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City Council Minutes 2004 03-23-04
MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE. KENDALL COUNTY. ILLINOIS. HELD IN THE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS. 800 GAME FARM ROAD ON TUESDAY. MARCH 23.2004. Mayor Prochaska called the meeting to order at 7:03 P.M and led the Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Clerk Milschewski called the roll. Ward I James Present Sticka Present Ward II Burd Absent Kot Present Ward III Munns Present Ohare Absent Ward IV Besco Present Spears Present Also present: City Clerk Milschewski, Administrator Graff City Attorney Kelly Kramer, Police Chief Martin, Director of Public Works Dhuse, Finance Director Pleckham and Executive Director of Parks & Recreation Brown OUORUM A quorum was established. INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS Mayor Prochaska welcomed guests and asked those present to enter their name on the attendance sheet provided. AMENDMENTS TO THE AGENDA Mayor Prochaska stated that there would not be an executive session this evening. u COM[ IITTEE MEETING DATES Public Works Committee 7:00 P.M., Monday, April 26, 2004 City of Yorkville Conference Room 800 Game Farm Road Economic Development Committee 7:00 P.M., Monday, April 19, 2004 City of Yorkville Conference Room 800 Game Farm Road Administration Committee 7:00 P.M., Thursday, April 8, 2004 City of Yorkville Conference Room 800 Game Farm Road Public Safety Committee 6:30 P.M., Thursday, March 25, 2004 City of Yorkville Conference Room 800 Game Farm Road Ad Hoc Technology Committee To Be Announced PUBLIC HEARIN Mayor Prochaska entertained a motion to go into public hearing for the purpose of discussing the Jean Dresden and DCI- Cha.rrington, Inc. petitioners, request to amend their Annexation and Planned Unit Development Agreement in regards to rezoning from United City of Yorkville B -3 Service Business District and R -2 One- Family Residence District to United City of Yorkville B -3 Service Business District and R-4 General Residence District. The real property consists of approximately 34.25 acres located at the southeast comer of Route 34 and Eldamain Road on the west side of Rob Roy Creek, in the United City of Yorkville, Bristol Township, Kendall County, Illinois and to discuss Special Service Areas 2004 -103 North Grande Reserve, 2004 -104 Central Grande Reserve, 2004 -105 South Grande Reserve and 2004 -106 Total Grande Reserve. So moved by Alderman Sticka; seconded by Alderman Besco. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -6 Nays -0 Besco -aye, James -aye, Kot -aye, Munns -aye, Spears -aye, Sticka -aye The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Citv Council — March 23, 2004 - nage 2 Fog Hill/ Jean Dresden and DCI- Charrington, Inc. Please see attached Report of Proceedings taken before Chris Visla, C.S.R from Depo Court Reporting Service for the transcription of this portion of the public hearing. Mayor Prochaska entertained a motion to close this portion of the public hearing. So moved by Alderwoman Spears; seconded by Alderman Sticka. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -6 Nays -0 James -aye, Kot -aye, Munns -aye, Spears -aye, Sticka -aye, Besco -aye i SSA Number 2004 -103 for North Grande Reserve SSA Number 2004 -104 for Central Grande Reserve SSA Number 2004 -105 for South Grande Reserve SSA Number 2004 -106 for Total Grande Reserve Finance Director Traci Pleckham reported that this public hearing is for the taxpayer's record and a requirement of establishing the Special Service Areas (SSA). The floor was opened for comments from the public; there were none. The floor was opened for questions from the City Council; there were none. Mayor Prochaska entertained a motion to close the public hearing. So moved by Alderman Besco; seconded by Alderwoman Spears. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -6 Nays -0 James -aye, Kot -aye, Munns -aye, Spears -aye, Sticka -aye, Besco -aye CITIZEN COMMENTS None PRESENTATIONS None CONSENT AGENDA 1. Police Reports for January 2004 2. Resolution 2004 -08 — Acknowledgment and Endorsement of the Kendall County Trails and Greenways Plan, 2004 - authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute 3. Historical Street Name List 4. Athletic Field Reservation Fees for FY 2004 -2005 5. Part-time and Seasonal Staff— Position Titles and Pay Scales 6. Ordinance 200417 — Adopting Waxer Conservation Regulations for the City - authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute 7. Ordinance 2004 -18 — Regulating Development in Floodplain Areas - authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute 8. Site Analysis of Boy Scout Property — Mike Schoppe's Scope of Services — not to exceed $10, 000.00 9. United States Geological Survey (USGS) Study of Area Groundwater — authorize payment of Yorkville 's share of additional costs not to exceed $1,860.00 10. Bruell Street Pump Station — award contract to Seagren Construction, Inc. in an amount of $541, 400.00 and notice to proceed subject to land acquisition and easements 11. Bruell Street Forcemain and Sanitary Sewers — award contract to H. Linden & Sons Sewer & Water in an amount not to exceed $1,511,895.00 and notice to proceed subject to land acquisition and easements 12. South Comprehensive Plan Amendment - Mike Schoppe's Scope of Services — not to exceed $47,500. 00 and subject to approval of FY 2004 -2005 Budget 13. Request for Second K -9 for Police Department Mayor Prochaska entertained a motion to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. So moved by Alderwoman Spears; seconded by Alderman Besco. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -6 Nays -0 James -aye, Kot -aye, Munns -aye, Spears -aye, Sticka -aye, Besco -aye PLANNING COMMISSIONMONING BOARD OF APPEAL No report. The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Citv Council — March 23. 2004 - nab MINUTES FOR APPROVAL A motion was made by Alderwoman Spears to approve the minutes of the City Council meeting from March 9, 2004; seconded by Alderman Mums. Motion approved by a viva voce vote. BILLS FOR APPROVAL A motion was made by Alderwoman Spears to approve the paying of the bills listed on the Detailed Board Report dated March 12, 2004 totaling the following amounts: checks in the amount of $1,235,997.29 (vendor); $133,453.13 (payroll period ending 3/10/04) for a total of $1,369,450.42; seconded by Alderman Munns. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes -6 Nays -0 Besco -aye, James -aye, Kot -aye, Munns -aye, Spears -aye, Sticka -aye REPORTS MAYOR'S REPORT Presentation of the "Saved by the Belt" Award Mayor Prochaska reported that Jodie Chiavario recipient of the "Saved by the Belt" Award was unable to attend the meeting but would be given her award. At the Mayor's request, Chief Martin explained that the program, which is being promoted by the Illinois Department of Transportation, awards individuals for escaping serious harm during an automobile accident because they were wearing their seat belt. School Site Study Mayor Prochaska reported that the Council was given copies of City Planner Mike Schoppe's School Site Study which will be presented at the April 14, 2004 Plan Commission meeting. He suggested that the Council review the document and attend the meeting if they have any questions. He also invited the School District and School Board to attend. Update on Post Office Site Location Mayor Prochaska read a letter he received from Bryant Schroeder, Real Estate Specialist with the — United States Post Office (see attached) which indicated that the Post Office has narrowed the location down to both the northeast comer and the southwest comer of McHugh Road and Countryside Parkway. Mayor Prochaska noted that there were several other locations that were offered to the Post Office but not accepted such between Van Emmon Street and Hydraulic Street, east of Route 47. He indicated that after residents expressed the concern that the Post Office stay in the downtown, the Van Emmon Street site was discussed by the City Council at an executive session. The Council had the staff approach landowners in the area regarding the sale of their property for the Post Office site. Mayor Prochaska also noted that the Council has thirty days to give written testimony and he asked that if the Council wants to discuss this further to let him know so it can be placed on the Committee of the Whole agenda. ATTORNEY'S REPORT No report. CITY CLERK'S REPORT No report. CITY TREASURER'S REPORT No report. CITY ADMINISTATOR'S REPORT No report. FINANCE DIRECTOR'S REPORT No report. DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS REPORT No report. CHIEF OF POLICE REPORT No report. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF PARKS & RECREATION REPORT City Golf Outing Executive Director of Parks & Recreation Laura Brown reminded that Council of the May 7, 2004 City golf outing. She stated that golfers were still being accepted for the event and she indicated that this year's sponsorship has exceeded last year's. The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Citv Council — March 23. 2004 - uage 4 Volunteer Appreciation Event Ms. Brown reminded the Council that the Mayor will be hosting a Volunteer Appreciation Event on May 1, 2004 at the Riverfront Park. COMMUNITY & LIAISON REPORT Park Board Meeting Mayor Prochaska reported that he attended the Park Board meeting on March 22, 2004 where they recommended an "Exemplary Employee Program" be instituted for the Parks & Recreation Department. They asked if the Council would be interested in making the program citywide. Mayor Prochaska asked that this item be placed on the Administration Committee meeting agenda for further discussion. He also noted that they voted to move forward with the Country Hills Park and the Riverfront Park Shelter this summer. These items will come before the Council for approval. CO MMITTEE REPORTS PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE REPORT No report. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT No report. PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE REPORT No report. ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE REPORT No report. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS Senior Services Associates, Inc Fund Raiser Alderwoman Spears noted that the Council received information regarding the Senior Service Associates, Inc. 13"' Annual Dinner /Auction on April 30, 2004. She requested the United City of Yorkville become a sponsor. Mayor Prochaska indicated that the City has been a sponsor in the past at the $250.00 Corporate and Individual Donor level. Alderwoman Spears recommended that the City become a donor at the $1,500.00 level as is done with other organizations. Alderman Munns commented that this was a good cause but he did not know if the City needed to donate $1,500.00. Alderwoman Spears inquired about donations to other organizations and Mayor Prochaska stated most donations are $50.00 to $100.00. Alderwoman Spears stated she was recommending the $1,500.00 donation to show the City's support to other area chairmen such as Representative Hastert. She stated that if the City jumped on the band wagon, others local municipalities might match the donation. She asked if any of the other Council members were interested in increasing the amount. Alderman Sticka commented that this would be using taxpayer's dollars. Alderwoman Spears stated that the funds were going back to the seniors. Alderman Munns stated that increasing the donation sets a precedent; if you give one group $1,500.00 everyone will want it. There were no other comments from Council members. Alderwoman Spears stated that if this was the general consensus of the Council, she would have to go with it however she was not pleased. In -town Road Program Alderman Besco reported that the Public Works Committee asked the City Engineer to give an update on the in town road program which will be presented at the next Committee of the Whole meeting. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Prochaska entertained a motion to adjourn. So moved by Alderman Besco; seconded by Alderman Munns. Motion approved by a viva voce vote. Meeting adjourned at 7:40 P.M. Minutes submitted by: Jacquelyn Milschewski, City Clerk City of Yorkville, Illinois CITY COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 23, 2004 PLEASE PRINT NAME: ADDRESS: 13 07 �� �d �� ✓ 92�z G.�SLFS �oaD M , A 2 - J I 0 DE LAN e — A�J ki-For2-r L 4 Z 3 5to W . M A- 1 Sow', � v'L �CO �, NPt,JS �I SIGNIN CITY COUNCIL MEETING UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE, ILLINOIS REPORT OF PROCEEDINGS had at the meeting of the above - entitled matter taken before CHRISTINE M. VITOSH, C.S.R., R.P.R., on March 23, 2004, at the hour of 7:00 p.m., at 800 Game Farm Road, in the City of Yorkville, Illinois. D- 699604 REPO • COURT reporting service 800 West Fifth Avenue • Suite 203C • Naperville, IL 60563 • 630 - 983 -0030 • Fax 630 - 983 -6013 www.depocourt.com 2 1 P R E S E N T: 2 MR. ARTHUR PROCHASKA, Chairman; 3 MR. JOSEPH BESCO, Alderman; 4 MR. JAMES STICKA, Alderman; 5 MR. LARRY KOT, Alderman; 6 MR. PAUL JAMES, Alderman; 7 MS. ROSE ANN SPEARS, Alderwoman; 8 MR. MARTY MUNNS, Alderman; 9 MS. JACKIE MILSCHEWSKI, City Clerk. 10 11 12 A P P E A R A N C E S: 13 LAW OFFICES OF DANIEL J. KRAMER 1107A Bridge Street 14 Yorkville, Illinois 60560 BY: MS. KELLY KRAMER, 15 appeared on behalf of the United City of Yorkville, Illinois. 16 f 17 - - - - - 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Depo Court Reporting Service (630) 983 -0030 3 1 (Pledge of 2 Allegiance) 3 MAYOR PROCHASKA: This evening we do 4 have public hearings. At this time I would 5 entertain a motion to go into public hearing for 6 the purpose of discussing the Jean Dresden and 7 DCI- Charrington, Inc., petitioners, request to 8 amend their annexation and planned unit " 9 development agreement in regard to rezoning from 10 United City of Yorkville B -3 service business 11 district and R -2 one - family residence district 12 to United City of Yorkville B -3 service 13 business district and R -4 general residence I � 14 district. i 15 The real property consists of i 16 approximately 34.25 acres located at the j I 17 southeast corner of Route 34 and Eldamain Road on 18 the west side of Rob Roy Creek in the United City i 19 of Yorkville, Bristol Township, Kendall County, 20 Illinois. 21 And then the other part of the 22 public hearing will be for Special Service Area 23 2004 -1023, North Grande Reserve; 2004 -104, 24 Central Grande Reserve; 2004 -105, South Grande Depo Court Reporting Service (630) 983 -0030 4 1 Reserve; 2004 -106, Total Grande Reserve. 2 MR. STICKA: So moved. 3 MR. BESCO: Second. 4 MAYOR PROCHASKA: Moved and 5 seconded. May I have roll call, please? 6 MS. MILSCHEWSKI: Besco. 7 MR. BESCO: Aye. 8 MS. MILSCHEWSKI: James. 9 MR. JAMES: Aye. i 10 MS. MILSCHEWSKI: Kot. 11 MR. KOT: Aye. 12 MS. MILSCHEWSKI: Munns. 13 MR. MUNNS: Aye. 14 MS. MILSCHEWSKI: Spears. j 15 MS. SPEARS: Aye. 16 MS. MILSCHEWSKI: Sticka. 17 MR. STICKA: Aye. 18 MAYOR PROCHASKA: Motion is carried. 19 We are now in public hearing. 20 I'll take the first item, which 21 is the request to amend the annexation and 22 planned unit development, and I'd ask if the 23 petitioner has a representative. 24 WHEREUPON: Depo Court Reporting Service (630) 983 -0030 5 1 ROBERT L. GAMRATH, III, 2 and 3 MARVIN DeLAHR, 4 testified before the City Council as follows: 5 MR. GAMRATH: Visible to everyone? 6 (No response) 7 MR. GAMRATH: Good evening. I am i 8 Rob Gamrath. I represent Paul Dresden, the I 9 developer of Foxhill Subdivision. Pleased to be 10 here tonight. 11 For those of you that are on 12 the EDC, I'm sorry if this is be a little bit 13 repetitive to what you heard Thursday night, but I 14 there is some important information itself that 15 bears repeating. 16 One thing I want to start off I 17 with right off the bat is to correct a 18 misperception that this is in some way the 19 developer coming back in, trying to be a greedy 20 developer, and max out the site based on the plan 21 that was approved ten years ago. 22 This original plan for Unit 7, 23 which we refer to as Pod 7, in the south portion 24 of Foxhill Subdivision, located along Eldamain Depo Court Reporting Service (630) 983 -0030 6 1 Road just south of 34, was approved ten years 2 ago, and in that intervening period of time, 3 there's been significant changes that have 4 happened that make the plan originally approved 5 no longer feasible for this particular parcel. 6 You really have two petitions 7 before ou from m client. I'm going to speak g Y Y g p 8 tonight mainly on the petition dealing with the 9 residential portion of this particular piece of 10 property. 11 To the north, the parcel that 12 actually is at the intersection of 34 and 13 Eldamain Road, is our commercial piece. 14 The reason we have a separate 15 petition for that piece is in conjunction with 16 redesigning the southerly parcel, we are also 17 going to -- we would also like to resubdivide 18 and square off the lot line between the two 19 parcels. 20 When we do that, we will end up 21 changing some of the -- a small amount of zoning 22 that's on the boundary line between the two 23 properties, so that's the reason for our 24 request. Depo Court Reporting Service (630) 983 -0030 1 Also, when we lay out the new 2 plan and do our design, the new access road -- 3 which I'll show you on this particular exhibit -- 4 the new access road created a parcel that 5 really didn't -- that stood off by itself. It 6 really didn't make sense to just have an island 7 of residential right here, so we are asking for 8 this small piece to also be rezoned to 9 commercial. 10 With that as a backdrop, I just 11 want to provide you with a copy of a development 12 matrix. 13 Really what you are receiving 14 outlines what's occurred over ten years to bring, 15 us to today and this request before you. 16 The first thing, and one of the 17 primary things, is when we came back to the City 18 in 2001 for approval of our preliminary plat, we 19 started to go through the process, and we were 20 just about scheduled for consideration of the 21 final plat for the residential portion, and at 22 that time we were informed that the City was in 23 the process of mapping the floodway for Rob Roy 24 Creek and that we were asked to consider the Depo Court Reporting Service (630) 983 -0030 8 1 potential floodplain and its impact on this 2 development, even though it had been previously 3 approved. 4 When we had -- When that was 5 considered, we lost four single - family lots, but 6 we did go back and reengineer the site, trying to 7 take into consideration this floodplain that was 8 now being mapped. 9 We went through, reengineered 10 the site, spent -- you see it there, we lost four 11 single - family lots and also spent about $95,000 12 to reengineer the site, got again scheduled 13 for -- to come in for approval of a new 14 single- family plan, and in the interim period of i 15 time a Lakewood development to the west of 16 Eldamain Road was approved in Plano, and as a 17 result of that development, the access point from 18 the Lakewood Homes development on the west side 19 of Eldamain was going to be fixed at a point 20 about 200 feet south of where we had originally 21 designated to enter into our site, and we were 22 asked again by the City to consider locating the 23 access point -- for good planning reasons, to 24 locating the access point across, directly Depo Court Reporting Service (630) 983 -0030 i 9 1 across, from the development in Plano. 2 When we did that, we lost six 3 more single- family lots. We reengineered the 4 site at a cost of $65,000. 5 We also had to expand this 6 entryway because now we were trying to get an 7 entry into our site that matched up with the 8 level of intensity for the entryway on the other 9 side of Eldamain Road. That increased cost was I 10 about $25,000. So now we've got about a 75 -- 11 78 -foot wide entryway into our site. 12 Beyond just the economic 13 impact, by losing the lots and with the 14 redevelopment and the reconfiguration and the 15 uses in this area, single - family really just no I 16 longer makes sense here. You really have a 17 commercial node developing at 34 and Eldamain 18 Road. 19 Our commercial piece, you have 20 a large commercial parcel, I think it's about 75 21 acres that's designated as commercial in Plano 22 adjacent to our site. 23 Your comprehensive plan 24 considers the northeast corner commercial here, Depo Court Reporting Service (630) 983 -0030 10 1 and when you look at what you've done 2 consistently throughout your city, that's one of 3 the planning techniques that you have used, is to 4 have multi - family adjacent to commercial. 5 The other thing that calls 6 for -- other reason that multi - family makes sense 7 here is Eldamain Road here as you know has been 8 turned over to the County and is expected to be 9 widened as an arterial roadway. 10 We will also have considerably 11 more traffic in the future if the bridge is put 12 over the river. That's going to become a 13 thoroughfare. 14 Again, your typical planning in 15 the city has been to locate multi - family closer 16 to more of your thoroughfares. 17 I will note that we worked very 18 closely with your City staff and with the City 19 trying to develop a plan that gave a nice 20 balance between the amount of density here and 21 also took into account what the City was trying 22 to achieve. 23 We are not trying to max out 24 the R -4 zoning. If we were trying to max out the Depo Court Reporting Service (630) 983 -0030 11 1 R -4 zoning, we would call for 96 units. We are 2 asking for 74 units under the R -4 zoning, which 3 is significantly less than what that category 4 would call for, that particular zoning 5 designation. 6 With that said, I'll have 7 Marvin DeLahr just fill you in on the balance of 8 the site plan, and then we'd be happy to take any i 9 questions. 10 MR. DeLAHR: Just one quick 11 correction. There is 72 units, not 74. 12 And as you can tell on the 13 layout here, we are just trying to get a simple i 14 layout that's going to be aesthetically 15 pleasing. 16 There was some talk about the i' 17 proximity to existing houses over in the Foxhill 18 Subdivision, and these are drawn in over here, 19 and as you can see, there is only about six homes 20 that are going to be anywhere in the vicinity of i 21 this property. 22 The homes out there, the people 23 had said that they had paid a premium for the 24 lots for the green space behind them, and that Depo Court Reporting Service (630) 983 -0030 12 1 was not charged by the developer. 2 The developer sold the lots to 3 the builder, the builder turned around and sold 4 the lots to the individual home builders -- or 5 home owners, and the people will still have the 6 green area. As a matter of fact, they will have 7 more than what they had before. 8 In our original plan, the homes 9 came all the way over to this darker green area 10 in here, so it's moved them out further away, we 11 have the detention area here, this is the 12 detention area over on this side. 13 There is a heavily wooded area 14 along the creek, and some of the Aldermen have 15 gone out there and took a look at it, and even 16 without the leaves on the trees out there, it's 17 hard to see through it. 18 And there was concern about 19 lights and things like that, and we don't feel 20 that's going to be a problem at all. 21 And there is an elevation 22 difference, these homes over here sit higher 23 than these over here will be. That's pretty 24 much our whole design plan. If there is any Depo Court Reporting Service (630) 983 -0030 13 1 questions. 2 MAYOR PROCHASKA: At this time I 3 would open the floor to anyone who would like to 4 ask questions or have comments. 5 Please come forward and address 6 the Council. Give your name and address, please. 7 WHEREUPON: 8 DAVID WILLIAMS, 9 testified before the City Council as follows: 10 MR. WILLIAMS: Hi. David Williams, 11 1307 Willoway. I was before the Plan Commission 12 and submitted a petition somewhat being opposed 13 to this. Not what somewhat, we are opposed to 14 it. 15 I guess tonight I am the last 16 man standing. I don't know why no one else is 17 not here from our subdivision. 18 But as far as that being 19 heavily wooded and not being able to see through 20 there, I can tell you right now I can set out my 21 window, look out any of my windows, and that's 22 not so heavily wooded that you -- I can see every 23 bulldozer, I can see every car on Route 34, so 24 that's -- that's not the case. Depo Court Reporting Service (630) 983 -0030 14 1 And when I bought my house, I 2 was one of the homeowners that did pay a premium 3 not only for the open space and the creek behind 4 us, because I was looking for an area where 5 someone wouldn't be able to build right behind 6 me. 7 I also checked out the zoning i 8 on the other side and realized that it was 9 single- family. 10 If that hadn't been the case, I 11 don't think I would be standing here right now i 12 and I wouldn't have a complaint, but it was i 13 already zoned that way, so I was not opposed to 14 paying a premium for that lot. 15 I've heard all the pros and 16 cons of this, I had an opportunity to talk to Joe 17 Dwyer. 18 In my opinion, I don't believe 19 that this -- there is a hardship here. I don't 20 think there is anything quite unique about this 21 that constitutes a zoning change. 22 I believe that Mr. Dresden can 23 make a reasonable return on the existing zoning 24 even if he has to give up four or five i Depo Court Reporting Service (630) 983 -0030 15 1 single- family lots or whatever. 2 As for all the money they spent 3 in rezoning and grounds, well, that's part of 4 doing business. 5 And I also happened to look at 6 the Kendall County real estate transactions on 7 February 9th to -- February 2nd through February 8 9th, and in there was 13.72 acres at Route 34 9 and Eldamain Road, Yorkville, owned by Jean 10 Dresden, sold to DCI- Charrington Trust Fund for 11 $800,000. 12 Well, I believe that someone in d 13 his firm believed that they could make a 14 reasonable return off that property as it exists i 15 or they would not have purchased that, or they at 16 least would have asked for a contingency as to 17 whether this will be rezoned, so I guess I don't 18 have a lot more to say. 19 You all have -- know I 20 everything I know about this, and again I will 21 reiterate that I don't believe that this 22 constitutes a hardship and that Mr. Dresden 23 cannot make a reasonable return under the 24 existing zoning. Thank you. Depo Court Reporting Service (630) 983 -0030 16 1 MAYOR PROCHASKA: Thank you, 2 Mr. Williams. 3 Is there anyone else that would 4 like to approach the Council? 5 (No response) 6 MAYOR PROCHASKA: Does anyone on the 7 Council have any questions for the developer? 8 And again, it's not our turn to make comments. 9 You can ask questions if you have a question. 10 MR. JAMES: I was just curious on 11 the buffer zone. From the homes to the creek, 12 what's the distance and then from the creek to 13 the other -- the new development what's the 14 distance? i i 15 MR. GAMRATH: I don't know that -- i 16 and maybe Marvin, you can help me with this. I I 17 know that the full distance from the closest I 18 point of the multi - family to the closest home is 19 600 feet. 20 MAYOR PROCHASKA: Any questions? 21 MR. MUNNS: And that whole area is 22 34 acres, right, from the dark over? Is that the 23 whole -- Is that that 34 acres? That's the whole 24 project? Depo Court Reporting Service (630) 983 -0030 17 1 MR. DeLAHR: No. 34 acres 2 encompasses the multi - family area and the 3 commercial. 4 MR. MUNNS: And the top part, okay. 5 You said there is 72, so -- 6 MR. DeLAHR: Yes. 7 MR. MUNNS: -- that's six units per 8 12, is that -- 1 9 MR. DeLAHR: Yes. 10 MR. MUNNS: Is that six townhomes 11 or -- 12 MR. DeLAHR: Yes. There is six i 13 units in 12 buildings. 14 MR. MUNNS: Okay. Thanks. 1 1 15 MR. DeLAHR: There is I believe it's i 16 twenty and a half acres on the north parcel and j 17 then the remainder to the south. I 18 MR. MUNNS: Okay. That's all 19 included in that. Okay. i 20 MR. KOT: Do you have a rendering of 21 what these are going to look like? 22 MR. GAMRATH: At this point in time, 23 no. We have only come through with the zoning 24 request. Depo Court Reporting Service (630) 983 -0030 18 1 At the Economic Development 2 Committee meeting, it was raised whether we would 3 consider some architectural standards, and I can 4 report that we are willing to consider 5 architectural standards subject to seeing what 6 the City's position is for those standards. 7 We'd be happy to discuss those further with the 8 City. 9 MR. JAMES: Is there any discussion 10 about some kind of landscape buffer back there? 11 MR. GAMRATH: Well -- And, Marvin, 12 you may be able to elaborate a little bit -- but I 13 there will be -- it doesn't show on this plan, 14 but there will be buffers around all of these j 15 buildings. 16 We have also committed -- Based 17 on the Economic Development Committee meeting 18 last week, we have committed to also installing a 19 buffer along this south property line to buffer 20 the development from the property directly to our 21 south. 22 We haven't developed exactly 23 what that buffer will look like, but we are 24 willing to work with the City on that. Depo Court Reporting Service (630) 983 -0030 19 1 MR. JAMES: So there is existing 2 trees that are there right now that basically is 3 giving the buffering and then you plan on to do 4 some more landscaping -- 5 MR. GAMRATH: Yes. 6 MR. JAMES: -- and adding 7 additional buffering? 8 MR. GAMRATH: Yes. 9 MR. STICKA: I don't remember what 10 the landscape plan calls for in the rear of 11 something like this. I don't believe it calls 12 for anything. i 13 MAYOR PROCHASKA: It would be -- 14 There are standards that we have that the 15 City -- when you have two different types of 16 zoning abut, so there will be requirements just 17 because you have R -4 zoning abutting R -2 zoning, 18 so that in itself, there is certain landscape 19 requirements. I 20 MR. STICKA: It doesn't actually 21 abut it -- 22 MAYOR PROCHASKA: Well, the 23 zoning -- No. Yeah, but it's the zoning. The 24 zoning parts abut. Depo Court Reporting Service (630) 983 -0030 20 1 MR. JAMES: So would that buffering 2 be at the end of that property or right behind I 3 the townhomes? 4 MAYOR PROCHASKA: I don't know. 5 MR. DeLAHR: Right at the end of the 6 townhomes. The end of the property is actually 7 right at the floodplain, so we won't be doing any 8 work in that floodplain. 9 MR. STICKA: One comment that was at 10 EDC -- I'm sorry to make a comment -- was that 11 the existing tree line shouldn't be hampered. 12 Nothing should be removed from it. i 13 MAYOR PROCHASKA: Any other 14 questions? 15 (No response) 16 MAYOR PROCHASKA: Okay. If not, 17 then I would like to move on to the next part of 18 this public hearing, which would be -- 19 MR. WILLIAMS: Well, before we move 20 on, can I make a comment? 21 MAYOR PROCHASKA: Well, that's why I 22 asked the question, Dave. Yes. 23 MR. WILLIAMS: I just wanted to 24 point out a couple other issues. There is a four Depo Court Reporting Service (630) 983 -0030 i 21 1 and a half acre parcel behind us that Mark was 2 referring to, to the green space, and that abuts 3 both sides of that creek, and I would say that 4 the City of Yorkville probably owns 100 feet on 5 the other side of that creek with the commonlaw 6 and the green space. 7 And also, I think a year and a 8 half when Primus was going to develop this as 9 single - family under the current zoning before he 10 realized he had some floodplains, they had 11 already sold 10 or 12 lots within a month, so I I i 12 still find this hard to comprehend that they 13 cannot develop it and get a reasonable return in 14 single- family. 15 MAYOR PROCHASKA: Thank you, 16 Mr. Williams. 17 We'll go ahead and close this 18 one? Is there any other discussion then? 19 (No response) 20 MAYOR PROCHASKA: If not, I would 21 entertain a motion to close this portion of the 22 public hearing. 23 MS. SPEARS: So moved. 24 MR. KOT: Second. Depo Court Reporting Service (630) 983 -0030 22 1 MAYOR PROCHASKA: Moved and 2 seconded. May I have roll call? 3 MS. MILSCHEWSKI: James. 4 MR. JAMES: Aye. 5 MS. MILSCHEWSKI: Kot. 6 MR. KOT: Aye. 7 MS. MILSCHEWSKI: Munns. 8 MR. MUNNS: Aye. 9 MS. MILSCHEWSKI: Spears. 10 MS. SPEARS: Aye. 11 MS. MILSCHEWSKI: Sticka. 12 MR. STICKA: Aye. 13 MS. MILSCHEWSKI: Besco. I 14 MR. BESCO: Aye. 15 MAYOR PROCHASKA: That portion of 16 the public hearing is closed then. 17 (WHEREUPON, which 18 were all the 19 proceedings reported I 20 at the aforementioned 21 date and time.) 22 --- 000 - -- 23 24 Depo Court Reporting Service (630) 983 -0030 23 1 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) ss: 2 COUNTY OF LASALLE ) 3 4 CHRISTINE M. VITOSH, being first duly 5 sworn, on oath says that she is a Certified 6 Shorthand Reporter and Registered Professional 7 Reporter doing business in the State of Illinois; 8 That she reported in shorthand the 9 proceedings had at the foregoing meeting; 10 And that the foregoing is a true and 11 correct transcript of her shorthand notes so 12 taken as aforesaid and contains all the 13 proceedings had at the said meeting. 14 IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set 15 my hand this _ of _ _ _, 2004. I 16 17 • a 18 i 19 --------------------------- CHRISTINE M. VITOSH, C.S.R. 20 CSR License No. 084 - 002883 21 22 23 24 Depo Court Reporting Service (630) 983 -0030 City Council Meeting Multi -Page $25,000 - final United City of Yorkville, Illinois 8:24 Beyond [1] 9:12 committed [2] 18:16,18 developed [11 18:22 -$- account [i] 10:21 bit [21 5:12 18:12 Committee [21 18:2,17 developer [61 5:9,19,20 $25,000 [11 9:10 achieve [il 10:22 bought [il 14:1 commonlaw [i1 21:5 12:1,2 16:7 $65,000 [11 9:4 acre [i] 21:1 boundary [11 6:22 complaint [11 14:12 developing [i1 9:17 $800,000 pi 15:11 acres U] 3:16 9:21 15:8 bridge [21 2:13 10:11 comprehend [11 21:12 development [12] 3:9 $95,000 [11 8:11 16:22,23 17:1,16 bring [i] 7:14 comp rehensive [i1 9:23 4:22 7:11 8:2,15,17,18 9:1 adding i1 19:6 p 16:1318:1,17,20 g Bristol [�l 3:19 concern [�1 12:18 difference [il 12:22 _0_ additional [11 19:7 buffer [s1 16:11 18:10,19 conjunction [11 6:15 address [2] 13:5,6 18:19,23 different [1] 19:15 084 - 002883 [1 ] 23:20 cons [il [4] directly [z1 8:24 18:20 adjacent [2] 9:22 10:4 buffering [31 19:3 20:1 consider [41 7:24 8:22 aesthetically [il 11:14 buffers [i1 18:14 18:3,4 discuss [1] 18:7 -1- aforementioned [i1 build [i] 14:5 considerably [i] 10:10 discussing [11 3:6 100 [11 21:4 22:20 builder [21 12:3,3 consideration [21 7:20 discussion [21 18:9 1107A [1] 2:13 aforesaid [11 23:12 8 :7 21:18 builders [il 12:4 distance [31 16:12 13.72 [i] 15:8 again [s] 8:12,22 10:14 buildings [2] 17:13 considered [i] 8:5 district [a1 3:11,11,13,14 1307 [1] 13:11 15:20 16:8 18:15 considers [i] 9:24 ago [21 5:21 6:2 bulldozer [l] 13:23 consistently [1 1 10:2 doesn' [21 18:13 19:20 _2- agreement [i] 3:9 business [41 3:10,13 15:4 consists [11 3:15 done [i] 10:1 200 [i] 8:20 ahead [11 21:17 23:7 constitutes [2] 14:21 drawn [i] 11:18 Alderman [51 2:3,4 15:22 Dresden [5] 3:6 5:8 2001 [1] 7:18 2 :8 14:22 15:10,22 2 2004 [z] 1:9 3:15 'C- contains [i1 23:12 2004 -1023 23 5 Aldermen [11 12:14 C [i1 2:12 contingency [il 15:16 duly [i] 23:4 Alde rwoman [11 2:7 C.S.R [zl 1:8 23:19 copy [�l 7:11 Dwyer [il 14:17 2004 -104 [i 3:23 Alleg [11 3:2 2004 - 105 [11 3:24 g calls [31 10:5 19:10,11 corner [21 3:17 9:24 -E- 2004 -106 [11 4:1 along [3] 5:24 12:14 cannot [2] 15:23 21:13 correct [2] 5:17 23:11 18:19 correction [i] 11:11 E [4] 2:1,1,12,12 2nd [i1 15:7 amend [21 3:8 4:21 car [il 13:23 carried [il 4:18 cost [2] 9:4,9 economic [3] 9:12 18:1 amount [z] 6:21 10:20 Council [61 1:1 5:4 13:6 18:17 -3- ANN [1] 2 :7 case [z1 13:24 14:10 13:9 16:4,7 category [il ] 1:3 EDC [2] 5:12 20:10 34 [9] 3:17 6:1,12 9:17 annexation [2] 3 :8 4 :21 County [41 3:19 10:8 elaborate [l] 18:12 13:23 15:8 16:22,23 17:1 appeared [11 2:15 Central [11 3:24 15:6 23:2 Eldamain [91 3:17 5:24 34.25 [1] 3 approach [il 16:4 couple [il 20:24 certain [i] 19:18 6:13 8:16,19 9:9,17 10:7 j Certified [11 23:5 15:9 approval [z] 7:18 8:13 created [11 7:4 -6- approved[s] 5:21 6:194 Chairman [il 2:2 creek [el 3:18 7:24 12:14 elevation [i 12:21 600 [11 16:19 8:3,16 change [i] 14:21 14:3 16:11,12 21:3,5 encompasses [i] 17:2 60560 [11 2:14 architectural [21 18:3,5 changes [i] 6:3 CSR [il 23:20 end [4] 6:20 20:2,5,6 area [1o] 3:22 9:15 12:6,9 changing [1] 6:21 curious [il 16:10 enter [il 8:21 12:11,12,1314:416:21 charged[i1 12:1 curr ent [1] 21:9 entertain [2] 3:521:21 17 :2 checked [i] 14:7 entry pi 9:7 72 [21 11:11 17:5 arterial [i] 10:9 CHRISTINE [31 1:8 - entryway [31 9:6,8,11 74 [21 11:2,11 ARTHUR [i] 2:2 23:4,19 D- 699604 [il 1:22 estate [i] 15:6 75 [21 9:10,20 away [i1 12:10 city [22] 1:1,2,10 2:9,15 evening [21 3:3 5:7 78 -foot [il 9:11 Aye [121 4:7,9,11,13,15 3:10,12,18 5:4 7:17,22 DANIEL [11 2:13 exactly [il 18:22 7:00 [11 1:9 4:17 22:4,6,8,10,12,14 8 :22 10:2,15,18,18,21 dark [11 16:22 13:9 18:8 19:15 21:4 darker [11 12:9 exhibit [11 7:3 _g_ _ City's [i1 18:6 date [11 22:21 existing [sl 11:17 14:23 Clerk [i] 2 : 9 Dave [i] 20:22 15:24 19:1 20:11 800 [1 ] 1:9 13 [zl 3:10,12 client [11 6:7 David [21 13:8,10 exists [il 15:14 backdrop [11 7:10 close [21 21:17,21 DCI- Charrington [21 expand [11 9:5 - 9 - balance [21 10:20 11:7 closed [i1 22:16 3:7 15:10 expected [11 10:8 96 [i1 11:1 based[2] 5:20 18:16 closely [i] 10:18 dealing [1] 6:8 _ b ears 9th [zl 15:7,8 bat [i1 1] 5:1 closer [il 10:15 DeLahr [91 5:3 11:7,10 - ccoml 1 closest 121 16:17918 17:1,6,9,12,1520:5 fact [11 12:6 behalf [i1 2:15 _A_ become [il 15 coming [il 5:19 density [il 10:20 far [i] 13:18 ha desi able [31 13:19 14:5 181:7 :12 comment [31 20:9,10,20 comm [z1 13:4 16:8 g $ n 2 [ ] 7:2 12:24 Farm [i1 1:9 above - entitled [il behind [s1 11:24 14:3,5 designated [21 8:219:21 feasible [il 6:5 abut [31 19:16,21,24 20:2 21 :1 commercial 19] 6:13 7:9 designation [1] 11:5 February [ 3] 15:7 ,7,7 Besco [61 2:3 4:3,6,7 9:17,19,20,21,24 10:4 detention [2] 12:11,12 feet [31 8:20 16:19 21:4 abuts [11 21:2 22:13,14 17'3 d ev e l op between [31 6:18,22 13 3 abuttin [il 19:17 [ 1 10:19 21:8 fill [il 11:7 access [5] 7:2,4 8:17,23 10:20 Commission [il 13:11 21:13 final [i1 7:21 Depo Court Reporting Index Page 1 Naperville, Illinois (630) 983 -0030 City Council Meeting Multi-Page M firm - R -4 United City of Yorkville, Illinois firm 11] 15:13 License [11 23:20 new [s] 7:1,2,4 8:13 16:13 'plan [1a] 5:20,22 6:4 7:2 first [3] 4:20 7:16 23:4 -I- lights [i] 12:19 next [i] 20:17 8:14 9:23 10:19 11 :8 12:8 five [i] 14:24 III [1] 5:1 line [a] 6:18,22 18:19 nice [1] 10:19 12:24 13:11 18:13 19:3 19:10 fixed [i] 8:19 Illinois [�] 1:2,10 2:14 20:11 night [i] 5:13 planned [2] 3:8 4:22 floodplain [ a] 8:1 ,7 20:7 2:15 3:20 23:1,7 locate [l] 10:15 node [i] 9:17 planning [3] :8 4 2 20 :8 impact [z] 8:19:13 located [z] 3:16 5:24 north [3] 3:23 6:1117:16 10:14 floodplains [i] 21:10 important [i] 5:14 locating [z] 8:22,24 northeast [1] 9:24 Plano [3] 8:16 9:1,21 floodway [i] 7:23 Inc [1] 3:7 longer [z] 6:5 9:16 note [i] 10:17 floor [1] 13:3 look [6] 10:1 12:15 13:21 plat 7:18 5: included [i] 17:19 notes [�] 23:11 Pleased [�] 5:9 follows [z] 5:4 13:9 15:5 17:21 18:23 increased [i] 9:9 Nothing [i] 20:12 pleasing[i] 11:15 foreg [z] 23:9,10 l [1] :4 Pledge [i] 3:1 g g individual [i] 12:4 ki 14 now U] 4:19 8:8 9:6,10 forward [i] 13:5 information [11 5:14 losing [i] 9:13 13:20 14:1119:2 four [a] 8:5,10 14:24 lost [3] 8:5,10 9:2 Pod [i] 5:23 informed [i] 7:22 point [7] 8:17,19,23,24 20:24 lots [9] 8:5,11 9:3,13 installing [i] 18:18 11:24 12:2,4 15:1 21:11 -0 16:18 17:22 20:24 Foxhill [3] 5:9 ,24 11:17 intensity [1] 9:8 oath [11 23:5 portion [s] 5:23 6:9 7:21 full [i] 16:17 interim [1] 8:14 _M_ occurred [11 7:14 21:21 22:15 Fund [ii 15:10 intersection [11 6:12 off [s] 5:16,17 6:18 7:5 position [i] 18:6 future [i] 10:11 intervening [i] 6:2 M [3] 1:8 23:4,19 15:14 potential [11 8:1 island [i] 7:6 makes [z] 9:16 10:6 OFFICES [i] 2:13 preliminary [i] 7:18 -G issues [i] 20:24 man [i] 13:16 one [81 5:16 7:16 10:2 premium [3] 11:23 14:2 Game [i] 1:9 item [i] 4:20 mapped [i] 8:8 11:10 13:16 14:2 20:9 14:14 Gamrath [9] 5:1 ,5,7,8 itself [3] 5:14 7:5 19:18 mapping [i] 7:23 21:18 pretty [i] 12:23 16:15 17:22 18:11 19:5,8 March [1] 1:8 one - family [11 3:11 previously [i] 8:2 general [i] 3:13 _f_ Mark [1] 21:1 open [z] 13:3 14:3 prim ary Ill 7 :17 rim � giving [11 19:3 MARTY [i] 2:8 opinion [1] 14:18 Primus [i] 21:8 g 2:13 o p p ortunity i problem [i] 12:20 one [i] 12:15 Marvin [a] 5:3 11:7 PP tY [ ] 14:16 16:16 18:11 o [3] 13:12,13 good [z] 5:7 8:23 JACKIE [1] 2:9 PP proceedings [a] 1:6 Grande [a] 3:23,24,24 4:1 James [i1] 2:4,6 4:8,9 matched [1] 9:7 14:13 22:19 23:9,13 greedy [1] 5:19 16:10 18:9 19:1,6 20:1 matrix [i] 7:12 original [z] 5:22 12:8 process [z] 7:19,23 gree [s] 11:24 12:6,9 22:3,4 matter [z] 1:7 12:6 on g inall z Y [ ] 6:4 8:20 pROCHASKA [is] 2:2 Jean [z] 3:6 15:9 21:2,6 max [3] 5:20 10:23,24 outlines [11 7:14 3:3 4:4,18 13:2 16:1,6,20 grounds [i] 15:3 Joe [l] 14:16 may [3] 4:5 18:12 22:2 owned [11 15:9 19:13,22 20:4,13,16,21 JOSEPH [1] 2:3 12:5 21:15,20 22:1,15 guess [z] 13:15 15:17 MAYOR [17] 3:3 4:4,18 owners [i] Professional [i] 23:6 13:2 16:1,6,20 19:13,22 owns [11 21:4 -g- 20:4,13,16,21 21:15,20 project [1] 16:24 _H_ KELLY [i] 2:14 22:1,15 _P_ properties [1] 6:23 half [3] 17:16 21:1,8 Kendall [z] 3:19 15:6 meeting [6] 1:1,6 18:2 property [s] 3:15 6:10 hampered [i] 20:11 kind[l] 18:10 18:17 23:9,13 P[3] 2:1,12,12 11:2115:14 18:19,20 20:2 hand [i] 23:15 MILSCHEWSKI [13] P-M[l] 1:9 20:6 Kot [7] 2:5 4:10,11 17:20 2 :9 4:6,8,10,12,14,16 22:3 aid [11 11:23 pros [i] 14:15 happy [2] 11:8 18:7 21:24 22:5,6 P P 22:5,7,9911,13 p arcel [�] 6:5,11,16 7:4 rovide [i] 7:11 hard [z] 12:17 21:12 KRAMER [z] 2:13,14 p hardship [z] 14:19 15:22 misperception [1] 5:18 9:20 17:16 21:1 proximity [i] 11:17 money [1] 15:2 parcels [i] 6:19 p ublic [�] 3:4,5,22 4:19 heard [z] 5:13 14:15 - j,- hearing [6] 3:5 ,22 4:19 month[i] 21:11 part [a] 3:21 15:3 17:4 20:18 21:22 22:16 L [1] 5:1 motion [3] 3:5 4:18 21:21 20:17 p urchased [i] 15:15 20:18 21:22 22:16 hearings [l] 3:4 Lakewood [z] 8:15,18 move [z] 20:17,19 particular [a] 6:5,9 7:3 purpose [i] 3:6 landscape [3] 18:10 moved [s] 4:2,4 12:10 11:4 p ut (l] 10:11 13:22 21:23 22:1 P heavily [3] 12:13 13:19 19:10,18 arts [ 19:24 P help [1] 16:16 landscaping [1] 19:4 MS [is] 2:7 ,9,14 4:6,8,10 Paul [z] 2:6 5:8 hereunto [i] 23:14 large [11 9:20 4:12,14,15,16 21:23 22:3 pay [i] 14:2 LARRY [i] 2:5 22:5,7,9,10,11,13 paying [11 14:14 Questions [�] 11: 13:1 H1 [i] 13:10 13:4 16:7 20:11 4 , LASALLE [1] 23:2 multi- family [s] 1 0:4,6 people [z] 11:22 12:5 higher [i] 12:22 10:15 16:18 17:2 quick[i] 11:10 last [z] 13:15 18:18 per [i] 17:7 home [3] 12:4,5 16:18 Munns [l l] 2:8 4:12,13 quite [ 14:20 homeowners [i] 14:2 LAW [i] 2:13 16:21 17:4,7,10,14,18 Period [z] 6:2 8:14 homes [6] 8:18 11:19,22 lay [11 7:1 22:7,8 petition [3] 6:8,15 13:12 -R- 12:8,22 16:11 layout [z] 11:13,14 petitioner [l] 4:23 hour [l] 1:9 least [i] 15:16 -N- petitioners [11 3:7 R [z] 2:1, house [i] 14:1 leaves [1] 12:16 petitions [1] 6:6 R-2 [z] 3::11 1 19:17 N [z] 2:1,12 R-4 [51 3:13 10:24 11:1,2 houses [i] 11:17 less [11 11:3 name [1] 13:6 piece [s] 6:9,13,15 7:8 19:17 level [i] 9:8 9:19 Depo Court Reporting Index Page 2 Naperville, Illinois (630) 983 -0030 City Council Meeting Multi- Pagc R.P.R - zoning United City of Yorkville, Illinois R.P.R [il 1:8 'ROBERT [11 5:1 started [il 7:19 up [3) 6:20 9:7 14:24 raised [11 18:2 roll [2] 4:5 22:2 State [2] 23:1,7 used [1 10:3 real [2] 3:15 15:6 ROSE [1] 2:7 Sticka [9] 2:4 4 :2,16,17 uses [11 9:15 realized [21 14:8 2 1: 10 Route [31 3:17 13:23 15:8 19:9,20 20:9 22 :11,12 really [61 6:6 7:5,6,13 Roy [21 3:18 7:23 still [21 12:5 21:12 _`j_ 9:15,16 stood [11 7:5 vicinity [11 11:20 rear [i1 19:10 -S_ Street [il 2:13 Visible [i ] 5:5 reason [3 6:14,23 10:6 S [2] 2 :1,12 subdivision [4] 5:9 ,24 VITOSH [3] 1:8 23:4,19 reasonable [4) 14:23 says [i] 11:18 13:17 scheduled 15:14,23 21:13 e - subject [i) 18:5 _ reasons [1] 8:23 d [z) 7:20 8:12 submitted [i] 13:12 receiving [i] 7:13 Second [zl 4:3 21:24 sworn [1] 23:5 week [�) 18:18 reconfiguration [i) seconded [2l 4:5 22:2 west [3) 3:18 8:15 9:14 See [6) 8:10 11;19 12:17 -T_ WHEREOF [11 23:14 redesigning [i] 6:16 1 [11 5 T [il 2:1 whole [41 12:24 16:21,23 redevelop [i) 9:14 seeing ) 18: 16:23 p sense [31 7:6 9:16 10:6 techniques [1] 10:3 reengineer [z] 8:6,12 ten [31 5:21 6:1 7:14 wide [i) 9:1 l ineered [z) 8:9 9:3 reen separate [i) 6:14 widened [il 10:9 g service [31 3:10,12,22 testified [2) 5:4 13:9 refer [i] 5:23 Thank [3l 15:24 16:1 Williams [7] 13:8,10,10 referring [i) 21:2 set [z) 13:20 23:14 21:15 16:2 20:19,23 21:16 regard [i] 3:9 shorthand [3l 23:6,8,11 Thanks [il 17:14 willing [2] 18:4,24 Re istered [il 23:6 show [2) 7:3 18:13 Willoway [i] 13:11 Registered[i] side [6) 3:18 8:18 9:9 thoroughfare [i) 10:13 window [11 13:21 reiterate [il 15:21 12:12 14:8 21:5 thoroughfares [11 10:16 remainder [i) 17:17 thro 6 windows [i) 1 sides [i) 21:3 g [ ] 7:19 8:9 within [i) 21:11 1 remember [11 19:9 sig nificant [i) 6:3 12:17 13:19 15:7 17:23 g without [i) 12:16 removed [i] 20:12 significantly [1] 11:3 throughout [i) 10:2 WITNESS [11 23:14 rendering [i] 17:20 Thursday [i] 5:13 simple [il 11:13 wooded [3) 12:13 13:19 repeating [il 5:15 today [i) 7:15 repetitive [i) 5:13 single - family [9) 8:5 ton 3 13:22 re P 8:11,14 9:3,15 14:9 15:1 g [ 1 5:10 6:8 13:15 worked [11 10:17 report [2] 1:6 18:4 21:9,14 took [2] 10:21 12:15 reported [z) 22:19 23:8 sit [i] 12:22 top [i] 17:4 -Y- Reporter [2] 23:6,7 site [iol 5:20 8:6,10,12,21 Total [i] 4:1 represent [i) 5:8 9:4,7,11,22 11:8 townhomes [3l 17:10 Year [" 21:7 representative [11 4:23 six [s] 9:2 11:19 17:7,10 20:3,6 years [3) 5:216:1 7:14 request [s] 3:7 4:21 6:24 17.12 Township [i) 3:19 Yorkville [9) 1:2,10 2:14 7:15 17:24 small [2] 6:21 7:8 traffic [l] 10:11 2:15 3:10,12,19 15:9 21:4 requirements [z) 19:16 sold [4l 12:2,3 15:10 transactions [i] 15:6 19:19 21:11 transcript [i] 23:11 -Z _ Reserve [4l 3:23,24 4:1 someone [21 14:5 15:12 tree [i] 20:11 zone [il 16:11 4:1 somewhat [2] 13:12,13 trees [z] 12:16 19:2 zoned [i] 14:13 residence [2] 3:11,13 sorry [z] 5:12 20:10 true [i] 23:10 zoning [171 6:21 10:24 residential [3) 6:9 7:7 south [r) 3:24 5:23 6:1 Trust [il 15:10 11:1,2,4 14:7,21,23 15:24 7:21 8:20 17:17 18:19,21 17:23 19:16,17,17 resp onse [4] 5:6 16:5 southeast [11 3:17 trying [s) 5:19 8:6 9:6 19:24 21:9 p 20:15 21:19 southerly [i) 6:16 10:19,21,23,24 11:13 resubdivide [11 6:17 tam [11 16:8 space [a] 11:24 14:3 21:2 tamed [2l 10:8 12:3 result [�) 8:17 21;6 return [41 14:23 15:14,23 speak [i) 6:7 twenty [il 17:16 21:13 Spears [6] 2:7 4:14,15 two [4] 6:6,18,22 19:15 rezoned [21 7:8 15:17 21:23 22:9,10 types [i] 19:15 rezoning [2] 3:9 15:3 Special [1 3:22 typical [1] 10:14 right po) 5:17 7:7 13:20 spent [3) 8:10,11 15:2 14:5,11 16:22 19:2 20:2,5 square [1) 6:18 -U_ 20:7 ss [il 23:1 under [3) 11:2 15:23 21:9 river [il 10:12 staff [11 10:18 unique [il 14:20 road [ii) 1:10 3:17 6:1,13 standards [4) 18:3,5,6 unit [3] 3:8 4:22 5:22 7:2,4 8:16 9:9,18 10:7 19;14 15:9 United [s) 1:2 2:15 3:10 roadway [il 10:9 standing [21 13:16 14:11 3:12,18 Rob [3l 3:18 5:8 7:23 start [i] 5:16 units [s) 11:1,2,11 17:7 17:13 Depo Court Reporting Index Page 3 Naperville, Illinois (630) 983 -0030 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF YORKVILLE Date:•�3•0�l COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETINQhibit # MARCH 23, 2004 PC # FOXHILL SUBDIVISION UNIT VII (POD 10), YORKVILLE, ILLINOIS 1 DEVELOPMENT MATRIX CHANGE IN CIRCUMSTANCES FROM OCTOBER 1993 CITY APPROVAL OF IMPACT ON POD 10 36 LOT SINGLE FAMILY SUBDIVISION City requests Dresden reengineer POD 10 to (1) Loss of 4 single family lots. account for upcoming flood plain mapping of Rob Roy Creek. (2) $94,000 spent by Dresden on engineering. City requests Dresden to align Eldamain Road (1) Loss of 6 single family lots. access to POD 10 with Eldamain Road access of new residential subdivision in Plano. (2) $65,000 spent by Dresden on Engineering. (3) $25,000 increase in cost of access l 1 improvements. Jurisdiction of Eldamain Road transferred to Planned increase in traffic reduces desirability County and road widening scheduled. of single family lots. Additional commercial property located near Increases the need for a buffer between site as part of Inland development. commercial area and single family homes and reduces the compatibility of uses between POD 10 and surrounding uses. QBCHI \368060.1 I GREAT LAKES FACILITIES SERVICE OFFICE N UNITEDST13TES IX67ALSERME March 18, 2004 Mayor Arthur Prochaska City of Yorkville 800 Game Farm Road Yorkville, IL 60560 -1133 SUBJECT Yorkville, IL MPO 60560 -9998 Relocation Dear Mayor Prochaska: In my last letter I advised that the Postal Service planned to advertise for sites that could serve as the new Yorkville Post Office. Based on the results of the advertisement, the attached list was reviewed by Our Site Review Committee as possible locations. This list also includes properties offered and considered as non - contending for various reasons as noted. The listing of possible sites is not in any particular order. In compliance with postal regulations, any member of the community or your office may offer written comments on any of these properties within the next 30 days. Letters should be directed to Vice President, Facilities and addressed to my attention at the address shown below. A response will be provided within 15 j days. Please note that it is the intention of the Postal Service to conduct due diligence on all sites listed as possible. Sincerely, Bryant J. Schroeder Real Estate Specialist Dist: Postmaster, Yorkville — NOTICE — please date stamp and post in public lobby for 30 days then return to me. 62 STRATFORD DRIVE BLOOMINGDALE, IL 60117 -7000 (630) 295 -6278 FAX (630) 295 -6262 � UNITED STATES POST23L SERVICE SITE SPECIFIC ANNOUNCEMENT NOTIFICATION OF U S POSTAL SERVICE PROTECT TO: See Attached Distribution List PROJECT NAME: Main Post Office Yorkville, IL PROPONENT FEDERAL AGENCY: RESERVED FOR STATE INTERNAL COMMENT: Great Lakes FSO United States Postal Service Great Lakes Facilities Service Office 62 Stratford Drive Bloomingdale, IL 60117 -7000 DESCRIPTION OF ACTION(S): TYPE OF ACTION(S): New Facility - Postal Owned ❑ Purchase approximately 6.2 acres of land on which a 25,329 New Facility - Postal Leased ❑ square foot post office will be constructed. One of two sites will Acquisition of Land/Building ❑ most probably be utilized. The sites are at the northeast corner of Lease Land/Building(s) ❑ McHugh Road and Countryside Parkway and the southwest Disposal of Property ❑ corner of McHugh Road and Countryside Parkway. Use Change ❑ Lease Alternate Quarters ❑ Environmental Issue ❑ Other (Explain) ❑ PROJECT SIZE: POINT OF CONTACT: Building: 25,329 SF Bryant J. Schroeder Site: Approximately 6.2 acres Real Estate Specialist Great Lakes Facilities Service Office Telephone: (630) 295 -6278 Resvonse deadline to the USPS is 60 days date: 3/18/2004 I r r C (! 1.O w 1 �� S e w� 119 �' C C C. C ©h- 4 t ►mac � eVVD ✓� .9042 r- 2005' OF YORKWIEF MAR 2 3 2004 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVIEW NOTICE RECEIVED DISTRIBUTION LIST - SITE SPECIFIC ANNOUNCEMENT PROJECT: Main Post Office, Yorkville, Illinois State Point of Contact: SHPO: Roukay McCaffery William Wheeler Illinois State Clearing House Illinois State Historic Preservation Office Dept. of Commerce & Comm.Affairs Old State Capital 620 E. Adams Springfield, IL 62701 -1512 Springfield, IL 62701 (A cultural resource survey will follow) APWU: Mayor: 330 South Wells Honorable Arthur Prochaska Room 1402 United City of Yorkville Chicago, IL 60606 -7199 800 Game Farm Road Yorkville, IL 60560 -1133 District Manager: Postmaster: James M. Holmes; District Manager Irene Windett USPS Central Illinois District 201 West Hydraulic Street 6801 W. 73 Street Yorkville, IL 60560 -9998 Bedford Park, IL 60499 -9998 i I District Administrative Support: Real Estate Specialist: Syed Z. Ahmed, Manager Bryant J. Schroeder Administrative Support U.S.P.S. Facilities Service Office Central Illinois District 62 Stratford Drive US Postal Service Bloomingdale, IL 60117 -7000 6801 W. 73` Street Bedford Park, IL 60499 -9991 Area Corporate Relations Center: Manager, Post Office Operations: James Mruk, Manager Lester Matanic Corporate Relations Center 5 South Washington Street Great Lakes Area Naperville, IL 60540 -9992 244 Knollwood Drive Bloomingdale, IL 60117 -9641 Government Relations: Sheila Meyers - 475 L'Enfant Plaza SW, Room 10804 Washington, DC 20260 -3500 I