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Public Safety Packet 2005 01-13-05
,QED CO). 0 United City of Yorkville EST.J ¢odir stl` 1836 County Seat of Kendall County 800 Game Farm Road , Yorkville, Illinois, 60560 =0 Telephone: 630-553-4350 ‘1j4ce ,V\? Fax: 630-553-7575 Website: www.yorkville.il.us PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Thursday, January 13, 2005 6:30 PM City Conference Room AGENDA 1. Approval/Correction of Minutes: November 15, 2004 and December 9, 2004 2. Police Reports — December 2004 3. Contacting IDOT — Railroad Crossing Gates @ Rt. 47 and Hydraulic Avenue 4. Warning Signs for Retention/Detention Ponds in New Areas 5. Request to Purchase a Detective Vehicle 6. Speed Trailer and Speed Monitor Sign Costs 7. Tuition Reimbursement and Request for Approval of Employees' Course of Study for 2005 / 2006 per Employee Manual 8. Purchase of Fatal Vision Goggles for Training in the High School 9. Request to Purchase a Digital Video Recording System for our Squad Cars 10. Provena Medical Center— Safety Requests 11. Liquor Ordinance Update 12. Business Registration Update / Alarm Response Update 13. Police Cadet Update 14. Dictaphone Purchase 15. Budget Requests for 2005 / 2006 16. Additional Business Page 1 of 1 Page 1 of 6 UNID CITY OF YORKVILLE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE MEETING DRAFT MONDAY,NOVEMBER 15,2004 6:30 P.M. City Hall Conference Room Committee Members Present: Chairman Alderman Kot Alderwoman Spears Guests: Mayor Prochaska(arrived 7:15 pm) Police Chief Harold Martin The meeting was called to order at 6:32pm by Chairman Alderman Kot. The Committee will be looking over two Committee packets this evening due to the previous months meeting having been cancelled. 1. Approval/Correction of Minutes: August 26,2004: Alderman Kot asked if there were any corrections needed to the minutes at hand. With no corrections necessary the Committee moved to approve the above minutes as written. 2. Police Reports—October 2004: Alderman Kot reminded those present that the previous month's updates had already gone before the last COW. Chief Martin stated that some of the items like#6 
 didn't need to be discussed this evening do to them already moving through the COW already. Alderman Kot stated that they could touch base on those anyways this evening to stay with the agenda before them. Alderman Kot then stated that the September police reports went as consent agenda from the last COW meeting. As far as the October Police Report, Alderman Kot stated he had a question regarding the new Department Report for the Racial Profiling the Department put together. Chief Martin walked the Committee members through the report explaining that this report covers a large time period and shows that the Yorkville Police Department is not profiling when it comes to policing the area. The only non-Caucasian ethnic group that had some of a percentage shown is the Hispanic and the group agreed this is due to the large Hispanic population from the surrounding areas like Plano and Aurora. Alderman Kot and Alderwoman Spears agreed that the dates these figures were tracked from should be put into the report as well to go into public record. Chief Martin will have his staff get that properly marked for the Committee. Chief Martin added that the software used to track this information was slightly pricey, but it does work in conjunction with the software the State uses. The Committee looked over the letters that came in the packet with the actual reports. Chief Martin stated he likes to put these in to show the Committee what kind of feedback and support the Officers receive from doing their job. 1 • Page 2 of 6 Chief Martin stated that he wanted to point out to the Committee that he placed in the reports a Memo to show all the training that the different members of the Department has been involved in over the last three months. He went on to say they are doing a lot of home-land security training. Some of the officers will be going to Louisiana soon and then again to Colorado next year to continue this training with home-land security. He added that all the funding is taken care of by the Federal funds except for the hourly pay which is minimal for the City to have to cover for this kind of training. Alderman Kot questioned if Officer Delaney was finished going through the crash reconstruction class. Chief Martin stated that they had accomplished what they set out to handle and he can be sent out to reconstruct the accident for the Department. Chief Martin added that they are working with the Oswego Department in sharing the Departments Officers with this expertise so that there will be someone on hand when needed. Alderwoman Spears asked if they can send out Officer Delaney to go out and train if Oswego has an accident they can use help with. Chief Martin stated this was part of the trade off that Oswego and Yorkville are trying to keep flowing between the Departments to keep the information fresh and help the Officers learn more as well. Chief Martin stated lastly he is greatly pleased with the cooperation between the Departments and how everything works. 3. Liquor Ordinance Update: Item tabled due to City Attorney unable to attend. 4. Look at Raising the$250, 1st Time Offenders Fee for Alcohol License Holders: Item tabled due to City Attorney unable to attend. Kelly Kramer is looking for information to bring to the Committee to show justification in doing this. 5. Fireworks Ordinance: Item tabled due to Mr. Dettmer is still working on this item and unable to attend tonight's meeting. 6. Business Registration Update/Alarm Response Update: Chief Martin started by showing the Committee the amount of Alarm Calls recorded. 603-Total Calls 78-Residential 401-Business 124-Schools (majority) and Government Chief Martin feels that the City should move forward with this plan and get with Kelly Kramer to get ready to bring something back if the Committee feels warranted. Chief Martin explained they should move forward due to having more than one a day and a handful of the callers/place of call are the majority of the total for the year tracked. He feels that with some penalty of a fme would solve this constant need and save the Departments time. The Committee members present agreed that this should move forward as well. Chief Martin will have Kelly Kramer bring this item back with an ordinance to the Public Safety Committee for next month's meeting. 7. K-9 Dog Run Update: Chief Martin updated the Committee to where the work stands in having a K-9 Dog Run built for the Departments dogs. He stated that the slab is 2 Page 3 of 6 poured and he stated that Sgt. Ron Diederich and Jay McCoy plan on finishing the project this coming weekend. Chief Martin added that the Department had the original total of $2,800.00 to build they had that cost knocked down to just under$1,000.00. The Department then had$1,500.00 donated by the Moose Club. Chief Martin stated he is pleased with the outcome of the project. Alderman Kot asked if next month they can have an update on how well it is working for both the Officers and the K-9's. 8. Police Cadet Update: Chief Martin stated that they are still working on this issue,but still have final touches to put on before presenting again to the Committee. He would like to have this set for the next budget year. He will try to bring this forward in February then to have it passed by this Committee and then on to City Council to have ready for the first of next fiscal year. 9. COPS Universal Hiring Process Grant Update: Chief Martin stated that they still haven't received any funds from the Grant,but the Department is still in the running. He stated that there is not much money in the program right now, so the Department will not be counting on the grant from this. 10. Meeting Date/Time Memo: This item came from the last scheduled meeting where they changed the meeting date and time. No future action necessary. 11. Generator Update: Chief Martin stated that the generator should be received by next weekend to be scheduled to put in. Alderman Kot asked why this keeps getting pushed back. Chief Martin responded he did not have the answer to why it does keep getting moved. Chief Martin went on to state that the old pad has been removed and the new pad has been poured. He pointed out that the new pad was moved slightly in order to save a tree. The Committee stressed they were not impressed this job kept getting pushed back, but they hope now that the schedule to have this finished next weekend will be nice to see. 12. Thor Guard Lightning Detector Update: Chief Martin explained that there had been a problem with the Detector,but is now completely repaired. The City did have a temporary detector to use while the original was out being repaired. The warranty did not cover the work that had to be done in this situation. They have had to have the detector repaired twice since purchasing the detector, which is a good considering all that can happen to it on top of the building. Chief Martin stated that with all the problems the building has experienced with the electrical system may have something to do with it as well. It cost approximately $400.00 for the repairs to be done. Chief Martin did recommend continuing the warranty coverage on the detector to be safe. Alderwoman Spears asked who would do the work or help the City out if the main contact were out of the area and could not be reached. Chief Martin stated he would look into that. Chief Martin stated also that he does not know much about the actual detector, he did know that this one is one of the most reliable on the market. Chief Martin also stated that the funds are budgeted and available for the warranty renewal. 3 Page 4 of 6 13. Crossing Guard Update—Route 126& Mill: Chief Martin explained to the Committee that the Schools had changed the ending time and this change was allotted for in the budget. He stated that due to the schools being released at different times the guards are on duty up to 1&1/2 hr longer depending on where located. He stated that one guard has gone from$25.00 per day up to $50.00 per day since that guards' time needed has doubled. The other guards have been compensated accordingly too. Due to this time change the Department only had enough budgeted for the time that was used the year before. Chief Martin explained to the Committee that the funds will be paid out of contingency funds which will be plenty to cover this unexpected cost with the guards. Chief Martin stated that this change has been put in the revised budget. Chief Martin again stressed he would not be comfortable to take these funds out of the overtime funds. 14. Request for Budgeted New Police Officer on/or before December 1,2004: Chief Martin stated to those present he was hoping to have a full quorum to discuss this issue. The schooling dates originally planned for this position has already been missed. He went on to tell the Committee that the next schooling will start on January 3, 2005. He stated that they still have a chance to be able to move this forward for that schooling. The Committee discussed the time frame necessary to get the new hire in to that schooling. They could hire by the 14th of December to make that schooling session. Alderwoman Spears suggested making a revision to tomorrow's COW agenda to get through sooner. The Committee discussed what steps needed to be taken exactly considering that this has already gone before the Committee and is a budgeted item to be paid for. The group came to the conclusion that since there are no changes to the date of hiring or what they are hiring for that Chief Martin can take action in hiring the new officer. 15. Request for Supervisor's Position & 16. Projection of Needed Staff Increases for Fiscal 2005/2006: Chief Martin explained to the Committee that they were looking at the hiring process he has set up as far as projecting the positions that will be needed for the next fiscal year. He explained that they want to keep the 2.3 officers per 1,000 citizens' ratio as the City grows. He wants to be able to get people on line starting May 1, 2005, being 4 new officers to join the force. With hiring four more officers that will bring the Police force total number of officers up to 27 working officers on staff. Right now Chief Martin has stated that on the interested candidate list there are no applicants that have previous experience which will involve more time for training and schooling. Alderman Kot stated that if the Department can justify the need for all these hiring's to take place he is all for staying ahead of the work load that will come with the growth of the City. Chief Martin moved into the explanation of the promotions he is looking to give with the current staff they have now. He stated that when he gets his people back from school,the 2 new officers they got back as of Friday and will hit the streets in the FTO for approximately 10-12 weeks depending on performance. At that point then he would like to have their two individuals permanently as Detectives and will replace the current individuals who are on the street,which are Officer Stacey Friddle and Officer James Presnak. Those two then will become the new Investigators. Officer James Presnak is 4 Page 5 of 6 presently doing this position due to working on day shift and they have enough work to keep him busy with more and more coming in too. He is also looking to promote from within to run the investigative unit. This will be the next person on the list and essentially will be up to the Board of Police Commissioners to do the promoting. Chief Martin will still have to go through COW, then City Council to have the positions Okayed. If this follows through as planned the Police Department will have a complete investigative unit with 2-Detectives, 1-Sgt in charge and 1-CPAD Officer(not shown on list provided by Chief Martin). Chief Martin stated that towards January of 2006 he is looking to also look for help as far as administration goes to lesson the load for Lt. Don Schwartzkopf and himself. Chief Martin stated he does more Administrative than operations,but he could definitely cut down on some hours. Alderwoman Spears at this point questioned if Chief Martin had looked into increasing the number of secretarial workers along with the increase of Officers. He stated he had that issue considered,but would like to wait until the springtime when the secretarial workload is less and the current staff could take sufficient time to work with the new person for proper training. Alderwoman Spears advised Chief Martin to wait until the staff is completely overwhelmed and then through a new person into their work load to train and them then not be able to train properly. Chief Martin agreed with that and they all thought a good plan he had set out. The Committee agreed to move this onto COW on 12/7/04 to move along to help put together the new budget. Chief Martin stated he was ready for COW for part of the plan and he stated it wouldn't have to move forward until the next meeting and he was now here to fill the Committee in on what his plans to do were. The one to hire in April would be what he wants to take to Committee now and move forward on that from there. Mayor Prochaska arrived at 7:15 to join the meeting. 17. Proposal to Purchase Digital Video Recording for Squad Cars: Chief Martin explained to the Committee that the VCR system that the Department is using now is going to be obsolete soon. The vendor that the Department is currently using has equipment to replace their system and start the Department in using a Digital recording system. By doing this it will no longer cause trunk space to be used up by recording equipment as well as it holding the past three hours of taping at all times in case of an Officer being involved in an accident or needing taping ability when not expected. Chief Martin went on to explain that you can offload the information into a tower system that will take information directly from the hard drive to the tower and then you are able to use that information. The Department's tape storage is becoming massive and by switching over to Digital this will not be an issue anymore. Chief Martin will be bringing the actual fund amount needed to do the switch over for the next meeting. The Committee discussed the importance of doing this and how it has been beneficial to other local Departments that have already made the switch. Chief Martin also informed the Committee that the Department already has the funds to do this switch for the rehab of the new squad car;the only extra expense would be the tower unit. Only one tower unit would be necessary to take information off of as many Digital Recording units that the Department ends up having. He stated that he believed for the tower unit and the 5 Page 6 of 6 installation would be approximately$4,000.00-$5,000.00. The unit itself he thought would cost about$2,000.00 more than a VCR unit. The Committee asked Chief Martin to bring this back for the next meeting with the figures and maybe even a brochure for the Committee Members to look at. Chief Martin replied that he could do that,plus he might even be able to borrow an actual unit from Aurora to have the Committee look at. 18. Additional Business: • Chief Martin stated he had Officer Ray McColowsik and Pat McMahan graduate from PTI Champagne. He went on to state that Ray got the Academic Award with 98.7% average on testing and also the Shooting Award with 100%for firearms. Chief Martin stated he was impressed by this outcome. • Alderman Kot asked if the culvert grate that was discussed in a previous month's meeting had ever been installed. Chief Martin replied that it was done the week after the last discussion. The meeting was adjourned at 7:22 p.m. Minutes By: Sheila Teausaw 6 Page 1 of 4 UNITED LIC SAFE Y COMMITTEEF LE PUMEETING DRAFT Thursday, December 9,2004 6:30 PM City Conference Room In Attendance: Building Inspector, Bill Dettmer Chairman Alderman Larry Kot Police Chief Harold Martin Alderwoman Wanda Ohare Alderwoman Rose Spears The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. 1. Approval/Correction of Minutes: August 26, 2004 and October 14, 2004: Alderman Kot found a couple of corrections in the minutes for August 26, 2004. The minutes were moved on with August 26, 2004 approved with corrections and October 14, 2004 approved as submitted. 2. Police Reports—November 2004: Chief Martin stated to the Committee that Molly Batterson continued to track the profiling report for the City. He pointed out that the last page of the report the dates were left out and he stated that was a total to date of what has been tracked. The dates will be added when he gets back with Molly Batterson to let her know this is needed. Alderman Kot asked if it was proper to do a press release on this subject to let the public know that the City is not doing anything wrong. Chief Martin stated IDOT is still correlating everything still and he will let the Committee know when it is proper to release this information. Alderman Kot stated that he wanted to let the Department know they are doing a good job and the public should know this as well. Chief Martin stated that the rest of the reports were the standard that is always submitted. He did indicate that the individual case report was not finished yet for this month was not completed due to other work that had to be done first. The report does take approximately 6 hrs to do every month. This will come with next months reports. The Committee agreed that was okay and will look for it at next months meeting. The reports will go on to COW. 3. Generator Update: Chief Martin stated that the generator is here and sitting on the slab now. They are trying to get it in place by the 31-d or 4th week of December. There will be a test run before the project is finished. The Committee had no questions on this issue. 7. Fireworks Ordinance: (The Committee moved to this item to let the Building Inspector speak and be able to go home for the evening.) Alderman Kot reminded the Committee that Mr. Dettmer had spoken before the Committee back in August 1 Page 2 of 4 on this issue and the Committee felt at that time that this ordinance did need to be in place to restrict the sale of fireworks in the City of Yorkville. Mr. Dettmer stated that he does have the Ordinance written and looked over by the Attorney. He stated that the copy the Committee has received does have some errors and will have these fixed by the Attorney before putting in place. The Committee agreed that the errors did need fixing and agreed to what Mr. Dettmer is going to be requesting the Attorney to change. Mr. Dettmer did explain to the Committee again to the reasoning again of why they all felt this ordinance needed to be in place. There will be no more tents or sales at any business of fireworks in the City of Yorkville. Chief Martin explained that it will not be illegal for residents to have or use any legal fireworks in the City; this is just the sale of fireworks in Yorkville. The Committee agreed to have Mr. Dettmer get the title and the few errors of the writing of the ordinance before them this evening corrected and this will go on to COW. They have also asked Mr. Dettmer to speak at the COW meeting this goes to explain to all the importance of this ordinance being put in place. Mr. Dettmer stated he would be honored to speak and push this forward and will place the cleaned up copies in the Committee's boxes when completed being corrected. This will go to 12/21/04 COW if that agenda is not overwhelmed. 4. Proposal to Purchase Digital Video Recording for Squad Cars: Chief Martin stated that the Department currently has the VHS tapes in the squad cars. There are a number of reasons they are looking at using the DVD instead. • Technology for VHS is outdated now and soon will probably not be available. • They have found one system that the Department likes and found that Aurora Police Department currently has 42 units in place and Midland, TX has 38 units in place. • VHS takes up a lot of space that the Officers could be using and the DVD units would be behind the front passenger seat. This leaves it accessible to the Officers in the car. (The unit is fully protected from any damage the person in the back could try to cause.) As far as the cost the unit does have a one time cost for installation with the first vehicle having this installed. It would have a total cost of$11,415.00 to install in the first vehicle and $6,000.00 cost per vehicle after that. With the first installation there would be a software license for two vehicles included which will save the City$900.00 on the second installation of the DVD system to the squad car. Chief Martin went on to explain of the problems that the Department is currently having with the upkeep on the current VHS systems they are using. The audio and picture will be clearer and distinct which will be very beneficial. He stated this is the same system they currently use in the NASCAR. 2 ► Page 3 of 4 Chief Martin stated they currently have the funds for the system to be started to be installed. During the next budget year they will look to have this installed in 2-3 units initially. The money would come from the build out line item. Alderman Kot asked Chief Martin to put together a phasing plan for the Committee to look over and to have to show COW when it moves on for approval. Alderwoman Ohare asked that he include figures to show the time and cost of the current VHS system that is in place to show the need. Chief Martin stated to the Committee that he could get that plan together to show them and he will also look into getting a discount rate if the Department could get a large quantity of squads doing this at once. Chief Martin pointed out that this will save on storage space needed and the fact that the constant recording the DVD does if there were a squad in an accident it would be very beneficial. Alderwoman Spears heard in Aurora that having the constant recording was beneficial to them for being accused of wrong doing. Chief Martin also they will look into the policy changes that will go along with this change of the recording system. He stated it will be basically the same as the Department has now. The Committee agreed that Chief Martin should get together a phase in plan, time and cost of VHS system all for justification. This will come back to Public Safety Committee in January and then on to COW. 5. Liquor Ordinance Update & 6. Loot at Raising the$250, 18`Time Offenders Fee for Alcohol License Holders: Both of these items were tabled due to Attorney Kramer will be turning these issues over to Attorney John Wyeth to handle in his place. Chief Martin will look into having Mr. Wyeth at the next Public Safety meeting to finalize these items. 8. Business Registration Update/Alarm Response Update: This item was tabled as well until 1/13/05 due to Attorney John Wyeth taking over. 9. K-9 Dog Run Update: Chief Martin stated that the run is up but there is no permanent shelter up yet due to the rain they have had in the area delaying that part. He stated it will probably be completed in the final week of December. 10. Police Cadet Update: Chief Martin informed the Committee that they are still working on this item. He is hoping to have Jon Helen here on 1/13/04 to speak to the Committee on this item. 11. COPS Universal Hiring Process Grant Update: Alderman Kot stated that they have not yet been accepted, but the City is still in the running. They make their 3 Page 4 of 4 r decision twice a year and funds are low with this Grant. Chief Martin stated this is the second time Yorkville has been looked over for waiting again. 12. Meeting Date/Time Memo: Taken off of agenda. Alderman Kot re-informed all that Public Safety will stay at the second Thursday of the month at 6:30 pm. 13. Thor Guard Lightning Detector Update: Chief Martin stated they just had it repaired and ready to go for spring when it will be turned back on for use. 14. Crossing Guard Update—Route 126 & Mill: Chief Martin stated that they have the guard in place and the hours did change on the guards. They have a revised budget for this change and are taking the money from contingency to cover the increase. All the guards have raincoats, signs, signs with flashers provided by the Police Department. The school district is completely satisfied. Chief Martin added that the Department has provided an Officer at the new school in the morning and afternoon to direct the traffic in the area. This is needed due to one way in and out. Chief Martin stated this could be eased in the area if more of the kids were riding on the buses. 15.Request for Supervisor's Position: This is on to COW for 12/21/04 with full Committee consent. This was discussed at last months meeting. 16. Projection of Needed Staff Increases for Fiscal 2005/2006: Chief Martin stated this was a memo explaining to the Committee of his intents of what the Department will need next year to stay with the growing population of the City. He said that with the increase he is requesting there will be in place for every shift 3 Officers with 1 Sergeant except vacations or sick time. As far as the office they will be adding one P/T position which is already approved. In the future he will be adding this to F/T position. The Committee agreed they should be prepared for handling the growing population instead of trying to play catch up later on. Alderman Kot asked to have this in order for when the budget time begins and hope it all can be funded. This will not go to COW yet, Chief Martin will bring his temporary budget to this Committee to look over and then it will all go on to COW at a later date. 17. Additional Business: • Alderwoman Spears stated she noticed a lot of kids crossing Route 34 in front of McDonald's after school. They are stopping in the median some times as well. She doesn't know what could be done about this, but it worries her. They agreed they could educate the parents about working with their kids on this. They feel if they start with jay-walking tickets it would have to be done under ordinance. Chief Martin will research that. The meeting was adjourned at 7:15 p.m. Minutes by: Sheila Teausaw 4 `/coo It Olt*0,,,, °"11,11% QR 4.P41111/ 1H v I \,,,:,...,t...............61M **! YORKVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT CHIEFOF POLICE 804 Game Farm Road Phone (630) 553-4340 Harold O.Martin III Yorkville,Illinois 60560 Fax (630) 553-1141 Date: December 29, 2004 To: Chief Harold 0. Martin III From: S/Sergeant Ron Diederich Reference: Monthly Mileage Report During November 2004, the Yorkville Police Department logged a total of 21,336 miles. Individual squad miles are: Monthly Current Reassign / Squad Vehicle Squad Usage Miles Miles Replace Date M-1 2001 Ford Crown Victoria Patrol / K-9 2,035 91,896 2006/2007 M-2 1996 Chevrolet Caprice Administration 632 138,137 2005/2006 M-3 1998 Ford Crown Victoria Administration 487 124,140 2003/2004 M-4 2002 Chevrolet Impala Patrol 3,165 61,409 2005/2006 M-5 1998 Ford Crown Victoria Administration 586 119,814 2003/2004 M-6 2003 Chevrolet Impala Chief 1,390 22,159 2007/2008 M-7 2001 Ford Crown Victoria DARE 0 68,140 2009/2010 M-8 2004 Ford Crown Victoria Patrol 1,901 42,519 2007/2008 M-9 2000 Ford Crown Victoria Lieutenant 555 67,054 2008/2009 M-10 1991 Ford Thunderbird DARE 408 127,612 2004/2005 M-11 2003 Ford Crown Victoria Patrol 479 51,183 2006/2007 M-12 1999 Ford Expedition Patrol /Trucks 676 54,964 2007/2008 M-13 2001 Ford Crown Victoria Patrol / K-9 741 44,346 2010/2011 M-14 2003 Ford Crown Victoria Patrol 3,495 64,737 2005/2006 M-15 2004 Ford Crown Victoria Patrol Sergeant 1,496 20,572 2007/2008 M-16 2004 Ford Expedition Patrol Sergeant 2,211 17,338 2008/2009 New Impala, M-10 2,140 miles Respectfully, • S/Sgt. Ronald E. Diederich#203, JAN 0 4 2005 C A /•eT 7fir- lis1 c-r/ ^ O t (Id/) 1 /a/77Cts; y te // e C , Jo 4 ��� lct f^ 21�y�.�' >tii Aa v el'+ f' e 0-71 via , iheeztit--. A c70- pec Yorkville Police Department Manhour Report - December 2004 2004. PATROL DEC03 JAN 04 FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL' AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC TOTALS Accidents 31.88 22.17 21.92 24.67 33.33 24.50 29.83 32.20 27.58 45.75 32.92 18.25 30.08 343.20 Administrative Activity 395.53 453.28 535.47 572.88 382.42 348.27 374.17 324.92 313.05 389.33 434.42 525.50 701.20 5,354.91 Animal Complaints 3.17 3.17 2.58 5.00 8.50 8.00 6.58 7.92 6.08 4.75 10.00 6.45 5.83 74.86 Arrest Activity 31.58 22.58 18.75 36.23 41.88 24.17 38.42 20.73 52.67 17.33 29.58 24.50 38.83 365.67 Assist Agencies 139.93 139.62 176.23 166.05 191.50 131.75 144.25 179.28 223.75 116.75 152.50 118.92 143.50 1,884.10 Community Relations 32.25 23.42 23.58 59.25 45.33 68.25 99.62 88.33 77.33 91.17 88.67 93.75 36.80 795.50 Departmental Duties 115.58 148.67 132.00 100.33 92.07 104.73 99.97 118.83 122.58 139.17 109.42 92.50 139.33 1,399.60 Investigations 206.52 133.57 143.67 51.50 28.17 43.38 92.58 81.75 57.67 63.92 63.50 29.58 31.33 820.62 Ordinance/Traffic Violations 125.18 121.05 103.13 134.52 79.43 152.43 86.95 58.45 100.68 61.98 85.93 52.27 101.80 1,138.62 Personnel Activity 757.22 593.73 535.83 837.30 592.50 549.27 1002.25 640.08 789.93 660.10 398.45 473.83 747.50 7,820.77 Preventive Patrol 809.53 935.62 888.82 832.15 922.35 831.75, 879.00 733.35 792.68 971.15 720.53 791.30 772.35 10,071.05 Public Complaints 59.15 61.15 74.17 72.60 93.72 122.50 116.92 147.17 131.58 87.32 98.97 69.13 124.25 1,199.48 Public Services 74.65 47.17 24.67 50.75 34.83 38.33 35.92 39.33 32.00 33.42 71.42 28.17 32.08 468.09 Report Activity 259.33 211.42 220.37 224.65 117.08 260.17 193.00 167.50 257.75 179.33 195.92 132.52 180.67 2,340.38 School Activity 170.50 189.08 214.57 295.08 174.08 222.58 33.33 3.67 94.83 246.83 263.13 195.33 172.50 2,105.01 Traffic Activity 530.48 401.55 319.70 421.43 271.18 365.48 252.58 205.68 250.98 215.17 209.80 179.92 268.42 3,361.89 Training 62.00 176.92 407.88 297.58 204.83 274.08 18.92 309.17 83.42 158.58 251.08 402.08 165.67 2,750.21 2004 ADMINISTRATIVE DEC 03 JAN 04 FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JULI AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC TOTALS Chief 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 2,079.96 CPAT Officer 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 2,079.96 Crossing Guards(In Days) 30.00 37.50 36.00 46.00 31.50 39.00 8.00 0.00 10.00 42.00 56.00 43.00 39.00 388.00 Lieutenant 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 2,079.96 Office Supervisor 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 2,079.96 Records Clerks 287.58 281.33 281.08 297.33 285.83 291.83 291.83 302.08 173.33 346.66 346.66 346.66 346.66 3,591.28 TOTALS 481538 469632 4853.74 5218.62 4323.85 '4593.79 4497.44 4153.76 4291.21 4564.03 4312.22 431698 477L12 54593.08 Yorkville Police Department - Overtime Manhour Utilization Report - 01-08-05 Date Court Training Relief Details Admin Emerg Invest Com Sery Full Time Part Time 05/15/04 6 0 1.75 12 0 0 7.25 0 27 22.75 05/29/04 2 0 4 16 0 0 30.25 1 53.25 34 06/12/04 r ... 7.5 1 0 0 1... 28.50 0 5_. 23.75 4 63.75 26.25 06/26/04 ; 2 0 21.5 ' 0 0 ... . 0 ....... ..._ 23 ? ,,... 0 46.5... 4.... 07/10/04 2 0 6 12 0 0 10.25 0 30.25 24.5 07/24/04 ` 2 8 5 i 0 0 0 21 2 . ..,, 38 38 08/07/04 2 0 0 0 0 2 2 5 11 33 08/21/04 12 0 0 02 12 27 4 57 29.5 09/04/04 ; 2 ? 0 10 40.5 7 0 19 8.5 87 65.5 ..., . 09/18/04 0 0 12.5 34.5 11 0 16.75 9 83.75 57.5 10/02/04 13.5 0 4.5 34 2 0 ;.. 5.5 9 68.5 l39 10/16/04 6 4.25 23 4 0 0 8 .... 3 ... 48.25 47.5 10/30/04 8.5 8 11 7 19.5 0 34.25 10.5 98.75 60 11/13/04 ; 4 0 39 7 7 0 8.75 9 74.75 65 11/27/04 15.5 ? 12 4 0 3 0 2 7 43.5 54.75 12/11/047 6 0 12 4 5 0 0 g 15.5 7 1 45 64 12/25/04 t 20 0 32.5 1.5 0 10 3 49 110.5 01/08/05 6 ... 8 4 5 0 0 15.75 2 ... 40.75 94.5... ...... 1 i t FY04-05 Court Training Relief Details Admin Emerg Invest Com Sery Full Time Part Time Totals 99.00 40.25 158.25 237.50 53.00 14.00 280.00 84.00 966.00 870.25 Percents 10% 4% 16% 25% 5% 1% 29% 9% 100% N/A Average 5.50 2.24 8.79 13.19 2.94 0.78 15.56 4.67 53.67 48.35 LAST YEAR'S STATISTICS FOR MANHOUR UTILIZATION FY03-04 Court Training Relief Details Admin Emerg Invest Com Sery Full Time Part Time Totals 173.5 197 180.25 250 136.5 0 319.25 106.25 1362.75 2164 Percents 13% 14% 13% 18% 10% 0% 23% 8% 100% N/A Average 6.67 7.58 6.93 9.62 5.25 0.00 12.28 4.09 52.41 83.23 ' Riverfront summary will not be complete until next payroll period ends -09-18-04 Prepared by Molly Batterson 1/10/2005 Page 1 Yorkville Police Department Offense Report - December 2004 Offense Categories DEC 03 TOTALS JAN I FEBI MARL APR I MAYI JUN JULIAUGI SEP I OCT INOV�DEC 04 TOTALS Arson 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Assault 0 5 0 0 ; 4 2 1 0 = 0 ; 0 ; 2 ; 2 0 1 0 11 Battery 3 79 4 ` 2 2 7 5 4 3 6 1 5 4 7 50 Burglary 4 63 7 1 8 2 ; 5 , 9 12 ; 6 , 5 1 2 13 71 Cannabis Offenses 2 26 0 1 5 0 3 0 1 1 1 1 2 1 16 Controlled Substance Offenses 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 , 1 ! 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 Crimes Involving Children 4 31 4 1 6 1 5 1 4 ' 4 6 7 0 ` 2 41 CrimDecep tive hvel DPractge ices 21 4 1 5 0 6 22 6 16 50 12 .s. 17 12 .17 ? 18 . 156 p ' 6 3 1 4 0 36 Drug Paraphernalia Offenses 2 17 0 0 2 0 3 1 3 1 0 0 2 3 15 Firearms Offenses 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 € 0 1 0 . 0 0 0 1 1 3 Gambling Offenses 0 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Kidnapping 0 2 1 0 0 1 2 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 8 r ,n ,... �,,,.;,� a; ,7i .:z Mrd"". 4 A y7 ; 'r* r °y i g('s._ d 'r. ;',A. �" ✓ ';,&, Liquor Offenses 3 26 1 2 0 2 6 0 1 6 3 3 4 0 28 Murder 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 ; 0 0 ; 0 0 1 00 ' 0 1 Robbery 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 1 Sex Offenses 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 .. 1 0 1 5 Theft 15 107 8 5 12 8 14 ; 12 10 ' 7 ' 13 ' 6 7 ' 12 114 All Other Criminal Offen ses 12 176 13 25 10 10 - 15 14 ' 18 11 15 14 11 ; 14 170 Traffic Incidents DEC 03 TOTALS JAN IFEB I MARI APR I MAYI JUN JULY AUG SEP I OCTI NOVI DEC 04 TOTALS License/RegistrationD Under Violations 62 477 55 42 75 3 33 37 24 57 3 33..E ' 44._. 25 x.. ..35 495 Seatbelt Citations 78 277 18 14 8 3 ' 126 64 16 18 14 t 9 16 8 314 Seatbelt Warnings 4 135 5 11 5 18 29 21 19 13 12 6 16 0 155 Speeding Citations 55 37542 54 47 34 29 17 12 37 21 18 35 36 382 Speeding Warnings 89 470 0 65 96 0 0 ` 0 0 0 0 1 40 37 ; 42 280 Transportation of Alcohol 1 11 0 2 1 0 1 1 0 1 S 4 i 4 ' 5 0 ' 2 20 Uninsured Motor Vehicle 54 403 48 ', 43 49 41 ' 42 27 29 43 25 ; 24 16 31 418 Total Citations Issued 109 1644 187 = 177 195 160 279 186 132 233 ; 170 158 '; 118 181 2176 Total Verbal Warnings Issued 53 478 4 7 4 12 . 4 5 5 15 6 8 9 6 85 Total Written Warnings Issued 390 3503 343 334 383 304 357 251 264 ' 269 221 244 237 326 3533 Accident Reports Taken DEC 03 TOTALS JAN I FEB I MARL APR 1 NIAYI JUN I JULI AUG SEP I OCTI NOV DEC 04 TOTALS Hit and Run Accident 2 28 0 2 7 2 1 0 1 1 4 50 5 28 Property Damage Accident 37 257 28 26 27 24 34 ' 30 32 36 ' 23 ' 39 27 34 360 Personal Injury Accident 6 48 5 5 1 2 2 3 1 8 5 10 5 3 3 52 Total Accidents Taken 45 333 33 33 36 28 38 31 ' 41 ; 42 ' 37 ; 49 30 42 440 TTuniawrui visitation interrerence is reportea unaer the itionapptng Section of the Illinois Uniformed Crime Reporting system. The Kidnapping 1;,,P;tP,,,;.,oh,.i-e th;c nf4fPncP;,.;te tr,taic DEC 2 2 2004 UNIFORM CRIME REPORTS - For Release January-June 2004 December 13,2004 Collectively,law enforcement agencies throughout the United States reported a decrease of 2.0 percent in the number of violent crimes brought to their attention in the first 6 months of 2004 when compared to figures reported for the first half of 2003. The violent crime category includes murder,forcible rape, robbery,and aggravated assault. The number of property crimes nationwide from January to June of 2004 decreased 1.9 percent when compared to data from the same time period in 2003. Property crimes include burglary,larceny-theft,and motor vehicle theft. Because the level of participation differs among agencies reporting the property crimes of burglary,larceny-theft,and motor vehicle theft and those also reporting arson,data for arson(also a property crime)are not included in the property crime total. Figures for the first half of 2004 indicated that arson decreased 6.8 percent when compared to 2003 figures. The data presented in Tables 1 and 2 indicate the percent change in offenses known to law enforcement for the first six months of 2003 and 2004 by population group and geographic region,respectively. Table 3 reflects the percent change within the Nation for consecutive years(each year compared to the prior year). Table 4 presents a two-year comparison for the first halves of 2003 and 2004 of offenses known to law enforcement for agencies having a resident population of 100.000 and over. All data in this report are preliminary. TABLE 1 Percent Change by Population Group Aggra- Motor Number of Violent ! Forcible vated Property•j Bur- Larceny- vehicle Population Group agencies Population crime Murder rape Robbery assault crime glary theft theft Arson Total 10.782 222.904.429 ..=2.0 -5.7 +1.4 -5.0 -0.9 i -1.9 -2.2 -1.9 -1.6 -6.8 Cities: 1.000,000 and over 10 24.680.715 -4.8. -8.7 +6.5 -7.0 -3.7 -1 6 +0.2 -1.9 -2.3 -10.1 500,000 to 999,999 21 14.074.457 -17 +3.6 +1.5 -8.0 -1.6 -12 -3.0 -2.5 -0.4 +2.1 250,000 to 499,999 36 12.631.432 +0.2 +0.3 -3.6 -4.4 +3.6 -4.8 -2.3 -5.1 -6.4 -8.0 100,000 to 249,999 168 25.188.870 -1.2 -7.7 +6.4 -2.9 -0.8 • -1.4 -2.1 -1.2 -1.6 -10.5 50,000to99,999 313 21.548.551 41,8 -132 -3.1 -1.4 -01 -0.6 +0.4 -0.9 -0.4 -7.7 25,000 to 49,999 588 20.497.245 +0.4 -19.1 -0.5 -0.7 +1.2 -1.3 • -2.1 -1.3 +0.5 -0.8 10,000 to 24,999 1.361 21.537.543 -0.5 +7.8 +2.8 -7.4 +1.4 -0,8 -1.3 -0.5 -2.5 -4.1 Under 10,000 5.204 17.003.279 -LI -25.9 -0.8 -4.5 -0.1 -2,3 -3.6 -1.9 -3.4 -5.6 Counties: Metropolitan' 1.245 46,432.154 -1.7 -6.8 +2.8 -2.1 -2.0 -1.5 -3.4 -1.5 +2.4 -8.2 Nonmetropolitan' 1,836 19.310.183 -1.8 +10.4 -2.9 -9.3 -1.2 -4.5 • -5.7 -3.9 -4.5 -10.3 'Includes crimes reported to sheriffs'departments.county police departments.and state police within Metropolitan Statistical Areas. 'Includes crimes reported to sheriffs'departments.county police departments.and state police outside Metropolitan Statistical Areas. TABLE 2 Percent Change by Geographic Region Aggra- Motor Violent Forcible vated Property • Larceny- vehicle Region crime Murder rape Robbery assault crime Burglary theft theft Arson Total -2,0 -5.7 +1.4 -5.0 -0.9 -1.9 -2.2 -1.9 -1.6 -6.8 Northeast -O..' -7.2 +0.1 -3.9 +0.9 -1.4 -1.8 -8.6 -10.2 Midwest -2-8 • -5.4 +0.9 -3.8 -2.7 -56 -5.3 -6.3 -1.6 -8.I South 2.4 •' -8.3 +3.3 -7.0 -0.6 -1.6 -2.5 -1,0 -3.6 -5.1 West • -18 -0.9 +0.3 -4.1 -1.0 • +12 +0.3 -0.4 +2.5 -6.6 *Less than one-tenth of 1 percent. TABLE 3 Percent Change for Consecutive Years Aggra- Motor • Violent!• Forcible vated Property Larceny- vehicle Years crime J Murder rape Robbery assault crime Burglary theft theft Arson 2001/2000 -13 +0.3 -1.7 +0.8 -2.4 -0.2 -1.2 -0.4 +2.6 +2.9 2002/2001 -1-7 +2.3 +1.8 -0.4 -2.8 +1.7 +4.2 +0.5 +4.2 -2.6 2003/2002 -3.1 +1.1 4.0 -0.5 -4.4 -0.8 -1.0 -1.1 +0.9 -10.0 2004/2003 -2A -5.7 +1.4 -5.0 -0.9 -1.9 -2.2 -1.9 -1.6 -6.8 ISSUED BY Robert S.Mueller III.Director.Federal Bureau of Investigation.United States Department of Justice.Washington.D.C.20535 Advisory: Criminal Justice Information Systems Committee.International Association of Chiefs of Police: Criminal Justice Information Services Committee.National Sheriffs'Association: Criminal Justice Information Services Advisory Policy Board TABLE 4 Offenses Reported to Law Enforcement Cities and Towns 100.000 and over in population Motor Vlotent Forcible Aggravated Property Larceny- vehicle crime Murder rape Robbery assault tattle Burglary theft theft Arson ABILENE TX 2003 229 5 33 53 138 1029 883 1.975 171 15 2004 255 2 27 88 138 2.9511 889 1.926 143 7 AKRON OH 2003 612 7 106 280 219 5.698 1389 3.695 614 34 2004 ' 611 7 86 288 230 591y7 1.462 3.764 681 40 ALBUQUERQUE NM 2003 2,150 25 120 559 1,546 14573 2.757 9,946 1,870 42 2004 2.233 14 121 567 1,581 14,390 2.407 10.042 1.941 28 ALEXANDRIA VA 2003 200 I 10 80 109 =1046 221 1,513 312 13 2004 190 - 0 14 74 102 1,610 155 1.195 260 7 ALLENTOWN PA 2003 308 6 31 172 99 2.653 475 1.860 318 28 2004 312 4 29 168 111 2.581 616 1.711 254 15 AMARILLO TX 2003 736 8 47 178 503 5,570 1.150 4.006 414 25 2004 '733 2 46 195 490 5.678 1.089 4.120 469 25 AMHERST TOWN' NY 2003 48 1 3 16 28 901 58 811 32 11 2004 47 0 2 14 31 1.115 88 981 46 ANAHEIM CA 2003 593 4 42 170 377 5.106 1.065 3,173 868 23 2004 737 ' 7 41 245 444 5,296 891 3.415 990 12 ANN ARBOR MI 2003 140 0 11 47 82 1.492 315 1.069 108 15 2004 120 0 9 35 76 1,384 301 1.003 80 9 ARLINGTON TX 2003 955 5 96 288 596 9.696 1.702 7.212 782 22 2004 830 8 105 307 460 9,434 1.619 7.059 756 28 ATHENS-CLARKE COUNTY GA 2003 186 4 21 58 103 2,$45 482 2.128 195 14 2004 242 5 21 71 145 2.701 508 2.025 168 24 ATLANTA GA 2003 4.179 69 144 1.902 2.064 €8.669 3.908 11.272 3.489 80 2004 3,949 52 127 1.546 7.774 16.411 3.094 10.408 2.909 116 AURORA CO 2003 822 8 110 260 444 7,582 1.110 5.141 1.331 62 2004 772 5 97 250 420 7.3311 1.205 4.947 1.178 53 AURORA' IL 2003 5 105 216 2.426 410 1.840 176 19 2004 13 52 249 2.250 381 1.717 152 19 AUSTIN TX 2003 1,497 13 106 564 814 20,891 3.677 15,833 1.381 78 2004 1,568 16 150 610 792 20.325 3.199 15.943 1.183 61 BAKERSFIELD' CA 2003 073 11 17 171 474 6,929 1.408 4.549 972 84 2004 1.459 10 30 260 759 7,591 1.366 5.125 1.100 113 BATON ROUGE LA 2003 1,405 17 56 488 844 7,560 1.821 4.939 800 99 2004 1:147 20 50 398 679 7.664 1.874 5.026 769 — 76 BEAUMONT TX 2003 539 1 34 158 346 4,332 840 3.264 228 29 2004 464 6 25 139 294 4,395 803 3.348 244 l5 BELLEVUE WA 2003 90 0 17 34 39 2217 250 1,658 309 20 2004 92 0 18 40 34 2,393 321 1.801 277 16 BERKELEY CA 2003 446 3 6 207 230 4.329 598 3.045 686 13 2004 321 0 9 179 133 4.186 640 3.029 517 31 BIRMINGHAM AL 2003 1.645 38 111 601 895 9.683 2.316 6.039 1,328 100 2004 1,492 24 138 557 773 9.408 2.362 5.871 1.175 72 BOISE ID 2003 326 2 63 30 231 3,988 679 3.097 212 50 2004 343 0 68 35 240 3,502 595 2.652 255 26 BOSTON' MA 2003 3.472 19 115 1,336 2.002 13,153 2.042 7.619 3.492 2004 3,261 28 136 1,118 1.979 13,406 2,029 8,796 2.581 BRIDGEPORT' CT 2003 619 6 21 193 399 2,824 483 1.765 576 2004. 627 4 29 232 362 2.953 562 1.985 406 BROWNSVILLE TX 2003 393 6 24 83 280 5,627 475 4.916 236 12 2004 431 0 31 69 331 4,105 593 3,339 173 6 BUFFALO' NY 2003 1,894 25 89 829 951 7,606 1.846 4,481 1,279 2004 1,864 32 113 672 1.052 7,477 1.795 4,439 1.243 BURBANK CA 2003 129 0 8 31 90 1,379 267 875 237 11 2004 #26 1 6 38 81 1,467 244 968 250 7 CAMBRIDGE' MA 2003 290 2 3 106 109 1,547 247 1.121 179 2004 238 0 6 109 123 1,676 257 1.245 174 CAPE CORAL FL 2003 , 167 0 5 15 147 1,924 469 1,370 85 14 2004 1.61 1 8 20 132 1,682 431 1.152 99 25 CARROLLTON TX 2003 130 0 10 38 82 2,044 405 1.397 247 22 2004 122 2 2 44 74 1,414 374 1.306 234 19 CEDAR RAPIDS IA 2003 184 4 23 42 115 3,013 484 2,408 120 10 2004 135 0 11 41 83 3,120 738 2.240 142 14 CHANDLER AZ 2003 296 I 24 57 214 5,406 925 3,770 711 33 2004 331 0 23 63 245 4,987 743 3.379 865 23 CHARLOTTE- NC 2003 3,480 31 143 1.304 3,002 21,453 5.287 12,748 3.418 159 MECKLENBURG 2004' 3,433 28 155 1.174 2,076 22,536 5.673 13,871 2,992 182 CHATTANOOGA TN 2003 928 10 48 210 660 595y 963 4.316 673 30 2004 904 8 74 219 603 6,699 1.325 4,617 757 32 CHICAGO= IL 2003 287 7.891 9,533 67,544 11,773 44.996 10.775 441 2004, 215 7367 9.310 64,728 11,159 42.346 11,223 408 CHULA VISTA CA 2003 372 4 22 126 220 3,507 503 1.981 1.023 21 2004 402 4 23 131 244 3,433 594 1.894 945 20 CINCINNATI' OH 2003 1,654 38 158 962 496 11,313 2.812 6.819 1.682 2004 €.751 37 147 1.143 424 10,674 2.638 6,652 1.384 CLARKSVILLE TN 2003 303 1 24 39 239 2,661 519 2,019 123 13 2004 353 2 28 65 258 3.017 __ 524 2.394 99 14 2 TABLE 4 Offenses Reported to Law Enforcement Cities and Towns 100,000 and over in population-Continued Motor Veotent Forcible Aggravated Property Larceny- vehicle crime Murder rape Robbery assault crimes Burglary theft theft Arson •CLEARWATER FL 2003 602 1 27 124 450 ?.906; 542 2.1.03 261 24 2004 832 6 21 104 401 3,482 500 1,799 183 18 CLEVELAND OH 2003 3,97€E 36 340 1,587 1.107 , 12,238. 3.623 6,026 2,589 265 2004 2,73 35 238 1.470 989 • 12.67$,• 3.817 6.241 2.620 203 COLORADO SPRINGS CO 2003 8$0 11 132 196 541 $,944 • 1.619 6.525 800 101 2004 742 9 130 160 443 9376? 1,720 6.9.51 905 58 COLUMBIA SC 2003 658 4 33 223 398 3.80$. 632 2.733 443 6 2004 624 4 34 193 393 4.1•08' 813 2.921 374 21 COLUMBUS GA 2003 419 10 10 164 235 6089? 1.094 4.385 610 22 2004 406 8 14 163 221 5,950 994 4.235 721 39 COLUMBUS' OH 2003 2,960 51 293 1.537 1.079 25 238_ 6.434 15.190 3.614 2004 1721 35 272 1.531 883 26,468 6.665 15.514 4.289 CONCORD CA 2003 176 2 7 66 101 2,666 i 458 1.692 516 1 2004 172 4 15 58 95 3,030 509 1.925 • 596 8 CORAL SPRINGS FL 2003 168 0 15 43 110 1,$29 282 1,402 145 6 2004 152 0 15 42 95 1,6.16 198 1,300 148 3 CORONA CA 2003 131 3 15 59 541.984 373 1,224 387 19 2004 • 142 2 10 64 66 2.422= !. 445 1.542 435 33 CORPUS CHRISTI TX 2003 €.201 13 110 290 791 9.473 1.611 7.240 622 67 2004 1.005 ! 14 103 246 642 • 10,425 2.116 7.766 543 70 COSTA MESA CA 2003 1241 0 22 46 56 1,741 241 1.303 197 4 2004 135 2 16 60 57 1,790 229 1.350 211 4 DALLAS TX 2003 8,381 114 309 3.884 4.074 I 49,353 10.467 29.976 8.910 668 2004 7.629 • 105 302 3.399 3.823 .46.383; 10.999 27.431 7.953 612 DALY CITY CA 2003 154 • 0 12 75 67 1.065 126 713 226 7 2004 177 2 12 62 101 1 223 109 854 260 3 DAYTON OH 2003 778 13 67 441 257 6;254 1.717 3,355 1.182 84 2004 754 • 11 60 398 285 5.981 1.776 3.128 1.077 81 DENVER CO 2003 • 1.587 29 160 619 779 13.647 i 3,060 7,228 3,359 145 2004 2.189 47 146 645 1.351 14.569! • 3.437 7,411 3,721 88 DETROIT' MI 2003 8.843 156 282 2.805 5,600 30,1201 6.363 12.092 11.665 695 2004 7581 195 341 2.575 4.770 28.645 5.821 10,575 12.249 866 DOWNEY CA 2003 242 4 19 95 124 1.624 265 818 541 1 2004 227 0 13 118 96 1.947': 285 1.089 573 13 DURHAM NC 2003 •880 13 35 480 352 6,666' 1.689 4.449 528 34 2004 817 15 52 423 327 6.0€3 1.503 4.048 462 29 EDISON TOWNSHIP NJ 2003 148 I 6 58 83 1 287 i 246 820 221 3 2004 98 1 4 29 64 1,182< 187 845 150 4 ELIZABETH NJ 2003 • 392 8 9 271 104 2,896 514 1.538 844 10 2004 326 • 6 7 217 96 2.407 452 1,265 690 2 EL MONTE CA 2003 359 0 10 117 232 1,662= 316 837 509 12 2004 409 3 17 112 277 1,596 321 799 476 8 EL PASOTX 2003 1.735 6 100 277 1.352 1D 104 971 8.536 897 65 2004 1.608 3 106 257 1.242 10.860 1.088 8.886 886 103 ERIE PA 2003 214 1 36 83 94 1,428 296 1.060 72 19 2004 .211 1 35 90 85 1507 i 331 1.105 71 10 ESCONDIDO CA 2003 240 2 28 69 141 2786: 557 1.698 531 10 2004 33 1 13 98 211 • 2.677 372 1.626 679 19 EUGENE OR 2003 242 0 24 78 140 4.385 692 3,350 343 76 2004 199 1 35 86 77 4,173; 783 2.921 469 35 EVANSVILLE' IN 2003 .453 3 18 53 407 2,306 483 1,679 144 29 2004 893 0 18 67 808 2.724'd 537 2,074 113 25 FAIRFIELD CA 2003 277 7 16 72 182 2,413 ... 316 1.748 349 13 2004 428 1 20 120 287 2295 . 352 1.647 296 13 FAYETTEVILLE NC 2003 553 7 13 219 3144,61}4 1.006 3.273 325 17 2004 525 9 19 189 308 :4,794 972 3.488 334 10 FLINT' MI 2003 70.5 7 60 161 477 3,483 900 1.758 755 44 2004 3711 14 68 169 719 3,211 1,062 1.524 625 35 FONTANA CA 2003 . 431 7 20 141 263 1,758 406 641 711 20 2004 428 7 21 124 276 1811 366 702 743 16 FORT COLLINS CO 2003 191 2 54 20 115 2,662 407 2.122 133 5 2004 171 • 0 58 8 105 2.358 358 1,859 141 10 FORT LAUDERDALE FL 2003 775 9 25 350 391 4,766 1.097 3,076 593 18 2004 657 9 28 310 310 4,713 1, 1.222 3.019 472 19 FORT WAYNE IN 2003 382 11 63 177 131 .5.260? 1.007 3.865 388 60 2004 346 16 46 150 134 5.268 915 3.997 356 52 FORT WORTH TX 2003 .• 1.82? 25 124 727 948 18,393 4.441 12.329 1.623 114 2004 1.809 20 143 628 1.018 18,905 4.234 12,869 1.802 129 FREMONT CA 2003 219 0 17 80 122 2,773 555 1.886 332 7 2004 216 • 3 11 68 128 3,085 480 2.115 490 6 FRESNO CA 2003 . 1,669 16 64 635 954 41.914.:1. 1.993 9.031 2.890 302 2004 1.828 33 93 674 1.028 13114 • 2.043 8,657 2.514 231 FULLERTON CA 2003 ' 175 1 15 62 97 2,198 391 1,536 271 17 2004 220 1 24 94 101 2,294 365 1.595 334 15 GARDEN GROVE CA 2003 .• .362 4 14 101 243 2;284 1 408 1,399 477 20 2004 331 2 16 84 229 2,317 363 1,476 478 28 GARLAND TX 2003 350 5 19 181 175 4,997 1.061 3,367 569 34 2004 393 • 6 26 109 152 4,426 930 3.118 378 18 3 TABLE 4 Offenses Reported to Law Enforcement Cities and Towns 100,000 and over in population-Continued Motor Violent, Forcible Aggravated Property Larceny- vehicle erlrne Murder rape Robbery assault erlme:'. Burglary theft then Arson GARY' IN 2003 375 34 29 191 121 2411: • 764 1.107 540 2004 309 31 28 166 84 2451 703 1.133 615 GILBERT AZ 2003 96 0 19 1859 2.$81;1 829 1.478 274 15, 2004 93 • I 13 15 64 2,977' 888 1.780 309 15 GLENDALE AZ 2003 562 8 40 222 292 6385: 1,139 3,536 1.710 40 2004 643 7 48 207 381 6.815. • 1,286 3.605 1.924 28 GLENDALE CA 2003 193 3 8 79 103 1,990391 1.196 403 17 2004 128 1 6 74 47 L903 361 1,212 330 20 GRAND PRAIRIE' TX 2003 2:10 3 25 66 116 3,687 701 2,368 625 14 2004 225 7 28 75 1153.366', 626 2.303 437 GRAND RAPIDS MI 2003 955 6 25 221 703 3485: 845 2,813 327 42 2004 976 7 39 224 708 4,033 904 2.835 294 43 GREEN BAY WI 2003 213 2 21 24 164 1.532: 268 1,173 91 6 2004 269 5 34 30 200 1.429 291 1.019 119 4 GREENSBORO NC 2003 704 16 50 294 340 6.198 1.419 4.286 463 46 2004 •784 8 47 356 373 6.914 1.647 4.770 497 68 HAMPTON VA 2003 300 5 31 124 140 2459= 405 1.831 223 18 2004 281 9 25 99 148 2A43 375 1.770 298 26 HARTFORD CT 2003 .839 28 26 472 313 4554 637 2.763 1.154 107 2004 768 • 7 32 428 301 5,191! 841 3.167 1.183 59 HAYWARD CA 2003 321 4 21 133 163 2,588.: • 437 1.364 787 26 2004 332 4 24 155 149 2.470. 452 1.252 766 26 HENDERSON NV 2003 209 2 53 7579 2,790' 666 1,456 668 34 2004 205 4 26 61 114 3.149 868 1.647 634 34 HIALEAH FL 2003 734 8 14 231 481 5.49F 893 3,638 960 24 2004 669 9 22 186 452 4.8911 842 3.095 954 14 HOLLYWOOD FL 2003 450 3 21 211 215 4-704< 656 2,900 548 20 2004 • 410 4 24 187 195 3,318 509 2,399 410 15 HONOLULU' HI 2003 1,339 8 143 558 629 24,7491 3.963 16.502 4,284 219 2004 1,145 13 128 307 697 22,359 3.700 14,612 4.047 HOUSTON TX 2003 11,493 122 360 5.0975.914 59.417 12,798 35.901 10.718 786 2004 11,564 131 469 4.942 6.018 60682 13.036 36.641 11.005 661 HUNTINGTON BEACH CA 2003 172 0 20 52100 I,874' 466 1.204 204 6 200 217 2 26 54 135 2219 389 1.604 226 - 23 HUNTSVILLE' AL 2003 537 13 42 173 309 5,376 1.000 3.886 490 2004 460 3 44 130 283 4,1411 791 2.963 387 24 INDEPENDENCE MO 2003 • 342 1 Il 48 282 4.049 669 2.944 436 29 2004E 388 0 27 51 310 4.078 599 3.053 426 12 INDIANAPOLIS IN 2003 3.326 47 184 1.326 1.769 • 21,478,': 4,624 12,965 3,489 235 2004 3.434 48 225 1.287 1,870 28.994 4,953 13.414 3.627 218 INGLEWOOD CA 2003 606 17 31 322 236 1.721. 406 689 626 9 2004 423 14 21 198 190 1.409 402 530 477 7 IRVINE CA 2003 67 2 7 29 29 1,687! 442 1.116 129 33 2004 73 1 8 26 38 1343- 379 1.291 133 12 IRVING TX 2003 421 4 30 128 259 5,102' 771 3.700 631 26 2004 402: 8 30 108 256 4927! 735 3.536 656 21 JACKSON MS 2003 776 23 80 448 225 7,985- 3220 4,307 1.458 23 2004 ' 6555 25 68 357 205 5,922 1.582 3.377 963 24 JACKSONVILLE FL 2003 3,366 48 Ill 1.155 2.052 20,691. 4.406 13.925 2.360 154 2004' 3,111 50 91 1.014 1.956 • 21,319 4.298 14.677 2.344 137 JOLIET' IL 2003 3 79 161 1,802! 405 1,270 127 38 2004 5 64 181 • 1,797 • 353 1.316 128 27 KANSAS CITY MO 2003 2.925 37 146 910 1.832 16.872 3,205 11,226 2,441 229 2004 3,205 39 148 946 2,075 16391 3.032 10.834 2,525 226 KNOXVILLE TN 2003 841 8 42 214 577 5,349 1.072 3.581 696 70 2004 781 9 36 259 477 5,324 1,218 3.469 637 72 LAFAYETTE LA 2003 ..589 4 144 79 361 3,251 • 620 2.392 239 9 2004 602 4 176 68 354 3,406 553 2.650 203 16 LANCASTER CA 2003 • 624 9 34 139 442 1,882; 489 1.040 353 29 2004 597 9 24 175 389 2,193;. 519 1.074 500 33 LANSING' MI 2003 588 3 83 90 412 2.290 435 1.667 188 25 2004 492 2 40 100 350 1,846 384 1,273 189 16 LAREDO TX 2003 621 Il 29 110 471 6,412 940 4,996 476 48 2004 ' 592 4 29 119 440 6.858: 1.067 5268 523 54 LAS VEGAS METROPOLITAN NV 2003 4+678 63 280 2.011 2,324 27.993! 6296 14.708 6.989 116 POLICE DEPARTMENT 2004 4-727 64 269 1.763 2.631 30,234' 6.979 15,349 7.906 166 LEXINGTON KY 2003 614 10 65 242 297 5301.: 1.188 3,745 371 19 2004 628 11 60 247 310 4,877 1.049 3.441 387 13 LINCOLN NE 2003 586 3 37 88 458 6,489' 965 5,279 245 3 2004 574 1 68 87 418 6.047; 800 5.024 223 8 LITTLE ROCK AR 2003 1.336 23 70 389 854 8,755; 2,156 5.951 648 54 2004 1,512 19 68 455 970 .. 8,321 1.790 5,982 549 60 LIVONIA' MI 2003 . 102 0 9 29 64 1,100: 177 810 113 11 2004 76 I 11 19 45 1103 146 837 120 8 LONG BEACH CA 2003 1,762 18 • 75 713 956 7.867 1.510 4,466 1,891 100 2004 1,906 19 66 784 1.037 • 7,439 1.664 3.947 1.828 84 4 TABLE 4 Offenses Reported to Law Enforcement Cities and Towns 100,000 and over in population—Continued Motor Violent Forcible Aggravated Property; Larceny- vehicle crime Murder rape Robbery assault crime Burglary theft theft Arson LOS ANGELES CA 2003 24,906 258 588 8,512 15.548 68;457 12.424 39.085 16.948 1,124 2004 21.665 270 669 7.162 13.564 64.950 11.802 37,612 15,536 964 LOUISVILLE METRO''' KY 2003 2004 1-348 33 102 737 476 12.10$ 3.189 7,527 1.392 LOWELL' MA 2003 406 1 18 64 323 1395 290 781 324 2004 4655 1 19 83 362 1.484 256 876 352 LUBBOCK TX 2003 1,210 6 57 141 1.006 6;313 1.407 4.570 336 29 2004 1.103 6 55 160 882 6,448 1.300 4.768 380 17 MACON GA 2003 • 302 10 18 110 164 4328 885 2.970 473 25 2004 346 6 25 122 193 4.310 i' 897 2.926 487 32 MADISON' WI 2003 350 3 27 131 189 3 582? 605 2.690 287 66 2004 389 2 43 117 227 3,418 673 2.491 254 MANCHESTER NH 2003 125 4 29 58 37 1.028 288 1.190 150 13 2004 176 2 31 92 51 1,543 330 1.346 . 167 34 MCALLEN' TX 2003 269 3 16 68 182 3,886` 422 3.151 313 39 2004 267 2 12 80 173 4.505 514 3.689 302 MEMPHIS TN 2003 5,045 59 208 2.030 2.748 26,929 8.288 14,647 3,994 128 2004 4,891 47 211 1.760 2,873 25,241 l 6.693 14,932 3,616 116 MESA AZ 2003 1,1361 9 59 212 856 12,964 1.951 8,862 2.151 23 2004 1.203 14 58 199 932 12.301 1.948 8.276 2.077 29 MESQUITE TX 2003 197 1 4 64 128 3,129 389 2.317 423 10 2004 221 2 7 43 169 2898 : 414 2.120 364 19 MIAMI FL 2003 3.577 33 73 1.442 2.029 13.45€ '! 3.036 7.871 2.544 119 2004 ' 3-240 36 51 1,164 1,989 €2,436 2.681 7.495 2.260 105 MINNEAPOLIS MN 2003 2.087 22 160 984 921 9.932= 2.018 6.331 1.583 110 2004 2,065 20 191 988 866 8.336 2.080 4.559 1.697 117 MOBILE AL 2003 663 10 89 351 213 7.581 1,705 5,280 596 71 2004 621 16 64 373 174 8,240 1.852 5.738 650 70 MODESTO CA 2003 651 8 35 171 437 5,973 775 4.109 1,089 48 2004 654 12 36 218 388 7,193 975 4.829 1,389 57 MONTGOMERY' AL 2003 630 8 54 315 253 7,665 1,903 4.888 874 2004 623 12 49 265 297 6,720 1.710 4.392 618 20 MORENO VALLEY CA 2003 444 2 34 144 264 2$27 -f 722 1.596 509 12 2004 389 5 26 146 212 3.052 747 1.766 539 10 NAPERVILLE' IL 2003 0 13 27 1,206 176 994 36 10 2004 _ 0 10 38 1.072 138 888 46 1 NASHVILLE TN 2003 " 4,092 34 184 1.028 2.846 17.835 3.351 12,268 2,216 69 2004 4,047 25 209 927 2.886 17.715 3.304 12,320 2,091 58 NEWARK NJ 2003 1.206 40 44 534 588 6,759 1.063 2.782 2.914 100 2004 1,356 43 33 654 626 6.079 1.012 2.357 2.710 82 NEW ORLEANS' LA 2003 2.175 146 104 963 962 €1.192 2.108 5.786 3.298 2004 2,127 125 101 837 1.064 12,131 2.622 6.256 3,253 98 NEWPORT NEWS' VA 2003 : 614 13 46 179 377 2.791 479 45 2004 582 12 47 202 321 2.597 419 40 NEW YORK' NY 2003 27.667 308 758 11.796 14.805 81,947 12,502 58.254 11.191 2004 26.683 278 774 11.206 14.425 80.796 12.299 58.172 10.325 NORFOLK VA 2003 669 20 48 374 227 6.438 748 5,020 670 6 2004 555 21 44 272 218 6.047 i 645 4,826 576 16 NORTH LAS VEGAS NV 2003 604 11 28 164 401 3.015 864 1,310 841 27 2004 522 7 31 173311 3.184 ' 765 1.490 929 19 NORWALK CA 2003 337 5 9 98 225 1,435 296 712 427 16 2004 2877 2 10 88 187 1,501 340 677 484 9 OCEANSIDE CA 2003 504 3 36 151 319 2.675 562 1.734 379 7 2004 543 5 38 146 354 3,204 581 2.229 394 - 16 OKLAHOMA CITY OK 2003 2,147 29 223 657 1.238 34042 4,220 17.857 1,925 101 2004 - 2.132 18 183 585 1.346 22,131 3,873 16.533 1.725 96 OMAHA' NE 2003 1.254 16 90 414 734 11,975 1,639 8.408 1.928 107 2004 1,273 7 90 406 770 10,911,. 1.719 7.528 1,664 ORANGE CA 2003 125 0 3 47 75 1,676 251 1,189 236 15 2004 108 I 5 42 60 1,764 ' 239 1.235 286 14 ORLANDO FL 2003 1.537 I1 54 394 1,078 8,131 'i 1,718 5.496 917 21 2004 • 1,805 6 85 469 1.245 8.347 1.757 5,660 930 22 OXNARD CA 2003 411 14 19 183 195 2,223 441 1,470 312 23 2004 378 8 17 192 161 2376 1 464 1.470 442 36 P.ALMDALE CA 2003 44.7 7 20 137 283 2324 497 1.460 367 30 2004 548 8 25 149 366 2,087 500 1.186 401 25 PASADENA CA 2003 340 1 23 128 188 2324 431 1.645 248 39 2004 326 5 8 144 169 2,329 390 1.720 219 41 PASADENA TX 2003 260 3 30 67 160 1081 636 2.129 316 31 2004 296 2 32 69 193 2.984 : 637 2.045 302 28 PATERSON NJ 2003 579 6 13 315 245 2,471 , 622 1,184 665 12 2004 563 6 12 315 230 2,344 610 1.138 596 6 PEMBROKE PINES FL 2003 207 0 13 60 134 2.274 `', 351 1,664 259 20 2004 189 1 9 53 126 2.089 284 1,575 230 8 PEORIA' IL 2003 3 156 176 3,548 : 764 2,448 336 32 2004 6 149 - 220 3.156 744 2,124 250 44 PHILADELPHIA' PA 2003 9,861 158 482 4.528 4.693 28,795 5,017 17.314 6.464 2004 14096 154 511 4.593 4.838 28,552 ' 4.963 17.666 5.923 5 TABLE 4 Offenses Reported to Law Enforcement Cities and Towns 100.000 and over in population-Continued Motor Violent Forcible Aggravated ....Property Larceny- vehicle crime Murder rape Robbery assault :.:crime Burglary theft theft Arson PHOENIX AZ 2003 4,750130 250 1.784 2.58648.766 8.829 27.838 12.099 210 2004 4,769 92 241 1.831 2.605 48.946 9.142 27.327 12.477 199 PITTSBURGH PA 2003 I,607 26 55 668 858 ••• 7.$62 1.459 5.019 1.084 48 2004 I,951 26 52 823 1.080 • • 7.455 1537 4,747 1,171 43 PLANO TX 2003 301 0 18 66 217 4133 • 735 3.650 348 11 • 2004 .. .3111 27 67 222 4.131 636 3.245 250 24 POMONA CA 2003 .609 8 24 203 374 2,772 424 1.507 841 8 2004 596 11 35 183 367 2458 519 1.386 753 10 PORTLAND OR 2003 2.259 11 164 681 1.403 2040 2.952 14.475 2.981 186 2004 1.995 18 161 622 1.194 19,002 3.266 13.081 2.655 172 PORT ST.LUCIE FL 2003 130 0 7 18 105 1,315 317 953 45 5 2004 • 117 0 10 20 87 :1391 383 953 55 9 PROVIDENCE' RI 2003 705 8 71 277 3495.577 816 3.257 1.504 118 20045401 1 50 196 293 •4.975 741 3.109. 1.125 PROVO UT 2003 51 0 15 7 29 1.480 211 1,182 87 10 2004 65 0 13 12 40 0.478 194 1.206 78 10 PUEBLO CO 2003 424 3 17 76 328 2,745 646 1.912 187 34 2004 38€ 4 20 121 236 2.702 608 1.885 209 18 RALEIGH NC 2003 949 3 36 348 562 7,316• 1.586 5,100 630 36 2004 885 • 9 48 289539 5.521 1.168 4.155 498 39 RANCHO CUCAMONGA CA 2003 154 0 9 76 69 2.114 457 1.300 357 18 2004 13.1 3 13 48 70 2,224 394 1.401 434 12 RENO NV 2003 589 6 50 200 333 5,197 974 3.536 687 25 2004 665 3 52 252 358 5,320 860 3.520 840 14 RICHMOND CA 2003 599 21 20 276 282 3.713 579 1.836 1.298 28 2004 524 13 13 241 257 3.296 • 514 1.555 1.227 18 RICHMOND VA 2003 1.152 44 47 555 5066216 1.286 3.817 1.113 49 2004 1.287 50 47 657 533 6.524 •• 1.364 3.882 1.278 61 RIVERSIDE CA 2001 421 15 48 273 585 6,4940 • 1.034 4,193 1.267 111 2004 9701 11 49 301 609 6.666 1.272 4.084 1.310 102 ROCHESTER NY 2003 962 26 40 546 350 6,976 1.021 4.435 1.520 149 2004 848 16 57 451 324 7,033 1.166 4.356 1.511 133 ROCKFORD'.' IL 2003 6 180 327 5,452 1,324 3.741 387 2004 2 226 344 5360 1.307 3.493 560 SALINAS CA 2003 521 8 24 153 336 3,454 452 2.384 623 20 2004 566 8 33 214 311 3,460 423 2.434 603 17 SALT LAKE CITY UT 2003 590 7 35 236 312 8.275 1.219 6.173 883 29 2004609 5 50 229 325 • 7,733 1.086 5,717 930 20 SAN ANTONIO TX 2003 3,746 41 271 1.070 2.364 40.722 6.833 30.802 3.087 286 2004 3,662 39 291 1.041 2.291 40.191 7.133 30.262 2,796 239 SAN BERNARDINO CA 2003 1.462 13 61 509 879 6.298 1.323 3,252 1.723 42 2004 1345 15 49 460 821 5.710 1.250 2.750 1.710 38 SAN DIEGO CA 2003 3,62 28 203 841 2.550 22.954 4.198 12.718 6.038 104 2004 3301 30 202 802 2,496 22352 3.770 12.855 5.927 109 SAN FRANCISCO CA 2003 2.893 41 106 1,586 1.160 19,806 3.050 13.137 3.619 127 2004 . 2.943 52 75 1.544 1.272 18.405 3.028 11.428 3.949 133 SAN JOSE CA 2003 1;707 13 140 421 1.133 ' 9,857 1,488 6.570 1.799 108 2004 1.749 16 124 401 1.208 . '11.497 1.821 7.459 2.217 124 SANTA ANA CA 2003 918 6 33 404 475 •:.. 5.212 640 3.140 1.432 67 2004 911 10 40 269 592 4789 630 2,791 1.368 68 SANTA CLARA CA 2003 134 3 16 21 94 1,377 197 987 193 8 2004 134 I 20 25 88 8,618. 250 1,201 167 5 SANTA CLARITA CA 2003 456 2 8 57 89 L453 319 927 209 14 2004 }55 1 17 51 86 1,515 326 989 200 9 SANTA ROSH CA 2003 518 I 48 81 388 3140 585 2.046 409 20 2004 538 2 ' 57 77 402 2,713 524 1.904 290 17 SAVANNAH' GA 2003 . 464 12 20 234 198 •. 43.70 964 2.805 601 2004 595 .; 13 36 304 162 4,428 881 2,945 602 18 SCOTTSDALE AZ 2003 249 • 3 26 81 139 4,448 1.149 2.659 640 38 2004 247 4 33 70 140 4.683 1.098 2.871 714 19 SEATTLE WA 2003 1,919 13 84 740 1.082 33175 4.196 14,378 4.804 107 2004 1,874 14 72 783 1.005 20.168 3.852 12,216 4.100 90 SHREVEPORT LA 2003 941 17 51 283 590 • 6,915 1.714 4.544 657 89 2004 •992 15 58 346 573 7,0201,550 4.801 669 87 SIMI VALLEY CA 2003 84 0 13 22 49 • 913 221 593 99 8 2004 66 2 6 20 38 104.7 217 731 99 16 SIOUX FALLS SD 2003 '187 • 2 55 20 110 1,800 328 1.346 126 19 2004 . 214 I 49 23 141 1,999 381 1.493 125 14 SOUTH BEND IN 2003 .394 8 37 164 185 3.123 787 2.095 241 37 2004 357 5 35 159 158 3,228 740 2.233 255 23 SPOKANE WA 2003 533 3 36 171 323 7,52.4 1.344 5.410 770 47 2004 628 3 53 156 416 8,531 1.622 6.066 843 26 SPRINGFIELD' IL 2003 2004 0 136 631 •4;,392 989 3.127 176 21 3 149 646 1,939 806 2.933 200 26 SPRINGFIELD MA 2003 1360 6 • 55 407 892 5,535 1313 3.009 1213 80 2004 1.419 8 69 300 1.042 4.771 1.093 2.495 1.183 41 6 TABLE 4 Offenses Reported to Law Enforcement Cities and Towns 100.000 and over in population—Continued .................................. Motor • Violent.. • Forcible AggravatedProperty, Larceny- vehicle crimeMurder rape Robbery assault crime Burglary theft theft Arson SPRINGFIELD MO 2003 418 2 38 85 293 5,687 , 853 4.516 318 37 2004 384 5 40 101 238 • 6.273 915 4,960 398 44 STAMFORD CT 2003 123 _ 7 52 62 1,005! 150 758 97 1 2004 127 1 5 45 76 459 • 98 776 85 3 STERLING HEIGHTS MI 2003 123 0 10 20 93 • 1,441 • 180 1,120 141 7 2004 127 2 11 9105 1.352. 135 1,078 139 1 ST.LOUIS MO 2003 3.436 35 45 1.229 2,127 20980 3.378 12.316 5.286 233 2004 2,941 49 32 1.103 1,763 17,271 2.615 10,037 4,619 268 STOCKTON CA 2003 1,923 • 17 77 617 1.212 9,103 1.418 5,763 1.922 37 2004 1,771 12 62 557 1,140 8,454%- 1.346 5.291 1.817 29 ST.PAUL MN 2003 1,074 7 125 283 659 6,829 1.545 4.182 1.102 94 2004 1,084 9 105 298 672 5.821 1.446 3.543 832 102 ST.PETERSBURG FL 2003 2,038 8 63 623 1.344 8.150 1.745 5,301 1.104 36 2004 2,108 7 61 506 1.534 8.373 1.929 5.348 . 1.096 46 SUNNYVALE CA 2003 88 0 12 33 43 1.500 170 1,215 115 14 2004 87 0 10 29 48 1.455;' 212 1,089 154 8 SYRACUSE' NY 2003 622 9 25 215 373 3387 922 2,335 630 36 2004 586 8 20 181 376 3303: 825 1.971 507 TACOMA WA 2003 978 7 75 343 553 7,944 1.479 4,963 1,502 54 2004 1.0511 10 89 392 5597-968 1,570 4,835 1.563 49 TALLAHASSEE FL 2003 743 2 76 165 500 4,832 1,350 3,052 430 22 2004 618 6 59 140 413 4,403 973 3.005 425 4 TAMPA FL 2003 2,902 15 106 927 1.854 €4,736 3.053 8.578 3.105 90 2004 2,564 15 84 671 1.794 12.563 3.048 7.611 1.904 40 TEMPE AZ 2003 -190 2 34 157 297 7,072_ 1.135 4.718 1.219 24 2004 473 5 34 123 311 7,064„ 977 4,709 1.378 20 THOUSAND OAKS CA 2003 94 1 5 12 76 • 917.. 157 697 63 14 2004 88 0 9 17 62 1.042« 169 765 108 11 TOLEDO OH 2003 1363 10 67 559 727 10.445 ; 2.325 6,814 1,306 196 2004 1,515 14 71 544 886 10.938 2.698 6,584 1.656 165 TOPEKA' KS 2003 344 7 29 167 191 4,548 765 3.532 251 2004 299 3 23 112 161 4279: 670 3,334 275 5 TORRANCE' CA 2003 178 0 8 111 59 2,065 ! 374 1,299 395 17 2004 126 • 0 11 73 42 1,881 358 1.224 299 TUCSON AZ 2003 2,321 22 156 671 1,472 22,069 3.038 16,044 2.987 154 2004 2.408 2$. 199 732 1.449 22,879_ 3.088 16.616 3,175 132 TULSA OK 2003 ' 2,078 28 125 428 1.497 13.625 3.343 8.601 1,681 133 2004 2,314 25 154 465 1.670 • 12,623 2.941 7.921 1.761 109 VANCOUVER WA 2003 319 0 70 81 168 4.066: 577 2,949 540 16 2004 306 1 53 64 188 4115 ,' 569 3.014 532 20 VENTURA CA 2003 118 0 12 35 71 1.943 : 352 1,411 180 4 2004 1213 • 2 7 40 80 1$58 356 1,326 176 12 VIRGINIA BEACH VA 2003 437 10 53 198 176 6,866 1.036 5.473 357 81 2004 500 7 65 222 206 6,401 867 5.145 389 81 WACO TX 2003 375 7 22 92 254 4,169 967 2,874 328 19 2004 435 8 23 113 291 4,514 1.063 3,169 282 13 WARREN' MI 2003 363 2 38 82 241 341 1.143 29 2004 386 4 40 79 263 8.883 303 1.008 572 20 WATERBURY' CT 2003 227 2 27 99 99 2.926 I: • 482 1.989 455 2004 25[ 0 34 133 87 3236 645 2,114 477 WEST COVINA CA 2003 193 1 9 89 94 2,012• 270 1,300 442 16 2004 189 2 6 68 113 2.088 314 1,376 398 1 WEST VALLEY UT 2003 222 4 29 70 119 •3549 553 2,607 389 14 2004 22U • I 30 80 109 2,999 355 2,337 307 - 14 WICHITA' KS 2003 1.035 10 114 264 647 9,664 • 1.735 7,097 832 65 2004 1,330 12 123 295 900 9,848 1,767 7,422 659 67 WICHITA FALLS TX 2003 530 6 20 101 403 3,836 918 2,601 297 26 2004562 1 31 86 444 3,901 875 2,768 258 24 WINSTON-SALEM' NC 2003 711 4 57 241 409 6.902 1.929 4.395 578 2004 713 8 49 237 419 • 5,931 : 1.636 3,792 503 26 WOODBRIDGETOWNSHIP NJ 2003 166 2 6 33 125 1.532 309 1,007 216 12 2004 .146 1 5 28 112 1.423 282 1.004 137 19 WORCESTER MA 2003 748 4 28 229 487 3,663 . 669 2,282 712 25 2004 667 5 69 190 403 3,338 • 707 1,944 687 8 YONKERS NY 2003 418 5 10 207 193 1369 !• 346 1,027 396 23 2004 464 7 13 224 220 1.837 f.. 351 1,125 361 20 'Complete arson data for 2(5)3 and/or 2(04 are not available. 'The data collection methodology for the offense of forcible rape used by the state Uniform Come Reporting(UCR)Program admimstered by the Illinois Slate Police does not comply with UCR guidelines.Consequently.their figures for forcible rape and violent crime(of which forcible rape is a part)are not published in this report. Because the agency changed its reporting practices.was annexed.and/or provided incomplete data,the agency's figures are nor comparable to data it submitted in previous years. 'Complete January through June data for 2(8(3 are not available. 'Louisville Metro,Kentucky.is a city-county government that includes the Louisville and Jefferson County Police Departments. 7 PLEASE NOTE Figures used in this report are submitted voluntarily by law enforcement agencies throughout the country. Individuals using these tabulations are cautioned against drawing conclusions by making direct com- parisons between cities because many factors affect the amount and type of crime from place to place. Some of these factors are listed in the annual publication Crime in the United States. More valid use can be made of these figures by determining deviations from national averages and through comparisons with averages for cities in similar population groups (Table 1). It is important to remember that crime is a social problem and, therefore, a concern of the entire community. The efforts of law enforcement are limited to factors within its control. Data users can obtain assistance by calling (304) 625-4995. Data users are cautioned against comparisons of crime trends presented in this report and those estimated by the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS), administered by the Bureau of Justice Statistics. Because of differences in methodology and crime coverage, the two programs examine the Nation's crime problem from somewhat different perspectives,and their results are not strictly comparable. The definitional and procedural differences can account for many of the apparent discrepancies in results. The Department of Justice's fact sheet,"The Nation's Two Crime Measures,"contains a detailed description of the NCVS and Uniform Crime Reports. TABLE 4 TABLE 4 Offenses Reported to Law Enforcement Offenses Reported to Law Enforcement Cities and Towns 100,000 and over in population-Continued Cities and Towns 100,000 and over in population-Continued Motor Motor Violent Forcible Aggravated Property Larceny- vehicle Violent Forcible Aggravated Property Larceny- vehicle crime Murder rape Robbery assault crime Burglary theft theft Arson crime Murder rape Robbery assault crime Burglary theft theft Arson GARY' IN 2003 375 34 29 191 121 2.411 764 1.107 540 LOS ANGELES CA 2003 24,906 258 588 8.512 15.548 65.457 12,424 39.085 16.948 1,124 2004 309 31 28 166 84 2.451 703 1.133 615 2004 21,665 270 669 7.162 13,564 64.950 11.802 37,612 15.536 964 GILBERT AZ 2003 96 0 19 18 59 2.581 829 1.478 274 15. LOUISVILLE METRO'" KY 2003 2004 93 I 13 15 64 2,977 888 1.780 309 15 2004 1.348 33 102 737 476 12.108 3.189 7,527 1.392 GLENDALE AZ 2003 562 8 40 222 292 6.385 1.139 3.536 1,710 40 LOWELL' MA 2003 406 I 18 64 323 1.395 290 781 324 2004 643 7 48 207 381 6.815 1.286 3,605 1.924 28 2004 465 I 19 83 362 1.484 256 876 352 GLENDALE CA 2003 193 3 8 79 103 1.990 391 1,196 403 17 t LUBBOCK TX 2003 1.210 6 57 141 1.006 6,313 1.407 4.570 336 29 2004 128 I 6 74 47 1.903 361 1,212 330 20 2004 1.103 6 55 160 882 6,448 1,300 4.768 380 17 GRAND PRAIRIE' TX 2003 210 3 25 66 116 3.687 701 2,361 625 14 MACON GA 2003 302 10 18 110 164 4,328 885 2.970 473 25 2004 225 7 28 75 115 3,366 626 2.303 437 2004 346 6 25 122 193 4.310 897 2.926 487 32 GRAND RAPIDS MI 2003 955 6 25 221 703 3.985 845 2,813 327 42 MADISON' WI 2003 350 3 27 131 189 3.582 605 2,690 287 66 2004 978 7 39 224 708 4.033 904 2.835 294 43 .1 2004 389 2 43 117 227 3.418 673 2.491 254 GREEN BAY WI 2003 211 2 21 24 164 1.532 268 1,173 91 6 MANCHESTER NH 2003 128 4 29 58 37 1.628 288 1.190 150 13 2004 769 5 34 30 200 1,429 291 1.019 119 4 2004 176 2 31 92 5I 1,841 330 1.346 167 34 GREENSBORO NC 2003 700 16 50 294 3-10 6.198 1,449 1.286 463 46 MCALLEN' TX 2003 269 3 16 68 182 3.886 422 3,151 313 39 2004 784 8 47 356 373 6.914 1.647 4.770 497 68 2004 267 2 12 80 173 4.505 514 1.689 302 HAMPTON VA 2003 300 5 31 124 140 2,459 405 1.831 223 18 MEMPHIS TN 2003 5.045 59 208 2.030 2.748 26.929 8.288 14.647 3.994 128 2004 281 9 25 99 148 2.443 375 1,770 298 26 2004 4.891 47 211 1.7602.873 25.2411 6.693 14.932 3.616 116 HARTFORD CT 2003 839 28 26 472 313 4.554 637 2,763 1.154 107 MESA AZ 2003 1.136 9 59 212 856 12.964 1.951 8,862 2,151 23 2004 768 7 32 428 301 5.191 841 3.167 1.183 59 2004 1,203 14 58 199 932 12301 1.948 8.276 2.077 29 HAYWARD CA 2003 321 4 21 133 163 2588 437 1.364 787 26 MESQUITE TX 2003 197 1 4 64 128 3,129 389 2.317 423 10 2004 332 4 24 155 149 2,470 452 1.252 766 26 2004 221 3 7 43 169 2.898 414 2.120 364 19 HENDERSON NV 2003 209 2 53 75 79 2,790 666 1,456 668 34 MIAMI FL 2003 3577 33 73 1.442 2.029 13,451 3.036 7.871 2.544 119 2004 205 4 26 61 114 3.119 868 1.647 634 34 2(8)4 3.240 36 51 1.164 1.989 12,4366 2,681 7.495 2.260 105 HIALEAH FL 2001 734 8 14 231 481 5.491 893 3.638 960 24 VIINNEAPOLIS MN 2003 2.087 22 160 984 921 9.932 2.018 6.331 1.583 110 2004 669 9 22 186 452 4.891 842 3.095 954 14 2004 2.065 20 191 988 866 8.536 2.080 4.559 1.697 117 HOLLYWOOD FL 2003 450 3 21 211 215 4.104 656 2.900 548 20 MOBILE AL 2003 663 t0 89 351 213 7.581 1.705 5.280 596 71 2004 410 4 24 187 195 3.319 509 2,399 410 15 2004 627 16 64 373 174 8,240 1,852 5.738 650 70 HONOLULU HI 2003 1.338 8 143 558 629 24,749 3,963 16.502 4,284 219 MODESTO CA 2003 651 8 35 171 437 5.973 775 4.109 1.089 48 2004 1.145 13 128 307 697 22.359 3.700 14,612 4.047 2004 654 12 36 218 388 7.193 975 4.829 1.389 57 HOUSTON TX 2003 11.493 122 360 5.097 5,914 59.417 12,798 35.901 10.718 786 MONTGOMERY' AL 2003 630 8 54 315 253 7.665 1.903 4.888 874 2004 11.560 131 469 4.942 6,018 60.682 13.036 36.641 11.005 661 2004 623 12 49 265 297 6,720 1.710 4.392 618 20 HUNTINGTON BEACH CA 2003 172 0 20 52 100 1,874 466 1.204 204 6 MORENO VALLEY CA 2003 444 2 34 144 264 2.827 722 1.596 509 12 2004 217 2 26 54 135 2 319 389 1.604 226 - 23 '_004 389 5 26 146 212 3.052 747 1.766 539 10 HUNTSVILLE' AL 2003 537 13 42 173 309 5.376 1.000 3.886 490 NAPERVILI.E' IL 2003 0 13 27 1.206 176 994 36 10 2004 460 3 44 130 283 4.14E 791 2.963 387 24 2004 0 10 38 1,072 138 888 46 l INDEPENDENCE MO 2003 342 l II 48 282 4,049 669 2.944 436 29 NASHVILLE TN 2003 4,092 34 184 1.028 2.846 17.835 3.351 12.268 2.216 69 2004 388 0 27 51 310 4.078 599 3,053 426 12 2004 4,047 25 209 927 2.886 17.715 3.304 12.320 2.091 58 INDIANAPOLIS IN 2003 3.326 47 184 1.326 1.769 21.078 4.624 12.965 3.489 235 NEWARK NJ 2003 1.206 40 44 534 588 6.759 1.063 2.782 2.914 100 2004 3,430 48 225 1,287 1.870 21.994 4.953 13.414 3,627 218 2004 1.356 43 33 654 626 6.079 1.012 2.357 2.710 82 INGLEWOOD CA 2003 606 17 31 322 236 1.721 406 689 626 9 NEW ORLEANS' LA 2003 2.175 146 104 963 962 11.192 2,108 5,786 3,298 2004 413 14 21 198 190 1.409 402 530 477 7 21)04 2.127 125 101 837 1.064 12.131 2.622 6.256 3.253 98 IRVINE CA 2003 67 2 7 29 29 1.687 442 1.116 129 33 NEW PORT'NEWS' VA 2003 615 13 46 179 377 2.791 479 45 2004 73 1 8 26 38 1.803 379 1.291 133 12 2004 582 12 47 202 321 2.597 419 40 IRVING TX 2003 421 4 30 128 259 5.102 771 3.700 631 26 NEW YORK' NY 2003 27.667 308 758 11.796 14.805 81,947 12.502 58.254 11,191 2004 402 8 30 108 256 4,927 735 3.536 656 21 2004 26.683 278 774 11.206 14.425 80.796 12.299 58.172 10.325 JACKSON MS 2003 776 23 80 448 225 7.985 2.220 4.307 1.458 23 NORFOLK VA 2003 669 20 48 374 227 6,438 748 5.020 670 6 2004 655 25 68 357 205 5,922 1.582 3.377 963 24 2(104 555 21 44 272 218 6,047. 645 4.826 576 16 JACKSONVILLE FL 2003 3.366 48 111 1.155 2.052 20.691 4.406 13.925 2,360 154 NORTH LAS VEGAS NV 2003 604 11 28 164 401 3,015 864 1.310 841 27 2004 3.111 50 91 1,014 1.956 21.319 4.298 14.677 2.344 1372004 522 7 31 173 311 3.184 765 1.490 929 19 JOLIET' IL 2003 3 79 161 1,802 405 1,270 127 38 NORWALK CA 2003 337 5 9 98 225 1,435 296 712 427 16 2004 5 64 181 1,797 353 1,316 128 272004 287 2 10 88 187 1.501 340 677 484 9 KANSAS CITY MO 2003 2.925 37 146 910 1.832 16,874 3.205 11,226 2,441 229 OCEANSIDE CA 2003 509 3 36 (51 319 2.675 562 1.734 379 7 2004 3.208 39 148 946 2,075 16.391 3.032 10.834 2,525 226 2004 543 5 38 146 354 3.204 581 2.229 394 16 KNOXVILLE TN 2003 841 8 42 214 577 5,349 1.072 3.581 696 70 OKLAHOMA CITY OK 2003 2.147 29 223 657 1.238 24,002 4.220 17.857 1,925 101 2004 781 9 36 259 477 5324 1,218 3.469 637 72 2004 2.132 18 183 585 1.346 22,131- 3.873 16.533 1.725 96 LAFAYETTE LA 2003 588 4 144 79 361 3.251 620 2.392 239 9 A OMAHA' NE 2003 1254 16 90 414 734 11.975 1.639 8.408 1.928 107 2004 602 4 176 68 354 3,406 553 2.650 203 16 2004 1.273 7 90 406 770 10.911 1.719 7.528 1.664 LANCASTER CA 2003 624 9 34 139 442 1,882 489 1.040 353 29 ORANGE CA 2003 125 0 3 47 75 1.676 251 1,189 236 15 2004 597 9 24 175 389 2.093 519 1.074 500 33 201)4 108 1 5 42 60 1,760 239 1.235 286 14 LANSING' MI 2003 588 3 83 90 412 2.290 435 1.667 188 25 ORLANDO FL 2003 1.537 11 54 394 1.078 8,131 1.718 5.496 917 21 2004 492 2 40 100 350 1.846 384 1.273 189 16 2004 1,805 6 85 469 1.245 8.347 1.757 5.660 930 22 LAREDO TX 2003 621 II 29 110 471 6,412 940 4.996 476 48 v OXNARD CA 2003 411 14 19 183 195 2.223 441 1.470 312 23 2004 592 4 29 119 440 6.858 1.067 5268 523 54 2004 378 8 17 192 161 2.376 464 1.470 442 36 LAS VEGAS METROPOLITAN NV 2003 4,678 63 280 2.011 2,324 27,993 6.296 14.708 6,989 116 PALMDALE CA 2003 447 7 20 137 283 2.324 497 1.460 367 30 POLICE DEPARTMENT 2004 4.727 64 269 1.763 2,631 30234 6,979 15,349 7.906 166 2004 548 8 25 149 366 2.087 500 1.186 401 25 LEXINGTON KY 2003 614 10 65 242 297 5304 1.188 3,745 371 19 PASADENA CA 20(13 340 I 23 128 188 2,324 431 1,645 248 39 2004 628 11 60 247 310 4.877 1,049 3.441 387 13 2004 326 5 8 144 169 2.329 390 1.720 219 41 LINCOLN NE 2003 586 3 37 88 458 6,489 965 5.279 245 3 PASADENA TX 2003 260 3 30 67 160 3,081= 636 2.129 316 31 2004 574 I 68 87 418 6.047 800 5.024 223 8 2004 296 ) 32 69 193 2,984 637 2,045 302 28 LITTLE ROCK AR 2003 1.336 23 70 389 854 64755 2.156 5.951 648 54 PATERSON NJ 2003 579 6 13 315 245 2.471 622 1.184 665 12 I 2004 1,512 19 68 455 970 8,321 1.790 5.982 549 60 2004 563 6 12 315 230 2,344 610 1,138 596 6 LIVONIA' MI 2003 102 0 9 29 64 1.100 177 810 113 11 PEMBROKE PINES FL 2003 207 0 13 60 134 2.274 351 1,664 259 20 2004 76 1 11 19 45 1,103 146 837 120 8 2004 189 1 9 53 126 2,089 284 1,575 230 8 LONG BEACH CA 2003 1,762 18 75 713 956 7.867 1.510 4,466 1.891 100 PEORIA' IL 2003 3 156 176 3.548 764 2.448 336 32 1 2004 1.906 19 66 784 1,037 7.439 1,664 3,947 1,828 84 2004 6 149 220 3.118: 744 2.124 250 44 PHILADELPHIA' PA 2003 9,861 158 482 4.528 4.693 28,795 5,017 17.314 6,464 2004 10,096 154 511 4.593 4.838 28,552 4.963 17.666 5,923 4 5 TABLE 4 TABLE 4 Offenses Reported to Law Enforcement Offenses Reported to Law Enforcement Cities and Towns 100,000 and over in population-Continued Cities and Towns 100.000 and over in population-Continued Motor Motor Violent Forcible Aggravated Property Larceny vehicle Violent Forcible Aggravated Property Larceny- vehicle crime Murder rape Robbery assault crime Burglary theft theft Arson crime Murder rape Robbery assault crime Burglary theft theft Arson PHOENIX AZ 2003 4.750 130 250 1,784 2.586 48,766 8.829 27.838 12.099 210 CLEARWATER FL 2003 602 1 27 124 450 2,906 542 2.103 261 24 2004 4.769 92 241 1.831 2.605 48.9946 9,142 27.327 12.477 199 2004 532 6 21 104 101 2,487 500 1.799 183 18 PITTSBURGH PA 2003 1,607 26 55 668 858 7.562 1.459 5.019 1.084 48 CLEVELAND OH 2003 3,(#70 36 340 1,587 1.107 12.238 3.623 6,026 2.589 265 2004 1,981 26 52 823 1.080 7.454 1.537 4,747 1,171 43 2004 2,732 35 238 1.470 989 12.678 3.817 6,241 2,620 203 PLANO TX 2003 301 0 l8 66 217 4.733 735 3.650 348 11 COLORADO SPRINGS CO 2003 880 I I 132 196 541 8,944 1.619 6.525 800 101 2004 317 I 27 67 222 4.131 636 3.245 250 24 2004 742 9 130 160 443 9,576 1,720 6.951 905 58 POMONA CA 2003 609 8 24 203 374 2.772 424 1.507 841 8 • COLUMBIASC 2003 658 4 33 223 398 3.808 632 2.733 443 6 2004 596 11 35 183 367 2.658 519 1.386 753 10 2004 624 4 34 193 393 4.198 813 2,921 374 21 PORTLAND OR 2003 2.259 11 164 681 1.403 20,408 2.952 14.475 2.981 186 COLUMBUS GA 2003 419 10 10 164 235 6.089 1.094 4.385 610 22 2004 1,995 18 161 622 1.194 19,002 3.266 13.081 2.655 172 2004 406 8 14 163 221 5,950 994 4.235 721 39 PORT ST.LUCIE FL 2003 130 0 7 18 105 1,315 317 953 45 5 COLUMBUS' OH 2003 2.960 51 293 1,537 1.079 25.238 6.434 15.190 3.614 2004 117 0 10 20 87 1,391 383 953 55 9 • 2004 2.721 35 272 1.531 883 26.468 6.665 15.514 4.289 PROVIDENCE' RI 2003 705 8 71 277 349 5,577 816 3.257 1.504 118 CONCORD CA 2003 176 _ 7 66 101 2,666 458 1.692 516 1 2004 540 1 50 196 293 4,975 741 3.109 1.125 2004 172 4 15 58 95 3,030 509 1.925 596 8 PROVO UT 2003 - 51 0 15 7 29 1.480 211 1,182 87 10 CORAL SPRINGS FL 2003 168 0 15 43 110 1.829 282 1,402 145 6 2004 65 0 (3 12 40 1.478 194 1.206 78 10 2004 152 0 15 42 95 1.646 198 1.300 148 3 PUEBLO CO 2003 424 3 17 76 328 2.745 646 1.912 187 34 CORONA CA 2003 131 3 15 59 54 1984 373 1,224 387 19 2004 381 4 20 121 236 2.702 608 1.885 209 18 2004 142 2 10 64 66 2422 445 1.542 435 33 RALEIGH NC 2003 949 3 36 348 562 7.316 1.586 5.100 630 36 CORPUS CHRISTI TX 2003 1.204- 13 110 290 791 9.473 1.611 7.240 622 67 2004 885 9 48 289 539 5.821 1.168 4.155 498 39 2004 1,005 14 103 246 642 10.425 2.116 7.766 543 70 RANCHO CUCAMONGA CA 2003 154 0 9 76 69 2,114 457 1,300 357 18 COSTA MESA CA 2003 124 0 22 46 56 1.741 241 1,303 197 4 2004 ;134 3 13 48 70 2,229 394 1.401 434 12 2004 135 2 16 60 57 1,790 229 1.350 211 4 RENO NV 2003 589 6 50 200 333 5,197 974 3.536 687 25 DALLAS TX 2003 8381 114 309 3.884 4.074 49,353 10.467 29.976 8.910 668 2004 665 3 52 252 358 5.220 860 3.520 840 14 2004 7.629 105 302 3.399 3.823 46,383 10.999 27.431 7.953 612 RICHMOND CA 2003 599 21 20 276 282 3,713 579 1.836 1.298 28 DALY CITY CA 2003 154 0 12 7567 1,065 126 713 226 7 2004 524 13 13 241 257 3.296 514 1.555 1.227 18 2004 177 2 12 62 101 1.223 109 854 260 3 RICHMOND VA 2003 1,152 44 47 555 506 6,216 1.286 3.817 1.113 49 DAYTON OH 2003 778 13 67 441 257 6.254 1.717 3.355 1.182 84 2004 1,287 50 47 657 533 6,524 1.364 3.882 1.278 61 2004 754 11 60 398 285 5.981 1.776 3.128 1.077 81 RIVERSIDE CA 2003 921 15 48 273 585 6.494 1.034 4,193 1,267 Ill DENVER CO 2003 1.587 29 160 619 779 13,647 3.060 7,228 3.359 145 2004 970 II 49 301 609 6.666 1.272 4.084 1.310 102 2004 2,189 47 146 645 1.351 14.569 3.437 7,411 3.721 88 ROCHESTER NY 2003 962 26 40 546 350 6.976 1.021 4,435 1,520 149 DETROIT' MI 2003 8.843 156 282 2.805 5.600 30.120 6.363 12.092 11.665 695 2004 848 16 57 451 324 7.033 1.166 4.356 1.511 133 2004 7.881 195 341 2.575 4.770 28.645 5.821 10.575 12.249 866 ROCKFORD'' IL 2003 6 180 327 5.452 1.324 3.741 387 DOWNEY CA 2003 242 4 19 95 124 1.624 265 818 541 1 2004 2 226 344 5,360 1307 3.493 560 2004 227 0 13 118 96 1,947 285 1.089 573 13 SALINAS CA 2003 521 8 24 153 336 3,459 452 2.384 623 20 DURHAM NC 2003 880 13 35 480 352 6,666 1.689 4.449 528 34 2004 566 8 33 214 311 3,460 423 2.434 603 17 2004 817 15 52 423 327 6.013 1.503 4.048 462 29 SALT LAKE CITY UT 2003 590 7 35 236 312 8.275 1.219 6.173 883 29 EDISON TOWNSHIP NJ 2003 148 1 6 58 83 1.287 246 820 221 3 2004 609 5 50 229 325 7,733 1.086 5.717 930 20 2004 98 1 4 29 64 1.182 187 845 150 4 SAN ANTONIO TX 2003 3,746 41 271 1.070 2.364 40.722 6.833 30.802 3.087 286 ELIZABETH NJ 2003 392 8 9 271 104 2.896 514 1,538 844 10 2004 3,662 39 291 1.041 2.291 40.191 7.133 30.262 2.796 239 2004 326 6 7 217 96 2.407 452 1.265 690 2 SAN BERNARDINO CA 2003 1,462 13 61 509 879 6.298 1.323 3,252 1.723 42 EL MONTE CA 2003 359 0 10 117 232 1,662 316 837 509 12 2004 1,345 15 49 460 821 5,710 1.250 2,750 1,710 38 2004 409 3 17 112 277 1.596 321 799 476 8 SAN DIEGO CA 2003 3.622 28 203 841 2.550 22,954 4.198 12.718 6.038 104 EL PASO TX 2003 1.735 6 100 277 1.352 10.404 971 8,536 897 65 2004 3.530 30 202 802 2.496 22.552 3.770 12.855 5.927 109 2004 7.6(18 3 106 257 1.242 10.860 1.088 8,886 886 103 SAN FRANCISCO CA 2003 2.893 41 106 1.586 1.160 19.806 3.050 13,137 3.619 127 ERIE PA 2003 214 1 36 83 94 1.428 296 1.060 72 19 2004 2.943 52 75 1.544 1.272 18,405 3.028 11.428 3.949 133 2004 211 I 35 90 85 (507 331 1.105 71 10 SAN JOSE CA 2003 1.707 13 140 421 1.133 9.857 1.488 6.570 1.799 108 ESCONDIDO CA 2003 240 2 28 69 141 2,786 557 1.698 531 10 2004 1.749 16 124 401 1.208 11,497 1.821 7.459 2.217 124 2004 323 1 13 98 211 2.677 372 1.626 679 19 SANTA ANA CA 2003 918 6 33 404 475 5.2212 640 3.140 1.432 67 EUGENE OR 2003 242 0 24 78 (40 4,385 692 3.350 343 76 2004 911 10 40 269 592 4.7899 630 2.791 1.368 68 2004 199 1 35 86 77 4.173 783 2.921 469 35 SANTA CLARA CA 2003 134 3 16 21 94 1377 197 987 193 8 EVANSVILLE' IN 2003 481 3 18 53 407 2.306 483 1.679 144 29 2004 134 1 20 25 88 1.618 250 1.201 167 5 2004 893 0 18 67 808 2.724 537 2,074 I 13 25 SANTA CLARITA CA 2003 156 2 8 57 89 1.455 319 927 209 14 FAIRFIELD CA 2003 277 7 16 72 182 2,413 316 1.748 349 13 2004 155 I 17 51 86 1515 326 989 200 9 2004 428 1 20 (20 287 2.295 352 1,647 296 13 SANTA ROSA CA 2003 518 1 48 81 388 3.040 585 2.046 409 20 FAYETTEVILLE NC 2003 553 7 13 219 314 4.604 1.006 3.273 325 17 2004 538 2 - 57 77 402 2718 524 1.904 290 17 2004 52.5 9 19 189 308 4,794 972 3.488 334 10 SAVANNAH' GA 2003 464 12 20 234 198 4,370 964 2.805 601 FLINT' MI 2003 705 7 60 161 477 3.413 900 1.758 755 44 2004 515 13 36 304 162 4,428 881 2.945 602 18 2004 970 14 68 169 719 3,211 1.062 1.524 625 35 SCOTTSDALE AZ 2003 249 3 26 81 139 4,448 1,149 2.659 640 38 FONTANA CA 2003 431 7 20 141 263 1,758 406 641 711 20 2004 247 4 33 70 140 4.683 1.098 2.871 714 19 2004 428 7 21 124 276 1.811 366 702 743 16 SEATTLE WA 2003 1,919 13 84 740 1.082 23.378 4.196 14.378 4.804 107 FORT COLLINS CO 2003 191 2 54 20 115 3,662 407 2.122 133 5 2004 1.874 14 72 783 1.005 20,168 3.852 12.216 4.100 90 2004 171 0 58 8 105 2.358 358 1.859 141 10 SHREVEPORT LA 2003 941 17 51 283 590 6,915 1.714 4.544 657 89 s FORT LAUDERDALE FL 2003 775 9 25 350 391 4,7666 1,097 3.076 593 18 2004 992 15 58 346 573 7.020 1.550 4.801 669 87 2004 657 9 28 310 310 4,713 1.222 3.019 472 19 SIMI VALLEY CA 2003 84 0 13 22 49 913 221 593 99 8 FORT WAYNE IN 2003 382 11 63 177 131 5,260 1.007 3,865 388 60 2004 66 2 6 20 38 1.047 217 731 99 16 2004 346 16 46 150 134 5.268 915 3.997 356 52 SIOUX FALLS SD 2003 187 2 55 20 110 1.800 328 1.346 126 19 FORT WORTH TX 2003 1.824 25 124 727 948 18,393 4.441 12.329 1.623 114 2004 214 1 49 23 141 1,999 381 1,493 125 14 2004 1.8(79 20 143 628 1,018 18.905 4.234 12,869 1.802 129 SOUTH BEND IN 2003 394 8 37 164 185 3,123 787 2.095 241 37 FREMONT CA 2003 219 0 17 80 122 2,773 555 1,886 332 7 2004 357 5 35 159 158 3,228 740 2.233 255 23 2004 210 3 It 68 128 3.085 480 2.115 490 6 SPOKANE WA 2003 533 3 36 171 323 7524 1.344 5.410 770 47 FRESNO CA 2003 1.669 16 64 635 954 13914 1.993 9.031 2.890 302 2004 628 3 53 156 416 8,331 1.622 6.066 843 26 2004 1.828 33 93 674 1.028 13 214 2.043 8.657 2.514 231 SPRINGFIELD' IL 2003 0 136 631 4,392 989 3.127 176 21 FULLERTON CA 2003 175 1 15 62 97 1198 391 1.536 271 17 2004 3 149 646 3.939' 806 2.933 200 26 2004 320 1 24 94 101 2 294 365 1.595 334 15 SPRINGFIELD MA 2003 1,369 6 55 407 892 5.535 1.313 3.009 1.213 80 GARDEN GROVE CA 2003 362 4 14 101 243 2.284 408 1.399 477 20 2004 1,419 8 69 300 1.042 4.771 1.093 2.495 1.183 41 2004 331 2 16 84 229 2317 363 1.476 478 28 GARLAND TX 2003 380 5 19 181 175 4.997 __ 1.061 3.367 569 34 2004 293 6 26 109 152 4,426 930 3.118 378 18 6 3 TABLE 4 TABLE 4 Offenses Reported to Law Enforcement Offenses Reported to Law Enforcement Cities and Towns 100.000 and over in population Cities and Towns 100.000 and over in population-Continued Motor Motor Violent Forcible Aggravated Property Larceny- vehicle Violent Forcible Aggravated Property Larceny- vehicle crime Murder rape Robbery assault crime! Burglary theft theft Arson crime Murder rape Robbery assault crime I Burglary theft theft Arson ABILENE TX 2003 229 5 33 53 138 3,029 883 1.975 171 15 SPRINGFIELD 510 2003 418 2 38 85 293 5.687 853 4.516 318 37 2004 255 2 27 88 138 1958 889 1.926 143 7 2004 384 5 40 101 238 6.273' 915 4.960 398 44 AKRON OH 2003 612 7 106 280 219 5.698 1.389 3.695 614 34 STAMFORD CT 2003 123 _ 7 52 62 1,005' 150 758 97 1 2004 611 7 86 288 230 5.907 1.462 3.764 681 40 2004 127 1 5 45 76 959 98 776 85 3 ALBUQUERQUE NM 2003 2,250 25 120 559 1,546 ' 14.573 2.757 9.946 1.870 42 STERLING HEIGHTS MI 2003 1 0 10 20 93 1,41 180 1,120 141 7 2004 2.283 14 121 567 1.581 14.390 2.407 10,042 1,941 28 2004 127 2 11 9 105 1,352_' 135 1.078 139 1 ALEXANDRIA VA 2003 200 I 10 80 109 2.046 221 1,513 312 13 • ST.LOUIS MO 2003 3.436 35 45 1.229 2,127 20.980 3.378 12.316 5,286 233 2004 190 0 14 74 102 1,610 155 1.195 260 7 2004 2.947 49 32 1.103 1.763 17.271 2.615 10.037 4.619 268 ALLENTOWN PA 2003 308 6 31 172 99 2.653' 475 1.860 318 28 STOCKTON CA 2003 1,923 17 77 617 1.212 9.103'. 1.418 5,763 1.922 37 2004 312 4 29 168 111 2581 616 1.711 254 IS 2004 1,771 12 62 557 1,110 8,454 1.346 5.291 1.817 29 AMARILLO TX 2003 736 8 47 178 503 5.570 1.150 4.006 414 25 ST.PALL MN 2003 1.074 7 125 283 659 6,829 1.545 4,182 1.102 94 2004 733 2 46 195 490 5,678 1.089 4.120 469 25 v 2004 1,084 9 105 298 672 5.821 1.446 3.543 832 102 AMHERST TOWN' NY 2003 48 I 3 16 28 901 58 811 32 11 ST.PETERSBURG FL 2003 2.038 S 63 623 1.344 8,150' 1.745 5,301 1.104 36 2004 47 0 2 14 31 1,115 88 981 46 2004 2.108 7 61 506 1.534 8.373 1.929 5.348 1,096 46 ANAHEIM CA 2003 593 4 42 170 377 5.106 1.065 3.173 868 23 SUNNYVALE CA 2003 88 0 12 33 43 1.500 170 1.215 115 14 2004 737 7 41 245 444 5.296 891 3.415 990 12 2004 87 0 10 29 48 1,455' 212 1.089 154 8 ANN ARBOR MI 2003 140 0 11 47 82 1.492 315 1.069 108 15 SYRACUSE' NY 2003 622 9 25 215 373 3.887 922 2.335 630 36 2004 120 0 9 35 76 1.384 301 1.003 80 9 2004 585 8 20 181 376 3.3031 825 1.971 507 ARLINGTON TX 2003 985 5 96 288 596 9.696 1.702 7,212 782 22 TACOMA WA 2003 978 7 75 343 553 7944'. 1.479 4,963 1,502 54 2004 880 8 105 307 460 9.434 1.619 7.059 756 28 2004 1.050 10 89 392 559 7.968 1,570 4,835 1,563 49 ATHENS-CLARKE COUNTY GA 2003 186 4 21 58 103 2,805 482 2.128 195 14 TALLAHASSEE FL 2003 743 2 76 165 500 4.832 1.350 3.052 430 22 2004 242 5 21 71 145 2,701 508 2.025 168 24 2004 618 6 59 140 413 4,403; 973 3.005 425 4 ATLANTA GA 2003 4.179 69 144 1.902 2.064 18,669 3.908 11.272 3.489 80 TAMPA FL 2003 2,902 15 106 927 1.854 14,7361 3.053 8.578 3.105 90 2004 3.949 52 127 1.546 2.224 16,411' 3.094 10.408 2.909 116 2004 2.564 15 84 671 1.794 12.563 3.048 7.611 1.904 40 AURORA CO 2003 822 8 110 260 444 7,582 1,110 5.141 1.331 62 TE1\411E AZ 2003 490 2 34 157 297 7,072: 1.135 4.718 1.219 24 2004 772 5 97 250 420 7.331) 1.205 4.947 1.178 53 2004 473 5 34 123 311 7.064 977 4.709 1,378 20 AURORA' IL 2003 5 105 216 2.426 410 1.840 176 19 THOUSAND OAKS CA 2003 94 1 5 12 76 917 157 697 63 14 2004 13 52 249 2.250 381 1.717 152 19 2004 88 0 9 17 62 1.042 169 765 108 ll AUSTIN TX 2003 1,497 13 106 564 814 20,891 3.677 15,833 1.381 78 TOLEDO OH 2003 1.363 10 67 559 727 10.45: 2.325 6,814 1.306 196 2004 1.568 16 150 610 792 20325 3.199 15.943 1,183 61 2004 1.515 14 71 544 886 10.938f 2.698 6.584 1.656 165 BAKERSFIELD' CA 2003 673 II 17 171 474 6929 1.408 4.549 972 84 TOPEKA' KS 2003 394 7 29 167 191 4.548 765 3.532 251 2004 1.059 10 30 260 759 7,591 1.366 5.125 1.100 113 2004 299 3 23 112 161 4.279 670 3.334 275 5 BATON ROUGE LA 2003 1.405 17 56 488 844 7,560 1.821 4.939 800 99 TORRANCE' CA 2003 178 0 8 111 59 29681 374 1,299 395 17 2004 1.147 20 50 398 679 7,664 1.874 5.026 769 - 76 2004 126 0 II 73 42 1,881: 358 1.224 299 BEAUMONT TX 2003 539 I 34 158 346 4,332 840 3.264 228 29 TUCSON AZ2003 2,3'21 __ 156 671 1.472 22,069': 3.038 16.044 2.987 154 2004 464 6 25 139 294 4.395 803 3.348 244 15 2004 2,408 _ 28 199 732 1.449 22.879 3.088 16.616 3.175 132 BELLEVUE WA 2003 90 0 17 34 39 2,217 250 1.658 309 20 TULSA OK 2003 2.078 28 125 428 1.497 13.625 3.343 8.601 1.681 133 2004 92 0 18 40 34 2.399 321 1.801 277 16 2004 2,314 25 154 465 1.670 12.623 2.941 7.921 1.761 109 BERKELEY CA 2003 446 3 6 207 230 4.329 598 3.045 686 13 VANCOUVER WA 2003 319 0 70 81 168 4.066 577 2.949 540 16 2004 321 0 9 179 133 4.186 640 3.029 517 31 2004 306 I 53 64 188 4.115 569 3.014 532 20 • BIRMINGHAM AL 2003 1.645 38 111 601 895 9.683 2.316 6.039 1.328 100 VENTURA CA 2003 118 0 12 35 71 1.943'. 352 1.411 180 4 2004 1.492 24 138 557 773 9,408 2.362 5.871 1.175 72 2004 129 2 7 40 80 1.858'. 356 1.326 176 12 BOISE ID 2003 326 2 63 30 231 3988 679 3.097 212 50 VIRGINIA BEACH VA 2003 437 10 53 198 176 6.866 1.036 5.473 357 81 2004 343 0 68 35 240 3.502 595 2.652 255 26 2004 500 7 65 222 206 6.401 867 5.145 389 SI BOSTON' NIA 2003 3,472 19 115 1,3362.002 13,153 2.042 7.619 3.492 WACO TX 2003 375 7 22 92 254 4,169- 967 2,874 328 19 2004 3.261 28 136 1.118 1.979 13,406 2.029 8.796 2.581 2004 435 8 23 113 291 4514 1.063 3.169 282 13 BRIDGEPORT' CT 2003 619 6 21 193 399 2224 483 1.765 576 WARREN' MI 2003 363 2 38 82 241 341 1.143 29 2004 627 4 29 232 362 2.953 562 1.985 406 2004 386 4 40 79 263 1.883 303 1.008 572 20 BROWNSVILLE TX 2003 393 6 24 83 280 5,627 475 4.916 236 12 WATERBURY' CT 2003 227 _ 27 99 99 2.926 482 1.989 455 2004 431 0 31 69 331 4.105 593 3.339 173 6 2004 254 0 34 133 87 3.236 645 2.114 477 BUFFALO' NY 2003 1.894 25 89 829 951 7,606 1.846 4.481 1.279 WEST COVINA CA 2003 193 I 9 89 94 2,012 270 1.300 442 16 2004 1,869 32 113 672 1.052 7,477 1.795 4,439 1.243 2004 189 2 6 68 113 2.088 314 1,376 398 I BURBANK CA 2003 129 0 8 31 90 1,379 267 875 237 11 WEST VALLEY L 2003 222 4 29 70 119 3.5491 553 2.607 389 14 2004 126 1 6 38 81 1.462 244 968 250 7 2004 220 1 30 80 109 2.999 355 2,337 307 14 CAMBRIDGE' MA 2003 220 2 3 106 109 1447 247 1.121 179 WICHITA' KS 2003 1.035 10 114 264 647 9.664 1.735 7.097 832 65 2004 238 0 6 109 123 1.676 257 1,245 174 2004 1,330 12 123 295 900 9.848 1.767 7,422 659 67 CAPE CORAL FL 2003 167 0 5 15 147 1,924 469 1.370 85 14 • WICHITA FALLS TX 2003 530 6 20 101 403 3,816 918 2.601 297 26 2004 161 I 8 20 132 1,682 431 1,152 99 25 2004 562 I 31 86 444 3,901 875 2.768 258 24 CARROLLTON TX 2003 130 0 10 38 82 2,049 405 1.397 247 22 WINSTON-SALEM' NC 2003 711 4 57 241 409 6,902 1.929 4.395 578 2004 122 2 2 44 74 1,924 374 1.306 234 19 2004 713 8 49 237 419 5.931 1.636 3.792 503 26 CEDAR RAPIDS IA 2003 184 4 23 42 115 3,012 484 2.408 120 10 WOODBRIDGE TOWNSHIP NJ 2003 166 2 6 33 125 1532 309 1.007 216 12 2004 135 0 11 41 83 3.120 738 2.240 142 14 2004 146 I 5 28 112 1.423 282 1.004 137 19 CHANDLER AZ 2003 296 I 24 57 214 5.406 925 3.770 711 33 - WORCESTER MA 2003 748 4 28 229 487 3.663 669 2.282 712 25 2004 331 0 23 63 245 4.987 743 3.379 865 23 2004 667 5 69 190 403 3.336 7071.944 687 8 CHARLOTTE- NC 2003 3,480 31 143 1.304 2,002 21.453 5.287 12,748 3.418 159 YONKERS NY 2003 415 5 10 207 193 1.769 346 1.027 396 23 MECKLENBURG 2004 3.433 28 155 1.174 2.076 22536 5.673 13.871 2.992 182 2004 484 7 13 224 220 1.837 351 1.125 361 20 CHATTANOOGA TN 2003 928 10 48 210 660 5,952 963 4.316 673 30 Complete arson data her 2013 and/or 2(51-I are not available. 2004 904 8 74 219 603 6.699 1.325 4.617 757 32 -The data collection methotl t g%for the oltense of forcible rape used by Ste state Coil,rtn Crime Reporting(OCR)l'rogram administered by the Illinois State Police does not comply with UCR guidelines.Consequentlytheir figures for CHICAGO' IL 2003 287 7.891 9.533 67,544 11.773 44.996 10.775 441 hircihle rape and violent crone totwhich toruble rape is a pad)arc not published in this repro. 2004 215 7,367 9.310 64,728 11,159 42.346 11.223 408 'Because the agency changed its repining practices,was amiexed.and/or provided incomplete data.the agency IS figures are not comparable to data it submitted in previous years. CHULA VISTA CA 2003 372 4 22 126 220 3,307 503 1.981 1.023 21 Complete January through June data toe 2(AR are not available. 2004 ;402 4 23 131 244 3,433 594 1.894 945 20 -I ou sville Mono.Kentucky.is a city-count)oo,ernment That Includes the Louisville and Jetterson Count%Police Departments CINCINNATI' OH 2003 1.654 38 158 962 496 11.313 2.812 6.819 1.682 2004 1 751 37 147 1.143 424 10.674 2.638 6.652 1.384 CLARKSVILLE TN 2003 303 I 24 39 239 2;661 519 2,019 123 13 2004 353 2 28 65 258 3.017 524 2.394 99 14 2 7 r `� DEC 2 2 2004 UNIFORM CRIME REPORTS �\ For Release January-June 2004 December 13,2004 Collectively,law enforcement agencies throughout the United States reported a decrease of 2.0 percent in the number of violent crimes brought to their attention in the first 6 months of 2004 when compared to figures reported for the first halt of 2003. The violent crime category includes murder,forcible rape, robbery,and aggravated assault. The number of property crimes nationwide from January to June of 2004 decreased 1.9 percent when compared to data from the same time period in 2003. Property crimes include burglary,larceny-theft.and motor vehicle theft. Because the level of participation differs among agencies reporting the property crimes of burglary,larceny-theft,and motor vehicle theft and those also reporting arson,data for arson(also a property crime)are not included in the property crime total. Figures for the first half of 2004 indicated that arson decreased 6.8 percent when compared to 2003 figures. The data presented in Tables I and 2 indicate the percent change in offenses known to law enforcement for the first six months of 2003 and 2004 by population group and geographic region.respectively. Table 3 reflects the percent change within the Nation for consecutive years leach year compared to the prior year). Table 4 presents a two-year comparison for the first halves of 2003 and 2004 of offenses known to law enforcement for agencies having a resident population of 100.000 and over. All data in this report are preliminary. TABLE 1 Percent Change by Population Group Aggra- Motor Number of Violent 1 Forcible vated Property Bur- Larceny- vehicle Population Group agencies Population crime Murder rape Robbery assault crime glary theft theft Arson Total 10.782 222.994.429 -20 -5.7 +1.4 -5.0 -0.9 -1.9 s -2.2 -1.9 -1.6 -6.8 Cities: 1,000,000 and over 10 24.680.715 4.8 -8.7 +6.5 -7.0 3.7 -1.6 +0.2 -1.9 -2.3 -10.1 500,000 to 999,999 21 14.074,457 -3.7 +3.6 +1.5 -8.0 l 6 -2.2 1 -3.0 -2.5 -0.4 +2.1 250,000 to 499,999 36 12.631.432 +0.2 +0.3 -3.6 -4.4 +3.6 -4,8 -2.3 -5.1 -6.4 -8.0 100.000 to 249,999 168 25.188.870 -11.2- -7.7 +6.4 -2.9 0 8 -1,4 -2.1 -12 -1.6 -10.5 50,000 to 99,999 313 21.548.551 -08 -13.2 -3.1 -1.4 01 -0.6 +0.4 -0.9 -0.4 -7.7 25,000 to 49,999 588 20.497.245 +0.4 -19.1 -0.5 -0.7 +1.2 -1.3 -2.1 -1.3 +0.5 -0.8 10,000 to 24,999 1.361 21.537.543 -05 +7.8 +2.8 -7.4 +1 4 -0,8 -1.3 -0.5 -2.5 -4.1 Under 10,000 5.204 17.003.279 -1.1 -25.9 -0.8 -4.5 -0.1 -2.3 'i -3.6 -1.9 -3.4 -5.6 Counties: Metropolitan' 1.245 46.432,154 -17 -6.8 +2.8 -2.1 -2.0 4.5 -3.4 -1.5 +2.4 -8.2 Nonmetropolitan' 1,836 19.310.183 -1.8 +10.4 -2.9 -9.3 12 F -4.5 -5.7 -3.9 -4.5 -10.3 'Includes crimes reported to shodtts'departments_county police departments.and state police within Metropolitan Statistical Areas. 'Includes crimes reported to shot depanments,county police departments.and state police outside nletropolilan Stolistteal Areas. TABLE 2 Percent Change by Geographic Region Aggra- Motor Violent Forcible vated Property Larceny- vehicle Region crime Murder rape Robbery assault crime Burglary theft theft Arson PLEASE NOTE Total -20 -5.7 +1.4 -5.0 0.9 1.9 -2.2 -1.9 -1.6 -6.8 Figures used in this.report are submitted'voluntarily by law enforcement agencies throughout the country. Northeast -1.Q 72 +o.l -3.9 +0.9 1.4 1.8 -8.6 -10.2 Individuals using these tabulations are cautioned against drawing conclusions by making direct corn- Midwest -2.8' -5.4 +0.9 -3.8 -2.7 -5,b -5.3 -6.3 -1.6 -8.1 parisons between cities because many factors affect the amount and type of crime from place to place- South 2-4 -8.3 +3.3 to -0.6 1.6 2.5 -1.0 -3.6 -5.1 Some of these factors are listed in the annual publication Crime in the United States. More' valid use West l.a; 0.9 +0.3 4.1 1.0 +02 +03 04 +2.5 66 *Less than tine-tenth of 1 percent. can be made of these figures by determining deviations from national averages and through comparisons withaverages for cities in similar population groups (Table 1). It is important to remember that crime is a social problem and, ,therefore, a'concern of the entire community. The efforts of law enforcement are TABLE3 Percent Change limited to factors within its control. Data users can obtain'assistance by calling (304) 625-4995. for Consecutive Years Aggra- Motor Violent Forcible voted Property Larceny- vehicle Years grime' Murder rape Robbery assault crime Burglary theft theft Arson Data users are cautioned' against comparisons of crime trends presented in this report and those 2001/2000 1.3' +0.3 1.7 +o.s 2.4 t1.2 12 04 +2.6 +2.9 estimated'by the National Crime Victimization'Survey (MGUS), administered by the Bureau of Justice' 2002/2001 1.7 +23 +1.8 -0.4 2.8 X1.7 +4.2 +0.5 +4.2 -2.6 Statistics. Because of differences'in methodology and crime coverage, the two programs examine the 2003/2002 1 +,.1 -4.0 -0.5 44 1.0 -1.1 +0.9 -10.0 , 2004/2003 -2.B -5.7 +1.4 -5.0 -0.9 -1,9 ' -2.2 -1.9 -1.6 -6.8 Nations crime problem from somewhat different perspectives,and their results are not strictly comparable. The definitional and procedural differences can account for many of the apparent discrepancies in ISSUED BY Robert S.Mueller III.Director.Federal Bureau of Investigation.United States Department of Justice.Washington.D.C.20535 results. The Department of Justice's fact sheet, "The Nation's Two Crime Measures,'contains a detailed Advisory: Criminal Justice Information Systems Committee.International Association of Chiefs of Police: description of the NGVS and uniform Crime Reports. Criminal Justice Information Services Committee.National Sheriffs'Association: p Criminal Justice Information Services Advisory Policy Board '= F .• ° Yorkville Police Department Incident Report SummaryEST ' November 9, 2004 through January 5, 2005 r -- 0 041899 through 050023 -<<E'`%" Page 1 of 16 041899 11-09-04 600 BIk. Tower Lane 041913.... 11-11-04 2000 BIk. S.Bridge Street Criminal Damage to Property: $800 damage was Lockout done to a municipal vehicle when unknown offender(s) threw rocks at it. 041914.... 11-11-04 Route 34/Route 47 Traffic Arrest: Subject was found driving on a 041900 11-09-04 Route 47/Route 71 suspended license and taken into custody for such. Accident 041915.... 11-11-04 Lansing, Illinois 041901 11-09-04 600 BIk. W. Veterans Pkwy. Canine Training Tobacco Ordinance Violation: After a tobacco sales sting, one business was found in violation of the 041916 .... 11-12-04 1400 Blk. Cottonwood Trail tobacco ordinance. Criminal Damage to Property: Victim reported $300 of damage done to two vehicle tires when unknown 041902 11-09-04 Desk Report offender(s) pulled the valve stem off, causing them to Tobacco Compliance Check flatten. 041903 11-10-04 Cannonball Trail/Route 34 041917.... 11-12-04 Lee Street, Plano Criminal Damage to Property: $300 of damage was Assist Plano Police Department done to the windshield of a vehicle when a schoolbus threw a rock up and hit the victim's vehicle. 041918.... 11-12-04 900 Blk. Fawn Ridge Court Dogs At Large 041904 11-10-04 2800 BIk. N.Bridge Street Lockout 041919.... 11-12-04 300 Blk. Illini Drive Unlawful Visitation Interference: Subject reported an 041905 11-10-04 Route 34/Needham Road ex-spouse removed their children outside of the Assist Plano Police Department designated custody times set by the courts. No charges at this time. 041906 11-10-04 Baseline Road/Ashe Road Assist Kendall County Sheriff's Office 041920 .... 11-12-04 300 BIk. Illini Drive Theft $300 and Under: Subject reported an ex- 041907 11-10-04 Codorus Road/Boulder Hill spouse removed property while at the residence. Assist Kendall County Sheriff's Office Property valued at $300. 041908 11-10-04 Grande Reserve 041921 .... 11-12-04 1200 Blk. Sunset Avenue Battery: Two workers were involved in a physical Lockout altercation. Neither wanted complaints to be signed. 041922 .... 11-13-04 1400 Blk. Cannonball Trail 041909 11-10-04 100 Blk. E.Van Emmon St. Criminal Damage to Property: Victim reported $800 Lockout of damage done to the hood of their vehicle after an unknown subject was ejected from the establishment 041910 11-11-04 100 BIk. Center Parkway they were at and hit the hood of the car causing Neighborhood Trouble scratches and dents. 041911 11-11-04 300 Blk. Olsen Street 041923.... 11-13-04 Route 34/Cannonball Trail Domestic Trouble Traffic Arrest: Subject was driving on a suspended license and was taken into custody for such. 041912 11-10-04 800 BIk. Canyon Trail Other Public Complaints „tiD C/l`. o r Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary EsT%i--_1'26 November 9, 2004 through January 5, 2005 $ =- � 0 041899 through 050023 44744E ��' Page 2of16 041924 11-12-04 2000 BIk. S. Bridge Street 041937.... 11-16-04 700 Blk. Game Farm Road Retail Theft: Business reported an unknown female Possession of Drug Equipment: After finding two subject removed two bottles of beer from their students "skipping” class, and smelling the odor of establishment without paying for them. burnt cannabis on their person, the students were searched and a cannabis pipe was found on one of 041925 11-13-04 800 BIk. N.Bridge Street them. The student was taken into custody and Other Trouble released to a parent. Charges were filed. 041926 11-14-04 1400 Blk. Cannonball Trail 041938 .... 11-16-04 Route 47/Route 34 Criminal Damage to Property: Victim reported Accident offender caused $300 of damage after breaking out the passenger side window of their vehicle by 041939.... 11-16-04 Grande Reserve punching it after being ejected from the Lockout establishment. Victim did not want to pursue charges. 041940 .... 11-16-04 1200 Blk. Marketplace Drive Lockout 041927 11-14-04 Spring Street/Teri Lane Found Bicycle 041941 .... 11-16-04 300 BIk. E.Kendall Drive Suicide Attempt 041928 11-13-04 1400 BIk. N.Bridge Street Lockout 041942 .... 11-17-04 Route 34/Center Parkway Accident 041929 11-14-04 2800 BIk. Kennedy Road Domestic Trouble 041943 .... 11-17-04 900 BIk. Heartland Drive Burglary from Motor Vehicle: Victim stated some time 041930 11-14-04 Route 71/Village View Drive over the night, unknown offender(s) took various Accident stereo equipment and speakers from their vehicle after smashing the window out to gain access to the 041931 11-14-04 1400 BIk. Aspen Lane vehicle. Property was valued at $2500. Pending Mischievous Conduct —No Dollar Loss investigation. 041932 11-15-04 200 BIk. Wheaton Avenue 041944 .... 11-07-04 800 Blk. Game Farm Road Lockout Assist CPAT 041933 11-15-04 200 BIk. E.Veterans Parkway 041945 .... 11-17-04 Grand Reserve Lot 752 Lockout Theft Over$300: Victim stated a port-o-potty was missing from a construction site. Property is valued 041934 11-15-04 Spring Street/McHugh Road at $500. Found Articles 041946 .... 11-17-04 600 Blk. White Oak Way 041935 11-16-04 800 Blk. Game Farm Road Criminal Damage to Property: Victim reported $150 Found Articles after unknown offender(s) smashed out the driver's side window of their vehicle. Nothing had been taken 041936 11-16-04 200 BIk. Elizabeth Street from the vehicle. Assist Ambulance 041947.... 11-17-04 1100 BIk. S.Bridge Street Lockout o ciry�` , Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary November 9, 2004 through January 5, 2005 _ 0 041899 through 050023 <�E `S Page 3 of 16 041948 11-17-04 Cannonball Trail/Faxon Road 041961 .... 11-20-04 1100 Blk. Cornell Lane Accident Breathalyzer Operator Duties 041949 11-17-04 1400 BIk. Chestnut Circle 041962 .... 11-20-04 500 BIk. W.Kendall Drive Lockout Harassment by Telephone 041950 11-17-04 100 BIk. Appletree Court 041963 .... 11-20-04 Route 47/Route 126 Domestic Trouble Traffic Arrest/Possession of Cannabis: Subject was found to be driving on a suspended license. After 041951 11-18-04 1200 Blk. Evergreen Lane being taken into custody for such, officers performed Mischievous Conduct—No Dollar Loss a search incident to arrest and located cannabis. 041952 11-18-04 1800 Blk. Marketview Place 041964 .... 11-21-04 100 Blk W.Countryside Pkwy. Warrant Arrest: After responding to a suspicious Domestic Trouble person call, officers found the subject to be wanted and took them into custody for such. 041965 .... 11-21-04 100 BIk. Colonial Parkway Consumption of Alcohol By Minor: After responding 041953 11-18-04 Desk Report to a call of a loud/wild party, officers spoke with the Warrant Arrest: A subject came to the police resident and could smell alcohol on their person. The department to turn themselves in on a warrant. subject was underage and taken into custody for Subject was taken into custody for said warrant. Consumption. 041954 11-19-04 1200 BIk. N.Bridge Street 041966 .... 11-21-04 1100 BIk. Cornell Lane Found Articles Warrant Arrest: A subject at the party involved in report number 041965 was found to be wanted on a 041955 11-19-04 2000 Blk. S.Bridge Street warrant. The subject was arrested for such. Lockout 041967.... 11-21-04 2000 Blk. S.Bridge Street 041956 11-19-04 Route 47/Route 71 Lockout Accident 041968 .... 11-21-04 300 Blk. E.Park Street 041957 11-19-04 Galena Road/Route 47 Mischievous Conduct — No Dollar Loss Accident 041969 .... 11-21-04 1000 Blk. Dalton Avenue 041958 11-19-04 400 BIk. Landmark Avenue Lockout Assist CPAT 041970 .... 11-21-04 Burr Court 041959 11-19-04 300 BIk. E.Van Emmon St. Criminal Damage to Property: Victim stated a skid Consumption/Possession of Alcohol By loader and tractor had $570 worth of damage done to Minor/Possession of Cannabis: After responding to a them after unknown offender(s)threw rocks at them. residence for a report of an underage drinking party, officers took several underage subjects into custody 041971 .... 11-21-04 Cranston Court for drinking/possessing alcohol. One subject was Criminal Damage to Property: Victim stated a searched and officers located cannabis on their construction trailer at $600 of damage done to person. windows of the trailer after unknown offender(s) threw rocks through them. 041960 11-20-04 1100 Blk. Cornell Lane Breathalyzer Operator Duties D C/lyo Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary Est NI la36 November 9, 2004 through January 5, 2005 4p 4z-� 0 041899 through 050023 1,11 4z- Page 4 of 16 041972 11-21-04 500 BIk. Countryside Center 041986 .... 11-24-04 200 BIk. E.Veterans Parkway Lockout Forgery: Business reported that an unknown subject attempted to get a forged prescription filled, however, 041973 11-22-04 Route 47/Route 126 were unsuccessful. Accident 041987 .... 11-24-04 Route 71/Country Hills Drive 041974 11-22-04 700 Blk. Game Farm Road Accident Accident 041988 .... 11-24-04 1400 Blk. N.Bridge Street 041975 11-22-04 400 Blk. E. Spring Street Lost Articles Mischievous Conduct—No Dollar Loss 041989.... 11-24-04 100 BIk. Schoolhouse Road 041976 11-22-04 Route 47/Countryside Pkwy. Lockout Accident 041990 .... 11-24-04 Galena Road/Route 47 041977 11-22-04 1800 Blk. Marketview Place Accident Lockout 041991 .... 11-24-04 Route 34/Timbercreek Drive 041978 11-22-04 Route 34/Bristol Ridge Road Accident Criminal Damage to Property: Victim stated $200 of damage was done to the front windshield of their 041992 .... 11-24-04 Route 34/Route 47 vehicle when another moving vehicle's passengers Accident threw something out of the window which hit and cracked the victim's windshield. 041993 .... 11-24-04 Route 47/Galena Road Accident 041979 11-23-04 Route 47Nan Emmon Street Accident 041994.... 11-24-04 700 Blk. Independence Court Domestic Trouble 041980 11-23-04 1800 Blk. Marketview Place Lockout 041995 .... 11-24-04 1600 Blk. N.Bridge Street Lockout 041981 11-23-04 400 Blk. Bruell Street Deceptive Practices/Theft $300 and Under: Victim 041996 .... 11-24-04 400 BIk. E.Spring Street reported offender stole seven checks from their Citizen Assist residence and wrote $1183.63 without their permission. 041997.... 11-24-04 400 BIk. E.Spring Street Citizen Assist 041982 11-23-04 1200 Blk. N.Bridge Street Lockout 041998 .... 11-24-04 100 BIk. Colonial Parkway Lockout 041983 11-24-04 300 BIk. Mulhern Court Lockout 041999 .... 11-25-04 300 Blk. Mulhern Court Harassment by Telephone 041984 11-24-04 100 BIk. W.Veterans Parkway Lockout 042000 .... 11-25-04 700 BIk. Independence Court Other Public Complaints 041985 11-24-04 1200 BIk. N.Bridge Street Lockout `,QED C/Th Al' Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary j Ems. ,Riv�` November 9, 2004 through January 5, 2005 9 `�0 041899 through 050023 <<E Page 5 of 16 042001 11-25-04 700 BIk. N.Bridge Street 042013 .... 11-28-04 Route 47/Route 34 Domestic Trouble Traffic Arrest: Subject was driving on a suspended license and was taken into custody for such. 042002 11-26-04 300 BIk. E.Van Emmon St. Domestic Battery: An out-of-control teenager came 042014 .... 11-28-04 Route 47/Cannonball Trail home late and immediately started physical Traffic Arrest: Subject was found driving without a altercations with family members. Subject was valid license and was taken into custody for such. arrested for Domestic Battery. 042015 .... 11-28-04 100 Blk. Appletree Court 042003 11-26-04 Hydraulic Ave/Heustis Street Lockout Accident 042016 .... 11-28-04 Kennedy Road/Lakeview Dr. 042004 11-26-04 Route 47/Hydraulic Avenue Animal — Sick/Injured Accident 042017 .... 11-28-04 Route 71/Walsh Drive 042005 11-26-04 100 BIk. Colonial Parkway Accident Domestic Trouble 042018.... 11-29-04 2000 Blk. S.Bridge Street 042006 11-26-04 200 Blk. W.Center Street Assist Business Agency Other Public Complaints 042019 .... 11-29-04 Desk Report 042007 11-26-04 Desk Report Assist Other Government Agency Fraud: Victim reported $1100 worth of unauthorized charges on their charge card. Victim stated they 042020 .... 11-29-04 200 Blk. E.Veterans Parkway were on vacation, however, never in the area where Fraud: Victim reported $176.18 of unauthorized the charges were made. debits from their Link Card. Pending investigation. 042008 11-27-04 Route 47/Spring Street 042021 .... 11-29-04 Route 47/Landmark Avenue Accident Traffic Stop/Aggravated Assault: During a routine traffic stop, the offender threatened an officer with 042009 11-27-04 1800 BIk. Marketplace Drive bodily harm. Subject was charged and arrested for Lockout Aggravated Assault. 042010 11-27-04 Van Emmon Street/Mill Street 042022 .... 11-29-04 500 BIk. S.Bridge Street Consumption of Alcohol by Minor: After a vehicle Lockout was pulled over for speeding, officers detected an odor of alcohol on an underage passenger. The 042023.... 11-29-04 100 BIk. Appletree Court passenger was taken into custody for Consumption. Suspicious Circumstances 042011 11-27-04 Greenbriar Road/Walsh Court 042024 .... 11-29-04 1400 BIk. Cannonball Trail Accident Other Public Complaints 042012 11-28-04 Galena Road/Route 47 042025 .... 11-29-04 300 Blk. Mulhern Court Traffic Arrest: Subject was found driving without a Harassment by Telephone valid license and was taken into custody for such. 042026 .... 11-29-04 900 Blk. Game Farm Road Investigation —Crime Against Person ,7c,„ , 0 << , Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary November 9, 2004 through January 5, 2005 ‘4,114 --1/ c.---�0 041899 through 050023 Page 6 of 16 042027 11-29-04 600 Blk. White Oak Way 042040 .... 12-01-04 400 BIk. E.Barberry Circle Domestic Trouble Domestic Trouble 042028 11-30-04 2000 Blk. S.Bridge Street 042041 .... 12-01-04 Desk Report Retail Theft: Establishment reported a twelve-pack of Voided Report Number beer had been taken by an unknown male without being paid for. 042042 .... 12-01-04 Palomino Lane, Oswego Assist CPAT 042029 11-30-04 Route 34/Countryside Pkwy. Warrant Arrest/Possession of Drug Equipment: 042043 .... 12-02-04 Route 71/Route 126 Subject was taken into custody after officers learned Accident of a valid warrant for their arrest. During a search incident to arrest, officers located drug paraphernalia. 042044 .... 12-02-04 400 BIk. East Park Street Criminal Damage to Property: $250 of damage was 042030 11-30-04 700 Blk. Game Farm Road done to the victim's vehicle when unknown person(s) Assist Schools smashed the driver's side window out with an unknown object. 042031 11-30-04 Route 47/Orange Street Traffic Arrest: Subject was driving on a suspended 042045 .... 12-02-04 800 BIk. S.Bridge Street license and was taken into custody for such. Junk/Salvage Title 042032 11-30-04 2500 Blk. Overlook Court 042046 .... 12-02-04 100 Blk. E.Veterans Parkway Domestic Trouble Retail Theft 042033 12-01-04 Route 71/Country Hills Drive 042047 .... 12-10-04 Greenfield Turn, Montgomery Accident Assist CPAT 042034 12-01-04 Route 47/Route 34 042048 .... 12-02-04 500 BIk. Countryside Center Accident Lockout 042035 12-01-04 Route 34/Sycamore Road 042049 .... 12-02-04 Route 47/Landmark Avenue Accident Accident 042036 12-01-04 Van Emmon Street/Route 47 042050 .... 12-02-04 Route 47/Park Street Lockout Traffic Arrest: Subject was driving on a suspended license and was taken into custody for such. 042037 12-01-04 1000 Blk. Sunset Street Lockout 042051 .... 12-02-04 Route 47/Route 71 Traffic Arrest: Subject was driving on a suspended 042038 12-01-04 Route 47/Walnut Street license and was taken into custody for such. Accident 042052.... 12-03-04 2800 BIk. N.Bridge Street 042039 12-01-04 2700 Blk. N.Bridge Street Lockout Domestic Battery: Victim stated offender became angered and slapped victim. Victim then physically 042053 .... 12-03-04 Route 47/Colonial Parkway battered the offender. No charges filed. Traffic Arrest: Subject was driving on a suspended license and was taken into custody for such. 0 Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary ES'" 1U6 November 9, 2004 through January 5, 2005 s 041899 through 050023 '<LE ‘`-`` Page 7 of 16 042054 12-03-04 200 Blk. Somonauk Street 042065 .... 12-05-04 1400 Blk. Chestnut Lane Burglary from Motor Vehicle: Victim stated a vinyl Criminal Trespass/Domestic Battery: A subject book bag containing two text books was taken from arrived at a house and entered, unwelcome. The inside his unlocked vehicle. Property valued at $150. person at the house babysitting children allegedly slapped the unwelcome visitor. No charges signed 042055 12-03-04 100 Blk. Garden Street against either party. Theft $300 and Under: An artificial Christmas Tree was stolen by a patron from outside an 042066 .... 12-05-04 600 Blk. W.Veterans Parkway establishment. Officers contacted the offender and Assistance Rendered Civil Category the tree was returned. No complaints were signed. 042067 .... 12-05-04 700 Blk. N.Bridge Street 042056 12-03-04 2100 BIk. Meadowview Lane Domestic Trouble Harassment by Telephone 042068 .... 12-05-04 100 BIk. W.Hydraulic Avenue 042057 12-04-04 500 Blk. Countryside Center Domestic Trouble Lockout 042069 .... 12-05-04 400 Blk. McHugh Road 042058 12-04-04 400 Blk. Landmark Avenue Burglary From Motor Vehicle: Victim stated unknown Harassment by Telephone person(s) entered their unlocked vehicle and removed a black camping backpack and its contents. 042059 12-04-04 Route 34/American Way Officers recovered several items from inside the Criminal Damage to Property: $300 of damage was backpack later on, however, the backpack was still done when unknown offender(s) broke out the back missing. Value of stolen property is $70. window of a piece of construction equipment. 042070.... 12-05-04 900 BIk. Game Farm Road 042060 12-04-04 Route 34/American Way Criminal Damage to Property: $200 of damage was Criminal Damage to Property: $3000 of damage was done when unknown person(s) kicked in the done to the inside and outside of a large piece of bathroom doors of a concession stand. construction equipment. 042071 .... 12-05-04 Route 34/Bristol Ridge Road 042061 12-04-04 300 BIk. E. Ridge Street Accident Unlawful Visitation Interference: Subject showed up for child visitation and no one was at home. Subject 042072 .... 12-05-04 400 Blk. W.Washington St. stated ex-spouse stated they needed to pay$500 Keep the Peace before they could see the children. 042073 .... 12-05-04 1400 Blk. Cottonwood Trail 042062 12-04-04 10000 BIk. Route 71 Domestic Trouble Burglary from Motor Vehicle: A $300 CB radio was taken from inside an unlocked business vehicle. 042074.... 12-05-04 200 Blk. Liberty Street Battery: Two subjects got into a verbal altercation 042063 12-04-04 Route 47/Spring Street over a domestic situation. Both alleged batteries Accident committed by the other against themselves. Both did not want to sign complaints. 042064 12-04-04 1300 Blk. Game Farm Road Lockout 042075.... 12-05-04 Garden Street/Garden Circle Suspicious Circumstances r,AI `,��D Ci?). Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary ES` j`�' _- '"6 November 9, 2 04 through January 5, 2005 0 041899 through 050023 <<E ‘‘'' Page 8 of 16 042076 12-06-04 2000 BIk. S.Bridge Street 042089 .... 12-08-04 Route 47/Cannonball Trail Retail Theft: Subject entered an establishment and Traffic Arrest: Subject was found driving without a requested to purchase beer. Subject was denied the valid license and was taken into custody for such. purchase due to local ordinance. Subject took the beer and left money behind. Subject was located by 042090 .... 12-08-04 200 BIk. S.Bridge Street Sheriff's Deputies and the beer was recovered. No Attempted Burglary: Local business reported all of criminal charges filed. the locks on the business had been damaged. No entry was gained into the business. 042077 12-06-04 Homestead Dr./Haley Court Accident 042091 .... 12-08-04 300 Blk. Illini Drive Domestic Trouble 042078 12-06-04 600 Blk. W.Veterans Parkway Assistance Rendered —Civil Category 042092.... 12-08-04 500 Blk. Powers Court Domestic Battery: Subject provoked suspect by 042079 12-06-04 Desk Report verbal and emotional abuse to the point of a battery. Assist Other Government Agency Suspect stated subject denied the suspect permission to take pets after a break-up. Subject was verbally 042080 12-06-04 Route 47/Center Street aggressive in the situation and no charges were filed, Accident as there was no evidence a battery had actually occurred against the subject by the suspect. 042081 12-06-04 Fox Street/White Oak Way Accident 042093 .... 12-08-04 300 BIk. E.Ridge Street Violation of Order of Protection: After a verbal 042082 12-06-04 Route 47/Somonauk Street altercation over court appointed visitation rights, a Accident physical altercation occurred. No charges filed. 042083 12-07-04 500 Blk. Countryside Center 042094.... 12-09-04 700 Blk. Game Farm Road Lockout Harassment by Telephone 042084 12-07-04 100 Blk. Colonial Parkway 042095.... 12-09-04 1200 Blk. N.Bridge Street Lost Articles Accident 042085 12-07-04 Route 47/Route 126 042096 .... 12-09-04 Faxon Road/Cannonball Tr. Accident Found Articles 042086 12-07-04 Tuma Road/Route 34 042097.... 12-09-04 2100 Blk. Northland Lane Accident Lockout 042087 12-07-04 Route 47/Cannonball Trail 042098 .... 12-09-04 1800 Blk. Marketview Drive Accident Accident 042088 12-08-04 Route 47/Galena Road 042099 .... 12-09-04 300 Blk. Olsen Street Traffic Arrest: Officers pulled a vehicle over for loud Domestic Trouble exhaust and speeding. Officers noted driver appeared to be under the influence. After failing field 042100 .... 12-09-04 Route 47/Hydraulic Avenue sobriety tests, driver was arrested for DUI. Subject Accident agreed to a breath test and it registered a .178 BAC. Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary EST 1B36 November 9, 2004 through January 5, 2005 S041899 through 050023 (LE Page 9 of 16 042101 12-09-04 Galena Road/Route 47 042112.... 12-11-04 Countryside/McHugh Road Other Public Complaints Traffic Arrest: After being pulled over for driving the wrong way down Countryside Parkway, driver was 042102 12-09-04 Route 47/Somonauk Street suspected of being under the influence of alcohol. Traffic Arrest: Subject was driving on a suspended Driver failed field sobriety tests and was taken into license and taken into custody for such. custody for DUI. Driver admitted to not only consuming alcohol, but also taking depression and 042103 12-09-04 700 Blk. Fir Court sleeping medication. Driver submitted to a breath Obscene Telephone Calls: Victim was receiving test which resulted in a .138 BAC. obscene telephone calls at their residence. Victim 042113 .... 12-11-04 500 Blk. S.Bridge Street recognized the voice during the calls. Officers Lockout interviewed the owner of the phone, traced via Caller ID. Officers located the offender, who admitted to the 042114.... 12-11-04 Evergreen Lane/John Street calls. Offender was charged and the case forwarded Dogs At Large to Juvenile Court. 042115 .... 12-11-04 1800 Blk. Marketview Drive 042104 12-10-04 Route 34/Route 47 Lockout All Other Disorderly Conduct: Victim reported trouble with offender after having a series of events occur 042116 .... 12-11-04 1800 Blk. Marketview Drive between the two of them stemming from an argument Lockout at a job site. Both have been the suspect and victim in various situations and no charges were filed. 042117.... 12-11-04 8900 Blk. Route 34 Burglary from Motor Vehicle/Criminal Damage to 042105 12-10-04 1600 Blk. N.Bridge Street Property: $300 of damage was done to a rear Accident passenger side window of the victim's vehicle. Although the vehicle was entered, no items were 042106 12-10-04 400 Blk. E.Spring Street taken from inside. Found Articles 042118 .... 12-11-04 Route 71/Highpoint Road 042107 12-10-04 200 Blk. N.Bridge Street Traffic Arrest: Subject was driving on a suspended Lockout license and was taken into custody for such. 042108 12-10-04 Wolf Road/Douglas Road 042119.... 12-11-04 100 BIk. Colonial Parkway Assist Oswego Police Department Domestic Trouble 042109 12-10-04 900 BIk. S.Main Street 042120 .... 12-11-04 4000 Blk. Cannonball Trail Citizen Assist Mischievous Conduct— No Dollar Loss 042110 12-10-04 300 Blk. Heustis Street 042121 .... 12-11-04 500 Blk. Countryside Center Domestic Trouble Lost Articles 042111 12-10-04 Route 47/Route 34 Traffic Arrest: After being pulled over for driving at night time without headlights on, driver was suspected at being under the influence of alcohol. Driver failed field sobriety tests and was taken into custody for DUI. Driver refused to submit to a breath test. 2`4,0 cir o Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary EsT% November 9, 2004 through January 5, 2005 041899 through 050023 5 ‘‘.> Page 10 of 16 042122 12-11-04 100 Blk. E.Center Street 042133 .... 12-13-04 Fox Street/White Oak Way Theft $300 and Under: Taxi cab driver stated he was Traffic Arrest: Subject was driving without a valid not paid for$32 worth of services. Officers were license and taken into custody for such. unable to get an answer from the subject whom answered the door of the house where the subject 042134 .... 12-13-04 Desk Report was dropped off; the subject slammed the door and Theft Over$300: Victim reported $500 had been was screaming for the officers to get a warrant, that withdrawn from their checking account without their no one there had used a taxi. approval. Victim reported they do not use their debit card on the Internet, nor do they know anyone from 042123 12-11-04 1200 Blk. Willow Way the town the withdrawals occurred. Assist County Sheriff's Office 042135 .... 12-13-04 1200 Blk. N.Bridge Street 042124 12-12-04 Center Street/Route 47 Burglary/Criminal Damage to Property: $20 of Possession of Drug Equipment/Curfew: After being damage was done to the lock on the Explorer's taken into custody for being out past curfew, juvenile Christmas Tree Stand Trailer. Entry was made into was searched and a cannabis pipe was located on the trailer; however, nothing was damaged nor stolen their person. Juvenile was arrested for the from inside. Three Christmas trees were taken from paraphernalia and the curfew violation. outside, valued at$90. 042125 12-12-04 Route 34/Route 47 042136 .... 12-13-04 1200 Blk. N.Bridge Street Traffic Arrest: After being pulled over for not having a All Other Disorderly Conduct: A subject refused to front license plate and having an expired registration, leave an establishment after a verbal altercation the driver was suspected of being under the influence occurred over billing. After officers arrived on scene, of alcohol. Driver failed field sobriety tests and was subject was told not to return to the store and he then arrested for DUI. Note this was the driver's third DUI left with no further incident. No charges filed. arrest. Driver refused to submit to any questioning or testing of any kind. 042137 .... 12-13-04 300 BIk. Heustis Street Domestic Trouble 042126 12-12-04 1100 Blk. Cornell Lane Breathalyzer Operator Duties 042138 .... 12-14-04 Route 34/Cannonball Trail Domestic Trouble 042127 12-12-04 1300 Blk. Chestnut Lane Lockout 042139 .... 12-10-04 700 Blk. Game Farm Road Battery: Subject was charged with battery after a 042128 12-12-04 1800 BIk. Walsh Circle fight broke out at a high school basketball game. Domestic Trouble 042140 .... 12-14-04 Route 34/Bristol Ridge Road 042129 12-12-04 800 BIk. Homestead Drive Accident Harassment by Telephone 042141 .... 12-14-04 Route 34/Cannonball Trail 042130 12-12-04 Route 47/Route 34 Accident Accident 042142 .... 12-14-04 1300 Blk. N.Bridge Street 042131 12-12-04 600 BIk. Heustis Street Lockout Runaway 042143 .... 12-15-04 100 Blk. Stagecoach Trail 042132 12-13-04 1400 BIk. N.Bridge Street Assist Schools Lockout 0,0 Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary November 9, 2004 through January 5, 2005 041899 through 050023 Page 11 of 16 042144 12-15-04 Galena Road/Route 47 unknown burnt residue. Subject was charged with No Theft $300 and Under: $50 worth of notice signs FOID Card, Possession of Hypodermic Needles, and belonging to the United City of Yorkville were taken Possession of Drug Equipment. Further charges are from in front of a construction site. possible pending results from the State Crime Lab. 042145 12-15-04 1400 Blk. N.Bridge Street 042153.... 12-16-04 Route 34/Game Farm Road Theft $300 and Under: Subject stated they dropped Accident their wallet outside a business. Subject stated someone took the wallet and used the gas card 042154.... 12-16-04 1800 Blk. Marketview Drive located inside. Subject did not have exact Lockout information on when, where and how much was charged to the card. 042155 .... 12-16-04 Route 47/Route 34 Traffic Arrest: Subject was found driving on a 042146 12-15-04 10000 Blk. Route 71 suspended license and taken into custody for such. Lockout 042156 .... 12-16-04 1800 Blk. Marketview Drive 042147 12-15-04 Route 47/Orange Street Lockout Traffic Arrest: Officers located a vehicle in the ditch off of Route 47. Officers noted the driver was 042157.... 12-17-04 2000 BIk. S.Bridge Street "revving" the engine as they approached. Officers Lockout suspected the driver was under the influence of alcohol and asked they to submit to field sobriety 042158.... 12-17-04 1300 Blk. Game Farm Road tests, to which the driver agreed. Field sobriety tests Warrant Arrest: Subject was known to be wanted on were failed and the subject was arrested for DUI. a valid arrest warrant and was taken into custody. Subject agreed to a breath test and it registered at a .138 BAC. 042159.... 12-17-04 300 BIk. Olsen Street Sex Crime Investigation 042148 12-16-04 200 BIk. W. Dolph Street Harassing Telephone Calls 042160 .... 12-17-04 700 Blk. Game Farm Road Lockout 042149 12-16-04 E.Kendall Drive/Mulhern Ct. Mischievous Conduct— No Dollar Loss 042161 .... 12-17-04 500 Blk. Morgan Street Sex Crime Investigation 042150 12-16-04 200 Blk. W.Hydraulic Avenue Accident 042162 .... 12-17-04 200 Blk. E.Veterans Parkway Retail Theft: Offender stole seven boxes of 042151 12-16-04 Desk Report cough/cold medication. An employee stopped the Other Public Complaint subject and asked for the boxes of medicine back. The Offender eventually gave the employee all of the 042152 12-16-04 Route 47/Garden Street cold medicine and then fled the store. Another officer Traffic Arrest: After being pulled over for improper located the offending vehicle and took the offender lane usage, officers suspected the driver of being into custody for Retail Theft and Reckless Driving, as under the influence. After finding a .45 caliber well as being issued two citations for Failure to Yield weapon in the vehicle, subject was arrested for not at Intersection. having a valid FOID card for ammunition. While conducting a search of the arrested subject and their 042163.... 12-17-04 800 Blk. Game Farm Road vehicle, officers located a .45 caliber handgun, Harassment by Telephone hypodermic needles, and a container with an Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary November 9, 2004 through January 5, 2005 041899 through 050023 'LE Page 12 of 16 042164 12-17-04 Route 34/Cannonball Trail 042176 .... 12-20-04 1000 Blk. Sunset Street Warrant Arrest: After receiving a call of a child Lockout custody dispute and being told the offender may have a warrant for their arrest, officers located offender and 042177.... 12-20-04 500 Blk. W.Kendall Drive took them into custody for said warrant. Suspicious Circumstances 042165 12-17-04 Route 47/Landmark Avenue 042178.... 12-20-04 Route 47/Route 71 Accident Traffic Arrest: Subject was driving on a suspended license and was taken into custody for such. 042166 12-17-04 20 Blk. W.Countryside Pkwy. Lost Articles 042179 .... 12-21-04 20 Blk. W.Countryside Pkwy. Abandoned Vehicle 042167 12-18-04 Route 47/Corneils Road Accident 042180 .... 12-21-04 Route 34/Center Parkway Accident 042168 12-18-04 Galena Road/Route 47 Traffic Arrest: Subject was driving without a valid 042181 .... 12-21-04 1300 Blk. Evergreen Lane license and was taken into custody for such. Harassment by Telephone 042169 12-18-04 Route 47/Countryside Center 042182.... 12-21-04 Route 47/E.Main Street Accident Accident 042170 12-18-04 Route 47/Greenbriar Road 042183 .... 12-21-04 Route 47/Somonauk Street Accident Accident 042171 12-18-04 Kennedy Road 042184.... 12-21-04 100 Blk. Colonial Parkway Accident Lockout 042172 12-18-04 Conover Court/Strawberry Ln 042185 .... 12-21-04 Kennedy Road/Bristol Ridge Accident Other Public Complaint 042173 12-19-04 Alandale Lane/Faxon Road 042186 .... 12-21-04 Route 47/Beaver Street Traffic Arrest: After being called to the scene of a Traffic Arrest/Warrant Arrest: After being pulled over suspicious auto, officers found driver in parked for speeding, and driving on a suspended license, vehicle with car still running. Officers suspected driver officers also learned the driver was wanted on a valid was under the influence and asked them to complete warrant and they were taken into custody for such. field sobriety tests. After failing field sobriety tests, driver was arrested for DUI. Subject agreed to take a 042187.... 12-22-04 1300 Blk. Coralberry Court breath test and registered at a .180 BAC. Domestic Battery: Offender contacted police after being battered by their spouse. Upon investigation, 042174 12-20-04 Bristol Ridge Road/Route 34 police took offender into custody for domestic battery. Theft Over$300: 130 sheets of plywood were reported stolen from a construction site. The property 042188.... 12-22-04 1300 Blk. Coralberry Court was valued at $2200. Domestic Trouble: After the incident occurring in 042187, parent and child got into a verbal altercation. 042175 12-20-04 Desk Report Assist Other Government Agency 042189 .... 12-22-04 200 Blk. River Street Domestic Trouble isD CITE,, . Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary Es` - November 9, 2004 through January 5, 2005 \� - - 0 041899 through 050023 �i'zcE x'7 Page 13 of 16 042190 12-22-04 2000 BIk. S.Bridge Street 042200 .... 12-23-04 Tinley Park, Illinois Lockout Canine Training 042191 12-22-04 Route 47/Corneils Road 042201 .... 12-23-04 200 BIk. S.Bridge Street Traffic Arrest: Subject was found driving on a Sex Crime Investigation suspended license and taken into custody for such. 042202 .... 12-24-04 Route 34/Countryside Pkwy. 042192 12-22-04 Oswego, Illinois Traffic Arrest: Subject was driving on a suspended Execution of Search Warrant license and was taken into custody for such. 042193 12-22-04 100 Blk. W.Veterans Parkway 042203 .... 12-24-04 300 BIk. Fairhaven Drive Burglary from Motor Vehicle: Victim stated they leave Harassment by Telephone their car unlocked while at work. When they returned to their vehicle after work, they noticed their CD 042204 .... 12-24-04 100 BIk. Colonial Parkway player, CD's (about 30 of them), $18 cash, and ATM Lockout card were missing from inside. Property valued at $473. 042205 .... 12-25-04 Desk Report Voided Report 042194 12-22-04 1800 Blk. Marketview Drive Burglary from Motor Vehicle: Victim stated they left 042206 .... 12-25-04 Route 47/Greenbriar Road their vehicle unlocked while at work. When they Traffic Arrest/Warrant Arrest: Subject was found returned to the car after work, they noticed multiple driving on a suspended license as well as being items taken, including a CD changer, CD's, a hat, wanted on a valid warrant and was arrested for both. tennis shoes, a steel pot, a VHS tape, and one boot. Property valued at $575. 042207 .... 12-25-04 Hydraulic Avenue/Route 47 Traffic Arrest: Subject was driving on an invalid 042195 12-22-04 1700 BIk. N.Bridge Street warrant and was taken into custody for such. Lockout 042208 .... 12-25-04 1300 Blk. N.Bridge Street 042196 12-23-04 Route 71/Route 47 Lockout Accident 042209 .... 12-26-04 1300 BIk. Chestnut Lane 042197 12-23-04 1300 Blk. Game Farm Road Assistance Rendered Civil Category Warrant Arrest: Officers were called to a business because an employee was believed to be wanted on 042210 .... 12-26-04 Route 126/Route 71 a warrant and was currently at the establishment. Accident Officers arrived on scene and verified the validity of the warrant. The subject was then arrested. 042211 .... 12-26-04 100 Blk. Colonial Parkway Domestic Battery: After investigating a mutual battery 042198 12-23-04 1500 Blk. N.Bridge Street between a boyfriend-girlfriend, no charges were filed. Burglary from Motor Vehicle: A stereo valued at $55 was taken from inside a vehicle after unknown 042212 .... 12-26-04 Center Pkwy./E.Kendall Drive person(s) removed a rear vent window to gain access Assist Ambulance to the car. 042213 .... 12-27-04 Desk Report 042199 12-23-04 500 Blk. Blaine Street Harassment by Telephone Assist City Fire Department/Structure Fire 4t,D 'ry Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary EsTtr:1- 1"61 November 9, 2004 through January 5, 2005 r,� `'�_-`0 041899 through 050023 <LE ���� Page 14 of 16 042214 12-27-04 600 Blk. W.Veterans Parkway 042223 .... 12-28-04 1900 Blk. Banbury Court Criminal Damage to Property: Victim stated they Criminal Damage to Property: Construction noted a hole in a business window upon opening that supervisor reported damage done to a window at a day. Damage estimated at $50. house under construction. Damage estimated at $300. 042215 12-27-04 600 BIk. W.Veterans Parkway Criminal Damage to Property: While investigating 042224.... 12-28-04 Route 34/Center Parkway 042214, Officers noted a hole in a business window. Accident Damage estimated at $50. 042225.... 12-28-04 1400 Blk. Chestnut Lane 042216 12-27-04 1500 BIk. N.Bridge Street Lockout Criminal Damage to Property: Upon opening for business, employees noted bricks on the building had 042226 .... 12-28-04 Route 34/Game Farm Road been cracked and broken. Damage valued at$150. Accident 042217 12-27-04 Desk Report 042227.... 12-28-04 300 Blk. E.Somonauk Street Assist Other Government Agency Criminal Trespass: While on vacation, friends of resident's child broke into the home to watch 042218 12-27-04 Route 34/Tuma Road television and drink soda. Homeowner did not want Possession of Cannabis/Traffic Stop: After being charges filed. pulled over for not wearing a seatbelt, Officers noted a strong smell of burnt cannabis. Upon having the 042228.... 12-28-04 2600 BIk. Overlook Court subjects exit the car, officers located a bag of Criminal Trespass: Victim stated an ex-boyfriend of cannabis. Driver was arrested for Possession of their daughter was continuing to come over to the Cannabis as well as being issued citations for the residence, harassing them. traffic offenses. 042229.... 12-28-04 Route 47Nan Emmon Street 042219 12-27-04 Route 126/Route 47 Obstructing Justice/Warrant Arrest: While assisting Traffic Arrest/Warrant Arrest: Subject was found the driver of a disabled vehicle, officers learned the driving on a suspended license and wanted on a valid registered owner, whom they suspected to be the warrant. Officers arrested subject for both. passenger, was wanted. The passenger gave a false name and after learning their real name, he was 042220 12-27-04 Route 47/Route 71 arrested for the warrant and charged with Obstructing Traffic Arrest: Subject was found driving on a Justice. suspended license and taken into custody for such. 042230 .... 12-29-04 Route 47/E.Main Street 042221 12-27-04 800 Blk. Homestead Drive Warrant Arrest: A subject approached an officer and All Other Disorderly Conduct: An ex-boyfriend and stated to the officer that they would be giving the friend put transmission fluid on the pavement and subject a ride soon. Officers ran the subject and "spun out" the tires, causing smoke. found a valid warrant for their arrest. Subject was arrested for said warrant. 042222 12-28-04 2200 Blk. Kings Street Criminal Damage to Property: Construction 042231 .... 12-29-04 100 BIk. Colonial Parkway supervisor reported damage done to the interior Domestic Trouble drywall and duct work of a house under construction. Damage estimated at $850. 042232.... 12-29-04 2000 Blk. S.Bridge Street Found Articles J2`��D /rys , Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary EST 1838 November 9, 2004 through January 5, 2005 � L E,�y��s 041899 through 050023 Page 15 of 16 042233 12-29-04 Desk Report 042245.... 12-31-04 100 Blk. Countryside Pkwy. Investigative Services Burglary from Motor Vehicle: Victim stated $1375 worth of tools and stereo equipment were taken from 042234 12-28-04 Route 47Nan Emmon Street their trunk vehicle after unknown person(s) smashed Other Public Complaint a window, gained access to the inside of the vehicle and hit the trunk release button. 042235 12-29-04 1200 Blk. N.Bridge Street Retail Theft: Employee stated a $350 cell phone was 042246 .... 12-31-04 500 Blk. Blaine Street stolen during a busy rush at the store. Burglary from Motor Vehicle: Victim stated he awoke to find his car window had been smashed out and his 042236 12-29-04 1900 Blk. Banbury Court stereo and tools had been stolen. Property valued at Domestic Trouble $1150. 042237 12-30-04 500 Blk. Redhorse Lane 042247.... 12-31-04 400 Blk. Bruell Street Assist Ambulance Lockout 042238 12-30-04 1200 BIk. Deer Street 042248 .... 12-31-04 Route 34/Game Farm Road Accident Accident 042239 12-30-04 Galena Road/Route 47 042249.... 12-31-04 600 BIk. Omaha Drive Accident Theft Over$300: Victim reported a window valued at $497 was taken from a home under construction. 042240 12-30-04 80 BIk. Crooked Creek Drive Lockout 042250 .... 12-31-04 Route 47/Route 71 Traffic Arrest: Subject was driving without a valid 042241 12-30-04 100 Blk. Colonial Parkway license and was taken into custody for such. Burglary from Motor Vehicle: Victim stated their$300 stereo was taken from inside their vehicle after 042251 .... 12-31-04 300 BIk. E.Main Street unknown person(s) smashed out a window to gain Attempted Burglary from Motor Vehicle: Victim stated access. their car window had been smashed out, however, no property was missing from inside. Damage valued at 042242 12-30-04 5200 Blk. Minkler Road $100. Assist Oswego Police Department 050001 .... 01-01-05 200 Blk. E.Veterans Parkway 042243 12-30-04 100 BIk. E.Washington Street All Other Disorderly Conduct: Subject stated they felt Burglary from Motor Vehicle: Victim stated a stereo they were being harassed at work by family business and several CD's (valued at$350)were taken from associates. inside their vehicle after unknown person(s) smashed out a window to gain access. 050002.... 01-01-05 200 Blk. E.Veterans Parkway Lockout 042244 12-31-04 Route 47/Corneils Road Accident 050003 .... 01-01-05 900 Blk. Adrian Street Criminal Damage to Property: Victim stated $100 of damage was done to their pickup truck at an unknown location. 050004 .... 01-01-05 100 BIk. E.Schoolhouse Rd. Domestic Trouble ��o ciry Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary EST% November 9, 2004 through January 5, 2005 °9 i= -�T a 041899 through 050023 � Page 16 of 16 050005 01-02-05 E.Main Street/Sanders Court 050015 .... 01-04-05 Route 47/Van Emmon Street Traffic Arrest: Officers were called to the scene of a Accident suspicious vehicle. Officers located the subject who was suspected under the influence. Subject failed 050016 .... 12-28-04 Route 126/Route 47 field sobriety tests and was arrested for DUI. Subject Accident— Delayed Report agreed to submit to a breath test which resulted in a .148 BAC. 050017.... 01-04-05 Route 126/Route 71 Accident 050006 01-02-05 200 Blk. W.Veterans Parkway Accident 050018 .... 01-04-05 200 BIk. Leisure Street Harassment by Telephone 050007 01-02-05 700 Blk. Mill Street Burglary from Motor Vehicle: Victim stated their CD 050019 .... 01-05-05 500 Blk. W.Kendall Drive player and CD's were taken from inside their Lockout unlocked vehicle. Property valued at $325. 050020 .... 01-05-05 700 Blk. Game Farm Road 050008 01-02-05 Route 47/Route 71 Criminal Damage to Property: Victim reported Accident unknown offender(s) scratched the finish on their vehicle causing $300 worth of damage. 050009 01-02-05 Route 47/Greenbriar Road Traffic Arrest: Subject was found driving on a 050021 .... 01-05-05 Game Farm Road/Route 34 suspended license and arrested for such. Accident 050010 01-02-05 200 Blk. Hillcrest Avenue 050022 .... 01-05-05 Route 34/Sycamore Road Lockout Towed Vehicle 050011 01-03-05 Route 47/Van Emmon Street 050023 .... 01-05-05 1400 BIk. N.Bridge Street Accident Retail Theft: Employees reported unknown offender stole $10 worth of gasoline. 050012 01-03-05 300 Blk. E.Kendall Drive Harassment by Telephone 050013 01-03-05 800 Blk. Game Farm Road Accident 050014 01-04-05 Route 47/Van Emmon Street Traffic Arrest/Obstructing Justice: Officers responded to a possible intoxicated driver. Officers ran driver, who was suspended. Officers felt driver was under the influence of drugs. Driver failed field sobriety tests and refused to submit to any chemical testing. Driver was also cited for Illegal Transportation of Alcohol. Passengers in the vehicle gave officers false names, as they had valid warrants for their arrest out of Cook County. Officers could not arrest them on the warrants (out of geographical boundaries), however, they were arrested for Obstructing Justice. P\c'')4-/D j o� Yorkville Police Department Memorandum 804 Game Farm Road Esr . .. 1636 Yorkville, Illinois 60560 Telephone: 630-553-4340 4 3 Fax: 630-553-1141 4 Date: December 29, 2004 To: Chairman Larry Kot From: Chief Harold Martin ,AN Reference: Purchase of the Detective Vehicle r Larry, with the revised budget in place I am requesting to purchase the Detective Vehicle. The Detective Vehicle will be a 2004 Chevy Impala with a cost of $16,598. I asked for $18,000 in the revised budget which would help in outfitting the Detective Vehicle with a radio and lights. The Detective Vehicle we will be purchasing is State Bid (See attached memo from S/Sgt. Ronald Diederich). The Dealership currently only has four (4) vehicles left that we could use. Thank you in advance for your assistance in this matter. 2 o Yorkville Police Department Memorandum illt. 804 Game Farm Road Est ki 1836 Yorkville, Illinois 60560 Telephone: 630-553-4340 Ii Fax: 630-553-1141 Ol — � 0 1LCEw� Date: December 27, 2004 To: Chief Harold 0. Martin III From: S/Sgt. Ron Diederich Reference: Detective Squad Chief Per your request I checked with Miles Chevrolet for prices on the state purchase of an unmarked detective vehicle. They have five 2004 units in stock, one 'White' and four 'Berry Red'. These units have the 3400 engines, not the 3800 police interceptors, and delivered price would be $16,598.00. I have attached the printout to this memo. If you have any questions please let me know. Respectfully, ,40, S/Sgt. Ron Diederich FROM MILES CHEUR(7LET FAX NO. : 2178722069 Dec. 27 2004 01:54PM P4 CHEVROLET MILES CHEVROLET INC. CHEVROLET I'nlir:rd Vehiclo Sole;Qivicion P.C). Dox 3160 150 West Pershing Road Decatur, Illinois 62524-3160 Phone(217)(172-2070 • Fax(217)672-2069 • 2004 Chevrolet Impala (IWFXC) Unmarked Edition PAS T.,.PSliN7,..r0Tl1f1L,..TI IFN,,.TOI)AY...TOMORROW... WE'LL RE Ti!EMI( FIVE-B1'A1) CilASH RATING ('hint.Sheriff";uxVnr Purchasing Officer. Chevrolet IV!nlor Division has announced (ha( as of 9^ID-f I will no longer be able to accept any new requests Ire Inurl+a�c lhr 20(3.1 Impala(IWIIX(') I ntilarked Special l.di(ion.Although the order deadline has passed, we will have a lim- ilcd quantity available for immediate delivery.Orders fh+r in-Mock Impala's will he filled on a first come basis. 2004 Chevrolet Impala (IWFXC) Unmarked Edition ST/\NDAfl0..EOUIPMENT ItLCLUDES; p,iyl,ime,flunning,Liglal,Fly_f?lssSwiSh(NEW)' Secure:101000on.Dy: ass,Systern(NEW) Up,'IgLFoDiA4il 114 -NSI_I SJAD.9.speLD(New) , UnrllarkCIJ.,EdIGQn Appearancef a4age.(NEW) (lontplr. (oy'Ct;s w/(J)ceys_Fpbs Anll-L ock, IA I QIs_BrsthJpg Svsteie Power D.(iver,Sea( 60/40 Split FrolIt l3encl+;;cal w/�(p�r est Front and Rear Deluxe Carpeted Floor Mats Duel Zone Air Conditioning Cull Size WIrr e(Covers(f)oll On) P225/50R16 SBR/HW Tires l;,;uise Control 3400 hF1 V.6 Lnyine Touring Suspension • Power Windows Tilt Steering Wheel Heavy Duly Aluminum Engine Cradle Power Door locks near Window Detoy(ror Power Trunk Opener AM/FM Stereo nadio w/r„Legato float Air amt;;yarnm Stainless Sleet Exhaust System Itrlal Electric Outside f1V Mirrors Tinted Solar Glasti. Space Saver Spare Tire • lntermittout Wiper System lnlegralCd(ladio Antenna Center Console w/Slorege Compartment(told dorm) •THE DAYTIME RUNNING LIGHT BY-PASS SWITCH IS ONLY AVAILABLE FROM MILES CHEVROLET Package #1 2004 Chevrolet Impala(IWFXC) Unmarked Edition 4� A •'Super Sauer'' 'I`I(I('1's INCI.01+l S Al.1.S7'r\NRAltl)l;Qi)II`MPN'1'h1:�1'lil)AnoVP fib [ Cruise Control -Power Seat • Floor Mats•Anti-Lock 13rakes Package #2 2004 Chevrolet Intpola(MT NC) Unmarked f rlilinn •l`ltl(l',INC-LIMES ALL!CFA Nl)AIll)11)1Ill'MI'iNTLISTED Al()Vr:...tLUS S 10.1. AM/I'M Radio w/C:ompecl Disc Player•'fraction Control Package #3 2004 Chevrulcl Impala(AU XC) Unmarked Edition *516,598.00 I, I lilt KT IN(-LUI)ItS AL1.STANDAR!)WI nl'MfN'I'LISTED A1rOVli.,.1'hUS AM/FM Radio w/Casseuc and( ui1pae( Disc Player•Auxiliary Amplifier•Automatic Volume Control Aluminum Wheels.• Leather Steering Wheel • Radio Controls Integrated In Steering Wheel •Traction Control Package #4 2004 Chevrolet Impala(IWPXC) Unmarked Edition '$17,598.00 'I'ItIC1,INCLIJILS AI,I,STANUAI&I)LQU11`MLNT USTED ABOVE-PLUS 3800 SI7I V-6 Engine • 1)225/60R16 I3SW Touring"I ires•Sport Suspension•Custom Aluminum Wheels Traction Control ••AM/I M Radio w/Cc)IlapaCl bise Player •Premium 6-Speaker Sound System•Automatic Volume Control o-� Yorkville Police Department Memorandum AD, 804 Game Farm Road EST. erw . 1836 Yorkville, Illinois 60560 Telephone: 630-553-4340 P "It y Fax: 630-553-1141 4CE `w Date: December 15, 2004 To: Chief Harold 0. Martin III From: S/Sgt. Ron Diederich Reference: Speed Trailer Chief I have the quotes for the speed trailer and the speed sign you had requested. I had to take some sick time and do apologize for the tardiness in getting you this information. I have attached the quotations to this memo and if you have any questions please let me know. There are several options that I feel we need, and several that are questionable. The Matrix trailer we could eliminate the alarm system and the Timemark/road tube kit. That would bring the total price to $17,355.00 The Speed monitor 'F' sign probably needs all the options listed in the quote for a total of $7,569.00. Respectfully, Speed MooitorTM Full.. w iii . - . k v A E - Matrix Message Trailer .t,„:;,..,..„„.4..:_ti. ,, _ :,.. ../ ,• A . • Need to display messages and control speed?You need the Speed Monitor Alpha Trailer. T :i 'f :n'y ti k 1 ' ,' Jriszi.....«,: , r fr ", T e The Speed Monitor Alpha Trailer combines " r ,,:4r y , ` customized messaging and speed control capabilities ;: .l into a single device. The Trailer has a full-graphics r :: '' - Er: moi.4 s; ..,:- Y:,. display sign capable of displaying one- and two-line o�o�ci E_ i ; messages or graphic characters. The on-board radar �' N m .5 i .• allows the trailer to switch to a speed-related ,,, I `e. :'' message (like Your Speed is XX) whenever the 1 /4 overspeed threshold is exceeded. The library of - - ' standard messages covers most situations, but the , ; — ' f messages can be tailored to any need. Extra batteries _: and solar chargers are available. - .. Features Benefits Full-graphics message display Can be fully customized for any message: one-line, two-line, or graphic, with terminal and/or optional graphic software Speed-based message override Overspeed alert slows down speeder without the need for a separate trailer; trailer returns to normal operation when speeder slows down. See-through design Drivers can see pedestrians, making the use of the trailer safe for crowded special events. Advanced approach-only radar Rejects the speed of traffic moving away from the sign, ensuring that speed messages are display for drivers who can see the display. Graffiti-resistant powder coat paint Ensures a great appearance,year after year Vandalism-resistant security features Locked storage area, Lexan display window, and optional motion alarm deter vandalism. The company: MPH Industries,Inc.specializes in velocity measurement. Formed in 1975,MPH is one of the largest suppliers of radar equipment to law enforcement worldwide. MPH also manufactures the DocuCam line of in-car video equipment and serves the highway and rail transportation industries. MPH Industries is a subsidiary of MPD,Inc.,an manufacturer of aerospace components and subsystems,electronic components,and breath alcohol systems. Speed Monitor' Trailer Description: Full-matrix display sign with self-contained,one-direction radar and mounted on a trailer. Trailer. Radar: O Dual 4'x 6'frame constructed with 11 gauge 2" 0 Ka-band radar system with patented Automatic square tubing. All wiring concealed in frame. Same Direction"(ASD")technology,rejects O Steel utility box(36"x 43"x 12")provides a speeds of all opposing lane traffic. weatherproof enclosure for batteries,charger,sign 0 Overspeed setting allows sign to switch to a storage,etc. Will accept optional traffic computer. second message and/or display a vehicle speed O Display is contained in steel enclosure that folds when the vehicle exceeds a programmable speed and raises easily,assisted by a balanced counter- limit. weight and gas-assist springs. Display can be seen 0 1000 ft.range(typical vehicle) above traffic,yet the trailer is easily towed 0 25 mW transmitter power between sites. O 12 degree antenna beamwidth o Durable graffiti-resistant white paint. • Type accepted under FCC Part 90 O Two inch ball hitch continuously welded onto 2"x 2" 11 gauge square tube tongue. Other hitches 0 Operating temperature range of-22°F to 160°F available. O Four adjustable jacks for best leveling and Warranty: stability. 0 Two years parts and labor on the on-board radar, O 14" 185R14 automotive radial tires mounted with one year on the speed display and the rest of the locking lug nuts. trailer. Additional warranties may apply to 0 Leaf spring suspension for superior cushioning. accessory equipment. 0 Internal Group 27 deep-cycle batteries with 110 Volt battery charger and solar recharging system.. Options: Additional batteries available. 0 TimeMark traffic statistics computer with radar data interface Display: 0 Axle bar lock O 42 x 18 pixel matrix of LED's,capable of O Heavy-duty solar recharging system displaying messages 2'/2 feet high by 6 feet wide 0 Speed limit sign with interchangeable digits and O Constructed with Super-bright amber light emitting mounting bracket diodes(LEDs). O Anti-theft motion alarm with remote control unit. o Viewing distance of over 2000 feet. 0 Spare tire,wheel,and mount. O Automatic dimming for best viewing,day and 0 Additional batteries night. O Durable,vandal-resistant Lexae display window 0 Protective cover with straps is textured to minimize glare. u',Hi-I MPH Industries, Inc. 316 East Ninth Street Owensboro,KY 42303 (888) 689-9222 12/15/2004 14:22 2706856288 MPH INDUSTRIES PAGE 01/06 QUOTATION I .i1F IH MPH Industries, Inc. Operations of MPD, Inc. 316 EAST NINTH STREET INQUIRY NO. OWENSBORO, KY 42303 1 800 835 0690 FAX: (270) 685 6288 DATE December 15, 2004 ITO: TERMS Net 30 Days Yorkville Police Department Attn: Sgt Ron Diede.ric.h. DELIVERY 30 Days ARO 804 Game.Farm Rd Yorkville IL 60560 PRICES QUOTED ARE F.O.B.: Fax: 630-553-1141 Owensboro, KY WE ARE PLEASED TOUOTE ON YOUR INQUIRY AS Q a QTY DESCRIPTION PRICE • AMOUNT 1 Speed Monitor Matrix Trailer $15,795.00 Trailer includes: operator's manual, approach only internal radar, 7 character/10" 2 line LED sign board, 30 fixed message library, unlimited programmable message and graphics Solar Panel, two batteries, hand terminal, 1 year limited warranty on.trailer & 2 year warranty radar. Trailer OPgions Extra battery $150.00 Bar Lock included Speed Limit Sign $250.00 Extended 1 yr warranty on display &radar $250.00 Tin System $2,500.00 Road Tube Kit $200.00 Cover w/straps $450.00 Spare wheel Tire & Mount $160.00 Alarm System $275.00 Shipping $300.00 *Quote valid for 90 days QUOTED BY; Kathy Alvey — Inside Sales Representative This guolaton le governed by MPH Induetrlep S tend?rd Conditions or S,lc Radwi ed Speed MonitorTM F Advisory Sign riicPyiii, SPEED Have a Persistent Speeding Problem? LIMIT 35 ----, A A ___ ME_ „A Control speed without tying up a police offic- • '•° -.T er. Self-policing creates positive attitudes in the general public. Drivers confidence in the r . . I rim rfIJI7,-.,speed display is enhanced because it incorpo- i:_, h'(1llf;t,�� i; F: , 4 .. 6� i } t . 4 rates MPH s exclusive Approach-Only y ; - • �`: ��- O +�:� Sensor" , which eliminates false speeds gener- w- ' xigi: r •,11 . -------,- 1', ---- „, ated by opposite direction traffic. The Speed =4 rA ,A4,!',--- Monitor _ .. Monitor F is completely self-contained. Since :''0 !. . the unit mounts quickly on a standard 4 pole, ; ,. , r it can even be moved from site to site with ki a minimal effort. Available with 120 VAC or so- , lar power options. - ,,k1/4 ms` Features Benefits Integral Approach-Only SensorTM No false speeds due to opposite direction traffic. 18 (46cm) two digit, super-bright Visible at 1100 feet (360 m), automatically LED speed display dims for optimum viewing at night. Radar, speed display and power supply Portable, weatherproof unit mounts easily on a standard 4 (10 cm) pole or mounts on a pickup bed. Automated speed control Reduces speed without tying up an offices. Vandal-resistant Locking electronic cabinet, Lexan° display window, and graffiti-resistant epoxy paint. Power supply options 12 volt DC system available 120 Volt AC (240 volt AC) and solar power options meet any deployment situation. The Company: MPH Industries, Inc. specializes in velocity measurement. Formed in 1975, MPH is one of the largest suppliers of Doppler radars to Law Enforcement worldwide. MPH also serves the highway and rail transportation industries, education and sports. MPH Industries is a subsidiary of MPD,Inc.,a manufacturer of aerospace components and subsystems, electronic components and breath alcohol analyzers. Speed MonitorTM F Advisory Sign Specifications Description: Fixed location speed display with self-contained, one-direction only radar. Intended for mounting on stan- dard 4 (10 cm) break-away pole. Visible up to 1100 feet (360 m). Automatic dimming. Display Characteristics: Two, 18 inch (46 cm) high digits Constructed with red(amber optional) light emitting diodes(LEDs) Housing: 14 gauge steel enclosure with locking rear access door Scratch-resistant Margard° Lexan° display window Weatherproof to NEMA 4 rating Radar Specifications: K-band Approach-only Sensor" (1000 ft. range) 25mW transmitter power, nominal 12 degree antenna beam width Type accepted under FCC Part 90 System Specifications: User Supplied 13.8 VDC +/-20% (standard automotive voltage) Operating currentless than 3 Amps Operating temperature range of 160 F to -22 F Width: 30 inches (76 cm) Height: 36 inches (91 cm) Depth: 9 inches (23 cm) Weight: 100 pounds (45 kg) Accessories and Options: Pedestal for mounting to a concrete slab 110 Volt power system Solar power system with battery two-day reserve capacity Speed limit sign with interchangeable digits and mounting bracket Speed violation alarm (flashes the speed display) TimeMark traffic statistics computer with radar data interface Your MPH Representative is: For more information or to obtain bidding specifications contact MPH at 1-800-835-0690(fax: 270-685-6288) MPH MPH Industries, Inc. N MEM 316 East 9th Street MPD Companies Owensboro, Kentucky 42303 12/15/2004 14:22 2706856288 MPH INDUSTRIES PAGE 02/06 QUOTATION niivivi MPH Industries, Inc. Operations of MPD, Inc. 316 EAST NINTH STREET INQUIRY NO. OWENSBORO, KY 42303 1 800 835 0690 FAX: (270)685 6288 DATE December 15, 2004 TO: TERMS Net 30 .pays Yorkville Police Department Attn: Sgt Ron Dieder.ich DELIVERY 30 Days ARO 804 Game Farm Road —`– Yorkville, IL 60560 PRICES QUOTED ARE F.O.B.: Fax.: 630-553-1.141 Owensboro, KY WE ARE PLEASED TO QUOTE ON YOUR INQUIRY AS FOLLOWS: QTY DESCRIPTION PRICE AMOUNT 1 Speed Monitor"F" $4495.00 $4495.00 Speed Monitor"F" Includes 18 inch LED, Display, Self- Contained DS III Radar, NEMA 4 weatherproof cabinet, access door with two locking handles, dimming option, operators manual, for 12 VDC operation and a Two Year Limited factory warranty. speed Monitor "F" Options Pedestal 4 '/2 feet tall $400.00ea Over Speed Indicator 5210.0Oea 120 Volt AC Power Supply Si 64.00ea Speed Limit sign with bracket 5350.00ea Solar Power Package Si700.00ea Shipping Charge $250.00 QUOTED BY; Kathy Alvey, Inside Sales Representative Thle Quo(a(on I,povgrned ay MPH Indu:Wna Stond,,rd Conditions Of Salo p5 toClp oYorkville Police Department Memorandum 804 Game Farm Road EST % 1836 Yorkville, Illinois 60560 Telephone: 630-553-4340 4, • _ , Fax: 630-553-1141 4LEVk • Date: January 3, 2005 To: Chairman Larry Kot From: Chief Harold Martin �{(` Reference: Tuition Reimbursement for 2005/2006 Y Larry, I have put together the following list of Officers;the Colleges they are/going to attend, and the Degree they are pursuing: • Chief Harold 0. Martin III Western Illinois University Masters Degree—Criminal Justice Management • Lt. Donald Schwartzkopf Western Illinois University Masters Degree—Criminal Justice Management • S/Sgt. Ronald Diederich Northwood University Bachelor Degree—Business Management • Sgt. Richard Hart Northwood University Bachelor Degree—Business Management • Off. David Delaney Northwood University Bachelor Degree—Business Management • Off Barry Groesch Northern Illinois University Bachelor Degree—General Studies • Off Daniel Pleckham Northwood University Bachelor Degree—Business Management • Off Andrew Jeleniewski Calumet College/ St. Joseph Bachelor Degree—Law Enforcement Management I would like to submit this memorandum as a request for approval of the above listed officers to continue in their course of study. The only officers not already approved for their course of study would be Officer Daniel Pleckham and Officer Andrew Jeleniewski (He will complete his probationary period in February 2005). pc., _)-24 .s- t.0 C J o . Yorkville Police Department Memorandum 3: 41< • 804 Game Farm Road EST. ; 1836 Yorkville, Illinois 60560 -� Telephone: 630-553-4340 o - �3 ' Fax 630-553-1141 s•P ' P=.-r-g: . 0 ' 'all Date: December 25, 2004 4,1 , To: M/Sgt. Steve Kline From: Chief Harold Martin / Reference: Drug Money Account Steve, could you issue a check to Inno • p, Ltd. in the amount of $436.00. This is for a pair of Fatal Vision Glasses and handouts. I have enclosed a copy of the invoice. Please have Officer Ackland deliver the check to me so I can mail off the payment and the invoice as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your assistance in this matter. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. Thanks Steve! Sales Order #: Invoice 15858 40 Innocorp,Ltd. Invoice 12/20/04 Makers of FATAL VISION®and SIDNE® DEC 2 1 2004 Customer Number: A9914 Sales Rep Code: 0000 -SR Bill To : Ship To : Yorkville Police Department Yorkville Police Department John Helland John Helland 804 Game Farm Rd. 804 Game Farm Rd. Yorkville, IL 60560 Yorkville, IL 60560 USA USA Purchase Order # : PO 302787 Net 30 Days Quote # : 1 . 00 2PK 2S Fatal Vision 2 Pack (See 265 . 00 265 . 00 Package Contents Below) 2 . 00 S Silver Clear Goggle 1 . 00 Handouts Fatal Vision Handout 1 . 00 FRS V2 . 0 Fatal Reflections V2 . 0 149 . 00 149 . 00 with DUI Scenarios 1 . 00 SHIP Shipping & Handling 22 . 00 22 . 00 Subtotal USD 436 . 00 Sales Tax USD irill4d :::::9-11::: ice Amount USD $436 . 00 yment Received 0 . 00 TOTAL DUE USD $436 . 00 •.r.N Remit to: Innocorp, Ltd. 10 P.O.Box 930064 •• Verona, WI 53593-0064 •• www.fatalvision.com � '� . ;Se419"Piii vit, h n�c.>:aC�.At..,�,:..y,,:,.e5,:r n�,:r�.,-.<%�[.w 4'�..S,.. ,:e.et,:..c.:..+.,:.ca..s..5.-�,.e�,t,.•-f..:..R..%..C.:,'..:.�.�.�..s .. `~ ,a+`,, A_, : A L ;Phone:18002725023 . Fax:16088485558An interest charge is assessed on all � ,�_,,� ,�,� �- amounts over 60 days outstanding . -i--)c-,.! ---r.9 c17.1 2 o Yorkville Police Department Memorandum a iW804 Game Farm Road EST '_ ' 1836 Yorkville, Illinois 60560 Telephone: 630-553-4340 Li w Fax: 630-553-1141 Off ' 0 110E %Vs/ Date: November 8, 2004 To: Chief Harold 0. Martin III From: S/Sgt. Ron Diederich Reference: DVD recording-squads Chief As you know we have been looking at the DVD recorders for the squads and I now feel confident, after looking at several companies, in suggesting that we .purchase the DigitalPatroller manufactured by DST Digital Safety Technologies. This unit operates the same as our current VHS system, and there is no trunk unit. Instead there is a mirrored hardrive that is mounted inside the squad, behind the front passenger seat. I have talked to Deputy Chief John Perkins at Aurora Police Department. John has told me that they operate 42 units and are very pleased with the performance of the DVD. He is also pleased with the Company - they have a very quick turn around time of four business days when service is required. He can't be happier with the product. I also spoke with Sgt. Rick Lewis from the Midland, Texas Police Department. Midland has 38 units and Rick too is very happy with the performance of the DVD and the turn around time for repairs. Rick said that two of their units were installed incorrectly and the problem was corrected in four days. Rick also had two problems with the server , but this was due to poor AC power inside the police station. • Sgt. Richard Hart and myself were given a demonstration of the unit at Communications Direct. We were very impressed with clarity and ease of operation. D CI 1 90 Yorkville Police Department Memorandum 411 1., 804 Game Farm Road EST.% __1836 Yorkville, Illinois 60560 -��- Telephone: 630-553-4340 ..)T Fax: 630-553-1141 The unit is down loaded via a patch cord from the squad to the server which would be located inside the PD. It is a foolproof system with minimal training involved. The cost for this project is: One DigitalPatroller unit with wireless microphones (includes 36 hours of redundant hard-drive storage, 10x optical camera, wiring, antennas, mounts and DigitalPatroller operating software $5,435.00 In car camera and in car microphone $480.00 Installation $350.00 One DigitalPatroller Docking station $500.00 lone Dell Optiplex GX280 server (550+ hours) with three year next business day onsite response warranty $2,500.00 Deluxe Software 2-car license $900.00 Project Management and Installation $1,200.00 Travel billed at actual cost Total : $11,415.00 If you have any questions please let me know, Respectfully, 1 0 S/Sgt. Ron Diederich Q��� �P T rl�1 iMiFitroil J 1 • Fully Integrated Three In One Mobile Digital Video Solution I zip / NO MORE TAPES. .---‘.- - IN- CAR DATA CAPTURE SYSTEM ✓ LIVE REMOTE VIEWING CAPABILITY OVER WIRED AND WIRELESS NETWORKS ✓ REDUNDANT FIXED DRIVES ENSURE MAXIMUM DATA INTEGRITY r� ✓ SUPPORTS UP To FOUR CAMERAS AND Two MICROPHONES ✓ 1 8X OPTICAL ZOOM CAMERA a ✓ VIDEO CAMERA OPTIMIZED FOR ALL LIGHTING CONDITIONS - PP i-:--i> ✓ SINGLE TOUCH LICENSE PLATE ID FUNCTION v V FULLY EXPANDABLE AND PROGRAMMABLE V REMOTE TRIGGERING FROM WIRELESS MICROPHONE 41 0 V ALSO RECORDS: GPS LOCATION, DATE/TIME, UNIT ID AND RADAR DATA TRANSFER SYSTEM / Higifa/Fa/roJ/er ✓ FULLY AUTOMATED DATA TRANSFER WITH MAXIMUM DATA SECURITY DOCKING STATION ✓ SECURE CHAIN OF EVIDENCE - No HANDLING OF DATA FILES PARKING OKY / V HIGH SPEED CONNECTION EVEN WITH MULTIPLE USERS ✓ WIRELESS DATA TRANSFER CAPABILITY AVAILABLE -- ,----r . , DATA STORAGE & RETRIEVAL SYSTEM ✓ VIDEO ON DEMAND WITH DPFINDER® SOFTWARE gin Pow +` ✓ FAST, EFFICIENT ARCHIVE SEARCHES 04 _, ✓ DPPLAYER SOFTWARE DISPLAYS ALL DATA INPUTS imi ii, ..:_ ✓ DIGITAL INVESTIGATOR TM ALLOWS DIGITAL ENHANCEMENT OF PICTURE DATA ✓ OUTPUT FILES To TELEVISION MONITOR, VIDEOTAPE, CD-ROM OR DVD AM V AUTOMATED FILE MANAGEMENT FEATURES Ilk. CALL TODAY FOR A DEMONSTRATION Digita!Patrol ler`'features; III -DST 888.972.1808 e-mail: sales@digitalsafetytech.com Do IN L. 7igita/Safety www.digitalsafetytech.com T E C H N©L O G I E S. I N C. Servers and Workstations iJigitaIFatrøiier® • SYSTEM COMPONENTS AND FEATURES THE 0IGITAL PAT R O L L E R R SYSTEM manpower or supervision.DigitalPatroller® IN ata Trans- DigitalPatroller®is a fully integrated Mobile Digital Video der System features include: System designed to be a complete solution for your mobile V Trunk mounted high-speed connector digital video needs. V Fast,fully automated data transfer DigitalPatroller® is comprised of three sub-systems each V No videotapes to label and store contributing critical functionality to the overall system: V No chain of evidence questions. Once recorded, no ✓ DigitalPatroller® In-Car Data Capture System changes can be made to video/data files. ✓ DigitalPatroller®Data Transfer System V Available wireless data transfer capability ✓ DigitalPatroller®Data Storage&Retrieval System D ATA STORAGE & RETRIEVAL SYSTEM Because DigitalPatroller®is a complete,integrated solution, The DigitalPatroller® its long term operating costs are lower and performance sig- Data Storage&Retriev- DigitalPatroller® Storage& nificantly higher than current analog videotape technology. al System has features Retrieval System Powered By: IN-CAR DATA CAPTURE SYSTEM that no analog video- The DigitalPatroller®Data Capture System is the in-car tape system can deliver: portion of the DigitalPatroller® solution and consists of ✓ DPFinder® file DOIL.L. the following components: management PowerEdge" Servers and means no more OptiPlex'T Workstations lost or misplaced -ii • : ,- !!!!!,51 tt ; • EL.,ar is: t 0/.... ' ' A.. i !,. �F � It `-___._ is• ab,n t � o ; e t "411a Y g R-=_-_ _� corn a listened . a , i ` . � p ny isten - '- — -- NEEDS o , e to the °b 4 ,_ - '�.__t1_,W.. ^Deputy Chie a �c 0 _ flames Burns Elgin,IL Post#:754 Roundtable: In-Car Video Roundtable Submitted by: burnsjj Date: 6/11/2003 9:24:48 AM Subject: Digital Video Cameras We believe we have helped enter the next phase of in-car video recorders with the installation of completely digital system (actually a hardened computer). The digital quality is far superior to even the best tape system. We transfer the files via an ethernet link directly from the cars into a video storage system, 110 so we have no tapes and the only need to ever touch the cars is for the officers to plug it in when they are at the station. The future will be in wireless, but the state of the art is still not fast enough to do this with the number of cars we have. We currently have 22 units installed and are installing the remaining 40 in the next month or so. The systems are made by Digital Safety Technologies. http://www.digitalsafetytech.com/ This company was a television production outfit that got into the public safety field and took a whole new approach, placing quality of the video and storage 1st, resulting in a tremendous product. One of the slickest pieces is the ability to save the 60 seconds (configurable by the user) BEFORE the system is activated. This means that frequently the violation observed by the officer is captured and/or the Probable Cause. When we looked at videotape systems, our estimate was for 10,000 tapes to cover our needs. We now have no tapes and only a rather sophisticated SAN (Storage Area Network) that is easily searchable and basically self maintained. We only keep "tapes" for 90 days and the system actually handles the purging of tapes by itself, If I sound excited about this unit, I am. It is about time that a company listened to the NEEDS of Public Safety instead of just telling us this is what they have. I am happy to share our experiences and/or show anyone the system. Deputy Chief James J. Burns Deputy Chief for Administration Elgin Police Department t { 1Pgl rid:. 151 Douglas Elgin, IL 60120 - www.cityofelgin.org Tff.c+yn�a�c DEC 302004 ,�` 1 c Yorkville Police Department Memorandum Kl e , 804 Game Farm Road K......... 4% Ii------___!__11 1836 Yorkville, Illinois 60560 -� Telephone: 630-553-4340 • LI Fax: 630-553-1141 • r 4S. 0 Date: December 30, 2004 To: Kurt Van Dahm, Commercial Plans Examiner From: S/Sgt. Ron Diederich Reference: Provena Medical Center, 1500 Sycamore Road Kurt I have looked at the plan for the new Provena Medical Center and have some things that have caught my eye. • Could the drop off point be moved away from the building or possibly be removed? As we discussed it appears too close to the building and affords an excellent area for possible nefarious activity. • The main entrance on the west elevation is 14 feet six inches in width. This is more than enough room to drive on. Are they going to provide some obstacles similar to that of their Mercy Center building? I appreciate working with you and Mr. Dettmer on this and future projects and if you have any questions or if I can be of further assistance please let me know. Respectfully, de, S/Sgt. Ron Diederich CC: Chief Harold 0. Martin III 12/14/2004 08:44 FAX 630 553 5764r DANIEL J. KRAMER [6002/002 `= ll `,��o ��r o United City of Yorkville J ,. .,. County Seat of Kendall County �I = 800 Game Farm Road ter. '' ,�` ='dail4'a313Yorkville, Illinois, 60560 -.�� Telephone: 630-553-4350 " tk Fax: 630-553-7575 ntli.. �0 Website: www.yorkvilie.il.us LLE '' December 14, 2004 Chief Harold Martin Yorkville Police Department 804 Game Farm Road Yorkville,IL 60560 Via Fax—553-7575 and 553-1141 RE: Alcohol Ordinance Dear Chief Martin: Please be advised that I am in the process of further revising the United City of Yorkville Ordinance regarding liquor control pursuant to the recommendations of the Mayor and Public Safety Committee. I will forward the same to Attorney John Wyeth and be available to discuss the revisions with him so that he is adequately apprised of the revisions. Should you have any questions or wish to further discuss this matter please feel free to contact my office. Very truly yours, Daniel . amer • Attorney at Law DJK/pdc