Public Safety Packet 2005 09-08-05 ici...;) C` .r� 3 United City of Yorkville 800 Game Farm Road EST. __tki _ 1836 Yorkville, Illinois 60560 -s,"3 IR; 1 Telephone: 630-553-4350 — }Q Fax: 630-553-7575 14 KendeF.Canny ` 4tE ,w PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Thursday, September 8, 2005 6:30 PM City Conference Room AGENDA 1. Approval/Correction of Minutes: July 14, 2005 and August 11, 2005 2. Police Reports for August 2005 3. Trick or Treat Hours 4. Engineering's Used Plotter 5. Grande Reserve Weather Warning Siren 6. Budget Request to Assist with Funding for Probation Officer's Salary 7. MMS Compliance 8. Business Registration 9. Liquor License Application 10. False Alarm Ordinance Update 11. Parking Ordinance Update 12. Additional Business Page 1 of 2 PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE DRAFT YORKVILLE CITY HALL CONFERENCE ROOM Thursday,July 14, 2005 Committee Chairman Wanda Ohare called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Present Alderwoman Wanda Ohare, Aldermen Dean Wolfer and Jason Leslie, and Lt. Don Schwartzkopf. 1. Minutes for Approval/Correction-- Minutes from the June 9, 2005 meeting were approved. 2. Police Reports for June 2005—Ohare said she was pleased to see that seat belt citations were issued in June and no warnings were given. She also was pleased to see the number of training hours increased over the past year. She was glad to see a number of other items in the report and commended the department on doing a great job. 3. 2004 Year End Analysis Report—Ohare said the report was very well done and she'd impressed with the amount of education hours logged in. She added the number of man-hours increased considerably over the past year,but said some new officers were hired. She said the city is trying to stay ahead of the growth. Wolfer said he's likes the part of the report where the city's officers are interacting with the public at various events such as story hour at the library. As an aside, Schwartzkopf said there had been a rash of thefts at construction sites around town in recent weeks. The officers visited each site everyday and eventually the thefts stopped or were dramatically reduced. Ohare said it might be prudent to install surveillance cameras if the thefts continue. For now, she said it seems like the police department has a handle on the issue. 4. Town Meeting for Parking Ordinance—Ohare said the meeting is scheduled for July 26. She told her fellow aldermen that if they get any calls about the meeting to refer the callers to the police department. She said the city will give warnings at first and the police department will put flyers on the windshields of illegally parked cars for a while. 5. Fire Lane Parking—Tucker Contractors Agreement with the City—Ohare said the crosswalks at the Jewel Shopping Center are very faded and she said that shouldn't go unnoticed. She also said there should be no parking along the curb area because there should be a fire lane there. Because the property is privately owned, the city doesn't have a say in the matter. However, Ohare said she'd talk to city code official Bill Dettmer about it when he got back from vacation. Wolfer suggested that in future matters the city Page 2 of 2 add to its ordinance that fire lanes must be installed in front of larger commercial buildings. 6. Generator and Air-Conditioning Enclosure—Ohare said there's nothing about the issue in the packets,but she said the generator and air-conditioning units are exposed and said they should be fenced in. 7. False Alarm Ordinance—A long time ago,the committee talked about creating fines for those who consistently issue false alarms, Ohare said. Now, a draft ordinance has been created to charge fines for false alarms. The draft ordinance would put a$50 fine on premises where the police department responds four to nine times in a calendar year. The fines go up to $1000 for 10 to 19 responses and are raised to $250 for 20 or more responses in a calendar year. Lt. Schwartzkopf said most cities don't have fines quite to high. But, he added there is a need for the ordinance. Sometimes the police department is called to the same place twice a day. Leslie suggested the proposed ordinance be forwarded to the Committee of the Whole. 8.Additional Business—Wolfer brought up the idea of starting a 911 Camp in Yorkville to inform school age children about the emergency service and how to use it. He said helped work on a similar camp in Morris and it was a big success. Ohare said it sounds like a great idea and encourage Wolfer to pursue it. Also, Wolfer asked if roadblocks could be set up on weekends on Route 126 near the PNA Camp. He said that road is very dangerous on weekends with drunk drivers coming from the camp. Lt. Schwartzkopf said the department would look into it and is aware there is a problem. The next meeting was scheduled for Aug. 11. The meeting adjourned at 7:20 p.m. Minutes respectfully submitted by Dina Gipe Page 1 of 3 DRAFT PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Thursday,August 11,2005 6:30 pm City Conference Room Present: Mayor Art Prochaska Police Chief Harold Martin Alderwoman Rose Spears Tanya Riva,resident Alderwoman Wanda Ohare Jorie Johnnie, resident Alderman Dean Wolfer Sandra Adams, Planning Commission Alderman Joe Besco Jeff Lacey,resident The meeting was called to order at 6:35 pm by Wanda Ohare 1. Approval/Correction of Minutes: None 2. Police Reports for July 2005—There was an increase in the burglary of vehicles and criminal damage of property to vehicles and on construction sites. 4 new officers are scheduled to be hired. 2 in November and 2 in April. Some residents are requesting a stop sign be put in at Walsh Dr. and Walsh Cir. A warrant study would have to be done, and because of the sight distance, maybe some kind of sign would be allowed. This will be taken to Public Works, and in the meantime, a speed trailer could be used there occasionally. Restrictive Parking Ordinance- Sandra Adams, a resident on Bruell St. would like to see the ordinance put in place and enforced. The truck and trailer in question on Bruell St. normally parks in front of the Fire Hydrant. The truck is a B plate and the trailer is a D plate. The truck is now parking in the Swim Club parking lot, backing the trailer into the trees. The current ordinance is for off street parking, not allowing commercial vehicles in a private drive. Non-commercial vehicles or trailers are allowed in the drive. Off street parking spaces may be located in any yard, except the front yard. There was discussion that if a B plate is allowed in the street, that it should also be allowed in the driveway. The Wire Wizard, located on Center Parkway and Blackberry Lane has 4 vans in his driveway, and the vehicles block the sidewalk, and violate the current ordinance. The vehicles do not belong there according to current ordinance, and customers coming to purchase his product also cannot park in his driveway. There are a lot of residents who block the sidewalk with their vehicles. Page 2 of 3 Chief Martin said that nowadays there are so many ordinances,that you can pretty much write anybody a ticket for anything, and the police enforce things of this nature when it is brought up to them. Alderwoman Spears pointed out that in the past the police have issued the Wire Wizard a citation or warning, and the Wire Wizard drove around the neighborhood and compiled a list of all the people who violated an ordinance, their address, and what the violation was. Since B plates are currently allowed on the street, a provision should be added to allow B plates and under in the driveway or front yard in accordance with the building code and the rest of the parking ordinance. Bill Dettmer in Building and Zoning will be contacted to make sure that ordinance will be able to allow this. Boats and other vehicles are allowed if there is a paved surface for them to park on. This will come back to the next Public Safety meeting. 3. DVD System for M-12—This was in the 04/05 budget, and it was discovered the funds were not in the Capital Fund after all. Chief Martin is requesting the funds come from the Capital Reserve Fund. This system is for Officer Delaney's vehicle for accident reconstruction and Truck Enforcement. He has no equipment in his vehicle currently for this. The COPS Grant for$24,000 was put into the Capital Reserve Fund. This will move on to COW. 4. Purchase of Chevy Tahoe - It was in the budget to purchase an Expedition,but Ford will not sell to the City of Yorkville. $26,000 was budgeted, and the Tahoe will cost $28,709. The difference in price can come from the reserve. The Aldermen voted, and they agree to the additional expense. 6. K-9 Bomb Dog—Cook County's Master Trainer has a 1 1/2 year old German Shepherd he is willing to donate to the City of Yorkville. The Master Trainer is also willing to train the dog and handler at no cost. The dog will be certified by the Training Board. Yorkville already have drug and tracking dogs. A drug dog cannot be crossed with a bomb dog. Both dogs can track. This will be the only bomb dog in the county. Both of Yorkville's drug dogs are in the twilight of their careers. A dog's career only lasts about 8 years. This proposal would mean maintaining 3 dogs until another dog retires. Chief Martin will look into whether or not the Moose or other places would be willing donate money for this dog, or the school could do a fund raiser, or a sponsorship could be looked into. The committee recommends accepting and maintaining this dog. This will move on to COW. 7. Generator and Air-Conditioning Enclosure—FYI—Chief Martin is waiting to hear back from Eric Dhuse on this issue. This would be to fence in the generator and the Air Conditioning unit. It was asked if the fencing would be solid or chain link. Chain link would not block the airflow to the equipment. It is not known at this time what kind of fence Eric Dhuse is inquiring about, but when the quotes come back, it will be found out. Page 3 of 3 8. Crossing Signs—FYI—Chief Martin had the officers inspect the railroad signs and gave the General Manager at Illinois RailNet a list of the ones that needed replacing. The Train Master will have to look at the signs and see what they will do. The Railroad is responsible for the signs. This will come back as an FYI. 9. Additional Business—Alderman Wolfer wanted Chief Martin to thank Barry Groesch for his work on camp 911. Alderman Besco said with the West Nile Virus popping up,he would like to have Clark spray for mosquitoes and drop the briquettes in the sewer. He would like the 211d application to be done now, and then have a 3'1 application be done later, and possibly have the contingency fund pay for this extra cost. This will move on to COW in conjunction with Public Works. Alderman Besco also stated that Wholesale Tires has a pile of tires lined up behind their building which is a fire hazard as well as a mosquito magnet. They charge a tire disposal fee to their customers, so this should be taken care of. Bill Dettmer will be contacted and he will have this taken care of ASAP. Alderwoman Ohare would like to have an update on the new Cadet, and would like to meet him at the City Council meeting on August 23r1. Chief Martin said his name is Behr. Alderwoman Ohare also wanted to ask about proper lighting and signs in private strip malls. Alderwoman Spears asked if there was anything in the building codes where they would have to keep up the equipment as well as the signs. This is Bill Dettmer's department. Bill will be asked to come to the next Public Safety meeting. Alderwoman Ohare also wanted say now that the alarm fees have been addressed, she would like to address the business registration fees. This will come back in the future. The alarm fees will be published in the city newsletters, neighborhood watch newsletters, newspapers, and possibly on TV or on the radio. Also someone should sit down with the school district and discuss with them that they are not affected with the fees,but stress the fact they are setting off the alarm so many times every month. There is an old chair on the tennis court at the Pool/ Swim Club that needs to be removed. There is a disagreement about who owns that property, if it is the city, the Lions Club, or the YMCA. Maybe Public Works could get the trash to pick it up? They will be contacted to have it removed. Also there are many vehicles parking there that maybe should not be. If there is still work being done there the vehicles are fine. The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 pm. Minutes submitted by Laura Leppert. Tc '4{ . `,csD CITE a ' EST.kw 1836 <LE `‘''‘' YORKVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT Harold 0. Martin ill, Chief of Police 804 Game Farm Road I Yorkville, Illinois 60560 Phone: 630-553-4340 I Fax: 630-553-1141 Date: August 15, 2005 To: Chief Harold 0. Martin III From: S/Sergeant Ron Diederich Reference: Monthly Mileage Report During July 2005, the Yorkville Police Department logged a total of 24,577 miles. Individual squad miles are: Monthly Current Reassign I Squad Vehicle Squad Usage Miles Miles Replace Date M-1 2001 Ford Crown Victoria Patrol/K-9 2,346 108,586 2006/2007 M-2 1996 Chevrolet Caprice Administration 436 142,165 2005/2006 M-3 1998 Ford Crown Victoria Administration 707 130,480 2003/2004 M-4 2002 Chevrolet Impala Patrol 2,482 79,022 2005/2006 M-5 1998 Ford Crown Victoria Administration 129 128,050 2003/2004 M-6 2003 Chevrolet Impala Chief 1,786 36,001 2007/2008 M-7 2001 Ford Crown Victoria DARE 0 68,140 2009/2010 M-8 2004 Ford Crown Victoria Patrol 3,777 61,031 2007/2008 M-9 2000 Ford Crown Victoria Lieutenant 407 70,402 2008/2009 M-10 1991 Ford Thunderbird DARE 0 128,980 2004/2005 M-10 2004 Chevrolet Impala Patrol 2,350 16,068 2008/2009 M-11 2003 Ford Crown Victoria Patrol 2,335 71,349 2006/2007 M-12 1999 Ford Expedition Patrol/Trucks 508 61,690 2007/2008 M-13 2001 Ford Crown Victoria Patrol I K-9 2,005 52,815 2010/2011 M-14 2003 Ford Crown Victoria Patrol 116 78,889 2005/2006 M-15 2004 Ford Crown Victoria Patrol Sergeant 1,077 29,192 2008/2009 M-16 2004 Ford Expedition Patrol Sergeant 2,760 33,189 2008/2009 M-17 2004 Chevrolet Impala Detective 1,356 6,488 2014/2015 Respectfully, ,S/Sgt. Ronald E. Diederich#203 Yorkville Police Department - Overtime Manhour Utilization Report - 08-20-05 Date Court Training Relief Details Admin Emerg Invest Com Sery Full Time Part Time 05/14/05 8 2 d 50 0 2 0 ( 11 0 73 110.75 05/28/05 8...__. ..._ 11 18..... i 31..._.._ . ., ..w0 0 _1.. ...11 113 0 795...___. 97.5 06/11/05 3.75 0 I......__33 5. .25.5'.,__ 2_........_ 0. :1_ ._,.._ 0_.. . .65.75 65.5 06/25/05 4 .__ 0 22 ..... 1 4 0 I0 1 675 ...._..,...»_......0...__....._.__ 36.75..__.._......_,___._.90.5......._.____ 07/09/05 _.._._. 0I.,..........__w.._015. € 9 0 10 2.25 0__.... _,... t.. 36.25 ...w..__102.75 07/23/05 . ._ .._ _.,_ _ ! .0....,. 15..... 1.... .._.6 2 0 t 56.530.575.45 ._ .. 08/06/05 6 0 12 ?._.___. 6........ ........ 0 ...._:w_ ... 0 8 5 4 36 5 119.5 08/20/05 7.5 0 15 0 :0 .. 6 23 75 1, 0 52 25 17-0.5 3 � i 1I 1 1 FY05-06 Court Training Relief Details Admin Emerg Invest Com Sery Full Time Part Time Totals 40.25 13.00 180.50 81.50 6.00 , 16.00 95.25 4.00 436.50 832.45 Percents 9% 3% 41% 19% 1% 4% 22% 1% 100% N/A Average 5.03 1.63 22.56 10.19 0.75 2.00 11.91 0.50 54.56 104.06 LAST YEAR'S STATISTICS FOR MANHOUR UTILIZATION FY04-05 Court Training Relief Details Admin Emerg Invest Com Sery Full Time Part Time Totals 125.00 79.25 231.50 299.00 88.25 14.00 377.00 113.50 1327.50 1867.00 Percents 9% 6% 17% 230/0 7% 1% 28% 9% 100% N/A Average 4.81 3.05 8.90 11.50 3.39 0.54 14.50 4.37 51.06 71.81 Prepared by Molly Batterson 9/2/2005 Yorkville Police Department - Overtime Manhour Utilization Report - 08-20-05 Date Court Training Relief Details Admin Emerg Invest Com Sery Full Time Part Time 05/105 I 8 2 50 0 2 _ 11. 0 73 110.75 05/28105 8 _, _ 11 18 31 0_ :.0 11.5 0._....__ 7,9 5_ 97.5 06/11/05___.... 3 75,_ 1 0.__._,_. 33.5 25.5 2 .,,_... ___...0 L. _......_1._ 0 65.75 65.5 06/25/054 ..__._..._.. 0 22 4 0 0.._._.., 6.75__. 0 36 75 _._... .__..._...._90.5._, 07/09/05 0 .____ _0_ __W.__,_15...____,,,,,1„___._,.__9 _....__.__.._ 0 10 _W_.._,___2..25__ ._ 0.._.. ._._.._ 36 25 ._.....102.75 07/23/05 _..._ 30 __....__.....15_ 6__._ �, 2 0 30.5 056.5 75.45 . 08/06/05 ._.._: 6 0 .,._„__. _12.__._. _'._. 6 0 0 8.5 4 36.5 119.5 08%20%05 . 7 5 0 15 0 0L: H 23.75 0 52.25 170.5 I Hi_ -I4 1-- -11 _ 1 _ _ ___ t [ 1 _ _ _ __ __ _ _ ____ ___ _ __ _ _ _ __ __ I _ __ 7 _ _ ____ __ 1 FY05-06 Court Training Relief Details Admin Emerg Invest Com Sery Full Time Part Time Totals 40.25 13.00 180.50 81.50 6.00 16.00 95.25 4.00 436.50 832.45 Percents 90/0 3% 41% 190/0 10/0 4% 22% 1% 100% N/A Average 5.03 1.63 22.56 10.19 0.75 2.00 11.91 0.50 54.56 104.06 LAST YEAR'S STATISTICS FOR MANHOUR UTILIZATION FY04-05 Court Training Relief Details Admin EmergInvest Com Sery Full Time Part Time Totals 125.00 79.25 231.50 299.00 88.25 14.00 377.00 113.50 1327.50 1867.00 Percents 9% 6% 17% 23% 7% 1% 28% 9% 100% N/A Average 4.81 3.05 8.90 11.50 3.39 0.54 14.50 4.37 51.06 71.81 Prepared by Molly Batterson 9/2/2005 Page 1 Yorkville Police Department Manhour Report - August 2005 � � 01 Z 2005 PATROL AUG SEP OCT NOV'`. DECJAN 05 FEB MAk APRAIr JUN JUL "AUG TOTALS Accidents 27.58 45.75 32.92 18.25 30.08 25.17 9.58 25.75 20.42 29.00 32.33 25.42 23.42 191.09 Administrative Activity 313.05 389.33 434.42 525.50 701.20 660.08 468.92 447.65 497.42 419.92 335.00 308.75 337.67 3475.41 Animal Complaints 6.08 4.75 10.00 6.45 5.83 5.50 2.92 3.42 6.83 5.13 6.33 4.67 3.50 38.30 Arrest Activity 52.67 17.33 29.58 24.50 38.83 30.75 22.08 8.50 23.10 26.58 37.42 57.83 35.17 241.43 Assist Agencies 223.75 116.75 152.50 118.92 143.50 121.17 158.42 147.17 144.35 127.17 180.50 183.92 212.33 1275.03 Community Relations 77.33 91.17 88.67 93.75 36.80 35.42 64.08 43.83 86.33 99.83 54.42 48.67 40.83, 473.41 Departmental Duties 122.58 139.17 109.42 92.50 139.33 166.67 93.33 108.75 89.92 89.42 150.83 102.75 149.42 951.09 Investigations 57.67 63.92 63.50 29.58 31.33 19.75 28.33 69.75 25.83 23.00 23.00 74.83 92.42 356.91 Ordinance/Traffic Violations 100.68 61.98 85.93 52.27 101.80 128.60 82.42 104.42 84.93 77.45 83.78 151.58 93.33 806.51 Personnel Activity 789.93 660.10 398.45 473.83 747.50 586.95 432.92 525.67 481.55 598.42 613.33 699.42 818.00 4756.26 Preventive Patrol 792.68 971.15 720.53 791.30 772.35 752.37 747.58 895.68 685.70 665.58 682.55 824.98 745.48 5999.92 Public Complaints 131.58 87.32 98.97 69.13 124.25 74.50 51.75 105.08 87.00 97.33 131.00 93.17 131.00 770.83 Public Services 32.00 33.42 71.42 28.17 32.08 56.33 29.92 34.75 33.17 23.17 39.42 61.42 34.67 312.85 Report Activity 257.75 179.33, 195.92 132.52 180.67 162.08 164.75 167.57 174.00 185.67 173.67 162.42 194.50 1384.66 School Activity 94.83 246.83 263.13 195.33 172.50 238.08 222.83 161.75 214.67 207.00 60.83 0.42 46.50 1152.08 Traffic Activity 250.98 215.17 209.80 179.92 268.42 282.60 312.15 287.50 240.67 235.00 246.25 356.92 258.67 2219.76 Training 83.42 158.58 251.08 402.08 165.67 251.08 184.58 330.08 216.75 351.67 277.67 64.50 121.25 1797.58 ADNISTRATIVE AUG SEP OCT: , Nov = DEC JAN 05 FEB MAR Ark MAY ,JUN, 3 JUL` AUG T MITOTALS Chief 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 1386.64 CPAT Officer 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 1386.64 Crossing Guards(In Days) 10.00 42.00 56.00 43.00 39.00 60.00 66.00 50.50 59.50 59.50 6.50 0.00 0.00 302.00 Detectives 173.33 346.66 346.66 519.99 519.99 519.99 519.99 519.99 3466.60 Lieutenant 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 1386.64 Office Supervisor 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 173.33 1386.64 Records Clerks 173.33 346.66 346.66 346.66 346.66 346.66 346.66 346.66 346.66 346.66 346.66 346.66 346.66 2773.28 TOTALS 4291.21 4564.03 4312.22 4316.98 4771.12 4870.41 4529.20 4904.46 4732.11 4880:81 4694.80 478164 48984,3, 38291,56 Yorkville Police Department Offense Report - August 2005 Offense Categories AUGI SEPI OCTINOVI DEC 04 TOTALS JAN I FEB I MARL APR I MAUI JUNE JULI AUG 05 TOTALS` Arson 0 0 ' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 '1 0 0 Batte 6 1 5 4 7 50 6 0 1 0 1 1 0 4 Assault 2 2 0 1 0 11 1 0 5 5 7 8 _ 7 17 62 Burglary 6 5 1 2 1 13 717 , 5 7 5 ; 2 < 4 11 ', 8 49 Cannabis Offenses 1 ` 1 1 2 1 16 5 „? 0 ' 2 ' 2 / 0 , 3 4 ' 0 16 Controlled Substance Offenses 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 = 0 2 Crimes Involving Children 4 6 7 € 0 2 41 3 ; 3 1 4 4 ; 1 6 5 5 28 Criminal Damage 12 1712 12 19 / 14 19 14 28 ' 14 132 Deceptive Practices 12 17 18 156 e.. 6 ' 3 1 4 ' 0 36 6 = 3 1 4 5 4 3 , 4 2 31 Drug Paraphernalia Offenses 1 0 0 2 3 15 1 ` 1 2 ! 3 ' 0 1 1 4 1 0 12 Firearms Offenses 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 1 4 0 0 0 1 6 Gambling Offenses 0 0 1 0 0 ' 0 0 0 0 ' 0 ' 00 1 0 0 0 0 Kidnapping 0 0 0 1 1 8 0 0 0 1. 1 2 1 2 7 Liquor Offenses 6 3 3 4 0 28 0 2 1 2 0 3 7 ' 0 .... 15.. ..,... ... Murder 00 0 0 0 1 0 ' 0 ' 0 € 0 ' 0 / 0 ' 0 j 0 0 Robbery 0 0 0 0 ' 0 1 0 0 ' 0 ,..... 0 0 0............ 1 0 1_.... Sex Offenses 2 0 1 0 1 50 0 1 0 0 ? 0 0 0 1 Theft 7 13 6 7 12 114 16 11 13 12 13 i 12 9 11 97 All Other Criminal Offenses 11 ' 15 ` 14 ' 11 14 170 18 ' 9 16 15 ' 16 i 16 15 ' 19 124 Traffic Incidents' AUGSEP IOCTINOVIDEC 04 TOTALS JAN 1 FEB I MARI APR IMAYI JUN�JULJAUG 05 TOTALS Driving UndergThe573344 25 35 495 30 35 22 42 00 � � , 4 7 9 1 0 33 License/Registration Violations 45 34 58 34 300 Seatbelt Citations 18 = 14 9 E 16 8 31444 `: 22 42 25 74 29 23 17 276 Seatbelt Warnings 13 12 6 16 , 0 155 39 26 13 20 20 ' 0 24 15 157 Speeding Citations 37 21 18 35 36 382 39 < 53 61 47 - ,. .. . 43 28 61 ' 72 404 Speeding Warnings 0 0 40 37 42 280 5_1 71 80 43 43 ' 28 0 41 357 1 l Transportation of Alcohol 4 4 5 0 2 20 1 1 1 1 6 2 / 3 1 16 Uninsured Motor Vehicle 43 25 24 16 31 418 21 31 26 35 38 38 47 36 272 Total Citations Issued 233 ' 170 158 ' 118 181 2176 130 177 ' 205 213 255 234 287 237 1738 Total Verbal Warnings Issued 15 6 8 9 6 85 6 5 4 ' 12 2 5 1 1 36 Total Written Warnings Issued 269 . 221 244 237 326 3533 393 334 363 - 291 259 315 - 447 377 2779 Accident Reports Taken' AUGJ SEP 1 OCT NOVI DEC 04 TOTALS JAN I FEB MAR APR MAY JUN I JUL]AUG 05 TOTALS Hit and Run Accident 1 4 5 ,, 0 5 28 6 2 2 3 5 5 4 3 30 Property Damage Accident 36 23 39 27 34 360 33 17 23 , 21 39 36 21 / 26 216 1� y g Personal Injury Accident 5 J ry 10 5 3 ' 3 52 4 ; 2 ? 4 1 i 3 2 5 5 26 Total Accidents Taken 42 37 49 30 42 440 43 21 '29 ' 25 47 ' 43 ' 30 34 272 **Unlawful Visitation Interference is reported under the Kidnapping Section of the Illinois Uniformed Crime Reporting system. The Kidnapping line item includes this offense in its totals. Yorkville Police Department 2005 Truck Enforcement Summary Ticket Bond Funds Date Time Offense Location Disposition Number Taken Received 01/31/05 14:30 23141 Overweight on Gross Route 34/Cannonball Trail $210 Ex Parte $100.00 02/04/05 10:19 23147 Overweight on Bridge Route 47/River Street $1,070 Ex Parte $860.00 03/04/05 13:36 23462 Overweight on Axles Route 47/Ament Road $535 Guilty $248.00 23881 Overweight on Gross $350 Guilty $245.00 05/20/05 11:17 Route 47/Legion Road 23882 Overweight on Registration $350 Stricken $0.00 05/26/05 8:36 23883 Overweight on Gross Route 71/Route 47 $245 Ex Parte $130.00 06/09/05 8:04 23891 Overweight on Gross Route 34/Cannonball Trail $535 Ex Parte $385.00 25009 Overweight on Gross $1,490 Ex Parte $645.25 07/06/05 8:44 Route 71/Route 47 25010 Overweight on Registration $535 Ex Parte $220.28 08/17/05 13:02 25017 Overweight on Axles Route 47/Route 126 $1,155 Pending $0.00 Totals For Bond Taken and Fines Received After Court Costs -2005 $6,475 N/A $2,833.53 Totals For Bond Taken and Fines Received After Court Costs - 2004 $27,482 N/A $16,392.40 Totals For Bond Taken and Fines Received After Court Costs - 2003 $15,972 N/A $11,343.01 Totals For Bond Taken and Fines Received After Court Costs - 2002 $42,014 N/A $21,665.12 Totals For Bond Taken and Fines Received After Court Costs - 2001 $56,232 N/A $30,226.86 Totals For Bond Taken and Fines Received After Court Costs - 2000 $25,815 N/A $13,026.43 Running Total $167,515 N/A $92,653.82 9/2/2005 5:42 PM Page 1 of 1 Page 1 of 1 AUG 16 2005 Harold Martin From: MarsonArt@aol.com Sent: Monday,August 15, 2005 4:56 PM To: hmartin@yorkville.il.us Subject: Thanks Chief H. Martin Would you please pass along our thanks to Officer Jeff A. Johnson for his help on July 26, 2005. We were involved in an auto accident on Rt 34 and Countryside Dr. After all the paperwork was finished, cars towed away, calls made, and car emptied of baby car seat&gifts (we just had a new granddaughter),we realized we had no way home. It was about 5:30 in the evening and raining hard. Officer Johnson,who was just getting off his shift, offered us a ride home to Plano. His professional courtesy and caring made our accident a whole lot easier to handle. Thank you again, Officer Johnson. Bob & Nancy Marson Marson Art marsonart@aol.com Phone 630-552-7338 Fax 630-552-1308 Au2n 1 I , .1 ) x ) \ 1 ) 0 19 . al 6 , --vh--- 6 °---°--1 lit) (" le ii?/0-0( 4° 1 4,00,- „wile jOr1 liAr I ,,I,4 1 or ii,,,f* 8/16/2005 AUG 19 2095 KENDALL COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: CHIEF HAROLD MARTIN-YORKVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT FROM: SHERIFF RICHARD A.RANDALL SUBJECT: ASSISTANCE:JAIL SHAKEDOWN AUGUST 4,2005 DATE: AUGUST 18,2005 CC: FILE I want to express my appreciation for the assistance rendered by members of the Yorkville Police Department for their participation on the "Jail shakedown" of the Kendall County Sheriffs Office, Corrections Division, August 4, 2005. The report from S.R.T. Commander Sgt.J. Gillespie indicates that all persons involved conducted themselves in a professional and positive manner and worked as a complete team. This team coordinated and completed inspections of our entire facility with over eighty (80) inmates, effectively and efficiently without incident which they are commended for. Please pass along to Sgt. Delaney, Officer Pleckham-Officer "Jumbo", Officer Johnson and Cadet Pfizeneier for their support to my Office and the Citizens of Kendall County for continuing the multi-jurisdictional support in the highest quality of integrity and service. Thank you again. Sher./10 hard A. Randa •1 -/2 71;4 g 2 29 7 ler /,_ _0779 /r 17/74 47 Illtt • • AP- s vv 0 H N -\-Aw MI 0.048 — ,, ,,,, H 0 ,,, _ ____ -_,_ c.) v, ___ , s 4 _ __ . ,. . ___ , , ., if LS" IT 1OX 4111.1. A_-_- ( -14._---4.47' /,•,-z .e7l--,/--; ' Lila"2-e/Z--• r,- Vv2-,- , 1 6., X. - ' 4.4,/',A97.1a--e-e";€ ,,e_LY ,// ./-i--7ze-i-,251, //,‘ a --16--, c ° circ 2 iift oect Yorkville Police Department Memorandum ji li 804 Game Farm Road EST% x1836 Yorkville, Illinois 60560 �-- Telephone: 630-553-4340 \ 7 /fl 4 Fax: 630-553-1141 Date: August 15, 2005 To: Chief Harold O. Martin III From: S/Sgt. Ron Diederich Reference: Speed Trailer report for July, 2005 Chief During the month of July, 2005 the Alpha Speed Trailer and the Speed Matrix Trailer were deployed on the following dates and locations: July 4 Southbound Rt. 47 at Rt. 34, 'MERGE LEFT' July 5 through July 7 Eastbound Fairhaven at Essex July5 through July 7 Town Square Park, SPRINKLING BAN' July 11 through July 18 Westbound John at White Pine Ct. July 21 through July 23 Town Square Park, SPRINKLING BAN' July 21 through July 25 Northbound Walsh at Sunflower Ct. July 26 through July 27 Westbound Fox at Morgan St. July 26 through July 31 Eastbound Spring at Freemont St. July 28 through July 30 Town Square Park, 'FREE MOVIE SATURDAY NIGHT' The trailers were in operation for 642 hours in July. Respectfully, .,...K_ "--;_.- _.:___2'N- S/Sgt. Ron Diederich ' SEP 0 6 2005 WLDWeu. 207 HILLCREST AVE BANKCR 0 YORKVILLE,IL 60560 BUS.(630)553-9000 FAX(630)553-9089 PRIMUS REALTY Yorkville@cbprir us.corn www.cbprimus.corn August 17, 2005 Officers Dan Pleckman&Barry Grosch Yorkville Police Dept 804 Game Farm Road Yorkville, IL 60560 Dear Officers Dan Pleckman&Barry Grosch, Just as the summer is slip-sliding away - so were the children at the Tenth Annual Customer's Appreciation—Community Open House hosted by the agents of Coldwell Banker Primus Realty. The event was held at the Yorkville branch office of Coldwell Banker Primus Realty on July 16, 2005. "With plenty of sunshine—the dunk tank was a real favorite! A marionette performance of Hansel and Gretel helped everyone cool off in the air conditioned theatre. In addition, a multitude of free games, prizes, candy, amusement rides and entertainment were enjoyed by everyone at no cost. Hot pizza and popcorn, cold water and pop -everything was FREE! As a result of YOUR generosity and on behalf of the Realtors of Coldwell Banker Primus Realty we would like to thank you for your assistance in sponsoring this event. Group Photo: (Sitting Front L-R) Tammy t; Boehm, Leslie Layne Nancy Greener, Pat j ' Auten, Janet Yi and Kara Marshall. (2nd Row _ A fi._ - L-R) Rachel Johnson, Deb Christensen, Jim r! c �, ,. j : Kohout, Lisa Nelson, Carolynn DeVries, I ,I Natalie Pavlek, Joan Parrish. (Back Row L- R) Glenn Posmer,Mary Ann Schaper, Mike :; k999W "' ` A Pilsudski, Nikki Sima, Yolanda Mendez, -,=!-",,,q- _' Melissa Parrish,Kristen Cyko and Martin McKinstry. 7-a4. .;:; . Jx-- v- .-.-. f r Sincerely, �.- dr ilir I is. . Nelson, Managing Broker . the Real Estate Professionals of Coldwell Banker Primus Realty , Each Office Is Independently Owned And Operated.Each COPY GENEQA POLICE DEPARTMENT WILLIAM H. KIDWELL 20 Police Plaza Chief of Police Geneva,IL 60134 (630)232-4736 9 August 2005 Officer Dan Pleckham c/o Yorkville Police Department 840 Game Farm Road Yorkville, Illinois 60560-1133 Dear Officer Pleckham, On behalf of Sergeant Eric Passarelli, myself and officers and staff of the Geneva Police Department, please accept our heartfelt thanks and appreciation for the invaluable service that you and Jumbo provided us with on Thursday afternoon, 4 August 2005. We are most grateful for your prompt response and assistance in helping to search for a 77 year old elderly subject with dementia and cancer who had wandered away from his residence. Time was of the essence given last Thursday's hot and humid conditions. Resultant from the efforts of everyone who was involved in the search,the missing subject was located in less than two hours. Much of this success is directly attributable to you and Jumbo. Again, thank you so much for all the time and assistance that you so graciously provided us with last Thursday. We are truly in your debt. Sincerely, William H. Kidwell Chief of Police WHK/ls c: Chief of Police Harold O. Martin Z 't zi ��e7i+J J 7i•4Pv4Aw. N y � gebet c&1 q,e, OW= *VA AOIDO74 / T wig a v F /o •� / s o �- •oo l 33 myc7fialove.77irEi47 e44 F 014 Ze Ai: sm.. i 74 roc/ow f(:) r+^seNT yo h C o"I lr 74 5 AC. 7I°A-wJI4 art i N ale ea Fe .` , . 'ice ,Nciee�t CHIEF WILLIAM H. KIDWELL evT. cil a Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary k:01: August3, 2005 through September 1, 2005 FIs 051397 through 051616 Page 1 of 9 LLE 0?' 051397 08-03-05 1400 BIk. Aspen Lane 051410 .... 08-04-05 1102 Cornell Lane Theft $300 and Under: Victim stated a lawn Canine Assist decoration was stolen from their yard. Property valued at $35. 051411 .... 08-04-05 Route 47/Van Emmon Street Accident 051398 08-03-05 Van Emmon Street/Route 47 Accident 051412.... 08-04-05 Geneva, Illinois Canine Assist 051399 08-03-05 1800 BIk. Country Hills Drive Assistance Rendered Civil Category 051413.... 08-04-05 2200 BIk. Kingsmill Street Other Public Complaints 051400 08-03-05 Desk Report IDOC Mandatory Release Report 051414 .... 08-05-05 1200 BIk. Willow Way Fraud: Victim reported unknown offender(s)wrote 051401 08-03-05 7000 BIk. Route 34 three unauthorized checks to an establishment in Accident Indiana totaling $665.58. 051402 08-03-05 2200 BIk. Kingsmill Street 051415.... 08-05-05 200 Blk. E.Van Emmon Street Assistance Rendered Civil Category Lockout 051403 08-03-05 Route 47/Route 71 051416 .... 08-05-05 1400 BIk. N.Bridge Street Traffic Arrest/Warrant Arrest: Subject was found Lockout driving on a suspended license as well as being wanted on a valid arrest warrant and was taken into 051417.... 08-05-05 500 BIk. Heartland Circle custody for both: Lockout 051404 08-03-05 100 BIk. E.Stagecoach Trail 051418 .... 08-05-05 Route 34/Bristol Ridge Road Domestic Battery: An intoxicated subject was Traffic Arrest/Warrant Arrest: Subject was found arrested for striking their spouse several times. driving on a suspended license as well as being wanted on a valid arrest warrant and was taken into 051405 08-04-05 1400 Blk. Chestnut Lane custody for both. Suspicious Person 051419 .... 08-05-05 1102 Cornell Lane 051406 08-03-05 Route 47/Greenbriar Road Canine Assist Found Articles 051420 .... 08-05-05 Route 47/Center Street 051407 08-04-05 Route 34/McHugh Road Accident/Traffic Arrest: Officers were called to an Traffic Arrest: Subject was found driving on a accident and found the driver was intoxicated. Driver suspended license and was taken into custody for failed field sobriety tests and was taken into custody such. for DUI. Offender refused all other tests. 051408 08-04-05 800 Blk. S.Main Street 051421 .... 08-05-05 1400 BIk. Cannonball Trail Fraud: Victim reported $199 taken from their bank Battery: Officers responded to a fight at a local account on a forged check via the Internet. establishment. No one wished to pursue charges. 051409 08-05-05 Desk Report 051422.... 08-06-05 1600 Blk. Cypress Lane IDOC Mandatory Release Report Curfew: Officers located two juvenile subjects out past curfew and turned them over to their parents. (---co c/2-- . Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary j . rt August 3, 2005 through September 1, 2005 k—`1"6 051397 through 051616 t 11 yrPae 2 of 9 9 g<LE 051423 08-06-05 600 BIk. Denise Court 051435.... 08-08-05 800 Blk. E.Main Street Lockout Resisting/Obstructing Peace Officer/Battery: Officers were called to a residence for a battery in progress. 051424 08-06-05 1600 BIk. N. Bridge Street Upon arrival, officers had to forcibly remove offender Accident from a room. Offender was arrested for resisting arrest, obstructing justice and battery. 051425 08-07-05 1500 Blk. Stoneridge Court Domestic Battery: Victim alleged offender pushed 051436 .... 08-08-05 1300 Blk. Coralberry Court them against a door. Victim refused to follow through Aggravated Battery/Battery/Armed Violence/Unlawful during the judicial process. Use of a Weapon/Reckless Conduct: After getting into an argument over a stolen cell phone, offender 051426 08-07-05 1800 BIk. Marketview Drive pulled a knife on victim, slashing the victim's hand. Lockout Officers arrested offender on scene, charging them with all above listed charges. 051427 08-07-05 2100 Blk. Muirfield Drive Domestic Trouble/Warrant Arrest: Officers responded 051437.... 08-08-05 1000 Blk. Sunset Street to a call of a domestic dispute and learned one of the Found Articles subjects was wanted on a valid arrest warrant. Subject was arrested for said warrant. 051438 .... 08-09-05 Route 71/Route 126 Accident 051428 08-07-05 John Street/Sycamore Road Mischievous Conduct—No Dollar Loss 051439.... 08-09-05 100 BIk. E.Countryside Pkwy. Lockout 051429 08-08-05 900 BIk. Game Farm Road Criminal Damage to Property: Victim(s) reported 051440 .... 08-09-05 100 Blk. E. Park Street someone had damaged three door handles at a Theft $300 and Under: Victim reported a sibling stole concession stand, possibly attempting to gain access. a checkbook with 22 blank checks and had been Damage valued at$300. cashing them in various locations the week of this report. 051430 08-08-05 Desk Report Assist Other Police Department 051441 .... 08-09-05 600 Blk. W.Veterans Parkway Accident 051431 08-08-05 1200 BIk. N.Bridge Street Lockout 051442.... 08-09-05 1800 BIk. Marketview Drive Accident 051432 08-08-05 200 BIk. E.Countryside Prkwy Lockout 051443 .... 08-09-05 1400 BIk. Cottonwood Trail Domestic Battery: A sibling was arrested for Domestic 051433 08-08-05 8000 Blk. Route 34 Battery after punching another sibling in the face Accident during a physical altercation. 051434 08-08-05 Route 47/Kennedy Road 051444.... 08-09-05 Hayden Drive/Wild Indigo Ln Accident Accident 051445 .... 08-09-05 300 Blk. Essex Court Lockout <.t) C/rA- Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary ° August 3, 2005 through September 1, 2005 l'N.161 051397 through 051616 fie Pae 3 of 9 051446 08-09-05 1200 Blk. Prairie Street 051458.... 08-11-05 600 Blk. W.Veterans Parkway Theft$300 and Under: Victim reported a television Lockout set stolen from inside their garage, which was left open overnight. 051459.... 08-11-05 700 Blk. Game Farm Road Lockout 051447 08-10-05 Route 47/Route 34 Traffic Arrest: Officers pulled subject over for lane 051460 .... 08-11-05 500 BIk. W.Kendall Drive violations. Officers immediately suspected offender of Fraud: Victim contacted police and felt$30 was being intoxicated. Offender agreed to field sobriety missing from their account because they were tests, which they failed. Offender was arrested for supposed to have $40 in the account and only had DUI and transported to Corrections. Offender agreed $10 in the account; and that creditors were not letting to submit to a breath test, which registered at a .189 victim open up utilities accounts. BAC. 051461 .... 08-12-05 300 Blk. Heustis Street 051448 08-10-05 2700 Blk. Hobbs Court Lockout Criminal Damage to Property: Victim reported a window was damaged by unknown person(s). 051462 .... 08-12-05 600 BIk. Greenfield Turn Damaged valued at$200. Lockout 051449 08-09-05 700 Blk. Game Farm Road 051463.... 08-12-05 400 Blk. E.Park Street Lockout Domestic Trouble 051450 08-10-05 2100 Blk. Muirfield Court 051464.... 08-12-05 2000 BIk. S.Bridge Street Runaway/Harboring a Runaway: One juvenile was Retail Theft: Victim(s) stated offender pumped $65.27 taken into custody for being a Runaway and another worth of fuel and left without paying. They gave no was taken into custody for harboring the juvenile description of the offender. runaway. 051465 .... 08-12-05 2100 BIk. Meadowview Lane 051451 08-10-05 200 BIk. S.Bridge Street Harassment by Telephone Lockout 051466 .... 08-13-05 1900 Blk. Banbury Avenue 051452 08-10-05 1500 Blk. Stoneridge Court Domestic Trouble Domestic Trouble 051467.... 08-13-05 3 W.Veterans Parkway 051453 08-10-05 Route 34/Bristol Ridge Road Battery: Subjects got into a mutual fight at a local Traffic Arrest: Subject was found driving on a establishment's drive-thru. No complaints signed. suspended license and taken into custody for such. 051468 .... 08-13-05 Route 126/Route 47 051454 08-11-05 1500 Blk. N.Bridge Street Traffic Arrest: Subject was found driving on a Lockout suspended license and taken into custody for such. 051455 08-11-05 100 BIk. S.Bridge Street 051469.... 08-13-05 1300 BIk. Cannonball Trail Lockout Domestic Battery: Two subjects were involved in a mutual battery, as both had been drinking. No 051456 08-11-05 700 BIk. Game Farm Road injuries. No complaints signed. Lockout 051470 .... 08-13-05 1400 BIk. Cannonball Trail 051457 08-11-05 400 Blk. Kelly Avenue Lockout Lockout .e-r)co--- .Yo Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary ' -t°., it August 3, 2005 through September 1, 2005 7836 051397 through 051616 rs Page 4of9 NT y�z 051471 08-13-05 300 BIk. Woodworth Street 051481 .... 08-15-05 500 Blk. Barberry Circle Criminal Damage to Property: Victim reported Lockout damage after unknown offender(s) scratched and 051482 .... 08-15-05 1100 Blk. S.Bridge Street dented their vehicle. Damage valued at $450. Found Articles 051472 08-14-05 1900 Blk. Banbury Avenue 051483 .... 08-15-05 Sumac Drive Domestic Battery: One spouse was arrested after Lockout jumping on the other, punching them, in an attempt to retrieve a cell phone found in the home that did not 051484 .... 08-16-05 1400 Blk. Aspen Lane belong to either spouse. Lockout 051473 08-14-05 1400 Blk. Chestnut Lane 051485 .... 08-16-05 200 Blk. E.Veterans Parkway Criminal Trespass to Residence/Battery: Parent Lockout located a subject at their residence who was warned not to be there while their juvenile was home alone. 051486 .... 08-16-05 100 Blk. Center Parkway Subject stated parent battered them. Parent pressed Keep the Peace charges against subject for Criminal Trespass to Residence. 051487.... 08-16-05 1200 N. Bridge Street Lockout 051474 08-14-05 800 Blk. Greenfield Turn Domestic Battery: After an argument started over 051488 .... 08-16-05 Route 34/Countryside Prkway calls found on a cell phone bill, offender grabbed Warrant Arrest: Subject was known to be wanted on a victim's face several times, leaving marks. Offender warrant and was taken into custody for such. was arrested for Domestic Battery. 051489 .... 08-17-05 Windett Road/Fairfax Way 051475 08-15-05 100 Blk. Appletree Court Burglary: Victim reported $1400 of siding materials Domestic Battery: Spouses got into a mutual battery stolen from a home under construction. situation. No injuries. No charges filed. 051490 .... 08-17-05 Desk Report 051476 08-15-05 3 W.Veterans Parkway Citizen Assist Battery: A battery occurred between co-workers. The offender was taken into custody for such. 051491 .... 08-17-05 1400 BIk. N.Bridge Street Lockout 051477 08-15-05 1200 Blk. Clearwater Drive Residential Burglary: A project manager stated a 051492.... 08-17-05 Route 47/Route 126 boom-box stereo was missing from a residence which Traffic Arrest: Subject was found driving on a was found to have the front door open. Property suspended license and taken into custody for such. valued at $200. 051493 .... 08-17-05 1200 Blk. Sunset Avenue 051478 08-15-05 Desk Report Lockout Accident 051494.... 08-17-05 1800 Blk. Marketview Drive 051479 08-15-05 200 Blk. Dickson Court Lockout Check the Well Being 051495 .... 08-18-05 2000 Blk. S.Bridge Street 051480 08-15-05 100 W.Center Street Retail Theft: Victim reported $23.62 worth of gasoline Juvenile Investigation taken from a local business. Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary ° August 3, 2005 through September 1, 2005 as, 9 9 p �eyI _'8" 051397 through 051616 9 I-1T, Page 5 of 9 ittE 0>- 051496 08-18-05 Hillside Drive 051510 .... 08-19-05 Van Emmon Street/Mill Street Lockout Accident 051497 08-18-05 300 BIk. River Road 051511 .... 08-19-05 1600 Blk. N.Bridge Street Harassment by Telephone Lockout 051498 08-17-05 Route 47/Route 71 051512.... 08-19-05 200 Blk. E.Veterans Parkway Accident Lost Articles 051499 08-18-05 900 BIk. Game Farm Road 051513.... 08-19-05 Van Emmon Street/Heustis Lockout Traffic Arrest: Subject was found driving on a suspended license and taken into custody for such. 051500 08-18-05 900 Blk. Mill Street Domestic Trouble 051514.... 08-20-05 1900 Blk. Banbury Avenue Suicide Attempt 051501 08-19-05 Bristol Ridge Road/Kennedy Reckless Driving/Fleeing & Eluding: Officers assisted 051515 .... 08-20-05 Route 47/Fairfax Way Oswego Police with a pursuit where the driver exited Traffic Arrest: Officers pulled over a vehicle for lane the vehicle and eluded arrest. violations. Officers immediately suspected driver of being intoxicated, and learned they were driving on a 051502 08-19-05 500 Blk. S.Bridge Street suspended license. Driver agreed to take field Accident sobriety tests. After failing tests, driver was arrested for DUI and driving on a suspended license, then 051503 08-19-05 Desk Report transported to Corrections. Driver agreed to submit to Citizen Assist a breath test, registering at a .153 BAC. 051504 08-19-05 Route 34/Center Parkway 051516 .... 08-20-05 1200 Blk. N.Bridge Street Traffic Arrest: Subject was found driving without a Assist Fire Department valid license and taken into custody for such. 051517.... 08-20-05 1300 Blk. Sunset Avenue 051505 08-19-05 800 Blk. E.Spring Street Assist Ambulance/Warrant Arrest: Upon responding Suspicious Circumstances to a call to assist with an ambulance transport for a psychiatric evaluation, officers took subject into 051506 08-19-05 600 Blk. Countryside Parkway custody for a valid arrest warrant. Accident 051518 .... 08-20-05 300 BIk. W.Kendall Drive 051507 08-19-05 Desk Report Found Articles IDOC Mandatory Release Report 051519.... 08-20-05 400 Blk. E.Park Street 051508 08-19-05 Route 34/Marketplace Drive Assist Ambulance Accident 051520 .... 08-21-05 800 Blk. E.Main Street 051509 08-19-05 1800 BIk. Marketview Drive Criminal Damage to Property: Victim reported Theft $300 and Under: Victim, an employee at the unknown offender(s) threw eggs and tomatoes at their establishment, reported they cashed a paycheck and residence as well as painted graffiti on a concrete left the money with personal belongings in a slab. Damage valued at approximately $25. breakroom area. Unknown offender(s) then stole $200 from victim. (",07/?.j" Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary &°' August 3, 2005 through September 1, 2005 %I�`_ '"6 051397 through 051616 Page 6 of 9 1.&E %vs/` 051521 08-21-05 Route 71/Route 47 051534 .... 08-23-05 West Chicago, Illinois Traffic Arrest/Warrant Arrest: Subject was found Canine Training driving on a suspended license as well as being wanted on a warrant. Subject was taken into custody 051535 .... 08-23-05 Cannonball Trail/Route 47 for both. Accident 051522 08-21-05 300 Blk. Woodworth Street 051536 .... 08-23-05 100 Blk. Appletree Court Lockout Domestic Trouble 051523 08-21-05 1300 BIk. Walsh Drive 051537.... 08-23-05 1400 BIk. N.Bridge Street Domestic Trouble Lockout 051524 08-21-05 Desk Report 051538 .... 08-23-05 1000 Blk. N.Bridge Street Harassment by Telephone Suspicious Circumstances 051525 08-22-05 400 BIk. Heustis Street 051539.... 08-23-05 100 BIk. Appletree Court Domestic Trouble Domestic Battery/Theft $300 and Under: Offender was arrested after victim signed complaints for a 051526 08-22-05 Route 34/Route 47 physical altercation that led to the offender taking the Accident victim's purse and leaving with it. Victim's items were recovered and returned. 051527 08-23-05 Cannonball Tri/Fairhaven Ln Curfew 051540.... 08-23-05 300 BIk. Olsen Street Lockout 051528 08-23-05 3000 BIk. Grande Trail Criminal Damage to Property; Victim reported $400 of 051541 .... 08-24-05 100 BIk. W.Center Street damage done to a piece of construction equipment. Criminal Damage to Property: Victim reported $75 of -damaged when unknown offender(s) broke out a 051529 08-23-05 700 Blk. Game Farm Road window by unknown means. Gang Activity 051542.... 08-24-05 Route 71/Route 126 051530 08-23-05 1400 Blk. Cannonball Trail Traffic Arrest/Warrant Arrest: Subject was found Burglary: Victim reported $30 of merchandise taken driving on a suspended license as well as being from their unlocked establishment. wanted on a valid arrest warrant. Subject was taken into custody for both. 051531 08-23-05 1100 BIk. Walsh Drive Burglary from Motor Vehicle: Victim reported 200 cd's 051543.... 08-24-05 500 BIk. W.Kendall Drive and some change taken from inside their unlocked Assist Business Agency vehicle. Property valued at$201. 051544.... 08-24-05 700 Blk. Game Farm Road 051532 08-23-05 Desk Report Gang Activity IDOC Mandatory Release Report 051545.... 08-24-05 Van Emmon Street/Heustis St 051533 08-23-05 400 BIk. E.Barberry Circle Motor Vehicle Theft: Victim's vehicle was stolen Burglary from Motor Vehicle: Victim reported without their knowledge. Police pulled over a unknown offender(s) removed $860 worth of fishing suspicious driver for traffic infractions and learned the gear from their boat, which was secured with a tarp vehicle was stolen while on the traffic stop. Victim's over it. vehicle was then recovered and returned. i?$. Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary ImfamAugust 3, 2005 through September 1, 2005 FSL%1=-1938 051397 through 051616 9 r''c w ° Page 7 of 9 051546 08-24-05 900 Blk. Mill Street 051560 .... 08-27-05 600 BIk. W.Veterans Parkway Unlawful Visitation Interference Criminal Damage to Property/Burglary: Unknown offender(s) attempted to enter a business, damaging 051547 08-24-05 200 Blk. W.Veterans Parkway drywall. Nothing was taken from inside. Lockout 051561 .... 08-27-05 1400 Blk. Cannonball Trail 051548 08-24-05 3 W.Veterans Parkway Found Articles Accident 051562.... 08-27-05 3 W.Veterans Parkway 051549 08-25-05 Route 47/Route 34 Curfew Traffic Arrest: Subject was found driving without a valid license and taken into custody for such. 051563 .... 08-27-05 1000 Blk. Independence Blvd. Motor Vehicle Theft; Victim left car in driveway, 051550 08-25-05 Route 47/Fox Street unlocked with keys inside. Victim awoke and found Traffic Arrest: Subject was found driving on a vehicle missing. Vehicle was located by Oswego suspended license and taken into custody for such. Police, processed for evidentiary value and then released to the owners. Pending investigation. 051551 08-25-05 900 Blk. Game Farm Road Lockout 051564.... 08-27-05 1200 Blk. Walsh Drive Domestic Trouble 051552 08-25-05 600 Blk. Countryside Parkway Lockout 051565.... 08-27-05 River Street/Church Street Warrant Arrest: Police pulled subject over for failing to 051553 08-25-05 1600 BIk. N.Bridge Street yield at a stop sign. Police learned subject had a valid Accident warrant for their arrest, and took subject into custody. 051554 08-26-05 1200 BIk. Evergreen Lane 051566 .... 08-27-05 1400 Blk. Cannonball Trail Criminal Damage to Property: Victim reported $150 of Burglary: Unknown offender(s) entered a business by damage when unknown offender(s) ripped their breaking a window and rummaged through offices and sideview mirror from their car. desk drawers. Nothing was taken from inside the business. 051555 08-26-05 Route 34/American Way Accident 051567.... 08-27-05 100 Blk. Appletree Court Runaway 051556 08-26-05 Route 71/Route 47 Traffic Arrest: Subject was found driving on a 051568.... 08-27-05 500 BIk. W.Kendall Drive suspended license and taken into custody for such. Other Public Complaints 051557 08-26-05 Route 47/River Street 051569 .... 08-27-05 600 BIk. River Birch Drive Accident Complaints— Loud Noise 051558 08-26-05 100 Blk. Colonial Parkway 051570.... 08-27-05 2100 Blk. Muirfield Court All Other Disorderly Conduct Domestic Trouble/Criminal Damage to Property: Victim reported a dent was made on their trunk lid 051559 08-26-05 1400 Blk. N.Bridge Street following a domestic dispute. Damage valued at Suspicious Person/Warrant Arrest: Officers were $500. called to a local business for a suspicious person. Officers learned of a valid warrant for the person's 051571 .... 08-27-05 Game Farm Road arrest and took them into custody for such. Lost Articles ,.coo co). Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary oo 9 ;- August 3, 2005 through September 1, 2005 e6 051397 through 051616 Page 8 of 9 .7QE 051572 08-27-05 100 BIk. W.Somonauk Street 051585.... 08-29-05 Route 47/Route 34 Assist Business Agency Accident 051573 08-30-05 200 BIk. S.Bridge Street 051586 .... 08-29-05 700 Blk. Game Farm Road Lockout Lockout 051574 08-28-05 Route 34/Mitchel Drive 051587.... 08-29-05 Route 47/Route 34 Obstruction/Traffic Arrest: Officers pulled a subject Traffic Arrest: Subject was found driving on a over for a traffic infraction. Subject lied to police, suspended license and taken into custody for such. giving a false name. Officers learned the subject's real name and found they were driving without a valid 051588.... 08-29-05 Bristol Ridge Road/Route 34 license. Subject was arrested for No Valid Driver's Accident License and charged with Obstructing a Peace Officer, along with being cited for multiple traffic 051589 .... 08-30-05 Route 34/McHugh Road Accident 051575 08-27-05 200 Blk. Wolf Street Junk/Salvage Title Investigation 051590.... 08-30-05 700 Blk. N.Bridge Street Suspicious Circumstances 051576 08-28-05 400 BIk. E.Main Street Lockout 051591 .... 08-30-05 700 BIk. Game Farm Road Theft $300 and Under: Victim stated they saw 051577 08-28-05 Van Emmon Street/Mill Street juvenile offender riding their child's bicycle. Police Traffic Arrest: Subject was found driving without a questioned offender who stated they took the bicycle valid license and taken into custody for such. because no one else was riding it at the time and they needed to go somewhere. The bicycle was returned 051578 08-28-05 Village View/St.Joseph's to the victim. Suspicious Circumstances 051592.... 08-30-05 Henning Lane/Cryder Way 051579 08-28-05 100 Blk. Colonial Parkway Criminal Damage to Property: Parks employees Assistance Rendered Civil Category reported $500 of damage done to the mini-skate park located at a City park. 051580 08-28-05 100 BIk. E.Stagecoach Trail Lockout 051593 .... 08-30-05 300 Blk. Mulhern Court Assist Business Agency 051581 08-28-05 Route 126/Route 47 Traffic Arrest: Subject was found driving without a 051594.... 08-30-05 2000 BIk. S.Bridge Street valid license and taken into custody for such. Suspicious Circumstances 051582 08-28-05 Route 47/Route 126 051595 .... 08-29-05 400 Blk. E.Barberry Circle Traffic Arrest: Subject was found driving on a Accident suspended license and taken into custody for such. 051596 .... 08-30-05 100 Blk. E.Washington Street 051583 08-29-05 Hydraulic Avenue/Route 47 Battery: A brother and sister got into a physical Assist Other Police Department altercation. No injuries. No complaints signed. 051584 08-29-05 800 BIk. Greenfield Turn 051597.... 08-30-05 6000 Blk. Galena Road Keep the Peace Canine Assist °ir o Yorkville Police Department Incident Report Summary � 2 August 3, 2005 through September 1, 2005 E 7B36 051397 through 051616 - Page 9of9 r SCE 0>" 051598 08-30-05 700 BIk. E.Spring Street 051613 .... 09-01-05 700 BIk. Game Farm Road Domestic Trouble Tobacco Ordinance Violation 051599 08-30-05 1400 N.Bridge Street 051614 .... 09-01-05 Route 47/Hydraulic Avenue Suspicious Circumstances Accident 051600 08-31-05 Route 126/Route 47 051615.... 09-01-05 600- Blk. Heustis Street Accident Telephone Threat 051601 08-31-05 1200 BIk. Deer Street 051616 .... 09-01-05 300 BIk. McHugh Road Criminal Damage to Property/Burglary: Business Suspicious Person reported two padlocks kept on semi-trailers were damaged some time during non-business hours. The trailers were entered, however, nothing was taken. Damage valued at $20. 051602 08-31-05 800 BIk. W.John Street Lockout 051603 08-31-05 700 Blk. Game Farm Road Gang Activity 051604 08-31-05 Desk Report Accident 051605 08-31-05 Cannonball Trail/Route 47 Accident 051606 08-31-05 400 Blk. Somonauk Street Suspicous Circumstances 051607 08-31-05 1900 Blk. Banbury Avenue Domestic Trouble 051608 09-01-05 1900 Blk. Banbury Avenue Domestic Trouble 051609 09-01-05 700 Blk. Game Farm Road All Other Disorderly Conduct 051610 09-01-05 900 Blk. Fawn Ridge Court Credit Card Fraud: Victim reported $685.70 of unauthorized credit card charges. 051611 09-01-05 2200 Blk. Hobbs Street Other Public Complaints 051612 09-01-05 700 Blk. Game Farm Road Gang Activity J� iito� Yorkville Police Department Memorandum p 1 . 804 Game Farm Road Esr. 1836 Yorkville, Illinois 60560 Es-AN iiiiv Telephone: 630-553-4340 O y Fax: 630-553-1141 Date: August 31, 2005 To: Chief Martin #201 Public Safety Committ_: From: OS Molly Batterson • Reference: Trick-or-Treat Hou We would like to request that Trick-or-Treat hours be set for Monday, October 31, 2005, from 4:00pm to 7:00pm, as they have been set for the past several years. �‘ �40Ci Vii° oma. Yorkville Police Department Memorandum °; 804 Game Farm Road Esr . � `' '1836 Yorkville, Illinois 60560 Telephone: 63O-553-4340 0 I# Fax: 630-553-1141 9+, r...kat...b, * e, i i I- 'i Date: September 3, 2005 1 To: Wanda Ohare ° ? ,44 � ' Public Safety Chairman From: Chief Harold Martin Reference: Engineering's Used Plotter Wanda, it has come to my attention that Engineering has a plotter that they will be replacing. Is it possible that we at the police department take ownership of this plotter? I have attached a memo from Sgt. David Delaney in reference to his request. I agree with Sgt. Delaney's reasons for requesting the plotter for the police department. This gives us an opportunity that we would not ordinarily have. I believe that this would help provide more services to our citizens, and make the process for Sgt. Delaney easier. I would prefer that we not have to purchase it but if we do I would hope the cost is not prohibitive. Thank you in advance for your assistance in this matter. Cc: Mayor Arthur Prochaska Alderman Rose Spears Alderman Jason Leslie Alderman Dean Wolfer AUG 1 9 2005 ,cti° cirj- 2‘ A 0-0 Yorkville Police Department Memorandum 804 Game Farm Road Est ki ;° 1836 Yorkville, Illinois 60560 ---z-,-------__-- Telephone: 630-553-4340 P II o 114 .ceO Fax: 630-553-1141 ‘11SLEO'l Date: August 18th, 2005 To: Chief Martin From: Sergeant Delaney Reference: Plotter Chief, On today's date, while in the Engineering Department Office attempting to print a crash site diagram, I was informed by Jennifer that they will be getting rid of their current plotter. Jennifer stated that they have budgeted for a new one and they were going to store the old one at Public Works. She enlightened me of the possibility of us talking it if we so choose. She did also mention that we may have to pay for it. This would be of great assistance in printing off large crash scene diagrams. Currently, I print them on 11 x 17 paper, however they are not in color nor do they always fit on that size of paper either. These printouts would also look exceptional for court presentations as well a Coroner Inquests. If you have any questions, or there is anything else I could do, please let me know. Respect 1 %Sub ' ed, 5--; i ave lop 7c5 Sergeant Dave Delaney X208 AUG 0 9 2005 f, o Yorkville Police Department Memorandum $ 1��1, I . 804 Game Farm Road EST.IN - 1836 Yorkville, Illinois 60560 ---,-- Telephone: 630-553-4340 p9sII' O� Fax: 630-553-1141 c +a. KenclakCountY 441.10. Date: August 9, 2005 To: Dave Duman From: S/Sgt. Ron Diederich Reference: Weather Siren - Grand Reserve Dave I spoke with City Engineer Joe Wywrot and he explained to me that everything in the plan you submitted to him was fine. Please proceed with the installation and if I can answer any questions please let me know. Respectfully, S/Sgt. Ron Diederich CC: Chief Harold 0. Martin III Engineer Joe Wywrot 0.5/1.i/2005 09:49 FAX 16304553021 PASQUINELLI DEV GRP 002 ULTON CONTRACTING CO. 160 N.GARDEN AVE. ROSELLE,IL 60172 (630) 893-1395 May 6, 2005 E-mailed to Dave_DumannaPasquinelli.com Dave Duman Pasquinelli Construction RE: Yorkville Siren Dear Mr. Duman: Below is the quotation for the installation of the warning siren you and I discussed that Pasquinelli will be supplying for Yorkville. This will be an American Signal T-128 AC/DC siren. It will be installed complete with all equipment, controls, radio receiver and decoder including a Fulton Technologies System 4000 scada telemetry decoder on the set- aside radio frequency we supply for the City of Yorkville. It will be installed on a Class III wooden pole at a location to be determined in the City of Yorkville_ I gather that would be by a water tower owned by the City. The complete cost for all material and complete installation will be $15,900.00. This does not include any restoration or landscaping of the general area nor does it include bringing power from the local source to the siren pole, but the entire installation is complete except for the power to be supplied to the pole. When it is possible to examine the specific site, we can determine a cost for supplying the electrical power. We require a Purchase Order and a deposit of 50% of the total cost from your company before we will commenc with this work Payment in full is due upon completion of the installation. If you have any questions or require any additional information pertaining to this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, FULTON CONTRACTING CO. Frank J. Kehde Vice President FJKJIjb Pasyuinel i/yorkvillcl '®.� Co. g Yorkville Police Department Memorandum �, �- 804 Game Farm Road EST 1836 Yorkville, Illinois 60560 Telephone: 630-553-4340 f ' Fax: 630-553-1141 0 '474L INS Date: September 3, 2005 4 l To: Wanda Ohare � tali 1' Public Safety Chairman �/ './ From: Chief Harold Martin Reference: Probation Request Wanda, during Fiscal Year 2004/2005 I had $5,000 in my Budget Line Item to assist with Functional Family Therapy (FFT) which was a Federally funded program to help assist Probation in dealing with juvenile issues. This program is no longer being funded by the Feds. The funds we had in the line item went to assist Juvenile Probation. During the 2004/2005 Fiscal Year the FFT Program was discontinued and we did not spend the $5,000. I did request at that time that we retain some funds to assist Juvenile Probation as they have requested assistance from all area departments. I am now requesting to provide assistance in the amount of $1,824.46. I have attached a copy of a letter from John Becker Director of Probation and Tina Varney Juvenile Supervisor. This letter further explains the reason for the request and also how the requested funds were determined. In my opinion this request is very reasonable and I support it completely. I believe we should assist our County Probation Department as our juvenile referrals continue to increase. I would like to bring this line item back into my Budget during the 2006/2007 Fiscal Year. Thank you in advance for your consideration in this matter. Cc: Mayor Arthur Prochaska Alderman Rose Spears Alderman Dean Wolfer Alderman Jason Leslie KENDALL COUNTY COURT SERVICES JUN 3 0 2005 THE c4UNTN VAD-ALLj Circuit Courtt frthe 16°'Judicial Circuit Y t9' 41 P.O. Box M FEBRI-Wejmt • Yorkville, IL 60560 (630) 553-4180 phone ADULT COURT SERVICES (630) 553-4120 fax JUVENILE COURT SERVICES June 29, 2005 Yorkville Police Department 804 Game Farm Road Yorkville, IL 60560 ATT: Chief Harold Martin Dear Harold, This letter is a follow-up to a recent conversation we had regarding juvenile referrals. As you are aware, Yorkville Police Department has expressed intent to assist in the funding of a probation officer's salary beginning on or about 12/01/05. This officer will help all departments with the rising number of juvenile referrals. In 2003 the probation department received 483 referrals. In 2004 we processed 512 and are on pace to handle 598 this year. This is being accomplished with the same number of juvenile staff members. The department will continue to request assistance with this position on an annual basis. Your department's amount of assistance will be determined upon the number of referrals sent the previous year. The 16th Judicial Circuit, Court Services probation staff is represented by the Teamsters, Local Union No. 330. Their current contract expires on 11/30/04 so a probation officer's salary for 2005 is not known. At present, the annual starting salary is $32,206. I am going to estimate a 3% increase in 2005 for the purpose of determining your department's level of contribution. Additionally, I anticipate this officer will be performing juvenile casework duties. Therefore, I am only requesting the departments support only one-half of the officer's salary. (1/2 of $33,172 = $16,586) In 2004, Yorkville Police Department sent 11% of the total amount of juvenile referrals to the probation department. Your department's contribution to the juvenile probation officer's salary would therefore amount to $1,824.46. I know we all work with budget years that are different. This amount can be forwarded to the probation department any time during 2006. Thank you for your assistance in this effort and if you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, John L. Becker • Director venile ' pervisor Kendall County Probation ;endall C•unty Probation a *, .O CJS ° o Yorkville Police Department Memorandum 804 Game Farm Road EST ; 1836 Yorkville, Illinois 60560 Telephone: 630-553-4340 Fax: 630-553-1141 lir FPI 01 III r Date: September 1, 2005 '01 To: Mayor Arthur Prochas • From: Chief Harold Martin -` Reference: NIMS Compliance Art, I am attaching a memo from Lieutenant Donald Schwartzkopf in reference to our City becoming NIMS compliance. There is an online Class - NIMS IS 700, that everyone (employees and City Council) must take and pass. This class must be completed by those individuals that would be involved in a major incident in our City. Every member of the Yorkville Police Department has completed this requirement. I would ask that you help support this request of all the individuals listed in the attached memo. Once we are NIMS compliant we will be able to apply for more grants. Please contact me if you have any questions. o Yorkville Police Department Memorandum im 804 Game Farm Road EsT 151836 Yorkville, Illinois 60560 lh� --�- Telephone: 630-553-4340 -E _ �' Fax: 630-553-1141 Date: 08-11-05 To: Chief Harold 0. Martin # 201 From: Lt. Donald P. Schwartzkopf Reference: The NIMS Introductory Course IS 700 Chief, this is the information that you requested on the NIMS IS 700 online class. The Homeland Security Presidential Directive ( HSPD)-5 has directed all Federal, State, Local, and Tribal Governments to work together toward an efficient way to prepare for prevent, and respond to any domestic incidents no matter how big or what the cause. As you know all the Yorkville Police Department Employees have taken the online IS 700 course. All the Yorkville Police Supervisors have also taken the Illinois Terrorism Task Force Unified Command Course. I have given you a copy of the recommended personnel that should also take this online class. I also have given you the information that was given to the Governor from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. o Yorkville Police Department Memorandum a, 804 Game Farm Road „ , iit Esr.-1836 Yorkville, Illinois 60560 -- Telephone: 630-553-4340 -t / 1 Fax: 630-553-1141 QOM See p t<CE ‘‘,.\% Chief, this is a list of recommended City of Yorkville personnel that should complete this IS 700 course. I can give a verbal answer to the explanation as why the persons on this list are needed to attend this class as well as to why they are needed as part of the unified command during any type of incident that ranges from natural disasters, man made disasters, or a terrorist event. Mayor City Administrator Intern Assistant Administrator Public Works Director City Engineer Building & Zoning Supervisor City Treasurer Finance Director City Attorney All Aldermen & Alderwomen All Public Works Employees that would be involved with any operations All Water Works Employees that would be involved with any operations All Parks and Recreations Employees that would be involved with any operations This list is just an idea of the personnel that could be involved if an event would happen within the confines of Yorkville or any jurisdiction that could impact our City r J2it o.0 Yorkville Police Department Memorandum 804 Game Farm Road EST. :'----a-_____11°11836 Yorkville, Illinois 60560 1 -��._ Telephone: 630-553-4340 t it T Fax: 630-553-1141 4741.6 ,o>> Date: 09-02-05 To: Chief Martin #201 Public Safety Committee From: Molly Batterson, Office Supervisor Reference: Business Registration Guidelines We are hoping to implement the business registration program along with these following guidelines: 1. A one-time $25 registration fee, good for all transfers and updates. 2. Businesses must keep contact information updated. 3. Businesses will have 15 days to inform the police department of an address change, or will be subject to a fine. There will be other suggestions as we progress through the process of formulating an ordinance governing the program. Attached is a copy of a sample ordinance. REGISTRATION OF BUSINESSES REQUIRED. (A) All businesses operating within the city shall register with the City Clerk. For the protection of the health, welfare and safety of the community, registration of businesses is hereby required in order to assist the city in determining the name of the owner and/or operator of such business, the address of the person in charge of conducting such business, the type of business being conducted and whether the business is in compliance with the Zoning Code and other ordinances of the city and state statutes. (B) Such information is required by the city for a number of reasons, including the ability to give notice in the case of emergencies, planning emergency strategies and planning periodic inspections. (C) For the clerical cost of maintaining a list of businesses within the city, a one-time fee of$25 will be charged to the applicant at the time of registration. co„� YORKVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT BUSINESS REGISTRATION FORM EST%!,_ , 1836 Harold O. Martin Ill, Chief of Police qui y' 804 Game Farm Road I Yorkville, Illinois 60560 17/ <<E ,4 Phone: 630-553-4340 I Fax: 630-553-1141 APPLICATION TYPE: U New Business ❑ Change of Address ❑ Updated Info Business Name: Business Address: Business Telephone Number: HOURS OF OPERATION — If explanation necessary, please do so in "NOTES"Section. ❑ MO ❑ TU WE ❑ TH ❑ FR nSA ❑ SU EMERGENCY CONTACTS - Please put people in the order that you wish them to be contacted. ❑ Owner Name: ❑ Manager Address/City: ❑ Keyholder Telephone Number: Cell Number: Pager Number: ❑ Other ❑ Owner Name: O Manager Address/City: ❑ Keyholder Telephone Number: Cell Number: Pager Number: ❑ Other ❑ Owner Name: O Manager Address/City: ❑ Keyholder Telephone Number: Cell Number: Pager Number: o Other O Owner Name: o Manager Address/City: o Keyholder Telephone Number: Cell Number: Pager Number: O Other ❑ Owner Name: ❑ Manager Address/City: ❑ Keyholder Telephone Number: Cell Number: Pager Number: ❑ Other o „ YORKVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT BUSINESS REGISTRATION FORM E 1- __.% Harold O. Martin Ill, Chief of Police �•� s 804 Game Farm Road I Yorkville, Illinois 60560 14'4<<E `,yea Phone: 630-553-4340 I Fax: 630-553-1141 GENERAL INFORMATION DOES THE BUSINESS HAVE: A Safe? ❑ YES ❑ NO If YES, please describe in NOTES SECTION below. An Alarm System? ❑ YES ❑ NO If YES, see ALARM SECTION below. Dog(s)/Animal(s)? ❑ YES ❑ NO If YES, please describe in NOTES SECTION below. Hazardous Materials? ❑ YES ❑ NO If YES, please describe in NOTES SECTION below. ALARM INFORMATION Alarm Company Name: Phone Number: Alarm Company Address: Alarm Procedure: ADDITIONAL NOTES FOR OFFICE USE ONLY LICENSEE FEE OF $25 PAID? ❑ YES ❑ NO Date: Initials: COPY SENT TO DISPATCH? ❑ YES ❑ NO Date: Initials: DATE/TIME INFORMATION RECEIVED: 1 /} ‘i/tC,1 ai j tACiaelAkt, 500 N. Gary Avenue -Carol Stream, Illinois 60188-1899 1` (630) 665-7050- Fax (630) 665-7058 L ,‘„,i, . 2005 Business Registration Company Name: Fed. Tax ID/TIN: Retail Sales Tax ID: SIC Code: LOCAL INFORMATION Local Address: City/State/ZIP: Carol Stream, IL 60188 Phone: Owner/GM: Title: E-mail address: BILLING INFORMATION Billing Address: City/State/ZIP Phone: Contact Name: Title: BUILDING OWNER INFORMATION' Owner Address: City/State/ZIP: Phone: Owner Name: EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION Name: Phonel: Phone2: On what date did your business open in Carol Stream? How many employees at your Carol Stream location? Is your business conducted within a residential dwelling? Please describe the nature of your business and the products and/or services you provide: *** FORM CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *** 2005 Business Registration TOBACCO Are tobacco products sold over-the-counter in connection with your business? Are tobacco products sold or dispensed though vending machine(s)? If yes,the number of machines on your premises Do you wish the Village to provide you with required signage for tobacco sales? Yes No If yes,indicate the number of signs you would like mailed to you. VENDING Indicate the number of vending machines at your location(see instructions for details). If applicable,please indicate whether you(Company),or your vending company(Vending),will Company purchase vending licenses for machines on your premises.(circle one) Vending If your vending company will purchase your vending licenses,please indicate their name,address and contact person below: AMUSEMENTS Indicate the number of amusement devices at your location(see instructions for definitions). Indicate the number of pool tables at your location. Indicate the number of juke boxes,or similar devices,at your location. Indicate the number of coin operated children's rides at your location. LICENSE TYPE Quantity Cost/Each Total Business: $25.00 Bank: $50.00 By Class Game Room(see chart below): Tobacco: $100.00 Vending Machines: $15.00 AMUSEMENT LICENSES Amusement Devices: $55.00 Pool Tables: $40.00 Juke Boxes: $25.00 Coin Operated Children's Rides: $15.00 GAME ROOM LICENSE CLASSIFICATIONS: TOTAL AMOUNT DUE Class Number of Devices Annual Fee A 20 or more $600.00 B 6 to 19 $300.00 C 2 to 5 $175.00 NEW APPLICANTS: After June 30th-fees are 1/2 annual amount. Yorkville Police Department Survey of Business Registration and Response to False Alarms Compiled by M.Batterson 8/31/2005 10:57 AM Location Business False Fire/Burglar Alarm Response Registration Yearly ©�e Exists? Fee Exists? 1-3 1-2 4-9 4+ 5 III 5-10 6+ 11+ 10-19 20+ Exemptions Batavia See Below Listing-Fire and Police Departments are separate. Police No Yes Any False Alarm =$25 Fire Dept. FREE $500 Carol Stream Yes $25 Yes FREE $50 $100 $250 State Licensed Practices/Businesses Elburn No No Geneva Lombard No Yes FREE $25 $50 $100 Montgomery No No Morris Yes $25 No Oswego Yes -_----.---------Waiting for response Plainfield Yes $25 Yes FREE $50 $100 $200 7th Offense or more-see ordinance. Plano No No Woodridge See Below Listing -Residential and Business are separate. Residential Yes $10 Yes FREE $10 $10 Business FREE $20 $20 $30 ,' q Molly Batterson From: Molly Batterson [mbatterson@yorkville.il.us] Sent: Friday, May 27, 2005 9:09 AM To: 'jwyeth@yorkville.il.us' Subject: RE: Revised Liquor License Application I apologize for that... Molly Batterson, Office Supervisor Yorkville Police Department Phone: 630-553-8502 Fax: 630-553-1141 Original Message From: John Wyeth [mailto:jwyeth@yorkville.il.us] Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2005 4:56 PM To: mbatterson@yorkville.il.us Subject: RE: Revised Liquor License Application Molly: I didn't get the Word doc. Please resend. John From: Molly Batterson [mailto:mbatterson@yorkville.il.us] Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2005 3:48 PM To: jwyeth@yorkville.il.us Cc: Idanna@yorkville.il.us; hmartin@yorkville.il.us Subject: Revised Liquor License Application Attorney Wyeth: This e-mail is In regards to the revised Liquor License Application (attached as a Word document). I have a few questions for your opinion: 1. Who should be subjected to criminal/financial backgrounds? Everyone listed on the application — including shareholders— or only the owner(s) and manager(s)? 2. Does everyone subjected to the criminal backgrounds have to sign the"Waiver and Release of All Claims Form"? 3. Is the verbiage okay for the "Waiver and Release of All Claims Form" and for the "Certifying Statement"? 4. Does this revised application need to be officially approved by anyone? i.e. Liquor Commissioner(Mayor), Clerk, Council? 5. Are we missing any major questions in regards to the State of Illinois Liquor Control Act or per our local ordinance? 6. The catch-all question —Any suggestions for changes in regards to City liability, etc. If you need any further information on any of the above questions, please feel free to contact me. I will then adjust this application based on answers given. Have a great day! Molly Batterson, Office Supervisor Yorkville Police Department 8/31/2005 Phone: 630-553-8502 Fax: 630-553-1141 8/31/2005 �� % United City of Yorkville 1800 Game Farm Road I Yorkville, Illinois 60560 1630-553-4350 '3`'NI.�`18'' Application for Alcoholic Liquor License s9 �"` o Please print legibly in ink or type application. -7<CE ‘Vy LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATION INFORMATION To: Liquor License Applicant From Bart Olson, Deputy Clerk Please find attached an Application for Alcoholic Liquor License and a copy of the United City of Yorkville Liquor Code. Note that owner(s) of the establishment and all managers of the establishment need to be on the application (Section 3) and will need to be fingerprinted and have a background check conducted prior to the issuance of a liquor license by the City. At the time of filing the application, you will need to submit a $100 non-refundable application fee. In addition to the application fee, you will need to provide a license fee deposit in an amount equal to half the yearly license fee for that class of license (refer to Section 3-3-5: License Fees and Terms of the Liquor Code.) If for some reason your application is denied, the license fee deposit will be refunded to you. Upon receipt of the application and fees, your file will be given to the Yorkville Police Department in order for a background check to be completed as specified throughout the application. The owner and/or manager(s) of the business will need to set up an appointment with the Police Department to be fingerprinted for a Liquor License Applicant background check through the State of Illinois. After completion of a clear background investigation, your file will be returned to the Clerk's Office. You will be contacted to set-up a meeting time with the Liquor Control Commissioner, Mayor Arthur F. Prochaska, Jr. When the Liquor Commissioner has approved your application, you will need to submit a copy of the Dram Shop Insurance and a Kendall County Health Department Certificate in order for the license to be issued. If you should have any questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Bart Olson, Deputy Clerk United City of Yorkville Phone: 630-553-4350 Page 1 of 13 United City of Yorkville 1800 Game Farm Road I Yorkville, Illinois 60560 1630-553-4350 '336 Application for Alcoholic Liquor License Please print legibly in ink or type application. BILE ix--' APPLICANT SECTION Applicant Name: Applicant Address: City: Applicant Phone Number: Cell Number: Business Name: Type of Liquor License Applied For: Business Address: See Section 5 (Page 7) for Choices Scheduled Opening Date: FOR POLICE DEPARTMENT USE ONLY ❑ Approved ❑ Denied Signature: Date: Harold O. Martin III, Chief of Police FOR MAYOR/LIQUOR COMMISSIONER USE ONLY ❑ Approved ❑ Denied Signature: Date: Arthur F. Prochaska, Jr., Mayor FOR CITY CLERK USE ONLY Items Filed with Clerk's Office: ❑ Application Date: ❑ Copy of Dram Insurance Date: ❑ Kendall County Health Department Certificate Date: ❑ Exhibits as Required (Listed Below) Date: Exhibit : Date: Exhibit: : Date: Exhibit : Date: Exhibit: Date: Exhibit : Date: Exhibit: : Date: Exhibit : Date: Exhibit: : Date: Date License Issued: By: City Clerk, United City of Yorkville Page 2 of 13 91 United City of Yorkville 1800 Game Farm Road I Yorkville, Illinois 605601630-553-4350 ms 05601630-553-4350 ms Application for Alcoholic Liquor License kLi:, � y , o Please print legibly in ink or type application. h<LE <<Y Section 1: Applicant Information (If more than one applicant, copy page and list as Exhibit. Managers should be included in Section 3 of this application.) 1-A Name of Applicant: Last: First: MI: 1-B Address: City: State: Zip: How long have you lived at the above listed address? If less than three (3) years, please give your previous address: City: State: Zip: 1-C Contact Number: Phone: Cell: 1-D Identifiers: Date of Birth: SSN: 1-E Citizenship Is applicant a United States Citizen? ❑ Yes ❑ No If"No", how long has applicant been in the United States?: Port of Entry: 1-F Principal Business Activity: Section 2: Partnership Information (If more than one partner, copy page and list as Exhibit.) 2-A Name of Applicant: Last: First: MI: 2-B Address: City: State: Zip: How long have you lived at the above listed address? If less than three (3) years, please give your previous address: City: State: Zip: 2-C Contact Number: Phone: Cell: 2-D Identifiers: Date of Birth: SSN: 2-E Citizenship Is applicant a United States Citizen? ❑ Yes ❑ No If"No", how long has applicant been in the United States?: Port of Entry: 2-F Principal Business Activity: Page 3 of 13 o ,_r United City of Yorkville I 800 Game Farm Road I Yorkville, Illinois 60560 1630-553-4350 Es` m61 Application for Alcoholic Liquor License Please print legibly in ink or type application. �CE �Vti Section 3: Corporation Information (If more than one agent/manager, copy page and list as Exhibit.) If applicant is a corporation, list each registered agent, the local manager(s), and each shareholder owning more than 5% of the stock of the corporation. 3-A: Registered Agent Last: First: MI: 3-B Address: City: State: Zip: How long have you lived at the above listed address? If less than three (3) years, please give your previous address: City: State: Zip: 3-C Contact Number: Phone: Cell: 3-D Identifiers: Date of Birth: SSN: 3-E Citizenship Is applicant a United States Citizen? ❑ Yes ❑ No If"No", how long has applicant been in the United States?: Port of Entry: 3-F Principal Business Activity: 3-G: Local Manager Last: First: MI: 3-H Address: City: State: Zip: How long have you lived at the above listed address? If less than three (3) years, please give your previous address: City: State: Zip: 3-I Contact Number: Phone: Cell: 3-J Identifiers: Date of Birth: SSN: 3-K Citizenship Is applicant a United States Citizen? ❑ Yes ❑ No If"No", how long has applicant been in the United States?: Port of Entry: 3-L Principal Business Activity: Section 3 continued on next page. Page 4 of 13 United City of Yorkville 1800 Game Farm Road 1 Yorkville, Illinois 60560 1630-553-4350 I Application for Alcoholic Liquor License °9111:-,' zo Please print legibly in ink or type application. Section 3: Corporation Information Cont. (If more than one shareholder, copy page and list as Exhibit.) 3-M: Shareholder Last: First: MI: Address: City: State: Zip: Contact Number: Phone: Cell: 3-N: Shareholder Last: First: MI: Address: City: State: Zip: Contact Number: Phone: Cell: 3-0: Shareholder Last: First: MI: Address: City: State: Zip: Contact Number: Phone: Cell: 3-P: Shareholder Last: First: MI: Address: City: State: Zip: Contact Number: Phone: Cell: 3-Q: Shareholder Last: First: MI: Address: City: State: Zip: Contact Number: Phone: Cell: 3-R: Shareholder Last: First: MI: Address: City: State: Zip: Contact Number: Phone: Cell: Page 5 of 13 03 �z °^ United City of Yorkville j 800 Game Farm Road j Yorkville, Illinois 60560 ! 630-553-4350 EsT%ftlr,_, Application for Alcoholic Liquor License :� Please print legibly in ink or type application. `xCE ‘‘? Section 4: Location Information Please list information for the location for which license is sought. 4-A: Address of Location or General Location for which license is sought: Address: or General Location: 4-B Building Owner: Last: First: MI: or Property Owner: Last: First: MI: 4-C Address: City: State: Zip: 4-D Contact Number: Phone: Cell: 4-E Additional Comments: Please list any additional comments that may pertain to the location where the license is sought. Page 6 of 13 '2r� 8_., T United City of Yorkville 1800 Game Farm Road ( Yorkville, Illinois 60560 1630-553-4350 1636 Application for Alcoholic Liquor License 9 -yrs Please print legibly in ink or type application. "kLe 0.s Section 5: License Information Please check the appropriate box for the type of license being sought. Note: This is a list of the license types and does not offer thorough explanations of the classifications and provisions as listed in Title 3, Chapter 3 — Liquor Control Ordinance. Please refer to the Ordinance to thoroughly understand the differences between the license classifications. Questions can be directed to the Clerk's Office. 5-A Bar and Grill: ❑ BG1 - R1 during daytime until 9:00pm, then A2 thereafter $1200 5-B Catering: ❑ CA - Catering $500 5-C Golf Course: ❑ GC - Golf Course $2000 5-D Package: ❑ B - Beer, wine, and liquor(carryout only) $1000 ❑ B1 - Beer and wine (carryout only) $800 5-E Restaurant: ❑ R1 - Beer, wine and liquor $1000 ❑ R2 - Beer, wine and liquor (service bar only) $850 ❑ R3 - Beer and wine (service bar only) $850 ❑ R4 - Wine and liquor(service bar only) $850 5-F Retail-Tavern/Bar: ❑ Al - Beer, wine, liquor, and package $1500 ❑ A2 - Beer, wine, liquor $1200 ❑ A3 - Beer, wine, and liquor (service bar only) $1000 ❑ A4 - Beer and wine (service bar only) $800 5-G Temporary: ❑ T-Temporary. $35/permit 5-H Other Licenses: ❑ C - Club (nonprofit, private, fraternal) $500 ❑ G - Beer garden/patio service (available only to class A, R, or C license holders) $250 ❑ SE - Special events ($50.00 fee optional at mayor's discretion). "Special events" shall be defined as an event in which alcoholic beverages are being served, or for which public entertainment is desired by a holder of a valid city liquor license. A special event shall be determined to be not in excess of three (3) continuous days in duration, and said license shall be issued to a current city liquor license holder for either entertainment or special events serving of alcoholic beverages for the fee set out above. in the event a special event occurs for a duration of more than three (3) continuous days, a second or separate special events license may be requested together with the payment of an additional fifty dollar ($50.00) license fee. Page 7 of 13 J\,`0 Ci j.,,. ,„� United City of Yorkville 1800 Game Farm Road I Yorkville, Illinois 60560 1630-553-4350 `' ,. Application for Alcoholic Liquor License 9 µ o Please print legibly in ink or type application. .z ',,LE ,vim Section 6: Liquor Sale Information (If more locations, please copy page and submit as an Exhibit.) 6-A Previous Licenses If applicant has ever engaged in the business of the sale of alcoholic liquor at retail, list all names and all locations, including the city, county and state: Location Name: Location Address: City, County & State: 6-B Will you familiarize yourself with the laws of the United States, State of Illinois and Ordinances of the United City of Yorkville pertaining to the sale of alcoholic liquor and abide by them? ❑ Yes ❑ No 6-C Will you and all employees refuse to serve or sell alcoholic liquor to an intoxicated person and/or a minor? ❑ Yes ❑ No 6-D Have you, or in the case of a corporation, has any shareholder owning more than 5% of the outstanding stock, or any officer or the local manager, or in the case of a partnership, has any partner, ever had a liquor license revoked or suspended? ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes, please list the name of business which had said license revoked/suspended, its location, the date of the revocation/suspension, and all details of the revocation/suspension, including events leading to the revocation/suspension below: Name of Business: Address of Business: State, County, City of Business: Date of Revocation/Suspension: Details of Violation: Page 8 of 13 ° United Cityof Yorkville 800 Game Farm Road Yorkville, Illinois 60560 1630-553-4350 I I EsT%I " Application for Alcoholic Liquor License 9 , Please print legibly in ink or type application. <<E 1‘-` Section 7: Dram Shop Insurance List dram shop insurance information for both owner of company and owner of the building in which the alcohol will be sold during the duration of the license. Attach a copy of the certificate(s)with this application. 7-A Insurance Coverage for Business Owner Insurance Company Name: Address Phone Number: 7-B Insurance Coverage for Building Owner Insurance Company Name: Address Phone Number: 7-C Applicant further consents, upon request, to furnish such proof of financial responsibility as may be requested by Liquor Commissioner as part of this application. Section 8: Food Service 8-A If food service is offered, will you familiarize yourself with all laws of the United States, State of Illinois, County of Kendall and Ordinances of the United City of Yorkville, pertaining to service of food and abide by all of them? (Mark n/a if not applicable.) ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A If"Yes", complete the remainder of Section 8. If"No", skip to Section 9. 8-B Describe method you would use in cleaning premises and sterilizing of glasses and dishes: 8-C Will you maintain the entire premise in a clean and sanitary manner, free from conditions which might cause accidents? ❑ Yes ❑ No 8-D A certificate of inspection from the Kendall County Health Department is required before issuance of a license. Attach your Kendall County Health Inspection Certificate with this application. Page 9 of 13 °Is United City of Yorkville 1800 Game Farm Road I Yorkville, Illinois 60560 I 630-553-4350 � ` Application for Alcoholic Liquor License ° '' o Please print legibly in ink or type application. h4LE ‘'>> Section 9: Additional Information 9-A Have you, or in the case of a corporation, has any shareholder owning more than 5% of the outstanding stock, or any officer or the local manager, or in the case of a partnership, has any partner, ever been convicted of any violation of any law pertaining to alcoholic liquor? ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes, please list the name of the violator(s), the type, date and location of said offense below: Name: Type of Violation: Date of Violation: Location of Violation: Details of Violation: 9-B Have you, or in the case of a corporation, has any shareholder owning more than 5% of the outstanding stock, or any officer or the local manager, or in the case of a partnership, has any partner, ever been convicted of a felony? ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes, please list the name of the violator(s), the type, date and location of said offense below: Name: Type of Violation: Date of Violation: Location of Violation: Details of Violation: 9-C Have you, or in the case of a corporation, has any shareholder owning more than 5% of the outstanding stock, or any officer or the local manager, or in the case of a partnership, has any partner, ever been convicted of a gambling offense? ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes, please list the name of the violator(s), the type, date and location of said offense below: Name: Type of Violation: Date of Violation: Location of Violation: Details of Violation: 9-D Have you, or in the case of a corporation, has any shareholder owning more than 5% of the outstanding stock, or any officer or the local manager, or in the case of a partnership, has any partner, ever been issued a Federal Gaming Device Stamp or a Federal Wagering Stamp? ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes, please list the name of the person issued the stamp and details of the issuance below: Name: Details of Issuance: Page 10 of 13 \,��o crp` �2 ; ° United City of Yorkville 1800 Game Farm Road I Yorkville, Illinois 60560 1630-553-4350 A a�„ �4WJ _`' Application for Alcoholic Liquor License °9 Lw a Please print legibly in ink or type application. <LE 1,? Section 10: Current/Past Employment Information 10-A Name of Applicant: Last: First: MI: 10-B List the occupation or employment with addresses thereof for the past 10 years for all parties listed on this application, beginning with the most recent place of employment/occupation. Please use one form for each party listed on this application and submit with this application. If more room is needed, please copy and attach to submitted application. Employer Name: Employer Address: City/State/Zip: Phone Number: Hire Date: End Date: Employer Name: Employer Address: City/State/Zip: Phone Number: Hire Date: End Date: Employer Name: Employer Address: City/State/Zip: Phone Number: Hire Date: End Date: Employer Name: Employer Address: City/State/Zip: Phone Number: Hire Date: End Date: Employer Name: Employer Address: City/State/Zip: Phone Number: Hire Date: End Date: Page 11 of 13 J`,cs,o cirh:, United City of Yorkville 1800 Game Farm Road I Yorkville, Illinois 60560 1630-553-4350 Application for Alcoholic Liquor License 014 moo Please print legibly in ink or type application, 24LE `''‘` Section 11: Waiver and Release of All Claims Form Please read this statement carefully and be aware that by agreeing to allow the United City of Yorkville to investigate your criminal/financial background, you will be waiving and releasing all claims for damages you might sustain arising out of the criminal background check and review. If more pages are needed for all parties listed on this application, please copy page and attach with this submitted application. I AUTHORIZE an investigator or other duly accredited representative of the United City of Yorkville or its agents to obtain any information relating to my activities from individuals, schools, residential management agents, employers, criminal justice agencies, credit bureaus, consumer reporting agencies, collection agencies, retail business establishments, or other sources of information. This information may include, but is not limited to, my academic, residential, achievement, performance, attendance, disciplinary, employment history, criminal history record information, and financial and credit information. I AUTHORIZE custodians of records and other sources of information pertaining to me to release such information upon request of the investigator or other duly accredited representative of the United City of Yorkville or its agents authorized above regardless of any previous agreement to the contrary. I WAIVE and relinquish all claims I may have against the United City of Yorkville and its officers, agents, servants, and employees, as a result of participating in this background check. I STATE that I have read and fully understand this Waiver and Release of All Claims Form. Signature of Applicant Signature of Applicant Printed Name of Applicant Printed Name of Applicant Date Date Signature of Applicant Signature of Applicant Printed Name of Applicant Printed Name of Applicant Date Date Signature of Applicant Signature of Applicant Printed Name of Applicant Printed Name of Applicant Date Date Page 12 of 13 J=`4,03 c/py� I United City of Yorkville 1800 Game Farm Road f Yorkville, Illinois 60560 1630-553-4350 Application for Alcoholic Liquor License o Please print legibly in ink or type application. Section 12: Certification I certify that all information and answers provided by this applicant on this application are true and accurate, along with the acknowledgement by the applicant that denial of license or revocation of license any occur in the event of falsification of such information. Signature of Person Submitting Application Printed Name of Person Submitting Application Date of Signature Page 13 of 13