Ordinance 2018-14 FILED - J ccuTy77 cap UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE KENDALL COUNTY, ILLINOIS ORDINANCE NO.2018-14 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE SEVENTH AMENDMENT TO THE ANNUAL BUDGET OF THE UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE,FOR THE FISCAL YEAR COMMENCING ON MAY 1,2017 AND ENDING ON APRIL 30,2018 Passed by the City Council of the United City of Yorkville,Kendall County,Illinois This 27d'day of February,2018 Published in pamphlet form by the authority of the Mayor and City Council of the United City of Yorkville,Kendall County,Illinois on March 7,2018. Ordinance No. 20184 - AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE SEVENTH AMENDMENT TO THE ANNUAL BUDGET OF THE UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR COMMENCING ON MAY 1,2017 AND ENDING ON APRIL 30,2018 WHEREAS, the United City of Yorkville (the "City") is a duly organized and validly existing non-home rule municipality created in accordance with the Constitution of the State of Illinois of 1970 and the laws of the State; and, WHEREAS,pursuant to 65 ILCS 5/8-2-9.4,the City adopted Ordinance No. 2017-16 on April 11, 2017 adopting an annual budget for the fiscal year commencing on May 1, 2017 and ending on April 30, 2018; and, WHEREAS,pursuant to 65 ILCS 5/8-2-9.6,by a vote of two-thirds of the members of the corporate authorities then holding office,the annual budget of the United City of Yorkville may be revised by deleting, adding to, changing or creating sub-classes within object classes and object classes themselves. No revision of the budget shall be made increasing the budget in the event funds are not available to effectuate the purpose of the revision; and, WHEREAS, funds are available to effectuate the purpose of this revision. NOW THEREFORE,BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and City Council of the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois, as follows: Section 1: That the amounts shown in Schedule A, attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference, increasing and/or decreasing certain object classes and decreasing certain fund balances in the Parks &Recreation and Land Cash funds with respect to the United City of Yorkville's 2017-2018 Budget are hereby approved. Section 2: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval according to law. Ordinance No.2018-d Page 2 Passed by theZC ty Council of the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois this T- day of , 2018. CITY CLERK CARLO COLOSIMO KEN KOCH JACKIE MILSCHEWSKI ARDEN JOE PLOCHER Z CHRIS FUNKHOUSER JOEL FRIEDERS SEAVER TARULIS ALEX HERNANDEZ Approved by me, as Mayor of the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois, this 5 day of PARCH , 2018. '�L MA O Ordinance No.2018- Page 3 PARKS & RECREATION FUND (79) Schedule A This fund accounts for the daily operations of the Parks and Recreation Department. Programs,classes,special events and maintenance of City wide park land and public facilities make up the day to day operations. Programs and classes consist of a wide variety of options serving children through senior citizens. Special events range from Music Under the Stars to Home Town Days. City wide maintenance consists of over two hundred acres at more than fifty sites including buildings,boulevards,parks,utility locations and natural areas. FY 2018 FY 2018 FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 Adopted Amended Actual Actual Actual Budget Budget Revenue Charges for Service 352,714 408,469 455,676 395,000 446,186 Investment Earnings 698 369 328 350 500 Reimbursements 7,502 12,890 3,002 - 174 Miscellaneous 177,755 219,704 209,970 196,000 232,319 Other Financing Sources 1,277,606 1,076,831 1,118,638 1,308,583 1,308,583 Total Revenue 1,816,275 1,718,263 1,787,614 1,899,933 1,987,762 Expenditures Salaries 775,138 723,194 805,190 903,518 884,500 Benefits 338,380 325,538 365,079 453,922 400,828 Contractual Services 374,840 252,132 311,346 274,720 330,131 Supplies 316,864 474,172 360,884 345,151 407,618 Total Expenditures 1,805,222 1,775,036 1,842,499 1,977,311 2,023,077 Surplus(Deficit) 11,053 (56,773) (54,885) (77,378) (35,315) Ending Fund Balance 557,536 500,762 445,875 296,597 410,560 30.9% 28.2% 24.2% 15.0% 20.3% $600 Fund Balance $500 v N $400 0 0 $300 $200 $100 $0 1 United City of Yorkville Parks and Recreation Fund 79 PARKS AND RECREATION FUND REVENUE FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2018 Account Description Actual Actual Actual Adopted Amended Charges for Services 79-000-44-00-4402 SPECIAL EVENTS 72,025 100,756 109,109 85,000 90,000 79-000-44-00-4403 CHILD DEVELOPMENT 103,683 110,861 135,445 120,000 140,000 79-000-44-00-4404 ATHLETICS AND FITNESS 147,481 163,420 178,613 160,000 185,000 79-000-44-00-4441 CONCESSION REVENUE 29,525 33,432 32,509 30,000 31,186 Total: Charges for Services $352,714 $408,469 $455,676 $395,000 $446,186 Investment Earnings 79-000-45-00-4500 INVESTMENT EARNINGS 698 369 328 350 500 Total: Investment Earnings $698 $369 $328 $350 $500 Reimbursements 79-000-46-00-4690 REIMB-MISCELLANEOUS 7,502 12,890 3,002 - 174 Total: Reimbursements $7,502 $12,890 $3,002 $0 $174 Miscellaneous 79-000-48-00-4820 RENTAL INCOME 44,860 50,921 53,345 50,000 55,000 79-000-48-00-4825 PARK RENTALS 28,928 19,602 13,221 15,000 20,163 79-000-48-00-4843 HOMETOWN DAYS 88,475 106,579 117,354 108,000 128,156 79-000-48-00-4846 SPONSORSHIPS/DONATIONS 9,317 18,917 20,547 20,000 20,000 79-000-48-00-4850 MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 6,175 23,685 5,503 3,000 9,000 Total: Miscellaneous $177,755 $219,704 $209,970 $196,000 $232,319 Other Financing Sources 79-000-49-00-4901 TRANSFER FROM GENERAL 1,277,606 1,076,831 1,118,638 1,308,583 1,308,583 Total: Other Financing Sources $1,277,606 $1,076,831 $1,118,638 $1,308,583 $1,308,583 Total: PARKS&REC REVENUE $1,816,275 $1,718,263 $1,787,614 $1,899,933 $1,987,762 2 United City of Yorkville Parks and Recreation Fund 790 PARKS DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2018 Account Description Actual Actual Actual Adopted Amended Salaries 79-790-50-00-5010 SALARIES&WAGES 448,491 387,634 425,198 459,839 458,500 79-790-50-00-5015 PART-TIME SALARIES 32,644 24,382 35,251 45,000 45,000 79-790-50-00-5020 OVERTIME 932 1,884 2,091 3,000 3,000 Total: Salaries $482,067 $413,900 $462,540 $507,839 $506,500 Benefits 79-790-52-00-5212 RETIREMENT PLAN CONTRIBUTION 51,195 41,923 46,256 52,224 51,800 79-790-52-00-5214 FICA CONTRIBUTION 36,172 30,890 34,143 37,601 37,000 79-790-52-00-5216 GROUP HEALTH INSURANCE 109,775 102,203 119,781 163,947 137,906 79-790-52-00-5222 GROUP LIFE INSURANCE 942 790 884 808 900 79-790-52-00-5223 DENTAL INSURANCE 8,959 7,978 8,353 10,883 9,700 79-790-52-00-5224 VISION INSURANCE 940 947 1,002 1,250 1,325 Total: Benefits $207,983 $184,731 $210,419 $266,713 $238,631 Contractual Services 79-790-54-00-5412 TRAINING&CONFERENCES 3,045 2,136 4,410 7,000 4,500 79-790-54-00-5415 TRAVEL&LODGING 453 85 807 3,000 500 79-790-54-00-5422 VEHICLE&EQUIPMENT CHARGEBACK 109,650 - 53,908 - 70,000 79-790-54-00-5440 TELECOMMUNICATIONS 3,776 5,312 6,278 6,000 6,000 79-790-54-00-5462 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 4,229 7,206 2,461 3,000 3,000 79-790-54-00-5466 LEGAL SERVICES 12,084 5,415 663 6,000 6,000 79-790-54-00-5485 RENTAL&LEASE PURCHASE 1,192 2,461 2,334 2,500 5,000 79-790-54-00-5495 OFFICE CLEANING - - - 6,250 2,718 79-790-54-00-5495 OUTSIDE REPAIR&MAINTENANCE 41,995 36,800 22,411 50,000 25,000 Total: Contractual Services $176,424 $59,415 $93,272 $83,750 $122,718 Supplies 79-790-56-00-5600 WEARING APPAREL 4,643 5,759 5,344 5,441 5,441 79-790-56-00-5620 OPERATING SUPPLIES 18,380 147,028 23,577 25,300 28,000 79-790-56-00-5630 SMALL TOOLS&EQUIPMENT 9,081 5,518 1,576 4,500 4,500 79-790-56-00-5635 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT&SOFTWARE 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 79-790-56-00-5640 REPAIR&MAINTENANCE 60,514 64,517 69,160 56,000 62,000 79-790-56-00-5695 GASOLINE 17,283 11,694 12,439 12,840 13,500 Total: Supplies $111,901 $236,516 $114,096 $106,081 $115,441 Total: PARK DEPT EXPENDITURES $978,375 $894,562 $880,327 $964,383 $983,290 3 United City of Yorkville Parks and Recreation Fund 795 RECREATION DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2018 Account Description Actual Actual Actual Adopted Amended Salaries 79-795-50-00-5010 SALARIES&WAGES 240,199 261,071 283,924 303,179 293,000 79-795-50-00-5015 PART-TIME SALARIES 11,439 6,537 9,989 25,000 18,000 79-795-50-00-5045 CONCESSION WAGES 8,625 7,549 7,891 15,000 11,000 79-795-50-00-5046 PRE-SCHOOL WAGES 24,223 23,902 30,091 37,500 36,000 79-795-50-00-5052 INSTRUCTORS WAGES 8,585 10,235 10,755 15,000 20,000 Total: Salaries $293,071 $309,294 $342,650 $395,679 $378,000 Benefits 79-795-52-00-5212 RETIREMENT PLAN CONTRIBUTION 28,192 28,362 30,328 38,272 32,000 79-795-52-00-5214 FICA CONTRIBUTION 21,830 23,119 25,585 29,305 28,000 79-795-52-00-5216 GROUP HEALTH INSURANCE 74,560 83,005 91,187 111,170 94,513 79-795-52-00-5222 GROUP LIFE INSURANCE 551 618 396 529 447 79-795-52-00-5223 DENTAL INSURANCE 4,731 4,987 6,362 7,070 6,369 79-795-52-00-5224 VISION INSURANCE 533 716 802 863 868 Total: Benefits $130,397 $140,807 $154,660 $187,209 $162,197 Contractual Services 79-795-54-00-5412 TRAINING&CONFERENCES 3,543 3,481 2,951 5,000 3,500 79-795-54-00-5415 TRAVEL&LODGING 217 354 1,028 3,000 500 79-795-54-00-5422 VEHICLE&EQUIPMENT CHARGEBACK - - 20,000 - - 79-795-54-00-5426 PUBLISHING&ADVERTISING 42,314 49,207 52,018 50,000 51,000 79-795-54-00-5440 TELECOMMUNICATIONS 6,603 7,231 7,064 8,000 7,250 79-795-54-00-5447 SCHOLARSHIPS 420 121 - 2,500 1,250 79-795-54-00-5452 POSTAGE&SHIPPING 2,964 1,008 2,609 3,500 3,500 79-795-54-00-5460 DUES&SUBSCRIPTIONS 1,917 1,231 1,155 2,500 4,000 79-795-54-00-5462 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 81,047 94,757 101,289 90,500 115,000 79-795-54-00-5480 UTILITIES 15,413 10,596 11,976 12,720 12,720 79-795-54-00-5485 RENTAL&LEASE PURCHASE 3,602 3,019 1,808 4,000 2,500 79-795-54-00-5488 OFFICE CLEANING - - - 6,250 4,193 79-795-54-00-5495 OUTSIDE REPAIR&MAINTENANCE 8,580 6,770 6,061 3,000 2,000 79-795-54-00-5496 PROGRAM REFUNDS 9,819 14,942 10,115 - - 79-795-54-00-5497 PROPERTY TAX PAYMENTS 21,977 - - - - Total: Contractual Services $198,416 $192,717 $218,074 $190,970 $207,413 Supplies 79-795-56-00-5602 HOMETOWN DAYS SUPPLIES 85,480 94,845 96,287 100,000 108,177 79-795-56-00-5606 PROGRAM SUPPLIES 89,074 108,100 121,860 100,000 131,000 4 United City of Yorkville Parks and Recreation Fund 795 RECREATION DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2018 Account Description Actual Actual Actual Adopted Amended 79-795-56-00-5607 CONCESSION SUPPLIES 15,812 19,299 14,926 18,000 17,000 79-795-56-00-5610 OFFICE SUPPLIES 3,406 2,212 2,325 3,000 3,000 79-795-56-00-5620 OPERATING SUPPLIES 8,086 11,373 9,240 15,000 30,000 79-795-56-00-5640 REPAIR&MAINTENANCE 2,101 1,009 1,230 2,000 2,000 79-795-56-00-5695 GASOLINE 1,004 818 920 1,070 1,000 Total: Supplies $204,963 $237,656 $246,788 $239,070 $292,177 Total: RECREATION EXPENDITURES82$ 6,84788$ 0,474 $962,172 $1,012,928 $1039,787 5 LAND CASH FUND (72) Land Cash funds are dedicated by developers through the contribution ordinance to serve the immediate and future needs of park and recreation of residents in new subdivisions. Land for park development and cash spent on recreational facilities is often matched through grant funding to meet the community's recreation needs at a lower cost to the City. FY 2018 FY 2018 FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 Adopted Amended Actual Actual Actual Budget Budget Revenue Intergovernmental 40,144 - 5,514 - - Licenses&Permits 8,407 3,570 - - - Reimbursements 83,311 - 50,000 - - Land Cash Contributions 41,011 121,962 39,000 88,000 88,000 Other Financing Sources - - - 2,500 2,500 Total Revenue 172,873 125,532 94,514 90,500 90,500 Expenditures Contractual Services 8,407 3,570 - - - Capital Outlay 235,021 27,074 453,855 362,355 645,000 Total Expenditures 243,428 30,644 453,855 362,355 645,000 Surplus(Deficit) (70,555) 94,888 (359,341) (271,855) (554,500) Ending Fund Balance 117,430 212,318 220,320 56,726 (334,180) 48.2% 692.9% 48.5% 15.7% -51.8% $300 $200 N c $100 R 0 $0 ($100) ($200) ($300) ($400) 6 United City of Yorkville Land Cash Fund 72 LAND CASH REVENUE FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2018 Account Description Actual Actual Actual Adopted Amended Intergovernmental 72-000-41-00-4174 RTP GRANT-CLARK PARK 40,144 - 72-000-41-00-4175 OSLAD GRANT-RIVERFRONT PARK - - 5,514 - Total: Intergovernmental $40,144 $0 $5,514 $0 $0 Licenses&Permits 72-000-42-00-4216 BUILD PROGRAM PERMITS 8,407 3,570 - - Total: Investment Earnings $8,407 $3,570 $0 $0 $0 Reimbursements 72-000-46-00-4655 REIMB-GRANDE RESERVE PARK 83,311 - 50,000 - Developer Reimb for Park Standards portion of Grande Reserve Park A Total: Reimbursements $83,311 $0 $50,000 $0 $0 Land Cash Contributions 72-000-47-00-4701 WHITE OAK 1,406 - - - 72-000-47-00-4703 AUTUMN CREEK 30,320 34,125 30,000 30,000 30,000 72-000-47-00-4704 BLACKBERRY WOODS 7,386 9,659 5,000 6,000 6,000 72-000-47-00-4706 CALEDONIA - - - - - 72-000-47-00-4708 COUNTRY HILLS 5,383 2,000 72-000-47-00-4711' FOX HIGHLANDS DETENTION 1,406 - 72-000-47-00-4713 PRESTWICK 67,600 72-000-47-00-4722 GC HOUSING(ANTHONY'S PLACE) - - - 72-000-47-00-4723 WINDETT RIDGE - - - 50,000 50,000 72-000-47-00-4736 BRIARWOOD 1,885 3,789 2,000 2,000 2,000 72-000-48-00-4850 MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 14 - - - - Total: Land Cash Contributions $41,011 $121,962 $39,000 $88,000 $88,000 Other Financing Sources 72-000-49-00-4910 SALE OF CAPITAL ASSETS - - - 2,500 2,500 Sale of Caboose Total: Other Financing Sources $0 $0 $0 $2,500 $2,500 Total: LAND CASH REVENUE $172,873 $125,532 $94,514 $90,500 $90,500 7 United City of Yorkville Land Cash Fund 720 LAND CASH EXPENDITURES FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2018 Account Description Actual Actual Actual Adopted Amended Contractual Services 72-720-54-00-5405 BUILD PROGRAM 8,407 3,570 - - Total: Contractual Services $8,407 $3,570 $0 $0 $0 Capital Outlay 72-720-60-00-6032 MOSER HOLDING COSTS - 12,000 13,000 - - 72-720-60-00-6043 BRISTOL BAY REGIONAL PARK 32,434 - - 183,783 285,000 72-720-60-00-6044 CLARK PARK 20,661 - - - - 72-720-60-00-6045 RIVERFRONT PARK 29,495 5,362 365,855 178,572 360,000 72-720-60-00-6046 GRANDE RESERVE PARK A 380 9,562 75,000 - - City responsible for Park Improvements portion 72-720-60-00-6047 GRANDE RESERVE PARK B 146,021 150 - 72-720-60-00-6067 BLACKBERRY CREEK NATURE PRESERVE 6,030 - - - - Total: Capital Outlay $235,021 $27,074 $453,855 $362,355 $645,000 Total: LAND CASH EXPENDITURES24$ 3.4283$ 0,64445$ 3,85536$ 2,355 $645,000 8