Public Safety Packet 2005 04-14-05 �`,�sp c,7. United City of Yorkville
Jai -n County Seat of Kendall County
l 800 Game Farm Road
EST 1836Yorkville, Illinois, 60560
,O 1' _' -
9 : ", 41
� Telephone: 630-553-4350
Fax: 630-553-7575
Website: www.yorkville.ii.0
Thursday, April 14, 2005
6:30 PM
City Conference Room
1. Approval/Correction of Minutes: February 10, 2005 and March 10, 2005
2. Police Reports - February and March 2005
3. Business Registration / Alarm Response
4. Parking - One Street/ Overnight
5. Railroad Crossing Update
6. Request for Contingency Funds for Part-time Line Item - $5,000
7. Part-time Officer
8. FY 05/06 Budget Discussion
9. Weather Warning Siren Update /Map
10. Backgrounds on Employees
11. Sidewalk Map
12. Liquor Control Amendments
13. Staffing Levels
14. Additional Business
Page 1 of 1
Page 1 of 3 DRAFT
Thursday, February 10, 2005
6:30 pm
City Conference Room
Committee Members Present:
Chairman Alderman Larry Kot
Alderwoman Wanda Ohare
Alderman Paul James
Alderwoman Rose Spears
City Staff Present:
Police chief Harold Martin
1. Approval/Correction of Minutes: January 13,2005 There were 2 grammatical
errors to correct on page 3. Under item 10,the word be was added. The sentence
should read: The committee found this to be great that Sgt. Diederich was looking
into this matter. Under item 11 the word still needs to be removed so that it reads:
chief Martin stated that Attorney John Wyeth is working on this and as soon as he gets
the information.... Also on page 5 under additional business, the 2nd item was added
to: ...the lights at Countryside that are not lit and the sign is falling down.
2. Police Reports—January 2005 There was an article in the Police chief magazine
written by Harold Martin and Barry Groesch. There is only 1 report involving dogs.
Ifs because it is winter and also because the police are trying to resolve the issues with
the owners. Wanda Ohare raised a question about what a Horizontal Nystagmus Gaze
was. It's an involuntary twitch in the pupil that is present when the person is
intoxicated. Larry Kot commented about the training. He is very encouraged that
every month the officers are being trained. Officer Schwartzkopf and Sergeant Hart
are in a lot of trainings because they are our representatives for ILEAS which is
Homeland Security. They have been assigned to the containment team for Region 3.
Rich is our SRT Commander for the Kendall County SRT Team and Don is an
assistant. One of the new officers are in a shooting class to keep up on their skills.
Rose Spears made a comment about Sara and Larry and how remarkable they are. Sara
is doing very well with neighborhood watch, she is going the extra mile. She is
definitely a go— getter.
3. Budget Requests for 2005/2006 The 2 squad cars with the highest miles will be
replaced, and there will be 2 new squads for our new hires. A ballistics entry shield is
like a vest but it is bigger. It is about 2 ft wide by 3 I/2 ft high. It is for Homeland
security issues and for SRT assistance and for entry where there is shooting going on.
Chief Martin stated that if he could get any grants for any of these items that the city
would not have to spend money on these things. Larry Kot would like to see a little
explanation along with each item to refresh his memory when he is looking at these
Page 2 of 3
items to buy. The portable surveillance system is basically a video camera that can be
moved from site to site. Wanda Ohare suggested that maybe the developers could
donate money towards the portable surveillance system, since they are being broken
into. Larry Kot commented that the reason Yorkville has not been hit as hard with
theft as other communities is because the Police have been so proactive in their
patrolling. Next month Harold will bring back a job description and policy for the
Police Cadet. This item will move ahead.
4. Generator Update It is up and running and has been tested. It will be tested every so
often. The old one will be moved by us to another pad at Public Works. Larry Kot
would like to see the equipment fenced in, where now it is in the open.
5. Countryside Interceptor Update Countryside Parkway will be torn up for this. The
bank and the Funeral Home will have a temporary access point. Rose Spears
suggested that maybe a police officer could sit at the corner during rush hour for a few
days to make sure traffic obeys the rules while things are torn up.
6. Business Registration Update/Alarm Response Update This should be brought
back, with something put together to form a policy about what should be done about
alarms being set off too often.
7. Warning Signs for Retention /Detention Ponds in New Areas Update John Wyeth
is working on this. Signs posting the depth could make the city liable. If the sign is in
the wrong place, and the people don't see it, the city could be liable, if someone would
deface the sign, and we don't catch it,the city could be liable,possibly, if there is no
sign, the city could be liable. This should be brought back next month, after John gets
something put together.
8. Contacting IDOT—Railroad Crossing Gates @ Rt. 47 and Hydraulic Avenue—
Update This was discussed with Steve Klein from IDOT. He is familiar with the
widening project. The program they use does not warrant gates at this time. The
formula used with the average daily vehicles and the average daily train traffic
factored makes the accident frequency well below 0.2%to even warrant a traffic gate
engineering study. Maybe we could get a red flashing light for the side streets and the
alleyways. This will be looked into.
9. Additional Business We should make a policy to have proper lighting and signs for
private strip malls. We should try to get an agreement to be able to enforce parking
and stop signs in a private mall. This should be put on as an agenda item.
What about our liquor license and the types of restaurants? Does it have to be in
when the restaurant applies for it's license to make it effective? John is working on it.
Page 3 of 3
On street parking is becoming an issue in Fox HilL Semis are being parked on the street.
People are parking on the corners, and parking their cars across the sidewalks. Chief
Martin would like to have a parking ban from 1 am—6 am. There was discussion about
commercial vehicles and how they can and cannot be parked. This will be brought back
as an agenda item with sample ordinances.
The police department has presented 2 individuals to be on the Major Crime Task Force.
We will know next month if they will be accepted. They are trying to work out funding
so the city does not have the cost. It will probably be up and running in April or May.
Kendall County agencies that are working with this are Oswego, Minooka, Plano, Joliet,
Yorkville, Kendall County, State's Attorney, ISP, Sandwich and Montgomery were
approached, but we have not heard back. This is for the extra manpower and resources
you might need in a big case such as a murder. Larry Kot asked what is the cost of a leads
terminal and where should it be?
Dave's promotion will go into effect April 1St
The meeting was adjourned at 7:35 pm.
Minutes submitted by Laura Leppert.
Thursday, March 10, 2005
6:30 PM
City Hall Conference Room
None present.
Meeting cancelled, no quorum formed. Next public safety meeting scheduled April 14,
Minutes by : Sheila Teausaw
Yorkville Police Department Offense Report - February 2005
Arson 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Assault 0 4 2 0 0 0 2 2 0 1 0 11 1 0 1
Battery 2 2 7 5 4 3 6 1 5 4 7 50 7 6 13
Burglary 1 8 2 5 9 12 6 5 1 2 13 71 7 5 12
Cannabis Offenses 1 5 0 3 0 1 1 1 1 2 1 16 5 0 5
Controlled Substance Offenses 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
Crimes Involving Children 1 6 1 5 1 4 4 6 7 0 2 41 3 3 6
Criminal Damage 4 7 6 22 16 20 12 17 12 17 18 156 12 12 24
Deceptive Practices 2 0 5 6 1 5 6 3 1 4 0 36 6 I 3 9
Drug Paraphernalia Offenses 0 2 0 3 1 3 1 .. .,._..0 _.. 0 __. ..,_._ .,.. 3 _.. ._.,._ 15.___.._.. 1 1_. . 2
Firearms Offenses 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 0
Gambling Offenses 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Kidnping 0 0 1 2 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 8 0 0 0
kr,/ r ,,.4 ,sas � /1: , o a Ie ...1t..,.r.-a.,,.a"�4,... ..$ a{f .r..w,3+�'a5�. ��: i7:.v� r,:s. '..Y-TIP,:,N s X6. 4':,=- G;�.yL,^�a��rHS- //.,. �.i%':. //�.7.../,�.�Y�9', /iI Y`r�.li r�f �,i �f E./.,1:.�� /./��f����p �/�%✓�'�
Liquor Offenses2 0 2 6 0 1 6 3 3 4 0 28 0 2 2
Murder --� 0_._ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ._..
1 0 0 0
Robbery _.... 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
Sex Offenses 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 1 5 0 0 0
Theft5 12 8 14 12 10 7 13 6 7 12 114 16 11 27
All Other Criminal Offenses�-- .-. 25
10 10..__ 15 14
..,..__._ -.- _._.
11 15 14 11 14 170 18 9 27
Traffic Incidents : ,' FEE ; MAR APR MAY JUN` JUL AUG° SEP` ,OCT NOV" `DEC' 04TOTAI..,S JANI FEB '',05 TOTALS
Driving Under The Influence 3 5 4 2 21 0 10 5 2 11 46 5 4 9
License/Registration Violations 42 75 35 33 37 24 57 33 44 25 35 495 30 35 65
Seatbelt Citations 14 8 3 126 64 16 18 14 9 16 8 314 44 22 66
Seatbelt Warnings 11 5 18 29 21 19 13 12 6 16 0 155 39 26 65
Speeding Citations 54 47 34 29 17 12 37 21 18 35 36 382 39 53 92
Speeding Warnings 65 96 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 37 42 280 51 71 122
Transportation of Alcohol 2 10 1 0 1 4 4 5 0 2 20 1 1 2
Uninsured Motor Vehicle4349___. 41
42 27 .__ _.-__._..__._.._._..,..._. _._._.._.-_
29 43 25 24 16 31 418 21 31 52
Total Citations Issued 177 195 160279 186 132 233 170 158 118 181 2176 130 1 177 r', 307
Total Verbal Warnings Issued 7 4 12 4 5 5 15 6 8 9 6 85 6 5 23
Total Written Warnings Issued 334 383 304 .357 251 264 269 221 244 237 326 3533 = 393 334 :.727
Accident Reports Taken , ,__. _,..., -a , °FEB? MAR APR ,MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP. ,'OCT NOV DEC', 04 TOTALS JANI FEB 05 TOTALS
Hit and Run Accident 2 7 2 1 0 1 1 4 5 0 5 28 6 2 8
Property Damage Accident 26 27 24 34 30 32 36 23 39 27 34 360 3317 50
Personal Injury Accident 5 2 2 3 1 8 5 10 5 3 3 52 4 " m2 ..-. 6_.w.._ _
Total Accidents Taken 33 36 28 `" 38 31 41 42 37 49 30 42 440 43 '1 21 64 0,� n
—uniawrui v isitation interference is reporteu V-'
under the Kidnapping Section of the Illinois ir-
Yorkville Police Department Manhour Report - February 2005
,� 2005
Accidents 21.92 24.67 33.33 24.50 29.83 32.20 27.58 45.75 32.92 18.25 30.08 25.17 9.58 34.75
Administrative Activity 535.47 572.88 382.42 348.27 374.17 324.92 313.05 389.33 434.42 525.50 701.20 660.08 468.92 1129.00
Animal Complaints 2.58 5.00 8.50 8.00 6.58 7.92 6.08 4.75 10.00 6.45 5.83 5.50 2.92 8.42
Arrest Activity 18.75 36.23 41.88 24.17 38.42 20.73 52.67 17.33 29.58 24.50 38.83 30.75 22.08 52.83
Assist Agencies 176.23 166.05 191.50 131.75 144.25 179.28 223.75 116.75 152.50 118.92 143.50 121.17 158.42 279.59
Community Relations 23.58 59.25 45.33 68.25 99.62 88.33 77.33 91.17 88.67 93.75 36.80 35.42 64.08 99.50
Departmental Duties 132.00 100.33 92.07 104.73 99.97 118.83 122.58 139.17 109.42 92.50 139.33 166.67 93.33 260.00
Investigations 143.67 51.50 28.17 43.38 92.58 81.75 57.67 63.92 63.50 29.58 31.33 19.75 28.33 48.08
Ordinance/Traffic Violations 103.13 134.52 79.43 152.43 86.95 58.45 100.68 61.98 85.93 52.27 101.80 128.60 82.42 211.02
Personnel Activity 535.83 837.30 592.50 549.27 1002.25 640.08 789.93 660.10 398.45 473.83 747.50 586.95 432.92 1019.87
Preventive Patrol 888.82 832.15 922.35 831.75 879.00 733.35 792.68 971.15 720.53 791.30 772.35 752.37 747.58 1499.95
Public Complaints 74.17 72.60 93.72 122.50 116.92 147.17 131.58 87.32 98.97 69>13 124.25 74.50 51.75 126.25
Public Services 24.67 50.75 34.83 38.33 35.92 39.33 32.00 33.42 71.42 28.17 32.08 56.33 29.92 86.25
Report Activity 220.37 224.65 117.08 260.17 193.00 167.50 257.75 179.33 195.92 132.52 180.67 162.08 164.75 326.83
School Activity 214.57 295.08 174.08 222.58 33.33 3.67 94.83 246.83 263.13 195.33 172.50 238.08 222.83 460.91
Traffic Activity 319.70 421.43 271.18 365.48 252.58 205.68 250.98 215.17 209.80 179.92 268.42 282.60 312.15 594.75
Training 407.88 297.58 204.83 274.08 18.92 309.17 83.42 158.58 251.08 402.08 165.67 251.08 184.58 435.66
A 2005
Chief 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 346.66
CPAT Officer 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 346.66
Crossing Guards(In Days) 36.00 46.00 31.50 39.00 8.00 0.00 10.00 42.00 56.00 43.00 39.00 60.00 66.00 126.00
Lieutenant 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 346.66
Office Supervisor 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 346.66
Records Clerks 281.08 297.33 285.83 291.83 291.83 302.08 173.33 346.66 346.66 346.66 346.66 346.66 346.66 693.32
TOTALS 4853.74 5218.62 4323,85 .4593.79 4497.44 .4153,76 4291.21 4564,03 4312.22 4316.98 4771,12 4697.08 4182..54 ,8879.62'
Yorkville Police Department - Overtime Manhour Utilization Report - 02-19-05
Date Court Training Relief Details Admin ' Emerg Invest Com Sery Full Time Part Time
05/15/04 : 6 0 1.75 12 = 0 .,, _ 0 7.25 0 27 _,_..22.75.,.
05/29/04. ' 2 0 4 16 0 0 30.25 1 53.25 ; 34
06/12/04 7.5 0 i 0 28.5 0 E 0 1 23.75 4 63.75 26.25
06/26/04 20.. . 21.5..,,_ _ 0 0 ...,.,, 0 = 23 .,. 0 46.5 ,.. _ 4
07/10/04 =
2._ , .. £... 06 12 0 0 10.25 ; 0 30.25 24 5
07/24/04 i 2 8 5 0 0 0 21 2 38.., 38.
233 2 2 5 11_,.. 0 0 # ... 0 0 E
08/21/04 E 12_..._. s 0 0 0 . 2 ..,.,,,.. = 12 27 4 5729.5
09/04/04. ; 2 0 10
40.5 3 7 0 19 8.5 87,_,. 65.5
09/18/04 ` 0 0 12.5 34.5 11 0 16.75 9 83.75 57.5
10/02/04 ` 13.5 0 .. ..,4.5 34 2 0
5.59 68.5 39
10/16/04 6 4.25 1 23 4 0 0 8., 3 48.25 47.5 . . .._..
10/30/04 8.5 j. 8 11 7 _ 19.5 0 34.25 10.5 98.75 60.
11/13/04 4 0 39. _... 7 7 0 8.75 9 74.75 I 65.
11/27/04 15.5 ; 12 4 0 3 0 ......,. 2 7..... ... ... .. 43 5 54 75
12/11/04 6 0 121 4.5 ._ ... 0 0 15.5 7 45 64
12/25/04 2 0 0 __..., 32.5 1 5 ; 0 I 10 3 49 110..5..._
01/08/05 i 6 8 4 ' 5 0 . .,. 0 ,..... 15.752 40.75 94.,5..
01/22/.05. 2 11 0 8.5 0 0 24 0 ..,,45 5136.75
02/05/05 6 0 I 7 ! 15.5 6.5 0 6.5 .._...., 5.5 47 137.25
02/19/05 0 2 11.5 0 0 3.5 4 45 104.75
.. . �. . . ... � x 24 ,.,..
..... € c
FY04-05 - Court Training Relief Details Admin Emerg Invest Com Sery Full Time Part Time
Totals 107.00 53.25 189.25 273.00 59.50 14.00 314.00 93.50 1103.50 1249.00
Percents 10% 5% 17% 25% 5% 1% 28% 8% 100% N/A
Average 5.10 2.54 9.01 13.00 2.83 0.67 14.95 4.45 52.55 59.48
FY03-04 Court Training Relief Details Admin Emerg Invest Corn Sery Full Time Part Time
Totals 173.5 197 180.25 250 136.5 0 319.25 106.25 1362.75 2164
Percents 13% 14% 13% ; 18% 10% 0% 23% 8% 100% N/A
Average _ 6.67 7.58 6.93 9.62 5.25 0.00 12.28 4.09 52.41 83.23
***** Riverfront summary will not be complete until next payroll period ends-09-18-04
Prepared by Molly Batterson 2/22/2005 Page 1
*Join a'WENNING.Team *
The Oswego Police Department is looking for quality,
•professional c reer oriented individuals to establish a Police
Offcer,Eli`gibihty List Police Officer is responsible' for
enforcing;;altc State-and(Local;Laws and upholding,the US
and IllinoiS-Cor stitution •
:;,.?$42:0:0`.0 initial salary Increase's to,$44,000 after 6
months and$46,000 after 1 year
• :Salary :consideration will be given to 'state' certified
•.' applicants-with police;pxperience
• •--Step-grade salary-increases, with a top-end salary of
$72215 after6 years
• 1t2 5 paid holidays`,annually.;
• 21 yearsrof age--and under 35years of•age at time_of,
appointment,unless exempt per state statute
•':--Valid drivers license = •
U S Citizen or wilt possess US Citizenship,_byz June t5;,
• Associates Degree by June 15,2005
•,Pass Staterof Illinois Physical POWER test writtenexam,
oral exam;background investigation and:polygraph
• Pass'(attereondit ona lob offer) Medical exam(including
drug screep and eya exam)and p"syohologlcal exam
`Applications are availableat
: rvw � � Yti
The Oswego_Laut.Enforcement Center,-.3525 Route.34,
Oswego Illinois :(.630)'554 1,160 1OR,;fapplications may(le
printed off=of tfie Following web site www
.-Applications must be completed,and returned'to the
Oswego.Polices Corrtimission• at3525 Route ;34,
1 - Oswego IL 60543 by11 30 AM on Thursday March"3,
a t' 2 4
March 124,20015 a(800-AM`at Oswego East;High School,
1'525 HarveyRoad:Oswego; Illinois: Applicants•must'have
Rhoto idetificatio�,.' .Q
An EqualApportunity Employer
Yorkville Police Department
Department Report
integrity Shield TM
c Breakdown i-
C+nmmutilty Makeup % of ;,':)i';',.:::-,•:,.., Total ' +� - Totalfi i w
Department Average Totals x ` " x % Female
Citations ' Contraband ,d r�yy��
II IIIDFound in Search '''''''.r.,;.'..,....i f,'C„ ,M
1174 "i4 17 33%
Caucasian11 -�
Plain View °n,..;
85% _ 0 t -;•,:,...;.-.,-,.4.:-:-...,-,'r:.:,,`::,,,..3;, .
Found in Searchr4` r
1% r . ;4�
African /American 37 0 '� $ 21%
Plain View
3% 0 k t3
,k„ a'
Found in Search
Native American/Alaskan
2 1 1 . 1 1 f 0%
Plain View !.„,,:::,.....::
0% 0 '
■ 4% Found in Search u
Hispanic 405 219 7 . . a 19%
Plain View Y
�_ 11% 0 _ �
t d" 4 �`�
4; rrl >> 3"`dh
Found in Search x "?
1% ,+ ,A
Asian / Pacific Islander 13 0i� 44%
Plain View y
1% 0
J2`�e,D O
� Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary
EST% February 1, 2005 through February 28, 2005
a° 050195 through 050355
`'<<E %>' Page 1 of 7
050195 02-01-05 700 Blk. Game Farm Road 050207.... 02-03-05 2700 Blk. Kennedy Road
Possession of Drug Paraphernalia: A student Accident/DUI: Offender was located by police after
informed SRO that another student had a knife at reporting a one car accident. Offender was highly
their locker. Upon searching subject, Officer located intoxicated and failed field sobriety. Offender agreed
a pipe used to smoke cannabis with burnt residue. to submit to a breath test and registered at a .133
Offender was referred to Juvenile Probation for BAC.
050208.... 02-03-05 1400 Blk. Aspen Lane
050196 02-01-05 Route 47/Van Emmon Street Theft $300 and Under: Victim reported known
Accident suspect took one check from the back of a checkbook
during a child custody exchange. Pending
050197 02-01-05 500 Blk. W.Kendall Drive investigation.
Suspicious Circumstances
050209.... 02-03-05 300 BIk. E.Orange Street
050198 02-01-05 Route 34/Cannonball Trail Lost Articles
050210.... 02-03-05 2000 BIk. S.Bridge Street
050199 02-01-05 1200 Blk. Sunset Avenue Retail Theft: Business reported $44 in gasoline
Other Public Complaints stolen from their establishment. No leads given.
050200 02-01-05 400 Blk. E.Main Street 050211 .... 02-03-05 2000 Blk. S.Bridge Street
Burglary from Motor Vehicle: Victim stated various Retail Theft: Business reported $25 in gasoline
paperwork related to their vehicle and vehicle loan stolen from their establishment. No leads given.
was taken on a previous date when it was noticed the
car was gone through. At that time, nothing was 050212.... 02-03-05 1200 BIk. N.Bridge Street
noticed missing. Accident
050201 02-01-05 700 Blk. Game Farm Road 050213.... 02-03-05 200 Blk. E.Veterans Parkway
Criminal Sexual Abuse: Pending investigation. Accident
050202 02-01-05 200 BIk. W.Veterans Parkway 050214.... 02-03-05 900 Blk. Fawn Ridge Court
Lockout Domestic Trouble
050203 02-02-05 600 Blk. Center Street 050215.... 01-25-05 500 BIk. Morgan Street
Lockout Criminal Sexual Abuse: Reported 02-03-05. Pending
050204 02-02-05 1400 BIk. Chestnut Lane
Lockout 050216.... 02-04-05 Route 71/Route 126
Traffic Arrest: Subject was found driving on a
050205 02-02-05 Tinley Park, Illinois suspended license and taken into custody for such.
Canine Training
050217.... 02-04-05 Route 47/Fox Street
050206 02-02-05 200 Blk. E.Veterans Parkway Accident
Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary
" "'�` February 1, 2005 through February 28, 2005
°9 0 050195 through 050355
h<&EXV Page2of7
050218 02-04-05 700 Blk. Game Farm Road 050228.... 02-05-05 100 Blk. Colonial Parkway
Battery: SRO attempted to break up a physical Criminal Damage to Property: Victim reported $277
altercation between two students. After doing so and of damage done to a glass window after unknown
sending one subject to the office, offender lunged at offender(s) struck window with unknown object,
victim, striking victim in front of SRO. SRO took cracking the glass.
offender into custody for battery.
050229.... 02-05-05 200 Blk. E.Veterans Parkway
050219 02-03-05 700 Blk. Game Farm Road Accident
All Other Disorderly Conduct: After displaying gang
signs on school property, calling three subjects onto 050230.... 02-05-05 1400 BIk. Cannonball Trail
school property to commit a violent act and running Criminal Damage to Property: Victim stated $1000 of
when SRO arrived on scene, SRO referred offender damage was done when unknown offender(s) dented
to Juvenile Probation for Disorderly Conduct. the side of their vehicle the previous evening.
Victim's vehicle was parked in a local establishment's
050220 02-04-05 700 Blk. Game Farm Road parking lot the night before noticing the damage.
All Other Disorderly Conduct: After a teacher turned
two subjects in who had been involved in a physical 050231 .... 02-05-05 Route 71/Route 126
altercation, the offender was referred to Juvenile Towed Vehicle
Probation for Battery and Disorderly Conduct.
050232.... 02-06-05 I-80/LaGrange Road
050221 02-04-05 Route 47/Somonauk Street Assist State Police: Officer was in route to Yorkville
Accident and assisted State Police with a DUI driver.
050222 02-04-05 Route 47/Landmark Avenue 050233. 02-06-05 Galena Road/Route 47
Accident/DUI: After responding to the scene of a Traffic Arrest: Subject was found driving without a
personal injury accident, Officers had offender valid license and was taken into custody for such.
perform field sobriety tests. After failing field sobriety
tests, offender was arrested and charged with DUI. 050234.... 02-07-05 500 Blk. Heartland Drive
Offender then refused all chemical/breath tests. Domestic Trouble
050223 02-04-05 900 Blk. Fawn Ridge Court 050235.... 02-07-05 McHugh Road/Farmstead Dr.
Domestic Trouble Accident
050224 02-04-05 1100 Blk. Homestead Drive 050236.... 02-07-05 800 BIk. Game Farm Road
Criminal Damage to Property: Victim reported $350 Tobacco Compliance Check
of damage done to a maple tree and grass after
unknown offender drove through the yard, running 050237.... 02-07-05 1400 Blk. N.Bridge Street
over the tree. Victim was unable to get offending Tobacco Compliance Check Violation: Business sold
vehicle's information. tobacco products to underage minor during a tobacco
compliance check.
050225 02-04-05 300 Blk. Walter Street
Runaway 050238.... 02-07-05 1400 Blk. Cannonball Trail
Tobacco Compliance Check Violation: Business sold
050226 02-04-05 Badger StreetNVolf Street tobacco products to underage minor during a tobacco
Suspicious Circumstances compliance check.
050227 02-05-05 Walsh Drive/Route 71
Found Articles
Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary
EST 111 ---1 IBM February '1, 2005 through February 28, 2005
t�' � 6 050195 through 050355
LES`' Page3of7
050239 02-07-05 Route 34/Marketplace Drive 050251 .... 02-09-05 Marketview/Countryside
Traffic Arrest: Subject was found driving without a Traffic Arrest: Subject was found driving without a
valid license and was taken into custody for such. valid license and was taken into custody for such.
050240 02-08-05 Countryside Pkwy/Route 47 050252.... 02-10-05 Route 47/Galena Road
Traffic Arrest: Subject was found driving on a Traffic Arrest: Subject was found driving without a
suspended license and taken into custody for such. valid license and was taken into custody for such.
050241 02-08-05 Windett Ridge Construction 050253.... 02-10-05 1400 BIk. N.Bridge Street
Burglary: Victim reported $1500 worth of equipment Lockout
taken from inside a house under construction.
050254.... 02-10-05 Washington St./S.Main St.
050242 02-08-05 2000 BIk. S.Bridge Street Accident
Harassment by Telephone
050255.... 02-10-05 1500 BIk. N.Bridge Street
050243 02-08-05 Worsley Street/Main Street Lockout
Towed Vehicle
050256.... 02-10-05 Route 34/Sycamore Road
050244 02-08-05 1500 BIk. N.Bridge Street Traffic Arrest: Subject was found driving on a
Theft$300 and Under: Victim stated a $100 bill was suspended license and taken into custody for such.
taken from inside a suitcase during a stay at a local
establishment. The manager stated no one had 050257.... 02-11-05 100 BIk. W.Veterans Parkway
entered the room during the victim's stay. Lockout
050245 02-08-05 400 Blk. Jackson Street 050258.... 02-11-05 1800 Blk. Marketview Drive
Lockout Lockout
050246 02-09-05 200 BIk. Walsh Circle 050259.... 02-11-05 3 W.Veterans Parkway
Suspicious Circumstances Burglary from Motor Vehicle: Victim reported a $200
cell phone was stolen from inside his unlocked
050247 02-08-05 800 Blk. Game Farm Road vehicle while at a local eating establishment.
Assist Other Government Agency
050260.... 02-11-05 400 BIk. Kelly Avenue
050248 02-09-05 1900 Blk. Weston Avenue Consumption by Minor/Endangering Life/Health of a
Burglary from Motor Vehicle: Victim stated that while Child: While babysitting a six month old baby, two
completing an installation at a residence in Yorkville, underage offenders went to another friend's
they believe unknown person(s) removed a box from residence across the street and consumed alcoholic
the rear of their work truck, taking four wireless beverages. Police arrived after receiving a complaint
adapters valued at$300. from a neighbor about underage drinking. Police
found the third minor passed out unconscious and
050249 02-09-05 500 BIk. S.Bridge Street transported all three subjects to Copley Hospital.
Suspicious Person Assisting Officer responded to the residence where
the baby was and called its mother home, explaining
050250 02-09-05 1400 Blk. Cannonball Trail the situation. 17-year old subject was arrested and
Warrant Arrest: Subject was known to be wanted on the two other minors were charged, charges being
a valid warrant and was arrested for such. forwarded to Juvenile Probation.
4. D,C rr
Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary
Es`%1= Th36 February 1, 2005 through February 28, 2005
050195 through 050355
44LE ‘.>* Page 4 of 7
050261 02-12-05 Route 47/Route 126 050274.... 02-14-05 100 BIk .W.Somonauk Street
Traffic Arrest: Subject was found driving on a Consumption of Alcohol by a Minor/Contributing to
suspended license and taken into custody for such. the Delinquency of a Minor: Complainant stated their
17-year-old returned home intoxicated, stating they
050262 02-12-05 Route 34/Countryside Pkwy. were at a hotel drinking with their 21-year-old friend.
Warrant Arrest: Subject was known to be wanted on Offender was arrested and charged with
a valid arrest warrant and was arrested for such. Consumption of Alcohol by a Minor and the
Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor is pending
050263 02-12-05 1800 BIk. Marketview Drive investigation, as the friend is homeless.
Retail Theft: Victim states offender attempted to
return $235 of circuit breakers without a receipt. After 050275.... 02-15-05 Route 47/Route 126
conducting an inventory, it was learned the store was Traffic Arrest: Subject was found driving on a
short the exact amount the offender was attempting suspended license and taken into custody for such.
to return. Pending investigation.
050276.... 02-15-05 Route 47/Route 34
050264 02-12-05 2800 Blk. N.Bridge Street Accident
050277.... 02-15-05 Desk Report
050265 02-12-05 1000 Blk. N.Bridge Street Lost License Plates
050278.... 02-15-05 Route 47Nan Emmon Street
050266 02-12-05 1400 BIk. N.Bridge Street Found Articles
Found Articles
050279.... 02-15-05 Route 47/River Street
050267 02-13-05 100 Blk. E.Somonauk Street Accident
Assist City Fire Department
050280.... 02-16-05 Desk Report
050268 02-13-05 200 BIk. W.Kendall Drive Assist Other Government Agency
Keep the Peace
050281 .... 02-16-05 400 BIk. Norway Circle
050269 02-13-05 1300 Blk. Coralberry Court Harassment by Telephone
Neighborhood Trouble
050282.... 02-16-05 1800 BIk. Marketview Drive
050270 02-14-05 1200 Blk. John Street Deceptive Practices: A check in the amount of
Lockout $221.61 was written on a bad account to a local
050271 02-14-05 300 Blk. E.Veterans Parkway
Lockout 050283.... 02-16-05 1800 Blk. Marketview Drive
Deceptive Practices: A check in the amount of
050272 02-14-05 1800 Blk. Marketview Drive $159.32 was written on a bad account to a local
Retail Theft: Victim reported ten (10) hammers business.
valued at $180 were stolen from their store. The
offender fled out the front of the store and was being 050284.... 02-16-05 500 Blk. S.Bridge Street
detained by a security officer when police arrived. Lockout
Subject was arrested for Retail Theft.
050273.....02-14-05 8600 Blk. Route 47
Lockout—Assist County Police
o4D ,ryT
e ;.f Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary
E'%- 1836 February 1, 2005 through February 28, 2005
°9 0 050195 through 050355
'47E��y Page5of7
050285 02-16-05 Morgan Street/Fox Street 050298.... 02-18-05 100 Blk. Park Street
Theft $300 and Under: Victim stated $150 of CD's Harassment by Telephone
were taken after leaving them on the schoolbus
accidentally. 050299.... 02-19-05 200 Blk. W.Hydraulic Avenue
Criminal Damage to Property: Victim stated that
050286 02-17-05 Fox Street/Route 47 while their vehicle was parked in a parking lot,
Accident unknown offender(s) smashed out the front and rear
windows of their vehicle. Damage valued at $600.
050287 02-17-05 Desk Report
Lockout 050300.... 02-19-05 Kennedy Road/Christy Lane
Traffic Arrest: Subject was driving without a valid
050288 02-17-05 600 BIk. W.Veterans Parkway license and was taken into custody for such.
Domestic Trouble
050301 .... 02-16-05 Tinley Park, Illinois
050289 02-17-05 Route 34/Eldamain Road Canine Training
050302.... 02-19-05 1500 Blk. N.Bridge Street
050290 02-17-05 2000 Blk. S.Bridge Street Disorderly Conduct: An employee at a local fast food
Assist Fire Department establishment was "mooned" by an individual
traveling in a car with multiple teenagers.
050291 02-17-05 500 Blk. Countryside Center
Attempted Retail Theft: Offender removed a DVD 050303.... 02-20-05 Route 71/Route 126
from a local establishment. Merchandise was Accident
recovered and offender was taken into custody at the
scene for Attempted Retail Theft. 050304.... 02-20-05 1200 BIk. N.Bridge Street
050292 02-17-05 900 E. Spring Street
Other Public Complaints 050305.... 02-20-05 Route 34/Cannonball Trail
050293 02-18-05 Route 47/Countryside Pkwy
Towed Vehicle 050306.... 02-20-05 500 Blk. W.Kendall Drive
Theft Over $300: Officer was called to the home of
050294 02-18-05 200 Blk .E.Veterans Parkway the victim who stated an individual who cooked and
Lockout cleaned for them had stolen some items. Officers
were aware that in the past, similar accusations had
050295 02-18-05 300 Blk. E.Veterans Parkway been made and were recanted by the victim after
Retail Theft: Business owner stated they suspect an finding the "missing" items. No charges to be filed.
employee took $540 worth of merchandise while
working alone at the establishment. Pending 050307.... 02-20-05 1100 BIk. Homestead Drive
investigation. Domestic Trouble
050296 02-18-05 1200 Blk. Prairie Street 050308.... 02-21-05 1200 BIk. Marketplace Drive
Citizen Assist Battery: Officers were called four days after a
physical altercation had occurred between an
050297 02-18-05 1800 Blk. Marketview Drive employee and a prospective renter. Pending
Lockout investigation.
(gre-0.••>,,\ Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary
E February 1, 2005 through February 28, 2005
`. `6 050195 through 050355
h4c52Y Page 6 of 7
050309 02-21-05 Route 126/Route 71 050319.... 02-22-05 1500 BIk. N.Bridge Street
Traffic Arrest: Subject was driving on a suspended Accident
license and was taken into custody for such. 050320 .... 02-22-05 500 BIk. Redhorse Lane
Assistance Rendered Civil Category
050310 02-21-05 100 Blk. Blackberry Court
Telephone Threat: Victim was contacted by their 050321 .... 02-23-05 W.Kendall Drive/Strawberry
girlfriend's ex-boyfriend via voice mail, where threats Other Public Complaints
were left on the voice mail message.
050322.... 02-23-05 Desk Report
050311 02-21-05 1500 BIk. Cottonwood Trail Assist Other Government Agency
Domestic Battery: After an argument between a
husband and wife, a step-child slapped a step-parent, 050323.... 02-23-05 1200 Blk. N.Bridge Street
causing the parent to remove them from a room. Lockout
Officers could find no visible marks on any of the
complainants. No complaints filed; no arrests made 050324.... 02-24-05 Route 34/Cannonball Trail
by officers. Traffic Stop
050312 02-21-05 600 BIk. Center Parkway 050325.... 02-25-05 2000 Blk. S.Bridge Street
Criminal Damage to Property: Victim stated their Suicide Attempt
driver's side front tire was punctured by unknown
offender(s). Damage valued at $100. 050326.... 02-25-05 400 Blk. Countryside Pkwy
050313 02-21-05 500 Blk. Countryside Center
Criminal Damage to Property: Victim stated two tires 050327.... 02-25-05 1900 BIk. Sunny Dell Court
on their vehicle were punctured by unknown Death — Natural Causes
offender(s). Damage valued at $250.
050328.... 02-25-05 300 BIk. Woodworth Street
050314 02-21-05 400 Blk. W.Ridge Street Lockout
Criminal Damage to Property: Victim stated two tires
on their vehicle were punctured by unknown 050329.... 02-25-05 1200 BIk. Deerpath Drive
offender(s). Damage valued at $200. Burglary: Victim reported $1890 worth of electrical
supplies stolen from a home under construction.
050315 02-21-05 500 BIk. W.Fox Street
Criminal Damage to Property: Victim stated three 050330.... 02-25-05 2000 BIk. Kings Street
tires on their vehicle were punctured by unknown Deceptive Practices: Victim reported a check was
offender(s). Damage valued at $300. made out to them for$695 and had been written on a
closed account.
050316 02-22-05 Route 47/Van Emmon Street
Traffic Arrest: Subject was driving on a suspended 050331 .... 02-25-05 300 Blk. McHugh Road
license and taken into custody for such. Criminal Damage to Property: Victim stated unknown
offender(s) had scratched their truck's tailgate, doing
050317 02-22-05 1400 BIk. N.Bridge Street $300 worth of damage to the paint.
Assist Business Agency
050332.... 02-25-05 300 Blk. McHugh Road
050318 02-22-05 Route 34/Center Parkway Criminal Damage to Property: Victim from 050331
Found Articles stated another vehicle parked on the roadway had
been scratched by unknown offender(s) causing $500
worth of damage to the paint.
Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary
En February 1, 2005 through February 28, 2005
°91 0 050195 through 050355
hE&E ��)" Page7of7
050333 02-25-05 400 BIk. McHugh Road 050347.... 02-28-05 1400 BIk. N.Bridge Street
Criminal Damage to Property: Victim stated unknown Assist Business Agency
offender(s) had scratched their truck's tailgate, doing
$300 worth of damage to the paint. 050348.... 02-28-05 80 BIk. Crooked Creek Drive
Animal — Sick/Injured
050334 02-25-05 500 BIk. W.Kendall Drive
Investigation — Juvenile 050349.... 02-28-05 1600 BIk. N.Bridge Street
050335 02-26-05 Route 34/Sycamore Road
Traffic Arrest: Subject was found driving without a 050350.... 02-28-05 Galena Road/Route 47
valid license and was taken into custody for such. Assist City Fire Department
050336 02-26-05 400 BIk. E.Main Street 050351 .... 02-28-05 400 BIk. Park Street
Criminal Damage to Property: Victim stated a spare Lockout
tire cover was damaged by unknown offender(s).
Damage valued at $90. 050352.... 02-28-05 Oswego, Illinois
Canine Assist to Oswego Police Department
050337 02-26-05 Route 47/Route 34
Lockout 050353.... 02-28-05 100 Blk. W.Hydraulic Avenue
Domestic Trouble
050338 02-26-05 600 BIk. White Oak Way
Assistance Rendered Civil Category 050354.... 02-28-05 700 Blk. Game Farm Road
Theft Over$300: High School Teacher reported two
050339 02-26-05 100 Blk. W.Beaver Street electronic digital scales stolen from a classroom.
Lockout Scales valued at $459. Pending investigation.
050340 02-26-05 2000 Blk. S.Bridge Street 050355.... 02-28-05 700 Blk. Game Farm Road
Lockout Theft $300 and Under: Student stole a pizza from a
school function. Officers located student and took
050341 02-27-05 1500 Blk. N.Bridge Street them into custody for theft.
050342 02-27-05 900 BIk. S.Bridge Street
Lost/Stolen License Plates
050343 02-27-05 1800 Blk. Marketview Drive
050344 02-27-05 Route 34/Center Parkway
050345 02-27-05 100 BIk. Appletree Court
Domestic Battery: A mutual battery had occurred
between a parent and child. No physical injuries; no
charges filed.
050346 02-28-05 400 BIk. Blaine Street
`,coo Co)...
o� Yorkville Police Department Memorandum
, 804 Game Farm Road
EST - mu 1836 Yorkville, Illinois 60560
-� �
Telephone: 630-553-4340
"� i 2 Fax: 630-553-1141
O-$1 Vis"° ;` p
4CE `‘Is/
Date: 03-16-05
To: Chief Harold Martin #201
From: Lt. Donald Schwartzkopf#202
Reference: February 2005 Training
Chief, February training is as follows
Sgt. Hilt is still enrolled in the Northwestern University Center for Public Safety
School of Police Staff and Command. Sgt. Hilt attended two weeks in this ten week
school during February.
Officer Patrick McMahon and Officer Raymond Mikolasek attended a Basis Shooting
Skills class in Flossmoor on 02/10/05. This is part of the new recruit training program
that all new recruits have to attend
Sgt. Hart and I attended 16 hours of training for the Illinois Law Enforcement
Alarm System Region 3 Weapons of Mass Destruction Special Response Team. On
February 2nd this training was hosted by the Yorkville Police Department and on
February 19th this training was hosted by the Joliet Police Department.
Sgt. Hart and I also attended 16 hours of training for the Kendall County Special
Response Team. Both Sgt. Hart and I are Instructors for this entity.
Sgt. Hart and I also attended the 8 hour training on Employment Law that
Seyfarth and Shaw hosted at McDonald's University.
(//;"-----.....0 cei.)..
o� Yorkville Police Department Memorandum
Tit) i ; 804 Game Farm Road
EST _1836 Yorkville, Illinois 60560
--- Telephone: 630-553-4340
09 I: 0� Fax: 630-553-1141
Officer Steve Bosue is attending Police Training Institute at Champaign Illinois.
This is a 10 week training program for new officers.
( _ o Yorkville Police Department Memorandum
I r , 804 Game Farm Road
EST.4 _ mai�,; 1836 Yorkville, Illinois 60560
---=� Telephone: 630-553-4340
\\, ..8Q Q Fax: 630-553-1141
Date: 04-01-05
To: Chief Harold Martin @201
From: Lt. Donald Schwartzkopf @202 • ? . 6_
Reference: March Training
Chief Martin here is the training summary for March 2005:
Officers Raymond Mikolasek and Patrick McMahon attended the Basic D.U.I.
Enforcement 8 hour class at the Lincolnwood Police Department. This class was on
March 3, 2005.
Officers Raymond Mikolasek and Patrick McMahon attended the Testifying in a
D.U.I. Trial 8 hour class at the Lisle Police Department. This class was on March 9,
Officers Raymond Mikolasek and Patrick McMahon attended the Breath Alcohol
Testing Operators course at the Lisle Police Department. This was a 32 hour class and
was held from March 14th -17th,2005.
Sgt. Larry Hilt is still attending the Northwestern University Center for Public
Safety School of Police Staff and Command.
Sgt. Sibenaller, Sgt. Hart, Officer Pleckham, Officer Helland, and Officer Mott on
March 24,2005 attended the recertification for there breath operators license.
o-� Yorkville Police Department Memorandum
ii r 804 Game Farm Road
. 1836 Yorkville, Illinois 60560
Telephone: 630-553-4340
p9I 1. Fax630-553-1141
Officer Bozue graduated from Basic Police Training from P.T.I. in Champaign,
Illinois on March 25, 2005. Officer Bozue is now attending the Yorkville Police
Department Field Training Program which is a 10 week program.
Chief Martin, Lt. Schwartzkopf and Sgt. Hart attended the I.L.E.A.S. conference
held on March 6, 7th and 8th in Springfield Illinois.
Lt. Schwartzkopf and Sgt. Hart attended 16 Hours of I.L.E.A.S. Region 3 Special
Response Team training. The training held on March 9th was hosted by the Yorkville
Police Department at the Countryside Mall area. The March 26th training was held in
Lt. Schwartzkopf , Sgt. Hart, Sgt Delaney and Officer Johnson attended 8 hours of
Range for the Kendall County Special Response Team.
Officer Jeleniewski and K-9 Officer Sammy attended his bi-weekly in-service K-9
Training at the Tinley Park Mental Health Facility on March 31st 2005.
ao6PErs a ou G,G'
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AO-'4oED 1M�!
CHIEF OF POLICE 804 Game Farm Road Phone (630) 553-4340
Harold O.Martin III Yorkville,Illinois 60560 Fax (630) 553-1141
Date: March 7, 2005
To: Chief Harold 0. Martin III
From: S/Sergeant Ron Diederich
Reference: Monthly Mileage Report for January and February
During January and February 2005,the Yorkville Police Department logged a total 42,798of miles. Individual squad miles are:
Monthly Current Reassign /
Squad Vehicle Squad Usage Miles Miles Replace Date
M-1 2001 Ford Crown Victoria Patrol / K-9 3,586 98,246 2006/2007
M-2 1996 Chevrolet Caprice Administration 715 139,272 2005/2006
M-3 1998 Ford Crown Victoria Administration 2,505 127,123 2003/2004
M-4 2002 Chevrolet Impala Patrol 5,407 69,536 2005/2006
M-5 1998 Ford Crown Victoria Administration 2,443 123,173 2003/2004
M-6 2003 Chevrolet Impala Chief 2,900 26,592 2007/2008
M-7 2001 Ford Crown Victoria DARE 0 68,140 2009/2010
M-8 2004 Ford Crown Victoria Patrol 2,499 46,981 2007/2008
M-9 2000 Ford Crown Victoria Lieutenant 500 67,890 2008/2009
M-10 1991 Ford Thunderbird DARE 420 128,325 2004/2005
M-10 2004 Chevrolet Impala Patrol 563 5,511 2008/2009
M-11 2003 Ford Crown Victoria Patrol 5,373 59,278 2006/2007
M-12 1999 Ford Expedition Patrol/Trucks 1,620 57,610 2007/2008
M-13 2001 Ford Crown Victoria Patrol / K-9 2,100 47,638 2010/2011
M-14 2003 Ford Crown Victoria Patrol 5,482 71,920 2005/2006
M-15 2004 Ford Crown Victoria Patrol Sergeant 2,641 24,373 2007/2008
M-16 2004 Ford Expedition Patrol Sergeant 3,395 22,969 2008/2009
M-17 2004 Chevrolet Impala Detective 649 649 2014/2015
7 ",.____-----;/? ,,---' ;/
S/Sgt. Ronald E. Diederich#203
Yorkville Police Department
Department Report
1/1/2004 - 12/31/2004
Ethnic Breakdown
Community Makeup i111111i % of Total Total Total Total
Department Average ,mm Total Stops Citations Searched Contraband % Male % Female
uuummuumnuuummuunumnlnnunnuuuuuuununnnnuuunm 94%
Found in Search
Caucasian 2549 972 126 15 67% 33%
1 Plain View
UU11UU11t{U11UUU111111111111111111UU11hIB111111IUUUUU11U11000UUI 85% 0
1% Found in Search '
African / American 90 31 10 0 80% 20%
Plain View
1U1 3% 0
0% Found in Search
Native American/Alaskan 2 1 1 1 100% 0%
Plain View
0% 0
MI 4% Found in Search
Hispanic 343 188 92 7 83% 17%
Plain View
UM 11% 0
1% Found in Search
Asian / Pacific Islander 25 11 2 0 52% 48%
Plain View
1 1% 0
Yorkville Police Department
Department Report I r:s SieId TM
1/1/2005 - 12/31/2005
Ethnic Breakdown
Community Makeup ow % of Total , Total Total Total
Department Average ,1111111 Total Stops Citations Searched Contraband % Male % Female
Found in Search
Caucasian 796 283 23 2 66% 34%
Plain View
IIIIf9llffI9l1111111111111111111191111(1111111ti11111111111111111111111lU111111llilllll 88% 0
1% ' Found in Search
African / American22 9 4 0 73% 27%
Plain View
11 2% 0
0% Found in Search
Native American/Alaskan 0 0 0 0 0% 0%
Plain View
0% 0
ull 4%
Found in Search
Hispanic 77 38 8 Plain View
74% 26%
111111111 9% 0
I Found in Search
Asian / Pacific Islander 8 2 0 0 75% 25%
Plain View
I 1% 0
Yorkville Police Department - Overtime Manhour Utilization Report - 04-02-05
Date Court Training Relief Details Admin Emerg Invest Corn Sery Full Time Part Time
05/15/04 6 0 .. 1.75 . 1 12. 0 0 7.25 0 27 22....75_.........
05/29/04 ....._ 2 _.... . .. 0 �..... 4 .... _. 16...,... 0 .___.__..' ..__._...0 .....,._.. 30.25 1............... 53.25 34
06/12/04 7.5 0 ( 0 28.5 0 0 23.75 463.75 26.25
06/26/04 2 0 21.5 0 0 0 23 0... 46.5 4
07/10/04 2 0 6 12 0 0 10.25 0I 30 25 24.5
07/24/04 2 8 5 0 0 0 21 2 38 38
08/07/04 20 0 0 0 2 2 5 1 11 33
08/21/04 12 € 0 0 10 2 ..._.._ 12 27 4 57 29.5
09/04/04 . 2 ..._...._ 0 ...... 10 x...__40.5 7.__N..._.... . . 0 19 8.._5 ...__ 87 65.5
09/18/04 _.._. ._ 0._.._ 0 0...... '.....125.._ 345..... ........ 11 _._,...... __._._. 0 16.75 9 83.75 57.5
10/02/04 13.5 0 4.5 34 t 2 0 5.5 9 I 68.5 39
10/16/04 i 6 4.25 23 4 0_.._.... 0 8 3_.... 48.25 ... i...... 47.5
10/30/04 8.5...... . .. ... 8 �...._.....11 ... 7 19.5
3 I... 0 I 34.25 r Y 10.5 ,,. I 98.75 60
11/13/04 4 ; 0 39 7 i 7 0 8.75 9 74.75 65
11/27/04 15.5 12 4 0 3 0 I 2 7 43 5 54.75
6 0 12 4
5 0 0 5
12/11/04 ..._ ..__.. .__.__.. __.. 15. __... 7 5 4. \_..
12/25/04 2 ._._. 0 032 51 5 0 10 3 49 110.5
01/08/05._. 6 ... $........... 4 ' 5 , 0 0 1575 ... ? 40.,,.75 ._,,. 94.5 . _._.
01/22/05 2 11 0 8.5 0 0 24 0 45.5 136.75
02/05/05 6 0 7 I 15.5 .,.., 6.5 .... . 0 1._. 65 ; 5.5 47 137.25_
03/05/05 I 5 0 1 6.25 7 2.5 ; 0 3 11 € 34.75 110.5
03/19/05 0 12 i 16 6 0 0 _21-75 0 55-75 136-75
FY04-05 Court Training Relief Details Admin Emerg Invest Corn Sery Full Time Part Time
Totals 114.00 68.25 231.00 286.00 62.00 14.00 359.75 104.50 1239.50 1631.25
Percents 9% 6% 19% 23% 5% 1% 29% 8% 100% N/A
Average 4.75 2.84 9.63 11.92 2.58 0.58 14.99 4.35 51.65 67.97
FY03-04 Court Training Relief Details Admin Emerg Invest Corn Sery Full Time Part Time
Totals 173.5 197 180.25 250 136.5 0 319.25 106.25 1362.75 2164
Percents 13% 14% 13% 18% 10% 0% 23% 8% 100% N/A
Average 6.67 7.58 6.93 9.62 5.25 0.00 12.28 4.09 52.41 83.23
***** Riverfront summary will not be complete until next payroll period ends -09-18-04
Prepared by Molly Batterson 4/4/2005 Page 1
; Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary
E'' 'e'6) March 1, 2005 through April 1, 2005
,����s 050356 through 050550
Page 1 of 9
050356 03-01-05 Route 71/Route 47 050369 .... 03-03-05 Desk Report
Traffic Arrest: Subject was driving on a suspended Assist Other Government Agency
license and taken into custody for such.
050370 .... 03-03-05 3 W.Veterans Parkway
050357 03-01-05 Route 47/Garden Street Lockout
In-State Warrant: Officers arrested subject known to
be wanted on a valid arrest warrant. 050371 .... 03-03-05 1600 Blk. Route 47
050358 03-01-05 Route 47/Garden Street
Possession of Cannabis/Drug Paraphernalia: After 050372 .... 03-04-05 Route 34/Tuma Road
conducting a search incident to arrest from 050357, Accident
Officers located cannabis and drug paraphernalia.
Officers arrested the registered owner, a passenger 050373 .... 03-04-05 Route 47/Van Emmon Street
in the vehicle, per law. Accident
050359 03-01-05 1200 Blk. Evergreen Lane 050374.... 03-04-05 Route 71/Route 47
Lockout Accident
050360 03-01-05 Route 47/Route 34 050375.... 03-04-05 Route 71/Raintree Road
Accident Accident
050361 03-02-05 700 BIk. Game Farm Road 050376 .... 03-04-05 1700 Blk. Marketview Drive
Disorderly Conduct Lockout
050362 03-02-05 700 Blk. Game Farm Road 050377.... 03-04-05 500 Blk. Redhorse Lane
Theft $300 and Under: Victims reported a combined Missing Person —Adult: Parents of an adult reported
$84 taken from their purses located in their locker them missing, however, they stated subject is a drug
room during their physical education class. Officers addict and probably left to feed their habit.
located suspect and referred them to Juvenile
Probation for the offense after interviews. 050378 .... 03-04-05 Route 71/Route 47
050363 03-02-05 900 Blk. Game Farm Road
Lockout 050379.... 03-04-05 1200 N.Bridge Street
Violation of Order of Protection
050364 03-02-05 300 Blk. Orange Street
Disorderly Conduct 050380 .... 03-04-05 300 Blk. Olsen Street
Suspicious Circumstances
050365 03-02-05 3 W.Veteran's Parkway
Lockout 050381 .... 03-04-05 2000 Blk. S.Bridge Street
Other Public Complaints
050366 03-02-05 Trillium Court
Lost Articles 050382 .... 03-03-05 Lansing, Illinois
Canine Training
050367 03-02-05 100 Blk. Schoolhouse Road
Assist Schools
050368 03-03-05 Route 34/Cannonball Trail
Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary
'sT%i- 1B36March 1, 2005 through April 1, 2005
cLE:1.`' Page
050356 through 050550
Page 2 of 9
050383 03-04-05 1300 BIk. Willow Way 050395 .... 03-07-05 500 Blk. W.Kendall Drive
Credit Card Fraud: Victim reported $3495.44 of Motor Vehicle Theft Victim reported adult son
unauthorized charges on their credit card. Victim borrowed their vehicle and never came back with it.
stated they do not use the card on the Internet and Vehicle was recovered by Aurora Police and upon
had possession of the cards at the time of this report. contacting the victim, they stated they did not want to
Pending investigation. file charges against offender. Case closed.
050384 03-05-05 1400 BIk. Cannonball Trail 050396 .... 03-07-05 800 BIk. Game Farm Road
Disturbance: Police were called to a local Forgery: Victim (United City of Yorkville) reported
establishment for a disturbance. Upon arrival, offender forged a check in the amount of$175 to pay
subjects dispersed and officers were unable to locate for a utility bill. Report was taken and procedures
any violators, victims and/or witnesses. were followed for the incident through the State's
Attorney's Office.
050385 03-05-05 100 BIk. Colonial Parkway
Domestic Trouble 050397.... 03-07-05 500 Blk. Fairhaven Drive
Domestic Trouble
050386 03-06-05 1200 BIk. N.Bridge Street
Burglary: Reporting person called police after 050398.... 03-08-05 2800 Blk. N.Bridge Street
opening their establishment and finding it had been Lockout
burglarized. Victim reported $875 had been taken
from various locations throughout the business. 050399.... 03-08-05 1400 Blk. N.Bridge Street
Pending investigation. Retail Theft: After being contacted by Police, suspect
returned phone call and stated after looking at the
050387 03-06-05 600 BIk. W.Veterans Parkway receipt from the purchase, he noted the cashier never
Assistance Rendered Civil Category charged him for his $5 worth of gasoline, however,
did charge him for all of the items he purchased
050388 03-06-05 100 BIk. W.Hydraulic Avenue inside. Subject went back to the station and paid for
Other Public Service the gasoline.
050389 03-06-05 1000 BIk. S.Main Street 050400.... 03-08-05 100 BIk. Colonial Parkway
Lockout Lockout
050390 03-06-05 500 Blk. S.Bridge Street 050401 .... 03-08-05 Desk Report
Accident Assist Other Government Agency
050391 03-06-05 700 Blk. Greenfield Turn 050402.... 03-08-05 Washington Street/Route 47
Harassment by Telephone Battery: Juvenile victim reported suspect waited for
them out of sight of the crossing guard and struck the
050392 03-06-05 Route 34/Bristol Ridge Road victim. Pending investigation.
050403.... 03-08-05 800 Blk. Freemont Street
050393 03-07-05 Route 34/American Way Criminal Damage to Property: Victim reported $400
Accident of damage done to their vehicle by four juvenile
suspects in the area. Officers were unable to locate
050394 03-07-05 Route 34/American Way said juveniles and victim had no other information on
Accident the subjects.
' ,- Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary
EST ��, _ March 1, 2005 through April 1, 2005
. !' 0 050356 through 050550
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050404 03-08-05 800 Blk. Freemont Street 050412.... 03-09-05 1400 Blk. Aspen Lane
Criminal Damage to Property: Victim reported $150 Disorderly Conduct
of damage done to their vehicle by four juvenile
suspects in the area. Officers were unable to locate 050413.... 03-09-05 400 Blk. E.Jackson Street
said juveniles and victim had no other information on Criminal Damage to Property: Victim reported
the subjects. thirteen (13) boards to their fence were damaged,
possibly by kids getting off of the schoolbus near her
050405 03-08-05 300 Blk. Mulhern Court fence. Damage valued at $100.
Telephone Threat: An ex-friend of victim contacted
victim via telephone and was upset over the break- 050414.... 03-09-05 400 Blk. E.Park Street
up. The suspect told victim they would have friends Domestic Battery: Victim reported their spouse was
find and shoot the victim. Victim did not want to press upset over an ex-friend calling victim. Victim reported
charges, as they stated the ex was "talking trash." spouse slapped victim and knocked over a foot stool
during their argument. Officers noted no red marks,
050406 03-09-05 400 Blk. Landmark Avenue scratches or bruising and victim stated this was the
Criminal Damage to Property: Victim reported $200 first time this had ever happened. Victim was
of damage done to their vehicle at an unknown time informed of their rights. Officers cleared with no
over the night. arrests being made.
050407 03-09-05 100 Blk. E.Schoolhouse Rd. 050415.... 03-10-05 1400 Blk. Chestnut Lane
Criminal Damage to Property: Victim reported $505 Accident
of damage done to their vehicle. Victim gave officers
a possible suspect. Pending investigation. 050416 .... 03-10-05 1400 Blk. Chestnut Lane
050408 03-09-05 400 Blk. E.Main Street
Battery: Juvenile victim stated as they were walking 050417.... 03-10-05 100 Blk. E.Main Street
by a house with friends, they noticed a pickup truck in Domestic Trouble
the driveway and were talking about it. They stated
suspect with friends were sitting on the porch of the 050418.... 03-10-05 300 Blk. Wheaton Avenue
residence came after them, asking if they were saying Lockout
derogatory things about them. The juvenile victim
ignored the subject at first, however, stated the 050419.... 03-10-05 800 Blk. Greenfield Turn
suspect still came after them. Juvenile victim stated Suspicious Circumstances
the suspect started to push and shove them. Due the
fact officers spoke with suspect and friends, and they 050420.... 03-10-05 700 Blk. Game Farm Road
stated juvenile victim started the incident, also Theft $300 and Under: Victim reported an MP3
battering them, officers took suspect into custody for player, a memory card, and a cell phone (all valued at
Battery and referred "victim" to juvenile probation, $220) taken from their locker, which was reported that
also for Battery. the lock was currently broken. A tipster informed
school officials who the suspects were and that the
050409 03-09-05 Route 47/Landmark Avenue stolen merchandise was in their locker. School
Other Public Complaints officials informed SRO and school officials
interviewed suspect, who admitted a fellow student
050410 03-09-05 200 Blk. E.Countryside Cntr. had stolen the items and given them to two other
Lockout students at the time. After all three interviews were
complete, SRO referred all subjects to Juvenile
050411 03-09-05 1400 Blk. N.Bridge Street Probation for Theft. The cell phone and MP3 player
Lost Articles were recovered, however, not the memory card.
-ta ,*" Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary
l '%� ._' March 1, 2005 through April 1, 2005
�'�_-�0 050356 through 050550
<_72 Page 4 of 9
050421 03-11-05 Route 47/Countryside Pkwy 050431 .... 03-12-05 100 Blk. Schoolhouse Road
Accident Criminal Damage to Property: Victim reported $175
of damage done to their vehicle when suspect
050422 03-11-05 1400 Blk. White Pine Court flattened two front tires on the vehicle. Upon
Lockout investigators following-up on this case, victim advised
they did not want police to pursue the case due to the
050423 03-11-05 2000 Blk. S.Bridge Street fact the original suspect they named probably did not
Fraud: A local business reported receiving a cause the damage, that it was possibly another
counterfeit $5. Officers took said bill into custody. suspect and the victim did not want police to call said
suspect, as victim was not entirely sure who actually
050424 03-11-05 Game Farm Road/Route 34 did the damage.
050432 .... 03-12-05 1400 Blk. Cannonball Trail
050425 03-11-05 1600 Blk. N.Bridge Street Lockout
050433.... 03-13-05 Route 47/Route 34
050426 03-11-05 Route 34/Bristol Ridge Road Traffic Arrest: Subject was driving on a suspended
Accident— Fatality: Officers responded to the scene license and officers took them into custody for such.
of an accident. According to witnesses/accident
reconstruction, driver of at-fault vehicle attempted to 050434 .... 03-13-05 400 Blk. E.Kendall Drive
pass one vehicle with oncoming traffic, over corrected Harassment by Telephone
to avoid oncoming traffic, struck the vehicle they were
attempting pass, then struck another oncoming 050435 .... 03-13-05 Route 47/Hydraulic Avenue
vehicle, causing at-fault vehicle to come to rest in the Traffic Arrest: Subject was driving without a valid
ditch, resulting in a fatality. license and officers took them into custody for such.
050427 03-11-05 1400 Blk. White Pine Court 050436 .... 03-13-05 Route 47/Beaver Street
Lockout Traffic Arrest/Warrant Arrest: Subject was driving on
a suspended license as well as had a valid warrant
050428 03-11-05 1400 BIk. N.Bridge Street for their arrest. Officers took subject into custody for
Lockout both.
050429 03-11-05 100 Blk. Colonial Parkway 050437 .... 03-14-05 400 Blk. E.Park Street
Warrant Arrest: Officers located subject known to be Lockout
wanted on a valid warrant and arrested subject.
050438 .... 03-14-05 3500 BIk. Cannonball Trail
050430 03-12-05 800 Blk. S.Bridge Street Found Articles
Assist Business Agency
050439 .... 03-14-05 200 Blk. E.Somonauk Street
050440 .... 03-14-05 200 Blk. Spruce Street
Domestic Trouble
050441 .... 03-14-05 400 Blk. Jackson Street
Suspicious Circumstances
,., Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary
64j=�,-' March 1, 2005 through April 1, 2005
A, 11,----g/ 050356 through 050550
4LEXV Page 5 of 9
050442 03-15-05 300 BIk. E.Kendall Drive 050456 .... 03-16-05 700 Blk. Game Farm Road
Lockout Lockout
050443 03-14-05 500 BIk. Countryside Center 050457.... 03-16-05 300 Blk. E.Ridge Street
Lockout Lockout
050444 03-14-05 500 Blk. Dolph `Street 050458.... 03-16-05 400 BIk. E.Jackson Street
Neighborhood Trouble Criminal Damage to Property: Victim reported $100
worth of damage done to her wood fence.
050445 03-14-05 2800 BIk. McLellan Boulevard
Attempted Theft Over$300: Officers interrupted 050459 .... 03-16-05 600 Blk. Tower Lane
offenders while they were attempting to steal 32 Lost Articles
sheets of plywood worth $1120. Investigators are
working with agencies around the state in finding the 050460 .... 03-16-05 1200 Blk. N.Bridge Street
professional construction thieves. Criminal Damage to Property: Victim reported $600
of damage done to their vehicle when unknown
050446 03-14-05 200 BIk. W.Kendall Drive offender scratched the paint and slashed the canvas
Assist City Fire Department truck bed cover.
050447 03-15-05 1300 BIk. Game Farm Road 050461 .... 03-16-05 Route 47/Route 126
Natural Cause Death Accident
050448 03-15-05 Desk Report 050462 .... 03-17-05 700 BIk. Game Farm Road
Other Public Complaint Aggravated Criminal Sexual Abuse/Criminal Sexual
Assault: Juvenile victim reported juvenile offenders
050449 03-15-05 1900 Blk. W.Route 34 had sexually abused them while on the schoolbus.
Assistance Rendered Civil Category After interviewing all parties and completing their
investigation, Yorkville Detectives arrested two
050450 03-15-05 1500 BIk. N.Bridge Street juvenile offenders, transporting them to the Kane
Lockout County Juvenile Detention Center.
050451 03-15-05 2000 BIk. S.Bridge Street 050463 .... 03-16-05 700 BIk. Game Farm Road
Found Articles Possession of Cannabis/Drug Equipment: SRO was
called to school after school officials located cannabis
050452 03-15-05 1400 BIk. Chestnut Lane on a student. Upon interviewing student, they stated
Towed Vehicle it was handed to them by another student, who in turn
stated it was found by yet another student. SRO
050453 03-15-05 700 BIk. Game Farm Road located third student who stated they purchased the
Other Public Complaints cannabis from a fourth student. Third student handed
it to second student, who handed it to the initial
050454 03-16-05 Route 47/Garden Street student it was found on. SRO took all three students
Traffic Arrest: Subject was driving without a valid into custody for Possession of Cannabis. One
license and officers took them into custody for such. student was also in possession of drug equipment.
Officers are looking into the sale of the drugs, as well.
050455 03-16-05 Route 34/Route 47
Lost Articles 050464 .... 03-17-05 1800 Blk. Marketview Drive
Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary
% ( March 1, 2005 through April 1, 2005
11,,,-., X20 050356 through 050550
1-4'4(EAS' Page6of9
050465 03-17-05 400 BIk. Sanders Court 050475.... 03-19-05 1400 BIk. Aspen Lane
Criminal Damage to Property/Theft $300 and Under: Burglary from Motor Vehicle: Victim stated unknown
Victim reported $50 of damage done to windows on offender(s) smashed a window out of their vehicle to
their shed and an ornamental windmill was missing. gain entry and removed $320 worth of stereo
There was no evidence in this case and the victim equipment and speakers from inside. No evidence
had no suspect information. was retrieved from the scene.
050466 03-18-05 Desk Report 050476.... 03-19-05 200 BIk. Mill Street
Junk/Salvage Title Investigation Suspicious Circumstances
050467 03-18-05 300 Blk. Sanders Court 050477.... 03-20-05 1000 Blk. Sunset Street
Criminal Damage to Property: Victim stated $200 of Criminal Damage to Property: Victim reported $350
damage was done to their vehicle when unknown of damage done to their vehicle when unknown
offender(s) broke out the rear two taillights. offender(s) scratched the paint and scratched a decal
off of their vehicle.
050468 03-18-05 500 Blk. W.Barberry Circle
Runaway 050478.... 03-20-05 200 Blk. E.VanEmmon Street
Burglary: Victim reported $400 of cash taken from
050469 03-18-05 1200 Blk. N.Bridge Street inside their apartment while they were at work. Victim
Lockout stated they were sure of the offender(s), that they
were acquaintances and they probably waited for
050470 03-19-05 1600 BIk. N.Bridge Street victim to go to work and then gained entry into the
Lockout apartment to steal the money.
050471 03-19-05 Route 71/Route 47 050479.... 03-20-05 200 Blk. W.Center Street
Warrant Arrest: Officers pulled subject over due to Domestic Trouble
the fact a passenger in their car had a child on their
lap riding in the car. Upon running passenger, 050480 .... 03-20-05 100 Blk. E.Schoolhouse Rd.
officers learned of a valid arrest warrant. Officers Suicide Attempt— Other
took subject into custody. Officers were later told that
DuPage County had made a clerical error and the 050481 .... 03-21-05 1800 Blk. Aster Drive
subject was not wanted. DuPage County Theft Over$300: Contractor reported $1500 worth of
straightened the matter out with Kendall County and electrical equipment stolen from a home under
subject was released. construction.
050472 03-19-05 200 BIk. E.Veterans Parkway 050482.... 03-21-05 1800 Blk. Aster Drive
Theft Over$300: Victim reported their MP3 Player Theft Over$300: Contractor reported $500 worth of
and headphones stolen, property valued at$310. equipment stolen from a home under construction.
Victim stated it was located in their coat pocket,
hanging up in an employee break room. 050483.... 03-21-05 Route 34/Center Parkway
050473 03-19-05 Route 34/McHugh Road
Accident 050484.... 03-21-05 1400 Blk. N.Bridge Street
050474 03-19-05 700 Blk. John Street
Harassment by Telephone 050485.... 03-21-05 Route 34/Game Farm Road
a2`,c0 rf r
3 . Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary
ET183 March 1, 2005 through April 1, 2005
0 050356 through 050550
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050486 03-21-05 Route 47/Route 34 050501 .... 03-24-05 300 Blk. Muihern Court
Accident Burglary from Motor Vehicle: Victim reported their
CD player and 70 CD's stolen, valued at $800 total,
050487 03-21-05 Main Street/Route 47 after unknown offender(s) smashed to gain access.
Mischievous Conduct— No Dollar Loss
050502.... 03-24-05 300 Blk. Mulhern Court
050488 03-21-05 1800 Blk. Country Hills Drive Burglary from Motor Vehicle: Victim reported their
Lockout CD player stolen, valued at $50, after unknown
offender(s) smashed to gain access.
050489 03-21-05 King Street/Center Street
Other Public Complaints 050503.... 03-24-05 Route 71/Route 126
Traffic Arrest: Subject was found driving without a
050490 03-22-05 1400 Blk. N.Bridge Street license and taken into custody for such.
050504 .... 03-24-05 1200 Blk. Willow Way
050491 03-22-05 500 Blk. Countryside Center Lockout
Burglary: Establishment reported $377 worth of cash
taken from inside the building. Pending investigation. 050505.... 03-24-05 500 Blk. S.Bridge Street
050492 03-22-05 1400 Blk. Cannonball Trail
Lockout 050506 .... 03-24-05 200 Blk. E.Veterans Parkway
Lost Articles
050493 03-22-05 200 Blk. Hillcrest Avenue
Harassment by Telephone 050507.... 03-24-05 2000 Blk. S.Bridge Street
050494 03-22-05 1300 Blk. Coralberry Court
Domestic Trouble 050508 .... 03-24-05 200 Blk. Leisure Street
Suspicious Circumstances
050495 03-23-05 1000 Blk. S.Main Street
Accident 050509 .... 03-25-05 2000 Blk. Kennedy Road
Abandoned Vehicle
050496 03-23-05 1800 Blk. Marketview Drive
Lockout 050510 .... 03-25-05 Route 34/McHugh Road
050497 03-23-05 200 Blk. Morgan Street
Junk/Salvage Title Investigation 050511 .... 03-25-05 1400 Blk. N.Bridge Street
050498 03-23-05 Route 71/Country Hills Drive
Disorderly Conduct 050512 .... 03-25-05 Route 34/Center Parkway
050499 03-23-05 300 Blk. Mulhern Court
Burglary from Motor Vehicle: Victim reported their 050513 .... 03-25-05 Route 34/Route 47
stereo, valued at $150, was removed by unknown Accident
offender(s) from inside their vehicle after smashing
out a window to gain access. Pending investigation. 050514.... 03-25-05 Route 34/Route 47
050500 03-24-05 400 Blk. Landmark Avenue
Violation of Order of Protection
2`,,t.0 C o
Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary
ETA-'`''` March 1, 2005 through April 1, 2005
t�+ '' � 050356 through 050550
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050515 03-26-05 Route 34/Center Parkway 050526 .... 03-28-05 600 Blk. Mill Street
Traffic Arrest: Officer pulled over subject for Harassment by Telephone
speeding. Officer suspected driver had been drinking
alcohol and was under the influence. Suspect 050527.... 03-28-05 1400 Blk. Chestnut Lane
refused field sobriety tests and was taken into Domestic Battery: Officers were called to a residence
custody for DUI. Once in custody and transported to for a domestic battery. Officers spoke with both
Corrections, suspect refused to submit to any testing. subjects. Both subjects admitted to hitting and being
hit by each other. Neither wanted to press charges
050516 03-26-05 Maple Street, Yorkville and there were no visible marks on either party for
Assist Kendall County Sheriff's Office officers to make arrests. Note: Officers are
frequently called to this residence.
050517 03-26-05 200 Blk. Center Parkway
Theft $300 and Under: Victim reported their recycle 050528.... 03-28-05 700 BIk. lndpendence Court
bin and its contents missing. Neighborhood Trouble
050518 03-26-05 200 Blk. E.Veterans Parkway 050529.... 03-28-05 400 BIk. Landmark Avenue
Lockout Neighborhood Trouble
050519 03-26-05 Northland Ln/Yellowstone Ln 050530 .... 03-29-05 1200 Blk. Bridge Street
Citizen Assist Lockout
050520 03-27-05 500 BIk. Burning Bush Drive 050531 .... 03-28-05 1400 BIk. N.Bridge Street
Citizen Assist Retail Theft: Attendants reported $42 worth of
gasoline was not paid for. Upon further investigation,
050521 03-27-05 Route 47/Route 34 it was learned that the suspect used a credit card and
Accident swiped said card which allowed him to pump his
gasoline. It was possible the machine did not read
050522 03-27-05 Route 71/Route 126 the numbers correctly and therefore registered it as
Traffic Arrest: Subject was driving on a suspended unpaid. The gasoline station manager and the
license and taken into custody for such. suspect would talk about this. No charges filed.
050523 03-27-05 2000 BIk. Kingsmill Court 050532.... 03-29-05 Desk Report
Lockout Lost License Plates
050524 03-27-05 Kennedy Road/Christy Lane 050533.... 03-29-05 500 Blk. Buckthorne Court
Accident Criminal Damage to Property: Victim reported two
solar powered lights as damaged by juvenile
050525 03-28-05 Bonnie Lane suspects. Officers located suspects and interviewed
Consumption of Alcohol by Minors: After receiving a them, however, the victim did not want to pursue
phone call from the suspect's parents, Officers charges against the suspects.
learned of underage drinking that had occurred at a
residence outside of our jurisdiction. Officers referred 050534 .... 03-29-05 200 BIk. E.Veterans Parkway
said juvenile to Juvenile Probation for Consumption of Lockout
Alcohol by a Minor. Officers investigated the
residence where the drinking had occurred while the 050535.... 03-30-05 400 BIk. Walsh Circle
parents were home and found no evidence nor any of Criminal Damage to Property: Victim reported their
the other juveniles who had been drinking. mailbox was damaged, valued at $40, by unknown
,,ED G/p�
'2 1 Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary
E j 1836 March 1, 2005 through April 1, 2005
,11,1L^..— 050356 through 050550
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050536 03-30-05 200 Blk. Walsh Circle 050548 .... 04-01-05 1000 Blk. N.Bridge Street
Suspicious Circumstances Theft Over$300: Victim (owner of establishment)
reported that their business sign was stolen. The
050537 03-30-05 Kennedy Road/Bristol Ridge sign was valued at $7000 and had been there since
Accident 1937. There are no leads for this investigation.
050538 03-31-05 Windett Ridge Road 050549 .... 04-01-05 1300 Blk. Prairie Lane
Lockout Assist Oswego Police Department
050539 03-31-05 2000 Blk. S.Bridge Street 050550 .... 04-01-05 2000 Blk. Kingsmill Street
Lockout Domestic Trouble
050540 03-31-05 1400 Blk. N.Bridge Street
Assist Business Agency
050541 03-31-05 1200 Blk. E.Spring Street
Criminal Damage to Property: Victim reported their
driver's side window was smashed out causing $200
worth of damage.
050542 04-01-05 900 Blk. Fawn Ridge Road
Assist Other Police Department
050543 04-01-05 1400 Blk. Chestnut Lane
Criminal Damage to Property: Victim reported $600
of damage done to their vehicle when a window was
smashed out and two dents were put into the side of
the vehicle.
050544 04-01-05 Route 47/Route 71
Criminal Damage to Property: Victim reported $800
of damage done to an excavator at a construction
050545 04-01-05 300 Blk. W.Center Street
Criminal Damage to Property: Victim reported $50 of
damage done to a mailbox and its post.
050546 04-01-05 400 Blk. E.Somonauk Street
Criminal Damage to Property: Victim reported $50 of
damage done to two landscaping lights.
050547 04-01-05 300 Blk. W.Center Street
Criminal Damage to Property: Victim reported $50 of
damage done to a mailbox and its post.
Yorkville Police Department 2004 Truck Enforcement Summary
Ticket Bond Funds
Date Time OffenseLocation
Number Taken f ' Dlspo -7 /z1 q oeived
01/07/04 7:32 20877 Overweight on Axles Route 34/Marketplace Drive $590 Ex Parte' $430.00
21061 Overweight on Highway $1,405 Guilty $732.00
02/18/04 9:01 Route 47/Route 34
21062 Overweight on Registration $2,622 Guilty $760.06
02/19/04 9:07 21010 Route 47/Route 71 $395 Ex Parte $260.00
02/19/04 9:30 21064 Overweight on Gross Route 47/Route 71 $590 Ex Parte $430.00
02/23/04 14:30 21065 Overweight on Axles Route 47/Countryside,Parkway $395 Ex Parte $260.00
03/16/04 11:14 21013 Overweight on Gross Route 47/Wheaton Avenue $1,070 Ex Parte $850.00
04/07/04 10:32 21017 Overweight on Registration Route 47/Bonnie Lane $350 Ex Parte $135.72
04/14/04 12:27 21018 Overweight on Axles Route 47/Cannonball Trail $245 Guilty $160.00
04/15/04 13:36 21019 Overweight on Axles Route 47/Greenbriar Road $245 Supervision $130.00
04/28/04 10:04 21020 Overweight on Bridge Route 47/Amurol Drive Promise to Comply Guilty $1,365.00
21023 Overweight on Gross $1,070 Guilty $850.00
04/29/04 12:09 Route 47/Route 71
21024 Overweight on Registration $590 Stricken $0.00
05/19/04 13:10 21902 Overweight on Axles Route 71/Route 47 $535 Stricken $385.00
05/25/04 12:35 21904 Overweight on Axles Route 34/Cannonball Trail $350 Ex Parte $220.00
21905 Overweight on Axles $2,165 Ex Parte $1,810.00
05/26/04 9:19 Walsh Drive/Columbine Court
21906 Overweight on Registration $350 Stricken $0.00
21907 Overweight on Gross $1,660 Guilty $870.60
05/27/04 9:09 Route 71/Route 126
21908 Overweight on Registration $1,405 Guilty $392.62
06/21/04 10:02 22145 Overweight on Axles Route 71/Country Hills Drive $985 Guilty $775.00
06/30/04 9:06 22146 Overweight on Axles Route 71/Route 47 $535 Ex Parte $385.00
Report Last Updated 4/11/2005 at 12:28 PM Page 1 of 2 Authored by Molly Batterson, Office Supervisor
Yorkville Police Department 2004 Truck Enforcement Summary
Ticket �. .. Bond Funds
Date Time Number Offense; Location Taken :, Disposition Roeived
v ,
07/23/04 12:59 21709 Overweight on Bridge Route 47/Amurol Drive Incarcerated Guilty $1,000.00
07/26/04 12:27 " 21712 Overweight on Axles Route 34/Cannonball Trail $210 Ex Parte $100.00
08/05/04 8:02 21717 Overweight on Axles Route 47/Wheaton Avenue $210 Ex Parte $100.00
08/10/04 8:02 21718 Overweight on Axles Route 47/Landmark Avenue $210 Ex Parte' $100.00
08/13/04 12:38 21723 Overweight on Axles Royal Oaks Drive/Bristol Ridge Road $210 Guilty $100.00
22396 Overweight on Gross $2,335 Stricken $0.00
10/01/04 7:24 Route 47/Countryside Parkway
22397 Overweight on Registration $2,165 Guilty $943.40
10/07/04 14:55 22400 Overweight on Gross Cannonball Trail/Route 47 $535 Ex Parte $385.00
11/09/04 13:34 22758 Overweight on Bridge Route 47/Greenbriar Road $1,070 Guilty $538.00
23127 Overweight on Gross $1,070 Pending $0.00
12/21/04 7:27 Route 47/Route 71
23128 Overweight on Registration $590 Pending $0.00
12/29/04 10:18 23133 Overweight on Bridge Route 47/Countryside Parkway $1,325 Ex Parte $1,075.00
Totals For Bond Taken and Fines Received After Court Costs - 2004 $27,482 N/A $15,542.40
Totals For Bond Taken and Fines Received After Court Costs - 2003 $15,972 N/A $11,343.01
Totals For Bond Taken and Fines Received After Court Costs - 2002 $42,014 N/A $21,665.12'
Totals For Bond Taken and Fines Received After Court Costs - 2001 $56,232 N/A $30,226.86
Totals For Bond Taken and Fines Received After Court Costs - 2000 $25,815 N/A $13,026.43
Running Total $167,515 N/A $91,803.82
Report Last Updated 4/11/2005 at 12:28 PM Page 2 of 2 Authored by Molly Batterson, Office Supervisor
Yorkville Police Department 2005 Truck Enforcement Summary
Ticket Bond Funds
Date Time Offense. Location Disposition
,.. � � � � -Taken .. . Received
01/31/05 14:30 23141 Overweight on Gross Route 34/Cannonball Trail $210 Ex Parte $100.00
02/04/05 10:19 23147 Overweight on Bridge Route 47/River Street $1,070 Ex Parte $860.00
03/04/05 13:36 23462 Overweight on Axles Route 47/Ament Road $535 Pending I
Totals For Bond Taken and Fines Received After Court Costs - 2005 $1,815 N/A $960.00
Totals For Bond Taken and Fines Received After Court Costs - 2004 $27,482 N/A $15,542.40
Totals For Bond Taken and Fines Received After Court Costs - 2003 $15,972 N/A $11,343.01
Totals For Bond Taken and Fines Received After Court Costs - 2002 $42,014 N/A $21,665.12
Totals For Bond Taken and Fines Received After Court Costs - 2001 $56,232 N/A $30,226.86
Totals For Bond Taken and Fines Received After Court Costs - 2000 $25,815 N/A $13,026.43
Running Total $167,515 N/A $91,803.82
4/11/2005 12:28 PM Page 1 of 1
Yorkville Police Department Manhour Report - March 2005
�"� sq wry/ 2005
Accidents 24.67 33.33 24.50 29.83 32.20 27.58 45.75 32.92 18.25 30.08 25.17 9.58 25.75 60.50
Administrative Activity 572.88 382.42 348.27 374.17 324.92 313.05 389.33 434.42 525.50 701.20 660.08 468.92 447.65 1576.65
Animal Complaints 5.00 8.50 8.00 6.58 7.92 6.08 4.75 10.00 6.45 5.83 5.50 2.92 3.42 11.84
Arrest Activity 36.23 41.88 24.17 38.42 20.73 52.67 17.33 29.58 24.50 38.83 30.75 22.08 8.50 61.33
Assist Agencies 166.05 191.50 131.75 144.25 179.28 223.75 116.75 152.50 118.92 143.50 121.17 158.42 147.17 426.76
Community Relations 59.25 45.33 68.25 99.62 88.33 77.33 91.17 88.67 93.75 36.80 35.42 64.08 43.83 143.33
Departmental Duties 100.33 92.07 104.73 99.97 118.83 122.58 139.17 109.42 92.50 139.33 166.67 93.33 108.75 368.75
Investigations 51.50 28.17 43.38 92.58 81.75 57.67 63.92 63.50 29.58 31.33 19.75 28.33 69.75 117.83
Ordinance/Traffic Violations 134.52 79.43 152.43 86.95 58.45 100.68 61.98 85.93 52.27 101.80 128.60 82.42 104.42 315.44
Personnel Activity 837.30 592.50 549.27 1002.25 640.08 789.93 660.10 398.45 473.83 747.50 586.95 432.92 525.67 1545.54
Preventive Patrol 832.15 922.35 831.75 879.00 733.35 792.68 971.15 720.53 791.30 772.35 752.37 747.58 895.68 2395.63
Public Complaints 72.60 93.72 122.50 116.92 147.17 131.58 87.32 98.97 69.13 124.25 74.50 51.75 105.08 231.33
Public Services 50.75 34.83 38.33 35.92 39.33 32.00 33.42 71.42 28.17 32.08 56.33 29.92 34.75 121.00
Report Activity 224.65 117.08 260.17 193.00 167.50 257.75 179.33 195.92 132.52 180.67 162.08 164.75 167.57 494.40
School Activity 295.08 174.08 222.58 33.33 3.67 94.83 246.83 263.13 195.33 172.50 238.08 222.83 161.75 622.66
Traffic Activity 421.43 271.18 365.48 252.58 205.68 250.98 215.17 209.80 179.92 268.42 282.60 312.15 287.50 882.25
Training 297.58 204.83 274.08 18.92 309.17 83.42 158.58 251.08 402.08 165.67 251.08 184.58 330.08 765.74
8 � 2005
Chief 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 519.99
CPAT Officer 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 519.99
Crossing Guards(In Days) 46.00 31.50 39.00 8.00 0.00 10.00 42.00 56.00 43.00 39.00 60.00 66.00 50.50 176.50
Detectives 173.33 346.66 346.66, 866.65
Lieutenant 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 519.99
Office Supervisor 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 519.99
Records Clerks 297.33 285.83 291.83 291.83 302.08 173.33 346.66 346.66 346.66 346.66 346.66 346.66 346.66 1039.98
TOTALS 5218.62 4323.85 4593.79 4497.44 4153:76 "4291.21 4564.03 4312.22 4316.98 4771.12 4870.41 4529.20 4904.46 14304.07'`
Yorkville Police Department Offense Report - March 2005
Arson 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Assault 4 2 0 0 0 2 2 0 1 0 11 1 0 0 1
Battery 2 7 5 4 3 6 1 5 4 7 50 7 6 5 18
Burglary 8 2 5 9 12 6 5 1 2 13 71 7 5 719
Cannabis Offenses 5 0 3 0 1 1 1 1 2 1 16 5 0 2 7
Controlled Substance Offenses 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
Crimes Involving Children 6 1 5 1 4 4 6 7 0 2 41 33 1 7
Criminal Damage 7 6 22 16 20 12 17 12 17 18 156 12 12 19 43
Deceptive Practices 0 5 6 1 5 6 3 1 4 0 36 6 3 4 13
Drug Paraphernalia Offenses 2 0 3 1 3 1 0 0 2 3 15 1 1 2 4
Firearms Offenses 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 1 1
Gambling Offenses 0 0 0 0.... ...w__ ...,,.� _.. _._
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Kidnapping 0 1 2 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 8 0 0 0 0
y ,S <<, x o.._ ! . ., ,,, ✓iib, / // � o ,/ G,
0# : �:..y.. . � a..:.;,>• a f, i 5 ! ,./ �// f ^ �,,.i/ iii / �//, i � ,/�/ /// /�
. . F. :. *� �€ � ..� �. , a r_.,. i ? iii i% ,///���� � i.
Liquor Offenses 0 2 6 0 1 6 3 3 4 0 28 0 1 2 1 3
...^. 0 0 ^._. 0 _... 0 _ .0
Robbery _ __
Murder ...__
_._. ..__. .. . ._._ 0
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
Sex Offenses 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 1 5 0 0 1 1
Theft12 8 14 12 10 7 13 6 7 12 114 16 11 13 40
All Other Criminal Offenses 10 10 15 14 ^_._.�.18_._ 11 15 14 11 14 .._._ _
170 18 9 16 43
Driving Under The Influence5 4 2 2 1 0 10 5 2 11 46 5 4 1 10
License/Registration Violations^�� _., ^.. ._.., _.. ^._ .__ .. ... __._....._ _.^ _.._^.^.
75 35 33 37 24 57 33 44 25 35 495 30 35 22 87
Seatbelt Citations 8 3 126 64 16 18 14 9 16 8 314 44 22 42 108
Seatbelt Warnings 5 18 29 21 19 13 12 6 16 0 155 39 26 13 78
Speeding Citations 47 34 29 17 12 37 21 18 35 36 382 39 53 61 153
Speeding Warnings 96 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 37 42 280 51 71 80 202
Transportation of Alcohol 1 0 1 0 1 4 4 5 0 2 20 1 1 1 3
Uninsured Motor Vehicle 49 41 42 27 29 43 25 24 16 31 418 21 31 26 78
Total Citations Issued 195 160 279 186 132 233 170 158 118 181 2176 130 ` 177 205 512
Total Verbal Warnings Issued 4 12 4 5 `5 15 6 8 9 6 85 6 5 � 4 27
_.__.:_ ,, „µ.ms _..,,�.. ._.,,,,,
Total Written Warnings Issued ' 383 304 357 251 264 269 221 244 237 326 3533 393 , 334 i 363 1090
Hit and Run Accident 7 2 1 0 1 1 4 5 0 5 28 62 2 10
Property Damage Accident 27 24 34 30 32 36 23 39 27 34 360 33 17 23 73
Personal Injury Accident 2 2 3 1 8 5 10 5 3 3 52 4 2 4 10
Total Accidents Taken 36 28 38 31 41 42 37 49 30 42 440 43 i, 21 29 93
TTuntawrui vtsttanon interrerence is reportea
under the Kidnapping Section of the Illinois
A !�
LARRY G. TRENT 217-782-7263
April 7, 2005
Chief Harold O. Martin HI
Yorkville Police Department
804 Game Farm Road
Yorkville, Illinois 60560
Dear Chief Martin:
I am privileged to announce Sergeant Terry Klingel and Officer Robbie Hart
were recently selected to receive the prestigious Illinois Law Enforcement Medal of
Honor based on your nomination. This award is presented to "law enforcement
officers who have been killed or seriously injured in the line of duty or who have
displayed exceptional bravery or heroism while performing their duties as a law
enforcement officer."
You are invited to a luncheon award ceremony y for the 13 Medal of Honor
recipients and their guests, to be held on Friday, May 6, 2005, 11:30 a.m., at the
Governor's Executive Mansion in Springfield, Illinois. Specific instructions for
entrance to the Executive Mansion are enclosed. The ceremony will follow a luncheon
with all festivities concluding by 2 p.m. Governor Blagojevich has been invited to
present the Medal of Honor awards.
Please complete and fax the enclosed attendance form to 217/782-8888 by
Wednesday, April 27, 2005. You may contact Ms. Linda Schober at 217/785-4288
if you have any questions. I look forward to seeing you at the awards ceremony.
Larry � Trent, Chairman
Illinois Law Enforcement
Medal of Honor Committee
ATS• .
c ae,
April 7, 2005
Chief Harold O. Martin III
Yorkville Police Department
804 Game Farm Road
Yorkville, lllinois 60560
Dear Chief Martin:
I am privileged to announce Sergeant Terry Klingel and Officer Robbie Hart
were recently selected to receive the prestigious Illinois Law Enforcement Medal of
Honor based on your nomination. This award is presented to "law enforcement
officers who have been killed or seriously injured in the line of duty or who have
displayed exceptional bravery or heroism while performing their duties as a law
enforcement officer."
You are invited to a luncheon award ceremonyfor.the 13 Medal of Honor
recipients and their guests, to be held on Friday, May 6, 2005, 11:30 a.m., at the
Governor's Executive Mansion in Springfield;. Illinois. Specific instructions for
entrance to the Executive Mansion are enclosed. The ceremony will follow a luncheon
with all festivities concluding by 2 p.m. Governor Blagojevich has been invited to
present the Medal of Honor awards.
Please complete and fax the enclosed attendance form to 217/782-8888 by
Wednesday, April 27, 2005. You may contact Ms. Linda Schober at 217/785-4288
if you have any questions. I look forward to seeing you at the awards ceremony.
of. 4.
Larry (0 Trent, Chairman
Illinois Law Enforcement
Medal of Honor Committee
F a
..::.1 I ►
. r -i‘L1/4\ 1,4,-,\.s.jt
; , HURT!
Have you ever heard someone making one of the above statements or
something similar to them? Have you ever muttered the words
Love shouldn't hurt. Trinity Church United Methodist will be hosting an
open discussion for the community with Detective Stacey Mott of the
Yorkville Police Department and Holly Mann from the States Attorney's
Office. The topic will be "Domestic Violence in Dating." There will be a
presentation, time for questions, and one on one time. Refreshments
will follow.
If you're thinking about dating, are dating, or have been in a bad
relationship, this is something you shouldn't miss. This is open to all
teenagers and parents are welcome. Domestic violence in dating is on
the rise. Learn the signs to stay safe.
TIME: 3:00 P.M. TO 5:00 P.M.
If you need more information or have any questions please call Virginis
at the Church 630-553-7645. THERE IS NO COST IF YOU PLAN ONATTENDING,
• i ^� n''1 �J"';4::-=;.i.-
1//. t
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A. All persons, firms, partnerships, corporations and other entities, which in the future or currently are
connected or otherwise utilizing the remote activating intrusion/holdup alarm equipment in the City
Police Department, or are connected to a private alarm service or maintain a local on-the-
premises alarm system, are subject to the terms and conditions as set forth in this Section. Failure
of said users to abide by the terms and conditions set forth herein shall be grounds for
disconnection from the system or refusal of alarm response by the Batavia Police Department, as
the City may from time to time determine.
B. All users of the system shall maintain their individual equipment in good repair and working order.
Any defects shall be repaired by the user upon discovery of the defects.
C. No person, firm, partnership, corporation or other entity shall, intentionally or negligently, cause the
transmission of a false alarm signal to the City Police Station which is responded by the Batavia
Police Department, and if it is determined that the false signal was due to the negligence or
intentional misuse by the user, its agents, employers or persons under the supervision and control
of the user, or due to the user's failure to properly maintain or repair its equipment, the user shall
be assessed the sum of twenty five dollars ($25.00) for each false signal received and responded
to by the City. Said assessment shall be paid within forty eight (48) hours to the City Clerk. In the
event any user fails or refuses to pay the assessment made hereunder, it shall be grounds for
immediate disconnection from the system or refusal of alarm response by the Batavia Police
D. Any user who has been disconnected from the system or refused alarm response by the Batavia
Police Department shall not be reconnected to the system or furnished alarm response until it has
been demonstrated to the Chief of Police that adequate safeguards to preclude future false
signals have been taken by the user, plus proof of payment of past due assessments. (Ord. 87-6,
A. Prohibited: It is unlawful for any person to knowingly activate an alarm system for the purpose of
summoning the police department except if such person knows or has reason to suspect that
there is an actual or attempted burglary or robbery on the premises. (1975 Code § 19-40)
B. Fines And Notifications:
1. Any alarm user permittee who has more than two (2) false alarms within a calendar year at a
single protected location will be assessed fines according to the following fine schedule:
3rd false alarm $ 25.00 fine
4th and 5th false alarms 50.00 per false alarm
6th to 9th false alarms 100.00 per false alarm
10th and subsequent false alarms 300.00 per false alarm
2. Any person in control of a protected premises where an alarm system is located accused of a
violation of this chapter may settle and compromise the claim or violation by paying to the city,
within ten (10) days of the time such alleged violation or offense was committed, the amount set
forth in subsection A of this section. Payment of such claim or claims shall be made at the police
station of the city. In the event such claim or claims are not paid within ten (10) days of the alleged
offense, or if the alarm user otherwise contests the validity of the claim, a notice to appear in court
or a warrant may be issued for the alleged violation.
The chief of police shall notify the alarm user, in writing, of each instance wherein the police
department has recorded a false alarm. The alarm user shall have the opportunity within fourteen
(14) days from the date of mailing or personal delivery to submit a report or meet with the chief of
police for the purpose of showing cause as to whether circumstances exist to warrant voiding the
false alarm recordation. The chief of police shall review the alarm user's report and/or meet with
the alarm user and issue a written finding to the alarm user as to whether or not the false alarm
record will be voided. The finding of the chief of police shall be final. (1975 Code § 19-41)
4� ln( LE AT X
from which this article is derived and which is keyed to a special trunkline must offer service,
directlyor through an agent, on a 24-hour basis, seven days a week, to repair such device, so
( 9 9 Y P
as to correct any malfunction of the device that may occur.
(k) At the time of installation, each alarm equipment supplier shall furnish to the person for
whom an automatic protection device has been installed written information as to how service
can be obtained at any time, including the telephone number to call for service; and such
person shall be responsible for having the device repaired as quickly as possible after he
learns, either from his own sources or from notification by the communications center or any
member of the police department, that the device is not working properly.
(I) When messages evidencing failure to comply with the operational requirements set forth in
this article are received by the communications center and the chief of the department
concerned concludes that the automatic protection device sending such messages should be
disconnected in order to relieve the burden of responding to false alarms, he is authorized to
demand that the owner or lessee of such device, or his representative at the place where it is
installed, disconnect such device until it is made to comply with the operational requirements. If
disconnection of the defective automatic protection device is not accomplished promptly by
such demand, and the chief of the department concerned determines that one malfunctioning
device is repeatedly sending false alarms in succession without any intermittent valid alarms,
he may then take whatever steps are necessary to disconnect the defective automatic
protection device.
(m) For the purpose of enforcing the provisions of this article, the communications center and
the chief of the police department shall each have the authority, at reasonable times and upon
oral notice, to enter upon any premises to inspect the installation and operation of an automatic
protection device or signaling device, the purpose of which is to report an emergency to the
communications center or the police department, either directly or through an intermediary.
(Code 1981, § 4-6-4)
Sec. 34-35. Permit fees.
(a) Each application for a permit to install a telephonic alarm system shall be accompanied
by an installation fee in the amount fixed by the village board. As a condition to granting a
permit to maintain and operate such system, an annual fee in the amount fixed by the village
board shall be paid in advance for each year of operation of the system.
(b) Each application for a permit to install a burglar alarm system, an automatic protection
device, or a signalling device which utilizes a signal line to activate an indicator on the central
control board located at the communications center shall be accompanied by an installation fee
in the amount fixed by the village board. As a condition to granting a permit to operate and
maintain such a device or system, an annual fee in the amount fixed by the village board shall
be paid in advance for each year of operation of the system.
(c) Each application for a permit or license for an alarm equipment supplier shall be
accompanied by a fee in the amount fixed by the village board.
(Code 1981, § 4-6-6)
Sec. 34-36. False alarm fees.
(a) If more than three alarms are received by the communications center from a permit
holder under the terms and provisions of this article, during a one-year period, which are
determined by the chief of police or communications center to be due to human error or
mechanical difficulty or in any way a false alarm, then such permit holder shall pay a fee in the
amount of $10.00 for the fourth such false alarm during any such one-year period, and for each
additional false alarm thereafter in any such one-year period, an additional fee of $25.00 per
false alarm shall be paid by such permit holder to the communications center.
(b) All fees provided for by this section shall be paid within 30 days from the date a bill
therefor is deposited in the regular U.S. mail with postage fully prepaid and addressed to the
address set forth in the permit holder's application. Failure to pay any fee provided by this
section shall result in disconnection of any alarm or device regulated by this article.
(Code 1981, § 4-6-7)
Sec. 34-37. Limitations on liability of village and communications center.
The village and communications center shall take every reasonable precaution to ensure that
alarm signals and prerecorded alarm messages received by the communications center or village are
given appropriate attention and are acted upon with dispatch. Nevertheless, the village and the
communications center shall not be liable for any defects in operation of automatic protection devices
and signal line systems, for any failure or neglect to respond appropriately upon receipt of an alarm
from such a source, nor for the failure or neglect of any person with a license issued pursuant to this
article or with a franchise, in connection with the installation and operation of equipment, the
transmission of alarm signals and prerecorded alarm messages, or the relaying of such signals and
messages. If the village or the communications center finds it necessary to disconnect a defective
automatic protection device or signaling device, then neither the village nor the communications center
shall incur any liability by such action.
(Code 1981, § 4-6-8)
Tinley Park,Illinois Code of Ordinances
92.01 Title
92.02 Purpose
92.03 Definitions
92.04 All alarm users subject to ordinance requirements
92.05 Alarm user permit required
92_06 Alarm user permit application where required
92.07 Audible alarm requirements
92.08 Automatic dialing alarm systems
(B) Audible alarms shall automatically discontinue emitting an audible sound within 15 minutes after
(Ord. 98-0-053, passed 10-20-98) Penalty, see § 92.99
No alarm user shall maintain or operate any automatic dialing alarm system within the village which causes
a signal or prerecorded voice message to be automatically sent to the Police Department, over telephone lines or
by radio waves, without human activation of the alarm.
(Ord. 98-0-053, passed 10-20-98) Penalty, see 92.99
(A) Duty to minimize false alarms. In an effort to ensure alarm reliability and to minimize the occurrence
of false alarms, alarm user permit holders shall take affirmative steps to adequately train their alarm personnel
and to update and regularly maintain their alarm systems such that false alarms rarely occur, especially false
alanns which result from equipment malfunctions, improper installations of alarms and/or any form of human
error with respect to operation and/or maintenance of such alarms.
(B) Recordation of false alarms. The Alarm Director shall maintain a record of all false alarms.
(C) Notification of false alarms. The Alarm Director shall notify the alarm user, in writing, of each
occurrence of a false alarm, which notice shall demand payment of a specified amount due and payable
pursuant to the charges provided for in this chapter.
(D) Appeal of false alarm finding. The alarm user shall be entitled to submit a written report to the Alarm
Director provided that the alarm user files such a written report within 14 days from the date of mailing or
personal delivery of the Alarm Director's notice of the false alarm. In the report, the alarm user may offer
evidence of circumstances that may warrant voiding the Alarm Director's recordation of the false alarm. Such
evidence may include facts showing that the alarm's activation was caused by severe weather, power outages,
transmission line malfunctions, acts of God, or malicious acts of persons not under the control of the alarm user.
Within 14 days of the Alarm Director's receipt of the alarm user's written report, the Alarm Director shall
review the alarm user's report and issue a written finding to the alarm user as to whether or not the false alarm
will be voided. The finding of the Alarm Director shall be final.
(E) False alarm service charges. For each false alarm recorded for a protected premises in excess of four
in any calendar year(January 1st through December 31st), the alarm user permittee shall be charged a false
alarm service charge as follows:
5 - 7 false alarms: $100.00 per false alarm.
8 - 10 false alarms: $200.00 per false alarm
11 or more false alarms: $300.00 per false alarm
(F) False alarm service charge collection. All false alarm service charges shall be paid to the Village
Treasurer within 30 days from the date of the Alarm Director's notice thereof.
(Ord. 82-0-006, passed 3-2-82; Am. Ord. 98-0-053, passed 10-20-98) Penalty, see § 92.99
(A) Permit revocation. The Alarm Director or the Chief of Police may revoke any permit issued pursuant
to the provisions of this chapter, if he determines that:
(1) An alarm has been installed, maintained or operated in violation of the provisions of this chapter; or
(2) There is a false statement of a material matter in the application for the alarm user permit; or
(3) The permitted alarm user has failed to make timely payment of any charge, fee or fine required
under this chapter; or
(4) There have been 11 or more false alarms on a protected premises within a calendar year(January
1st through December 31st).
(B) Effect of revocation. Where an alarm permit is required, no alarm user shall operate an alarm during
any period in which the alarm user permit issued therefor has been revoked. Unless there is a separate indication
that there is a crime in progress, the Chief of Police may refuse to respond to an activated alann for which the
alarm user permit has been revoked.
(C) Notice and hearing. Prior to revoking any alarm user permit issued pursuant to this chapter, the Alarm
Director shall provide the alarm user with written notice, via certified mail or personal delivery, setting forth the
grounds for said revocation. The alarm user shall be entitled to submit a written report to the Alarm Director
provided that the alarm user submits such a written report within 14 days from the date of mailing or personal
Sou -IN Het_LH-0 0
ten (10) minutes or less of sounding.
(Ord. of 2-16-87(1))
Sec. 9-132. Fines applicable for false alarms.
(a) Any alarm user who has false fire alarms or malfunctions on more than three (3)
occasions in any calendar year shall be fined for each false alarm in excess thereof occurring
within the same calendar year. The fine shall be in the amount of one hundred dollars ($100.00)
for each of the next two (2) false alarms and shall be in the amount of one hundred fifty dollars
($150.00)for each false alarm thereafter.
(b) Any alarm user who has false burglar or holdup alarms or malfunctions on more than
eight (8) occasions in any calendar year shall be fined for each false alarm in excess thereof
occurring within the same calendar year. The fine shall be in the amount of twenty-five dollars
($25.00) for each of the next false alarms. False alarms which result from malfunction of the
telephone system which connects the alarm to the central board shall not be charged as false
alarm violations.
(c) A fine shall be due and payable by the alarm user within five (5) days after written notice
of the violation. Any alarm user who does not pay a fine within the time prescribed, in addition
to all other remedies, shall be subject to revocation of his permit pursuant to section 9-160.
(d) All fines under this article shall be payable to the clerk of the village and deposited to the
general fund.
(Ord. of 2-16-87(1))
Secs. 9-133--9-155. Reserved.
Sec. 9-156. Required.
An alarm user shall not install, operate or maintain an alarm system in the village without first
obtaining a permit as required in this division. Any alarm user who operates an alarm system without
first obtaining authorization as required by this section, or who, after having an authorization revoked,
fails to disconnect his alarm system, shall be in violation of this article.
(Ord. of 2-16-87(1))
Sec. 9-157. Application.
(a) Applications for permits to install, maintain and operate an alarm system shall be filed
with the clerk of the village for an alarm system to be installed in residences and businesses,
for commercial and industrial use. Said permits shall be renewable each year beginning in
January of each year. The alarm user applying for the authorization required shall state on the
application form the following:
(1) His name;
(2) The address of the residence or business or businesses in or upon which the
alarm system has been or will be installed, together with the telephone number;
(3) The type of alarm system (local, burglar signaling device, holdup signaling device,
or fire signaling device);
(a) The police chief or fire chief may revoke any permit issued pursuant to the provisions of
this article upon finding any one (1) or more of the following violations:
(1) False information in an application for issuance or renewal of an alarm system;
(2) Failure to comply with any provision of this article, as amended from time to time;
(3) Installation, maintenance or operation of an alarm system in violation of this article
or of any term or condition of the permit-granting authority;
(4) Failure to pay any fine charged herein;
(5) Failure to obey any order of the police chief or fire chief to disconnect the alarm
(6) Excessive false alarms. Before exercising their power to revoke any permit issued
hereunder the police chief or fire chief shall first give written notice to the alarm user
describing therein the violation or failure by the alarm user and advising the alarm user
a. He shall have a reasonable time but not exceeding seven (7) days to
correct the problem and effect compliance; or
b. He shall provide to the police chief or fire chief such additional information
and date as the alarm user believes sufficient to deny or excuse the claim of
violation or failure.
(b) An alarm user may appeal an adverse action or decision made by the police chief or fire
chief by filing a written request within ten (10) days after the date of such adverse action or
decision. The appeal shall be heard by the public safety committee of the board at a time, date
and place designated by the committee. The committee may hold a public hearing as
determined by it in its sole discretion. The committee shall review the action of the police chief
or fire chief, the record of the proceedings, and further information submitted in a hearing, if
granted, and thereafter shall affirm, affirm with modification, or reverse the decision of the police
chief or fire chief.
(Ord. of 2-16-87(1))
Sec. 9-161. Disconnection of alarm system.
(a) Whenever alarm conditions are received by the police or fire department that evidence a
failure of the alarm equipment or the alarm user to comply with the requirements of this article,
the police chief or fire chief may order that the alarm user disconnect such alarm system until it
is made to comply with the requirements of this article. If there are more than eight (8) false
alarms in any one (1) calendar year from any alarm system, the police chief or fire chief may
remove the alarm system from the signal board.
(b) No action of disconnection shall take place unless the police chief or fire chief first gives
written notice of his intention to do so, and the date on which the action will be taken; however,
if the police chief or fire chief believes that action of disconnection is necessary for the public
health or safety, he may disconnect the alarm system and provide the alarm user with prompt
notification thereof.
(Ord. of 2-16-87(1))
Sec. 9-162. Reconnection of alarm system.
(a) An alarm system user whose authorization has been revoked is not precluded under
section 9-161 from applying for a new authorization pursuant to section 9-157; however, before
a new permit is issued, the clerk shall have a report from the police chief or fire chief pursuant to
this section. In addition, all fines due must be paid and the system corrected from any
No person shall park a vehicle on any street within the City between the hours of one o'clock (1:00)
A.M. and six o'clock (6:00) A.M. of any day, except that the City Council may grant, by permit,
overnight parking privileges on certain blocks as the need arises. The Chief of Police shall have the
authority to grant emergency exceptions whenever the need arises. (Ord. 83-37, 7-18-1983)
A. No Parking Places: It shall be unlawful for any person at any time to permit any vehicle to stand in
any of the following places, except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or in
compliance with the directions of a police officer or traffic control device:
1. In any intersection.
2. In a crosswalk.
3. Upon any bridge or viaduct, or in any subway or tunnel or the approach thereto.
4. Between a safety zone and the adjacent curb or within thirty feet (30') of a point of the curb
immediately opposite the end of a safety zone.
5. Within thirty feet (30') of a traffic signal, beacon or sign on the approaching side.
6. Within twenty feet (20') of any intersection or crosswalk.
7. At any place where the standing of a vehicle will reduce the usable width of the roadway for
moving traffic to less than eighteen feet (18').
8. Within fifteen feet (15') of a fire hydrant.
9. At any place where the vehicle would block the use of a driveway.
10. Within fifty feet (50') of the nearest rail of a railroad grade crossing.
11. Within twenty feet (20') of the driveway entrance to any fire department station and on the side
of the street opposite the entrance to any such station within seventy five feet (75') of such
entrance when properly sign posted.
12. On any sidewalk.
13. Except for temporary emergencies, no vehicle shall be parked between the sidewalk and the
curb in any zoning district, as such are defined by the zoning ordinance of the city 90 , in other
than that part of the parkway used for private vehicle entrance onto a zoning lot; and no vehicle
shall be parked in such driveway entrance in such manner that any part of the vehicle, including
fenders or bumpers, extends over the roadway or curbline, or the sidewalk line.
14. At any place where official signs prohibit parking. (1975 Code § 23-44)
B. Parking Vehicles For Display Or Sale:
1. It shall be unlawful for any person to park any vehicle upon any street for the purpose of
displaying it for sale.
2. It shall be unlawful for any person to park any vehicle upon any business street from which
merchandise is peddled. (1975 Code § 23-51)
C. All Night Parking: No person shall park any vehicle between the hours of two o'clock (2:00) A.M.
and six o'clock (6:00) A.M. of any day, except Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, on any of the
streets listed in schedule IX, section 7-4-9 of this title. (1975 Code § 23-53)
O LyrVPlq FiGLD5
*State law references: Municipal authority to regulate the standing or parking of vehicles, Ill. Rev.
Stat. Ch. 95 1/2, ¶ 11-208(a)(1); stopping, standing and parking generally, Ch. 95 1/2 ¶ 11-1301 et
Sec. 14-31. Proof of guilt.
Proof that an automobile registered to the defendant was illegally parked is prima facie proof
that such person was in control of the vehicle at the time of such parking.
(Ord. No. 13-H, Art. II, § 7, 11-13-78)
Sec. 14-32. Interference with snow removal.
It shall be unlawful to park any vehicle on any street in the village which would interfere with
snow removal within twelve (12) hours after a snowfall of three (3) or more inches.
(Ord. No. 13-H, Art. II, § 2, 11-13-78)
Sec. 14-33. Overnight parking.
No vehicles will be parked on the streets of the village between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 6:00
a.m. on any day, unless permission is granted for such parking by the police department.
(Ord. No. 13-H, Art. II, §4, 11-13-78)
Sec. 14-34. Displaying for sale; peddling merchandise.
No person shall park any vehicle on the streets of the village for the purpose of displaying the
vehicle for sale, nor shall any person park any vehicle on any business street for the purpose of
peddling merchandise.
(Ord. No. 13-H, Art. II, § 5, 11-13-78)
Sec. 14-35. Loading zones.
No person shall allow his passenger vehicle to stand for a time longer than necessary for
loading or unloading of passengers at any place designated by the board of trustees as a loading zone.
(Ord. No. 13-H, Art. II, § 6, 11-13-78)
Sec. 14-36. Theaters and hospitals.
No person shall allow his passenger vehicle to stand for a time longer than necessary for
loading or unloading of passengers at any of the following places:
(1) Within seventy-five (75)feet of a hospital or hotel entrance;
(2) Directly in front of a theater entrance at any time the theater is open.
(Ord. No. 13-H, Art. II, § 6, 11-13-78)
Sec. 14-37. Cabstands and bus stands.
No vehicle other than a licensed taxicab shall be parked in any area designated by ordinance as
a cabstand and no vehicle other than a bus shall be parked in a place so designated as a bus loading
(Ord. No. 13-H, Art. II, § 10, 11-13-78; Ord. No. 13-F, 4-23-79)
Sec. 14-38. Private property.
It shall be unlawful to park any motor vehicle on any private property without the consent of the
owner of the property.
( (Ord. No. 13-H, Art. II, § 8, 11-13-78; Ord. No. 13-F, 4-23-79)
Sec. 14-39. Parking regulations for certain vehicles.
(a) No person shall park or permit to be parked any of the following vehicles and other modes
of transportation on any residentially zoned lot for more than seventy-two (72) hours within a
seven-day period:
(1) Camping trailer;
(2) House trailer;
(3) Motor home;
(4) Mini motor home;
(5) Van camper;
(6) Recreational vehicle (except standard size vans with RV license plates);
(7) Trailer;
(8) Travel trailer;
(9) Truck camper;
(10) Bus;
(11) Boat;
(12) Boat trailer; or
The seven-day period shall begin at 12:01 a.m. on Monday of each week.
(b) When a vehicle identified in subsection (a) is parked on a residentially zoned lot within an
authorized period, the vehicle shall be parked on a hard surfaced driveway. The vehicle shall
not be parked on a lawn or other non-driveway surface.
(c) The terms used in this section shall have the definitions set forth in the Illinois Vehicle
Code 625 ILCS 5/1-100 et seq.
(d) If any vehicle identified in subsection (a) is subject to regulation under section 14-40 of
this Code, the owner or operator of the vehicle shall be required to comply with section 14-40.
(e) This section does not prohibit a vehicle identified in subsection (a) from being parked in a
fully enclosed garage or other structure so the vehicle is not visible from a street or highway or
from any adjacent parcel.
(f) The board of trustees shall be authorized to grant a variation to allow a vehicle identified in
subsection (a) to remain on the property for a period in excess of seventy-two (72) hours if the
owner of the vehicle provides evidence showing that a hardship exists that requires the owner
to keep the vehicle on the property. The variation may be granted only after the owners of
record of the property located within three hundred (300)feet of the petitioner's lot are given or
sent written notice of the petition for a variation and an opportunity to be heard on the petition.
(g) The community service officer shall be authorized to grant a temporary permit to allow a
vehicle identified in subsection (a) to remain on the property for a period of up to two (2)
consecutive weeks during a calendar year if the owner of the vehicle provides evidence
showing that a reasonable necessity exists that requires the owner to keep the vehicle on the
property on a temporary basis.
(h) No person shall park or permit to be parked any abandoned, unlicensed or inoperable
vehicle on any property or on any street or highway within the village. The terms "abandoned",
"unlicensed," or"inoperable" shall have the following meanings:
(1) Abandoned: Any vehicle that has been left at any place for such time and under
such circumstances as to indicate that its owner has relinquished his right or interest in
the vehicle.
(2) Unlicensed: Any vehicle.that does not have a current registration certificate issued
by the secretary of state or similar entity for any out of state vehicle.
(3) Inoperable: Any vehicle that is incapable of being driven under its own power or is
in a state of major disassembly, disrepair, or is in the process of being stripped or
This subsection does not prohibit an abandoned, unlicensed, or inoperable vehicle from being parked
in a fully enclosed garage or other structure so the vehicle is not visible from a street or highway or
from any adjacent parcel. This subsection shall supersede any provision of another code, including the
BOCA National Property Maintenance Code, that may regulate the parking of abandoned, unlicensed
or inoperable vehicles.
(Ord. No. 13-H, Art. V, § 1(D), 11-13-78; Ord. No. 95-14, § 1, 9-11-95; Ord. No. 97-8, § 1(a), 1(b), 3-24-
97; Ord. No. 97-20, § 2, 12-22-97)
Sec. 14-40. Parking of commercial vehicles.
(a) On-street parking, where permitted, in residentially zoned areas and off-street parking
facilities accessory to residential uses shall be used solely for the parking of passenger cars
and personal use trucks and vans having a weight of 8,000 pounds or less, owned or used by
the occupants of the dwellings in the residentially zoned area and their authorized guests.
(b) Except as authorized in subsections (c) or (d), no vehicle other than those identified in
subsection (a) may be parked on a public street in a residentially zoned district or in an off-
street parking facility accessory to a residential use. The prohibition on vehicular parking
imposed by this subsection shall include any vehicle, including those identified in subsection (a),
displaying commercial printing, lettering, or logo.
(c) Any vehicle which is engaged in the delivery of a product or providing a service at a
residence may park on the street adjacent to the residence (if on-street parking is generally
permitted at that location) or on the off-street parking facility accessory to the residential use.
That vehicle may be parked only for such time as the delivery is being made or such service is
being provided and only when the delivery person or service person is present at the residence.
Upon completion of the delivery or provision of service, the vehicle shall be moved from the
street or property.
(d) Any vehicle identified in section 14-39 of this code may be parked at a residence
notwithstanding the provisions of this section, but only to the extent permitted by section 14-39
and only if the vehicle does not display commercial printing, lettering, or logo.
(e) This section does not prohibit a commercial vehicle from being parked in a fully enclosed
garage or other structure so the vehicle is not visible from a street or highwayor form any
adjacent parcel.
(f) The community service officer shall be authorized to grant a temporary permit to allow a
commercial vehicle to park on the street or on an off-street parking facility accessory to a
residential use for up to one 24-hour period if the owner or operator of the commercial vehicle
provides evidence showing that a reasonable necessity exists that requires the vehicle to
remain at a particular location on a temporary basis and before or after the vehicle is engaged
in the delivery of a product or providing a service at a residence.
(Ord. No. 13-0, §§ 1--3, 8-24-87; Ord. No. 97-20, § 1, 12-22-97)
S- - 4-41. 211th Street Metra Parking Lot.
(a) e I vehicles shall be parked in a space designated for parking by diagona . he
owner or •.- .tor of any vehicle parked in a designated space for monthly • - g shall display
in the driver's s .- front window a monthly parking pass issued b - village which is at all
times valid and in e - •uring the period of time that the vehi - parked in a monthly parking
lot space. The owner or op- - or of any vehicle parked - •esignated space for daily parking
shall deposit sufficient coins in t'- •in boxes in . - = ount equal to the daily parking fee.
(b) No vehicle shall stand or be par -- -ny of the aisles that provide access or egress from
the parking area.
(c) No vehicle shall s - •, in any aisle, longer than is -ssary to discharge a commuter; no
vehicle shall stand any aisle, while waiting for a commuter t. -mbark from a train.
(d) No de shall stand or be parked in any parking spaces •- ...nated for handicap
parki nless they shall display the proper state handicap parking registra . - icense plates
a -' ing them to park in such handicap parking spaces.
(Ord. o. 89-4, § 1, 2-27-89; Ord. No. 89-21, § 1, 9-25-89; Ord. No. 95-2, § 1, 1-9-95)
'7 N V P/9-P
It shall be unlawful to park any vehicle for a longer period than 30 minutes between the hours of 9:00 a.m.
and 6:00 p.m. within any of the areas provided for in this code.
('77 Code, § 74.005) (Ord. passed 8-18-58)
Penalty, see § 73.99
Parking time limited, see Ch. 79, Sched. II
It shall be unlawful to park a vehicle on any street within the village between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and
5:00 a.m. on any day of the week.
('77 Code, § 74.006) (Ord. passed 8-18-58; Am. Ord. 83-0-12, passed 4-26-83) Penalty, see § 73.99
It shall be unlawful to park any vehicle upon any street for the purpose of displaying it for sale, or to park
any vehicle upon any business street from which vehicle merchandise is peddled. ('77 Code, § 74.003) (Ord.
passed 8-18-58) Penalty, see § 73.99
(A) It is unlawful to park any vehicle for a period of time longer than three minutes for loading and
unloading of passengers, or 30 minutes for loading and unloading property in any place, whether designated as
a loading zone, or not so designated, on any street at any time after snow begins to fall and for a period of eight
hours after snow stops falling, if the snow on the street exceeds one inch in depth, provided that the eight-hour
parking restriction shall continue during snow removal operations until complete.
(B) Whenever any police officer finds a vehicle standing upon a street in violation of the provisions of
this section, the officer is authorized to remove the vehicle, or require the driver or other person in charge of the
vehicle to remove it from the street, or to cause the vehicle to be towed from the street.
(C) No vehicle, which is towed under the provisions of this section, shall be released to the owner or other
person proving the right to possession of the vehicle until all lawful towing and storage charges have been paid.
('77 Code, § 74.009) (Ord. 70-0-005, passed 3-9-70; Am. Ord. 79-0-041, passed 10-2-79) Penalty, see § 73.99
No vehicle other than a pleasure or passenger car, station wagon, or privately owned panel or pickup truck
with a three-quarter ton capacity or less shall be parked or stored upon any street, right-of-way, or easement in
the village, except as otherwise posted to the contrary. The provisions of this section shall not apply to any
vehicle making a delivery or picking up a load, in which case the vehicle may be driven only on such street for
not more than a minimum distance to make the delivery or pickup, and shall remain parked for not more than
the minimum time required to make the delivery or pickup.
('77 Code, § 74.010(A)) (Ord. 75-0-001,passed 1-6-75; Am. Ord. 84-0-049, passed 11-27-84) Penalty, see §
For provisions concerning the towing by the village of illegally parked vehicles, see §§ 90.20 through 90.24.
(A) It shall be prohibited to park any motor vehicle which is not bearing registration plates or decals
issued to a person with disabilities, as defined by ILCS Ch. 625, Act 5 § 1-159.1, pursuant to ILCS Ch. 625,
Act 5 §§ 3-616 or 11-1301.2, or to a disabled veteran pursuant to ILCS Ch. 625, Act 5 § 3-609 of this act, as
evidence that the vehicle is operated by or for a person with disabilities or disabled veteran, in any parking
place, including any private or public off-street parking facility, specifically reserved, by the posting of an
official sign as designated under ILCS Ch. 625, Act 5 § 11-301, for motor vehicles bearing such registration
plates. An individual with a vehicle bearing a person with disabilities license plate or parking decal or device
issued to a disabled person under ILCS Ch. 625, Act 5, §§ 3-616, 11-1301.1, or 11-1301.2 is in violation of this
section if the person is not the authorized holder of a person with disabilities license plate, or parking decal or
device, and is not transporting the authorized holder of a person with disabilities license plate or parking decal
or device to or from the parking location, and the person uses the person with disabilities license plate or
parking decal or device to exercise any privileges granted through the person with disabilities license plates or
parking decals or devices under this title. Any motor vehicle bearing a person with disabilities license plate or
person with disabilities parking decal or device containing the international symbol of access issued to persons
with disabilities by any local authority, state, district, territory, or foreign country shall be recognized by the city
as a valid license plate or device and receive the same parking privileges as residents of this state and city.
(B) Any person or local authority owning or operating any public or private off-street parking facility
may, after notifying the Police Department, remove or cause to be removed to the nearest garage or other place
of safety any vehicle parked within a stall or space reserved for use by persons with disabilities which does not
display registration plates for a person with disabilities, or a special decal or device as required under this
(C) Local authorities shall impose fines as established in § 73.99(C) for vehicles parked in spaces for
persons with disabilities that do not display the registration plates pursuant to ILCS Ch. 625, Act 5 § 3-616
or a special decal or device pursuant to ILCS Ch. 625, Act 5 § 11-1301.2.
(D) As used in this section, "AUTHORIZED HOLDER" means an individual issued a person with
disabilities license plate under ILCS Ch. 625, Act 5, § 3-616 or an individual issued a person with disabilities
parking decal or device under ILCS Ch. 625, Act 5, § 11-1301.2.
(ILCS Ch. 625, Act 5 § 11-1301.3) Penalty, see § 73.99
It shall be unlawful to park any vehicle on any public street, right- of-way or alley, within any village-owned
parking lot or within any private parking lot in relation to which the village has entered into an enforcement
agreement (see § 74.201), without displaying a valid current village vehicle license or, in the case of vehicles
registered to an address outside of the village, a valid current local vehicle license from those other
municipality/jurisdiction provided those other municipality/jurisdiction require vehicle licenses.
(Ord. 93-0-003, passed 2-2-93) Penalty, see § 73.99
§ 73.99 PENALTY.
(A) Whoever violates any provision of this chapter for which another penalty is not already provided,
Sec. 10-155. Vehicles of certain length or height.
No person shall stand or park any motor vehicle whose wheelbase exceeds one hundred thirty-
eight (138) inches or whose overall length exceeds two hundred twenty-six and eight tenths (226.8)
inches or whose maximum height exceeds eighty-three and seven tenths (83.7) inches, or trailer, boat
or airplane or any part thereof on any street for a longer period than is necessary for reasonably
expeditious loading or unloading of such vehicle, trailer, boat or airplane except as otherwise provided
in this article. Every vehicle, trailer, boat or airplane parked in violation of this section is hereby
declared to be a nuisance which may be abated by any police officer by removing and impounding
such vehicle.
(Code 1960, § 22-66)
Sec. 10-155.1. Standing or parking without license plates and vehicle sticker.
No person shall stand or park any motor vehicle, as defined by III. Rev. Stat., Chapter 95 1/2
entitled Illinois Vehicle Code," or trailer, which vehicle does not have a current license plate affixed to it
and, if the vehicle is registered in the village, a current village vehicle sticker attached to its windshield,
on any public street in the village. Every vehicle parked in violation of this section is hereby declared to
be a nuisance which may be abated by any police officer by removing and impounding such vehicle.
(Ord. of 6-15-87; Ord. of 5-2-88, § 31)
Sec. 10-156. Bus and public passenger vehicle stand.
No person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle other than a bus in a bus stop or other than a
public passenger vehicle in a public passenger vehicle stand when any such stop or stand has been
officially designated and appropriately signed, except that the driver of a passenger vehicle may
temporarily stop therein for the purpose of and while actually engaged in loading or unloading
passengers when the stopping does not interfere with any bus or public passenger vehicle waiting to
enter or about to enter such zone.
(Code 1960, § 22-67)
Sec. 10-157. Yards in residential zones.
No motor vehicles whose wheelbase exceeds one hundred thirty-eight (138) inches or whose
overall length exceeds two hundred twenty-six and eight tenths (226.8) inches or whose maximum
height exceeds eighty-three and seven tenths (83.7) inches, nor any airplane, boat or trailer or part of
such vehicle or airplane, boat or trailer shall be parked or stored in a location closer to the front lot line
than the living area excluding garages of the principal building on the premises and shall be no closer
to the side and rear lot lines than building restrictions applicable to the lot in question, or the side yard
facing a street on a corner or reverse corner lot in a residential zone, except motor vehicles as defined
in this article may be parked on permanently constructed driveways within such front or side yards for
reasonably expeditious loading or unloading of such vehicle. This section shall not apply to vehicles
parked on publicly owned or operated property.
(Code 1960, § 22-67-A)
( Parking
Sec. 10-158. Parking prohibited in specified places.
(a) No person shall park a vehicle, except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic
or in compliance with law or the directions of a police officer or traffic control device, in any of
a 4
(Ord. No. 91-11, § 1, 7-1-91)
Sec. 10-160. Parking of motor vehicles in front yards and on porches.
No person shall stand or park any motor vehicle, as defined by Illinois Revised Statutes,
Chapter 95 1/2 entitled Illinois Vehicle Code, on any area of residential property other than designated
driveways and parking areas. No motor vehicles shall be parked on porches, or landscaped or grass
areas. Every vehicle parked in violation of this section is hereby declared to be a nuisance which may
be abated by any police officer by removing and impounding such vehicle.
(Ord. No. 91-11, § 2, 7-1-91)
Sec. 10-161. Resident permit parking.
(a) No person shall park a motor vehicle on any street or portion of a street designed as
"resident parking only" or "permit parking only" unless such vehicle is displaying a parking
permit valid for that street.
(b) A reasonable number of such permits shall be issued by the village clerk for the exclusive
use of residents of the street(s) in question and their guests.
(c) Parking permits are non-transferable and remain the property of the village.
(d) Permits shall be displayed on the right portion of the vehicle dashboard or inside
windshield, so as to be visible to anyone looking into the vehicle through the windshield from the
(e) It shall be an offense for any person to duplicate, counterfeit, unlawfully display, unlawfully
possess, or transfer parking permits. Each offense shall be punishable by up to a five hundred
dollar($500.00)fine for each day of violation.
(f) Unauthorized parking on a street posted as "resident parking only" or "permit parking
only" shall be processed and punishable as any other village parking infraction.
(g) The following streets, or portions thereof, are hereby designated as "resident parking
(1) Parkside Avenue from 173rd Place to Thornwood Drive, Monday through Friday,
from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
(Ord. No. 98-21, § 2, 8-17-98)
Secs. 10-162--10-170. Reserved.
No vehicle other than a licensed taxicab parked or stored on property zoned or used
shall be parked in any area designated by for residential purposes, except as authorized
ordinance as a cabstand. No vehicle other by Section 106-268(c) of this Code.
than a bus shall be parked in a place so
designated as a bus loading zone. (c) Only one class "B" truck or one class
(Code 1965, § 52.64) "B" commercial vehicle, but not one of each,
that does not exceed any of the following
Sec. 106-266.Parking in alleys. criteria: 20 feet in length, 7 feet in height, or 7
feet in width, may be parked or stored
No person shall park a vehicle within an overnight on property, vacant or improved,
alley in such a manner or under such that is zoned or used for residential purposes,
conditions as to leave available less than 15 and only under the following conditions:
feet of width of the roadway for the free
movement of vehicular traffic. No person (1) Such vehicle shall be parked or
shall stop, stand, or park a vehicle within an stored overnight in a garage
alley in such a position as to block the structure which complies with the
driveway entrance to any abutting property. village building code; or
This section shall not apply to persons
operating commercial vehicles parking in an (2) If there is no garage on the said
alley for expeditious unloading and delivery property such vehicle shall be
or pickup and loading. parked or stored overnight in the
(Code 1965, § 52.65) rear yard of the premises(as defined
in the village zoning ordinance); or
Sec. 106-267. Parking on private property.
(3) If there is no driveway access on the
It shall be unlawful to park any motor said property to the rear yard, such
vehicle on any private property without the vehicle shall be parked or stored
consent of the owner of the property. overnight in the side yard of the said
(Code 1965, § 52.66) premises (as defined in the village
zoning ordinance); or
Sec. 106-268. Parking of trucks and
commercial vehicles on residential (4) If there is no driveway access on the
property. said property to a side yard, such
vehicle may be parked or stored
(a) For the purpose of this section, "Truck" overnight in the front yard of the
and "Commercial Vehicles" shall have the premises (as defined in the village
same meaning as defined in the Illinois Motor zoning ordinance), but not closer
Vehicle Code, and the "Class" of a vehicle than five (5) feet from the front
shall refer to the classes as set out in Chapter property line.
625 of the Illinois Revised Statutes, as (Code 1965, § 52.97; Ord. No. MC-579, §1,
presently in effect and as amended from time 7-8-97)
to time.
Sec. 106-269. Overnight parking on public
(b)No truck or commercial vehicle may be streets.
CD 10624
registered owner of the vehicle, location
(a) Prohibited generally. When signs are where the vehicle will be parked, vehicle
in place giving notice, no person shall park description, license number, vehicle sticker
any vehicle or allow any vehicle to be parked number and reason for the request. Extended
on the streets of the village between the hours parking ban exemptions will be granted for
of 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. on any day, unless the following reasons:
the vehicle has received either a temporary or
extended parking ban exemption. The (1) Absence of driveways;
prohibition of this section shall apply to an
owner as well as an operator of a vehicle (2) Insufficient driveway capacity; and
parked in violation of this section.
(3) Other circumstances approved by
(b) Temporary parking ban exemption. the village manager or his designee.
Owners and/or operators of a vehicle may
request a temporary parking ban exemption (d) No exemption from other ordinances.
by contacting the village police department Vehicles granted temporary and extended
and furnishing the address where the vehicle exemptions under this section shall remain
will be parked, vehicle description, license subject to the village's snow removal parking
number and reason for the request. restrictions and other applicable restrictions
Temporary parking ban exemptions shall be and ordinances.
valid for a maximum of five days and will be (Code 1965, § 52.98)
granted for the following reasons:
Secs. 106-270. Unauthorized use of
(1) Driveway or other household repairs parking places reserved for persons with
that would preclude use of the disabilities.
(a) It shall be prohibited to park any motor
(2) Stalled vehicles; vehicle which is not bearing registration
plates or decals issued to a handicapped
(3) Overnight or late night guests; and person, as defined by section 1-159.1,
pursuant to sections 3-116, 11-1301.1 or 11-
(4) Other circumstances approved by 1301.2, or to a disabled veteran pursuant to
the chief of police or his designee. section 3-609 of chapter 625 of the Illinois
Compiled Statutes, as evidence that the
(c) Extended parking ban exemption. vehicle is operated by or for a handicapped
Owners and/or operators of vehicles may person or disabled veteran, in any parking
obtain an extended parking ban exemption for place, including any private or public offstreet
that vehicle by application to the village clerk parking facility, specifically reserved, by the
at the village hall. Applicants must have a posting of an official sign as designated under
valid village vehicle sticker on the vehicle at 625 ILCS 5/11-301, for motor vehicles
the time of application and valid village bearing such registration plates. Any motor
vehicle stickers on all other vehicles vehicle bearing a handicapped license plate or
registered at the applicant's address. a handicapped parking decal or device
Applicants must furnish the name of the containing the international symbol of access
East Hazel Crest
Home Important Local Ordinances
Lot Display of Licenses Sec.5-22
(a)Upon the issuance of the vehicle license the village clerk shall deliver to the applicant a
Village license which shall bear a number and description of the class to which such motor vehicle
Government belongs and the year for which such license is issued.
(b)When a vehicle license is issued,it shall be the duty of the applicant to affix such license
upon the lower right-hand corner of the windshield in a conspicuous position free from any
About the obstruction to the observation of such license.The annual license must be affixed to the vehicle
Community no later than January 16 for the year for which it is issued,except if the license is purchased
after January 16 it shall be affixed to vehicle immediately.
Department Prohibition of Commercial Vehicles Sec.22-207
(a)No person shall park any commercial vehicle upon any property in any residential districts
Fire established by this chapter
Department (b)Commercial vehicle shall mean any vehicle operated for the transportation of persons or
property in the furtherance of any commercial or industrial enterprise, for hire or not for hire,
Public but shall not include;
Works (1)A commuter van;
(2)A vehicle used in the ride-sharing arrangement when being used for that purpose;
(3)A recreational vehicle not being used commercially;
Ordinances (4)Service vans not exceeding five(5)tons,such as step vans,service vans and pickup trucks;
Metra Schedule (5 )Commercial vehicles making any pickup or delivery of property or persons for such time as
necessary for loading and unloading.
Parking During Snow Storms Sec. 11-101
No person shall park any vehicle for a period of time longer than three(3)minutes for loading
and unloading of passengers or thirty(30)minutes for loading and unloading property at any
place,whether designated as a loading zone or not so designated,on any street at any time after
snow begins to fall and for a period of eight(8)hours after snow stops falling if the snow on
the street exceeds two(2)inches in depth;provided,that such eight-hour parking restriction
shall continue during snow removal operations until snow removal is completed.
Abandoned Motor Vehicles Sec.11-122(b)
No person shall abandon any vehicle within the village and no person shall leave any vehicle at
any place within the village for such time and under such circumstances as to cause such
vehicle reasonably to appear to have been abandoned.No person shall leave any partially
dismantled,nonoperating,wrecked,or junked vehicle on any street or highway in the village.
Inoperable motor vehicles,whether on public or private property and in view of the general
public,are a nuisance.
E-Mail us at admin(ri;easthazelcrest.coin
FEB 2 3 2005
o Yorkville Police Department Memorandum
804 Game Farm Road
EST.ei 1836 Yorkville, Illinois 60560
-��- Telephone: 630-553-4340
t i Fax: 630-553-1141
/<CE xv`'
Date: February 23, 2005
To: Chief Harold 0. Martin III
From: S/Sgt. Ron Diederich
Reference: Rail Road Crossing signs
On this date at 1000hrs. I met with Eric Dhuse at the Public Works barn.
I explained to Eric that there is a concern from the committee that all the crossing
should be checked for proper condition and to ensure that they meet all ordinances and
line of sight requirements.
Eric told me he would take care of the request and have his people take it
over. I left your memo with him.
S/Sgt. Ron Diederich
� OCly.
Yorkville Police Department Memorandum
I �. ,-7 804 Game Farm Road
Est y-`. 1836 Yorkville, Illinois 60560
�-- Telephone: 630-553-4340
�; . Fax 630-553-1141
474LE 01
Date: April 12, 2005 4
To: Mayor Art Prochaska
From: Chief Harold Martin
Reference: Salaries - Part-Time Line Item
Art, I am requesting Contingency Funds to supplant my Salaries Part-Time Line Item
(01-210-50-00-5136 I am asking for a total of $5,000 from Contingency. I have been
using more Part-Time Officer hours for the following reasons:
• Assist in the directing of traffic before and after school.
• Directing traffic for various functions at the schools.
• Filling in for injured and/or sick Officers.
• Filling in for Officers in training.
• Beefing up Friday and Saturday evening shifts.
ID•cs 4f- ri
<5. ° Ci 'y.
. k A o Yorkville Police Department Memorandum
I vit 804 Game Farm Road
Es-r% Yorkville, Illinois 60560
Telephone: 630-553-4340
i� n '~ le Fax: 630-553-1141
15 rolra. . ,��
Date: April 12, 2005 f
� /
To: Larry Kot
4 Public Safety Chairman A
From: Chief Harold Martin
Reference: Part-Time Officer
Larry, I would like to hire one more Part- ime Officer for the Police Department. This
would help us offset the hiring of the four new officers for Fiscal Year 2005/2006. I
would not be asking for any more funds in the Part-Time Line Item as I would be able
to fit this position in without any increase in costs. The individual I am currently
looking at is a recent retiree of the Village of Bourbonnais with 23 years on the police
department, retiring at the rank of Sergeant. He is a nationally known trainer in the
area of firearms. He also is on staff as an Adjunct Faculty member at the University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Police Training Institute. I believe he would make an
excellent addition to our police department.
Page 1 of 1
Harold Martin
From: John Wyeth []
Sent: Monday, March 14,2005 10:01 AM
Subject: Memo to Chief Martin
Dear Chief Martin:
Per our meeting here is a memo regarding Liquor Control amemdments.
I will deliver hard copies, plus attachments to you today as well as the Mayor and City Administrator.
I look forward to the Committee's further direction.
John Wyeth
CI? United City of Yorkville Memo
Finnally, in comparing the Aurora Ordinance with ours, it appears that ours is very antiquated. It f 'rs800 Game Farm Road
may be prudent to consider a comprehensive update of our Liquor Control Ordinance. e , Yorkville, Illinois 60560
Telephone: 630-553-4350
tm Fax: 630-553-7575
Date: March 9, 2005
To: Harold Martin, Chief of Police
From: John Wyeth, City Attorney
CC: Mayor Prochaska, City Administrator Graff
Pursuant to your request, and after our meeting, this Memo will outline the possible changes to
the Yorkville Liquor Code(Title 3, Chapter 3).
We discussed creating the following new License Classifications:
1. Tavern—with limited sale of food, and allowance of minors on premises
2. Catering
3. Golf Course
4. Temporary/Special Event
We also discussed strengthening the liquor commissioners enforcement capabilities.
Attached are excerpts from an example ordinance(City of Aurora). I have marked them to
correspond with the categories above. However, the "Tavern—with limited sale of food and
allowance of minors" appears to be a new category that is not used elsewhere.
It is my understanding that you will present this topic at the Public Safety Committee meeting on
March 10, 2005 for comment. I will then refine the proposed changes for the April PSC
lac 4 ( 3
�k clip.
o . Yorkville Police Department Memorandum
804 Game Farm Road
3s Yorkville, Illinois 60560
Telephone: 630-553-4340
0 toy Fax: 630-553-1141
aVitt E Vet>'
Date: March 17, 2005
To: Chairman Larry Kot \IrpPublic Safety Committee
From: Chief Harold Martin �,
Reference: Staffing Levels '
I have decided to put together information I hav- •een able to obtain from the
government web site on sworn officers per one thousand inhabitants. These numbers
are from 2002, the most updated data available. In the United States, suburban
counties had a rate of 2.7 officers per one thousand. Rural counties had a 2.5 rate of
officers per one thousand. Looking specifically at the Midwest, a rate of 2.2 officers per
one thousand was noted. The overall suburban area included 6,528 agencies with a
population of 108,747,307; a total of 275,584 officers which leaves an average of 2.5
officers per one thousand inhabitants.
In the Great State of Illinois we had a population of 12,542,030
The total of Sworn Police Officers were 36,389
Which leaves us with a Police Officer for every 345 Inhabitants
Which equates to a ratio of 2.9 Officers
Per Thousand
Please remember these are 2002 numbers.
cc: Mayor Arthur Prochaska
Public Safety Committee