Public Works Packet 2004 12-27-04 ,cs.© CIrY 0,, United City of Yorkville EST 1836 County Seat of Kendall County 800 Game Farm Road Yorkville, Illinois, 60560 t K C 0 Telephone: 630-553-4350 <CE ,�v Fax: 630-553-7575 Website: www.yorkville.il.us PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA Monday, December 27, 2004 7:00 PM City Hall Conference Room Approval/Correction of Minutes: November 22, 2004 Presentations: None New Business: 1. Rob Roy Creek Interceptor Contract #1 — Change Order#1 2. Aux Sable Creek— 100 Year Storm Release Rate and Modification of 2 Year and 25 Year Release Rates 3. IDOT Highway Permit —Prairie Meadows Subdivision 4. Plat of Vacation for 514 W. Washington 5. Acceptance of Subdivision Improvements for Heartland Units 1, 2, & 3 6. Faxon Road Extension— IDOT Permit 7. Engineering Agreement for West Branch Rob Roy Creek Interceptor 8. Well #7 Wellhouse & Treatment Facility — Change Order #5 9. Fox Highlands Subdivision— Bond Reduction #2 10. Fox Hill Unit 7 — Letters of Credit Reduction #1 11. Windett Ridge Subdivision— Onsite Work Bond Reduction#2 12. Proposed Tree Trimming Policy 13. Well #8 & #9 Treatment Facility— Change Order#2 14. 9227 Kennedy Road Citizen Request 15. Wynstone Project Request to Connect to Walnut Street Public Works Committee December 27, 2004 Page 2 Old Business: 1. In-Town Road Program— Add Hydraulic Avenue Additional Business: Page 1 of 12 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEETING DRAFT Monday,November 22,2004 7:00 PM City Hall Conference Room City Committee and Staff in Attendance: Chairman Alderman Besco Alderwoman Burd Public Works Director Eric Dhuse Alderman Sticka City Engineer Joe Wywrot Guests: Jeff Freeman(E.E.I.) Denise Clementz(Resident of Oswego) Chuck& Cindy Nelson(Resident of Yorkville) Joe& Kathy Miranda(Resident of Oswego) Gerald & Lois Seaton(Resident of Yorkville) Jack& Sharon Keck (Resident of Yorkville) The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Chairman Alderman Besco. Approval/Corrections of Minutes: October 25, 2004: The Committee present unanimously approved the minutes at hand to move them forward. New Business: 8. Water Quality Issues for Residents on or Near Bristol Ridge Road Private Wells: Alderman Besco stated that he put this item on the agenda after meeting and talking with many residents at the Bristol Township Meeting and had heard that their water quality since the deep well was drilled in Grande Ridge has dramatically declined. Mr. Besco felt that this needed to be brought to the attention of the Council and had spoken with Joe Wywrot earlier in the day on the matter as well. Mr. Joe Wywrot confirmed that Alderman Besco and he had discussed the issue and also stated that 1 or more of the residents present this evening over the course of the last year. He stated that most of the calls he received were when the well near Bristol Ridge and Kennedy Road were being drilled. He stated that prior to the deep well being drilled they needed to drill a shallow well first. They need water to drill a deep well, so what happens is you drill a shallow well to produce the water needed for the drilling of the deep well. What they did find out in this project is that there was not enough water in the approximately 90ft shallow well they had drilled to get the water, so they ended up trucking water on site to use for the drilling of the deep well. The shallow well has since been abandoned and the 1 Page 2 of 12 deep well is complete and in service now. It has filled the water tower in Grande Reserve and most of the water mains in Grande Reserve are full as well. He stated this issue was brought before Public Works Committee during the summer and at that time the City asked E.E.I. to take a look at that and give their opinion as to why this may be occurring. They said that it is possible that during the drilling of a shallow well to change the flow path of the water down in the aquifer and could affect the water picking up minerals that have been sitting and drawn into existing wells in the area. He stated that as the water settles down to normal over time the existing wells should go back to the previous flow pattern. Mr. Wywrot stated he had spoken to one resident in that area and she stated that the water quality from her well had improved but that all of a sudden the water quality had gone down again. During the period of time that went between talking to her the City or Developers had not been doing any work to cause a disturbance in the way the water flows in the shallow aquifer that he was aware of. He suggested to her then to continue the well use and over time it should go back to the original water quality. He stated he has not heard from that resident in 2-3 months time, so he is assuming that the quality is better. He stated to the residents present that he really does not have any suggestions for them and he can only offer the information of what the City's Consultants have given them, stated above. He stated lastly that it takes time, maybe longer for some wells than others, to get back to the normal operation. Alderman Sticka asked the residents present what is actually wrong with the water. Kathy Miranda from the Lynwood Subdivision stated in their case they have a filter after the water goes through the water softener and are now changing every 2 weeks now where they use to change it every 3-4 months. She stated it is from rust and black sediment that flows through it. Alderman Besco asked if anyone had noticed the change of the water quality improving like Mr. Wywrot stated it should be doing. Kathy Miranda stated that theirs has not gotten better at all and has actually ruined her bathroom fixtures in their home. Mr. Wywrot stated that them being located in Lynwood and the well that was drilled was nearly 3/4 mile away should have little to no impact on the homes wells in located. Kathy Miranda stated that the problems did not exist until the drilling had occurred. Mr. Wywrot stated that he believed them,but he could not imagine that such a small well so far away would impact them. 2 Page 3 of 12 Alderwoman Burd at this time questioned if this could be an impact from any other development in their area besides what Yorkville is involved in, like the construction out on the corner of Route 34 and Orchard Road. Mr. Wywrot replied that he was not sure what they were doing there and is probably all village water there so he could not see that being what is affecting them. He stated that he believes King Nursery does have a shallow well that supplements there pond, but that well has been there for awhile. He stated that it is used sporadically or only when it is needed. Alderwoman Burd asked if rust had more to do with the piping. Mr. Wywrot stated that there is iron in the water, the minerals precipitate out and sit in the bottom of the main. Now here there are no mains,the water mains would actually be the aquifer or the bedrock, so the rust will precipitate out and sit in the crevices of the rocks. Alderman Sticka stepped into to state to the Committee to remember when the City was considering using shallow wells for a project, it was suggested then that they would have to put in iron removal because of the iron present in the water which would be an added cost. Mr. Wywrot stated that Alderwoman Burd is using City water and the iron is present in her area do to the age of the water mains there and they have to be flushed twice a year to try and keep the rust out for the residents. Alderman Sticka pointed out that in the newer parts of town rust is not an issue for residents. Denise Clementz from Lyncliff Drive approached the Committee to speak next. She stated that last year during the winter for many months where the ponds are located the development of Grande Reserve had water pumped into the Ditch area at a constant almost. She stated that would affect the wells in the area. Mr. Wywrot stated that they were doing the dewatering there and that might effect the wells for a short time. Denise Clementz then asked what happens with Grande Reserve's ponds and where is the water coming from. Mr. Wywrot replied that it is coming from ground water. She then questioned if that would take away from their groundwater supply as well. Alderman Sticka questioned if the ponds were lined. Mr. Wywrot stated that they would have to be to hold the water properly but he wasn't for sure. They would be lined with soil or clay to hold the water in. Alderman Besco questioned the residents if any of them had there water tested. Chuck Nelson from Parkway Drive stated that he just had his done last week and it came back clean from bacteria. There water does have a bad taste and odor which it never had before. Sharon Keck from Parkway Drive stated that they never had this problem before. They now are dealing with sooty oil which appears all black. It was mostly upstairs. 3 Page 4 of 12 Alderman Besco questioned if when they do the well drilling could any of the well drilling clay possibly get into the aquifers. Mr. Wywrot stated no, that when you do the process the material is removed. He stated that there is a steel casing pipe that extends from the surface of the ground down 900ft approximately to seal the well off from the aquifer so that there is no interaction between the two aquifers. Jack Keck stated that what his wife mentioned was sulfur based he believed. He also questioned the dewatering process that they had going all winter and they ran a 6inch pipe constantly and now he sees that there is a dewatering process going on over on Mill Street. Mr. Wywrot stated that Fox Metro is doing that dewatering process. Mr. Keck asked if that will affect their water flow as well. Mr. Wywrot stated they are lowering the water table in the immediate area to put in sanitary sewer piping. He stated that dewatering wells can affect nearby residential wells. When constructing a utility pipe there are different levels piping go into the ground. Water piping are usually set 5-6 ft into the ground, and sanitary piping go down to 25-35 ft into the ground and this is where you need to go into dewatering to be able to get into the ground to set the piping. In the Grande Reserve area the ground water elevation is at 15-20 foot which makes it not possible to put sewer in there without dewatering. He stated that the residential wells are usually at about 40 feet. Alderman Besco stated that the dewatering is complete in Grande Reserve. Mr. Keck replied that they are still doing dewatering in other developments around them too now. Mr. Wywrot stated that this is moving away from their area so it will have less and less impact on these residents. Denise Clementz asked what was to explain the water problem now then. She then asked what is going to happen in the future then. She discussed how in Oswego about 1-1&1/2 years ago they had a problem with 8 houses had their wells go dry. Mr. Wywrot responded he was not sure what the resident's water problem is now and he stated that in Yorkville about 10+years ago in the Cannonball area with a few wells did dry up. He added that this was during a dewatering process going on around them and the water did eventually come back. She went on to state that she thought maybe the developments pumping the water in the big ponds were a reason the wells could dry up. Mr. Wywrot stated that a water fall and fountain going in,but it is just using the same water or circulating what they have in the pond. He explained that this will not be pulling any water from the aquifer at all. The replenishing of the water in the pond is just storm or run-off water. Alderman Besco questioned that if everything goes right these residents should see an improvement in their wells. Mr. Wywrot stated that dewatering in the area was completed 6 months or more ago, but the dewatering going on with Fox Metro is ongoing and will be moving west. So as this moves away the well water should return to normal. 4 Page 5ofl2 Mrs. Keck stated that the oily residue they were dealing with has disappeared but the smell is still there. Mr. Wywrot stated all they can do is wait and as time goes by and the dewatering process moves away, the ground water should go back to its previous state. Kathy Miranda added that their water pressure is not the same either. Mr. Wywrot stated that has nothing to do with the aquifer that is from the water pump. The filter they are changing every two weeks could be causing the problem. The Miranda's stated that everything is new and the Committee discussed the specifics for a moment. Alderman Sticka asked how it was handled when the wells went dry previously. Mr. Dhuse stated it was waited out and this is because the wells were only 22 ft deep. Mr. Miranda asked how long they have before their wells go dry with the City having the new tower over there. Mr. Miranda stated that water is going to flow down to the other aquifer. Mr. Wywrot explained that the aquifers are separated by impermeable layers which means water can not go in-between each other. That is why the City went down to the aquifer below those residents. Alderman Sticka stated that there is another aquifer between what the City is pulling from and the local residents. The Committee asked Mr. Jeff Freeman if in his experience he had ever seen this happening to residents' wells. He stated he has never directly dealt with it,but he has heard some situations when construction activity like de-watering cause an interruption, but on the short term everything goes back to normal. He also stated from the City's perspective they do the studies to set up correctly to make sure they do not mess up local wells before going forward with new wells being added. He stated that it sounds like the water levels here are rebounding and in some cases it may take longer for the quality to get back to normal. Alderman Besco stated that he is suggesting for the residents to keep updating the City and will have on agenda again in 3-4 months to monitor situation. The residents were given cards of who they can reach for questions or comments at this time. The residents asked Mr. Freeman if he had found any wells that had completely dried up from construction in the area going on. He stated in all the cases he had heard of the water did always eventually come back to normal. The residents then questioned the Committee what will happen if their wells dry up and who will be paying for it. Mr. Freeman stated that in some cases where the residents wells had dried up for short term the residents had to live off of 5 Page 6 of 12 bottled water, but that was for a period of 8 days too. As far as who will pay the Committee stated they could not reply to that question. Mr. Keck asked if utilities would eventually be available or coming down Route 34 for them to have access to. Mr. Wywrot stated that the utilities coming down should not cause de-watering to be needed to put these in. He also stated that Fox Metro will be putting in Route 34 interceptor which will come down Route 34 from the east up Charles Lane to connect into Grande Reserve, but that should not be for a couple of years. With this there may be some de-watering happening in the process. Mr. Wywrot stated that overall it is possible this work could cause the water to change its flow pattern and pick up minerals that have been laying dormant for years and is now going into the resident's wells. Alderman Besco asked that the residents to let the wells have more time to go back to normal, but keep in touch with the City so they know what is going on. The Committee lastly thanked the residents for letting the City know what is occurring with their wells. 8. Hydrogeology and Water Quality Study for a Potential Development of a Safe Secondary Municipal Water Supply from the Shallow Aquifer Within the Northwest Planning Area: Jeff Freeman with E.E.I. started by addressing his memorandum dated 11/19/04 talks a little about where the City has been, where they are now with their water system and where the City needs to go. He stated on the supply and treatment side the City with the addition of these 2 new wells will have the ability to pump 7 million gallons of water a day into their system. All these wells are from the deep sand stone aquifers. He stated that in the original plan for the City with project plan, radium compliance, etc.; they did look at shallow ground water wells as an option for radium compliance plus having an additional source of water for the City as a way for diversifying their sources. He went on to say that along with the sand and shallow well review they also did an environmental database search. In the search a few things came up. One of the items that came up was the Nelson Landfill site near Yorkville which as of now is abandoned and has been for 30 years or so. It is located at the bottom of East Beecher Road. Based on historical review of the information, it was a nice little sand and gravel deposit, which is good from a portable water perspective. They mined the sand and gravel for aggregate review and at that point they decided to fill it with garbage. The construction of that facility at that time was made unknown to as what the techniques used were and the proper techniques were more than unlikely used. Overall they have an abandoned landfill which appears it may be connected to the sand and gravel deposits up in the northern portion of the City where someday the City could use as a water supply. The question is "is it connected and is there something coming out of the landfill that would inhibit the use of the sand and gravel deposits". Ever since 2000 or so when they had identified it the City Staff has continued to look for the ability to 6 Page 7 of 12 look closer into the Nelson Landfill situation with potential for gaining additional funding. The USGS proposal before the Committee here will meet a lot of these objectives. Since the USGS is a Federal Agency, essentially they can do a lot of the Scientific Review of the Landfill. They can do the hydrogeology to determine what the ground water looks like as far as the flow and they can also do some water quality testing to determine through monitoring wells on the outside of the landfill to see if there is are things going into the wells to show migration from the landfill to operations. After they have that information they will need to take it to other levels to determine what it means from a contamination perspective either on the local shallow ground water level or possibly even having some surface water influences from that area. C.E.C.I. has been recommended to be part of this process and have a proposal inside the packet for the City and would stand as the City's hazardous waste Brownfields Consultant. They can work with Bob Kay with the USEPA who is putting out $50,000.00 from their Brownfields program to characterize this property and look at it to determine where the City is at. Once the USGS identifies the baseline information a decision will have to be made at that point to determine if it is a problem from a hazardous waste situation. If not, great the City can move on from there. If it is, how is the City going to take care of the problem. One of the options of taking care of it is to do a Brownfields program and clean up the site, redevelop for a use from there. Secondarily, the City has the Brownfields considerations, and then the City has the portable water considerations which his firm has continued to work with them on that front. Through the evaluation of that information from USGS and C.E.C. they can determine if it is smart for the City to continue progressing toward a shallow sand and gravel well up in that area. Mr. Freeman explained that the sand and gravel is not every where, you have to find the right locations. Generally to the North and Northwest are the best locations throughout the Community. As part of the original contract they will do some field work to do geophysical exploration to locate sand and gravel and then progress into well logs and eventually a test well to determine if it makes sense to go forward. They have been holding up on moving forward on this to wait to see what was going on with the Nelson Landfill first. He stated that there is also a lot of development proposed in that North-Northwest area and they need to identify there well sites now before the homes are built. Mr. Freeman is recommending that the City move forward and C.E.C.I. has submitted their proposal which E.E.I. looked over. Mr. Freeman, Mr. Wywrot and Tony Graff met with USGS last week to go through their proposal and talk in more detail and discussed the roles in the process. He stated that E.E.I.'s fee amount is in the memorandum and is more of a monitoring fee. They are suggesting to amend there contract that they had in 2003 for this work to show added costs. 7 Page 8 of 12 Alderman Besco stated that the monitoring wells are all in place now but have not been checked for awhile. Mr. Freeman stated that USGS will look at these monitoring wells can be used for the study, but they will have the ability to put in more if needed. Mr. Freeman stated from a funding perspective in general summary, they have suggested over a 2 fiscal years (05-06)the USEPA is willing to pitch in $50,000.00 from the Brownfields, the USGS will put in $40,000.00 and the remainder will have to come from the City at this time. The total amount then would come to $162,000.00 with 55%from grant money. The remainder of $72,000.00 the City would need to commit to putting in over the 2 fiscal years. Alderman Sticka stated that when all of this work is finished and all the money is spent, the City is left with just knowledge. This leaves the cost of the construction afterward. Mr. Freeman stated that the City will be closer to having access to having the ability of sand and gravel wells which the City will need in the next 5 to 10 years. Alderman Sticka asked if it is possible after all the work here is done in doing the study and the money is gone,that the answer will be 'no you should not put in wells over there.' Mr. Freeman stated that is possible,but is very valuable information for Yorkville as far as the water supply perspective. Mr. Wywrot stated it will be less expensive than putting in the well and then find out the City could not use it. Alderwoman Burd questioned if the City gets the okay to put the well in and then the landfill shift and then make the well not okay. Mr. Freeman stated that the landfill has been abandoned long enough that it should not be shifting anymore and everything is stabilized. Alderwoman Burd asked if this will be a 100% guarantee as far as information as to this being a safe water supply. Mr. Freeman stated it will have a good probability of that not happening. Mr. Dhuse stated that in the report it states that even the farmers around the Landfill had no contamination what so ever, which is a very positive thing. The Committee discussed that the City will be putting in their shallow wells a little bit deeper than the residence in the area and they will be laid out systematically as well. With the shallow wells the radium is almost non-existent. The hardness is higher and the resolution for that will be to use an ion exchange and the City will have to do iron removal as well. The shallow wells can be sent to tower 6 for the treatment. The Committee discussed if they could use C.E.C. without having an open bid. The Committee decided since the City is already working with the company and this being a specialty issue it is okay to stay with the company. The Committee discussed how Brownfields is made for helping in clean up if the Nelson Landfill is found to have contamination. 8 Page 9 of 12 Alderman Besco stated that Tony Graff informed him that this project did have funding. The Committee agreed that this would be a legitimate cost to put towards the City's water supply. They also discussed that the deep aquifer cold keep supplying the community and there may be no need for the shallow wells for a long time to come. Mr. Freeman stated that Kane County is doing a $1.2 million study to look at the deep aquifer system and E.E.I. is following that study for all the surrounding Municipalities use. He went on to state that in the late `80's it had dropped significantly and then the Lake Michigan water started to be pumped out west and it raised back up greatly. The Committee brought up the idea of using the Fox River as well. There are several other Communities to the North like Elgin and Aurora who do use that as a source. The Committee agreed that this should be a last resort due to the major regulatory issues that go along with doing this. The cost of the treatment to do this will be a huge cost to the City of Yorkville if they have to go this route. The Committee decided to send this to 12/7 COW for full discussion with the recommendation for the City to move forward with it. They will include the USGS, C.E.C., and E.E.I. proposals and suggestions. 2. CEC Recommendations Phase I—ESA Countryside Shopping Center: Mr. Wywrot stated that this item was brought forward by Mr. Graff. The Committee discussed why this was sent to Public Works. They found that this is here as FYI for the Committee due to the contamination that was found in the area from the drycleaners. Mr. Wywrot stated that this is being recommended to go forward with completing the Phase I process in for the study on the drycleaner there. The letter did not stated who is doing this,how long it will take and who will be paying for it. They found no action necessary to be taken at this point and will send forward to City Council for the public hearing that is scheduled for this issue tomorrow evening. The Committee will question this issue at the Public Hearing to find out what this letter is exactly saying. The Committee agreed that the City should not be paying for any of this work to be done. 3. Watershed Planning Implementation Program Donation: Mr. Wywrot stated that the Conservation Foundation is looking for the City of Yorkville to contribute the amount of$3,000.00 as they have in the past since they are in the watershed area. The Committee agreed that this should move forward to 12/7 COW as consent agenda. They felt they get their moneys worth of information and help. 4. Water Reports for September and October 2004: The Committee looked over the reports. The Committee had no questions and these will move forward to 12/7 COW as consent agenda. 9 Page 10 of 12 5. Well#7 Treatment Facility—Change Order#4: Mr. Wywrot stated that this is for 3 items with a total of$9,368.50 increase in cost. He recommended this move forward. The Committee agreed to send this to 12/7 COW as consent agenda. 6. Request to Purchase Trucks: Eric Dhuse stated he had discussed these a few months ago and now is bringing the specifics to the Committee. He stated that the Sewer Dept and the Park Dept trucks are budgeted for. The proposed Engineering Dept truck can be funded out of the reserve funds and is needed greatly. He will create line item for the new budget. These are through the state purchase program and will be February or March before they are received. The Committee discussed the specifics of what the trucks will have on them. The Committee agreed that these are needed with the growth of the City. This will move on to 12/7 COW for discussion. 7. Well#8—Change Order#1: Mr. Wywrot stated that this is in the amount of $39,145.50 of a decrease leaving the final contract price at $488,802.50. He felt it was great of Layne Western to reduce this contract being it took them 3 tries to drill the well and they decided to eat the cost of those extra tries. He felt this was a good testament to using this Company. The Committee agreed to move this on to 12/7 COW as consent agenda. Old Business: 1. Director of Public Works—Salary Survey: Mr. Dhuse gathered information for the survey from City Tech Data and IML for the Committee to look over. There were lots of examples provided and the Committee agreed that the position did need to have a salary increase adjustment compared to other communities. This will move on to 12/7 COW for discussion with the min/max range should be increased. 2. Utility Locator Position—PW 10/25/04: Mr. Wywrot stated that this is the first draft of the new position for the Committee to look at. He stated that Mike Robinson did put this together for them. They are looking to fund this position for 5/1/05 and this is the first step in the process to getting that done. It was suggested to work with the schools to train and Mr. Dhuse felt it may be better to have someone older and with a better work ethic handling this type of position. As far as the schooling necessary,this position has more to do with previous experience due to the knowledge necessary in doing the work. He also feels the individual would need a good level of responsibility being that they would be working on their own. The Committee decided to move this forward to the Administration Committee to look over and discuss the salary range. 3. Game Farm Road/Somonauk Street Update—PW 10/25/04: Mr. Wywrot stated that there is no update with this issue. It was sent back to Smith Engineering with the recommendations from the Committee at the previous 10 Page 11 of 12 meeting and they are moving forward with those recommendations. This was here for FYI and was agreed to take off the agenda now until further update needed. 4. Smith Engineering Agreement for an "As needed basis"—PW 8/23/04: Mr. Wywrot explained that they are asking for this agreement mainly for their accounting setup in their company. This agreement would also be used when Engineering or Mr. Graff request small work here and there as they always have done. He explained to the Committee that this is all for pre-approved work (budgeted) and nothing that would have to go through Committee first anyways. The Committee agreed that this would be good to have set up and will go on to 12/7 COW as consent agenda. 5. Six Year Capital Improvement Program—Funding Analysis Update—COW 10/5/04 and PW 9/27/04: Mr. Wywrot explained where this item has been and the need that this be approved. The Committee had a group discussion regarding where all the funds would come from. Mr. Wywrot stated he was looking for approval to get moving on some of the projects. The Committee asked Mr. Wywrot to send this to Tracy Pleckham to find as much funding as possible to start the projects necessary. This will come back in December to COW to see what funding has been found. Additional Business: 1. Hydraulic Ave-Mr. Wywrot stated that most of the water main project was paid by the Sanitary District. The City got a free water main there, but they did not replace the section that crosses under Route 47. The City has a unique opportunity here with using the old sanitary sewer as a casing pipe and push a new water main through the middle of it. The problem is that is going to cost $15,000.00, which is less than to do it another way. The other problem is the December 10th tree lighting ceremony on that corner. The Committee agreed that the tree lighting ceremony should be moved to Town Square Park so that the City can move forward with getting this piping replace. Mr. Wywrot will talk to Mr. Graff tomorrow with the okay from the Committee here tonight. 2. In town road program, Hydraulic Ave-Mr. Wywrot stated that he has received Smith Engineering's proposal to begin Phase II of the In-Town Road Program which are the streets South of the river. The only section of Hydraulic Ave that is included is from Adams to Morgan. Mr. Wywrot would like Hydraulic Ave to be done from Adams to Mill in the proposal by having Smith Engineering revise their proposal. Mr. Wywrot will talk to Mr. Graff and Smith Engineering and this will come back to Public Works in December to look at. 3. Water Treatment Center in Grande Reserve- Alderman Sticka stated he went there to see the new building and recommended to the rest of the Committee to get over there when they can to see how great it looks now that it is all finished. 11 • Page 12of12 He feels this is a real accomplishment by the City. There will be a ribbon cutting ceremony eventually. 4. Mill Water Tower-Alderman Besco stated that the Mill Water Tower is now filled and looks really sharp painted with `Yorkville". The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 pm. Minutes By: Sheila Teausaw 12 0 car o United City of Yorkville Memo J ! ;`,, - '" 800 Game Farm Road EST.iltv '� ' 1a36 Yorkville, Tllinois 60560 —' Telephone: 630-553-8545 \\.......„;t ` o Fax 630-553-3436 `�' Date: December 6, 2004 To: Tony Graff, City Administrator From: Joe Wywrot, City Engineer `' CC: Liz D'Anna, Deputy City Clerk Subject: Rob Roy Creek Interceptor (Contract#1) —Change Order#1 Attached find one copy of Change Order No.1 for the referenced project. This change order, in the amount of a $0.00 increase, grants a 60-calendar day time extension for completion of the project. The increase in time is due to delays in awarding the contract while discussions were ongoing regarding the type of pipe to use for the sewer. I recommend that this change order be approved. Please place this item on the December 27, 2004 Public Works Committee agenda for consideration. CHANGE ORDER Order No. 1 Date 12-01-04 Agreement Date: NAME OF PROJECT: ROB ROY CREEK INTERCEPTOR, CONTRACT 1 OWNER: UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE CONTRACTOR: GLENBROOK EXCAVATING & CONCRETE, INC. The following changes are hereby made to the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: Justification: Time extension due to delays in awarding the Contract. Original CONTRACT PRICE: $ 956,582.00 Current CONTRACT PRICE adjusted by previous CHANGE ORDER $ 956,582.00 The CONTRACT PRICE due to this CHANGE ORDER will be (increased) (decreased)by: $ 0.00 The new CONTRACT PRICE including this CHANGE ORDER will be $ 956,582.00 Change to CONTRACT TIME: Original completion date: April 30, 2005 The CONTRACT TIME will be (increased) (decrcascd) by 60 calendar days. The date for completion of all work is June 30, 2005 (Date). Requested by: Walter E. Deuchler Associates Inc. fl '' Accepted by: Glenbrook Excavating & Concrete Inc. A Approved by: ' Federal Agency Approval (where applicable) o 74:0 c i?..1... -United City of Yorkville Memo - �' 800 Game Farm Road ESLitl `_' 1836 Yorkville, Illinois 60560 � Telephone: 630-553-8545 '` O ! T.. Fax 630-553-3436 ��L ; Date: November 30, 2004 To: Tony Graff, City Administrator From: Joe Wywrot City Engineer CC: Liz D'Anna, Deputy City Clerk Jeff Freeman, Engineering Enterprises, Inc. Subject: Aux Sable Creek Attached find a letter from Dennis Duffield of the City of Joliet regarding their comprehensive plan and it's impact on Aux Sable Creek. Joliet funded a study to evaluate the FEMA flood study from 1981 for Aux Sable Creek. They created a computer model that was calibrated to match the flowrates from the FEMA but then switched to updated rainfall data, resulting in new flowrates that are significantly higher than the FEMA study. Joliet has applied to the Illinois DNR for certification of the new flowrates, with the ultimate goal of re-mapping the floodplain. Joliet has adopted a 100-year release rate of 0.10 cfs/acre for this watershed, and is asking for upstream municipalities to do likewise. While our ordinance specifies a release rate of 0.15 cfs/acre, it also allows the city to reduce the flowrate for areas where downstream flooding is identified as a problem. We need to decide if we should adopt Joliet's requested release rate for the 100-year storm, and if we should also modify our 2-year and 25-year release rates. Should we request more information from Joliet that identifies the difference in impacts of a 0.15 cfs/acre release rate versus a 0.10 cfs/acre release rate? Should we have EEI review the Rempe-Sharpe study? Please place this item on the Public Works Committee agenda of December 27, 2004 for discussion. DEPARTMENT OF of ®foot, PUBLIC WORKS &UTILITIES ` M y (815)724-4210 Fax(815) 723-7770 ���� °����' CITY ® JOLIET QSOFitta November 18, 2004 150 WEST JEFFERSON STREET JOLIET, ILLINOIS 60432-4158 Reply to: 921 E. Washington Street Joliet, IL 60433 Mr. Joe Wyrot City Engineer United City of Yorkville 800 Game Farm Road Yorkville,IL 60560 Re: City of Joliet- Kendall County Comprehensive Plan Drainage Study Component Dear Mr. Wyrot: The City of Joliet recently approved a comprehensive plan for its Kendall County planning sub area. As part of this plan, consulting engineers Rempe-Sharpe and Associates performed a drainage study for the Aux Sable Creek. The drainage study encompasses a total of 99 square miles, which includes the watershed of the Aux Sable Creek and its tributaries north of U.S Route 52. The study found that current FEMA floodplain maps do not accurately represent the floodplain in this area.. The City of Joliet has submitted this study to the Illinois Department of Natural Resources for certification and intends to submit the study to FEMA to remap the floodplain within the City's planning area. A copy of this study is enclosed with this letter for transmittal to the appropriate individuals. Currently, all the communities that lie within the watershed of the Aux Sable Creek have stormwater detention ordinances that allow a release rate of 0.15 cubic feet per second for each acre(cfs/acre) of land that is developed. Results of the study have revealed that if this release rate is maintained, the capacity of the Aux Sable Creek will be exceeded and flood conditions will increase during periods of heavy rain. The study recommends reducing the allowable release rate within the Aux Sable watershed to 0.10 cfs/acre in order to maintain or reduce current flood elevations as determined by the study. The City of Joliet has adopted the reduced release rate of 0.10 cfs/acre for new development within the Aux Sable watershed and strongly recommends that other communities within the watershed also adopt this release rate. Adoption of the reduced release rate will help prevent increased flooding as this rapidly developing area grows. A meeting of affected municipalities will be hosted in the near future by the City of Joliet to discuss the drainage study. Please contact Greg Ruddy of my office with the names and phone numbers of personnel who you would like to attend this meeting. Should you have any questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact Greg Ruddy or myself at (815) 724-4200. Sincerely, Sie Dennis L4 field, P.E., Director of Public Works & Utilities cc: James R.Trizna, P.E.,Public Works Administrator James Haller,Director of Economic&Community Development Gregory P. Ruddy, P.E.,Civil Engineer II Janeen M. Vitali,AICP,Planner II DLD:gpr Application for Certification of Hydrologic Analysis and Peak Flow Rates for the Aux Sable Creek North of US Route 52 and South of Wheeler Road Prepared by: Rempe Sharpe & Associates 324 W. State Street Geneva, Illinois 60134 Ph: 630-232-0827 Fax: 630-232-1629 e-mail: genrsarsaenar.com Prepared for: City of Joliet, Illinois Department of Public Works 921 East Washington Street Joliet, Illinois 60433 JOL-04 JULY 20, 2004 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY On behalf of the City of Joliet, Rempe-Sharpe & Associates (RSA) has prepared this study to update and expand the available information for flood flows in the Aux Sable Creek watershed north of US Route 52, south of Wheeler Road, and east of Brisbin Road. The Study replicates existing regulatory flow models, updates the model to reflect current rainfall data, and expands the number of branches and tributaries within the study area for which peak flows are calculated. In general, the flow rates calculated by this study increase by 50 to 80 percent over the current regulatory flow rates. Exhibit 5.1 of the study presents the calculated flow rates for the 10, 50, 100 and 500 year recurrence intervals at various locations throughout the watershed. RSA requests that the presented flows be certified by IDNR-OWR as the best available information for use in hydraulic studies within the study area. 1 1.0 INTRODUCTION The City of Joliet has retained Rempe-Sharpe & Associates (RSA), Gary R. Weber & Associates, Joseph A. Able & Associates and EnCap, Inc. to prepare a Comprehensive Land Plan for the future expansion of the City westward into Kendall County. More specifically, the area that has been studied is bounded on the north by Wheeler Road, on the south by US Route 52, on the east by County Line Road and on the west by Brisbin Road (see Exhibit 1-1). This area has been recognized by the City as having a high potential for future development. The study commissioned by the City is comprised of three key parts: Land Planning, Transportation and Drainage. As Exhibit 1-1 shows, the majority of the study area is immediately tributary to the Aux Sable Creek and/or one of its branches. Recognizing the importance of maintaining or improving the water quality of this watershed as well as the flood carrying capacity, the City of Joliet has incorporated development of a hydrologic and hydraulic model of the watershed into the Comprehensive Land Plan. This report provides detail of development of the hydrologic model for areas within the proposed study area. 2M EXISTING MODEL DATA RSA requested from the Illinois State Water Survey (ISWS) copies of all pertinent data for the area in question. The ISWS provided infoiniation regarding the hydrologic analysis completed by the Army Corps of Engineers, dated March 25, 1981. This information is included as Appendix A of this report. The Army Corp of Engineers report provides calculated flows for the Middle Branch of the Aux Sable Creek at Caton Farm Road, for the West Branch of the Aux Sable at the confluence with the Main Branch, for the East Branch of the Aux Sable at the confluence with the Main Branch and on the Main Branch at Wildy Road (see Plate 1 of Appendix A). Flows were calculated using three different methodologies: the USGS Regression Equations-1973, the State of Illinois Regressions Equations-1977 and a HEC-1 analysis. The report recommends usage of the HEC-1 results. The HEC-1 analysis uses TP-40 rainfall data for development of peak runoff flows and rainfall distribution in accordance with the Standard Project Flood Determination, Civil Engineering Bulletin No. 52-8, revised 1965. The SCS method was used for determination of losses and the soil types were determined using the U.S. Soil Conservation Service report for Kendall County dated March 1978. Tributary areas were determined using USGS topographic maps. 3.0 REPLICATION OF REGULATORY DATA RSA began our analysis by replicating the results of the Army Corps of Engineers study. HEC- HMS software was utilized to develop a model under the same parameters as noted in Section 2.0 above. 2 3.1 Model Input Parameters Each of the input parameters was replicated as closely as possible to the Army Corps of Engineers study. Where model parameters were not specifically disclosed in the Corp's summary report, standard engineering practice and judgment were applied. 3.1.1 Rainfall Depths The rainfall depths used in the preparation of this Army Corps study are not specifically noted in the Corps report. Therefore, RSA utilized the TP-40 report to select the following rainfall values: Table Rainfall Depth per TP-40 For 24 Hour Rainfall Events of Various Recurrence Intervals Recurrence Interval Cumulative Rainfall Depth (24 Hour Duration) (inches) 10 Year 4.2 50 Year { 5.4 • 100 Year 5.8 500 Year 7.0* *The value of the 500 Year, 24 Hour rainfall event is not provided in TP-40. Therefore, the value was extrapolated from the other known data points. 3.1.2 Rainfall Distribution The Army Corps report references the Standard Project Flood Determination, Civil Engineering Bulletin No. 52-8, revised 1965 for development of the rainfall distribution. Review of this publication shows the recommended rainfall distribution divided into four increments of six hours each. The distribution shows approximately 4.3% of the total rainfall in the first quartile, 12.3% in the second quartile, 75.9% in the third quartile, and 7.5% in the fourth quartile. These values were compared to the SCS Type II distribution and found to be in relative confointance. The SCS Type II rainfall distribution was utilized for this analysis. 3.1.3 Loss Rate The analysis utilized the SCS runoff curve number for loss rate detecmination. As no curve numbers were provided in the Army Corps of Engineers study, RSA calculated a basin curve number. Review of aerial photos and field visits showed the watershed to be dominated by rural agricultural uses. These agricultural uses are predominately row crops (corn and soybean). 3 Analysis of the hydrologic characteristics of the soils was completed using the Soil Survey of Kendall County, Illinois. The soils within the study area were mapped and a weighted curve number of 79 was calculated for the study area. Review of the upstream areas beyond the limits of the study showed that the general soils characteristics did not vary significantly from those areas within the study limits. Therefore, the weighted curve number of 79 was utilized for all watersheds. 3.1.4 Area Calculation The tributary area for each branch of the Aux Sable Creek is defined in the Army Corps of Engineers report. RSA conducted an independent analysis of the tributary areas defined through review of USGS topographic maps and 2 foot aerial contour mapping of the study area, provided by the City of Joliet. The independent evaluation resulted in areas within 3% of the area defined by the Army Corps of Engineers report. RSA adjusted the calculated areas in order to maintain consistency with the Army Corps of Engineers report. 3.1.5 Unit Hydrograph Transformation The SCS lag method was used for transformation of the unit hydrograph. The lag time was calculated using the SCS equation: tp=1U(S+1)o_7 1900yas Where: tp =lag time (hr), 1= length to divide (ft), y = average basin slope (%) S =(1000/CN)-10 CN = curve number for various soil/land use A summary of the lag time calculation for each sub-basin in the watershed is provided as Appendix B. 3.1.6 Time of Travel The Aiiuy Corps of Engineers model did not appear to consider reach routing separately from the time of concentration calculation as it does not appear that the study sub-divided the branches of the Aux Sable Creek and was only interested in the peak flows at the confluence of each of the branches. The study prepared by RSA did consider reach routing as the desired level of detail for the final study requires breaking down each of the branches into various sub-basins. The time of travel for each reach was calculated using the simplified approach of dividing the reach length by an average velocity of 2 feet per second. 4 3.2 Model Calibration The parameters discussed in Section 3.1 were input to a HEC-HMS model and analyzed. The following table shows the calculated flows against the Army Corps of Engineers reported flows: Table 3.2.1 Summary of Peak Discharges for the 100 Year, 24 Hour Storm Event Prior to Calibration Location Descriptor ACE Flow Rate RSA Flow Rate % Difference (cfs) (cfs) ASC 10 8253 11912 44 ASC 20 7376 10844 47 ASC 20A 4377 6658 52 ASC 21 (Trib) 3762 5525 47 ASC 30 4334 6559 51 ASC 30A 1781 2119 20 ASC 31 (Trib) 2898 4492 55 ASC 40 1531 1953 28 As Table 3.2.1 demonstrates, the RSA flows are generally 40 to 50 percent higher than those of the Army Corps study. Review of the input variables showed that the drainage areas were known to be identical and the rainfall depth and loss rate values were based on standard published data (TP-40 and the SCS National Engineering Notebook respectively). Consequently, the time of concentration calculation was determined to be the variable that may differ significantly between the Alluy Corps study and the RSA study. In order to replicate the Army Corps of Engineers peak discharges for each branch of the Aux Sable, a factor was applied to the time of concentration until the 100 year peak flows were within 10 percent of the Army Corps values. The calibration factors applied to each branch of the RSA model are listed in Appendix B and vary from 1.3 to 1.8 times the calculated time of concentration. Table 3.2.2 presents the peak flows for the Army Corps study and the RSA study: 5 Table 3.2.2 Summary of Peak Discharges for the 100 Year, 24 Hour Stolin Event After Calibration ACE Flow Rate RSA Calibrated Location Descriptor (cfs) Flow Rate % Difference (cfs) ASC 10 8253 1 8536 i 3 1 ASC 20 7376 7725 5 ASC 20A 4377 4434 1 I ASC 21 (Trib) 3762 3530 6 ASC 30 4334 4326 0 ASC 30A 1781 1783 0 ASC 31 (Trib) 2898 2852 2 ASC 40 1531 1632 7 Utilizing the calibrated time of concentration, peak discharges were calculated for the 10, 50 and 500 year, 24 hour storm events. The results are presented in Tables 3.2.3 through Table 3.2.5. Table 3.2.3 Summary of Peak Discharges for the 10 Year, 24 Hour Storm Event After Calibration ' RSA Calibrated Location Descriptor ACE Fl f)�Rate Flow Rate % Difference (c (cfs) ASC 10 4209 5182 23 ASC 20 3662 I 4691 28 ASC 20A 2140 2691 26 1 ASC 21 (Trib) 1949 2141 10 ASC 30 2108 2626 25 ASC 30A 934 1082 16 ASC 31 (Trib) 2140 1731 19 , ASC 40 800 988 24 6 Table 3.2.4 Summary of Peak Discharges for the 50 Year, 24 Hour Storm Event After Calibration ACE Flow Rate RSA Calibrated Location Descriptor (cfs) Flow Rate % Difference (cfs) ASC 10 7206 7676 7 I ASC 20 6414 6947 8 ASC 20A 3795 3987 5 ASC 21 (Trib) 3316 3174 4 ASC 30 3754 3890 4 ASC 30A I 1565 1 1603 2 ASC 31 (Trib) 2493 2565 3 ASC 40 1346 1467 9 Table 3.2.5 Summary of Peak Discharges for the 500 Year,24 Hour Storni Event After Calibration ACE Flow Rate RSA Calibrated Location Descriptor Flow Rate % Difference (cfs) (cfs) ASC 10 11061 11175 I ASC 20 9896 ' 10113 2 ASC 20A 5833 5807 0 ASC 21 (Trib) 5148 4624 10 ASC 30 5785 5665 2 ASC 30A 2355 2335 % 1 ASC 31 (Trib) 3092 3735 21 ASC 40 2038 2138 5 7 • As the above tables show, for the 50 and 500 year storms. the RSA model generates flows that are within 10% of the Army Corps of Engineers study (with the exception of the 500 year flow for ASC31). The proposed model generates flows for the 10 year event that differ by approximately 20 to 30 percent from the Army Corps flows. Because the RSA model generates flow that are generally within 10 percent of the Army Corps of Engineers calculated flows for the 50, 100 and 500 year flows, and the 10 year flows generated by the RSA model are generally higher (and thus more conservative), RSA considers the proposed model to be an adequate replication of the original Army Corps of Engineers hydrologic model. 4.0 MODIFICATIONS TO EXISTING MODEL After the model replicating the Army Corps of Engineers was completed, the rainfall data was updated to reflect the current state of engineering practice. Data from the publication. "Rainfall Distributions and Hvdroclimatic Characteristics of Heavy Rainstorms in Illinois (Bulletin 70)" Illinois State Water Survey, Huff, F.A. and J.R. Angel, 1989, was utilized to update the rainfall portion of the model. In accordance with Bulletin 70, the Huff third quartile distribution was used to distribute the rainfall. Rainfall depths for each frequency event were also determined from Bulletin 70 data as presented in the following table: Table 4.1 Rainfall Depths per TP-40 and Bulletin 70 For 24 Hour Rainfall Events of Various Frequencies TP-40 Bulletin 70 Recurrence Interval Cumulative Cumulative Rainfall % Difference (24 Hour Duration) Rainfall Depth Depth (inches) (inches) 10 Year 4.2 j 4.8 14 50 Year 5.4 7.0 30 100 Year 5.8 8.5 47 500 Year 7.0* 10.2 46 *The value of the 500 Year, 24 Hour rainfall event is not provided in TP-40. Therefore, the value was extrapolated from the other known data points. As the above table shows, the rainfall depths derived from Bulletin 70 data provide a significant increase above the TP-40 rainfall data. This translates into significantly higher peak runoff rates for the watershed. 5.0 8 UPDATED PEAK FLOW RATES After the Bulletin 70 rainfall data was input to the model as discussed above, the model was re- executed to calculate peak flow rates at various locations throughout the study area. A comparison of the Army Corp of Engineers calculated flow rates based on TP-40 rainfall data and the RSA model with updated Bulletin 70 rainfall data is presented as Table 5.1 through 5.4: Table 5.1 Summary- of Peak Discharges for the 10 Year, 24 Hour Stoiuu Event 1 TP-40 Bulletin 70 Location Descriptor ACE Flow Rate RSA Flow Rate % Difference (cfs) (cfs) ASC 10 4209 6490 54 ASC 20 3662 5860 60 ASC 20A 2140 3338 56 ASC 21 (Trib) 1949 1 2732 40 ASC 30 2108 3259 55 ASC 30A 934 1388 49 ASC 31 (Trib) 2140 2173 2 ASC 40 800 1276 60 Table 5.2 Summary of Peak Discharges for the 50 Year, 24 Hour Storm Event TP-40 j Bulletin 70 Location Descriptor ACE Flow Rate RSA Flow Rate % Difference (cfs) (cfs) ASC 10 ! 7206 11214 56 ASC 20 6414 10129 58 ASC 20A 3795 5773 52 ASC 21 (Trib) 3316 4698 42 ASC 30 3754 5636 50 ASC 30A 1565 2379 52 ASC 31 (Trib) 2493 3761 51 ASC 40 1346 2184 62 9 Table 5.3 Summary of Peak Discharges for the 100 Year, 24 Hour Stoll)" Event TP-40 Bulletin 70 Location Descriptor ACE Flow Rate RSA Flow Rate % Difference (cfs) (cfs) ASC 10 8253 14547 76 ASC 20 7376 13141 78 ASC 20A 4377 7492 71 ' ASC 21 (Trib) 3762 6078 62 1 ASC 30 4334 7314 69 ASC 30A 1781 3073 73 ASC 31 (Trib) 2898 4883 68 ASC 40 1531 1 2819 84 Table 5.4 Summary of Peak Discharges for the 500 Year, 24 Hour Stoiiii Event ACE Flow Rate RSA Calibrated Location Descriptor (cfs) Flow Rate % Difference (cfs) ASC 10 11061 18383 66 ASC 20 j 9896 16608 68 ASC 20A 5833 9470 62 ASC 21 (Trib) 5148 7661 49 ASC 30 5785 9246 60 ASC 30A 2355 3869 64 ASC 31 (Trib) 3092 6174 100 ASC 40 2038 3547 74 10 Exhibit 5.1 provides peak calculated flows at various locations within the study area. The flows are based on the RSA calibrated model with Bulletin 70, 24 hour rainfall data. The HEC-HMS models used to develop the above flows are provided on CD as Appendix C. SUMMARY Based on the methodology and analysis described above, RSA requests that the flows presented on Exhibit 5.1 be certified by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Office of Water Resources, as the best available infoiniation for use in flood deteiininations within the study area. 11 P.G`c RvE P,dc \ j'_..,au:ic. rUNc :ones 9asar:ne -,...o c. S "7-'",,,,„,,,,,„... ''''11 . /R Ra �� COUNn" Rd - r � I � .. , ,���.>,,� '1'--i,.......'-\l'- � HIGH W�.Y MAP : IIII t t--I - i/ ": 1 ' A'tgOlE+- .; z + Hu ,-t,...,/.0-'7=•-?-' 1• 'r; -'-' � A c ;z z as � ` .__... R J \ .[ , --. :Aurra, eK E N D A L L COUNTY QUNTY ¢ _ 1„-.....--.,,,,-.,,,... % 1 ? , &` 741 II l� " ' 9• . 20 0 Zice i- R ,�_ �� � 4 —� I _.. r 3 tI O• ,, c. I ,_ " - n � 4 .W.- .. - -- t�w U spRR v ,I , '2,-.. .---2."`""9 aa. c'I ! 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I- Re �� >x.y w — Yorkville ��. ��and SCALE 1 s o0 __ c �I r .I __. a Pah Fv p �5. wm,co r R,, .a�., - - -,.es Miles Cnerty t- _J 5 C oI - ` ¢ • -:,o KFarvol:neynC' ;': �,*i = J_c,r..on. RC • ` R � 11 '`+;.*S v I _ I • yI s ,,ad , a / _ ,- a1 Rwn% A ',_ _. 1< _ i_r_a _.__._ .. _ j -a-....,xows County Highway a c' il -� \iI brogi< -Budd / t '74- � Si' 0.e Gounty Highway Maintained by Adjacent County "•" en' -' - ! .. Interstate Highway /^`u o ��g 9 z --;,--32State or Federal Highway z Is,od Rd r P°T East z % _. _ `vnee;e, I; Bituminous Towrtshi Road ,e .tee. -.. -. -... p F. a0 0 ` - I - ------------- Gravel Township Road ' _ - - _' - I ,-._.._ Dirt Township Road I' ...,a o s ., i —1 n C I Pe STUDY 111-'%,`<2 --- - Local Street _Lop Ro wa;.e Rd. - - wake, I wake, nd. wa rer _— .ws _._ -_ Railroad 0 z I R x, - _ __ I — - County Limit `� e ,;i1. ,.I /_�_ li - .. _ .22.7, • .._.._.._ Section Line �;A4itlington A ri v Section Number v R _ ,on sa•m- _ _ - Township Im; 1 'i. Cala,gam i-' - ` -" _ _. R -H T w hip C t /.., _ J Unincorporated Area I I !+a s 1-gi - - I d{„i 1 A County Courthouse(Yorkville) Rd is, a.r--i {h K � 2! lei .�ObeE_ ,:a.. * Public Safety Center(Yorkville) - - r no r+elm R ae /er -. a County Highway Building(Yorkville) r H°t+"ar _ 6I? ® County Aoministration Office(Yorkville) l \Va Cts Rd _R l J + Y ¢ - Bridge 0 ndnn I _'I Van __. _ "d - ., I. R,ad,�e -,� •i -1 '"` State Park ate --. - - ._ rtor 11c Park D strict n izb,n Can+<r �� P 1 I- l LSD,.Cerner Rd I. i - I _ ro 1 --- � it !- 1 - - - County Forest Preserve - - ,__. - - _ Incorporated Area t. ~ / / eavv,er xnoo: . s ”�F o I,: — i - t-I�.LJ i 5 em e Rd i1 of Ra 'z^ v "' V./ d- ._ _ I _.. .. .c� moo. ... Published by: a' a Townnal Rd m D _ I I� Kendall County Highway Department I ! „•:, _. Rd. md,a Ra. anaiea i B'u �� -- _ - _ _ Francis C.Kla es lI County Engineer - r I fir r til . Department Headquarters ';I �Z Lisbon - 1 i ._ 1- i I Rd I J 6780 Route 47 Hr ,. _ N - 03 Rd. I z �In0 j3-', Yorkville.I� 60580 N :� ca :iws - ^' ol.a Phone(630)553-7615 I ad w e., ! I rt FAX 630 So3 958a -I $j �. t Re. , _ is7 1 � g L e-mailr aasCco K tda .I us { _ ,- „ 11 3; RG :;2 ./ .,_ ry _ c 3. ul rw J _� R " �, ,_ �I QI j R r��1 EXHIBIT I— I P ssn"r Re Mmll ! R 1 ,,acs GRUNDI' 4.u.e __ ,.. -I �cnae nage Sieme Tne moeege¢�eavreC ham n i Iwm, :a , nd=ed^ o;ony PROJECT LOCATION MAP dnp�,.eN ,dxw : .. da,e one r a a o,n a.n e na,,,a ROE .Ric Ry_ V ILLINOIS Illinois State Water Survey et- Main Office•2204 Griffith Drive•Champaign, 1L 61820-7495•Tel(217)333-2210•Fox(277.)333- CS , !1 Peoria Office• PO Box 697•Peoria, IL 61652-0697• Tel(309)677-3196 DEPARTMENT OR M� NATURAL RESOURCES You are receiving a fax from: Illinois State Water Survey Watershed Science Section 2204 Griffith Drive Champaign, IL 61820-7495 Sender's phone # - (217) 333-0447 Fax # - (217) 333-2304 To: Jim Sparber Location: Rempe-Sharpe and Associates, Inc. Fax #: (630) 232-1629 From: Bill Saylor Date: 10/31/2003 Total number of pages including cover page: / Re: Aux Sable Creek branches FIS hydraulic models, Kendall County It turns out that the model data I have is for the Grundy County reach only. I do not have the data, or any of the FEMA archive, for Kendall County. I have a 1981 memo from the US Army Corps of Engineers (the FIS study contractor for the original study) discussing the parameters of the hydrologic model for the subject Kendall County reaches; I will mail you a copy of it FYI. You can request model data from the FEMA repository at PBS&J, (800) 697-7275 x406 or email mapspecialist@pbsj.com for instructions to request. Also FYI, a list of most of our model holdings is posted at: http://www.sws.uiuc.edu/fpi/fmchome.asp 6�T•O� , �'' � �, DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY t 7TiNt�f�\ CHICAGO DISTRICT. CORPS OF ENGINEERS 219 SOUTH DEARBORN STREET �Y•III�pr ! CHICAGO. ILLINOIS 60604 - �`�'I</'' i0 > REPLY TO SATCsle% ATTENTION OF1 NCCPE-HS 5 MAR 1981 Mr. John Lardner Hydrologist Illinois State i+o .ter Survey P. 0. Pox 232 Urbana, Illinois 61801 Dear Mr. Lardner: The inclosed Repository Review Forms for Aux Sable Creek in Kendall County are for your review and comment. These flows will be used in our Kendall County Type 15 Flood Insurance Study. The hydrology report is also inclosed for your reference. In order for us to maintain our schedule with the FEMA, please respond to this office within 30 days after the receipt of this letter. If you have any questions, please call Mr. Don Glondys at 312/353-6474. Sincerely, // 2 Incl ES S. 'i SEWS rbr-fas ?Chief, Planning/Engineering Division (-7—?��•r-mss 2. Hydrology Report NCCPE-HS HYDROLOGY FOR TYPE 15 FLOOD INSURANCE STUDY Aux Sable Creek Kendall County, Illinois PURPOSE 1. The purpose of this report is to present the hydrologic analysis performed for a Type 15 Flood Insurance Study of Aux Sable Creek located east and north of the Village of Lisbon in Kendall County, Illinois. REFERENCES 2a. Magnitude and Frequency of Floods in Illinois, United States Geological Survey, 1973. 2b. Technique for Estimating Magnitude and Frequency of Floods in Illinois, United States Geological Survey, July 1977. 2c. Technical Paper No. 40 Rainfall Frequency Atlas of the United States, United States Department of Commerce, May 1961. 2d. EM 1110-2-1211, Standard Project Flood Determination, Civil Engineering Bulletin No. 52-8, revised 1965. 2e. Soil Survey of Kendall County, Illinois, U. S. Soil Conservation Service and Illinois Agriculture Experiment Stations Report No. 95, March 1978. 2f. National Engineering Notebook, Soil Conservation Service, August 1972. 2g. Topographic Map, United States Geological Survey, Aurora South, Lisbon, Minooka, Plainfield, Plattville and Yorkville SE Quadrangles, 1973 and Lisbon Quadrangle 1971. DESCRIPTION OF STUDY AREA 3. Aux Sable Creek is tributary to the Illinois River at river mile 268.2 as measured upstream of Grafton, Illinois. The study area is located in central and southeast Kendall County, Illinois in the townships of Fox, Kendall, Naausav, Big Grove, Lisbon and Seward, with a small portion located in western Will County. The drainage area under consideration here is 107.93 square miles of which approximately 99' is in Kendall County and 1% in Will County. This watershed is ungaged. A watershed map is shown on Plate 1. 4. The downstream limit (D. A. = 107.93 sq. miles) of the study area is Wildy Road (Seward Township), 14.17 miles upstream of Aux Sable Creek's confluence with the Illinois River. The upstream study limit (D. A. = 13. 51 sq. miles) is Caton Farm Road (Naausay Township), 8.41 miles upstream (north) of Wildy Road. PROCEDURES 5. For the purpose of this study the watershed was divided into six subareas as shown on Plate 1. Pertinent data for these subareas are listed in Table 1. Field inspection showed no channel restrictions that would require a hydrologic routing to be performed in this analysis. Three different methods were used to develop peak discharges at various points along the stream between the study limits for the 10-, 50-, 100-, and 500-year recurrence interval. These points are shown on Plate 1. 6. The United States Geological Survey multiple regression equations (1973), also known as the Illinois State Regression Equations, were used as discussed in reference 2a. Results are shown in Table 2. 7. The United States Geological Survey multiple regression equations (1977) were used as discussed in reference 2b. Results areshown in Table 3. 8. The effects of the channel routings inherent within the 1973 and 1977 re- gression equations are dependent upon the channel slope. Since there is a significant decrease in channel slope between subarea ASC 20 and subarea ASC 10, the resultant flows computed by these equations tend to be dampened at the down- stream study limit. 9. A rainfall-runoff model (HEC-1) using the SCS method was developed. Hour- ly rainfall amounts for hypothetical 24-hour storms for the four frequencies were derived from the United States Weather Bureau's TP-40 (reference 2c) using the standard prolect flood distribution pattern (reference 2d). The SCS method uses land use information to determine losses and unit hydrograph para- meters. Land use information was collected from topographic maps and field inspections. Soil types were determined from a U. S. Soil Conservation Service report for Kendall County (reference 2e). The HEC-1 results are shown on Table 4. RECOMMENDED DISCHARGES 10. A comparison of the results shows that the rainfall-runoff model using the SCS option develops discharges generally higher than the 1977 regression equa- tions and lower than the 1973 equations. (See Plate 2 for the 100-year event comparison.) It is recommended that the results from the HEC-1 model using the SCS method be adopted for the Flood Insurance Study, since the method has the advantage of being more site specific than the generalized relationship estab- lished by regression equations. Table 5 contains the recommended discharges using the HEC-1 model with the SCS option including two intermediate nodes (ASC 20A, ASC 30A) determined from linear interpolation. 2 TABLE 1 PERTINENT DATA FOR AUX SABLE CREEK KENDALL COUNTY, ILLINOIS 1/ DRAINAGE AVERAGE AREA BASIN SLOPE CHANNEL SLOPE TYPE OF SUBAREA (SQ. MI. ) (FT/MI) (FT/MI) LAND USE 10 8.85 50.7 7.75 Rural 20 1.15 39. 4 10.59 Rural 21 34. 34 60.1 11.48 Rural (Tr ib) 30 2.41 37.1 11. 21 Rural 31 47. 67 1 37. 3 13. 50 Rural (Trib) 40 13. 51 68. 5 11.00 Rural Total 107.93 1/ The drainage area for each subarea is an increment of the cumulative drainage area. _ _ TABLE 2 ILLINOIS REGRESSION EQUATION DISCHARGES (1973) AUX SABLE CREEK, KENDALL COUNTY, ILLINOIS TOTAL 2-yr. 1/ POINT RIVER MILE DRAINAGE AREA RAINFALL SELECTED PEAK DISCHARGES (CFS) LOCATION (ABOVE MOUTH) (SQ. MI.) INTENSITY (IN.) 10-yr 50-yr 100-yr 500-yr ASC 10 14.17 107.93 2.84 4658 6807 8012 10,970 ASC 20 18.52 99.08 - 2.84 5099 7469 8807 i 11,110 ASC 30 20.67 63.59 2.84 3735 5545 6596 1 9020 ASC 40 22. 58 13.51 2.84 1123 1748 2144 I 3000 1/ 2-yr. rainfall intensity index was used in the regression equations to obtain the selected peak discharges. TABLE 3 USGS REGRESSION EQUATION DISCHARGES (1977) AUX SABLE CREEK, KENDALL COUNTY, ILLINOIS TOTAL 2-yr. 1/ POINT RIVER MILE DRAINAGE AREA RAINFALL SELECTED PEAK DISCHARGES (CFS) LOCATION (ABOVE MOUTH) (SQ. MI. ) INTENSITY (IN. ) 10-yr 50-yr 100-yr 500-yr ASC 10 14.17 107.93 2.84 2433 3629 4140 5311 ASC 20 18.52 99.08 2.84 2658 3987 4555 5868 ASC 30 20.67 63.59 2.84 1946 2926 3345 4315 ASC 40 22.58 13.51 2.84 588 889 1018 1314 1/ 2-yr. rainfall intensity index was used in the regression equations to obtain the selected peak discharges. TABLE 4 HEC-1 MODEL WITH SCS OPTION DISCHARGES AUX SABLE CREEK, KENDALL COUNTY, ILLINOIS TOTAL POINT I RIVER MILE DRAINAGE AREA SELECTED PEAK DISCHARGES (CFS) LOCATION I (ABOVE MOUTH) (SQ. MI. ) 10-yr 50-yr 100-yr 500-yr ASC 10 i 14.17 107.93 4209 7206 8253 11,061 1 i ASC 20 I 18.52 I 99.08 3662 6414 7376 9896 ( I ASC 30 I 20.67 I 63.59 2108 3754 4334 5785 I i I ASC 40 i 22.58 I 13.51 I 800 1346 1531 2038 TABLE 5 HEC-1 MODEL WITH SCS OPTION RECOMMENDED DISCHARGES AUX SABLE CREEK, KENDALL COUNTY, ILLINOIS TOTAL POINT RIVER MILE DRAINAGE AREA SELECTED PEAK DISCHARGES (CFS) LOCATION (ABOVE MOUTH) (SQ. MI.) 10-yr 50-yr 100-yr 500-yr ASC 10 14.17 107.93 4209 7206 8253 11,061 ASC 20 18.52 99.08 3662 6414 7376 9896 ASC 20A 18.52 64.74 2140 3795 4377 5833 ASC 21 18. 52 34. 34 1949 3316 3762 5148 (Trib) ASC 30 20.67 I 63.59 2108 3754 4334 5785 ASC 30A 20.67 15.92 934 1565 1781 2355 I ' ASC 31 1 20. 67 I 47.67 2140 2493 2898 3092 (Trib) I I I I I ASC 40 22.58 I 13.51 800 1 1346 I 1531 I 2038 • �� :` ,�' ) ��I I » _» © . �� 'ti » ( E I I cY� J �.. i 30 ---- . - !I R � . — ( ...fl'-'o I I - ti — - 31 l • 6 5 ' i \E I I , ` may? e'- , v r� fi I • Nr ox �.,: KENDAL_ NA AU $AY �/ » _ A,....., ....__-/1. 1 ri�' ' C i., 2: A 1------fi 0 29 li _ 1 i t- l ,I IQMAr I . x ��� 1 �_�_. _._. — T = I __�—�_—J I. — II I - - 5 7' ,.A. _.1_-.•mss ---- --s\\ -- ------ _ •^� _./ ,r-� \"'A I-- ,)pt"-"us �\ - ASC . _-I. r-_, V Ir ._,.- =- "-d-'-.-L_-"�--_____._•-.\ ..I.-. ... .---c r"� „ ;,�-fin_'©' .-' c*� . ."dC;,�-J1 �'i`/ _. .. e 1 - I_ -----.7:- . - - . . ',. I.. - - _��.ti�� -.---�-__ •0, AIC BIG'GROV� a 3H. ti:: i ', _,1,..� 1t1SE•, SE AR( 1 I to ___� 11 r I N. I 9 I J� usna+ » . to rt P. ^._. Ii ac 90 T © Cr1t"IC » [—..�._ 1 _..L. " .. >. » " . u . 31 3 Z ),, I .. I KENDALL COUNTY, ILLINOIS A NIMAY MT: ❑nrlAllno Alxrxnu.r ,r.+--�^T•--- hi(C- STr.IDV L,M/I.S' N SCALE! 1" 2 MILES t"'4, ----— AUR IAAI.I CAIIS - HAIA Ar!1 Alr; 9A111.A(-AAA, TA WRAP!III a. . -::,'„"i,„'.,`",•: ���`r . ,-•;`,1„;',.;:,",:';',,'..';',`,,Y,;`" ' 11 I "II I Ir I r 1 lit � 1 I1 I ' 1 1i } ,_11111 i; I I ; „1 !,. 1iP/S, n' Cr .II. I' 0�� ,snfI2 000� I i 1; 11 !� LI II I_1,�1 SII II! , 1 Ir Il[ 11' It_ I '• • i.+� -��Y ,p,se /�,e6 1•,, : ,f 11 II 1 11 i : 1! Ji: le I� 'I ,, !I 1I IT' I t +II, I' r �1 I! 1. L, � ''I: i 1I ;II i!, I.;I ' I • -'i '�.L X_- A y' '7_I 11. 1 i. 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I � i.� I I� I r� i III r' �;} 1 'Il� if .1-, III' ' 1 1 ' 14.0 1'I 15.0 '1 ' 116.0 111,11111 17.0 'I Hip 1F3.0 1i H1 19.0 1 III I!1 20.0 , 1' 21 .0 11.1 !11' 22.0 11; 1 23.0 MI I. fl tl,_ 1;11, 1 I ,' i.il 1 . .. I1 1 !i . 1r ,,,21 -1-i-,, I1,r �1' 11 t 1 1I i1 a .� ~'a, 'S• 'ee4rYilhiIf(CIII .I, .,,Tej! II ' ' ' ' ,, 1.i„ A,• . '; 1 I I' IId 111 o United City of Yorkville Memo 800 Game Farm Road EST k " 1836 Yorkville, Illinois 60560 Telephone: 630-553-8545 1` Lim p Fax: 630-553-3436 4E Date: December 7, 2004 To: Tony Graff, City Administrator From: Joe Wywrot, City Engineer CC: Dan Kramer, City Attorney Liz D'Anna, Deputy City Clerk Subject: IDOT Highway Permit—Prairie Meadows Subdivision Attached find one copy each of a proposed IDOT Highway Permit and the corresponding City Council resolution for revisions to the streetlight system on Kennedy Road. This permit is needed to allow removal of the existing streetlight controller at the Route 47/Kennedy intersection. That controller powers two streetlights mounts on combination traffic signal poles, as well as 5 streetlights on Kennedy Road. The controller is planned to be removed and replaced with a new controller at the Kennedy/McHugh intersection. The existing streetlights would be incorporated into new circuits that would be powered from the Kennedy/McHugh controller. No changes in streetlight wattages, locations, or mounting heights in the IDOT right-of-way. This work would be performed by the developer of Prairie Meadows subdivision, and is already part of the' - : : : . - Please place this item on the Public Works Committee ag: da of December 27, 2004 for consideration. If you have any questions regarding this matter, , -. - - - e20,2,01..r& 671--)3-* I l_1`1( RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the City of Yorkville located in the county of Kendall, state of Illinois, wishes to remove and replace a street light controller along IL 47 which by law comes under the jurisdiction and control of the Department of Transportation of the state of Illinois, and WHEREAS, a permit from said Department is required before said work can be legally undertaken by said City of Yorkville; now THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City of Yorkville, county of Kendall, state of Illinois. FIRST: That we do hereby request from the Department of Transportation, state of Illinois, a permit authorizing the City of Yorkville to proceed with the work herein described and as shown on enclosed detailed plans. SECOND: Upon completion of the proposed controller removal by the contractor and acceptance by the City, the City guarantees that all work has been performed in accordance with the conditions of the permit to be granted by the Department of Transportation of the state of Illinois. Further, the City will hold the state of Illinois harmless for any damages that may occur to persons or property during such work. The City will require the contractor to obtain a bond and a comprehensive general liability insurance policy in acceptable amounts and will require the developer to add the State of Illinois as an additional insured on both policies. THIRD: That we hereby state that the proposed work-in, is not, (delete one) to be performed by the employees of the City of Yorkville. FOURTH: That the proper officers of the City of Yorkville are hereby instructed and authorized to sign said permit in behalf of the City of Yorkville. , hereby certify the above to be a (City or Village Clerk) true copy of the resolution passed by the City Council, county of Kendall, State of Illinois. Dated this day of A.D. 20 (Signature) (CORPORATE SEAL) RESOLUTION Illinois Department of Transportation Highway Permit District Serial No. PMT362ac/L-9635 (We) United City of Yorkville 800 Game Farm Road (Name of Applicant) (Mailing Address) Yorkville IL 60560 Hereinafter termed the Applicant, (City) (State) request permission and authority to do certain work herein described on the right-of-way of the State Highway known IL Route 47 Section From Station to Station Kendall County. The work is described in detail on the attached sketch and/or as follows: Located at Kennedy Road. Upon approval this permit authorizes the applicant to locate, construct, operate and maintain at the above mentioned location, removal of an existing street light controller at the intersection of Route 47 and Kennedy Road and replacement with a new controller at Kennedy Road and McHugh as shown on the attached plans which become a part hereof. The applicant shall notify Steve Niemann, Field Engineer, Phone: 815-942-0351 or the District Permit Section, Phone: 815-434-8490 twenty-four hours in advance of starting any work covered by this permit. The State right-of-way shall be left in good condition. (No advertising matter shall be placed on the State right- of-way). (SEE THE ATTACHED SPECIAL PROVISIONS) It is understood that the work authorized by this permit shall be completed within 180 days after the date this permit is approved, otherwise the permit becomes null and void. This permit is subject to the conditions and restrictions printed on the reverse side of this sheet. • This permit is hereby accepted and its provisions agreed to this Day of 20 Witness Signed Applicant 800 Game Farm Road 800 Game Farm Road Mailing Address Mailing Address Ynrkv;f1 1 P T1 1 ;mats• 60560 Yorkville Illinois` 60560 City State City ' tate SIGN AND RETURN TO: District Engineer 700 East Norris Drive, Ottawa, IL 61350 Approved this day of 20 Department of Transportation CC:Applicant (2) Field Engineer Final Inspection BY: District Engineer First: The Applicant represents all parties in interest and shall furnish material, do all work, pay all costs, and • shall in a reasonable length of time restore the damaged portions of the highway to a condition similar or equal to that existing before the commencement of the described work, including any seeding or sodding necessary. Second: The proposed work shall be located and constructed to the satisfaction of the District Engineer or his duly authorized representative. No revisions or additions shall be made to the proposed work on the right-of-way without the written permission of the District Engineer. Third: The Applicant shall at all times conduct the work in such a manner as to minimize hazards to vehicular and pedestrian traffic. Traffic controls and work site protection shall be in accordance with the applicable requirements of Chapter 6 (Traffic Controls for Highway Construction and Maintenance Operations) of the Illinois Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways and with the traffic control plan if one is required elsewhere in the permit. All signs, barricades, flaggers, etc., required for traffic control shall be furnished by the Applicant. The work may be done on any day except Sunday, New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. Work shall be done only during daylight hours. Fourth: The work performed by the Applicant is for the bona fide purpose expressed and not for the purpose of, nor will it result in, the parking or servicing of vehicles on the highway right-of-way. Signs located on or over hanging the right-of-way shall be prohibited. Fifth: The Applicant, his successors or assigns, agrees to hold harmless the State of Illinois and its duly appointed agents and employees against any action for personal injury or property damage sustained by reason of the exercise of this permit. Sixth: The Applicant shall not trim, cut or in any way disturb any trees or shrubbery along the highway without the approval of the District Engineer or his duly authorized representative. Seventh: The State reserves the right to make such changes, additions, repairs and relocation's within its statutory limits to the facilities constructed under this permit or their appurtenances on the right-of-way as may at any time be considered necessary to permit the relocation, reconstruction, widening or maintaining of the highway and/or provide proper protection to life and property on or adjacent to the State right-of-way. However, in the event this permit is granted to construct, locate, operate and maintain utility facilities on the State right-of- way, the Applicant, upon written request by the District Engineer, shall perform such alterations or change of location of the facilities, without expense to the State, and should the Applicant fail to make satisfactory arrangements to comply with this request within a reasonable time, the State reserves the right to make such alterations or change of location or remove the work, and the Applicant agrees to pay for the cost incurred. Eighth: This permit is effective only insofar as the Department has jurisdiction and does not presume to release the Applicant from compliance with the provisions of any existing statutes or local regulations relating to the construction of such work. Ninth: The Construction of access driveways is subject to the regulations listed in the "Policy on Permits for Access Driveways to State Highways." If, in the future, the land use of property served by an access driveway described and constructed in accordance with this permit changes so as to require a higher driveway type as defined in that policy, the owner shall apply for a new permit and bear the costs for such revisions as may be required to conform to the regulations listed in the policy. Utility installations shall be subject to the "Policy on the Accommodation of Utilities on Right-of-Way of the Illinois State Highway System." Tenth: The Applicant affirms that the property lines shown on the attached sheet(s) are true and correct and binds and obligates himself to perform the operation in accordance with the description and attached sketch and to abide by the policy regulations. SPECIAL PROVISIONS All turf areas which are disturbed during the course of this work shall be restored to the original line and grade and be promptly seeded in accordance with Standard State Specifications. Whenever any of the work under this permit involves any obstruction or hazard to the free flow of traffic in the normal traffic lanes, plans for the proposed method of traffic control must be submitted to and approved by the District Engineer at least 72 hours, and preferably longer, before the start of work. All traffic control shall be in accordance with the State of Illinois Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices and amendments thereof. It should be noted that standards and typical placement of devices shown in the Uniform Manual are minimums. Many locations may require additional or supplemental devices. The petitioner agrees to furnish the necessary barricades, lights, and flagmen for the protection of traffic. Traffic shall be maintained at all times. The applicant agrees to notify the Department of Transportation upon completion of work covered under the terms and conditions of this permit so that a final inspection and acceptance can be made. To avoid any revisions to the work completed under the highway permit, the applicant should insure the conditions and restrictions of this permit, the applicable supplemental permit specifications and permit drawing are fully understood. If this permit work is contracted out, it will be the responsibility of the applicant to furnish the contractor with a copy of this highway permit, as the applicant will be responsible for the contractor's work. A copy of approved permit shall be present on job site at all times the work is in progress. The Department reserves the right to reject or accept any contractor hired by the applicant. All excavations shall be promptly backfilled, thoroughly tamped and any excess material removed from the State right-of-way (including rock exposed during backfilling operations). Mounding or crowning of backfill will not be permitted. pmt362/L-9635 i . j Si ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. LEGEND _.e.,,.r-`. _ DORM LL M.,MD/194-e94404 PROPOSED STREETUGHT(150W NPS) �� * (TWE I) // O - w.,... PROPOSED STREETLIGHT(250W HPS) 7i "'"' (TYPE 2) ;,'�^'�).�'.�a,�sr_v r:`t 0 � • EXISTING STREETLIGHT r--- � B STREETLIGHT CONTROLLER CABINET n m 0' —�-� s. ,l'"MN I ..• r , 0 ),r1x,Lmn,TR*,TIC 211.1_w.cTPECIIJOHI efo I ^ +ii/ I icirrHmuN;HH)m'mHr` ER°•— 1 It C/NIELTI,TO NEV wmvla(2),WG unt i s,ter �` I J ° �� REAM WO ima.a WIoeSr..e WROJEvw'IS mmr„ r.....1 -='.7.7 -.7.,.---,41 A14 • • ® O R �\I \INW& -� 1� IG'�,� I e • r.-..,--:4---''-'-----• -all el i(3° :-_-. rr,..-.....) , li 1 VI ..\__.„,,,,,... , 3' ! LIMO ar'91v4 rare.nut � , CWI AP,KT 4 OWEN OAWW Prm'OIDn atom, lss TO TIC cm ]psyd)y .�101[)1 4¢l.mr __ 11 - NLL R >n X� I � .io ..),) , s BURIED CABLE TRENCH DETAIL — L � - �`—__J ..Ale LDE 2 • i , T �L LA;EI 5 ve,.n:..,b,an MISEE Tans j aev�v NEEN mrc s.ea gifi / „ �7 :7,..,-..0.r..,r. mr-j . m'"^ Pomo.wrr mt-�¢rz. tom''` ./0 �_—� _ .,.-,.r.v..-.n I ^ I ;1S ;�, � °m�E SIIMitr ::".: ALrvC mE .STREETLIGHT CONTROLLER CABINET .. .a^,.^ •^ —ro n°�rN•L a.n,,w PM MOS FOUNDA TT ON DETAIL I I JEMISUN ELLC I RIG 1�PS..e^'R-���.qv. diallik J 1 \ .1- T-17771..!1 T\ . Ix iN Iib \ L—�II I , mom 're NM l t M wetT e.,nr)_ � w �.A.r .� I ill . .vSrw,asrt0,0dR LIRCUfi 10 250 I HFC VOLTAGE DROP 240 T LOAD EACH TOTAL CIRCUIT e..v ra„ 6 LUNINa1RE 4 AVG V NATTS) LOAD NETTS) non m • 1r�1}_�� A 6 3.636 V/L521 300 V 1000 V A �s1�,R '�(' SIRLTA!!/(rl.IL r3 r4 Man II 3 5 21]9 V/1.0TT 300 V 1300 V I' KENNEDY ROAD/MCHUGH ROAD _//��� � n ~ STREET UGHTiNG LAYOUT wa.]µs _'- )/(gt/r.a 4 C 5 2.179 V/L03X J00 V 1500 V - LIGHTOG WHOM_PANEL ,D,.'A',,u,ew Anern/on/(r0 A 5 L e) 5 1 L67 V/0.6950 300 V 1200 V Moos. Dori Irt Poll MIG r0-. T W — 1,1,1 0-20-04 mom-Ware - 11941[n Rol Howl...IL sDET W sT. p rnn/(L I A S) TOTAL 6000 V _PIC,IS rr-r- AA CNA RT: ICL VITT scPc. 6A =`�tio c�T o United City of Yorkville .. .c. County Seat of Kendall County �''' ° 800 Game Farm Road EST.% 11836 Yorkville, Illinois, 60560 ,� Telephone: 630-553-4350 O� I,, 8 y Fax: 630-553-7575 ..., „�' Website: www.yorkville.il.us December 6, 2004 Liz D'Anna, Deputy Clerk Joe Wywrot, City Engineer United City of Yorkville 800 Game Farm Rd. Yorkville, IL 60560 VIA FAX: 553-7575 Re: Easement on 514 W. Washington St. Dear Liz &Joe: Please be advised that I have reviewed the Plat of Vacation for 514 W. Washington Street. Additionally, please be advised that the structure located on the property was constructed on a City Utility Easement. Pursuant to the recommendation by the City Engineer, the property owner has prepared a Vacation of Easement for the area in which the structure is located. I would recommend the appropriate City officials execute the Plat of Vacation and forward an executed copy to Christopher Hollingsworth, the property owner's attorney, and retain a copy for the City's records. Should you have any questions or wish to further discuss this matter, please feel free to contact me. Very 1 yours, Daniel J. Kramer Attorney at Law DJK/lgc (40 co.). United City of Yorkville Memo 800 Game Farm Road ESTk -.:1_!_ s361 Yorkville, Illinois 60560 Telephone: 630-553-8545 tp j— pE2 Fax: 630-553-3436 4CE % '� Date: December 7, 2004 To: Liz D'Anna, Deputy City Clerk From: Joe Wywrot, City Engineer ..„.....t-- CC: L CC: Tony Graff, City Administrator Dan Kramer, City Attorney Subject: 514 W. Washington—Plat of Vacation Per your request I have reviewed the proposed plat of vacation for the referenced property. The description of the area to be vacated looks OK, but the plat should be revised to describe what is being vacated. There may be other entities (i.e. Corn Ed, NiCor, etc.)that may also have to sign the plat. The City Council certificate refers to an ordinance, therefore we would have to generate that document rather than just passing a motion. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please call me. 41- 7/1V- 1r2,ON • s43 .00" V� O . `3 490° / 228 " P.O.B. / J � J• ai., 39.25 / 145.16' P.O.C. S.W. CORNER �1A�uB OF LOT 3 Y � THAT PART OF LOT 3 OF RESUBDIVISION OF LOTS 11 AND 12 OF UNIT TWO, FRED ATLEE SUBDIVISION DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 3: THENCE EAST ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT. 39-25 FEET: THENCE NORTHEASTERLY AT AN ANGLE OF 140°31'27" MEASURED CLOCKWISE FROM THE LAST DESCRIBED COURSE 69.88 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING: THENCE NORTHWESTERLY AT AN ANGLE OF 74'22'28- MEASURED COUNTER CLOCKWISE FROM THE LAST DESCRIBED COURSE 8.86 FEET; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY AT A RIGHT ANGLE, 29.65 FEET; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY AT A RIGHT ANGLE 17.09 FEET: THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY 30.79 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, IN THE CITY OF YORKVILLE, KENDALL COUNTY, ILLINOIS. STATE OF ILLINOIS) 5S COUNTY OF KANE ) THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT I. MICHEL C. ENSALACO, ILLINOIS PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR, HAVE SURVEYED THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY, AND THAT THIS PLAT WAS PREPARED FOR THE PURPOSE OF VACATING AN EASEMENT AND THAT THIS PLAT OF VACATION ACCURATELY DEPICTS SAID PROPERTY. _ \\1111111111 I1�r GIVEN UN MY HAND � �(T i�✓//9TH DAY OF NOVEMBER. A_D., 2004. DOMMERMUTH, BRESTAL, COBINE & WEST, LTD. ATTORNEYS AT LAW WILLARD F.BRESTAL . NAPERVILLE OFFICE CRAIG J.COBINE KATHLEEN C.WEST 123 WATER STREET ROBERT G.GIBSON POST OFFICE BOX 565 EDWARD J.WELCH NAPERVILLE,ILLINOIS 60566-0565 KEVIN M.GENSLER JOHN F.PHILIPCHUCK (630)355-5800 KEVIN M.GALLAHER FAX(630)355-5976 CHARLES J.CORRIGAN *DONALD E.LYNN AURORA OFFICE JAMES R.SETHNA PATTI A.BERNHARD OLD SECOND NATIONAL BANK BLDG RUSSELL G.WHITAKER,III December 10,2004 111 WEST DOWNER PLACE ALBIN DOMMERMUTHSUITE 300 1910_1998 AURORA,ILLINOIS 60506 'Licensed in New York only (630)892-5700 Mr. Tony Graff City Administrator United City of Yorkville 800 Game Farm Road Yorkville,IL 60560 RE: Heartland in Yorkville Subdivision Units 1,2 and 3 Dear Tony: Enclosed please find Bills of Sale for the complete subdivision improvements installed in the above referenced subdivision on behalf of Richard Marker Associates, Inc. Please place this matter on a City Council agenda for acceptance of these improvements as soon as possible. Thank you for your continued cooperation. Please advise me as to the City Council date that this matter will be considered. -C truly gpurs,j'' � Lt John F. P iii uck / JFP:rb f cc: Joe Wyrot Richard Marker Steve Roake ti 108042/1 • BILL OF SALE Heartland in Yorkville Subdivision Units 1,2 and 3 Seller, Richard Marker Associates, Inc. , of Kendall County, Illinois, in consideration of$1.00, (one dollar and no/100),receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby sell,assign,transfer and set over the buyer,The United City of Yorkville, an Illinois municipal corporation, at 800 Game Farm Road, Yorkville, Illinois 60560,the following described personal property to wit: Sanitary Sewer 9942 linear feet of 8" Sanitary Sewer 2185 linear feet of 10" Sanitary Sewer 57 Sanitary Manholes and all appurtenances to complete the work located within the utility easement or right of way as depicted on the record drawings of the final engineering plans. Watermain 9753 linear feet of 8" Ductile Iron Watermain 4158 linear feet of 12" Ductile Iron Watermain 29- 8" Valves 12 -12" Valves 46 Fire Hydrants and all appurtenances to complete the work located within the utility easement or right of way as depicted on the record drawings of the final engineering plans. Storm Sewer 8 linear feet of 12" CMP Storm Sewer 4281 linear feet of 12" RCP Storm Sewer 44 linear feet of 15" CMP Storm Sewer 2991 linear feet of 15" RCP Storm Sewer 1863 linear feet of 18" RCP Storm Sewer 1362 linear feet of 21" RCP Storm Sewer 405 linear feet of 24" RCP Storm Sewer 1408 linear feet of 30" RCP Storm Sewer 1864 linear feet of 36" RCP Storm Sewer 248 linear feet of 48" RCP Storm Sewer 482 linear feet of 54" RCP Storm Sewer 429 linear feet of 60" RCP Storm Sewer 361 linear feet of 72" RCP Storm Sewer 77 linear feet of 58"x 91"RCP Storm Sewer 1- 15" Flared End Sections 1- 18" Flared End Sections 2- 12" Corrugated Metal End Sections 2 - Slope Boxes 56 -2' Inlets 10 -2' Catch Basin 23 -4' Catch Basin 4- 5'Catch Basin 57 - 5' Manholes 9- 6'Manholes 2 - 7'Manholes 1 - 8'Manholes 2 - Junction Boxes and all appurtenances to complete the work located within the utility easement or right of way as depicted on the record drawings of the final engineering plans. Seller hereby represents and warrants to Buyer that Seller is the absolute owner of said property,that said property' is free and clear of all liens,charges and encumbrances, and that Seller has full right,power and authority to sell said personal property and to make this Bill of Sale. If this Bill of Sale is signed by more than one person, all persons so signing shall be jointly and severally bound hereby. / IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Seller has signed and sealed this bill of sale at A/9)4162-7Z-4 this /O74/ day of .0264 ,20e* .2e�sr,2E Seal Seal State of 4 t4 4 } } SS County of k), j } I� Rosemary Brining , a notary public in and for said County, in the State aforesaid, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that Richard Marker Personally know to me to be the same person whose name subscribed to the foregoing instrument, appeared before me this day in person and acknowledged that he signed, sealed and delivered the said instruction at this free and voluntary act, for the uses and purposed therein se forth. GIVEN under my hand and official seal this 10 day of December , 20 04 l FP 4.7 '1° .EAL . R0 - A v (4/A421/nyall,L6A4Lt/ \/ NOT FII :',iu9_!t STATE OF IE.LINOIS / MY COMMISSION EXPIRES;0111 7/05 (� Commission Expires January 17, 2005 BILL OF SALE Heartland in Yorkville Subdivision Units 1, 2 and 3 Seller, Richard Marker Associates, Inc. , of Kendall County, Illinois, in consideration of$1.00, (one dollar and no/100), receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged,does hereby sell,assign,transfer and set over the buyer, The United City of Yorkville, an Illinois municipal corporation, at 800 Game Farm Road,Yorkville, Illinois 60560, the following described personal property to wit: Sanitary Sewer 9942 linear feet of 8" Sanitary Sewer 2185 linear feet of 10" Sanitary Sewer 57 Sanitary Manholes and all appurtenances to complete the work located within the utility easement or right of way as depicted on the record drawings of the final engineering plans. Watermain 9753 linear feet of 8" Ductile Iron Watermain 4158 linear feet of 12" Ductile Iron Watermain 29- 8" Valves 12 -12" Valves 46 Fire Hydrants and all appurtenances to complete the work located within the utility easement or right of way as depicted on the record drawings of the final engineering plans. Storm Sewer 8 linear feet of 12" CMP Storm Sewer 4281 linear feet of 12" RCP Storm Sewer 44 linear feet of 15" CMP Storm Sewer 2991 linear feet of 15" RCP Storm Sewer 1863 linear feet of 18" RCP Storm Sewer 1362 linear feet of 21" RCP Storm Sewer 405 linear feet of 24" RCP Storm Sewer 1408 linear feet of 30" RCP Storm Sewer 1864 linear feet of 36" RCP Storm Sewer 248 linear feet of 48" RCP Storm Sewer 482 linear feet of 54" RCP Storm Sewer 429 linear feet of 60" RCP Storm Sewer 361 linear feet of 72" RCP Storm Sewer 77 linear feet of 58"x 91"RCP Storm Sewer 1- 15" Flared End Sections 1- 18" Flared End Sections 2- 12" Corrugated Metal End Sections 2 - Slope Boxes 56 -2' Inlets 10-2'Catch Basin 23 -4'Catch Basin 4 - 5'Catch Basin 57 -5'Manholes 9 - 6'Manholes 2 - 7'Manholes 1 - 8'Manholes 2 -Junction Boxes and all appurtenances to complete the work located within the utility easement or right of way as depicted on the record drawings of the final engineering plans. Seller hereby represents and warrants to Buyer that Seller is the absolute owner of said property, that said property is free and clear of all liens,charges and encumbrances, and that Seller has full right,power and authority to sell said personal property and to make this Bill of Sale. If this Bill of Sale is signed by more than one person, all persons so signing shall be jointly and severally bound hereby. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Seller has signed and sealed this bill of sale at /./4/S uic...•�% this 977/j day of 7 c: ,20O - Seal Seal State of Illinois } } SS County of DuPage } I, Rosemary Brining , a notary public in and for said County, in the State aforesaid, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that Richard Marker Personally know to me to be the same person whose name subscribed to the foregoing instrument, appeared before me this day in person and acknowledged that he signed, sealed and delivered the said instruction at this free and voluntary act, for the uses and purposed therein se forth. GIVEN under my hand and official seal this 9th day of December , 20 04. OFFICIAL a-iktcr 1C-8 EN4I7AL BY III?111VC�STATE.4G's_f3R:EXi'413E Commission Expires January 17, 2005 BILL OF SALE Heartland in Yorkville Subdivision Units 1,2 and 3 Seller, Richard Marker Associates, Inc. , of Kendall County, Illinois, in consideration of$1.00, (one dollar and no/100), receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby sell,assign,transfer and set over the buyer, The United City of Yorkville, an Illinois municipal corporation, at 800 Game Farm Road, Yorkville, Illinois 60560, the following described personal property to wit: Pavement 41,965 square yards of Geotextile Pavement Fabric 21,233 linear feet of Combined Concrete Curb and Gutter 36,385 square yards of Crushed Aggregate Base Course 14,767 gallons of Bituminous Materials Prime Coat 5,517 tons of Bituminous Concrete Binder Course and all appurtenances to complete the work located within the utility easement or right of way as depicted on the approved final engineering plans. Seller hereby represents and warrants to Buyer that Seller is the absolute owner of said property,that said property is free and clear of all liens, charges and encumbrances, and that Seller has full right, power and authority to sell said personal property and to make this Bill of Sale. If this Bill of Sale is signed by more than one person, all persons so signing shall be jointly and severally bound hereby. ,,�,� IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Seller has signed and sealed this bill of sale at AM-�ji L-.� this /°74. day of 2 ,20 c.)V:-. .„1„.„,„ / ie,,fes ,.e;-.;- Seal Seal State of Illinois } } SS County of DuPage } I, Rosemary Brining , a notary public in and for said County, in the State aforesaid, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that Richard Marker Personally know to me to be the same person whose name subscribed to the foregoing instrument, appeared before me this day in person and acknowledged that he signed, sealed and delivered the said instruction at this free and voluntary act, for the uses and purposed therein se forth. GIVEN under my hand and official seal this 10th day of December , 20 04 • ()FRC p ":nA�_: I ��(- � C.t/�(.�/y Rosi 1 . ,;i- .ZING i NoT R'.i :''''7',L) :; ' >.! [L !�'',a;.L1��� MY Csa-;, °'3 'O;i E. F~Eg:o1/vT �z 4r ,-,,,,,,i,4„,„,,„,,.., Commission Expires January 17, 2005 BILL OF SALE Heartland in Yorkville Subdivision Units 1, 2 and 3 Seller, _Richard Marker Associates, Inc. , of Kendall County, Illinois, in consideration of$1.00, (one dollar and no/100), receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby sell,assign,transfer and set over the buyer, The United City of Yorkville, an Illinois municipal corporation, at 800 Game Farm Road, Yorkville,Illinois 60560, the following described personal property to wit: Pavement 41,965 square yards of Geotextile Pavement Fabric 21,233 linear feet of Combined Concrete Curb and Gutter 36,385 square yards of Crushed Aggregate Base Course 14,767 gallons of Bituminous Materials Prime Coat 5,517 tons of Bituminous Concrete Binder Course and all appurtenances to complete the work located within the utility easement or right of way as depicted on the approved final engineering plans. Seller hereby represents and warrants to Buyer that Seller is the absolute owner of said property,that said property is free and clear of all liens,charges and encumbrances, and that Seller has full right,power and authority to sell said personal property and to make this Bill of Sale. If this Bill of Sale is signed by more than one person, all persons so signing shall be jointly and severally bound hereby. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Seller has signed and sealed this bill of sale at M :(lic- C this / /i day of Lac, ,20 c..)174 _,(..,,,,,,[46.. Z.,/ ,4,/ /47.4. 5 4/.•-A7 Seal Seal State of Illinois } } SS County of DuPage } I, Rosemary Brining , a notary public in and for said County, in the State aforesaid, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that Richard Marker Personally know to me to be the same person whose name subscribed to the foregoing instrument, appeared before me this day in person and acknowledged that he signed, sealed and delivered the said instruction at this free and voluntary act, for the uses and purposed therein se forth. GIVEN under my hand and official seal this 10th day of December , 20 04 (4_4/c.,4244, , . ' 16CilLi&-e-4' L1--t-- WI: . . = moi_°= ;�:..�'E,,}Fa. .016 rsr_ ,�Ph-,,, ^4_� At- Commission Expires January 17, 2005 . BILL OF SALE Heartland in Yorkville Subdivision Units 1, 2 and 3 Seller, _Richard Marker Associates, Inc. , of Kendall County, Illinois, in consideration of$1.00, (one dollar and no/100), receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged,does hereby sell,assign,transfer and set over the buyer, The United City of Yorkville, an Illinois municipal corporation, at 800 Game Farm Road,Yorkville, Illinois 60560, the following described personal property to wit: Street Lights 41 Street lights and all appurtenances to complete the work located within the utility easement or right of way as depicted on the approved final engineering plans. Seller hereby represents and warrants to Buyer that Seller is the absolute owner of said property, that said property is free and clear of all liens, charges and encumbrances, and that Seller has full right, power and authority to sell said personal property and to make this Bill of Sale. If this Bill of Sale is signed by more than one person, all persons so signing shall be jointly and severally bound hereby. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Seller has signed and sealed this bill of sale at ,/l✓1-P�/'i.`tc,c this %d71-A day of .194,-":"(2. , 20014. e:'—'12— z,,,,,, ,,Z,./ ,1';C2,..../e,-.1 7- Seal Seal State of Illinois } } SS County of DuPage } I, Rosemary Brining , a notary public in and for said County, in the State aforesaid, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that Richard Marker Personally know to me to be the same person whose name subscribed to the foregoing instrument, appeared before me this day in person and acknowledged that he signed, sealed and delivered the said instruction at this free and voluntary act, for the uses and purposed therein se forth. GIVEN under my hand and official seal this 10 day of December , 20 04 ssoT AR . :. _(.)FtLE_t ea', MY cntyui+ sion x ;:o1/VP/23 January 17, 2005 W4_ia v ,,,A. ,A,,,, , :14,AA,. Commission Expires BILL OF SALE Heartland in Yorkville Subdivision Units 1, 2 and 3 Seller, Richard Marker Associates, Inc. , of Kendall County, Illinois, in consideration of$1.00, (one dollar and no/100), receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby sell, assign, transfer and set over the buyer, The United City of Yorkville, an Illinois municipal corporation, at 800 Game Farm Road,Yorkville, Illinois 60560,the following described personal property to wit: Street Lights 41 Street lights and all appurtenances to complete the work located within the utility easement or right of way as depicted on the approved final engineering plans. Seller hereby represents and warrants to Buyer that Seller is the absolute owner of said property,that said property is free and clear of all liens,charges and encumbrances, and that Seller has full right, power and authority to sell said personal property and to make this Bill of Sale. If this Bill of Sale is signed by more than one person, all persons so signing shall be jointly and severally bound hereby. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Seller has signed and sealed this bill of sale at /6;e /(.4.G3 this /Lri/, day of P , 20 69— ,f,,e:, ...... .7/,‘,4Z ,eee'si ..1i Seal Seal State of Illinois } } SS County of DuPage } I, Rosemary Brining , a notary public in and for said County, in the State aforesaid, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that Richard Marker Personally know to me to be the same person whose name subscribed to the foregoing instrument, appeared before me this day in person and acknowledged that he signed, sealed and delivered the said instruction at this free and voluntary act, for the uses and purposed therein se forth. GIVEN under my hand and official seal this 10th day of December , 2004 OFFIE I � a TARt PUBLIC. i7 cG4� . ---1-&t41-1--'11 v -OMM3SS10611 EXPRES:0 a t17/05 ‘,....4,. .,,, Commission Expires — r 7 0�) • (is) w 0 United City of Yorkville 1E,7 kr _ "_, 1836 County Seat of Kendall County -��� 800 Game Farm Road 0 rit i Yorkville, Illinois, 60560 9, - `�0 Telephone: 630-553-4350 L&LE \\-\/ Website: 630-553-7575 Website: www.yorkville.il.us December 8, 2004 Mr. Roger Blakley Illinois Department of Transportation Bureau of Local Roads & Streets 700 E. Norris Drive Ottawa, Illinois 61350 Re: Faxon Road Extension Dear Roger: Attached find one copy of a proposal from Engineering Enterprises, Inc. for design engineering services for the extension of Faxon Road. This project creates a new intersection with Illinois Route 47 about 1600 feet north of Cannonball Trail. Faxon Road would then extend west about 1400 feet where it will connect to a section of the road that will be constructed by others through a residential development. Attached find a preliminary plan showing the proposed alignment. Please review the agreement and let me know if any changes need to be made. We also need a section number for the project. If you need additional information, please call me at (630) 553-8527. Very truly yours, &scUO,,k--- Joseph Wywrot City Engineer Cc: Tony Graff, City Administrator Liz D'Anna, Deputy City Clerk Municipality L Name Illinois Department United City of Yorkville c of Transportation C Engineering Enterprises, Inc. Township L N Address Bristol lSJ 52 Wheeler Road Preliminary/Construction County A Engineering Services L City Kendall E Agreement A Sugar Grove N For _ Section C Motor Fuel Tax Funds T State Faxon Road Extension y IL THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this day of September , 2004 between the above Local Agency (LA) and Consultant (ENGINEER) and covers certain professional engineering services in connection with the improvement of the above SECTION. Motor Fuel Tax Funds, allotted to the LA by the State of Illinois under the general supervision of the State Department of Transportation, hereinafter called the"DEPARTMENT", will be used entirely or in part to finance ENGINEERING services as described under AGREEMENT PROVISIONS. Section Description Name Faxon Road Route N/A Length 1,400 LF .26 Miles)(Structure No. Termini Faxon Road from a point 1,400 feet west of IL Route 47 to IL Route 47. Description Construct 1,400 If of 39' B. to B., full depth superpave bituminous concrete urban pavement section with B-6.12 C & G; 12" and 18" RCP storm sewer; 2,800 If 5" P.C.C. sidewalk (5'); earth excavation, street lighting, striping, miscellaneous appurtenances, landscaping, erosion control, topsoil, seed and mulch. Agreement Provisions The Engineer Agrees, 1. To perform or be responsible for the performance of the following engineering services for the LA in connection with the proposed improvement herein before described, and checked below: a. ® Make such detailed surveys as are necessary for the preparation of detailed roadway plans. b. ❑ Make stream and flood plain hydraulic surveys and gather high water data and flood histories for the preparation of detailed bridge plans. c. ® Make or cause to be made such soil surveys or subsurface investigations including borings and soil profiles and analyses thereof as may be required to furnish sufficient data for the design of the proposed improvement. Such investigations are to be made in accordance with the current requirements of the DEPARTMENT. d. ® Make or cause to be made such traffic studies and counts and special intersection studies as may be required to furnish sufficient data for the design of the proposed improvement. e. ►i Prepare Army Corps of Engineers Permit, Division of Water Resources Permit, Bridge waterway sketch and/or Channel Change sketch, Utility plan and locations and Railroad Crossing work agreements. f. ❑ Prepare Preliminary Bridge Design and Hydraulic Report, (including economic analysis of bridge or culvert types) and high water effects on roadway overflows and bridge approaches. Only applicable if more than an IDS is required. BLR 4303(Rev. 9/97) Page 1 of 5 • g. ® Make complete general and detailed plans, special provisions, proposals and estimates of cost and furnish the LA with five (5) copies of the plans, special provisions, proposals and estimates. Additional copies of any or all documents, if required shall be furnished to the LA by the ENGINEER at his actual cost for reproduction. h. ® Furnish the LA with survey and drafts in quadruplicate of all necessary right-of-way dedications, construction easements and borrow pit and channel change agreements including prints of the corresponding plats and staking as required. i. ® Assist the LA in the receipt and evaluation of proposals and the awarding of the construction contract. j. ® Furnish or cause to be furnished: (1) Proportioning and testing of concrete mixtures in accordance with the"Manual of Instructions for - Concrete Proportioning and Testing" issued by the Bureau of Materials and Physical Research, of the DEPARTMENT and promptly submit reports on forms prepared by said Bureau. (2) Proportioning and testing of bituminous mixtures (including extracting test) in accordance with the "Manual of Instructions for Bituminous Proportioning and Testing" issued by the Bureau of Materials and Physical Research, of the DEPARTMENT, and promptly submit reports on forms prepared by said Bureau. (3) All compaction tests as required by the specifications and report promptly the same on forms prepared by the Bureau of Materials and Physical Research. (4) Quality and sieve analyses on local aggregates to see that they comply with the specifications contained in the contract. (5) Inspection of all materials when inspection is not provided at the sources by the Bureau of Materials and Physical Research, of the DEPARTMENT and submit inspection reports to the LA and the DEPARTMENT in accordance with the policies of the said DEPARTMENT. k. ® Furnish or cause to be furnished (1) A resident engineer, inspectors and other technical personnel to perform the following work: (The number of such inspectors and other technical personnel required shall be subject to the approval of the LA.) a. Continuous observation of the work and the contractor's operations for compliance with the plans and specifications as construction proceeds, but the ENGINEER does not guarantee the performance of the contract by the contractor. b. Establishment and setting of lines and grades. c. Maintain a daily record of the contractor's activities throughout construction including sufficient information to permit verification of the nature and cost of changes in plans and authorized extra work. d. Supervision of inspectors, proportioning engineers and other technical personnel and the taking and submitting of material samples. e. Revision of contract drawings to reflect as built conditions. f. Preparation and submission to the LA in the required form and number of copies, all partial and final payment estimates, change orders, records and reports required by the LA and the DEPARTMENT. 2. That all reports, plans, plats and special provisions to be furnished by the ENGINEER pursuant to this agreement will be in accordance with the current standard specifications and policies of the DEPARTMENT, it being understood that all such reports, plats, plans and drafts shall before being finally accepted, be subject to approval by the LA and the said DEPARTMENT. 3. To attend conferences at any reasonable time when requested to do so by the LA or representatives of the DEPARTMENT. 4. In the event plans, surveys or construction staking are found to be in error during the construction of the SECTION and revisions of the plans or survey or construction staking corrections are necessary, the ENGINEER agrees that he will perform such work without expense to the LA, even though final payment has been received by him. He shall give immediate attention to these changes so there will be a minimum delay to the contractor. 5. The basic survey notes and sketches, charts, computations and other data prepared or obtained by the ENGINEER pursuant to this agreement will be made available upon request to the LA or the DEPARTMENT without cost and without restriction or limitations as to their use. 6. To make such changes in working plans, including all necessary preliminary surveys and investigations, as may be required after the award of the construction contract and during the construction of the improvement. BLR 4303(Rev.9/97) 7. That all plans and other documents furnished by the ENGINEER pursuant to the AGREEMENT will be endorsed by him and will show his professional seal where such is required by law. 8. To submit, upon request by the LA or the DEPARTMENT a list of the personnel and the equipment he/she proposes to use in fulfilling the requirements of this AGREEMENT. The LA Agrees, 1. To pay the Engineer as compensation for all services performed as stipulated in paragraphs la, 1g, 1 i, 2, 3, 5 and 6 in accordance with one of the following methods indicated by a check mark: a ❑ A sum of money equal to percent of the awarded contract cost of the proposed improvement as approved by the DEPARTMENT. b. ❑ A sum of money equal to the percentage of the awarded contract cost for the proposed improvement as approved by the DEPARTMENT based on the following schedule: Schedule for Percentages Based on Awarded Contract Cost Awarded Cost Percentage Fees Under $50,000 • (see note) % % Note: Not necessarily a percentage. Could use per diem, cost-plus or lump sum. c. ® A sum of money in the amount of: $45,500 2. To pay for services stipulated in paragraphs 1b, 1c, 1d, le, 1f, lh, lj and 1k of THE ENGINEER AGREES at the hourly rates stipulated below for personnel assigned to this SECTION as payment in full to the ENGINEER for the actual time spent in providing these services the hourly rates to include profit, overhead, readiness to serve, insurance, social security and retirement deductions. Traveling and other out-of-pocket expenses will be reimbursed to the ENGINEER at his actual cost. Subject to the approval of the LA, the ENGINEER may sublet all or part of the services provided under paragraphs 1 b, 1c, 1d, 1e, 1f, 1j and 1k of THE ENGINEER AGREES. If the ENGINEER sublets all or a part of this work, the LA will pay the cost to the ENGINEER plus a five (5) percent service charge. "Cost to ENGINEER" to be verified by furnishing the LA and the DEPARTMENT copies of invoices from the party doing the work. The classifications of the employees used in the work should be consistent with the employee classifications for the services performed. If the personnel of the firm including the Principal Engineer perform routine services that should normally be performed by lesser-salaried personnel, the wage rate billed for such services shall be commensurate with the work performed. Grade Classification of Employee Hourly Rate Principal Engineer $123.00 Sr. Project Manager 114.00 Project Manager 105.00 Sr. Project Manager/Surveyor 96.00 Project Engineer/Surveyor 87.00 Senior Engineer/Surveyor 78.00 Engineer/Surveyor 69.00 Assoc. Engineer/Surveyor 60.00 Sr. Project Technician 87.00 Project Technician 78.00 Senior Technician 69.00 Technician 60.00 Associate Technician 51.00 Secretary 60.00 The hourly rates itemized above shall be effective the date the parties, hereunto entering this AGREEMENT, have affixed hands and seals and shall remain in effect until 12/31/05 . In event the services of the ENGINEER extend beyond 12/31/05 . the hourly rates will be adiusted yearly by addendum to this AGREEMENT to compensate for increases or decreases in the salary structure of the ENGINEER that are in effect at that time. BLR 4303(Rev. 9/97) Page 3 of 5 3. That payments due the ENGINEER for services rendered pursuant to this AGREEMENT will be made as soon as practicable after the services have been performed, in accordance with the following schedule: a. Upon completion of detailed plans, special provisions, proposals and estimate of cost-being the work required by paragraphs 1 a through 1 g under THE ENGINEER AGREES—and the approved estimate of cost to the satisfaction of the LA and their approval by the DEPARTMENT, 90 percent of the above designated fee, 1 c of the LA Agrees. b. Upon award of the contract for the improvement by the LA and its approval by the DEPARTMENT, 100 percent of the above designated fee, 1c(excluding any fees paragraphs 1] and 1k)of the ENGINEER AGREES, less any previous payment. c. Upon completion of the construction of the improvement, 90 percent of the fee due for services stipulated in paragraphs 1j and 1k. d. Upon completion of all final reports required by the LA and the DEPARTMENT and acceptance of the improvement by the DEPARTMENT, 100 percent of the total fees due under this AGREEMENT, less any amounts previously • paid. By mutual agreement, partial payments, not to exceed 90 percent of the amount earned, may be made from time to time as the work progresses. 4. That should the improvements be abandoned at any time after the ENGINEER has performed any part of the services provided for in paragraphs la and 1g, and prior to the completion of such services the LA shall reimburse the ENGINEER for his actual costs plus 126.30 percent incurred up to the time he is notified in writing of such abandonment "actual cost" being defined as material costs plus actual payrolls, insurance, social security and retirement deductions. Traveling and other out-of-pocket expenses will be reimbursed to the ENGINEER at his actual cost. 5. That should the LA require changes in any of the detailed plans, specifications or estimates (except for those required pursuant to paragraph 4 of THE ENGINEER AGREES) after they have been approved by the DEPARTMENT, the LA will pay the ENGINEER for such changes on the basis of actual cost plus 126.30 percent to cover profit, overhead and readiness to serve-"actual cost" being defined as in paragraph 4 above. It is understood that"changes" as used in this paragraph shall in no way relieve the ENGINEER of his responsibility to prepare a complete and adequate set of plans. 6. That should the LA extend completion of the improvement beyond the time limit given in the contract, the LA will pay the ENGINEER, in addition to the fees provided herein, his actual cost incurred beyond such time limit-"actual cost" being defined as in paragraph 4 above. It is Mutually Agreed, 1. That any difference between the ENGINEER and the LA concerning the interpretation of the provisions of this AGREEMENT shall be referred to a committee of disinterested parties consisting of one member appointed by the ENGINEER one member appointed by the LA and a third member appointed by the two other members for disposition and that the committee's decision shall be final. 2. This AGREEMENT may be terminated by the LA upon giving notice in writing to the ENGINEER at his last known post office address. Upon such termination, the ENGINEER shall cause to be delivered to the LA all drawings, specifications, partial and completed estimates and data if any from traffic studies and soil survey and subsurface investigations with the understanding that all such material becomes the property of the LA. The ENGINEER shall be paid for any services completed and any services partially completed in accordance with Section 4 of THE LA AGREES. 3. That if the contract for construction has not been awarded one year after the acceptance of the plans by the LA and their approval by the DEPARTMENT, the LA will pay the ENGINEER the balance of the engineering fee due to make 100 percent of the total fees due under the AGREEMENT, based on the estimate of cost as prepared by the ENGINEER and approved by the LA and the DEPARTMENT. BLR 4303(Rev.9/97) Page 4 of 5 4. That the ENGINEER warrants that he/she has not employed or retained any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for the ENGINEER, to solicit or secure this contract and that he/she has not paid or agreed to pay any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for the ENGINEER, any fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gifts or any other consideration contingent upon or resulting from the award or making of this contract. For breach or violation of this warranty the LA shall have the right to annul this contract without liability. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this AGREEMENT to be executed in quadruplicate counterparts, each of which shall be considered as an original by their duly authorized offices. Executed by the LA: The United City of Yorkville of the (Municipality ) ATTEST: State of Illinois, acting by and through its By Mayor and Council City Clerk By (Seal) Title: Executed by the ENGINEER: Engineering Enterprises, Inc. 52 Wheeler Road ATTEST: Sugar Grove, IL 60554 By . -1-y, .( c ( - Title: SECC2-217c21 ' 'tle. Senior Project Manager BLR 4303(Rev 9/9; Page 5 of 5 +i \ A\ I ` •\ \A\ I 50" 0' 60" 120' mm–I v\ \ ' r 1 SCALE FEET sV I \\\\\ t \\ \ I '' ) '.\ tl \{ I A e �- 1 f '\ I I .1 I I I \ ly 1 \ \ \ .. '\ \ \:,I I \ I '\ k\ I I :.1:\ . \\rti \ *\ ;1 \\\ \ , I '\ ,.\ _ _ — 11 a\\ / / .�'s s ,u .tom '� "`zT __, • `."'',7',-.1,-.gat a� ,.'' _ .�:\ ,,'",:r,--, 4-1: ', ..:•,'--. ..,.`771".;:---,...---'`' - ,--'..1'' ,-.7".. ' 1--- ..1—,. -----7 —L,-,--;':---;.--17-. ---• \ /( „ —_ I 7,-' / �� . - y ' ;�-�.r- , _ � •-\‘.\ F \ \ I ::::: . 4 :--7.-: x qt:::::::..I c7I ���\ / tet .. _ / � e ::::: _. /• I 1 ::; `— \\ — II `zu: "r , ill i 1 \ -L- \ \ _ i 1 , \ '\ ,„.7i.74......2.,,,,:,:;::‘,„,..7,:,,,..,_„......,,,tisa.! _ 1 1 Ist 0tt1 •\ 3 ' -- I \ \ \\I\\\( 1 4 I IIIII \ Q I IIIII w I _ _ _ - -T I I I I v I I-- I I I I I 1 1 1 . .".-v, DATE 3 COPYRIGHT©2004 ENGINEERING ENTERPRISES. INC . P.N aN;\ID9tGNDJ\DDJ2]\DYF IDQ)ZXf9 AY Engineering Enterprises, Inc. UNITED CITY OFYORKVILLE — FAXON ROADWAY GENERAL PLAN - FAXON ROAD pROJ NO. MYO03o27 o Consulting Engineers 800 Game Farm Road ? WALTER E. DEUCHLER ASSOCIATES INC. Consulting Engineers 230 WOODLAWN AVENUE • TELEPHONE (630) 897-4651 • FAX (630) 897-5696 AURORA, ILLINOIS 60506 December 13, 2004 Mr. Tony Graff City Administrator City of Yorkville 800 Game Farm Road Yorkville, IL 60560 RE: Engineering Agreement West Branch Rob Roy Creek Interceptor Dear Tony: Please find attached three (3) copies of the Engineering Agreement for design services of the above referenced project. We have stated in the Engineering Agreement a cost of$186,750 for design services, which is based on 7.5%of the total probable construction cost of 2.49 million. The design phase will consist of preparing two (2) sets of contract documents for the 10,700 foot interceptor. We have also included a timeline which delineates the design and construction work in order to have the interceptor in operation, 15 months after authorization to proceed. This time schedule will be dependent upon approval by the IEPA of the proposed expansion of YBSD Facility Planning Area. Our fee includes all outside services to perform wetland delineation,archaeological surveys and geotechnical work, preparation of plats of easements and acquisition of title commitments. This Engineering Agreement minors the legal language approved by the City for previous Rob Roy Creek Interceptor. We thank you for opportunity of being of service, and should you have any questions or need clarification, please do not hesitate to call me. Very truly yours, WALTER . DEUCHLER ASSOCIATES, INC. Philipp F. Moreau, P.E. PFM/mw Encl. • Water Works and Sewerage • Buildings and Structures • Design and Construction • Streets and Street Lighting • Investigations and Reports • Project Financing ENGINEERING AGREEMENT FOR DESIGN SERVICES OF THE WEST BRANCH ROB ROY CREEK INTERCEPTOR UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE 2005 This Agreement is made and entered into this day of , 2004, by and between Walter E. Deuchler Associates, Inc. whose address is 230 S. Woodlawn Avenue,Aurora, IL 60506, hereinafter called the "Engineer", and the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois, hereinafter called the "Owner", and covers certain professional engineering services in connection with the improvement. Witnesseth that, in consideration of these premises and of the mutual covenants herein set forth, Now,therefore,the Owner and Engineer,in consideration of their mutual covenants,herein agree in respect to the performance of professional engineering services by the Engineer, and the payment for those services by the Owner, as set forth below. SECTION 1 - PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1.1 The City of Yorkville (Owner) intends to extend the Rob Roy Creek Interceptor from its point of terminus located 700 feet north of Corneils Road,west, a distance of approximately 10,700 feet, as shown on Exhibit 1. 1.2 The extension to the west to be called the West Branch Rob Roy Creek Interceptor,is herein referred to as the Project. SECTION 2 - THE ENGINEER AGREES 2.1 To perform professional engineering services in connection with the Project, as hereinafter stated. 2.2 To serve as the Owner's professional engineering representative in those phases of the Project to which this Agreement applies, and to give consultation and advice to the Owner during the performance of services. 2.3 To sublet geotechnical, wetland delineation and archaeological survey work. 2.4 To provide Design Services for the Project described in Section 1.0, as delineated on the attached Exhibit 1, in accordance with the time schedule attached herein as Exhibit 2, and G:\CONTR\WEST-BRANCH-ROB-ROY.wpd -2- as summarized in the following: 2.4.1 Perform topographic surveys. 2.4.2 Delineate jurisdictional wetlands. 2.4.3 Order title commitments. 2.4.4 Prepare Plans and Specifications of the proposed interceptor,based on the alignment shown on Exhibit 1 (approximately 10,700 feet). 2.4.5 Locate markers and monumentation of parcels and ROWs and prepare plats of easement, as needed upon easement negotiations by the Owner. 2.4.6 Assist the Owner in obtaining appropriate permits from the Corps of Engineers, IDNR, and the State of Illinois EPA. SECTION 3 - THE OWNER AGREES 3.1 To furnish available data such as utility maps, special design criteria, available plans of existing subdivisions,title searches for determination of existing right-of-way and property encumbrances. The Owner will negotiate easements with the property owners affected by the Project. 3.2 To designate in writing a person to act as Owner's representative with respect to the services to be performed or furnished by Engineer under this Agreement. Such person will have complete authority to transmit instructions, receive information, interpret Owner's policies and decisions with respect to Engineer's services for the Project. 3.3 To pay the Engineer, for those services described in Section 2 a lump sum amount of $186,750.00 based on the Engineer's estimate of the proportion of the total services actually completed at the time of billing. 3.4 That those services beyond the scope of Section 1 and not included in Section 2,such as,but not limited to, assisting the Owner in negotiating easements and acquiring property, changing alignment of the interceptor due to failure in acquiring easements and others,will be considered additional work. Compensation for additional work will be paid in accordance with the attached 2004 Fee Schedule for the 2004 calendar year or the current schedule in effect after calendar year 2004. G:\CONTR\WES T-BRANCH-ROB-ROY.wpd -3- 3.5 That payments due the Engineer for services rendered will be made in monthly payments based upon actual work completed. 3.6 To pay Engineer within thirty (30) days after the invoice date, after which, payment will increase at an interest rate of 1.5% per month. 3.7 That Engineer has the right to suspend or terminate service if undisputed charges are not paid within forty-five(45) days of receipt of Engineer's invoice, and Owner agrees to waive any claim against Engineer arising, and to indemnify, defend, and hold Engineer harmless from and against any claims arising, other than from Engineer's negligence or wrongful conduct,from Engineer's suspension or termination due to Owner's failure to provide timely payment. Owner recognizes that any charges not paid within thirty(30) days are subject to a late payment charge equivalent to 1.5% of the balance due for each additional month or fraction thereof that undisputed charges remain unpaid. 3.8 In the event of termination by Owner under Section 4.2 for convenience or by Engineer for cause, Engineer, in addition to invoicing for those items identified in Sections 3.3 and 3.4 shall be entitled to invoice Owner and shall be paid a reasonable amount for services and expenses(not to exceed a total of$1000.00),directly attributable to termination,both before and after the effective date of termination, such as reassignment of personnel, costs of terminating contracts with Engineer's Consultants, and other related close-out costs, using methods and rates for Additional Services as set forth in Section 3.4, but in addition to amounts paid thereunder. In addition a 10% charge of the unbilled amount as set forth in Section 3.3 shall be paid by the Owner to the Engineer. 3.9 To pay the Engineer an additional 8% for sublet services and outside vendor expenses. 3.10 In the event that Owner shall bring any suit, cause of action or counterclaim against Engineer, to the extent that Engineer shall prevail, Owner or the party otherwise initiating such action shall pay to Engineer the cost and expenses incurred to answer and/or defend such action, including reasonable attorneys fees and court costs. In no event shall Engineer indemnify any other party for the consequences of that party's negligence, including negligent failure to follow Engineer's recommendations. 3.11 Engineer's employees shall not be retained as expert witnesses except by separate written agreement. Owner agrees to pay Engineer pursuant to Engineer's current fee schedule for any Engineer employee(s) subpoenaed by any party as an occurrence witness as a result of Engineer's services. 3.12 The Engineer will not be responsible for job or site safety of the Project other than arising from validly implemented affirmative recommendations therefor. Job and site safety will be the sole responsibility of the contractor/contractors of the Project unless contracted to G:\CONTR\WEST-BRANCH-ROB-ROY.wpd -4- others. 3.13 The Owner shall require in any agreement it makes with a Contractor for the Project that the Contractor shall obtain Commercial General Liability Insurance with contractual liability and shall name the Engineer,its employees and consultants, as additional insured,with said coverage to be primary and non-contributory. In addition, the Owner agrees to name the Engineer, its employees and consultants, as an additional insured on any policy of Owner covering the Project,with said coverage to be primary and non-contributory. When Owner requests services of the Engineer in any capacity other than as a design professional, then, to the fullest extent permitted by law,the Owner shall defend,indemnify,and hold harmless the Engineer,its employees and consultants,from and against claims,damages,losses,costs, including but not limited to reasonable attorneys fees and costs, ("Losses") arising out of or resulting from the Engineers performance of services other than as a design professional (including any services that could be construed as those of a construction manager)provided that such Losses are attributable to bodily injury, sickness, disease or death, or to injury to or destruction of tangible property to the extent caused, in whole or in part, by the contractor, subcontractor, or anyone directly or indirectly employed by them or anyone for whose acts they may be liable. This provision shall survive the termination or completion of this Agreement. 3.14 Neither the professional activities of the Engineer, nor the presence of the Engineer or his or her employees and subconsultants at a construction site, shall relieve the General Contractor and any other entity of their obligations,duties and responsibilities including,but not limited to, construction means,methods, sequence,techniques or procedures necessary for performing, superintending or coordinating all portions of the work of construction in accordance with the contract documents and any health or safety precautions required by any regulatory agencies. The Engineer and his or her personnel have no authority to exercise any control over any construction contractor or other entity or their employees in connection with their work or any health or safety precautions. The Owner agrees that the General Contractor is solely responsible for job site safety,and warrants that this intent shall be made evident in the Owner's agreement with the General Contractor. The Owner also agrees that the Owner, the Engineer and the Engineer's consultants shall be indemnified and shall be made additional insureds under the General Contractor's general liability insurance policy. In addition,and notwithstanding any other provisions of this Agreement,the Owner agrees, to the fullest extent permitted by law, to indemnify and hold harmless the Engineer, his or her officers, directors, employees, agents and subconsultants from and against all damage, liability or cost, including reasonable attorneys' fees and defense costs, arising out of or in any way connected with the Project or the performance by any of the parties above named of the services under this Agreement, excepting only those damages, liabilities or costs attributable to the sole negligence or willful misconduct of the Engineer. G:\CONTR\WEST-BRANCH-ROB-ROY.wpd -5-- 3.15 5-3.15 The Owner agrees to limit Engineer's liability specifically and exclusively to the Owner on the Project arising from Engineer's professional acts, errors, or omissions or breach of contract or other cause of action, such that the total aggregate liability of Engineer to all those named shall not exceed $100,000.00 or the total cumulative fees for the services rendered for this Project, whichever is greater; and Owner hereby releases Engineer from any liability above such amount. 3.16 If any of the provisions contained in this Agreement are held illegal, invalid, or unenforceable, the enforceability of the remaining provisions will not be impaired. 3.17 That any difference between the Engineer and Owner concerning the interpretation of the provisions of this Agreement shall be referred to a committee of disinterested parties consisting of one member appointed by the Engineer, one member appointed by the Owner and a third member appointed by the two other members for disposition and that the committee shall attempt to resolve the difference by formal non-binding mediation conducted in accordance with rules and procedure to be agreed upon by the parties. SECTION 4 - IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED 4.1 During the progress of work under this Agreement,the Engineer shall continuously monitor its costs and anticipated future costs, and if such monitoring indicates possible costs in excess of the amounts stated in Section 3 above, the Engineer shall immediately notify the Owner of such anticipated increase and the compensation for engineering services shall be adjusted, if any, by amendment to this Agreement. 4.2 This Agreement may be terminated by the Owner upon giving notice in writing to the Engineer at his last known post office address. Upon such termination, the Engineer shall cause to be delivered to the Owner all drawings, specifications, partial and completed estimates and data,with the understanding that all such material becomes the property of the Owner. The Engineer shall be paid for any services completed and any services partially completed in accordance with Section 3. 4.3 That the Engineer warrants that he has not employed or retained any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for the Engineer, to solicit or secure this Agreement, and that he has not paid or agreed to pay any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for the Engineer, any fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee,gifts,or any other consideration,contingent upon or resulting from the award or making of this Agreement. For breach or violation of this warranty the Owner shall have the right to void this Agreement without liability whatsoever. 4.4 That the Owner acknowledges that the Engineer is a corporation and agrees that any claim made by the owner arising out of any act or omission of any director, officer or employee G:\CONTR\WEST-BRANCH-ROB-ROY.wpd -6- of the Engineer, in the execution or performance of this Agreement shall be made against the Engineer and not against such director, officer or employee. 4.5 That the Owner and the Engineer each binds himself and his partners,successors,executors, administrators and assigns to the other party of this Agreement and to the partners, successors, executors, administrators and assigns of such other party in respect to all covenants of this Agreement; except as above, neither the Owner nor the Engineer shall assign, sublet or transfer his interest in this Agreement without the written consent of the other. Nothing herein shall be construed as creating any personal liability on the part of any office or agent of any public body which maybe a party hereto, nor shall it be construed as giving any right or benefits hereunder to anyone other than the Client and the Engineer. 4.6 All Reports, Drawings, Specifications, other documents, and magnetic media prepared or furnished by the Engineer pursuant to this Agreement are instruments of service in respect to the Project, and the Engineer shall retain ownership of said documents and magnetic media including the right of reuse by and at the discretion of the Engineer whether or not the Project is completed. The Owner may retain copies, including reproducible copies, of the Engineer's documents and magnetic media for information and reference in connection with the use and occupancy of the Project by the Owner and others;however,the Engineer's documents and magnetic media are not intended or represented to be suitable for reuse by the Owner or others on additions or extensions of the project, or on any other Project. Any such reuse without written permission and verification or adaption by the Engineer for the specific purpose intended will be at the Owner's sole risk and without liability or legal exposure to the Engineer. The Owner shall indemnify and hold harmless the Engineer from all claims,damages,losses and expenses including attorneys' fees arising out of or resulting therefrom. Any furnishing of additional copies and verification or adaptation of the Engineer's comments and magnetic media will entitle the Engineer to claim and receive additional compensation from the Owner. 4.7 The Engineer's agent shall perform the function of Agent or Representative of the Owner, during the performance of the PROJECT. The Engineer may be required to enter private properties and private premises to perform the work identified in the PROJECT. The Owner agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Engineer from any claim, suit, liability, damage,injury,cost or expense,including attorney fees,arising out of Engineer's entry into private properties and private premises, unless resulting from Engineer's negligence or wrongful conduct under Section 3.7 or as provided by law. 4.8 Engineer has no control over the cost of labor, materials, equipment or services furnished by others, or over the Contractor(s)' methods of determining prices, or over competitive bidding or market conditions. Engineer's opinion of probable total project costs and construction cost provided for the PROJECT are to be made on the basis of Engineer's experience and qualifications and represent Engineer's best judgement as an experienced G:\CONTR\W ES T-BRANCH-ROB-ROY.wpd -7- and qualified professional Engineer familiar with the construction industry; but Engineer cannot and does not guarantee that proposals, bids or actual total project or construction costs will not vary from opinions of probable cost prepared by Engineer. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed in triplicate counterparts, each of which shall be considered as an original by their duly authorized officers, this day of , 2004. Executed by the Owner: United City of Yorkville State of Illinois ATTEST: By By Title: City Clerk Title: Mayor Executed by the Engineer: Walter E. Deuchler Associates, Inc. 230 S. Woodlawn Avenue Aurora, IL 60506 Byi Title: President G:\CONTR\WES T-BRANCH-ROB-ROY.wpd f • 1 N ._. _._..__ I N ° w mm NORTH BRANCH ROB RO 1 a._ _.. ..... _.._ ....._ CREEK S1INTERCEPTOR _... ... <......._..._ . ` I I ! ^ 1 i EAST BR. CH ROB ROY _.....__ O j ( G4 EN .O CEPTOR .....- ..... ARD ( i ' J i W _v w } _._. .. - "' t � ,�'• 1 E tobb. i 1 i W I . r I u _.....,...... ......a...,,,,, , . cm • G _.. 4 WEST BRANCH ROB ROY I Ga ' ' q _ CREEK INTERCEPTOR ,r 7 , , I 3 • CeA4 TT' _.._• _....__._ •® n} , Q J • ' 3•t" w •30' CDR NEIL- A�r. ' r..._.— — ,CORNEILS RD. i v.:„„,27,77, t....,: • ....._r ,....____ ROB ROY CREEK • INTE CE3'T0 �. y,s a _..�_._..,,. Ll -•cow+..Rav' '•! u. � 1 ..,,„„,---',.,--,%'fi17-1,,:), J ✓ = o g . „� .7 is,„,-, 13 .. : l i• s� • 20- .1! `,,,),;,..„..(,-.../ i W m g i i ,-o�0-' o LJ R L er i ' ''/� N/SF R 12_ �� �. 1 ° 310'. . •, "•••1 .j '�. 10" ; /' 'ij \ . ..-,,,,; Ij ',. f 11.0_,..------- T 't _5: // �D a } •max�: auu I / >.,� rice- -Ti 1 ® Y y 1 ' ;! A- 14141*•-,AMA. A ,It.---- ''-::::•',,. • .f•f• 711 \VA 7 -� � ' °�. T uo,,AT., it r , : , .,' U.S RT. 34 1 ��%t �`} ...� .L�� � t , — ��-- . zj " ,, % O z7 s .. 30 /..;.,..:(_,_ f .- .E , `D U J r a I } EPR !-7,--,,T,-, o� w SHV.594.0 R a l I • R,,eA, ^0,01 ®- 'ki- } 1 EXHIBIT 1 J Fc)'`. ���2 - J1=&iil-C� ' s., z WALTER E. DEUCHLER ASSOCIATES, INC. SHEET 1 © Srbywin-e-e4,6. — .,e1c G.,r,-(7,, Sero-G, OF 1 VISIONS YORKVILLE–BRISTOL SANITARY DISTRICT w\04050-00\ROB—ROY SIGNED PFM APPROVED PFM BOOK XXX JOB NUMBER WEST BRANCH AWN JES `DATE 6/9/04 SCALE 1"=3000' 788/04050-00 ROB ROY CREEK INTERCEPTOR WEST BRANCH ROB ROY CREEK INTERCEPTOR FROM 100' N. OF CORNEILS ROAD TO WEST OF BEECHER ROAD JANUARY, 2005 Key Deadlines Description of Work 25 days — Fix route of interceptor — Map properties affected by interceptor & list names and address of property owners affecting by Interceptor. 30 days — Order Title Commitment of properties affected by interceptor. City to begin discussing easement acquisition with said property owners (this task shall be on- going until all easements are acquired). — Obtain digital topo from previous aerial work paid by Engineer 80 days — Prepare preliminary engineering plans (2 Contract Documents) — Send preliminary plans to COE & IDNR for permits across wetlands and creeks. — Begin preparing plats of easements through known developments; i.e. 80 days — Complete final plans; prepare specs. and cost estimate for each Contract. — Continue preparing plats of easement for properties not being developed at this time. — Perform geotechnical work. 90 days — Submit Plans (2 contracts) to IEPA for Permits. — Finalize any easements work. — Advertise for bids; recommend low bidders; awards and notice to proceed. 120 days — Construct the project in two (2) phases. — Substantial completion to operate the interceptor. 60 days — Final restoration of the project. Total 485 days NOTE: The time laps shown above are approximate and may change due to reasons not controlled by the Engineer, such as easement acquisition by the City, approval of the FPA expansion by the IEPA and others. EXHIBIT 2 WALTER E. DEUCHLER ASSOC: INC. 2004 FEE SCHEDULE CLASSIFICATION RANGE OF BILLING RATE CLERICAL 40.00-60.00 JR_ TECHNICIAN 34.00-45.00 TECHNICIAN/DRAFTSPERSON 55.00-75.00 CONSTRUCTION OBSERVER 55.00-75.00 SURVEY CREW (2 Members) - 95.00-128.00 ENGINEER 64.00-80.00 PROJECT ENGINEER 80.00-100.00 PROJECT MANAGER LAND SURVEYOR PRINCIPAL 100.00-130.00 01/02/2004 0 PAGE 1 4Eo car o United City of Yorkville Memo J : '" 800 Game Farm Road EST.kV ; 18361 Yorkville, Illinois 60560 Telephone: 630-553-8545 op Fax: 630-553-3436 `IF 4CE ‘‘'N' Date: December 14, 2004 To: Tony Graff, City Administrator From: Joe Wywrot, City Engineer ' CC: Liz D'Anna, Deputy City Clerk Subject: Well No. 7 Well House& Treatment Facility— Change Order No. 5 Attached find one copy of proposed Change Order No. 5 for the referenced project. This change order, in the amount of$29,096.00 decrease and 60-day time extension, are for 8 individual changes. Please refer to the change order for a description and justification for each item. Four of these items are related to coordination issues with the Raintree Village development. There are three items that will need to be completed next spring: • Completion of the bituminous pavement to the treatment building and water tower. • Removal of the gravel access road once the permanent access is constructed by the developer. • Restoration of the area south of the driveway. Of these items, we may be able to negotiate with the developer and pay them to remove the access road when they perform the earthwork for the future unit of Raintree Village where that road is located. Regarding the onsite driveway, I recommend that we hire Aurora Blacktop to perform that work when they are paving the permanent roadway that leads to the driveway. Regarding the landscape restoration, I have spoken with the developer and they are willing to work with us on restoring the area south of the driveway. One suggestion was that they would bring in black dirt and perform rough grading, and the city would complete the grading and seed the area. I recommend that this •.nge order •e a•. s ed. Please place this item on the Public Works Committee .:enda of December 27, 2014 for consideration. • 1974 - 2004 52 Wheeler Road • Sugar Grove, IL 60554 TEL: 630 / 466-9350 K FAX: 630 / 466-9380 Engin ring www.eeiweb.com i=ntaorprlssests } 30 YEARS OF EXCELLENCE December 9, 2004 Mr. Joe Wywrot, P.E. City Engineer United City of Yorkville 800 Game Farm Road Yorkville, IL 60560 Re: Contract C.7 -Water Well No. 7 Well House and Treatment Facility United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois Dear Mr. Wywrot: Please find enclosed three copies of Change Order No. 5 for the above referenced project. As discussed, the Change Order allows the deletion of items from the Contract due to delays of the construction of off site utilities and roadway pavement by the developer. The items to be removed from the Contract include the bituminous surface course for the driveway, the removal and restoration of the site access road, the restoration of the area south of the driveway and the connection to the water main. It will be necessary for the City to complete these items in the spring either by contracting the items or negotiating an agreement with the developer to complete this work. The connection to the water main has been completed by the developer already. Also, there was an area of unsuitable soil within the limits of the driveway that was removed and replaced with compacted fill material. There are five trees that were not planted because it was determined that their placement would hinder access to the well head for future maintenance. Since the City decided that barb wire on the fencing would not be required and the specifications called for barb wire, a credit was offered for the removal of the barb wire from the Contract. 60 days is requested to be added to the contract time to allow for the delay of the delivery of the Well No. 7 motor. The Contract Price will be decreased by $29,096.00 as a result of this Change Order. Upon review and City action of the Change Order, please have the appropriate City official sign the Change Order in the location identified and return two sets to my attention. If you have any questions or comments with regard to this matter, please do not hesitate to call me at 630/466-9350. Respectfully submitted, ENGINEERING ENTERPRISES, INC. I / Timothy P. Farrell, P.E. Project Manager TPF/me Enclosures pc: JWF, ARD — EEI (w/o Encl.) G.\Public\Yorkville\2003\Y00311 Contract C.7 Well No. 7 Well House&Treatment Facility\Construction\Doc\Icofyol2-C05.doc Consulting Engineers Specializing in Civil Engineering and Land Surveying CHANGE ORDER Order No.: 5 Date: December 2, 2004 Agreement Date: December 26, 2003 NAME OF PROJECT: Well No. 7 Well House and Treatment Facility OWNER: United City of Yorkville CONTRACTOR: Poulos Construction Company The following changes are hereby made to the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: 1) Provide over-excavation and furnish and install additional backfill material in a portion of the driveway limits: 40 CY at $52.00/CY(Add: $2,080.00). 2) Provide an additional 60 days to the Contract Completion Date. 3) Delete 1,290 SY of bituminous pavement (Deduct: $9,856.00). 4) Delete the removal and restoration of the site construction access road from the contract (Deduct: $17,380.00). 5) Delete 3 each 6 foot high Colorado Spruce (3 EA at $285.001EA) and 2 each 8 foot high Colorado Spruce (2 EA at$300/EA)from the contract(Deduct: $1,455.00). 6) Delete restoration in the area south of the driveway (Deduct: $500.00). 7) Delete fencing barb wire from the contract (Deduct: $1,050.00). 8) Delete the Connection to Existing Water Main from the contract(Deduct: $935.00). Justification: 1) The over-excavation and additional backfill was required to remove an area of unsuitable soil in the driveway limits. 2) The increase of 60 days to the Contract Completion Date is to allow for the Byron Jackson pump and motor delivery delay. 3) The bituminous surface course and part of the binder course near the water tower was eliminated from the contract due to the on going construction of adjacent utilities by the developer and the scheduling issues with bituminous paving in the winter. This work will be contracted and completed by the City in the spring. 4) The construction access road needs to remain due to the construction delays of the off site permanent access road by the developer. 5) It was determined that these trees would hinder access to the well forfuture well maintenance and were therefore eliminated from the project. 6) The restoration in this area was eliminated from the contractors work scope due to the on going construction of adjacent utilities by the developer in this area. 7) Barb wire is not desired by the Owner. 8) The developer made the water main connection since the adjacent water main was constructed by the developer after the on site water main by the contractor. Change of CONTRACT PRICE: Original CONTRACT PRICE: $ 1,655,000.00 Current CONTRACT PRICE adjusted by previous CHANGE ORDER(S) $ 1,687,580.73 The CONTRACT PRICE due to this CHANGE ORDER will be (increased) (decreased) by: $ 29,096.00 The new CONTRACT PRICE including this CHANGE ORDER will be $ 1,658,484.73 CO-05 CHANGE ORDER NO. 5 Page 2 Chanqe to CONTRACT TIME: The CONTRACT TIME will be (increased) (decreased) by 60 calendar days. The date for completion of all work will be February 15, 2004. Approvals Required: To be effective this order must be approved by the agency if it changes the scope or objective of the PROJECT, or as may otherwise be require y the SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL CONDITIONS. Requested by: Poulos Construction Company Recommended by: En•ineerin• Ente •rises Inc. Accepted by: United City of Yorkville CO-05 POULOS INC CONSTRUCTION COMPANY CHANGE ORDER REQUEST Project: Well No. 7 Well House and Treatment Facility COR#: 18-revised To: Engineering Enterprises, Inc. Date: 11/22/04 Attn: Timothy Farrell, P.E. Poulos Inc. Construction Company is directed to proceed with the following work which represents a change or changes in the work as described by the contract documents: DESCRIPTION: Provided additional excavation 2'-6" below plan depth and backfill in Area 2 as per attachment. The perfoiivance of the work described requires a cost adjustment to the contract as follows: Subcontractor Cost OH & P Total Cost Poulos, Inc. $ 2,080.00 0.00% $ 2,080.00 The time estimated to be required for the work to be accomplished upon acceptance: NOTE: Field work will be affected. Yes No Time extension is required to perform work. Yes No These revisions affect certain long lead items. Yes No Project schedule critical path delay [days]: FOR POULOS INC. CONSTRUCTION CO. BY: Poulos Inc Construction Company is hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the work as described above at the cost indicated. The time required for performance of the contract for construction will be extended by _days ACCEPTED BY: DATE: Project Architect ACCEPTED BY: DATE: Owner Representative POULOS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 735 South Laramie Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60644-5224 Phone: (773) 626-8600 Fax: (773) 626-8646 E-mail:admin@poulosconstruction.com Web:www.poulosconstruction.com A • POULOS INC CONSTRUCTION COMPANY CHANGE ORDER REQUEST Project: Well No. 7 Well House and Treatment Facility COR#: 19 To: Engineering Enterprises, Inc. Date: 10/18/04 Attn: Timothy Farrell, P.E. Poulos Inc. Construction Company is directed to proceed with the following work which represents a change or changes in the work as described by the contract documents: DESCRIPTION: Extend the time for completion an additional 60 days to allow for the manufacturing requirements of the single source [Byron Jackson] submersible motor. There is no cost impact for this change. The performance of the work described requires a cost adjustment to the contract as follows: Subcontractor Cost OH & P Total Cost Poulos, Inc. $ - 15.00% $ - The time estimated to be required for the work to be accomplished upon acceptance: NOTE: Field work will be affected. Yes J No Time extension is required to perform work. Yes J No These revisions affect certain long lead items. Yes t/ No Project schedule critical path delay [days]: FOR POULOS INC. CONSTRUCTION CO. BY: Poulos Inc Construction Company is hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the work as described above at the cost indicated. The time required for performance of the contract for construction will be extended by 60 days ACCEPTED BY: DATE: Project Architect ACCEPTED BY: DATE: Owner Representative POULOS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 735 South Laramie Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60644-5224 Phone: (773) 626-8600 Fax: (773) 626-8646 E-mail:admin@poulosconstruction.com Web:www.poulosconstruction.com A Layne-Western a division of Layne Christensen Company 721 West Illinois Avenue • Aurora,Illinois 60506-2892 • Phone:(630)897-6941 •Fax:(630)897-6976 October 15,2004 Mr. Tim Curtin Poulos Incorporated 735 South Laramie Chicago, IL 60611-5224 RE: City of Yorkville Well No. 7 Pump Dear Tim: Per the request of Pete Kephart, we wish to submit this letter with information detailing the situation around the delivery of the 400HP Byron Jackson Type H submersible motor for the City of Yorkville Well No. 7 project. For a little history or background on this project, we detail the following: January 20: Contract agreement received in Layne Western office from Poulos January 26: Executed contract sent back to Poulos February 5: Ten (10) copies of the Byron Jackson submersible pump submittal drawings sent to Poulos for Engineer approval February 10: Order faxed to Byron Jackson for new submersible motor, bowl assembly, and cable (we advised the factory to release the motor for production but to hold the bowl assembly design/manufacturing until Engineer approval of drawings is received) February 16 and 17: 24 hour well test performed at Well No. 7 (on another contract) June 28: Approved submittal drawings received from Poulos July 1: Bowl assembly design change faxed to Byron Jackson factory to release everything for manufacturing We have stated in the last few weeks, the "bottle-neck"for this order is the 400HP Byron Jackson submersible motor. It was estimated earlier this year to be shipped to us by the end of November. The factory has been in the middle of an inventory shut down and it has been difficult to get information. However, one of their chief electrical engineers visited our office this week and we have some information to report to you. Lags 1(11404 Mr. Tim Curtin Poulos Incorporated RE: City of Yorkville Well No. 7 Pump October 15, 2004 Page Two While we may have stated that the normal shipment on a new Type H submersible motor is in the range of six (6) to seven (7) months, he said the typical rule of thumb from the Hamburg, Germany plant is nine (9) months. While this has been improved by various means to approximately six (6) months now, the nine (9) months is more appropriate for the Yorkville Well No. 7 order. The electrical engineer, in checking today, has told us that the motor is scheduled to ship from Hamburg, Germany to the Maryland plant on November 11. At that point, it takes thee (3)to four (4) weeks average to get to Maryland and then after a few days for final assembly and checks at Maryland, it can ship to us. Reasonably, this would place the motor in Aurora early to mid December. With the same shipment would be the new bowl assembly, flat cable assembly, and jacketed power cable. The 10" T&C line pipe has been sandblasted and epoxy coated in our yard. In fact, we will be sending an Invoice to you for this work since it is a separate line item and it is complete. Thus, as we have stated before, the motor shipment has been the problem. But if you take in account the fact that we released the motor for manufacturing in February, without EEI approval, we would be even further off than had we waited for approval which didn't happen until the end of June. We will keep in close contact with the factory, in hopes of improving delivery. Of course, there is always a chance that the delivery time will worsen, but we will think positive! If you have any further questions, please give us a call. Thank you. Yours Very Truly, Layne-Western a division of Layne Christensen Company ' Thomas P. Healy, P.E. Assistant District Manager TPH/kar a) 101404 POULOS INC CONSTRUCTION COMPANY CHANGE ORDER REQUEST Project: Well No. 7 Well House and Treatment Facility COR#: 21 To: Engineering Enterprises, Inc. Date: 11/23/04 Attn: Timothy Farrell, P.E. Poulos Inc. Construction Company is directed to proceed with the following work which represents a change or changes in the work as described by the contract documents: DESCRIPTION: Provide credit for bituminous surface course paving, removal of access road & associated restoration, site fencing, access gate, 3- 6' and 2- 8' Picea Pungens, asphalt binder course south of the tower, and seeding south of the roadway, per the attached. The performance of the work described requires a cost adjustment to the contract as follows: Subcontractor Cost OH & P Total Cost Aurora Blacktop $ (9,856.00) 0.00% $ (9,856.00) C. Kinell $ (500.00) 0.00% $ (500.00) Poulos, Inc. $ (17,380.00) 0.00% $ (17,380.00) S & S Fence, Inc. $ (1,050.00) 0.00% $ (1,050.00) C. Kinell $ (1,455.00) 0.00% $ (1,455.00) Total $ (30,241.00) The time estimated to be required for the work to be accomplished upon acceptance: NOTE: Field work will be affected. Yes No Time extension is required to perform work. Yes _ No These revisions affect certain long lead items. Yes No Project schedule critical path delay [days]: FOR POULOS INC. CONSTRUCTION CO. BY: /1.," Poulos Inc Construction Company is hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the work as described above at the cost indicated. The time required for perfoimance of the contract for construction will be extended by days ACCEPTED BY: DATE: Project Architect ACCEPTED BY: DATE: Owner Representative POULOS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 735 South Laramie Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60644-5224 Phone: (773) 626-8600 Fax: (773) 626-8646 E-mail:admin@poulosconstruction.com Web:www.poulosconctruction.com • • REVIEW OF CHANGE ORDER REQUEST NO. 21 TO CONTRACT C.7 WELL NO. 7 WELL HOUSE AND TREATMENT FACILITY UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE, ILLINOIS UU 1'UULUa ADDED! ADDED! ADDED/ ITEM BJD UNIT DEDUCTED DEDUCTED DEDUCTED NO. ITEMS UNITS PRICE QUANTITY VALUE VALUE DIVISION "C"-SITE WORK C-27 BITUMINOUS CONCRETE SURFACE COURSE. FOR ENTIRE ACCESS ROAD SQ. YD. $15.00 -1,290 -$19,350.00 -$9,856.00 AND BINDER AND SURFACE COURSE AT TOWER C-31 REMOVAL OF ACCESS ROAD AND RESTORATION OF AFFECTED AREA LUMP SUM $17,380.00 -1 417,380.00 412,380.00 C- 0 PICEA PUNGENS 6 FT. HGT. EACH $285.00 -3 -$855.40 -$855.00 C-41 PICEA PUNGENS 8 FT. HO T. EACH $300.00 -2 -$640.40 00.00 •_ - .�_._ O _z _ _. . — 4 _ _ . - -LL-- -1—. -X500.00 SEEDING SOUTH OF ACCESS ROAD LUMP SUM 00 TOTAL 1 IN -- - b:Pudki ronoopt2oosimei 1 Contact C.7 Wed No.7 Wal Hausa&Treatment Fadk,"omuummtnyqunuescape MONO o nerxwlsimm • 1 ✓ S & S Ind. & Mfg.. Estimate . 3311 Liverpool Rd. - -�— Lake Station,IN 46405 DATE ESTIMATE NO. Office: 219-963-0213 10/28/2004 KT Fax: 219-963-1500 NAME/ADDRESS Poulos Inc. 73 S s,Laramie Avenue Chicago,IL 60644 Attu: Tim Curtin Re: Yorkville Wellbouse#7/C,4, DESCRIPTION TOTAL Change Order#1 Credit: Omit Barb Wire ) - •50.00 r New Price For Sliding Gate Instead Of Swing Gate 3,544.00 'Your Link to Quality Fencing' TQTAt.. $2,510,00 This estimate is good for 30 days. Fence&property line marking is responsibility of owner/general • contractor. **MBE Contractor** POULOS INC CONSTRUCTION COMPANY CHANGE ORDER REQUEST Project: Well No. 7 Well House and Treatment Facility COR#: 20 To: Engineering Enterprises, Inc. Date: 11/15/04 Attn: Timothy Farrell, P.E. Poulos Inc. Construction Company is directed to proceed with the following work which represents a change or changes in the work as described by the contract documents: DESCRIPTION: Provide credit in lieu of connection to existing water main. The perfounance of the work described requires a cost adjustment to the contract as follows: Subcontractor Cost OH & P Total Cost C. Kinnell $ (935.00) 0.00% $ (935.00) The time estimated to be required for the work to be accomplished upon acceptance: NOTE: Field work will be affected. Yes No Time extension is required to perform work. Yes No These revisions affect certain long lead items. Yes No Project schedule critical path delay [days]: FOR POULOS INC. CONSTRUCTION CO. BY: Poulos Inc Construction Company is hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the work as described above at the cost indicated. The time required for performance of the contract for construction will be extended by days ACCEPTED BY: DATE: Project Architect ACCEPTED BY: DATE: Owner Representative POULOS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 735 South Laramie Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60644-5224 Phone: (773) 626-8600 Fax: (773) 626-8646 E-mail:admin@poulosconstruction.com Web:www.poulosconstruction.com A ,c0) �r United City of Yorkville Memo 800 Game Farm Road aut EBT.itv Elam 1836 Yorkville, Illinois 60560 1 Telephone: 630-553-8545 .r p,tel° � o Fax: 630-553-3436 4LE0 Date: December 17, 2004 To: Tony Graff, City Administrator From: Joe Wywrot, City Engineer CC: Liz D'Anna, Deputy City Clerk Subject: Fox Highlands Subdivision—Bond Reduction#2 Attached find a letter from Leonard Dreas&Associates requesting a bond reduction for onsite work in the Fox Highlands subdivision. While the letter states this is Reduction Request No. 3, this is actually just the second reduction (the first one being for offsite sanitary sewers). I concur with the percentage of work complete, but the method of calculating the reduction differs from Dreas. I recommend a reduction in the amount of$860,251.97. The bond amount to remain would be $429,770.65. Please place this item on the Public Works Committee agenda of December 27, 2004 for consideration. 17-Dec-04 Letter of Credit/Bond Reduction Subdivision: Fox Highlands- Unit I(onsite work only) Reduction No. 2 LOC/Bond Approved • Original Substantially complete Amount to remain Item Eng. Est. Bond Amount prior to Red. No.2 Redution No. 2 Amt after Red. No. 2 Demolition & Debris Removal $53,500.00 $30,386.58 $53,500.00 $22,361.58 $8,025.00 Erosion Control $99,490.00 $56,507.67 $75,000.00 $18,318.67 $38,189.00 Earthwork $568,420.00 $322,847.43 $568,420.00 $237,584.43 $85,263.00 Onsite Sanitary $304,171.00 $172,761.03 $304,171.00 $127,135.38 $45,625.65 Offsite Watermain $112,920.00 $64,135.55 $112,920.00 $47,197.55 $16,938.00 Onsite Watermain $263,163.00 $149,469.58 $263,163.00 $109,995.13 $39,474.45 Storm Sewer $228,108.00 $129,559.27 $228,108.00 $95,343.07 $34,216.20 Roadway $584,041.00 $331,719.75 $514,762.89 $178,299.39 $153,420.35 Miscellaneous $57,460.00 $32,635.75 $57.460.00 $24.016.75 $8,619.00 Totals $2,271,273.00 $1,290,022.62 $2,177,504.89 $860,251.97 $429,770.65 Notes: 1) LOC/Bond amt. to be 15% of subsantially completed items plus 110% of uncompleted items. 2) Original bond was only for a part of Unit 1. Category bond amounts are pro-rated based on the overall project cost versus the actual bond amount provided. See Summit Homes letter dated 8/1/ with LDA cost estimate dated 4/23/03 in amount of$1,290,022.62. 3) Reduction No. 1 was for offsite sanitary sewer work. Reduction No.2 is for all onsite work. Required bond: $2,498,400.30 Actual bond: $1,290,022.62 to Leonard Dreas & Associates :fir LAND SURVEYORS RS & CIVIL ENGINEERS e-rr+r`X. .r-ice q 4-^r _ 888 South Edgelawn Drive, Suite 1725 Aurora, Illinois 60506 Phone (630) 897-4105 Fax (630) 897-4121 e-mail: LDA38@AOL.com October 22, 2004 Mr. Joe Wywrot, PE Yorkville City Engineer 800 Game Farm Road Yorkville, IL 60560 RE: Fox Highlands Subdivision, Unit 1 Yorkville, IL Dear Joe: Enclosed please find the record drawings for this project, dated October 22, 2004. This project is complete, except for the sanitary sewer along the Commonwealth ROW south of Hazeltine Way, which was not installed at the City's request. We understand that others will complete this segment of the sanitary sewer. We request that the City of Yorkville inspect these improvements and provide the initial acceptance to start the one-year final acceptance period. We understand that portions of this project were previously inspected and corrective action has been performed. Also attached is the request for the letter of credit reduction. Remaining work includes the installation of the surface course of the road pavement and the sidewalk and street trees for those single-family lots that are not-yet built on. Some curb work remains to be done near the sales trailer. Final restoration, remaining curb work and the road pavement surface course will be completed in the springtime. Please contact us if you have any questions. Sincerely, LEONARD DREAS Sc. ASSOCIATES Richard A. Scheffrahn, P C: Mr. Rik Alex, Lennar Homes Engineer's Opinion of Probable Costs Letter of Credit Fox Highlands Subdivision, Unit 1, Yorkville, IL Reduction Request,3' - Issue Date: August 12,1999 Issue Date: October 22,2004 Contractor's Proposal Precent Cost to No. Description of Item Quantity Unit Unit Cost Cost Unit Cost Cost Complete Complete DEMOLITION & DEBRIS REMOVAL 1 Remove existing buildings and structures 3 Each $ 8,500.00 $ 25,500.00 $ 8,500.00 $ 25,500.00 100% $ - 2 Remove tree(>6"),complete 90 Each $ 250.00 $ 22,500.00 $ 250.00 $ 22,500.00 " 100% $ - 3 Remove existing 6'x 5'box culvert with wing walls 1 Lump $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 * 100% $ - 4 Decommission existing sanitary lift station(Wildwood) 1 Lump $ 3,500.00 $ 3,500.00 $ 3,500.00 $ 3,500.00 * 100% $ - TOTAL $ 53,500.00 TOTAL $ 53,500.00 1.00% $ - EROSION CONTROL 1 Stabilized construction entrance 1 Each $ 1,200.00 $ 1,200.00 $ 1,200.00 $ 1,200.00 100% $ - 2 Silt fence barrier(erosion protection) 7,360 Lin Ft $ 3.00 $ 22,080.00 $ 3.00 $ 22,080.00 " 100% $ - 3 Snow fence(tree protection) 5,650 Lin Ft $ 3.50 $ 19,775.00 $ 3.50 $ 19,775.00 * 100% $ - 4 Straw bales 480 Each $ 8.00 , $ 3,840.00 $ 8.00 $ 3,840.00 " 100% $ - 5 Desiltation basin 3 Each $ 500.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 500.00 $ 1,500.00 " 100% $ - 6 Temporary seeding 7.00 Acre $ 2,400.00 $ 16,800.00 $ 2,400.00 $ 16,800.00 * 100% $ - 7 Permanent seeding, Class 1A 7.25 Acre $ 2,900.00 $ 21,025.00 $ 2,900.00 $ 21,025.00 * 100% $ - 8 Wetland"Emergent Planting" 0.17 Acre $ 11,000.00 $ 1,870.00 $ 11,000.00 $ 1,870.00 " 100% $ - 9 Welland"Wet-Mesic Planting" 0.64 Acre $ 10,000.00 $ 6,400.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 6,400.00 * 100% $ - 10 Maintenance of erosion control 1.00 Lump $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 " 100% $ - TOTAL $ 99,490.00 TOTAL $ 99,490.00 100% $ - EARTHWORK 1 Topsoil removal,stockpile 18,800 cy 47,900 C Y $ 2.30 $ 110,170.00 $ 3.15 $ 150,885.00 " 100% $ - 2 Earth excavation and placement,compacted 94,900 C Y $ 3.00 $ 284,700.00 $ 3.15 $ 298,935.00 * 100% $ - 3 Retention pond excavation(below NWL) 19,500 G Y $ 3.50 $ 68,250.00 $ 3.75 $ 73,125.00 " 100% $ - 4 Earth excavation and haul off site(allowance) 1,000 C Y $ 10.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 10.00 $ 10,000.00 * 100% $ - 5 Extra subgrade undercut and replacement(allowance) 1,000 C Y $ 6.00 $ 6,000.00 $ 6.00 $ 6,000.00 * 100% $ - 6 Fine grade ROW(behind curb) 19,050 S Y $ 1.00 $ 19,050.00 $ 1.05 $ 20,002.50 * 100% $ - 7 Fine grade detention,swale and wetland area 19,400 S Y $ 1.00 $ 19,400.00 $ 1.05 $ 20,370.00 * 100% $ - 8 Topsoil placement,inc. ROW,retention&swale area 45,000 S Y $ 1.00 $ 45,000.00 $ 1.00 $ 45,000.00 " 100% $ - 9 Wetland hydric soil placement,uncompacled 3,900 S Y $ 1.50 $ 5,850.00 $ 1.50 $ 5,850.00 " 100% $ - TOTAL $ 568,420.00 TOTAL $ 630,167.50 100% $ - SANITARY SEWER-OFF SITE(Corn Ed ROW) NOTE: SANITARY SEWER-OFF SITE UPGRADE PAID BY CITY 1 Sanitary lift station with valve vault,controller and generator 1 Lump $ 165,000.00 $ 165,000.00 $165,000.00 $ 165,000.00 100% $ - Page 1 of 5 2 8"PVC force main constr.,SDR 21, D2241 w/03139 joints 2,270 Lin Ft $ 22.00 $ 49,940.00 $ 22.00 $ 49,940.00 100% $ - 3 Air release valve w/5'manhole and 6"PVC drain line 1 Lump $ 2,450.00 $ 2,450.00 $ 2,450.00 $ 2,450.00 100% $ - 4 12"PVC pipe sewer constr.,SDR 26,D3034 w/03212 joints 1,506 Lin Ft $ 27.00 $ 40,662.00 $ 27.00 $ 40,662.00 100% $ - 5 10"PVC pipe sewer constr.,SDR 26,D3034 w/03212 joints 3,988 Lin Ft $ 24.00 $ 95,712.00 $ 24.00 $ 95,712.00 ` 100% $ - 6 8"PVC pipe sewer constr.,SDR 26,D3034 w/03212 joints 30 Lin Ft $ 22.00 $ 660.00 $ 22.00 $ 660.00 100% $ - 7 18"steel casing pipe,augured in place,w/sand and seals 72 Lin Ft $ 200.00 $ 14,400.00 $ 200.00 $ 14,400.00 100% $ - 8 18"steel casing pipe 64 Lin Ft $ 30.00 $ 1,920.00 $ 30.00 $ 1,920.00 ' 100% $ - 9 4'dia.type A manholes with R-1530-B Fr&lid 20 Each $ 1,450.00 $ 29,000.00 $ 1,450.00 $ 29,000.00 * 100% $ - 10 4'dia.Type A drop manhole with R-1530-B Fr&lid 1 Each $ 2,250.00 $ 2,250.00 $ 2,250.00 $ 2,250.00 100% $ - 11 Extra manhole depth(greater that 12 feet) 4.8 Lin Ft $ 70.00 $ 336.00 $ 70.00 $ 336.00 100% $ - 12 48"triple N12 culverts with FES and 12"rip-rap 2 Each $ 15,400.00 $ 30,800.00 $ 15,400.00 $ 30,800.00 * 100% $ - 13 21"RCP storm sewer constr.,C-76,CL III 90 Lin Ft -$ 30.00 $ 2,700.00 $ 30.00 $ 2,700.00 100% $ - 14 21"flared end section 4 Each $ 500.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 500.00 $ 2,000.00 100% $ - 15 15"RCP storm sewer constr.,C-76,CL III 40 Lin Ft $ 20.00 $ 800.00 $ 20.00 $ 800.00 100% $ - 16 15"flared end section 2 Each $ 400.00 $ 800.00 $ 400.00 $ 800.00 100% $ - • 17 12"rip-rap, 18"thick,with geotextile fabric 30 S Y $ 50.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 50.00 $ 1,500.00 100% $ - 18 Remove and replace existing bit.conc.pavement 123 S Y $ 30.00 $ 3,690.00 $ 30.00 $ 3,690.00 100% $ - 19 Remove and replace existing conc.pavement 18 S Y $ 50.00 $ 900.00 $ 50.00 $ 900.00 100% $ - 20 Remove and replace concrete curb and gutter 30 Lin Ft $ 30.00 $ 900.00 $ 30.00 $ 900.00 100% $ - 21 Restore off site ROW and easement area 2,356 S Y $ 3.00 $ 7,068.00 $ 3.00 $ 7,068.00 * 100% $ - 22 Miscellaneous clearing and earthwork along Corn Ed ROW 1.00 Lump $ 8,000.00 $ 8,000.00 $ 8,000.00 $ 8,000.00 * 100% $ - 23 Geolextile fabric under gravel 2,870 S Y $ 1.50 $ 4,305.00 $ 1.50 $ 4,305.00 100% $ - 24 8"CA-6 gravel entrance and maintenance access 1,320 Ton $ 10.00 $ 13,200.00 $ 10.00 $ 13,200.00 100% $ - 25 Select trench backfill 488 C Y $ 17.00 $ 8,296.00 $ 17.00 $ 8,296.00 100% $ - TOTAL $ 487,289.00 TOTAL $ 487,289.00 100% $ - SANITARY SEWER-ON SITE 1 8"PVC pipe sewer,SDR 26,D3034 w/03212 joints 4,538 Lin Ft ' $ 20.00 $ 90,760.00 $ 18.50 $ 83,953.00 * 100% $ - • 2 6"PVC pipe sewer services,SDR 26,D3034 w/03212 joints 5,932 Lin Ft $ 18.00 $ 106,776.00 $ 16.00 $ 94,912.00 * 100% $ - 3 4'dia.type A manholes with R-1530-B Fr&lid 24 Each $ 1,450.00 $ 34,800.00 $ 1,350.00 $ 32,400.00 • 100% $ - 4 Select trench backfill 4,789 C Y $ 15.00 $ 71,835.00 $ 15.50 $ 74,229.50 * 100% $ - TOTAL $ 304,171.00 TOTAL $ 285,494.50 100% $ - WATER MAIN -OFF SITE 1 12"cement lined ductile iron pipe,push on joints,C-52 2,488 *Lin Ft $ 28.00 $ 69,664.00 $ 28.00 $ 69,664.00 * 100% $ - 2 8"cement lined ductile iron pipe,push on joints,C-52 40 Lin Ft $ 19.00 $ 760.00 $ 19.00 $ 760.00 100% $ - 3 12"gale valve in 5'vault w/R-1530-B Fr&lid 3 * Each $ 2,000.00 $ 6,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 6,000.00 * 100% $ - 4 8"gale valve in box 2 Each $ 950.00 $ 1,900.00 $ 950.00 $ 1,900.00 100% $ - 5 18"steel casing pipe 22 Lin Ft $ 30.00 $ 660.00 $ 30.00 $ 660.00 100% $ - Page 2 of 5 6 Ore hydrant with 6"auxiliary valve 8 ' Each $ 1,700.00 $ 13,600.00 $ 1,700.00 $ 13,600.00 ' 100% $ - 7 Mechanical fittings 2,900 ' Lb $ 2.00 $ 5,800.00 $ 2.00 $ 5,800.00 . 100% $ - 8 Polyethylene encasement,8 mil 2,488 ' Lin Ft $ 2.00 $ 4,976.00 $ 2.00 $ 4,976.00 ' 100% $ - 9 Select trench backfill 180 ' C Y $ 17.00 $ 3,060.00 $ 17.00 $ 3,060.00 ' 100% $ - 10 Restore off site ROW and easement area 2,500 'S Y $ 2.60 $ 6,500.00 $ 2.60 $ 6,500.00 ' 100% $ - TOTAL $ 112,920.00 TOTAL $ 112,920.00 100% $ - WATER MAIN -ON SITE 1 8"cement lined ductile iron pipe,push on joints, C-52 6,228 Lin Ft $ 19.00 $ 118,332.00 $ 16.50 $ 102,762.00 ' 100% $ - 2 1"short service connection with corp.stop and B-box 71 Each $ 350.00 $ 24,850.00 $ 330.00 $ 23,430.00 ' 100% $ - 3 1"long service connection with corp.slop and B-box 47 Each $ 550.00 $ 25,850.00 $ 530.00 $ 24,910.00 ' 100% $ - 4 8"gate valve in box 21 Each $ 950.00 $ 19,950.00 $ 895.00 $ 18,795.00 * 100% $ - 5 Fire hydrant with 6"auxiliary valve,extra depth 1 Each $ 1,650.00 $ 1,650.00 $ 1,785.00 $ 1,785.00 100% $ - 6 Fire hydrant with 6"auxiliary valve 19 Each $ 1,550.00 $ 29,450.00 $ 1,685.00 $ 32,015.00 ' 100% $ - 7 Mechanical fittings 4,980 Lb $ 2.00 $ 9,960.00 $ 2.00 $ 9,960.00 * 100% $ - 8 14"steel casing pipe 22 Lin Ft $ 25.00 $ 550.00 $ 25.00 $ 550.00 ' 100% $ - 9 Polyethylene encasement,8 mil 6,228 Lin Ft $ 2.00 $ 12,456.00 $ 2.00 $ 12,456.00 ' 100% $ - 10 Select trench backfill 1,341 C Y $ 15.00 $ 20,115.00 $ 15.50 $ 20,785.50 ' 100% $ - TOTAL $ 263,163.00 TOTAL $ 247,448.50 100% $ - STORM SEWER 1 24"RCP storm sewer constr.,C-76,GL III 424 Lin Ft $ 26.00 $ 11,024.00 $ 26.00 $ 11,024.00 100% $ - 2 24"RCP storm sewer constr.,C-76,CL IV 76 Lin Ft $ 29.00 $ 2,204.00 $ 29.00 $ 2,204.00 100% $ - 3 18"RCP storm sewer constr_, C-76,CL III 152 Lin Ft $ 19.00 $ 2,888.00 '$ 19.00 $ 2,888.00 100% $ - 4 18"RCP storm sewer constr.,C-76,CL IV 383 Lin Ft $ 21.00 $ 8,043.00 $ 21.00 $ 8,043.00 100% $ - 5 15"RCP storm sewer constr.,C-76,CL III 1,148 Lin Ft $ 18.00 $ 20,664.00 $ 18.00 $ 20,664.00 100% $ - 6 12"RCP storm sewer constr., C-76,CL III 2,388 Lin Ft $ 15.00 $ 35,820.00 $ 15.50 $ 37,014.00 ' 100% $ - 7 15"HDPEstorm sewer constr., N-12 258 Lin Ft $ 14.00 $ 3,612.00 $ 14.00 $ 3,612.00 100% $ - 8 12"HOPE storm sewer constr., N-12 1,930 Lin Ft $ 12.00 $ 23,160.00 $ 12.50 $ 24,125.00 ' 100% $ - 9 6"t-IDPE sump pump connection, N-12 2,394 Lin Ft $ 9.50 $ 22,743.00 $ 9.50 $ 22,743.00 * 100% $ - 10 4"HOPE sump pump connection,N-12 1,730 Lin Ft $ 8.50 $ 14,705.00 $ 8.50 $ 14,705.00 * 100% $ - 11 24"PVC drainage basin w/24"H-20 CI grate 8 Lin Ft $ 250.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 250.00 $ 2,000.00 ' 100% $ - 12 8"PVC inline drain clean out w/8"CI solid grate 22 Lin Ft $ 150.00 $ 3,300.00 $ 150.00 $ 3,300.00 ' 100% $ - 13 2'inlet, type A,with R-3286-8V Fr&gr. 8 Each $ 650.00 $ 5,200.00 $ 650.00 $ 5,200.00 * 100% $ - 14 2'inlet, type A,with R-3015 Fr&gr. 11 Each $ 600.00 $ 6,600.00 $ 600.00 $ 6,600.00 ' 100% $ - 15 2'inlet, type A,with R-4340-B gr. 4 Each $ 550.00 $ 2,200.00 $ 550.00 $ 2,200.00 * 100% $ - • 16 3'inlet, type A,with R-5901-H Fr&yr. 1 Each $ 800.00 $ 800.00 $ 800.00 $ 800.00 ' 100% $ - 17 3'catch basin, type C,with R-3286-8V Fr&gr. 6 Each $ 900.00 $ 5,400.00 $ 900.00 $ 5,400.00 ' 100% $ - 18 3'catch basin, type C,with R-3015 Fr&gr. 7 Each $ 850.00 $ 5,950.00 $ 850.00 $ 5,950.00 * 100% $ - Page 3 of 5 19 4'catch basin,type C,with R-3015-Fr&gr. 2 Each $ 1,050.00 $ 2,100.00 $ 1,050.00 $ 2,100.00 * 100% $ - 20 4'catch basin,type C,with R-3286-8V Fr&gr. 1 Each $ 1,150.00 $ 1,150.00 $ 1,150.00 $ 1,150.00 100% $ - 21 3'manholes,type C,with R-1530-B Fr&lid 4 Each $ 850.00 $ 3,400.00 $ 850.00 $ 3,400.00 * 100% $ - 22 3'manholes,type C,with R-4340-B gr. 4 Each $ 800.00 $ 3,200.00 $ 800.00 $ 3,200.00 " 100% $ - 23 3'manholes,type C,with R-3015 Fr&gr. 2 Each $ 850.00 $ 1,700.00 $ 850.00 $ 1,700.00 * 100% $ - 24 4'manholes,type C,with R-1530-B Fr&lid 6 Each $ 1,050.00 $ 6,300.00 $ 1,050.00 $ 6,300.00 " 100% $ - 25 4'manholes,type C,with R-3286-8V Fr&gr. 1 Each $ 1,100.00 $ 1,100.00 $ 1,100.00 $ 1,100.00 100% $ - 26 4'manholes,type C,with R-4340-B gr. 2 Each $ 1,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 2,000.00 * 100% $ - 27 5'manholes,type C,with R-1530-B Fr&lid. 1 Each $ 1,300.00 $ 1,300.00 $ 1,300.00 $ 1,300.00 100% $ - 28 6'manholes, type C,with R-1530-B Fr&lid 1 Each $ 2,550.00 $ 2,550.00 $ 2,550.00 $ 2,550.00 " 100% $ - 29 6'reslrictor manholes,type A,with R-1530-B Fr&lid,compl 3 Each $ 3,200.00 $ 9,600.00 $ 3,200.00 $ 9,600.00 100% $ - 30 24"flared end section 1 Each $ 550.00 $ 550.00 $ 550.00 $ 550.00 " 100% $ - 31 18"flared end section 5 Each $ 450.00 $ 2,250.00 $ 450.00 $ 2,250.00 * 100% $ - 32 15"flared end section 2 Each $ 400.00 $ 800.00 $ 400.00 $ 800.00 " 100% $ - 33 12"flared end section5 Each $ 350.00 $ 1,750.00 $ 350.00 $ 1,750.00 " 100% $ - 34 12"Rip-rap, 18"thick,with geotextile fabric 30 S Y $ 45.00 $ 1,350.00 $ 45.00 $ 1,350.00 " 100% $ - 35 Select trench backfill 713 C Y $ 15.00 $ 10,695.00 $ 15.00 $ 10,695.00 " 100% $ - TOTAL $ 228,108.00 TOTAL $ 230,267.00 100% $ - ROADWAY 1 Fine grade roadway 20,080 S Y $ 1.00 $ 20,080.00 $ 0.70 $ 14,056.00 * 100% $ - 2 Geolextile fabric under base course i 18,480 S Y $ 1.50 $ 27,720.00 $ 1.35 $ 24,948.00 " 100% $ - 3 4"base course,compacted crushed limestone,CA-6 100 Ton $ 10.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 10.00 $ 1,000.00 100% $ - 4 9"base course, BAM,MS=1200 250 Ton $ 32.00 $ 8,000.00 $ 32.00 $ 8,000.00 100% $ - 5 10"base course,compacted crushed limestone,CA-6 9,570 Ton $ 10.00 $ 95,700.00 $ 9.95 $ 95,221.50 * 100% $ - 6 Concrete curb&gutter,B.6-12 with CA-7 base 9,582 Lin Ft $ 10.50 $ 100,611.00 i $ 9.00 $ 86,2.38.00 * 99% $ 862.38 7 Concrete gutter with CA-7 base 138 Lin Ft $ 10.00 $ 1,380.00 $ 10.00 $ 1,380.00 * i 100% $ - 8 2 1/2"Bit.Conc.binder course,Class I,Mix B,Type 2 ' 2,395 Ton $ 32.00 $ 76,640.00 $ 35.75 $ 85,621.25 * 100% $ - 9 1 1/2"Bit.Conc.surface course,Class I,Mix C,Type 2 1,430 Ton $ 34 00 $ 48,620.00 $ 40.50 $ 57,915.00 0% $ 57,915.00 10 Bituminous material,tack coat, RC-70 824 Gal $ 2.50 $ 2,060.00 $ 2.50 $ 2,060.00 0% $ 2,060.00 11 Bituminous butt joint,with cold mill pavement removal 180 Lin Ft $ 20.00 $ 3,600.00 $ 20.00 $ 3,600.00 100% $ - 12 PCC sidewalk,5"thick,6"at driveways,with CA-6 base 34,750 5 F $ 3.00 $ 104,250.00 $ 3.00 $ 104,250.00 " 88% $ 12,510.00 13 3"Parkway trees 171 Each $ 280.00 $ 47,880.00 $ 280.00 $ 47,880.00 * 90% $ 4,788.00 14 Street lights 14 Each $ 3,000.00 $ 42,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 42,000.00 * 100% $ - 15 Temp"T"turnaround(2 1/2"Bit.Conc.& 10"CA-6 base) 160 S Y $ 15.00 $ 2,400.00 $ 15.00 $ 2,400.00 * 100% $ - 16 Street signs 14 Each $ 150.00 $ 2,100.00 $ 150.00 $ 2,100.00 * 86% $ 294.00 TOTAL $ 584,041.00 TOTAL $ 578,669.75 86% $ 78,429.38 MISCELLANEOUS , Page 4 of 5 4. 1 4"Peri torr polyethylene drain pipe w/gravel and fabric 350 Lin Ft $ 9.00 $ 3,150.00 $ 9.00 $ • 3,150.00 * 100% $ - 2 Concrete curtain wall(retention pond spillway) 42.4 Lin Ft $ 25.00 $ 1,060.00 $ 25.00 $ 1,060.00 * 100% $ - 3 Modular block retaining wall 2,470 S F $ 15.00 $ 37,050.00 $ 15.00 $ 37,050.00 * 100% $ - 4 4"HD PVC utility sleeve,SDR 26 1,120 Lin Ft $ 10.00 $ 11,200.00 $ 10.00 $ 11,200.00 * 100% $ - 5 Traffic Control and Protection 1.00 Lump $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 " 100% $ - TOTAL $ 57,460.00 TOTAL $ 57,460.00 100% $ - TOTAL Estimated Total TOTAL $2,758,562.00 Total Contracted Bids TOTAL $ 2,782,706.25 Cost to Complete Work ,,,crn,; 97% $ 78,429.38 A. SC/ I hereby certify that the percentage left to ob(15�etE•ari8'tl Estimated Project Cost $2,758,562.00 the cost to complete shown herein are cca�ot.t• d sr C' le Y• '<:`Conlingency 10% $ 275,856.20 to complete the items shown for this pn ect. REG, Er0;0 ;Original Letter of Credit $ 1,750,000.00 •- : r-aorrssior+,nL Estimated Cost to Complete $ 78,429.38 rr: SNEER , 4- _Contingency 10% $ 7,842_.94 i ,.:9-'3:. � Estimated Cost of Completed Work $2,680,132.62 c G �✓. Contingency 25% $ 670,033.16 Project Engineer:Richard A.Sc1 ffraiiN New Letter of Credit(110%Cost to Complete+25%Complete Work) $ 756,305.47 License No.62-39720; Expiration 11%30/05' Previous Reductions (11/16/2001), (12/20/2002) $ 276,853.05 This Reduction in Letter of Credit $ 716,841.48 Estimated Cost to Complete(inc contingency) $ 86,272.32 Page 5 of 5 ��'��D chT 1,.. United City of Yorkville Memo J : 'a 800 Game Farm Road EST. : 1836 Yorkville, Illinois 60560 -�` Telephone: 630-553-8545 O� `f p Fax: 630-553-3436 tkE ��v Date: December 20, 2004 To: Tony Graff, City Administrator From: Joe Wywrot, City Engineer J CC: Liz D'Anna, Deputy City Clerk Marvin DeLahr, Development Construction Services LLC Subject: Fox Hill Unit 7—Letters of Credit Reduction No. 1 Attached find a request from the developer for reductions to the letters of credit for Fox Hill Unit 7. I have reviewed the request and generally concur with the amount of work completed to date. The difference between the developers requested reductions and my recommended reductions are for the following reasons. • A separate letter of credit was established for earthwork and erosion control items. Any reduction for that letter of credit needs to be calculated separately from the onsite letter of credit. • The letter of credit for onsite items was established for a lesser amount because the letter of credit for earthwork was larger than needed. With this reduction we are adjusting the dollar amounts for individual categories of work(such as watermain, roadways, etc.) within the onsite letter of credit to agree with the approved engineer's estimate of cost. This is why one item (miscellaneous work) is increased rather than being reduced. • Items related to erosion control are reduced to no less than 50% of the estimated cost of those items, and should remain at that level until a substantial number of private lots and open spaces are landscaped. I recommend that the letter of credit for earthwork and erosion control for Fox Hill Unit 7 be reduced by the amount of$75,850.44. The remaining amount in that letter of credit would be $34,149.56. I recommend that the letter of credit for onsite work for Fox Hill Unit 7 be reduced by the amount of$381,095.82. The remaining amount in that letter of credit would be $488,928.34. Please place this item on the Public Works Committee agenda of December 27, 2004 for consideration. 20-Dec-04 Letter of Credit/Bond Reduction Subdivision: Fox Hill Unit 7 - Earthwork/Erosion Control Reduction No. 1 Theoretical Actual Substantially Approved Letter of Credit Letter of Credit complete Remaining Item Encl. Est. Amount Amount prior to Red. #1 Reduction No.1 Amount Earthwork/Erosion Control $77,815.50 $85,597.05 $110,000.00 $54,155.25 $75,850.44 $34,149.56 Totals $77,816.50 $85,597.05 $110,000.00 $54,155.25 $75,850.44 $34,149.56 Notes: 1) LOC/Bond amt. to be 15% of subsantially completed items plus 110% of uncompleted items. * Includes streetlights, signage, landscaping, construction entrance, curtain wall, and sawcutting existing pavement. 20-Dec-04 Letter of Credit/Bond Reduction Subdivision: Fox Hill Unit 7 - Onsite Reduction No. 1 Theoretical Actual Approved Letter of Credit Letter of Credit Substantially complete Remaining Item Enc. Est. Amount Amount prior to Red. #1 Reduction No.1 Amount Sanitary Sewer $264,845.00 $291,329.50 $291,845.00 $181,158.00 $172,615.60 $119,229.40 Watermain $215,683.00 $237,251.30 $237,251.30 $206,000.00 $195,700.00 $41,551.30 Roadway $134,078.26 $147,486.09 $147,486.09 $0.00 $0.00 $147,486.09 Storm Sewer $72,214.00 $79,435.40 $79,214.00 $15,000.00 $14,028.60 $65,185.40 Miscellaneous* $102,321.00 $112,553.10 $95,154.72 $1,000.00 -$16,448.38 $111,603.10 Construction Staking $17,339.14 $19,073.05 $19,073.05 $16,000.00 $15,200.00 $3,873.05 Totals $806,480.40 $887,128.44 $870,024.16 $419,158.00 $381,095.82 $488,928.34 Notes: 1) LOC/Bond amt. to be 15% of subsantially completed items plus 110% of uncompleted items. * Includes streetlights, signage, landscaping, construction entrance, curtain wall, and sawcutting existing pavement. DEVELOPMENT CONSTRUCTION SERVICES L.L.C. Phone: 815-464-2031 9217 GULFSTREAM ROAD,SUITE 102 Fax: 815-464-2032 FRANKFORT,IL 60423 Cell : 815-791-6167 Email : devconser@msn.com LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL From: Marvin DeLahr Date Sent: 12/16/04 Item of transmittal: (1)copy LOC Reduction document, (1)copy Wywrot letter, (1)copy SEC Estimate of Cost To: Joe Wywrot ®For Your Use ❑For Review Company: United City of Yorkville ❑Please Comment Address: 800 Game Farm Road ❑Information Only City& State: Yorkville,IL 60560 Enclosed please find a request for a reduction of the current letter-of-credit being held by the City for the Fox Hill, Unit 7 improvements. Also included is the letter from Joe Wywrot approving the amount and engineers estimate of cost from Smith Engineering. We will not be making another request for reduction until the roads are installed in the spring. Please call you have any questions or need any more information. Thanks. D.C.S. Confidentiality Notice The pages accompanying this transmittal contain information from Development Construction Services LLC.which is confidential and privileged.The information is intended to be for the use of the individual or entity named on this cover letter. If you are not the intended recipient,be aware that any disclosure, copying, distribution or use of the contents of this information is prohibited.If you have received this facsimile in error,please notify us by telephone immediately. FOX HILL SUBDIVISION, UNIT 7 - LETTER OF CREDIT REDUCTION 12/16/2004 DESCRIPTION LETTER-OF-CREDIT CONTRACT PAID OUT REMAINING REDUCTION ,Constru- AMOUNT AMOUNT - AMOUNT MO CALCULATION EXPLAINATION Construction Staking $17,339.14 AMOUNT AMOUNT Earthwork $20,625.00 $17,531.25 $3,093.75 $57,855.00 $0.00 $14,245.395 $1$57,8.14 minusns$3,093.75 SanitarySewer $211,262.87 $0.00 $52,069.50 $57;855.00 minus 10% $264,845.00 $231,158.00 $181,158.00 $50,000.00 Water Main $215,683.00 _ $181,158.00 out amount $256,522.00 $206,000.00 $50,522.00 paid Storm Sewer $72,214.00 $90,906.00 $165,161.00 $215,683.00 minus$50,522.00 $15,000.00 $75,906.00 Streetlights $10,500.00 $0.00 remaining contract amount is larger than LOC amount $6,764.00 $3,872.00 $2,892.00 $3,872.00 Silt Fence $3,460.50 $0.00 $6,907.50 $0.00 paid out amount ConstructionSilt Curtain ntEntrance $2,000.00 $0.00 $3,460.50 completed(letter of credit amount) l $2,000.00 $0.00 $2,000.00 $1,000.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 completed(letter of credit amount) completed(letter of credit amount) $422,966.39 Per Joe Wywrot's letter dated December 10,2004,the engineer's estimate of cost from Smith Engineering in the amount of$884,295.89 was approved for our letter of credit. That amount did not include the additional 10%required by the City.This brings the required letter of credit amount to$972,725.48: The United City of Yorkville currently has two letters of credit from DCI Charrington.One for$110,000.00 and another for$870,024.16.These total$980,024.16. We are requesting a reduction of the$422,966.39 shown above and the over payment on the required amount of$7,298.68.The total reduction will be$430,265.07. ,..//7,--- C/Ty United City of Yorkville 2 r y O 11 frtlxx EST. _1836 County Seat of Kendall County (� ;. -----,---177-- 800 Game Farm Road 'U CFC y 1 -O ri TYorkville, Illinois, 60560 Zvi �r 9 `".11 .' > O Telephone: 630-553-4350 y 4 / i4L ,\,r. Fax: 630-553-7575 8 Website: www.yorkville.il.us Dec ----___________0 :1"/ ember 10, 20 Mr. Marvin DeLahr Development Construction Services, LLC 9217 Gulfstream Road, Suite 102 Frankfort, Illinois 60423 Re: Fox Hill Unit 7 —Final Plat &Plan Dear Marvin: The final plat and plan for the referenced development are approved subject to the following: • The landscape plan has been approved with the provision that the heights of the 33 evergreen trees are changed to 8-foot height. • For the;purposes of determining the.LOC amount and fees, the current estimate in the amount of$884,295.89:is'approved. The two letters of credit submitted (in the amounts,of$:110,00.0..00 and $870,024.16) are adequate as the construction guarantee. • The engineering review fee ($11,053.69) and administration fee ($15,475.17) are due prior to recording of the final plat. We will invoice you for these fees. If you have questions regarding any of these items, please call me at (630) 553-8545. Very truly yours, \ t----- Joseph Wywrot City Engineer oy ,0I Cc: Tony Graff,:City Administrator, ;. � . . , Liz D'Anna, Deputy:City Clerk Jennifer Fischer; Engineering Assistant JOB NUMBER:030871-03 JOB NAME: L PUD(POD 10) PLAN DATE: 10-08-04 UNITED UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE CALC BY:GEK PRE-FINAL CITY ENGINEER'S OPINION OF PROBABLE CONSTRUCTION COSTS CHK BY:PJH PREPARED BY SMITH ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS,INC. 12/1/2004 1 ONSITE IMPROVEMENTS PAY ITEM UNITS UNIT COST QUANTITY I TOTAL COST ROADWAY CONSTRUCTION P.C.C.SIDEWALK 5"WITH 2"AGG.SUBBASE(6"THRU DRIVE WITH 5"AGG.SUBBAS SQ.FT. $ 2.95 8,955.4 $ 26 418.43 COMBINATION CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER,TYPE(B-6.12) - FOOT $ 10.30 2,042.5 $ 21 037.24 LOCAL STREET(100+20.13 TO 103+30.36)&TURN-AROUND-AREA AGGREGATE BASE COURSE MATERIAL ICA-6), 10"TYPE B OR APPROVED EQUAL SQ.YD. 9 6.60 1,676.4 $ 11,064.44 J BITUMINOUS MATERIALS(PRIME COAT,MC-301 GAL 9 0.40 586.8 $ 234.70 BITUMINOUS CONCRETE BINDER COURSE CL 1,MIXTURE 8, 2.5" SQ.YD. $ 4.95 1,676.4 $ 8,298.33 BITUMINOUS CONCRETE SURFACE COURSE,MIXTURE C,CL I, 1.5" SQ.YD. $ 3.60 1,676.4 $ 6,035.15 AGGREGATE BASE COURSE CRUSHED STONE(CA-6),TYPE B 3.5"(UNDER CURB) _ SQ.YD. _$ 2.50 213.9 $ 534.68 AMOCO 4551 GEOTEXTILE FABRIC OR EQUAL SQ.YD. $ 1.50 1,676.4 $ 2,514.65 MAIN STREET(STA 0+00 TO 5+89.83,STA 103+30.36 TO 103+55.10) AGGREGATE BASE COURSE MATERIAL(CA-6), 12"TYPE B OR APPROVED EQUAL SQ.YD. $ 7,80 2,459.6 9 19,184.96 BITUMINOUS MATERIALS(PRIME COAT,MC-30) GAL 5 0,40 860.9 $ 344.35 BITUMINOUS CONCRETE BINDER COURSE CL 1,MIXTURE B, 4.5" SQ.YD. _$ 8.90 2,459.6 $ 21,890.53 BITUMINOUS CONCRETE SURFACE COURSE,MIXTURE C,CL I,1.5" SQ.YD. ; 3.60 2,459.6 $ 8,854,60 AGGREGATE BASE COURSE CRUSHED STONE(CA-6),TYPE 8 7.5"(UNDER CURB) _ SQ.YD. 9 5.40 353.5 $ 1,908.79 AMOCO 4551 GEOTEXTILE FABRIC OR EQUAL SQ.YD. $ 1.50 2,459.6 s 3,689.42 FINE GRADE ROADWAY SQ.YD. $ ,0.50 4136.04 $ 2,068.02 Sub-Total $ 134,078 26 ONSITE IMPROVEMENTS PAY ITEM UNIT UNIT COST' - QUANTITY TOTAL COST. STORM SEWER CONSTRUCTION STONE RIPRAP,CLASS A3 SQ.YD. 9 48.00 12.0 $ 576.00 TRENCH BACKFILL CY $ 18.00 0.0 9 11 X271.00 STORM SEWERS,CLASS A.TYPE 2,12" FOOT $ 17,00 663.0 $ 11, 71.00 STORM SEWERS,CLASS A,TYPE 2,15" FOOT $ 19.00 691.0 $ STORM SEWERS,CLASS A,TYPE 2, 18" FOOT $ 21.00 286.0 $ 6,006.00 STORM SEWERS,CLASS A,TYPE 2,21" FOOT $ 24.00 255.0 $ 6,120.00 STORM SEWERS,CLASS A,TYPE 2,24" FOOT $ 28.00 35.0 $ 980.00 STORM SEWERS,CLASS A,TYPE 2,36" FOOT $ 36.00 137.0 s 4,932.00 CATCH BASINS,TYPE C 2"DIAMETER,TYPE 6 GRATE EACH $ 1,000.00 2.0 $ 2000,00 CATCH BASINS,TYPE A 4'DIAMETER,TYPE 11 FRAME AND GRATE EACH $ 1,000.00 4.0$ 4,000.00 INLETS,TYPE A 2'DIA,TYPE e GRATE EACH $ 600.00 2.0i$ 1,200.00 INLETS,TYPE A,TYPE 11 FRAME AND GRATE EACH $ 600.00 2,0L$ 1,200.00 PRECAST REINFORCED CONCRETE FLARED END SECTIONS 15"W/GRATE EACH 9 600.00 2.0 $ 1,200.00 PRECAST REINFORCED CONCRETE FLARED END SECTIONS 21"VV/GRATE EACH $ 700'00 I 2.0 $ 1,400.00 PRECAST REINFORCED CONCRETE FLARED END SECTIONS 36"W/GR.ATE E,._,,2121- i$ 1,000.00 2.0 9 2,000.00 MANHOLES,TYPE A,4'DIAMETER,TYPE 8 GRATE $ 900.00 2.0 $ 1800.00 MANHOLES,TYPE A,4'DIAMETER,TYPE 1 FRAME CLOSED LID EACH $ 900,00 4.0 $ 3,600.00 MANHOLES,TYPE A,4'DIAMETER,TYPE 1 FRAME OPEN LID EACH ' $ 900.00 5.0 $ 4,500.00 MANHOLES,TYPE A,5'DIAMETER,TYPE 1 FRAME CLSOED LID EACH $ 1,200.00 1.0 $ 1,200.00 MANHOLES,TYPE A,6'DIAMETER,TYPE 1 FRAME CLOSED LID W/RESTP,ICTOR) EACH $ 2,000.00 1.0 $ 2,000.00 MANHOLES, TYPE A,6'DIAMETER,TYPE 1 FRAME CLOSED LID EACH $ 2,000,00 1.0 $ 2,000.00 INLET PROTECTION ` EACH $ ' 50.00 22 5 1,100.00 Sub-Total I $ 72,214.00 -- ?' �-_HUivi(i°, QF' _T\.�f fi 062-054504 f.0 i' PROFESSIONAL 'REGISTERED �' I i ENGINEER / r' s y /; OF r(II 11 S -I- ONSITE IMPROVEMENTS PAY ITEM -- _ UNIT UNIT COST QUANTITY TOTAL COST WATER MAIN CONSTRUCTION TRENCH BACKFILL CY $ 18.00 0.0 $ - 8-INCH WATER MAIN FOOT $ 23.00 1.929,0 5 44,367.00 16-INCH WATERMAIN DIP _ FOOT $ 47.00 1,628.0 5 76,516.00 FIRE HYDRANTS EACH $ 2,100.00 9.0 $ 18,900.00 8"VALVE AND VALVE BOX EACH $ 950.00 8.0 $ 7,600.00 16"VALVE AND VALVE BOX 5'DIA VAULT _ EACH $ 3,500.00 5.0 $ 17,500.00 WM TEE(15" X 16") EACH $ 1,000.00 1.0'$ 1,000.00 WM TEE(16" X 8") EACH $ 700,00 2.0 $ 1,400.00 WM TEE(8"X 8") L EACH $ 300.00 1.0 $ 300.00 5'DIA VAULT AND 16-INCH VALVE(PRESSURE CONNECTION) EACH $ 7,500.00 I 1.0 $ 7,500,00 1"WATER SERVICE INCLUDING TRENCH BACKFILL(LONG) EACH $ 750.00 36.0 $ 27,000.00 1"WATER SERVICE INCLUDING TRENCH BACKFILL(SHORT) EACH $ 350.00 36.01 $ 12,600.00 CONNECTION TO EXISTING WATERMAIN LUMP SUM $ 1,000.00 1 $ 1,000.00 ISub-Total $ 215,683.00 ONSITE IMPROVEMENTS PAY ITEM UNIT UNIT COST QUANTITY I TOTAL COST SANITARY SEWER CONSTRUCTION I TRENCH BACKFILL CY $ 18.00 0.0 $ - 8" SANITARY SEWER,SDR-26(0'-10'-DEEP) FOOT .0 20.00 1.024.01 $ 20,480.00 8" SANITARY SEWER,SDR-25(10'-15'-DEEP) FOOT $ " 22.00 134.0 $ 2,948.00 10" SANITARY SEWER,SDR-21 (10'-15'DEEP) , FOOT $ 24.00 479.0 5 11,496.00 110" SANITARY SEWER,SDR-21 (15'-20'DEEP) FOOT $ 28.00 445.0 $ 12,460.00 6" FORCE MAIN SANITARY SEWER, (6'MIN COVER) FOOT $ 21.00 941.0 $ 19,761.00 4' SANITARY MANHOLES(0'-10'-DEEP) EACH $ 1,300.00 0.0 $ 7,800.00 4' SANITARY MANHOLES(10'-15'-DEEP) EACH $ 1,500.00' 3.0 $ 4,500.00 4' SANITARY MANHOLES(15'-20'DEEP) ' EACH $ 1,800.00 5.0 $ 9,000.00 6"SANITARY SEWER SERVICE INCLUDING TRENCH BACKFILL(FAR) EACH $ 1,000.00 36.0 9 36,000.00 6"SANITARY SEWER SERVICE INCLUDING TRENCH BACKFILL(NEAR) EACH $ 400.00 36.0 $ 14,400.00 LIFT STATION EACH $ 125,000.00 1.0 $ 125,000.00 CONNECTION TO EXISTING SANITARY FORCEMAIN LUMP SUM $ 1,000.00 1.0 5 1,000.00 • Sub-Total $ 264,845.00 GRADING.IMPROVEMENTS/FEES PAY ITEM - UNIT UNIT COST - QUANTITY - TOTAL COST • SEEDING(commercial and basins) ACRE $ 2,500.00 3.0 $ 7,500,00 EXCELSIOR BLANKET SQ.YD. $ 1_25 7,200.0 5 9,000.00 SURFACE TOPSOIL STRIP CU,YD. $ 1.50 9,950.0, $ 14,925,00 SITE CUT TO FILL DIFFERENCE(CLAY FOR RESIDENTIAL) CU.YD. 5 2.50 15,000.0 $ 37,500.00 SITE TOPSOL RESPREAD(Basins)5"MIN - CU.YD. 5 3.00 1,200.0 $ 3,600,00 SITE TOPSOIL RESPREAD(COMMERCIAL)3" CU.YD. I$ 3.00 610.0 $ 1,830.00 SILT FENCE FOOT 0 1.50 2.307,0 $ 3,460.50 Sub-Total $ 77,815.50 I MISC.IMPROVEMENTS/FEES PAY ITEM UNIT UNIT COST QUANTITY TOTAL COST STREET SIGNS/STRIPING L.SUM $ 5,000.00 1.0 $ 5,000.00 STREET LIGHTS I EACH $ 2,625.00 4.0 $ 10,500.00 TREES/LANDSCAPING (SEEA i TA/0.riED FOR ITE71i_ED COST ESTIMATE ) 1 L.SUM $ 69,691.50 1.0I $ 69.691.00 FLOOD PLAIN AREA-DISK/RAKE ACRE $ 1,500.00 3.4 $ 5,115.00 FLOOD PLAIN AREA-SEEDING(CLASS 4A MIXTURE) ACRE $ 2,500.00 3.4 $ 8,525.00 CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE I L.SUM $ 2,000.00 1.0 $ 2,000.00 CURTAIN WALL 1 L.SUM $ 1,000.00 1.0 $ 1,000,00 SAWCUT PAVEMENT 1 FOOT _$ 3.50 I 140.0 $ 490.00 Sub-Total I I I $ 102,321.00 SUB-TOTAL COST 5 866,956.76 CONSTRUCTION STAKING(2%) $ 17,339.14 TOTAL COST $ 884,295.89 Letter of Credit Amount(Total X 110%) $ 972,725.48 --A/n'j >< s VF n -7,2 7 w, • al-/ -J-, g7) m1,75441,2-- ONS -,G �`'c.e.0 o United City of Yorkville Memo Jtom_ 800 Game Farm Road Est. ° 1836 Yorkville, Illinois 60560 -;.-----:-_,L:-__ Telephone: 630-553-8545 1 .��p Fax: 630-553-3436 SLE %v Date: December 20, 2004 To: Tony Graff, City Administrator From: Joe Wywrot, City Engineer ^, CC: Liz D'Anna, Deputy City Clerk \ Danielle Dash, Wiseman-Hughes Enterprises, Inc. Subject: Windett Ridge Subdivision—Onsite Work Bond Reduction No. 2 Attached find a request from Wiseman-Hughes to reduce the public improvement bond for onsite work for Windett Ridge Unit 1. I have reviewed the request and generally concur with the amount of work completed to date. The difference between the developer's requested reduction and my recommended reduction differs for two reasons. First, I recommend that we leave the erosion control amount at the current level until more homes and open space are landscaped. Second, the developer did not keep 15% in the bond for items that are substantially completed. I recommend that the public improvement bond for Windett Ridge Unit 1 be reduced by the amount of$278,137.25. The remaining amount of the bond would be $646,982.57. Please place this item on the Public Works Committee agenda of December 27, 2004 for consideration. 20-Dec-04 Letter of Credit/Bond Reduction Subdivision: Windett Ridge(Public Improvements) Reduction No. 2 Substantially LOC/Bond Approved Original amount complete Amount to remain Item Enc. Est for LOC/Bond prior to Red. No.2* Red. No.1 Amount Red. No.2 Amount after Red. No.2 Remarks Earthwork" $49,761.00 $54,737.10 $44,586.00 $42,356.70 $0.00 $12,380.40 Sanitary Sewer(onsite) $886,114.30 $974,725.73 Covered by SSA Sanitary Sewer(Corn Ed) $460,172.80 $506,190.08 $460,172.80 $435,519.71 $1,644.45 $69,025.92 Watermain(onsite) $945,728.20 $1,040,301.02 Covered by SSA Watermain(RI 47) $168,845.30 $185,729.83 $168,845.30 $133,701.86 $26,701.18 $25,326.80 Storm Sewer $1,072,647.70 $1,179,912.47 Covered by SSA Roadways $1,037,667.44 $1,141,434.18 Covered by SSA Landscaping $540,440.75 $594,484.83 $212,883.55 $0.00 $202,239.37 $392,245.45 Miscellaneous(public sidewalk only) $490,800.00 $539,880.00 Covered by SSA Miscellaneous"** $184.735.00 $203,208.50 $58,110.00 $7,652.25 $47,552.25 $148,004.00 Sub-total $5,836,912.49 $6,420,603.74 $278,137.25 $646,982.57 Amount covered by SSA $4.783,527.00 $5,261,879.70 Amount covered by bond $1,053,385.49 $1,158,724.04 LOC/Bond amt.to be 15%of substantially completed items plus 110%of uncompleted items. *Items covered by SSA are not listed to avoid affecting the calculations for this bond reduction. *"Earthwork items covered by this bond are not covered by the Windett Ridge"Earthwork"bond. *** Includes bike path, sidewalk,streetlights,street signs, and utility sleeves WISEMAN + HUGHES November 15, 2004 Mr. Joe Wywrot, City Engineer United City of Yorkville 800 Game Farm Road Yorkville, IL 60560 RE: Windett Ridge Subdivision Bond Reduction Request #2 Bond #1004373 Dear Joe, I would like to request a second reduction of the bond for improvements completed in substantial conformance with the approved engineering plan. A detailed breakdown is attached for your review. Therefore, we are requesting a reduction of the bond to a new amount of $559,520.75. The amount of the reduced bond is based upon the value of the improvements that remain to be completed to date, plus the original ten percent contingency. The existing bond is up for renewal on January 30th, 2005. We're hoping City Council approval can be obtained prior to that date. Please contact me if you have any questions or comments. Sincerely, Wiseman Hughes Enterprises, Inc. (-4-)ve4_444(4_14,04,4___ Danielle M. Dash, E.I.T. Project Engineer File 11 Windett Ridge Wiseman-Hughes Enterprises, Inc. 975 East 22nd Street Wheaton, Illinois 60187 630-653-0500 Fax 630-653-0194 Reduction Request#2 Windell Ridge Subdivision City of Yorkville NON SSA IMPROVEMENTS COMPLETED TO DATE Date: 11/15/04 QUANTITY TOTAL COMPLETE COMPLETE %COMPLETE TOTAL REMAINING COD7E DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE TOTAL 1 Earthwork,Tree Removal,Soil Erosion&Sedimentation Control Improvements Posted Bond IIB21878117 dated May 30th,2003 in the amount of$1,330,156.30 Topsoil Respread-Ponds,Berms&Islands 22,116 CY $2.25 $49,761.00 22,116 $49,761.00 100% $0.00 TOTAL: $49,761.00 $49,761.00 $0.00 2 Sanitary Sewer: On-Site 8"PVC SDR 26-3034 14,511 LF $21.80 $316,339.80 Paid by SSA 8"PVC SDR 21-2241 163 LF $30.70 $5,004.10 Paid by SSA 8"PVC DR 18 1,761 LF $44.20 $77,836.20 Paid by SSA 6"San.Serv.Near 138 EA $370.00 $51,060.00 Paid by SSA 6"San.Serv.Far 142 EA $1,560.00 $221,520.00 Paid by SSA San.Manhole 4'Dia. 76 EA $1,895.00 $144,020.00 Paid by SSA Drop MH 4'Dia. 5 EA $3,769.00 $18,845.00 Paid by SSA TEE Mains CA-7 1,988 CY $25.90 $51,489.20 Paid by SSA TOTAL: $886,114.30 Paid by SSA 3 Sanitary Sewer: CornEd Easement __ 24"PVC DR 18 2,002 LF $98.70 $197,597.40 2,002 $197,597.40 100% $0.00 30"PVC SDR 26-3034 1,196 LF $77.50 $92,690.00 1,196 $92,690.00 100% $0.00 30"PVC DR 18 900 LF $91.40 $82,260.00 900 $82,260.00 100% $0.00 San.Manhole 5'Dia. 12 EA $3,482.00 $41,784.00 12 $41,784.00 100% $0.00 Drop MH 5'Dia. 3 EA $7,745.00 $23,235.00 3 $23,235.00 100% $0.00 30"Connection to Existing MH 1 EA $1,731.00 $1,731.00 1 $1,731.00 100% $0.00 TEE Mains CA-7 806 CY $25.90 $20,875.40 806 $20,875.40 100% $0.00 TOTAL: $460,172.80 $460,172.80 $0.00 4 Watermain: On-Site 8"DIP Class 52 w/Poly&Fittings 10,705 LF $21.20 $226,946.00 Paid by SSA 12"DIP Class 52 w/Poly&Fittings 3,290 LF $30.10 $99,029.00 Paid by SSA 16"DIP Class 52 w/Poly&Fittings 5,315 LF $37.40 $198,781.00 Paid by SSA 1"Type K Copper Serv.Near 118 EA $401.00 $47,318.00 .Paid by SSA 1"Type K Copepr Serv.Far 162 EA $919.00 $148,878.00 Paid by SSA 8"Gate Valve w/Box 33 EA $909.00 $29,997.00 Paid by SSA 12"Butterfly Valve w/60"Vault 7 EA $2,619.00 $18,333.00 Paid by SSA 16"Butterfly Valve w/60"Vault 11 EA $2,988.00 $32,868.00 Paid by SSA Fire Hydrant 60 EA $1,919.00 $115,140.00 Paid by SSA TEE Mains CA-7 1,098 CY $25.90 $28,438.20 Paid by SSA TOTAL: $945,728.20 Page 1 of 4 CODE DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE TOTAL 5 Watermain: Route 47 6"DIP Class 52 w/Poly and Fittings 1,390 LF $21.20 $29,468.00 1,390 $29,468.00 100% $0.00 12"DIP Class 52 w/Poly and Fittings 2,815 LF $30.10 $84,731.5011111 $84,731.50 100% $0.00 8"Gate Valve w/box 2 EA $909.00 $1,818.00 _ $1,818.00 100% $0.00 12"Gale Valve w/60"Vault EA $2,619.00 $10,476.00 MI 4 $10,476.00 100% $0.00 , 12"Connection to Existing Stub EA $494.00 $494.00 1 $494.00 100% $0.00 ■Auger 24"Casing Under Route 47 1 LS $11,938.00 $11,938.00 1111 1 $11,938.00 100% $0.00 Fire Hydrant 13 EA $1,919.00 $24,947.00 13 $24,947.00 100% $0.00 TBF Mains CA-7 192 CY $25.90 $4,972.80 192 $4,972.80 100% $0.00 TOTAL: $168,845.30 $168,845.30 $0.00 6 Storm Sewer: On Site 4"PVC SDR 26-3034 8,160 LF $13.50 $110,160.00 Paid by SSA 6"PVC SDR 26-3034 5,809 LF $14.70 $85,392.30 Paid by SSA 12"ADS N-12 1,420 LF $18.60 $26,412.00 Paid by SSA 15"ADS N-12 633 LF $19.80 $12,533.40 Paid by SSA 18"ADS N-12 160 LF $24.10 $3,856.00 Paid by SSA 24"ADS N-12 457 LF $30.50 $13,938.50 Paid by SSA 12"RCP Class 4 0-Ring 5,587 LF $17.40 $97,213.80 Paid by SSA 15"RCP Class 4 0-Ring 2,441 LF $18.40 $44,914.40 MI Paid by SSA 18"RCP Class 4 0-Ring 803 LF $22.40 $17,987.20 MN Paid by SSA 24"RCP Class 4 0-Ring 1,406 LF $28.50 $40,071.00 Paid by SSA 30"RCP Class 4 0-Ring 2,906 LF $37.70 $109,556.20 Paid by SSA 36"RCP Class 4 0-Ring 802 LF $47.00 $37,694.00 Paid by SSA 42"RCP Class 4 0-Ring 205 LF $65.00 $13,325.00 Paid by SSA 34"X 53"HE-4 MJ 54 LF $85,00 $4,590.00 Paid by SSA . 48"RCP Class 4 0-Ring 471 LF $71.50 $33,676.50 Paid by SSA 18"DIP Class 50 238 LF $44.50 $10,591.00 Paid by SSA Sunip Inlet/Inlet 24"Dia. 153 EA $609.00 $93,177.00 Paid by SSA Strom MH/Inlet 48"Dia. 26 EA $1,218.00 $31,668.00 Paid by SSA Storm MH/Inlet 60"Dia. 29 EA $1,704.00 $49,416.00 Paid by SSA Storm MH 72"Dia. 15 EA $2,753.00 $41,295.00 Paid by SSA Storm MH 84"Dia. 5 EA $4,549.00 $22,745.00 Paid by SSA CB 24"Dia.• 39 EA $730.00 $28,470.00 Paid by SSA CB 48"Dia. 3 EA $1,275.00 $3,825.00 Paid by SSA CB 60"Dia. 3 EA $1,857.00 $5,571.00 Paid by SSA Oulet Control Structure 2 EA $3,838.00 $7,676.00 Paid by SSA 12"FES w/Grate 4 EA $484.00 $1,936.00 Paid by SSA 15"FES w/Grate 10 EA $546.00 $5,460.00 Paid by SSA 24"FES w/Grate 10 EA $756.00 $7,560.00 Paid by SSA 30"FES w/Grate 5 EA $996.00 $4,980.00 Paid by SSA 42"FES w/Grate 1 EA $1,625.00 $1,625.00 Paid by SSA 34"X 53"FES w/Grate 1 EA $1,871.00 $1,871.00 Paid by SSA 48"FES w/Grate 1 EA $1,781.00 $1,781.00 Paid by SSA Televising 17,583 LF $1.80 $31,649.40 Paid by SSA Field Tile Connection 4 EA $349.00 $1,396.00 Paid by SSA TBF Mains CA-7 2,650 CY $25.90 $68,635.00 Paid by SSA TOTAL: $1,072,647.70 Page 2 of 4 0 CODE DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE TOTAL 1 7 Roadway Construction Fine Grade(subgrade)+/-0.1' 63,650 SY $0.35 $22,277.50 Paid by SSA Geolextile Fabric 63,650 SY $1.00 $63,650.00 Paid by SSA Stone Only Under Curbs 4" 33,870 LF $0.65 $22,015.50 Paid by SSA COMB CC&G B6-12(10"FLAG DEPTH) 35,134 LF $8.10 $284,585.40 Paid by SSA Backfill Curb 35,134 LF $0.56 $19,675.04 Paid by SSA Aggregate Base Course 10" 52,560 SY $5.00 $262,800.00 Paid by SSA Bituminous Material(Prime Coat)MC30 15,768 SY $1.00 $15,768.00 Paid by SSA Bituminous Binder Course 2.5" 52,560 , SY $3.75 $197,100.00 Paid by SSA Clean and Tack 52,560 SY $0.20 $10,512.00 Paid by SSA Bituminous Surface Course 1.5" 52,560 SY $2.65 $139,284.00 Paid by SSA $1,037,667.44 8 Landscaping Parkway Trees 340 EA $350.00 $119,000.00 0 $0.00 0% $119,000.00 Parkway Sod 50,749 SY $2.45 $124,335.05 0 $0.00 0% $124,335.05 Wetland Plantings 1 LS $85,105.70 $85,105.70 0.85 $72,339.85 85% $12,765.86 Wetland Management&Monitoring 1 LS $19,700.00 $19,700.00 0 $0.00 0% $19,700.00 Route 47 Entrance Landscaping 1 LS $74,110.00 $74,110.00 0.93 $68,922.30 93% $5,187.70 Route 47 Landscape Buffer 1 LS $44,270.00 $44,270.00 0.82 $36,301.40 82% $7,968.60 Cul-de-sac Islands 1 LS $3,400.00 $3,400.00 0 $0.00 0% $3,400.00 Buffer: Lots 94-98 1 LS $13,260.00 $13,260.00 0 $0.00 0% $13,260.00 Lot E Retention Pond 1 LS $17,790.00 $17,790.00 1 $17,790.00 100% $0.00 Lot F Retention Pond 1 LS $17,530.00 $17,530.00 1 $17,530.00 100% $0.00 Park Site 1 LS $21,940.00 $21,940.00 0 $0.00 0% $21,940.00 TOTAL: $540,440.75 $212,883.55 $327,557.21 9 Misc.Improvements Bike Path: Aggregate Base Course 8"&Bituminous Surface Course 1 LS $27,750.00 $27,750.00 1 $27,750.00 1 100% 1 $0.00 Bike Path: CREDIT-Village pays for 50% 1 LS -$13,875.00 -$13,875.00 0 _ $0.00 0% -$13,875 00 Public Walk 32,720 LF $15.00 $490,800.00 Paid by SSA Street Signs 1 LS $8,000.00 $8,000.00 0 $0.00 0% $8,000.00 Street Lights 59 EA $2,500.00 $147,500.00 6 $15,000.00 10% $132,500.00 Utility Sleeves-4"PVC 1,024 LF $15.00 $15,360.00 1,024 $15,360.00 100% $0.00 $675,535.00 $58,110.00 $126,625.00 Page 3 of 4 CODE 'DESCRIPTION I QUANTITY I UNIT I UNIT PRICE I TOTAL QUANTITY TOTAL SUMMARY COMPLETE COMPLETE %COMPLETE TOTAL REMAINING Earthwork,Tree Removal,Soil Erosion&Sedimentation Control 1 Improvements $49,761.00 $49,761.00 $0.00 2 Sanitary Sewer On-Site $886,114.30 Paid by SSA 3 Sanitary Sewer ComEd Easement $460,172.80 $460,172.80 $0.00 4 Watermain: On-Site $945,728.20 Paid by SSA 5 Watermain: Route 47 $168,845.30 $168,845.30 $0.00 6 Storm Sewer: On-Site $1,072,647.70 Paid by SSA 7 Roadway Construction $1,037,667.44 Paid by SSA 8 Landscaping $540,440.75 $212,883.55 $327,557.21 9 Misc.Improvements $675,535.00 $58,110.00 $126,625.00 TOTAL COST OF IMPROVEMENTS: $5,836,912.49 $949,772.65 $454,182.21 MINUS AMOUNT PAID BY SSA PROCEEDS: $4,783,527.00 IMPROVEMENT COST ABOVE SSA: $1,053,385.49 PLUS 10%CONTINGENCY: $105,338.55 ORIGINAL BOND AMOUNT: $1,158,724.04 TOTAL REMAINING: $454,182.21 PLUS ORIGINAL 10%CONTINGENCY: $105,338.55 REDUCED BOND AMOUNT: $559,520.75 Page 4 of 4 1 4. UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE To: Tony Graff, City Administrator From: Joe Wywrot, City Engineer Subject: Citizen Complaint—9227 Kennedy Road Date: October 22, 2004 Per your request I have checked the location of the proposed Kennedy Road/McHugh Road intersection with respect to Mr. & Mrs. Conner's property at 9227 Kennedy Road. The centerline of McHugh Road will be about 170 feet west of the centerline of the common driveway that is used by 9227 Kennedy. The northbound right turn lane of McHugh Road will be around 17' west of their garage. I have marked the pavement so the Conner's can check the location of the roadway themselves. There is an existing landscape berm around 4' high along most of the Conner's Kennedy Road frontage and a large Mulberry tree that already provides screening. The plans for Kennedy Road call for all widening to be to the south. The north curbline of Kennedy Road will be very close to the existing edge of pavement. The curb elevation of the proposed road will also match existing roadside elevations very closely. Please refer to the attachments. There should be no need to alter any landscaping due to the roadway construction. Traffic control at this intersection will consist of a stop sign for northbound McHugh. There are no current plans to construct a traffic signal. A streetlight is proposed at the SE corner of the intersection. This light will be the same as constructed along Kennedy Road when the Menards commercial development was built. Further east on Kennedy the smaller, local road streetlights will be used. The main fire station driveway will be off McHugh Road,therefore I don't anticipate any driveway access problems. There will be an employee entrance off Kennedy Road to the west of McHugh. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please see me. Cc: Art Prochaska, Mayor Lisa Pickering From: Joe Wywrot [jwywrot@yorkville.il.us] Sent: Tuesday, December 21, 2004 11:32 AM To: Ipickering@yorkville.il.us Cc: tgraff@yorkville.il.us Subject: FW: 9227 Kennedy Road- McHugh Road 9227Kennedy.1. doc (21 KB) Lisa, I spoke to Tony, and he concurs with putting this string of email on the December 27th PW agenda. Also attached is a memo I wrote to Tony previously that should also go in the PW packets. Thanks, Joe Original Message From: Tony Graff [mailto:tgraff@yorkville.il.us] Sent: Monday, December 20, 2004 5:02 PM To: gconner88@hotmail.com Cc: Arthur Prochaska Jr. ; jwywrot@yorkville.il.us; ldanna@yorkville.il.us Subject: FW: 9227 Kennedy Road - McHugh Road Gina: Here is the review by our city planner and I have requested a memo for his recommendation to be presented to the Public Works committee. We will let you know when this will be presented. Tony Graff Original Message From: Mike Schoppe [mailto:mike@schoppedesign.net] Sent: Friday, December 17, 2004 1:13 PM To: tgraff@yorkville.il.us Subject: RE: 9227 Kennedy Road - McHugh Road Tony, I have reveiwed this with Joe and have also visited the site to better understand the issue. There is an existing berm approximatly 3' high that is planted with deciduous shrub material. Although there is already a fair amount of landscapeing on the berm, in the fall and winter when the leaves have dropped I can see were the headlights from cars on McHugh turning right onto Kennedy will shine onto thier house and windows. I don't feel that the City has any obligation to provide any plant material to address the issue. However if the City decided it would like to address the issue, I believe three stratigicaly placed 8'evergreens planted on the homeowners berm ( at an approximate cost of $1,200 to $1,500) would adequetly screen the the headlights. Let me know if you would like us to do anything further regarding this issue. Mike Original Message From: Tony Graff [mailto:tgraff@yorkville.il.us] Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 2004 2:03 PM To: mike@schoppedesign.net Cc: Joe Wywrot Subject: FW: 9227 Kennedy Road - McHugh Road 1 Mike: Can you review this with Joe to see if we need to add landscape screening for this property? Tony Graff Original Message From: Gina Conner [mailto:gconner88@hotmail.com] Sent: Friday, December 03, 2004 3:05 PM To: tgraff@yorkville.il.us Subject: 9227 Kennedy Road - McHugh Road Tony, After we received the memo that you forwarded to us from Joe Wywrot, I left two messages on your voice mail to discuss the memo. Although the memo stated that Joe did not feel that anything needed to be done to the current landscaping, we do not consider this issue resolved. Even though McHugh Road does not line up directly with our front door, when traffic turns East onto Kennedy Road from McHugh Road the headlights of these cars will reflect into our front windows. Yes, we do have a berm currently on our property but there is not adequate 'screening' on it to block this light pollution that will be generated from the new traffic pattern. At this point, we don't know if we have to wait for the road to be finished to have something done about this or if a resolution can be reached sooner. Thank-You, Gina & Jeff Conner 553-2080 2 WYNDHAM DEERPOINT HOMES • I • 1 •• 111 "'MII: •• III November 16, 2004 Tony Graff United City of Yorkville 800 Game Farm Road Yorkville, IL 60560 Re: Wynstone Townhome Development Dear Tony: The following is our response to the letter dated October 20,2004 from Anna B.Kurtzman regarding the compliance review. 1. The annexation agreement granted R-3 zoning for this part of the property. The R-3 zoning for single-family attached units requires the following setbacks: Front: 30 feet(proposed plat shows 25 feet), Rear: 30 feet, Corner side: 20 feet, Internal Side: 10 feet. Response: We are requesting a 5 foot deviation from the front yard setback due to the configuration of the buildings. 2. Section 12 of the annexation agreement discusses providing access to/from the property to the east through the R-3 property. No discussion regarding the intent is listed in the agreement. Was the intent to provide access through the R-3 parcel to the B-3 property to the west? If yes, access to the west, other than for emergency access, is not provided. Response: We have had a number of previous conversation and meetings with the City of Yorkville regarding the access to this property. It was our understanding that the resolution was that there was to be a connection to the east with an emergency access only through the B-3 property to the west. Initially, we were told to have a connection to the subdivision to the north but then later it was decided that there should not be a connection to the existing county subdivision to the north. 3. The annexation agreement is silent regarding access property to the north or south. If access is not provided to the south, then it appears that the southern property will become land- locked. Response: We are willing to place an entrance to the south if the Village so desires or feels that the eventual access would be important. 605 LINDSAY CIRCLE. NORTH AURORA, IL 60542 Tony Graff United City of Yorkville November 16, 2004 Page Two 4. There is an unincorporated subdivision to the north with right-of-way extended to this property. It appears that the intent was to provide access through this property. Response: Same response as to paragraph 2. 5. No architectural renderings were provided. Section 13 of the agreement provides minimum architectural standards,including a requirement that each unit have at least a one-car attached garage. Based upon the amount of off-street parking being provided, I'm not certain if this standard is being met. Response: Proposed architectural renderings are attached. It is intended to have two-car garages and the architecture exceeds the requirements of the annexation agreement. Yours truly, (14 Richard M. Guerard RMG/jmh Enc. cc: Anna B. Kurtzman Bill Zalewski Dave Waden Mary Krasner Scott Stonebreaker T:\WPDOCS\Wynstone\yorkvlgraffresponseltl 11504.DOC A »' + T ,` \ m 1 to g i TF DATA1,� r �, - • • • • . _ ,..,,,-...z..,.,..., �°"• a KINGSMILL � \, ojolkCOURT TOTAL AREA- 9.64 ACRES ¢ V - s.: q rA t#; - _ - TOTAL UNITS= 51 UNITS t, - `yll ,'4 s,''t•', '� 0 It Now ` E , GROSS DENSITY= 5.29 D.U./ACRE ib - '• fi `� - - �N ,Y .,n%r • yL11 .i t]\ HAZE Y ► ` yet r 1 t'rE / �1 � t_ `1 4 a E s - 4 . 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INA riot. -r 5i-r. a .'4- - -.., .c :., , e':_ 1. }Y (._.R � ��1"� t.^�"�,ws�.; Y fx;'. -th E ANIlle jib DEVELOPMENT • � SHEET I OF I�PLAN k LANDVISION �.�NG Ns Cd�YR,QT®2Cp.,BYLANG VISION,WYNSTONEWYNDHAM DEERPOINT CONCEPT O�\.AER $COTT STONEBREAKER BUILDERS LAND LAND VISION, INC. CITY �� �� ����� ()NX\1 R 605 LINDSAY CIRCLE DLVFI OI FR SN579 CREEK VIEW LANE 116 WEST MAIN STREET, SUITE 208 Dr.vF:l.orr_Iz Ir.), NORTH AURORA, IL 60542 ST. CHARLES IL 6017$ ST. CHARLES, 1L 60174 (630)966-1000 FAX:(630)966-1006 (630)762-8838 (630)584-0591 FAX:(630)584-0592 , `,.sv Co.j. o United City of Yorkville Memo .r t '" 800 Game Farm Road EST.Utv Li '''' 1836 Yorkville, Illinois 60560 ,� \ Telephone: 630-553-8545 0.A a p Fax: 630-553-3436 /4LEXvNi Date: December 27, 2004 To: Tony Graff, City Administrator From: Joe Wywrot, City Engineer - Lr`"� CC: Liz D'Anna, Deputy City Clerk Subject: In Town Road Program—Phase 2 Attached find a proposal from Smith Engineering for design engineering services for Phase 2 of the In-Town Road Program. This proposal, in the amount of$195,250.00, includes storm sewer and roadway improvement design for portions of Hydraulic, Van Emmon, Madison, Morgan, Adams, Mill, Heustis, Fox, Washington, and Orange Streets. Please refer to Page 2 of the proposal for the limits of work on each street. This proposal has been revised at our request to include Hydraulic Avenue from Adams Street to a point east of Mill Street. After the recent sanitary sewer construction on Hydraulic, the roadway was re-paved with a thicker binder course instead of two thinner layers of binder and surface course. This was done so we could overlay the roadway at a later time just in case any trench settlement occurs. We are also planning to construct a raw watermain in 2005 along Hydraulic between Main Street and the West Alley. Overlaying with surface course in 2006 as part of the In-Town Roadway project will cover that trench patch as well. Please note that this proposal does not include design of any watermain replacements. The original concept was to replace watermains on portions of Heustis, Washington, and Fox Streets. Since we know that we want to do that work, we must decide whether we want to have this proposal amended now to include that work, or proceed now with the storm sewer and roadway designs and ask Smith to submit a separate proposal immediately for the watermain design. Lastly, this proposal is submitted as a lump-sum fee proposal. This is the same type of proposal as was used for the Phase 1 In-Town Roadway project. I assume that continuing with lump-sum fee, as opposed to a cost-plus basis with a not-to-exceed amount, is acceptable. This item is scheduled for review at the Public Works Committee meeting on December 27, 2004. 1F Smith Engineering Consultants, Inc. Civil/Structural Engineers and Surveyors November 22, 2004 Mr. Joseph Wywrot City Engineer United City of Yorkville 800 Game Farm Road Yorkville, Illinois 60560 RE: Phase II Road Program Roadway and Utility Plans Job No. YORK-040818-3 Dear Mr. Wywrot: Enclosed please find one original and one copy of the revised Proposal Agreement for Contract Plans and Specifications for the subject project. We look forward to continuing our relationship with the City and starting on the contract plans and specifications for the Phase II Road Program. Please call myself or Camie Ferrier if you have any questions. Sincerely, SMITH ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. jrl/ James F. Hoving '. . Vice President JFH/jmk Enclosure L:\Jobs\Smith\2004\040818 Yorkville Road Program Ph 2\administration\contract\Cover Letter Revised 122204.doc 759 John Street,Yorkville,IL 60560 www.smithengineering.com Telephone 630.553.7560 Fax 630.553.7646 Smith Engineering Consultants, Inc. Civil/Structural Engineers and Surveyors PROPOSAL/AGREEMENT ENGINEERING AND PREPARATION OF CONTRACT PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Mr. Joseph Wywrot City Engineer United City of Yorkville 800 Game Farm Road Yorkville, Illinois 60560 Phone: (630) 553-8527 Fax: (630) 553-7575 PHASE II ROAD PROGRAM ROADWAY AND UTILITY PLANS Job No. YORK-040818-3, 4 November 17, 2004 Revised December 22, 2004 Prepared by: Camie R. Ferrier,P.E. Project Manager Reviewed by: James F. Hoving,P.E. Vice President 759 John Street,Yorkville,IL 60560 www smithengineering.corn Telephone 630.553.7560 Fax 630.553.7646 Mr.Joseph Wywrot United City of Yorkville Phase II Road Improvement Program YORK-040818-3,4 November 17,2004 Revised December 22,2004 Page 2 Project Understanding The City of Yorkville is seeking professional engineering services to prepare plans and specifications for the Phase II Road Improvement Program. A preliminary engineering study, previously completed in the summer of 2003 by Smith Engineering Consultants, Inc. (SEC), analyzed several streets within the original part of the City of Yorkville that required roadway and utility improvements. The streets included in the Phase II Program are located south of the Fox River. The City is planning to complete the utility work for Phase I in the spring/summer of 2005, the roadway work for Phase I and the utility work for Phase II in the summer of 2005, and the roadway work for Phase II in the summer of 2006. Scope of Work The following table lists the streets and the limits to be included in the plans and specifications for the Phase II Road Program: Street Limits Section One Hydraulic Avenue Morgan Street to approx. 250' east of Mill Street Van Emmon Street State Street to Morgan Street Madison Street Main Street to Morgan Street Morgan Street Hydraulic Avenue to just past Van Emmon Street Adams Street Hydraulic Avenue to Ridge Street Section Two Mill Street Fox Street to Hydraulic Avenue Heustis Street Fox Street to Hydraulic Avenue Fox Street Mill Street to East End Washington Street Mill Street to East End Orange Street Main Street to Mill Street Mr. Joseph Wywrot United City of Yorkville Phase II Road Improvement Program YORK-040818-3,4 November 17,2004 Revised December 22,2004 Page 3 The following items will be conducted to develop the Phase II Road Program plans and specifications: 1. SEC shall perform a topographic and right-of-way survey for approximately 10,600 feet of various streets as defined above. The limits of the survey shall extend ten feet on each side of the existing right-of-way of the said streets. Existing visible features and utilities, including storm and sanitary sewer and water main structures will be surveyed. Inverts will be measured for each structure and pipe size and type noted for each. Trees six inches and greater in diameter will be surveyed. Buildings lying within ten feet outside the existing right-of-way will be located. Existing right-of-way monumentation will be recovered and surveyed to determine the survey extents and shall be calculated and depicted on the drawing. Contours will be generated at one foot intervals in Microstation along with linework of existing visible features including edge of pavement, back of curb, centerline of pavement,pavement markings, retaining and landscape walls, buildings, sidewalks and driveways. Symbols representing existing surveyed structures, signs, mailboxes, trees and utility poles. Once determined, a topographic survey of the area utilized for the outfall(s) of the storm sewer system(s) will be conducted under a separate contract. 2. Determine drainage areas to be served by the proposed storm sewer and prepare a corresponding exhibit. 3. Determine location of storm sewer and outlets. Call JULIE to obtain and review existing utility information to avoid potential conflicts with proposed storm sewer. Additional survey for the outlets and easements for the outlets will be completed under a separate contract. 4. Design storm sewer system and prepare detailed computations. Prepare plan and profile sheets for proposed improvements (drawing scale is assumed to be 1"= 50') with regard to proposed roadway improvements. 5. Analyze areas for ditch and/or swale grading. Detailed computations of swales will not be provided. 6. Prepare typical sections and plan and profile sheets for proposed improvements (drawing scale is assumed to be 1" = 50'). Roadway improvements will be as presented in the preliminary engineering study. Mr.Joseph Wywrot United City of Yorkville Phase II Road Improvement Program YORK-040818-3,4 November 17,2004 Revised December 22,2004 Page 4 7. Currently, there are plans for water main improvements along a few of the above listed streets. This will be verified with the City Engineer. If there are proposed improvements for water main, the improvements will be incorporated into the plans. This task does not include design of the water main system. The City will provide the applicable items for inclusion in the drawings, quantities and specifications. 8. Prepare plans, specifications and bid documents for Phase II utility improvements. 9. Prepare plans, specifications and bid documents for Phase II roadway improvements separate from utility improvements. 10. Prepare an Engineer's Opinion of Probable Cost for both the utility improvements and the roadway improvements. 11. Attend three (3) meetings with City staff to review the drainage plans and specifications in progress. 12. Attend two (2) meetings with City staff to review the roadway plans and specifications in progress. It is expected that one (1) meeting with the public works committee will be required to present the plan. 13. Review City comments and revise plans accordingly. It is expected that two (2) sets of revisions will be required to finalize the plan. Schedule It is proposed to complete the above tasks and have roadway plans at 80% completion and have contract plans for utility work available for bid by mid July 2005. It is also proposed to finalize roadway plans after construction of utilities and have roadway contract plans available to bid by mid March 2006. This is based on a February 1, 2005 notice to proceed and four weeks review time by the City. Mr.Joseph Wywrot United City of Yorkville Phase II Road Improvement Program YORK-040818-3,4 November 17,2004 Revised December 22,2004 Page 5 Man-hour and Fee Summary Based upon our understanding of the project, we believe a maximum of 2,418 hours will be required to complete the project. Following is a summary of the man-hour estimate and costs associated with this project. This project is to be administered on a lump sum basis. ITEM MAN-HOURS LABOR COST DIRECT COST Roadway Survey(-4) 380 $ 29,220.00 $ 0.00 Roadway Design(-3) 682 $ 53,040.00 $ 600.00 Drainage Study(-3) 876 $ 69,320.00 $ 0.00 Specifications (-3) 268 $ 23,350.00 $ 200.00 Meetings/Coordination (-3) 164 $ 14,640.00 $ 0.00 QA/QC (-3) 48 $ 4,880.00 $ 0.00 Sub-Total 2,418 $194,450.00 $ 800.00 TOTAL $195,250.00 Mr.Joseph Wywrot United City of Yorkville Phase II Road Improvement Program YORK-040818-3,4 November 17,2004 Revised December 22,2004 Page 6 Extra Work Any work required but not included as part of this contract shall be considered extra work. Extra work will be billed on a Time and Material basis with prior approval of the CLIENT. Outside Consultants SMITH ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS,INC.(SEC)is not responsible for accuracy of any plans,surveys or information of any type including electronic media prepared by any other consultants,etc.provided to SEC for use in preparation of plans. SEC is not responsible for accuracy of topographic surveys provided by others. A field check of a topographic survey provided by others will not be done under this contract unless indicated in the Scope of Work. Design Without Construction Review It is agreed that the professional services of SEC do not extend to or include the review or site observation of the contractor's work or performance. It is further agreed that the CLIENT will defend,indemnify and hold harmless SEC from any claim or suit whatsoever, including but not limited to all payments,expenses or costs involved,arising from the contractor's performance or the failure of the contractor's work to conform to the design intent and the contract documents. SEC agrees to be responsible for its employees negligent acts,errors or omissions. Attorneys'Fees In the event of any litigation arising from or related to the services provided under this AGREEMENT,the prevailing party will be entitled to recovery of all reasonable costs incurred,including staff time,court costs,attorneys'fees and other related expenses. Certificate of Merit The CLIENT shall make no claim for professional negligence,either directly or in a third party claim,against SEC unless the CLIENT has first provided SEC with a written certification executed by an independent design professional currently practicing in the same discipline as SEC and licensed in the State of Illinois. This certification shall: a)contain the name and license number of the certifier; b) specify each and every act or omission that the certifier contends is a violation of the standard of care expected of a Design Professional performing professional services under similar circumstances;and c)state in complete detail the basis for the certifier's opinion that each such act or omission constitutes such a violation. This certificate shall be provided to SEC not less than thirty(30) calendar days prior to the presentation of any claim or the institution of any arbitration or judicial proceeding. Standard of Care Services provided by SEC under this AGREEMENT will be performed in a manner consistent with that degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of the same profession currently practicing under similar circumstances. Job Site Safety Neither the professional activities of SEC,nor the presence of SEC'S employees and subconsultants at a construction site, shall relieve the General Contractor and any other entity of their obligations,duties and responsibilities including,but not limited to, construction means, methods, sequence, techniques or procedures necessary for performing, superintending or coordinating all portions of the work of construction in accordance with the contract documents and any health or safety precautions required by any regulatory agencies. SEC and its personnel have no authority to exercise any control over any construction contractor or other entity or their employees in connection with their work or any health or safety precautions. The CLIENT agrees that the General Contractor is solely responsible for job site safety,and warrants that this intent shall be made evident in the CLIENTs AGREEMENT with the General Contractor. The CLIENT also agrees that the CLIENT,SEC and SEC'S consultants shall be indemnified and shall be made additional insureds under the General Contractor's general liability insurance policy. r I Mr.Joseph Wywrot _ United City of Yorkville Phase II Road Improvement Program YORK-040818-3,4 November 17,2004 • Revised December 22,2004 Page 7 Reuse of Documents All project documents including,but not limited to,plans and specifications furnished by SEC under this project are intended for use on this project only. Any reuse,without specific written verification or adoption by SEC,shall be at the CLIENTS sole risk,and CLIENT shall indemnify and hold harmless SEC from all claims,damages and expenses including attorneys fees arising out of or resulting therefrom. Ownership of Instruments of Service All reports,plans,specifications,field data,field notes,laboratory test data,calculations,estimates and other documents including all documents on electronic media prepared by SEC as instruments of service shall remain the property of SEC. SEC shall retain these records for a period of five(5)years following completion/submission of the records,during which period they will be made available to the CLIENT at all reasonable times. Drywells,Underdrains and Other Infiltration Devices Services provided by SEC under this AGREEMENT do NOT include the geotechnical design of drywells,underdrains,injection wells or any other item that may be devised for the purpose of removing water from the CLIENT'S property by infiltration into the ground. Due to the high variability of soil types and conditions such devices will not be reliable in all cases. While for this reason SEC does not recommend the use of these devices,in some cases their use may be necessary to obtain an adequate amount of area for development on the CLIENT'S property. Since the use of these devices is intended to enhance the value of the CLIENT'S property and,in some cases,allow development that would otherwise not be possible,the CLIENT will assume all risks inherent in the design and construction of these devices,unless the contractor or a Geotechnical Engineer assumes these risks. Typical risks include but are not limited to: 1. Failure to obtain the required release rate; 2. Variability of the soils encountered during construction from those encountered in soil borings;(Soils can vary widely over a small change in location,horizontal or vertical,particularly with regards to permeability.) 3. Failure of the device due to siltation,poor construction or changes in the water table; 4. Need to obtain additional soils information(i.e.borings etc.)to evaluate the function of installed devices; 5. Reconstruction of failed or inadequate devices; 6. Enlargement of detention/retention facilities to make up for release rates that are lower than those used in the stormwater design,including engineering design and additional land required for such enlargement;and 7. Regular maintenance to remove accumulated silt over the device's life span. If the use of these devices is required SEC will advise the CLIENT that a Geotechnical Engineer must be retained to consult on the project. The CLIENT must enter into a separate agreement directly with this consultant. They will not be sub-contracted through SEC nor are their fees included as part of this AGREEMENT. SEC will work together with this consultant to obtain a final design. Our collaboration may include the use of a common standard detail or the creation of a new standard detail. SEC may make suggestions to the Geotechnical Engineer on ways to tailor these devices to meet the needs of the overall site design. The Geotechnical Engineer will evaluate these suggested details and modifications based on his experience and measured soils information to estimate the release rate for each detail considered.SEC may use a release rate of these devices as provided by the Geotechnical Engineer for the design of the stormwater system. This rate may be faxed to us,as a draft copy of the Geotechnical Engineers report or as a final copy of that report. In no case will SEC accept responsibility for the determination of the expected release rate of these devices. Mr.Joseph Wywrot United City of Yorkville Phase II Road Improvement Program YORK-040818-3,4 November 17, 2004 Revised December 22,2004 Page 8 If certification of the contractor's construction of these devices is required by the municipality or desired by the CLIENT a Geotechnical Engineer must also be obtained for these services. This is highly recommended in order to observe the actual soils where the devices are being constructed and to verify that the construction methods used do not violate any assumptions made by the Geotechnical Engineer during the design and evaluation of the standard detail. If a Geotechnical Engineer is not retained by the CLIENT to provide construction review,the CLIENT shall assume all risks that the devices may fail requiring additional geotechnical investigation or reconstruction. Any construction inspection services provided by SEC shall not include inspection of these devices. Failure to Abide by Design Documents or to Obtain Guidance The CLIENT agrees that it would be unfair to hold SEC liable for problems that might occur should SEC'S plans,specifications or design intents not be followed,or for problems resulting from others'failure to obtain and/or follow SEC'S guidance with respect to any errors, omissions, inconsistencies, ambiguities or conflicts which are detected or alleged to exist in or as a consequence of implementing SEC'S plans,specifications or other instruments of service. Accordingly,the CLIENT waives any claim against SEC, and agrees to defend,indemnify and hold SEC harmless from any claim for injury or losses that results from failure to follow SEC'S plans, specifications or design intent, or for failure to obtain and/or follow SEC'S guidance with respect to any alleged errors, omissions, inconsistencies, ambiguities or conflicts contained within or arising as a result of implementing SEC'S plans, specifications or other instruments of services. The CLIENT also agrees to compensate SEC for any time spent and expenses incurred by SEC'S prevailing fee schedule and expense reimbursement policy. Opinion of Probable Construction Cost SEC shall submit to the CLIENT an opinion of probable cost required to construct work recommended,designed,or specified by SEC. SEC is not a construction cost estimator or construction contractor, nor should SEC'S rendering an opinion of probable construction costs be considered equivalent to the nature and extent of service a construction cost estimator or construction contractor would provide. SEC'S opinion will be based solely upon his or her own experience with construction. This requires SEC to make a number of assumptions as to actual conditions that will be encountered on site;the specific decisions of other design professionals engaged;the means and methods of construction the contractor will employ;the cost and extent of labor,equipment and materials the contractor will employ;contractor's techniques in determining prices and market conditions at the time,and other factors over which SEC has no control. Given the assumptions which must be made,SEC cannot guarantee the accuracy of his or her opinions of cost, and in recognition of that fact,the CLIENT waives any claim against SEC relative to the accuracy of SEC'S opinion of probable construction cost. Design Information in Electronic Form Because CADD information stored in electronic form can be modified by other parties,intentionally or otherwise,without notice or indication of said modifications,SEC reserves the right to remove all indicia of its ownership and/or involvement in the material from each electronic medium not held in its possession. The CLIENT shall retain copies of the work performed by SEC in CADD form only for information and use by the CLIENT for the specific purpose for which SEC was engaged. Said materials shall not be used by the CLIENT,or transferred to any other party,for use in other projects,additions to the current project,or any other purpose for which the material was not strictly intended by SEC without SEC'S express written permission. Any use or reuse of original or altered CADD design materials by the CLIENT,agents of the CLIENT,or other parties without the review and written approval of SEC shall be at the sole risk of the CLIENT. Furthermore,the CLIENT agrees to defend,indemnify, and hold SEC harmless from all claims,injuries,damages,losses,expenses,and attorneys fees arising out of the modification or reuse of these materials. The CLIENT recognizes that designs,plans,and data stored on electronic media including,but not limited to computer disk and magnetic tape,may be subject to undetectable alteration and/or uncontrollable deterioration. The CLIENT,therefore,agrees that SEC shall not be liable for the completeness or accuracy of any materials provided on electronic media after a 30 day inspection period, during which time SEC shall correct any errors detected by the CLIENT to complete the design in accordance with the intent of the contract and specifications. After 40 days,at the request of the CLIENT,SEC shall submit a final set of sealed drawings,and any additional services to be performed by SEC relative to the submitted electronic materials shall be subject to separate AGREEMENT. I Mr.Joseph Wywrot United City of Yorkville Phase II Road Improvement Program YORK-040818-3,4 November 17,2004 • Revised December 22,2004 Page 9 Dispute Resolution In an effort to resolve any conflicts that arise during the design or construction of the project or following the completion of the project,the Consultant and CLIENT agree that all disputes between them arising out of or relating to this AGREEMENT shall be submitted to nonbinding mediation unless the parties mutually agree otherwise. If the dispute cannot be settled amicably,it shall then be settled by arbitration in the State of Illinois in accordance with the American Arbitration Associates. The Award of the arbitrator shall be conclusive and binding upon the parties. The CLIENT agrees,to the fullest extent permitted by law,to limit the liability of SEC and its subconsultants to the CLIENT for any and all claims,losses,costs,damages of any nature whatsoever or claims expenses from any cause or causes,including attorneys'fees and costs and expert witness fees and costs,so that the total aggregate liability of SEC and its subconsultants to all those named shall not exceed SEC'S total fee for services rendered on this project,whichever is greater. It is intended that this limitation apply to any and all liability or cause of action however alleged or arising,unless otherwise prohibited by law. Hazardous Materials It is acknowledged by both parties that SEC'S scope of services does not include any services related to asbestos or hazardous or toxic materials. In the event SEC or any other party encounters asbestos or hazardous or toxic materials at the job site,or should it become known in any way that such materials may be present at the job site or any adjacent areas that may affect the performance of SEC'S services,SEC may,at its option and without liability for consequential or any other damages,suspend performance of services on the project until the CLIENT retains appropriate specialist consultant(s)or contractor(s)to identify,abate and/or remove the asbestos or hazardous or toxic materials,and warrant that the job site is in full compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Exclusion This fee does not include attendance at any meetings or public hearings other than those specifically listed in the Scope of Services. These work items are considered extra and are billed separately on an hourly basis. Payment 1. All work will be invoiced on a monthly basis. All invoices shall be paid within 45 days of the invoice date. Additionally, all outstanding invoices must be paid in full before Final plans are submitted to the City for final approval. Should the CLIENT fail to pay for professional services hereunder,as billed within 45 days of such billing,SEC shall be excused from rendering any further services under this project. No work shall be signed or sealed until payment in full is received. 2. This AGREEMENT shall not be enforceable by either party until each has in its possession a copy of this AGREEMENT signed by the other. Inclement Weather In the event of a substantial weather system affecting the completion of the said project,SEC retains the right to renegotiate additional fees to cover time needed to complete the said project. Substantial weather conditions include but not limited to extensive rain,high winds,snow greater than two(2)inches and ice. Time Limit This AGREEMENT must be executed within thirty(30)days of the composition date to be accepted under the terms set forth herein. This contract shall expire one year from date of execution. Work cannot begin until we have your signed AGREEMENT. If this AGREEMENT merits your approval and acceptance,please sign both copies,retain one copy for your files and return one to our office. Mr.Joseph Wywrot United City of Yorkville Phase II Road Improvement Program YORK-040818-3,4 November 17,2004 Revised December 22,2004 Page 10 If you have any questions or comments,please feel free to contact our office. We sincerely appreciate this opportunity to offer our services. Sincerely, SMITH ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. CZ K=. Camie R.Ferrier, P.E. Project Manager CRF/jmk Approved bit J# es r E. Title: Vice President Date: /2/ZZ-/a/ Accepted by: Title: Date: Client: L:Uobs\Smith\2004\040818 Yorkville Road Program Ph 2\administration\contract\Yorkville Road Phase II Proposal-revised-crf-122104.doc