Public Works Packet 2004 08-23-04 United City of Yorkville BiE County Seat of Kendall County EST. 1836 �� 800 Game Farm Road t. it is Yorkville, Illinois 60560 p f �M��s p Phone6305534350 11,_ K.as, vim= Fax:630-553-7575 `itLE ‘‘' PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA Monday, August 23, 2004 7:00 PM City Hall Conference Room Revised 8/20/04 Approval/Correction of Minutes: July 26, 2004 Presentations: None New Business: 1. USGS Groundwater Study 2. Greenbriar Unit 4 - LOC 3. New Water Department Hire 4. Smith Engineering Agreement for an"as needed basis" 5. Countryside Pump Station Bid Opening Results 6. Deuchler Scope of Service for Woodworth Street Lift Station 7. Raintree Unit 1 — Bond Reduction#1 8. Deuchler Scope of Service for Southwest Fox Road Interceptor 9. EEI Scope of Service for Southwest Watermain Project 10. Route 34 Improvements — Supplemental MFT Appropriation Resolution 11. Water Works System Needs Assessment and Project Plan - Re-initiation and Re-submittal Old Business: 1. None Additional Business: United City of Yorkville MIRCounty Seat of Kendall County EST. \ 1836 800 Game Farm Road r�r CO Yorkville, Illinois 60560 O t n O Phone:630-553-4350 P . = Fax:630-553-7575 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA Monday, August 23, 2004 7:00 PM City Hall Conference Room Approval/Correction of Minutes: July 26, 2004 Presentations: None New Business: 1. USGS Groundwater Study 2. Greenbriar Unit 4 - LOC 3. New Water Department Hire 4. Smith Engineering Agreement for an"as needed basis" 5. Countryside Pump Station Bid Opening Results 6. Deuchler Scope of Service for Woodworth Street Lift Station 7. Raintree Unit 1 — Bond Reduction#1 8. Deuchler Scope of Service for Southwest Fox Road Interceptor 9. EEI Scope of Service for Southwest Watermain Project Old Business: 1. None Additional Business: Page 1of7 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEETING CITY HALL CONFERENCE ROOM July 26,2004 7:00 P.M. ELECTED OFFICIALS PRESENT: CITY STAFF PRESENT: Alderman Joe Besco, Chairman City Engineer Joe Wywrot Alderman Rich Sticka Public Works Director Eric Dhuse GUESTS: See attached. PRESENTATIONS FOX LAWN DRAINAGE—ENGINEERING REVIEW Residents from Fox Lawn were in attendance to discuss City Engineer Joe Wywrot's findings regarding the flooding to their area on May 13 and 14, 2004. Mr. Wywrot went over his investigation: o He used United States Geographical Survey (USGS) maps to measure the tributary area to the Fox Lawn Subdivision. One is 810 acres on the west side and the other is 280 acres to the east. o He went out to the site to investigate what may have caused the flooding. His investigation indicated that a massive amount of water entered the one creek from the southwest, at the end of Poplar Drive. He noted that there is a berm or lip on both sides of the creek which prohibits water from entering it. The runoff paralleled the creek until it found a spot to drain into it which was at the end of Poplar Drive. He felt that 2/3's of the runoff came from Forest Preserve and farm property outside the City's limits. o The Engineering Department shot some elevations in the area and found that there is a ridge line separating the two watersheds. There is also a low or"saddle" area that he thought may have filled and spilled over to Fox Lawn. The elevations indicated that this could not have occurred. This also indicated that the runoff from Sunflower Estates and Greenbriar Subdivision did not affect Fox Lawn. o He contacted the University of Illinois Cooperative Extension Services and received rain fall data which indicates that the heaviest rainfall in the area that day was 2.5". According to this data, Mr. Wywrot determined that the bulk of the rain fell in the Fox Lawn tributary area. Mr. Wywrot concluded that the flooding was a natural event and that nothing man-made affected it. Lyman McKeever of 11040 Fox Road stated that his front yard flooded. He questioned if the drain that was installed by the City was working properly. Mr. Wywrot stated that he checked the drain after the storm and found that the connection was made but not Page 2 of 7 according to the plans due to a watermain in the area. If there is enough runoff it will drain to the west near Mr. McKeever's yard. Marge Lucas of 11029 Fox Road stated that the sewer on Mr. McKeever's property went to a drainage ditch on her property and into the culvert that Kendall County built. She was told that this would drain the water from Fox Lawn to the other side of the road faster. She stated that this does not drain to the creek but drains into her yard. Mr. Wywrot stated that the culvert was a County project and he was not familiar with the particulars of the project. Rob Shank, 7 Poplar Drive, asked if the runoff from Greenbriar and Sunflower makes it harder to develop the land to the north. Mr. Wywrot explained that when the property develops, they will have to manage the stormwater per the City's ordinance. Mr. Shank asked if the drainage pipe installed by the City should have been larger. Mr. Wywrot stated that the size of the pipe was calculated by an engineering firm based on existing flood information. He also explained that this drain was to help the storm water management for the River's Edge subdivision. He noted that the bottom half of the pipe will force more water into the River's Edge stormwater runoff to the Fox River. Mr. Shank asked if the City would take the stormwater issues into consideration when the property to the east is developed. Mr. Wywrot reiterated that the City has a stormwater management ordinance that will have to be followed. Bob Shields, 8 Poplar Drive, asked if the farm to the east annexed to the City. Mr. Wywrot stated that the property was annexed about 30 years ago and is referred to as Williamsport. There was a plat of subdivision recorded for a portion of the property and it is zoned single-family residential. Mr. Shields and Mr. Wywrot discussed the runoff from the property and Mr. Wywrot stated that he did not believe that the drainage divide between the properties has ever been altered and the water would have to be 7 %2' deep before it would cross the drainage line. Mr. Wywrot stated that a larger storm sewer might help flooding however this is a township concern. John Polsene, 63 Poplar Drive, stated that he spoke with Barry Mayworm who is building in River's Edge and he was not aware of the Fox Lawn flooding problems. Mr. Wywrot explained that Mayworm is a builder (Cardinal Homes) and not the developer of the property. The residents in attendance stated they would be taking their concerns to the township. Alderman Besco asked if they would report back to Mr. Wywrot with the township or the county's input. Mr. Wywrot stated he forwarded a copy of his report to the township and the county. APPROVAL/CORRECTION OF MINUTES Alderman Besco noted a change on page three, middle of the page, the word Centex is incorrectly spelled. The minutes of June 28,2004 were approved as corrected. Page 3 of 7 NEW BUSINESS PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR FEASIBILITY STUDY OF BEECHER ROAD EXTENSION Jeff Freeman with Engineering Enterprises, Inc. (EEI) addressed the Committee regarding EEI's proposed feasibility study for the extension of Beecher Road from Route 34 to Route 71. He discussed the following in his presentation: o Background/need for study • Need for new or expanded north/south transportation corridor • Route 47 congestion and delays in widening • Existing and potential new traffic on the south side of Yorkville • Western collector has been identified on the City's Transportation Study. o EEI Proposal • Beecher Road Extension Feasibiltiy Study—Route 34 to Route 71 with sixteen general work items that will be pulled out of the study (data collection, traffic projections, Right-of-way (ROW) determination, etc.) • Study to be done at no cost to City at this time in exchange for first consideration of Phase 1 Preliminary Engineering work on the project. If at the time of the Phase 1 engineering it is felt that the partnership between EEI and the City should not continue the fee for the study is $36,000.00. o Additional Considerations • Regional connection to the north through Rob Roy Falls and possibly connecting to Sugar Grove's western collector and ultimately Route 47 to the north. • Fox River Bridge—proposing two alternative river crossings • RailNet Crossing—examining both "at grade" and "grade separation" railroad crossing (bridge over versus under) • River's Edge Subdivision ROW—50' has been dedicated for a potential road and this will be examined if this will fit into plan. • Funding/Financing Options—the study can be used as a funding mechanism for state and federal assistance as well as a guide for local transportation fees from developers. Alderman Besco asked where Sugar Grove was with their corridor. Mr. Freeman stated that EEI has two feasibility studies before Sugar Grove now but no action has been taken. Alderman Besco stated he thought the study was a good idea. Alderman Sticka asked if part of the study would be addressing ROW acquisition issues. Mr. Freeman stated that the study would identify where ROWs would be needed. Alderman Sticka expressed the concern that residents will be stampeding City Hall with concerns that the road will affect their homes. Mr. Freeman stated that it appeared that only a few existing homes are in the direct line of the proposed road. Alderman Sticka Page 4 of 7 stated that the sooner the City begins ROW acquisitions,the less affect it will have on homes. Once subdivisions are built, there will be more houses in the way. Alderman Sticka asked that if the study is done and it is feasible to place the road in this area, should both Yorkville and Sugar Grove be advising developers of the potential road. Mr. Freeman stated this study will determine this. The Committee discussed Kendall County's plan to have Eldamain Road cross the river. Alderman Sticka asked if the Beecher Road project would still be necessary if this crossing is done. Mr. Freeman stated that the county is still in the planning stages for Eldamain Road and there is potential that this could extend to Route 30. Mr. Freeman and Mr. Wywrot stated that the Beecher Road study establishes or reserves a corridor for the future. Alderman Sticka stated what if the study is done and the Phase 1 engineering does not occur for awhile how will this affect EEI. Jim Michaels with EEI stated that they are taking a risk but they believe in the project. He stated that if the project proceeds and EEI does not do the Phase 1 engineering, the City will owe EEI $36,000.00. Alderman Sticka asked how long the study would take to do and Mr. Freeman stated about 120 days. Alderman Sticka stated that he was in favor of the project however he realized that there will probably be residents who object to the corridor. The Committee asked Mr. Freeman to give his presentation to the Committee of the Whole (COW) on August 3, 2004. APPLETREE COURT—STREET LIGHT REQUEST Director of Public Works Eric Dhuse reported that the cost of the street light is between $2,200.00 and $3,000.00. Alderman Sticka stated that the Public Safety Committee has already reviewed the request and recommended that this proceed. Mr. Dhuse explained that the Public Works Department would trench in the electric however an easement may be needed. Mr. Dhuse stated he would see if funds for the street light are in the budget and if an easement is needed and will report back to the Committee. PARKING ON JOHN STREET AT PARK Alderman Besco stated that this item was also referred by the Public Safety Committee. Mr. Dhuse explained that there is a new ball park at this location. John Street is a 39' back-to-back road and residents have complained that it is hard to see on the curve and hard to get through when vehicles are parked on both sides. Mr. Wywrot stated that the Council will have to pass an ordinance addressing this. This item was sent on to the August 3, 2004 COW meeting. WATER DEPARTMENT REPORTS FOR MAY AND JUNE 2004 The Committee had no comments or concerns. This item was sent on to the August 3, 2004 COW meeting consent agenda. Page 5 of 7 GRANDE RESERVE—EARTHWORK LETTER OF CREDIT Mr. Wywrot stated that the Letter of Credit expires on October 10, 2004. He stated that he expected that it would be renewed or extended however the City should be prepared to call it before the expiration date. He stated that a City Council vote would be needed in September 2004 in the event it is not renewed. This item was sent on to the August 3, 2004 COW meeting consent agenda. WELL #7 WELLHOUSE & TREATMENT FACILITY—CHANGE ORDER#2 Mr. Wywrot reported that a change order is needed because the capacity of the well is lower than anticipated. A sump pump, PVC pipe and fittings are needed as well as the pump and motor needs to be lowered. The change order will also increase the contract completion date by 17 days due to the delay from the wet spring weather. Funds are available. This item was sent on to the August 3, 2004 COW meeting consent agenda. EAST VAN EMMON STREET PROJECT—RESULTS OF BID OPENING Mr. Wywrot stated that this is an "FYI" item. Kendall County awarded the bid to Aurora Blacktop in an amount of$254,107.25. The City had anticipated that its share of the project would be around $70,000.00 however it has been determined to be around $60,309.00. NEW INFRASTRUCTURE LOCATOR Mr. Dhuse reported that the Public Works Department would like to purchase a new infrastructure locator. They have found one that matches the existing sewer camera's radio frequency. This will be used to pinpoint breaks. The cost is $4,020.00 and Finance Director Traci Pleckham has recommended taking funds from the Public Works Capital Fund. As the cost is under $5,000.00 Chairman Alderman Besco can sign the Purchase Order and this does not need further action. REQUEST TO HIRE MAINTENANCE WORKER II Mr. Dhuse reported that this position has been budgeted and he stated he would like to place an advertisement for the position as soon as possible. This item was sent on to the August 3, 2004 COW meeting consent agenda. GRANDE RESERVE WELL #9— CHANGE ORDER#1 Mr. Wywrot stated that the change order is for a net increase of$2,629.00. The cost of the project is being paid for by the developer however the City will pay this back through credits and recaptures. This item was sent on to the August 3, 2004 COW meeting consent agenda. Page 6 of 7 GRANDE RESERVE WELL #8 & #9 TREATMENT FACILITY—CHANGE ORDER#1 Mr. Wywrot reported that this change order was for the construction of the treatment facility and that the increase of$3,548.76 is for increasing the size of the water service to the building and for relocating some electrical equipment inside the building. This item was sent on to the August 3, 2004 COW meeting consent agenda. OLD BUSINESS DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS—SALARY SURVEY Mr. Dhuse presented a salary survey from the Illinois Municipal League website. The Committee discussed the survey. Burr Ridge threw off the survey by reporting a yearly salary instead of monthly salary. Mr. Dhuse stated that he would get better numbers and bring the survey back to the Committee next month. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS SALE OF EQUIPMENT Mr. Dhuse reported that the Public Works Department made $4,510.11 from the sale of old equipment (4 cars, a truck, a mower, utility tractor, etc.) and the funds were placed in the Public Works Capital Fund. VAN EMMON ROAD PROJECT Mr. Wywrot stated that business owner Bob Dearborn discussed with Mayor Prochaska the extension of the Van Emmon Street project to west of Route 47. Alderman Sticka noted that Alderman Kot also brought this up. Mr. Wywrot stated that he investigated this and found that it cannot be done as part of the Van Emmon project because it is an MFT project. MFT projects are limited to a 10% increase over the contract and this portion of the road would cost more than the 10%. He stated that this could be added to the In-town Road Project however he did not recommend this because structurally the road is fine. He noted that when IDOT does the Route 47 project,this area will be reconstructed. Alderman Besco agreed that it should not be placed on the In-town Program. Mr. Wywrot stated that Dennis Dwyer is waiting for an answer concerning this project because they want to replace the loops in the area. Mr. Wywrot stated that he was going to call them and advise them to put the loops in. The Committee suggested placing this on the August 8,2004 COW agenda for discussion. PAINTING OF SOUTH WATER TOWER Mr. Wywrot reported that the south tower, located in Raintree, is going to be painted. The painters wanted to know if there was a preference for the orientation of the City's logo. It was recommended to place the logo so it can be seen from Route 47 and Route Page 7 of 7 126 however it will not be seen from Route 71. The Committee agreed to the painter's recommendation. RADIUM REMOVAL Alderman Sticka asked why Yorkville is not using the system Oswego is using for removing the radium since it cost less. Mr. Wywrot explained that Oswego is using a Zeolite process. This was considered by EEI however they did not recommend it because the waste from the process has to be shipped to a landfill in Colorado. There is a concern what would happen if this location closes. Also, there is a health concern for Public Works employees because the radium is concentrated in high levels in the medium. RELOCATION OF COMCAST EQUIPMENT Alderman Sticka stated that he heard that Comcast wants a vast sum for the relocation of equipment caused by the construction on Bristol-Ridge Road. He asked if this was a legitimate claim. Mr. Wywrot stated that he understood that Comcast has withdrawn the request for $130,000.00 and that that there is only some minor relocation of equipment needed. He reported that Nicor has to relocate and the developer is paying approximately $60,000.00 to $65,000.00 to do this. There was no other additional business. The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 P.M. Minutes submitted by Jackie Milschewski, City Clerk UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE To: Tony Graff, City Administrator From: Joe Wywrot, City Engineer r } Subject: USGS Groundwater Study j Date: July 9, 2004 Attached find a letter from Kendall County regarding the proposed USGS Phase II and Phase III Groundwater Study. The letter explains the reasons and benefits for conducting the Phase I study, and proposes that we continue with Phase II and Phase III. Funding of Phases H and III would be shared as detailed on the attached spreadsheet. Funding is spread over a four year, with most of the cost coming in the first year. Yorkville's share would be a total • _$44;245.1.9 for ll of Phases II and III. Please place this item on - Jul 26 2004 Public Works Committee ag Oa for discussion. If approved, we will need to bus ge-for this wor .e—gain-ung f scaJ-year. C 7/4 - /e4li1-- Cc: Traci Pleckham, Director of Finance Liz D'Anna, Deputy City Clerk cf ` I KENDALL COUNTY BOARD rth 1841 111 West Fox Street l� FEB? ' - Yorkville, Illinois 60560-1498 (630) 553-4171 FAX (630) 553-4214 June 22, 2004 To: Mayors/Managers Representatives Re: Groundwater Supply Study by USGS First, I would like to thank all the local officials that participate in the quarterly Mayors/ Managers Forum. We hope you agree that we are making progress on issues that affect the citizens of all our communities. Also please do not hesitate to contact me with issues you feel we should discuss in more detail as part of the agenda. At the last meeting, we asked communities to forward specific questions or additional scope they want addressed by the study. Please send such questions to me and I will forward to Bob Kay and Bob Holmes of USGS to verify these items can be included in the scope. Bob Kay did confirm that the USGS can update data on an ongoing basis beyond the study timeframe. This will allow the model they create for us to be to only a snapshot in time but useful in future years. USGS could update well log infoiluation from DNR's state water survey and information provided by the communities (eg. new well locations, depths, annual gallons pumped, additions to impervious land coverage, population, etc.) I also wanted to suggest further discussion to form a technical committee. As the study progresses a technical committee could ensure scope of work addresses the communities' concerns and evaluate the findings as they apply to the individual communities. The group could he made up of planning staff, water superintendents, city engineers, etc. They could meet periodically with USGS staff and report to the Mayors Managers. I would like to place this topic on the next agenda for more discussion, please bring your thoughts. For reference, the Phase 1 objective was to provide an effective preliminary assessment of the ground-water resources in Kendall County and determine the geologic, hydraulic, water-use and water-quality conditions that affect the sustainability of water supply from the aquifers underlying Kendall County. The total cost of Phase 1 was $96,997 and breakdown is attached. USGS granted 47% of the total cost and the local communities contributed 53%. Page 2 As you know, the USGS has proposed to complete Phase 2 and 3 of the Groundwater Supply Study. The work proposed is a continuation to assess the hydrogeology and water use in the county. Phase 2 will collect data points to provide detailed characterization of the hydrogeology and water in the county. Phase 3 will create a computer model available to the communities and their consultants to help guide decision-making on future development and predict effects on water levels. The cost of the Phase 2 and 3 are attached. USGS is granting $1990 or 34% of the total project cost of$611,729 leaving $402,229 or 66% for the local communities. Attached are proposed contributions for Years 2005 to 2008 for each community in similar ratios as Phase 1 adjusted to provide 66%. We hope the conch-Au-tides sec the merits of the study to provide infoifuation that wiii help us develop our communities and provide benefits to future generations. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (630) 553-4142. Very Truly Yours, J ' Jeff Wilkins Kendall County Administrator cc: Kendall County Board Megan Andrews, Soil and Water District Bob Holmes, USGS Bob Kay, USGS Kendall County USGS Groundwater Phase 2 3 Study TOTAL PERCENT ONLY LOCAL % FY 2005 FY2006 FY2007 FY2008 Yorkville $44,245.19 11% $25,690.28 $13,080.32 $4,825.81 $648.78 County $44,245.19 11% $25,690.28 $13,080.32 $4,825.81 $648.78 Oswego $44,245.19 11% $25,690.28 $13,080.32 $4,825.81 $648.78 Montgomery $44,245.19 11% $25,690.28 $13,080.32 $4,825.81 $648.78 Plano $44,245.19 11% $25,690.28 $13,080.32 $4,825.81 $648.78 Plainfield $44,245.19 11% $25,690.28 $13,080.32 $4,825.81 $648.78 Joliet $44,245.19 11% $25,690.28 $13,080.32 $4,825.81 $648.78 Minooka $44,245.19 11% $25,690.28 $13,080.32 $4,825.81 $648.78 Lisbon $9,653.50 2.40% $5,605.16 $2,853.89 $1,052.90 $141.55 Sandwich $9,653.50 2.40% $5,605.16 $2,853.89 $1,052.90 $141.55 Millbrook $9,653.50 2.40% $5,605.16 $2,853.89 $1,052.90 $141.55 Newark $9,653.50 2.40% $5,605.16 $2,853.89 $1,052.90 $141.55 Millington $9,653.50 2.40% $5,605.16 $2,853.89 $1,052.90 $141.55 Local Total $402,229.00 66% 100% $233,548.00 $118,912.00 $43,871.00 $5,898.00 USGS $209,500.00 34% $100,000.00 $100,000.00 $8,000.00 $1,500.00 $611,729.00 100% $333,548.00 $218,919.00 $51,871.00 $7,398.00 H:\Correspondence - Jeff Wilkins\Kendall County USGS Groundwater Phase 2&3 Study 6-21-04 Kendall County USGS Groundwater Phase I Study Total Percent FY2003 FY2004 FY04 Addition FY04 TOTAL FY2005 Yorkville $11,860.00 12% $2,900.00 $6,400.00 $1,860.00 $8,260.00 $700.00 Coun " 085 00W 5°- $1 2i2 65 W =$2, $.800 00§ 3` 2 40 � � }�/ - t1- 299 9t 4...:,.. ... Js-as�s-.iQ. --.a.�=,. masa eL.+cit,�R.z..£. i-✓-- n;�3 �criee,�rss -.�a;:,,.�..�, ._.}.la�i- ..;;aecac:� Oswego $5,085.00 5% $1,242.65 $2,742.40 $800.00 $3,542.40 $299.95_ DT:57 omen. $5 r85 QNfKR $1 242 65 2,25 2;742_40. '„ U 01 3M54 5 $241 999 Plano $5,085.00 5%__, $1,242.65 $2,742.40 $800.00 $3,542.40 $299.95 g'� u""�. "�" r 'S '�z"`;. -aa.". &':"i$"'� *-4 ?"„"r ..e+ �• "�'"a'.A,"', .� Pmt. '1 i flel., $5 00,; %; 1, v4 ='v` -m 2 40 �� 8_w00 0 ,-,7_, -4--e-7r.; 2 s $29 :95_ Joliet, $5;085.00 -,5% $1,242.65 $2,742.40 $800.00 $3,542.40 $299.95 .,.-.........--,....,..-: --s-rOrt a � 5 08500 511 '-,...:2.,.,...-...,........14.,_-,• :.-,.., --,2 '65 -is 'W s n t .y . 1:.. _- _ Z 742: D�' t� _8...4 : 3 542 ,4 ,� l A29995 „tee �..�� � ��- .� .� �...6. r, Lisbon $709.00 1% $174.29 $384.64 $108.00 $492.64 $42.07 ASa d ieh fry$70970- 1°7°- $ 7 29Wa M $384 64 ,1W)MEP0 008 t 13792764 2 7j yM, illbrook $709.00. __1% $174.29 _$384.64 $108.00 $492.64 $42.07 "1041,,.. ,`'-s; 9... n%VagfM`z.s..-E'�" .: 7 ,> ',o'.+, M T�5� �. �,. ...'''� � (1.•J ark. -, f,. 7 l� z Q9 0 7 .,-. . ;.�a r1 " ">r Millington $709.00 i°o7 g _ $174.29 $384.64 $108.00 $492.64 $42.07 ;USGS- AF.45 997 Od r �% $2 775TO g r$27 5,17u00 -$3 000 00 ' $30,517 0 ; $3,01 D 00 $96,997.00 $24,940.00 $55,037.00 $11,000.00 $66,037.00 $6,020.00 Fiscal Year Cost Breakdown FY2003 26% FY2004 68% FY2005 6% Total cost of project 100% If you have any questions regarding this project, please contact the Kendall County Soil and Water Conservation District at 630-553-5821 Ext 3. _ Table 1. Cost Estimate for Phase II and Phase U| Investigations, Kendall County Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year 1 2005 2006 | 2007 |2008 1. Characterization of ' Unconsolidated Deposits ,total 52.825 1,771 O 0 Sa|ary _ - 51.518� O O O Travel 748| O O O — Software } 561 O O , 2. Water-Level Measurement total 55.350 | 14,268 | O O 'Salary | r 50.623 1 | 14,268 O ) Supplies A35 ' Or- O 6 - - / Vehicle 3,792 O O | O 3. Isotope Sampling total / 3,321 O ) O D ILab 1268O_ DI O 3a|ary1.BO1 0 O O. ---- - -- �- ---- !Supplies ---|} 94 / | O|/ � O. I 0 }Vehicle 58 O_ O O 4. Aquifer Tests total 13;195 14.070 O O SalaryI 13.136 | 14,012 0 O (Vehicle I 58 58 - 0 0 5. Streamflow Measurement total 13.446 3,673 O| 0 Salary . 11.922 3,673 U| 0 Vehicle 834 | 0 0 0 ' ,Baoin ��apping SQO | 0 1 O 0 6. GeophysicaltotalLogging 11.877 8761 O 0 Logger 9,350 0 O O /Salary 2.627 876 O O 7. Data Analysis, Report Writing, and Report Review total 63,433 64,253 37,109 1.610 - Salary 63,433 64.253 37.109 1.610 , 8. Computer Model Development and Report Writing total 120.000 120,000 O 0 — Salary / 117.2001 118.800 O O Travel 1.000/ 400 ' U' O .Vehio|o 1 800 | 200 0 0 � Communications 100 100 0 O Supplies 900 500 0 O 9. Report DnaftingandPub|kcadon | Salary . ,_ 0 | 8 14.762 ! 738 Printing O| 0 0 5.049 10. Totals 333.548 I ) 21O.Q121 51,871 7'3S8 � /1/7� ' - K4a�h . 11. USGS Cost �� / ��/ |L 50.000 5I000 8.000 1,500 � ��. � i|N . �O.00O � 5O'OOO O | O c/ c 12. Request from Kendall County / ( 233,548 [ ( 118.812 ( | 43,871 / 1 5,898 /�12.11t 2J Page 1 of 1 e/i,) rr) uPPu Fo �- oG�/ Coo/ Tony Graff y ��(-7" From: Jeff Wilkins [JWilkins@co.kendall.il.us] Sent: Friday, August 20, 2004 8:35 AM To: tgraff@yorkville.il.us; guara@ci.montgomery.il.us; aprochaska@yorkville.il.us; planomayor@comcast.net; bholmes@usgs.gov; rtkay@usgs.gov; chansen@oswegoil.org; cweber@oswegoil.org; dkrahn@oswegoil.org;jamesgrabowski@minooka.com; jhaller@jolietcity.org; kittenll@sbcglobal.net; JDudgeon@co.kendall.il.us;jmezera@jolietcity.org; michelini@ci.montgomery.il.us; mayordickellis@minooka.com; Megan.Andrews@il.nacdnet.net; Poni-Pete@yahoo.com; tburghard@goplainfield.com; Steve Curatti; Jason Pettit Cc: KC Board Subject: Kendall County Approval and Presentation at Oswego To all Participants: This week the Kendall County Board voted unanimously to support Phase 2&3 of the USGS Groundwater Study for our communities. We also received a letter of support from the City of Joliet for the project. If your community has approved the project please send me a simple letter of support. We would like to have the letters by mid September or earlier if possible. A presentation by USGS is scheduled for 6pm on August 30 at the Village of Oswego Public Work facility (near Oswego High School). This presentation was originally scheduled for August 23, so please disregard that date. Feel free to attend if you or any of your Board members would like questions answered. Another group presentation could be scheduled for all communities if you feel your board members would attend. Contact me as soon as possible if you feel another presentation is needed. Additionally, we plan to organize a technical committee with designees from all communities that want to participate. As the study progresses a technical committee could ensure scope of work addresses each community's concerns and evaluate the finding as they apply to the individual communities. I would anticipate the group would be made up of planning staff, water superintendents, city engineers, etc. They could meet periodically with USGS staff and report to the Mayors Managers forum. We hope all communities agree that this project will provide useful information and a planning model that will help each community make public policy decisions in the future. Our communities will continue to deal with constant change now and in the future. This change is regardless of community size or whether our water source is from private well, shallow aquifer, deep aquifer or Lake Michigan. We hope this study will provide all of us information that will help our communities deal with the change of growth but also the unanticipated and sudden changes that can be throw upon us by Federal and State regulations that may change our abilities to access currently available water sources. Again, my sincere appreciation goes to all you for your community efforts. Please contact me with any questions you may have or send letters of support to the address below or my email address. Jeff Wilkins County Administrator Kendall County 111 W. Fox Street Yorkville, IL 60543 630.553.4142 office 630.553.4214 fax 8/20/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE To: Tony Graff, City Administra or From: Joe Wywrot, City Engineer Subject: Greenbriar Unit 4 - Letter of redit Date: August 10, 2004 Attached find a notice from First Midwest Bank regarding expiration of their Letter of Credit No. 150014066-201 on October 2, 2004. This letter of credit, in the amount of $29,628.50, is for watermain construction and other miscellaneous work along Walsh Drive. I have called Karen at Crestview Builders and requested that she renew the letter of credit. In the meantime, in order to protect the city's interest, we should to begin the process of calling the letter of credit should that become necessary. Please place this item on the Public Works Committee agenda of August 23, 2004 for consideration. Cc: Dan Kramer, City Attorney Liz D'Anna, Deputy City Clerk ORIGINAL First Midwest Bank 300 North Hunt Club Road Gurnee,Illinois 60031 = First Midwest June 3, 2004 Sent by Certified Mail, Return Receipt Number 7001 1940 0006 2991 8186 City of Yorkville 800 Game Fain' Road Yorkville, IL 60560 Re: First Midwest Bank Letter of Credit No. 150014066-201 For the Account of: R.W. Development, Inc. At the Request of: Crestview Builders, Inc. Gentlemen: In accordance with the telius and conditions of the above referenced Letter of Credit issued in your favor in the current amount of S29,628.50, we hereby inform you of the impending expiration date of October 2, 2004. Sincerely, Karen Jones Loan Operations Officer cc: R.W. Development, Inc. Joe Judd C:1 FDIC -QUAL iuuoinc LENDER (cs,D C' S`T United City of Yorkville „ EST. 'Mini 1836 County Seat of Kendall County 800 Game Farm Road .O irr '� Cl) Yorkville,Illinois 60560 � O Phone:630-553-4350 'Qx m o� v�2 Fax:630-553-7575 to. /4LE ‘v To: Joe Besco, Chairman ó Z-------- ----. 2 From: Eric Dhuse, Public Works Date: August 5, 2004 Re: New Water Department Hire Joe, I would like to move forward with the hiring of a water department operator. This is a budgeted expenditure, and the start date will be no sooner than September 1, 2004. I would like to place this on the Public Works agenda on August 26th for discussion. i�`,- c�r`o United City of Yorkville Memorandum 8 �' p 800 Game Farm Road EST. W' 1836 Yorkville, Illinois, 60560 { ,` Telephone: 630-553-4350 o Cii ,< `eo Fax: 630-553-7575 -1<cE ra)" Date: August 23, 2004 To: Eric Dhuse - Public Works Director From: Traci Pleckham - Finance Director CC: Public Works Committee Subject: New Hire Budget Review Upon review of the Water Operations Budget, the request to hire the Water Department Operator was a budgeted item, and is within the budgeted salary amounts as listed below: WATER OPERATIONS CURRENT 2004/2005 BUDGET HOURLY ANNUAL Dept. SALARY SALARY Wtr 26.1518 $54,395.74 Wtr 25.9308 $53,936.06 Wtr 15.22 $31,657.60 Wtr 17.7854 $36,993.63 $176,983.04 Secretary 11 months 11.54 $11,001.47 New Operator 9/1 8 months 21.84 $28,479.36 (1304 hours) TOTAL SALARIES $216,463.87 BUDGET $217,348.00 Difference $884.13 Smith Engineering Consultants, Inc. Civil/Structural Engineers and Surveyors July 28, 2004 Mr. Tony Graff City Administrator United City of Yorkville 800 Game Farm Road Yorkville, Illinois 60560 Re: 2004 General Consultations City of Yorkville Job No. YORK-040606-7 Dear Mr.Graff: Enclosed is our Authorization to Proceed detailing the scope of services you have requested. We are able to schedule these services to you immediately upon receipt of this signed Authorization. To expedite this procedure, you may fax us the signed document at 630.553.7646. If you have any questions regarding services,please call me at 630.553.7560. We look forward to serving you. Sincerely, SMITH ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. ames . • • ._, P. . Vice President • JFH/jmk Enclosure Y:\Jobs\Smith\2004\040606 Yorkville 2004 General Consultations'\administration\contract\040606 Work Order crf 072804.doc 759 John Street,Yorkville,IL 60560 www.smithengineering.com Telephone 630.553.7560 Fax 630.553.7646 Smith Engineering Consultants, Inc. Civil/Structural Engineers and Surveyors AUTHORIZATION TO PROCEED To: SMITH ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS,INC. Job No.: YORK-040606-7 Date: July 28, 2004 Due Date: Work Ordered By: Company United City of Yorkville Contact Mr. Tony Graff Title City Administrator Address 800 Game Farm Road City/State/Zip Yorkville, Illinois 60560 Phone/Fax 630.553.4350/630.553.7575 Project Name: City of Yorkville 2004 General Consultations Description of Work: General Consultations for the City of Yorkville on an as needed basis. To be renewed in 2005 as required. County: Kendall Township: Section: Township: Range: Principal: James F. Hoving Project Manager: Camie R. Ferrier Project Surveyor: CONTRACT AMOUNT: ® Cost Plus(or hourly)-Time &Material 0 Outside Services Included O Cost Plus to a Maximum-Time&Material Not to Exceed 0 Reimbursables Included ❑ Fixed Fee or Lump Sum 0 Prepayment Required for Work to Begin 0 COPY TO: ® SEC Accounting 0 ® Laura Welter ❑ 0 0 759 John Street,Yorkville,IL 60560 www.smithengineering.com Telephone 630.553.7560 Fax 630.553.7646 Mr. Tony Graff City Administrator United City of Yorkville 2004 General ConsultationsJob No.YORK-040606-7 July 28,2004 Page 2 All claims, disputes or controversies arising out of, or in relation to the interpretation, application or enforcement of the AGREEMENT shall be decided through Mediation, in accordance with American Arbitration Rules. The parties further agree that the CLIENT shall require, as a condition for participation in the project and their AGREEMENT to perform labor or services, that all Contractor, Subcontractors and Material Persons, whose portion of work amounts to five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) or more and their insurers and sureties shall agree to this procedure. The CLIENT agrees, to the fullest extent permitted by law, to limit the liability of SEC and its subconsultants to the CLIENT for any and all claims, losses, costs, damages of any nature whatsoever or claims expenses from any cause or causes, including attorneys' fees and costs and expert witness fees and costs, so that the total aggregate liability of SEC and its subconsultants to all those named shall not exceed SEC's total fee for services rendered on this project, whichever is greater. It is intended that this limitation apply to any and all liability or cause of action however alleged or arising, unless otherwise prohibited by law. All invoices shall be paid within 30 days of the invoice date. All outstanding invoices greater than 30 days shall have 1.5%interest compounded monthly added to the invoice. Should CLIENT fail to pay for professional services hereunder, as billed within 45 days of such billing, SEC shall be excused from rendering any further services under this project. No work shall be signed or sealed until payment in full is received. Additionally, all outstanding invoices must be paid in full before Final Plats of Subdivision shall be submitted for recording or record drawings are submitted to municipalities for final approval. SEC is hereby authorized to proceed with the above described work. NO WORK WILL BEGIN UNTIL WE HAVE THIS SIGNED WORK ORDER AUTHORIZING US TO PROCEED. Thank you. Print Name: Title: Company: Signature Date Smith Engineering Consultants, Inc. Civil/Structural Engineers and Surveyors Smith Engineering Consultants,Inc. RATE SCHEDULE - 2004 PRINCIPAL $ 135.00/BR ASSOCIATE $125.00/HR STRUCTURAL ENGINEER $ 120.00/HR SENIOR PROJECT MANAGER $ 110.00/HR PROJECT MANAGER $ 95.00/HR PROJECT ENGINEER $ 85.00/HR ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIST $ 90.00/BR SURVEYOR III $ 90.00/HR SURVEYOR II $ 75.00/HR SURVEYOR I $ 65.00/HR SURVEY TECHNICIAN $ 30.00/HR CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER III $ 95.00/HR CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER II $ 80.00/HR CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER I $ 60.00/HR SR. ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN $ 70.00/BR ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN $ 65.00/HR OPERATIONS MANAGER $ 85.00/HR OPERATOR $ 55.00/HR CLERICAL $ 45.00/HR ADMINISTRATIVE $ 50.00/HR PRINTS/IN HOUSE* $ .35/SQ FT MILEAGE* $ .45/MILE PROPERTY IRONS* $ 2.50/EA HUB/LATH* $ 2.00/EA MAILING/SHIPPING* VARIABLE *Indicates Reimbursable Items 759 John Street,Yorkville,IL 60560 www.sinithengineering.com Telephone 630.553.7560 Fax 630.553.7646 WALTER E. DEUCHLER ASSOCIATES INC. Consulting Engineers 210 WooOLAwN AkeNv• • T'FLFFNont l63C)497.4651 • FAx !63D)4975696 Autccy�c. iu0401£ 60506 August 23,2004 Mr. Joe Wywrot City Engineer United City of Yorkville S00 Game Farm Road Yorkville, IL 60560 RE: Bid Evaluation for Puuap for Countryside Pump Station Received August 18, 2004 W.E.D.A. Job#788-03014-02 Dear Joe: As you knew we received bids for the pumps at the future Countryside Pump Station on Wednesday August 18, 2004 and the results were as follows:- A.) ollows'A.) Flygt Model NP3201 with $69,762.00 variable frequency drives supplied by ITT Industries B.) WEMCo Model F6K-S with 574,747.00 2 speed motors and prerotation basin supplied by Ley & Associates, C.) Hydromatic Model S8LX3000FB 595,125.00 with variable frequency drive supplied by Metropolitan Pump Company Based upon my past experience I feel confident in saying that both Flygt and WENICo make 3.qualitypui .p and I would feel comfortable recommending either manufacturer. Often times the specific applicable, such as Countryside Pump Station,presents circumstances that gives one product or system an advantage over another and I believe this is the case at the future Countryside Pump Station. First,although variable frequency drives have improved immensely in both reliability and maintenance and are commonly used in many applications, they stili are a sophisticated electronic device that can present problems that often can only be corrected by a trained factory technician.The Flygt pumps as submitted will utilize a variable frequency drive with a bypass starter and a disconnect,whereas the WEMCo system will only require a two-speed starter that will have minimum maintenance and can be fixed by any local electrician. Wteer Works and Sewerage • Buildiret3 and Structures r • DRsign and Construction • Streets and Street Lighting IrtvestiiatiQns and reports • erafect Financ'rn The WEMCo pre-rotation basin also offers some process and naair+tenanee benefits.The pre-rotation basin in combination with the WEMCo screw centrifugal impeller configuration creates a variable speed pumping characteristic from 60% to 100%of its pumping range even though the motor operates at constant speed. Since WEMCO is providing a two-speed motor for each pump the variable pumping capacity expands from 40%to 100%of the pumps capacity. The WEMCo pre-rotation basin also helps in maintaining the wet well at the station. Once the water level in the wet well falls below the top of the pre-rotation basin,the water enters the basin through an inclined ramp. This flow pattern down the ramp tends to take water off of.the surface of the wet well removing floatable such as grease and oil which again help reduced operator attention and man-hour requirements. Both pumps will come with thigh hardness impulse suitable for raw sewage application.consequently both pumps are fairly equal in this regard. The WEMCo pump will come with mechanical seals that are made by John Crane and can be purchased from many suppliers.Flygt builds their own seals and replacements must be purchased through Flygt In my experience both Flygt and WEMCo have superior records for the performance of their suis. It is my recommendation that the City considertlre second bidder WEMCo- Ley Associates riot because of any queli ty considers about Flygt-ITT industries but only because of the specific application at Countryside. Very truly yours, WALTER E.DEUCHLER ASSOCIATES,INC. e . eliweLet—) Robert C, Sauer cc: Eric Duse,City of Yorkville Dave Behrens, Phil Moreau, W.E.D.A WALTER E . DEUCHLER ASSOCIATES INC. Consulting Engineers 230 WOODLAWN AVENUE • TELEPHONE (630) 897-4651 • FAX (630) 897-5696 AURORA, ILLINOIS 60506 August 25, 2004 Mr. Joe Wywrot City Engineer City of Yorkville 800 Game Farm Road Yorkville, IL 60560 RE: Pumps for Countryside Pump Station W.E.D.A. Job # 788-03014-02 Dear Joe: As you requested, I am sending you a cost estimate for the pumps at Countryside Pump Station. The last time I investigated costs for the pumps was Nov. 20, 2003 when I generated the enclosed memorandum. The price for one pump with a VFD drive was $29,000.00 or $87,000.00 for three pumps. The price for one two speed pump with a prerotation basin was $27,500.00 or $82,500.00 for three pumps. Both these pump prices preceded the significant escalation in steel/cast iron that has taken place since January of 2004. Therefore, the bid prices for Flygt and Wemco were well within the anticipated range. Very truly yours, WALTER E. DEUCHLER ASSOCIATES, INC. --k 04 e. Robert C. Bauer, P.E. RCB/mw Encl. cc: Eric Dhuse, City of Yorkville Dave Behrens, City of Yorkville Phil Moreau. W.E.D.A • Water Works and Sewerage • Buildings and Structures • Design and Construction • Streets and Street Lighting • Investigations and Reports • Project Financing TO: Joe Wywrot, City of Yorkville, faxed Sr. mailed MEMORANDUM Eric Dhuse, City of Yorkville, faxed & mailed FROM: Bob Bauer DATE: November 20, 2003 RE: Countryside Pump Station Enclosed is a comparison of the various pumping options between Hydromatic and WEMCO. At this stage in the design process, the estimated costs from the manufacturer suggest costs will be very similar between the two systems. If you wanted a recommendation, I would suggest we bid the WEMCO-two speed motor with a prerotation basin as the "A Item" and the Hydromatic with a VFD as the "B Item". Both designs would meet the requirements of YB SD to have the station outflow match the inflow. Have you gone to YBSD to look at their pump station and the prerotation basins? are v ana the station you could I would be glad to show you around. Right now�e b�p ssi � s o so get a better look at the installed concrete. In a week when it is back on line, you could see how it operates. cc: Philippe Moreau ■ Hydromatic WEMCO S8L/S8LX F6K-S Hydrostal 30.0 hp 29.9 hp 1150 rpm 1145 ppm a) One pump, with one speed motor, base 524,500.00 522,800.00 elbow, 1-1/2" S.S. guide rail supports, top support, lifting cable b) Same as above with VFD 529,000.00 527,300.00 c) Same as A, No VFD, with prerotation Don't provide 525,800.00 basin d) One pump,two speed motor,base elbow, Don't provide 527,500.00 1-1/2" S.S. guide rails, inteiInediate guide rail supports, top support, lifting cable and prerotation basin ■ ENGINEERING AGREEMENT FOR DESIGN SERVICES AND CONSTRUCTION GUIDANCE FOR THE REPLACEMENT OF WOODWORTH PUMP STATION UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE This Agreement is made and entered into this day of , 2004, by and between Walter E. Deuchler Associates,Inc. whose address is 230 S.Woodlawn Avenue, Aurora, IL 60506, hereinafter called the "Engineer", and the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois, hereinafter called the "Owner", and covers certain professional engineering services in connection with the improvement. Witnesseth that, in consideration of these premises and of the mutual covenants herein set forth, Now, therefore, the Owner and Engineer, in consideration of their mutual covenants, herein agree in respect to the performance of professional engineering services by the Engineer, and the payment for those services by the Owner, as set forth below. SECTION 1 - PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1.1 The work,herein referred to as the"PROJECT",consists of replacing an existing pump station commonly known as the Woodworth Pump Station. The project consists of one 200 gpm duplex pump station, connection to existing force main and 280 feet of 8-inch gravity sewer as delineated on the map attached as Exhibit A. SECTION 2 - THE ENGINEER AGREES 2.1 To perform professional engineering services in connection with the Project, as hereinafter stated. 2.2 To serve as the Owner's professional engineering representative in those phases of the Project to which this Agreement applies, and to give consultation and advice to the Owner during the performance of services. 2.3 To sublet geotechnical,wetland delineation,archaeological survey,electrical and architectural work. 2.4 To provide Design Services for the Project described in Section 1.1, as delineated on the attached Exhibit A and as summarized in the following: 2.4.1 Perform topographic surveys. 2.4.2 Delineate jurisdictional wetlands, if any. -2- 2.4.3 Prepare Plans and Specifications of the proposed 200 gpm pump station and associated sanitary sewer improvements, based on the alignment shown on Exhibit A. 2.4.4 Locate markers and monumentation of parcels and ROWs and prepare one (1) plat of easement/survey,as needed upon supply of title commitment and easement negotiation or property acquisition by the Owner. 2.4.5 Assist the Owner in obtaining appropriate permits from the Illinois EPA. 2.5 To provide Bidding Services for the Project as summarized in the following: 2.5.1 Furnish Owner necessary copies of the Plans and Contract Documents upon authorization of advertisement for bids by the.Owner. 2.5.2 Endeavor to interest competent contractors in submitting bids on the work as advertised. 2.5.3 Advise the Owner in the matter of letting contracts for work on the basis of bids received. 2.6 To furnish Construction Guidance for the Project as summarized in the following: 2.6.1 Video taping the site prior to any construction activity. 2.6.2 Consultation on interpretation of plans and specifications and changes under consideration as construction proceeds. 2.6.3 Establishment of lines and grades for the work as construction progresses. 2.6.4 Checking all shop and working drawings. 2.6.5 Furnishing a Resident Project Representative (RPR) at the job site to provide periodic observation of the work not exceeding two hundred (200) hours. The duties, responsibilities and limitations of authority of the RPR are set forth in Exhibit B to this agreement. 2.6.6 Reviewing and checking all reports by testing laboratories on equipment and material tested, if provided by the Owner. 2.6.7 Reviewing and checking all payment estimates, change orders, records and reports required. 2.6.8 Preparing final pay estimates. 2.6.9 Preparing record drawings and supplying the City mylar record drawings after -3- completion of construction. SECTION 3 - THE OWNER AGREES 3.1 To furnish available data such as utility maps,special design criteria,available plans of existing pump stations,title searches for determining existing right-of-way and property encumbrances. The Owner will negotiate easements and/or property acquisition with the property owners affected by the Project. 3.2 To designate in writing a person to act as Owner's representative with respect to the services to be performed or furnished by Engineer under this Agreement. Such person will have complete authority to transmit instructions, receive information, interpret Owner's policies and decisions with respect to Engineer's services for the Project. 3.3 To reimburse the Engineer as compensation for all services stipulated in Section 2 in accordance with the following schedule: 1. Design Services (Sections 2.3 and 2.4) - lump sum fee of$50,000.00 2. Bidding and Construction Guidance Services(Sections 2.5 and 2.6)-not-to-exceed fee of$25,000.00 Payments due the Engineer for services rendered will be made in monthly payments based upon either the estimated percentage of work completed for lump sum fees or the actual work completed for not-to-exceed fees in accordance with the attached 2004 Fee Schedule, or the current schedule in effect after calendar year 2004. For not-to-exceed fees,the Engineer shall monitor their costs and anticipated future costs, and shall notify the Owner if such monitoring indicates possible costs in excess of the not-to-exceed fees. 3.4 That those services beyond the scope of Section 1 and not included in Section 2, such as, but not limited to, assisting the Owner in negotiating easements or property acquisition, changing alignment of the sanitary sewer improvements or pump station location/layout due to failure in acquiring easements or property and others, will be considered additional work. Compensation for additional work will be paid in accordance with the Engineer's Fee Schedule attached for the 2004 calendar year or the current schedule in effect after calendar year 2004. 3.5 That payments due the Engineer for services rendered will be made in monthly payments based upon actual work completed. 3.6 To pay Engineer within thirty (30) days after the invoice date, after which, payment will increase at an interest rate of 1.5% per month. 3.7 That Engineer has the right to suspend or terminate service if undisputed charges are not paid within forty-five (45) days of receipt of Engineer's invoice, and Owner agrees to waive any claim against Engineer arising,and to indemnify, defend,and hold Engineer hainiless from and -4- against any claims arising, other than from Engineer's negligence or wrongful conduct, from Engineer's suspension or termination due to Owner's failure to provide timely payment. Owner recognizes that any charges not paid within thirty(30)days are subject to a late payment charge equivalent to 1.5% of the balance due for each additional month or fraction thereof that undisputed charges remain unpaid. 3.8 In the event of termination by Owner under Section 4.2 for convenience or by Engineer for cause, Engineer, in addition to invoicing for those items identified in Sections 3.3 and 3.4 shall be entitled to invoice Owner and shall be paid a reasonable amount for services and expenses (not to exceed a total of$1,000.00), directly attributable to termination, both before and after the effective date of termination, such as reassignment of personnel, costs of terminating contracts with Engineer's Consultants, and other related close-out costs, using methods and rates for Additional Services as set forth in Section 3.4, but in addition to amounts paid thereunder. In addition a 10% charge of the unbilled amounts as set forth in Section 3.3 shall be paid by the Owner to the Engineer. 3.9 To pay the Engineer an additional 8% for sublet services and outside vendor expenses. 3.10 In the event that Owner shall bring any suit, cause of action or counterclaim against Engineer, to the extent that Engineer shall prevail, Owner or the party otherwise initiating such action shall pay to Engineer the cost and expenses incurred to answer and/or defend such action, including reasonable attorneys fees and court costs. In no event shall Engineer indemnify any other party for the consequences of that party's negligence, including negligent failure to follow Engineer's recommendations. 3.11 Engineer's employees shall not be retained as expert witnesses except by separate written agreement. Owner agrees to pay Engineer pursuant to Engineer's current fee schedule for any Engineer employee(s) subpoenaed by any party as an occurrence witness as a result of Engineer's services. 3.12 The Engineer will not be responsible for job or site safety of the Project other than arising from validly implemented affirmative recommendations therefor. Job and site safety will be the sole responsibility of the contractor/contractors of the Project unless contracted to others. 3.13 The Owner shall require in any agreement it makes with a Contractor for the Project that the Contractor shall obtain Commercial General Liability Insurance with contractual liability and shall name the Engineer, its employees and consultants, as additional insured, with said coverage to be primary and non-contributory. In addition, the Owner agrees to name the Engineer, its employees and consultants, as an additional insured on any policy of Owner covering the Project, with said coverage to be primary and non-contributory. When Owner requests services of the Engineer in any capacity other than as a design professional, then, to the fullest extent permitted by law, the Owner shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the Engineer, its employees and consultants, from and against claims, damages, losses, costs, including but not limited to reasonable attorneys fees and costs, ("Losses") arising out of or resulting from the Engineers performance of services other than as a design professional ,ti -5- (including any services that could be construed as those of a construction manager) provided that such Losses are attributable to bodily injury, sickness, disease or death, or to injury to or destruction of tangible property to the extent caused, in whole or in part, by the contractor, subcontractor, or anyone directly or indirectly employed by them or anyone for whose acts they may be liable. This provision shall survive the termination or completion of this Agreement. 3.14 Neither the professional activities of the Engineer, nor the presence of the Engineer or his or her employees and subconsultants at a construction site, shall relieve the General Contractor and any other entity of their obligations, duties and responsibilities including, but not limited to, construction means, methods, sequence, techniques or procedures necessary for performing, superintending or coordinating all portions of the work of construction in accordance with the contract documents and any health or safety precautions required by any regulatory agencies. The Engineer and his or her personnel have no authority to exercise any control ov-er any construction contractor or other entity or their employees in connection with their work or any health or safety precautions. The Owner agrees that the General Contractor is solely responsible for job site safety, and warrants that this intent shall be made evident in the Owner's agreement with the General Contractor. The Owner also agrees that the Owner, the Engineer and the Engineer's consultants shall be indemnified and shall be made additional insureds under the General Contractor's general liability insurance policy. In addition, and notwithstanding any other provisions of this Agreement,the Owner agrees,to the fullest extent permitted by law, to indemnify and hold haniiless the Engineer, his or her officers,directors, employees,agents and subconsultants from and against all damage,liability or cost, including reasonable attorneys' fees and defense costs, arising out of or in any way connected with the Project or the performance by any of the parties above named of the services under this Agreement, excepting only those damages, liabilities or costs attributable to the sole negligence or willful misconduct of the Engineer. 3.15 The Owner agrees to limit Engineer's liability specifically and exclusively to the Owner on the Project arising from Engineer's professional acts, errors, or omissions or breach of contract or other cause of action, such that the total aggregate liability of Engineer to all those named shall not exceed $100,000.00 or the total cumulative fees for the services rendered for this Project, whichever is greater; and Owner hereby releases Engineer from any liability above such amount. 3.16 If any of the provisions contained in this Agreement are held illegal, invalid, or unenforceable, the enforceability of the remaining provisions will not be impaired. 3.17 That any difference between the Engineer and Owner concerning the interpretation of the provisions of this Agreement shall be referred to a committee of disinterested parties consisting of one member appointed by the Engineer,one member appointed by the Owner and a third member appointed by the two other members for disposition and that the committee shall attempt to resolve the difference by formal non-binding mediation conducted in accordance with rules and procedure to be agreed upon by the parties. -6- SECTION 4 -IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED 4.1 During the progress of work under this Agreement, the Engineer shall continuously monitor its costs and anticipated future costs, and if such monitoring indicates possible costs in excess of the amounts stated in Section 3 above, the Engineer shall immediately notify the Owner of such anticipated increase and the compensation for engineering services shall be adjusted, if any, by amendment to this Agreement. 4.2 This Agreement may be terminated by the Owner upon giving notice in writing to the Engineer at his last known post office address. Upon such termination, the Engineer shall cause to be delivered to the Owner all drawings, specifications, partial and completed estimates and data, with the understanding that all such material becomes the property of the Owner. The Engineer shall be paid for any services completed and any services partially completed in accordance with Section 3. 4.3 That the Engineer warrants that he has not employed or retained any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for the Engineer, to solicit or secure this Agreement, and that he has not paid or agreed to pay any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for the Engineer, any fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gifts, or any other consideration, contingent upon or resulting from the award or making of this Agreement. For breach or violation of this warranty the Owner shall have the right to void this Agreement without liability whatsoever. 4.4 That the Owner acknowledges that the Engineer is a corporation and agrees that any claim made by the owner arising out of any act or omission of any director, officer or employee of the Engineer, in the execution or performance of this Agreement shall be made against the Engineer and not against such director, officer or employee. 4.5 That the Owner and the Engineer each binds himself and his partners, successors, executors, administrators and assigns to the other party of this Agreement and to the partners, successors, executors, administrators and assigns of such other party in respect to all covenants of this Agreement;except as above,neither the Owner nor the Engineer shall assign,sublet or transfer his interest in this Agreement without the written consent of the other. Nothing herein shall be construed as creating any personal liability on the part of any office or agent of any public body which may be a party hereto, nor shall it be construed as giving any right or benefits hereunder to anyone other than the Client and the Engineer. 4.6 All Reports, Drawings, Specifications, other documents, and magnetic media prepared or furnished by the Engineer pursuant to this Agreement are instruments of service in respect to the Project, and the Engineer shall retain ownership of said documents and magnetic media including the right of reuse by and at the discretion of the Engineer whether or not the Project is completed. The Owner may retain copies, including reproducible copies, of the Engineer's documents and magnetic media for information and reference in connection with the use and occupancy of the Project by the Owner and others; however, the Engineer's documents and magnetic media are not intended or represented to be suitable for reuse by the Owner or others -7- on additions or extensions of the project, or on any other Project. Any such reuse without written permission and verification or adaption by the Engineer for the specific purpose intended will be at the Owner's sole risk and without liability or legal exposure to the Engineer. The Owner shall indemnify and hold haiinless the Engineer from all claims, damages, losses and expenses including attorneys' fees arising out of or resulting therefrom. Any furnishing of additional copies and verification or adaptation of the Engineer's comments and magnetic media will entitle the Engineer to claim and receive additional compensation from the Owner. 4.7 The Engineer's agent shall perform the function of Agent or Representative of the Owner, during the performance of the PROJECT. The Engineer may be required to enter private properties and private premises to perforin the work identified in the PROJECT. The Owner agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Engineer from any claim, suit, liability, damage, injury, cost or expense, including attorney fees, arising out of Engineer's entry into private properties and private premises, unless resulting from Engineer's negligence or wrongful conduct under Section 3.7 or as provided by law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed in triplicate counterparts, each of which shall be considered as an original by their duly authorized officers, this day of , 2004. Executed by the Owner: United City of Yorkville State of Illinois ATTEST: By By Title: City Clerk Title: Mayor Executed by the Engineer: Walter E. Deuchler Associates, Inc. 230 S. Woodlawn Avenue Aurora, IL 60506 'r B T Title: Preside t SCALE IN FEET /•\ r% m.—111 , ® r • 0 50 100 150 I _ E MAIN ST. / � vv--` ' e."-/w ' - 8" 0-" w w 1 o - -- --- :,-- t..-- _ ma, -7-5 /'I� <3.__x. `61 s * E---- S17. . - c 0 ... 18" 1\ —r--- — D 6 '. 61 . 5 1 \ L z'.--L f - ': ,------___r, i _q_, .!' L I5 PUMP STATION & VALVE VAULT TO -' o\t P- t I'30' , I '„ BE ABANDONDED. REMOVE CONC. J5„ TOPS, FRAMES, PUMPS, VALVES, a TRANSFORMER PAD. TRANSFORMER & ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT. PLUG /tJIIIt 1 . PROPOSED 8" II ail WITH GRASS. I Or �� !~II , I C/? I ,� ` �o EXIST. 8" SANITARY SEWER I ! -, TO BE ABANDONED. PLUG ENDS OF PIPE WITH CONC. ' I . `'� 1 I W 30' PERMANENT EASEMENT MI 'I ' Ix ' co °' I 30' TEMPORARY EASEMENT ' _ _ o UTILITY 't•� _ PROPOSED WET WELL • , I PROPOSED VALVE VAULT / . i 'l', /� v PROPOSED P.S. LOCATION y 1 „ i o ♦..1661. i ` END OF EXISTING F.M. i I( f' ` ' i, WALTER E. DEUCHLER ASSOCIATES, INC. SHEET i l, ' .----. -______--%--7 A at : 4. © e�2f S � - ,d , Ri -1, OF REVISIONS EXHIBIT A F:\YV\788/03052—00\EXHIBIT—A DESIGNED JWF APPROVED PFM BOOK XXX JOB NUMBER WOODWORTH P.S. REPLACEMNET DRAWN JES DATE 8/23/04 SCALE 1"=50' 788/03052-00 YORKVILLE, IL. EXHIBIT B DUTIES, RESPONSIBILITIES, AND LIMITATIONS OF AUTHORITY OF RESIDENT PROJECT REPRESENTATIVE The Agreement is amended and supplemented to include the following agreement of the parties: D6.02 Resident Project Representative A. ENGINEER shall furnish a Resident ProjectRepresentative("RPR"), assistants, and other field staff to assist ENGINEER in observing progress and quality of the work. The RPR, assistants, and other field staff under this Exhibit A may provide full time representation or may provide representation to a lesser degree. B. Through such additional observations of Contractor's work in progress and field checks of materials and equipment by.the RPR and assistants, ENGINEER shall endeavor to provide further protection for OWNER against defects and deficiencies in the work. However, ENGINEER shall not, during such visits or as a result of such observations of Contractor's work in progress, supervise, direct, or have control over the Contractor's Work nor shall ENGINEER have authority over or responsibility for the means,methods, techniques, sequences, or procedures selected by Contractor, for safety precautions and programs incident to the Contractor's work in progress, for any failure of Contractor to comply with Laws and Regulations applicable to Contractor's performing and furnishing the Work, or responsibility of construction for Contractor's . failure to furnish and perform the Work in accordance with the Contact Documents. In addition, the specific limitations set forth in the Agreement are applicable. C. The duties and responsibilities of the RPR are limited to those of ENGINEER in the Agreement with the OWNER and in the Contact Documents, and are further limited and described as follows: 1. General: RPR is ENGINEER's agent at the Site, will act as directed by and under the supervision of ENGINEER, and will confer with ENGINEER regarding RPR's actions. RPR's dealings in matters pertaining to the Contractor's work in progress shall in general be with ENGINEER and Contractor, keeping OWNER advised as necessary: RPR's dealings with subcontractors shall only be through or with the full knowledge and approval of Contractor. RPR shall generally communicate with OWNER with the knowledge of and under the direction of ENGINEER. 2. Schedules: Review the progress schedule, schedule of Shop Drawing and Sample submittals, and schedule of values prepared by Contractor and consult with ENGINEER concerning acceptability. EXHIBIT B PAGE 1 OF 6 3. Conferences and Meetings: Attend meetings with Contractor, such as preconstruction conferences, progress meetings, job conferences and other project-related meetings, and prepare and circulate copies of minutes thereof. 4. Liaison: a. Serve as ENGINEER's liaison with Contractor, working principally through Contractor's superintendent and assist in understanding the intent of the Contract Documents. b. Assist ENGINEER in serving as OWNER's liaison with Contractor when Contractor's operations affect OWNER's on-site operations. c. Assist in obtaining from OWNER additional details or infoimation, when required for proper execution of the Work. 5. Interpretation of Contract Documents: Report to ENGINEER when clarifications and interpretations of the Contract Documents are needed and transmit to Contractor clarifications and interpretations as issued by ENGINEER. 6. Shop Drawings and Samples: a. Record date of receipt of Samples and approved Shop Drawings. b. Receive Samples which are furnished at the Site by Contractor, and notify ENGINEER of availability of Samples for examination. c. Advise ENGINEER and Contractor of the commencement of any portion of the work requiring a Shop Drawing or Sample submittal for which RPR believes that the submittal has not been approved by ENGINEER. 7. Modifications: Consider and evaluate Contractor's suggestions for modifications in Drawings or Specifications and report with RPR's recommendations to ENGINEER. Transmit to Contractor in writing decisions as issued by ENGINEER. EXHIBIT B PAGE 2 OF.6 8. Review of Work and Rejection of Defective Work: a. Conduct on-site observations of Contractor's work in progress to assist ENGINEER in deteiiliining if the Work is in general proceeding in accordance with the Contract Documents. b. Report to ENGINEER whenever RPR believes that any part of Contractor's work in progress will not produce a completed Project that conforms generally to the Contract Documents or will prejudice the integrity of the design concept of the completed Project as a functioning whole as indicated in the Contract Documents, or has been damaged, or does not meet the requirements of any inspection, test or approval required to be made; and advise ENGINEER of that part of work in progress that RPR believes should be corrected or rejected or should be uncovered for observation, or requires special testing, inspection or approval. 9. Inspections, Tests, and System Startups: a. Consult with ENGINEER in advance of scheduled major inspections, tests, and systems startups of important phases of the Work. b. Verify that tests, equipment, and systems start-ups and operating and maintenance training are conducted in the presence of appropriate OWNER's personnel, and that Contractor maintains adequate records. thereof. c. Observe,record, and report to ENGINEER appropriate details relative to the test procedures and systems startups. d. Accompany visiting inspectors representing public or other agencies having jurisdiction over the Project, record the results of these inspections, and report to ENGINEER. 10. Records: a. Maintain at the site orderly files for correspondence, reports of job conferences, reproductions of original Contract Documents including all Change Orders, Field Orders, Work Change Directives, Addenda, additional Drawings issued subsequent to the execution of the Contract, ENGINEER's clarifications and interpretations of the Contract Documents, progress reports, Shop Drawing and Sample submittals received from and delivered to Contractor, and other Project EXHIBIT B PAGE 3 OF 6 related documents. b. Prepare a daily report or keep a diary or log book, recording Contractor's hours on the site, weather conditions, data relative to questions of Change Orders, Field Orders, Work Change Directives, or changed conditions, Site visitors, daily activities, decisions, observations in general, and specific observations in more detail as in the case of observing test procedures; and send copies to ENGINEER. c. Record names, addresses and telephone numbers of all Contractors, subcontractors, and major suppliers of materials and equipment. d. Maintain records for use in preparing Project documentation. e. Upon completion of the Work, furnish original set of all RPR Project Documentation to ENGINEER. 11. Reports: a. Furnish to ENGINEER periodic reports as required ofprogress of the Work and of Contractor's compliance with the progress schedule and schedule of Shop Drawing and Sample submittals. b. Draft and recommend to ENGINEER proposed Change Orders,Work Change Directives, and Field Orders. Obtain backup material from Contractor. c. Furnish to ENGINEER and OWNER copies of all inspection, test, and system startup reports. d. Report immediately to ENGINEER the occurrence of any Site accidents, any Hazardous Environmental Conditions, emergencies, or acts of God endangering the Work, and property damaged by fire or other causes. 12. Payment Requests: Review Applications for Payment with Contractor for compliance with the established procedure for their submission and forward with recommendations to ENGINEER,noting particularly the relationship of the payment requested to the schedule of values, Work completed, and materials and equipment delivered at the Site but not incorporated in the Work. 13. Certificates, Operation and Maintenance Manuals:During the course of the EXHIBIT B PAGE 4 OF 6 Work, verify that materials and equipment certificates, operation and maintenance manuals and other data required by the Specifications to be assembled and furnished by Contractor are applicable to the items actually installed and in accordance with the Contract Documents, and have these documents delivered to ENGINEER for review and forwarding to OWNER prior to payment for that part of the work. 14. Completion: a. Before ENGINEER issues a Certificate of Substantial Completion, submit to Contractor a list of observed items requiring completion or correction. b. Observe whether Contractor has arranged for inspections required by Laws and Regulations, including but not limited to those to be perfouned by public agencies having jurisdiction over the Work. c. Participate in a final inspection in the company of ENGINEER, OWNER, and Contractor and prepare a final list of items to be completed or corrected. d. Observe whether all items on final list have been completed or corrected and make recommendations to ENGINEER concerning acceptance and issuance of the Notice of Acceptability of the Work. D. Resident Project Representative shall not: 1. Authorize any deviation from the Contract Documents or substitution of materials or equipment (including."or-equal" items). 2. Exceed limitations of ENGINEER's authority as set forth in the Agreement or the Contract Documents. • 3. Undertake any of the responsibilities of Contractor, subcontractors, suppliers, or Contractor's superintendent. 4. Advise on,issue directions relative to or assume control over any aspect ofthe means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures of Contractor's work unless such advice or directions are specifically required by the Contract Documents. 5. Advise on, issue directions regarding, or assume control over safety precautions and programs in connection with the activities or operations of EXHIBIT B PAGE 5 OF 6 OWNER or Contractor. 6. Participate in specialized field or laboratory tests or inspections conducted off- site by others except as specifically authorized by ENGINEER. 7. Accept Shop Drawing or. Sample submittals from anyone other than Contractor. 8. Authorize OWNER to occupy the Project in whole or in part. • EXHIBIT B PAGE 6 OF 6 WALTER E. DEUCHLER ASSOC. INC. 2004 FEE SCHEDULE CLASSIFICATION RANGE OF BILLING RATE CLERICAL 40.00-60.00 JR. TECHNICIAN 34.00-45.00 TECHNICIAN/DRAFTSPERSON 55.00-75.00 CONSTRUCTION OBSERVER - 55.00-75.00 SURVEY CREW (2 Members) 95.00-128.00 ENGINEER 64.00-80.00 PROJECT ENGINEER 80.00-100.00 PROJECT MANAGER LAND SURVEYOR PRINCIPAL 100.00-130.00 01/02/2004 0 PAGE 1 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE To: Tony Graff, City Administrator From: Joe Wywrot, City Engineer Subject: Raintree Village Subdivision—Unit 1" Onsite Work Bond Reduction No. 1 Date: August 18, 2004 Attached find a request from the developer for a reduction in the bond for onsite work in Raintree Village—Unit 1. I have reviewed the request and concur with most of the request. There were some corrections needed in the amount of public sidewalk and parkway trees completed to date that result in a different reduction amount. Please refer to the attachments for details. I recommend a reduction in the bond for onsite work in Raintree Village Unit 1 in the amount of$2,418,011.96. The resulting new bond amount would be $829,249.36. Please place this item on the Public Works Committee agenda of August 23, 2004 f. consideration. , • /0Y fie l� Cc: Liz D'Anna, Deputy City Clerk Dave Ihle, Concord Homes, Inc. 18-Aug-04 Letter of Credit/Bond Reduction Subdivision: Raintree Village- Unit 1 Onsite Work Reduction No. 1 LOC/Bond Approved Original amount Completed Reduction No.1 Amount to remain Item Eno. Est. for LOC/Bond Work Amount after Red. No.1 Sanitary Sewer $516,070.00 $567,677.00 $516,070.00 $490,266.50 $77,410.50 Watermain $486,185.00 $534,803.50 $486,185.00 $461,875.75 $72,927.75 Storm Sewer $630,170.75 $693,187.83 $630,170.75 $598,662.21 $94,525.61 Pavement $742,130.00 $816,343.00 $558,070.00 $530,166.50 $286,176.50 Landscaping $465,500.00 $512,050.00 $333,780.00 $317,091.00 $194,959.00 Miscellaneous $112,000.00 $123,200.00 $21,000.00 $19,950.00 $103,250.00 Totals $2,952,055.75 $3,247,261.33 $2,545,275.75 $2,418,011.96 $829,249.36 Notes: 1) Remaining LOC/Bond amt. to be 15% of substantially completed items plus 110% of uncompleted items. RAINTREE VILLAGE L.L.C. Via Federal Express July 23, 2004 Mr. Joseph Wywrot United City of Yorkville 800 Game Farm Road Yorkville, Illinois 60560 Re: Letter of Credit Reduction — Unit 1 Raintree Village L.L.C. Dear Mr. Wywrot, At this time, The Underground, Landscaping, Street Lighting & Binder Course has been completed in Unit 1. Raintree Village L.L.C. is requesting that the Bond # 1041 84456, for Unit 1 be reduced $2,835,545.75 from the original amount of $3,247,261.60, which will leave a remainder of $411,715.58. The Surface Course portion of the Letter of Credit will not be reduced at this time. If you have any questions regarding this matter, do not hesitate to contact me at (847) 776-0350 ext. #144. Sincerely D Ihle Land Development Area Manager Enclosures cc: Rick Piggott Kim Kavanagh 1540 East Dundee Road,Suite 350 Palatine,Illinois 60067 (847)776-0350 FAX (847)776-6070 1-101-04 RAINTREE UNIT 1 3-Nov 03 BOND 1 041 134416 1 ravelers Surety ORIGINAL AMOUNT PREVIOUS REDUCTION REDUCTION REQUEST BALANCE DESCRIPTION QUART FV UNI I PRICE EXT ENSION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE EXTENSION OUAN111Y UNIT PRICE EXTENSION %COMPLETE REMAINING SANITARY SEWER'. 8"San Sewer,PVC SDR 26 4 691 LF $20.00 893,820 00 0 $20 00 $0.00 4 691 $20.00 $933,820.00 100% $0.50 10"San Sewer PVC SDR 26 187 LF $30 00 $5,610.00 0 $30 00 $0 00 187 $30.00 $5,610 DD 100% $0.00 10"San Sewer PVC SDR 21 1,665 LF $3500 $58,275.00 0 $35.00 $000 1,665 $35.00 $58,275.55 100% $0.00 12"San Sewer PVC SUR 26 1,225 LF $25.00 $30,625.00 0 $25.00 $000 1,225 $2500 $3062000 1009' $000 12"Sen Sewer PVC SOY 21 375 LF $40.00 $15,000 00 0 $40.00 $0.00 375 $40.00 $15,000.00 100% $0.00 30"Sen Sewer PVC DR,AWWA C-905 1,756 LF $70.00 $122,920.00 0 $70.00 $0.00 1,755 $70.00 $122,920.00 100% $0.00 San MH,Type A,413"Dla 38 EA $2,100.00 $79,800.00 0 $2,10000 $0.00 38 $2,100.00 $79,80000 100% $0.00 San MH,Type A,60"Dia 5 EA $2,90000 $14,500.00 0 $2,900.00 $0.00 5 $2,900.00 $14,500.00 100% $0.00 San Servlce Short 56 EA $400.00 $22,400.00 0 $400.00 $000 56 $400.00 $22.400.00 100% $0.00 San Service-Long INCL TBF 45 EA $1,40000 $6300050 0 $1,90000 $000 45 $1,40000 $63,000.00 100% $0.00 Trench Bad/till 460 LF $22.00 $10 120.00 0 $22 00 $0 00 460 $22.00_ $10.120 00 100% $0 00 TOTAL SANITARY SEWER: $516,070.00 $0.00 $516,070.00 100% $0.00 WATERMAIN'. 8"VAI,Dip CL 52 377/F11GS 4 360 IF $21 00 $91.560 00 0 $21 00 $0.00 4,360 $21.00 $91,560.00 100% $0.00 12"WM Dip CL 52 WIFITGS 620 LF $29.00 $17,960 00 0 $29 00 $0.00 620 $29.00 $17,980 00 100% $0.00 16"WM.Dip CL 52 W/FITGS 3,430 IF $46.00 $15'7,780.00 0 $46.00 $0.00 3,430 $46.00 $157,78000 100% $0.00 8"Valve in 48"Vault 15 EA $1,50000 $22,50000 0 $1,500.00 $0.00 15 $1,50000 $22,50000 100% $0.00 12"Valve In 60"V4,It 4 EA $2,600.00 $10.400 00 0 $2,600.00 $0.00 4 $2,600.00 $10.400 00 100% $0.00 16"Valve In60"Vault 7 EA $6,400.00 044.800.00 0 $6,400.00 $000 7 $6,40000 $44,800.00 100% $0.00 Feel-POD VV/AUX Valve&Valve Box 29 EA 81,35000 $56,550.00 0 $1,950 OD $0 DO 29 $1,950.D0 $56,55000 100% $0.00 Wafer Service Short 1"W/8-Box 47 EA $375.00 $17,625 00 0 $375.00 $0.50 47 $375 00 $17,625.00 100% $0.00 Water Servlce Long 1'WIB-Box 53 EA $900.00 $47,700.DO 0 $900.00 $000 53 $90000 $47,700.00 100% $000 16"03/8 Steel Casing 30 LF $65.00 $1,950 00 G $6500 $0.00 30 $6500 $1,950.00 100% $0.00 Precede Connection,12"X16"WNaull 1 EA $9,500.00 $9,50000 0 $9,500.00 $0.00 1 $9,500.00 $9,500.00 100% $0.00 Trench Backfill 4901.F $1600 $7,840.00 0 $16.00 $000 490 $16.00 $7,840.00 100% $000 TOTAL FOR WATERMAIN: $486,185.00 $0.00 $486,185.00 100% $0.00 STORM SEWER: 4"Under Drain VV/Slone 8 Fabric 90 LF $16.00 $1,490.00 0 $16.00 $0.00 90 $16 50 $1,440 00 100% $0.00 12"Storm Sewer,RCP,CL V 5,305 LF $17.00 $80,185.00 0 $17.00 50.00 5,305 $17.00 $90,185.00 100% $0.00 15"Storni Sewer RCP,CL V 2,623 LF $18.00 $47,214.00 0 $18.00 $0.00 2,523 $18.00 $47,214.00 100% $0.00 18"Sion,Sewer,RCP,CL IV 144 LF $22.25 $3,204 00 0 $22.25 $0.00 144 $22.25 $3,204.00 100% $0.00 16"SIOrm Sewer,RCP,CL III 1 659 LF $2050 $34,009.50 0 $20.50 $0.00 1,659 $20.50 $34,009.50 100% $0.00 21"Storm Sewer,RCP,CL IV 59 LF $27.50 $1,62250 0 $27.50 $0.00 59 $2750 $1,62250 100% $000 21"Storni Sewer RCP,CL III 1,096 LF $25.50 $27,940 00 0 $25.50 $0 00 1,096 $25.50 $27,948.00 100% $0.00 24"Storm Sewer,RCP,CL IV 277 1F $31.50 $8,725 50 0 $31.50 $0.00 277 $31.50 $8,725.50 100% $0.00 24"Storm Sewer,RCP,CL III 2,093 LF $29.75 $62,260.75 0 $29.75 $0 00 2,093 $29.75 $62,266.75 100% $0.00 24"Storm Sewer Dip PC350 28 LF $37.50 $1,050.00 0 $37.50 $000 28 53750 $1,050.00 100% $0.00 27"Storm Sewer RCP CLIII 103 LF $36.00 $3,708 00 0 $36.00 $0 00 103 $36 00 $3,708.00 100% $0.00 30"Storm Sewer,RCP CLIV 259 IF $39.50 $10101.00 0 $39.00 $0.00 259 $39.00 $10,101 00 100% $0.00 30"Storm Sewer,RCP,CLIII 578 LF $37 50 $21,675 00 0 $37 50 $0.00 578 $37 50 $21,675.00 100%x $0.00 30"Storm Sewer,DIP PC350 82 I F $48.55 $3,977.00 0 $48.50 $0.0D 82 $40.50 $3,077.00 100% $0.00 36"Storm Sewer,RCP CL IV 420 LE $5300 $22,26000 0 $53.00 $000 420 553.00 $22,260.00 100% 0000 36"Storm Sewer,RCP CL III 499 LF 551.00 $25,449.50 0 $51.00 50.00 499 $51.00 $25,949 00 100% 50.00 42"Storm Sewer,RCP CL IV 199 LF $69 50 512.835.50 0 $69.50 $0.00 159 $64 50 512.835 50 100°/u $0.00 54"Storm Sewer,RCP CL IV 170 LF 512000 820,400 00 0 $12000 $0.00 170 $12000 $20,400.00 100% $0.G0 RAINTREE UNIT 1 1-.Iul A4 + 3-Nov-03 13050 1041 84456 Travelers Surety ORIGINAL AMOUNT PREVIOUS REDUCTION REDUCTION REQUEST BALANCE DESCRIP I ION ODANTI Y UNIT PRICE EXTENSION GUAN I I IY UNIT PRICE EXTENSION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE EXTENSION %COMPLETE REMAINING Inlet Type A,24"Da 3 EA $600 00 $23,400.00 0 5600.00 $0.00 39 $60000 $23,400.170 100% $0.CO Catch Basin Type B,36"Dia 3 EA $100000 $37,000.00 0 $1,000.00 $000 37 $1,000.D0 $37000.00 100% $000 Catch Basin Type A,48"DIA -EA $1,200.00 $6,000.00 0 $1,20000 $000 5 $1,200.00 $6,00000 100% $0.00 Catch Basln Type A,60"DIA EA $1,800.00 $3,600.00 0 $1,800.00 $0.00 2 $1 800.00 $3,600.00 100% $000 Cetch Basin Type A 72"DIA. EA D2,850.00 $2,850.00 0 $2,850.00 $0.00 1 $2,85000 $2,850.00 100% $0.00 Manhole Type A,36"DIA. EA $900 00 $7,200.00 0 $900 00 $0 00 el $900.00 $7,200.00 100% $0.00 Man hole Type A,413"DIA 2 EA $1.10000 $3080000 0 $1,10000 $0.00 28 $1,10000 $30,800.00 100% $0.00 Manhole Type A,50"DIA 3 EA $1,45000 $43,50000 0 51,450 00 $000 30 $1,45000 $43,500.00 100% $0.00 Manhole Type A,72"DIA EA $3,600 00 $5,200 00 0 $2,600 00 $0 00 2 $2,600.00 $5,200.00 100% $0 00 Special Manhole 5'04'Box EA $4.800 00 $4,800 00 0 $4,800.00 $0 00 $4,800 00 $4.800 00 100% $0.00 Special Manhole 6'05'Box EA 55,750 00 $5,750.00 0 $5,750.00 $000 $5,75000 $5,75000 100% $0.00 Special Manhole 606 Box EA $7,000.00 $7,500.00 0 $7,500.00 $000 $7,50000 $7,00000 100"0 $000 CONC FL End Secl,12" EA $750.00 $3,000.D0 0 $750.00 $0.00 $750.00 $3,000.00 100% $000 CONC EL End Sea,18"=Grate EA $850.00 $850.00 0 $850.00 $0.00 $650.00 $850.00 100% $0.00 CONC FL.End Sect 21"W/Grate EA $900.00 $900.00 0 $900.00 $0.00 $900.00 $900.00 100% $0.00 CONC FL.End bed,24"VV/Grate EA $975.00 $1,950.00 0 $975.00 $000 $97500 $1,950.00 100% $0.00 CONC FL.End Sect 30"W/Grate EA $1,350.00 $6,70000 0 $1,300.00 $0.00 $1,35000 $6750.00 100% $0.00 CONC FL.End Sect 54"W/Grate EA $2650.00 $2,05000 0 $2,650.00 $0.00 $2,65000 $2,650.00 100% $0.D0 Sloan Service 10 EA $150.00 $15,000.00 0 $150.00 $0.00 10 $150.00 $15,000.00 100% $0.00 Trench Backfill 1,95 LF $12.00 $23400 00 0 $12.00 30.00 1,95 $12.00 $23 400.00 100% $0.00 TOTAL FOR STORM SEWER: $630,170.75 $0.00 $630.170.75 100% $0.00 PAVEMENT: 1.5"BIT CONC Surf CSE,TY 2 MIX D,CLI 25,900 SY $3.SO $90,860.00 0 $3.50 $0 DD $3.00 $0.00 590.860.00 2.5"BIT CONC Binder CSE,TY 2 CLI 14,000 50 55.25 $73,500.000 $525 $0.00 14,000 $525 $73,500.00 100% $000 4.5"BIL CONC Binder CSE TO 2 CLI(2 Lift) 11,960 5Y $6 50 $77,740.00 0 $5.50 $000 11,960 $6.50 $77,740.00 100% $0.00 10"Crushed Agg Base CSE,'I ype B 14,000 5Y $7.00 $98 000 00 0 $7.00 $0.00 14,000 $7.00 $98,000.00 100% $0.00 12"Crushed Agg Base LOU.Type B 11560 SY $8.00 $95,680.00 0 $800 $000 11,960 $8 00 $95,6$0.00 100% 50.00 3"BIT CONC Surf CSE TY 2,M.D,CLI 3,800 SY $8.75 025 BSG.00 0 $6 75 $U 00 0 $6.75 $0.00 $25,6$0.00 10"Crushed Agg Base CSE,Type B 3 800 SY $7.00 $26,600.00 0 $7.00 $0 00 3,800 $7.00 $26,600.110 100% $0.00 COMB CONC.Cob&Gutter,Type B-6.12 16,980 LF $10.00 $169,800.00 0 $10.D0 $0.00 16,980 $10.00 $16980000 100% $0.00 P C.0 Sidewalk 84,300 SF $1.00 $84 300.00 0 $1.00 $0.00 84,300 $1.00 784.300 00 100% $0 00 TOTAL FOR PAVEMENT: $742,130.00 $0.00 6625,620.00 75% 6116,510.00 LANDSCAPING: 2-1/2 Cal Street Trees 388 EA $370.00 $143,560 00 0 $370.00 $0.00 388 $370.00 $143,560 00 100% $0.00 6"Tell Ornamental Trees 73 EA $225.00 $16,42500 0 $225.00 $000 73 $225.00 $16,42500 150% $0.00 6"Tall Evergreen Trees 107 EA $250 00 $26,750.00 0 $250.00 $0 00 107 $250.00 $26,75000 100% $0.00 Deciduous Shrubs 121 EA $35.00 $4,235.00 0 $35.00 $0.00 121 $35.00 $4,235 00 100% $000 Ornamental Grasses 504 EA $15.00 $7,560.00 0 $15.00 $0.00 504 $15.00 97,560.00 100% $000 Perennials 950 EA $1200 $11,400.00 0 $1200 $0.00 950 $1200 $11,400.00 100% $0.00 Groundcover 460 EA $3.50 $1,610.000 $3.50 $0.00 460 $3.50 $1,610.00 100% $000 SOD 6,800 SY $250 $17,000.00 0 $2.50 $0.00 6,800 $250 $17,000.00 100% $0.00 Mulch 104 CY $35.00 $3,640.00 0 $35.00 $0.00 104 $35.00 $3,640.00 100% $0.00 Lawn Seed W/E.C.Blanket 10 AC $7,800.00 $78,000 00 0 $7,800.00 $0.00 10 $7,800 00 $78.000 00 100% $0.00 Low Profile Prairie Seed Mix VV/E.C.Blanket 5.5 AC $8200.00 $45.100 00 0 $8,20000 $000 5 S $8,200.00 $45,100 00 100% $0.00 Wel Mesic Seed Mix VV/E.C Blanket 1 5 AC $8,260 00 $12.300 00 0 $8,200 00 $0.00 1.5 $8,200.55 $12 300.00 100% $0.00 Emergent Plantings 3.0 AC $7,00000 $21,000.00 0 $7,50000 $000 3.0 $7,000.00 $21,000.00 100% $0.00 Na1Ne Plantings 0.6 AC $8,20000 $4,920.00 0 $8,20000 $0.00 06 $8,200.00 $4.920.00 100% $0.00 Entrance Feature 1 0 EA $72,000.00 $72.000.00 0 $72,000.00 _ 5000 1.0 572,000.00 $7200000 100% $000_ TOTAL FOR LANDSCAPING: $465,500.00 $0.00 $465,500.00 100% $0.00 • 1-Jul-04 RAINTREE UNIT 1 3-Nov-03 BOND 1041 84450 Travelers Surety ORIGINAL AMOUNT PREVIOUS REDUCTION REDUCTION REQUEST BALANCE DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE EXI ENSIGN QUANTITY UNIT PRICE EXTENSION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE EXTENSION %COMPLETE REMAINING MISCELLANEOUS: Sheet LUI(Complete) 32 LA $3,50000_ 8112 000 00 0 $3,500.00 $000 32 $3,500.00 $112000.00 100% $0.00 TOTAL FOR MISCELLANEOUS: $112,000.00 $0.00 $112,000.00 100% • $0.00 TOTAL SITE IMPROVEMENTS: $2,952,055.75 $0.00 $2,835,545.75 $116,510.00 CONTINGENCY 1 10% $295,205.58 TOTAL SITE IMPROVEMENTS; $3,247,261.33 TOTAL REDUCTION-THIS REQUEST: 52,835,545.75 'TOTAL PREVIOUS REDUCTIONS: $0.00 BALANCE REMAINING-LETTER OF CREDIT: $411,715.58 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE To: Tony Graff, City Administrator From: Joe Wywrot, City Engineer Subject: Raintree Village Subdivision—tTnit t Onsite Work Bond Reduction No. 1 Date: August 18, 2004 Attached find a request from the developer for a reduction in the bond for onsite work in Raintree Village—Unit 1. I have reviewed the request and concur with most of the request. There were some corrections needed in the amount of public sidewalk and parkway trees completed to date that result in a different reduction amount. Please refer to the attachments for details. I recommend a reduction in the bond for onsite work in Raintree Village Unit 1 in the amount of$2,418,011.96. The resulting new bond amount would be $829,249.36. Please place this item on the Public Works Committee agenda of August 23, 2004 for consideration. Cc: Liz D'Anna, Deputy City Clerk Dave Ihle, Concord Homes, Inc. 18-Aug-04 Letter of Credit/Bond Reduction Subdivision: Raintree Village - Unit 1 Onsite Work Reduction No. 1 LOC/Bond Approved Original amount Completed Reduction No.1 Amount to remain Item End. Est. for LOC/Bond Work Amount after Red. No.1 Sanitary Sewer $516,070.00 $567,677.00 $516,070.00 $490,266.50 $77,410.50 Watermain $486,185.00 $534,803.50 $486,185.00 $461,875.75 $72,927.75 Storm Sewer $630,170.75 $693,187.83 $630,170.75 $598,662.21 $94,525.61 Pavement $742,130.00 $816,343.00 $558,070.00 $530,166.50 $286,176.50 Landscaping $465,500.00 $512,050.00 $333,780.00 $317,091.00 $194,959.00 Miscellaneous $112,000.00 $123,200.00 $21,000.00 $19,950.00 $103,250.00 Totals $2,952,055.75 $3,247,261.33 $2,545,275.75 $2,418,011.96 $829,249.36 Notes: 1) Remaining LOC/Bond amt. to be 15% of substantially completed items plus 110% of uncompleted items. RAINTREE VILLAGE L.L.G. Via Federal Express July 23, 2004 Mr. Joseph Wywrot United City of Yorkville 800 Game Farm Road Yorkville, Illinois 60560 Re: Letter of Credit Reduction — Unit 1 Raintree Village L.L.C. Dear Mr. Wywrot, At this time, The Underground, Landscaping, Street Lighting & Binder Course has been completed in Unit 1. Raintree Village L.L.C. is requesting that the Bond # 1041 84456, for Unit 1 be reduced $2,835,545.75 from the original amount of $3,247,261.60, which will leave a remainder of $41 1 ,715.58. The Surface Course portion of the Letter of Credit will not be reduced at this time. If you have any questions regarding this matter, do not hesitate to contact me at (847) 776-0350 ext. #144. Sincerely D. 'e Ihle Land Development Area Manager Enclosures cc: Rick Piggott Kim Kavanagh 1540 East Dundee Road,Suite 350 Palatine, Illinois 60067 (847)776-0350 FAX (847)776-6070 1-Jul-04 RAINTREE UNIT 1 3-Nuv-03 BOND 1041 644561r9v,919>Surely ORIGINAL AMOUNT PREVIOUS REDUCTION REUUCIION REQUEST BALANCE SE SCRIP-HON OLIANTI IT UF:II PRICE EXTENSION (JUAN I ITV ON11 PRIL;E EXTENSION DUAN 1110 51N11 PRICE EXI ENSION %COMPLETE REMAINING SANITARY SEWER. 8'Sall Sevier,PVC 51119 28 4.091 LF 520.00 $931220 30 0 $20 0'0 00 00 4,091 $>D.00 $93,020.00 100% $0 00 10"Sell Sewer PVC SUR 26 167 LF $3000 $5,61000 0 $30.00 $000 107 $30.00 $561000 100/° 50.00 10'San Sewer PVC SUR 21 1.665 I $35.00 $56,275.00 0 $35.00 $0.00 1,665 $35.00 558 275 00 100% $0.00 12'Sen Sewer PVC SOR 26 1,225 I I $25.00 $30,625.00 0 $25 00 00 00 1,225 $25.00 5311,015 00 100% $0.00 12"Seo Sewer PVC SDR 21 3/5 LF $40.00 $15,TUU 00 0 $40.00 $0.00 375 $-10.110 115,000 00 100% $0 00 30"Sop Sev.,01 PVC OR,AWWA 0905 1.756 I F 570.05 $122 920.00 $7D.00 $0.00 1 756 $10.00 $112 020 00 1000 $0.00 San MIL type A,48-Ola 30 EA $2,100.X0 $79 600 00 1 $2 10U 00 50.00 38 02,100 00 170600 00 100% $O.00 Son All 160e A.60"1)19 5 EA $290000 $14 500.00 $2 000.DU $0.00 5 02,500.00 $14 500.00 100% $0.U0 Son SCIvice-S000 56 I A $400.00 $22 400.00 $40000 $0.00 56 04110.00 $22 400 00 100% $0.00 San Oe vice-Long INCL.TRF 45 EA 5140000 $03000.00 $1,400 00 $0.00 05 $1 400.00 $63030 D0 100'/ $0-00 111.nch Beck/Ill 460 II $22.00 $10 12U 91 022.00 50 00 460 $22 011 $10 120.00 100% $01.10 10f AL SANT TARP SEWER $516.070.00 $0 00 $516,070.00 10010 $0 00 WA I ERMAIN 6"VvM Dip CL 52 W/1-11 GS 4 360 LF $21 US $91 560 00 521 00 $0.00 9.360 521 00 $91 500 00 100% $0.00 12"WM DIN CL 52 W/F 11 S 620 LF $29.00 $1/,990.00 $29.00 $0.00 420 $49.00 $1/15000 100% $000 10"VMn Uip CL 52 WIFITGS 3 43U LF $48.00 $157,790 00 $46 120 $U 00 3 430 $96 50 $157 76X.00 100% $0 00 N.Vale lnlb"vault 10Eh $150000 $2250000 $1,50000 $000 15 $1500 W $22 500 00 1004 10.00 12 0014e in 60"01.111 a Ea. $'',000 00 $10 400 OD $2600.00 $0.00 4 00 500 00 510 400.00 1005 $0.00 16'0014e9180"Vaull 7 EA $640000 $99900.00 $8,400.00 $0.00 7 $640000 $49,80000 1000 0000 Fire IIYD W/AL1X Vol,&Valva Box 29 Eh $1,15000 1>0050.00 $1,950.00 $000 25 $1950.00 $5055000 100% $0.00 VA9e1 SQ SIGS:$llun l WIN Box 47 EA $37500 $1162500 - 53/500 80.00 41 $37500 51/625 00 100% $000 050121 Surylse Long 1"WIN-box 53 EA. $TUU.50 $47 700.DO $900.00 $000 53 $900.u' $4//0000 100% $0-00 16'03)8 Steel C s1r19 30 LA $65.00 $1,500 DD 065.00 $11.00 30 065 00 51.9'50.00 1000 $0.00 P9PA,,99e Cull11,11,11 12'016"W/V4III 1 EA $950000 $350000 $9,50000 $0.00 1 $9,00000 $/900.00 1011% $0.00 I'nGl nackFill 990 LF $16.00 $78_000 $lti UO $O 00 490 $16.00 $7.640.00 100% 50.00 TOTAL FOR WAIERMAIN. $406,185.00 $0.00 $466,185.00 100% $0.00 510RM SEWER. 4'5111001 LI Onl W/Slone 8 661.411: 90 LI $16.00 $1 440.00 U 12'Smm Sew,R bSewCP.CI V 5,305 I F $1/00 $90,165.Do 0 v 01/00 $0_60 90 $17.00 00,185 DD 11100 50 00 $ oD $0 OD 51305 $100 $90,1 $0.00 15 SStormSewer RCP,CL V 2623 LF $19,00 $47 219 00 0 $18.X0 $D 00 2.623 $10 00 $47,2714 00 100%400 100% $0.00 1B"Slor.Sewer.RCP CLIV 144 I 521.25 $3,20400 0 $2225 10"$Ib er,RCP CL III 1 659 I F $0-00 669 $13.55 44004.50 100% $0.00 'w' $20 50 $�4 009.50 0 $2050 $0 00 1,659 $20.50 $39,009.50 100% $0.00 21'Slunn 5e141,RCP CL IV 59 I F $27.50 $1,022 50 0 $27 50 $0.00 55 $21.50 $1,622.50 100% $0 00 21"Slurn1 Sarver RCP CL III 1 050 l F $25 50 01/,940.00 0 $25 50 $0 VO 1 096 $25 50 $27,948.00 100% $0 00 19'010III Sewer RCP,CL IV 27/IF Sol.55 $8,725 50 0 $31 50 $0.00 2/7 $31 50 $8,715.50 100% $0.00 21 SIX'S Sewer RCP CI III 2 063 LF $29 75 $92 260/5 0 $19 71 $0.00 2 093 $21./5 $62 26675 100% $0 00 24"Slolnl 5e2e1 I7ip P0350 2B LI 03/50 $1,050 UO 0 53/40 $0.00 29 $37.50 $10512 OU 100% $0.00 2/"S101111 S4241. RCP CIIII 103 LF $40 0, $3700 00 0 $36 00 $0.00 103 $3600 $37118.00 100% 00.00 30 SIo 1 Sow01 RCP CLIV 25911 $3900 $10,10101 $3900 $0 UO 259 $39012 $10.10100 1000 $0.00 30"Slurni Sewer RCI' CLIII 570 LF $3/512 $216/500 $37.50 $500 0/6 $37.50 $216/500 1000 $0.00 00 Stunn 501,21 UIP PC350 02 LI 840.50 $39/7.00 $48.50 $500 Al 040.50 $39/700 100% $0 00 36 Stull.Sewer RCP CL IV 420 1 F 55:1 00 $22,260.00 $53.00 $0 00 420 $53 SS $22 200 UO 100% $0.00 36'010(11,Sewer lILA CL III 459 LF $51 UO $25 449 00 92'5101111 Sewer RCP CLIV 199 I F $69 50 $54.00 10.30 499 $61.50 012 949 50 l00°/ $0.00 $12635.50 $64 50 10 517 199 $64 50 512,935 50 100°/ $0.00 54 Slolrn 92221,III P CL IV 1/0 LI $120.00 $20,40000 0 011000 5050 1/0 $120.00 $25,90000 100/ $0 00 1-Jul 0.1 RAINTREE UNIT 1 3-Nuv-03 BOND 15.1 9i456 1(4451010 S..rOry ORIGINAL AMOUNT PREVIOUS REDUCTION REDUC I ION REQUEST BALANCE OESCRIP ZION O UANTII 9 U NII l'1ACE EXTENSION OUAN/II UNIT PRICE EATENSION OOAN 01 Y UNIT PRICE EXTENSION °/COMPLETE REMAINING I111aI l ype A 24"Dia. 35 EA 5600.00 $23 400 00 $000.00 $0.00 39 $600 00 123 400.00 100% 10.00 LoIs/I Boom I Type B,36"Dia 37 FA 11,000 00 13/,000.00 $1,000.00 $0.00 37 $1.000.00 137,000.00 100% $0.00 Ca/ch Bas111 Type A,40"DIA. E.EA $1 200.00 $6000 00 $1,200.00 $0 00 5 $1.200.00 15,000.00 100% $0.00 Co1c11 Basin Type A 60"DIA 2 EA 11,000.00 $3000 00 $1,000.00 10.00 2 11,000.00 $2,600.00 100% $0 00 Catch Booth Type A,72 DIA 1 EA 12,650 OU $2,550.00 $2,050.00 $0.00 1 $2050 00 12,850 D0 100% $0 00 Manhole I ype A,36'DIA 8 EA $900uo $7,200.00 $900.00 $000 6 $900.00 $720000 100% $0.00 Manhole Type A,48 DIA 20 LA $1,10000 $30,00000 $1,100.00 $0.00 20 $1,10000 $30,000.00 100% $000 Manhole Typo A 60 DIA 30 EA $1 450 00 343,500.00 $1450.00 $000 30 $1,40000 $40,50000 100% 10.00 Manhole Type A 72 DIA 2 EA $2 500 00 $5,20000 0'2,60000 10110 2 $2,00000 1520000 100% $000 Spe./0l2en/1010 5'04'00. 1 EA $4 000 00 14,800.00 $9,800 00 $0 00 04(100 00 14,000 00 10036 $0.00 Special Ma nllo/e 6'05'Bu. 1 EA $5 750 00 05,75000 $5,750.00 5000 $5,75000 15,75000 100% 40.00 Special 1441110106'06'Bon 1 EA 17,50000 $7.500.00 $7,50000 $0.00 17,50000 $750000 100% 40.D0 CONC EL EnvSec/12' 9 EA $75000 $3,00000 1/50 U0 1000 $/50.00 13X .00 1000L 10.00 CONE PL [1.1 Sect 18'W/Grole 1 EA $05000 $0000D $05000 $0.00 $850.00 $55000 1170% 10.00 CONC FL LIU Sect 21'WI Gra/. 1 EA $900 00 1900.00 $900.00 $0.00 $000 00 $000.00 1 10', $0 00 CONC FL End Sect 2a•WIGra)2 2 EA 1010.00 $1,55000 $975.00 9000 107500 $195000 100% $0.00 CONC El End SeLl 30"WIGrale 5 EA $1 350.00 16,150.00 $1,350.00 $0.00 $1,350.00 $0,750.00 1009. 10.00 CONC FL.Eno Secl 54"WIGrate 1 EA $2 650 00 02,650.00 0 $2,650 00 $0.00 12,650 00 $2 650.00 100% $0.00 Sturm Solo00 100 E0. $150.00 $15,000.00 0 $150.00 $0.00 10 1150.00 $15,000.00 100% $000 Tren0F/neckl/11 1.950 LI $12.00 $3900.00 0 112.00 $000 1,95 112.00 $'23,400.00 100% 10.00 TOTAL FOR$IQRM SEWER. 1610,170.75 50.00 4690,1]0.75 100"/ $0.00 PAVEMENT: 1.5"BIT CONC. Surf CSE,TO 2 MIX D,CII 05,000 SY $3.50 $50,060.00 0 $3.50 $0.D0 $5.20 00 00 190,01000 2.5"6I1 CONC Blndal CSE TY2CLI 19,000 SY 1525 $73,50000 0 $5.25 $0.00 14,000 $5.'25 $73,500.00 100°/ $0.00 4.5"All CONC Binder CSE 19201.1/2011/ 112900 SY 4550 $77,740.00 0 $6.50 $0 00 11 960 $6.50 $77,740.00 100°/, $0.00 10"Crushed 050 Base CSE.7 ype B 14,000 SY 07.00 $98,000 00 0 $/.00 $0.00 14 000 17.00 $98,000.00 100% $0.00 12 Clu0hed Agg Ease CSE.Type B 11,560 SY $8.00 $95680.00 0 18.00 10.00 11,060 $8.00 $95,000.00 100% $0.00 3"BIT CONC 50/CSC-TY 2,MoD CLI 3,000 SY $6./5 $25050.00 0 $6.75 $0.00 0 $6.75 00.00 825,610.00 10"Crushed Agy Bash CSE Typi B 3 800 SY $7.00 $26600.00 0 17.00 $0.00 3,000 17.00 $26 600.00 100% 50.00 COMB CONC Curb d 001/ar,I ype 8-E.12 16 900 LE $10.00 1169,000.00 0 $10.00 10 00 16,900 $10.00 $100,500.G0 100% $0.00 ILLS1d0wa/k 04300 SI $1 00 104 3000D 0 $1 00 1000 04300 $1.00 20430000 100'3" 41100 TOTAL FOR PAVEMENT: $742,130.00 $0.00 $125,620.$0 75% 5116.510 00 LANDSCAPING. 2 112C41 01/ee11(001 300 EA $31000 $143.56000 0 $37000 $0.00 380 $37000 4142,56000 100% $0.00 6"ball 0/n4///0nla/bees 73 EA $225.00 $16520.00 0 $225.00 5000 73 $225.00 $16,92500 1005$ 10.00 6"l all Everyman 1 tees 107 EA $250 00 120750.00 0 $250 00 10 00 10/ $250.00 $20 750.00 100% $0.00 11e0i2u001 0110111 121 EA 535.00 19.23500 0 $3000 $0.00 121 $35.00 $4,235.00 1001 $0 00 01111,11b111.1101$1.01 504 EA 175.00 $7,560 00 0 $1500 $0.00 509 $15006000 $7,5 100% $000 Perenni a/s 050 LA 112.00 111,400.00 0 $1200 10.00 950 $1200 $11,400.00 100% $(100 GIOunucover 460 EA $3.50 11,610.00 0 $350 10.00 400 $350 $1,510.00 100% $0.011 SOD 6 500 SY $2 50 $17,000.00 0 $2.50 $000 6800 $2 50 $17,00000 100% $0.00 Mulch 104 CY $3500 1364000 0 $35.00 $0.00 104 $25.00 $3,610.00 100% $0.00 Lew,S..,d WIE C.BIank0/ 10 AC $1800.00 $'10,000.00 0 $/,80000 $0.00 10 $7,00000 $70000.00 100% 40.00 LOw Pro/1le P/e/ne Seed MI,W7E C Blo,00l 5 5 AC $0 200 00 145,10000 0 08200.00 10 0055 18200.00 145,100 00 100% 10.00 Wel Me.%Seed My W7E.C 01ankal 1 5 AC 10,250.00 $12,30000 0 18,200.00 $0.00 1.5 $8,20000 $12300.00 100% 10-00 Energen/Plon Lings 30 AC $700000 121,200 00 0 $1,00000 10.00 3.0 11,00000 $21.000.00 100% $0.00 Noll00Flaming, 0500 $0,200.00 $4520.00 0 10,200.00 10.00 06 $0,200.01] $4.9920.00 100% $0.00 Enae1,1.0 Feature 10 EA $72000 GU $71000.00 0 $12,00000 $0.00 10 $72.000.00 172 000 00 100/ 4000 TOTAL FOR LANDSCAPING 5465,500 00 50.00 5465,500 00 100% 50.00 1 Jul 04 RAIN T REE UNIT 1 3-Nuv-03 BOND 1041 8445811avelers Sul ely ORIGINAL AMOUNT PREVIOUS REDUCTION REDUCTION REQUEST BALANCE DESCRIPTION QUANTITY LINT PRICE EXI ENSION QUANT ITT UNIT PAIGE EXIENSI IN CURIO ITT UNI I TRICE EXT ENSIOT %GOMPLEIE REMAINING MISCELLANEOUS: Sueal Llglll(Complel6) 32 LA 87.E00.TV12 81 000 UC1 0 83.500 U0 80.00 3`1 $3.500 OU 5112 000 00 100% 50.00 -- __ 0 IOIAL FOR MISCELLANEOUS.EL LANEOUS: $112,000.00 $0.00 $112,000.00 120% • S0-00 TOTAL SITE IMPROVEMENTS: $2,952,055.75 $0.00 $2,835,545.75 $116,510.00 CONTINGENCY Cm 10% 5295,225.55 TOTAL SITE IMPROVEMENTS. 53,247,251.33 TOTAL REDUCTION-THIS REQUEST: $2,515,545.75 'TOTAL PREVIOUS REDUCTIONS: 58.00 BALANCE REMAINING,LETT ER OF CREDIT. $411,715.55 52 Wheeler Road • Sugar Grove, IL 60554 TEL: 630 / 466-9350 FAX: 630 / 466-9380 www.eeiweb.com August 20, 2004 Mr. Tony Graff City Administrator United City of Yorkville 800 Game Farm Road Yorkville, IL 60560 Re: Professional Engineering Services For Southwest Water Works System Extensions Contracts F.1 through F.6 City of Yorkville, Kendall County, IL Dear Tony: Enclosed for your review and approval please find two (2) copies of our "Agreement for Professional Engineering Services" for professional design and construction engineering services on the above referenced group of projects. As you know, the attached agreements summarize the water improvements that would be required to connect a number of currently proposed subdivisions within the City's southwest planning area. Based on recent discussions, and the inclusion of additional properties for development consideration, we have revised our recommended plan. We have attached the recommended plan to the contract for your reference. In addition, we also have revised the cost estimates for the proposed improvements. We have attached the revised cost estimate summary to this letter. The attached Agreement covers six (6) individual Water Works System projects that have been identified as part of the southwest service area review. The projects lie generally west of IL Route 71 and south of the Fox River. The projects are identified as Contracts F.1 through F.6. Contracts F.1 through F.4 include the installation of 16-inch water main at various locations between Fox Road and south of IL Route 71. These installations will serve to connect the proposed developments to one another, assuming the proposed developments continue through the development review process and eventually receive approval. Contract F.5 includes the construction of a booster pump/pressure reducing valve station near IL Route 71, southwest of Legion Road, and Contract F.6 includes the construction of a pressure reducing valve station north of Fox Road. ConsuFting Engineers Specializing in Civil Engineering and Land Surveying Mr. Tony Graff August 20, 2004 Page 2 While each of these projects serve the same general area of the City, we understand that these projects may be approved for design and construction on a project by project basis. We further understand that these projects could be approved over an extended period of time and that one or more of the projects may ultimately not be constructed. Based on the current estimate of construction costs for Contracts F.1 through F.6 of $1,950,850, the proposed design and construction engineering fees are 15% of the estimated construction cost. We appreciate the opportunity to submit this "Agreement for Professional Services" and ask that you contact us if you have any questions regarding the agreement or any of the individual projects. We look forward to continuing our close working relationship with the City. Respectfully submitted, ENGINEERING ENTERPRISES, INC. William E. Dunn, P.E. Senior Project Manager Ab)• Jeffrey W. Freeman, P.E. Senior Project Manager WED/JWF/me Encl. pc: Mayor Arthur F. Prochaska, Jr. Public Works Committee Members (3 Total) Ms. Liz D'Anna — Deputy Clerk Ms. Traci Pleckham — Finance Director Mr. Joseph Wywrot, P.E. — City Engineer Mr. Eric Dhuse — Director of Public Works Attorney Dan Kramer— City Attorney PGW, JKM, BPS, DMT - EEI Off-Site Water Main and PRV Cost Estimates SOUTHWEST SERVICE AREA WATER WORKS SYSTEM EXPANSION ANALYSIS United City of Yorkville, Kendall Co., IL Engineering, Total Estimated Legal &Admin., Total Length Construction Contingency Soil &Mat.Testing Estimated Property (ft) Cost (10%) (20%) Cost Offsite Water Main 1 -Route 47 To Legion To Immanuel To Ronhill To 7,700 $537,000 $53,700 $118,100 $708,800 Neola To Prop. H Offsite Water Main 2-Prop. H To Highpoint To Mapleridge To Long 4,300 $287,000 $28,700 $63,100 $378,800 Grove To Prop. G Offsite Water Main 3 Prop.A To 1,600 $80,000 $8,000 $17,600 $105,600 Prop. B Offsite Water Main 4 River's 3,900 $250,000 $25,000 $55,000 $330,000 Edge To Prop. C Booster Pump and Pressure Reducing Valve Station- IL Route -- $444,500 $44,450 $97,790 $586,740 71 (Prop. G) Pressure Reducing Valve Station $175,000 $17,500 $38,500 $231,000 North of Fox Road (Prop. D) Total: 17,500 $1,773,500 $177,350 $390,090 $2,340,940 G:\Public\Yorkville\2004\Y00402 Fox Road Water System Extension Analysis\Eng\[Offsite Cost Estimates.xls]Summary Estimate Notes: Prop. = Property ENGINEERING ENTERPRISES,INC. SUGAR GROVE,IL REVISED: 8/19/04 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES This Agreement, made this day of , 20 , by and between the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois, hereafter referred to as the OWNER, and Engineering Enterprises, Inc., Sugar Grove, Illinois hereinafter referred to as the ENGINEER: The OWNER intends to construct Water Works System Improvements in Kendall County, State of Illinois and for which the ENGINEER agrees to perform the various professional engineering services for the design and construction of said improvements. The OWNER intends to construct the improvements as follows: Contract F.1 Install approximately 7,700 LF of 16-inch water main from Route 47 & Legion Road along Legion to Ronhill Road to Neola Road to Property H (See Attached Exhibit— Off Site Water Main 1); Contract F.2 Install approximately 4,300 LF of 16-inch water main from Property H to Highpoint Road to Mapleridge Road to Long Grove Drive to Property G (See Attached Exhibit— Off Site Water Main 2); Contract F.3 Install approximately 1,600 LF of 16-inch water main between Property A to Property B (See Attached Exhibit— Off Site Water Main 3); Contract F.4 Install approximately 3,900 LF of 16-inch water main between River's Edge Subdivision to C along Fox Road (See Attached Exhibit—Off Site Water Main 4); Contract F.5 Construct a Booster Pump/Pressure Reducing Valve Station near IL Route 71 in Property G (See Attached Exhibit—Proposed BP/PRV Station); and Contract F.6 Construct a Pressure Reducing Valve Station north of Fox Road in Property D (See Attached Exhibit—Proposed PRV Station). WITNESSETH: That for and in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises between the parties hereto, it is hereby agreed: SECTION A- PROFESSIONAL DESIGN ENGINEERING SERVICES The ENGINEER shall furnish professional design engineering services as follows: 1. The ENGINEER will attend conferences with the OWNER, or other interested parties as may be reasonably necessary. 1 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE (Section A—Continued) 2. The ENGINEER will perform the necessary design surveys, accomplish the detailed design of the project, prepare construction drawings, specifications and contract documents, and prepare a final cost estimate based on final design for the entire system. It is also understood that if subsurface explorations (such as borings, soil tests, rock soundings and the like) are required, the ENGINEER will furnish coordination of said explorations without additional charge, but the costs incident to such explorations shall be paid for by the OWNER as set out in Section D hereof. 3. The contract documents furnished by the ENGINEER under Section A-2 shall utilize IEPA endorsed construction contract documents, including Supplemental General Conditions, Contract Change Orders, and partial payment estimates. 4. Prior to the advertisement for bids, the ENGINEER will provide for each construction contract, not to exceed 10 copies of detailed drawings, specifications, and contract documents for use by the OWNER, appropriate Federal, State, and local agencies from whom approval of the project must be obtained. The cost of such drawings, specifications, and contract documents shall be included in the basic compensation paid to the ENGINEER. 5. The ENGINEER will furnish additional copies of the drawings, specifications and contract documents as required by prospective bidders, material suppliers, and other interested parties, but may charge them for the reasonable cost of such copies. Upon award of each contract, the ENGINEER will furnish to the OWNER five sets of the drawings, specifications and contract documents for execution. The cost of these sets shall be included in the basic compensation paid to the ENGINEER. Original documents, survey notes, tracings, and the like, except those furnished to the ENGINEER by the OWNER, are and shall remain the property of the ENGINEER. 6. The drawings prepared by the ENGINEER under the provisions of Section A-2 above shall be in sufficient detail to permit the actual location of the proposed improvements on the ground. The ENGINEER shall prepare and furnish to the OWNER without any additional compensation, three copies of map(s) showing the general location of needed construction easements and permanent easements and the land to be acquired. Property surveys, property plats, property descriptions, abstracting and negotiations for land rights shall be accomplished by the OWNER, unless the OWNER requests, and the ENGINEER agrees to provide those services. In the event the ENGINEER is requested to provide such services, the ENGINEER shall be additionally compensated as set out in Section D hereof. 2 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE (Section A—Continued) 7. The ENGINEER will attend the bid opening and tabulate the bid proposal, make an analysis of the bids, and make recommendations for awarding contracts for construction. 8. The ENGINEER further agrees to obtain and maintain, at the ENGINEER's expense, such insurance as will protect the ENGINEER from claims under the Workman's Compensation Act and such comprehensive general liability insurance as will protect the OWNER and the ENGINEER from all claims for bodily injury, death, or property damage which may arise from the performance by the ENGINEER or by the ENGINEER's employees of the ENGINEER's functions and services required under this Agreement. 9. The ENGINEER will complete the final plans, specifications and contract documents and submit for approval of the OWNER, and all State regulatory agencies within the specified number of days from the date of authorization unless agreed to by both parties. The number of specified days per contract are as listed below: Contract F.1 — 120 calendar days Contract F.2— 120 calendar days Contract F.3—90 calendar days Contract F.4— 120 calendar days Contract F.5— 120 calendar days Contract F.6—90 calendar days If the above is not accomplished within the time period specified, this Agreement may be terminated by the OWNER. The time for completion may be extended by the OWNER for a reasonable time if completion is delayed due to unforeseeable cases beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of the ENGINEER. SECTION B -PROFESSIONAL CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING SERVICES The ENGINEER shall furnish professional construction engineering services as follows: 1. The ENGINEER will review, for conformance with the design concept, shop and working drawings required by the construction Contract Documents and indicate on the drawings the action taken. Such action shall be taken with reasonable promptness. 3 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE (Section B—Continued) 2. The ENGINEER will interpret the intent of the drawings and specifications to protect the OWNER against defects and deficiencies in construction on the part of the contractors. The ENGINEER will not, however, guarantee the performance by any contractor. 3. The ENGINEER will evaluate and determine acceptability of substitute materials and equipment proposed by Contractor(s). 4. The ENGINEER will establish baselines for locating the work together with a suitable number of bench marks adjacent to the work as shown in the contract documents. 5. The ENGINEER will provide general engineering review of the work of the Contractor(s) as construction progresses to ascertain that the Contractor is conforming with the design concept. (a) ENGINEER shall have authority, as the OWNER's representative, to require special inspection of or testing of the work, and shall receive and review all certificates of inspections, testing and approvals required by laws, rules, regulations, ordinances, codes, orders or the Contract Documents (but only to determine generally that their content complies with requirements of, and the results certified indicate compliance with, the Contract Documents). (b) During such engineering review, ENGINEER shall have the authority, as the OWNER's representative, to disapprove of or reject Contractor(s)' work while it is in progress if ENGINEER believes that such work will not produce a completed Project that conforms generally to the Contract Documents or that it will prejudice the integrity of the design concept of the Project as reflected in the Contract Documents. 6. The ENGINEER will provide resident construction observation. Resident construction observation shall consist of visual inspection of materials, equipment, or construction work for the purpose of ascertaining that the work is in substantial conformance with the contract documents and with the design intent. Such observation shall not be relied upon by others as acceptance of the work. The ENGINEER's undertaking hereunder shall not relieve the Contractor of Contractor's obligation to perform the work in conformity with the drawings and specifications and in a workmanlike manner; shall not make the ENGINEER an insurer of the Contractor's performance; and shall not impose upon the ENGINEER any obligation to see that the work is performed in a safe manner. Attachment 1 - The Limitations of Authority, Duties and Responsibilities of the Resident Construction Observer is attached to this Agreement. 7. The ENGINEER will cooperate and work closely with representatives of the OWNER. 4 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE (Section B—Continued) 8. Based on the ENGINEER's on-site observations as an experienced and qualified design professional, on information provided by the Resident Construction Observer, and upon review of applications for payment with the accompanying data and schedules by the Contractor, the ENGINEER: (a) Shall determine the amounts owing to Contractor(s) and recommend in writing payments to Contractor(s) in such amounts. Such recommendations of payment will constitute a representation to OWNER, based on such observations and review, that the work has progressed to the point indicated, and that, to the best of the ENGINEER's knowledge, information and belief, the quality of such work is generally in accordance with the Contract Documents (subject to an evaluation of such work as a functioning whole prior to or upon substantial completion, to the results of any subsequent tests called for in the Contract Documents, and to any other qualifications stated in the recommendation). (b) By recommending any payment, ENGINEER will not hereby be deemed to have represented that exhaustive, continuous or detailed reviews or examinations have been made by ENGINEER to check the quality or quantity of Contractor(s)' work as it is furnished and performed beyond the responsibilities specifically assigned to ENGINEER in the Agreement and the Contract Documents. ENGINEER's review of Contractor(s)' work for the purposes of recommending payments will not impose on Engineer responsibility to supervise, direct or control such work or for the means, methods, techniques, sequences, or procedures of construction or safety precautions or programs incident thereto or Contractor(s) compliance with laws, rules, regulations, ordinances, codes or orders applicable to their furnishing and performing the work. It will also not impose responsibility on ENGINEER to make any examination to ascertain how or for what purposes any Contractor has used the moneys paid on account of the Contract Price, or to determine that title to any of the work, materials equipment has passed to OWNER free and clear of any lien, claims, security interests, or encumbrances, or that there may not be other matters at issue between OWNER and Contractor that might affect the amount that should be paid. 9. The ENGINEER will prepare necessary contract change orders for approval of the OWNER, and others on a timely basis. 10. The ENGINEER will make a final review prior to the issuance of the statement of substantial completion of all construction and submit a written report to the OWNER. Prior to submitting the final pay estimate, the ENGINEER shall submit the statement of completion to and obtain the written acceptance of the facility from the OWNER. 5 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE (Section B—Continued) 11. The ENGINEER will provide the OWNER with one set of reproducible record (as-built) drawings and two sets of prints at no additional cost to the OWNER. Such drawings will be based upon construction records provided by the contractor during construction and reviewed by the resident construction observer and from the resident construction observer's construction data. 12. If State Statutes require notices and advertisements of final payment, the ENGINEER shall assist in their preparation. 13. The ENGINEER will be available to furnish engineering services and consultations necessary to correct unforeseen project operation difficulties for a period of one year after the date of statement of substantial completion of the facility. This service will include instruction of the OWNER in initial project operation and maintenance but will not include supervision of normal operation of the system. Such consultation and advice shall be at the hourly rates as described in the attached "Standard Schedule of Charges", dated January 1, 2004. The ENGINEER will assist the OWNER in performing a review of the project during the 11th month after the date of the certificate of substantial completion. 14. The ENGINEER further agrees to obtain and maintain, at the ENGINEER's expense, such insurance as will protect the ENGINEER from claims under the Workman's Compensation Act and such comprehensive general liability insurance as will protect the OWNER and the ENGINEER from all claims for bodily injury, death, or property damage which may arise from the performance by the ENGINEER or by the ENGINEER's employees of the ENGINEER's functions and services required under this Agreement. 15. The ENGINEER will provide construction engineering services on the various projects in accordance with the project schedules developed as each of the contracts, F.1 through F.6, is authorized for construction. If the above is not accomplished within the time period specified, this Agreement may be terminated by the OWNER. The time for completion may be extended by the OWNER for a reasonable time if completion is delayed due to unforeseeable cases beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of the ENGINEER. SECTION C—COMPENSATION FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES 1. The OWNER shall compensate the ENGINEER for professional design engineering services in the amount of One Hundred Fifty Six Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty and 00/100 - Fixed Fee (FF) Dollars ($ 156,750 FF ) as summarized on Attachment A: "Summary of Compensation for Professional Engineering Services" dated August 19, 2004. (a) The compensation for the professional design engineering services shall be payable as follows: 6 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE (Section C—Continued) (1) A sum which does not exceed ninety percent (90%) of the total compensation payable under Section C-1 shall be paid in monthly increments for work actually completed and invoiced, for the preparation and submission to the OWNER and/or IEPA of the construction drawings, specifications, cost estimates and contract documents. (2) A sum which, together with the compensation paid pursuant to Section C-1(a)(1) above, equals one hundred percent (100%) of the total compensation due and payable in accord with Section C-1 above, shall be due immediately after the award of construction contract(s) is approved by the corporate authorities. (3) The stated fixed fee value for each project will apply to all projects with a notice to proceed prior to April 30, 2005. The fee for each project will be increased by 3% per year for each project that proceeds after April 30, 2005. 2. The OWNER shall compensate the ENGINEER for the administration of the construction contracts (Construction Administration) in the amount of Fifty One Thousand Seven Hundred and 00/100— Fixed Fee (FF) Dollars ($ 51,700 FF ) as summarized on Attachment A: "Summary of Compensation for Professional Engineering Services" dated August 19, 2004. (a) The compensation for the construction administration services shall be payable as follows: (1) A sum which does not exceed ninety percent (90%) of the total compensation payable under Section C-2 shall be paid in monthly increments for work actually completed and invoiced, for the administration of the construction contracts. (2) A sum which, together with the compensation paid pursuant to Section C-2(a)(1) above, equals one hundred percent (100%) of the total compensation due and payable in accord with Section C-2 above, shall be due immediately after the final Contractor pay-out is processed. (2) The stated fixed fee value for each project will apply to all projects with a construction initiation prior to April 30, 2005. The fee for each project will be increased by 3% per year for each project that proceeds after April 30, 2005. 3. The OWNER shall compensate the ENGINEER for the construction staking, construction observation (including the Resident Construction Observer), and the additional consultation and surveying services on the basis of Hourly Rates- HR as described on the attached "Standard Schedule of Charges" dated 7 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE (Section C—Continued) January 1, 2004 or as reevaluated on May 1 of each following year. The estimated values, based on the current schedule, are included in Attachment A. (a) The compensation for the construction staking, construction observation (including the Resident Construction Observer), and any additional consultation and surveying services shall be payable as follows: (1) A sum which equals any charges for work actually completed and invoiced shall be paid at least once per month. (2) On May 1 of each calendar year, the "Standard Schedule of Charges" may be reevaluate by the ENGINEER to account for cost of living and/or cost of engineering service changes in subsequent years. A maximum hourly rate increase of $3.00 may be applied to each employee designation each year. 4. The compensation for any additional engineering services authorized by the OWNER pursuant to Section D shall be payable as follows: (a) A sum which equals any charges for work actually completed and invoiced shall be paid at least once per month. SECTION D—ADDITIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES In addition to the foregoing being performed, the following services may be provided UPON PRIOR WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION OF THE OWNER. 1. Site surveys for water treatment plants, sewage treatment works, dams, reservoirs, and other similar special surveys as may be required. 2. Laboratory tests, well tests, borings, specialized geological soils hydraulic, or other studies recommended by the ENGINEER. 3. Property surveys, detailed description of sites, maps, drawings, or estimates related thereto; assistance in negotiating for land and easement rights. 4. Necessary data and filing maps for litigation, such as condemnation. 5. Redesigns ordered by the OWNER after final plans have been accepted by the OWNER and IEPA. 8 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE (Section D—Continued) 6. Appearances before courts or boards on matters of litigation or hearings related to the project. 7. Preparation of environmental impact assessments or environmental impact statements. 8. Making drawings from field measurements of existing facilities when required for planning additions or alterations thereto. 9. Services due to changes in the scope of the Project or its design, including but not limited to, changes in size, complexity, schedule or character of construction. 10. Revising studies or reports which have previously been approved by the OWNER, or when revisions are due to cases beyond the control of the ENGINEER. 11. Preparation of design documents for alternate bids where major changes require additional documents. 12. Preparation of detailed renderings, exhibits or scale models for the Project. 13. Providing special analysis of the OWNER's needs such as owning and operating analysis, plan for operation and maintenance, OWNER's special operating drawings or charts, and any other similar analysis. 14. The preparation of feasibility studies, appraisals and evaluations, detailed quantity surveys of material and labor, and material audits or inventories by the OWNER. 15. Additional or extended services during construction made necessary by (1) work damaged by fire or other cause during construction, (2) defective or incomplete work of the Contractor, and/or (3) the Contractor's default on the Construction Contract due to delinquency or insolvency. 16. Providing design services relating to future facilities, systems and equipment which are not intended to be constructed or operated as a part of the Project. 17. Providing other services not otherwise provided for in this Agreement, including services normally furnished by the OWNER as described in Section F—SPECIAL PROVISIONS—Owner's Responsibilities. Payment for the services specified in this Section D shall be as agreed in writing between the OWNER and the ENGINEER prior to commencement of the work. The ENGINEER will render to OWNER for such services an itemized bill, separate from any other billing, once each month, for compensation for services performed 9 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE (Section D—Continued) hereunder during such period, the same to be due and payable by OWNER to the ENGINEER on or before the 10th day of the following period. Payment for services noted in Section D shall be at Actual Cost(AC), Fixed Fee (FF) or Hourly (HR). SECTION E-INTEREST ON UNPAID SUMS OWNER shall make all payments to ENGINEER in accord with the requirements of the Illinois Local Government Prompt Payment Act, 50 ILCS 505/1 et seq., including but not limited to the penalty provisions contained therein. SECTION F -SPECIAL PROVISIONS 1. OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITIES (a) Provide to the ENGINEER all criteria, design and construction standards and full information as to the OWNER's requirements for the Project. (b) Designate a person authorized to act as the OWNER's representative. The OWNER or his representative shall receive and examine documents submitted by the ENGINEER, interpret and define the OWNER's policies and render decisions and authorizations in writing promptly to prevent unreasonable delay in the progress of the ENGINEER's services. (c) Furnish laboratory tests, air and water pollution tests, reports and inspections of samples, materials or other items required by law or by governmental authorities having jurisdiction over this Project, or as recommended by the ENGINEER. (d) Provide legal, accounting, right-of-way acquisition and insurance counseling services necessary for the Project, legal review of the construction Contract Documents, and such auditing services as the OWNER may require to account for expenditures of sums paid to the Contractor. (e) Furnish above services at the OWNER's expense and in such manner that the ENGINEER may rely upon them in the performance of his services under this Agreement and in accordance with the Project timetable. (f) In the event that the OWNER shall bring any suit, cause of action or counterclaim against the ENGINEER, to the extent that the ENGINEER shall prevail, the party initiating such action shall pay to the ENGINEER the cost and expenses incurred to answer and/or defend such action, including reasonable attorney fees and court costs. In no event shall the ENGINEER indemnify 10 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE (Section F—Continued) any other party for the consequences of that party's negligence, including failure to follow the ENGINEER's recommendations. (g) Guarantee full and free access for the ENGINEER to enter upon all property required for the performance of the ENGINEER's services under this Agreement. (h) Give prompt written notice to the ENGINEER whenever the OWNER observes or otherwise becomes aware of any defect in the Project or other event which may substantially affect the ENGINEER's performance of services under this Agreement. (i) Protect and preserve all survey stakes and markers placed at the project site prior to the assumption of this responsibility by the Contractor and bear all costs of replacing stakes or markers damaged or removed during said time interval. 2. All original documents, including but not limited to ideas, designs, drawings and specifications, are to remain the property of the ENGINEER, however, the ENGINEER shall provide signed duplicate originals of same to the OWNER. Modifications of any signed duplicate original document not authorized by ENGINEER will be at OWNER's sole risk and without legal liability to the ENGINEER. Use of any incomplete, unsigned document will, likewise, be at the OWNER's sole risk and without legal liability to the ENGINEER. 3. Delegation of Duties - Neither the OWNER nor the ENGINEER shall delegate his duties under this Agreement without the written consent of the other. 4. Extent of Agreement - This Agreement represents the entire and integrated Agreement between the OWNER and the ENGINEER and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations or agreement, either written or oral. This Agreement may be amended only by written instrument signed by the OWNER and the ENGINEER. 5. Governing Law - Unless otherwise specified within this Agreement, this Agreement shall be governed by the law of the principal place of business of the ENGINEER. 6. In the event any provisions of this Agreement shall be held to be invalid and unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall be valid and binding upon the parties. 7. The ENGINEER has not been retained or compensated to provide design services relating to the Contractor's safety precautions or to means, methods, techniques, sequences, or procedures required by the Contractor to perform his work but not relating to the final or completed structure; omitted services 11 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE (Section F—Continued) include but are not limited to shoring, scaffolding, underpinning, temporary retainment of excavations and any erection methods and temporary bracing. 8. The ENGINEER intends to render his services under this Agreement in accordance with generally accepted professional practices for the intended use of the Project. 9. Since the ENGINEER has no control over the cost of labor, materials, equipment or services furnished by others, or over the Contractor(s) methods of determining prices, or over competitive bidding or market conditions, his opinions of probable Project Costs and Construction Costs provided for herein are to be made on the basis of his experience and qualifications and represent his best judgment as an experienced and qualified professional engineer, familiar with the construction industry; but the ENGINEER cannot and does not guarantee that proposals, bids or actual project or construction cost will not vary from opinions of probable cost prepared by him. If prior to the bidding or negotiating phase OWNER wishes greater assurance as to project or construction costs he shall employ an independent cost estimator. 10. TERMINATION (a) Should the OWNER decide to abandon, discontinue, or terminate the Project at any stage of development, the ENGINEER shall receive seven (7) days written notice and be compensated for their services through the appropriate fee schedule provided for in the Agreement to date of abandonment, discontinuance or termination. (b) In the event the project is delayed for causes beyond the control of the ENGINEER for a period of six months or more, the ENGINEER shall be paid for his services to the beginning of the delay on the basis of actual cost plus 125% to cover profit, overhead and readiness to serve -"actual cost" being defined as material costs plus actual payrolls, insurance, social security and retirement deductions. Traveling and other out-of-pocket expense will be reimbursed to the ENGINEER at his actual cost. 12 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed, or caused to be executed by their duly authorized officials, this Agreement in duplicate on the respective dates indicated below. (SEAL) OWNER: City of Yorkville By ATTEST Print Name Arthur F. Prochaska, Jr. Print Name Ms. Jackie Milschewski Title Mayor Title City Clerk Date (SEAL) ENGINEER: Engineering Enterprises, Inc. By ATTEST Print Name James K. Michels, P.E. Print Name Ms. Dawn M. Goodbred Title President Title Secretary Date \\eeint\EEI-DOCS\PUBLIC\Yorkville\2001\YO0101 Well No.6 Improvements\Doc\agreement.doc 13 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE ATTACHMENT 1 to Agreement for Professional Engineering Services THE LIMITATIONS OF AUTHORITY, DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE RESIDENT CONSTRUCTION OBSERVER ARE AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Resident Construction Observer shall act under the direct supervision of the ENGINEER, shall be the ENGINEER's agent in all matters relating to on-site construction review of the Contractor's work, shall communicate only with the ENGINEER and the Contractor (or Contractors), and shall communicate with subcontractors only through the Contractor or his authorized superintendent. The OWNER shall communicate with the Resident Construction Observer only through the ENGINEER. 2. The Resident Construction Observer shall review and inspect on-site construction activities of the Contractor relating to portions of the Project designed and specified by the Engineer as contained in the Construction Contract Documents. 3. Specifically omitted from the Resident Construction Observer's duties are any review of the Contractor's safety precautions, or the means, methods, sequences, or procedures required for the Contractor to perform the work but not relating to the final or completed Project. Omitted design or review services include but are not limited to shoring, scaffolding, underpinning, temporary retainment of excavations and any erection methods and temporary bracing. 4. The specific duties and responsibilities of the Resident Construction Observer are enumerated as follows: (a) Schedules: Review the progress schedule, schedule of Shop Drawing submissions and schedule of values prepared by Contractor and consult with ENGINEER concerning their acceptability. (b) Conferences: Attend preconstruction conferences. Arrange a schedule of progress meetings and other job conferences as required in consultation with ENGINEER and notify those expected to attend in advance. Attend meetings and maintain and circulate copies of minutes thereof. (c) Liason: (1) Serve as ENGINEER's liaison with Contractor, working principally through Contractor's superintendent and assist him in understanding the intent of the Contract Documents. 1 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE (Attachment 1 —Continued) (2) Assist ENGINEER in serving as OWNER's liaison with Contractor when Contractor's operations affect OWNER's on-site operations. (3) As requested by ENGINEER, assist in obtaining from OWNER additional details or information, when required at the job site for proper erection of the work. (d) Shop Drawings and Samples: (1) Receive and record date of receipt of Shop Drawings and samples. (2) Receive samples that are furnished at the site by Contractor, and notify ENGINEER of their availability for examination. (3) Advise ENGINEER and Contractor or its superintendent immediately of the commencement of any work requiring a Shop Drawing or sample submission if the submission has not been approved by ENGINEER. (e) Review of Work, Rejection of Defective Work, Inspections and Tests: (1) Conduct on-site inspection of the work in progress to assist ENGINEER in determining if the work is proceeding in accordance with the Contract Documents and that completed work will conform to the Contract Documents. (2) Report to ENGINEER whenever he believes that any work is unsatisfactory, faulty or defective or does not conform to the Contract Documents, or does not meet the requirements of any inspections, test or approval required to be made or has been damaged prior to final payment; and advise ENGINEER when he believes work should be corrected or rejected or should be uncovered for inspection, or requires special testing, inspection or approval. (3) Verify that tests, equipment and systems start-ups, and operating and maintenance instructions are conducted as required by the Contract Documents and in presence of the required personnel, and that Contractor maintains adequate records thereof; observe, record and report to ENGINEER appropriate details relative to the test procedures and start-ups. 2 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE (Attachment 1 —Continued) (4) Accompany visiting inspectors representing public or other agencies having jurisdiction over the Project, record the outcome of these inspections and report to ENGINEER. (f) Interpretation of Contract Documents: Transmit to Contractor ENGINEER's clarifications and interpretations of the Contract Documents. (g) Modifications: Consider and evaluate Contractor's suggestions for modifications in Drawings or Specifications and report them with recommendations to ENGINEER. (h) Records: (1) Maintain at the job site orderly files for correspondence, reports of job conferences, Shop Drawings and samples submissions, reproductions of original Contract Documents including all addenda, change orders, field orders, additional drawings issued subsequent to the execution of the Contract, ENGINEER's clarifications and interpretations of the Contract Documents, progress reports, and other Project related documents. (2) Keep a diary or log book, recording hours on the job site, weather conditions, data relative to questions of extras or deductions, list of visiting officials and representatives of manufacturers, fabricators, suppliers and distributors, daily activities, decisions, observations in general and specific observations in more detail as in the case of observing test procedures. Send copies to ENGINEER. (3) Record names, addresses and telephone numbers of all Contractors, subcontractors and major suppliers of materials and equipment. (i) Reports: (1) Furnish ENGINEER periodic reports as required of progress of the work and Contractor's compliance with the approved progress schedule and schedule of Shop Drawing submissions. (2) Consult with ENGINEER in advance of schedule major tests, inspections or start of important phases of the work. (3) Report immediately to ENGINEER upon the occurrence of any accident. 3 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE (Attachment 1 —Continued) Q) Payment Requisitions: Review applications for payment with Contractor for compliance with the established procedure for their submission and forward them with recommendations to ENGINEER, noting particularly their relation to the schedule of values, work completed and materials and equipment delivered at the site but not incorporated in the work. (k) Certificates, Maintenance and Operating Manuals: During the course of the work, verify that certificates, maintenance and operation manuals and other data required to be assembled and furnished by Contractor are applicable to the items actually installed; and deliver this material to ENGINEER for his review and forwarding to OWNER prior to final acceptance of the work. (I) Completion: (1) Before ENGINEER issues a Statement of Substantial Completion, submit to Contractor a list of observed items requiring completion or correction. (2) Conduct final review in the company of ENGINEER, OWNER and Contractor and prepare a final list of items to be completed or corrected. (3) Verify that all items on final list have been completed or corrected and make recommendations to ENGINEER concerning acceptance. G:\Public\Yorkville\2004\Y00402 Fox Road Water System Extension Analysis\Doc\agreement.doc 4 U S ROUTE 34 PR�suRE zZO \ _ _— i- -' PRESSURE ZONE Nq, - ( �l � _ l _. t1 I RTS _ (NORTH ZONE) 4 1,-r _I / �/ 7`y� (NORTH CENTRALONE)r"* `"nor..Y"� . J �i i �}'ip� �l^ J� / •i, ,..iis _, -,_ , -WN/j._._ I ,1 ��' 7 � . � ,,__,_ � y POTENTIAL .t�.- _ it ELEVATED 30 i _ i l� TANK SITE I - _- ORT. i . -----,.'-----------------,---'1--- �I i ,-.I. i --, �t -- /1 � 2000' 0' 2000' 4000' 44 BR XNXit r I- ilk ,; 1 .,[ n���.-., y _ ti` SCALE FEET w„- II _..... - \; -111."1111,„„,,,,,11 Ilk ii. `{ �� ' I y o _�� ° -*p, ''�' o� '”/ice �l ��` \ ��� ,'��� PRESSURE ZONE NO.2 _ / �p :I � i CURRENT FACILITIES AND ELEVATIONS — 0� $° �� �I y_ -STORAGE:300,000 GAL. Et p� r �, RICHARD YOUNG j z O� -- '0` ` 4,0 - FOREST PRESERVE y'- 2,0 -TCL:763 = �_� FOREST PRESERVE - -GROUND ELEVATIONS:580-650 o IP OFF SITE i j � �� - -SUPPLY:1,850 GPM WATER MAIN % T�"w - �1 so •cEnTpA - fy �/ /%� PROPOSED oN6T �. r-_. 77�IryET ` j� 00°,.gip�7. pIL. O PRV STATIONOr 40 \�O\)j Lam ' t�� \� t ... f _f _if PR.,..'•SED z. BOOS • � �� '. 4 .I't-..� _il..._ I AND_.fLNDERV PATIO '�1� it ` Ik /�/� © OFF SITE .- RAL ',_ %�,;- �, i . NT RAL WATER MAIN " PRESSURE ZONE NO.3 ✓. / CURRENT FACILITIES AND ELEVATIONS \�,�A�v�, ��RIs PROPOSED �� / `---L.- RgsRot,7E STORAGE:500,000 GAL. �' V<<io F.P. rav STATION - _ A % ���_s� TCL:850 �� / �Ro (IJ �� �� - PROPOSED 1 25 MG SOUTH PROPOSED q�. - CONSTRUC ') EWST,WELL NO.7,WELL I -GROUND ELEVATIONS:645-715 BP/PRV STATION �� - j NO.7 WELL HOU I y SUPPLY:0 GPM % .q'0 ��_ ,KE LL ,, 40- �� TREATMENTFA,ILITY II -� zI � 4 If.#4.-7 /FAI(GRODS''rr COS• ' (UNDER1 4 O ` (�♦ -N �� CONSTRUCTION) - * a' oy a , L $ 7 OFFSkTE -5l cWATERMAIN T©- PUBLIC FGI TIES� PROPOSED if -.. _... II /� II847E(EWST, JELL, AND TREATM4NT) I / It- 11 .AMENTROAD __ ��WATERMAIN t PRESSURE ZONE NO.4 �/ OFF SITE `O (' CURRENT FACILITIES AND ELEVATIONS �- / II I' C -STORAGE:1,250,000 GAL.(UNDER CONSTRUCTION) I ii - -TCL:920 IL, - II GROUND ELEVATIONS:715-790 a (UNDER ) hll li �! SUPPLY:1,000 GPM CONSTRUCTION cN IPZROENSEUNRER II (SOUTH ZONE) I1 11 'V ;I . PRESSURE I ,I i 1 Cr ZONE No 3 1(SOUTH CENTRAL ZONE) LEGEND� PRESSURE li ZONE No-S EXISTING LESS THAN 4"WATER ATER MAIN ai (SOUTH EAST o 0 O z EXISTING 4"WATER MAIN CV KI N1II ��! WYrI YEXISTING 6"WATER MAIN F z all i; _�.,. EXISTING 8"WATER MAIN m m ' W LKER RO _ _ _ AD _—____ __:_ EXISTING 10"WATER MAIN — — EXISTING 12"WATER MAIN 'I ?' EXISTING 16"WATER MAIN 3 °zf FUTURE 12"WATER MAIN -,li ———FUTURE 16"WATER MAIN C,Io m, _; z , CURRENT PROPERTIES WITHIN 11 ��! 1 TI g /�SOUTHWEST SERVICE AREA } ,1 Ih I' , �j y v s CONSIDERING DEVELOPMENT 3 COPYRIGHT©2004 ENGINEERING ENTERPRISES, INC_ =H\SOSVPROJ\Y00402\PWC\Y0040202 CV DATE MARCH 2004 Engineering Enterprises, Inc. UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE SOUTHWEST WATER WORKS WATER DISTRIBUTION PLAN PROJ. NO. Y00402 ° 7.1 Consulting Engineers KENDALL COUNTY, ILLINOIS o � 52 Wheeler Road SYSTEM EXPANSION ANALYSIS FILE NO. Y0040202 N Sugar Grove, Illinois 60554 630/466-9350 No. DATE REVISIONS EXHIBIT A • ATTACHMENT A: SUMMARY OF COMPENSATION FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 8/19/04 WATER WORKS SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS City of Yorkville, Kendall Co., IL DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION STAKING DESIGN ENGINEERING ADMINISTR. AND OBSERVATION (Contract=FF) (Contract=FF) (Contract=HR) Estimated -Total .. % Constr. Constr. Constr. Total %Of Constr. Design Constr. Administration Staking&Drafting Observ. " Constr.=,,,, ,,,.v,<Oolj*p::.,kfilj Contract Project Costs Expenses •Cost Expenses Expenses Expenses ,Expe is � �„;Com, F.1 Offsite Water Main 1 $590,700 $45,500 7,7% $13,000 $14,500 $13,900 $41,400; 7 0°!b; F.2 Offsite Water Main 2 $315,700 $25,250 8.0% $7,100 $6,800 $8,200 $22,100 , `70% F.3 Offsite Water Main 3 $88,000 $8,000 9.1% $2,000 $2,400 $1,800 ,_ $6,200 • 70%i.. F.4 Offsite Water Main 4 $275,000 $22,000 8.0% $6,300 $6,100 $7,500 $10900 ,„„„•,7.2W,`,' F.5 BP/PRV Station $488,950 $38,000 7.8% $16,500 $5,000 $11,000 $32,$00 , 66°70,,, F.6 PRV Station $192,500 $18,000 9.4% $6,800 $2,500 $4,200 -,$.13,500 .,..?0% '' ati V TOTAL "1,950 850 .1;56 750 8,0%. $5:170{k ......, $3'7,300 $46 600 'x'$135,.. R3 u s � e� i 0:\Public\Yorkville\2004\Y00402 Fox Road Water System Extension Analysis\Engufee inventory02.xls]Summary ADDITIONAL CONSULTATION,SURVEYING,AND TESTING SERVICES Estimated Contract CONTRACT DESIGNATIONS Service Costs Type HR=Hourly Rate With Estimated Fee Easements and Legal Surveying $30,000 HR FF=Fixed Fee Subsurface Soils Investigation&Material Testings $50,000 AC AC=Actual Cost TOTAL ENGINEERING CONSULTATION: $80,000 -- Notes: Subsurface soils investigation and material testing costs are estimated; Work to be completed by another company with EEI coordination ENGINEERING ENTERPRISES,INC. SUGAR GROVE,IL 52 Wheeler Road • Sugar Grove, IL 60554 TEL: 630 / 466-9350 STANDARD SCHEDULE OF CHARGES FAX: 630 / 466-9380 www.eeiweb.com January 1, 2004 EMPLOYEE DESIGNATION CLASSIFICATION HOURLY RATE Principal Engineer E-3 $123.00 Senior Project Manager E-2 $114.00 Project Manager E-1 $105.00 Senior Project Engineer/Surveyor P-5 $ 96.00 Project Engineer/Surveyor P-4 $ 87.00 Senior Engineer/Surveyor P-3 $ 78.00 Engineer/Surveyor P-2 $ 69.00 Associate Engineer/Surveyor P-1 $ 60.00 Senior Project Technician T-5 $ 87.00 Project Technician T-4 $ 78.00 Senior Technician T-3 $ 69.00 Technician T-2 $ 60.00 Associate Technician T-1 $ 51.00 Secretary A-3 $ 60.00 VEHICLES, EQUIPMENT AND REPROGRAPHICS Vehicle for Construction Observation VEH $ 10.00 Global Positioning System Equipment GPS $ 25.00 Scanning ($1.50 per Sheet) SCA N/A Reproduction ($1.50 per Sheet) REP N/A G:\EEI\DOCS\FORMS\GENERAL\STADS0104.DOC Consulting Engineers Specializing in Civil Engineering and Land Surveying Personnel, Positions & Classifications James K.Michels,P.E. E-3 Timothy V.Weidner,E.I. P-4 President Project Engineer Peter G.Wailers,P.E. E-3 Michele L.Daly,E.I. P-4 Senior Vice President Project Engineer David R.Burroughs,P.E. E-3 Terry M.Heitkamp,E.I. P-4 Vice President Project Engineer Ronald G.Naylor,P.E. E-2 Nathaniel J.Koehneke,E.I. P-4 Senior Project Manager Project Engineer John T.Whitehouse,P.E.,P.L.S. E-2 Stephen T.Dennison P-4 Senior Project Manager Project Engineer Bradley P.Sanderson,P.E. E-2 Gregory A.Chambers T-5 Senior Project Manager Senior Project Technician(Field) Jeffrey W.Freeman,P.E. E-2 Steven Gozner,III T-5 Senior Project Manager Senior Project Technician(CAD) William E.Dunn,P.E. E-2 David S.Stewart T-5 Senior Project Manager Senior Project Technician(Field) Timothy P.Farrell,P.E. E-1 William C.Pierson T-4 Project Manager Project Technician(CAD) Timothy N.Paulson,P.E. E-1 C.Larry Nolan T-4 Project Manager Project Technician(CAD) Kevin S.Bomstad,P.E. E-1 Kristopher K.Pung T-4 Project Manager Project Technician(CAD) David E.Schumacher E-1 Thomas A.Ness T-4 Project Manager Project Technician(Field) Scott A.Swanson E-1 Lenard E.Lynn T-4 Computer Aided Drafting& Project Technician(Field) Information Systems Manager Ryan M.Christoffel T-3 George R.Burgess,P.L.S. P-5 Senior Technician(Field) Senior Project Surveyor Joshua M.Boatman T-3 Mark G.Scheller,P.L.S. P-5 Senior Technician(Field) Senior Project Surveyor Matthew R.Blackburn T-3 Andrew R.Deitchman,P.E. P-5 Senior Technician(Field) Senior Project Engineer/Environmental Denise M.Migliorini A-3 Jason P. "Jay"Nemeth,P.E. P-5 Administrative Assistant Senior Project Engineer Denise M.Thelander A-3 Yifang Lu,P.E. P-5 Accounting Assistant Senior Project Engineer Angela R.Ford A-3 Stephan W.Grabowski P-5 Secretary Senior Transportation Planner Dawn M.Goodbred A-3 Christopher E.Peterson,S.I. P-4 Secretary Project Surveyor Nicole M.Morris A-3 Julie A.Morrison,E.I. P-4 Accounting Assistant Project Engineer Bobbi M.Erdmann A-3 Darrin P.Schertz P-4 Marketing Director Project Engineer Angela D.McCoy A-3 David A.Kamano,E.I. P-4 Accounting Assistant Project Engineer East Dundee,Illinois Brian R.Valleskey P-4 GIS Specialist Mark C.Weber,P.L.S. P-5 Senior Project Surveyor Jason M.Bauer,E.I. P-4 Project Engineer Robert C.Watts T-5 Senior Project Technician(Field) Travis A.Carroll T-3 Senior Technician(Field) LEGEND: P.E.=Professional Engineer Stacy L.Nilsen A-3 P.L.S.=Professional Land Surveyor Office Manager E.I.=Engineer Intern S.I.=Surveyor Intern E=Executive P=Professional T=Technical A=Administrative .,: .,; 812/04 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE To: Tony Graff, City Administrator From: Joe Wywrot, City Engineer -. L Subject: Route 34 Improvements— Supp'1"emental MET Appropriation Resolution Date: August 19, 2004 The city entered into a joint agreement with IDOT (attached)in 2001 which obligated us to pay 10% of the traffic signal construction at the Route 34/McHugh intersection, 100% of the signal interconnect and roadway lighting for that traffic signal, and 15% of the engineering costs. The total estimated cost of this work at the time we entered into the agreement was $44,000. At that time we also passed an MFT appropriation resolution for that same amount. IDOT has now completed that project and our share of the cost, based on awarded unit prices, is $46,659.16. In order to pay our share, we first need to pass a supplemental MFT appropriation resolution in the amount of$2,659.16. Attached find the proposed .ppropria . • resolution in the amount of$2,659.16, Please place this item on th- 'ugust 23, 2004 Public .rks Committee agenda for consideration. d -' 0/is�� `f Cc: Traci Pleckham, Director of Finance Liz D'Anna, Deputy City Clerk Construction Illinois Department Resolution for Improvement by Municipality Under the Illinois of Transportation Highway Code BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the Council or President and Board of Trustees United City of Yorkville Illinois City,Town or Village that the following described street(s) be improved under the Illinois Highway Code: Name of Thoroughfare Route From To Route 34 US 34 McHugh Road Illinois Route 47 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, 1. That the proposed improvement shall consist of Traffic signal construction, signal interconnect cabling, Street lighting, and related engineering fees and shall be constructed N/A wide and be designated as Section 01-00024-00-TL 2. That there is hereby appropriated the (additional 'Yes ❑ No) sum of Two thousand, six hundred and Fifty-nine and 16/100 Dollars ( $2,659.16 ) for the improvement of said section from the municipality's allotment of Motor Fuel Tax funds. 3. That work shall be done by contract ; and, Specify Contract or Day Labor BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk is hereby directed to transmit two certified copies of this resolution to the district office of the Department of Transportation. APPROVED I, Jackie Milschewski Clerk in and for the United City of Yorkville City,Town or Village County of Kendall , hereby certify the Date foregoing to be a true, perfect and complete copy of a resolution adopted by the City Council Council or President and Board of Trustees Department of Transportation at a meeting on September 14, 2004 nptP IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this day of District Engineer (SEAL) City Clerk City,Town or Village BLR 4103(Rev. 11/00) Illinois Department of Transportation Memorandum To: Roger Driskell Attn: Sunday Odele From: Dan Mestelle By: Harold Fogarty Subject: City of Yorkville Participation* Date: July 29, 2004 * FAP 591 (US 34) (12,13)TS&I Kendall County Contract No. 66208 The cost to the city of Yorkville for this improvement in accordance with the city-state agreement and as built quantities is as follows: Q230L01 Y031 1F $183,191 .00 @ 10% $18,319.19 (Traffic Signals @ US 34 and McHugh Rd.) 07A0L01 Y030 1E $22,253.99 @ 100% $22,253.99 (Roadway Lighting & Interconnect Cable) SUBTOTAL $40,573.18 ENGINEERING (15%) $6,085.98 TOTAL $46,659.16 Cc: City of Yorkville C__Lao B. Hucker J. Threadgill File !!linais De at�t'nPllt Section No.: (12 & 13C)TS&I p MFT: 01-00024-00-TL of Transportation Local Agency Local Agency: City of Yorkville Job No. C-93-122-01 Joint Agreement County Kendall Agreement No.: J-N 302004 This AGREEMENT entered into by and between the State of Illinois, acting by and through its Department of Transportation Hereinafter called the State, and the .city of Yorkville of the State of Illinois, hereinafter called the LA. WITNESSETH Whereas, the State, in order to facilitate the free flow of traffic and insure safety to the motoring public, is desirous of making the improvements described in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof and further identified as follows: and Route: U.S. 34 (FAP 591) LA Street Name: N/A Termini: From 800' east of Illinois 47 easterly 0.6 mile to 100' east of Tuma Road. Whereas, the LA is desirous of said improvements in that same will be of immediate benefit to the LA residents and permanent in nature; Now, therefore, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, the parties hereto agree as follows: Article I The State Agrees: 1. To make the surveys, obtain all necessary right-of-way, (if required), prepare plans and specifications, receive bids and award the contract, furnish engineering inspection during construction and cause the improvement to be built in accordancE with the plans, specifications and contract. 2. To pay all right of way (if applicable), construction and engineering costs, including the cost of any Railroad adjustments, subject to reimbursement by the LA as hereinafter stipulated. The State will negotiate with the Railroad(s) for any required adjustments. 3. Upon final field inspection of the improvement and so long as the route is used as a State Highway, to maintain or cause to be maintained, the median, the through traffic lanes, left and right turn lanes and the curb and gutter or stabilized shoulders and ditches adjacent to those lanes. • Article II The LA Agrees: 1. To reimburse the State for its share of construction, engineering and/or right-of-way costs as determined in Exhibit B attached hereto and made a part hereof and in the manner described in Exhibit C. 2. To pass a resolution appropriating sufficient funds to pay its share of the cost of this improvement a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit C and made a part hereof and will pass a supplemental resolution if the original amount appropriated is insufficient to cover their final costs. 3. To adopt, prior to the State advertising for bids, or continue to enforce an ordinance requiring parking within the designated parking lanes be parallel to the curbs and prohibited at all other locations within the limits of the improvement, a copy of which is attached hereto and will in the future, prohibit parking at such locations on or immediately adjacent to the improvement as may be determined necessary by the State from traffic capacity studies. 4. To adopt, prior to the State advertising for bids, or continue to enforce an ordinance relative to the disposition of encroachments and prohibiting in the future any new encroachments within the limits of the improvement, a copy of which is attached hereto. The disposition of encroachments will be cooperatively determined with LA and State representatives. 5. To provide prior to the State advertising for the work to be performed hereunder approval of the plans and specifications as prepared, by resolution or letter. 6. To prohibit driveway entrance openings to be made in the curb, as constructed, without the written consent of the State. 7. To exercise its franchise right to cause private utilities to be relocated at no expense to the State. 8. To cause LA owned utilities located on right of way acquired by the State or installed within the limits of a roadway after the said roadway was taken over for maintenance by the State, to be relocated and/or adjusted at no expense to the State. d li Ts u _c j — -a U9 Q f � r- C 5.i o E 9. Upon final field inspection of the improvement to maintain or cause to be maintained those portions C Z Q u of the improvement which are not maintained by the State including: ❑ ❑ A. Parking lanes and the curb and gutter adjacent thereto ❑ ❑ B: Highway lighting system including furnishing the electrical energy therefore C. Storm Sewers and Appurtenances <El ❑ ❑ (1) Applicable when storm sewer system constructed for State highway drainage only: to perform those functions necessary to keep the sewer in a serviceable condition including cleaning sewer lines, inlets, manholes and catch basins along with the repair or replacement of inlet, manhole and catch basins'.frames, grates or lids. The maintenance, repair and/or reconstruction of storm sewers constructed as part of this improvement beyond the afore described responsibilities shall be that of the State. 1 ❑ ❑ (2) Applicable when storm sewer system constructed as a joint LA and State use facility: to perform those functions necessary to keep the sewer in a serviceable condition including cleaning sewer lines, inlets, manholes and catch basins along with the repair or replacement of inlet, manholes and catch basins' frames, grates or lids. The LA and State shall share the cost of maintenance, except as aforedescribed, repair and/or reconstruction of the joint use sewer(s) to the same proportioning as the sewers initial construction costs were proportioned. ❑ ❑ ❑ D. Sidewalks, parkways, guardrails, crosswalk and stopline markings and LA owned utilities including the appurtenances thereto. E ❑ 3.,‹ 10. To adopt, prior to the State advertising for bids, or continue to enforce an ordinance prohibiting the discharge of sanitary sewers and industrial waste into any storm sewer or drainage facility constructed as a part of this improvement, a copy of which is attached hereto. Article III It is mutually agreed: 1. Traffic signal maintenance and the electrical energy therefore shall: ] ❑ ❑ A. Continue to be as outlined in the Master Agreement executed by The State and LA on <E] ❑ ❑ B. Be proportioned between the parties hereto in accordance with Exhibit D attached hereto and made a part hereof. 2. This Agreement and the covenants contained herein shall be null and void in the event a contract covering the construction work contemplated herein is not awarded within three years subsequent to execution of the Agreement. 3. This Agreement shall be binding upon and to the benefit of the parties hereto their successors and assigns. Article IV Attached hereto and made a part hereof are Attachments which either amend the aforesaid covenants and/or supplement the terms of this Agreement. Executed on behalf of the LA State of Illinois, Department of Transportation this \3'i- day f �� . � , 2001/ Executed on behalf of the State „By�� /_/� . / J �' " this - 3rd day of Decemb r 2001 Ttle`, Mayor of Yorkville ,,...4..---,25:7,;-,....-1,-...., ,Z11.-,_,....2 ,7, / istnct Engineer �.v 7. CttE <-.n City Cle r k U \ 1 • '[S PES►-tT toot KGNNEP`/ N. T. S. I_____ To i t1TF4sc I►,ITC- c-o N t4 Fa P L —F+J1 i- �� n+sn►�-F° cu'�'oF�. Lo C,�.TiQN To �F af'T��I►� p coJ,J1-Ly s,b4 r a- 1 ZooI t CovN1RY S OE c- ?)\c-.. .G "jet ttkr /1(N --e. _ � � >, Loo T5 ,C.E ���: �c�• 0•0' I 4 � �NIk� I‘j 3 U.uE Ste- yovi�t� e� COBS• , us 34 � .�� 1913\ _.�`�gt ."�� - tu U [— a_ w►oFN1F1G J� 2ovl � juGt� -�- ` ,, � tN sty E o I-WI•e N 1f ("I ()NoFR- 4` ow. t u13741e,\'� R 2oa .0 QERMIT Tool T6xt'. 2o01, PFS. 2-002- 91.. NONE loot) P E ti+- Z.00 1. Pay,. soot M o.,,E pow c iJECFssb.fLy ?,cC)Z • EXHIBIT A DESCRIPTION OF IMPROVEMENT The subject project, identified as U.S. Route 34 (FAP 591), State Section (12 & 13C)TS&I, Village MFT Section. 01-00024-00-TL, begins approximately 800' east of Illinois Route 47 and extends 0.6 mile to approximately 100' east of Tuma Road in Yorkville, Illinois. • Pavement Widening — Widen U.S. Route 34 to a three lane pavement section (one through lane for each direction of traffic and one bi-directional turn lane) to complement three intersections being previously constructed via separate contracts. In summer 2001, the STATE has let a contract to realign the existing south leg of McHugh Road. Through the permit process, one developer is to construct a new three legged intersection of Marketplace Drive located approximately 1,100' east of Illinois Route 47. A second developer, via a permit, is to construct a new three legged intersection of Countryside Road located approximately 400' east of Tuma Road. Pavement width will differ at the three intersections as cited in the following paragraphs. McHugh Road Intersection — Route 34 will be widened to a 48' width/four lane pavement section at the relocated McHugh Road intersection. The west leg of the intersection will consist of one 12' wide westbound through lane and for eastbound traffic, one left turn, one through lane, and one right turn lane. The east leg will consist of one through lane for eastbound traffic and for westbound traffic, one through lane, one right turn lane, and one left turn lane. All lanes will be 12' wide. Curb and gutter will be constructed at the intersection. Traffic signals with combination roadway lighting will also be installed, of which the city will be required to assume 10 percent of the engineering and construction costs of the traffic signals and 100 percent of all costs associated with the roadway lighting. A master controller for interconnection will be included with the McHugh Road project. A battery backup system also will be installed. Turning radii to the south leg of McHugh Road will be increased to properly match the widened Route 34. A short pavement section will be constructed to the north radius return of the intersection. Being 40' in width, the north stubbed pavement will properly match the city's planned three lane pavement to the north. All road construction north of the north radius return will be the full responsibility and cost of the city of Yorkville and/or developer. U.S. Route 34 at Countryside Intersection — Widening of Route 34 from a point 1,100' east of relocated McHugh Road easterly to 600' east of Countryside Road will be the full responsibility of the developer through the city of Yorkville's submittal of a permit to the IDOT, District 3 office. This portion of Route 34 will also be widened to a three lane roadway consisting of one through lane for each direction of traffic and a bi-directional turn lane, except at Countryside Road where exclusive left turn lanes will serve the intersection. Four foot wide bituminous shoulders will be provided. All lanes will be 12' wide. Traffic signals will be installed. Interconnect cable will be installed by the STATE along Route 34 from the Countryside Road controller to a hand hole near Tuma Road. U.S. Route 34 and Marketplace Drive Intersection — Route 34 will be widened to a four lane roadway consisting of one through lane for each direction of traffic, one westbound left turn lane, and one future eastbound right turn lane. This work by the STATE will complete the Marketplace Drive entrance constructed under permit by the developer. The CITY will cause the developer via the permit process to install traffic signals at this same intersection when future traffic volume warrants are met. - Interconnect Cable — The CITY will assume 100 percent costs of all interconnect cable to be housed in conduit that is to be installed by either the STATE or the various developers via permits. All interconnect cable will be installed by the STATE. The interconnection will tie the following intersections togeher: Landmark/Illinois Route 47, U.S. Route 34/Illinois Route 47., McHugh/U.S. Route 34, Countryside/U.S. Route 34, and future 1 signalization at U.S. Route 34/Marketplace Drive. Interconnections are anticipated to the north and west of the U.S. Route 34 and Illinois Route 47 intersection on future projects separate from and not a part of this contract. All other work necessary to complete the project will be performed in accordance with approved plans and specifications. 2 EXHIBIT B COST DISTRIBUTION t is mutually agreed by and between the parties hereto that an estimated cost and cost distribution for the mprovement of U.S. Route 34 (FAP 591) from 800' east of Illinois Route 47 easterly 0.6 mile to 700' east of Fuma Road identified as State Section (12 & 13)TS&I, Village MFT Section 01-00024-00-TL, be as follows: TOTAL FEDERAL STATE CITY Road Construction $450,000 $360,000 $90,000 $0 (80%) (20%) Traffic Signals: $200,000 $160,000 $20,000 $20,000 U.S. 34 @ McHugh (80%) (10%) (10%) Road Combination $8,000 $0 $0 $8,000 Roadway Lighting: (100%) U.S. 34 @ McHugh Road Modify Controller at $8,000 $6,400 $1,600 $0 U.S. 34 & (80%) (20%) Illinois 47 Interconnect Cable $10,000 $0 $0 $10,000 (100%) Subtotal $676,000 $526,400 $111,600 $38,000 Engineering (15%) $101,400 $78,960 $16,740 $5,700 ' Land Acquisition $550,000 $0 $550,000 $0 Totals $1,327,400 $605,360 $678,340 $43,700 SAY $44,000 The CITY's share of cost for permanent traffic signals will not exceed 125 percent of the $20,000 stated above plus 15 percent for engineering. 3 EXHIBIT C RESOLUTION NO. APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS FOR INSTALLATION OF TRAFFIC SIGNALS, ROADWAY LIGHTING, AND INTERCONNECT CABLE AT THE RELOCATED U.S. ROUTE 34 AND MCHUGH ROAD INTERSECTION WHEREAS, on February 22, 2001, the city of Yorkville of Kendall County, Illinois, did enter into an agreement with the state of Illinois, through its Department of Transportation, hereinafter called the STATE. The said agreement cited share of cost participation between the CITY and STATE for improving U.S. Route 34 between Orchard Road and a point 870' east of Illinois Route 47, including realigning the south leg of McHugh Road and installing traffic signals at the newly relocated intersection with U.S. Route 34. WHEREAS, rapid development of the U.S. Route 34 corridor east of Illinois Route 47 has resulted in the construction of an additional intersection both east and west of the realigned McHugh Road intersection. Developers to be accomplished through permits from the STATE to construct the two additional intersections and install traffic signals. These developments have necessitated the STATE to revise its plans for improving U.S. Route 34 to complement the additional intersections and accommodate anticipated increases in traffic. WHEREAS, due to changes in scope of improvements to U.S. Route 34 and differing costs, the February 22, 2001 joint agreement entered into by the STATE and CITY is not applicable. Therefore, the CITY hereby declares the February 22, 2001 agreement and related funding appropriation resolution #2001-11 to be hereby nullified and void and replaced with the terms of this resolution as hereinafter stated. WHEREAS, the CITY and STATE have entered into an agreement relating to the widening of U.S. Route 34 (FAP 591) from 800' east of Illinois Route 47 easterly 0.6 mile to 100' east of Tuma Road, identified as State Section (12 & 13C)TS&I, Village MFT Section 01-00024-00-TL. Included in the project is the installation of traffic signals and roadway lighting at the relocated McHugh Road and installation of interconnect cable. This resolution and latest agreement replaces the February 22, 2001 city-state agreement and resolution #2001-11 judged to be null and void by the CITY. Ordinances #2001-13, #2001-14, and #94-4 regulating parking, encroachment on public right of way and prohibiting connection of sanitary sewer to be highway drainage systems shall remain in force and effect. WHEREAS, in compliance with the proposed widening of Route 34 and construction of traffic signals, roadway lighting and interconnect cable cited in the latest agreement, it is necessary for the CITY to appropriate Motor Fuel Tax Funds and/or other funds to pay its reimbursement to the STATE to pay its engineering and construction costs of traffic signals, roadway lighting, and interconnect cable. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that there is appropriated the sum of FORTY-FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS ($44,000) or so much thereof as may be necessary from money now and hereinafter allotted to the CITY under the provisions of the Motor Fuel Tax Law, to pay its share of engineering and construction of traffic signals, roadway lighting and interconnect cable as providing in the latest agreement. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that upon receipt of the first and subsequent progress payments made to the contractor, the CITY will pay to the Illinois Department of Transportation of the state of Illinois, to and from funds allotted to the CITY, an amount equal to the CITY's share of $44,000 divided by the estimated construction costs, $676,000, multiplied by the actual progress payment made to the contractor until the entire obligation incurred under the Agreement has been paid, based upon final bid unit prices. 4 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the CITY agrees to pass a supplemental resolution to provide additional funds if the amount appropriated herein proves to be insufficient to cover its share of the costs. Passed and ap roved by the City Council of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois, this 13�= day of VQ` ,r- , 2001. APPROVED: STATE OF ILLINOIS - 410 / CITY OF YORKVILLE Arthur Prochaska, Mayor � cct�FL�� V v`k - I, immons, City Clerk, in and for the city of Yorkville, hereby certify the foregoing to be a true, perfect, and complete copy of the resolution adopted by the Yorkville City Council at a meeting on , 2001. STATE OF ILLINOIS IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION my hand and seal this day of 2001. h District Engineer City erk ` , 2001 „ 5� : � _ r� , 6 tJ o 5 52 Wheeler Road • Sugar Grove, IL 60554 TEL: 630 / 466-9350 FAX: 630 / 466-9380 www.eeiweb.com August 20, 2004 Mr. Tony Graff City Administrator City of Yorkville 800 Game Farm Road Yorkville, IL 60560 Re: Water Works System Needs Assessment and Project Plan - Re-initiation and Re-submittal Dear Tony: As requested, we have begun the process of revising the water works system improvements Project Plan for the purpose of securing funding from the IEPA's Public Water Supply Loan Program. It will be necessary to revise and resubmit all of the documents previously submitted based on the current conditions and the desired project scope. The major work items that we have identified to complete the resubmittal are as follows: • The original project plan will need to be revised and abridged to reflect the most current conditions and the desired project scope. ➢ The summary of recommended alternatives and the selected alternative will need to be revised. Three alternatives will be provided. The shallow well and Fox River surface water alternatives will be referenced but not offered as currently viable options. ➢ The Basis of Design will be revised as necessary to focus on comparisons between the common lime softening and common cation exchange methodologies. ➢ The financial assessment (rate calculations) for each of the current alternatives will be revised. The implementations plan for the selected alternate will be revised. ➢ Replies to the IEPA review letter will be revised to reflect current conditions and will be resubmitted. ➢ Existing presentations will be modified for exhibition at the Public Hearing. ➢ Completion of the Public Hearing will be facilitated. Consulting Engineers Specializing in Civil Engineering and Land Surveying Mr. Tony Graff August 20, 2004 Page 2 Based on the applicable hours associated with the above remaining work items, we estimate that our fees will be approximately $15,000 to revise the Project Plan for resubmittal to the IEPA and presentation at the public hearing. All work required to process the IEPA Loan Application will be completed under the agreement already in place between the City and EEI. We will assist the City in preparing the necessary financial submittals as well as assisting in the drafting of the necessary resolutions, debt authorization ordinance and water use ordinance revision. We look forward to pushing this project to completion and we appreciate the opportunity to serve the City. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Respectfully submitted, ENGINEERING ENTERPRISES, INC. Jeffrey W. Freeman, P.E. Sr. Project Manager William E. Dunn, P.E. Sr. Project Manager WED/me pc: Mayor Art Prochaska Mr. Joe Besco —Alderman Ms. Traci Pleckham, Finance Director Ms. Liz D'Anna — Deputy Clerk Mr. Joseph Wywrot, P.E. — City Engineer Mr. Eric Dhuse — Director of Public Works JKM - EEI G:\Public\Yorkvill£la§69AYo9901 Water Works Improvements\2004 Resubmittal\Eng\Loan Program Schedule(rev 081704) CONTR. 2004 2005 2006 NO. PROJECT(S) WORK ITEMS J FM A M J J ASONOJ FMAMJJ ASONDJ FMAMJ -- Project Plan Project Plan Revision Env.Sign-offs Resubmittal Env.Sign-offs Review Project Plan Review-IEPA P.E.I.D.-IEPA 1111 Public Hearing Project Plan Acceptance ■ -- IEPA Loan Documentation Loan Application Prep. _ Financial Submittal Resolutions Debt Authorization Ord. Public Comment Water Use Ordinance Rev. Bid Submittal/Application Complete Loan Agreement Issued B.1 Wells No.3&4 Well Design(Loan Program Docs.) House and Treatment YBSD Plan Review(COMPLETE) Facility IEPA Plan Review(Loan Program) Bidding and Contracting Construction -!.1!llIll.IIIIIIIMIMIIIIIIV - B.2 State Street Finished Water Design Main IEPA Plan Review Bidding and Contracting Construction _ 71111111111116... B.3 Wells No.3 and 4 Raw Design _ Water Main and King Street Corps/I DNR/Etc.Permit Review _ Finished Water Main IEPA Plan Review El Bidding and Contracting 111.16...1.1 Construction G'.\Public\Yorkville\1999\Yo9901 Water Works Improvements\2004 Resubmittal\Eng\[Loan Program Schedule(rev 0817041 xls]Loan Program Schedule 2-3-04 LEGEND Notes Report Work The schedule is based on the City being eligible for and then Loan Documentation obtaining a Public Water Supply Loan to fund the improvements. '°111111110r Design Agency Review Bidding and Contracting Construction Enginssring Projected Radium Compliance Date(Beginning Of Month) Entorgarlsas. Ino. WATER WORKS SYSTEM PROJECT PLAN RESUBMITTAL & LOAN APPLICATION SUBMITTAL United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois August 20, 2004 9:00 a.m. Discussion Outline Project Plan FY 2005 PPL/IUP Status and Potential for Bypass Funding {Handout} ➢ Loan Rate for State FY 2005 is 2.50% ➢ Need to Revise and Resubmit Plan with cost analysis for three alternatives Resubmit for all environmental sign-offs (Current letters expire in Spring of 05) ➢ P.E.I.D. — IEPA/IFAS ➢ Public Hearing ➢ Plan Acceptance Success of Bypass funding is very possible (probable?) based on the program's short history, but is not guaranteed. Bypass funding requests become reviewable on January 1st and are handled in the order of their receipt. The earlier the better Loan Application ➢ Identification of parties response for various work items o Copy of last year's audited annual financial statement o Miscellaneous financial information o Approved operation, maintenance and replacement revenue system o Approved dedicated source of revenue o Drafting of necessary resolutions, ordinances and ordinance amendments o Legal opinion that enacted ordinances are consistent with State Law Related Topics ➢ Discussion regarding inclusion of Well No. 6 in the Project Plan o Shallow versus Deep IEPA PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY(PWS) LOAN PROGRAM CHECKLIST . 8/19/2004 United City of Yorkville, Kendall Co., IL PREPARATION SUBMITTAL M�,� Responsible Responsible t(Item Pnommiiiimmarty Date Party Date 1.0 Administrative Items 1.1 Resolution or Ordinance Authorizing4Cepresentative To Sign Loan Docs 1.2 Application Form For Financial Assistance 1.3 Approved Project Plan 1.4 Loan Program Certifications 1.5 Certification Regarding Debarment,Suspension,and Other Resp. Matters -Municipality -Consulting Engineer 1.6 Certificate Regarding Project Site Rights of Way,Easements,and Permits 1.7 Resolution of Intent Regarding National Flood Insurance 1.8 Financial Information -Financial Information Checklist -Approved 0,M,&R System/Dedicated Source of Revenue/Disc.Of Local Funds -Debt Authorization Ordinance(Ordinance and Publication) -Bond Ordinance(If Required In Addition To Debt Authorization Ord.) -Legal Opinion That the Enacted Ordinance(s)Are Consistent W/State Law -Water Use Ordinance Amendment(s)(If Required) -Water Rate Ordinance Amendment(If Required) 1.9 Project Completion Schedule 1.10 Compliance Report Form(4700-4) 2.0 Engineering Items 2.1 Summary of MBE/WBE/SBE Participation During Design 2.2 Cost Estimate in Bid Format Prior To Taking Bids 2.3 Construction Documents(Including Construction Permits) 2.4 Engineering Contract(s) -Design -Construction 3.0 Bidding Items 3.1 Copy of Bid Advertisement(s) 3.2 Certification of Bid Advertisement Publication(s) 3.2 Addenda(s) 3.4 Contractor's Bid Package(s) -Successful Bid Proposal -Bid Bond -Bidders Certification of Non-Segregated Facilities -Bidders MBE/SBE/WBE Requirements(Publication,MBE/SBE/WBE Certifications) -Bidders Certification in Compliance With Criminal code of 1961 -Bidders Certification Regarding Debarment,Suspension,and Other Resp.Matters 3.5 Bid Tabulation 3.6 Recommendation Letter From Engineer 3.7 Notice of Applicant's Intent To Award Contract(Award Conting. On Loan Funding) G.\Public\Yorkville\1999\Yo9901 Water Works Improvements\2004 Resubmittal\Eng\Ichecklist9.xlslSheell Legend YV=City CON=Contractor ATY=Attorney NA=Not Applicable EEI=Engineer "Grayed"Party and Date=Task Completed ENGINEERING ENTERPRISES,INC. SUGAR GROVE,IL