 9, 2004 Aurora Blacktop, Inc. Time: 10:00 am 1065 Sard Ave. Yorkville Share Witnesses: Engineer's Estimate Montgomery, II. 60538 Item Quantity Unit Unit Price Cost Unit Price Cost Quantity Unit Cost 1. BIT SURF REM VAR DP 611 SY $7.50 $4,582.50 $1.00 $611.00 611 SY $611.00 2. BIT SURF REM 1.5" 25941 SY $1.75 $45,396.75 $1.00 $25,941.00 0 SY $0.00 3. PVT PATCHING 83 SY $12.00 $996.00 $32.90 $2,730.70 83 SY $2,730.70 4.GRADE AGG SHOULDERS 1 LS $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $1,150.00 $1,150.00 0 LS $0.00 5. MIX CR JTS FLANGEWAYS 20 TON $100.00 $2,000.00 $100.00 $2,000.00 15 TON $1,500.00 6. BIT MATLS PR CT 4185 GAL $1.25 $5,231.25 $0.70 $2,929.50 985 GAL $689.50 7. LEV BIND MM SUPER N50 2800 TON $35.00 $98,000.00 $32.20 $90,160.00 800 TON $25,760.00 8. BIT CON SC SUPER N50 3544 TON $36.00 $127,584.00 $32.70 $115,888.80 828 TON $27,075.60 9. SHORT-TERM PVT MKING 2480 LF $0.50 $1,240.00 $0.35 $868.00 540 LF $189.00 10. EPDXY PVT MK LINE 4 43675 LF $0.30 $13,102.50 $0.25 $10,918.75 4875 LF $1,218.75 11. EPDXY PVT MK LINE 24 105 LF $10.00 $1,050.00 $3.90 $409.50 105 LF $409.50 12. TRAFF CONT-PROT 701306 1 LS $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $500.00 $500.00 0.25 LS $125.00 Total Bid $309,183.00 $254,107.25 $60,309.05 Page 1 United City of Yorkville flo County Seat of Kendall County aliemEST. 1836 800 Game Farm Road ISO Yorkville, Illinois 60560 gg w Phone:630-553-4350 9 . v>� Fax:630-553-7575 To: Joe Besco Ghanaian From: Eric Dhuse, Public Works '/( Date: July 8, 2004 Re: new infrastructure locator Joe, Public Works would like to purchase a new radio frequency locator that will be used to locate our infrastructure. We have found one that matches our sewer camera system's radio frequency to aid in pinpointing service breaks and problems. This locator is also the same brand as our current locator which will enable us to be proficient when using it right out of the box. I would ask that this be placed on the July 26, 2004 Public Works agenda for discussion. Cc: Art Prochaska, Mayor Tony Graff, Administrator ASSOCIATED TECHNICAL SERVICES LTD. 4 9,0, 524 W.ST.CHARLES RD.,VILLA PARK, ILLINOIS 60181 PHONE 630/834-1558 June 25, 2004 City of Yorkville Department of Public Works 800 Game Farm Road Yorkville, Illinois 60560 Attn: Brian Forensen Public Works Department RE: Radiodetection GatorCam Pipeline Inspection and Location System Dear Mr. Forensen, - It was a pleasure speaking with you the other day about your -4x ;„1 �`r 7-rtzA fisc-� y :" � �� .. Proposed purchase of a new RADIODETECTION GATORCAM y STY j g PIPELINEINSPECTION and LOCATION SYSTEM. You raised f, F `-c-,-;k4, - 4 some excellent questions about the quality and operation of this /.--,--i z t unique system. I'd like to take this opportunity to summarize 4 s --y Y some of the key points that I tried to clarify for you. Radiodetection makes the most versatile Utility Locators and CCTV Systems in the world. The release of the GATORCAM-2/"MARK2"EDITION represents the most comprehensive, durable, flexible and user-friendly inspection system available in the world at any price. You have a choice of optional components that will let you View, Video-Record and Pinpoint nearly every type of metallic and non-metallic sewer, duct or drain line: • You will be able to perform Sewer Line and Sewer Service line inspections on pipes from 1" to 12" in diameter with great clarity and fine full color detail up to 400' in length. • The GatorCam was the first system to offer a "locatable" camera head. This innovation means that you can perform Sewer Line Locating and Sewer Blockage Pinpointing in the same operation. This unique feature will save you time and allow you to be more helpful to your residents. • • The City will save money by being able to use your existing Radiodetection Locator to perform these valuable location tasks. Your Radiodetection RD400 or RD4000 Receivers are the only locators that will perfectly match up to the tracing frequency that the camera head transmits. There is no need to purchase and learn how to operate another locator that will not work with your GatorCam; or locate pipelines anywhere near as well as you already can with your current RD System. WATER CONSERVATION SPECIALISTS EMERGENCY LEAK PINPOINTING • LEAK DETECTION SURVEYS • UNDERGROUND UTILITY LINE LOCATION CCTV INTERNAL SEWER INSPECTION • UTILITY SYSTEM MAPPING • EQUIPMENT SALES & TRAINING City of Yorkville 2 of 3 June 25, 2004 GatorCam System Questions • You have a choice of color camera heads that will give you very high resolution and detail during every inspection. The Camera Skid Kit will keep your camera centered in the pipe. • You will be able to videotape every inspection directly on to a standard VHS videocassette that will play back in any standard VCR. • You will be able to Perform Real Time Voice-Over Narration with the built in Microphone or optional handheld Microphone. The optional Titling Kit will allow you to type subtitles, pipe information and measurements right onto the recording. • This innovative system offers the greatest combination of versatility, value and performance of any locator on the market. It is the ultimate in high performance location systems that you can grow with plus add accessories and more tracing frequencies as your needs and skills develop further. • You will get unmatched training and technical support from the experts at ATS. Unlike water supply houses or catalog sales companies, your GatorCam purchase will be supported every step of the way by experienced experts at ATS that use this exact equipment in the field every day. As Yorkville knows from 20 years of experience with ATS— Whenever the City needs us, we've been there for you. Unmatched Operator Instruction & Technical Support from ATS ATS not only sells this high performance equipment, but our own field crews have utilized and depended upon Radiodetection technology since 1986. ATS has successfully located underground utilities in a very wide range of challenging applications. Your "Instructional Classroom" and "After-Sale Technical Support" is handled by experienced ATS Field Technicians that use this equipment every day. We know problems can occur at the most inopportune of times. You'll be glad to know that we are as close as our 24-hour hot line or a 45 minute drive from helping your crews work through their questions. Proper training ensures that your crews will be more confident, effective and consistently accurate whenever they are called upon to locate a utility line. A confident operator will use the equipment more effectively and more often than one that doesn't receive the proper training. ATS delivers expert training and technical support better than any other dealer. We encourage head to head field comparisons whenever possible. City of Yorkville 3 of 3 June 25, 2004 GatorCam System Questions Here are some of the ATS Utility Location Training Classes that we offer. • Comprehensive Operator Training Classes: This class lays a solid foundation of learning for new operators. Students will by taught essential operation procedures for sewer location, locating other types of utilities, equipment features and capabilities, field strategy, equipment care and maintenance. • Advance Operator Procedures: This class is for experienced "RD"operators that would benefit from learning advanced strategies and techniques that will help them get the most out of their equipment in challenging environments and other types of utility location applications. • Retraining & Update Training Classrooms: This class is available for casual or infrequent operators. Refresh and fine tune the skills of those operators that don't get to use the equipment often enough to stay as sharp as they would like to be, yet still need to be effective when the need arises. Yours truly, ASSOC TED TECHNICAL SERVICES LTD. -1/0":979a. Ralp L. Gro Vice President—Operations United City of Yorkville 18" County Seat of Kendall County EST. % 1 836 800 Game Farm Road rr '� CO Yorkville, Illinois 60560 Q ta �- Q Phone:630-553-4350 0_,+ •.>v��' Fax:630-553-7575 ` LE NN" To: Traci Pleckham, Finance Director From: Eric Dhuse, Public Works Date: July 19, 2004 Re: Locator Purchase Traci, The Public Works Department would like to purchase an additional locator for our utility infrastructure. The cost of this locator is $4020.00 which can be paid for out of the Pubic Works Capital fund, split between water and sewer maintenance funds contingency line items, or the water and sewer improvement and expansion funds reserve. Please let me know which option you prefer. City of Yorkville 2 of 4 May 25, 2004 Utility Location System Quotation "RD-4000 Series Precision Location System Package" "KIT 9 : RD-4000 PXL/RD-T3F Package" RD-4000 PXL Receiver: w/ standard Night Display Backlighting $ 2,200.00 RD-T3F: 3-Watt, 3 Active-Frequencies, Fault Finding Capability $ 1,395.00 RD-4000 Transmitter Standard 4" Signal Clamp $ 275.00 Semi-Hard Carry Case for the RD-4000 model $ 150.00 Price for this System: $ 4,020.00 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The following Equipment and Services are included with both Locator Packages: Component Description Price 1. Comprehensive On-Site Training Class, Manual, Training Video Included 2. Tracing Signal Lead, Ground Return Lead & Ground Cables Included 3. ATS "After the Sale"Technical Support and Operator Training Session Included UPGRADES: The RD-4000 PDL Receiver ($2,575.00) has all of the PXL's features plus Enhanced Electric Capabilities, Current Direction & Measurement, and Faultfinding. The PDL has many useful advanced features for electric and cable applications. Faultfinding requires a RD-T3F or RD-T10 Transmitter and the A-Frame Faultfinder attachment. Fault Finding Equipment: Add to any sytem described in this quote The "A-Frame" Fault Finding Attachment $ 400.00 A-Frame Fault Finder Padded Carry Case $ 50.00 -, 1974 - 2004 • 52 Wheeler Road • Sugar Grove, IL 60554 TEL: 630 / 466-9350 4 FAX: 630 / 466-9380 Ensahrmarigno Eeafirpriss�, www.eeiweb.com 4 30 YEARS OF 3 EXCELLENCE July 14, 2004 Mayor Arthur F. Prochaska, Jr. United City of Yorkville 800 Game Farm Road Yorkville, IL 60560 Re: Professional Engineering Services Proposal for Feasibility Study of Beecher Road Extension and Fox River Crossing, U.S. Route 34 to IL Route 71 United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois Dear Mayor Prochaska: We have followed, with extreme interest, your concern for the future of Illinois Route 47 and its impact on downtown Yorkville. We share your concern and would like to discuss an option, one which you may have already considered, but one which we think should be seriously considered before a potential roadway corridor is lost to development activities both north and south of the Fox River. The roadway corridor which would appear to be of the utmost importance and in need of a feasibility study is the Beecher Road extension from U.S. Route 34 to Illinois Route 71 with a Fox River bridge crossing. We believe this route has the potential to be a Route 47 By-Pass/Truck Route between Routes 34 and 71, thereby allowing the City to "reclaim" Bridge Street and to make it more business and pedestrian friendly. With the growing development interest on the south side of the City, the need for another bridge is unquestionable. Obviously, funding for such a project is a major concern, so the currently proposed changes to the Southern Area Land Use Plan may also require additional transportation impact fees or developer contributions to help construct this bridge and roadway. IDOT funding may also become feasible if this corridor is utilized as a Route 47 By-Pass/Truck Route that will, if constructed within a reasonable time frame, help alleviate traffic and emergency services concerns during the eventual Route 47 reconstruction project through downtown. Please find attached a project description for a Feasibility Study with a scope of services and specific tasks outlined which we propose to provide to the United City of Yorkville at this time without cost to the City. All we ask in return for these services is to be the consulting firm considered for the future completion of a Phase I Engineering Report and that if we cannot come to contract terms with the City for the completion of that report, that we be compensated with a Lump Sum Fee of$36,000 for the Feasibility Study, at that time. •Public '(.1 ;.. (: =1`,Yv `^t E,_eche. .o. (FC<R.«, Sri:ce;`.cocs`,r ,61.do:: Consulting Engineers Specializing in Civil Engineering and Land Surveying As always, we appreciate your consideration of this proposal and look forward to working with you and the United City of Yorkville in studying this all too important and exciting project. Respectfully,iEn ineering Enterprises, Inc. Jeffrey . Freeman, P.E. Senior Project Manager / John T. Whitehouse, P.E., P.L.S. Senior Project Manager Pc: JKM/RGN, EEI G:\Pu„ic1YorKvi ie 2OrC4\YCO419 Beecher Rcac ;Foy,River Briclaei\decs`:pp O1.doc PROJECT DESCRIPTION The United City of Yorkville, hereinafter called Client, has developed a 2030 Transportation Plan, in which is proposed an extension of Beecher Road, from U.S. Route 34 southerly across the Fox River to Illinois Route 71. In the pursuit of assistance to the City and to expeditiously respond to the need to alleviate traffic congestion within the Illinois Route 47 corridor, Engineering Enterprises, Inc. (EEI) respectfully submits this proposal. EEI proposes to provide professional engineering services for a Feasibility Study for the extension of Beecher Road from U.S. Route 34 southerly across the Fox River and the Illinois Railnet Railroad to IL Route 71, as shown on the attached Exhibit A — Corridor Location Map. Both "at grade" and "grade separated" crossing alternatives for the crossing of the Illinois Railnet Railroad will be studied. SCOPE OF SERVICES Our firm proposes to furnish the necessary personnel, materials, equipment and transportation to make necessary investigations, measurements, computations and analyses to perform professional engineering services for the above referenced project with the understanding that local or private financing will be utilized to fund the project. Funding assistance from the Illinois Department of Transportation and Illinois Commerce Commission Grade Crossing Protection Fund will be explored and solicited. The Feasibility Study will be prepared in accordance with the detailed scope of services listed below. Major work items are described in more detail as follows: FEASIBILITY STUDY Task 1 — Data Collection An inventory of the existing and proposed roadways (inclusive of all known proposed subdivisions and logical extensions of existing roads) in the study area will be conducted to determine the existing and proposed roadway cross sections, intersection geometrics, profiles, speed limits, etc. Mechanical traffic counts will be conducted to determine hourly volumes throughout the day and will also classify vehicles by type. These counts as a minimum will be conducted on US Route 34, IL Route 71, River Road and Fox Road. Traffic data collection will include but not be limited to: United City of Yorkville Transportation and Land Use Plans and traffic accident data; Kendall County Highway Department right-of-way, roadway improvements, traffic and land use planning data; Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) right-of-way, traffic volume and roadway improvements data and the Chicago Area Transportation Study (CATS) traffic volume projections. Research and identification of any programmed City, County or State transportation improvements within/or adjacent to the study area will be researched and provided. Ga,.. V; 9 e3eeche Road (Fox River * . toCs\pp O`i a.). Task 2 — Traffic Projections/Assignments The basic project scope is to determine the feasibility of developing an alternative local north/south transportation connection on the western edge of the City with a crossing of the Fox River and connecting U.S. Route 34 on the north with Illinois Route 71 on the south. The proposed north end alignment at U.S. Route 34 will align with the proposed extension of Beecher Road along the easterly boundary of the proposed Rob Roy Falls subdivision. The proposed connection would provide for an alternative north/south local road and crossing of the Fox River which would provide further access to currently undeveloped land as well as to provide new connections to existing roadways. The new road extensions and intersections will alter existing travel patterns in the area. To determine the impact these traffic alterations will have on area roadways and intersections, projections for 20 year volumes will be prepared. The available existing traffic data and collected traffic data will be used as a base for the projections. The projections will be prepared for average daily traffic and the AM and PM peak hours at the following intersections: • US Route 34 at the proposed Beecher Road connection • IL Route 71 at the proposed Beecher Road connection • River Road at the proposed Beecher Road intersection • Fox Road at the proposed Beecher Road intersection These projections will be forwarded to the Chicago Area Transportation Study for their concurrence. Task 3 — Intersection Analyses The projected peak hour traffic volumes will be used to determine the preliminary capacity and geometric needs of the proposed street extension, and intersection connections. The capacity analyses will be further used to formulate recommendations for the intersections and the future preparation of Intersection Design Studies. Task 4 — Geometric Alignment Analysis An appropriate horizontal and vertical roadway alignment will be developed with a design speed of 45 mph. A typical urban pavement cross section shall also be provided. Existing County contour maps shall be used for development of the vertical and horizontal alignment. Field survey and/or topography work will be provided as we deem necessary at critical locations. Task 5— Fox River Bridge Crossing Alternatives and Preliminary Evaluation EEI will identify, develop and evaluate a minimum of two alternatives for crossing of the Fox River. EEI will contact the Illinois Department of Transportation, the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Illinois Commerce Commission to determine the feasibility and the funding availability for crossing the Fox River at the proposed location. A preliminary type, size and location (TS&L) Plan for the preferred proposed structure will be provided. Application will be made upon completion of the Feasibility Study to any identified funding agency for funding assistance. V.?Put ci I Qrkvie te'2O04'.t CO F v ..,ectl^..Road fF cx RNer Jric Ci'-.'ocs\1':°t 1 doc Task 6 - Railroad Crossing Alternatives and Preliminary Evaluation EEI will identify and evaluate a minimum of two railroad crossing alternatives. One at grade and one grade separated crossing structure will be preliminarily reviewed. EEI will contact both the Illinois Railnet Railroad and Illinois Commerce Commission to determine the feasibility and funding availability for crossing the Illinois Railnet Railroad track. Application will be made upon completion of the Feasibility Study to the Illinois Commerce Commission for funding assistance from the Grade Crossing Protection Fund. Task 7 — Environmental Inventory We will make an initial submittal to the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency to determine if any additional investigation is required. If it is determined that a Phase I archeological study is required, a separate proposal will be furnished to address this requirement. We will make initial submittals to the Illinois Department of Natural Resources and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for determination of the impact relative to the Endangered and Threatened Species Act. If it is determined that further study is required, a separate proposal will be furnished to address this requirement. We will review the National Wetland Inventory maps and make a field reconnaissance to determine the need for further investigation. If a wetland determination and delineation is required, a separate proposal will be furnished to address this requirement. We will review the regulatory floodplain and floodway maps prepared by Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) to determine the potential hydraulic impact of the project. The scope of analysis required for the various permits required will be evaluated. We will review the applicable regulations and permitting issues and requirements of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to determine what impacts may be anticipated. We will conduct a preliminary records search to determine the potential for special waste sites in the vicinity of the project. No field surveys are anticipated. We will provide early coordination with the County and State agencies to identify the appropriate environmental report format selection (i.e. Categorical Exclusion, Environmental Assessment, Environmental Impact Statement) for use in future studies. Task 8 — Right-of-Way Determination We will identify the appropriate right-of-way requirements and list the parcels that would be affected. This will include the current Parcel Identification Number (PIN) and the record property owner. The amount of right-of-way required will be based on the requirements for a maximum five lane urban pavement cross section. Task 9 — Utility Identification and Inventory EEI will research, identify and inventory the various existing utilities that may affect the project. ., ub'i.. ' ..r:;. O,4\.. ...4 E EscI _. Rc c .! .;,<F.i._. cs. 1.d3c Task 10 — Permits EEI will research, identify and summarize the various permits that may be required however, no permits will be obtained as a part of this scope of work. Task 11 — Geotechnical Inventory and Survey An inventory, survey and review of existing soils data, existing boring logs and mapping of the soils and conditions will be provided. Soil Conservation Service Maps, National Wetland Inventory Maps, U.S.G.S. Maps and other sources of information that are identified will be utilized. Soil borings will not be provided as a part of this study at this time unless otherwise directed and authorized by separate agreement. Task 12 — Preliminary Stormwater Analysis We will identify the limits of the affected drainage basins and will determine the stormwater management requirements for the new impervious area based on a 0.15 cfs/acre release rate and other applicable parameters to be compliant with the City and County Stormwater Requirements (or Ordinances). Task 13 — Preliminary Cost Estimates We will provide generalized cost estimates based on the preliminary design of a two and four-lane urban pavement cross section inclusive of drainage, lighting, intersection and connecting street improvements. Task 14 — Exhibits In order to convey the scope of the proposed project, we will prepare exhibits that will identify typical cross sections, a proposed plan and profile, intersection improvements, right- of-way requirements and identified existing wetlands and floodplains. Existing aerial photos and two-foot-contour maps as available will be used to develop the exhibits. Task 15 — Documentation Reporting and Executive Summary A report will be provided summarizing the findings of the feasibility study with appropriate data and graphics documenting the findings. The report format will be appropriate for submission to the Illinois Department of Transportation and other agencies as necessary. Twelve (12) copies will be provided. Task 16 — Project Meetings It is anticipated that there will be a number of project meetings with City Staff to discuss the expectations and findings of the study. Project meetings are included in the scope of services, including a field walk through with City staff. G:\SunilckYoikvwe; OU4\'rOC4 Ezeeche'"Road(Fox R('._. u{;"oq .ocs',poif I.rico Task 17 — Schedule The Feasibility Study will be completed within 120 days from the date of authorization to proceed (subject to City review time). FEES AND CONDITIONS The proposed methods of payment for the required professional services are at Lump Sum (LS) fees for the various classifications of employees who will perform the work as listed on the Standard Schedule of Charges dated January 1, 2004. The proposed method and amount of payment for Professional Engineering Services is $36,000 Lump Sum (Payment Deferred). It is understood and agreed that EEI will be the consulting firm considered for future Phase I Preliminary Engineering work on this project. If the City and EEI are unable to negotiate an acceptable contract for the stated Phase I Preliminary Engineering work, EEI will be compensated with a Lump Sum Fee of $36,000 at that time. The work performed during a feasibility study is inherently useful towards completion of a Phase I Engineering Report. Therefore, if we are selected to complete that report, the City will be credited the $36,000 Feasibility Study fee towards the negotiated fee for the Phase I Report. This proposal shall be in effect for a period of 60 days from the date of this proposal. If this proposal is not accepted within that period of time, our firm reserves the right to withdraw or revise this proposal. Additional assignments or tasks not described above will be performed at an hourly rate for the various classifications of employees who will perform the work as listed on the attached Standard Schedule of Charges dated January 1, 2004, or in accordance with a separate proposal. QUALIFICATIONS Engineering Enterprises, Inc. is actively engaged in the planning, design and construction of both public and private transportation improvement projects requiring professional engineering and land surveying services throughout northern Illinois. Our staff has the experience, enthusiasm and commitment to provide the required services in a reliable, timely and cost effective manner. While various members of our firm will perform the work on this project, the principal contact persons with our firm will be Ronald G. Naylor, P.E, Senior Project Manager and John T. Whitehouse, P.E., P.L.S. Senior Project Manager. Jeffrey W. Freeman, P.E., Senior Project Manager and James K, Michels, P.E., President, will be available as required. ACCEPTANCE Upon acceptance, we will give our full attention to the project so that the study may be performed as soon as practicable, consistent with performance of our services, and other considerations. If the Project Description, Scope of Services, Fees and Conditions, as cited above are satisfactory, please indicate your acceptance by signing both of the enclosed proposals and returning one of them to us for our records. G ?ceche R 4_ (Fox RF. p;:;:0I d::i; AGREEMENT All terms and conditions to this Agreement for Professional Services accepted this day of , 2004. By By UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE Organization 800 Game Farm Road Address Yorkville IL 60560 City State Zip Accepted this day of , 2004. ENGINEERING ENTERPRISES, INC. Organization 52 Wheeler Road (corporate seal) Address Sugar Grove IL 60554 City State Zip By President By Secretary G:.=ub ieNo'kv ie\2OO4`:YOC4 1 s B e ler Road Fox River Bridge:COCS.ppi01.tdOC 1974 2004 52 Wheeler Road •• Sugar Grove, IL 60554 0? TEL: 630 / 466-9350 ..,' ,: ;i:,, ,..,..., ti, STANDARD SCHEDULE OF CHARGES FAX: 630 / 466-9380 ncrinerhr www.eeiweb.com rt. enterpmses„ -, 1 ®`tY" January 1, 2004 YEARS EARS CF EXCELLENCE EMPLOYEE DESIGNATION CLASSIFICATION HOURLY RATE Principal Engineer E-3 $123.00 Senior Project Manager E-2 $114.00 Project Manager E-1 $105.00 Senior Project Engineer/Surveyor P-5 $ 96.00 Project Engineer/Surveyor P-4 $ 87.00 Senior Engineer/Surveyor P-3 $ 78.00 Engineer/Surveyor P-2 $ 69.00 Associate Engineer/Surveyor P-1 $ 60.00 Senior Project Technician T-5 $ 87.00 Project Technician T-4 $ 78.00 Senior Technician T-3 $ 69.00 Technician T-2 $ 60.00 Associate Technician T-1 $ 51.00 Secretary A-3 $ 60.00 VEHICLES, EQUIPMENT AND REPROGRAPHICS Vehicle for Construction Observation VEH $ 10.00 Global Positioning System Equipment GPS $ 25.00 Scanning ($1.50 per Sheet) SCA N/A Reproduction ($1.50 per Sheet) REP N/A G:\EEI\DOCS\FORMS\GENERAL\STADS0104.DOC Consulting Engineers Specializing in Civil Engineering and Land Surveying .14 Personnel, Positions & Classifications James K.Michels,P.E. E-3 Jason M.Bauer,E.I. P-4 President Project Engineer Peter G.Wailers,P.E. E-3 Timothy V.Weidner,E.I. P-4 Senior Vice President Project Engineer David R.Burroughs,P.E. E-3 • Michele L.Daly,E.I. P-4 Vice President Project Engineer Ronald G.Naylor,P.E. E-2 Terry M.Heitkamp,E.I. P-4 Senior Project Manager Project Engineer John T.Whitehouse,P.E.,P.L.S. E-2 Nathaniel J.Koehneke,E.I. P-4 Senior Project Manager Project Engineer Bradley P.Sanderson,P.E. E-2 Gregory A.Chambers T-5 Senior Project Manager Senior Project Technician(Field) Jeffrey W.Freeman,P.E. E-2 Steven Gozner,III T-5 Senior Project Manager Senior Project Technician(CAD) William E.Dunn,P.E. E-2 David S.Stewart T-5 Senior Project Manager Senior Project Technician(Field) Timothy P.Farrell,P.E. E-1 William C.Pierson T4 Project Manager Project Technician(CAD) Timothy N.Paulson,P.E. E-1 C.Larry Nolan 1-4 Project Manager Project Technician(CAD) Kevin S.Bomstad,P.E. E-1 Kristopher K.Pung T-4 Project Manager Project Technician(CAD) David E.Schumacher E-1 Thomas A.Ness T-4 Project Manager Project Technician(Field) Scott A.Swanson E-1 Lenard E.Lynn T-4 Computer Aided Drafting& Project Technician(Field) Information Systems Manager Ryan M.Christoffel T-3 George R.Burgess,P.L.S. P-5 Senior Technician(Field) Senior Project Surveyor Joshua M.Boatman T-3 Mark G.Scheller,P.L.S. P-5 Senior Technician(Field) Senior Project Surveyor Matthew R.Blackburn T-3 Andrew R.Deitchman,P.E. P-5 Senior Technician(Field) Senior Project Engineer/Environmental Denise M.Migliorini A-3 Jason P. "Jay"Nemeth,P.E. P-5 Administrative Assistant Senior Project Engineer Denise M.Thelander A-3 Yifang Lu,P.E. P-5 Accounting Assistant Senior Project Engineer Angela R.Ford A-3 Stephan W.Grabowski P-5 Secretary Senior Transportation Planner Dawn M.Goodbred A-3 Christopher E.Peterson,S.I. P-4 Secretary Project Surveyor Nicole M.Morris A-3 Julie A.Morrison,E.I. P-4 Accounting Assistant Project Engineer Bobbi M.Erdmann A-3 Darrin P.Schertz P-4 Marketing Director Project Engineer Angela D.McCoy A-3 David A.Kamano,E.l. P-4 Accounting Assistant Project Engineer East Dundee,Illinois Brian R.Valleskey P-4 GIS Specialist Mark C.Weber,P.L.S. P-5 Senior Project Surveyor LEGEND: P.E.=Professional Engineer Robert C.Watts T-5 P.L.S.=Professional Land Surveyor Senior Project Technician(Field) E.I.=Engineer Intern S.I.=Surveyor Intern Travis A.Carroll T-3 E=Executive Senior Technician(Field) P=Professional T=Technical Stacy L.Nilsen A-3 A=Administrative Office Manager 6/17104 k:. r �` v r.l�!,5 1111 _ 4 �i " ,..,il 4., Ce , „kit, 1'7 .c+a W 1+ E 1 1111111." 0 1,000 2,000 4,OQ0 Feet tial r x , w jj � '` 1 2,000' C IM, ,' " " CORRIDOR LOCATION MAP +, ....71-611,1400- ®ter a :' UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE f BEECHER ROAD EXTENSION �� § '" 'J N WITH FOX RIVER CROSSING Imp. `', �l ' � Nir � % STUDY AREA " �:grrrrf 1 frnr �+ , ��rr!�� ��111�� ��•'^.. `. � rl .ffUrl.:r���/1►l.� xti% p I sf ,T_ 111 I +ate • 1r "ion,Mt,• : t, tij/(/f,!' °k a;o "s lrs* .9,►, r.dgd� i \;� %I:,i,,, o dams:� ,1'fes ,�i,,44 ! �:r 11* �v �,, r{ r 'fid+P0rs� ' 'r.i�f}, eve„ liti.d IN r 0IS mai"_ ,Y _. _ N S. 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Yo9r ••nr'p1q'i• • -t �i.+`�`d ��,, , al0;,IOl'ati- is .0a ice: .• —!milli. t • e r-'•. ••�►�a♦ cs INF . ,„_-4.411,94s4, • e�IRl1 , t.t.%01„-10101 =is�.eas, 1� .. , trio../- .0•,11 rr -..11,11,i� r,mo i .i•` :!� w 1141 ... ,...: ,...• , W C,‘.‘. ,° �. a', a1 D• IY I�1■�\ - I • \ '�1►� III `" ' �IIn 1 O ip�� PROJECT LENGTH: A \'auu ♦q.� ill 15,800(FT)=2.99 MI ' r .'�iaini ® F :!' ' r•! 3�'.' r - X4111� 4 1 , 1 �` .:6... y, '� .; ILL aar� Ilk • , ., .1 , • �Y ▪ ` Ie' 1 1111w �t1C, 9Yp ,r, ..:j® Y:..�` • ,t. ° Y . `A..• YMti , '84� Yr \ t' sk.t� ` ? 'l 1 ' t DISCUSSION OUTLINE • Background/Comments/Considerations Existing Traffic within Yorkville Route 47 congestion and delays in implementing improvements Growth within the United City of Yorkville ✓ Especially south side • Proposal (see attached) Beecher Road Extension Feasibility Study Route 34 to Route 71 Study corridor exhibit (see attached) No cost to City at this time Consideration for Phase I • EEI Feasibility Study Experience (see attached) • Other area transportation related discussion 41 Engineering Enterprises, Inc. •DUB .. 'sespdiialu3 -� 6uiaaaui6u3 • -..s•. ..:'11/" 141 _ .. _ _ , ___ . IT ( \ .1.‘-'. L ii_ f ry —...,_ >r.0.7.` Ya . - . „{'' l p 'r "fid r "t ,.'r?" .,ih: r • i 1•'.�+` I. `I !,. ddH --` , ddV - ,.A i ', diS - seipn;s oijeaj • ._ d31t .. cm, b30a - uoliemasgp di�sueuls�ue�, , uo�13nalsuoa •• ; �. LL .iIsuQ3 M N uo�43n . : ,„114„e„,,,,„, . 6u ..; A , 11111° ��anarns uoi}onasiuoaa� - ' i. p , puei leuoIsseJoad • uoileil.ge4a21 - .r ;uewe6euew u6iSea •• 70- :k....; ,r .`� "Illift:' - • meati -� ,. -,,It i1,. V,yY;ilr; !►,10 rail liaagri+Aik mho*k/�'�''ila i .A' JGWMuuao�s • saipn s sieu6is 3ileal • u6isea I esegd • 6uiiy611 hails • 6uiuueid Je sew . eouelJedx3 weisAs uoileipodsueJi .3UI 'sasudaaTu3 6ui.iaaui6u3 4 1 . ,. .. ip ri' 1 At. Y ki 4, 4 a r`lY-j�4 . ;_, _,., ,:rk. .. ..1.,,,,,A1,-;,4.'.'„,'a 'Jr ��;""'111111......111,. t ;�` �'Q Y3 � R V _ n •�Y {'-, 7. * -fit Y�-� r !''��, `S i,.' . + jyyOebi, ''. ,-‘14."' _. - 411011iler.:'. 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Iwo 2100 3+00 4.00 5000 1+00 N00 6100 9+00 10090 11+000 1200 1+00 - Pavement striping and markers _ _ - Bituminous widening of existing „6 I 1 ' two lane pavement at ( 6� intersection g .. i i i "s i t s $ `s i i "s a s e i ? i s e e e a Creation of right turn lane on Aucutt Road � s W ,��, - =',1,1gra,,,,, PLM AND PROFILE 3R IMPROVEMENTS STA 0+00 TO STA 27+50 14:-,- .,.,..,,,,.._._ cl Creation of center left-turn lane on Orchard Road -, r ' 1. • Assisted in securing federal and truck access funds *110r Engineering Enterprises, Inc. • Fsibflity studies French-Harmony Roadway Alignment Hampshire Township • Extension of French Road to Harmony Road Galligan-Tyrrell Roadway Alignment Rutland Township J1 • Extension of Tyrrell Road from IL Rt 72, north to Galligan Road ,„ Plank Road Realignment Study PROJECT LOCATION Burlington Township • Realignment of Plank Road, east of Burlington Road, with its western leg ry (County Highway 38) . -- EXHIBIT A French-Peplow Road LOCATION MAP FRENCH-HARMONY ROAD Burlington Township FEASIBILITY STUDY • Creation of a bypass linking French Road (County Highway 11) on the north side of the Village, with Peplow Road (County Engineering Highway 11) on the Village south side Enterprises, Inc. 07/19/2004 09:53 530553437777 CITYHOFOYCRKVILLE PAGE 01 ED C . k ;? Q,„ United City of Yorkville Esr. I` lase County Seal of Kendall County Si "41800 Game Farm Road • 0 Yorkville,nlinois 60560 to 1 �l p Phone 630,553-4350 , .1.' 4' Fax 630.553.7575 it.L.E ‘‘' To: Joe Basco, Chairman / From: Eric Dhuse, Public Works . Date: July 20, 2004 Re: new hire Joe, I would like to post a Maintenance Worker II job position in the sewer department. this is a budgeted item within the sewer maintenance department. This position is needed due to the increased responsibilities of the sewer department as we grow. this positions starting pay will be $16.98 per hour. I would like to place this on the July 26, 2004 public works agenda for discussion. UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE To: Tony Graff, City Administrator From: Joe Wywrot, City Engineer 4 �.1 Subject: Well No. 9 — Change Order No.g1 Q Date: July 23, 2004 Attached find one copy of proposed Change Order No. I for the drilling of Well No. 9. This change order, in the amount of a $2,629.00 increase, is the final balancing change order for this project. While the up front cost of this project is being paid for by the Grande Reserve developer, the annexation agreement requires the city to grant credits and approve recapture agreements based on the final cost. Therefore it is important that we keep track of and approve any changes to the project costs. I recommend that this change order be approved. Please place this item on the Public Works Committee agenda of July 26, 2004 for consideration. Cc: Liz D'Anna, Deputy City Clerk CHANGE ORDER Order No.: 1 Date: July 19, 2004 Agreement Date: September 2, 2003 NAME OF PROJECT: Well No. 9 OWNER: Pasquinelli Development Group, Inc. CONTRACTOR: Layne-Western The following changes are hereby made to the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: ADDED/ ADDED/ UNIT DEDUCTED DEDUCTED ITEMS UNITS PRICE QUANTITY VALUE 2. DRILL 29" MIN. DIA. HOLE FOR 24"O.D. CASING (ESTIMATED 0' TO 100') (ACTUAL 0'TO 120') LF $200 20 $4,000 3. FURNISH AND INSTALL 24" O.D. STEEL CASING LF $116 20 $2,320 (ESTIMATED 0' TO 100') (ACTUAL 0'TO 120') 4. DRILL 23" MIN. DIA. HOLE FOR 18" O.D. CASING LF $160 -88 -$14,080 (ESTIMATED 100'TO 1245') (ACTUAL 120'TO 1177') 5. FURNISH AND INSTALL 18" O.D. STEEL CASING LF $59 24 $1,416 (ESTIMATED +2'TO 1245') (ACTUAL +1'TO 1170') 7. FURNISH CEMENT GROUT BAGS $14 355 $4,970 9. DRILL 17" MIN. DIA. HOLE LF $140 46 $6,440 (ESTIMATED 1245'TO 1390') (ACTUAL 1177'TO 1368') 10. WELL DEVELOPMENT BY HYDRAULIC JETTING METHOD HR $335 -5 $1,675 10b. PERFORM WELL DEVELOPMENT 12. SAND BAILING WITH RIG AND 2 MAN CREW HR $268 3.5 $938 19. PAYMENT AND PERFORMANCE BONDS LS $1,700 1 $1,700 TOTAL $2,629.00 Justification: The contract quantities have been adjusted to reflect the conditions encountered when drilling the new water well. CO-01 CHANGE ORDER Page 2 Change of CONTRACT PRICE: Original CONTRACT PRICE: $ 470,291.00 Current CONTRACT PRICE adjusted by previous CHANGE ORDER(S) $ 470,291 .00 The CONTRACT PRICE due to this CHANGE ORDER will be (increased) (dea feaeed)by: $ 2,629.00 The new CONTRACT PRICE including this CHANGE ORDER will be $ 472,920.00 Change to CONTRACT TIME: The CONTRACT TIME will be (increased) (decreased) by 0 calendar days. The date for completion of all work will be December 31, 2003. Approvals Required: To be effective this order must be approved by the agency if it changes the scope or objective of the PROJECT, or as may otherwise be required by the SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL CONDITIONS. .40 Requested by: Layne-Western Recommended by: Engineering Enterprises, Inc. Accepted by: f /I" Pasquinelli Development Group, Inc. Accepted by: United City of Yorkville CO-02 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE To: Tony Graff, City Administrate r\ From: Joe Wywrot, City Engineer u Subject: Well Nos. 8 & 9 Treatment Fac ty— ange Order No. 1 Date: July 23, 2004 Attached find one copy of proposed Change Order No. 1 for the construction of the Well Nos. 8 & 9 Treatment Facility. This change order, in the amount of a $3,548.76 increase, is for increasing the size of the water service to the building, and also for relocating some electrical equipment inside the building. While the up front cost of this project is being paid for by the Grande Reserve developer, the annexation agreement requires the city to grant credits and approve recapture agreements based on the final cost. Therefore it is important that we keep track of and approve any changes to the project costs. I recommend that this change order be approved. Please place this item on the Public Works Committee agenda of July 26, 2004 for consideration. Cc: Liz D'Anna, Deputy City Clerk CHANGE ORDER Order No.: 1 Date: June 3, 2004 Agreement Date: September 2, 2003 NAME OF PROJECT: Wells No. 8 and 9 Well House and Treatment Facility OWNER: Pasquinelli Development Group, Inc. CONTRACTOR: Joseph J. Henderson & Son, Inc. The following changes are hereby made to the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: Furnish and install 2" water service line and RPZ in lieu of the 1" water service and RPZ called for in the Contract Documents (Add $696.76). > Provide labor, equipment and material to locate the step down transformer, TR-A, along the north wall in the Control Room as opposed to the south wall in the Control Room (Add $2,852.00). Justification: • The increase in service size from 1" to 2" will help maintain flow rates necessary for consistent domestic water service to the Water Treatment Facility. • The revised location of TR-A is necessary to accommodate the physical dimensions of all of the equipment in that room. Change of CONTRACT PRICE: Original CONTRACT PRICE: $ 3,000,300.00 Current CONTRACT PRICE adjusted by previous CHANGE ORDER(S) $ 0.00 The CONTRACT PRICE due to this CHANGE ORDER will be (increased) (decreased) by: $ 3,548.76 The new CONTRACT PRICE including this CHANGE ORDER will be $ 3,003,848.76 CO-01 CHANGE ORDER Page 2 Change to CONTRACT TIME: The CONTRACT TIME will be (increased) (decreased) by 0 calendar days. The date for completion of all work will be August 27, 2004. Approvals Required: To be effective this order must be approved by the agency if it changes the scope or objective of the PROJECT, or as may otherwise be required by the SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL CONDITIONS. Requested by: Jose.h J. Henderson & Son, Inc. Recommended by: ; Engineering Enterprises, Inc. Accepted by: Pasquinelli Development Group, Inc. Accepted by: United City of Yorkville CO-02 4rirA Joseph J. Henderson & Son, Inc. FAX TRANSMITTAL 110, 4288 Old Grand Avenue No. 00069 Over 75 years, P.O. Box 9 Phone: 847-244-3222 and*tm building! Gurnee,Illinois 60031-0009 Fax: 847-244-9572 SUBJECT: TR-A Transformer Extra DATE: 5/27/2004 PROJECT:Yorkville Wells 8 &9 Well House JOB: 1042-00 TO: Attn: Timothy P. Farrell Engineering Enterprises, Inc. 52 Wheeler Rd. SUGAR GROVE,IL 60554 REQUIRED: 6/3/2004 Phone: 630-466-9350 Fax: 630-466-9380 PAGES: 2 RE S; ....:..:..... .. .: Tim Attached is the proposal from Kevin Stellmach moving the TR-A transformer under the window in the Control Room per BFI's direction. This will eliminate any code violation questions per the state electrical codes, and to give the transformer a little more breathing room for serviceable access. JJH is not going to charge for their minimal labor and equipment involved with the excavation and backfill. Please review with the City of Yorkville and Pasquinnelli Development and let me know your decision ASAP. Once this is reviewed we may continue without delay the slab on grade pour. Stellmach Proposal $ 2,480.00 JJH OH&P 372.00 Total this change $ 2,852.00 Thanks Tim! Pat Refaxed w/corrections to OH&P 6/1/2004 Reported$y:Joseph J. - der &Son,Inc. Date: / V Signed: ✓ Pat Boyle,Project Manager Expedition May 25 04 05: 54p 830-250-0442 p. 1 7. SL Stellmach 22WZ78 Juniper Dr. Medinah, IL 60157 Electric, Inc. 630 529-6646 Kcvin titcllm:u.h i'honc 630260-1636 (1N510 Merrick Drive Mobile 63(1 336-6471 Whuit;,n,II,(.0187 Fax 630 260-0442 May 25,2004 J.J. Henderson & Son Gurnee, IL Attn: Pat Doyle RE: Yorkville Well #8 84 49 Gentlemen, We are pleased to submit our electrical proposal for the above project per plans, specifications and including the following: • Relocate TR-A under the window in the electrical control room. • Furnish and install the conduit necessary for the relocation of TR-A. • The cable for the relocation will remain approximately the same. • We do not include any excavation or backl ill; please add laborer's cost approximately eight hours. Total Contract Price: 52,480.00 We do not include excavation and bacicf(II, state and local taxes, delivery charges. utility charges and/or fens, permit fees,excess or liquidated damage fees. If you have any questions concerning this proposal contact us at your convenience. Respectfully yours. • Kevin Stellmach Quality Electrical Contractors'Since 1980 A Joseph J. Henderson & Son, Inc. FAX TRANSMITTAL •lir 4288 Old Grand Avenue No. 00046 P_O_Box 9 Phone: 847-244-3222 Diet TS yowls, and stip building! Gurnee,Illinois 60031-0009 Fax: 847-244-9572 SUBJECT:Water service size changes DATE: 3/10/2004 PROJECT:Yorkville Wells 8 &9 Well House JOB: 1042-00 TO: Attn: Timothy P.Farrell . Engineering Enterprises, Inc. 52 Wheeler Rd. SUGAR GROVE,IL 60554 REQUIRED: 3/11/2004 Phone: 630-466-9350 Fax: 630-466-9380 PAGES: 4 ucL.:t:r.a .^ijrrr� ,"y ft�f�r{k;' ry.?'1SG s 1,R;".;'"",` !c'[dn(1(,�"�ICfl 1'nL�" �{ ��i i� 7iR�,,,�r li'3R7{,a;[• '�.:r'�+ ��r(r[ afr_,.._ [. 'n;,,;il(��d t 2{:I"w��H{xx:cr"... n T B:IC'[ u + [•I : I}. �;t,;l Fi 4, �i'{;I`d:li4�;.r"P[`i gi .i. thge iT hr'S{�O PF r�,""I� n g„ f(�r? i ,i1,1i [I 7..1ti[ y l IG' i 7 �t 01Eitl np '��. P1,. t 1 ](n�� .C�,"�, f ( �f�}`(�... ..,��,�;. �hlt�:ri� �h;�y[f ' 1��`;r7�+1{{���,"ti f�l�, l �( �{pf,Irf�;�;' r �ttil.{y�{���`� a��•,��`)����{��'�{��'( ...".�J:". �•fir...lA.tl.Yd."„�Y�.....)!{il/l.itti%�ilu:�li�J.� '{ o `,{i�.ll•IRR�{l.,,tn411mR-711,"�o�51�ti.,ltlF�����rn�r:.LLf{ li.,,,ail'fIIE,.....,�1.�=•��,rtl,H{ltN..flillu,�i�7��7f1�,i:, YiI+,NuNl�lJR:1(t{u.,II.StRf::.. Jeff, In accordance with my voice mail message find attached detailed cost breakdown for the changes associated with the changing of the specified 1." water service to a 2" service including a 2" backflow preventer. Please contact me at our main office ASAP so that we can provide direction in the field, as our site piping contractor is on site and is ready to install the line. PTFASE ADVISE ASAP • Reported ByJ. o. n,Inc. Date: —311'/ Q Signed: 11110.A - Attir k .. • . � J on,Project anager Expc4icioa • JOS. J. HENDERSON & SON, INC. 3/10/2004 Yorkville WTP . Change Order Request No.4 • QNTY UOM SUB RATE MAT/Equip RATE LABOR TOTAL COR No 4, furnish and install 2"water service and backflow preventor in lieu of the specified 1". Please refer to the attached Northwestern Industrial Piping and Neslund &Associates, Inc. transmittals dated March 10,2004 detailing these changes. Neslund &Associates, Inc. $ 250.00 $ 250.00 Northwestern industril Piping $ 350.00 $ 350.00 JJH Labor/material breakdown. Carpenter 0 Hrs. $ - $ - Laborer 0 Hrs. $ - $ - SUBTOTAL $ 600.00 $ - $ - $ 600.00 Material/Equipment& Labor at 15% $ 90.00 $ - $ - $ 90.00 Subtotal $ 690.00 Bond at 1% $ 6.90 Total $ 696.76 03/10/2604 14;52 630-896-7381 NESLUND & ASSOCIATES PACS 01lH1 • FAX ?BANSMITI.AL S NESLUND & ASSOCIATES, INC, TELEPHONE: (630) 89.6-8880 FASCIM1LE: (630) 896-7381 DATE: *'e' ,�1 .. ATTENTION: -� EA/I---60,----1 • NESLUND JEFF TRUAx &ASsbc1ATES,INC. . . • CoMPANY• ,- iiiel-14^/-61,69 . , „. . , FAX NUMBER. i'L-2 • WAR RST,(R7.21 ; • i4ORTH.A11RgRA,1L 541.542' FROM: ., Me 6396-8880 Mabi18 6.30043926.3004392RE: fI ,� /G� _ 4 '^ 'Fax*630-896;7.381';.. `TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES: / , (Including Transmittal Sheet) COMMENTS; i • (94-7 er ///e/ajt-eleC_:6_________ 2 " 7)a7Z) ZP-tr--/ 7 . {rr ) _ j . V/Lo.- 4-- Signed: -i''' NESLUND & ASSOCIATES, INC 115 s, RIVER ST,, NORTH AURORA, IL 60542 EMAIL N.EsLUNDJNGsGO,CUM MAR.10.20@4 2:21PM N W IND PIPING NO.489 P.1/1 NOR THWE,S TL RN INDUSTRIAL PIPING,INC. 847/647-9142 773/775-1455 7475 OAK PARK AVENUE • NILES,ILLINOIS 60714-3817 FAX 773/775-5455 FAX TRANSMISSION DATE 3/4o,"1 COMPANY NAME . TO: FROM: ( 011 FAX NO: PHONE: SUBJECT: Yfl°41A, UQ. NUMBER OF PACES (UiCLUDIND THIS COVER SHEET) MESSAGE: (� ?d`i -Q- Ute- "211LACc_ Q'4- 2.eut 1 4 a.-z� %CZ Qi = 3 sc11 If all pages are not received, please call (773) 7751455 Salaries Page 1 of 3 Salaries We have compared the salary entered for each Job Title selected utilizing the location matching the criteria indicated. Job Title(s) selected Public Works Director Effective Date Jun-2004 Output Sorted by City County Name(s) selected 5,000 - 6,000 6,000 - 7,000 7,000 - 8,000 City Size(s) selected '8,000 - 9,000 9,000 - 10,000 10,000 - 15,000 15,000 -20,000 City Name(s) selected # Range Range Actual Actual Actual Degree Municipality County Papulation Difference Of Emps Minimum Maximum Low High Average Match Search Results for Public Works Director compared to 5146 Barrington Cook 10,168 1 $6,739.00 $8,433.00 $8,433.00 $8,433.00 $8,433.00 -39% Equal Bartonville Peoria 6,310 1 - - $3,004.00 $3,004.00 $3,004.00 71% Berkeley Cook 5,245 1 - - $5,584.00 $5,584.00 $5,584.00 -8% Equal Bethalto Madison 9,454 1 - - $5,471.00 $5,471.00 $5,471.00 -6% Equal Bourbonnais Kankakee 15,256 1 - - $4,056.00 $4,056.00 $4,056.00 27% Equal %fgrrRidge- ._c — ....rd a r.i.;,..::- • ... -__-.: ---. Cary McHenry 16,899 1 $5,921.00 $7,031.00 $6,998.00 $6,998.00 $6,998.00 -26% Greater Channahon Will 7,344 1 - - $6,341.00 $6,341.00 $6,341.00 -19% Equal Chatham Sangamon 8,583 1 - - $4,620.00 $4,620.00 $4,620.00 11% Chicago Ridge Cook 14,127 1 - - $5,466.00 $5,466.00 $5,466.00 -6% Equal Crete Will 7,712 1 - - $4,566.00 $4,566.00 $4,566.00 13% Equal Deerfield Lake 18,420 1 $7,870.00 $8,565.00 $9,537.00 $9,537.00 $9,537.00 -46% Greater Flossmoor Cook 9,301 1 $6,034.00 $7,542.00 $7,542.00 $7,542.00 $7,542.00 -32% Equal Frankfort Will 10,391 1 $4,000.00 $5,667.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 3% Geneva Kane 19,515 1 $5,533.00 $8,006.00 $8,691.00 $8,691.00 $8,691.00 -41% Equal http://www.surveynavigator.com/iml/Survey/salaries/salaryresults pf.asp?EffDtMo=6&E£.. 6/28/2004 Salaries Page 2 of 3 Grayslake Lake 18,506 1 $5,227.00 $7,056.00 $7,210.00 $7,210.00 $7,210.00 -29% Less Greenville Bond 6,955 1 - - $3,805.00 $3,805.00 $3,805.00 35% Less Hawthorn Woods Lake 6,002 1 $4,312.00 $5,709.00 $5,498.00 $5,498.00 $5,498.00 -6% Equal Highland Madison 8,438 1 - - $4,744.00 $4,744.00 $4,744.00 8% Less Hinsdale DuPage 17,349 1 $6,179.00 $9,169.00 $8,305.00 $8,305.00 $8,305.00 -38% Greater Jerseyville Jersey 7,984 1 - - $4,733.00 $4,733.00 $4,733.00 9% Greater LaGrange Cook 15,608 1 $6,248.00 $8,100.00 $7,293.00 $7,293.00 $7,293.00 -29% Equal LaGrange Park Cook 13,295 1 $4,831.83 $7,366.00 $6,580.33 $6,580.33 $6,580.33 -22% Equal Lincolnshire Lake 6,108 1 $6,694.00 $9,050.00 $9,050.00 $9,050.00 $9,050.00 -43% Equal Lincolnwood Cook 12,359 1 $5,016.49 $7,151.10 $7,151.04 $7,151.04 $7,151.04 -28% Equal Lockport Will 18,656 1 $4,583.00 $6,187.00 $5,981.00 $5,981.00 $5,981.00 -14% Manteno Kankakee 6,414 1 - - $4,160.00 $4,160.00 $4,160.00 24% Less Marengo McHenry 6,355 1 $4,281.00 $5,616.00 $5,616.00 $5,616.00 $5,616.00 -8% Equal Mattoon Coles 18,291 1 $5,250.00 $6,166.67 $5,416.67 $5,416.67 $5,416.67 -5% Equal Montgomery Kane 7,109 1 $5,347.00 $7,277.00 $6,632.00 $6,632.00 $6,632.00 -22% Equal New Lenox Will 17,771 1 - - $6,987.00 $6,987.00 $6,987.00 -26% North Aurora Kane 10,585 1 - - $6,130.00 $6,130.00 $6,130.00 -16% Less Orland Hills Cook 6,779 1 - - $4,068.00 $4,068.00 $4,068.00 26% Less Palos Hills Cook 17,665 1 - - $6,000.00 $6,000.00 $6,000.00 -14% Equal River Forest Cook 11,635 1 - - $7,584.00 $7,584.00 $7,584.00 -32% Equal Rochelle Ogle 9,424 1 - - $5,458.00 $5,458.00 $5,458.00 -6% Equal Rockton Winnebago 5,296 1 - - $5,387.00 $5,387.00 $5,387.00 -4% Less Salem Marion 7,909 1 $4,167.00 $5,208.00 $4,719.00 $4,719.00 $4,719.00 9% Sandwich DeKalb 6,509 1 $3,440.00 $4,393.00 $4,393.00 $4,393.00 $4,393.00 17% Greater Savoy Champaign 5,606 1 $2,917.00 $4,167.00 $4,167.00 $4,167.00 $4,167.00 23% Less Shorewood Will 10,003 1 - - $5,208.00 $5,208.00 $5,208.00 -1% Silvis Rock 7,269 1 $5,747.00 $8,692.00 $6,097.00 $6,097.00 $6,097.00 -16% Greater Island Steger Will 9,682 1 - - $4,594.00 $4,594.00 $4,594.00 12% Sterling Whiteside 15,767 1 $3,978.00 $5,578.00 $5,578.00 $5,578.00 $5,578.00 -8% Greater Streator LaSalle 14,190 1 - - $4,807.00 $4,807.00 $4,807.00 7% Greater Summit Cook 10,637 1 - - $3,333.00 $3,333.00 $3,333.00 54% Equal t. Swansea Clair 10,563 1 - - $4,439.00 $4,439.00 $4,439.00 16% Equal Warrenville DuPage 13,363 1 $5,351.00 $7,358.00 $6,354.00 $6,354.00 $6,354.00 -19% Less http://www.surveynavigator.com/iml/Survey/salaries/salaryresults pf.asp?EffDtMo=6&Ef... 6/28/2004 Salaries Page 3 of 3 Western Springs Cook 12,493 1 $5,416.00 $8,125.00 $6,292.00 $6,292.00 $6,292.00 -18% Equal Yorkville Kendall 8,789 1 - - $5,146.00 $5,146.00 $5,146.00 0% Un-aged Average $7,802.45 $10,824.11 $7,540.34 $7,540.34 $7,540.34 -32% Aged Average $7,587.15 670 Z7rV.0 4,111,l'e7 http://www.surveynavigator.com/iml/Survey/salaries/salarvresults of 2Cn7FffntMr= ,Q,P c/1 hnnn UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE To: Tony Graff, City Administrator From: Joe Wywrot, City Engineer \ Q U Subject: Van Emmon Road Project — xension of Limits Date: July 20, 2004 I have investigated the possibility of issuing a change order to extend the limits of the Van Emmon Street project from Route 47 to South Main Street. I have roughly estimated the cost of this work to be in excess of$15,000. The project would consist of either edge grinding with a 1.5" overlay, or frill-width grinding with a 1.5" overlay. Due to the unsymmetrical crown slope, full-width grinding would be better because edge grinding would increase the cross-slope of the pavement. We would need to use M-FT funds to pay for this project since that's the way we are funding the rest of the work. Also, we are already dipping into fund reserves to pay for the Cannonball Trail project, so MFT is the only source of available funds. IT)OT rules, however, state that change orders cannot'exceed 10% of the contract. I spoke with Craig Reed at IDOT, who said that since Yorkville's share of the project is about $60,000, we couldn't process a change order in excess of$6000. Therefore, it appears that we cannot add this work to the Van Emmon Road Project. Since the cost of the work is over $10,000, we would need to bid it out if we wanted to overlay it as a separate project. If we want to overlay Van Emmon (which was last overlaid in 1998), we should consider adding it to the in-town road program. The road itself is structurally in good condition, therefore an overlay at this time would be primarily for cosmetic purposes. When InOT reconstructs Route 47, it is likely that over 100 feet of Van Emmon both east and west of Route 47 will also be reconstructed. The Mill/Van Emmon watermain contractor needs to replace the traffic signal detector loops on the west approach of the Rt.47/Van Emmon intersection. He is planning to do that work next week, therefore we need to decide quickly if we are going to do anything on West Van Emmon this year. Please see me to discuss this matter. Cc: Eric Dhuse, Director of Public Works ?���D Clr 0 United City of Yorkville Memorandum 42 800 Game Farm Road EST. 1836 Yorkville, Illinois, 60560 o Telephone: 630-553-4350 I Fax: 630-553-7575 Date: July 22, 2004 To: Eric Dhuse - Public Works Directo From: Traci Pleckham - Finance Director '5 Subject: Locator Purchase Per your memo dated 7/19/04, I have reviewed the budget and would recommend if approved by Council expending the $4,020 from the Public Works Capital Fund - Reserve since it is a capital item. Currently, this line item has $94,643 available and revenues are on target.