City Council Minutes 2004 05-04-04 (special cc) MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE. KENDALL COUNTY, ILLINOIS, HELD IN THE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 800 GAME FARM ROAD ON TUESDAY, MAY 4, 2004. Mayor Prochaska called the meeting to order at 7:003 P.M and Brownie Troop 159 led the Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Clerk Milschewski called the roll. Ward I James Present Sticka Present Ward II Burd Present Kot Present Ward III Munns Present (arrived at 7:40) Ohare Present Ward IV Besco Present Spears Present Also present: City Clerk Milschewski, City Treasurer Powell, Administrator Graff, City Attorney Dan Kramer, Police Chief Martin, Director of Public Works Dhuse, Finance Director Pleckham and Executive Director of Parks & Recreation Brown OUORUM A quorum was established. FOR THE SPECIFIC PURPOSE OF THE FISCAL 2004/2005 BUDGET Ordinance 2003 -23 Fiscal 2004 /2005 Budget A motion was made by Alderman Sticka to approve the Fiscal Budget 2004/2005 as dated April 27, 2004; seconded by Alderman Kot. Alderwoman Spears distributed three handouts (see attached) and stated that she wanted to discuss what was allocated in the budget for travel and meals, public relations, contingency and merit increases. Alderwoman Spears stated that she did not believe that the amount for the merit increase was ever finalized and was to be readdressed. Mayor Prochaska stated that the Council discussed that the maximum total raise, consisting of a 1.8% cost of living (COLA) and a 3.2% merit increase, will be 5 %. Alderwoman Spears stated that with the economy the way it currently is, she would be more comfortable a maximum total increase of 4 %. Alderman Sticka stated that he did not recall that the Council was this was going to readdress the merit raise. He stated that the breakdown was explained and he thought that the Council was done with the discussion. Alderman James noted that even though 5% is being approved, that doesn't mean that employees will get the total 5 %. Mayor Prochaska stated that the 5% is the maximum that any employee can receive and he thought 5% was budgeted last year and the budgeted amount wasn't hit. Finance Director Traci Pleckham stated that she believed 6% was budgeted last year. Alderman Kot noted that the COLA increase was across the board for all employees and the maximum merit is only 3.2% which he felt was reasonable. Mayor Prochaska also noted that the Police Department's contract allows for a 5% increase. Alderman Besco asked what percentage of employees reached the maximum increase last years. Mrs. Pleckham stated that only a few received full increases and most were under 5 %. Alderwoman Spears pointed out that a 5% raise for someone getting paid $90,000.00 /year is quite a bit versus 5% for someone getting paid $27,000.00 / year. Mayor Prochaska stated that this has been an issue with salaries all along and that was the reasoning behind the merit increases. He stated that there are some other methods for salary increases that can be reviewed in the future. The consensus of the Council after Mayor Prochaska asked them if they were comfortable with the increase was to leave it at 5 %. Alderwoman Spears next questioned $19,000.00 for Travel and Meals; $11,000.00 for Public Relations $11,000.00 and $120,523.00 for Contingency. Mayor Prochaska noted that this year's budget has a combined Contingency Fund for all the city's departments rather than each department having their own Contingency line item. He also noted that the City's contingency Fund is not overly high in comparison to the total budget. The Minutes of the Regular Meeting 9f the Citv Council — ADM 27.2004 - nave 2 Alderwoman Spears went over her handout of the summary of clothing expenses spent at Steven's Silk Screening and Embroidery from January 2003 — September 2003. She noted the amounts spent by supervisors, elected offices and city staff. She stated that she did not find any discrepancies with the uniformed wearing staff, the Public Works Department or the Police Department. She stated that she is uncomfortable with this spending and noted that it did stop after she brought this up at three different meetings. Alderwoman Spears went over her handout of a summary of 2003/2004 Expenses; Luncheons, Dinners and Miscellaneous. She again stated that she was not comfortable spending taxpayer's money on appreciations luncheons such as the one that was given for the Special Census workers for $59.00. She noted that the census employees were getting paid to work and taxpayers should not have to give them an extra little treat. She stated that she knew she was going to be accused of `nickel and dimeing" these issues to death or that she is micro- managing however she felt it is justified. Alderwoman Spears also pointed out expenditures for a television from Sam's Club for the employees; an Aurora parking ticket; canoe racking; etc. She stated that she is not comfortable with the way the budget is set up. She stated that the staff has misspent taxpayer's money in the last year and she could not approve the budget with the way it is set up. Alderman Kot asked Alderwoman Spears if the Administration Committee had a recommendation as to how to change spending. She noted that it has not come to the Administration Committee yet however Alderwoman Burd had suggestions that may work with regards to donations. Alderman Kot asked if the budget came to the Administration Committee and Alderwoman Spears stated that it carne through briefly and then it went straight to the Committee of the Whole (COW) for more open discussion. She felt that the open discussion did not occur at the COW meeting. Alderman Kot stated that he was disappointed that Alderwoman Spears, as Administration Committee Chairman, hadn't brought something forward earlier. Alderwoman Spears stated that this was to be discussed at the last COW meeting however it was not on the agenda. She also noted that she had trouble getting information for her research. Alderman Kot noted that at the public hearing for the budget that he was the only council member who commented on it. He stated that it is difficult to digest all the paperwork Alderwoman Spears provided at this time when the budget should have been passed a week ago. He stated that he did not feel it was very realistic to expect the Council to make numerous changes to the budget at this time. Alderwoman Spears again noted that she had difficulty getting information from staff which delayed her research. Alderman Kot noted that all the items she noted were on the bill list all year round. Alderwoman Spears stated that she did not have a problem delaying the approval of the budget another two weeks in order to give the Council time to review the information she provided. Alderwoman Spears and Alderman Kot had further discussion regarding the timing of Alderwoman Spears bringing information to the Council. Mayor Prochaska stated that it was fine that Alderwoman Spears pointed out the expenditures and he noted that he probably did not approve every single expenditure. He noted that the Council was aware of items such as the Appreciation Dinner which under the Contingency Fund. He stated that it could be said that the City should never have lunches, dinners, etc.; however some lunches are part of business. He stated that the total bill for lunches, dinner, the Minois Municipal League conference, etc. is under $5,000.00 and he did not feel this was overly excessive when taking into consideration the amount of the total budget. He also noted that the City has lowered its tax rate and done great things with the water and sewer department without raising rates, etc. He agreed that there was never a policy made with regards to wearing apparel and the spending in this area has been stopped until a policy is in place. There was further discussion regarding if the wearing apparel was for staff or elected officials. Alderwoman Burd questioned if the Contingency Fund could be cut back and then added to later. Attorney Kramer stated that the budget can always be amended at a later date. He also noted that even though a budget is passed, it does not mean the funds have to be spent and he stated that a policy could be passed on how contingency funds are spent. Alderwoman Bard stated that gift spending was discussed at the Administration Committee meeting where Alderman James stated that the City should not be giving any gifts at all. She said she thought about this statement and felt that the City is government and it wasn't appropriate to dispense gifts to organizations. She suggested that the City develop a grant program where organizations that are doing good things for the City could apply for assistance. Those applying would have to meet certain criteria to qualify. She felt this would be a more fair and equitable use of money. Mayor Prochaska stated that this could be look at as a future policy however it would have to be carefully worded. Alderman James agreed that there needs to be a policy and this should be taken to the Administration Committee for further discussion. The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Citv Council — AAril 27.2004 - nage 3 City Treasurer William Powell commented that he agreed that there needs to be a limitation on how the Contingency Fund is used. He suggested that a fund balance process be developed so that if funds become tight the City can still operate effectively. He stated he liked the fact that the Contingency Fund is now in one lump sum and he would like to see the Contingency Fund grow. Mayor Prochaska gave direction to the staff that any expenditure out of the Contingency Fund has to go to the Mayor unless it is over $5,000.00 then it will have to be approved by the City Council. Alderwoman Spears suggested that temporarily any contingency expenses come to the Administration Committee for review. Mayor Prochaska stated that the expenditures should go to the Committee that applies to the expenditure for approval. Alderman Sticka stated that he did not feel that the procedure should be changed; the bill list reviewed and approved by the City Council every two weeks. He stated that he did not feel there has been blatant abuse on part of the staff. He also stated that things like appreciation dinners, trophies and awards are part of team building and having good moral. He stated that if this was a private business, the incentives would be profit makers because the City is meeting its goals and objectives. He stated that it is easy to say too much is being spent on small things when there are big things being accomplished. He noted that other aldermen worry about things also and pointed out that there is a developer coming before the Council later in the evening at the COW meeting with an annexation agreement and PUD Agreement. He stated that he read the paperwork and found that there was hundreds of thousands of dollars more that the City should be collecting. The developer contacted their attorneys and found that he was correct. He stated that he wasn't worried about small expenditures but instead looked at something that was worth his time. He stated that Alderwoman Spears was "picking on people for nickels and dimes ". Alderwoman Spears disagreed with Alderman Sticka. Alderman Sticka and Alderwoman Spears had further discussion on spending. Alderman James asked what percentage the Contingency Fund was to the overall total budget and what is the standard. Treasurer Powell stated that 20% is standard. Finance Director Pleckham stated that the Contingency Fund was 1.13% of the total budget. Alderwoman Ohare called the question; seconded by Alderman Sticka. Motion to call the question approved by roll call vote. Ayes -5 Nays -4 Ohare -aye, Besco -nay, Burd -nay, James -aye, Kot -aye, Spears -nay, Sticka -aye, Minns -nay, Prochaska -aye Motion to approve the budget approved by roll call vote. Ayes -5 Nays -3 Sticka -aye, Besco -nay, Burd -nay, James -aye, Kot -aye, Munns -aye, Ohare -aye, Spears -nay ADJOURNMENT Mayor Prochaska entertained a motion to adjourn. So moved by Alderman James; seconded by Alderwoman Ohare. Motion approved by a viva voce vote. Ayes -7 Nays -1 Meeting adjourned at 7:55 P.M. Minutes submitted by: Jacquelyn Milschewski, City Clerk City of Yorkville, Illinois SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL AND COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING May 4, 2004 PLEASE PRINT NAME: ADDRESS: � U 1 I ,4 /LS �CL -� (r9�✓�L iq F �( orb ST'I TF - 4.A4J nzT'C SIGNIN SUMMARY OF CLOTHING EXPENSES STEVENS SILK SCREENING & EMBROIDERY 01103 — 09/03 NON- UNIFORM WEARING PERSONNEL Suaervisors/Elected Officials $ 625.50 Graff, Anton, City Administrator $ 145.50 Pleckham, Traci, Finance/Budget Director $ 180.00 Milschewski, Jackie, City Clerk (elected) $ 66.00 Powell, William, City Treasurer (elected) $ 68.00 James, Paul, Alderman (elected) $ 38.00 Munns, Marty, Alderman (elected) $ 58.00 Ohare, Wanda, Alderwoman (elected) Citv Staff $ 61.00 Dyon, Judy, Water Department $105.50 D'Anna, Liz, City Clerk, Adm. Assistant $ 27.00 King, Kim, Accounting/Human Resources $ 56.00 Mizera, Mary, Receptionist $ 61.00 Williams, Annette, City Secretary $ 51.00 Woodrick, Jennifer, assistant clerk (part-time employee when purchased) UNIFORM WEARING PERSONNEL Eneine' 'ne Dent. $ 104.00 Wywrot, Joe, City Engineer $ 145.50 Barkley, Bill, Engineering Tech. $ 96.00 Robinson, Mike, Engineering Tech. i Police Department � $341.00 Entire Police Department (includes hats, embroidered uniforms & badges, 40 tee shirts @ $5.00 each for Night Out Event) CITY SUPERVISORS — NON - UNIFORM GRAFF, ANTON — CITY ADMINISTRATOR DATE CHECK NO. APPROVED ITEM ORDERED DATE BY QUANTITY AMOUNT 03/30/03 Ck. 9685 A. Graff 1 jacket $ 230.50 04/08/03 $66.00 1 shirt $48.50 J 1 shirt $48.00 J J J J 1 shirt $35.00 J J J J 1 shirt $35.00 J J � J 08/14/03 Ck. 9685 I A. Graff 16 shirts $ 251.00 04/08/03 I J 08/14/03 #1899 A. Graff 3 shirts @ $48. $ 144.00 09/23/03 TOTAL I $625.50 i PLECKRAM, TRACI — FINANCAL DIRECTOR. DATE CHECK NO. APPROVED ITEM ORDERED DATE BY QUANTITY AMOUNT 01/07/03 Ck. A. Graff 2 shirts - $ 66.50 #9278 $32.00/$34.50 01/28/03 06/23/03 Ck. 1487 A. Graff 3 shirts - 1 $79.00 07/22/03 $33.00/$27.00/$19.00 TOTAL $145.50 �I j�l ELECTED OFFICIALS — NON - UNIFORM (2 SHIRT ALLOWANCE) MILSCIIEWSKI, JACKIE - CITY CLERK DATE CHECK NO. APPROVED ITEM ORDERED DATE BY QUANTITY AMOUNT 07/28/03 Ck. # 1720 A. Graff 3 sweaters - $ 144.00 08/26/03 $48.00 each 06/26/03 Ck. # 1369 2 shirts $18.00 $ 36.00 07/08/03 each TOTAL $180.00 FOWELL, WILLIAM — CITY TREASURER i DATE CHECK NO. APPROVED ITEM ORDERED DATE BY QUANTITY AMOUNT I 07/18/03 Ck. # 1619 -- 2 shirts - $ 66.00 08/11/03 $34.00/$32.00 I III ELECTED OFFICIALS — NON - UNIFORM (2 shirt allowance) JAMES, PAUL - ALDERMAN DATE CHECK NO. APPROVED ITEM ORDERED DATE BY QUANTITY AMOUNT 08/30/02 Ck. 9278 A. Graff 1 Shirt $ 32.00 01/28/03 107/14/03 Ck. 1619 T. Pleckham 1 Shirt $ 36.00 TOTAL $ 68.00 MUNNS, MARTY — ALDERMAN DATE CHECK NO. APPROVED ITEM ORDERED DATE BY QUANTITY AMOUNT 10/21/02 Ck. 9278 A. Graff 1 shirt $ 38.00 01/28/03 09/12/03 Ck. 28458 -- 1 shirt $ 52.00 10/14/03 TOTAL 1$90.00 Ohare, WANDA — ALDERWOMAN DATE CHECK NO. APPROVED ITEM ORDERED DATE BY QUANTITY AMOUNT 08/18/03 Ck. 2090 2 shirts $ 58.00 10/14/02 $30.00/$28.00 ' i I CITY OFFICE STAFF — NON - UNIFORM POSITION DYON, JUDY DATE CHECK NO. APPROVED ITEM ORDERED DATE BY QUANTITY AMOUNT 06/23/03 Check #1487 1 shirt $27.00 61.00 07/22/03 1 sweatshirt $34.00 07/15/03 Check # 1467 -- 1 shirt $20.00 62.00 07/22/03 1 shirt $42.00 TOTAL $123.00 WANNA, LIZ DATE CHECK NO. APPROVED ITEM ORDERED DATE BY QUANTITY AMOUNT 06/23/03 107/22/03 Check 41487 1 shirt $28.00 I $ 28.00 06/23/03 Check #1487 2 shirts - $ 77.50 07/22/03 $42.00/$35.50 06/23/03 Check # 1467 -- 1 SHIRT $28.00 I $ 28.00 07/22/03 07/15/03 I Check # 1467 -- TOTAL I $133.50 07/22/03 i DING, KIM DATE CHECK NO. APPROVED ITEM ORDERED DATE BY QUANTITY AMOUNT 06/23/03 I Check #1487 I -- 11 shirt I $ 27.00 f I MIZERA, MARY DATE CHECK NO. APPROVED ITEM ORDERED DATE BY QUANTITY AMOUNT 06/23/03 Ck. # 1487 -- 2 shirts - $28.00 $ 56.00 07/22/03 I I each I {{ I WILLIAMS, ANNET I'E DATE CHECK NO. APPROVED ITEM ORDERED DATE BY QUANTITY AMOUNT 06/23/03 Ck. #1481 -- 1 sweatshirt $ 61.00 07/22/03 $34.00 1 shirt $27.00 WOODRICK, JENNIFER (Part -time empiovee when clothing purchased) DATE CHECK NO. APPROVED ITEM ORDERED DATE BY QUANTITY AMOUNT 06/23/03 1 07/22 /03 I 11 1 shirt jacket $51.00 $34 00 I i i ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT — UNIFORM PERSONNEL WYWROT, JOE — City Eneineer DATE CHECK NO. APPROVED ITEM ORDERED DATE BY QUANTITY AMOUNT 06/23/03 Ck. # 1487 «- 1 sweatshirt $ 104.00 07/22/03 $27.00/ 1 jacket $77.00 BARKLEY, BILL (EnzineerinLy) DATE CHECK NO. APPROVED ITEM ORDERED DATE BY QUANTITY AMOUNT 06/23/03 Ck. #1487 -- 3 shirts $ 91.50 07/22/03 06/2303 Ck. #1487 -- 1 jacket $ 54.00 07/22/03 TOTAL $145.50 ROBINSON, MIKE (Eneineerine) DATE CHECK NO. APPROVED ITEM ORDERED DATE BY QUANTITY AMOUNT 06/23/03 Ck. #1487 -- 1 jacket $ 96.00 07/22/03 $54.00/ 1 shirt $ 42.00 i POLICE DEPARTMENT - UNIFORM PERSONNEL DATE CHECK NO. APPROVED ITEM ORDERED DATE BY QUANTITY AMOUNT 10/24/02 Ck. # 9278 Chief 2 hats ($20.00 $ 56.00 01/28/03 Martin each) and 4 uniform badges $4.00 each 12/13/02 Ck. # 9193 Chief Emb. Uniforms 1 $46.00 01/28/03 Martin 01/12/04 Ck. # 2982 Chief Patches - remove $ 25.00 02/24/03 Martin old — sew new 04/29/03 Ck. #1050 Chief 40 tee shirts $200.00 05/27/03 Martin $5.00 each for Night Out Event 10/03/03 Ck. # 2195 Chief Emb. Badge on $ 14.00 10/28/03 Martin uniform TOTAL 1$341.00 I I I I � � I I I I I f SUMMARY OF0004 EXPENSES LUNCHEON, DINNERS, AHSCELLANEOUS Expenses from the following budgeted line items: Public Relations (01 -11- 8012 -101) $ 650.00 01/03 Jensen Enterprises — DJ — 2003 Employee Appreciation Dinner $ 381.28 01/03 Jewel/Osco — Holiday Party — Decorations, Cups, etc.) $ 60.00 02/03 Chamber Dinner $ 350.00 04/03 Day at Wrigley $1,000.00 03/03 Jensen Enterprises — DJ — River`fi Appreciation Day Public Relations (01 -I1 -06400 -5607) $ 100.00 05/03 Luncheon ( Rosaiti's Pizza) $ 141.90 05/03 Homeplate Hotdogs $ 47.04 11/03 Homecoming Candy $ 59.99 12/03 Census Appreciation Luncheon $ 154.40 12/03 Christmas Luncheon Contineencv (01 -11 -80101 $ 177.38 04/03 Fox Valley Trophy — Appreciation Dinner — Pens $1,247.52 04/03 Fox Valley Trophy — Appreciation Dinner — Awards $ 47.40 04/03 Fox Valley Trophy — Appreciation Dinner — Service Awards $ 823.00 03/03 Fox Valley Trophy — Appreciation Dinner — Portfolios $1,098.00 04/03 Rosaiti's — Appreciation Dinner Travel Expense (01 -11- 1064 - 005605) $ 36.38 07/03 Luncheon - Menards $ 51.67 07/03 Luncheon — Ralph's Place $ 115.80 07/03 Luncheon - Rob Roy Creek $ 180.00 10/03 Luncheon — YEDC $ 37.81 11/03 Luncheon with the Mayor $ 54.48 11/03 Luncheon — Future Metra Station $ 41.01 11/03 Luncheon with the Mayor $ 36.98 11/03 Luncheon — EPA $ 47.04 11/03 Homecoming Candy $ 672.41 12/03 Luncheon - Construction Move Appreciation $ 64.85 12/03 Employee Luncheon $ 59.99 12/03 Luncheon — Census Taker Appreciation $ 64.74 02/04 Luncheon — YEDC $ 71.20 03 /04 Luncheon — Post Office (new) $ 71.20 03 /04 Luncheon — Goal Setting (Staff $ 46.96 03/04 Luncheon — Goal Setting (City Council) I ( ? ?) 01 -11- 06400 -5607 $ 50.00 07/03 Luncheon —Department Head ( ? ?) 01 -00- 01300 -01372 $ 17.85 03/03 Outing —Fund Raiser Apnreciation Dinner Exnenses - 2004 $ 57.72 04/04 (02- 22- 1064000506 Travel Expense) - Mayor Breakfast $1,206.25 04/04 (02- 22- 1064000506 Travel Expense) — Dinner/Rosati's $ 775.$0 03/04 (01 -11- 064 - 005607 Public Relations) —Appreciation Dinner — Gifts (Baudville) $2,406.83 03/04 (01 -11- 064 - 005607 Public Relations) —Appreciation Dinner — Service Awards /Trophies (Fox Valley Trophy) $ 650.00 03/04 01 -11- 8012 -101 Public Relations) Appreciatioon Dinner Jensen Enterprises — D.J. y $4.916.60 I 2 2003/2004 LUNCHEONS, DINNERS, MISC. $650.00 01/21/03 01 -11- 8012 -101 Jensen Enterprises — DJ Public Relations . Appreciation Dinner $381.28 01/09/03 01 -11 -8012 -101 Jewel/Csco — Holiday Party Public Relations Decorations, Cups, etc. $ 60.00 02/07/03 01 -22 -8012 -101 Chamber Dinner Public Relations $350.00 04/04/03 01- 118012 -101 EDC — Day at Wrigley Public Relations $177.38 04/17/03 01 -11 -8010 Fox Valley Trophy & Awards Contingency Appreciation. Dinner - Pens $ 47.40 04/17/03 01 -11 -8010 Fox Valley Trophy & Awards Contingency Apprec. Dinner — Serv. Awards $1,247.52 04/17/03 01 -11 -8010 Fox Valley Trophy & Awards Contingency Appreciation. Dinner — Trophies $1,000.00 03/30/03 01 -11- 8012 -101 Jensen Enterprises — DJ Public Relations Riverfront — Volunteers Appreciation Day $ 823.00 03/30/03 01 -11 -8010 Fox Valley Trophy & Awards Contingency Apprec. Dinner — Portfolios $1,300.00 04/17/03 01 -11 -8010 YMCA Tri City Challenge Contingency $1,098.00 04/30/03 01 -11 -8010 Appreciation Dinner Contingency $100 05/23/03 01 -11- 06400 -5607 Rosaiti's Pizza Luncheon Public Relations $141.90 05/23/03 01 -11- 06400 -5607 Homeplate Hotdogs Public Relations $50.00 07/17/03 01 -11- 06400 -5645 Dept. Head Luncheon $36.38 07/17/03 01 -11- 1064 - 005605 Menards Luncheon Travel Expense $51.67 07/05/03 01 -11- 1064 - 005605 Ralph's Place Travel Expense I $115.80 07/31/03 01 -11- 1064 - 005605 Rob Roy Creek Luncheon Travel Expense 1$180.00 10/13/03 01 -11- 064 - 005601 YED Luncheon Fees $37.81 11/03/03 01 -11- 1064 - 005605 Luncheon w/Mayor Travel Expense $54.48 11/06/03 01 -11 -1064- 005605 Luncheon Future Metra Travel Expense Station $41.01 11/19/03 01 -11- 1064 - 005605 Luncheon w/Mayor Travel Expense . 1 $36.98 11/09/03 01 -11- 1064 - 005605 EPA Luncheon Travel Expense $41.01 11/21/03 01 -11- 1064 - 005605 Luncheon with Mayor Travel Expense $47.04 11/21/03 01 -11 -1064- 005607 Homecoming Candy Public Relations $672.41 12/19/03 01 -11- 1064 - 005605 Constr./Move Appreciation Travel Expense Luncheon $64.85 12/19/03 01 -11 -1064- 005605 Employee Luncheon I Travel Expense $ 59.99 12/17/03 01 -11- 1064 - 005607 Census Appreciation Public Relations Luncheon $154.40 01 -11- 064 - 005607 Christmas Luncheon Public Relations 1$20.00 02/05/04 01- 111 - 0780 -9004 Dept. Head Luncheon $64.74 02/06/04 01 -11- 1064 - 005605 YEDC Luncheon Travel Expense $71.20 03/09/04 01 -11 -1064- 005605 Post Office Luncheon Travel Expense $71.20 03/02/04 01 -11- 1064 - 005605 Goal Setting Luncheon Travel Expense $46.96 03/02/04 01 -11 -1064- 005605 Goal Setting Luncheon Travel Expense $17.85 03/23/04 01 -00- 0130001372 Fund Raiser Outing $ 57.72 04/03/04 01 -11 -1064- 005605 Appreciation Dinner Supp. - Travel Expense Mayor Breakfast $11,026.25 04/03/04 01 -11- 1064 - 005605 Appreciation Dinner - Travel Expense Rosati's $ 775.80 03/08/04 01 -11 -064- 005607 Baudville - Appreciation Public Relations Dinner - Gifts $2,406.83 03/22/04 01 -11- 064 - 005607 Fox Valley Trophy - Service 03/27/04 Public Relations Awards & Gifts $ 650.00 02/26/04 01 -11- 8012 -101 Jensen Enterprises - DJ Public Relations Appreciation Dinner $4,916.60 'TOTAL - 2004 APPRECIATION DINNER 2 2003 LUNCHEONS/DINNERS POLICE 1 $78.50 01/23/03 01 -21 -7041 Graduation Party I 1$60.01 01/23/03 Police Luncheon 1$91.47 04/17/03 01 -21 -6048 Luncheon j$40.80 105/23/03 1 01 -21 -064- 005605 1 Chief's SreWast I I j I I I I I I I I 1 I j I 1 1 j j 1 I I I 05/04/04 SUMMARY OF 2003/2004 QUESTIONABLE EXPENSES $14,228.86 Luncheons, Dinners, Miscellaneous Expenses $ 1,542.50 Stevens Silk Screening & Embroidery Clothing Non - uniform Personnel $1,181.00 Supervisors & Elected Officials $ 361.50 City Staff $15 9 771.36 TOTAL I