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Public Works Packet 2004 10-25-04
J 7,46 c,,j, 0 United City of Yorkville a 3111, , ESTli1836 County Seat of Kendall County —�� 800 Game Farm Road -4 J - Yorkville, Illinois 60560 O Telephone: 630-553-4350 ✓� ♦. Fax: 630-553-7575 <<EV`. Website: www.yorkville.il.us PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA Monday, October 25, 2004 7:00 PM City Hall Conference Room Approval/Correction of Minutes: August 23, 2004 and September 27, 2004 Presentations: None New Business: 1. Deuchler Agreement for Southwest and Pavillion Road Interceptors 2. Utility Locator Position 3. Snow Removal Policy 4. Bruen Street Forcemain& Sanitary Sewers - Final Payment 5. Game Farm Road/Somonauk Street - Update 6. River's Edge Unit 1 - Letter of Credit Reduction#3 7. River's Edge - Final Acceptance 8. Grande Reserve Mass Grading - Letter of Credit Reduction#1 Old Business: 1. Director of Public Works — Salary Survey 2. North Water Tower - Change Order #3 3. Smith Engineering Agreement for an "As Needed Basis" - PW 8/23/04 4. Grande Reserve - Landscape Irrigation - PW 9/27/04 5. Deuchler Agreement for FPA Amendment to YBSD Southwest Service Area - PW 9/27/04 Additional Business: UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE DRAFT Public Works Committee Meeting City Hall Conference Room Monday,August 23,2004 7:00 PM Attendance: Alderman Besco, Chairman Alderwoman Burd Alderman Munns Alderman Sticka Mayor Prochaska(arrived 7:25pm) Public Works Director Dhuse City Engineer Joe Wywrot The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm by Alderman Besco. Approval/Correction of Minutes: The minutes for July 26, 2004 were unanimously approved by the Committee as written. Presentations: None New Business: 1. USGS Groundwater Study: The City received a letter from Kendall County discussing the continuation of the Groundwater Study with Phase 2& 3. They attached a print out of the funding necessary from the participating municipalities with having Yorkville contribute $44,245.19 total. The funding will be separated from the FY2005 thru FY2008 as follows: FY2005 =$25,690.28 FY2006 = $13,080.32 FY2007 =$4,825.81 FY2008 =$648.78 The continuation of the Study, according to the letter from the Kendall County Board, is to assess the hydrogeology and water use in the county. Phase 2 will collect data points to provide detailed characterization of the hydrogeology and water in the county. Phase 3 will create a computer model available to the communities and their consultants to help guide decision-making on future development and predict effects on water levels. Discussion was continued with the explanation of who was not participating fully in the Phase 1 USGS Groundwater Study. Mr. Wywrot stated that it was Kendall County that was not contributing fully to the Phase 1 project. Alderman Sticka stated that the letter did not clarify if Kendall County would be contributing fully with Phase 2 & 3,just that they were participating. Alderman Besco asked Alderman Sticka if the City had ever received an answer from the County as to why they had not contributed fully on Phase 1. 1 Alderman Sticka stated the County drew the line at a base amount and had let the municipalities pick up the rest of the bill. Alderman Besco stated that he recommended the Committee take it to COW and let them know that the City is looking for a response as to what Kendall County is or will be contributing to the Study for the next two Phases. Alderman Sticka stated he thought the amount contributed was equal to the amount of land in each jurisdiction. Mr. Wywrot stated that the County thought there was some consideration was due to them taking over maintenance on some property from Cannonball Hill which is a detention basin. This allowed there to not have to be a home- owner's association in that area. Alderman Sticka felt strongly that the County never communicated properly and questioned how it ended up that they chose the even amount of$20,000.00 only for Phase 1. Mr. Wywrot agreed that it definitely was not a calculated amount and stated that it was probably a negotiated amount from their Board. Alderman Sticka felt it was unjust that Kendall County did not confer with the rest of the communities involved who now will have to pay for what the County felt they could not pay for from their share of the original amount given. Mr. Sticka added that Kendall County is now coming to the City of Yorkville to ask for help in paying for the upgrading of Eldamain Road. The Committee agreed that this situation did not seem fair. Alderman Besco moved the conversation to the fact that Tony Graff, City Administrator is looking into the situation on behalf of the City. The Committee agreed that the Study still needed to move forward. The Committee will send this matter to 9/7/04 COW for discussion while stressing the need for a written response from the Kendall County Board regarding their Phase 1 participation. 2. Greenbriar Unit 4—LOC: Mr. Wywrot started the conversation by explaining that this is from the re-subdivision from R2 Duplex to R2 Single Family on Walsh Drive. There was some public infrastructure work that had to be done. What remains is that there are some large services that have to be abandoned and large services still to be put in. The Letter of Credit with First Midwest Bank will be expiring on October 2, 2004. The Committee was recommended by Mr. Wywrot to send this to the 9/7/04 COW as Consent Agenda so that this will not be extended at last minute, or the City be too late to extend Credit. The Committee agreed and will be sent to COW as recommended by Mr. Wywrot. 3. New Water Department Hire: Mr. Dhuse started by stating this is a budgeted line item for the year. He is bringing this to the Committee as an update with a memo from Tracy Pleckham showing the money was there and ready to be used for a new hire. Mr. Dhuse stated that this new hire is to help cover for the new water treatment plant that is to come on-line in either October or November. Mr. Dhuse stated that he has one person in-house who is interested in the new position already. He would then only have to hire a replacement for the person interested. Mr. Dhuse will advertise for 7 days internally and after will go externally if not filled. Mr. Dhuse stated that the individual would need to be certified with-in a certain time period 2 with experience on the job already. He stated that the first license will be the C&D license which is chlorine feed and distribution systems. He added that from there it will be B license and A license. The Committee agreed to send to COW on 9/7/04 as consent agenda. 4. Smith Engineering Agreement for an "as needed basis": Mr. Wywrot stated that he was unaware of this request made by Tony Graff to use Smith Engineering. He stated that the City has used this Company in the past for Traffic Situations, yet he felt it may put the City in an awkward position since this Company does so much work with private developers in the area. He would hate to see the City to be on both sides of the table with one Company. Mr. Wywrot agreed it would be nice for the City to have someone besides EEI on hand if ever needed. The Committee discussed that the City is growing fast so they should look into what else is out there for competition or just to speed up the process. Alderwoman Burd questioned that if we already have an existing relationship with Smith Engineering why would we now have to sign an authorization to proceed. Mr. Wywrot thought it was just to formalize the relationship. The issue of having more consultants on hand would not be a bad idea except that new consultants would not be aware of current or previous issues. The Committee glanced over the price of labor attached with the authorization. Mr. Wywrot added that all funding has to go thru City Council for approval first anyways and money is always negotiable. The Committee agreed to bring back to the next Public Works Meeting to discuss after Committee members find out why on the agenda. The Committee felt now that the City was doing fine with having EEI for their consultants along with Mr. Wywrot assisting them. 5. Countryside Pump Station Bid Opening Results: Mr. Wywrot started by stating that the City had received the opening bid results for the pump at the Countryside pump station. He stated that pumps are a long time in waiting to be manufactured and delivered. For this reason the City needs to get the order in soon, which is why the bids are being shown to the Committee at this time. Mr. Wywrot went on to discuss the difference between the pumps that are shown in the bids. The first pump is the standard submersible which is the Flygt Model(A) and the Hydromatic Model(C)on the bid listing. The other is the Wemco Model (B)which has a simple two-speed motor with a pre-rotation basin which tends to act as the regulator with the flow. The letter from Walter E. Deuchler Associates, Inc. goes on to explain why they are recommending the Wemco Model (B)to the City. The Wemco Model is approximately$5,000.00 higher than the low bid, but with maintenance costs added in it is the better pump to go with. Mr. Dhuse added that with 3 this being the first pump station of this size in the City he recommends that the City go with the Wemco Model. The Committee agreed to send to COW on 9/7/2004 for discussion along with the letter of recommendation from Walter E. Deuchler Associates, Inc. 6. Deuchler Scone of Service for Woodworth Street Lift Station: Mr. Wywrot handed to the Committee members the Engineering Agreement from Deuchler regarding the proposed Woodworth Pump Station replacement. Deuchler is proposing to do both the design services and the bidding instruction guides. Alderman Sticka questioned if there are still easement discrepancies to be handled or is that all settled. Mr. Wywrot stated that in the agreement in section 2.4.4 it states the following"Locate markers and monumentation of parcels and ROWs and prepare one (1) plat of easement/survey, as needed upon supply of title commitment and easement negotiation or property acquisition by the Owner.". Mr. Wywrot showed the Committee the sketch at the back of the agreement to show that the new plant would be just south of the old, but still on the Swim Club property. He added this design will allow much better design possibility. Mr. Wywrot stated that Tony Graff has had discussions with both the YMCA and the Lion's Club and both were willing to grant permission for this project to move forward. Mr. Wywrot added that the City could get in writing that the City can have the easements to move forward before spending any more money. The Committee agreed to send to the 9/7/04 COW for discussion. 7. Raintree Unit 1 Bond Reduction#1: Mr. Wywrot stated this is in regards to reducing the bond for onsite work in Raintree Unit 1 in the amount of$2,418,011.96,which will leave the new bond amount at $829,249.36. Mr. Wywrot found that Raintree Village LLC had asked for too much of a reduction and corrected the miscalculation for them, leaving less of a reduction. Mr. Wywrot requested to send to COW on 9/7/04 as consent agenda. 8. Deuchler Scope of Service for Southwest Fox Road Interceptor: The Committee agreed to table until the next Public Works Meeting due to lack of information. 9. EEI Scope of Service for Southwest Watermain Project: Mr. Wywrot started with going over the colored map provided by EEI to show the Watermain extensions. The map shows in general the six different projects that would be involved in improvements. There are water main extensions, booster/pressure reducing station and PRV stations all needed due to interfaces in between the pressure zones. This will help with moving water back and forth between the pressure zones. Mr. Wywrot stated he had spoken with Jeff Freeman from EEI today regarding the fact that they show a water main extending north along the river's east edge and then goes up to John Street. He stated that leaves Fox Hill hanging out there, perhaps they should cross the river 4 there. From there they could go west on River road and then north on Eldamain which will bring all of Fox Hill into a loop. Mayor Prochaska added that it is or was an issue with the water main there. Since there was not enough usage in that area,the City had to regularly flush the hydrant to keep the water fresh. Mr. Wywrot stated it would be difficult to put the water main across the river near Eldamain because the bluff on the south side is so steep. The City already has access down the river's edge a bit with a low area to work in. Alderman Munns questioned if the Plano water tower would affect anything as far as how the water flows underground. Mr. Wywrot stated it should not due to their water source being located over by Little Rock Creek. Mr. Wywrot stated he also spoke to Plano's City Engineer who brought up the idea of interconnecting the two water systems. He questioned the elevation of the two towers being the same and suggested that the Mayors speak on the issue first. Mr. Wywrot stated that with having a booster station and an emergency interconnect maybe Plano could help with the $1&1/4 million dollar cost. The Committee questioned why EEI showed the river crossing if it is not part of the proposal. Mr. Wywrot stated they wanted to show the future interconnect going that way. Mr. Wywrot at that point went over the map in detail with the Committee to show all work to be done that is part of the proposal. The Committee discussed the right-aways the City already has thru some of the subdivisions. Mr. Wywrot stated EEI did take advantage of those going thru the subdivisions to have hydrants available for fire protection. Mayor Prochaska brought up the point that now the City watermain will be going thru the County Subdivision. He suggested that the Committee make sure the people want it first. Alderman Besco questioned if the fee for the scope of services would be capturable from future developments. Mr. Wywrot stated it would be up-front funding from developers or at the very least an agreeable funding arrangement. Mayor Prochaska stated that the map should show only work to be done. The Committee agreed there needed to be something to decipher between future work possibilities and what is going to be in the proposal at hand. The Committee agreed to send on to 9/7/04 COW and make a decision at that time whether to proceed with authorization pending funding. 10. Route 34 Improvements— Supplemental MFT Appropriation Resolution: Mr. Wywrot briefly went over that the City received a bill from the State from 2001 for work done on Rt. 34&McHugh Street traffic signal. The estimate at that time was 5 $44,000.00 and the final bill is $46, 659.16. The City needs to pass a supplemental MFT appropriation resolution in the amount of$2,659.16 to pay the bill. The Committee agreed to send to COW 9/7/04 as consent agenda. 11. Water Works System Needs Assessment and Project Plan—Re-initiation and Re-submittal: The Committee took a moment to look over the paperwork given to the Committee. Mayor Prochaska stated this was to get the City to secure funding from the TEPA Public Water Supply Loan Program. Mr. Wywrot and Mr. Dhuse stated that the funding would be for work at Well 3 &4 treatment facilities, water main on King Street and State Street water main. Mr. Wywrot stated that Jeff Freeman found that the City of Yorkville is at the top of the eligibility list. The City could receive up to Millions of dollars in assistance. The Committee agreed to take to COW 9/7/04 for discussion since the fee from EEI for re-submittal will be approximately $15,000.00. Old Business: None Additional Business: 1. Mayor Prochaska stated that he received about IDOT dealing with Rt 47—Phase 1. They need to put information out for public viewing and they have the information available to be viewed in Ottawa. The Mayor would like this information available in Yorkville where the public could see it. He would like a date where this could be available for the public. There is also a meeting planned with the landowners around Rt 34&Rt 47 area on 9/7/04. 2. Alderman Munns questioned Mr. Dhuse as to when work would begin at Fox Hill for the Streets. Mr. Dhuse stated that the sealing is complete and streets will be swept the following day. 3. Alderman Munns also questioned if parking could be controlled at the corner of John& Sycamore where the East park is. He stated that it is getting very crowded and hard to see around the corners. The Committee will send this issue to the Public Safety Committee to confirm it is a sight distance issue. 4. Alderman Besco wanted to thank the guys at Public Works for getting down a huge bee's nest on Freemont in the 400 block. The Mayor even suggested sending it down to the nature museum at the Courthouse. The meeting was adjourned at 7:55pm. Minutes by: Sheila Teausaw 6 Page 1 of 8 Drft _ UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEETING MONDAY,SEPTEMBER 27,2004 7:00 P.M. City Hall Conference Room In Attendance: Alderman Besco, Chairman Alderwoman Burd Alderman Munns Alderman Sticka Non-Committee in Attendance: Mayor Prochaska(arrived 7:47p.m.) Public Works Director Dhuse City Engineer Joe Wywrot Guests: See attached sign-in. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Alderman Besco. Approval/Correction of Minutes: None Presentations: Kennedy Road Improvements for 2005 by John Whitehouse of E.E.I. Chairman Alderman Besco introduced Mr.John Whitehouse with E.E.I. to give the presentation of work on Kennedy Road to be done in 2005. Mr. John Whitehouse of E.E.I stated that he would be discussing the next section of perimeter road improvement for Grande Reserve Development. He stated that Bristol Ridge was the first section. Mr. Whitehouse used drawings to show the details of what he explained to the Committee about what would be changing and where. Mr. Whitehouse first looked at the drawings which showed the part of Kennedy Road that is Northeast of Bristol Ridge Road. He stated that Kennedy will run up to the railroad track as part of this phase. The part of Kennedy that runs north of the tracks will be in the future along with Mill Road when the Northern section of Grande Reserve develops. This improvement will be a total reconstruction with 3 lanes and more landscape median than occurred on Bristol Ridge Road due to lack of driveways, except the few homes that back up to the Golf Course. He stated there will be quite a few long stretches with the median. There will be turn lanes made available where necessary due to the road being the width of three lanes. The center lanes will be used for turn lanes and the Golf Course will be striped with arrows,etc. Next he went over the drawings that showed what Kennedy Road will look like westerly of Bristol Ridge Road. They went over the area that is next to Prairie Meadows 1 Page 2 of 8 Subdivision first. He stated that they have received the preliminary plan for what is now to be called Autumn Crest, where the Hinsdale Nursery property is now and is being developed by Pulte. That stretch is approximately 3200 feet. That will all be urban section just like the front of Prairie Meadows which is going to be the 39-40 feet of back to back of curb with no island. On the North side is pre-existing subdivisions as well as a residence with another right next to it. In this area they can not take the road too wide with pavement shoulders and ditches. They are going to continue the curb and gutter just thru their easterly most entrance and then transition to the rural section,which will be just like Bristol Ridge is with more long stretches of landscaped median. The rural section is possible again here due to the lack of entrances leaving a 900 ft stretch and approximately 500 ft stretch again both with the landscaped median. The Grande Reserve Concept Plan had two entrances in the plan, but now that the Hinsdale Nursery property is developing there will be cross-connections between those subdivisions which make them able to eliminate one of the entrances from Kennedy Road. Mr. Whitehouse pointed out that without the landscaped median the road there would appear to be a runway due to the flat straight section of road. He explained to the Committee that the green area up next to the road is the open area that joins the rights of way. They also showed the proposed lots as they will appear next to Kennedy Road and how they are laid out. Alderman Sticka pointed out that Autumn Crest doesn't exist yet and will have to go up for approval first. Mr. Whitehouse agreed and stated that was just the access point on that subdivision's preliminary plan. Mr. Sticka also questioned if E.E.I. and the City is confident that there will never be a need to have driveway cuts on the long stretches of the center median. Mr. Whitehouse replied being that Grande Reserve and the Pulte property were on both sides of the road the lots will be directed out of the internal roads. Alderwoman Burd pointed out at some of the intersections it did not appear that the center medians were not lining up. Mr. Whitehouse stated that was due to the left turn lanes being in the middle with the right lanes being the forward and right turn lane all in one, so the medians being pushed to the left when crossing over Kennedy the forward moving traffic would be directed the correct way. This will let there be two lanes coming out onto Kennedy Road and one lane flowing in off of Kennedy Road at the intersections. Alderwoman Burd then confirmed that it would not be as badly set up as in Countryside where you have to jog around to get in the correct lane. Mr. Whitehouse stated that the concurrence that they wanted at tonight's meeting was that in the original presentation they had proposed that Kennedy Road would be the urban section from Route 47 all the way to Bristol Ridge Road. Now that they do know that one of the roads out of Grande Reserve has been deleted,they can make it into landscape medians. The only place it will be curb and gutter is where there are two properties lying too close to the road. City Engineer Joe Wywrot questioned the public sidewalk situation. He stated that currently public sidewalk exists from Route 47 to Christy Lane and asked if on the South side of the road the sidewalk will be extended to Bristol Ridge. He also stated that Prairie 2 Page 3 of 8 Meadows will also have public sidewalk. Mr. Whitehouse stated that was not put in the drawing because E.E.I. is waiting to see where the Regional Trail systems are going to flow. He said that is going to be determined when the preliminary plan for Grande Reserve is presented and accepted. Mr. Wywrot also questioned how the lighting will be set up along Kennedy Road. Mr. Whitehouse stated the lighting will be kept just like what is being put in on Bristol Ridge Road. That lighting is in the median to illuminate both sides of the road. He added that if there are not a lot of intersections the lighting may be kept approximately 500-600 feet apart so as not to light up the neighborhood. Mr. Wywrot brought up the point that with the Kennedy Road design being underway, how E.E.I. is going to work out the money without having Pulte's deposit down. Mr. Whitehouse replied that this has been discussed with Pulte as far as they are aware that they will be required to contribute $2,000.00 per unit like Grande Reserve did to go to joint road improvements. Alderman Sticka stated the money was received up front from Moser. Mr. Whitehouse stated that Pulte is looking to move dirt by next spring and do want the road there to start work, so the money will have to be there to get it done. That will be worked out in Pulte's Annexation agreement. Mr.Whitehouse also stated that until the money has been deposited from Pulte the City will not be billed for the work. Alderwoman Burd questioned what will be in the median as far as landscaping. It will be similar to what Bristol Ridge road will have,which is a combination of grass, shrubs, and trees. Also like the new Countryside Parkway, not mounded up. Alderman Besco questioned if the corner of Bristol Ridge Road and Kennedy Road will be paved before winter. Mr. Whitehouse stated that ComEd had been pushing back getting the poles out of the way, but now they are out there and the job will be finished up in the next couple of weeks. The Committee discussed how the plan looks over all. Eric Dhuse stated from the point of Public Works, he liked the plan. He stated that it transitioned well with no need for curb and gutter, also no snow plowing issues. Alderman Sticka stated he liked the plan with the medians Iandscaped and set in it will be traffic calming. Mr. Whitehouse stated that the one bad aspect will be the loss of the mature trees on each side up by the Grande Reserve Development section due to how close they are located to the road. The roadway will not be devoid of vegetation and the possibility of putting the same species in can happen if requested. The Committee agreed the huge trees away from the edge of the roadway would be in the best interest of public safety anyways. Mr. Whitehouse added they are doing trees every 50ft in the new right away. The Committee also brought up the point that if they were to plant all of the same new species of trees and a disease hit they could all be wiped out. The Committee agreed to send this onto 10/5 COW for F.Y.I.to advise them of the changes made since the original presentation from E.E.I. 3 Page 4 of 8 NEW BUSINESS: 1. Hydraulic Avenue Interceptor—Change Order#1: Mr. Wywrot explained that the change order is recommended due to the fact that the existing water main on Hydraulic is too close to the proposed sewer to comfortably leave in place while the sewer is being replaced. There is a new watermain in the ground now from Rt.47 to Mill and is running. This is paid by the funds from the YBSD's Infrastructure Participation Fee. This will be sent to 10/5 COW for Consent Agenda. 2. Well#7 Wellhouse& Treatment Facility—Change Order#3: Mr. Wywrot stated the change order was due to the need for the completion date to be extended out. There were delays regarding Com Ed and there were electrical issues in the Control Room. The Committee agreed to send to 10/5 COW as Consent Agenda. 3. Historical Street Name Nominees: Mr. Wywrot stated that it was set up that any names nominated to be used had to pass thru the Public Works Committee after the Human Resource Commission had reviewed. The following names were nominated: Lewis C. Riley Esther F. Riley William D. Thomas The Committee discussed that the names will go to Kencon and the Post Office after it is decided what part of the name will be used exactly. The Committee agreed to send to 10/5 COW on Consent Agenda. Mr. Wywrot will be requesting a synopsis as to who the above people were in Yorkville history for the Committee. 4. Street Lighting Upgrade: Mr. Dhuse stated he is looking to upgrade the existing street lights that are now in the older part of the City, which are not up to current standards. He brought this to the Committee for discussion and ideas. He will be budgeting for next year. The Committee recommended that he continue with the research on what will be done along with him providing a cost analysis. Mr. Dhuse will bring back in October for the next Public Works Meeting. 6. Deuchler Southeast Interceptor Study: Mr. Wywrot stated that this is a report on the feasibility of doing a lift station in the southeastern boundary of Yorkville. Mr. Dhuse stated that this would be a district lift station due to the size of the area. The Committee discussed the specifics of the report from Walter E.Deuchler Associates Inc. This does not need to go on to COW. 7. Six Year Capital Improvement Program: Mr. Wywrot started by stating that it is presented in a new format because of the total dollar amount is so large; they wanted to look at where the money will come from. They split up by general fund, MFT, Developer and Federal Highway Administration Funding to see where money will come from. The mass of work would be funded from the general funds, which would need to be in the form of bonds. He stated the report is not completely accurate, example being the south water tower would not be all general fund, much will come from Developer 4 Page 5 of 8 funding. Mr. Wywrot stated that this program will identify the needs the City will be facing in the future. The Committee discussed that this is an outline and the need to bleed out the things that actually can be done. The Committee agreed to send to 10/5 COW not Consent Agenda. 8. Caledonia Watermain Easement: Mr. Wywrot stated this is the agreement to be signed by the Mayor, City Clerk and then properly recorded. It is the agreement of the proposed watermain easement through the Caledonia property owned by Inland. Inland has signed and agreed to. The watermain will be in shortly. The Committee agreed to send to 10/5 COW as Consent agenda to keep moving. 5. CEC Proposal for Wetland Mitigation Bank Feasibility Study: (held until now due to all parties having just arrived): Brian S.Mihelich, CHMM with Civil& Environmental Consultants, Inc. approached the Committee to discuss the following information. He provided the Committee with one large map to look over while the discussion took place. He started by giving the Committee a description of the map. He stated he is looking to potentially work with the City in creating a wetland bank the middle of where the Centex Homes will eventually be developed. The ideas have come up that the City could turn the area into a recreation area or maybe even a golf course. They are here now to take a phased approach to see if this is even plausible with the proposed land working with the USACE Rock Island District Office. Mr. Mihelich introduced Greg Gerke with Civil&Environmental CNSTLS as being their Wetland Expert here to help explain the situation. The Committee discussed the map with the gentleman from CEC as far as it being storm water storage here and making more area for commercial development. CEC will be looking at the hydraulic modeling of the area which will come into play with that idea. Alderman Besco stated that this will have a need to have a lot of earth moved for this to be possible. Mr. Besco learned from the Illinois Municipal League Conference he attended,he learned it is better to work with the land and not to move so much dirt. The Committee discussed that this area is very flat. It was also brought up that Rob Roy Creek was man made too. Mr. Gerke agreed that we should work with the land as much as possible,but in this case there are a couple of large field tiles out there already. The natural character has already been altered. The land has been tilled for many years, so the City does not know what is natural landscaping anymore. Mr. Mihelich went on to explain that this is a proposal to conduct a feasibility study to create a wetland mitigation bank. They will first meet with the USACE,the Fish and Wildlife Service, USEPA and the City of Yorkville's project team. They will make sure all parties are on the same page to even begin the study, and then they will present it to the USACE to see if they can proceed with the formal prospectus. The Committee discussed how this would be the largest green space available to the City, but the property is not annexed to the City yet. Why should the City fund a study with that fact in mind? All members agreed it would be beneficial as far as an engineering 5 Page 6 of 8 aspect and just having such a huge green space for the City to have access to. The Committee agreed to send to 10/5 COW as an FYI item. 9. Grande Reserve--Landscape Irrigation: Mr. Wywrot explained that the Grande Reserve is requesting water from the City to water the landscaping areas. Mr. Wywrot stated that would be equivalent of giving water for 360 single-family homes and he is not recommending that the City do that. He is suggesting that the Developer drill one or two private shallow wells to provide the water needed. The Committee discussed how this was an issue of nearby residence early on in the process that this development not take water out of the area they get their well-water from. The Committee agreed to let them drill a well at a level in which all the local wells are not already located. Mr. Wywrot stated that most house wells are on the Shallow aquifer, so theirs will not be allowed at that level. The City pulls their water from the Ironten Galesville, so the Grande Reserve Subdivision should be able to pull at the level in between those to aquifer levels which is the St. Peter aquifer. The Committee agreed that a policy should be put in place to now allow huge landscaping areas to be watered with City drinking water. Mr. Wywrot reiterated to the Committee that this water will be pulled from their proposed well only when the retention basis may get under the safety shelves. The Committee suggested for Mr. Wywrot to look into local Communities to find out how they are handling the development as far as how they pull water for the landscaping. Mr. Wywrot will research that information and this will come back to the October Public Works Meeting. 10. Countryside Parkway Interceptor—IDOT Highway Permit and Resolution: Mr. Wywrot explained to the Committee that this is the standard permit application and resolution for doing a City project in the State right of way. This is work the City is doing for the force main that will extend from the Countryside interceptor down Route 47 to Countryside Parkway. The Committee agreed to send to 10/5 COW as Consent Agenda. 11. Water Department Reports for July&August 2004: Mr. Dhuse presented the Water Department Reports to the Committee who looked them over. The Committee had no questions and was moved to go to 10/5 COW as Consent Agenda. 12. Public Sidewalk Program: Mr. Wywrot stated this is looking at the way the City funds and administers this program. Mr. Wywrot is suggesting that the City takes up 100% of the funding in the sidewalk program and get them all fixed 1 by 1. Then if a resident would like the sidewalk in front of their home fixed sooner, they could do so by paying 40%of the cost. 6 Page 7 of 8 The Committee discussed the fact that the City does in fact own the sidewalks, so they should be replacing and repairing them anyways. Mayor Prochaska brought up the point that the City has always been pushed to paying for new sidewalk in old areas of town, yet in the new development areas, the residents have to pay for the sidewalk in front of their homes. It was also discussed the importance of having sidewalks for public safety. Mr. Wywrot noted that the funds for the Public Sidewalk Project have been doubled. Mayor Prochaska suggested that there be a plan put together as to when what sidewalks will be repaired so that if someone did want theirs done sooner they could help with the funding to move up to a sooner date. Mr. Wywrot also is hoping for better pricing if the City does chose to work in one area at a time so the construction workers spend less time moving around all the time. The Committee agreed to send to 10/5 COW for discussion. 13. Rob Roy Creek Interceptor—Phase I: Mr. Wywrot stated that this is an FYI for the Committee. The PNA camp has requested that due to the usage of their soccer fields they have requested the construction be done this fall and winter. The Committee discussed that this will try to have this work for them. This will go to 10/5 COW for discussion to be made aware of situation to keep the process moving. 14. Game Farm Road Right of Way Dedication: Mr. Wywrot stated that they have Smith Engineering found that the old Game Farm property owned by the state never had dedicated a right-of-way for the road. Smith Engineering has suggested for the City to dedicate it now and then they can show it as existing when to submit the report to the State. Mr. Wywrot has suggested staking the school's portion of the right of way for them to look over. This will go on to 10/5 COW for discussion. 15. Purchase of New Public Works Truck: Mr. Dhuse stated that this is a budgeted purchase and brought to the Committee to let them know bids will be coming soon. This will be for a utility pick-up truck. This will come back to Public Works at a later date. 16. Grande Reserve--Plat of Vacation and Plat of Easement: Mr. Wywrot stated that previously Grande Reserve had dedicated the City a 30ft wide strip parallel to the train tracks from Mill Road to the Water tower. Due to Fox Metro putting in a gravity sewer and having to change their design, Fox Metro is now using a portion of this area to keep a 90 degree angle. He stated it did change the design for the City sewer that runs from the Fox Metro pipe to the Well 8 site. He stated this is recommended to keep the bookkeeping straight. The Committee agreed to send to 10/5 COW for discussion. 17. Grande Reserve—Offsite Sanitary Agreement: Mr. Wywrot stated that the developer has not been able to acquire the necessary offsite easements to allow Fox 7 Page 8 of 8 Metro to construct a gravity sewer to the central part of the development. The City at this point needs to agree to how many homes may be serviced by a temporary lift station that they will construct and maintained by the City. The Committee discussed the need and suggested that it should only be used for up to 200 homes with a clause in there stating that they will cover all the costs incurred. Mr. Dhuse suggested putting a time limit as well. This will go on to 10/19(?) COW with a draft written based on the recommendations of this Committee. 18. Deuchler Engineering Agreement for FPA Amendment to YBSD Southwest Service Area: Mr. Wywrot stated that this proposal is a two-step process. Mr. Wywrot explained how this will work to the Committee. Mr. Wywrot also explained to the Committee that this is proof to the EPA that there is developing,expect on Highpoint due to there being no plans to show it. The Committee agreed that some parts in the proposal have changes to be made. Mr. Wywrot will talk to Mr. Graff and get a revised proposal together and then bring it back to Public Works before moving forward. OLD BUSINESS: 1. Director of Public Works—Salary Survey: This item is was table to a later date until all figures get put together. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: 1. Alderwoman Burd brought up the Dear Resident letters that were distributed throughout the community for the work done on Route 47. One resident had stated they were never informed of the work to be done. The letters were distributed door to door and no other residents called in to say they had not been informed. The Committee discussed that they shall tape the letters next time. 2. Alderman Munns requested that the clean-up be done around the Diehl Road entrance in Fox Hill as far as bushes and trimming. Mr.Dhuse replied it will all be cleaned up. 3. Alderman Sticka added that there would only be a 1% increase in water usage if the Grande Reserve were to use City Water. 4. Mr. Dhuse stated that brush pick-up will be the last full week of October and has put a correction in the paper. S. Mayor Prochaska questioned if Cannonball Trail was finished yet due to the signs being moved constantly. He was informed there was more work yet, but should come to an end by the following week. 6. Mr. Wywrot brought up that with Grande Reserve there is a letter of Credit in place for Earthwork and Erosion Control which is expiring this week. He informed the Committee that he did not allow the paperwork to go through improperly and had them due it correctly. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00pm. Minutes by: Sheila Teausaw 8 WALTER E. DEUCHLER ASSOCIATES INC. Consulting Engineers 230 WOODLAWN AVENUE • TELEPHONE (630)897-4651 • FAX (630)897-5696 AURORA, ILLINOIS 60506 October 4, 2004 Mr. Tony Graff City Administrator City of Yorkville 800 Game Farm Road Yorkville, IL 60560 RE: Engineering Agreement Southwest and Pavillion Road Interceptors City of Yorkville Dear Tony: Please find attached three (3) copies of the Engineering Agreement for design services of the above referenced project. We have stated in the Engineering Agreement a cost of$375,000 for design services, which is based on 7.5% of the total probable construction cost of 5.0 million. The design phase will likely require breaking the length of the project in 2 to 3 construction contracts in order to bid the work in phases. We have also included a timeline which delineates the timing of design and construction work in order to have the interceptor in operation in 18 months from authorization to proceed. This time schedule is also dependent upon approval by the thPA of the proposed expansion of YB SD Facility Planning Area. Our fee includes all outside services to perform wetland delineation,archaeological surveys and geotechnical work, preparation of plats of easements and acquisition of title commitments. This Engineering Agreement minors the legal language approved by the City for the Rob Roy Creek Interceptor. We thank you for opportunity of being of service, and should you have any questions or need clarification, please do not hesitate to call me. Very truly yours, WALTER E EUCHLER ASSOCIATES, INC. y-iik Philip.- F. Moreau, P.E. PFM/mw Encl. cc: Ralph Pfister, YBSD "' '-- --� ''---•----^^ • Riiilrlinoc and Structures • Design and Construction ENGINEERING AGREEMENT FOR DESIGN SERVICES OF THE SOUTHWEST AND PAVILLION ROAD INTERCEPTORS UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE 2004 This Agreement is made and entered into this day of , 2004, by and between Walter E. Deuchler Associates, Inc. whose address is 230 S. Woodlawn Avenue,Aurora, IL 60506, hereinafter called the "Engineer", and the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois, hereinafter called the "Owner", and covers certain professional engineering services in connection with the improvement. Witnesseth that, in consideration of these premises and of the mutual covenants herein set forth, Now,therefore,the Owner and Engineer,in consideration of their mutual covenants,herein agree in respect to the performance of professional engineering services by the Engineer, and the payment for those services by the Owner, as set forth below. SECTION 1 - PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1.1 The City of Yorkville (Owner)intends to extend the Southwest Interceptor from the siphon chamber located at State Street and Hydraulic Avenue westerly and along the Illinois Railnet and Fox Road to High Point Road and also construct the Pavillion Road Interceptor from Fox Road southerly a distance of 4100 feet, as delineated on the attached Location Map and as herein referred to as the Project. SECTION 2 - THE ENGINEER AGREES 2.1 To perform professional engineering services in connection with the Project, as hereinafter stated. 2.2 To serve as the Owner's professional engineering representative in those phases of the Project to which this Agreement applies, and to give consultation and advice to the Owner during the performance of services. 2.3 To sublet geotechnical, wetland delineation and archaeological survey work. 2.4 To provide Design Services for the Project described in Section 1.0, as delineated on the attached Location Map, in accordance with the time schedule attached herein as Exhibit 1, and as summarized in the following: G:ACONTR\SW&Pavillion Int.wpd -2- 2.4.1 Perform topographic surveys. 2.4.2 Delineate jurisdictional wetlands. 2.4.3 Order title commitments. 2.4.4 Prepare Plans and Specifications of the proposed interceptor,based on the alignment shown on the Location Map. 2.4.5 Locate markers and monumentation of parcels and ROWs and prepare plats of easement, as needed upon easement negotiations by the Owner. 2.4.6 Assist the Owner in obtaining appropriate permits from the Illinois Railnet,the State of Illinois EPA and Corps of Engineers, if needed. SECTION 3 - THE OWNER AGREES 3.1 To furnish available data such as utility maps, special design criteria, available plans of existing subdivisions,title searches for determination of existing right-of-way and property encumbrances. The Owner will negotiate easements with the property owners affected by the Project. 3.2 To designate in writing a person to act as Owner's representative with respect to the services to be performed or furnished by Engineer under this Agreement. Such person will have complete authority to transmit instructions,receive information, interpret Owner's policies and decisions with respect to Engineer's services for the Project. 3.3 To pay the Engineer, for those services described in Section 2 a lump sum amount of $375,000.00 based on the Engineer's estimate of the proportion of the total services actually completed at the time of billing. 3.4 That those services beyond the scope of Section 1 and not included in Section 2,such as,but not limited to, assisting the Owner in negotiating easements and acquiring property, changing alignment of the interceptor due to failure in acquiring easements and others,will be considered additional work. Compensation for additional work will be paid in accordance with the attached 2004 Fee Schedule for the 2004 calendar year or the current schedule in effect after calendar year 2004. 3.5 That payments due the Engineer for services rendered will be made in monthly payments based upon actual work completed. G:\CONTR\SW&Pavillion Int.wpd -3- 3.6 To pay Engineer within thirty (30) days after the invoice date, after which, payment will increase at an interest rate of 1.5% per month. 3.7 That Engineer has the right to suspend or terminate service if undisputed charges are not paid within forty-five(45) days of receipt of Engineer's invoice, and Owner agrees to waive any claim against Engineer arising, and to indemnify, defend, and hold Engineer harmless from and against any claims arising, other than from Engineer's negligence or wrongful conduct, from Engineer's suspension or termination due to Owner's failure to provide timely payment. Owner recognizes that any charges not paid within thirty(30) days are subject to a late payment charge equivalent to 1.5% of the balance due for each additional month or fraction thereof that undisputed charges remain unpaid. 3.8 In the event of termination by Owner under Section 4.2 for convenience or by Engineer for cause, Engineer, in addition to invoicing for those items identified in Sections 3.3 and 3.4 shall be entitled to invoice Owner and shall be paid a reasonable amount for services and expenses(not to exceed a total of$1000.00),directly attributable to termination,both before and after the effective date of termination, such as reassignment of personnel, costs of terminating contracts with Engineer's Consultants, and other related close-out costs, using methods and rates for Additional Services as set forth in Section 3.4, but in addition to amounts paid thereunder. In addition a 10% charge of the unbilled amount as set forth in Section 3.3 shall be paid by the Owner to the Engineer. 3.9 To pay the Engineer an additional 8% for sublet services and outside vendor expenses. 3.10 In the event that Owner shall bring any suit, cause of action or counterclaim against Engineer, to the extent that Engineer shall prevail, Owner or the party otherwise initiating such action shall pay to Engineer the cost and expenses incurred to answer and/or defend such action,including reasonable attorneys fees and court costs. In no event shall Engineer indemnify any other party for the consequences of that party's negligence, including negligent failure to follow Engineer's recommendations. 3.11 Engineer's employees shall not be retained as expert witnesses except by separate written agreement. Owner agrees to pay Engineer pursuant to Engineer's current fee schedule for any Engineer employee(s) subpoenaed by any party as an occurrence witness as a result of Engineer's services. 3.12 The Engineer will not be responsible for job or site safety of the Project other than arising from validly implemented affirmative recommendations therefor. Job and site safety will be the sole responsibility of the contractor/contractors of the Project unless contracted to others. G:ACONTR\SW&Pavillion Int.wpd -4- 3.13 The Owner shall require in any agreement it makes with a Contractor for the Project that the Contractor shall obtain Commercial General Liability Insurance with contractual liability and shall name the Engineer, its employees and consultants, as additional insured,with said coverage to be primary and non-contributory. In addition, the Owner agrees to name the Engineer, its employees and consultants, as an additional insured on any policy of Owner covering the Project,with said coverage to be primary and non-contributory. When Owner requests services of the Engineer in any capacity other than as a design professional, then, to the fullest extent peuuitted by law,the Owner shall defend,indemnify,and hold harmless the Engineer,its employees and consultants,from and against claims,damages,losses,costs, including but not limited to reasonable attorneys fees and costs, ("Losses") arising out of or resulting from the Engineers performance of services other than as a design professional (including any services that could be construed as those of a construction manager)provided that such Losses are attributable to bodily injury, sickness, disease or death, or to injury to or destruction of tangible property to the extent caused, in whole or in part, by the contractor, subcontractor, or anyone directly or indirectly employed by them or anyone for whose acts they may be liable. This provision shall survive the termination or completion of this Agreement. 3.14 Neither the professional activities of the Engineer, nor the presence of the Engineer or his or her employees and subconsultants at a construction site, shall relieve the General Contractor and any other entity of their obligations,duties and responsibilities including,but not limited to, construction means, methods, sequence,techniques or procedures necessary for performing, superintending or coordinating all portions of the work of construction in accordance with the contract documents and any health or safety precautions required by any regulatory agencies. The Engineer and his or her personnel have no authority to exercise any control over any construction contractor or other entity or their employees in connection with their work or any health or safety precautions. The Owner agrees that the General Contractor is solely responsible for job site safety,and warrants that this intent shall be made evident in the Owner's agreement with the General Contractor. The Owner also agrees that the Owner, the Engineer and the Engineer's consultants shall be indemnified and shall be made additional insureds under the General Contractor's general liability insurance policy. In addition, and notwithstanding any other provisions of this Agreement,the Owner agrees, to the fullest extent permitted by law, to indemnify and hold harmless the Engineer, his or her officers, directors, employees, agents and subconsultants from and against all damage, liability or cost, including reasonable attorneys' fees and defense costs, arising out of or in any way connected with the Project or the performance by any of the parties above named of the services under this Agreement, excepting only those damages, liabilities or costs attributable to the sole negligence or willful misconduct of the Engineer. G:\CONTR\SW&Pavillion Int.wpd -5- 3.15 The Owner agrees to limit Engineer's liability specifically and exclusively to the Owner on the Project arising from Engineer's professional acts, errors, or omissions or breach of contract or other cause of action, such that the total aggregate liability of Engineer to all those named shall not exceed $100,000.00 or the total cumulative fees for the services rendered for this Project, whichever is greater; and Owner hereby releases Engineer from any liability above such amount. 3.16 If any of the provisions contained in this Agreement are held illegal, invalid, or unenforceable, the enforceability of the remaining provisions will not be impaired. 3.17 That any difference between the Engineer and Owner concerning the interpretation of the provisions of this Agreement shall be referred to a committee of disinterested parties consisting of one member appointed by the Engineer, one member appointed by the Owner and a third member appointed by the two other members for disposition and that the committee shall attempt to resolve the difference by formal non-binding mediation conducted in accordance with rules and procedure to be agreed upon by the parties. SECTION 4 - IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED 4.1 During the progress of work under this Agreement,the Engineer shall continuously monitor its costs and anticipated future costs, and if such monitoring indicates possible costs in excess of the amounts stated in Section 3 above, the Engineer shall immediately notify the Owner of such anticipated increase and the compensation for engineering services shall be adjusted, if any, by amendment to this Agreement. 4.2 This Agreement may be terminated by the Owner upon giving notice in writing to the Engineer at his last known post office address. Upon such termination, the Engineer shall cause to be delivered to the Owner all drawings, specifications, partial and completed estimates and data,with the understanding that all such material becomes the property of the Owner. The Engineer shall be paid for any services completed and any services partially completed in accordance with Section 3. 4.3 That the Engineer warrants that he has not employed or retained any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for the Engineer, to solicit or secure this Agreement, and that he has not paid or agreed to pay any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for the Engineer, any fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gifts,or any other consideration,contingent upon or resulting from the award or making of this Agreement. For breach or violation of this warranty the Owner shall have the right to void this Agreement without liability whatsoever. 4.4 That the Owner acknowledges that the Engineer is a corporation and agrees that any claim made by the owner arising out of any act or omission of any director, officer or employee G:ACONTR\SW&Pavillion Int.wpd -6- of the Engineer, in the execution or performance of this Agreement shall be made against the Engineer and not against such director, officer or employee. 4.5 That the Owner and the Engineer each binds himself and his partners,successors,executors, administrators and assigns to the other party of this Agreement and to the partners, successors, executors, administrators and assigns of such other party in respect to all covenants of this Agreement; except as above, neither the Owner nor the Engineer shall assign, sublet or transfer his interest in this Agreement without the written consent of the other. Nothing herein shall be construed as creating any personal liability on the part of any office or agent of any public body which may be a party hereto, nor shall it be construed as giving any right or benefits hereunder to anyone other than the Client and the Engineer. 4.6 All Reports, Drawings, Specifications, other documents, and magnetic media prepared or furnished by the Engineer pursuant to this Agreement are instruments of service in respect to the Project, and the Engineer shall retain ownership of said documents and magnetic media including the right of reuse by and at the discretion of the Engineer whether or not the Project is completed. The Owner may retain copies, including reproducible copies, of the Engineer's documents and magnetic media for information and reference in connection with the use and occupancy of the Project by the Owner and others;however,the Engineer's documents and magnetic media are not intended or represented to be suitable for reuse by the Owner or others on additions or extensions of the project, or on any other Project. Any such reuse without written permission and verification or adaption by the Engineer for the specific purpose intended will be at the Owner's sole risk and without liability or legal exposure to the Engineer. The Owner shall indemnify and hold harmless the Engineer from all claims,damages,losses and expenses including attorneys' fees arising out of or resulting therefrom. Any furnishing of additional copies and verification or adaptation of the Engineer's comments and magnetic media will entitle the Engineer to claim and receive additional compensation from the Owner. 4.7 The Engineer's agent shall perform the function of Agent or Representative of the Owner, during the performance of the PROJECT. The Engineer may be required to enter private properties and private premises to perform the work identified in the PROJECT. The Owner agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Engineer from any claim, suit, liability, damage,injury,cost or expense,including attorney fees,arising out of Engineer's entry into private properties and private premises, unless resulting from Engineer's negligence or wrongful conduct under Section 3.7 or as provided by law. 4.8 Engineer has no control over the cost of labor, materials, equipment or services furnished by others, or over the Contractor(s)' methods of determining prices, or over competitive bidding or market conditions. Engineer's opinions of probable total project costs and construction cost provided for the project are to be made on the basis of Engineer's experience and qualifications and represent Engineer's best judgement as an experienced G:\CONTR\SW&Pavillion Int.wpd -7- and qualified professional Engineer familiar with the construction industry; but Engineer cannot and does not guarantee that proposals, bids or actual total project or construction costs will not vary from opinions of probable cost prepared by Engineer. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed in triplicate counterparts, each of which shall be considered as an original by their duly authorized officers, this day of , 2004. Executed by the Owner: United City of Yorkville State of Illinois ATTEST: By By Title: City Clerk Title: Mayor Executed by the Engineer: Walter E. Deuchler Associates, Inc. 230 S. Woodlawn Avenue Aurora, IL 60506 BY I10 Title: Pres dent G:ACONTR\SW&Pavillion lnt.wpd SOUTHWEST AND PAVILLION ROAD INTERCEPTORS (SEE LOCATION MAP) SEPTEMBER, 2004 Key Deadlines Description of Work 49 days — Fix route of interceptor — Map properties affected by interceptor & list names and address of property owners affecting by Interceptor. 40 days — Order Title Commitment of properties affected by interceptor. City to begin discussing easement acquisition with said property owners (this task shall be on- going until all easements are acquired). — Obtain digital topo from previous aerial work paid by Engineer 90 days — Prepare preliminary engineering plans (3 Contract Documents) — Send preliminary plans to COE & IDNR for permits across wetlands and creeks. — Begin preparing plats of easements through known developments; i.e. 90 days — Complete final plans; prepare specs. and cost estimate for each Contract. — Continue preparing plats of easement for properties not being developed at this time. — Perform geotechnical work. 90 days — Submit Plans (3 contracts) to IEPA for Permits. — Finalize any easements work. — Advertise for bids; recommend low bidders; awards and notice to proceed. 140 days — Construct the project in four (4) phases. — Substantial completion to operate the interceptor. 60 days — Final restoration of the project. Total 550 days NOTE: The time laps shown above are approximate and may change due to reasons not controlled by the Engineer, such as easement acquisition by the City, approval of the FPA expansion by the IEPA and others. EXHIBIT 1 V =mu nom moms sin / 7--- I vazxvit. flaRtsux d WASTEN TER 1 911111 It TREATMENT PLANT lib, N‘ - .1 IIII 1111 4 7.;t A . 311111 WOE''s, \ 1111-111-W" ,..../ I .r.----- \\,,, igatigti II, .I ---74.711:::11 11:12-1L-7----):p:: 7_„z;,rw::asta4:1 1..11-7:74141:47:\.::;:.....,....:11:11117--1 I -...0111011111 -a 1111111 PART B / $2 ry 0. is ------ . '1111._ 7184 700000 7.ifil:Stilik,z,:t1,14,–,.,4„( rol$,411.j / a er-'..-Irf iift...:Zell 1111 _....... f 111100 7001411111146\r 1061111110-...t. ._11,1.1 In,-1.Z; -----'' . or ... ammenn..1111.., • .4/ ••we. i__---- -.- __ _,--„ if , , \ . 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UMW , , IMMIllj NIMIMB, 1111111,1F" ' \ • l.p. 1 • .,.*. .earLill # - 444/4keillr - • .,_ frop,41P. / 1111ousq IITNIIIII i, warr-mr ....i ....4111110 iI I i V _ _ umm-i-.ma.-1i.niti.i pwi-rl4ib410biitAcb..v.A.l.1/.."..1• iNbeI E10 8 .1 y, Mill 411Iwy 41" lie „ 11 M ILI‘11h=c I I • IN ...A.,. r w 1 I ...90, BRISTOL SANITARY DISTRICT YORXVILLE – WALTER E. DEIJCHLER ASSOCIATES, INC. LOCATION MAP egannersailin? enyoinaar• – -eharema, i'llisnOi. o.n 8/30/0. 1,.90.. J.-In...AS 1.....,. 1.0.• ©,..,,r.-2....1,,,,.","\°..5-.."'."." 1....0'.1"°.1°' SOUTHWEST INTERCEPTOR EXTENSION WALTER E. DEUCHLER ASSOC: INC. 2004 FEE SCHEDULE CLASSIFICATION RANGE OF BILLING RATE CLERICAL 40.00-60.00 , JR_ TECHNICIAN 34.00-45.00 TECHNICIAN/DRAFTSPERSON 55.00-75.00 CONSTRUCTION OBSERVER 55.00-75.00 SURVEY CREW (2 Members) - 95.00-128.00 ENGINEER 64.00-80.00 PROJECT ENGINEER 80.00-100.00 PROJECT MANAGER LAND SURVEYOR PRINCIPAL 100.00-130.00 01/02/2004 0 PAGE 1 NF :I UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE To: Tony Graff, City Administrator From: Joe Wywrot, City Engineer Subject: Utility Locator Position Cr Date: October 14, 2004 One-half of Mike Robinson's time is officially for JULI I-4 locates, and the other half is for the Engineering Department. With the steady increase in workload for JULTF locates, however, Mike is spending more time as a utility locator and less time for Engineering Department activities. Bill Barkley and Darrell Busch also assist him at times depending on the workload. I recommend that we budget for a full-time locator beginning May 1, 2005. The utility locator position would work out of the Public Works Department. Mike would then work full-time in the Engineering Department. Please place this item on the Public Works Committee agenda of October 25, 2004 for discussion. Cc: Eric Dhuse, Director of Public Works Traci Pleckham, Director of Finance Liz D'Anna, Deputy City Clerk NSF United City of Yorkville County Seat of Kendall County EST.% 1836 800 Game Farm Road 0 r- Cl) Yorkville, Illinois 60560 III �e Phone:630-553-4350 :14c.ouv)� Fax:630-553-7575 LE ‘‘' To: Joe Besco, Chairman From: Eric Dhuse, Public Works`. Date: October 14, 2004 Re: snow removal Joe, I was recently asked by a downtown business owner if the City planned on removing snow from the sidewalks in the downtown area. Although we have done it in the past, we have not done it for approximately 3 years. Since we do not have a policy regarding this issue, I would like to bring this topic to the next Public Works meeting on October 25th for to discuss weather or not the Public Works Department should remove snow from the sidewalks of the downtown businesses. Cc: Art Prochaska, Mayor Tony Graff, Administrator UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE To: Tony Graff, City Administrator From: Joe Wywrot, City Engineer Subject: Bruell Street Forcemain& S tary Sewers—Final Payment Date: October 18, 2004 Attached find a letter from Walter E. Deuchler Associates regarding a potential change order to compensate H. Linden& Sons Sewer& Water, Inc. for certain restocking charges and also to revise the unit price for Trench Backfill. The request, in the amount of$51,609.00, is a direct result of not constructing the whole project. Please place this item on the October 25, 2004 Public Works Committee agenda for discussion. By copy of this memo, I am requesting that Dan Kramer comment on the request for compensation regarding the trench backfill. This is a unit price contract, and I don't know how much flexibility we have regarding revisions to unit prices due to not constructing the full project. Cc: Dan Kramer, City Attorney Liz D'Anna, Deputy City Clerk WALTER E. DEUCHLER ASSOCIATES INC. Consulting Engineers 230 WoODLAwN AVENUE • TELEPHONE (630) 897-4651 • FAX (630) 897-5696 AURORA, ILLINOIS 60506 October 15, 2004 Mr. Joe Wywrot City Engineer City of Yorkville 800 Game Fainu Road Yorkville, IL 60560 RE: Bruell Street Forcemain and Sanitary Sewers Project Final Payment W.E.D.A. Job #788-03052-00 Dear Joe: We are in receipt of a letter dated September 28, 2004 from H. Linden&Sons(Linden)regarding a request for additional compensation due to the teiniination of the above referenced contract by the City of Yorkville. As a result ofnot acquiring the necessary easements from a property owner on Bruell Street,the City deleted from Linden's contract the most profitable part of the project which can be analyzed as follows: Constructed Not Constructed. 1358 L.F. of 12"and 14"PVC pipes on Main Street 2054 L.F. of 14" PVC pipe in the Woodworth and at an average depth of 15 feet, with utilities, Griesman's easements at an average depth of only multitudes of water and gas services in conflict 8 feet with no utilities,no water and gas services in with the sewer work, full depth granular trench conflict with the sewer work, no granular trench backfill to the surface and tees with existing service backfill and 14" x 6" tees with no service connections. connections. We estimate that the production of Linden for the pipes not constructed in the easements,would have been at a minimum twice as fast as the ones installed in pavement on Main Street. Based on the linear footage not installed, it can therefore be estimated that Linden's costs would have been half off pavement as it was in pavement or 2054 linear feet x $125/l.f. divided by 2 or a cost savings to Linden of over $125,000. Linden is requesting reimbursement of granular trench backfill in the amount of $43,434.00 and reimbursement of restocking charges by its suppliers to settle the teiuiination of its Contract. We strongly believe that this is a very fair deal for the City of Yorkville and recommend payment of the total reimbursement amount of$51,609.00 to Linden as part of the Final Engineer's estimate. • Water Works and Sewerage • Buildings and Structures • Design and Construction • Streets and Street Lighting • Investigations and Reports • Project Financing Mr. Joe Wywrot City of Yorkville October 15, 2004 Page2 Please advise us if you agree with our assessment in order to finalize this project. Very truly yours, WALTEE. DEUCHLER ASSOCIATES, INC. .400iffiriovv90 Phi)ppe F. Moreau, P.E. PFM/mw cc: Tony Graff, City of Yorkville Brent Schepp, WEDA - Oct 15 04 09 : 04a LINDA Li=NDEN 630-553-9270 p _ 1 H. LINDEN & SONS SEWER & WATER, INC PO BOX 344 YORKVILLE, ILLINOIS 60560 630-553-2014 Fax 630-553-9270 15-Oct-04 Mr. Phillipe Moreau Walter E Deuchier Associaates 230 Woodlawn Avenue Aurora, Illinois 60506 RE: BRUELL STREET SEWER PROJECT Dear Phillipe, Due to the cancellation of the remaining 58% of this job, we have some issues regarding materials that we ordered specifically for this job. Some of the materials cannot be returned as they were special ordered only for this job while a portion of other materials can be returned to the supplier with a restocking charge to us for 25% of the original invoiced cost We also, want to be compensated for the Trench Back Fill on the 14" PVC. We priced the 14" PVC at 1.57 tonage of TBF per lineal foot at $19.00 per lineal foot based on a total installation of 3320 lineal foot ($125.00 per lineal foot). The loss of lineal footage not installed (2286) increased the cost of TBF per lineal foot to $61.00 a foot. We feel justified to ask for payment compensation of$43,434.00 (2286 lineal foot at$19.00 per foot for uninstalled pipe). We ordered 30 14"x6" TEES at a cost of$299.00 each of which we installed only 14, leaving 16 unreturnable TEES. As these cannot be retuned, we are asking compensation for these TEES in the amount of $4,784.00 We have 200 lineal feet of 14" DR25 PVC at an invoiced price of$15.32 per lineal foot totaling $3064.00. We can return this pipe at a restocking charge of 25% of the invoice amount or$766.00. We are asking for compensation of the restocking charge of $766.00 We have a lift station 10 foot Manhole that was special ordered, cost of$10,500.00. We did not have this item delivered, it is in the suppliers yard and they are asking for a restocking charge of 25% of invoice, $2625.00. We are asking compensation for this charge_ Summary of these charges are as follows: Additional cost of Trench Back Fill $43;434.00 Cost of Special TEES $ 4,784.00 -Restocking charge on pipe $ 766.00 Restocking charge on manhole $ 2,625.00 TOTAL REQUEST $51,609.00 Respectfully submitted, p Steve Linden • 4.2 `� UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE To: Tony Graff City Administrator From: Joe Wywrot, City Engineer1U. Subject: Game Farm Road/Somonauk treet - pdate Date: October 20, 2004 Our Game Farm Road/Somonauk Street project is progressing, and some issues have come up that you should be aware of. I also want to get some input from the Public Works Committee on a few items. • With the proximity to schools and parks, Smith Engineering feels that IDOT will require a wider sidewalk on one side of the street. Currently they are proposing a 10- foot wide sidewalk on the north side of Somonauk and the east side of Game Farm Road. Is there a preference for concrete or asphalt? We might be able to reduce the width to 8 feet; is that something we should pursue? • Smith is calling for sidewalk on both sides of the street except for the west side of Game Farm Road from Route 34 to the north high school driveway. Do we want to have sidewalk in that area as well? Keep in mind that we will need to acquire right- of-way in that area for the roadway, and by having sidewalk in that area we will need to acquire more right-of-way. • Smith is calling for a 3-lane roadway (one lane in each direction with a center bi- directional turn lane for the full length of the project. They are also calling for a separate southbound right-turn lane for the high school entrance. I have spoken to at least 2 residents along Game Farm that didn't want to have a 3-lane road in front of their homes. Do we want to consider having just a 2-lane roadway from the north end of Beecher Park to Route 34? We would still have a 3-lane road approaching Route 34 to have a separate left-hand turn bay. • Do we want to explore the possibility of moving Tower Lane west to combine with the school driveway, and align the combined driveway with Church Street? • in addition to the right-of-way acquisition required from the city and school district properties, Smith has identified the west side of Game Farm Road (from the school property to Route 34) as an area where we will need to negotiate for right-of-way. We will also need right-of-way at a few minor locations and at the Game Farm/Somonauk intersection, where Somonauk will be turned to meet Game Farm at a right angle. Please place this item on the Public Works Committee agenda of October 25, 2004 for discussion. Cc: Harold Martin, Chief of Police Eric Dhuse, Director of Public Works Liz D'Anna, Deputy City Clerk UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE Clerk's Office FROM THE DESK OF LISA PICKERING October 22, 2004 To: Mayor Committee Members City Staff Re: Additional information for the Public Works packet—October 25, 2004 Attached please find information for River's Edge Unit 1 —Letter of Credit Reduction#3 (New Business Item#6). Please add this information to your Public Works packet. Thanks, Lisa Pickering Office Assistant UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE To: Tony Graff, City Administrator From: Joe Wywrot, City Engineer Subject: River's Edge Unit 1 —Letter of-Credit eduction No. 3 Date: October 21, 2004 Attached find a request from the developer of River's Edge to reduce the letter of credit for Unit 1. I have reviewed the request and in general concur with the amount of work completed to date. There are some errors in the developer's spreadsheet, therefore I have prepared a separate spreadsheet to detail the amount of work completed. I have also given the developer credit for surface course paved this past week, which was not included in his request. I recommend that the letter of credit for River's Edge Unit 1 be reduced by the amount of$243,213.88. The amount remaining in the letter of credit would be $790,190.17. Please place this item on the Public Works Committee agenda of October 25, 2004 for consideration. Cc: Liz D'Anna, Deputy City Clerk Dick Stanciu, S&K Development, LLC 21-Oct-04 Letter of Credit/Bond Reduction Subdivision: River's Edge-Unit 1 Reduction No. 2 LOC/Bond LOC/Bond LOC/Bond Approved Original amount Substantially complete Amount to remain Substantially complete Amount to remain Substantially complete Amount to remain Item Eng. Est for LOC/Bond prior to Red. No.1 after Red. No.1 prior to Red. No.2 after Red. No.2 prior to Red.No.3 after Red. No.3 Earthwork $704,000.00 $774,400.00 $679,000.00 $197,250.00 $704,000.00 $105,600.00 $704,000.00 $105,600.00 San. Sewer $897,911.85 $987,703.04 $333,801.90 $703,971.42 $897,911.85 $134,686.78 $897,911.85 $134,686.78 Watermain $559,380.95 $615,319.05 $226,968.75 $422,395.61 $559,380.95 $83,907.14 $559,380.95 $83,907.14 Storm Sewer $444,499.65 $488,949.62 $97,635.00 $405,959.87 $444,499.65 $66,674.95 $444,499.65 $66,674.95 Pavement $749,073.57 $823,980.93 $66,458.13 $767,491.52 $484,941.66 $363,286.35 $576,222.10 $276,569.93 Miscellaneous $818.342.45 $900,176.70 $7.871.85 $893.485.62 $653.608.28 $279.248.83 $818.342.45 $122.751.37 Totals $4,173,208.47 $4,590,529.32 $1,411,735.63 $3,390,554.03 $3,744,342.39 $1,033,404.05 $4,000,357.00 $790,190.17 Notes: 1)LOC/Bond.amt.to be 15%of substantially completed items plus 110%of uncompleted items. S & K Development, L.L.C. Post Office Box 307, Wheaton, Illinois 60189 (630)462-7907/FAX(630)462-9011 September 28, 2004 Joe Wywrot City of Yorkville 800 Game Farm Road Yorkville, Illinois 60560 Re: River's Edge Subdivision Phase I Dear Joe; We are hereby requesting your review and acceptance of a reduction in the River's Edge Subdivision Letter of Credit for Phase I. Please call me if there are any questions or if you need further infoiniation regarding this matter. • Sincerely, . Development, LLC / Richard T. Stanciu `J` enclosure Request for Reduction of Letter of Credit Fox River Estates Phase I-Yorkville,Illinois September 20,2004 Prepared for S&K Development,LLC Prepared By:S&K Development,LLC 586 Kelly Avenue 586 Kelly Avenue Yorkville,Illinois 60560 Yorlcville,Illinois 60560 (630)553-3024 % Item Description of Item Quantity Unit Unit Price Cost Complete Cost to Complete Excavation 1 Topsoil Strip 115,000 CY $ 1.85 $ 212,750.00 100% $ 0.00 2 Clay Cut 225,000 CY $ 1.85 $ 416,250.00 100% $ 0.00 3 Site Clearing 1 LS $ 50,000.00 $ 50,000.00 100% $ 0.00 4 Temporary Railroad Crossing 1 LS $ 25,000.00 $ 25,000.00 100% $ 0.00 Excavation Total $ 704,000.00 $ 0.00 Roadway Improvements 1 Fine Grading(+/-0.1") 28,916 SY $ 0.40 $ 11,566.40 100% $ 0.00 2 Geo-textile Fabric 28,916 SY $ 1.00 $ 28,916.00 100% $ 0.00 3 Aggregate Base Course,10" 6762 CY $ 18.70 $ 126,449.40 100% $ 0.00 4 Bituminous Material Prime Coat 12,171 GAL $ 1.35 $ 16,430.85 100% $ 0.00 5 Bituminous Binder,2.5" 3,314 TON $ 28.50 $ 94,449.00 100% $ 0.00 6 Bituminous Surface,1.5" 1989 TON $ 32.80 $ 65,239.20 16% $ 54,800.93 7 Combination Curb&Gutter,M3.12 361 LF $ 15.05 $ 5,433.05 0% $ 5,433.05 8 Combination Curb&Gutter,B6.12 14,734 LF $ 8.25 $ 121,555.50 100% $ 0.00 9 Clean and Tack 23,060 SY $ 0.25 $ 5,765.00 100% $ 0.00 10 Concrete Sidewalks 83,420 SF $ 3.00 $ 250,259.55 65% $ 87,590.84 Roadway Total $ 726,063.95 $ 147,824.82 I Bituminous Path,8" 1180 LF $ 10.80 $ 12,744.00 100% $ 0.00 SANITARY 1 8"PVC(SDR 26)(0'-12') 2541 LF $ 16.90 $ 42,942.90 100% $ 0.00 2 8"PVC(SDR 26)(12'-20') 1896 LF $ 17.80 $ 33,748.80 100% $, 0.00 3 8"PVC(SDR 21)(12'-20') 1866 LF $ 24.10 $ 44,970.60 100% $ 0.00 4 8"PVC(SDR 18)(12'-20') 85 LF $ 23.95 $ 2,035.75 100% $ 0.00 5 24"PVC(DR25,C905) 1660 LF $ 74.95 $ 124,417.00 100% $ 0.00 6 Excavate and Replace Soil 1 LF $ 95,375.00 $ 95,375.00 100% $ 0.00 oda Item Description of Item Quantity Unit Unit Price Cost Complete Cost to Complete 7 Brush Cleaning 1 LS $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 100% $ 0.00 8 Trench backfill(interceptor) 38 LF $ 85.90 $ 3,264.20 100% $ 0.00 9 48"Manhole(0-12') 22 EA $ 1,485.00 $ 32,670.00 100% $ 0.00 10 48"Manhole(12'-20') 20 EA $ 1,755.00 $ 35,100.00 100% $ 0.00 11 48"Manhole(20'+) 2 EA $ 5,790.00 $ 11,580.00 100% $ 0.00 12 60"Drop Manhole(12'-20') 1 EA $ 3,990.00 $ 3,990.00 100% $ 0.00 13 60"Drop Manhole(20'+) 1 EA $ 3,500.00 $ 3,500.00 100% $ 0.00 14 60"Manhole(20'+) 1 EA $ 3,500.00 $ 3,500.00 100% $ 0.00 15 6"Service(Short) u 55 EA $ 375.00 $ 20,625.00 100% $ 0.00 16 6"Service(Long with TBF) 57 EA $ 1,185.00 $ 67,545.00 100% $ 0.00 17 6"Forcemain(D.I.P.CL52) 6568 LF $ 16.70 $ 109,685.60 100% 5 0.00 18 Cleanout Manhole 3 EA $ 4,250.00 $ 12,750.00 100% $ 0.00 19 Air Release Valve&Vault 1 EA $ 4,790.00 $ 4,790.00 100% 5 0.00 20 20"Steel Casing-Jack and Bore 150 LF $ 185.00 $ 27,750.00 100% $ 0.00 21 Connect to Interceptor Manhole 2 EA $ 2,490.00 5 4,980.00 100% $ 0.00 22 Trench Backfill(0-12')(CA-6') 320 LF $ 18.90 $ 6,048.00 100% $ 0.00 23 Trench Backfill(12'-20')(CA-6') 360 LF $ 32.90 $ 11,844.00 100% $ 0.00 24 Lift Station and Controls 1 LS $ 148,000.00 $ 148,000.00 100% $ 0.00 25 Lift Station Building 1 LS $ 16,800.00 $ 16,800.00 100% $ 0.00 26 Lift Station Generator 1 LS $ 27,000.00 $ 27,000.00 100% 5 0.00 Sanitary Total $ 897,911.85 $ 0.00 WATER MAIN 1 6"D.I.W.M.(CL52)with encasement 18 LF 5 17.90 $ 322.20 100% $ 0.00 2 8"D.I.W.M.(CL52)with encasement 9815 LF $ 18.35 $ 180,105.25 100% $ 0.00 3 Fire Hydrant 36 EA $ 1,800.00 $ 64,800.00 100% $ 0.00 4 8"Valve and Vault 0 EA $ 1,500.00 $ 0.00 100% $ 0.00 5 8"Valve and Box 32 EA 5 890.00 $ 28,480.00 100% $ 0.00 6 12"Valve and Vault 3 EA $ 2,090.00 $ 6,270.00 100% $ 0.00 7 1"Service(Short) 56 EA $ 290.00 $ 16,240.00 100% $ 0.00 8 1"Service(Long with TBF) 57 EA $ 685.00 $ 39,045.00 100% 5 0.00 9 16"Steel Casing-Jack and Bore 245 LF $ 185.00 $ 45,325.00 100% $ 0.00 10 Trench Backfill(CA-6') 625 LF $ 10.50 $ 6,562.50 100% $ 0.00 Water Main Total $ 387,149.95 $ 0.00 Item Description of Item Quantity Unit Unit Price Cost Complete Cost to Complete OFF SITE WATER MAIN 1 6"D.i.w.m.(C152)with Encasement 180 LF $ 17.90 $ 3,222.00 100% $ 0.00 2 12"d.i.w.m.(c152)with Encasement 4070 LF $ 33.35 $ 135,734.50 100% $ 0.00 3 12"Valve and Vault 5 EA $ 2,090.00 $ 10,450.00 100% $ 0.00 4 Fire Hydrant 9 EA $ 1,800.00 $ 16,200.00 100% $ 0.00 5 20"steel Casing-Jack and Bore 25 LF $ 215.00 $ 5,375.00 100% $ 0.00 6. Trench Backfill(CA-6) 119 LF $ 10.50 $ 1,249.50 100% $ 0.00 Off Site Water $ 172,231.00 Main Total STORM SEWER 1 8"A.D.S. 31 LF $ 15.00 $ 485.00 100% $ 0.00 2 10"A.D.S. 82 LF $ 18.00 $ 1,476.00 100% $ 0.00 3 10"RCP(CL V) 17 LF $ 12.00 $ 204.00 100% $ 0.00 4 10"PVC(SDR18) 157 LF $ 18.00 $ 2,826.00 100% $ 0.00 5 12"A.D.S. 1394 LF $ 14.50 $ 20,213.00 100% $ 0.00 6 12"RCP(CL V) 2924 LF $ 16.00 $ 46,784.00 100% $ 0.00 7 12"PVC , 20 LF $ 20.00 $ 400.00 100% $ 0.00 8 15"A.D.S. 441 LF $ 22.00 $ 9,702.00 100% $ 0.00 9 15"RCP(CL IV) 1313 LF $ 17.75 $ 23,305.75 100% $ 0.00 10 18"A.D.S. 35 LF $ 25.00 $ 875.00 100% $ 0.00 11 18"RCP(CL III) 855 LF $ 20.00 $ 17,100.00 100% $ 0.00 12 18"PVC 138 LF $ 25.00 $ 3,450.00 100% $ 0.00 13 21"A.D.S. 196 LF $ 27.00 $ 5,292.00 100% $ 0.00 14 21"RCP(CL III) 757 LF $ 23.00 $ 17,411.00 100% $ 0.00 15 24"RCP(CL III) 112 LF $ 38.00 $ 4,258.00 100% $ 0.00 16 27"A.D.S. 150 LF $ 29.00 $ 4,350.00 100% $ 0.00 17 27"RCP(CL III) 220 LF $ 32.75 $ 7,205.00 100% $ 0.00 18 30"A.D.S. 112 LF $ 30.70 $ 3,438.40 100% $ 0.00 19 30"RCP(CL III) 985 LF $ 34.00 $ 33,490.00 100% $ 0.00 20 36"A.D.S. 378 LF $ 34.50 $ 13,041.00 100% $ 0.00 21 38"RCP(CL III) 800 LF $ 42.00 $ 33,600.00 100% $ 0.00 22 24"Inlet 43 EA $ 660.00 $ 28,380.00 100% $ 0.00 23 36"Manhole 3 EA $ 720.00 $ 2,160.00 100% $ 0.00 3 Item Description of Item Quantity Unit Unit Price Cost Complete Cost to Complete 24 36"Catch Basin 38 EA $ 795.00 $ 30,210.00 100% $ 0.00 25 48"Inlet 5 EA $ 820.00 $ 4,100.00 100% $ 0.00 26 48"Catch Basin 5 EA $ 945.00 $ 5,670.00 100% $ 0.00 27 48"Manhole 3 EA $ 935.00 8 2,805.00 100% $ 0.00 28 60"Manhole 43 EA $ 1,120.00 $ 48,160.00 100% $ 0.00 29 72"Manhole 2 EA $ 2,100.00 $ 4,200.00 100% $ 0.00 30 8"FES A.D.S. 1 EA $ 120.00 $ 120.00 100% $ 0.00 31 10"FES A.D.S. 4 EA $ 120.00 $ 480.00 100% $ 0.00 32 10"FES RCP 1 EA $ 550.00 $ 550.00 100% $ 0.00 33 12"FES A.D.S. 2 EA $ 130.00 $ 260.00 100% $ 0.00 34 12"FES RCP with Riprap 4 EA $ 550.00 $ 2,200.00 100% 8 0.00 35 15"FES w/Grate ADS w/Grate& I EA $ 130.00 $ 130.00 100% $ 0.00 Riprap 36 18"FES w/Grate RCP w/Grate&Riprap 1 EA $ 650.00 $ 650.00 100% $ 0.00 37 18"FES w/Grate ADS w/Grate& 1 EA $ 150.00 $ 150.00 100% $ 0.00 Riprap 38 21"FES w/Grate ADS w/Grate& 1 EA $ 150.00 $ 150.00 100% $ 0.00 Riprap 39 27"FES w/Grate ADS w/Grate& 170 EA $ 170.00 $ 28,900.00 100% $ 0.00 Riprap 40 30"FES w/Grate ADS w/Grate& 1 EA $ 170.00 $ 170.00 100% $ 0.00 Riprap 41 38"FES w/Grate ADS w/Grate& 3 EA $ 200.00 $ 600.00 100% $ 0.00 Riprap 42 Trench Backfill(CA-6) 1682 LF $ 7.75 $ 13,035.50 100% $ 0.00 43 24"Steel Casing Augered 97 LF $ 225.00 $ 21,825.00 100% $ 0.00 44 27"Steel Casing Augered 115 LF $ 265.00 $ 30,475.00 100% $ 0.00 45 30"Steel Casing Augered 325 LF $ 325.00 $ 105,625.00 100% $ 100 Storm Sewer Total $ 579,889.65 $0.00 STREET TREE& R.O.W.PLANTING SHADE TREES 1 Autumn Blaze Maple,3"cal. 48 EA $ 400.00 $ 18,400.00 100% $ 0.00 2 Common Hackberry,3"cal. 35 EA $ 400.00 $ 14,000.00 100% $ 0.00 3 Marshall Ash,3"cal. 27 EA $ 400.00 $ 10,800.00 100% $ 0.00 4 Summit Ash,3"cal. 29 EA $ 400.00 $ 11,600.00 100% $ 0.00 5 Skyline Honeylocust,3"cal. 37 EA $ 400.00 $ 14,800.00 100% $ 0.00 6 Red Oak,3"cal. 49 EA $ 450.00 $ 22,050.00 100% $ 0.00 4 Item Description of Item Quantity Unit Unit Price Cost Complete Cost to Complete 7 Redmond Linden,3"cal. 22 EA $ 400.00 $ 8,800.00 100% $ 0.00 8 Greenspire Linden,3"cal. 44 EA $ 400.00 $ 17,600.00 100% $ 0.00 ORNAMENTAL TREES 1 Apple Serviceberry,6'tall 18 EA $ 250.00 $ 4,500.00 100% $ 0.00 DECIDUOUS SHRUBS 1 Northern Burgundy Viburnum,24"tall 13 EA $ 35.00 $ 455.00 100% $ 0.00 NIISC.MATERIALS 1 Sod-R.O.W.,Outside of Lots,S.Y. 3390 SY $ 2.50 $ 8,475.00 100% $ 0.00 2 Seed Fox Road,R.O.W.,Acre 1 AC $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 100% $ 0.00 Seed also disturbed area of east R.O.W. 3 Mulch,C.Y. 45 CY $ 38.00 $ 1,710.00 100% $ 0.00 Street/ROW Total $ 131,690.00 $ 0.00 COMMON AREA PLANTING SHADE TREES 1 Emerald Lustre Norway Maple,3"cal. 12 EA $ 400.00 $ 4,800.00 100% $ 0.00 2 Skyline Honeylocust,3"cal. 12 EA $400.00 $ 4,800.00 100% $ 0.00 3 Greenspire Linden,3"cal. 10 EA $ 400.00 $ 4,000.00 100% $ 0.00 ORNAMENTAL TREES I Apple Serviceberry,6'tall 6 EA $ 200.00 $ 1,200.00 100% $ 0.00 2 River Birch,6'tall 11 EA $ 190.00 $ 2,090.00 100% $ 0.00 3 Prairiefire Crabapple,6'tall 1 EA $ 175.00 $ 175.00 100% $ 0.00 EVERGREEN TREES 1 Austrian Pine,6'tall 13 EA $ 300.00 $ 3,900.00 100% $ 0.00 2 Austrian Pine,6'tall 6 EA $ 375.00 $ 2,250.00 100% $ 0.00 3 Green Colorado Spruce,6'tall 20 EA $ 300.00 $ 6,000.00 100% $ 0.00 4 Green Colorado Spruce,8'tall 10 EA $ 375.00 $ 3,750.00 100% $ 0.00 5 Douglas Fir,6'tall 6 EA $ 300.00 $ 1,800.00 100% $ 0.00 6 Douglas Fir,8'tall 2 EA $ 375.00 $ 750.00 100% $ 0.00 5 Item Description of Item Quantity Unit Unit Price Cost Complete Cost to Complete DECIDUOUS SHRUBS 1 Brilliant Red Chokeberry,24"tall 74 EA $ 35.00 $ 2,590.00 100% $ 0.00 2 Bailey's Redtwig Dogwood,24"tall 64 EA $ 35.00 $ 2,240.00 100% $ 0.00 3 Nearly Wild Rose,24"tall 34 EA 8 30.00 $ 1,020.00 100% $ 0.00 4 Anthony Waterer Spirea,24"tall 7 EA $ 30.00 $ 210.00 100% $ 0.00 5 Northern Burgundy Viburnum,24"tall 84 EA $ 35.00 $ 2,940.00 100% $ 0.00 EVERGREEN SHRUBS 1 Green Sargent Juniper,24"wide 8 EA $ 35.00 $ 280.00 100% $ 0.00 ORNAMENTAL GRASSES AND PERENNIALS I Goldstrum Black-Eyed Susan,1 gal. 48 EA $ 10.00 $ 480.00 100% $ 0.00 2 Maiden Grass,2 gal. 12 EA $ 15.00 $ 180.00 100% $ 0.00 MISC.MATERIALS 1 Lawn Seed-Mix A,Acre 3.5 AC $ 3,000.00 $ 10,500.00 100% $ 0.00 2 Temporary Seed-Mix C 3.4 AC $ 1,500.00 $ 5,100.00 100% $ 0.00 3 Wet Meadow Seed-Mix D,Acre 0.1 AC $ 3,500.00 $ 350.00 100% $ 0.00 4 Upland Prairie Seed-Mix E,Acre 1.9 AC $ 3,500.00 $ 6,650.00 100% $ 0.00 5 Detention Seed-Mix B,Acre 2.4 AC $ 3,000.00 $ 7,200.00 100% $ 0.00 6 Erosion Control Blanket 13,425 AC $ 1.15 $ 15,438.75 100% $ 0.00 7 Mulch,C.Y. 50 CY $ 38.00 $ 1,900.00 100% $ 0.00 Common Area $92,573.75 $ 0.00 Total EROSION CONTROL MEASURES 1 Silt Fencing 11662 LF 8 1.35 $ 15,743.70 100% $ 0.00 2 Temporary and Permanent Seeding 3 AC $ 3,000.00 $ 9,000.00 100% $ 0.00 w/fertilizer 3 Outlet Rock Rip Rap(20 SY/Outlet) 220 SY $ 10.80 $ 2,376.00 100% $ 0.00 4 Stabilized Construction Entrance 1 EA $ 1,080.00 $ 1,080.00 100% $ 0.00 5 Straw Bale Structures 12 EA $ 100.00 $ 1,200.00 100% $ 0.00 6 Woody Plants(cluster) 24 EA $ 550.00 $ 13,200.00 100% $ 0.00 7 Prairie Seed 4.3 AC $ 1,000.00 S 4,300.00 100% $ 0.00 Erosion Control $ 46,899.70 $ 0.00 Total 6 Item Description of Item Quantity Unit Unit Price Cost Complete Cost to Complete Miscellaneous 1 Street Lights-Complete Assembly 25 EA $ 2,385.00 $ 59,625.00 100% $ 0.00 2 Street and Stop Signs 26 EA $ 135.00 $ 3,510.00 10% $ 351.00 3 Railroad Crossing&Signal Protection 1 LS $ 423,000.00 $ 423,000.00 100% $ 0.00 Miscellaneous $ 486,135.00 $ 351.00 Total Fox Road Improvements 1 Aggregate Base Course,4' 51.1 CY $ 100.00 $ 5,111.11 100% $ 0.00 2 Prime Coat 230.0 GAL $ 2.25 $ 517.50 100% $ 0.00 3 Bituminous Base Course,11" 200.43 TON $ 47.00 $ 9,420.48 100% $ 0.00 4 Bituminous Binder Course,2.5" 62.6 TON $ 47.00 $ 2,943.90 100% $ 0.00 5 Bituminous Surface Course, 1.5" 45.3 TON $ 55.00 $ 2,491.38 100% $ 0.00 6 Thermoplastic Pavement Marking 481 SF $ 5.25 $ 2,525.25 100% $ 0.00 Fox Road Total $ 23,009.62 $ 148,175.82 • 7 Estimated Estimated Cost of Total Completed Work Excavation('Earthwork")Total $ 704,000.00 $ 704,000.00 Roadway&Fox Road Total(Pavement) $ 749,073.57 $ 601,248.75 Sanitary Sewer Total $ 897,911.85 $ 897,911.85 Water Main&Off Site Water Main Total $ 559,380.95 $ 559,380.95 Storm Sewer Total $ 444,499.65 $ 444,499.65 Miscellaneous Total $ 818,342.45 $ 817,991.45 Subtotal: $4,173,208.47 $ 4,025,032.65 10%Contingency $ 417,320.85 Original Letter of Credit $4,590,529.32 Estimated Cost to Complete $ 148,175.82 10% Contingency $ 14,817.58 Estimated Cost of Completed Work $4,025,032.65 Deduct 15% $ 603,754.90 New Letter of Credit $ 751,930.72 Previous Reductions $3,557,125.26 This Reduction in Letter of Credit $ 281,473.33 8 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE To: Tony Graff, City Administrat From: Joe Wywrot, City Engineer Subject: River's Edge Subdivision—Fi Ac( eptance Date: October 21, 2004 Attached find two letters from S&K Development requesting final acceptance of Unit 1 and Unit 2 of the River's Edge development. Units 1 and 2 comprise the entire development. There are still a number of items on the punchlist that need to be completed, but the developer has been working diligently on addressing those items. The developer would like to take at least the initial step towards final acceptance, that being a recommendation from the Public Works Committee. The developer has suggested, and I concur, that the final layer of asphalt on streets north of the RR tracks not be paved until that area is more built out. I recommend that the Public Works Committee recommend approval and acceptance of the public improvements in River's Edge Subdivision, subject to completion of the punchlist. We would need to decide if or how we would accept the roadways prior to paving of surface course. Please place this item on the Public Works Committee agenda of October 25, 2004 for consideration. Cc: Liz D'Anna, Deputy City Clerk ism. _mild „Ir7r101 RIVER'S EDGE 586 Kelly Avenue Yorkville, Illinois 60560 September 27, 2004 Joe Wyrot United City of Yorkville 800 Game Farm Road Yorkville, Illinois 60560 Dear Joe: S&K Development, LLC respectully requests final acceptance of all public improvements at River's Edge Subdivision. We have reviewed and completed all items on the punchlist and we are in the process of scheduling the final lift of pavement. Thank you for all your assistance with our improvements and your quick response to our questions. If you need anything else, please do not hesitate to call me at (630)553-2500 Sincerely, &K Development, LLC 1/44," # —-. .-e__.: --t., chard T. Stanciu Telephone: (630) 553-2500 Fax: (630) 553-2636 i`` wt '► .a PF aim r41 RIVERS EDGE 586 Kelly Avenue Yorkville, Illinois 60560 October 13, 2004 Joe Wywrot United City of Yorkville 800 Game Farm Road Yorkville, Illinois 60560 Dear Joe: On September 27, 2004, S&K Development, LLC requested final acceptance of all public improvements at River's Edge Subdivision. As stated in our previous letter, we have reviewed and completed all items on the punchlist and we are in the process of scheduling the final lift of pavement. While scheduling the contractor and coordinating with builders in the subdivision, Cardinal Homes requested that the final lift of pavement not be placed on the streets north of the railroad at this time. They would like to delay the final lift behind the tracks as they still have a number of foundations to complete and do not want to damage the final surface. In addition, a new street light has been ordered at lot 35136 and we have scheduled Gaffney Electric to replace the existing light standard. When I met with Eric Dhuse on October 11, 2004 regarding this issue, he suggested that the City would allow the acceptance of Phase I and II with the condition that the pole will be replaced. Therefore, we would like to request your consideration and the other associated members of the United City of Yorkville to accept improvements in both Phase I and Phase II, with the following conditions: the final lift will be placed some time before mid-year 2005, and the street light at lot 35/36 will be replaced as soon as the order is delivered. Telephone: (630)553-2500 Fax: (630) 553-2636 M' t a} RIVERS EDGE 586 Kelly Avenue Yorkville, Illinois 60560 Thank you for your consideration. We look forward to hearing from you soon. If you need any additional information, please do not hesitate to call me at (630)553-2500. Sincerely, L . Development, LLC JOAO( I ihno'1,(_/ hilL Richard T. Stanciu Telephone: (630)553-2500 Fax: (630)553-2636 tJis ) 'fj UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE To: Tony Graff, City Administrator From: Joe Wywrot, City Engineer �� Subject: Grande Reserve—Earthwork etter of Credit Reduction No. 1 Date: October 21, 2004 Attached find a request from Pasquinelli Development to reduce the Earthwork letter of credit for Grande Reserve. I have reviewed the detailed estimate from their engineer and concur with the amount of work completed to date. Cowhey did not calculate the reduction amount properly, however. The correct amount of reduction is $$2,380,731.35. The amount remaining of the letter of credit would be $668,679.58. Please place this item on the Public Works Committee agenda of October 25, 2004 for consideration. Cc: Liz D'Anna, Deputy City Clerk 21-Oct-04 Letter of Credit/Bond Reduction Subdivision: Grande Reserve- Mass Grading and Erosion/Sediment Control Theoretical Actual Approved Letter of Credit Letter of Credit Substantially complete Amount of Remaining Item Eno. Est. Amount Amount prior to Red. #1 Reduction Amount Earthwork $2,324,616.75 $2,557,078.43 $2,557,078.43 $2,179,605.00 $2,070,624.75 $486,453.68 Storm Sewer $447,575.00 $492,332.50 $492,332.50 $326,428.00 $310,106.60 $182,225.90 Totals $2,772,191.75 $3,049,410.93 $3,049,410.93 $2,506,033.00 $2,380,731.35 $668,679.58 Notes: 1) LOC/Bond amt. to be 15% of subsantially completed items plus 110% of uncompleted items. PASQUINELLI DEVELOPMENT GROUP, INC. 535 Plainfield Road Main: (630) 325-5575 Suite E Cell: (630) 936-0794 Willowbrook, IL 60527 Fax: (630) 325-5595 E-mail: twinter@pasquinelli.com Tim Winter, P.E. Project Manager October 5, 2004 Joe Wywrot City Engineer United City of Yorkville 800 Game Farm Rd. Yorkville, IL 60560 RE: Earthwork Letter of Credit Grande Reserve Dear Joe, To accompany Brian Urban's memo regarding the letter of credit reduction for the earthwork LC approximately 90% of the earthwork and 75% of the storm sewer has been completed. We are requesting the letter of credit be reduced to 15%for the work that is completed and the work that still needs to be constructed will stay at 110%. This will leave us with a letter of credit renewal of $706,270.07. If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to give me a call. Sincerely, Tim Winter Cc: Tom Small -PDG Tony Graff—United City of Yorkville COWHEY 00 GUDMUNDSON LIBLIBE LEDER, LTD. FAX COVER SHEET FILE: 2807.00-702 DATE: 9/24/04 TO: Joe Wywrot PHONE: 630-553-8527 United City of Yorkville FAX: 630-553-3436 800 Game Farm Rd. Yorkville, IL 60560 FROM: Brian Urban RE: Grande Reserve Mass Grading Letter of Credit Reduction cc: Dave Duman— PDG 630-325-5595 NUMBER OF PAGES INCLUDING THIS ONE: 4 HARDCOPY TO FOLLOW IN MAIL: No Joe attached is our estimate for a letter of credit reduction. A hard copy is to follow in the mail. This message is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain information that is privileged,confidential and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsible for delivering the message to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination,distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by telephone, and return the original message to us at the above address via the United States Postal Service. Thank you. Documentl CONSULTING ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS NATURAL RESOURCES 300 PARK BOULEVARD, SUITE 205, ITASCA, IL 60143 630.250.9595 F/630.250.9644 WWW.CGL-LTD.COM COWHEY GUDMUNDSON LEDER, LTD. CONSULTING ENGINEERS • LAND SURVEYORS • NATURAL RESOURCES 300 Park Boulevard Suite 205 Itasca, Illinois 60143 Phone(630)250-9595 Fax(630)250-9644 Email:INFO©cgl-Itd.com Website:httpi/www.cgl-Itd.com ENGINEERS OPINION OF LETTER OF CREDIT REDUCTION No. 1 FOR GRANDE RESERVE-NEIGHBORHOODS 6 -16 MASS GRADING IMPROVEMENTS YORKVILLE,ILLINOIS (BASED ON EROSION CONTROL PLAN DATED 7/1/03 WITH THE LATEST REVISION DATE OF 9/18/03) FILE:2807.00_MASSEROS_LOCR 1_092104 DATE:9/21/04 ORIGINAL LETTER OF ESTIMATE OF WORK CREDIT AMOUNTS COMPLETED TO DATE ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE EXTENSION QUANTITY UNIT EXTENSION A. EXCAVATION&GRADING 1. SITE CLEARING&GRUBBING INCL.DISPOSAL OFFSITE 1 L.S. 20,000.00 20,000.00 1 L.S. 20,000.00 2. TOPSOIL EXCAVATION 373,170 C.Y. 1.80 671,706.00 373,170 C.Y. 671,706.00 3. CLAY EXCAVATION 481,702 C.Y. 2.00 963,404.00 457,620 C.Y. 915,240.00 4. TOPSOIL RESPREAD IN DETENTION BASINS/OPEN SPACE 218,465 C.Y. 1.95 426,006.75 196,620 C.Y. 383,409.00 5. SEEDING WITHIN DETENTION BASINS/ OPEN SPACES 134 AC. 1,200.00 160,800.00 94 AC. 112,800.00 6• CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE 2 EA. 1,850.00 3,700.00 2 EA. 3,700.00 7. EROSION CONTROL INCLUDING STRAW BALES DIVERSION DITCHES,WEEKLY MAINTENANCE, 1 L.S. 25,000.00 25,000.00 1 L.S. 18,750.00 8. SILT FENCE 40,000 L.F. 1.35 54,000.00 40,000 L.F. 54,000.00 TOTAL EXCAVATION&GRADING $2,324,616.75 $ 2,179,605.00 B.STORM SEWER 1. INLET(24"DIA.) 1 EA. 600.00 600.00 1 EA. 600.00 2. MANHOLE(48"DIA.) 12 EA. 1,050.00 12,600.00 9 EA. 9,450.00 3. MANHOLE(48"DIA.)W/RESTRICTOR 3 EA. 1,800.00 5,400.00 2 EA. 3,600.00 4. MANHOLE(60"DIA.) 22 EA. 1,500.00 33,000.00 17 EA. 25,500.00 5. MANHOLE(60"DIA.)W/RESTRICTOR 3 EA. 2,300.00 6,900.00 2 EA. 4,600.00 6. MANHOLE(72"DIA.) 5 EA. 2,500.00 12,500.00 3 EA. 7,500.00 7. MANHOLE(84"DIA.) 1 EA. 3,200.00 3,200.00 1 EA. 3,200.00 8. 12"FES W/GRATE 3 EA. 550.00 1,650.00 2 EA. 1,100.00 9. 15"FES W/GRATE 1 EA. 590.00 590.00 1 EA. 590.00 10. 18"FES W/GRATE 5 EA. 630.00 3,150.00 3 EA. 1,890.00 11. 24"FES W/GRATE 3 EA. 820.00 2,460.00 2 EA. 1,640.00 12. 27"FES W/GRATE 1 EA. 1,080.00 1,080.00 1 EA. 1,080.00 13. 30"FES W/GRATE 2 EA. 1,150.00 2,300.00 1 EA. 1,150.00 14. 36"FES W/GRATE 4 EA. 1,520.00 6,080.00 3 EA. 4,560.00 2807.00_MASSEROS_LOCR1_092104.XLS ORIGINAL LETTER OF ESTIMATE OF WORK CREDIT AMOUNTS COMPLETED TO DATE ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE EXTENSION QUANTITY UNIT EXTENSION 15. 48"FES W/GRATE 1 EA. 1,800.00 1,800.00 1 EA. 1,800.00 16. 12"RCP 356 L.F. 16.00 5,696.00 270 L.F. 4,320.00 17. 15"RCP 33 L.F. 17.00 561.00 25 L.F. 425.00 18. 18"RCP 1,424 L.F. 19.00 27,056.00 1,070 L.F. 20,330.00 19. 21"RCP 160 L.F. 25.00 4,000.00 120 L.F. 3,000.00 20. 24"RCP 1,967 L.F. 28.00 55,076.00 1,475 L.F. 41,300.00 21, 27"RCP 156 L.F. 34.00 5,304.00 117 L.F. 3,978.00 22. 30"RCP 1,761 L.F. 38.00 66,918.00 1,320 L.F. 50,160.00 23. 36"RCP 2,258 L.F. 48.00 108,384.00 1,695 L.F. 81,360.00 24. 48"RCP 894 L.F. 65.00 58,110.00 670 L.F. 43,550.00 25. 48"BASE TEE W/48"RISER 1 EA. 2,500.00 2,500.00 1 EA. 2,500.00 26. SELECT GRANULAR TRENCH BACKFILL 444 L.F. 15.00 6,660.00 333 L.F. 4,995.00 27. CONCRETE PIPE CRADLE 60 L.F. 50.00 3,000.00 45 L.F. 2,250.00 28. STONE PLUNGE POOL 1 EA. L.S. 2,000.00 1 EA. 0.00 29. PAVEMENT RESTORATION 2 EA. L.S. 5,000.00 2 EA. 0.00 30. GOLF COURSE DRIVING RANGE RESTORATION 1 EA. L.S. 4,000.00 0 EA. 0.00 TOTAL STORM SEWER $ 447,575.00 $ 326,428.00 2807.00_MAS S ERO S_LOC R 1_092104.XLS SUMMARY ORIGINAL LETTER OF ESTIMATE OF WORK CREDIT AMOUNT COMPLETED TO DATE A. EXCAVATION&GRADING 2,324,616.75 2,179,605.00 B.STORM SEWER 447,575.00 326,428.00 TOTAL OPINION OF CONSTRUCTION COST $ 2,772,191.75 $ 2,506,033.00 ADD 10% FOR LETTER OF CREDIT/BOND $ 277,219.18 $ 250,603.30 TOTAL AMOUNT OF LETTER OF CREDIT/BOND $ 3,049,410.93 $ 2,756,636.30 LESS 15% RETAINAGE $ (413,495.45) TOTAL AMOUNT OF LETTER OF CREDIT/BOND REDUCTION $ 2,343,140.86 AMOUNT OF LETTER OF CREDIT/BOND TO REMAIN $ 706,270.07 NOTE: THIS ENGINEER'S OPINION OF PROBABLE COST HAS BEEN PREPARED BASED UPON THE ENGINEER'S EXPERIENCE AS A DESIGN PROFESSIONAL AND IS FURNISHED FOR INFORMATION ONLY. IT DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A GUARANTEE OF ACTUAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS. F:\cadd\2807.07\400\2807NH7PREL.XLS PAGE 1 9/24/2004 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE . To: Tony Graff, City Administrat r From: Joe Wywrot, City Engineer Subject: North Water Tower— Change Order No. 3 Date: September 24, 2003 Attached find one copy of proposed Change Order No. 3 for the referenced project. This change order, in the amount of a$10,770 increase, is for increases in material costs during the time that this project was delayed. The water tower itself has been complete for some time, but the contract also included paving and fencing. That work had to wait until the watermain to the tower was constructed. The watermain work in now underway. I recommend that this change order be approved. Please place this item on the Public Works Committee agenda of October 25, 2004 for consideration. Cc: Liz D'Anna, Deputy City Clerk 09/23/2004 1111111:26 FAX 630 466 9380 EEInc. 2002/005 CHANGE ORDER Order No. 3 Date: September 23, 2004 Agreement Date: September 14, 2004 NAME OF PROJECT: Contract A.1 — Elevated Water Storage Tank OWNER: United City of Yorkville CONTRACTOR: CB & I Constructors, Inc. The following changes are hereby made to the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: 1. Increase in unit cost for 1,195 if of Chain Link Fence Unit cost increase from$20,00/If to $27.00/If $8,365.00 2. Increase in unit cost for 713 sq. yd. of Bituminous Concrete Binder Course Unit cost increase from $8.00/sq. yd. to $9_Q0/sq_ yd. $713.00 3. Increase in unit cost for 713 sq. yd_ of Bituminous Concrete Surface Course Unit cost increase from $8.00/sq_ yd. to $9.00/sq. yd. $713.00 4. CB&I 10% administering fee $979.00 Chance of CONTRACT PRICE: Original CONTRACT PRICE: $1,357.999.00 Current CONTRACT PRICE adjusted by previous CHANGE ORDER(S) $1,363.534.00 The CONTRACT PRICE due to this CHANGE ORDER will be (increased)(decreased) by: $10,770.00 The new CONTRACT PRICE including this CHANGE ORDER will be: $1.374.304.00 JUSTIFICATION 1. Per delay of Contract A.2 —Route 47 Watermain 2. Per delay of Contract A.2 —Route 47 Watermain 3. Per delay of Contract A.2 — Route 47 Watermain • CO-01 G:'Public\Yorkville\2001\Yp0105 ContrntA.1 -E.W,S.T,Facility\Doetchgardero3.doc 09/23/2004 HU 14:27 FL1 630 466 9380 EEInc. 003/005 CHANGE ORDER NO. 3 Page 2 4. Cost to cover administering the changes Change to CONTRACT TIME: The completion date for all Bid Items will be extended to September 30, 2004. Approvals Required: To be effective this order must be approved by the federal agency if it changes the scope or objective of the PROJECT, or as may otherwise be required by the SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL CONDITIONS. Requested by: CB & I Constructors, Inc. Recommended by: Engjneerinq Enterprises, Inc. Accepted by: _ United City of Yorkville • CO-02 G:\Public\Yorkvilie120011YO0105 Contract A.1 -E.W.S.T. FacilitylDocichgorder03.doc 09/23/2004 TR 14:27 FAX 630 466 9380 EEInc, Z004/005 W/15/2004 12:35 8154393130 CB&I CONSTRUCTORS PAGE 01/22 CB&I CONSTRUCTORS, INC Central Region 14109 S. Route 59 PLAINFIELD, 1L 60544 . q FAX ^ , To: Brad Sanderson From: Steve Brock 630-486-9380 9/15104 - • Fax: Date: 630-466-9350 2 Phone: Pages: Rt. 47 Tank Phone 815/439-3157 Re: Fax 815/439-3130 Contract 1.A Urgent — For Isoview I Please Comment fl Please Reply __... Please Recycle Dear Brad: Attached please find a request for change order from Ozark Mountain Construction to cover the material cost escalation that they have experienced with the delay in completing this project. CB&I requests a 10% fee to cower the costs of administering this change.The total request for change is then$10,770. If you are in agreement, please prepare a change order in this amount. Should you have any questions,please contact us. 09/23/2004 TEU 11:27 FAI 630 466 9380 EEIIIc. Z005/005 09/15/2004 12:35 816429313Q CE&I CONSTRUCTORS RAGE EE2/02 09/14/2004 TUE 16:31 FLI 501 764 0494 Ozar1 Stn, Constuetloll X002/002 • • •OZARK MOUNTAIN CONSTRUCTION Water Tank Foundations September 14,2004 Mr,Steve Brock C8&I Water, Inc 1905(&.Division Street P.O.Sox 9 Plainfield, IL 60544 Rs:Yorkville, IL Dear Mr,Brock As discussed earlier, we wish to address some concerns with our price quote to complete the above referenced project As ybu are aware this project woes complete Iast year(2003). Since that time, ail of us have felt a substantial increase in materials • cow;, particularly in the steel market. lid beknw please find en itemized breakdown for the Increase in fencing and asphalt Item Cg, n y $retgild Date $Currently $alIYergnce Fences 119611 $20.00 Li. $27.00 i f_ $8.36£.00 $it Binder 713 so.yid $ 8.00r q.yard $ 9.00 sq.yard $ 713.00 eit suit= 713 sq yards $ 8,00 sq,yard $ 9.00 sq.yard $ 715.00 $TOTAL $9,79 1.00 Obviously there is no way to plan for these types of material cost increases when the project was delayed for over a year. Due to the unusual delay of this project and the substantial increase itt material costs,we respectfully request help in czrvering these costs. Please nobs that Ale am Fuming that we(midi not be required to re-grade and place additions!stone f r the asphalt road or re-grade and reseed the site. We look forward to heating fturi you regattlirg this project, Sincerely, Scott Felley OZARK MTN.CONSTRUCTION, INC 3210 bait Avenue.Conway,AR 720732•(304)a$0-75:.R•rax t5131 M-049.4