Ordinance 2005-051 i
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ORDINANCE No. 2005 -
Whereas, the United City of Yorkville has initiated and convened an ad hoc
committee to develop an Appearance Code for the United City of Yorkville, and
Whereas, said committee, comprised of representatives from City Staff, Elected
Officials, and the Business community has expended great energy and a great deal of
time in developing the text of said Appearance Code, and
Whereas, the Appearance Code shall become Title 8, Building Regulations, new
Chapter 15, Appearance Code, and
Whereas the United City of Yorkville has taken up, discussed and considered
adopting the Appearance Code as presented, and
Whereas the Mayor and City Council have discussed that it may be prudent to adopt
the Appearance Code depicted on the attached Exhibit "A ".
seconded and approved by a majority of those so voting, that the Appearance Code, as
depicted on the attached Exhibit "A" is hereby adopted.
Said Appearance Code shall be effective upon date of passage.
Approved by me, as Mayor of the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County,
Illinois, this \`-� Day o A.D. 2005.
Passed by the City Council of the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County,
Illinois this \\ day of lr�3 "t . A.D. 2005.
Prepared by:
John Justin Wyeth
City Attorney
United City of Yorkville
800 Game Farm Road
Yorkville, IL 60560
Exhibit "A"
Title 8, Building Regulations
New Chapter 15
1. The fostering of:
a. Sound and harmonious design of new buildings and sites.
b. Greater interest in the development and redevelopment of business and
industrial areas with an emphasis on appearance as it relates to each
specific project, its surroundings and the community, by giving
encouragement, guidance and direction.
C. Better maintenance of properties through encouragement of preservation,
upkeep, protection and care.
d. Greater public interest and enthusiasm in overall community beauty,
appearance, cleanliness and order.
2. Establish standards for new construction and development with respect to, but not
limited to, buildings, streetscapes and landscapes.
3. Encourage creative non - monotonous community designs utilizing design
1. The provisions of this code shall apply to:
a. building permits for new construction applied for after the execution of the
Ordinance, and/or
b. building permits for additions to existing commercial or industrial buildings
where the permit is applied for after the execution of the ordinance and where
the cumulative addition(s) are equal to 10% of the floor area or 200 sq. ft.,
whichever is more and/or
C. The standards in this code shall be pro -rated when being applied to additions to
all principal buildings or major re- construction (i.e., 25% of the facade is
removed and/or different type of facade material is used and/or if the size of
windows /doors are being modified by more than 25 %) done to non - residential
or attached single family or multi - family buildings
d. Additions and/or major facade work shall be assessed on a cumulative basis
(i.e., if a 10 percent modification is conducted at one time and later another 10
percent modification is made, the cumulative impact is 20% and therefore, a
20% compliance ratio is expected.)
2. The provisions of this code shall not apply to:
a. This code shall not apply to industrial accessory structures. However. all
accessory structures should compliment the main structure.
b. This code shall not apply to those buildings where siding is being replaced
with similar siding materials.
C. Provisions of this Code shall not apply to any PUDs already approved prior to
the adoption of this Code unless so stipulated in the PUD
3. The provisions of this code shall be deferred until May 1, 2009, for lots
located within the Fox Industrial Park.
1. The City Building Official, or his/her designee, shall review the plan and/or drawing
of the exterior design of every building and site to be constructed in the City for
compliance with this code, prior to the issuance of a building permit. Building permits
shall only be issued upon authorization of the City Building Official.
2. Any appeals to this Code or the City Building Official's determination of compliance
with this code, shall be made in writing and submitted to the City Building Official.
The City Building Official shall direct such requests to the Fagade Committee, who
shall make a recommendation to the City Council: The City Council's decision shall
be final.
3. The Fagade Committee shall consider the following points prior to providing the City
Council with a written recommendation:
a. Will the objectives outlines in Section I be met if the requested
deviations are granted?
b. Is there a particular physical condition of the specific property
and/or building(s) involved that would create a particular hardship
to the owner, as distinguished from a mere inconvenience, if the
strict letter of these regulations were carried out?
C. Will granting the requested deviation from these regulations be
detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other property or
improvements in the neighborhood in which the property is
d. Will granting the requested deviation impair an adequate supply of
light and air to buildings on the subject property or to the adjacent
e. Will granting the requested deviation increase the danger to the
public safety, or substantially diminish or impair property values
within the neighborhood?
1. Across the Street: A lot with a side yard property line., when proiected across the street.
intersects the front property line of the subiect lot.
3. Adiacent To: defined as lots sharing a side yard property line.
4. Contiguous lot: Shares a common property line extended across the street with such lot.
5. Front Facade: the net surface area. excluding windows. doors and garages, that faces a
street and includes a main entry to the building.,.
6. Maior Architectural Features: Covered porches, Boxed -out Bays /Projections; Decorative
Dormers. Juliet Balconies, Metal Roofs. r1o% credit for eachl
6. Masonry Products: brick. stone, split face brick or architectural blocks,.
7. Premium Siding Material: Masonry Products cultured stone, natural wood siding and
synthetic stucco
1. General
Creativity and ingenuity in applying the standards and guidelines listed in this Code
are encouraged. Likewise, ingenuity and creativity, while considering deviations to
the standards and guidelines of this Code, are encouraged.
2. Landscape and Site Treatment
a. The provisions of the Citv of Yorkville's Landscape Ordinance shall apply.
b. Exterior lighting, when used, shall enhance the building design and the
adjoining landscape. Lighting standards and fixtures shall be of a design and
size compatible with the building and adjacent areas. Lighting shall be
restrained in design and excessive brightness and brilliant colors avoided.
Maximum illumination at the property line shall not exceed 0.1 footcandles
and no glare shall spill onto adjacent properties or right -of -ways.
C. The provisions of the Ordinance in regards to bulk regulations, standards and
off - street parking; relating to trees and shrubs; all other Ordinances, or portions
of Ordinances, which directly affect appearance, shall be a part of the criteria
of this sub - section.
3. Residential
a. Single - family detached and Duplexes
(1) Unless stated otherwise within this ordinance, no residential dwellings shall be
similar in appearance unless two or more buildings of dissimilar design
separate the buildings.
(2) A newly constructed residential building shall be dissimilar in appearance to
another residential building across the street from, or adjacent to the newly
constructed building.
(3) A residential dwelling on a corner lot is not considered similar to one adjacent
to it if the two dwellings face different streets.
(4) On cul -de -sacs not more than two dwellings shall be similar in appearance on
any lots having front lot lines contributing to the arc of the cul -de -sac.
(5) For the purpose of this section, "similar in appearance" shall mean a residential
building, which is identical to another, in combination with any four or more of
the following architectural characteristics:
(a) Roof type (gable, hip mansard, gambrel, flat, combination).
(b) Height of roof ridge above finished grade of property.
(c) Dimensions (height and length) and shape of the facades facing the
front lot line.
(d) Locations and sizes of windows, doors (including garage doors) and
ornamental work on the facade facing a front lot line.
(e) Type of facade, materials (i.e., brick veneer, lapped horizontal
siding, half timber, board and batten, shakes, etc.) on the facade
facing a lot line.
(f) Porch Dimension and elevation treatment.
(6) A building is considered dissimilar when less than four of the above
characteristics exist among subject dwellings.
b. Single - family attached and Multiple - family
The intent of this Ordinance. specifically pertaining to single - family attached and multi-
family buildings, is to create a "sense of community ". This can be achieved through,
careful site planning as well as thoughtful building design and color selections.
(1) The building footprint of single - family attached and multi - family buildings can be the
same. However, the facade treatments must vary between buildings that are adjacent to
one another. Fagade variations may include building materials or colors in any one or
more of the following:
(a) Siding
(b) .Masonry
(c) Roof
(d) Paint/Stain
(e) Doors
(2) Sites where requested setbacks and yards are less than the minimum zoning district
requirements must provide an interesting relationship between buildings.
(3) Parking areas shall be treated with decorative elements, building wall extensions,
plantings, berms and other innovative means so as to largely screen parking areas from
view from public ways.
(4) The height and scale of each building shall be compatible with its site and adjoining
(5) Newly installed utility services, and service revisions necessitated by exterior alterations,
shall be underground.
(6) The architectural character of the building shall be in keeping with the topographical
dictates of the site.
(7) Masonry Products shall be incorporated on the front facade of at least 75% of the total_
buildings in the approved community, and shall incorporate a minimum of 50% Premium
Siding material on the front facade. No less than half (25% of the total) of the minimum
"Premium Siding" requirements must incorporate Masonry Products. Credit toward the
remaining "Premium Siding" requirement can be earned via the use of Maior
Architectural Features. Each Maior Architectural Feature used will earn a credit of 10 %,
towards the calculation of the minimum Premium Siding Requirement.
Example: A building with 30% masonry on the front elevation will
require the use of two "major architectural features" (10% +
10 % =20 %) to comply with the total "50% Premium Siding material on
the front facade".
(8) Pedestrian features /amenities, such as covered walkways, street furniture, and bicycle rack
facilities are encouraged.
(9) Common open space and outdoor features are encouraged.
4. Non - Residential
a. General Provisions
(1) Relationship of Buildings to Site
(a) The site shall be planned to accomplish a desirable transition
with the streetscape, and to provide for adequate planting,
pedestrian movement, and parking area.
(b) Site planning in which setbacks and yards are in excess of the
minimum zoning district requirement is encouraged to provide
an interesting relationship between buildings.
(c) Newly installed utility services, and service revisions
necessitated by exterior alterations, shall be underground.
(d) The architectural character of the building shall be in keeping
with the topographical dictates of the site.
(e) In relating buildings to the site, the provisions of the Zoning
Ordinance in regard to bulk regulations, standards, and off -
street parking shall be part of this criteria. This shall also apply
to sub - section 2 which follows.
(2) Relationship of Site to Adjoining Area
(a) Adjacent buildings of different architectural styles shall be
made compatible by such means as screens, site breaks and
(b) Attractive landscape transition to adjoining properties shall be
(c) Harmony in texture, lines and masses is required.
(d) The height and scale of each building shall be compatible with
its site and adjoining buildings.
b. Building Design
(1) Commercial, Office and Institutional Uses
(a) Guidelines for sites that have existing buildings
1. When adding an addition. distinct color variation to an existing
building is prohibited.
2. When a site abuts a county, state or federal highway, and when
an existing building is modified, the property owner shall be
required, to the greatest extent possible, to meet the standards
set forth below for the entire building.
3. If an additional building(s) is placed on the site, the additional
building(s) shall, to the greatest extent possible, compliment the
architectural style of the principal building.
4. Any additional building(s) placed on the site shall, to the
greatest extent possible, compliment the materials and/or colors
of the principal building on the site.
(b) Guidelines for unbuilt sites
(1) Masonry Products or Pre -Cast shall be incorporated on at least 50% of
the total building, as broken down as follows: The front facade shall
itself incorporate Masonry Products or Pre -Cast concrete on at least
50% of the facade. Any other facade that abuts - a street shall
incorporate Masonry Products. The use Masonry Products or Pre -Cast
concrete is encouraged on the remaining facades.
(2) Creative layout and design of the buildings within the commercial,
office or institutional development is encouraged. Use of windows or
the impression of windows on all sides of the building and the
utilization of a campus -style layout are encouraged. Creative layout
and design will help to decrease the overall mass of the development, to
prevent monotony, and to improve the aesthetic quality of the
(3) The height and scale of each building shall be compatible with its site
and adjoining buildings.
(4) Outlots shall reflect the style, materials, and/or design elements of the
main building. In cases where the main building does not meet the
design guidelines and standards ( i.e., in terms of visual design materials
and layout of the building), new outlot development proposals will be
reviewed using the guidelines and standards contained in this
(5) Pedestrian scale features /amenities, such as solid- colored awnings,
covered walkways, windows, street furniture, bicycle rack facilities and
clearly defined entranceways are encouraged.
(6) Common open space and outdoor seating areas are encouraged within
commercial, office and institutional developments.
(7) The location of parking lots in a manner that is logical, safe and
pedestrian friendly is encouraged. In this respect, the location of
parking lots in the rear or side of a building is encouraged.
(8) Parking areas shall be treated with decorative elements, building wall
extensions, plantings, berms and other innovative means so as to
largely screen parking areas from view of public ways.
(9) The location of drive - through facilities, including drive - through lanes,
bypass lanes, and service windows, adjacent to a public right -of -way
are not desirable and are discouraged.
(10) Loading bays for commercial and office uses shall not be located in the
front of a building or in the area abutting a public right -of -way.
(c) Standards
(1) All commercial, office and institutional buildings shall consist
of solid and durable fagade materials and be compatible with
the character and scale of the surrounding area.
(2) Masonry Products shall not be painted.
(3) Trash enclosures shall be located in areas that are easily
accessible by service vehicles, but minimally exposed to the
public street. Screening these enclosures with a material that is
compatible with the principal commercial, office or institutional
building is required.
(4) Rooftop mechanicals shall be screened and enclosed in a manner that
masks the equipment from view from all sides and is of the same
character and design as the structure. Architectural features such as
parapet walls and varying rooflines, are encouraged. Ground level
mechanicals shall be screened by landscaping and/or fencing, as
appropriate and shall be maintained year round.
(5) When loading bays are placed where they can be viewed from a
County, State or Federal highway or from a City street designated on
the Comprehensive Plan as an arterial or collector road, landscaping
between the building and the street shall be such that within five (5)
years of installing the landscaping, it can be reasonably assumed that
the bay doors will screened from the road.
5. Industrial Uses
a. Guidelines
(1) Masonry Products or Pre -Cast concrete shall be
incorporated on at least 50% of the total building, as broken
down as follows: The front facade (defined as that facade
that faces a street that includes a main entry to the building)
shall itself incorporate Masonry Products or Pre -Cast
concret on at least 50% of the facade. Any other facade
that abuts a street shall incorporate Masonry Products or
Pre -Cast concrete. The use of Masonry Products or Pre -
Cast concrete is encouraged on the remaining facades.
Where pre -cast concrete panels or split -face block is
utilized, the use of colors, patterns, or other architectural
features within these panels/blocks is encouraged.
(2) Building entryways shall be clearly identified. Building
components, such as windows, doors, eaves and parapets
shall be in proportion to one another.
(3) The location of parking lots in a manner that is logical, safe,
and pedestrian friendly is encouraged. In this respect, the
location of parking lots in the rear or side of a building is
(4) Loading bays for industrial uses may be placed along the
front of the building or the side(s) abutting a public right -of-
way when there is an industrial use across from that facade.
Otherwise, loading bays for industrial uses shall be
discouraged from being placed in the front of the building or
in the area abutting a public right -of -way. When
loading bays are placed where they can be viewed from a
County, State or Federal highway or from a City street
designated on the Comprehensive Plan as an arterial or
collector road, landscaping between the building and the
street shall be such that within five (5) years of installing the
landscaping, it can be reasonably assumed that the bay
doors will screened from the road.
b. Standards
(1) Industrial buildings shall consist of solid and durable facade
materials and be compatible with the character and scale of the
surrounding area.
(2) Industrial buildings with facades greater than 100 feet in length
shall incorporate recesses, projections, windows or other
ornamental/architectural features along at least thirty percent
(30 %) of the length of the facade abutting a public street in an
effort to break up the mass of the structure.
(3) Trash enclosures shall be located in areas that are easily
accessible by service vehicles but minimally exposed to the
public street. Screening these enclosures with a material that is
compatible with the principal industrial building is required.
(a) Rooftop mechanicals shall be screened and enclosed in a
manner that masks the equipment from view from all
sides and is of the same character and design as the
structure. Architectural features such as parapet walls
and varying rooflines are encouraged. Ground level
mechanicals shall be screened by landscaping and /or
fencing, as appropriate.
6. Signs
The provisions of this section are meant to supplement the City's Sign Code. All
provisions of the Sign Code are in full force. Where conflicts between the two
regulations may occur, the more stringent requirement will apply.
Wall signs shall be part of the architectural concept. Size, color, lettering, location
and arrangement shall be harmonious with the building design, and shall be
compatible with signs on adjoining buildings.