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Public Safety Packet 2005 06-09-05
.cs,D &Ir o United City of Yorkville County Seat of Kendall County • z,.'� 800 Game Farm Road EST.IN „ 1836 Yorkville, Illinois, 60560 ,� Telephone: 630-553-4350 r' Fax: 630-553-7575 =Z.% 1 Website: www.yorkville.il.us ktE `vv PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Thursday, June 9, 2005 6:30 PM City Conference Room AGENDA 1. Approval/Correction of Minutes: April 14, 2005 and May 12, 2005 2. Cadet Program 3. Police Reports for May 2005 4. Liquor Ordinance Amendments 5. New Program to Assist with Missing Kids 6. Parking— On Street/Overnight/Around Parks 7. Request to Purchase Two Replacement Squads 8. Request to Purchase Data Recorder for Total Station 9. Additional Business Page 1 of 1 Page 1 of 5 UNITECITY OF LE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE MEETING DRAFT Thursday, April 14, 2005 6:30 PM City Conference Room City Staff Present: Chairman, Alderman Kot Police Chief Harold Martin Mayor Art Prochaska(out at 7:00pm) Alderwoman Ohare Alderwoman Spears (out at 7:00pm) Sgt. Terry Klingel Guests signed in: Robert J. Fisher-resident Karen Fisher-resident Carol Foster-resident The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by Chairman Alderman Kot. Due to another City meeting being scheduled for that evening, the agenda was discussed out of order to allow those guests present a chance to speak before part of the Committee had to leave to attend the other meeting. 6. Request for Contingency Funds for Part-time Line Item - $5,000: Chief Martin has requested to supplement the department's Salaries Part-Time Line Item with $5,000.00 from Contingency funds. He has been using more Part-Time Officer Hours for the following reasons: • Assist in the directing of traffic before and after school. • Directing traffic for various functions at the schools • Filling in for injured and/or sick Officers. • Filling in for Officers in training. • Beefing up Friday and Saturday evening shifts. The Committee members okayed this to happen due to them being 2 weeks away from the end of the fiscal year. Chief Martin does not see these funds being needed with such a short period of time, but wanted it okayed if the funds were needed. 7. Part-time Officer: Chief Martin has requested permission to hire one more Part- time Officer for the Department. This would help offset the hiring of the four new officers for Fiscal Year 2005/2006. He is not asking for any more funds in the Part- time Line Item due to him being able to fit this position in without any more costs. He is currently looking at an individual who is a recent retiree of the Village of Bourbonnais with 23 years on the police department. He retired at the rank of Sergeant. Chief Martin feels he would be a good asset due to the following: • He is a nationally known trainer in the area of firearms. • He is on staff as an Adjunct Faculty member at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Police Training Institute. • Wants the late shift, which is a hard position to fill. 1 Page 2 of 5 • With the experience he has, the Yorkville Department could train in house with Firearms. The Committee discussed these benefits with Chief Martin and all present felt this Officer would be a benefit to the Police Department in Yorkville. Chief Martins request was approved. 11. Sidewalk Map: Sgt. Terry Klingel stated to the Committee that he has put together a map of the City showing where there are current sidewalks, where repairs are needed and where sidewalks are needed altogether. The Committee stated they appreciated the work he put into putting this map together. The Committee Members stated where they each felt needed prioritizing throughout the City. They discussed these different ideas and decided to have the Grant Writer look into funding for the sidewalks for funding and to have a memo sent out for all the Alderman of the City look this map over and check their wards to prioritize needed areas for work to be done first. This will go onto the Public Works for them to evaluate existing sidewalk conditions. This will go on to COW as FYI. 4. Parking—One Street/Overnight: Alderman Kot approached the Committee with some sample ordinances that other Communities have in effect regarding one side of street parking and/or overnight parking. There have been some concerns from residents regarding parking on two sides of the streets near parks, commercial vehicles parked on the road and overnight parking in general. Robert and Karen Fisher and Carol Foster, all from Fox Hill subdivision came to the meeting to speak regarding their concerns on this issue. They are concerned with the huge commercial vehicles on their subdivision roadways overnight and for a couple of days at a time. They do not care for the way it looks and is bad on the roadways. They discussed their concerns in detail with the Committee present. Chief Martin stated to the Committee that there are currently no restrictions on the City's books regarding these issues except the weight restriction on trucks in the spring. Alderman Kot stated that it sounds to him that there are two main concerns from the residents here tonight. One concern being adopting an ordinance prohibiting large commercial vehicles on the residential roadways and another prohibiting overnight parking in residential areas. The Committee discussed the idea of these two ordinances being created. They felt they do not want the working residents to not be able to bring there work vehicles home, so they would rather see smaller commercial vehicles being parked in the driveways or garages overnight. The Committee will have the City attorney look into creating restrictions by class of the commercial vehicles on the roadways as well as restricting the overnight parking of any vehicles. They also felt it was a safety issue having parking on two sides of the streets next to the parks. These three ideas of new ordinances will come back to a future Public Safety meeting after being looked into further. 2 Page 3 of 5 1. Approval/Correction of Minutes: February 10,2005 and March 10,2005: The Committee found that the minutes from the February 10, 2005 to be approved with corrections and the minutes from March 10, 2005 to approve as written. This minute taker will have those corrections made and forwarded on. 2. Police Reports—February and March 2005: Chief Martin spoke briefly over the contents of the reports before the Committee. Alderman Kot questioned how many total P/T Officers the department did have. Chief Martin stated that there is 6 total P/T Officers with the addition requested earlier tonight. Alderwoman Ohare pointed out that on the Yorkville Police Department 2005 Truck Enforcement Summary pages 2 & 3 had the same running total. Chief Martin will have that corrected on page 3 for the correct running total there. With no further questions, the police reports for these two months will move forward to COW. 3. Business Registration/Alarm Response: Chief Martin stated to the Committee that they are still responding to a great many of the Commercial and Residential alarms going off and are false alarms. He has brought forward ordinances from other Communities showing the fees they have their residents pay for responding to continuous false alarms. Chief Martin is proposing that the City of Yorkville adopt an ordinance having residents pay $25.00 for the 3`d false alarm response and after per year and commercial pay $50.00 for the 3111 false alarm response and after. He feels having them pay will create more of an incentive for the owners to correct the problem. As far as the school false alarms that the department is responding to,the Chief would still like to sit and discuss with the School Board on how and when to charge fees. They all felt it is justified to handle the schools differently from the residential and commercial false calls with so many more people using the facilities. Chief Martin will have his staff track alarm work load and hopes to see a decrease with any new ordinances to be going into effect. He will have this ordinance drawn up and brought back to a future Public Safety meeting. 5. Railroad Crossing Update: The Committee at this point is still waiting to hear back from Eric Dhuse, Public Works Director,regarding their request for him to check to see that all crossings have been checked for proper condition and to ensure that they meet all ordinances and line of sight requirements. They discussed that the signs for heading north on State Street are hidden and faded. Alderman Kot stressed that he feels this issue needs to continue to be looked into in the future after he is gone. This will come back to Public Safety Committee. 8. FY 05/06 Budget Discussion: This item is from the previous meeting and there is no further discussion needed. At this point Alderman Kot stated that he would like to see this Committee continue getting the Cadet Program up and running within the next 5-6 months. Chief Martin stated that if the funds are found they could definitely get the program running that quickly. Chief Martin will also get a specific job 3 Page 4 of 5 description ready to go for this to happen. Alderwoman Ohare stated she is not in favor of having any Cadets doing work where their safety would be put in danger. All of the Committee agreed that there would definitely be restrictions made keeping their safety in mind. 9. Weather Warning Siren Update/Map: Chief Martin stated to the Committee that they have been waiting for a week or so for the CAD system to get up and running to get the map for this Committee. MPI is getting ready to install their two weather warning sirens. They are looking to put another on the South end in the Windett Ridge area or more southeast. When the pump station on Bruell is finished, they will have power there to get one running there as well. The Committee discussed that the City does have coverage everywhere, but they are looking to have them louder so more people will have a clear hearing of the sirens in time if there is an emergency. Chief Martin will stay on top of this and get them all up and running as soon as possible. Alderwoman Ohare asked that there be an article put in the paper to remind the residents what these sirens mean. 10. Backgrounds on Employees: Chief Martin stated to the Committee that he would like to see all employees have an extensive background check done before they are hired to protect the City and the Department. The Committee agreed this would be beneficial to the City for liability reasons. The Chief will have this drawn up and bring back to this Committee and then on to Admin Committee as well. 12. Liquor Control Amendments: This item will be brought back to the next Public Safety meeting when there is a full Committee for further discussion since all present just received the new information. 13. Staffing levels: Chief Martin has put together information he obtained from the government web site on sworn officers per one thousand inhabitants. The numbers are from 2002 which is the most updated data available. In the United States, suburban counties had a rate of 2.7 officers per one thousand;rural counties had a 2.5 rate of officers per one thousand, and looking specifically at the Midwest he has found a rate of 2.2 officers per thousand was noted. He has brought this information forward to help in justify to the public the need to continue to keep hiring officers at the rate the department currently is looking to do. He went on to state that three Universities could research this more for the City for a charge of$35,000 to $50,000, which the City would have to pay for. Alderman Kot suggested that it be put into policy to keep the department hiring to keep the City at a rate of 2.5 officers per thousand. Chief Martin will bring this back to the next Public Safety meeting with that drawn up in policy. 14.Additional Business: • Alderwoman Ohare asked if anything had been done to getting a fire lane marked. Chief Martin stated Bill Dettmer was still working on that and he 4 Page 5 of 5 apologized for not checking on that item lately. She stressed the importance to have that marked, especially in bad weather. • It was brought up that there is a street light out on the corner of John and Evergreen. Chief Martin will look into getting this fixed. • Alderman Kot stated that at a previous City Council meeting it was brought up by one of the other Alderman the issue of school safety. He would like this issue to be continued to be updated on and asked that the Chief continue in the good training for rapid response and know the layout of the schools. The department will continue this training and always lookout for the safety of the children at school and out. • Alderman Kot brought up the issue of physical fitness testing being looked into for the officers on the department to keep them at their best. He would like this issue to be continued to be looked into. The idea of having a program through the YMCA being put together and eventually with the future new Department being built having a workout facility on the premises as well. The Committee thanked Alderman Kot for all of his hard work and time he has put into this Committee, he will be missed. The meeting was adjourned at 8:06pm. Minutes by: Sheila Teausaw 5 Page 1 of 3 DRAFT PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Thursday, May 12,2005 6:30 pm City Conference Room Present: Mayor Art Prochaska Police Chief Harold Martin Alderwoman Wanda Ohare Jack Morgan, Chestnut Circle Alderman Jason Leslie Carol Foster, Chestnut Circle Alderman Dean Wolfer John Borneman, Kendall County Record The meeting was called to order at 6:35 pm by Wanda Ohare 1. Approval/Correction of Minutes: None. 2. Police Reports—April 2005 The Police department is averaging 24,000 miles a month on the squads. The Administration cars with more than 100,000 miles are still being used. M3 is being used at the High School and M5 is a utility car. M2 will be switched out, M4 and M14 will become Administrative cars. The old DARE car is still being used, the new DARE car is still in the shop with different things being done to it. The old DARE car will probably be put up for sale when the new one is back, hopefully by July 4th . There were 41 crimes involving children in 2004 and so far in 2005 there were 11. These offenses could be a juvenile against another juvenile or adults against juveniles, Battery offenses. Community Relations hours are up. The Police department is trying to build up the Neighborhood Watch. The crossing guard hours increase was due to the new crossing guard at the new school. The DARE class has increased to 3 officers working with it. The class sizes have been growing. On next year's budget there will be a separate line item to continue what has been done in the past as far as books, and graduation. A 10% - 15% increase is expected. It is felt that if the kids want to be part of DARE there should be no reason to tell them no. Some of the things the DARE program works with being against drugs, alcohol, with conflict mediation, and anger management. Barry's whole job is tied to the High School. The overtime has been averaging at 50 hours per pay period, 90— 100 hours per month with the 12 hour shifts. When the shifts were 8 1/2 hours the overtime was close to double that. The speed trailers are out and if anyone wants to see it in a particular place let Harold know. On Rt. 47 in the downtown area, when the traffic is light,the trucks go zooming through. A stationary sign will be down there with a permanent post on each side of the road where the sign could be moved periodically for each direction of traffic. Page 2 of 3 On Rt 71 near Country Hills the traffic is backed up where you cannot pull out, or if the traffic is not backed up,the traffic flies through about 65—70 miles per hour. An officer can periodically be down there. 3. Business Registration/Alarm Response—There will be something put together for June. 4. Parking—On Street/Overnight - The draft for the ordinance in Fox Hill will be at the June meeting. The ordinance would be for overnight parking of oversizes vehicles. There is a tour bus in Country Hills. This vehicle could be over the weight limits for spring. There is also a trailer used for a bobcat that is not attached to a vehicle and does not have any lights or reflectors. The trailer has to be attached to a vehicle to be parked there. 5. Weather Warning Siren Update/Map—There is a water tower being put up at the water tower at MPI. Next year there will be one going up at Heartland Circle. The developers are paying for the sirens. There was an educational bit in the neighborhood watch newsletters about the testing of the sirens the first Tuesday of the month at 10 am and the lightning sirens going off and what they mean. 6. Request to Purchase Radar—Hand Held Unit—there was no information in the packet. Harold would like to see this move forward. This unit will be used for the Bike Patrol. This will move on to COW and Harold will get the information for it before the COW meeting. 7. Liquor Control Amendments— John Wyeth is working on the amendments. This will allow Bar and Grill establishments to be a restaurant's until a certain time, for example 9 pm, then they would be a Tavern which would let them limit who is able to enter the establishment to 21 and over. Banquets and catering may need different amendments. This will come back to the June Public Safety meeting. 8. Equipment/Project Update—The speed trailer and speed sign were ordered. The damage to M10 was due to an accident, a woman pulled out in front of the officer on River Rd and 47. 9. Additional Business The officers train with their handguns once a month rifles, and less than lethal. There is training for rapid response. There are 4 officers on the special response team and a 5th one is currently in training. There are 2 master firearm instructors, and there is a 3`d ready to go. There is 1 master rifle instructor. This department has training two to three times more often than other departments in the area. The ball park in Fox Hill needs a no parking sign on one side of the street. There are parking spaces on one side of the street and when they are full people park on the other side of the street also. There could possibly be parking set up on the blocks on either side of the park. There needs to be an ordinance specific to the area to be able to enforce the sign. Page 3 of 3 There is a dog problem in the Duplexes on Chestnut. The homeowners are afraid to call about it. The homeowners can call anonymously and the police will eventually catch it. This can also be handled as a project. Whenever the officers have time they can go over to the area and wait for the dog to come out so they can be the witness if the homeowners are afraid to sign the complaints. Fawn Ridge and Country Hills Drive intersection has no obvious right of way. There is a sign that has been ordered for that intersection. There is a specific requirement for what warrants at stop sign or yield sign. The intersection of John St and Sycamore has a yield sign on Sycamore and the resident feels there should be a stop sign. If the street were to run through the traffic study could be revisited to see if it would warrant a stop sign. The smoke levels at some of the bars are very high. Specifically the Big Easy. This is probably a Health Department issue. Bill Dettmer can be contacted about the building codes for the air turnover. The next training for the citizen's police will possibly be early summer. Harold will find out. There was a request that an officer would be available for the relay for life money collection. Harold asked Eric to get a hold of the Illinois Railnet about the signs and post conditions. Certain individuals that are hired that have access to lots of money or secured information should have a criminal history background check. Harold will get John's opinion about how to go about doing this. HVAC units need to have some sort of security around them, such as bushes or fencing. They are eyesores and it is also a homeland security issue. The Cadet program started in December. The first part of June John will be able to help get it going. It will take some time to get it up and running. There is no job description available, but.Yorkville is going to mirror what Aurora is doing with the policies of their duties. There needs to be a liaison to Ken Com from the Public Safety Committee. The meetings are once a month the 4th Wednesday at 4 pm. Ron goes to all the meeting. Wanda said she could be the liaison. The meeting was adjourned at 7:55 pm. Minutes submitted by Laura Leppert. fO C��o United City of Yorkville Memo 800 Game Farm Road EST.% 1836 Yorkville, Illinois 60560 Telephone: 630-553-4350 9 Fax: 630-553-7575 11'4E ‘‘Y Date: June 8, 2005 To: Mayor and Committee Members From: Lisa Pickering CC: Department Heads Subject: Additional information for Public Safety packet—June 9, 2005 Attached please find additional information for your public safety packet. You will find information on the following items: Item#2—Cadet Program Item#3 —Two additional police reports for May 2005 Item#1 —Liquor Ordinance Amendments Please add these items to your packet. .t. 'JUN 0 7 2005 Police Cadet Program Budget August 1, 2005 to May 1, 2006 Wages @ $ 8.00 per hr. Aug 1 to May 1, 2006 Total of 880 hrs. $ 7,040.00 Tuition @ $ 64.00 per credit hr. 5 classes @ 3 semester hrs per class 30 Semester hrs. $ 1,920.00 Equipment / Uniforms See attached list $ 713.80 $ 9,673.80 7vY gt. t- •gory Sibenaller 204 Cost breakdown to completely outfit a Cadet Item Quantity Price Total Uniform Shirt(short sleeve) 2 19.99 39.98 Uniform Shirt (long sleeve) 2 19.99 39.98 Uniform pants 2 23.99 47.98 Name tag 1 7.99 7.99 Badge 2 42.99 85.98 Boots(all weather) 1 124.99 124.99 Trouser belt 1 14.99 14.99 Duty Belt 1 25.00 25.00 Duty belt keepers 1 12.00 12.00 Coat(all weather) 1 79.99 79.99 Key holder 1 5.95 5.95 , Handcuff case 1 16.00 16.00 Handcuffs 1 25.00 25.00 Radio Holder 1 28.00 28.00 Raincoat 1 89.99 89.99 Winter Gloves 1 19.99 19.99 Duty Bag 1 49.99 49.99 Total $ 713.80 1)` ' 7) i �° Corgi i srir EST.% 1$36 .O LIco YORKVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT Harold 0. Martin ill, Chief of Police 804 Game Farm Road I Yorkville, Illinois 60560 Phone: 630-553-4340 I Fax: 630-553-1141 Date: June 7, 2005 To: Chief Harold 0. Martin III From: S/Sergeant Ron Diederich Reference: Monthly Mileage Report During May 2005, the Yorkville Police Department logged a total of 21,748 miles. Individual squad miles are: Monthly Current Reassign/ Squad Vehicle Squad Usage Miles Miles Replace Date M-1 2001 Ford Crown Victoria Patrol/K-9 2,558 104,424 2006/2007 M-2 1996 Chevrolet Caprice Administration 571 141,240 2005/2006 M-3 1998 Ford Crown Victoria Administration 739 129,430 2003/2004 M-4 2002 Chevrolet Impala Patrol 850 74,498 2005/2006 M-5 1998 Ford Crown Victoria Administration 408 125,920 2003/2004 M-6 2003 Chevrolet Impala Chief 1,833 32,731 2007/2008 M-7 2001 Ford Crown Victoria DARE 0 68,140 2009/2010 M-8 2004 Ford Crown Victoria Patrol 2,519 53,957 2007/2008 M-9 2000 Ford Crown Victoria Lieutenant 385 69,390 2008/2009 M-10 1991 Ford Thunderbird DARE 68 128,980 2004/2005 M-10 2004 Chevrolet Impala Patrol 2,579 11,984 2008/2009 M-11 2003 Ford Crown Victoria Patrol 3,161 66,994 2006/2007 M-12 1999 Ford Expedition Patrol/Trucks 613 59,873 2007/2008 M-13 2001 Ford Crown Victoria Patrol/ K-9 771 49,472 2010/2011 M-14 2003 Ford Crown Victoria Patrol 1,028 78,257 2005/2006 M-15 2004 Ford Crown Victoria Patrol Sergeant 669 27,226 2008/2009 M-16 2004 Ford Expedition Patrol Sergeant 1,466 27,954 2008/2009 M-17 2004 Chevrolet Impala Detective 1,5304,636 2014/2015 Respectfully, ___..; ')- S/Sgt. Ronald E. Diederich '373 t(7.-76... \\ J2 k Yorkville Police Department Memorandum ,1.... ._ 804 Game Farm Road Esr. °►-. __ 1836 Yorkville, Illinois 60560 -�`--- Telephone: 630-553-4340 A-$11© Ix P.? Fax: 630-553-1141 Date: June 7, 2005 To: Chief Harold 0. Martin III From: S/Sgt. Ron Diederich Reference: Speed Trailer report for May, 2005 Chief During the month of May, 2005 the Alpha Speed Trailer and the Speed matrix trailer were deployed at the following locations and times: May 4 through May 6 Southbound Game Farm at Yorkville High School May 10 through May 13 Northbound McHugh at Park St. May 11 through May 13 Southbound Sunny Dell at Raintree May 16 through May 20 Northbound Raintree at Sunny Dell May 16 through May 20 Westbound E. Kendall at Center Parkway May 23 through May 27 Eastbound Spring at Liberty St. May 23 through May 26 Northbound Rt. 71 1/10 South of Rt. 126 The trailers were in operation for 560 hours in May. Respectfully, S/Sgt. Ron Diederich Yorkville Police Department Manhour Report - May 2005 2005 PATROL MAY JUN JUL AUGSEP OCT NOV DEC JAN 05 FEB MAR APR MAY TOTALS Accidents 24.50 29.83 32.20 27.58 45.75 32.92 18.25 30.08 25.17 9.58 25.75 20.42 29.00 109.92 Administrative Activity 348.27 374.17 324.92 313.05 389.33 434.42 525.50 701.20 660.08 468.92 447.65 497.42 419.92 2493.99 Animal Complaints 8.00 6.58 7.92 6.08 4.75 10.00 6.45 5.83 5.50 2.92 3.42 6.83 5.13 23.80 Arrest Activity 24.17 38.42 20.73 52.67 17.33 29.58 24.50 38.83 30.75 22.08 8.50 23.10 26.58 111.01 Assist Agencies 131.75 144.25 179.28 223.75 116.75 152.50 118.92 143.50 121.17 158.42 147.17 144.35 127.17 698.28 Community Relations 68.25 99.62 88.33 77.33 91.17 88.67, 93.75 36.80 35.42 64.08 43.83 86.33 99.83 329.49 Departmental Duties 104.73 99.97 118.83 122.58 139.17 109.42 92.50 139.33 166.67 93.33 108.75 89.92 89.42 548.09 Investigations 43.38 92.58 81.75 57.67_ 63.92 63.50 29.58 31.33 19.75 28.33 69.75 25.83 23.00 166.66 Ordinance/Traffic Violations 152.43 86.95 58.45 100.68 61.98 85.93 52.27 101.80 128.60 82.42 104.42 84.93 77.45 477.82 Personnel Activity 549.27 1002.25 640.08 789.93 660.10 398.45 473.83 747.50 586.95 432.92 525.67 481.55 598.42 2625.51 Preventive Patrol 831.75 879.00 733.35 792.68 971.15 720.53 791.30 772.35 752.37 747.58 895.68 685.70 665.58 3746.91 Public Complaints 122.50 116.92 147.17 131.58 87.32 98.97 69.13 124.25 74.50 51.75 105.08 87.00 97.33 415.66 Public Services 38.33 35.92 39.33 32.00 33.42 71.42 28.17 32.08 56.33 29.92 34.75 33.17 23.17 177.34 Report Activity 260.17 193.00 167.50 257.75 179.33 195.92 132.52 180.67 162.08 164.75 167.57 174.00 185.67 854.07 School Activity 222.58 33.33 3.67 94.83 246.83 263.13 195.33 172.50 238.08 222.83 161.75 214.67 207.00 1044.33 Traffic Activity 365.48 252.58 205.68 250.98 215.17 209.80 179.92 268.42 282.60 312.15 287.50 240.67 235.00 1357.92 Training 274.08 18.92 309.17 83.42 158.58 251.08 402.08 165.67 251.08 184.58 330.08 216.75 351.67 1334.16 2005 ADMINISTRATIVE MAY JUN JUL AUG' SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN 05 FEB MAR APR MAY TOTALS Chief 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33_ 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 866.65 CPAT Officer 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 866.65 Crossing Guards(In Days) 39.00 8.00 0.00 10.00 42.00 56.00 43.00 39.00 60.00 66.00 50.50 59.50 59.50 295.50 Detectives 173.33 346.66 346.66 519.99 519.99 1906.63 Lieutenant 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 866.65 Office Supervisor 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33, 866.65 Records Clerks 291.83 291.83 302.08 173.33 346.66 346.66 346.66 346.66 346.66 346.66 346.66 346.66 346.66 1733.30 TOTALS 4593.79 4497.44 4153.76 4291;21 4564.03 431212 4316.98 4771.12 4870.41 4529.20 4904.46 4732.11 4880.81 23916.99 Yorkville Police Department Offense Report - May 2005 Offense Categories MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT 'NOV DEC 04 TOTALS JAN)FEB IMARLAPRIMAY 05 TOTALS Arson 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Assault 0 0 0 2 2 0 1 0 11 1 0 0 1 0 2 Battery 5 4 3 6 1 5 4 7 50 7 6 5 5 7 30 Burglary 5 9 12 6 5 1 2 13 71 7 5 7 5 . 2 26 Cannabis Offenses 3 0 11 1 1 2 1 16 5 = 0 2 2 0 9 Controlled Substance Offenses 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 ' 0 0 Crimes Involving Children 5 1 4 4 6 7 0 2 41 3 3 1 4 1 12 Deceptive Practices Criminal Damage e 22 16 20 12 17 12 17 18 156 12 12 19 14 19 76 6 1 5 6 3 1 4 0 36 6 3 ` 4 , 5 4 22 Drug Paraphernalia 3 1 3 1 0 0 2 3 15 1 1 2 3 0 7 Firearms Offenses 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 1 4 0 5 Gambling Offenses 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Kidnapping 2 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 8 0 0 3 0 1 1 2 .,, 'o <,v .. . : ., . .s ,. 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' !_�... 7','4,."-,'. .;:r",,';',',"g . � ,y.✓ , 1 i If, Fpi 4— .,.•«h1s .atn ,, �� va'4 '1740 a, , , , ! ak fii�.. rc Liquor Offenses 6 0 1 6 3 3 4 0 28 0 2 1 ••.,., 2,,,,,__ .... .... ... ... 5 Murder 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 0 0 0 0 0 0 Robbery 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 Sex Offenses 0 0 0 2 0 10 1 5 0 0 ' 1 0 0 1 Theft 14 12 10 7 13 6 7 12 114 16 ., 11 13 12 13 65 All Other Criminal Offenses 15 14 18 11 15 14 11 14 170 18 ' 9 ` 16 15 16 74 Traffic Incidents MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 04 TOTALS JAN FEB MARI APR MAY 05 TOTALS Driving Under The Influence 2 2 1 0 10 5 2 11 46 5 1 4 1 3 4 17 License/Registration Violations 33 37 24 57 33 44 25 35 495 30 35 22 42 45 174 Seatbelt Citations 126 64 16 18 14 9 16 8 314 44 22 ' 42 25 74 207 Seatbelt Warnings 29 21 19 13 12 6 16 0 155 39 26 13 20 20 118 Speeding Citations 29 17 12 37 21 18 35 36 382 39 53 61 1 47 43 243 Speeding Warnings 0 0 0 0 0 40 37 42 280 51 71 80 43 43 288 Transportation of Alcohol 1 0 1 4 4 5 0 2 20 1 1 4 1 ' 6 2 11 Uninsured Motor Vehicle 42 27 29 43 25 24 16 31 418 21 31 26 35 38 151 Total Citations Issued 279 186 132 233 170 158 118 181 2176 130 177 205 ;' 213 255 980 Total Verbal Warnings Issued 4 5 5 15 6 8 9 6 85 6 5 4 12 2 29 Total Written Warnings Issued 357 251 264 269 221 244 237 326 3533 393 334 363 291 259 1640 Accident Reports Taken MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 04 TOTALS JAN I FEB I'MARI',APR MAY 05 TOTALS Hit and Run Accident 1 0 1 1 4 5 0 5 28 6 , 2 ' 2 3 5 18 Property Damage Accident 34 30 32 36 23 39 27 34 360 33 17 23 21 39 133 Personal Injury Accident 3 1 8 5 10 5 3 3 52 4 ' 2 ' 4 ' 1 3 14 Total Accidents Taken 38 31 41 42 37 49 30 42 440 43 21 29 25 47 165 **Unlawful Visitation Interference is reported under the Kidnapping Section of the Illinois Uniformed Crime Reporting system. The Kidnapping line item includes this offense in its totals. Yorkville Police Department - Overtime Manhour Utilization Report - 05-28-05 Date Court Training Relief Details Admin Emerg Invest Com Sery Full Time Part Time 05/14/05 8 2 50 0 2 0 11 0 73 110.75 05/28/05 8 11 18 31 0 0 11.5 0 79.5 .., 97.5 i F . FY05-06 Court Training Relief Details Admin Emerg Invest Com Sery Full Time Part Time Totals 16.00 13.00 68.00 31.00 2.00 0.00 22.50 0.00 152.50 208.25 Percents 10% 9% 45% 200/0 1% 0% 15% 0% 100% N/A Average 8.00 6.50 34.00 15.50 1.00 0.00 11.25 0.00 76.25 104.13 LAST YEAR'S STATISTICS FOR MANHOUR UTILIZATION FY04-05 Court Training Relief Details Admin Emerg Invest Com Sery Full Time Part Time Totals 125.00 79.25 231.50 299.00 88.25 14.00 377.00 113.50 1327.50 1867.00 Percents 9% 6% 17% 23% 7% 1% 28% 9% 100% N/A Average 4.81 3.05 8.90 11.50 3.39 0.54 14.50 4.37 51.06 71.81 Prepared by Molly Batterson 6/6/2005 Page 1 Yorkville Police Department 2005 Truck Enforcement Summary Ticket Bond Funds.' Date Time offense , Location Disposition , /_,, Number TakenReceived 01/31/05 14:30 23141 Overweight on Gross Route 34/Cannonball Trail $210 Ex Parte $100.00 02/04/05 10:19 23147 Overweight on Bridge Route 47/River Street $1,070 Ex Parte $860.00 03/04/05 13:36 23462 Overweight on Axles Route 47/Ament Road $535 Guilty $248.00 23881 Overweight on Gross $350 Pending $0.00 05/20/05 11:17 Route 47/Legion Road 23882 Overweight on Registration $350 Pending $0.00 05/20/05 8:36 23883 Overweight on Gross Route 71/Route 47 $245 Pending $0.00 Totals For Bond Taken and Fines Received After Court Costs - 2005 $2,760 N/A „ $1,208.00 Totals For Bond Taken and Fines Received After Court Costs - 2004 $27,482 N/A $16,392.40 Totals For Bond Taken and Fines Received After Court Costs - 2003 $15,972 N/A $11,343.01` Totals For Bond Taken and Fines Received After Court Costs - 2002 $42,014 N/A $21,665.12 Totals For Bond Taken and Fines Received After Court Costs - 2001 $56,232 N/A $30,226.86 Totals For Bond Taken and Fines Received After Court Costs - 2000 $25,815 N/A $'13,026.43 Running Total $167,515 N/A $92,653.82 6/6/2005 1:20 PM Page 1 of 1 Yorkville Police Department 2004 Truck Enforcement Summary Date Time Offense Location Bond Funds tion Number. TakenDisposeceive 01/07/04 7:32 20877 Overweight on Axles Route 34/Marketplace Drive $590 Ex Parte $430.00 21061 Overweight on Highway $1,405 Guilty $732.00 02/18/04 9:01 Route 47/Route 34 21062 Overweight on Registration $2,622 Guilty $760.06 02/19/04 9:07 21010 Route 47/Route 71 $395 Ex Parte $260.00 02/19/04 9:30 21064 Overweight on Gross Route 47/Route 71 $590 Ex Parte $430.00 02/23/04 14:30 21065 Overweight on Axles Route 47/Countryside Parkway $395 Ex Parte $260.00 03/16/04 11:14 21013 Overweight on Gross Route 47/Wheaton Avenue $1,070 Ex Parte $850.00 04/07/04 10:32 21017 Overweight on Registration Route 47/Bonnie Lane $350 Ex Parte $135.72 04/14/04 12:27 21018 Overweight on Axles Route 47/Cannonball Trail $245 Guilty $160.00 04/15/04 13:36 21019 Overweight on Axles Route 47/Greenbriar Road $245 Supervision $130.00 04/28/04 10:04 21020 Overweight on Bridge Route 47/Amurol Drive Promise to Comply Guilty $1,365.00 21023 Overweight on Gross $1,070 Guilty $850.00 04/29/04 12:09 Route 47/Route 71 21024`' Overweight on Registration $590 Stricken $0.00 05/19/04 13:10 21902 Overweight on Axles Route 71/Route 47 $535 Stricken $385.00 05/25/04 12:35 21904 Overweight on Axles Route 34/Cannonball Trail $350 Ex Parte $220.00 21905 Overweight on Axles $2,165 Ex Parte $1,810.00 05/26/04 9:19 Walsh Drive/Columbine Court 21906 Overweight on Registration $350 Stricken $0.00 21907 Overweight on Gross $1,660 Guilty $870.60 05/27/04 9:09 Route 71/Route 126 21908 Overweight on Registration $1,405 Guilty $392.62 06/21/04 10:02 22145 Overweight on Axles Route 71/Country Hills Drive $985 Guilty $775.00 06/30/04 9:06 22146 Overweight on Axles Route 71/Route 47 $535 Ex Parte $385.00 Report Last Updated 6/6/2005 at 1:20 PM Page 1 of 2 Authored by Molly Batterson, Office Supervisor Yorkville Police Department 2004 Truck Enforcement Summary Ticket Bond . Funds ; Date Time Offense Location Disposition Number Taken...: Received 07/23/04 12:59 21709 Overweight on Bridge Route 47/Amurol Drive Incarcerated Guilty $1,000.00 07/26/04 12:27 21712 Overweight on Axles Route 34/Cannonball Trail $210 Ex Parte $100.00 08/05/04 8:02 21717 Overweight on Axles Route 47/Wheaton Avenue $210 Ex Parte $100.00 08/10/04 8:02 21718 Overweight on Axles Route 47/Landmark Avenue $210 Ex Parte $100.00 08/13/04 12:38 21723 Overweight on Axles Royal Oaks Drive/Bristol Ridge Road $210 Guilty $100.00 22396 Overweight on Gross $2,335 Stricken $0.00 10/01/04 7:24 Route 47/Countryside Parkway 22397 Overweight on Registration $2,165 Guilty $943.40 10/07/04 14:55 22400 Overweight on Gross Cannonball Trail/Route 47 $535 Ex Parte $385.00 11/09/04 13:34 22758 Overweight on Bridge Route 47/Greenbriar Road $1,070 Guilty $538.00 23127 Overweight on Gross $1,070 Guilty $850.00 12/21/04 7:27 Route 47/Route 71 23128 Overweight on Registration $590 Stricken $0.00 12/29/04 10:18 23133 Overweight on Bridge Route 47/Countryside Parkway $1,325 Ex Parte $1,075.00 Totals For Bond Taken and Fines Received After Court Costs - 2004 $27,482 N/A $16,392.40 Totals For Bond Taken and Fines Received After Court Costs - 2003 $15,972 N/A $11,343.01 Totals For Bond Taken and Fines Received After Court Costs - 2002 $42,014 N/A $21,665.12 Totals For Bond Taken and Fines Received After Court Costs - 2001 $56,232 N/A $30,226.86 Totals For Bond Taken and Fines Received After Court Costs - 2000 $25,815 N/A $13,026.43 Running Total $167,515 N/A $92,653.82 Report Last Updated 6/6/2005 at 1:20 PM Page 2 of 2 Authored by Molly Batterson, Office Supervisor JUN 0 2 2005 ► ,.ucF . \ .(?). VILLAGE OF OSWEGO DEPARTMENT OF POLICE 3525 Route 34 • Oswego, Illinois 60543 Dwight A. Baird Emergency: 911 Chief of Police Administration: (630) 554-1160 Fax: (630) 554-9379 May 26, 2005 Yorkville Police Department Chief Harold O. Martin 804 Game Farm Road Yorkville, IL 60560 RE: OSWEGO POLICE DEPARTMENT, - US Route 30, Near Treasure Drive <, Dear Chief Martin, I would like to thank you and your staff for a prompt and professional response to the situation we faced on May 23rd that resulted in an officer shooting incident. We understand how busy you are each day and we truly appreciate your response to the IREACH, which also included providing us with traffic control, securing the scene, support, etc. Your assistance aided us with obtaining a secure perimeter and safe traffic flow through the rerouting that occurred. If we may be of any assistance in the future, please do not hesitate to contact me or any of my staff. Please extend this thank you to all of your employees who assisted us. Sincerely, f2 Dwigh . Baird Chief of Police DAB/dl MAY 1 9 20D5 Dear Chief Martin, May, 2005 We are delighted to recognize the 3 year anniversary of your membership with FIGHT CRIME: INVEST IN KIDS. We started out as a small band of committed leaders from the law enforcement and crime victim communities; now we are 2,500 strong and growing. Our members called for more funding for proven crime prevention programs, and now millions more kids have access to after-school programs, quality pre-kindergarten, and programs that prevent child abuse and neglect. We are deeply proud of the progress we have made, though we know there's still a long way to go. Millions more kids still need help if we're going to steer them away from crime. But right now, we hope you'll pause and reflect on the profound achievements you've helped make possible. We couldn't do it without you. With warm regards, ci��- MAY 1 9 2005 INDIAN VALLEY VOCATIONAL CENTER May 18, 2005 Chief Martin, We would like to thank you for having some of us job shadowing with your department. It is very exciting to see what some of our future daily tasks may have in store for us. We would love to thank Officer Helland for scheduling our shadowing and helping us with any questions we had. We cannot say thank you enough! Sincerely, The IVVC Law Enforcement Class 600 Lions Road, Sandwich, Illinois 60548-2499 4 Telephone 815-786-9873 4 FAX 815-786-6928 ,, ds ,qi :1 k "a¢'"' .�1 R '', wa uhF. '7 �' �-�E-fit Imo..., rr',Y ws s'. ',^'., w"its✓ f .!J S 'r .mak- -..-!,'K .�' +.f�e.�w. ,A'7, :. 1 ,3 F" r \ t 1. ` . r ©J i 1, 1 rC , 11 r1J O PJE C ON In Recognition Of Commendable DUI Enforcement Officer Robbie Hart smrammasimmommramsommmeemillo X:or_ e, Poli Dept ALLIANCE AGAINST INTOXICATED MOTORISTS AA/M 'fitMay 2005 Charlene Chapman, B►�* s ve Director i �,, s .tr:,_ } 'i '"` F Y-', ` ,pmt f-VOe4 .gt , °Y ,, IT- C__ °i9'-i r _r'A or APPRECIATION In Recognition Of Commendable DUI Enforcement Officer Jeff Johiison Y®r�t Police, Dep t t i ent ALLIANCE AGAINST INTOXICATED MOTORISTS AA/M May 2005 Charlene Chapman, ve Director AAim Alliance Against Intoxicated Motorists Woodfield Grove, Suite 131 870 East Higgins Road Schaumburg, Illinois 60173 Phone (847) 240-0027 Toll Free (888) 240-0027 Fax(847) 240-0028 www.aaim1.org May 2005 Chief Harold 0. Martin, Ill Yorkville Police Department 804 Game Farm Rd. Yorkville, IL 60560 • Dear Chief Martin, On behalf of the Alliance Against Intoxicated Motorists, it is our great pleasure to acknowledge the exceptional DUI enforcement of Officer Robbie Hart, and believe that this officer deserves recognition for these life-saving efforts. Every year hundreds of people are killed and thousands severely injured as a result of alcohol-related crashes in Illinois. It takes only seconds to become a victim —without warning or choice Impaired drivers make choices. They choose their weapons —vehicles and alcohol. We at AAIM, pledge to continue our fight against impaired driving, and to persist in our campaign of this preventable crime. Since 1982, AAIM's work toward the passage of tougher DUI laws and the Victim's Rights Amendment, has become our passion. While successful in our efforts, AAIM continues its legislative work by focusing on: • Inclusion of DUI supervisions in public motor vehicle records, with required payment of higher insurance premiums by offenders • Increased penitentiary time for death and serious injury caused by impaired driving - • Continued support of mandatory field sobriety tests Every year, as AAIM conducts its Annual DUI Survey of over 700 Illinois police agencies, we request your department's top DUI officers. In response, we ask that you pay tribute to this fine officer, as one of AAIM's Top Cops, with our congratulations and the presentation of the enclosed award. You have our sincere appreciation and heartfelt thanks for exceptional public service. Respectfully, Cep, w Charlene Chapman Executive Director •••AAIM TO SAVE LIVES DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE••• AAIM Alliance Against Intoxicated Motorists Woodfield Grove, Suite 131 870 East Higgins Road Schaumburg, Illinois 60173 Phone (847) 240-0027 Toll Free (888) 240-0027 Fax (847) 240-0028 www.aaim1.org May 2005 Chief Harold 0. Martin, Ill Yorkville Police Department 804 Game Farm Rd. Yorkville, IL 60560 Dear Chief Martin, On behalf of the Alliance Against Intoxicated Motorists, it is our great pleasure to acknowledge the exceptional DUI enforcement of Officer Jeff Johnson, and believe that this officer deserves recognition for these life-saving efforts. Every year hundreds of people are killedand thousands severely injured as a result of alcohol-related crashes in Illinois. rtakes`onJy seconds fobeconie a victim =wit of ut warning or choice: -Impaired drivers make choices. They choose their weapons —vehicles and alcohol. We at AAIM, pledge to continue our fight against impaired driving, and to persist in our campaign of this preventable crime. Since 1982, AAIM's work toward the passage of tougher DUI laws and the Victim's Rights Amendment, has become our passion. While successful in our efforts, AAIM continues its legislative work by focusing on: • Inclusion of DUI supervisions in public motor vehicle records, with required payment of higher insurance premiums by offenders • Increased penitentiary time for death and serious injury caused by impaired driving • Continued support of mandatory field sobriety tests Every year, as AAIM conducts its Annual DUI Survey of over 700 Illinois police agencies, we request your department's top DUI officers. In response, we ask that you pay tribute to this fine officer, as one of AAIM's Top Cops, with our congratulations and the presentation of the enclosed award. You have our sincere appreciation and heartfelt thanks for exceptional public service. Respectfully, '4' • Charlene Chapman Executive Director •••AAIM TO SAVE LIVES DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE••• (ib cll./. o Yorkville Police Department Memorandum Lf1°218361 i l , 804 Game Farm Road EST.% . _ 1836( Yorkville, Illinois 60560 ----Z----,--___----::- Telephone: 630-553-4340 '� 11 x Fax: 630-553-1141 \%7 //1 0; �Kooden County P Date: 05-31-05 To: Chief Harold Martin #201 From: Lt. Donald P. Schwartzkopf #202 ` . Reference: May Training Chief, Here is the May's training that took place. Detective Mott and Detective Presnak completed the 40 hour Death Investigation Class that was held on May 2nd 2005 to May 6th 2005 at the Northwestern University Center for Public Safety in Evanston Illinois. Detective Mott and Detective Presnak have one more 40 Hour Class to complete before they receive the Criminal Forensic Investigative Techniques Award of Achievement (200) hours of training from Northwestern. Detective Mott, Detective Presnak and Sgt. Sibenaller attended a 16 hour Forensic Mapping Course on May 10th 2005 through May 12th 2005 that was sponsored by the Illinois State Police and this was held in Springfield Illinois. (Total Station) Detective Mott and Detective Presnak attended an Arson Investigation class In West Dundee Illinois May 17th 2005 through May 18th, 2005 Detective Presnak attended the Illinois Division International Association for Identification conference in Springfield Illinois on May 23rd, 2005 through May 25th, 2005. Officer Hart and Officer Mikolasek attended the 32 Hour Police Cyclist class at the Flossmoor Police Department on MaylOth 2005 through May 13th, 2005. �z3t o-0 Yorkville Police Department Memorandum 13 , , 804 Game Farm Road EST.14 , f JM 1836 Yorkville, Illinois 60560 -�� Telephone: 630-553-4340 p n 1 —' y Fax: 630-553-1141 tkE %N- Officer Calvert attended 8 hour Communication Tactic class in Elmhurst Illinois on May 18th 2005 Officer Jeleniewski attended his monthly 16 hour K-9 training at the Tinley Park Mental Hospital. Chief Martin and Lt Schwartzkopf attended an 8 hour Legal Aspects of Police Management class in Bolingbrook Illinois on May 5th 2005. Lt. Schwartzkopf and Sgt. Diederich attended an 8 Hour National Incident Management System (NIMS) course in Aurora Illinois on May 17th, 2005. Lt Schwartzkopf and Sgt. Hart Attended 16 Hours of Illinois Law Enforcement Alarm System (Ileas) Training. The first training was held by the Yorkville Police Department and that was at Howell's Range. The second training session was our annual fitness and other qualification training that was in Joliet. Lt. Schwartzkopf, Sgt. Hart, Sgt Delaney and Officer Johnson attended 8 Hours of , Special Response Team Training. This training was held in Yorkville at the old Farm house at Bristol Ridge and Kennedy Road. Chief Martin and Sgt. Hart Received Training from the Illinois Regional Institute for Community Policing (RICP) on the Yorkville Disaster Plan that was part of a grant that Chief Martin and Sgt. Hart was working on. I of Yorkville Police Department Memorandum �I 1 . 804 Game Farm Road atir EST 1836 Yorkville, Illinois 60560 Telephone: 630-553-4340 4 1 n i Fax: 630-553-1141 9,¢ co1seM p On May 19th 2005 and May 20th 2005 the Yorkville Police Department had its Monthly Range dates. All Police Personnel attended. Also during the Month of May all Police Employees including our Police Secretaries completed the mandatory National Incident Management System Training (NIMS) that was given by the Federal Emergency Management Agency as an Online Course. All Personal Protective Equipment (Gas Mask) were issued and all Police Officers are trained in its functionality and usability. Sgt. Hilt attended his final two weeks of the 10 week Northwestern School of Police Staff and Command. The class was held at the Tinley Park Police Department. Sgt. Hilt graduated on May, 20th 2005. Officer Cernekee attended the National Citizen Police Academy Conference in Decatur, Alabama. The Conference was held on May, 10th 2005 through May, 15th 2005. The Citizen Police Members that attended with Cernekee was Loretta Schmidt, Lorie Bahr, Lisa Schillinger and Ferrilee Kelly. <S0) COT,. Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary May 1, 2005 through May 31, 2005 1'3` 050728 through 050937 °., Page 1 of 9 11-4— 050728 05-01-05 100 Blk. S. Bridge Street 050737.... 05-04-05 Route 47/Galena Road Domestic Battery: Offender battered their girlfriend Traffic Arrest Subject was found driving without a and then hid from officers. Officers located offender in valid license and taken into custody for such. apartment complex. While attempting to place offender in custody for Domestic Battery, the offender 050738.... 05-04-05 Route 34/Bristol Ridge struck both arresting officers and resisted arrest. Traffic Arrest: Subject was driving on a suspended Offender was charged with Domestic Battery, license and taken into custody for such. Resisting Arrest and Aggravated Battery. 050739.... 05-04-05 700 Blk. Game Farm Road 050729 05-01-05 1800 Blk. Marketview Drive Warrant Arrest: Student was wanted on a juvenile Lockout warrant and was taken into custody for said warrant. 050730 05-01-05 1400 Blk. Cannonball Trail 050740.... 05-03-05 700 BIk. Game Farm Road Criminal Damage to Property: Victim stated that while Lockout visiting a local establishment, their vehicle was damaged by unknown offender(s) scratching obscene 050741 .... 05-04-05 900 Blk. Fawn Ridge Court words into the paint. Damage valued at$1000. Other Public Complaint 050731 05-02-05 600 Blk. White Oak Way 050742.... 05-04-05 100 Blk. Colonial Parkway Criminal Damage to Property: Victim stated two Domestic Trouble medium size tree branches were damaged when unknown offender cut the branches almost all the way 050743 .... 05-04-05 Prairie Street/Leisure Lane through, then the branches fell under their own weight. Traffic Arrest: Officer was called to the scene for a hit Victim stated they suspect a neighbor did the damage and run accident. Officer located offending vehicle, as they were upset the branches were blocking a which improperly signaled a turn. Officer pulled over sidewalk. vehicle and suspected driver to be intoxicated. Driver agreed to conduct field sobriety tests and failed. 050732 05-03-05 700 Blk. Game Farm Road Driver was taken into custody for DUI and Leaving the Criminal Damage to Property: Victim reported the left Scene of an Accident. side of his vehicle was "keyed" by unknown offender(s). Damage valued at $250. 050744.... 05-05-05 Route 47/Landmark Avenue Traffic Arrest: Subject was driving on a suspended 050733 05-03-05 700 BIk. Game Farm Road license and taken into custody for such. Theft $300 and Under: A teacher reported fish missing from their science classroom tank. Property 050745.... 05-05-05 2000 BIk. S.Bridge Street valued at $65. Assist Business Agency 050734 05-03-05 Route 34/Cannonball Trail 050746.... 05-05-05 Route 47/River Street Accident Accident 050735 05-03-05 100 Blk. Colonial Parkway 050747.... 05-05-05 Route 126/Route 71 Domestic Trouble Disorderly Conduct: Victim stated offender threw soda bottles out of their car at victim's vehicle during 050736 05-03-05 Route 47/Cannonball Trail an incident of"road rage." Victim did not wish to file Traffic Arrest: Subject was found driving without a charges against the offender. valid license and taken into custody for such. 050748.... 05-05-05 1000 Blk. S.Main Street Lockout (5--3Z--/ .$. Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary May 1, 2005 through May 31, 2005 ESI% 'U` 050728 through 050937 16 'Y ° Page2of9 LE tiVy 050749 05-04-05 200 BIk. Veterans Parkway 050764.... 05-08-05 200 Blk. W.Madison Street Lockout Citizen Assist 050750 05-05-05 Route 34/Center Parkway 050765 .... 05-08-05 Hydraulic Avenue/Heustis St Accident Other Public Complaint 050751 05-05-05 Church Street/Center Street 050766 .... 05-09-05 Route 47/Route 71 Found Articles Accident 050752 05-06-05 200 Blk. E.Kendall Drive 050767.... 05-09-05 Route 34/Eldamain Road Lockout Accident 050753 05-06-05 Route 34/Bristol Ridge Road 050768 .... 05-09-05 200 Blk. Leisure Street Accident Suspicious Circumstances 050754 05-06-05 200 Blk. Veterans Parkway 050769 .... 05-09-05 Route 47/Somonauk Street Lockout Traffic Arrest: Subject was driving on a suspended license and taken into custody for such. 050755 05-06-05 Route 34/Eldamain Road Accident 050770 .... 05-09-05 Route 34/Game Farm Road Accident 050756 05-06-05 2700 Blk. N.Bridge Street Harassment by Telephone 050771 .... 05-09-05 200 Blk. Veterans Parkway Lockout 050757 05-06-05 600 BIk. Veterans Parkway Accident 050772 .... 05-09-05 200 Blk. Veterans Parkway Criminal Damage to Property: Business manager 050758 05-07-05 Route 47/Route 34 stated $250 of damage was done to a door after Lockout offender came into the store, got into a verbal altercation with their spouse (an employee) and upon 050759 05-06-05 700 Blk. Arrowhead Drive leaving the store, opened the door with such force that Domestic Battery: Victim advised offender pushed four screws in the top hinge were broken from the victim against door after a verbal altercation. Offender door frame. Business wants to pursue charges for stated victim attempted to slap them across the face restitution of damages done to the door. and stopped victim from doing so. No complaints signed by either party. 050773 .... 05-10-05 John Street/Cannonball Trail Accident 050760 05-06-05 600 Blk. Center Parkway Domestic Trouble 050774 .... 05-10-05 Route 47/River Street Accident 050761 05-06-05 1000 Blk. Route 47 Lockout 050775 .... 05-10-05 Desk Report Assist Other Government Agency 050762 05-07-05 Route 34/Countryside Pkwy Accident 050776 .... 05-10-05 Route 47/Cannonball Trail Accident 050763 05-08-05 Route 47/Center Street Accident 050777 .... 05-10-05 200 BIk. W.Hydraulic Avenue Lockout ciry Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary May 1, 2005 through May 31, 2005 ` '1836 050728 through 050937 0 11Page 3 of 9 'fes .2 050778 05-10-05 100 BIk. W.Main Street 050790 .... 05-11-05 2000 BIk. S.Bridge Street All Other Disorderly Conduct: Offenders stated they Retail Theft: Business stated unknown offender were damaging a vehicle for fun before it was junked. pumped $67 of gasoline without paying for it, and then Officer made offenders clean up the broken glass and left the scene. No suspect information given to debris and issued an ordinance citation for illegally officers. parking the vehicle on W.Main Street. 050791 .... 05-11-05 300 Blk. Walter Street 050779 05-10-05 1800 Blk. S.Bridge Street Domestic Trouble Lockout 050792.... 05-11-05 2000 Blk. S.Bridge Street 050780 05-10-05 500 BIk. Burning Bush Drive Retail Theft: Business stated unknown offender Violation of Order of Protection: Suspect violated an pumped $22 of gasoline without paying for it, and then active order of protection by contacting victim via left the scene. No suspect information given to telephone. officers. 050781 05-10-05 100 BIk. E.Washingon Street 050793.... 05-11-05 8400 BIk. Highpoint Road Other Public Complaints Assist County Police 050782 05-10-05 400 Blk. Countryside Parkway 050794 .... 05-11-05 Route 47/Bonnie Lane Lockout Accident 050783 05-10-05 2000 Blk. Alan Dale Lane 050795 .... 05-11-05 900 BIk. Fawn Ridge Court Criminal Damage to Property: Victim stated $1030 in Domestic Trouble damages was done to their vinyl siding and a light cover after unknown offender(s) shot at them with a 050796 .... 05-12-05 700 BIk. John Street BB gun. Criminal Damage to Property: Victim stated unknown offender(s) damaged two rear tires, valued at $100, 050784 05-11-05 70 BIk. Sleepy Hollow Road while their vehicle was parked in front of a friend's Assist County Police house. Suspect may be related to owner of the residence. 050785 05-11-05 Route 126/Wooden Bridge Dr. Accident 050797.... 05-12-05 Route 71/Route 47 Accident 050786 05-11-05 700 BIk. Game Farm Road Accident 050798.... 05-12-05 200 BIk. Jackson Street Lockout 050787 05-11-05 Tinley Park, Illinois Canine Training 050799.... 05-12-05 300 BIk. E.Veterans Parkway Other Public Complaints 050788 05-11-05 Countryside Pky/McHugh Rd. Accident 050800 .... 05-12-05 Route 126/Route 47 Accident 050789 05-11-05 700 Blk. Game Farm Road Burglary from Motor Vehicle: Victim stated their cell 050801 .... 05-12-05 Route 34/Center Parkway phone, valued at $174, was stolen from their unlocked Traffic Arrest: Subject was driving on a suspended vehicle. license and taken into custody for such. 050802.... 05-13-05 1000 BIk. Dalton Avenue Runaway <0>ciT,: Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary ' - °' May 1, 2005 through May 31, 2005 Est%war 050728 through 050937 11 "- � ) Page 4 of 9 '274E %,,.. 050803 05-13-05 700 BIk. Game Farm Road 050812 .... 05-14-05 300 BIk. Illini Drive Lockout Domestic Trouble/Criminal Damage to Property: Victim stated $200 of damage was done to their front 050804 05-13-05 Somoanuk Street/West Street door after they got into a verbal dispute with an ex- Traffic Arrest: Subject was driving on a suspended spouse, shut the door on the ex-spouse's hand/foot license and taken into custody for such. (no physical harm done), and then the ex-spouse either kicked or shoved the door open forcibly. Victim 050805 05-10-05 Willow Way/John Street did not want to sign a complaint at the time of the Criminal Damage to Property: City reported incident. vandalism done to a bridge and a sidewalk. Damage valued at $87. 050813 .... 05-14-05 200 Blk. E.Van Emmon Street Lockout 050806 05-13-05 1500 Blk. N.Bridge Street Accident 050814 .... 05-14-05 Desk Report Found Articles 050807 05-13-05 Desk Report Assist Other Government Agency 050815 .... 05-14-05 Route 47/Walnut Street Traffic Arrest: Subject was driving on a suspended 050808 05-13-05 500 BIk. Dolph Street license and taken into custody for such. Neighborhood Trouble 050816 .... 05-15-05 1500 Blk. Stoneridge Court 050809 05-14-05 State Street/Route 47 All Other Disorderly Conduct Traffic Arrest: An unknown motorist called in a reckless driver, possibly intoxicated driver. Officer 050817.... 05-15-05 1300 Blk. Walsh Drive located suspect vehicle and observed it swerve within Criminal Damage to Property: Victim reported $15 of its own lane. Officer pulled over vehicle and upon damage when unknown offender(s)threw eggs at speaking with the driver, suspected them of being their house and vehicle. intoxicated. After failing field sobriety tests, officer placed subject under arrest for DUI. Upon arrival at 050818.... 05-15-05 Route 47/Orange Street Corrections, subject did not appear to be well and was Traffic Arrest: Subject was driving without a valid transported to the hospital. Subject refused to submit license and was taken into custody for such. to blood alcohol testing at the hospital. Subject was released back into police custody and returned to 050819 .... 05-15-05 2000 BIk. Kingsmill Street Corrections for booking procedures. Domestic Trouble 050810 05-14-05 200 Blk. E.Main Street 050820.... 05-16-05 3000 BIk. Bristol Ridge Road Criminal Damage to Property: Victim reported $50 of Other Public Complaints damage done to their mailbox. 050811 05-14-05 700 Blk. Clover Court 050821 .... 05-16-05 800 Blk. Game Farm Road Accident Telephone Threat: Police responded to business for a report of an ex-employee leaving threats on their voice mail system. 050822.... 05-16-05 700 Blk. Arrowhead Drive Citizen Assist ,.c*-1) cit Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary _ -1 ° May 1, 2005 through May 31, 2005 ss �. ''_1/836 050728 through 050937 9 ' 94.io Page5of9 (CCE NV's' 050823 05-16-05 2400 BIk. Sumac Drive 050836 .... 05-17-05 2300 BIk. Iroquois Lane Theft $300 and Under: Contractor advised $156 Theft $300 and Under: Victim stated unknown person worth of joint compound was stolen from a job site. hooked up a hose and used approximately $5 worth of water on their pump. 050824 05-16-05 Route 47/Fox Street Accident 050837.... 05-17-05 2000 BIk. S.Bridge Street Retail Theft: Business stated unknown offender 050825 05-16-05 Route 47/Route 34 pumped $20 of gasoline without paying for it, and then Accident left the scene. No suspect information given to officers. 050826 05-16-05 Desk Report Warrant Arrest: Subject arrived at the Yorkville Police 050838.... 05-18-05 Route 47/Greenbriar Road Department and turned themselves in on a valid arrest Accident warrant. 050839 .... 05-18-05 Rt. 34/Countryside Parkway 050827 05-16-05 100 BIk. W.Veterans Parkway Traffic Arrest: Subject was driving on a suspended Lockout license and taken into custody for such. 050828 05-17-05 Route 47/Landmark Avenue 050840.... 05-18-05 Route 47/Route 34 Traffic Arrest: Subject was driving without a valid Traffic Arrest: Subject was driving on a suspended license and was taken into custody for such. license and taken into custody for such. 050829 05-17-05 John Street/Cannonball Trail 050841 .... 05-18-05 Route 34/Route 47 Accident Warrant Arrest: After being pulled over for not wearing their seatbelt, officers learned of a valid arrest 050830 05-17-05 400 Blk. Meadow Rose Lane warrant for the driver and took driver into custody. Criminal Trespass to Residence/Criminal Damage to Property: Victim reported $200 of damage done to a 050842 .... 05-18-05 Route 126/Route 47 section of kitchen cabinets when unknown offender(s) Accident entered the house under construction and pulled the cabinet from the wall. 050843.... 05-18-05 Desk Report Tobacco Compliance Check: All businesses were 050831 05-17-05 Fairhaven Drive/Cannonball compliant during this year's check. Found Articles 050844 .... 05-18-05 500 Blk. Burning Bush Drive 050832 05-17-05 100 Blk. W.Hydraulic Avenue Violation of Order of Protection: Offender Suspicious Circumstances continuously calls victim's phone number and leaves 050833 05-17-05 Route 47/Center Street messages, which violates the order of protection. Accident Victim was referred to the State's Attorney's Office to file additional charges against offender. 050834 05-17-05 900 BIk. Game Farm Road Lockout 050845 .... 05-18-05 1400 BIk Aspen Lane Citizen Assist 050835 05-17-05 2000 Blk. S.Bridge Street Retail Theft: Business stated unknown offender 050846.... 05-19-05 Route 34/Route 47 pumped $44.94 of gasoline without paying for it, and Traffic Arrest: Subject was driving without a valid then left the scene. No suspect information given to license and taken into custody for such. officers. ,o) co-,- Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary °` May 1 2005 through May 31, 2005 �%h- 1 050728 through 050937 t� �'' a Page6of9 LE T>' 050847 05-19-05 Tinley Park, Illinois 050860 .... 05-21-05 2000 BIk S.Bridge Street Canine Training Assist Business Agency 050848 05-19-05 700 BIk. Game Farm Road 050861 .... 05-21-05 600 BIk. Heustis Street Assist Schools Lost/Stolen License Plates 050849 05-19-05 100 BIk. Appletree Court 050862.... 05-21-05 700 Blk. Game Farm Road Credit Card Fraud: Victim stated unknown offender Theft $300 and Under: Victim stated after leaving charged $740 to their credit/debit card without their purse unattended in the cafetorium, they came permission. Victim has not given anyone else the back and realized someone had taken it and all of its card number, expect to pay for purchases. contents, including their$250 digital camera, $10 in cash and a $15 check. 050850 05-19-05 Route 47/Hydraulic Avenue Accident 050863 .... 05-21-05 Kennedy Road/Mill Street Accident 050851 05-19-05 Route 47/Main Street Accident 050864 .... 05-21-05 3 W.Veterans Parkway Other Public Complaints 050852 05-20-05 700 BIk. Game Farm Road Mischievous Conduct—No Dollar Loss 050865 .... 05-21-05 700 BIk. Game Farm Road Other Trouble: Officers interrupted a juvenile fight that 050853 05-20-05 Route 71/Route 126 was to take place off of school grounds. Accident 050866 .... 05-22-05 200 BIk. Leisure Lane 050854 04-29-05 700 Blk. Game Farm Road Criminal Damage to Property: Victim stated unknown Criminal Damage to Property: Victim reported their offender(s) did $11 of damage to their mailbox. eyeglasses, valued at$236, damaged when three other juvenile subjects found the glasses in the locker 050867.... 05-22-05 1400 BIk. Cannonball Trail room and smashed them to pieces. All juvenile Accident offenders were referred to Juvenile Probation for this case after it had been investigated. 050868.... 05-22-05 200 Blk. St. Joseph Way Lockout 050855 05-20-05 300 Blk. E.Kendall Drive Domestic Trouble 050869.... 05-21-05 2200 BIk. Kingsmill Street Other Public Complaints 050856 05-20-05 800 Blk. S.Bridge Street Junk/Salvage Title Investigation 050870 .... 05-23-05 100 Blk. Colonial Parkway Assist Ambulance 050857 05-20-05 300 BIk. E.Kendall Drive Criminal Damage to Property: Victim reported $170 050871 .... 05-23-05 100 Blk. Blackberry Court worth of damage done to two tires on their vehicle. Burglary from Motor Vehicle: Victim stated $291 Victim suspects an ex-friend of their child. worth of stereo and electronic equipment was taken from inside their unlocked (non-function lock on door) 050858 05-20-05 100 Blk. Park Street vehicle. Victim did not realize the missing items until Other Public Complaints they were on their way to school. No suspect information. 050859 05-21-05 Route 71/Candleberry Court Accident 050872.... 05-23-05 1500 Blk. N.Bridge Street Harassment by Telephone .(t.° cxT,. Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary s May 1, 2005 through May31, 2005 g ''%I '"6 050728 through 050937 Li— Page 7 of 9 CE Eby 050873 05-23-05 2700 BIk. Cranston Street 050885 .... 05-25-05 Route 47/Fox Street Accident Traffic Arrest: Officers were called to a local support group for a report of an intoxicated person sitting in 050874 05-23-05 1100 BIk. N.Bridge Street their car outside the club. Officers found vehicle Fraud: Officers retrieved a counterfeit$5 from a local driving on the roadway at Mill and Van Emmon. business. Officers pulled said vehicle over after it had made several lane violations. Driver of the vehicle stated 050875 05-23-05 300 BIk. E.Van Emmon Street they had been drinking, but was going to an AA Keep the Peace meeting and no one was there. Driver failed field sobriety tests. Driver was arrested for DUI and while 050876 05-23-05 Route 47/Landmark Avenue at Corrections, refused all testing. Traffic Arrest: Subject was driving on a suspended license and taken into custody for such. 050886.... 05-25-05 1200 Blk. Sunset Street Death — Natural Causes 050877 05-23-05 900 BIk. Mill Street Canine Training 050887.... 05-25-05 1400 Blk. N.Bridge Street Assist Business Agency 050878 05-23-05 Route 34/Tuma Road Traffic Arrest: Subject was driving without a valid 050888 .... 05-25-05 1600 Blk. N.Bridge Street license and taken into custody for such. Lockout 050879 05-23-05 Route 47/Fox Street 050889 .... 05-25-05 800 BIk. Greenfield Turn Accident Domestic Trouble 050880 05-23-05 200 Blk. W.Hydraulic Avenue 050890 .... 05-26-05 200 Blk. E.Veterans Parkway Harassment by Telephone Lockout 050881 05-24-05 700 Fir Court 050891 .... 05-26-05 Route 126/Route 71 Mental Case— Other Other Public Service 050882 05-24-05 Route 47/Route 126 050892.... 05-26-05 1400 BIk. Aspen Lane Traffic Arrest: Traffic Arrest: Subject was driving on a Lockout suspended license and taken into custody for such. 050893 .... 05-26-05 1200 Blk. N.Bridge Street 050883 05-24-05 Route 71/Route 126 Deceptive Practices: Business stated a check in the Accident amount of$140.72 was returned for non-sufficient funds. 050884 05-24-05 100 Blk. E.Hydraulic Avenue Criminal Damage to State Supported Property: 050894 .... 05-26-05 1500 BIk. Stoneridge Court Juvenile offenders were caught damaging the Harassment by Telephone "fountain" at the Riverfront Park. Juveniles were referred to Juvenile Probation for the incident. 050895 .... 05-26-05 E.Kendall Drive/Mulhern Court Estimated $100 of damage. All Other Disorderly Conduct 050896 .... 05-26-05 Desk Report Assist Other Government Agency 050897.... 05-26-05 Desk Report Assist Other Government Agency J2st.e,cily� Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary � . May 1, 2005 through May 31, 2005 ' 050728 through 050937 41,11, ' O Page 8 of 9 24LE xyy 050898 05-27-05 700 BIk. Game Farm Road 050910 .... 05-28-05 1400 BIk. N.Bridge Street Criminal Trespass to State Supported Property: A Retail Theft: Business stated unknown offender subject known to have been banned from school pumped $46.10 of gasoline without paying for it, and property was seen on the premises and was arrested then left the scene. No suspect information given to for Criminal Trespass by officers. officers. 050899 05-27-05 Bluejay Drive 050911 .... 05-28-05 1400 BIk. Cannonball Trail Accident Accident/Traffic Arrest: After being called to the scene of an accident at a local establishment, officers 050900 05-27-05 Route 34/Center Parkway suspected one of the drivers to be intoxicated. Driver Traffic Arrest: Subject was found driving on a was taken into custody for Leaving the Scene of an suspended license and taken into custody for such. Accident and for DUI — Private Property. 050901 05-27-05 1800 BIk. Marketview Drive Lockout 050912.... 05-28-05 Route 71 Nillage View Drive Traffic Arrest: Subject was driving on a suspended 050902 05-27-05 700 BIk. Game Farm Road license and taken into custody for such. Criminal Trespass to State Supported Property: A subject known to have been banned from school 050913 .... 05-28-05 Route 34/Route 47 property was seen on the premises and was arrested Accident for Criminal Trespass by officers. 050914 .... 05-28-05 Route 47/Cannonball Trail 050903 05-27-05 700 BIk. Game Farm Road Other Public Service Accident 050915 .... 05-28-05 200 BIk. E.Countryside Pkwy 050904 05-27-05 1400 BIk. N.Bridge Street Retail Theft: After receiving a facial treatment, Retail Theft: Business manager stated an employee offender stated they did not have any money to pay. stated they were short on their cigarette inventory. Victim asked offender to pay at a later date and The next day, the manager realized 50 cartons of offender agreed. Offender never came in to pay for cigarettes were unaccounted for. The cigarettes are the services, valued at $80. valued at $1800 and there was no evidence of the theft on the security system. 050916.... 05-28-05 Route 34/Route 47 Accident 050905 05-27-05 Route 34/Eldamain Road Accident 050917.... 05-28-05 200 Blk. Commercial Drive Other Public Complaints 050906 05-28-05 100 Blk. E.Hydraulic Avenue Suspicious Circumstances 050918 .... 05-28-05 Route 47/Somonauk Street Traffic Arrest: Subject was driving on a suspended 050907 05-27-05 2200 BIk. Kingsmill Street license and taken into custody for such. Assistance Rendered Civil Category 050919.... 05-28-05 1500 Blk. Walsh Drive 050908 05-28-05 200 Blk. W.Center Street Domestic Trouble Battery: Student suffered a black eye after another student hit them with a hockey stick while playing floor 050920.... 05-28-05 200 Blk. St. Joseph's Way hockey. No charges were filed. Harassment by Telephone 050909 05-27-05 100 BIk. Colonial Parkway 050921 .... 05-28-05 100 Blk. Schoolhouse Road Lockout Domestic Trouble o Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary May 1, 2005 through May 31, 2005 ,`' 050728 through 050937 9 `=lu. s Page 9 of 9 050922 05-29-05 Hydraulic Avenue/Route 47 when unknown offender(s) hit the windshield two Domestic Battery/Battery: Subjects riding together in times with an unknown object. Victim suspects ex- a vehicle stated offender and offender's girlfriend got tenants. into an argument where the offender then choked the girlfriend. One of the passengers and friend of the 050933.... 05-31-05 Route 34/Center Parkway victim's stepped in to help and was also struck by the Accident offender. Offender was arrested for both Domestic 050934.... 05-31-05 200 BIk. W.Kendall Drive Battery and Battery. Forgery: Victim came in to report their daughter had again written and forged two checks totaling $90. 050923 05-29-05 400 BIk. Walnut Street Victim did not want to press charges, however, Lockout wanted to file a report. This is an ongoing situation. 050924 05-29-05 100 Blk. Countryside Parkway 050935.... 05-31-05 1800 Blk. Marketview Drive Theft$300 and Under: Victim stated unknown Battery offender(s) removed a gas trimmer, rake and a gasoline tank with $5 worth of gasoline from a 050936.... 05-31-05 200 Blk. W.Main Street common closet used by all residents. Property valued Other Public Complaint/Loud/Wild Parties: A couple at $150. came to the police department and stated their child had a party at their residence without their permission, 050925 05-29-05 Route 47/Route 34 and were looking for guidance. Accident 050937.... 05-31-05 200 Blk. Kingsmill Street 050926 05-29-05 800 Blk. Morgan Street Unlawful Visitation Interference: Victim stated they Domestic Trouble were being denied telephone visitation privileges per their divorce court order. 050927 05-30-05 Route 47/Main Street Traffic Arrest: Subject was driving without a valid license and taken into custody for such. 050928 05-30-05 200 Blk. E.Veterans Parkway Lockout 050929 05-30-05 300 Blk. N.Bridge Street Retail Theft: Juvenile offender was caught stealing two bags of potato chips valued at $2. Juvenile was turned over to their parent and referred to Probation. 050930 05-30-05 500 Blk. W.Fox Street Domestic Trouble 050931 05-30-05 1200 Blk. Clearwater Drive Criminal Damage to Property: Victim reported five double-paned windows located at the front of a house under construction had been damaged by unknown offender(s). Property valued at $2000. 050932 05-31-05 200 Blk. S.Bridge Street Criminal Damage to Property: Victim stated their vehicle's windshield was damaged (valued at $250) . . 4,13 co). United City of Yorkville Memo # o 800 Game FarmRoad Est 1 '11 - ' i'' 1836 Yorkville, Illinois 60560 ----c----=-----P C, Telephone: 630-553-4350 .5. 0 Fax: 630-553-7575 %I Kerdal Ccunly s* .- Date: _...-, CL p .A.__ " ) ''-)'_C( To: /1 (/, ,' . ,, : / ,, / ',.. i'. 'i . f , , rt k: / 1 /4:/. ,,il.,,L i:,. From: Agenda Item: --1-1 --1 - 1,1-f2coc., L CC lac/ (,-,.iL,('( 7(0U / /( / (('1 was not available at the time packets were produced. This item will be available '; and distributed in a supplemental packet. , Any questions please contact ., c-t,..t L. t',. , ( C A ,.; 1 =e�tiD cery� United City of Yorkville Memo 800 Game Farm Road EST "� ��''' 1836 Yorkville, Illinois 60560 Telephone: 630-553-4350 *6p 'j® ti ~ p Fax: 630-553-7575 *7Kendall Cowry .,:p. <tEk%).' Date: June 7, 2005 To: Harold Martin, Chief of Police From: John Justin Wyeth, City Attorney CC: Public Safety Committee (Aldermen O'Hare, Spears, Leslie, Wolfer) Subject: PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO LIQUOR CODE Attached is a draft ordinance that proposes 4 new liquor classifications as well as in enhancements of the "violations"provision. This amendment has been the product of input from the Chief of Police, Mayor and the Public Safety Committee. STATE OF ILLINOIS ) ) ss COUNTY OF KENDALL ) DRAFT ORDINANCE No. 2005- ORDINANCE AMENDING CITY CODE, TITLE 3,BUSINESS; CHAPTER 3 LIQUOR CONTROL REGARDING NEW CLASSIFICATIONS AND NEW ENFORCEMENT PROVISIONS Whereas the United City of Yorkville has taken up, discussed and considered amending the City Code, Title 3, Business; Chapter 3 Liquor Control by adding classifications and adding provisions concerning enforcement , and Whereas the Mayor and City Council have discussed that it may be prudent to amend Section 3-3-4 "Classes of Licenses" by adding classifications for Bar and Grill, Catering, Golf Course and Temporary/Special Event in the text as depicted on the attached Exhibit"A though D", and Whereas the Mayor and City Council have discussed that it may be prudent to amend Section 3-3-18 "Violations and Penalties"by adding the new Section 3-3-18(C) as depicted on the attached Exhibit"E". NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE, upon Motion duly made, seconded and approved by a majority of those so voting,that Title 3, Chapter 3, "Liquor Control" of the City Code of the United City of Yorkville is hereby amended by adding the Classifications and Sections as depicted on the attached Exhibits "A through E". This Ordinance shall become effective upon passage. WANDA OHARE JOSEPH BESCO VALERIE BURD PAUL JAMES DEAN WOLFER MARTY MUNNS ROSE SPEARS JASON LESLIE Approved by me, as Mayor of the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois,this Day of , A.D. 2005. MAYOR Passed by the City Council of the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois this day of , A.D. 2005. ATTEST: CITY CLERK Prepared by: John Justin Wyeth City Attorney United City of Yorkville 800 Game Farm Road Yorkville, IL 60560 EXHIBIT "A" TITLE 3 BUSINESS, CHAPTER 3 LIQUOR, SECTION 3-3-4 (A)(4) Other Licenses NEW CLASS "BG": Bar and Grill: BG--1 Bar and Grill. These licenses shall be treated during the daytime until , as a R-1 Restaurant, and thereafter until closing each day as a A-2 Retail—Tavern Bar EXHIBIT "B" TITLE 3 BUSINESS, CHAPTER 3 LIQUOR, SECTION 3-3-4 (A)(4) Other Licenses NEW CLASS "GC": Golf Course GC—Golf Course. a. Authorizes the licensee to sell alcoholic liquor to its patrons and guests by the drink, for consumption in the clubhouse and on the golf course, and not for resale in any form. b. The license shall only be available for premises defined as a golf course/clubhouse herein which has a minimum of one hundred (100) total acres for an 18-hole or greater course or a minimum of fifty (50) total acres for a 9-hole course. c. Golf course/clubhouse means a public or private golf course with a clubhouse having facilities used, kept and maintained as a place where food is served, such space being provided with adequate and sanitary kitchen and dining room equipment and capacity and having employed therein a sufficient number and kind of employees to prepare, cook and serve suitable food for its guests EXHIBIT "C" TITLE 3 BUSINESS, CHAPTER 3 LIQUOR, SECTION 3-3-4 (A)(4) Other Licenses NEW CLASS "CA": Catering Class CA--Catering license. a. Authorizes the licensee to sell alcoholic liquor in connection with the operation of a catering business within the city. b. Authorizes the licensee to sell to the general public alcoholic liquor in original packages only, for consumption at a private party when the food for said party is prepared by the licensee. c. The license shall only be issued to persons who can demonstrate that they are operating a bona fide catering business with headquarters within the city. d. All food and beverage sales made by the licensee shall be made at the registered office of licensee, which shall be deemed the licensed premises. Such sales shall be subject to the applicable municipal taxes EXHIBIT"D" TITLE 3 BUSINESS, CHAPTER 3 LIQUOR, SECTION 3-3-4 (A)(4) Other Licenses NEW CLASS "T": Temporary Sec. 6-10. Temporary permits. (a) The local liquor control commissioner shall have authority to issue a temporary permit for sale of alcoholic liquor to be consumed on the premises at a banquet, picnic, bazaar, fair or similar private or public assembly where food or drink is sold, served or dispensed. (b) Such temporary permit may be issued to a club, society, fraternal or benevolent organization or association which is organized not for pecuniary profit, and shall be for a period of not more than four(4) days. (c) No more than three (3)temporary permits may be granted to any organization during a calendar year. (d) Notwithstanding any of the above-mentioned provisions, a temporary liquor permit may be issued for the sale and consumption of beer at a regularly scheduled game or tournament at a privately owned sports stadium. Such permit shall be issued with the provision that the sale of beer cease at 10:30 p.m. and that the sale and consumption of beer not be allowed outside of the stadium area. (e) The fee for such permit shall be determined, from time to time, by separate ordinance or resolution of the city council, and shall accompany the written application. EXHIBIT "E" TITLE 3 BUSINESS, CHAPTER 3 LIQUOR, SECTION 3-3-18 NEW SECTION "C" ADDITIONAL VIOLATIONS C. Additional Violations The local liquor control commissioner may determine that the licensee is in violation of the Chapter if he determines that the licensee has violated any of the following provisions: (1) The licensee has violated any law of the state, any ordinance of the county, or any ordinance of the United City of Yorkville, which affects the public health, welfare and safety (including but not limited to the zoning and building regulations of the City) and which violation occurred as part of the operation of the licensee's business or upon the licensed premises or adjacent premises. (2) The licensee is more than forty-five (45) days delinquent in the payment of any debt to the city. (3) For the purposes of this section, every licensee shall be deemed responsible for the acts of his agents or employees whether or not such licensee knowingly permits or has actual knowledge of such unlawful acts stated in this section. Jun 08 05 04: 03p KENDRLL CO CPRT 530 554 2133 p. 1 Glel �Ci` MarrIsil `_ A Child Is Missing Alert E4. 44 is Update on how we can assist law enforcement Mrsf-IN z tALR A Child Is Missing is a non-profit organization that serves law enforcement with a rapid telephony program. ACIM can place 1000 phone calls in 60 seconds,24/7—365. ACIM will search for the following: 1. A criminal on the run that involves a child. 2. A crime that involves an unborn child. 3. Abduction from the home or hospital. 4. A person that is unconscious or in a coma. (We will look for the guardian/parent.) 5. Find the parents/guardian of a child that has wandered off. 6. Assist in a search that crosses state boundaries(when sighting has occurred). 7. Available before Amber Alert has been issued. 8. Satellite mapping program used to identify the search area. Inform the community of community meetings that relate to child safety. 10. Upon request from law enforcement ACIM can activate call out list for volunteers/citizen search teams for assistance in finding missing children/elderly(often with Alzheimer's)/disabled persons/officers/agents on special assignments. (List must be submitted to ACIM and kept updated by the submitting agency.) 11. Assist in the search for college students. 12. Officers suspect a child is being harbored in the area. 13. Sexual predator awareness calls in states that allow this type of notification. 14. Suspected child in an area of danger but not seen. (Calls would lead to where the child was or wasn't.) 15. Cell phones/unlisted numbers can be registered online for anyone that wishes to be alerted when a child goes missing. 16. Mentally challenged children/adults that wander off. 17. Parental abductions. 18. Runaways. 19. Share exhibit(s)space at various events when possible. _J. Supply training materials to officers. 21. Make officer/deputies aware of sexual predators/offenders in an area where a child has gone missing. Jun 08 05 04: 03p KENDRLL CO CPRT 630 554 2133 p. 2 s. A 501c3 NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION ASSISTING LAW ENFORCEMENT IN THE FIRST HOURS OFA CHILD'S DISAPPEARANCE c41-11—V +{3cctrt4 c �. t•-r-=.., Every 40 seconds a child is reported missing in the U.S. www.achildismissing.arg 1,000 telephone alert calls placed in 60 seconds can help save a life. officers Since 1997,A Child Is Missing has been providing law enforcement with its Sherry Frd/Foumder,e,, Chairman of the Board/Founfirst responder program.ACIM's rapid response telephone system alerts residents in a William Spiker,hesident targeted area about a missing child,elderly person(suffering from Alzheimer's),and David Lindemann,Vice President Bony Mowery,Secretary mentally challenged or disabled individual.This program is available to all 50 states., Edwin Mena,Treasurer We are currently established in FL,RI,AK,OH,GA,NV, IN,OK,MI,WV,AL,MA, Advisory Board NT-i,ME,VT,TN,UT,TX,SC,IL,CA,PA, and WA. Chief Roy Adgo-FL Judge George A Breschet-FL Chief Jerry Blough-FL The A Child Is Missing program is given to law enforcement at no cost.Financial Bob Cromwell-Executive DirectoofIfie Buckeye Slate Sheriffs'Ass«clatlon.OH support is obtained throughstate and federal funding,grants, fundraisers,sponsors and Chief Lawrence Fafagher-FL optional donations from law enforcement, Howard Fom,an-Clerk of Courts-FL Kim Fremley-lsINa$ional Bank-AK Chief James Gabbard-FL Only law enforcement can activate the program. Georgia Shedf's Assoclaton•GA George La Moureaux-Climb for America's Children-AK It works like this:An officer calls A Child Is Missing,operating 24/7-365, Chief Steven Ust-FL Director John tucking-AK providing pertinent information about the missing person,including description, FeggyNordeen•Slarmark-Ft clothes worn,and time/ lace last seen. feny Peaks-Director of Ohio's Missing P Children's Clecdnghouse-OH WiUlam Frohn-Govt.Ugson-FL Chief James Scorberry-FL phoned ACIM technician records an individual alert message,which is out to the Chief Don Savage-AK area where the child was last seen. With its high-tech telephony,A Child Is Missing Honorable E.Clay Shaw-FL Chief Anthony J SKva-RI can place up to 1,000 calls in 60 seconds.There is a 98 percent listen rate by residents Chief Mel Slandley-IL or businesses answering phones.Call recipients are asked to call police with any Chief Thomas Stretcher,Jr.•Oil Lynn Underdawn-US Border Patrol-FL information they have about the missing person. Chief Richard Wienbiekl-FL founding Sponsors Since 1997,A Child Is Missing has received more than 10,000 calls for assistance from Business In Browoed magazine law enforcement and has placed over II million alert calls to residents. Emergency Communications Network Florida Dept of Law Enforcement Florida tegbialvro Stasmark international A Child Is Missing works in concert with Amber Alert and all child safety programs. Conlribufoes Alabama Law Enforcement-AL ACIM is the only program of its kind in the country. Browerd County Sheriff's OIRce-FL Buckeye State SherlWs Office-OH Georgia Sheriffs'Assocaflon-GA The ACIM program should not be confused with the Amber Alert,which is designed IUinols Law Enforcement-IL for stranger abductions,geographically removed from area of disappearance. Indiana Law Enlorcemenl•IN Mane Law Enforcement-ME MassachusettsMichon aw Enforcement-A Ml ACIM has veryfew restrictions and can be activated byone simple phone call. Michigan Low Enforcement-MI P Nevada Law Enforcement-NV New Hampshire Low Enforcement-NH Oklahoma Law Enforcement-OK Law enforcement needs no special equipment or personnel to activate ACIM Rhode Island Ponce Chief's Assoc-RI south Carolina Law Enforcement-SC Tennessee Law Enforcement•TN In the past 38(04/19/05)months,law enforcement has credited ACIM with Texas law Enforcement-TX 91 successful recoveries.The case follow-up sheets have documented this. The Utah Law Enforcement-UT Vemsont Law Enforcement-VT average recovery time has been 90 minutes from placing alert calls. Washington Law Enforcement-WA West Virginia Law Enforcement-WV ACIM stands ready 24/7,365 days to assist law enforcement agencies large and small,in the search/early recovery procedure. 500 S.E.1Th Street#101 Fora laudefdale,FL 33316 Please visit the A Child Is Missing website:www.achildismissine.org, Tel: 954-763-1288 888-US5-ACIM fax: 954-763-4569 How the program works www,AChildlsMissinq.orq Parent_*.911(Police)ACIM _.,Phone Calls to Residents ..Leads back to SO/PD's h-io@AChildlsMissinq.orq 4/05 "77iis project was sapporred by Grans NI001 JS-FX-F7016 Awarded by the Office of d.eca le Justice and Delinqucury Prevention,Office Of.hmeice Programs-U.S Depot-Mimi o/Justice". 'P° ill _s• oiT o United City of Yorkville Memo '" 800 Game Farm Road _ 1836 Yorkville, Illinois 60560 �� Telephone: 630-553-4350 P-41.if�.. . p Fax: 630-553-7575 `mss 4LE ‘‘)° Date: :� (,,../ Lc. 07C(' 4 i 1 To: i c)f,/ a ld C l) , .,/,. . 6 , From: i. � �. r At ltj . k Agenda Item: 4- .-- (C • - �C t L k: i,c) — 6 ) ( u C"t_lr (x Vi, LA.c-/,.:///k ILA �i�. was not available at the time packets were-produced. This item will be available 1ALCA 6 aa.C,, , , '_1 c t_ _ ,)(7( 5 and distributed in a supplemental packet. (J Any questions please contact _)(1; /,./ I c i. (,,1,_ /e tom. f) Cir o United City of Yorkville Memo r � '" 800 Game Farm Road Est.14 1836 Yorkville, Illinois 60560 — = Telephone: 630-553-4350 �� 11 1 ` p Fax: 630-553-7575 # '114LE Date: June 9, 2005 To: Public Safety Committee From: John Wyeth, City Attorney CC: Harold Martin, Chief of Police Subject: Prohibition on Overnight and Certain Commercial Parking Attached is a draft Ordinance restricting overnight parking and parking of certain commercial vehicles. It is intended for discussion. The text is derived from a review of several communities by Shamim Hopkins. Chief Martin, Shamim Hopkins and I have met to develop what in the end result is a very simplistic and straight forward text of Ordiance. I would recommend that the Committee discuss holding a public meeting to seek public input regarding this proposed Ordiance. STATE OF ILLINOIS ) ) ss COUNTY OF KENDALL ) ORDINANCE No. 2005- ORDINANCE AMENDING CITY CODE TITLE 6--TRAFFIC REGARDING OVERNIGHT PARKING Whereas the United City of Yorkville has taken up, discussed and considered amending the City Code, Title 6—Traffic regarding restrictions on overnight parking on City streets, and Whereas the Mayor and City Council have discussed that it may be prudent to amend Title 6—Traffic, Chapter 2—Parking Regulations by adding new Section 6-2-6 depicted on the attached Exhibit"A". NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE,upon Motion duly made, seconded and approved by a majority of those so voting, that Chapter 6—Traffic, Chapter 2—Parking Regulations of the City Code of the United City of Yorkville is hereby amended by adding New Section 6-2-6 as depicted on the attached Exhibit"A". Current Sections 6-2-6 (Towing Illegally Parked Vehicles) and 6-2-7 (Penalties) shall be renumbered as 6-2-7 (Towing Illegally Parked Vehicles) 6-2-8 (Penalties). This Ordinance shall be effective as of , 2005 WANDA OHARE JOSEPH BESCO VALERIE BURD PAUL JAMES DEAN WOLFER MARTY MUNNS ROSE SPEARS JASON LESLIE Approved by me, as Mayor of the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois, this Day of , A.D. 2005. MAYOR Passed by the City Council of the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois this day of , A.D. 2005. ATTEST: CITY CLERK Prepared by: John Justin Wyeth City Attorney United City of Yorkville 800 Game Farm Road Yorkville, IL 60560 Exhibit"A" TITLE 6—TRAFFIC, CHAPTER 2, PARKING REGULATIONS NEW SECTION 6-2-6 RESTRICTIONS ON OVERNIGHT PARKING AND COMMERCIAL VEHICLE PARKING A. Prohibition on Overnight Parking: No person shall park a vehicle, except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with the directions of a police officer or traffic-control device at any time between the hours of 1:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. on a street of the City of Yorkville. B. Limitation on Parking of Certain Commercial Vehicles: No commercial vehicle, including contractors equipment,bearing a classification other than "B" under the provisions of the Illinois Vehicle Code shall be parked for a period longer than one (1)hour on any public street in a residential district, except where making a delivery or rendering a service at such premises. j4 1 t ) _`��� oar o United City of Yorkville Memo J . ;=f , 800 Game Farm Road EST. E 18361 Yorkville, Illinois 60560 Rii -�� Telephone: 630-553-4350 t IL IT p Fax:li on. 630-553-7575 LLE v�`2 Date: r Z, 1,a_ / C-' To: c 1 i C�,4, ,,:' L C t i, La L i , i )f I/f L_ 0. 4,-,', ,,,:.,-,it ,s From: J( L 1 C't% L€< LLQ c� Agenda Item: 1 - LC 6-. t.( (::( �� �(,t. -('I)Cc.0 ' ,LT q, r� '. t I -;' /" was not available at the time packets were produced. This item will be available 1), ''\Ji,-« ,� ,(a / i,,r, `. `�), .: C C 1. and distributed m a supplemental packet. J i Any questions please contact Q° %L.c(i ) 1 (.0. u , rIY �_ 1 ei 0 Yorkville Police Department Memorandum 804 Game Farm Road EST.I% 1836 Yorkville, Illinois 60560 Telephone: 630-553-4340 0 i' (i) Fax: 630-553-1141 SCE„\yv Date: June 8, 2005 To: Chief Harold 0. Martin III From: S/Sgt. Ron Diederich Reference: Squad purchase Chief Today I spoke with Mark Bobbitt from Miles Chevrolet regarding the Impala purchase. Mark stated he has several 2005 in stock and the price is $18,487.32. The cost for the install of the equipment is a little higher for Chevrolet - $750.00 (J&L) which brings the total to $19,237.32. If we do one Impala and one Crown Victoria the grand total would be $41,726.32. I have attached Miles Chevrolet's information to this memo. If you have any questions please let me know. Respectfully, S/Sgt. Ron Diederich CHEVROLET MILES CHEVROLET INC. CHEVROLET Police Vehicle Sales Division P.O. Box 3160 150 West Pershing Road Decatur, Illinois 62524-3160 Phone (217)872-2070 • Fax(217)872-2069 2005 Chevrolet Impala Police Interceptor PAST...PRESENT...FUTURE...THEN...TODAY...TOMORROW... MILES CHEVROLET WILL BE THEREI! Chief, Sheriff and/or Purchasing Officer, Chevrolet Motor Division has announced that as of March 15th it will not be able to accept any new requests to purchase the Impala police interceptor under the State of Illinois contract#PSD4012465. Although the deadline for special orders has passed, Miles Chevrolet will have a limited quantity of the Chevrolet Impala (9C1) pursuit vehicles available for immediate delivery. Save time and money by trading in your surplus vehicles to Miles Chevrolet.We will bid your vehicles sight unseen and ._ will pick them up when we deliver your new Impala's free of charge. We guarantee to allow a fair market price, while saving you time and money in the process. *Please Note: We do anticipate a substantial price increase for the 2006 Impala, due to new sheet metal design—SAVE BIG NOW! Last Chance! 2005 Chevrolet Impala (9C1) Police Interceptor STANDARD EQUIPMENT INCLUDES: Bucket Seats-Cloth Auxiliary Engine Oil Cooler 100 Amp Power Supply In Trunk Power Windows Auxiliary Transmission Oil Cooler Pre-Wired for Taillight Flasher Power Door Locks . Auxiliary Power Steering Fluid Cooler Grounding Stud in Trunk Compact Spare Tire Heavy Duty 4T65E Transmission Top Speed Fuel Cut-off at 129 MPH AM/FM Stereo Radio Heavy Duty 690 CCA Battery Radio Interference Suppression Package Dual Zone Air Conditioning (4) Wheel Heavy Duty Disc Brakes DRL Defeat Switch Solar Ray Tinted Glass (4)Wheel Heavy Duty Anti-Lock Brakes Lock Out Protection System Driver Side Door Air Bag System P-255/60R16 Pursuit Rated Tires Trunk Release Wired to Ignition Tilt Steering Wheel Heavy Duty Aluminum Engine Cradle Bolt-on Center Wheel Caps Compact Spare Tire 100 Amp Power Supply Under Dash 16x16.5 Heavy Duty Steel Wheel 3800 Series II SFI Engine Package#1 Base Price: $17,988.66 (Base Price Includes All Standard Equipnnent...Plus...) Rubber Floor Covering...Horn & Siren Wiring...Power Driver Seat ...Rear Window Defogger...Power OSRV Mirrors...Spotlight Optional... *Package #1 Will Be Available In White wBlue Interior Only* *Cruise Control Available...Quantities Will Be Limited* Page 1 2 'd 6902-2LB-LT2 eS aoTiod zato.Ina43 sa[ LW eES :60 SO 80 unC 4 Package#2 Base Price: $18,189.00 (Base Price Includes All Standard Equipment...Plus...) Rubber Floor Covering...Horn/Siren Wiring...Power Driver Seat... Rear Window Defogger...Cruise Control...Power OSRV Mirrors ...Spotlight Optional... *Package #2 Will Be Available In The Following Colors...Quantities Are Limited* ❑ Black ❑ Blue ❑ Silver ❑ Gray Metallic ❑ Maroon Metallic *Note: All Package 4#2 Impala's will have blue interior...Except Maroon which will have tan interior. *ORDER FORM* Illinois Municipal Joint Purchasing Program Chevrolet Impala Police Interceptor Package #1 - White Exterior - Only: $17,988.66 Package #2 - Various Colors - Only: $18,189.00 'Package Pricing Includes All Features Listed On Page #1 And Package Content` City,County or Village of: Tax Exemption# Address: City: State: Zip Code: Contact Person: Phone: Fax: Package# Color(s) Price Per Vehicle w/Options* Total Order Amount$ *OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT ORDER GUIDE* ❑ Spotlight Unity 6" Black $186.66 ❑ Push Bumper-Go Rhino—Best Built $ 249.33 ❑ Headlight Flasher w/Waterproof Connectors $129.00 ❑ Trunk Equipment Shelf $ 236.85 El Secur-Idle Ignition Override System $149,00 ❑ Passenger Air Bag Cut-Off Switch $ 329.10 CI Wheel Trim Rings -Chrome $ 89,00 ❑ Rear Doors -Functions De-Activated $ 69.00 • Vinyl Rear Seat—Easy.Clean-up S 118.22 ❑ Two-Tone Paint(Black&White) Scheme $1250.00 ❑ Rubber Floor Mats, Heavy Duty, w/Channel $ 79.00 El Tail Light(Federal) Flasher $ 139.16 ❑ Full Size Spare Tire $248.16 ❑ Night Sight (Red &White) Dome Light $ 98.11 ❑Full Size Wheel Covers $ 98.66 El Vehicles Keyed Identical $ 49.00 ❑ Delivery $245.00(EA) O Auxiliary Dome Light(White) $ 58.16 ❑Cruise Control(White Only) $250.00 ❑AM &FM Radio w/Cassette Player $149.10 * Super Saver Group Discount. . . . . . . . $498.66 Includes: Spotlight...Vinyl Rear Seat...Full Size Spare Tire... ...Night Sight Auxiliary Dome Lamp...Delivery To Your Facility AM/FM Radio w/Cassette Player...Individually Priced At: $1045.25 Thank You for This Opportunity! Rich Bobbitt, Fleet Sales Director Page 2 Marc Bobbitt, Assistant Fleet Director E 'al 6908-8L8-LT8 eS eo' Tod geI0Jnay0 seITW eFS :60 SO 80 uric TERRY'S NATIONAL FLEET SALES Administrative Office .11274 Rte,50& Peotone/ Beecher Rood Peotone, IL 60468 708/258-2400 NATIONAL FLEET SALES Fax 708/258-9716 111 MERCURY LINCOLN TERRY'S LINCOLN-MERCURY 9401 West 143rd St. Orland Park,IL 60,162 708/349.3400 June 06, 2005 ® FORD MERCURY LINCOLN TERRY'S FORD, To: RON DIETRICH LINCOLN-MERCURY Village of YORKVILLE Rt, 50&Peotone/ Beecher Rd Peotone.IL 60468 From: Jon Kunes 708/258.9200 Terry's Ford Lincoln Mercury Re: 2005 Ford Crown Victoria Police Interceptor Dear Frank: Thank you for inquiring on a 2005 police interceptor. We have the following interceptors in stock 2005 Ford Crown Victoria Police Interceptor Vibrant White Cloth Buckets/Vinyl Rear Dark Charcoal Interior Heavy Duty Floor Covering Heavy Duty Battery Police Package Dual Exhaust Driver/Passenger Airbag 4.6L OHC EFI V8 Elec Auto Overdrive Transmission P225/60VR16 BSW Tires Driver Side Spot Lamp AM/FM STEREO COURTESY LAMPS AND REAR DOOR LOCKS DISABLED NOISE SUPPRESSION BOND STRAPS ONE NAME MEANS MORE! June 16, 2003 Page 2 all standard equipment is included. Your cost on this vehicle would be $21,564.00. Please add $75.00 for municipal plates/title. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call me at 708-258- 2400, Ext. 259. Thank you again for thinking of us! Sincerely, Jon S. Kunes Commercial/Fleet Manager Attachments 10 CI? 0 Yorkville Police Department Memorandum v.;,:c::k 804 Game Farm Road Est : 1836 Yorkville, Illinois 60560 Telephone: 630-553-4340 "a II P. Fax: 630-553-1141 ons 0 474 LE rtAt>' Date: June 6, 2005 " To: Wanda Ohare Public Safety Chairwoman From: Chief Harold Martin Reference: Data Recorder for Total St:do Wanda, Sergeant Delaney has requested that we purchase a Data Recorder for the Total Station. This will allow the operator of the Total Station to visually see the diagram being created at the scene. It will also help avoid any potential errors in recording shots. This unit will also assist in the time management of the Traffic Crash Reconstruction. With this unit we are able to down load the data from it instead of the Total Station head unit. This unit will cost in the area of $2,600 to $3,000.