City Council Minutes 2004 02-10-04 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE, KENDALL COUNTY, ILLINOIS, HELD IN THE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 800 GAME FARM ROAD ON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2004. Mayor Prochaska called the meeting to order at 7:03 RM and led the Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL l -,1 Clerk Milschewski called the roll. Ward I James Present Sticka Present Ward II Burd Present Kot Present Ward III Munns Present (until 9:00) Ohare Present Ward IV Besco Absent Spears Present Also present: City Clerk Milschewski, City Attorney Kelly Kramer, Police Chief Harold Martin, Director of Public Works Dbuse, Executive Director of Parks & Recreation Laura Brown and Finance Director Pleckham OUORUM A quorum was established. INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS Mayor Prochaska welcomed guests and asked those present to enter their name on the attendance sheet provided. AMENDMENTS TO THE AGENDA Mayor Prochaska asked that Item #2 of the Consent Agenda, Eldamain Road Jurisdictional Transfer, be moved to the agenda under the Public Works Committee Report as the Attorney Kramer has noted a minor change to the document. COMMITTEE MEETING DATES Public Works Committee 7:00 P.M., Monday, February 23, 2004 City of Yorkville Conference Room 800 Game Farm Road Economic Development Committee 7:00 P.M, Thursday, February 19, 2004 City of Yorkville Conference Room 800 Game Farm Road Administration Committee 7:00 P.M., Thursday, February 12, 2004 City of Yorkville Conference Room 800 Game Farm Road Public Safety Committee 6:30 P.M., Thursday, February 26, 2004 City of Yorkville Conference Room 800 Game Farm Road Ad Hoc Technology Committee 6:30 P.M., Wednesday, February 11, 2004 City of Yorkville Conference Room 800 Game Farm Road PUBLIC HEARINGS J None. CITIZEN COMMENTS Rob Lehmann with Moose Lodge #2371 presented Chief Martin with a box of Tommy Moose dolls for police officers to give to children in distress. Mayor Prochaska and Chief Martin thanked Mr. Lehmann and the Moose Lodge for their generosity. The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Citv Council — February 10. 2004 - na L22 PRESENTATIONS YEDC Year End Report Lynn Dubajic, the Executive Director of the Yorkville Economic Development Corporation, presented the YEDC's Year End Report to the Council. Please see attached report. Items covered by her presentation were: o Overall Strategies for 2004 _ - o Action Steps o New Partnerships o Upcoming Highlights and Events o Targeted Advertising 2004 o YEDC Marketing Committee 2004 o YEDC Surveys in 2004 o New YEDC Office Also included in Mrs. Dubajic's information was a chart of 2004 real estate transactions in the area, the YEDC newsletter and information on their third annual meeting held on October 15, 2003. Alderman Sticks complimented the YEDC on their professionalism which has grown since the YEDC was started. There were no other comments from the Council. Mayor Prochaska thanked Mrs. Dubajic for her presentation. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Sprintcom Lease Agreement - authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute 2. Treasurer's Reports for May, June, July, August and September 2003 3. Yorkville Youth Baseball/Softball Association Agreement 2004 - authorize the Mayor to execute 4. Fox Mill Landing — acceptance ofpublic utilities for maintenance 5. Request to Hire One Full-time Engineering Technician — subject to approval of the revised budget 6. Water Report for November 2003 7. Route 34 and Game Farm Road Traffic Signal Change Order 44 — accept decrease of $3248.53 and authorize the City Engineer to execute 8. York Meadows Plat of Easements - authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute 9. 101 E. Somonauk Sidewalk Agreement — authorize City Administrator to execute 10. Rob Roy Creek Flood Study Supplemental Agreement — motion for notice to proceed, deferred payment ofMay 1, 2004 agreed upon by Engineering Enterprises, Inc. (EEI) 11. Police Reports for December 2003 12. Updated Vehicle Policy Mayor Prochaska entertained a motion to approve the Consent Agenda as amended. So moved by Alderman Sticka; seconded by Alderwoman Ohare. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -7 Nays -0 Burd -aye, James -aye, Kot -aye, Munns -aye, Spears -aye, Sticka -aye, Ohare -aye PLANNING COMMISSION /ZONING BOARD OF APPEAL No report. MINUTES FOR APPROVAL A motion was made by Alderwoman Spears to approve the minutes of the City Council meeting 1 from January 27, 2004; seconded by Alderwoman Burd. Motion approved by a viva voce vote. BILLS FOR APPROVAL A motion was made by Alderwoman Spears to approve the paying of the bills listed on the Detailed Board Report dated January 29, 2004 totaling the following amounts: checks in the amount of $496,622.20 (vendor); $128,219.47 (payroll period ending 1/28/04) for a total of $624,841.67; seconded by Alderwoman Burd. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -7 Nays -0 Burd -aye, James -aye, Kot -aye, Munns -aye, Ohare -aye, Spears -aye, Sticka -aye i The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Citv Council — February 10, 2004 - page 3 REPORTS MAYOR'S REPORT President's Day Holiday and COW Packets Mayor Prochaska reported that due to the President's Day Holiday, Committee of the Whole meeting packets were being prepared early and would be distributed on February 12, 2004. Swearing -in of New Police Officer Mayor Prochaska swore in new Patrol Officer Andrew Jeleniewski. Mayor Prochaska, Chief Martin, and Police Commissioner Bob Johnson welcomed him to the United City of Yorkville. Appointment to the Fire & Police Commission Mayor Prochaska reported that one of the founding members of the Fire & Police Commission, Jim Jensen, has elected to retire from the Commission to pursue his education. Mayor Prochaska thanked him for his service to the United City of Yorkville. Mayor Prochaska entertained a motion to approve the appointment Mike Anderson to the Fire & Police Commission. So moved by Alderman Kot; seconded by Alderwoman Ohare. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -7 Nays-0 Ohare -aye, Spears -aye, Sticka -aye, Burd -aye, James -aye, Kot -aye, Munns -aye Mayor Prochaska swore in Mike Anderson, and along with Police Chief Martin and Police Commissioner Bob Johnson, welcomed him to the Fire & Police Commission. Mayor's Annual Report Mayor Prochaska read his February 10, 2004 Address to the City Council. Please see attached COPY. Mayor Prochaska entertained a motion to accept his address. So moved by Alderman Sticka; seconded by Alderwoman Ohare. Motion approved by a viva voce vote. ATTORNEY'S REPORT Ratification of Griesmann's Easement Attorney Kelly Kramer reported that the negotiations with the Griesmann's have come to a close. It was brought to the attorney's attention by the Griesmanns that due to the readjustment of another easement being obtained in the area, the City was going to need forty -five additional feet of easement from them. Based on a prorated formula ($1.39 /square foot), the cost of the easement was increased by $1,900.00. During the original negotiations, no one reviewed the actual plat of easement. When it was reviewed, it became apparent that the additional footage was needed. The terms of the temporary easement were negotiated that if the temporary easement was needed it would be addressed when the construction begins. The engineering department feels confident that the work can be done within the permanent easement. Attorney Kramer asked the City Council to ratify the easement agreement and authorize the disbursement of funds to the Griesmanns. The total funds are now $31,900.00. Alderwoman Ohare asked if the dollar amount of the easement would change if the extra footage is needed upon construction. Attorney Kramer stated that the $31,900.00 is for the permanent easement however the charge for the temporary easement could be anywhere from $5,000.00 to $7,500.00 depending on the size of the temporary easement needed. The motion is for the permanent easement agreement which includes the language and cost for the temporary easement if needed. Administrator Graff clarified that the agreement includes language for the cost of an additional temporary easement if needed however the contractor doing the work will be responsible for this cost if they feel they cannot perform the work in the space of the permanent easement . They will bid the work knowing that they may have to fund the temporary easement. Mayor Prochaska entertained a motion to ratify the Griesmann easement agreement and authorize the disbursement of $31,900.00. So moved by Alderman Sticka; seconded by Alderwoman Ohare. The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Citv Council — February 10, 2004 - nagg 4 Alderman Sticka clarified that there is a possibility that the temporary easement may be needed for an additional $7,500.00. He noted that because of this possibility any potential bidder is going to include $7,500.00 into the bid which means that the City may be paying for an easement that won't be used. Administrator Graff stated that the need for the easement could be specified in the bid. The contractor should know if they can do the work within the allotted easement. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -7 Nays -0 Sticka -aye, Burd -aye, James -aye, Kot -aye, Mums -aye, Ohare -aye, Spears -aye CITY CLERK'S REPORT No report. CITY TREASURER'S REPORT No report. CITY ADMINISTATOR'S REPORT Water Works System Improvement Projects and Radium Compliance Update Administrator Graff gave an update regarding the Water Radium Compliance Violation Notice. He distributed a handout prepared by Engineering Enterprises, Inc. (EEI). Please see attached. He stated that he is still hopeful that the City will be eligible for an Illinois Environmental Protection Agency ([EPA) loan however this will extend the project out about four or five months for a projected completion date of Spring of 2006. He explained the criteria for the IEPA loan and the back -up bond funding if the City does not qualify for the loan. He stated that Finance Director Pleckham and Kevin McCanna from Speer Financial will present finance options to the City Council. Mayor Prochaska stated that he asked Mrs. Pleckham and Mr. McCanna to investigate loan information because the IEPA loan is not guaranteed. He did not want to wait until Fall 2004 to find out that the City is not eligible and then have to start the bond process at that point. Also, current bond rates are competitive at around 4% for a ten year issue. Mayor Prochaska asked Alderwoman Spears if this item could be placed on the Administration Committee meeting agenda for March and she agreed. Alderwoman Ohare asked for clarification on the two options presented by EEI in the handout. Administrator Graff explained that Option 41 is the compliance schedule if the IEPA loan is obtained with an estimated completion date of Spring 2006. Option #2 is the schedule if bond funding is used and the estimated completion date is Fall 2005. FINANCE DIRECTOR'S REPORT No report. DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS REPORT No report. CHIEF OF POLICE REPORT Chief Martin reported that he is currently researching grants to be used toward an evidence van. He found a $20, 000.00 grant that can be used toward the purchase however the grant is highly competitive and he needs to submit by February 20, 2004. It was the consensus of the Council that Chief Martin to proceed with the submittal. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF PARKS & RECREATION REPORT No report. COMMUNITY & LIAISON REPORT Lobby Day Alderwoman Burd reported that Lobby Day for the Aurora Area Convention and Visitors Bureau will be February 19, 2004. The Bureau is inviting anyone interested in going to Springfield to come along with them as their guest and interested parties should R.S.V.P. by February 13, 2004. She stated that she went last year and found it to be a very interesting and enjoyable experience meeting with the state legislators. Yorkville - Bristol Sanitary District Meeting Administrator Graff reported that he attended the YBSD meeting on February 9, 2004. He reported that they have accepted the City's offer for a joint meeting on March 8, 2004. He also reported that the tentative meeting date for the joint meeting of the City and School Board is March 15, 2004. The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Citv Council — February 10. 2004 - nage f COMlVii i Y _:1: REPORTS PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE REPORT Eldamain Road Jurisdictional Transfer Agreement A motion was made by Alderman Munns to approve the intergovernmental agreement for the jurisdictional transfer of Eldamain Road; seconded by Alderman Sticka. Attorney Kramer stated that there was a change to the agreement specifying right- in/right -out access to the commercial site on Eldamain Road. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -7 Nays -0 Burd -aye, James -aye, Kot -aye, Munns -aye, Ohare -aye, Spears -aye, Sticka -aye Ordinance 2004 -07 Authorizing Execution of the Eldamain Road Jurisdictional Transfer Agreement A motion was made by Alderman Munns to approve an ordinance authorizing the execution of the intergovernmental agreement for the jurisdictional transfer of Eldamain Road and direct the City Clerk to forward the documents to the appropriate governmental entities; seconded by Alderman Sticka. Attorney Kramer stated that the ordinance was done at the request of IDOT. She was contacted by Fran Klaus, the Kendall County Highway Department Director who requested that after execution the City Clerk forward the documents to the Kendall County Clerk for recording and to the Illinois Department of Transportation in order to complete the process. Original documents will be filed with IDOT. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -7 Nays-0 Burd -aye, James -aye, Kot -aye, Munns -aye, Ohare -aye, Spears -aye, Sticka -aye ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT No report. PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE REPORT No report. ADMIl\IISTRATION COMMITTEE REPORT Ordinance 2004 -08 Revision of the 2003 -2004 Fiscal Budget A motion was made by Alderman James to approve an ordinance approving the revisions of the 2003 -2004 Fiscal Budget; seconded by Alderman Sticka.. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -6 Nays -1 Kot -aye, Munns -aye, Ohare -aye, Spears -nay, Sticka -aye, Burd -aye, James -aye Resolution 2004 -02 Employee Manual A motion was made by Alderman James to approve a resolution approving the Employee Manual; seconded by Alderman Sticka. Alderwoman Burd commented that the document is a resolution however wording in Items #3 and #4 indicate it is an ordinance. She also noted that Item #3 repeals any ordinance that is in conflict with the provisions of this document. She stated that she wanted to know what ordinances in the City code were being repealed. She also had concerns that a resolution was repealing ordinances. Attorney Kramer clarified that the document is a resolution and that the use of the word "ordinance" is incorrect in Item #4 and should be changed to "resolution ". She stated that Item #3 could be deleted and she also clarified that a resolution could repeal ordinances. She explained that ordinances are designed to be permanent whereas resolutions are more flexible to change. There was further discussion of existing ordinances that are in conflict with the resolution and the Employee Manual. Alderman Sticka noted that if Item 93 is deleted from the document the whole manual would not be worth anything. After further discussion, it was decided to leave Item #3 in the document and to change the wording to state "Any Ordinance or Resolution or parts thereof in conflict with the provisions of this Resolution... ". Alderman Sticka withdrew his second and Alderman James withdrew his motion. The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Citv Council — February 10, 2004 - uage 6 A motion was made by Alderman James to approve a resolution approving the Employee Manual as corrected; seconded by Alderman Sticka. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -5 Nays -2 Munns -aye, Ohare -aye, Spears -nay, Sticka -aye, Burd -nay, James -aye, Kot -aye ADDITIONAL BUSINESS Mayor Prochaska reported that the City had been invited to participate in the annual bowl -a -thon for Big Brothers/Big Sisters on February 28, 2004 at the bowling alley in Plano. The City's team is schedule to begin at 4:30 and Big Brothers/Big Sisters are asking for a suggested donation of $75.00. Anyone interested in bowling should contact him. EXECUTIVE SESSION Mayor Prochaska entertained a motion to go into executive session to discuss the purchase or lease of real property for the use of the public body. He asked that the City Clerk, City Administrator and City Attorney be included in the session. He also noted that there would not be any action taken after the session. So moved by Alderman Sticka; seconded by Alderman Kot. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -7 Nays -0 Ohare -aye, Burd -aye, Kot -aye, Munns -aye, Spears -aye, Sticka -aye The regular session broke at 8:27 P.M. The Council took a ten minute break. The City Council returned to regular session at 9:15 P.M ADJOURNMENT Mayor Prochaska entertained a motion to adjourn. So moved by Alderman Kot; seconded by Alderman Sticka. Motion approved by a viva voce vote. Meeting adjourned at 9:16 P.M. Minutes submitted by: 11 hi, Jacquelyn Milschewski, City Clerk City of Yorkville, Illinois CITY COUNCIL MEETING FEBRUARY 10, 2004 PLEASE PRINT NAME: ADDRESS: lM�s � v Y, Oa; SIGNIN 2004 REPORT TO THE YORKVILLE CITY COUNCIL YORKVILLE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION OVERALL STRATEGIES FOR 2004: Focus on raising awareness with significant regional and national developers, and commercial real estate brokers. Interface with individuals and franchisees that will provide opportunities to fill current vacant space, or space committed to be built, in order to create the image of our continuous growth. Continue to focus on relationships with residential developers and the City to obtain results that meet the quality of life standard requested and population to support balanced commercial growth. ACTION STEPS: - Continuously call on current Yorkville businesses. - Continuously call on prospective Yorkville businesses. - Maintain and update demographic information on Yorkville, including website management. - Develop and provide marketing materials consistent with YEDC goals and objectives, including investigating new marketing techniques and vehicles. (This year the marketing committee will focus on developing a CD Rom for YEDC, which will be interactive with the internet.) - Continue the process of building relationships with local and statewide organizations, to further referral sources. Continue education processes, which offer opportunities for the business community access to programs, which bolster the business climate. - Develop processes to expose current businesses to perspective customers, through marketing events and techniques. - Participate in local, regional and national events where perspective business clients are present. - Utilize educational opportunities on Economic Development as available. NEW PARTNERSHIPS: - Burlington Northern Sante Fe Railroad (BNSF). Through an economic development program with the railroad, and other neighboring communities l along Route 34, a new "Route 34 logistics corridor" is being branded. Yorkville is pleased to be included in a series of advertisements that will be placed in Crain's Chicago Business during 2004. There will also be a direct mail piece, and each community will receive information on all leads generated through BNSF. (Attached is a copy of the ad, which ran in Crain's "Book of Lists ".) i YEDC Report February 2004 Page 2 UPCOMING HIGHLIGHTS AND EVENTS: International Council of Shopping Centers: (ICSC) Feb 24 & 25, 2004 — Alliance Program & Idea Exchange in Chicago (2 Day event with community showcase booth - 4 year participating) May 23 to 26, 2004 — Spring Convention, LasVegas (4 Day event — 3' year participating) October 2004 — Chicago Deal Making (1 Day event —A th year participating) National Manufacturing Week (McCormick Place): Feb 26, 2004 — Will act as State /Local rep (Multiple day event — 4 year participating) Plastics USA Trade Show (McCormick Place): Sept. 28 to 30, 2004 - Will act as State /Local rep (Multiple day event — 4 year participating) River Valley Workforce Steering Committee: Committee represents Kendall, Kane & DeKalb Counties. It is the goal of this Committee to assist in preparedness and future employment needs of the business community in these three counties. The group works together to help determine which industries sectors are showing growth and decline, current and future workforce supply, education, transportation, and quality of life for the area. "Aiming for Success" Job and Career Fair: Annual Spring event will be held on Tuesday, April 6, 2004 at the Yorkville High School Cafeteria. In 2003 there were 33 businesses that participated with over 300 prospective employee candidates in attendance. This event not only offered employment opportunities; it also offered workshops on with resume writing, interviewing skills. Yorkville Business Institute: This series of educational workshops, will be facilitated by Waubonsee Community College and Aurora University, and be jointly sponsored by the YEDC and Yorkville Area Chamber of Commerce. Topics will focus on sales and marketing, customer service, time management, and operational efficiencies. We are very pleased to say that in 2003 over 100 Yorkville business professionals took part in this very successful series, and 13 individuals were recognized for completing all 4 workshops. Dates for 2004 are Friday March 5th, Friday June 4 Friday September 1 0 and Friday December 3rd YEDC Report February 2004 Page 3 Business Assistance Expo: Bringing together over 20 programs that provide a variety of assistance, including low interest loans, grants, workforce training and development to the business community; this Expo has been adopted by other communities looking for ways to reach out to the business community. In 2004, the event will take place after Labor Day. Summer Outing 2004: This "fun" social event allowed prospective Yorkville business an opportunity to get to know current stakeholders. In 2003 we headed for Wrigley Field, plans for this year are being completed at this time. YEDC Annual Meeting 2004: Our 4 th Annual Meeting will be held in the fall. We review and acknowledge the accomplishments for new development and business expansion during the past 12 months. It is also a time to look forward to the upcoming year, and offer "thanks" to the partnerships and relationships that were so important to the Yorkville business community. NEW FOR 2004 Commercial Broker Tour of Yorkville The YEDC will host a half -day tour of Yorkville for a select group of commercial real estate brokers who are directly responsible for major national and regional retailers, as empowered site selectors for future locations. This event will begin as a "Road Tour" aboard a deluxe motor coach, will be scripted to allow maximum information and highlights, and will end with a luncheon. TARGETED ADVERTISING 2004: "Northern Illinois Real Estate Magazine" — Listing in June and November Economic Development Directories. "Illinois Real Estate Journal" — Quarter page ad in four issues. March, May, September, and November 2004. "Metro- Chicago Retail Space Guide" - Half page color ad in both the Spring and Fall issues. Distributed at ICSC events, and direct mail. Tag ads in both the Spring and Fall issues. YEDC Report February 2004 Page 4 "Metro- Chicago Business Park Guide" — Distributed at Corenet and IRDC events, and direct mail. Tag ads in both the Spring and Fall issues. "Area Development Magazine" — February 2004 issue. Distributed at National Manufacturing Week and other industrial based trade shows, plus direct mail. Also includes Chicago Metro Report, 3 site listings in Fast Facility Section, Annual Midwest States Regional Review, and Banner Ad on Website and CD- Rom. YEDC MARKETING COMMITTEE 2004: This year we are very pleased to be working marketing professionals representing eight YEDC members including, Wiseman- Hughes, MPI, Amurol, FE Wheaton, Tucker Development, HRM Properties, Smith Engineering, and RC Romine. The goal of the group in 2004 is to further develop marketing pieces to showcase the incredible results that Yorkville has achieved to meet the quality of life standard requested and population to support balanced commercial growth. YEDC SURVEYS IN 2004: The YEDC has begun to conduct surveys to better determine most desired retail, service, entertainment, and restaurant choices of the residents, and business community. The Yorkville High School student survey has been completed. (Copy of full results is attached). Business community survey will be the next to be completed. This information will be utilized when working with developers, brokers, and retailers. NEW YEDC OFFICE: The YEDC moved to 207 Hillcrest Avenue (the southeast corner of Route 34 and Center Parkway), on December 22 "d , 2003. We are planning to have an official "Open House" in late spring (when the weather warms up). We encourage everyone to visit our office anytime, as our door is always open. Please stop in for an office tour, or drop in to discuss YEDC and Yorkville happenings! i 34 Illinois Route 34 Logistics Corridor: r Monmouth, Galesburg, Galva, Kewanee, Princeton, Mendota, Plano, Yorkville and Joliet The communities of the Illinois Route 34 Logistics Corridor and BNSF can help connect businesses to North America's distribution heartland — whether they're new or established, large or small —by offering these advantages: • Access to regional, national and international markets via road and rail BNSF •Favorable business environments with proactive, accommodating communities • Available skilled workforces • Lower costs of doing business and room to grow. wetaaMove Learn all the advantages of doing business on the Route 34 Logistics Corridor CRAIN'S CHICAGO BUSINESS 2004 BOOK OF LISTS 87 Qj Yourworld:" by calling 312.850.5699 or visiting www.bnsf.com /econdev. E First Workshop �n a Series of Pauw for 2004 I - FMarch 5 2004 8-AM to 11:30 AM NEW LOGA'I'IOl FOR 200: 41 _ =� Place: Old Second Bank Yorkville i Countryside Branch —Lower Level (Route 47 & Countryside Parkway) 20 As Presented By: Dr. Shawn Green Associate Professor of Marketing at Aurora University, The Vernon Haase Professor of Business "Sell More & Sell More Consistently Through Developing Your Own Effective Sales Process" We will take a look at: • The power of "Branding ": Are you a "Brand "? If not, maybe you should be. • Why consistency, predictability and high sales performance go hand -in -hand. • The competitive selling arena of the "Information Age ", and why the winners are those who are the low risk providers, not the low price providers. • Communication and networking skills that build high -value business relationships. PLUS MUCH MORE This is a ■ MEM BER • all Members of • Area •- of Commerce and the Yorkville Economic Development Corporation, and their em ployees AT • CO WORKSHOP REGISTRATION — Please complete and fax to the YACC 630 -553 -0702 or the YEDC at 630 -553 -0889 Business Name: Business Address: Attendee's Name & Business Title: Attendee's Name & Business Title: Attendee's Name & Business Title: Please use separate sheet to enroll additional individuals. TOTAL ATTENDEES FROM BUSINESS Contact the Yorkville Area Chamber of Commerce at 630 - 553 -6853 Contact the Yorkville Economic Development Corporation at 630 - 553 -0843 Non Members of the YACC or YEDC may attend any workshop, at the cost of $25 per person per workshop ' I I h- r Er ZTJ T � ON RN I -a_ ` A11 P, 11[ 'r � IA � i //r 1 /(GI n ►r f Ip /C / /� � �� � � n�� Z _ � t �h x - SEE WHO ARE THE FAVORITES: w ,. • Department Stores £ `= AP H- ., W • General Merchandise Storesy� Sporting Stores =a= Goods s g ' E P t Specialty Clothing Stores PIN MIN � 4 � WE Shoe S tor es AM £,: F • Electronics Stores • Book Stores • Music Stores • Sit Down Restaurants = �r • Fast Food Restaurants • Entertainment YEDC Yorkville Economic Development Corporation = Y r $ °z, Department Stores 250 K- 200 P-51— 150 NR N 100 50 46 0 4. 0 Kohl's Target Field's Penney's Sears Carson's Others Requested by Yorkville High School Students - January 2004 Department Stores Others 12% Carson's 3% 19 Kohl's Sears N Target 5% ❑ Field's ❑ Penney's Penney's Kohl's 0 Sears 7% 49% M Carson's ■ Others Field's 11% Target 13% General Merchandise Stores 250 200 - 150 - ........... 100 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 44 t9 0 Target WalMart Sam's Meier Others Requested by Yorkville High School Students - January 2004 General Merchandise Stores Others 18% Meier 5% EI Target Sam's EWaIMart 5% Target ❑ Sam's 55% ❑ Meier ■ Others WalMart 17% Sporting Goods Stores 200 150 '. £ h r 100 50F 0 Sports Gaylans SportsMart Gander Other Authority Mountain Requested by Yorkville High School Students - January 2004 Sporting Goods Stores Other 15% Gander' ED Sports Authority Mountain Sports ® Gaylans $ /0 ° Authority 1 43% 0 SportsMart SportsMart ❑ Gander Mountain p ■ Other 9% Gaylans 25% I I Specialty Clothing Stores 80 r 70 60 45 45 %- -s r sa u 20 0 0 t Q • G L Z P Requested by Yorkville High School Students - January 2004 Specialty Clothing Stores Other Hollister 17% 16 % ID Hollister ® Old Navy The Gap ❑Abercromie & Fitch 6% Old Navy 12% ❑American Eagle TJ Maxx ■ Hot Topic 8% Abercromie & ID Pacific Sun Pacific Sun Fitch MTJ Maxx 9% 12% ❑ The Gap Hot Topic American ■ Other 9% Eagle 11% I I I I I Shoe Stores 90 - 80 7 70 A t 60 1 51 50 .3 7 40 30 - N 20 f 4 - 10 0 e) 11\ 0 0 0 0 9 Ik e Requested by Yorkville High School Students - January 2004 Shoe Stores Other Payless 17% 21% IM Payless Journeys N Footlocker 6% ❑ Famous Footwear DSW' ❑ Finishline 7% 111 Shoe Carnival Footlocker El IDSW 20% Shoe Carnival ■ Journeys 8% 0 Other Finishline Famous 10% Footwear 11% Electronics Stores 450 _ 400 3$� 350 m 300 - 250 j 200 150 50 = _. 0 Best Buy Circuit City Other Requested by Yorkville High School Students - January 2004 Electronics Stores Other 11% Circuit City 5% 19 Best Buy ® Circuit City 'D Other r_ Best Buy 84% i Book Stores 350 t pi s 300 } 250 i FY- 200 s 8 Tz S 150 �> F 2 100 50 ° w 0 Border's Barnes & Noble Others Requested by Yorkville High School Students - January 2004 i Book Stores Others 6% Barnes & Noble 21% III Border's ■ Barnes & Noble ❑ Others a Border's 73% i Music Stores 140 120 3 ��s 100 60 40 20 l = Best Buy Sam Goody FYE Coconuts Other Requested by Yorkville High School Students - January 2004 Music Stores Other 15% t Best Buy Coconuts 34% 10% ® Best Buy ® Sam Goody FYE ❑ FYE 10% ❑ Coconuts ■ Other Sam Goody 31% Sit Down Restaurants 120 100 80 - - - - - -- 60 - _ - -- - -- - - 40 20 0- - �� 0 �5 \\� �� a� ��t �� �� Q\o �o \,0 �5 CO ek kp Requested by Yorkville High School Students - January 2004 Sit Down Restaurants Other ® Olive Garden 15% Olive Garden r -- 3- - 20% ■ Hooters Mongolia BBQ_ _ 11 Chili's 2% r Bakers Squarer_= LL ❑ Applebee's 5 % =- ■ Outback =Y TGI Friday a - _ ® Red Lobster 5% Hooters ■ Denny's 12% Denny's 0 TGI Friday's 6% ■ Baker's Square Red Lobster ® Mongolia BBQ 6% Outback chili's El Other 6% 12% Applebee's 11% Fast Food Restaurants 140 120 100 80 g 60 - -- 40 - 20 0 Arby's Portillo's Steak & Culver's White Starbucks Other Shake Castle Requested by Yorkville High School Students - January 2004 Fast Food Restaurants Other 12% Starbucks Arby's 4% 26% I White Castle III 8 % ® Portillo's 0 Steak & Shake 0 Culver's Culver's ■ White Castle 14% III Starbucks Portillo's ■ Other 21% Steak & Shake 15% I i II Entertainment R � 167 4 : _ I G ���, � ��5 . � � \ pc 5 p oo �� Q Requested by Yorkville High School Students - January 2004 I Other_ Entertainment 11% - PoolMaterpark 3% Go Karts M Movie Theatre 4% = ■ Bowling Alley Las = Movi41 heatre ❑Skate Park O Arcade Dance Club -_ _ E Dance Club 7% III LaserTag Arcade ■ Go Karts 9% El Pool /Waterpark Skate Park Bowling Alley ■ Other 9% 10% I " REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS 2004 Record Date (Description I Price (From L Notes 1/1/2004 4026 Cannonball Trail, Yorkville $ 1,150,000.00 Chicago Title Land Trust Castle Bank, NA Courthouse Souare 1/1/2004 Farm at NW corner of Ament & Hopkins Road $ 2,762,346.00 First Midwest Bank, Trustee Arie I. Hoogendoorn, Trustee 1/8/2004 64.327 acres in Raintree Village, Yorkville $ 2,000,000.00 Creek Partners, LLC and Wvndam Deerpoint Raintree Villaqe, LLC c/o Concord Homes Raintree Villaqe 1/15/2004 101 Center Street, Yorkville $ 155,500.00 Christopher & Jamie Gabel G & S Holdinqs LLC 1/15/2004 138.80 acres on Galena Road $ 5,413,200.00 Richard A. & Donald J. Brummel MPLIV10 LLC Marquette 1/22/2004 140 acres between Fox Road & the Fox River $ 6,181,000.00 Chicago Area Council Boy Scouts of America Corporation for OpenLands Bov Scout Camp 1/29/2004 70.06 acres adjacent to 9818 Route 71, Yorkville $ 1,048,755.00 Charles & Mary Doetschman Creek Partners LLC Wvndam Deerpoint 2/5/2004 1502 N. Bridge Street $ 726,000.00 Aurora Fast Foods Fatmir Saliu Sun Field's Restaurant I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS 2003 Record Date IDescription Price From To Notes 1/9/2003 Six acres on Corneils Road, Yorkville $ 96,000.00 Michael & Tamara Rosenwinkel Yorkville Loyal Order of Moose Lodge 2371 Moose 1/9/2003 Eight acres on Corneils Road, Yorkville $ 184,000.00 Michael & Tamara Rosenwinkel Julie A. Morelli Trust I 1/30/2003 129.583 acres adjacent to Heartland Subdivision $ 4,276,239.00 Frank & Elizabeth Taus Trustees Oak Brook Bank Trust Heartland Circle 2/6/2003 201 Garden Street, Yorkville $ 157,500.00 Kendall County Special Ed Co -op Castle Bank NA 2/13/2003 163.522 acres on Route 47, Yorkville $ 4,905,660.00 Michael Wheeler & George Engel Wiseman - Huqhes Enterprises, Inc. Windett Ridge 3/6/2003 Lot at 151 Garden Street, Yorkville $ 157,500.00 S & K Development Kendall County Special Ed Co -op 5/1/2003 13.6 acres at Landmark & Marketplace Dr. $ 682,000.00 Landmark Center LLC Montalbano Builders, Inc. Longford Lakes 5/1/2003 2.41 acres ar Route 47 & Beaver Street $ 300,000.00 Oakwood Bldg & Land Corp. Nineteen Fifty -Nine LLC Baker 5/22/2003 209 S. Bridge, Yorkville $ 300,000.00 Joseph Harris GRW Properties LLC Little Joes 6/5/2003 Lot at 1735 Marketview, Yorkville $ 800,050.00 Menard, Inc. Yorkville - Countryside LLC Preferred Development 6/5/2003 150.463 acres at Route 47 & Baseline Road $ 3,309,658.00 Linda Studt & Judith Krunfus ]RED Development Ventures, Inc. Inland / Mid - America 6/26/2003 .98 acres in Fox Industrial Park, Yorkville $ 145,000.00 Oakwood Bldg & Land Corp. Steven Heubel Steven's 7/16/2003 228 acres on Galena Road $ 1,370,400.00 Ella M. Rosenwinkel EMR Trust I 7/16/2003 3.1376 acres at Cannonball Trail & Route 34 $ 2,525,000.00 Castle Bank Trust Castle Bank Trust Cannonball Run 7/23/2003 372 acres at Kennedy & Burlington Northern track $ 10,267,200.00 ILAF #V LLC MPI -2 Yorkville Central LLC Grande Reserve I 8/6/2003 95 acres NW of Bristol & Kennedy Rds, Yorkville Donation MPI -2 Yorkville South II LLC Corporation for Open Lands Grande Reserve 8/20/2003 9.012 acres at RT 34 & Marketplace, Yorkville $ 1,369,300.00 Brisben Reserve at Fox River LP Fox River Apartments LP Marketplace Apts 8/27/2003,308 N. Bridge, Yorkville $ 183,000.00 Dorothy Conduff G & S Holdings LLC Accessible Living 9/2/2003 101 E. Somonauk, Yorkville $ 226,000.00 Robert & Molly Stadler Sandra Judd -& Bruce Steinke Realty Executives Office 9/2/2003 25.604 acres adjacent to 9818 Route 71 $ 409,664.00 Charles & Mary Doetschman Creek Partners LLC Wyndam Deerpoint 9/10/2003 158 acres on Kennedy Rd, Yorkville $ 4,500,000.00 Dale, Wayne & Lois Konicek MPI -2 Yorkville Central LLC Grande Reserve 9/10/2003 74.117 acres on Route 71, Yorkville $ 2,000,000.00 Creek Partners LLC Raintree Village LLC Raintree Village 9/17/2003 3.473 acres on Van Emmon $ 130,000.00 LaSalle Bank National Trust River Oaks Property Development LLC 9/24/2003 Lot on Wheatland Ave, Yorkville $ 260,000.00 Yorkville Business Center LLC Wesley Property Corp. Yorkville Bus Center 10/8/2003 4.151 acres at Badger & Wolf Streets $ 415,780.00 Donald & Jodie Duffy Brian & Maryl Betzwiser Fox Industrial Park 10/15/20031507 W.Kendall, Yorkville $ 2,750,000.00 G & P Limited Partnership Copley Ventures Inc. 1 10/29/200312.95 acres at the SW comer of RT 34 & Sycamore $ 706,761.00 Paul R. Dresden Chris Mastorakos Karvalas Realty 1 11/12/200317736 Route 34, Yorkville $ 635,000.00 Peter McPherson Timothy Tatum 11/19/2003 Two lots in Yorkville Business Center, Yorkville $ 220,217.00 Yorkville Business Center LLC NLSB Bank Trust Yorkville Bus Center 11/26/2003 162 E. Veterans Parkway $ 2,000,000.00 Midwest Bank & Trust Co. Progress Holdings LLC UP Development 11/26/2003 11.8 acres at Route 34 & Sycamore $ 2,300,000.00 Paul R. Dresden Castle Bank Trust Karvalas Realty 11/26/2003 7630 Route 34, Yorkville $ 555,000.00 William & Kristine Ruffner Julie Cosimo 12/3/2003 87 acres on east side of Hiqhpoint Road $ 1,880,825.00 Ronald & Mildred Tucek Tom & Jim Koulouris 12/10/2003 128.36 acres at NW corner of Ament & Hopkins Rd. $ 2,072,000.00 Brown- Anderson Farms LTD First Midwest Bank Trust I 12/17/20031 Lot on Commercial Drive, Yorkville $ 107,881.00 Yorkville Business Center LLC Landam Construction Exchange Co. Yorkville Bus Center I 12/17/200311.05 acres at the SE corner Rt 34 & Marketplace Dr $ 600,000.00 TDC Yorkville LLC Fifth Third Bank Fifth Third Bank I 12/17/20031 Land at Greenbriar Rd & Route 47, Yorkville $ 1,751,781.00 The Northern Trust Co. trust Triangle Investments LLC Cornerstone I 12/24/20031 Lot on Commerce Drive, Yorkville $ 107,260.25 Yorkville Business Center LLC Timothy Brummerstedt Yorkville Bus Center 1 12/24/20031 Farm of 306.4035 acres, Bristol Township $ 8,334,394.50 Fisher, Conover, Lies Whispering Meadow Limited Partnership Kimball Hill I REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS 2002 Record Date IDescription I Price From To Notes 1/17/2002 154.30 acres at Cannonball Trail & Galena $ 4,150,650.00 LayCom, Inc. Lord & Essex Homes, Inc. Bristol Club I 2/7/2002 Lot in Yorkville Business Center, Yorkville $ 76,000.00 Inland Land Appreciation Fund LP Steven & Deneen Krantz Yorkville Bus Center I 217/2002 Approx. 67 acres on Route 126 East of Route 71 $ 1,174,906.25 GreatBanc Trust Co. Wyndam Deerpoint Homes I 3/7/2002 1401 S. Bridge Street, Yorkville $ 250,000.00 S & K Development LLC R & M Enterprises Roger's Flooring Lot I 3/14/2002 Lot in Yorkville Marketplace $ 750,000.00 TDC Yorkville LLC UnionBank Union Bank 3/14/2002 .9465 acre SE corner of Cannonball Tr & RT 34 $ 252,000.00 Castle Bank Trust Kai Fenq Li Joyce Lee 3/28/2002 803 N. Bridge Street, Yorkville $ 142,000.00 Mary Filipek Peter & Cheri LoDestro LoDestro Dental 4/18/2002 155 acres on Walker Rd $ 1,183,785.25 Louis & Mary Thurow Mary Keller & Estate of Frank Keller Sr. 5/23/2002 24 S. Cannonball Trail $ 95,000.00 Byran & Karolin Maier Christopher Valentine 6/13/2003 1.6264 acres at the SE corner of Menard Dr. & 47 $ 708,480.00 Menard, Inc. Polk Property Group Menard's Strip Center 6/27/2002 Land on Route 47 $ 635,000.00 Old Second Bank Trust Oakwood Builders & Land Corporation 6/27/2002 26.2 acres on Fox Rd., Yorkville $ 1,408,000.00 S & K Development LLC FR Seven LLC 7/18/2002 1010 S. Bridge Street $ 200,000.00 Equilon Enterprises LLC Mo & Rose Kapadia Rte 126 & Route 47 7/18/2002 111 acres on the south side of Galena Rd. $ 4,288,685.70 Ronald & Mildred Tucek Suburban Bank & Trust Co, Trust Grand Reserve 7/18/2002 Lot in Yorkville Business Center, Yorkville $ 109,775.00 Yorkville Business Center LLC Antoinette Cipriani & Roberta Cip- Detres Yorkville Bus Center 7/18/2002 79.3 acres on Legion Rd. $ 1,098,188.00 Estate of Ruth Schulz Timothy & Colleen Brummerstedt 7/25/2002 18.5 acres on Countryside Parkway $ 5,000,000.00 Castle Bank Trust Old Second Bank Trust Countryside Center 8/8/2002 26 S. Cannonball Trail $ 106,700.00 David & Rachel Ertman Christopher Valentine I 8/15/2002 2705 N. Bridge Street, Yorkville $ 4,000,000.00 T & D Metal Products XPAC Properties LLC Export Packaging I 8/22/2002 Lot at SE Corner of Carpenter & Route 47 $ 325,000.00 Menard, Inc. Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburgers Wendy's I 9/5/2002 211 S. Bridge Street, Yorkville $ 180,000.00 Albert Kolkmever & Steven Felperin Robert & Debra Dearborn Montessori Bldg. 1 9/12/2002 Two Lots on Route 47, Yorkville $ 235,812.00 Inland Land Appreciation Fund LP TDC Yorkville LLC Yorkville Marketplace 1 9/26/2002 Land at Route 34 & Route 47 $ 379,690.92 Inland Land Appreciation Fund LP TDC Yorkville LLC Yorkville Marketplace I 9/26/2002 135 E. Veterans Parkway, Yorkville $ 500,000.00 Bob & Gloria Thomas Tod Duy & Karla Gillett-Duv Duy's Shoes I 10/3/2002 1 1 07 01 Route 71, Yorkville $ 205,000.00 D & H Agricultural Center Palos Bank & Trust trust 1 10/3/2002136.7 acres on Immanuel Road $ 388,000.00 Robert & Toni Dhuse B & B Land Development LLC 1 10/3/2002132.28 acres at Route 71 & Hilltop Road $ 584,364.84 Robert L. Lemp Trustee Inland Real Estate Development Corp. 1 10/3/2002180 acres adjacent to 8308 Walker Rd, Yorkville $ 200,000.00 Schwartz Family trust Martin & Kristi Schwartz 1 10/3/2002140 acres on Walker Road $ 1,146,383.00 Carol Knipscheer Midwest Development LLC 1 11/7/20021102.8 acres on Fox St., Yorkville $ 1,644,800.00 Theodore Graf trustee Midwest Development LLC Silver Fox 1 11/14/2002130 acres at Helmar & Route 47 $ 300,000.00 Robert & Carol Dhuse Robert & Toni Dhuse 1 11/21/200211010 N. Bridge St, Yorkville $ 750,000.00 D & Dolores Linn Leland George Paradise Car Wash 1 11/21/200213.5 acres on Route 47 $ 300,000.00 Oakwood Building& Land Corp. Narvick Bros. Lumber Co. Narvick Concrete Plant I 11/28/20021 Vacant lots in Landmark Center $ 600,000.00 Yorkville Hotel LLC Earthmover Credit Union Earthmover Credit Union 1 11/28/20021123.780 acres on Route 47 $ 1,918,590.00 Old Second Bank Trust Home State Bank 1 12/5/20021 Part, 7630 Route 34 $ 549,900.00 J. Dennis & T. Jean Hastert MPI -2 Yorkville Central LLC 1 12/5/20021 Part, 7630 Route 34 $ 330,000.00 J. Dennis & T. Jean Hastert William & Kristine Ruffner 1 12/5/20021 Part, 7630 Route 34 $ 130,000.00 J. Dennis & T. Jean Hastert William & Kristine Ruffner 12/12/2002150 acres at Route 34 & Eldamain Road $ 2,730,000.00 Donald & Carol Hamman HeQgs LLC 12/19/2002169.82 acres on Faxon Rd., Yorkville $ 1,462,729.00 US Bank Trust AMG Homes Kylyn's Ridge 12/19/20021701 N. Bridge Street, Yorkville $, 139,900.00 Nadine Gauer Jay A. & Janine Keller J. Alexander Hunt 12/19/200219.012 acres on Marketplace, Yorkville $ 1,366,000.00 Landmark Center LLC Brisben Reserve at Fox River Limited Part. Marketplace Apts YE DC Yorkville Ecanomit Yorkville EDC Devalaproen� Corparailon E=MaH Newsletter January S7, Volume 2, Number 1 Welcome New YEDC Elects 2004 Officers e The Yorkville Economic Development Corporation Board of Directors Memb announced election of 2004 Officers. Stan Free (Castle Bank - Yorkville), was elected Chairman of the Yorkville Economic Development Corporation; Art Prochaska (United City of Yorkville), was elected Vice Chairman; Rich Artman (Inland Real Estate), was elected Treasurer; and Chad Gunderson (AMG General Members: Homes), was elected Secretary. The other members of the Yorkville Economic Development Corporation Burks Brothers Executive Board of Directors are: Mike Burks (Yorkville Area Chamber of Drywall Commerce), Terri Dressel (Provena Mercy Center), Dr. Thomas Engler (Yorkville School District #115), Dick Faltz (Coldwell Banker Primus Realty), UP De Jeff Freeman (Engineering Enterprises, Inc.), Don Harriman (Hamman Property Ventures), Jim Hoving (Smith Engineering Consultants, Inc.), Jim Liggett (Old Second Bank - Yorkville), Harold Oliver (Countryside Center & HRM Properties), Larry Kingston (UnionBank), Nancy Wilson (Rush - Copley Medical Center), and Art Zwemke (MPI Joint Ventures). Associate Members: Net Works Consulting Resources, Inc. A a Editorials for the "Beacon News" "Details 2004 - Progress Edition" The Beacon News is preparing its largest edition of the year. "Progress 2004" will be published on consecutive Sundays, February 22 and 29 This edition showcases the Fox Valley's businesses, industries, organizations and communities. Last year SIXTY PLUS Yorkville businesses responded with press releases and photos. This year the Beacon has requested that those interested in being considered for Progress 2004, submit a press release about their endeavor by February 6 All stories should be e- mailed directly to cgillette(c0scn1.com; or faxed to Char Gillette at (630) 844 -1043; or mailed to Char Gillette at The Beacon News, 101 S. River Street, Aurora, IL 60506. This year the Beacon is requiring ad space to be purchased in order to have an editorial published. The Beacon has a circulation of over 80,000 present and potential customers; and this edition has an extended life, as many readers keep and refer to these informative editions. Remember to watch for the two successive "Progress Editions" on Sundays February 22n and 29 Char Gillette can be reached at (630) 844 -5893. Yorkville Yorkville Business Institute -2004 Economic "LET S GET CONNECTED" Develop Corporation MF r r OUR ADD Y 18 1 " , 207 Hillcrest Avenue The Yorkville Business Community continues to be filled with objectives for continue Y orkville , growth and progress. With this in mind, we are very pleased to report the overwhelmint success of the Yorkville Business Institute in 2003, and the continuation of this unique Ph one: partnership of the Yorkville Area Chamber of Commerce, the Yorkville Economic i Development Corporation, Aurora University, and Waubonsee Community College. Many of you are familiar with the series, as over 100 Yorkville business professionals (630) 553-0889 took advantage of the quarterly educational workshops in 2003. Here are some important points you should note for our first session in the 2004 series. Lynn Du DATE: Friday, March 5 2004 Dir Executive TIME: 8AM to 11:30AM Brenda PLACE: NEW LOCATION - Old Second Bank Yorkville, Countryside Branch Exec ' (at Route 47 & Countryside Parkway) TOPIC: "Networking to Build Better Relationships" & "Improving Your Selling Tools & Techniques" Dr. Shawn Green, Associate Professor of Marketing at Aurora University, who has worked with thousands of business professionals and facilitated a session in 2003, and is a very active sales and marketing researcher will be facilitating this workshop. We will We're on the Web! also have a special guest speaker, who will focus on "Networking ". Anyone interested in attending this workshop is welcome. Yorkville Chamber and EDC members and their employees may do so at NO COST. The cost for non - members is f e e dba ck $25 per person per workshop. All business or prospective business owners are � encouraged to attend. All attendees who are able to complete the entire set of four We 'e workshops during 2004, will be presented with a certificate of recognition anr c ont i nue ' ' rece completion, at the final workshop for the year. Please contact the Yorkville Are p ositive ' Chamber of Commerce at 630- 553 -6853 or the Yorkville Economic Development f orm of • Corporation at 630- 553 -0843 for additional information, or to register. More information y ou •' and a registration form will be mailed to each of you very soon! a p • add y ou • our Aiming for Success t o b _ Career and Job Fair - 2004 add ress click on • no te REMOVE DATE: Tuesday, April 6, 2004 FR OM subject PLACE: NEW LOCATION - Yorkville High School TIME: 10AM to 2PM Mark your calendars now, for this important annual spring event. This member benefit will assist you in addressing your current and future workforce needs. More information will follow. YE-DC Yorkville Economic Development Corporation / A � l Third Annual Meeting Wednesday, October 15th, 2003 Beecher Center • 908 Game Farm Road • Yorkville, IL i Yorkville Economic Development Corporation 3 rd Annual Meeting Program Noon Welcome 12:20 PM Full Lunch Buffet Served 12:45 PM Introductions: YEDC Chairman, James Liggett United City of Yorkville Mayor, Arthur Prochaska, Jr. YEDC Executive Director, Lynn Dubajic Golden Arrow Awards: Richard Marker Associates, Inc. — New Development Oakwood Building & Land Corp. — New Development Old Second Bank - Yorkville — Business Expansion Steven's Silk Screening & Embroidery, Inc. — Business Expansion Carriage I Gifts — Business Expansion / Redevelopment Duy's Shoes & Sportswear — Redevelopment Keynote Speaker: Judy Baar Topinka, Illinois State Treasurer 1:30 PM Adjourn The Vorbuille Economic Development Corporation Would libe to take this opportunity to share Our Goals & Objectives with you! • Remain focused on the primary mission of commercial & industrial attraction, retention & expansion. • Assist with community preparedness for additional development & expansion. • Facilitate development of an adequate workforce, to meet the employment needs of Yorkville's industry & business. • Effectively communicate with local industries, businesses, residents, educational & governmental groups. • Create a diversified tax base for Yorkville, while maintaining the challenges of managed growth. • Broaden Yorkville EDC's funding base & mix. To All Yorkville Economic Development Corporation Members: The Yorkville Economic Development Corporation and the United City of Yorkville have an ambitious set of goals for the upcoming year of 2004. We are continuing our work on attracting a broad spectrum of commercial, service, and industrial users to Yorkville. We will also persist in our work with corporate, academic, and government agencies committed to sustaining an economic development program that creates jobs, and a diversified tax base for Yorkville, while maintaining the challenges of managed growth. Yorkville is a business - oriented community committed to education, healthcare, recreation and overall quality of life. We thank you for your participation in the events that we sponsored during this year. We will continue to reach out to all of you, with new opportunities in the future that will provide educational & training programs, workforce development, financial options & grants, and best practices for the Yorkville business community. It is quite evident that a strong business climate benefits everyone who lives and works in Yorkville. As always, we encourage your input, questions, needs, and concerns on an ongoing basis. It is truly through and with your support and participation we will be able to achieve success in this most important venture. If you are aware of any program that you would like the YEDC to explore, please let us know. Remember that you are always welcome to check with us on any business related topic. We look forward to working with each of you this coming year! Sincerely, 4 --) ae_ Lynn Dubajic Executive Director Yorkville Economic Development Corporation Yorkville Economic Development Corporation Accomplishments & Highlights 2002 -2003 • On an ongoing basis, made presentations to various local civic, professional and community groups on Economic Development in the community. Ensuring the community is aware of educational opportunities has a far - reaching effect in bolstering the business climate of the community. • Continued relationship building with representatives from local, statewide, regional and national groups and organizations, which offer unique opportunities to Yorkville and its diverse and growing business community. ■ Sponsored the "YORKVILLE BUSINESS INSTITUTE ", which is a series of four educational workshops. This educational series is a partnership with the Yorkville Area Chamber of Commerce, Aurora University, and Waubonsee Community College. The workshops are available for all YEDC and YACC members at no cost, and focus on issues that are important to all businesses such as marketing, technology, and human resources. • Continued to serve as a member of the Steering Committee for DCEO's Five -Year Regional Strategic Planning Committee for the Metro West Region. This important committee is assisting the State in developing a Five Year Development Strategy for Kendall, Kane, DeKalb, Grundy, and McHenry Counties. The YEDC involvement provides valuable input on behalf of Yorkville and Kendall County, and will begin work on a "Targeted Industry Study' in the next twelve months. • Served as a member of the River Valley Local Steering Committee, which completed the "State of the Workforce Report' for the River Valley. This study focused on the fact that the geographical area comprised of Kendall, Kane and DeKalb Counties is in the midst of changes spurred by moderate local growth combined with tremendous regional growth. Some of these changes are common to the region and nation, while others are unique to River Valley. Challenges facing River Valley provide a focus for continuous improvement, while the area's strengths can be leveraged to improve its economic position. • Participated in the International Council of Shopping Centers "Idea Exchange & Alliance Program ", held in Chicago on February 25 & 26, 2003 as an exhibitor showcasing development opportunities in Yorkville. • Sponsored Yorkville's "AIMING FOR SUCCESS JOB & CAREER FAIR" on March 26, 2003. The event, which was held at the Beecher Center, saw a total of 33 business participants meet with over 300 perspective employee candidates. Also on hand were training professionals who offered employee candidates educational workshops such as developing resume writing and interviewing skills. This highly successful event will continue to take place on an annual basis. • Participated with DCEO (State of Illinois) on an ongoing basis, as a representative of the State at national trade shows including the National Plastics Show and National Manufacturing Week Show, which were held at Chicago's McCormick Place Complex. • Served on the committee for the "Regional Economic Development Forum ", which took place on May 1 at Elgin Community College. The purpose of this forum was to assist institutions, agencies, and bureaucracies throughout Illinois, to prepare for dramatic and sweeping changes that have redefined the economy in the 21 century. This event is considered to be an integral component of the process, and assisted our community of Yorkville, to remain competitive as we prepare to meet new challenges. • Attended the four- day Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC) Spring Convention held May 18th through 21st, 2003. The event, which took place at the Las Vegas Convention Center, is the largest gathering of real estate and retail professionals in the world. Over 35,000 people attended the Convention including Commercial Developers, Brokers, Retailers and Organizations (such as the YEDC) representing communities. The YEDC utilized the convention to discuss development opportunities with perspective retailers, developers and brokers; and to present information and showcase sites in Yorkville. • The YEDC held its Second Annual Summer Outing on May 30, 2003. A total of 55 individuals enjoyed watching the Chicago Cubs play the Houston Astros at Wrigley Field. The outing allowed local business and civic leaders, to meet with perspective businesses, developers, and brokers in order to discuss development opportunities in Yorkville. It was the goal of the YEDC to bring the groups together, to provide important and useful information, and to promote the community of Yorkville to those perspective business partners that the YEDC has been working with for the past year. • As a result of the growing membership and the accomplishments of goals of the YEDC, staff member Brenda Stombres, as Executive Assistant, was able to move into a full time position effective July 1, 2003. • Called on over 135 current Yorkville businesses to discuss their needs, issues, and concerns. This establishes an ongoing relationship so that these business owners and decision makers feel the YEDC is a tool and resource for them to use at any time. • Currently working with six Yorkville businesses (service, retail and industrial) with plans for expansion in Yorkville. The important relationships formed with local business, allows decision makers to explore options in Yorkville, where needs can be met. • Called on over 100 developers/brokers, in order to effectively communicate the development opportunities in Yorkville, which will then create vital future endeavors and opportunities. Maintained database to track property and buildings for sale or lease. • Called on over 105 businesses outside of Yorkville in order to develop relationships for creation of new business to Yorkville. Also established regular contact with these perspective Yorkville businesses. • Worked with all commercial and industrial developments with issues that occur during development and construction processes. Actively participated with all developers and prospective tenants or prospective out lot purchasers with discussion and information. • Increased member investors from 84 members to 115 members, which resulted in $25,450 in additional investment dollars to the corporation. Yorkville Economic Development Corporation Membership As of September 30, 2003 Executive Members And Board of Directors: Old Second Bank - Yorkville, James Liggett Chairman YEDC United City of Yorkville, Arthur Prochaska, Jr. Vice Chairman YEDC Inland Real Estate, Richard Artman Secretary YEDC Castle Bank Yorkville, Stan Free Treasurer YEDC AMG Homes, Inc., Chad Gunderson Coldwell Banker Primus Realty, Richard Faltz Engineering Enterprises, Inc., Jeff Freeman Harriman Property Ventures, Don Hamman HRM Properties & Development, LLC, Harold Oliver MPI Joint Ventures, ArthurZwemke Provena Mercy Center, Terri Dressel Rush - Copley Medical Center, Nancy Wilson Smith Engineering Consultants, Inc., Jim Hoving Unified Supply, Jerry Knobeloch UnionBank, Inc., Larry Kingston Yorkville Area Chamber of Commerce, Mike Burks Yorkville School District # 115, Dr. Thomas Engler i We would like to thank the membership for their support, participation and investment in Yorkville's business community future. I Yorkville Economic Development Corporation Membership As of September 30, 2003 General Members: 1 st Signature Homes GMAC Real Estate, Nadine Richardson Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc., Mike Swedick Amurol Confections Company, Bruce Atherley j Brenart Eye Clinic, Dr. Nicole Brenart Bristol Kendall Fire Protection District, Mike Hitzemann Cardinal Homes, Inc., Barry Mayworm Caterpillar, Inc., Michael Groff Concord Homes Inc., Tom Koenig Dommermuth, Brestal, Cobine & West LTD, John Philipchuck Edward Hospital & Health Services, Sandy Benson FE Wheaton, Jeff Brown Harris Bank, N.A., Ray Gonzalez Harbour Contractors, Inc., Keith Jones International Codes Consultants and Inspections, Inc., Barbara Dettmer J. Alexander Hunt, Inc., Jay A. Keller Kendall County Economic Development Commission, John Purcell Kendall Hill Nursery, Kathy Sharp Kimball Hill Homes, Richard J. Young Law Offices of Dallas Ingemunson, Gregg Ingemunson Law Office of Daniel J. Kramer, Dan Kramer Martin Plumbing and Heating Company, Tom Martin Meadowvale, Inc., Steve Steinwart Menard, Inc., Pat Flynn Mid - America Investment & Development Company, Tim Bossy Midwest Development LLC, Bruce Sperling Montalbano Homes, Mark Malouf Ocean Atlantic, Mitch LaFave Parkway Commercial Development, Jim Ratos Property Concepts Inc., Angelo Kleronomos Richard Marker Associates, Inc., Clayton Marker Roger's Flooring of Yorkville, LLC, Roger Wanshek Schoppe Design Associates, Mike Schoppe Syregelas Properties, Inc., Lobby Syregelas The Windham Group, Carol Ultsch Tim Greyer Builders, Inc., Tim Greyer Tucker Development Corp., Fred Heichman Walter E. Deuchler Associates, Inc., John Frerich Weblinx, Inc., Andy Clements William Ryan Homes, Cory Robertson Wiseman- Hughes Enterprises, Lawrence Vaupel WSPY Radio & TV 30, Beth Pierre Wyndham Deerpoint, Richard Guerard XPAC, Mike Schiltz We would like to thank the membership for their support, participation and investment in Yorkville's business community future. Yorkville Economic Development Corporation Membership As of September 30, 2003 Associate Members: Chris Valentine Advanced Physical Medicine of Yorkville, Dr. Brian Berkey Alpha Precision Inc., Kevin Brolsma American Family Insurance, Brian Weiss Aurora University, Shawn Green Bay Mortgage, Bill Youngs CARSTAR Yorkville, Dean Fisher Cascade Waterworks Manufacturing Company, Jerry Elliott Centers for Foot & Ankle Surgery LTD, Dr. Thomas Rappette Century 21. Lemar Realty, Dennis Secara Chicago Title Insurance Company, Patrick Quist Club 47 Health & Fitness, Ron Walker ComEd, Marsha Hudson Designs & Signs by Anderson, Bill Dahl Device Technologies, Inc., Rick Kunzelman Dreyer Medical, John Potter e -bear consulting, Erika Beardsley Earthmover Credit Union, Warren "Shoes" Schumacher Fox Metro Water Reclamation District, Tom Muth Fox Valley Family YMCA, Becky Morphey Fox Valley Shopping News, Dick Whitfield G.H. Haws & Associates, Scott Haws GRW Enterprises, LLC, Grant Westphal Horton Insurance Agency, Brett Horton Illinois Audio Productions, Chuck Filippi Innovative Information Systems, Inc., Jonathan Smith JML Printing & Graphics, Joe Lorusso Kendall County Record, Kathy Farren Kendall Printing, Annette Powell Kopy Kat Copier, Inc., John Kaufman Law Office of Melissa Anne Maye, Melissa Anne Maye Law Title Insurance Company, Inc., Peggy Fowler Manpower, Andrea Maulick McCue Builders, Inc., Patty Harbin Midwest Environmental Consulting Services, Inc., Blake Mellecker Muellner Construction Inc., Jeff Muellner Newlyweds Foods, Dennis Baxter Nicor Gas, Carmen Morales We would like to thank the membership for their support, participation and investment in Yorkville's business community future. Yorkville Economic Development Corporation Membership As of September 30, 2003 Associate Members: (continued) ' Old Coach Works Restorations, Robert Baker Olson Homes & Construction, Inc., Scott Olson Pilmer & Barnhart, Attorneys at Law, Bob Pilmer Pond Supplies of America, Gary Wittstock Prestige Properties Consultants, Inc., Gary Cervelli Prime Land Management, LLC, Bill Davis R.C. Romine, Inc., Robert Romine R.C. Wegman Construction Company, Carl Wegman RE /MAX Great American II, Ted Laatz Rehannah Enterprises, Inc., Moe Kapadia SBC, Dave Meiners St. Joseph Cabinetry, Greg Millen State Farm Insurance, Judy Heim Suburban Real Estate Services Inc., Bryan E. Barus TCF National Bank, Cindy Reid Thomas Alarm Systems, Tom O'Brien Thomas D. Hughes Land Developer, Tom Hughes Thomas W. Grant, Attorney At Law, Tom Grant Valley West Community Hospital, Brad Copple Vesco Reprographic Division of the Straits Co. Inc, Bruce Stredde Vets Parkway LLC, Peter Kappos Walker Drywall, Inc., Dave Walker Waste Management, Mike Morley Waubonsee Community College, Norm Paul Willson Graphics, Holly Willson Yorkville - Bristol Sanitary District, Ralph Pfister Yorkville Family Practice, Dr. Daniel Sikic Zeiter- Dickson Insurance, Joel Ottosen We would like to thank the membership for their support, participation and investment in Yorkville's business community future. Biography of our Keynote Speaker: Judy Baar Topinka Illinois State Treasurer On November 8, 1994, Judy Baar Topinka was elected Illinois State Treasurer — becoming the first woman in Illinois history to hold this post. She also became the first Republican to be elected State Treasurer in 32 years. Topinka made history again in November 1998, as she won a second term as State Treasurer— becoming the first woman to be re- elected to a statewide office. Winning re- election to a third term as Illinois State Treasurer in 2002, Topinka became the first State Treasurer to win three consecutive terms. The Early Years Born in Riverside, Illinois on January 16, 1944, Topinka graduated from the Ferry Hall School in Lake Forest in 1962, and earned a B.S. degree in 1966 from Northwestern University's Medill School of Journalism. Upon graduation, Topinka established herself as an accomplished journalist in the Cook County suburbs, including eleven years as a reporter and editor for several award - winning community newspapers. At the same time, Topinka founded a public relations firm, served as a public affairs executive with the American Medical Association and as a public relations advisor to area political candidates and organizations. A Recoqnized Leader After a successful career in journalism, Topinka began her political career as a State Representative from the Western Suburbs in 1980. Serving two terms in the Illinois House of Representatives positioned Topinka for a successful bid for State Senate in 1984 - where she served as State Senator for a decade. Topinka continues to serve locally as the Riverside Township Republican Committeeman. In 2002, Topinka was unanimously elected Chair of the Illinois State Republican Party — the first woman to lead a major party in Illinois. Achievements Topinka's achievements as a journalist and public servant have earned her awards from more i than 250 civic, business, professional and social service organizations, including being chosen as Legislator of the Year in 1992; Abraham Lincoln Legislator of the Year award in 1986 and 1993, and the "Molly Pitcher" Award in 1994; the "Silver Eagle" Award; the Department of the Army's Outstanding Civilian Service Medal; and the AMVETS Silver Helmet Award. Topinka belongs to more than 60 business and professional organizations, including the City Club of Chicago, the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations, West Suburban Chiefs of Police Association, National Association of State Legislators, Government Finance Officers Association and the West Suburban Chapter of the Alpha Gamma Delta Sorority — which named her one of three "Outstanding Citizens" by her National Sorority in 1994. Topinka continues to reside in Riverside, Illinois. Her son, Joseph, and daughter -in -law, Christina, are at Fort Drum, NY, where Joseph is assigned to the 10 Mountain Division (Light Infantry), where he is a Major in the U.S. Army Judge Advocate General's Corps. He is a graduate of Northern Illinois University Law School. Yorkville Economic Development Corporation Third Annual Meeting Sponsors Cco INM SWERSKI WAS MAMAQEM UT Electronics Inc. Rental Engineering Integration o AV � Isr nZ cor FIRST PLACE RENTAL and Th e cloverleaf T PALME Interchange TOLLWAY Pei Z i r k e l "` N.— '\ ervemr�ns�u "o Real Estate LOCATIONS Group / (63 0) 80 1-8 80 0 " " www.dolanmurphy.com Inc. S t e p hens Commercial � THE OFFICE WORKS Real Estate l 'Doing Whatever• It Tahes..." Plano, Illinois I TwrI �C -e ndaii ANDN County MORKEPI PROPERTIES, INC. RECORD BROKERAGE DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT atitVAY G J0VIK,_ ® '' ME� Ralph's Place Restaurant U.S. RTE. 34 EAST SANDWICH, IL goc gl - t e _ c o 0 �-" f tS ` `G VVV B e aconNews B R E t1 D w.rcr ine.c � ° r „ www.rcromine.com I United City of Yorkville 1 18W County Seat of Kendall County Arthur F. Prochaska Jr. 800 Game Farm Road Mayor 1 Jel; >.; Yorkville, IL 60560 Phone: 630 -553 -4350, ext. 8519 < % �,�� Fax: 630 -553 -7575 I February 10, 2004 Mayor's Address to City Council We have again seen substantial growth in our community this year. This growth promises to be with us and even increase in the coming years. We have had accomplishments, such as the completion of the Countryside Parkway extension to Rt. 34, the opening of Menards, the completion of the Downtown study and more. We have taken part in helping to preserve natural and environmentally sensitive areas for future generations, such as portions of the Blackberry Creek corridor, a piece of the riverfront in the Downtown, and the Hoover Boy Scout Camp with the cooperation of Corlands, the Kendall County Forest Preserve and the Chicago Boy Scout Council. We have once again chosen to maintain a tax rate that attempts to keep the amount of real estate taxes collected from existing residences and businesses approximately the same as last year. Even while doing so we will again see the total amount of dollars increase as we continue to collect the city's fair share from new development. The result is that in the coming year the tax rate will fall to $0.7774 per $100 of EAV, down from last year's 0.8674. This year we began construction related to the Water Radium Reduction & ( Expansion Project. Thanks to an intergovernmental agreement with the Yorkville Bristol Sanitary District, we were able to reduce the cost of water treatment portion of the project from —$14 MM to $7 MM, reducing the overall cost from —$21 MM to under $14 MM. Staff working with our financial consultants, were able to structure the debt so as not to require the previously proposed $25 bi- monthly surcharge. We also are currently not looking to raise water rates for this project. When completed we will have 3 water treatment facilities (at Tower Lane, east in Grand Reserve, and south in the Raintree Village Subdivision). In the coming year we will see 2 additional new water towers added to the one built at Galena Road this year (Grand Reserve and Raintree Village) along with 3 new wells. These are being done with developer involvement. Also because of these projects, the well planned to be located at the Galena Rd. Water Tower can now be delayed until there is enough new development in the immediate area to help finance it. Additionally begun so far are water main upgrades along Mill Street, Van Emmon St., and Liberty St. We will also see more sewer upgrades and Feb. 10, 2004 Mayor's Address Page 1 of 5 expansions in the coming year. Improvements include the new Bruell St. lift station which will replace 3 current temporary lift stations the oldest being over 12 years old. Expansions include cooperative projects with YBSD building the Countryside Interceptor on the north, and the Com Ed Interceptor on the south. We will also continue to work with YBSD, landowner and developers to begin work on the Rob Roy Interceptor that will basically provide service to the City's northern limits. This year we assembled the program to address the need for improvement and repair of 15 existing streets located throughout the older parts of town. We are j looking to begin this "In Town" street program this year. This multi -year project will ultimately address paving and drainage on these streets. This project will be in addition to the planned Van Emmon Street Improvement project scheduled to begin this year in conjunction with the County's project to improve Van Emmon Rd. east of the city limits. The City's portion will include improvement from downtown at Bridge Street east to the city limits. We continue to see interest in redeveloping and expanding the Downtown area both through the public sector and through private investment. We will continue to work with other government agencies as well as property owners and potential developers to encourage them forward. Lynn Dubajic, the Executive Director of the Yorkville Economic Development Corporation and I have begun meeting with the various commercial and business developers located, or looking to locate in Yorkville, to learn more about some of their plans. We also are listening to their thoughts and concerns so we may be able to keep them moving forward. I will continue to do my best to keep the City Council and the community as informed as possible. I must reiterate however, that often rumors can spread faster than any facts and we all must do our best to keep rumors from getting out of hand. This last year we experienced our first Yorkville Appreciation Night for staff and board members. We also held our first Volunteer Appreciation Day. It is my intention, with the City Council's support to continue these events. This affords us the chance to recognize the hard work and dedication of all of our staff, officials, board members and volunteers. It is only with their help that the United City of Yorkville has remained the uniquely wonderful place that it is. We have determined that there continues to be a need to upgrade and clarify policies and procedures. Over a year ago we began working to upgrade our employee manual. I look forward to working with the City Council to complete this important task. Some may ask why this and other policies are so out of date or seem so contrary to today's thinking, and I must remind everyone that technologies change, ideals change, acceptability changes, not just in Yorkville but throughout society in general. Also as a growing community the need to specify and clarify policy becomes increasingly more important. We must look to keep policies and procedures fair, equitable and within the law. Feb. 10, 2004 Mayor's Address Page 2 of 5 This is also the year where it became very apparent that we must look at increasing staff in almost every department. This increase is needed to continue to provide the best service we can to our citizens. While we are looking to make these staff additions in our Police Department, our Public Works Department, our Parks and Recreation Department, and our Administration, we are not looking to increase taxes from existing residents or businesses to pay for them. Rather, we are looking to use new revenue coming into the City. With the need for additional people comes the need for additional facility space. This past year we expanded the City Council Chambers and built -out the lower level of the City Hall. Again we were able to do this using development fees created for this purpose and collected upfront from new development. While the major construction is complete, there are a few minor items that will be addressed over the next few weeks. After which, the Architects will officially request the City accept the project as complete. We know that this is not the end. Yesterday we opened the bids for the candidates for creating a comprehensive facility plan, just as we have seen the creation of a Parks Master Plan, and are working on a Transportation Plan and Water Distribution Plan. Each of these plans will allow the City to address the future needs proactively by giving us the ability to work the identified items into new developments. This will help to assure that the City can continue to provide necessary services in an efficient and expedient manner. ' I We will continue to upgrade and refine existing city plans. Most notably this year I hope to revisit the City's Comprehensive Land Use Plan with the main focus being the area south of the Fox River beyond the currently developed � areas. This makes sense now since we have more information concerning major roadways, possible utility service, and proposed development in adjacent communities. This will not be the last time this or any of the other plans will be reviewed and possibly amended. There are many forces over which the City has no control that can have major affect on even the most detailed plan. Some have expressed to me the question of need for all the planning. I contend that it is easier and much less expensive to change an idea that is on paper than to try to change infrastructure once in the ground, to move a facility once it is built or to exchange equipment once it has been purchased and used. While I would not be so bold as to guarantee that these things could not possibly happen anyway, am sure that the risk is substantially reduced. I believe that planning is one of the best investments a community can make to guide its future. Through the coordinated efforts of the Library Board, Library Staff, City Council and City Staff the City has begun to address the need for additional library space. Much time was spent over the last year planning and determining the current and future library needs. The Library Board Members spent many volunteer hours work with Staff and consultants, including visiting facilities in other communities to better understand how to meet the needs of Yorkville. Over the next year the City, through Staff, the Library Board and all of us here, will continue to develop Feb. 10, 2004 Mayor's Address Page 3 of 5 this much - needed plan for expansion. This will include researching possible financing options. Similarly the Parks & Recreations Board has worked diligently with Staff in concert with the City's Plan Commission and City Council to address the current and future needs for recreation facilities and athletic fields. They have put much time and effort into working through the development review process to make well thought out recommendations based on the Parks Master Plan and recognizing the advantages of working with other entities. In this past year and continuing into the New Year the Park & Recreation Board, City Council and Staff are working with other entities including the Kendall County Forest Preserve District, School District 115, and Youth Baseball to determine the best way to address the needs of our community. With our growth we have naturally seen increase in police activity in Yorkville. Some numbers have increased, but there are also some that have gone down. And, even with the tragic event that occurred in recent weeks, I contend that Yorkville remains a safe community. I am working with the Chief of Police to increase the Police force to keep the recommended ratio of 1 sworn officer per 400 people. I believe this year we will be looking to increase the force by 2 officers. We have also had several promotions this year as we as a City encourage our officers and actually all of our employees to be educated and trained so they have the opportunity to compete for advancements within their departments. I continue to support this encouragement, because I believe that giving our employees the opportunity to grow professionally and stay in Yorkville is a great benefit to the entire community. Certainly traffic and congestion are also issues that we continue to deal with. We have been in contact with IDOT about the State's proposed Rt. 47 improvements. At this time they still contend that they are looking to submit engineering in time this year to finally get us included in the State's five -year plan. I have also �.. ) represented the City and the other Kendall County communities on a Technical Advisory Group for [DOT. While much of the focus of this group deals with the proposed Prairie Parkway, information gathered will be used for years to come when dealing with transportation issues in our area. It has been my goal to work with IDOT's consultants to assure that the information used truly represents our present and projected needs. I am disappointed that they have chosen not to use our updated population projections, however IDOT officials have given me assurances in writing that they will use these numbers when they update their model this spring. Last week the City Council received annual service reports from the various city departments. I trust that you were equally amazed at the amount of work in operations and projects that has not only just begun, but what has been accomplished. As we begin this new calendar year and look to conclude our fiscal year, I think we need to be aware of the many good things we as the City Feb. 10, 2004 Mayor's Address Page 4 of 5 have accomplished. Certainly any one of us can find instances to criticize or point out where things didn't go quite right. I believe overall the City functioned very well in light of reduced state revenues, the inconvenience of the City Hall construction, and our minimal staffing. I attribute this to the ability of devoted staff, management, and elected officials to work in a true cooperative spirit with each other and with other entities for the benefit of our community. Certainly as we continue to grow, we must to be aware of the detailed needs and necessities required to meet the challenges ahead. But, we must not let them overshadow the many exceptional opportunities that come with those challenges. I am confident that with continued cooperation as a City Council and as a community we will again this year keep the United City of Yorkville the great American Home Town that it is. I I i I i Feb. 10, 2004 Mayor's Address Page 5 of 5 I WATER WORKS SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS United City of Yorkville, Kendall Co., IL Radium Violation Notice (W- 2003 - 00535) Facility No.: IL0930250 Discussion Outline — Conference Call February 3, 2004 • Existing Water Works System ➢ Well Inventory ✓ Well No. 3 — 650 GPM (936,000 MGD) ✓ Well No. 4-1225 GPM (1,764,000 MGD) ✓ Wells No. 1 and 2 Have Been Abandoned and Well No. 5 Was Sold To the City of Plano ➢ Water Quality Summary ✓ Well No. 3 and Well No. 4 Combined Radium 226 and 228 —15 pCi /I • Water Works System Planning ➢ Radium Compliance Planning ✓ Initiated in December 1999 ✓ Shallow Water Well Blending and Then Nine Alternatives Including Three Supply Options and Three Treatment Systems Were Evaluated b Low Cost Alternative — Treat Existing Wells With Cation Exchange Treatment and Add Well No. 6 and Well No. 6 Treatment System ❖ Capital Cost — $7,352,500 ❖ Annual Operation and Maintenance Cost — $838,252 ❖ 20 -Year Present Worth — $15,213,155 Lime Softening Low Cost Alternative — Treat Existing Wells and New Well No. 6 At Central Lime Softening Plant ❖ Capital Cost— $10,367,200 (41% Increase) ❖ Annual Operation and Maintenance Cost— $1,040,652 (24% Increase) ❖ 20 -Year Present Worth — $20,084,038 (32% Increase) ➢ Water Supply Expansion PP Y P ✓ Additional Growth Within the Community Has Increased the Existing Demand On the System, and Will Further Increase the Demand In the Near Future ✓ Currently Integrating Wells No. 7, 8, & 9; Well No. 7 Well House and Treatment Facility and Wells No. 8 & 9 Well House and Treatment Facility ➢ Water Works System Needs Assessment and Radium Compliance Plan Timeline [Handouf • Water Works System Improvement Projects ➢ Proposed Schedules — Draft [Handout] • Discussion i I ENGINEERING ENTERPRISES, INC. GAPUBLIC%Yorkville120021Y00204 Radium Violation ResponseToc\oulline01doo SUGAR GROVE, IL CONTR. NO. B.1 OPTION 1: RADIUM COMPLIANCE SCH, .ULE - IEPA LOAN PROGRAM FUNDING WATER WORKS SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS United City of Yorkville, Kendall Co., IL 2004 2005 200 PROJECT(S) Project Plan IEPA Loan Documentation Wells No. 3 & 4 Well House and Treatment Facility WORK ITEMS Project Plan Revision Env. Sign -offs Resubmittal Env. Sign -offs Review Project Plan Review - IEPA P.E.I.D. - IEPA Public Hearing Project Plan Acceptance Loan Application Prep. Financial Submittal Resolutions Debt Authorization Ord. Public Comment Water Use Ordinance Rev. Bid Submittal /Application Complete Loan Agreement Issued Design (Loan Program Docs.) YBSD Plan Review (COMPLETE) IEPA Plan Review (Loan Program) Bidding and Contracting Construction Design IEPA Plan Review Bidding and Contracting Construction Design Corps /IDNR/Etc. Permit Review IEPA Plan Review Bidding and Contracting Construction B.2 State Street Finished Water Main B.3 Wells No. 3 and 4 Raw Water Main and King Street Finished Water Main LEGEND 1 Report Work Loan Documentation Design Agency Review Bidding and Contracting Construction Projected Radium Compliance Date (Beginning Of Month) H:\ Tony \tony\ Water\ LoanProgramSchedule gLoanProgramSchedule,xls]Loan Program Schedule 2 -3 -04 Notes The schedule is based on the City being eligible for and then obtaining a Public Water Supply Loan to fund the improvements. Englnenring Entnrpriens. In=. 2/3!04 commm I i �i�i ■ ■ NNE.... NONE MEMO B.2 State Street Finished Water Main B.3 Wells No. 3 and 4 Raw Water Main and King Street Finished Water Main LEGEND 1 Report Work Loan Documentation Design Agency Review Bidding and Contracting Construction Projected Radium Compliance Date (Beginning Of Month) H:\ Tony \tony\ Water\ LoanProgramSchedule gLoanProgramSchedule,xls]Loan Program Schedule 2 -3 -04 Notes The schedule is based on the City being eligible for and then obtaining a Public Water Supply Loan to fund the improvements. Englnenring Entnrpriens. In=. 2/3!04 CONTR. NO. PROJECT(S) BA Wells No. 3 & 4 Well House and Treatment Facility OPTION 2: RADIUM COMPLIAK _ SCHEDULE - BOND FUNDING WATER WORKS SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS United City of Yorkville, Kendall Co., IL 2004 2005 2006 WORK ITEMS J F M A M J J A S 0 N D J F M A M J J A S O N O J J F M A M J Design (COMPLETE) YBSD Plan Review (COMPLETE) [EPA Plan Review (COMPLETE) Bidding and Contracting Construction I B.2 State Street Finished Water Design Main IEPA Plan Review B.3 Bidding and Contracting Construction LEGEND Report Work Loan Documentation Design Agency Review Bidding and Contracting Construction Projected Radium Compliance Date (Beginning Of Month) Bidding and Contracting Construction Wells No. 3 and 4 Raw Design Water Main and King Street Corps /IDNR/Etc. Permit Review Finished Water Main IEPA Plan Review H:\ Tony \cony\WaterlLoanProgramSchedulel BondFundingSchedule.xls)Bond Fund Schedule 2 -3-04 Notes: The construction period for the river crossing for the raw water main from Well No. 3 to Well No. 4 is limited to mid summer (low baseflow in river). The startup of the treatment facility will be a minimum of 1 month beyond the completion of the raw water main connection. En�InNAn� Enlarprawme. Inc. 2/3/04 PAGE 1 OF 2 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE WATER WORKS SYSTEM NEEDS ASSESSMENT AND RADIUM COMPLIANCE PLAN TIMELINE United City of Yorkville, Kendall Co., IL Work Item Date Consultant Statement of Qualification (SOQ) Submittals ........................... .........................January 15, 1999 Consultant Presentations ............................................... ............................... ........................October 7, 1999 City/EEI Project Initiation Meeting (C. Staff /Mayor/ Alderman) .. ............................... December 10, 1999 City /EEI Progress Meeting No. 1 (C. Staff) ........................................ ............................... February 29, 2000 City /EEI Progress Meeting No. 2 (C. Staff) ............................................... ............................... April 12, 2000 City /EEI/YBSD Waste Disposal Meeting No. 1 (C. Staff/R. Pfister) .......... ............................... April 20, 2000 City/EEI - YBSD/WEDA Waste Letter No. 1 ................................................. ............................... May 9, 2000 City/EEI Progress Meeting No. 3 (C. Staff) .................................................. ............................... May 9, 2000 PW Committee Presentation No. 1 ................................. ............................... ...........................June 19, 2000 YBSD/11VEDA - City/EEI Waste Letter No. 2 .................. ............................... ...........................June 26, 2000 City/EEI Progress Meeting No. 4 (C. Staff) ................................................ ............................... July 10, 2000 PW Committee Presentation No. 2 ............................................................. ............................... July 17, 2000 C .O.W. Presentation ................................................................................... ............................... July 20, 2000 Project Plan Submittal To IEPA .............................................................. ............................... July 31, 2000 City /EEI - YBSD/WEDA Waste Letter No. 3 ................................... ............................... September 11, 2000 YBSD/WEDA - City/EEI Waste Letter No. 4 ................................... ............................... September 26, 2000 City /EEI - YBSD/WEDA Waste Letter No. 5 ................ ............................... ........................October 27, 2000 Radionuclides Final Rule Published .............................................. ............................... December 7, 2000 City /EEI/YBSD Waste Disposal Meeting No. 2 (C. Staff/R. Pfister /WEDA) .................... December 20, 2000 City/EEI - YBSD/WEDA Waste Letter No. 6 .................................... ............................... December 26, 2000 YBSD/WEDA - City/EEI Waste Letter No. 7 ............... ............................... .........................January 11, 2001 PW Committee Presentation No. 3 .............................. ............................... .........................January 15, 2001 IEPA Issues Project Plan Review Letter .................. ............................... ........................January 17, 2001 City/EEI/YBSD Waste Disposal Meeting No. 3 (C. Staff /R. PfisterMEDA ) ........................January 31, 2001 City /EEI Progress Meeting No. 5 (C. Staff) ..................:............................. ............................... April 17, 2001 City Prepares Intergovernmental Agreement For YBSD ...... ............................... ...........................June 2001 YBSD Takes Board Action Indicating They Will Not Accept Radium Waste .......................... July 2001 City Revises Radium Treatment Compliance Plan To Lime Softening ............ ............................... July 2001 LSTF Siting Plan Initiated ........................................................................ ............................... August 1, 2001 City Council Approves Engineering Agreement For Improvements ( LS) ............................... August 9, 2001 City Council Approves Amended Engineering Agreement For Improvements (LS) ................ April 23, 2002 City Conducts Town Meeting On Lime Softening Radium Compliance Plan ................ April 30, 2002 City Reopens Discussions With YBSD Relative To CE Waste Acceptance ...................... August 2002 City Prepares Intergovernmental Agreement For Waste Considerations ............................. December 2002 City and YBSD Approve Intergovernmental Agreement ................... ............................... February 2003 City Council Approves Amended Engineering Agreement For Improvements (CE) ......... February 11, 2003 City /EEI Reply To IEPA Project Plan Comments ............................... ............................... February 28, 2003 City Submits Pre - Application To IEPA -IFAS For FY 2004 Loan Program Funding ...... March 17, 2003 ENGINEERING ENTERPRISES, INC. SUGAR GROVE, IL PAGE 2 OF 2 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE Work Item Date City Meets With IEPA To Discuss Compliance Plan ......................... ............................... March 21, 2003 IEPA -IFAS Letter— Loan Program Eligibility With New Wells On- Line ......... ............................May 13, 2003 City Obtains IEPA -PWS Constr. Permit For Well No. 7 . ............................... ............................May 21, 2003 City Obtains IEPA -PWS Constr. Permit For Well No. 8 ... ............................... ...........................June 4, 2003 City Obtains IEPA -PWS Constr. Permit For Well No. 9 ... ............................... ...........................June 4, 2003 City Obtains IEPA -PWS Constr. Permit For Wells No. 8 & 9 Treatment Facility .....................June 25, 2003 City Obtains IEPA -PWS Constr. Permit For Wells No. 7 Treatment Facility ...................... .....June 30, 2003 i IEPA -IFAS Letter — City Radium Compliance Project To Be Placed On IUP ............... August 29, 2003 City Obtains IEPA -PWS Constr. Permit For Wells No. 3 and 4 Treatment Facility ...............October 9, 2003 City Obtains IEPA -WPC Constr. Permit For Well No. 7 Treatment Facility ........................October 29, 2003 City Obtains IEPA -WPC Constr. Permit For Wells No. 3 and 4 Treatment Facility ............October 29, 2003 City Obtains IEPA -WPC Constr. Permit For Wells No. 8 and 9 Treatment Facility ............October 29, 2003 City Submits Letter To IEPA -IFAS — Clarification Of Loan Program Eligibility ............... December 16, 2003 IEPA Issues Radium Violation Notice .......................................... ............................... December 19, 2003 City Submits Letter To IEPA -IFAS — Additional Information For Eligibility Review .............January 26, 2004 City Requests Meeting With IEPA To Discuss Compliance Schedule ....... .........................January 27, 2004 Meeting (Conference Call) With IEPA To Discuss Compliance Schedule .................. February 3, 2004 i I ENGINEERING ENTERPRISES, INC. H:lTonyltony\ Water %LoanProgramScheduleltimeline .doe SUGAR GROVE, IL Message Page 1 of 1 Subj: Violation Notice No.: W- 2003 - 00535, United City of Yorkville Date: 2/3/2004 9:30:46 AM Central Standard Time From: ifreeman d( eeiweb.com To: mike. crumlvOepa. state. il.us CC: aeorae.trello(8erm. state. il.us, RHarscha- GCD.com, tgraffo-vorkville.il.us File: LoanProgramSchedule.zip (45203 bytes) DL Time (46667 bps): < 1 minute Sent from the Internet (Details Mike - As I believe you are aware, the radium compliance meeting for the United City of Yorkville that is scheduled for today at 1:00 P.M. has been changed to a conference call. In anticipation of that conference call, I am attaching a number of files that contain material that we are hoping to reference during the discussion. Please find attached two (2) MS Excel files and one (1) MS Word file. The files contain the following information: - Option 1: Radium Compliance Schedule - IEPA Loan Program Funding - Option 2: Radium Compliance Schedule - Bond Funding - Water Works System Needs Assessment and Radium Compliance Plan Timeline Please note the schedules are in color. Through communication with George Trello, it is our understanding that you may have access to a color printer. If it would not be too much trouble, would you be able to print and distribute color copies to the conference call participants at your office? I also will fax all of the documents, so you have a general idea of what they look like when we print them here. In, addition, we may need to reference some of the material that was presented at the March 21, 2003 meeting at your office. Specifically, we may need to review some of the maps that were presented. Since these exhibits cannot be easily transmitted electronically or by fax, would it be possible to have those exhibits available for review at the conference call? will contact you later in the morning to discuss this transmission. We look forward to a productive conference call at 1:00 P.M. Jeffrey W. Freeman, P.E. Senior Project Manager EEI ifreemanO-eeiweb. com (630)466 -9350 (630)466 -9380 Fax Tuesday, February 03, 2004 America Online: Guest