Public Works Packet 2004 09-27-04 <,`s,1:0 C/Tr United City of Yorkville County Seat of Kendall County EST. 1836 800 Game Farm Road �= CO Yorkville, Illinois 60560 p Phone:630-553-4350 �,f_ Kemmcoumr �Z Fax:630-553-7575 v LE \`' PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA Monday, September 27, 2004 7:00 PM City Hall Conference Room Approval/Correction of Minutes: None Presentations: Kennedy Road Improvements for 2005 by John Whitehouse of E.E.I. New Business: 1. Hydraulic Avenue Interceptor— Change Order 41 2. Well #7 Wellhouse & Treatment Facility — Change Order#3 3. Historical Street Name Nominees 4. Street Lighting Upgrade 5. CEC Proposal for Wetland Mitigation Bank Feasibility Study 6. Deuchler Southeast Interceptor Study 7. Six Year Capital Improvement Program 8. Caledonia Watermain Easement 9. Grande Reserve — Landscape Irrigation 10. Countryside Parkway Interceptor— IDOT Highway Permit and Resolution 11. Water Department Reports for July and August 2004 12. Public Sidewalk Program 13. Rob Roy Creek Interceptor—Phase I 14. Game Farm Road Right of Way Dedication 15. Purchase of New Public Works Truck Page 2 Public Works Committee September 27, 2004 New Business (con't): 16. Grande Reserve — Plat of Vacation and Plat of Easement 17. Grande Reserve — Offsite Sanitary Agreement 18. Deuchler Engineering Agreement for FPA Amendment to YBSD Southwest Service Area Old Business: 1. Director of Public Works — Salary Survey Additional Business: \t\I g UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE To: Tony Graff, City Administrat r From: Joe Wywrot, City Engineer Subject: Hydraulic Avenue Interceptor— Chan' Order No. 1 Date: August 27, 2004 Attached find four (4) copies of proposed Change Order No. 1 for the referenced project. This change order, in the amount of a $45,795.00 increase, is for additional watermain relocation work and for providing a construction fence along the railroad tracks as requested by Illinois Railnet. Please refer to Philippe Moreau's letter for more details. No II-PA permit is needed for the watermain replacement since we would not be changing the size of the pipe or the service area. The watermain between Route 47 and Heustis was constructed in 1958, and the section between Heustis and Mill was constructed in 1974. This work would be paid for by YBSD's Infrastructure Participation Fee. The unit prices are reasonable, and I recommend that this change order be approved. This work is scheduled to begin next week. Since there isn't time to send this through the normal channels prior to beginning the work, I request that you and Art concur that the work is necessary and we will send it to tl-Public Works Committee at their September 27, 2004 meeting. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please see me. Cc: Art Prochaska, Mayor Eric Dhuse, Director of Public Works Liz D'Anna, Deputy City Clerk WALTER E . DEUCHLER ASSOCIATES INC. Consulting Engineers 230 WOODLAWN AVENUE • TELEPHONE (630) 897-4651 • FAX (630) 897-5696 AURORA, ILLINOIS 60506 August 27, 2004 Mr. Joe Wywrot City Engineer City of Yorkville 800 Game Faun Road Yorkville, IL 60560 RE: Change Order No. 1 Hydraulic Avenue Interceptor W.E.D.A. Job #788-03033-00 Dear Joe: As you are aware, the project Plans call for relocation of 280 linear feet of 8 inch wateiuiain from State Street to Main Street and 290 linear feet of 8 inch water main between Rt. 47 and mid-block of East Alley and Heustis. Recent pavement markings performed by the City's Water Department,revealed that the existing watermain, east of said mid-block to Mill Street is also too close to the proposed 42 inch sanitary sewer. We therefore recommend relocating another 515 linear feet of 8 inch water main with associated valves and water services at a cost of$38,295.00, as itemized on the attached. In addition, Linden & Sons has provided us a cost of$5.00/Lin. Ft. to supply, install and maintain a 4 foot high snow fence along the railroad tracks as stipulated by Mr. Ted Bissen, General Manager for Illinois Railnet during our preconstruction meeting of August 16,2004. The cost associated with the fence is$7500 for approximately 1500 feet in length. The total amount of Change Order No. I will equal to $45,795.00. This additional cost can be considered part of the Infrastructure Participation Fee paid by developers to extend the sanitary interceptor system. Should you have any questions or require additional information, please contact the undersigned. Very truly yours WALT R E. 1EUCHLER ASSOCIATES, INC. 1. Pm ppeo.reau, P.E. PFM/mw Encl. cc: Ralph Pfister, YBSD, w/Encl. Brent Schepp, w/Encl. • Water Works and Sewerage • Buildings and Structures • Design and Construction • Streets and Street Lighting • Investigations and Reports • Project Financing CHANGE ORDER Order No. 1 Date 08-26-04 Agreement Date: NAME OF PROJECT: HYDRAULIC AVENUE INTERCEPTOR OWNER: UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE CONTRACTOR: H. LINDEN Sc SONS SEWER & WATER. INC. The following changes are hereby made to the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: Justification: Change to CONTRACT PRICE: Original CONTRACT PRICE: 5 1,847,778.00 Current CONTRACT PRICE adjusted by previous CHANGE ORDERS 1,847.778.00 The CONTRACT PRICE due to this CHANGE ORDER will be (increased) (docreased) by: S 45.795.00 The new CONTRACT PRICE including this CHANGE ORDER will be S 1,893.573.00 Change to CONTRACT TIME: The CONTRACT TIME will be (increased) (decreased) by 0 calendar days. The date for completion of all work is (Date). Requested by: Philippe F. Moreau, W.E. Deuchler Assoc. . �� n ki fit, 11411Accepted by: H. Linden & Sons Sewer & Water Inc. Si Approved by: T Federal Agency Approval (where applicable) CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 08-26-04 1. Wateluiain Relocation (East of Rt. 47) 515 Lin. Ft. 8" DIP Cl. 52 Wateiinain cL 865.00 per lin. ft. $33,475.00 2 Each 8" Gate Valve @ $2200.00 each $ 4,400.00 20 Lin. Ft. 1" Water Service Relocation @ S21.00 per lin. ft. S 420.00 $38,295.00 2. Security Fence along Railroad Tracks 1500 Lin. Ft. 4 Foot High Snow Fence @ $5.00 per lin. ft. $ 7,500.00 TOTAL AMOUNT CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 $45,795.00 • UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE To: Tony Graff, City Administrator From: Joe Wywrot, City Engineer Subject: Well #7 Wellhouse and Treatment Facility—Change Order#3 Date: September 2, 2004 Attached find one copy of proposed Change Order#3 for the referenced project. This change order, which is for a time extension only, is for delays related to review of electrical equipment sizing and Com Ed's schedule for getting power to the site. The contract completion date would be extended 40 calendar days, with a new completion date of December 10, 2004. I reco es-.e •. _•. .!- ,- :. -e 'lease place this item on e Public Work ommittee a_enda of September 27, 2004 for consideratio . I' 1/0"1 Cc: Liz D'Anna, Deputy City Clerk 1974 - 2004 52 Wheeler Road • Sugar Grove, IL 60554 TEL: 630 / 466-9350 FAX: 630 / 466-9380 Engineering www.eeiweb.com EnterpriSeS, 30 YEARS OF EXCELLENCE August 31, 2004 Mr. Joe Wywrot, P.E. City Engineer United City of Yorkville 800 Game Farm Road Yorkville, IL 60560 Re: Contract C.7 —Water Well No. 7 Well House and Treatment Facility United City of Yorkville Kendall County, Illinois Dear Mr. Wywrot: Please find enclosed three copies of Change Order No. 3 for the above referenced project. As discussed, the Change Order includes provision to add 40 days to the contract completion date to account for time lost associated with electrical equipment and service delays. The contract completion date would be December 10, 2004. Upon review and City Council action on the Change Order, please have the appropriate City official sign the Change Order in the location identified and return two sets to my attention. If you have any questions or comments with regard to this matter, please do not hesitate to call me at 630/466-9350. Respectfully submitted, ENGINEERING ENTERPRISES, INC. • Timothy P. Farrell, P.E. Project Manager TPF/me Enclosures pc: JWF, ARD, DSS — EEI G.\Public\Yorkville\2003\Y00311 Contract C.7 Well No.7 Well House &Treatment Facility\Construction\Docdcofyo07.doc Consulting Engineers Specializing in Civil Engineering and Land Surveying CHANGE ORDER Order No.: 3 Date: August 26, 2004 Agreement Date: December 26. 2003 NAME OF PROJECT: Well No. 7 Well House and Treatment Facility OWNER: United City of Yorkville CONTRACTOR: Poulos Construction Company The following changes are hereby made to the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: Increase Contract Completion Date by an additional 40 calendar days to December 10, 2004. Justification: - The increase in the Contract Completion Date is to allow for time lost due to electrical equipment size issues in the Control Room of the Water Treatment Plant and potential delays from off site electric service to the site. Change of CONTRACT PRICE: Original CONTRACT PRICE: $ 1,655,000.00 Current CONTRACT PRICE adjusted by previous CHANGE ORDER(S) $ 1,678,212.23 The CONTRACT PRICE due to this CHANGE ORDER will be (i^rd,eased) (decreased) by: $ 0.00 The new CONTRACT PRICE including this CHANGE ORDER will be $ 1.678,212.23 C0-01 CHANGE ORDER Page 2 Change to CONTRACT TIME: The CONTRACT TIME will be (increased) (decreased) by 40 calendar days. The date for completion of all work will be December 10, 2004. Approvals Required: To be effective this order must be approved by the agency if it changes the scope or objective of the PROJECT, or as may otherwise be re fired by the SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL CONDITIONS. Requested by: �- �-� Poulos Construction Company Recommended by: r' — Engineering Enterprises, Inc. Accepted by: United City of Yorkville CO-02 i V I 0 616144Ge Wityl# WO4tsakre/110172644741414/41V 1.. 800 Wawa Road EST.% `_`_`1836 \\,,,,� W , aritir o4 60560 o * I 4.1, Xendak CO `e, 630/553-8545 <CE N•>. eFttoonz lie,(leek oiege,rwieiv h 611y,inee/14414,44(141.424W ��4'ih zee 630/553-8528, 3acrr 630/553-3436 ),,, ,, 70 o Liz D'Anna C© Mayor Prochaska, Harold Martin, Rose Spears A U Eo Friday, September 03, 2004 FE% PW Committee —Agenda Item The Human Resource Commission requests that Historical Street Name Nominees be placed on the next Public Works Committee agenda, for review & acceptance. The following persons are being considered for recognition: Lewis C. Riley Esther F. Riley William D. Thomas. Thank you! 'HA/ o United City of Yorkville Nam County Seat of Kendall County EST. 1836 800 Game Farm Road (/) Yorkville, Illinois 60560 Q LII Q Phone:630-553-4350 'p,� k v>� Fax:630-553-7575 E ‘‘' To: Joe Besco, Chairman From: Eric Dhuse, Public Works Date: September 3, 2004 Re: Street Lighting Upgrade Joe, I would like to look at the possibility of upgrading the existing street lights in older parts of the city where they are not up to our current standards. I would like to do the initial phases of the project this year such as identifying areas that are in need, obtain cost estimates for new poles, heads, and electric hook up costs such as wire costs, trenching and patching or directional boring. After this step, I would have enough information for budgeting for installation in fiscal year 05-06. I would like to place this on the Public Works committee agenda for September 27th meeting. if you have any questions or comments, please call me. Cc: Art Prochaska, Mayor Tony Graff, Administrator 09/15/2004 1 1. 51 FAX 830 553 5764 DANIEL J. KRAMER V1002/002 United City of Yorkville u : County Seat of Kendall County fcsij 1BoB� � � Vorkvill0,Illinois 60560 p n 11`,: p Phone:630-553-4350 ' "" �2 Fax:630.553.7575 Vw September 15, 2004 Tony Graff, City Administrator United City of Yorlcville 800 Game Farm Road Yorkville, IL 60560 RE: Civil Environmental Consults,Inc. /Wetland Mitigation Bank Feasibility Study Dear Tony: Please be advised that I have reviewed the September 8, 2004 scope of professional serviced regarding the above referenced matter. Upon review of said document I do not find any legal issues with same. In the event that the staff and policy makers recommend approval of the professional services, I believe the City's legal interests are protected. Should you have any questions or wish to further discuss the matter please feel free to contact me. Very truly yours, Kelly A. Kramer Attorney at Law KAK/pdc September 8,2004 Mr. Tony Graff City Administrator United City of Yorkville 800 Game Farm Road Yorkville,Illinois 60560 Re: Professional Ecological &Civil Engineering Consulting Services Proposal for Wetland Mitigation Bank Feasibility Study United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois Dear Mr. Graff: Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. (CF C) is pleased to provide this proposal to provide ecological and civil engineering consulting services to the United City of Yorkville (Yorkville) associated with the preparation of a wetland mitigation bank (bank) feasibility study. We have prepared this proposal based on discussions from our meeting on August 23, 2004, a review of available published and conceptual design information available for the proposed site, interactions with the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USAGE) Rock Island District Office, and CC's experience with similar projects. The following sections of this proposal present background information, scope of services, estimated costs, schedule, and limitations. BACKGROUND INFORMATION CF C has been involved with discussions with Yorkville regarding the possible establishment of a wetland bank within city limits. The exact location of the bank has not been identified, however, a parcel of land is being considered for possible use by a developer currently working with Yorkville. The ultimate use of this parcel has not yet been finalized. However, this parcel may be suitable for the construction of a bank or for surface water management requirements associated with the development of lands/properties that are contiguous to this parcel. As discussed during our meeting, CFC has initiated discussions with USACF personnel in the Rock Island District Office regarding the establishment of a bank within the Fox River and Illinois River Watersheds located within their jurisdiction. Creation of a bank within these watersheds could create a bank service area inclusive of Kendall and Grundy Counties, Illinois. Preliminary discussions with the USACF have been favorable and interest in a bank project within the proposed watersheds was received with enthusiasm. As requested, the following paragraphs present C:h C's scope of work to perform the necessary informal due diligence for the USACF, United State Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. Chicago 3041 Woodcreek Drive Pittsburgh 800/365-2324 Cincinnati 800/759-5614 Suite 210 wrc;. Downers Grove,Illinois 60515-5417 � 15� � Columbusp888/598-6808 1989 Export 800/899-36104 Phone 630/963-6026 Aiiii1 p 2004 Indianapolis 877/746-0749 Fax 630/963-6027 s 14111L Nashville 800/763-2326 St.Louis 866/250-3679 Toll Free 877/963-6026 Mr.Tony Graff imirr17 United Qty of Yorkville Page 2 and United States Fish &Wildlife Service (FWS). Approval of this informal due diligence by the USACF, USEPA, and FWS will put Yorkville in a position to determine whether municipal resources and funding should be expended on the preparation of a formal Prospectus. The formal Prospectus is the application to initiate the official planning and review process by the Mitigation Bank Review Team (MBRT). Information gathered from the informal due diligence will also be suitable for incorporation into a formal Prospectus submittal. SCOPE OF SERVICES The CF C scope of work can be defined by the following tasks: • Task I: Perform a Wetland Mitigation Bank Feasibility Assessment • Task II: Meeting with USAGE,USEPA,and FWS Representatives These tasks are detailed in the following paragraphs: Task I: Perform a Wetland Mitigation Bank Feasibility Assessment CFC will provide ecological consulting services to determine the feasibility of the parcel as a viable candidate to support a bank. CEC shall perform the following: 1. Review Soils Information From Soil Survey. CEC will obtain published information available from the local soil conservation agency for the site. The soils information will be reviewed to determine the appropriateness for creating/restoring wetlands. 2. Review National Wetlands Inventory Map: The National Wetlands Inventory Map (NWI) for the area will be reviewed to determine if the site already contains possible wetlands. The NWI is overlain on the USGS topographic maps so CEC will also use this information to determine drainage patterns and identify potential sources of water for creation of a wetland. 3. Aerial Photography Review: CEC will obtain and review historic aerial photography of the site to determine prior land uses and other items of potential environmental significance. 4. Perform Hydrologic Model: A qualified engineer from CF C will evaluate the surrounding topography of existing maps to determine if the proposed wetland will have sufficient hydrology to support wetland characteristics. The surrounding watershed of the site will be delineated and a water-budget produced both for the existing conditions (agricultural field) and for the proposed nearby development. 5. Site Reconnaissance: A CFC Project Scientist will visit the site to evaluate general environmental conditions, including a soils evaluation to verify the mapped soil types and Mr.Tony Graff ~- United City of Yorkville fiyy L 3: Page 3 locate potential sources of water, including drain/field tile, that would be needed to support a bank. Additionally, vegetation patterns will be investigated to determine the presence or absence of hydrophytic vegetation associated with wetland areas. 6. Summary of Findings and Presentation: CFC will prepare a Summary of Findings (SOF) detailing the findings and recommendations/opinions made during the Feasibility Study activities. The SOF will specifically identify the overall goals of the bank, identify the ecological suitability of the proposed site, and provide opinions on bank feasibility. The SOF will be presented to Yorkville,USACF, USEPA, and FWS entities. Task II: Meeting with Yorkville's Project Team, consisting of Yorkville, CEC, Gardner Carton & Douglas (GCC), Engineering Enterprises, Inc. (EEI), and representative from the USAGE,USEPA, and FWS. To coordinate efforts between Yorkville's Project Team and the USACF, USEPA, and FWS Representatives, CFC recommends the following activities: 1. Meeting With Regulatory Agencies: CFC will schedule an initial informational meeting between Yorkville's Project Team, USAGE, USEPA, and FWS Representatives prior to submitting SOF results. A second meeting will be scheduled following submittal of the SOF to review USACF, USEPA, and FWS opinions of the feasibility study and gain acceptance to move towards preparation and submittal of a formal Prospectus. ESTIMATED COSTS CF C proposes to prepare the SOF and coordinate and attend two proposed meetings as outlined above for a not to exceed cost of $9,200. Should Yorkville request a change in the scope-of-work, or should circumstances render the current estimate invalid, a new estimate will be prepared and mutually agreed to in writing before further work proceeds. CF C will prepare a cost estimate for the preparation of a formal Prospectus following acceptance of Yorkville's SOF. The estimated costs for the preparation and submittal of the formal Prospectus may vary due to USACF,USEPA, and FWS requirements. Our Schedule of Terms and Conditions shall apply to the proposed work and is attached for your review. Written authorization to proceed will form a binding contract and indicates your acceptance of our Terms and Conditions. Any changes to our Terms and Conditions must be agreed to in writing by both parties prior to your authorization to proceed. Mr.Tony Graff wri United City of Yorkvilleimr Page 4 SCHEDULE CSC is staffed with experienced wetlands scientists, engineers, land surveyors, biologists, soil scientists, and civil engineers, and can initiate services within one week of authorization to proceed. Feasibility Study- 2-3 weeks Meetings - Prior to Initiating Feasibility Study and Following USACF., USEPA, and FWS Determination LIMITATIONS AND QUALIFICATIONS It is assumed for purposes of this estimate that access to the property is available during normal working hours and that records relating to the site is reasonably obtainable. Should Yorkville request a change in the scope-of-work, or should circumstances render the current estimate invalid, a new estimate will be prepared and mutually agreed to in writing before further work proceeds. The results reported and any opinions reached by CEC are for the benefit of the client and, unless agreed to by CF C in writing, are not to be disclosed to or relied upon by any third party. CF C appreciates the opportunity to offer this proposal for ecological and civil engineering consulting services for the United City of Yorkville. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Brian Mihelich or Mr.Mark Waxali at (630) 963-6026. Sincerely, Mr. G eg Llerke ` Mr.Brian Mihelich, CEIMM Mr.Mark Waxali,P.E. Project Scientist Project Manager Senior Project Manager cc.Ms Sheila K Deely,Gardner Carton&Douglas Mr. Tony Graff fm' 121,- 7"� it United City of Yorkville f` Page 5 AUTHORIZATION TO PROCEED: Wetland Mitigation Bank Feasibility Study Signature: Date: Printed Name: Title: Phone Number: Facsimile Number: r WALTER E. DEUCHLER ASSOCIATES INC. Consulting Engineers 230 WOODLA\N AVENUE • TELEPHONE (630) 897-4651 • FAX (630) 897-5696 AURORA, ILLINOIS 60506 September 7, 2004 Mr. Tony Graff City Administrator City of Yorkville 800 Game Farm Road Yorkville, IL 60560 RE: Southeast Interceptor Study W.E.D.A. Job #788-04058-00 Dear Tony: We are pleased to provide you with an evaluation of the southeastern boundary of the future potential Facility Planning Area(FPA)that the Yorkville-Bristol Sanitary District(YBSD)could provide with wastewater collection and treatment services. The present southeastern boundary of the current potential FPA was established as part ofthe reassessment ofthe Long Term Infrastructure Improvement Plan for the YBSD in January of 2002. Said boundary is currently located along Penman Road extended northerly to Windett Ridge Subdivision and southerly to Caton Fann Road. It is our understanding that the City of Yorkville is inquiring about the feasibility of extending the southeastern boundary to Ashley Road, between IL Route 126 and Walker Road (see Exhibit A). In response to the above,we have evaluated the feasability of extending the southeastern boundary ofthe potential FPA to enlarge the FPA by another 1,755 acres as summarized below: 1. Should the southeastern boundary ofthe potential FPA be extended to Ashley Road,the proposed ComEd and Hydraulic Avenue Interceptors are presently sized to sufficiently convey the additional wastewater loading condition for the fully developed future potential EPA limits. However,as previously recommended in our correspondence dated January 24,2002 for the reassessment of the future YBSD FPA southern boundary,the existing 18-inch ComEd Interceptor between Illinois Routes 71 and 126 will need to be replaced with a new 24-inch interceptor. 2. The proposed Aux Sable Creek Pump Station will need to be moved easterly to the intersection of Aux Sable Creek and Ashley Road(see Exhibit B)in order to serve the proposed additional area. This will also require the following: a. The proposed pump station will need to be increased in size and capacity from 9,500 gpm to approximately 11,150 gpm. b. The proposed 18-inch force main will need to be extended easterly to the new proposed pump station location for initial wastewater conveyance purposes. A future 36-inch force main will also need to be constructed adjacent to the 18-inch force main for conveyance of the ultimate pumping capacity at built-out condition. • Water Works and Sewerage • Buildings and Structures • Design and Construction • Streets and Street Lighting • Investigations and Reports • Project Financing Mr.Tony Graff City of Yorkville September 7,2004 Page 2 c. The sanitary sewer interceptors east of IL Route 47 will need to be enlarged and rerouted to the new proposed pump station location as shown. Based on the above,the southeastern limits of the potential FPA boundary for the YBSD could feasibly be extended to Ashley Road. Should the YBSD decide to expand the future potential FPA boundary,the following would need to be completed: • Preparation ofrevised cost estimates for the construction of the Aux Sable Creek Pump Station,enlarged interceptors and force mains as well as cost estimates for the construction of the proposed branch sewers required to serve this additional area. • Revision of the Long Term Infrastructure Improvement Plan and recalculation of the Infrastructure Improvement Fee for the YB SD. • Future replacement of the existing 18-inch ComEd Interceptor between Illinois Routes 71 and 126. Should you have any questions or require additional information regarding this matter,please feel free to contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, WALTER E. DEUCHLER ASSOCIATES, INC. f,.9- e.,-___Q John W. French, P.E. En cl. cc: Ralph Pfister,YBSD,w/Encl. Philippe Moreau,WEDA,w/Encl. Villi" — ,I�F� _UlirivninneaRID.:!..°6-1,111imum .. wi�r_��1 `` 11 ki 6�4 mdfl aeoo--do _ 111111 IFF4F49;40V kl \ate 11,:��F..�� qlit -Ito! .11.6 111.116veithia--, �� �� JJ ��' t"Pnlilaill maps, 4 40A4111 111111F1 Millipr. a„ls.;4..,...r. 20. 0111111A XI �mM.- M•lirr'Uf . ��Iry 1111 NM% UN 10011-41111,10it'',.. L WAII ill 00010-7 111 64.16111111.11.��- Itipprot8.14144...;,...t.r:��,�L i ,,��Inxii ni,iiii/•Av1� �� Illjk go Por - --�� �I111416 I ...,Ii eilipr.,,,w1;,\..ivy/p... miarvkl . \ i it - Lis is ffilli> ....‘ =r n`i'/`' 1 L,w6,_��•�, � i ;71;',„( a t, .��.y dG aii 4��A. p s s- 74 itc 1 11* $10.0.0 41111 s.w vAII" =�-• gi v • AMENT 'r isENTRD. N.Wililliall —■ . r — E i ob , C �4a gyp 5 s u�ame Au. .. e1Creek a vi .W I fir. MOM LEGEND U �m CURRENT FPA BOUNDARY(AS Of NOVEMBER 4, 2002) 1 CATON FARM RD. GTON f M RD. ) — — — CURRENT POTENTIAL FPA BOUNDARY 11 —1 L : i ..;, . • PROPOSED POTENTIAL FPA EXPANSION mom III i ii • WALTER E. DEUCHLER ASSOCIATES, INC. YORKVILLE - BRISTOL SANITARY DISTRICT I�.„e..�.� s p..,..... - .e...,.., s A,r 9/1/04 las p .,JCS EXHIBIT A tom. I....pKo 16 ©u.,[1-.3000 I .aJ000I CAD oxc 1'V\04058\E1041407-7 Ix..p 768/0.056/00 SOUTHEAST FPA EXPANSION Oil -20,::.,:•:,-,* A it- E.me LIA. \ --,,,,_ - ''''i f- -,_ 0. _ .-$.1:."_sc...... :gm.' ....a■I'mr_ai-41,, ,,, wt....�iunn� i '��-I _ �uy t - II�- I■_ r- \ \ SE.,ilr WI 1 n.....Y.. t i11111111 C� �n/Vito. III 11111111 11-___ �/IO rill IOC ' *i� 4 • �•�` \ 1��.'�1�} Iliti '-11 11•XI iv . AS IA iiv`iru r. .-111111 i'fp, ihi: rD �! iii :'�:tlf! . , -�. —_______ r-/liglWifir..:,`-' ,'?..,,,, ii,/ irailitlIMPIPII, --- r ,k-g.,,, ,,r-2_..,...,-4„.A.,, i too' 1 '-i1_11 .-- 1 : miiiiii ------ ---�l ___ s k''r 9 b i *� k i , t - --Hi I 5 i I_ • ,. MMIIIIIIOMMM Mr -cellil- t✓ b - - 1'''''' _ :11 1—.J se '"'s ,.- _hi 7 JI L tio . . III 1. ■ 1 1 I b . LEGEND i ----- - - n......winmnm ammo FPM Noma(SIS OF NUMMI 4.2002) I ..0" ma ... ROS POIDAML FPA OOf2O0RY ai.i.,1_ _ I .. COMM>F]166/pl@10EP1015 } -- I. L-.---_---- -I ■ COSMO DESENS/Y-13 RANIWM am= ' I.a..o .. " .a,� Man lOf1O91N6 ti -e^T,.. MIOPO'gD NIIORS P001+ODD IORCBW6 ' ..,;{ , I MEW 111.1014 WYK w REUSED PROPOS®MEacemon REAM PROPOSED lOROBWB WALTER E. DEUCHLER ASSOCIATES, INC. •YOREPH1Z - ETOL SANITARY DISTRICT yr-.-- --,. s l...... - .�«w.,a Abu ow*A L..of 1.m di Imam lexEXHIBIT B ® �IDIS rel..wa -A ler SOUTHEAST FPA EXPANSION `'. � UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE To: Tony Graff, City Administrato From: Joe Wywrot, City Engineer Subject: 6-Year Capital Improvement Pr gram Date: September 22, 2004 Attached find proposed revisions to last year's 5-year Capital Improvement Program. This list also shows projects completed or planned for the current fiscal year, resulting in a 6-year program. Multi-year projects are listed with their total cost only in the year they are scheduled to begin, unless they will be constructed as separate, phased projects. All project costs are for construction and related construction engineering unless indicated otherwise. Debt service for past projects are not listed. Costs for ongoing and imminent project were updated based on best available information. Detail has been added regarding funding sources. The attached schedule is a first draft to be presented to the Public Works Committee. Proposed revisions to last year's approved plan are as follows: Water • Various projects were moved up or back one year based on the progress of our overall radium-compliance project. • The Game Farm Road/Somonauk Street watermain replacements were moved back one year to Year 06-07 to coordinate that work with our FAU roadway project. • Replacement of the Elizabeth Street watermain was put in Year 06-07 based on recent watermain breaks. • The Adams Street watermain replacement was removed from Year 05-06. This watermain was constructed this year by the developer of the Morgan Street Elevator project. • The South Main Street watermain replacement was moved back one year to Year 08-09 to coordinate with the West Ridge watermain project. • Retro-fitting of existing water meters to become radio-read capable was added in Years 06-07 and 07-08. • Projects added for Year 09-10 are replacement of old 4" watermains on Washington and Orange Streets (S. Main to Mill), and construction of a third Fox River watermain crossing west of town. The location of the crossing has tentatively been identified at Eldamain Road, but it may be further to the east. Sanitary • The Bruell Pump Station project was revised to reflect abandonment of the originally proposed project. A more accurate cost for this project is will be provided once the plans are finished. • Engineering for the Rob Roy Creek Interceptor project was added to the current fiscal year. • Construction of the Rob Roy Creek Interceptor was split revised to be in two phases. Phase 1 is from the YBSD treatment plant to Galena Road. Phase 2 is from Galena to Baseline Road. • A project to add SCADA capability for our many sanitary pump stations was added in Year 05-06. • A project to replace the Gawne Lane pump station was added in Year 05-06. • A project to replace existing sanitary sewers along Route 47 was added in Year 07-08 to coordinate with IDOT's Route 47 project. The timing of this work will change depending on IDOT's schedule. • Projects added in Year 09-10 are for miscellaneous repairs and sewer extensions, as has been the case for past years. Streets • A project to re-stripe the concrete roadways in the Menards Commercial development was added in Year 05-06. • One project added for Year 09-10 is for West Kendall Drive and Anderson Court. Construction of this project will complete the reconstruction of roadways in the Countryside subdivision. • Another project added for Year 09-10 is for Washington Street (Route 47 to Mill). This project coincides with a proposed watermain replacement on that street. • The annual sidewalk project for each year was increased by 100%, and would be funded 100%by the city. The only exception would be when a resident wanted to have the sidewalk replaced in front of their property right away, in which case we would ask them to pay 40% of the cost. • A project for streetlight construction was added in each of the last three years. This is intended to become an annual project to provide streetlighting to the older parts of town. Miscellaneous • A new addition this year is for miscellaneous projects/commitments that do not belong in any of the traditional capital improvement categories. The only projects currently proposed are for our share of the USGS groundwater study, and for the re-study of the Blackberry Creek floodplain. Please place this item on the Public Works Committee of the Whole agenda of September 27, 2004 for consideration. cc: Eric Dhuse, Director of Public Works Traci Pleckham, Director of Finance Liz D'Anna, Deputy City Clerk rrOposalVater.capital_In1grs tmentPrograni 22-Sep-04 I'_tstling o o Year Prt~1 1 General Fund NI FT Developer EAU Total 04-05 a)Cannonball Trail Booster Station $370,000 $370,000 b)Route 47 Watermain to North Tower $690,000 $690,000 c)South Tower Construction $1,600,000 $1,600,000 d)South Booster Station $380,000 $380,000 e)South Pressure Reducing Station $150,000 $150,000 1) Well No.7 $690,000 $690,000 g)Well No.7 Treatment Plant $1.,6LQ,4Q(1 $1 660,0_44 Sub-Total $5,540,000 $5,540,000 05-06 a)Well No.4 Rehabilitation $100,000 $100,000 b)Wells 3&4 Treatment Plant $1,650,000 $1,650,000 c)King Street Raw&Finished Watermains $1,530,000 $1,530,000 d)State Street Watermain $500,000 $500,000 e)SCADA System for Waterworks $420,000 $420,000 1)Fox/Washington Watermain Loop $105,000 $105,000 g)Orange/Olsen Watermain Loop $40,000 $40,000 h)II eustis Watermain Replacement $110,000 $110,000 i)South Water Tower Painting $100,444 $i_QQ, Q Sub-Total $4,555,000 $4,555,000 06-07 a)Game Farm/Somonauk Road Watermains $65,000 $65,000 b)Elizabeth Street Watermain Replacement $150,000 $150,000 c)Radio-read meter retrofit(Phase 1) $1.15,Q0 $ij5.,QQQ , Sub-Total $330,000 $330,000 07-08 a)Well No.6 $550,000 $550,000 b)Well No.6 Treatment Plant $1,710,000 $1,710,000 c)Radio-read meter retro lit(Phase 2) '1_15_,_0_00 1_L15.,40Q Sub-Total $2,375,000 $2,375,000 08-09 a)S. Main Street Watermain Replacement $200,000 $200,000 b)W.Ridge Watermain Replacement $.140,0,4 $]�14,44Q Sub-Total $340,000 $340,000 09-10 a)Washington&Orange Watermain Replacement $250,000 $250,000 (S. Main-Mill) b)Fox River Watermain Crossing @ Eldamain Road $750,G0 i7T0,00D Sub-Total $1,000,000 $1,000,000 Water Total $14,140,000 $14,140,000 Proposed_Sanitar Capital Improvement Program 22-Sep-04 Funding Source Year Project General Fund MFT Developer FAU Total 04-05 a) Countryside Interceptor & Lift Station $3,240,000 $3,240,000 b)13rue11 Lift Station (Woodworth Replacement) $1,500,000 $1,500,000 c) Hydraulic Ave. Interceptor $1,900,000 $1,900,000 d) Heartland Circle Onsite Interceptors $700,000 $700,000 e) Rob Roy Creek Interceptor—Engineering $150_,_000 $250,000 Sub-Total $5,440,000 $2,650,000 $8,090,000 05-06 a) Rob Roy Creek Interceptor(Phase 1) $10,410,000 $10,410,000 b) SCADA System for Pump Stations $100,000 $100,000 c) Gawne Lane Lift Station Replacement ia10,Q00 $100,000 Sub-Total $200,000 $10,410,000 $10,610,000 06-07 a) Rob Roy Creek Interceptor (Phase 2) $1,170,000 $1,170,000 b) Rob Roy Creek Interceptor (East Branch) $1,160,000 $1,160,000 c) Game Farm Road Sanitary Sewer Repairs $30,000 $30,000 d) Palmer Court Sanitary Sewer Replacement $40,000 $49,000 Sub-Total $70,000 $2,330,000 $2,400,000 07-08 a) Miscellaneous Repairs $30,000 $30,000 b) Route 47 Sewer Replacements $150,050 150,000 Sub-Total $180,000 $180,000 08-09 a) Miscellaneous Repairs $30,000 $30,000 b) Sewer Extensions $15_0_,000 $15A000 Sub-Total $180,000 $180,000 09-10 a) Miscellaneous Repairs $30,000 $30,000 b) Sewer Extensions $150,000 $150,000 Sub-Total $180,000 $180,000 Sanitary Total $6,250,000 $15,390,000 $21,640,000 Pr_olioseslSir eet_Capi iLIniproV meat_Program 22-Sep-04 F iclingBootee Year PrQi eel General Fund MET Developer FAU Total 04-05 a)Asphalt Pavement Treatment $35,000 $35,000 b) Sidewalk Replacement/Extension Program $50,000 $50,000 e)Crack Scaling(MFT) $25,000 $25,000 d) Van Emmon St.Overlay(Ball Fields to Route 47)-MFT $70,000 $70,000 e)Cannonball Trail overlay(Rt. 34 to 2500'north) $170,000 $170,000 1) In'Town Road Program(Phase I) Utility Const. $460,000 $460,000 g) In-Town Road Program(Phase 2) Roadway(Cc $120,000 $120,000 Utility Design $0 h)Bristol Ridge Road(Rt.34 to Kennedy) $1,440,000 $1,440,000 i) Game Farm Road (Phase I Engineering)-MFT $100 9.00 1_10_0_,0.00 OQ.QOQ 1200,0_00 Sub-Total $835,000 $195,000 $1,440,000 $100,000 $2,570,000 05-06 a)Asphalt Pavement Treatment $40,000 $40,000 b) Sidewalk Replacement/Extension Program $50,000 $50,000 c)Crack Scaling(MET) $30,000 $30,000 d)Palmer Court $60,000 $60,000 e) In-Town Road Program(Phase 1)-Roadway Const. $950,000 $950,000 I) In-Town Road Program(Phase 2)-Utilities Const. $440,000 $440,000 g)Kennedy Road(Bristol Ridge to RR tracks) $2,540,000 $2,540,000 li)Game Farm Road(Phase 2 Engineering)-MET $50,000 $50,000 $100,000 i)Game Farm Road(ROW)-MET $100,000 $100,000 $200,000 • j)Fox Road Overlay(Morgan to Poplar) $275,000 $275,000 k) Countryside Pkwy(W. Kendall to F. Kendall)-MET $260,000 $260,000 I) Re-stripe Countryside Pkwy & Mel lugh Road 110,000 $10,Q0_0 Sub-Total $1,825,000 $440,000 $2,540,000 $150,000 $4,955,000 06-07 a)Asphalt Pavement Treatment $50,000 $50,000 b) Sidewalk Replacement/Extension Program $60,000 $60,000 c)Crack Sealing(MET) $40,000 $40,000 4) Powers Ct. (MET) $60,000 $60,000 e) In-Town Road Program(Phase 2)-Roadway Const. $1,210,000 $1,210,000 1) Kennedy Road(RR tracks to Galena) $1,430,000 $1,430,000 g)Mill Road(Kennedy to east end Grande Reserve) $2,640,000 $2,640,000 la)Game Farm Road(Construction)-MET& STP $500,000 $1,500,000 $2,000,000 i) Pox Road Reconstruction(Route 47 to Morgan) $2.00,000 121/0,M1 Sub-Total $2,020,000 $600,000 $4,070,000 $1,500,000 $8,190,000 ProvosetLStreet Cap itallmproma ent Program 22-Sep-04 Fitnslulg t1uree Year Projeel General Fund MFT Developer EAU Total 07-08 a)Asphalt Pavement Treatment $50,000 $50,000 b) Sidewalk Replacemcnt/I/xtension Program $60,000 $60,000 c)Crack Sealing(MFT) $40,000 $40,000 d) Strawberry Lane/Conover Ct.(MET) $100,000 $100,000 e) Kennedy Road(l3ristol Ridge to west end of $1,090,000 $1,090,000 Grande Reserve) $0 1) Streetlight Construction (Various Locations) $552,000 150,..0_0_0 Sub-Total $160,000 $140,000 $1,090,000 $0 $1,390,000 08-09 a)Asphalt Pavement Treatment $50,000 $50,000 b) Sidewalk Replacement/Extension Program $60,000 $60,000 c)Crack Sealing(MFT) $40,000 $40,000 d) E. Kendall Drive&Mulhern Court- MET $200,000 $200,000 e)Countryside Subdivision-Units 8 &9 $200,000 $200,000 1) Streetlight Construction(Various Locations) $50000 ,000 Sub-Total $360,000 $240,000 $0 $0 $600,000 09-10 a)Asphalt Pavement Treatment $50,000 $50,000 b)Sidewalk Replacement/Extension Program $60,000 $60,000 c)Crack Sealing(MFT) $40,000 $40,000 • d) W. Kendall Drive&Anderson Court-MFT $250,000 $250,000 e)Washington Street(Rt.47-Mill) $100,000 $100,000 1) Streetlight Construction(Various Locations) $50,000 $50,000 Sub-Total $260,000 $290,000 $0 $0 $550,000 Streets Total $5,460,000 $1,905,000 $9,140,000 $1,750,000 $18,255,000 Summary_of Capital Improvement Program Funding, Source Year Category • General Fund MFT Developer FAU Total 08-09 a) Water Improvements $340,000 $340,000 b) Sanitary Improvements $180,000 $180,000 c) Street Improvements $360,000 $240,000 $600,000 d) Miscellaneous Improvements $0 Totals $880,000 $240,000 $1,120,000 09-10 a) Water Improvements $1,000,000 $1,000,000 b) Sanitary Improvements $180,000 $180,000 c) Street Improvements $260,000 $290,000 $550,000 d) Miscellaneous Improvements Totals $1,440,000 $290,000 $1,730,000 Total Cost of 6-year Program $25,920,000 $1,710,000 $24,530,000 $1,650,000 $54,105,000 Summary of Capital Improvement Program 22-Sep-04 Funding Source Year Category General Fund MFT Developer FAU Total 04-05 a) Water Improvements $5,540,000 $5,540,000 b) Sanitary Improvements $5,440,000 $2,650,000 $8,090,000 c) Street Improvements $835,000 $195,000 $1,440,000 $100,000 $2,570,000 d) Miscellaneous L»provements $51,000 X514000 Totals $11,866,000 $4,090,000 $16,251,000 05-06 a) Water Improvements $4,555,000 $4,555,000 b) Sanitary Improvements $200,000 $10,410,000 $10,610,000 c) Street Improvements $1,825,000 $440,000 $2,540,000 $150,000 $4,955,000 d) Miscellaneous Improvements $13,000 $13,000 Totals $6,593,000 $440,000 $12,950,000 $150,000 $20,133,000 06-07 a) Water Improvements $330,000 $330,000 b) Sanitary Improvements $70,000 $2,330,000 $2,400,000 c) Street Improvements $2,020,000 $600,000 $4,070,000 $1,500,000 $8,190,000 d) Miscellaneous Improvements $5,000 $5,000 Totals $2,425,000 $600,000 $6,400,000 $1,500,000 $10,925,000 07-08 a) Water Improvements $2,375,000 $2,375,000 b) Sanitary Improvements $180,000 $180,000 c) Street Improvements $160,000 $140,000 $1,090,000 $1,390,000 d) Miscellaneous Improvements $1,000 $. 00 Totals $2,716,000 $140,000 $1,090,000 $3,946,000 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE To: Tony Graff, City Administra or From: Joe Wywrot, City Engineer Subject: Caledonia Watermain Easeme Date: September 14, 2004 Attached find one copy of the proposed watermain easement through the Caledonia property owned by Inland. This easement is necessary to allow construction of the Route 47 watermain to the north water tower. The easement through Caledonia has been revised to follow the proposed alignment of future streets. This document has been signed by Inland, and now needs to be approved by the City Council before recording. Please place this item on the Public Works Committee agenda of September 27, 2004 for consideration. Cc: Liz D'Anna, Deputy City Clerk 5iI2 AN I1316.5 Pi t/1-'01610 A MAL I 0/LAND 1000100 IN SL 521106 1/ Iowl1 11 1/N0I11 1101101 1 0 1 DF I 1111110 PRINCIPAL Itt I LUIOII KFILUAI.L GOINIL I_I(NOS B0 1111111 AND 1,1015/681 LI 15 FULL Ow, '0012001: I 1 i a N0151110,si 1014011 OF FILL 1 R11EA]1 000.111111 50 5.10001111111101 1I HENCE tA01LRLY, ALC4 110 1100111 IINI 01 IIE 000111E151 OLT AISILR Of 1.15 'AC11(1 11 0 01010141L L0 /O US ILII TO THE Pa111 OF BEG NINO PI OIL 11E1.1001 ILS DE.S1/1BED IItAC1 110 LAND, 1111000 CON IN N [AS 11-11Y AL UNG S00 NOMI .II/E 110 A 011201 1l LINE EY III SGN 111 1HE(01 D00Ctt O 0/1111200 0 01510001 OF 1112.02 FEE I, 1 GRANT111E 110Eli 0051,20, IOI10 P 011/110A1.0 PAR.,00 541111 II 1051 IINE OFfill WE I 11201 OF IIF 1 00215E T WAR IEIt OF 50011(111 I/ Al AN ANGIO OF 88 011G1101, 011110 1001 1101 A1tlLI 1111 5001 1/0.1511111.1./ AI 01(01 0111/11GHEES 51AI0111155/ CSN OF 400 19 FE 111120.0051116 1 AN AL OINC.A 11. SL(IND]AS 0005UR111 CL0001/151 FR00 IDC.LAST 1110C,OULD CuultEir A 1601000E 01 440.00 1EtI 10 A 701101 UN I. L.ASf LINE OF 111E 0E SI 112511- 01 111 0011T111 AS1 FORQUARTER SATO SE C.NUN 1/, 111111C1 11 50(10(0* AT 1NJG 11 0 E 1 11110 LA ISE.S1-HALE 01 1111. L 51 1101E I SAID SE01 00 1/, AT Ar ANGLE OF 8d FOR351 111]2.,PIGMIES 5/5 2D1JUS AS ALAS/51111i LOON TL1140 UCKW 1 /1G00 II ST 0151 NIL.D LOURSt A D101 AN(t GI 2/50 II FLEI 10 A PONT ON NHL PATE RMA I N NOR IIIEI/IY LINE OF A 1000 11-DE 1 AND CON.TE IF 10 0011.AL 111 0151sOri COmPANY AND RECORDED AS 1/0/.110001 NO I i 2012. HI NG0]O 0.t511121 Y 01O00 SOD*40111110/101110E AI AN Arai,L OF 1,DEG1 EES 92 olirAilT_0 2i 5005.11, AS MEASURED G0511,10115L(A KW E Ell 1011 L AS1 IFL,6110111 60011SE A 00570110E OF /04.15 Et G1 711001(0 001111111,15 O C t E F 1.. FL 01111 INC V( I L OF Nutt IHEAs1 (J AN ILL,OF SAID 51011011 1/ I AN ANGLE OF /4 ULGREE 6 IJNIIIS II 0[100115 AS MEA-(RED CO.IE2C(.01 KW1 E FROM 11tE IAS1 IJLS(I2E1L11 L011 E A DIS IANC/ OF 1291 i9 EEL1 11101100 TO THE WLSIFJIL1 AIL1.G A I11AL PARALLEL 01111 IIIc NORIA 1111E GF 11 E 1/55R IDLAS1 0L 111011 OF SAN 51.C11011 I7 AI AN MLLE OF 271 110011EES L5 I56I01lES 11 SEC01.(15 OS MEASURED LOON FERCL0CKWISL FROM 111E (ASI IIE501/I/tli CO0R50 A 0101NLE 10 5/`�00 ILLI. IHENLE 0011111012156 ALONG A 1100 PA1101111 UNITED CITY OF YO 000100 E W111111L {y Sl LWt U T 1011 f1t GUAR 111 U 510100 I/ Al F OF 88 U EES 34 M( DIES S 5000 OS AS 100511000 GUUNTEIL WE Lir 1-115/12 RL .ASI OF GUAR CU/r A 1510 C OF'1 U G/ I( Rt/2561T1 U 1.1 140 (UNI MNG /83110 ACNES 6411L OR(ESS. Al So 11 1 PAR1 Or 115E 0 AS I 11,1 Si- 010110it 12 ANI., I. 55101 HA, U SEt IR. lb, IU imisi. 1/NONNI RANGE 7 EAS1 OF II 1.50 PRINCIPAL KENDALL COUNTY ILLINOIS MFRIUTAI KENDAII CCAN I1' Itsi101 DL 001010 LL WS C(MMENtINC,Al HIE Nl1R1H1 01 00111111 (k SALO SFC11011 171 111E LL wOSIEI 1 ALONG 111E 1 1400111 l NE Of SAID SIC11011 I/ 0[IS I ANGE LI 1152 02 FEEI IC 1110 NLIRIHWLSI 011111510 OF THE 1001 (AIF OF IHL 1051 HAL 1 OF SAID SEL PON I/, NIL SITU IDE itl'2 ALONG 111E 0151 Illrt OF SAN LAST 1,51 AI AN ANGI1_OF 91 DEGRLL 5 31 0110010,21 St0011115 A5 ML.A501ILL IF UI.KWI L FROM 1111 0051 OLS-C151801)COURSE, 0 01510110E OF 1350.35 FEEI IU 1111 POLO (1F LOEOINIJING OF 111E 11/I241NAF 1011 5050111SILO PARCEL OF LAN11; 1110111E S001HE01'I CON IINUING ALONG]AID 51051 LIINt 5 01510100E DI 20'4110/1/1, 10 1110 N011111012L'I LL11t OF -F<Al:l OF(.AND CONVI.1ED TO (10010011001 III£01,01,1 I, COMPANY AND 1100110100 AS LII LL.ILNI N5. 25-1)45, I IJIE 00151.ASILF<I 1 AL LNG SAID 1/01T1011.'I LINE AI AN 0.511 01 /4 D ,0EL5 I/MINI ILS N8 ( (3((11!11 S ML 00111.0 CI 0001/50 1004 111E L. 101 .111001 C011101 A 0.10150. 01 165500 FEEI 10 0. WL S ILRIY 0(1111 AY 1.111 1 101E 1,05/IL 17; (110(101 110111110E S 1LR1_Y At ONL SAID WIS(0/MLY 01011-01 WAY 1111/AI Al. ANGE/.OF 02 1.1,6106 555 MIIIIl IIS II 0000111.15 AS MLASUI2FI 0000015„ V 11101 TINE LA01 OL.SLt 4011(:000]1 0.;100(.1 OF 292.40 Ft01, I ENCS NL/I2111WLSILr2LY CON11N111N ALONG SAID 0=5111<l.Y 111111 Of 001 1 rE Al n 01151.0 OF I/O DEG11EtS 38 AllND It 500(4115 05 ME,StAILD(1.0010150/RUM IIIE 1 ASI /1055.111011/COURSE, A UISIANCt 5.11 302.20 ILLI 11101101 NOi21HWLSTLItIY CUN lamoNt.AI ONL SA0/05150(1111 11-GF wAY LPL Al Al AVG(0 OF I/5 IJEGRELS 21 /ANU TES 02 51101105 AS MEASURLII CL00010SE FROM IHL LAST SESCROLF COURSE A 05(ANCE OF 1453/1101 Itl 111L 0LGINNIIJG OF A 'UI2 VE AS SI100N ON Pt 01 Of DEIIICAIIOT/120GORULD IN HEED (200000 1/Al 11001 621, IHENCE NO1l I IlWE]101101 01111111411110 AL OIIG SAID WES IL RL 1 RIGHT-Of WAY IINE AS SAI0 LINE 15 01112000 CONCAVE 10 NOR 1FILA51L0L1,HAVING A RADIUS 01 9187.OU I'1E1 ANH AN IN TERRI/AI_ANGLE OF 1 11L1.11EL 55!AMU IES 5U SECONDS Al AN ANGLE 10 III 11151110()F 186 DEGREES 5)MINU IFS 55 5EGOI0S AS 0005(1000 C1UG1(M5110(112 I.I ASI 005C10000 COURSE AN ARL'01510000 OF 319,15 ILI f, 10111E IOU III LINE OF FI]lit R'S SJAUIVI SI OIl 150111.E 00510111 AL CNNG .1010 5110111 I IL, AND 11 it 011011510 1111.120(F,AI AN AN 0L L 01 101 0000005 01 011NUIE5 3/ SECONDS AS MEASURED C00(.K5851S1 II<OM 111E(A]1 Pr ST CI10120 A 01510110E OF 14/110 FIE t 10 IMF 1-01N1 Or BEGINNING CONTAINING 6/.250 ACRES.MOUE 012 LESS WI (E ALSO 11111 P RT OF I.UE 111E 0A 1 11001 OF ST0110111 17, IDYL1]Ili'3/00/1111 RANGE 1105(111 110 1/ P 110 NL/LI IF'AL Mt/111J12561.KENUALL 00111110, it IN015 DESCIOULD 00/041 C 00. COMmtrICING Al TI JUIi11IEO51 CURIVE/t OF Soli 5-101100 17, THE TLS Wt51E11LY AL ONG 1111 000111 1104 Of SAID 5001110 1/,A OIS INCE OF 1205 J FEEI, 10 111E 1-0051 oF B GNNING OF NIL 111 01/001011 0150C1411-100 PARCEL OF(ANO, IHENCE WESIE(<1 CON(10D01)AI UNG 111E NORTH LINE OF SAID 5E01115 17, A DIS I ONCE OF 60011-C11 10 IHE N01211 WE51 CORNER OF 111E 11151 HALF OF IIIE FAST HALF GF SAID SEC 11011 17, 11IEIJCE SOU IIIERIY ALONG Nit WEST ONE. LIF ,AID 0ASI HAI F Al AN ANG1 GF 91 11000005 34 Willi 11S 04 515:0101S AS 14005011111 CI OCKWISE FROM IIIE I ASI I DE SCRIBE U LOUR50. A DIS LANCE OF 1350115 F1 EI IHEN(.1 EASIER1 Y Al All ANG(.E OF 88 DEG1rE0S 52 WW1/5 IS 500011115 AS ME 0501IEO C1U0R1ISE FROM i_i)", -NB/132122"E I 111E IA I DESCRIBED LUU1,01..A Dr0 FAIL E 01 Eit,Al 1E11, (1 L NU 0001 LItRL1 AI AN ANGt 0 Or SI U00/EES 0/MNUIFS 41 SECONDS AS MEASURED CLOCK//SE /1100 111/ 1 001 0151/1 110,00015SE A 11 010110E GF 1 550 95 ILE 1. 10 THE FON! OF BEC:N II1 36.011 G 9GdLE-L"-_1901 -- P(.1 E3_ I P EIRMAN'.NI WAIFNITIAL EA5E131E01 I ~ NEI/'.5220 L {f 19 L7 1(101 00111 OF 111E tAS1 HALF Or 50011011 I/, 100115111P 17 NON. RANGE //ASI U/ 111E I IRI/11110I;IPAI MkkLOIAN,0101010111 AS 101000. PARCEL E3 PA/1011 A 3(J 011 SI373222 511 (I/SIlN1 od) .��/ 011' COMM0NCING Al 111E 0(1111111 AS1 (.1/00012 D 5.10 50011110 I/, 11101101 SOU 111// 1111,11105 12 MINIIIES 22 SECONDS WE-51( 1u11LJ)At011G 1111 11(111111 12914 00' Y B 9 l- - LIN0 OF SAID 5001011 1/ 135202 1101 0012 TfL POINI OF UEGINNING 111/NCE NOR 111 87 DEGREES 32 011111715 22 ][(.ONUS EAS1 AL OJG SAID NORTH �`,`` ` N KYY_U _ ___ LNE 3001 FEEI II104CE SOU III 00/40,110/5 55 0111101/5 311 SECONDS EAS1, /1593 FEL1, IHENCE SOUTH 00 DEGREES 0/MINUTES 20 SECONDS WLS1, -- 01001LS ROAD - p 160 S6 FEL F. 110000 5011111 I)0 0001/010 52 MINJUTE.S 40 SECONDS k AS I 3/3.(IS FEEI T(1 A POINT OF CUI/VAlURE; THENCE 00111/1005 ILRI Y AI ONG A -- - C fl 017 111 D/ 011000 10 1111 110111 `MIH RADIUS OF /1.00 ILII AND 0110011 BEARING 511111 20 15041(5 4S 01140705 25 SECONDS V*Sf AN ARC DIS IANCE 01 S8.I5 f� �_ -- / sN F1 01, 1140110E SOD 111 4(1 DEGREES fl 1 MINI TES 01 SEC 1A05[101, 1SAID ILEI 10 II IL WES IINE h 101 24 IN YORK Or Lt 1.40/01 0 CI FOL. LLNI1 / -"-'--- IJ()12111 LINE OF IF1E NUR IFI K 1_�� 11 olu 51111111 EE Ut000115 55 h11NU TES 5 EGC T FAST, ALO N SAID WES( IINE 'EE1 FEEL 10 IIIE 11011111 LINT 21 COIA111S 4L 01110E IHcN L1 P.0 B-- . LA51 U1J AR ILII 1'L L.II F, l/-S/-S SOU IH 87 1/101000 38 01001 ILS 15 SECOfIUS VhSI AI 250 SAID 1101141 I LAVE, 04.0'FEE7, 00110E NORTH Cl OF I:OEES 21 011111105 41 50001111]'rlc Sl. 'A ICES I.. A / 1A 1 IS 110 FEL I, IIIENCL NORM /7 DEGREES 57 MIIt111.S 11 SECONDS EAST 5521 FELT 111E NU NOR ITN 00 HEGRLLS 5311001/S 30 SECDNIS WEST, 259.71 Ill I 1/101400 0(112111 40 01011LES 118 MIN111L] n LECONOS 511.ST, 15519 FELT 10 A NUN TAINot/I f GUNVE, THENCE NOR ff LAsIERL.Y ALONG A CURVE To 'INK( I I /`., TIIL IIF 1111TH 00DIUS OF 5/.OD FLET AND LI 1<U tit ATl 55.NOR HI S DEGREES 32 MNu ITS 24 SECONDS EAS 1. AN AIF(:(ISIANCL OF 0052 FEET 10 A 5T �\\ POINT OF I0NG00C'Y; 11/0/100 NUR III ILO 01.GI/EES 52 MII IILS 40/C(:NLIS 0101. 59301 FEE 111000E 004111 95[AGREES 01/21111115 20 SLCUNUS 2Y, IL 8OS3d 0012 r\� EAST, LII 1 FEET Oi51 lI E012111 DI-GALES5111 02 MIN It 40 10(OND SECTIO 197151101, IIIE II 011001,8I DEGREES 30 M I0D IES 22 SECONDS GILL. 1519 FEE! TU 711E W ST LINE OF 111/ E0 T 1101.E SI 1111 FAST IIAIF OF SECTION I/ II-101100 NUR 111 00 DEGREES 113 011110 fE]30 SF 01]1105 WEST, ALONG - �v) I SAID WEST LINE. 405_00 0EEI 10 1110 POINT OF BA011111110 IN 1111 1001151(1 CIF bA.I0L K0N11ALL COLIN IY ILLINOIS. O7 S 0001 CD I 1, �1 Al)(PEI H II MP(MAI<Y CUNsn2LL (/1/ EASEMENT 0 I 1 113 PARCEL 0 '� Apr /0 S n I1101 PAI21 (/F IIIE.EAST HALF UI SLC 11010 17. 1001151 IIF 3/NORIA 110110E I EAS(OF 1110 1111k0 PRINCIPAL 611.11101.,110501 IBF:IJ AS FOLLOWS. M n, (C I'1 CUMMEICING Al 111E N00111E051 60101012 0/ SHO 500110N 17; THENCE 5(/11111 71 DEGREES 32 011,0 LS 22 50001415 WESI ( .al,rrell)AI01/0 Ill N(N1111 'AR CLI A 0" 111\ CNF_OF SATO SLCIIOIL I/, 129600 FEET*ON TH0 1(1191 OF IEGN1/1NG. 1/000/NOR-111 7/DECREES 12 MINOILS 22 SLC(IN11S EAST AL UNG SAID IN(URRIII 0,.1.1- „ Q� NIS U�� LINE, 70.01 10 A IINE 6o.UU FLEI EA/1011 Y OF(ua r61016/651 0611 ul L0)AND PAI2AI.ILL. MITI 711E WEST IINE IFF 1111 EAST HALF OF II it/ASI IV AIF a ] 00- P SAID SECIIOfN i7 0110110E SOU III 00 DEGREES OS 113 MINUTE 30 SECONDS EASE 0(1110 10100 HARM EL LINE, 7110/6 FEE I, 1110001 -p ]\T" to SOU111 09 DEGRLLS 07 MINUILS 20 SECONDS 1,051 1445/FEET; 111EN(F S(151111 00 015A11.5 52 14111111ES 45 SECONDS LAS I, 12/.03 FEE1 TO A P(11N1 YE-~ P-16„1 ,U OF CURVA1URE I1LACt SOU III1R10 A(l0 CURVE 111 IL R.GI1T WI III RADIOS 01 121.00 LII F SINN 0110111. 244/3 SOUIII 10 DEGREES SU MINUTES 41 /1„,,* i'''.1 _- 30' SLLON OS W0SI AN ARC DISTANCE OF 511//(ELI' IHENCE 5011111 40 DEGREES EL MIIDTES 48 SECONDS EAST 141./3 FEE 10 ANU PARALLEL IINE, 0 N. 11101100 SOU 111 OO 000110 ES 53 121111111.S SU SEC 11 iS EAST ALONG SAID PARALLEL IINE 14.115 IEE( 10 IHE 11017111 LINE 01 OI 24 IN YORKVILIE LJ =L 104510055 CHF1ER UN T 31HLI0CE 5011TH d/LEL(LES 58 MINUTES 19 St CONOS Wi ( ONG SAID NOR III 11 1//8 FE01 TO IHE NORhIWLST C010r_n \ OF SAID LOT 29 IHENCE SOUL 1 00 012512 kS 1 MINI(IFS 30 SECONDS EAST 000616 111E WiSI LINE. Of SAID 01 24, 2053 FE01, IHENC/NOE<III 40DEGIREES 00 MINUILS 48 SECOND,0001 3( 20 FEEI IO A NON 1ANG0N1 0112VE, THENCE.NUI211 E1(.Y ALONG A CURVE LO TIIE 11FI W 111 RADIUS OF O� \\ 11187'32122111 17.00 FEET AND CHORD BFAF<NG 1012 IN 20 DE",REFS 45 MINu TES 25SECONDS EASE, ON ,VTC DSfANCE OF 5815 FEET 10 A 'OINI OF TANGENCY, 4 -15,313 IHENCE NORTH 160 DECREES 52 MINU(ES AU ECOIJDS/101 3/3-117 FEET,THENCE NORTH 80 DL/FREES 01 1,61r11116 20 50GON00 EAST 16056 111 T, 1-2i /.0 --3C.01) Al&) EASE E✓fEN I IHENCE NOR III 00 DEGREES 5.7 010010E SO SECONDS WI S I, /I1.93 FEE f 10 IHE POIN1 OF BL(JNLIING. IN 1RISI01. 100119610,KENOALI COON IY,110.51Sr 4 IHE TEMP00011Y CuNS110.10 HON 00500011 Is Di SCNNED AIiDVL SHALL EXPIRE SFI'1L6IER 2, 1005 1711 00 DAYS FOLLOWING 110011P1 CF 111E IF HA Ulw OPERATING PERMIT FOR TIIE ASSOCIAIL0 WA IL R 11 AIN, 0111011E VLli IS SOONER_ 5 -- 1 -- - O'NNER'S CE1211�II Al) 501E 0r 111111015) 1 ' )>, 5566415 01 ,PAGE) 161��., a 0) 11115 5 ID LE/1111 0101 I.UNDERSIGNED, 100014'0 1AND 01100151. TICK FUND L P. A .O WI LL AWARE l 66110 10111041 IIIF',IS 100 FEF SMPLE 000015 01 1111 PF 1Ptlt Dr 01,11511110 p,!.,:j-, /t‘,,,,,..:•\ l 011 GRAN IONS 111(11'0011 SI1OW.J 110111 O4 AN0 11101 IO INLAND D AND AFI F Al NON 1 1_- N FUND L FOR AND 001151111A110 OF 110(ONE 11(1.1 N1 011ILI (U AND VALLIAl11 E 0(1151011 IIUN IEC0101 OF W1PCH 11E11E11 001100 LOGES IIE ItElI GRAIN IS `:89 0/20'W \ 10 TI It ONHI11 CI II I AFRO N L0 101 NOS 1/11.14 RESPECTIVE I ICENSEES SUCCESSOR 1 J9 89' / ANI ASSIGNS, 20111112 MD SOUL/OSLO 110 NOIS O IOLOS 0E PEAMANON/AND TEMPORARY v 7/7/77!_72777/,3/ 0ASE MEN Ts 0000RU05 HEREON'10"0011401111101 OPERATE, 110101010 RENEW,RC 0001E AND -/1 ( i -,,,0,C. 011110 TIME 10 110E 6A1F1M IN 110 01000 000101 TIES USED IN C2)NNE0110N 1.1114 -- - - --- V I\C\ I\ C\\ \ SAID WAIT:IIAAliIDLE IFILIt 2011 RICH r ACCESS 10 IHL SAM NU II-L Rot,I rFOM 1 1'-1 �89 119.a/20"E IML IS IRA 10 RIM OR RLMOYE I3€13 0051115 9190 591'LIN65 MIN 10 fa_E111 0 1,, -1�L [ISI/OC II/11 011011 IIIE SURF AND SI/SURF A00 AS MAY BE REASON/5111 FE0011E0 IN(1001 10 THE(-RANT 10110111 010111 11/11/12,ACROSS ALONG AND 11011 THE SURFACE OF 13) I\ '144 57 111E PRUP OR LY TL SORIUEU UNSER PERM 0/NI WATERMAIN EASE//EN 51513102'20"W 1110 80 2105110.0 TMAN1NT 21'2",,,, /I�\�) -- Li1MEI Ali ll 01001111740 111)0 ILMI'_0011H 0201101010 112IAY(1/1CRE 110E 1110111 10 GRU (R OCCUPY 1110 PLI,01//A/S AND ItD WITH PUO(IG 711001 S,PRIVATE UR;VE WA YO AND O 02-I/ 220-I11i9 Ft, it NT SUIIILASIU 0/ IHE G11.1510 S P11OF t 2T/. THF �II�I\ E 09011/011 FUR II1T12 RCSEIIVES IIIE 12101 1 10 GRANT OTHER LASLALN IS 16111:11 (0050 OR I N - COINCIDE 0111 SAID PLNlA NCNI NVU ft Ml 010007 EASEMENTS WII CII 1111 USE 0 MLL 1101 I'I (ERI E/t WI III 1111 EASEMLNI WG111S HEREIN GRAN 1E0 ID��� _' 111E Tt '1111 ARY CUNS Ik 1(11011 0050011 I/511000 010111E SFP1tM01k 2 2000 OR 00 DAYS ,,II F0110/ILL 201 E II'I OF 111E 1000 OPERATING PERMIT FOft 111E 0550010 TED WATER MAIN, :21 /`\ o/I` w11u11vER soDHFk. 3�I 5110001 0.a,�a-irf<Snw��....+ Grp..:,:.„ N/-0%.'" S\ 40 int.ban,0,1 / ar O _4._..- _. - -___._ _.- - - `!� a DAI10 Al (FAA 111011( ,_NUS, (Ills✓ "'� DAY OF� -6 __, 21,01_ v CH HRC_=N20q.,'25'E t � C('.0.00X 1746o \�IL 1. L= 151 MDARD,ILLIN015. 60148 /4 ON\ / R=/)_001 �O() (//� -17-201-006 Z� �- / 9/ �1.�� c{Iyr /rS 1 - - /�� L '"'�%�. `-_-. "'�'PRE]IOENT INLAND i AND APPRECIATION - ,,0-56'0 7"w ( ,-/1/ �. FUND,L_F. y cl C,o12. ALY riele6u921 �r / Ou 8RC _ GM521.\ \A _ - ��� L=50./71 _ _EEGRE1Akr K=57.o �� R=123.00' CI V//�� 1� NOTARY CER 111 ICA IL ./ 1777 u ,sC 1X}:1-1E)11-,--:11\- 5,9 5101E of ILL 0015 -i� ��O � � 587"56 49'0 '''S 9 ------11_ -17.78 c0u111 OF 01,PAG0)' y v. 9 </' O 500 53 30"E I, >6', y�.>r M.IJ Alvu Fat SAID 0011011 0011 510.7E 1 0 {6'. --24.05 1 C�__-_.h._�� n NO Lakr NBIc,IN o _� <. 1 uO. ____Ti OF01(00.56 UO HnRCBY C11-511FI ILIAI A6'6N._ �45SCC14._ a . -, �y 1 6- t]ONALLY KNOWS 10 ME I( Lk d *4 �`^4f8.. __ _. �- __ _ OFi 100(15 01 INLAND I ANO APPRLL 01101 FUIJJ 1..P AND 111E SA t I ENSONS WHOSE 11.00105 __ __ - "7 N�`�\ IRE NS0R ED 10 1110 100(1,1100 INSIUO LNI AI FEARED UEF012E M/ IVIS I AY IN �(`//�, \ FE IISONJ AND CK 01011 A IIIAI 11107 SIGNED AND ITE 0012001 711E FOREGOING NSIRUMEN I, Cl r C1 NOIVIu DUI AS OFFICERS UI SAN 1100110 1 111 PPR0G0f011 FUND LP, AS ' � I 26.53 N 'I�-/11'111 011E a o11KVl1 - bOR111 111 CEA I_W UNI( 1010104 Owl/IItEE AND V011111007 ACI AND I.FREE AND VOwNIAI Y AC ,I Uh SAID 111001011 CJ I'\\ I 00.5,130"t N( AH-510(10110141010 L.P FOR U C u E5 AND PURPOSE S 1114000 SE1 111/1 I111. illIN -1 I 6 1 I I I 0000 ENDE1 MY HAND AND 00L11IAL SEAL IMS (1UAY OF Sepkk�.Lti_2004. I �r�s1 59053130"E 1 AI - __ I\ �� 288.8'0' n� EGIAL o�N� 291'1 1 Q�y�i'L� 1NNILMSF1_ __-- -- 1101000 Pueuc 1100 uI o�3 .I EJ� IEMP012ARY CCINSIR00110N I ASE 611_611 EAyCouil5k i.0405201)b Z Ev_ 0- - PAIiCE�I_ A �i13 0ARCEL C. \N.111 I I WEs1 LNE 11 I NH/'3811J t l\,,q1� ---UF Lor 24 1 7001 PARI OF 1611 EA51 11000 OF s/c TION v 1DwNsl m' CITY ACCEI'IANCE CE KIIF 1001E PARCEL C-�• 58 Ol \_1'111/ _ 31 NORM,110101 /AA51 (P THF Ill1RI)PF N11P0. \ ��O MERIDIAN DE501<1/10 AS FOLLOWS COMMLNCNG AI THE ]1011. DF ILLINOIS ) ��� 1 55 221 111100 OF LOT s N YORK vu11 Bu]w1]5 1187 38'13 E I \ l NOR 1110051 CU �>7L 5 L 5' 0011011 UNIT 2; TFILNCIE.5011111 d/OLGkF�S 311 MINU IAS (001117 O F 00110,1) 1/132'21 41 W --,1\11.1<°17-1,-,- _\ 1 `'S , -- - ( - -- _ 13 S0LO110S Wf 111( a„rlecl1 ALONG IHE NOR I/1 IIML OF 1 \ COMMERCIAL DRIVE SAID IDI S /.b2 FEE FDR 111E 014101 D1'BLCNNWG, ANI1(0010 AND 0LG01'I/O HY IIF UN ILD GI TY Al YOR VIL.EL 11.1111(]15. ', 15.00 1110110E EON n11uwG 1101001 e/DECREE s 3a 01111115 15 SECONDS WEST ALONG SAID NORM ONE, 4000 FEEI, IIIIS 001 OF _.____ __ 20.4 AND 5102001 Iu IIIE 40' 118/.5813110 L) Tilt NCE 1101101 2 DEGRrFS 21 MINU IES 4/SECONDS 11L]I, I(LI OWING PROVISIONS IN(ON510E1A1100 OF THE EASEMENTS 110/110 GRANGRANTED. 111E \ I (j4..84' 0 40451 F1 E1', -THENCE WOR III 57 DEGREES 58 MINIIIES 13 UNH ED C.I10 OF 1011106 LL 1111<L BY INDEMNIFIES AND 1r DS HANML ESS 1111.000 LAND - --- SECONDS EAS!, 5801 FEEL THEN(:/NOR III 0 DEGREES 55 APPI2E CIA II0I1 011110 I.P,IIS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS 0110111 ANYAND ALL GI AIMS Or • _ ---- MINUILS SO SECONDS MIST 262.15 FLEI IU IIIE DAMAGE 015OI511)11'110111 ul ,E I2 VICE 011151110/111 01- 111E AC 114011]OF lilt (:17 Y,IIS - ‘1.--1 1-'_-- -' 1121') I 5011111 Wt 5001117 LINE Of PEkMANENI EAST MENT PARCEI A. A000IS 011 C0411i C FORS FROM WJRK PERFOR1dl II WI1111N 1110 LA 511NG Al It 1000E00(41 DESCRBED 1110190 IIIIENGE SOUFII 40 DEGREES 00 AND III UI 1Ilk 5 LOCA IE 11115011. 1110 CITY 0 000LIEUGE5 11101 IHE.PE 0014001 \LY1\Int MANE/165 I0 FSECONDST11/ ]()11101110 DEGREES SS153 M5NE1ILI AND IEMPOk NY EASFMENIS 11000111 GRAN IES MAY BE 11100010 OR OGC01111 BY PUBLIC 511 EIS,II 010 URI VEW YS NSAOR 111 01MPLE 01S A]MAY BE 121.1.1111 HP t1 '\� ' I 11 30 SECONDS 1051, ALONG 1110 WE SI 1111E OP SAID PARCEL SIC( ISI1111 01 IIIE GRAN1005 i'OOPLR I I. TILL CITY FUM/1011 000IOW1Fu1,E5 IHE 1ERMS CJ J \XIr I I A, 5411 FEET; IHENCV SOUS!87 DEGREES 311 MINIFIES Co £1111101OIL OF IIIF 7L MPORONY CONS 111110IIGN L SL LN IS 0111 IIIE GRAIN 101'5 Z )G -' 13]ECO NOS MIST AL(YN 11 111E 001,111 011E 0 SAID 100111001100 DI 1111 110(1 IS GRANT 011(11 EASEMLNIS WHICH CIL ISS OR COINCIDE 141111 - PARCEL A, 55.22 DEFT; 0101101 SOU 711 2/ST 41ES 21 I)P0111,10101 ANO IEMPOR0RY 1050,11S 1411101 11 E USE OF WILL NO1 1111/RFERE \ J 5110 15 4/SECONDS EASE,111 01 flit WEST LINE OF Ml (Ill E 5000111 f11.11 TS 11011011 GRAN-IL 11 041 ,Q6' 8 I NE BIOS 011101151 11III'OF LI LINE a COMIAE011AL DRIVE O ANL 11 E 111153 LINE OF S _ J 9 SAID FARCE_A, 311E WIE 1,f e IN SE PO 1 BUSNE S - FtEi IU IEE PONE O0 1112.6006., \01 I 1 END , OU If, LINO, NORIH LINE OF S\' X 1 I I II RIE TEMPORARY LON SI RUC1-111.11080E IION FAS'20/5 D 00121000 Ill hi/02(15R 7110201 BUSINESS' R P.UB. I I ABU E SIAL 0111110 STEP It MBER 2 1011 UR b0 DAYS 0011700 UNiI 2 �\ I F0I LOWING RECEIPT OF 7111(EPA OPERATING PERMIT FOR I HCFC C I I ‘0,,A11:17, 1 1111 ASSOCIATED WATEia MAIN, `M(ICI IE VER IS 0001.1 AL 1E01 s1_,L I L CITY-CLERK ; i 5873/Il3 W - -I---•- -- -- - -- -- • i40.001 I I 18 5001E Lk .1111101S)6 PARK )110 • I 000110 IY OF KANF) 111SIN ESS CENTER (11017 YORKVII_LF f3 I I Isis IS IN SFR 1107111A1 1111.11111 loNG t1 I/Itl 11150E INC. HAS1A 1 11 ALF III/GRFNI 01 AsM0N1 S 1100011 11 f 'ANIJEkt11/' 7011IAT 010 IS A I , If UE AND L fR t2E 1 Pf t Lf IA 1101 OF S 12111 I 0 01112 Il USES D PURPOSES UL 001000 HEl CIN. A L U TANGES TOWN A. IN DEET ' 111 A L I,1 1101 S TI 1(20110. 010/Il 111111014 MY HAND AND SEAL.01 5001)1 -57411118/�I11 'ROVE II.I.I N15 a 1/24 •GUF I/ z_ Engineering Enterprises, Inc_ HI/ 3011 DAY 110 /EPILM EI 10114 *; '1' CIVIL ENGINEERS 0 LAND SDRVEVORS' < /J -^� /' �* l P 11•2 WI3eBler Rood ' Li s r.✓ Phone 10(630 8466- 60554 (� ° �/2 0/ '1/1120'-=- 11 Phone: (650) 4(46-9350 B PkGI ES]la1AL LAND]uavr TOR 4v24 EYP n 30 Di 1501 05/6 DWG (Alt 0621 8 IGNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE pi\\1; (-41 To: Tony Graff, City Administrator From: Joe Wywrot, City Engineer \,_ :; - Subject: Grande Reserve—Landscape irrigation Date: September 16, 2004 Attached find an estimate of the watering requirement for landscaping at the Grande Reserve development. The total amount of water needed during the growing season is estimated to be around 880,000 gallons per week. This estimate is based on applying one inch of water per week to all of the private open-space areas in the central area of the development. Initially the development was planning to draw water from the retention basins for watering, but they are concerned that the water level of the ponds would drop below the safety shelves. We are providing water at the two entrances of the Windett Ridge development, but those are relatively small and the retention basins are far away. The amount of water requested for just the central area of Grande Reserve is the equivalent of 360 single-family homes. The areas north of the railroad tracks and west of Bristol Ridge Road are not included in this request. While the estimate is probably very conservative, I believe it would be a mistake to provide so much drinking water just for irrigation. I recommend that we not provide this water, and suggest that the developer drill one or more private shallow wells to provide the water. Where possible, water would be drawn from the retention basins, and a private well would pump to the basins if the water level got too low. I also recommend that we adopt a policy of not providing water for any landscaping on private property. Please place this item on t ic Works Committee agenda of ptember 27, 2004 for consideration. '/y Cc: Eric Dhuse, Director of Public Works Liz D'Anna, Deputy City Clerk 09/10/2004 16:39 FAX 16303255595 PASQUINELLI DEE' GRP e1002 r- CORPORATE OFFICE , 101 WAUKEGAN RD.-SUITE 1000 70 EAST LAKE ST. SUITE 815 �� LAKE BLUFF, ILLINOIS 60044 CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 80601 (I347) 735-1000 FnX(54711Dto (312) 053-9200 FnX (312) 553-9263 ,]rir recta@worldnet.att-net lil : ir,i:: " ROLF C. CAMPBELL & ASSOCIATES, INC. Via Facsimile 630-325-5595 To: Tim Winter Fr: Dan Godzicki /Chris Miller Date: September 9, 2004 Re; Grand Reserve, Yorkville Irrigation Calculations Pursuant to your request additional estimates for irrigation consumption have been added to our previous memo. The estimates are based on 1" of water applied per week, which is an industry recommended standard for keeping lawns green during the 28 week growing season. During this time rainfall could need to be supplemented for 10-14 weeks 1" of Water Estimated Area to Water Estimated Water consumption Neighborhood 11 232,000 aq.ft. 144,606 GaUweek ao P, e- Neighborhood 12 522,000 sq.ft. 325,366 Gal/week '16 S P Neighborhood 13 119,000 sq.ft. 74,174 Gal/week 10e P. E. H.O,A, 82,000 sq.ft. 51,112 Gal/week 73 p.E_ Neighborhood 14 259,000 sq.ft. 155,528 GaI/Week aa3 P•1. Neighborhood 1 G/6 160,000 so ft 99,730 Gal/Week 1 Ya P. b Neighborhood 8 45,300 sq.ft. 28,236 GeINveek y2 . p r� Total Estimated Volumes 955,000 sq.ft. 879,104GaIJWeek Population Equivalent 1,255 /Day '' — f.:, Water consumption would decrease with rates of natural precipitation, and irrigation control systems are available to adjust to the rainfall by use of below ground sensors. If you have any questions or comments, please contact our office. Cc: Rolf Campbell P:Wmkvi11e1Pas0ulnelli#33025-Grand Reserve N9-N16WIernos&Transmit19191Memo 090904,d0C ? d Z17L80E8EE9 'ON/Zti:9l '1S/8 :91 tOOZ 6 d3 S(f1Hl) S31N I OOSSV '8 1139dNa0 '0 0100 VIOH i UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE To: Tony Graff, City Administrat r From: Joe Wywrot, City Engineer •, -' ) 3 Subject: Countryside Parkway Interceptor-I ibT Highway Permit&Resolution Date: September 16, 2004 Attached find one copy of the proposed IDOT Highway Permit application for construction of the referenced project. Also attached is the normal resolution that IDOT requires to adopt prior to issuance of the permit. Please place this item on Public Works Committee agenda of September 27, 2004 for consideration. -lejt,o_std(di4--L /(///J 6(Prritt-e, 7/2. r q21)-11/ ./(7/P1 Cc: Dan Kramer, City Attorney Liz D'Anna, Deputy City Clerk Illinois Department of Transportation Highway Permit District Serial No. PMT308ac/L-9450 United City of Yorkville (We) c/o Walter E. Deuchler Associates 230 Woodlawn Avenue (Name of Applicant) (Mailing Address) Aurora IL 60506 Hereinafter termed the Applicant, (City) (State) request permission and authority to do certain work herein described on the right-of-way of the State Highway known IL Route 47 Section From Station to Station Kendall County. The work is described in detail on the attached sketch and/or as follows: Located North of Countryside Parkway. Upon approval this permit authorizes the applicant to locate, construct, operate and maintain at the above mentioned location, an eighteen (18) inch and a twenty-four (24) inch sanitary sewer and related improvements as shown on the attached plans which become a part hereof. The applicant shall notify Steve Niemann, Field Engineer, Phone: 815-942-0351 or the District Permit Section, Phone: 815-434-8490 twenty-four hours in advance of starting any work covered by this permit. The State right-of-way shall be left in good condition. (No advertising matter shall be placed on the State right- of-way). All turf areas which are disturbed during the course of this work shall be restored to the original line and grade and be promptly seeded in accordance with Standard State Specifications. (SEE THE ATTACHED SPECIAL PROVISIONS) It is understood that the work authorized by this permit shall be completed within 180 days after the date this permit is approved, otherwise the permit becomes null and void. This permit is subject to the conditions and restrictions printed on the reverse side of this sheet. This permit is hereby accepted and its provisions agreed to this Day of 20 Witness Signed Applicant 800 Game Farm Road 800 Game Farm Road Mailing Address Mailing Address Yorkville, Illinois 6056.0 Yorkville , T11innie h0560 City State City State SIGN AND RETURN TO: District Engineer 700 East Norris Drive, Ottawa, IL 61350 Approved this day of 20 Department of Transportation CC:Applicant (2) Field Engineer Final Inspection BY: District Engineer First: The Applicant represents all parties in interest and shall furnish material, do all work, pay all costs, and shall in a reasonable length of time restore the damaged portions of the highway to a condition similar or equal to that existing before the commencement of the described work, including any seeding or sodding necessary. Second: The proposed work shall be located and constructed to the satisfaction of the District Engineer or his duly authorized representative. No revisions or additions shall be made to the proposed work on the right-of-way without the written permission of the District Engineer. Third: The Applicant shall at all times conduct the work in such a manner as to minimize hazards to vehicular and pedestrian traffic. Traffic controls and work site protection shall be in accordance with the applicable requirements of Chapter 6 (Traffic Controls for Highway Construction and Maintenance Operations) of the Illinois Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways and with the traffic control plan if one is required elsewhere in the permit. All signs, barricades, flaggers, etc., required for traffic control shall be furnished by the Applicant. The work may be done on any day except Sunday, New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. Work shall be done only during daylight hours. Fourth: The work performed by the Applicant is for the bona fide purpose expressed and not for the purpose of, nor will it result in, the parking or servicing of vehicles on the highway right-of-way. Signs located on or over hanging the right-of-way shall be prohibited. Fifth: The Applicant, his successors or assigns, agrees to hold harmless the State of Illinois and its duly appointed agents and employees against any action for personal injury or property damage sustained by reason of the exercise of this permit. Sixth: The Applicant shall not trim, cut or in any way disturb any trees or shrubbery along the highway without the approval of the District Engineer or his duly authorized representative. Seventh: The State reserves the right to make such changes, additions, repairs and relocation's within its statutory limits to the facilities constructed under this permit or their appurtenances on the right-of-way as may at any time be considered necessary to permit the relocation, reconstruction, widening or maintaining of the highway and/or provide proper protection to life and property on or adjacent to the State right-of-way. However, in the event this permit is granted to construct, locate, operate and maintain utility facilities on the State right-of- way, the Applicant, upon written request by the District Engineer, shall perform such alterations or change of location of the facilities, without expense to the State, and should the Applicant fail to make satisfactory arrangements to comply with this request within a reasonable time, the State reserves the right to make such alterations or change of location or remove the work, and the Applicant agrees to pay for the cost incurred. Eighth: This permit is effective only insofar as the Department has jurisdiction and does not presume to release the Applicant from compliance with the provisions of any existing statutes or local regulations relating to the construction of such work. Ninth: The Construction of access driveways is subject to the regulations listed in the "Policy on Permits for Access Driveways to State Highways." If, in the future, the land use of property served by an access driveway described and constructed in accordance with this permit changes so as to require a higher driveway type as defined in that policy, the owner shall apply for a new permit and bear the costs for such revisions as may be required to conform to the regulations listed in the policy. Utility installations shall be subject to the "Policy on the Accommodation of Utilities on Right-of-Way of the Illinois State Highway System." Tenth: The Applicant affirms that the property lines shown on the attached sheet(s) are true and correct and binds and obligates himself to perform the operation in accordance with the description and attached sketch and to abide by the policy regulations. f SPECIAL PROVISIONS Whenever any of the work under this permit involves any obstruction or hazard to the free flow of traffic in the normal traffic lanes, plans for the proposed method of traffic control must be submitted to and approved by the District Engineer at least 72 hours, and preferably longer, before the start of work. All traffic control shall be in accordance with the State of Illinois Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices and amendments thereof. It should be noted that standards and typical placement of devices shown in the Uniform Manual are minimums. Many locations may require additional or supplemental devices. The petitioner agrees to furnish the necessary barricades, lights, and flagmen for the protection of traffic. Traffic shall be maintained at all times. The applicant agrees to notify the Department of Transportation upon completion of work covered under the terms and conditions of this permit so that a final inspection and acceptance can be made. To avoid any revisions to the work completed under the highway permit, the applicant should insure the conditions and restrictions of this permit, the applicable supplemental permit specifications and permit drawing are fully understood. If this permit work is contracted out, it will be the responsibility of the applicant to furnish the contractor with a copy of this highway permit, as the applicant will be responsible for the contractor's work. A copy of approved permit shall be present on job site at all times the work is in progress. The Department reserves the right to reject or accept any contractor hired by the applicant. No person, firm, corporation or institution, public or private, shall discharge or empty any type of sewage, including the effluent from septic tanks or other sewage treatment devices, or any other domestic, commercial or industrial waste, or any putrescible liquids, or cause the same to be discharged or emptied in any manner into open ditches along any public street or highway, or into any drain or drainage structure installed solely for street or highway drainage purposes. All excavations shall be promptly backfilled, thoroughly tamped and any excess material removed from the State right-of-way (including rock exposed during backfilling operations). Mounding or crowning of backfill will not be permitted. The diameter of any bored hole shall not be more than one (1) inch larger than the outside diameter of the pipe. Boring of pipe over six (6) inches in diameter shall be accomplished with an auger and following pipe. Borings six (6) inches and under may be accomplished by either jacking or auger and following pipe method. Excavation adjacent to the edge of pavement shall be shored to prevent caving if the distance is less than ten (10) feet plus the depth of excavation from the edge of pavement. It is the applicant's responsibility for insuring that all requirements of the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, Division of Water Pollution Control and Public Water Supplies have been satisfied. pmt308/L-9450 RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the United City of Yorkville located in the county of Kendall, state of Illinois, wishes to construct a sanitary sewer line along IL Route 47 which by law comes under the jurisdiction and control of the Department of Transportation of the state of Illinois, and WHEREAS, a permit from said Department is required before said work can be legally undertaken by said United City of Yorkville; now THEREFORE, be it resolved by the United City of Yorkville, county of Kendall, state of Illinois. FIRST: That we do hereby request from the Department of Transportation, state of Illinois, a permit authorizing the United City of Yorkville to proceed with the work herein described and as shown on enclosed detailed plans. SECOND: Upon completion of the proposed sanitary sewer by the contractor and acceptance by the City, the City guarantees that all work has been performed in accordance with the conditions of the permit to be granted by the Department of Transportation of the state of Illinois. Further, the City will hold the state of Illinois harmless for any damages that may occur to persons or property during such work. The City will require the contractor to obtain a bond and a comprehensive general liability insurance policy in acceptable amounts and will require the developer to add the State of Illinois as an additional insured on both policies. THIRD: That we hereby state that the proposed work is, is not, (delete one) to be performed by the employees of the United City of Yorkville. FOURTH: That the proper officers of the United City of Yorkville are hereby instructed and authorized to sign said permit in behalf of the United City of Yorkville. I, , hereby certify the above to be a (City or Village Clerk) true copy of the resolution passed by the City Council, county of Kendall, State of Illinois. Dated this day of A.D. 20 (Signature) (CORPORATE SEAL) RESOLUTION , u j) i1 CITY OF YORKVILLE ...1 rAlkill... t vit, V. WATER DEPARTMENT REPORT Iii 'I� MONTH JUly 2004 WELLS WELL DEPTH PUMP DEPTH WATER ABOVE THIS MONTH'S PUMPAGE NO. (FEET) (FEET) PUMP (FEET) (MILLION GALLONS) 3 1335 463 200 21.728 , 4 1393 542 190 16.982 TOTAL 38.710 Ell CURRENT MONTH'S PUMPAGE IS 2,344,000 GALLONS MORE THAN LAST MONTH ❑ LESS MORE 8,584,000 GALLONS ® THAN THIS MONTH LAST YEAR LESS DAILY AVERAGE PUMPED: 1.249,000 GALLONS DAILY MAXIMUM PUMPED: 1.978,000 GALLONS DAILY AVERAGE PER CAPITA USE: 130 GALLONS WATER TREATMENT CHLORINE FED: 474 LBS. CALCULATED CONCENTRATION: 1.5 MG/L FLUORIDE FED: 541 LBS. CALCULATED CONCENTRATION: 0,31 MG/L WATER QUALITY AS DETERMINED FROM SAMPLES ANALYZED BY ILLINOIS ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY BACTERIOLOGICAL: 9 SAMPLES TAKEN 9 SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY (EXPLAIN FLUORIDE : 2 SAMPLE(S) TAKEN CONCENTRATION : 1'05 MG/L MAINTENANCE NUMBER OF METERS REPLACED: 10 NUMBER OF LEAKS OR BREAKS REPAIRED: 1 NEW CUSTOMERS RESIDENTIAL 40 COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL/GOVERNMENTAL COMMENTS Main Breaker replaced at Rt 47 Booster Station , new Check valve installed Well 3, Breaker replaced at N. Tower • A CITY OF YORKVILLE ..A', l _ '„II WATER DEPARTMENT REPORT 11.41--.2 August 2004 MONTH ilaMMEMEMM WELLS , WELL DEPTH PUMP DEPTH WATER ABOVE THIS MONTH'S PUMPAGE NO. (FEET) (FEET) PUMP (FEET) (MILLION GALLONS) 3 • 1335 463 205 16.905 4 1393 542 185 15.904 TOTAL 32.809 ti CURRENT MONTH'S PUMPAGE IS 5,901,000 GALLONS MORE THAN LAST MONTH Li LESS 2,087,000 GALLONS 0 MORE THAN THIS MONTH LAST YEAR i] LESS DAILY AVERAGE PUMPED: 1,058,354 GALLONS DAILY MAXIMUM PUMPED: 1,694,000 GALLONS DAILY AVERAGE PER CAPITA USE: 110 GALLONS WATER TREATMENT CHLORINE FED: 450 LBS. CALCULATED CONCENTRATION: 1.6 MG/L FLUORIDE FED: 526 LBS. CALCULATED CONCENTRATION: 0.36 MG/L WATER QUALITY AS DETERMINED FROM SAMPLES ANALYZED BY ILLINOIS ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY BACTERIOLOGICAL: 9 SAMPLES TAKEN 9 SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY (EXPLAIN FLUORIDE : 9 SAMPLE(S) TAKEN CONCENTRATION: 9 MG/L MAINTENANCE NUMBER OF METERS REPLACED: 14 NUMBER OF LEAKS OR BREAKS REPAIRED: 0 NEW CUSTOMERS RESIDENTIAL 49 COMMERCIAL 2 INDUSTRIAL/GOVERNMENTAL 1 COMMENTS Well 7 completed , phase 4 of Raintree on line , 8,310 gallons used for landscape at ne. ... •SI .. -. . . . _ O .H _ __ del UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE , To: Tony Graff, City Administrator From: Joe Wywrot, City Engineer Subject: Public Sidewalk Program Date: September 16, 2004 Attached find a letter from resident Steve Davis regarding sidewalks along Hillcrest Avenue between Prairie Street and Center Parkway. He is concerned about safety in this area, where some properties have sidewalks and some do not. Recently we discussed the status of our annual public sidewalk replacement project. This project typically includes construction of new public sidewalk at a location near a school, in an area of high pedestrian activity, or in an area where pedestrian safety is a concern. We also discussed the possibility of constructing new sidewalk in areas such as that mentioned by Mr. Davis to complete the sidewalk system in residential neighborhoods. Doing that, however, would probably lead to complaints from residents that had participated in the 60/40 sidewalk replacement program. To address that issue, we should consider eliminating the 60/40 program, and methodically work our way through the city replacing and adding sidewalk where we deem it necessary. If a resident wanted to get the sidewalk in front of their home replaced sooner, they could do so by paying 40% of the cost. Please place this item on the Public Works Committee agenda of September 27, 2004 for discussion. / fi Steve Davis 1006 Sunset Yorkville, IL 60560 August 30, 2004 Mr. Joe Wywrot City Engineer United City of Yorkville 800 Game Faun Road Yorkville, IL 60560 Dear Mr. Wywrot, My name is Steve Davis, and I am a Yorkville resident who often travels throughout the northern half of the city by foot. This includes walking with my young niece and nephew. This experience is usually pleasant, but at times can be dangerous where we encounter locations with no pedestrian facilities, forcing us to walk in the street. One such location is along Hillcrest Avenue between Prairie Street and Center Parkway, where some properties have a sidewalk along the street and others do not. Pedestrians are forced to walk in the street in order to travel between sections of sidewalk. There are often vehicles parked along the street in this area, causing an unsafe walking environment due to the sight obstructions they create. This area is even more dangerous in the morning and afternoon when many students use this street to access the high school, paying little attention to children who may be walking or playing in the residential area. Why are these sections of sidewalk currently missing? I believe safety and accessibility could be greatly increased for pedestrians if the sidewalks along Hillcrest Avenue were completed. Does Yorkville have a plan to construct these facilities, and if so, when will this be done? I look forward to a time when I can walk along this street without being forced to leave the sidewalk. Sincerely, Steve Davis UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE To: Tony Graff, City Administrator \\ _ From: Joe Wywrot, City Engineer Subject: Rob Roy Creek Interceptor— ase 1 JJJ Date: September 21, 2004 This project consists of constructing a 36" sanitary sewer along River Road and through the PNA Youth Camp. The eastern limit is at the existing Blackberry Creek Interceptor (about 2000 feet west of the YBSD treatment plant) and the western limit is at the western edge of the PNA property. Due to usage of the soccer fields at the PNA camp, this project has a very tight window for construction this coming fall and winter. Consequently, we have set up a tentative bid schedule, as follows: Legal Notice: September 30, 2004 Kendall County Record Bid Opening: October 15, 2004 @ 11 am Yorkville City Hall Approvals: October 19, 2004 Committee of the Whole October 26, 2004 City Council Please place this item on the Public Works Committee agenda of September 27, 2004 for consideration. Cc: Liz D'Anna, Deputy City Clerk Traci Pleckham, Director of Finance UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE To: Tony Graf City Administrat r From: Joe Wywrot, City Engineer • Subject: Game Farm Road Project —R Dedication Date: September 22, 2004 Attached find two proposals from Smith Engineering to prepare plats of dedication for right- of-way for property owned by the city and the Yorkville School District along Game Farm Road. The proposals are in the amount of$824.40 and $1274.40, respectively. Checking for adequate right-of-way dedication is a necessary step in the approval process for a federally funded roadway project. During their research, Smith Engineering found that the old Game Farm property owned by the state never had dedicated a right-of-way for the road. Since the process of obtaining this right-of-way through the formal federal procedure can be very time consuming, Smith has recommended that we dedicate it now. They will then be able to show it as existing right-of-way when they submit their Phase 1 report to IDOT. The School District has asked that the new ROW be staked at regular intervals so they can see where it is. This work is included in Smith's proposal. I recommend that these proposals be approved. Please place this item on the Public Works Committee agenda of September 27, 2004. Cc: Liz D'Anna, Deputy City Clerk SEC Surveying Professional Land Surveyors PROPOSAL/AGREEMENT LAND SURVEYING SERVICES Mr. Joseph Wywrot City of Yorkville 800 Game Farm Road Yorkville, Illinois 60560 PLAT OF DEDICATION AND MONUMENTATION GAME FARM ROAD—EAST SIDE UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE LANDS Job No. YORK-040098.01-4 September 21, 2004 Prepared by: Craig L. Duy, P.L.S. Senior Staff Surveyor 759 John Street,Yorkville,IL 60560 www.smithengineering.com Telephone 630.553.0868 Fax 630.553.7646 Mr. Joseph Wywrot City of Yorkville Plat of Dedication and Monumentation Game Farm Road-East YORK-040098.01-4 September 21,2004 Page 2 Scope of Work 1) Prepare a Plat of Dedication for the East side of Game Farm Road(United City of Yorkville Property)for recordation of any undedicated right-of-way from the South line of Countryside Subdivision Unit 1 at the North to the North line of Yorkville Community Unit School District No. 115 property at the South. Scope also includes coordination and administration. 2) Setting of Monumentation-Iron pins (5/8" diameter—30" long)will be placed at all right-of-way corners and points of curvature. "Red-top" stakes will be placed adjacent to said iron pins. Man-hour and Fee Summary This contract shall be a lump sum contract. Based upon our understanding of the project,we believe a maximum of 10 hours will be required to complete the Plat of Dedication with an associated fee of $824.40 of which$750 is labor and$74.40 is reimbursable for prints and mylar prints (at cost). Direct Costs Mylars (4 each x 1/sheets/set x $18/sheet) $72.00 Prints (4 each x 1/sheets/set x $0.60/sheet) $ 2.40 Total Direct Costs $74.40 Total Fee $824.40 Extra Work Mr. Joseph Wywrot City of Yorkville Plat of Dedication and Monumentation Game Farm Road-East YORK-040098.01-4 September 21, 2004 Page 3 Extra Work Any work required but not included as part of this contract shall be considered extra work. Extra work will be billed on a Time and Material basis with prior approval of the CLIENT. Attorneys' Fees In the event of any litigation arising from or related to the services provided under this AGREEMENT,the prevailing party will be entitled to recovery of all reasonable costs incurred,including staff time,court costs,attorneys'fees and other related expenses. Certificate of Merit The CLIENT shall make no claim for professional negligence,either directly or in a third party claim,against SEC unless the CLIENT has first provided SEC with a written certification executed by an independent design professional currently practicing in the same discipline as SEC and licensed in the State of Illinois. This certification shall: a)contain the name and license number of the certifier; b) specify each and every act or omission that the certifier contends is a violation of the standard of care expected of a Design Professional performing professional services under similar circumstances;and c)state in complete detail the basis for the certifiers opinion that each such actor omission constitutes such a violation. This certificate shall be provided to SEC not less than thirty(30) calendar days prior to the presentation of any claim or the institution of any arbitration or judicial proceeding. Standard of Care Services provided by SEC under this AGREEMENT will be performed in a manner consistent with that degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of the same profession currently practicing under similar circumstances. Reuse of Documents All project documents including,but not limited to,plans and specifications furnished by SEC under this project are intended for use on this project only. Any reuse,without specific written verification or adoption by SEC,shall be at the CLIENTS sole risk,and CLIENT shall indemnify and hold harmless SEC from all claims,damages and expenses including attorneys fees arising out of or resulting therefrom. Ownership of Instruments of Service All reports,plans,specifications,field data,field notes,laboratory test data,calculations,estimates and other documents including all documents on electronic media prepared by SEC as instruments of service shall remain the property of SEC. SEC shall retain these records for a period of five(5)years following completion/submission of the records,during which period they will be made available to the CLIENT at all reasonable times. Design Information in Electronic Form Because CADD information stored in electronic form can be modified by other parties,intentionally or otherwise,without notice or indication of said modifications,SEC reserves the right to remove all indicia of its ownership and/or involvement in the material from each electronic medium not held in its possession. The CLIENT shall retain copies of the work performed by SEC in CADD form only for information and use by the CLIENT for the specific purpose for which SEC was engaged. Said materials shall not be used by the CLIENT,or transferred to any other party,for use in other projects,additions to the current project,or any other purpose for which the material was not strictly intended by SEC without SEC'S express written permission. Any use or reuse of original or altered CADD design materials by the CLIENT,agents of the CLIENT,or other parties without the review and written approval of SEC shall be at the sole risk of the CLIENT. Furthermore,the CLIENT agrees to defend,indemnify, and hold SEC harmless from all claims,injuries,damages,losses,expenses,and attorneys fees arising out of the modification or reuse of these materials. Mr. Joseph Wywrot City of Yorkville Plat of Dedication and Monumentation Game Farm Road-East YORK-040098.01-4 September 21,2004 Page 4 The CLIENT recognizes that designs,plans,and data stored on electronic media including,but not limited to computer disk and magnetic tape,may be subject to undetectable alteration and/or uncontrollable deterioration. The CLIENT,therefore,agrees that SEC shall not be liable for the completeness or accuracy of any materials provided on electronic media after a 30 day inspection period, during which time SEC shall correct any errors detected by the CLIENT to complete the design in accordance with the intent of the contract and specifications. After 40 days,at the request of the CLIENT,SEC shall submit a fmal set of sealed drawings,and any additional services to be performed by SEC relative to the submitted electronic materials shall be subject to separate AGREEMENT. Dispute Resolution In an effort to resolve any conflicts that arise during the design or construction of the project or following the completion of the project,the Consultant and CLIENT agree that all disputes between them arising out of or relating to this AGREEMENT shall be submitted to nonbinding mediation unless the parties mutually agree otherwise. lithe dispute cannot be settled amicably,it shall then be settled by arbitration in the State of Illinois in accordance with the American Arbitration Associates. The Award of the arbitrator shall be conclusive and binding upon the parties. The CLIENT agrees,to the fullest extent permitted by law,to limit the liability of SEC and its subconsultants to the CLIENT for any and all claims,losses,costs,damages of any nature whatsoever or claims expenses from any cause or causes,including attorneys'fees and costs and expert witness fees and costs,so that the total aggregate liability of SEC and its subconsultants to all those named shall not exceed SEC'S total fee for services rendered on this project,whichever is greater. It is intended that this limitation apply to any and all liability or cause of action however alleged or arising,unless otherwise prohibited by law. Exclusion This fee does not include attendance at any meetings or public hearings other than those specifically listed in the Scope of Services. These work items are considered extra and are billed separately on an hourly basis. Payment 1. All work will be invoiced on a monthly basis. All invoices shall be paid within 45 days of the invoice dal-P.All outstanding invoices greater than 45 days shall have 1.5% interest compounded monthly added to the invoice. Additionally, all outstanding invoices must be paid in full before Final Plats of Subdivision will be submitted for recording or record drawings are submitted to municipalities for final approval. Should the CLIENT fail to pay for professional services hereunder,as billed within 45 days of such billing,SEC shall be excused from rendering any further services under this project. No work shall be signed or sealed until payment in full is received. 2. This AGREEMENT shall not be enforceable by either party until each has in its possession a copy of this AGREEMENT signed by the other. Inclement Weather In the event of a substantial weather system affecting the completion of the said project,SEC retains the right to renegotiate additional fees to cover time needed to complete the said project. Substantial weather conditions include but not limited to extensive rain,high winds,snow greater than two(2)inches and ice. Time Limit This AGREEMENT must be executed within thirty(30)days of the composition date to be accepted under the terms set forth herein. This contract shall expire one year from date of execution. Work cannot begin until we have your signed AGREEMENT. If this AGREEMENT merits your approval and acceptance,please sign both copies,retain one copy for your files and return one to our office. Mr. Joseph Wywrot City of Yorkville Plat of Dedication and Monumentation Game Farm Road-East YORK-040098.01-4 September 21,2004 Page 5 If you have any questions or comments,please feel free to contact our office. We sincerely appreciate this opportunity to offer our services. Sincerely, SMITH ENG ERING CONSULT ► . INC. il Craig L. Duy, P.L.S. Senior Staff Surveyor CLD/kmg Accepted by: Title: Date: Client: Y:Uobs\Smith\2004\040098 Game Farm Phase 1\administration\contract\040098.01 contract-Game Farm Dedication East-092104-cld.doc ISEC Surveying Professional Land Surveyors PROPOSAL/AGREEMENT LAND SURVEYING SERVICES Mr. Joseph Wywrot City of Yorkville 800 Game Farm Road Yorkville, Illinois 60560 PLAT OF DEDICATION AND MONUMENTATION GAME FARM ROAD—EAST AND WEST SIDE YORKVILLE C.U.S.D. NO. 115 Job No. YORK-040098.02-4 September 21, 2004 Prepared by: Craig L. Duy, P.L.S. Senior Staff Surveyor 759 John Street,Yorkville,IL 60560 www smithengineering.com Telephone 630.553.0868 Fax 630.553.7646 Mr. Joseph Wywrot City of Yorkville Plat of Dedication and Monumentation Game Farm Road-West YORK-040098.02-4 September 21,2004 Page 2 Scope of Work I 1) Prepare a Plat of Dedication for the West side of Game Farm Road(C.U.S.D.No. 115 Property) for recordation of any undedicated right-of-way from Conover Lane at the North to the North line of Conover's First Subdivision at the South, and for the East side of Game Farm Road(C.U.S.D. No. 115 Property) from the South line of United City of Yorkville property on the North to the North line of Conover's First Subdivision at the South. Scope also includes coordination and administration. 2) Setting of Monumentation-Iron pins (5/8"diameter—30"long)will be placed at all right-of-way corners and points of curvature. "Red-top" stakes will be placed adjacent to said iron pins. Lath to be placed at approximately 200' intervals along the new right of way lines. Man-hour and Fee Summary This contract shall be a lump sum contract. Based upon our understanding of the project,we believe a maximum of 16 hours will be required to complete the Plat of Dedication with an associated fee of $1274.40 of which$1,200 is labor and$74.40 is reimbursable for prints and mylar prints(at cost). Direct Costs Mylars(4 each x 1/sheets/set x$18/sheet) $72.00 Prints(4 each x 1/sheets/set x$0.60/sheet) $ 2.40 Total Direct Costs $74.40 Total Fee $1274.40 Extra Work Mr. Joseph Wywrot City of Yorkville Plat of Dedication and Monumentation Game Farm Road-West YORK-040098.02-4 September 21,2004 Page 3 Extra Work Any work required but not included as part of this contract shall be considered extra work. Extra work will be billed on a Time and Material basis with prior approval of the CLIENT. Attorneys'Fees In the event of any litigation arising from or related to the services provided under this AGREEMENT,the prevailing party will be entitled to recovery of all reasonable costs incurred,including staff time,court costs,attorneys'fees and other related expenses. Certificate of Merit The CLIENT shall make no claim for professional negligence,either directly or in a third party claim,against SEC unless the CLIENT has first provided SEC with a written certification executed by an independent design professional currently practicing in the same discipline as SEC and licensed in the State of Illinois. This certification shall: a)contain the name and license number of the certifier; b) specify each and every act or omission that the certifier contends is a violation of the standard of care expected of a Design Professional performing professional services under similar circumstances;and c)state in complete detail the basis for the certifier's opinion that each such act or omission constitutes such a violation. This certificate shall be provided to SEC not less than thirty(30) calendar days prior to the presentation of any claim or the institution of any arbitration or judicial proceeding. Standard of Care Services provided by SEC under this AGREEMENT will be performed in a manner consistent with that degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of the same profession currently practicing under similar circumstances. Reuse of Documents All project documents including,but not limited to,plans and specifications furnished by SEC under this project are intended for use on this project only. Any reuse,without specific written verification or adoption by SEC,shall be at the CLIENTS sole risk,and CLIENT shall indemnify and hold harmless SEC from all claims,damages and expenses including attorney's fees arising out of or resulting therefrom. Ownership of Instruments of Service All reports,plans,specifications,field data,field notes,laboratory test data calculations,estimates and other documents including all documents on electronic media prepared by SEC as instruments of service shall remain the property of SEC. SEC shall retain these records for a period of five(5)years following completion/submission of the records,during which period they will be made available to the CLIENT at all reasonable times. Design Information in Electronic Form Because CADD information stored in electronic form can be modified by other parties,intentionally or otherwise,without notice or indication of said modifications,SEC reserves the right to remove all indicia of its ownership and/or involvement in the material from each electronic medium not held in its possession. The CLIENT shall retain copies of the work performed by SEC in CADD form only for information and use by the CLIENT for the specific purpose for which SEC was engaged. Said materials shall not be used by the CLIENT,or transferred to any other party,for use in other projects,additions to the current project,or any other purpose for which the material was not strictly intended by SEC without SEC'S express written permission. Any use or reuse of original or altered CADD design materials by the CLIENT,agents of the CLIENT,or other parties without the review and written approval of SEC shall be at the sole risk of the CLIENT. Furthermore,the CLIENT agrees to defend,indemnify, and hold SEC harmless from all claims,injuries,damages,losses,expenses,and attorney's fees arising out of the modification or reuse of these materials. Mr.Joseph Wywrot City of Yorkville Plat of Dedication and Monumentation Game Farm Road-West YORK-040098.02-4 September 21,2004 Page 4 The CLIENT recognizes that designs,plans,and data stored on electronic media including,but not limited to computer disk and magnetic tape,may be subject to undetectable alteration and/or uncontrollable deterioration. The CLIENT,therefore,agrees that SEC shall not be liable for the completeness or accuracy of any materials provided on electronic media after a 30 day inspection period, during which time SEC shall correct any errors detected by the CLIENT to complete the design in accordance with the intent of the contract and specifications. After 40 days,at the request of the CLIENT,SEC shall submit a final set of sealed drawings,and any additional services to be performed by SEC relative to the submitted electronic materials shall be subject to separate AGREEMENT. Dispute Resolution In an effort to resolve any conflicts that arise during the design or construction of the project or following the completion of the project,the Consultant and CLIENT agree that all disputes between them arising out of or relating to this AGREEMENT shall be submitted to nonbinding mediation unless the parties mutually agree otherwise. If the dispute cannot be settled amicably,it shall then be settled by arbitration in the State of Illinois in accordance with the American Arbitration Associates. The Award of the arbitrator shall be conclusive and binding upon the parties. The CLIENT agrees,to the fullest extent permitted by law,to limit the liability of SEC and its subconsultants to the CLIENT for any and all claims,losses,costs,damages of any nature whatsoever or claims expenses from any cause or causes,including attorneys'fees and costs and expert witness fees and costs,so that the total aggregate liability of SEC and its subconsultants to all those named shall not exceed SEC'S total fee for services rendered on this project,whichever is greater. It is intended that this limitation apply to any and all liability or cause of action however alleged or arising,unless otherwise prohibited by law. Exclusion This fee does not include attendance at any meetings or public hearings other than those specifically listed in the Scope of Services. These work items are considered extra and are billed separately on an hourly basis. Payment 1. All work will be invoiced on a monthly basis. All invoices shall be paid within 45 days of the invoice date.All outstanding invoices greater than 45 days shall have 1.5% interest compounded monthly added to the invoice. Additionally, all outstanding invoices must be paid in full before Final Plats of Subdivision will be submitted for recording or record drawings are submitted to municipalities for final approval. Should the CLIENT fail to pay for professional services hereunder,as billed within 45 days of such billing,SEC shall be excused from rendering any further services under this project. No work shall be signed or sealed until payment in full is received. 2. This AGREEMENT shall not be enforceable by either party until each has in its possession a copy of this AGREEMENT signed by the other. Inclement Weather • In the event of a substantial weather system affecting the completion of the said project,SEC retains the right to renegotiate additional fees to cover time needed to complete the said project. Substantial weather conditions include but not limited to extensive rain,high winds,snow greater than two(2)inches and ice. Time Limit This AGREEMENT must be executed within thirty(30)days of the composition date to be accepted under the terms set forth herein. This contract shall expire one year from date of execution. Work cannot begin until we have your signed AGREEMENT. If this AGREEMENT merits your approval and acceptance,please sign both copies,retain one copy for your files and return one to our office. Mr. Joseph Wywrot City of Yorkville Plat of Dedication and Monumentation Game Farm Road-West YORK-040098.02-4 September 21,2004 Page 5 If you have any questions or comments,please feel free to contact our office. We sincerely appreciate this opportunity to offer our services. Sincerely, SMITH ENG EERING CONSU ANTS, INC. Craig L. Duy, P. .S. Senior Staff Surveyor CLD/kmg Accepted by: Title: Date: Client: Y:\Jobs\Smith\2004\040098 Game Farm Phase I\administration\contract\040098.02-Contract-Game Farm Dedication West-092104-cld.doc UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE To: Tony Graff, City Administra or From: Joe Wywrot, City Engineer Subject: Grande Reserve—Plats of V ation and Easement Date: September 20, 2004 Attached find one copy each of a proposed plat of vacation and plat of easement for the Grande Reserve development. The plat of vacation is for a 5'-wide strip of an existing 30'- wide easement that extends from the Well #8 site to Mill Road. Fox Metro revised their Mill Road Interceptor alignment to run parallel to this easement. The exclusive easement that they require, however, partially overlapped an easement previously dedicated to the city. This Plat of Vacation reduces the width of the city easement by 5 feet. The remaining city easement is wide enough to accommodate future utilities. The Plat of Easement is for 15'-wide strip parallel to and immediately north of the city easement mentioned above. This easement is needed to allow for construction of the Well #8 sanitary sewer in the proper location. That sewer connects directly to Fox Metro's Mill Road Interceptor. The County Recorders signature block on both plats needs to be revised to state"County Recorder" at the signature line. On the plat of easement, the City Engineer signature block is not needed and can be crossed out. Other than these items, I recommend that these plats be approved. Please place these items on the Public Works Committee agenda of September 27, 2004 for consideration. Cc: Liz D'Anna, Deputy City Clerk Dan Kramer, City Attorney P I.N.: 02-11-400-005 FLAT OF VACATION' THAT PART OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 11,TOWNSHIP 37 NORTH,RANGE 7 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN.DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: OWNERSHIP CERTIFICATE COMMENCING AT THE POINT OF INTERSECTION OF THE CENTERLINE OF MILL ROAD WI"'H THE EAST LINE OF SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION I1;THENCE SOUTH 01 DEGREE 00 MINUTES 45 SECONDS EAST EN AN ASSUMED BEARING ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 11 A DISTANCE OF 5228 FEET TO A LITE 50-00 FEET SOUTHERLY OF AND PARALLEL STATE OF z/22lLA ) WITH THE CENTERLINE OF MILL ROAD;THENCE NORTH 74 DEGREES 01 MINUTE 01 SECOND WEST ALONG SAID PARALLEL LINE A ) S.S. DISTANCE OF 492.05 FEET;THENCE SOUTH 15 DEGREES 58 MINUTES 59 SECONDS',/ES'7-13 FEET;THENCE SOUTH 70 DEGREES 38 COUNTY OF azicb,9e_—_ ) MINUTES 03 SECONDS WEST 39.53 FEET TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING,THENCE SOUTH 74 DEGREES 01 MINUTE 01 SECOND EAST 3-84 FEET,THENCE SOUTH 70 DEGREES 38 MINUTES 03 SECONDS WEST 448.57 FEE';TFENCE NORTH 36 DEGREES 21 MINUTES 11 CITY COUNCIL CERT FICATE THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT SECONDS'WEST 5.23 FEET,THENCE NORTH 70 DEGREES 38 MINUTES 03 SECONDS DIS-443.15 FEET TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING, STATE SF ILLINOIS ZI_Pr- a yc2rit i/// Cy2LYb/I,LS AN SAID PARCEL OF LAND CONTAINS 0A512 ACRE.MORE OR LESS,ALL IN KENDALL COUNT,ILLINOIS. I INDIS CORPORATION, IS THE FEE SIMPLE OWNER OF THE PROPERTY COUNTY of KENDALL) L DESCRIBED IN THE FOREGOING SUP EYOR'S CERTIFICATE AND HAS CAUSED THE SAME TO BE SURVEYED, AND ATTER AS SHOWN 4EREON FOR THE / APPROVED AND ACCEPTED. THIS9Y THE�u ATOP AND CITY COUNCIL of rnE uNIrED Y of roRKv�LLE,[LUNG'S. THIS__ DAY of 30_ USES AND PUP,POSES HEREIN SET FORTH AS ALLOWED AND PROVIDES -I �� Ij,‘ F R B STATUTE, AND OEDHEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE AND ADOPT THE / SAME uNDER THE STYLE AND TITLE THEREON NDICA`ED. / ------ THUNDERSIGNED HEREBY EDCAT S OR PUBLIC USE ;E LANDS -/ ' MAYOR SHOWN ON HIS ?LAT FOR THOROUGHFARES S FETS, AL (S AND I / l - PUBLIC SERVICES, AND HEREBY ALSO RESERVES OR ANY ELECTRIC, GAS, /' E CITY CLERK'S CERTIFICATE TEI EPHONE, C,ABLE Tv OR OTHER TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPANY UNDER //� , STATE OF IWNOIS ) FRANCHISE AGREEMENT NI OH THE UNITED CIT OF YORK/IL_ THEIR s.s. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, THE EASE4IEVT PROVISf GINS WHICH ARE `` / - J '' COUNTY OF KENDALL) STATED HEREON. ./� / // AP.°ROVED AND ACCEPTED AY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF WE'.'NI TESD CITY NF `_\ / _---'T------ / 099MLLE,:LL'NO15,BY ORDINANCE No. \ l \ /, / / // AT A MEETING 4ELD THIS DAT_ OF 0 Da TED a` I$c�R,� —___-, Ylaas s \� A /// �� / DA1 OF trLnd . 200 �\��7-�/--7- // � j�� scALE -IDD' ',��\ Qi`�' _ / �� / KENDALL COUNTY RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE • / /� / STATE DF L allols I ,�/ \,- // / s- / ISO 5O 0 100 DUN OF KENDALL) .MPI ORK`/IL CENTRAL AN ILLINOIS LI Mi'ED LIABILITY COMPANY -� /� '� �� / • CORPORATION NAME \ �� HS'N7'RUMLVT _ A5 LED FOR RECORD IN WI�RECOROER'S ' / ��.� l/ ..rrlG�OF'(E IOAU COUNT. 'LLINOIS IYE DAY OF /�/ III / /-------- / O / S 70'38' I}7 / A.U.. 2T __A' ..LOCK —M. AND'NAS / i/ ` / :30.0,QOI'Dt" WRECORDED N 300K _ F PLA FS ON PAGE_ t«r B�DR Y„ -icn �/ / \LRCP S 74'C131 ��� R a � \ R 4 ��i1 \ RECORDER DEQ DF DEEDS _�Tc_R„/L 1__Zr- -(9osa� - / -/NOR�N Ra/ /� P f �`Cfl P.O.C. //GOON , 31[/�A // `\ y�v�`\, \\Q��` � _ //n1 \R��l- 8U�--,,G Ort / / A- ;y�.y //// s as9 w ' I C-1[e` �^\�/ Is 31 70'1[5' E CTT” CLERK Vv 2"9' �- �� NA O. N 3fi'2111" W ,o CY �1 O �t"f'8°� _,p�, X22-as zrs / li COUNTY CLERK'S CERTIFICATE '�/ - ,�/ // a }6 @ _ L ETA TE OF 'L NOIS ) �� I %" 5.23���sty 5 , NE so, 0 o S.S. sN / ma p, m� NE 07RLY of 0 / m �'I COUNTY OF KENDALL / i_-,;;.-1),/0 !� IFR ry0 -/ //\ Z. BY. I/ // ;ore or NE D M`ZRTO D- O c� ��a I, 1 ILLINOIS, DO :'HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE CLERK NO D KENDALL QU ENTcouN- // ��/ S 0 a' oan``_ GENERAL TAXES, NO UNPAID CURRENT TAXES, NO UNPAID FORFEITED 'y o m DO 1 '- TAXES, AND NO REDEEMABLE TAX SALES AGAINST N OF THE LAN / 1 O H C INCLUDED IN HE OLA, HEREIN DRAWN- UP'HE CERTIFY THAT I TU TORY FEES / C ] 2 Zory N HAVEN MY HANDANDSEAL OF INH N�FNTION WITH Y'� FLA / 11 Q o,� HEREIN _ AI L��: 0 a. .., ww ,r- � Y9RK DRAWN m � '� � a W UNDERT CLERK A. EC vl._LE. D 0 SECRETARY %l /I'° i3pA/2,-,rY& ���a Q_�� oAm 9 Y _,NOI S THIS DAY OF /$ .o G o W W Dc , '4 mWT • 1L- 9 / s _/ Iry/1 ,Nm V3~ 4 N 90'00'0 - - --I0 `I / 5.2.0:n\ l / C7- COUNTY CLERK '... NOTARY CERTIFICATE S I N 00')'D0'wT� 1 'I ' S30. -A OF _____ \ SOUTH LINE OF '. NOR THE QUARTER CF SECTION 7-T 11112 ^ _ _ _ (` �,S 90'00'00' W / - - -- - - - - - '� I1 ) - COLT N TY OF Q, S�L� A NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR ' E COUNTU AND STATE AFORESAID, DG HEREBY CER TA" THAT STATE OF ILLINOIS T*-- ) S.S. -3 -te AND' COUNTY OF Du PAGE ) PERSOWE. MIDWEST TECHNICAL CONSULTANTS, INC PROFESSIONAL UP-2 YORK KNOWN TO ME _TBE THE PRESIDENT T AND SECRETARY COM N DESIGN FIRM - LAND SURVEYING CORPORATION No- 1E4-002517, MPI SF YOR ASO CENTPAL LLC, AN ILLINOIS LI.MCAY LIABI AC COMPANY, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE PLAT SHOWN HEREON WAS TS SN OWN ABO/C APPEARED BEFONE ME DHIS OVY AND ACKNOWLEDGED PREPARED FROM EXISTING PLATS AND RECORDS AND THAT SAID THAT ASM '- A OF KERS THEY SIGNED AND AL TO BE THE SAID PLAT IS A TRUE AND CORRECT REPRESENTATION THEREOF. ALL i!JS,RU MEINI AND0 CAUSED THE CORPORATE SEAL TO AFFIXED :HERETO DIMENSIONS SHOWN IN FEET AND DECIMAL PART THEREOF. AS THEIR FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT AND AS THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY APPROVED & ACCEPTED ACT OF SAID CORPORATION. FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES THEREIN SET FORTH- UNITED CITY OF YORK0LLE GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL IN RAPER MLLE. ILLINOIS, THIS 310 DAY OF SEPTEMBER, A.D., 2004. 'GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND NOTARIAL SEAL THIS _(to DAY OF 3Y. DATA /,-ELL,v 1[,s PILE: �� ..-&--.069.e..._ /`1)1‘)///11---)P7.• .-&--.0 //7 STATE of RWSELL W. OLS-N, P.L.S. 2715 I ILLINOIS VICE PRESIDENT ANS SUSIONPL DENT I,TANS SURVE,OR - LICENSE EXPIRES 11/30/2004 N0.X35-002 9 DERV IL--. __ ';'C NOTARY PUBLIC � 718 ga-- _ BRUCE A. BRUCKEL MEYEN =2456\ /¢� srATE of MFnTC7A/:cse r„ ` PRESIDENT /1^/^^n^ I 1 T. L SSIO PROFESSIONAL IERSHIP CERTIFICATE 1 1 t P.I.N.: 02-11-400-005 OF _.:121[77X27_5 ) iT T S.S. THAT PART OF HE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 11,TOWNSHIP 37 NORTH,RANGE EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN,DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: T' SF �0 COMMENCING AT THE POINT OF INTERSECTION OF THE CENTERLINE OF MILL ROAD WITH THE-,AST L;JE OF SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 11,THENCE CITY ENGINEER'S CERFTIFICATE SOUTH 01 DEGREE 00 MINUTES 45 SECONDS EAST ON AN.ASSUMED SEARING ALONG THE EAST LJNE O)SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 11 A DISTANCE OF STATE OF,LL',NCIS x5229 FEET TO A LINE 50.00 FEET SOUTHERLY OF AND PARALLEL'NITH THE CENTERLINE OF MILL ROAD:THENCE NORTH 74 DEGREES 01 MINUTE 01 SECOND WEST IIS TO -ER TIFY THAT ) 55 T_ _ �,o_L_y�C_ ALONG SAID PARALLEL LINEA DISTANCE OF 492.05 FEET.THENCE SOUTH 15 DEGREES 58 MINUTES 59'.;ECONDS WEST 7.13 FEET,THENCE SOUTH 70 DEGREES 38 1 [�_yp lrL/2 hT ( K ANI COUNT`!OF KENDALL 915 CORPORATION, IS THE FE` SiMP_E OWNER OF THE PROPERTY MINUTES 03 SECONDS WEST 482.58 FEET TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING;THENCE SOUTH 70 DEGREES.18 MINUTES 03 SECONDS`NEST 414.74 FEET;THENCE NORTH 21 IN THE UR EYED, SUF_SVE "'S CERTIFICATE AND HAS CAUSED DEGREES 45 MINUTES 50 SECONDS EAST 10.91 FEET; THENCE NORTH 70 DEGREES 38 MINUTES 03 SE''DADS EAST 397.05 FEET;THENCE SOUTH 38 DEGREES 21 SAME TO BE SURVEYED, AND PLATTED'ED AS SHOWN HEREON FOR THE MINUTES 11 SECONDS EAST 15.68 FEET TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING;SAID PARCEL OF LAND CONTAINS 0.1799 ACRE,MORE OR LESS,ALL IN KENDALL COUNTY, I JOE WYWRE RED 1ROVEM =OR SHE UNITED TY LL rD R JILT E,DO HER BY ]ER:1F LLINOIS. THAT 1-IE REWIRED ED.MPROAS BEEN AVE BEEN IVS AL ED OR THE REQUIRED AND PURPOSES HEREN SET FORTH AS ALLOWED AND. PROVIDED GUARANTEECOLLATERAL HAS BEEN POSTED FOR THE COMPLETION OF ALL REQUIRED EY STATUTE, AND DOES HEREBY AGOPIJ•NI FCGE AND ADOPT THE , IMPROVEVENTS. UNDER THE STYLE AND TITLE THEREON INDICATED. DATED AT YORKVILLE. IL,HOHS THIS OAK OF . 2055 1)NDERSiGNED HEREBY DEDICATES FOR PILAU-0 USE HE LANDS N ON THIS PLAT FOR THOROUGHFARES, STREETS, ALI.YS AND ✓ SERVICES: AND HEREBY ALSO RESERVES FOR ANY EL CTR C, GAS, /, A. HONE ABLE TV OR OTHER TELECOMMUNICATIONS MEAN'. ONDER • .SE AGREEMENT VITH THE UNITED CPIs( O F YORK/I E, THEIR CM,'ENGINEER L SSORS AND ,ASSIGNS, THE EASEMENT FROM SIGNS WHICH ARE T HEREON L1 / I ��� CITY COUNCIL CERTIFICATE T AT d301s�2d ,3/ea2cL THIS I // STATE of IwNois • \ ..--------- \ COUNTY OF K NDALL T /• / / CO APPROVE AND ACCEPTED Hy ME MAYOR AND:IFI COUNCIL CE .HE UNITED CI-"]F _ DE DAY OF SeEO'o5't�ef' , 201')] �� __�-- /� rORKVLL L,HO E. THIS _ WE 31 o__ \\ / /------)- ---------- MAYOR - -------- ---- ORKVIL =-RA AN L NOLs 'LIMITED Luau_. r COMPANY �A // "� ------ i ------ CORPORA IN NAME I A / / / ------ CITY CLERK'S CERTIFICATE �� / / SCALE. 1" =10U' STATE JF°LNOIS V, �1� �e_�/ S _� //�� // /� // COUNTY F KENDALL • -------- ADDRESS TI - / �/ --------- / ;DD oa PPRovE D ACCEPTED BYTE MAYOR AND,Ir NUNOL OF w.D a Y JF f, 'DANVIL 'L•NOISY HE ORO ANC£va. .r{[/��q T//019 0 =',-(2.5-_,2_F // / \��/`\ Of,L-- // ,i a A MEQ NG HELD 0 --- IJAK GF -- --- / // R QA- 7A'0101" N / / NE J RP1 C LDOD / / NOR N. �_ C` / --ON/SON' /� - -.;n;w„ KENDALL COUNTY RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE / v 3k-0-'\N '.s5a 9 1-- _ `,7'--------------74,4,1L\� '0.w L,F STATE OF LUNOIS ' ��/ BUR�jPeo'g� // j � �,��_ P.O.C. 5. ...----7-7.--= - ��--� \S /1,c).„__-___----._ OLNTY.F KENDAL.�i l n / / / / `\ /���' \ / HIS;NS'RJ EN NA L_0 FOR RECORD TN TEE RECORDER'S `� '>�7 /.<1:14- L L� / / S 36'2?X11" E K \` 1" �` ��, _ cE OF -Dnu_ GUN-Y L�Ncls N D K OF 3� 1 6 9 \� SJ1D0> / / �1 5.68 3 s a Js7---;s' v /� za A.Q.. D A- T GLJCK • M. NND NAs /// //j/ a % %< � � !9 c6bY �F a ,N PAGE P. y3e _ / _-_-_----<-",.OY _o. A S:ORDER OF DEEDS -7 i------ `-'` • / 3803, ����i V H� D c - ��' n),-2,2)05, " 0'� to 770.5 -J- _- - -- // <J -59ii 14 a oR ‘ 1.'\--\''•--'z''. m % c r tor a ;E7 ���i AA A'• �j3 \ $i `RDAo 0 0' -o 1 �/ N 21'45'50" c s' 0'3 -- IOILY 19.91 7-�i��10 8 P.O.B. -T z I _RK SEC E AR" 5 c^ UN" - - �,P-0 oma- � L� Z COUNT" CLERK'S CERTIFICATE D STATE CA ILLINOIS 6.- ^C a 5-se S'' .,DONT OF KE'1GAL SS. ``/ 'co /',- `v - LJ U a r COUNT ?KOF C^DAL DUN` s� G Top Ba,+ .; �%1 r 4-6 zS 5 3 `1 0 I_LN01 _,0 HEREBY CERTIFYTHA THEREARE NO L L,NUUE I. ART CERTIFICATE pc, +'+ F n„ _ lit o W �ENER 'AXES. NO „NPAIU CURRENT AKEa, NO NP AID FORFEIDTED o+ +o. 20 SMr p a - IU5 CC Cl TAXES AND NO REDEEMABLE TAX SALES ,AGAINST N, JE H `NC j V U;� __ ICLUO IN THE PLA T 4EPEN DRA;AN FURTHERCERTIFY IA' = LF Y L - �E a 2 IZ' RADE RECEIVED ALL_ STA UR S N NP N NI' H THE RI AT 1 Z i 4 W= Z ;£YEN RAWN. 5.5. N 50-710 0o � y o H, _ .r-.-k_ A OF L i i 0 d ,,,MEN UNDER MY RAND ANS SEAL Dr THE :,V,UN'Y •LC_ K AT ? < 1/15,00I L'L`, CF . _-_,..1-).-1,-__ NL AY UBL IN ATND FCR L 5 -GUN D SATE r'�PESAIC DO MEFEE .,ER-'�FY EA? N JOD00o" NJ L_N015, THIS "Al GF 30.00 '�Z -SOUTH LNE OF 'HE NORTH£ QUARTER SECTION '.t '7-7 ` -'-- 1 I '^\ ' -yam.. .-2 i ND -5 0 o0JO'I Q _ _ _ _ -- _ _ _ _. - _ _ - _ - - _ --1 V\ 56 ' J _-V -- _ _ - _ _ - _ - - _ - _- ON ALL" :KNOWN TC ME TO BE THE PRESIDENT .AND SECRETARY TARY DF COUNTY :CLERK 2 Y0REVIL_E ;EN TR AL WS, AN ILL:NOIS UMITED LI AEILT COMPANY H'WIN ABOVE, APPEARED 9E",RE ME THIS DAY AND 1_ 1I0'WL EDGED AS SUCH OF'''CERT TREY S,CNE4 AND CELI1iERE111 --E SAID STATE OF;LL.NO1S U.MENT AND CAUSED THE CORPORA TE SEAL '0 aE AFFIXED THERETO 'HE ABODE NAMED EN171E5 ARE HEREBY CAA TED 71-IE E RIGH 7D ENTER coon, 7xsEMEN TS �) S.S. IR EPEE AND VOLUNTARY ACT AND AS THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY pEREIN DESCRBT3 FOR THE USES HEREIN SET FORTH AND, 1R,CHT TO CUT TR,A,OR REMCvE ,COUNTY OF Du 4ACE ) SF SAID CORPORATION- FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES THEREIN SE- ANY TREES. SHRUBS CR OTHER PLANTS 0THIN THE AREAS D H;NATED AS P,;ALIO UTILITY AND UNITED CIT! OF YORK^.LLE DRAJNAGEEASEMENT"ARICH INTERFERE NIH 'HE G05075001 T s At.LAT10N. HEI EASEMENT PROVISIONS R_LCNS'RUC ON, REPAIR REMOVAL. REPLACEMENT,MAIN CEN, E AND.,,PCRAION OF TR 'NE, MIDWEST TECHNICAL ;CONSULTANTS, ':NC., PROFESSIONAL UNDERGROUND TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS ANI F 011,100.APPURTENANT THERETO DE.SIGN FIRM LAND SURVEYING CORPORATION lo. 184-.00251' ,NDEF M'f HAND AND NO SARI A:- SEAL -MILS I le DA'! OF 310'PERMANENT BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES,OR OBSTRUCTIONS _ ALL BE CONSTRUCTED IN,'UPON, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE PLAT SHOWN 'IFSL'.31 WAS PUBIC UTILITY AND DRAINAGE .SENENT OR OVER ANY AREAS DESIGNATED AS PUBLIC UILITY&ORA AGE EASEMENT-,BUT SUCH AREAS FROM A NGN XCL SIVE EASEMENT HEREBY RESERVED rOR AND GRANTEC 0 SBC AME�41 ECM, MAY BE USED OR GARDENS, SHRUBS EREES, LANDSCAPING, 25+EW "5. AND OTHER RELATED PREPARED U (EXISTING PLA TS AND .FJORDS av1C T'r... SAID l -1 -_ 1,.. 47 SLOE ;OM Fp. JONES INTERCABL,JIHE.R P BLO `TLE TIES,AND HOLDERS OFEXISTING PURPOSES THAT DO NOT UNREASONABL' 'ITE?FERE WITH THE USES'HEREW DESCRIBED. P,_A' IS A TRUE AND CORRECT REPRESENTATION ENTATION ',ERECF. CULL ��^ V_ OU-- FRANCHISES GRANTED 9Y WE GM'OF'ORKUIL_ L'JNSI5 ANO THEIR RESP"STIVE SUCCESSORS DIMENSIONS SHOWN IN FEET AND "H,IAL PART 4E;RECF. AND ASSIGNS 'MTHIN THE AREAS SHOWN ON 'HE'LAT AS 'P'UBLIC UTILIT'&DRAINAGE THE OCCUPATION AND USE OF THE NLN-EXCLUSIVE=ASEMEN 1-1RE:9 GRANTED AND RESERVED 040040N aced°u. 4 0. TO CCNS'RUCT, INSTATT,RECONSTRUCT,REPAIR REMOVE. F"P THE ABOVE NAMED ENTITIES SE EACH OF SUCH=NOTES •AL SE DONE IN SUCH A C,I`iEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL TN N.APER`iILLL'_;NCIS, THIS REPLACE,INSPECT MAINTAIN AND OPERATE'UNDERGROUND TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION MANNER SO AS NOT'0.NTE'FERE 0TH OR PRECLUDE THE C 1PA:ION AND 45E THEREOF 5Y - SYSTEMS AND USES UNDER THE SURFACE BF 'H -PUBLIC..'ILII"5 DRAINAGE EASEMENT' D'HER SING FOR 'NHICH SUCH EASEMENTS 5 ARE GRANTED •SHAERVED. THE CROSSING AND Ard CAY OF SEPTEMBER,.A.D., 2004 �--,�'}�.-....✓h Q Yway.+� NCLLDING MTHOU L'II FOODS TO FIONE'ABLE 'CAS MAINS. ELECTRIC LINES,CABLE 50050SI4C OF SAID£ASEMEN 5 81 THE ABOVE 94800:_N TI SHALL 9E DONE'N SUCH A ll NOTARY EIJBLIC ELEvISiDN...;NES,AND ALL NECESSARY.ACLTIES APPURTENAN I THERETO TOGETHER 0TH ^HE MANNER SO AS NOT ID NIERFERE MTH DAMAGE OR-ISTUR ,Ny TRANSMISSION AND /„..-7-2,77---.)v RIGHT OF ACCESS ,HERETO FOR THE P'RSCNNE_AND EQUIPMENT NECESSARY AND REQUIRED.OR DIE 9HL'PCN SYSTEMS ANO C LI T!ES APPURTENANT HERE-( 551190 WITHIN THE EASEMENTS A, BEING..BOSSED OR RECROSSED T50 USE OR OCCUPATION OF 0 EASEMENTS'H -}T ABOVE - _ '- 5 rc! SUCH USES AND PURPOSES AND 'JOE nFR 'WITH THE RIGHT ''O INSTALL REQUIRED SERVICE %' / NAMED.ENTICE SHALL CAUSE ANY .MANGE•N GRADE OR IMF HDR CHANCE TLE SURFACE .LUNO[ CONNEC'10N5 UNDER THE SURA OF EACH OT 0 SERVE'•.MPROVEMENTS ?EPSON , RUE 1'l. VLA N 'PULS t?13 DRAINAGE'AT-ERNS �� T ROf=551( A NON-EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT _ALSO HEREBY ..SERVES FOR AND GRANTED TO THE UNITED CIT, AREA OF EASEMENT VIC 4ESDENT LAND aJRV ,, C7^jiL Sr l "0,s7 I 'S FELT_OVANC ANY WORK TO HE PERFORMED BY E UNITED CIT' I YORKVILLE iN THE EXERCISE OF LICENSE EXPIRES 11/GC N0..35+10 E OF YORKVILLE LLINCIS O CONSTRUCT,INSTAL- "CONSTRUCT,REPAIR, REMOVE REPLACE ANO ITS EASEMENT RIGHTS HEREIN GRANTED, SAID C',SHALL_HA` 0 OBLIGATION 'M IF,RESPECT'0 /20UA T\ \ Vi.: ETA T,UJEK INSPECT FACILITIES OR THE TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION OF WATER STORM S'E'WERS. AND SURFACE RESTORATION.'NCLUOING BUT NOT LIMITED T0, 7-IE (ORATION,REPAIR OR L 36, 160 SQ . FT .CT>� U 'C TALE L NOIS SANITARY SEWERS OTIN THE AREAS SHOWN ON THE PLA NS PUBLIC JOLTY& ERA NAGE REPLACEMENT']F PAVEMENT CURB, UTTERS, 7RE_S,LAWN 0 • 'RUBBERY, 5504000, HOWEVER, T ^"A 3I1L gF2G07 EASEMENT', TOGETHER'0TH A RIGHT DF ACCESS -r'ESE 0 FOR THE.?ERSDNNEL AND'001PMENT THAT SAID CITY SHAD_HEBLCA1 C7 DILOWING SUCH MAIN NCE WORK, TO 3ACKFlLL AND ± NECESSARY AND REQUIRED FOR SUCH SEES AND PURPOSES- MOUND AL TRENCH RAT- SO AS TOR ,MHN SUITABLE CR GE 0 COLD CATCH ANY 0 . 8301 AC . -- - _ g91.'G; ASPHALT JR CONCRETE RETE SURFACE, TO .MOVE ALL EXCESS OE AND SPOIL ANO TD LEAVE L � 4 t THE MAIN LNANCE AREA:N A GEV ERA__ JL-AN AND WCRK.M. .E CONDITION. T Lam _ }U 'i"`�r __ j� • BRUCE A. BR U.,KL METE P.L.S. ,q2#'y6 �a- STAID' ._ PRESIDENT ' 'ROFESSID LICENSE EXPIRES I1/30/200A ,,LAND SOWN i1I WIN. MIDWEST -- .._.___- 1 .7UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE , To: Tony Graff, City Administrator From: Joe Wywrot, City Engineer ()v Subject: Grande Reserve—Offsite Sanitary Agreement Date: September 22, 2004 Attached find a letter from Pasquinelli Development Group regarding sanitary service for Grande Reserve. Exhibit "I" of the annexation agreement (partial copy attached) requires the developer and city to enter into a written agreement regarding offsite sanitary service before the first final plat is voted on by the City Council. That never occurred, and the plats for Units 1 through 8 have already been recorded. The developer has not been able to acquire the necessary offsite easements to allow Fox Metro to construct a gravity sewer to the central part of the development. Consequently, plans have been prepared to construct a temporary lift station near the Lynwood Subdivision at the west end of Charles Lane. Those plans have been approved by staff, and an TFPA permit has been issued. Before we sign any additional TFPA permits or approve additional final plats, however, should enter into an agreement stating how many homes may be served by the temporary lift station, establish a timeframe for connection to gravity sewers, and determining who has responsibilities for funding and maintenance of the lift station and related work. The attached letter from Pasquinelli provides some detail regarding their wishes, which may or may not be the same as the city's wishes. Please place this item on the Public Works Committee agenda of September 27, 2004 for discussion. Cc: Dan Kramer, City Attorney Liz D'Anna, Deputy City Clerk Tim Winter, Pasquinelli Development Group Jason Nijim, Pasquinelli Development Group r EXHIBIT "I" INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS The DEVELOPER, in developing, the SUBJECT PROPERTY, agrees to design, construct and install at its expense, subject to the right of recovery and recapture certain on-site and off-site sanitary sewer, water system and roadway improvements (hereinafter "L FRAS`I�Zr UCJU'RE LvIPROVEMFNTS"); which improvements have been requested by the CITY, but are not required under Municipal Code and which benefit the Cfl Y. and other properties. A. Sanitary Sewer Facilities. The approximate locations of the infrastructure improvements for sanitary sewer are illustrated on Exhibit "IS-1". In consideration of the expansion and construction of the sanitary sewer mains contemplated by the DEVELOPER, the CITY agrees to reserve current sanitary sewer capacity p.e. (population equivalent) as it exists at the time the CII Y executes this agreement in the Ci i Y sanity-y sewer lines both on and off-site, servicing the SUBJECT PROPERTY for the duration of this Agreement, so long as development is actually proceeding on the SUBJECT PROPERTY. In the event the development is reasonably proceeding on the SUBJECT PROPERTY, DEVELOPER shall be allowed to request an extension to said twenty (20) year reservation with the then current City Council. DEVELOPER and CIl Y shall continue to study methods to upgrade and provide for adequate off-site sanitary sewer transmission lines, which shall be committed to a written agreement between the parties by the time the Final Engineering and the first Final Plat of Subdivision are approved by vote of the City Council. B. Storm Water Facilities. DEVELOPER shall provide for storm water drainage and the retentionidetention thereof upon and from the SUBJECT PROPERTY as determined at the time of Final Engineering Review. The Cit Y, for the full team of this Agreement, and any extension thereof, shall require no more than that degree and type of storm water retention/detention as is currently called for in the existing ordinances of the CITY as modified by this agreement unless ordered by a jurisdiction with authority that supercedes the CIl Y on this matter. The location and specifications of the infrastructure improvements for the stom water plan are illustrated on Exhibit "IS-2". The typical neighborhood drainage detention facility is attached hereto as Exhibit "IS-3". The typical neighborhood drainage cross-section is attached hereto as Exhibit "IS-4''. 09/22/2004 07:57 FAX 16303255595 PASQUINELLI DEE' GRP C7]001 PASQU ]VELLI DEVELOPMENT GROUP, INC. 535 Plainfield Road Main: (630)325-5575 Suite E Cell: (630)936-0794 Willowbrook, IL 60527 Fax: (630)325-5595 E-mail: twinter@pasquinelli.com Tim Winter Project Manager September 22, 2004 Joe Wywrot United City of Yorkville 800 Game Farm Road Yorkville, IL 60560 RE: Lift Station Grande Reserve Dear Joe, MPI-2 Yorkville Central LLC has been unsuccessful in obtaining the easement for the Fox Metro Interceptor Sewer through the King's Nursery property. Due to our construction schedule we will to start construction as soon as possible on the lift station as proposed in Cowhey Gudmundson Leder,Ltd engineering plana title Central Sanitary Sewer Mainline with latest revision date of 06121/04. This was permitted with the IEPA on October 7,2003 and has a permit No of 2003-IA-4846. This lift station will serve the central portion of the Grande Reserve development,which includes Neighborhoods 6- 16(Units 1- 11)and the Clubhouse. The waste from this development will be pumped to the Mill Road Interceptor sewer which is currently under construction. Once the easement is obtained through the King Nursery property Fox Metro will extend the sewer to our property and the lift station will no longer be active_ It is my understanding with receipt of this letter the city will release the IEPA sanitary sewer permit for the Clubhouse and will sign future TEPA permits for the rerna•ning units once they are received. If you have any questions or comments,please do not hesitate to give me a call. Sincerely, Tim Winter Cc: Tom Small--Pasquinelli Development Group Keith Berg-PasquineIli Development Group Tony Graff-United City of Yorkville JeffHumm-Fox Metro W_RD_ } i WALTER E. DEUCHLER ASSOCIATES INC. Consulting Engineers 230 WOODLAWN AVENUE • TELEPHONE (630)897-4651 • FAX (630) 897-5696 AURORA, ILLINOIS 60506 September 20, 2004 ,Os . Mr. Tony Graff City Administrator City of Yorkville 800 Game Farm Road Yorkville, IL 60560 RE: Engineering Agreement for FPA Amendment YBSD Southwest Service Area Dear Tony: Please find enclosed three (3) copies of the Engineering Agreement for amending the YBSD service area on the southwest side of the City limits, as delineated on the attached Exhibit A. We have stated in the Engineering Agreement an amount of$40,000 to perfoim this FPA amendment. Since I I-PA is in the process, early next year, of amending the FPA process (35 IAC Part 351) to include a more rigorous and time consuming environmental impact analysis, we would be willing to proceed with the Facility Plan Amendment immediately without contract and at our own risk. We thank you for the opportunity to be of service,and should you have any questions,do not hesitate to call. Very truly yours, WALTER ' . DEUCHLER ASSOCIATES, INC. Phil'•• F. Moreau, P.E. PFM/mw Encl. cc: Ralph Pfister, YBSD • Water Works and Sewerage • Buildings and Structures • Design and Construction • Streets and Street Lighting • Investigations and Reports • Project Financing ENGINEERING AGREEMENT FOR FPA AMENDMENT YBSD SOUTHWEST SERVICE AREA UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE 2004 This Agreement is made and entered into this day of , 2004, by and between Waiter a1ter E. Deuchier Associates, Inc. whose address is 230 30 S. w oodlawn Avenue, Aurora,urora, IL 60506, hereinafter called the "Engineer", and the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois, hereinafter called the "Owner", and covers certain professional engineering services in connection with the improvement. Witnesseth tha , 'n const•era ion o t ese premises an. o t e mutua covenants erem set forth, Now,therefore,the Owner and Engineer,in consideration of their mutual covenants,herein agree in respect to the performance of professional engineering services by the Engineer, and the payment for those services by the Owner, as set forth below. SECTION 1 - PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1.1 The Yorkville-Bristol Sanitary District(YBSD)intends to serve undeveloped lands outside of its facility planning area(FPA)with sanitary sewers, following requests from developers which have submitted preliminary plans to the Owner for review and approval. These said undeveloped lands are located on the southwest side of the FPA as shown on the attached Exhibit A, which requires an Amendment to the Facility Plan. 1.2 The City of Yorkville(Owner)has committed to pay for the Amendment of the Facility Plan by engaging the Engineer to perfolni the work (Project). SECTION 2 - THE ENGINEER AGREES 2.1 To perform professional engineering services in connection with the Project, as hereinafter stated. 'l 2 'T' 41, 0 c nl arra tat ira those phases c 41-. L.L 1 l/ serve V CLJ the ,Vvrller S prvi 5 viiui engineering r�tJl�S eilLu 11 v i. in L11v Sly piluSl�J of the Project to which this Agreement applies, and to give consultation and advice to the Owner during the performance of services. G:\CONTR\SW-SERVICE-YBSD.wpd -2- 2.3 To petition to the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) for a Water Quality Management Plan Amendment which will consist of the following: Summary and need of the requested amendment Geophysical information Current FPA status - Population and household forecast — Area land uses — Wastewater treatment loadings — Alternative wastewater treatment — Cost effectiveness of wastewater alternatives - Wastewater services costs Per household user costs - Environmental characteristics of the amended area Stormwater Management Soil Erosion and Sediment Control - Floodplain Management Stream and wetland protection Legal Description of the amended area 2.4 To send,by certified mail, copies of the FPA Amendment to all local government agencies within 1.5 miles from the proposed amended area. 2.5 To respond to comments received by the IEPA from local government agencies. SECTION 3 - THE OWNER AGREES 3.1 To furnish available data such as utility maps, in the Amendment, available plans of proposed subdivisions and legal descriptions of those properties included. 3.2 To designate in writing a person to act as Owner's representative with respect to the services to be performed or furnished by Engineer under this Agreement. Such person will have complete authority to transmit instructions, receive information, interpret Owner's policies and decisions with respect to Engineer's services for the Project. 3.3 To pay the Engineer, for those services described in Section 2 a lump sum amount of $40,000 paid in the amount of 75% at the completion of the tasks provided in Sections 2.3 and 2.4, and the balance at the completion of the tasks described in Section 2.5. 3.4 That those services beyond the scope of Section 1 and not included in Section 2,such as,but not limited to, assisting the Owner in negotiating easements and acquiring property, changing alignment of the interceptor due to failure in acquiring easements and others,will be considered additional work. Compensation for additional work will be paid in G:\CONTR\S W-SERVICE-YBSD.wpd -3- accordance with the attached 2004 Fee Schedule for the 2004 calendar year or the current schedule in effect after calendar year 2004. 3.5 That payments due the Engineer for services rendered will be made in monthly payments based upon actual work completed. 3.6 To pay Engineer within thirty (30) days after the invoice date, after which, payment will increase at an interest rate of 1.5% per month. 3.7 That Engineer has the right to suspend or terminate service if undisputed charges are not paid within forty-five(45) days of receipt of Engineer's invoice, and Owner agrees to waive any claim against Engineer arising, and to indemnify, defend, and hold Engineer harmless from and against any claims arising, other than from Engineer's negligence or wrongful conduct, from Engineer's suspension or termination due to Owner's failure to provide timely payment. Owner recognizes that any charges not paid within thirty(30) days are subject to a late payment charge equivalent to 1.5% of the balance due for each additional month or fraction thereof that undisputed charges remain unpaid. 3.8 In the event of termination by Owner under Section 4.2 for convenience or by Engineer for cause, Engineer, in addition to invoicing for those items identified in Sections 3.3 and 3.4 shall be entitled to invoice Owner and shall be paid a reasonable amount for services and expenses(not to exceed a total of$1000.00), directly attributable to termination,both before and after the effective date of termination, such as reassignment of personnel, costs of terminating contracts with Engineer's Consultants, and other related close-out costs, using methods and rates for Additional Services as set forth in Section 3.4, but in addition to amounts paid thereunder. In addition a 10% charge of the unbilled amount as set forth in Section 3.3 shall be paid by the Owner to the Engineer. 3.9 To pay the Engineer an additional 8% for sublet services and outside vendor expenses. 3.10 In the event that Owner shall bring any suit, cause of action or counterclaim against Engineer, to the extent that Engineer shall prevail, Owner or the party otherwise initiating such action shall pay to Engineer the cost and expenses incurred to answer and/or defend such action, including reasonable attorneys fees and court costs. In no event shall Engineer indemnify any other party for the consequences of that party's negligence, including negligent failure to follow Engineer's recommendations. 3.11 Engineer's employees shall not be retained as expert witnesses except by separate written agreement. Owner agrees to pay Engineer pursuant to Engineer's current fee schedule for any Engineer employee(s) subpoenaed by any party as an occurrence witness as a result of Engineer's services. G:\CONTR\S W-SERV ICE-YB S D.wpd -4- 3.12 The Engineer will not be responsible for job or site safety of the Project other than arising from validly implemented affirmative recommendations therefor. Job and site safety will be the sole responsibility of the contractor/contractors of the Project unless contracted to others. 3.13 The Owner shall require in any agreement it makes with a Contractor for the Project that the Contractor shall obtain Commercial General Liability Insurance with contractual liability and shall name the Engineer, its employees and consultants, as additional insured,with said coverage to be primary and non-contributory. In addition, the Owner agrees to name the Engineer, its employees and consultants, as an additional insured on any policy of Owner covering the Project, with said coverage to be primary and non-contributory. -Wien Owner requests services of the Engineer in any capacity other than as a design professional, then, to the fullest extent permitted by law,the Owner shall defend,indemnify, and hold harmless the Engineer,its employees and consultants,from and against claims,damages,losses,costs, including but not limited to reasonable attorneys fees and costs,("Losses") arising out of or resulting from the Engineers performance of services other than as a design professional (including any services that could be construed as those of a construction manager)provided that such Losses are attributable to bodily injury, sickness, disease or death, or to injury to or destruction of tangible property to the extent caused, in whole or in part, by the contractor, subcontractor, or anyone directly or indirectly employed by them or anyone for whose acts they may be liable. This provision shall survive the termination or completion of this Agreement. 3.14 Neither the professional activities of the Engineer, nor the presence of the Engineer or his or her employees and subconsultants at a construction site, shall relieve the General Contractor and any other entity of their obligations,duties and responsibilities including,but not limited to, construction means, methods, sequence,techniques or procedures necessary for performing, superintending or coordinating all portions of the work of construction in accordance with the contract documents and any health or safety precautions required by any regulatory agencies. The Engineer and his or her personnel have no authority to exercise any control over any construction contractor or other entity or their employees in connection with their work or any health or safety precautions. The Owner agrees that the General Contractor is solely responsible for job site safety,and warrants that this intent shall be made evident in the Owner's agreement with the General Contractor. The Owner also agrees that the Owner, the Engineer and the Engineer's consultants shall be indemnified and shall be made additional insureds under the General Contractor's general liability insurance policy. in addition,and notwithstanding any other provisions of this Agreement,the Owner agrees, to the fullest extent permitted by law, to indemnify and hold harmless the Engineer, his or her officers, directors, employees, agents and subconsultants from and against all damage, liability or cost, including reasonable attorneys' fees and defense costs, arising out of or in any way connected with the Project or the performance by any of the parties above named of the services under this Agreement, excepting only those damages, liabilities or costs attributable to the sole negligence or willful misconduct of the Engineer. G:\CONTR\S W-SERV ICE-YB SD.wpd -5- 3.15 The Owner agrees to limit Engineer's liability specifically and exclusively to the Owner on the Project arising from Engineer's professional acts, errors, or omissions or breach of contract or other cause of action, such that the total aggregate liability of Engineer to all those named shall not exceed $100,000.00 or the total cumulative fees for the services rendered for this Project, whichever is greater; and Owner hereby releases Engineer from any liability above such amount. 3.16 If any of the provisions contained in this Agreement are held illegal, invalid, or unenforceable, the enforceability of the remaining provisions will not be impaired. 3.17 That any difference between the Engineer and Owner concerning the interpretation of the provisions of this Agreement shall be referred to a committee of disinterested parties consisting of one member appointed by the Engineer, one member appointed by the Owner and a third member appointed by the two other members for disposition and that the committee shall attempt to resolve the difference by formal non-binding mediation conducted in accordance with rules and procedure to be agreed upon by the parties. SECTION 4 - IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED 4.1 During the progress of work under this Agreement,the Engineer shall continuously monitor its costs and anticipated future costs, and if such monitoring indicates possible costs in excess of the amounts stated in Section 3 above, the Engineer shall immediately notify the Owner of such anticipated increase and the compensation for engineering services shall be adjusted, if any, by amendment to this Agreement. 4.2 This Agreement may be terminated by the Owner upon giving notice in writing to the Engineer at his last known post office address. Upon such termination, the Engineer shall cause to be delivered to the Owner all drawings, specifications, partial and completed estimates and data,with the understanding that all such material becomes the property of the Owner. The Engineer shall be paid for any services completed and any services partially completed in accordance with Section 3. 4.3 That the Engineer warrants that he has not employed or retained any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for the Engineer, to solicit or secure this Agreement, and that he has not paid or agreed to pay any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for the Engineer, any fee, commission, percentage, brokerage iLL,gifts, Cr any other consideration,Cvitutt,Lui.upon or resulting from Lill award or making of this Agreement. For breach or violation of this warranty the Owner shall have the right to void this Agreement without liability whatsoever. 4.4 That the Owner acknowledges that the Engineer is a corporation and agrees that any claim made by the owner arising out of any act or omission of any director, officer or employee of the Engineer, in the execution or performance of this Agreement shall be made against G:\CONTR\SW-SERVICE-YBSD.' pd -6- the Engineer and not against such director, officer or employee. 4.5 That the Owner and the Engineer each binds himself and his partners,successors,executors, administrators and assigns to the other party of this Agreement and to the partners, successors, executors, administrators and assigns of such other party in respect to all covenants of this Agreement; except as above, neither the Owner nor the Engineer shall assign, sublet or transfer his interest in this Agreement without the written consent of the other. Nothing herein shall be construed as creating any personal liability on the part of any office or agent of any public body which may be a party hereto, nor shall it be construed as giving any right or benefits hereunder to anyone other than the Client and the Engineer. 4.6 All Reports, Drawings, Specifications, other documents, and magnetic media prepared or furnished by the Engineer pursuant to this Agreement are instruments of service in respect to the Project, and the Engineer shall retain ownership of said documents and magnetic media including the right of reuse by and at the discretion of the Engineer whether or not the Project is completed. The Owner may retain copies, including reproducible copies, of the Engineer's documents and magnetic media for information and reference in connection with the use and occupancy of the Project by the Owner and others;however,the Engineer's documents and magnetic media are not intended or represented to be suitable for reuse by the Owner or others on additions or extensions of the project, or on any other Project. Any such reuse without written permission and verification or adaption by the Engineer for the specific purpose intended will be at the Owner's sole risk and without liability or legal exposure to the Engineer. The Owner shall indemnify and hold harmless the Engineer from all claims,damages,losses and expenses including attorneys' fees arising out of or resulting therefrom. Any furnishing of additional copies and verification or adaptation of the Engineer's comments and magnetic media will entitle the Engineer to claim and receive additional compensation from the Owner. 4.7 The Engineer's agent shall perform the function of Agent or Representative of the Owner, during the performance of the PROJECT. The Engineer may be required to enter private properties and private premises to perform the work identified in the PROJECT. The Owner agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Engineer from any claim, suit, liability, damage,injury, cost or expense, including attorney fees,arising out of Engineer's entry into private properties and private premises, unless resulting from Engineer's negligence or wrongful conduct under Section 3.7 or as provided by law. 4.8 Engineer has no control over the cost of labor, materials, equipment or services furnished by others, or over the Contractor(s) methods of determining prices, or over competitive bidding or market conditions. Engineer's opinions of probable total project costs and construction cost provided for the project are to be made on the basis of Engineer's experience and qualifications and represent Engineer's best judgement as an experienced and qualified professional Engineer familiar with the construction industry; but Engineer cannot and does not guarantee that proposals, bids or actual total project or construction G:\CONTR\S W-SERV ICE-YB SD.wpd -7- costs will not vary from opinions of probable cost prepared by Engineer. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed in triplicate counterparts, each of which shall be considered as an original by their duly authorized officers, this day of , 2004. Executed by the Owner: United City of Yorkville State of Illinois ATTEST: By By Title: City Clerk Title: Mayor Executed by the Engineer: Walter E. Deuchler Associates, Inc. 230 S. Woodlawn Avenue Aurora, IL 60506 By11t • e: Presiden G:\CONTR\S W-SERV ICE-YBSD.wpd em-- _ ! j"PUMA 111111P oPPI_.....1..........--11111111si . l_.iiiilOIP iii. ,,,i,,,,,,,,,'„ SOUTHWEST INTERCEPTOR_„ ::: �� .,�- AA � -�. _�itio, 40004k. g...4 .... yy. :k ea-Y 11111:,:i. \.,,,Visd ail IL. pA. itil t '� ` e�Mai 1 0g�.� 'W-,?//`' 43 at A- = '.. - aft °a i r ç:;i1 s4., 4,.. .... ........ , ... „.„.....„. 16 qr � 11111 I '�,--,y. " ter" ;��bd aill, 111E,"9"1 ' . �i}�t zfi ,,II '1 ra- 9 ;; � �,1 ;� ,. ,, i 49 - s r+� .,cyrb s`` Utz` 1xr%6 x.�• ..W \ 18 �I7 • Y �°. � �7 T,�. „£ , v, '+ FOX LAWN IFITERn •- V v:� r •g .rnz-. raf t ,s t s x+ �y \ � III".....u , � dS23 Yrs a, 7 �..7Y•r'r `,',Z,,`, • \ \ \ •o \ vino �I 1.,-f-2-7/2;:` �' ` \\ No `F.0.yo.� �'`r 4,7,t..,,-- ,7-4‘;--4 ••1 '12;u7. EXISTING F.P.A. , :21 2 41 BOUNDARY HIGH POINT RD- '.4-,-',Z1:1- 41",,,,,,11)17/4c;,4/ ak ♦ `1\ r \ I \ / ' 1 INTERCEPTOR / y � � 6 its �� \ � !i i �� • + - 6 _, I PROPOSED F.P.A. � � �v i" -` �', s AMENDMENT AREA ` �; 'i , a„f �: /�i `� MI \ . /.............1 III rr-gtrA7tr,,,,,,,-,-,7,79`1,It--fr-t-'..,41 q, \ , .0.,,,,,,,,,,,-44_,-e...,, 7, �\ --- 9�fil /. 1. \ e 77 ' \ V i�_i'� .”"��"fir^- v -- I / OW _ -- ir i . - 3 01 012- r \ I / t8 ' n / v + \ -51 FALTER K. Dr`- ' INC. 'rc�s�s YORKVILLE BRISTOL SANITARY DISTRICTyWO DEMER El`J i�1N, • R 9tzot0, a o EXHIBIT A 1 �a,.e..lL:.o eSros.....n — d...n+.�, 3lb:,e:e• ^o. OF.,I o..m sic j..�o�o - •- --- I''',7,..,..,,,„ FACILITY PLANNING AREA AMENDMENT AREA °F S WALTER E DEUCHLER ASSOC. INC_ 2004 FEE SCHEDULE CLASSIFICATION RANGE OF BILLING RATE CLERICAL 40.00-60.00 JS? TECHNIC IAN 00- 5 00 �_ �v� I1ttVS1-11V - 4_..v 4...i_vv TECHNICIAN/DRAFTSPERSON 55.00-75.00 • CONSTRUCTION OBSERVER 55.00-75.00 SURVEY CREW (2 Members) - 95.00-128.00 ENGINEER 64.00-80.00 PROJECT ENGINEER 80.00-100.00 PROJECT MANAGER LAND SURVEYOR PRINCIPAL - 100.00-130.00 01/02/2004 0 PAGE 1 ,Emir;.��','...-...w.._:w......,.>c..�....: ��'au'"7.�. 4's - .a�;..•-9i.r+�.Wwn«aa.:9".aisaer�?�:-acsere..a�a, �. x,...+u�rr,.�.,._�. .es�:.a�.,.axee.., acas n 0 (O (O o O N N i W aN0 C4 OMN Z } O J \ D ma o} Ys �� ' (� �( a .* • ftp ' �, - _ r to O Z C5 Z ( t a W175., LL 0 W -":- - L \ � �x TT W � - ----Si ` LU / i I a Z 11 It 1 d \ 1 \ � r . �, .,. sYr'. _fa - a N ry�v 4 m � } k W ►� _ J o LL a. -------- Z OG ® o _ J — ALi LL O Z W U41 .c D — — li h- LU cn i \ o1 LU / 3J i ----------- o b r LU b H o ! t 1 I Ld Z °I 8g t0 x \ \ r Cko UT to d coO y b L 0 03 WI C p rn0= III L l t 1 / d C m C3 d7 ++ O - � ON3 W Uln(n / / IV - m,&'uw'£v. 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