Resolution 2018-12 Resolution No.2018-12 A RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT PLANNING TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE SERVICES DELIVERED BY THE CHICAGO METROPOLITAN AGENCY FOR PLANNING WHEREAS,the United City of Yorkville("the City")has applied for technical assistance services through the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning ("CMAP"), for a study of shared water supply service governance options for Oswego, Montgomery, and Yorkville in order to provide a sustainable, efficient, and cost-effective water supply; and WHEREAS,the City's request for such assistance has been recommended by CMAP as a priority project; and WHEREAS, CMAP has adopted the GO TO 2040 Plan as the long-range regional comprehensive plan for the seven-county Chicago region, encompassing Cook, DuPage, Kane, Kendall. Lake, McHenry and Will counties, is developing the ON TO 2050 Plan to be adopted in October 2018, and is providing technical assistance as a means of advancing the plan's implementation and CMAP priorities; and WHEREAS,the City and CMAP have agreed on the general contents of a Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU") and a Scope of Services that will guide technical assistance services to be provided by CMAP; NOW,THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE: Section 1: the United City of Yorkville supports this project to conduct a study of shared water supply service governance options for Oswego, Montgomery, and Yorkville in order to provide a sustainable, efficient and cost effective water supply. Section 2: the United City of Yorkville accepts the offer of technical assistance services by CMAP and recognizes that these services are provided for the purpose of advancing the implementation of GO TO 2040 and other CMAP priorities. Section 3: the United City of Yorkville agrees to pay CMAP a local financial contribution of $2,000 to the LTA fund. Section 4: the United City of Yorkville recognizes that provisions that govern the administration of technical assistance services, and, if necessary,the discontinuance of such services, are included in the Memorandum of Understanding and Scope of Services. Section 5: This resolution shall be effective as of the date of its adoption. Resolution No.2018-12 Page 1 Passed by the City Council of the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois this 27th day of March, 2018. ()TY CITY CLERK CARLO COLOSIMO Ue KEN KOCH aye JACKIE MILSCHEWSKI aye ARDEN JOE PLOCHER ae CHRIS FUNKHOUSER ae JOEL FRIEDERS Ue SEAVER TARULIS Ue ALEX HERNANDEZ ae Approved by me, as Mayor of the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois,this 62Gi day of N figM , 2018. MAYOR Resolution No.2018-12 Page 2 233 South Wacker Drive Suite 800 EChicago Mwww.cetropolitan Chicago,Illinois 60606 Agency for Planning 0400 ww.cmap.il I inoi s.gov CMAP Local Technical Assistance Program Memorandum of Understanding between CMAP and the Village of Oswego,Village of Montgomery and the United City of Yorkville February 23,2018 Please note: "LTA staff"means CMAP staff assigned to work with local governments and community groups as part of the Local Technical Assistance program. 1. CMAP/applicant relationship • CMAP shall assign staff to work with local governments and the community as part of the Local Technical Assistance program. • Applicant shall assign a lead person to be the main point of contact for LTA staff. • CMAP staff will report on the overall scope of work and day-to-day activities to the applicant.Assigned staff are CMAP employees and CMAP is responsible for evaluating their performance. • CMAP management,in addition to the CMAP staff assigned to the project,may periodically check-in(frequency to be determined based on need) with applicant. • CMAP is responsible for assigning relevant LTA staff to work on the project (based on availability,skills,familiarity with the applicant community, and applicant preferences). • Applicant understands that CMAP assistance is provided as a means of advancing the implementation of the GO TO 2040 Plan as the long-range regional comprehensive plan for the seven-county Chicago region,encompassing Cook,DuPage,Kane,Kendall,Lake,McHenry and Will counties, as well as priorities that are part of the ON TO 2050 plan that CMAP is developing. 2. Access to resources • LTA staff will have full access to CMAP data and other resources, including specialized CMAP staff(for advanced mapping, data, outreach,communications, or topic-specific expertise). • The applicant will provide access to relevant staff who will need to be involved in the project, and will ensure that they allocate sufficient time to the project. • The applicant will provide access to all relevant internal data,reports,and other information necessary to successfully complete the project. • The applicant's leadership(key staff,planning commissioners,board members, other elected officials,other decision-makers) commits to participate in the project and allocate sufficient time at meetings(Plan Commission meetings, council meetings,etc.)to ensure due consideration so the project is successful. Page 1 of 3 3. Demonstration of local support • Applicant's governing board shall be required to pass a resolution supporting the project before work will begin or in the alternative, applicant may affirm that the governing board is aware and supportive of the project. • Formal action by the applicant's governing board and commitment to a local financial contribution to the LTA fund,if applicable,shall be documented through a separate resolution and/or Intergovernmental Agreement between the applicant and CMAP. • The applicant shall be responsible for working with CMAP to identify members for a project steering committee or similar oversight group. • If public outreach is a component of the project,the applicant agrees to participate in public outreach and engagement efforts;including assisting in dissemination of project and meeting information,attending and assisting at public meetings,and providing key stakeholder contact information. • Applicant agrees to provide an inclusive, open, safe and welcoming environment in which to conduct meetings and outreach events. 4. Project management and review • Prior to and following enacting this MOU, CMAP and applicant will jointly determine and document the project scope of work, timelines,public engagement schedules,commitment of non-staff resources by either CMAP or the applicant, and other elements prior to beginning work.CMAP may also request applicant assistance to establish expectations and performance goals for the project and process. • CMAP and applicant shall jointly agree to changes to project scope or timelines; CMAP may discontinue the project if major deviations,changes, or expansions of scope or schedule occur. • All work performed by LTA staff must be related to the scope of work.The majority should be directly referenced within work plan,but some indirectly related activities are also permitted • Allocation of LTA staff to each project will vary over time based on project timeline and work needs. • The full project scope of work is attached to this MOU as Attachment 1. • In order to maintain project progress and momentum,the applicant agrees to review and provide feedback on project deliverables in a timely manner,in accordance with the agreed upon timelines. • Applicant agrees to make best faith effort to adopt and implement the completed plan within agreed upon timelines. Page 2 of 3 The undersigned parties agree to the terms listed above. CMAP Representative: Melissa Porter, Chief of Staff Date Village of Oswego NAME AND TITLE Date Village of Montgomery NAME AND TITLE Date United City of Yorkville he-1 hg GA J.66iPs1kIk1AY0R Date Page 3 of 3