Zoning Board of Appeals Packet 2004 01-08-04 =`,,,,D c,,..o United City of Yorkville a County Seat of Kendall County EST. 1111 1836 800 Game Farm Road Cl),, Yorkville, Illinois 64%60 Q ,� Q Fhone:630-553 4350 11 .:::r .= Fax 630-553-7575 `�L L E \�'' AGENDA ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS THURSDAY, January 8, 2004 7:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS Meeting called to order: 7:00 p.m. Roll Call: Previous Meeting Minutes (Corrections/Approval): October 14, 2003 Public Hearings: 1. ZBA 2003-26 Peter and Cheri LoDestro, petitioners, have filed an application seeking a variance to the Building Regulations Ordinance Section 8-11-4-C 2: Permitted Signs in a Business District for a height variance from 6 feet to 7 feet 8 inches. The property is located at 803 N. Bridge Street, Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois. 2. ZBA 2003-27 Mark and Celeste Schipper, petitioners, have filed an application seeking a variance to the Zoning Ordinance Section 10-6B- 4A: Front Yard Areas requesting a variance from 40 feet to 30.8 feet; Section 10-6B-4B: Side Yard Areas requesting a variance from 15 feet to 10.35 feet and corner side yard variance from 40 feet to 30.2 feet; and Section 10-6B-4C: Rear Yard Areas requesting a variance from 50 feet to 38.5 feet. The property is located at 419 Park Street, Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois. New Business: 1. ZBA 2003-26 Peter and Cheri LoDestro, petitioners, have filed an application seeking a variance to the Building Regulations Ordinance Section 8-11-4-C 2: Permitted Signs in a Business District for a height variance from 6 feet to 7 feet 8 inches. The property is located at 803 N. Bridge Street, Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois. Page 2 Zoning Board of Appeals January 8, 2004 New Business (Con't): 2. ZBA 2003-27 Mark and Celeste Schipper, petitioners, have filed an application seeking a variance to the Zoning Ordinance Section 10-6B- 4A: Front Yard Areas requesting a variance from 40 feet to 30.8 feet; Section 10-6B-4B: Side Yard Areas requesting a variance from 15 feet to 10.35 feet and corner side yard variance from 40 feet to 30.2 feet; and Section 10-6B-4C: Rear Yard Areas requesting a variance from 50 feet to 38.5 feet. The property is located at 419 Park Street, Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois. Additional Business: Adjournment: Page 1 of 3 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS MEETING DRAFT TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14,2003 The meeting was called to order at 7:03 p.m. ROLL CALL Chairman Harold Feltz, Mike Skinner, Benjamin Moe, and Bill Davis. IN ATTENDANCE City Attorney Jill Konen, Bill Dettmer, Anna Kurtzman, Kimberly O'Malley and Michael O'Malley. STAFF REPORT Bill Dettmer, zoning officer for the city, said that his associate, Anna Kurtzman, is now handling the zoning board of appeals. She will attend the meetings and assist the board in any way necessary. Dettmer also said the city is looking at changing the concept of the Zoning Board of Appeals. He said items heard by the zoning board would then go to the city council. No board should have powers that are not able to be appealed, he said. The zoning board also will look at a broader set of issues. However, he said the board would not have to hear life safety issues. He added that all interpretations would be put into writing. MINUTES Minutes from the previous meeting were approved immediately after that meeting. PUBLIC HEARING ZBA 2003-18: Kimberly and Michael O'Malley, petitioners, have filed an application seeking a variance to the Zoning Ordinance Section 10-6B-4C. Yard areas: C- Rear Yard Setback from 40 feet to 28 feet. The property is located at 906 Morgan Street, Yorkville. Michael O'Malley said there is an existing porch on the back of their house. They want to eliminate the porch and put on a 17 by 12 foot addition to the living room. Basically, he said the size of the new structure would be the same size as the existing porch; he would just like to move it to a different area on the back of the house. Currently, the porch is attached to a bedroom, which is not ideal. Although the porch is enclosed, Kimberly O'Malley said it is not a four-season room. Zoning Board member Michael Skinner asked if the O'Malleys would install a new foundation. Michael O'Malley said he would like to extend the basement out to the new area. Page 2 of 3 Skinner then said what the O'Malleys intend to do is take a decrepit structure and make it a better structure. Zoning Board Chairman Harold Feltz said staff has not been able to fmd a building permit for the porch. He said he suspects it was built without a permit and it was never inspected. Kimberly O'Malley added that all of their neighbors are okay with their intentions. Kurtzman commented that the zoning office received one call in reference to the application and it was just for clarification. The hearing was then ended. NEW BUSINESS Kurtzman informed the board members before voting on the issue, that they need to review a finding of fact on five different standards. The first standard states: Because the particular physical surroundings, shape, or topographical conditions of the specific property involved, a particular hardship to the owner would result, as distinguished from a mere inconvenience, if the strict letter of the regulations was carried out. Davis stated the request probably does not fall under that section. The second standard states: The conditions upon which the petition for a variation is based are unique to the property for which the variation is sought and are not applicable, generally, to other property within the same zoning classification. Davis said this is a unique situation. There is a structure that no one else has on the house. The third standard states: The alleged difficulty or hardship is caused by this Title and has not been created by any person presently having an interest in the property. Skinner said that is true. The fourth standard states: The granting of the variation will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other property or improvements in the neighborhood in which the property is located. Davis said that standard applies, as well. The fifth standard states: The proposed variation will not impair an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property, or substantially increase the congestion in the public streets, or increase the danger to the public safety, or substantially diminish or impair property values within the neighborhood. The board agreed that was a non-issue, as well. Davis asked if the roofline for the addition would be any higher than the existing roofline. Michael O'Malley said no. Feltz asked if there was any concern about setting a precedent. Davis said he believes this if a unique situation involving a structure that needs to be removed. Page 3 of 3 Zoning Board member Ben Moe also said this situation is unique because the property used to be part of a larger lot that was since split and sold. Davis said tearing down the old structure and adding a new structure that is up to code is a benefit to the city. Skinner made a motion to approve the section 10-6B-4C Rear Yard Setback from 40 to 28 feet on property located at 906 Morgan Street. Moe seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved in a roll call vote. Moe, Feltz, Davis and Skinner voted yes. City Attorney Jill Konen said the matter now goes to the City Council on October 28. The meeting adjourned at 7:41 p.m. Minutes respectfully submitted by Dina Gipe (< P Y .. .F CITY of YORKVILLE OR _ r'� `� County Seat of Kendall County Rec. `{ (l ti (b:.)) P " 111 W. Fox,Suite 3 - C_, _--, L Yorkville,IL 60560 ill E 630-5534350 6‘14'0ED IN ,6 APPLICATION VARIANCE REQUEST 1. NAME OF PETITIONERS): RA-t ,r f- kc. ,,--, (.._ .. c-s1. 2. NAME OF HOLDER OF LEGAL TITLE, IF DIFFERENT FROM # 1: 3. IF LEGAL TITLE IS HELD IN A LAND TRUST, LIST THE NAMES OF ALL HOLDERS OF ANY BENEFICIAL INTEREST THEREIN: ,/1/ 4. a.) STREET ADDRESS & PHYSICAL LOCATION OF SUBJECT PROPERTY: (ff0.3 iv. . , J s ,_ ST -1-,— t,{;, {LI — a (-- £P c9`1" Co cD b.) PROPOSED NAME OF SUBDIVISION: /1/4- c.) LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY SOUGHT TO BE ANNEXED AND REZONED: (If more space is needed,attach as Exhibit"A"). / v`� d.) KENDALL COUNTY PARCEL NUMBER(S) OF PROPERTY FOR WHICH VARIANCE IS SOUGHT: 01_ -2-5) — 3 03 -- 0 Pi 5. NAMES & ADDRESSES OF ANY ADJOINING OR CONTIGUOUS LANDOWNERS ENTITLED TO NOTICE OF PETITION UNDER ANY APPLICABLE CITY ORDINANCE: X11 . (If additional space is needed,attach a separate list as Exhibit"B") Page 2-Application for Variance 6. STATE THE VARIANCE REQUESTED, AND THE CITY ORDINANCE INCLUDING THE S TION NUMBERS TO BE VARIED: VA r t 4,� r o .—� ti: .3 -7 6 fie• � .� Si •, 7. NAME, ADDRESS, AND PHONE NUMBER OF PERSON TO WHOM INQUIRIES REGARDING THIS PETITION MAY BE DIRECTED: .'_ - L 8 ©e_; ✓C> 3.5" l.. L_ C yr> c/ , c c LL_ ( .c. ,5-4 7 = 7 - / /3 3 fyy8. SUBMIT APPLICATION WITH A FILING FEE IN THE AMOUNT OF $ c- (See attached Ordinance 41992-16,and verify amount with Deputy Clerk.) 9. SUBMIT 35 COPIES EACH OF THE APPLICATION, PROPOSED DRAWINGS, LOCATION MAP, SITE PLAN, AND ANY OTHER PERTINENT MATERIALS TO THE CITY CLERK. (Large items must be folded to fit in a 10"x 13"envelope.) IN WITNESS WHEREOF THE FOLLOWING PETITIONER(S) HAVE SUBMITTED THIS APPLICATION UNDER OATH, AND VERIFY THAT TO THE BEST OF THEIR KNOWLEDGE ITS CONTENTS ARE TRUE AND CORRECT: pTITIONER(S . Legal property owners signature must appear Lr L G D SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF , 19 NOTARY STAMP THIS APPLICATION MUST BE NOTARIZED VARIANCE 98 In Dr. Peter Lodestro, D.D.S I1 ti„w ..:.:--- Future Tenant (y , 1 ” i,'c r. Future Tenant = k Ftiture 't'cnant ' 1 HERE r... ER I' i .1 iI -.--- .--- ,,.a-cr• • Descr;P°°^ Architectural Panel Customer Name PC Development/Yorkville D''''': 72"h x 96"w Thickness:2„ Bk9 Color Burgundy Polyurethane LU.Color White 7725-10 Black 7725-12 f . j C 8-11-4 8-11-4 C. Business Districts: 1. All signs permitted in residential districts. 2. Ground or pole signs; one per street frontage, not to exceed one hundred (100) square feet in area, with a height (measured from average ground level) not to exceed six feet (6') for a ground sign or twenty feet (20') for a pole sign. A permanent sign permit is required for each sign. 3. Wall signs; a permanent sign permit is required for each sign. a. Single use buildings; two (2) signs per facade, but not to exceed a total of four (4) such signs. b. Multitenant buildings; one sign per individual business or enterprise, two (2) signs per corner unit, one on each facade. A wall sign may be placed on any face of a building oriented to a public street, the main parking lot of the parcel, or a major access road. D. Manufacturing Districts: 1 . All signs permitted in residential districts and business districts. 2. Ground or pole signs; one per street frontage, not to exceed one hundred (100) square feet in area, with a height (measured from average ground level) not to exceed six feet (6') for a ground sign or twenty feet (20') for a pole sign. A permanent sign permit is required for each sign. 3. Wall signs; wall signs are limited to an area equal to ten percent (10%) of the facade area upon which the sign is to be mounted. A permanent sign permit is required for each sign. 4. Real estate signs as follows: a. One sign per street frontage. b. Sign area cannot exceed twenty (20) square feet per face for each one acre of contiguous land area, not to exceed a maximum of four hundred (400) square feet of area per sign face and ten feet (10') in height. A temporary sign permit is required for each sign. Such signage must be removed by close of business of the day the temporary sign permit expires. (Ord. 1998-36, 12-17-1998) December 2002 City of Yorkville J 1 0, United City of Yorkville Air County Seat of Kendall County EST.% �. n^1836 800 Game Farm Road � . CO Yorkville, Illinois 60560 p II fi1��„ Q Phone:630-553-4350 �,� L',27: Fax:Fax:630-553-7575 `/L \ LE ‘v TO: Zoning Board of Appeals �� December 18, 2003 FROM: Anna B. Kurtzman, AICP��-✓ `"" SUBJECT: Zoning Variance Request 803 N. Bridge St ZBA 2003-26 HEARING DATE: The City has received an application for a variance from the City's Sign Ordinance. A public hearing has been scheduled before the Zoning Board of Appeals to be held on Thursday, January 8, 2004, at 7:00 pm at the City's Board Room (located at 800 Game Farm Road). REQUEST: The applicant's, Peter and Cheri LoDestro, business property is located at 803 N. Bridge Street. They are seeking a variance from Section 8-11-4C2. This section states that the maximum height of a ground sign is 6 feet. The applicant is requesting a 7.6 foot high sign. STANDARDS FOR GRANTING A VARIANCE: Section 8-11-11Fof the Municipal Code states: "The zoning board of appeals shall require from the applicants such sketches, drawings, or photographs as shall be necessary to indicate the present condition of the property or sign and the condition of the property or sign after the variation is granted. The zoning board of appeals may impose reasonable restrictions or conditions which the applicant shall be required to observe if the variance is granted. In considering the applications for variance, the zoning board of appeals shall consider: 1. any unique physical property of the land involved, 2. the available locations for adequate signing on the property, 3. the effect of the proposed sign on pedestrian and motor traffic, 4. the cost to the applicant of complying with this chapter as opposed to the detriment, if any, 5. to the public from the granting of the variance, and 6. general intent of this chapter. DECISSION Upon closing the hearing, staff recommends that the Board make a recommendation regarding the case, which will then be forwarded to the City Council (as required by Section 8-11-11E you may affirm, modify, or reverse the decision of the code official). As indicated above, your recommendation may include conditions or restrictions. /abk Attachment C: P.&C.LoDestro Filename: C:\Documents and Settings\Anna\My Documents\ZBA\308NBridge\12-18-03staffinemo.doc _ • QTY ofY ILLE ` i'l":a,s CountySeat al Kendall County Rec.( 11)-&( 2' �� -�z-. _. 1t1 W. l=ox,Suite 3 � \ iYorkville.IL 60580 ' � '✓ �fiz630-553-4350 'zap, APPLICATION VARIANCE REQUEST 1. NAME OF PETITIONERS): KSr c -E, 5W. 'a-v» tl 2. NAME OF HOLDER OF LEGAL TITLE, IF DIFFERENT FROM # I: Ss kne 3. IF LEGAL TITLE IS HELD IN A LAND TRUST, LIST THE NAMES OF ALL HOLDERS OF ANY BENEFICIAL INTEREST THEREIN: 4. a.) STREET ADDRESS &PHYSICAL LOCATION OF SUBJECT PROPERTY: 4 t� flack e,to t `1ockUille, .L Coo5Coo b.) PROPOSED NAME OF SUBDIVISION: (viQ-1- zirt.cable c.) LEGAL'DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY SOUGHT TO BE ANNEXED AND REZONED: (lfmore space is needed,attach as Exhibit"A")_ Let- GI A- 1reArie.?ark. SLAP cViol5 5n�York,,Ate,,Kev►cl-all Cowri i=llIv4oi5 - d.) KENDALL COUNTY PARCEL NUMBER(S) OF PROPERTY FOR WHICH VARIANCE IS SOUGHT: 02-Z$- 455-0 02 _ 5. NAMES&ADDRESSES OF ANY ADJOINING OR CONTIGUOUS LANDOWNERS ENTITLED TO NOTICE OF PETITION UNDER ANY APPLICABLE,CITY ORDINANCE: See Tcxkiii\:::..k- " " W (if additional space is nccdcd,attach a separate list as Exhibit"B") - • Page 2-Application for Variance 6. STATE THE VARIANCE REQUESTED, AND THE CITY ORDNANCE INCLUDING THE. SECTION NUMBERS TO BE VARIED: to-48-4A 4-0,A} coil b,vt 4 4 3o.2 10-68.41 a7,sJ for steltyarra-W61.4 !SI +6 1.0.S to-GB-4bocorutr Sgl4rd snro41 4014.0 30.1 10-6B-40,martian(i•Froe' s0 7. NAME,ADDRESS, AND PHONE NUMBER OF PERSON TO WHOM • INQUIRIES REGARDING THIS PETITION MAY BE DIRECTED: --e- wQ. ;4- c 'S G. ;d P0. $o)( (v8'3-4 86 S u rt,1✓► -D1n , 6o 1 0 8. SUBMIT APPLICATION WITH A FILING FEE IN THE AMOUNT OF.S '5di0 (Sec attached Ordinance 41992-16,and verify amount with Deputy Clerk.;) 9, SUBMIT 35 COPIES EACH OF THE APPLICATION,PROPOSED DRAWINGS, LOCATION MAP, SITE PLAN, AND ANY OTHER PERTINENT MAI:rRTALS TO THE CITY CLERK. (Lange items must be folded to fit in a 10"x 13"cnve]upc.) -- IN WITNESS WHEREOF TIIE FOLLOWING PETITIONER(S) I IAVE SUBMITTED TIIIS APPLICA'T'ION UNDER OATH, AND VERIFY THAT TO THE BEST OF THEIR KNOWLEDGE ITS CONTENTS ARE TRUE AND CORRECT: PETITIONER(S).' Legy]-prapc down signature must appear cn1 this application. "( �_ ` , ,10 I k - 5(111 p pJ r SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN BEFORE ME THIS t I QDAY • OF I\) () VII 7 ) )J�,r���� 0 CI I LI 7A(Ii7 _ ree��.eeeeeeeeeeeee _ OFFICIAL SEAL S ®. TRACY JOHNEESON •e .0 NOTARY PUBLIC,STATE OF ILLINOIS NOTARY STAMP _ TINS APPLICATION MUST BE NOTARIZED VARIANCE 10-6B-3 10-6B-6 (Ord. 1973-56A, 3-28-1974; amd. Ord. 1988-2, 1-28-1988; Ord. 1994-31, 7-15-1994; Ord. 2000-1, 1-27-2000) C. Lot size for special uses shall be specified in the special use permit but shall not be less than five (5) acres. (Ord. 1973-56A, 3-28-1974; amd. Ord. 1994-31, 7-15-1994; Ord. 2000-1, 1-27-2000) 10-6B-4: YARD AREAS: No building shall be erected or enlarged unless the following yards are provided and maintained in connection with such building, structure or enlargement: A. Front Yard: A front yard of not less than forty feet (40'). B. Side Yards: A side yard on each side of the zoning lot of not less than fifteen feet (15'), except where a side yard adjoins a street, the minimum width shall be increased to forty feet (40'). C. Rear Yard: A rear yard of not less than fifty feet (50'). (Ord. 1973-56A, 3-28-1974; amd. Ord. 1994-31, 7-15-1994; Ord. 2000-1, 1-27-2000) 10-6B-5: LOT COVERAGE: Not more than thirty percent (30%) of the area of a zoning lot may be covered by buildings or structures, including accessory buildings. Drives and sidewalks on grade are not to be considered structures. (Ord. 2003-40, 7-22-2003) 10-6B-6: MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT: No building or structure shall be erected or structurally altered to exceed the following heights: A. One-Family Detached Dwellings: Thirty feet (30') and not more than 2.5 stories, whichever is less. B. Churches: Seventy five feet (75') for towers and steeples, but not more than forty five feet (45') for the main structure. C. Other Nonresidential Buildings: Other nonresidential permitted buildings and structures shall not exceed thirty five feet (35') and not more than three (3) stories in height. Parapet walls, chimneys, cooling towers, stacks and necessary mechanical appurtenances may be erected over and above the maximum height of thirty five September 2003 City of Yorkville sD C,ry United City of Yorkville man County Seat of Kendall County EST.Ili 1836 800 Game Farm Road Cl) Yorkville, Illinois 60560 Q 11 Q Phone:630-553-4350 "A K.ndaxccumr vim= Fax:630-553-7575 `ELLE ‘v December 18, 2003 TO: Zoning Board of Appeals FROM: Anna B. Kurtzman, AICP Com/ SUBJECT: Zoning Variance Request 419 Park St. ZBA 2003-27 HEARING DATE: The City has received an application for a variance from the City's Zoning Code. A public hearing has been scheduled before the Zoning Board of Appeals to be held on Thursday, January 8, 2004, at 7:00 pm at the City's Board Room (located at 800 Game Farm Road). REQUEST: The applicant's, Mark and Celeste Schipper, home is located at 419 Park Street and is zoned R-1. They are seeking a total of 4 variances: 1. Reducing the front yard setback from 40 feet to 30.8 feet (Section 10-6B-4A) 2. Reducing the interior side yard setback from 15 feet to 10.35 feet(Section 10-6B-4B) 3. Reducing the corner side yard setback from 40 feet to 30.2 feet (Section 10-6B-4B) 4. Reducing the rear yard setback from 50 feet to 38.5 feet(Section 10-6B-4C). This house was constructed under the provisions of Ordinance 1973-56A, which had different setbacks than the present R-1 standards. As a result, the existing building is not in compliance with today's zoning setback requirements. The applicant is seeking to recognize this while also requesting an addition to the house (see table below showing present conditions with proposed condition). It is my understanding that this addition is being sought to accommodate a physical limitation of one of the residents. Required Present Request "/0 Change Conditions from Required Front Yard Setback 40 30.8 30.8 23% Interior Side Yard Setback 15 10.35 10.35 31% Corner Side Yard Setback 40 30.2 30.2 25% Rear Yard Setback 50 52.5 38.5 23% *NOTE: The above information regarding the present conditions and the request was taken from a fax sent to Anna Kurtzman on Nov. 19,2003 (see attached). This information was not formally submitted as part of the ZBA case. Zoning Board of Appeals 419 Park Street—ZBA 2003-27 December 18, 2003 Page 2 of 2 STANDARDS FOR GRANTING A VARIANCE: Section 10-14-5(C) of the Municipal Code indicates that the Zoning Board of Appeals shall not vary (or make a recommendation to vary) the regulations of the Zoning Code unless it has made findings based upon the evidence presented to them for each specific case based upon the following: 1. Because the particular physical surroundings, shape or topographical conditions of the specific property involved, a particular hardship to the owner would result, as distinguished from a mere inconvenience, if the strict letter of the regulations was carried out. 2. The conditions upon which the petition for a variation is based are unique to the property for which the variation is sought and are not applicable, generally, to other property within the same zoning classification. 3. The alleged difficulty or hardship is caused by this Title and has not been created by any person presently having an interest in the property. 4. The granting of the variation will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other property or improvements in the neighborhood in which the property is located. 5. The proposed variation will not impair an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property, or substantially increase the congestion in the public streets, or increase the danger to the public safety, or substantially diminish or impair property values within the neighborhood. DECISSION Upon closing the hearing, staff requests that the Zoning Board of Appeals make findings based upon each of the standards listed above for each variance being sought. After making your findings, staff recommends that the Board make a recommendation regarding the case, which will then be forwarded to the City Council. (Section 10-14-5(D) outlines occasions when the Zoning Board of Appeals may make a final decision. Your decisions regarding front yard, rear yard and corner side yard will be final unless appealed. Because the requested interior side yard variance is greater than a 25%variation, your recommendation is not final and will be forwarded to the City Council.) If you so desire, your recommendation may include conditions or restrictions. /abk Attachments C: M.&C.Schipper, J.Stockbridge Filename: C:\Documents and Settings\Anna\My Documents\906Morgan\9-23-03staffmemo.doc FROM : STOCKBRIDGE ARCHITECTS P.C. PHONE NO. : 8476838386 Nov. 19 2003 09:38AM P1 Stockbridge Architects, P. C. P.O.Box 71 (847)683-4386 Burlington,IL.60109 (847)683-8386(fax) FAX TRANSMITTAL TO: A itia DATE: I l' I I O 3 PAGES: 2- RE: ` - RE. �e N'• 5..1-e✓►ce. 4141 Park Ski+ Yar;avti c-e... `Pelt,�,-1- COMMENTS: {-� co\1a�l;vzc i5 2. t�J.)\ ? \\..14-art C'1 � �-4- we 4, to�v. ��s���s;, - T % ek,5 1naw+e is ouer 4r ks 1eu;«l 21cS,` \en exp d s 1 i--D av,d 1:. -►b c v r re v`-A-t t„.d-n t mar- t�ar� cc: 1/.2-- mil -}-ts be Yer.Aa4 Ac-- u.M1 `o coi-weC- S` elard. 13a9Matz2c,nPlease. cy�l -� aZs��� . v r""D�T (4,}-1)323-5113-ill 6,c.kbc- Q, FROM : STOCKBRIDGE ARCHITECTS P.C. PHONE NO. : 8476838386 Nov. 19 2003 09:38AM P2 . PLAT OF SURVEY oz-222- 45s-662 LOT 51 OF PRAIRIE PARK SUBDIVISION, YORKVILLI, KENDALL-COUNTY., ILLINOIS. r • Fcl ° : 5 r I 'ter cis vs,_c.4.-t__;1' _ - - xt...\i' , _ - -IF d ,D 6(1) i‘, ti,fi , , __ _. _ J_ 1 __, 54 ' i cO(v1_Q, 1 Ifs 3 c. it __ • ..o- CC ehni d .. i o�oilt y,ts4o Obi ":.y •r: •i}, `�1 '^ Vj t>'.44 O`er . ,�, iF; , I r i ..eP '1 ....t. r YS i,... ;. .het;'',: 5 d ':%-, . �I rt.' .. 4444 ,• .,. . - 30 e.Lt ,ic1..., ,_, , 6\A- o _ ` . r. fes.. 'P 15. In, r�5' Lia r o �� L,U J • O Re.cc rd c ..d rie-c�Su.vc-". 89-9 q'. 12 _2O3o io_a, __ .1 tip . .. it.I$.•03 U , H V a W N.i O U w4 F`" w 4 140 \0 00 00 ,......,..._„.._.__„, ^"J1.,. �,^..._ ___._.-___, '-�il'a`_-^.. -•-.--'—""'G�•--,..,_ .,w,,.., ..� - _,._�...�wrr6,.� _. „sal 'O ~ /^/�1 �/ // __�........ •�-. ,-.ra..:«+[...w�...._• � � ,�",� � dam' _.. Mme' ►"'I Y,,,� W105 rlw� Hew M��iF N p�t�1�N�--fit Ft- 964 � �� 4 I M t 4�'P A 4 I z I ohs - ►-���.►N� w� z t w F;yN" §,.. �.S•. 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